A fluent validation library for Java.
JDK 8 or above.
private class PersonValidator extends DefaultValidator<Person> {
PersonValidator() {
ruleForString(Person::getName).isNotEmpty().startsWith("s").length(0, 4);
ruleForMap(Person::getPets).isNotEmpty().forEachKey(isLowerCase()).forEachValue(length(0, 5));
include(new PersonAgeValidator());
ruleSet("address", () -> {
private static class PersonAgeValidator extends DefaultValidator<Person> {
PersonAgeValidator() {
private Predicate<Integer> isOver18() {
return age -> age > 18;
I'm personally a fan of validation via Hibernate Validator annotations however the number of built in validations is limited and I inevitably have to create custom validators or programmatic Spring validations if I'm working within a project using the Spring Framework. I avoid programmatic in Hibernate Validator at all costs. When it comes to programmatic validations I've always felt these frameworks to be cumbersome and leave a lot to be desired.
This project was inspired by the following open source projects
- https://github.com/JeremySkinner/FluentValidation
- http://joel-costigliola.github.io/assertj/assertj-core.html
- https://github.com/google/truth
- https://github.com/hibernate/hibernate-validator
java -jar jfluentvalidation-benchmarks/target/benchmarks.jar