A sandbox practice for the fuzzy system.
Download this project
git clone https://gitlab.com/seanwu1105/fuzzy-car.git
Change directory to the root of the project
cd fuzzy-car/
Run with Python interpreter
python3 main.py
The data location is /data
. The application will load every files with *.txt
extension automatically after the execution.
0,0,90 # the starting position and angle of car (x, y, degree)
18,40 # the top-left coordinate of the ending area
30,37 # the bottom-right coordinate of the ending area
-6,-3 # the first point for the wall in map
-6,-3 # the last point for the wall in map
Every coordinates between the fourth and last line are the corner point of the walls in map.
# Front_Distance Right_Distance Left_Distance Wheel_Angle
22.0000000 8.4852814 8.4852814 -16.0709664
21.1292288 9.3920089 7.7989045 -14.7971418
20.3973643 24.4555821 7.2000902 16.2304876
19.1995799 25.0357595 7.5129743 16.0825385
18.1744869 42.5622911 8.0705896 15.5075777
# X Y Front_Distance Right_Distance Left_Distance Wheel_Angle
0.0000000 0.0000000 22.0000000 8.4852814 8.4852814 -16.0709664
0.0000000 0.9609196 21.1292288 9.3920089 7.7989045 -14.7971418
-0.0892157 1.9236307 20.3973643 24.4555821 7.2000902 16.2304876
-0.2588831 2.8686659 19.1995799 25.0357595 7.5129743 16.0825385
-0.3398267 3.8261141 18.1744869 42.5622911 8.0705896 15.5075777
-0.3319909 4.7896773 17.2922349 8.1967401 8.9258102 -14.6592172
pip3 install numpy
pip3 install matplotlib
pip3 install pyside2