Contributions to this project must be accompanied by a Contributor License Agreement. You (or your employer) retain the copyright to your contribution; this simply gives us permission to use and redistribute your contributions as part of the project.
In general, please use clang-format to format code, and follow clang-tidy tips.
Most of the code style is derived from the Google C++ style guidelines, except:
- Exceptions are allowed and encouraged where appropriate.
- Header guards should use
#pragma once
. - Adopt camelBack for function names.
- Use fixed width integer types whenever possible.
- Avoid using size_t on interface APIs.
The compiler portion of the project follows MLIR style.
- Git commit message should be meaningful, we suggest imperative keywords.
- Developer must write unit-test (line coverage must be greater than 80%), tests should be deterministic.
- Read awesome Abseil Tips
## start container
docker run -d -it --name psi-dev-$(whoami) \
--mount type=bind,source="$(pwd)",target=/home/admin/dev/ \
-w /home/admin/dev \
--cap-add=SYS_PTRACE --security-opt seccomp=unconfined \
--cap-add=NET_ADMIN \
--privileged=true \
secretflow/ubuntu-base-ci:latest \
# attach to build container
docker exec -it psi-dev-$(whoami) bash
Install gcc>=11.2, cmake>=3.26, ninja, nasm>=2.15, python>=3.10, bazelisk, xxd, lld
# macOS >= 13.0, Xcode >= 15.0
# Install Xcode
# Select Xcode toolchain version
sudo xcode-select -s /Applications/
# Install homebrew
# Install dependencies
# Be aware, brew may install a newer version of bazel, when that happens bazel will give an error message during build.
# Please follow instructions in the error message to install the required version
brew install bazelisk cmake ninja libomp wget
# For Intel mac only
brew install nasm
# build as debug
bazel build //... -c dbg
# build as release
bazel build //... -c opt
# test
bazel test //...
# [optional] build & test with ASAN or UBSAN, for macOS users please use configs with macOS prefix
bazel test //... --features=asan
bazel test //... --features=ubsan
--define gperf=on
enable gperf
# prerequisite
pip install -U -r docs/requirements.txt
cd docs && make html # html docs will be in docs/_build/html