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A package for various universal constructions mostly in an Ab-enriched context.
This package includes implementations (amongst others) of:
Freyd categories provide a universal way of equipping a given additive category with cokernels. They can be identified with categories of finitely presented functors.
Sebastian Posur, A constructive approach to Freyd categories.
Martin Bies, Sebastian Posur, Tensor products of finitely presented functors.
Given an additive category, closing its category of finitely presented functors under images in the big category of all additive functors can be made constructive.
Sebastian Posur, Closing the category of finitely presented functors under images made constructive.
Adelman categories provide a universal way of turning an additive category into an abelian category.
Additive closures provide a universal way of equipping a given Ab-category with finite direct sums.
Sebastian Posur, Methods of constructive category theory.