diff --git a/dist/shadejs.cjs b/dist/shadejs.cjs index 580d68e..94fc28a 100644 --- a/dist/shadejs.cjs +++ b/dist/shadejs.cjs @@ -1,70 +1,71 @@ -"use strict";Object.defineProperty(exports,Symbol.toStringTag,{value:"Module"});var extendStatics=function(J,e){return extendStatics=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(b,E){b.__proto__=E}||function(b,E){for(var M in E)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(E,M)&&(b[M]=E[M])},extendStatics(J,e)};function __extends(J,e){if(typeof e!="function"&&e!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(e)+" is not a constructor or null");extendStatics(J,e);function b(){this.constructor=J}J.prototype=e===null?Object.create(e):(b.prototype=e.prototype,new b)}function __awaiter(J,e,b,E){function M(P){return P instanceof b?P:new b(function(y){y(P)})}return new(b||(b=Promise))(function(P,y){function a(u){try{d(E.next(u))}catch(s){y(s)}}function t(u){try{d(E.throw(u))}catch(s){y(s)}}function d(u){u.done?P(u.value):M(u.value).then(a,t)}d((E=E.apply(J,e||[])).next())})}function __generator(J,e){var b={label:0,sent:function(){if(P[0]&1)throw P[1];return P[1]},trys:[],ops:[]},E,M,P,y;return y={next:a(0),throw:a(1),return:a(2)},typeof Symbol=="function"&&(y[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),y;function a(d){return function(u){return t([d,u])}}function t(d){if(E)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for(;y&&(y=0,d[0]&&(b=0)),b;)try{if(E=1,M&&(P=d[0]&2?M.return:d[0]?M.throw||((P=M.return)&&P.call(M),0):M.next)&&!(P=P.call(M,d[1])).done)return P;switch(M=0,P&&(d=[d[0]&2,P.value]),d[0]){case 0:case 1:P=d;break;case 4:return b.label++,{value:d[1],done:!1};case 5:b.label++,M=d[1],d=[0];continue;case 7:d=b.ops.pop(),b.trys.pop();continue;default:if(P=b.trys,!(P=P.length>0&&P[P.length-1])&&(d[0]===6||d[0]===2)){b=0;continue}if(d[0]===3&&(!P||d[1]>P[0]&&d[1]=J.length&&(J=void 0),{value:J&&J[E++],done:!J}}};throw new TypeError(e?"Object is not iterable.":"Symbol.iterator is not defined.")}function __read(J,e){var b=typeof Symbol=="function"&&J[Symbol.iterator];if(!b)return J;var E=b.call(J),M,P=[],y;try{for(;(e===void 0||e-- >0)&&!(M=E.next()).done;)P.push(M.value)}catch(a){y={error:a}}finally{try{M&&!M.done&&(b=E.return)&&b.call(E)}finally{if(y)throw y.error}}return P}function __spreadArray(J,e,b){if(b||arguments.length===2)for(var E=0,M=e.length,P;E1||a(r,n)})})}function a(r,n){try{t(E[r](n))}catch(o){s(P[0][3],o)}}function t(r){r.value instanceof __await?Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(d,u):s(P[0][2],r)}function d(r){a("next",r)}function u(r){a("throw",r)}function s(r,n){r(n),P.shift(),P.length&&a(P[0][0],P[0][1])}}function __asyncValues(J){if(!Symbol.asyncIterator)throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");var e=J[Symbol.asyncIterator],b;return e?e.call(J):(J=typeof __values=="function"?__values(J):J[Symbol.iterator](),b={},E("next"),E("throw"),E("return"),b[Symbol.asyncIterator]=function(){return this},b);function E(P){b[P]=J[P]&&function(y){return new Promise(function(a,t){y=J[P](y),M(a,t,y.done,y.value)})}}function M(P,y,a,t){Promise.resolve(t).then(function(d){P({value:d,done:a})},y)}}typeof SuppressedError=="function"&&SuppressedError;function isFunction(J){return typeof J=="function"}function createErrorClass(J){var e=function(E){Error.call(E),E.stack=new Error().stack},b=J(e);return b.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),b.prototype.constructor=b,b}var UnsubscriptionError=createErrorClass(function(J){return function(b){J(this),this.message=b?b.length+` errors occurred during unsubscription: -`+b.map(function(E,M){return M+1+") "+E.toString()}).join(` - `):"",this.name="UnsubscriptionError",this.errors=b}});function arrRemove(J,e){if(J){var b=J.indexOf(e);0<=b&&J.splice(b,1)}}var Subscription=function(){function J(e){this.initialTeardown=e,this.closed=!1,this._parentage=null,this._finalizers=null}return J.prototype.unsubscribe=function(){var e,b,E,M,P;if(!this.closed){this.closed=!0;var y=this._parentage;if(y)if(this._parentage=null,Array.isArray(y))try{for(var a=__values(y),t=a.next();!t.done;t=a.next()){var d=t.value;d.remove(this)}}catch(i){e={error:i}}finally{try{t&&!t.done&&(b=a.return)&&b.call(a)}finally{if(e)throw e.error}}else y.remove(this);var u=this.initialTeardown;if(isFunction(u))try{u()}catch(i){P=i instanceof UnsubscriptionError?i.errors:[i]}var s=this._finalizers;if(s){this._finalizers=null;try{for(var r=__values(s),n=r.next();!n.done;n=r.next()){var o=n.value;try{execFinalizer(o)}catch(i){P=P??[],i instanceof UnsubscriptionError?P=__spreadArray(__spreadArray([],__read(P)),__read(i.errors)):P.push(i)}}}catch(i){E={error:i}}finally{try{n&&!n.done&&(M=r.return)&&M.call(r)}finally{if(E)throw E.error}}}if(P)throw new UnsubscriptionError(P)}},J.prototype.add=function(e){var b;if(e&&e!==this)if(this.closed)execFinalizer(e);else{if(e instanceof J){if(e.closed||e._hasParent(this))return;e._addParent(this)}(this._finalizers=(b=this._finalizers)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:[]).push(e)}},J.prototype._hasParent=function(e){var b=this._parentage;return b===e||Array.isArray(b)&&b.includes(e)},J.prototype._addParent=function(e){var b=this._parentage;this._parentage=Array.isArray(b)?(b.push(e),b):b?[b,e]:e},J.prototype._removeParent=function(e){var b=this._parentage;b===e?this._parentage=null:Array.isArray(b)&&arrRemove(b,e)},J.prototype.remove=function(e){var b=this._finalizers;b&&arrRemove(b,e),e instanceof J&&e._removeParent(this)},J.EMPTY=function(){var e=new J;return e.closed=!0,e}(),J}();Subscription.EMPTY;function isSubscription(J){return J instanceof Subscription||J&&"closed"in J&&isFunction(J.remove)&&isFunction(J.add)&&isFunction(J.unsubscribe)}function execFinalizer(J){isFunction(J)?J():J.unsubscribe()}var config={onUnhandledError:null,onStoppedNotification:null,Promise:void 0,useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling:!1,useDeprecatedNextContext:!1},timeoutProvider={setTimeout:function(J,e){for(var b=[],E=2;E=2;return function(E){return E.pipe(J?filter(function(M,P){return J(M,P,E)}):identity,take(1),b?defaultIfEmpty(e):throwIfEmpty(function(){return new EmptyError}))}}function switchMap(J,e){return operate(function(b,E){var M=null,P=0,y=!1,a=function(){return y&&!M&&E.complete()};b.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E,function(t){M==null||M.unsubscribe();var d=0,u=P++;innerFrom(J(t,u)).subscribe(M=createOperatorSubscriber(E,function(s){return E.next(e?e(t,s,u,d++):s)},function(){M=null,a()}))},function(){y=!0,a()}))})}function tap(J,e,b){var E=isFunction(J)||e||b?{next:J,error:e,complete:b}:J;return E?operate(function(M,P){var y;(y=E.subscribe)===null||y===void 0||y.call(E);var a=!0;M.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(P,function(t){var d;(d=E.next)===null||d===void 0||d.call(E,t),P.next(t)},function(){var t;a=!1,(t=E.complete)===null||t===void 0||t.call(E),P.complete()},function(t){var d;a=!1,(d=E.error)===null||d===void 0||d.call(E,t),P.error(t)},function(){var t,d;a&&((t=E.unsubscribe)===null||t===void 0||t.call(E)),(d=E.finalize)===null||d===void 0||d.call(E)}))}):identity}var commonjsGlobal=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof global<"u"?global:typeof self<"u"?self:{},browser={exports:{}};/*! For license information please see browser.js.LICENSE.txt */(function(module,exports){(function(J,e){module.exports=e()})(commonjsGlobal,()=>(()=>{var __webpack_modules__={7768:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.fromAscii=e.toAscii=void 0,e.toAscii=function(b){return Uint8Array.from(b.split("").map(E=>{const M=E.charCodeAt(0);if(M<32||M>126)throw new Error("Cannot encode character that is out of printable ASCII range: "+M);return M}))},e.fromAscii=function(b){return(E=Array.from(b),E.map(M=>{if(M<32||M>126)throw new Error("Cannot decode character that is out of printable ASCII range: "+M);return String.fromCharCode(M)})).join("");var E}},3431:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.fromBase64=e.toBase64=void 0;const y=P(b(9742));e.toBase64=function(a){return y.fromByteArray(a)},e.fromBase64=function(a){if(!a.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]*={0,2}$/))throw new Error("Invalid base64 string format");return y.toByteArray(a)}},5438:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Bech32=void 0;const y=P(b(3235));e.Bech32=class{static encode(a,t,d){return y.encode(a,y.toWords(t),d)}static decode(a,t=1/0){const d=y.decode(a,t);return{prefix:d.prefix,data:new Uint8Array(y.fromWords(d.words))}}}},6135:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.fromHex=e.toHex=void 0,e.toHex=function(b){let E="";for(const M of b)E+=("0"+M.toString(16)).slice(-2);return E},e.fromHex=function(b){if(b.length%2!=0)throw new Error("hex string length must be a multiple of 2");const E=[];for(let M=0;M{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.toUtf8=e.fromUtf8=e.toRfc3339=e.fromRfc3339=e.toHex=e.fromHex=e.Bech32=e.toBase64=e.fromBase64=e.toAscii=e.fromAscii=void 0;var E=b(7768);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromAscii",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return E.fromAscii}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toAscii",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return E.toAscii}});var M=b(3431);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromBase64",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return M.fromBase64}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toBase64",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return M.toBase64}});var P=b(5438);Object.defineProperty(e,"Bech32",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return P.Bech32}});var y=b(6135);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromHex",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return y.fromHex}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toHex",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return y.toHex}});var a=b(7310);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromRfc3339",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.fromRfc3339}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toRfc3339",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.toRfc3339}});var t=b(6081);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromUtf8",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.fromUtf8}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toUtf8",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.toUtf8}})},7310:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.toRfc3339=e.fromRfc3339=void 0;const b=/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[T ](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\.\d{1,9})?((?:[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})|Z)$/;function E(M,P=2){const y="00000"+M.toString();return y.substring(y.length-P)}e.fromRfc3339=function(M){const P=b.exec(M);if(!P)throw new Error("Date string is not in RFC3339 format");const y=+P[1],a=+P[2],t=+P[3],d=+P[4],u=+P[5],s=+P[6],r=P[7]?Math.floor(1e3*+P[7]):0;let n,o,i;P[8]==="Z"?(n=1,o=0,i=0):(n=P[8].substring(0,1)==="-"?-1:1,o=+P[8].substring(1,3),i=+P[8].substring(4,6));const f=n*(60*o+i)*60,c=Date.UTC(y,a-1,t,d,u,s,r)-1e3*f;return new Date(c)},e.toRfc3339=function(M){return`${M.getUTCFullYear()}-${E(M.getUTCMonth()+1)}-${E(M.getUTCDate())}T${E(M.getUTCHours())}:${E(M.getUTCMinutes())}:${E(M.getUTCSeconds())}.${E(M.getUTCMilliseconds(),3)}Z`}},6081:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.fromUtf8=e.toUtf8=void 0,e.toUtf8=function(b){return new TextEncoder().encode(b)},e.fromUtf8=function(b){return new TextDecoder("utf-8",{fatal:!0}).decode(b)}},3235:J=>{for(var e="qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l",b={},E=0;E<32;E++){var M=e.charAt(E);if(b[M]!==void 0)throw new TypeError(M+" is ambiguous");b[M]=E}function P(d){var u=d>>25;return(33554431&d)<<5^996825010&-(u>>0&1)^642813549&-(u>>1&1)^513874426&-(u>>2&1)^1027748829&-(u>>3&1)^705979059&-(u>>4&1)}function y(d){for(var u=1,s=0;s126)return"Invalid prefix ("+d+")";u=P(u)^r>>5}for(u=P(u),s=0;su)return"Exceeds length limit";var s=d.toLowerCase(),r=d.toUpperCase();if(d!==s&&d!==r)return"Mixed-case string "+d;var n=(d=s).lastIndexOf("1");if(n===-1)return"No separator character for "+d;if(n===0)return"Missing prefix for "+d;var o=d.slice(0,n),i=d.slice(n+1);if(i.length<6)return"Data too short";var f=y(o);if(typeof f=="string")return f;for(var c=[],h=0;h=i.length||c.push(v)}return f!==1?"Invalid checksum for "+d:{prefix:o,words:c}}function t(d,u,s,r){for(var n=0,o=0,i=(1<=s;)o-=s,f.push(n>>o&i);if(r)o>0&&f.push(n<=u)return"Excess padding";if(n<s)throw new TypeError("Exceeds length limit");var r=y(d=d.toLowerCase());if(typeof r=="string")throw new Error(r);for(var n=d+"1",o=0;o>5)throw new Error("Non 5-bit word");r=P(r)^i,n+=e.charAt(i)}for(o=0;o<6;++o)r=P(r);for(r^=1,o=0;o<6;++o)n+=e.charAt(r>>5*(5-o)&31);return n},toWordsUnsafe:function(d){var u=t(d,8,5,!0);if(Array.isArray(u))return u},toWords:function(d){var u=t(d,8,5,!0);if(Array.isArray(u))return u;throw new Error(u)},fromWordsUnsafe:function(d){var u=t(d,5,8,!1);if(Array.isArray(u))return u},fromWords:function(d){var u=t(d,5,8,!1);if(Array.isArray(u))return u;throw new Error(u)}}},7505:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SHA2=void 0;const E=b(8089);class M extends E.Hash{constructor(y,a,t,d){super(),this.blockLen=y,this.outputLen=a,this.padOffset=t,this.isLE=d,this.finished=!1,this.length=0,this.pos=0,this.destroyed=!1,this.buffer=new Uint8Array(y),this.view=(0,E.createView)(this.buffer)}update(y){if(this.destroyed)throw new Error("instance is destroyed");const{view:a,buffer:t,blockLen:d,finished:u}=this;if(u)throw new Error("digest() was already called");const s=(y=(0,E.toBytes)(y)).length;for(let r=0;rd-s&&(this.process(t,0),s=0);for(let n=s;n>c&h),v=Number(i&h),C=f?4:0,l=f?0:4;n.setUint32(o+C,m,f),n.setUint32(o+l,v,f)})(t,d-8,BigInt(8*this.length),u),this.process(t,0);const r=(0,E.createView)(y);this.get().forEach((n,o)=>r.setUint32(4*o,n,u))}digest(){const{buffer:y,outputLen:a}=this;this.digestInto(y);const t=y.slice(0,a);return this.destroy(),t}_cloneInto(y){y||(y=new this.constructor),y.set(...this.get());const{blockLen:a,buffer:t,length:d,finished:u,destroyed:s,pos:r}=this;return y.length=d,y.pos=r,y.finished=u,y.destroyed=s,d%a&&y.buffer.set(t),y}}e.SHA2=M},6873:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.add5H=e.add5L=e.add4H=e.add4L=e.add3H=e.add3L=e.add=e.rotlBL=e.rotlBH=e.rotlSL=e.rotlSH=e.rotr32L=e.rotr32H=e.rotrBL=e.rotrBH=e.rotrSL=e.rotrSH=e.shrSL=e.shrSH=e.toBig=e.split=e.fromBig=void 0;const b=BigInt(2**32-1),E=BigInt(32);function M(P,y=!1){return y?{h:Number(P&b),l:Number(P>>E&b)}:{h:0|Number(P>>E&b),l:0|Number(P&b)}}e.fromBig=M,e.split=function(P,y=!1){let a=new Uint32Array(P.length),t=new Uint32Array(P.length);for(let d=0;dBigInt(P>>>0)<>>0),e.shrSH=(P,y,a)=>P>>>a,e.shrSL=(P,y,a)=>P<<32-a|y>>>a,e.rotrSH=(P,y,a)=>P>>>a|y<<32-a,e.rotrSL=(P,y,a)=>P<<32-a|y>>>a,e.rotrBH=(P,y,a)=>P<<64-a|y>>>a-32,e.rotrBL=(P,y,a)=>P>>>a-32|y<<64-a,e.rotr32H=(P,y)=>y,e.rotr32L=(P,y)=>P,e.rotlSH=(P,y,a)=>P<>>32-a,e.rotlSL=(P,y,a)=>y<>>32-a,e.rotlBH=(P,y,a)=>y<>>64-a,e.rotlBL=(P,y,a)=>P<>>64-a,e.add=function(P,y,a,t){const d=(y>>>0)+(t>>>0);return{h:P+a+(d/4294967296|0)|0,l:0|d}},e.add3L=(P,y,a)=>(P>>>0)+(y>>>0)+(a>>>0),e.add3H=(P,y,a,t)=>y+a+t+(P/4294967296|0)|0,e.add4L=(P,y,a,t)=>(P>>>0)+(y>>>0)+(a>>>0)+(t>>>0),e.add4H=(P,y,a,t,d)=>y+a+t+d+(P/4294967296|0)|0,e.add5L=(P,y,a,t,d)=>(P>>>0)+(y>>>0)+(a>>>0)+(t>>>0)+(d>>>0),e.add5H=(P,y,a,t,d,u)=>y+a+t+d+u+(P/4294967296|0)|0},4421:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.crypto=void 0,e.crypto={node:void 0,web:typeof self=="object"&&"crypto"in self?self.crypto:void 0}},4330:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.hkdf=e.expand=e.extract=void 0;const E=b(8089),M=b(9569);function P(d,u,s){return(0,E.assertHash)(d),s===void 0&&(s=new Uint8Array(d.outputLen)),(0,M.hmac)(d,(0,E.toBytes)(s),(0,E.toBytes)(u))}e.extract=P;const y=new Uint8Array([0]),a=new Uint8Array;function t(d,u,s,r=32){if((0,E.assertHash)(d),(0,E.assertNumber)(r),r>255*d.outputLen)throw new Error("Length should be <= 255*HashLen");const n=Math.ceil(r/d.outputLen);s===void 0&&(s=a);const o=new Uint8Array(n*d.outputLen),i=M.hmac.create(d,u),f=i._cloneInto(),c=new Uint8Array(i.outputLen);for(let h=0;ht(d,P(d,u,s),r,n)},9569:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.hmac=void 0;const E=b(8089);class M extends E.Hash{constructor(y,a){super(),this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,(0,E.assertHash)(y);const t=(0,E.toBytes)(a);if(this.iHash=y.create(),!(this.iHash instanceof E.Hash))throw new TypeError("Expected instance of class which extends utils.Hash");const d=this.blockLen=this.iHash.blockLen;this.outputLen=this.iHash.outputLen;const u=new Uint8Array(d);u.set(t.length>this.iHash.blockLen?y.create().update(t).digest():t);for(let s=0;snew M(P,y).update(a).digest(),e.hmac.create=(P,y)=>new M(P,y)},830:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ripemd160=e.RIPEMD160=void 0;const E=b(7505),M=b(8089),P=new Uint8Array([7,4,13,1,10,6,15,3,12,0,9,5,2,14,11,8]),y=Uint8Array.from({length:16},(m,v)=>v),a=y.map(m=>(9*m+5)%16);let t=[y],d=[a];for(let m=0;m<4;m++)for(let v of[t,d])v.push(v[m].map(C=>P[C]));const u=[[11,14,15,12,5,8,7,9,11,13,14,15,6,7,9,8],[12,13,11,15,6,9,9,7,12,15,11,13,7,8,7,7],[13,15,14,11,7,7,6,8,13,14,13,12,5,5,6,9],[14,11,12,14,8,6,5,5,15,12,15,14,9,9,8,6],[15,12,13,13,9,5,8,6,14,11,12,11,8,6,5,5]].map(m=>new Uint8Array(m)),s=t.map((m,v)=>m.map(C=>u[v][C])),r=d.map((m,v)=>m.map(C=>u[v][C])),n=new Uint32Array([0,1518500249,1859775393,2400959708,2840853838]),o=new Uint32Array([1352829926,1548603684,1836072691,2053994217,0]),i=(m,v)=>m<>>32-v;function f(m,v,C,l){return m===0?v^C^l:m===1?v&C|~v&l:m===2?(v|~C)^l:m===3?v&l|C&~l:v^(C|~l)}const c=new Uint32Array(16);class h extends E.SHA2{constructor(){super(64,20,8,!0),this.h0=1732584193,this.h1=-271733879,this.h2=-1732584194,this.h3=271733878,this.h4=-1009589776}get(){const{h0:v,h1:C,h2:l,h3:I,h4:R}=this;return[v,C,l,I,R]}set(v,C,l,I,R){this.h0=0|v,this.h1=0|C,this.h2=0|l,this.h3=0|I,this.h4=0|R}process(v,C){for(let U=0;U<16;U++,C+=4)c[U]=v.getUint32(C,!0);let l=0|this.h0,I=l,R=0|this.h1,k=R,N=0|this.h2,A=N,w=0|this.h3,_=w,p=0|this.h4,O=p;for(let U=0;U<5;U++){const T=4-U,z=n[U],te=o[U],X=t[U],ne=d[U],B=s[U],Q=r[U];for(let V=0;V<16;V++){const ee=i(l+f(U,R,N,w)+c[X[V]]+z,B[V])+p|0;l=p,p=w,w=0|i(N,10),N=R,R=ee}for(let V=0;V<16;V++){const ee=i(I+f(T,k,A,_)+c[ne[V]]+te,Q[V])+O|0;I=O,O=_,_=0|i(A,10),A=k,k=ee}}this.set(this.h1+N+_|0,this.h2+w+O|0,this.h3+p+I|0,this.h4+l+k|0,this.h0+R+A|0)}roundClean(){c.fill(0)}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.buffer.fill(0),this.set(0,0,0,0,0)}}e.RIPEMD160=h,e.ripemd160=(0,M.wrapConstructor)(()=>new h)},3061:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.sha256=void 0;const E=b(7505),M=b(8089),P=(u,s,r)=>u&s^u&r^s&r,y=new Uint32Array([1116352408,1899447441,3049323471,3921009573,961987163,1508970993,2453635748,2870763221,3624381080,310598401,607225278,1426881987,1925078388,2162078206,2614888103,3248222580,3835390401,4022224774,264347078,604807628,770255983,1249150122,1555081692,1996064986,2554220882,2821834349,2952996808,3210313671,3336571891,3584528711,113926993,338241895,666307205,773529912,1294757372,1396182291,1695183700,1986661051,2177026350,2456956037,2730485921,2820302411,3259730800,3345764771,3516065817,3600352804,4094571909,275423344,430227734,506948616,659060556,883997877,958139571,1322822218,1537002063,1747873779,1955562222,2024104815,2227730452,2361852424,2428436474,2756734187,3204031479,3329325298]),a=new Uint32Array([1779033703,3144134277,1013904242,2773480762,1359893119,2600822924,528734635,1541459225]),t=new Uint32Array(64);class d extends E.SHA2{constructor(){super(64,32,8,!1),this.A=0|a[0],this.B=0|a[1],this.C=0|a[2],this.D=0|a[3],this.E=0|a[4],this.F=0|a[5],this.G=0|a[6],this.H=0|a[7]}get(){const{A:s,B:r,C:n,D:o,E:i,F:f,G:c,H:h}=this;return[s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h]}set(s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h){this.A=0|s,this.B=0|r,this.C=0|n,this.D=0|o,this.E=0|i,this.F=0|f,this.G=0|c,this.H=0|h}process(s,r){for(let l=0;l<16;l++,r+=4)t[l]=s.getUint32(r,!1);for(let l=16;l<64;l++){const I=t[l-15],R=t[l-2],k=(0,M.rotr)(I,7)^(0,M.rotr)(I,18)^I>>>3,N=(0,M.rotr)(R,17)^(0,M.rotr)(R,19)^R>>>10;t[l]=N+t[l-7]+k+t[l-16]|0}let{A:n,B:o,C:i,D:f,E:c,F:h,G:m,H:v}=this;for(let l=0;l<64;l++){const I=v+((0,M.rotr)(c,6)^(0,M.rotr)(c,11)^(0,M.rotr)(c,25))+((C=c)&h^~C&m)+y[l]+t[l]|0,R=((0,M.rotr)(n,2)^(0,M.rotr)(n,13)^(0,M.rotr)(n,22))+P(n,o,i)|0;v=m,m=h,h=c,c=f+I|0,f=i,i=o,o=n,n=I+R|0}var C;n=n+this.A|0,o=o+this.B|0,i=i+this.C|0,f=f+this.D|0,c=c+this.E|0,h=h+this.F|0,m=m+this.G|0,v=v+this.H|0,this.set(n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v)}roundClean(){t.fill(0)}destroy(){this.set(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),this.buffer.fill(0)}}e.sha256=(0,M.wrapConstructor)(()=>new d)},5426:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(k,N,A,w){w===void 0&&(w=A),Object.defineProperty(k,w,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return N[A]}})}:function(k,N,A,w){w===void 0&&(w=A),k[w]=N[A]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(k,N){Object.defineProperty(k,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:N})}:function(k,N){k.default=N}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(k){if(k&&k.__esModule)return k;var N={};if(k!=null)for(var A in k)A!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(k,A)&&E(N,k,A);return M(N,k),N};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.shake256=e.shake128=e.keccak_512=e.keccak_384=e.keccak_256=e.keccak_224=e.sha3_512=e.sha3_384=e.sha3_256=e.sha3_224=e.Keccak=e.keccakP=void 0;const y=P(b(6873)),a=b(8089),[t,d,u]=[[],[],[]],s=BigInt(0),r=BigInt(1),n=BigInt(2),o=BigInt(7),i=BigInt(256),f=BigInt(113);for(let k=0,N=r,A=1,w=0;k<24;k++){[A,w]=[w,(2*A+3*w)%5],t.push(2*(5*w+A)),d.push((k+1)*(k+2)/2%64);let _=s;for(let p=0;p<7;p++)N=(N<>o)*f)%i,N&n&&(_^=r<<(r<A>32?y.rotlBH(k,N,A):y.rotlSH(k,N,A),v=(k,N,A)=>A>32?y.rotlBL(k,N,A):y.rotlSL(k,N,A);function C(k,N=24){const A=new Uint32Array(10);for(let w=24-N;w<24;w++){for(let O=0;O<10;O++)A[O]=k[O]^k[O+10]^k[O+20]^k[O+30]^k[O+40];for(let O=0;O<10;O+=2){const U=(O+8)%10,T=(O+2)%10,z=A[T],te=A[T+1],X=m(z,te,1)^A[U],ne=v(z,te,1)^A[U+1];for(let B=0;B<50;B+=10)k[O+B]^=X,k[O+B+1]^=ne}let _=k[2],p=k[3];for(let O=0;O<24;O++){const U=d[O],T=m(_,p,U),z=v(_,p,U),te=t[O];_=k[te],p=k[te+1],k[te]=T,k[te+1]=z}for(let O=0;O<50;O+=10){for(let U=0;U<10;U++)A[U]=k[O+U];for(let U=0;U<10;U++)k[O+U]^=~A[(U+2)%10]&A[(U+4)%10]}k[0]^=c[w],k[1]^=h[w]}A.fill(0)}e.keccakP=C;class l extends a.Hash{constructor(N,A,w,_=!1,p=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=N,this.suffix=A,this.outputLen=w,this.enableXOF=_,this.rounds=p,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,(0,a.assertNumber)(w),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=(0,a.u32)(this.state)}keccak(){C(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(N){if(this.destroyed)throw new Error("instance is destroyed");if(this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");const{blockLen:A,state:w}=this,_=(N=(0,a.toBytes)(N)).length;for(let p=0;p<_;){const O=Math.min(A-this.pos,_-p);for(let U=0;U=this.blockLen&&this.keccak();const _=Math.min(this.blockLen-this.posOut,w-A);N.set(this.state.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+_),A),this.posOut+=_,A+=_}return N}xofInto(N){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(N)}xof(N){return(0,a.assertNumber)(N),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(N))}digestInto(N){if(N.length(0,a.wrapConstructor)(()=>new l(N,k,A));e.sha3_224=I(6,144,28),e.sha3_256=I(6,136,32),e.sha3_384=I(6,104,48),e.sha3_512=I(6,72,64),e.keccak_224=I(1,144,28),e.keccak_256=I(1,136,32),e.keccak_384=I(1,104,48),e.keccak_512=I(1,72,64);const R=(k,N,A)=>(0,a.wrapConstructorWithOpts)((w={})=>new l(N,k,w.dkLen!==void 0?w.dkLen:A,!0));e.shake128=R(31,168,16),e.shake256=R(31,136,32)},8089:(J,e,b)=>{J=b.nmd(J),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.randomBytes=e.wrapConstructorWithOpts=e.wrapConstructor=e.checkOpts=e.Hash=e.assertHash=e.assertBytes=e.assertBool=e.assertNumber=e.concatBytes=e.toBytes=e.utf8ToBytes=e.asyncLoop=e.nextTick=e.hexToBytes=e.bytesToHex=e.isLE=e.rotr=e.createView=e.u32=e.u8=void 0;const E=b(4421);if(e.u8=t=>new Uint8Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength),e.u32=t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4)),e.createView=t=>new DataView(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength),e.rotr=(t,d)=>t<<32-d|t>>>d,e.isLE=new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]===68,!e.isLE)throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");const M=Array.from({length:256},(t,d)=>d.toString(16).padStart(2,"0"));function P(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new TypeError("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new TextEncoder().encode(t)}function y(t){if(typeof t=="string"&&(t=P(t)),!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new TypeError(`Expected input type is Uint8Array (got ${typeof t})`);return t}function a(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}e.bytesToHex=function(t){let d="";for(let u=0;u{const t=typeof J.require=="function"&&J.require.bind(J);try{if(t){const{setImmediate:d}=t("timers");return()=>new Promise(u=>d(u))}}catch{}return()=>new Promise(d=>setTimeout(d,0))})(),e.asyncLoop=async function(t,d,u){let s=Date.now();for(let r=0;r=0&&ns instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Uint8Array list expected");if(t.length===1)return t[0];const d=t.reduce((s,r)=>s+r.length,0),u=new Uint8Array(d);for(let s=0,r=0;st().update(y(s)).digest(),u=t();return d.outputLen=u.outputLen,d.blockLen=u.blockLen,d.create=()=>t(),d},e.wrapConstructorWithOpts=function(t){const d=(s,r)=>t(r).update(y(s)).digest(),u=t({});return d.outputLen=u.outputLen,d.blockLen=u.blockLen,d.create=s=>t(s),d},e.randomBytes=function(t=32){if(E.crypto.web)return E.crypto.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(t));if(E.crypto.node)return new Uint8Array(E.crypto.node.randomBytes(t).buffer);throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function")}},9656:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.utils=e.schnorr=e.verify=e.signSync=e.sign=e.getSharedSecret=e.recoverPublicKey=e.getPublicKey=e.Signature=e.Point=e.CURVE=void 0;const E=b(9159),M=BigInt(0),P=BigInt(1),y=BigInt(2),a=BigInt(3),t=BigInt(8),d=Object.freeze({a:M,b:BigInt(7),P:BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f"),n:BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141"),h:P,Gx:BigInt("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240"),Gy:BigInt("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424"),beta:BigInt("0x7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee")});function u(Z){const{a:H,b:$}=d,ie=O(Z*Z),se=O(ie*Z);return O(se+H*Z+$)}e.CURVE=d;const s=d.a===M;class r extends Error{constructor(H){super(H)}}class n{constructor(H,$,ie){this.x=H,this.y=$,this.z=ie}static fromAffine(H){if(!(H instanceof i))throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint#fromAffine: expected Point");return new n(H.x,H.y,P)}static toAffineBatch(H){const $=function(ie,se=d.P){const fe=new Array(ie.length),pe=T(ie.reduce((ve,me,_e)=>me===M?ve:(fe[_e]=ve,O(ve*me,se)),P),se);return ie.reduceRight((ve,me,_e)=>me===M?ve:(fe[_e]=O(ve*fe[_e],se),O(ve*me,se)),pe),fe}(H.map(ie=>ie.z));return H.map((ie,se)=>ie.toAffine($[se]))}static normalizeZ(H){return n.toAffineBatch(H).map(n.fromAffine)}equals(H){if(!(H instanceof n))throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint expected");const{x:$,y:ie,z:se}=this,{x:fe,y:pe,z:ve}=H,me=O(se*se),_e=O(ve*ve),ye=O($*_e),Ee=O(fe*me),Ae=O(O(ie*ve)*_e),Pe=O(O(pe*se)*me);return ye===Ee&&Ae===Pe}negate(){return new n(this.x,O(-this.y),this.z)}double(){const{x:H,y:$,z:ie}=this,se=O(H*H),fe=O($*$),pe=O(fe*fe),ve=H+fe,me=O(y*(O(ve*ve)-se-pe)),_e=O(a*se),ye=O(_e*_e),Ee=O(ye-y*me),Ae=O(_e*(me-Ee)-t*pe),Pe=O(y*$*ie);return new n(Ee,Ae,Pe)}add(H){if(!(H instanceof n))throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint expected");const{x:$,y:ie,z:se}=this,{x:fe,y:pe,z:ve}=H;if(fe===M||pe===M)return this;if($===M||ie===M)return H;const me=O(se*se),_e=O(ve*ve),ye=O($*_e),Ee=O(fe*me),Ae=O(O(ie*ve)*_e),Pe=O(O(pe*se)*me),ke=O(Ee-ye),xe=O(Pe-Ae);if(ke===M)return xe===M?this.double():n.ZERO;const we=O(ke*ke),Se=O(ke*we),Re=O(ye*we),Oe=O(xe*xe-Se-y*Re),Me=O(xe*(Re-Oe)-Ae*Se),Te=O(se*ve*ke);return new n(Oe,Me,Te)}subtract(H){return this.add(H.negate())}multiplyUnsafe(H){const $=n.ZERO;if(typeof H=="bigint"&&H===M)return $;let ie=p(H);if(ie===P)return this;if(!s){let Ee=$,Ae=this;for(;ie>M;)ie&P&&(Ee=Ee.add(Ae)),Ae=Ae.double(),ie>>=P;return Ee}let{k1neg:se,k1:fe,k2neg:pe,k2:ve}=X(ie),me=$,_e=$,ye=this;for(;fe>M||ve>M;)fe&P&&(me=me.add(ye)),ve&P&&(_e=_e.add(ye)),ye=ye.double(),fe>>=P,ve>>=P;return se&&(me=me.negate()),pe&&(_e=_e.negate()),_e=new n(O(_e.x*d.beta),_e.y,_e.z),me.add(_e)}precomputeWindow(H){const $=s?128/H+1:256/H+1,ie=[];let se=this,fe=se;for(let pe=0;pe<$;pe++){fe=se,ie.push(fe);for(let ve=1;ve<2**(H-1);ve++)fe=fe.add(se),ie.push(fe);se=fe.double()}return ie}wNAF(H,$){!$&&this.equals(n.BASE)&&($=i.BASE);const ie=$&&$._WINDOW_SIZE||1;if(256%ie)throw new Error("Point#wNAF: Invalid precomputation window, must be power of 2");let se=$&&o.get($);se||(se=this.precomputeWindow(ie),$&&ie!==1&&(se=n.normalizeZ(se),o.set($,se)));let fe=n.ZERO,pe=n.ZERO;const ve=1+(s?128/ie:256/ie),me=2**(ie-1),_e=BigInt(2**ie-1),ye=2**ie,Ee=BigInt(ie);for(let Ae=0;Ae>=Ee,ke>me&&(ke-=ye,H+=P),ke===0){let xe=se[Pe];Ae%2&&(xe=xe.negate()),pe=pe.add(xe)}else{let xe=se[Pe+Math.abs(ke)-1];ke<0&&(xe=xe.negate()),fe=fe.add(xe)}}return{p:fe,f:pe}}multiply(H,$){let ie,se,fe=p(H);if(s){const{k1neg:pe,k1:ve,k2neg:me,k2:_e}=X(fe);let{p:ye,f:Ee}=this.wNAF(ve,$),{p:Ae,f:Pe}=this.wNAF(_e,$);pe&&(ye=ye.negate()),me&&(Ae=Ae.negate()),Ae=new n(O(Ae.x*d.beta),Ae.y,Ae.z),ie=ye.add(Ae),se=Ee.add(Pe)}else{const{p:pe,f:ve}=this.wNAF(fe,$);ie=pe,se=ve}return n.normalizeZ([ie,se])[0]}toAffine(H=T(this.z)){const{x:$,y:ie,z:se}=this,fe=H,pe=O(fe*fe),ve=O(pe*fe),me=O($*pe),_e=O(ie*ve);if(O(se*fe)!==P)throw new Error("invZ was invalid");return new i(me,_e)}}n.BASE=new n(d.Gx,d.Gy,P),n.ZERO=new n(M,P,M);const o=new WeakMap;class i{constructor(H,$){this.x=H,this.y=$}_setWindowSize(H){this._WINDOW_SIZE=H,o.delete(this)}hasEvenY(){return this.y%y===M}static fromCompressedHex(H){const $=H.length===32,ie=w($?H:H.subarray(1));if(!K(ie))throw new Error("Point is not on curve");let se=function(ve){const{P:me}=d,_e=BigInt(6),ye=BigInt(11),Ee=BigInt(22),Ae=BigInt(23),Pe=BigInt(44),ke=BigInt(88),xe=ve*ve*ve%me,we=xe*xe*ve%me,Se=U(we,a)*we%me,Re=U(Se,a)*we%me,Oe=U(Re,y)*xe%me,Me=U(Oe,ye)*Oe%me,Te=U(Me,Ee)*Me%me,Ne=U(Te,Pe)*Te%me,Ce=U(Ne,ke)*Ne%me,Be=U(Ce,Pe)*Te%me,Ie=U(Be,a)*we%me,je=U(Ie,Ae)*Me%me,De=U(je,_e)*xe%me;return U(De,y)}(u(ie));const fe=(se&P)===P;$?fe&&(se=O(-se)):(1&H[0])==1!==fe&&(se=O(-se));const pe=new i(ie,se);return pe.assertValidity(),pe}static fromUncompressedHex(H){const $=w(H.subarray(1,33)),ie=w(H.subarray(33,65)),se=new i($,ie);return se.assertValidity(),se}static fromHex(H){const $=_(H),ie=$.length,se=$[0];if(ie===32||ie===33&&(se===2||se===3))return this.fromCompressedHex($);if(ie===65&&se===4)return this.fromUncompressedHex($);throw new Error(`Point.fromHex: received invalid point. Expected 32-33 compressed bytes or 65 uncompressed bytes, not ${ie}`)}static fromPrivateKey(H){return i.BASE.multiply(q(H))}static fromSignature(H,$,ie){const se=ne(H=_(H)),{r:fe,s:pe}=de($);if(ie!==0&&ie!==1)throw new Error("Cannot recover signature: invalid recovery bit");const ve=1&ie?"03":"02",me=i.fromHex(ve+I(fe)),{n:_e}=d,ye=T(fe,_e),Ee=O(-se*ye,_e),Ae=O(pe*ye,_e),Pe=i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(me,Ee,Ae);if(!Pe)throw new Error("Cannot recover signature: point at infinify");return Pe.assertValidity(),Pe}toRawBytes(H=!1){return A(this.toHex(H))}toHex(H=!1){const $=I(this.x);return H?`${this.hasEvenY()?"02":"03"}${$}`:`04${$}${I(this.y)}`}toHexX(){return this.toHex(!0).slice(2)}toRawX(){return this.toRawBytes(!0).slice(1)}assertValidity(){const H="Point is not on elliptic curve",{x:$,y:ie}=this;if(!K($)||!K(ie))throw new Error(H);const se=O(ie*ie);if(O(se-u($))!==M)throw new Error(H)}equals(H){return this.x===H.x&&this.y===H.y}negate(){return new i(this.x,O(-this.y))}double(){return n.fromAffine(this).double().toAffine()}add(H){return n.fromAffine(this).add(n.fromAffine(H)).toAffine()}subtract(H){return this.add(H.negate())}multiply(H){return n.fromAffine(this).multiply(H,this).toAffine()}multiplyAndAddUnsafe(H,$,ie){const se=n.fromAffine(this),fe=$===M||$===P||this!==i.BASE?se.multiplyUnsafe($):se.multiply($),pe=n.fromAffine(H).multiplyUnsafe(ie),ve=fe.add(pe);return ve.equals(n.ZERO)?void 0:ve.toAffine()}}function f(Z){return Number.parseInt(Z[0],16)>=8?"00"+Z:Z}function c(Z){if(Z.length<2||Z[0]!==2)throw new Error(`Invalid signature integer tag: ${C(Z)}`);const H=Z[1],$=Z.subarray(2,H+2);if(!H||$.length!==H)throw new Error("Invalid signature integer: wrong length");if($[0]===0&&$[1]<=127)throw new Error("Invalid signature integer: trailing length");return{data:w($),left:Z.subarray(H+2)}}e.Point=i,i.BASE=new i(d.Gx,d.Gy),i.ZERO=new i(M,M);class h{constructor(H,$){this.r=H,this.s=$,this.assertValidity()}static fromCompact(H){const $=H instanceof Uint8Array,ie="Signature.fromCompact";if(typeof H!="string"&&!$)throw new TypeError(`${ie}: Expected string or Uint8Array`);const se=$?C(H):H;if(se.length!==128)throw new Error(`${ie}: Expected 64-byte hex`);return new h(N(se.slice(0,64)),N(se.slice(64,128)))}static fromDER(H){const $=H instanceof Uint8Array;if(typeof H!="string"&&!$)throw new TypeError("Signature.fromDER: Expected string or Uint8Array");const{r:ie,s:se}=function(fe){if(fe.length<2||fe[0]!=48)throw new Error(`Invalid signature tag: ${C(fe)}`);if(fe[1]!==fe.length-2)throw new Error("Invalid signature: incorrect length");const{data:pe,left:ve}=c(fe.subarray(2)),{data:me,left:_e}=c(ve);if(_e.length)throw new Error(`Invalid signature: left bytes after parsing: ${C(_e)}`);return{r:pe,s:me}}($?H:A(H));return new h(ie,se)}static fromHex(H){return this.fromDER(H)}assertValidity(){const{r:H,s:$}=this;if(!ee(H))throw new Error("Invalid Signature: r must be 0 < r < n");if(!ee($))throw new Error("Invalid Signature: s must be 0 < s < n")}hasHighS(){const H=d.n>>P;return this.s>H}normalizeS(){return this.hasHighS()?new h(this.r,d.n-this.s):this}toDERRawBytes(H=!1){return A(this.toDERHex(H))}toDERHex(H=!1){const $=f(k(this.s));if(H)return $;const ie=f(k(this.r)),se=k(ie.length/2),fe=k($.length/2);return`30${k(ie.length/2+$.length/2+4)}02${se}${ie}02${fe}${$}`}toRawBytes(){return this.toDERRawBytes()}toHex(){return this.toDERHex()}toCompactRawBytes(){return A(this.toCompactHex())}toCompactHex(){return I(this.r)+I(this.s)}}function m(...Z){if(!Z.every(ie=>ie instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Uint8Array list expected");if(Z.length===1)return Z[0];const H=Z.reduce((ie,se)=>ie+se.length,0),$=new Uint8Array(H);for(let ie=0,se=0;ieH.toString(16).padStart(2,"0"));function C(Z){if(!(Z instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");let H="";for(let $=0;$0)return BigInt(Z);if(typeof Z=="bigint"&&ee(Z))return Z;throw new TypeError("Expected valid private scalar: 0 < scalar < curve.n")}function O(Z,H=d.P){const $=Z%H;return $>=M?$:H+$}function U(Z,H){const{P:$}=d;let ie=Z;for(;H-- >M;)ie*=ie,ie%=$;return ie}function T(Z,H=d.P){if(Z===M||H<=M)throw new Error(`invert: expected positive integers, got n=${Z} mod=${H}`);let $=O(Z,H),ie=H,se=M,fe=P;for(;$!==M;){const pe=ie/$,ve=ie%$,me=se-fe*pe;ie=$,$=ve,se=fe,fe=me}if(ie!==P)throw new Error("invert: does not exist");return O(se,H)}const z=(Z,H)=>(Z+H/y)/H,te={a1:BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"),b1:-P*BigInt("0xe4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"),a2:BigInt("0x114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8"),b2:BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"),POW_2_128:BigInt("0x100000000000000000000000000000000")};function X(Z){const{n:H}=d,{a1:$,b1:ie,a2:se,b2:fe,POW_2_128:pe}=te,ve=z(fe*Z,H),me=z(-ie*Z,H);let _e=O(Z-ve*$-me*se,H),ye=O(-ve*ie-me*fe,H);const Ee=_e>pe,Ae=ye>pe;if(Ee&&(_e=H-_e),Ae&&(ye=H-ye),_e>pe||ye>pe)throw new Error("splitScalarEndo: Endomorphism failed, k="+Z);return{k1neg:Ee,k1:_e,k2neg:Ae,k2:ye}}function ne(Z){const{n:H}=d,$=8*Z.length-256;let ie=w(Z);return $>0&&(ie>>=BigInt($)),ie>=H&&(ie-=H),ie}let B,Q;class V{constructor(){this.v=new Uint8Array(32).fill(1),this.k=new Uint8Array(32).fill(0),this.counter=0}hmac(...H){return e.utils.hmacSha256(this.k,...H)}hmacSync(...H){return Q(this.k,...H)}checkSync(){if(typeof Q!="function")throw new r("hmacSha256Sync needs to be set")}incr(){if(this.counter>=1e3)throw new Error("Tried 1,000 k values for sign(), all were invalid");this.counter+=1}async reseed(H=new Uint8Array){this.k=await this.hmac(this.v,Uint8Array.from([0]),H),this.v=await this.hmac(this.v),H.length!==0&&(this.k=await this.hmac(this.v,Uint8Array.from([1]),H),this.v=await this.hmac(this.v))}reseedSync(H=new Uint8Array){this.checkSync(),this.k=this.hmacSync(this.v,Uint8Array.from([0]),H),this.v=this.hmacSync(this.v),H.length!==0&&(this.k=this.hmacSync(this.v,Uint8Array.from([1]),H),this.v=this.hmacSync(this.v))}async generate(){return this.incr(),this.v=await this.hmac(this.v),this.v}generateSync(){return this.checkSync(),this.incr(),this.v=this.hmacSync(this.v),this.v}}function ee(Z){return M0)H=BigInt(Z);else if(typeof Z=="string"){if(Z.length!==64)throw new Error("Expected 32 bytes of private key");H=N(Z)}else{if(!(Z instanceof Uint8Array))throw new TypeError("Expected valid private key");if(Z.length!==32)throw new Error("Expected 32 bytes of private key");H=w(Z)}if(!ee(H))throw new Error("Expected private key: 0 < key < n");return H}function ae(Z){return Z instanceof i?(Z.assertValidity(),Z):i.fromHex(Z)}function de(Z){if(Z instanceof h)return Z.assertValidity(),Z;try{return h.fromDER(Z)}catch{return h.fromCompact(Z)}}function ue(Z){const H=Z instanceof Uint8Array,$=typeof Z=="string",ie=(H||$)&&Z.length;return H?ie===33||ie===65:$?ie===66||ie===130:Z instanceof i}function le(Z){return w(Z.length>32?Z.slice(0,32):Z)}function ge(Z){const H=le(Z),$=O(H,d.n);return ce(${if((Z=_(Z)).length<40||Z.length>1024)throw new Error("Expected 40-1024 bytes of private key as per FIPS 186");return R(O(w(Z),d.n-P)+P)},randomBytes:(Z=32)=>{if(re.web)return re.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(Z));if(re.node){const{randomBytes:H}=re.node;return Uint8Array.from(H(Z))}throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function")},randomPrivateKey:()=>e.utils.hashToPrivateKey(e.utils.randomBytes(40)),sha256:async(...Z)=>{if(re.web){const H=await re.web.subtle.digest("SHA-256",m(...Z));return new Uint8Array(H)}if(re.node){const{createHash:H}=re.node,$=H("sha256");return Z.forEach(ie=>$.update(ie)),Uint8Array.from($.digest())}throw new Error("The environment doesn't have sha256 function")},hmacSha256:async(Z,...H)=>{if(re.web){const $=await re.web.subtle.importKey("raw",Z,{name:"HMAC",hash:{name:"SHA-256"}},!1,["sign"]),ie=m(...H),se=await re.web.subtle.sign("HMAC",$,ie);return new Uint8Array(se)}if(re.node){const{createHmac:$}=re.node,ie=$("sha256",Z);return H.forEach(se=>ie.update(se)),Uint8Array.from(ie.digest())}throw new Error("The environment doesn't have hmac-sha256 function")},sha256Sync:void 0,hmacSha256Sync:void 0,taggedHash:async(Z,...H)=>{let $=G[Z];if($===void 0){const ie=await e.utils.sha256(Uint8Array.from(Z,se=>se.charCodeAt(0)));$=m(ie,ie),G[Z]=$}return e.utils.sha256($,...H)},taggedHashSync:(Z,...H)=>{if(typeof B!="function")throw new r("sha256Sync is undefined, you need to set it");let $=G[Z];if($===void 0){const ie=B(Uint8Array.from(Z,se=>se.charCodeAt(0)));$=m(ie,ie),G[Z]=$}return B($,...H)},precompute(Z=8,H=i.BASE){const $=H===i.BASE?H:new i(H.x,H.y);return $._setWindowSize(Z),$.multiply(a),$}},Object.defineProperties(e.utils,{sha256Sync:{configurable:!1,get:()=>B,set(Z){B||(B=Z)}},hmacSha256Sync:{configurable:!1,get:()=>Q,set(Z){Q||(Q=Z)}}})},4537:J=>{J.exports=function(e,b){for(var E=new Array(arguments.length-1),M=0,P=2,y=!0;P{var b=e;b.length=function(a){var t=a.length;if(!t)return 0;for(var d=0;--t%4>1&&a.charAt(t)==="=";)++d;return Math.ceil(3*a.length)/4-d};for(var E=new Array(64),M=new Array(123),P=0;P<64;)M[E[P]=P<26?P+65:P<52?P+71:P<62?P-4:P-59|43]=P++;b.encode=function(a,t,d){for(var u,s=null,r=[],n=0,o=0;t>2],u=(3&i)<<4,o=1;break;case 1:r[n++]=E[u|i>>4],u=(15&i)<<2,o=2;break;case 2:r[n++]=E[u|i>>6],r[n++]=E[63&i],o=0}n>8191&&((s||(s=[])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,r)),n=0)}return o&&(r[n++]=E[u],r[n++]=61,o===1&&(r[n++]=61)),s?(n&&s.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,r.slice(0,n))),s.join("")):String.fromCharCode.apply(String,r.slice(0,n))};var y="invalid encoding";b.decode=function(a,t,d){for(var u,s=d,r=0,n=0;n1)break;if((o=M[o])===void 0)throw Error(y);switch(r){case 0:u=o,r=1;break;case 1:t[d++]=u<<2|(48&o)>>4,u=o,r=2;break;case 2:t[d++]=(15&u)<<4|(60&o)>>2,u=o,r=3;break;case 3:t[d++]=(3&u)<<6|o,r=0}}if(r===1)throw Error(y);return d-s},b.test=function(a){return/^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(a)}},9211:J=>{function e(){this._listeners={}}J.exports=e,e.prototype.on=function(b,E,M){return(this._listeners[b]||(this._listeners[b]=[])).push({fn:E,ctx:M||this}),this},e.prototype.off=function(b,E){if(b===void 0)this._listeners={};else if(E===void 0)this._listeners[b]=[];else for(var M=this._listeners[b],P=0;P{function e(y){return typeof Float32Array<"u"?function(){var a=new Float32Array([-0]),t=new Uint8Array(a.buffer),d=t[3]===128;function u(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[0],i[f+1]=t[1],i[f+2]=t[2],i[f+3]=t[3]}function s(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[3],i[f+1]=t[2],i[f+2]=t[1],i[f+3]=t[0]}function r(o,i){return t[0]=o[i],t[1]=o[i+1],t[2]=o[i+2],t[3]=o[i+3],a[0]}function n(o,i){return t[3]=o[i],t[2]=o[i+1],t[1]=o[i+2],t[0]=o[i+3],a[0]}y.writeFloatLE=d?u:s,y.writeFloatBE=d?s:u,y.readFloatLE=d?r:n,y.readFloatBE=d?n:r}():function(){function a(d,u,s,r){var n=u<0?1:0;if(n&&(u=-u),u===0)d(1/u>0?0:2147483648,s,r);else if(isNaN(u))d(2143289344,s,r);else if(u>34028234663852886e22)d((n<<31|2139095040)>>>0,s,r);else if(u<11754943508222875e-54)d((n<<31|Math.round(u/1401298464324817e-60))>>>0,s,r);else{var o=Math.floor(Math.log(u)/Math.LN2);d((n<<31|o+127<<23|8388607&Math.round(u*Math.pow(2,-o)*8388608))>>>0,s,r)}}function t(d,u,s){var r=d(u,s),n=2*(r>>31)+1,o=r>>>23&255,i=8388607&r;return o===255?i?NaN:n*(1/0):o===0?1401298464324817e-60*n*i:n*Math.pow(2,o-150)*(i+8388608)}y.writeFloatLE=a.bind(null,b),y.writeFloatBE=a.bind(null,E),y.readFloatLE=t.bind(null,M),y.readFloatBE=t.bind(null,P)}(),typeof Float64Array<"u"?function(){var a=new Float64Array([-0]),t=new Uint8Array(a.buffer),d=t[7]===128;function u(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[0],i[f+1]=t[1],i[f+2]=t[2],i[f+3]=t[3],i[f+4]=t[4],i[f+5]=t[5],i[f+6]=t[6],i[f+7]=t[7]}function s(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[7],i[f+1]=t[6],i[f+2]=t[5],i[f+3]=t[4],i[f+4]=t[3],i[f+5]=t[2],i[f+6]=t[1],i[f+7]=t[0]}function r(o,i){return t[0]=o[i],t[1]=o[i+1],t[2]=o[i+2],t[3]=o[i+3],t[4]=o[i+4],t[5]=o[i+5],t[6]=o[i+6],t[7]=o[i+7],a[0]}function n(o,i){return t[7]=o[i],t[6]=o[i+1],t[5]=o[i+2],t[4]=o[i+3],t[3]=o[i+4],t[2]=o[i+5],t[1]=o[i+6],t[0]=o[i+7],a[0]}y.writeDoubleLE=d?u:s,y.writeDoubleBE=d?s:u,y.readDoubleLE=d?r:n,y.readDoubleBE=d?n:r}():function(){function a(d,u,s,r,n,o){var i=r<0?1:0;if(i&&(r=-r),r===0)d(0,n,o+u),d(1/r>0?0:2147483648,n,o+s);else if(isNaN(r))d(0,n,o+u),d(2146959360,n,o+s);else if(r>17976931348623157e292)d(0,n,o+u),d((i<<31|2146435072)>>>0,n,o+s);else{var f;if(r<22250738585072014e-324)d((f=r/5e-324)>>>0,n,o+u),d((i<<31|f/4294967296)>>>0,n,o+s);else{var c=Math.floor(Math.log(r)/Math.LN2);c===1024&&(c=1023),d(4503599627370496*(f=r*Math.pow(2,-c))>>>0,n,o+u),d((i<<31|c+1023<<20|1048576*f&1048575)>>>0,n,o+s)}}}function t(d,u,s,r,n){var o=d(r,n+u),i=d(r,n+s),f=2*(i>>31)+1,c=i>>>20&2047,h=4294967296*(1048575&i)+o;return c===2047?h?NaN:f*(1/0):c===0?5e-324*f*h:f*Math.pow(2,c-1075)*(h+4503599627370496)}y.writeDoubleLE=a.bind(null,b,0,4),y.writeDoubleBE=a.bind(null,E,4,0),y.readDoubleLE=t.bind(null,M,0,4),y.readDoubleBE=t.bind(null,P,4,0)}(),y}function b(y,a,t){a[t]=255&y,a[t+1]=y>>>8&255,a[t+2]=y>>>16&255,a[t+3]=y>>>24}function E(y,a,t){a[t]=y>>>24,a[t+1]=y>>>16&255,a[t+2]=y>>>8&255,a[t+3]=255&y}function M(y,a){return(y[a]|y[a+1]<<8|y[a+2]<<16|y[a+3]<<24)>>>0}function P(y,a){return(y[a]<<24|y[a+1]<<16|y[a+2]<<8|y[a+3])>>>0}J.exports=e(e)},7199:module=>{function inquire(moduleName){try{var mod=eval("quire".replace(/^/,"re"))(moduleName);if(mod&&(mod.length||Object.keys(mod).length))return mod}catch(J){}return null}module.exports=inquire},6662:J=>{J.exports=function(e,b,E){var M=E||8192,P=M>>>1,y=null,a=M;return function(t){if(t<1||t>P)return e(t);a+t>M&&(y=e(M),a=0);var d=b.call(y,a,a+=t);return 7&a&&(a=1+(7|a)),d}}},4997:(J,e)=>{var b=e;b.length=function(E){for(var M=0,P=0,y=0;y191&&y<224?t[d++]=(31&y)<<6|63&E[M++]:y>239&&y<365?(y=((7&y)<<18|(63&E[M++])<<12|(63&E[M++])<<6|63&E[M++])-65536,t[d++]=55296+(y>>10),t[d++]=56320+(1023&y)):t[d++]=(15&y)<<12|(63&E[M++])<<6|63&E[M++],d>8191&&((a||(a=[])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t)),d=0);return a?(d&&a.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(0,d))),a.join("")):String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(0,d))},b.write=function(E,M,P){for(var y,a,t=P,d=0;d>6|192,M[P++]=63&y|128):(64512&y)==55296&&(64512&(a=E.charCodeAt(d+1)))==56320?(y=65536+((1023&y)<<10)+(1023&a),++d,M[P++]=y>>18|240,M[P++]=y>>12&63|128,M[P++]=y>>6&63|128,M[P++]=63&y|128):(M[P++]=y>>12|224,M[P++]=y>>6&63|128,M[P++]=63&y|128);return P-t}},9282:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4155),M=b(5108);function P(X){return P=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(ne){return typeof ne}:function(ne){return ne&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&ne.constructor===Symbol&&ne!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof ne},P(X)}var y,a,t=b(2136).codes,d=t.ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT,u=t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE,s=t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE,r=t.ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE,n=t.ERR_MISSING_ARGS,o=b(5961),i=b(9539).inspect,f=b(9539).types,c=f.isPromise,h=f.isRegExp,m=Object.assign?Object.assign:b(8091).assign,v=Object.is?Object.is:b(609);function C(){var X=b(9158);y=X.isDeepEqual,a=X.isDeepStrictEqual}var l=!1,I=J.exports=A,R={};function k(X){throw X.message instanceof Error?X.message:new o(X)}function N(X,ne,B,Q){if(!B){var V=!1;if(ne===0)V=!0,Q="No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`";else if(Q instanceof Error)throw Q;var ee=new o({actual:B,expected:!0,message:Q,operator:"==",stackStartFn:X});throw ee.generatedMessage=V,ee}}function A(){for(var X=arguments.length,ne=new Array(X),B=0;B1?B-1:0),V=1;V1?B-1:0),V=1;V1?B-1:0),V=1;V1?B-1:0),V=1;V-1};function normalizeName(J){if(typeof J!="string"&&(J=String(J)),/[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(J)||J==="")throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name: "'+J+'"');return J.toLowerCase()}function normalizeValue(J){return typeof J!="string"&&(J=String(J)),J}function iteratorFor(J){var e={next:function(){var y=J.shift();return{done:y===void 0,value:y}}};return support.iterable&&(e[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return e}),e}function Headers(J){this.map={},J instanceof Headers?J.forEach(function(e,y){this.append(y,e)},this):Array.isArray(J)?J.forEach(function(e){if(e.length!=2)throw new TypeError("Headers constructor: expected name/value pair to be length 2, found"+e.length);this.append(e[0],e[1])},this):J&&Object.getOwnPropertyNames(J).forEach(function(e){this.append(e,J[e])},this)}Headers.prototype.append=function(J,e){J=normalizeName(J),e=normalizeValue(e);var y=this.map[J];this.map[J]=y?y+", "+e:e};Headers.prototype.delete=function(J){delete this.map[normalizeName(J)]};Headers.prototype.get=function(J){return J=normalizeName(J),this.has(J)?this.map[J]:null};Headers.prototype.has=function(J){return 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e=new Headers,y=J.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g," ");return y.split("\r").map(function(E){return E.indexOf(` +`)===0?E.substr(1,E.length):E}).forEach(function(E){var R=E.split(":"),A=R.shift().trim();if(A){var w=R.join(":").trim();try{e.append(A,w)}catch(a){console.warn("Response "+a.message)}}}),e}Body.call(Request.prototype);function Response(J,e){if(!(this instanceof Response))throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.');if(e||(e={}),this.type="default",this.status=e.status===void 0?200:e.status,this.status<200||this.status>599)throw new RangeError("Failed to construct 'Response': The status provided (0) is outside the range [200, 599].");this.ok=this.status>=200&&this.status<300,this.statusText=e.statusText===void 0?"":""+e.statusText,this.headers=new Headers(e.headers),this.url=e.url||"",this._initBody(J)}Body.call(Response.prototype);Response.prototype.clone=function(){return new 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Headers||g.Headers&&e.headers instanceof g.Headers)){var t=[];Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e.headers).forEach(function(d){t.push(normalizeName(d)),A.setRequestHeader(d,normalizeValue(e.headers[d]))}),R.headers.forEach(function(d,u){t.indexOf(u)===-1&&A.setRequestHeader(u,d)})}else R.headers.forEach(function(d,u){A.setRequestHeader(u,d)});R.signal&&(R.signal.addEventListener("abort",w),A.onreadystatechange=function(){A.readyState===4&&R.signal.removeEventListener("abort",w)}),A.send(typeof R._bodyInit>"u"?null:R._bodyInit)})}fetch$1.polyfill=!0;g.fetch||(g.fetch=fetch$1,g.Headers=Headers,g.Request=Request,g.Response=Response);typeof window>"u"&&(global.window=globalThis);var extendStatics=function(J,e){return extendStatics=Object.setPrototypeOf||{__proto__:[]}instanceof Array&&function(y,E){y.__proto__=E}||function(y,E){for(var R in E)Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(E,R)&&(y[R]=E[R])},extendStatics(J,e)};function __extends(J,e){if(typeof e!="function"&&e!==null)throw new TypeError("Class extends value "+String(e)+" is not a constructor or null");extendStatics(J,e);function y(){this.constructor=J}J.prototype=e===null?Object.create(e):(y.prototype=e.prototype,new y)}function __awaiter(J,e,y,E){function R(A){return A instanceof y?A:new y(function(w){w(A)})}return new(y||(y=Promise))(function(A,w){function a(u){try{d(E.next(u))}catch(s){w(s)}}function t(u){try{d(E.throw(u))}catch(s){w(s)}}function d(u){u.done?A(u.value):R(u.value).then(a,t)}d((E=E.apply(J,e||[])).next())})}function __generator(J,e){var y={label:0,sent:function(){if(A[0]&1)throw A[1];return A[1]},trys:[],ops:[]},E,R,A,w;return w={next:a(0),throw:a(1),return:a(2)},typeof Symbol=="function"&&(w[Symbol.iterator]=function(){return this}),w;function a(d){return function(u){return t([d,u])}}function t(d){if(E)throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing.");for(;w&&(w=0,d[0]&&(y=0)),y;)try{if(E=1,R&&(A=d[0]&2?R.return:d[0]?R.throw||((A=R.return)&&A.call(R),0):R.next)&&!(A=A.call(R,d[1])).done)return A;switch(R=0,A&&(d=[d[0]&2,A.value]),d[0]){case 0:case 1:A=d;break;case 4:return y.label++,{value:d[1],done:!1};case 5:y.label++,R=d[1],d=[0];continue;case 7:d=y.ops.pop(),y.trys.pop();continue;default:if(A=y.trys,!(A=A.length>0&&A[A.length-1])&&(d[0]===6||d[0]===2)){y=0;continue}if(d[0]===3&&(!A||d[1]>A[0]&&d[1]=J.length&&(J=void 0),{value:J&&J[E++],done:!J}}};throw new TypeError(e?"Object is not iterable.":"Symbol.iterator is not defined.")}function __read(J,e){var y=typeof Symbol=="function"&&J[Symbol.iterator];if(!y)return J;var E=y.call(J),R,A=[],w;try{for(;(e===void 0||e-- >0)&&!(R=E.next()).done;)A.push(R.value)}catch(a){w={error:a}}finally{try{R&&!R.done&&(y=E.return)&&y.call(E)}finally{if(w)throw w.error}}return A}function __spreadArray(J,e,y){if(y||arguments.length===2)for(var E=0,R=e.length,A;E1||a(r,n)})})}function a(r,n){try{t(E[r](n))}catch(o){s(A[0][3],o)}}function t(r){r.value instanceof __await?Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(d,u):s(A[0][2],r)}function d(r){a("next",r)}function u(r){a("throw",r)}function s(r,n){r(n),A.shift(),A.length&&a(A[0][0],A[0][1])}}function __asyncValues(J){if(!Symbol.asyncIterator)throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined.");var e=J[Symbol.asyncIterator],y;return e?e.call(J):(J=typeof __values=="function"?__values(J):J[Symbol.iterator](),y={},E("next"),E("throw"),E("return"),y[Symbol.asyncIterator]=function(){return this},y);function E(A){y[A]=J[A]&&function(w){return new Promise(function(a,t){w=J[A](w),R(a,t,w.done,w.value)})}}function R(A,w,a,t){Promise.resolve(t).then(function(d){A({value:d,done:a})},w)}}typeof SuppressedError=="function"&&SuppressedError;function isFunction(J){return typeof J=="function"}function createErrorClass(J){var e=function(E){Error.call(E),E.stack=new Error().stack},y=J(e);return y.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),y.prototype.constructor=y,y}var UnsubscriptionError=createErrorClass(function(J){return function(y){J(this),this.message=y?y.length+` errors occurred during unsubscription: +`+y.map(function(E,R){return R+1+") "+E.toString()}).join(` + `):"",this.name="UnsubscriptionError",this.errors=y}});function arrRemove(J,e){if(J){var y=J.indexOf(e);0<=y&&J.splice(y,1)}}var Subscription=function(){function J(e){this.initialTeardown=e,this.closed=!1,this._parentage=null,this._finalizers=null}return J.prototype.unsubscribe=function(){var e,y,E,R,A;if(!this.closed){this.closed=!0;var w=this._parentage;if(w)if(this._parentage=null,Array.isArray(w))try{for(var a=__values(w),t=a.next();!t.done;t=a.next()){var d=t.value;d.remove(this)}}catch(i){e={error:i}}finally{try{t&&!t.done&&(y=a.return)&&y.call(a)}finally{if(e)throw e.error}}else w.remove(this);var u=this.initialTeardown;if(isFunction(u))try{u()}catch(i){A=i instanceof UnsubscriptionError?i.errors:[i]}var s=this._finalizers;if(s){this._finalizers=null;try{for(var r=__values(s),n=r.next();!n.done;n=r.next()){var o=n.value;try{execFinalizer(o)}catch(i){A=A??[],i instanceof UnsubscriptionError?A=__spreadArray(__spreadArray([],__read(A)),__read(i.errors)):A.push(i)}}}catch(i){E={error:i}}finally{try{n&&!n.done&&(R=r.return)&&R.call(r)}finally{if(E)throw E.error}}}if(A)throw new UnsubscriptionError(A)}},J.prototype.add=function(e){var y;if(e&&e!==this)if(this.closed)execFinalizer(e);else{if(e instanceof J){if(e.closed||e._hasParent(this))return;e._addParent(this)}(this._finalizers=(y=this._finalizers)!==null&&y!==void 0?y:[]).push(e)}},J.prototype._hasParent=function(e){var y=this._parentage;return y===e||Array.isArray(y)&&y.includes(e)},J.prototype._addParent=function(e){var y=this._parentage;this._parentage=Array.isArray(y)?(y.push(e),y):y?[y,e]:e},J.prototype._removeParent=function(e){var y=this._parentage;y===e?this._parentage=null:Array.isArray(y)&&arrRemove(y,e)},J.prototype.remove=function(e){var y=this._finalizers;y&&arrRemove(y,e),e instanceof J&&e._removeParent(this)},J.EMPTY=function(){var e=new J;return e.closed=!0,e}(),J}();Subscription.EMPTY;function isSubscription(J){return J instanceof Subscription||J&&"closed"in J&&isFunction(J.remove)&&isFunction(J.add)&&isFunction(J.unsubscribe)}function execFinalizer(J){isFunction(J)?J():J.unsubscribe()}var config={onUnhandledError:null,onStoppedNotification:null,Promise:void 0,useDeprecatedSynchronousErrorHandling:!1,useDeprecatedNextContext:!1},timeoutProvider={setTimeout:function(J,e){for(var y=[],E=2;E=2;return function(E){return E.pipe(J?filter(function(R,A){return J(R,A,E)}):identity,take(1),y?defaultIfEmpty(e):throwIfEmpty(function(){return new EmptyError}))}}function switchMap(J,e){return operate(function(y,E){var R=null,A=0,w=!1,a=function(){return w&&!R&&E.complete()};y.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E,function(t){R==null||R.unsubscribe();var d=0,u=A++;innerFrom(J(t,u)).subscribe(R=createOperatorSubscriber(E,function(s){return E.next(e?e(t,s,u,d++):s)},function(){R=null,a()}))},function(){w=!0,a()}))})}function tap(J,e,y){var E=isFunction(J)||e||y?{next:J,error:e,complete:y}:J;return E?operate(function(R,A){var w;(w=E.subscribe)===null||w===void 0||w.call(E);var a=!0;R.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(A,function(t){var d;(d=E.next)===null||d===void 0||d.call(E,t),A.next(t)},function(){var t;a=!1,(t=E.complete)===null||t===void 0||t.call(E),A.complete()},function(t){var d;a=!1,(d=E.error)===null||d===void 0||d.call(E,t),A.error(t)},function(){var t,d;a&&((t=E.unsubscribe)===null||t===void 0||t.call(E)),(d=E.finalize)===null||d===void 0||d.call(E)}))}):identity}var commonjsGlobal=typeof globalThis<"u"?globalThis:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof global<"u"?global:typeof self<"u"?self:{},browser={exports:{}};/*! 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0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Bech32=void 0;const w=A(y(3235));e.Bech32=class{static encode(a,t,d){return w.encode(a,w.toWords(t),d)}static decode(a,t=1/0){const d=w.decode(a,t);return{prefix:d.prefix,data:new Uint8Array(w.fromWords(d.words))}}}},6135:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.fromHex=e.toHex=void 0,e.toHex=function(y){let E="";for(const R of y)E+=("0"+R.toString(16)).slice(-2);return E},e.fromHex=function(y){if(y.length%2!=0)throw new Error("hex string length must be a multiple of 2");const E=[];for(let R=0;R{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.toUtf8=e.fromUtf8=e.toRfc3339=e.fromRfc3339=e.toHex=e.fromHex=e.Bech32=e.toBase64=e.fromBase64=e.toAscii=e.fromAscii=void 0;var E=y(7768);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromAscii",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return E.fromAscii}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toAscii",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return E.toAscii}});var R=y(3431);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromBase64",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return R.fromBase64}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toBase64",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return R.toBase64}});var A=y(5438);Object.defineProperty(e,"Bech32",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return A.Bech32}});var w=y(6135);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromHex",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return w.fromHex}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toHex",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return w.toHex}});var a=y(7310);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromRfc3339",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.fromRfc3339}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toRfc3339",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.toRfc3339}});var t=y(6081);Object.defineProperty(e,"fromUtf8",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.fromUtf8}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"toUtf8",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t.toUtf8}})},7310:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.toRfc3339=e.fromRfc3339=void 0;const y=/^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[T ](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\.\d{1,9})?((?:[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})|Z)$/;function E(R,A=2){const w="00000"+R.toString();return w.substring(w.length-A)}e.fromRfc3339=function(R){const A=y.exec(R);if(!A)throw new Error("Date string is not in RFC3339 format");const w=+A[1],a=+A[2],t=+A[3],d=+A[4],u=+A[5],s=+A[6],r=A[7]?Math.floor(1e3*+A[7]):0;let n,o,i;A[8]==="Z"?(n=1,o=0,i=0):(n=A[8].substring(0,1)==="-"?-1:1,o=+A[8].substring(1,3),i=+A[8].substring(4,6));const f=n*(60*o+i)*60,c=Date.UTC(w,a-1,t,d,u,s,r)-1e3*f;return new Date(c)},e.toRfc3339=function(R){return`${R.getUTCFullYear()}-${E(R.getUTCMonth()+1)}-${E(R.getUTCDate())}T${E(R.getUTCHours())}:${E(R.getUTCMinutes())}:${E(R.getUTCSeconds())}.${E(R.getUTCMilliseconds(),3)}Z`}},6081:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.fromUtf8=e.toUtf8=void 0,e.toUtf8=function(y){return new TextEncoder().encode(y)},e.fromUtf8=function(y){return new TextDecoder("utf-8",{fatal:!0}).decode(y)}},3235:J=>{for(var e="qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l",y={},E=0;E<32;E++){var R=e.charAt(E);if(y[R]!==void 0)throw new TypeError(R+" is ambiguous");y[R]=E}function A(d){var u=d>>25;return(33554431&d)<<5^996825010&-(u>>0&1)^642813549&-(u>>1&1)^513874426&-(u>>2&1)^1027748829&-(u>>3&1)^705979059&-(u>>4&1)}function w(d){for(var u=1,s=0;s126)return"Invalid prefix ("+d+")";u=A(u)^r>>5}for(u=A(u),s=0;su)return"Exceeds length limit";var s=d.toLowerCase(),r=d.toUpperCase();if(d!==s&&d!==r)return"Mixed-case string "+d;var n=(d=s).lastIndexOf("1");if(n===-1)return"No separator character for "+d;if(n===0)return"Missing prefix for "+d;var o=d.slice(0,n),i=d.slice(n+1);if(i.length<6)return"Data too short";var f=w(o);if(typeof f=="string")return f;for(var c=[],h=0;h=i.length||c.push(v)}return f!==1?"Invalid checksum for "+d:{prefix:o,words:c}}function t(d,u,s,r){for(var n=0,o=0,i=(1<=s;)o-=s,f.push(n>>o&i);if(r)o>0&&f.push(n<=u)return"Excess padding";if(n<s)throw new TypeError("Exceeds length limit");var r=w(d=d.toLowerCase());if(typeof r=="string")throw new Error(r);for(var n=d+"1",o=0;o>5)throw new Error("Non 5-bit word");r=A(r)^i,n+=e.charAt(i)}for(o=0;o<6;++o)r=A(r);for(r^=1,o=0;o<6;++o)n+=e.charAt(r>>5*(5-o)&31);return n},toWordsUnsafe:function(d){var u=t(d,8,5,!0);if(Array.isArray(u))return u},toWords:function(d){var u=t(d,8,5,!0);if(Array.isArray(u))return u;throw new Error(u)},fromWordsUnsafe:function(d){var u=t(d,5,8,!1);if(Array.isArray(u))return u},fromWords:function(d){var u=t(d,5,8,!1);if(Array.isArray(u))return u;throw new Error(u)}}},7505:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SHA2=void 0;const E=y(8089);class R extends E.Hash{constructor(w,a,t,d){super(),this.blockLen=w,this.outputLen=a,this.padOffset=t,this.isLE=d,this.finished=!1,this.length=0,this.pos=0,this.destroyed=!1,this.buffer=new Uint8Array(w),this.view=(0,E.createView)(this.buffer)}update(w){if(this.destroyed)throw new Error("instance is destroyed");const{view:a,buffer:t,blockLen:d,finished:u}=this;if(u)throw new Error("digest() was already called");const s=(w=(0,E.toBytes)(w)).length;for(let r=0;rd-s&&(this.process(t,0),s=0);for(let n=s;n>c&h),v=Number(i&h),I=f?4:0,l=f?0:4;n.setUint32(o+I,m,f),n.setUint32(o+l,v,f)})(t,d-8,BigInt(8*this.length),u),this.process(t,0);const r=(0,E.createView)(w);this.get().forEach((n,o)=>r.setUint32(4*o,n,u))}digest(){const{buffer:w,outputLen:a}=this;this.digestInto(w);const t=w.slice(0,a);return this.destroy(),t}_cloneInto(w){w||(w=new this.constructor),w.set(...this.get());const{blockLen:a,buffer:t,length:d,finished:u,destroyed:s,pos:r}=this;return w.length=d,w.pos=r,w.finished=u,w.destroyed=s,d%a&&w.buffer.set(t),w}}e.SHA2=R},6873:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.add5H=e.add5L=e.add4H=e.add4L=e.add3H=e.add3L=e.add=e.rotlBL=e.rotlBH=e.rotlSL=e.rotlSH=e.rotr32L=e.rotr32H=e.rotrBL=e.rotrBH=e.rotrSL=e.rotrSH=e.shrSL=e.shrSH=e.toBig=e.split=e.fromBig=void 0;const y=BigInt(2**32-1),E=BigInt(32);function R(A,w=!1){return w?{h:Number(A&y),l:Number(A>>E&y)}:{h:0|Number(A>>E&y),l:0|Number(A&y)}}e.fromBig=R,e.split=function(A,w=!1){let a=new Uint32Array(A.length),t=new Uint32Array(A.length);for(let d=0;dBigInt(A>>>0)<>>0),e.shrSH=(A,w,a)=>A>>>a,e.shrSL=(A,w,a)=>A<<32-a|w>>>a,e.rotrSH=(A,w,a)=>A>>>a|w<<32-a,e.rotrSL=(A,w,a)=>A<<32-a|w>>>a,e.rotrBH=(A,w,a)=>A<<64-a|w>>>a-32,e.rotrBL=(A,w,a)=>A>>>a-32|w<<64-a,e.rotr32H=(A,w)=>w,e.rotr32L=(A,w)=>A,e.rotlSH=(A,w,a)=>A<>>32-a,e.rotlSL=(A,w,a)=>w<>>32-a,e.rotlBH=(A,w,a)=>w<>>64-a,e.rotlBL=(A,w,a)=>A<>>64-a,e.add=function(A,w,a,t){const d=(w>>>0)+(t>>>0);return{h:A+a+(d/4294967296|0)|0,l:0|d}},e.add3L=(A,w,a)=>(A>>>0)+(w>>>0)+(a>>>0),e.add3H=(A,w,a,t)=>w+a+t+(A/4294967296|0)|0,e.add4L=(A,w,a,t)=>(A>>>0)+(w>>>0)+(a>>>0)+(t>>>0),e.add4H=(A,w,a,t,d)=>w+a+t+d+(A/4294967296|0)|0,e.add5L=(A,w,a,t,d)=>(A>>>0)+(w>>>0)+(a>>>0)+(t>>>0)+(d>>>0),e.add5H=(A,w,a,t,d,u)=>w+a+t+d+u+(A/4294967296|0)|0},4421:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.crypto=void 0,e.crypto={node:void 0,web:typeof self=="object"&&"crypto"in self?self.crypto:void 0}},4330:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.hkdf=e.expand=e.extract=void 0;const E=y(8089),R=y(9569);function A(d,u,s){return(0,E.assertHash)(d),s===void 0&&(s=new Uint8Array(d.outputLen)),(0,R.hmac)(d,(0,E.toBytes)(s),(0,E.toBytes)(u))}e.extract=A;const w=new Uint8Array([0]),a=new Uint8Array;function t(d,u,s,r=32){if((0,E.assertHash)(d),(0,E.assertNumber)(r),r>255*d.outputLen)throw new Error("Length should be <= 255*HashLen");const n=Math.ceil(r/d.outputLen);s===void 0&&(s=a);const o=new Uint8Array(n*d.outputLen),i=R.hmac.create(d,u),f=i._cloneInto(),c=new Uint8Array(i.outputLen);for(let h=0;ht(d,A(d,u,s),r,n)},9569:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.hmac=void 0;const E=y(8089);class R extends E.Hash{constructor(w,a){super(),this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,(0,E.assertHash)(w);const t=(0,E.toBytes)(a);if(this.iHash=w.create(),!(this.iHash instanceof E.Hash))throw new TypeError("Expected instance of class which extends utils.Hash");const d=this.blockLen=this.iHash.blockLen;this.outputLen=this.iHash.outputLen;const u=new Uint8Array(d);u.set(t.length>this.iHash.blockLen?w.create().update(t).digest():t);for(let s=0;snew R(A,w).update(a).digest(),e.hmac.create=(A,w)=>new R(A,w)},830:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ripemd160=e.RIPEMD160=void 0;const E=y(7505),R=y(8089),A=new Uint8Array([7,4,13,1,10,6,15,3,12,0,9,5,2,14,11,8]),w=Uint8Array.from({length:16},(m,v)=>v),a=w.map(m=>(9*m+5)%16);let t=[w],d=[a];for(let m=0;m<4;m++)for(let v of[t,d])v.push(v[m].map(I=>A[I]));const u=[[11,14,15,12,5,8,7,9,11,13,14,15,6,7,9,8],[12,13,11,15,6,9,9,7,12,15,11,13,7,8,7,7],[13,15,14,11,7,7,6,8,13,14,13,12,5,5,6,9],[14,11,12,14,8,6,5,5,15,12,15,14,9,9,8,6],[15,12,13,13,9,5,8,6,14,11,12,11,8,6,5,5]].map(m=>new Uint8Array(m)),s=t.map((m,v)=>m.map(I=>u[v][I])),r=d.map((m,v)=>m.map(I=>u[v][I])),n=new Uint32Array([0,1518500249,1859775393,2400959708,2840853838]),o=new Uint32Array([1352829926,1548603684,1836072691,2053994217,0]),i=(m,v)=>m<>>32-v;function f(m,v,I,l){return m===0?v^I^l:m===1?v&I|~v&l:m===2?(v|~I)^l:m===3?v&l|I&~l:v^(I|~l)}const c=new Uint32Array(16);class h extends E.SHA2{constructor(){super(64,20,8,!0),this.h0=1732584193,this.h1=-271733879,this.h2=-1732584194,this.h3=271733878,this.h4=-1009589776}get(){const{h0:v,h1:I,h2:l,h3:j,h4:N}=this;return[v,I,l,j,N]}set(v,I,l,j,N){this.h0=0|v,this.h1=0|I,this.h2=0|l,this.h3=0|j,this.h4=0|N}process(v,I){for(let B=0;B<16;B++,I+=4)c[B]=v.getUint32(I,!0);let l=0|this.h0,j=l,N=0|this.h1,S=N,T=0|this.h2,x=T,k=0|this.h3,b=k,p=0|this.h4,P=p;for(let B=0;B<5;B++){const C=4-B,L=n[B],re=o[B],ee=t[B],oe=d[B],D=s[B],Z=r[B];for(let H=0;H<16;H++){const te=i(l+f(B,N,T,k)+c[ee[H]]+L,D[H])+p|0;l=p,p=k,k=0|i(T,10),T=N,N=te}for(let H=0;H<16;H++){const te=i(j+f(C,S,x,b)+c[oe[H]]+re,Z[H])+P|0;j=P,P=b,b=0|i(x,10),x=S,S=te}}this.set(this.h1+T+b|0,this.h2+k+P|0,this.h3+p+j|0,this.h4+l+S|0,this.h0+N+x|0)}roundClean(){c.fill(0)}destroy(){this.destroyed=!0,this.buffer.fill(0),this.set(0,0,0,0,0)}}e.RIPEMD160=h,e.ripemd160=(0,R.wrapConstructor)(()=>new h)},3061:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.sha256=void 0;const E=y(7505),R=y(8089),A=(u,s,r)=>u&s^u&r^s&r,w=new Uint32Array([1116352408,1899447441,3049323471,3921009573,961987163,1508970993,2453635748,2870763221,3624381080,310598401,607225278,1426881987,1925078388,2162078206,2614888103,3248222580,3835390401,4022224774,264347078,604807628,770255983,1249150122,1555081692,1996064986,2554220882,2821834349,2952996808,3210313671,3336571891,3584528711,113926993,338241895,666307205,773529912,1294757372,1396182291,1695183700,1986661051,2177026350,2456956037,2730485921,2820302411,3259730800,3345764771,3516065817,3600352804,4094571909,275423344,430227734,506948616,659060556,883997877,958139571,1322822218,1537002063,1747873779,1955562222,2024104815,2227730452,2361852424,2428436474,2756734187,3204031479,3329325298]),a=new Uint32Array([1779033703,3144134277,1013904242,2773480762,1359893119,2600822924,528734635,1541459225]),t=new Uint32Array(64);class d extends E.SHA2{constructor(){super(64,32,8,!1),this.A=0|a[0],this.B=0|a[1],this.C=0|a[2],this.D=0|a[3],this.E=0|a[4],this.F=0|a[5],this.G=0|a[6],this.H=0|a[7]}get(){const{A:s,B:r,C:n,D:o,E:i,F:f,G:c,H:h}=this;return[s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h]}set(s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h){this.A=0|s,this.B=0|r,this.C=0|n,this.D=0|o,this.E=0|i,this.F=0|f,this.G=0|c,this.H=0|h}process(s,r){for(let l=0;l<16;l++,r+=4)t[l]=s.getUint32(r,!1);for(let l=16;l<64;l++){const j=t[l-15],N=t[l-2],S=(0,R.rotr)(j,7)^(0,R.rotr)(j,18)^j>>>3,T=(0,R.rotr)(N,17)^(0,R.rotr)(N,19)^N>>>10;t[l]=T+t[l-7]+S+t[l-16]|0}let{A:n,B:o,C:i,D:f,E:c,F:h,G:m,H:v}=this;for(let l=0;l<64;l++){const j=v+((0,R.rotr)(c,6)^(0,R.rotr)(c,11)^(0,R.rotr)(c,25))+((I=c)&h^~I&m)+w[l]+t[l]|0,N=((0,R.rotr)(n,2)^(0,R.rotr)(n,13)^(0,R.rotr)(n,22))+A(n,o,i)|0;v=m,m=h,h=c,c=f+j|0,f=i,i=o,o=n,n=j+N|0}var I;n=n+this.A|0,o=o+this.B|0,i=i+this.C|0,f=f+this.D|0,c=c+this.E|0,h=h+this.F|0,m=m+this.G|0,v=v+this.H|0,this.set(n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v)}roundClean(){t.fill(0)}destroy(){this.set(0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0),this.buffer.fill(0)}}e.sha256=(0,R.wrapConstructor)(()=>new d)},5426:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(S,T,x,k){k===void 0&&(k=x),Object.defineProperty(S,k,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return T[x]}})}:function(S,T,x,k){k===void 0&&(k=x),S[k]=T[x]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(S,T){Object.defineProperty(S,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:T})}:function(S,T){S.default=T}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(S){if(S&&S.__esModule)return S;var T={};if(S!=null)for(var x in S)x!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S,x)&&E(T,S,x);return R(T,S),T};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.shake256=e.shake128=e.keccak_512=e.keccak_384=e.keccak_256=e.keccak_224=e.sha3_512=e.sha3_384=e.sha3_256=e.sha3_224=e.Keccak=e.keccakP=void 0;const w=A(y(6873)),a=y(8089),[t,d,u]=[[],[],[]],s=BigInt(0),r=BigInt(1),n=BigInt(2),o=BigInt(7),i=BigInt(256),f=BigInt(113);for(let S=0,T=r,x=1,k=0;S<24;S++){[x,k]=[k,(2*x+3*k)%5],t.push(2*(5*k+x)),d.push((S+1)*(S+2)/2%64);let b=s;for(let p=0;p<7;p++)T=(T<>o)*f)%i,T&n&&(b^=r<<(r<x>32?w.rotlBH(S,T,x):w.rotlSH(S,T,x),v=(S,T,x)=>x>32?w.rotlBL(S,T,x):w.rotlSL(S,T,x);function I(S,T=24){const x=new Uint32Array(10);for(let k=24-T;k<24;k++){for(let P=0;P<10;P++)x[P]=S[P]^S[P+10]^S[P+20]^S[P+30]^S[P+40];for(let P=0;P<10;P+=2){const B=(P+8)%10,C=(P+2)%10,L=x[C],re=x[C+1],ee=m(L,re,1)^x[B],oe=v(L,re,1)^x[B+1];for(let D=0;D<50;D+=10)S[P+D]^=ee,S[P+D+1]^=oe}let b=S[2],p=S[3];for(let P=0;P<24;P++){const B=d[P],C=m(b,p,B),L=v(b,p,B),re=t[P];b=S[re],p=S[re+1],S[re]=C,S[re+1]=L}for(let P=0;P<50;P+=10){for(let B=0;B<10;B++)x[B]=S[P+B];for(let B=0;B<10;B++)S[P+B]^=~x[(B+2)%10]&x[(B+4)%10]}S[0]^=c[k],S[1]^=h[k]}x.fill(0)}e.keccakP=I;class l extends a.Hash{constructor(T,x,k,b=!1,p=24){if(super(),this.blockLen=T,this.suffix=x,this.outputLen=k,this.enableXOF=b,this.rounds=p,this.pos=0,this.posOut=0,this.finished=!1,this.destroyed=!1,(0,a.assertNumber)(k),0>=this.blockLen||this.blockLen>=200)throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function");this.state=new Uint8Array(200),this.state32=(0,a.u32)(this.state)}keccak(){I(this.state32,this.rounds),this.posOut=0,this.pos=0}update(T){if(this.destroyed)throw new Error("instance is destroyed");if(this.finished)throw new Error("digest() was already called");const{blockLen:x,state:k}=this,b=(T=(0,a.toBytes)(T)).length;for(let p=0;p=this.blockLen&&this.keccak();const b=Math.min(this.blockLen-this.posOut,k-x);T.set(this.state.subarray(this.posOut,this.posOut+b),x),this.posOut+=b,x+=b}return T}xofInto(T){if(!this.enableXOF)throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance");return this.writeInto(T)}xof(T){return(0,a.assertNumber)(T),this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(T))}digestInto(T){if(T.length(0,a.wrapConstructor)(()=>new l(T,S,x));e.sha3_224=j(6,144,28),e.sha3_256=j(6,136,32),e.sha3_384=j(6,104,48),e.sha3_512=j(6,72,64),e.keccak_224=j(1,144,28),e.keccak_256=j(1,136,32),e.keccak_384=j(1,104,48),e.keccak_512=j(1,72,64);const N=(S,T,x)=>(0,a.wrapConstructorWithOpts)((k={})=>new l(T,S,k.dkLen!==void 0?k.dkLen:x,!0));e.shake128=N(31,168,16),e.shake256=N(31,136,32)},8089:(J,e,y)=>{J=y.nmd(J),Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.randomBytes=e.wrapConstructorWithOpts=e.wrapConstructor=e.checkOpts=e.Hash=e.assertHash=e.assertBytes=e.assertBool=e.assertNumber=e.concatBytes=e.toBytes=e.utf8ToBytes=e.asyncLoop=e.nextTick=e.hexToBytes=e.bytesToHex=e.isLE=e.rotr=e.createView=e.u32=e.u8=void 0;const E=y(4421);if(e.u8=t=>new Uint8Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength),e.u32=t=>new Uint32Array(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,Math.floor(t.byteLength/4)),e.createView=t=>new DataView(t.buffer,t.byteOffset,t.byteLength),e.rotr=(t,d)=>t<<32-d|t>>>d,e.isLE=new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0]===68,!e.isLE)throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported");const R=Array.from({length:256},(t,d)=>d.toString(16).padStart(2,"0"));function A(t){if(typeof t!="string")throw new TypeError("utf8ToBytes expected string, got "+typeof t);return new TextEncoder().encode(t)}function w(t){if(typeof t=="string"&&(t=A(t)),!(t instanceof Uint8Array))throw new TypeError(`Expected input type is Uint8Array (got ${typeof t})`);return t}function a(t){if(!Number.isSafeInteger(t)||t<0)throw new Error(`Wrong positive integer: ${t}`)}e.bytesToHex=function(t){let d="";for(let u=0;u{const t=typeof J.require=="function"&&J.require.bind(J);try{if(t){const{setImmediate:d}=t("timers");return()=>new Promise(u=>d(u))}}catch{}return()=>new Promise(d=>setTimeout(d,0))})(),e.asyncLoop=async function(t,d,u){let s=Date.now();for(let r=0;r=0&&ns instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Uint8Array list expected");if(t.length===1)return t[0];const d=t.reduce((s,r)=>s+r.length,0),u=new Uint8Array(d);for(let s=0,r=0;st().update(w(s)).digest(),u=t();return d.outputLen=u.outputLen,d.blockLen=u.blockLen,d.create=()=>t(),d},e.wrapConstructorWithOpts=function(t){const d=(s,r)=>t(r).update(w(s)).digest(),u=t({});return d.outputLen=u.outputLen,d.blockLen=u.blockLen,d.create=s=>t(s),d},e.randomBytes=function(t=32){if(E.crypto.web)return E.crypto.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(t));if(E.crypto.node)return new Uint8Array(E.crypto.node.randomBytes(t).buffer);throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function")}},9656:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.utils=e.schnorr=e.verify=e.signSync=e.sign=e.getSharedSecret=e.recoverPublicKey=e.getPublicKey=e.Signature=e.Point=e.CURVE=void 0;const E=y(9159),R=BigInt(0),A=BigInt(1),w=BigInt(2),a=BigInt(3),t=BigInt(8),d=Object.freeze({a:R,b:BigInt(7),P:BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f"),n:BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141"),h:A,Gx:BigInt("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240"),Gy:BigInt("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424"),beta:BigInt("0x7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee")});function u(Y){const{a:$,b:K}=d,ae=P(Y*Y),ce=P(ae*Y);return P(ce+$*Y+K)}e.CURVE=d;const s=d.a===R;class r extends Error{constructor($){super($)}}class n{constructor($,K,ae){this.x=$,this.y=K,this.z=ae}static fromAffine($){if(!($ instanceof i))throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint#fromAffine: expected Point");return new n($.x,$.y,A)}static toAffineBatch($){const K=function(ae,ce=d.P){const he=new Array(ae.length),me=C(ae.reduce((ge,ve,be)=>ve===R?ge:(he[be]=ge,P(ge*ve,ce)),A),ce);return ae.reduceRight((ge,ve,be)=>ve===R?ge:(he[be]=P(ge*he[be],ce),P(ge*ve,ce)),me),he}($.map(ae=>ae.z));return $.map((ae,ce)=>ae.toAffine(K[ce]))}static normalizeZ($){return n.toAffineBatch($).map(n.fromAffine)}equals($){if(!($ instanceof n))throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint expected");const{x:K,y:ae,z:ce}=this,{x:he,y:me,z:ge}=$,ve=P(ce*ce),be=P(ge*ge),we=P(K*be),xe=P(he*ve),Ee=P(P(ae*ge)*be),Pe=P(P(me*ce)*ve);return we===xe&&Ee===Pe}negate(){return new n(this.x,P(-this.y),this.z)}double(){const{x:$,y:K,z:ae}=this,ce=P($*$),he=P(K*K),me=P(he*he),ge=$+he,ve=P(w*(P(ge*ge)-ce-me)),be=P(a*ce),we=P(be*be),xe=P(we-w*ve),Ee=P(be*(ve-xe)-t*me),Pe=P(w*K*ae);return new n(xe,Ee,Pe)}add($){if(!($ instanceof n))throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint expected");const{x:K,y:ae,z:ce}=this,{x:he,y:me,z:ge}=$;if(he===R||me===R)return this;if(K===R||ae===R)return $;const ve=P(ce*ce),be=P(ge*ge),we=P(K*be),xe=P(he*ve),Ee=P(P(ae*ge)*be),Pe=P(P(me*ce)*ve),Se=P(xe-we),Re=P(Pe-Ee);if(Se===R)return Re===R?this.double():n.ZERO;const ke=P(Se*Se),Oe=P(Se*ke),Me=P(we*ke),Ae=P(Re*Re-Oe-w*Me),Ne=P(Re*(Me-Ae)-Ee*Oe),Ce=P(ce*ge*Se);return new n(Ae,Ne,Ce)}subtract($){return this.add($.negate())}multiplyUnsafe($){const K=n.ZERO;if(typeof $=="bigint"&&$===R)return K;let ae=p($);if(ae===A)return this;if(!s){let xe=K,Ee=this;for(;ae>R;)ae&A&&(xe=xe.add(Ee)),Ee=Ee.double(),ae>>=A;return xe}let{k1neg:ce,k1:he,k2neg:me,k2:ge}=ee(ae),ve=K,be=K,we=this;for(;he>R||ge>R;)he&A&&(ve=ve.add(we)),ge&A&&(be=be.add(we)),we=we.double(),he>>=A,ge>>=A;return ce&&(ve=ve.negate()),me&&(be=be.negate()),be=new n(P(be.x*d.beta),be.y,be.z),ve.add(be)}precomputeWindow($){const K=s?128/$+1:256/$+1,ae=[];let ce=this,he=ce;for(let me=0;me>=xe,Se>ve&&(Se-=we,$+=A),Se===0){let Re=ce[Pe];Ee%2&&(Re=Re.negate()),me=me.add(Re)}else{let Re=ce[Pe+Math.abs(Se)-1];Se<0&&(Re=Re.negate()),he=he.add(Re)}}return{p:he,f:me}}multiply($,K){let ae,ce,he=p($);if(s){const{k1neg:me,k1:ge,k2neg:ve,k2:be}=ee(he);let{p:we,f:xe}=this.wNAF(ge,K),{p:Ee,f:Pe}=this.wNAF(be,K);me&&(we=we.negate()),ve&&(Ee=Ee.negate()),Ee=new n(P(Ee.x*d.beta),Ee.y,Ee.z),ae=we.add(Ee),ce=xe.add(Pe)}else{const{p:me,f:ge}=this.wNAF(he,K);ae=me,ce=ge}return n.normalizeZ([ae,ce])[0]}toAffine($=C(this.z)){const{x:K,y:ae,z:ce}=this,he=$,me=P(he*he),ge=P(me*he),ve=P(K*me),be=P(ae*ge);if(P(ce*he)!==A)throw new Error("invZ was invalid");return new i(ve,be)}}n.BASE=new n(d.Gx,d.Gy,A),n.ZERO=new n(R,A,R);const o=new WeakMap;class i{constructor($,K){this.x=$,this.y=K}_setWindowSize($){this._WINDOW_SIZE=$,o.delete(this)}hasEvenY(){return this.y%w===R}static fromCompressedHex($){const K=$.length===32,ae=k(K?$:$.subarray(1));if(!Q(ae))throw new Error("Point is not on curve");let ce=function(ge){const{P:ve}=d,be=BigInt(6),we=BigInt(11),xe=BigInt(22),Ee=BigInt(23),Pe=BigInt(44),Se=BigInt(88),Re=ge*ge*ge%ve,ke=Re*Re*ge%ve,Oe=B(ke,a)*ke%ve,Me=B(Oe,a)*ke%ve,Ae=B(Me,w)*Re%ve,Ne=B(Ae,we)*Ae%ve,Ce=B(Ne,xe)*Ne%ve,Te=B(Ce,Pe)*Ce%ve,Ie=B(Te,Se)*Te%ve,De=B(Ie,Pe)*Ce%ve,je=B(De,a)*ke%ve,Ue=B(je,Ee)*Ne%ve,Je=B(Ue,be)*Re%ve;return B(Je,w)}(u(ae));const he=(ce&A)===A;K?he&&(ce=P(-ce)):(1&$[0])==1!==he&&(ce=P(-ce));const me=new i(ae,ce);return me.assertValidity(),me}static fromUncompressedHex($){const K=k($.subarray(1,33)),ae=k($.subarray(33,65)),ce=new i(K,ae);return ce.assertValidity(),ce}static fromHex($){const K=b($),ae=K.length,ce=K[0];if(ae===32||ae===33&&(ce===2||ce===3))return this.fromCompressedHex(K);if(ae===65&&ce===4)return this.fromUncompressedHex(K);throw new Error(`Point.fromHex: received invalid point. Expected 32-33 compressed bytes or 65 uncompressed bytes, not ${ae}`)}static fromPrivateKey($){return i.BASE.multiply(F($))}static fromSignature($,K,ae){const ce=oe($=b($)),{r:he,s:me}=ue(K);if(ae!==0&&ae!==1)throw new Error("Cannot recover signature: invalid recovery bit");const ge=1&ae?"03":"02",ve=i.fromHex(ge+j(he)),{n:be}=d,we=C(he,be),xe=P(-ce*we,be),Ee=P(me*we,be),Pe=i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(ve,xe,Ee);if(!Pe)throw new Error("Cannot recover signature: point at infinify");return Pe.assertValidity(),Pe}toRawBytes($=!1){return x(this.toHex($))}toHex($=!1){const K=j(this.x);return $?`${this.hasEvenY()?"02":"03"}${K}`:`04${K}${j(this.y)}`}toHexX(){return this.toHex(!0).slice(2)}toRawX(){return this.toRawBytes(!0).slice(1)}assertValidity(){const $="Point is not on elliptic curve",{x:K,y:ae}=this;if(!Q(K)||!Q(ae))throw new Error($);const ce=P(ae*ae);if(P(ce-u(K))!==R)throw new Error($)}equals($){return this.x===$.x&&this.y===$.y}negate(){return new i(this.x,P(-this.y))}double(){return n.fromAffine(this).double().toAffine()}add($){return n.fromAffine(this).add(n.fromAffine($)).toAffine()}subtract($){return this.add($.negate())}multiply($){return n.fromAffine(this).multiply($,this).toAffine()}multiplyAndAddUnsafe($,K,ae){const ce=n.fromAffine(this),he=K===R||K===A||this!==i.BASE?ce.multiplyUnsafe(K):ce.multiply(K),me=n.fromAffine($).multiplyUnsafe(ae),ge=he.add(me);return ge.equals(n.ZERO)?void 0:ge.toAffine()}}function f(Y){return Number.parseInt(Y[0],16)>=8?"00"+Y:Y}function c(Y){if(Y.length<2||Y[0]!==2)throw new Error(`Invalid signature integer tag: ${I(Y)}`);const $=Y[1],K=Y.subarray(2,$+2);if(!$||K.length!==$)throw new Error("Invalid signature integer: wrong length");if(K[0]===0&&K[1]<=127)throw new Error("Invalid signature integer: trailing length");return{data:k(K),left:Y.subarray($+2)}}e.Point=i,i.BASE=new i(d.Gx,d.Gy),i.ZERO=new i(R,R);class h{constructor($,K){this.r=$,this.s=K,this.assertValidity()}static fromCompact($){const K=$ instanceof Uint8Array,ae="Signature.fromCompact";if(typeof $!="string"&&!K)throw new TypeError(`${ae}: Expected string or Uint8Array`);const ce=K?I($):$;if(ce.length!==128)throw new Error(`${ae}: Expected 64-byte hex`);return new h(T(ce.slice(0,64)),T(ce.slice(64,128)))}static fromDER($){const K=$ instanceof Uint8Array;if(typeof $!="string"&&!K)throw new TypeError("Signature.fromDER: Expected string or Uint8Array");const{r:ae,s:ce}=function(he){if(he.length<2||he[0]!=48)throw new Error(`Invalid signature tag: ${I(he)}`);if(he[1]!==he.length-2)throw new Error("Invalid signature: incorrect length");const{data:me,left:ge}=c(he.subarray(2)),{data:ve,left:be}=c(ge);if(be.length)throw new Error(`Invalid signature: left bytes after parsing: ${I(be)}`);return{r:me,s:ve}}(K?$:x($));return new h(ae,ce)}static fromHex($){return this.fromDER($)}assertValidity(){const{r:$,s:K}=this;if(!te($))throw new Error("Invalid Signature: r must be 0 < r < n");if(!te(K))throw new Error("Invalid Signature: s must be 0 < s < n")}hasHighS(){const $=d.n>>A;return this.s>$}normalizeS(){return this.hasHighS()?new h(this.r,d.n-this.s):this}toDERRawBytes($=!1){return x(this.toDERHex($))}toDERHex($=!1){const K=f(S(this.s));if($)return K;const ae=f(S(this.r)),ce=S(ae.length/2),he=S(K.length/2);return`30${S(ae.length/2+K.length/2+4)}02${ce}${ae}02${he}${K}`}toRawBytes(){return this.toDERRawBytes()}toHex(){return this.toDERHex()}toCompactRawBytes(){return x(this.toCompactHex())}toCompactHex(){return j(this.r)+j(this.s)}}function m(...Y){if(!Y.every(ae=>ae instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Uint8Array list expected");if(Y.length===1)return Y[0];const $=Y.reduce((ae,ce)=>ae+ce.length,0),K=new Uint8Array($);for(let ae=0,ce=0;ae$.toString(16).padStart(2,"0"));function I(Y){if(!(Y instanceof Uint8Array))throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array");let $="";for(let K=0;K0)return BigInt(Y);if(typeof Y=="bigint"&&te(Y))return Y;throw new TypeError("Expected valid private scalar: 0 < scalar < curve.n")}function P(Y,$=d.P){const K=Y%$;return K>=R?K:$+K}function B(Y,$){const{P:K}=d;let ae=Y;for(;$-- >R;)ae*=ae,ae%=K;return ae}function C(Y,$=d.P){if(Y===R||$<=R)throw new Error(`invert: expected positive integers, got n=${Y} mod=${$}`);let K=P(Y,$),ae=$,ce=R,he=A;for(;K!==R;){const me=ae/K,ge=ae%K,ve=ce-he*me;ae=K,K=ge,ce=he,he=ve}if(ae!==A)throw new Error("invert: does not exist");return P(ce,$)}const L=(Y,$)=>(Y+$/w)/$,re={a1:BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"),b1:-A*BigInt("0xe4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"),a2:BigInt("0x114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8"),b2:BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"),POW_2_128:BigInt("0x100000000000000000000000000000000")};function ee(Y){const{n:$}=d,{a1:K,b1:ae,a2:ce,b2:he,POW_2_128:me}=re,ge=L(he*Y,$),ve=L(-ae*Y,$);let be=P(Y-ge*K-ve*ce,$),we=P(-ge*ae-ve*he,$);const xe=be>me,Ee=we>me;if(xe&&(be=$-be),Ee&&(we=$-we),be>me||we>me)throw new Error("splitScalarEndo: Endomorphism failed, k="+Y);return{k1neg:xe,k1:be,k2neg:Ee,k2:we}}function oe(Y){const{n:$}=d,K=8*Y.length-256;let ae=k(Y);return K>0&&(ae>>=BigInt(K)),ae>=$&&(ae-=$),ae}let D,Z;class H{constructor(){this.v=new Uint8Array(32).fill(1),this.k=new Uint8Array(32).fill(0),this.counter=0}hmac(...$){return e.utils.hmacSha256(this.k,...$)}hmacSync(...$){return Z(this.k,...$)}checkSync(){if(typeof Z!="function")throw new r("hmacSha256Sync needs to be set")}incr(){if(this.counter>=1e3)throw new Error("Tried 1,000 k values for sign(), all were invalid");this.counter+=1}async reseed($=new Uint8Array){this.k=await this.hmac(this.v,Uint8Array.from([0]),$),this.v=await this.hmac(this.v),$.length!==0&&(this.k=await this.hmac(this.v,Uint8Array.from([1]),$),this.v=await this.hmac(this.v))}reseedSync($=new Uint8Array){this.checkSync(),this.k=this.hmacSync(this.v,Uint8Array.from([0]),$),this.v=this.hmacSync(this.v),$.length!==0&&(this.k=this.hmacSync(this.v,Uint8Array.from([1]),$),this.v=this.hmacSync(this.v))}async generate(){return this.incr(),this.v=await this.hmac(this.v),this.v}generateSync(){return this.checkSync(),this.incr(),this.v=this.hmacSync(this.v),this.v}}function te(Y){return R0)$=BigInt(Y);else if(typeof Y=="string"){if(Y.length!==64)throw new Error("Expected 32 bytes of private key");$=T(Y)}else{if(!(Y instanceof Uint8Array))throw new TypeError("Expected valid private key");if(Y.length!==32)throw new Error("Expected 32 bytes of private key");$=k(Y)}if(!te($))throw new Error("Expected private key: 0 < key < n");return $}function se(Y){return Y instanceof i?(Y.assertValidity(),Y):i.fromHex(Y)}function ue(Y){if(Y instanceof h)return Y.assertValidity(),Y;try{return h.fromDER(Y)}catch{return h.fromCompact(Y)}}function le(Y){const $=Y instanceof Uint8Array,K=typeof Y=="string",ae=($||K)&&Y.length;return $?ae===33||ae===65:K?ae===66||ae===130:Y instanceof i}function fe(Y){return k(Y.length>32?Y.slice(0,32):Y)}function _e(Y){const $=fe(Y),K=P($,d.n);return de(K{if((Y=b(Y)).length<40||Y.length>1024)throw new Error("Expected 40-1024 bytes of private key as per FIPS 186");return N(P(k(Y),d.n-A)+A)},randomBytes:(Y=32)=>{if(ne.web)return ne.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(Y));if(ne.node){const{randomBytes:$}=ne.node;return Uint8Array.from($(Y))}throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function")},randomPrivateKey:()=>e.utils.hashToPrivateKey(e.utils.randomBytes(40)),sha256:async(...Y)=>{if(ne.web){const $=await ne.web.subtle.digest("SHA-256",m(...Y));return new Uint8Array($)}if(ne.node){const{createHash:$}=ne.node,K=$("sha256");return Y.forEach(ae=>K.update(ae)),Uint8Array.from(K.digest())}throw new Error("The environment doesn't have sha256 function")},hmacSha256:async(Y,...$)=>{if(ne.web){const K=await ne.web.subtle.importKey("raw",Y,{name:"HMAC",hash:{name:"SHA-256"}},!1,["sign"]),ae=m(...$),ce=await ne.web.subtle.sign("HMAC",K,ae);return new Uint8Array(ce)}if(ne.node){const{createHmac:K}=ne.node,ae=K("sha256",Y);return $.forEach(ce=>ae.update(ce)),Uint8Array.from(ae.digest())}throw new Error("The environment doesn't have hmac-sha256 function")},sha256Sync:void 0,hmacSha256Sync:void 0,taggedHash:async(Y,...$)=>{let K=V[Y];if(K===void 0){const ae=await e.utils.sha256(Uint8Array.from(Y,ce=>ce.charCodeAt(0)));K=m(ae,ae),V[Y]=K}return e.utils.sha256(K,...$)},taggedHashSync:(Y,...$)=>{if(typeof D!="function")throw new r("sha256Sync is undefined, you need to set it");let K=V[Y];if(K===void 0){const ae=D(Uint8Array.from(Y,ce=>ce.charCodeAt(0)));K=m(ae,ae),V[Y]=K}return D(K,...$)},precompute(Y=8,$=i.BASE){const K=$===i.BASE?$:new i($.x,$.y);return K._setWindowSize(Y),K.multiply(a),K}},Object.defineProperties(e.utils,{sha256Sync:{configurable:!1,get:()=>D,set(Y){D||(D=Y)}},hmacSha256Sync:{configurable:!1,get:()=>Z,set(Y){Z||(Z=Y)}}})},4537:J=>{J.exports=function(e,y){for(var E=new Array(arguments.length-1),R=0,A=2,w=!0;A{var y=e;y.length=function(a){var t=a.length;if(!t)return 0;for(var d=0;--t%4>1&&a.charAt(t)==="=";)++d;return Math.ceil(3*a.length)/4-d};for(var E=new Array(64),R=new Array(123),A=0;A<64;)R[E[A]=A<26?A+65:A<52?A+71:A<62?A-4:A-59|43]=A++;y.encode=function(a,t,d){for(var u,s=null,r=[],n=0,o=0;t>2],u=(3&i)<<4,o=1;break;case 1:r[n++]=E[u|i>>4],u=(15&i)<<2,o=2;break;case 2:r[n++]=E[u|i>>6],r[n++]=E[63&i],o=0}n>8191&&((s||(s=[])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,r)),n=0)}return o&&(r[n++]=E[u],r[n++]=61,o===1&&(r[n++]=61)),s?(n&&s.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,r.slice(0,n))),s.join("")):String.fromCharCode.apply(String,r.slice(0,n))};var w="invalid encoding";y.decode=function(a,t,d){for(var u,s=d,r=0,n=0;n1)break;if((o=R[o])===void 0)throw Error(w);switch(r){case 0:u=o,r=1;break;case 1:t[d++]=u<<2|(48&o)>>4,u=o,r=2;break;case 2:t[d++]=(15&u)<<4|(60&o)>>2,u=o,r=3;break;case 3:t[d++]=(3&u)<<6|o,r=0}}if(r===1)throw Error(w);return d-s},y.test=function(a){return/^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(a)}},9211:J=>{function e(){this._listeners={}}J.exports=e,e.prototype.on=function(y,E,R){return(this._listeners[y]||(this._listeners[y]=[])).push({fn:E,ctx:R||this}),this},e.prototype.off=function(y,E){if(y===void 0)this._listeners={};else if(E===void 0)this._listeners[y]=[];else for(var R=this._listeners[y],A=0;A{function e(w){return typeof Float32Array<"u"?function(){var a=new Float32Array([-0]),t=new Uint8Array(a.buffer),d=t[3]===128;function u(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[0],i[f+1]=t[1],i[f+2]=t[2],i[f+3]=t[3]}function s(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[3],i[f+1]=t[2],i[f+2]=t[1],i[f+3]=t[0]}function r(o,i){return t[0]=o[i],t[1]=o[i+1],t[2]=o[i+2],t[3]=o[i+3],a[0]}function n(o,i){return t[3]=o[i],t[2]=o[i+1],t[1]=o[i+2],t[0]=o[i+3],a[0]}w.writeFloatLE=d?u:s,w.writeFloatBE=d?s:u,w.readFloatLE=d?r:n,w.readFloatBE=d?n:r}():function(){function a(d,u,s,r){var n=u<0?1:0;if(n&&(u=-u),u===0)d(1/u>0?0:2147483648,s,r);else if(isNaN(u))d(2143289344,s,r);else if(u>34028234663852886e22)d((n<<31|2139095040)>>>0,s,r);else if(u<11754943508222875e-54)d((n<<31|Math.round(u/1401298464324817e-60))>>>0,s,r);else{var o=Math.floor(Math.log(u)/Math.LN2);d((n<<31|o+127<<23|8388607&Math.round(u*Math.pow(2,-o)*8388608))>>>0,s,r)}}function t(d,u,s){var r=d(u,s),n=2*(r>>31)+1,o=r>>>23&255,i=8388607&r;return o===255?i?NaN:n*(1/0):o===0?1401298464324817e-60*n*i:n*Math.pow(2,o-150)*(i+8388608)}w.writeFloatLE=a.bind(null,y),w.writeFloatBE=a.bind(null,E),w.readFloatLE=t.bind(null,R),w.readFloatBE=t.bind(null,A)}(),typeof Float64Array<"u"?function(){var a=new Float64Array([-0]),t=new Uint8Array(a.buffer),d=t[7]===128;function u(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[0],i[f+1]=t[1],i[f+2]=t[2],i[f+3]=t[3],i[f+4]=t[4],i[f+5]=t[5],i[f+6]=t[6],i[f+7]=t[7]}function s(o,i,f){a[0]=o,i[f]=t[7],i[f+1]=t[6],i[f+2]=t[5],i[f+3]=t[4],i[f+4]=t[3],i[f+5]=t[2],i[f+6]=t[1],i[f+7]=t[0]}function r(o,i){return t[0]=o[i],t[1]=o[i+1],t[2]=o[i+2],t[3]=o[i+3],t[4]=o[i+4],t[5]=o[i+5],t[6]=o[i+6],t[7]=o[i+7],a[0]}function n(o,i){return t[7]=o[i],t[6]=o[i+1],t[5]=o[i+2],t[4]=o[i+3],t[3]=o[i+4],t[2]=o[i+5],t[1]=o[i+6],t[0]=o[i+7],a[0]}w.writeDoubleLE=d?u:s,w.writeDoubleBE=d?s:u,w.readDoubleLE=d?r:n,w.readDoubleBE=d?n:r}():function(){function a(d,u,s,r,n,o){var i=r<0?1:0;if(i&&(r=-r),r===0)d(0,n,o+u),d(1/r>0?0:2147483648,n,o+s);else if(isNaN(r))d(0,n,o+u),d(2146959360,n,o+s);else if(r>17976931348623157e292)d(0,n,o+u),d((i<<31|2146435072)>>>0,n,o+s);else{var f;if(r<22250738585072014e-324)d((f=r/5e-324)>>>0,n,o+u),d((i<<31|f/4294967296)>>>0,n,o+s);else{var c=Math.floor(Math.log(r)/Math.LN2);c===1024&&(c=1023),d(4503599627370496*(f=r*Math.pow(2,-c))>>>0,n,o+u),d((i<<31|c+1023<<20|1048576*f&1048575)>>>0,n,o+s)}}}function t(d,u,s,r,n){var o=d(r,n+u),i=d(r,n+s),f=2*(i>>31)+1,c=i>>>20&2047,h=4294967296*(1048575&i)+o;return c===2047?h?NaN:f*(1/0):c===0?5e-324*f*h:f*Math.pow(2,c-1075)*(h+4503599627370496)}w.writeDoubleLE=a.bind(null,y,0,4),w.writeDoubleBE=a.bind(null,E,4,0),w.readDoubleLE=t.bind(null,R,0,4),w.readDoubleBE=t.bind(null,A,4,0)}(),w}function y(w,a,t){a[t]=255&w,a[t+1]=w>>>8&255,a[t+2]=w>>>16&255,a[t+3]=w>>>24}function E(w,a,t){a[t]=w>>>24,a[t+1]=w>>>16&255,a[t+2]=w>>>8&255,a[t+3]=255&w}function R(w,a){return(w[a]|w[a+1]<<8|w[a+2]<<16|w[a+3]<<24)>>>0}function A(w,a){return(w[a]<<24|w[a+1]<<16|w[a+2]<<8|w[a+3])>>>0}J.exports=e(e)},7199:module=>{function inquire(moduleName){try{var mod=eval("quire".replace(/^/,"re"))(moduleName);if(mod&&(mod.length||Object.keys(mod).length))return mod}catch(J){}return null}module.exports=inquire},6662:J=>{J.exports=function(e,y,E){var R=E||8192,A=R>>>1,w=null,a=R;return function(t){if(t<1||t>A)return e(t);a+t>R&&(w=e(R),a=0);var d=y.call(w,a,a+=t);return 7&a&&(a=1+(7|a)),d}}},4997:(J,e)=>{var y=e;y.length=function(E){for(var R=0,A=0,w=0;w191&&w<224?t[d++]=(31&w)<<6|63&E[R++]:w>239&&w<365?(w=((7&w)<<18|(63&E[R++])<<12|(63&E[R++])<<6|63&E[R++])-65536,t[d++]=55296+(w>>10),t[d++]=56320+(1023&w)):t[d++]=(15&w)<<12|(63&E[R++])<<6|63&E[R++],d>8191&&((a||(a=[])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t)),d=0);return a?(d&&a.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(0,d))),a.join("")):String.fromCharCode.apply(String,t.slice(0,d))},y.write=function(E,R,A){for(var w,a,t=A,d=0;d>6|192,R[A++]=63&w|128):(64512&w)==55296&&(64512&(a=E.charCodeAt(d+1)))==56320?(w=65536+((1023&w)<<10)+(1023&a),++d,R[A++]=w>>18|240,R[A++]=w>>12&63|128,R[A++]=w>>6&63|128,R[A++]=63&w|128):(R[A++]=w>>12|224,R[A++]=w>>6&63|128,R[A++]=63&w|128);return A-t}},9282:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4155),R=y(5108);function A(ee){return A=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(oe){return typeof oe}:function(oe){return oe&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&oe.constructor===Symbol&&oe!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof oe},A(ee)}var w,a,t=y(2136).codes,d=t.ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT,u=t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE,s=t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE,r=t.ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE,n=t.ERR_MISSING_ARGS,o=y(5961),i=y(9539).inspect,f=y(9539).types,c=f.isPromise,h=f.isRegExp,m=Object.assign?Object.assign:y(8091).assign,v=Object.is?Object.is:y(609);function I(){var ee=y(9158);w=ee.isDeepEqual,a=ee.isDeepStrictEqual}var l=!1,j=J.exports=x,N={};function S(ee){throw ee.message instanceof Error?ee.message:new o(ee)}function T(ee,oe,D,Z){if(!D){var H=!1;if(oe===0)H=!0,Z="No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`";else if(Z instanceof Error)throw Z;var te=new o({actual:D,expected:!0,message:Z,operator:"==",stackStartFn:ee});throw te.generatedMessage=H,te}}function x(){for(var ee=arguments.length,oe=new Array(ee),D=0;D1?D-1:0),H=1;H1?D-1:0),H=1;H1?D-1:0),H=1;H1?D-1:0),H=1;H{var E=b(4155);function M(R,k,N){return k in R?Object.defineProperty(R,k,{value:N,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):R[k]=N,R}function P(R,k){for(var N=0;N"u"||!Reflect.construct||Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if(typeof Proxy=="function")return!0;try{return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date,[],function(){})),!0}catch{return!1}}()?Reflect.construct:function(A,w,_){var p=[null];p.push.apply(p,w);var O=new(Function.bind.apply(A,p));return _&&u(O,_.prototype),O},d.apply(null,arguments)}function u(R,k){return u=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(N,A){return N.__proto__=A,N},u(R,k)}function s(R){return s=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(k){return k.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(k)},s(R)}function r(R){return r=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(k){return typeof k}:function(k){return k&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&k.constructor===Symbol&&k!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof k},r(R)}var n=b(9539).inspect,o=b(2136).codes.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE;function i(R,k,N){return(N===void 0||N>R.length)&&(N=R.length),R.substring(N-k.length,N)===k}var f="",c="",h="",m="",v={deepStrictEqual:"Expected values to be strictly deep-equal:",strictEqual:"Expected values to be strictly equal:",strictEqualObject:'Expected "actual" to be reference-equal to "expected":',deepEqual:"Expected values to be loosely deep-equal:",equal:"Expected values to be loosely equal:",notDeepStrictEqual:'Expected "actual" not to be strictly deep-equal to:',notStrictEqual:'Expected "actual" to be strictly unequal to:',notStrictEqualObject:'Expected "actual" not to be reference-equal to "expected":',notDeepEqual:'Expected "actual" not to be loosely deep-equal to:',notEqual:'Expected "actual" to be loosely unequal to:',notIdentical:"Values identical but not reference-equal:"};function C(R){var k=Object.keys(R),N=Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(R));return k.forEach(function(A){N[A]=R[A]}),Object.defineProperty(N,"message",{value:R.message}),N}function l(R){return n(R,{compact:!1,customInspect:!1,depth:1e3,maxArrayLength:1/0,showHidden:!1,breakLength:1/0,showProxy:!1,sorted:!0,getters:!0})}var I=function(R){function k(w){var _;if(function(ee,K){if(!(ee instanceof K))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this,k),r(w)!=="object"||w===null)throw new o("options","Object",w);var p=w.message,O=w.operator,U=w.stackStartFn,T=w.actual,z=w.expected,te=Error.stackTraceLimit;if(Error.stackTraceLimit=0,p!=null)_=y(this,s(k).call(this,String(p)));else if(E.stderr&&E.stderr.isTTY&&(E.stderr&&E.stderr.getColorDepth&&E.stderr.getColorDepth()!==1?(f="\x1B[34m",c="\x1B[32m",m="\x1B[39m",h="\x1B[31m"):(f="",c="",m="",h="")),r(T)==="object"&&T!==null&&r(z)==="object"&&z!==null&&"stack"in T&&T instanceof Error&&"stack"in z&&z instanceof Error&&(T=C(T),z=C(z)),O==="deepStrictEqual"||O==="strictEqual")_=y(this,s(k).call(this,function(ee,K,Y){var q="",ae="",de=0,ue="",le=!1,ge=l(ee),ce=ge.split(` -`),he=l(K).split(` -`),be=0,W="";if(Y==="strictEqual"&&r(ee)==="object"&&r(K)==="object"&&ee!==null&&K!==null&&(Y="strictEqualObject"),ce.length===1&&he.length===1&&ce[0]!==he[0]){var g=ce[0].length+he[0].length;if(g<=10){if(!(r(ee)==="object"&&ee!==null||r(K)==="object"&&K!==null||ee===0&&K===0))return"".concat(v[Y],` +`).concat(te.join(` +`))}throw Z}},j.strict=m(re,j,{equal:j.strictEqual,deepEqual:j.deepStrictEqual,notEqual:j.notStrictEqual,notDeepEqual:j.notDeepStrictEqual}),j.strict.strict=j.strict},5961:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4155);function R(N,S,T){return S in N?Object.defineProperty(N,S,{value:T,enumerable:!0,configurable:!0,writable:!0}):N[S]=T,N}function A(N,S){for(var T=0;T"u"||!Reflect.construct||Reflect.construct.sham)return!1;if(typeof Proxy=="function")return!0;try{return Date.prototype.toString.call(Reflect.construct(Date,[],function(){})),!0}catch{return!1}}()?Reflect.construct:function(x,k,b){var p=[null];p.push.apply(p,k);var P=new(Function.bind.apply(x,p));return b&&u(P,b.prototype),P},d.apply(null,arguments)}function u(N,S){return u=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(T,x){return T.__proto__=x,T},u(N,S)}function s(N){return s=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(S){return S.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(S)},s(N)}function r(N){return r=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(S){return typeof S}:function(S){return S&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&S.constructor===Symbol&&S!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof S},r(N)}var n=y(9539).inspect,o=y(2136).codes.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE;function i(N,S,T){return(T===void 0||T>N.length)&&(T=N.length),N.substring(T-S.length,T)===S}var f="",c="",h="",m="",v={deepStrictEqual:"Expected values to be strictly deep-equal:",strictEqual:"Expected values to be strictly equal:",strictEqualObject:'Expected "actual" to be reference-equal to "expected":',deepEqual:"Expected values to be loosely deep-equal:",equal:"Expected values to be loosely equal:",notDeepStrictEqual:'Expected "actual" not to be strictly deep-equal to:',notStrictEqual:'Expected "actual" to be strictly unequal to:',notStrictEqualObject:'Expected "actual" not to be reference-equal to "expected":',notDeepEqual:'Expected "actual" not to be loosely deep-equal to:',notEqual:'Expected "actual" to be loosely unequal to:',notIdentical:"Values identical but not reference-equal:"};function I(N){var S=Object.keys(N),T=Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(N));return S.forEach(function(x){T[x]=N[x]}),Object.defineProperty(T,"message",{value:N.message}),T}function l(N){return n(N,{compact:!1,customInspect:!1,depth:1e3,maxArrayLength:1/0,showHidden:!1,breakLength:1/0,showProxy:!1,sorted:!0,getters:!0})}var j=function(N){function S(k){var b;if(function(te,Q){if(!(te instanceof Q))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this,S),r(k)!=="object"||k===null)throw new o("options","Object",k);var p=k.message,P=k.operator,B=k.stackStartFn,C=k.actual,L=k.expected,re=Error.stackTraceLimit;if(Error.stackTraceLimit=0,p!=null)b=w(this,s(S).call(this,String(p)));else if(E.stderr&&E.stderr.isTTY&&(E.stderr&&E.stderr.getColorDepth&&E.stderr.getColorDepth()!==1?(f="\x1B[34m",c="\x1B[32m",m="\x1B[39m",h="\x1B[31m"):(f="",c="",m="",h="")),r(C)==="object"&&C!==null&&r(L)==="object"&&L!==null&&"stack"in C&&C instanceof Error&&"stack"in L&&L instanceof Error&&(C=I(C),L=I(L)),P==="deepStrictEqual"||P==="strictEqual")b=w(this,s(S).call(this,function(te,Q,X){var F="",se="",ue=0,le="",fe=!1,_e=l(te),de=_e.split(` +`),pe=l(Q).split(` +`),ye=0,G="";if(X==="strictEqual"&&r(te)==="object"&&r(Q)==="object"&&te!==null&&Q!==null&&(X="strictEqualObject"),de.length===1&&pe.length===1&&de[0]!==pe[0]){var _=de[0].length+pe[0].length;if(_<=10){if(!(r(te)==="object"&&te!==null||r(Q)==="object"&&Q!==null||te===0&&Q===0))return"".concat(v[X],` -`)+"".concat(ce[0]," !== ").concat(he[0],` -`)}else if(Y!=="strictEqualObject"&&g<(E.stderr&&E.stderr.isTTY?E.stderr.columns:80)){for(;ce[0][be]===he[0][be];)be++;be>2&&(W=` - `.concat(function($,ie){if(ie=Math.floor(ie),$.length==0||ie==0)return"";var se=$.length*ie;for(ie=Math.floor(Math.log(ie)/Math.log(2));ie;)$+=$,ie--;return $+$.substring(0,se-$.length)}(" ",be),"^"),be=0)}}for(var S=ce[ce.length-1],x=he[he.length-1];S===x&&(be++<2?ue=` - `.concat(S).concat(ue):q=S,ce.pop(),he.pop(),ce.length!==0&&he.length!==0);)S=ce[ce.length-1],x=he[he.length-1];var j=Math.max(ce.length,he.length);if(j===0){var D=ge.split(` -`);if(D.length>30)for(D[26]="".concat(f,"...").concat(m);D.length>27;)D.pop();return"".concat(v.notIdentical,` +`)+"".concat(de[0]," !== ").concat(pe[0],` +`)}else if(X!=="strictEqualObject"&&_<(E.stderr&&E.stderr.isTTY?E.stderr.columns:80)){for(;de[0][ye]===pe[0][ye];)ye++;ye>2&&(G=` + `.concat(function(K,ae){if(ae=Math.floor(ae),K.length==0||ae==0)return"";var ce=K.length*ae;for(ae=Math.floor(Math.log(ae)/Math.log(2));ae;)K+=K,ae--;return K+K.substring(0,ce-K.length)}(" ",ye),"^"),ye=0)}}for(var O=de[de.length-1],M=pe[pe.length-1];O===M&&(ye++<2?le=` + `.concat(O).concat(le):F=O,de.pop(),pe.pop(),de.length!==0&&pe.length!==0);)O=de[de.length-1],M=pe[pe.length-1];var U=Math.max(de.length,pe.length);if(U===0){var z=_e.split(` +`);if(z.length>30)for(z[26]="".concat(f,"...").concat(m);z.length>27;)z.pop();return"".concat(v.notIdentical,` -`).concat(D.join(` +`).concat(z.join(` `),` -`)}be>3&&(ue=` -`.concat(f,"...").concat(m).concat(ue),le=!0),q!==""&&(ue=` - `.concat(q).concat(ue),q="");var L=0,F=v[Y]+` -`.concat(c,"+ actual").concat(m," ").concat(h,"- expected").concat(m),re=" ".concat(f,"...").concat(m," Lines skipped");for(be=0;be1&&be>2&&(oe>4?(ae+=` -`.concat(f,"...").concat(m),le=!0):oe>3&&(ae+=` - `.concat(he[be-2]),L++),ae+=` - `.concat(he[be-1]),L++),de=be,q+=` -`.concat(h,"-").concat(m," ").concat(he[be]),L++;else if(he.length1&&be>2&&(oe>4?(ae+=` -`.concat(f,"...").concat(m),le=!0):oe>3&&(ae+=` - `.concat(ce[be-2]),L++),ae+=` - `.concat(ce[be-1]),L++),de=be,ae+=` -`.concat(c,"+").concat(m," ").concat(ce[be]),L++;else{var G=he[be],Z=ce[be],H=Z!==G&&(!i(Z,",")||Z.slice(0,-1)!==G);H&&i(G,",")&&G.slice(0,-1)===Z&&(H=!1,Z+=","),H?(oe>1&&be>2&&(oe>4?(ae+=` -`.concat(f,"...").concat(m),le=!0):oe>3&&(ae+=` - `.concat(ce[be-2]),L++),ae+=` - `.concat(ce[be-1]),L++),de=be,ae+=` -`.concat(c,"+").concat(m," ").concat(Z),q+=` -`.concat(h,"-").concat(m," ").concat(G),L+=2):(ae+=q,q="",oe!==1&&be!==0||(ae+=` - `.concat(Z),L++))}if(L>20&&be30)for(ne[26]="".concat(f,"...").concat(m);ne.length>27;)ne.pop();_=ne.length===1?y(this,s(k).call(this,"".concat(X," ").concat(ne[0]))):y(this,s(k).call(this,"".concat(X,` +`)}ye>3&&(le=` +`.concat(f,"...").concat(m).concat(le),fe=!0),F!==""&&(le=` + `.concat(F).concat(le),F="");var q=0,W=v[X]+` +`.concat(c,"+ actual").concat(m," ").concat(h,"- expected").concat(m),ne=" ".concat(f,"...").concat(m," Lines skipped");for(ye=0;ye1&&ye>2&&(ie>4?(se+=` +`.concat(f,"...").concat(m),fe=!0):ie>3&&(se+=` + `.concat(pe[ye-2]),q++),se+=` + `.concat(pe[ye-1]),q++),ue=ye,F+=` +`.concat(h,"-").concat(m," ").concat(pe[ye]),q++;else if(pe.length1&&ye>2&&(ie>4?(se+=` +`.concat(f,"...").concat(m),fe=!0):ie>3&&(se+=` + `.concat(de[ye-2]),q++),se+=` + `.concat(de[ye-1]),q++),ue=ye,se+=` +`.concat(c,"+").concat(m," ").concat(de[ye]),q++;else{var V=pe[ye],Y=de[ye],$=Y!==V&&(!i(Y,",")||Y.slice(0,-1)!==V);$&&i(V,",")&&V.slice(0,-1)===Y&&($=!1,Y+=","),$?(ie>1&&ye>2&&(ie>4?(se+=` +`.concat(f,"...").concat(m),fe=!0):ie>3&&(se+=` + `.concat(de[ye-2]),q++),se+=` + `.concat(de[ye-1]),q++),ue=ye,se+=` +`.concat(c,"+").concat(m," ").concat(Y),F+=` +`.concat(h,"-").concat(m," ").concat(V),q+=2):(se+=F,F="",ie!==1&&ye!==0||(se+=` + `.concat(Y),q++))}if(q>20&&ye30)for(oe[26]="".concat(f,"...").concat(m);oe.length>27;)oe.pop();b=oe.length===1?w(this,s(S).call(this,"".concat(ee," ").concat(oe[0]))):w(this,s(S).call(this,"".concat(ee,` -`).concat(ne.join(` +`).concat(oe.join(` `),` -`)))}else{var B=l(T),Q="",V=v[O];O==="notDeepEqual"||O==="notEqual"?(B="".concat(v[O],` +`)))}else{var D=l(C),Z="",H=v[P];P==="notDeepEqual"||P==="notEqual"?(D="".concat(v[P],` -`).concat(B)).length>1024&&(B="".concat(B.slice(0,1021),"...")):(Q="".concat(l(z)),B.length>512&&(B="".concat(B.slice(0,509),"...")),Q.length>512&&(Q="".concat(Q.slice(0,509),"...")),O==="deepEqual"||O==="equal"?B="".concat(V,` +`).concat(D)).length>1024&&(D="".concat(D.slice(0,1021),"...")):(Z="".concat(l(L)),D.length>512&&(D="".concat(D.slice(0,509),"...")),Z.length>512&&(Z="".concat(Z.slice(0,509),"...")),P==="deepEqual"||P==="equal"?D="".concat(H,` -`).concat(B,` +`).concat(D,` should equal -`):Q=" ".concat(O," ").concat(Q)),_=y(this,s(k).call(this,"".concat(B).concat(Q)))}return Error.stackTraceLimit=te,_.generatedMessage=!p,Object.defineProperty(a(_),"name",{value:"AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]",enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}),_.code="ERR_ASSERTION",_.actual=T,_.expected=z,_.operator=O,Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(a(_),U),_.stack,_.name="AssertionError",y(_)}var N,A;return function(w,_){if(typeof _!="function"&&_!==null)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");w.prototype=Object.create(_&&_.prototype,{constructor:{value:w,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),_&&u(w,_)}(k,R),N=k,A=[{key:"toString",value:function(){return"".concat(this.name," [").concat(this.code,"]: ").concat(this.message)}},{key:n.custom,value:function(w,_){return n(this,function(p){for(var O=1;O{function E(s){return E=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(r){return typeof r}:function(r){return r&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&r.constructor===Symbol&&r!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof r},E(s)}function M(s){return M=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(r){return r.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(r)},M(s)}function P(s,r){return P=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(n,o){return n.__proto__=o,n},P(s,r)}var y,a,t={};function d(s,r,n){n||(n=Error);var o=function(i){function f(c,h,m){var v;return function(C,l){if(!(C instanceof l))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this,f),v=function(C,l){return!l||E(l)!=="object"&&typeof l!="function"?function(I){if(I===void 0)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return I}(C):l}(this,M(f).call(this,function(C,l,I){return typeof r=="string"?r:r(C,l,I)}(c,h,m))),v.code=s,v}return function(c,h){if(typeof h!="function"&&h!==null)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");c.prototype=Object.create(h&&h.prototype,{constructor:{value:c,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),h&&P(c,h)}(f,i),f}(n);t[s]=o}function u(s,r){if(Array.isArray(s)){var n=s.length;return s=s.map(function(o){return String(o)}),n>2?"one of ".concat(r," ").concat(s.slice(0,n-1).join(", "),", or ")+s[n-1]:n===2?"one of ".concat(r," ").concat(s[0]," or ").concat(s[1]):"of ".concat(r," ").concat(s[0])}return"of ".concat(r," ").concat(String(s))}d("ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT",'The "%s" argument is ambiguous. %s',TypeError),d("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE",function(s,r,n){var o,i,f,c,h;if(y===void 0&&(y=b(9282)),y(typeof s=="string","'name' must be a string"),typeof r=="string"&&(i="not ",r.substr(0,4)===i)?(o="must not be",r=r.replace(/^not /,"")):o="must be",function(v,C,l){return(l===void 0||l>v.length)&&(l=v.length),v.substring(l-9,l)===C}(s," argument"))f="The ".concat(s," ").concat(o," ").concat(u(r,"type"));else{var m=(typeof h!="number"&&(h=0),h+1>(c=s).length||c.indexOf(".",h)===-1?"argument":"property");f='The "'.concat(s,'" ').concat(m," ").concat(o," ").concat(u(r,"type"))}return f+". Received type ".concat(E(n))},TypeError),d("ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE",function(s,r){var n=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:"is invalid";a===void 0&&(a=b(9539));var o=a.inspect(r);return o.length>128&&(o="".concat(o.slice(0,128),"...")),"The argument '".concat(s,"' ").concat(n,". Received ").concat(o)},TypeError),d("ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE",function(s,r,n){var o;return o=n&&n.constructor&&n.constructor.name?"instance of ".concat(n.constructor.name):"type ".concat(E(n)),"Expected ".concat(s,' to be returned from the "').concat(r,'"')+" function but got ".concat(o,".")},TypeError),d("ERR_MISSING_ARGS",function(){for(var s=arguments.length,r=new Array(s),n=0;n0,"At least one arg needs to be specified");var o="The ",i=r.length;switch(r=r.map(function(f){return'"'.concat(f,'"')}),i){case 1:o+="".concat(r[0]," argument");break;case 2:o+="".concat(r[0]," and ").concat(r[1]," arguments");break;default:o+=r.slice(0,i-1).join(", "),o+=", and ".concat(r[i-1]," arguments")}return"".concat(o," must be specified")},TypeError),J.exports.codes=t},9158:(J,e,b)=>{function E(de,ue){return function(le){if(Array.isArray(le))return le}(de)||function(le,ge){var ce=[],he=!0,be=!1,W=void 0;try{for(var g,S=le[Symbol.iterator]();!(he=(g=S.next()).done)&&(ce.push(g.value),!ge||ce.length!==ge);he=!0);}catch(x){be=!0,W=x}finally{try{he||S.return==null||S.return()}finally{if(be)throw W}}return ce}(de,ue)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")}()}function M(de){return M=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(ue){return typeof ue}:function(ue){return ue&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&ue.constructor===Symbol&&ue!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof ue},M(de)}var P=/a/g.flags!==void 0,y=function(de){var ue=[];return de.forEach(function(le){return ue.push(le)}),ue},a=function(de){var ue=[];return de.forEach(function(le,ge){return ue.push([ge,le])}),ue},t=Object.is?Object.is:b(609),d=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?Object.getOwnPropertySymbols:function(){return[]},u=Number.isNaN?Number.isNaN:b(360);function s(de){return de.call.bind(de)}var r=s(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),n=s(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable),o=s(Object.prototype.toString),i=b(9539).types,f=i.isAnyArrayBuffer,c=i.isArrayBufferView,h=i.isDate,m=i.isMap,v=i.isRegExp,C=i.isSet,l=i.isNativeError,I=i.isBoxedPrimitive,R=i.isNumberObject,k=i.isStringObject,N=i.isBooleanObject,A=i.isBigIntObject,w=i.isSymbolObject,_=i.isFloat32Array,p=i.isFloat64Array;function O(de){if(de.length===0||de.length>10)return!0;for(var ue=0;ue57)return!0}return de.length===10&&de>=Math.pow(2,32)}function U(de){return Object.keys(de).filter(O).concat(d(de).filter(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.bind(de)))}function T(de,ue){if(de===ue)return 0;for(var le=de.length,ge=ue.length,ce=0,he=Math.min(le,ge);ce{var E=b(9509).Buffer;J.exports=function(M){if(M.length>=255)throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");for(var P=new Uint8Array(256),y=0;y>>0,v=new Uint8Array(m);i[f];){var C=P[i.charCodeAt(f)];if(C===255)return;for(var l=0,I=m-1;(C!==0||l>>0,v[I]=C%256>>>0,C=C/256>>>0;if(C!==0)throw new Error("Non-zero carry");h=l,f++}for(var R=m-h;R!==m&&v[R]===0;)R++;var k=E.allocUnsafe(c+(m-R));k.fill(0,0,c);for(var N=c;R!==m;)k[N++]=v[R++];return k}return{encode:function(i){if((Array.isArray(i)||i instanceof Uint8Array)&&(i=E.from(i)),!E.isBuffer(i))throw new TypeError("Expected Buffer");if(i.length===0)return"";for(var f=0,c=0,h=0,m=i.length;h!==m&&i[h]===0;)h++,f++;for(var v=(m-h)*n+1>>>0,C=new Uint8Array(v);h!==m;){for(var l=i[h],I=0,R=v-1;(l!==0||I>>0,C[R]=l%u>>>0,l=l/u>>>0;if(l!==0)throw new Error("Non-zero carry");c=I,h++}for(var k=v-c;k!==v&&C[k]===0;)k++;for(var N=s.repeat(f);k{e.byteLength=function(d){var u=a(d),s=u[0],r=u[1];return 3*(s+r)/4-r},e.toByteArray=function(d){var u,s,r=a(d),n=r[0],o=r[1],i=new M(function(h,m,v){return 3*(m+v)/4-v}(0,n,o)),f=0,c=o>0?n-4:n;for(s=0;s>16&255,i[f++]=u>>8&255,i[f++]=255&u;return o===2&&(u=E[d.charCodeAt(s)]<<2|E[d.charCodeAt(s+1)]>>4,i[f++]=255&u),o===1&&(u=E[d.charCodeAt(s)]<<10|E[d.charCodeAt(s+1)]<<4|E[d.charCodeAt(s+2)]>>2,i[f++]=u>>8&255,i[f++]=255&u),i},e.fromByteArray=function(d){for(var u,s=d.length,r=s%3,n=[],o=16383,i=0,f=s-r;if?f:i+o));return r===1?(u=d[s-1],n.push(b[u>>2]+b[u<<4&63]+"==")):r===2&&(u=(d[s-2]<<8)+d[s-1],n.push(b[u>>10]+b[u>>4&63]+b[u<<2&63]+"=")),n.join("")};for(var b=[],E=[],M=typeof Uint8Array<"u"?Uint8Array:Array,P="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",y=0;y<64;++y)b[y]=P[y],E[P.charCodeAt(y)]=y;function a(d){var u=d.length;if(u%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");var s=d.indexOf("=");return s===-1&&(s=u),[s,s===u?0:4-s%4]}function t(d,u,s){for(var r,n,o=[],i=u;i>18&63]+b[n>>12&63]+b[n>>6&63]+b[63&n]);return o.join("")}E["-".charCodeAt(0)]=62,E["_".charCodeAt(0)]=63},7715:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.bech32m=e.bech32=void 0;const b="qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l",E={};for(let s=0;s<32;s++){const r=b.charAt(s);E[r]=s}function M(s){const r=s>>25;return(33554431&s)<<5^996825010&-(r>>0&1)^642813549&-(r>>1&1)^513874426&-(r>>2&1)^1027748829&-(r>>3&1)^705979059&-(r>>4&1)}function P(s){let r=1;for(let n=0;n126)return"Invalid prefix ("+s+")";r=M(r)^o>>5}r=M(r);for(let n=0;n=n;)f-=n,h.push(i>>f&c);if(o)f>0&&h.push(i<=r)return"Excess padding";if(i<i)return"Exceeds length limit";const f=o.toLowerCase(),c=o.toUpperCase();if(o!==f&&o!==c)return"Mixed-case string "+o;const h=(o=f).lastIndexOf("1");if(h===-1)return"No separator character for "+o;if(h===0)return"Missing prefix for "+o;const m=o.slice(0,h),v=o.slice(h+1);if(v.length<6)return"Data too short";let C=P(m);if(typeof C=="string")return C;const l=[];for(let I=0;I=v.length||l.push(k)}return C!==r?"Invalid checksum for "+o:{prefix:m,words:l}}return r=s==="bech32"?1:734539939,{decodeUnsafe:function(o,i){const f=n(o,i);if(typeof f=="object")return f},decode:function(o,i){const f=n(o,i);if(typeof f=="object")return f;throw new Error(f)},encode:function(o,i,f){if(f=f||90,o.length+7+i.length>f)throw new TypeError("Exceeds length limit");let c=P(o=o.toLowerCase());if(typeof c=="string")throw new Error(c);let h=o+"1";for(let m=0;m>5)throw new Error("Non 5-bit word");c=M(c)^v,h+=b.charAt(v)}for(let m=0;m<6;++m)c=M(c);c^=r;for(let m=0;m<6;++m)h+=b.charAt(c>>5*(5-m)&31);return h},toWords:a,fromWordsUnsafe:t,fromWords:d}}e.bech32=u("bech32"),e.bech32m=u("bech32m")},4736:(J,e,b)=>{var E;J=b.nmd(J);var M=function(P){var y=1e7,a=7,t=9007199254740992,d=c(t),u="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",s=typeof BigInt=="function";function r(j,D,L,F){return j===void 0?r[0]:D===void 0||+D==10&&!L?S(j):ce(j,D,L,F)}function n(j,D){this.value=j,this.sign=D,this.isSmall=!1}function o(j){this.value=j,this.sign=j<0,this.isSmall=!0}function i(j){this.value=j}function f(j){return-t0?Math.floor(j):Math.ceil(j)}function l(j,D){var L,F,re=j.length,oe=D.length,G=new Array(re),Z=0,H=y;for(F=0;F=H?1:0,G[F]=L-Z*H;for(;F0&&G.push(Z),G}function I(j,D){return j.length>=D.length?l(j,D):l(D,j)}function R(j,D){var L,F,re=j.length,oe=new Array(re),G=y;for(F=0;F0;)oe[F++]=D%G,D=Math.floor(D/G);return oe}function k(j,D){var L,F,re=j.length,oe=D.length,G=new Array(re),Z=0,H=y;for(L=0;L0;)oe[F++]=Z%G,Z=Math.floor(Z/G);return oe}function _(j,D){for(var L=[];D-- >0;)L.push(0);return L.concat(j)}function p(j,D){var L=Math.max(j.length,D.length);if(L<=30)return A(j,D);L=Math.ceil(L/2);var F=j.slice(L),re=j.slice(0,L),oe=D.slice(L),G=D.slice(0,L),Z=p(re,G),H=p(F,oe),$=p(I(re,F),I(G,oe)),ie=I(I(Z,_(k(k($,Z),H),L)),_(H,2*L));return m(ie),ie}function O(j,D,L){return new n(j=0;--L)re=(oe=re*H+j[L])-(F=C(oe/D))*D,Z[L]=0|F;return[Z,0|re]}function z(j,D){var L,F=S(D);if(s)return[new i(j.value/F.value),new i(j.value%F.value)];var re,oe=j.value,G=F.value;if(G===0)throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero");if(j.isSmall)return F.isSmall?[new o(C(oe/G)),new o(oe%G)]:[r[0],j];if(F.isSmall){if(G===1)return[j,r[0]];if(G==-1)return[j.negate(),r[0]];var Z=Math.abs(G);if(Z=0;_e--){for(me=Se-1,Te[_e+we]!==Oe&&(me=Math.floor((Te[_e+we]*Se+Te[_e+we-1])/Oe)),ye=0,Ee=0,Pe=Ne.length,Ae=0;Aeke&&(ye=(ye+1)*Se),me=Math.ceil(ye/Ee);do{if(te(Ae=w(ve,me),we)<=0)break;me--}while(me);xe.push(me),we=k(we,Ae)}return xe.reverse(),[h(xe),h(we)]}(oe,G),re=L[0];var ie=j.sign!==F.sign,se=L[1],fe=j.sign;return typeof re=="number"?(ie&&(re=-re),re=new o(re)):re=new n(re,ie),typeof se=="number"?(fe&&(se=-se),se=new o(se)):se=new n(se,fe),[re,se]}function te(j,D){if(j.length!==D.length)return j.length>D.length?1:-1;for(var L=j.length-1;L>=0;L--)if(j[L]!==D[L])return j[L]>D[L]?1:-1;return 0}function X(j){var D=j.abs();return!D.isUnit()&&(!!(D.equals(2)||D.equals(3)||D.equals(5))||!(D.isEven()||D.isDivisibleBy(3)||D.isDivisibleBy(5))&&(!!D.lesser(49)||void 0))}function ne(j,D){for(var L,F,re,oe=j.prev(),G=oe,Z=0;G.isEven();)G=G.divide(2),Z++;e:for(F=0;F=0?Z=k(re,oe):(Z=k(oe,re),G=!G),typeof(Z=h(Z))=="number"?(G&&(Z=-Z),new o(Z)):new n(Z,G)}(L,F,this.sign)},n.prototype.minus=n.prototype.subtract,o.prototype.subtract=function(j){var D=S(j),L=this.value;if(L<0!==D.sign)return this.add(D.negate());var F=D.value;return D.isSmall?new o(L-F):N(F,Math.abs(L),L>=0)},o.prototype.minus=o.prototype.subtract,i.prototype.subtract=function(j){return new i(this.value-S(j).value)},i.prototype.minus=i.prototype.subtract,n.prototype.negate=function(){return new n(this.value,!this.sign)},o.prototype.negate=function(){var j=this.sign,D=new o(-this.value);return D.sign=!j,D},i.prototype.negate=function(){return new i(-this.value)},n.prototype.abs=function(){return new n(this.value,!1)},o.prototype.abs=function(){return new o(Math.abs(this.value))},i.prototype.abs=function(){return new i(this.value>=0?this.value:-this.value)},n.prototype.multiply=function(j){var D,L,F,re=S(j),oe=this.value,G=re.value,Z=this.sign!==re.sign;if(re.isSmall){if(G===0)return r[0];if(G===1)return this;if(G===-1)return this.negate();if((D=Math.abs(G))0?p(oe,G):A(oe,G),Z)},n.prototype.times=n.prototype.multiply,o.prototype._multiplyBySmall=function(j){return f(j.value*this.value)?new o(j.value*this.value):O(Math.abs(j.value),c(Math.abs(this.value)),this.sign!==j.sign)},n.prototype._multiplyBySmall=function(j){return j.value===0?r[0]:j.value===1?this:j.value===-1?this.negate():O(Math.abs(j.value),this.value,this.sign!==j.sign)},o.prototype.multiply=function(j){return S(j)._multiplyBySmall(this)},o.prototype.times=o.prototype.multiply,i.prototype.multiply=function(j){return new i(this.value*S(j).value)},i.prototype.times=i.prototype.multiply,n.prototype.square=function(){return new n(U(this.value),!1)},o.prototype.square=function(){var j=this.value*this.value;return f(j)?new o(j):new n(U(c(Math.abs(this.value))),!1)},i.prototype.square=function(j){return new i(this.value*this.value)},n.prototype.divmod=function(j){var D=z(this,j);return{quotient:D[0],remainder:D[1]}},i.prototype.divmod=o.prototype.divmod=n.prototype.divmod,n.prototype.divide=function(j){return z(this,j)[0]},i.prototype.over=i.prototype.divide=function(j){return new i(this.value/S(j).value)},o.prototype.over=o.prototype.divide=n.prototype.over=n.prototype.divide,n.prototype.mod=function(j){return z(this,j)[1]},i.prototype.mod=i.prototype.remainder=function(j){return new i(this.value%S(j).value)},o.prototype.remainder=o.prototype.mod=n.prototype.remainder=n.prototype.mod,n.prototype.pow=function(j){var D,L,F,re=S(j),oe=this.value,G=re.value;if(G===0)return r[1];if(oe===0)return r[0];if(oe===1)return r[1];if(oe===-1)return re.isEven()?r[1]:r[-1];if(re.sign)return r[0];if(!re.isSmall)throw new Error("The exponent "+re.toString()+" is too large.");if(this.isSmall&&f(D=Math.pow(oe,G)))return new o(C(D));for(L=this,F=r[1];!0&G&&(F=F.times(L),--G),G!==0;)G/=2,L=L.square();return F},o.prototype.pow=n.prototype.pow,i.prototype.pow=function(j){var D=S(j),L=this.value,F=D.value,re=BigInt(0),oe=BigInt(1),G=BigInt(2);if(F===re)return r[1];if(L===re)return r[0];if(L===oe)return r[1];if(L===BigInt(-1))return D.isEven()?r[1]:r[-1];if(D.isNegative())return new i(re);for(var Z=this,H=r[1];(F&oe)===oe&&(H=H.times(Z),--F),F!==re;)F/=G,Z=Z.square();return H},n.prototype.modPow=function(j,D){if(j=S(j),(D=S(D)).isZero())throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0");var L=r[1],F=this.mod(D);for(j.isNegative()&&(j=j.multiply(r[-1]),F=F.modInv(D));j.isPositive();){if(F.isZero())return r[0];j.isOdd()&&(L=L.multiply(F).mod(D)),j=j.divide(2),F=F.square().mod(D)}return L},i.prototype.modPow=o.prototype.modPow=n.prototype.modPow,n.prototype.compareAbs=function(j){var D=S(j),L=this.value,F=D.value;return D.isSmall?1:te(L,F)},o.prototype.compareAbs=function(j){var D=S(j),L=Math.abs(this.value),F=D.value;return D.isSmall?L===(F=Math.abs(F))?0:L>F?1:-1:-1},i.prototype.compareAbs=function(j){var D=this.value,L=S(j).value;return(D=D>=0?D:-D)===(L=L>=0?L:-L)?0:D>L?1:-1},n.prototype.compare=function(j){if(j===1/0)return-1;if(j===-1/0)return 1;var D=S(j),L=this.value,F=D.value;return this.sign!==D.sign?D.sign?1:-1:D.isSmall?this.sign?-1:1:te(L,F)*(this.sign?-1:1)},n.prototype.compareTo=n.prototype.compare,o.prototype.compare=function(j){if(j===1/0)return-1;if(j===-1/0)return 1;var D=S(j),L=this.value,F=D.value;return D.isSmall?L==F?0:L>F?1:-1:L<0!==D.sign?L<0?-1:1:L<0?1:-1},o.prototype.compareTo=o.prototype.compare,i.prototype.compare=function(j){if(j===1/0)return-1;if(j===-1/0)return 1;var D=this.value,L=S(j).value;return D===L?0:D>L?1:-1},i.prototype.compareTo=i.prototype.compare,n.prototype.equals=function(j){return this.compare(j)===0},i.prototype.eq=i.prototype.equals=o.prototype.eq=o.prototype.equals=n.prototype.eq=n.prototype.equals,n.prototype.notEquals=function(j){return this.compare(j)!==0},i.prototype.neq=i.prototype.notEquals=o.prototype.neq=o.prototype.notEquals=n.prototype.neq=n.prototype.notEquals,n.prototype.greater=function(j){return this.compare(j)>0},i.prototype.gt=i.prototype.greater=o.prototype.gt=o.prototype.greater=n.prototype.gt=n.prototype.greater,n.prototype.lesser=function(j){return this.compare(j)<0},i.prototype.lt=i.prototype.lesser=o.prototype.lt=o.prototype.lesser=n.prototype.lt=n.prototype.lesser,n.prototype.greaterOrEquals=function(j){return this.compare(j)>=0},i.prototype.geq=i.prototype.greaterOrEquals=o.prototype.geq=o.prototype.greaterOrEquals=n.prototype.geq=n.prototype.greaterOrEquals,n.prototype.lesserOrEquals=function(j){return this.compare(j)<=0},i.prototype.leq=i.prototype.lesserOrEquals=o.prototype.leq=o.prototype.lesserOrEquals=n.prototype.leq=n.prototype.lesserOrEquals,n.prototype.isEven=function(){return(1&this.value[0])==0},o.prototype.isEven=function(){return(1&this.value)==0},i.prototype.isEven=function(){return(this.value&BigInt(1))===BigInt(0)},n.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.value[0])==1},o.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.value)==1},i.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(this.value&BigInt(1))===BigInt(1)},n.prototype.isPositive=function(){return!this.sign},o.prototype.isPositive=function(){return this.value>0},i.prototype.isPositive=o.prototype.isPositive,n.prototype.isNegative=function(){return this.sign},o.prototype.isNegative=function(){return this.value<0},i.prototype.isNegative=o.prototype.isNegative,n.prototype.isUnit=function(){return!1},o.prototype.isUnit=function(){return Math.abs(this.value)===1},i.prototype.isUnit=function(){return this.abs().value===BigInt(1)},n.prototype.isZero=function(){return!1},o.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.value===0},i.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.value===BigInt(0)},n.prototype.isDivisibleBy=function(j){var D=S(j);return!D.isZero()&&(!!D.isUnit()||(D.compareAbs(2)===0?this.isEven():this.mod(D).isZero()))},i.prototype.isDivisibleBy=o.prototype.isDivisibleBy=n.prototype.isDivisibleBy,n.prototype.isPrime=function(j){var D=X(this);if(D!==P)return D;var L=this.abs(),F=L.bitLength();if(F<=64)return ne(L,[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37]);for(var re=Math.log(2)*F.toJSNumber(),oe=Math.ceil(j===!0?2*Math.pow(re,2):re),G=[],Z=0;Z-t?new o(j-1):new n(d,!0)},i.prototype.prev=function(){return new i(this.value-BigInt(1))};for(var B=[1];2*B[B.length-1]<=y;)B.push(2*B[B.length-1]);var Q=B.length,V=B[Q-1];function ee(j){return Math.abs(j)<=y}function K(j,D,L){D=S(D);for(var F=j.isNegative(),re=D.isNegative(),oe=F?j.not():j,G=re?D.not():D,Z=0,H=0,$=null,ie=null,se=[];!oe.isZero()||!G.isZero();)Z=($=z(oe,V))[1].toJSNumber(),F&&(Z=V-1-Z),H=(ie=z(G,V))[1].toJSNumber(),re&&(H=V-1-H),oe=$[0],G=ie[0],se.push(L(Z,H));for(var fe=L(F?1:0,re?1:0)!==0?M(-1):M(0),pe=se.length-1;pe>=0;pe-=1)fe=fe.multiply(V).add(M(se[pe]));return fe}n.prototype.shiftLeft=function(j){var D=S(j).toJSNumber();if(!ee(D))throw new Error(String(D)+" is too large for shifting.");if(D<0)return this.shiftRight(-D);var L=this;if(L.isZero())return L;for(;D>=Q;)L=L.multiply(V),D-=Q-1;return L.multiply(B[D])},i.prototype.shiftLeft=o.prototype.shiftLeft=n.prototype.shiftLeft,n.prototype.shiftRight=function(j){var D,L=S(j).toJSNumber();if(!ee(L))throw new Error(String(L)+" is too large for shifting.");if(L<0)return this.shiftLeft(-L);for(var F=this;L>=Q;){if(F.isZero()||F.isNegative()&&F.isUnit())return F;F=(D=z(F,V))[1].isNegative()?D[0].prev():D[0],L-=Q-1}return(D=z(F,B[L]))[1].isNegative()?D[0].prev():D[0]},i.prototype.shiftRight=o.prototype.shiftRight=n.prototype.shiftRight,n.prototype.not=function(){return this.negate().prev()},i.prototype.not=o.prototype.not=n.prototype.not,n.prototype.and=function(j){return K(this,j,function(D,L){return D&L})},i.prototype.and=o.prototype.and=n.prototype.and,n.prototype.or=function(j){return K(this,j,function(D,L){return D|L})},i.prototype.or=o.prototype.or=n.prototype.or,n.prototype.xor=function(j){return K(this,j,function(D,L){return D^L})},i.prototype.xor=o.prototype.xor=n.prototype.xor;var Y=1<<30,q=(y&-y)*(y&-y)|Y;function ae(j){var D=j.value,L=typeof D=="number"?D|Y:typeof D=="bigint"?D|BigInt(Y):D[0]+D[1]*y|q;return L&-L}function de(j,D){if(D.compareTo(j)<=0){var L=de(j,D.square(D)),F=L.p,re=L.e,oe=F.multiply(D);return oe.compareTo(j)<=0?{p:oe,e:2*re+1}:{p:F,e:2*re}}return{p:M(1),e:0}}function ue(j,D){return j=S(j),D=S(D),j.greater(D)?j:D}function le(j,D){return j=S(j),D=S(D),j.lesser(D)?j:D}function ge(j,D){if(j=S(j).abs(),D=S(D).abs(),j.equals(D))return j;if(j.isZero())return D;if(D.isZero())return j;for(var L,F,re=r[1];j.isEven()&&D.isEven();)L=le(ae(j),ae(D)),j=j.divide(L),D=D.divide(L),re=re.multiply(L);for(;j.isEven();)j=j.divide(ae(j));do{for(;D.isEven();)D=D.divide(ae(D));j.greater(D)&&(F=D,D=j,j=F),D=D.subtract(j)}while(!D.isZero());return re.isUnit()?j:j.multiply(re)}n.prototype.bitLength=function(){var j=this;return j.compareTo(M(0))<0&&(j=j.negate().subtract(M(1))),j.compareTo(M(0))===0?M(0):M(de(j,M(2)).e).add(M(1))},i.prototype.bitLength=o.prototype.bitLength=n.prototype.bitLength;var ce=function(j,D,L,F){L=L||u,j=String(j),F||(j=j.toLowerCase(),L=L.toLowerCase());var re,oe=j.length,G=Math.abs(D),Z={};for(re=0;re=G){if(ie==="1"&&G===1)continue;throw new Error(ie+" is not a valid digit in base "+D+".")}D=S(D);var H=[],$=j[0]==="-";for(re=$?1:0;re"&&re=0;F--)re=re.add(j[F].times(oe)),oe=oe.times(D);return L?re.negate():re}function be(j,D){if((D=M(D)).isZero()){if(j.isZero())return{value:[0],isNegative:!1};throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0.")}if(D.equals(-1)){if(j.isZero())return{value:[0],isNegative:!1};if(j.isNegative())return{value:[].concat.apply([],Array.apply(null,Array(-j.toJSNumber())).map(Array.prototype.valueOf,[1,0])),isNegative:!1};var L=Array.apply(null,Array(j.toJSNumber()-1)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf,[0,1]);return L.unshift([1]),{value:[].concat.apply([],L),isNegative:!1}}var F=!1;if(j.isNegative()&&D.isPositive()&&(F=!0,j=j.abs()),D.isUnit())return j.isZero()?{value:[0],isNegative:!1}:{value:Array.apply(null,Array(j.toJSNumber())).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,1),isNegative:F};for(var re,oe=[],G=j;G.isNegative()||G.compareAbs(D)>=0;){re=G.divmod(D),G=re.quotient;var Z=re.remainder;Z.isNegative()&&(Z=D.minus(Z).abs(),G=G.next()),oe.push(Z.toJSNumber())}return oe.push(G.toJSNumber()),{value:oe.reverse(),isNegative:F}}function W(j,D,L){var F=be(j,D);return(F.isNegative?"-":"")+F.value.map(function(re){return function(oe,G){return oe<(G=G||u).length?G[oe]:"<"+oe+">"}(re,L)}).join("")}function g(j){if(f(+j)){var D=+j;if(D===C(D))return s?new i(BigInt(D)):new o(D);throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+j)}var L=j[0]==="-";L&&(j=j.slice(1));var F=j.split(/e/i);if(F.length>2)throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+F.join("e"));if(F.length===2){var re=F[1];if(re[0]==="+"&&(re=re.slice(1)),(re=+re)!==C(re)||!f(re))throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+re+" is not a valid exponent.");var oe=F[0],G=oe.indexOf(".");if(G>=0&&(re-=oe.length-G-1,oe=oe.slice(0,G)+oe.slice(G+1)),re<0)throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers");j=oe+=new Array(re+1).join("0")}if(!/^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(j))throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+j);if(s)return new i(BigInt(L?"-"+j:j));for(var Z=[],H=j.length,$=a,ie=H-$;H>0;)Z.push(+j.slice(ie,H)),(ie-=$)<0&&(ie=0),H-=$;return m(Z),new n(Z,L)}function S(j){return typeof j=="number"?function(D){if(s)return new i(BigInt(D));if(f(D)){if(D!==C(D))throw new Error(D+" is not an integer.");return new o(D)}return g(D.toString())}(j):typeof j=="string"?g(j):typeof j=="bigint"?new i(j):j}n.prototype.toArray=function(j){return be(this,j)},o.prototype.toArray=function(j){return be(this,j)},i.prototype.toArray=function(j){return be(this,j)},n.prototype.toString=function(j,D){if(j===P&&(j=10),j!==10)return W(this,j,D);for(var L,F=this.value,re=F.length,oe=String(F[--re]);--re>=0;)L=String(F[re]),oe+="0000000".slice(L.length)+L;return(this.sign?"-":"")+oe},o.prototype.toString=function(j,D){return j===P&&(j=10),j!=10?W(this,j,D):String(this.value)},i.prototype.toString=o.prototype.toString,i.prototype.toJSON=n.prototype.toJSON=o.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.toString()},n.prototype.valueOf=function(){return parseInt(this.toString(),10)},n.prototype.toJSNumber=n.prototype.valueOf,o.prototype.valueOf=function(){return this.value},o.prototype.toJSNumber=o.prototype.valueOf,i.prototype.valueOf=i.prototype.toJSNumber=function(){return parseInt(this.toString(),10)};for(var x=0;x<1e3;x++)r[x]=S(x),x>0&&(r[-x]=S(-x));return r.one=r[1],r.zero=r[0],r.minusOne=r[-1],r.max=ue,r.min=le,r.gcd=ge,r.lcm=function(j,D){return j=S(j).abs(),D=S(D).abs(),j.divide(ge(j,D)).multiply(D)},r.isInstance=function(j){return j instanceof n||j instanceof o||j instanceof i},r.randBetween=function(j,D,L){j=S(j),D=S(D);var F=L||Math.random,re=le(j,D),oe=ue(j,D).subtract(re).add(1);if(oe.isSmall)return re.add(Math.floor(F()*oe));for(var G=be(oe,y).value,Z=[],H=!0,$=0;$0||R===k?k:k-1}function h(R){for(var k,N,A=1,w=R.length,_=R[0]+"";AT^N?1:-1;for(O=(U=w.length)<(T=_.length)?U:T,p=0;p_[p]^N?1:-1;return U==T?0:U>T^N?1:-1}function v(R,k,N,A){if(RN||R!==t(R))throw Error(d+(A||"Argument")+(typeof R=="number"?RN?" out of range: ":" not an integer: ":" not a primitive number: ")+String(R))}function C(R){var k=R.c.length-1;return c(R.e/r)==k&&R.c[k]%2!=0}function l(R,k){return(R.length>1?R.charAt(0)+"."+R.slice(1):R)+(k<0?"e":"e+")+k}function I(R,k,N){var A,w;if(k<0){for(w=N+".";++k;w+=N);R=w+R}else if(++k>(A=R.length)){for(w=N,k-=A;--k;w+=N);R+=w}else kY?$.c=$.e=null:x.e=10;oe/=10,re++);return void(re>Y?$.c=$.e=null:($.e=re,$.c=[x]))}H=String(x)}else{if(!y.test(H=String(x)))return w($,H,G);$.s=H.charCodeAt(0)==45?(H=H.slice(1),-1):1}(re=H.indexOf("."))>-1&&(H=H.replace(".","")),(oe=H.search(/e/i))>0?(re<0&&(re=oe),re+=+H.slice(oe+1),H=H.substring(0,oe)):re<0&&(re=H.length)}else{if(v(j,2,le.length,"Base"),j==10&&ge)return g($=new ce(x),B+$.e+1,Q);if(H=String(x),G=typeof x=="number"){if(0*x!=0)return w($,H,G,j);if($.s=1/x<0?(H=H.slice(1),-1):1,ce.DEBUG&&H.replace(/^0\.0*|\./,"").length>15)throw Error(u+x)}else $.s=H.charCodeAt(0)===45?(H=H.slice(1),-1):1;for(D=le.slice(0,j),re=oe=0,Z=H.length;oere){re=Z;continue}}else if(!F&&(H==H.toUpperCase()&&(H=H.toLowerCase())||H==H.toLowerCase()&&(H=H.toUpperCase()))){F=!0,oe=-1,re=0;continue}return w($,String(x),G,j)}G=!1,(re=(H=A(H,j,10,$.s)).indexOf("."))>-1?H=H.replace(".",""):re=H.length}for(oe=0;H.charCodeAt(oe)===48;oe++);for(Z=H.length;H.charCodeAt(--Z)===48;);if(H=H.slice(oe,++Z)){if(Z-=oe,G&&ce.DEBUG&&Z>15&&(x>n||x!==t(x)))throw Error(u+$.s*x);if((re=re-oe-1)>Y)$.c=$.e=null;else if(re=ee)?l(Z,oe):I(Z,oe,"0");else if(re=(x=g(new ce(x),j,D)).e,G=(Z=h(x.c)).length,L==1||L==2&&(j<=re||re<=V)){for(;GG){if(--j>0)for(Z+=".";j--;Z+="0");}else if((j+=re-G)>0)for(re+1==G&&(Z+=".");j--;Z+="0");return x.s<0&&F?"-"+Z:Z}function be(x,j){for(var D,L=1,F=new ce(x[0]);L=10;F/=10,L++);return(D=L+D*r-1)>Y?x.c=x.e=null:D=10;G/=10,F++);if((re=j-F)<0)re+=r,oe=j,$=(Z=ie[H=0])/se[F-oe-1]%10|0;else if((H=a((re+1)/r))>=ie.length){if(!L)break e;for(;ie.length<=H;ie.push(0));Z=$=0,F=1,oe=(re%=r)-r+1}else{for(Z=G=ie[H],F=1;G>=10;G/=10,F++);$=(oe=(re%=r)-r+F)<0?0:Z/se[F-oe-1]%10|0}if(L=L||j<0||ie[H+1]!=null||(oe<0?Z:Z%se[F-oe-1]),L=D<4?($||L)&&(D==0||D==(x.s<0?3:2)):$>5||$==5&&(D==4||L||D==6&&(re>0?oe>0?Z/se[F-oe]:0:ie[H-1])%10&1||D==(x.s<0?8:7)),j<1||!ie[0])return ie.length=0,L?(j-=x.e+1,ie[0]=se[(r-j%r)%r],x.e=-j||0):ie[0]=x.e=0,x;if(re==0?(ie.length=H,G=1,H--):(ie.length=H+1,G=se[r-re],ie[H]=oe>0?t(Z/se[F-oe]%se[oe])*G:0),L)for(;;){if(H==0){for(re=1,oe=ie[0];oe>=10;oe/=10,re++);for(oe=ie[0]+=G,G=1;oe>=10;oe/=10,G++);re!=G&&(x.e++,ie[0]==s&&(ie[0]=1));break}if(ie[H]+=G,ie[H]!=s)break;ie[H--]=0,G=1}for(re=ie.length;ie[--re]===0;ie.pop());}x.e>Y?x.c=x.e=null:x.e=ee?l(j,D):I(j,D,"0"),x.s<0?"-"+j:j)}return ce.clone=R,ce.ROUND_UP=0,ce.ROUND_DOWN=1,ce.ROUND_CEIL=2,ce.ROUND_FLOOR=3,ce.ROUND_HALF_UP=4,ce.ROUND_HALF_DOWN=5,ce.ROUND_HALF_EVEN=6,ce.ROUND_HALF_CEIL=7,ce.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR=8,ce.EUCLID=9,ce.config=ce.set=function(x){var j,D;if(x!=null){if(typeof x!="object")throw Error(d+"Object expected: "+x);if(x.hasOwnProperty(j="DECIMAL_PLACES")&&(v(D=x[j],0,f,j),B=D),x.hasOwnProperty(j="ROUNDING_MODE")&&(v(D=x[j],0,8,j),Q=D),x.hasOwnProperty(j="EXPONENTIAL_AT")&&((D=x[j])&&D.pop?(v(D[0],-f,0,j),v(D[1],0,f,j),V=D[0],ee=D[1]):(v(D,-f,f,j),V=-(ee=D<0?-D:D))),x.hasOwnProperty(j="RANGE"))if((D=x[j])&&D.pop)v(D[0],-f,-1,j),v(D[1],1,f,j),K=D[0],Y=D[1];else{if(v(D,-f,f,j),!D)throw Error(d+j+" cannot be zero: "+D);K=-(Y=D<0?-D:D)}if(x.hasOwnProperty(j="CRYPTO")){if((D=x[j])!==!!D)throw Error(d+j+" not true or false: "+D);if(D){if(typeof crypto>"u"||!crypto||!crypto.getRandomValues&&!crypto.randomBytes)throw q=!D,Error(d+"crypto unavailable");q=D}else q=D}if(x.hasOwnProperty(j="MODULO_MODE")&&(v(D=x[j],0,9,j),ae=D),x.hasOwnProperty(j="POW_PRECISION")&&(v(D=x[j],0,f,j),de=D),x.hasOwnProperty(j="FORMAT")){if(typeof(D=x[j])!="object")throw Error(d+j+" not an object: "+D);ue=D}if(x.hasOwnProperty(j="ALPHABET")){if(typeof(D=x[j])!="string"||/^.?$|[+\-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(D))throw Error(d+j+" invalid: "+D);ge=D.slice(0,10)=="0123456789",le=D}}return{DECIMAL_PLACES:B,ROUNDING_MODE:Q,EXPONENTIAL_AT:[V,ee],RANGE:[K,Y],CRYPTO:q,MODULO_MODE:ae,POW_PRECISION:de,FORMAT:ue,ALPHABET:le}},ce.isBigNumber=function(x){if(!x||x._isBigNumber!==!0)return!1;if(!ce.DEBUG)return!0;var j,D,L=x.c,F=x.e,re=x.s;e:if({}.toString.call(L)=="[object Array]"){if((re===1||re===-1)&&F>=-f&&F<=f&&F===t(F)){if(L[0]===0){if(F===0&&L.length===1)return!0;break e}if((j=(F+1)%r)<1&&(j+=r),String(L[0]).length==j){for(j=0;j=s||D!==t(D))break e;if(D!==0)return!0}}}else if(L===null&&F===null&&(re===null||re===1||re===-1))return!0;throw Error(d+"Invalid BigNumber: "+x)},ce.maximum=ce.max=function(){return be(arguments,X.lt)},ce.minimum=ce.min=function(){return be(arguments,X.gt)},ce.random=(_=9007199254740992,p=Math.random()*_&2097151?function(){return t(Math.random()*_)}:function(){return 8388608*(1073741824*Math.random()|0)+(8388608*Math.random()|0)},function(x){var j,D,L,F,re,oe=0,G=[],Z=new ce(ne);if(x==null?x=B:v(x,0,f),F=a(x/r),q)if(crypto.getRandomValues){for(j=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(F*=2));oe>>11))>=9e15?(D=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)),j[oe]=D[0],j[oe+1]=D[1]):(G.push(re%1e14),oe+=2);oe=F/2}else{if(!crypto.randomBytes)throw q=!1,Error(d+"crypto unavailable");for(j=crypto.randomBytes(F*=7);oe=9e15?crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(j,oe):(G.push(re%1e14),oe+=7);oe=F/7}if(!q)for(;oe=10;re/=10,oe++);oeF-1&&(Z[oe+1]==null&&(Z[oe+1]=0),Z[oe+1]+=Z[oe]/F|0,Z[oe]%=F)}return Z.reverse()}return function(D,L,F,re,oe){var G,Z,H,$,ie,se,fe,pe,ve=D.indexOf("."),me=B,_e=Q;for(ve>=0&&($=de,de=0,D=D.replace(".",""),se=(pe=new ce(L)).pow(D.length-ve),de=$,pe.c=j(I(h(se.c),se.e,"0"),10,F,x),pe.e=pe.c.length),H=$=(fe=j(D,L,F,oe?(G=le,x):(G=x,le))).length;fe[--$]==0;fe.pop());if(!fe[0])return G.charAt(0);if(ve<0?--H:(se.c=fe,se.e=H,se.s=re,fe=(se=N(se,pe,me,_e,F)).c,ie=se.r,H=se.e),ve=fe[Z=H+me+1],$=F/2,ie=ie||Z<0||fe[Z+1]!=null,ie=_e<4?(ve!=null||ie)&&(_e==0||_e==(se.s<0?3:2)):ve>$||ve==$&&(_e==4||ie||_e==6&&1&fe[Z-1]||_e==(se.s<0?8:7)),Z<1||!fe[0])D=ie?I(G.charAt(1),-me,G.charAt(0)):G.charAt(0);else{if(fe.length=Z,ie)for(--F;++fe[--Z]>F;)fe[Z]=0,Z||(++H,fe=[1].concat(fe));for($=fe.length;!fe[--$];);for(ve=0,D="";ve<=$;D+=G.charAt(fe[ve++]));D=I(D,H,G.charAt(0))}return D}}(),N=function(){function x(L,F,re){var oe,G,Z,H,$=0,ie=L.length,se=F%i,fe=F/i|0;for(L=L.slice();ie--;)$=((G=se*(Z=L[ie]%i)+(oe=fe*Z+(H=L[ie]/i|0)*se)%i*i+$)/re|0)+(oe/i|0)+fe*H,L[ie]=G%re;return $&&(L=[$].concat(L)),L}function j(L,F,re,oe){var G,Z;if(re!=oe)Z=re>oe?1:-1;else for(G=Z=0;GF[G]?1:-1;break}return Z}function D(L,F,re,oe){for(var G=0;re--;)L[re]-=G,G=L[re]1;L.splice(0,1));}return function(L,F,re,oe,G){var Z,H,$,ie,se,fe,pe,ve,me,_e,ye,Ee,Ae,Pe,ke,xe,we,Se=L.s==F.s?1:-1,Re=L.c,Oe=F.c;if(!(Re&&Re[0]&&Oe&&Oe[0]))return new ce(L.s&&F.s&&(Re?!Oe||Re[0]!=Oe[0]:Oe)?Re&&Re[0]==0||!Oe?0*Se:Se/0:NaN);for(me=(ve=new ce(Se)).c=[],Se=re+(H=L.e-F.e)+1,G||(G=s,H=c(L.e/r)-c(F.e/r),Se=Se/r|0),$=0;Oe[$]==(Re[$]||0);$++);if(Oe[$]>(Re[$]||0)&&H--,Se<0)me.push(1),ie=!0;else{for(Pe=Re.length,xe=Oe.length,$=0,Se+=2,(se=t(G/(Oe[0]+1)))>1&&(Oe=x(Oe,se,G),Re=x(Re,se,G),xe=Oe.length,Pe=Re.length),Ae=xe,ye=(_e=Re.slice(0,xe)).length;ye=G/2&&ke++;do{if(se=0,(Z=j(Oe,_e,xe,ye))<0){if(Ee=_e[0],xe!=ye&&(Ee=Ee*G+(_e[1]||0)),(se=t(Ee/ke))>1)for(se>=G&&(se=G-1),pe=(fe=x(Oe,se,G)).length,ye=_e.length;j(fe,_e,pe,ye)==1;)se--,D(fe,xe=10;Se/=10,$++);g(ve,re+(ve.e=$+H*r-1)+1,oe,ie)}else ve.e=H,ve.r=+ie;return ve}}(),O=/^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i,U=/^([^.]+)\.$/,T=/^\.([^.]+)$/,z=/^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/,te=/^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g,w=function(x,j,D,L){var F,re=D?j:j.replace(te,"");if(z.test(re))x.s=isNaN(re)?null:re<0?-1:1;else{if(!D&&(re=re.replace(O,function(oe,G,Z){return F=(Z=Z.toLowerCase())=="x"?16:Z=="b"?2:8,L&&L!=F?oe:G}),L&&(F=L,re=re.replace(U,"$1").replace(T,"0.$1")),j!=re))return new ce(re,F);if(ce.DEBUG)throw Error(d+"Not a"+(L?" base "+L:"")+" number: "+j);x.s=null}x.c=x.e=null},X.absoluteValue=X.abs=function(){var x=new ce(this);return x.s<0&&(x.s=1),x},X.comparedTo=function(x,j){return m(this,new ce(x,j))},X.decimalPlaces=X.dp=function(x,j){var D,L,F,re=this;if(x!=null)return v(x,0,f),j==null?j=Q:v(j,0,8),g(new ce(re),x+re.e+1,j);if(!(D=re.c))return null;if(L=((F=D.length-1)-c(this.e/r))*r,F=D[F])for(;F%10==0;F/=10,L--);return L<0&&(L=0),L},X.dividedBy=X.div=function(x,j){return N(this,new ce(x,j),B,Q)},X.dividedToIntegerBy=X.idiv=function(x,j){return N(this,new ce(x,j),0,1)},X.exponentiatedBy=X.pow=function(x,j){var D,L,F,re,oe,G,Z,H,$=this;if((x=new ce(x)).c&&!x.isInteger())throw Error(d+"Exponent not an integer: "+S(x));if(j!=null&&(j=new ce(j)),oe=x.e>14,!$.c||!$.c[0]||$.c[0]==1&&!$.e&&$.c.length==1||!x.c||!x.c[0])return H=new ce(Math.pow(+S($),oe?2-C(x):+S(x))),j?H.mod(j):H;if(G=x.s<0,j){if(j.c?!j.c[0]:!j.s)return new ce(NaN);(L=!G&&$.isInteger()&&j.isInteger())&&($=$.mod(j))}else{if(x.e>9&&($.e>0||$.e<-1||($.e==0?$.c[0]>1||oe&&$.c[1]>=24e7:$.c[0]<8e13||oe&&$.c[0]<=9999975e7)))return re=$.s<0&&C(x)?-0:0,$.e>-1&&(re=1/re),new ce(G?1/re:re);de&&(re=a(de/r+2))}for(oe?(D=new ce(.5),G&&(x.s=1),Z=C(x)):Z=(F=Math.abs(+S(x)))%2,H=new ce(ne);;){if(Z){if(!(H=H.times($)).c)break;re?H.c.length>re&&(H.c.length=re):L&&(H=H.mod(j))}if(F){if((F=t(F/2))===0)break;Z=F%2}else if(g(x=x.times(D),x.e+1,1),x.e>14)Z=C(x);else{if((F=+S(x))==0)break;Z=F%2}$=$.times($),re?$.c&&$.c.length>re&&($.c.length=re):L&&($=$.mod(j))}return L?H:(G&&(H=ne.div(H)),j?H.mod(j):re?g(H,de,Q,void 0):H)},X.integerValue=function(x){var j=new ce(this);return x==null?x=Q:v(x,0,8),g(j,j.e+1,x)},X.isEqualTo=X.eq=function(x,j){return m(this,new ce(x,j))===0},X.isFinite=function(){return!!this.c},X.isGreaterThan=X.gt=function(x,j){return m(this,new ce(x,j))>0},X.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo=X.gte=function(x,j){return(j=m(this,new ce(x,j)))===1||j===0},X.isInteger=function(){return!!this.c&&c(this.e/r)>this.c.length-2},X.isLessThan=X.lt=function(x,j){return m(this,new ce(x,j))<0},X.isLessThanOrEqualTo=X.lte=function(x,j){return(j=m(this,new ce(x,j)))===-1||j===0},X.isNaN=function(){return!this.s},X.isNegative=function(){return this.s<0},X.isPositive=function(){return this.s>0},X.isZero=function(){return!!this.c&&this.c[0]==0},X.minus=function(x,j){var D,L,F,re,oe=this,G=oe.s;if(j=(x=new ce(x,j)).s,!G||!j)return new ce(NaN);if(G!=j)return x.s=-j,oe.plus(x);var Z=oe.e/r,H=x.e/r,$=oe.c,ie=x.c;if(!Z||!H){if(!$||!ie)return $?(x.s=-j,x):new ce(ie?oe:NaN);if(!$[0]||!ie[0])return ie[0]?(x.s=-j,x):new ce($[0]?oe:Q==3?-0:0)}if(Z=c(Z),H=c(H),$=$.slice(),G=Z-H){for((re=G<0)?(G=-G,F=$):(H=Z,F=ie),F.reverse(),j=G;j--;F.push(0));F.reverse()}else for(L=(re=(G=$.length)<(j=ie.length))?G:j,G=j=0;j0)for(;j--;$[D++]=0);for(j=s-1;L>G;){if($[--L]=0;){for(D=0,se=Ee[F]%me,fe=Ee[F]/me|0,re=F+(oe=Z);re>F;)D=((H=se*(H=ye[--oe]%me)+(G=fe*H+($=ye[oe]/me|0)*se)%me*me+pe[re]+D)/ve|0)+(G/me|0)+fe*$,pe[re--]=H%ve;pe[re]=D}return D?++L:pe.splice(0,1),W(x,pe,L)},X.negated=function(){var x=new ce(this);return x.s=-x.s||null,x},X.plus=function(x,j){var D,L=this,F=L.s;if(j=(x=new ce(x,j)).s,!F||!j)return new ce(NaN);if(F!=j)return x.s=-j,L.minus(x);var re=L.e/r,oe=x.e/r,G=L.c,Z=x.c;if(!re||!oe){if(!G||!Z)return new ce(F/0);if(!G[0]||!Z[0])return Z[0]?x:new ce(G[0]?L:0*F)}if(re=c(re),oe=c(oe),G=G.slice(),F=re-oe){for(F>0?(oe=re,D=Z):(F=-F,D=G),D.reverse();F--;D.push(0));D.reverse()}for((F=G.length)-(j=Z.length)<0&&(D=Z,Z=G,G=D,j=F),F=0;j;)F=(G[--j]=G[j]+Z[j]+F)/s|0,G[j]=s===G[j]?0:G[j]%s;return F&&(G=[F].concat(G),++oe),W(x,G,oe)},X.precision=X.sd=function(x,j){var D,L,F,re=this;if(x!=null&&x!==!!x)return v(x,1,f),j==null?j=Q:v(j,0,8),g(new ce(re),x,j);if(!(D=re.c))return null;if(L=(F=D.length-1)*r+1,F=D[F]){for(;F%10==0;F/=10,L--);for(F=D[0];F>=10;F/=10,L++);}return x&&re.e+1>L&&(L=re.e+1),L},X.shiftedBy=function(x){return v(x,-9007199254740991,n),this.times("1e"+x)},X.squareRoot=X.sqrt=function(){var x,j,D,L,F,re=this,oe=re.c,G=re.s,Z=re.e,H=B+4,$=new ce("0.5");if(G!==1||!oe||!oe[0])return new ce(!G||G<0&&(!oe||oe[0])?NaN:oe?re:1/0);if((G=Math.sqrt(+S(re)))==0||G==1/0?(((j=h(oe)).length+Z)%2==0&&(j+="0"),G=Math.sqrt(+j),Z=c((Z+1)/2)-(Z<0||Z%2),D=new ce(j=G==1/0?"5e"+Z:(j=G.toExponential()).slice(0,j.indexOf("e")+1)+Z)):D=new ce(G+""),D.c[0]){for((G=(Z=D.e)+H)<3&&(G=0);;)if(F=D,D=$.times(F.plus(N(re,F,H,1))),h(F.c).slice(0,G)===(j=h(D.c)).slice(0,G)){if(D.e0&&pe>0){for(re=pe%G||G,$=fe.substr(0,re);re0&&($+=H+fe.slice(re)),se&&($="-"+$)}L=ie?$+(D.decimalSeparator||"")+((Z=+D.fractionGroupSize)?ie.replace(new RegExp("\\d{"+Z+"}\\B","g"),"$&"+(D.fractionGroupSeparator||"")):ie):$}return(D.prefix||"")+L+(D.suffix||"")},X.toFraction=function(x){var j,D,L,F,re,oe,G,Z,H,$,ie,se,fe=this,pe=fe.c;if(x!=null&&(!(G=new ce(x)).isInteger()&&(G.c||G.s!==1)||G.lt(ne)))throw Error(d+"Argument "+(G.isInteger()?"out of range: ":"not an integer: ")+S(G));if(!pe)return new ce(fe);for(j=new ce(ne),H=D=new ce(ne),L=Z=new ce(ne),se=h(pe),re=j.e=se.length-fe.e-1,j.c[0]=o[(oe=re%r)<0?r+oe:oe],x=!x||G.comparedTo(j)>0?re>0?j:H:G,oe=Y,Y=1/0,G=new ce(se),Z.c[0]=0;$=N(G,j,0,1),(F=D.plus($.times(L))).comparedTo(x)!=1;)D=L,L=F,H=Z.plus($.times(F=H)),Z=F,j=G.minus($.times(F=j)),G=F;return F=N(x.minus(D),L,0,1),Z=Z.plus(F.times(H)),D=D.plus(F.times(L)),Z.s=H.s=fe.s,ie=N(H,L,re*=2,Q).minus(fe).abs().comparedTo(N(Z,D,re,Q).minus(fe).abs())<1?[H,L]:[Z,D],Y=oe,ie},X.toNumber=function(){return+S(this)},X.toPrecision=function(x,j){return x!=null&&v(x,1,f),he(this,x,j,2)},X.toString=function(x){var j,D=this,L=D.s,F=D.e;return F===null?L?(j="Infinity",L<0&&(j="-"+j)):j="NaN":(x==null?j=F<=V||F>=ee?l(h(D.c),F):I(h(D.c),F,"0"):x===10&&ge?j=I(h((D=g(new ce(D),B+F+1,Q)).c),D.e,"0"):(v(x,2,le.length,"Base"),j=A(I(h(D.c),F,"0"),10,x,L,!0)),L<0&&D.c[0]&&(j="-"+j)),j},X.valueOf=X.toJSON=function(){return S(this)},X._isBigNumber=!0,k!=null&&ce.set(k),ce}(),P.default=P.BigNumber=P,(E=(function(){return P}).call(e,b,e,J))===void 0||(J.exports=E)})()},4090:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8764).Buffer;Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const M=b(6903),P=b(8334),y=b(5892),a=b(2401),t=b(9898),d=a.BufferN(32),u=a.compile({wif:a.UInt8,bip32:{public:a.UInt32,private:a.UInt32}}),s={messagePrefix:`Bitcoin Signed Message: -`,bech32:"bc",bip32:{public:76067358,private:76066276},pubKeyHash:0,scriptHash:5,wif:128},r=2147483648,n=Math.pow(2,31)-1;function o(v){return a.String(v)&&v.match(/^(m\/)?(\d+'?\/)*\d+'?$/)!==null}function i(v){return a.UInt32(v)&&v<=n}class f{constructor(C,l,I,R,k=0,N=0,A=0){this.__D=C,this.__Q=l,this.chainCode=I,this.network=R,this.__DEPTH=k,this.__INDEX=N,this.__PARENT_FINGERPRINT=A,a(u,R),this.lowR=!1}get depth(){return this.__DEPTH}get index(){return this.__INDEX}get parentFingerprint(){return this.__PARENT_FINGERPRINT}get publicKey(){return this.__Q===void 0&&(this.__Q=y.pointFromScalar(this.__D,!0)),this.__Q}get privateKey(){return this.__D}get identifier(){return M.hash160(this.publicKey)}get fingerprint(){return this.identifier.slice(0,4)}get compressed(){return!0}isNeutered(){return this.__D===void 0}neutered(){return m(this.publicKey,this.chainCode,this.network,this.depth,this.index,this.parentFingerprint)}toBase58(){const C=this.network,l=this.isNeutered()?C.bip32.public:C.bip32.private,I=E.allocUnsafe(78);return I.writeUInt32BE(l,0),I.writeUInt8(this.depth,4),I.writeUInt32BE(this.parentFingerprint,5),I.writeUInt32BE(this.index,9),this.chainCode.copy(I,13),this.isNeutered()?this.publicKey.copy(I,45):(I.writeUInt8(0,45),this.privateKey.copy(I,46)),P.encode(I)}toWIF(){if(!this.privateKey)throw new TypeError("Missing private key");return t.encode(this.network.wif,this.privateKey,!0)}derive(C){a(a.UInt32,C);const l=C>=r,I=E.allocUnsafe(37);if(l){if(this.isNeutered())throw new TypeError("Missing private key for hardened child key");I[0]=0,this.privateKey.copy(I,1),I.writeUInt32BE(C,33)}else this.publicKey.copy(I,0),I.writeUInt32BE(C,33);const R=M.hmacSHA512(this.chainCode,I),k=R.slice(0,32),N=R.slice(32);if(!y.isPrivate(k))return this.derive(C+1);let A;if(this.isNeutered()){const w=y.pointAddScalar(this.publicKey,k,!0);if(w===null)return this.derive(C+1);A=m(w,N,this.network,this.depth+1,C,this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0))}else{const w=y.privateAdd(this.privateKey,k);if(w==null)return this.derive(C+1);A=h(w,N,this.network,this.depth+1,C,this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0))}return A}deriveHardened(C){return a(i,C),this.derive(C+r)}derivePath(C){a(o,C);let l=C.split("/");if(l[0]==="m"){if(this.parentFingerprint)throw new TypeError("Expected master, got child");l=l.slice(1)}return l.reduce((I,R)=>{let k;return R.slice(-1)==="'"?(k=parseInt(R.slice(0,-1),10),I.deriveHardened(k)):(k=parseInt(R,10),I.derive(k))},this)}sign(C,l){if(!this.privateKey)throw new Error("Missing private key");if(l===void 0&&(l=this.lowR),l===!1)return y.sign(C,this.privateKey);{let I=y.sign(C,this.privateKey);const R=E.alloc(32,0);let k=0;for(;I[0]>127;)k++,R.writeUIntLE(k,0,6),I=y.signWithEntropy(C,this.privateKey,R);return I}}verify(C,l){return y.verify(C,this.publicKey,l)}}function c(v,C,l){return h(v,C,l)}function h(v,C,l,I,R,k){if(a({privateKey:d,chainCode:d},{privateKey:v,chainCode:C}),l=l||s,!y.isPrivate(v))throw new TypeError("Private key not in range [1, n)");return new f(v,void 0,C,l,I,R,k)}function m(v,C,l,I,R,k){if(a({publicKey:a.BufferN(33),chainCode:d},{publicKey:v,chainCode:C}),l=l||s,!y.isPoint(v))throw new TypeError("Point is not on the curve");return new f(void 0,v,C,l,I,R,k)}e.fromBase58=function(v,C){const l=P.decode(v);if(l.length!==78)throw new TypeError("Invalid buffer length");C=C||s;const I=l.readUInt32BE(0);if(I!==C.bip32.private&&I!==C.bip32.public)throw new TypeError("Invalid network version");const R=l[4],k=l.readUInt32BE(5);if(R===0&&k!==0)throw new TypeError("Invalid parent fingerprint");const N=l.readUInt32BE(9);if(R===0&&N!==0)throw new TypeError("Invalid index");const A=l.slice(13,45);let w;if(I===C.bip32.private){if(l.readUInt8(45)!==0)throw new TypeError("Invalid private key");w=h(l.slice(46,78),A,C,R,N,k)}else w=m(l.slice(45,78),A,C,R,N,k);return w},e.fromPrivateKey=c,e.fromPublicKey=function(v,C,l){return m(v,C,l)},e.fromSeed=function(v,C){if(a(a.Buffer,v),v.length<16)throw new TypeError("Seed should be at least 128 bits");if(v.length>64)throw new TypeError("Seed should be at most 512 bits");C=C||s;const l=M.hmacSHA512(E.from("Bitcoin seed","utf8"),v);return c(l.slice(0,32),l.slice(32),C)}},6903:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E=b(3482),M=b(8355);e.hash160=function(P){const y=E("sha256").update(P).digest();try{return E("rmd160").update(y).digest()}catch{return E("ripemd160").update(y).digest()}},e.hmacSHA512=function(P,y){return M("sha512",P).update(y).digest()}},7786:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});var E=b(4090);e.fromSeed=E.fromSeed,e.fromBase58=E.fromBase58,e.fromPublicKey=E.fromPublicKey,e.fromPrivateKey=E.fromPrivateKey},2314:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E={};let M;e.wordlists=E,e._default=M;try{e._default=M=b(32),E.czech=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(6996),E.chinese_simplified=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(4262),E.chinese_traditional=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(8013),E.korean=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(1848),E.french=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(2841),E.italian=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(659),E.spanish=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(4472),E.japanese=M,E.JA=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(1945),E.portuguese=M}catch{}try{e._default=M=b(4573),E.english=M,E.EN=M}catch{}},2153:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8764).Buffer;Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const M=b(3482),P=b(5632),y=b(1798),a=b(2314);let t=a._default;const d="Invalid mnemonic",u="Invalid entropy",s=`A wordlist is required but a default could not be found. -Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`;function r(C){return(C||"").normalize("NFKD")}function n(C,l,I){for(;C.lengthn(l.toString(2),"0",8)).join("")}function f(C){const l=8*C.length/32,I=M("sha256").update(C).digest();return i(Array.from(I)).slice(0,l)}function c(C){return"mnemonic"+(C||"")}function h(C,l){if(!(l=l||t))throw new Error(s);const I=r(C).split(" ");if(I.length%3!=0)throw new Error(d);const R=I.map(p=>{const O=l.indexOf(p);if(O===-1)throw new Error(d);return n(O.toString(2),"0",11)}).join(""),k=32*Math.floor(R.length/33),N=R.slice(0,k),A=R.slice(k),w=N.match(/(.{1,8})/g).map(o);if(w.length<16)throw new Error(u);if(w.length>32)throw new Error(u);if(w.length%4!=0)throw new Error(u);const _=E.from(w);if(f(_)!==A)throw new Error("Invalid mnemonic checksum");return _.toString("hex")}function m(C,l){if(E.isBuffer(C)||(C=E.from(C,"hex")),!(l=l||t))throw new Error(s);if(C.length<16)throw new TypeError(u);if(C.length>32)throw new TypeError(u);if(C.length%4!=0)throw new TypeError(u);const I=(i(Array.from(C))+f(C)).match(/(.{1,11})/g).map(R=>{const k=o(R);return l[k]});return l[0]==="あいこくしん"?I.join(" "):I.join(" ")}e.mnemonicToSeedSync=function(C,l){const I=E.from(r(C),"utf8"),R=E.from(c(r(l)),"utf8");return P.pbkdf2Sync(I,R,2048,64,"sha512")},e.mnemonicToSeed=function(C,l){return Promise.resolve().then(()=>function(I,R,k,N,A){return Promise.resolve().then(()=>new Promise((w,_)=>{P.pbkdf2(I,R,2048,64,"sha512",(p,O)=>p?_(p):w(O))}))}(E.from(r(C),"utf8"),E.from(c(r(l)),"utf8")))},e.mnemonicToEntropy=h,e.entropyToMnemonic=m,e.generateMnemonic=function(C,l,I){if((C=C||128)%32!=0)throw new TypeError(u);return m((l=l||y)(C/8),I)},e.validateMnemonic=function(C,l){try{h(C,l)}catch{return!1}return!0},e.setDefaultWordlist=function(C){const l=a.wordlists[C];if(!l)throw new Error('Could not find wordlist for language "'+C+'"');t=l},e.getDefaultWordlist=function(){if(!t)throw new Error("No Default Wordlist set");return Object.keys(a.wordlists).filter(C=>C!=="JA"&&C!=="EN"&&a.wordlists[C].every((l,I)=>l===t[I]))[0]};var v=b(2314);e.wordlists=v.wordlists},3550:function(J,e,b){(function(E,M){function P(A,w){if(!A)throw new Error(w||"Assertion failed")}function y(A,w){A.super_=w;var _=function(){};_.prototype=w.prototype,A.prototype=new _,A.prototype.constructor=A}function a(A,w,_){if(a.isBN(A))return A;this.negative=0,this.words=null,this.length=0,this.red=null,A!==null&&(w!=="le"&&w!=="be"||(_=w,w=10),this._init(A||0,w||10,_||"be"))}var t;typeof E=="object"?E.exports=a:M.BN=a,a.BN=a,a.wordSize=26;try{t=typeof window<"u"&&window.Buffer!==void 0?window.Buffer:b(6601).Buffer}catch{}function d(A,w){var _=A.charCodeAt(w);return _>=65&&_<=70?_-55:_>=97&&_<=102?_-87:_-48&15}function u(A,w,_){var p=d(A,_);return _-1>=w&&(p|=d(A,_-1)<<4),p}function s(A,w,_,p){for(var O=0,U=Math.min(A.length,_),T=w;T=49?z-49+10:z>=17?z-17+10:z}return O}a.isBN=function(A){return A instanceof a||A!==null&&typeof A=="object"&&A.constructor.wordSize===a.wordSize&&Array.isArray(A.words)},a.max=function(A,w){return A.cmp(w)>0?A:w},a.min=function(A,w){return A.cmp(w)<0?A:w},a.prototype._init=function(A,w,_){if(typeof A=="number")return this._initNumber(A,w,_);if(typeof A=="object")return this._initArray(A,w,_);w==="hex"&&(w=16),P(w===(0|w)&&w>=2&&w<=36);var p=0;(A=A.toString().replace(/\s+/g,""))[0]==="-"&&(p++,this.negative=1),p=0;p-=3)U=A[p]|A[p-1]<<8|A[p-2]<<16,this.words[O]|=U<>>26-T&67108863,(T+=24)>=26&&(T-=26,O++);else if(_==="le")for(p=0,O=0;p>>26-T&67108863,(T+=24)>=26&&(T-=26,O++);return this.strip()},a.prototype._parseHex=function(A,w,_){this.length=Math.ceil((A.length-w)/6),this.words=new Array(this.length);for(var p=0;p=w;p-=2)O=u(A,w,p)<=18?(U-=18,T+=1,this.words[T]|=O>>>26):U+=8;else for(p=(A.length-w)%2==0?w+1:w;p=18?(U-=18,T+=1,this.words[T]|=O>>>26):U+=8;this.strip()},a.prototype._parseBase=function(A,w,_){this.words=[0],this.length=1;for(var p=0,O=1;O<=67108863;O*=w)p++;p--,O=O/w|0;for(var U=A.length-_,T=U%p,z=Math.min(U,U-T)+_,te=0,X=_;X1&&this.words[this.length-1]===0;)this.length--;return this._normSign()},a.prototype._normSign=function(){return this.length===1&&this.words[0]===0&&(this.negative=0),this},a.prototype.inspect=function(){return(this.red?""};var r=["","0","00","000","0000","00000","000000","0000000","00000000","000000000","0000000000","00000000000","000000000000","0000000000000","00000000000000","000000000000000","0000000000000000","00000000000000000","000000000000000000","0000000000000000000","00000000000000000000","000000000000000000000","0000000000000000000000","00000000000000000000000","000000000000000000000000","0000000000000000000000000"],n=[0,0,25,16,12,11,10,9,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5],o=[0,0,33554432,43046721,16777216,48828125,60466176,40353607,16777216,43046721,1e7,19487171,35831808,62748517,7529536,11390625,16777216,24137569,34012224,47045881,64e6,4084101,5153632,6436343,7962624,9765625,11881376,14348907,17210368,20511149,243e5,28629151,33554432,39135393,45435424,52521875,60466176];function i(A,w,_){_.negative=w.negative^A.negative;var p=A.length+w.length|0;_.length=p,p=p-1|0;var O=0|A.words[0],U=0|w.words[0],T=O*U,z=67108863&T,te=T/67108864|0;_.words[0]=z;for(var X=1;X>>26,B=67108863&te,Q=Math.min(X,w.length-1),V=Math.max(0,X-A.length+1);V<=Q;V++){var ee=X-V|0;ne+=(T=(O=0|A.words[ee])*(U=0|w.words[V])+B)/67108864|0,B=67108863&T}_.words[X]=0|B,te=0|ne}return te!==0?_.words[X]=0|te:_.length--,_.strip()}a.prototype.toString=function(A,w){var _;if(w=0|w||1,(A=A||10)===16||A==="hex"){_="";for(var p=0,O=0,U=0;U>>24-p&16777215)!=0||U!==this.length-1?r[6-z.length]+z+_:z+_,(p+=2)>=26&&(p-=26,U--)}for(O!==0&&(_=O.toString(16)+_);_.length%w!=0;)_="0"+_;return this.negative!==0&&(_="-"+_),_}if(A===(0|A)&&A>=2&&A<=36){var te=n[A],X=o[A];_="";var ne=this.clone();for(ne.negative=0;!ne.isZero();){var B=ne.modn(X).toString(A);_=(ne=ne.idivn(X)).isZero()?B+_:r[te-B.length]+B+_}for(this.isZero()&&(_="0"+_);_.length%w!=0;)_="0"+_;return this.negative!==0&&(_="-"+_),_}P(!1,"Base should be between 2 and 36")},a.prototype.toNumber=function(){var A=this.words[0];return this.length===2?A+=67108864*this.words[1]:this.length===3&&this.words[2]===1?A+=4503599627370496+67108864*this.words[1]:this.length>2&&P(!1,"Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"),this.negative!==0?-A:A},a.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.toString(16)},a.prototype.toBuffer=function(A,w){return P(t!==void 0),this.toArrayLike(t,A,w)},a.prototype.toArray=function(A,w){return this.toArrayLike(Array,A,w)},a.prototype.toArrayLike=function(A,w,_){var p=this.byteLength(),O=_||Math.max(1,p);P(p<=O,"byte array longer than desired length"),P(O>0,"Requested array length <= 0"),this.strip();var U,T,z=w==="le",te=new A(O),X=this.clone();if(z){for(T=0;!X.isZero();T++)U=X.andln(255),X.iushrn(8),te[T]=U;for(;T=4096&&(_+=13,w>>>=13),w>=64&&(_+=7,w>>>=7),w>=8&&(_+=4,w>>>=4),w>=2&&(_+=2,w>>>=2),_+w},a.prototype._zeroBits=function(A){if(A===0)return 26;var w=A,_=0;return!(8191&w)&&(_+=13,w>>>=13),!(127&w)&&(_+=7,w>>>=7),!(15&w)&&(_+=4,w>>>=4),!(3&w)&&(_+=2,w>>>=2),!(1&w)&&_++,_},a.prototype.bitLength=function(){var A=this.words[this.length-1],w=this._countBits(A);return 26*(this.length-1)+w},a.prototype.zeroBits=function(){if(this.isZero())return 0;for(var A=0,w=0;wA.length?this.clone().ior(A):A.clone().ior(this)},a.prototype.uor=function(A){return this.length>A.length?this.clone().iuor(A):A.clone().iuor(this)},a.prototype.iuand=function(A){var w;w=this.length>A.length?A:this;for(var _=0;_A.length?this.clone().iand(A):A.clone().iand(this)},a.prototype.uand=function(A){return this.length>A.length?this.clone().iuand(A):A.clone().iuand(this)},a.prototype.iuxor=function(A){var w,_;this.length>A.length?(w=this,_=A):(w=A,_=this);for(var p=0;p<_.length;p++)this.words[p]=w.words[p]^_.words[p];if(this!==w)for(;pA.length?this.clone().ixor(A):A.clone().ixor(this)},a.prototype.uxor=function(A){return this.length>A.length?this.clone().iuxor(A):A.clone().iuxor(this)},a.prototype.inotn=function(A){P(typeof A=="number"&&A>=0);var w=0|Math.ceil(A/26),_=A%26;this._expand(w),_>0&&w--;for(var p=0;p0&&(this.words[p]=~this.words[p]&67108863>>26-_),this.strip()},a.prototype.notn=function(A){return this.clone().inotn(A)},a.prototype.setn=function(A,w){P(typeof A=="number"&&A>=0);var _=A/26|0,p=A%26;return this._expand(_+1),this.words[_]=w?this.words[_]|1<A.length?(_=this,p=A):(_=A,p=this);for(var O=0,U=0;U>>26;for(;O!==0&&U<_.length;U++)w=(0|_.words[U])+O,this.words[U]=67108863&w,O=w>>>26;if(this.length=_.length,O!==0)this.words[this.length]=O,this.length++;else if(_!==this)for(;U<_.length;U++)this.words[U]=_.words[U];return this},a.prototype.add=function(A){var w;return 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Ge=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(B,Pe)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(B,ke)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Pe)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(Q,ke)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(Ge>>>26)|0,Ge&=67108863,p=Math.imul(ce,se),O=(O=Math.imul(ce,fe))+Math.imul(he,se)|0,U=Math.imul(he,fe),p=p+Math.imul(ue,ve)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,me)|0)+Math.imul(le,ve)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,ye)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,Ee)|0)+Math.imul(ae,ye)|0,U=U+Math.imul(ae,Ee)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ee,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ee,ke)|0)+Math.imul(K,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(K,ke)|0;var Ve=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(B,we)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(B,Se)|0)+Math.imul(Q,we)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(Q,Se)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(Ve>>>26)|0,Ve&=67108863,p=Math.imul(W,se),O=(O=Math.imul(W,fe))+Math.imul(g,se)|0,U=Math.imul(g,fe),p=p+Math.imul(ce,ve)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,me)|0)+Math.imul(he,ve)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ue,ye)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,Ee)|0)+Math.imul(le,ye)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,Ee)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,ke)|0)+Math.imul(ae,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(ae,ke)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ee,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ee,Se)|0)+Math.imul(K,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(K,Se)|0;var He=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(B,Oe)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(B,Me)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Oe)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(Q,Me)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(He>>>26)|0,He&=67108863,p=Math.imul(x,se),O=(O=Math.imul(x,fe))+Math.imul(j,se)|0,U=Math.imul(j,fe),p=p+Math.imul(W,ve)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,me)|0)+Math.imul(g,ve)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ce,ye)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,Ee)|0)+Math.imul(he,ye)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,Ee)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ue,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,ke)|0)+Math.imul(le,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,ke)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,Se)|0)+Math.imul(ae,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(ae,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ee,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ee,Me)|0)+Math.imul(K,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(K,Me)|0;var $e=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(B,Ne)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(B,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Ne)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(Q,Ce)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+($e>>>26)|0,$e&=67108863,p=Math.imul(L,se),O=(O=Math.imul(L,fe))+Math.imul(F,se)|0,U=Math.imul(F,fe),p=p+Math.imul(x,ve)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,me)|0)+Math.imul(j,ve)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(W,ye)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,Ee)|0)+Math.imul(g,ye)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,Ee)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ce,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,ke)|0)+Math.imul(he,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,ke)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ue,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,Se)|0)+Math.imul(le,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,Me)|0)+Math.imul(ae,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(ae,Me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ee,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ee,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(K,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(K,Ce)|0;var Ke=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(B,Ie)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(B,je)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Ie)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(Q,je)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(Ke>>>26)|0,Ke&=67108863,p=Math.imul(oe,se),O=(O=Math.imul(oe,fe))+Math.imul(G,se)|0,U=Math.imul(G,fe),p=p+Math.imul(L,ve)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,me)|0)+Math.imul(F,ve)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(x,ye)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,Ee)|0)+Math.imul(j,ye)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,Ee)|0,p=p+Math.imul(W,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,ke)|0)+Math.imul(g,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,ke)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ce,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,Se)|0)+Math.imul(he,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ue,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,Me)|0)+Math.imul(le,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,Me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(ae,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(ae,Ce)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ee,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ee,je)|0)+Math.imul(K,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(K,je)|0;var Qe=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(B,Ue)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(B,Je)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Ue)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(Q,Je)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(Qe>>>26)|0,Qe&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,se),O=(O=Math.imul(H,fe))+Math.imul($,se)|0,U=Math.imul($,fe),p=p+Math.imul(oe,ve)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,me)|0)+Math.imul(G,ve)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(L,ye)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,Ee)|0)+Math.imul(F,ye)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,Ee)|0,p=p+Math.imul(x,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,ke)|0)+Math.imul(j,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,ke)|0,p=p+Math.imul(W,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,Se)|0)+Math.imul(g,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ce,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,Me)|0)+Math.imul(he,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,Me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ue,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(le,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,Ce)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,je)|0)+Math.imul(ae,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(ae,je)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ee,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ee,Je)|0)+Math.imul(K,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(K,Je)|0;var Ze=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(B,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(B,Le)|0)+Math.imul(Q,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(Q,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(Ze>>>26)|0,Ze&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,ve),O=(O=Math.imul(H,me))+Math.imul($,ve)|0,U=Math.imul($,me),p=p+Math.imul(oe,ye)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,Ee)|0)+Math.imul(G,ye)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,Ee)|0,p=p+Math.imul(L,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,ke)|0)+Math.imul(F,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,ke)|0,p=p+Math.imul(x,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,Se)|0)+Math.imul(j,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(W,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,Me)|0)+Math.imul(g,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,Me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ce,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(he,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,Ce)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ue,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,je)|0)+Math.imul(le,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,je)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,Je)|0)+Math.imul(ae,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(ae,Je)|0;var Ye=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(ee,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(ee,Le)|0)+Math.imul(K,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(K,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(Ye>>>26)|0,Ye&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,ye),O=(O=Math.imul(H,Ee))+Math.imul($,ye)|0,U=Math.imul($,Ee),p=p+Math.imul(oe,Pe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,ke)|0)+Math.imul(G,Pe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,ke)|0,p=p+Math.imul(L,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,Se)|0)+Math.imul(F,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(x,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,Me)|0)+Math.imul(j,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,Me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(W,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(g,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,Ce)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ce,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,je)|0)+Math.imul(he,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,je)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ue,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,Je)|0)+Math.imul(le,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(le,Je)|0;var Xe=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(q,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(q,Le)|0)+Math.imul(ae,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(ae,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(Xe>>>26)|0,Xe&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,Pe),O=(O=Math.imul(H,ke))+Math.imul($,Pe)|0,U=Math.imul($,ke),p=p+Math.imul(oe,we)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,Se)|0)+Math.imul(G,we)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(L,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,Me)|0)+Math.imul(F,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,Me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(x,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(j,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,Ce)|0,p=p+Math.imul(W,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,je)|0)+Math.imul(g,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,je)|0,p=p+Math.imul(ce,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,Je)|0)+Math.imul(he,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(he,Je)|0;var et=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(ue,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(ue,Le)|0)+Math.imul(le,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(le,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(et>>>26)|0,et&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,we),O=(O=Math.imul(H,Se))+Math.imul($,we)|0,U=Math.imul($,Se),p=p+Math.imul(oe,Oe)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,Me)|0)+Math.imul(G,Oe)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,Me)|0,p=p+Math.imul(L,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(F,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,Ce)|0,p=p+Math.imul(x,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,je)|0)+Math.imul(j,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,je)|0,p=p+Math.imul(W,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,Je)|0)+Math.imul(g,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(g,Je)|0;var tt=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(ce,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(ce,Le)|0)+Math.imul(he,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(he,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(tt>>>26)|0,tt&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,Oe),O=(O=Math.imul(H,Me))+Math.imul($,Oe)|0,U=Math.imul($,Me),p=p+Math.imul(oe,Ne)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,Ce)|0)+Math.imul(G,Ne)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,Ce)|0,p=p+Math.imul(L,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,je)|0)+Math.imul(F,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,je)|0,p=p+Math.imul(x,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,Je)|0)+Math.imul(j,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(j,Je)|0;var rt=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(W,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(W,Le)|0)+Math.imul(g,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(g,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(rt>>>26)|0,rt&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,Ne),O=(O=Math.imul(H,Ce))+Math.imul($,Ne)|0,U=Math.imul($,Ce),p=p+Math.imul(oe,Ie)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,je)|0)+Math.imul(G,Ie)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,je)|0,p=p+Math.imul(L,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,Je)|0)+Math.imul(F,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(F,Je)|0;var nt=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(x,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(x,Le)|0)+Math.imul(j,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(j,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(nt>>>26)|0,nt&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,Ie),O=(O=Math.imul(H,je))+Math.imul($,Ie)|0,U=Math.imul($,je),p=p+Math.imul(oe,Ue)|0,O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,Je)|0)+Math.imul(G,Ue)|0,U=U+Math.imul(G,Je)|0;var ot=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(L,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(L,Le)|0)+Math.imul(F,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(F,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(ot>>>26)|0,ot&=67108863,p=Math.imul(H,Ue),O=(O=Math.imul(H,Je))+Math.imul($,Ue)|0,U=Math.imul($,Je);var it=(X+(p=p+Math.imul(oe,ze)|0)|0)+((8191&(O=(O=O+Math.imul(oe,Le)|0)+Math.imul(G,ze)|0))<<13)|0;X=((U=U+Math.imul(G,Le)|0)+(O>>>13)|0)+(it>>>26)|0,it&=67108863;var at=(X+(p=Math.imul(H,ze))|0)+((8191&(O=(O=Math.imul(H,Le))+Math.imul($,ze)|0))<<13)|0;return X=((U=Math.imul($,Le))+(O>>>13)|0)+(at>>>26)|0,at&=67108863,te[0]=qe,te[1]=Fe,te[2]=We,te[3]=Ge,te[4]=Ve,te[5]=He,te[6]=$e,te[7]=Ke,te[8]=Qe,te[9]=Ze,te[10]=Ye,te[11]=Xe,te[12]=et,te[13]=tt,te[14]=rt,te[15]=nt,te[16]=ot,te[17]=it,te[18]=at,X!==0&&(te[19]=X,_.length++),_};function c(A,w,_){return new h().mulp(A,w,_)}function h(A,w){this.x=A,this.y=w}Math.imul||(f=i),a.prototype.mulTo=function(A,w){var _,p=this.length+A.length;return _=this.length===10&&A.length===10?f(this,A,w):p<63?i(this,A,w):p<1024?function(O,U,T){T.negative=U.negative^O.negative,T.length=O.length+U.length;for(var z=0,te=0,X=0;X>>26)|0)>>>26,ne&=67108863}T.words[X]=B,z=ne,ne=te}return z!==0?T.words[X]=z:T.length--,T.strip()}(this,A,w):c(this,A,w),_},h.prototype.makeRBT=function(A){for(var w=new Array(A),_=a.prototype._countBits(A)-1,p=0;p>=1;return p},h.prototype.permute=function(A,w,_,p,O,U){for(var T=0;T>>=1)O++;return 1<>>=13,_[2*U+1]=8191&O,O>>>=13;for(U=2*w;U>=26,w+=p/67108864|0,w+=O>>>26,this.words[_]=67108863&O}return w!==0&&(this.words[_]=w,this.length++),this},a.prototype.muln=function(A){return this.clone().imuln(A)},a.prototype.sqr=function(){return this.mul(this)},a.prototype.isqr=function(){return this.imul(this.clone())},a.prototype.pow=function(A){var w=function(U){for(var T=new Array(U.bitLength()),z=0;z>>X}return T}(A);if(w.length===0)return new a(1);for(var _=this,p=0;p=0);var w,_=A%26,p=(A-_)/26,O=67108863>>>26-_<<26-_;if(_!==0){var U=0;for(w=0;w>>26-_}U&&(this.words[w]=U,this.length++)}if(p!==0){for(w=this.length-1;w>=0;w--)this.words[w+p]=this.words[w];for(w=0;w=0),p=w?(w-w%26)/26:0;var O=A%26,U=Math.min((A-O)/26,this.length),T=67108863^67108863>>>O<U)for(this.length-=U,te=0;te=0&&(X!==0||te>=p);te--){var ne=0|this.words[te];this.words[te]=X<<26-O|ne>>>O,X=ne&T}return z&&X!==0&&(z.words[z.length++]=X),this.length===0&&(this.words[0]=0,this.length=1),this.strip()},a.prototype.ishrn=function(A,w,_){return P(this.negative===0),this.iushrn(A,w,_)},a.prototype.shln=function(A){return this.clone().ishln(A)},a.prototype.ushln=function(A){return this.clone().iushln(A)},a.prototype.shrn=function(A){return this.clone().ishrn(A)},a.prototype.ushrn=function(A){return this.clone().iushrn(A)},a.prototype.testn=function(A){P(typeof A=="number"&&A>=0);var w=A%26,_=(A-w)/26,p=1<=0);var w=A%26,_=(A-w)/26;if(P(this.negative===0,"imaskn works only with positive numbers"),this.length<=_)return this;if(w!==0&&_++,this.length=Math.min(_,this.length),w!==0){var p=67108863^67108863>>>w<=67108864;w++)this.words[w]-=67108864,w===this.length-1?this.words[w+1]=1:this.words[w+1]++;return this.length=Math.max(this.length,w+1),this},a.prototype.isubn=function(A){if(P(typeof A=="number"),P(A<67108864),A<0)return this.iaddn(-A);if(this.negative!==0)return this.negative=0,this.iaddn(A),this.negative=1,this;if(this.words[0]-=A,this.length===1&&this.words[0]<0)this.words[0]=-this.words[0],this.negative=1;else for(var w=0;w>26)-(z/67108864|0),this.words[p+_]=67108863&O}for(;p>26,this.words[p+_]=67108863&O;if(T===0)return this.strip();for(P(T===-1),T=0,p=0;p>26,this.words[p]=67108863&O;return this.negative=1,this.strip()},a.prototype._wordDiv=function(A,w){var _=(this.length,A.length),p=this.clone(),O=A,U=0|O.words[O.length-1];(_=26-this._countBits(U))!=0&&(O=O.ushln(_),p.iushln(_),U=0|O.words[O.length-1]);var T,z=p.length-O.length;if(w!=="mod"){(T=new a(null)).length=z+1,T.words=new Array(T.length);for(var te=0;te=0;ne--){var B=67108864*(0|p.words[O.length+ne])+(0|p.words[O.length+ne-1]);for(B=Math.min(B/U|0,67108863),p._ishlnsubmul(O,B,ne);p.negative!==0;)B--,p.negative=0,p._ishlnsubmul(O,1,ne),p.isZero()||(p.negative^=1);T&&(T.words[ne]=B)}return T&&T.strip(),p.strip(),w!=="div"&&_!==0&&p.iushrn(_),{div:T||null,mod:p}},a.prototype.divmod=function(A,w,_){return P(!A.isZero()),this.isZero()?{div:new a(0),mod:new a(0)}:this.negative!==0&&A.negative===0?(U=this.neg().divmod(A,w),w!=="mod"&&(p=U.div.neg()),w!=="div"&&(O=U.mod.neg(),_&&O.negative!==0&&O.iadd(A)),{div:p,mod:O}):this.negative===0&&A.negative!==0?(U=this.divmod(A.neg(),w),w!=="mod"&&(p=U.div.neg()),{div:p,mod:U.mod}):this.negative&A.negative?(U=this.neg().divmod(A.neg(),w),w!=="div"&&(O=U.mod.neg(),_&&O.negative!==0&&O.isub(A)),{div:U.div,mod:O}):A.length>this.length||this.cmp(A)<0?{div:new a(0),mod:this}:A.length===1?w==="div"?{div:this.divn(A.words[0]),mod:null}:w==="mod"?{div:null,mod:new a(this.modn(A.words[0]))}:{div:this.divn(A.words[0]),mod:new a(this.modn(A.words[0]))}:this._wordDiv(A,w);var p,O,U},a.prototype.div=function(A){return this.divmod(A,"div",!1).div},a.prototype.mod=function(A){return this.divmod(A,"mod",!1).mod},a.prototype.umod=function(A){return this.divmod(A,"mod",!0).mod},a.prototype.divRound=function(A){var w=this.divmod(A);if(w.mod.isZero())return w.div;var _=w.div.negative!==0?w.mod.isub(A):w.mod,p=A.ushrn(1),O=A.andln(1),U=_.cmp(p);return U<0||O===1&&U===0?w.div:w.div.negative!==0?w.div.isubn(1):w.div.iaddn(1)},a.prototype.modn=function(A){P(A<=67108863);for(var w=67108864%A,_=0,p=this.length-1;p>=0;p--)_=(w*_+(0|this.words[p]))%A;return _},a.prototype.idivn=function(A){P(A<=67108863);for(var w=0,_=this.length-1;_>=0;_--){var p=(0|this.words[_])+67108864*w;this.words[_]=p/A|0,w=p%A}return this.strip()},a.prototype.divn=function(A){return this.clone().idivn(A)},a.prototype.egcd=function(A){P(A.negative===0),P(!A.isZero());var w=this,_=A.clone();w=w.negative!==0?w.umod(A):w.clone();for(var p=new a(1),O=new a(0),U=new a(0),T=new a(1),z=0;w.isEven()&&_.isEven();)w.iushrn(1),_.iushrn(1),++z;for(var te=_.clone(),X=w.clone();!w.isZero();){for(var ne=0,B=1;!(w.words[0]&B)&&ne<26;++ne,B<<=1);if(ne>0)for(w.iushrn(ne);ne-- >0;)(p.isOdd()||O.isOdd())&&(p.iadd(te),O.isub(X)),p.iushrn(1),O.iushrn(1);for(var Q=0,V=1;!(_.words[0]&V)&&Q<26;++Q,V<<=1);if(Q>0)for(_.iushrn(Q);Q-- >0;)(U.isOdd()||T.isOdd())&&(U.iadd(te),T.isub(X)),U.iushrn(1),T.iushrn(1);w.cmp(_)>=0?(w.isub(_),p.isub(U),O.isub(T)):(_.isub(w),U.isub(p),T.isub(O))}return{a:U,b:T,gcd:_.iushln(z)}},a.prototype._invmp=function(A){P(A.negative===0),P(!A.isZero());var w=this,_=A.clone();w=w.negative!==0?w.umod(A):w.clone();for(var p,O=new a(1),U=new a(0),T=_.clone();w.cmpn(1)>0&&_.cmpn(1)>0;){for(var z=0,te=1;!(w.words[0]&te)&&z<26;++z,te<<=1);if(z>0)for(w.iushrn(z);z-- >0;)O.isOdd()&&O.iadd(T),O.iushrn(1);for(var X=0,ne=1;!(_.words[0]&ne)&&X<26;++X,ne<<=1);if(X>0)for(_.iushrn(X);X-- >0;)U.isOdd()&&U.iadd(T),U.iushrn(1);w.cmp(_)>=0?(w.isub(_),O.isub(U)):(_.isub(w),U.isub(O))}return(p=w.cmpn(1)===0?O:U).cmpn(0)<0&&p.iadd(A),p},a.prototype.gcd=function(A){if(this.isZero())return A.abs();if(A.isZero())return this.abs();var w=this.clone(),_=A.clone();w.negative=0,_.negative=0;for(var p=0;w.isEven()&&_.isEven();p++)w.iushrn(1),_.iushrn(1);for(;;){for(;w.isEven();)w.iushrn(1);for(;_.isEven();)_.iushrn(1);var O=w.cmp(_);if(O<0){var U=w;w=_,_=U}else if(O===0||_.cmpn(1)===0)break;w.isub(_)}return _.iushln(p)},a.prototype.invm=function(A){return this.egcd(A).a.umod(A)},a.prototype.isEven=function(){return(1&this.words[0])==0},a.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.words[0])==1},a.prototype.andln=function(A){return this.words[0]&A},a.prototype.bincn=function(A){P(typeof A=="number");var w=A%26,_=(A-w)/26,p=1<>>26,T&=67108863,this.words[U]=T}return O!==0&&(this.words[U]=O,this.length++),this},a.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.length===1&&this.words[0]===0},a.prototype.cmpn=function(A){var w,_=A<0;if(this.negative!==0&&!_)return-1;if(this.negative===0&&_)return 1;if(this.strip(),this.length>1)w=1;else{_&&(A=-A),P(A<=67108863,"Number is too big");var p=0|this.words[0];w=p===A?0:pA.length)return 1;if(this.length=0;_--){var p=0|this.words[_],O=0|A.words[_];if(p!==O){pO&&(w=1);break}}return w},a.prototype.gtn=function(A){return this.cmpn(A)===1},a.prototype.gt=function(A){return this.cmp(A)===1},a.prototype.gten=function(A){return this.cmpn(A)>=0},a.prototype.gte=function(A){return this.cmp(A)>=0},a.prototype.ltn=function(A){return this.cmpn(A)===-1},a.prototype.lt=function(A){return this.cmp(A)===-1},a.prototype.lten=function(A){return this.cmpn(A)<=0},a.prototype.lte=function(A){return this.cmp(A)<=0},a.prototype.eqn=function(A){return this.cmpn(A)===0},a.prototype.eq=function(A){return this.cmp(A)===0},a.red=function(A){return new k(A)},a.prototype.toRed=function(A){return P(!this.red,"Already a number in reduction context"),P(this.negative===0,"red works only with positives"),A.convertTo(this)._forceRed(A)},a.prototype.fromRed=function(){return P(this.red,"fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),this.red.convertFrom(this)},a.prototype._forceRed=function(A){return this.red=A,this},a.prototype.forceRed=function(A){return P(!this.red,"Already a number in reduction context"),this._forceRed(A)},a.prototype.redAdd=function(A){return P(this.red,"redAdd works only with red numbers"),this.red.add(this,A)},a.prototype.redIAdd=function(A){return P(this.red,"redIAdd works only with red numbers"),this.red.iadd(this,A)},a.prototype.redSub=function(A){return P(this.red,"redSub works only with red numbers"),this.red.sub(this,A)},a.prototype.redISub=function(A){return P(this.red,"redISub works only with red numbers"),this.red.isub(this,A)},a.prototype.redShl=function(A){return P(this.red,"redShl works only with red numbers"),this.red.shl(this,A)},a.prototype.redMul=function(A){return P(this.red,"redMul works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify2(this,A),this.red.mul(this,A)},a.prototype.redIMul=function(A){return P(this.red,"redMul works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify2(this,A),this.red.imul(this,A)},a.prototype.redSqr=function(){return P(this.red,"redSqr works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.sqr(this)},a.prototype.redISqr=function(){return P(this.red,"redISqr works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.isqr(this)},a.prototype.redSqrt=function(){return P(this.red,"redSqrt works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.sqrt(this)},a.prototype.redInvm=function(){return P(this.red,"redInvm works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.invm(this)},a.prototype.redNeg=function(){return P(this.red,"redNeg works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.neg(this)},a.prototype.redPow=function(A){return P(this.red&&!A.red,"redPow(normalNum)"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.pow(this,A)};var m={k256:null,p224:null,p192:null,p25519:null};function v(A,w){this.name=A,this.p=new a(w,16),this.n=this.p.bitLength(),this.k=new a(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p),this.tmp=this._tmp()}function C(){v.call(this,"k256","ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f")}function l(){v.call(this,"p224","ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001")}function I(){v.call(this,"p192","ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff")}function R(){v.call(this,"25519","7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed")}function k(A){if(typeof A=="string"){var w=a._prime(A);this.m=w.p,this.prime=w}else P(A.gtn(1),"modulus must be greater than 1"),this.m=A,this.prime=null}function N(A){k.call(this,A),this.shift=this.m.bitLength(),this.shift%26!=0&&(this.shift+=26-this.shift%26),this.r=new a(1).iushln(this.shift),this.r2=this.imod(this.r.sqr()),this.rinv=this.r._invmp(this.m),this.minv=this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m),this.minv=this.minv.umod(this.r),this.minv=this.r.sub(this.minv)}v.prototype._tmp=function(){var A=new a(null);return A.words=new Array(Math.ceil(this.n/13)),A},v.prototype.ireduce=function(A){var w,_=A;do this.split(_,this.tmp),w=(_=(_=this.imulK(_)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength();while(w>this.n);var p=w0?_.isub(this.p):_.strip!==void 0?_.strip():_._strip(),_},v.prototype.split=function(A,w){A.iushrn(this.n,0,w)},v.prototype.imulK=function(A){return A.imul(this.k)},y(C,v),C.prototype.split=function(A,w){for(var _=4194303,p=Math.min(A.length,9),O=0;O>>22,U=T}U>>>=22,A.words[O-10]=U,U===0&&A.length>10?A.length-=10:A.length-=9},C.prototype.imulK=function(A){A.words[A.length]=0,A.words[A.length+1]=0,A.length+=2;for(var w=0,_=0;_>>=26,A.words[_]=O,w=p}return w!==0&&(A.words[A.length++]=w),A},a._prime=function(A){if(m[A])return m[A];var w;if(A==="k256")w=new C;else if(A==="p224")w=new l;else if(A==="p192")w=new I;else{if(A!=="p25519")throw new Error("Unknown prime "+A);w=new R}return m[A]=w,w},k.prototype._verify1=function(A){P(A.negative===0,"red works only with positives"),P(A.red,"red works only with red numbers")},k.prototype._verify2=function(A,w){P((A.negative|w.negative)==0,"red works only with positives"),P(A.red&&A.red===w.red,"red works only with red numbers")},k.prototype.imod=function(A){return this.prime?this.prime.ireduce(A)._forceRed(this):A.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this)},k.prototype.neg=function(A){return A.isZero()?A.clone():this.m.sub(A)._forceRed(this)},k.prototype.add=function(A,w){this._verify2(A,w);var _=A.add(w);return _.cmp(this.m)>=0&&_.isub(this.m),_._forceRed(this)},k.prototype.iadd=function(A,w){this._verify2(A,w);var _=A.iadd(w);return _.cmp(this.m)>=0&&_.isub(this.m),_},k.prototype.sub=function(A,w){this._verify2(A,w);var _=A.sub(w);return _.cmpn(0)<0&&_.iadd(this.m),_._forceRed(this)},k.prototype.isub=function(A,w){this._verify2(A,w);var _=A.isub(w);return _.cmpn(0)<0&&_.iadd(this.m),_},k.prototype.shl=function(A,w){return this._verify1(A),this.imod(A.ushln(w))},k.prototype.imul=function(A,w){return this._verify2(A,w),this.imod(A.imul(w))},k.prototype.mul=function(A,w){return this._verify2(A,w),this.imod(A.mul(w))},k.prototype.isqr=function(A){return this.imul(A,A.clone())},k.prototype.sqr=function(A){return this.mul(A,A)},k.prototype.sqrt=function(A){if(A.isZero())return A.clone();var w=this.m.andln(3);if(P(w%2==1),w===3){var _=this.m.add(new a(1)).iushrn(2);return this.pow(A,_)}for(var p=this.m.subn(1),O=0;!p.isZero()&&p.andln(1)===0;)O++,p.iushrn(1);P(!p.isZero());var U=new a(1).toRed(this),T=U.redNeg(),z=this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1),te=this.m.bitLength();for(te=new a(2*te*te).toRed(this);this.pow(te,z).cmp(T)!==0;)te.redIAdd(T);for(var X=this.pow(te,p),ne=this.pow(A,p.addn(1).iushrn(1)),B=this.pow(A,p),Q=O;B.cmp(U)!==0;){for(var V=B,ee=0;V.cmp(U)!==0;ee++)V=V.redSqr();P(ee=0;p--){for(var te=w.words[p],X=z-1;X>=0;X--){var ne=te>>X&1;O!==_[0]&&(O=this.sqr(O)),ne!==0||U!==0?(U<<=1,U|=ne,(++T==4||p===0&&X===0)&&(O=this.mul(O,_[U]),T=0,U=0)):T=0}z=26}return O},k.prototype.convertTo=function(A){var w=A.umod(this.m);return w===A?w.clone():w},k.prototype.convertFrom=function(A){var w=A.clone();return w.red=null,w},a.mont=function(A){return new N(A)},y(N,k),N.prototype.convertTo=function(A){return this.imod(A.ushln(this.shift))},N.prototype.convertFrom=function(A){var w=this.imod(A.mul(this.rinv));return w.red=null,w},N.prototype.imul=function(A,w){if(A.isZero()||w.isZero())return A.words[0]=0,A.length=1,A;var _=A.imul(w),p=_.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m),O=_.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift),U=O;return O.cmp(this.m)>=0?U=O.isub(this.m):O.cmpn(0)<0&&(U=O.iadd(this.m)),U._forceRed(this)},N.prototype.mul=function(A,w){if(A.isZero()||w.isZero())return new a(0)._forceRed(this);var _=A.mul(w),p=_.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m),O=_.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift),U=O;return O.cmp(this.m)>=0?U=O.isub(this.m):O.cmpn(0)<0&&(U=O.iadd(this.m)),U._forceRed(this)},N.prototype.invm=function(A){return this.imod(A._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this)}})(J=b.nmd(J),this)},9931:(J,e,b)=>{var E;function M(y){this.rand=y}if(J.exports=function(y){return E||(E=new M(null)),E.generate(y)},J.exports.Rand=M,M.prototype.generate=function(y){return this._rand(y)},M.prototype._rand=function(y){if(this.rand.getBytes)return this.rand.getBytes(y);for(var a=new Uint8Array(y),t=0;t{var E=b(8162);J.exports=E("123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz")},3310:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(7191),M=b(9509).Buffer;J.exports=function(P){function y(a){var t=a.slice(0,-4),d=a.slice(-4),u=P(t);if(!(d[0]^u[0]|d[1]^u[1]|d[2]^u[2]|d[3]^u[3]))return t}return{encode:function(a){var t=P(a);return E.encode(M.concat([a,t],a.length+4))},decode:function(a){var t=y(E.decode(a));if(!t)throw new Error("Invalid checksum");return t},decodeUnsafe:function(a){var t=E.decodeUnsafe(a);if(t)return y(t)}}}},8334:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3482),M=b(3310);J.exports=M(function(P){var y=E("sha256").update(P).digest();return E("sha256").update(y).digest()})},8764:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5108);const M=b(9742),P=b(645),y=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.for=="function"?Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom"):null;e.Buffer=d,e.SlowBuffer=function(S){return+S!=S&&(S=0),d.alloc(+S)},e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50;const a=2147483647;function t(S){if(S>a)throw new RangeError('The value "'+S+'" is invalid for option "size"');const x=new Uint8Array(S);return Object.setPrototypeOf(x,d.prototype),x}function d(S,x,j){if(typeof S=="number"){if(typeof x=="string")throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');return r(S)}return u(S,x,j)}function u(S,x,j){if(typeof S=="string")return function(F,re){if(typeof re=="string"&&re!==""||(re="utf8"),!d.isEncoding(re))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+re);const oe=0|f(F,re);let G=t(oe);const Z=G.write(F,re);return Z!==oe&&(G=G.slice(0,Z)),G}(S,x);if(ArrayBuffer.isView(S))return function(F){if(ce(F,Uint8Array)){const re=new Uint8Array(F);return o(re.buffer,re.byteOffset,re.byteLength)}return n(F)}(S);if(S==null)throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof S);if(ce(S,ArrayBuffer)||S&&ce(S.buffer,ArrayBuffer)||typeof SharedArrayBuffer<"u"&&(ce(S,SharedArrayBuffer)||S&&ce(S.buffer,SharedArrayBuffer)))return o(S,x,j);if(typeof S=="number")throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');const D=S.valueOf&&S.valueOf();if(D!=null&&D!==S)return d.from(D,x,j);const L=function(F){if(d.isBuffer(F)){const re=0|i(F.length),oe=t(re);return oe.length===0||F.copy(oe,0,0,re),oe}return F.length!==void 0?typeof F.length!="number"||he(F.length)?t(0):n(F):F.type==="Buffer"&&Array.isArray(F.data)?n(F.data):void 0}(S);if(L)return L;if(typeof Symbol<"u"&&Symbol.toPrimitive!=null&&typeof S[Symbol.toPrimitive]=="function")return d.from(S[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"),x,j);throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof S)}function s(S){if(typeof S!="number")throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');if(S<0)throw new RangeError('The value "'+S+'" is invalid for option "size"')}function r(S){return s(S),t(S<0?0:0|i(S))}function n(S){const x=S.length<0?0:0|i(S.length),j=t(x);for(let D=0;D=a)throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+a.toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|S}function f(S,x){if(d.isBuffer(S))return S.length;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(S)||ce(S,ArrayBuffer))return S.byteLength;if(typeof S!="string")throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type '+typeof S);const j=S.length,D=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]===!0;if(!D&&j===0)return 0;let L=!1;for(;;)switch(x){case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return j;case"utf8":case"utf-8":return ue(S).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*j;case"hex":return j>>>1;case"base64":return le(S).length;default:if(L)return D?-1:ue(S).length;x=(""+x).toLowerCase(),L=!0}}function c(S,x,j){let D=!1;if((x===void 0||x<0)&&(x=0),x>this.length||((j===void 0||j>this.length)&&(j=this.length),j<=0)||(j>>>=0)<=(x>>>=0))return"";for(S||(S="utf8");;)switch(S){case"hex":return O(this,x,j);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return A(this,x,j);case"ascii":return _(this,x,j);case"latin1":case"binary":return p(this,x,j);case"base64":return N(this,x,j);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return U(this,x,j);default:if(D)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+S);S=(S+"").toLowerCase(),D=!0}}function h(S,x,j){const D=S[x];S[x]=S[j],S[j]=D}function m(S,x,j,D,L){if(S.length===0)return-1;if(typeof j=="string"?(D=j,j=0):j>2147483647?j=2147483647:j<-2147483648&&(j=-2147483648),he(j=+j)&&(j=L?0:S.length-1),j<0&&(j=S.length+j),j>=S.length){if(L)return-1;j=S.length-1}else if(j<0){if(!L)return-1;j=0}if(typeof x=="string"&&(x=d.from(x,D)),d.isBuffer(x))return x.length===0?-1:v(S,x,j,D,L);if(typeof x=="number")return x&=255,typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf=="function"?L?Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(S,x,j):Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(S,x,j):v(S,[x],j,D,L);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")}function v(S,x,j,D,L){let F,re=1,oe=S.length,G=x.length;if(D!==void 0&&((D=String(D).toLowerCase())==="ucs2"||D==="ucs-2"||D==="utf16le"||D==="utf-16le")){if(S.length<2||x.length<2)return-1;re=2,oe/=2,G/=2,j/=2}function Z(H,$){return re===1?H[$]:H.readUInt16BE($*re)}if(L){let H=-1;for(F=j;Foe&&(j=oe-G),F=j;F>=0;F--){let H=!0;for(let $=0;$L&&(D=L):D=L;const F=x.length;let re;for(D>F/2&&(D=F/2),re=0;re>8,G=re%256,Z.push(G),Z.push(oe);return Z}(x,S.length-j),S,j,D)}function N(S,x,j){return x===0&&j===S.length?M.fromByteArray(S):M.fromByteArray(S.slice(x,j))}function A(S,x,j){j=Math.min(S.length,j);const D=[];let L=x;for(;L239?4:F>223?3:F>191?2:1;if(L+oe<=j){let G,Z,H,$;switch(oe){case 1:F<128&&(re=F);break;case 2:G=S[L+1],(192&G)==128&&($=(31&F)<<6|63&G,$>127&&(re=$));break;case 3:G=S[L+1],Z=S[L+2],(192&G)==128&&(192&Z)==128&&($=(15&F)<<12|(63&G)<<6|63&Z,$>2047&&($<55296||$>57343)&&(re=$));break;case 4:G=S[L+1],Z=S[L+2],H=S[L+3],(192&G)==128&&(192&Z)==128&&(192&H)==128&&($=(15&F)<<18|(63&G)<<12|(63&Z)<<6|63&H,$>65535&&$<1114112&&(re=$))}}re===null?(re=65533,oe=1):re>65535&&(re-=65536,D.push(re>>>10&1023|55296),re=56320|1023&re),D.push(re),L+=oe}return function(F){const re=F.length;if(re<=w)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,F);let oe="",G=0;for(;GD.length?(d.isBuffer(F)||(F=d.from(F)),F.copy(D,L)):Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(D,F,L);else{if(!d.isBuffer(F))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');F.copy(D,L)}L+=F.length}return D},d.byteLength=f,d.prototype._isBuffer=!0,d.prototype.swap16=function(){const S=this.length;if(S%2!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");for(let x=0;xx&&(S+=" ... "),""},y&&(d.prototype[y]=d.prototype.inspect),d.prototype.compare=function(S,x,j,D,L){if(ce(S,Uint8Array)&&(S=d.from(S,S.offset,S.byteLength)),!d.isBuffer(S))throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type '+typeof S);if(x===void 0&&(x=0),j===void 0&&(j=S?S.length:0),D===void 0&&(D=0),L===void 0&&(L=this.length),x<0||j>S.length||D<0||L>this.length)throw new RangeError("out of range index");if(D>=L&&x>=j)return 0;if(D>=L)return-1;if(x>=j)return 1;if(this===S)return 0;let F=(L>>>=0)-(D>>>=0),re=(j>>>=0)-(x>>>=0);const oe=Math.min(F,re),G=this.slice(D,L),Z=S.slice(x,j);for(let H=0;H>>=0,isFinite(j)?(j>>>=0,D===void 0&&(D="utf8")):(D=j,j=void 0)}const L=this.length-x;if((j===void 0||j>L)&&(j=L),S.length>0&&(j<0||x<0)||x>this.length)throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");D||(D="utf8");let F=!1;for(;;)switch(D){case"hex":return C(this,S,x,j);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return l(this,S,x,j);case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return I(this,S,x,j);case"base64":return R(this,S,x,j);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return k(this,S,x,j);default:if(F)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+D);D=(""+D).toLowerCase(),F=!0}},d.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",data:Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr||this,0)}};const w=4096;function _(S,x,j){let D="";j=Math.min(S.length,j);for(let L=x;LD)&&(j=D);let L="";for(let F=x;Fj)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function z(S,x,j,D,L,F){if(!d.isBuffer(S))throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');if(x>L||xS.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function te(S,x,j,D,L){Y(x,D,L,S,j,7);let F=Number(x&BigInt(4294967295));S[j++]=F,F>>=8,S[j++]=F,F>>=8,S[j++]=F,F>>=8,S[j++]=F;let re=Number(x>>BigInt(32)&BigInt(4294967295));return S[j++]=re,re>>=8,S[j++]=re,re>>=8,S[j++]=re,re>>=8,S[j++]=re,j}function X(S,x,j,D,L){Y(x,D,L,S,j,7);let F=Number(x&BigInt(4294967295));S[j+7]=F,F>>=8,S[j+6]=F,F>>=8,S[j+5]=F,F>>=8,S[j+4]=F;let re=Number(x>>BigInt(32)&BigInt(4294967295));return S[j+3]=re,re>>=8,S[j+2]=re,re>>=8,S[j+1]=re,re>>=8,S[j]=re,j+8}function ne(S,x,j,D,L,F){if(j+D>S.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(j<0)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function B(S,x,j,D,L){return x=+x,j>>>=0,L||ne(S,0,j,4),P.write(S,x,j,D,23,4),j+4}function Q(S,x,j,D,L){return x=+x,j>>>=0,L||ne(S,0,j,8),P.write(S,x,j,D,52,8),j+8}d.prototype.slice=function(S,x){const j=this.length;(S=~~S)<0?(S+=j)<0&&(S=0):S>j&&(S=j),(x=x===void 0?j:~~x)<0?(x+=j)<0&&(x=0):x>j&&(x=j),x>>=0,x>>>=0,j||T(S,x,this.length);let D=this[S],L=1,F=0;for(;++F>>=0,x>>>=0,j||T(S,x,this.length);let D=this[S+--x],L=1;for(;x>0&&(L*=256);)D+=this[S+--x]*L;return D},d.prototype.readUint8=d.prototype.readUInt8=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,1,this.length),this[S]},d.prototype.readUint16LE=d.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,2,this.length),this[S]|this[S+1]<<8},d.prototype.readUint16BE=d.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,2,this.length),this[S]<<8|this[S+1]},d.prototype.readUint32LE=d.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,4,this.length),(this[S]|this[S+1]<<8|this[S+2]<<16)+16777216*this[S+3]},d.prototype.readUint32BE=d.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,4,this.length),16777216*this[S]+(this[S+1]<<16|this[S+2]<<8|this[S+3])},d.prototype.readBigUInt64LE=W(function(S){q(S>>>=0,"offset");const x=this[S],j=this[S+7];x!==void 0&&j!==void 0||ae(S,this.length-8);const D=x+256*this[++S]+65536*this[++S]+this[++S]*2**24,L=this[++S]+256*this[++S]+65536*this[++S]+j*2**24;return BigInt(D)+(BigInt(L)<>>=0,"offset");const x=this[S],j=this[S+7];x!==void 0&&j!==void 0||ae(S,this.length-8);const D=x*2**24+65536*this[++S]+256*this[++S]+this[++S],L=this[++S]*2**24+65536*this[++S]+256*this[++S]+j;return(BigInt(D)<>>=0,x>>>=0,j||T(S,x,this.length);let D=this[S],L=1,F=0;for(;++F=L&&(D-=Math.pow(2,8*x)),D},d.prototype.readIntBE=function(S,x,j){S>>>=0,x>>>=0,j||T(S,x,this.length);let D=x,L=1,F=this[S+--D];for(;D>0&&(L*=256);)F+=this[S+--D]*L;return L*=128,F>=L&&(F-=Math.pow(2,8*x)),F},d.prototype.readInt8=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,1,this.length),128&this[S]?-1*(255-this[S]+1):this[S]},d.prototype.readInt16LE=function(S,x){S>>>=0,x||T(S,2,this.length);const j=this[S]|this[S+1]<<8;return 32768&j?4294901760|j:j},d.prototype.readInt16BE=function(S,x){S>>>=0,x||T(S,2,this.length);const j=this[S+1]|this[S]<<8;return 32768&j?4294901760|j:j},d.prototype.readInt32LE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,4,this.length),this[S]|this[S+1]<<8|this[S+2]<<16|this[S+3]<<24},d.prototype.readInt32BE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,4,this.length),this[S]<<24|this[S+1]<<16|this[S+2]<<8|this[S+3]},d.prototype.readBigInt64LE=W(function(S){q(S>>>=0,"offset");const x=this[S],j=this[S+7];x!==void 0&&j!==void 0||ae(S,this.length-8);const D=this[S+4]+256*this[S+5]+65536*this[S+6]+(j<<24);return(BigInt(D)<>>=0,"offset");const x=this[S],j=this[S+7];x!==void 0&&j!==void 0||ae(S,this.length-8);const D=(x<<24)+65536*this[++S]+256*this[++S]+this[++S];return(BigInt(D)<>>=0,x||T(S,4,this.length),P.read(this,S,!0,23,4)},d.prototype.readFloatBE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,4,this.length),P.read(this,S,!1,23,4)},d.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,8,this.length),P.read(this,S,!0,52,8)},d.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(S,x){return S>>>=0,x||T(S,8,this.length),P.read(this,S,!1,52,8)},d.prototype.writeUintLE=d.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(S,x,j,D){S=+S,x>>>=0,j>>>=0,D||z(this,S,x,j,Math.pow(2,8*j)-1,0);let L=1,F=0;for(this[x]=255&S;++F>>=0,j>>>=0,D||z(this,S,x,j,Math.pow(2,8*j)-1,0);let L=j-1,F=1;for(this[x+L]=255&S;--L>=0&&(F*=256);)this[x+L]=S/F&255;return x+j},d.prototype.writeUint8=d.prototype.writeUInt8=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,1,255,0),this[x]=255&S,x+1},d.prototype.writeUint16LE=d.prototype.writeUInt16LE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,2,65535,0),this[x]=255&S,this[x+1]=S>>>8,x+2},d.prototype.writeUint16BE=d.prototype.writeUInt16BE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,2,65535,0),this[x]=S>>>8,this[x+1]=255&S,x+2},d.prototype.writeUint32LE=d.prototype.writeUInt32LE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,4,4294967295,0),this[x+3]=S>>>24,this[x+2]=S>>>16,this[x+1]=S>>>8,this[x]=255&S,x+4},d.prototype.writeUint32BE=d.prototype.writeUInt32BE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,4,4294967295,0),this[x]=S>>>24,this[x+1]=S>>>16,this[x+2]=S>>>8,this[x+3]=255&S,x+4},d.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE=W(function(S,x=0){return te(this,S,x,BigInt(0),BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"))}),d.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE=W(function(S,x=0){return X(this,S,x,BigInt(0),BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"))}),d.prototype.writeIntLE=function(S,x,j,D){if(S=+S,x>>>=0,!D){const oe=Math.pow(2,8*j-1);z(this,S,x,j,oe-1,-oe)}let L=0,F=1,re=0;for(this[x]=255&S;++L>0)-re&255;return x+j},d.prototype.writeIntBE=function(S,x,j,D){if(S=+S,x>>>=0,!D){const oe=Math.pow(2,8*j-1);z(this,S,x,j,oe-1,-oe)}let L=j-1,F=1,re=0;for(this[x+L]=255&S;--L>=0&&(F*=256);)S<0&&re===0&&this[x+L+1]!==0&&(re=1),this[x+L]=(S/F>>0)-re&255;return x+j},d.prototype.writeInt8=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,1,127,-128),S<0&&(S=255+S+1),this[x]=255&S,x+1},d.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,2,32767,-32768),this[x]=255&S,this[x+1]=S>>>8,x+2},d.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,2,32767,-32768),this[x]=S>>>8,this[x+1]=255&S,x+2},d.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,4,2147483647,-2147483648),this[x]=255&S,this[x+1]=S>>>8,this[x+2]=S>>>16,this[x+3]=S>>>24,x+4},d.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(S,x,j){return S=+S,x>>>=0,j||z(this,S,x,4,2147483647,-2147483648),S<0&&(S=4294967295+S+1),this[x]=S>>>24,this[x+1]=S>>>16,this[x+2]=S>>>8,this[x+3]=255&S,x+4},d.prototype.writeBigInt64LE=W(function(S,x=0){return te(this,S,x,-BigInt("0x8000000000000000"),BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"))}),d.prototype.writeBigInt64BE=W(function(S,x=0){return X(this,S,x,-BigInt("0x8000000000000000"),BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"))}),d.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(S,x,j){return B(this,S,x,!0,j)},d.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(S,x,j){return B(this,S,x,!1,j)},d.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(S,x,j){return Q(this,S,x,!0,j)},d.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(S,x,j){return Q(this,S,x,!1,j)},d.prototype.copy=function(S,x,j,D){if(!d.isBuffer(S))throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");if(j||(j=0),D||D===0||(D=this.length),x>=S.length&&(x=S.length),x||(x=0),D>0&&D=this.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(D<0)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");D>this.length&&(D=this.length),S.length-x>>=0,j=j===void 0?this.length:j>>>0,S||(S=0),typeof S=="number")for(L=x;L=D+4;j-=3)x=`_${S.slice(j-3,j)}${x}`;return`${S.slice(0,j)}${x}`}function Y(S,x,j,D,L,F){if(S>j||S3?x===0||x===BigInt(0)?`>= 0${re} and < 2${re} ** ${8*(F+1)}${re}`:`>= -(2${re} ** ${8*(F+1)-1}${re}) and < 2 ** ${8*(F+1)-1}${re}`:`>= ${x}${re} and <= ${j}${re}`,new V.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value",oe,S)}(function(re,oe,G){q(oe,"offset"),re[oe]!==void 0&&re[oe+G]!==void 0||ae(oe,re.length-(G+1))})(D,L,F)}function q(S,x){if(typeof S!="number")throw new V.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(x,"number",S)}function ae(S,x,j){throw Math.floor(S)!==S?(q(S,j),new V.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(j||"offset","an integer",S)):x<0?new V.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS:new V.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(j||"offset",`>= ${j?1:0} and <= ${x}`,S)}ee("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS",function(S){return S?`${S} is outside of buffer bounds`:"Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds"},RangeError),ee("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE",function(S,x){return`The "${S}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof x}`},TypeError),ee("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE",function(S,x,j){let D=`The value of "${S}" is out of range.`,L=j;return Number.isInteger(j)&&Math.abs(j)>4294967296?L=K(String(j)):typeof j=="bigint"&&(L=String(j),(j>BigInt(2)**BigInt(32)||j<-(BigInt(2)**BigInt(32)))&&(L=K(L)),L+="n"),D+=` It must be ${x}. Received ${L}`,D},RangeError);const de=/[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;function ue(S,x){let j;x=x||1/0;const D=S.length;let L=null;const F=[];for(let re=0;re55295&&j<57344){if(!L){if(j>56319){(x-=3)>-1&&F.push(239,191,189);continue}if(re+1===D){(x-=3)>-1&&F.push(239,191,189);continue}L=j;continue}if(j<56320){(x-=3)>-1&&F.push(239,191,189),L=j;continue}j=65536+(L-55296<<10|j-56320)}else L&&(x-=3)>-1&&F.push(239,191,189);if(L=null,j<128){if((x-=1)<0)break;F.push(j)}else if(j<2048){if((x-=2)<0)break;F.push(j>>6|192,63&j|128)}else if(j<65536){if((x-=3)<0)break;F.push(j>>12|224,j>>6&63|128,63&j|128)}else{if(!(j<1114112))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((x-=4)<0)break;F.push(j>>18|240,j>>12&63|128,j>>6&63|128,63&j|128)}}return F}function le(S){return M.toByteArray(function(x){if((x=(x=x.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(de,"")).length<2)return"";for(;x.length%4!=0;)x+="=";return x}(S))}function ge(S,x,j,D){let L;for(L=0;L=x.length||L>=S.length);++L)x[L+j]=S[L];return L}function ce(S,x){return S instanceof x||S!=null&&S.constructor!=null&&S.constructor.name!=null&&S.constructor.name===x.name}function he(S){return S!=S}const be=function(){const S="0123456789abcdef",x=new Array(256);for(let j=0;j<16;++j){const D=16*j;for(let L=0;L<16;++L)x[D+L]=S[j]+S[L]}return x}();function W(S){return typeof BigInt>"u"?g:S}function g(){throw new Error("BigInt not supported")}},1924:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(210),M=b(5559),P=M(E("String.prototype.indexOf"));J.exports=function(y,a){var t=E(y,!!a);return typeof t=="function"&&P(y,".prototype.")>-1?M(t):t}},5559:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8612),M=b(210),P=M("%Function.prototype.apply%"),y=M("%Function.prototype.call%"),a=M("%Reflect.apply%",!0)||E.call(y,P),t=M("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%",!0),d=M("%Object.defineProperty%",!0),u=M("%Math.max%");if(d)try{d({},"a",{value:1})}catch{d=null}J.exports=function(r){var n=a(E,y,arguments);return t&&d&&t(n,"length").configurable&&d(n,"length",{value:1+u(0,r.length-(arguments.length-1))}),n};var s=function(){return 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"+o);delete t[o];var f=P()-i;y.log(o+": "+f+"ms")},"timeEnd"],[function(){var o=new Error;o.name="Trace",o.message=E.format.apply(null,arguments),y.error(o.stack)},"trace"],[function(o){y.log(E.inspect(o)+` -`)},"dir"],[function(o){if(!o){var i=a.call(arguments,1);M.ok(!1,E.format.apply(null,i))}},"assert"]],u=0;u{var E=b(5717),M=b(2318),P=b(9785),y=b(9072),a=b(1027);function t(d){a.call(this,"digest"),this._hash=d}E(t,a),t.prototype._update=function(d){this._hash.update(d)},t.prototype._final=function(){return this._hash.digest()},J.exports=function(d){return(d=d.toLowerCase())==="md5"?new M:d==="rmd160"||d==="ripemd160"?new P:new t(y(d))}},8028:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(2318);J.exports=function(M){return new E().update(M).digest()}},8355:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(1031),P=b(1027),y=b(9509).Buffer,a=b(8028),t=b(9785),d=b(9072),u=y.alloc(128);function s(r,n){P.call(this,"digest"),typeof n=="string"&&(n=y.from(n));var 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Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])):a.arrayBuffer&&(ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(k)||d(k))?this._bodyArrayBuffer=c(k):this._bodyText=k=Object.prototype.toString.call(k):this._bodyText="",this.headers.get("content-type")||(typeof k=="string"?this.headers.set("content-type","text/plain;charset=UTF-8"):this._bodyBlob&&this._bodyBlob.type?this.headers.set("content-type",this._bodyBlob.type):a.searchParams&&URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(k)&&this.headers.set("content-type","application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8"))},a.blob&&(this.blob=function(){var k=o(this);if(k)return k;if(this._bodyBlob)return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob);if(this._bodyArrayBuffer)return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer]));if(this._bodyFormData)throw new Error("could not read FormData body as blob");return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText]))},this.arrayBuffer=function(){return 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ce,he=0;for(ce=0;ce<32;ce++)he|=ae[de+ce]^ue[le+ce];return(1&he-1>>>8)-1}(ee,K,Y,q)}function o(ee,K){var Y;for(Y=0;Y<16;Y++)ee[Y]=0|K[Y]}function i(ee){var K,Y,q=1;for(K=0;K<16;K++)Y=ee[K]+q+65535,q=Math.floor(Y/65536),ee[K]=Y-65536*q;ee[0]+=q-1+37*(q-1)}function f(ee,K,Y){for(var q,ae=~(Y-1),de=0;de<16;de++)q=ae&(ee[de]^K[de]),ee[de]^=q,K[de]^=q}function c(ee,K){var Y,q,ae,de=E(),ue=E();for(Y=0;Y<16;Y++)ue[Y]=K[Y];for(i(ue),i(ue),i(ue),q=0;q<2;q++){for(de[0]=ue[0]-65517,Y=1;Y<15;Y++)de[Y]=ue[Y]-65535-(de[Y-1]>>16&1),de[Y-1]&=65535;de[15]=ue[15]-32767-(de[14]>>16&1),ae=de[15]>>16&1,de[14]&=65535,f(ue,de,1-ae)}for(Y=0;Y<16;Y++)ee[2*Y]=255&ue[Y],ee[2*Y+1]=ue[Y]>>8}function h(ee,K){var Y=new Uint8Array(32),q=new Uint8Array(32);return c(Y,ee),c(q,K),n(Y,0,q,0)}function m(ee){var K=new Uint8Array(32);return c(K,ee),1&K[0]}function v(ee,K){var Y;for(Y=0;Y<16;Y++)ee[Y]=K[2*Y]+(K[2*Y+1]<<8);ee[15]&=32767}function C(ee,K,Y){for(var q=0;q<16;q++)ee[q]=K[q]+Y[q]}function l(ee,K,Y){for(var q=0;q<16;q++)ee[q]=K[q]-Y[q]}function I(ee,K,Y){var q,ae,de=0,ue=0,le=0,ge=0,ce=0,he=0,be=0,W=0,g=0,S=0,x=0,j=0,D=0,L=0,F=0,re=0,oe=0,G=0,Z=0,H=0,$=0,ie=0,se=0,fe=0,pe=0,ve=0,me=0,_e=0,ye=0,Ee=0,Ae=0,Pe=Y[0],ke=Y[1],xe=Y[2],we=Y[3],Se=Y[4],Re=Y[5],Oe=Y[6],Me=Y[7],Te=Y[8],Ne=Y[9],Ce=Y[10],Be=Y[11],Ie=Y[12],je=Y[13],De=Y[14],Ue=Y[15];de+=(q=K[0])*Pe,ue+=q*ke,le+=q*xe,ge+=q*we,ce+=q*Se,he+=q*Re,be+=q*Oe,W+=q*Me,g+=q*Te,S+=q*Ne,x+=q*Ce,j+=q*Be,D+=q*Ie,L+=q*je,F+=q*De,re+=q*Ue,ue+=(q=K[1])*Pe,le+=q*ke,ge+=q*xe,ce+=q*we,he+=q*Se,be+=q*Re,W+=q*Oe,g+=q*Me,S+=q*Te,x+=q*Ne,j+=q*Ce,D+=q*Be,L+=q*Ie,F+=q*je,re+=q*De,oe+=q*Ue,le+=(q=K[2])*Pe,ge+=q*ke,ce+=q*xe,he+=q*we,be+=q*Se,W+=q*Re,g+=q*Oe,S+=q*Me,x+=q*Te,j+=q*Ne,D+=q*Ce,L+=q*Be,F+=q*Ie,re+=q*je,oe+=q*De,G+=q*Ue,ge+=(q=K[3])*Pe,ce+=q*ke,he+=q*xe,be+=q*we,W+=q*Se,g+=q*Re,S+=q*Oe,x+=q*Me,j+=q*Te,D+=q*Ne,L+=q*Ce,F+=q*Be,re+=q*Ie,oe+=q*je,G+=q*De,Z+=q*Ue,ce+=(q=K[4])*Pe,he+=q*ke,be+=q*xe,W+=q*we,g+=q*Se,S+=q*Re,x+=q*Oe,j+=q*Me,D+=q*Te,L+=q*Ne,F+=q*Ce,re+=q*Be,oe+=q*Ie,G+=q*je,Z+=q*De,H+=q*Ue,he+=(q=K[5])*Pe,be+=q*ke,W+=q*xe,g+=q*we,S+=q*Se,x+=q*Re,j+=q*Oe,D+=q*Me,L+=q*Te,F+=q*Ne,re+=q*Ce,oe+=q*Be,G+=q*Ie,Z+=q*je,H+=q*De,$+=q*Ue,be+=(q=K[6])*Pe,W+=q*ke,g+=q*xe,S+=q*we,x+=q*Se,j+=q*Re,D+=q*Oe,L+=q*Me,F+=q*Te,re+=q*Ne,oe+=q*Ce,G+=q*Be,Z+=q*Ie,H+=q*je,$+=q*De,ie+=q*Ue,W+=(q=K[7])*Pe,g+=q*ke,S+=q*xe,x+=q*we,j+=q*Se,D+=q*Re,L+=q*Oe,F+=q*Me,re+=q*Te,oe+=q*Ne,G+=q*Ce,Z+=q*Be,H+=q*Ie,$+=q*je,ie+=q*De,se+=q*Ue,g+=(q=K[8])*Pe,S+=q*ke,x+=q*xe,j+=q*we,D+=q*Se,L+=q*Re,F+=q*Oe,re+=q*Me,oe+=q*Te,G+=q*Ne,Z+=q*Ce,H+=q*Be,$+=q*Ie,ie+=q*je,se+=q*De,fe+=q*Ue,S+=(q=K[9])*Pe,x+=q*ke,j+=q*xe,D+=q*we,L+=q*Se,F+=q*Re,re+=q*Oe,oe+=q*Me,G+=q*Te,Z+=q*Ne,H+=q*Ce,$+=q*Be,ie+=q*Ie,se+=q*je,fe+=q*De,pe+=q*Ue,x+=(q=K[10])*Pe,j+=q*ke,D+=q*xe,L+=q*we,F+=q*Se,re+=q*Re,oe+=q*Oe,G+=q*Me,Z+=q*Te,H+=q*Ne,$+=q*Ce,ie+=q*Be,se+=q*Ie,fe+=q*je,pe+=q*De,ve+=q*Ue,j+=(q=K[11])*Pe,D+=q*ke,L+=q*xe,F+=q*we,re+=q*Se,oe+=q*Re,G+=q*Oe,Z+=q*Me,H+=q*Te,$+=q*Ne,ie+=q*Ce,se+=q*Be,fe+=q*Ie,pe+=q*je,ve+=q*De,me+=q*Ue,D+=(q=K[12])*Pe,L+=q*ke,F+=q*xe,re+=q*we,oe+=q*Se,G+=q*Re,Z+=q*Oe,H+=q*Me,$+=q*Te,ie+=q*Ne,se+=q*Ce,fe+=q*Be,pe+=q*Ie,ve+=q*je,me+=q*De,_e+=q*Ue,L+=(q=K[13])*Pe,F+=q*ke,re+=q*xe,oe+=q*we,G+=q*Se,Z+=q*Re,H+=q*Oe,$+=q*Me,ie+=q*Te,se+=q*Ne,fe+=q*Ce,pe+=q*Be,ve+=q*Ie,me+=q*je,_e+=q*De,ye+=q*Ue,F+=(q=K[14])*Pe,re+=q*ke,oe+=q*xe,G+=q*we,Z+=q*Se,H+=q*Re,$+=q*Oe,ie+=q*Me,se+=q*Te,fe+=q*Ne,pe+=q*Ce,ve+=q*Be,me+=q*Ie,_e+=q*je,ye+=q*De,Ee+=q*Ue,re+=(q=K[15])*Pe,ue+=38*(G+=q*xe),le+=38*(Z+=q*we),ge+=38*(H+=q*Se),ce+=38*($+=q*Re),he+=38*(ie+=q*Oe),be+=38*(se+=q*Me),W+=38*(fe+=q*Te),g+=38*(pe+=q*Ne),S+=38*(ve+=q*Ce),x+=38*(me+=q*Be),j+=38*(_e+=q*Ie),D+=38*(ye+=q*je),L+=38*(Ee+=q*De),F+=38*(Ae+=q*Ue),de=(q=(de+=38*(oe+=q*ke))+(ae=1)+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),ue=(q=ue+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),le=(q=le+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),ge=(q=ge+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),ce=(q=ce+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),he=(q=he+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),be=(q=be+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),W=(q=W+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),g=(q=g+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),S=(q=S+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),x=(q=x+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),j=(q=j+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),D=(q=D+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),L=(q=L+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),F=(q=F+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),re=(q=re+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),de=(q=(de+=ae-1+37*(ae-1))+(ae=1)+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),ue=(q=ue+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),le=(q=le+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),ge=(q=ge+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),ce=(q=ce+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),he=(q=he+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),be=(q=be+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),W=(q=W+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),g=(q=g+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),S=(q=S+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),x=(q=x+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),j=(q=j+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),D=(q=D+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),L=(q=L+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),F=(q=F+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),re=(q=re+ae+65535)-65536*(ae=Math.floor(q/65536)),de+=ae-1+37*(ae-1),ee[0]=de,ee[1]=ue,ee[2]=le,ee[3]=ge,ee[4]=ce,ee[5]=he,ee[6]=be,ee[7]=W,ee[8]=g,ee[9]=S,ee[10]=x,ee[11]=j,ee[12]=D,ee[13]=L,ee[14]=F,ee[15]=re}function R(ee,K){I(ee,K,K)}function k(ee,K){var Y,q=E();for(Y=0;Y<16;Y++)q[Y]=K[Y];for(Y=253;Y>=0;Y--)R(q,q),Y!==2&&Y!==4&&I(q,q,K);for(Y=0;Y<16;Y++)ee[Y]=q[Y]}function N(ee,K,Y){var q,ae,de=new Uint8Array(32),ue=new Float64Array(80),le=E(),ge=E(),ce=E(),he=E(),be=E(),W=E();for(ae=0;ae<31;ae++)de[ae]=K[ae];for(de[31]=127&K[31]|64,de[0]&=248,v(ue,Y),ae=0;ae<16;ae++)ge[ae]=ue[ae],he[ae]=le[ae]=ce[ae]=0;for(le[0]=he[0]=1,ae=254;ae>=0;--ae)f(le,ge,q=de[ae>>>3]>>>(7&ae)&1),f(ce,he,q),C(be,le,ce),l(le,le,ce),C(ce,ge,he),l(ge,ge,he),R(he,be),R(W,le),I(le,ce,le),I(ce,ge,be),C(be,le,ce),l(le,le,ce),R(ge,le),l(ce,he,W),I(le,ce,y),C(le,le,he),I(ce,ce,le),I(le,he,W),I(he,ge,ue),R(ge,be),f(le,ge,q),f(ce,he,q);for(ae=0;ae<16;ae++)ue[ae+16]=le[ae],ue[ae+32]=ce[ae],ue[ae+48]=ge[ae],ue[ae+64]=he[ae];var g=ue.subarray(32),S=ue.subarray(16);return k(g,g),I(S,S,g),c(ee,S),0}var A=[1116352408,3609767458,1899447441,602891725,3049323471,3964484399,3921009573,2173295548,961987163,4081628472,1508970993,3053834265,2453635748,2937671579,2870763221,3664609560,3624381080,2734883394,310598401,1164996542,607225278,1323610764,1426881987,3590304994,1925078388,4068182383,2162078206,991336113,2614888103,633803317,3248222580,3479774868,3835390401,2666613458,4022224774,944711139,264347078,2341262773,604807628,2007800933,770255983,1495990901,1249150122,1856431235,1555081692,3175218132,1996064986,2198950837,2554220882,3999719339,2821834349,766784016,2952996808,2566594879,3210313671,3203337956,3336571891,1034457026,3584528711,2466948901,113926993,3758326383,338241895,168717936,666307205,1188179964,773529912,1546045734,1294757372,1522805485,1396182291,2643833823,1695183700,2343527390,1986661051,1014477480,2177026350,1206759142,2456956037,344077627,2730485921,1290863460,2820302411,3158454273,3259730800,3505952657,3345764771,106217008,3516065817,3606008344,3600352804,1432725776,4094571909,1467031594,275423344,851169720,430227734,3100823752,506948616,1363258195,659060556,3750685593,883997877,3785050280,958139571,3318307427,1322822218,3812723403,1537002063,2003034995,1747873779,3602036899,1955562222,1575990012,2024104815,1125592928,2227730452,2716904306,2361852424,442776044,2428436474,593698344,2756734187,3733110249,3204031479,2999351573,3329325298,3815920427,3391569614,3928383900,3515267271,566280711,3940187606,3454069534,4118630271,4000239992,116418474,1914138554,174292421,2731055270,289380356,3203993006,460393269,320620315,685471733,587496836,852142971,1086792851,1017036298,365543100,1126000580,2618297676,1288033470,3409855158,1501505948,4234509866,1607167915,987167468,1816402316,1246189591];function w(ee,K,Y,q){for(var ae,de,ue,le,ge,ce,he,be,W,g,S,x,j,D,L,F,re,oe,G,Z,H,$,ie,se,fe,pe,ve=new Int32Array(16),me=new Int32Array(16),_e=ee[0],ye=ee[1],Ee=ee[2],Ae=ee[3],Pe=ee[4],ke=ee[5],xe=ee[6],we=ee[7],Se=K[0],Re=K[1],Oe=K[2],Me=K[3],Te=K[4],Ne=K[5],Ce=K[6],Be=K[7],Ie=0;q>=128;){for(G=0;G<16;G++)Z=8*G+Ie,ve[G]=Y[Z+0]<<24|Y[Z+1]<<16|Y[Z+2]<<8|Y[Z+3],me[G]=Y[Z+4]<<24|Y[Z+5]<<16|Y[Z+6]<<8|Y[Z+7];for(G=0;G<80;G++)if(ae=_e,de=ye,ue=Ee,le=Ae,ge=Pe,ce=ke,he=xe,W=Se,g=Re,S=Oe,x=Me,j=Te,D=Ne,L=Ce,ie=65535&($=Be),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=we),pe=H>>>16,ie+=65535&($=(Te>>>14|Pe<<18)^(Te>>>18|Pe<<14)^(Pe>>>9|Te<<23)),se+=$>>>16,fe+=65535&(H=(Pe>>>14|Te<<18)^(Pe>>>18|Te<<14)^(Te>>>9|Pe<<23)),pe+=H>>>16,ie+=65535&($=Te&Ne^~Te&Ce),se+=$>>>16,fe+=65535&(H=Pe&ke^~Pe&xe),pe+=H>>>16,H=A[2*G],ie+=65535&($=A[2*G+1]),se+=$>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,H=ve[G%16],se+=($=me[G%16])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16,ie=65535&($=oe=65535&ie|se<<16),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=re=65535&fe|(pe+=fe>>>16)<<16),pe=H>>>16,ie+=65535&($=(Se>>>28|_e<<4)^(_e>>>2|Se<<30)^(_e>>>7|Se<<25)),se+=$>>>16,fe+=65535&(H=(_e>>>28|Se<<4)^(Se>>>2|_e<<30)^(Se>>>7|_e<<25)),pe+=H>>>16,se+=($=Se&Re^Se&Oe^Re&Oe)>>>16,fe+=65535&(H=_e&ye^_e&Ee^ye&Ee),pe+=H>>>16,be=65535&(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)|(pe+=fe>>>16)<<16,F=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=x),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=le),pe=H>>>16,se+=($=oe)>>>16,fe+=65535&(H=re),pe+=H>>>16,ye=ae,Ee=de,Ae=ue,Pe=le=65535&(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)|(pe+=fe>>>16)<<16,ke=ge,xe=ce,we=he,_e=be,Re=W,Oe=g,Me=S,Te=x=65535&ie|se<<16,Ne=j,Ce=D,Be=L,Se=F,G%16==15)for(Z=0;Z<16;Z++)H=ve[Z],ie=65535&($=me[Z]),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&H,pe=H>>>16,H=ve[(Z+9)%16],ie+=65535&($=me[(Z+9)%16]),se+=$>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,re=ve[(Z+1)%16],ie+=65535&($=((oe=me[(Z+1)%16])>>>1|re<<31)^(oe>>>8|re<<24)^(oe>>>7|re<<25)),se+=$>>>16,fe+=65535&(H=(re>>>1|oe<<31)^(re>>>8|oe<<24)^re>>>7),pe+=H>>>16,re=ve[(Z+14)%16],se+=($=((oe=me[(Z+14)%16])>>>19|re<<13)^(re>>>29|oe<<3)^(oe>>>6|re<<26))>>>16,fe+=65535&(H=(re>>>19|oe<<13)^(oe>>>29|re<<3)^re>>>6),pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ve[Z]=65535&fe|pe<<16,me[Z]=65535&ie|se<<16;ie=65535&($=Se),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=_e),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[0],se+=($=K[0])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[0]=_e=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[0]=Se=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=Re),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=ye),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[1],se+=($=K[1])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[1]=ye=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[1]=Re=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=Oe),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=Ee),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[2],se+=($=K[2])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[2]=Ee=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[2]=Oe=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=Me),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=Ae),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[3],se+=($=K[3])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[3]=Ae=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[3]=Me=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=Te),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=Pe),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[4],se+=($=K[4])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[4]=Pe=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[4]=Te=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=Ne),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=ke),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[5],se+=($=K[5])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[5]=ke=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[5]=Ne=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=Ce),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=xe),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[6],se+=($=K[6])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[6]=xe=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[6]=Ce=65535&ie|se<<16,ie=65535&($=Be),se=$>>>16,fe=65535&(H=we),pe=H>>>16,H=ee[7],se+=($=K[7])>>>16,fe+=65535&H,pe+=H>>>16,pe+=(fe+=(se+=(ie+=65535&$)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ee[7]=we=65535&fe|pe<<16,K[7]=Be=65535&ie|se<<16,Ie+=128,q-=128}return q}function _(ee,K,Y){var q,ae=new Int32Array(8),de=new Int32Array(8),ue=new Uint8Array(256),le=Y;for(ae[0]=1779033703,ae[1]=3144134277,ae[2]=1013904242,ae[3]=2773480762,ae[4]=1359893119,ae[5]=2600822924,ae[6]=528734635,ae[7]=1541459225,de[0]=4089235720,de[1]=2227873595,de[2]=4271175723,de[3]=1595750129,de[4]=2917565137,de[5]=725511199,de[6]=4215389547,de[7]=327033209,w(ae,de,K,Y),Y%=128,q=0;q=0;--ae)O(ee,K,q=Y[ae/8|0]>>(7&ae)&1),p(K,ee),p(ee,ee),O(ee,K,q)}function z(ee,K){var Y=[E(),E(),E(),E()];o(Y[0],d),o(Y[1],u),o(Y[2],P),I(Y[3],d,u),T(ee,Y,K)}var te=new Float64Array([237,211,245,92,26,99,18,88,214,156,247,162,222,249,222,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16]);function X(ee,K){var Y,q,ae,de;for(q=63;q>=32;--q){for(Y=0,ae=q-32,de=q-12;ae>8,K[ae]-=256*Y;K[ae]+=Y,K[q]=0}for(Y=0,ae=0;ae<32;ae++)K[ae]+=Y-(K[31]>>4)*te[ae],Y=K[ae]>>8,K[ae]&=255;for(ae=0;ae<32;ae++)K[ae]-=Y*te[ae];for(q=0;q<32;q++)K[q+1]+=K[q]>>8,ee[q]=255&K[q]}function ne(ee){var K,Y=new Float64Array(64);for(K=0;K<64;K++)Y[K]=ee[K];for(K=0;K<64;K++)ee[K]=0;X(ee,Y)}function B(ee,K,Y,q,ae){for(var de=new Uint8Array(64),ue=[E(),E(),E(),E()],le=0;le<32;le++)de[le]=q[le];de[0]&=248,de[31]&=127,de[31]|=64,z(ue,de),U(de.subarray(32),ue);var ge,ce=128&de[63];return ge=ae?function(he,be,W,g,S){var x,j,D=new Uint8Array(64),L=new Uint8Array(64),F=new Float64Array(64),re=[E(),E(),E(),E()];for(he[0]=254,x=1;x<32;x++)he[x]=255;for(x=0;x<32;x++)he[32+x]=g[x];for(x=0;x=0;$--)R(ie,ie),$!==1&&I(ie,ie,H);for($=0;$<16;$++)Z[$]=ie[$]}(j,j),I(j,j,L),I(j,j,F),I(j,j,F),I(S[0],j,F),R(D,S[0]),I(D,D,F),h(D,L)&&I(S[0],S[0],s),R(D,S[0]),I(D,D,F),h(D,L)?-1:(m(S[0])===x[31]>>7&&l(S[0],M,S[0]),I(S[3],S[0],S[1]),0)}(g,ge))return-1;for(ce=0;ce=0},e.generateKeyPair=function(ee){if(V(ee),ee.length!==32)throw new Error("wrong seed length");for(var K=new Uint8Array(32),Y=new Uint8Array(32),q=0;q<32;q++)K[q]=ee[q];return N(Y,K,b),K[0]&=248,K[31]&=127,K[31]|=64,Y[31]&=127,{public:Y,private:K}},e.default={}},4289:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(2215),M=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol("foo")=="symbol",P=Object.prototype.toString,y=Array.prototype.concat,a=Object.defineProperty,t=b(1044)(),d=a&&t,u=function(r,n,o,i){if(n in r){if(i===!0){if(r[n]===o)return}else if(typeof(f=i)!="function"||P.call(f)!=="[object Function]"||!i())return}var f;d?a(r,n,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,value:o,writable:!0}):r[n]=o},s=function(r,n){var o=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:{},i=E(n);M&&(i=y.call(i,Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n)));for(var f=0;f{var E=e;E.version=b(8597).i8,E.utils=b(953),E.rand=b(9931),E.curve=b(8254),E.curves=b(5427),E.ec=b(7954),E.eddsa=b(5980)},4918:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3550),M=b(953),P=M.getNAF,y=M.getJSF,a=M.assert;function t(u,s){this.type=u,this.p=new E(s.p,16),this.red=s.prime?E.red(s.prime):E.mont(this.p),this.zero=new E(0).toRed(this.red),this.one=new E(1).toRed(this.red),this.two=new E(2).toRed(this.red),this.n=s.n&&new E(s.n,16),this.g=s.g&&this.pointFromJSON(s.g,s.gRed),this._wnafT1=new Array(4),this._wnafT2=new Array(4),this._wnafT3=new Array(4),this._wnafT4=new Array(4),this._bitLength=this.n?this.n.bitLength():0;var r=this.n&&this.p.div(this.n);!r||r.cmpn(100)>0?this.redN=null:(this._maxwellTrick=!0,this.redN=this.n.toRed(this.red))}function d(u,s){this.curve=u,this.type=s,this.precomputed=null}J.exports=t,t.prototype.point=function(){throw new Error("Not implemented")},t.prototype.validate=function(){throw new Error("Not implemented")},t.prototype._fixedNafMul=function(u,s){a(u.precomputed);var r=u._getDoubles(),n=P(s,1,this._bitLength),o=(1<=i;h--)f=(f<<1)+n[h];c.push(f)}for(var m=this.jpoint(null,null,null),v=this.jpoint(null,null,null),C=o;C>0;C--){for(i=0;i=0;c--){for(var h=0;c>=0&&i[c]===0;c--)h++;if(c>=0&&h++,f=f.dblp(h),c<0)break;var m=i[c];a(m!==0),f=u.type==="affine"?m>0?f.mixedAdd(o[m-1>>1]):f.mixedAdd(o[-m-1>>1].neg()):m>0?f.add(o[m-1>>1]):f.add(o[-m-1>>1].neg())}return u.type==="affine"?f.toP():f},t.prototype._wnafMulAdd=function(u,s,r,n,o){var i,f,c,h=this._wnafT1,m=this._wnafT2,v=this._wnafT3,C=0;for(i=0;i=1;i-=2){var I=i-1,R=i;if(h[I]===1&&h[R]===1){var k=[s[I],null,null,s[R]];s[I].y.cmp(s[R].y)===0?(k[1]=s[I].add(s[R]),k[2]=s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R].neg())):s[I].y.cmp(s[R].y.redNeg())===0?(k[1]=s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R]),k[2]=s[I].add(s[R].neg())):(k[1]=s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R]),k[2]=s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R].neg()));var N=[-3,-1,-5,-7,0,7,5,1,3],A=y(r[I],r[R]);for(C=Math.max(A[0].length,C),v[I]=new Array(C),v[R]=new Array(C),f=0;f=0;i--){for(var U=0;i>=0;){var T=!0;for(f=0;f=0&&U++,p=p.dblp(U),i<0)break;for(f=0;f0?c=m[f][z-1>>1]:z<0&&(c=m[f][-z-1>>1].neg()),p=c.type==="affine"?p.mixedAdd(c):p.add(c))}}for(i=0;i=Math.ceil((u.bitLength()+1)/s.step)},d.prototype._getDoubles=function(u,s){if(this.precomputed&&this.precomputed.doubles)return this.precomputed.doubles;for(var r=[this],n=this,o=0;o{var E=b(953),M=b(3550),P=b(5717),y=b(4918),a=E.assert;function t(u){this.twisted=(0|u.a)!=1,this.mOneA=this.twisted&&(0|u.a)==-1,this.extended=this.mOneA,y.call(this,"edwards",u),this.a=new M(u.a,16).umod(this.red.m),this.a=this.a.toRed(this.red),this.c=new M(u.c,16).toRed(this.red),this.c2=this.c.redSqr(),this.d=new M(u.d,16).toRed(this.red),this.dd=this.d.redAdd(this.d),a(!this.twisted||this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1)===0),this.oneC=(0|u.c)==1}function d(u,s,r,n,o){y.BasePoint.call(this,u,"projective"),s===null&&r===null&&n===null?(this.x=this.curve.zero,this.y=this.curve.one,this.z=this.curve.one,this.t=this.curve.zero,this.zOne=!0):(this.x=new M(s,16),this.y=new M(r,16),this.z=n?new M(n,16):this.curve.one,this.t=o&&new M(o,16),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.y.red||(this.y=this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.z.red||(this.z=this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.t&&!this.t.red&&(this.t=this.t.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.zOne=this.z===this.curve.one,this.curve.extended&&!this.t&&(this.t=this.x.redMul(this.y),this.zOne||(this.t=this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm()))))}P(t,y),J.exports=t,t.prototype._mulA=function(u){return this.mOneA?u.redNeg():this.a.redMul(u)},t.prototype._mulC=function(u){return this.oneC?u:this.c.redMul(u)},t.prototype.jpoint=function(u,s,r,n){return this.point(u,s,r,n)},t.prototype.pointFromX=function(u,s){(u=new M(u,16)).red||(u=u.toRed(this.red));var r=u.redSqr(),n=this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(r)),o=this.one.redSub(this.c2.redMul(this.d).redMul(r)),i=n.redMul(o.redInvm()),f=i.redSqrt();if(f.redSqr().redSub(i).cmp(this.zero)!==0)throw new Error("invalid point");var c=f.fromRed().isOdd();return(s&&!c||!s&&c)&&(f=f.redNeg()),this.point(u,f)},t.prototype.pointFromY=function(u,s){(u=new M(u,16)).red||(u=u.toRed(this.red));var r=u.redSqr(),n=r.redSub(this.c2),o=r.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a),i=n.redMul(o.redInvm());if(i.cmp(this.zero)===0){if(s)throw new Error("invalid point");return this.point(this.zero,u)}var f=i.redSqrt();if(f.redSqr().redSub(i).cmp(this.zero)!==0)throw new Error("invalid point");return f.fromRed().isOdd()!==s&&(f=f.redNeg()),this.point(f,u)},t.prototype.validate=function(u){if(u.isInfinity())return!0;u.normalize();var s=u.x.redSqr(),r=u.y.redSqr(),n=s.redMul(this.a).redAdd(r),o=this.c2.redMul(this.one.redAdd(this.d.redMul(s).redMul(r)));return n.cmp(o)===0},P(d,y.BasePoint),t.prototype.pointFromJSON=function(u){return d.fromJSON(this,u)},t.prototype.point=function(u,s,r,n){return new d(this,u,s,r,n)},d.fromJSON=function(u,s){return new d(u,s[0],s[1],s[2])},d.prototype.inspect=function(){return this.isInfinity()?"":""},d.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.x.cmpn(0)===0&&(this.y.cmp(this.z)===0||this.zOne&&this.y.cmp(this.curve.c)===0)},d.prototype._extDbl=function(){var u=this.x.redSqr(),s=this.y.redSqr(),r=this.z.redSqr();r=r.redIAdd(r);var n=this.curve._mulA(u),o=this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(u).redISub(s),i=n.redAdd(s),f=i.redSub(r),c=n.redSub(s),h=o.redMul(f),m=i.redMul(c),v=o.redMul(c),C=f.redMul(i);return this.curve.point(h,m,C,v)},d.prototype._projDbl=function(){var u,s,r,n,o,i,f=this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(),c=this.x.redSqr(),h=this.y.redSqr();if(this.curve.twisted){var m=(n=this.curve._mulA(c)).redAdd(h);this.zOne?(u=f.redSub(c).redSub(h).redMul(m.redSub(this.curve.two)),s=m.redMul(n.redSub(h)),r=m.redSqr().redSub(m).redSub(m)):(o=this.z.redSqr(),i=m.redSub(o).redISub(o),u=f.redSub(c).redISub(h).redMul(i),s=m.redMul(n.redSub(h)),r=m.redMul(i))}else n=c.redAdd(h),o=this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr(),i=n.redSub(o).redSub(o),u=this.curve._mulC(f.redISub(n)).redMul(i),s=this.curve._mulC(n).redMul(c.redISub(h)),r=n.redMul(i);return this.curve.point(u,s,r)},d.prototype.dbl=function(){return this.isInfinity()?this:this.curve.extended?this._extDbl():this._projDbl()},d.prototype._extAdd=function(u){var s=this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(u.y.redSub(u.x)),r=this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(u.y.redAdd(u.x)),n=this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(u.t),o=this.z.redMul(u.z.redAdd(u.z)),i=r.redSub(s),f=o.redSub(n),c=o.redAdd(n),h=r.redAdd(s),m=i.redMul(f),v=c.redMul(h),C=i.redMul(h),l=f.redMul(c);return this.curve.point(m,v,l,C)},d.prototype._projAdd=function(u){var s,r,n=this.z.redMul(u.z),o=n.redSqr(),i=this.x.redMul(u.x),f=this.y.redMul(u.y),c=this.curve.d.redMul(i).redMul(f),h=o.redSub(c),m=o.redAdd(c),v=this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(u.x.redAdd(u.y)).redISub(i).redISub(f),C=n.redMul(h).redMul(v);return this.curve.twisted?(s=n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(this.curve._mulA(i))),r=h.redMul(m)):(s=n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(i)),r=this.curve._mulC(h).redMul(m)),this.curve.point(C,s,r)},d.prototype.add=function(u){return this.isInfinity()?u:u.isInfinity()?this:this.curve.extended?this._extAdd(u):this._projAdd(u)},d.prototype.mul=function(u){return this._hasDoubles(u)?this.curve._fixedNafMul(this,u):this.curve._wnafMul(this,u)},d.prototype.mulAdd=function(u,s,r){return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,[this,s],[u,r],2,!1)},d.prototype.jmulAdd=function(u,s,r){return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,[this,s],[u,r],2,!0)},d.prototype.normalize=function(){if(this.zOne)return this;var u=this.z.redInvm();return this.x=this.x.redMul(u),this.y=this.y.redMul(u),this.t&&(this.t=this.t.redMul(u)),this.z=this.curve.one,this.zOne=!0,this},d.prototype.neg=function(){return this.curve.point(this.x.redNeg(),this.y,this.z,this.t&&this.t.redNeg())},d.prototype.getX=function(){return this.normalize(),this.x.fromRed()},d.prototype.getY=function(){return this.normalize(),this.y.fromRed()},d.prototype.eq=function(u){return this===u||this.getX().cmp(u.getX())===0&&this.getY().cmp(u.getY())===0},d.prototype.eqXToP=function(u){var s=u.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(this.z);if(this.x.cmp(s)===0)return!0;for(var r=u.clone(),n=this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z);;){if(r.iadd(this.curve.n),r.cmp(this.curve.p)>=0)return!1;if(s.redIAdd(n),this.x.cmp(s)===0)return!0}},d.prototype.toP=d.prototype.normalize,d.prototype.mixedAdd=d.prototype.add},8254:(J,e,b)=>{var E=e;E.base=b(4918),E.short=b(6673),E.mont=b(2881),E.edwards=b(1138)},2881:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3550),M=b(5717),P=b(4918),y=b(953);function a(d){P.call(this,"mont",d),this.a=new E(d.a,16).toRed(this.red),this.b=new E(d.b,16).toRed(this.red),this.i4=new E(4).toRed(this.red).redInvm(),this.two=new E(2).toRed(this.red),this.a24=this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two))}function t(d,u,s){P.BasePoint.call(this,d,"projective"),u===null&&s===null?(this.x=this.curve.one,this.z=this.curve.zero):(this.x=new E(u,16),this.z=new E(s,16),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.z.red||(this.z=this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)))}M(a,P),J.exports=a,a.prototype.validate=function(d){var u=d.normalize().x,s=u.redSqr(),r=s.redMul(u).redAdd(s.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(u);return r.redSqrt().redSqr().cmp(r)===0},M(t,P.BasePoint),a.prototype.decodePoint=function(d,u){return this.point(y.toArray(d,u),1)},a.prototype.point=function(d,u){return new t(this,d,u)},a.prototype.pointFromJSON=function(d){return t.fromJSON(this,d)},t.prototype.precompute=function(){},t.prototype._encode=function(){return this.getX().toArray("be",this.curve.p.byteLength())},t.fromJSON=function(d,u){return new t(d,u[0],u[1]||d.one)},t.prototype.inspect=function(){return this.isInfinity()?"":""},t.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.z.cmpn(0)===0},t.prototype.dbl=function(){var d=this.x.redAdd(this.z).redSqr(),u=this.x.redSub(this.z).redSqr(),s=d.redSub(u),r=d.redMul(u),n=s.redMul(u.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(s)));return this.curve.point(r,n)},t.prototype.add=function(){throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve")},t.prototype.diffAdd=function(d,u){var s=this.x.redAdd(this.z),r=this.x.redSub(this.z),n=d.x.redAdd(d.z),o=d.x.redSub(d.z).redMul(s),i=n.redMul(r),f=u.z.redMul(o.redAdd(i).redSqr()),c=u.x.redMul(o.redISub(i).redSqr());return this.curve.point(f,c)},t.prototype.mul=function(d){for(var u=d.clone(),s=this,r=this.curve.point(null,null),n=[];u.cmpn(0)!==0;u.iushrn(1))n.push(u.andln(1));for(var o=n.length-1;o>=0;o--)n[o]===0?(s=s.diffAdd(r,this),r=r.dbl()):(r=s.diffAdd(r,this),s=s.dbl());return r},t.prototype.mulAdd=function(){throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve")},t.prototype.jumlAdd=function(){throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve")},t.prototype.eq=function(d){return this.getX().cmp(d.getX())===0},t.prototype.normalize=function(){return this.x=this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm()),this.z=this.curve.one,this},t.prototype.getX=function(){return this.normalize(),this.x.fromRed()}},6673:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(953),M=b(3550),P=b(5717),y=b(4918),a=E.assert;function t(s){y.call(this,"short",s),this.a=new M(s.a,16).toRed(this.red),this.b=new M(s.b,16).toRed(this.red),this.tinv=this.two.redInvm(),this.zeroA=this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0)===0,this.threeA=this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3)===0,this.endo=this._getEndomorphism(s),this._endoWnafT1=new Array(4),this._endoWnafT2=new Array(4)}function d(s,r,n,o){y.BasePoint.call(this,s,"affine"),r===null&&n===null?(this.x=null,this.y=null,this.inf=!0):(this.x=new M(r,16),this.y=new M(n,16),o&&(this.x.forceRed(this.curve.red),this.y.forceRed(this.curve.red)),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.y.red||(this.y=this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.inf=!1)}function u(s,r,n,o){y.BasePoint.call(this,s,"jacobian"),r===null&&n===null&&o===null?(this.x=this.curve.one,this.y=this.curve.one,this.z=new M(0)):(this.x=new M(r,16),this.y=new M(n,16),this.z=new M(o,16)),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.y.red||(this.y=this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.z.red||(this.z=this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.zOne=this.z===this.curve.one}P(t,y),J.exports=t,t.prototype._getEndomorphism=function(s){if(this.zeroA&&this.g&&this.n&&this.p.modn(3)===1){var r,n;if(s.beta)r=new M(s.beta,16).toRed(this.red);else{var o=this._getEndoRoots(this.p);r=(r=o[0].cmp(o[1])<0?o[0]:o[1]).toRed(this.red)}if(s.lambda)n=new M(s.lambda,16);else{var i=this._getEndoRoots(this.n);this.g.mul(i[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r))===0?n=i[0]:(n=i[1],a(this.g.mul(n).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r))===0))}return{beta:r,lambda:n,basis:s.basis?s.basis.map(function(f){return{a:new M(f.a,16),b:new M(f.b,16)}}):this._getEndoBasis(n)}}},t.prototype._getEndoRoots=function(s){var r=s===this.p?this.red:M.mont(s),n=new M(2).toRed(r).redInvm(),o=n.redNeg(),i=new M(3).toRed(r).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(n);return[o.redAdd(i).fromRed(),o.redSub(i).fromRed()]},t.prototype._getEndoBasis=function(s){for(var r,n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v,C=this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength()/2)),l=s,I=this.n.clone(),R=new M(1),k=new M(0),N=new M(0),A=new M(1),w=0;l.cmpn(0)!==0;){var _=I.div(l);m=I.sub(_.mul(l)),v=N.sub(_.mul(R));var p=A.sub(_.mul(k));if(!o&&m.cmp(C)<0)r=h.neg(),n=R,o=m.neg(),i=v;else if(o&&++w==2)break;h=m,I=l,l=m,N=R,R=v,A=k,k=p}f=m.neg(),c=v;var O=o.sqr().add(i.sqr());return f.sqr().add(c.sqr()).cmp(O)>=0&&(f=r,c=n),o.negative&&(o=o.neg(),i=i.neg()),f.negative&&(f=f.neg(),c=c.neg()),[{a:o,b:i},{a:f,b:c}]},t.prototype._endoSplit=function(s){var r=this.endo.basis,n=r[0],o=r[1],i=o.b.mul(s).divRound(this.n),f=n.b.neg().mul(s).divRound(this.n),c=i.mul(n.a),h=f.mul(o.a),m=i.mul(n.b),v=f.mul(o.b);return{k1:s.sub(c).sub(h),k2:m.add(v).neg()}},t.prototype.pointFromX=function(s,r){(s=new M(s,16)).red||(s=s.toRed(this.red));var n=s.redSqr().redMul(s).redIAdd(s.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b),o=n.redSqrt();if(o.redSqr().redSub(n).cmp(this.zero)!==0)throw new Error("invalid point");var i=o.fromRed().isOdd();return(r&&!i||!r&&i)&&(o=o.redNeg()),this.point(s,o)},t.prototype.validate=function(s){if(s.inf)return!0;var r=s.x,n=s.y,o=this.a.redMul(r),i=r.redSqr().redMul(r).redIAdd(o).redIAdd(this.b);return n.redSqr().redISub(i).cmpn(0)===0},t.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd=function(s,r,n){for(var o=this._endoWnafT1,i=this._endoWnafT2,f=0;f":""},d.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.inf},d.prototype.add=function(s){if(this.inf)return s;if(s.inf)return this;if(this.eq(s))return this.dbl();if(this.neg().eq(s))return this.curve.point(null,null);if(this.x.cmp(s.x)===0)return this.curve.point(null,null);var r=this.y.redSub(s.y);r.cmpn(0)!==0&&(r=r.redMul(this.x.redSub(s.x).redInvm()));var n=r.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(s.x),o=r.redMul(this.x.redSub(n)).redISub(this.y);return this.curve.point(n,o)},d.prototype.dbl=function(){if(this.inf)return this;var s=this.y.redAdd(this.y);if(s.cmpn(0)===0)return this.curve.point(null,null);var r=this.curve.a,n=this.x.redSqr(),o=s.redInvm(),i=n.redAdd(n).redIAdd(n).redIAdd(r).redMul(o),f=i.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x)),c=i.redMul(this.x.redSub(f)).redISub(this.y);return this.curve.point(f,c)},d.prototype.getX=function(){return this.x.fromRed()},d.prototype.getY=function(){return this.y.fromRed()},d.prototype.mul=function(s){return s=new M(s,16),this.isInfinity()?this:this._hasDoubles(s)?this.curve._fixedNafMul(this,s):this.curve.endo?this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this],[s]):this.curve._wnafMul(this,s)},d.prototype.mulAdd=function(s,r,n){var o=[this,r],i=[s,n];return this.curve.endo?this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(o,i):this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,o,i,2)},d.prototype.jmulAdd=function(s,r,n){var o=[this,r],i=[s,n];return this.curve.endo?this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(o,i,!0):this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,o,i,2,!0)},d.prototype.eq=function(s){return this===s||this.inf===s.inf&&(this.inf||this.x.cmp(s.x)===0&&this.y.cmp(s.y)===0)},d.prototype.neg=function(s){if(this.inf)return this;var r=this.curve.point(this.x,this.y.redNeg());if(s&&this.precomputed){var n=this.precomputed,o=function(i){return i.neg()};r.precomputed={naf:n.naf&&{wnd:n.naf.wnd,points:n.naf.points.map(o)},doubles:n.doubles&&{step:n.doubles.step,points:n.doubles.points.map(o)}}}return r},d.prototype.toJ=function(){return this.inf?this.curve.jpoint(null,null,null):this.curve.jpoint(this.x,this.y,this.curve.one)},P(u,y.BasePoint),t.prototype.jpoint=function(s,r,n){return new u(this,s,r,n)},u.prototype.toP=function(){if(this.isInfinity())return this.curve.point(null,null);var s=this.z.redInvm(),r=s.redSqr(),n=this.x.redMul(r),o=this.y.redMul(r).redMul(s);return this.curve.point(n,o)},u.prototype.neg=function(){return this.curve.jpoint(this.x,this.y.redNeg(),this.z)},u.prototype.add=function(s){if(this.isInfinity())return s;if(s.isInfinity())return this;var r=s.z.redSqr(),n=this.z.redSqr(),o=this.x.redMul(r),i=s.x.redMul(n),f=this.y.redMul(r.redMul(s.z)),c=s.y.redMul(n.redMul(this.z)),h=o.redSub(i),m=f.redSub(c);if(h.cmpn(0)===0)return m.cmpn(0)!==0?this.curve.jpoint(null,null,null):this.dbl();var v=h.redSqr(),C=v.redMul(h),l=o.redMul(v),I=m.redSqr().redIAdd(C).redISub(l).redISub(l),R=m.redMul(l.redISub(I)).redISub(f.redMul(C)),k=this.z.redMul(s.z).redMul(h);return this.curve.jpoint(I,R,k)},u.prototype.mixedAdd=function(s){if(this.isInfinity())return s.toJ();if(s.isInfinity())return this;var r=this.z.redSqr(),n=this.x,o=s.x.redMul(r),i=this.y,f=s.y.redMul(r).redMul(this.z),c=n.redSub(o),h=i.redSub(f);if(c.cmpn(0)===0)return h.cmpn(0)!==0?this.curve.jpoint(null,null,null):this.dbl();var m=c.redSqr(),v=m.redMul(c),C=n.redMul(m),l=h.redSqr().redIAdd(v).redISub(C).redISub(C),I=h.redMul(C.redISub(l)).redISub(i.redMul(v)),R=this.z.redMul(c);return this.curve.jpoint(l,I,R)},u.prototype.dblp=function(s){if(s===0)return this;if(this.isInfinity())return this;if(!s)return this.dbl();var r;if(this.curve.zeroA||this.curve.threeA){var n=this;for(r=0;r=0)return!1;if(n.redIAdd(i),this.x.cmp(n)===0)return!0}},u.prototype.inspect=function(){return this.isInfinity()?"":""},u.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.z.cmpn(0)===0}},5427:(J,e,b)=>{var E,M=e,P=b(3715),y=b(8254),a=b(953).assert;function t(u){u.type==="short"?this.curve=new y.short(u):u.type==="edwards"?this.curve=new y.edwards(u):this.curve=new y.mont(u),this.g=this.curve.g,this.n=this.curve.n,this.hash=u.hash,a(this.g.validate(),"Invalid curve"),a(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(),"Invalid curve, G*N != O")}function d(u,s){Object.defineProperty(M,u,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,get:function(){var r=new t(s);return Object.defineProperty(M,u,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,value:r}),r}})}M.PresetCurve=t,d("p192",{type:"short",prime:"p192",p:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff",a:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc",b:"64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1",n:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831",hash:P.sha256,gRed:!1,g:["188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012","07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811"]}),d("p224",{type:"short",prime:"p224",p:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001",a:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe",b:"b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4",n:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d",hash:P.sha256,gRed:!1,g:["b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21","bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34"]}),d("p256",{type:"short",prime:null,p:"ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff",a:"ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc",b:"5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b",n:"ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551",hash:P.sha256,gRed:!1,g:["6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296","4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5"]}),d("p384",{type:"short",prime:null,p:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff",a:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc",b:"b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef",n:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973",hash:P.sha384,gRed:!1,g:["aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7","3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f"]}),d("p521",{type:"short",prime:null,p:"000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff",a:"000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc",b:"00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00",n:"000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409",hash:P.sha512,gRed:!1,g:["000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66","00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650"]}),d("curve25519",{type:"mont",prime:"p25519",p:"7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed",a:"76d06",b:"1",n:"1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed",hash:P.sha256,gRed:!1,g:["9"]}),d("ed25519",{type:"edwards",prime:"p25519",p:"7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed",a:"-1",c:"1",d:"52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3",n:"1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed",hash:P.sha256,gRed:!1,g:["216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a","6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658"]});try{E=b(1037)}catch{E=void 0}d("secp256k1",{type:"short",prime:"k256",p:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f",a:"0",b:"7",n:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141",h:"1",hash:P.sha256,beta:"7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee",lambda:"5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72",basis:[{a:"3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15",b:"-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"},{a:"114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8",b:"3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"}],gRed:!1,g:["79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798","483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8",E]})},7954:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3550),M=b(2156),P=b(953),y=b(5427),a=b(9931),t=P.assert,d=b(1251),u=b(611);function s(r){if(!(this instanceof s))return new s(r);typeof r=="string"&&(t(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y,r),"Unknown curve "+r),r=y[r]),r instanceof y.PresetCurve&&(r={curve:r}),this.curve=r.curve.curve,this.n=this.curve.n,this.nh=this.n.ushrn(1),this.g=this.curve.g,this.g=r.curve.g,this.g.precompute(r.curve.n.bitLength()+1),this.hash=r.hash||r.curve.hash}J.exports=s,s.prototype.keyPair=function(r){return new d(this,r)},s.prototype.keyFromPrivate=function(r,n){return d.fromPrivate(this,r,n)},s.prototype.keyFromPublic=function(r,n){return d.fromPublic(this,r,n)},s.prototype.genKeyPair=function(r){r||(r={});for(var n=new M({hash:this.hash,pers:r.pers,persEnc:r.persEnc||"utf8",entropy:r.entropy||a(this.hash.hmacStrength),entropyEnc:r.entropy&&r.entropyEnc||"utf8",nonce:this.n.toArray()}),o=this.n.byteLength(),i=this.n.sub(new E(2));;){var f=new E(n.generate(o));if(!(f.cmp(i)>0))return f.iaddn(1),this.keyFromPrivate(f)}},s.prototype._truncateToN=function(r,n){var o=8*r.byteLength()-this.n.bitLength();return o>0&&(r=r.ushrn(o)),!n&&r.cmp(this.n)>=0?r.sub(this.n):r},s.prototype.sign=function(r,n,o,i){typeof o=="object"&&(i=o,o=null),i||(i={}),n=this.keyFromPrivate(n,o),r=this._truncateToN(new E(r,16));for(var f=this.n.byteLength(),c=n.getPrivate().toArray("be",f),h=r.toArray("be",f),m=new M({hash:this.hash,entropy:c,nonce:h,pers:i.pers,persEnc:i.persEnc||"utf8"}),v=this.n.sub(new E(1)),C=0;;C++){var l=i.k?i.k(C):new E(m.generate(this.n.byteLength()));if(!((l=this._truncateToN(l,!0)).cmpn(1)<=0||l.cmp(v)>=0)){var I=this.g.mul(l);if(!I.isInfinity()){var R=I.getX(),k=R.umod(this.n);if(k.cmpn(0)!==0){var N=l.invm(this.n).mul(k.mul(n.getPrivate()).iadd(r));if((N=N.umod(this.n)).cmpn(0)!==0){var A=(I.getY().isOdd()?1:0)|(R.cmp(k)!==0?2:0);return i.canonical&&N.cmp(this.nh)>0&&(N=this.n.sub(N),A^=1),new u({r:k,s:N,recoveryParam:A})}}}}}},s.prototype.verify=function(r,n,o,i){r=this._truncateToN(new E(r,16)),o=this.keyFromPublic(o,i);var f=(n=new u(n,"hex")).r,c=n.s;if(f.cmpn(1)<0||f.cmp(this.n)>=0||c.cmpn(1)<0||c.cmp(this.n)>=0)return!1;var h,m=c.invm(this.n),v=m.mul(r).umod(this.n),C=m.mul(f).umod(this.n);return this.curve._maxwellTrick?!(h=this.g.jmulAdd(v,o.getPublic(),C)).isInfinity()&&h.eqXToP(f):!(h=this.g.mulAdd(v,o.getPublic(),C)).isInfinity()&&h.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(f)===0},s.prototype.recoverPubKey=function(r,n,o,i){t((3&o)===o,"The recovery param is more than two bits"),n=new u(n,i);var f=this.n,c=new E(r),h=n.r,m=n.s,v=1&o,C=o>>1;if(h.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n))>=0&&C)throw new Error("Unable to find sencond key candinate");h=C?this.curve.pointFromX(h.add(this.curve.n),v):this.curve.pointFromX(h,v);var l=n.r.invm(f),I=f.sub(c).mul(l).umod(f),R=m.mul(l).umod(f);return this.g.mulAdd(I,h,R)},s.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam=function(r,n,o,i){if((n=new u(n,i)).recoveryParam!==null)return n.recoveryParam;for(var f=0;f<4;f++){var c;try{c=this.recoverPubKey(r,n,f)}catch{continue}if(c.eq(o))return f}throw new Error("Unable to find valid recovery factor")}},1251:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3550),M=b(953).assert;function P(y,a){this.ec=y,this.priv=null,this.pub=null,a.priv&&this._importPrivate(a.priv,a.privEnc),a.pub&&this._importPublic(a.pub,a.pubEnc)}J.exports=P,P.fromPublic=function(y,a,t){return a instanceof P?a:new P(y,{pub:a,pubEnc:t})},P.fromPrivate=function(y,a,t){return a instanceof P?a:new P(y,{priv:a,privEnc:t})},P.prototype.validate=function(){var y=this.getPublic();return y.isInfinity()?{result:!1,reason:"Invalid public key"}:y.validate()?y.mul(this.ec.curve.n).isInfinity()?{result:!0,reason:null}:{result:!1,reason:"Public key * N != O"}:{result:!1,reason:"Public key is not a point"}},P.prototype.getPublic=function(y,a){return typeof y=="string"&&(a=y,y=null),this.pub||(this.pub=this.ec.g.mul(this.priv)),a?this.pub.encode(a,y):this.pub},P.prototype.getPrivate=function(y){return y==="hex"?this.priv.toString(16,2):this.priv},P.prototype._importPrivate=function(y,a){this.priv=new E(y,a||16),this.priv=this.priv.umod(this.ec.curve.n)},P.prototype._importPublic=function(y,a){if(y.x||y.y)return this.ec.curve.type==="mont"?M(y.x,"Need x coordinate"):this.ec.curve.type!=="short"&&this.ec.curve.type!=="edwards"||M(y.x&&y.y,"Need both x and y coordinate"),void(this.pub=this.ec.curve.point(y.x,y.y));this.pub=this.ec.curve.decodePoint(y,a)},P.prototype.derive=function(y){return y.validate()||M(y.validate(),"public point not validated"),y.mul(this.priv).getX()},P.prototype.sign=function(y,a,t){return this.ec.sign(y,this,a,t)},P.prototype.verify=function(y,a){return this.ec.verify(y,a,this)},P.prototype.inspect=function(){return""}},611:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3550),M=b(953),P=M.assert;function y(s,r){if(s instanceof y)return s;this._importDER(s,r)||(P(s.r&&s.s,"Signature without r or s"),this.r=new E(s.r,16),this.s=new E(s.s,16),s.recoveryParam===void 0?this.recoveryParam=null:this.recoveryParam=s.recoveryParam)}function a(){this.place=0}function t(s,r){var n=s[r.place++];if(!(128&n))return n;var o=15&n;if(o===0||o>4)return!1;for(var i=0,f=0,c=r.place;f>>=0;return!(i<=127)&&(r.place=c,i)}function d(s){for(var r=0,n=s.length-1;!s[r]&&!(128&s[r+1])&&r>>3);for(s.push(128|n);--n;)s.push(r>>>(n<<3)&255);s.push(r)}}J.exports=y,y.prototype._importDER=function(s,r){s=M.toArray(s,r);var n=new a;if(s[n.place++]!==48)return!1;var o=t(s,n);if(o===!1||o+n.place!==s.length||s[n.place++]!==2)return!1;var i=t(s,n);if(i===!1)return!1;var f=s.slice(n.place,i+n.place);if(n.place+=i,s[n.place++]!==2)return!1;var c=t(s,n);if(c===!1||s.length!==c+n.place)return!1;var h=s.slice(n.place,c+n.place);if(f[0]===0){if(!(128&f[1]))return!1;f=f.slice(1)}if(h[0]===0){if(!(128&h[1]))return!1;h=h.slice(1)}return this.r=new E(f),this.s=new E(h),this.recoveryParam=null,!0},y.prototype.toDER=function(s){var r=this.r.toArray(),n=this.s.toArray();for(128&r[0]&&(r=[0].concat(r)),128&n[0]&&(n=[0].concat(n)),r=d(r),n=d(n);!(n[0]||128&n[1]);)n=n.slice(1);var o=[2];u(o,r.length),(o=o.concat(r)).push(2),u(o,n.length);var i=o.concat(n),f=[48];return u(f,i.length),f=f.concat(i),M.encode(f,s)}},5980:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3715),M=b(5427),P=b(953),y=P.assert,a=P.parseBytes,t=b(9087),d=b(3622);function u(s){if(y(s==="ed25519","only tested with ed25519 so far"),!(this instanceof u))return new u(s);s=M[s].curve,this.curve=s,this.g=s.g,this.g.precompute(s.n.bitLength()+1),this.pointClass=s.point().constructor,this.encodingLength=Math.ceil(s.n.bitLength()/8),this.hash=E.sha512}J.exports=u,u.prototype.sign=function(s,r){s=a(s);var n=this.keyFromSecret(r),o=this.hashInt(n.messagePrefix(),s),i=this.g.mul(o),f=this.encodePoint(i),c=this.hashInt(f,n.pubBytes(),s).mul(n.priv()),h=o.add(c).umod(this.curve.n);return this.makeSignature({R:i,S:h,Rencoded:f})},u.prototype.verify=function(s,r,n){s=a(s),r=this.makeSignature(r);var o=this.keyFromPublic(n),i=this.hashInt(r.Rencoded(),o.pubBytes(),s),f=this.g.mul(r.S());return r.R().add(o.pub().mul(i)).eq(f)},u.prototype.hashInt=function(){for(var s=this.hash(),r=0;r{var E=b(953),M=E.assert,P=E.parseBytes,y=E.cachedProperty;function a(t,d){this.eddsa=t,this._secret=P(d.secret),t.isPoint(d.pub)?this._pub=d.pub:this._pubBytes=P(d.pub)}a.fromPublic=function(t,d){return d instanceof a?d:new a(t,{pub:d})},a.fromSecret=function(t,d){return d instanceof a?d:new a(t,{secret:d})},a.prototype.secret=function(){return this._secret},y(a,"pubBytes",function(){return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.pub())}),y(a,"pub",function(){return this._pubBytes?this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes):this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv())}),y(a,"privBytes",function(){var t=this.eddsa,d=this.hash(),u=t.encodingLength-1,s=d.slice(0,t.encodingLength);return s[0]&=248,s[u]&=127,s[u]|=64,s}),y(a,"priv",function(){return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes())}),y(a,"hash",function(){return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest()}),y(a,"messagePrefix",function(){return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength)}),a.prototype.sign=function(t){return M(this._secret,"KeyPair can only verify"),this.eddsa.sign(t,this)},a.prototype.verify=function(t,d){return this.eddsa.verify(t,d,this)},a.prototype.getSecret=function(t){return M(this._secret,"KeyPair is public only"),E.encode(this.secret(),t)},a.prototype.getPublic=function(t){return E.encode(this.pubBytes(),t)},J.exports=a},3622:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3550),M=b(953),P=M.assert,y=M.cachedProperty,a=M.parseBytes;function t(d,u){this.eddsa=d,typeof u!="object"&&(u=a(u)),Array.isArray(u)&&(u={R:u.slice(0,d.encodingLength),S:u.slice(d.encodingLength)}),P(u.R&&u.S,"Signature without R or S"),d.isPoint(u.R)&&(this._R=u.R),u.S instanceof E&&(this._S=u.S),this._Rencoded=Array.isArray(u.R)?u.R:u.Rencoded,this._Sencoded=Array.isArray(u.S)?u.S:u.Sencoded}y(t,"S",function(){return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded())}),y(t,"R",function(){return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded())}),y(t,"Rencoded",function(){return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R())}),y(t,"Sencoded",function(){return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S())}),t.prototype.toBytes=function(){return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded())},t.prototype.toHex=function(){return 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E=e,M=b(3550),P=b(9746),y=b(4504);E.assert=P,E.toArray=y.toArray,E.zero2=y.zero2,E.toHex=y.toHex,E.encode=y.encode,E.getNAF=function(a,t,d){var u=new Array(Math.max(a.bitLength(),d)+1);u.fill(0);for(var s=1<(s>>1)-1?(s>>1)-i:i,r.isubn(o)):o=0,u[n]=o,r.iushrn(1)}return u},E.getJSF=function(a,t){var d=[[],[]];a=a.clone(),t=t.clone();for(var u,s=0,r=0;a.cmpn(-s)>0||t.cmpn(-r)>0;){var n,o,i=a.andln(3)+s&3,f=t.andln(3)+r&3;i===3&&(i=-1),f===3&&(f=-1),n=1&i?(u=a.andln(7)+s&7)!=3&&u!==5||f!==2?i:-i:0,d[0].push(n),o=1&f?(u=t.andln(7)+r&7)!=3&&u!==5||i!==2?f:-f:0,d[1].push(o),2*s===n+1&&(s=1-s),2*r===o+1&&(r=1-r),a.iushrn(1),t.iushrn(1)}return d},E.cachedProperty=function(a,t,d){var u="_"+t;a.prototype[t]=function(){return this[u]!==void 0?this[u]:this[u]=d.call(this)}},E.parseBytes=function(a){return typeof a=="string"?E.toArray(a,"hex"):a},E.intFromLE=function(a){return new M(a,"hex","le")}},8091:J=>{function e(b,E){if(b==null)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert first argument to object");for(var M=Object(b),P=1;P{var E,M=b(5108),P=typeof Reflect=="object"?Reflect:null,y=P&&typeof P.apply=="function"?P.apply:function(m,v,C){return Function.prototype.apply.call(m,v,C)};E=P&&typeof P.ownKeys=="function"?P.ownKeys:Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?function(m){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(m).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(m))}:function(m){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(m)};var a=Number.isNaN||function(m){return m!=m};function t(){t.init.call(this)}J.exports=t,J.exports.once=function(m,v){return new Promise(function(C,l){function I(k){m.removeListener(v,R),l(k)}function R(){typeof m.removeListener=="function"&&m.removeListener("error",I),C([].slice.call(arguments))}h(m,v,R,{once:!0}),v!=="error"&&function(k,N,A){typeof k.on=="function"&&h(k,"error",N,{once:!0})}(m,I)})},t.EventEmitter=t,t.prototype._events=void 0,t.prototype._eventsCount=0,t.prototype._maxListeners=void 0;var d=10;function u(m){if(typeof m!="function")throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type '+typeof m)}function s(m){return m._maxListeners===void 0?t.defaultMaxListeners:m._maxListeners}function r(m,v,C,l){var I,R,k,N;if(u(C),(R=m._events)===void 0?(R=m._events=Object.create(null),m._eventsCount=0):(R.newListener!==void 0&&(m.emit("newListener",v,C.listener?C.listener:C),R=m._events),k=R[v]),k===void 0)k=R[v]=C,++m._eventsCount;else if(typeof k=="function"?k=R[v]=l?[C,k]:[k,C]:l?k.unshift(C):k.push(C),(I=s(m))>0&&k.length>I&&!k.warned){k.warned=!0;var A=new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. "+k.length+" "+String(v)+" listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit");A.name="MaxListenersExceededWarning",A.emitter=m,A.type=v,A.count=k.length,N=A,M&&M.warn&&M.warn(N)}return m}function n(){if(!this.fired)return this.target.removeListener(this.type,this.wrapFn),this.fired=!0,arguments.length===0?this.listener.call(this.target):this.listener.apply(this.target,arguments)}function o(m,v,C){var l={fired:!1,wrapFn:void 0,target:m,type:v,listener:C},I=n.bind(l);return I.listener=C,l.wrapFn=I,I}function i(m,v,C){var l=m._events;if(l===void 0)return[];var I=l[v];return I===void 0?[]:typeof I=="function"?C?[I.listener||I]:[I]:C?function(R){for(var k=new Array(R.length),N=0;N0&&(R=v[0]),R instanceof Error)throw R;var k=new Error("Unhandled error."+(R?" ("+R.message+")":""));throw k.context=R,k}var N=I[m];if(N===void 0)return!1;if(typeof N=="function")y(N,this,v);else{var A=N.length,w=c(N,A);for(C=0;C=0;R--)if(C[R]===v||C[R].listener===v){k=C[R].listener,I=R;break}if(I<0)return this;I===0?C.shift():function(N,A){for(;A+1=0;l--)this.removeListener(m,v[l]);return this},t.prototype.listeners=function(m){return i(this,m,!0)},t.prototype.rawListeners=function(m){return i(this,m,!1)},t.listenerCount=function(m,v){return typeof m.listenerCount=="function"?m.listenerCount(v):f.call(m,v)},t.prototype.listenerCount=f,t.prototype.eventNames=function(){return this._eventsCount>0?E(this._events):[]}},4029:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5320),M=Object.prototype.toString,P=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;J.exports=function(y,a,t){if(!E(a))throw new TypeError("iterator must be a function");var d;arguments.length>=3&&(d=t),M.call(y)==="[object Array]"?function(u,s,r){for(var n=0,o=u.length;n{var e=Array.prototype.slice,b=Object.prototype.toString;J.exports=function(E){var M=this;if(typeof M!="function"||b.call(M)!=="[object Function]")throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible "+M);for(var P,y=e.call(arguments,1),a=Math.max(0,M.length-y.length),t=[],d=0;d{var E=b(7648);J.exports=Function.prototype.bind||E},210:(J,e,b)=>{var E,M=SyntaxError,P=Function,y=TypeError,a=function(_){try{return P('"use strict"; return ('+_+").constructor;")()}catch{}},t=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;if(t)try{t({},"")}catch{t=null}var d=function(){throw new y},u=t?function(){try{return d}catch{try{return t(arguments,"callee").get}catch{return d}}}():d,s=b(1405)(),r=Object.getPrototypeOf||function(_){return _.__proto__},n={},o=typeof Uint8Array>"u"?E:r(Uint8Array),i={"%AggregateError%":typeof AggregateError>"u"?E:AggregateError,"%Array%":Array,"%ArrayBuffer%":typeof 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i[p]=O,O},h={"%ArrayBufferPrototype%":["ArrayBuffer","prototype"],"%ArrayPrototype%":["Array","prototype"],"%ArrayProto_entries%":["Array","prototype","entries"],"%ArrayProto_forEach%":["Array","prototype","forEach"],"%ArrayProto_keys%":["Array","prototype","keys"],"%ArrayProto_values%":["Array","prototype","values"],"%AsyncFunctionPrototype%":["AsyncFunction","prototype"],"%AsyncGenerator%":["AsyncGeneratorFunction","prototype"],"%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%":["AsyncGeneratorFunction","prototype","prototype"],"%BooleanPrototype%":["Boolean","prototype"],"%DataViewPrototype%":["DataView","prototype"],"%DatePrototype%":["Date","prototype"],"%ErrorPrototype%":["Error","prototype"],"%EvalErrorPrototype%":["EvalError","prototype"],"%Float32ArrayPrototype%":["Float32Array","prototype"],"%Float64ArrayPrototype%":["Float64Array","prototype"],"%FunctionPrototype%":["Function","prototype"],"%Generator%":["GeneratorFunction","prototype"],"%GeneratorPrototype%":["GeneratorFunction","prototype","prototype"],"%Int8ArrayPrototype%":["Int8Array","prototype"],"%Int16ArrayPrototype%":["Int16Array","prototype"],"%Int32ArrayPrototype%":["Int32Array","prototype"],"%JSONParse%":["JSON","parse"],"%JSONStringify%":["JSON","stringify"],"%MapPrototype%":["Map","prototype"],"%NumberPrototype%":["Number","prototype"],"%ObjectPrototype%":["Object","prototype"],"%ObjProto_toString%":["Object","prototype","toString"],"%ObjProto_valueOf%":["Object","prototype","valueOf"],"%PromisePrototype%":["Promise","prototype"],"%PromiseProto_then%":["Promise","prototype","then"],"%Promise_all%":["Promise","all"],"%Promise_reject%":["Promise","reject"],"%Promise_resolve%":["Promise","resolve"],"%RangeErrorPrototype%":["RangeError","prototype"],"%ReferenceErrorPrototype%":["ReferenceError","prototype"],"%RegExpPrototype%":["RegExp","prototype"],"%SetPrototype%":["Set","prototype"],"%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%":["SharedArrayBuffer","prototype"],"%StringPrototype%":["String","prototype"],"%SymbolPrototype%":["Symbol","prototype"],"%SyntaxErrorPrototype%":["SyntaxError","prototype"],"%TypedArrayPrototype%":["TypedArray","prototype"],"%TypeErrorPrototype%":["TypeError","prototype"],"%Uint8ArrayPrototype%":["Uint8Array","prototype"],"%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%":["Uint8ClampedArray","prototype"],"%Uint16ArrayPrototype%":["Uint16Array","prototype"],"%Uint32ArrayPrototype%":["Uint32Array","prototype"],"%URIErrorPrototype%":["URIError","prototype"],"%WeakMapPrototype%":["WeakMap","prototype"],"%WeakSetPrototype%":["WeakSet","prototype"]},m=b(8612),v=b(7642),C=m.call(Function.call,Array.prototype.concat),l=m.call(Function.apply,Array.prototype.splice),I=m.call(Function.call,String.prototype.replace),R=m.call(Function.call,String.prototype.slice),k=m.call(Function.call,RegExp.prototype.exec),N=/[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g,A=/\\(\\)?/g,w=function(_,p){var O,U=_;if(v(h,U)&&(U="%"+(O=h[U])[0]+"%"),v(i,U)){var T=i[U];if(T===n&&(T=c(U)),T===void 0&&!p)throw new y("intrinsic "+_+" exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!");return{alias:O,name:U,value:T}}throw new M("intrinsic "+_+" does not exist!")};J.exports=function(_,p){if(typeof _!="string"||_.length===0)throw new y("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string");if(arguments.length>1&&typeof p!="boolean")throw new y('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');if(k(/^%?[^%]*%?$/,_)===null)throw new M("`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name");var O=function(q){var ae=R(q,0,1),de=R(q,-1);if(ae==="%"&&de!=="%")throw new M("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`");if(de==="%"&&ae!=="%")throw new M("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`");var ue=[];return I(q,N,function(le,ge,ce,he){ue[ue.length]=ce?I(he,A,"$1"):ge||le}),ue}(_),U=O.length>0?O[0]:"",T=w("%"+U+"%",p),z=T.name,te=T.value,X=!1,ne=T.alias;ne&&(U=ne[0],l(O,C([0,1],ne)));for(var B=1,Q=!0;B=O.length){var Y=t(te,V);te=(Q=!!Y)&&"get"in Y&&!("originalValue"in Y.get)?Y.get:te[V]}else Q=v(te,V),te=te[V];Q&&!X&&(i[z]=te)}}return te}},7296:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(210)("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%",!0);if(E)try{E([],"length")}catch{E=null}J.exports=E},1044:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(210)("%Object.defineProperty%",!0),M=function(){if(E)try{return E({},"a",{value:1}),!0}catch{return!1}return!1};M.hasArrayLengthDefineBug=function(){if(!M())return null;try{return E([],"length",{value:1}).length!==1}catch{return!0}},J.exports=M},1405:(J,e,b)=>{var E=typeof Symbol<"u"&&Symbol,M=b(5419);J.exports=function(){return typeof E=="function"&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof E("foo")=="symbol"&&typeof Symbol("bar")=="symbol"&&M()}},5419:J=>{J.exports=function(){if(typeof Symbol!="function"||typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols!="function")return!1;if(typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol")return!0;var e={},b=Symbol("test"),E=Object(b);if(typeof b=="string"||Object.prototype.toString.call(b)!=="[object Symbol]"||Object.prototype.toString.call(E)!=="[object Symbol]")return!1;for(b in e[b]=42,e)return!1;if(typeof Object.keys=="function"&&Object.keys(e).length!==0||typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames=="function"&&Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length!==0)return!1;var M=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);if(M.length!==1||M[0]!==b||!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,b))return!1;if(typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor=="function"){var P=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,b);if(P.value!==42||P.enumerable!==!0)return!1}return!0}},6410:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5419);J.exports=function(){return E()&&!!Symbol.toStringTag}},7642:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8612);J.exports=E.call(Function.call,Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty)},3349:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(9509).Buffer,M=b(8473).Transform;function P(y){M.call(this),this._block=E.allocUnsafe(y),this._blockSize=y,this._blockOffset=0,this._length=[0,0,0,0],this._finalized=!1}b(5717)(P,M),P.prototype._transform=function(y,a,t){var d=null;try{this.update(y,a)}catch(u){d=u}t(d)},P.prototype._flush=function(y){var a=null;try{this.push(this.digest())}catch(t){a=t}y(a)},P.prototype.update=function(y,a){if(function(n,o){if(!E.isBuffer(n)&&typeof n!="string")throw new TypeError("Data must be a string or a buffer")}(y),this._finalized)throw new Error("Digest already called");E.isBuffer(y)||(y=E.from(y,a));for(var t=this._block,d=0;this._blockOffset+y.length-d>=this._blockSize;){for(var u=this._blockOffset;u0;++s)this._length[s]+=r,(r=this._length[s]/4294967296|0)>0&&(this._length[s]-=4294967296*r);return this},P.prototype._update=function(){throw new Error("_update is not implemented")},P.prototype.digest=function(y){if(this._finalized)throw new Error("Digest already called");this._finalized=!0;var a=this._digest();y!==void 0&&(a=a.toString(y)),this._block.fill(0),this._blockOffset=0;for(var t=0;t<4;++t)this._length[t]=0;return a},P.prototype._digest=function(){throw new Error("_digest is not implemented")},J.exports=P},3715:(J,e,b)=>{var E=e;E.utils=b(6436),E.common=b(5772),E.sha=b(9041),E.ripemd=b(2949),E.hmac=b(2344),E.sha1=E.sha.sha1,E.sha256=E.sha.sha256,E.sha224=E.sha.sha224,E.sha384=E.sha.sha384,E.sha512=E.sha.sha512,E.ripemd160=E.ripemd.ripemd160},5772:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(6436),M=b(9746);function P(){this.pending=null,this.pendingTotal=0,this.blockSize=this.constructor.blockSize,this.outSize=this.constructor.outSize,this.hmacStrength=this.constructor.hmacStrength,this.padLength=this.constructor.padLength/8,this.endian="big",this._delta8=this.blockSize/8,this._delta32=this.blockSize/32}e.BlockHash=P,P.prototype.update=function(y,a){if(y=E.toArray(y,a),this.pending?this.pending=this.pending.concat(y):this.pending=y,this.pendingTotal+=y.length,this.pending.length>=this._delta8){var t=(y=this.pending).length%this._delta8;this.pending=y.slice(y.length-t,y.length),this.pending.length===0&&(this.pending=null),y=E.join32(y,0,y.length-t,this.endian);for(var d=0;d>>24&255,d[u++]=y>>>16&255,d[u++]=y>>>8&255,d[u++]=255&y}else for(d[u++]=255&y,d[u++]=y>>>8&255,d[u++]=y>>>16&255,d[u++]=y>>>24&255,d[u++]=0,d[u++]=0,d[u++]=0,d[u++]=0,s=8;s{var E=b(6436),M=b(9746);function P(y,a,t){if(!(this instanceof P))return new P(y,a,t);this.Hash=y,this.blockSize=y.blockSize/8,this.outSize=y.outSize/8,this.inner=null,this.outer=null,this._init(E.toArray(a,t))}J.exports=P,P.prototype._init=function(y){y.length>this.blockSize&&(y=new this.Hash().update(y).digest()),M(y.length<=this.blockSize);for(var a=y.length;a{var E=b(6436),M=b(5772),P=E.rotl32,y=E.sum32,a=E.sum32_3,t=E.sum32_4,d=M.BlockHash;function u(){if(!(this instanceof u))return new u;d.call(this),this.h=[1732584193,4023233417,2562383102,271733878,3285377520],this.endian="little"}function s(h,m,v,C){return h<=15?m^v^C:h<=31?m&v|~m&C:h<=47?(m|~v)^C:h<=63?m&C|v&~C:m^(v|~C)}function r(h){return h<=15?0:h<=31?1518500249:h<=47?1859775393:h<=63?2400959708:2840853838}function n(h){return h<=15?1352829926:h<=31?1548603684:h<=47?1836072691:h<=63?2053994217:0}E.inherits(u,d),e.ripemd160=u,u.blockSize=512,u.outSize=160,u.hmacStrength=192,u.padLength=64,u.prototype._update=function(h,m){for(var v=this.h[0],C=this.h[1],l=this.h[2],I=this.h[3],R=this.h[4],k=v,N=C,A=l,w=I,_=R,p=0;p<80;p++){var O=y(P(t(v,s(p,C,l,I),h[o[p]+m],r(p)),f[p]),R);v=R,R=I,I=P(l,10),l=C,C=O,O=y(P(t(k,s(79-p,N,A,w),h[i[p]+m],n(p)),c[p]),_),k=_,_=w,w=P(A,10),A=N,N=O}O=a(this.h[1],l,w),this.h[1]=a(this.h[2],I,_),this.h[2]=a(this.h[3],R,k),this.h[3]=a(this.h[4],v,N),this.h[4]=a(this.h[0],C,A),this.h[0]=O},u.prototype._digest=function(h){return h==="hex"?E.toHex32(this.h,"little"):E.split32(this.h,"little")};var o=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,7,4,13,1,10,6,15,3,12,0,9,5,2,14,11,8,3,10,14,4,9,15,8,1,2,7,0,6,13,11,5,12,1,9,11,10,0,8,12,4,13,3,7,15,14,5,6,2,4,0,5,9,7,12,2,10,14,1,3,8,11,6,15,13],i=[5,14,7,0,9,2,11,4,13,6,15,8,1,10,3,12,6,11,3,7,0,13,5,10,14,15,8,12,4,9,1,2,15,5,1,3,7,14,6,9,11,8,12,2,10,0,4,13,8,6,4,1,3,11,15,0,5,12,2,13,9,7,10,14,12,15,10,4,1,5,8,7,6,2,13,14,0,3,9,11],f=[11,14,15,12,5,8,7,9,11,13,14,15,6,7,9,8,7,6,8,13,11,9,7,15,7,12,15,9,11,7,13,12,11,13,6,7,14,9,13,15,14,8,13,6,5,12,7,5,11,12,14,15,14,15,9,8,9,14,5,6,8,6,5,12,9,15,5,11,6,8,13,12,5,12,13,14,11,8,5,6],c=[8,9,9,11,13,15,15,5,7,7,8,11,14,14,12,6,9,13,15,7,12,8,9,11,7,7,12,7,6,15,13,11,9,7,15,11,8,6,6,14,12,13,5,14,13,13,7,5,15,5,8,11,14,14,6,14,6,9,12,9,12,5,15,8,8,5,12,9,12,5,14,6,8,13,6,5,15,13,11,11]},9041:(J,e,b)=>{e.sha1=b(4761),e.sha224=b(799),e.sha256=b(9344),e.sha384=b(772),e.sha512=b(5900)},4761:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(6436),M=b(5772),P=b(7038),y=E.rotl32,a=E.sum32,t=E.sum32_5,d=P.ft_1,u=M.BlockHash,s=[1518500249,1859775393,2400959708,3395469782];function r(){if(!(this instanceof r))return new r;u.call(this),this.h=[1732584193,4023233417,2562383102,271733878,3285377520],this.W=new Array(80)}E.inherits(r,u),J.exports=r,r.blockSize=512,r.outSize=160,r.hmacStrength=80,r.padLength=64,r.prototype._update=function(n,o){for(var i=this.W,f=0;f<16;f++)i[f]=n[o+f];for(;f{var E=b(6436),M=b(9344);function P(){if(!(this instanceof P))return new P;M.call(this),this.h=[3238371032,914150663,812702999,4144912697,4290775857,1750603025,1694076839,3204075428]}E.inherits(P,M),J.exports=P,P.blockSize=512,P.outSize=224,P.hmacStrength=192,P.padLength=64,P.prototype._digest=function(y){return y==="hex"?E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0,7),"big"):E.split32(this.h.slice(0,7),"big")}},9344:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(6436),M=b(5772),P=b(7038),y=b(9746),a=E.sum32,t=E.sum32_4,d=E.sum32_5,u=P.ch32,s=P.maj32,r=P.s0_256,n=P.s1_256,o=P.g0_256,i=P.g1_256,f=M.BlockHash,c=[1116352408,1899447441,3049323471,3921009573,961987163,1508970993,2453635748,2870763221,3624381080,310598401,607225278,1426881987,1925078388,2162078206,2614888103,3248222580,3835390401,4022224774,264347078,604807628,770255983,1249150122,1555081692,1996064986,2554220882,2821834349,2952996808,3210313671,3336571891,3584528711,113926993,338241895,666307205,773529912,1294757372,1396182291,1695183700,1986661051,2177026350,2456956037,2730485921,2820302411,3259730800,3345764771,3516065817,3600352804,4094571909,275423344,430227734,506948616,659060556,883997877,958139571,1322822218,1537002063,1747873779,1955562222,2024104815,2227730452,2361852424,2428436474,2756734187,3204031479,3329325298];function h(){if(!(this instanceof h))return new h;f.call(this),this.h=[1779033703,3144134277,1013904242,2773480762,1359893119,2600822924,528734635,1541459225],this.k=c,this.W=new Array(64)}E.inherits(h,f),J.exports=h,h.blockSize=512,h.outSize=256,h.hmacStrength=192,h.padLength=64,h.prototype._update=function(m,v){for(var C=this.W,l=0;l<16;l++)C[l]=m[v+l];for(;l{var E=b(6436),M=b(5900);function P(){if(!(this instanceof P))return new P;M.call(this),this.h=[3418070365,3238371032,1654270250,914150663,2438529370,812702999,355462360,4144912697,1731405415,4290775857,2394180231,1750603025,3675008525,1694076839,1203062813,3204075428]}E.inherits(P,M),J.exports=P,P.blockSize=1024,P.outSize=384,P.hmacStrength=192,P.padLength=128,P.prototype._digest=function(y){return y==="hex"?E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0,12),"big"):E.split32(this.h.slice(0,12),"big")}},5900:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(6436),M=b(5772),P=b(9746),y=E.rotr64_hi,a=E.rotr64_lo,t=E.shr64_hi,d=E.shr64_lo,u=E.sum64,s=E.sum64_hi,r=E.sum64_lo,n=E.sum64_4_hi,o=E.sum64_4_lo,i=E.sum64_5_hi,f=E.sum64_5_lo,c=M.BlockHash,h=[1116352408,3609767458,1899447441,602891725,3049323471,3964484399,3921009573,2173295548,961987163,4081628472,1508970993,3053834265,2453635748,2937671579,2870763221,3664609560,3624381080,2734883394,310598401,1164996542,607225278,1323610764,1426881987,3590304994,1925078388,4068182383,2162078206,991336113,2614888103,633803317,3248222580,3479774868,3835390401,2666613458,4022224774,944711139,264347078,2341262773,604807628,2007800933,770255983,1495990901,1249150122,1856431235,1555081692,3175218132,1996064986,2198950837,2554220882,3999719339,2821834349,766784016,2952996808,2566594879,3210313671,3203337956,3336571891,1034457026,3584528711,2466948901,113926993,3758326383,338241895,168717936,666307205,1188179964,773529912,1546045734,1294757372,1522805485,1396182291,2643833823,1695183700,2343527390,1986661051,1014477480,2177026350,1206759142,2456956037,344077627,2730485921,1290863460,2820302411,3158454273,3259730800,3505952657,3345764771,106217008,3516065817,3606008344,3600352804,1432725776,4094571909,1467031594,275423344,851169720,430227734,3100823752,506948616,1363258195,659060556,3750685593,883997877,3785050280,958139571,3318307427,1322822218,3812723403,1537002063,2003034995,1747873779,3602036899,1955562222,1575990012,2024104815,1125592928,2227730452,2716904306,2361852424,442776044,2428436474,593698344,2756734187,3733110249,3204031479,2999351573,3329325298,3815920427,3391569614,3928383900,3515267271,566280711,3940187606,3454069534,4118630271,4000239992,116418474,1914138554,174292421,2731055270,289380356,3203993006,460393269,320620315,685471733,587496836,852142971,1086792851,1017036298,365543100,1126000580,2618297676,1288033470,3409855158,1501505948,4234509866,1607167915,987167468,1816402316,1246189591];function m(){if(!(this instanceof m))return new m;c.call(this),this.h=[1779033703,4089235720,3144134277,2227873595,1013904242,4271175723,2773480762,1595750129,1359893119,2917565137,2600822924,725511199,528734635,4215389547,1541459225,327033209],this.k=h,this.W=new Array(160)}function v(p,O,U,T,z){var te=p&U^~p&z;return te<0&&(te+=4294967296),te}function C(p,O,U,T,z,te){var X=O&T^~O&te;return X<0&&(X+=4294967296),X}function l(p,O,U,T,z){var te=p&U^p&z^U&z;return te<0&&(te+=4294967296),te}function I(p,O,U,T,z,te){var X=O&T^O&te^T&te;return X<0&&(X+=4294967296),X}function R(p,O){var U=y(p,O,28)^y(O,p,2)^y(O,p,7);return U<0&&(U+=4294967296),U}function k(p,O){var U=a(p,O,28)^a(O,p,2)^a(O,p,7);return U<0&&(U+=4294967296),U}function N(p,O){var U=a(p,O,14)^a(p,O,18)^a(O,p,9);return U<0&&(U+=4294967296),U}function A(p,O){var U=y(p,O,1)^y(p,O,8)^t(p,O,7);return U<0&&(U+=4294967296),U}function w(p,O){var U=a(p,O,1)^a(p,O,8)^d(p,O,7);return U<0&&(U+=4294967296),U}function _(p,O){var U=a(p,O,19)^a(O,p,29)^d(p,O,6);return U<0&&(U+=4294967296),U}E.inherits(m,c),J.exports=m,m.blockSize=1024,m.outSize=512,m.hmacStrength=192,m.padLength=128,m.prototype._prepareBlock=function(p,O){for(var U=this.W,T=0;T<32;T++)U[T]=p[O+T];for(;T{var E=b(6436).rotr32;function M(a,t,d){return a&t^~a&d}function P(a,t,d){return a&t^a&d^t&d}function y(a,t,d){return a^t^d}e.ft_1=function(a,t,d,u){return a===0?M(t,d,u):a===1||a===3?y(t,d,u):a===2?P(t,d,u):void 0},e.ch32=M,e.maj32=P,e.p32=y,e.s0_256=function(a){return E(a,2)^E(a,13)^E(a,22)},e.s1_256=function(a){return E(a,6)^E(a,11)^E(a,25)},e.g0_256=function(a){return E(a,7)^E(a,18)^a>>>3},e.g1_256=function(a){return E(a,17)^E(a,19)^a>>>10}},6436:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(9746),M=b(5717);function P(d,u){return(64512&d.charCodeAt(u))==55296&&!(u<0||u+1>=d.length)&&(64512&d.charCodeAt(u+1))==56320}function y(d){return(d>>>24|d>>>8&65280|d<<8&16711680|(255&d)<<24)>>>0}function a(d){return d.length===1?"0"+d:d}function t(d){return d.length===7?"0"+d:d.length===6?"00"+d:d.length===5?"000"+d:d.length===4?"0000"+d:d.length===3?"00000"+d:d.length===2?"000000"+d:d.length===1?"0000000"+d:d}e.inherits=M,e.toArray=function(d,u){if(Array.isArray(d))return d.slice();if(!d)return[];var s=[];if(typeof d=="string")if(u){if(u==="hex")for((d=d.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi,"")).length%2!=0&&(d="0"+d),n=0;n>6|192,s[r++]=63&o|128):P(d,n)?(o=65536+((1023&o)<<10)+(1023&d.charCodeAt(++n)),s[r++]=o>>18|240,s[r++]=o>>12&63|128,s[r++]=o>>6&63|128,s[r++]=63&o|128):(s[r++]=o>>12|224,s[r++]=o>>6&63|128,s[r++]=63&o|128)}else for(n=0;n>>0}return o},e.split32=function(d,u){for(var s=new Array(4*d.length),r=0,n=0;r>>24,s[n+1]=o>>>16&255,s[n+2]=o>>>8&255,s[n+3]=255&o):(s[n+3]=o>>>24,s[n+2]=o>>>16&255,s[n+1]=o>>>8&255,s[n]=255&o)}return s},e.rotr32=function(d,u){return d>>>u|d<<32-u},e.rotl32=function(d,u){return d<>>32-u},e.sum32=function(d,u){return d+u>>>0},e.sum32_3=function(d,u,s){return d+u+s>>>0},e.sum32_4=function(d,u,s,r){return d+u+s+r>>>0},e.sum32_5=function(d,u,s,r,n){return d+u+s+r+n>>>0},e.sum64=function(d,u,s,r){var n=d[u],o=r+d[u+1]>>>0,i=(o>>0,d[u+1]=o},e.sum64_hi=function(d,u,s,r){return(u+r>>>0>>0},e.sum64_lo=function(d,u,s,r){return u+r>>>0},e.sum64_4_hi=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f){var c=0,h=u;return c+=(h=h+r>>>0)>>0)>>0)>>0},e.sum64_4_lo=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f){return u+r+o+f>>>0},e.sum64_5_hi=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h){var m=0,v=u;return m+=(v=v+r>>>0)>>0)>>0)>>0)>>0},e.sum64_5_lo=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h){return u+r+o+f+h>>>0},e.rotr64_hi=function(d,u,s){return(u<<32-s|d>>>s)>>>0},e.rotr64_lo=function(d,u,s){return(d<<32-s|u>>>s)>>>0},e.shr64_hi=function(d,u,s){return d>>>s},e.shr64_lo=function(d,u,s){return(d<<32-s|u>>>s)>>>0}},2156:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(3715),M=b(4504),P=b(9746);function y(a){if(!(this instanceof y))return new y(a);this.hash=a.hash,this.predResist=!!a.predResist,this.outLen=this.hash.outSize,this.minEntropy=a.minEntropy||this.hash.hmacStrength,this._reseed=null,this.reseedInterval=null,this.K=null,this.V=null;var t=M.toArray(a.entropy,a.entropyEnc||"hex"),d=M.toArray(a.nonce,a.nonceEnc||"hex"),u=M.toArray(a.pers,a.persEnc||"hex");P(t.length>=this.minEntropy/8,"Not enough entropy. Minimum is: "+this.minEntropy+" bits"),this._init(t,d,u)}J.exports=y,y.prototype._init=function(a,t,d){var u=a.concat(t).concat(d);this.K=new Array(this.outLen/8),this.V=new Array(this.outLen/8);for(var s=0;s=this.minEntropy/8,"Not enough entropy. Minimum is: "+this.minEntropy+" bits"),this._update(a.concat(d||[])),this._reseed=1},y.prototype.generate=function(a,t,d,u){if(this._reseed>this.reseedInterval)throw new Error("Reseed is required");typeof t!="string"&&(u=d,d=t,t=null),d&&(d=M.toArray(d,u||"hex"),this._update(d));for(var s=[];s.length{e.read=function(b,E,M,P,y){var a,t,d=8*y-P-1,u=(1<>1,r=-7,n=M?y-1:0,o=M?-1:1,i=b[E+n];for(n+=o,a=i&(1<<-r)-1,i>>=-r,r+=d;r>0;a=256*a+b[E+n],n+=o,r-=8);for(t=a&(1<<-r)-1,a>>=-r,r+=P;r>0;t=256*t+b[E+n],n+=o,r-=8);if(a===0)a=1-s;else{if(a===u)return t?NaN:1/0*(i?-1:1);t+=Math.pow(2,P),a-=s}return(i?-1:1)*t*Math.pow(2,a-P)},e.write=function(b,E,M,P,y,a){var t,d,u,s=8*a-y-1,r=(1<>1,o=y===23?Math.pow(2,-24)-Math.pow(2,-77):0,i=P?0:a-1,f=P?1:-1,c=E<0||E===0&&1/E<0?1:0;for(E=Math.abs(E),isNaN(E)||E===1/0?(d=isNaN(E)?1:0,t=r):(t=Math.floor(Math.log(E)/Math.LN2),E*(u=Math.pow(2,-t))<1&&(t--,u*=2),(E+=t+n>=1?o/u:o*Math.pow(2,1-n))*u>=2&&(t++,u/=2),t+n>=r?(d=0,t=r):t+n>=1?(d=(E*u-1)*Math.pow(2,y),t+=n):(d=E*Math.pow(2,n-1)*Math.pow(2,y),t=0));y>=8;b[M+i]=255&d,i+=f,d/=256,y-=8);for(t=t<0;b[M+i]=255&t,i+=f,t/=256,s-=8);b[M+i-f]|=128*c}},5717:J=>{typeof Object.create=="function"?J.exports=function(e,b){b&&(e.super_=b,e.prototype=Object.create(b.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}))}:J.exports=function(e,b){if(b){e.super_=b;var E=function(){};E.prototype=b.prototype,e.prototype=new E,e.prototype.constructor=e}}},2584:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(6410)(),M=b(1924)("Object.prototype.toString"),P=function(t){return!(E&&t&&typeof t=="object"&&Symbol.toStringTag in t)&&M(t)==="[object Arguments]"},y=function(t){return!!P(t)||t!==null&&typeof t=="object"&&typeof t.length=="number"&&t.length>=0&&M(t)!=="[object Array]"&&M(t.callee)==="[object Function]"},a=function(){return P(arguments)}();P.isLegacyArguments=y,J.exports=a?P:y},5320:J=>{var e,b,E=Function.prototype.toString,M=typeof Reflect=="object"&&Reflect!==null&&Reflect.apply;if(typeof M=="function"&&typeof Object.defineProperty=="function")try{e=Object.defineProperty({},"length",{get:function(){throw b}}),b={},M(function(){throw 42},null,e)}catch(n){n!==b&&(M=null)}else M=null;var P=/^\s*class\b/,y=function(n){try{var o=E.call(n);return P.test(o)}catch{return!1}},a=function(n){try{return!y(n)&&(E.call(n),!0)}catch{return!1}},t=Object.prototype.toString,d=typeof Symbol=="function"&&!!Symbol.toStringTag,u=!(0 in[,]),s=function(){return!1};if(typeof document=="object"){var r=document.all;t.call(r)===t.call(document.all)&&(s=function(n){if((u||!n)&&(n===void 0||typeof n=="object"))try{var o=t.call(n);return(o==="[object HTMLAllCollection]"||o==="[object HTML document.all class]"||o==="[object HTMLCollection]"||o==="[object Object]")&&n("")==null}catch{}return!1})}J.exports=M?function(n){if(s(n))return!0;if(!n||typeof n!="function"&&typeof n!="object")return!1;try{M(n,null,e)}catch(o){if(o!==b)return!1}return!y(n)&&a(n)}:function(n){if(s(n))return!0;if(!n||typeof n!="function"&&typeof n!="object")return!1;if(d)return a(n);if(y(n))return!1;var o=t.call(n);return!(o!=="[object Function]"&&o!=="[object GeneratorFunction]"&&!/^\[object HTML/.test(o))&&a(n)}},8662:(J,e,b)=>{var E,M=Object.prototype.toString,P=Function.prototype.toString,y=/^\s*(?:function)?\*/,a=b(6410)(),t=Object.getPrototypeOf;J.exports=function(d){if(typeof d!="function")return!1;if(y.test(P.call(d)))return!0;if(!a)return M.call(d)==="[object GeneratorFunction]";if(!t)return!1;if(E===void 0){var u=function(){if(!a)return!1;try{return Function("return function*() {}")()}catch{}}();E=!!u&&t(u)}return t(d)===E}},8611:J=>{J.exports=function(e){return e!=e}},360:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5559),M=b(4289),P=b(8611),y=b(9415),a=b(3194),t=E(y(),Number);M(t,{getPolyfill:y,implementation:P,shim:a}),J.exports=t},9415:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8611);J.exports=function(){return Number.isNaN&&Number.isNaN(NaN)&&!Number.isNaN("a")?Number.isNaN:E}},3194:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4289),M=b(9415);J.exports=function(){var P=M();return E(Number,{isNaN:P},{isNaN:function(){return Number.isNaN!==P}}),P}},5692:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4029),M=b(3083),P=b(1924),y=P("Object.prototype.toString"),a=b(6410)(),t=b(7296),d=typeof globalThis>"u"?b.g:globalThis,u=M(),s=P("Array.prototype.indexOf",!0)||function(i,f){for(var c=0;c-1}return!!t&&function(c){var h=!1;return E(n,function(m,v){if(!h)try{h=m.call(c)===v}catch{}}),h}(i)}},3720:J=>{J.exports=b;var e=null;try{e=new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,13,2,96,0,1,127,96,4,127,127,127,127,1,127,3,7,6,0,1,1,1,1,1,6,6,1,127,1,65,0,11,7,50,6,3,109,117,108,0,1,5,100,105,118,95,115,0,2,5,100,105,118,95,117,0,3,5,114,101,109,95,115,0,4,5,114,101,109,95,117,0,5,8,103,101,116,95,104,105,103,104,0,0,10,191,1,6,4,0,35,0,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,126,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,127,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,128,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,129,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,130,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11])),{}).exports}catch{}function b(k,N,A){this.low=0|k,this.high=0|N,this.unsigned=!!A}function E(k){return(k&&k.__isLong__)===!0}b.prototype.__isLong__,Object.defineProperty(b.prototype,"__isLong__",{value:!0}),b.isLong=E;var M={},P={};function y(k,N){var A,w,_;return N?(_=0<=(k>>>=0)&&k<256)&&(w=P[k])?w:(A=t(k,(0|k)<0?-1:0,!0),_&&(P[k]=A),A):(_=-128<=(k|=0)&&k<128)&&(w=M[k])?w:(A=t(k,k<0?-1:0,!1),_&&(M[k]=A),A)}function a(k,N){if(isNaN(k))return N?c:f;if(N){if(k<0)return c;if(k>=n)return l}else{if(k<=-o)return I;if(k+1>=o)return C}return k<0?a(-k,N).neg():t(k%r|0,k/r|0,N)}function t(k,N,A){return new b(k,N,A)}b.fromInt=y,b.fromNumber=a,b.fromBits=t;var d=Math.pow;function u(k,N,A){if(k.length===0)throw Error("empty string");if(k==="NaN"||k==="Infinity"||k==="+Infinity"||k==="-Infinity")return f;if(typeof N=="number"?(A=N,N=!1):N=!!N,(A=A||10)<2||360)throw Error("interior hyphen");if(w===0)return u(k.substring(1),N,A).neg();for(var _=a(d(A,8)),p=f,O=0;O>>0:this.low},R.toNumber=function(){return this.unsigned?(this.high>>>0)*r+(this.low>>>0):this.high*r+(this.low>>>0)},R.toString=function(k){if((k=k||10)<2||36>>0).toString(k);if((p=U).isZero())return T+O;for(;T.length<6;)T="0"+T;O=""+T+O}},R.getHighBits=function(){return this.high},R.getHighBitsUnsigned=function(){return this.high>>>0},R.getLowBits=function(){return this.low},R.getLowBitsUnsigned=function(){return this.low>>>0},R.getNumBitsAbs=function(){if(this.isNegative())return this.eq(I)?64:this.neg().getNumBitsAbs();for(var k=this.high!=0?this.high:this.low,N=31;N>0&&!(k&1<=0},R.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.low)==1},R.isEven=function(){return(1&this.low)==0},R.equals=function(k){return E(k)||(k=s(k)),(this.unsigned===k.unsigned||this.high>>>31!=1||k.high>>>31!=1)&&this.high===k.high&&this.low===k.low},R.eq=R.equals,R.notEquals=function(k){return!this.eq(k)},R.neq=R.notEquals,R.ne=R.notEquals,R.lessThan=function(k){return this.comp(k)<0},R.lt=R.lessThan,R.lessThanOrEqual=function(k){return this.comp(k)<=0},R.lte=R.lessThanOrEqual,R.le=R.lessThanOrEqual,R.greaterThan=function(k){return this.comp(k)>0},R.gt=R.greaterThan,R.greaterThanOrEqual=function(k){return this.comp(k)>=0},R.gte=R.greaterThanOrEqual,R.ge=R.greaterThanOrEqual,R.compare=function(k){if(E(k)||(k=s(k)),this.eq(k))return 0;var N=this.isNegative(),A=k.isNegative();return N&&!A?-1:!N&&A?1:this.unsigned?k.high>>>0>this.high>>>0||k.high===this.high&&k.low>>>0>this.low>>>0?-1:1:this.sub(k).isNegative()?-1:1},R.comp=R.compare,R.negate=function(){return!this.unsigned&&this.eq(I)?I:this.not().add(h)},R.neg=R.negate,R.add=function(k){E(k)||(k=s(k));var N=this.high>>>16,A=65535&this.high,w=this.low>>>16,_=65535&this.low,p=k.high>>>16,O=65535&k.high,U=k.low>>>16,T=0,z=0,te=0,X=0;return te+=(X+=_+(65535&k.low))>>>16,z+=(te+=w+U)>>>16,T+=(z+=A+O)>>>16,T+=N+p,t((te&=65535)<<16|(X&=65535),(T&=65535)<<16|(z&=65535),this.unsigned)},R.subtract=function(k){return E(k)||(k=s(k)),this.add(k.neg())},R.sub=R.subtract,R.multiply=function(k){if(this.isZero())return f;if(E(k)||(k=s(k)),e)return t(e.mul(this.low,this.high,k.low,k.high),e.get_high(),this.unsigned);if(k.isZero())return f;if(this.eq(I))return k.isOdd()?I:f;if(k.eq(I))return this.isOdd()?I:f;if(this.isNegative())return k.isNegative()?this.neg().mul(k.neg()):this.neg().mul(k).neg();if(k.isNegative())return this.mul(k.neg()).neg();if(this.lt(i)&&k.lt(i))return a(this.toNumber()*k.toNumber(),this.unsigned);var N=this.high>>>16,A=65535&this.high,w=this.low>>>16,_=65535&this.low,p=k.high>>>16,O=65535&k.high,U=k.low>>>16,T=65535&k.low,z=0,te=0,X=0,ne=0;return X+=(ne+=_*T)>>>16,te+=(X+=w*T)>>>16,X&=65535,te+=(X+=_*U)>>>16,z+=(te+=A*T)>>>16,te&=65535,z+=(te+=w*U)>>>16,te&=65535,z+=(te+=_*O)>>>16,z+=N*T+A*U+w*O+_*p,t((X&=65535)<<16|(ne&=65535),(z&=65535)<<16|(te&=65535),this.unsigned)},R.mul=R.multiply,R.divide=function(k){if(E(k)||(k=s(k)),k.isZero())throw Error("division by zero");var N,A,w;if(e)return this.unsigned||this.high!==-2147483648||k.low!==-1||k.high!==-1?t((this.unsigned?e.div_u:e.div_s)(this.low,this.high,k.low,k.high),e.get_high(),this.unsigned):this;if(this.isZero())return this.unsigned?c:f;if(this.unsigned){if(k.unsigned||(k=k.toUnsigned()),k.gt(this))return c;if(k.gt(this.shru(1)))return m;w=c}else{if(this.eq(I))return k.eq(h)||k.eq(v)?I:k.eq(I)?h:(N=this.shr(1).div(k).shl(1)).eq(f)?k.isNegative()?h:v:(A=this.sub(k.mul(N)),w=N.add(A.div(k)));if(k.eq(I))return this.unsigned?c:f;if(this.isNegative())return k.isNegative()?this.neg().div(k.neg()):this.neg().div(k).neg();if(k.isNegative())return this.div(k.neg()).neg();w=f}for(A=this;A.gte(k);){N=Math.max(1,Math.floor(A.toNumber()/k.toNumber()));for(var _=Math.ceil(Math.log(N)/Math.LN2),p=_<=48?1:d(2,_-48),O=a(N),U=O.mul(k);U.isNegative()||U.gt(A);)U=(O=a(N-=p,this.unsigned)).mul(k);O.isZero()&&(O=h),w=w.add(O),A=A.sub(U)}return w},R.div=R.divide,R.modulo=function(k){return E(k)||(k=s(k)),e?t((this.unsigned?e.rem_u:e.rem_s)(this.low,this.high,k.low,k.high),e.get_high(),this.unsigned):this.sub(this.div(k).mul(k))},R.mod=R.modulo,R.rem=R.modulo,R.not=function(){return t(~this.low,~this.high,this.unsigned)},R.and=function(k){return E(k)||(k=s(k)),t(this.low&k.low,this.high&k.high,this.unsigned)},R.or=function(k){return E(k)||(k=s(k)),t(this.low|k.low,this.high|k.high,this.unsigned)},R.xor=function(k){return E(k)||(k=s(k)),t(this.low^k.low,this.high^k.high,this.unsigned)},R.shiftLeft=function(k){return E(k)&&(k=k.toInt()),(k&=63)==0?this:k<32?t(this.low<>>32-k,this.unsigned):t(0,this.low<>>k|this.high<<32-k,this.high>>k,this.unsigned):t(this.high>>k-32,this.high>=0?0:-1,this.unsigned)},R.shr=R.shiftRight,R.shiftRightUnsigned=function(k){if(E(k)&&(k=k.toInt()),(k&=63)==0)return this;var N=this.high;return k<32?t(this.low>>>k|N<<32-k,N>>>k,this.unsigned):t(k===32?N:N>>>k-32,0,this.unsigned)},R.shru=R.shiftRightUnsigned,R.shr_u=R.shiftRightUnsigned,R.toSigned=function(){return this.unsigned?t(this.low,this.high,!1):this},R.toUnsigned=function(){return this.unsigned?this:t(this.low,this.high,!0)},R.toBytes=function(k){return k?this.toBytesLE():this.toBytesBE()},R.toBytesLE=function(){var k=this.high,N=this.low;return[255&N,N>>>8&255,N>>>16&255,N>>>24,255&k,k>>>8&255,k>>>16&255,k>>>24]},R.toBytesBE=function(){var k=this.high,N=this.low;return[k>>>24,k>>>16&255,k>>>8&255,255&k,N>>>24,N>>>16&255,N>>>8&255,255&N]},b.fromBytes=function(k,N,A){return A?b.fromBytesLE(k,N):b.fromBytesBE(k,N)},b.fromBytesLE=function(k,N){return new b(k[0]|k[1]<<8|k[2]<<16|k[3]<<24,k[4]|k[5]<<8|k[6]<<16|k[7]<<24,N)},b.fromBytesBE=function(k,N){return new b(k[4]<<24|k[5]<<16|k[6]<<8|k[7],k[0]<<24|k[1]<<16|k[2]<<8|k[3],N)}},2318:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(3349),P=b(9509).Buffer,y=new Array(16);function a(){M.call(this,64),this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878}function t(n,o){return n<>>32-o}function d(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(o&i|~o&f)+c+h|0,m)+o|0}function u(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(o&f|i&~f)+c+h|0,m)+o|0}function s(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(o^i^f)+c+h|0,m)+o|0}function r(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(i^(o|~f))+c+h|0,m)+o|0}E(a,M),a.prototype._update=function(){for(var n=y,o=0;o<16;++o)n[o]=this._block.readInt32LE(4*o);var i=this._a,f=this._b,c=this._c,h=this._d;i=d(i,f,c,h,n[0],3614090360,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[1],3905402710,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[2],606105819,17),f=d(f,c,h,i,n[3],3250441966,22),i=d(i,f,c,h,n[4],4118548399,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[5],1200080426,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[6],2821735955,17),f=d(f,c,h,i,n[7],4249261313,22),i=d(i,f,c,h,n[8],1770035416,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[9],2336552879,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[10],4294925233,17),f=d(f,c,h,i,n[11],2304563134,22),i=d(i,f,c,h,n[12],1804603682,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[13],4254626195,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[14],2792965006,17),i=u(i,f=d(f,c,h,i,n[15],1236535329,22),c,h,n[1],4129170786,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[6],3225465664,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[11],643717713,14),f=u(f,c,h,i,n[0],3921069994,20),i=u(i,f,c,h,n[5],3593408605,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[10],38016083,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[15],3634488961,14),f=u(f,c,h,i,n[4],3889429448,20),i=u(i,f,c,h,n[9],568446438,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[14],3275163606,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[3],4107603335,14),f=u(f,c,h,i,n[8],1163531501,20),i=u(i,f,c,h,n[13],2850285829,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[2],4243563512,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[7],1735328473,14),i=s(i,f=u(f,c,h,i,n[12],2368359562,20),c,h,n[5],4294588738,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[8],2272392833,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[11],1839030562,16),f=s(f,c,h,i,n[14],4259657740,23),i=s(i,f,c,h,n[1],2763975236,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[4],1272893353,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[7],4139469664,16),f=s(f,c,h,i,n[10],3200236656,23),i=s(i,f,c,h,n[13],681279174,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[0],3936430074,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[3],3572445317,16),f=s(f,c,h,i,n[6],76029189,23),i=s(i,f,c,h,n[9],3654602809,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[12],3873151461,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[15],530742520,16),i=r(i,f=s(f,c,h,i,n[2],3299628645,23),c,h,n[0],4096336452,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[7],1126891415,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[14],2878612391,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[5],4237533241,21),i=r(i,f,c,h,n[12],1700485571,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[3],2399980690,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[10],4293915773,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[1],2240044497,21),i=r(i,f,c,h,n[8],1873313359,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[15],4264355552,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[6],2734768916,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[13],1309151649,21),i=r(i,f,c,h,n[4],4149444226,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[11],3174756917,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[2],718787259,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[9],3951481745,21),this._a=this._a+i|0,this._b=this._b+f|0,this._c=this._c+c|0,this._d=this._d+h|0},a.prototype._digest=function(){this._block[this._blockOffset++]=128,this._blockOffset>56&&(this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,64),this._update(),this._blockOffset=0),this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0],56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1],60),this._update();var n=P.allocUnsafe(16);return n.writeInt32LE(this._a,0),n.writeInt32LE(this._b,4),n.writeInt32LE(this._c,8),n.writeInt32LE(this._d,12),n},J.exports=a},9746:J=>{function e(b,E){if(!b)throw new Error(E||"Assertion failed")}J.exports=e,e.equal=function(b,E,M){if(b!=E)throw new Error(M||"Assertion failed: "+b+" != "+E)}},4504:(J,e)=>{var b=e;function E(P){return P.length===1?"0"+P:P}function M(P){for(var y="",a=0;a>8,s=255&d;u?a.push(u,s):a.push(s)}return a},b.zero2=E,b.toHex=M,b.encode=function(P,y){return y==="hex"?M(P):P}},45:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){f.done?s(f.value):new d(function(c){c(f.value)}).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const M=b(3555),P=b(8982);class y{static importKey(t,d,u=new M.WebCryptoProvider){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new y(yield P.SIV.importKey(t,d,u))})}constructor(t){this._siv=t}seal(t,d,u=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._siv.seal(t,[u,d])})}open(t,d,u=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._siv.open(t,[u,d])})}clear(){return this._siv.clear(),this}}e.AEAD=y},4870:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});class b extends Error{constructor(P){super(P),Object.setPrototypeOf(this,b.prototype)}}e.IntegrityError=b;class E extends Error{constructor(P){super(P),Object.setPrototypeOf(this,E.prototype)}}e.NotImplementedError=E},9463:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),function(u){for(var s in u)e.hasOwnProperty(s)||(e[s]=u[s])}(b(4870));var E=b(45);e.AEAD=E.AEAD;var M=b(8982);e.SIV=M.SIV;var P=b(8711);e.StreamEncryptor=P.StreamEncryptor,e.StreamDecryptor=P.StreamDecryptor;var y=b(8572);e.CMAC=y.CMAC;var a=b(8462);e.PMAC=a.PMAC;var t=b(3511);e.PolyfillCryptoProvider=t.PolyfillCryptoProvider;var d=b(3555);e.WebCryptoProvider=d.WebCryptoProvider},3618:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E=b(8877),M=b(3082);class P{constructor(){this.data=new Uint8Array(P.SIZE)}clear(){M.wipe(this.data)}clone(){const a=new P;return a.copy(this),a}copy(a){this.data.set(a.data)}dbl(){let a=0;for(let t=P.SIZE-1;t>=0;t--){const d=this.data[t]>>>7&255;this.data[t]=this.data[t]<<1|a,a=d}this.data[P.SIZE-1]^=E.select(a,P.R,0),a=0}}P.SIZE=16,P.R=135,e.default=P},8877:(J,e)=>{function b(E,M){if(E.length!==M.length)return 0;let P=0;for(let y=0;y>>8}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.select=function(E,M,P){return~(E-1)&M|E-1&P},e.compare=b,e.equal=function(E,M){return E.length!==0&&M.length!==0&&b(E,M)!==0}},2104:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const b=new Uint8Array([8,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,7,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0]);e.ctz=function(E){return b[E]}},3082:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.wipe=function(b){for(let E=0;E{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.xor=function(b,E){for(let M=0;Md){for(let r=0;rM.default.SIZE;){for(let r=0;r0;c--){const h=P.select(1&i.data[c-1],128,0);i.data[c]=i.data[c]>>>1|h}return i.data[0]>>>=1,i.data[0]^=P.select(f,128,0),i.data[M.default.SIZE-1]^=P.select(f,M.default.R>>>1,0),new t(r,o,i)})}reset(){return this._buffer.clear(),this._bufferPos=0,this._counter=0,this._offset.clear(),this._tag.clear(),this._finished=!1,this}clear(){this.reset(),this._cipher.clear()}update(u){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(this._finished)throw new Error("pmac: already finished");const s=M.default.SIZE-this._bufferPos;let r=0,n=u.length;for(n>s&&(this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(0,s),this._bufferPos),r+=s,n-=s,yield this._processBuffer());n>M.default.SIZE;)this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(r,r+M.default.SIZE)),r+=M.default.SIZE,n-=M.default.SIZE,yield this._processBuffer();return n>0&&(this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(r,r+n),this._bufferPos),this._bufferPos+=n),this})}finish(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(this._finished)throw new Error("pmac: already finished");return this._bufferPos===M.default.SIZE?(a.xor(this._tag.data,this._buffer.data),a.xor(this._tag.data,this._LInv.data)):(a.xor(this._tag.data,this._buffer.data.slice(0,this._bufferPos)),this._tag.data[this._bufferPos]^=128),yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._tag),this._finished=!0,this._tag.clone().data})}_processBuffer(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){a.xor(this._offset.data,this._L[y.ctz(this._counter+1)].data),a.xor(this._buffer.data,this._offset.data),this._counter++,yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer),a.xor(this._tag.data,this._buffer.data),this._bufferPos=0})}}e.PMAC=t},3511:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(y,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){i.done?u(i.value):new t(function(f){f(i.value)}).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(y,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const M=b(4274),P=b(3056);e.PolyfillCryptoProvider=class{constructor(){}importBlockCipherKey(y){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new M.default(y)})}importCTRKey(y){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new P.default(new M.default(y))})}}},4274:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E=b(3082),M=new Uint8Array([1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,27,54,108,216,171,77,154,47]),P=new Uint8Array([99,124,119,123,242,107,111,197,48,1,103,43,254,215,171,118,202,130,201,125,250,89,71,240,173,212,162,175,156,164,114,192,183,253,147,38,54,63,247,204,52,165,229,241,113,216,49,21,4,199,35,195,24,150,5,154,7,18,128,226,235,39,178,117,9,131,44,26,27,110,90,160,82,59,214,179,41,227,47,132,83,209,0,237,32,252,177,91,106,203,190,57,74,76,88,207,208,239,170,251,67,77,51,133,69,249,2,127,80,60,159,168,81,163,64,143,146,157,56,245,188,182,218,33,16,255,243,210,205,12,19,236,95,151,68,23,196,167,126,61,100,93,25,115,96,129,79,220,34,42,144,136,70,238,184,20,222,94,11,219,224,50,58,10,73,6,36,92,194,211,172,98,145,149,228,121,231,200,55,109,141,213,78,169,108,86,244,234,101,122,174,8,186,120,37,46,28,166,180,198,232,221,116,31,75,189,139,138,112,62,181,102,72,3,246,14,97,53,87,185,134,193,29,158,225,248,152,17,105,217,142,148,155,30,135,233,206,85,40,223,140,161,137,13,191,230,66,104,65,153,45,15,176,84,187,22]),y=new Uint8Array([82,9,106,213,48,54,165,56,191,64,163,158,129,243,215,251,124,227,57,130,155,47,255,135,52,142,67,68,196,222,233,203,84,123,148,50,166,194,35,61,238,76,149,11,66,250,195,78,8,46,161,102,40,217,36,178,118,91,162,73,109,139,209,37,114,248,246,100,134,104,152,22,212,164,92,204,93,101,182,146,108,112,72,80,253,237,185,218,94,21,70,87,167,141,157,132,144,216,171,0,140,188,211,10,247,228,88,5,184,179,69,6,208,44,30,143,202,63,15,2,193,175,189,3,1,19,138,107,58,145,17,65,79,103,220,234,151,242,207,206,240,180,230,115,150,172,116,34,231,173,53,133,226,249,55,232,28,117,223,110,71,241,26,113,29,41,197,137,111,183,98,14,170,24,190,27,252,86,62,75,198,210,121,32,154,219,192,254,120,205,90,244,31,221,168,51,136,7,199,49,177,18,16,89,39,128,236,95,96,81,127,169,25,181,74,13,45,229,122,159,147,201,156,239,160,224,59,77,174,42,245,176,200,235,187,60,131,83,153,97,23,43,4,126,186,119,214,38,225,105,20,99,85,33,12,125]);let a,t,d,u,s,r,n,o,i=!1;function f(m,v=0){return(m[v]<<24|m[v+1]<<16|m[v+2]<<8|m[v+3])>>>0}function c(m,v=new Uint8Array(4),C=0){return v[C+0]=m>>>24,v[C+1]=m>>>16,v[C+2]=m>>>8,v[C+3]=m>>>0,v}function h(m){return P[m>>>24&255]<<24|P[m>>>16&255]<<16|P[m>>>8&255]<<8|P[255&m]}e.default=class{constructor(m){if(i||function(){function v(l,I){let R=l,k=I,N=0;for(let A=1;A<256&&k!==0;A<<=1)k&A&&(N^=R,k^=A),R<<=1,256&R&&(R^=283);return N}const C=l=>l<<24|l>>>8;a=new Uint32Array(256),t=new Uint32Array(256),d=new Uint32Array(256),u=new Uint32Array(256);for(let l=0;l<256;l++){const I=P[l];let R=v(I,2)<<24|I<<16|I<<8|v(I,3);a[l]=R,R=C(R),t[l]=R,R=C(R),d[l]=R,R=C(R),u[l]=R,R=C(R)}s=new Uint32Array(256),r=new Uint32Array(256),n=new Uint32Array(256),o=new Uint32Array(256);for(let l=0;l<256;l++){const I=y[l];let R=v(I,14)<<24|v(I,9)<<16|v(I,13)<<8|v(I,11);s[l]=R,R=C(R),r[l]=R,R=C(R),n[l]=R,R=C(R),o[l]=R,R=C(R)}i=!0}(),m.length!==16&&m.length!==32)throw new Error(`Miscreant: invalid key length: ${m.length} (expected 16 or 32 bytes)`);this._encKey=function(v){const C=new Uint32Array(v.length+28),l=v.length/4|0,I=C.length;for(let k=0;k>>24)^M[k/l-1]<<24:l>6&&k%l==4&&(N=h(N)),C[k]=C[k-l]^N}var R;return C}(m),this._emptyPromise=Promise.resolve(this)}clear(){return this._encKey&&E.wipe(this._encKey),this}encryptBlock(m){const v=m.data,C=m.data;let l=f(v,0),I=f(v,4),R=f(v,8),k=f(v,12);l^=this._encKey[0],I^=this._encKey[1],R^=this._encKey[2],k^=this._encKey[3];let N=0,A=0,w=0,_=0;const p=this._encKey.length/4-2;let O=4;for(let U=0;U>>24&255]^t[I>>>16&255]^d[R>>>8&255]^u[255&k],A=this._encKey[O+1]^a[I>>>24&255]^t[R>>>16&255]^d[k>>>8&255]^u[255&l],w=this._encKey[O+2]^a[R>>>24&255]^t[k>>>16&255]^d[l>>>8&255]^u[255&I],_=this._encKey[O+3]^a[k>>>24&255]^t[l>>>16&255]^d[I>>>8&255]^u[255&R],O+=4,l=N,I=A,R=w,k=_;return l=P[N>>>24]<<24|P[A>>>16&255]<<16|P[w>>>8&255]<<8|P[255&_],I=P[A>>>24]<<24|P[w>>>16&255]<<16|P[_>>>8&255]<<8|P[255&N],R=P[w>>>24]<<24|P[_>>>16&255]<<16|P[N>>>8&255]<<8|P[255&A],k=P[_>>>24]<<24|P[N>>>16&255]<<16|P[A>>>8&255]<<8|P[255&w],l^=this._encKey[O+0],I^=this._encKey[O+1],R^=this._encKey[O+2],k^=this._encKey[O+3],c(l,C,0),c(I,C,4),c(R,C,8),c(k,C,12),this._emptyPromise}}},3056:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(y,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){i.done?u(i.value):new t(function(f){f(i.value)}).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(y,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const M=b(3618);function P(y){let a=1;for(let t=M.default.SIZE-1;t>=0;t--)a+=255&y.data[t]|0,y.data[t]=255&a,a>>>=8}e.default=class{constructor(y){this._cipher=y,this._counter=new M.default,this._buffer=new M.default}clear(){return this._buffer.clear(),this._counter.clear(),this._cipher.clear(),this}encryptCtr(y,a){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(y.length!==M.default.SIZE)throw new Error("CTR: iv length must be equal to cipher block size");this._counter.data.set(y);let t=M.default.SIZE;const d=new Uint8Array(a.length);for(let u=0;ue.MAX_ASSOCIATED_DATA)throw new Error("AES-SIV: too many associated data items");const c=t.default.SIZE+i.length,h=new Uint8Array(c),m=yield this._s2v(f,i);return h.set(m),n(m),h.set(yield this._ctr.encryptCtr(m,i),m.length),h})}open(i,f){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(f.length>e.MAX_ASSOCIATED_DATA)throw new Error("AES-SIV: too many associated data items");if(i.length=t.default.SIZE){const c=f.length-t.default.SIZE;this._tmp1.data.set(f.subarray(c)),yield this._mac.update(f.subarray(0,c))}else this._tmp1.data.set(f),this._tmp1.data[f.length]=128,this._tmp2.dbl();return y.xor(this._tmp1.data,this._tmp2.data),yield this._mac.update(this._tmp1.data),this._mac.finish()})}}function n(o){o[o.length-8]&=127,o[o.length-4]&=127}e.SIV=r},8711:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){h.done?n(h.value):new s(function(m){m(h.value)}).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const M=b(45),P=b(3555);e.NONCE_SIZE=8,e.LAST_BLOCK_FLAG=1,e.COUNTER_MAX=4294967295;class y{static importKey(u,s,r,n=new P.WebCryptoProvider){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new y(yield M.AEAD.importKey(u,r,n),s)})}constructor(u,s){this._aead=u,this._nonce_encoder=new t(s)}seal(u,s=!1,r=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._aead.seal(u,this._nonce_encoder.next(s),r)})}clear(){return this._aead.clear(),this}}e.StreamEncryptor=y;class a{static importKey(u,s,r,n=new P.WebCryptoProvider){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new a(yield M.AEAD.importKey(u,r,n),s)})}constructor(u,s){this._aead=u,this._nonce_encoder=new t(s)}open(u,s=!1,r=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._aead.open(u,this._nonce_encoder.next(s),r)})}clear(){return this._aead.clear(),this}}e.StreamDecryptor=a;class t{constructor(u){if(u.length!==e.NONCE_SIZE)throw new Error(`STREAM: nonce must be 8-bits (got ${u.length}`);this.buffer=new ArrayBuffer(e.NONCE_SIZE+4+1),this.view=new DataView(this.buffer),this.array=new Uint8Array(this.buffer),this.array.set(u),this.counter=0,this.finished=!1}next(u){if(this.finished)throw new Error("STREAM: already finished");if(this.view.setInt32(8,this.counter,!1),u)this.view.setInt8(12,e.LAST_BLOCK_FLAG),this.finished=!0;else if(this.counter+=1,this.counter>e.COUNTER_MAX)throw new Error("STREAM counter overflowed");return this.array}}},4244:J=>{var e=function(b){return b!=b};J.exports=function(b,E){return b===0&&E===0?1/b==1/E:b===E||!(!e(b)||!e(E))}},609:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4289),M=b(5559),P=b(4244),y=b(5624),a=b(2281),t=M(y(),Object);E(t,{getPolyfill:y,implementation:P,shim:a}),J.exports=t},5624:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4244);J.exports=function(){return typeof Object.is=="function"?Object.is:E}},2281:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5624),M=b(4289);J.exports=function(){var P=E();return M(Object,{is:P},{is:function(){return Object.is!==P}}),P}},8987:(J,e,b)=>{var E;if(!Object.keys){var M=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,P=Object.prototype.toString,y=b(1414),a=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,t=!a.call({toString:null},"toString"),d=a.call(function(){},"prototype"),u=["toString","toLocaleString","valueOf","hasOwnProperty","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","constructor"],s=function(o){var i=o.constructor;return i&&i.prototype===o},r={$applicationCache:!0,$console:!0,$external:!0,$frame:!0,$frameElement:!0,$frames:!0,$innerHeight:!0,$innerWidth:!0,$onmozfullscreenchange:!0,$onmozfullscreenerror:!0,$outerHeight:!0,$outerWidth:!0,$pageXOffset:!0,$pageYOffset:!0,$parent:!0,$scrollLeft:!0,$scrollTop:!0,$scrollX:!0,$scrollY:!0,$self:!0,$webkitIndexedDB:!0,$webkitStorageInfo:!0,$window:!0},n=function(){if(typeof window>"u")return!1;for(var o in window)try{if(!r["$"+o]&&M.call(window,o)&&window[o]!==null&&typeof window[o]=="object")try{s(window[o])}catch{return!0}}catch{return!0}return!1}();E=function(o){var i=o!==null&&typeof o=="object",f=P.call(o)==="[object Function]",c=y(o),h=i&&P.call(o)==="[object String]",m=[];if(!i&&!f&&!c)throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on a non-object");var v=d&&f;if(h&&o.length>0&&!M.call(o,0))for(var C=0;C0)for(var l=0;l"u"||!n)return s(N);try{return s(N)}catch{return!1}}(o),k=0;k{var E=Array.prototype.slice,M=b(1414),P=Object.keys,y=P?function(t){return P(t)}:b(8987),a=Object.keys;y.shim=function(){if(Object.keys){var t=function(){var d=Object.keys(arguments);return d&&d.length===arguments.length}(1,2);t||(Object.keys=function(d){return M(d)?a(E.call(d)):a(d)})}else Object.keys=y;return Object.keys||y},J.exports=y},1414:J=>{var e=Object.prototype.toString;J.exports=function(b){var E=e.call(b),M=E==="[object Arguments]";return M||(M=E!=="[object Array]"&&b!==null&&typeof b=="object"&&typeof b.length=="number"&&b.length>=0&&e.call(b.callee)==="[object Function]"),M}},9591:(J,e,b)=>{const{Deflate:E,deflate:M,deflateRaw:P,gzip:y}=b(4555),{Inflate:a,inflate:t,inflateRaw:d,ungzip:u}=b(8843),s=b(1619);J.exports.Deflate=E,J.exports.deflate=M,J.exports.deflateRaw=P,J.exports.gzip=y,J.exports.Inflate=a,J.exports.inflate=t,J.exports.inflateRaw=d,J.exports.ungzip=u,J.exports.constants=s},4555:(J,e,b)=>{const E=b(405),M=b(4236),P=b(9373),y=b(8898),a=b(2292),t=Object.prototype.toString,{Z_NO_FLUSH:d,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:u,Z_FULL_FLUSH:s,Z_FINISH:r,Z_OK:n,Z_STREAM_END:o,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:i,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:f,Z_DEFLATED:c}=b(1619);function h(v){this.options=M.assign({level:i,method:c,chunkSize:16384,windowBits:15,memLevel:8,strategy:f},v||{});let C=this.options;C.raw&&C.windowBits>0?C.windowBits=-C.windowBits:C.gzip&&C.windowBits>0&&C.windowBits<16&&(C.windowBits+=16),this.err=0,this.msg="",this.ended=!1,this.chunks=[],this.strm=new a,this.strm.avail_out=0;let l=E.deflateInit2(this.strm,C.level,C.method,C.windowBits,C.memLevel,C.strategy);if(l!==n)throw new Error(y[l]);if(C.header&&E.deflateSetHeader(this.strm,C.header),C.dictionary){let I;if(I=typeof C.dictionary=="string"?P.string2buf(C.dictionary):t.call(C.dictionary)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"?new Uint8Array(C.dictionary):C.dictionary,l=E.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm,I),l!==n)throw new Error(y[l]);this._dict_set=!0}}function m(v,C){const l=new h(C);if(l.push(v,!0),l.err)throw l.msg||y[l.err];return l.result}h.prototype.push=function(v,C){const l=this.strm,I=this.options.chunkSize;let R,k;if(this.ended)return!1;for(k=C===~~C?C:C===!0?r:d,typeof v=="string"?l.input=P.string2buf(v):t.call(v)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"?l.input=new Uint8Array(v):l.input=v,l.next_in=0,l.avail_in=l.input.length;;)if(l.avail_out===0&&(l.output=new Uint8Array(I),l.next_out=0,l.avail_out=I),(k===u||k===s)&&l.avail_out<=6)this.onData(l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out)),l.avail_out=0;else{if(R=E.deflate(l,k),R===o)return l.next_out>0&&this.onData(l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out)),R=E.deflateEnd(this.strm),this.onEnd(R),this.ended=!0,R===n;if(l.avail_out!==0){if(k>0&&l.next_out>0)this.onData(l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out)),l.avail_out=0;else if(l.avail_in===0)break}else this.onData(l.output)}return!0},h.prototype.onData=function(v){this.chunks.push(v)},h.prototype.onEnd=function(v){v===n&&(this.result=M.flattenChunks(this.chunks)),this.chunks=[],this.err=v,this.msg=this.strm.msg},J.exports.Deflate=h,J.exports.deflate=m,J.exports.deflateRaw=function(v,C){return(C=C||{}).raw=!0,m(v,C)},J.exports.gzip=function(v,C){return(C=C||{}).gzip=!0,m(v,C)},J.exports.constants=b(1619)},8843:(J,e,b)=>{const E=b(6351),M=b(4236),P=b(9373),y=b(8898),a=b(2292),t=b(188),d=Object.prototype.toString,{Z_NO_FLUSH:u,Z_FINISH:s,Z_OK:r,Z_STREAM_END:n,Z_NEED_DICT:o,Z_STREAM_ERROR:i,Z_DATA_ERROR:f,Z_MEM_ERROR:c}=b(1619);function h(v){this.options=M.assign({chunkSize:65536,windowBits:15,to:""},v||{});const C=this.options;C.raw&&C.windowBits>=0&&C.windowBits<16&&(C.windowBits=-C.windowBits,C.windowBits===0&&(C.windowBits=-15)),!(C.windowBits>=0&&C.windowBits<16)||v&&v.windowBits||(C.windowBits+=32),C.windowBits>15&&C.windowBits<48&&!(15&C.windowBits)&&(C.windowBits|=15),this.err=0,this.msg="",this.ended=!1,this.chunks=[],this.strm=new a,this.strm.avail_out=0;let l=E.inflateInit2(this.strm,C.windowBits);if(l!==r)throw new Error(y[l]);if(this.header=new t,E.inflateGetHeader(this.strm,this.header),C.dictionary&&(typeof C.dictionary=="string"?C.dictionary=P.string2buf(C.dictionary):d.call(C.dictionary)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"&&(C.dictionary=new Uint8Array(C.dictionary)),C.raw&&(l=E.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm,C.dictionary),l!==r)))throw new Error(y[l])}function m(v,C){const l=new h(C);if(l.push(v),l.err)throw l.msg||y[l.err];return l.result}h.prototype.push=function(v,C){const l=this.strm,I=this.options.chunkSize,R=this.options.dictionary;let k,N,A;if(this.ended)return!1;for(N=C===~~C?C:C===!0?s:u,d.call(v)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"?l.input=new Uint8Array(v):l.input=v,l.next_in=0,l.avail_in=l.input.length;;){for(l.avail_out===0&&(l.output=new Uint8Array(I),l.next_out=0,l.avail_out=I),k=E.inflate(l,N),k===o&&R&&(k=E.inflateSetDictionary(l,R),k===r?k=E.inflate(l,N):k===f&&(k=o));l.avail_in>0&&k===n&&l.state.wrap>0&&v[l.next_in]!==0;)E.inflateReset(l),k=E.inflate(l,N);switch(k){case i:case f:case o:case c:return this.onEnd(k),this.ended=!0,!1}if(A=l.avail_out,l.next_out&&(l.avail_out===0||k===n))if(this.options.to==="string"){let w=P.utf8border(l.output,l.next_out),_=l.next_out-w,p=P.buf2string(l.output,w);l.next_out=_,l.avail_out=I-_,_&&l.output.set(l.output.subarray(w,w+_),0),this.onData(p)}else this.onData(l.output.length===l.next_out?l.output:l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out));if(k!==r||A!==0){if(k===n)return k=E.inflateEnd(this.strm),this.onEnd(k),this.ended=!0,!0;if(l.avail_in===0)break}}return!0},h.prototype.onData=function(v){this.chunks.push(v)},h.prototype.onEnd=function(v){v===r&&(this.options.to==="string"?this.result=this.chunks.join(""):this.result=M.flattenChunks(this.chunks)),this.chunks=[],this.err=v,this.msg=this.strm.msg},J.exports.Inflate=h,J.exports.inflate=m,J.exports.inflateRaw=function(v,C){return(C=C||{}).raw=!0,m(v,C)},J.exports.ungzip=m,J.exports.constants=b(1619)},4236:J=>{const e=(b,E)=>Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b,E);J.exports.assign=function(b){const E=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);for(;E.length;){const M=E.shift();if(M){if(typeof M!="object")throw new TypeError(M+"must be non-object");for(const P in M)e(M,P)&&(b[P]=M[P])}}return b},J.exports.flattenChunks=b=>{let E=0;for(let P=0,y=b.length;P{let e=!0;try{String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(1))}catch{e=!1}const b=new Uint8Array(256);for(let E=0;E<256;E++)b[E]=E>=252?6:E>=248?5:E>=240?4:E>=224?3:E>=192?2:1;b[254]=b[254]=1,J.exports.string2buf=E=>{if(typeof TextEncoder=="function"&&TextEncoder.prototype.encode)return new TextEncoder().encode(E);let M,P,y,a,t,d=E.length,u=0;for(a=0;a>>6,M[t++]=128|63&P):P<65536?(M[t++]=224|P>>>12,M[t++]=128|P>>>6&63,M[t++]=128|63&P):(M[t++]=240|P>>>18,M[t++]=128|P>>>12&63,M[t++]=128|P>>>6&63,M[t++]=128|63&P);return M},J.exports.buf2string=(E,M)=>{const P=M||E.length;if(typeof TextDecoder=="function"&&TextDecoder.prototype.decode)return new TextDecoder().decode(E.subarray(0,M));let y,a;const t=new Array(2*P);for(a=0,y=0;y4)t[a++]=65533,y+=u-1;else{for(d&=u===2?31:u===3?15:7;u>1&&y1?t[a++]=65533:d<65536?t[a++]=d:(d-=65536,t[a++]=55296|d>>10&1023,t[a++]=56320|1023&d)}}return((d,u)=>{if(u<65534&&d.subarray&&e)return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,d.length===u?d:d.subarray(0,u));let s="";for(let r=0;r{(M=M||E.length)>E.length&&(M=E.length);let P=M-1;for(;P>=0&&(192&E[P])==128;)P--;return P<0||P===0?M:P+b[E[P]]>M?P:M}},6069:J=>{J.exports=(e,b,E,M)=>{let P=65535&e|0,y=e>>>16&65535|0,a=0;for(;E!==0;){a=E>2e3?2e3:E,E-=a;do P=P+b[M++]|0,y=y+P|0;while(--a);P%=65521,y%=65521}return P|y<<16|0}},1619:J=>{J.exports={Z_NO_FLUSH:0,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:1,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:2,Z_FULL_FLUSH:3,Z_FINISH:4,Z_BLOCK:5,Z_TREES:6,Z_OK:0,Z_STREAM_END:1,Z_NEED_DICT:2,Z_ERRNO:-1,Z_STREAM_ERROR:-2,Z_DATA_ERROR:-3,Z_MEM_ERROR:-4,Z_BUF_ERROR:-5,Z_NO_COMPRESSION:0,Z_BEST_SPEED:1,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION:9,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:-1,Z_FILTERED:1,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:2,Z_RLE:3,Z_FIXED:4,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:0,Z_BINARY:0,Z_TEXT:1,Z_UNKNOWN:2,Z_DEFLATED:8}},2869:J=>{const e=new Uint32Array((()=>{let b,E=[];for(var M=0;M<256;M++){b=M;for(var P=0;P<8;P++)b=1&b?3988292384^b>>>1:b>>>1;E[M]=b}return E})());J.exports=(b,E,M,P)=>{const y=e,a=P+M;b^=-1;for(let t=P;t>>8^y[255&(b^E[t])];return-1^b}},405:(J,e,b)=>{const{_tr_init:E,_tr_stored_block:M,_tr_flush_block:P,_tr_tally:y,_tr_align:a}=b(342),t=b(6069),d=b(2869),u=b(8898),{Z_NO_FLUSH:s,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:r,Z_FULL_FLUSH:n,Z_FINISH:o,Z_BLOCK:i,Z_OK:f,Z_STREAM_END:c,Z_STREAM_ERROR:h,Z_DATA_ERROR:m,Z_BUF_ERROR:v,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:C,Z_FILTERED:l,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:I,Z_RLE:R,Z_FIXED:k,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:N,Z_UNKNOWN:A,Z_DEFLATED:w}=b(1619),_=258,p=262,O=103,U=113,T=666,z=(W,g)=>(W.msg=u[g],g),te=W=>(W<<1)-(W>4?9:0),X=W=>{let g=W.length;for(;--g>=0;)W[g]=0};let ne=(W,g,S)=>(g<{const g=W.state;let S=g.pending;S>W.avail_out&&(S=W.avail_out),S!==0&&(W.output.set(g.pending_buf.subarray(g.pending_out,g.pending_out+S),W.next_out),W.next_out+=S,g.pending_out+=S,W.total_out+=S,W.avail_out-=S,g.pending-=S,g.pending===0&&(g.pending_out=0))},Q=(W,g)=>{P(W,W.block_start>=0?W.block_start:-1,W.strstart-W.block_start,g),W.block_start=W.strstart,B(W.strm)},V=(W,g)=>{W.pending_buf[W.pending++]=g},ee=(W,g)=>{W.pending_buf[W.pending++]=g>>>8&255,W.pending_buf[W.pending++]=255&g},K=(W,g,S,x)=>{let j=W.avail_in;return j>x&&(j=x),j===0?0:(W.avail_in-=j,g.set(W.input.subarray(W.next_in,W.next_in+j),S),W.state.wrap===1?W.adler=t(W.adler,g,j,S):W.state.wrap===2&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,g,j,S)),W.next_in+=j,W.total_in+=j,j)},Y=(W,g)=>{let S,x,j=W.max_chain_length,D=W.strstart,L=W.prev_length,F=W.nice_match;const re=W.strstart>W.w_size-p?W.strstart-(W.w_size-p):0,oe=W.window,G=W.w_mask,Z=W.prev,H=W.strstart+_;let $=oe[D+L-1],ie=oe[D+L];W.prev_length>=W.good_match&&(j>>=2),F>W.lookahead&&(F=W.lookahead);do if(S=g,oe[S+L]===ie&&oe[S+L-1]===$&&oe[S]===oe[D]&&oe[++S]===oe[D+1]){D+=2,S++;do;while(oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&oe[++D]===oe[++S]&&DL){if(W.match_start=g,L=x,x>=F)break;$=oe[D+L-1],ie=oe[D+L]}}while((g=Z[g&G])>re&&--j!=0);return L<=W.lookahead?L:W.lookahead},q=W=>{const g=W.w_size;let S,x,j,D,L;do{if(D=W.window_size-W.lookahead-W.strstart,W.strstart>=g+(g-p)){W.window.set(W.window.subarray(g,g+g),0),W.match_start-=g,W.strstart-=g,W.block_start-=g,x=W.hash_size,S=x;do j=W.head[--S],W.head[S]=j>=g?j-g:0;while(--x);x=g,S=x;do j=W.prev[--S],W.prev[S]=j>=g?j-g:0;while(--x);D+=g}if(W.strm.avail_in===0)break;if(x=K(W.strm,W.window,W.strstart+W.lookahead,D),W.lookahead+=x,W.lookahead+W.insert>=3)for(L=W.strstart-W.insert,W.ins_h=W.window[L],W.ins_h=ne(W,W.ins_h,W.window[L+1]);W.insert&&(W.ins_h=ne(W,W.ins_h,W.window[L+3-1]),W.prev[L&W.w_mask]=W.head[W.ins_h],W.head[W.ins_h]=L,L++,W.insert--,!(W.lookahead+W.insert<3)););}while(W.lookahead{let S,x;for(;;){if(W.lookahead=3&&(W.ins_h=ne(W,W.ins_h,W.window[W.strstart+3-1]),S=W.prev[W.strstart&W.w_mask]=W.head[W.ins_h],W.head[W.ins_h]=W.strstart),S!==0&&W.strstart-S<=W.w_size-p&&(W.match_length=Y(W,S)),W.match_length>=3)if(x=y(W,W.strstart-W.match_start,W.match_length-3),W.lookahead-=W.match_length,W.match_length<=W.max_lazy_match&&W.lookahead>=3){W.match_length--;do W.strstart++,W.ins_h=ne(W,W.ins_h,W.window[W.strstart+3-1]),S=W.prev[W.strstart&W.w_mask]=W.head[W.ins_h],W.head[W.ins_h]=W.strstart;while(--W.match_length!=0);W.strstart++}else W.strstart+=W.match_length,W.match_length=0,W.ins_h=W.window[W.strstart],W.ins_h=ne(W,W.ins_h,W.window[W.strstart+1]);else x=y(W,0,W.window[W.strstart]),W.lookahead--,W.strstart++;if(x&&(Q(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return W.insert=W.strstart<2?W.strstart:2,g===o?(Q(W,!0),W.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):W.last_lit&&(Q(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2},de=(W,g)=>{let S,x,j;for(;;){if(W.lookahead=3&&(W.ins_h=ne(W,W.ins_h,W.window[W.strstart+3-1]),S=W.prev[W.strstart&W.w_mask]=W.head[W.ins_h],W.head[W.ins_h]=W.strstart),W.prev_length=W.match_length,W.prev_match=W.match_start,W.match_length=2,S!==0&&W.prev_length4096)&&(W.match_length=2)),W.prev_length>=3&&W.match_length<=W.prev_length){j=W.strstart+W.lookahead-3,x=y(W,W.strstart-1-W.prev_match,W.prev_length-3),W.lookahead-=W.prev_length-1,W.prev_length-=2;do++W.strstart<=j&&(W.ins_h=ne(W,W.ins_h,W.window[W.strstart+3-1]),S=W.prev[W.strstart&W.w_mask]=W.head[W.ins_h],W.head[W.ins_h]=W.strstart);while(--W.prev_length!=0);if(W.match_available=0,W.match_length=2,W.strstart++,x&&(Q(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}else if(W.match_available){if(x=y(W,0,W.window[W.strstart-1]),x&&Q(W,!1),W.strstart++,W.lookahead--,W.strm.avail_out===0)return 1}else W.match_available=1,W.strstart++,W.lookahead--}return W.match_available&&(x=y(W,0,W.window[W.strstart-1]),W.match_available=0),W.insert=W.strstart<2?W.strstart:2,g===o?(Q(W,!0),W.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):W.last_lit&&(Q(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2};function ue(W,g,S,x,j){this.good_length=W,this.max_lazy=g,this.nice_length=S,this.max_chain=x,this.func=j}const le=[new ue(0,0,0,0,(W,g)=>{let S=65535;for(S>W.pending_buf_size-5&&(S=W.pending_buf_size-5);;){if(W.lookahead<=1){if(q(W),W.lookahead===0&&g===s)return 1;if(W.lookahead===0)break}W.strstart+=W.lookahead,W.lookahead=0;const x=W.block_start+S;if((W.strstart===0||W.strstart>=x)&&(W.lookahead=W.strstart-x,W.strstart=x,Q(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0)||W.strstart-W.block_start>=W.w_size-p&&(Q(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return W.insert=0,g===o?(Q(W,!0),W.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):(W.strstart>W.block_start&&(Q(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out),1)}),new ue(4,4,8,4,ae),new ue(4,5,16,8,ae),new ue(4,6,32,32,ae),new ue(4,4,16,16,de),new ue(8,16,32,32,de),new ue(8,16,128,128,de),new ue(8,32,128,256,de),new ue(32,128,258,1024,de),new ue(32,258,258,4096,de)];function ge(){this.strm=null,this.status=0,this.pending_buf=null,this.pending_buf_size=0,this.pending_out=0,this.pending=0,this.wrap=0,this.gzhead=null,this.gzindex=0,this.method=w,this.last_flush=-1,this.w_size=0,this.w_bits=0,this.w_mask=0,this.window=null,this.window_size=0,this.prev=null,this.head=null,this.ins_h=0,this.hash_size=0,this.hash_bits=0,this.hash_mask=0,this.hash_shift=0,this.block_start=0,this.match_length=0,this.prev_match=0,this.match_available=0,this.strstart=0,this.match_start=0,this.lookahead=0,this.prev_length=0,this.max_chain_length=0,this.max_lazy_match=0,this.level=0,this.strategy=0,this.good_match=0,this.nice_match=0,this.dyn_ltree=new Uint16Array(1146),this.dyn_dtree=new Uint16Array(122),this.bl_tree=new Uint16Array(78),X(this.dyn_ltree),X(this.dyn_dtree),X(this.bl_tree),this.l_desc=null,this.d_desc=null,this.bl_desc=null,this.bl_count=new Uint16Array(16),this.heap=new Uint16Array(573),X(this.heap),this.heap_len=0,this.heap_max=0,this.depth=new Uint16Array(573),X(this.depth),this.l_buf=0,this.lit_bufsize=0,this.last_lit=0,this.d_buf=0,this.opt_len=0,this.static_len=0,this.matches=0,this.insert=0,this.bi_buf=0,this.bi_valid=0}const ce=W=>{if(!W||!W.state)return z(W,h);W.total_in=W.total_out=0,W.data_type=A;const g=W.state;return g.pending=0,g.pending_out=0,g.wrap<0&&(g.wrap=-g.wrap),g.status=g.wrap?42:U,W.adler=g.wrap===2?0:1,g.last_flush=s,E(g),f},he=W=>{const g=ce(W);var S;return g===f&&((S=W.state).window_size=2*S.w_size,X(S.head),S.max_lazy_match=le[S.level].max_lazy,S.good_match=le[S.level].good_length,S.nice_match=le[S.level].nice_length,S.max_chain_length=le[S.level].max_chain,S.strstart=0,S.block_start=0,S.lookahead=0,S.insert=0,S.match_length=S.prev_length=2,S.match_available=0,S.ins_h=0),g},be=(W,g,S,x,j,D)=>{if(!W)return h;let L=1;if(g===C&&(g=6),x<0?(L=0,x=-x):x>15&&(L=2,x-=16),j<1||j>9||S!==w||x<8||x>15||g<0||g>9||D<0||D>k)return z(W,h);x===8&&(x=9);const F=new ge;return W.state=F,F.strm=W,F.wrap=L,F.gzhead=null,F.w_bits=x,F.w_size=1<be(W,g,w,15,8,N),J.exports.deflateInit2=be,J.exports.deflateReset=he,J.exports.deflateResetKeep=ce,J.exports.deflateSetHeader=(W,g)=>W&&W.state?W.state.wrap!==2?h:(W.state.gzhead=g,f):h,J.exports.deflate=(W,g)=>{let S,x;if(!W||!W.state||g>i||g<0)return W?z(W,h):h;const j=W.state;if(!W.output||!W.input&&W.avail_in!==0||j.status===T&&g!==o)return z(W,W.avail_out===0?v:h);j.strm=W;const D=j.last_flush;if(j.last_flush=g,j.status===42)if(j.wrap===2)W.adler=0,V(j,31),V(j,139),V(j,8),j.gzhead?(V(j,(j.gzhead.text?1:0)+(j.gzhead.hcrc?2:0)+(j.gzhead.extra?4:0)+(j.gzhead.name?8:0)+(j.gzhead.comment?16:0)),V(j,255&j.gzhead.time),V(j,j.gzhead.time>>8&255),V(j,j.gzhead.time>>16&255),V(j,j.gzhead.time>>24&255),V(j,j.level===9?2:j.strategy>=I||j.level<2?4:0),V(j,255&j.gzhead.os),j.gzhead.extra&&j.gzhead.extra.length&&(V(j,255&j.gzhead.extra.length),V(j,j.gzhead.extra.length>>8&255)),j.gzhead.hcrc&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,j.pending_buf,j.pending,0)),j.gzindex=0,j.status=69):(V(j,0),V(j,0),V(j,0),V(j,0),V(j,0),V(j,j.level===9?2:j.strategy>=I||j.level<2?4:0),V(j,3),j.status=U);else{let L=w+(j.w_bits-8<<4)<<8,F=-1;F=j.strategy>=I||j.level<2?0:j.level<6?1:j.level===6?2:3,L|=F<<6,j.strstart!==0&&(L|=32),L+=31-L%31,j.status=U,ee(j,L),j.strstart!==0&&(ee(j,W.adler>>>16),ee(j,65535&W.adler)),W.adler=1}if(j.status===69)if(j.gzhead.extra){for(S=j.pending;j.gzindex<(65535&j.gzhead.extra.length)&&(j.pending!==j.pending_buf_size||(j.gzhead.hcrc&&j.pending>S&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,j.pending_buf,j.pending-S,S)),B(W),S=j.pending,j.pending!==j.pending_buf_size));)V(j,255&j.gzhead.extra[j.gzindex]),j.gzindex++;j.gzhead.hcrc&&j.pending>S&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,j.pending_buf,j.pending-S,S)),j.gzindex===j.gzhead.extra.length&&(j.gzindex=0,j.status=73)}else j.status=73;if(j.status===73)if(j.gzhead.name){S=j.pending;do{if(j.pending===j.pending_buf_size&&(j.gzhead.hcrc&&j.pending>S&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,j.pending_buf,j.pending-S,S)),B(W),S=j.pending,j.pending===j.pending_buf_size)){x=1;break}x=j.gzindexS&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,j.pending_buf,j.pending-S,S)),x===0&&(j.gzindex=0,j.status=91)}else j.status=91;if(j.status===91)if(j.gzhead.comment){S=j.pending;do{if(j.pending===j.pending_buf_size&&(j.gzhead.hcrc&&j.pending>S&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,j.pending_buf,j.pending-S,S)),B(W),S=j.pending,j.pending===j.pending_buf_size)){x=1;break}x=j.gzindexS&&(W.adler=d(W.adler,j.pending_buf,j.pending-S,S)),x===0&&(j.status=O)}else j.status=O;if(j.status===O&&(j.gzhead.hcrc?(j.pending+2>j.pending_buf_size&&B(W),j.pending+2<=j.pending_buf_size&&(V(j,255&W.adler),V(j,W.adler>>8&255),W.adler=0,j.status=U)):j.status=U),j.pending!==0){if(B(W),W.avail_out===0)return j.last_flush=-1,f}else if(W.avail_in===0&&te(g)<=te(D)&&g!==o)return z(W,v);if(j.status===T&&W.avail_in!==0)return z(W,v);if(W.avail_in!==0||j.lookahead!==0||g!==s&&j.status!==T){let L=j.strategy===I?((F,re)=>{let oe;for(;;){if(F.lookahead===0&&(q(F),F.lookahead===0)){if(re===s)return 1;break}if(F.match_length=0,oe=y(F,0,F.window[F.strstart]),F.lookahead--,F.strstart++,oe&&(Q(F,!1),F.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return F.insert=0,re===o?(Q(F,!0),F.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):F.last_lit&&(Q(F,!1),F.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2})(j,g):j.strategy===R?((F,re)=>{let oe,G,Z,H;const $=F.window;for(;;){if(F.lookahead<=_){if(q(F),F.lookahead<=_&&re===s)return 1;if(F.lookahead===0)break}if(F.match_length=0,F.lookahead>=3&&F.strstart>0&&(Z=F.strstart-1,G=$[Z],G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z])){H=F.strstart+_;do;while(G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&G===$[++Z]&&ZF.lookahead&&(F.match_length=F.lookahead)}if(F.match_length>=3?(oe=y(F,1,F.match_length-3),F.lookahead-=F.match_length,F.strstart+=F.match_length,F.match_length=0):(oe=y(F,0,F.window[F.strstart]),F.lookahead--,F.strstart++),oe&&(Q(F,!1),F.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return F.insert=0,re===o?(Q(F,!0),F.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):F.last_lit&&(Q(F,!1),F.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2})(j,g):le[j.level].func(j,g);if(L!==3&&L!==4||(j.status=T),L===1||L===3)return W.avail_out===0&&(j.last_flush=-1),f;if(L===2&&(g===r?a(j):g!==i&&(M(j,0,0,!1),g===n&&(X(j.head),j.lookahead===0&&(j.strstart=0,j.block_start=0,j.insert=0))),B(W),W.avail_out===0))return j.last_flush=-1,f}return g!==o?f:j.wrap<=0?c:(j.wrap===2?(V(j,255&W.adler),V(j,W.adler>>8&255),V(j,W.adler>>16&255),V(j,W.adler>>24&255),V(j,255&W.total_in),V(j,W.total_in>>8&255),V(j,W.total_in>>16&255),V(j,W.total_in>>24&255)):(ee(j,W.adler>>>16),ee(j,65535&W.adler)),B(W),j.wrap>0&&(j.wrap=-j.wrap),j.pending!==0?f:c)},J.exports.deflateEnd=W=>{if(!W||!W.state)return h;const g=W.state.status;return g!==42&&g!==69&&g!==73&&g!==91&&g!==O&&g!==U&&g!==T?z(W,h):(W.state=null,g===U?z(W,m):f)},J.exports.deflateSetDictionary=(W,g)=>{let S=g.length;if(!W||!W.state)return h;const x=W.state,j=x.wrap;if(j===2||j===1&&x.status!==42||x.lookahead)return h;if(j===1&&(W.adler=t(W.adler,g,S,0)),x.wrap=0,S>=x.w_size){j===0&&(X(x.head),x.strstart=0,x.block_start=0,x.insert=0);let re=new Uint8Array(x.w_size);re.set(g.subarray(S-x.w_size,S),0),g=re,S=x.w_size}const D=W.avail_in,L=W.next_in,F=W.input;for(W.avail_in=S,W.next_in=0,W.input=g,q(x);x.lookahead>=3;){let re=x.strstart,oe=x.lookahead-2;do x.ins_h=ne(x,x.ins_h,x.window[re+3-1]),x.prev[re&x.w_mask]=x.head[x.ins_h],x.head[x.ins_h]=re,re++;while(--oe);x.strstart=re,x.lookahead=2,q(x)}return x.strstart+=x.lookahead,x.block_start=x.strstart,x.insert=x.lookahead,x.lookahead=0,x.match_length=x.prev_length=2,x.match_available=0,W.next_in=L,W.input=F,W.avail_in=D,x.wrap=j,f},J.exports.deflateInfo="pako deflate (from Nodeca project)"},188:J=>{J.exports=function(){this.text=0,this.time=0,this.xflags=0,this.os=0,this.extra=null,this.extra_len=0,this.name="",this.comment="",this.hcrc=0,this.done=!1}},4264:J=>{J.exports=function(e,b){let E,M,P,y,a,t,d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v,C,l,I,R,k,N;const A=e.state;E=e.next_in,k=e.input,M=E+(e.avail_in-5),P=e.next_out,N=e.output,y=P-(b-e.avail_out),a=P+(e.avail_out-257),t=A.dmax,d=A.wsize,u=A.whave,s=A.wnext,r=A.window,n=A.hold,o=A.bits,i=A.lencode,f=A.distcode,c=(1<>>24,n>>>=v,o-=v,v=m>>>16&255,v===0)N[P++]=65535&m;else{if(!(16&v)){if(!(64&v)){m=i[(65535&m)+(n&(1<>>=v,o-=v),o<15&&(n+=k[E++]<>>24,n>>>=v,o-=v,v=m>>>16&255,!(16&v)){if(!(64&v)){m=f[(65535&m)+(n&(1<t){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",A.mode=30;break e}if(n>>>=v,o-=v,v=P-y,l>v){if(v=l-v,v>u&&A.sane){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",A.mode=30;break e}if(I=0,R=r,s===0){if(I+=d-v,v2;)N[P++]=R[I++],N[P++]=R[I++],N[P++]=R[I++],C-=3;C&&(N[P++]=R[I++],C>1&&(N[P++]=R[I++]))}else{I=P-l;do N[P++]=N[I++],N[P++]=N[I++],N[P++]=N[I++],C-=3;while(C>2);C&&(N[P++]=N[I++],C>1&&(N[P++]=N[I++]))}break}}break}}while(E>3,E-=C,o-=C<<3,n&=(1<{const E=b(6069),M=b(2869),P=b(4264),y=b(9241),{Z_FINISH:a,Z_BLOCK:t,Z_TREES:d,Z_OK:u,Z_STREAM_END:s,Z_NEED_DICT:r,Z_STREAM_ERROR:n,Z_DATA_ERROR:o,Z_MEM_ERROR:i,Z_BUF_ERROR:f,Z_DEFLATED:c}=b(1619),h=12,m=30,v=O=>(O>>>24&255)+(O>>>8&65280)+((65280&O)<<8)+((255&O)<<24);function C(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,this.total=0,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,this.next=null,this.lens=new Uint16Array(320),this.work=new Uint16Array(288),this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}const l=O=>{if(!O||!O.state)return n;const U=O.state;return O.total_in=O.total_out=U.total=0,O.msg="",U.wrap&&(O.adler=1&U.wrap),U.mode=1,U.last=0,U.havedict=0,U.dmax=32768,U.head=null,U.hold=0,U.bits=0,U.lencode=U.lendyn=new Int32Array(852),U.distcode=U.distdyn=new Int32Array(592),U.sane=1,U.back=-1,u},I=O=>{if(!O||!O.state)return n;const U=O.state;return U.wsize=0,U.whave=0,U.wnext=0,l(O)},R=(O,U)=>{let T;if(!O||!O.state)return n;const z=O.state;return U<0?(T=0,U=-U):(T=1+(U>>4),U<48&&(U&=15)),U&&(U<8||U>15)?n:(z.window!==null&&z.wbits!==U&&(z.window=null),z.wrap=T,z.wbits=U,I(O))},k=(O,U)=>{if(!O)return n;const T=new C;O.state=T,T.window=null;const z=R(O,U);return z!==u&&(O.state=null),z};let N,A,w=!0;const _=O=>{if(w){N=new Int32Array(512),A=new Int32Array(32);let U=0;for(;U<144;)O.lens[U++]=8;for(;U<256;)O.lens[U++]=9;for(;U<280;)O.lens[U++]=7;for(;U<288;)O.lens[U++]=8;for(y(1,O.lens,0,288,N,0,O.work,{bits:9}),U=0;U<32;)O.lens[U++]=5;y(2,O.lens,0,32,A,0,O.work,{bits:5}),w=!1}O.lencode=N,O.lenbits=9,O.distcode=A,O.distbits=5},p=(O,U,T,z)=>{let te;const X=O.state;return X.window===null&&(X.wsize=1<=X.wsize?(X.window.set(U.subarray(T-X.wsize,T),0),X.wnext=0,X.whave=X.wsize):(te=X.wsize-X.wnext,te>z&&(te=z),X.window.set(U.subarray(T-z,T-z+te),X.wnext),(z-=te)?(X.window.set(U.subarray(T-z,T),0),X.wnext=z,X.whave=X.wsize):(X.wnext+=te,X.wnext===X.wsize&&(X.wnext=0),X.whavek(O,15),J.exports.inflateInit2=k,J.exports.inflate=(O,U)=>{let T,z,te,X,ne,B,Q,V,ee,K,Y,q,ae,de,ue,le,ge,ce,he,be,W,g,S=0;const x=new Uint8Array(4);let j,D;const L=new Uint8Array([16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15]);if(!O||!O.state||!O.output||!O.input&&O.avail_in!==0)return n;T=O.state,T.mode===h&&(T.mode=13),ne=O.next_out,te=O.output,Q=O.avail_out,X=O.next_in,z=O.input,B=O.avail_in,V=T.hold,ee=T.bits,K=B,Y=Q,g=u;e:for(;;)switch(T.mode){case 1:if(T.wrap===0){T.mode=13;break}for(;ee<16;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>8&255,T.check=M(T.check,x,2,0),V=0,ee=0,T.mode=2;break}if(T.flags=0,T.head&&(T.head.done=!1),!(1&T.wrap)||(((255&V)<<8)+(V>>8))%31){O.msg="incorrect header check",T.mode=m;break}if((15&V)!==c){O.msg="unknown compression method",T.mode=m;break}if(V>>>=4,ee-=4,W=8+(15&V),T.wbits===0)T.wbits=W;else if(W>T.wbits){O.msg="invalid window size",T.mode=m;break}T.dmax=1<>8&1),512&T.flags&&(x[0]=255&V,x[1]=V>>>8&255,T.check=M(T.check,x,2,0)),V=0,ee=0,T.mode=3;case 3:for(;ee<32;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>8&255,x[2]=V>>>16&255,x[3]=V>>>24&255,T.check=M(T.check,x,4,0)),V=0,ee=0,T.mode=4;case 4:for(;ee<16;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>8),512&T.flags&&(x[0]=255&V,x[1]=V>>>8&255,T.check=M(T.check,x,2,0)),V=0,ee=0,T.mode=5;case 5:if(1024&T.flags){for(;ee<16;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>8&255,T.check=M(T.check,x,2,0)),V=0,ee=0}else T.head&&(T.head.extra=null);T.mode=6;case 6:if(1024&T.flags&&(q=T.length,q>B&&(q=B),q&&(T.head&&(W=T.head.extra_len-T.length,T.head.extra||(T.head.extra=new Uint8Array(T.head.extra_len)),T.head.extra.set(z.subarray(X,X+q),W)),512&T.flags&&(T.check=M(T.check,z,q,X)),B-=q,X+=q,T.length-=q),T.length))break e;T.length=0,T.mode=7;case 7:if(2048&T.flags){if(B===0)break e;q=0;do W=z[X+q++],T.head&&W&&T.length<65536&&(T.head.name+=String.fromCharCode(W));while(W&&q>9&1,T.head.done=!0),O.adler=T.check=0,T.mode=h;break;case 10:for(;ee<32;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>=7&ee,ee-=7&ee,T.mode=27;break}for(;ee<3;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>=1,ee-=1,3&V){case 0:T.mode=14;break;case 1:if(_(T),T.mode=20,U===d){V>>>=2,ee-=2;break e}break;case 2:T.mode=17;break;case 3:O.msg="invalid block type",T.mode=m}V>>>=2,ee-=2;break;case 14:for(V>>>=7&ee,ee-=7ⅇee<32;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>16^65535)){O.msg="invalid stored block lengths",T.mode=m;break}if(T.length=65535&V,V=0,ee=0,T.mode=15,U===d)break e;case 15:T.mode=16;case 16:if(q=T.length,q){if(q>B&&(q=B),q>Q&&(q=Q),q===0)break e;te.set(z.subarray(X,X+q),ne),B-=q,X+=q,Q-=q,ne+=q,T.length-=q;break}T.mode=h;break;case 17:for(;ee<14;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>=5,ee-=5,T.ndist=1+(31&V),V>>>=5,ee-=5,T.ncode=4+(15&V),V>>>=4,ee-=4,T.nlen>286||T.ndist>30){O.msg="too many length or distance symbols",T.mode=m;break}T.have=0,T.mode=18;case 18:for(;T.have>>=3,ee-=3}for(;T.have<19;)T.lens[L[T.have++]]=0;if(T.lencode=T.lendyn,T.lenbits=7,j={bits:T.lenbits},g=y(0,T.lens,0,19,T.lencode,0,T.work,j),T.lenbits=j.bits,g){O.msg="invalid code lengths set",T.mode=m;break}T.have=0,T.mode=19;case 19:for(;T.have>>24,le=S>>>16&255,ge=65535&S,!(ue<=ee);){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>=ue,ee-=ue,T.lens[T.have++]=ge;else{if(ge===16){for(D=ue+2;ee>>=ue,ee-=ue,T.have===0){O.msg="invalid bit length repeat",T.mode=m;break}W=T.lens[T.have-1],q=3+(3&V),V>>>=2,ee-=2}else if(ge===17){for(D=ue+3;ee>>=ue,ee-=ue,W=0,q=3+(7&V),V>>>=3,ee-=3}else{for(D=ue+7;ee>>=ue,ee-=ue,W=0,q=11+(127&V),V>>>=7,ee-=7}if(T.have+q>T.nlen+T.ndist){O.msg="invalid bit length repeat",T.mode=m;break}for(;q--;)T.lens[T.have++]=W}}if(T.mode===m)break;if(T.lens[256]===0){O.msg="invalid code -- missing end-of-block",T.mode=m;break}if(T.lenbits=9,j={bits:T.lenbits},g=y(1,T.lens,0,T.nlen,T.lencode,0,T.work,j),T.lenbits=j.bits,g){O.msg="invalid literal/lengths set",T.mode=m;break}if(T.distbits=6,T.distcode=T.distdyn,j={bits:T.distbits},g=y(2,T.lens,T.nlen,T.ndist,T.distcode,0,T.work,j),T.distbits=j.bits,g){O.msg="invalid distances set",T.mode=m;break}if(T.mode=20,U===d)break e;case 20:T.mode=21;case 21:if(B>=6&&Q>=258){O.next_out=ne,O.avail_out=Q,O.next_in=X,O.avail_in=B,T.hold=V,T.bits=ee,P(O,Y),ne=O.next_out,te=O.output,Q=O.avail_out,X=O.next_in,z=O.input,B=O.avail_in,V=T.hold,ee=T.bits,T.mode===h&&(T.back=-1);break}for(T.back=0;S=T.lencode[V&(1<>>24,le=S>>>16&255,ge=65535&S,!(ue<=ee);){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>ce)],ue=S>>>24,le=S>>>16&255,ge=65535&S,!(ce+ue<=ee);){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>=ce,ee-=ce,T.back+=ce}if(V>>>=ue,ee-=ue,T.back+=ue,T.length=ge,le===0){T.mode=26;break}if(32&le){T.back=-1,T.mode=h;break}if(64&le){O.msg="invalid literal/length code",T.mode=m;break}T.extra=15&le,T.mode=22;case 22:if(T.extra){for(D=T.extra;ee>>=T.extra,ee-=T.extra,T.back+=T.extra}T.was=T.length,T.mode=23;case 23:for(;S=T.distcode[V&(1<>>24,le=S>>>16&255,ge=65535&S,!(ue<=ee);){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>ce)],ue=S>>>24,le=S>>>16&255,ge=65535&S,!(ce+ue<=ee);){if(B===0)break e;B--,V+=z[X++]<>>=ce,ee-=ce,T.back+=ce}if(V>>>=ue,ee-=ue,T.back+=ue,64&le){O.msg="invalid distance code",T.mode=m;break}T.offset=ge,T.extra=15&le,T.mode=24;case 24:if(T.extra){for(D=T.extra;ee>>=T.extra,ee-=T.extra,T.back+=T.extra}if(T.offset>T.dmax){O.msg="invalid distance too far back",T.mode=m;break}T.mode=25;case 25:if(Q===0)break e;if(q=Y-Q,T.offset>q){if(q=T.offset-q,q>T.whave&&T.sane){O.msg="invalid distance too far back",T.mode=m;break}q>T.wnext?(q-=T.wnext,ae=T.wsize-q):ae=T.wnext-q,q>T.length&&(q=T.length),de=T.window}else de=te,ae=ne-T.offset,q=T.length;q>Q&&(q=Q),Q-=q,T.length-=q;do te[ne++]=de[ae++];while(--q);T.length===0&&(T.mode=21);break;case 26:if(Q===0)break e;te[ne++]=T.length,Q--,T.mode=21;break;case 27:if(T.wrap){for(;ee<32;){if(B===0)break e;B--,V|=z[X++]<{if(!O||!O.state)return n;let U=O.state;return U.window&&(U.window=null),O.state=null,u},J.exports.inflateGetHeader=(O,U)=>{if(!O||!O.state)return n;const T=O.state;return 2&T.wrap?(T.head=U,U.done=!1,u):n},J.exports.inflateSetDictionary=(O,U)=>{const T=U.length;let z,te,X;return O&&O.state?(z=O.state,z.wrap!==0&&z.mode!==11?n:z.mode===11&&(te=1,te=E(te,U,T,0),te!==z.check)?o:(X=p(O,U,T,T),X?(z.mode=31,i):(z.havedict=1,u))):n},J.exports.inflateInfo="pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"},9241:J=>{const e=new Uint16Array([3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,258,0,0]),b=new Uint8Array([16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,16,72,78]),E=new Uint16Array([1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577,0,0]),M=new Uint8Array([16,16,16,16,17,17,18,18,19,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,23,24,24,25,25,26,26,27,27,28,28,29,29,64,64]);J.exports=(P,y,a,t,d,u,s,r)=>{const n=r.bits;let o,i,f,c,h,m,v=0,C=0,l=0,I=0,R=0,k=0,N=0,A=0,w=0,_=0,p=null,O=0;const U=new Uint16Array(16),T=new Uint16Array(16);let z,te,X,ne=null,B=0;for(v=0;v<=15;v++)U[v]=0;for(C=0;C=1&&U[I]===0;I--);if(R>I&&(R=I),I===0)return d[u++]=20971520,d[u++]=20971520,r.bits=1,0;for(l=1;l0&&(P===0||I!==1))return-1;for(T[1]=0,v=1;v<15;v++)T[v+1]=T[v]+U[v];for(C=0;C852||P===2&&w>592)return 1;for(;;){z=v-N,s[C]m?(te=ne[B+s[C]],X=p[O+s[C]]):(te=96,X=0),o=1<>N)+i]=z<<24|te<<16|X|0;while(i!==0);for(o=1<>=1;if(o!==0?(_&=o-1,_+=o):_=0,C++,--U[v]==0){if(v===I)break;v=y[a+s[C]]}if(v>R&&(_&c)!==f){for(N===0&&(N=R),h+=l,k=v-N,A=1<852||P===2&&w>592)return 1;f=_&c,d[f]=R<<24|k<<16|h-u|0}}return _!==0&&(d[h+_]=v-N<<24|4194304|0),r.bits=R,0}},8898:J=>{J.exports={2:"need dictionary",1:"stream end",0:"","-1":"file error","-2":"stream error","-3":"data error","-4":"insufficient memory","-5":"buffer error","-6":"incompatible version"}},342:J=>{function e(T){let z=T.length;for(;--z>=0;)T[z]=0}const b=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0]),E=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13]),M=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7]),P=new Uint8Array([16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15]),y=new Array(576);e(y);const a=new Array(60);e(a);const t=new Array(512);e(t);const d=new Array(256);e(d);const u=new Array(29);e(u);const s=new Array(30);function r(T,z,te,X,ne){this.static_tree=T,this.extra_bits=z,this.extra_base=te,this.elems=X,this.max_length=ne,this.has_stree=T&&T.length}let n,o,i;function f(T,z){this.dyn_tree=T,this.max_code=0,this.stat_desc=z}e(s);const c=T=>T<256?t[T]:t[256+(T>>>7)],h=(T,z)=>{T.pending_buf[T.pending++]=255&z,T.pending_buf[T.pending++]=z>>>8&255},m=(T,z,te)=>{T.bi_valid>16-te?(T.bi_buf|=z<>16-T.bi_valid,T.bi_valid+=te-16):(T.bi_buf|=z<{m(T,te[2*z],te[2*z+1])},C=(T,z)=>{let te=0;do te|=1&T,T>>>=1,te<<=1;while(--z>0);return te>>>1},l=(T,z,te)=>{const X=new Array(16);let ne,B,Q=0;for(ne=1;ne<=15;ne++)X[ne]=Q=Q+te[ne-1]<<1;for(B=0;B<=z;B++){let V=T[2*B+1];V!==0&&(T[2*B]=C(X[V]++,V))}},I=T=>{let z;for(z=0;z<286;z++)T.dyn_ltree[2*z]=0;for(z=0;z<30;z++)T.dyn_dtree[2*z]=0;for(z=0;z<19;z++)T.bl_tree[2*z]=0;T.dyn_ltree[512]=1,T.opt_len=T.static_len=0,T.last_lit=T.matches=0},R=T=>{T.bi_valid>8?h(T,T.bi_buf):T.bi_valid>0&&(T.pending_buf[T.pending++]=T.bi_buf),T.bi_buf=0,T.bi_valid=0},k=(T,z,te,X)=>{const ne=2*z,B=2*te;return T[ne]{const X=T.heap[te];let ne=te<<1;for(;ne<=T.heap_len&&(ne{let X,ne,B,Q,V=0;if(T.last_lit!==0)do X=T.pending_buf[T.d_buf+2*V]<<8|T.pending_buf[T.d_buf+2*V+1],ne=T.pending_buf[T.l_buf+V],V++,X===0?v(T,ne,z):(B=d[ne],v(T,B+256+1,z),Q=b[B],Q!==0&&(ne-=u[B],m(T,ne,Q)),X--,B=c(X),v(T,B,te),Q=E[B],Q!==0&&(X-=s[B],m(T,X,Q)));while(V{const te=z.dyn_tree,X=z.stat_desc.static_tree,ne=z.stat_desc.has_stree,B=z.stat_desc.elems;let Q,V,ee,K=-1;for(T.heap_len=0,T.heap_max=573,Q=0;Q>1;Q>=1;Q--)N(T,te,Q);ee=B;do Q=T.heap[1],T.heap[1]=T.heap[T.heap_len--],N(T,te,1),V=T.heap[1],T.heap[--T.heap_max]=Q,T.heap[--T.heap_max]=V,te[2*ee]=te[2*Q]+te[2*V],T.depth[ee]=(T.depth[Q]>=T.depth[V]?T.depth[Q]:T.depth[V])+1,te[2*Q+1]=te[2*V+1]=ee,T.heap[1]=ee++,N(T,te,1);while(T.heap_len>=2);T.heap[--T.heap_max]=T.heap[1],((Y,q)=>{const ae=q.dyn_tree,de=q.max_code,ue=q.stat_desc.static_tree,le=q.stat_desc.has_stree,ge=q.stat_desc.extra_bits,ce=q.stat_desc.extra_base,he=q.stat_desc.max_length;let be,W,g,S,x,j,D=0;for(S=0;S<=15;S++)Y.bl_count[S]=0;for(ae[2*Y.heap[Y.heap_max]+1]=0,be=Y.heap_max+1;be<573;be++)W=Y.heap[be],S=ae[2*ae[2*W+1]+1]+1,S>he&&(S=he,D++),ae[2*W+1]=S,W>de||(Y.bl_count[S]++,x=0,W>=ce&&(x=ge[W-ce]),j=ae[2*W],Y.opt_len+=j*(S+x),le&&(Y.static_len+=j*(ue[2*W+1]+x)));if(D!==0){do{for(S=he-1;Y.bl_count[S]===0;)S--;Y.bl_count[S]--,Y.bl_count[S+1]+=2,Y.bl_count[he]--,D-=2}while(D>0);for(S=he;S!==0;S--)for(W=Y.bl_count[S];W!==0;)g=Y.heap[--be],g>de||(ae[2*g+1]!==S&&(Y.opt_len+=(S-ae[2*g+1])*ae[2*g],ae[2*g+1]=S),W--)}})(T,z),l(te,K,T.bl_count)},_=(T,z,te)=>{let X,ne,B=-1,Q=z[1],V=0,ee=7,K=4;for(Q===0&&(ee=138,K=3),z[2*(te+1)+1]=65535,X=0;X<=te;X++)ne=Q,Q=z[2*(X+1)+1],++V{let X,ne,B=-1,Q=z[1],V=0,ee=7,K=4;for(Q===0&&(ee=138,K=3),X=0;X<=te;X++)if(ne=Q,Q=z[2*(X+1)+1],!(++V{m(T,0+(X?1:0),3),((ne,B,Q,V)=>{R(ne),h(ne,Q),h(ne,~Q),ne.pending_buf.set(ne.window.subarray(B,B+Q),ne.pending),ne.pending+=Q})(T,z,te)};J.exports._tr_init=T=>{O||((()=>{let z,te,X,ne,B;const Q=new Array(16);for(X=0,ne=0;ne<28;ne++)for(u[ne]=X,z=0;z<1<>=7;ne<30;ne++)for(s[ne]=B<<7,z=0;z<1<{let ne,B,Q=0;T.level>0?(T.strm.data_type===2&&(T.strm.data_type=(V=>{let ee,K=4093624447;for(ee=0;ee<=31;ee++,K>>>=1)if(1&K&&V.dyn_ltree[2*ee]!==0)return 0;if(V.dyn_ltree[18]!==0||V.dyn_ltree[20]!==0||V.dyn_ltree[26]!==0)return 1;for(ee=32;ee<256;ee++)if(V.dyn_ltree[2*ee]!==0)return 1;return 0})(T)),w(T,T.l_desc),w(T,T.d_desc),Q=(V=>{let ee;for(_(V,V.dyn_ltree,V.l_desc.max_code),_(V,V.dyn_dtree,V.d_desc.max_code),w(V,V.bl_desc),ee=18;ee>=3&&V.bl_tree[2*P[ee]+1]===0;ee--);return V.opt_len+=3*(ee+1)+5+5+4,ee})(T),ne=T.opt_len+3+7>>>3,B=T.static_len+3+7>>>3,B<=ne&&(ne=B)):ne=B=te+5,te+4<=ne&&z!==-1?U(T,z,te,X):T.strategy===4||B===ne?(m(T,2+(X?1:0),3),A(T,y,a)):(m(T,4+(X?1:0),3),((V,ee,K,Y)=>{let q;for(m(V,ee-257,5),m(V,K-1,5),m(V,Y-4,4),q=0;q(T.pending_buf[T.d_buf+2*T.last_lit]=z>>>8&255,T.pending_buf[T.d_buf+2*T.last_lit+1]=255&z,T.pending_buf[T.l_buf+T.last_lit]=255&te,T.last_lit++,z===0?T.dyn_ltree[2*te]++:(T.matches++,z--,T.dyn_ltree[2*(d[te]+256+1)]++,T.dyn_dtree[2*c(z)]++),T.last_lit===T.lit_bufsize-1),J.exports._tr_align=T=>{m(T,2,3),v(T,256,y),(z=>{z.bi_valid===16?(h(z,z.bi_buf),z.bi_buf=0,z.bi_valid=0):z.bi_valid>=8&&(z.pending_buf[z.pending++]=255&z.bi_buf,z.bi_buf>>=8,z.bi_valid-=8)})(T)}},2292:J=>{J.exports=function(){this.input=null,this.next_in=0,this.avail_in=0,this.total_in=0,this.output=null,this.next_out=0,this.avail_out=0,this.total_out=0,this.msg="",this.state=null,this.data_type=2,this.adler=0}},5632:(J,e,b)=>{e.pbkdf2=b(8638),e.pbkdf2Sync=b(1257)},8638:(J,e,b)=>{var E,M,P=b(9509).Buffer,y=b(7357),a=b(2368),t=b(1257),d=b(7777),u=b.g.crypto&&b.g.crypto.subtle,s={sha:"SHA-1","sha-1":"SHA-1",sha1:"SHA-1",sha256:"SHA-256","sha-256":"SHA-256",sha384:"SHA-384","sha-384":"SHA-384","sha-512":"SHA-512",sha512:"SHA-512"},r=[];function n(){return M||(M=b.g.process&&b.g.process.nextTick?b.g.process.nextTick:b.g.queueMicrotask?b.g.queueMicrotask:b.g.setImmediate?b.g.setImmediate:b.g.setTimeout)}function o(i,f,c,h,m){return u.importKey("raw",i,{name:"PBKDF2"},!1,["deriveBits"]).then(function(v){return u.deriveBits({name:"PBKDF2",salt:f,iterations:c,hash:{name:m}},v,h<<3)}).then(function(v){return P.from(v)})}J.exports=function(i,f,c,h,m,v){typeof m=="function"&&(v=m,m=void 0);var C=s[(m=m||"sha1").toLowerCase()];if(C&&typeof b.g.Promise=="function"){if(y(c,h),i=d(i,a,"Password"),f=d(f,a,"Salt"),typeof v!="function")throw new Error("No callback provided to pbkdf2");(function(l,I){l.then(function(R){n()(function(){I(null,R)})},function(R){n()(function(){I(R)})})})(function(l){if(b.g.process&&!b.g.process.browser||!u||!u.importKey||!u.deriveBits)return Promise.resolve(!1);if(r[l]!==void 0)return r[l];var I=o(E=E||P.alloc(8),E,10,128,l).then(function(){return!0}).catch(function(){return!1});return r[l]=I,I}(C).then(function(l){return l?o(i,f,c,h,C):t(i,f,c,h,m)}),v)}else n()(function(){var l;try{l=t(i,f,c,h,m)}catch(I){return v(I)}v(null,l)})}},2368:(J,e,b)=>{var E,M=b(4155);E=b.g.process&&b.g.process.browser?"utf-8":b.g.process&&b.g.process.version?parseInt(M.version.split(".")[0].slice(1),10)>=6?"utf-8":"binary":"utf-8",J.exports=E},7357:J=>{var e=Math.pow(2,30)-1;J.exports=function(b,E){if(typeof b!="number")throw new TypeError("Iterations not a number");if(b<0)throw new TypeError("Bad iterations");if(typeof E!="number")throw new TypeError("Key length not a number");if(E<0||E>e||E!=E)throw new TypeError("Bad key length")}},1257:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8028),M=b(9785),P=b(9072),y=b(9509).Buffer,a=b(7357),t=b(2368),d=b(7777),u=y.alloc(128),s={md5:16,sha1:20,sha224:28,sha256:32,sha384:48,sha512:64,rmd160:20,ripemd160:20};function r(n,o,i){var f=function(l){return l==="rmd160"||l==="ripemd160"?function(I){return new M().update(I).digest()}:l==="md5"?E:function(I){return P(l).update(I).digest()}}(n),c=n==="sha512"||n==="sha384"?128:64;o.length>c?o=f(o):o.length{var E=b(9509).Buffer;J.exports=function(M,P,y){if(E.isBuffer(M))return M;if(typeof M=="string")return E.from(M,P);if(ArrayBuffer.isView(M))return E.from(M.buffer);throw new TypeError(y+" must be a string, a Buffer, a typed array or a DataView")}},4155:J=>{var e,b,E=J.exports={};function M(){throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")}function P(){throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")}function y(i){if(e===setTimeout)return setTimeout(i,0);if((e===M||!e)&&setTimeout)return e=setTimeout,setTimeout(i,0);try{return e(i,0)}catch{try{return e.call(null,i,0)}catch{return e.call(this,i,0)}}}(function(){try{e=typeof setTimeout=="function"?setTimeout:M}catch{e=M}try{b=typeof clearTimeout=="function"?clearTimeout:P}catch{b=P}})();var a,t=[],d=!1,u=-1;function s(){d&&a&&(d=!1,a.length?t=a.concat(t):u=-1,t.length&&r())}function r(){if(!d){var i=y(s);d=!0;for(var f=t.length;f;){for(a=t,t=[];++u1)for(var c=1;c{J.exports=b(9482)},9482:(J,e,b)=>{var E=e;function M(){E.util._configure(),E.Writer._configure(E.BufferWriter),E.Reader._configure(E.BufferReader)}E.build="minimal",E.Writer=b(1173),E.BufferWriter=b(3155),E.Reader=b(1408),E.BufferReader=b(593),E.util=b(9693),E.rpc=b(5994),E.roots=b(5054),E.configure=M,M()},1408:(J,e,b)=>{J.exports=t;var E,M=b(9693),P=M.LongBits,y=M.utf8;function a(i,f){return RangeError("index out of range: "+i.pos+" + "+(f||1)+" > "+i.len)}function t(i){this.buf=i,this.pos=0,this.len=i.length}var d,u=typeof Uint8Array<"u"?function(i){if(i instanceof Uint8Array||Array.isArray(i))return new t(i);throw Error("illegal buffer")}:function(i){if(Array.isArray(i))return new t(i);throw Error("illegal buffer")},s=function(){return M.Buffer?function(i){return(t.create=function(f){return M.Buffer.isBuffer(f)?new E(f):u(f)})(i)}:u};function r(){var i=new P(0,0),f=0;if(!(this.len-this.pos>4)){for(;f<3;++f){if(this.pos>=this.len)throw a(this);if(i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i}return i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos++])<<7*f)>>>0,i}for(;f<4;++f)if(i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i;if(i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<28)>>>0,i.hi=(i.hi|(127&this.buf[this.pos])>>4)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i;if(f=0,this.len-this.pos>4){for(;f<5;++f)if(i.hi=(i.hi|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f+3)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i}else for(;f<5;++f){if(this.pos>=this.len)throw a(this);if(i.hi=(i.hi|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f+3)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i}throw Error("invalid varint encoding")}function n(i,f){return(i[f-4]|i[f-3]<<8|i[f-2]<<16|i[f-1]<<24)>>>0}function o(){if(this.pos+8>this.len)throw a(this,8);return new P(n(this.buf,this.pos+=4),n(this.buf,this.pos+=4))}t.create=s(),t.prototype._slice=M.Array.prototype.subarray||M.Array.prototype.slice,t.prototype.uint32=(d=4294967295,function(){if(d=(127&this.buf[this.pos])>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128||(d=(d|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)||(d=(d|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<14)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)||(d=(d|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<21)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)||(d=(d|(15&this.buf[this.pos])<<28)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128))return d;if((this.pos+=5)>this.len)throw this.pos=this.len,a(this,10);return d}),t.prototype.int32=function(){return 0|this.uint32()},t.prototype.sint32=function(){var i=this.uint32();return i>>>1^-(1&i)|0},t.prototype.bool=function(){return this.uint32()!==0},t.prototype.fixed32=function(){if(this.pos+4>this.len)throw a(this,4);return n(this.buf,this.pos+=4)},t.prototype.sfixed32=function(){if(this.pos+4>this.len)throw a(this,4);return 0|n(this.buf,this.pos+=4)},t.prototype.float=function(){if(this.pos+4>this.len)throw a(this,4);var i=M.float.readFloatLE(this.buf,this.pos);return this.pos+=4,i},t.prototype.double=function(){if(this.pos+8>this.len)throw a(this,4);var i=M.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf,this.pos);return this.pos+=8,i},t.prototype.bytes=function(){var i=this.uint32(),f=this.pos,c=this.pos+i;if(c>this.len)throw a(this,i);return this.pos+=i,Array.isArray(this.buf)?this.buf.slice(f,c):f===c?new this.buf.constructor(0):this._slice.call(this.buf,f,c)},t.prototype.string=function(){var i=this.bytes();return y.read(i,0,i.length)},t.prototype.skip=function(i){if(typeof i=="number"){if(this.pos+i>this.len)throw a(this,i);this.pos+=i}else do if(this.pos>=this.len)throw a(this);while(128&this.buf[this.pos++]);return this},t.prototype.skipType=function(i){switch(i){case 0:this.skip();break;case 1:this.skip(8);break;case 2:this.skip(this.uint32());break;case 3:for(;(i=7&this.uint32())!=4;)this.skipType(i);break;case 5:this.skip(4);break;default:throw Error("invalid wire type "+i+" at offset "+this.pos)}return this},t._configure=function(i){E=i,t.create=s(),E._configure();var f=M.Long?"toLong":"toNumber";M.merge(t.prototype,{int64:function(){return r.call(this)[f](!1)},uint64:function(){return r.call(this)[f](!0)},sint64:function(){return r.call(this).zzDecode()[f](!1)},fixed64:function(){return o.call(this)[f](!0)},sfixed64:function(){return o.call(this)[f](!1)}})}},593:(J,e,b)=>{J.exports=P;var E=b(1408);(P.prototype=Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor=P;var M=b(9693);function P(y){E.call(this,y)}P._configure=function(){M.Buffer&&(P.prototype._slice=M.Buffer.prototype.slice)},P.prototype.string=function(){var y=this.uint32();return this.buf.utf8Slice?this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos,this.pos=Math.min(this.pos+y,this.len)):this.buf.toString("utf-8",this.pos,this.pos=Math.min(this.pos+y,this.len))},P._configure()},5054:J=>{J.exports={}},5994:(J,e,b)=>{e.Service=b(7948)},7948:(J,e,b)=>{J.exports=M;var E=b(9693);function M(P,y,a){if(typeof P!="function")throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");E.EventEmitter.call(this),this.rpcImpl=P,this.requestDelimited=!!y,this.responseDelimited=!!a}(M.prototype=Object.create(E.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor=M,M.prototype.rpcCall=function P(y,a,t,d,u){if(!d)throw TypeError("request must be specified");var s=this;if(!u)return E.asPromise(P,s,y,a,t,d);if(s.rpcImpl)try{return s.rpcImpl(y,a[s.requestDelimited?"encodeDelimited":"encode"](d).finish(),function(r,n){if(r)return s.emit("error",r,y),u(r);if(n!==null){if(!(n instanceof t))try{n=t[s.responseDelimited?"decodeDelimited":"decode"](n)}catch(o){return s.emit("error",o,y),u(o)}return s.emit("data",n,y),u(null,n)}s.end(!0)})}catch(r){return s.emit("error",r,y),void setTimeout(function(){u(r)},0)}else setTimeout(function(){u(Error("already ended"))},0)},M.prototype.end=function(P){return this.rpcImpl&&(P||this.rpcImpl(null,null,null),this.rpcImpl=null,this.emit("end").off()),this}},2630:(J,e,b)=>{J.exports=M;var E=b(9693);function M(t,d){this.lo=t>>>0,this.hi=d>>>0}var P=M.zero=new M(0,0);P.toNumber=function(){return 0},P.zzEncode=P.zzDecode=function(){return this},P.length=function(){return 1};var y=M.zeroHash="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";M.fromNumber=function(t){if(t===0)return P;var d=t<0;d&&(t=-t);var u=t>>>0,s=(t-u)/4294967296>>>0;return d&&(s=~s>>>0,u=~u>>>0,++u>4294967295&&(u=0,++s>4294967295&&(s=0))),new M(u,s)},M.from=function(t){if(typeof t=="number")return M.fromNumber(t);if(E.isString(t)){if(!E.Long)return M.fromNumber(parseInt(t,10));t=E.Long.fromString(t)}return t.low||t.high?new M(t.low>>>0,t.high>>>0):P},M.prototype.toNumber=function(t){if(!t&&this.hi>>>31){var d=1+~this.lo>>>0,u=~this.hi>>>0;return d||(u=u+1>>>0),-(d+4294967296*u)}return this.lo+4294967296*this.hi},M.prototype.toLong=function(t){return E.Long?new E.Long(0|this.lo,0|this.hi,!!t):{low:0|this.lo,high:0|this.hi,unsigned:!!t}};var a=String.prototype.charCodeAt;M.fromHash=function(t){return t===y?P:new M((a.call(t,0)|a.call(t,1)<<8|a.call(t,2)<<16|a.call(t,3)<<24)>>>0,(a.call(t,4)|a.call(t,5)<<8|a.call(t,6)<<16|a.call(t,7)<<24)>>>0)},M.prototype.toHash=function(){return String.fromCharCode(255&this.lo,this.lo>>>8&255,this.lo>>>16&255,this.lo>>>24,255&this.hi,this.hi>>>8&255,this.hi>>>16&255,this.hi>>>24)},M.prototype.zzEncode=function(){var t=this.hi>>31;return this.hi=((this.hi<<1|this.lo>>>31)^t)>>>0,this.lo=(this.lo<<1^t)>>>0,this},M.prototype.zzDecode=function(){var t=-(1&this.lo);return this.lo=((this.lo>>>1|this.hi<<31)^t)>>>0,this.hi=(this.hi>>>1^t)>>>0,this},M.prototype.length=function(){var t=this.lo,d=(this.lo>>>28|this.hi<<4)>>>0,u=this.hi>>>24;return u===0?d===0?t<16384?t<128?1:2:t<2097152?3:4:d<16384?d<128?5:6:d<2097152?7:8:u<128?9:10}},9693:function(J,e,b){var E=e;function M(y,a,t){for(var d=Object.keys(a),u=0;u0)},E.Buffer=function(){try{var y=E.inquire("buffer").Buffer;return y.prototype.utf8Write?y:null}catch{return null}}(),E._Buffer_from=null,E._Buffer_allocUnsafe=null,E.newBuffer=function(y){return typeof y=="number"?E.Buffer?E._Buffer_allocUnsafe(y):new E.Array(y):E.Buffer?E._Buffer_from(y):typeof Uint8Array>"u"?y:new Uint8Array(y)},E.Array=typeof Uint8Array<"u"?Uint8Array:Array,E.Long=E.global.dcodeIO&&E.global.dcodeIO.Long||E.global.Long||E.inquire("long"),E.key2Re=/^true|false|0|1$/,E.key32Re=/^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/,E.key64Re=/^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/,E.longToHash=function(y){return y?E.LongBits.from(y).toHash():E.LongBits.zeroHash},E.longFromHash=function(y,a){var t=E.LongBits.fromHash(y);return E.Long?E.Long.fromBits(t.lo,t.hi,a):t.toNumber(!!a)},E.merge=M,E.lcFirst=function(y){return y.charAt(0).toLowerCase()+y.substring(1)},E.newError=P,E.ProtocolError=P("ProtocolError"),E.oneOfGetter=function(y){for(var a={},t=0;t-1;--u)if(a[d[u]]===1&&this[d[u]]!==void 0&&this[d[u]]!==null)return d[u]}},E.oneOfSetter=function(y){return function(a){for(var t=0;t{J.exports=s;var E,M=b(9693),P=M.LongBits,y=M.base64,a=M.utf8;function t(h,m,v){this.fn=h,this.len=m,this.next=void 0,this.val=v}function d(){}function u(h){this.head=h.head,this.tail=h.tail,this.len=h.len,this.next=h.states}function s(){this.len=0,this.head=new t(d,0,0),this.tail=this.head,this.states=null}var r=function(){return M.Buffer?function(){return(s.create=function(){return new E})()}:function(){return new s}};function n(h,m,v){m[v]=255&h}function o(h,m){this.len=h,this.next=void 0,this.val=m}function i(h,m,v){for(;h.hi;)m[v++]=127&h.lo|128,h.lo=(h.lo>>>7|h.hi<<25)>>>0,h.hi>>>=7;for(;h.lo>127;)m[v++]=127&h.lo|128,h.lo=h.lo>>>7;m[v++]=h.lo}function f(h,m,v){m[v]=255&h,m[v+1]=h>>>8&255,m[v+2]=h>>>16&255,m[v+3]=h>>>24}s.create=r(),s.alloc=function(h){return new M.Array(h)},M.Array!==Array&&(s.alloc=M.pool(s.alloc,M.Array.prototype.subarray)),s.prototype._push=function(h,m,v){return this.tail=this.tail.next=new t(h,m,v),this.len+=m,this},o.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype),o.prototype.fn=function(h,m,v){for(;h>127;)m[v++]=127&h|128,h>>>=7;m[v]=h},s.prototype.uint32=function(h){return this.len+=(this.tail=this.tail.next=new o((h>>>=0)<128?1:h<16384?2:h<2097152?3:h<268435456?4:5,h)).len,this},s.prototype.int32=function(h){return h<0?this._push(i,10,P.fromNumber(h)):this.uint32(h)},s.prototype.sint32=function(h){return this.uint32((h<<1^h>>31)>>>0)},s.prototype.uint64=function(h){var m=P.from(h);return this._push(i,m.length(),m)},s.prototype.int64=s.prototype.uint64,s.prototype.sint64=function(h){var m=P.from(h).zzEncode();return this._push(i,m.length(),m)},s.prototype.bool=function(h){return this._push(n,1,h?1:0)},s.prototype.fixed32=function(h){return this._push(f,4,h>>>0)},s.prototype.sfixed32=s.prototype.fixed32,s.prototype.fixed64=function(h){var m=P.from(h);return this._push(f,4,m.lo)._push(f,4,m.hi)},s.prototype.sfixed64=s.prototype.fixed64,s.prototype.float=function(h){return this._push(M.float.writeFloatLE,4,h)},s.prototype.double=function(h){return this._push(M.float.writeDoubleLE,8,h)};var c=M.Array.prototype.set?function(h,m,v){m.set(h,v)}:function(h,m,v){for(var C=0;C>>0;if(!m)return this._push(n,1,0);if(M.isString(h)){var v=s.alloc(m=y.length(h));y.decode(h,v,0),h=v}return this.uint32(m)._push(c,m,h)},s.prototype.string=function(h){var m=a.length(h);return m?this.uint32(m)._push(a.write,m,h):this._push(n,1,0)},s.prototype.fork=function(){return this.states=new u(this),this.head=this.tail=new t(d,0,0),this.len=0,this},s.prototype.reset=function(){return this.states?(this.head=this.states.head,this.tail=this.states.tail,this.len=this.states.len,this.states=this.states.next):(this.head=this.tail=new t(d,0,0),this.len=0),this},s.prototype.ldelim=function(){var h=this.head,m=this.tail,v=this.len;return this.reset().uint32(v),v&&(this.tail.next=h.next,this.tail=m,this.len+=v),this},s.prototype.finish=function(){for(var h=this.head.next,m=this.constructor.alloc(this.len),v=0;h;)h.fn(h.val,m,v),v+=h.len,h=h.next;return m},s._configure=function(h){E=h,s.create=r(),E._configure()}},3155:(J,e,b)=>{J.exports=P;var E=b(1173);(P.prototype=Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor=P;var M=b(9693);function P(){E.call(this)}function y(a,t,d){a.length<40?M.utf8.write(a,t,d):t.utf8Write?t.utf8Write(a,d):t.write(a,d)}P._configure=function(){P.alloc=M._Buffer_allocUnsafe,P.writeBytesBuffer=M.Buffer&&M.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array&&M.Buffer.prototype.set.name==="set"?function(a,t,d){t.set(a,d)}:function(a,t,d){if(a.copy)a.copy(t,d,0,a.length);else for(var u=0;u>>0;return this.uint32(t),t&&this._push(P.writeBytesBuffer,t,a),this},P.prototype.string=function(a){var t=M.Buffer.byteLength(a);return this.uint32(t),t&&this._push(y,t,a),this},P._configure()},1798:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4155),M=65536,P=b(9509).Buffer,y=b.g.crypto||b.g.msCrypto;y&&y.getRandomValues?J.exports=function(a,t){if(a>4294967295)throw new RangeError("requested too many random bytes");var d=P.allocUnsafe(a);if(a>0)if(a>M)for(var u=0;u{var e={};function b(M,P,y){y||(y=Error);var a=function(t){var d,u;function s(r,n,o){return t.call(this,function(i,f,c){return typeof P=="string"?P:P(i,f,c)}(r,n,o))||this}return u=t,(d=s).prototype=Object.create(u.prototype),d.prototype.constructor=d,d.__proto__=u,s}(y);a.prototype.name=y.name,a.prototype.code=M,e[M]=a}function E(M,P){if(Array.isArray(M)){var y=M.length;return M=M.map(function(a){return String(a)}),y>2?"one of ".concat(P," ").concat(M.slice(0,y-1).join(", "),", or ")+M[y-1]:y===2?"one of ".concat(P," ").concat(M[0]," or ").concat(M[1]):"of ".concat(P," ").concat(M[0])}return"of ".concat(P," ").concat(String(M))}b("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE",function(M,P){return'The value "'+P+'" is invalid for option "'+M+'"'},TypeError),b("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE",function(M,P,y){var a,t,d,u,s;if(typeof P=="string"&&(t="not ",P.substr(0,4)===t)?(a="must not be",P=P.replace(/^not /,"")):a="must be",function(n,o,i){return(i===void 0||i>n.length)&&(i=n.length),n.substring(i-9,i)===o}(M," argument"))d="The ".concat(M," ").concat(a," ").concat(E(P,"type"));else{var r=(typeof s!="number"&&(s=0),s+1>(u=M).length||u.indexOf(".",s)===-1?"argument":"property");d='The "'.concat(M,'" ').concat(r," ").concat(a," ").concat(E(P,"type"))}return d+". Received type ".concat(typeof y)},TypeError),b("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF","stream.push() after EOF"),b("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED",function(M){return"The "+M+" method is not implemented"}),b("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE","Premature close"),b("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED",function(M){return"Cannot call "+M+" after a stream was destroyed"}),b("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK","Callback called multiple times"),b("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE","Cannot pipe, not readable"),b("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END","write after end"),b("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES","May not write null values to stream",TypeError),b("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING",function(M){return"Unknown encoding: "+M},TypeError),b("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT","stream.unshift() after end event"),J.exports.q=e},6753:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4155),M=Object.keys||function(n){var o=[];for(var i in n)o.push(i);return o};J.exports=u;var P=b(9481),y=b(4229);b(5717)(u,P);for(var a=M(y.prototype),t=0;t{J.exports=M;var E=b(4605);function M(P){if(!(this instanceof M))return new M(P);E.call(this,P)}b(5717)(M,E),M.prototype._transform=function(P,y,a){a(null,P)}},9481:(J,e,b)=>{var E,M=b(4155);J.exports=k,k.ReadableState=R,b(7187).EventEmitter;var P,y=function(K,Y){return K.listeners(Y).length},a=b(2503),t=b(8764).Buffer,d=(b.g!==void 0?b.g:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof self<"u"?self:{}).Uint8Array||function(){},u=b(4616);P=u&&u.debuglog?u.debuglog("stream"):function(){};var s,r,n,o=b(7327),i=b(1195),f=b(2457).getHighWaterMark,c=b(4281).q,h=c.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE,m=c.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF,v=c.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,C=c.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT;b(5717)(k,a);var l=i.errorOrDestroy,I=["error","close","destroy","pause","resume"];function R(K,Y,q){E=E||b(6753),K=K||{},typeof q!="boolean"&&(q=Y instanceof E),this.objectMode=!!K.objectMode,q&&(this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!K.readableObjectMode),this.highWaterMark=f(this,K,"readableHighWaterMark",q),this.buffer=new o,this.length=0,this.pipes=null,this.pipesCount=0,this.flowing=null,this.ended=!1,this.endEmitted=!1,this.reading=!1,this.sync=!0,this.needReadable=!1,this.emittedReadable=!1,this.readableListening=!1,this.resumeScheduled=!1,this.paused=!0,this.emitClose=K.emitClose!==!1,this.autoDestroy=!!K.autoDestroy,this.destroyed=!1,this.defaultEncoding=K.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.awaitDrain=0,this.readingMore=!1,this.decoder=null,this.encoding=null,K.encoding&&(s||(s=b(2553).s),this.decoder=new s(K.encoding),this.encoding=K.encoding)}function k(K){if(E=E||b(6753),!(this instanceof k))return new k(K);var Y=this instanceof E;this._readableState=new R(K,this,Y),this.readable=!0,K&&(typeof K.read=="function"&&(this._read=K.read),typeof K.destroy=="function"&&(this._destroy=K.destroy)),a.call(this)}function N(K,Y,q,ae,de){P("readableAddChunk",Y);var ue,le=K._readableState;if(Y===null)le.reading=!1,function(ge,ce){if(P("onEofChunk"),!ce.ended){if(ce.decoder){var he=ce.decoder.end();he&&he.length&&(ce.buffer.push(he),ce.length+=ce.objectMode?1:he.length)}ce.ended=!0,ce.sync?p(ge):(ce.needReadable=!1,ce.emittedReadable||(ce.emittedReadable=!0,O(ge)))}}(K,le);else if(de||(ue=function(ge,ce){var he,be;return be=ce,t.isBuffer(be)||be instanceof d||typeof ce=="string"||ce===void 0||ge.objectMode||(he=new h("chunk",["string","Buffer","Uint8Array"],ce)),he}(le,Y)),ue)l(K,ue);else if(le.objectMode||Y&&Y.length>0)if(typeof Y=="string"||le.objectMode||Object.getPrototypeOf(Y)===t.prototype||(Y=function(ge){return t.from(ge)}(Y)),ae)le.endEmitted?l(K,new C):A(K,le,Y,!0);else if(le.ended)l(K,new m);else{if(le.destroyed)return!1;le.reading=!1,le.decoder&&!q?(Y=le.decoder.write(Y),le.objectMode||Y.length!==0?A(K,le,Y,!1):U(K,le)):A(K,le,Y,!1)}else ae||(le.reading=!1,U(K,le));return!le.ended&&(le.lengthY.highWaterMark&&(Y.highWaterMark=function(q){return q>=w?q=w:(q--,q|=q>>>1,q|=q>>>2,q|=q>>>4,q|=q>>>8,q|=q>>>16,q++),q}(K)),K<=Y.length?K:Y.ended?Y.length:(Y.needReadable=!0,0))}function p(K){var Y=K._readableState;P("emitReadable",Y.needReadable,Y.emittedReadable),Y.needReadable=!1,Y.emittedReadable||(P("emitReadable",Y.flowing),Y.emittedReadable=!0,M.nextTick(O,K))}function O(K){var Y=K._readableState;P("emitReadable_",Y.destroyed,Y.length,Y.ended),Y.destroyed||!Y.length&&!Y.ended||(K.emit("readable"),Y.emittedReadable=!1),Y.needReadable=!Y.flowing&&!Y.ended&&Y.length<=Y.highWaterMark,ne(K)}function U(K,Y){Y.readingMore||(Y.readingMore=!0,M.nextTick(T,K,Y))}function T(K,Y){for(;!Y.reading&&!Y.ended&&(Y.length0,Y.resumeScheduled&&!Y.paused?Y.flowing=!0:K.listenerCount("data")>0&&K.resume()}function te(K){P("readable nexttick read 0"),K.read(0)}function X(K,Y){P("resume",Y.reading),Y.reading||K.read(0),Y.resumeScheduled=!1,K.emit("resume"),ne(K),Y.flowing&&!Y.reading&&K.read(0)}function ne(K){var Y=K._readableState;for(P("flow",Y.flowing);Y.flowing&&K.read()!==null;);}function B(K,Y){return Y.length===0?null:(Y.objectMode?q=Y.buffer.shift():!K||K>=Y.length?(q=Y.decoder?Y.buffer.join(""):Y.buffer.length===1?Y.buffer.first():Y.buffer.concat(Y.length),Y.buffer.clear()):q=Y.buffer.consume(K,Y.decoder),q);var q}function Q(K){var Y=K._readableState;P("endReadable",Y.endEmitted),Y.endEmitted||(Y.ended=!0,M.nextTick(V,Y,K))}function V(K,Y){if(P("endReadableNT",K.endEmitted,K.length),!K.endEmitted&&K.length===0&&(K.endEmitted=!0,Y.readable=!1,Y.emit("end"),K.autoDestroy)){var q=Y._writableState;(!q||q.autoDestroy&&q.finished)&&Y.destroy()}}function ee(K,Y){for(var q=0,ae=K.length;q=Y.highWaterMark:Y.length>0)||Y.ended))return P("read: emitReadable",Y.length,Y.ended),Y.length===0&&Y.ended?Q(this):p(this),null;if((K=_(K,Y))===0&&Y.ended)return Y.length===0&&Q(this),null;var ae,de=Y.needReadable;return P("need readable",de),(Y.length===0||Y.length-K0?B(K,Y):null)===null?(Y.needReadable=Y.length<=Y.highWaterMark,K=0):(Y.length-=K,Y.awaitDrain=0),Y.length===0&&(Y.ended||(Y.needReadable=!0),q!==K&&Y.ended&&Q(this)),ae!==null&&this.emit("data",ae),ae},k.prototype._read=function(K){l(this,new v("_read()"))},k.prototype.pipe=function(K,Y){var q=this,ae=this._readableState;switch(ae.pipesCount){case 0:ae.pipes=K;break;case 1:ae.pipes=[ae.pipes,K];break;default:ae.pipes.push(K)}ae.pipesCount+=1,P("pipe count=%d opts=%j",ae.pipesCount,Y);var de=Y&&Y.end===!1||K===M.stdout||K===M.stderr?g:ue;function ue(){P("onend"),K.end()}ae.endEmitted?M.nextTick(de):q.once("end",de),K.on("unpipe",function S(x,j){P("onunpipe"),x===q&&j&&j.hasUnpiped===!1&&(j.hasUnpiped=!0,P("cleanup"),K.removeListener("close",be),K.removeListener("finish",W),K.removeListener("drain",le),K.removeListener("error",he),K.removeListener("unpipe",S),q.removeListener("end",ue),q.removeListener("end",g),q.removeListener("data",ce),ge=!0,!ae.awaitDrain||K._writableState&&!K._writableState.needDrain||le())});var le=function(S){return function(){var x=S._readableState;P("pipeOnDrain",x.awaitDrain),x.awaitDrain&&x.awaitDrain--,x.awaitDrain===0&&y(S,"data")&&(x.flowing=!0,ne(S))}}(q);K.on("drain",le);var ge=!1;function ce(S){P("ondata");var x=K.write(S);P("dest.write",x),x===!1&&((ae.pipesCount===1&&ae.pipes===K||ae.pipesCount>1&&ee(ae.pipes,K)!==-1)&&!ge&&(P("false write response, pause",ae.awaitDrain),ae.awaitDrain++),q.pause())}function he(S){P("onerror",S),g(),K.removeListener("error",he),y(K,"error")===0&&l(K,S)}function be(){K.removeListener("finish",W),g()}function 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d.highWaterMark!=null?d.highWaterMark:u?d[s]:null}(P,a,y);if(t!=null){if(!isFinite(t)||Math.floor(t)!==t||t<0)throw new E(a?y:"highWaterMark",t);return Math.floor(t)}return M.objectMode?16:16384}}},2503:(J,e,b)=>{J.exports=b(7187).EventEmitter},8473:(J,e,b)=>{(e=J.exports=b(9481)).Stream=e,e.Readable=e,e.Writable=b(4229),e.Duplex=b(6753),e.Transform=b(4605),e.PassThrough=b(2725),e.finished=b(8610),e.pipeline=b(9946)},9785:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8764).Buffer,M=b(5717),P=b(3349),y=new Array(16),a=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,7,4,13,1,10,6,15,3,12,0,9,5,2,14,11,8,3,10,14,4,9,15,8,1,2,7,0,6,13,11,5,12,1,9,11,10,0,8,12,4,13,3,7,15,14,5,6,2,4,0,5,9,7,12,2,10,14,1,3,8,11,6,15,13],t=[5,14,7,0,9,2,11,4,13,6,15,8,1,10,3,12,6,11,3,7,0,13,5,10,14,15,8,12,4,9,1,2,15,5,1,3,7,14,6,9,11,8,12,2,10,0,4,13,8,6,4,1,3,11,15,0,5,12,2,13,9,7,10,14,12,15,10,4,1,5,8,7,6,2,13,14,0,3,9,11],d=[11,14,15,12,5,8,7,9,11,13,14,15,6,7,9,8,7,6,8,13,11,9,7,15,7,12,15,9,11,7,13,12,11,13,6,7,14,9,13,15,14,8,13,6,5,12,7,5,11,12,14,15,14,15,9,8,9,14,5,6,8,6,5,12,9,15,5,11,6,8,13,12,5,12,13,14,11,8,5,6],u=[8,9,9,11,13,15,15,5,7,7,8,11,14,14,12,6,9,13,15,7,12,8,9,11,7,7,12,7,6,15,13,11,9,7,15,11,8,6,6,14,12,13,5,14,13,13,7,5,15,5,8,11,14,14,6,14,6,9,12,9,12,5,15,8,8,5,12,9,12,5,14,6,8,13,6,5,15,13,11,11],s=[0,1518500249,1859775393,2400959708,2840853838],r=[1352829926,1548603684,1836072691,2053994217,0];function n(){P.call(this,64),this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878,this._e=3285377520}function o(v,C){return v<>>32-C}function i(v,C,l,I,R,k,N,A){return o(v+(C^l^I)+k+N|0,A)+R|0}function f(v,C,l,I,R,k,N,A){return o(v+(C&l|~C&I)+k+N|0,A)+R|0}function c(v,C,l,I,R,k,N,A){return o(v+((C|~l)^I)+k+N|0,A)+R|0}function h(v,C,l,I,R,k,N,A){return o(v+(C&I|l&~I)+k+N|0,A)+R|0}function m(v,C,l,I,R,k,N,A){return o(v+(C^(l|~I))+k+N|0,A)+R|0}M(n,P),n.prototype._update=function(){for(var v=y,C=0;C<16;++C)v[C]=this._block.readInt32LE(4*C);for(var l=0|this._a,I=0|this._b,R=0|this._c,k=0|this._d,N=0|this._e,A=0|this._a,w=0|this._b,_=0|this._c,p=0|this._d,O=0|this._e,U=0;U<80;U+=1){var T,z;U<16?(T=i(l,I,R,k,N,v[a[U]],s[0],d[U]),z=m(A,w,_,p,O,v[t[U]],r[0],u[U])):U<32?(T=f(l,I,R,k,N,v[a[U]],s[1],d[U]),z=h(A,w,_,p,O,v[t[U]],r[1],u[U])):U<48?(T=c(l,I,R,k,N,v[a[U]],s[2],d[U]),z=c(A,w,_,p,O,v[t[U]],r[2],u[U])):U<64?(T=h(l,I,R,k,N,v[a[U]],s[3],d[U]),z=f(A,w,_,p,O,v[t[U]],r[3],u[U])):(T=m(l,I,R,k,N,v[a[U]],s[4],d[U]),z=i(A,w,_,p,O,v[t[U]],r[4],u[U])),l=N,N=k,k=o(R,10),R=I,I=T,A=O,O=p,p=o(_,10),_=w,w=z}var te=this._b+R+p|0;this._b=this._c+k+O|0,this._c=this._d+N+A|0,this._d=this._e+l+w|0,this._e=this._a+I+_|0,this._a=te},n.prototype._digest=function(){this._block[this._blockOffset++]=128,this._blockOffset>56&&(this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,64),this._update(),this._blockOffset=0),this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0],56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1],60),this._update();var v=E.alloc?E.alloc(20):new E(20);return v.writeInt32LE(this._a,0),v.writeInt32LE(this._b,4),v.writeInt32LE(this._c,8),v.writeInt32LE(this._d,12),v.writeInt32LE(this._e,16),v},J.exports=n},9509:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8764),M=E.Buffer;function P(a,t){for(var d in a)t[d]=a[d]}function y(a,t,d){return M(a,t,d)}M.from&&M.alloc&&M.allocUnsafe&&M.allocUnsafeSlow?J.exports=E:(P(E,e),e.Buffer=y),y.prototype=Object.create(M.prototype),P(M,y),y.from=function(a,t,d){if(typeof a=="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number");return M(a,t,d)},y.alloc=function(a,t,d){if(typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");var u=M(a);return t!==void 0?typeof d=="string"?u.fill(t,d):u.fill(t):u.fill(0),u},y.allocUnsafe=function(a){if(typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");return M(a)},y.allocUnsafeSlow=function(a){if(typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");return E.SlowBuffer(a)}},64:function(J,e,b){var E,M=b(4155),P=b(8764).Buffer;(function(y){function a(t,d){if(d=d||{type:"Array"},M!==void 0&&typeof M.pid=="number"&&M.versions&&M.versions.node)return function(u,s){var r=b(3954).randomBytes(u);switch(s.type){case"Array":return[].slice.call(r);case"Buffer":return r;case"Uint8Array":for(var n=new Uint8Array(u),o=0;o{var E=b(9509).Buffer;function M(P,y){this._block=E.alloc(P),this._finalSize=y,this._blockSize=P,this._len=0}M.prototype.update=function(P,y){typeof P=="string"&&(y=y||"utf8",P=E.from(P,y));for(var a=this._block,t=this._blockSize,d=P.length,u=this._len,s=0;s=this._finalSize&&(this._update(this._block),this._block.fill(0));var a=8*this._len;if(a<=4294967295)this._block.writeUInt32BE(a,this._blockSize-4);else{var t=(4294967295&a)>>>0,d=(a-t)/4294967296;this._block.writeUInt32BE(d,this._blockSize-8),this._block.writeUInt32BE(t,this._blockSize-4)}this._update(this._block);var u=this._hash();return P?u.toString(P):u},M.prototype._update=function(){throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass")},J.exports=M},9072:(J,e,b)=>{var E=J.exports=function(M){M=M.toLowerCase();var P=E[M];if(!P)throw new Error(M+" is not supported (we accept pull requests)");return new P};E.sha=b(4448),E.sha1=b(8336),E.sha224=b(8432),E.sha256=b(7499),E.sha384=b(1686),E.sha512=b(7816)},4448:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(4189),P=b(9509).Buffer,y=[1518500249,1859775393,-1894007588,-899497514],a=new Array(80);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,M.call(this,64,56)}function d(s){return s<<30|s>>>2}function u(s,r,n,o){return s===0?r&n|~r&o:s===2?r&n|r&o|n&o:r^n^o}E(t,M),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878,this._e=3285377520,this},t.prototype._update=function(s){for(var r,n=this._w,o=0|this._a,i=0|this._b,f=0|this._c,c=0|this._d,h=0|this._e,m=0;m<16;++m)n[m]=s.readInt32BE(4*m);for(;m<80;++m)n[m]=n[m-3]^n[m-8]^n[m-14]^n[m-16];for(var v=0;v<80;++v){var C=~~(v/20),l=0|((r=o)<<5|r>>>27)+u(C,i,f,c)+h+n[v]+y[C];h=c,c=f,f=d(i),i=o,o=l}this._a=o+this._a|0,this._b=i+this._b|0,this._c=f+this._c|0,this._d=c+this._d|0,this._e=h+this._e|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var s=P.allocUnsafe(20);return s.writeInt32BE(0|this._a,0),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._b,4),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._c,8),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._d,12),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._e,16),s},J.exports=t},8336:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(4189),P=b(9509).Buffer,y=[1518500249,1859775393,-1894007588,-899497514],a=new Array(80);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,M.call(this,64,56)}function d(r){return r<<5|r>>>27}function u(r){return r<<30|r>>>2}function s(r,n,o,i){return r===0?n&o|~n&i:r===2?n&o|n&i|o&i:n^o^i}E(t,M),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878,this._e=3285377520,this},t.prototype._update=function(r){for(var n,o=this._w,i=0|this._a,f=0|this._b,c=0|this._c,h=0|this._d,m=0|this._e,v=0;v<16;++v)o[v]=r.readInt32BE(4*v);for(;v<80;++v)o[v]=(n=o[v-3]^o[v-8]^o[v-14]^o[v-16])<<1|n>>>31;for(var C=0;C<80;++C){var l=~~(C/20),I=d(i)+s(l,f,c,h)+m+o[C]+y[l]|0;m=h,h=c,c=u(f),f=i,i=I}this._a=i+this._a|0,this._b=f+this._b|0,this._c=c+this._c|0,this._d=h+this._d|0,this._e=m+this._e|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var r=P.allocUnsafe(20);return r.writeInt32BE(0|this._a,0),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._b,4),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._c,8),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._d,12),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._e,16),r},J.exports=t},8432:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(7499),P=b(4189),y=b(9509).Buffer,a=new Array(64);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,P.call(this,64,56)}E(t,M),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=3238371032,this._b=914150663,this._c=812702999,this._d=4144912697,this._e=4290775857,this._f=1750603025,this._g=1694076839,this._h=3204075428,this},t.prototype._hash=function(){var d=y.allocUnsafe(28);return d.writeInt32BE(this._a,0),d.writeInt32BE(this._b,4),d.writeInt32BE(this._c,8),d.writeInt32BE(this._d,12),d.writeInt32BE(this._e,16),d.writeInt32BE(this._f,20),d.writeInt32BE(this._g,24),d},J.exports=t},7499:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(4189),P=b(9509).Buffer,y=[1116352408,1899447441,3049323471,3921009573,961987163,1508970993,2453635748,2870763221,3624381080,310598401,607225278,1426881987,1925078388,2162078206,2614888103,3248222580,3835390401,4022224774,264347078,604807628,770255983,1249150122,1555081692,1996064986,2554220882,2821834349,2952996808,3210313671,3336571891,3584528711,113926993,338241895,666307205,773529912,1294757372,1396182291,1695183700,1986661051,2177026350,2456956037,2730485921,2820302411,3259730800,3345764771,3516065817,3600352804,4094571909,275423344,430227734,506948616,659060556,883997877,958139571,1322822218,1537002063,1747873779,1955562222,2024104815,2227730452,2361852424,2428436474,2756734187,3204031479,3329325298],a=new Array(64);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,M.call(this,64,56)}function d(o,i,f){return f^o&(i^f)}function u(o,i,f){return o&i|f&(o|i)}function s(o){return(o>>>2|o<<30)^(o>>>13|o<<19)^(o>>>22|o<<10)}function r(o){return(o>>>6|o<<26)^(o>>>11|o<<21)^(o>>>25|o<<7)}function n(o){return(o>>>7|o<<25)^(o>>>18|o<<14)^o>>>3}E(t,M),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1779033703,this._b=3144134277,this._c=1013904242,this._d=2773480762,this._e=1359893119,this._f=2600822924,this._g=528734635,this._h=1541459225,this},t.prototype._update=function(o){for(var i,f=this._w,c=0|this._a,h=0|this._b,m=0|this._c,v=0|this._d,C=0|this._e,l=0|this._f,I=0|this._g,R=0|this._h,k=0;k<16;++k)f[k]=o.readInt32BE(4*k);for(;k<64;++k)f[k]=0|(((i=f[k-2])>>>17|i<<15)^(i>>>19|i<<13)^i>>>10)+f[k-7]+n(f[k-15])+f[k-16];for(var N=0;N<64;++N){var A=R+r(C)+d(C,l,I)+y[N]+f[N]|0,w=s(c)+u(c,h,m)|0;R=I,I=l,l=C,C=v+A|0,v=m,m=h,h=c,c=A+w|0}this._a=c+this._a|0,this._b=h+this._b|0,this._c=m+this._c|0,this._d=v+this._d|0,this._e=C+this._e|0,this._f=l+this._f|0,this._g=I+this._g|0,this._h=R+this._h|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var o=P.allocUnsafe(32);return o.writeInt32BE(this._a,0),o.writeInt32BE(this._b,4),o.writeInt32BE(this._c,8),o.writeInt32BE(this._d,12),o.writeInt32BE(this._e,16),o.writeInt32BE(this._f,20),o.writeInt32BE(this._g,24),o.writeInt32BE(this._h,28),o},J.exports=t},1686:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(7816),P=b(4189),y=b(9509).Buffer,a=new Array(160);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,P.call(this,128,112)}E(t,M),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._ah=3418070365,this._bh=1654270250,this._ch=2438529370,this._dh=355462360,this._eh=1731405415,this._fh=2394180231,this._gh=3675008525,this._hh=1203062813,this._al=3238371032,this._bl=914150663,this._cl=812702999,this._dl=4144912697,this._el=4290775857,this._fl=1750603025,this._gl=1694076839,this._hl=3204075428,this},t.prototype._hash=function(){var d=y.allocUnsafe(48);function u(s,r,n){d.writeInt32BE(s,n),d.writeInt32BE(r,n+4)}return u(this._ah,this._al,0),u(this._bh,this._bl,8),u(this._ch,this._cl,16),u(this._dh,this._dl,24),u(this._eh,this._el,32),u(this._fh,this._fl,40),d},J.exports=t},7816:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5717),M=b(4189),P=b(9509).Buffer,y=[1116352408,3609767458,1899447441,602891725,3049323471,3964484399,3921009573,2173295548,961987163,4081628472,1508970993,3053834265,2453635748,2937671579,2870763221,3664609560,3624381080,2734883394,310598401,1164996542,607225278,1323610764,1426881987,3590304994,1925078388,4068182383,2162078206,991336113,2614888103,633803317,3248222580,3479774868,3835390401,2666613458,4022224774,944711139,264347078,2341262773,604807628,2007800933,770255983,1495990901,1249150122,1856431235,1555081692,3175218132,1996064986,2198950837,2554220882,3999719339,2821834349,766784016,2952996808,2566594879,3210313671,3203337956,3336571891,1034457026,3584528711,2466948901,113926993,3758326383,338241895,168717936,666307205,1188179964,773529912,1546045734,1294757372,1522805485,1396182291,2643833823,1695183700,2343527390,1986661051,1014477480,2177026350,1206759142,2456956037,344077627,2730485921,1290863460,2820302411,3158454273,3259730800,3505952657,3345764771,106217008,3516065817,3606008344,3600352804,1432725776,4094571909,1467031594,275423344,851169720,430227734,3100823752,506948616,1363258195,659060556,3750685593,883997877,3785050280,958139571,3318307427,1322822218,3812723403,1537002063,2003034995,1747873779,3602036899,1955562222,1575990012,2024104815,1125592928,2227730452,2716904306,2361852424,442776044,2428436474,593698344,2756734187,3733110249,3204031479,2999351573,3329325298,3815920427,3391569614,3928383900,3515267271,566280711,3940187606,3454069534,4118630271,4000239992,116418474,1914138554,174292421,2731055270,289380356,3203993006,460393269,320620315,685471733,587496836,852142971,1086792851,1017036298,365543100,1126000580,2618297676,1288033470,3409855158,1501505948,4234509866,1607167915,987167468,1816402316,1246189591],a=new Array(160);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,M.call(this,128,112)}function d(h,m,v){return v^h&(m^v)}function u(h,m,v){return h&m|v&(h|m)}function s(h,m){return(h>>>28|m<<4)^(m>>>2|h<<30)^(m>>>7|h<<25)}function r(h,m){return(h>>>14|m<<18)^(h>>>18|m<<14)^(m>>>9|h<<23)}function n(h,m){return(h>>>1|m<<31)^(h>>>8|m<<24)^h>>>7}function o(h,m){return(h>>>1|m<<31)^(h>>>8|m<<24)^(h>>>7|m<<25)}function i(h,m){return(h>>>19|m<<13)^(m>>>29|h<<3)^h>>>6}function f(h,m){return(h>>>19|m<<13)^(m>>>29|h<<3)^(h>>>6|m<<26)}function c(h,m){return h>>>0>>0?1:0}E(t,M),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._ah=1779033703,this._bh=3144134277,this._ch=1013904242,this._dh=2773480762,this._eh=1359893119,this._fh=2600822924,this._gh=528734635,this._hh=1541459225,this._al=4089235720,this._bl=2227873595,this._cl=4271175723,this._dl=1595750129,this._el=2917565137,this._fl=725511199,this._gl=4215389547,this._hl=327033209,this},t.prototype._update=function(h){for(var m=this._w,v=0|this._ah,C=0|this._bh,l=0|this._ch,I=0|this._dh,R=0|this._eh,k=0|this._fh,N=0|this._gh,A=0|this._hh,w=0|this._al,_=0|this._bl,p=0|this._cl,O=0|this._dl,U=0|this._el,T=0|this._fl,z=0|this._gl,te=0|this._hl,X=0;X<32;X+=2)m[X]=h.readInt32BE(4*X),m[X+1]=h.readInt32BE(4*X+4);for(;X<160;X+=2){var ne=m[X-30],B=m[X-30+1],Q=n(ne,B),V=o(B,ne),ee=i(ne=m[X-4],B=m[X-4+1]),K=f(B,ne),Y=m[X-14],q=m[X-14+1],ae=m[X-32],de=m[X-32+1],ue=V+q|0,le=Q+Y+c(ue,V)|0;le=(le=le+ee+c(ue=ue+K|0,K)|0)+ae+c(ue=ue+de|0,de)|0,m[X]=le,m[X+1]=ue}for(var ge=0;ge<160;ge+=2){le=m[ge],ue=m[ge+1];var ce=u(v,C,l),he=u(w,_,p),be=s(v,w),W=s(w,v),g=r(R,U),S=r(U,R),x=y[ge],j=y[ge+1],D=d(R,k,N),L=d(U,T,z),F=te+S|0,re=A+g+c(F,te)|0;re=(re=(re=re+D+c(F=F+L|0,L)|0)+x+c(F=F+j|0,j)|0)+le+c(F=F+ue|0,ue)|0;var oe=W+he|0,G=be+ce+c(oe,W)|0;A=N,te=z,N=k,z=T,k=R,T=U,R=I+re+c(U=O+F|0,O)|0,I=l,O=p,l=C,p=_,C=v,_=w,v=re+G+c(w=F+oe|0,F)|0}this._al=this._al+w|0,this._bl=this._bl+_|0,this._cl=this._cl+p|0,this._dl=this._dl+O|0,this._el=this._el+U|0,this._fl=this._fl+T|0,this._gl=this._gl+z|0,this._hl=this._hl+te|0,this._ah=this._ah+v+c(this._al,w)|0,this._bh=this._bh+C+c(this._bl,_)|0,this._ch=this._ch+l+c(this._cl,p)|0,this._dh=this._dh+I+c(this._dl,O)|0,this._eh=this._eh+R+c(this._el,U)|0,this._fh=this._fh+k+c(this._fl,T)|0,this._gh=this._gh+N+c(this._gl,z)|0,this._hh=this._hh+A+c(this._hl,te)|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var h=P.allocUnsafe(64);function m(v,C,l){h.writeInt32BE(v,l),h.writeInt32BE(C,l+4)}return m(this._ah,this._al,0),m(this._bh,this._bl,8),m(this._ch,this._cl,16),m(this._dh,this._dl,24),m(this._eh,this._el,32),m(this._fh,this._fl,40),m(this._gh,this._gl,48),m(this._hh,this._hl,56),h},J.exports=t},2830:(J,e,b)=>{J.exports=M;var E=b(7187).EventEmitter;function M(){E.call(this)}b(5717)(M,E),M.Readable=b(9481),M.Writable=b(4229),M.Duplex=b(6753),M.Transform=b(4605),M.PassThrough=b(2725),M.finished=b(8610),M.pipeline=b(9946),M.Stream=M,M.prototype.pipe=function(P,y){var a=this;function t(i){P.writable&&P.write(i)===!1&&a.pause&&a.pause()}function d(){a.readable&&a.resume&&a.resume()}a.on("data",t),P.on("drain",d),P._isStdio||y&&y.end===!1||(a.on("end",s),a.on("close",r));var u=!1;function s(){u||(u=!0,P.end())}function r(){u||(u=!0,typeof P.destroy=="function"&&P.destroy())}function n(i){if(o(),E.listenerCount(this,"error")===0)throw i}function o(){a.removeListener("data",t),P.removeListener("drain",d),a.removeListener("end",s),a.removeListener("close",r),a.removeListener("error",n),P.removeListener("error",n),a.removeListener("end",o),a.removeListener("close",o),P.removeListener("close",o)}return a.on("error",n),P.on("error",n),a.on("end",o),a.on("close",o),P.on("close",o),P.emit("pipe",a),P}},2553:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(9509).Buffer,M=E.isEncoding||function(o){switch((o=""+o)&&o.toLowerCase()){case"hex":case"utf8":case"utf-8":case"ascii":case"binary":case"base64":case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":case"raw":return!0;default:return!1}};function P(o){var i;switch(this.encoding=function(f){var c=function(h){if(!h)return"utf8";for(var m;;)switch(h){case"utf8":case"utf-8":return"utf8";case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return"utf16le";case"latin1":case"binary":return"latin1";case"base64":case"ascii":case"hex":return h;default:if(m)return;h=(""+h).toLowerCase(),m=!0}}(f);if(typeof c!="string"&&(E.isEncoding===M||!M(f)))throw new Error("Unknown encoding: "+f);return c||f}(o),this.encoding){case"utf16le":this.text=t,this.end=d,i=4;break;case"utf8":this.fillLast=a,i=4;break;case"base64":this.text=u,this.end=s,i=3;break;default:return this.write=r,void(this.end=n)}this.lastNeed=0,this.lastTotal=0,this.lastChar=E.allocUnsafe(i)}function y(o){return o<=127?0:o>>5==6?2:o>>4==14?3:o>>3==30?4:o>>6==2?-1:-2}function a(o){var i=this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed,f=function(c,h,m){if((192&h[0])!=128)return c.lastNeed=0,"�";if(c.lastNeed>1&&h.length>1){if((192&h[1])!=128)return c.lastNeed=1,"�";if(c.lastNeed>2&&h.length>2&&(192&h[2])!=128)return c.lastNeed=2,"�"}}(this,o);return f!==void 0?f:this.lastNeed<=o.length?(o.copy(this.lastChar,i,0,this.lastNeed),this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding,0,this.lastTotal)):(o.copy(this.lastChar,i,0,o.length),void(this.lastNeed-=o.length))}function t(o,i){if((o.length-i)%2==0){var f=o.toString("utf16le",i);if(f){var c=f.charCodeAt(f.length-1);if(c>=55296&&c<=56319)return this.lastNeed=2,this.lastTotal=4,this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-2],this.lastChar[1]=o[o.length-1],f.slice(0,-1)}return f}return this.lastNeed=1,this.lastTotal=2,this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-1],o.toString("utf16le",i,o.length-1)}function d(o){var i=o&&o.length?this.write(o):"";if(this.lastNeed){var f=this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed;return i+this.lastChar.toString("utf16le",0,f)}return i}function u(o,i){var f=(o.length-i)%3;return f===0?o.toString("base64",i):(this.lastNeed=3-f,this.lastTotal=3,f===1?this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-1]:(this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-2],this.lastChar[1]=o[o.length-1]),o.toString("base64",i,o.length-f))}function s(o){var i=o&&o.length?this.write(o):"";return this.lastNeed?i+this.lastChar.toString("base64",0,3-this.lastNeed):i}function r(o){return o.toString(this.encoding)}function n(o){return o&&o.length?this.write(o):""}e.s=P,P.prototype.write=function(o){if(o.length===0)return"";var i,f;if(this.lastNeed){if((i=this.fillLast(o))===void 0)return"";f=this.lastNeed,this.lastNeed=0}else f=0;return f=0?(l>0&&(h.lastNeed=l-1),l):--C=0?(l>0&&(h.lastNeed=l-2),l):--C=0?(l>0&&(l===2?l=0:h.lastNeed=l-3),l):0}(this,o,i);if(!this.lastNeed)return o.toString("utf8",i);this.lastTotal=f;var c=o.length-(f-this.lastNeed);return o.copy(this.lastChar,0,c),o.toString("utf8",i,c)},P.prototype.fillLast=function(o){if(this.lastNeed<=o.length)return o.copy(this.lastChar,this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed,0,this.lastNeed),this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding,0,this.lastTotal);o.copy(this.lastChar,this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed,0,o.length),this.lastNeed-=o.length}},5892:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8764).Buffer;const M=b(3550),P=new(b(6266)).ec("secp256k1"),y=b(4142),a=E.alloc(32,0),t=E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141","hex"),d=E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f","hex"),u=P.curve.n,s=u.shrn(1),r=P.curve.g,n="Expected Private",o="Expected Point",i="Expected Tweak",f="Expected Hash";function c(w){return E.isBuffer(w)&&w.length===32}function h(w){return!!c(w)&&w.compare(t)<0}function m(w){if(!E.isBuffer(w)||w.length<33)return!1;const _=w[0],p=w.slice(1,33);if(p.compare(a)===0||p.compare(d)>=0)return!1;if((_===2||_===3)&&w.length===33){try{k(w)}catch{return!1}return!0}const O=w.slice(33);return O.compare(a)!==0&&!(O.compare(d)>=0)&&_===4&&w.length===65}function v(w){return w[0]!==4}function C(w){return!!c(w)&&w.compare(a)>0&&w.compare(t)<0}function l(w,_){return w===void 0&&_!==void 0?v(_):w===void 0||w}function I(w){return new M(w)}function R(w){return w.toArrayLike(E,"be",32)}function k(w){return P.curve.decodePoint(w)}function N(w,_){return E.from(w._encode(_))}function A(w,_,p){if(!c(w))throw new TypeError(f);if(!C(_))throw new TypeError(n);if(p!==void 0&&!c(p))throw new TypeError("Expected Extra Data (32 bytes)");const O=I(_),U=I(w);let T,z;y(w,_,function(X){const ne=I(X),B=r.mul(ne);return!B.isInfinity()&&(T=B.x.umod(u),T.isZero()!==0&&(z=ne.invm(u).mul(U.add(O.mul(T))).umod(u),z.isZero()!==0))},C,p),z.cmp(s)>0&&(z=u.sub(z));const te=E.allocUnsafe(64);return R(T).copy(te,0),R(z).copy(te,32),te}J.exports={isPoint:m,isPointCompressed:function(w){return!!m(w)&&v(w)},isPrivate:C,pointAdd:function(w,_,p){if(!m(w))throw new TypeError(o);if(!m(_))throw new TypeError(o);const O=k(w),U=k(_),T=O.add(U);return T.isInfinity()?null:N(T,l(p,w))},pointAddScalar:function(w,_,p){if(!m(w))throw new TypeError(o);if(!h(_))throw new TypeError(i);const O=l(p,w),U=k(w);if(_.compare(a)===0)return N(U,O);const T=I(_),z=r.mul(T),te=U.add(z);return te.isInfinity()?null:N(te,O)},pointCompress:function(w,_){if(!m(w))throw new TypeError(o);const p=k(w);if(p.isInfinity())throw new TypeError(o);return N(p,l(_,w))},pointFromScalar:function(w,_){if(!C(w))throw new TypeError(n);const p=I(w),O=r.mul(p);return O.isInfinity()?null:N(O,l(_))},pointMultiply:function(w,_,p){if(!m(w))throw new TypeError(o);if(!h(_))throw new TypeError(i);const O=l(p,w),U=k(w),T=I(_),z=U.mul(T);return z.isInfinity()?null:N(z,O)},privateAdd:function(w,_){if(!C(w))throw new TypeError(n);if(!h(_))throw new TypeError(i);const p=I(w),O=I(_),U=R(p.add(O).umod(u));return C(U)?U:null},privateSub:function(w,_){if(!C(w))throw new TypeError(n);if(!h(_))throw new TypeError(i);const p=I(w),O=I(_),U=R(p.sub(O).umod(u));return C(U)?U:null},sign:function(w,_){return A(w,_)},signWithEntropy:function(w,_,p){return A(w,_,p)},verify:function(w,_,p,O){if(!c(w))throw new TypeError(f);if(!m(_))throw new TypeError(o);if(!function(V){const ee=V.slice(0,32),K=V.slice(32,64);return E.isBuffer(V)&&V.length===64&&ee.compare(t)<0&&K.compare(t)<0}(p))throw new TypeError("Expected Signature");const U=k(_),T=I(p.slice(0,32)),z=I(p.slice(32,64));if(O&&z.cmp(s)>0||T.gtn(0)<=0||z.gtn(0)<=0)return!1;const te=I(w),X=z.invm(u),ne=te.mul(X).umod(u),B=T.mul(X).umod(u),Q=r.mulAdd(ne,U,B);return!Q.isInfinity()&&Q.x.umod(u).eq(T)}}},4142:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8764).Buffer;const M=b(8355),P=E.alloc(1,1),y=E.alloc(1,0);J.exports=function(a,t,d,u,s){let r=E.alloc(32,0),n=E.alloc(32,1);r=M("sha256",r).update(n).update(y).update(t).update(a).update(s||"").digest(),n=M("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),r=M("sha256",r).update(n).update(P).update(t).update(a).update(s||"").digest(),n=M("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),n=M("sha256",r).update(n).digest();let o=n;for(;!u(o)||!d(o);)r=M("sha256",r).update(n).update(y).digest(),n=M("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),n=M("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),o=n;return o}},8136:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(v,C,l,I){I===void 0&&(I=l),Object.defineProperty(v,I,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return C[l]}})}:function(v,C,l,I){I===void 0&&(I=l),v[I]=C[l]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(v,C){Object.defineProperty(v,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:C})}:function(v,C){v.default=C}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(v){if(v&&v.__esModule)return v;var C={};if(v!=null)for(var l in v)l!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v,l)&&E(C,v,l);return M(C,v),C},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(v,C,l,I){return new(l||(l=Promise))(function(R,k){function N(_){try{w(I.next(_))}catch(p){k(p)}}function A(_){try{w(I.throw(_))}catch(p){k(p)}}function w(_){var p;_.done?R(_.value):(p=_.value,p instanceof l?p:new l(function(O){O(p)})).then(N,A)}w((I=I.apply(v,C||[])).next())})},a=this&&this.__importDefault||function(v){return v&&v.__esModule?v:{default:v}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.EncryptionUtilsImpl=void 0;const t=b(8972),d=b(4330),u=b(3061),s=b(4063),r=P(b(9463)),n=a(b(64)),o=b(6402),i=new r.PolyfillCryptoProvider,f=(0,t.fromHex)("000000000000000000024bead8df69990852c202db0e0097c1a12ea637d7e96d"),c=(0,t.fromBase64)("79++5YOHfm0SwhlpUDClv7cuCjq9xBZlWqSjDJWkRG8="),h=new Set(["secret-2","secret-3","secret-4"]);class m{constructor(C,l,I){if(this.url=C,this.consensusIoPubKey=new Uint8Array,l){if(l.length!==32)throw new Error("encryptionSeed must be a Uint8Array of length 32");this.seed=l}else this.seed=m.GenerateNewSeed();const{privkey:R,pubkey:k}=m.GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(this.seed);this.privkey=R,this.pubkey=k,I&&h.has(I)&&(this.consensusIoPubKey=c)}static GenerateNewKeyPair(){return m.GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(m.GenerateNewSeed())}static GenerateNewSeed(){return(0,n.default)(32,{type:"Uint8Array"})}static GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(C){const{private:l,public:I}=(0,s.generateKeyPair)(C);return{privkey:l,pubkey:I}}getConsensusIoPubKey(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(this.consensusIoPubKey.length===32)return this.consensusIoPubKey;const{key:C}=yield o.Query.TxKey({},{pathPrefix:this.url});return this.consensusIoPubKey=(0,t.fromBase64)(C),this.consensusIoPubKey})}getTxEncryptionKey(C){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const l=yield this.getConsensusIoPubKey(),I=(0,s.sharedKey)(this.privkey,l);return(0,d.hkdf)(u.sha256,Uint8Array.from([...I,...C]),f,"",32)})}encrypt(C,l){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const I=(0,n.default)(32,{type:"Uint8Array"}),R=yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(I),k=yield r.SIV.importKey(R,"AES-SIV",i),N=(0,t.toUtf8)(C+JSON.stringify(l)),A=yield k.seal(N,[new Uint8Array]);return Uint8Array.from([...I,...this.pubkey,...A])})}decrypt(C,l){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!(C!=null&&C.length))return new Uint8Array;const I=yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(l);return yield(yield r.SIV.importKey(I,"AES-SIV",i)).open(C,[new Uint8Array])})}getPubkey(){return Promise.resolve(this.pubkey)}}e.EncryptionUtilsImpl=m},7061:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(P,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return y[a]}})}:function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),P[t]=y[a]}),M=this&&this.__exportStar||function(P,y){for(var a in P)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y,a)||E(y,P,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),M(b(7131),e),M(b(8680),e)},7131:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(m,v,C,l){l===void 0&&(l=C),Object.defineProperty(m,l,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return v[C]}})}:function(m,v,C,l){l===void 0&&(l=C),m[l]=v[C]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(m,v){Object.defineProperty(m,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:v})}:function(m,v){m.default=v}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(m){if(m&&m.__esModule)return m;var v={};if(m!=null)for(var C in m)C!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m,C)&&E(v,m,C);return M(v,m),v},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(m,v,C,l){return new(C||(C=Promise))(function(I,R){function k(w){try{A(l.next(w))}catch(_){R(_)}}function N(w){try{A(l.throw(w))}catch(_){R(_)}}function A(w){var _;w.done?I(w.value):(_=w.value,_ instanceof C?_:new C(function(p){p(_)})).then(k,N)}A((l=l.apply(m,v||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.validatePermit=e.newPermit=e.newSignDoc=e.PermissionNotInPermit=e.SignerIsNotAddress=e.SignatureInvalid=e.ContractNotInPermit=e.PermitError=void 0;const a=b(8972),t=b(3061),d=P(b(9656)),u=b(7715),s=b(3607),r=b(5360);class n extends Error{constructor(v){super(v),this.type="PermitError",this.name="PermitError"}}e.PermitError=n;class o extends n{constructor(v,C){super(`Contract ${v} is not allowed for this permit`),this.name="ContractNotInPermit",this.contract=v,this.allowed_contracts=C}}e.ContractNotInPermit=o;class i extends n{constructor(v,C){super("Signature invalid"),this.name="SignatureInvalid",this.key=C,this.signature=v}}e.SignatureInvalid=i;class f extends n{constructor(v,C){super(`Address ${C} is not the permit signer`),this.name="SignerIsNotAddress",this.address=C,this.publicKey=v}}e.SignerIsNotAddress=f;class c extends n{constructor(v,C){super("Permit does not contain required the permissions"),this.name="PermissionNotInPermit",this.permission=v,this.permissionsInContract=C}}e.PermissionNotInPermit=c,e.newSignDoc=(m,v,C,l)=>({chain_id:m,account_number:"0",sequence:"0",fee:{amount:(0,s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"),gas:"1"},msgs:[{type:"query_permit",value:{permit_name:v,allowed_tokens:C,permissions:l}}],memo:""}),e.newPermit=(m,v,C,l,I,R,k)=>y(void 0,void 0,void 0,function*(){let N;if(k){if(!(window!=null&&window.keplr))throw new Error("Cannot sign with Keplr - extension not enabled; enable Keplr or change signing mode");({signature:N}=yield window.keplr.signAmino(C,v,{chain_id:C,account_number:"0",sequence:"0",fee:{amount:(0,s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"),gas:"1"},msgs:[{type:"query_permit",value:{permit_name:l,allowed_tokens:I,permissions:R}}],memo:""},{preferNoSetFee:!0,preferNoSetMemo:!0}))}else N=typeof m.signPermit=="function"?(yield m.signPermit(v,(0,e.newSignDoc)(C,l,I,R))).signature:(yield m.signAmino(v,(0,e.newSignDoc)(C,l,I,R))).signature;return{params:{chain_id:C,permit_name:l,allowed_tokens:I,permissions:R},signature:N}}),e.validatePermit=(m,v,C,l,I=!0)=>{if(!m.params.allowed_tokens.includes(C)){if(!I)return!1;throw new o(C,m.params.allowed_tokens)}if(!m.params.permissions.find(A=>l.includes(A))){if(!I)return!1;throw new c(l,m.params.permissions)}let R="";try{R=u.bech32.decode(v).prefix}catch{throw new Error(`Address address=${v} must be a valid bech32 address`)}let k="";try{k=(0,s.base64PubkeyToAddress)(m.signature.pub_key.value,R)}catch{throw new n("Pubkey invalid")}if(k!==v){if(!I)return!1;throw new f(m.signature.pub_key,v)}let N=!1;try{N=h(m)}catch{if(!I)return!1;throw new i(m.signature.signature,m.signature.pub_key.value)}if(!N){if(!I)return!1;throw new i(m.signature.signature,m.signature.pub_key.value)}return!0};const h=m=>{let v=(0,e.newSignDoc)(m.params.chain_id,m.params.permit_name,m.params.allowed_tokens,m.params.permissions);const C=(0,t.sha256)((0,r.serializeStdSignDoc)(v));let l=d.Signature.fromCompact((0,a.fromBase64)(m.signature.signature));return d.verify(l,C,(0,a.fromBase64)(m.signature.pub_key.value))}},3117:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.PermitSigner=e.DirectSignerUnsupported=void 0;const E=b(7131);class M extends E.PermitError{constructor(){super("Only amino signer is supported for permits")}}e.DirectSignerUnsupported=M,e.PermitSigner=class{constructor(P){this.isAminoSigner=y=>"signAmino"in y,this.signer=P}_checkSigner(){if(!this.isAminoSigner(this.signer))throw new M}sign(P,y,a,t,d,u=!0){return this._checkSigner(),(0,E.newPermit)(this.signer,P,y,a,t,d,u)}verify(P,y,a,t){return(0,E.validatePermit)(P,y,a,t)}verifyNoExcept(P,y,a,t){return(0,E.validatePermit)(P,y,a,t,!1)}}},8680:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},1610:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgCreateViewingKey=e.MsgSetViewingKey=void 0;const E=b(3745);class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSetViewingKey=M;class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgCreateViewingKey=P},4447:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(y,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){var f;i.done?u(i.value):(f=i.value,f instanceof t?f:new t(function(c){c(f)})).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(y,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Snip1155Querier=void 0;const M=b(9150);class P extends M.ComputeQuerier{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.getBalance=({contract:a,token_id:t,owner:d,auth:u})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(u.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{balance:{token_id:t,owner:d,viewer:u.viewer.address,key:u.viewer.viewing_key}}});if(u.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:u.permit,query:{balance:{token_id:t,owner:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetBalance")}),this.getAllBalances=({contract:a,auth:t,owner:d,tx_history_page:u,tx_history_page_size:s})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer&&d){if(t.viewer.address!==d)throw new Error("only owner can query all balances");return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{all_balances:{owner:d,key:t.viewer.viewing_key,tx_history_page:u,tx_history_page_size:s}}})}if(t.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{all_balances:{tx_history_page:u,tx_history_page_size:s}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetAllBalances")}),this.getTransactionHistory=({contract:a,auth:t,page_size:d,page:u})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer)return this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{transaction_history:{key:t.viewer.viewing_key,address:t.viewer.address,page_size:d,page:u}}});if(t.permit)return this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{transaction_history:{page_size:d,page:u}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransactionHistory")}),this.getPublicTokenInfo=({contract:a,token_id:t})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{token_id_public_info:{token_id:t}}})}),this.getPrivateTokenInfo=({contract:a,token_id:t,auth:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{token_id_private_info:{token_id:t,address:d.viewer.address,key:d.viewer.viewing_key}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{token_id_private_info:{token_id:t}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransactionHistory")})}}e.Snip1155Querier=P},7350:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata=e.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter=e.MsgSnipAddMinter=e.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer=e.MsgSnip1155Transfer=e.MsgSnip1155Burn=e.MsgSnip1155Mint=e.MsgSnip1155BatchSend=e.MsgSnip1155Send=e.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator=e.MsgSnip1155AddCurator=e.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens=e.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin=e.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin=void 0;const E=b(3745);class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin=M;class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin=P;class y extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens=y;class a extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155AddCurator=a;class t extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator=t;class d extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Send=d;class u extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155BatchSend=u;class s extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Mint=s;class r extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Burn=r;class n extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Transfer=n;class o extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer=o;class i extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnipAddMinter=i;class f extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter=f;class c extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata=c},8471:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(P,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return y[a]}})}:function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),P[t]=y[a]}),M=this&&this.__exportStar||function(P,y){for(var a in P)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y,a)||E(y,P,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),M(b(3655),e),M(b(1047),e)},3655:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(y,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){var f;i.done?u(i.value):(f=i.value,f instanceof t?f:new t(function(c){c(f)})).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(y,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Snip20Querier=void 0;const M=b(3607);class P extends M.ComputeQuerier{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.getSnip20Params=({contract:a})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{token_info:{}}})}),this.getBalance=({contract:a,address:t,auth:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{balance:{address:t,key:d.key}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{balance:{}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetBalance")}),this.getTransferHistory=({contract:a,address:t,auth:d,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{transfer_history:{address:t,key:d.key,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{transfer_history:{page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransferHistory")}),this.getTransactionHistory=({contract:a,address:t,auth:d,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{transaction_history:{address:t,key:d.key,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{transaction_history:{page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransactionHistory")}),this.GetAllowance=({contract:a,owner:t,spender:d,auth:u})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(u.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{allowance:{owner:t,spender:d,key:u.key}}});if(u.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:u.permit,query:{allowance:{owner:t,spender:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetAllowance")})}}e.Snip20Querier=P},1047:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSnip20SetViewingKey=e.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance=e.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance=e.MsgSnip20Transfer=e.MsgSnip20Send=void 0;const E=b(3745);class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20Send=M;class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20Transfer=P;class y extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance=y;class a extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance=a;class t extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20SetViewingKey=t},2412:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(P,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return y[a]}})}:function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),P[t]=y[a]}),M=this&&this.__exportStar||function(P,y){for(var a in P)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y,a)||E(y,P,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),M(b(3449),e),M(b(4539),e)},3449:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(y,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){var f;i.done?u(i.value):(f=i.value,f instanceof t?f:new t(function(c){c(f)})).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(y,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Snip721Querier=void 0;const M=b(9150);class P extends M.ComputeQuerier{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.GetTokenInfo=({contract:a,auth:t,token_id:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{all_nft_info:{token_id:d,viewer:t.viewer}}});if(t.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{all_nft_info:{token_id:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetTokenInfo")}),this.GetOwnedTokens=({contract:a,auth:t,owner:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{tokens:{owner:d,viewing_key:t.viewer.viewing_key}}});if(t.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{tokens:{owner:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetOwnedTokens")})}}e.Snip721Querier=P},4539:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSnip721Mint=e.MsgSnip721AddMinter=e.MsgSnip721Send=void 0;const E=b(3745);class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip721Send=M;class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip721AddMinter=P;class y extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip721Mint=y},3004:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const y=P(b(1704));e.Query=class{static Accounts(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Account(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts/${a.address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Params(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ModuleAccountByName(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts/${a.name}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["name"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},3704:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const y=P(b(1704));e.Query=class{static Grants(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GranterGrants(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/granter/${a.granter}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["granter"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GranteeGrants(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/grantee/${a.grantee}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["grantee"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},1926:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const y=P(b(1704));e.Query=class{static Balance(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}/by_denom?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static AllBalances(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static SpendableBalances(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/spendable_balances/${a.address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static TotalSupply(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static SupplyOf(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/${a.denom}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["denom"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Params(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static DenomMetadata(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata/${a.denom}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["denom"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static DenomsMetadata(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},4210:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Service=void 0;const y=P(b(1704));e.Service=class{static Config(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/node/v1beta1/config?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},2390:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Service=void 0;const y=P(b(1704));e.Service=class{static GetNodeInfo(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GetSyncing(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GetLatestBlock(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/latest?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GetBlockByHeight(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/${a.height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["height"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GetLatestValidatorSet(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/latest?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GetValidatorSetByHeight(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/${a.height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["height"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},406:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 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y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/client_connections/${a.client_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["client_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ConnectionClientState(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/client_state?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["connection_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ConnectionConsensusState(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/consensus_state/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["connection_id","revision_number","revision_height"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},5250:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const y=P(b(1704));e.Query=class{static ContractInfo(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/info/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ContractsByCodeId(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contracts/${a.code_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["code_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static QuerySecretContract(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/query/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Code(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code/${a.code_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["code_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Codes(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/codes?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static CodeHashByContractAddress(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_contract_address/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static CodeHashByCodeId(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_code_id/${a.code_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["code_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static LabelByAddress(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/label/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static AddressByLabel(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_address/${a.label}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["label"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ContractHistory(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_history/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},71:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var 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y.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/tx-key?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static RegistrationKey(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/registration-key?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static EncryptedSeed(a,t){return y.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/encrypted-seed/${a.pub_key}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a,["pub_key"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},3607:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(t,d,u,s){s===void 0&&(s=u),Object.defineProperty(t,s,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return d[u]}})}:function(t,d,u,s){s===void 0&&(s=u),t[s]=d[u]}),M=this&&this.__exportStar||function(t,d){for(var u in t)u==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,u)||E(d,t,u)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgExecuteContractResponse=e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse=e.MsgStoreCodeResponse=e.MetaMaskWallet=e.Wallet=void 0,typeof BigInt>"u"&&(b.g.BigInt=b(4736)),M(b(8972),e),M(b(8136),e),M(b(9150),e),M(b(1972),e),M(b(3745),e),M(b(8593),e);var P=b(1049);Object.defineProperty(e,"Wallet",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return P.Wallet}});var y=b(1444);Object.defineProperty(e,"MetaMaskWallet",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return y.MetaMaskWallet}}),M(b(8471),e),M(b(2412),e),M(b(7061),e);var a=b(2896);Object.defineProperty(e,"MsgStoreCodeResponse",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.MsgStoreCodeResponse}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"MsgInstantiateContractResponse",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.MsgInstantiateContractResponse}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"MsgExecuteContractResponse",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.MsgExecuteContractResponse}})},6578:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(w,_,p,O){O===void 0&&(O=p),Object.defineProperty(w,O,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return _[p]}})}:function(w,_,p,O){O===void 0&&(O=p),w[O]=_[p]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(w,_){Object.defineProperty(w,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:_})}:function(w,_){w.default=_}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(w){if(w&&w.__esModule)return w;var _={};if(w!=null)for(var p in w)p!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w,p)&&E(_,w,p);return M(_,w),_},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(w){return w&&w.__esModule?w:{default:w}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.CompressedNonExistenceProof=e.CompressedExistenceProof=e.CompressedBatchEntry=e.CompressedBatchProof=e.BatchEntry=e.BatchProof=e.InnerSpec=e.ProofSpec=e.InnerOp=e.LeafOp=e.CommitmentProof=e.NonExistenceProof=e.ExistenceProof=e.lengthOpToJSON=e.lengthOpFromJSON=e.LengthOp=e.hashOpToJSON=e.hashOpFromJSON=e.HashOp=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));var d,u;function s(w){switch(w){case 0:case"NO_HASH":return d.NO_HASH;case 1:case"SHA256":return d.SHA256;case 2:case"SHA512":return d.SHA512;case 3:case"KECCAK":return d.KECCAK;case 4:case"RIPEMD160":return d.RIPEMD160;case 5:case"BITCOIN":return d.BITCOIN;default:return d.UNRECOGNIZED}}function r(w){switch(w){case d.NO_HASH:return"NO_HASH";case d.SHA256:return"SHA256";case d.SHA512:return"SHA512";case d.KECCAK:return"KECCAK";case d.RIPEMD160:return"RIPEMD160";case d.BITCOIN:return"BITCOIN";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function 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w.path)e.InnerOp.encode(p,_.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return _},decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U=i();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:U.value=p.bytes();break;case 3:U.leaf=e.LeafOp.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 4:U.path.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p,p.uint32()));break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({key:A(w.key)?R(w.key):new Uint8Array,value:A(w.value)?R(w.value):new Uint8Array,leaf:A(w.leaf)?e.LeafOp.fromJSON(w.leaf):void 0,path:Array.isArray(w==null?void 0:w.path)?w.path.map(_=>e.InnerOp.fromJSON(_)):[]}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.key!==void 0&&(_.key=N(w.key!==void 0?w.key:new Uint8Array)),w.value!==void 0&&(_.value=N(w.value!==void 0?w.value:new Uint8Array)),w.leaf!==void 0&&(_.leaf=w.leaf?e.LeafOp.toJSON(w.leaf):void 0),w.path?_.path=w.path.map(p=>p?e.InnerOp.toJSON(p):void 0):_.path=[],_},fromPartial(w){var _,p,O;const U=i();return U.key=(_=w.key)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,U.value=(p=w.value)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,U.leaf=w.leaf!==void 0&&w.leaf!==null?e.LeafOp.fromPartial(w.leaf):void 0,U.path=((O=w.path)===null||O===void 0?void 0:O.map(T=>e.InnerOp.fromPartial(T)))||[],U}},e.NonExistenceProof={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.key.length!==0&&_.uint32(10).bytes(w.key),w.left!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.left,_.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),w.right!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.right,_.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U=f();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:U.left=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:U.right=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({key:A(w.key)?R(w.key):new Uint8Array,left:A(w.left)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.left):void 0,right:A(w.right)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.right):void 0}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.key!==void 0&&(_.key=N(w.key!==void 0?w.key:new Uint8Array)),w.left!==void 0&&(_.left=w.left?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.left):void 0),w.right!==void 0&&(_.right=w.right?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.right):void 0),_},fromPartial(w){var _;const p=f();return p.key=(_=w.key)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,p.left=w.left!==void 0&&w.left!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.left):void 0,p.right=w.right!==void 0&&w.right!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.right):void 0,p}},e.CommitmentProof={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.exist!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.exist,_.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),w.nonexist!==void 0&&e.NonExistenceProof.encode(w.nonexist,_.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),w.batch!==void 0&&e.BatchProof.encode(w.batch,_.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),w.compressed!==void 0&&e.CompressedBatchProof.encode(w.compressed,_.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0,batch:void 0,compressed:void 0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.exist=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:U.nonexist=e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:U.batch=e.BatchProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 4:U.compressed=e.CompressedBatchProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({exist:A(w.exist)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.exist):void 0,nonexist:A(w.nonexist)?e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.nonexist):void 0,batch:A(w.batch)?e.BatchProof.fromJSON(w.batch):void 0,compressed:A(w.compressed)?e.CompressedBatchProof.fromJSON(w.compressed):void 0}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.exist!==void 0&&(_.exist=w.exist?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.exist):void 0),w.nonexist!==void 0&&(_.nonexist=w.nonexist?e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(w.nonexist):void 0),w.batch!==void 0&&(_.batch=w.batch?e.BatchProof.toJSON(w.batch):void 0),w.compressed!==void 0&&(_.compressed=w.compressed?e.CompressedBatchProof.toJSON(w.compressed):void 0),_},fromPartial(w){const _={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0,batch:void 0,compressed:void 0};return _.exist=w.exist!==void 0&&w.exist!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.exist):void 0,_.nonexist=w.nonexist!==void 0&&w.nonexist!==null?e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.nonexist):void 0,_.batch=w.batch!==void 0&&w.batch!==null?e.BatchProof.fromPartial(w.batch):void 0,_.compressed=w.compressed!==void 0&&w.compressed!==null?e.CompressedBatchProof.fromPartial(w.compressed):void 0,_}},e.LeafOp={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.hash!==0&&_.uint32(8).int32(w.hash),w.prehash_key!==0&&_.uint32(16).int32(w.prehash_key),w.prehash_value!==0&&_.uint32(24).int32(w.prehash_value),w.length!==0&&_.uint32(32).int32(w.length),w.prefix.length!==0&&_.uint32(42).bytes(w.prefix),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U=c();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.hash=p.int32();break;case 2:U.prehash_key=p.int32();break;case 3:U.prehash_value=p.int32();break;case 4:U.length=p.int32();break;case 5:U.prefix=p.bytes();break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({hash:A(w.hash)?s(w.hash):0,prehash_key:A(w.prehash_key)?s(w.prehash_key):0,prehash_value:A(w.prehash_value)?s(w.prehash_value):0,length:A(w.length)?n(w.length):0,prefix:A(w.prefix)?R(w.prefix):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.hash!==void 0&&(_.hash=r(w.hash)),w.prehash_key!==void 0&&(_.prehash_key=r(w.prehash_key)),w.prehash_value!==void 0&&(_.prehash_value=r(w.prehash_value)),w.length!==void 0&&(_.length=o(w.length)),w.prefix!==void 0&&(_.prefix=N(w.prefix!==void 0?w.prefix:new Uint8Array)),_},fromPartial(w){var _,p,O,U,T;const z=c();return z.hash=(_=w.hash)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:0,z.prehash_key=(p=w.prehash_key)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,z.prehash_value=(O=w.prehash_value)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:0,z.length=(U=w.length)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:0,z.prefix=(T=w.prefix)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:new Uint8Array,z}},e.InnerOp={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.hash!==0&&_.uint32(8).int32(w.hash),w.prefix.length!==0&&_.uint32(18).bytes(w.prefix),w.suffix.length!==0&&_.uint32(26).bytes(w.suffix),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U=h();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.hash=p.int32();break;case 2:U.prefix=p.bytes();break;case 3:U.suffix=p.bytes();break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({hash:A(w.hash)?s(w.hash):0,prefix:A(w.prefix)?R(w.prefix):new Uint8Array,suffix:A(w.suffix)?R(w.suffix):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.hash!==void 0&&(_.hash=r(w.hash)),w.prefix!==void 0&&(_.prefix=N(w.prefix!==void 0?w.prefix:new Uint8Array)),w.suffix!==void 0&&(_.suffix=N(w.suffix!==void 0?w.suffix:new Uint8Array)),_},fromPartial(w){var _,p,O;const U=h();return U.hash=(_=w.hash)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:0,U.prefix=(p=w.prefix)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,U.suffix=(O=w.suffix)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:new Uint8Array,U}},e.ProofSpec={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.leaf_spec!==void 0&&e.LeafOp.encode(w.leaf_spec,_.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),w.inner_spec!==void 0&&e.InnerSpec.encode(w.inner_spec,_.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),w.max_depth!==0&&_.uint32(24).int32(w.max_depth),w.min_depth!==0&&_.uint32(32).int32(w.min_depth),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U={leaf_spec:void 0,inner_spec:void 0,max_depth:0,min_depth:0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.leaf_spec=e.LeafOp.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:U.inner_spec=e.InnerSpec.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:U.max_depth=p.int32();break;case 4:U.min_depth=p.int32();break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({leaf_spec:A(w.leaf_spec)?e.LeafOp.fromJSON(w.leaf_spec):void 0,inner_spec:A(w.inner_spec)?e.InnerSpec.fromJSON(w.inner_spec):void 0,max_depth:A(w.max_depth)?Number(w.max_depth):0,min_depth:A(w.min_depth)?Number(w.min_depth):0}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.leaf_spec!==void 0&&(_.leaf_spec=w.leaf_spec?e.LeafOp.toJSON(w.leaf_spec):void 0),w.inner_spec!==void 0&&(_.inner_spec=w.inner_spec?e.InnerSpec.toJSON(w.inner_spec):void 0),w.max_depth!==void 0&&(_.max_depth=Math.round(w.max_depth)),w.min_depth!==void 0&&(_.min_depth=Math.round(w.min_depth)),_},fromPartial(w){var _,p;const O={leaf_spec:void 0,inner_spec:void 0,max_depth:0,min_depth:0};return O.leaf_spec=w.leaf_spec!==void 0&&w.leaf_spec!==null?e.LeafOp.fromPartial(w.leaf_spec):void 0,O.inner_spec=w.inner_spec!==void 0&&w.inner_spec!==null?e.InnerSpec.fromPartial(w.inner_spec):void 0,O.max_depth=(_=w.max_depth)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:0,O.min_depth=(p=w.min_depth)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,O}},e.InnerSpec={encode(w,_=t.Writer.create()){_.uint32(10).fork();for(const p of w.child_order)_.int32(p);return _.ldelim(),w.child_size!==0&&_.uint32(16).int32(w.child_size),w.min_prefix_length!==0&&_.uint32(24).int32(w.min_prefix_length),w.max_prefix_length!==0&&_.uint32(32).int32(w.max_prefix_length),w.empty_child.length!==0&&_.uint32(42).bytes(w.empty_child),w.hash!==0&&_.uint32(48).int32(w.hash),_},decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U=m();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:if((7&T)==2){const z=p.uint32()+p.pos;for(;p.pos({child_order:Array.isArray(w==null?void 0:w.child_order)?w.child_order.map(_=>Number(_)):[],child_size:A(w.child_size)?Number(w.child_size):0,min_prefix_length:A(w.min_prefix_length)?Number(w.min_prefix_length):0,max_prefix_length:A(w.max_prefix_length)?Number(w.max_prefix_length):0,empty_child:A(w.empty_child)?R(w.empty_child):new Uint8Array,hash:A(w.hash)?s(w.hash):0}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.child_order?_.child_order=w.child_order.map(p=>Math.round(p)):_.child_order=[],w.child_size!==void 0&&(_.child_size=Math.round(w.child_size)),w.min_prefix_length!==void 0&&(_.min_prefix_length=Math.round(w.min_prefix_length)),w.max_prefix_length!==void 0&&(_.max_prefix_length=Math.round(w.max_prefix_length)),w.empty_child!==void 0&&(_.empty_child=N(w.empty_child!==void 0?w.empty_child:new Uint8Array)),w.hash!==void 0&&(_.hash=r(w.hash)),_},fromPartial(w){var _,p,O,U,T,z;const te=m();return te.child_order=((_=w.child_order)===null||_===void 0?void 0:_.map(X=>X))||[],te.child_size=(p=w.child_size)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,te.min_prefix_length=(O=w.min_prefix_length)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:0,te.max_prefix_length=(U=w.max_prefix_length)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:0,te.empty_child=(T=w.empty_child)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:new Uint8Array,te.hash=(z=w.hash)!==null&&z!==void 0?z:0,te}},e.BatchProof={encode(w,_=t.Writer.create()){for(const p of w.entries)e.BatchEntry.encode(p,_.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return _},decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U={entries:[]};for(;p.pos>>3==1?U.entries.push(e.BatchEntry.decode(p,p.uint32())):p.skipType(7&T)}return U},fromJSON:w=>({entries:Array.isArray(w==null?void 0:w.entries)?w.entries.map(_=>e.BatchEntry.fromJSON(_)):[]}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.entries?_.entries=w.entries.map(p=>p?e.BatchEntry.toJSON(p):void 0):_.entries=[],_},fromPartial(w){var _;const p={entries:[]};return p.entries=((_=w.entries)===null||_===void 0?void 0:_.map(O=>e.BatchEntry.fromPartial(O)))||[],p}},e.BatchEntry={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.exist!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.exist,_.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),w.nonexist!==void 0&&e.NonExistenceProof.encode(w.nonexist,_.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.exist=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:U.nonexist=e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({exist:A(w.exist)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.exist):void 0,nonexist:A(w.nonexist)?e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.nonexist):void 0}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.exist!==void 0&&(_.exist=w.exist?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.exist):void 0),w.nonexist!==void 0&&(_.nonexist=w.nonexist?e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(w.nonexist):void 0),_},fromPartial(w){const _={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};return _.exist=w.exist!==void 0&&w.exist!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.exist):void 0,_.nonexist=w.nonexist!==void 0&&w.nonexist!==null?e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.nonexist):void 0,_}},e.CompressedBatchProof={encode(w,_=t.Writer.create()){for(const p of w.entries)e.CompressedBatchEntry.encode(p,_.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const p of w.lookup_inners)e.InnerOp.encode(p,_.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return _},decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U={entries:[],lookup_inners:[]};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.entries.push(e.CompressedBatchEntry.decode(p,p.uint32()));break;case 2:U.lookup_inners.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p,p.uint32()));break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({entries:Array.isArray(w==null?void 0:w.entries)?w.entries.map(_=>e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromJSON(_)):[],lookup_inners:Array.isArray(w==null?void 0:w.lookup_inners)?w.lookup_inners.map(_=>e.InnerOp.fromJSON(_)):[]}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.entries?_.entries=w.entries.map(p=>p?e.CompressedBatchEntry.toJSON(p):void 0):_.entries=[],w.lookup_inners?_.lookup_inners=w.lookup_inners.map(p=>p?e.InnerOp.toJSON(p):void 0):_.lookup_inners=[],_},fromPartial(w){var _,p;const O={entries:[],lookup_inners:[]};return O.entries=((_=w.entries)===null||_===void 0?void 0:_.map(U=>e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromPartial(U)))||[],O.lookup_inners=((p=w.lookup_inners)===null||p===void 0?void 0:p.map(U=>e.InnerOp.fromPartial(U)))||[],O}},e.CompressedBatchEntry={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.exist!==void 0&&e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(w.exist,_.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),w.nonexist!==void 0&&e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.encode(w.nonexist,_.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.exist=e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:U.nonexist=e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({exist:A(w.exist)?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.exist):void 0,nonexist:A(w.nonexist)?e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.nonexist):void 0}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.exist!==void 0&&(_.exist=w.exist?e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(w.exist):void 0),w.nonexist!==void 0&&(_.nonexist=w.nonexist?e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.toJSON(w.nonexist):void 0),_},fromPartial(w){const _={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};return _.exist=w.exist!==void 0&&w.exist!==null?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.exist):void 0,_.nonexist=w.nonexist!==void 0&&w.nonexist!==null?e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.nonexist):void 0,_}},e.CompressedExistenceProof={encode(w,_=t.Writer.create()){w.key.length!==0&&_.uint32(10).bytes(w.key),w.value.length!==0&&_.uint32(18).bytes(w.value),w.leaf!==void 0&&e.LeafOp.encode(w.leaf,_.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),_.uint32(34).fork();for(const p of w.path)_.int32(p);return _.ldelim(),_},decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U=v();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:U.value=p.bytes();break;case 3:U.leaf=e.LeafOp.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 4:if((7&T)==2){const z=p.uint32()+p.pos;for(;p.pos({key:A(w.key)?R(w.key):new Uint8Array,value:A(w.value)?R(w.value):new Uint8Array,leaf:A(w.leaf)?e.LeafOp.fromJSON(w.leaf):void 0,path:Array.isArray(w==null?void 0:w.path)?w.path.map(_=>Number(_)):[]}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.key!==void 0&&(_.key=N(w.key!==void 0?w.key:new Uint8Array)),w.value!==void 0&&(_.value=N(w.value!==void 0?w.value:new Uint8Array)),w.leaf!==void 0&&(_.leaf=w.leaf?e.LeafOp.toJSON(w.leaf):void 0),w.path?_.path=w.path.map(p=>Math.round(p)):_.path=[],_},fromPartial(w){var _,p,O;const U=v();return U.key=(_=w.key)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,U.value=(p=w.value)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,U.leaf=w.leaf!==void 0&&w.leaf!==null?e.LeafOp.fromPartial(w.leaf):void 0,U.path=((O=w.path)===null||O===void 0?void 0:O.map(T=>T))||[],U}},e.CompressedNonExistenceProof={encode:(w,_=t.Writer.create())=>(w.key.length!==0&&_.uint32(10).bytes(w.key),w.left!==void 0&&e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(w.left,_.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),w.right!==void 0&&e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(w.right,_.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),_),decode(w,_){const p=w instanceof t.Reader?w:new t.Reader(w);let O=_===void 0?p.len:p.pos+_;const U=C();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:U.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:U.left=e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:U.right=e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&T)}}return U},fromJSON:w=>({key:A(w.key)?R(w.key):new Uint8Array,left:A(w.left)?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.left):void 0,right:A(w.right)?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.right):void 0}),toJSON(w){const _={};return w.key!==void 0&&(_.key=N(w.key!==void 0?w.key:new Uint8Array)),w.left!==void 0&&(_.left=w.left?e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(w.left):void 0),w.right!==void 0&&(_.right=w.right?e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(w.right):void 0),_},fromPartial(w){var _;const p=C();return p.key=(_=w.key)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,p.left=w.left!==void 0&&w.left!==null?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.left):void 0,p.right=w.right!==void 0&&w.right!==null?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.right):void 0,p}};var l=(()=>{if(l!==void 0)return l;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const I=l.atob||(w=>l.Buffer.from(w,"base64").toString("binary"));function R(w){const _=I(w),p=new Uint8Array(_.length);for(let O=0;O<_.length;++O)p[O]=_.charCodeAt(O);return p}const k=l.btoa||(w=>l.Buffer.from(w,"binary").toString("base64"));function N(w){const _=[];for(const p of w)_.push(String.fromCharCode(p));return k(_.join(""))}function A(w){return w!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9094:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return M(f,i),f},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.GrantAuthorization=e.Grant=e.GenericAuthorization=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191),u=b(5090);function s(i){return{seconds:Math.trunc(i.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:i.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function r(i){let f=1e3*Number(i.seconds);return f+=i.nanos/1e6,new Date(f)}function n(i){return i instanceof Date?s(i):typeof i=="string"?s(new Date(i)):u.Timestamp.fromJSON(i)}function o(i){return i!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.authz.v1beta1",e.GenericAuthorization={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.msg!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.msg),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={msg:""};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.msg=c.string():c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({msg:o(i.msg)?String(i.msg):""}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.msg!==void 0&&(f.msg=i.msg),f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={msg:""};return c.msg=(f=i.msg)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c}},e.Grant={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.authorization!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(i.authorization,f.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),i.expiration!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(i.expiration,f.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.authorization=d.Any.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 2:m.expiration=u.Timestamp.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({authorization:o(i.authorization)?d.Any.fromJSON(i.authorization):void 0,expiration:o(i.expiration)?n(i.expiration):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.authorization!==void 0&&(f.authorization=i.authorization?d.Any.toJSON(i.authorization):void 0),i.expiration!==void 0&&(f.expiration=r(i.expiration).toISOString()),f},fromPartial(i){const f={authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};return f.authorization=i.authorization!==void 0&&i.authorization!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(i.authorization):void 0,f.expiration=i.expiration!==void 0&&i.expiration!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(i.expiration):void 0,f}},e.GrantAuthorization={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.granter!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.granter),i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.grantee),i.authorization!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(i.authorization,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),i.expiration!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(i.expiration,f.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.granter=c.string();break;case 2:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 3:m.authorization=d.Any.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 4:m.expiration=u.Timestamp.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({granter:o(i.granter)?String(i.granter):"",grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",authorization:o(i.authorization)?d.Any.fromJSON(i.authorization):void 0,expiration:o(i.expiration)?n(i.expiration):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.granter!==void 0&&(f.granter=i.granter),i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.authorization!==void 0&&(f.authorization=i.authorization?d.Any.toJSON(i.authorization):void 0),i.expiration!==void 0&&(f.expiration=r(i.expiration).toISOString()),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={granter:"",grantee:"",authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};return h.granter=(f=i.granter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.grantee=(c=i.grantee)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.authorization=i.authorization!==void 0&&i.authorization!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(i.authorization):void 0,h.expiration=i.expiration!==void 0&&i.expiration!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(i.expiration):void 0,h}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5635:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return M(f,i),f},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgRevokeResponse=e.MsgRevoke=e.MsgGrantResponse=e.MsgExec=e.MsgExecResponse=e.MsgGrant=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(9094),u=b(4191);e.protobufPackage="cosmos.authz.v1beta1",e.MsgGrant={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.granter!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.granter),i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.grantee),i.grant!==void 0&&d.Grant.encode(i.grant,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",grant:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.granter=c.string();break;case 2:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 3:m.grant=d.Grant.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({granter:o(i.granter)?String(i.granter):"",grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",grant:o(i.grant)?d.Grant.fromJSON(i.grant):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.granter!==void 0&&(f.granter=i.granter),i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.grant!==void 0&&(f.grant=i.grant?d.Grant.toJSON(i.grant):void 0),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={granter:"",grantee:"",grant:void 0};return h.granter=(f=i.granter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.grantee=(c=i.grantee)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.grant=i.grant!==void 0&&i.grant!==null?d.Grant.fromPartial(i.grant):void 0,h}},e.MsgExecResponse={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){for(const c of i.results)f.uint32(10).bytes(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={results:[]};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.results.push(c.bytes()):c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({results:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.results)?i.results.map(f=>function(c){const h=r(c),m=new Uint8Array(h.length);for(let v=0;vfunction(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return n(m.join(""))}(c!==void 0?c:new Uint8Array)):f.results=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={results:[]};return c.results=((f=i.results)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>h))||[],c}},e.MsgExec={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.grantee);for(const c of i.msgs)u.Any.encode(c,f.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={grantee:"",msgs:[]};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 2:m.msgs.push(u.Any.decode(c,c.uint32()));break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",msgs:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.msgs)?i.msgs.map(f=>u.Any.fromJSON(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.msgs?f.msgs=i.msgs.map(c=>c?u.Any.toJSON(c):void 0):f.msgs=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={grantee:"",msgs:[]};return h.grantee=(f=i.grantee)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.msgs=((c=i.msgs)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>u.Any.fromPartial(m)))||[],h}},e.MsgGrantResponse={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>f,decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;for(;c.pos({}),toJSON:i=>({}),fromPartial:i=>({})},e.MsgRevoke={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.granter!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.granter),i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.grantee),i.msg_type_url!==""&&f.uint32(26).string(i.msg_type_url),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",msg_type_url:""};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.granter=c.string();break;case 2:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 3:m.msg_type_url=c.string();break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({granter:o(i.granter)?String(i.granter):"",grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",msg_type_url:o(i.msg_type_url)?String(i.msg_type_url):""}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.granter!==void 0&&(f.granter=i.granter),i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.msg_type_url!==void 0&&(f.msg_type_url=i.msg_type_url),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c,h;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",msg_type_url:""};return m.granter=(f=i.granter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",m.grantee=(c=i.grantee)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",m.msg_type_url=(h=i.msg_type_url)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",m}},e.MsgRevokeResponse={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>f,decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;for(;c.pos({}),toJSON:i=>({}),fromPartial:i=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(i){this.rpc=i,this.Grant=this.Grant.bind(this),this.Exec=this.Exec.bind(this),this.Revoke=this.Revoke.bind(this)}Grant(i){const f=e.MsgGrant.encode(i).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.authz.v1beta1.Msg","Grant",f).then(c=>e.MsgGrantResponse.decode(new t.Reader(c)))}Exec(i){const f=e.MsgExec.encode(i).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.authz.v1beta1.Msg","Exec",f).then(c=>e.MsgExecResponse.decode(new t.Reader(c)))}Revoke(i){const f=e.MsgRevoke.encode(i).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.authz.v1beta1.Msg","Revoke",f).then(c=>e.MsgRevokeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(c)))}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(i=>s.Buffer.from(i,"base64").toString("binary")),n=s.btoa||(i=>s.Buffer.from(i,"binary").toString("base64"));function o(i){return i!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5939:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return M(s,u),s},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SendAuthorization=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976);e.protobufPackage="cosmos.bank.v1beta1",e.SendAuthorization={encode(u,s=t.Writer.create()){for(const r of u.spend_limit)d.Coin.encode(r,s.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return s},decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={spend_limit:[]};for(;r.pos>>3==1?o.spend_limit.push(d.Coin.decode(r,r.uint32())):r.skipType(7&i)}return o},fromJSON:u=>({spend_limit:Array.isArray(u==null?void 0:u.spend_limit)?u.spend_limit.map(s=>d.Coin.fromJSON(s)):[]}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.spend_limit?s.spend_limit=u.spend_limit.map(r=>r?d.Coin.toJSON(r):void 0):s.spend_limit=[],s},fromPartial(u){var s;const r={spend_limit:[]};return r.spend_limit=((s=u.spend_limit)===null||s===void 0?void 0:s.map(n=>d.Coin.fromPartial(n)))||[],r}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},7725:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return M(r,s),r},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Metadata=e.DenomUnit=e.Supply=e.Output=e.Input=e.SendEnabled=e.Params=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.bank.v1beta1",e.Params={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){for(const n of s.send_enabled)e.SendEnabled.encode(n,r.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return s.default_send_enabled===!0&&r.uint32(16).bool(s.default_send_enabled),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={send_enabled:[],default_send_enabled:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.send_enabled.push(e.SendEnabled.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 2:i.default_send_enabled=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({send_enabled:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.send_enabled)?s.send_enabled.map(r=>e.SendEnabled.fromJSON(r)):[],default_send_enabled:!!u(s.default_send_enabled)&&!!s.default_send_enabled}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.send_enabled?r.send_enabled=s.send_enabled.map(n=>n?e.SendEnabled.toJSON(n):void 0):r.send_enabled=[],s.default_send_enabled!==void 0&&(r.default_send_enabled=s.default_send_enabled),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={send_enabled:[],default_send_enabled:!1};return o.send_enabled=((r=s.send_enabled)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.map(i=>e.SendEnabled.fromPartial(i)))||[],o.default_send_enabled=(n=s.default_send_enabled)!==null&&n!==void 0&&n,o}},e.SendEnabled={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.denom!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.denom),s.enabled===!0&&r.uint32(16).bool(s.enabled),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={denom:"",enabled:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.denom=n.string();break;case 2:i.enabled=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({denom:u(s.denom)?String(s.denom):"",enabled:!!u(s.enabled)&&!!s.enabled}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.denom!==void 0&&(r.denom=s.denom),s.enabled!==void 0&&(r.enabled=s.enabled),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={denom:"",enabled:!1};return o.denom=(r=s.denom)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.enabled=(n=s.enabled)!==null&&n!==void 0&&n,o}},e.Input={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.address);for(const n of s.coins)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={address:"",coins:[]};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.address=n.string();break;case 2:i.coins.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({address:u(s.address)?String(s.address):"",coins:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.coins)?s.coins.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.address!==void 0&&(r.address=s.address),s.coins?r.coins=s.coins.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.coins=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={address:"",coins:[]};return o.address=(r=s.address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.coins=((n=s.coins)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.Coin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.Output={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.address);for(const n of s.coins)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={address:"",coins:[]};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.address=n.string();break;case 2:i.coins.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({address:u(s.address)?String(s.address):"",coins:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.coins)?s.coins.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.address!==void 0&&(r.address=s.address),s.coins?r.coins=s.coins.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.coins=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={address:"",coins:[]};return o.address=(r=s.address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.coins=((n=s.coins)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.Coin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.Supply={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){for(const n of s.total)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={total:[]};for(;n.pos>>3==1?i.total.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32())):n.skipType(7&f)}return i},fromJSON:s=>({total:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.total)?s.total.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.total?r.total=s.total.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.total=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r;const n={total:[]};return n.total=((r=s.total)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.map(o=>d.Coin.fromPartial(o)))||[],n}},e.DenomUnit={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.denom!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.denom),s.exponent!==0&&r.uint32(16).uint32(s.exponent);for(const n of s.aliases)r.uint32(26).string(n);return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={denom:"",exponent:0,aliases:[]};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.denom=n.string();break;case 2:i.exponent=n.uint32();break;case 3:i.aliases.push(n.string());break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({denom:u(s.denom)?String(s.denom):"",exponent:u(s.exponent)?Number(s.exponent):0,aliases:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.aliases)?s.aliases.map(r=>String(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.denom!==void 0&&(r.denom=s.denom),s.exponent!==void 0&&(r.exponent=Math.round(s.exponent)),s.aliases?r.aliases=s.aliases.map(n=>n):r.aliases=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o;const i={denom:"",exponent:0,aliases:[]};return i.denom=(r=s.denom)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",i.exponent=(n=s.exponent)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:0,i.aliases=((o=s.aliases)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>f))||[],i}},e.Metadata={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.description!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.description);for(const n of s.denom_units)e.DenomUnit.encode(n,r.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return s.base!==""&&r.uint32(26).string(s.base),s.display!==""&&r.uint32(34).string(s.display),s.name!==""&&r.uint32(42).string(s.name),s.symbol!==""&&r.uint32(50).string(s.symbol),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={description:"",denom_units:[],base:"",display:"",name:"",symbol:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.description=n.string();break;case 2:i.denom_units.push(e.DenomUnit.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 3:i.base=n.string();break;case 4:i.display=n.string();break;case 5:i.name=n.string();break;case 6:i.symbol=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({description:u(s.description)?String(s.description):"",denom_units:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.denom_units)?s.denom_units.map(r=>e.DenomUnit.fromJSON(r)):[],base:u(s.base)?String(s.base):"",display:u(s.display)?String(s.display):"",name:u(s.name)?String(s.name):"",symbol:u(s.symbol)?String(s.symbol):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.description!==void 0&&(r.description=s.description),s.denom_units?r.denom_units=s.denom_units.map(n=>n?e.DenomUnit.toJSON(n):void 0):r.denom_units=[],s.base!==void 0&&(r.base=s.base),s.display!==void 0&&(r.display=s.display),s.name!==void 0&&(r.name=s.name),s.symbol!==void 0&&(r.symbol=s.symbol),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o,i,f,c;const h={description:"",denom_units:[],base:"",display:"",name:"",symbol:""};return h.description=(r=s.description)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",h.denom_units=((n=s.denom_units)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(m=>e.DenomUnit.fromPartial(m)))||[],h.base=(o=s.base)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",h.display=(i=s.display)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",h.name=(f=s.name)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.symbol=(c=s.symbol)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},810:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return M(n,r),n},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgMultiSendResponse=e.MsgMultiSend=e.MsgSendResponse=e.MsgSend=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976),u=b(7725);function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.bank.v1beta1",e.MsgSend={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.from_address!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.from_address),r.to_address!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.to_address);for(const o of r.amount)d.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.from_address=o.string();break;case 2:f.to_address=o.string();break;case 3:f.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({from_address:s(r.from_address)?String(r.from_address):"",to_address:s(r.to_address)?String(r.to_address):"",amount:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.amount)?r.amount.map(n=>d.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.from_address!==void 0&&(n.from_address=r.from_address),r.to_address!==void 0&&(n.to_address=r.to_address),r.amount?n.amount=r.amount.map(o=>o?d.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.amount=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[]};return f.from_address=(n=r.from_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",f.to_address=(o=r.to_address)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",f.amount=((i=r.amount)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(c=>d.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f}},e.MsgSendResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgMultiSend={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.inputs)u.Input.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.outputs)u.Output.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={inputs:[],outputs:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.inputs.push(u.Input.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.outputs.push(u.Output.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({inputs:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.inputs)?r.inputs.map(n=>u.Input.fromJSON(n)):[],outputs:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.outputs)?r.outputs.map(n=>u.Output.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.inputs?n.inputs=r.inputs.map(o=>o?u.Input.toJSON(o):void 0):n.inputs=[],r.outputs?n.outputs=r.outputs.map(o=>o?u.Output.toJSON(o):void 0):n.outputs=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={inputs:[],outputs:[]};return i.inputs=((n=r.inputs)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(f=>u.Input.fromPartial(f)))||[],i.outputs=((o=r.outputs)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>u.Output.fromPartial(f)))||[],i}},e.MsgMultiSendResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(r){this.rpc=r,this.Send=this.Send.bind(this),this.MultiSend=this.MultiSend.bind(this)}Send(r){const n=e.MsgSend.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Msg","Send",n).then(o=>e.MsgSendResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}MultiSend(r){const n=e.MsgMultiSend.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Msg","MultiSend",n).then(o=>e.MsgMultiSendResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9849:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(v,C,l,I){I===void 0&&(I=l),Object.defineProperty(v,I,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return C[l]}})}:function(v,C,l,I){I===void 0&&(I=l),v[I]=C[l]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(v,C){Object.defineProperty(v,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:C})}:function(v,C){v.default=C}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(v){if(v&&v.__esModule)return v;var C={};if(v!=null)for(var l in v)l!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v,l)&&E(C,v,l);return M(C,v),C},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(v){return v&&v.__esModule?v:{default:v}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SearchTxsResult=e.TxMsgData=e.MsgData=e.SimulationResponse=e.Result=e.GasInfo=e.Attribute=e.StringEvent=e.ABCIMessageLog=e.TxResponse=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191),u=b(2093);function s(){return{data:new Uint8Array,log:"",events:[]}}function r(){return{msg_type:"",data:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1",e.TxResponse={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){v.height!=="0"&&C.uint32(8).int64(v.height),v.txhash!==""&&C.uint32(18).string(v.txhash),v.codespace!==""&&C.uint32(26).string(v.codespace),v.code!==0&&C.uint32(32).uint32(v.code),v.data!==""&&C.uint32(42).string(v.data),v.raw_log!==""&&C.uint32(50).string(v.raw_log);for(const l of v.logs)e.ABCIMessageLog.encode(l,C.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();v.info!==""&&C.uint32(66).string(v.info),v.gas_wanted!=="0"&&C.uint32(72).int64(v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!=="0"&&C.uint32(80).int64(v.gas_used),v.tx!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(v.tx,C.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(),v.timestamp!==""&&C.uint32(98).string(v.timestamp);for(const l of v.events)u.Event.encode(l,C.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={height:"0",txhash:"",codespace:"",code:0,data:"",raw_log:"",logs:[],info:"",gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0",tx:void 0,timestamp:"",events:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.height=h(l.int64());break;case 2:R.txhash=l.string();break;case 3:R.codespace=l.string();break;case 4:R.code=l.uint32();break;case 5:R.data=l.string();break;case 6:R.raw_log=l.string();break;case 7:R.logs.push(e.ABCIMessageLog.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;case 8:R.info=l.string();break;case 9:R.gas_wanted=h(l.int64());break;case 10:R.gas_used=h(l.int64());break;case 11:R.tx=d.Any.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 12:R.timestamp=l.string();break;case 13:R.events.push(u.Event.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({height:m(v.height)?String(v.height):"0",txhash:m(v.txhash)?String(v.txhash):"",codespace:m(v.codespace)?String(v.codespace):"",code:m(v.code)?Number(v.code):0,data:m(v.data)?String(v.data):"",raw_log:m(v.raw_log)?String(v.raw_log):"",logs:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.logs)?v.logs.map(C=>e.ABCIMessageLog.fromJSON(C)):[],info:m(v.info)?String(v.info):"",gas_wanted:m(v.gas_wanted)?String(v.gas_wanted):"0",gas_used:m(v.gas_used)?String(v.gas_used):"0",tx:m(v.tx)?d.Any.fromJSON(v.tx):void 0,timestamp:m(v.timestamp)?String(v.timestamp):"",events:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.events)?v.events.map(C=>u.Event.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.height!==void 0&&(C.height=v.height),v.txhash!==void 0&&(C.txhash=v.txhash),v.codespace!==void 0&&(C.codespace=v.codespace),v.code!==void 0&&(C.code=Math.round(v.code)),v.data!==void 0&&(C.data=v.data),v.raw_log!==void 0&&(C.raw_log=v.raw_log),v.logs?C.logs=v.logs.map(l=>l?e.ABCIMessageLog.toJSON(l):void 0):C.logs=[],v.info!==void 0&&(C.info=v.info),v.gas_wanted!==void 0&&(C.gas_wanted=v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!==void 0&&(C.gas_used=v.gas_used),v.tx!==void 0&&(C.tx=v.tx?d.Any.toJSON(v.tx):void 0),v.timestamp!==void 0&&(C.timestamp=v.timestamp),v.events?C.events=v.events.map(l=>l?u.Event.toJSON(l):void 0):C.events=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C,l,I,R,k,N,A,w,_,p,O,U;const T={height:"0",txhash:"",codespace:"",code:0,data:"",raw_log:"",logs:[],info:"",gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0",tx:void 0,timestamp:"",events:[]};return T.height=(C=v.height)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"0",T.txhash=(l=v.txhash)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",T.codespace=(I=v.codespace)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",T.code=(R=v.code)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:0,T.data=(k=v.data)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",T.raw_log=(N=v.raw_log)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",T.logs=((A=v.logs)===null||A===void 0?void 0:A.map(z=>e.ABCIMessageLog.fromPartial(z)))||[],T.info=(w=v.info)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"",T.gas_wanted=(_=v.gas_wanted)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"0",T.gas_used=(p=v.gas_used)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"0",T.tx=v.tx!==void 0&&v.tx!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(v.tx):void 0,T.timestamp=(O=v.timestamp)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"",T.events=((U=v.events)===null||U===void 0?void 0:U.map(z=>u.Event.fromPartial(z)))||[],T}},e.ABCIMessageLog={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){v.msg_index!==0&&C.uint32(8).uint32(v.msg_index),v.log!==""&&C.uint32(18).string(v.log);for(const l of v.events)e.StringEvent.encode(l,C.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={msg_index:0,log:"",events:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.msg_index=l.uint32();break;case 2:R.log=l.string();break;case 3:R.events.push(e.StringEvent.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({msg_index:m(v.msg_index)?Number(v.msg_index):0,log:m(v.log)?String(v.log):"",events:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.events)?v.events.map(C=>e.StringEvent.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.msg_index!==void 0&&(C.msg_index=Math.round(v.msg_index)),v.log!==void 0&&(C.log=v.log),v.events?C.events=v.events.map(l=>l?e.StringEvent.toJSON(l):void 0):C.events=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C,l,I;const R={msg_index:0,log:"",events:[]};return R.msg_index=(C=v.msg_index)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:0,R.log=(l=v.log)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",R.events=((I=v.events)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>e.StringEvent.fromPartial(k)))||[],R}},e.StringEvent={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){v.type!==""&&C.uint32(10).string(v.type);for(const l of v.attributes)e.Attribute.encode(l,C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={type:"",attributes:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.type=l.string();break;case 2:R.attributes.push(e.Attribute.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({type:m(v.type)?String(v.type):"",attributes:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.attributes)?v.attributes.map(C=>e.Attribute.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.type!==void 0&&(C.type=v.type),v.attributes?C.attributes=v.attributes.map(l=>l?e.Attribute.toJSON(l):void 0):C.attributes=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C,l;const I={type:"",attributes:[]};return I.type=(C=v.type)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",I.attributes=((l=v.attributes)===null||l===void 0?void 0:l.map(R=>e.Attribute.fromPartial(R)))||[],I}},e.Attribute={encode:(v,C=t.Writer.create())=>(v.key!==""&&C.uint32(10).string(v.key),v.value!==""&&C.uint32(18).string(v.value),C),decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={key:"",value:""};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.key=l.string();break;case 2:R.value=l.string();break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({key:m(v.key)?String(v.key):"",value:m(v.value)?String(v.value):""}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.key!==void 0&&(C.key=v.key),v.value!==void 0&&(C.value=v.value),C},fromPartial(v){var C,l;const I={key:"",value:""};return I.key=(C=v.key)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",I.value=(l=v.value)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",I}},e.GasInfo={encode:(v,C=t.Writer.create())=>(v.gas_wanted!=="0"&&C.uint32(8).uint64(v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!=="0"&&C.uint32(16).uint64(v.gas_used),C),decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0"};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.gas_wanted=h(l.uint64());break;case 2:R.gas_used=h(l.uint64());break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({gas_wanted:m(v.gas_wanted)?String(v.gas_wanted):"0",gas_used:m(v.gas_used)?String(v.gas_used):"0"}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.gas_wanted!==void 0&&(C.gas_wanted=v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!==void 0&&(C.gas_used=v.gas_used),C},fromPartial(v){var C,l;const I={gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0"};return I.gas_wanted=(C=v.gas_wanted)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"0",I.gas_used=(l=v.gas_used)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"0",I}},e.Result={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){v.data.length!==0&&C.uint32(10).bytes(v.data),v.log!==""&&C.uint32(18).string(v.log);for(const l of v.events)u.Event.encode(l,C.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R=s();for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.data=l.bytes();break;case 2:R.log=l.string();break;case 3:R.events.push(u.Event.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({data:m(v.data)?i(v.data):new Uint8Array,log:m(v.log)?String(v.log):"",events:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.events)?v.events.map(C=>u.Event.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.data!==void 0&&(C.data=c(v.data!==void 0?v.data:new Uint8Array)),v.log!==void 0&&(C.log=v.log),v.events?C.events=v.events.map(l=>l?u.Event.toJSON(l):void 0):C.events=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C,l,I;const R=s();return R.data=(C=v.data)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array,R.log=(l=v.log)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",R.events=((I=v.events)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>u.Event.fromPartial(k)))||[],R}},e.SimulationResponse={encode:(v,C=t.Writer.create())=>(v.gas_info!==void 0&&e.GasInfo.encode(v.gas_info,C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),v.result!==void 0&&e.Result.encode(v.result,C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),C),decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={gas_info:void 0,result:void 0};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.gas_info=e.GasInfo.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:R.result=e.Result.decode(l,l.uint32());break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({gas_info:m(v.gas_info)?e.GasInfo.fromJSON(v.gas_info):void 0,result:m(v.result)?e.Result.fromJSON(v.result):void 0}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.gas_info!==void 0&&(C.gas_info=v.gas_info?e.GasInfo.toJSON(v.gas_info):void 0),v.result!==void 0&&(C.result=v.result?e.Result.toJSON(v.result):void 0),C},fromPartial(v){const C={gas_info:void 0,result:void 0};return C.gas_info=v.gas_info!==void 0&&v.gas_info!==null?e.GasInfo.fromPartial(v.gas_info):void 0,C.result=v.result!==void 0&&v.result!==null?e.Result.fromPartial(v.result):void 0,C}},e.MsgData={encode:(v,C=t.Writer.create())=>(v.msg_type!==""&&C.uint32(10).string(v.msg_type),v.data.length!==0&&C.uint32(18).bytes(v.data),C),decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R=r();for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.msg_type=l.string();break;case 2:R.data=l.bytes();break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({msg_type:m(v.msg_type)?String(v.msg_type):"",data:m(v.data)?i(v.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.msg_type!==void 0&&(C.msg_type=v.msg_type),v.data!==void 0&&(C.data=c(v.data!==void 0?v.data:new Uint8Array)),C},fromPartial(v){var C,l;const I=r();return I.msg_type=(C=v.msg_type)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",I.data=(l=v.data)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,I}},e.TxMsgData={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){for(const l of v.data)e.MsgData.encode(l,C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={data:[]};for(;l.pos>>3==1?R.data.push(e.MsgData.decode(l,l.uint32())):l.skipType(7&k)}return R},fromJSON:v=>({data:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.data)?v.data.map(C=>e.MsgData.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.data?C.data=v.data.map(l=>l?e.MsgData.toJSON(l):void 0):C.data=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C;const l={data:[]};return l.data=((C=v.data)===null||C===void 0?void 0:C.map(I=>e.MsgData.fromPartial(I)))||[],l}},e.SearchTxsResult={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){v.total_count!=="0"&&C.uint32(8).uint64(v.total_count),v.count!=="0"&&C.uint32(16).uint64(v.count),v.page_number!=="0"&&C.uint32(24).uint64(v.page_number),v.page_total!=="0"&&C.uint32(32).uint64(v.page_total),v.limit!=="0"&&C.uint32(40).uint64(v.limit);for(const l of v.txs)e.TxResponse.encode(l,C.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={total_count:"0",count:"0",page_number:"0",page_total:"0",limit:"0",txs:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.total_count=h(l.uint64());break;case 2:R.count=h(l.uint64());break;case 3:R.page_number=h(l.uint64());break;case 4:R.page_total=h(l.uint64());break;case 5:R.limit=h(l.uint64());break;case 6:R.txs.push(e.TxResponse.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({total_count:m(v.total_count)?String(v.total_count):"0",count:m(v.count)?String(v.count):"0",page_number:m(v.page_number)?String(v.page_number):"0",page_total:m(v.page_total)?String(v.page_total):"0",limit:m(v.limit)?String(v.limit):"0",txs:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.txs)?v.txs.map(C=>e.TxResponse.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.total_count!==void 0&&(C.total_count=v.total_count),v.count!==void 0&&(C.count=v.count),v.page_number!==void 0&&(C.page_number=v.page_number),v.page_total!==void 0&&(C.page_total=v.page_total),v.limit!==void 0&&(C.limit=v.limit),v.txs?C.txs=v.txs.map(l=>l?e.TxResponse.toJSON(l):void 0):C.txs=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C,l,I,R,k,N;const A={total_count:"0",count:"0",page_number:"0",page_total:"0",limit:"0",txs:[]};return A.total_count=(C=v.total_count)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"0",A.count=(l=v.count)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"0",A.page_number=(I=v.page_number)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",A.page_total=(R=v.page_total)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"0",A.limit=(k=v.limit)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"0",A.txs=((N=v.txs)===null||N===void 0?void 0:N.map(w=>e.TxResponse.fromPartial(w)))||[],A}};var n=(()=>{if(n!==void 0)return n;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const o=n.atob||(v=>n.Buffer.from(v,"base64").toString("binary"));function i(v){const C=o(v),l=new Uint8Array(C.length);for(let I=0;In.Buffer.from(v,"binary").toString("base64"));function c(v){const C=[];for(const l of v)C.push(String.fromCharCode(l));return f(C.join(""))}function h(v){return v.toString()}function m(v){return v!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2976:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return M(s,u),s},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.DecProto=e.IntProto=e.DecCoin=e.Coin=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(u){return 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o={denom:"",amount:""};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.denom=r.string();break;case 2:o.amount=r.string();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({denom:d(u.denom)?String(u.denom):"",amount:d(u.amount)?String(u.amount):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.denom!==void 0&&(s.denom=u.denom),u.amount!==void 0&&(s.amount=u.amount),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r;const n={denom:"",amount:""};return n.denom=(s=u.denom)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",n.amount=(r=u.amount)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",n}},e.IntProto={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.int!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.int),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={int:""};for(;r.pos>>3==1?o.int=r.string():r.skipType(7&i)}return o},fromJSON:u=>({int:d(u.int)?String(u.int):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.int!==void 0&&(s.int=u.int),s},fromPartial(u){var s;const r={int:""};return r.int=(s=u.int)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",r}},e.DecProto={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.dec!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.dec),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={dec:""};for(;r.pos>>3==1?o.dec=r.string():r.skipType(7&i)}return o},fromJSON:u=>({dec:d(u.dec)?String(u.dec):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.dec!==void 0&&(s.dec=u.dec),s},fromPartial(u){var s;const r={dec:""};return r.dec=(s=u.dec)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",r}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4489:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r 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o},fromJSON:u=>({sender:d(u.sender)?String(u.sender):"",invariant_module_name:d(u.invariant_module_name)?String(u.invariant_module_name):"",invariant_route:d(u.invariant_route)?String(u.invariant_route):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.sender!==void 0&&(s.sender=u.sender),u.invariant_module_name!==void 0&&(s.invariant_module_name=u.invariant_module_name),u.invariant_route!==void 0&&(s.invariant_route=u.invariant_route),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r,n;const o={sender:"",invariant_module_name:"",invariant_route:""};return o.sender=(s=u.sender)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",o.invariant_module_name=(r=u.invariant_module_name)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.invariant_route=(n=u.invariant_route)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>s,decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 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0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return M(s,u),s},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.LegacyAminoPubKey=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191);e.protobufPackage="cosmos.crypto.multisig",e.LegacyAminoPubKey={encode(u,s=t.Writer.create()){u.threshold!==0&&s.uint32(8).uint32(u.threshold);for(const r of u.public_keys)d.Any.encode(r,s.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return s},decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 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0&&(m=h),Object.defineProperty(f,m,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return c[h]}})}:function(f,c,h,m){m===void 0&&(m=h),f[m]=c[h]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(f,c){Object.defineProperty(f,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:c})}:function(f,c){f.default=c}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(f){if(f&&f.__esModule)return f;var c={};if(f!=null)for(var h in f)h!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f,h)&&E(c,f,h);return M(c,f),c},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(f){return f&&f.__esModule?f:{default:f}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.CompactBitArray=e.MultiSignature=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(){return{extra_bits_stored:0,elems:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.crypto.multisig.v1beta1",e.MultiSignature={encode(f,c=t.Writer.create()){for(const h of f.signatures)c.uint32(10).bytes(h);return c},decode(f,c){const h=f instanceof t.Reader?f:new t.Reader(f);let m=c===void 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0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return M(h,c),h},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.PrivKey=e.PubKey=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(){return{key:new Uint8Array}}function u(){return{key:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.crypto.secp256k1",e.PubKey={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.key.length!==0&&h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C=d();for(;m.pos>>3==1?C.key=m.bytes():m.skipType(7&l)}return C},fromJSON:c=>({key:f(c.key)?n(c.key):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.key!==void 0&&(h.key=i(c.key!==void 0?c.key:new Uint8Array)),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m=d();return m.key=(h=c.key)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array,m}},e.PrivKey={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.key.length!==0&&h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C=u();for(;m.pos>>3==1?C.key=m.bytes():m.skipType(7&l)}return C},fromJSON:c=>({key:f(c.key)?n(c.key):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.key!==void 0&&(h.key=i(c.key!==void 0?c.key:new Uint8Array)),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m=u();return m.key=(h=c.key)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array,m}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(c=>s.Buffer.from(c,"base64").toString("binary"));function n(c){const h=r(c),m=new Uint8Array(h.length);for(let v=0;vs.Buffer.from(c,"binary").toString("base64"));function i(c){const h=[];for(const m of c)h.push(String.fromCharCode(m));return o(h.join(""))}function f(c){return c!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8866:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return M(n,r),n},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.CommunityPoolSpendProposalWithDeposit=e.DelegationDelegatorReward=e.DelegatorStartingInfo=e.CommunityPoolSpendProposal=e.FeePool=e.ValidatorSlashEvents=e.ValidatorSlashEvent=e.ValidatorOutstandingRewards=e.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission=e.ValidatorCurrentRewards=e.ValidatorHistoricalRewards=e.Params=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976);function u(r){return r.toString()}function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.distribution.v1beta1",e.Params={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.community_tax!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.community_tax),r.base_proposer_reward!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.base_proposer_reward),r.bonus_proposer_reward!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.bonus_proposer_reward),r.withdraw_addr_enabled===!0&&n.uint32(32).bool(r.withdraw_addr_enabled),r.secret_foundation_tax!==""&&n.uint32(42).string(r.secret_foundation_tax),r.secret_foundation_address!==""&&n.uint32(50).string(r.secret_foundation_address),r.minimum_restake_threshold!==""&&n.uint32(58).string(r.minimum_restake_threshold),r.restake_period!==""&&n.uint32(66).string(r.restake_period),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={community_tax:"",base_proposer_reward:"",bonus_proposer_reward:"",withdraw_addr_enabled:!1,secret_foundation_tax:"",secret_foundation_address:"",minimum_restake_threshold:"",restake_period:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.community_tax=o.string();break;case 2:f.base_proposer_reward=o.string();break;case 3:f.bonus_proposer_reward=o.string();break;case 4:f.withdraw_addr_enabled=o.bool();break;case 5:f.secret_foundation_tax=o.string();break;case 6:f.secret_foundation_address=o.string();break;case 7:f.minimum_restake_threshold=o.string();break;case 8:f.restake_period=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({community_tax:s(r.community_tax)?String(r.community_tax):"",base_proposer_reward:s(r.base_proposer_reward)?String(r.base_proposer_reward):"",bonus_proposer_reward:s(r.bonus_proposer_reward)?String(r.bonus_proposer_reward):"",withdraw_addr_enabled:!!s(r.withdraw_addr_enabled)&&!!r.withdraw_addr_enabled,secret_foundation_tax:s(r.secret_foundation_tax)?String(r.secret_foundation_tax):"",secret_foundation_address:s(r.secret_foundation_address)?String(r.secret_foundation_address):"",minimum_restake_threshold:s(r.minimum_restake_threshold)?String(r.minimum_restake_threshold):"",restake_period:s(r.restake_period)?String(r.restake_period):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.community_tax!==void 0&&(n.community_tax=r.community_tax),r.base_proposer_reward!==void 0&&(n.base_proposer_reward=r.base_proposer_reward),r.bonus_proposer_reward!==void 0&&(n.bonus_proposer_reward=r.bonus_proposer_reward),r.withdraw_addr_enabled!==void 0&&(n.withdraw_addr_enabled=r.withdraw_addr_enabled),r.secret_foundation_tax!==void 0&&(n.secret_foundation_tax=r.secret_foundation_tax),r.secret_foundation_address!==void 0&&(n.secret_foundation_address=r.secret_foundation_address),r.minimum_restake_threshold!==void 0&&(n.minimum_restake_threshold=r.minimum_restake_threshold),r.restake_period!==void 0&&(n.restake_period=r.restake_period),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v;const C={community_tax:"",base_proposer_reward:"",bonus_proposer_reward:"",withdraw_addr_enabled:!1,secret_foundation_tax:"",secret_foundation_address:"",minimum_restake_threshold:"",restake_period:""};return C.community_tax=(n=r.community_tax)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",C.base_proposer_reward=(o=r.base_proposer_reward)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",C.bonus_proposer_reward=(i=r.bonus_proposer_reward)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",C.withdraw_addr_enabled=(f=r.withdraw_addr_enabled)!==null&&f!==void 0&&f,C.secret_foundation_tax=(c=r.secret_foundation_tax)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",C.secret_foundation_address=(h=r.secret_foundation_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",C.minimum_restake_threshold=(m=r.minimum_restake_threshold)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",C.restake_period=(v=r.restake_period)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",C}},e.ValidatorHistoricalRewards={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.cumulative_reward_ratio)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return r.reference_count!==0&&n.uint32(16).uint32(r.reference_count),n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={cumulative_reward_ratio:[],reference_count:0};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.cumulative_reward_ratio.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.reference_count=o.uint32();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({cumulative_reward_ratio:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.cumulative_reward_ratio)?r.cumulative_reward_ratio.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[],reference_count:s(r.reference_count)?Number(r.reference_count):0}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.cumulative_reward_ratio?n.cumulative_reward_ratio=r.cumulative_reward_ratio.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.cumulative_reward_ratio=[],r.reference_count!==void 0&&(n.reference_count=Math.round(r.reference_count)),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={cumulative_reward_ratio:[],reference_count:0};return i.cumulative_reward_ratio=((n=r.cumulative_reward_ratio)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(f=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(f)))||[],i.reference_count=(o=r.reference_count)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:0,i}},e.ValidatorCurrentRewards={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.rewards)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return r.period!=="0"&&n.uint32(16).uint64(r.period),n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={rewards:[],period:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.rewards.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.period=u(o.uint64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({rewards:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.rewards)?r.rewards.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[],period:s(r.period)?String(r.period):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.rewards?n.rewards=r.rewards.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.rewards=[],r.period!==void 0&&(n.period=r.period),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={rewards:[],period:"0"};return i.rewards=((n=r.rewards)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(f=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(f)))||[],i.period=(o=r.period)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},e.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.commission)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={commission:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.commission.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({commission:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.commission)?r.commission.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.commission?n.commission=r.commission.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.commission=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={commission:[]};return o.commission=((n=r.commission)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.ValidatorOutstandingRewards={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.rewards)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={rewards:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.rewards.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({rewards:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.rewards)?r.rewards.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.rewards?n.rewards=r.rewards.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.rewards=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={rewards:[]};return o.rewards=((n=r.rewards)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.ValidatorSlashEvent={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.validator_period!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).uint64(r.validator_period),r.fraction!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.fraction),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={validator_period:"0",fraction:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.validator_period=u(o.uint64());break;case 2:f.fraction=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({validator_period:s(r.validator_period)?String(r.validator_period):"0",fraction:s(r.fraction)?String(r.fraction):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.validator_period!==void 0&&(n.validator_period=r.validator_period),r.fraction!==void 0&&(n.fraction=r.fraction),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={validator_period:"0",fraction:""};return i.validator_period=(n=r.validator_period)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",i.fraction=(o=r.fraction)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",i}},e.ValidatorSlashEvents={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.validator_slash_events)e.ValidatorSlashEvent.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={validator_slash_events:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.validator_slash_events.push(e.ValidatorSlashEvent.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({validator_slash_events:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.validator_slash_events)?r.validator_slash_events.map(n=>e.ValidatorSlashEvent.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.validator_slash_events?n.validator_slash_events=r.validator_slash_events.map(o=>o?e.ValidatorSlashEvent.toJSON(o):void 0):n.validator_slash_events=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={validator_slash_events:[]};return o.validator_slash_events=((n=r.validator_slash_events)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.ValidatorSlashEvent.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.FeePool={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.community_pool)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={community_pool:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.community_pool.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({community_pool:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.community_pool)?r.community_pool.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.community_pool?n.community_pool=r.community_pool.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.community_pool=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={community_pool:[]};return o.community_pool=((n=r.community_pool)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.CommunityPoolSpendProposal={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.title!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.title),r.description!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.description),r.recipient!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.recipient);for(const o of r.amount)d.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.title=o.string();break;case 2:f.description=o.string();break;case 3:f.recipient=o.string();break;case 4:f.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({title:s(r.title)?String(r.title):"",description:s(r.description)?String(r.description):"",recipient:s(r.recipient)?String(r.recipient):"",amount:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.amount)?r.amount.map(n=>d.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.title!==void 0&&(n.title=r.title),r.description!==void 0&&(n.description=r.description),r.recipient!==void 0&&(n.recipient=r.recipient),r.amount?n.amount=r.amount.map(o=>o?d.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.amount=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:[]};return c.title=(n=r.title)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.description=(o=r.description)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.recipient=(i=r.recipient)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.amount=((f=r.amount)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>d.Coin.fromPartial(h)))||[],c}},e.DelegatorStartingInfo={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.previous_period!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).uint64(r.previous_period),r.stake!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.stake),r.height!=="0"&&n.uint32(24).uint64(r.height),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={previous_period:"0",stake:"",height:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.previous_period=u(o.uint64());break;case 2:f.stake=o.string();break;case 3:f.height=u(o.uint64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({previous_period:s(r.previous_period)?String(r.previous_period):"0",stake:s(r.stake)?String(r.stake):"",height:s(r.height)?String(r.height):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.previous_period!==void 0&&(n.previous_period=r.previous_period),r.stake!==void 0&&(n.stake=r.stake),r.height!==void 0&&(n.height=r.height),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={previous_period:"0",stake:"",height:"0"};return f.previous_period=(n=r.previous_period)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",f.stake=(o=r.stake)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",f.height=(i=r.height)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",f}},e.DelegationDelegatorReward={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.validator_address!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.validator_address);for(const o of r.reward)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={validator_address:"",reward:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.validator_address=o.string();break;case 2:f.reward.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({validator_address:s(r.validator_address)?String(r.validator_address):"",reward:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.reward)?r.reward.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.validator_address!==void 0&&(n.validator_address=r.validator_address),r.reward?n.reward=r.reward.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.reward=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={validator_address:"",reward:[]};return i.validator_address=(n=r.validator_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",i.reward=((o=r.reward)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(f)))||[],i}},e.CommunityPoolSpendProposalWithDeposit={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.title!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.title),r.description!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.description),r.recipient!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.recipient),r.amount!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.amount),r.deposit!==""&&n.uint32(42).string(r.deposit),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:"",deposit:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.title=o.string();break;case 2:f.description=o.string();break;case 3:f.recipient=o.string();break;case 4:f.amount=o.string();break;case 5:f.deposit=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({title:s(r.title)?String(r.title):"",description:s(r.description)?String(r.description):"",recipient:s(r.recipient)?String(r.recipient):"",amount:s(r.amount)?String(r.amount):"",deposit:s(r.deposit)?String(r.deposit):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.title!==void 0&&(n.title=r.title),r.description!==void 0&&(n.description=r.description),r.recipient!==void 0&&(n.recipient=r.recipient),r.amount!==void 0&&(n.amount=r.amount),r.deposit!==void 0&&(n.deposit=r.deposit),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f,c;const h={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:"",deposit:""};return h.title=(n=r.title)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",h.description=(o=r.description)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",h.recipient=(i=r.recipient)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",h.amount=(f=r.amount)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.deposit=(c=r.deposit)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4301:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return M(r,s),r},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgFundCommunityPoolResponse=e.MsgFundCommunityPool=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddressResponse=e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse=e.MsgSetAutoRestake=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.distribution.v1beta1",e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.delegator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.delegator_address),s.withdraw_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.withdraw_address),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={delegator_address:"",withdraw_address:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.delegator_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.withdraw_address=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({delegator_address:u(s.delegator_address)?String(s.delegator_address):"",withdraw_address:u(s.withdraw_address)?String(s.withdraw_address):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.delegator_address!==void 0&&(r.delegator_address=s.delegator_address),s.withdraw_address!==void 0&&(r.withdraw_address=s.withdraw_address),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={delegator_address:"",withdraw_address:""};return o.delegator_address=(r=s.delegator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.withdraw_address=(n=s.withdraw_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgSetAutoRestake={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.delegator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.validator_address),s.enabled===!0&&r.uint32(24).bool(s.enabled),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",enabled:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.delegator_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.validator_address=n.string();break;case 3:i.enabled=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({delegator_address:u(s.delegator_address)?String(s.delegator_address):"",validator_address:u(s.validator_address)?String(s.validator_address):"",enabled:!!u(s.enabled)&&!!s.enabled}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.delegator_address!==void 0&&(r.delegator_address=s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==void 0&&(r.validator_address=s.validator_address),s.enabled!==void 0&&(r.enabled=s.enabled),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o;const i={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",enabled:!1};return i.delegator_address=(r=s.delegator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",i.validator_address=(n=s.validator_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",i.enabled=(o=s.enabled)!==null&&o!==void 0&&o,i}},e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgSetWithdrawAddressResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.delegator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.validator_address),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.delegator_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.validator_address=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({delegator_address:u(s.delegator_address)?String(s.delegator_address):"",validator_address:u(s.validator_address)?String(s.validator_address):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.delegator_address!==void 0&&(r.delegator_address=s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==void 0&&(r.validator_address=s.validator_address),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};return o.delegator_address=(r=s.delegator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.validator_address=(n=s.validator_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.validator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.validator_address),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={validator_address:""};for(;n.pos>>3==1?i.validator_address=n.string():n.skipType(7&f)}return i},fromJSON:s=>({validator_address:u(s.validator_address)?String(s.validator_address):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.validator_address!==void 0&&(r.validator_address=s.validator_address),r},fromPartial(s){var r;const n={validator_address:""};return n.validator_address=(r=s.validator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",n}},e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgFundCommunityPool={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){for(const n of s.amount)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return s.depositor!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.depositor),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={amount:[],depositor:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 2:i.depositor=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({amount:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.amount)?s.amount.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[],depositor:u(s.depositor)?String(s.depositor):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.amount?r.amount=s.amount.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.amount=[],s.depositor!==void 0&&(r.depositor=s.depositor),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={amount:[],depositor:""};return o.amount=((r=s.amount)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.map(i=>d.Coin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o.depositor=(n=s.depositor)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgFundCommunityPoolResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(s){this.rpc=s,this.SetWithdrawAddress=this.SetWithdrawAddress.bind(this),this.WithdrawDelegatorReward=this.WithdrawDelegatorReward.bind(this),this.WithdrawValidatorCommission=this.WithdrawValidatorCommission.bind(this),this.FundCommunityPool=this.FundCommunityPool.bind(this),this.SetAutoRestake=this.SetAutoRestake.bind(this)}SetWithdrawAddress(s){const r=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","SetWithdrawAddress",r).then(n=>e.MsgSetWithdrawAddressResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}WithdrawDelegatorReward(s){const r=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","WithdrawDelegatorReward",r).then(n=>e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}WithdrawValidatorCommission(s){const r=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","WithdrawValidatorCommission",r).then(n=>e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}FundCommunityPool(s){const r=e.MsgFundCommunityPool.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","FundCommunityPool",r).then(n=>e.MsgFundCommunityPoolResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}SetAutoRestake(s){const r=e.MsgSetAutoRestake.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","SetAutoRestake",r).then(n=>e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},3676:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(f,c,h,m){m===void 0&&(m=h),Object.defineProperty(f,m,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return c[h]}})}:function(f,c,h,m){m===void 0&&(m=h),f[m]=c[h]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(f,c){Object.defineProperty(f,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:c})}:function(f,c){f.default=c}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(f){if(f&&f.__esModule)return f;var c={};if(f!=null)for(var h in f)h!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f,h)&&E(c,f,h);return M(c,f),c},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(f){return f&&f.__esModule?f:{default:f}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgSubmitEvidenceResponse=e.MsgSubmitEvidence=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191);function u(){return{hash:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.evidence.v1beta1",e.MsgSubmitEvidence={encode:(f,c=t.Writer.create())=>(f.submitter!==""&&c.uint32(10).string(f.submitter),f.evidence!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(f.evidence,c.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c),decode(f,c){const h=f instanceof t.Reader?f:new t.Reader(f);let m=c===void 0?h.len:h.pos+c;const v={submitter:"",evidence:void 0};for(;h.pos>>3){case 1:v.submitter=h.string();break;case 2:v.evidence=d.Any.decode(h,h.uint32());break;default:h.skipType(7&C)}}return v},fromJSON:f=>({submitter:i(f.submitter)?String(f.submitter):"",evidence:i(f.evidence)?d.Any.fromJSON(f.evidence):void 0}),toJSON(f){const c={};return f.submitter!==void 0&&(c.submitter=f.submitter),f.evidence!==void 0&&(c.evidence=f.evidence?d.Any.toJSON(f.evidence):void 0),c},fromPartial(f){var c;const h={submitter:"",evidence:void 0};return h.submitter=(c=f.submitter)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.evidence=f.evidence!==void 0&&f.evidence!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(f.evidence):void 0,h}},e.MsgSubmitEvidenceResponse={encode:(f,c=t.Writer.create())=>(f.hash.length!==0&&c.uint32(34).bytes(f.hash),c),decode(f,c){const h=f instanceof t.Reader?f:new t.Reader(f);let m=c===void 0?h.len:h.pos+c;const v=u();for(;h.pos>>3==4?v.hash=h.bytes():h.skipType(7&C)}return v},fromJSON:f=>({hash:i(f.hash)?n(f.hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(f){const c={};return f.hash!==void 0&&(c.hash=function(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return o(m.join(""))}(f.hash!==void 0?f.hash:new Uint8Array)),c},fromPartial(f){var c;const h=u();return h.hash=(c=f.hash)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:new Uint8Array,h}},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(f){this.rpc=f,this.SubmitEvidence=this.SubmitEvidence.bind(this)}SubmitEvidence(f){const c=e.MsgSubmitEvidence.encode(f).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.Msg","SubmitEvidence",c).then(h=>e.MsgSubmitEvidenceResponse.decode(new t.Reader(h)))}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(f=>s.Buffer.from(f,"base64").toString("binary"));function n(f){const c=r(f),h=new Uint8Array(c.length);for(let m=0;ms.Buffer.from(f,"binary").toString("base64"));function i(f){return f!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4932:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return M(h,c),h},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Grant=e.AllowedMsgAllowance=e.PeriodicAllowance=e.BasicAllowance=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(5090),u=b(6138),s=b(4191),r=b(2976);function n(c){return{seconds:Math.trunc(c.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:c.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function o(c){let h=1e3*Number(c.seconds);return h+=c.nanos/1e6,new Date(h)}function i(c){return c instanceof Date?n(c):typeof c=="string"?n(new Date(c)):d.Timestamp.fromJSON(c)}function f(c){return c!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1",e.BasicAllowance={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){for(const m of c.spend_limit)r.Coin.encode(m,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return c.expiration!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(c.expiration,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={spend_limit:[],expiration:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 2:C.expiration=d.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({spend_limit:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.spend_limit)?c.spend_limit.map(h=>r.Coin.fromJSON(h)):[],expiration:f(c.expiration)?i(c.expiration):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.spend_limit?h.spend_limit=c.spend_limit.map(m=>m?r.Coin.toJSON(m):void 0):h.spend_limit=[],c.expiration!==void 0&&(h.expiration=o(c.expiration).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={spend_limit:[],expiration:void 0};return m.spend_limit=((h=c.spend_limit)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(v=>r.Coin.fromPartial(v)))||[],m.expiration=c.expiration!==void 0&&c.expiration!==null?d.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.expiration):void 0,m}},e.PeriodicAllowance={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){c.basic!==void 0&&e.BasicAllowance.encode(c.basic,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.period!==void 0&&u.Duration.encode(c.period,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const m of c.period_spend_limit)r.Coin.encode(m,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const m of c.period_can_spend)r.Coin.encode(m,h.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return c.period_reset!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(c.period_reset,h.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={basic:void 0,period:void 0,period_spend_limit:[],period_can_spend:[],period_reset:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.basic=e.BasicAllowance.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:C.period=u.Duration.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.period_spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 4:C.period_can_spend.push(r.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 5:C.period_reset=d.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({basic:f(c.basic)?e.BasicAllowance.fromJSON(c.basic):void 0,period:f(c.period)?u.Duration.fromJSON(c.period):void 0,period_spend_limit:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.period_spend_limit)?c.period_spend_limit.map(h=>r.Coin.fromJSON(h)):[],period_can_spend:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.period_can_spend)?c.period_can_spend.map(h=>r.Coin.fromJSON(h)):[],period_reset:f(c.period_reset)?i(c.period_reset):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.basic!==void 0&&(h.basic=c.basic?e.BasicAllowance.toJSON(c.basic):void 0),c.period!==void 0&&(h.period=c.period?u.Duration.toJSON(c.period):void 0),c.period_spend_limit?h.period_spend_limit=c.period_spend_limit.map(m=>m?r.Coin.toJSON(m):void 0):h.period_spend_limit=[],c.period_can_spend?h.period_can_spend=c.period_can_spend.map(m=>m?r.Coin.toJSON(m):void 0):h.period_can_spend=[],c.period_reset!==void 0&&(h.period_reset=o(c.period_reset).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={basic:void 0,period:void 0,period_spend_limit:[],period_can_spend:[],period_reset:void 0};return v.basic=c.basic!==void 0&&c.basic!==null?e.BasicAllowance.fromPartial(c.basic):void 0,v.period=c.period!==void 0&&c.period!==null?u.Duration.fromPartial(c.period):void 0,v.period_spend_limit=((h=c.period_spend_limit)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(C=>r.Coin.fromPartial(C)))||[],v.period_can_spend=((m=c.period_can_spend)===null||m===void 0?void 0:m.map(C=>r.Coin.fromPartial(C)))||[],v.period_reset=c.period_reset!==void 0&&c.period_reset!==null?d.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.period_reset):void 0,v}},e.AllowedMsgAllowance={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){c.allowance!==void 0&&s.Any.encode(c.allowance,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const m of c.allowed_messages)h.uint32(18).string(m);return h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={allowance:void 0,allowed_messages:[]};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.allowance=s.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:C.allowed_messages.push(m.string());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({allowance:f(c.allowance)?s.Any.fromJSON(c.allowance):void 0,allowed_messages:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.allowed_messages)?c.allowed_messages.map(h=>String(h)):[]}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.allowance!==void 0&&(h.allowance=c.allowance?s.Any.toJSON(c.allowance):void 0),c.allowed_messages?h.allowed_messages=c.allowed_messages.map(m=>m):h.allowed_messages=[],h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={allowance:void 0,allowed_messages:[]};return m.allowance=c.allowance!==void 0&&c.allowance!==null?s.Any.fromPartial(c.allowance):void 0,m.allowed_messages=((h=c.allowed_messages)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(v=>v))||[],m}},e.Grant={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.granter!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.granter),c.grantee!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.grantee),c.allowance!==void 0&&s.Any.encode(c.allowance,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.granter=m.string();break;case 2:C.grantee=m.string();break;case 3:C.allowance=s.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({granter:f(c.granter)?String(c.granter):"",grantee:f(c.grantee)?String(c.grantee):"",allowance:f(c.allowance)?s.Any.fromJSON(c.allowance):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.granter!==void 0&&(h.granter=c.granter),c.grantee!==void 0&&(h.grantee=c.grantee),c.allowance!==void 0&&(h.allowance=c.allowance?s.Any.toJSON(c.allowance):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};return v.granter=(h=c.granter)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.grantee=(m=c.grantee)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v.allowance=c.allowance!==void 0&&c.allowance!==null?s.Any.fromPartial(c.allowance):void 0,v}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6513:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return M(r,s),r},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse=e.MsgRevokeAllowance=e.MsgGrantAllowanceResponse=e.MsgGrantAllowance=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1",e.MsgGrantAllowance={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.granter!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.granter),s.grantee!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.grantee),s.allowance!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(s.allowance,r.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.granter=n.string();break;case 2:i.grantee=n.string();break;case 3:i.allowance=d.Any.decode(n,n.uint32());break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({granter:u(s.granter)?String(s.granter):"",grantee:u(s.grantee)?String(s.grantee):"",allowance:u(s.allowance)?d.Any.fromJSON(s.allowance):void 0}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.granter!==void 0&&(r.granter=s.granter),s.grantee!==void 0&&(r.grantee=s.grantee),s.allowance!==void 0&&(r.allowance=s.allowance?d.Any.toJSON(s.allowance):void 0),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};return o.granter=(r=s.granter)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.grantee=(n=s.grantee)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o.allowance=s.allowance!==void 0&&s.allowance!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(s.allowance):void 0,o}},e.MsgGrantAllowanceResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgRevokeAllowance={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.granter!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.granter),s.grantee!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.grantee),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={granter:"",grantee:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.granter=n.string();break;case 2:i.grantee=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({granter:u(s.granter)?String(s.granter):"",grantee:u(s.grantee)?String(s.grantee):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.granter!==void 0&&(r.granter=s.granter),s.grantee!==void 0&&(r.grantee=s.grantee),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={granter:"",grantee:""};return o.granter=(r=s.granter)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.grantee=(n=s.grantee)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(s){this.rpc=s,this.GrantAllowance=this.GrantAllowance.bind(this),this.RevokeAllowance=this.RevokeAllowance.bind(this)}GrantAllowance(s){const r=e.MsgGrantAllowance.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.Msg","GrantAllowance",r).then(n=>e.MsgGrantAllowanceResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}RevokeAllowance(s){const r=e.MsgRevokeAllowance.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.Msg","RevokeAllowance",r).then(n=>e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9074:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(p,O,U,T){T===void 0&&(T=U),Object.defineProperty(p,T,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return O[U]}})}:function(p,O,U,T){T===void 0&&(T=U),p[T]=O[U]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(p,O){Object.defineProperty(p,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:O})}:function(p,O){p.default=O}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(p){if(p&&p.__esModule)return p;var O={};if(p!=null)for(var U in p)U!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p,U)&&E(O,p,U);return M(O,p),O},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(p){return p&&p.__esModule?p:{default:p}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TallyParams=e.VotingParams=e.DepositParams=e.Vote=e.TallyResult=e.Proposal=e.Deposit=e.TextProposal=e.WeightedVoteOption=e.proposalStatusToJSON=e.proposalStatusFromJSON=e.ProposalStatus=e.voteOptionToJSON=e.voteOptionFromJSON=e.VoteOption=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191),u=b(5090),s=b(6138),r=b(2976);var n,o;function i(p){switch(p){case 0:case"VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED":return n.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"VOTE_OPTION_YES":return n.VOTE_OPTION_YES;case 2:case"VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN":return n.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN;case 3:case"VOTE_OPTION_NO":return n.VOTE_OPTION_NO;case 4:case"VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO":return n.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO;default:return n.UNRECOGNIZED}}function f(p){switch(p){case n.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED:return"VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED";case n.VOTE_OPTION_YES:return"VOTE_OPTION_YES";case n.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN:return"VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN";case n.VOTE_OPTION_NO:return"VOTE_OPTION_NO";case n.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO:return"VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function c(p){switch(p){case 0:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD;case 2:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD;case 3:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED;case 4:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED;case 5:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function h(p){switch(p){case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function m(){return{quorum:new Uint8Array,threshold:new Uint8Array,veto_threshold:new Uint8Array,expedited_threshold:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.gov.v1beta1",function(p){p[p.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED=0]="VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_YES=1]="VOTE_OPTION_YES",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN=2]="VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_NO=3]="VOTE_OPTION_NO",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO=4]="VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO",p[p.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(n=e.VoteOption||(e.VoteOption={})),e.voteOptionFromJSON=i,e.voteOptionToJSON=f,function(p){p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED=0]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD=1]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD=2]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED=3]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED=4]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED=5]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED",p[p.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(o=e.ProposalStatus||(e.ProposalStatus={})),e.proposalStatusFromJSON=c,e.proposalStatusToJSON=h,e.WeightedVoteOption={encode:(p,O=t.Writer.create())=>(p.option!==0&&O.uint32(8).int32(p.option),p.weight!==""&&O.uint32(18).string(p.weight),O),decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={option:0,weight:""};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.option=U.int32();break;case 2:z.weight=U.string();break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({option:_(p.option)?i(p.option):0,weight:_(p.weight)?String(p.weight):""}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.option!==void 0&&(O.option=f(p.option)),p.weight!==void 0&&(O.weight=p.weight),O},fromPartial(p){var O,U;const T={option:0,weight:""};return T.option=(O=p.option)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:0,T.weight=(U=p.weight)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"",T}},e.TextProposal={encode:(p,O=t.Writer.create())=>(p.title!==""&&O.uint32(10).string(p.title),p.description!==""&&O.uint32(18).string(p.description),O),decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={title:"",description:""};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.title=U.string();break;case 2:z.description=U.string();break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({title:_(p.title)?String(p.title):"",description:_(p.description)?String(p.description):""}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.title!==void 0&&(O.title=p.title),p.description!==void 0&&(O.description=p.description),O},fromPartial(p){var O,U;const T={title:"",description:""};return T.title=(O=p.title)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"",T.description=(U=p.description)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"",T}},e.Deposit={encode(p,O=t.Writer.create()){p.proposal_id!=="0"&&O.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id),p.depositor!==""&&O.uint32(18).string(p.depositor);for(const U of p.amount)r.Coin.encode(U,O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return O},decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.proposal_id=w(U.uint64());break;case 2:z.depositor=U.string();break;case 3:z.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(U,U.uint32()));break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({proposal_id:_(p.proposal_id)?String(p.proposal_id):"0",depositor:_(p.depositor)?String(p.depositor):"",amount:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.amount)?p.amount.map(O=>r.Coin.fromJSON(O)):[]}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.proposal_id!==void 0&&(O.proposal_id=p.proposal_id),p.depositor!==void 0&&(O.depositor=p.depositor),p.amount?O.amount=p.amount.map(U=>U?r.Coin.toJSON(U):void 0):O.amount=[],O},fromPartial(p){var O,U,T;const z={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};return z.proposal_id=(O=p.proposal_id)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"0",z.depositor=(U=p.depositor)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"",z.amount=((T=p.amount)===null||T===void 0?void 0:T.map(te=>r.Coin.fromPartial(te)))||[],z}},e.Proposal={encode(p,O=t.Writer.create()){p.proposal_id!=="0"&&O.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id),p.content!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(p.content,O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),p.status!==0&&O.uint32(24).int32(p.status),p.final_tally_result!==void 0&&e.TallyResult.encode(p.final_tally_result,O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),p.submit_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.submit_time,O.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),p.deposit_end_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.deposit_end_time,O.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();for(const U of p.total_deposit)r.Coin.encode(U,O.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();return p.voting_start_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_start_time,O.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(),p.voting_end_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_end_time,O.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),p.is_expedited===!0&&O.uint32(80).bool(p.is_expedited),O},decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={proposal_id:"0",content:void 0,status:0,final_tally_result:void 0,submit_time:void 0,deposit_end_time:void 0,total_deposit:[],voting_start_time:void 0,voting_end_time:void 0,is_expedited:!1};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.proposal_id=w(U.uint64());break;case 2:z.content=d.Any.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 3:z.status=U.int32();break;case 4:z.final_tally_result=e.TallyResult.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 5:z.submit_time=u.Timestamp.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 6:z.deposit_end_time=u.Timestamp.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 7:z.total_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(U,U.uint32()));break;case 8:z.voting_start_time=u.Timestamp.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 9:z.voting_end_time=u.Timestamp.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 10:z.is_expedited=U.bool();break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({proposal_id:_(p.proposal_id)?String(p.proposal_id):"0",content:_(p.content)?d.Any.fromJSON(p.content):void 0,status:_(p.status)?c(p.status):0,final_tally_result:_(p.final_tally_result)?e.TallyResult.fromJSON(p.final_tally_result):void 0,submit_time:_(p.submit_time)?A(p.submit_time):void 0,deposit_end_time:_(p.deposit_end_time)?A(p.deposit_end_time):void 0,total_deposit:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.total_deposit)?p.total_deposit.map(O=>r.Coin.fromJSON(O)):[],voting_start_time:_(p.voting_start_time)?A(p.voting_start_time):void 0,voting_end_time:_(p.voting_end_time)?A(p.voting_end_time):void 0,is_expedited:!!_(p.is_expedited)&&!!p.is_expedited}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.proposal_id!==void 0&&(O.proposal_id=p.proposal_id),p.content!==void 0&&(O.content=p.content?d.Any.toJSON(p.content):void 0),p.status!==void 0&&(O.status=h(p.status)),p.final_tally_result!==void 0&&(O.final_tally_result=p.final_tally_result?e.TallyResult.toJSON(p.final_tally_result):void 0),p.submit_time!==void 0&&(O.submit_time=N(p.submit_time).toISOString()),p.deposit_end_time!==void 0&&(O.deposit_end_time=N(p.deposit_end_time).toISOString()),p.total_deposit?O.total_deposit=p.total_deposit.map(U=>U?r.Coin.toJSON(U):void 0):O.total_deposit=[],p.voting_start_time!==void 0&&(O.voting_start_time=N(p.voting_start_time).toISOString()),p.voting_end_time!==void 0&&(O.voting_end_time=N(p.voting_end_time).toISOString()),p.is_expedited!==void 0&&(O.is_expedited=p.is_expedited),O},fromPartial(p){var O,U,T,z;const te={proposal_id:"0",content:void 0,status:0,final_tally_result:void 0,submit_time:void 0,deposit_end_time:void 0,total_deposit:[],voting_start_time:void 0,voting_end_time:void 0,is_expedited:!1};return te.proposal_id=(O=p.proposal_id)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"0",te.content=p.content!==void 0&&p.content!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(p.content):void 0,te.status=(U=p.status)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:0,te.final_tally_result=p.final_tally_result!==void 0&&p.final_tally_result!==null?e.TallyResult.fromPartial(p.final_tally_result):void 0,te.submit_time=p.submit_time!==void 0&&p.submit_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.submit_time):void 0,te.deposit_end_time=p.deposit_end_time!==void 0&&p.deposit_end_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.deposit_end_time):void 0,te.total_deposit=((T=p.total_deposit)===null||T===void 0?void 0:T.map(X=>r.Coin.fromPartial(X)))||[],te.voting_start_time=p.voting_start_time!==void 0&&p.voting_start_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_start_time):void 0,te.voting_end_time=p.voting_end_time!==void 0&&p.voting_end_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_end_time):void 0,te.is_expedited=(z=p.is_expedited)!==null&&z!==void 0&&z,te}},e.TallyResult={encode:(p,O=t.Writer.create())=>(p.yes!==""&&O.uint32(10).string(p.yes),p.abstain!==""&&O.uint32(18).string(p.abstain),p.no!==""&&O.uint32(26).string(p.no),p.no_with_veto!==""&&O.uint32(34).string(p.no_with_veto),O),decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={yes:"",abstain:"",no:"",no_with_veto:""};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.yes=U.string();break;case 2:z.abstain=U.string();break;case 3:z.no=U.string();break;case 4:z.no_with_veto=U.string();break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({yes:_(p.yes)?String(p.yes):"",abstain:_(p.abstain)?String(p.abstain):"",no:_(p.no)?String(p.no):"",no_with_veto:_(p.no_with_veto)?String(p.no_with_veto):""}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.yes!==void 0&&(O.yes=p.yes),p.abstain!==void 0&&(O.abstain=p.abstain),p.no!==void 0&&(O.no=p.no),p.no_with_veto!==void 0&&(O.no_with_veto=p.no_with_veto),O},fromPartial(p){var O,U,T,z;const te={yes:"",abstain:"",no:"",no_with_veto:""};return te.yes=(O=p.yes)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"",te.abstain=(U=p.abstain)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"",te.no=(T=p.no)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",te.no_with_veto=(z=p.no_with_veto)!==null&&z!==void 0?z:"",te}},e.Vote={encode(p,O=t.Writer.create()){p.proposal_id!=="0"&&O.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id),p.voter!==""&&O.uint32(18).string(p.voter),p.option!==0&&O.uint32(24).int32(p.option);for(const U of p.options)e.WeightedVoteOption.encode(U,O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return O},decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0,options:[]};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.proposal_id=w(U.uint64());break;case 2:z.voter=U.string();break;case 3:z.option=U.int32();break;case 4:z.options.push(e.WeightedVoteOption.decode(U,U.uint32()));break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({proposal_id:_(p.proposal_id)?String(p.proposal_id):"0",voter:_(p.voter)?String(p.voter):"",option:_(p.option)?i(p.option):0,options:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.options)?p.options.map(O=>e.WeightedVoteOption.fromJSON(O)):[]}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.proposal_id!==void 0&&(O.proposal_id=p.proposal_id),p.voter!==void 0&&(O.voter=p.voter),p.option!==void 0&&(O.option=f(p.option)),p.options?O.options=p.options.map(U=>U?e.WeightedVoteOption.toJSON(U):void 0):O.options=[],O},fromPartial(p){var O,U,T,z;const te={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0,options:[]};return te.proposal_id=(O=p.proposal_id)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"0",te.voter=(U=p.voter)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"",te.option=(T=p.option)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:0,te.options=((z=p.options)===null||z===void 0?void 0:z.map(X=>e.WeightedVoteOption.fromPartial(X)))||[],te}},e.DepositParams={encode(p,O=t.Writer.create()){for(const U of p.min_deposit)r.Coin.encode(U,O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();p.max_deposit_period!==void 0&&s.Duration.encode(p.max_deposit_period,O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const U of p.min_expedited_deposit)r.Coin.encode(U,O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return O},decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={min_deposit:[],max_deposit_period:void 0,min_expedited_deposit:[]};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.min_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(U,U.uint32()));break;case 2:z.max_deposit_period=s.Duration.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 3:z.min_expedited_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(U,U.uint32()));break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({min_deposit:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.min_deposit)?p.min_deposit.map(O=>r.Coin.fromJSON(O)):[],max_deposit_period:_(p.max_deposit_period)?s.Duration.fromJSON(p.max_deposit_period):void 0,min_expedited_deposit:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.min_expedited_deposit)?p.min_expedited_deposit.map(O=>r.Coin.fromJSON(O)):[]}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.min_deposit?O.min_deposit=p.min_deposit.map(U=>U?r.Coin.toJSON(U):void 0):O.min_deposit=[],p.max_deposit_period!==void 0&&(O.max_deposit_period=p.max_deposit_period?s.Duration.toJSON(p.max_deposit_period):void 0),p.min_expedited_deposit?O.min_expedited_deposit=p.min_expedited_deposit.map(U=>U?r.Coin.toJSON(U):void 0):O.min_expedited_deposit=[],O},fromPartial(p){var O,U;const T={min_deposit:[],max_deposit_period:void 0,min_expedited_deposit:[]};return T.min_deposit=((O=p.min_deposit)===null||O===void 0?void 0:O.map(z=>r.Coin.fromPartial(z)))||[],T.max_deposit_period=p.max_deposit_period!==void 0&&p.max_deposit_period!==null?s.Duration.fromPartial(p.max_deposit_period):void 0,T.min_expedited_deposit=((U=p.min_expedited_deposit)===null||U===void 0?void 0:U.map(z=>r.Coin.fromPartial(z)))||[],T}},e.VotingParams={encode:(p,O=t.Writer.create())=>(p.voting_period!==void 0&&s.Duration.encode(p.voting_period,O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),p.expedited_voting_period!==void 0&&s.Duration.encode(p.expedited_voting_period,O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),O),decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z={voting_period:void 0,expedited_voting_period:void 0};for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.voting_period=s.Duration.decode(U,U.uint32());break;case 3:z.expedited_voting_period=s.Duration.decode(U,U.uint32());break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({voting_period:_(p.voting_period)?s.Duration.fromJSON(p.voting_period):void 0,expedited_voting_period:_(p.expedited_voting_period)?s.Duration.fromJSON(p.expedited_voting_period):void 0}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.voting_period!==void 0&&(O.voting_period=p.voting_period?s.Duration.toJSON(p.voting_period):void 0),p.expedited_voting_period!==void 0&&(O.expedited_voting_period=p.expedited_voting_period?s.Duration.toJSON(p.expedited_voting_period):void 0),O},fromPartial(p){const O={voting_period:void 0,expedited_voting_period:void 0};return O.voting_period=p.voting_period!==void 0&&p.voting_period!==null?s.Duration.fromPartial(p.voting_period):void 0,O.expedited_voting_period=p.expedited_voting_period!==void 0&&p.expedited_voting_period!==null?s.Duration.fromPartial(p.expedited_voting_period):void 0,O}},e.TallyParams={encode:(p,O=t.Writer.create())=>(p.quorum.length!==0&&O.uint32(10).bytes(p.quorum),p.threshold.length!==0&&O.uint32(18).bytes(p.threshold),p.veto_threshold.length!==0&&O.uint32(26).bytes(p.veto_threshold),p.expedited_threshold.length!==0&&O.uint32(34).bytes(p.expedited_threshold),O),decode(p,O){const U=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let T=O===void 0?U.len:U.pos+O;const z=m();for(;U.pos>>3){case 1:z.quorum=U.bytes();break;case 2:z.threshold=U.bytes();break;case 3:z.veto_threshold=U.bytes();break;case 4:z.expedited_threshold=U.bytes();break;default:U.skipType(7&te)}}return z},fromJSON:p=>({quorum:_(p.quorum)?l(p.quorum):new Uint8Array,threshold:_(p.threshold)?l(p.threshold):new Uint8Array,veto_threshold:_(p.veto_threshold)?l(p.veto_threshold):new Uint8Array,expedited_threshold:_(p.expedited_threshold)?l(p.expedited_threshold):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(p){const O={};return p.quorum!==void 0&&(O.quorum=R(p.quorum!==void 0?p.quorum:new Uint8Array)),p.threshold!==void 0&&(O.threshold=R(p.threshold!==void 0?p.threshold:new Uint8Array)),p.veto_threshold!==void 0&&(O.veto_threshold=R(p.veto_threshold!==void 0?p.veto_threshold:new Uint8Array)),p.expedited_threshold!==void 0&&(O.expedited_threshold=R(p.expedited_threshold!==void 0?p.expedited_threshold:new Uint8Array)),O},fromPartial(p){var O,U,T,z;const te=m();return te.quorum=(O=p.quorum)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:new Uint8Array,te.threshold=(U=p.threshold)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:new Uint8Array,te.veto_threshold=(T=p.veto_threshold)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:new Uint8Array,te.expedited_threshold=(z=p.expedited_threshold)!==null&&z!==void 0?z:new Uint8Array,te}};var v=(()=>{if(v!==void 0)return v;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const C=v.atob||(p=>v.Buffer.from(p,"base64").toString("binary"));function l(p){const O=C(p),U=new Uint8Array(O.length);for(let T=0;Tv.Buffer.from(p,"binary").toString("base64"));function R(p){const O=[];for(const U of p)O.push(String.fromCharCode(U));return I(O.join(""))}function k(p){return{seconds:Math.trunc(p.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:p.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function N(p){let O=1e3*Number(p.seconds);return O+=p.nanos/1e6,new Date(O)}function A(p){return p instanceof Date?k(p):typeof p=="string"?k(new Date(p)):u.Timestamp.fromJSON(p)}function w(p){return p.toString()}function _(p){return p!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},88:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return M(i,o),i},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgDepositResponse=e.MsgDeposit=e.MsgVoteWeightedResponse=e.MsgVoteWeighted=e.MsgVoteResponse=e.MsgVote=e.MsgSubmitProposalResponse=e.MsgSubmitProposal=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191),u=b(9074),s=b(2976);function r(o){return o.toString()}function n(o){return o!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.gov.v1beta1",e.MsgSubmitProposal={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){o.content!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(o.content,i.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const f of o.initial_deposit)s.Coin.encode(f,i.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return o.proposer!==""&&i.uint32(26).string(o.proposer),o.is_expedited===!0&&i.uint32(32).bool(o.is_expedited),i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={content:void 0,initial_deposit:[],proposer:"",is_expedited:!1};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.content=d.Any.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 2:h.initial_deposit.push(s.Coin.decode(f,f.uint32()));break;case 3:h.proposer=f.string();break;case 4:h.is_expedited=f.bool();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({content:n(o.content)?d.Any.fromJSON(o.content):void 0,initial_deposit:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.initial_deposit)?o.initial_deposit.map(i=>s.Coin.fromJSON(i)):[],proposer:n(o.proposer)?String(o.proposer):"",is_expedited:!!n(o.is_expedited)&&!!o.is_expedited}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.content!==void 0&&(i.content=o.content?d.Any.toJSON(o.content):void 0),o.initial_deposit?i.initial_deposit=o.initial_deposit.map(f=>f?s.Coin.toJSON(f):void 0):i.initial_deposit=[],o.proposer!==void 0&&(i.proposer=o.proposer),o.is_expedited!==void 0&&(i.is_expedited=o.is_expedited),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={content:void 0,initial_deposit:[],proposer:"",is_expedited:!1};return h.content=o.content!==void 0&&o.content!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(o.content):void 0,h.initial_deposit=((i=o.initial_deposit)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(m=>s.Coin.fromPartial(m)))||[],h.proposer=(f=o.proposer)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.is_expedited=(c=o.is_expedited)!==null&&c!==void 0&&c,h}},e.MsgSubmitProposalResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0"};for(;f.pos>>3==1?h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64()):f.skipType(7&m)}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0"}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),i},fromPartial(o){var i;const f={proposal_id:"0"};return f.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",f}},e.MsgVote={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),o.voter!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.voter),o.option!==0&&i.uint32(24).int32(o.option),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64());break;case 2:h.voter=f.string();break;case 3:h.option=f.int32();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0",voter:n(o.voter)?String(o.voter):"",option:n(o.option)?(0,u.voteOptionFromJSON)(o.option):0}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),o.voter!==void 0&&(i.voter=o.voter),o.option!==void 0&&(i.option=(0,u.voteOptionToJSON)(o.option)),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0};return h.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",h.voter=(f=o.voter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.option=(c=o.option)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:0,h}},e.MsgVoteResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>i,decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;for(;f.pos({}),toJSON:o=>({}),fromPartial:o=>({})},e.MsgVoteWeighted={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),o.voter!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.voter);for(const f of o.options)u.WeightedVoteOption.encode(f,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",options:[]};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64());break;case 2:h.voter=f.string();break;case 3:h.options.push(u.WeightedVoteOption.decode(f,f.uint32()));break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0",voter:n(o.voter)?String(o.voter):"",options:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.options)?o.options.map(i=>u.WeightedVoteOption.fromJSON(i)):[]}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),o.voter!==void 0&&(i.voter=o.voter),o.options?i.options=o.options.map(f=>f?u.WeightedVoteOption.toJSON(f):void 0):i.options=[],i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",options:[]};return h.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",h.voter=(f=o.voter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.options=((c=o.options)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>u.WeightedVoteOption.fromPartial(m)))||[],h}},e.MsgVoteWeightedResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>i,decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;for(;f.pos({}),toJSON:o=>({}),fromPartial:o=>({})},e.MsgDeposit={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),o.depositor!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.depositor);for(const f of o.amount)s.Coin.encode(f,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64());break;case 2:h.depositor=f.string();break;case 3:h.amount.push(s.Coin.decode(f,f.uint32()));break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0",depositor:n(o.depositor)?String(o.depositor):"",amount:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.amount)?o.amount.map(i=>s.Coin.fromJSON(i)):[]}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),o.depositor!==void 0&&(i.depositor=o.depositor),o.amount?i.amount=o.amount.map(f=>f?s.Coin.toJSON(f):void 0):i.amount=[],i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};return h.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",h.depositor=(f=o.depositor)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.amount=((c=o.amount)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>s.Coin.fromPartial(m)))||[],h}},e.MsgDepositResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>i,decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;for(;f.pos({}),toJSON:o=>({}),fromPartial:o=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(o){this.rpc=o,this.SubmitProposal=this.SubmitProposal.bind(this),this.Vote=this.Vote.bind(this),this.VoteWeighted=this.VoteWeighted.bind(this),this.Deposit=this.Deposit.bind(this)}SubmitProposal(o){const i=e.MsgSubmitProposal.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","SubmitProposal",i).then(f=>e.MsgSubmitProposalResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}Vote(o){const i=e.MsgVote.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","Vote",i).then(f=>e.MsgVoteResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}VoteWeighted(o){const i=e.MsgVoteWeighted.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","VoteWeighted",i).then(f=>e.MsgVoteWeightedResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}Deposit(o){const i=e.MsgDeposit.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","Deposit",i).then(f=>e.MsgDepositResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9913:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return M(s,u),s},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ParamChange=e.ParameterChangeProposal=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(u){return u!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.params.v1beta1",e.ParameterChangeProposal={encode(u,s=t.Writer.create()){u.title!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.title),u.description!==""&&s.uint32(18).string(u.description);for(const r of u.changes)e.ParamChange.encode(r,s.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return s},decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={title:"",description:"",changes:[]};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.title=r.string();break;case 2:o.description=r.string();break;case 3:o.changes.push(e.ParamChange.decode(r,r.uint32()));break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({title:d(u.title)?String(u.title):"",description:d(u.description)?String(u.description):"",changes:Array.isArray(u==null?void 0:u.changes)?u.changes.map(s=>e.ParamChange.fromJSON(s)):[]}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.title!==void 0&&(s.title=u.title),u.description!==void 0&&(s.description=u.description),u.changes?s.changes=u.changes.map(r=>r?e.ParamChange.toJSON(r):void 0):s.changes=[],s},fromPartial(u){var s,r,n;const o={title:"",description:"",changes:[]};return o.title=(s=u.title)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",o.description=(r=u.description)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.changes=((n=u.changes)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.ParamChange.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.ParamChange={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.subspace!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.subspace),u.key!==""&&s.uint32(18).string(u.key),u.value!==""&&s.uint32(26).string(u.value),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={subspace:"",key:"",value:""};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.subspace=r.string();break;case 2:o.key=r.string();break;case 3:o.value=r.string();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({subspace:d(u.subspace)?String(u.subspace):"",key:d(u.key)?String(u.key):"",value:d(u.value)?String(u.value):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.subspace!==void 0&&(s.subspace=u.subspace),u.key!==void 0&&(s.key=u.key),u.value!==void 0&&(s.value=u.value),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r,n;const o={subspace:"",key:"",value:""};return o.subspace=(s=u.subspace)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",o.key=(r=u.key)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.value=(n=u.value)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5925:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),Object.defineProperty(d,r,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return u[s]}})}:function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),d[r]=u[s]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(d,u){Object.defineProperty(d,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:u})}:function(d,u){d.default=u}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(d){if(d&&d.__esModule)return d;var u={};if(d!=null)for(var s in d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return M(u,d),u},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(d){return d&&d.__esModule?d:{default:d}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgUnjailResponse=e.MsgUnjail=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));e.protobufPackage="cosmos.slashing.v1beta1",e.MsgUnjail={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>(d.validator_addr!==""&&u.uint32(10).string(d.validator_addr),u),decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;const n={validator_addr:""};for(;s.pos>>3==1?n.validator_addr=s.string():s.skipType(7&o)}return n},fromJSON(d){return{validator_addr:(u=d.validator_addr,u!=null?String(d.validator_addr):"")};var u},toJSON(d){const u={};return d.validator_addr!==void 0&&(u.validator_addr=d.validator_addr),u},fromPartial(d){var u;const s={validator_addr:""};return s.validator_addr=(u=d.validator_addr)!==null&&u!==void 0?u:"",s}},e.MsgUnjailResponse={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>u,decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;for(;s.pos({}),toJSON:d=>({}),fromPartial:d=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(d){this.rpc=d,this.Unjail=this.Unjail.bind(this)}Unjail(d){const u=e.MsgUnjail.encode(d).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.Msg","Unjail",u).then(s=>e.MsgUnjailResponse.decode(new t.Reader(s)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},837:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return M(i,o),i},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.StakeAuthorization_Validators=e.StakeAuthorization=e.authorizationTypeToJSON=e.authorizationTypeFromJSON=e.AuthorizationType=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976);var u;function s(o){switch(o){case 0:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE;case 2:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE;case 3:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE;default:return u.UNRECOGNIZED}}function r(o){switch(o){case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED";case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE";case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE";case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function n(o){return o!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.staking.v1beta1",function(o){o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED=0]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED",o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE=1]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE",o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE=2]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE",o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE=3]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE",o[o.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(u=e.AuthorizationType||(e.AuthorizationType={})),e.authorizationTypeFromJSON=s,e.authorizationTypeToJSON=r,e.StakeAuthorization={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.max_tokens!==void 0&&d.Coin.encode(o.max_tokens,i.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),o.allow_list!==void 0&&e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.encode(o.allow_list,i.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),o.deny_list!==void 0&&e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.encode(o.deny_list,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),o.authorization_type!==0&&i.uint32(32).int32(o.authorization_type),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={max_tokens:void 0,allow_list:void 0,deny_list:void 0,authorization_type:0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.max_tokens=d.Coin.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 2:h.allow_list=e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 3:h.deny_list=e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 4:h.authorization_type=f.int32();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({max_tokens:n(o.max_tokens)?d.Coin.fromJSON(o.max_tokens):void 0,allow_list:n(o.allow_list)?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromJSON(o.allow_list):void 0,deny_list:n(o.deny_list)?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromJSON(o.deny_list):void 0,authorization_type:n(o.authorization_type)?s(o.authorization_type):0}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.max_tokens!==void 0&&(i.max_tokens=o.max_tokens?d.Coin.toJSON(o.max_tokens):void 0),o.allow_list!==void 0&&(i.allow_list=o.allow_list?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.toJSON(o.allow_list):void 0),o.deny_list!==void 0&&(i.deny_list=o.deny_list?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.toJSON(o.deny_list):void 0),o.authorization_type!==void 0&&(i.authorization_type=r(o.authorization_type)),i},fromPartial(o){var i;const f={max_tokens:void 0,allow_list:void 0,deny_list:void 0,authorization_type:0};return f.max_tokens=o.max_tokens!==void 0&&o.max_tokens!==null?d.Coin.fromPartial(o.max_tokens):void 0,f.allow_list=o.allow_list!==void 0&&o.allow_list!==null?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromPartial(o.allow_list):void 0,f.deny_list=o.deny_list!==void 0&&o.deny_list!==null?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromPartial(o.deny_list):void 0,f.authorization_type=(i=o.authorization_type)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:0,f}},e.StakeAuthorization_Validators={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){for(const f of o.address)i.uint32(10).string(f);return i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={address:[]};for(;f.pos>>3==1?h.address.push(f.string()):f.skipType(7&m)}return h},fromJSON:o=>({address:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.address)?o.address.map(i=>String(i)):[]}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.address?i.address=o.address.map(f=>f):i.address=[],i},fromPartial(o){var i;const f={address:[]};return f.address=((i=o.address)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(c=>c))||[],f}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2572:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(l,I,R,k){k===void 0&&(k=R),Object.defineProperty(l,k,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return I[R]}})}:function(l,I,R,k){k===void 0&&(k=R),l[k]=I[R]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(l,I){Object.defineProperty(l,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:I})}:function(l,I){l.default=I}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(l){if(l&&l.__esModule)return l;var I={};if(l!=null)for(var R in l)R!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l,R)&&E(I,l,R);return M(I,l),I},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(l){return l&&l.__esModule?l:{default:l}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Pool=e.RedelegationResponse=e.RedelegationEntryResponse=e.DelegationResponse=e.Params=e.Redelegation=e.RedelegationEntry=e.UnbondingDelegationEntry=e.UnbondingDelegation=e.Delegation=e.DVVTriplets=e.DVVTriplet=e.DVPairs=e.DVPair=e.ValAddresses=e.Validator=e.Description=e.Commission=e.CommissionRates=e.HistoricalInfo=e.bondStatusToJSON=e.bondStatusFromJSON=e.BondStatus=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(9928),u=b(5090),s=b(4191),r=b(6138),n=b(2976);var o;function i(l){switch(l){case 0:case"BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED":return o.BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED":return o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED;case 2:case"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING":return o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING;case 3:case"BOND_STATUS_BONDED":return o.BOND_STATUS_BONDED;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function f(l){switch(l){case o.BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:return"BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED";case o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED:return"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED";case o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING:return"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING";case o.BOND_STATUS_BONDED:return"BOND_STATUS_BONDED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function c(l){return{seconds:Math.trunc(l.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:l.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function h(l){let I=1e3*Number(l.seconds);return I+=l.nanos/1e6,new Date(I)}function m(l){return l instanceof Date?c(l):typeof l=="string"?c(new Date(l)):u.Timestamp.fromJSON(l)}function v(l){return l.toString()}function C(l){return l!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.staking.v1beta1",function(l){l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED=0]="BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED",l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED=1]="BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED",l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING=2]="BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING",l[l.BOND_STATUS_BONDED=3]="BOND_STATUS_BONDED",l[l.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(o=e.BondStatus||(e.BondStatus={})),e.bondStatusFromJSON=i,e.bondStatusToJSON=f,e.HistoricalInfo={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.header!==void 0&&d.Header.encode(l.header,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const R of l.valset)e.Validator.encode(R,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={header:void 0,valset:[]};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.header=d.Header.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.valset.push(e.Validator.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({header:C(l.header)?d.Header.fromJSON(l.header):void 0,valset:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.valset)?l.valset.map(I=>e.Validator.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.header!==void 0&&(I.header=l.header?d.Header.toJSON(l.header):void 0),l.valset?I.valset=l.valset.map(R=>R?e.Validator.toJSON(R):void 0):I.valset=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={header:void 0,valset:[]};return R.header=l.header!==void 0&&l.header!==null?d.Header.fromPartial(l.header):void 0,R.valset=((I=l.valset)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>e.Validator.fromPartial(k)))||[],R}},e.CommissionRates={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.rate!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.rate),l.max_rate!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.max_rate),l.max_change_rate!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.max_change_rate),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={rate:"",max_rate:"",max_change_rate:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.rate=R.string();break;case 2:N.max_rate=R.string();break;case 3:N.max_change_rate=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({rate:C(l.rate)?String(l.rate):"",max_rate:C(l.max_rate)?String(l.max_rate):"",max_change_rate:C(l.max_change_rate)?String(l.max_change_rate):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.rate!==void 0&&(I.rate=l.rate),l.max_rate!==void 0&&(I.max_rate=l.max_rate),l.max_change_rate!==void 0&&(I.max_change_rate=l.max_change_rate),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N={rate:"",max_rate:"",max_change_rate:""};return N.rate=(I=l.rate)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",N.max_rate=(R=l.max_rate)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",N.max_change_rate=(k=l.max_change_rate)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",N}},e.Commission={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.commission_rates!==void 0&&e.CommissionRates.encode(l.commission_rates,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.update_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.update_time,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={commission_rates:void 0,update_time:void 0};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.commission_rates=e.CommissionRates.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.update_time=u.Timestamp.decode(R,R.uint32());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({commission_rates:C(l.commission_rates)?e.CommissionRates.fromJSON(l.commission_rates):void 0,update_time:C(l.update_time)?m(l.update_time):void 0}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.commission_rates!==void 0&&(I.commission_rates=l.commission_rates?e.CommissionRates.toJSON(l.commission_rates):void 0),l.update_time!==void 0&&(I.update_time=h(l.update_time).toISOString()),I},fromPartial(l){const I={commission_rates:void 0,update_time:void 0};return I.commission_rates=l.commission_rates!==void 0&&l.commission_rates!==null?e.CommissionRates.fromPartial(l.commission_rates):void 0,I.update_time=l.update_time!==void 0&&l.update_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.update_time):void 0,I}},e.Description={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.moniker!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.moniker),l.identity!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.identity),l.website!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.website),l.security_contact!==""&&I.uint32(34).string(l.security_contact),l.details!==""&&I.uint32(42).string(l.details),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={moniker:"",identity:"",website:"",security_contact:"",details:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.moniker=R.string();break;case 2:N.identity=R.string();break;case 3:N.website=R.string();break;case 4:N.security_contact=R.string();break;case 5:N.details=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({moniker:C(l.moniker)?String(l.moniker):"",identity:C(l.identity)?String(l.identity):"",website:C(l.website)?String(l.website):"",security_contact:C(l.security_contact)?String(l.security_contact):"",details:C(l.details)?String(l.details):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.moniker!==void 0&&(I.moniker=l.moniker),l.identity!==void 0&&(I.identity=l.identity),l.website!==void 0&&(I.website=l.website),l.security_contact!==void 0&&(I.security_contact=l.security_contact),l.details!==void 0&&(I.details=l.details),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N,A;const w={moniker:"",identity:"",website:"",security_contact:"",details:""};return w.moniker=(I=l.moniker)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",w.identity=(R=l.identity)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",w.website=(k=l.website)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",w.security_contact=(N=l.security_contact)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",w.details=(A=l.details)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",w}},e.Validator={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.operator_address!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.operator_address),l.consensus_pubkey!==void 0&&s.Any.encode(l.consensus_pubkey,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.jailed===!0&&I.uint32(24).bool(l.jailed),l.status!==0&&I.uint32(32).int32(l.status),l.tokens!==""&&I.uint32(42).string(l.tokens),l.delegator_shares!==""&&I.uint32(50).string(l.delegator_shares),l.description!==void 0&&e.Description.encode(l.description,I.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),l.unbonding_height!=="0"&&I.uint32(64).int64(l.unbonding_height),l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.unbonding_time,I.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),l.commission!==void 0&&e.Commission.encode(l.commission,I.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(),l.min_self_delegation!==""&&I.uint32(90).string(l.min_self_delegation),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={operator_address:"",consensus_pubkey:void 0,jailed:!1,status:0,tokens:"",delegator_shares:"",description:void 0,unbonding_height:"0",unbonding_time:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.operator_address=R.string();break;case 2:N.consensus_pubkey=s.Any.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 3:N.jailed=R.bool();break;case 4:N.status=R.int32();break;case 5:N.tokens=R.string();break;case 6:N.delegator_shares=R.string();break;case 7:N.description=e.Description.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 8:N.unbonding_height=v(R.int64());break;case 9:N.unbonding_time=u.Timestamp.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 10:N.commission=e.Commission.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 11:N.min_self_delegation=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({operator_address:C(l.operator_address)?String(l.operator_address):"",consensus_pubkey:C(l.consensus_pubkey)?s.Any.fromJSON(l.consensus_pubkey):void 0,jailed:!!C(l.jailed)&&!!l.jailed,status:C(l.status)?i(l.status):0,tokens:C(l.tokens)?String(l.tokens):"",delegator_shares:C(l.delegator_shares)?String(l.delegator_shares):"",description:C(l.description)?e.Description.fromJSON(l.description):void 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0&&(I.commission=l.commission?e.Commission.toJSON(l.commission):void 0),l.min_self_delegation!==void 0&&(I.min_self_delegation=l.min_self_delegation),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N,A,w,_;const p={operator_address:"",consensus_pubkey:void 0,jailed:!1,status:0,tokens:"",delegator_shares:"",description:void 0,unbonding_height:"0",unbonding_time:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:""};return p.operator_address=(I=l.operator_address)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",p.consensus_pubkey=l.consensus_pubkey!==void 0&&l.consensus_pubkey!==null?s.Any.fromPartial(l.consensus_pubkey):void 0,p.jailed=(R=l.jailed)!==null&&R!==void 0&&R,p.status=(k=l.status)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:0,p.tokens=(N=l.tokens)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",p.delegator_shares=(A=l.delegator_shares)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",p.description=l.description!==void 0&&l.description!==null?e.Description.fromPartial(l.description):void 0,p.unbonding_height=(w=l.unbonding_height)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"0",p.unbonding_time=l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&l.unbonding_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time):void 0,p.commission=l.commission!==void 0&&l.commission!==null?e.Commission.fromPartial(l.commission):void 0,p.min_self_delegation=(_=l.min_self_delegation)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"",p}},e.ValAddresses={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const R of l.addresses)I.uint32(10).string(R);return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={addresses:[]};for(;R.pos>>3==1?N.addresses.push(R.string()):R.skipType(7&A)}return N},fromJSON:l=>({addresses:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.addresses)?l.addresses.map(I=>String(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.addresses?I.addresses=l.addresses.map(R=>R):I.addresses=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={addresses:[]};return R.addresses=((I=l.addresses)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>k))||[],R}},e.DVPair={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegator_address!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.delegator_address=R.string();break;case 2:N.validator_address=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:C(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_address:C(l.validator_address)?String(l.validator_address):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(I.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==void 0&&(I.validator_address=l.validator_address),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R;const k={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};return k.delegator_address=(I=l.delegator_address)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",k.validator_address=(R=l.validator_address)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",k}},e.DVPairs={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const R of l.pairs)e.DVPair.encode(R,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={pairs:[]};for(;R.pos>>3==1?N.pairs.push(e.DVPair.decode(R,R.uint32())):R.skipType(7&A)}return N},fromJSON:l=>({pairs:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.pairs)?l.pairs.map(I=>e.DVPair.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.pairs?I.pairs=l.pairs.map(R=>R?e.DVPair.toJSON(R):void 0):I.pairs=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={pairs:[]};return R.pairs=((I=l.pairs)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>e.DVPair.fromPartial(k)))||[],R}},e.DVVTriplet={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegator_address!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.delegator_address=R.string();break;case 2:N.validator_src_address=R.string();break;case 3:N.validator_dst_address=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:C(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_src_address:C(l.validator_src_address)?String(l.validator_src_address):"",validator_dst_address:C(l.validator_dst_address)?String(l.validator_dst_address):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(I.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==void 0&&(I.validator_src_address=l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==void 0&&(I.validator_dst_address=l.validator_dst_address),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:""};return N.delegator_address=(I=l.delegator_address)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",N.validator_src_address=(R=l.validator_src_address)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",N.validator_dst_address=(k=l.validator_dst_address)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",N}},e.DVVTriplets={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const R of l.triplets)e.DVVTriplet.encode(R,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={triplets:[]};for(;R.pos>>3==1?N.triplets.push(e.DVVTriplet.decode(R,R.uint32())):R.skipType(7&A)}return N},fromJSON:l=>({triplets:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.triplets)?l.triplets.map(I=>e.DVVTriplet.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.triplets?I.triplets=l.triplets.map(R=>R?e.DVVTriplet.toJSON(R):void 0):I.triplets=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={triplets:[]};return R.triplets=((I=l.triplets)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>e.DVVTriplet.fromPartial(k)))||[],R}},e.Delegation={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegator_address!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address),l.shares!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.shares),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",shares:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.delegator_address=R.string();break;case 2:N.validator_address=R.string();break;case 3:N.shares=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:C(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_address:C(l.validator_address)?String(l.validator_address):"",shares:C(l.shares)?String(l.shares):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(I.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==void 0&&(I.validator_address=l.validator_address),l.shares!==void 0&&(I.shares=l.shares),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",shares:""};return N.delegator_address=(I=l.delegator_address)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",N.validator_address=(R=l.validator_address)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",N.shares=(k=l.shares)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",N}},e.UnbondingDelegation={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.delegator_address!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address);for(const R of l.entries)e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.encode(R,I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",entries:[]};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.delegator_address=R.string();break;case 2:N.validator_address=R.string();break;case 3:N.entries.push(e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:C(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_address:C(l.validator_address)?String(l.validator_address):"",entries:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.entries)?l.entries.map(I=>e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(I.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==void 0&&(I.validator_address=l.validator_address),l.entries?I.entries=l.entries.map(R=>R?e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.toJSON(R):void 0):I.entries=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",entries:[]};return N.delegator_address=(I=l.delegator_address)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",N.validator_address=(R=l.validator_address)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",N.entries=((k=l.entries)===null||k===void 0?void 0:k.map(A=>e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromPartial(A)))||[],N}},e.UnbondingDelegationEntry={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.creation_height!=="0"&&I.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.initial_balance!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance),l.balance!==""&&I.uint32(34).string(l.balance),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",balance:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.creation_height=v(R.int64());break;case 2:N.completion_time=u.Timestamp.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 3:N.initial_balance=R.string();break;case 4:N.balance=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({creation_height:C(l.creation_height)?String(l.creation_height):"0",completion_time:C(l.completion_time)?m(l.completion_time):void 0,initial_balance:C(l.initial_balance)?String(l.initial_balance):"",balance:C(l.balance)?String(l.balance):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.creation_height!==void 0&&(I.creation_height=l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&(I.completion_time=h(l.completion_time).toISOString()),l.initial_balance!==void 0&&(I.initial_balance=l.initial_balance),l.balance!==void 0&&(I.balance=l.balance),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",balance:""};return N.creation_height=(I=l.creation_height)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",N.completion_time=l.completion_time!==void 0&&l.completion_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time):void 0,N.initial_balance=(R=l.initial_balance)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",N.balance=(k=l.balance)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",N}},e.RedelegationEntry={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.creation_height!=="0"&&I.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.initial_balance!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance),l.shares_dst!==""&&I.uint32(34).string(l.shares_dst),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",shares_dst:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.creation_height=v(R.int64());break;case 2:N.completion_time=u.Timestamp.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 3:N.initial_balance=R.string();break;case 4:N.shares_dst=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({creation_height:C(l.creation_height)?String(l.creation_height):"0",completion_time:C(l.completion_time)?m(l.completion_time):void 0,initial_balance:C(l.initial_balance)?String(l.initial_balance):"",shares_dst:C(l.shares_dst)?String(l.shares_dst):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.creation_height!==void 0&&(I.creation_height=l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&(I.completion_time=h(l.completion_time).toISOString()),l.initial_balance!==void 0&&(I.initial_balance=l.initial_balance),l.shares_dst!==void 0&&(I.shares_dst=l.shares_dst),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",shares_dst:""};return N.creation_height=(I=l.creation_height)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",N.completion_time=l.completion_time!==void 0&&l.completion_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time):void 0,N.initial_balance=(R=l.initial_balance)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",N.shares_dst=(k=l.shares_dst)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",N}},e.Redelegation={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.delegator_address!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address);for(const R of l.entries)e.RedelegationEntry.encode(R,I.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",entries:[]};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.delegator_address=R.string();break;case 2:N.validator_src_address=R.string();break;case 3:N.validator_dst_address=R.string();break;case 4:N.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntry.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:C(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_src_address:C(l.validator_src_address)?String(l.validator_src_address):"",validator_dst_address:C(l.validator_dst_address)?String(l.validator_dst_address):"",entries:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.entries)?l.entries.map(I=>e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(I.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==void 0&&(I.validator_src_address=l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==void 0&&(I.validator_dst_address=l.validator_dst_address),l.entries?I.entries=l.entries.map(R=>R?e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(R):void 0):I.entries=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N;const A={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",entries:[]};return A.delegator_address=(I=l.delegator_address)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",A.validator_src_address=(R=l.validator_src_address)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",A.validator_dst_address=(k=l.validator_dst_address)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",A.entries=((N=l.entries)===null||N===void 0?void 0:N.map(w=>e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(w)))||[],A}},e.Params={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&r.Duration.encode(l.unbonding_time,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.max_validators!==0&&I.uint32(16).uint32(l.max_validators),l.max_entries!==0&&I.uint32(24).uint32(l.max_entries),l.historical_entries!==0&&I.uint32(32).uint32(l.historical_entries),l.bond_denom!==""&&I.uint32(42).string(l.bond_denom),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={unbonding_time:void 0,max_validators:0,max_entries:0,historical_entries:0,bond_denom:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.unbonding_time=r.Duration.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.max_validators=R.uint32();break;case 3:N.max_entries=R.uint32();break;case 4:N.historical_entries=R.uint32();break;case 5:N.bond_denom=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({unbonding_time:C(l.unbonding_time)?r.Duration.fromJSON(l.unbonding_time):void 0,max_validators:C(l.max_validators)?Number(l.max_validators):0,max_entries:C(l.max_entries)?Number(l.max_entries):0,historical_entries:C(l.historical_entries)?Number(l.historical_entries):0,bond_denom:C(l.bond_denom)?String(l.bond_denom):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&(I.unbonding_time=l.unbonding_time?r.Duration.toJSON(l.unbonding_time):void 0),l.max_validators!==void 0&&(I.max_validators=Math.round(l.max_validators)),l.max_entries!==void 0&&(I.max_entries=Math.round(l.max_entries)),l.historical_entries!==void 0&&(I.historical_entries=Math.round(l.historical_entries)),l.bond_denom!==void 0&&(I.bond_denom=l.bond_denom),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N;const A={unbonding_time:void 0,max_validators:0,max_entries:0,historical_entries:0,bond_denom:""};return A.unbonding_time=l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&l.unbonding_time!==null?r.Duration.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time):void 0,A.max_validators=(I=l.max_validators)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:0,A.max_entries=(R=l.max_entries)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:0,A.historical_entries=(k=l.historical_entries)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:0,A.bond_denom=(N=l.bond_denom)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",A}},e.DelegationResponse={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegation!==void 0&&e.Delegation.encode(l.delegation,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.balance!==void 0&&n.Coin.encode(l.balance,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={delegation:void 0,balance:void 0};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.delegation=e.Delegation.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.balance=n.Coin.decode(R,R.uint32());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({delegation:C(l.delegation)?e.Delegation.fromJSON(l.delegation):void 0,balance:C(l.balance)?n.Coin.fromJSON(l.balance):void 0}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.delegation!==void 0&&(I.delegation=l.delegation?e.Delegation.toJSON(l.delegation):void 0),l.balance!==void 0&&(I.balance=l.balance?n.Coin.toJSON(l.balance):void 0),I},fromPartial(l){const I={delegation:void 0,balance:void 0};return I.delegation=l.delegation!==void 0&&l.delegation!==null?e.Delegation.fromPartial(l.delegation):void 0,I.balance=l.balance!==void 0&&l.balance!==null?n.Coin.fromPartial(l.balance):void 0,I}},e.RedelegationEntryResponse={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.redelegation_entry!==void 0&&e.RedelegationEntry.encode(l.redelegation_entry,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.balance!==""&&I.uint32(34).string(l.balance),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={redelegation_entry:void 0,balance:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.redelegation_entry=e.RedelegationEntry.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 4:N.balance=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({redelegation_entry:C(l.redelegation_entry)?e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(l.redelegation_entry):void 0,balance:C(l.balance)?String(l.balance):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.redelegation_entry!==void 0&&(I.redelegation_entry=l.redelegation_entry?e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(l.redelegation_entry):void 0),l.balance!==void 0&&(I.balance=l.balance),I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={redelegation_entry:void 0,balance:""};return R.redelegation_entry=l.redelegation_entry!==void 0&&l.redelegation_entry!==null?e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(l.redelegation_entry):void 0,R.balance=(I=l.balance)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",R}},e.RedelegationResponse={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.redelegation!==void 0&&e.Redelegation.encode(l.redelegation,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const R of l.entries)e.RedelegationEntryResponse.encode(R,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={redelegation:void 0,entries:[]};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.redelegation=e.Redelegation.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntryResponse.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({redelegation:C(l.redelegation)?e.Redelegation.fromJSON(l.redelegation):void 0,entries:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.entries)?l.entries.map(I=>e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.redelegation!==void 0&&(I.redelegation=l.redelegation?e.Redelegation.toJSON(l.redelegation):void 0),l.entries?I.entries=l.entries.map(R=>R?e.RedelegationEntryResponse.toJSON(R):void 0):I.entries=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={redelegation:void 0,entries:[]};return R.redelegation=l.redelegation!==void 0&&l.redelegation!==null?e.Redelegation.fromPartial(l.redelegation):void 0,R.entries=((I=l.entries)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromPartial(k)))||[],R}},e.Pool={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.not_bonded_tokens!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.not_bonded_tokens),l.bonded_tokens!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.bonded_tokens),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={not_bonded_tokens:"",bonded_tokens:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.not_bonded_tokens=R.string();break;case 2:N.bonded_tokens=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({not_bonded_tokens:C(l.not_bonded_tokens)?String(l.not_bonded_tokens):"",bonded_tokens:C(l.bonded_tokens)?String(l.bonded_tokens):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.not_bonded_tokens!==void 0&&(I.not_bonded_tokens=l.not_bonded_tokens),l.bonded_tokens!==void 0&&(I.bonded_tokens=l.bonded_tokens),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R;const k={not_bonded_tokens:"",bonded_tokens:""};return k.not_bonded_tokens=(I=l.not_bonded_tokens)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",k.bonded_tokens=(R=l.bonded_tokens)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",k}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},7704:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return M(h,c),h},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgUndelegateResponse=e.MsgUndelegate=e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse=e.MsgBeginRedelegate=e.MsgDelegateResponse=e.MsgDelegate=e.MsgEditValidatorResponse=e.MsgEditValidator=e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse=e.MsgCreateValidator=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2572),u=b(4191),s=b(2976),r=b(5090);function n(c){return{seconds:Math.trunc(c.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:c.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function o(c){let h=1e3*Number(c.seconds);return h+=c.nanos/1e6,new Date(h)}function i(c){return c instanceof Date?n(c):typeof c=="string"?n(new Date(c)):r.Timestamp.fromJSON(c)}function f(c){return c!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.staking.v1beta1",e.MsgCreateValidator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.description!==void 0&&d.Description.encode(c.description,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.commission!==void 0&&d.CommissionRates.encode(c.commission,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.min_self_delegation!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.min_self_delegation),c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(34).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(42).string(c.validator_address),c.pubkey!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(c.pubkey,h.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),c.value!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.value,h.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={description:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:"",delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",pubkey:void 0,value:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.description=d.Description.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:C.commission=d.CommissionRates.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.min_self_delegation=m.string();break;case 4:C.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 5:C.validator_address=m.string();break;case 6:C.pubkey=u.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 7:C.value=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({description:f(c.description)?d.Description.fromJSON(c.description):void 0,commission:f(c.commission)?d.CommissionRates.fromJSON(c.commission):void 0,min_self_delegation:f(c.min_self_delegation)?String(c.min_self_delegation):"",delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",pubkey:f(c.pubkey)?u.Any.fromJSON(c.pubkey):void 0,value:f(c.value)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.value):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.description!==void 0&&(h.description=c.description?d.Description.toJSON(c.description):void 0),c.commission!==void 0&&(h.commission=c.commission?d.CommissionRates.toJSON(c.commission):void 0),c.min_self_delegation!==void 0&&(h.min_self_delegation=c.min_self_delegation),c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.pubkey!==void 0&&(h.pubkey=c.pubkey?u.Any.toJSON(c.pubkey):void 0),c.value!==void 0&&(h.value=c.value?s.Coin.toJSON(c.value):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const C={description:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:"",delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",pubkey:void 0,value:void 0};return C.description=c.description!==void 0&&c.description!==null?d.Description.fromPartial(c.description):void 0,C.commission=c.commission!==void 0&&c.commission!==null?d.CommissionRates.fromPartial(c.commission):void 0,C.min_self_delegation=(h=c.min_self_delegation)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",C.delegator_address=(m=c.delegator_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",C.validator_address=(v=c.validator_address)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",C.pubkey=c.pubkey!==void 0&&c.pubkey!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(c.pubkey):void 0,C.value=c.value!==void 0&&c.value!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.value):void 0,C}},e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgEditValidator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.description!==void 0&&d.Description.encode(c.description,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address),c.commission_rate!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.commission_rate),c.min_self_delegation!==""&&h.uint32(34).string(c.min_self_delegation),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={description:void 0,validator_address:"",commission_rate:"",min_self_delegation:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.description=d.Description.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:C.validator_address=m.string();break;case 3:C.commission_rate=m.string();break;case 4:C.min_self_delegation=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({description:f(c.description)?d.Description.fromJSON(c.description):void 0,validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",commission_rate:f(c.commission_rate)?String(c.commission_rate):"",min_self_delegation:f(c.min_self_delegation)?String(c.min_self_delegation):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.description!==void 0&&(h.description=c.description?d.Description.toJSON(c.description):void 0),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.commission_rate!==void 0&&(h.commission_rate=c.commission_rate),c.min_self_delegation!==void 0&&(h.min_self_delegation=c.min_self_delegation),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const C={description:void 0,validator_address:"",commission_rate:"",min_self_delegation:""};return C.description=c.description!==void 0&&c.description!==null?d.Description.fromPartial(c.description):void 0,C.validator_address=(h=c.validator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",C.commission_rate=(m=c.commission_rate)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",C.min_self_delegation=(v=c.min_self_delegation)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",C}},e.MsgEditValidatorResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgDelegate={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.amount,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 2:C.validator_address=m.string();break;case 3:C.amount=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",amount:f(c.amount)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&(h.amount=c.amount?s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};return v.delegator_address=(h=c.delegator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.validator_address=(m=c.validator_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v.amount=c.amount!==void 0&&c.amount!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount):void 0,v}},e.MsgDelegateResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgBeginRedelegate={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_src_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_src_address),c.validator_dst_address!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.validator_dst_address),c.amount!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.amount,h.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",amount:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 2:C.validator_src_address=m.string();break;case 3:C.validator_dst_address=m.string();break;case 4:C.amount=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_src_address:f(c.validator_src_address)?String(c.validator_src_address):"",validator_dst_address:f(c.validator_dst_address)?String(c.validator_dst_address):"",amount:f(c.amount)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_src_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_src_address=c.validator_src_address),c.validator_dst_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_dst_address=c.validator_dst_address),c.amount!==void 0&&(h.amount=c.amount?s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const C={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",amount:void 0};return C.delegator_address=(h=c.delegator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",C.validator_src_address=(m=c.validator_src_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",C.validator_dst_address=(v=c.validator_dst_address)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",C.amount=c.amount!==void 0&&c.amount!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount):void 0,C}},e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.completion_time!==void 0&&r.Timestamp.encode(c.completion_time,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={completion_time:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3==1?C.completion_time=r.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32()):m.skipType(7&l)}return C},fromJSON:c=>({completion_time:f(c.completion_time)?i(c.completion_time):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.completion_time!==void 0&&(h.completion_time=o(c.completion_time).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){const h={completion_time:void 0};return h.completion_time=c.completion_time!==void 0&&c.completion_time!==null?r.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.completion_time):void 0,h}},e.MsgUndelegate={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.amount,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 2:C.validator_address=m.string();break;case 3:C.amount=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",amount:f(c.amount)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&(h.amount=c.amount?s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};return v.delegator_address=(h=c.delegator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.validator_address=(m=c.validator_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v.amount=c.amount!==void 0&&c.amount!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount):void 0,v}},e.MsgUndelegateResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.completion_time!==void 0&&r.Timestamp.encode(c.completion_time,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={completion_time:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3==1?C.completion_time=r.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32()):m.skipType(7&l)}return C},fromJSON:c=>({completion_time:f(c.completion_time)?i(c.completion_time):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.completion_time!==void 0&&(h.completion_time=o(c.completion_time).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){const h={completion_time:void 0};return h.completion_time=c.completion_time!==void 0&&c.completion_time!==null?r.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.completion_time):void 0,h}},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(c){this.rpc=c,this.CreateValidator=this.CreateValidator.bind(this),this.EditValidator=this.EditValidator.bind(this),this.Delegate=this.Delegate.bind(this),this.BeginRedelegate=this.BeginRedelegate.bind(this),this.Undelegate=this.Undelegate.bind(this)}CreateValidator(c){const h=e.MsgCreateValidator.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","CreateValidator",h).then(m=>e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}EditValidator(c){const h=e.MsgEditValidator.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","EditValidator",h).then(m=>e.MsgEditValidatorResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}Delegate(c){const h=e.MsgDelegate.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","Delegate",h).then(m=>e.MsgDelegateResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}BeginRedelegate(c){const h=e.MsgBeginRedelegate.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","BeginRedelegate",h).then(m=>e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}Undelegate(c){const h=e.MsgUndelegate.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","Undelegate",h).then(m=>e.MsgUndelegateResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8502:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(v,C,l,I){I===void 0&&(I=l),Object.defineProperty(v,I,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return C[l]}})}:function(v,C,l,I){I===void 0&&(I=l),v[I]=C[l]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(v,C){Object.defineProperty(v,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:C})}:function(v,C){v.default=C}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(v){if(v&&v.__esModule)return v;var C={};if(v!=null)for(var l in v)l!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v,l)&&E(C,v,l);return M(C,v),C},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(v){return v&&v.__esModule?v:{default:v}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data=e.SignatureDescriptor=e.SignatureDescriptors=e.signModeToJSON=e.signModeFromJSON=e.SignMode=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191),u=b(4271);var s;function r(v){switch(v){case 0:case"SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED":return s.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"SIGN_MODE_DIRECT":return s.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT;case 2:case"SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL":return s.SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL;case 127:case"SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON":return s.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON;case 191:case"SIGN_MODE_EIP_191":return s.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191;default:return s.UNRECOGNIZED}}function n(v){switch(v){case s.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED:return"SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED";case s.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT:return"SIGN_MODE_DIRECT";case s.SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL:return"SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL";case s.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON:return"SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON";case s.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191:return"SIGN_MODE_EIP_191";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function o(){return{mode:0,signature:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.tx.signing.v1beta1",function(v){v[v.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED=0]="SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED",v[v.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT=1]="SIGN_MODE_DIRECT",v[v.SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL=2]="SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL",v[v.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON=127]="SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON",v[v.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191=191]="SIGN_MODE_EIP_191",v[v.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(s=e.SignMode||(e.SignMode={})),e.signModeFromJSON=r,e.signModeToJSON=n,e.SignatureDescriptors={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){for(const l of v.signatures)e.SignatureDescriptor.encode(l,C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={signatures:[]};for(;l.pos>>3==1?R.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor.decode(l,l.uint32())):l.skipType(7&k)}return R},fromJSON:v=>({signatures:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.signatures)?v.signatures.map(C=>e.SignatureDescriptor.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.signatures?C.signatures=v.signatures.map(l=>l?e.SignatureDescriptor.toJSON(l):void 0):C.signatures=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C;const l={signatures:[]};return l.signatures=((C=v.signatures)===null||C===void 0?void 0:C.map(I=>e.SignatureDescriptor.fromPartial(I)))||[],l}},e.SignatureDescriptor={encode:(v,C=t.Writer.create())=>(v.public_key!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(v.public_key,C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),v.data!==void 0&&e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(v.data,C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),v.sequence!=="0"&&C.uint32(24).uint64(v.sequence),C),decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={public_key:void 0,data:void 0,sequence:"0"};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.public_key=d.Any.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:R.data=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 3:R.sequence=l.uint64().toString();break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({public_key:m(v.public_key)?d.Any.fromJSON(v.public_key):void 0,data:m(v.data)?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromJSON(v.data):void 0,sequence:m(v.sequence)?String(v.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.public_key!==void 0&&(C.public_key=v.public_key?d.Any.toJSON(v.public_key):void 0),v.data!==void 0&&(C.data=v.data?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(v.data):void 0),v.sequence!==void 0&&(C.sequence=v.sequence),C},fromPartial(v){var C;const l={public_key:void 0,data:void 0,sequence:"0"};return l.public_key=v.public_key!==void 0&&v.public_key!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(v.public_key):void 0,l.data=v.data!==void 0&&v.data!==null?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(v.data):void 0,l.sequence=(C=v.sequence)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"0",l}},e.SignatureDescriptor_Data={encode:(v,C=t.Writer.create())=>(v.single!==void 0&&e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.encode(v.single,C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),v.multi!==void 0&&e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.encode(v.multi,C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),C),decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={single:void 0,multi:void 0};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.single=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:R.multi=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.decode(l,l.uint32());break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({single:m(v.single)?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.fromJSON(v.single):void 0,multi:m(v.multi)?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.fromJSON(v.multi):void 0}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.single!==void 0&&(C.single=v.single?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.toJSON(v.single):void 0),v.multi!==void 0&&(C.multi=v.multi?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.toJSON(v.multi):void 0),C},fromPartial(v){const C={single:void 0,multi:void 0};return C.single=v.single!==void 0&&v.single!==null?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.fromPartial(v.single):void 0,C.multi=v.multi!==void 0&&v.multi!==null?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.fromPartial(v.multi):void 0,C}},e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single={encode:(v,C=t.Writer.create())=>(v.mode!==0&&C.uint32(8).int32(v.mode),v.signature.length!==0&&C.uint32(18).bytes(v.signature),C),decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R=o();for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.mode=l.int32();break;case 2:R.signature=l.bytes();break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({mode:m(v.mode)?r(v.mode):0,signature:m(v.signature)?c(v.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.mode!==void 0&&(C.mode=n(v.mode)),v.signature!==void 0&&(C.signature=function(l){const I=[];for(const R of l)I.push(String.fromCharCode(R));return h(I.join(""))}(v.signature!==void 0?v.signature:new Uint8Array)),C},fromPartial(v){var C,l;const I=o();return I.mode=(C=v.mode)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:0,I.signature=(l=v.signature)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,I}},e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi={encode(v,C=t.Writer.create()){v.bitarray!==void 0&&u.CompactBitArray.encode(v.bitarray,C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const l of v.signatures)e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(l,C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return C},decode(v,C){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let I=C===void 0?l.len:l.pos+C;const R={bitarray:void 0,signatures:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:R.bitarray=u.CompactBitArray.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:R.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&k)}}return R},fromJSON:v=>({bitarray:m(v.bitarray)?u.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(v.bitarray):void 0,signatures:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.signatures)?v.signatures.map(C=>e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromJSON(C)):[]}),toJSON(v){const C={};return v.bitarray!==void 0&&(C.bitarray=v.bitarray?u.CompactBitArray.toJSON(v.bitarray):void 0),v.signatures?C.signatures=v.signatures.map(l=>l?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(l):void 0):C.signatures=[],C},fromPartial(v){var C;const l={bitarray:void 0,signatures:[]};return l.bitarray=v.bitarray!==void 0&&v.bitarray!==null?u.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(v.bitarray):void 0,l.signatures=((C=v.signatures)===null||C===void 0?void 0:C.map(I=>e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(I)))||[],l}};var i=(()=>{if(i!==void 0)return i;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const f=i.atob||(v=>i.Buffer.from(v,"base64").toString("binary"));function c(v){const C=f(v),l=new Uint8Array(C.length);for(let I=0;Ii.Buffer.from(v,"binary").toString("base64"));function m(v){return v!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6994:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(l,I,R,k){k===void 0&&(k=R),Object.defineProperty(l,k,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return I[R]}})}:function(l,I,R,k){k===void 0&&(k=R),l[k]=I[R]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(l,I){Object.defineProperty(l,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:I})}:function(l,I){l.default=I}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(l){if(l&&l.__esModule)return l;var I={};if(l!=null)for(var R in l)R!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l,R)&&E(I,l,R);return M(I,l),I},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(l){return l&&l.__esModule?l:{default:l}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Fee=e.ModeInfo_Multi=e.ModeInfo_Single=e.ModeInfo=e.SignerInfo=e.AuthInfo=e.TxBody=e.SignDoc=e.TxRaw=e.Tx=e.Txs=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191),u=b(8502),s=b(4271),r=b(2976);function n(){return{body_bytes:new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array,signatures:[]}}function o(){return{body_bytes:new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array,chain_id:"",account_number:"0"}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.tx.v1beta1",e.Txs={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const R of l.tx)I.uint32(10).bytes(R);return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={tx:[]};for(;R.pos>>3==1?N.tx.push(R.bytes()):R.skipType(7&A)}return N},fromJSON:l=>({tx:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.tx)?l.tx.map(I=>c(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.tx?I.tx=l.tx.map(R=>m(R!==void 0?R:new Uint8Array)):I.tx=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={tx:[]};return R.tx=((I=l.tx)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>k))||[],R}},e.Tx={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.body!==void 0&&e.TxBody.encode(l.body,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.auth_info!==void 0&&e.AuthInfo.encode(l.auth_info,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const R of l.signatures)I.uint32(26).bytes(R);return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={body:void 0,auth_info:void 0,signatures:[]};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.body=e.TxBody.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.auth_info=e.AuthInfo.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 3:N.signatures.push(R.bytes());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({body:C(l.body)?e.TxBody.fromJSON(l.body):void 0,auth_info:C(l.auth_info)?e.AuthInfo.fromJSON(l.auth_info):void 0,signatures:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.signatures)?l.signatures.map(I=>c(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.body!==void 0&&(I.body=l.body?e.TxBody.toJSON(l.body):void 0),l.auth_info!==void 0&&(I.auth_info=l.auth_info?e.AuthInfo.toJSON(l.auth_info):void 0),l.signatures?I.signatures=l.signatures.map(R=>m(R!==void 0?R:new Uint8Array)):I.signatures=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={body:void 0,auth_info:void 0,signatures:[]};return R.body=l.body!==void 0&&l.body!==null?e.TxBody.fromPartial(l.body):void 0,R.auth_info=l.auth_info!==void 0&&l.auth_info!==null?e.AuthInfo.fromPartial(l.auth_info):void 0,R.signatures=((I=l.signatures)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>k))||[],R}},e.TxRaw={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.body_bytes.length!==0&&I.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes),l.auth_info_bytes.length!==0&&I.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes);for(const R of l.signatures)I.uint32(26).bytes(R);return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N=n();for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.body_bytes=R.bytes();break;case 2:N.auth_info_bytes=R.bytes();break;case 3:N.signatures.push(R.bytes());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({body_bytes:C(l.body_bytes)?c(l.body_bytes):new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:C(l.auth_info_bytes)?c(l.auth_info_bytes):new Uint8Array,signatures:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.signatures)?l.signatures.map(I=>c(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.body_bytes!==void 0&&(I.body_bytes=m(l.body_bytes!==void 0?l.body_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0&&(I.auth_info_bytes=m(l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0?l.auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.signatures?I.signatures=l.signatures.map(R=>m(R!==void 0?R:new Uint8Array)):I.signatures=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N=n();return N.body_bytes=(I=l.body_bytes)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:new Uint8Array,N.auth_info_bytes=(R=l.auth_info_bytes)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:new Uint8Array,N.signatures=((k=l.signatures)===null||k===void 0?void 0:k.map(A=>A))||[],N}},e.SignDoc={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.body_bytes.length!==0&&I.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes),l.auth_info_bytes.length!==0&&I.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes),l.chain_id!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.chain_id),l.account_number!=="0"&&I.uint32(32).uint64(l.account_number),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N=o();for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.body_bytes=R.bytes();break;case 2:N.auth_info_bytes=R.bytes();break;case 3:N.chain_id=R.string();break;case 4:N.account_number=v(R.uint64());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({body_bytes:C(l.body_bytes)?c(l.body_bytes):new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:C(l.auth_info_bytes)?c(l.auth_info_bytes):new Uint8Array,chain_id:C(l.chain_id)?String(l.chain_id):"",account_number:C(l.account_number)?String(l.account_number):"0"}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.body_bytes!==void 0&&(I.body_bytes=m(l.body_bytes!==void 0?l.body_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0&&(I.auth_info_bytes=m(l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0?l.auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.chain_id!==void 0&&(I.chain_id=l.chain_id),l.account_number!==void 0&&(I.account_number=l.account_number),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N;const A=o();return A.body_bytes=(I=l.body_bytes)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:new Uint8Array,A.auth_info_bytes=(R=l.auth_info_bytes)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:new Uint8Array,A.chain_id=(k=l.chain_id)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",A.account_number=(N=l.account_number)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"0",A}},e.TxBody={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const R of l.messages)d.Any.encode(R,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();l.memo!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.memo),l.timeout_height!=="0"&&I.uint32(24).uint64(l.timeout_height);for(const R of l.extension_options)d.Any.encode(R,I.uint32(8186).fork()).ldelim();for(const R of l.non_critical_extension_options)d.Any.encode(R,I.uint32(16378).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={messages:[],memo:"",timeout_height:"0",extension_options:[],non_critical_extension_options:[]};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.messages.push(d.Any.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;case 2:N.memo=R.string();break;case 3:N.timeout_height=v(R.uint64());break;case 1023:N.extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;case 2047:N.non_critical_extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({messages:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.messages)?l.messages.map(I=>d.Any.fromJSON(I)):[],memo:C(l.memo)?String(l.memo):"",timeout_height:C(l.timeout_height)?String(l.timeout_height):"0",extension_options:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.extension_options)?l.extension_options.map(I=>d.Any.fromJSON(I)):[],non_critical_extension_options:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.non_critical_extension_options)?l.non_critical_extension_options.map(I=>d.Any.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.messages?I.messages=l.messages.map(R=>R?d.Any.toJSON(R):void 0):I.messages=[],l.memo!==void 0&&(I.memo=l.memo),l.timeout_height!==void 0&&(I.timeout_height=l.timeout_height),l.extension_options?I.extension_options=l.extension_options.map(R=>R?d.Any.toJSON(R):void 0):I.extension_options=[],l.non_critical_extension_options?I.non_critical_extension_options=l.non_critical_extension_options.map(R=>R?d.Any.toJSON(R):void 0):I.non_critical_extension_options=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N,A;const w={messages:[],memo:"",timeout_height:"0",extension_options:[],non_critical_extension_options:[]};return w.messages=((I=l.messages)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(_=>d.Any.fromPartial(_)))||[],w.memo=(R=l.memo)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",w.timeout_height=(k=l.timeout_height)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"0",w.extension_options=((N=l.extension_options)===null||N===void 0?void 0:N.map(_=>d.Any.fromPartial(_)))||[],w.non_critical_extension_options=((A=l.non_critical_extension_options)===null||A===void 0?void 0:A.map(_=>d.Any.fromPartial(_)))||[],w}},e.AuthInfo={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const R of l.signer_infos)e.SignerInfo.encode(R,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return l.fee!==void 0&&e.Fee.encode(l.fee,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={signer_infos:[],fee:void 0};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.signer_infos.push(e.SignerInfo.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;case 2:N.fee=e.Fee.decode(R,R.uint32());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({signer_infos:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.signer_infos)?l.signer_infos.map(I=>e.SignerInfo.fromJSON(I)):[],fee:C(l.fee)?e.Fee.fromJSON(l.fee):void 0}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.signer_infos?I.signer_infos=l.signer_infos.map(R=>R?e.SignerInfo.toJSON(R):void 0):I.signer_infos=[],l.fee!==void 0&&(I.fee=l.fee?e.Fee.toJSON(l.fee):void 0),I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={signer_infos:[],fee:void 0};return R.signer_infos=((I=l.signer_infos)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>e.SignerInfo.fromPartial(k)))||[],R.fee=l.fee!==void 0&&l.fee!==null?e.Fee.fromPartial(l.fee):void 0,R}},e.SignerInfo={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.public_key!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(l.public_key,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.mode_info!==void 0&&e.ModeInfo.encode(l.mode_info,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.sequence!=="0"&&I.uint32(24).uint64(l.sequence),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={public_key:void 0,mode_info:void 0,sequence:"0"};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.public_key=d.Any.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.mode_info=e.ModeInfo.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 3:N.sequence=v(R.uint64());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({public_key:C(l.public_key)?d.Any.fromJSON(l.public_key):void 0,mode_info:C(l.mode_info)?e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(l.mode_info):void 0,sequence:C(l.sequence)?String(l.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.public_key!==void 0&&(I.public_key=l.public_key?d.Any.toJSON(l.public_key):void 0),l.mode_info!==void 0&&(I.mode_info=l.mode_info?e.ModeInfo.toJSON(l.mode_info):void 0),l.sequence!==void 0&&(I.sequence=l.sequence),I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={public_key:void 0,mode_info:void 0,sequence:"0"};return R.public_key=l.public_key!==void 0&&l.public_key!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(l.public_key):void 0,R.mode_info=l.mode_info!==void 0&&l.mode_info!==null?e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(l.mode_info):void 0,R.sequence=(I=l.sequence)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",R}},e.ModeInfo={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.single!==void 0&&e.ModeInfo_Single.encode(l.single,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.multi!==void 0&&e.ModeInfo_Multi.encode(l.multi,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={single:void 0,multi:void 0};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.single=e.ModeInfo_Single.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.multi=e.ModeInfo_Multi.decode(R,R.uint32());break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({single:C(l.single)?e.ModeInfo_Single.fromJSON(l.single):void 0,multi:C(l.multi)?e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromJSON(l.multi):void 0}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.single!==void 0&&(I.single=l.single?e.ModeInfo_Single.toJSON(l.single):void 0),l.multi!==void 0&&(I.multi=l.multi?e.ModeInfo_Multi.toJSON(l.multi):void 0),I},fromPartial(l){const I={single:void 0,multi:void 0};return I.single=l.single!==void 0&&l.single!==null?e.ModeInfo_Single.fromPartial(l.single):void 0,I.multi=l.multi!==void 0&&l.multi!==null?e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromPartial(l.multi):void 0,I}},e.ModeInfo_Single={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.mode!==0&&I.uint32(8).int32(l.mode),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={mode:0};for(;R.pos>>3==1?N.mode=R.int32():R.skipType(7&A)}return N},fromJSON:l=>({mode:C(l.mode)?(0,u.signModeFromJSON)(l.mode):0}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.mode!==void 0&&(I.mode=(0,u.signModeToJSON)(l.mode)),I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={mode:0};return R.mode=(I=l.mode)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:0,R}},e.ModeInfo_Multi={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.bitarray!==void 0&&s.CompactBitArray.encode(l.bitarray,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const R of l.mode_infos)e.ModeInfo.encode(R,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={bitarray:void 0,mode_infos:[]};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.bitarray=s.CompactBitArray.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 2:N.mode_infos.push(e.ModeInfo.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({bitarray:C(l.bitarray)?s.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(l.bitarray):void 0,mode_infos:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.mode_infos)?l.mode_infos.map(I=>e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.bitarray!==void 0&&(I.bitarray=l.bitarray?s.CompactBitArray.toJSON(l.bitarray):void 0),l.mode_infos?I.mode_infos=l.mode_infos.map(R=>R?e.ModeInfo.toJSON(R):void 0):I.mode_infos=[],I},fromPartial(l){var I;const R={bitarray:void 0,mode_infos:[]};return R.bitarray=l.bitarray!==void 0&&l.bitarray!==null?s.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(l.bitarray):void 0,R.mode_infos=((I=l.mode_infos)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(k)))||[],R}},e.Fee={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const R of l.amount)r.Coin.encode(R,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return l.gas_limit!=="0"&&I.uint32(16).uint64(l.gas_limit),l.payer!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(l.payer),l.granter!==""&&I.uint32(34).string(l.granter),I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={amount:[],gas_limit:"0",payer:"",granter:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;case 2:N.gas_limit=v(R.uint64());break;case 3:N.payer=R.string();break;case 4:N.granter=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({amount:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.amount)?l.amount.map(I=>r.Coin.fromJSON(I)):[],gas_limit:C(l.gas_limit)?String(l.gas_limit):"0",payer:C(l.payer)?String(l.payer):"",granter:C(l.granter)?String(l.granter):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.amount?I.amount=l.amount.map(R=>R?r.Coin.toJSON(R):void 0):I.amount=[],l.gas_limit!==void 0&&(I.gas_limit=l.gas_limit),l.payer!==void 0&&(I.payer=l.payer),l.granter!==void 0&&(I.granter=l.granter),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N;const A={amount:[],gas_limit:"0",payer:"",granter:""};return A.amount=((I=l.amount)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(w=>r.Coin.fromPartial(w)))||[],A.gas_limit=(R=l.gas_limit)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"0",A.payer=(k=l.payer)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",A.granter=(N=l.granter)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",A}};var i=(()=>{if(i!==void 0)return i;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const f=i.atob||(l=>i.Buffer.from(l,"base64").toString("binary"));function c(l){const I=f(l),R=new Uint8Array(I.length);for(let k=0;ki.Buffer.from(l,"binary").toString("base64"));function m(l){const I=[];for(const R of l)I.push(String.fromCharCode(R));return h(I.join(""))}function v(l){return l.toString()}function C(l){return l!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8310:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return M(i,o),i},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ModuleVersion=e.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal=e.SoftwareUpgradeProposal=e.Plan=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(5090),u=b(4191);function s(o){return{seconds:Math.trunc(o.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:o.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function r(o){return o.toString()}function n(o){return o!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1",e.Plan={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.name!==""&&i.uint32(10).string(o.name),o.time!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(o.time,i.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),o.height!=="0"&&i.uint32(24).int64(o.height),o.info!==""&&i.uint32(34).string(o.info),o.upgraded_client_state!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(o.upgraded_client_state,i.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={name:"",time:void 0,height:"0",info:"",upgraded_client_state:void 0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.name=f.string();break;case 2:h.time=d.Timestamp.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 3:h.height=r(f.int64());break;case 4:h.info=f.string();break;case 5:h.upgraded_client_state=u.Any.decode(f,f.uint32());break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>{return{name:n(o.name)?String(o.name):"",time:n(o.time)?(i=o.time,i instanceof Date?s(i):typeof i=="string"?s(new Date(i)):d.Timestamp.fromJSON(i)):void 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0&&o.upgraded_client_state!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(o.upgraded_client_state):void 0,h}},e.SoftwareUpgradeProposal={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.title!==""&&i.uint32(10).string(o.title),o.description!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.description),o.plan!==void 0&&e.Plan.encode(o.plan,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={title:"",description:"",plan:void 0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.title=f.string();break;case 2:h.description=f.string();break;case 3:h.plan=e.Plan.decode(f,f.uint32());break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({title:n(o.title)?String(o.title):"",description:n(o.description)?String(o.description):"",plan:n(o.plan)?e.Plan.fromJSON(o.plan):void 0}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.title!==void 0&&(i.title=o.title),o.description!==void 0&&(i.description=o.description),o.plan!==void 0&&(i.plan=o.plan?e.Plan.toJSON(o.plan):void 0),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f;const c={title:"",description:"",plan:void 0};return c.title=(i=o.title)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.description=(f=o.description)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c.plan=o.plan!==void 0&&o.plan!==null?e.Plan.fromPartial(o.plan):void 0,c}},e.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.title!==""&&i.uint32(10).string(o.title),o.description!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.description),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={title:"",description:""};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.title=f.string();break;case 2:h.description=f.string();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({title:n(o.title)?String(o.title):"",description:n(o.description)?String(o.description):""}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.title!==void 0&&(i.title=o.title),o.description!==void 0&&(i.description=o.description),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f;const c={title:"",description:""};return c.title=(i=o.title)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.description=(f=o.description)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c}},e.ModuleVersion={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.name!==""&&i.uint32(10).string(o.name),o.version!=="0"&&i.uint32(16).uint64(o.version),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={name:"",version:"0"};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.name=f.string();break;case 2:h.version=r(f.uint64());break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({name:n(o.name)?String(o.name):"",version:n(o.version)?String(o.version):"0"}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.name!==void 0&&(i.name=o.name),o.version!==void 0&&(i.version=o.version),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f;const c={name:"",version:"0"};return c.name=(i=o.name)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.version=(f=o.version)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"0",c}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8644:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return M(r,s),r},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse=e.MsgCreateVestingAccount=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.vesting.v1beta1",e.MsgCreateVestingAccount={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.from_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.from_address),s.to_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.to_address);for(const n of s.amount)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return s.end_time!=="0"&&r.uint32(32).int64(s.end_time),s.delayed===!0&&r.uint32(40).bool(s.delayed),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[],end_time:"0",delayed:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.from_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.to_address=n.string();break;case 3:i.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 4:i.end_time=n.int64().toString();break;case 5:i.delayed=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({from_address:u(s.from_address)?String(s.from_address):"",to_address:u(s.to_address)?String(s.to_address):"",amount:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.amount)?s.amount.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[],end_time:u(s.end_time)?String(s.end_time):"0",delayed:!!u(s.delayed)&&!!s.delayed}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.from_address!==void 0&&(r.from_address=s.from_address),s.to_address!==void 0&&(r.to_address=s.to_address),s.amount?r.amount=s.amount.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.amount=[],s.end_time!==void 0&&(r.end_time=s.end_time),s.delayed!==void 0&&(r.delayed=s.delayed),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o,i,f;const c={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[],end_time:"0",delayed:!1};return c.from_address=(r=s.from_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",c.to_address=(n=s.to_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.amount=((o=s.amount)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(h=>d.Coin.fromPartial(h)))||[],c.end_time=(i=s.end_time)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",c.delayed=(f=s.delayed)!==null&&f!==void 0&&f,c}},e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(s){this.rpc=s,this.CreateVestingAccount=this.CreateVestingAccount.bind(this)}CreateVestingAccount(s){const r=e.MsgCreateVestingAccount.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.Msg","CreateVestingAccount",r).then(n=>e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4191:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return M(f,i),f},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Any=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(){return{type_url:"",value:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="google.protobuf",e.Any={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.type_url!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.type_url),i.value.length!==0&&f.uint32(18).bytes(i.value),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m=d();for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.type_url=c.string();break;case 2:m.value=c.bytes();break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({type_url:o(i.type_url)?String(i.type_url):"",value:o(i.value)?r(i.value):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.type_url!==void 0&&(f.type_url=i.type_url),i.value!==void 0&&(f.value=function(c){const h=[];for(const m of c)h.push(String.fromCharCode(m));return n(h.join(""))}(i.value!==void 0?i.value:new Uint8Array)),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h=d();return h.type_url=(f=i.type_url)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.value=(c=i.value)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:new Uint8Array,h}};var u=(()=>{if(u!==void 0)return u;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const s=u.atob||(i=>u.Buffer.from(i,"base64").toString("binary"));function r(i){const f=s(i),c=new Uint8Array(f.length);for(let h=0;hu.Buffer.from(i,"binary").toString("base64"));function o(i){return i!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6138:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return M(s,u),s},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Duration=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(u){return u!=null}e.protobufPackage="google.protobuf",e.Duration={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.seconds!=="0"&&s.uint32(8).int64(u.seconds),u.nanos!==0&&s.uint32(16).int32(u.nanos),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={seconds:"0",nanos:0};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.seconds=r.int64().toString();break;case 2:o.nanos=r.int32();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({seconds:d(u.seconds)?String(u.seconds):"0",nanos:d(u.nanos)?Number(u.nanos):0}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.seconds!==void 0&&(s.seconds=u.seconds),u.nanos!==void 0&&(s.nanos=Math.round(u.nanos)),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r;const n={seconds:"0",nanos:0};return n.seconds=(s=u.seconds)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"0",n.nanos=(r=u.nanos)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:0,n}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5090:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return M(s,u),s},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Timestamp=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(u){return u!=null}e.protobufPackage="google.protobuf",e.Timestamp={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.seconds!=="0"&&s.uint32(8).int64(u.seconds),u.nanos!==0&&s.uint32(16).int32(u.nanos),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={seconds:"0",nanos:0};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.seconds=r.int64().toString();break;case 2:o.nanos=r.int32();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({seconds:d(u.seconds)?String(u.seconds):"0",nanos:d(u.nanos)?Number(u.nanos):0}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.seconds!==void 0&&(s.seconds=u.seconds),u.nanos!==void 0&&(s.nanos=Math.round(u.nanos)),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r;const n={seconds:"0",nanos:0};return n.seconds=(s=u.seconds)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"0",n.nanos=(r=u.nanos)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:0,n}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},1106:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return M(n,r),n},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IdentifiedPacketFees=e.PacketFees=e.PacketFee=e.Fee=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(5414),u=b(2976);function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.applications.fee.v1",e.Fee={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.recv_fee)u.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.ack_fee)u.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.timeout_fee)u.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={recv_fee:[],ack_fee:[],timeout_fee:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.recv_fee.push(u.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.ack_fee.push(u.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 3:f.timeout_fee.push(u.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({recv_fee:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.recv_fee)?r.recv_fee.map(n=>u.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[],ack_fee:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.ack_fee)?r.ack_fee.map(n=>u.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[],timeout_fee:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.timeout_fee)?r.timeout_fee.map(n=>u.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.recv_fee?n.recv_fee=r.recv_fee.map(o=>o?u.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.recv_fee=[],r.ack_fee?n.ack_fee=r.ack_fee.map(o=>o?u.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.ack_fee=[],r.timeout_fee?n.timeout_fee=r.timeout_fee.map(o=>o?u.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.timeout_fee=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={recv_fee:[],ack_fee:[],timeout_fee:[]};return f.recv_fee=((n=r.recv_fee)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(c=>u.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f.ack_fee=((o=r.ack_fee)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(c=>u.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f.timeout_fee=((i=r.timeout_fee)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(c=>u.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f}},e.PacketFee={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.fee!==void 0&&e.Fee.encode(r.fee,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.refund_address!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.refund_address);for(const o of r.relayers)n.uint32(26).string(o);return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={fee:void 0,refund_address:"",relayers:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.fee=e.Fee.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.refund_address=o.string();break;case 3:f.relayers.push(o.string());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({fee:s(r.fee)?e.Fee.fromJSON(r.fee):void 0,refund_address:s(r.refund_address)?String(r.refund_address):"",relayers:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.relayers)?r.relayers.map(n=>String(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.fee!==void 0&&(n.fee=r.fee?e.Fee.toJSON(r.fee):void 0),r.refund_address!==void 0&&(n.refund_address=r.refund_address),r.relayers?n.relayers=r.relayers.map(o=>o):n.relayers=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={fee:void 0,refund_address:"",relayers:[]};return i.fee=r.fee!==void 0&&r.fee!==null?e.Fee.fromPartial(r.fee):void 0,i.refund_address=(n=r.refund_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",i.relayers=((o=r.relayers)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>f))||[],i}},e.PacketFees={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.packet_fees)e.PacketFee.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={packet_fees:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.packet_fees.push(e.PacketFee.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({packet_fees:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.packet_fees)?r.packet_fees.map(n=>e.PacketFee.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.packet_fees?n.packet_fees=r.packet_fees.map(o=>o?e.PacketFee.toJSON(o):void 0):n.packet_fees=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={packet_fees:[]};return o.packet_fees=((n=r.packet_fees)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.PacketFee.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.IdentifiedPacketFees={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.packet_id!==void 0&&d.PacketId.encode(r.packet_id,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.packet_fees)e.PacketFee.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={packet_id:void 0,packet_fees:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.packet_id=d.PacketId.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.packet_fees.push(e.PacketFee.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({packet_id:s(r.packet_id)?d.PacketId.fromJSON(r.packet_id):void 0,packet_fees:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.packet_fees)?r.packet_fees.map(n=>e.PacketFee.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.packet_id!==void 0&&(n.packet_id=r.packet_id?d.PacketId.toJSON(r.packet_id):void 0),r.packet_fees?n.packet_fees=r.packet_fees.map(o=>o?e.PacketFee.toJSON(o):void 0):n.packet_fees=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={packet_id:void 0,packet_fees:[]};return o.packet_id=r.packet_id!==void 0&&r.packet_id!==null?d.PacketId.fromPartial(r.packet_id):void 0,o.packet_fees=((n=r.packet_fees)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.PacketFee.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6065:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return M(n,r),n},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse=e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync=e.MsgPayPacketFeeResponse=e.MsgPayPacketFee=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayeeResponse=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee=e.MsgRegisterPayeeResponse=e.MsgRegisterPayee=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(1106),u=b(5414);function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.applications.fee.v1",e.MsgRegisterPayee={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.port_id!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.port_id),r.channel_id!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.channel_id),r.relayer!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.relayer),r.payee!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.payee),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",payee:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.port_id=o.string();break;case 2:f.channel_id=o.string();break;case 3:f.relayer=o.string();break;case 4:f.payee=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({port_id:s(r.port_id)?String(r.port_id):"",channel_id:s(r.channel_id)?String(r.channel_id):"",relayer:s(r.relayer)?String(r.relayer):"",payee:s(r.payee)?String(r.payee):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.port_id!==void 0&&(n.port_id=r.port_id),r.channel_id!==void 0&&(n.channel_id=r.channel_id),r.relayer!==void 0&&(n.relayer=r.relayer),r.payee!==void 0&&(n.payee=r.payee),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",payee:""};return c.port_id=(n=r.port_id)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.channel_id=(o=r.channel_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.relayer=(i=r.relayer)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.payee=(f=r.payee)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c}},e.MsgRegisterPayeeResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.port_id!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.port_id),r.channel_id!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.channel_id),r.relayer!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.relayer),r.counterparty_payee!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.counterparty_payee),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",counterparty_payee:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.port_id=o.string();break;case 2:f.channel_id=o.string();break;case 3:f.relayer=o.string();break;case 4:f.counterparty_payee=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({port_id:s(r.port_id)?String(r.port_id):"",channel_id:s(r.channel_id)?String(r.channel_id):"",relayer:s(r.relayer)?String(r.relayer):"",counterparty_payee:s(r.counterparty_payee)?String(r.counterparty_payee):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.port_id!==void 0&&(n.port_id=r.port_id),r.channel_id!==void 0&&(n.channel_id=r.channel_id),r.relayer!==void 0&&(n.relayer=r.relayer),r.counterparty_payee!==void 0&&(n.counterparty_payee=r.counterparty_payee),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",counterparty_payee:""};return c.port_id=(n=r.port_id)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.channel_id=(o=r.channel_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.relayer=(i=r.relayer)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.counterparty_payee=(f=r.counterparty_payee)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c}},e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayeeResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgPayPacketFee={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.fee!==void 0&&d.Fee.encode(r.fee,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.source_port_id!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.source_port_id),r.source_channel_id!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.source_channel_id),r.signer!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.signer);for(const o of r.relayers)n.uint32(42).string(o);return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={fee:void 0,source_port_id:"",source_channel_id:"",signer:"",relayers:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.fee=d.Fee.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.source_port_id=o.string();break;case 3:f.source_channel_id=o.string();break;case 4:f.signer=o.string();break;case 5:f.relayers.push(o.string());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({fee:s(r.fee)?d.Fee.fromJSON(r.fee):void 0,source_port_id:s(r.source_port_id)?String(r.source_port_id):"",source_channel_id:s(r.source_channel_id)?String(r.source_channel_id):"",signer:s(r.signer)?String(r.signer):"",relayers:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.relayers)?r.relayers.map(n=>String(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.fee!==void 0&&(n.fee=r.fee?d.Fee.toJSON(r.fee):void 0),r.source_port_id!==void 0&&(n.source_port_id=r.source_port_id),r.source_channel_id!==void 0&&(n.source_channel_id=r.source_channel_id),r.signer!==void 0&&(n.signer=r.signer),r.relayers?n.relayers=r.relayers.map(o=>o):n.relayers=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={fee:void 0,source_port_id:"",source_channel_id:"",signer:"",relayers:[]};return c.fee=r.fee!==void 0&&r.fee!==null?d.Fee.fromPartial(r.fee):void 0,c.source_port_id=(n=r.source_port_id)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.source_channel_id=(o=r.source_channel_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.signer=(i=r.signer)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.relayers=((f=r.relayers)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>h))||[],c}},e.MsgPayPacketFeeResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.packet_id!==void 0&&u.PacketId.encode(r.packet_id,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.packet_fee!==void 0&&d.PacketFee.encode(r.packet_fee,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={packet_id:void 0,packet_fee:void 0};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.packet_id=u.PacketId.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.packet_fee=d.PacketFee.decode(o,o.uint32());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({packet_id:s(r.packet_id)?u.PacketId.fromJSON(r.packet_id):void 0,packet_fee:s(r.packet_fee)?d.PacketFee.fromJSON(r.packet_fee):void 0}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.packet_id!==void 0&&(n.packet_id=r.packet_id?u.PacketId.toJSON(r.packet_id):void 0),r.packet_fee!==void 0&&(n.packet_fee=r.packet_fee?d.PacketFee.toJSON(r.packet_fee):void 0),n},fromPartial(r){const n={packet_id:void 0,packet_fee:void 0};return n.packet_id=r.packet_id!==void 0&&r.packet_id!==null?u.PacketId.fromPartial(r.packet_id):void 0,n.packet_fee=r.packet_fee!==void 0&&r.packet_fee!==null?d.PacketFee.fromPartial(r.packet_fee):void 0,n}},e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(r){this.rpc=r,this.RegisterPayee=this.RegisterPayee.bind(this),this.RegisterCounterpartyPayee=this.RegisterCounterpartyPayee.bind(this),this.PayPacketFee=this.PayPacketFee.bind(this),this.PayPacketFeeAsync=this.PayPacketFeeAsync.bind(this)}RegisterPayee(r){const n=e.MsgRegisterPayee.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","RegisterPayee",n).then(o=>e.MsgRegisterPayeeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}RegisterCounterpartyPayee(r){const n=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","RegisterCounterpartyPayee",n).then(o=>e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayeeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}PayPacketFee(r){const n=e.MsgPayPacketFee.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","PayPacketFee",n).then(o=>e.MsgPayPacketFeeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}PayPacketFeeAsync(r){const n=e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","PayPacketFeeAsync",n).then(o=>e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},865:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return M(o,n),o},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgTransferResponse=e.MsgTransfer=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976),u=b(5650);function s(n){return n.toString()}function r(n){return n!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.applications.transfer.v1",e.MsgTransfer={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.source_port!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.source_port),n.source_channel!==""&&o.uint32(18).string(n.source_channel),n.token!==void 0&&d.Coin.encode(n.token,o.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),n.sender!==""&&o.uint32(34).string(n.sender),n.receiver!==""&&o.uint32(42).string(n.receiver),n.timeout_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(n.timeout_height,o.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),n.timeout_timestamp!=="0"&&o.uint32(56).uint64(n.timeout_timestamp),n.memo!==""&&o.uint32(66).string(n.memo),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={source_port:"",source_channel:"",token:void 0,sender:"",receiver:"",timeout_height:void 0,timeout_timestamp:"0",memo:""};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.source_port=i.string();break;case 2:c.source_channel=i.string();break;case 3:c.token=d.Coin.decode(i,i.uint32());break;case 4:c.sender=i.string();break;case 5:c.receiver=i.string();break;case 6:c.timeout_height=u.Height.decode(i,i.uint32());break;case 7:c.timeout_timestamp=s(i.uint64());break;case 8:c.memo=i.string();break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({source_port:r(n.source_port)?String(n.source_port):"",source_channel:r(n.source_channel)?String(n.source_channel):"",token:r(n.token)?d.Coin.fromJSON(n.token):void 0,sender:r(n.sender)?String(n.sender):"",receiver:r(n.receiver)?String(n.receiver):"",timeout_height:r(n.timeout_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(n.timeout_height):void 0,timeout_timestamp:r(n.timeout_timestamp)?String(n.timeout_timestamp):"0",memo:r(n.memo)?String(n.memo):""}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.source_port!==void 0&&(o.source_port=n.source_port),n.source_channel!==void 0&&(o.source_channel=n.source_channel),n.token!==void 0&&(o.token=n.token?d.Coin.toJSON(n.token):void 0),n.sender!==void 0&&(o.sender=n.sender),n.receiver!==void 0&&(o.receiver=n.receiver),n.timeout_height!==void 0&&(o.timeout_height=n.timeout_height?u.Height.toJSON(n.timeout_height):void 0),n.timeout_timestamp!==void 0&&(o.timeout_timestamp=n.timeout_timestamp),n.memo!==void 0&&(o.memo=n.memo),o},fromPartial(n){var o,i,f,c,h,m;const v={source_port:"",source_channel:"",token:void 0,sender:"",receiver:"",timeout_height:void 0,timeout_timestamp:"0",memo:""};return v.source_port=(o=n.source_port)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",v.source_channel=(i=n.source_channel)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",v.token=n.token!==void 0&&n.token!==null?d.Coin.fromPartial(n.token):void 0,v.sender=(f=n.sender)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",v.receiver=(c=n.receiver)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",v.timeout_height=n.timeout_height!==void 0&&n.timeout_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(n.timeout_height):void 0,v.timeout_timestamp=(h=n.timeout_timestamp)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"0",v.memo=(m=n.memo)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v}},e.MsgTransferResponse={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.sequence!=="0"&&o.uint32(8).uint64(n.sequence),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={sequence:"0"};for(;i.pos>>3==1?c.sequence=s(i.uint64()):i.skipType(7&h)}return c},fromJSON:n=>({sequence:r(n.sequence)?String(n.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.sequence!==void 0&&(o.sequence=n.sequence),o},fromPartial(n){var o;const i={sequence:"0"};return i.sequence=(o=n.sequence)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(n){this.rpc=n,this.Transfer=this.Transfer.bind(this)}Transfer(n){const o=e.MsgTransfer.encode(n).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.transfer.v1.Msg","Transfer",o).then(i=>e.MsgTransferResponse.decode(new t.Reader(i)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5414:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(k,N,A,w){w===void 0&&(w=A),Object.defineProperty(k,w,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return N[A]}})}:function(k,N,A,w){w===void 0&&(w=A),k[w]=N[A]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(k,N){Object.defineProperty(k,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:N})}:function(k,N){k.default=N}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(k){if(k&&k.__esModule)return k;var N={};if(k!=null)for(var A in k)A!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(k,A)&&E(N,k,A);return M(N,k),N},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(k){return k&&k.__esModule?k:{default:k}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Acknowledgement=e.PacketId=e.PacketState=e.Packet=e.Counterparty=e.IdentifiedChannel=e.Channel=e.orderToJSON=e.orderFromJSON=e.Order=e.stateToJSON=e.stateFromJSON=e.State=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(5650);var u,s;function r(k){switch(k){case 0:case"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED":return u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"STATE_INIT":return u.STATE_INIT;case 2:case"STATE_TRYOPEN":return u.STATE_TRYOPEN;case 3:case"STATE_OPEN":return u.STATE_OPEN;case 4:case"STATE_CLOSED":return u.STATE_CLOSED;default:return u.UNRECOGNIZED}}function n(k){switch(k){case u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED:return"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED";case u.STATE_INIT:return"STATE_INIT";case u.STATE_TRYOPEN:return"STATE_TRYOPEN";case u.STATE_OPEN:return"STATE_OPEN";case u.STATE_CLOSED:return"STATE_CLOSED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function o(k){switch(k){case 0:case"ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED":return s.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"ORDER_UNORDERED":return s.ORDER_UNORDERED;case 2:case"ORDER_ORDERED":return s.ORDER_ORDERED;default:return s.UNRECOGNIZED}}function i(k){switch(k){case s.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED:return"ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED";case s.ORDER_UNORDERED:return"ORDER_UNORDERED";case s.ORDER_ORDERED:return"ORDER_ORDERED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function f(){return{sequence:"0",source_port:"",source_channel:"",destination_port:"",destination_channel:"",data:new Uint8Array,timeout_height:void 0,timeout_timestamp:"0"}}function c(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",sequence:"0",data:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.channel.v1",function(k){k[k.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED=0]="STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED",k[k.STATE_INIT=1]="STATE_INIT",k[k.STATE_TRYOPEN=2]="STATE_TRYOPEN",k[k.STATE_OPEN=3]="STATE_OPEN",k[k.STATE_CLOSED=4]="STATE_CLOSED",k[k.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(u=e.State||(e.State={})),e.stateFromJSON=r,e.stateToJSON=n,function(k){k[k.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED=0]="ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED",k[k.ORDER_UNORDERED=1]="ORDER_UNORDERED",k[k.ORDER_ORDERED=2]="ORDER_ORDERED",k[k.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(s=e.Order||(e.Order={})),e.orderFromJSON=o,e.orderToJSON=i,e.Channel={encode(k,N=t.Writer.create()){k.state!==0&&N.uint32(8).int32(k.state),k.ordering!==0&&N.uint32(16).int32(k.ordering),k.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(k.counterparty,N.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const A of k.connection_hops)N.uint32(34).string(A);return k.version!==""&&N.uint32(42).string(k.version),N},decode(k,N){const A=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let w=N===void 0?A.len:A.pos+N;const _={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:""};for(;A.pos>>3){case 1:_.state=A.int32();break;case 2:_.ordering=A.int32();break;case 3:_.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(A,A.uint32());break;case 4:_.connection_hops.push(A.string());break;case 5:_.version=A.string();break;default:A.skipType(7&p)}}return _},fromJSON:k=>({state:R(k.state)?r(k.state):0,ordering:R(k.ordering)?o(k.ordering):0,counterparty:R(k.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(k.counterparty):void 0,connection_hops:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.connection_hops)?k.connection_hops.map(N=>String(N)):[],version:R(k.version)?String(k.version):""}),toJSON(k){const N={};return k.state!==void 0&&(N.state=n(k.state)),k.ordering!==void 0&&(N.ordering=i(k.ordering)),k.counterparty!==void 0&&(N.counterparty=k.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(k.counterparty):void 0),k.connection_hops?N.connection_hops=k.connection_hops.map(A=>A):N.connection_hops=[],k.version!==void 0&&(N.version=k.version),N},fromPartial(k){var N,A,w,_;const p={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:""};return p.state=(N=k.state)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:0,p.ordering=(A=k.ordering)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:0,p.counterparty=k.counterparty!==void 0&&k.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(k.counterparty):void 0,p.connection_hops=((w=k.connection_hops)===null||w===void 0?void 0:w.map(O=>O))||[],p.version=(_=k.version)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"",p}},e.IdentifiedChannel={encode(k,N=t.Writer.create()){k.state!==0&&N.uint32(8).int32(k.state),k.ordering!==0&&N.uint32(16).int32(k.ordering),k.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(k.counterparty,N.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const A of k.connection_hops)N.uint32(34).string(A);return k.version!==""&&N.uint32(42).string(k.version),k.port_id!==""&&N.uint32(50).string(k.port_id),k.channel_id!==""&&N.uint32(58).string(k.channel_id),N},decode(k,N){const A=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let w=N===void 0?A.len:A.pos+N;const _={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:"",port_id:"",channel_id:""};for(;A.pos>>3){case 1:_.state=A.int32();break;case 2:_.ordering=A.int32();break;case 3:_.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(A,A.uint32());break;case 4:_.connection_hops.push(A.string());break;case 5:_.version=A.string();break;case 6:_.port_id=A.string();break;case 7:_.channel_id=A.string();break;default:A.skipType(7&p)}}return _},fromJSON:k=>({state:R(k.state)?r(k.state):0,ordering:R(k.ordering)?o(k.ordering):0,counterparty:R(k.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(k.counterparty):void 0,connection_hops:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.connection_hops)?k.connection_hops.map(N=>String(N)):[],version:R(k.version)?String(k.version):"",port_id:R(k.port_id)?String(k.port_id):"",channel_id:R(k.channel_id)?String(k.channel_id):""}),toJSON(k){const N={};return k.state!==void 0&&(N.state=n(k.state)),k.ordering!==void 0&&(N.ordering=i(k.ordering)),k.counterparty!==void 0&&(N.counterparty=k.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(k.counterparty):void 0),k.connection_hops?N.connection_hops=k.connection_hops.map(A=>A):N.connection_hops=[],k.version!==void 0&&(N.version=k.version),k.port_id!==void 0&&(N.port_id=k.port_id),k.channel_id!==void 0&&(N.channel_id=k.channel_id),N},fromPartial(k){var N,A,w,_,p,O;const U={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:"",port_id:"",channel_id:""};return U.state=(N=k.state)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:0,U.ordering=(A=k.ordering)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:0,U.counterparty=k.counterparty!==void 0&&k.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(k.counterparty):void 0,U.connection_hops=((w=k.connection_hops)===null||w===void 0?void 0:w.map(T=>T))||[],U.version=(_=k.version)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"",U.port_id=(p=k.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",U.channel_id=(O=k.channel_id)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"",U}},e.Counterparty={encode:(k,N=t.Writer.create())=>(k.port_id!==""&&N.uint32(10).string(k.port_id),k.channel_id!==""&&N.uint32(18).string(k.channel_id),N),decode(k,N){const A=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let w=N===void 0?A.len:A.pos+N;const _={port_id:"",channel_id:""};for(;A.pos>>3){case 1:_.port_id=A.string();break;case 2:_.channel_id=A.string();break;default:A.skipType(7&p)}}return _},fromJSON:k=>({port_id:R(k.port_id)?String(k.port_id):"",channel_id:R(k.channel_id)?String(k.channel_id):""}),toJSON(k){const N={};return k.port_id!==void 0&&(N.port_id=k.port_id),k.channel_id!==void 0&&(N.channel_id=k.channel_id),N},fromPartial(k){var N,A;const w={port_id:"",channel_id:""};return w.port_id=(N=k.port_id)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",w.channel_id=(A=k.channel_id)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",w}},e.Packet={encode:(k,N=t.Writer.create())=>(k.sequence!=="0"&&N.uint32(8).uint64(k.sequence),k.source_port!==""&&N.uint32(18).string(k.source_port),k.source_channel!==""&&N.uint32(26).string(k.source_channel),k.destination_port!==""&&N.uint32(34).string(k.destination_port),k.destination_channel!==""&&N.uint32(42).string(k.destination_channel),k.data.length!==0&&N.uint32(50).bytes(k.data),k.timeout_height!==void 0&&d.Height.encode(k.timeout_height,N.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),k.timeout_timestamp!=="0"&&N.uint32(64).uint64(k.timeout_timestamp),N),decode(k,N){const A=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let w=N===void 0?A.len:A.pos+N;const _=f();for(;A.pos>>3){case 1:_.sequence=I(A.uint64());break;case 2:_.source_port=A.string();break;case 3:_.source_channel=A.string();break;case 4:_.destination_port=A.string();break;case 5:_.destination_channel=A.string();break;case 6:_.data=A.bytes();break;case 7:_.timeout_height=d.Height.decode(A,A.uint32());break;case 8:_.timeout_timestamp=I(A.uint64());break;default:A.skipType(7&p)}}return _},fromJSON:k=>({sequence:R(k.sequence)?String(k.sequence):"0",source_port:R(k.source_port)?String(k.source_port):"",source_channel:R(k.source_channel)?String(k.source_channel):"",destination_port:R(k.destination_port)?String(k.destination_port):"",destination_channel:R(k.destination_channel)?String(k.destination_channel):"",data:R(k.data)?v(k.data):new Uint8Array,timeout_height:R(k.timeout_height)?d.Height.fromJSON(k.timeout_height):void 0,timeout_timestamp:R(k.timeout_timestamp)?String(k.timeout_timestamp):"0"}),toJSON(k){const N={};return k.sequence!==void 0&&(N.sequence=k.sequence),k.source_port!==void 0&&(N.source_port=k.source_port),k.source_channel!==void 0&&(N.source_channel=k.source_channel),k.destination_port!==void 0&&(N.destination_port=k.destination_port),k.destination_channel!==void 0&&(N.destination_channel=k.destination_channel),k.data!==void 0&&(N.data=l(k.data!==void 0?k.data:new Uint8Array)),k.timeout_height!==void 0&&(N.timeout_height=k.timeout_height?d.Height.toJSON(k.timeout_height):void 0),k.timeout_timestamp!==void 0&&(N.timeout_timestamp=k.timeout_timestamp),N},fromPartial(k){var N,A,w,_,p,O,U;const T=f();return T.sequence=(N=k.sequence)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"0",T.source_port=(A=k.source_port)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",T.source_channel=(w=k.source_channel)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"",T.destination_port=(_=k.destination_port)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"",T.destination_channel=(p=k.destination_channel)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",T.data=(O=k.data)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:new Uint8Array,T.timeout_height=k.timeout_height!==void 0&&k.timeout_height!==null?d.Height.fromPartial(k.timeout_height):void 0,T.timeout_timestamp=(U=k.timeout_timestamp)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"0",T}},e.PacketState={encode:(k,N=t.Writer.create())=>(k.port_id!==""&&N.uint32(10).string(k.port_id),k.channel_id!==""&&N.uint32(18).string(k.channel_id),k.sequence!=="0"&&N.uint32(24).uint64(k.sequence),k.data.length!==0&&N.uint32(34).bytes(k.data),N),decode(k,N){const A=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let w=N===void 0?A.len:A.pos+N;const _=c();for(;A.pos>>3){case 1:_.port_id=A.string();break;case 2:_.channel_id=A.string();break;case 3:_.sequence=I(A.uint64());break;case 4:_.data=A.bytes();break;default:A.skipType(7&p)}}return _},fromJSON:k=>({port_id:R(k.port_id)?String(k.port_id):"",channel_id:R(k.channel_id)?String(k.channel_id):"",sequence:R(k.sequence)?String(k.sequence):"0",data:R(k.data)?v(k.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(k){const N={};return k.port_id!==void 0&&(N.port_id=k.port_id),k.channel_id!==void 0&&(N.channel_id=k.channel_id),k.sequence!==void 0&&(N.sequence=k.sequence),k.data!==void 0&&(N.data=l(k.data!==void 0?k.data:new Uint8Array)),N},fromPartial(k){var N,A,w,_;const p=c();return p.port_id=(N=k.port_id)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",p.channel_id=(A=k.channel_id)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",p.sequence=(w=k.sequence)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"0",p.data=(_=k.data)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,p}},e.PacketId={encode:(k,N=t.Writer.create())=>(k.port_id!==""&&N.uint32(10).string(k.port_id),k.channel_id!==""&&N.uint32(18).string(k.channel_id),k.sequence!=="0"&&N.uint32(24).uint64(k.sequence),N),decode(k,N){const A=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let w=N===void 0?A.len:A.pos+N;const _={port_id:"",channel_id:"",sequence:"0"};for(;A.pos>>3){case 1:_.port_id=A.string();break;case 2:_.channel_id=A.string();break;case 3:_.sequence=I(A.uint64());break;default:A.skipType(7&p)}}return _},fromJSON:k=>({port_id:R(k.port_id)?String(k.port_id):"",channel_id:R(k.channel_id)?String(k.channel_id):"",sequence:R(k.sequence)?String(k.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(k){const N={};return k.port_id!==void 0&&(N.port_id=k.port_id),k.channel_id!==void 0&&(N.channel_id=k.channel_id),k.sequence!==void 0&&(N.sequence=k.sequence),N},fromPartial(k){var N,A,w;const _={port_id:"",channel_id:"",sequence:"0"};return _.port_id=(N=k.port_id)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",_.channel_id=(A=k.channel_id)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",_.sequence=(w=k.sequence)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"0",_}},e.Acknowledgement={encode:(k,N=t.Writer.create())=>(k.result!==void 0&&N.uint32(170).bytes(k.result),k.error!==void 0&&N.uint32(178).string(k.error),N),decode(k,N){const A=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let w=N===void 0?A.len:A.pos+N;const _={result:void 0,error:void 0};for(;A.pos>>3){case 21:_.result=A.bytes();break;case 22:_.error=A.string();break;default:A.skipType(7&p)}}return _},fromJSON:k=>({result:R(k.result)?v(k.result):void 0,error:R(k.error)?String(k.error):void 0}),toJSON(k){const N={};return k.result!==void 0&&(N.result=k.result!==void 0?l(k.result):void 0),k.error!==void 0&&(N.error=k.error),N},fromPartial(k){var N,A;const w={result:void 0,error:void 0};return w.result=(N=k.result)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:void 0,w.error=(A=k.error)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:void 0,w}};var h=(()=>{if(h!==void 0)return h;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const m=h.atob||(k=>h.Buffer.from(k,"base64").toString("binary"));function v(k){const N=m(k),A=new Uint8Array(N.length);for(let w=0;wh.Buffer.from(k,"binary").toString("base64"));function l(k){const N=[];for(const A of k)N.push(String.fromCharCode(A));return C(N.join(""))}function I(k){return k.toString()}function R(k){return k!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},7579:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(_,p,O,U){U===void 0&&(U=O),Object.defineProperty(_,U,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return p[O]}})}:function(_,p,O,U){U===void 0&&(U=O),_[U]=p[O]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(_,p){Object.defineProperty(_,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:p})}:function(_,p){_.default=p}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(_){if(_&&_.__esModule)return _;var p={};if(_!=null)for(var O in _)O!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_,O)&&E(p,_,O);return M(p,_),p},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(_){return _&&_.__esModule?_:{default:_}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse=e.MsgAcknowledgement=e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse=e.MsgTimeoutOnClose=e.MsgTimeoutResponse=e.MsgTimeout=e.MsgRecvPacketResponse=e.MsgRecvPacket=e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse=e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm=e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse=e.MsgChannelCloseInit=e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm=e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenAck=e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenTry=e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenInit=e.responseResultTypeToJSON=e.responseResultTypeFromJSON=e.ResponseResultType=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(5414),u=b(5650);var s;function r(_){switch(_){case 0:case"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED":return s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP":return s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP;case 2:case"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS":return s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS;default:return s.UNRECOGNIZED}}function n(_){switch(_){case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED:return"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED";case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP:return"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP";case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS:return"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function o(){return{port_id:"",previous_channel_id:"",channel:void 0,counterparty_version:"",proof_init:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function i(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",counterparty_channel_id:"",counterparty_version:"",proof_try:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function f(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",proof_ack:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function c(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",proof_init:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function h(){return{packet:void 0,proof_commitment:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function m(){return{packet:void 0,proof_unreceived:new 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t.Reader?_:new t.Reader(_);let U=p===void 0?O.len:O.pos+p;const T={port_id:"",channel:void 0,signer:""};for(;O.pos>>3){case 1:T.port_id=O.string();break;case 2:T.channel=d.Channel.decode(O,O.uint32());break;case 3:T.signer=O.string();break;default:O.skipType(7&z)}}return T},fromJSON:_=>({port_id:w(_.port_id)?String(_.port_id):"",channel:w(_.channel)?d.Channel.fromJSON(_.channel):void 0,signer:w(_.signer)?String(_.signer):""}),toJSON(_){const p={};return _.port_id!==void 0&&(p.port_id=_.port_id),_.channel!==void 0&&(p.channel=_.channel?d.Channel.toJSON(_.channel):void 0),_.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=_.signer),p},fromPartial(_){var p,O;const U={port_id:"",channel:void 0,signer:""};return U.port_id=(p=_.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",U.channel=_.channel!==void 0&&_.channel!==null?d.Channel.fromPartial(_.channel):void 0,U.signer=(O=_.signer)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"",U}},e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse={encode:(_,p=t.Writer.create())=>(_.channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(_.channel_id),_.version!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(_.version),p),decode(_,p){const O=_ instanceof t.Reader?_:new t.Reader(_);let U=p===void 0?O.len:O.pos+p;const T={channel_id:"",version:""};for(;O.pos>>3){case 1:T.channel_id=O.string();break;case 2:T.version=O.string();break;default:O.skipType(7&z)}}return T},fromJSON:_=>({channel_id:w(_.channel_id)?String(_.channel_id):"",version:w(_.version)?String(_.version):""}),toJSON(_){const p={};return _.channel_id!==void 0&&(p.channel_id=_.channel_id),_.version!==void 0&&(p.version=_.version),p},fromPartial(_){var p,O;const U={channel_id:"",version:""};return U.channel_id=(p=_.channel_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",U.version=(O=_.version)!==null&&O!==void 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0&&(p.signer=_.signer),p},fromPartial(_){var p,O,U,T,z,te;const X=i();return X.port_id=(p=_.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",X.channel_id=(O=_.channel_id)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"",X.counterparty_channel_id=(U=_.counterparty_channel_id)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"",X.counterparty_version=(T=_.counterparty_version)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",X.proof_try=(z=_.proof_try)!==null&&z!==void 0?z:new Uint8Array,X.proof_height=_.proof_height!==void 0&&_.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height):void 0,X.signer=(te=_.signer)!==null&&te!==void 0?te:"",X}},e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse={encode:(_,p=t.Writer.create())=>p,decode(_,p){const O=_ instanceof t.Reader?_:new t.Reader(_);let U=p===void 0?O.len:O.pos+p;for(;O.pos({}),toJSON:_=>({}),fromPartial:_=>({})},e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm={encode:(_,p=t.Writer.create())=>(_.port_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(_.port_id),_.channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(_.channel_id),_.proof_ack.length!==0&&p.uint32(26).bytes(_.proof_ack),_.proof_height!==void 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4:T.next_sequence_recv=A(O.uint64());break;case 5:T.signer=O.string();break;default:O.skipType(7&z)}}return T},fromJSON:_=>({packet:w(_.packet)?d.Packet.fromJSON(_.packet):void 0,proof_unreceived:w(_.proof_unreceived)?R(_.proof_unreceived):new Uint8Array,proof_height:w(_.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height):void 0,next_sequence_recv:w(_.next_sequence_recv)?String(_.next_sequence_recv):"0",signer:w(_.signer)?String(_.signer):""}),toJSON(_){const p={};return _.packet!==void 0&&(p.packet=_.packet?d.Packet.toJSON(_.packet):void 0),_.proof_unreceived!==void 0&&(p.proof_unreceived=N(_.proof_unreceived!==void 0?_.proof_unreceived:new Uint8Array)),_.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=_.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height):void 0),_.next_sequence_recv!==void 0&&(p.next_sequence_recv=_.next_sequence_recv),_.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=_.signer),p},fromPartial(_){var p,O,U;const T=m();return T.packet=_.packet!==void 0&&_.packet!==null?d.Packet.fromPartial(_.packet):void 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A(_){return _.toString()}function w(_){return _!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5650:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return M(o,n),o},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Params=e.Height=e.UpgradeProposal=e.ClientUpdateProposal=e.ClientConsensusStates=e.ConsensusStateWithHeight=e.IdentifiedClientState=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191),u=b(8310);function s(n){return n.toString()}function r(n){return n!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.client.v1",e.IdentifiedClientState={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.client_id!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.client_id),n.client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(n.client_state,o.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={client_id:"",client_state:void 0};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.client_id=i.string();break;case 2:c.client_state=d.Any.decode(i,i.uint32());break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({client_id:r(n.client_id)?String(n.client_id):"",client_state:r(n.client_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(n.client_state):void 0}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.client_id!==void 0&&(o.client_id=n.client_id),n.client_state!==void 0&&(o.client_state=n.client_state?d.Any.toJSON(n.client_state):void 0),o},fromPartial(n){var o;const i={client_id:"",client_state:void 0};return 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0&&(o.consensus_state=n.consensus_state?d.Any.toJSON(n.consensus_state):void 0),o},fromPartial(n){const o={height:void 0,consensus_state:void 0};return o.height=n.height!==void 0&&n.height!==null?e.Height.fromPartial(n.height):void 0,o.consensus_state=n.consensus_state!==void 0&&n.consensus_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(n.consensus_state):void 0,o}},e.ClientConsensusStates={encode(n,o=t.Writer.create()){n.client_id!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.client_id);for(const i of n.consensus_states)e.ConsensusStateWithHeight.encode(i,o.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return o},decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={client_id:"",consensus_states:[]};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.client_id=i.string();break;case 2:c.consensus_states.push(e.ConsensusStateWithHeight.decode(i,i.uint32()));break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({client_id:r(n.client_id)?String(n.client_id):"",consensus_states:Array.isArray(n==null?void 0:n.consensus_states)?n.consensus_states.map(o=>e.ConsensusStateWithHeight.fromJSON(o)):[]}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.client_id!==void 0&&(o.client_id=n.client_id),n.consensus_states?o.consensus_states=n.consensus_states.map(i=>i?e.ConsensusStateWithHeight.toJSON(i):void 0):o.consensus_states=[],o},fromPartial(n){var o,i;const f={client_id:"",consensus_states:[]};return f.client_id=(o=n.client_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",f.consensus_states=((i=n.consensus_states)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(c=>e.ConsensusStateWithHeight.fromPartial(c)))||[],f}},e.ClientUpdateProposal={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.title!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.title),n.description!==""&&o.uint32(18).string(n.description),n.subject_client_id!==""&&o.uint32(26).string(n.subject_client_id),n.substitute_client_id!==""&&o.uint32(34).string(n.substitute_client_id),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={title:"",description:"",subject_client_id:"",substitute_client_id:""};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.title=i.string();break;case 2:c.description=i.string();break;case 3:c.subject_client_id=i.string();break;case 4:c.substitute_client_id=i.string();break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({title:r(n.title)?String(n.title):"",description:r(n.description)?String(n.description):"",subject_client_id:r(n.subject_client_id)?String(n.subject_client_id):"",substitute_client_id:r(n.substitute_client_id)?String(n.substitute_client_id):""}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.title!==void 0&&(o.title=n.title),n.description!==void 0&&(o.description=n.description),n.subject_client_id!==void 0&&(o.subject_client_id=n.subject_client_id),n.substitute_client_id!==void 0&&(o.substitute_client_id=n.substitute_client_id),o},fromPartial(n){var o,i,f,c;const h={title:"",description:"",subject_client_id:"",substitute_client_id:""};return h.title=(o=n.title)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",h.description=(i=n.description)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",h.subject_client_id=(f=n.subject_client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.substitute_client_id=(c=n.substitute_client_id)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h}},e.UpgradeProposal={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.title!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.title),n.description!==""&&o.uint32(18).string(n.description),n.plan!==void 0&&u.Plan.encode(n.plan,o.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),n.upgraded_client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(n.upgraded_client_state,o.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={title:"",description:"",plan:void 0,upgraded_client_state:void 0};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.title=i.string();break;case 2:c.description=i.string();break;case 3:c.plan=u.Plan.decode(i,i.uint32());break;case 4:c.upgraded_client_state=d.Any.decode(i,i.uint32());break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({title:r(n.title)?String(n.title):"",description:r(n.description)?String(n.description):"",plan:r(n.plan)?u.Plan.fromJSON(n.plan):void 0,upgraded_client_state:r(n.upgraded_client_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(n.upgraded_client_state):void 0}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.title!==void 0&&(o.title=n.title),n.description!==void 0&&(o.description=n.description),n.plan!==void 0&&(o.plan=n.plan?u.Plan.toJSON(n.plan):void 0),n.upgraded_client_state!==void 0&&(o.upgraded_client_state=n.upgraded_client_state?d.Any.toJSON(n.upgraded_client_state):void 0),o},fromPartial(n){var o,i;const f={title:"",description:"",plan:void 0,upgraded_client_state:void 0};return f.title=(o=n.title)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",f.description=(i=n.description)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",f.plan=n.plan!==void 0&&n.plan!==null?u.Plan.fromPartial(n.plan):void 0,f.upgraded_client_state=n.upgraded_client_state!==void 0&&n.upgraded_client_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(n.upgraded_client_state):void 0,f}},e.Height={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.revision_number!=="0"&&o.uint32(8).uint64(n.revision_number),n.revision_height!=="0"&&o.uint32(16).uint64(n.revision_height),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={revision_number:"0",revision_height:"0"};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.revision_number=s(i.uint64());break;case 2:c.revision_height=s(i.uint64());break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({revision_number:r(n.revision_number)?String(n.revision_number):"0",revision_height:r(n.revision_height)?String(n.revision_height):"0"}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.revision_number!==void 0&&(o.revision_number=n.revision_number),n.revision_height!==void 0&&(o.revision_height=n.revision_height),o},fromPartial(n){var o,i;const f={revision_number:"0",revision_height:"0"};return f.revision_number=(o=n.revision_number)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",f.revision_height=(i=n.revision_height)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",f}},e.Params={encode(n,o=t.Writer.create()){for(const i of n.allowed_clients)o.uint32(10).string(i);return o},decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={allowed_clients:[]};for(;i.pos>>3==1?c.allowed_clients.push(i.string()):i.skipType(7&h)}return c},fromJSON:n=>({allowed_clients:Array.isArray(n==null?void 0:n.allowed_clients)?n.allowed_clients.map(o=>String(o)):[]}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.allowed_clients?o.allowed_clients=n.allowed_clients.map(i=>i):o.allowed_clients=[],o},fromPartial(n){var o;const i={allowed_clients:[]};return i.allowed_clients=((o=n.allowed_clients)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>f))||[],i}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},322:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return M(h,c),h},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour=e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse=e.MsgUpgradeClient=e.MsgUpdateClientResponse=e.MsgUpdateClient=e.MsgCreateClientResponse=e.MsgCreateClient=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(4191);function u(){return{client_id:"",client_state:void 0,consensus_state:void 0,proof_upgrade_client:new Uint8Array,proof_upgrade_consensus_state:new Uint8Array,signer:""}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.client.v1",e.MsgCreateClient={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.client_state,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.consensus_state,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={client_state:void 0,consensus_state:void 0,signer:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.client_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:C.consensus_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({client_state:f(c.client_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.client_state):void 0,consensus_state:f(c.consensus_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_state!==void 0&&(h.client_state=c.client_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.client_state):void 0),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&(h.consensus_state=c.consensus_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={client_state:void 0,consensus_state:void 0,signer:""};return m.client_state=c.client_state!==void 0&&c.client_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.client_state):void 0,m.consensus_state=c.consensus_state!==void 0&&c.consensus_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.consensus_state):void 0,m.signer=(h=c.signer)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",m}},e.MsgCreateClientResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgUpdateClient={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_id!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id),c.header!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.header,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={client_id:"",header:void 0,signer:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.client_id=m.string();break;case 2:C.header=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({client_id:f(c.client_id)?String(c.client_id):"",header:f(c.header)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.header):void 0,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_id!==void 0&&(h.client_id=c.client_id),c.header!==void 0&&(h.header=c.header?d.Any.toJSON(c.header):void 0),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={client_id:"",header:void 0,signer:""};return v.client_id=(h=c.client_id)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.header=c.header!==void 0&&c.header!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.header):void 0,v.signer=(m=c.signer)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v}},e.MsgUpdateClientResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgUpgradeClient={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_id!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id),c.client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.client_state,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.consensus_state,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),c.proof_upgrade_client.length!==0&&h.uint32(34).bytes(c.proof_upgrade_client),c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state.length!==0&&h.uint32(42).bytes(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(50).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C=u();for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.client_id=m.string();break;case 2:C.client_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.consensus_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 4:C.proof_upgrade_client=m.bytes();break;case 5:C.proof_upgrade_consensus_state=m.bytes();break;case 6:C.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({client_id:f(c.client_id)?String(c.client_id):"",client_state:f(c.client_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.client_state):void 0,consensus_state:f(c.consensus_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0,proof_upgrade_client:f(c.proof_upgrade_client)?n(c.proof_upgrade_client):new Uint8Array,proof_upgrade_consensus_state:f(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state)?n(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state):new Uint8Array,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_id!==void 0&&(h.client_id=c.client_id),c.client_state!==void 0&&(h.client_state=c.client_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.client_state):void 0),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&(h.consensus_state=c.consensus_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0),c.proof_upgrade_client!==void 0&&(h.proof_upgrade_client=i(c.proof_upgrade_client!==void 0?c.proof_upgrade_client:new Uint8Array)),c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state!==void 0&&(h.proof_upgrade_consensus_state=i(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state!==void 0?c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state:new Uint8Array)),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v,C;const l=u();return l.client_id=(h=c.client_id)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",l.client_state=c.client_state!==void 0&&c.client_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.client_state):void 0,l.consensus_state=c.consensus_state!==void 0&&c.consensus_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.consensus_state):void 0,l.proof_upgrade_client=(m=c.proof_upgrade_client)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,l.proof_upgrade_consensus_state=(v=c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:new Uint8Array,l.signer=(C=c.signer)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",l}},e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_id!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id),c.misbehaviour!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.misbehaviour,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={client_id:"",misbehaviour:void 0,signer:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.client_id=m.string();break;case 2:C.misbehaviour=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({client_id:f(c.client_id)?String(c.client_id):"",misbehaviour:f(c.misbehaviour)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.misbehaviour):void 0,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_id!==void 0&&(h.client_id=c.client_id),c.misbehaviour!==void 0&&(h.misbehaviour=c.misbehaviour?d.Any.toJSON(c.misbehaviour):void 0),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={client_id:"",misbehaviour:void 0,signer:""};return v.client_id=(h=c.client_id)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.misbehaviour=c.misbehaviour!==void 0&&c.misbehaviour!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.misbehaviour):void 0,v.signer=(m=c.signer)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v}},e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(c){this.rpc=c,this.CreateClient=this.CreateClient.bind(this),this.UpdateClient=this.UpdateClient.bind(this),this.UpgradeClient=this.UpgradeClient.bind(this),this.SubmitMisbehaviour=this.SubmitMisbehaviour.bind(this)}CreateClient(c){const h=e.MsgCreateClient.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","CreateClient",h).then(m=>e.MsgCreateClientResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}UpdateClient(c){const h=e.MsgUpdateClient.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","UpdateClient",h).then(m=>e.MsgUpdateClientResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}UpgradeClient(c){const h=e.MsgUpgradeClient.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","UpgradeClient",h).then(m=>e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}SubmitMisbehaviour(c){const h=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","SubmitMisbehaviour",h).then(m=>e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(c=>s.Buffer.from(c,"base64").toString("binary"));function n(c){const h=r(c),m=new Uint8Array(h.length);for(let v=0;vs.Buffer.from(c,"binary").toString("base64"));function i(c){const h=[];for(const m of c)h.push(String.fromCharCode(m));return o(h.join(""))}function f(c){return c!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5261:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(h,m,v,C){C===void 0&&(C=v),Object.defineProperty(h,C,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return m[v]}})}:function(h,m,v,C){C===void 0&&(C=v),h[C]=m[v]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(h,m){Object.defineProperty(h,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:m})}:function(h,m){h.default=m}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(h){if(h&&h.__esModule)return h;var m={};if(h!=null)for(var v in h)v!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h,v)&&E(m,h,v);return M(m,h),m},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(h){return h&&h.__esModule?h:{default:h}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MerkleProof=e.MerklePath=e.MerklePrefix=e.MerkleRoot=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(6578);function u(){return{hash:new Uint8Array}}function s(){return{key_prefix:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.commitment.v1",e.MerkleRoot={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.hash.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.hash),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let C=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=u();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.hash=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&I)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({hash:c(h.hash)?o(h.hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.hash!==void 0&&(m.hash=f(h.hash!==void 0?h.hash:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=u();return v.hash=(m=h.hash)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}},e.MerklePrefix={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.key_prefix.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.key_prefix),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let C=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=s();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.key_prefix=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&I)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({key_prefix:c(h.key_prefix)?o(h.key_prefix):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.key_prefix!==void 0&&(m.key_prefix=f(h.key_prefix!==void 0?h.key_prefix:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=s();return v.key_prefix=(m=h.key_prefix)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}},e.MerklePath={encode(h,m=t.Writer.create()){for(const v of h.key_path)m.uint32(10).string(v);return m},decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let C=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l={key_path:[]};for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.key_path.push(v.string()):v.skipType(7&I)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({key_path:Array.isArray(h==null?void 0:h.key_path)?h.key_path.map(m=>String(m)):[]}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.key_path?m.key_path=h.key_path.map(v=>v):m.key_path=[],m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v={key_path:[]};return v.key_path=((m=h.key_path)===null||m===void 0?void 0:m.map(C=>C))||[],v}},e.MerkleProof={encode(h,m=t.Writer.create()){for(const v of h.proofs)d.CommitmentProof.encode(v,m.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return m},decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let C=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l={proofs:[]};for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.proofs.push(d.CommitmentProof.decode(v,v.uint32())):v.skipType(7&I)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({proofs:Array.isArray(h==null?void 0:h.proofs)?h.proofs.map(m=>d.CommitmentProof.fromJSON(m)):[]}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.proofs?m.proofs=h.proofs.map(v=>v?d.CommitmentProof.toJSON(v):void 0):m.proofs=[],m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v={proofs:[]};return v.proofs=((m=h.proofs)===null||m===void 0?void 0:m.map(C=>d.CommitmentProof.fromPartial(C)))||[],v}};var r=(()=>{if(r!==void 0)return r;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const n=r.atob||(h=>r.Buffer.from(h,"base64").toString("binary"));function o(h){const m=n(h),v=new Uint8Array(m.length);for(let C=0;Cr.Buffer.from(h,"binary").toString("base64"));function f(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return i(m.join(""))}function c(h){return h!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6788:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return M(f,i),f},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Params=e.Version=e.ConnectionPaths=e.ClientPaths=e.Counterparty=e.IdentifiedConnection=e.ConnectionEnd=e.stateToJSON=e.stateFromJSON=e.State=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(5261);var u;function s(i){switch(i){case 0:case"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED":return u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"STATE_INIT":return u.STATE_INIT;case 2:case"STATE_TRYOPEN":return u.STATE_TRYOPEN;case 3:case"STATE_OPEN":return u.STATE_OPEN;default:return u.UNRECOGNIZED}}function r(i){switch(i){case u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED:return"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED";case u.STATE_INIT:return"STATE_INIT";case u.STATE_TRYOPEN:return"STATE_TRYOPEN";case u.STATE_OPEN:return"STATE_OPEN";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function n(i){return i.toString()}function o(i){return i!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.connection.v1",function(i){i[i.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED=0]="STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED",i[i.STATE_INIT=1]="STATE_INIT",i[i.STATE_TRYOPEN=2]="STATE_TRYOPEN",i[i.STATE_OPEN=3]="STATE_OPEN",i[i.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(u=e.State||(e.State={})),e.stateFromJSON=s,e.stateToJSON=r,e.ConnectionEnd={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.client_id);for(const c of i.versions)e.Version.encode(c,f.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return i.state!==0&&f.uint32(24).int32(i.state),i.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(i.counterparty,f.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),i.delay_period!=="0"&&f.uint32(40).uint64(i.delay_period),f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 2:m.versions.push(e.Version.decode(c,c.uint32()));break;case 3:m.state=c.int32();break;case 4:m.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 5:m.delay_period=n(c.uint64());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",versions:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.versions)?i.versions.map(f=>e.Version.fromJSON(f)):[],state:o(i.state)?s(i.state):0,counterparty:o(i.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(i.counterparty):void 0,delay_period:o(i.delay_period)?String(i.delay_period):"0"}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.versions?f.versions=i.versions.map(c=>c?e.Version.toJSON(c):void 0):f.versions=[],i.state!==void 0&&(f.state=r(i.state)),i.counterparty!==void 0&&(f.counterparty=i.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(i.counterparty):void 0),i.delay_period!==void 0&&(f.delay_period=i.delay_period),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c,h,m;const v={client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};return v.client_id=(f=i.client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",v.versions=((c=i.versions)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(C=>e.Version.fromPartial(C)))||[],v.state=(h=i.state)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:0,v.counterparty=i.counterparty!==void 0&&i.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty):void 0,v.delay_period=(m=i.delay_period)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"0",v}},e.IdentifiedConnection={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.id),i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.client_id);for(const c of i.versions)e.Version.encode(c,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return i.state!==0&&f.uint32(32).int32(i.state),i.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(i.counterparty,f.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),i.delay_period!=="0"&&f.uint32(48).uint64(i.delay_period),f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={id:"",client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.id=c.string();break;case 2:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 3:m.versions.push(e.Version.decode(c,c.uint32()));break;case 4:m.state=c.int32();break;case 5:m.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 6:m.delay_period=n(c.uint64());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({id:o(i.id)?String(i.id):"",client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",versions:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.versions)?i.versions.map(f=>e.Version.fromJSON(f)):[],state:o(i.state)?s(i.state):0,counterparty:o(i.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(i.counterparty):void 0,delay_period:o(i.delay_period)?String(i.delay_period):"0"}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.id!==void 0&&(f.id=i.id),i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.versions?f.versions=i.versions.map(c=>c?e.Version.toJSON(c):void 0):f.versions=[],i.state!==void 0&&(f.state=r(i.state)),i.counterparty!==void 0&&(f.counterparty=i.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(i.counterparty):void 0),i.delay_period!==void 0&&(f.delay_period=i.delay_period),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c,h,m,v;const C={id:"",client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};return C.id=(f=i.id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",C.client_id=(c=i.client_id)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",C.versions=((h=i.versions)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(l=>e.Version.fromPartial(l)))||[],C.state=(m=i.state)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:0,C.counterparty=i.counterparty!==void 0&&i.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty):void 0,C.delay_period=(v=i.delay_period)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"0",C}},e.Counterparty={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.client_id),i.connection_id!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.connection_id),i.prefix!==void 0&&d.MerklePrefix.encode(i.prefix,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={client_id:"",connection_id:"",prefix:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 2:m.connection_id=c.string();break;case 3:m.prefix=d.MerklePrefix.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",connection_id:o(i.connection_id)?String(i.connection_id):"",prefix:o(i.prefix)?d.MerklePrefix.fromJSON(i.prefix):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.connection_id!==void 0&&(f.connection_id=i.connection_id),i.prefix!==void 0&&(f.prefix=i.prefix?d.MerklePrefix.toJSON(i.prefix):void 0),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={client_id:"",connection_id:"",prefix:void 0};return h.client_id=(f=i.client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.connection_id=(c=i.connection_id)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.prefix=i.prefix!==void 0&&i.prefix!==null?d.MerklePrefix.fromPartial(i.prefix):void 0,h}},e.ClientPaths={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){for(const c of i.paths)f.uint32(10).string(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={paths:[]};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.paths.push(c.string()):c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({paths:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.paths)?i.paths.map(f=>String(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.paths?f.paths=i.paths.map(c=>c):f.paths=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={paths:[]};return c.paths=((f=i.paths)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>h))||[],c}},e.ConnectionPaths={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.client_id);for(const c of i.paths)f.uint32(18).string(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={client_id:"",paths:[]};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 2:m.paths.push(c.string());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",paths:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.paths)?i.paths.map(f=>String(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.paths?f.paths=i.paths.map(c=>c):f.paths=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={client_id:"",paths:[]};return h.client_id=(f=i.client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.paths=((c=i.paths)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>m))||[],h}},e.Version={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.identifier!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.identifier);for(const c of i.features)f.uint32(18).string(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={identifier:"",features:[]};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.identifier=c.string();break;case 2:m.features.push(c.string());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({identifier:o(i.identifier)?String(i.identifier):"",features:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.features)?i.features.map(f=>String(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.identifier!==void 0&&(f.identifier=i.identifier),i.features?f.features=i.features.map(c=>c):f.features=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={identifier:"",features:[]};return h.identifier=(f=i.identifier)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.features=((c=i.features)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>m))||[],h}},e.Params={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.max_expected_time_per_block!=="0"&&f.uint32(8).uint64(i.max_expected_time_per_block),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={max_expected_time_per_block:"0"};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.max_expected_time_per_block=n(c.uint64()):c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({max_expected_time_per_block:o(i.max_expected_time_per_block)?String(i.max_expected_time_per_block):"0"}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.max_expected_time_per_block!==void 0&&(f.max_expected_time_per_block=i.max_expected_time_per_block),f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={max_expected_time_per_block:"0"};return c.max_expected_time_per_block=(f=i.max_expected_time_per_block)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"0",c}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8344:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(l,I,R,k){k===void 0&&(k=R),Object.defineProperty(l,k,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return I[R]}})}:function(l,I,R,k){k===void 0&&(k=R),l[k]=I[R]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(l,I){Object.defineProperty(l,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:I})}:function(l,I){l.default=I}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(l){if(l&&l.__esModule)return l;var I={};if(l!=null)for(var R in l)R!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l,R)&&E(I,l,R);return M(I,l),I},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(l){return l&&l.__esModule?l:{default:l}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm=e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenAck=e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenTry=e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenInit=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(6788),u=b(4191),s=b(5650);function r(){return{client_id:"",previous_connection_id:"",client_state:void 0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0",counterparty_versions:[],proof_height:void 0,proof_init:new Uint8Array,proof_client:new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:new Uint8Array,consensus_height:void 0,signer:""}}function n(){return{connection_id:"",counterparty_connection_id:"",version:void 0,client_state:void 0,proof_height:void 0,proof_try:new Uint8Array,proof_client:new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:new Uint8Array,consensus_height:void 0,signer:""}}function o(){return{connection_id:"",proof_ack:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.connection.v1",e.MsgConnectionOpenInit={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.client_id!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.client_id),l.counterparty!==void 0&&d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.version!==void 0&&d.Version.encode(l.version,I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.delay_period!=="0"&&I.uint32(32).uint64(l.delay_period),l.signer!==""&&I.uint32(42).string(l.signer),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N={client_id:"",counterparty:void 0,version:void 0,delay_period:"0",signer:""};for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.client_id=R.string();break;case 2:N.counterparty=d.Counterparty.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 3:N.version=d.Version.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 4:N.delay_period=v(R.uint64());break;case 5:N.signer=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({client_id:C(l.client_id)?String(l.client_id):"",counterparty:C(l.counterparty)?d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty):void 0,version:C(l.version)?d.Version.fromJSON(l.version):void 0,delay_period:C(l.delay_period)?String(l.delay_period):"0",signer:C(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.client_id!==void 0&&(I.client_id=l.client_id),l.counterparty!==void 0&&(I.counterparty=l.counterparty?d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty):void 0),l.version!==void 0&&(I.version=l.version?d.Version.toJSON(l.version):void 0),l.delay_period!==void 0&&(I.delay_period=l.delay_period),l.signer!==void 0&&(I.signer=l.signer),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N={client_id:"",counterparty:void 0,version:void 0,delay_period:"0",signer:""};return N.client_id=(I=l.client_id)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",N.counterparty=l.counterparty!==void 0&&l.counterparty!==null?d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty):void 0,N.version=l.version!==void 0&&l.version!==null?d.Version.fromPartial(l.version):void 0,N.delay_period=(R=l.delay_period)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"0",N.signer=(k=l.signer)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",N}},e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>I,decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;for(;R.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgConnectionOpenTry={encode(l,I=t.Writer.create()){l.client_id!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.client_id),l.previous_connection_id!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.previous_connection_id),l.client_state!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(l.client_state,I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.counterparty!==void 0&&d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty,I.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),l.delay_period!=="0"&&I.uint32(40).uint64(l.delay_period);for(const R of l.counterparty_versions)d.Version.encode(R,I.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();return l.proof_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.proof_height,I.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),l.proof_init.length!==0&&I.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_init),l.proof_client.length!==0&&I.uint32(74).bytes(l.proof_client),l.proof_consensus.length!==0&&I.uint32(82).bytes(l.proof_consensus),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height,I.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(),l.signer!==""&&I.uint32(98).string(l.signer),I},decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N=r();for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.client_id=R.string();break;case 2:N.previous_connection_id=R.string();break;case 3:N.client_state=u.Any.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 4:N.counterparty=d.Counterparty.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 5:N.delay_period=v(R.uint64());break;case 6:N.counterparty_versions.push(d.Version.decode(R,R.uint32()));break;case 7:N.proof_height=s.Height.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 8:N.proof_init=R.bytes();break;case 9:N.proof_client=R.bytes();break;case 10:N.proof_consensus=R.bytes();break;case 11:N.consensus_height=s.Height.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 12:N.signer=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({client_id:C(l.client_id)?String(l.client_id):"",previous_connection_id:C(l.previous_connection_id)?String(l.previous_connection_id):"",client_state:C(l.client_state)?u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state):void 0,counterparty:C(l.counterparty)?d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty):void 0,delay_period:C(l.delay_period)?String(l.delay_period):"0",counterparty_versions:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.counterparty_versions)?l.counterparty_versions.map(I=>d.Version.fromJSON(I)):[],proof_height:C(l.proof_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height):void 0,proof_init:C(l.proof_init)?c(l.proof_init):new Uint8Array,proof_client:C(l.proof_client)?c(l.proof_client):new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:C(l.proof_consensus)?c(l.proof_consensus):new Uint8Array,consensus_height:C(l.consensus_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0,signer:C(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.client_id!==void 0&&(I.client_id=l.client_id),l.previous_connection_id!==void 0&&(I.previous_connection_id=l.previous_connection_id),l.client_state!==void 0&&(I.client_state=l.client_state?u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state):void 0),l.counterparty!==void 0&&(I.counterparty=l.counterparty?d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty):void 0),l.delay_period!==void 0&&(I.delay_period=l.delay_period),l.counterparty_versions?I.counterparty_versions=l.counterparty_versions.map(R=>R?d.Version.toJSON(R):void 0):I.counterparty_versions=[],l.proof_height!==void 0&&(I.proof_height=l.proof_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height):void 0),l.proof_init!==void 0&&(I.proof_init=m(l.proof_init!==void 0?l.proof_init:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_client!==void 0&&(I.proof_client=m(l.proof_client!==void 0?l.proof_client:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_consensus!==void 0&&(I.proof_consensus=m(l.proof_consensus!==void 0?l.proof_consensus:new Uint8Array)),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&(I.consensus_height=l.consensus_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0),l.signer!==void 0&&(I.signer=l.signer),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N,A,w,_,p;const O=r();return O.client_id=(I=l.client_id)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",O.previous_connection_id=(R=l.previous_connection_id)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",O.client_state=l.client_state!==void 0&&l.client_state!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state):void 0,O.counterparty=l.counterparty!==void 0&&l.counterparty!==null?d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty):void 0,O.delay_period=(k=l.delay_period)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"0",O.counterparty_versions=((N=l.counterparty_versions)===null||N===void 0?void 0:N.map(U=>d.Version.fromPartial(U)))||[],O.proof_height=l.proof_height!==void 0&&l.proof_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height):void 0,O.proof_init=(A=l.proof_init)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:new Uint8Array,O.proof_client=(w=l.proof_client)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:new Uint8Array,O.proof_consensus=(_=l.proof_consensus)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,O.consensus_height=l.consensus_height!==void 0&&l.consensus_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height):void 0,O.signer=(p=l.signer)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",O}},e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>I,decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;for(;R.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgConnectionOpenAck={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.connection_id!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id),l.counterparty_connection_id!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(l.counterparty_connection_id),l.version!==void 0&&d.Version.encode(l.version,I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.client_state!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(l.client_state,I.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),l.proof_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.proof_height,I.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),l.proof_try.length!==0&&I.uint32(50).bytes(l.proof_try),l.proof_client.length!==0&&I.uint32(58).bytes(l.proof_client),l.proof_consensus.length!==0&&I.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_consensus),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height,I.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),l.signer!==""&&I.uint32(82).string(l.signer),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N=n();for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.connection_id=R.string();break;case 2:N.counterparty_connection_id=R.string();break;case 3:N.version=d.Version.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 4:N.client_state=u.Any.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 5:N.proof_height=s.Height.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 6:N.proof_try=R.bytes();break;case 7:N.proof_client=R.bytes();break;case 8:N.proof_consensus=R.bytes();break;case 9:N.consensus_height=s.Height.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 10:N.signer=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({connection_id:C(l.connection_id)?String(l.connection_id):"",counterparty_connection_id:C(l.counterparty_connection_id)?String(l.counterparty_connection_id):"",version:C(l.version)?d.Version.fromJSON(l.version):void 0,client_state:C(l.client_state)?u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state):void 0,proof_height:C(l.proof_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height):void 0,proof_try:C(l.proof_try)?c(l.proof_try):new Uint8Array,proof_client:C(l.proof_client)?c(l.proof_client):new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:C(l.proof_consensus)?c(l.proof_consensus):new Uint8Array,consensus_height:C(l.consensus_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0,signer:C(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.connection_id!==void 0&&(I.connection_id=l.connection_id),l.counterparty_connection_id!==void 0&&(I.counterparty_connection_id=l.counterparty_connection_id),l.version!==void 0&&(I.version=l.version?d.Version.toJSON(l.version):void 0),l.client_state!==void 0&&(I.client_state=l.client_state?u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state):void 0),l.proof_height!==void 0&&(I.proof_height=l.proof_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height):void 0),l.proof_try!==void 0&&(I.proof_try=m(l.proof_try!==void 0?l.proof_try:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_client!==void 0&&(I.proof_client=m(l.proof_client!==void 0?l.proof_client:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_consensus!==void 0&&(I.proof_consensus=m(l.proof_consensus!==void 0?l.proof_consensus:new Uint8Array)),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&(I.consensus_height=l.consensus_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0),l.signer!==void 0&&(I.signer=l.signer),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k,N,A,w;const _=n();return _.connection_id=(I=l.connection_id)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",_.counterparty_connection_id=(R=l.counterparty_connection_id)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:"",_.version=l.version!==void 0&&l.version!==null?d.Version.fromPartial(l.version):void 0,_.client_state=l.client_state!==void 0&&l.client_state!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state):void 0,_.proof_height=l.proof_height!==void 0&&l.proof_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height):void 0,_.proof_try=(k=l.proof_try)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:new Uint8Array,_.proof_client=(N=l.proof_client)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:new Uint8Array,_.proof_consensus=(A=l.proof_consensus)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:new Uint8Array,_.consensus_height=l.consensus_height!==void 0&&l.consensus_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height):void 0,_.signer=(w=l.signer)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"",_}},e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>I,decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;for(;R.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>(l.connection_id!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id),l.proof_ack.length!==0&&I.uint32(18).bytes(l.proof_ack),l.proof_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.proof_height,I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.signer!==""&&I.uint32(34).string(l.signer),I),decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;const N=o();for(;R.pos>>3){case 1:N.connection_id=R.string();break;case 2:N.proof_ack=R.bytes();break;case 3:N.proof_height=s.Height.decode(R,R.uint32());break;case 4:N.signer=R.string();break;default:R.skipType(7&A)}}return N},fromJSON:l=>({connection_id:C(l.connection_id)?String(l.connection_id):"",proof_ack:C(l.proof_ack)?c(l.proof_ack):new Uint8Array,proof_height:C(l.proof_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height):void 0,signer:C(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const I={};return l.connection_id!==void 0&&(I.connection_id=l.connection_id),l.proof_ack!==void 0&&(I.proof_ack=m(l.proof_ack!==void 0?l.proof_ack:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_height!==void 0&&(I.proof_height=l.proof_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height):void 0),l.signer!==void 0&&(I.signer=l.signer),I},fromPartial(l){var I,R,k;const N=o();return N.connection_id=(I=l.connection_id)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",N.proof_ack=(R=l.proof_ack)!==null&&R!==void 0?R:new Uint8Array,N.proof_height=l.proof_height!==void 0&&l.proof_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height):void 0,N.signer=(k=l.signer)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",N}},e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse={encode:(l,I=t.Writer.create())=>I,decode(l,I){const R=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let k=I===void 0?R.len:R.pos+I;for(;R.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(l){this.rpc=l,this.ConnectionOpenInit=this.ConnectionOpenInit.bind(this),this.ConnectionOpenTry=this.ConnectionOpenTry.bind(this),this.ConnectionOpenAck=this.ConnectionOpenAck.bind(this),this.ConnectionOpenConfirm=this.ConnectionOpenConfirm.bind(this)}ConnectionOpenInit(l){const I=e.MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenInit",I).then(R=>e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R)))}ConnectionOpenTry(l){const I=e.MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenTry",I).then(R=>e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R)))}ConnectionOpenAck(l){const I=e.MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenAck",I).then(R=>e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R)))}ConnectionOpenConfirm(l){const I=e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenConfirm",I).then(R=>e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R)))}};var i=(()=>{if(i!==void 0)return i;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const f=i.atob||(l=>i.Buffer.from(l,"base64").toString("binary"));function c(l){const I=f(l),R=new Uint8Array(I.length);for(let k=0;ki.Buffer.from(l,"binary").toString("base64"));function m(l){const I=[];for(const R of l)I.push(String.fromCharCode(R));return h(I.join(""))}function v(l){return l.toString()}function C(l){return l!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2896:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(N,A,w,_){_===void 0&&(_=w),Object.defineProperty(N,_,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return A[w]}})}:function(N,A,w,_){_===void 0&&(_=w),N[_]=A[w]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(N,A){Object.defineProperty(N,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:A})}:function(N,A){N.default=A}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(N){if(N&&N.__esModule)return N;var A={};if(N!=null)for(var w in N)w!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(N,w)&&E(A,N,w);return M(A,N),A},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(N){return N&&N.__esModule?N:{default:N}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgClearAdminResponse=e.MsgClearAdmin=e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse=e.MsgUpdateAdmin=e.MsgMigrateContractResponse=e.MsgMigrateContract=e.MsgExecuteContractResponse=e.MsgExecuteContract=e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse=e.MsgInstantiateContract=e.MsgStoreCodeResponse=e.MsgStoreCode=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2976);function u(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,wasm_byte_code:new Uint8Array,source:"",builder:""}}function s(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:"",code_id:"0",label:"",init_msg:new Uint8Array,init_funds:[],callback_sig:new Uint8Array,admin:""}}function r(){return{address:"",data:new Uint8Array}}function n(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,contract:new Uint8Array,msg:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:"",sent_funds:[],callback_sig:new Uint8Array}}function o(){return{data:new Uint8Array}}function i(){return{sender:"",contract:"",code_id:"0",msg:new Uint8Array,callback_sig:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:""}}function f(){return{data:new Uint8Array}}function c(){return{sender:"",new_admin:"",contract:"",callback_sig:new Uint8Array}}function h(){return{sender:"",contract:"",callback_sig:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="secret.compute.v1beta1",e.MsgStoreCode={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.sender.length!==0&&A.uint32(10).bytes(N.sender),N.wasm_byte_code.length!==0&&A.uint32(18).bytes(N.wasm_byte_code),N.source!==""&&A.uint32(26).string(N.source),N.builder!==""&&A.uint32(34).string(N.builder),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=u();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();switch(O>>>3){case 1:p.sender=w.bytes();break;case 2:p.wasm_byte_code=w.bytes();break;case 3:p.source=w.string();break;case 4:p.builder=w.string();break;default:w.skipType(7&O)}}return p},fromJSON:N=>({sender:k(N.sender)?C(N.sender):new Uint8Array,wasm_byte_code:k(N.wasm_byte_code)?C(N.wasm_byte_code):new Uint8Array,source:k(N.source)?String(N.source):"",builder:k(N.builder)?String(N.builder):""}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.sender!==void 0&&(A.sender=I(N.sender!==void 0?N.sender:new Uint8Array)),N.wasm_byte_code!==void 0&&(A.wasm_byte_code=I(N.wasm_byte_code!==void 0?N.wasm_byte_code:new Uint8Array)),N.source!==void 0&&(A.source=N.source),N.builder!==void 0&&(A.builder=N.builder),A},fromPartial(N){var A,w,_,p;const O=u();return O.sender=(A=N.sender)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:new Uint8Array,O.wasm_byte_code=(w=N.wasm_byte_code)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:new Uint8Array,O.source=(_=N.source)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"",O.builder=(p=N.builder)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",O}},e.MsgStoreCodeResponse={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.code_id!=="0"&&A.uint32(8).uint64(N.code_id),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p={code_id:"0"};for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();O>>>3==1?p.code_id=R(w.uint64()):w.skipType(7&O)}return p},fromJSON:N=>({code_id:k(N.code_id)?String(N.code_id):"0"}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.code_id!==void 0&&(A.code_id=N.code_id),A},fromPartial(N){var A;const w={code_id:"0"};return w.code_id=(A=N.code_id)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"0",w}},e.MsgInstantiateContract={encode(N,A=t.Writer.create()){N.sender.length!==0&&A.uint32(10).bytes(N.sender),N.callback_code_hash!==""&&A.uint32(18).string(N.callback_code_hash),N.code_id!=="0"&&A.uint32(24).uint64(N.code_id),N.label!==""&&A.uint32(34).string(N.label),N.init_msg.length!==0&&A.uint32(42).bytes(N.init_msg);for(const w of N.init_funds)d.Coin.encode(w,A.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();return N.callback_sig.length!==0&&A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig),N.admin!==""&&A.uint32(66).string(N.admin),A},decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=s();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();switch(O>>>3){case 1:p.sender=w.bytes();break;case 2:p.callback_code_hash=w.string();break;case 3:p.code_id=R(w.uint64());break;case 4:p.label=w.string();break;case 5:p.init_msg=w.bytes();break;case 6:p.init_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(w,w.uint32()));break;case 7:p.callback_sig=w.bytes();break;case 8:p.admin=w.string();break;default:w.skipType(7&O)}}return p},fromJSON:N=>({sender:k(N.sender)?C(N.sender):new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:k(N.callback_code_hash)?String(N.callback_code_hash):"",code_id:k(N.code_id)?String(N.code_id):"0",label:k(N.label)?String(N.label):"",init_msg:k(N.init_msg)?C(N.init_msg):new Uint8Array,init_funds:Array.isArray(N==null?void 0:N.init_funds)?N.init_funds.map(A=>d.Coin.fromJSON(A)):[],callback_sig:k(N.callback_sig)?C(N.callback_sig):new Uint8Array,admin:k(N.admin)?String(N.admin):""}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.sender!==void 0&&(A.sender=I(N.sender!==void 0?N.sender:new Uint8Array)),N.callback_code_hash!==void 0&&(A.callback_code_hash=N.callback_code_hash),N.code_id!==void 0&&(A.code_id=N.code_id),N.label!==void 0&&(A.label=N.label),N.init_msg!==void 0&&(A.init_msg=I(N.init_msg!==void 0?N.init_msg:new Uint8Array)),N.init_funds?A.init_funds=N.init_funds.map(w=>w?d.Coin.toJSON(w):void 0):A.init_funds=[],N.callback_sig!==void 0&&(A.callback_sig=I(N.callback_sig!==void 0?N.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),N.admin!==void 0&&(A.admin=N.admin),A},fromPartial(N){var A,w,_,p,O,U,T,z;const te=s();return te.sender=(A=N.sender)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:new Uint8Array,te.callback_code_hash=(w=N.callback_code_hash)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"",te.code_id=(_=N.code_id)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"0",te.label=(p=N.label)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",te.init_msg=(O=N.init_msg)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:new Uint8Array,te.init_funds=((U=N.init_funds)===null||U===void 0?void 0:U.map(X=>d.Coin.fromPartial(X)))||[],te.callback_sig=(T=N.callback_sig)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:new Uint8Array,te.admin=(z=N.admin)!==null&&z!==void 0?z:"",te}},e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.address!==""&&A.uint32(10).string(N.address),N.data.length!==0&&A.uint32(18).bytes(N.data),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=r();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();switch(O>>>3){case 1:p.address=w.string();break;case 2:p.data=w.bytes();break;default:w.skipType(7&O)}}return p},fromJSON:N=>({address:k(N.address)?String(N.address):"",data:k(N.data)?C(N.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.address!==void 0&&(A.address=N.address),N.data!==void 0&&(A.data=I(N.data!==void 0?N.data:new Uint8Array)),A},fromPartial(N){var A,w;const _=r();return _.address=(A=N.address)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",_.data=(w=N.data)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:new Uint8Array,_}},e.MsgExecuteContract={encode(N,A=t.Writer.create()){N.sender.length!==0&&A.uint32(10).bytes(N.sender),N.contract.length!==0&&A.uint32(18).bytes(N.contract),N.msg.length!==0&&A.uint32(26).bytes(N.msg),N.callback_code_hash!==""&&A.uint32(34).string(N.callback_code_hash);for(const w of N.sent_funds)d.Coin.encode(w,A.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim();return N.callback_sig.length!==0&&A.uint32(50).bytes(N.callback_sig),A},decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=n();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();switch(O>>>3){case 1:p.sender=w.bytes();break;case 2:p.contract=w.bytes();break;case 3:p.msg=w.bytes();break;case 4:p.callback_code_hash=w.string();break;case 5:p.sent_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(w,w.uint32()));break;case 6:p.callback_sig=w.bytes();break;default:w.skipType(7&O)}}return p},fromJSON:N=>({sender:k(N.sender)?C(N.sender):new Uint8Array,contract:k(N.contract)?C(N.contract):new Uint8Array,msg:k(N.msg)?C(N.msg):new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:k(N.callback_code_hash)?String(N.callback_code_hash):"",sent_funds:Array.isArray(N==null?void 0:N.sent_funds)?N.sent_funds.map(A=>d.Coin.fromJSON(A)):[],callback_sig:k(N.callback_sig)?C(N.callback_sig):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.sender!==void 0&&(A.sender=I(N.sender!==void 0?N.sender:new Uint8Array)),N.contract!==void 0&&(A.contract=I(N.contract!==void 0?N.contract:new Uint8Array)),N.msg!==void 0&&(A.msg=I(N.msg!==void 0?N.msg:new Uint8Array)),N.callback_code_hash!==void 0&&(A.callback_code_hash=N.callback_code_hash),N.sent_funds?A.sent_funds=N.sent_funds.map(w=>w?d.Coin.toJSON(w):void 0):A.sent_funds=[],N.callback_sig!==void 0&&(A.callback_sig=I(N.callback_sig!==void 0?N.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),A},fromPartial(N){var A,w,_,p,O,U;const T=n();return T.sender=(A=N.sender)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:new Uint8Array,T.contract=(w=N.contract)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:new Uint8Array,T.msg=(_=N.msg)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,T.callback_code_hash=(p=N.callback_code_hash)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",T.sent_funds=((O=N.sent_funds)===null||O===void 0?void 0:O.map(z=>d.Coin.fromPartial(z)))||[],T.callback_sig=(U=N.callback_sig)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:new Uint8Array,T}},e.MsgExecuteContractResponse={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.data.length!==0&&A.uint32(10).bytes(N.data),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=o();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();O>>>3==1?p.data=w.bytes():w.skipType(7&O)}return p},fromJSON:N=>({data:k(N.data)?C(N.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.data!==void 0&&(A.data=I(N.data!==void 0?N.data:new Uint8Array)),A},fromPartial(N){var A;const w=o();return w.data=(A=N.data)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:new Uint8Array,w}},e.MsgMigrateContract={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.sender!==""&&A.uint32(10).string(N.sender),N.contract!==""&&A.uint32(18).string(N.contract),N.code_id!=="0"&&A.uint32(24).uint64(N.code_id),N.msg.length!==0&&A.uint32(34).bytes(N.msg),N.callback_sig.length!==0&&A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig),N.callback_code_hash!==""&&A.uint32(66).string(N.callback_code_hash),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=i();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();switch(O>>>3){case 1:p.sender=w.string();break;case 2:p.contract=w.string();break;case 3:p.code_id=R(w.uint64());break;case 4:p.msg=w.bytes();break;case 7:p.callback_sig=w.bytes();break;case 8:p.callback_code_hash=w.string();break;default:w.skipType(7&O)}}return p},fromJSON:N=>({sender:k(N.sender)?String(N.sender):"",contract:k(N.contract)?String(N.contract):"",code_id:k(N.code_id)?String(N.code_id):"0",msg:k(N.msg)?C(N.msg):new Uint8Array,callback_sig:k(N.callback_sig)?C(N.callback_sig):new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:k(N.callback_code_hash)?String(N.callback_code_hash):""}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.sender!==void 0&&(A.sender=N.sender),N.contract!==void 0&&(A.contract=N.contract),N.code_id!==void 0&&(A.code_id=N.code_id),N.msg!==void 0&&(A.msg=I(N.msg!==void 0?N.msg:new Uint8Array)),N.callback_sig!==void 0&&(A.callback_sig=I(N.callback_sig!==void 0?N.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),N.callback_code_hash!==void 0&&(A.callback_code_hash=N.callback_code_hash),A},fromPartial(N){var A,w,_,p,O,U;const T=i();return T.sender=(A=N.sender)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",T.contract=(w=N.contract)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"",T.code_id=(_=N.code_id)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"0",T.msg=(p=N.msg)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,T.callback_sig=(O=N.callback_sig)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:new Uint8Array,T.callback_code_hash=(U=N.callback_code_hash)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"",T}},e.MsgMigrateContractResponse={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.data.length!==0&&A.uint32(10).bytes(N.data),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=f();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();O>>>3==1?p.data=w.bytes():w.skipType(7&O)}return p},fromJSON:N=>({data:k(N.data)?C(N.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.data!==void 0&&(A.data=I(N.data!==void 0?N.data:new Uint8Array)),A},fromPartial(N){var A;const w=f();return w.data=(A=N.data)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:new Uint8Array,w}},e.MsgUpdateAdmin={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.sender!==""&&A.uint32(10).string(N.sender),N.new_admin!==""&&A.uint32(18).string(N.new_admin),N.contract!==""&&A.uint32(26).string(N.contract),N.callback_sig.length!==0&&A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=c();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();switch(O>>>3){case 1:p.sender=w.string();break;case 2:p.new_admin=w.string();break;case 3:p.contract=w.string();break;case 7:p.callback_sig=w.bytes();break;default:w.skipType(7&O)}}return p},fromJSON:N=>({sender:k(N.sender)?String(N.sender):"",new_admin:k(N.new_admin)?String(N.new_admin):"",contract:k(N.contract)?String(N.contract):"",callback_sig:k(N.callback_sig)?C(N.callback_sig):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.sender!==void 0&&(A.sender=N.sender),N.new_admin!==void 0&&(A.new_admin=N.new_admin),N.contract!==void 0&&(A.contract=N.contract),N.callback_sig!==void 0&&(A.callback_sig=I(N.callback_sig!==void 0?N.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),A},fromPartial(N){var A,w,_,p;const O=c();return O.sender=(A=N.sender)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",O.new_admin=(w=N.new_admin)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"",O.contract=(_=N.contract)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:"",O.callback_sig=(p=N.callback_sig)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,O}},e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>A,decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;for(;w.pos<_;){const p=w.uint32();w.skipType(7&p)}return{}},fromJSON:N=>({}),toJSON:N=>({}),fromPartial:N=>({})},e.MsgClearAdmin={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>(N.sender!==""&&A.uint32(10).string(N.sender),N.contract!==""&&A.uint32(26).string(N.contract),N.callback_sig.length!==0&&A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig),A),decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;const p=h();for(;w.pos<_;){const O=w.uint32();switch(O>>>3){case 1:p.sender=w.string();break;case 3:p.contract=w.string();break;case 7:p.callback_sig=w.bytes();break;default:w.skipType(7&O)}}return p},fromJSON:N=>({sender:k(N.sender)?String(N.sender):"",contract:k(N.contract)?String(N.contract):"",callback_sig:k(N.callback_sig)?C(N.callback_sig):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(N){const A={};return N.sender!==void 0&&(A.sender=N.sender),N.contract!==void 0&&(A.contract=N.contract),N.callback_sig!==void 0&&(A.callback_sig=I(N.callback_sig!==void 0?N.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),A},fromPartial(N){var A,w,_;const p=h();return p.sender=(A=N.sender)!==null&&A!==void 0?A:"",p.contract=(w=N.contract)!==null&&w!==void 0?w:"",p.callback_sig=(_=N.callback_sig)!==null&&_!==void 0?_:new Uint8Array,p}},e.MsgClearAdminResponse={encode:(N,A=t.Writer.create())=>A,decode(N,A){const w=N instanceof t.Reader?N:new t.Reader(N);let _=A===void 0?w.len:w.pos+A;for(;w.pos<_;){const p=w.uint32();w.skipType(7&p)}return{}},fromJSON:N=>({}),toJSON:N=>({}),fromPartial:N=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(N){this.rpc=N,this.StoreCode=this.StoreCode.bind(this),this.InstantiateContract=this.InstantiateContract.bind(this),this.ExecuteContract=this.ExecuteContract.bind(this),this.MigrateContract=this.MigrateContract.bind(this),this.UpdateAdmin=this.UpdateAdmin.bind(this),this.ClearAdmin=this.ClearAdmin.bind(this)}StoreCode(N){const A=e.MsgStoreCode.encode(N).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","StoreCode",A).then(w=>e.MsgStoreCodeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w)))}InstantiateContract(N){const A=e.MsgInstantiateContract.encode(N).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","InstantiateContract",A).then(w=>e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w)))}ExecuteContract(N){const A=e.MsgExecuteContract.encode(N).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","ExecuteContract",A).then(w=>e.MsgExecuteContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w)))}MigrateContract(N){const A=e.MsgMigrateContract.encode(N).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","MigrateContract",A).then(w=>e.MsgMigrateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w)))}UpdateAdmin(N){const A=e.MsgUpdateAdmin.encode(N).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","UpdateAdmin",A).then(w=>e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w)))}ClearAdmin(N){const A=e.MsgClearAdmin.encode(N).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","ClearAdmin",A).then(w=>e.MsgClearAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w)))}};var m=(()=>{if(m!==void 0)return m;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const v=m.atob||(N=>m.Buffer.from(N,"base64").toString("binary"));function C(N){const A=v(N),w=new Uint8Array(A.length);for(let _=0;_m.Buffer.from(N,"binary").toString("base64"));function I(N){const A=[];for(const w of N)A.push(String.fromCharCode(w));return l(A.join(""))}function R(N){return N.toString()}function k(N){return N!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4657:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),Object.defineProperty(d,r,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return u[s]}})}:function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),d[r]=u[s]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(d,u){Object.defineProperty(d,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:u})}:function(d,u){d.default=u}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(d){if(d&&d.__esModule)return d;var u={};if(d!=null)for(var s in d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return M(u,d),u},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(d){return d&&d.__esModule?d:{default:d}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse=e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));e.protobufPackage="secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1",e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>(d.sender!==""&&u.uint32(10).string(d.sender),u),decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;const n={sender:""};for(;s.pos>>3==1?n.sender=s.string():s.skipType(7&o)}return n},fromJSON(d){return{sender:(u=d.sender,u!=null?String(d.sender):"")};var u},toJSON(d){const u={};return d.sender!==void 0&&(u.sender=d.sender),u},fromPartial(d){var u;const s={sender:""};return s.sender=(u=d.sender)!==null&&u!==void 0?u:"",s}},e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>u,decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;for(;s.pos({}),toJSON:d=>({}),fromPartial:d=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(d){this.rpc=d,this.ToggleIbcSwitch=this.ToggleIbcSwitch.bind(this)}ToggleIbcSwitch(d){const u=e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch.encode(d).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.Msg","ToggleIbcSwitch",u).then(s=>e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse.decode(new t.Reader(s)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},1901:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(h,m,v,C){C===void 0&&(C=v),Object.defineProperty(h,C,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return m[v]}})}:function(h,m,v,C){C===void 0&&(C=v),h[C]=m[v]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(h,m){Object.defineProperty(h,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:m})}:function(h,m){h.default=m}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(h){if(h&&h.__esModule)return h;var m={};if(h!=null)for(var v in h)v!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h,v)&&E(m,h,v);return M(m,h),m},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(h){return h&&h.__esModule?h:{default:h}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Key=e.MasterKey=e.RaAuthenticate=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,certificate:new Uint8Array}}function u(){return{bytes:new Uint8Array}}function s(){return{key:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="secret.registration.v1beta1",e.RaAuthenticate={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.sender.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.sender),h.certificate.length!==0&&m.uint32(18).bytes(h.certificate),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let C=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=d();for(;v.pos>>3){case 1:l.sender=v.bytes();break;case 2:l.certificate=v.bytes();break;default:v.skipType(7&I)}}return l},fromJSON:h=>({sender:c(h.sender)?o(h.sender):new Uint8Array,certificate:c(h.certificate)?o(h.certificate):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.sender!==void 0&&(m.sender=f(h.sender!==void 0?h.sender:new Uint8Array)),h.certificate!==void 0&&(m.certificate=f(h.certificate!==void 0?h.certificate:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m,v;const C=d();return C.sender=(m=h.sender)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,C.certificate=(v=h.certificate)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:new Uint8Array,C}},e.MasterKey={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.bytes.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.bytes),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let C=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=u();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.bytes=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&I)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({bytes:c(h.bytes)?o(h.bytes):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.bytes!==void 0&&(m.bytes=f(h.bytes!==void 0?h.bytes:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=u();return v.bytes=(m=h.bytes)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}},e.Key={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.key.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.key),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let C=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=s();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.key=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&I)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({key:c(h.key)?o(h.key):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.key!==void 0&&(m.key=f(h.key!==void 0?h.key:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=s();return v.key=(m=h.key)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}};var r=(()=>{if(r!==void 0)return r;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const n=r.atob||(h=>r.Buffer.from(h,"base64").toString("binary"));function o(h){const m=n(h),v=new Uint8Array(m.length);for(let C=0;Cr.Buffer.from(h,"binary").toString("base64"));function f(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return i(m.join(""))}function c(h){return h!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2093:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(g,S,x,j){j===void 0&&(j=x),Object.defineProperty(g,j,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return S[x]}})}:function(g,S,x,j){j===void 0&&(j=x),g[j]=S[x]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(g,S){Object.defineProperty(g,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:S})}:function(g,S){g.default=S}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(g){if(g&&g.__esModule)return g;var S={};if(g!=null)for(var x in g)x!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g,x)&&E(S,g,x);return M(S,g),S},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(g){return g&&g.__esModule?g:{default:g}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Event=e.LastCommitInfo=e.BlockParams=e.ConsensusParams=e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk=e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk=e.ResponseOfferSnapshot=e.ResponseListSnapshots=e.ResponseCommit=e.ResponseEndBlock=e.ResponseDeliverTx=e.ResponseCheckTx=e.ResponseBeginBlock=e.ResponseQuery=e.ResponseInitChain=e.ResponseSetOption=e.ResponseInfo=e.ResponseFlush=e.ResponseEcho=e.ResponseException=e.Response=e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk=e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk=e.RequestOfferSnapshot=e.RequestListSnapshots=e.RequestCommit=e.RequestEndBlock=e.RequestDeliverTx=e.RequestCheckTx=e.RequestBeginBlock=e.RequestQuery=e.RequestInitChain=e.RequestSetOption=e.RequestInfo=e.RequestFlush=e.RequestEcho=e.Request=e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultToJSON=e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultFromJSON=e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result=e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultToJSON=e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultFromJSON=e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result=e.evidenceTypeToJSON=e.evidenceTypeFromJSON=e.EvidenceType=e.checkTxTypeToJSON=e.checkTxTypeFromJSON=e.CheckTxType=e.protobufPackage=void 0,e.ABCIApplicationClientImpl=e.Snapshot=e.Evidence=e.VoteInfo=e.ValidatorUpdate=e.Validator=e.TxResult=e.EventAttribute=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(5090),u=b(9928),s=b(1093),r=b(5672),n=b(2740);var o,i,f,c;function h(g){switch(g){case 0:case"NEW":return o.NEW;case 1:case"RECHECK":return o.RECHECK;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function m(g){switch(g){case o.NEW:return"NEW";case o.RECHECK:return"RECHECK";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function v(g){switch(g){case 0:case"UNKNOWN":return i.UNKNOWN;case 1:case"DUPLICATE_VOTE":return i.DUPLICATE_VOTE;case 2:case"LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK":return i.LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK;default:return i.UNRECOGNIZED}}function C(g){switch(g){case i.UNKNOWN:return"UNKNOWN";case i.DUPLICATE_VOTE:return"DUPLICATE_VOTE";case i.LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK:return"LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function l(g){switch(g){case 0:case"UNKNOWN":return f.UNKNOWN;case 1:case"ACCEPT":return f.ACCEPT;case 2:case"ABORT":return f.ABORT;case 3:case"REJECT":return f.REJECT;case 4:case"REJECT_FORMAT":return f.REJECT_FORMAT;case 5:case"REJECT_SENDER":return f.REJECT_SENDER;default:return f.UNRECOGNIZED}}function I(g){switch(g){case f.UNKNOWN:return"UNKNOWN";case f.ACCEPT:return"ACCEPT";case f.ABORT:return"ABORT";case f.REJECT:return"REJECT";case f.REJECT_FORMAT:return"REJECT_FORMAT";case f.REJECT_SENDER:return"REJECT_SENDER";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function R(g){switch(g){case 0:case"UNKNOWN":return c.UNKNOWN;case 1:case"ACCEPT":return c.ACCEPT;case 2:case"ABORT":return c.ABORT;case 3:case"RETRY":return c.RETRY;case 4:case"RETRY_SNAPSHOT":return c.RETRY_SNAPSHOT;case 5:case"REJECT_SNAPSHOT":return c.REJECT_SNAPSHOT;default:return c.UNRECOGNIZED}}function k(g){switch(g){case c.UNKNOWN:return"UNKNOWN";case c.ACCEPT:return"ACCEPT";case c.ABORT:return"ABORT";case c.RETRY:return"RETRY";case c.RETRY_SNAPSHOT:return"RETRY_SNAPSHOT";case c.REJECT_SNAPSHOT:return"REJECT_SNAPSHOT";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function N(){return{time:void 0,chain_id:"",consensus_params:void 0,validators:[],app_state_bytes:new Uint8Array,initial_height:"0"}}function A(){return{data:new Uint8Array,path:"",height:"0",prove:!1}}function w(){return{hash:new Uint8Array,header:void 0,last_commit_info:void 0,byzantine_validators:[],commit:void 0,txs:[]}}function _(){return{tx:new Uint8Array,type:0}}function p(){return{tx:new Uint8Array}}function O(){return{snapshot:void 0,app_hash:new Uint8Array}}function U(){return{index:0,chunk:new Uint8Array,sender:""}}function T(){return{data:"",version:"",app_version:"0",last_block_height:"0",last_block_app_hash:new Uint8Array}}function z(){return{consensus_params:void 0,validators:[],app_hash:new Uint8Array}}function te(){return{code:0,log:"",info:"",index:"0",key:new Uint8Array,value:new Uint8Array,proof_ops:void 0,height:"0",codespace:""}}function X(){return{code:0,data:new Uint8Array,log:"",info:"",gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0",events:[],codespace:"",sender:"",priority:"0",mempool_error:""}}function ne(){return{code:0,data:new Uint8Array,log:"",info:"",gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0",events:[],codespace:""}}function B(){return{data:new Uint8Array,retain_height:"0"}}function Q(){return{chunk:new Uint8Array}}function V(){return{key:new Uint8Array,value:new Uint8Array,index:!1}}function ee(){return{height:"0",index:0,tx:new Uint8Array,result:void 0}}function K(){return{address:new Uint8Array,power:"0"}}function Y(){return{height:"0",format:0,chunks:0,hash:new Uint8Array,metadata:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.abci",function(g){g[g.NEW=0]="NEW",g[g.RECHECK=1]="RECHECK",g[g.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(o=e.CheckTxType||(e.CheckTxType={})),e.checkTxTypeFromJSON=h,e.checkTxTypeToJSON=m,function(g){g[g.UNKNOWN=0]="UNKNOWN",g[g.DUPLICATE_VOTE=1]="DUPLICATE_VOTE",g[g.LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK=2]="LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK",g[g.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(i=e.EvidenceType||(e.EvidenceType={})),e.evidenceTypeFromJSON=v,e.evidenceTypeToJSON=C,function(g){g[g.UNKNOWN=0]="UNKNOWN",g[g.ACCEPT=1]="ACCEPT",g[g.ABORT=2]="ABORT",g[g.REJECT=3]="REJECT",g[g.REJECT_FORMAT=4]="REJECT_FORMAT",g[g.REJECT_SENDER=5]="REJECT_SENDER",g[g.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(f=e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result||(e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result={})),e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultFromJSON=l,e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultToJSON=I,function(g){g[g.UNKNOWN=0]="UNKNOWN",g[g.ACCEPT=1]="ACCEPT",g[g.ABORT=2]="ABORT",g[g.RETRY=3]="RETRY",g[g.RETRY_SNAPSHOT=4]="RETRY_SNAPSHOT",g[g.REJECT_SNAPSHOT=5]="REJECT_SNAPSHOT",g[g.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(c=e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result||(e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result={})),e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultFromJSON=R,e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultToJSON=k,e.Request={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.echo!==void 0&&e.RequestEcho.encode(g.echo,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),g.flush!==void 0&&e.RequestFlush.encode(g.flush,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),g.info!==void 0&&e.RequestInfo.encode(g.info,S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),g.set_option!==void 0&&e.RequestSetOption.encode(g.set_option,S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),g.init_chain!==void 0&&e.RequestInitChain.encode(g.init_chain,S.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),g.query!==void 0&&e.RequestQuery.encode(g.query,S.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),g.begin_block!==void 0&&e.RequestBeginBlock.encode(g.begin_block,S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),g.check_tx!==void 0&&e.RequestCheckTx.encode(g.check_tx,S.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(),g.deliver_tx!==void 0&&e.RequestDeliverTx.encode(g.deliver_tx,S.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),g.end_block!==void 0&&e.RequestEndBlock.encode(g.end_block,S.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(),g.commit!==void 0&&e.RequestCommit.encode(g.commit,S.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(),g.list_snapshots!==void 0&&e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(g.list_snapshots,S.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim(),g.offer_snapshot!==void 0&&e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(g.offer_snapshot,S.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(),g.load_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(g.load_snapshot_chunk,S.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim(),g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(g.apply_snapshot_chunk,S.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={echo:void 0,flush:void 0,info:void 0,set_option:void 0,init_chain:void 0,query:void 0,begin_block:void 0,check_tx:void 0,deliver_tx:void 0,end_block:void 0,commit:void 0,list_snapshots:void 0,offer_snapshot:void 0,load_snapshot_chunk:void 0,apply_snapshot_chunk:void 0};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.echo=e.RequestEcho.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.flush=e.RequestFlush.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 3:D.info=e.RequestInfo.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 4:D.set_option=e.RequestSetOption.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 5:D.init_chain=e.RequestInitChain.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 6:D.query=e.RequestQuery.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 7:D.begin_block=e.RequestBeginBlock.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 8:D.check_tx=e.RequestCheckTx.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 9:D.deliver_tx=e.RequestDeliverTx.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 10:D.end_block=e.RequestEndBlock.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 11:D.commit=e.RequestCommit.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 12:D.list_snapshots=e.RequestListSnapshots.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 13:D.offer_snapshot=e.RequestOfferSnapshot.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 14:D.load_snapshot_chunk=e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 15:D.apply_snapshot_chunk=e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.decode(x,x.uint32());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({echo:W(g.echo)?e.RequestEcho.fromJSON(g.echo):void 0,flush:W(g.flush)?e.RequestFlush.fromJSON(g.flush):void 0,info:W(g.info)?e.RequestInfo.fromJSON(g.info):void 0,set_option:W(g.set_option)?e.RequestSetOption.fromJSON(g.set_option):void 0,init_chain:W(g.init_chain)?e.RequestInitChain.fromJSON(g.init_chain):void 0,query:W(g.query)?e.RequestQuery.fromJSON(g.query):void 0,begin_block:W(g.begin_block)?e.RequestBeginBlock.fromJSON(g.begin_block):void 0,check_tx:W(g.check_tx)?e.RequestCheckTx.fromJSON(g.check_tx):void 0,deliver_tx:W(g.deliver_tx)?e.RequestDeliverTx.fromJSON(g.deliver_tx):void 0,end_block:W(g.end_block)?e.RequestEndBlock.fromJSON(g.end_block):void 0,commit:W(g.commit)?e.RequestCommit.fromJSON(g.commit):void 0,list_snapshots:W(g.list_snapshots)?e.RequestListSnapshots.fromJSON(g.list_snapshots):void 0,offer_snapshot:W(g.offer_snapshot)?e.RequestOfferSnapshot.fromJSON(g.offer_snapshot):void 0,load_snapshot_chunk:W(g.load_snapshot_chunk)?e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk):void 0,apply_snapshot_chunk:W(g.apply_snapshot_chunk)?e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk):void 0}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.echo!==void 0&&(S.echo=g.echo?e.RequestEcho.toJSON(g.echo):void 0),g.flush!==void 0&&(S.flush=g.flush?e.RequestFlush.toJSON(g.flush):void 0),g.info!==void 0&&(S.info=g.info?e.RequestInfo.toJSON(g.info):void 0),g.set_option!==void 0&&(S.set_option=g.set_option?e.RequestSetOption.toJSON(g.set_option):void 0),g.init_chain!==void 0&&(S.init_chain=g.init_chain?e.RequestInitChain.toJSON(g.init_chain):void 0),g.query!==void 0&&(S.query=g.query?e.RequestQuery.toJSON(g.query):void 0),g.begin_block!==void 0&&(S.begin_block=g.begin_block?e.RequestBeginBlock.toJSON(g.begin_block):void 0),g.check_tx!==void 0&&(S.check_tx=g.check_tx?e.RequestCheckTx.toJSON(g.check_tx):void 0),g.deliver_tx!==void 0&&(S.deliver_tx=g.deliver_tx?e.RequestDeliverTx.toJSON(g.deliver_tx):void 0),g.end_block!==void 0&&(S.end_block=g.end_block?e.RequestEndBlock.toJSON(g.end_block):void 0),g.commit!==void 0&&(S.commit=g.commit?e.RequestCommit.toJSON(g.commit):void 0),g.list_snapshots!==void 0&&(S.list_snapshots=g.list_snapshots?e.RequestListSnapshots.toJSON(g.list_snapshots):void 0),g.offer_snapshot!==void 0&&(S.offer_snapshot=g.offer_snapshot?e.RequestOfferSnapshot.toJSON(g.offer_snapshot):void 0),g.load_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&(S.load_snapshot_chunk=g.load_snapshot_chunk?e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk):void 0),g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&(S.apply_snapshot_chunk=g.apply_snapshot_chunk?e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk):void 0),S},fromPartial(g){const S={echo:void 0,flush:void 0,info:void 0,set_option:void 0,init_chain:void 0,query:void 0,begin_block:void 0,check_tx:void 0,deliver_tx:void 0,end_block:void 0,commit:void 0,list_snapshots:void 0,offer_snapshot:void 0,load_snapshot_chunk:void 0,apply_snapshot_chunk:void 0};return S.echo=g.echo!==void 0&&g.echo!==null?e.RequestEcho.fromPartial(g.echo):void 0,S.flush=g.flush!==void 0&&g.flush!==null?e.RequestFlush.fromPartial(g.flush):void 0,S.info=g.info!==void 0&&g.info!==null?e.RequestInfo.fromPartial(g.info):void 0,S.set_option=g.set_option!==void 0&&g.set_option!==null?e.RequestSetOption.fromPartial(g.set_option):void 0,S.init_chain=g.init_chain!==void 0&&g.init_chain!==null?e.RequestInitChain.fromPartial(g.init_chain):void 0,S.query=g.query!==void 0&&g.query!==null?e.RequestQuery.fromPartial(g.query):void 0,S.begin_block=g.begin_block!==void 0&&g.begin_block!==null?e.RequestBeginBlock.fromPartial(g.begin_block):void 0,S.check_tx=g.check_tx!==void 0&&g.check_tx!==null?e.RequestCheckTx.fromPartial(g.check_tx):void 0,S.deliver_tx=g.deliver_tx!==void 0&&g.deliver_tx!==null?e.RequestDeliverTx.fromPartial(g.deliver_tx):void 0,S.end_block=g.end_block!==void 0&&g.end_block!==null?e.RequestEndBlock.fromPartial(g.end_block):void 0,S.commit=g.commit!==void 0&&g.commit!==null?e.RequestCommit.fromPartial(g.commit):void 0,S.list_snapshots=g.list_snapshots!==void 0&&g.list_snapshots!==null?e.RequestListSnapshots.fromPartial(g.list_snapshots):void 0,S.offer_snapshot=g.offer_snapshot!==void 0&&g.offer_snapshot!==null?e.RequestOfferSnapshot.fromPartial(g.offer_snapshot):void 0,S.load_snapshot_chunk=g.load_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&g.load_snapshot_chunk!==null?e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.load_snapshot_chunk):void 0,S.apply_snapshot_chunk=g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==null?e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.apply_snapshot_chunk):void 0,S}},e.RequestEcho={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.message!==""&&S.uint32(10).string(g.message),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={message:""};for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.message=x.string():x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({message:W(g.message)?String(g.message):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.message!==void 0&&(S.message=g.message),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={message:""};return x.message=(S=g.message)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",x}},e.RequestFlush={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>S,decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;for(;x.pos({}),toJSON:g=>({}),fromPartial:g=>({})},e.RequestInfo={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.version!==""&&S.uint32(10).string(g.version),g.block_version!=="0"&&S.uint32(16).uint64(g.block_version),g.p2p_version!=="0"&&S.uint32(24).uint64(g.p2p_version),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={version:"",block_version:"0",p2p_version:"0"};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.version=x.string();break;case 2:D.block_version=be(x.uint64());break;case 3:D.p2p_version=be(x.uint64());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({version:W(g.version)?String(g.version):"",block_version:W(g.block_version)?String(g.block_version):"0",p2p_version:W(g.p2p_version)?String(g.p2p_version):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.version!==void 0&&(S.version=g.version),g.block_version!==void 0&&(S.block_version=g.block_version),g.p2p_version!==void 0&&(S.p2p_version=g.p2p_version),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D={version:"",block_version:"0",p2p_version:"0"};return D.version=(S=g.version)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",D.block_version=(x=g.block_version)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"0",D.p2p_version=(j=g.p2p_version)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",D}},e.RequestSetOption={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.key!==""&&S.uint32(10).string(g.key),g.value!==""&&S.uint32(18).string(g.value),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={key:"",value:""};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.key=x.string();break;case 2:D.value=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({key:W(g.key)?String(g.key):"",value:W(g.value)?String(g.value):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.key!==void 0&&(S.key=g.key),g.value!==void 0&&(S.value=g.value),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j={key:"",value:""};return j.key=(S=g.key)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",j.value=(x=g.value)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",j}},e.RequestInitChain={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.time!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(g.time,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),g.chain_id!==""&&S.uint32(18).string(g.chain_id),g.consensus_params!==void 0&&e.ConsensusParams.encode(g.consensus_params,S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const x of g.validators)e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(x,S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return g.app_state_bytes.length!==0&&S.uint32(42).bytes(g.app_state_bytes),g.initial_height!=="0"&&S.uint32(48).int64(g.initial_height),S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=N();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.time=d.Timestamp.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.chain_id=x.string();break;case 3:D.consensus_params=e.ConsensusParams.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 4:D.validators.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;case 5:D.app_state_bytes=x.bytes();break;case 6:D.initial_height=be(x.int64());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({time:W(g.time)?he(g.time):void 0,chain_id:W(g.chain_id)?String(g.chain_id):"",consensus_params:W(g.consensus_params)?e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(g.consensus_params):void 0,validators:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.validators)?g.validators.map(S=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(S)):[],app_state_bytes:W(g.app_state_bytes)?de(g.app_state_bytes):new Uint8Array,initial_height:W(g.initial_height)?String(g.initial_height):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.time!==void 0&&(S.time=ce(g.time).toISOString()),g.chain_id!==void 0&&(S.chain_id=g.chain_id),g.consensus_params!==void 0&&(S.consensus_params=g.consensus_params?e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(g.consensus_params):void 0),g.validators?S.validators=g.validators.map(x=>x?e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(x):void 0):S.validators=[],g.app_state_bytes!==void 0&&(S.app_state_bytes=le(g.app_state_bytes!==void 0?g.app_state_bytes:new Uint8Array)),g.initial_height!==void 0&&(S.initial_height=g.initial_height),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j,D;const L=N();return L.time=g.time!==void 0&&g.time!==null?d.Timestamp.fromPartial(g.time):void 0,L.chain_id=(S=g.chain_id)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",L.consensus_params=g.consensus_params!==void 0&&g.consensus_params!==null?e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(g.consensus_params):void 0,L.validators=((x=g.validators)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(F=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(F)))||[],L.app_state_bytes=(j=g.app_state_bytes)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:new Uint8Array,L.initial_height=(D=g.initial_height)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:"0",L}},e.RequestQuery={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.data.length!==0&&S.uint32(10).bytes(g.data),g.path!==""&&S.uint32(18).string(g.path),g.height!=="0"&&S.uint32(24).int64(g.height),g.prove===!0&&S.uint32(32).bool(g.prove),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=A();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.data=x.bytes();break;case 2:D.path=x.string();break;case 3:D.height=be(x.int64());break;case 4:D.prove=x.bool();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({data:W(g.data)?de(g.data):new Uint8Array,path:W(g.path)?String(g.path):"",height:W(g.height)?String(g.height):"0",prove:!!W(g.prove)&&!!g.prove}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.data!==void 0&&(S.data=le(g.data!==void 0?g.data:new Uint8Array)),g.path!==void 0&&(S.path=g.path),g.height!==void 0&&(S.height=g.height),g.prove!==void 0&&(S.prove=g.prove),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j,D;const L=A();return L.data=(S=g.data)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,L.path=(x=g.path)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",L.height=(j=g.height)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",L.prove=(D=g.prove)!==null&&D!==void 0&&D,L}},e.RequestBeginBlock={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.hash.length!==0&&S.uint32(10).bytes(g.hash),g.header!==void 0&&u.Header.encode(g.header,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),g.last_commit_info!==void 0&&e.LastCommitInfo.encode(g.last_commit_info,S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const x of g.byzantine_validators)e.Evidence.encode(x,S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();g.commit!==void 0&&u.Commit.encode(g.commit,S.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim();for(const x of g.txs)S.uint32(50).bytes(x);return S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=w();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.hash=x.bytes();break;case 2:D.header=u.Header.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 3:D.last_commit_info=e.LastCommitInfo.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 4:D.byzantine_validators.push(e.Evidence.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;case 5:D.commit=u.Commit.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 6:D.txs.push(x.bytes());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({hash:W(g.hash)?de(g.hash):new Uint8Array,header:W(g.header)?u.Header.fromJSON(g.header):void 0,last_commit_info:W(g.last_commit_info)?e.LastCommitInfo.fromJSON(g.last_commit_info):void 0,byzantine_validators:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.byzantine_validators)?g.byzantine_validators.map(S=>e.Evidence.fromJSON(S)):[],commit:W(g.commit)?u.Commit.fromJSON(g.commit):void 0,txs:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.txs)?g.txs.map(S=>de(S)):[]}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.hash!==void 0&&(S.hash=le(g.hash!==void 0?g.hash:new Uint8Array)),g.header!==void 0&&(S.header=g.header?u.Header.toJSON(g.header):void 0),g.last_commit_info!==void 0&&(S.last_commit_info=g.last_commit_info?e.LastCommitInfo.toJSON(g.last_commit_info):void 0),g.byzantine_validators?S.byzantine_validators=g.byzantine_validators.map(x=>x?e.Evidence.toJSON(x):void 0):S.byzantine_validators=[],g.commit!==void 0&&(S.commit=g.commit?u.Commit.toJSON(g.commit):void 0),g.txs?S.txs=g.txs.map(x=>le(x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array)):S.txs=[],S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D=w();return D.hash=(S=g.hash)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,D.header=g.header!==void 0&&g.header!==null?u.Header.fromPartial(g.header):void 0,D.last_commit_info=g.last_commit_info!==void 0&&g.last_commit_info!==null?e.LastCommitInfo.fromPartial(g.last_commit_info):void 0,D.byzantine_validators=((x=g.byzantine_validators)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(L=>e.Evidence.fromPartial(L)))||[],D.commit=g.commit!==void 0&&g.commit!==null?u.Commit.fromPartial(g.commit):void 0,D.txs=((j=g.txs)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(L=>L))||[],D}},e.RequestCheckTx={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.tx.length!==0&&S.uint32(10).bytes(g.tx),g.type!==0&&S.uint32(16).int32(g.type),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=_();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.tx=x.bytes();break;case 2:D.type=x.int32();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({tx:W(g.tx)?de(g.tx):new Uint8Array,type:W(g.type)?h(g.type):0}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.tx!==void 0&&(S.tx=le(g.tx!==void 0?g.tx:new Uint8Array)),g.type!==void 0&&(S.type=m(g.type)),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j=_();return j.tx=(S=g.tx)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,j.type=(x=g.type)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:0,j}},e.RequestDeliverTx={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.tx.length!==0&&S.uint32(10).bytes(g.tx),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=p();for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.tx=x.bytes():x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({tx:W(g.tx)?de(g.tx):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.tx!==void 0&&(S.tx=le(g.tx!==void 0?g.tx:new Uint8Array)),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x=p();return x.tx=(S=g.tx)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,x}},e.RequestEndBlock={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.height!=="0"&&S.uint32(8).int64(g.height),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={height:"0"};for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.height=be(x.int64()):x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({height:W(g.height)?String(g.height):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.height!==void 0&&(S.height=g.height),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={height:"0"};return x.height=(S=g.height)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",x}},e.RequestCommit={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>S,decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;for(;x.pos({}),toJSON:g=>({}),fromPartial:g=>({})},e.RequestListSnapshots={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>S,decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;for(;x.pos({}),toJSON:g=>({}),fromPartial:g=>({})},e.RequestOfferSnapshot={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.snapshot!==void 0&&e.Snapshot.encode(g.snapshot,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),g.app_hash.length!==0&&S.uint32(18).bytes(g.app_hash),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=O();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.snapshot=e.Snapshot.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.app_hash=x.bytes();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({snapshot:W(g.snapshot)?e.Snapshot.fromJSON(g.snapshot):void 0,app_hash:W(g.app_hash)?de(g.app_hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.snapshot!==void 0&&(S.snapshot=g.snapshot?e.Snapshot.toJSON(g.snapshot):void 0),g.app_hash!==void 0&&(S.app_hash=le(g.app_hash!==void 0?g.app_hash:new Uint8Array)),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x=O();return x.snapshot=g.snapshot!==void 0&&g.snapshot!==null?e.Snapshot.fromPartial(g.snapshot):void 0,x.app_hash=(S=g.app_hash)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,x}},e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.height!=="0"&&S.uint32(8).uint64(g.height),g.format!==0&&S.uint32(16).uint32(g.format),g.chunk!==0&&S.uint32(24).uint32(g.chunk),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={height:"0",format:0,chunk:0};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.height=be(x.uint64());break;case 2:D.format=x.uint32();break;case 3:D.chunk=x.uint32();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({height:W(g.height)?String(g.height):"0",format:W(g.format)?Number(g.format):0,chunk:W(g.chunk)?Number(g.chunk):0}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.height!==void 0&&(S.height=g.height),g.format!==void 0&&(S.format=Math.round(g.format)),g.chunk!==void 0&&(S.chunk=Math.round(g.chunk)),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D={height:"0",format:0,chunk:0};return D.height=(S=g.height)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",D.format=(x=g.format)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:0,D.chunk=(j=g.chunk)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:0,D}},e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.index!==0&&S.uint32(8).uint32(g.index),g.chunk.length!==0&&S.uint32(18).bytes(g.chunk),g.sender!==""&&S.uint32(26).string(g.sender),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=U();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.index=x.uint32();break;case 2:D.chunk=x.bytes();break;case 3:D.sender=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({index:W(g.index)?Number(g.index):0,chunk:W(g.chunk)?de(g.chunk):new Uint8Array,sender:W(g.sender)?String(g.sender):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.index!==void 0&&(S.index=Math.round(g.index)),g.chunk!==void 0&&(S.chunk=le(g.chunk!==void 0?g.chunk:new Uint8Array)),g.sender!==void 0&&(S.sender=g.sender),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D=U();return D.index=(S=g.index)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,D.chunk=(x=g.chunk)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,D.sender=(j=g.sender)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",D}},e.Response={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.exception!==void 0&&e.ResponseException.encode(g.exception,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),g.echo!==void 0&&e.ResponseEcho.encode(g.echo,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),g.flush!==void 0&&e.ResponseFlush.encode(g.flush,S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),g.info!==void 0&&e.ResponseInfo.encode(g.info,S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),g.set_option!==void 0&&e.ResponseSetOption.encode(g.set_option,S.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),g.init_chain!==void 0&&e.ResponseInitChain.encode(g.init_chain,S.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),g.query!==void 0&&e.ResponseQuery.encode(g.query,S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),g.begin_block!==void 0&&e.ResponseBeginBlock.encode(g.begin_block,S.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(),g.check_tx!==void 0&&e.ResponseCheckTx.encode(g.check_tx,S.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),g.deliver_tx!==void 0&&e.ResponseDeliverTx.encode(g.deliver_tx,S.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(),g.end_block!==void 0&&e.ResponseEndBlock.encode(g.end_block,S.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(),g.commit!==void 0&&e.ResponseCommit.encode(g.commit,S.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim(),g.list_snapshots!==void 0&&e.ResponseListSnapshots.encode(g.list_snapshots,S.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(),g.offer_snapshot!==void 0&&e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.encode(g.offer_snapshot,S.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim(),g.load_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(g.load_snapshot_chunk,S.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(),g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.encode(g.apply_snapshot_chunk,S.uint32(130).fork()).ldelim(),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={exception:void 0,echo:void 0,flush:void 0,info:void 0,set_option:void 0,init_chain:void 0,query:void 0,begin_block:void 0,check_tx:void 0,deliver_tx:void 0,end_block:void 0,commit:void 0,list_snapshots:void 0,offer_snapshot:void 0,load_snapshot_chunk:void 0,apply_snapshot_chunk:void 0};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.exception=e.ResponseException.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.echo=e.ResponseEcho.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 3:D.flush=e.ResponseFlush.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 4:D.info=e.ResponseInfo.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 5:D.set_option=e.ResponseSetOption.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 6:D.init_chain=e.ResponseInitChain.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 7:D.query=e.ResponseQuery.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 8:D.begin_block=e.ResponseBeginBlock.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 9:D.check_tx=e.ResponseCheckTx.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 10:D.deliver_tx=e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 11:D.end_block=e.ResponseEndBlock.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 12:D.commit=e.ResponseCommit.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 13:D.list_snapshots=e.ResponseListSnapshots.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 14:D.offer_snapshot=e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 15:D.load_snapshot_chunk=e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 16:D.apply_snapshot_chunk=e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.decode(x,x.uint32());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({exception:W(g.exception)?e.ResponseException.fromJSON(g.exception):void 0,echo:W(g.echo)?e.ResponseEcho.fromJSON(g.echo):void 0,flush:W(g.flush)?e.ResponseFlush.fromJSON(g.flush):void 0,info:W(g.info)?e.ResponseInfo.fromJSON(g.info):void 0,set_option:W(g.set_option)?e.ResponseSetOption.fromJSON(g.set_option):void 0,init_chain:W(g.init_chain)?e.ResponseInitChain.fromJSON(g.init_chain):void 0,query:W(g.query)?e.ResponseQuery.fromJSON(g.query):void 0,begin_block:W(g.begin_block)?e.ResponseBeginBlock.fromJSON(g.begin_block):void 0,check_tx:W(g.check_tx)?e.ResponseCheckTx.fromJSON(g.check_tx):void 0,deliver_tx:W(g.deliver_tx)?e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromJSON(g.deliver_tx):void 0,end_block:W(g.end_block)?e.ResponseEndBlock.fromJSON(g.end_block):void 0,commit:W(g.commit)?e.ResponseCommit.fromJSON(g.commit):void 0,list_snapshots:W(g.list_snapshots)?e.ResponseListSnapshots.fromJSON(g.list_snapshots):void 0,offer_snapshot:W(g.offer_snapshot)?e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.fromJSON(g.offer_snapshot):void 0,load_snapshot_chunk:W(g.load_snapshot_chunk)?e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk):void 0,apply_snapshot_chunk:W(g.apply_snapshot_chunk)?e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk):void 0}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.exception!==void 0&&(S.exception=g.exception?e.ResponseException.toJSON(g.exception):void 0),g.echo!==void 0&&(S.echo=g.echo?e.ResponseEcho.toJSON(g.echo):void 0),g.flush!==void 0&&(S.flush=g.flush?e.ResponseFlush.toJSON(g.flush):void 0),g.info!==void 0&&(S.info=g.info?e.ResponseInfo.toJSON(g.info):void 0),g.set_option!==void 0&&(S.set_option=g.set_option?e.ResponseSetOption.toJSON(g.set_option):void 0),g.init_chain!==void 0&&(S.init_chain=g.init_chain?e.ResponseInitChain.toJSON(g.init_chain):void 0),g.query!==void 0&&(S.query=g.query?e.ResponseQuery.toJSON(g.query):void 0),g.begin_block!==void 0&&(S.begin_block=g.begin_block?e.ResponseBeginBlock.toJSON(g.begin_block):void 0),g.check_tx!==void 0&&(S.check_tx=g.check_tx?e.ResponseCheckTx.toJSON(g.check_tx):void 0),g.deliver_tx!==void 0&&(S.deliver_tx=g.deliver_tx?e.ResponseDeliverTx.toJSON(g.deliver_tx):void 0),g.end_block!==void 0&&(S.end_block=g.end_block?e.ResponseEndBlock.toJSON(g.end_block):void 0),g.commit!==void 0&&(S.commit=g.commit?e.ResponseCommit.toJSON(g.commit):void 0),g.list_snapshots!==void 0&&(S.list_snapshots=g.list_snapshots?e.ResponseListSnapshots.toJSON(g.list_snapshots):void 0),g.offer_snapshot!==void 0&&(S.offer_snapshot=g.offer_snapshot?e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.toJSON(g.offer_snapshot):void 0),g.load_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&(S.load_snapshot_chunk=g.load_snapshot_chunk?e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk):void 0),g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&(S.apply_snapshot_chunk=g.apply_snapshot_chunk?e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk):void 0),S},fromPartial(g){const S={exception:void 0,echo:void 0,flush:void 0,info:void 0,set_option:void 0,init_chain:void 0,query:void 0,begin_block:void 0,check_tx:void 0,deliver_tx:void 0,end_block:void 0,commit:void 0,list_snapshots:void 0,offer_snapshot:void 0,load_snapshot_chunk:void 0,apply_snapshot_chunk:void 0};return S.exception=g.exception!==void 0&&g.exception!==null?e.ResponseException.fromPartial(g.exception):void 0,S.echo=g.echo!==void 0&&g.echo!==null?e.ResponseEcho.fromPartial(g.echo):void 0,S.flush=g.flush!==void 0&&g.flush!==null?e.ResponseFlush.fromPartial(g.flush):void 0,S.info=g.info!==void 0&&g.info!==null?e.ResponseInfo.fromPartial(g.info):void 0,S.set_option=g.set_option!==void 0&&g.set_option!==null?e.ResponseSetOption.fromPartial(g.set_option):void 0,S.init_chain=g.init_chain!==void 0&&g.init_chain!==null?e.ResponseInitChain.fromPartial(g.init_chain):void 0,S.query=g.query!==void 0&&g.query!==null?e.ResponseQuery.fromPartial(g.query):void 0,S.begin_block=g.begin_block!==void 0&&g.begin_block!==null?e.ResponseBeginBlock.fromPartial(g.begin_block):void 0,S.check_tx=g.check_tx!==void 0&&g.check_tx!==null?e.ResponseCheckTx.fromPartial(g.check_tx):void 0,S.deliver_tx=g.deliver_tx!==void 0&&g.deliver_tx!==null?e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromPartial(g.deliver_tx):void 0,S.end_block=g.end_block!==void 0&&g.end_block!==null?e.ResponseEndBlock.fromPartial(g.end_block):void 0,S.commit=g.commit!==void 0&&g.commit!==null?e.ResponseCommit.fromPartial(g.commit):void 0,S.list_snapshots=g.list_snapshots!==void 0&&g.list_snapshots!==null?e.ResponseListSnapshots.fromPartial(g.list_snapshots):void 0,S.offer_snapshot=g.offer_snapshot!==void 0&&g.offer_snapshot!==null?e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.fromPartial(g.offer_snapshot):void 0,S.load_snapshot_chunk=g.load_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&g.load_snapshot_chunk!==null?e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.load_snapshot_chunk):void 0,S.apply_snapshot_chunk=g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&g.apply_snapshot_chunk!==null?e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.apply_snapshot_chunk):void 0,S}},e.ResponseException={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.error!==""&&S.uint32(10).string(g.error),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={error:""};for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.error=x.string():x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({error:W(g.error)?String(g.error):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.error!==void 0&&(S.error=g.error),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={error:""};return x.error=(S=g.error)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",x}},e.ResponseEcho={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.message!==""&&S.uint32(10).string(g.message),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={message:""};for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.message=x.string():x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({message:W(g.message)?String(g.message):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.message!==void 0&&(S.message=g.message),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={message:""};return x.message=(S=g.message)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",x}},e.ResponseFlush={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>S,decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;for(;x.pos({}),toJSON:g=>({}),fromPartial:g=>({})},e.ResponseInfo={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.data!==""&&S.uint32(10).string(g.data),g.version!==""&&S.uint32(18).string(g.version),g.app_version!=="0"&&S.uint32(24).uint64(g.app_version),g.last_block_height!=="0"&&S.uint32(32).int64(g.last_block_height),g.last_block_app_hash.length!==0&&S.uint32(42).bytes(g.last_block_app_hash),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=T();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.data=x.string();break;case 2:D.version=x.string();break;case 3:D.app_version=be(x.uint64());break;case 4:D.last_block_height=be(x.int64());break;case 5:D.last_block_app_hash=x.bytes();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({data:W(g.data)?String(g.data):"",version:W(g.version)?String(g.version):"",app_version:W(g.app_version)?String(g.app_version):"0",last_block_height:W(g.last_block_height)?String(g.last_block_height):"0",last_block_app_hash:W(g.last_block_app_hash)?de(g.last_block_app_hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.data!==void 0&&(S.data=g.data),g.version!==void 0&&(S.version=g.version),g.app_version!==void 0&&(S.app_version=g.app_version),g.last_block_height!==void 0&&(S.last_block_height=g.last_block_height),g.last_block_app_hash!==void 0&&(S.last_block_app_hash=le(g.last_block_app_hash!==void 0?g.last_block_app_hash:new Uint8Array)),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j,D,L;const F=T();return F.data=(S=g.data)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",F.version=(x=g.version)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",F.app_version=(j=g.app_version)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",F.last_block_height=(D=g.last_block_height)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:"0",F.last_block_app_hash=(L=g.last_block_app_hash)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:new Uint8Array,F}},e.ResponseSetOption={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.code!==0&&S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code),g.log!==""&&S.uint32(26).string(g.log),g.info!==""&&S.uint32(34).string(g.info),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={code:0,log:"",info:""};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.code=x.uint32();break;case 3:D.log=x.string();break;case 4:D.info=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({code:W(g.code)?Number(g.code):0,log:W(g.log)?String(g.log):"",info:W(g.info)?String(g.info):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.code!==void 0&&(S.code=Math.round(g.code)),g.log!==void 0&&(S.log=g.log),g.info!==void 0&&(S.info=g.info),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D={code:0,log:"",info:""};return D.code=(S=g.code)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,D.log=(x=g.log)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",D.info=(j=g.info)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",D}},e.ResponseInitChain={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.consensus_params!==void 0&&e.ConsensusParams.encode(g.consensus_params,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const x of g.validators)e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(x,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return g.app_hash.length!==0&&S.uint32(26).bytes(g.app_hash),S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=z();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.consensus_params=e.ConsensusParams.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.validators.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;case 3:D.app_hash=x.bytes();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({consensus_params:W(g.consensus_params)?e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(g.consensus_params):void 0,validators:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.validators)?g.validators.map(S=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(S)):[],app_hash:W(g.app_hash)?de(g.app_hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.consensus_params!==void 0&&(S.consensus_params=g.consensus_params?e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(g.consensus_params):void 0),g.validators?S.validators=g.validators.map(x=>x?e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(x):void 0):S.validators=[],g.app_hash!==void 0&&(S.app_hash=le(g.app_hash!==void 0?g.app_hash:new Uint8Array)),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j=z();return j.consensus_params=g.consensus_params!==void 0&&g.consensus_params!==null?e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(g.consensus_params):void 0,j.validators=((S=g.validators)===null||S===void 0?void 0:S.map(D=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(D)))||[],j.app_hash=(x=g.app_hash)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,j}},e.ResponseQuery={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.code!==0&&S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code),g.log!==""&&S.uint32(26).string(g.log),g.info!==""&&S.uint32(34).string(g.info),g.index!=="0"&&S.uint32(40).int64(g.index),g.key.length!==0&&S.uint32(50).bytes(g.key),g.value.length!==0&&S.uint32(58).bytes(g.value),g.proof_ops!==void 0&&s.ProofOps.encode(g.proof_ops,S.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(),g.height!=="0"&&S.uint32(72).int64(g.height),g.codespace!==""&&S.uint32(82).string(g.codespace),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=te();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.code=x.uint32();break;case 3:D.log=x.string();break;case 4:D.info=x.string();break;case 5:D.index=be(x.int64());break;case 6:D.key=x.bytes();break;case 7:D.value=x.bytes();break;case 8:D.proof_ops=s.ProofOps.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 9:D.height=be(x.int64());break;case 10:D.codespace=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({code:W(g.code)?Number(g.code):0,log:W(g.log)?String(g.log):"",info:W(g.info)?String(g.info):"",index:W(g.index)?String(g.index):"0",key:W(g.key)?de(g.key):new Uint8Array,value:W(g.value)?de(g.value):new Uint8Array,proof_ops:W(g.proof_ops)?s.ProofOps.fromJSON(g.proof_ops):void 0,height:W(g.height)?String(g.height):"0",codespace:W(g.codespace)?String(g.codespace):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.code!==void 0&&(S.code=Math.round(g.code)),g.log!==void 0&&(S.log=g.log),g.info!==void 0&&(S.info=g.info),g.index!==void 0&&(S.index=g.index),g.key!==void 0&&(S.key=le(g.key!==void 0?g.key:new Uint8Array)),g.value!==void 0&&(S.value=le(g.value!==void 0?g.value:new Uint8Array)),g.proof_ops!==void 0&&(S.proof_ops=g.proof_ops?s.ProofOps.toJSON(g.proof_ops):void 0),g.height!==void 0&&(S.height=g.height),g.codespace!==void 0&&(S.codespace=g.codespace),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j,D,L,F,re,oe;const G=te();return G.code=(S=g.code)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,G.log=(x=g.log)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",G.info=(j=g.info)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",G.index=(D=g.index)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:"0",G.key=(L=g.key)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:new Uint8Array,G.value=(F=g.value)!==null&&F!==void 0?F:new Uint8Array,G.proof_ops=g.proof_ops!==void 0&&g.proof_ops!==null?s.ProofOps.fromPartial(g.proof_ops):void 0,G.height=(re=g.height)!==null&&re!==void 0?re:"0",G.codespace=(oe=g.codespace)!==null&&oe!==void 0?oe:"",G}},e.ResponseBeginBlock={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){for(const x of g.events)e.Event.encode(x,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={events:[]};for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x,x.uint32())):x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({events:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.events)?g.events.map(S=>e.Event.fromJSON(S)):[]}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.events?S.events=g.events.map(x=>x?e.Event.toJSON(x):void 0):S.events=[],S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={events:[]};return x.events=((S=g.events)===null||S===void 0?void 0:S.map(j=>e.Event.fromPartial(j)))||[],x}},e.ResponseCheckTx={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.code!==0&&S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code),g.data.length!==0&&S.uint32(18).bytes(g.data),g.log!==""&&S.uint32(26).string(g.log),g.info!==""&&S.uint32(34).string(g.info),g.gas_wanted!=="0"&&S.uint32(40).int64(g.gas_wanted),g.gas_used!=="0"&&S.uint32(48).int64(g.gas_used);for(const x of g.events)e.Event.encode(x,S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();return g.codespace!==""&&S.uint32(66).string(g.codespace),g.sender!==""&&S.uint32(74).string(g.sender),g.priority!=="0"&&S.uint32(80).int64(g.priority),g.mempool_error!==""&&S.uint32(90).string(g.mempool_error),S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=X();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.code=x.uint32();break;case 2:D.data=x.bytes();break;case 3:D.log=x.string();break;case 4:D.info=x.string();break;case 5:D.gas_wanted=be(x.int64());break;case 6:D.gas_used=be(x.int64());break;case 7:D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;case 8:D.codespace=x.string();break;case 9:D.sender=x.string();break;case 10:D.priority=be(x.int64());break;case 11:D.mempool_error=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({code:W(g.code)?Number(g.code):0,data:W(g.data)?de(g.data):new Uint8Array,log:W(g.log)?String(g.log):"",info:W(g.info)?String(g.info):"",gas_wanted:W(g.gas_wanted)?String(g.gas_wanted):"0",gas_used:W(g.gas_used)?String(g.gas_used):"0",events:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.events)?g.events.map(S=>e.Event.fromJSON(S)):[],codespace:W(g.codespace)?String(g.codespace):"",sender:W(g.sender)?String(g.sender):"",priority:W(g.priority)?String(g.priority):"0",mempool_error:W(g.mempool_error)?String(g.mempool_error):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.code!==void 0&&(S.code=Math.round(g.code)),g.data!==void 0&&(S.data=le(g.data!==void 0?g.data:new Uint8Array)),g.log!==void 0&&(S.log=g.log),g.info!==void 0&&(S.info=g.info),g.gas_wanted!==void 0&&(S.gas_wanted=g.gas_wanted),g.gas_used!==void 0&&(S.gas_used=g.gas_used),g.events?S.events=g.events.map(x=>x?e.Event.toJSON(x):void 0):S.events=[],g.codespace!==void 0&&(S.codespace=g.codespace),g.sender!==void 0&&(S.sender=g.sender),g.priority!==void 0&&(S.priority=g.priority),g.mempool_error!==void 0&&(S.mempool_error=g.mempool_error),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j,D,L,F,re,oe,G,Z,H;const $=X();return $.code=(S=g.code)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,$.data=(x=g.data)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,$.log=(j=g.log)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",$.info=(D=g.info)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:"",$.gas_wanted=(L=g.gas_wanted)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:"0",$.gas_used=(F=g.gas_used)!==null&&F!==void 0?F:"0",$.events=((re=g.events)===null||re===void 0?void 0:re.map(ie=>e.Event.fromPartial(ie)))||[],$.codespace=(oe=g.codespace)!==null&&oe!==void 0?oe:"",$.sender=(G=g.sender)!==null&&G!==void 0?G:"",$.priority=(Z=g.priority)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:"0",$.mempool_error=(H=g.mempool_error)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:"",$}},e.ResponseDeliverTx={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.code!==0&&S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code),g.data.length!==0&&S.uint32(18).bytes(g.data),g.log!==""&&S.uint32(26).string(g.log),g.info!==""&&S.uint32(34).string(g.info),g.gas_wanted!=="0"&&S.uint32(40).int64(g.gas_wanted),g.gas_used!=="0"&&S.uint32(48).int64(g.gas_used);for(const x of g.events)e.Event.encode(x,S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();return g.codespace!==""&&S.uint32(66).string(g.codespace),S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=ne();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.code=x.uint32();break;case 2:D.data=x.bytes();break;case 3:D.log=x.string();break;case 4:D.info=x.string();break;case 5:D.gas_wanted=be(x.int64());break;case 6:D.gas_used=be(x.int64());break;case 7:D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;case 8:D.codespace=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({code:W(g.code)?Number(g.code):0,data:W(g.data)?de(g.data):new Uint8Array,log:W(g.log)?String(g.log):"",info:W(g.info)?String(g.info):"",gas_wanted:W(g.gas_wanted)?String(g.gas_wanted):"0",gas_used:W(g.gas_used)?String(g.gas_used):"0",events:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.events)?g.events.map(S=>e.Event.fromJSON(S)):[],codespace:W(g.codespace)?String(g.codespace):""}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.code!==void 0&&(S.code=Math.round(g.code)),g.data!==void 0&&(S.data=le(g.data!==void 0?g.data:new Uint8Array)),g.log!==void 0&&(S.log=g.log),g.info!==void 0&&(S.info=g.info),g.gas_wanted!==void 0&&(S.gas_wanted=g.gas_wanted),g.gas_used!==void 0&&(S.gas_used=g.gas_used),g.events?S.events=g.events.map(x=>x?e.Event.toJSON(x):void 0):S.events=[],g.codespace!==void 0&&(S.codespace=g.codespace),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j,D,L,F,re,oe;const G=ne();return G.code=(S=g.code)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,G.data=(x=g.data)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,G.log=(j=g.log)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",G.info=(D=g.info)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:"",G.gas_wanted=(L=g.gas_wanted)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:"0",G.gas_used=(F=g.gas_used)!==null&&F!==void 0?F:"0",G.events=((re=g.events)===null||re===void 0?void 0:re.map(Z=>e.Event.fromPartial(Z)))||[],G.codespace=(oe=g.codespace)!==null&&oe!==void 0?oe:"",G}},e.ResponseEndBlock={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){for(const x of g.validator_updates)e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(x,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();g.consensus_param_updates!==void 0&&e.ConsensusParams.encode(g.consensus_param_updates,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const x of g.events)e.Event.encode(x,S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={validator_updates:[],consensus_param_updates:void 0,events:[]};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.validator_updates.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;case 2:D.consensus_param_updates=e.ConsensusParams.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 3:D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({validator_updates:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.validator_updates)?g.validator_updates.map(S=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(S)):[],consensus_param_updates:W(g.consensus_param_updates)?e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(g.consensus_param_updates):void 0,events:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.events)?g.events.map(S=>e.Event.fromJSON(S)):[]}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.validator_updates?S.validator_updates=g.validator_updates.map(x=>x?e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(x):void 0):S.validator_updates=[],g.consensus_param_updates!==void 0&&(S.consensus_param_updates=g.consensus_param_updates?e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(g.consensus_param_updates):void 0),g.events?S.events=g.events.map(x=>x?e.Event.toJSON(x):void 0):S.events=[],S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j={validator_updates:[],consensus_param_updates:void 0,events:[]};return j.validator_updates=((S=g.validator_updates)===null||S===void 0?void 0:S.map(D=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(D)))||[],j.consensus_param_updates=g.consensus_param_updates!==void 0&&g.consensus_param_updates!==null?e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(g.consensus_param_updates):void 0,j.events=((x=g.events)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(D=>e.Event.fromPartial(D)))||[],j}},e.ResponseCommit={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.data.length!==0&&S.uint32(18).bytes(g.data),g.retain_height!=="0"&&S.uint32(24).int64(g.retain_height),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=B();for(;x.pos>>3){case 2:D.data=x.bytes();break;case 3:D.retain_height=be(x.int64());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({data:W(g.data)?de(g.data):new Uint8Array,retain_height:W(g.retain_height)?String(g.retain_height):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.data!==void 0&&(S.data=le(g.data!==void 0?g.data:new Uint8Array)),g.retain_height!==void 0&&(S.retain_height=g.retain_height),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j=B();return j.data=(S=g.data)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,j.retain_height=(x=g.retain_height)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"0",j}},e.ResponseListSnapshots={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){for(const x of g.snapshots)e.Snapshot.encode(x,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={snapshots:[]};for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.snapshots.push(e.Snapshot.decode(x,x.uint32())):x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({snapshots:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.snapshots)?g.snapshots.map(S=>e.Snapshot.fromJSON(S)):[]}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.snapshots?S.snapshots=g.snapshots.map(x=>x?e.Snapshot.toJSON(x):void 0):S.snapshots=[],S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={snapshots:[]};return x.snapshots=((S=g.snapshots)===null||S===void 0?void 0:S.map(j=>e.Snapshot.fromPartial(j)))||[],x}},e.ResponseOfferSnapshot={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.result!==0&&S.uint32(8).int32(g.result),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={result:0};for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.result=x.int32():x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({result:W(g.result)?l(g.result):0}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.result!==void 0&&(S.result=I(g.result)),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={result:0};return x.result=(S=g.result)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,x}},e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.chunk.length!==0&&S.uint32(10).bytes(g.chunk),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=Q();for(;x.pos>>3==1?D.chunk=x.bytes():x.skipType(7&L)}return D},fromJSON:g=>({chunk:W(g.chunk)?de(g.chunk):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.chunk!==void 0&&(S.chunk=le(g.chunk!==void 0?g.chunk:new Uint8Array)),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x=Q();return x.chunk=(S=g.chunk)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,x}},e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.result!==0&&S.uint32(8).int32(g.result),S.uint32(18).fork();for(const x of g.refetch_chunks)S.uint32(x);S.ldelim();for(const x of g.reject_senders)S.uint32(26).string(x);return S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={result:0,refetch_chunks:[],reject_senders:[]};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.result=x.int32();break;case 2:if((7&L)==2){const F=x.uint32()+x.pos;for(;x.pos({result:W(g.result)?R(g.result):0,refetch_chunks:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.refetch_chunks)?g.refetch_chunks.map(S=>Number(S)):[],reject_senders:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.reject_senders)?g.reject_senders.map(S=>String(S)):[]}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.result!==void 0&&(S.result=k(g.result)),g.refetch_chunks?S.refetch_chunks=g.refetch_chunks.map(x=>Math.round(x)):S.refetch_chunks=[],g.reject_senders?S.reject_senders=g.reject_senders.map(x=>x):S.reject_senders=[],S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D={result:0,refetch_chunks:[],reject_senders:[]};return D.result=(S=g.result)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,D.refetch_chunks=((x=g.refetch_chunks)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(L=>L))||[],D.reject_senders=((j=g.reject_senders)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(L=>L))||[],D}},e.ConsensusParams={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.block!==void 0&&e.BlockParams.encode(g.block,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),g.evidence!==void 0&&r.EvidenceParams.encode(g.evidence,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),g.validator!==void 0&&r.ValidatorParams.encode(g.validator,S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),g.version!==void 0&&r.VersionParams.encode(g.version,S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={block:void 0,evidence:void 0,validator:void 0,version:void 0};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.block=e.BlockParams.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.evidence=r.EvidenceParams.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 3:D.validator=r.ValidatorParams.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 4:D.version=r.VersionParams.decode(x,x.uint32());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({block:W(g.block)?e.BlockParams.fromJSON(g.block):void 0,evidence:W(g.evidence)?r.EvidenceParams.fromJSON(g.evidence):void 0,validator:W(g.validator)?r.ValidatorParams.fromJSON(g.validator):void 0,version:W(g.version)?r.VersionParams.fromJSON(g.version):void 0}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.block!==void 0&&(S.block=g.block?e.BlockParams.toJSON(g.block):void 0),g.evidence!==void 0&&(S.evidence=g.evidence?r.EvidenceParams.toJSON(g.evidence):void 0),g.validator!==void 0&&(S.validator=g.validator?r.ValidatorParams.toJSON(g.validator):void 0),g.version!==void 0&&(S.version=g.version?r.VersionParams.toJSON(g.version):void 0),S},fromPartial(g){const S={block:void 0,evidence:void 0,validator:void 0,version:void 0};return S.block=g.block!==void 0&&g.block!==null?e.BlockParams.fromPartial(g.block):void 0,S.evidence=g.evidence!==void 0&&g.evidence!==null?r.EvidenceParams.fromPartial(g.evidence):void 0,S.validator=g.validator!==void 0&&g.validator!==null?r.ValidatorParams.fromPartial(g.validator):void 0,S.version=g.version!==void 0&&g.version!==null?r.VersionParams.fromPartial(g.version):void 0,S}},e.BlockParams={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.max_bytes!=="0"&&S.uint32(8).int64(g.max_bytes),g.max_gas!=="0"&&S.uint32(16).int64(g.max_gas),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={max_bytes:"0",max_gas:"0"};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.max_bytes=be(x.int64());break;case 2:D.max_gas=be(x.int64());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({max_bytes:W(g.max_bytes)?String(g.max_bytes):"0",max_gas:W(g.max_gas)?String(g.max_gas):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.max_bytes!==void 0&&(S.max_bytes=g.max_bytes),g.max_gas!==void 0&&(S.max_gas=g.max_gas),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j={max_bytes:"0",max_gas:"0"};return j.max_bytes=(S=g.max_bytes)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",j.max_gas=(x=g.max_gas)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"0",j}},e.LastCommitInfo={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.round!==0&&S.uint32(8).int32(g.round);for(const x of g.votes)e.VoteInfo.encode(x,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={round:0,votes:[]};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.round=x.int32();break;case 2:D.votes.push(e.VoteInfo.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({round:W(g.round)?Number(g.round):0,votes:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.votes)?g.votes.map(S=>e.VoteInfo.fromJSON(S)):[]}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.round!==void 0&&(S.round=Math.round(g.round)),g.votes?S.votes=g.votes.map(x=>x?e.VoteInfo.toJSON(x):void 0):S.votes=[],S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j={round:0,votes:[]};return j.round=(S=g.round)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,j.votes=((x=g.votes)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(D=>e.VoteInfo.fromPartial(D)))||[],j}},e.Event={encode(g,S=t.Writer.create()){g.type!==""&&S.uint32(10).string(g.type);for(const x of g.attributes)e.EventAttribute.encode(x,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return S},decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={type:"",attributes:[]};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.type=x.string();break;case 2:D.attributes.push(e.EventAttribute.decode(x,x.uint32()));break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({type:W(g.type)?String(g.type):"",attributes:Array.isArray(g==null?void 0:g.attributes)?g.attributes.map(S=>e.EventAttribute.fromJSON(S)):[]}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.type!==void 0&&(S.type=g.type),g.attributes?S.attributes=g.attributes.map(x=>x?e.EventAttribute.toJSON(x):void 0):S.attributes=[],S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j={type:"",attributes:[]};return j.type=(S=g.type)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",j.attributes=((x=g.attributes)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(D=>e.EventAttribute.fromPartial(D)))||[],j}},e.EventAttribute={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.key.length!==0&&S.uint32(10).bytes(g.key),g.value.length!==0&&S.uint32(18).bytes(g.value),g.index===!0&&S.uint32(24).bool(g.index),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=V();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.key=x.bytes();break;case 2:D.value=x.bytes();break;case 3:D.index=x.bool();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({key:W(g.key)?de(g.key):new Uint8Array,value:W(g.value)?de(g.value):new Uint8Array,index:!!W(g.index)&&!!g.index}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.key!==void 0&&(S.key=le(g.key!==void 0?g.key:new Uint8Array)),g.value!==void 0&&(S.value=le(g.value!==void 0?g.value:new Uint8Array)),g.index!==void 0&&(S.index=g.index),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D=V();return D.key=(S=g.key)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,D.value=(x=g.value)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,D.index=(j=g.index)!==null&&j!==void 0&&j,D}},e.TxResult={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.height!=="0"&&S.uint32(8).int64(g.height),g.index!==0&&S.uint32(16).uint32(g.index),g.tx.length!==0&&S.uint32(26).bytes(g.tx),g.result!==void 0&&e.ResponseDeliverTx.encode(g.result,S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=ee();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.height=be(x.int64());break;case 2:D.index=x.uint32();break;case 3:D.tx=x.bytes();break;case 4:D.result=e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(x,x.uint32());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({height:W(g.height)?String(g.height):"0",index:W(g.index)?Number(g.index):0,tx:W(g.tx)?de(g.tx):new Uint8Array,result:W(g.result)?e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromJSON(g.result):void 0}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.height!==void 0&&(S.height=g.height),g.index!==void 0&&(S.index=Math.round(g.index)),g.tx!==void 0&&(S.tx=le(g.tx!==void 0?g.tx:new Uint8Array)),g.result!==void 0&&(S.result=g.result?e.ResponseDeliverTx.toJSON(g.result):void 0),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D=ee();return D.height=(S=g.height)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",D.index=(x=g.index)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:0,D.tx=(j=g.tx)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:new Uint8Array,D.result=g.result!==void 0&&g.result!==null?e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromPartial(g.result):void 0,D}},e.Validator={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.address.length!==0&&S.uint32(10).bytes(g.address),g.power!=="0"&&S.uint32(24).int64(g.power),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=K();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.address=x.bytes();break;case 3:D.power=be(x.int64());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({address:W(g.address)?de(g.address):new Uint8Array,power:W(g.power)?String(g.power):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.address!==void 0&&(S.address=le(g.address!==void 0?g.address:new Uint8Array)),g.power!==void 0&&(S.power=g.power),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x;const j=K();return j.address=(S=g.address)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,j.power=(x=g.power)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"0",j}},e.ValidatorUpdate={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.pub_key!==void 0&&n.PublicKey.encode(g.pub_key,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),g.power!=="0"&&S.uint32(16).int64(g.power),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={pub_key:void 0,power:"0"};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.pub_key=n.PublicKey.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.power=be(x.int64());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({pub_key:W(g.pub_key)?n.PublicKey.fromJSON(g.pub_key):void 0,power:W(g.power)?String(g.power):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.pub_key!==void 0&&(S.pub_key=g.pub_key?n.PublicKey.toJSON(g.pub_key):void 0),g.power!==void 0&&(S.power=g.power),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={pub_key:void 0,power:"0"};return x.pub_key=g.pub_key!==void 0&&g.pub_key!==null?n.PublicKey.fromPartial(g.pub_key):void 0,x.power=(S=g.power)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",x}},e.VoteInfo={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.validator!==void 0&&e.Validator.encode(g.validator,S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),g.signed_last_block===!0&&S.uint32(16).bool(g.signed_last_block),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={validator:void 0,signed_last_block:!1};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.validator=e.Validator.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 2:D.signed_last_block=x.bool();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({validator:W(g.validator)?e.Validator.fromJSON(g.validator):void 0,signed_last_block:!!W(g.signed_last_block)&&!!g.signed_last_block}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.validator!==void 0&&(S.validator=g.validator?e.Validator.toJSON(g.validator):void 0),g.signed_last_block!==void 0&&(S.signed_last_block=g.signed_last_block),S},fromPartial(g){var S;const x={validator:void 0,signed_last_block:!1};return x.validator=g.validator!==void 0&&g.validator!==null?e.Validator.fromPartial(g.validator):void 0,x.signed_last_block=(S=g.signed_last_block)!==null&&S!==void 0&&S,x}},e.Evidence={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.type!==0&&S.uint32(8).int32(g.type),g.validator!==void 0&&e.Validator.encode(g.validator,S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),g.height!=="0"&&S.uint32(24).int64(g.height),g.time!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(g.time,S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),g.total_voting_power!=="0"&&S.uint32(40).int64(g.total_voting_power),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D={type:0,validator:void 0,height:"0",time:void 0,total_voting_power:"0"};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.type=x.int32();break;case 2:D.validator=e.Validator.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 3:D.height=be(x.int64());break;case 4:D.time=d.Timestamp.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 5:D.total_voting_power=be(x.int64());break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({type:W(g.type)?v(g.type):0,validator:W(g.validator)?e.Validator.fromJSON(g.validator):void 0,height:W(g.height)?String(g.height):"0",time:W(g.time)?he(g.time):void 0,total_voting_power:W(g.total_voting_power)?String(g.total_voting_power):"0"}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.type!==void 0&&(S.type=C(g.type)),g.validator!==void 0&&(S.validator=g.validator?e.Validator.toJSON(g.validator):void 0),g.height!==void 0&&(S.height=g.height),g.time!==void 0&&(S.time=ce(g.time).toISOString()),g.total_voting_power!==void 0&&(S.total_voting_power=g.total_voting_power),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j;const D={type:0,validator:void 0,height:"0",time:void 0,total_voting_power:"0"};return D.type=(S=g.type)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,D.validator=g.validator!==void 0&&g.validator!==null?e.Validator.fromPartial(g.validator):void 0,D.height=(x=g.height)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"0",D.time=g.time!==void 0&&g.time!==null?d.Timestamp.fromPartial(g.time):void 0,D.total_voting_power=(j=g.total_voting_power)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",D}},e.Snapshot={encode:(g,S=t.Writer.create())=>(g.height!=="0"&&S.uint32(8).uint64(g.height),g.format!==0&&S.uint32(16).uint32(g.format),g.chunks!==0&&S.uint32(24).uint32(g.chunks),g.hash.length!==0&&S.uint32(34).bytes(g.hash),g.metadata.length!==0&&S.uint32(42).bytes(g.metadata),S),decode(g,S){const x=g instanceof t.Reader?g:new t.Reader(g);let j=S===void 0?x.len:x.pos+S;const D=Y();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:D.height=be(x.uint64());break;case 2:D.format=x.uint32();break;case 3:D.chunks=x.uint32();break;case 4:D.hash=x.bytes();break;case 5:D.metadata=x.bytes();break;default:x.skipType(7&L)}}return D},fromJSON:g=>({height:W(g.height)?String(g.height):"0",format:W(g.format)?Number(g.format):0,chunks:W(g.chunks)?Number(g.chunks):0,hash:W(g.hash)?de(g.hash):new Uint8Array,metadata:W(g.metadata)?de(g.metadata):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(g){const S={};return g.height!==void 0&&(S.height=g.height),g.format!==void 0&&(S.format=Math.round(g.format)),g.chunks!==void 0&&(S.chunks=Math.round(g.chunks)),g.hash!==void 0&&(S.hash=le(g.hash!==void 0?g.hash:new Uint8Array)),g.metadata!==void 0&&(S.metadata=le(g.metadata!==void 0?g.metadata:new Uint8Array)),S},fromPartial(g){var S,x,j,D,L;const F=Y();return F.height=(S=g.height)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",F.format=(x=g.format)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:0,F.chunks=(j=g.chunks)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:0,F.hash=(D=g.hash)!==null&&D!==void 0?D:new Uint8Array,F.metadata=(L=g.metadata)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:new Uint8Array,F}},e.ABCIApplicationClientImpl=class{constructor(g){this.rpc=g,this.Echo=this.Echo.bind(this),this.Flush=this.Flush.bind(this),this.Info=this.Info.bind(this),this.SetOption=this.SetOption.bind(this),this.DeliverTx=this.DeliverTx.bind(this),this.CheckTx=this.CheckTx.bind(this),this.Query=this.Query.bind(this),this.Commit=this.Commit.bind(this),this.InitChain=this.InitChain.bind(this),this.BeginBlock=this.BeginBlock.bind(this),this.EndBlock=this.EndBlock.bind(this),this.ListSnapshots=this.ListSnapshots.bind(this),this.OfferSnapshot=this.OfferSnapshot.bind(this),this.LoadSnapshotChunk=this.LoadSnapshotChunk.bind(this),this.ApplySnapshotChunk=this.ApplySnapshotChunk.bind(this)}Echo(g){const S=e.RequestEcho.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Echo",S).then(x=>e.ResponseEcho.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}Flush(g){const S=e.RequestFlush.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Flush",S).then(x=>e.ResponseFlush.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}Info(g){const S=e.RequestInfo.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Info",S).then(x=>e.ResponseInfo.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}SetOption(g){const S=e.RequestSetOption.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","SetOption",S).then(x=>e.ResponseSetOption.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}DeliverTx(g){const S=e.RequestDeliverTx.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","DeliverTx",S).then(x=>e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}CheckTx(g){const S=e.RequestCheckTx.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","CheckTx",S).then(x=>e.ResponseCheckTx.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}Query(g){const S=e.RequestQuery.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Query",S).then(x=>e.ResponseQuery.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}Commit(g){const S=e.RequestCommit.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Commit",S).then(x=>e.ResponseCommit.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}InitChain(g){const S=e.RequestInitChain.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","InitChain",S).then(x=>e.ResponseInitChain.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}BeginBlock(g){const S=e.RequestBeginBlock.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","BeginBlock",S).then(x=>e.ResponseBeginBlock.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}EndBlock(g){const S=e.RequestEndBlock.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","EndBlock",S).then(x=>e.ResponseEndBlock.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}ListSnapshots(g){const S=e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","ListSnapshots",S).then(x=>e.ResponseListSnapshots.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}OfferSnapshot(g){const S=e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","OfferSnapshot",S).then(x=>e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}LoadSnapshotChunk(g){const S=e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","LoadSnapshotChunk",S).then(x=>e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}ApplySnapshotChunk(g){const S=e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(g).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","ApplySnapshotChunk",S).then(x=>e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(x)))}};var q=(()=>{if(q!==void 0)return q;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const ae=q.atob||(g=>q.Buffer.from(g,"base64").toString("binary"));function de(g){const S=ae(g),x=new Uint8Array(S.length);for(let j=0;jq.Buffer.from(g,"binary").toString("base64"));function le(g){const S=[];for(const x of g)S.push(String.fromCharCode(x));return ue(S.join(""))}function ge(g){return{seconds:Math.trunc(g.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:g.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function ce(g){let S=1e3*Number(g.seconds);return S+=g.nanos/1e6,new Date(S)}function he(g){return g instanceof Date?ge(g):typeof g=="string"?ge(new Date(g)):d.Timestamp.fromJSON(g)}function be(g){return g.toString()}function W(g){return g!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2740:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return M(f,i),f},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.PublicKey=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));e.protobufPackage="tendermint.crypto",e.PublicKey={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.ed25519!==void 0&&f.uint32(10).bytes(i.ed25519),i.secp256k1!==void 0&&f.uint32(18).bytes(i.secp256k1),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={ed25519:void 0,secp256k1:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.ed25519=c.bytes();break;case 2:m.secp256k1=c.bytes();break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({ed25519:o(i.ed25519)?s(i.ed25519):void 0,secp256k1:o(i.secp256k1)?s(i.secp256k1):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.ed25519!==void 0&&(f.ed25519=i.ed25519!==void 0?n(i.ed25519):void 0),i.secp256k1!==void 0&&(f.secp256k1=i.secp256k1!==void 0?n(i.secp256k1):void 0),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={ed25519:void 0,secp256k1:void 0};return h.ed25519=(f=i.ed25519)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:void 0,h.secp256k1=(c=i.secp256k1)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:void 0,h}};var d=(()=>{if(d!==void 0)return d;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const u=d.atob||(i=>d.Buffer.from(i,"base64").toString("binary"));function s(i){const f=u(i),c=new Uint8Array(f.length);for(let h=0;hd.Buffer.from(i,"binary").toString("base64"));function n(i){const f=[];for(const c of i)f.push(String.fromCharCode(c));return r(f.join(""))}function o(i){return i!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},1093:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(m,v,C,l){l===void 0&&(l=C),Object.defineProperty(m,l,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return v[C]}})}:function(m,v,C,l){l===void 0&&(l=C),m[l]=v[C]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(m,v){Object.defineProperty(m,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:v})}:function(m,v){m.default=v}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(m){if(m&&m.__esModule)return m;var v={};if(m!=null)for(var C in m)C!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m,C)&&E(v,m,C);return M(v,m),v},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(m){return m&&m.__esModule?m:{default:m}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ProofOps=e.ProofOp=e.DominoOp=e.ValueOp=e.Proof=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(){return{total:"0",index:"0",leaf_hash:new Uint8Array,aunts:[]}}function u(){return{key:new Uint8Array,proof:void 0}}function s(){return{type:"",key:new Uint8Array,data:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.crypto",e.Proof={encode(m,v=t.Writer.create()){m.total!=="0"&&v.uint32(8).int64(m.total),m.index!=="0"&&v.uint32(16).int64(m.index),m.leaf_hash.length!==0&&v.uint32(26).bytes(m.leaf_hash);for(const C of m.aunts)v.uint32(34).bytes(C);return v},decode(m,v){const C=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?C.len:C.pos+v;const I=d();for(;C.pos>>3){case 1:I.total=c(C.int64());break;case 2:I.index=c(C.int64());break;case 3:I.leaf_hash=C.bytes();break;case 4:I.aunts.push(C.bytes());break;default:C.skipType(7&R)}}return I},fromJSON:m=>({total:h(m.total)?String(m.total):"0",index:h(m.index)?String(m.index):"0",leaf_hash:h(m.leaf_hash)?o(m.leaf_hash):new Uint8Array,aunts:Array.isArray(m==null?void 0:m.aunts)?m.aunts.map(v=>o(v)):[]}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.total!==void 0&&(v.total=m.total),m.index!==void 0&&(v.index=m.index),m.leaf_hash!==void 0&&(v.leaf_hash=f(m.leaf_hash!==void 0?m.leaf_hash:new Uint8Array)),m.aunts?v.aunts=m.aunts.map(C=>f(C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array)):v.aunts=[],v},fromPartial(m){var v,C,l,I;const R=d();return R.total=(v=m.total)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"0",R.index=(C=m.index)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"0",R.leaf_hash=(l=m.leaf_hash)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,R.aunts=((I=m.aunts)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(k=>k))||[],R}},e.ValueOp={encode:(m,v=t.Writer.create())=>(m.key.length!==0&&v.uint32(10).bytes(m.key),m.proof!==void 0&&e.Proof.encode(m.proof,v.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),v),decode(m,v){const C=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?C.len:C.pos+v;const I=u();for(;C.pos>>3){case 1:I.key=C.bytes();break;case 2:I.proof=e.Proof.decode(C,C.uint32());break;default:C.skipType(7&R)}}return I},fromJSON:m=>({key:h(m.key)?o(m.key):new Uint8Array,proof:h(m.proof)?e.Proof.fromJSON(m.proof):void 0}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.key!==void 0&&(v.key=f(m.key!==void 0?m.key:new Uint8Array)),m.proof!==void 0&&(v.proof=m.proof?e.Proof.toJSON(m.proof):void 0),v},fromPartial(m){var v;const C=u();return C.key=(v=m.key)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:new Uint8Array,C.proof=m.proof!==void 0&&m.proof!==null?e.Proof.fromPartial(m.proof):void 0,C}},e.DominoOp={encode:(m,v=t.Writer.create())=>(m.key!==""&&v.uint32(10).string(m.key),m.input!==""&&v.uint32(18).string(m.input),m.output!==""&&v.uint32(26).string(m.output),v),decode(m,v){const C=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?C.len:C.pos+v;const I={key:"",input:"",output:""};for(;C.pos>>3){case 1:I.key=C.string();break;case 2:I.input=C.string();break;case 3:I.output=C.string();break;default:C.skipType(7&R)}}return I},fromJSON:m=>({key:h(m.key)?String(m.key):"",input:h(m.input)?String(m.input):"",output:h(m.output)?String(m.output):""}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.key!==void 0&&(v.key=m.key),m.input!==void 0&&(v.input=m.input),m.output!==void 0&&(v.output=m.output),v},fromPartial(m){var v,C,l;const I={key:"",input:"",output:""};return I.key=(v=m.key)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",I.input=(C=m.input)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",I.output=(l=m.output)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",I}},e.ProofOp={encode:(m,v=t.Writer.create())=>(m.type!==""&&v.uint32(10).string(m.type),m.key.length!==0&&v.uint32(18).bytes(m.key),m.data.length!==0&&v.uint32(26).bytes(m.data),v),decode(m,v){const C=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?C.len:C.pos+v;const I=s();for(;C.pos>>3){case 1:I.type=C.string();break;case 2:I.key=C.bytes();break;case 3:I.data=C.bytes();break;default:C.skipType(7&R)}}return I},fromJSON:m=>({type:h(m.type)?String(m.type):"",key:h(m.key)?o(m.key):new Uint8Array,data:h(m.data)?o(m.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.type!==void 0&&(v.type=m.type),m.key!==void 0&&(v.key=f(m.key!==void 0?m.key:new Uint8Array)),m.data!==void 0&&(v.data=f(m.data!==void 0?m.data:new Uint8Array)),v},fromPartial(m){var v,C,l;const I=s();return I.type=(v=m.type)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",I.key=(C=m.key)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array,I.data=(l=m.data)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,I}},e.ProofOps={encode(m,v=t.Writer.create()){for(const C of m.ops)e.ProofOp.encode(C,v.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return v},decode(m,v){const C=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?C.len:C.pos+v;const I={ops:[]};for(;C.pos>>3==1?I.ops.push(e.ProofOp.decode(C,C.uint32())):C.skipType(7&R)}return I},fromJSON:m=>({ops:Array.isArray(m==null?void 0:m.ops)?m.ops.map(v=>e.ProofOp.fromJSON(v)):[]}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.ops?v.ops=m.ops.map(C=>C?e.ProofOp.toJSON(C):void 0):v.ops=[],v},fromPartial(m){var v;const C={ops:[]};return C.ops=((v=m.ops)===null||v===void 0?void 0:v.map(l=>e.ProofOp.fromPartial(l)))||[],C}};var r=(()=>{if(r!==void 0)return r;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const n=r.atob||(m=>r.Buffer.from(m,"base64").toString("binary"));function o(m){const v=n(m),C=new Uint8Array(v.length);for(let l=0;lr.Buffer.from(m,"binary").toString("base64"));function f(m){const v=[];for(const C of m)v.push(String.fromCharCode(C));return i(v.join(""))}function c(m){return m.toString()}function h(m){return m!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5672:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return M(n,r),n},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.HashedParams=e.VersionParams=e.ValidatorParams=e.EvidenceParams=e.BlockParams=e.ConsensusParams=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(6138);function u(r){return r.toString()}function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.types",e.ConsensusParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.block!==void 0&&e.BlockParams.encode(r.block,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.evidence!==void 0&&e.EvidenceParams.encode(r.evidence,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),r.validator!==void 0&&e.ValidatorParams.encode(r.validator,n.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),r.version!==void 0&&e.VersionParams.encode(r.version,n.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={block:void 0,evidence:void 0,validator:void 0,version:void 0};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.block=e.BlockParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.evidence=e.EvidenceParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 3:f.validator=e.ValidatorParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 4:f.version=e.VersionParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({block:s(r.block)?e.BlockParams.fromJSON(r.block):void 0,evidence:s(r.evidence)?e.EvidenceParams.fromJSON(r.evidence):void 0,validator:s(r.validator)?e.ValidatorParams.fromJSON(r.validator):void 0,version:s(r.version)?e.VersionParams.fromJSON(r.version):void 0}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.block!==void 0&&(n.block=r.block?e.BlockParams.toJSON(r.block):void 0),r.evidence!==void 0&&(n.evidence=r.evidence?e.EvidenceParams.toJSON(r.evidence):void 0),r.validator!==void 0&&(n.validator=r.validator?e.ValidatorParams.toJSON(r.validator):void 0),r.version!==void 0&&(n.version=r.version?e.VersionParams.toJSON(r.version):void 0),n},fromPartial(r){const n={block:void 0,evidence:void 0,validator:void 0,version:void 0};return n.block=r.block!==void 0&&r.block!==null?e.BlockParams.fromPartial(r.block):void 0,n.evidence=r.evidence!==void 0&&r.evidence!==null?e.EvidenceParams.fromPartial(r.evidence):void 0,n.validator=r.validator!==void 0&&r.validator!==null?e.ValidatorParams.fromPartial(r.validator):void 0,n.version=r.version!==void 0&&r.version!==null?e.VersionParams.fromPartial(r.version):void 0,n}},e.BlockParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.max_bytes!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).int64(r.max_bytes),r.max_gas!=="0"&&n.uint32(16).int64(r.max_gas),r.time_iota_ms!=="0"&&n.uint32(24).int64(r.time_iota_ms),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={max_bytes:"0",max_gas:"0",time_iota_ms:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.max_bytes=u(o.int64());break;case 2:f.max_gas=u(o.int64());break;case 3:f.time_iota_ms=u(o.int64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({max_bytes:s(r.max_bytes)?String(r.max_bytes):"0",max_gas:s(r.max_gas)?String(r.max_gas):"0",time_iota_ms:s(r.time_iota_ms)?String(r.time_iota_ms):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.max_bytes!==void 0&&(n.max_bytes=r.max_bytes),r.max_gas!==void 0&&(n.max_gas=r.max_gas),r.time_iota_ms!==void 0&&(n.time_iota_ms=r.time_iota_ms),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={max_bytes:"0",max_gas:"0",time_iota_ms:"0"};return f.max_bytes=(n=r.max_bytes)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",f.max_gas=(o=r.max_gas)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",f.time_iota_ms=(i=r.time_iota_ms)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",f}},e.EvidenceParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.max_age_num_blocks!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).int64(r.max_age_num_blocks),r.max_age_duration!==void 0&&d.Duration.encode(r.max_age_duration,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),r.max_bytes!=="0"&&n.uint32(24).int64(r.max_bytes),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={max_age_num_blocks:"0",max_age_duration:void 0,max_bytes:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.max_age_num_blocks=u(o.int64());break;case 2:f.max_age_duration=d.Duration.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 3:f.max_bytes=u(o.int64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({max_age_num_blocks:s(r.max_age_num_blocks)?String(r.max_age_num_blocks):"0",max_age_duration:s(r.max_age_duration)?d.Duration.fromJSON(r.max_age_duration):void 0,max_bytes:s(r.max_bytes)?String(r.max_bytes):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.max_age_num_blocks!==void 0&&(n.max_age_num_blocks=r.max_age_num_blocks),r.max_age_duration!==void 0&&(n.max_age_duration=r.max_age_duration?d.Duration.toJSON(r.max_age_duration):void 0),r.max_bytes!==void 0&&(n.max_bytes=r.max_bytes),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={max_age_num_blocks:"0",max_age_duration:void 0,max_bytes:"0"};return i.max_age_num_blocks=(n=r.max_age_num_blocks)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",i.max_age_duration=r.max_age_duration!==void 0&&r.max_age_duration!==null?d.Duration.fromPartial(r.max_age_duration):void 0,i.max_bytes=(o=r.max_bytes)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},e.ValidatorParams={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.pub_key_types)n.uint32(10).string(o);return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={pub_key_types:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.pub_key_types.push(o.string()):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({pub_key_types:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.pub_key_types)?r.pub_key_types.map(n=>String(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.pub_key_types?n.pub_key_types=r.pub_key_types.map(o=>o):n.pub_key_types=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={pub_key_types:[]};return o.pub_key_types=((n=r.pub_key_types)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>i))||[],o}},e.VersionParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.app_version!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).uint64(r.app_version),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={app_version:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.app_version=u(o.uint64()):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({app_version:s(r.app_version)?String(r.app_version):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.app_version!==void 0&&(n.app_version=r.app_version),n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={app_version:"0"};return o.app_version=(n=r.app_version)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",o}},e.HashedParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.block_max_bytes!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).int64(r.block_max_bytes),r.block_max_gas!=="0"&&n.uint32(16).int64(r.block_max_gas),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={block_max_bytes:"0",block_max_gas:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.block_max_bytes=u(o.int64());break;case 2:f.block_max_gas=u(o.int64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({block_max_bytes:s(r.block_max_bytes)?String(r.block_max_bytes):"0",block_max_gas:s(r.block_max_gas)?String(r.block_max_gas):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.block_max_bytes!==void 0&&(n.block_max_bytes=r.block_max_bytes),r.block_max_gas!==void 0&&(n.block_max_gas=r.block_max_gas),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={block_max_bytes:"0",block_max_gas:"0"};return i.block_max_bytes=(n=r.block_max_bytes)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",i.block_max_gas=(o=r.block_max_gas)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9928:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(B,Q,V,ee){ee===void 0&&(ee=V),Object.defineProperty(B,ee,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return Q[V]}})}:function(B,Q,V,ee){ee===void 0&&(ee=V),B[ee]=Q[V]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(B,Q){Object.defineProperty(B,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:Q})}:function(B,Q){B.default=Q}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(B){if(B&&B.__esModule)return B;var Q={};if(B!=null)for(var V in B)V!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(B,V)&&E(Q,B,V);return M(Q,B),Q},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(B){return B&&B.__esModule?B:{default:B}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TxProof=e.BlockMeta=e.LightBlock=e.SignedHeader=e.Proposal=e.CommitSig=e.Commit=e.Vote=e.Data=e.EncryptedRandom=e.Header=e.BlockID=e.Part=e.PartSetHeader=e.signedMsgTypeToJSON=e.signedMsgTypeFromJSON=e.SignedMsgType=e.blockIDFlagToJSON=e.blockIDFlagFromJSON=e.BlockIDFlag=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(1093),u=b(5640),s=b(5090),r=b(3563);var n,o;function i(B){switch(B){case 0:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN;case 1:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT;case 2:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT;case 3:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL;default:return n.UNRECOGNIZED}}function f(B){switch(B){case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN";case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT";case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT";case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function c(B){switch(B){case 0:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN;case 1:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE;case 2:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT;case 32:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function h(B){switch(B){case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN";case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE";case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT";case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function m(){return{total:0,hash:new Uint8Array}}function v(){return{index:0,bytes:new Uint8Array,proof:void 0}}function C(){return{hash:new Uint8Array,part_set_header:void 0}}function l(){return{version:void 0,chain_id:"",height:"0",time:void 0,last_block_id:void 0,last_commit_hash:new Uint8Array,data_hash:new Uint8Array,validators_hash:new Uint8Array,next_validators_hash:new Uint8Array,consensus_hash:new Uint8Array,app_hash:new Uint8Array,last_results_hash:new Uint8Array,evidence_hash:new Uint8Array,proposer_address:new Uint8Array,encrypted_random:void 0}}function I(){return{random:new Uint8Array,proof:new Uint8Array}}function R(){return{type:0,height:"0",round:0,block_id:void 0,timestamp:void 0,validator_address:new Uint8Array,validator_index:0,signature:new Uint8Array}}function k(){return{block_id_flag:0,validator_address:new Uint8Array,timestamp:void 0,signature:new Uint8Array}}function N(){return{type:0,height:"0",round:0,pol_round:0,block_id:void 0,timestamp:void 0,signature:new Uint8Array}}function A(){return{root_hash:new Uint8Array,data:new Uint8Array,proof:void 0}}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.types",function(B){B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN=0]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN",B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT=1]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT",B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT=2]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT",B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL=3]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL",B[B.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(n=e.BlockIDFlag||(e.BlockIDFlag={})),e.blockIDFlagFromJSON=i,e.blockIDFlagToJSON=f,function(B){B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN=0]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN",B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE=1]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE",B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT=2]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT",B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL=32]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL",B[B.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(o=e.SignedMsgType||(e.SignedMsgType={})),e.signedMsgTypeFromJSON=c,e.signedMsgTypeToJSON=h,e.PartSetHeader={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.total!==0&&Q.uint32(8).uint32(B.total),B.hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.hash),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=m();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.total=V.uint32();break;case 2:K.hash=V.bytes();break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({total:ne(B.total)?Number(B.total):0,hash:ne(B.hash)?p(B.hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.total!==void 0&&(Q.total=Math.round(B.total)),B.hash!==void 0&&(Q.hash=U(B.hash!==void 0?B.hash:new Uint8Array)),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V;const ee=m();return ee.total=(Q=B.total)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:0,ee.hash=(V=B.hash)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:new Uint8Array,ee}},e.Part={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.index!==0&&Q.uint32(8).uint32(B.index),B.bytes.length!==0&&Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.bytes),B.proof!==void 0&&d.Proof.encode(B.proof,Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=v();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.index=V.uint32();break;case 2:K.bytes=V.bytes();break;case 3:K.proof=d.Proof.decode(V,V.uint32());break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({index:ne(B.index)?Number(B.index):0,bytes:ne(B.bytes)?p(B.bytes):new Uint8Array,proof:ne(B.proof)?d.Proof.fromJSON(B.proof):void 0}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.index!==void 0&&(Q.index=Math.round(B.index)),B.bytes!==void 0&&(Q.bytes=U(B.bytes!==void 0?B.bytes:new Uint8Array)),B.proof!==void 0&&(Q.proof=B.proof?d.Proof.toJSON(B.proof):void 0),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V;const ee=v();return ee.index=(Q=B.index)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:0,ee.bytes=(V=B.bytes)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:new Uint8Array,ee.proof=B.proof!==void 0&&B.proof!==null?d.Proof.fromPartial(B.proof):void 0,ee}},e.BlockID={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(10).bytes(B.hash),B.part_set_header!==void 0&&e.PartSetHeader.encode(B.part_set_header,Q.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=C();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.hash=V.bytes();break;case 2:K.part_set_header=e.PartSetHeader.decode(V,V.uint32());break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({hash:ne(B.hash)?p(B.hash):new Uint8Array,part_set_header:ne(B.part_set_header)?e.PartSetHeader.fromJSON(B.part_set_header):void 0}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.hash!==void 0&&(Q.hash=U(B.hash!==void 0?B.hash:new Uint8Array)),B.part_set_header!==void 0&&(Q.part_set_header=B.part_set_header?e.PartSetHeader.toJSON(B.part_set_header):void 0),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q;const V=C();return V.hash=(Q=B.hash)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:new Uint8Array,V.part_set_header=B.part_set_header!==void 0&&B.part_set_header!==null?e.PartSetHeader.fromPartial(B.part_set_header):void 0,V}},e.Header={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.version!==void 0&&u.Consensus.encode(B.version,Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),B.chain_id!==""&&Q.uint32(18).string(B.chain_id),B.height!=="0"&&Q.uint32(24).int64(B.height),B.time!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(B.time,Q.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),B.last_block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(B.last_block_id,Q.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),B.last_commit_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(50).bytes(B.last_commit_hash),B.data_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(58).bytes(B.data_hash),B.validators_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(66).bytes(B.validators_hash),B.next_validators_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(74).bytes(B.next_validators_hash),B.consensus_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(82).bytes(B.consensus_hash),B.app_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(90).bytes(B.app_hash),B.last_results_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(98).bytes(B.last_results_hash),B.evidence_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(106).bytes(B.evidence_hash),B.proposer_address.length!==0&&Q.uint32(114).bytes(B.proposer_address),B.encrypted_random!==void 0&&e.EncryptedRandom.encode(B.encrypted_random,Q.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=l();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.version=u.Consensus.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 2:K.chain_id=V.string();break;case 3:K.height=X(V.int64());break;case 4:K.time=s.Timestamp.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 5:K.last_block_id=e.BlockID.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 6:K.last_commit_hash=V.bytes();break;case 7:K.data_hash=V.bytes();break;case 8:K.validators_hash=V.bytes();break;case 9:K.next_validators_hash=V.bytes();break;case 10:K.consensus_hash=V.bytes();break;case 11:K.app_hash=V.bytes();break;case 12:K.last_results_hash=V.bytes();break;case 13:K.evidence_hash=V.bytes();break;case 14:K.proposer_address=V.bytes();break;case 15:K.encrypted_random=e.EncryptedRandom.decode(V,V.uint32());break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({version:ne(B.version)?u.Consensus.fromJSON(B.version):void 0,chain_id:ne(B.chain_id)?String(B.chain_id):"",height:ne(B.height)?String(B.height):"0",time:ne(B.time)?te(B.time):void 0,last_block_id:ne(B.last_block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.last_block_id):void 0,last_commit_hash:ne(B.last_commit_hash)?p(B.last_commit_hash):new Uint8Array,data_hash:ne(B.data_hash)?p(B.data_hash):new Uint8Array,validators_hash:ne(B.validators_hash)?p(B.validators_hash):new Uint8Array,next_validators_hash:ne(B.next_validators_hash)?p(B.next_validators_hash):new Uint8Array,consensus_hash:ne(B.consensus_hash)?p(B.consensus_hash):new Uint8Array,app_hash:ne(B.app_hash)?p(B.app_hash):new Uint8Array,last_results_hash:ne(B.last_results_hash)?p(B.last_results_hash):new Uint8Array,evidence_hash:ne(B.evidence_hash)?p(B.evidence_hash):new Uint8Array,proposer_address:ne(B.proposer_address)?p(B.proposer_address):new Uint8Array,encrypted_random:ne(B.encrypted_random)?e.EncryptedRandom.fromJSON(B.encrypted_random):void 0}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.version!==void 0&&(Q.version=B.version?u.Consensus.toJSON(B.version):void 0),B.chain_id!==void 0&&(Q.chain_id=B.chain_id),B.height!==void 0&&(Q.height=B.height),B.time!==void 0&&(Q.time=z(B.time).toISOString()),B.last_block_id!==void 0&&(Q.last_block_id=B.last_block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(B.last_block_id):void 0),B.last_commit_hash!==void 0&&(Q.last_commit_hash=U(B.last_commit_hash!==void 0?B.last_commit_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.data_hash!==void 0&&(Q.data_hash=U(B.data_hash!==void 0?B.data_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.validators_hash!==void 0&&(Q.validators_hash=U(B.validators_hash!==void 0?B.validators_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.next_validators_hash!==void 0&&(Q.next_validators_hash=U(B.next_validators_hash!==void 0?B.next_validators_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.consensus_hash!==void 0&&(Q.consensus_hash=U(B.consensus_hash!==void 0?B.consensus_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.app_hash!==void 0&&(Q.app_hash=U(B.app_hash!==void 0?B.app_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.last_results_hash!==void 0&&(Q.last_results_hash=U(B.last_results_hash!==void 0?B.last_results_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.evidence_hash!==void 0&&(Q.evidence_hash=U(B.evidence_hash!==void 0?B.evidence_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.proposer_address!==void 0&&(Q.proposer_address=U(B.proposer_address!==void 0?B.proposer_address:new Uint8Array)),B.encrypted_random!==void 0&&(Q.encrypted_random=B.encrypted_random?e.EncryptedRandom.toJSON(B.encrypted_random):void 0),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V,ee,K,Y,q,ae,de,ue,le,ge;const ce=l();return ce.version=B.version!==void 0&&B.version!==null?u.Consensus.fromPartial(B.version):void 0,ce.chain_id=(Q=B.chain_id)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:"",ce.height=(V=B.height)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:"0",ce.time=B.time!==void 0&&B.time!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.time):void 0,ce.last_block_id=B.last_block_id!==void 0&&B.last_block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.last_block_id):void 0,ce.last_commit_hash=(ee=B.last_commit_hash)!==null&&ee!==void 0?ee:new Uint8Array,ce.data_hash=(K=B.data_hash)!==null&&K!==void 0?K:new Uint8Array,ce.validators_hash=(Y=B.validators_hash)!==null&&Y!==void 0?Y:new Uint8Array,ce.next_validators_hash=(q=B.next_validators_hash)!==null&&q!==void 0?q:new Uint8Array,ce.consensus_hash=(ae=B.consensus_hash)!==null&&ae!==void 0?ae:new Uint8Array,ce.app_hash=(de=B.app_hash)!==null&&de!==void 0?de:new Uint8Array,ce.last_results_hash=(ue=B.last_results_hash)!==null&&ue!==void 0?ue:new Uint8Array,ce.evidence_hash=(le=B.evidence_hash)!==null&&le!==void 0?le:new Uint8Array,ce.proposer_address=(ge=B.proposer_address)!==null&&ge!==void 0?ge:new Uint8Array,ce.encrypted_random=B.encrypted_random!==void 0&&B.encrypted_random!==null?e.EncryptedRandom.fromPartial(B.encrypted_random):void 0,ce}},e.EncryptedRandom={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.random.length!==0&&Q.uint32(10).bytes(B.random),B.proof.length!==0&&Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.proof),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=I();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.random=V.bytes();break;case 2:K.proof=V.bytes();break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({random:ne(B.random)?p(B.random):new Uint8Array,proof:ne(B.proof)?p(B.proof):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.random!==void 0&&(Q.random=U(B.random!==void 0?B.random:new Uint8Array)),B.proof!==void 0&&(Q.proof=U(B.proof!==void 0?B.proof:new Uint8Array)),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V;const ee=I();return ee.random=(Q=B.random)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:new Uint8Array,ee.proof=(V=B.proof)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:new Uint8Array,ee}},e.Data={encode(B,Q=t.Writer.create()){for(const V of B.txs)Q.uint32(10).bytes(V);return Q},decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K={txs:[]};for(;V.pos>>3==1?K.txs.push(V.bytes()):V.skipType(7&Y)}return K},fromJSON:B=>({txs:Array.isArray(B==null?void 0:B.txs)?B.txs.map(Q=>p(Q)):[]}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.txs?Q.txs=B.txs.map(V=>U(V!==void 0?V:new Uint8Array)):Q.txs=[],Q},fromPartial(B){var Q;const V={txs:[]};return V.txs=((Q=B.txs)===null||Q===void 0?void 0:Q.map(ee=>ee))||[],V}},e.Vote={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.type!==0&&Q.uint32(8).int32(B.type),B.height!=="0"&&Q.uint32(16).int64(B.height),B.round!==0&&Q.uint32(24).int32(B.round),B.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id,Q.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),B.timestamp!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(B.timestamp,Q.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),B.validator_address.length!==0&&Q.uint32(50).bytes(B.validator_address),B.validator_index!==0&&Q.uint32(56).int32(B.validator_index),B.signature.length!==0&&Q.uint32(66).bytes(B.signature),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=R();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.type=V.int32();break;case 2:K.height=X(V.int64());break;case 3:K.round=V.int32();break;case 4:K.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 5:K.timestamp=s.Timestamp.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 6:K.validator_address=V.bytes();break;case 7:K.validator_index=V.int32();break;case 8:K.signature=V.bytes();break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({type:ne(B.type)?c(B.type):0,height:ne(B.height)?String(B.height):"0",round:ne(B.round)?Number(B.round):0,block_id:ne(B.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id):void 0,timestamp:ne(B.timestamp)?te(B.timestamp):void 0,validator_address:ne(B.validator_address)?p(B.validator_address):new Uint8Array,validator_index:ne(B.validator_index)?Number(B.validator_index):0,signature:ne(B.signature)?p(B.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.type!==void 0&&(Q.type=h(B.type)),B.height!==void 0&&(Q.height=B.height),B.round!==void 0&&(Q.round=Math.round(B.round)),B.block_id!==void 0&&(Q.block_id=B.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id):void 0),B.timestamp!==void 0&&(Q.timestamp=z(B.timestamp).toISOString()),B.validator_address!==void 0&&(Q.validator_address=U(B.validator_address!==void 0?B.validator_address:new Uint8Array)),B.validator_index!==void 0&&(Q.validator_index=Math.round(B.validator_index)),B.signature!==void 0&&(Q.signature=U(B.signature!==void 0?B.signature:new Uint8Array)),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V,ee,K,Y,q;const ae=R();return ae.type=(Q=B.type)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:0,ae.height=(V=B.height)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:"0",ae.round=(ee=B.round)!==null&&ee!==void 0?ee:0,ae.block_id=B.block_id!==void 0&&B.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id):void 0,ae.timestamp=B.timestamp!==void 0&&B.timestamp!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.timestamp):void 0,ae.validator_address=(K=B.validator_address)!==null&&K!==void 0?K:new Uint8Array,ae.validator_index=(Y=B.validator_index)!==null&&Y!==void 0?Y:0,ae.signature=(q=B.signature)!==null&&q!==void 0?q:new Uint8Array,ae}},e.Commit={encode(B,Q=t.Writer.create()){B.height!=="0"&&Q.uint32(8).int64(B.height),B.round!==0&&Q.uint32(16).int32(B.round),B.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id,Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const V of B.signatures)e.CommitSig.encode(V,Q.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return Q},decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K={height:"0",round:0,block_id:void 0,signatures:[]};for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.height=X(V.int64());break;case 2:K.round=V.int32();break;case 3:K.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 4:K.signatures.push(e.CommitSig.decode(V,V.uint32()));break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({height:ne(B.height)?String(B.height):"0",round:ne(B.round)?Number(B.round):0,block_id:ne(B.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id):void 0,signatures:Array.isArray(B==null?void 0:B.signatures)?B.signatures.map(Q=>e.CommitSig.fromJSON(Q)):[]}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.height!==void 0&&(Q.height=B.height),B.round!==void 0&&(Q.round=Math.round(B.round)),B.block_id!==void 0&&(Q.block_id=B.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id):void 0),B.signatures?Q.signatures=B.signatures.map(V=>V?e.CommitSig.toJSON(V):void 0):Q.signatures=[],Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V,ee;const K={height:"0",round:0,block_id:void 0,signatures:[]};return K.height=(Q=B.height)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:"0",K.round=(V=B.round)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:0,K.block_id=B.block_id!==void 0&&B.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id):void 0,K.signatures=((ee=B.signatures)===null||ee===void 0?void 0:ee.map(Y=>e.CommitSig.fromPartial(Y)))||[],K}},e.CommitSig={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.block_id_flag!==0&&Q.uint32(8).int32(B.block_id_flag),B.validator_address.length!==0&&Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.validator_address),B.timestamp!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(B.timestamp,Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),B.signature.length!==0&&Q.uint32(34).bytes(B.signature),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=k();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.block_id_flag=V.int32();break;case 2:K.validator_address=V.bytes();break;case 3:K.timestamp=s.Timestamp.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 4:K.signature=V.bytes();break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({block_id_flag:ne(B.block_id_flag)?i(B.block_id_flag):0,validator_address:ne(B.validator_address)?p(B.validator_address):new Uint8Array,timestamp:ne(B.timestamp)?te(B.timestamp):void 0,signature:ne(B.signature)?p(B.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.block_id_flag!==void 0&&(Q.block_id_flag=f(B.block_id_flag)),B.validator_address!==void 0&&(Q.validator_address=U(B.validator_address!==void 0?B.validator_address:new Uint8Array)),B.timestamp!==void 0&&(Q.timestamp=z(B.timestamp).toISOString()),B.signature!==void 0&&(Q.signature=U(B.signature!==void 0?B.signature:new Uint8Array)),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V,ee;const K=k();return K.block_id_flag=(Q=B.block_id_flag)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:0,K.validator_address=(V=B.validator_address)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:new Uint8Array,K.timestamp=B.timestamp!==void 0&&B.timestamp!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.timestamp):void 0,K.signature=(ee=B.signature)!==null&&ee!==void 0?ee:new Uint8Array,K}},e.Proposal={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.type!==0&&Q.uint32(8).int32(B.type),B.height!=="0"&&Q.uint32(16).int64(B.height),B.round!==0&&Q.uint32(24).int32(B.round),B.pol_round!==0&&Q.uint32(32).int32(B.pol_round),B.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id,Q.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),B.timestamp!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(B.timestamp,Q.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),B.signature.length!==0&&Q.uint32(58).bytes(B.signature),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=N();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.type=V.int32();break;case 2:K.height=X(V.int64());break;case 3:K.round=V.int32();break;case 4:K.pol_round=V.int32();break;case 5:K.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 6:K.timestamp=s.Timestamp.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 7:K.signature=V.bytes();break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({type:ne(B.type)?c(B.type):0,height:ne(B.height)?String(B.height):"0",round:ne(B.round)?Number(B.round):0,pol_round:ne(B.pol_round)?Number(B.pol_round):0,block_id:ne(B.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id):void 0,timestamp:ne(B.timestamp)?te(B.timestamp):void 0,signature:ne(B.signature)?p(B.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.type!==void 0&&(Q.type=h(B.type)),B.height!==void 0&&(Q.height=B.height),B.round!==void 0&&(Q.round=Math.round(B.round)),B.pol_round!==void 0&&(Q.pol_round=Math.round(B.pol_round)),B.block_id!==void 0&&(Q.block_id=B.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id):void 0),B.timestamp!==void 0&&(Q.timestamp=z(B.timestamp).toISOString()),B.signature!==void 0&&(Q.signature=U(B.signature!==void 0?B.signature:new Uint8Array)),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V,ee,K,Y;const q=N();return q.type=(Q=B.type)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:0,q.height=(V=B.height)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:"0",q.round=(ee=B.round)!==null&&ee!==void 0?ee:0,q.pol_round=(K=B.pol_round)!==null&&K!==void 0?K:0,q.block_id=B.block_id!==void 0&&B.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id):void 0,q.timestamp=B.timestamp!==void 0&&B.timestamp!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.timestamp):void 0,q.signature=(Y=B.signature)!==null&&Y!==void 0?Y:new Uint8Array,q}},e.SignedHeader={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.header!==void 0&&e.Header.encode(B.header,Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),B.commit!==void 0&&e.Commit.encode(B.commit,Q.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K={header:void 0,commit:void 0};for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.header=e.Header.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 2:K.commit=e.Commit.decode(V,V.uint32());break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({header:ne(B.header)?e.Header.fromJSON(B.header):void 0,commit:ne(B.commit)?e.Commit.fromJSON(B.commit):void 0}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.header!==void 0&&(Q.header=B.header?e.Header.toJSON(B.header):void 0),B.commit!==void 0&&(Q.commit=B.commit?e.Commit.toJSON(B.commit):void 0),Q},fromPartial(B){const Q={header:void 0,commit:void 0};return Q.header=B.header!==void 0&&B.header!==null?e.Header.fromPartial(B.header):void 0,Q.commit=B.commit!==void 0&&B.commit!==null?e.Commit.fromPartial(B.commit):void 0,Q}},e.LightBlock={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.signed_header!==void 0&&e.SignedHeader.encode(B.signed_header,Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),B.validator_set!==void 0&&r.ValidatorSet.encode(B.validator_set,Q.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K={signed_header:void 0,validator_set:void 0};for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.signed_header=e.SignedHeader.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 2:K.validator_set=r.ValidatorSet.decode(V,V.uint32());break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({signed_header:ne(B.signed_header)?e.SignedHeader.fromJSON(B.signed_header):void 0,validator_set:ne(B.validator_set)?r.ValidatorSet.fromJSON(B.validator_set):void 0}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.signed_header!==void 0&&(Q.signed_header=B.signed_header?e.SignedHeader.toJSON(B.signed_header):void 0),B.validator_set!==void 0&&(Q.validator_set=B.validator_set?r.ValidatorSet.toJSON(B.validator_set):void 0),Q},fromPartial(B){const Q={signed_header:void 0,validator_set:void 0};return Q.signed_header=B.signed_header!==void 0&&B.signed_header!==null?e.SignedHeader.fromPartial(B.signed_header):void 0,Q.validator_set=B.validator_set!==void 0&&B.validator_set!==null?r.ValidatorSet.fromPartial(B.validator_set):void 0,Q}},e.BlockMeta={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id,Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),B.block_size!=="0"&&Q.uint32(16).int64(B.block_size),B.header!==void 0&&e.Header.encode(B.header,Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),B.num_txs!=="0"&&Q.uint32(32).int64(B.num_txs),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K={block_id:void 0,block_size:"0",header:void 0,num_txs:"0"};for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 2:K.block_size=X(V.int64());break;case 3:K.header=e.Header.decode(V,V.uint32());break;case 4:K.num_txs=X(V.int64());break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({block_id:ne(B.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id):void 0,block_size:ne(B.block_size)?String(B.block_size):"0",header:ne(B.header)?e.Header.fromJSON(B.header):void 0,num_txs:ne(B.num_txs)?String(B.num_txs):"0"}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.block_id!==void 0&&(Q.block_id=B.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id):void 0),B.block_size!==void 0&&(Q.block_size=B.block_size),B.header!==void 0&&(Q.header=B.header?e.Header.toJSON(B.header):void 0),B.num_txs!==void 0&&(Q.num_txs=B.num_txs),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V;const ee={block_id:void 0,block_size:"0",header:void 0,num_txs:"0"};return ee.block_id=B.block_id!==void 0&&B.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id):void 0,ee.block_size=(Q=B.block_size)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:"0",ee.header=B.header!==void 0&&B.header!==null?e.Header.fromPartial(B.header):void 0,ee.num_txs=(V=B.num_txs)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:"0",ee}},e.TxProof={encode:(B,Q=t.Writer.create())=>(B.root_hash.length!==0&&Q.uint32(10).bytes(B.root_hash),B.data.length!==0&&Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.data),B.proof!==void 0&&d.Proof.encode(B.proof,Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),Q),decode(B,Q){const V=B instanceof t.Reader?B:new t.Reader(B);let ee=Q===void 0?V.len:V.pos+Q;const K=A();for(;V.pos>>3){case 1:K.root_hash=V.bytes();break;case 2:K.data=V.bytes();break;case 3:K.proof=d.Proof.decode(V,V.uint32());break;default:V.skipType(7&Y)}}return K},fromJSON:B=>({root_hash:ne(B.root_hash)?p(B.root_hash):new Uint8Array,data:ne(B.data)?p(B.data):new Uint8Array,proof:ne(B.proof)?d.Proof.fromJSON(B.proof):void 0}),toJSON(B){const Q={};return B.root_hash!==void 0&&(Q.root_hash=U(B.root_hash!==void 0?B.root_hash:new Uint8Array)),B.data!==void 0&&(Q.data=U(B.data!==void 0?B.data:new Uint8Array)),B.proof!==void 0&&(Q.proof=B.proof?d.Proof.toJSON(B.proof):void 0),Q},fromPartial(B){var Q,V;const ee=A();return ee.root_hash=(Q=B.root_hash)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:new Uint8Array,ee.data=(V=B.data)!==null&&V!==void 0?V:new Uint8Array,ee.proof=B.proof!==void 0&&B.proof!==null?d.Proof.fromPartial(B.proof):void 0,ee}};var w=(()=>{if(w!==void 0)return w;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const _=w.atob||(B=>w.Buffer.from(B,"base64").toString("binary"));function p(B){const Q=_(B),V=new Uint8Array(Q.length);for(let ee=0;eew.Buffer.from(B,"binary").toString("base64"));function U(B){const Q=[];for(const V of B)Q.push(String.fromCharCode(V));return O(Q.join(""))}function T(B){return{seconds:Math.trunc(B.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:B.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function z(B){let Q=1e3*Number(B.seconds);return Q+=B.nanos/1e6,new Date(Q)}function te(B){return B instanceof Date?T(B):typeof B=="string"?T(new Date(B)):s.Timestamp.fromJSON(B)}function X(B){return B.toString()}function ne(B){return B!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},3563:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return M(h,c),h},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SimpleValidator=e.Validator=e.ValidatorSet=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100)),d=b(2740);function u(){return{address:new Uint8Array,pub_key:void 0,voting_power:"0",proposer_priority:"0"}}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.types",e.ValidatorSet={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){for(const m of c.validators)e.Validator.encode(m,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return c.proposer!==void 0&&e.Validator.encode(c.proposer,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.total_voting_power!=="0"&&h.uint32(24).int64(c.total_voting_power),h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={validators:[],proposer:void 0,total_voting_power:"0"};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.validators.push(e.Validator.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 2:C.proposer=e.Validator.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.total_voting_power=i(m.int64());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({validators:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.validators)?c.validators.map(h=>e.Validator.fromJSON(h)):[],proposer:f(c.proposer)?e.Validator.fromJSON(c.proposer):void 0,total_voting_power:f(c.total_voting_power)?String(c.total_voting_power):"0"}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.validators?h.validators=c.validators.map(m=>m?e.Validator.toJSON(m):void 0):h.validators=[],c.proposer!==void 0&&(h.proposer=c.proposer?e.Validator.toJSON(c.proposer):void 0),c.total_voting_power!==void 0&&(h.total_voting_power=c.total_voting_power),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={validators:[],proposer:void 0,total_voting_power:"0"};return v.validators=((h=c.validators)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(C=>e.Validator.fromPartial(C)))||[],v.proposer=c.proposer!==void 0&&c.proposer!==null?e.Validator.fromPartial(c.proposer):void 0,v.total_voting_power=(m=c.total_voting_power)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"0",v}},e.Validator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.address.length!==0&&h.uint32(10).bytes(c.address),c.pub_key!==void 0&&d.PublicKey.encode(c.pub_key,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.voting_power!=="0"&&h.uint32(24).int64(c.voting_power),c.proposer_priority!=="0"&&h.uint32(32).int64(c.proposer_priority),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C=u();for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.address=m.bytes();break;case 2:C.pub_key=d.PublicKey.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:C.voting_power=i(m.int64());break;case 4:C.proposer_priority=i(m.int64());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({address:f(c.address)?n(c.address):new Uint8Array,pub_key:f(c.pub_key)?d.PublicKey.fromJSON(c.pub_key):void 0,voting_power:f(c.voting_power)?String(c.voting_power):"0",proposer_priority:f(c.proposer_priority)?String(c.proposer_priority):"0"}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.address!==void 0&&(h.address=function(m){const v=[];for(const C of m)v.push(String.fromCharCode(C));return o(v.join(""))}(c.address!==void 0?c.address:new Uint8Array)),c.pub_key!==void 0&&(h.pub_key=c.pub_key?d.PublicKey.toJSON(c.pub_key):void 0),c.voting_power!==void 0&&(h.voting_power=c.voting_power),c.proposer_priority!==void 0&&(h.proposer_priority=c.proposer_priority),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const C=u();return C.address=(h=c.address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array,C.pub_key=c.pub_key!==void 0&&c.pub_key!==null?d.PublicKey.fromPartial(c.pub_key):void 0,C.voting_power=(m=c.voting_power)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"0",C.proposer_priority=(v=c.proposer_priority)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"0",C}},e.SimpleValidator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.pub_key!==void 0&&d.PublicKey.encode(c.pub_key,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.voting_power!=="0"&&h.uint32(16).int64(c.voting_power),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const C={pub_key:void 0,voting_power:"0"};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:C.pub_key=d.PublicKey.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:C.voting_power=i(m.int64());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return C},fromJSON:c=>({pub_key:f(c.pub_key)?d.PublicKey.fromJSON(c.pub_key):void 0,voting_power:f(c.voting_power)?String(c.voting_power):"0"}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.pub_key!==void 0&&(h.pub_key=c.pub_key?d.PublicKey.toJSON(c.pub_key):void 0),c.voting_power!==void 0&&(h.voting_power=c.voting_power),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={pub_key:void 0,voting_power:"0"};return m.pub_key=c.pub_key!==void 0&&c.pub_key!==null?d.PublicKey.fromPartial(c.pub_key):void 0,m.voting_power=(h=c.voting_power)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"0",m}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(b.g!==void 0)return b.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(c=>s.Buffer.from(c,"base64").toString("binary"));function n(c){const h=r(c),m=new Uint8Array(h.length);for(let v=0;vs.Buffer.from(c,"binary").toString("base64"));function i(c){return c.toString()}function f(c){return c!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5640:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return M(r,s),r},y=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Consensus=e.App=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=y(b(3720)),t=P(b(2100));function d(s){return s.toString()}function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.version",e.App={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.protocol!=="0"&&r.uint32(8).uint64(s.protocol),s.software!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.software),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={protocol:"0",software:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.protocol=d(n.uint64());break;case 2:i.software=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({protocol:u(s.protocol)?String(s.protocol):"0",software:u(s.software)?String(s.software):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.protocol!==void 0&&(r.protocol=s.protocol),s.software!==void 0&&(r.software=s.software),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={protocol:"0",software:""};return o.protocol=(r=s.protocol)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"0",o.software=(n=s.software)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.Consensus={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.block!=="0"&&r.uint32(8).uint64(s.block),s.app!=="0"&&r.uint32(16).uint64(s.app),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={block:"0",app:"0"};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.block=d(n.uint64());break;case 2:i.app=d(n.uint64());break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({block:u(s.block)?String(s.block):"0",app:u(s.app)?String(s.app):"0"}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.block!==void 0&&(r.block=s.block),s.app!==void 0&&(r.app=s.app),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={block:"0",app:"0"};return o.block=(r=s.block)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"0",o.app=(n=s.app)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",o}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2076:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(P,y,a,t){return new(a||(a=Promise))(function(d,u){function s(o){try{n(t.next(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function r(o){try{n(t.throw(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function n(o){var i;o.done?d(o.value):(i=o.value,i instanceof a?i:new a(function(f){f(i)})).then(s,r)}n((t=t.apply(P,y||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.AuthQuerier=void 0;const M=b(3004);e.AuthQuerier=class{constructor(P){this.url=P}accounts(P,y){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.Query.Accounts(P,{headers:y,pathPrefix:this.url})})}account(P,y){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.Query.Account(P,{headers:y,pathPrefix:this.url})})}params(P,y){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.Query.Params(P,{headers:y,pathPrefix:this.url})})}moduleAccountByName(P,y){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.Query.ModuleAccountByName(P,{headers:y,pathPrefix:this.url})})}}},298:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.AuthzQuerier=void 0;const E=b(3704);e.AuthzQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}grants(M,P){return E.Query.Grants(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}granterGrants(M,P){return E.Query.GranterGrants(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}granteeGrants(M,P){return E.Query.GranteeGrants(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},8622:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.BankQuerier=void 0;const E=b(1926);e.BankQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}balance(M,P){return E.Query.Balance(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}allBalances(M,P){return E.Query.AllBalances(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}spendableBalances(M,P){return E.Query.SpendableBalances(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalSupply(M,P){return E.Query.TotalSupply(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}supplyOf(M,P){return E.Query.SupplyOf(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomMetadata(M,P){return E.Query.DenomMetadata(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomsMetadata(M,P){return E.Query.DenomsMetadata(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},8526:function(J,e,b){var E=b(5108),M=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ComputeQuerier=void 0;const P=b(8972),y=b(3607),a=b(8136),t=b(5250);e.ComputeQuerier=class{constructor(d,u){this.url=d,this.encryption=u,this.codeHashCache=new Map,this.encryption||(this.encryption=new a.EncryptionUtilsImpl(d))}contractInfo(d,u){return t.Query.ContractInfo(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}contractsByCodeId(d,u){return t.Query.ContractsByCodeId(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}code(d,u){return t.Query.Code(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}codes(d,u){return t.Query.Codes(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}codeHashByContractAddress(d,u){return M(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let s=this.codeHashCache.get(d.contract_address);return s||({code_hash:s}=yield t.Query.CodeHashByContractAddress(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url}),this.codeHashCache.set(d.contract_address,s)),{code_hash:s}})}codeHashByCodeId(d,u){return M(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let s=this.codeHashCache.get(d.code_id);return s||({code_hash:s}=yield t.Query.CodeHashByCodeId({code_id:d.code_id},{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url}),this.codeHashCache.set(d.code_id,s)),{code_hash:s}})}labelByAddress(d,u){return t.Query.LabelByAddress(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}addressByLabel(d,u){return t.Query.AddressByLabel(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}queryContract({contract_address:d,code_hash:u,query:s},r){return M(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){u||(E.warn((0,y.getMissingCodeHashWarning)("queryContract()")),{code_hash:u}=yield this.codeHashByContractAddress({contract_address:d})),u=u.replace("0x","").toLowerCase();const n=yield this.encryption.encrypt(u,s),o=n.slice(0,32);try{const{data:i}=yield t.Query.QuerySecretContract({contract_address:d,query:n},{headers:r,pathPrefix:this.url}),f=yield this.encryption.decrypt((0,P.fromBase64)(i),o);return f!=null&&f.length?JSON.parse((0,P.fromUtf8)((0,P.fromBase64)((0,P.fromUtf8)(f)))):{}}catch(i){try{const f=/encrypted: (.+?): (?:instantiate|execute|query|reply to|migrate) contract failed/g.exec(i.message);if(f==null||(f==null?void 0:f.length)!=2)throw i;const c=(0,P.fromBase64)(f[1]),h=yield this.encryption.decrypt(c,o);try{return(0,P.fromUtf8)((0,P.fromBase64)((0,P.fromUtf8)(h)))}catch(m){if(m.message==="Invalid base64 string format")return(0,P.fromUtf8)(h);throw i}}catch{throw i}}})}contractHistory(d,u){return M(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{entries:s}=yield t.Query.ContractHistory(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url});let r=[];for(const n of s??[]){let o=n.msg;try{const i=(0,P.fromBase64)(o),f=i.slice(0,32),c=i.slice(64),h=yield this.encryption.decrypt(c,f);o=(0,P.fromUtf8)(h).slice(64)}catch{}r.push({operation:n.operation,code_id:n.code_id,updated:n.updated,msg:o})}return{entries:r}})}}},2012:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.DistributionQuerier=void 0;const E=b(406);e.DistributionQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorOutstandingRewards(M,P){return E.Query.ValidatorOutstandingRewards(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorCommission(M,P){return E.Query.ValidatorCommission(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorSlashes(M,P){return E.Query.ValidatorSlashes(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegationRewards(M,P){return E.Query.DelegationRewards(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegationTotalRewards(M,P){return E.Query.DelegationTotalRewards(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorValidators(M,P){return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorWithdrawAddress(M,P){return E.Query.DelegatorWithdrawAddress(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}communityPool(M,P){return E.Query.CommunityPool(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}foundationTax(M,P){return E.Query.FoundationTax(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}restakeThreshold(M,P){return E.Query.RestakeThreshold(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}restakingEntries(M,P){return E.Query.RestakingEntries(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5468:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.EmergencyButtonQuerier=void 0;const E=b(71);e.EmergencyButtonQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},3394:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.EvidenceQuerier=void 0;const E=b(6898);e.EvidenceQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}evidence(M,P){return E.Query.Evidence(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}allEvidence(M,P){return E.Query.AllEvidence(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},380:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.FeegrantQuerier=void 0;const E=b(876);e.FeegrantQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}allowance(M,P){return E.Query.Allowance(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}allowances(M,P){return E.Query.Allowances(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}allowancesByGranter(M,P){return E.Query.AllowancesByGranter(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},3095:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.GovQuerier=void 0;const E=b(7331);e.GovQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}proposal(M,P){return E.Query.Proposal(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}proposals(M,P){return E.Query.Proposals(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}vote(M,P){return E.Query.Vote(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}votes(M,P){return E.Query.Votes(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}deposit(M,P){return E.Query.Deposit(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}deposits(M,P){return E.Query.Deposits(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}tallyResult(M,P){return E.Query.TallyResult(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},7807:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcChannelQuerier=void 0;const E=b(6409);e.IbcChannelQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}channel(M,P){return E.Query.Channel(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}channels(M,P){return E.Query.Channels(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}connectionChannels(M,P){return E.Query.ConnectionChannels(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}channelClientState(M,P){return E.Query.ChannelClientState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}channelConsensusState(M,P){return E.Query.ChannelConsensusState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetCommitment(M,P){return E.Query.PacketCommitment(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetCommitments(M,P){return E.Query.PacketCommitments(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetReceipt(M,P){return E.Query.PacketReceipt(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetAcknowledgement(M,P){return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgement(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetAcknowledgements(M,P){return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgements(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}unreceivedPackets(M,P){return E.Query.UnreceivedPackets(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}unreceivedAcks(M,P){return E.Query.UnreceivedAcks(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}nextSequenceReceive(M,P){return E.Query.NextSequenceReceive(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1654:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcClientQuerier=void 0;const E=b(301);e.IbcClientQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}clientState(M,P){return E.Query.ClientState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientStates(M,P){return E.Query.ClientStates(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}consensusState(M,P){return E.Query.ConsensusState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}consensusStates(M,P){return E.Query.ConsensusStates(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientStatus(M,P){return E.Query.ClientStatus(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientParams(M,P){return E.Query.ClientParams(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}upgradedClientState(M,P){return E.Query.UpgradedClientState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}upgradedConsensusState(M,P){return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}consensusStateHeights(M,P){return E.Query.ConsensusStateHeights(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},2840:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcConnectionQuerier=void 0;const E=b(5258);e.IbcConnectionQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}connection(M,P){return E.Query.Connection(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}connections(M,P){return E.Query.Connections(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientConnections(M,P){return E.Query.ClientConnections(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}connectionClientState(M,P){return E.Query.ConnectionClientState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}connectionConsensusState(M,P){return E.Query.ConnectionConsensusState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5570:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcFeeQuerier=void 0;const E=b(187);e.IbcFeeQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}incentivizedPackets(M,P){return E.Query.IncentivizedPackets(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}incentivizedPacket(M,P){return E.Query.IncentivizedPacket(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}incentivizedPacketsForChannel(M,P){return E.Query.IncentivizedPacketsForChannel(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalRecvFees(M,P){return E.Query.TotalRecvFees(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalAckFees(M,P){return E.Query.TotalAckFees(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalTimeoutFees(M,P){return E.Query.TotalTimeoutFees(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}payee(M,P){return E.Query.Payee(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}counterpartyPayee(M,P){return E.Query.CounterpartyPayee(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}feeEnabledChannels(M,P){return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannels(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}feeEnabledChannel(M,P){return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannel(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5037:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier=void 0;const E=b(2847);e.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}interchainAccount(M,P){return E.Query.InterchainAccount(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},3635:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier=void 0;const E=b(1154);e.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},9637:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcPacketForwardQuerier=void 0;const E=b(1692);e.IbcPacketForwardQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1387:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcTransferQuerier=void 0;const E=b(4921);e.IbcTransferQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}denomTrace(M,P){return E.Query.DenomTrace(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomTraces(M,P){return E.Query.DenomTraces(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomHash(M,P){return E.Query.DenomHash(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}escrowAddress(M,P){return E.Query.EscrowAddress(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},9150:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(P,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return y[a]}})}:function(P,y,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),P[t]=y[a]}),M=this&&this.__exportStar||function(P,y){for(var a in P)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y,a)||E(y,P,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),M(b(2076),e),M(b(298),e),M(b(8622),e),M(b(8526),e),M(b(2012),e),M(b(3394),e),M(b(380),e),M(b(3095),e),M(b(7807),e),M(b(1654),e),M(b(2840),e),M(b(1387),e),M(b(5714),e),M(b(5932),e),M(b(8513),e),M(b(4482),e),M(b(7224),e),M(b(5562),e),M(b(7174),e),M(b(1743),e),M(b(6189),e),M(b(5468),e)},5714:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MauthQuerier=void 0;const E=b(9743);e.MauthQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}interchainAccountFromAddress(M,P){return E.Query.InterchainAccountFromAddress(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5932:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MintQuerier=void 0;const E=b(468);e.MintQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}inflation(M,P){return E.Query.Inflation(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}annualProvisions(M,P){return E.Query.AnnualProvisions(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},8513:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.NodeQuerier=void 0;const E=b(4210);e.NodeQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}config(M,P){return E.Service.Config(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},4482:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ParamsQuerier=void 0;const E=b(5440);e.ParamsQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},7224:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.RegistrationQuerier=void 0;const E=b(6402);e.RegistrationQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}txKey(M,P){return E.Query.TxKey(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}registrationKey(M,P){return E.Query.RegistrationKey(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}encryptedSeed(M,P){return E.Query.EncryptedSeed(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5562:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SlashingQuerier=void 0;const E=b(1575);e.SlashingQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}signingInfo(M,P){return E.Query.SigningInfo(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}signingInfos(M,P){return E.Query.SigningInfos(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},7174:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.StakingQuerier=void 0;const E=b(4066);e.StakingQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}validators(M,P){return E.Query.Validators(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}validator(M,P){return E.Query.Validator(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorDelegations(M,P){return E.Query.ValidatorDelegations(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorUnbondingDelegations(M,P){return E.Query.ValidatorUnbondingDelegations(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegation(M,P){return E.Query.Delegation(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}unbondingDelegation(M,P){return E.Query.UnbondingDelegation(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorDelegations(M,P){return E.Query.DelegatorDelegations(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorUnbondingDelegations(M,P){return E.Query.DelegatorUnbondingDelegations(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}redelegations(M,P){return E.Query.Redelegations(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorValidators(M,P){return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorValidator(M,P){return E.Query.DelegatorValidator(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}historicalInfo(M,P){return E.Query.HistoricalInfo(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}pool(M,P){return E.Query.Pool(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(M,P){return E.Query.Params(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1743:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TendermintQuerier=void 0;const E=b(2390);e.TendermintQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}getNodeInfo(M,P){return E.Service.GetNodeInfo(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}getSyncing(M,P){return E.Service.GetSyncing(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}getLatestBlock(M,P){return E.Service.GetLatestBlock(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}getBlockByHeight(M,P){return E.Service.GetBlockByHeight(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}getLatestValidatorSet(M,P){return E.Service.GetLatestValidatorSet(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}getValidatorSetByHeight(M,P){return E.Service.GetValidatorSetByHeight(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},6189:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.UpgradeQuerier=void 0;const E=b(2265);e.UpgradeQuerier=class{constructor(M){this.url=M}currentPlan(M,P){return E.Query.CurrentPlan(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}appliedPlan(M,P){return E.Query.AppliedPlan(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}upgradedConsensusState(M,P){return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}moduleVersions(M,P){return E.Query.ModuleVersions(M,{headers:P,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1972:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(G,Z,H,$){$===void 0&&($=H),Object.defineProperty(G,$,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return Z[H]}})}:function(G,Z,H,$){$===void 0&&($=H),G[$]=Z[H]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(G,Z){Object.defineProperty(G,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:Z})}:function(G,Z){G.default=Z}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(G){if(G&&G.__esModule)return G;var Z={};if(G!=null)for(var H in G)H!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(G,H)&&E(Z,G,H);return M(Z,G),Z},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(G,Z,H,$){return new(H||(H=Promise))(function(ie,se){function fe(me){try{ve($.next(me))}catch(_e){se(_e)}}function pe(me){try{ve($.throw(me))}catch(_e){se(_e)}}function ve(me){var _e;me.done?ie(me.value):(_e=me.value,_e instanceof H?_e:new H(function(ye){ye(_e)})).then(fe,pe)}ve(($=$.apply(G,Z||[])).next())})};if(Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TxResultCode=e.gasToFee=e.SecretNetworkClient=e.ReadonlySigner=e.BroadcastMode=void 0,typeof window>"u"||window.fetch===void 0){const G=b(4098);b.g.fetch=G}const a=b(8972),t=b(3061),d=b(3607),u=b(8136),s=b(3117),r=b(1610),n=b(4447),o=b(7350),i=b(8471),f=b(2412),c=b(6519),h=b(9849),m=b(5818),v=b(6010),C=b(6994),l=b(4191),I=b(2896),R=b(2076),k=b(298),N=b(8622),A=b(8526),w=b(2012),_=b(5468),p=b(3394),O=b(380),U=b(3095),T=b(7807),z=b(1654),te=b(2840),X=b(5570),ne=b(5037),B=b(3635),Q=b(9637),V=b(1387),ee=b(5932),K=b(4482),Y=b(7224),q=b(5562),ae=b(7174),de=b(1743),ue=b(6189),le=b(3745),ge=b(6049),ce=b(8772),he=b(5498),be=b(5360);var W,g;(function(G){G.Block="Block",G.Sync="Sync",G.Async="Async"})(W=e.BroadcastMode||(e.BroadcastMode={}));class S{getAccounts(){throw new Error("getAccounts() is not supported in readonly mode.")}signAmino(Z,H){throw new Error("signAmino() is not supported in readonly mode.")}}function x(G){return new Promise(Z=>setTimeout(Z,G))}function j(G,Z){return Math.ceil(G*Z)}function D(G,Z,H,$,ie){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){ie||(ie=(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT);const se={signer_infos:L(G,ie),fee:{amount:[...Z],gas_limit:String(H),granter:$??"",payer:""}},{AuthInfo:fe}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(6994)));return fe.encode(fe.fromPartial(se)).finish()})}function L(G,Z){return G.map(({pubkey:H,sequence:$})=>({public_key:H,mode_info:{single:{mode:Z}},sequence:String($)}))}function F(G){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{Any:Z}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4191)));if(function(H){return H.type==="tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1"}(G)){const{PubKey:H}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(6010))),$=H.fromPartial({key:(0,a.fromBase64)(G.value)});return Z.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",value:Uint8Array.from(H.encode($).finish())})}if(function(H){return H.type==="tendermint/PubKeyMultisigThreshold"}(G)){const{LegacyAminoPubKey:H}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(5818))),$=H.fromPartial({threshold:Number(G.value.threshold),public_keys:G.value.pubkeys.map(F)});return Z.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey",value:Uint8Array.from(H.encode($).finish())})}throw new Error(`Pubkey type ${G.type} not recognized`)})}function re(G){if(typeof G!="object"||G===null)return G;if(Array.isArray(G))return G.map(re);if(Object.keys(G).length===2&&typeof G.type_url=="string"&&typeof G.value=="object")return Object.assign({"@type":G.type_url},re(G.value));const Z={};return Object.keys(G).forEach(H=>{Z[H]=re(G[H])}),Z}function oe(){return{pub_key:{type:"tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",value:(0,a.toBase64)(new Uint8Array(33).fill(0))},signature:(0,a.toBase64)(new Uint8Array(64).fill(0))}}e.ReadonlySigner=S,e.SecretNetworkClient=class{constructor(G){var Z,H;if(this.url=G.url.replace(/\/*$/g,""),this.query={auth:new R.AuthQuerier(G.url),authz:new k.AuthzQuerier(G.url),bank:new N.BankQuerier(G.url),compute:new A.ComputeQuerier(G.url),snip20:new i.Snip20Querier(G.url),snip721:new f.Snip721Querier(G.url),snip1155:new n.Snip1155Querier(G.url),distribution:new w.DistributionQuerier(G.url),evidence:new p.EvidenceQuerier(G.url),feegrant:new O.FeegrantQuerier(G.url),gov:new U.GovQuerier(G.url),ibc_channel:new T.IbcChannelQuerier(G.url),ibc_client:new z.IbcClientQuerier(G.url),ibc_connection:new te.IbcConnectionQuerier(G.url),ibc_transfer:new V.IbcTransferQuerier(G.url),ibc_iterchain_accounts_host:new B.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier(G.url),ibc_iterchain_accounts_controller:new ne.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier(G.url),ibc_fee:new X.IbcFeeQuerier(G.url),ibc_packet_forward:new Q.IbcPacketForwardQuerier(G.url),emergency_button:new _.EmergencyButtonQuerier(G.url),mauth:new d.MauthQuerier(G.url),mint:new ee.MintQuerier(G.url),node:new d.NodeQuerier(G.url),params:new K.ParamsQuerier(G.url),registration:new Y.RegistrationQuerier(G.url),slashing:new q.SlashingQuerier(G.url),staking:new ae.StakingQuerier(G.url),tendermint:new de.TendermintQuerier(G.url),upgrade:new ue.UpgradeQuerier(G.url),getTx:(ie,se)=>this.getTx(ie,se),txsQuery:(ie,se,fe,pe)=>this.txsQuery(ie,se,fe,pe)},G.wallet&&G.walletAddress===void 0)throw new Error("Must also pass 'walletAddress' when passing 'wallet'");this.wallet=(Z=G.wallet)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:new S,this.address=(H=G.walletAddress)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:"",this.chainId=G.chainId,this.utils={accessControl:{permit:new s.PermitSigner(this.wallet)}};const $=ie=>{const se=(fe,pe)=>this.tx.broadcast([new ie(fe)],pe);return se.simulate=(fe,pe)=>this.tx.simulate([new ie(fe)],pe),se};this.tx={signTx:this.signTx.bind(this),broadcastSignedTx:this.broadcastSignedTx.bind(this),broadcast:this.signAndBroadcast.bind(this),simulate:this.simulate.bind(this),snip20:{send:$(i.MsgSnip20Send),transfer:$(i.MsgSnip20Transfer),increaseAllowance:$(i.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance),decreaseAllowance:$(i.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance),setViewingKey:$(r.MsgSetViewingKey),createViewingKey:$(r.MsgCreateViewingKey)},snip721:{send:$(f.MsgSnip721Send),mint:$(d.MsgSnip721Mint),addMinter:$(d.MsgSnip721AddMinter),setViewingKey:$(r.MsgSetViewingKey),createViewingKey:$(r.MsgCreateViewingKey)},snip1155:{changeAdmin:$(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin),removeAdmin:$(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin),addCurator:$(o.MsgSnip1155AddCurator),removeCurator:$(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator),addMinter:$(o.MsgSnipAddMinter),removeMinter:$(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter),send:$(o.MsgSnip1155Send),batchSend:$(o.MsgSnip1155BatchSend),transfer:$(o.MsgSnip1155Transfer),batchTransfer:$(o.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer),curate:$(o.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens),mint:$(o.MsgSnip1155Mint),burn:$(o.MsgSnip1155Burn),changeMetaData:$(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata),setViewingKey:$(r.MsgSetViewingKey),createViewingKey:$(r.MsgCreateViewingKey)},authz:{exec:$(d.MsgExec),grant:$(d.MsgGrant),revoke:$(d.MsgRevoke)},bank:{multiSend:$(d.MsgMultiSend),send:$(d.MsgSend)},compute:{storeCode:$(d.MsgStoreCode),instantiateContract:$(d.MsgInstantiateContract),executeContract:$(d.MsgExecuteContract),migrateContract:$(le.MsgMigrateContract),updateAdmin:$(le.MsgUpdateAdmin),clearAdmin:$(le.MsgClearAdmin)},emergency_button:{toggleIbcSwitch:$(ge.MsgToggleIbcSwitch)},crisis:{verifyInvariant:$(d.MsgVerifyInvariant)},distribution:{fundCommunityPool:$(d.MsgFundCommunityPool),setWithdrawAddress:$(d.MsgSetWithdrawAddress),withdrawDelegatorReward:$(d.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward),withdrawValidatorCommission:$(d.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission),setAutoRestake:$(le.MsgSetAutoRestake)},evidence:{submitEvidence:$(d.MsgSubmitEvidence)},feegrant:{grantAllowance:$(d.MsgGrantAllowance),revokeAllowance:$(d.MsgRevokeAllowance)},gov:{deposit:$(d.MsgDeposit),submitProposal:$(d.MsgSubmitProposal),vote:$(d.MsgVote),voteWeighted:$(d.MsgVoteWeighted)},ibc:{transfer:$(d.MsgTransfer)},ibc_fee:{payPacketFee:$(le.MsgPayPacketFee),payPacketFeeAsync:$(le.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync),registerPayee:$(le.MsgRegisterPayee),registerCounterpartyPayee:$(le.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee)},registration:{register:$(ce.RaAuthenticate)},slashing:{unjail:$(d.MsgUnjail)},staking:{beginRedelegate:$(d.MsgBeginRedelegate),createValidator:$(d.MsgCreateValidator),delegate:$(d.MsgDelegate),editValidator:$(d.MsgEditValidator),undelegate:$(d.MsgUndelegate)},vesting:{createVestingAccount:$(he.MsgCreateVestingAccount)}},G.encryptionUtils?this.encryptionUtils=G.encryptionUtils:this.encryptionUtils=new u.EncryptionUtilsImpl(this.url,G.encryptionSeed,this.chainId),this.query.compute=new A.ComputeQuerier(this.url,this.encryptionUtils)}getTx(G,Z){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){try{const{tx_response:H}=yield c.Service.GetTx({hash:G},{pathPrefix:this.url});return H?this.decodeTxResponse(H,Z):null}catch(H){if((H==null?void 0:H.message)===`tx not found: ${G}`)return null;throw H}})}txsQuery(G,Z={resolveResponses:!1},H={key:void 0,offset:void 0,limit:void 0,count_total:void 0,reverse:void 0},$){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{tx_responses:ie}=yield c.Service.GetTxsEvent({events:G.split(" AND ").map(se=>se.trim()),pagination:H,order_by:$},{pathPrefix:this.url});return this.decodeTxResponses(ie??[],Z)})}waitForIbcResponse(G,Z,H,$,ie){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new Promise((se,fe)=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let pe=$.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs/$.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs,ve=H;H==="ack"&&(ve="acknowledge");const me=[`${ve}_packet.packet_src_channel = '${Z}'`,`${ve}_packet.packet_sequence = '${G}'`].join(" AND ");for(;pe>0&&!ie.isDone;){const _e=(yield this.txsQuery(me)).find(ye=>ye.code===0);_e&&(ie.isDone=!0,se({type:H,tx:_e})),pe--,yield x($.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs)}fe(`timed-out while trying to resolve IBC ${H} tx for packet_src_channel='${Z}' and packet_sequence='${G}'`)}))})}decodeTxResponses(G,Z){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield Promise.all(G.map(H=>this.decodeTxResponse(H,Z)))})}decodeTxResponse(G,Z){var H,$,ie,se;return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let fe;fe=Z?{resolveResponses:typeof Z.resolveResponses!="boolean"||Z.resolveResponses,resolveResponsesTimeoutMs:typeof Z.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs=="number"?Z.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs:12e4,resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs:typeof Z.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs=="number"?Z.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs:15e3}:{resolveResponses:!0,resolveResponsesTimeoutMs:12e4,resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs:15e3};const pe=[],ve=G.tx;for(let ke=0;!isNaN(Number(($=(H=ve==null?void 0:ve.body)===null||H===void 0?void 0:H.messages)===null||$===void 0?void 0:$.length))&&kewe.type==="send_packet"&&we.key==="packet_sequence"))||[],xe=(_e==null?void 0:_e.filter(we=>we.type==="send_packet"&&we.key==="packet_src_channel"))||[];if(fe.resolveResponses)for(let we=0;we<(ke==null?void 0:ke.length);we++){const Se={isDone:!1};Ee.push(Promise.race([this.waitForIbcResponse(ke[we].value,xe[we].value,"ack",fe,Se),this.waitForIbcResponse(ke[we].value,xe[we].value,"timeout",fe,Se)]))}}return{height:Number(G.height),timestamp:G.timestamp,transactionHash:G.txhash,code:G.code,codespace:G.codespace,info:G.info,tx:ve,rawLog:ye,jsonLog:me,arrayLog:_e,events:G.events,data:Pe,gasUsed:Number(G.gas_used),gasWanted:Number(G.gas_wanted),ibcResponses:Ee}})}broadcastTx(G,Z,H,$,ie,se){var fe,pe,ve,me,_e,ye;return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const Ee=Date.now(),Ae=(0,a.toHex)((0,t.sha256)(G)).toUpperCase();let Pe;if(ie||$!=W.Block||($=W.Sync),$===W.Block){ie=!0;const{BroadcastMode:ke}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(6519)));let xe=!1;try{({tx_response:Pe}=yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({txBytes:(0,a.toBase64)(G),mode:ke.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK},{pathPrefix:this.url}))}catch(we){if(!JSON.stringify(we).toLowerCase().includes("timed out waiting for tx to be included in a block"))throw new Error(`Failed to broadcast transaction ID ${Ae}: '${JSON.stringify(we)}'.`);xe=!0}if(!xe){Pe.tx=(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(6994)))).Tx.toJSON((yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(6994)))).Tx.decode(G));const we=Pe.tx,Se=Re=>{if(Re.type_url==="/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey"){const Oe=m.LegacyAminoPubKey.decode((0,a.fromBase64)(Re.value));for(let Me=0;Me(Re.public_key=Se(Re.public_key),Re));for(let Re=0;!isNaN(Number((me=(ve=we.body)===null||ve===void 0?void 0:ve.messages)===null||me===void 0?void 0:me.length))&&ReP(b(6519)));if({tx_response:Pe}=yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({txBytes:(0,a.toBase64)(G),mode:ke.BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC},{pathPrefix:this.url}),(Pe==null?void 0:Pe.code)!==0)throw new Error(`Broadcasting transaction failed with code ${Pe==null?void 0:Pe.code} (codespace: ${Pe==null?void 0:Pe.codespace}). Log: ${Pe==null?void 0:Pe.raw_log}`)}else{if($!==W.Async)throw new Error(`Unknown broadcast mode "${String($)}", must be either "${String(W.Block)}", "${String(W.Sync)}" or "${String(W.Async)}".`);{const{BroadcastMode:ke}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(6519)));c.Service.BroadcastTx({txBytes:(0,a.toBase64)(G),mode:ke.BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC},{pathPrefix:this.url})}}if(!ie)return{transactionHash:Ae};for(yield x(H/2);;){const ke=yield this.getTx(Ae,se);if(ke)return ke;if(Ee+Zme.address===this.address);if(!pe)throw new Error("Failed to retrieve account from signer");let ve;if($)ve=$;else{const{account:me}=yield this.query.auth.account({address:this.address});if(!me)throw new Error(`Cannot find account "${this.address}", make sure it has a balance.`);let _e;if(me["@type"]==="/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount")_e=me;else if(me["@type"]==="/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount")_e=(se=me.base_vesting_account)===null||se===void 0?void 0:se.base_account;else if(me["@type"]==="/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount")_e=(fe=me.base_vesting_account)===null||fe===void 0?void 0:fe.base_account;else{if(me["@type"]!=="/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.ModuleAccount")throw new Error(`Cannot sign with account of type "${me["@type"]}".`);_e=me.base_account}if(!_e)throw new Error(`Cannot extract BaseAccount from "${JSON.stringify(me)}".`);ve={accountNumber:Number(_e.account_number),sequence:Number(_e.sequence),chainId:this.chainId}}return(0,be.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet)?this.signDirect(pe,G,Z,H,ve,ie):this.signAmino(pe,G,Z,H,ve,ie)})}signAmino(G,Z,H,$,{accountNumber:ie,sequence:se,chainId:fe},pe=!1){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if((0,be.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet))throw new Error("Wrong signer type! Expected AminoSigner or AminoEip191Signer.");let ve=(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON;typeof this.wallet.getSignMode=="function"&&(ve=yield this.wallet.getSignMode());const me=function(Se,Re,Oe,Me,Te,Ne){return{chain_id:Oe,account_number:String(Te),sequence:String(Ne),fee:Re,msgs:Se,memo:Me||""}}(yield Promise.all(Z.map(Se=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.populateCodeHash(Se),Se.toAmino(this.encryptionUtils)}))),H,fe,$,ie,se);let _e,ye;pe?(_e=me,ye=oe()):{signature:ye,signed:_e}=yield this.wallet.signAmino(G.address,me);const Ee={type_url:"/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody",value:{messages:yield Promise.all(Z.map((Se,Re)=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.populateCodeHash(Se),yield Se.toProto(this.encryptionUtils)}))),memo:$}},Ae=yield this.encodeTx(Ee),Pe=Number(_e.fee.gas),ke=Number(_e.sequence),xe=yield F((0,be.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(G.pubkey)),we=yield D([{pubkey:xe,sequence:ke}],_e.fee.amount,Pe,_e.fee.granter,ve);return C.TxRaw.fromPartial({body_bytes:Ae,auth_info_bytes:we,signatures:[(0,a.fromBase64)(ye.signature)]})})}populateCodeHash(G){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){G instanceof d.MsgExecuteContract?G.codeHash||(G.codeHash=(yield this.query.compute.codeHashByContractAddress({contract_address:G.contractAddress})).code_hash):(G instanceof d.MsgInstantiateContract||G instanceof le.MsgMigrateContract)&&(G.codeHash||(G.codeHash=(yield this.query.compute.codeHashByCodeId({code_id:G.codeId})).code_hash))})}encodeTx(G){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const Z=yield Promise.all(G.value.messages.map($=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const ie=yield $.encode();return l.Any.fromPartial({type_url:$.type_url,value:ie})}))),H=C.TxBody.fromPartial(Object.assign(Object.assign({},G.value),{messages:Z}));return C.TxBody.encode(H).finish()})}signDirect(G,Z,H,$,{accountNumber:ie,sequence:se,chainId:fe},pe=!1){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!(0,be.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet))throw new Error("Wrong signer type! Expected DirectSigner.");const ve={type_url:"/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody",value:{messages:yield Promise.all(Z.map((ke,xe)=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.populateCodeHash(ke),yield ke.toProto(this.encryptionUtils)}))),memo:$}},me=yield this.encodeTx(ve),_e=yield F((0,be.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(G.pubkey)),ye=Number(H.gas),Ee=function(ke,xe,we,Se){return{body_bytes:ke,auth_info_bytes:xe,chain_id:we,account_number:String(Se),bodyBytes:ke,authInfoBytes:xe,chainId:we,accountNumber:String(Se)}}(me,yield D([{pubkey:_e,sequence:se}],H.amount,ye,H.granter),fe,ie);let Ae,Pe;if(pe?(Ae=Ee,Pe=oe()):{signature:Pe,signed:Ae}=yield this.wallet.signDirect(G.address,Ee),(0,be.isSignDoc)(Ae))return C.TxRaw.fromPartial({body_bytes:Ae.body_bytes,auth_info_bytes:Ae.auth_info_bytes,signatures:[(0,a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)]});if((0,be.isSignDocCamelCase)(Ae))return C.TxRaw.fromPartial({body_bytes:Ae.bodyBytes,auth_info_bytes:Ae.authInfoBytes,signatures:[(0,a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)]});throw new Error(`unknown SignDoc instance: ${JSON.stringify(Ae)}`)})}},e.gasToFee=j,function(G){G[G.Success=0]="Success",G[G.ErrInternal=1]="ErrInternal",G[G.ErrTxDecode=2]="ErrTxDecode",G[G.ErrInvalidSequence=3]="ErrInvalidSequence",G[G.ErrUnauthorized=4]="ErrUnauthorized",G[G.ErrInsufficientFunds=5]="ErrInsufficientFunds",G[G.ErrUnknownRequest=6]="ErrUnknownRequest",G[G.ErrInvalidAddress=7]="ErrInvalidAddress",G[G.ErrInvalidPubKey=8]="ErrInvalidPubKey",G[G.ErrUnknownAddress=9]="ErrUnknownAddress",G[G.ErrInvalidCoins=10]="ErrInvalidCoins",G[G.ErrOutOfGas=11]="ErrOutOfGas",G[G.ErrMemoTooLarge=12]="ErrMemoTooLarge",G[G.ErrInsufficientFee=13]="ErrInsufficientFee",G[G.ErrTooManySignatures=14]="ErrTooManySignatures",G[G.ErrNoSignatures=15]="ErrNoSignatures",G[G.ErrJSONMarshal=16]="ErrJSONMarshal",G[G.ErrJSONUnmarshal=17]="ErrJSONUnmarshal",G[G.ErrInvalidRequest=18]="ErrInvalidRequest",G[G.ErrTxInMempoolCache=19]="ErrTxInMempoolCache",G[G.ErrMempoolIsFull=20]="ErrMempoolIsFull",G[G.ErrTxTooLarge=21]="ErrTxTooLarge",G[G.ErrKeyNotFound=22]="ErrKeyNotFound",G[G.ErrWrongPassword=23]="ErrWrongPassword",G[G.ErrorInvalidSigner=24]="ErrorInvalidSigner",G[G.ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment=25]="ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment",G[G.ErrInvalidHeight=26]="ErrInvalidHeight",G[G.ErrInvalidVersion=27]="ErrInvalidVersion",G[G.ErrInvalidChainID=28]="ErrInvalidChainID",G[G.ErrInvalidType=29]="ErrInvalidType",G[G.ErrTxTimeoutHeight=30]="ErrTxTimeoutHeight",G[G.ErrUnknownExtensionOptions=31]="ErrUnknownExtensionOptions",G[G.ErrWrongSequence=32]="ErrWrongSequence",G[G.ErrPackAny=33]="ErrPackAny",G[G.ErrUnpackAny=34]="ErrUnpackAny",G[G.ErrLogic=35]="ErrLogic",G[G.ErrConflict=36]="ErrConflict",G[G.ErrNotSupported=37]="ErrNotSupported",G[G.ErrNotFound=38]="ErrNotFound",G[G.ErrIO=39]="ErrIO",G[G.ErrAppConfig=40]="ErrAppConfig",G[G.ErrPanic=111222]="ErrPanic"}(g=e.TxResultCode||(e.TxResultCode={}))},2132:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(n,o,i,f){return new(i||(i=Promise))(function(c,h){function m(l){try{C(f.next(l))}catch(I){h(I)}}function v(l){try{C(f.throw(l))}catch(I){h(I)}}function C(l){var I;l.done?c(l.value):(I=l.value,I instanceof i?I:new i(function(R){R(I)})).then(m,v)}C((f=f.apply(n,o||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgRevoke=e.MsgExec=e.MsgGrant=e.StakeAuthorizationType=e.MsgGrantAuthorization=void 0;const M=b(9094),P=b(5635),y=b(5939),a=b(837);function t(n){return"msg"in n}function d(n){return"spend_limit"in n}function u(n){return"max_tokens"in n&&"allow_list"in n&&"deny_list"in n&&"authorization_type"in n}var s,r;(r=e.MsgGrantAuthorization||(e.MsgGrantAuthorization={})).MsgAcknowledgement="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement",r.MsgBeginRedelegate="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate",r.MsgChannelCloseConfirm="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm",r.MsgChannelCloseInit="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit",r.MsgChannelOpenAck="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck",r.MsgChannelOpenConfirm="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm",r.MsgChannelOpenInit="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit",r.MsgChannelOpenTry="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry",r.MsgConnectionOpenAck="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck",r.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm",r.MsgConnectionOpenInit="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit",r.MsgConnectionOpenTry="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry",r.MsgCreateClient="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient",r.MsgCreateValidator="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",r.MsgDelegate="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",r.MsgDeposit="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit",r.MsgEditValidator="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator",r.MsgExec="/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec",r.MsgExecuteContract="/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract",r.MsgFundCommunityPool="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool",r.MsgGrant="/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",r.MsgGrantAllowance="/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance",r.MsgInstantiateContract="/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract",r.MsgMultiSend="/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend",r.MsgRecvPacket="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket",r.MsgRevoke="/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke",r.MsgRevokeAllowance="/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance",r.MsgSend="/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",r.MsgSetWithdrawAddress="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress",r.MsgStoreCode="/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode",r.MsgSubmitEvidence="/cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.MsgSubmitEvidence",r.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour",r.MsgSubmitProposal="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal",r.MsgTimeout="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout",r.MsgTimeoutOnClose="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose",r.MsgTransfer="/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",r.MsgUndelegate="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate",r.MsgUnjail="/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail",r.MsgUpdateClient="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient",r.MsgUpgradeClient="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient",r.MsgVerifyInvariant="/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant",r.MsgVote="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote",r.MsgVoteWeighted="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted",r.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward",r.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",(s=e.StakeAuthorizationType||(e.StakeAuthorizationType={}))[s.Delegate=1]="Delegate",s[s.Undelegate=2]="Undelegate",s[s.Redelegate=3]="Redelegate",e.MsgGrant=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){var n,o;return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let i;const f={seconds:String(Math.floor(this.params.expiration)),nanos:0};if(d(this.params.authorization))i={authorization:{type_url:"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.SendAuthorization",value:y.SendAuthorization.encode(this.params.authorization).finish()},expiration:f};else if(u(this.params.authorization)){let h,m;((n=this.params.authorization.allow_list)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.length)>0?h={address:this.params.authorization.allow_list}:((o=this.params.authorization.deny_list)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.length)>0&&(m={address:this.params.authorization.deny_list}),i={authorization:{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.StakeAuthorization",value:a.StakeAuthorization.encode({max_tokens:this.params.authorization.max_tokens,allow_list:h,deny_list:m,authorization_type:Number(this.params.authorization.authorization_type)}).finish()},expiration:f}}else{if(!t(this.params.authorization))throw new Error("Unknown authorization type.");i={authorization:{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization",value:M.GenericAuthorization.encode({msg:String(this.params.authorization.msg)}).finish()},expiration:f}}const c={granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,grant:i};return{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",value:c,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return P.MsgGrant.encode(c).finish()})}})}toAmino(){var n,o;return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let i={type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgGrant",value:{granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,grant:{authorization:{},expiration:new Date(1e3*Math.floor(this.params.expiration)).toISOString().replace(/\.\d+Z/,"Z")}}};if(d(this.params.authorization))i.value.grant.authorization={type:"cosmos-sdk/SendAuthorization",value:{spend_limit:this.params.authorization.spend_limit}};else if(u(this.params.authorization)){let f;if(((n=this.params.authorization.allow_list)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.length)>0)f={type:"cosmos-sdk/StakeAuthorization/AllowList",value:{allow_list:{address:this.params.authorization.allow_list}}};else{if(!(((o=this.params.authorization.deny_list)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.length)>0))throw new Error("Must pass in allow_list or deny_list.");f={type:"cosmos-sdk/StakeAuthorization/DenyList",value:{deny_list:{address:this.params.authorization.deny_list}}}}i.value.grant.authorization={type:"cosmos-sdk/StakeAuthorization",value:{max_tokens:this.params.authorization.max_tokens,authorization_type:this.params.authorization.authorization_type,Validators:f}}}else{if(!t(this.params.authorization))throw new Error("Unknown authorization type.");i.value.grant.authorization={type:"cosmos-sdk/GenericAuthorization",value:{msg:this.params.authorization.msg}}}return i})}},e.MsgExec=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(n){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const o=[];for(const f of this.params.msgs){const c=yield f.toProto(n);o.push({type_url:c.type_url,value:yield c.encode()})}const i={grantee:this.params.grantee,msgs:o};return{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec",value:i,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return P.MsgExec.encode(i).finish()})}})}toAmino(n){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgExec",value:{grantee:this.params.grantee,msgs:yield Promise.all(this.params.msgs.map(o=>o.toAmino(n)))}}})}},e.MsgRevoke=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const n={granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,msg_type_url:String(this.params.msg)};return{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke",value:n,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return P.MsgRevoke.encode(n).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRevoke",value:{granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,msg_type_url:String(this.params.msg)}}})}}},587:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgMultiSend=e.MsgSend=void 0,e.MsgSend=class{constructor({from_address:a,to_address:t,amount:d}){this.from_address=a,this.to_address=t,this.amount=d}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const a={from_address:this.from_address,to_address:this.to_address,amount:this.amount};return{type_url:"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",value:a,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(810)))).MsgSend.encode(a).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",value:{from_address:this.from_address,to_address:this.to_address,amount:this.amount}}})}},e.MsgMultiSend=class{constructor({inputs:a,outputs:t}){this.inputs=a,this.outputs=t}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const a={inputs:this.inputs,outputs:this.outputs};return{type_url:"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend",value:a,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(810)))).MsgMultiSend.encode(a).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgMultiSend",value:{inputs:this.inputs,outputs:this.outputs}}})}}},7278:function(J,e,b){var E=b(5108),M=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),P=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),y=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&M(r,s,n);return P(r,s),r},a=this&&this.__awaiter||function(s,r,n,o){return new(n||(n=Promise))(function(i,f){function c(v){try{m(o.next(v))}catch(C){f(C)}}function h(v){try{m(o.throw(v))}catch(C){f(C)}}function m(v){var C;v.done?i(v.value):(C=v.value,C instanceof n?C:new n(function(l){l(C)})).then(c,h)}m((o=o.apply(s,r||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClearAdmin=e.MsgUpdateAdmin=e.MsgMigrateContract=e.MsgStoreCode=e.MsgExecuteContract=e.MsgInstantiateContract=e.getMissingCodeHashWarning=void 0;const t=b(8972),d=b(8593);function u(s){return`${new Date().toISOString()} WARNING: ${s} was used without the "code_hash" parameter. This is discouraged and will result in much slower execution times for your app.`}e.getMissingCodeHashWarning=u,e.MsgInstantiateContract=class{constructor({sender:s,code_id:r,label:n,init_msg:o,init_funds:i,code_hash:f,admin:c}){this.warnCodeHash=!1,this.sender=s,this.codeId=String(r),this.label=n,this.initMsg=o,this.initMsgEncrypted=null,this.initFunds=i??[],this.admin=c??"",f?this.codeHash=f.replace(/^0x/,"").toLowerCase():(this.codeHash="",this.warnCodeHash=!0,E.warn(u("MsgInstantiateContract")))}toProto(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgInstantiateContract")),this.initMsgEncrypted||(this.initMsgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.initMsg));const r={sender:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.sender),code_id:this.codeId,label:this.label,init_msg:this.initMsgEncrypted,init_funds:this.initFunds,callback_sig:new Uint8Array(0),callback_code_hash:"",admin:this.admin};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract",value:r,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>y(b(2896)))).MsgInstantiateContract.encode(r).finish()})}})}toAmino(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgInstantiateContract")),this.initMsgEncrypted||(this.initMsgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.initMsg)),{type:"wasm/MsgInstantiateContract",value:{sender:this.sender,code_id:this.codeId,label:this.label,init_msg:(0,t.toBase64)(this.initMsgEncrypted),init_funds:this.initFunds,admin:this.admin.length>0?this.admin:void 0}}})}},e.MsgExecuteContract=class{constructor({sender:s,contract_address:r,msg:n,sent_funds:o,code_hash:i}){this.warnCodeHash=!1,this.sender=s,this.contractAddress=r,this.msg=n,this.msgEncrypted=null,this.sentFunds=o??[],i?this.codeHash=i.replace(/^0x/,"").toLowerCase():(this.codeHash="",this.warnCodeHash=!0,E.warn(u("MsgExecuteContract")))}toProto(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgExecuteContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg));const r={sender:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.sender),contract:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.contractAddress),msg:this.msgEncrypted,sent_funds:this.sentFunds,callback_sig:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:""};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract",value:r,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>y(b(2896)))).MsgExecuteContract.encode(r).finish()})}})}toAmino(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgExecuteContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg)),{type:"wasm/MsgExecuteContract",value:{sender:this.sender,contract:this.contractAddress,msg:(0,t.toBase64)(this.msgEncrypted),sent_funds:this.sentFunds}}})}},e.MsgStoreCode=class{constructor({sender:s,wasm_byte_code:r,source:n,builder:o}){this.sender=s,this.source=n,this.builder=o,this.wasmByteCode=r}gzipWasm(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!(0,d.is_gzip)(this.wasmByteCode)){const s=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>y(b(9591)));this.wasmByteCode=s.gzip(this.wasmByteCode,{level:9})}})}toProto(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){yield this.gzipWasm();const s={sender:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.sender),wasm_byte_code:this.wasmByteCode,source:this.source,builder:this.builder};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode",value:s,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>y(b(2896)))).MsgStoreCode.encode(s).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.gzipWasm(),{type:"wasm/MsgStoreCode",value:{sender:this.sender,wasm_byte_code:(0,t.toBase64)(this.wasmByteCode),source:this.source.length>0?this.source:void 0,builder:this.builder.length>0?this.builder:void 0}}})}},e.MsgMigrateContract=class{constructor({sender:s,contract_address:r,msg:n,code_id:o,code_hash:i}){this.warnCodeHash=!1,this.sender=s,this.contractAddress=r,this.msg=n,this.msgEncrypted=null,this.codeId=String(o),i?this.codeHash=i.replace(/^0x/,"").toLowerCase():(this.codeHash="",this.warnCodeHash=!0,E.warn(u("MsgMigrateContract")))}toProto(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgMigrateContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg));const r={sender:this.sender,contract:this.contractAddress,msg:this.msgEncrypted,code_id:this.codeId,callback_sig:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:""};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract",value:r,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>y(b(2896)))).MsgMigrateContract.encode(r).finish()})}})}toAmino(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgMigrateContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg)),{type:"wasm/MsgMigrateContract",value:{sender:this.sender,contract:this.contractAddress,msg:(0,t.toBase64)(this.msgEncrypted),code_id:this.codeId}}})}},e.MsgUpdateAdmin=class{constructor(s){this.params=s}toProto(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgUpdateAdmin",value:this.params,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>y(b(2896)))).MsgUpdateAdmin.encode({sender:this.params.sender,new_admin:this.params.new_admin,contract:this.params.contract_address,callback_sig:new Uint8Array}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"wasm/MsgUpdateAdmin",value:{sender:this.params.sender,new_admin:this.params.new_admin,contract:this.params.contract_address}}})}},e.MsgClearAdmin=class{constructor(s){this.params=s}toProto(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgClearAdmin",value:this.params,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>y(b(2896)))).MsgClearAdmin.encode({sender:this.params.sender,contract:this.params.contract_address,callback_sig:new Uint8Array}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"wasm/MsgClearAdmin",value:{sender:this.params.sender,contract:this.params.contract_address}}})}}},7949:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgVerifyInvariant=void 0,e.MsgVerifyInvariant=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4489)))).MsgVerifyInvariant.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgVerifyInvariant",value:{sender:this.params.sender||void 0,invariant_module_name:this.params.invariant_module_name||void 0,invariant_route:this.params.invariant_route||void 0}}})}}},1890:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),Object.defineProperty(d,r,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return u[s]}})}:function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),d[r]=u[s]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(d,u){Object.defineProperty(d,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:u})}:function(d,u){d.default=u}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(d){if(d&&d.__esModule)return d;var u={};if(d!=null)for(var s in d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return M(u,d),u},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSetAutoRestake=e.MsgFundCommunityPool=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward=e.MsgWithdrawDelegationReward=e.MsgModifyWithdrawAddress=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress=void 0;class a{constructor(u){this.params=u}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4301)))).MsgSetWithdrawAddress.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgModifyWithdrawAddress",value:this.params}})}}e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress=a,e.MsgModifyWithdrawAddress=a;class t{constructor(u){this.params=u}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4301)))).MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward",value:this.params}})}}e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward=t,e.MsgWithdrawDelegationReward=t,e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4301)))).MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgFundCommunityPool=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4301)))).MsgFundCommunityPool.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgFundCommunityPool",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgSetAutoRestake=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4301)))).MsgSetAutoRestake.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgSetAutoRestake",value:Object.assign({},this.params,{enabled:!!this.params.enabled||void 0})}})}}},6049:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch=void 0,e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(4657)))).MsgToggleIbcSwitch.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"emergencybutton/MsgToggleIbcSwitch",value:this.params}})}}},3651:function(J,e){var b=this&&this.__awaiter||function(E,M,P,y){return new(P||(P=Promise))(function(a,t){function d(r){try{s(y.next(r))}catch(n){t(n)}}function u(r){try{s(y.throw(r))}catch(n){t(n)}}function s(r){var n;r.done?a(r.value):(n=r.value,n instanceof P?n:new P(function(o){o(n)})).then(d,u)}s((y=y.apply(E,M||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSubmitEvidence=void 0,e.MsgSubmitEvidence=class{constructor(E){this.params=E}toProto(){return b(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgSubmitEvidence not implemented.")})}toAmino(){return b(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgSubmitEvidence not implemented.")})}}},8434:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgRevokeAllowance=e.MsgGrantAllowance=void 0;const M=b(4932),P=b(6513);function y(d){return"spend_limit"in d}function a(d){return"period_spend_limit"in d}function t(d){return"allowed_messages"in d}e.MsgGrantAllowance=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let d;if(y(this.params.allowance))d={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance",value:M.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish()};else if(a(this.params.allowance))d={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance",value:M.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish()};else{if(!t(this.params.allowance))throw new Error(`Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance', 'PeriodicAllowance' or 'AllowedMsgAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance)}`);{let u;if(y(this.params.allowance.allowance))u={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance",value:M.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish()};else{if(!a(this.params.allowance.allowance))throw new Error(`PeriodicAllowance: Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance' or 'PeriodicAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance.allowance)}`);u={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance",value:M.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish()}}d={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.AllowedMsgAllowance",value:M.AllowedMsgAllowance.encode({allowed_messages:this.params.allowance.allowed_messages,allowance:u}).finish()}}}return{type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return P.MsgGrantAllowance.encode({grantee:this.params.grantee,granter:this.params.granter,allowance:d}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let d;if(y(this.params.allowance))d={type:"cosmos-sdk/BasicAllowance",value:{spend_limit:this.params.allowance.spend_limit,expiration:this.params.allowance.expiration}};else if(a(this.params.allowance))d={type:"cosmos-sdk/PeriodicAllowance",value:{basic:this.params.allowance.basic,period:this.params.allowance.period,period_spend_limit:this.params.allowance.period_spend_limit,period_can_spend:this.params.allowance.period_can_spend,period_reset:this.params.allowance.period_reset}};else{if(!t(this.params.allowance))throw new Error(`Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance', 'PeriodicAllowance' or 'AllowedMsgAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance)}`);{let u;if(y(this.params.allowance.allowance))u={type:"cosmos-sdk/BasicAllowance",value:{spend_limit:this.params.allowance.allowance.spend_limit,expiration:this.params.allowance.allowance.expiration}};else{if(!a(this.params.allowance.allowance))throw new Error(`PeriodicAllowance: Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance' or 'PeriodicAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance.allowance)}`);u={type:"cosmos-sdk/PeriodicAllowance",value:{basic:this.params.allowance.allowance.basic,period:this.params.allowance.allowance.period,period_spend_limit:this.params.allowance.allowance.period_spend_limit,period_can_spend:this.params.allowance.allowance.period_can_spend,period_reset:this.params.allowance.allowance.period_reset}}}d={type:"cosmos-sdk/AllowedMsgAllowance",value:{allowed_messages:this.params.allowance.allowed_messages,allowance:u}}}}return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgGrantAllowance",value:{granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,allowance:d}}})}},e.MsgRevokeAllowance=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return P.MsgRevokeAllowance.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRevokeAllowance",value:this.params}})}}},4509:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return M(i,o),i},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(o,i,f,c){return new(f||(f=Promise))(function(h,m){function v(I){try{l(c.next(I))}catch(R){m(R)}}function C(I){try{l(c.throw(I))}catch(R){m(R)}}function l(I){var R;I.done?h(I.value):(R=I.value,R instanceof f?R:new f(function(k){k(R)})).then(v,C)}l((c=c.apply(o,i||[])).next())})},a=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgDeposit=e.MsgVoteWeighted=e.MsgVote=e.MsgSubmitProposal=e.ProposalType=e.ProposalStatus=e.VoteOption=void 0;const t=a(b(4431)),d=b(4191);var u,s,r;(r=e.VoteOption||(e.VoteOption={}))[r.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED=0]="VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_YES=1]="VOTE_OPTION_YES",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN=2]="VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_NO=3]="VOTE_OPTION_NO",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO=4]="VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO",(s=e.ProposalStatus||(e.ProposalStatus={}))[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED=0]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD=1]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD=2]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED=3]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED=4]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED=5]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED",s[s.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED",function(o){o.TextProposal="TextProposal",o.CommunityPoolSpendProposal="CommunityPoolSpendProposal",o.ParameterChangeProposal="ParameterChangeProposal",o.ClientUpdateProposal="ClientUpdateProposal",o.UpgradeProposal="UpgradeProposal",o.SoftwareUpgradeProposal="SoftwareUpgradeProposal",o.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal="CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal"}(u=e.ProposalType||(e.ProposalType={}));const n=new Map([[u.TextProposal,"cosmos-sdk/TextProposal"],[u.CommunityPoolSpendProposal,"cosmos-sdk/CommunityPoolSpendProposal"],[u.ParameterChangeProposal,"cosmos-sdk/ParameterChangeProposal"],[u.SoftwareUpgradeProposal,"cosmos-sdk/SoftwareUpgradeProposal"],[u.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal,"cosmos-sdk/CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal"]]);e.MsgSubmitProposal=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){var o;return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let i;switch(this.params.type){case u.TextProposal:const{TextProposal:c}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(9074)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal",value:c.encode(c.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.CommunityPoolSpendProposal:const{CommunityPoolSpendProposal:h}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8866)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.CommunityPoolSpendProposal",value:h.encode(h.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.ParameterChangeProposal:const{ParameterChangeProposal:m}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(9913)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.params.v1beta1.ParameterChangeProposal",value:m.encode(m.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.ClientUpdateProposal:const{ClientUpdateProposal:v}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(5650)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.ClientUpdateProposal",value:v.encode(v.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.UpgradeProposal:const{UpgradeProposal:C}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(5650)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.UpgradeProposal",value:C.encode(C.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.SoftwareUpgradeProposal:const{SoftwareUpgradeProposal:l}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8310)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal",value:l.encode(l.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal:const{CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal:I}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8310)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal",value:I.encode(I.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;default:throw new Error(`Unknown proposal type: "${this.params.type}" - ${JSON.stringify(this.params.content)}`)}const f={content:i,initial_deposit:this.params.initial_deposit,proposer:this.params.proposer,is_expedited:(o=this.params.is_expedited)!==null&&o!==void 0&&o};return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal",value:f,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(88)))).MsgSubmitProposal.encode(f).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const o=n.get(this.params.type);if(!o)throw new Error(`Proposal of type "${String(this.params.type)}" is not supported with an Amino signer.`);let i=this.params.content;return this.params.type===u.SoftwareUpgradeProposal&&i.plan&&(i=Object.assign(Object.assign({},i),{plan:Object.assign(Object.assign({},i.plan),{time:"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"})})),{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgSubmitProposal",value:{content:{type:o,value:i},initial_deposit:this.params.initial_deposit,proposer:this.params.proposer,is_expedited:!!this.params.is_expedited||void 0}}})}},e.MsgVote=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(88)))).MsgVote.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgVote",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgVoteWeighted=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const o={voter:this.params.voter,proposal_id:this.params.proposal_id,options:this.params.options.map(i=>({option:i.option,weight:new t.default(i.weight).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,"")}))};return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted",value:o,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(88)))).MsgVoteWeighted.encode(o).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgVoteWeighted",value:{voter:this.params.voter,proposal_id:this.params.proposal_id,options:this.params.options.map(o=>({option:o.option,weight:new t.default(o.weight).toFixed(18)}))}}})}},e.MsgDeposit=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(88)))).MsgDeposit.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgDeposit",value:this.params}})}}},6130:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm=e.MsgChannelCloseInit=e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm=e.MsgChannelOpenAck=e.MsgChannelOpenTry=e.MsgAcknowledgement=e.MsgChannelOpenInit=e.MsgTimeoutOnClose=e.MsgTimeout=e.MsgRecvPacket=void 0,e.MsgRecvPacket=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgRecvPacket.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgRecvPacket doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgTimeout=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgTimeout.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgTimeout doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgTimeoutOnClose=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgTimeoutOnClose.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgTimeoutOnClose doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenInit=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenInit doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgAcknowledgement=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgAcknowledgement.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgAcknowledgement doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenTry=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenTry doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenAck=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenAck doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelCloseInit=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseInit.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelCloseInit doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelCloseConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}}},574:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgCreateClient=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour=e.MsgUpgradeClient=e.MsgUpdateClient=void 0,e.MsgUpdateClient=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(322)))).MsgUpdateClient.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgUpdateClient doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgUpgradeClient=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(322)))).MsgUpgradeClient.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgUpgradeClient doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(322)))).MsgSubmitMisbehaviour.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgSubmitMisbehaviour doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgCreateClient=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(322)))).MsgCreateClient.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgCreateClient doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}}},6187:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm=e.MsgConnectionOpenAck=e.MsgConnectionOpenTry=e.MsgConnectionOpenInit=void 0,e.MsgConnectionOpenInit=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenInit doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgConnectionOpenTry=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenTry doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgConnectionOpenAck=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenAck doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm",value:this.msg,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}}},7989:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(P,y,a,t){return new(a||(a=Promise))(function(d,u){function s(o){try{n(t.next(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function r(o){try{n(t.throw(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function n(o){var i;o.done?d(o.value):(i=o.value,i instanceof a?i:new a(function(f){f(i)})).then(s,r)}n((t=t.apply(P,y||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync=e.MsgPayPacketFee=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee=e.MsgRegisterPayee=void 0;const M=b(6065);e.MsgRegisterPayee=class{constructor(P){this.params=P}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterPayee",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.MsgRegisterPayee.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRegisterPayee",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee=class{constructor(P){this.params=P}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgPayPacketFee=class{constructor(P){this.params=P}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFee",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.MsgPayPacketFee.encode({fee:this.params.fee,source_port_id:this.params.source_port_id,source_channel_id:this.params.source_channel_id,signer:this.params.signer,relayers:this.params.relayers||[]}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgPayPacketFee",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync=class{constructor(P){this.params=P}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return M.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgPayPacketFeeAsync",value:this.params}})}}},6272:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgTransfer=void 0,e.MsgTransfer=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const a={source_port:this.params.source_port,source_channel:this.params.source_channel,token:this.params.token,sender:this.params.sender,receiver:this.params.receiver,timeout_height:this.params.timeout_height,timeout_timestamp:this.params.timeout_timestamp?`${this.params.timeout_timestamp}000000000`:"0",memo:this.params.memo||""};return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",value:a,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(865)))).MsgTransfer.encode(a).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgTransfer",value:{source_port:this.params.source_port,source_channel:this.params.source_channel,token:this.params.token,sender:this.params.sender,receiver:this.params.receiver,timeout_height:this.params.timeout_height?{revision_number:this.params.timeout_height.revision_number,revision_height:this.params.timeout_height.revision_height}:{},timeout_timestamp:this.params.timeout_timestamp?`${this.params.timeout_timestamp}000000000`:"0",memo:this.params.memo}}})}}},3745:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(I,R,k,N){N===void 0&&(N=k),Object.defineProperty(I,N,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return R[k]}})}:function(I,R,k,N){N===void 0&&(N=k),I[N]=R[k]}),M=this&&this.__exportStar||function(I,R){for(var k in I)k==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(R,k)||E(R,I,k)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgRegistry=void 0;const P=b(5635),y=b(810),a=b(4489),t=b(4301),d=b(3676),u=b(6513),s=b(88),r=b(5925),n=b(7704),o=b(8644),i=b(6065),f=b(865),c=b(7579),h=b(322),m=b(8344),v=b(2896),C=b(4657),l=b(1901);M(b(2132),e),M(b(587),e),M(b(7278),e),M(b(7949),e),M(b(1890),e),M(b(6049),e),M(b(3651),e),M(b(8434),e),M(b(4509),e),M(b(6130),e),M(b(574),e),M(b(6187),e),M(b(7989),e),M(b(6272),e),M(b(5656),e),M(b(2731),e),M(b(8382),e),M(b(5498),e),e.MsgRegistry=new Map([["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",P.MsgGrant],["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec",P.MsgExec],["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke",P.MsgRevoke],["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",y.MsgSend],["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend",y.MsgMultiSend],["/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant",a.MsgVerifyInvariant],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress",t.MsgSetWithdrawAddress],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward",t.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",t.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool",t.MsgFundCommunityPool],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake",t.MsgSetAutoRestake],["/cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.MsgSubmitEvidence",d.MsgSubmitEvidence],["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance",u.MsgGrantAllowance],["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance",u.MsgRevokeAllowance],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal",s.MsgSubmitProposal],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote",s.MsgVote],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted",s.MsgVoteWeighted],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit",s.MsgDeposit],["/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail",r.MsgUnjail],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",n.MsgCreateValidator],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator",n.MsgEditValidator],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",n.MsgDelegate],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate",n.MsgBeginRedelegate],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate",n.MsgUndelegate],["/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",f.MsgTransfer],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFee",i.MsgPayPacketFee],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync",i.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterPayee",i.MsgRegisterPayee],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee",i.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit",c.MsgChannelOpenInit],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry",c.MsgChannelOpenTry],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck",c.MsgChannelOpenAck],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm",c.MsgChannelOpenConfirm],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit",c.MsgChannelCloseInit],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm",c.MsgChannelCloseConfirm],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket",c.MsgRecvPacket],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout",c.MsgTimeout],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose",c.MsgTimeoutOnClose],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement",c.MsgAcknowledgement],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient",h.MsgCreateClient],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient",h.MsgUpdateClient],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient",h.MsgUpgradeClient],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour",h.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit",m.MsgConnectionOpenInit],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry",m.MsgConnectionOpenTry],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck",m.MsgConnectionOpenAck],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm",m.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode",v.MsgStoreCode],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract",v.MsgInstantiateContract],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract",v.MsgExecuteContract],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract",v.MsgMigrateContract],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgUpdateAdmin",v.MsgUpdateAdmin],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgClearAdmin",v.MsgClearAdmin],["/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate",l.RaAuthenticate],["/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount",o.MsgCreateVestingAccount],["/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch",C.MsgToggleIbcSwitch]])},8772:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),Object.defineProperty(d,r,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return u[s]}})}:function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),d[r]=u[s]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(d,u){Object.defineProperty(d,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:u})}:function(d,u){d.default=u}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(d){if(d&&d.__esModule)return d;var u={};if(d!=null)for(var s in d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return M(u,d),u},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.RaAuthenticate=void 0;const a=b(8972),t=b(3607);e.RaAuthenticate=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const d={sender:(0,t.addressToBytes)(this.params.sender),certificate:this.params.certificate};return{type_url:"/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate",value:d,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(1901)))).RaAuthenticate.encode(d).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"reg/authenticate",value:{sender:this.params.sender,ra_cert:(0,a.toBase64)(this.params.certificate)}}})}}},5656:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgUnjail=void 0,e.MsgUnjail=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(5925)))).MsgUnjail.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgUnjail",value:{address:this.params.validator_addr}}})}}},2731:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return M(o,n),o},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(n,o,i,f){return new(i||(i=Promise))(function(c,h){function m(l){try{C(f.next(l))}catch(I){h(I)}}function v(l){try{C(f.throw(l))}catch(I){h(I)}}function C(l){var I;l.done?c(l.value):(I=l.value,I instanceof i?I:new i(function(R){R(I)})).then(m,v)}C((f=f.apply(n,o||[])).next())})},a=this&&this.__importDefault||function(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgUndelegate=e.MsgBeginRedelegate=e.MsgDelegate=e.MsgEditValidator=e.MsgCreateValidator=void 0;const t=b(8972),d=b(7715),u=a(b(4431)),s=b(7776),r=b(4191);e.MsgCreateValidator=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const n={description:this.params.description,commission:{rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,""),max_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,""),max_change_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_change_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,"")},min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation,delegator_address:this.params.delegator_address,validator_address:d.bech32.encode("secretvaloper",d.bech32.decode(this.params.delegator_address).words),pubkey:r.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",value:s.PubKey.encode(s.PubKey.fromPartial({key:(0,t.fromBase64)(this.params.pubkey)})).finish()}),value:this.params.initial_delegation};return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",value:n,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7704)))).MsgCreateValidator.encode(n).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgCreateValidator",value:{description:{moniker:this.params.description.moniker,identity:this.params.description.identity,website:this.params.description.website,security_contact:this.params.description.security_contact,details:this.params.description.details},commission:{rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.rate).toFixed(18),max_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_rate).toFixed(18),max_change_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_change_rate).toFixed(18)},min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation,delegator_address:this.params.delegator_address,validator_address:d.bech32.encode("secretvaloper",d.bech32.decode(this.params.delegator_address).words),pubkey:{type:"tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",value:this.params.pubkey},value:this.params.initial_delegation}}})}},e.MsgEditValidator=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{Description:n}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(2572))),o={validator_address:this.params.validator_address,description:n.fromPartial(this.params.description||{}),commission_rate:this.params.commission_rate?new u.default(this.params.commission_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,""):"",min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation||""};return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator",value:o,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7704)))).MsgEditValidator.encode(o).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let n,o;return this.params.description&&(n={moniker:this.params.description.moniker,identity:this.params.description.identity,website:this.params.description.website,security_contact:this.params.description.security_contact,details:this.params.description.details}),this.params.commission_rate&&(o=new u.default(this.params.commission_rate).toFixed(18)),{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgEditValidator",value:{validator_address:this.params.validator_address,description:n,commission_rate:o,min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation}}})}},e.MsgDelegate=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7704)))).MsgDelegate.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgBeginRedelegate=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7704)))).MsgBeginRedelegate.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgBeginRedelegate",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgUndelegate=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(7704)))).MsgUndelegate.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate",value:this.params}})}}},8382:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},5498:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return M(t,a),t},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgCreateVestingAccount=void 0,e.MsgCreateVestingAccount=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount",value:this.params,encode:()=>y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8644)))).MsgCreateVestingAccount.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgCreateVestingAccount not implemented.")})}}},8593:(J,e,b)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.bytesToAddress=e.addressToBytes=e.validateAddress=e.coinsFromString=e.stringToCoins=e.coinFromString=e.stringToCoin=e.ibcDenom=e.base64TendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=e.tendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=e.validatorAddressToSelfDelegatorAddress=e.selfDelegatorAddressToValidatorAddress=e.base64PubkeyToAddress=e.pubkeyToAddress=e.is_gzip=void 0;const E=b(8972),M=b(830),P=b(3061),y=b(7715);function a(d,u="secret"){return y.bech32.encode(u,y.bech32.toWords((0,M.ripemd160)((0,P.sha256)(d))))}function t(d,u="secret"){return y.bech32.encode(`${u}valcons`,y.bech32.toWords((0,P.sha256)(d).slice(0,20)))}e.is_gzip=d=>!(!d||d.length<3)&&d[0]===31&&d[1]===139&&d[2]===8,e.pubkeyToAddress=a,e.base64PubkeyToAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return a((0,E.fromBase64)(d),u)},e.selfDelegatorAddressToValidatorAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return y.bech32.encode(`${u}valoper`,y.bech32.decode(d).words)},e.validatorAddressToSelfDelegatorAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return y.bech32.encode(u,y.bech32.decode(d).words)},e.tendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=t,e.base64TendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return t((0,E.fromBase64)(d),u)},e.ibcDenom=(d,u)=>{const s=[];for(const n of d)s.push(`${n.incomingPortId}/${n.incomingChannelId}`);const r=`${s.join("/")}/${u}`;return"ibc/"+(0,E.toHex)((0,P.sha256)((0,E.toUtf8)(r))).toUpperCase()},e.stringToCoin=d=>{const u=d.match(/^(\d+)([a-z]+)$/);if(u===null)throw new Error(`cannot extract denom & amount from '${d}'`);return{amount:u[1],denom:u[2]}},e.coinFromString=e.stringToCoin,e.stringToCoins=d=>d.split(",").map(e.stringToCoin),e.coinsFromString=e.stringToCoins,e.validateAddress=(d,u="secret")=>{let s;try{s=y.bech32.decode(d)}catch(n){let o="failed to decode address as a bech32";return n instanceof Error&&(o+=`: ${n.message}`),{isValid:!1,reason:o}}if(s.prefix!==u)return{isValid:!1,reason:`wrong bech32 prefix, expected '${u}', got '${s.prefix}'`};const r=y.bech32.fromWords(s.words);return r.length!==20&&r.length!==32?{isValid:!1,reason:`wrong address length, expected 20 or 32 bytes, got ${r.length}`}:{isValid:!0}},e.addressToBytes=function(d){return d===""?new Uint8Array(0):Uint8Array.from(y.bech32.fromWords(y.bech32.decode(d).words))},e.bytesToAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return d.length===0?"":y.bech32.encode(u,y.bech32.toWords(d))}},5360:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return M(h,c),h},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(c,h,m,v){return new(m||(m=Promise))(function(C,l){function I(N){try{k(v.next(N))}catch(A){l(A)}}function R(N){try{k(v.throw(N))}catch(A){l(A)}}function k(N){var A;N.done?C(N.value):(A=N.value,A instanceof m?A:new m(function(w){w(A)})).then(I,R)}k((v=v.apply(c,h||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.isDirectSigner=e.isSignDocCamelCase=e.isSignDoc=e.serializeStdSignDoc=e.sortObject=e.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey=e.encodeSecp256k1Signature=e.AminoWallet=e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX=e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE=void 0;const a=b(8972),t=b(3061),d=P(b(9656)),u=P(b(7786)),s=P(b(2153)),r=b(3607);function n(c,h){if(h.length!==64)throw new Error("Signature must be 64 bytes long. Cosmos SDK uses a 2x32 byte fixed length encoding for the secp256k1 signature integers r and s.");return{pub_key:o(c),signature:(0,a.toBase64)(h)}}function o(c){if(c.length!==33||c[0]!==2&&c[0]!==3)throw new Error("Public key must be compressed secp256k1, i.e. 33 bytes starting with 0x02 or 0x03");return{type:"tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",value:(0,a.toBase64)(c)}}function i(c){if(typeof c!="object"||c===null)return c;if(Array.isArray(c))return c.map(i);const h=Object.keys(c).sort(),m={};return h.forEach(v=>{m[v]=i(c[v])}),m}function f(c){return(0,a.toUtf8)((h=c,JSON.stringify(i(h))));var h}e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE=529,e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX="secret",e.AminoWallet=class{constructor(c="",h={}){var m,v,C;c===""&&(c=s.generateMnemonic(256)),this.mnemonic=c,this.hdAccountIndex=(m=h.hdAccountIndex)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:0,this.coinType=(v=h.coinType)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE,this.bech32Prefix=(C=h.bech32Prefix)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX;const l=s.mnemonicToSeedSync(this.mnemonic),I=u.fromSeed(l).derivePath(`m/44'/${this.coinType}'/0'/0/${this.hdAccountIndex}`).privateKey;if(!I)throw new Error("Failed to derive key pair");this.privateKey=new Uint8Array(I),this.publicKey=d.getPublicKey(this.privateKey,!0),this.address=(0,r.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey,this.bech32Prefix)}getAccounts(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return[{address:this.address,algo:"secp256k1",pubkey:this.publicKey}]})}signAmino(c,h){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(c!==this.address)throw new Error(`Address ${c} not found in wallet`);const m=(0,t.sha256)(f(h)),v=yield d.sign(m,this.privateKey,{extraEntropy:!0,der:!1});return{signed:h,signature:n(this.publicKey,v)}})}},e.encodeSecp256k1Signature=n,e.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey=o,e.sortObject=i,e.serializeStdSignDoc=f,e.isSignDoc=function(c){return"body_bytes"in c&&"auth_info_bytes"in c&&"chain_id"in c&&"account_number"in c},e.isSignDocCamelCase=function(c){return"bodyBytes"in c&&"authInfoBytes"in c&&"chainId"in c&&"accountNumber"in c},e.isDirectSigner=function(c){return c.signDirect!==void 0}},1444:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return M(o,n),o},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(n,o,i,f){return new(i||(i=Promise))(function(c,h){function m(l){try{C(f.next(l))}catch(I){h(I)}}function v(l){try{C(f.throw(l))}catch(I){h(I)}}function C(l){var I;l.done?c(l.value):(I=l.value,I instanceof i?I:new i(function(R){R(I)})).then(m,v)}C((f=f.apply(n,o||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MetaMaskWallet=void 0;const a=b(5426),t=P(b(9656)),d=b(3061),u=b(3607),s=b(5360);class r{constructor(o,i,f){this.ethProvider=o,this.ethAddress=i,this.publicKey=f,this.address=(0,u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey)}static create(o,i){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const f=`secretjs_${i}_pubkey`,c=localStorage.getItem(f);if(c){const N=i.slice(2).toLocaleLowerCase();if((0,u.toHex)((0,a.keccak_256)(function(w){return t.Point.fromHex(w).toRawBytes(!1)}(c).slice(1)).slice(-20)).toLocaleLowerCase()===N)return new r(o,i,(0,u.fromHex)(c));localStorage.removeItem(f)}const h=(0,u.toUtf8)("Get secret address"),m=`0x${(0,u.toHex)(h)}`,v=(yield o.request({method:"personal_sign",params:[m,i]})).toString(),C=(0,u.fromHex)(v.slice(2,-2));let l=parseInt(v.slice(-2),16)-27;l<0&&(l+=27);const I=(0,u.toUtf8)(`Ethereum Signed Message: -`),R=(0,u.toUtf8)(String(h.length)),k=t.recoverPublicKey((0,a.keccak_256)(new Uint8Array([...I,...R,...h])),C,l,!0);return localStorage.setItem(f,(0,u.toHex)(k)),new r(o,i,k)})}getAccounts(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return[{address:this.address,algo:"secp256k1",pubkey:this.publicKey}]})}getSignMode(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191})}signAmino(o,i){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(o!==(0,u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey))throw new Error(`Address ${o} not found in wallet`);const f=`0x${(0,u.toHex)(function(m){return(0,u.toUtf8)((v=m,JSON.stringify((0,s.sortObject)(v),null,4)));var v}(i))}`,c=yield this.ethProvider.request({method:"personal_sign",params:[f,this.ethAddress]}),h=(0,u.fromHex)(c.slice(2,-2));return{signed:i,signature:(0,s.encodeSecp256k1Signature)(this.publicKey,h)}})}signPermit(o,i){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(o!==(0,u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey))throw new Error(`Address ${o} not found in wallet`);const f=(0,d.sha256)((0,s.serializeStdSignDoc)(i)),c=yield this.ethProvider.request({method:"eth_sign",params:[this.ethAddress,"0x"+(0,u.toHex)(f)]}),h=(0,u.fromHex)(c.slice(2,-2));return{signed:i,signature:(0,s.encodeSecp256k1Signature)(this.publicKey,h)}})}}e.MetaMaskWallet=r},1049:function(J,e,b){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),M=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),P=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return M(r,s),r},y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(s,r,n,o){return new(n||(n=Promise))(function(i,f){function c(v){try{m(o.next(v))}catch(C){f(C)}}function h(v){try{m(o.throw(v))}catch(C){f(C)}}function m(v){var C;v.done?i(v.value):(C=v.value,C instanceof n?C:new n(function(l){l(C)})).then(c,h)}m((o=o.apply(s,r||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Wallet=void 0;const a=b(3061),t=P(b(9656)),d=b(5360);class u extends d.AminoWallet{signDirect(r,n){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(r!==this.address)throw new Error(`Address ${r} not found in wallet`);const o=(0,a.sha256)(yield function({account_number:f,auth_info_bytes:c,body_bytes:h,chain_id:m}){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{SignDoc:v}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>P(b(6994)));return v.encode(v.fromPartial({account_number:f,auth_info_bytes:c,body_bytes:h,chain_id:m})).finish()})}(n)),i=yield t.sign(o,this.privateKey,{extraEntropy:!0,der:!1});return{signed:n,signature:(0,d.encodeSecp256k1Signature)(this.publicKey,i)}})}}e.Wallet=u},6647:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(247);function M(s){return s.name||s.toString().match(/function (.*?)\s*\(/)[1]}function P(s){return E.Nil(s)?"":M(s.constructor)}function y(s,r){Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(s,r)}function a(s){return E.Function(s)?s.toJSON?s.toJSON():M(s):E.Array(s)?"Array":s&&E.Object(s)?"Object":s!==void 0?s:""}function t(s,r,n){var o=function(i){return E.Function(i)?"":E.String(i)?JSON.stringify(i):i&&E.Object(i)?"":i}(r);return"Expected "+a(s)+", got"+(n!==""?" "+n:"")+(o!==""?" "+o:"")}function d(s,r,n){n=n||P(r),this.message=t(s,r,n),y(this,d),this.__type=s,this.__value=r,this.__valueTypeName=n}function u(s,r,n,o,i){s?(i=i||P(o),this.message=function(f,c,h,m,v){var C='" of type ';return c==="key"&&(C='" with key type '),t('property "'+a(h)+C+a(f),m,v)}(s,n,r,o,i)):this.message='Unexpected property "'+r+'"',y(this,d),this.__label=n,this.__property=r,this.__type=s,this.__value=o,this.__valueTypeName=i}d.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),d.prototype.constructor=d,u.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),u.prototype.constructor=d,J.exports={TfTypeError:d,TfPropertyTypeError:u,tfCustomError:function(s,r){return new d(s,{},r)},tfSubError:function(s,r,n){return s instanceof u?(r=r+"."+s.__property,s=new u(s.__type,r,s.__label,s.__value,s.__valueTypeName)):s instanceof d&&(s=new u(s.__type,r,n,s.__value,s.__valueTypeName)),y(s),s},tfJSON:a,getValueTypeName:P}},4307:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(8764).Buffer,M=b(247),P=b(6647);function y(f){return E.isBuffer(f)}function a(f){return typeof f=="string"&&/^([0-9a-f]{2})+$/i.test(f)}function t(f,c){var h=f.toJSON();function m(v){if(!f(v))return!1;if(v.length===c)return!0;throw P.tfCustomError(h+"(Length: "+c+")",h+"(Length: "+v.length+")")}return m.toJSON=function(){return h},m}var d=t.bind(null,M.Array),u=t.bind(null,y),s=t.bind(null,a),r=t.bind(null,M.String),n=Math.pow(2,53)-1,o={ArrayN:d,Buffer:y,BufferN:u,Finite:function(f){return typeof f=="number"&&isFinite(f)},Hex:a,HexN:s,Int8:function(f){return f<<24>>24===f},Int16:function(f){return f<<16>>16===f},Int32:function(f){return(0|f)===f},Int53:function(f){return typeof f=="number"&&f>=-n&&f<=n&&Math.floor(f)===f},Range:function(f,c,h){function m(v,C){return h(v,C)&&v>f&&v>>0===f},UInt53:function(f){return typeof f=="number"&&f>=0&&f<=n&&Math.floor(f)===f}};for(var i in o)o[i].toJSON=(function(f){return f}).bind(null,i);J.exports=o},2401:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(6647),M=b(247),P=E.tfJSON,y=E.TfTypeError,a=E.TfPropertyTypeError,t=E.tfSubError,d=E.getValueTypeName,u={arrayOf:function(i,f){function c(h,m){return!!M.Array(h)&&!M.Nil(h)&&!(f.minLength!==void 0&&h.lengthf.maxLength)&&(f.length===void 0||h.length===f.length)&&h.every(function(v,C){try{return r(i,v,m)}catch(l){throw t(l,C)}})}return i=s(i),f=f||{},c.toJSON=function(){var h="["+P(i)+"]";return f.length!==void 0?h+="{"+f.length+"}":f.minLength===void 0&&f.maxLength===void 0||(h+="{"+(f.minLength===void 0?0:f.minLength)+","+(f.maxLength===void 0?1/0:f.maxLength)+"}"),h},c},maybe:function i(f){function c(h,m){return M.Nil(h)||f(h,m,i)}return f=s(f),c.toJSON=function(){return"?"+P(f)},c},map:function(i,f){function c(h,m){if(!M.Object(h)||M.Nil(h))return!1;for(var v in h){try{f&&r(f,v,m)}catch(l){throw t(l,v,"key")}try{var C=h[v];r(i,C,m)}catch(l){throw t(l,v)}}return!0}return i=s(i),f&&(f=s(f)),c.toJSON=f?function(){return"{"+P(f)+": "+P(i)+"}"}:function(){return"{"+P(i)+"}"},c},object:function(i){var f={};for(var c in i)f[c]=s(i[c]);function h(m,v){if(!M.Object(m)||M.Nil(m))return!1;var C;try{for(C in f)r(f[C],m[C],v)}catch(l){throw t(l,C)}if(v){for(C in m)if(!f[C])throw new a(void 0,C)}return!0}return h.toJSON=function(){return P(f)},h},anyOf:function(){var i=[].slice.call(arguments).map(s);function f(c,h){return i.some(function(m){try{return r(m,c,h)}catch{return!1}})}return f.toJSON=function(){return i.map(P).join("|")},f},allOf:function(){var i=[].slice.call(arguments).map(s);function f(c,h){return i.every(function(m){try{return r(m,c,h)}catch{return!1}})}return f.toJSON=function(){return i.map(P).join(" & ")},f},quacksLike:function(i){function f(c){return i===d(c)}return f.toJSON=function(){return i},f},tuple:function(){var i=[].slice.call(arguments).map(s);function f(c,h){return!M.Nil(c)&&!M.Nil(c.length)&&(!h||c.length===i.length)&&i.every(function(m,v){try{return r(m,c[v],h)}catch(C){throw t(C,v)}})}return f.toJSON=function(){return"("+i.map(P).join(", ")+")"},f},value:function(i){function f(c){return c===i}return f.toJSON=function(){return i},f}};function s(i){if(M.String(i))return i[0]==="?"?u.maybe(i.slice(1)):M[i]||u.quacksLike(i);if(i&&M.Object(i)){if(M.Array(i)){if(i.length!==1)throw new TypeError("Expected compile() parameter of type Array of length 1");return u.arrayOf(i[0])}return u.object(i)}return M.Function(i)?i:u.value(i)}function r(i,f,c,h){if(M.Function(i)){if(i(f,c))return!0;throw new y(h||i,f)}return r(s(i),f,c)}for(var n in u.oneOf=u.anyOf,M)r[n]=M[n];for(n in u)r[n]=u[n];var o=b(4307);for(n in o)r[n]=o[n];r.compile=s,r.TfTypeError=y,r.TfPropertyTypeError=a,J.exports=r},247:J=>{var e={Array:function(E){return E!=null&&E.constructor===Array},Boolean:function(E){return typeof E=="boolean"},Function:function(E){return typeof E=="function"},Nil:function(E){return E==null},Number:function(E){return typeof E=="number"},Object:function(E){return typeof E=="object"},String:function(E){return typeof E=="string"},"":function(){return!0}};for(var b in e.Null=e.Nil,e)e[b].toJSON=(function(E){return E}).bind(null,b);J.exports=e},4927:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(5108);function M(P){try{if(!b.g.localStorage)return!1}catch{return!1}var y=b.g.localStorage[P];return y!=null&&String(y).toLowerCase()==="true"}J.exports=function(P,y){if(M("noDeprecation"))return P;var a=!1;return function(){if(!a){if(M("throwDeprecation"))throw new Error(y);M("traceDeprecation")?E.trace(y):E.warn(y),a=!0}return P.apply(this,arguments)}}},384:J=>{J.exports=function(e){return e&&typeof e=="object"&&typeof e.copy=="function"&&typeof e.fill=="function"&&typeof e.readUInt8=="function"}},5955:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(2584),M=b(8662),P=b(6430),y=b(5692);function a(T){return T.call.bind(T)}var t=typeof BigInt<"u",d=typeof Symbol<"u",u=a(Object.prototype.toString),s=a(Number.prototype.valueOf),r=a(String.prototype.valueOf),n=a(Boolean.prototype.valueOf);if(t)var o=a(BigInt.prototype.valueOf);if(d)var i=a(Symbol.prototype.valueOf);function f(T,z){if(typeof T!="object")return!1;try{return z(T),!0}catch{return!1}}function c(T){return u(T)==="[object Map]"}function h(T){return u(T)==="[object Set]"}function m(T){return u(T)==="[object WeakMap]"}function v(T){return u(T)==="[object WeakSet]"}function C(T){return u(T)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"}function l(T){return typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&(C.working?C(T):T instanceof ArrayBuffer)}function I(T){return u(T)==="[object DataView]"}function R(T){return typeof DataView<"u"&&(I.working?I(T):T instanceof DataView)}e.isArgumentsObject=E,e.isGeneratorFunction=M,e.isTypedArray=y,e.isPromise=function(T){return typeof Promise<"u"&&T instanceof Promise||T!==null&&typeof T=="object"&&typeof T.then=="function"&&typeof T.catch=="function"},e.isArrayBufferView=function(T){return typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&ArrayBuffer.isView?ArrayBuffer.isView(T):y(T)||R(T)},e.isUint8Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Uint8Array"},e.isUint8ClampedArray=function(T){return P(T)==="Uint8ClampedArray"},e.isUint16Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Uint16Array"},e.isUint32Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Uint32Array"},e.isInt8Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Int8Array"},e.isInt16Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Int16Array"},e.isInt32Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Int32Array"},e.isFloat32Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Float32Array"},e.isFloat64Array=function(T){return P(T)==="Float64Array"},e.isBigInt64Array=function(T){return P(T)==="BigInt64Array"},e.isBigUint64Array=function(T){return P(T)==="BigUint64Array"},c.working=typeof Map<"u"&&c(new Map),e.isMap=function(T){return typeof Map<"u"&&(c.working?c(T):T instanceof Map)},h.working=typeof Set<"u"&&h(new Set),e.isSet=function(T){return typeof Set<"u"&&(h.working?h(T):T instanceof Set)},m.working=typeof WeakMap<"u"&&m(new WeakMap),e.isWeakMap=function(T){return typeof WeakMap<"u"&&(m.working?m(T):T instanceof WeakMap)},v.working=typeof WeakSet<"u"&&v(new WeakSet),e.isWeakSet=function(T){return v(T)},C.working=typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&C(new ArrayBuffer),e.isArrayBuffer=l,I.working=typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&typeof DataView<"u"&&I(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1),0,1)),e.isDataView=R;var k=typeof SharedArrayBuffer<"u"?SharedArrayBuffer:void 0;function N(T){return u(T)==="[object SharedArrayBuffer]"}function A(T){return k!==void 0&&(N.working===void 0&&(N.working=N(new k)),N.working?N(T):T instanceof k)}function w(T){return f(T,s)}function _(T){return f(T,r)}function p(T){return f(T,n)}function O(T){return t&&f(T,o)}function U(T){return d&&f(T,i)}e.isSharedArrayBuffer=A,e.isAsyncFunction=function(T){return u(T)==="[object AsyncFunction]"},e.isMapIterator=function(T){return u(T)==="[object Map Iterator]"},e.isSetIterator=function(T){return u(T)==="[object Set Iterator]"},e.isGeneratorObject=function(T){return u(T)==="[object Generator]"},e.isWebAssemblyCompiledModule=function(T){return u(T)==="[object WebAssembly.Module]"},e.isNumberObject=w,e.isStringObject=_,e.isBooleanObject=p,e.isBigIntObject=O,e.isSymbolObject=U,e.isBoxedPrimitive=function(T){return w(T)||_(T)||p(T)||O(T)||U(T)},e.isAnyArrayBuffer=function(T){return typeof Uint8Array<"u"&&(l(T)||A(T))},["isProxy","isExternal","isModuleNamespaceObject"].forEach(function(T){Object.defineProperty(e,T,{enumerable:!1,value:function(){throw new Error(T+" is not supported in userland")}})})},9539:(J,e,b)=>{var E=b(4155),M=b(5108),P=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors||function(T){for(var z=Object.keys(T),te={},X=0;X=ne)return V;switch(V){case"%s":return String(X[te++]);case"%d":return Number(X[te++]);case"%j":try{return JSON.stringify(X[te++])}catch{return"[Circular]"}default:return V}}),Q=X[te];te=3&&(te.depth=arguments[2]),arguments.length>=4&&(te.colors=arguments[3]),c(z)?te.showHidden=z:z&&e._extend(te,z),C(te.showHidden)&&(te.showHidden=!1),C(te.depth)&&(te.depth=2),C(te.colors)&&(te.colors=!1),C(te.customInspect)&&(te.customInspect=!0),te.colors&&(te.stylize=s),n(te,T,te.depth)}function s(T,z){var te=u.styles[z];return te?"\x1B["+u.colors[te][0]+"m"+T+"\x1B["+u.colors[te][1]+"m":T}function r(T,z){return T}function n(T,z,te){if(T.customInspect&&z&&N(z.inspect)&&z.inspect!==e.inspect&&(!z.constructor||z.constructor.prototype!==z)){var X=z.inspect(te,T);return v(X)||(X=n(T,X,te)),X}var ne=function(ae,de){if(C(de))return ae.stylize("undefined","undefined");if(v(de)){var ue="'"+JSON.stringify(de).replace(/^"|"$/g,"").replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(/\\"/g,'"')+"'";return ae.stylize(ue,"string")}return m(de)?ae.stylize(""+de,"number"):c(de)?ae.stylize(""+de,"boolean"):h(de)?ae.stylize("null","null"):void 0}(T,z);if(ne)return ne;var B=Object.keys(z),Q=function(ae){var de={};return ae.forEach(function(ue,le){de[ue]=!0}),de}(B);if(T.showHidden&&(B=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(z)),k(z)&&(B.indexOf("message")>=0||B.indexOf("description")>=0))return o(z);if(B.length===0){if(N(z)){var V=z.name?": "+z.name:"";return T.stylize("[Function"+V+"]","special")}if(l(z))return T.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(z),"regexp");if(R(z))return T.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(z),"date");if(k(z))return o(z)}var ee,K="",Y=!1,q=["{","}"];return f(z)&&(Y=!0,q=["[","]"]),N(z)&&(K=" [Function"+(z.name?": "+z.name:"")+"]"),l(z)&&(K=" "+RegExp.prototype.toString.call(z)),R(z)&&(K=" "+Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(z)),k(z)&&(K=" "+o(z)),B.length!==0||Y&&z.length!=0?te<0?l(z)?T.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(z),"regexp"):T.stylize("[Object]","special"):(T.seen.push(z),ee=Y?function(ae,de,ue,le,ge){for(var ce=[],he=0,be=de.length;he60?ue[0]+(de===""?"":de+` - `)+" "+ae.join(`, - `)+" "+ue[1]:ue[0]+de+" "+ae.join(", ")+" "+ue[1]}(ee,K,q)):q[0]+K+q[1]}function o(T){return"["+Error.prototype.toString.call(T)+"]"}function i(T,z,te,X,ne,B){var Q,V,ee;if((ee=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(z,ne)||{value:z[ne]}).get?V=ee.set?T.stylize("[Getter/Setter]","special"):T.stylize("[Getter]","special"):ee.set&&(V=T.stylize("[Setter]","special")),p(X,ne)||(Q="["+ne+"]"),V||(T.seen.indexOf(ee.value)<0?(V=h(te)?n(T,ee.value,null):n(T,ee.value,te-1)).indexOf(` -`)>-1&&(V=B?V.split(` -`).map(function(K){return" "+K}).join(` +`):Z=" ".concat(P," ").concat(Z)),b=w(this,s(S).call(this,"".concat(D).concat(Z)))}return Error.stackTraceLimit=re,b.generatedMessage=!p,Object.defineProperty(a(b),"name",{value:"AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]",enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}),b.code="ERR_ASSERTION",b.actual=C,b.expected=L,b.operator=P,Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(a(b),B),b.stack,b.name="AssertionError",w(b)}var T,x;return function(k,b){if(typeof b!="function"&&b!==null)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");k.prototype=Object.create(b&&b.prototype,{constructor:{value:k,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),b&&u(k,b)}(S,N),T=S,x=[{key:"toString",value:function(){return"".concat(this.name," [").concat(this.code,"]: ").concat(this.message)}},{key:n.custom,value:function(k,b){return n(this,function(p){for(var P=1;P{function E(s){return E=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(r){return typeof r}:function(r){return r&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&r.constructor===Symbol&&r!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof r},E(s)}function R(s){return R=Object.setPrototypeOf?Object.getPrototypeOf:function(r){return r.__proto__||Object.getPrototypeOf(r)},R(s)}function A(s,r){return A=Object.setPrototypeOf||function(n,o){return n.__proto__=o,n},A(s,r)}var w,a,t={};function d(s,r,n){n||(n=Error);var o=function(i){function f(c,h,m){var v;return function(I,l){if(!(I instanceof l))throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function")}(this,f),v=function(I,l){return!l||E(l)!=="object"&&typeof l!="function"?function(j){if(j===void 0)throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called");return j}(I):l}(this,R(f).call(this,function(I,l,j){return typeof r=="string"?r:r(I,l,j)}(c,h,m))),v.code=s,v}return function(c,h){if(typeof h!="function"&&h!==null)throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function");c.prototype=Object.create(h&&h.prototype,{constructor:{value:c,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}),h&&A(c,h)}(f,i),f}(n);t[s]=o}function u(s,r){if(Array.isArray(s)){var n=s.length;return s=s.map(function(o){return String(o)}),n>2?"one of ".concat(r," ").concat(s.slice(0,n-1).join(", "),", or ")+s[n-1]:n===2?"one of ".concat(r," ").concat(s[0]," or ").concat(s[1]):"of ".concat(r," ").concat(s[0])}return"of ".concat(r," ").concat(String(s))}d("ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT",'The "%s" argument is ambiguous. %s',TypeError),d("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE",function(s,r,n){var o,i,f,c,h;if(w===void 0&&(w=y(9282)),w(typeof s=="string","'name' must be a string"),typeof r=="string"&&(i="not ",r.substr(0,4)===i)?(o="must not be",r=r.replace(/^not /,"")):o="must be",function(v,I,l){return(l===void 0||l>v.length)&&(l=v.length),v.substring(l-9,l)===I}(s," argument"))f="The ".concat(s," ").concat(o," ").concat(u(r,"type"));else{var m=(typeof h!="number"&&(h=0),h+1>(c=s).length||c.indexOf(".",h)===-1?"argument":"property");f='The "'.concat(s,'" ').concat(m," ").concat(o," ").concat(u(r,"type"))}return f+". Received type ".concat(E(n))},TypeError),d("ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE",function(s,r){var n=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]!==void 0?arguments[2]:"is invalid";a===void 0&&(a=y(9539));var o=a.inspect(r);return o.length>128&&(o="".concat(o.slice(0,128),"...")),"The argument '".concat(s,"' ").concat(n,". Received ").concat(o)},TypeError),d("ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE",function(s,r,n){var o;return o=n&&n.constructor&&n.constructor.name?"instance of ".concat(n.constructor.name):"type ".concat(E(n)),"Expected ".concat(s,' to be returned from the "').concat(r,'"')+" function but got ".concat(o,".")},TypeError),d("ERR_MISSING_ARGS",function(){for(var s=arguments.length,r=new Array(s),n=0;n0,"At least one arg needs to be specified");var o="The ",i=r.length;switch(r=r.map(function(f){return'"'.concat(f,'"')}),i){case 1:o+="".concat(r[0]," argument");break;case 2:o+="".concat(r[0]," and ").concat(r[1]," arguments");break;default:o+=r.slice(0,i-1).join(", "),o+=", and ".concat(r[i-1]," arguments")}return"".concat(o," must be specified")},TypeError),J.exports.codes=t},9158:(J,e,y)=>{function E(ue,le){return function(fe){if(Array.isArray(fe))return fe}(ue)||function(fe,_e){var de=[],pe=!0,ye=!1,G=void 0;try{for(var _,O=fe[Symbol.iterator]();!(pe=(_=O.next()).done)&&(de.push(_.value),!_e||de.length!==_e);pe=!0);}catch(M){ye=!0,G=M}finally{try{pe||O.return==null||O.return()}finally{if(ye)throw G}}return de}(ue,le)||function(){throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance")}()}function R(ue){return R=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol"?function(le){return typeof le}:function(le){return le&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&le.constructor===Symbol&&le!==Symbol.prototype?"symbol":typeof le},R(ue)}var A=/a/g.flags!==void 0,w=function(ue){var le=[];return ue.forEach(function(fe){return le.push(fe)}),le},a=function(ue){var le=[];return ue.forEach(function(fe,_e){return le.push([_e,fe])}),le},t=Object.is?Object.is:y(609),d=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?Object.getOwnPropertySymbols:function(){return[]},u=Number.isNaN?Number.isNaN:y(360);function s(ue){return ue.call.bind(ue)}var r=s(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty),n=s(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable),o=s(Object.prototype.toString),i=y(9539).types,f=i.isAnyArrayBuffer,c=i.isArrayBufferView,h=i.isDate,m=i.isMap,v=i.isRegExp,I=i.isSet,l=i.isNativeError,j=i.isBoxedPrimitive,N=i.isNumberObject,S=i.isStringObject,T=i.isBooleanObject,x=i.isBigIntObject,k=i.isSymbolObject,b=i.isFloat32Array,p=i.isFloat64Array;function P(ue){if(ue.length===0||ue.length>10)return!0;for(var le=0;le57)return!0}return ue.length===10&&ue>=Math.pow(2,32)}function B(ue){return Object.keys(ue).filter(P).concat(d(ue).filter(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.bind(ue)))}function C(ue,le){if(ue===le)return 0;for(var fe=ue.length,_e=le.length,de=0,pe=Math.min(fe,_e);de{var E=y(9509).Buffer;J.exports=function(R){if(R.length>=255)throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long");for(var A=new Uint8Array(256),w=0;w>>0,v=new Uint8Array(m);i[f];){var I=A[i.charCodeAt(f)];if(I===255)return;for(var l=0,j=m-1;(I!==0||l>>0,v[j]=I%256>>>0,I=I/256>>>0;if(I!==0)throw new Error("Non-zero carry");h=l,f++}for(var N=m-h;N!==m&&v[N]===0;)N++;var S=E.allocUnsafe(c+(m-N));S.fill(0,0,c);for(var T=c;N!==m;)S[T++]=v[N++];return S}return{encode:function(i){if((Array.isArray(i)||i instanceof Uint8Array)&&(i=E.from(i)),!E.isBuffer(i))throw new TypeError("Expected Buffer");if(i.length===0)return"";for(var f=0,c=0,h=0,m=i.length;h!==m&&i[h]===0;)h++,f++;for(var v=(m-h)*n+1>>>0,I=new Uint8Array(v);h!==m;){for(var l=i[h],j=0,N=v-1;(l!==0||j>>0,I[N]=l%u>>>0,l=l/u>>>0;if(l!==0)throw new Error("Non-zero carry");c=j,h++}for(var S=v-c;S!==v&&I[S]===0;)S++;for(var T=s.repeat(f);S{e.byteLength=function(d){var u=a(d),s=u[0],r=u[1];return 3*(s+r)/4-r},e.toByteArray=function(d){var u,s,r=a(d),n=r[0],o=r[1],i=new R(function(h,m,v){return 3*(m+v)/4-v}(0,n,o)),f=0,c=o>0?n-4:n;for(s=0;s>16&255,i[f++]=u>>8&255,i[f++]=255&u;return o===2&&(u=E[d.charCodeAt(s)]<<2|E[d.charCodeAt(s+1)]>>4,i[f++]=255&u),o===1&&(u=E[d.charCodeAt(s)]<<10|E[d.charCodeAt(s+1)]<<4|E[d.charCodeAt(s+2)]>>2,i[f++]=u>>8&255,i[f++]=255&u),i},e.fromByteArray=function(d){for(var u,s=d.length,r=s%3,n=[],o=16383,i=0,f=s-r;if?f:i+o));return r===1?(u=d[s-1],n.push(y[u>>2]+y[u<<4&63]+"==")):r===2&&(u=(d[s-2]<<8)+d[s-1],n.push(y[u>>10]+y[u>>4&63]+y[u<<2&63]+"=")),n.join("")};for(var y=[],E=[],R=typeof Uint8Array<"u"?Uint8Array:Array,A="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/",w=0;w<64;++w)y[w]=A[w],E[A.charCodeAt(w)]=w;function a(d){var u=d.length;if(u%4>0)throw new Error("Invalid string. Length must be a multiple of 4");var s=d.indexOf("=");return s===-1&&(s=u),[s,s===u?0:4-s%4]}function t(d,u,s){for(var r,n,o=[],i=u;i>18&63]+y[n>>12&63]+y[n>>6&63]+y[63&n]);return o.join("")}E["-".charCodeAt(0)]=62,E["_".charCodeAt(0)]=63},7715:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.bech32m=e.bech32=void 0;const y="qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l",E={};for(let s=0;s<32;s++){const r=y.charAt(s);E[r]=s}function R(s){const r=s>>25;return(33554431&s)<<5^996825010&-(r>>0&1)^642813549&-(r>>1&1)^513874426&-(r>>2&1)^1027748829&-(r>>3&1)^705979059&-(r>>4&1)}function A(s){let r=1;for(let n=0;n126)return"Invalid prefix ("+s+")";r=R(r)^o>>5}r=R(r);for(let n=0;n=n;)f-=n,h.push(i>>f&c);if(o)f>0&&h.push(i<=r)return"Excess padding";if(i<i)return"Exceeds length limit";const f=o.toLowerCase(),c=o.toUpperCase();if(o!==f&&o!==c)return"Mixed-case string "+o;const h=(o=f).lastIndexOf("1");if(h===-1)return"No separator character for "+o;if(h===0)return"Missing prefix for "+o;const m=o.slice(0,h),v=o.slice(h+1);if(v.length<6)return"Data too short";let I=A(m);if(typeof I=="string")return I;const l=[];for(let j=0;j=v.length||l.push(S)}return I!==r?"Invalid checksum for "+o:{prefix:m,words:l}}return r=s==="bech32"?1:734539939,{decodeUnsafe:function(o,i){const f=n(o,i);if(typeof f=="object")return f},decode:function(o,i){const f=n(o,i);if(typeof f=="object")return f;throw new Error(f)},encode:function(o,i,f){if(f=f||90,o.length+7+i.length>f)throw new TypeError("Exceeds length limit");let c=A(o=o.toLowerCase());if(typeof c=="string")throw new Error(c);let h=o+"1";for(let m=0;m>5)throw new Error("Non 5-bit word");c=R(c)^v,h+=y.charAt(v)}for(let m=0;m<6;++m)c=R(c);c^=r;for(let m=0;m<6;++m)h+=y.charAt(c>>5*(5-m)&31);return h},toWords:a,fromWordsUnsafe:t,fromWords:d}}e.bech32=u("bech32"),e.bech32m=u("bech32m")},4736:(J,e,y)=>{var E;J=y.nmd(J);var R=function(A){var w=1e7,a=7,t=9007199254740992,d=c(t),u="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",s=typeof BigInt=="function";function r(U,z,q,W){return U===void 0?r[0]:z===void 0||+z==10&&!q?O(U):de(U,z,q,W)}function n(U,z){this.value=U,this.sign=z,this.isSmall=!1}function o(U){this.value=U,this.sign=U<0,this.isSmall=!0}function i(U){this.value=U}function f(U){return-t0?Math.floor(U):Math.ceil(U)}function l(U,z){var q,W,ne=U.length,ie=z.length,V=new Array(ne),Y=0,$=w;for(W=0;W=$?1:0,V[W]=q-Y*$;for(;W0&&V.push(Y),V}function j(U,z){return U.length>=z.length?l(U,z):l(z,U)}function N(U,z){var q,W,ne=U.length,ie=new Array(ne),V=w;for(W=0;W0;)ie[W++]=z%V,z=Math.floor(z/V);return ie}function S(U,z){var q,W,ne=U.length,ie=z.length,V=new Array(ne),Y=0,$=w;for(q=0;q0;)ie[W++]=Y%V,Y=Math.floor(Y/V);return ie}function b(U,z){for(var q=[];z-- >0;)q.push(0);return q.concat(U)}function p(U,z){var q=Math.max(U.length,z.length);if(q<=30)return x(U,z);q=Math.ceil(q/2);var W=U.slice(q),ne=U.slice(0,q),ie=z.slice(q),V=z.slice(0,q),Y=p(ne,V),$=p(W,ie),K=p(j(ne,W),j(V,ie)),ae=j(j(Y,b(S(S(K,Y),$),q)),b($,2*q));return m(ae),ae}function P(U,z,q){return new n(U=0;--q)ne=(ie=ne*$+U[q])-(W=I(ie/z))*z,Y[q]=0|W;return[Y,0|ne]}function L(U,z){var q,W=O(z);if(s)return[new i(U.value/W.value),new i(U.value%W.value)];var ne,ie=U.value,V=W.value;if(V===0)throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero");if(U.isSmall)return W.isSmall?[new o(I(ie/V)),new o(ie%V)]:[r[0],U];if(W.isSmall){if(V===1)return[U,r[0]];if(V==-1)return[U.negate(),r[0]];var Y=Math.abs(V);if(Y=0;be--){for(ve=Oe-1,Ce[be+ke]!==Ae&&(ve=Math.floor((Ce[be+ke]*Oe+Ce[be+ke-1])/Ae)),we=0,xe=0,Pe=Te.length,Ee=0;EeSe&&(we=(we+1)*Oe),ve=Math.ceil(we/xe);do{if(re(Ee=k(ge,ve),ke)<=0)break;ve--}while(ve);Re.push(ve),ke=S(ke,Ee)}return Re.reverse(),[h(Re),h(ke)]}(ie,V),ne=q[0];var ae=U.sign!==W.sign,ce=q[1],he=U.sign;return typeof ne=="number"?(ae&&(ne=-ne),ne=new o(ne)):ne=new n(ne,ae),typeof ce=="number"?(he&&(ce=-ce),ce=new o(ce)):ce=new n(ce,he),[ne,ce]}function re(U,z){if(U.length!==z.length)return U.length>z.length?1:-1;for(var q=U.length-1;q>=0;q--)if(U[q]!==z[q])return U[q]>z[q]?1:-1;return 0}function ee(U){var z=U.abs();return!z.isUnit()&&(!!(z.equals(2)||z.equals(3)||z.equals(5))||!(z.isEven()||z.isDivisibleBy(3)||z.isDivisibleBy(5))&&(!!z.lesser(49)||void 0))}function oe(U,z){for(var q,W,ne,ie=U.prev(),V=ie,Y=0;V.isEven();)V=V.divide(2),Y++;e:for(W=0;W=0?Y=S(ne,ie):(Y=S(ie,ne),V=!V),typeof(Y=h(Y))=="number"?(V&&(Y=-Y),new o(Y)):new n(Y,V)}(q,W,this.sign)},n.prototype.minus=n.prototype.subtract,o.prototype.subtract=function(U){var z=O(U),q=this.value;if(q<0!==z.sign)return this.add(z.negate());var W=z.value;return z.isSmall?new o(q-W):T(W,Math.abs(q),q>=0)},o.prototype.minus=o.prototype.subtract,i.prototype.subtract=function(U){return new i(this.value-O(U).value)},i.prototype.minus=i.prototype.subtract,n.prototype.negate=function(){return new n(this.value,!this.sign)},o.prototype.negate=function(){var U=this.sign,z=new o(-this.value);return z.sign=!U,z},i.prototype.negate=function(){return new i(-this.value)},n.prototype.abs=function(){return new n(this.value,!1)},o.prototype.abs=function(){return new o(Math.abs(this.value))},i.prototype.abs=function(){return new i(this.value>=0?this.value:-this.value)},n.prototype.multiply=function(U){var z,q,W,ne=O(U),ie=this.value,V=ne.value,Y=this.sign!==ne.sign;if(ne.isSmall){if(V===0)return r[0];if(V===1)return this;if(V===-1)return this.negate();if((z=Math.abs(V))0?p(ie,V):x(ie,V),Y)},n.prototype.times=n.prototype.multiply,o.prototype._multiplyBySmall=function(U){return f(U.value*this.value)?new o(U.value*this.value):P(Math.abs(U.value),c(Math.abs(this.value)),this.sign!==U.sign)},n.prototype._multiplyBySmall=function(U){return U.value===0?r[0]:U.value===1?this:U.value===-1?this.negate():P(Math.abs(U.value),this.value,this.sign!==U.sign)},o.prototype.multiply=function(U){return O(U)._multiplyBySmall(this)},o.prototype.times=o.prototype.multiply,i.prototype.multiply=function(U){return new i(this.value*O(U).value)},i.prototype.times=i.prototype.multiply,n.prototype.square=function(){return new n(B(this.value),!1)},o.prototype.square=function(){var U=this.value*this.value;return f(U)?new o(U):new n(B(c(Math.abs(this.value))),!1)},i.prototype.square=function(U){return new i(this.value*this.value)},n.prototype.divmod=function(U){var z=L(this,U);return{quotient:z[0],remainder:z[1]}},i.prototype.divmod=o.prototype.divmod=n.prototype.divmod,n.prototype.divide=function(U){return L(this,U)[0]},i.prototype.over=i.prototype.divide=function(U){return new i(this.value/O(U).value)},o.prototype.over=o.prototype.divide=n.prototype.over=n.prototype.divide,n.prototype.mod=function(U){return L(this,U)[1]},i.prototype.mod=i.prototype.remainder=function(U){return new i(this.value%O(U).value)},o.prototype.remainder=o.prototype.mod=n.prototype.remainder=n.prototype.mod,n.prototype.pow=function(U){var z,q,W,ne=O(U),ie=this.value,V=ne.value;if(V===0)return r[1];if(ie===0)return r[0];if(ie===1)return r[1];if(ie===-1)return ne.isEven()?r[1]:r[-1];if(ne.sign)return r[0];if(!ne.isSmall)throw new Error("The exponent "+ne.toString()+" is too large.");if(this.isSmall&&f(z=Math.pow(ie,V)))return new o(I(z));for(q=this,W=r[1];!0&V&&(W=W.times(q),--V),V!==0;)V/=2,q=q.square();return W},o.prototype.pow=n.prototype.pow,i.prototype.pow=function(U){var z=O(U),q=this.value,W=z.value,ne=BigInt(0),ie=BigInt(1),V=BigInt(2);if(W===ne)return r[1];if(q===ne)return r[0];if(q===ie)return r[1];if(q===BigInt(-1))return z.isEven()?r[1]:r[-1];if(z.isNegative())return new i(ne);for(var Y=this,$=r[1];(W&ie)===ie&&($=$.times(Y),--W),W!==ne;)W/=V,Y=Y.square();return $},n.prototype.modPow=function(U,z){if(U=O(U),(z=O(z)).isZero())throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0");var q=r[1],W=this.mod(z);for(U.isNegative()&&(U=U.multiply(r[-1]),W=W.modInv(z));U.isPositive();){if(W.isZero())return r[0];U.isOdd()&&(q=q.multiply(W).mod(z)),U=U.divide(2),W=W.square().mod(z)}return q},i.prototype.modPow=o.prototype.modPow=n.prototype.modPow,n.prototype.compareAbs=function(U){var z=O(U),q=this.value,W=z.value;return z.isSmall?1:re(q,W)},o.prototype.compareAbs=function(U){var z=O(U),q=Math.abs(this.value),W=z.value;return z.isSmall?q===(W=Math.abs(W))?0:q>W?1:-1:-1},i.prototype.compareAbs=function(U){var z=this.value,q=O(U).value;return(z=z>=0?z:-z)===(q=q>=0?q:-q)?0:z>q?1:-1},n.prototype.compare=function(U){if(U===1/0)return-1;if(U===-1/0)return 1;var z=O(U),q=this.value,W=z.value;return this.sign!==z.sign?z.sign?1:-1:z.isSmall?this.sign?-1:1:re(q,W)*(this.sign?-1:1)},n.prototype.compareTo=n.prototype.compare,o.prototype.compare=function(U){if(U===1/0)return-1;if(U===-1/0)return 1;var z=O(U),q=this.value,W=z.value;return z.isSmall?q==W?0:q>W?1:-1:q<0!==z.sign?q<0?-1:1:q<0?1:-1},o.prototype.compareTo=o.prototype.compare,i.prototype.compare=function(U){if(U===1/0)return-1;if(U===-1/0)return 1;var z=this.value,q=O(U).value;return z===q?0:z>q?1:-1},i.prototype.compareTo=i.prototype.compare,n.prototype.equals=function(U){return this.compare(U)===0},i.prototype.eq=i.prototype.equals=o.prototype.eq=o.prototype.equals=n.prototype.eq=n.prototype.equals,n.prototype.notEquals=function(U){return this.compare(U)!==0},i.prototype.neq=i.prototype.notEquals=o.prototype.neq=o.prototype.notEquals=n.prototype.neq=n.prototype.notEquals,n.prototype.greater=function(U){return this.compare(U)>0},i.prototype.gt=i.prototype.greater=o.prototype.gt=o.prototype.greater=n.prototype.gt=n.prototype.greater,n.prototype.lesser=function(U){return this.compare(U)<0},i.prototype.lt=i.prototype.lesser=o.prototype.lt=o.prototype.lesser=n.prototype.lt=n.prototype.lesser,n.prototype.greaterOrEquals=function(U){return this.compare(U)>=0},i.prototype.geq=i.prototype.greaterOrEquals=o.prototype.geq=o.prototype.greaterOrEquals=n.prototype.geq=n.prototype.greaterOrEquals,n.prototype.lesserOrEquals=function(U){return this.compare(U)<=0},i.prototype.leq=i.prototype.lesserOrEquals=o.prototype.leq=o.prototype.lesserOrEquals=n.prototype.leq=n.prototype.lesserOrEquals,n.prototype.isEven=function(){return(1&this.value[0])==0},o.prototype.isEven=function(){return(1&this.value)==0},i.prototype.isEven=function(){return(this.value&BigInt(1))===BigInt(0)},n.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.value[0])==1},o.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.value)==1},i.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(this.value&BigInt(1))===BigInt(1)},n.prototype.isPositive=function(){return!this.sign},o.prototype.isPositive=function(){return this.value>0},i.prototype.isPositive=o.prototype.isPositive,n.prototype.isNegative=function(){return this.sign},o.prototype.isNegative=function(){return this.value<0},i.prototype.isNegative=o.prototype.isNegative,n.prototype.isUnit=function(){return!1},o.prototype.isUnit=function(){return Math.abs(this.value)===1},i.prototype.isUnit=function(){return this.abs().value===BigInt(1)},n.prototype.isZero=function(){return!1},o.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.value===0},i.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.value===BigInt(0)},n.prototype.isDivisibleBy=function(U){var z=O(U);return!z.isZero()&&(!!z.isUnit()||(z.compareAbs(2)===0?this.isEven():this.mod(z).isZero()))},i.prototype.isDivisibleBy=o.prototype.isDivisibleBy=n.prototype.isDivisibleBy,n.prototype.isPrime=function(U){var z=ee(this);if(z!==A)return z;var q=this.abs(),W=q.bitLength();if(W<=64)return oe(q,[2,3,5,7,11,13,17,19,23,29,31,37]);for(var ne=Math.log(2)*W.toJSNumber(),ie=Math.ceil(U===!0?2*Math.pow(ne,2):ne),V=[],Y=0;Y-t?new o(U-1):new n(d,!0)},i.prototype.prev=function(){return new i(this.value-BigInt(1))};for(var D=[1];2*D[D.length-1]<=w;)D.push(2*D[D.length-1]);var Z=D.length,H=D[Z-1];function te(U){return Math.abs(U)<=w}function Q(U,z,q){z=O(z);for(var W=U.isNegative(),ne=z.isNegative(),ie=W?U.not():U,V=ne?z.not():z,Y=0,$=0,K=null,ae=null,ce=[];!ie.isZero()||!V.isZero();)Y=(K=L(ie,H))[1].toJSNumber(),W&&(Y=H-1-Y),$=(ae=L(V,H))[1].toJSNumber(),ne&&($=H-1-$),ie=K[0],V=ae[0],ce.push(q(Y,$));for(var he=q(W?1:0,ne?1:0)!==0?R(-1):R(0),me=ce.length-1;me>=0;me-=1)he=he.multiply(H).add(R(ce[me]));return he}n.prototype.shiftLeft=function(U){var z=O(U).toJSNumber();if(!te(z))throw new Error(String(z)+" is too large for shifting.");if(z<0)return this.shiftRight(-z);var q=this;if(q.isZero())return q;for(;z>=Z;)q=q.multiply(H),z-=Z-1;return q.multiply(D[z])},i.prototype.shiftLeft=o.prototype.shiftLeft=n.prototype.shiftLeft,n.prototype.shiftRight=function(U){var z,q=O(U).toJSNumber();if(!te(q))throw new Error(String(q)+" is too large for shifting.");if(q<0)return this.shiftLeft(-q);for(var W=this;q>=Z;){if(W.isZero()||W.isNegative()&&W.isUnit())return W;W=(z=L(W,H))[1].isNegative()?z[0].prev():z[0],q-=Z-1}return(z=L(W,D[q]))[1].isNegative()?z[0].prev():z[0]},i.prototype.shiftRight=o.prototype.shiftRight=n.prototype.shiftRight,n.prototype.not=function(){return this.negate().prev()},i.prototype.not=o.prototype.not=n.prototype.not,n.prototype.and=function(U){return Q(this,U,function(z,q){return z&q})},i.prototype.and=o.prototype.and=n.prototype.and,n.prototype.or=function(U){return Q(this,U,function(z,q){return z|q})},i.prototype.or=o.prototype.or=n.prototype.or,n.prototype.xor=function(U){return Q(this,U,function(z,q){return z^q})},i.prototype.xor=o.prototype.xor=n.prototype.xor;var X=1<<30,F=(w&-w)*(w&-w)|X;function se(U){var z=U.value,q=typeof z=="number"?z|X:typeof z=="bigint"?z|BigInt(X):z[0]+z[1]*w|F;return q&-q}function ue(U,z){if(z.compareTo(U)<=0){var q=ue(U,z.square(z)),W=q.p,ne=q.e,ie=W.multiply(z);return ie.compareTo(U)<=0?{p:ie,e:2*ne+1}:{p:W,e:2*ne}}return{p:R(1),e:0}}function le(U,z){return U=O(U),z=O(z),U.greater(z)?U:z}function fe(U,z){return U=O(U),z=O(z),U.lesser(z)?U:z}function _e(U,z){if(U=O(U).abs(),z=O(z).abs(),U.equals(z))return U;if(U.isZero())return z;if(z.isZero())return U;for(var q,W,ne=r[1];U.isEven()&&z.isEven();)q=fe(se(U),se(z)),U=U.divide(q),z=z.divide(q),ne=ne.multiply(q);for(;U.isEven();)U=U.divide(se(U));do{for(;z.isEven();)z=z.divide(se(z));U.greater(z)&&(W=z,z=U,U=W),z=z.subtract(U)}while(!z.isZero());return ne.isUnit()?U:U.multiply(ne)}n.prototype.bitLength=function(){var U=this;return U.compareTo(R(0))<0&&(U=U.negate().subtract(R(1))),U.compareTo(R(0))===0?R(0):R(ue(U,R(2)).e).add(R(1))},i.prototype.bitLength=o.prototype.bitLength=n.prototype.bitLength;var de=function(U,z,q,W){q=q||u,U=String(U),W||(U=U.toLowerCase(),q=q.toLowerCase());var ne,ie=U.length,V=Math.abs(z),Y={};for(ne=0;ne=V){if(ae==="1"&&V===1)continue;throw new Error(ae+" is not a valid digit in base "+z+".")}z=O(z);var $=[],K=U[0]==="-";for(ne=K?1:0;ne"&&ne=0;W--)ne=ne.add(U[W].times(ie)),ie=ie.times(z);return q?ne.negate():ne}function ye(U,z){if((z=R(z)).isZero()){if(U.isZero())return{value:[0],isNegative:!1};throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0.")}if(z.equals(-1)){if(U.isZero())return{value:[0],isNegative:!1};if(U.isNegative())return{value:[].concat.apply([],Array.apply(null,Array(-U.toJSNumber())).map(Array.prototype.valueOf,[1,0])),isNegative:!1};var q=Array.apply(null,Array(U.toJSNumber()-1)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf,[0,1]);return q.unshift([1]),{value:[].concat.apply([],q),isNegative:!1}}var W=!1;if(U.isNegative()&&z.isPositive()&&(W=!0,U=U.abs()),z.isUnit())return U.isZero()?{value:[0],isNegative:!1}:{value:Array.apply(null,Array(U.toJSNumber())).map(Number.prototype.valueOf,1),isNegative:W};for(var ne,ie=[],V=U;V.isNegative()||V.compareAbs(z)>=0;){ne=V.divmod(z),V=ne.quotient;var Y=ne.remainder;Y.isNegative()&&(Y=z.minus(Y).abs(),V=V.next()),ie.push(Y.toJSNumber())}return ie.push(V.toJSNumber()),{value:ie.reverse(),isNegative:W}}function G(U,z,q){var W=ye(U,z);return(W.isNegative?"-":"")+W.value.map(function(ne){return function(ie,V){return ie<(V=V||u).length?V[ie]:"<"+ie+">"}(ne,q)}).join("")}function _(U){if(f(+U)){var z=+U;if(z===I(z))return s?new i(BigInt(z)):new o(z);throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+U)}var q=U[0]==="-";q&&(U=U.slice(1));var W=U.split(/e/i);if(W.length>2)throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+W.join("e"));if(W.length===2){var ne=W[1];if(ne[0]==="+"&&(ne=ne.slice(1)),(ne=+ne)!==I(ne)||!f(ne))throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+ne+" is not a valid exponent.");var ie=W[0],V=ie.indexOf(".");if(V>=0&&(ne-=ie.length-V-1,ie=ie.slice(0,V)+ie.slice(V+1)),ne<0)throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers");U=ie+=new Array(ne+1).join("0")}if(!/^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(U))throw new Error("Invalid integer: "+U);if(s)return new i(BigInt(q?"-"+U:U));for(var Y=[],$=U.length,K=a,ae=$-K;$>0;)Y.push(+U.slice(ae,$)),(ae-=K)<0&&(ae=0),$-=K;return m(Y),new n(Y,q)}function O(U){return typeof U=="number"?function(z){if(s)return new i(BigInt(z));if(f(z)){if(z!==I(z))throw new Error(z+" is not an integer.");return new o(z)}return _(z.toString())}(U):typeof U=="string"?_(U):typeof U=="bigint"?new i(U):U}n.prototype.toArray=function(U){return ye(this,U)},o.prototype.toArray=function(U){return ye(this,U)},i.prototype.toArray=function(U){return ye(this,U)},n.prototype.toString=function(U,z){if(U===A&&(U=10),U!==10)return G(this,U,z);for(var q,W=this.value,ne=W.length,ie=String(W[--ne]);--ne>=0;)q=String(W[ne]),ie+="0000000".slice(q.length)+q;return(this.sign?"-":"")+ie},o.prototype.toString=function(U,z){return U===A&&(U=10),U!=10?G(this,U,z):String(this.value)},i.prototype.toString=o.prototype.toString,i.prototype.toJSON=n.prototype.toJSON=o.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.toString()},n.prototype.valueOf=function(){return parseInt(this.toString(),10)},n.prototype.toJSNumber=n.prototype.valueOf,o.prototype.valueOf=function(){return this.value},o.prototype.toJSNumber=o.prototype.valueOf,i.prototype.valueOf=i.prototype.toJSNumber=function(){return parseInt(this.toString(),10)};for(var M=0;M<1e3;M++)r[M]=O(M),M>0&&(r[-M]=O(-M));return r.one=r[1],r.zero=r[0],r.minusOne=r[-1],r.max=le,r.min=fe,r.gcd=_e,r.lcm=function(U,z){return U=O(U).abs(),z=O(z).abs(),U.divide(_e(U,z)).multiply(z)},r.isInstance=function(U){return U instanceof n||U instanceof o||U instanceof i},r.randBetween=function(U,z,q){U=O(U),z=O(z);var W=q||Math.random,ne=fe(U,z),ie=le(U,z).subtract(ne).add(1);if(ie.isSmall)return ne.add(Math.floor(W()*ie));for(var V=ye(ie,w).value,Y=[],$=!0,K=0;K0||N===S?S:S-1}function h(N){for(var S,T,x=1,k=N.length,b=N[0]+"";xC^T?1:-1;for(P=(B=k.length)<(C=b.length)?B:C,p=0;pb[p]^T?1:-1;return B==C?0:B>C^T?1:-1}function v(N,S,T,x){if(NT||N!==t(N))throw Error(d+(x||"Argument")+(typeof N=="number"?NT?" out of range: ":" not an integer: ":" not a primitive number: ")+String(N))}function I(N){var S=N.c.length-1;return c(N.e/r)==S&&N.c[S]%2!=0}function l(N,S){return(N.length>1?N.charAt(0)+"."+N.slice(1):N)+(S<0?"e":"e+")+S}function j(N,S,T){var x,k;if(S<0){for(k=T+".";++S;k+=T);N=k+N}else if(++S>(x=N.length)){for(k=T,S-=x;--S;k+=T);N+=k}else SX?K.c=K.e=null:M.e=10;ie/=10,ne++);return void(ne>X?K.c=K.e=null:(K.e=ne,K.c=[M]))}$=String(M)}else{if(!w.test($=String(M)))return k(K,$,V);K.s=$.charCodeAt(0)==45?($=$.slice(1),-1):1}(ne=$.indexOf("."))>-1&&($=$.replace(".","")),(ie=$.search(/e/i))>0?(ne<0&&(ne=ie),ne+=+$.slice(ie+1),$=$.substring(0,ie)):ne<0&&(ne=$.length)}else{if(v(U,2,fe.length,"Base"),U==10&&_e)return _(K=new de(M),D+K.e+1,Z);if($=String(M),V=typeof M=="number"){if(0*M!=0)return k(K,$,V,U);if(K.s=1/M<0?($=$.slice(1),-1):1,de.DEBUG&&$.replace(/^0\.0*|\./,"").length>15)throw Error(u+M)}else K.s=$.charCodeAt(0)===45?($=$.slice(1),-1):1;for(z=fe.slice(0,U),ne=ie=0,Y=$.length;iene){ne=Y;continue}}else if(!W&&($==$.toUpperCase()&&($=$.toLowerCase())||$==$.toLowerCase()&&($=$.toUpperCase()))){W=!0,ie=-1,ne=0;continue}return k(K,String(M),V,U)}V=!1,(ne=($=x($,U,10,K.s)).indexOf("."))>-1?$=$.replace(".",""):ne=$.length}for(ie=0;$.charCodeAt(ie)===48;ie++);for(Y=$.length;$.charCodeAt(--Y)===48;);if($=$.slice(ie,++Y)){if(Y-=ie,V&&de.DEBUG&&Y>15&&(M>n||M!==t(M)))throw Error(u+K.s*M);if((ne=ne-ie-1)>X)K.c=K.e=null;else if(ne=te)?l(Y,ie):j(Y,ie,"0");else if(ne=(M=_(new de(M),U,z)).e,V=(Y=h(M.c)).length,q==1||q==2&&(U<=ne||ne<=H)){for(;VV){if(--U>0)for(Y+=".";U--;Y+="0");}else if((U+=ne-V)>0)for(ne+1==V&&(Y+=".");U--;Y+="0");return M.s<0&&W?"-"+Y:Y}function ye(M,U){for(var z,q=1,W=new de(M[0]);q=10;W/=10,q++);return(z=q+z*r-1)>X?M.c=M.e=null:z=10;V/=10,W++);if((ne=U-W)<0)ne+=r,ie=U,K=(Y=ae[$=0])/ce[W-ie-1]%10|0;else if(($=a((ne+1)/r))>=ae.length){if(!q)break e;for(;ae.length<=$;ae.push(0));Y=K=0,W=1,ie=(ne%=r)-r+1}else{for(Y=V=ae[$],W=1;V>=10;V/=10,W++);K=(ie=(ne%=r)-r+W)<0?0:Y/ce[W-ie-1]%10|0}if(q=q||U<0||ae[$+1]!=null||(ie<0?Y:Y%ce[W-ie-1]),q=z<4?(K||q)&&(z==0||z==(M.s<0?3:2)):K>5||K==5&&(z==4||q||z==6&&(ne>0?ie>0?Y/ce[W-ie]:0:ae[$-1])%10&1||z==(M.s<0?8:7)),U<1||!ae[0])return ae.length=0,q?(U-=M.e+1,ae[0]=ce[(r-U%r)%r],M.e=-U||0):ae[0]=M.e=0,M;if(ne==0?(ae.length=$,V=1,$--):(ae.length=$+1,V=ce[r-ne],ae[$]=ie>0?t(Y/ce[W-ie]%ce[ie])*V:0),q)for(;;){if($==0){for(ne=1,ie=ae[0];ie>=10;ie/=10,ne++);for(ie=ae[0]+=V,V=1;ie>=10;ie/=10,V++);ne!=V&&(M.e++,ae[0]==s&&(ae[0]=1));break}if(ae[$]+=V,ae[$]!=s)break;ae[$--]=0,V=1}for(ne=ae.length;ae[--ne]===0;ae.pop());}M.e>X?M.c=M.e=null:M.e=te?l(U,z):j(U,z,"0"),M.s<0?"-"+U:U)}return de.clone=N,de.ROUND_UP=0,de.ROUND_DOWN=1,de.ROUND_CEIL=2,de.ROUND_FLOOR=3,de.ROUND_HALF_UP=4,de.ROUND_HALF_DOWN=5,de.ROUND_HALF_EVEN=6,de.ROUND_HALF_CEIL=7,de.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR=8,de.EUCLID=9,de.config=de.set=function(M){var U,z;if(M!=null){if(typeof M!="object")throw Error(d+"Object expected: "+M);if(M.hasOwnProperty(U="DECIMAL_PLACES")&&(v(z=M[U],0,f,U),D=z),M.hasOwnProperty(U="ROUNDING_MODE")&&(v(z=M[U],0,8,U),Z=z),M.hasOwnProperty(U="EXPONENTIAL_AT")&&((z=M[U])&&z.pop?(v(z[0],-f,0,U),v(z[1],0,f,U),H=z[0],te=z[1]):(v(z,-f,f,U),H=-(te=z<0?-z:z))),M.hasOwnProperty(U="RANGE"))if((z=M[U])&&z.pop)v(z[0],-f,-1,U),v(z[1],1,f,U),Q=z[0],X=z[1];else{if(v(z,-f,f,U),!z)throw Error(d+U+" cannot be zero: "+z);Q=-(X=z<0?-z:z)}if(M.hasOwnProperty(U="CRYPTO")){if((z=M[U])!==!!z)throw Error(d+U+" not true or false: "+z);if(z){if(typeof crypto>"u"||!crypto||!crypto.getRandomValues&&!crypto.randomBytes)throw F=!z,Error(d+"crypto unavailable");F=z}else F=z}if(M.hasOwnProperty(U="MODULO_MODE")&&(v(z=M[U],0,9,U),se=z),M.hasOwnProperty(U="POW_PRECISION")&&(v(z=M[U],0,f,U),ue=z),M.hasOwnProperty(U="FORMAT")){if(typeof(z=M[U])!="object")throw Error(d+U+" not an object: "+z);le=z}if(M.hasOwnProperty(U="ALPHABET")){if(typeof(z=M[U])!="string"||/^.?$|[+\-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(z))throw Error(d+U+" invalid: "+z);_e=z.slice(0,10)=="0123456789",fe=z}}return{DECIMAL_PLACES:D,ROUNDING_MODE:Z,EXPONENTIAL_AT:[H,te],RANGE:[Q,X],CRYPTO:F,MODULO_MODE:se,POW_PRECISION:ue,FORMAT:le,ALPHABET:fe}},de.isBigNumber=function(M){if(!M||M._isBigNumber!==!0)return!1;if(!de.DEBUG)return!0;var U,z,q=M.c,W=M.e,ne=M.s;e:if({}.toString.call(q)=="[object Array]"){if((ne===1||ne===-1)&&W>=-f&&W<=f&&W===t(W)){if(q[0]===0){if(W===0&&q.length===1)return!0;break e}if((U=(W+1)%r)<1&&(U+=r),String(q[0]).length==U){for(U=0;U=s||z!==t(z))break e;if(z!==0)return!0}}}else if(q===null&&W===null&&(ne===null||ne===1||ne===-1))return!0;throw Error(d+"Invalid BigNumber: "+M)},de.maximum=de.max=function(){return ye(arguments,ee.lt)},de.minimum=de.min=function(){return ye(arguments,ee.gt)},de.random=(b=9007199254740992,p=Math.random()*b&2097151?function(){return t(Math.random()*b)}:function(){return 8388608*(1073741824*Math.random()|0)+(8388608*Math.random()|0)},function(M){var U,z,q,W,ne,ie=0,V=[],Y=new de(oe);if(M==null?M=D:v(M,0,f),W=a(M/r),F)if(crypto.getRandomValues){for(U=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(W*=2));ie>>11))>=9e15?(z=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)),U[ie]=z[0],U[ie+1]=z[1]):(V.push(ne%1e14),ie+=2);ie=W/2}else{if(!crypto.randomBytes)throw F=!1,Error(d+"crypto unavailable");for(U=crypto.randomBytes(W*=7);ie=9e15?crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(U,ie):(V.push(ne%1e14),ie+=7);ie=W/7}if(!F)for(;ie=10;ne/=10,ie++);ieW-1&&(Y[ie+1]==null&&(Y[ie+1]=0),Y[ie+1]+=Y[ie]/W|0,Y[ie]%=W)}return Y.reverse()}return function(z,q,W,ne,ie){var V,Y,$,K,ae,ce,he,me,ge=z.indexOf("."),ve=D,be=Z;for(ge>=0&&(K=ue,ue=0,z=z.replace(".",""),ce=(me=new de(q)).pow(z.length-ge),ue=K,me.c=U(j(h(ce.c),ce.e,"0"),10,W,M),me.e=me.c.length),$=K=(he=U(z,q,W,ie?(V=fe,M):(V=M,fe))).length;he[--K]==0;he.pop());if(!he[0])return V.charAt(0);if(ge<0?--$:(ce.c=he,ce.e=$,ce.s=ne,he=(ce=T(ce,me,ve,be,W)).c,ae=ce.r,$=ce.e),ge=he[Y=$+ve+1],K=W/2,ae=ae||Y<0||he[Y+1]!=null,ae=be<4?(ge!=null||ae)&&(be==0||be==(ce.s<0?3:2)):ge>K||ge==K&&(be==4||ae||be==6&&1&he[Y-1]||be==(ce.s<0?8:7)),Y<1||!he[0])z=ae?j(V.charAt(1),-ve,V.charAt(0)):V.charAt(0);else{if(he.length=Y,ae)for(--W;++he[--Y]>W;)he[Y]=0,Y||(++$,he=[1].concat(he));for(K=he.length;!he[--K];);for(ge=0,z="";ge<=K;z+=V.charAt(he[ge++]));z=j(z,$,V.charAt(0))}return z}}(),T=function(){function M(q,W,ne){var ie,V,Y,$,K=0,ae=q.length,ce=W%i,he=W/i|0;for(q=q.slice();ae--;)K=((V=ce*(Y=q[ae]%i)+(ie=he*Y+($=q[ae]/i|0)*ce)%i*i+K)/ne|0)+(ie/i|0)+he*$,q[ae]=V%ne;return K&&(q=[K].concat(q)),q}function U(q,W,ne,ie){var V,Y;if(ne!=ie)Y=ne>ie?1:-1;else for(V=Y=0;VW[V]?1:-1;break}return Y}function z(q,W,ne,ie){for(var V=0;ne--;)q[ne]-=V,V=q[ne]1;q.splice(0,1));}return function(q,W,ne,ie,V){var Y,$,K,ae,ce,he,me,ge,ve,be,we,xe,Ee,Pe,Se,Re,ke,Oe=q.s==W.s?1:-1,Me=q.c,Ae=W.c;if(!(Me&&Me[0]&&Ae&&Ae[0]))return new de(q.s&&W.s&&(Me?!Ae||Me[0]!=Ae[0]:Ae)?Me&&Me[0]==0||!Ae?0*Oe:Oe/0:NaN);for(ve=(ge=new de(Oe)).c=[],Oe=ne+($=q.e-W.e)+1,V||(V=s,$=c(q.e/r)-c(W.e/r),Oe=Oe/r|0),K=0;Ae[K]==(Me[K]||0);K++);if(Ae[K]>(Me[K]||0)&&$--,Oe<0)ve.push(1),ae=!0;else{for(Pe=Me.length,Re=Ae.length,K=0,Oe+=2,(ce=t(V/(Ae[0]+1)))>1&&(Ae=M(Ae,ce,V),Me=M(Me,ce,V),Re=Ae.length,Pe=Me.length),Ee=Re,we=(be=Me.slice(0,Re)).length;we=V/2&&Se++;do{if(ce=0,(Y=U(Ae,be,Re,we))<0){if(xe=be[0],Re!=we&&(xe=xe*V+(be[1]||0)),(ce=t(xe/Se))>1)for(ce>=V&&(ce=V-1),me=(he=M(Ae,ce,V)).length,we=be.length;U(he,be,me,we)==1;)ce--,z(he,Re=10;Oe/=10,K++);_(ge,ne+(ge.e=K+$*r-1)+1,ie,ae)}else ge.e=$,ge.r=+ae;return ge}}(),P=/^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i,B=/^([^.]+)\.$/,C=/^\.([^.]+)$/,L=/^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/,re=/^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g,k=function(M,U,z,q){var W,ne=z?U:U.replace(re,"");if(L.test(ne))M.s=isNaN(ne)?null:ne<0?-1:1;else{if(!z&&(ne=ne.replace(P,function(ie,V,Y){return W=(Y=Y.toLowerCase())=="x"?16:Y=="b"?2:8,q&&q!=W?ie:V}),q&&(W=q,ne=ne.replace(B,"$1").replace(C,"0.$1")),U!=ne))return new de(ne,W);if(de.DEBUG)throw Error(d+"Not a"+(q?" base "+q:"")+" number: "+U);M.s=null}M.c=M.e=null},ee.absoluteValue=ee.abs=function(){var M=new de(this);return M.s<0&&(M.s=1),M},ee.comparedTo=function(M,U){return m(this,new de(M,U))},ee.decimalPlaces=ee.dp=function(M,U){var z,q,W,ne=this;if(M!=null)return v(M,0,f),U==null?U=Z:v(U,0,8),_(new de(ne),M+ne.e+1,U);if(!(z=ne.c))return null;if(q=((W=z.length-1)-c(this.e/r))*r,W=z[W])for(;W%10==0;W/=10,q--);return q<0&&(q=0),q},ee.dividedBy=ee.div=function(M,U){return T(this,new de(M,U),D,Z)},ee.dividedToIntegerBy=ee.idiv=function(M,U){return T(this,new de(M,U),0,1)},ee.exponentiatedBy=ee.pow=function(M,U){var z,q,W,ne,ie,V,Y,$,K=this;if((M=new de(M)).c&&!M.isInteger())throw Error(d+"Exponent not an integer: "+O(M));if(U!=null&&(U=new de(U)),ie=M.e>14,!K.c||!K.c[0]||K.c[0]==1&&!K.e&&K.c.length==1||!M.c||!M.c[0])return $=new de(Math.pow(+O(K),ie?2-I(M):+O(M))),U?$.mod(U):$;if(V=M.s<0,U){if(U.c?!U.c[0]:!U.s)return new de(NaN);(q=!V&&K.isInteger()&&U.isInteger())&&(K=K.mod(U))}else{if(M.e>9&&(K.e>0||K.e<-1||(K.e==0?K.c[0]>1||ie&&K.c[1]>=24e7:K.c[0]<8e13||ie&&K.c[0]<=9999975e7)))return ne=K.s<0&&I(M)?-0:0,K.e>-1&&(ne=1/ne),new de(V?1/ne:ne);ue&&(ne=a(ue/r+2))}for(ie?(z=new de(.5),V&&(M.s=1),Y=I(M)):Y=(W=Math.abs(+O(M)))%2,$=new de(oe);;){if(Y){if(!($=$.times(K)).c)break;ne?$.c.length>ne&&($.c.length=ne):q&&($=$.mod(U))}if(W){if((W=t(W/2))===0)break;Y=W%2}else if(_(M=M.times(z),M.e+1,1),M.e>14)Y=I(M);else{if((W=+O(M))==0)break;Y=W%2}K=K.times(K),ne?K.c&&K.c.length>ne&&(K.c.length=ne):q&&(K=K.mod(U))}return q?$:(V&&($=oe.div($)),U?$.mod(U):ne?_($,ue,Z,void 0):$)},ee.integerValue=function(M){var U=new de(this);return M==null?M=Z:v(M,0,8),_(U,U.e+1,M)},ee.isEqualTo=ee.eq=function(M,U){return m(this,new de(M,U))===0},ee.isFinite=function(){return!!this.c},ee.isGreaterThan=ee.gt=function(M,U){return m(this,new de(M,U))>0},ee.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo=ee.gte=function(M,U){return(U=m(this,new de(M,U)))===1||U===0},ee.isInteger=function(){return!!this.c&&c(this.e/r)>this.c.length-2},ee.isLessThan=ee.lt=function(M,U){return m(this,new de(M,U))<0},ee.isLessThanOrEqualTo=ee.lte=function(M,U){return(U=m(this,new de(M,U)))===-1||U===0},ee.isNaN=function(){return!this.s},ee.isNegative=function(){return this.s<0},ee.isPositive=function(){return this.s>0},ee.isZero=function(){return!!this.c&&this.c[0]==0},ee.minus=function(M,U){var z,q,W,ne,ie=this,V=ie.s;if(U=(M=new de(M,U)).s,!V||!U)return new de(NaN);if(V!=U)return M.s=-U,ie.plus(M);var Y=ie.e/r,$=M.e/r,K=ie.c,ae=M.c;if(!Y||!$){if(!K||!ae)return K?(M.s=-U,M):new de(ae?ie:NaN);if(!K[0]||!ae[0])return ae[0]?(M.s=-U,M):new de(K[0]?ie:Z==3?-0:0)}if(Y=c(Y),$=c($),K=K.slice(),V=Y-$){for((ne=V<0)?(V=-V,W=K):($=Y,W=ae),W.reverse(),U=V;U--;W.push(0));W.reverse()}else for(q=(ne=(V=K.length)<(U=ae.length))?V:U,V=U=0;U0)for(;U--;K[z++]=0);for(U=s-1;q>V;){if(K[--q]=0;){for(z=0,ce=xe[W]%ve,he=xe[W]/ve|0,ne=W+(ie=Y);ne>W;)z=(($=ce*($=we[--ie]%ve)+(V=he*$+(K=we[ie]/ve|0)*ce)%ve*ve+me[ne]+z)/ge|0)+(V/ve|0)+he*K,me[ne--]=$%ge;me[ne]=z}return z?++q:me.splice(0,1),G(M,me,q)},ee.negated=function(){var M=new de(this);return M.s=-M.s||null,M},ee.plus=function(M,U){var z,q=this,W=q.s;if(U=(M=new de(M,U)).s,!W||!U)return new de(NaN);if(W!=U)return M.s=-U,q.minus(M);var ne=q.e/r,ie=M.e/r,V=q.c,Y=M.c;if(!ne||!ie){if(!V||!Y)return new de(W/0);if(!V[0]||!Y[0])return Y[0]?M:new de(V[0]?q:0*W)}if(ne=c(ne),ie=c(ie),V=V.slice(),W=ne-ie){for(W>0?(ie=ne,z=Y):(W=-W,z=V),z.reverse();W--;z.push(0));z.reverse()}for((W=V.length)-(U=Y.length)<0&&(z=Y,Y=V,V=z,U=W),W=0;U;)W=(V[--U]=V[U]+Y[U]+W)/s|0,V[U]=s===V[U]?0:V[U]%s;return W&&(V=[W].concat(V),++ie),G(M,V,ie)},ee.precision=ee.sd=function(M,U){var z,q,W,ne=this;if(M!=null&&M!==!!M)return v(M,1,f),U==null?U=Z:v(U,0,8),_(new de(ne),M,U);if(!(z=ne.c))return null;if(q=(W=z.length-1)*r+1,W=z[W]){for(;W%10==0;W/=10,q--);for(W=z[0];W>=10;W/=10,q++);}return M&&ne.e+1>q&&(q=ne.e+1),q},ee.shiftedBy=function(M){return v(M,-9007199254740991,n),this.times("1e"+M)},ee.squareRoot=ee.sqrt=function(){var M,U,z,q,W,ne=this,ie=ne.c,V=ne.s,Y=ne.e,$=D+4,K=new de("0.5");if(V!==1||!ie||!ie[0])return new de(!V||V<0&&(!ie||ie[0])?NaN:ie?ne:1/0);if((V=Math.sqrt(+O(ne)))==0||V==1/0?(((U=h(ie)).length+Y)%2==0&&(U+="0"),V=Math.sqrt(+U),Y=c((Y+1)/2)-(Y<0||Y%2),z=new de(U=V==1/0?"5e"+Y:(U=V.toExponential()).slice(0,U.indexOf("e")+1)+Y)):z=new de(V+""),z.c[0]){for((V=(Y=z.e)+$)<3&&(V=0);;)if(W=z,z=K.times(W.plus(T(ne,W,$,1))),h(W.c).slice(0,V)===(U=h(z.c)).slice(0,V)){if(z.e0&&me>0){for(ne=me%V||V,K=he.substr(0,ne);ne0&&(K+=$+he.slice(ne)),ce&&(K="-"+K)}q=ae?K+(z.decimalSeparator||"")+((Y=+z.fractionGroupSize)?ae.replace(new RegExp("\\d{"+Y+"}\\B","g"),"$&"+(z.fractionGroupSeparator||"")):ae):K}return(z.prefix||"")+q+(z.suffix||"")},ee.toFraction=function(M){var U,z,q,W,ne,ie,V,Y,$,K,ae,ce,he=this,me=he.c;if(M!=null&&(!(V=new de(M)).isInteger()&&(V.c||V.s!==1)||V.lt(oe)))throw Error(d+"Argument "+(V.isInteger()?"out of range: ":"not an integer: ")+O(V));if(!me)return new de(he);for(U=new de(oe),$=z=new de(oe),q=Y=new de(oe),ce=h(me),ne=U.e=ce.length-he.e-1,U.c[0]=o[(ie=ne%r)<0?r+ie:ie],M=!M||V.comparedTo(U)>0?ne>0?U:$:V,ie=X,X=1/0,V=new de(ce),Y.c[0]=0;K=T(V,U,0,1),(W=z.plus(K.times(q))).comparedTo(M)!=1;)z=q,q=W,$=Y.plus(K.times(W=$)),Y=W,U=V.minus(K.times(W=U)),V=W;return W=T(M.minus(z),q,0,1),Y=Y.plus(W.times($)),z=z.plus(W.times(q)),Y.s=$.s=he.s,ae=T($,q,ne*=2,Z).minus(he).abs().comparedTo(T(Y,z,ne,Z).minus(he).abs())<1?[$,q]:[Y,z],X=ie,ae},ee.toNumber=function(){return+O(this)},ee.toPrecision=function(M,U){return M!=null&&v(M,1,f),pe(this,M,U,2)},ee.toString=function(M){var U,z=this,q=z.s,W=z.e;return W===null?q?(U="Infinity",q<0&&(U="-"+U)):U="NaN":(M==null?U=W<=H||W>=te?l(h(z.c),W):j(h(z.c),W,"0"):M===10&&_e?U=j(h((z=_(new de(z),D+W+1,Z)).c),z.e,"0"):(v(M,2,fe.length,"Base"),U=x(j(h(z.c),W,"0"),10,M,q,!0)),q<0&&z.c[0]&&(U="-"+U)),U},ee.valueOf=ee.toJSON=function(){return O(this)},ee._isBigNumber=!0,S!=null&&de.set(S),de}(),A.default=A.BigNumber=A,(E=(function(){return A}).call(e,y,e,J))===void 0||(J.exports=E)})()},4090:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8764).Buffer;Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const R=y(6903),A=y(8334),w=y(5892),a=y(2401),t=y(9898),d=a.BufferN(32),u=a.compile({wif:a.UInt8,bip32:{public:a.UInt32,private:a.UInt32}}),s={messagePrefix:`Bitcoin Signed Message: +`,bech32:"bc",bip32:{public:76067358,private:76066276},pubKeyHash:0,scriptHash:5,wif:128},r=2147483648,n=Math.pow(2,31)-1;function o(v){return a.String(v)&&v.match(/^(m\/)?(\d+'?\/)*\d+'?$/)!==null}function i(v){return a.UInt32(v)&&v<=n}class f{constructor(I,l,j,N,S=0,T=0,x=0){this.__D=I,this.__Q=l,this.chainCode=j,this.network=N,this.__DEPTH=S,this.__INDEX=T,this.__PARENT_FINGERPRINT=x,a(u,N),this.lowR=!1}get depth(){return this.__DEPTH}get index(){return this.__INDEX}get parentFingerprint(){return this.__PARENT_FINGERPRINT}get publicKey(){return this.__Q===void 0&&(this.__Q=w.pointFromScalar(this.__D,!0)),this.__Q}get privateKey(){return this.__D}get identifier(){return R.hash160(this.publicKey)}get fingerprint(){return this.identifier.slice(0,4)}get compressed(){return!0}isNeutered(){return this.__D===void 0}neutered(){return m(this.publicKey,this.chainCode,this.network,this.depth,this.index,this.parentFingerprint)}toBase58(){const I=this.network,l=this.isNeutered()?I.bip32.public:I.bip32.private,j=E.allocUnsafe(78);return j.writeUInt32BE(l,0),j.writeUInt8(this.depth,4),j.writeUInt32BE(this.parentFingerprint,5),j.writeUInt32BE(this.index,9),this.chainCode.copy(j,13),this.isNeutered()?this.publicKey.copy(j,45):(j.writeUInt8(0,45),this.privateKey.copy(j,46)),A.encode(j)}toWIF(){if(!this.privateKey)throw new TypeError("Missing private key");return t.encode(this.network.wif,this.privateKey,!0)}derive(I){a(a.UInt32,I);const l=I>=r,j=E.allocUnsafe(37);if(l){if(this.isNeutered())throw new TypeError("Missing private key for hardened child key");j[0]=0,this.privateKey.copy(j,1),j.writeUInt32BE(I,33)}else this.publicKey.copy(j,0),j.writeUInt32BE(I,33);const N=R.hmacSHA512(this.chainCode,j),S=N.slice(0,32),T=N.slice(32);if(!w.isPrivate(S))return this.derive(I+1);let x;if(this.isNeutered()){const k=w.pointAddScalar(this.publicKey,S,!0);if(k===null)return this.derive(I+1);x=m(k,T,this.network,this.depth+1,I,this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0))}else{const k=w.privateAdd(this.privateKey,S);if(k==null)return this.derive(I+1);x=h(k,T,this.network,this.depth+1,I,this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0))}return x}deriveHardened(I){return a(i,I),this.derive(I+r)}derivePath(I){a(o,I);let l=I.split("/");if(l[0]==="m"){if(this.parentFingerprint)throw new TypeError("Expected master, got child");l=l.slice(1)}return l.reduce((j,N)=>{let S;return N.slice(-1)==="'"?(S=parseInt(N.slice(0,-1),10),j.deriveHardened(S)):(S=parseInt(N,10),j.derive(S))},this)}sign(I,l){if(!this.privateKey)throw new Error("Missing private key");if(l===void 0&&(l=this.lowR),l===!1)return w.sign(I,this.privateKey);{let j=w.sign(I,this.privateKey);const N=E.alloc(32,0);let S=0;for(;j[0]>127;)S++,N.writeUIntLE(S,0,6),j=w.signWithEntropy(I,this.privateKey,N);return j}}verify(I,l){return w.verify(I,this.publicKey,l)}}function c(v,I,l){return h(v,I,l)}function h(v,I,l,j,N,S){if(a({privateKey:d,chainCode:d},{privateKey:v,chainCode:I}),l=l||s,!w.isPrivate(v))throw new TypeError("Private key not in range [1, n)");return new f(v,void 0,I,l,j,N,S)}function m(v,I,l,j,N,S){if(a({publicKey:a.BufferN(33),chainCode:d},{publicKey:v,chainCode:I}),l=l||s,!w.isPoint(v))throw new TypeError("Point is not on the curve");return new f(void 0,v,I,l,j,N,S)}e.fromBase58=function(v,I){const l=A.decode(v);if(l.length!==78)throw new TypeError("Invalid buffer length");I=I||s;const j=l.readUInt32BE(0);if(j!==I.bip32.private&&j!==I.bip32.public)throw new TypeError("Invalid network version");const N=l[4],S=l.readUInt32BE(5);if(N===0&&S!==0)throw new TypeError("Invalid parent fingerprint");const T=l.readUInt32BE(9);if(N===0&&T!==0)throw new TypeError("Invalid index");const x=l.slice(13,45);let k;if(j===I.bip32.private){if(l.readUInt8(45)!==0)throw new TypeError("Invalid private key");k=h(l.slice(46,78),x,I,N,T,S)}else k=m(l.slice(45,78),x,I,N,T,S);return k},e.fromPrivateKey=c,e.fromPublicKey=function(v,I,l){return m(v,I,l)},e.fromSeed=function(v,I){if(a(a.Buffer,v),v.length<16)throw new TypeError("Seed should be at least 128 bits");if(v.length>64)throw new TypeError("Seed should be at most 512 bits");I=I||s;const l=R.hmacSHA512(E.from("Bitcoin seed","utf8"),v);return c(l.slice(0,32),l.slice(32),I)}},6903:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E=y(3482),R=y(8355);e.hash160=function(A){const w=E("sha256").update(A).digest();try{return E("rmd160").update(w).digest()}catch{return E("ripemd160").update(w).digest()}},e.hmacSHA512=function(A,w){return R("sha512",A).update(w).digest()}},7786:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});var E=y(4090);e.fromSeed=E.fromSeed,e.fromBase58=E.fromBase58,e.fromPublicKey=E.fromPublicKey,e.fromPrivateKey=E.fromPrivateKey},2314:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E={};let R;e.wordlists=E,e._default=R;try{e._default=R=y(32),E.czech=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(6996),E.chinese_simplified=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(4262),E.chinese_traditional=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(8013),E.korean=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(1848),E.french=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(2841),E.italian=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(659),E.spanish=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(4472),E.japanese=R,E.JA=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(1945),E.portuguese=R}catch{}try{e._default=R=y(4573),E.english=R,E.EN=R}catch{}},2153:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8764).Buffer;Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const R=y(3482),A=y(5632),w=y(1798),a=y(2314);let t=a._default;const d="Invalid mnemonic",u="Invalid entropy",s=`A wordlist is required but a default could not be found. +Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`;function r(I){return(I||"").normalize("NFKD")}function n(I,l,j){for(;I.lengthn(l.toString(2),"0",8)).join("")}function f(I){const l=8*I.length/32,j=R("sha256").update(I).digest();return i(Array.from(j)).slice(0,l)}function c(I){return"mnemonic"+(I||"")}function h(I,l){if(!(l=l||t))throw new Error(s);const j=r(I).split(" ");if(j.length%3!=0)throw new Error(d);const N=j.map(p=>{const P=l.indexOf(p);if(P===-1)throw new Error(d);return n(P.toString(2),"0",11)}).join(""),S=32*Math.floor(N.length/33),T=N.slice(0,S),x=N.slice(S),k=T.match(/(.{1,8})/g).map(o);if(k.length<16)throw new Error(u);if(k.length>32)throw new Error(u);if(k.length%4!=0)throw new Error(u);const b=E.from(k);if(f(b)!==x)throw new Error("Invalid mnemonic checksum");return b.toString("hex")}function m(I,l){if(E.isBuffer(I)||(I=E.from(I,"hex")),!(l=l||t))throw new Error(s);if(I.length<16)throw new TypeError(u);if(I.length>32)throw new TypeError(u);if(I.length%4!=0)throw new TypeError(u);const j=(i(Array.from(I))+f(I)).match(/(.{1,11})/g).map(N=>{const S=o(N);return l[S]});return l[0]==="あいこくしん"?j.join(" "):j.join(" ")}e.mnemonicToSeedSync=function(I,l){const j=E.from(r(I),"utf8"),N=E.from(c(r(l)),"utf8");return A.pbkdf2Sync(j,N,2048,64,"sha512")},e.mnemonicToSeed=function(I,l){return Promise.resolve().then(()=>function(j,N,S,T,x){return Promise.resolve().then(()=>new Promise((k,b)=>{A.pbkdf2(j,N,2048,64,"sha512",(p,P)=>p?b(p):k(P))}))}(E.from(r(I),"utf8"),E.from(c(r(l)),"utf8")))},e.mnemonicToEntropy=h,e.entropyToMnemonic=m,e.generateMnemonic=function(I,l,j){if((I=I||128)%32!=0)throw new TypeError(u);return m((l=l||w)(I/8),j)},e.validateMnemonic=function(I,l){try{h(I,l)}catch{return!1}return!0},e.setDefaultWordlist=function(I){const l=a.wordlists[I];if(!l)throw new Error('Could not find wordlist for language "'+I+'"');t=l},e.getDefaultWordlist=function(){if(!t)throw new Error("No Default Wordlist set");return Object.keys(a.wordlists).filter(I=>I!=="JA"&&I!=="EN"&&a.wordlists[I].every((l,j)=>l===t[j]))[0]};var v=y(2314);e.wordlists=v.wordlists},3550:function(J,e,y){(function(E,R){function A(x,k){if(!x)throw new Error(k||"Assertion failed")}function w(x,k){x.super_=k;var b=function(){};b.prototype=k.prototype,x.prototype=new b,x.prototype.constructor=x}function a(x,k,b){if(a.isBN(x))return x;this.negative=0,this.words=null,this.length=0,this.red=null,x!==null&&(k!=="le"&&k!=="be"||(b=k,k=10),this._init(x||0,k||10,b||"be"))}var t;typeof E=="object"?E.exports=a:R.BN=a,a.BN=a,a.wordSize=26;try{t=typeof window<"u"&&window.Buffer!==void 0?window.Buffer:y(6601).Buffer}catch{}function d(x,k){var b=x.charCodeAt(k);return b>=65&&b<=70?b-55:b>=97&&b<=102?b-87:b-48&15}function u(x,k,b){var p=d(x,b);return b-1>=k&&(p|=d(x,b-1)<<4),p}function s(x,k,b,p){for(var P=0,B=Math.min(x.length,b),C=k;C=49?L-49+10:L>=17?L-17+10:L}return P}a.isBN=function(x){return x instanceof a||x!==null&&typeof x=="object"&&x.constructor.wordSize===a.wordSize&&Array.isArray(x.words)},a.max=function(x,k){return x.cmp(k)>0?x:k},a.min=function(x,k){return x.cmp(k)<0?x:k},a.prototype._init=function(x,k,b){if(typeof x=="number")return this._initNumber(x,k,b);if(typeof x=="object")return this._initArray(x,k,b);k==="hex"&&(k=16),A(k===(0|k)&&k>=2&&k<=36);var p=0;(x=x.toString().replace(/\s+/g,""))[0]==="-"&&(p++,this.negative=1),p=0;p-=3)B=x[p]|x[p-1]<<8|x[p-2]<<16,this.words[P]|=B<>>26-C&67108863,(C+=24)>=26&&(C-=26,P++);else if(b==="le")for(p=0,P=0;p>>26-C&67108863,(C+=24)>=26&&(C-=26,P++);return this.strip()},a.prototype._parseHex=function(x,k,b){this.length=Math.ceil((x.length-k)/6),this.words=new Array(this.length);for(var p=0;p=k;p-=2)P=u(x,k,p)<=18?(B-=18,C+=1,this.words[C]|=P>>>26):B+=8;else for(p=(x.length-k)%2==0?k+1:k;p=18?(B-=18,C+=1,this.words[C]|=P>>>26):B+=8;this.strip()},a.prototype._parseBase=function(x,k,b){this.words=[0],this.length=1;for(var p=0,P=1;P<=67108863;P*=k)p++;p--,P=P/k|0;for(var B=x.length-b,C=B%p,L=Math.min(B,B-C)+b,re=0,ee=b;ee1&&this.words[this.length-1]===0;)this.length--;return this._normSign()},a.prototype._normSign=function(){return this.length===1&&this.words[0]===0&&(this.negative=0),this},a.prototype.inspect=function(){return(this.red?""};var r=["","0","00","000","0000","00000","000000","0000000","00000000","000000000","0000000000","00000000000","000000000000","0000000000000","00000000000000","000000000000000","0000000000000000","00000000000000000","000000000000000000","0000000000000000000","00000000000000000000","000000000000000000000","0000000000000000000000","00000000000000000000000","000000000000000000000000","0000000000000000000000000"],n=[0,0,25,16,12,11,10,9,8,8,7,7,7,7,6,6,6,6,6,6,6,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5,5],o=[0,0,33554432,43046721,16777216,48828125,60466176,40353607,16777216,43046721,1e7,19487171,35831808,62748517,7529536,11390625,16777216,24137569,34012224,47045881,64e6,4084101,5153632,6436343,7962624,9765625,11881376,14348907,17210368,20511149,243e5,28629151,33554432,39135393,45435424,52521875,60466176];function i(x,k,b){b.negative=k.negative^x.negative;var p=x.length+k.length|0;b.length=p,p=p-1|0;var P=0|x.words[0],B=0|k.words[0],C=P*B,L=67108863&C,re=C/67108864|0;b.words[0]=L;for(var ee=1;ee>>26,D=67108863&re,Z=Math.min(ee,k.length-1),H=Math.max(0,ee-x.length+1);H<=Z;H++){var te=ee-H|0;oe+=(C=(P=0|x.words[te])*(B=0|k.words[H])+D)/67108864|0,D=67108863&C}b.words[ee]=0|D,re=0|oe}return re!==0?b.words[ee]=0|re:b.length--,b.strip()}a.prototype.toString=function(x,k){var b;if(k=0|k||1,(x=x||10)===16||x==="hex"){b="";for(var p=0,P=0,B=0;B>>24-p&16777215)!=0||B!==this.length-1?r[6-L.length]+L+b:L+b,(p+=2)>=26&&(p-=26,B--)}for(P!==0&&(b=P.toString(16)+b);b.length%k!=0;)b="0"+b;return this.negative!==0&&(b="-"+b),b}if(x===(0|x)&&x>=2&&x<=36){var re=n[x],ee=o[x];b="";var oe=this.clone();for(oe.negative=0;!oe.isZero();){var D=oe.modn(ee).toString(x);b=(oe=oe.idivn(ee)).isZero()?D+b:r[re-D.length]+D+b}for(this.isZero()&&(b="0"+b);b.length%k!=0;)b="0"+b;return this.negative!==0&&(b="-"+b),b}A(!1,"Base should be between 2 and 36")},a.prototype.toNumber=function(){var x=this.words[0];return this.length===2?x+=67108864*this.words[1]:this.length===3&&this.words[2]===1?x+=4503599627370496+67108864*this.words[1]:this.length>2&&A(!1,"Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"),this.negative!==0?-x:x},a.prototype.toJSON=function(){return this.toString(16)},a.prototype.toBuffer=function(x,k){return A(t!==void 0),this.toArrayLike(t,x,k)},a.prototype.toArray=function(x,k){return this.toArrayLike(Array,x,k)},a.prototype.toArrayLike=function(x,k,b){var p=this.byteLength(),P=b||Math.max(1,p);A(p<=P,"byte array longer than desired length"),A(P>0,"Requested array length <= 0"),this.strip();var B,C,L=k==="le",re=new x(P),ee=this.clone();if(L){for(C=0;!ee.isZero();C++)B=ee.andln(255),ee.iushrn(8),re[C]=B;for(;C=4096&&(b+=13,k>>>=13),k>=64&&(b+=7,k>>>=7),k>=8&&(b+=4,k>>>=4),k>=2&&(b+=2,k>>>=2),b+k},a.prototype._zeroBits=function(x){if(x===0)return 26;var k=x,b=0;return!(8191&k)&&(b+=13,k>>>=13),!(127&k)&&(b+=7,k>>>=7),!(15&k)&&(b+=4,k>>>=4),!(3&k)&&(b+=2,k>>>=2),!(1&k)&&b++,b},a.prototype.bitLength=function(){var x=this.words[this.length-1],k=this._countBits(x);return 26*(this.length-1)+k},a.prototype.zeroBits=function(){if(this.isZero())return 0;for(var x=0,k=0;kx.length?this.clone().ior(x):x.clone().ior(this)},a.prototype.uor=function(x){return this.length>x.length?this.clone().iuor(x):x.clone().iuor(this)},a.prototype.iuand=function(x){var k;k=this.length>x.length?x:this;for(var b=0;bx.length?this.clone().iand(x):x.clone().iand(this)},a.prototype.uand=function(x){return this.length>x.length?this.clone().iuand(x):x.clone().iuand(this)},a.prototype.iuxor=function(x){var k,b;this.length>x.length?(k=this,b=x):(k=x,b=this);for(var p=0;px.length?this.clone().ixor(x):x.clone().ixor(this)},a.prototype.uxor=function(x){return this.length>x.length?this.clone().iuxor(x):x.clone().iuxor(this)},a.prototype.inotn=function(x){A(typeof x=="number"&&x>=0);var k=0|Math.ceil(x/26),b=x%26;this._expand(k),b>0&&k--;for(var p=0;p0&&(this.words[p]=~this.words[p]&67108863>>26-b),this.strip()},a.prototype.notn=function(x){return this.clone().inotn(x)},a.prototype.setn=function(x,k){A(typeof x=="number"&&x>=0);var b=x/26|0,p=x%26;return this._expand(b+1),this.words[b]=k?this.words[b]|1<x.length?(b=this,p=x):(b=x,p=this);for(var P=0,B=0;B>>26;for(;P!==0&&B>>26;if(this.length=b.length,P!==0)this.words[this.length]=P,this.length++;else if(b!==this)for(;Bx.length?this.clone().iadd(x):x.clone().iadd(this)},a.prototype.isub=function(x){if(x.negative!==0){x.negative=0;var k=this.iadd(x);return x.negative=1,k._normSign()}if(this.negative!==0)return this.negative=0,this.iadd(x),this.negative=1,this._normSign();var b,p,P=this.cmp(x);if(P===0)return this.negative=0,this.length=1,this.words[0]=0,this;P>0?(b=this,p=x):(b=x,p=this);for(var B=0,C=0;C>26,this.words[C]=67108863&k;for(;B!==0&&C>26,this.words[C]=67108863&k;if(B===0&&C>>13,H=0|C[1],te=8191&H,Q=H>>>13,X=0|C[2],F=8191&X,se=X>>>13,ue=0|C[3],le=8191&ue,fe=ue>>>13,_e=0|C[4],de=8191&_e,pe=_e>>>13,ye=0|C[5],G=8191&ye,_=ye>>>13,O=0|C[6],M=8191&O,U=O>>>13,z=0|C[7],q=8191&z,W=z>>>13,ne=0|C[8],ie=8191&ne,V=ne>>>13,Y=0|C[9],$=8191&Y,K=Y>>>13,ae=0|L[0],ce=8191&ae,he=ae>>>13,me=0|L[1],ge=8191&me,ve=me>>>13,be=0|L[2],we=8191&be,xe=be>>>13,Ee=0|L[3],Pe=8191&Ee,Se=Ee>>>13,Re=0|L[4],ke=8191&Re,Oe=Re>>>13,Me=0|L[5],Ae=8191&Me,Ne=Me>>>13,Ce=0|L[6],Te=8191&Ce,Ie=Ce>>>13,De=0|L[7],je=8191&De,Ue=De>>>13,Je=0|L[8],Be=8191&Je,ze=Je>>>13,ct=0|L[9],Le=8191&ct,qe=ct>>>13;b.negative=x.negative^k.negative,b.length=19;var Fe=(ee+(p=Math.imul(D,ce))|0)+((8191&(P=(P=Math.imul(D,he))+Math.imul(Z,ce)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=Math.imul(Z,he))+(P>>>13)|0)+(Fe>>>26)|0,Fe&=67108863,p=Math.imul(te,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(te,he))+Math.imul(Q,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(Q,he);var We=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,ge)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,ve)|0)+Math.imul(Z,ge)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,ve)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(We>>>26)|0,We&=67108863,p=Math.imul(F,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(F,he))+Math.imul(se,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(se,he),p=p+Math.imul(te,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,ve)|0)+Math.imul(Q,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,ve)|0;var Ge=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,we)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,xe)|0)+Math.imul(Z,we)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,xe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(Ge>>>26)|0,Ge&=67108863,p=Math.imul(le,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(le,he))+Math.imul(fe,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(fe,he),p=p+Math.imul(F,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,ve)|0)+Math.imul(se,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,ve)|0,p=p+Math.imul(te,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,xe)|0)+Math.imul(Q,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,xe)|0;var Ve=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,Pe)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,Se)|0)+Math.imul(Z,Pe)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,Se)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(Ve>>>26)|0,Ve&=67108863,p=Math.imul(de,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(de,he))+Math.imul(pe,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(pe,he),p=p+Math.imul(le,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,ve)|0)+Math.imul(fe,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,ve)|0,p=p+Math.imul(F,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,xe)|0)+Math.imul(se,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,xe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(te,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,Se)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,Se)|0;var He=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,ke)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(Z,ke)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,Oe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(He>>>26)|0,He&=67108863,p=Math.imul(G,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(G,he))+Math.imul(_,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(_,he),p=p+Math.imul(de,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,ve)|0)+Math.imul(pe,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,ve)|0,p=p+Math.imul(le,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,xe)|0)+Math.imul(fe,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,xe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(F,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,Se)|0)+Math.imul(se,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(te,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(Q,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,Oe)|0;var $e=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,Ae)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(Z,Ae)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,Ne)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+($e>>>26)|0,$e&=67108863,p=Math.imul(M,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(M,he))+Math.imul(U,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(U,he),p=p+Math.imul(G,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,ve)|0)+Math.imul(_,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,ve)|0,p=p+Math.imul(de,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,xe)|0)+Math.imul(pe,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,xe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(le,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,Se)|0)+Math.imul(fe,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(F,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(se,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,Oe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(te,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,Ne)|0;var Ke=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,Te)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(Z,Te)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,Ie)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(Ke>>>26)|0,Ke&=67108863,p=Math.imul(q,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(q,he))+Math.imul(W,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(W,he),p=p+Math.imul(M,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,ve)|0)+Math.imul(U,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,ve)|0,p=p+Math.imul(G,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,xe)|0)+Math.imul(_,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,xe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(de,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,Se)|0)+Math.imul(pe,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(le,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(fe,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,Oe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(F,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(se,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,Ne)|0,p=p+Math.imul(te,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,Ie)|0;var Qe=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,je)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(Z,je)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,Ue)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(Qe>>>26)|0,Qe&=67108863,p=Math.imul(ie,ce),P=(P=Math.imul(ie,he))+Math.imul(V,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(V,he),p=p+Math.imul(q,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,ve)|0)+Math.imul(W,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,ve)|0,p=p+Math.imul(M,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,xe)|0)+Math.imul(U,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,xe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(G,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,Se)|0)+Math.imul(_,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(de,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(pe,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,Oe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(le,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(fe,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,Ne)|0,p=p+Math.imul(F,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(se,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,Ie)|0,p=p+Math.imul(te,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(Q,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,Ue)|0;var Ze=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,Be)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,ze)|0)+Math.imul(Z,Be)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,ze)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(Ze>>>26)|0,Ze&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,ce),P=(P=Math.imul($,he))+Math.imul(K,ce)|0,B=Math.imul(K,he),p=p+Math.imul(ie,ge)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,ve)|0)+Math.imul(V,ge)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,ve)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,xe)|0)+Math.imul(W,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,xe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(M,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,Se)|0)+Math.imul(U,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(G,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(_,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,Oe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(de,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(pe,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,Ne)|0,p=p+Math.imul(le,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(fe,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,Ie)|0,p=p+Math.imul(F,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(se,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,Ue)|0,p=p+Math.imul(te,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,ze)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(Q,ze)|0;var Ye=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(D,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(D,qe)|0)+Math.imul(Z,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Z,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(Ye>>>26)|0,Ye&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,ge),P=(P=Math.imul($,ve))+Math.imul(K,ge)|0,B=Math.imul(K,ve),p=p+Math.imul(ie,we)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,xe)|0)+Math.imul(V,we)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,xe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,Se)|0)+Math.imul(W,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(M,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(U,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,Oe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(G,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(_,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,Ne)|0,p=p+Math.imul(de,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(pe,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,Ie)|0,p=p+Math.imul(le,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(fe,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,Ue)|0,p=p+Math.imul(F,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,ze)|0)+Math.imul(se,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(se,ze)|0;var Xe=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(te,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(te,qe)|0)+Math.imul(Q,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(Q,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(Xe>>>26)|0,Xe&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,we),P=(P=Math.imul($,xe))+Math.imul(K,we)|0,B=Math.imul(K,xe),p=p+Math.imul(ie,Pe)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,Se)|0)+Math.imul(V,Pe)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,Se)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(W,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,Oe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(M,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(U,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,Ne)|0,p=p+Math.imul(G,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(_,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,Ie)|0,p=p+Math.imul(de,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(pe,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,Ue)|0,p=p+Math.imul(le,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,ze)|0)+Math.imul(fe,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(fe,ze)|0;var et=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(F,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(F,qe)|0)+Math.imul(se,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(se,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(et>>>26)|0,et&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,Pe),P=(P=Math.imul($,Se))+Math.imul(K,Pe)|0,B=Math.imul(K,Se),p=p+Math.imul(ie,ke)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,Oe)|0)+Math.imul(V,ke)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,Oe)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(W,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,Ne)|0,p=p+Math.imul(M,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(U,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,Ie)|0,p=p+Math.imul(G,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(_,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,Ue)|0,p=p+Math.imul(de,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,ze)|0)+Math.imul(pe,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(pe,ze)|0;var tt=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(le,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(le,qe)|0)+Math.imul(fe,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(fe,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(tt>>>26)|0,tt&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,ke),P=(P=Math.imul($,Oe))+Math.imul(K,ke)|0,B=Math.imul(K,Oe),p=p+Math.imul(ie,Ae)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,Ne)|0)+Math.imul(V,Ae)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,Ne)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(W,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,Ie)|0,p=p+Math.imul(M,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(U,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,Ue)|0,p=p+Math.imul(G,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,ze)|0)+Math.imul(_,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(_,ze)|0;var rt=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(de,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(de,qe)|0)+Math.imul(pe,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(pe,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(rt>>>26)|0,rt&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,Ae),P=(P=Math.imul($,Ne))+Math.imul(K,Ae)|0,B=Math.imul(K,Ne),p=p+Math.imul(ie,Te)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,Ie)|0)+Math.imul(V,Te)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,Ie)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(W,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,Ue)|0,p=p+Math.imul(M,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,ze)|0)+Math.imul(U,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(U,ze)|0;var nt=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(G,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(G,qe)|0)+Math.imul(_,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(_,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(nt>>>26)|0,nt&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,Te),P=(P=Math.imul($,Ie))+Math.imul(K,Te)|0,B=Math.imul(K,Ie),p=p+Math.imul(ie,je)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,Ue)|0)+Math.imul(V,je)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,Ue)|0,p=p+Math.imul(q,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,ze)|0)+Math.imul(W,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(W,ze)|0;var ot=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(M,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(M,qe)|0)+Math.imul(U,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(U,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(ot>>>26)|0,ot&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,je),P=(P=Math.imul($,Ue))+Math.imul(K,je)|0,B=Math.imul(K,Ue),p=p+Math.imul(ie,Be)|0,P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,ze)|0)+Math.imul(V,Be)|0,B=B+Math.imul(V,ze)|0;var it=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(q,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(q,qe)|0)+Math.imul(W,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(W,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(it>>>26)|0,it&=67108863,p=Math.imul($,Be),P=(P=Math.imul($,ze))+Math.imul(K,Be)|0,B=Math.imul(K,ze);var at=(ee+(p=p+Math.imul(ie,Le)|0)|0)+((8191&(P=(P=P+Math.imul(ie,qe)|0)+Math.imul(V,Le)|0))<<13)|0;ee=((B=B+Math.imul(V,qe)|0)+(P>>>13)|0)+(at>>>26)|0,at&=67108863;var st=(ee+(p=Math.imul($,Le))|0)+((8191&(P=(P=Math.imul($,qe))+Math.imul(K,Le)|0))<<13)|0;return ee=((B=Math.imul(K,qe))+(P>>>13)|0)+(st>>>26)|0,st&=67108863,re[0]=Fe,re[1]=We,re[2]=Ge,re[3]=Ve,re[4]=He,re[5]=$e,re[6]=Ke,re[7]=Qe,re[8]=Ze,re[9]=Ye,re[10]=Xe,re[11]=et,re[12]=tt,re[13]=rt,re[14]=nt,re[15]=ot,re[16]=it,re[17]=at,re[18]=st,ee!==0&&(re[19]=ee,b.length++),b};function c(x,k,b){return new h().mulp(x,k,b)}function h(x,k){this.x=x,this.y=k}Math.imul||(f=i),a.prototype.mulTo=function(x,k){var b,p=this.length+x.length;return b=this.length===10&&x.length===10?f(this,x,k):p<63?i(this,x,k):p<1024?function(P,B,C){C.negative=B.negative^P.negative,C.length=P.length+B.length;for(var L=0,re=0,ee=0;ee>>26)|0)>>>26,oe&=67108863}C.words[ee]=D,L=oe,oe=re}return L!==0?C.words[ee]=L:C.length--,C.strip()}(this,x,k):c(this,x,k),b},h.prototype.makeRBT=function(x){for(var k=new Array(x),b=a.prototype._countBits(x)-1,p=0;p>=1;return p},h.prototype.permute=function(x,k,b,p,P,B){for(var C=0;C>>=1)P++;return 1<>>=13,b[2*B+1]=8191&P,P>>>=13;for(B=2*k;B>=26,k+=p/67108864|0,k+=P>>>26,this.words[b]=67108863&P}return k!==0&&(this.words[b]=k,this.length++),this},a.prototype.muln=function(x){return this.clone().imuln(x)},a.prototype.sqr=function(){return this.mul(this)},a.prototype.isqr=function(){return this.imul(this.clone())},a.prototype.pow=function(x){var k=function(B){for(var C=new Array(B.bitLength()),L=0;L>>ee}return C}(x);if(k.length===0)return new a(1);for(var b=this,p=0;p=0);var k,b=x%26,p=(x-b)/26,P=67108863>>>26-b<<26-b;if(b!==0){var B=0;for(k=0;k>>26-b}B&&(this.words[k]=B,this.length++)}if(p!==0){for(k=this.length-1;k>=0;k--)this.words[k+p]=this.words[k];for(k=0;k=0),p=k?(k-k%26)/26:0;var P=x%26,B=Math.min((x-P)/26,this.length),C=67108863^67108863>>>P<B)for(this.length-=B,re=0;re=0&&(ee!==0||re>=p);re--){var oe=0|this.words[re];this.words[re]=ee<<26-P|oe>>>P,ee=oe&C}return L&&ee!==0&&(L.words[L.length++]=ee),this.length===0&&(this.words[0]=0,this.length=1),this.strip()},a.prototype.ishrn=function(x,k,b){return A(this.negative===0),this.iushrn(x,k,b)},a.prototype.shln=function(x){return this.clone().ishln(x)},a.prototype.ushln=function(x){return this.clone().iushln(x)},a.prototype.shrn=function(x){return this.clone().ishrn(x)},a.prototype.ushrn=function(x){return this.clone().iushrn(x)},a.prototype.testn=function(x){A(typeof x=="number"&&x>=0);var k=x%26,b=(x-k)/26,p=1<=0);var k=x%26,b=(x-k)/26;if(A(this.negative===0,"imaskn works only with positive numbers"),this.length<=b)return this;if(k!==0&&b++,this.length=Math.min(b,this.length),k!==0){var p=67108863^67108863>>>k<=67108864;k++)this.words[k]-=67108864,k===this.length-1?this.words[k+1]=1:this.words[k+1]++;return this.length=Math.max(this.length,k+1),this},a.prototype.isubn=function(x){if(A(typeof x=="number"),A(x<67108864),x<0)return this.iaddn(-x);if(this.negative!==0)return this.negative=0,this.iaddn(x),this.negative=1,this;if(this.words[0]-=x,this.length===1&&this.words[0]<0)this.words[0]=-this.words[0],this.negative=1;else for(var k=0;k>26)-(L/67108864|0),this.words[p+b]=67108863&P}for(;p>26,this.words[p+b]=67108863&P;if(C===0)return this.strip();for(A(C===-1),C=0,p=0;p>26,this.words[p]=67108863&P;return this.negative=1,this.strip()},a.prototype._wordDiv=function(x,k){var b=(this.length,x.length),p=this.clone(),P=x,B=0|P.words[P.length-1];(b=26-this._countBits(B))!=0&&(P=P.ushln(b),p.iushln(b),B=0|P.words[P.length-1]);var C,L=p.length-P.length;if(k!=="mod"){(C=new a(null)).length=L+1,C.words=new Array(C.length);for(var re=0;re=0;oe--){var D=67108864*(0|p.words[P.length+oe])+(0|p.words[P.length+oe-1]);for(D=Math.min(D/B|0,67108863),p._ishlnsubmul(P,D,oe);p.negative!==0;)D--,p.negative=0,p._ishlnsubmul(P,1,oe),p.isZero()||(p.negative^=1);C&&(C.words[oe]=D)}return C&&C.strip(),p.strip(),k!=="div"&&b!==0&&p.iushrn(b),{div:C||null,mod:p}},a.prototype.divmod=function(x,k,b){return A(!x.isZero()),this.isZero()?{div:new a(0),mod:new a(0)}:this.negative!==0&&x.negative===0?(B=this.neg().divmod(x,k),k!=="mod"&&(p=B.div.neg()),k!=="div"&&(P=B.mod.neg(),b&&P.negative!==0&&P.iadd(x)),{div:p,mod:P}):this.negative===0&&x.negative!==0?(B=this.divmod(x.neg(),k),k!=="mod"&&(p=B.div.neg()),{div:p,mod:B.mod}):this.negative&x.negative?(B=this.neg().divmod(x.neg(),k),k!=="div"&&(P=B.mod.neg(),b&&P.negative!==0&&P.isub(x)),{div:B.div,mod:P}):x.length>this.length||this.cmp(x)<0?{div:new a(0),mod:this}:x.length===1?k==="div"?{div:this.divn(x.words[0]),mod:null}:k==="mod"?{div:null,mod:new a(this.modn(x.words[0]))}:{div:this.divn(x.words[0]),mod:new a(this.modn(x.words[0]))}:this._wordDiv(x,k);var p,P,B},a.prototype.div=function(x){return this.divmod(x,"div",!1).div},a.prototype.mod=function(x){return this.divmod(x,"mod",!1).mod},a.prototype.umod=function(x){return this.divmod(x,"mod",!0).mod},a.prototype.divRound=function(x){var k=this.divmod(x);if(k.mod.isZero())return k.div;var b=k.div.negative!==0?k.mod.isub(x):k.mod,p=x.ushrn(1),P=x.andln(1),B=b.cmp(p);return B<0||P===1&&B===0?k.div:k.div.negative!==0?k.div.isubn(1):k.div.iaddn(1)},a.prototype.modn=function(x){A(x<=67108863);for(var k=67108864%x,b=0,p=this.length-1;p>=0;p--)b=(k*b+(0|this.words[p]))%x;return b},a.prototype.idivn=function(x){A(x<=67108863);for(var k=0,b=this.length-1;b>=0;b--){var p=(0|this.words[b])+67108864*k;this.words[b]=p/x|0,k=p%x}return this.strip()},a.prototype.divn=function(x){return this.clone().idivn(x)},a.prototype.egcd=function(x){A(x.negative===0),A(!x.isZero());var k=this,b=x.clone();k=k.negative!==0?k.umod(x):k.clone();for(var p=new a(1),P=new a(0),B=new a(0),C=new a(1),L=0;k.isEven()&&b.isEven();)k.iushrn(1),b.iushrn(1),++L;for(var re=b.clone(),ee=k.clone();!k.isZero();){for(var oe=0,D=1;!(k.words[0]&D)&&oe<26;++oe,D<<=1);if(oe>0)for(k.iushrn(oe);oe-- >0;)(p.isOdd()||P.isOdd())&&(p.iadd(re),P.isub(ee)),p.iushrn(1),P.iushrn(1);for(var Z=0,H=1;!(b.words[0]&H)&&Z<26;++Z,H<<=1);if(Z>0)for(b.iushrn(Z);Z-- >0;)(B.isOdd()||C.isOdd())&&(B.iadd(re),C.isub(ee)),B.iushrn(1),C.iushrn(1);k.cmp(b)>=0?(k.isub(b),p.isub(B),P.isub(C)):(b.isub(k),B.isub(p),C.isub(P))}return{a:B,b:C,gcd:b.iushln(L)}},a.prototype._invmp=function(x){A(x.negative===0),A(!x.isZero());var k=this,b=x.clone();k=k.negative!==0?k.umod(x):k.clone();for(var p,P=new a(1),B=new a(0),C=b.clone();k.cmpn(1)>0&&b.cmpn(1)>0;){for(var L=0,re=1;!(k.words[0]&re)&&L<26;++L,re<<=1);if(L>0)for(k.iushrn(L);L-- >0;)P.isOdd()&&P.iadd(C),P.iushrn(1);for(var ee=0,oe=1;!(b.words[0]&oe)&&ee<26;++ee,oe<<=1);if(ee>0)for(b.iushrn(ee);ee-- >0;)B.isOdd()&&B.iadd(C),B.iushrn(1);k.cmp(b)>=0?(k.isub(b),P.isub(B)):(b.isub(k),B.isub(P))}return(p=k.cmpn(1)===0?P:B).cmpn(0)<0&&p.iadd(x),p},a.prototype.gcd=function(x){if(this.isZero())return x.abs();if(x.isZero())return this.abs();var k=this.clone(),b=x.clone();k.negative=0,b.negative=0;for(var p=0;k.isEven()&&b.isEven();p++)k.iushrn(1),b.iushrn(1);for(;;){for(;k.isEven();)k.iushrn(1);for(;b.isEven();)b.iushrn(1);var P=k.cmp(b);if(P<0){var B=k;k=b,b=B}else if(P===0||b.cmpn(1)===0)break;k.isub(b)}return b.iushln(p)},a.prototype.invm=function(x){return this.egcd(x).a.umod(x)},a.prototype.isEven=function(){return(1&this.words[0])==0},a.prototype.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.words[0])==1},a.prototype.andln=function(x){return this.words[0]&x},a.prototype.bincn=function(x){A(typeof x=="number");var k=x%26,b=(x-k)/26,p=1<>>26,C&=67108863,this.words[B]=C}return P!==0&&(this.words[B]=P,this.length++),this},a.prototype.isZero=function(){return this.length===1&&this.words[0]===0},a.prototype.cmpn=function(x){var k,b=x<0;if(this.negative!==0&&!b)return-1;if(this.negative===0&&b)return 1;if(this.strip(),this.length>1)k=1;else{b&&(x=-x),A(x<=67108863,"Number is too big");var p=0|this.words[0];k=p===x?0:px.length)return 1;if(this.length=0;b--){var p=0|this.words[b],P=0|x.words[b];if(p!==P){pP&&(k=1);break}}return k},a.prototype.gtn=function(x){return this.cmpn(x)===1},a.prototype.gt=function(x){return this.cmp(x)===1},a.prototype.gten=function(x){return this.cmpn(x)>=0},a.prototype.gte=function(x){return this.cmp(x)>=0},a.prototype.ltn=function(x){return this.cmpn(x)===-1},a.prototype.lt=function(x){return this.cmp(x)===-1},a.prototype.lten=function(x){return this.cmpn(x)<=0},a.prototype.lte=function(x){return this.cmp(x)<=0},a.prototype.eqn=function(x){return this.cmpn(x)===0},a.prototype.eq=function(x){return this.cmp(x)===0},a.red=function(x){return new S(x)},a.prototype.toRed=function(x){return A(!this.red,"Already a number in reduction context"),A(this.negative===0,"red works only with positives"),x.convertTo(this)._forceRed(x)},a.prototype.fromRed=function(){return A(this.red,"fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"),this.red.convertFrom(this)},a.prototype._forceRed=function(x){return this.red=x,this},a.prototype.forceRed=function(x){return A(!this.red,"Already a number in reduction context"),this._forceRed(x)},a.prototype.redAdd=function(x){return A(this.red,"redAdd works only with red numbers"),this.red.add(this,x)},a.prototype.redIAdd=function(x){return A(this.red,"redIAdd works only with red numbers"),this.red.iadd(this,x)},a.prototype.redSub=function(x){return A(this.red,"redSub works only with red numbers"),this.red.sub(this,x)},a.prototype.redISub=function(x){return A(this.red,"redISub works only with red numbers"),this.red.isub(this,x)},a.prototype.redShl=function(x){return A(this.red,"redShl works only with red numbers"),this.red.shl(this,x)},a.prototype.redMul=function(x){return A(this.red,"redMul works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify2(this,x),this.red.mul(this,x)},a.prototype.redIMul=function(x){return A(this.red,"redMul works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify2(this,x),this.red.imul(this,x)},a.prototype.redSqr=function(){return A(this.red,"redSqr works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.sqr(this)},a.prototype.redISqr=function(){return A(this.red,"redISqr works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.isqr(this)},a.prototype.redSqrt=function(){return A(this.red,"redSqrt works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.sqrt(this)},a.prototype.redInvm=function(){return A(this.red,"redInvm works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.invm(this)},a.prototype.redNeg=function(){return A(this.red,"redNeg works only with red numbers"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.neg(this)},a.prototype.redPow=function(x){return A(this.red&&!x.red,"redPow(normalNum)"),this.red._verify1(this),this.red.pow(this,x)};var m={k256:null,p224:null,p192:null,p25519:null};function v(x,k){this.name=x,this.p=new a(k,16),this.n=this.p.bitLength(),this.k=new a(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p),this.tmp=this._tmp()}function I(){v.call(this,"k256","ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f")}function l(){v.call(this,"p224","ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001")}function j(){v.call(this,"p192","ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff")}function N(){v.call(this,"25519","7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed")}function S(x){if(typeof x=="string"){var k=a._prime(x);this.m=k.p,this.prime=k}else A(x.gtn(1),"modulus must be greater than 1"),this.m=x,this.prime=null}function T(x){S.call(this,x),this.shift=this.m.bitLength(),this.shift%26!=0&&(this.shift+=26-this.shift%26),this.r=new a(1).iushln(this.shift),this.r2=this.imod(this.r.sqr()),this.rinv=this.r._invmp(this.m),this.minv=this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m),this.minv=this.minv.umod(this.r),this.minv=this.r.sub(this.minv)}v.prototype._tmp=function(){var x=new a(null);return x.words=new Array(Math.ceil(this.n/13)),x},v.prototype.ireduce=function(x){var k,b=x;do this.split(b,this.tmp),k=(b=(b=this.imulK(b)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength();while(k>this.n);var p=k0?b.isub(this.p):b.strip!==void 0?b.strip():b._strip(),b},v.prototype.split=function(x,k){x.iushrn(this.n,0,k)},v.prototype.imulK=function(x){return x.imul(this.k)},w(I,v),I.prototype.split=function(x,k){for(var b=4194303,p=Math.min(x.length,9),P=0;P>>22,B=C}B>>>=22,x.words[P-10]=B,B===0&&x.length>10?x.length-=10:x.length-=9},I.prototype.imulK=function(x){x.words[x.length]=0,x.words[x.length+1]=0,x.length+=2;for(var k=0,b=0;b>>=26,x.words[b]=P,k=p}return k!==0&&(x.words[x.length++]=k),x},a._prime=function(x){if(m[x])return m[x];var k;if(x==="k256")k=new I;else if(x==="p224")k=new l;else if(x==="p192")k=new j;else{if(x!=="p25519")throw new Error("Unknown prime "+x);k=new N}return m[x]=k,k},S.prototype._verify1=function(x){A(x.negative===0,"red works only with positives"),A(x.red,"red works only with red numbers")},S.prototype._verify2=function(x,k){A((x.negative|k.negative)==0,"red works only with positives"),A(x.red&&x.red===k.red,"red works only with red numbers")},S.prototype.imod=function(x){return this.prime?this.prime.ireduce(x)._forceRed(this):x.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this)},S.prototype.neg=function(x){return x.isZero()?x.clone():this.m.sub(x)._forceRed(this)},S.prototype.add=function(x,k){this._verify2(x,k);var b=x.add(k);return b.cmp(this.m)>=0&&b.isub(this.m),b._forceRed(this)},S.prototype.iadd=function(x,k){this._verify2(x,k);var b=x.iadd(k);return b.cmp(this.m)>=0&&b.isub(this.m),b},S.prototype.sub=function(x,k){this._verify2(x,k);var b=x.sub(k);return b.cmpn(0)<0&&b.iadd(this.m),b._forceRed(this)},S.prototype.isub=function(x,k){this._verify2(x,k);var b=x.isub(k);return b.cmpn(0)<0&&b.iadd(this.m),b},S.prototype.shl=function(x,k){return this._verify1(x),this.imod(x.ushln(k))},S.prototype.imul=function(x,k){return this._verify2(x,k),this.imod(x.imul(k))},S.prototype.mul=function(x,k){return this._verify2(x,k),this.imod(x.mul(k))},S.prototype.isqr=function(x){return this.imul(x,x.clone())},S.prototype.sqr=function(x){return this.mul(x,x)},S.prototype.sqrt=function(x){if(x.isZero())return x.clone();var k=this.m.andln(3);if(A(k%2==1),k===3){var b=this.m.add(new a(1)).iushrn(2);return this.pow(x,b)}for(var p=this.m.subn(1),P=0;!p.isZero()&&p.andln(1)===0;)P++,p.iushrn(1);A(!p.isZero());var B=new a(1).toRed(this),C=B.redNeg(),L=this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1),re=this.m.bitLength();for(re=new a(2*re*re).toRed(this);this.pow(re,L).cmp(C)!==0;)re.redIAdd(C);for(var ee=this.pow(re,p),oe=this.pow(x,p.addn(1).iushrn(1)),D=this.pow(x,p),Z=P;D.cmp(B)!==0;){for(var H=D,te=0;H.cmp(B)!==0;te++)H=H.redSqr();A(te=0;p--){for(var re=k.words[p],ee=L-1;ee>=0;ee--){var oe=re>>ee&1;P!==b[0]&&(P=this.sqr(P)),oe!==0||B!==0?(B<<=1,B|=oe,(++C==4||p===0&&ee===0)&&(P=this.mul(P,b[B]),C=0,B=0)):C=0}L=26}return P},S.prototype.convertTo=function(x){var k=x.umod(this.m);return k===x?k.clone():k},S.prototype.convertFrom=function(x){var k=x.clone();return k.red=null,k},a.mont=function(x){return new T(x)},w(T,S),T.prototype.convertTo=function(x){return this.imod(x.ushln(this.shift))},T.prototype.convertFrom=function(x){var k=this.imod(x.mul(this.rinv));return k.red=null,k},T.prototype.imul=function(x,k){if(x.isZero()||k.isZero())return x.words[0]=0,x.length=1,x;var b=x.imul(k),p=b.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m),P=b.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift),B=P;return P.cmp(this.m)>=0?B=P.isub(this.m):P.cmpn(0)<0&&(B=P.iadd(this.m)),B._forceRed(this)},T.prototype.mul=function(x,k){if(x.isZero()||k.isZero())return new a(0)._forceRed(this);var b=x.mul(k),p=b.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m),P=b.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift),B=P;return P.cmp(this.m)>=0?B=P.isub(this.m):P.cmpn(0)<0&&(B=P.iadd(this.m)),B._forceRed(this)},T.prototype.invm=function(x){return this.imod(x._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this)}})(J=y.nmd(J),this)},9931:(J,e,y)=>{var E;function R(w){this.rand=w}if(J.exports=function(w){return E||(E=new R(null)),E.generate(w)},J.exports.Rand=R,R.prototype.generate=function(w){return this._rand(w)},R.prototype._rand=function(w){if(this.rand.getBytes)return this.rand.getBytes(w);for(var a=new Uint8Array(w),t=0;t{var E=y(8162);J.exports=E("123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz")},3310:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(7191),R=y(9509).Buffer;J.exports=function(A){function w(a){var t=a.slice(0,-4),d=a.slice(-4),u=A(t);if(!(d[0]^u[0]|d[1]^u[1]|d[2]^u[2]|d[3]^u[3]))return t}return{encode:function(a){var t=A(a);return E.encode(R.concat([a,t],a.length+4))},decode:function(a){var t=w(E.decode(a));if(!t)throw new Error("Invalid checksum");return t},decodeUnsafe:function(a){var t=E.decodeUnsafe(a);if(t)return w(t)}}}},8334:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3482),R=y(3310);J.exports=R(function(A){var w=E("sha256").update(A).digest();return E("sha256").update(w).digest()})},8764:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5108);const R=y(9742),A=y(645),w=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol.for=="function"?Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom"):null;e.Buffer=d,e.SlowBuffer=function(O){return+O!=O&&(O=0),d.alloc(+O)},e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES=50;const a=2147483647;function t(O){if(O>a)throw new RangeError('The value "'+O+'" is invalid for option "size"');const M=new Uint8Array(O);return Object.setPrototypeOf(M,d.prototype),M}function d(O,M,U){if(typeof O=="number"){if(typeof M=="string")throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number');return r(O)}return u(O,M,U)}function u(O,M,U){if(typeof O=="string")return function(W,ne){if(typeof ne=="string"&&ne!==""||(ne="utf8"),!d.isEncoding(ne))throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+ne);const ie=0|f(W,ne);let V=t(ie);const Y=V.write(W,ne);return Y!==ie&&(V=V.slice(0,Y)),V}(O,M);if(ArrayBuffer.isView(O))return function(W){if(de(W,Uint8Array)){const ne=new Uint8Array(W);return o(ne.buffer,ne.byteOffset,ne.byteLength)}return n(W)}(O);if(O==null)throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof O);if(de(O,ArrayBuffer)||O&&de(O.buffer,ArrayBuffer)||typeof SharedArrayBuffer<"u"&&(de(O,SharedArrayBuffer)||O&&de(O.buffer,SharedArrayBuffer)))return o(O,M,U);if(typeof O=="number")throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number');const z=O.valueOf&&O.valueOf();if(z!=null&&z!==O)return d.from(z,M,U);const q=function(W){if(d.isBuffer(W)){const ne=0|i(W.length),ie=t(ne);return ie.length===0||W.copy(ie,0,0,ne),ie}return W.length!==void 0?typeof W.length!="number"||pe(W.length)?t(0):n(W):W.type==="Buffer"&&Array.isArray(W.data)?n(W.data):void 0}(O);if(q)return q;if(typeof Symbol<"u"&&Symbol.toPrimitive!=null&&typeof O[Symbol.toPrimitive]=="function")return d.from(O[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"),M,U);throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type "+typeof O)}function s(O){if(typeof O!="number")throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number');if(O<0)throw new RangeError('The value "'+O+'" is invalid for option "size"')}function r(O){return s(O),t(O<0?0:0|i(O))}function n(O){const M=O.length<0?0:0|i(O.length),U=t(M);for(let z=0;z=a)throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x"+a.toString(16)+" bytes");return 0|O}function f(O,M){if(d.isBuffer(O))return O.length;if(ArrayBuffer.isView(O)||de(O,ArrayBuffer))return O.byteLength;if(typeof O!="string")throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type '+typeof O);const U=O.length,z=arguments.length>2&&arguments[2]===!0;if(!z&&U===0)return 0;let q=!1;for(;;)switch(M){case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return U;case"utf8":case"utf-8":return le(O).length;case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return 2*U;case"hex":return U>>>1;case"base64":return fe(O).length;default:if(q)return z?-1:le(O).length;M=(""+M).toLowerCase(),q=!0}}function c(O,M,U){let z=!1;if((M===void 0||M<0)&&(M=0),M>this.length||((U===void 0||U>this.length)&&(U=this.length),U<=0)||(U>>>=0)<=(M>>>=0))return"";for(O||(O="utf8");;)switch(O){case"hex":return P(this,M,U);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return x(this,M,U);case"ascii":return b(this,M,U);case"latin1":case"binary":return p(this,M,U);case"base64":return T(this,M,U);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return B(this,M,U);default:if(z)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+O);O=(O+"").toLowerCase(),z=!0}}function h(O,M,U){const z=O[M];O[M]=O[U],O[U]=z}function m(O,M,U,z,q){if(O.length===0)return-1;if(typeof U=="string"?(z=U,U=0):U>2147483647?U=2147483647:U<-2147483648&&(U=-2147483648),pe(U=+U)&&(U=q?0:O.length-1),U<0&&(U=O.length+U),U>=O.length){if(q)return-1;U=O.length-1}else if(U<0){if(!q)return-1;U=0}if(typeof M=="string"&&(M=d.from(M,z)),d.isBuffer(M))return M.length===0?-1:v(O,M,U,z,q);if(typeof M=="number")return M&=255,typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf=="function"?q?Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(O,M,U):Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(O,M,U):v(O,[M],U,z,q);throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer")}function v(O,M,U,z,q){let W,ne=1,ie=O.length,V=M.length;if(z!==void 0&&((z=String(z).toLowerCase())==="ucs2"||z==="ucs-2"||z==="utf16le"||z==="utf-16le")){if(O.length<2||M.length<2)return-1;ne=2,ie/=2,V/=2,U/=2}function Y($,K){return ne===1?$[K]:$.readUInt16BE(K*ne)}if(q){let $=-1;for(W=U;Wie&&(U=ie-V),W=U;W>=0;W--){let $=!0;for(let K=0;Kq&&(z=q):z=q;const W=M.length;let ne;for(z>W/2&&(z=W/2),ne=0;ne>8,V=ne%256,Y.push(V),Y.push(ie);return Y}(M,O.length-U),O,U,z)}function T(O,M,U){return M===0&&U===O.length?R.fromByteArray(O):R.fromByteArray(O.slice(M,U))}function x(O,M,U){U=Math.min(O.length,U);const z=[];let q=M;for(;q239?4:W>223?3:W>191?2:1;if(q+ie<=U){let V,Y,$,K;switch(ie){case 1:W<128&&(ne=W);break;case 2:V=O[q+1],(192&V)==128&&(K=(31&W)<<6|63&V,K>127&&(ne=K));break;case 3:V=O[q+1],Y=O[q+2],(192&V)==128&&(192&Y)==128&&(K=(15&W)<<12|(63&V)<<6|63&Y,K>2047&&(K<55296||K>57343)&&(ne=K));break;case 4:V=O[q+1],Y=O[q+2],$=O[q+3],(192&V)==128&&(192&Y)==128&&(192&$)==128&&(K=(15&W)<<18|(63&V)<<12|(63&Y)<<6|63&$,K>65535&&K<1114112&&(ne=K))}}ne===null?(ne=65533,ie=1):ne>65535&&(ne-=65536,z.push(ne>>>10&1023|55296),ne=56320|1023&ne),z.push(ne),q+=ie}return function(W){const ne=W.length;if(ne<=k)return String.fromCharCode.apply(String,W);let ie="",V=0;for(;Vz.length?(d.isBuffer(W)||(W=d.from(W)),W.copy(z,q)):Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(z,W,q);else{if(!d.isBuffer(W))throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers');W.copy(z,q)}q+=W.length}return z},d.byteLength=f,d.prototype._isBuffer=!0,d.prototype.swap16=function(){const O=this.length;if(O%2!=0)throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits");for(let M=0;MM&&(O+=" ... "),""},w&&(d.prototype[w]=d.prototype.inspect),d.prototype.compare=function(O,M,U,z,q){if(de(O,Uint8Array)&&(O=d.from(O,O.offset,O.byteLength)),!d.isBuffer(O))throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type '+typeof O);if(M===void 0&&(M=0),U===void 0&&(U=O?O.length:0),z===void 0&&(z=0),q===void 0&&(q=this.length),M<0||U>O.length||z<0||q>this.length)throw new RangeError("out of range index");if(z>=q&&M>=U)return 0;if(z>=q)return-1;if(M>=U)return 1;if(this===O)return 0;let W=(q>>>=0)-(z>>>=0),ne=(U>>>=0)-(M>>>=0);const ie=Math.min(W,ne),V=this.slice(z,q),Y=O.slice(M,U);for(let $=0;$>>=0,isFinite(U)?(U>>>=0,z===void 0&&(z="utf8")):(z=U,U=void 0)}const q=this.length-M;if((U===void 0||U>q)&&(U=q),O.length>0&&(U<0||M<0)||M>this.length)throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds");z||(z="utf8");let W=!1;for(;;)switch(z){case"hex":return I(this,O,M,U);case"utf8":case"utf-8":return l(this,O,M,U);case"ascii":case"latin1":case"binary":return j(this,O,M,U);case"base64":return N(this,O,M,U);case"ucs2":case"ucs-2":case"utf16le":case"utf-16le":return S(this,O,M,U);default:if(W)throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: "+z);z=(""+z).toLowerCase(),W=!0}},d.prototype.toJSON=function(){return{type:"Buffer",data:Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr||this,0)}};const k=4096;function b(O,M,U){let z="";U=Math.min(O.length,U);for(let q=M;qz)&&(U=z);let q="";for(let W=M;WU)throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length")}function L(O,M,U,z,q,W){if(!d.isBuffer(O))throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance');if(M>q||MO.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function re(O,M,U,z,q){X(M,z,q,O,U,7);let W=Number(M&BigInt(4294967295));O[U++]=W,W>>=8,O[U++]=W,W>>=8,O[U++]=W,W>>=8,O[U++]=W;let ne=Number(M>>BigInt(32)&BigInt(4294967295));return O[U++]=ne,ne>>=8,O[U++]=ne,ne>>=8,O[U++]=ne,ne>>=8,O[U++]=ne,U}function ee(O,M,U,z,q){X(M,z,q,O,U,7);let W=Number(M&BigInt(4294967295));O[U+7]=W,W>>=8,O[U+6]=W,W>>=8,O[U+5]=W,W>>=8,O[U+4]=W;let ne=Number(M>>BigInt(32)&BigInt(4294967295));return O[U+3]=ne,ne>>=8,O[U+2]=ne,ne>>=8,O[U+1]=ne,ne>>=8,O[U]=ne,U+8}function oe(O,M,U,z,q,W){if(U+z>O.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(U<0)throw new RangeError("Index out of range")}function D(O,M,U,z,q){return M=+M,U>>>=0,q||oe(O,0,U,4),A.write(O,M,U,z,23,4),U+4}function Z(O,M,U,z,q){return M=+M,U>>>=0,q||oe(O,0,U,8),A.write(O,M,U,z,52,8),U+8}d.prototype.slice=function(O,M){const U=this.length;(O=~~O)<0?(O+=U)<0&&(O=0):O>U&&(O=U),(M=M===void 0?U:~~M)<0?(M+=U)<0&&(M=0):M>U&&(M=U),M>>=0,M>>>=0,U||C(O,M,this.length);let z=this[O],q=1,W=0;for(;++W>>=0,M>>>=0,U||C(O,M,this.length);let z=this[O+--M],q=1;for(;M>0&&(q*=256);)z+=this[O+--M]*q;return z},d.prototype.readUint8=d.prototype.readUInt8=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,1,this.length),this[O]},d.prototype.readUint16LE=d.prototype.readUInt16LE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,2,this.length),this[O]|this[O+1]<<8},d.prototype.readUint16BE=d.prototype.readUInt16BE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,2,this.length),this[O]<<8|this[O+1]},d.prototype.readUint32LE=d.prototype.readUInt32LE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,4,this.length),(this[O]|this[O+1]<<8|this[O+2]<<16)+16777216*this[O+3]},d.prototype.readUint32BE=d.prototype.readUInt32BE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,4,this.length),16777216*this[O]+(this[O+1]<<16|this[O+2]<<8|this[O+3])},d.prototype.readBigUInt64LE=G(function(O){F(O>>>=0,"offset");const M=this[O],U=this[O+7];M!==void 0&&U!==void 0||se(O,this.length-8);const z=M+256*this[++O]+65536*this[++O]+this[++O]*2**24,q=this[++O]+256*this[++O]+65536*this[++O]+U*2**24;return BigInt(z)+(BigInt(q)<>>=0,"offset");const M=this[O],U=this[O+7];M!==void 0&&U!==void 0||se(O,this.length-8);const z=M*2**24+65536*this[++O]+256*this[++O]+this[++O],q=this[++O]*2**24+65536*this[++O]+256*this[++O]+U;return(BigInt(z)<>>=0,M>>>=0,U||C(O,M,this.length);let z=this[O],q=1,W=0;for(;++W=q&&(z-=Math.pow(2,8*M)),z},d.prototype.readIntBE=function(O,M,U){O>>>=0,M>>>=0,U||C(O,M,this.length);let z=M,q=1,W=this[O+--z];for(;z>0&&(q*=256);)W+=this[O+--z]*q;return q*=128,W>=q&&(W-=Math.pow(2,8*M)),W},d.prototype.readInt8=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,1,this.length),128&this[O]?-1*(255-this[O]+1):this[O]},d.prototype.readInt16LE=function(O,M){O>>>=0,M||C(O,2,this.length);const U=this[O]|this[O+1]<<8;return 32768&U?4294901760|U:U},d.prototype.readInt16BE=function(O,M){O>>>=0,M||C(O,2,this.length);const U=this[O+1]|this[O]<<8;return 32768&U?4294901760|U:U},d.prototype.readInt32LE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,4,this.length),this[O]|this[O+1]<<8|this[O+2]<<16|this[O+3]<<24},d.prototype.readInt32BE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,4,this.length),this[O]<<24|this[O+1]<<16|this[O+2]<<8|this[O+3]},d.prototype.readBigInt64LE=G(function(O){F(O>>>=0,"offset");const M=this[O],U=this[O+7];M!==void 0&&U!==void 0||se(O,this.length-8);const z=this[O+4]+256*this[O+5]+65536*this[O+6]+(U<<24);return(BigInt(z)<>>=0,"offset");const M=this[O],U=this[O+7];M!==void 0&&U!==void 0||se(O,this.length-8);const z=(M<<24)+65536*this[++O]+256*this[++O]+this[++O];return(BigInt(z)<>>=0,M||C(O,4,this.length),A.read(this,O,!0,23,4)},d.prototype.readFloatBE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,4,this.length),A.read(this,O,!1,23,4)},d.prototype.readDoubleLE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,8,this.length),A.read(this,O,!0,52,8)},d.prototype.readDoubleBE=function(O,M){return O>>>=0,M||C(O,8,this.length),A.read(this,O,!1,52,8)},d.prototype.writeUintLE=d.prototype.writeUIntLE=function(O,M,U,z){O=+O,M>>>=0,U>>>=0,z||L(this,O,M,U,Math.pow(2,8*U)-1,0);let q=1,W=0;for(this[M]=255&O;++W>>=0,U>>>=0,z||L(this,O,M,U,Math.pow(2,8*U)-1,0);let q=U-1,W=1;for(this[M+q]=255&O;--q>=0&&(W*=256);)this[M+q]=O/W&255;return M+U},d.prototype.writeUint8=d.prototype.writeUInt8=function(O,M,U){return 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ee(this,O,M,BigInt(0),BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff"))}),d.prototype.writeIntLE=function(O,M,U,z){if(O=+O,M>>>=0,!z){const ie=Math.pow(2,8*U-1);L(this,O,M,U,ie-1,-ie)}let q=0,W=1,ne=0;for(this[M]=255&O;++q>0)-ne&255;return M+U},d.prototype.writeIntBE=function(O,M,U,z){if(O=+O,M>>>=0,!z){const ie=Math.pow(2,8*U-1);L(this,O,M,U,ie-1,-ie)}let q=U-1,W=1,ne=0;for(this[M+q]=255&O;--q>=0&&(W*=256);)O<0&&ne===0&&this[M+q+1]!==0&&(ne=1),this[M+q]=(O/W>>0)-ne&255;return M+U},d.prototype.writeInt8=function(O,M,U){return O=+O,M>>>=0,U||L(this,O,M,1,127,-128),O<0&&(O=255+O+1),this[M]=255&O,M+1},d.prototype.writeInt16LE=function(O,M,U){return O=+O,M>>>=0,U||L(this,O,M,2,32767,-32768),this[M]=255&O,this[M+1]=O>>>8,M+2},d.prototype.writeInt16BE=function(O,M,U){return O=+O,M>>>=0,U||L(this,O,M,2,32767,-32768),this[M]=O>>>8,this[M+1]=255&O,M+2},d.prototype.writeInt32LE=function(O,M,U){return O=+O,M>>>=0,U||L(this,O,M,4,2147483647,-2147483648),this[M]=255&O,this[M+1]=O>>>8,this[M+2]=O>>>16,this[M+3]=O>>>24,M+4},d.prototype.writeInt32BE=function(O,M,U){return O=+O,M>>>=0,U||L(this,O,M,4,2147483647,-2147483648),O<0&&(O=4294967295+O+1),this[M]=O>>>24,this[M+1]=O>>>16,this[M+2]=O>>>8,this[M+3]=255&O,M+4},d.prototype.writeBigInt64LE=G(function(O,M=0){return re(this,O,M,-BigInt("0x8000000000000000"),BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"))}),d.prototype.writeBigInt64BE=G(function(O,M=0){return ee(this,O,M,-BigInt("0x8000000000000000"),BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff"))}),d.prototype.writeFloatLE=function(O,M,U){return D(this,O,M,!0,U)},d.prototype.writeFloatBE=function(O,M,U){return D(this,O,M,!1,U)},d.prototype.writeDoubleLE=function(O,M,U){return Z(this,O,M,!0,U)},d.prototype.writeDoubleBE=function(O,M,U){return Z(this,O,M,!1,U)},d.prototype.copy=function(O,M,U,z){if(!d.isBuffer(O))throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer");if(U||(U=0),z||z===0||(z=this.length),M>=O.length&&(M=O.length),M||(M=0),z>0&&z=this.length)throw new RangeError("Index out of range");if(z<0)throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds");z>this.length&&(z=this.length),O.length-M>>=0,U=U===void 0?this.length:U>>>0,O||(O=0),typeof O=="number")for(q=M;q=z+4;U-=3)M=`_${O.slice(U-3,U)}${M}`;return`${O.slice(0,U)}${M}`}function X(O,M,U,z,q,W){if(O>U||O3?M===0||M===BigInt(0)?`>= 0${ne} and < 2${ne} ** ${8*(W+1)}${ne}`:`>= -(2${ne} ** ${8*(W+1)-1}${ne}) and < 2 ** ${8*(W+1)-1}${ne}`:`>= ${M}${ne} and <= ${U}${ne}`,new H.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value",ie,O)}(function(ne,ie,V){F(ie,"offset"),ne[ie]!==void 0&&ne[ie+V]!==void 0||se(ie,ne.length-(V+1))})(z,q,W)}function F(O,M){if(typeof O!="number")throw new H.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(M,"number",O)}function se(O,M,U){throw Math.floor(O)!==O?(F(O,U),new H.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(U||"offset","an integer",O)):M<0?new H.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS:new H.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(U||"offset",`>= ${U?1:0} and <= ${M}`,O)}te("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS",function(O){return O?`${O} is outside of buffer bounds`:"Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds"},RangeError),te("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE",function(O,M){return`The "${O}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof M}`},TypeError),te("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE",function(O,M,U){let z=`The value of "${O}" is out of range.`,q=U;return Number.isInteger(U)&&Math.abs(U)>4294967296?q=Q(String(U)):typeof U=="bigint"&&(q=String(U),(U>BigInt(2)**BigInt(32)||U<-(BigInt(2)**BigInt(32)))&&(q=Q(q)),q+="n"),z+=` It must be ${M}. Received ${q}`,z},RangeError);const ue=/[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g;function le(O,M){let U;M=M||1/0;const z=O.length;let q=null;const W=[];for(let ne=0;ne55295&&U<57344){if(!q){if(U>56319){(M-=3)>-1&&W.push(239,191,189);continue}if(ne+1===z){(M-=3)>-1&&W.push(239,191,189);continue}q=U;continue}if(U<56320){(M-=3)>-1&&W.push(239,191,189),q=U;continue}U=65536+(q-55296<<10|U-56320)}else q&&(M-=3)>-1&&W.push(239,191,189);if(q=null,U<128){if((M-=1)<0)break;W.push(U)}else if(U<2048){if((M-=2)<0)break;W.push(U>>6|192,63&U|128)}else if(U<65536){if((M-=3)<0)break;W.push(U>>12|224,U>>6&63|128,63&U|128)}else{if(!(U<1114112))throw new Error("Invalid code point");if((M-=4)<0)break;W.push(U>>18|240,U>>12&63|128,U>>6&63|128,63&U|128)}}return W}function fe(O){return R.toByteArray(function(M){if((M=(M=M.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(ue,"")).length<2)return"";for(;M.length%4!=0;)M+="=";return M}(O))}function _e(O,M,U,z){let q;for(q=0;q=M.length||q>=O.length);++q)M[q+U]=O[q];return q}function de(O,M){return O 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"+o);delete t[o];var f=A()-i;w.log(o+": "+f+"ms")},"timeEnd"],[function(){var o=new Error;o.name="Trace",o.message=E.format.apply(null,arguments),w.error(o.stack)},"trace"],[function(o){w.log(E.inspect(o)+` +`)},"dir"],[function(o){if(!o){var i=a.call(arguments,1);R.ok(!1,E.format.apply(null,i))}},"assert"]],u=0;u{var E=y(5717),R=y(2318),A=y(9785),w=y(9072),a=y(1027);function t(d){a.call(this,"digest"),this._hash=d}E(t,a),t.prototype._update=function(d){this._hash.update(d)},t.prototype._final=function(){return this._hash.digest()},J.exports=function(d){return(d=d.toLowerCase())==="md5"?new R:d==="rmd160"||d==="ripemd160"?new A:new t(w(d))}},8028:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(2318);J.exports=function(R){return new E().update(R).digest()}},8355:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(1031),A=y(1027),w=y(9509).Buffer,a=y(8028),t=y(9785),d=y(9072),u=w.alloc(128);function s(r,n){A.call(this,"digest"),typeof n=="string"&&(n=w.from(n));var 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de,pe=0;for(de=0;de<32;de++)pe|=se[ue+de]^le[fe+de];return(1&pe-1>>>8)-1}(te,Q,X,F)}function o(te,Q){var X;for(X=0;X<16;X++)te[X]=0|Q[X]}function i(te){var Q,X,F=1;for(Q=0;Q<16;Q++)X=te[Q]+F+65535,F=Math.floor(X/65536),te[Q]=X-65536*F;te[0]+=F-1+37*(F-1)}function f(te,Q,X){for(var F,se=~(X-1),ue=0;ue<16;ue++)F=se&(te[ue]^Q[ue]),te[ue]^=F,Q[ue]^=F}function c(te,Q){var X,F,se,ue=E(),le=E();for(X=0;X<16;X++)le[X]=Q[X];for(i(le),i(le),i(le),F=0;F<2;F++){for(ue[0]=le[0]-65517,X=1;X<15;X++)ue[X]=le[X]-65535-(ue[X-1]>>16&1),ue[X-1]&=65535;ue[15]=le[15]-32767-(ue[14]>>16&1),se=ue[15]>>16&1,ue[14]&=65535,f(le,ue,1-se)}for(X=0;X<16;X++)te[2*X]=255&le[X],te[2*X+1]=le[X]>>8}function h(te,Q){var X=new Uint8Array(32),F=new Uint8Array(32);return c(X,te),c(F,Q),n(X,0,F,0)}function m(te){var Q=new Uint8Array(32);return c(Q,te),1&Q[0]}function v(te,Q){var X;for(X=0;X<16;X++)te[X]=Q[2*X]+(Q[2*X+1]<<8);te[15]&=32767}function I(te,Q,X){for(var F=0;F<16;F++)te[F]=Q[F]+X[F]}function l(te,Q,X){for(var F=0;F<16;F++)te[F]=Q[F]-X[F]}function j(te,Q,X){var F,se,ue=0,le=0,fe=0,_e=0,de=0,pe=0,ye=0,G=0,_=0,O=0,M=0,U=0,z=0,q=0,W=0,ne=0,ie=0,V=0,Y=0,$=0,K=0,ae=0,ce=0,he=0,me=0,ge=0,ve=0,be=0,we=0,xe=0,Ee=0,Pe=X[0],Se=X[1],Re=X[2],ke=X[3],Oe=X[4],Me=X[5],Ae=X[6],Ne=X[7],Ce=X[8],Te=X[9],Ie=X[10],De=X[11],je=X[12],Ue=X[13],Je=X[14],Be=X[15];ue+=(F=Q[0])*Pe,le+=F*Se,fe+=F*Re,_e+=F*ke,de+=F*Oe,pe+=F*Me,ye+=F*Ae,G+=F*Ne,_+=F*Ce,O+=F*Te,M+=F*Ie,U+=F*De,z+=F*je,q+=F*Ue,W+=F*Je,ne+=F*Be,le+=(F=Q[1])*Pe,fe+=F*Se,_e+=F*Re,de+=F*ke,pe+=F*Oe,ye+=F*Me,G+=F*Ae,_+=F*Ne,O+=F*Ce,M+=F*Te,U+=F*Ie,z+=F*De,q+=F*je,W+=F*Ue,ne+=F*Je,ie+=F*Be,fe+=(F=Q[2])*Pe,_e+=F*Se,de+=F*Re,pe+=F*ke,ye+=F*Oe,G+=F*Me,_+=F*Ae,O+=F*Ne,M+=F*Ce,U+=F*Te,z+=F*Ie,q+=F*De,W+=F*je,ne+=F*Ue,ie+=F*Je,V+=F*Be,_e+=(F=Q[3])*Pe,de+=F*Se,pe+=F*Re,ye+=F*ke,G+=F*Oe,_+=F*Me,O+=F*Ae,M+=F*Ne,U+=F*Ce,z+=F*Te,q+=F*Ie,W+=F*De,ne+=F*je,ie+=F*Ue,V+=F*Je,Y+=F*Be,de+=(F=Q[4])*Pe,pe+=F*Se,ye+=F*Re,G+=F*ke,_+=F*Oe,O+=F*Me,M+=F*Ae,U+=F*Ne,z+=F*Ce,q+=F*Te,W+=F*Ie,ne+=F*De,ie+=F*je,V+=F*Ue,Y+=F*Je,$+=F*Be,pe+=(F=Q[5])*Pe,ye+=F*Se,G+=F*Re,_+=F*ke,O+=F*Oe,M+=F*Me,U+=F*Ae,z+=F*Ne,q+=F*Ce,W+=F*Te,ne+=F*Ie,ie+=F*De,V+=F*je,Y+=F*Ue,$+=F*Je,K+=F*Be,ye+=(F=Q[6])*Pe,G+=F*Se,_+=F*Re,O+=F*ke,M+=F*Oe,U+=F*Me,z+=F*Ae,q+=F*Ne,W+=F*Ce,ne+=F*Te,ie+=F*Ie,V+=F*De,Y+=F*je,$+=F*Ue,K+=F*Je,ae+=F*Be,G+=(F=Q[7])*Pe,_+=F*Se,O+=F*Re,M+=F*ke,U+=F*Oe,z+=F*Me,q+=F*Ae,W+=F*Ne,ne+=F*Ce,ie+=F*Te,V+=F*Ie,Y+=F*De,$+=F*je,K+=F*Ue,ae+=F*Je,ce+=F*Be,_+=(F=Q[8])*Pe,O+=F*Se,M+=F*Re,U+=F*ke,z+=F*Oe,q+=F*Me,W+=F*Ae,ne+=F*Ne,ie+=F*Ce,V+=F*Te,Y+=F*Ie,$+=F*De,K+=F*je,ae+=F*Ue,ce+=F*Je,he+=F*Be,O+=(F=Q[9])*Pe,M+=F*Se,U+=F*Re,z+=F*ke,q+=F*Oe,W+=F*Me,ne+=F*Ae,ie+=F*Ne,V+=F*Ce,Y+=F*Te,$+=F*Ie,K+=F*De,ae+=F*je,ce+=F*Ue,he+=F*Je,me+=F*Be,M+=(F=Q[10])*Pe,U+=F*Se,z+=F*Re,q+=F*ke,W+=F*Oe,ne+=F*Me,ie+=F*Ae,V+=F*Ne,Y+=F*Ce,$+=F*Te,K+=F*Ie,ae+=F*De,ce+=F*je,he+=F*Ue,me+=F*Je,ge+=F*Be,U+=(F=Q[11])*Pe,z+=F*Se,q+=F*Re,W+=F*ke,ne+=F*Oe,ie+=F*Me,V+=F*Ae,Y+=F*Ne,$+=F*Ce,K+=F*Te,ae+=F*Ie,ce+=F*De,he+=F*je,me+=F*Ue,ge+=F*Je,ve+=F*Be,z+=(F=Q[12])*Pe,q+=F*Se,W+=F*Re,ne+=F*ke,ie+=F*Oe,V+=F*Me,Y+=F*Ae,$+=F*Ne,K+=F*Ce,ae+=F*Te,ce+=F*Ie,he+=F*De,me+=F*je,ge+=F*Ue,ve+=F*Je,be+=F*Be,q+=(F=Q[13])*Pe,W+=F*Se,ne+=F*Re,ie+=F*ke,V+=F*Oe,Y+=F*Me,$+=F*Ae,K+=F*Ne,ae+=F*Ce,ce+=F*Te,he+=F*Ie,me+=F*De,ge+=F*je,ve+=F*Ue,be+=F*Je,we+=F*Be,W+=(F=Q[14])*Pe,ne+=F*Se,ie+=F*Re,V+=F*ke,Y+=F*Oe,$+=F*Me,K+=F*Ae,ae+=F*Ne,ce+=F*Ce,he+=F*Te,me+=F*Ie,ge+=F*De,ve+=F*je,be+=F*Ue,we+=F*Je,xe+=F*Be,ne+=(F=Q[15])*Pe,le+=38*(V+=F*Re),fe+=38*(Y+=F*ke),_e+=38*($+=F*Oe),de+=38*(K+=F*Me),pe+=38*(ae+=F*Ae),ye+=38*(ce+=F*Ne),G+=38*(he+=F*Ce),_+=38*(me+=F*Te),O+=38*(ge+=F*Ie),M+=38*(ve+=F*De),U+=38*(be+=F*je),z+=38*(we+=F*Ue),q+=38*(xe+=F*Je),W+=38*(Ee+=F*Be),ue=(F=(ue+=38*(ie+=F*Se))+(se=1)+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),le=(F=le+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),fe=(F=fe+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),_e=(F=_e+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),de=(F=de+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),pe=(F=pe+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),ye=(F=ye+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),G=(F=G+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),_=(F=_+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),O=(F=O+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),M=(F=M+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),U=(F=U+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),z=(F=z+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),q=(F=q+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),W=(F=W+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),ne=(F=ne+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),ue=(F=(ue+=se-1+37*(se-1))+(se=1)+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),le=(F=le+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),fe=(F=fe+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),_e=(F=_e+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),de=(F=de+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),pe=(F=pe+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),ye=(F=ye+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),G=(F=G+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),_=(F=_+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),O=(F=O+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),M=(F=M+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),U=(F=U+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),z=(F=z+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),q=(F=q+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),W=(F=W+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),ne=(F=ne+se+65535)-65536*(se=Math.floor(F/65536)),ue+=se-1+37*(se-1),te[0]=ue,te[1]=le,te[2]=fe,te[3]=_e,te[4]=de,te[5]=pe,te[6]=ye,te[7]=G,te[8]=_,te[9]=O,te[10]=M,te[11]=U,te[12]=z,te[13]=q,te[14]=W,te[15]=ne}function N(te,Q){j(te,Q,Q)}function S(te,Q){var X,F=E();for(X=0;X<16;X++)F[X]=Q[X];for(X=253;X>=0;X--)N(F,F),X!==2&&X!==4&&j(F,F,Q);for(X=0;X<16;X++)te[X]=F[X]}function T(te,Q,X){var F,se,ue=new Uint8Array(32),le=new Float64Array(80),fe=E(),_e=E(),de=E(),pe=E(),ye=E(),G=E();for(se=0;se<31;se++)ue[se]=Q[se];for(ue[31]=127&Q[31]|64,ue[0]&=248,v(le,X),se=0;se<16;se++)_e[se]=le[se],pe[se]=fe[se]=de[se]=0;for(fe[0]=pe[0]=1,se=254;se>=0;--se)f(fe,_e,F=ue[se>>>3]>>>(7&se)&1),f(de,pe,F),I(ye,fe,de),l(fe,fe,de),I(de,_e,pe),l(_e,_e,pe),N(pe,ye),N(G,fe),j(fe,de,fe),j(de,_e,ye),I(ye,fe,de),l(fe,fe,de),N(_e,fe),l(de,pe,G),j(fe,de,w),I(fe,fe,pe),j(de,de,fe),j(fe,pe,G),j(pe,_e,le),N(_e,ye),f(fe,_e,F),f(de,pe,F);for(se=0;se<16;se++)le[se+16]=fe[se],le[se+32]=de[se],le[se+48]=_e[se],le[se+64]=pe[se];var _=le.subarray(32),O=le.subarray(16);return S(_,_),j(O,O,_),c(te,O),0}var x=[1116352408,3609767458,1899447441,602891725,3049323471,3964484399,3921009573,2173295548,961987163,4081628472,1508970993,3053834265,2453635748,2937671579,2870763221,3664609560,3624381080,2734883394,310598401,1164996542,607225278,1323610764,1426881987,3590304994,1925078388,4068182383,2162078206,991336113,2614888103,633803317,3248222580,3479774868,3835390401,2666613458,4022224774,944711139,264347078,2341262773,604807628,2007800933,770255983,1495990901,1249150122,1856431235,1555081692,3175218132,1996064986,2198950837,2554220882,3999719339,2821834349,766784016,2952996808,2566594879,3210313671,3203337956,3336571891,1034457026,3584528711,2466948901,113926993,3758326383,338241895,168717936,666307205,1188179964,773529912,1546045734,1294757372,1522805485,1396182291,2643833823,1695183700,2343527390,1986661051,1014477480,2177026350,1206759142,2456956037,344077627,2730485921,1290863460,2820302411,3158454273,3259730800,3505952657,3345764771,106217008,3516065817,3606008344,3600352804,1432725776,4094571909,1467031594,275423344,851169720,430227734,3100823752,506948616,1363258195,659060556,3750685593,883997877,3785050280,958139571,3318307427,1322822218,3812723403,1537002063,2003034995,1747873779,3602036899,1955562222,1575990012,2024104815,1125592928,2227730452,2716904306,2361852424,442776044,2428436474,593698344,2756734187,3733110249,3204031479,2999351573,3329325298,3815920427,3391569614,3928383900,3515267271,566280711,3940187606,3454069534,4118630271,4000239992,116418474,1914138554,174292421,2731055270,289380356,3203993006,460393269,320620315,685471733,587496836,852142971,1086792851,1017036298,365543100,1126000580,2618297676,1288033470,3409855158,1501505948,4234509866,1607167915,987167468,1816402316,1246189591];function k(te,Q,X,F){for(var se,ue,le,fe,_e,de,pe,ye,G,_,O,M,U,z,q,W,ne,ie,V,Y,$,K,ae,ce,he,me,ge=new Int32Array(16),ve=new Int32Array(16),be=te[0],we=te[1],xe=te[2],Ee=te[3],Pe=te[4],Se=te[5],Re=te[6],ke=te[7],Oe=Q[0],Me=Q[1],Ae=Q[2],Ne=Q[3],Ce=Q[4],Te=Q[5],Ie=Q[6],De=Q[7],je=0;F>=128;){for(V=0;V<16;V++)Y=8*V+je,ge[V]=X[Y+0]<<24|X[Y+1]<<16|X[Y+2]<<8|X[Y+3],ve[V]=X[Y+4]<<24|X[Y+5]<<16|X[Y+6]<<8|X[Y+7];for(V=0;V<80;V++)if(se=be,ue=we,le=xe,fe=Ee,_e=Pe,de=Se,pe=Re,G=Oe,_=Me,O=Ae,M=Ne,U=Ce,z=Te,q=Ie,ae=65535&(K=De),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=ke),me=$>>>16,ae+=65535&(K=(Ce>>>14|Pe<<18)^(Ce>>>18|Pe<<14)^(Pe>>>9|Ce<<23)),ce+=K>>>16,he+=65535&($=(Pe>>>14|Ce<<18)^(Pe>>>18|Ce<<14)^(Ce>>>9|Pe<<23)),me+=$>>>16,ae+=65535&(K=Ce&Te^~Ce&Ie),ce+=K>>>16,he+=65535&($=Pe&Se^~Pe&Re),me+=$>>>16,$=x[2*V],ae+=65535&(K=x[2*V+1]),ce+=K>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,$=ge[V%16],ce+=(K=ve[V%16])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16,ae=65535&(K=ie=65535&ae|ce<<16),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=ne=65535&he|(me+=he>>>16)<<16),me=$>>>16,ae+=65535&(K=(Oe>>>28|be<<4)^(be>>>2|Oe<<30)^(be>>>7|Oe<<25)),ce+=K>>>16,he+=65535&($=(be>>>28|Oe<<4)^(Oe>>>2|be<<30)^(Oe>>>7|be<<25)),me+=$>>>16,ce+=(K=Oe&Me^Oe&Ae^Me&Ae)>>>16,he+=65535&($=be&we^be&xe^we&xe),me+=$>>>16,ye=65535&(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)|(me+=he>>>16)<<16,W=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=M),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=fe),me=$>>>16,ce+=(K=ie)>>>16,he+=65535&($=ne),me+=$>>>16,we=se,xe=ue,Ee=le,Pe=fe=65535&(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)|(me+=he>>>16)<<16,Se=_e,Re=de,ke=pe,be=ye,Me=G,Ae=_,Ne=O,Ce=M=65535&ae|ce<<16,Te=U,Ie=z,De=q,Oe=W,V%16==15)for(Y=0;Y<16;Y++)$=ge[Y],ae=65535&(K=ve[Y]),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&$,me=$>>>16,$=ge[(Y+9)%16],ae+=65535&(K=ve[(Y+9)%16]),ce+=K>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,ne=ge[(Y+1)%16],ae+=65535&(K=((ie=ve[(Y+1)%16])>>>1|ne<<31)^(ie>>>8|ne<<24)^(ie>>>7|ne<<25)),ce+=K>>>16,he+=65535&($=(ne>>>1|ie<<31)^(ne>>>8|ie<<24)^ne>>>7),me+=$>>>16,ne=ge[(Y+14)%16],ce+=(K=((ie=ve[(Y+14)%16])>>>19|ne<<13)^(ne>>>29|ie<<3)^(ie>>>6|ne<<26))>>>16,he+=65535&($=(ne>>>19|ie<<13)^(ie>>>29|ne<<3)^ne>>>6),me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,ge[Y]=65535&he|me<<16,ve[Y]=65535&ae|ce<<16;ae=65535&(K=Oe),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=be),me=$>>>16,$=te[0],ce+=(K=Q[0])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[0]=be=65535&he|me<<16,Q[0]=Oe=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=Me),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=we),me=$>>>16,$=te[1],ce+=(K=Q[1])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[1]=we=65535&he|me<<16,Q[1]=Me=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=Ae),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=xe),me=$>>>16,$=te[2],ce+=(K=Q[2])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[2]=xe=65535&he|me<<16,Q[2]=Ae=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=Ne),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=Ee),me=$>>>16,$=te[3],ce+=(K=Q[3])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[3]=Ee=65535&he|me<<16,Q[3]=Ne=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=Ce),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=Pe),me=$>>>16,$=te[4],ce+=(K=Q[4])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[4]=Pe=65535&he|me<<16,Q[4]=Ce=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=Te),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=Se),me=$>>>16,$=te[5],ce+=(K=Q[5])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[5]=Se=65535&he|me<<16,Q[5]=Te=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=Ie),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=Re),me=$>>>16,$=te[6],ce+=(K=Q[6])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[6]=Re=65535&he|me<<16,Q[6]=Ie=65535&ae|ce<<16,ae=65535&(K=De),ce=K>>>16,he=65535&($=ke),me=$>>>16,$=te[7],ce+=(K=Q[7])>>>16,he+=65535&$,me+=$>>>16,me+=(he+=(ce+=(ae+=65535&K)>>>16)>>>16)>>>16,te[7]=ke=65535&he|me<<16,Q[7]=De=65535&ae|ce<<16,je+=128,F-=128}return F}function b(te,Q,X){var F,se=new Int32Array(8),ue=new Int32Array(8),le=new Uint8Array(256),fe=X;for(se[0]=1779033703,se[1]=3144134277,se[2]=1013904242,se[3]=2773480762,se[4]=1359893119,se[5]=2600822924,se[6]=528734635,se[7]=1541459225,ue[0]=4089235720,ue[1]=2227873595,ue[2]=4271175723,ue[3]=1595750129,ue[4]=2917565137,ue[5]=725511199,ue[6]=4215389547,ue[7]=327033209,k(se,ue,Q,X),X%=128,F=0;F=0;--se)P(te,Q,F=X[se/8|0]>>(7&se)&1),p(Q,te),p(te,te),P(te,Q,F)}function L(te,Q){var X=[E(),E(),E(),E()];o(X[0],d),o(X[1],u),o(X[2],A),j(X[3],d,u),C(te,X,Q)}var re=new Float64Array([237,211,245,92,26,99,18,88,214,156,247,162,222,249,222,20,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,16]);function ee(te,Q){var X,F,se,ue;for(F=63;F>=32;--F){for(X=0,se=F-32,ue=F-12;se>8,Q[se]-=256*X;Q[se]+=X,Q[F]=0}for(X=0,se=0;se<32;se++)Q[se]+=X-(Q[31]>>4)*re[se],X=Q[se]>>8,Q[se]&=255;for(se=0;se<32;se++)Q[se]-=X*re[se];for(F=0;F<32;F++)Q[F+1]+=Q[F]>>8,te[F]=255&Q[F]}function oe(te){var Q,X=new Float64Array(64);for(Q=0;Q<64;Q++)X[Q]=te[Q];for(Q=0;Q<64;Q++)te[Q]=0;ee(te,X)}function D(te,Q,X,F,se){for(var ue=new Uint8Array(64),le=[E(),E(),E(),E()],fe=0;fe<32;fe++)ue[fe]=F[fe];ue[0]&=248,ue[31]&=127,ue[31]|=64,L(le,ue),B(ue.subarray(32),le);var _e,de=128&ue[63];return _e=se?function(pe,ye,G,_,O){var M,U,z=new Uint8Array(64),q=new Uint8Array(64),W=new Float64Array(64),ne=[E(),E(),E(),E()];for(pe[0]=254,M=1;M<32;M++)pe[M]=255;for(M=0;M<32;M++)pe[32+M]=_[M];for(M=0;M=0;K--)N(ae,ae),K!==1&&j(ae,ae,$);for(K=0;K<16;K++)Y[K]=ae[K]}(U,U),j(U,U,q),j(U,U,W),j(U,U,W),j(O[0],U,W),N(z,O[0]),j(z,z,W),h(z,q)&&j(O[0],O[0],s),N(z,O[0]),j(z,z,W),h(z,q)?-1:(m(O[0])===M[31]>>7&&l(O[0],R,O[0]),j(O[3],O[0],O[1]),0)}(_,_e))return-1;for(de=0;de=0},e.generateKeyPair=function(te){if(H(te),te.length!==32)throw new Error("wrong seed length");for(var Q=new Uint8Array(32),X=new Uint8Array(32),F=0;F<32;F++)Q[F]=te[F];return T(X,Q,y),Q[0]&=248,Q[31]&=127,Q[31]|=64,X[31]&=127,{public:X,private:Q}},e.default={}},4289:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(2215),R=typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof Symbol("foo")=="symbol",A=Object.prototype.toString,w=Array.prototype.concat,a=Object.defineProperty,t=y(1044)(),d=a&&t,u=function(r,n,o,i){if(n in r){if(i===!0){if(r[n]===o)return}else if(typeof(f=i)!="function"||A.call(f)!=="[object Function]"||!i())return}var f;d?a(r,n,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!1,value:o,writable:!0}):r[n]=o},s=function(r,n){var o=arguments.length>2?arguments[2]:{},i=E(n);R&&(i=w.call(i,Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n)));for(var f=0;f{var E=e;E.version=y(8597).i8,E.utils=y(953),E.rand=y(9931),E.curve=y(8254),E.curves=y(5427),E.ec=y(7954),E.eddsa=y(5980)},4918:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3550),R=y(953),A=R.getNAF,w=R.getJSF,a=R.assert;function t(u,s){this.type=u,this.p=new E(s.p,16),this.red=s.prime?E.red(s.prime):E.mont(this.p),this.zero=new E(0).toRed(this.red),this.one=new E(1).toRed(this.red),this.two=new E(2).toRed(this.red),this.n=s.n&&new E(s.n,16),this.g=s.g&&this.pointFromJSON(s.g,s.gRed),this._wnafT1=new Array(4),this._wnafT2=new Array(4),this._wnafT3=new Array(4),this._wnafT4=new Array(4),this._bitLength=this.n?this.n.bitLength():0;var r=this.n&&this.p.div(this.n);!r||r.cmpn(100)>0?this.redN=null:(this._maxwellTrick=!0,this.redN=this.n.toRed(this.red))}function d(u,s){this.curve=u,this.type=s,this.precomputed=null}J.exports=t,t.prototype.point=function(){throw new Error("Not implemented")},t.prototype.validate=function(){throw new Error("Not implemented")},t.prototype._fixedNafMul=function(u,s){a(u.precomputed);var r=u._getDoubles(),n=A(s,1,this._bitLength),o=(1<=i;h--)f=(f<<1)+n[h];c.push(f)}for(var m=this.jpoint(null,null,null),v=this.jpoint(null,null,null),I=o;I>0;I--){for(i=0;i=0;c--){for(var h=0;c>=0&&i[c]===0;c--)h++;if(c>=0&&h++,f=f.dblp(h),c<0)break;var m=i[c];a(m!==0),f=u.type==="affine"?m>0?f.mixedAdd(o[m-1>>1]):f.mixedAdd(o[-m-1>>1].neg()):m>0?f.add(o[m-1>>1]):f.add(o[-m-1>>1].neg())}return u.type==="affine"?f.toP():f},t.prototype._wnafMulAdd=function(u,s,r,n,o){var i,f,c,h=this._wnafT1,m=this._wnafT2,v=this._wnafT3,I=0;for(i=0;i=1;i-=2){var j=i-1,N=i;if(h[j]===1&&h[N]===1){var S=[s[j],null,null,s[N]];s[j].y.cmp(s[N].y)===0?(S[1]=s[j].add(s[N]),S[2]=s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N].neg())):s[j].y.cmp(s[N].y.redNeg())===0?(S[1]=s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N]),S[2]=s[j].add(s[N].neg())):(S[1]=s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N]),S[2]=s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N].neg()));var T=[-3,-1,-5,-7,0,7,5,1,3],x=w(r[j],r[N]);for(I=Math.max(x[0].length,I),v[j]=new Array(I),v[N]=new Array(I),f=0;f=0;i--){for(var B=0;i>=0;){var C=!0;for(f=0;f=0&&B++,p=p.dblp(B),i<0)break;for(f=0;f0?c=m[f][L-1>>1]:L<0&&(c=m[f][-L-1>>1].neg()),p=c.type==="affine"?p.mixedAdd(c):p.add(c))}}for(i=0;i=Math.ceil((u.bitLength()+1)/s.step)},d.prototype._getDoubles=function(u,s){if(this.precomputed&&this.precomputed.doubles)return this.precomputed.doubles;for(var r=[this],n=this,o=0;o{var E=y(953),R=y(3550),A=y(5717),w=y(4918),a=E.assert;function t(u){this.twisted=(0|u.a)!=1,this.mOneA=this.twisted&&(0|u.a)==-1,this.extended=this.mOneA,w.call(this,"edwards",u),this.a=new R(u.a,16).umod(this.red.m),this.a=this.a.toRed(this.red),this.c=new R(u.c,16).toRed(this.red),this.c2=this.c.redSqr(),this.d=new R(u.d,16).toRed(this.red),this.dd=this.d.redAdd(this.d),a(!this.twisted||this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1)===0),this.oneC=(0|u.c)==1}function d(u,s,r,n,o){w.BasePoint.call(this,u,"projective"),s===null&&r===null&&n===null?(this.x=this.curve.zero,this.y=this.curve.one,this.z=this.curve.one,this.t=this.curve.zero,this.zOne=!0):(this.x=new R(s,16),this.y=new R(r,16),this.z=n?new R(n,16):this.curve.one,this.t=o&&new R(o,16),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.y.red||(this.y=this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.z.red||(this.z=this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.t&&!this.t.red&&(this.t=this.t.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.zOne=this.z===this.curve.one,this.curve.extended&&!this.t&&(this.t=this.x.redMul(this.y),this.zOne||(this.t=this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm()))))}A(t,w),J.exports=t,t.prototype._mulA=function(u){return this.mOneA?u.redNeg():this.a.redMul(u)},t.prototype._mulC=function(u){return this.oneC?u:this.c.redMul(u)},t.prototype.jpoint=function(u,s,r,n){return this.point(u,s,r,n)},t.prototype.pointFromX=function(u,s){(u=new R(u,16)).red||(u=u.toRed(this.red));var r=u.redSqr(),n=this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(r)),o=this.one.redSub(this.c2.redMul(this.d).redMul(r)),i=n.redMul(o.redInvm()),f=i.redSqrt();if(f.redSqr().redSub(i).cmp(this.zero)!==0)throw new Error("invalid point");var c=f.fromRed().isOdd();return(s&&!c||!s&&c)&&(f=f.redNeg()),this.point(u,f)},t.prototype.pointFromY=function(u,s){(u=new R(u,16)).red||(u=u.toRed(this.red));var r=u.redSqr(),n=r.redSub(this.c2),o=r.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a),i=n.redMul(o.redInvm());if(i.cmp(this.zero)===0){if(s)throw new Error("invalid point");return this.point(this.zero,u)}var f=i.redSqrt();if(f.redSqr().redSub(i).cmp(this.zero)!==0)throw new Error("invalid point");return f.fromRed().isOdd()!==s&&(f=f.redNeg()),this.point(f,u)},t.prototype.validate=function(u){if(u.isInfinity())return!0;u.normalize();var s=u.x.redSqr(),r=u.y.redSqr(),n=s.redMul(this.a).redAdd(r),o=this.c2.redMul(this.one.redAdd(this.d.redMul(s).redMul(r)));return n.cmp(o)===0},A(d,w.BasePoint),t.prototype.pointFromJSON=function(u){return d.fromJSON(this,u)},t.prototype.point=function(u,s,r,n){return new d(this,u,s,r,n)},d.fromJSON=function(u,s){return new d(u,s[0],s[1],s[2])},d.prototype.inspect=function(){return this.isInfinity()?"":""},d.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.x.cmpn(0)===0&&(this.y.cmp(this.z)===0||this.zOne&&this.y.cmp(this.curve.c)===0)},d.prototype._extDbl=function(){var u=this.x.redSqr(),s=this.y.redSqr(),r=this.z.redSqr();r=r.redIAdd(r);var n=this.curve._mulA(u),o=this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(u).redISub(s),i=n.redAdd(s),f=i.redSub(r),c=n.redSub(s),h=o.redMul(f),m=i.redMul(c),v=o.redMul(c),I=f.redMul(i);return this.curve.point(h,m,I,v)},d.prototype._projDbl=function(){var u,s,r,n,o,i,f=this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(),c=this.x.redSqr(),h=this.y.redSqr();if(this.curve.twisted){var m=(n=this.curve._mulA(c)).redAdd(h);this.zOne?(u=f.redSub(c).redSub(h).redMul(m.redSub(this.curve.two)),s=m.redMul(n.redSub(h)),r=m.redSqr().redSub(m).redSub(m)):(o=this.z.redSqr(),i=m.redSub(o).redISub(o),u=f.redSub(c).redISub(h).redMul(i),s=m.redMul(n.redSub(h)),r=m.redMul(i))}else n=c.redAdd(h),o=this.curve._mulC(this.z).redSqr(),i=n.redSub(o).redSub(o),u=this.curve._mulC(f.redISub(n)).redMul(i),s=this.curve._mulC(n).redMul(c.redISub(h)),r=n.redMul(i);return this.curve.point(u,s,r)},d.prototype.dbl=function(){return this.isInfinity()?this:this.curve.extended?this._extDbl():this._projDbl()},d.prototype._extAdd=function(u){var s=this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(u.y.redSub(u.x)),r=this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(u.y.redAdd(u.x)),n=this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(u.t),o=this.z.redMul(u.z.redAdd(u.z)),i=r.redSub(s),f=o.redSub(n),c=o.redAdd(n),h=r.redAdd(s),m=i.redMul(f),v=c.redMul(h),I=i.redMul(h),l=f.redMul(c);return this.curve.point(m,v,l,I)},d.prototype._projAdd=function(u){var s,r,n=this.z.redMul(u.z),o=n.redSqr(),i=this.x.redMul(u.x),f=this.y.redMul(u.y),c=this.curve.d.redMul(i).redMul(f),h=o.redSub(c),m=o.redAdd(c),v=this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(u.x.redAdd(u.y)).redISub(i).redISub(f),I=n.redMul(h).redMul(v);return this.curve.twisted?(s=n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(this.curve._mulA(i))),r=h.redMul(m)):(s=n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(i)),r=this.curve._mulC(h).redMul(m)),this.curve.point(I,s,r)},d.prototype.add=function(u){return this.isInfinity()?u:u.isInfinity()?this:this.curve.extended?this._extAdd(u):this._projAdd(u)},d.prototype.mul=function(u){return this._hasDoubles(u)?this.curve._fixedNafMul(this,u):this.curve._wnafMul(this,u)},d.prototype.mulAdd=function(u,s,r){return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,[this,s],[u,r],2,!1)},d.prototype.jmulAdd=function(u,s,r){return this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,[this,s],[u,r],2,!0)},d.prototype.normalize=function(){if(this.zOne)return this;var u=this.z.redInvm();return this.x=this.x.redMul(u),this.y=this.y.redMul(u),this.t&&(this.t=this.t.redMul(u)),this.z=this.curve.one,this.zOne=!0,this},d.prototype.neg=function(){return this.curve.point(this.x.redNeg(),this.y,this.z,this.t&&this.t.redNeg())},d.prototype.getX=function(){return this.normalize(),this.x.fromRed()},d.prototype.getY=function(){return this.normalize(),this.y.fromRed()},d.prototype.eq=function(u){return this===u||this.getX().cmp(u.getX())===0&&this.getY().cmp(u.getY())===0},d.prototype.eqXToP=function(u){var s=u.toRed(this.curve.red).redMul(this.z);if(this.x.cmp(s)===0)return!0;for(var r=u.clone(),n=this.curve.redN.redMul(this.z);;){if(r.iadd(this.curve.n),r.cmp(this.curve.p)>=0)return!1;if(s.redIAdd(n),this.x.cmp(s)===0)return!0}},d.prototype.toP=d.prototype.normalize,d.prototype.mixedAdd=d.prototype.add},8254:(J,e,y)=>{var E=e;E.base=y(4918),E.short=y(6673),E.mont=y(2881),E.edwards=y(1138)},2881:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3550),R=y(5717),A=y(4918),w=y(953);function a(d){A.call(this,"mont",d),this.a=new E(d.a,16).toRed(this.red),this.b=new E(d.b,16).toRed(this.red),this.i4=new E(4).toRed(this.red).redInvm(),this.two=new E(2).toRed(this.red),this.a24=this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two))}function t(d,u,s){A.BasePoint.call(this,d,"projective"),u===null&&s===null?(this.x=this.curve.one,this.z=this.curve.zero):(this.x=new E(u,16),this.z=new E(s,16),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.z.red||(this.z=this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)))}R(a,A),J.exports=a,a.prototype.validate=function(d){var u=d.normalize().x,s=u.redSqr(),r=s.redMul(u).redAdd(s.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(u);return r.redSqrt().redSqr().cmp(r)===0},R(t,A.BasePoint),a.prototype.decodePoint=function(d,u){return this.point(w.toArray(d,u),1)},a.prototype.point=function(d,u){return new t(this,d,u)},a.prototype.pointFromJSON=function(d){return t.fromJSON(this,d)},t.prototype.precompute=function(){},t.prototype._encode=function(){return this.getX().toArray("be",this.curve.p.byteLength())},t.fromJSON=function(d,u){return new t(d,u[0],u[1]||d.one)},t.prototype.inspect=function(){return this.isInfinity()?"":""},t.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.z.cmpn(0)===0},t.prototype.dbl=function(){var d=this.x.redAdd(this.z).redSqr(),u=this.x.redSub(this.z).redSqr(),s=d.redSub(u),r=d.redMul(u),n=s.redMul(u.redAdd(this.curve.a24.redMul(s)));return this.curve.point(r,n)},t.prototype.add=function(){throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve")},t.prototype.diffAdd=function(d,u){var s=this.x.redAdd(this.z),r=this.x.redSub(this.z),n=d.x.redAdd(d.z),o=d.x.redSub(d.z).redMul(s),i=n.redMul(r),f=u.z.redMul(o.redAdd(i).redSqr()),c=u.x.redMul(o.redISub(i).redSqr());return this.curve.point(f,c)},t.prototype.mul=function(d){for(var u=d.clone(),s=this,r=this.curve.point(null,null),n=[];u.cmpn(0)!==0;u.iushrn(1))n.push(u.andln(1));for(var o=n.length-1;o>=0;o--)n[o]===0?(s=s.diffAdd(r,this),r=r.dbl()):(r=s.diffAdd(r,this),s=s.dbl());return r},t.prototype.mulAdd=function(){throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve")},t.prototype.jumlAdd=function(){throw new Error("Not supported on Montgomery curve")},t.prototype.eq=function(d){return this.getX().cmp(d.getX())===0},t.prototype.normalize=function(){return this.x=this.x.redMul(this.z.redInvm()),this.z=this.curve.one,this},t.prototype.getX=function(){return this.normalize(),this.x.fromRed()}},6673:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(953),R=y(3550),A=y(5717),w=y(4918),a=E.assert;function t(s){w.call(this,"short",s),this.a=new R(s.a,16).toRed(this.red),this.b=new R(s.b,16).toRed(this.red),this.tinv=this.two.redInvm(),this.zeroA=this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0)===0,this.threeA=this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3)===0,this.endo=this._getEndomorphism(s),this._endoWnafT1=new Array(4),this._endoWnafT2=new Array(4)}function d(s,r,n,o){w.BasePoint.call(this,s,"affine"),r===null&&n===null?(this.x=null,this.y=null,this.inf=!0):(this.x=new R(r,16),this.y=new R(n,16),o&&(this.x.forceRed(this.curve.red),this.y.forceRed(this.curve.red)),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.y.red||(this.y=this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.inf=!1)}function u(s,r,n,o){w.BasePoint.call(this,s,"jacobian"),r===null&&n===null&&o===null?(this.x=this.curve.one,this.y=this.curve.one,this.z=new R(0)):(this.x=new R(r,16),this.y=new R(n,16),this.z=new R(o,16)),this.x.red||(this.x=this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.y.red||(this.y=this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.z.red||(this.z=this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)),this.zOne=this.z===this.curve.one}A(t,w),J.exports=t,t.prototype._getEndomorphism=function(s){if(this.zeroA&&this.g&&this.n&&this.p.modn(3)===1){var r,n;if(s.beta)r=new R(s.beta,16).toRed(this.red);else{var o=this._getEndoRoots(this.p);r=(r=o[0].cmp(o[1])<0?o[0]:o[1]).toRed(this.red)}if(s.lambda)n=new R(s.lambda,16);else{var i=this._getEndoRoots(this.n);this.g.mul(i[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r))===0?n=i[0]:(n=i[1],a(this.g.mul(n).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r))===0))}return{beta:r,lambda:n,basis:s.basis?s.basis.map(function(f){return{a:new R(f.a,16),b:new R(f.b,16)}}):this._getEndoBasis(n)}}},t.prototype._getEndoRoots=function(s){var r=s===this.p?this.red:R.mont(s),n=new R(2).toRed(r).redInvm(),o=n.redNeg(),i=new R(3).toRed(r).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(n);return[o.redAdd(i).fromRed(),o.redSub(i).fromRed()]},t.prototype._getEndoBasis=function(s){for(var r,n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v,I=this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength()/2)),l=s,j=this.n.clone(),N=new R(1),S=new R(0),T=new R(0),x=new R(1),k=0;l.cmpn(0)!==0;){var b=j.div(l);m=j.sub(b.mul(l)),v=T.sub(b.mul(N));var p=x.sub(b.mul(S));if(!o&&m.cmp(I)<0)r=h.neg(),n=N,o=m.neg(),i=v;else if(o&&++k==2)break;h=m,j=l,l=m,T=N,N=v,x=S,S=p}f=m.neg(),c=v;var P=o.sqr().add(i.sqr());return f.sqr().add(c.sqr()).cmp(P)>=0&&(f=r,c=n),o.negative&&(o=o.neg(),i=i.neg()),f.negative&&(f=f.neg(),c=c.neg()),[{a:o,b:i},{a:f,b:c}]},t.prototype._endoSplit=function(s){var r=this.endo.basis,n=r[0],o=r[1],i=o.b.mul(s).divRound(this.n),f=n.b.neg().mul(s).divRound(this.n),c=i.mul(n.a),h=f.mul(o.a),m=i.mul(n.b),v=f.mul(o.b);return{k1:s.sub(c).sub(h),k2:m.add(v).neg()}},t.prototype.pointFromX=function(s,r){(s=new R(s,16)).red||(s=s.toRed(this.red));var n=s.redSqr().redMul(s).redIAdd(s.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b),o=n.redSqrt();if(o.redSqr().redSub(n).cmp(this.zero)!==0)throw new Error("invalid point");var i=o.fromRed().isOdd();return(r&&!i||!r&&i)&&(o=o.redNeg()),this.point(s,o)},t.prototype.validate=function(s){if(s.inf)return!0;var r=s.x,n=s.y,o=this.a.redMul(r),i=r.redSqr().redMul(r).redIAdd(o).redIAdd(this.b);return n.redSqr().redISub(i).cmpn(0)===0},t.prototype._endoWnafMulAdd=function(s,r,n){for(var o=this._endoWnafT1,i=this._endoWnafT2,f=0;f":""},d.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.inf},d.prototype.add=function(s){if(this.inf)return s;if(s.inf)return this;if(this.eq(s))return this.dbl();if(this.neg().eq(s))return this.curve.point(null,null);if(this.x.cmp(s.x)===0)return this.curve.point(null,null);var r=this.y.redSub(s.y);r.cmpn(0)!==0&&(r=r.redMul(this.x.redSub(s.x).redInvm()));var n=r.redSqr().redISub(this.x).redISub(s.x),o=r.redMul(this.x.redSub(n)).redISub(this.y);return this.curve.point(n,o)},d.prototype.dbl=function(){if(this.inf)return this;var s=this.y.redAdd(this.y);if(s.cmpn(0)===0)return this.curve.point(null,null);var r=this.curve.a,n=this.x.redSqr(),o=s.redInvm(),i=n.redAdd(n).redIAdd(n).redIAdd(r).redMul(o),f=i.redSqr().redISub(this.x.redAdd(this.x)),c=i.redMul(this.x.redSub(f)).redISub(this.y);return this.curve.point(f,c)},d.prototype.getX=function(){return this.x.fromRed()},d.prototype.getY=function(){return this.y.fromRed()},d.prototype.mul=function(s){return s=new R(s,16),this.isInfinity()?this:this._hasDoubles(s)?this.curve._fixedNafMul(this,s):this.curve.endo?this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this],[s]):this.curve._wnafMul(this,s)},d.prototype.mulAdd=function(s,r,n){var o=[this,r],i=[s,n];return this.curve.endo?this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(o,i):this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,o,i,2)},d.prototype.jmulAdd=function(s,r,n){var o=[this,r],i=[s,n];return this.curve.endo?this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(o,i,!0):this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1,o,i,2,!0)},d.prototype.eq=function(s){return this===s||this.inf===s.inf&&(this.inf||this.x.cmp(s.x)===0&&this.y.cmp(s.y)===0)},d.prototype.neg=function(s){if(this.inf)return this;var r=this.curve.point(this.x,this.y.redNeg());if(s&&this.precomputed){var n=this.precomputed,o=function(i){return i.neg()};r.precomputed={naf:n.naf&&{wnd:n.naf.wnd,points:n.naf.points.map(o)},doubles:n.doubles&&{step:n.doubles.step,points:n.doubles.points.map(o)}}}return r},d.prototype.toJ=function(){return this.inf?this.curve.jpoint(null,null,null):this.curve.jpoint(this.x,this.y,this.curve.one)},A(u,w.BasePoint),t.prototype.jpoint=function(s,r,n){return new u(this,s,r,n)},u.prototype.toP=function(){if(this.isInfinity())return this.curve.point(null,null);var s=this.z.redInvm(),r=s.redSqr(),n=this.x.redMul(r),o=this.y.redMul(r).redMul(s);return this.curve.point(n,o)},u.prototype.neg=function(){return this.curve.jpoint(this.x,this.y.redNeg(),this.z)},u.prototype.add=function(s){if(this.isInfinity())return s;if(s.isInfinity())return this;var r=s.z.redSqr(),n=this.z.redSqr(),o=this.x.redMul(r),i=s.x.redMul(n),f=this.y.redMul(r.redMul(s.z)),c=s.y.redMul(n.redMul(this.z)),h=o.redSub(i),m=f.redSub(c);if(h.cmpn(0)===0)return m.cmpn(0)!==0?this.curve.jpoint(null,null,null):this.dbl();var v=h.redSqr(),I=v.redMul(h),l=o.redMul(v),j=m.redSqr().redIAdd(I).redISub(l).redISub(l),N=m.redMul(l.redISub(j)).redISub(f.redMul(I)),S=this.z.redMul(s.z).redMul(h);return this.curve.jpoint(j,N,S)},u.prototype.mixedAdd=function(s){if(this.isInfinity())return s.toJ();if(s.isInfinity())return this;var r=this.z.redSqr(),n=this.x,o=s.x.redMul(r),i=this.y,f=s.y.redMul(r).redMul(this.z),c=n.redSub(o),h=i.redSub(f);if(c.cmpn(0)===0)return h.cmpn(0)!==0?this.curve.jpoint(null,null,null):this.dbl();var m=c.redSqr(),v=m.redMul(c),I=n.redMul(m),l=h.redSqr().redIAdd(v).redISub(I).redISub(I),j=h.redMul(I.redISub(l)).redISub(i.redMul(v)),N=this.z.redMul(c);return this.curve.jpoint(l,j,N)},u.prototype.dblp=function(s){if(s===0)return this;if(this.isInfinity())return this;if(!s)return this.dbl();var r;if(this.curve.zeroA||this.curve.threeA){var n=this;for(r=0;r=0)return!1;if(n.redIAdd(i),this.x.cmp(n)===0)return!0}},u.prototype.inspect=function(){return this.isInfinity()?"":""},u.prototype.isInfinity=function(){return this.z.cmpn(0)===0}},5427:(J,e,y)=>{var E,R=e,A=y(3715),w=y(8254),a=y(953).assert;function t(u){u.type==="short"?this.curve=new w.short(u):u.type==="edwards"?this.curve=new w.edwards(u):this.curve=new w.mont(u),this.g=this.curve.g,this.n=this.curve.n,this.hash=u.hash,a(this.g.validate(),"Invalid curve"),a(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(),"Invalid curve, G*N != O")}function d(u,s){Object.defineProperty(R,u,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,get:function(){var r=new t(s);return Object.defineProperty(R,u,{configurable:!0,enumerable:!0,value:r}),r}})}R.PresetCurve=t,d("p192",{type:"short",prime:"p192",p:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff",a:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc",b:"64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1",n:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831",hash:A.sha256,gRed:!1,g:["188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012","07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811"]}),d("p224",{type:"short",prime:"p224",p:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001",a:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe",b:"b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4",n:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d",hash:A.sha256,gRed:!1,g:["b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21","bd376388 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c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973",hash:A.sha384,gRed:!1,g:["aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7","3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f"]}),d("p521",{type:"short",prime:null,p:"000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff",a:"000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc",b:"00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00",n:"000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409",hash:A.sha512,gRed:!1,g:["000000c6 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0}d("secp256k1",{type:"short",prime:"k256",p:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f",a:"0",b:"7",n:"ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141",h:"1",hash:A.sha256,beta:"7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee",lambda:"5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72",basis:[{a:"3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15",b:"-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"},{a:"114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8",b:"3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"}],gRed:!1,g:["79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798","483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8",E]})},7954:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3550),R=y(2156),A=y(953),w=y(5427),a=y(9931),t=A.assert,d=y(1251),u=y(611);function s(r){if(!(this instanceof s))return new s(r);typeof r=="string"&&(t(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w,r),"Unknown curve "+r),r=w[r]),r instanceof w.PresetCurve&&(r={curve:r}),this.curve=r.curve.curve,this.n=this.curve.n,this.nh=this.n.ushrn(1),this.g=this.curve.g,this.g=r.curve.g,this.g.precompute(r.curve.n.bitLength()+1),this.hash=r.hash||r.curve.hash}J.exports=s,s.prototype.keyPair=function(r){return new d(this,r)},s.prototype.keyFromPrivate=function(r,n){return d.fromPrivate(this,r,n)},s.prototype.keyFromPublic=function(r,n){return d.fromPublic(this,r,n)},s.prototype.genKeyPair=function(r){r||(r={});for(var n=new R({hash:this.hash,pers:r.pers,persEnc:r.persEnc||"utf8",entropy:r.entropy||a(this.hash.hmacStrength),entropyEnc:r.entropy&&r.entropyEnc||"utf8",nonce:this.n.toArray()}),o=this.n.byteLength(),i=this.n.sub(new E(2));;){var f=new E(n.generate(o));if(!(f.cmp(i)>0))return f.iaddn(1),this.keyFromPrivate(f)}},s.prototype._truncateToN=function(r,n){var o=8*r.byteLength()-this.n.bitLength();return o>0&&(r=r.ushrn(o)),!n&&r.cmp(this.n)>=0?r.sub(this.n):r},s.prototype.sign=function(r,n,o,i){typeof o=="object"&&(i=o,o=null),i||(i={}),n=this.keyFromPrivate(n,o),r=this._truncateToN(new E(r,16));for(var f=this.n.byteLength(),c=n.getPrivate().toArray("be",f),h=r.toArray("be",f),m=new R({hash:this.hash,entropy:c,nonce:h,pers:i.pers,persEnc:i.persEnc||"utf8"}),v=this.n.sub(new E(1)),I=0;;I++){var l=i.k?i.k(I):new E(m.generate(this.n.byteLength()));if(!((l=this._truncateToN(l,!0)).cmpn(1)<=0||l.cmp(v)>=0)){var j=this.g.mul(l);if(!j.isInfinity()){var N=j.getX(),S=N.umod(this.n);if(S.cmpn(0)!==0){var T=l.invm(this.n).mul(S.mul(n.getPrivate()).iadd(r));if((T=T.umod(this.n)).cmpn(0)!==0){var x=(j.getY().isOdd()?1:0)|(N.cmp(S)!==0?2:0);return i.canonical&&T.cmp(this.nh)>0&&(T=this.n.sub(T),x^=1),new u({r:S,s:T,recoveryParam:x})}}}}}},s.prototype.verify=function(r,n,o,i){r=this._truncateToN(new E(r,16)),o=this.keyFromPublic(o,i);var f=(n=new u(n,"hex")).r,c=n.s;if(f.cmpn(1)<0||f.cmp(this.n)>=0||c.cmpn(1)<0||c.cmp(this.n)>=0)return!1;var h,m=c.invm(this.n),v=m.mul(r).umod(this.n),I=m.mul(f).umod(this.n);return this.curve._maxwellTrick?!(h=this.g.jmulAdd(v,o.getPublic(),I)).isInfinity()&&h.eqXToP(f):!(h=this.g.mulAdd(v,o.getPublic(),I)).isInfinity()&&h.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(f)===0},s.prototype.recoverPubKey=function(r,n,o,i){t((3&o)===o,"The recovery param is more than two bits"),n=new u(n,i);var f=this.n,c=new E(r),h=n.r,m=n.s,v=1&o,I=o>>1;if(h.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n))>=0&&I)throw new Error("Unable to find sencond key candinate");h=I?this.curve.pointFromX(h.add(this.curve.n),v):this.curve.pointFromX(h,v);var l=n.r.invm(f),j=f.sub(c).mul(l).umod(f),N=m.mul(l).umod(f);return this.g.mulAdd(j,h,N)},s.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam=function(r,n,o,i){if((n=new u(n,i)).recoveryParam!==null)return n.recoveryParam;for(var f=0;f<4;f++){var c;try{c=this.recoverPubKey(r,n,f)}catch{continue}if(c.eq(o))return f}throw new Error("Unable to find valid recovery factor")}},1251:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3550),R=y(953).assert;function A(w,a){this.ec=w,this.priv=null,this.pub=null,a.priv&&this._importPrivate(a.priv,a.privEnc),a.pub&&this._importPublic(a.pub,a.pubEnc)}J.exports=A,A.fromPublic=function(w,a,t){return a instanceof A?a:new A(w,{pub:a,pubEnc:t})},A.fromPrivate=function(w,a,t){return a instanceof A?a:new A(w,{priv:a,privEnc:t})},A.prototype.validate=function(){var w=this.getPublic();return w.isInfinity()?{result:!1,reason:"Invalid public key"}:w.validate()?w.mul(this.ec.curve.n).isInfinity()?{result:!0,reason:null}:{result:!1,reason:"Public key * N != O"}:{result:!1,reason:"Public key is not a point"}},A.prototype.getPublic=function(w,a){return typeof w=="string"&&(a=w,w=null),this.pub||(this.pub=this.ec.g.mul(this.priv)),a?this.pub.encode(a,w):this.pub},A.prototype.getPrivate=function(w){return w==="hex"?this.priv.toString(16,2):this.priv},A.prototype._importPrivate=function(w,a){this.priv=new E(w,a||16),this.priv=this.priv.umod(this.ec.curve.n)},A.prototype._importPublic=function(w,a){if(w.x||w.y)return this.ec.curve.type==="mont"?R(w.x,"Need x coordinate"):this.ec.curve.type!=="short"&&this.ec.curve.type!=="edwards"||R(w.x&&w.y,"Need both x and y coordinate"),void(this.pub=this.ec.curve.point(w.x,w.y));this.pub=this.ec.curve.decodePoint(w,a)},A.prototype.derive=function(w){return w.validate()||R(w.validate(),"public point not validated"),w.mul(this.priv).getX()},A.prototype.sign=function(w,a,t){return this.ec.sign(w,this,a,t)},A.prototype.verify=function(w,a){return this.ec.verify(w,a,this)},A.prototype.inspect=function(){return""}},611:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3550),R=y(953),A=R.assert;function w(s,r){if(s instanceof w)return s;this._importDER(s,r)||(A(s.r&&s.s,"Signature without r or s"),this.r=new E(s.r,16),this.s=new E(s.s,16),s.recoveryParam===void 0?this.recoveryParam=null:this.recoveryParam=s.recoveryParam)}function a(){this.place=0}function t(s,r){var n=s[r.place++];if(!(128&n))return n;var o=15&n;if(o===0||o>4)return!1;for(var i=0,f=0,c=r.place;f>>=0;return!(i<=127)&&(r.place=c,i)}function d(s){for(var r=0,n=s.length-1;!s[r]&&!(128&s[r+1])&&r>>3);for(s.push(128|n);--n;)s.push(r>>>(n<<3)&255);s.push(r)}}J.exports=w,w.prototype._importDER=function(s,r){s=R.toArray(s,r);var n=new a;if(s[n.place++]!==48)return!1;var o=t(s,n);if(o===!1||o+n.place!==s.length||s[n.place++]!==2)return!1;var i=t(s,n);if(i===!1)return!1;var f=s.slice(n.place,i+n.place);if(n.place+=i,s[n.place++]!==2)return!1;var c=t(s,n);if(c===!1||s.length!==c+n.place)return!1;var h=s.slice(n.place,c+n.place);if(f[0]===0){if(!(128&f[1]))return!1;f=f.slice(1)}if(h[0]===0){if(!(128&h[1]))return!1;h=h.slice(1)}return this.r=new E(f),this.s=new E(h),this.recoveryParam=null,!0},w.prototype.toDER=function(s){var r=this.r.toArray(),n=this.s.toArray();for(128&r[0]&&(r=[0].concat(r)),128&n[0]&&(n=[0].concat(n)),r=d(r),n=d(n);!(n[0]||128&n[1]);)n=n.slice(1);var o=[2];u(o,r.length),(o=o.concat(r)).push(2),u(o,n.length);var i=o.concat(n),f=[48];return u(f,i.length),f=f.concat(i),R.encode(f,s)}},5980:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3715),R=y(5427),A=y(953),w=A.assert,a=A.parseBytes,t=y(9087),d=y(3622);function u(s){if(w(s==="ed25519","only tested with ed25519 so far"),!(this instanceof u))return new u(s);s=R[s].curve,this.curve=s,this.g=s.g,this.g.precompute(s.n.bitLength()+1),this.pointClass=s.point().constructor,this.encodingLength=Math.ceil(s.n.bitLength()/8),this.hash=E.sha512}J.exports=u,u.prototype.sign=function(s,r){s=a(s);var n=this.keyFromSecret(r),o=this.hashInt(n.messagePrefix(),s),i=this.g.mul(o),f=this.encodePoint(i),c=this.hashInt(f,n.pubBytes(),s).mul(n.priv()),h=o.add(c).umod(this.curve.n);return this.makeSignature({R:i,S:h,Rencoded:f})},u.prototype.verify=function(s,r,n){s=a(s),r=this.makeSignature(r);var o=this.keyFromPublic(n),i=this.hashInt(r.Rencoded(),o.pubBytes(),s),f=this.g.mul(r.S());return r.R().add(o.pub().mul(i)).eq(f)},u.prototype.hashInt=function(){for(var s=this.hash(),r=0;r{var E=y(953),R=E.assert,A=E.parseBytes,w=E.cachedProperty;function a(t,d){this.eddsa=t,this._secret=A(d.secret),t.isPoint(d.pub)?this._pub=d.pub:this._pubBytes=A(d.pub)}a.fromPublic=function(t,d){return d instanceof a?d:new a(t,{pub:d})},a.fromSecret=function(t,d){return d instanceof a?d:new a(t,{secret:d})},a.prototype.secret=function(){return this._secret},w(a,"pubBytes",function(){return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.pub())}),w(a,"pub",function(){return this._pubBytes?this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes):this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv())}),w(a,"privBytes",function(){var t=this.eddsa,d=this.hash(),u=t.encodingLength-1,s=d.slice(0,t.encodingLength);return s[0]&=248,s[u]&=127,s[u]|=64,s}),w(a,"priv",function(){return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes())}),w(a,"hash",function(){return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest()}),w(a,"messagePrefix",function(){return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength)}),a.prototype.sign=function(t){return R(this._secret,"KeyPair can only verify"),this.eddsa.sign(t,this)},a.prototype.verify=function(t,d){return this.eddsa.verify(t,d,this)},a.prototype.getSecret=function(t){return R(this._secret,"KeyPair is public only"),E.encode(this.secret(),t)},a.prototype.getPublic=function(t){return E.encode(this.pubBytes(),t)},J.exports=a},3622:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3550),R=y(953),A=R.assert,w=R.cachedProperty,a=R.parseBytes;function t(d,u){this.eddsa=d,typeof u!="object"&&(u=a(u)),Array.isArray(u)&&(u={R:u.slice(0,d.encodingLength),S:u.slice(d.encodingLength)}),A(u.R&&u.S,"Signature without R or S"),d.isPoint(u.R)&&(this._R=u.R),u.S instanceof E&&(this._S=u.S),this._Rencoded=Array.isArray(u.R)?u.R:u.Rencoded,this._Sencoded=Array.isArray(u.S)?u.S:u.Sencoded}w(t,"S",function(){return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded())}),w(t,"R",function(){return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded())}),w(t,"Rencoded",function(){return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R())}),w(t,"Sencoded",function(){return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S())}),t.prototype.toBytes=function(){return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded())},t.prototype.toHex=function(){return 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E=e,R=y(3550),A=y(9746),w=y(4504);E.assert=A,E.toArray=w.toArray,E.zero2=w.zero2,E.toHex=w.toHex,E.encode=w.encode,E.getNAF=function(a,t,d){var u=new Array(Math.max(a.bitLength(),d)+1);u.fill(0);for(var s=1<(s>>1)-1?(s>>1)-i:i,r.isubn(o)):o=0,u[n]=o,r.iushrn(1)}return u},E.getJSF=function(a,t){var d=[[],[]];a=a.clone(),t=t.clone();for(var u,s=0,r=0;a.cmpn(-s)>0||t.cmpn(-r)>0;){var n,o,i=a.andln(3)+s&3,f=t.andln(3)+r&3;i===3&&(i=-1),f===3&&(f=-1),n=1&i?(u=a.andln(7)+s&7)!=3&&u!==5||f!==2?i:-i:0,d[0].push(n),o=1&f?(u=t.andln(7)+r&7)!=3&&u!==5||i!==2?f:-f:0,d[1].push(o),2*s===n+1&&(s=1-s),2*r===o+1&&(r=1-r),a.iushrn(1),t.iushrn(1)}return d},E.cachedProperty=function(a,t,d){var u="_"+t;a.prototype[t]=function(){return this[u]!==void 0?this[u]:this[u]=d.call(this)}},E.parseBytes=function(a){return typeof a=="string"?E.toArray(a,"hex"):a},E.intFromLE=function(a){return new R(a,"hex","le")}},8091:J=>{function e(y,E){if(y==null)throw new TypeError("Cannot convert first argument to object");for(var R=Object(y),A=1;A{var E,R=y(5108),A=typeof Reflect=="object"?Reflect:null,w=A&&typeof A.apply=="function"?A.apply:function(m,v,I){return Function.prototype.apply.call(m,v,I)};E=A&&typeof A.ownKeys=="function"?A.ownKeys:Object.getOwnPropertySymbols?function(m){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(m).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(m))}:function(m){return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(m)};var a=Number.isNaN||function(m){return m!=m};function t(){t.init.call(this)}J.exports=t,J.exports.once=function(m,v){return new Promise(function(I,l){function j(S){m.removeListener(v,N),l(S)}function N(){typeof m.removeListener=="function"&&m.removeListener("error",j),I([].slice.call(arguments))}h(m,v,N,{once:!0}),v!=="error"&&function(S,T,x){typeof S.on=="function"&&h(S,"error",T,{once:!0})}(m,j)})},t.EventEmitter=t,t.prototype._events=void 0,t.prototype._eventsCount=0,t.prototype._maxListeners=void 0;var d=10;function u(m){if(typeof m!="function")throw new TypeError('The "listener" argument must be of type Function. Received type '+typeof m)}function s(m){return m._maxListeners===void 0?t.defaultMaxListeners:m._maxListeners}function r(m,v,I,l){var j,N,S,T;if(u(I),(N=m._events)===void 0?(N=m._events=Object.create(null),m._eventsCount=0):(N.newListener!==void 0&&(m.emit("newListener",v,I.listener?I.listener:I),N=m._events),S=N[v]),S===void 0)S=N[v]=I,++m._eventsCount;else if(typeof S=="function"?S=N[v]=l?[I,S]:[S,I]:l?S.unshift(I):S.push(I),(j=s(m))>0&&S.length>j&&!S.warned){S.warned=!0;var x=new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. "+S.length+" "+String(v)+" listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit");x.name="MaxListenersExceededWarning",x.emitter=m,x.type=v,x.count=S.length,T=x,R&&R.warn&&R.warn(T)}return m}function n(){if(!this.fired)return this.target.removeListener(this.type,this.wrapFn),this.fired=!0,arguments.length===0?this.listener.call(this.target):this.listener.apply(this.target,arguments)}function o(m,v,I){var l={fired:!1,wrapFn:void 0,target:m,type:v,listener:I},j=n.bind(l);return j.listener=I,l.wrapFn=j,j}function i(m,v,I){var l=m._events;if(l===void 0)return[];var j=l[v];return j===void 0?[]:typeof j=="function"?I?[j.listener||j]:[j]:I?function(N){for(var S=new Array(N.length),T=0;T0&&(N=v[0]),N instanceof Error)throw N;var S=new Error("Unhandled error."+(N?" ("+N.message+")":""));throw S.context=N,S}var T=j[m];if(T===void 0)return!1;if(typeof T=="function")w(T,this,v);else{var x=T.length,k=c(T,x);for(I=0;I=0;N--)if(I[N]===v||I[N].listener===v){S=I[N].listener,j=N;break}if(j<0)return this;j===0?I.shift():function(T,x){for(;x+1=0;l--)this.removeListener(m,v[l]);return this},t.prototype.listeners=function(m){return i(this,m,!0)},t.prototype.rawListeners=function(m){return i(this,m,!1)},t.listenerCount=function(m,v){return typeof m.listenerCount=="function"?m.listenerCount(v):f.call(m,v)},t.prototype.listenerCount=f,t.prototype.eventNames=function(){return this._eventsCount>0?E(this._events):[]}},4029:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5320),R=Object.prototype.toString,A=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty;J.exports=function(w,a,t){if(!E(a))throw new TypeError("iterator must be a function");var d;arguments.length>=3&&(d=t),R.call(w)==="[object Array]"?function(u,s,r){for(var n=0,o=u.length;n{var e=Array.prototype.slice,y=Object.prototype.toString;J.exports=function(E){var R=this;if(typeof R!="function"||y.call(R)!=="[object Function]")throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible "+R);for(var A,w=e.call(arguments,1),a=Math.max(0,R.length-w.length),t=[],d=0;d{var E=y(7648);J.exports=Function.prototype.bind||E},210:(J,e,y)=>{var E,R=SyntaxError,A=Function,w=TypeError,a=function(b){try{return A('"use strict"; return ('+b+").constructor;")()}catch{}},t=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor;if(t)try{t({},"")}catch{t=null}var d=function(){throw new w},u=t?function(){try{return d}catch{try{return t(arguments,"callee").get}catch{return d}}}():d,s=y(1405)(),r=Object.getPrototypeOf||function(b){return b.__proto__},n={},o=typeof Uint8Array>"u"?E:r(Uint8Array),i={"%AggregateError%":typeof AggregateError>"u"?E:AggregateError,"%Array%":Array,"%ArrayBuffer%":typeof 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i[p]=P,P},h={"%ArrayBufferPrototype%":["ArrayBuffer","prototype"],"%ArrayPrototype%":["Array","prototype"],"%ArrayProto_entries%":["Array","prototype","entries"],"%ArrayProto_forEach%":["Array","prototype","forEach"],"%ArrayProto_keys%":["Array","prototype","keys"],"%ArrayProto_values%":["Array","prototype","values"],"%AsyncFunctionPrototype%":["AsyncFunction","prototype"],"%AsyncGenerator%":["AsyncGeneratorFunction","prototype"],"%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%":["AsyncGeneratorFunction","prototype","prototype"],"%BooleanPrototype%":["Boolean","prototype"],"%DataViewPrototype%":["DataView","prototype"],"%DatePrototype%":["Date","prototype"],"%ErrorPrototype%":["Error","prototype"],"%EvalErrorPrototype%":["EvalError","prototype"],"%Float32ArrayPrototype%":["Float32Array","prototype"],"%Float64ArrayPrototype%":["Float64Array","prototype"],"%FunctionPrototype%":["Function","prototype"],"%Generator%":["GeneratorFunction","prototype"],"%GeneratorPrototype%":["GeneratorFunction","prototype","prototype"],"%Int8ArrayPrototype%":["Int8Array","prototype"],"%Int16ArrayPrototype%":["Int16Array","prototype"],"%Int32ArrayPrototype%":["Int32Array","prototype"],"%JSONParse%":["JSON","parse"],"%JSONStringify%":["JSON","stringify"],"%MapPrototype%":["Map","prototype"],"%NumberPrototype%":["Number","prototype"],"%ObjectPrototype%":["Object","prototype"],"%ObjProto_toString%":["Object","prototype","toString"],"%ObjProto_valueOf%":["Object","prototype","valueOf"],"%PromisePrototype%":["Promise","prototype"],"%PromiseProto_then%":["Promise","prototype","then"],"%Promise_all%":["Promise","all"],"%Promise_reject%":["Promise","reject"],"%Promise_resolve%":["Promise","resolve"],"%RangeErrorPrototype%":["RangeError","prototype"],"%ReferenceErrorPrototype%":["ReferenceError","prototype"],"%RegExpPrototype%":["RegExp","prototype"],"%SetPrototype%":["Set","prototype"],"%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%":["SharedArrayBuffer","prototype"],"%StringPrototype%":["String","prototype"],"%SymbolPrototype%":["Symbol","prototype"],"%SyntaxErrorPrototype%":["SyntaxError","prototype"],"%TypedArrayPrototype%":["TypedArray","prototype"],"%TypeErrorPrototype%":["TypeError","prototype"],"%Uint8ArrayPrototype%":["Uint8Array","prototype"],"%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%":["Uint8ClampedArray","prototype"],"%Uint16ArrayPrototype%":["Uint16Array","prototype"],"%Uint32ArrayPrototype%":["Uint32Array","prototype"],"%URIErrorPrototype%":["URIError","prototype"],"%WeakMapPrototype%":["WeakMap","prototype"],"%WeakSetPrototype%":["WeakSet","prototype"]},m=y(8612),v=y(7642),I=m.call(Function.call,Array.prototype.concat),l=m.call(Function.apply,Array.prototype.splice),j=m.call(Function.call,String.prototype.replace),N=m.call(Function.call,String.prototype.slice),S=m.call(Function.call,RegExp.prototype.exec),T=/[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g,x=/\\(\\)?/g,k=function(b,p){var P,B=b;if(v(h,B)&&(B="%"+(P=h[B])[0]+"%"),v(i,B)){var C=i[B];if(C===n&&(C=c(B)),C===void 0&&!p)throw new w("intrinsic "+b+" exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!");return{alias:P,name:B,value:C}}throw new R("intrinsic "+b+" does not exist!")};J.exports=function(b,p){if(typeof b!="string"||b.length===0)throw new w("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string");if(arguments.length>1&&typeof p!="boolean")throw new w('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean');if(S(/^%?[^%]*%?$/,b)===null)throw new R("`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name");var P=function(F){var se=N(F,0,1),ue=N(F,-1);if(se==="%"&&ue!=="%")throw new R("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`");if(ue==="%"&&se!=="%")throw new R("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`");var le=[];return j(F,T,function(fe,_e,de,pe){le[le.length]=de?j(pe,x,"$1"):_e||fe}),le}(b),B=P.length>0?P[0]:"",C=k("%"+B+"%",p),L=C.name,re=C.value,ee=!1,oe=C.alias;oe&&(B=oe[0],l(P,I([0,1],oe)));for(var D=1,Z=!0;D=P.length){var X=t(re,H);re=(Z=!!X)&&"get"in X&&!("originalValue"in X.get)?X.get:re[H]}else Z=v(re,H),re=re[H];Z&&!ee&&(i[L]=re)}}return re}},7296:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(210)("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%",!0);if(E)try{E([],"length")}catch{E=null}J.exports=E},1044:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(210)("%Object.defineProperty%",!0),R=function(){if(E)try{return E({},"a",{value:1}),!0}catch{return!1}return!1};R.hasArrayLengthDefineBug=function(){if(!R())return null;try{return E([],"length",{value:1}).length!==1}catch{return!0}},J.exports=R},1405:(J,e,y)=>{var E=typeof Symbol<"u"&&Symbol,R=y(5419);J.exports=function(){return typeof E=="function"&&typeof Symbol=="function"&&typeof E("foo")=="symbol"&&typeof Symbol("bar")=="symbol"&&R()}},5419:J=>{J.exports=function(){if(typeof Symbol!="function"||typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols!="function")return!1;if(typeof Symbol.iterator=="symbol")return!0;var e={},y=Symbol("test"),E=Object(y);if(typeof y=="string"||Object.prototype.toString.call(y)!=="[object Symbol]"||Object.prototype.toString.call(E)!=="[object Symbol]")return!1;for(y in e[y]=42,e)return!1;if(typeof Object.keys=="function"&&Object.keys(e).length!==0||typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames=="function"&&Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length!==0)return!1;var R=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);if(R.length!==1||R[0]!==y||!Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e,y))return!1;if(typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor=="function"){var A=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e,y);if(A.value!==42||A.enumerable!==!0)return!1}return!0}},6410:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5419);J.exports=function(){return E()&&!!Symbol.toStringTag}},7642:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8612);J.exports=E.call(Function.call,Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty)},3349:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(9509).Buffer,R=y(8473).Transform;function A(w){R.call(this),this._block=E.allocUnsafe(w),this._blockSize=w,this._blockOffset=0,this._length=[0,0,0,0],this._finalized=!1}y(5717)(A,R),A.prototype._transform=function(w,a,t){var d=null;try{this.update(w,a)}catch(u){d=u}t(d)},A.prototype._flush=function(w){var a=null;try{this.push(this.digest())}catch(t){a=t}w(a)},A.prototype.update=function(w,a){if(function(n,o){if(!E.isBuffer(n)&&typeof n!="string")throw new TypeError("Data must be a string or a buffer")}(w),this._finalized)throw new Error("Digest already called");E.isBuffer(w)||(w=E.from(w,a));for(var t=this._block,d=0;this._blockOffset+w.length-d>=this._blockSize;){for(var u=this._blockOffset;u0;++s)this._length[s]+=r,(r=this._length[s]/4294967296|0)>0&&(this._length[s]-=4294967296*r);return this},A.prototype._update=function(){throw new Error("_update is not implemented")},A.prototype.digest=function(w){if(this._finalized)throw new Error("Digest already called");this._finalized=!0;var a=this._digest();w!==void 0&&(a=a.toString(w)),this._block.fill(0),this._blockOffset=0;for(var t=0;t<4;++t)this._length[t]=0;return a},A.prototype._digest=function(){throw new Error("_digest is not implemented")},J.exports=A},3715:(J,e,y)=>{var E=e;E.utils=y(6436),E.common=y(5772),E.sha=y(9041),E.ripemd=y(2949),E.hmac=y(2344),E.sha1=E.sha.sha1,E.sha256=E.sha.sha256,E.sha224=E.sha.sha224,E.sha384=E.sha.sha384,E.sha512=E.sha.sha512,E.ripemd160=E.ripemd.ripemd160},5772:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(6436),R=y(9746);function A(){this.pending=null,this.pendingTotal=0,this.blockSize=this.constructor.blockSize,this.outSize=this.constructor.outSize,this.hmacStrength=this.constructor.hmacStrength,this.padLength=this.constructor.padLength/8,this.endian="big",this._delta8=this.blockSize/8,this._delta32=this.blockSize/32}e.BlockHash=A,A.prototype.update=function(w,a){if(w=E.toArray(w,a),this.pending?this.pending=this.pending.concat(w):this.pending=w,this.pendingTotal+=w.length,this.pending.length>=this._delta8){var t=(w=this.pending).length%this._delta8;this.pending=w.slice(w.length-t,w.length),this.pending.length===0&&(this.pending=null),w=E.join32(w,0,w.length-t,this.endian);for(var d=0;d>>24&255,d[u++]=w>>>16&255,d[u++]=w>>>8&255,d[u++]=255&w}else for(d[u++]=255&w,d[u++]=w>>>8&255,d[u++]=w>>>16&255,d[u++]=w>>>24&255,d[u++]=0,d[u++]=0,d[u++]=0,d[u++]=0,s=8;s{var E=y(6436),R=y(9746);function A(w,a,t){if(!(this instanceof A))return new A(w,a,t);this.Hash=w,this.blockSize=w.blockSize/8,this.outSize=w.outSize/8,this.inner=null,this.outer=null,this._init(E.toArray(a,t))}J.exports=A,A.prototype._init=function(w){w.length>this.blockSize&&(w=new this.Hash().update(w).digest()),R(w.length<=this.blockSize);for(var a=w.length;a{var E=y(6436),R=y(5772),A=E.rotl32,w=E.sum32,a=E.sum32_3,t=E.sum32_4,d=R.BlockHash;function u(){if(!(this instanceof u))return new u;d.call(this),this.h=[1732584193,4023233417,2562383102,271733878,3285377520],this.endian="little"}function s(h,m,v,I){return h<=15?m^v^I:h<=31?m&v|~m&I:h<=47?(m|~v)^I:h<=63?m&I|v&~I:m^(v|~I)}function r(h){return h<=15?0:h<=31?1518500249:h<=47?1859775393:h<=63?2400959708:2840853838}function n(h){return h<=15?1352829926:h<=31?1548603684:h<=47?1836072691:h<=63?2053994217:0}E.inherits(u,d),e.ripemd160=u,u.blockSize=512,u.outSize=160,u.hmacStrength=192,u.padLength=64,u.prototype._update=function(h,m){for(var v=this.h[0],I=this.h[1],l=this.h[2],j=this.h[3],N=this.h[4],S=v,T=I,x=l,k=j,b=N,p=0;p<80;p++){var P=w(A(t(v,s(p,I,l,j),h[o[p]+m],r(p)),f[p]),N);v=N,N=j,j=A(l,10),l=I,I=P,P=w(A(t(S,s(79-p,T,x,k),h[i[p]+m],n(p)),c[p]),b),S=b,b=k,k=A(x,10),x=T,T=P}P=a(this.h[1],l,k),this.h[1]=a(this.h[2],j,b),this.h[2]=a(this.h[3],N,S),this.h[3]=a(this.h[4],v,T),this.h[4]=a(this.h[0],I,x),this.h[0]=P},u.prototype._digest=function(h){return h==="hex"?E.toHex32(this.h,"little"):E.split32(this.h,"little")};var o=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,7,4,13,1,10,6,15,3,12,0,9,5,2,14,11,8,3,10,14,4,9,15,8,1,2,7,0,6,13,11,5,12,1,9,11,10,0,8,12,4,13,3,7,15,14,5,6,2,4,0,5,9,7,12,2,10,14,1,3,8,11,6,15,13],i=[5,14,7,0,9,2,11,4,13,6,15,8,1,10,3,12,6,11,3,7,0,13,5,10,14,15,8,12,4,9,1,2,15,5,1,3,7,14,6,9,11,8,12,2,10,0,4,13,8,6,4,1,3,11,15,0,5,12,2,13,9,7,10,14,12,15,10,4,1,5,8,7,6,2,13,14,0,3,9,11],f=[11,14,15,12,5,8,7,9,11,13,14,15,6,7,9,8,7,6,8,13,11,9,7,15,7,12,15,9,11,7,13,12,11,13,6,7,14,9,13,15,14,8,13,6,5,12,7,5,11,12,14,15,14,15,9,8,9,14,5,6,8,6,5,12,9,15,5,11,6,8,13,12,5,12,13,14,11,8,5,6],c=[8,9,9,11,13,15,15,5,7,7,8,11,14,14,12,6,9,13,15,7,12,8,9,11,7,7,12,7,6,15,13,11,9,7,15,11,8,6,6,14,12,13,5,14,13,13,7,5,15,5,8,11,14,14,6,14,6,9,12,9,12,5,15,8,8,5,12,9,12,5,14,6,8,13,6,5,15,13,11,11]},9041:(J,e,y)=>{e.sha1=y(4761),e.sha224=y(799),e.sha256=y(9344),e.sha384=y(772),e.sha512=y(5900)},4761:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(6436),R=y(5772),A=y(7038),w=E.rotl32,a=E.sum32,t=E.sum32_5,d=A.ft_1,u=R.BlockHash,s=[1518500249,1859775393,2400959708,3395469782];function r(){if(!(this instanceof r))return new r;u.call(this),this.h=[1732584193,4023233417,2562383102,271733878,3285377520],this.W=new Array(80)}E.inherits(r,u),J.exports=r,r.blockSize=512,r.outSize=160,r.hmacStrength=80,r.padLength=64,r.prototype._update=function(n,o){for(var i=this.W,f=0;f<16;f++)i[f]=n[o+f];for(;f{var E=y(6436),R=y(9344);function A(){if(!(this instanceof A))return new A;R.call(this),this.h=[3238371032,914150663,812702999,4144912697,4290775857,1750603025,1694076839,3204075428]}E.inherits(A,R),J.exports=A,A.blockSize=512,A.outSize=224,A.hmacStrength=192,A.padLength=64,A.prototype._digest=function(w){return w==="hex"?E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0,7),"big"):E.split32(this.h.slice(0,7),"big")}},9344:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(6436),R=y(5772),A=y(7038),w=y(9746),a=E.sum32,t=E.sum32_4,d=E.sum32_5,u=A.ch32,s=A.maj32,r=A.s0_256,n=A.s1_256,o=A.g0_256,i=A.g1_256,f=R.BlockHash,c=[1116352408,1899447441,3049323471,3921009573,961987163,1508970993,2453635748,2870763221,3624381080,310598401,607225278,1426881987,1925078388,2162078206,2614888103,3248222580,3835390401,4022224774,264347078,604807628,770255983,1249150122,1555081692,1996064986,2554220882,2821834349,2952996808,3210313671,3336571891,3584528711,113926993,338241895,666307205,773529912,1294757372,1396182291,1695183700,1986661051,2177026350,2456956037,2730485921,2820302411,3259730800,3345764771,3516065817,3600352804,4094571909,275423344,430227734,506948616,659060556,883997877,958139571,1322822218,1537002063,1747873779,1955562222,2024104815,2227730452,2361852424,2428436474,2756734187,3204031479,3329325298];function h(){if(!(this instanceof h))return new h;f.call(this),this.h=[1779033703,3144134277,1013904242,2773480762,1359893119,2600822924,528734635,1541459225],this.k=c,this.W=new Array(64)}E.inherits(h,f),J.exports=h,h.blockSize=512,h.outSize=256,h.hmacStrength=192,h.padLength=64,h.prototype._update=function(m,v){for(var I=this.W,l=0;l<16;l++)I[l]=m[v+l];for(;l{var E=y(6436),R=y(5900);function A(){if(!(this instanceof A))return new A;R.call(this),this.h=[3418070365,3238371032,1654270250,914150663,2438529370,812702999,355462360,4144912697,1731405415,4290775857,2394180231,1750603025,3675008525,1694076839,1203062813,3204075428]}E.inherits(A,R),J.exports=A,A.blockSize=1024,A.outSize=384,A.hmacStrength=192,A.padLength=128,A.prototype._digest=function(w){return w==="hex"?E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0,12),"big"):E.split32(this.h.slice(0,12),"big")}},5900:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(6436),R=y(5772),A=y(9746),w=E.rotr64_hi,a=E.rotr64_lo,t=E.shr64_hi,d=E.shr64_lo,u=E.sum64,s=E.sum64_hi,r=E.sum64_lo,n=E.sum64_4_hi,o=E.sum64_4_lo,i=E.sum64_5_hi,f=E.sum64_5_lo,c=R.BlockHash,h=[1116352408,3609767458,1899447441,602891725,3049323471,3964484399,3921009573,2173295548,961987163,4081628472,1508970993,3053834265,2453635748,2937671579,2870763221,3664609560,3624381080,2734883394,310598401,1164996542,607225278,1323610764,1426881987,3590304994,1925078388,4068182383,2162078206,991336113,2614888103,633803317,3248222580,3479774868,3835390401,2666613458,4022224774,944711139,264347078,2341262773,604807628,2007800933,770255983,1495990901,1249150122,1856431235,1555081692,3175218132,1996064986,2198950837,2554220882,3999719339,2821834349,766784016,2952996808,2566594879,3210313671,3203337956,3336571891,1034457026,3584528711,2466948901,113926993,3758326383,338241895,168717936,666307205,1188179964,773529912,1546045734,1294757372,1522805485,1396182291,2643833823,1695183700,2343527390,1986661051,1014477480,2177026350,1206759142,2456956037,344077627,2730485921,1290863460,2820302411,3158454273,3259730800,3505952657,3345764771,106217008,3516065817,3606008344,3600352804,1432725776,4094571909,1467031594,275423344,851169720,430227734,3100823752,506948616,1363258195,659060556,3750685593,883997877,3785050280,958139571,3318307427,1322822218,3812723403,1537002063,2003034995,1747873779,3602036899,1955562222,1575990012,2024104815,1125592928,2227730452,2716904306,2361852424,442776044,2428436474,593698344,2756734187,3733110249,3204031479,2999351573,3329325298,3815920427,3391569614,3928383900,3515267271,566280711,3940187606,3454069534,4118630271,4000239992,116418474,1914138554,174292421,2731055270,289380356,3203993006,460393269,320620315,685471733,587496836,852142971,1086792851,1017036298,365543100,1126000580,2618297676,1288033470,3409855158,1501505948,4234509866,1607167915,987167468,1816402316,1246189591];function m(){if(!(this instanceof m))return new m;c.call(this),this.h=[1779033703,4089235720,3144134277,2227873595,1013904242,4271175723,2773480762,1595750129,1359893119,2917565137,2600822924,725511199,528734635,4215389547,1541459225,327033209],this.k=h,this.W=new Array(160)}function v(p,P,B,C,L){var re=p&B^~p&L;return re<0&&(re+=4294967296),re}function I(p,P,B,C,L,re){var ee=P&C^~P&re;return ee<0&&(ee+=4294967296),ee}function l(p,P,B,C,L){var re=p&B^p&L^B&L;return re<0&&(re+=4294967296),re}function j(p,P,B,C,L,re){var ee=P&C^P&re^C&re;return ee<0&&(ee+=4294967296),ee}function N(p,P){var B=w(p,P,28)^w(P,p,2)^w(P,p,7);return B<0&&(B+=4294967296),B}function S(p,P){var B=a(p,P,28)^a(P,p,2)^a(P,p,7);return B<0&&(B+=4294967296),B}function T(p,P){var B=a(p,P,14)^a(p,P,18)^a(P,p,9);return B<0&&(B+=4294967296),B}function x(p,P){var B=w(p,P,1)^w(p,P,8)^t(p,P,7);return B<0&&(B+=4294967296),B}function k(p,P){var B=a(p,P,1)^a(p,P,8)^d(p,P,7);return B<0&&(B+=4294967296),B}function b(p,P){var B=a(p,P,19)^a(P,p,29)^d(p,P,6);return B<0&&(B+=4294967296),B}E.inherits(m,c),J.exports=m,m.blockSize=1024,m.outSize=512,m.hmacStrength=192,m.padLength=128,m.prototype._prepareBlock=function(p,P){for(var B=this.W,C=0;C<32;C++)B[C]=p[P+C];for(;C{var E=y(6436).rotr32;function R(a,t,d){return a&t^~a&d}function A(a,t,d){return a&t^a&d^t&d}function w(a,t,d){return a^t^d}e.ft_1=function(a,t,d,u){return a===0?R(t,d,u):a===1||a===3?w(t,d,u):a===2?A(t,d,u):void 0},e.ch32=R,e.maj32=A,e.p32=w,e.s0_256=function(a){return E(a,2)^E(a,13)^E(a,22)},e.s1_256=function(a){return E(a,6)^E(a,11)^E(a,25)},e.g0_256=function(a){return E(a,7)^E(a,18)^a>>>3},e.g1_256=function(a){return E(a,17)^E(a,19)^a>>>10}},6436:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(9746),R=y(5717);function A(d,u){return(64512&d.charCodeAt(u))==55296&&!(u<0||u+1>=d.length)&&(64512&d.charCodeAt(u+1))==56320}function w(d){return(d>>>24|d>>>8&65280|d<<8&16711680|(255&d)<<24)>>>0}function a(d){return d.length===1?"0"+d:d}function t(d){return d.length===7?"0"+d:d.length===6?"00"+d:d.length===5?"000"+d:d.length===4?"0000"+d:d.length===3?"00000"+d:d.length===2?"000000"+d:d.length===1?"0000000"+d:d}e.inherits=R,e.toArray=function(d,u){if(Array.isArray(d))return d.slice();if(!d)return[];var s=[];if(typeof d=="string")if(u){if(u==="hex")for((d=d.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi,"")).length%2!=0&&(d="0"+d),n=0;n>6|192,s[r++]=63&o|128):A(d,n)?(o=65536+((1023&o)<<10)+(1023&d.charCodeAt(++n)),s[r++]=o>>18|240,s[r++]=o>>12&63|128,s[r++]=o>>6&63|128,s[r++]=63&o|128):(s[r++]=o>>12|224,s[r++]=o>>6&63|128,s[r++]=63&o|128)}else for(n=0;n>>0}return o},e.split32=function(d,u){for(var s=new Array(4*d.length),r=0,n=0;r>>24,s[n+1]=o>>>16&255,s[n+2]=o>>>8&255,s[n+3]=255&o):(s[n+3]=o>>>24,s[n+2]=o>>>16&255,s[n+1]=o>>>8&255,s[n]=255&o)}return s},e.rotr32=function(d,u){return d>>>u|d<<32-u},e.rotl32=function(d,u){return d<>>32-u},e.sum32=function(d,u){return d+u>>>0},e.sum32_3=function(d,u,s){return d+u+s>>>0},e.sum32_4=function(d,u,s,r){return d+u+s+r>>>0},e.sum32_5=function(d,u,s,r,n){return d+u+s+r+n>>>0},e.sum64=function(d,u,s,r){var n=d[u],o=r+d[u+1]>>>0,i=(o>>0,d[u+1]=o},e.sum64_hi=function(d,u,s,r){return(u+r>>>0>>0},e.sum64_lo=function(d,u,s,r){return u+r>>>0},e.sum64_4_hi=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f){var c=0,h=u;return c+=(h=h+r>>>0)>>0)>>0)>>0},e.sum64_4_lo=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f){return u+r+o+f>>>0},e.sum64_5_hi=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h){var m=0,v=u;return m+=(v=v+r>>>0)>>0)>>0)>>0)>>0},e.sum64_5_lo=function(d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h){return u+r+o+f+h>>>0},e.rotr64_hi=function(d,u,s){return(u<<32-s|d>>>s)>>>0},e.rotr64_lo=function(d,u,s){return(d<<32-s|u>>>s)>>>0},e.shr64_hi=function(d,u,s){return d>>>s},e.shr64_lo=function(d,u,s){return(d<<32-s|u>>>s)>>>0}},2156:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(3715),R=y(4504),A=y(9746);function w(a){if(!(this instanceof w))return new w(a);this.hash=a.hash,this.predResist=!!a.predResist,this.outLen=this.hash.outSize,this.minEntropy=a.minEntropy||this.hash.hmacStrength,this._reseed=null,this.reseedInterval=null,this.K=null,this.V=null;var t=R.toArray(a.entropy,a.entropyEnc||"hex"),d=R.toArray(a.nonce,a.nonceEnc||"hex"),u=R.toArray(a.pers,a.persEnc||"hex");A(t.length>=this.minEntropy/8,"Not enough entropy. Minimum is: "+this.minEntropy+" bits"),this._init(t,d,u)}J.exports=w,w.prototype._init=function(a,t,d){var u=a.concat(t).concat(d);this.K=new Array(this.outLen/8),this.V=new Array(this.outLen/8);for(var s=0;s=this.minEntropy/8,"Not enough entropy. Minimum is: "+this.minEntropy+" bits"),this._update(a.concat(d||[])),this._reseed=1},w.prototype.generate=function(a,t,d,u){if(this._reseed>this.reseedInterval)throw new Error("Reseed is required");typeof t!="string"&&(u=d,d=t,t=null),d&&(d=R.toArray(d,u||"hex"),this._update(d));for(var s=[];s.length{e.read=function(y,E,R,A,w){var a,t,d=8*w-A-1,u=(1<>1,r=-7,n=R?w-1:0,o=R?-1:1,i=y[E+n];for(n+=o,a=i&(1<<-r)-1,i>>=-r,r+=d;r>0;a=256*a+y[E+n],n+=o,r-=8);for(t=a&(1<<-r)-1,a>>=-r,r+=A;r>0;t=256*t+y[E+n],n+=o,r-=8);if(a===0)a=1-s;else{if(a===u)return t?NaN:1/0*(i?-1:1);t+=Math.pow(2,A),a-=s}return(i?-1:1)*t*Math.pow(2,a-A)},e.write=function(y,E,R,A,w,a){var t,d,u,s=8*a-w-1,r=(1<>1,o=w===23?Math.pow(2,-24)-Math.pow(2,-77):0,i=A?0:a-1,f=A?1:-1,c=E<0||E===0&&1/E<0?1:0;for(E=Math.abs(E),isNaN(E)||E===1/0?(d=isNaN(E)?1:0,t=r):(t=Math.floor(Math.log(E)/Math.LN2),E*(u=Math.pow(2,-t))<1&&(t--,u*=2),(E+=t+n>=1?o/u:o*Math.pow(2,1-n))*u>=2&&(t++,u/=2),t+n>=r?(d=0,t=r):t+n>=1?(d=(E*u-1)*Math.pow(2,w),t+=n):(d=E*Math.pow(2,n-1)*Math.pow(2,w),t=0));w>=8;y[R+i]=255&d,i+=f,d/=256,w-=8);for(t=t<0;y[R+i]=255&t,i+=f,t/=256,s-=8);y[R+i-f]|=128*c}},5717:J=>{typeof Object.create=="function"?J.exports=function(e,y){y&&(e.super_=y,e.prototype=Object.create(y.prototype,{constructor:{value:e,enumerable:!1,writable:!0,configurable:!0}}))}:J.exports=function(e,y){if(y){e.super_=y;var E=function(){};E.prototype=y.prototype,e.prototype=new E,e.prototype.constructor=e}}},2584:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(6410)(),R=y(1924)("Object.prototype.toString"),A=function(t){return!(E&&t&&typeof t=="object"&&Symbol.toStringTag in t)&&R(t)==="[object Arguments]"},w=function(t){return!!A(t)||t!==null&&typeof t=="object"&&typeof t.length=="number"&&t.length>=0&&R(t)!=="[object Array]"&&R(t.callee)==="[object Function]"},a=function(){return A(arguments)}();A.isLegacyArguments=w,J.exports=a?A:w},5320:J=>{var e,y,E=Function.prototype.toString,R=typeof Reflect=="object"&&Reflect!==null&&Reflect.apply;if(typeof R=="function"&&typeof Object.defineProperty=="function")try{e=Object.defineProperty({},"length",{get:function(){throw y}}),y={},R(function(){throw 42},null,e)}catch(n){n!==y&&(R=null)}else R=null;var A=/^\s*class\b/,w=function(n){try{var o=E.call(n);return A.test(o)}catch{return!1}},a=function(n){try{return!w(n)&&(E.call(n),!0)}catch{return!1}},t=Object.prototype.toString,d=typeof Symbol=="function"&&!!Symbol.toStringTag,u=!(0 in[,]),s=function(){return!1};if(typeof document=="object"){var r=document.all;t.call(r)===t.call(document.all)&&(s=function(n){if((u||!n)&&(n===void 0||typeof n=="object"))try{var o=t.call(n);return(o==="[object HTMLAllCollection]"||o==="[object HTML document.all class]"||o==="[object HTMLCollection]"||o==="[object Object]")&&n("")==null}catch{}return!1})}J.exports=R?function(n){if(s(n))return!0;if(!n||typeof n!="function"&&typeof n!="object")return!1;try{R(n,null,e)}catch(o){if(o!==y)return!1}return!w(n)&&a(n)}:function(n){if(s(n))return!0;if(!n||typeof n!="function"&&typeof n!="object")return!1;if(d)return a(n);if(w(n))return!1;var o=t.call(n);return!(o!=="[object Function]"&&o!=="[object GeneratorFunction]"&&!/^\[object HTML/.test(o))&&a(n)}},8662:(J,e,y)=>{var E,R=Object.prototype.toString,A=Function.prototype.toString,w=/^\s*(?:function)?\*/,a=y(6410)(),t=Object.getPrototypeOf;J.exports=function(d){if(typeof d!="function")return!1;if(w.test(A.call(d)))return!0;if(!a)return R.call(d)==="[object GeneratorFunction]";if(!t)return!1;if(E===void 0){var u=function(){if(!a)return!1;try{return Function("return function*() {}")()}catch{}}();E=!!u&&t(u)}return t(d)===E}},8611:J=>{J.exports=function(e){return e!=e}},360:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5559),R=y(4289),A=y(8611),w=y(9415),a=y(3194),t=E(w(),Number);R(t,{getPolyfill:w,implementation:A,shim:a}),J.exports=t},9415:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8611);J.exports=function(){return Number.isNaN&&Number.isNaN(NaN)&&!Number.isNaN("a")?Number.isNaN:E}},3194:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4289),R=y(9415);J.exports=function(){var A=R();return E(Number,{isNaN:A},{isNaN:function(){return Number.isNaN!==A}}),A}},5692:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4029),R=y(3083),A=y(1924),w=A("Object.prototype.toString"),a=y(6410)(),t=y(7296),d=typeof globalThis>"u"?y.g:globalThis,u=R(),s=A("Array.prototype.indexOf",!0)||function(i,f){for(var c=0;c-1}return!!t&&function(c){var h=!1;return E(n,function(m,v){if(!h)try{h=m.call(c)===v}catch{}}),h}(i)}},3720:J=>{J.exports=y;var e=null;try{e=new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0,97,115,109,1,0,0,0,1,13,2,96,0,1,127,96,4,127,127,127,127,1,127,3,7,6,0,1,1,1,1,1,6,6,1,127,1,65,0,11,7,50,6,3,109,117,108,0,1,5,100,105,118,95,115,0,2,5,100,105,118,95,117,0,3,5,114,101,109,95,115,0,4,5,114,101,109,95,117,0,5,8,103,101,116,95,104,105,103,104,0,0,10,191,1,6,4,0,35,0,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,126,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,127,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,128,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,129,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11,36,1,1,126,32,0,173,32,1,173,66,32,134,132,32,2,173,32,3,173,66,32,134,132,130,34,4,66,32,135,167,36,0,32,4,167,11])),{}).exports}catch{}function y(S,T,x){this.low=0|S,this.high=0|T,this.unsigned=!!x}function E(S){return(S&&S.__isLong__)===!0}y.prototype.__isLong__,Object.defineProperty(y.prototype,"__isLong__",{value:!0}),y.isLong=E;var R={},A={};function w(S,T){var x,k,b;return T?(b=0<=(S>>>=0)&&S<256)&&(k=A[S])?k:(x=t(S,(0|S)<0?-1:0,!0),b&&(A[S]=x),x):(b=-128<=(S|=0)&&S<128)&&(k=R[S])?k:(x=t(S,S<0?-1:0,!1),b&&(R[S]=x),x)}function a(S,T){if(isNaN(S))return T?c:f;if(T){if(S<0)return c;if(S>=n)return l}else{if(S<=-o)return j;if(S+1>=o)return I}return S<0?a(-S,T).neg():t(S%r|0,S/r|0,T)}function t(S,T,x){return new y(S,T,x)}y.fromInt=w,y.fromNumber=a,y.fromBits=t;var d=Math.pow;function u(S,T,x){if(S.length===0)throw Error("empty string");if(S==="NaN"||S==="Infinity"||S==="+Infinity"||S==="-Infinity")return f;if(typeof T=="number"?(x=T,T=!1):T=!!T,(x=x||10)<2||360)throw Error("interior hyphen");if(k===0)return u(S.substring(1),T,x).neg();for(var b=a(d(x,8)),p=f,P=0;P>>0:this.low},N.toNumber=function(){return this.unsigned?(this.high>>>0)*r+(this.low>>>0):this.high*r+(this.low>>>0)},N.toString=function(S){if((S=S||10)<2||36>>0).toString(S);if((p=B).isZero())return C+P;for(;C.length<6;)C="0"+C;P=""+C+P}},N.getHighBits=function(){return this.high},N.getHighBitsUnsigned=function(){return this.high>>>0},N.getLowBits=function(){return this.low},N.getLowBitsUnsigned=function(){return this.low>>>0},N.getNumBitsAbs=function(){if(this.isNegative())return this.eq(j)?64:this.neg().getNumBitsAbs();for(var S=this.high!=0?this.high:this.low,T=31;T>0&&!(S&1<=0},N.isOdd=function(){return(1&this.low)==1},N.isEven=function(){return(1&this.low)==0},N.equals=function(S){return E(S)||(S=s(S)),(this.unsigned===S.unsigned||this.high>>>31!=1||S.high>>>31!=1)&&this.high===S.high&&this.low===S.low},N.eq=N.equals,N.notEquals=function(S){return!this.eq(S)},N.neq=N.notEquals,N.ne=N.notEquals,N.lessThan=function(S){return this.comp(S)<0},N.lt=N.lessThan,N.lessThanOrEqual=function(S){return this.comp(S)<=0},N.lte=N.lessThanOrEqual,N.le=N.lessThanOrEqual,N.greaterThan=function(S){return this.comp(S)>0},N.gt=N.greaterThan,N.greaterThanOrEqual=function(S){return this.comp(S)>=0},N.gte=N.greaterThanOrEqual,N.ge=N.greaterThanOrEqual,N.compare=function(S){if(E(S)||(S=s(S)),this.eq(S))return 0;var T=this.isNegative(),x=S.isNegative();return T&&!x?-1:!T&&x?1:this.unsigned?S.high>>>0>this.high>>>0||S.high===this.high&&S.low>>>0>this.low>>>0?-1:1:this.sub(S).isNegative()?-1:1},N.comp=N.compare,N.negate=function(){return!this.unsigned&&this.eq(j)?j:this.not().add(h)},N.neg=N.negate,N.add=function(S){E(S)||(S=s(S));var T=this.high>>>16,x=65535&this.high,k=this.low>>>16,b=65535&this.low,p=S.high>>>16,P=65535&S.high,B=S.low>>>16,C=0,L=0,re=0,ee=0;return re+=(ee+=b+(65535&S.low))>>>16,L+=(re+=k+B)>>>16,C+=(L+=x+P)>>>16,C+=T+p,t((re&=65535)<<16|(ee&=65535),(C&=65535)<<16|(L&=65535),this.unsigned)},N.subtract=function(S){return E(S)||(S=s(S)),this.add(S.neg())},N.sub=N.subtract,N.multiply=function(S){if(this.isZero())return f;if(E(S)||(S=s(S)),e)return t(e.mul(this.low,this.high,S.low,S.high),e.get_high(),this.unsigned);if(S.isZero())return f;if(this.eq(j))return S.isOdd()?j:f;if(S.eq(j))return this.isOdd()?j:f;if(this.isNegative())return S.isNegative()?this.neg().mul(S.neg()):this.neg().mul(S).neg();if(S.isNegative())return this.mul(S.neg()).neg();if(this.lt(i)&&S.lt(i))return a(this.toNumber()*S.toNumber(),this.unsigned);var T=this.high>>>16,x=65535&this.high,k=this.low>>>16,b=65535&this.low,p=S.high>>>16,P=65535&S.high,B=S.low>>>16,C=65535&S.low,L=0,re=0,ee=0,oe=0;return ee+=(oe+=b*C)>>>16,re+=(ee+=k*C)>>>16,ee&=65535,re+=(ee+=b*B)>>>16,L+=(re+=x*C)>>>16,re&=65535,L+=(re+=k*B)>>>16,re&=65535,L+=(re+=b*P)>>>16,L+=T*C+x*B+k*P+b*p,t((ee&=65535)<<16|(oe&=65535),(L&=65535)<<16|(re&=65535),this.unsigned)},N.mul=N.multiply,N.divide=function(S){if(E(S)||(S=s(S)),S.isZero())throw Error("division by zero");var T,x,k;if(e)return this.unsigned||this.high!==-2147483648||S.low!==-1||S.high!==-1?t((this.unsigned?e.div_u:e.div_s)(this.low,this.high,S.low,S.high),e.get_high(),this.unsigned):this;if(this.isZero())return this.unsigned?c:f;if(this.unsigned){if(S.unsigned||(S=S.toUnsigned()),S.gt(this))return c;if(S.gt(this.shru(1)))return m;k=c}else{if(this.eq(j))return S.eq(h)||S.eq(v)?j:S.eq(j)?h:(T=this.shr(1).div(S).shl(1)).eq(f)?S.isNegative()?h:v:(x=this.sub(S.mul(T)),k=T.add(x.div(S)));if(S.eq(j))return this.unsigned?c:f;if(this.isNegative())return S.isNegative()?this.neg().div(S.neg()):this.neg().div(S).neg();if(S.isNegative())return this.div(S.neg()).neg();k=f}for(x=this;x.gte(S);){T=Math.max(1,Math.floor(x.toNumber()/S.toNumber()));for(var b=Math.ceil(Math.log(T)/Math.LN2),p=b<=48?1:d(2,b-48),P=a(T),B=P.mul(S);B.isNegative()||B.gt(x);)B=(P=a(T-=p,this.unsigned)).mul(S);P.isZero()&&(P=h),k=k.add(P),x=x.sub(B)}return k},N.div=N.divide,N.modulo=function(S){return E(S)||(S=s(S)),e?t((this.unsigned?e.rem_u:e.rem_s)(this.low,this.high,S.low,S.high),e.get_high(),this.unsigned):this.sub(this.div(S).mul(S))},N.mod=N.modulo,N.rem=N.modulo,N.not=function(){return t(~this.low,~this.high,this.unsigned)},N.and=function(S){return E(S)||(S=s(S)),t(this.low&S.low,this.high&S.high,this.unsigned)},N.or=function(S){return E(S)||(S=s(S)),t(this.low|S.low,this.high|S.high,this.unsigned)},N.xor=function(S){return E(S)||(S=s(S)),t(this.low^S.low,this.high^S.high,this.unsigned)},N.shiftLeft=function(S){return E(S)&&(S=S.toInt()),(S&=63)==0?this:S<32?t(this.low<>>32-S,this.unsigned):t(0,this.low<>>S|this.high<<32-S,this.high>>S,this.unsigned):t(this.high>>S-32,this.high>=0?0:-1,this.unsigned)},N.shr=N.shiftRight,N.shiftRightUnsigned=function(S){if(E(S)&&(S=S.toInt()),(S&=63)==0)return this;var T=this.high;return S<32?t(this.low>>>S|T<<32-S,T>>>S,this.unsigned):t(S===32?T:T>>>S-32,0,this.unsigned)},N.shru=N.shiftRightUnsigned,N.shr_u=N.shiftRightUnsigned,N.toSigned=function(){return this.unsigned?t(this.low,this.high,!1):this},N.toUnsigned=function(){return this.unsigned?this:t(this.low,this.high,!0)},N.toBytes=function(S){return S?this.toBytesLE():this.toBytesBE()},N.toBytesLE=function(){var S=this.high,T=this.low;return[255&T,T>>>8&255,T>>>16&255,T>>>24,255&S,S>>>8&255,S>>>16&255,S>>>24]},N.toBytesBE=function(){var S=this.high,T=this.low;return[S>>>24,S>>>16&255,S>>>8&255,255&S,T>>>24,T>>>16&255,T>>>8&255,255&T]},y.fromBytes=function(S,T,x){return x?y.fromBytesLE(S,T):y.fromBytesBE(S,T)},y.fromBytesLE=function(S,T){return new y(S[0]|S[1]<<8|S[2]<<16|S[3]<<24,S[4]|S[5]<<8|S[6]<<16|S[7]<<24,T)},y.fromBytesBE=function(S,T){return new y(S[4]<<24|S[5]<<16|S[6]<<8|S[7],S[0]<<24|S[1]<<16|S[2]<<8|S[3],T)}},2318:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(3349),A=y(9509).Buffer,w=new Array(16);function a(){R.call(this,64),this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878}function t(n,o){return n<>>32-o}function d(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(o&i|~o&f)+c+h|0,m)+o|0}function u(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(o&f|i&~f)+c+h|0,m)+o|0}function s(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(o^i^f)+c+h|0,m)+o|0}function r(n,o,i,f,c,h,m){return t(n+(i^(o|~f))+c+h|0,m)+o|0}E(a,R),a.prototype._update=function(){for(var n=w,o=0;o<16;++o)n[o]=this._block.readInt32LE(4*o);var i=this._a,f=this._b,c=this._c,h=this._d;i=d(i,f,c,h,n[0],3614090360,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[1],3905402710,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[2],606105819,17),f=d(f,c,h,i,n[3],3250441966,22),i=d(i,f,c,h,n[4],4118548399,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[5],1200080426,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[6],2821735955,17),f=d(f,c,h,i,n[7],4249261313,22),i=d(i,f,c,h,n[8],1770035416,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[9],2336552879,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[10],4294925233,17),f=d(f,c,h,i,n[11],2304563134,22),i=d(i,f,c,h,n[12],1804603682,7),h=d(h,i,f,c,n[13],4254626195,12),c=d(c,h,i,f,n[14],2792965006,17),i=u(i,f=d(f,c,h,i,n[15],1236535329,22),c,h,n[1],4129170786,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[6],3225465664,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[11],643717713,14),f=u(f,c,h,i,n[0],3921069994,20),i=u(i,f,c,h,n[5],3593408605,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[10],38016083,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[15],3634488961,14),f=u(f,c,h,i,n[4],3889429448,20),i=u(i,f,c,h,n[9],568446438,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[14],3275163606,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[3],4107603335,14),f=u(f,c,h,i,n[8],1163531501,20),i=u(i,f,c,h,n[13],2850285829,5),h=u(h,i,f,c,n[2],4243563512,9),c=u(c,h,i,f,n[7],1735328473,14),i=s(i,f=u(f,c,h,i,n[12],2368359562,20),c,h,n[5],4294588738,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[8],2272392833,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[11],1839030562,16),f=s(f,c,h,i,n[14],4259657740,23),i=s(i,f,c,h,n[1],2763975236,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[4],1272893353,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[7],4139469664,16),f=s(f,c,h,i,n[10],3200236656,23),i=s(i,f,c,h,n[13],681279174,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[0],3936430074,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[3],3572445317,16),f=s(f,c,h,i,n[6],76029189,23),i=s(i,f,c,h,n[9],3654602809,4),h=s(h,i,f,c,n[12],3873151461,11),c=s(c,h,i,f,n[15],530742520,16),i=r(i,f=s(f,c,h,i,n[2],3299628645,23),c,h,n[0],4096336452,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[7],1126891415,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[14],2878612391,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[5],4237533241,21),i=r(i,f,c,h,n[12],1700485571,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[3],2399980690,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[10],4293915773,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[1],2240044497,21),i=r(i,f,c,h,n[8],1873313359,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[15],4264355552,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[6],2734768916,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[13],1309151649,21),i=r(i,f,c,h,n[4],4149444226,6),h=r(h,i,f,c,n[11],3174756917,10),c=r(c,h,i,f,n[2],718787259,15),f=r(f,c,h,i,n[9],3951481745,21),this._a=this._a+i|0,this._b=this._b+f|0,this._c=this._c+c|0,this._d=this._d+h|0},a.prototype._digest=function(){this._block[this._blockOffset++]=128,this._blockOffset>56&&(this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,64),this._update(),this._blockOffset=0),this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0],56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1],60),this._update();var n=A.allocUnsafe(16);return n.writeInt32LE(this._a,0),n.writeInt32LE(this._b,4),n.writeInt32LE(this._c,8),n.writeInt32LE(this._d,12),n},J.exports=a},9746:J=>{function e(y,E){if(!y)throw new Error(E||"Assertion failed")}J.exports=e,e.equal=function(y,E,R){if(y!=E)throw new Error(R||"Assertion failed: "+y+" != "+E)}},4504:(J,e)=>{var y=e;function E(A){return A.length===1?"0"+A:A}function R(A){for(var w="",a=0;a>8,s=255&d;u?a.push(u,s):a.push(s)}return a},y.zero2=E,y.toHex=R,y.encode=function(A,w){return w==="hex"?R(A):A}},45:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){f.done?s(f.value):new d(function(c){c(f.value)}).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const R=y(3555),A=y(8982);class w{static importKey(t,d,u=new R.WebCryptoProvider){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new w(yield A.SIV.importKey(t,d,u))})}constructor(t){this._siv=t}seal(t,d,u=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._siv.seal(t,[u,d])})}open(t,d,u=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._siv.open(t,[u,d])})}clear(){return this._siv.clear(),this}}e.AEAD=w},4870:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});class y extends Error{constructor(A){super(A),Object.setPrototypeOf(this,y.prototype)}}e.IntegrityError=y;class E extends Error{constructor(A){super(A),Object.setPrototypeOf(this,E.prototype)}}e.NotImplementedError=E},9463:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),function(u){for(var s in u)e.hasOwnProperty(s)||(e[s]=u[s])}(y(4870));var E=y(45);e.AEAD=E.AEAD;var R=y(8982);e.SIV=R.SIV;var A=y(8711);e.StreamEncryptor=A.StreamEncryptor,e.StreamDecryptor=A.StreamDecryptor;var w=y(8572);e.CMAC=w.CMAC;var a=y(8462);e.PMAC=a.PMAC;var t=y(3511);e.PolyfillCryptoProvider=t.PolyfillCryptoProvider;var d=y(3555);e.WebCryptoProvider=d.WebCryptoProvider},3618:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E=y(8877),R=y(3082);class A{constructor(){this.data=new Uint8Array(A.SIZE)}clear(){R.wipe(this.data)}clone(){const a=new A;return a.copy(this),a}copy(a){this.data.set(a.data)}dbl(){let a=0;for(let t=A.SIZE-1;t>=0;t--){const d=this.data[t]>>>7&255;this.data[t]=this.data[t]<<1|a,a=d}this.data[A.SIZE-1]^=E.select(a,A.R,0),a=0}}A.SIZE=16,A.R=135,e.default=A},8877:(J,e)=>{function y(E,R){if(E.length!==R.length)return 0;let A=0;for(let w=0;w>>8}Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.select=function(E,R,A){return~(E-1)&R|E-1&A},e.compare=y,e.equal=function(E,R){return E.length!==0&&R.length!==0&&y(E,R)!==0}},2104:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const y=new Uint8Array([8,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,7,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,6,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,5,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,4,0,1,0,2,0,1,0,3,0,1,0,2,0,1,0]);e.ctz=function(E){return y[E]}},3082:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.wipe=function(y){for(let E=0;E{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.xor=function(y,E){for(let R=0;Rd){for(let r=0;rR.default.SIZE;){for(let r=0;r0;c--){const h=A.select(1&i.data[c-1],128,0);i.data[c]=i.data[c]>>>1|h}return i.data[0]>>>=1,i.data[0]^=A.select(f,128,0),i.data[R.default.SIZE-1]^=A.select(f,R.default.R>>>1,0),new t(r,o,i)})}reset(){return this._buffer.clear(),this._bufferPos=0,this._counter=0,this._offset.clear(),this._tag.clear(),this._finished=!1,this}clear(){this.reset(),this._cipher.clear()}update(u){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(this._finished)throw new Error("pmac: already finished");const s=R.default.SIZE-this._bufferPos;let r=0,n=u.length;for(n>s&&(this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(0,s),this._bufferPos),r+=s,n-=s,yield this._processBuffer());n>R.default.SIZE;)this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(r,r+R.default.SIZE)),r+=R.default.SIZE,n-=R.default.SIZE,yield this._processBuffer();return n>0&&(this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(r,r+n),this._bufferPos),this._bufferPos+=n),this})}finish(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(this._finished)throw new Error("pmac: already finished");return this._bufferPos===R.default.SIZE?(a.xor(this._tag.data,this._buffer.data),a.xor(this._tag.data,this._LInv.data)):(a.xor(this._tag.data,this._buffer.data.slice(0,this._bufferPos)),this._tag.data[this._bufferPos]^=128),yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._tag),this._finished=!0,this._tag.clone().data})}_processBuffer(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){a.xor(this._offset.data,this._L[w.ctz(this._counter+1)].data),a.xor(this._buffer.data,this._offset.data),this._counter++,yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer),a.xor(this._tag.data,this._buffer.data),this._bufferPos=0})}}e.PMAC=t},3511:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(w,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){i.done?u(i.value):new t(function(f){f(i.value)}).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(w,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const R=y(4274),A=y(3056);e.PolyfillCryptoProvider=class{constructor(){}importBlockCipherKey(w){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new R.default(w)})}importCTRKey(w){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new A.default(new R.default(w))})}}},4274:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const E=y(3082),R=new Uint8Array([1,2,4,8,16,32,64,128,27,54,108,216,171,77,154,47]),A=new Uint8Array([99,124,119,123,242,107,111,197,48,1,103,43,254,215,171,118,202,130,201,125,250,89,71,240,173,212,162,175,156,164,114,192,183,253,147,38,54,63,247,204,52,165,229,241,113,216,49,21,4,199,35,195,24,150,5,154,7,18,128,226,235,39,178,117,9,131,44,26,27,110,90,160,82,59,214,179,41,227,47,132,83,209,0,237,32,252,177,91,106,203,190,57,74,76,88,207,208,239,170,251,67,77,51,133,69,249,2,127,80,60,159,168,81,163,64,143,146,157,56,245,188,182,218,33,16,255,243,210,205,12,19,236,95,151,68,23,196,167,126,61,100,93,25,115,96,129,79,220,34,42,144,136,70,238,184,20,222,94,11,219,224,50,58,10,73,6,36,92,194,211,172,98,145,149,228,121,231,200,55,109,141,213,78,169,108,86,244,234,101,122,174,8,186,120,37,46,28,166,180,198,232,221,116,31,75,189,139,138,112,62,181,102,72,3,246,14,97,53,87,185,134,193,29,158,225,248,152,17,105,217,142,148,155,30,135,233,206,85,40,223,140,161,137,13,191,230,66,104,65,153,45,15,176,84,187,22]),w=new Uint8Array([82,9,106,213,48,54,165,56,191,64,163,158,129,243,215,251,124,227,57,130,155,47,255,135,52,142,67,68,196,222,233,203,84,123,148,50,166,194,35,61,238,76,149,11,66,250,195,78,8,46,161,102,40,217,36,178,118,91,162,73,109,139,209,37,114,248,246,100,134,104,152,22,212,164,92,204,93,101,182,146,108,112,72,80,253,237,185,218,94,21,70,87,167,141,157,132,144,216,171,0,140,188,211,10,247,228,88,5,184,179,69,6,208,44,30,143,202,63,15,2,193,175,189,3,1,19,138,107,58,145,17,65,79,103,220,234,151,242,207,206,240,180,230,115,150,172,116,34,231,173,53,133,226,249,55,232,28,117,223,110,71,241,26,113,29,41,197,137,111,183,98,14,170,24,190,27,252,86,62,75,198,210,121,32,154,219,192,254,120,205,90,244,31,221,168,51,136,7,199,49,177,18,16,89,39,128,236,95,96,81,127,169,25,181,74,13,45,229,122,159,147,201,156,239,160,224,59,77,174,42,245,176,200,235,187,60,131,83,153,97,23,43,4,126,186,119,214,38,225,105,20,99,85,33,12,125]);let a,t,d,u,s,r,n,o,i=!1;function f(m,v=0){return(m[v]<<24|m[v+1]<<16|m[v+2]<<8|m[v+3])>>>0}function c(m,v=new Uint8Array(4),I=0){return v[I+0]=m>>>24,v[I+1]=m>>>16,v[I+2]=m>>>8,v[I+3]=m>>>0,v}function h(m){return A[m>>>24&255]<<24|A[m>>>16&255]<<16|A[m>>>8&255]<<8|A[255&m]}e.default=class{constructor(m){if(i||function(){function v(l,j){let N=l,S=j,T=0;for(let x=1;x<256&&S!==0;x<<=1)S&x&&(T^=N,S^=x),N<<=1,256&N&&(N^=283);return T}const I=l=>l<<24|l>>>8;a=new Uint32Array(256),t=new Uint32Array(256),d=new Uint32Array(256),u=new Uint32Array(256);for(let l=0;l<256;l++){const j=A[l];let N=v(j,2)<<24|j<<16|j<<8|v(j,3);a[l]=N,N=I(N),t[l]=N,N=I(N),d[l]=N,N=I(N),u[l]=N,N=I(N)}s=new Uint32Array(256),r=new Uint32Array(256),n=new Uint32Array(256),o=new Uint32Array(256);for(let l=0;l<256;l++){const j=w[l];let N=v(j,14)<<24|v(j,9)<<16|v(j,13)<<8|v(j,11);s[l]=N,N=I(N),r[l]=N,N=I(N),n[l]=N,N=I(N),o[l]=N,N=I(N)}i=!0}(),m.length!==16&&m.length!==32)throw new Error(`Miscreant: invalid key length: ${m.length} (expected 16 or 32 bytes)`);this._encKey=function(v){const I=new Uint32Array(v.length+28),l=v.length/4|0,j=I.length;for(let S=0;S>>24)^R[S/l-1]<<24:l>6&&S%l==4&&(T=h(T)),I[S]=I[S-l]^T}var N;return I}(m),this._emptyPromise=Promise.resolve(this)}clear(){return this._encKey&&E.wipe(this._encKey),this}encryptBlock(m){const v=m.data,I=m.data;let l=f(v,0),j=f(v,4),N=f(v,8),S=f(v,12);l^=this._encKey[0],j^=this._encKey[1],N^=this._encKey[2],S^=this._encKey[3];let T=0,x=0,k=0,b=0;const p=this._encKey.length/4-2;let P=4;for(let B=0;B>>24&255]^t[j>>>16&255]^d[N>>>8&255]^u[255&S],x=this._encKey[P+1]^a[j>>>24&255]^t[N>>>16&255]^d[S>>>8&255]^u[255&l],k=this._encKey[P+2]^a[N>>>24&255]^t[S>>>16&255]^d[l>>>8&255]^u[255&j],b=this._encKey[P+3]^a[S>>>24&255]^t[l>>>16&255]^d[j>>>8&255]^u[255&N],P+=4,l=T,j=x,N=k,S=b;return l=A[T>>>24]<<24|A[x>>>16&255]<<16|A[k>>>8&255]<<8|A[255&b],j=A[x>>>24]<<24|A[k>>>16&255]<<16|A[b>>>8&255]<<8|A[255&T],N=A[k>>>24]<<24|A[b>>>16&255]<<16|A[T>>>8&255]<<8|A[255&x],S=A[b>>>24]<<24|A[T>>>16&255]<<16|A[x>>>8&255]<<8|A[255&k],l^=this._encKey[P+0],j^=this._encKey[P+1],N^=this._encKey[P+2],S^=this._encKey[P+3],c(l,I,0),c(j,I,4),c(N,I,8),c(S,I,12),this._emptyPromise}}},3056:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(w,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){i.done?u(i.value):new t(function(f){f(i.value)}).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(w,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const R=y(3618);function A(w){let a=1;for(let t=R.default.SIZE-1;t>=0;t--)a+=255&w.data[t]|0,w.data[t]=255&a,a>>>=8}e.default=class{constructor(w){this._cipher=w,this._counter=new R.default,this._buffer=new R.default}clear(){return this._buffer.clear(),this._counter.clear(),this._cipher.clear(),this}encryptCtr(w,a){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(w.length!==R.default.SIZE)throw new Error("CTR: iv length must be equal to cipher block size");this._counter.data.set(w);let t=R.default.SIZE;const d=new Uint8Array(a.length);for(let u=0;ue.MAX_ASSOCIATED_DATA)throw new Error("AES-SIV: too many associated data items");const c=t.default.SIZE+i.length,h=new Uint8Array(c),m=yield this._s2v(f,i);return h.set(m),n(m),h.set(yield this._ctr.encryptCtr(m,i),m.length),h})}open(i,f){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(f.length>e.MAX_ASSOCIATED_DATA)throw new Error("AES-SIV: too many associated data items");if(i.length=t.default.SIZE){const c=f.length-t.default.SIZE;this._tmp1.data.set(f.subarray(c)),yield this._mac.update(f.subarray(0,c))}else this._tmp1.data.set(f),this._tmp1.data[f.length]=128,this._tmp2.dbl();return w.xor(this._tmp1.data,this._tmp2.data),yield this._mac.update(this._tmp1.data),this._mac.finish()})}}function n(o){o[o.length-8]&=127,o[o.length-4]&=127}e.SIV=r},8711:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){h.done?n(h.value):new s(function(m){m(h.value)}).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0});const R=y(45),A=y(3555);e.NONCE_SIZE=8,e.LAST_BLOCK_FLAG=1,e.COUNTER_MAX=4294967295;class w{static importKey(u,s,r,n=new A.WebCryptoProvider){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new w(yield R.AEAD.importKey(u,r,n),s)})}constructor(u,s){this._aead=u,this._nonce_encoder=new t(s)}seal(u,s=!1,r=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._aead.seal(u,this._nonce_encoder.next(s),r)})}clear(){return this._aead.clear(),this}}e.StreamEncryptor=w;class a{static importKey(u,s,r,n=new A.WebCryptoProvider){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new a(yield R.AEAD.importKey(u,r,n),s)})}constructor(u,s){this._aead=u,this._nonce_encoder=new t(s)}open(u,s=!1,r=new Uint8Array(0)){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this._aead.open(u,this._nonce_encoder.next(s),r)})}clear(){return this._aead.clear(),this}}e.StreamDecryptor=a;class t{constructor(u){if(u.length!==e.NONCE_SIZE)throw new Error(`STREAM: nonce must be 8-bits (got ${u.length}`);this.buffer=new ArrayBuffer(e.NONCE_SIZE+4+1),this.view=new DataView(this.buffer),this.array=new Uint8Array(this.buffer),this.array.set(u),this.counter=0,this.finished=!1}next(u){if(this.finished)throw new Error("STREAM: already finished");if(this.view.setInt32(8,this.counter,!1),u)this.view.setInt8(12,e.LAST_BLOCK_FLAG),this.finished=!0;else if(this.counter+=1,this.counter>e.COUNTER_MAX)throw new Error("STREAM counter overflowed");return this.array}}},4244:J=>{var e=function(y){return y!=y};J.exports=function(y,E){return y===0&&E===0?1/y==1/E:y===E||!(!e(y)||!e(E))}},609:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4289),R=y(5559),A=y(4244),w=y(5624),a=y(2281),t=R(w(),Object);E(t,{getPolyfill:w,implementation:A,shim:a}),J.exports=t},5624:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4244);J.exports=function(){return typeof Object.is=="function"?Object.is:E}},2281:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5624),R=y(4289);J.exports=function(){var A=E();return R(Object,{is:A},{is:function(){return Object.is!==A}}),A}},8987:(J,e,y)=>{var E;if(!Object.keys){var R=Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty,A=Object.prototype.toString,w=y(1414),a=Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable,t=!a.call({toString:null},"toString"),d=a.call(function(){},"prototype"),u=["toString","toLocaleString","valueOf","hasOwnProperty","isPrototypeOf","propertyIsEnumerable","constructor"],s=function(o){var i=o.constructor;return i&&i.prototype===o},r={$applicationCache:!0,$console:!0,$external:!0,$frame:!0,$frameElement:!0,$frames:!0,$innerHeight:!0,$innerWidth:!0,$onmozfullscreenchange:!0,$onmozfullscreenerror:!0,$outerHeight:!0,$outerWidth:!0,$pageXOffset:!0,$pageYOffset:!0,$parent:!0,$scrollLeft:!0,$scrollTop:!0,$scrollX:!0,$scrollY:!0,$self:!0,$webkitIndexedDB:!0,$webkitStorageInfo:!0,$window:!0},n=function(){if(typeof window>"u")return!1;for(var o in window)try{if(!r["$"+o]&&R.call(window,o)&&window[o]!==null&&typeof window[o]=="object")try{s(window[o])}catch{return!0}}catch{return!0}return!1}();E=function(o){var i=o!==null&&typeof o=="object",f=A.call(o)==="[object Function]",c=w(o),h=i&&A.call(o)==="[object String]",m=[];if(!i&&!f&&!c)throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on a non-object");var v=d&&f;if(h&&o.length>0&&!R.call(o,0))for(var I=0;I0)for(var l=0;l"u"||!n)return s(T);try{return s(T)}catch{return!1}}(o),S=0;S{var E=Array.prototype.slice,R=y(1414),A=Object.keys,w=A?function(t){return A(t)}:y(8987),a=Object.keys;w.shim=function(){if(Object.keys){var t=function(){var d=Object.keys(arguments);return d&&d.length===arguments.length}(1,2);t||(Object.keys=function(d){return R(d)?a(E.call(d)):a(d)})}else Object.keys=w;return Object.keys||w},J.exports=w},1414:J=>{var e=Object.prototype.toString;J.exports=function(y){var E=e.call(y),R=E==="[object Arguments]";return R||(R=E!=="[object Array]"&&y!==null&&typeof y=="object"&&typeof y.length=="number"&&y.length>=0&&e.call(y.callee)==="[object Function]"),R}},9591:(J,e,y)=>{const{Deflate:E,deflate:R,deflateRaw:A,gzip:w}=y(4555),{Inflate:a,inflate:t,inflateRaw:d,ungzip:u}=y(8843),s=y(1619);J.exports.Deflate=E,J.exports.deflate=R,J.exports.deflateRaw=A,J.exports.gzip=w,J.exports.Inflate=a,J.exports.inflate=t,J.exports.inflateRaw=d,J.exports.ungzip=u,J.exports.constants=s},4555:(J,e,y)=>{const E=y(405),R=y(4236),A=y(9373),w=y(8898),a=y(2292),t=Object.prototype.toString,{Z_NO_FLUSH:d,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:u,Z_FULL_FLUSH:s,Z_FINISH:r,Z_OK:n,Z_STREAM_END:o,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:i,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:f,Z_DEFLATED:c}=y(1619);function h(v){this.options=R.assign({level:i,method:c,chunkSize:16384,windowBits:15,memLevel:8,strategy:f},v||{});let I=this.options;I.raw&&I.windowBits>0?I.windowBits=-I.windowBits:I.gzip&&I.windowBits>0&&I.windowBits<16&&(I.windowBits+=16),this.err=0,this.msg="",this.ended=!1,this.chunks=[],this.strm=new a,this.strm.avail_out=0;let l=E.deflateInit2(this.strm,I.level,I.method,I.windowBits,I.memLevel,I.strategy);if(l!==n)throw new Error(w[l]);if(I.header&&E.deflateSetHeader(this.strm,I.header),I.dictionary){let j;if(j=typeof I.dictionary=="string"?A.string2buf(I.dictionary):t.call(I.dictionary)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"?new Uint8Array(I.dictionary):I.dictionary,l=E.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm,j),l!==n)throw new Error(w[l]);this._dict_set=!0}}function m(v,I){const l=new h(I);if(l.push(v,!0),l.err)throw l.msg||w[l.err];return l.result}h.prototype.push=function(v,I){const l=this.strm,j=this.options.chunkSize;let N,S;if(this.ended)return!1;for(S=I===~~I?I:I===!0?r:d,typeof v=="string"?l.input=A.string2buf(v):t.call(v)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"?l.input=new Uint8Array(v):l.input=v,l.next_in=0,l.avail_in=l.input.length;;)if(l.avail_out===0&&(l.output=new Uint8Array(j),l.next_out=0,l.avail_out=j),(S===u||S===s)&&l.avail_out<=6)this.onData(l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out)),l.avail_out=0;else{if(N=E.deflate(l,S),N===o)return l.next_out>0&&this.onData(l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out)),N=E.deflateEnd(this.strm),this.onEnd(N),this.ended=!0,N===n;if(l.avail_out!==0){if(S>0&&l.next_out>0)this.onData(l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out)),l.avail_out=0;else if(l.avail_in===0)break}else this.onData(l.output)}return!0},h.prototype.onData=function(v){this.chunks.push(v)},h.prototype.onEnd=function(v){v===n&&(this.result=R.flattenChunks(this.chunks)),this.chunks=[],this.err=v,this.msg=this.strm.msg},J.exports.Deflate=h,J.exports.deflate=m,J.exports.deflateRaw=function(v,I){return(I=I||{}).raw=!0,m(v,I)},J.exports.gzip=function(v,I){return(I=I||{}).gzip=!0,m(v,I)},J.exports.constants=y(1619)},8843:(J,e,y)=>{const E=y(6351),R=y(4236),A=y(9373),w=y(8898),a=y(2292),t=y(188),d=Object.prototype.toString,{Z_NO_FLUSH:u,Z_FINISH:s,Z_OK:r,Z_STREAM_END:n,Z_NEED_DICT:o,Z_STREAM_ERROR:i,Z_DATA_ERROR:f,Z_MEM_ERROR:c}=y(1619);function h(v){this.options=R.assign({chunkSize:65536,windowBits:15,to:""},v||{});const I=this.options;I.raw&&I.windowBits>=0&&I.windowBits<16&&(I.windowBits=-I.windowBits,I.windowBits===0&&(I.windowBits=-15)),!(I.windowBits>=0&&I.windowBits<16)||v&&v.windowBits||(I.windowBits+=32),I.windowBits>15&&I.windowBits<48&&!(15&I.windowBits)&&(I.windowBits|=15),this.err=0,this.msg="",this.ended=!1,this.chunks=[],this.strm=new a,this.strm.avail_out=0;let l=E.inflateInit2(this.strm,I.windowBits);if(l!==r)throw new Error(w[l]);if(this.header=new t,E.inflateGetHeader(this.strm,this.header),I.dictionary&&(typeof I.dictionary=="string"?I.dictionary=A.string2buf(I.dictionary):d.call(I.dictionary)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"&&(I.dictionary=new Uint8Array(I.dictionary)),I.raw&&(l=E.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm,I.dictionary),l!==r)))throw new Error(w[l])}function m(v,I){const l=new h(I);if(l.push(v),l.err)throw l.msg||w[l.err];return l.result}h.prototype.push=function(v,I){const l=this.strm,j=this.options.chunkSize,N=this.options.dictionary;let S,T,x;if(this.ended)return!1;for(T=I===~~I?I:I===!0?s:u,d.call(v)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"?l.input=new Uint8Array(v):l.input=v,l.next_in=0,l.avail_in=l.input.length;;){for(l.avail_out===0&&(l.output=new Uint8Array(j),l.next_out=0,l.avail_out=j),S=E.inflate(l,T),S===o&&N&&(S=E.inflateSetDictionary(l,N),S===r?S=E.inflate(l,T):S===f&&(S=o));l.avail_in>0&&S===n&&l.state.wrap>0&&v[l.next_in]!==0;)E.inflateReset(l),S=E.inflate(l,T);switch(S){case i:case f:case o:case c:return this.onEnd(S),this.ended=!0,!1}if(x=l.avail_out,l.next_out&&(l.avail_out===0||S===n))if(this.options.to==="string"){let k=A.utf8border(l.output,l.next_out),b=l.next_out-k,p=A.buf2string(l.output,k);l.next_out=b,l.avail_out=j-b,b&&l.output.set(l.output.subarray(k,k+b),0),this.onData(p)}else this.onData(l.output.length===l.next_out?l.output:l.output.subarray(0,l.next_out));if(S!==r||x!==0){if(S===n)return S=E.inflateEnd(this.strm),this.onEnd(S),this.ended=!0,!0;if(l.avail_in===0)break}}return!0},h.prototype.onData=function(v){this.chunks.push(v)},h.prototype.onEnd=function(v){v===r&&(this.options.to==="string"?this.result=this.chunks.join(""):this.result=R.flattenChunks(this.chunks)),this.chunks=[],this.err=v,this.msg=this.strm.msg},J.exports.Inflate=h,J.exports.inflate=m,J.exports.inflateRaw=function(v,I){return(I=I||{}).raw=!0,m(v,I)},J.exports.ungzip=m,J.exports.constants=y(1619)},4236:J=>{const e=(y,E)=>Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y,E);J.exports.assign=function(y){const E=Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments,1);for(;E.length;){const R=E.shift();if(R){if(typeof R!="object")throw new TypeError(R+"must be non-object");for(const A in R)e(R,A)&&(y[A]=R[A])}}return y},J.exports.flattenChunks=y=>{let E=0;for(let A=0,w=y.length;A{let e=!0;try{String.fromCharCode.apply(null,new Uint8Array(1))}catch{e=!1}const y=new Uint8Array(256);for(let E=0;E<256;E++)y[E]=E>=252?6:E>=248?5:E>=240?4:E>=224?3:E>=192?2:1;y[254]=y[254]=1,J.exports.string2buf=E=>{if(typeof TextEncoder=="function"&&TextEncoder.prototype.encode)return new TextEncoder().encode(E);let R,A,w,a,t,d=E.length,u=0;for(a=0;a>>6,R[t++]=128|63&A):A<65536?(R[t++]=224|A>>>12,R[t++]=128|A>>>6&63,R[t++]=128|63&A):(R[t++]=240|A>>>18,R[t++]=128|A>>>12&63,R[t++]=128|A>>>6&63,R[t++]=128|63&A);return R},J.exports.buf2string=(E,R)=>{const A=R||E.length;if(typeof TextDecoder=="function"&&TextDecoder.prototype.decode)return new TextDecoder().decode(E.subarray(0,R));let w,a;const t=new Array(2*A);for(a=0,w=0;w4)t[a++]=65533,w+=u-1;else{for(d&=u===2?31:u===3?15:7;u>1&&w1?t[a++]=65533:d<65536?t[a++]=d:(d-=65536,t[a++]=55296|d>>10&1023,t[a++]=56320|1023&d)}}return((d,u)=>{if(u<65534&&d.subarray&&e)return String.fromCharCode.apply(null,d.length===u?d:d.subarray(0,u));let s="";for(let r=0;r{(R=R||E.length)>E.length&&(R=E.length);let A=R-1;for(;A>=0&&(192&E[A])==128;)A--;return A<0||A===0?R:A+y[E[A]]>R?A:R}},6069:J=>{J.exports=(e,y,E,R)=>{let A=65535&e|0,w=e>>>16&65535|0,a=0;for(;E!==0;){a=E>2e3?2e3:E,E-=a;do A=A+y[R++]|0,w=w+A|0;while(--a);A%=65521,w%=65521}return A|w<<16|0}},1619:J=>{J.exports={Z_NO_FLUSH:0,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:1,Z_SYNC_FLUSH:2,Z_FULL_FLUSH:3,Z_FINISH:4,Z_BLOCK:5,Z_TREES:6,Z_OK:0,Z_STREAM_END:1,Z_NEED_DICT:2,Z_ERRNO:-1,Z_STREAM_ERROR:-2,Z_DATA_ERROR:-3,Z_MEM_ERROR:-4,Z_BUF_ERROR:-5,Z_NO_COMPRESSION:0,Z_BEST_SPEED:1,Z_BEST_COMPRESSION:9,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:-1,Z_FILTERED:1,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:2,Z_RLE:3,Z_FIXED:4,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:0,Z_BINARY:0,Z_TEXT:1,Z_UNKNOWN:2,Z_DEFLATED:8}},2869:J=>{const e=new Uint32Array((()=>{let y,E=[];for(var R=0;R<256;R++){y=R;for(var A=0;A<8;A++)y=1&y?3988292384^y>>>1:y>>>1;E[R]=y}return E})());J.exports=(y,E,R,A)=>{const w=e,a=A+R;y^=-1;for(let t=A;t>>8^w[255&(y^E[t])];return-1^y}},405:(J,e,y)=>{const{_tr_init:E,_tr_stored_block:R,_tr_flush_block:A,_tr_tally:w,_tr_align:a}=y(342),t=y(6069),d=y(2869),u=y(8898),{Z_NO_FLUSH:s,Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH:r,Z_FULL_FLUSH:n,Z_FINISH:o,Z_BLOCK:i,Z_OK:f,Z_STREAM_END:c,Z_STREAM_ERROR:h,Z_DATA_ERROR:m,Z_BUF_ERROR:v,Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION:I,Z_FILTERED:l,Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY:j,Z_RLE:N,Z_FIXED:S,Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY:T,Z_UNKNOWN:x,Z_DEFLATED:k}=y(1619),b=258,p=262,P=103,B=113,C=666,L=(G,_)=>(G.msg=u[_],_),re=G=>(G<<1)-(G>4?9:0),ee=G=>{let _=G.length;for(;--_>=0;)G[_]=0};let oe=(G,_,O)=>(_<{const _=G.state;let O=_.pending;O>G.avail_out&&(O=G.avail_out),O!==0&&(G.output.set(_.pending_buf.subarray(_.pending_out,_.pending_out+O),G.next_out),G.next_out+=O,_.pending_out+=O,G.total_out+=O,G.avail_out-=O,_.pending-=O,_.pending===0&&(_.pending_out=0))},Z=(G,_)=>{A(G,G.block_start>=0?G.block_start:-1,G.strstart-G.block_start,_),G.block_start=G.strstart,D(G.strm)},H=(G,_)=>{G.pending_buf[G.pending++]=_},te=(G,_)=>{G.pending_buf[G.pending++]=_>>>8&255,G.pending_buf[G.pending++]=255&_},Q=(G,_,O,M)=>{let U=G.avail_in;return U>M&&(U=M),U===0?0:(G.avail_in-=U,_.set(G.input.subarray(G.next_in,G.next_in+U),O),G.state.wrap===1?G.adler=t(G.adler,_,U,O):G.state.wrap===2&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,_,U,O)),G.next_in+=U,G.total_in+=U,U)},X=(G,_)=>{let O,M,U=G.max_chain_length,z=G.strstart,q=G.prev_length,W=G.nice_match;const ne=G.strstart>G.w_size-p?G.strstart-(G.w_size-p):0,ie=G.window,V=G.w_mask,Y=G.prev,$=G.strstart+b;let K=ie[z+q-1],ae=ie[z+q];G.prev_length>=G.good_match&&(U>>=2),W>G.lookahead&&(W=G.lookahead);do if(O=_,ie[O+q]===ae&&ie[O+q-1]===K&&ie[O]===ie[z]&&ie[++O]===ie[z+1]){z+=2,O++;do;while(ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&ie[++z]===ie[++O]&&z<$);if(M=b-($-z),z=$-b,M>q){if(G.match_start=_,q=M,M>=W)break;K=ie[z+q-1],ae=ie[z+q]}}while((_=Y[_&V])>ne&&--U!=0);return q<=G.lookahead?q:G.lookahead},F=G=>{const _=G.w_size;let O,M,U,z,q;do{if(z=G.window_size-G.lookahead-G.strstart,G.strstart>=_+(_-p)){G.window.set(G.window.subarray(_,_+_),0),G.match_start-=_,G.strstart-=_,G.block_start-=_,M=G.hash_size,O=M;do U=G.head[--O],G.head[O]=U>=_?U-_:0;while(--M);M=_,O=M;do U=G.prev[--O],G.prev[O]=U>=_?U-_:0;while(--M);z+=_}if(G.strm.avail_in===0)break;if(M=Q(G.strm,G.window,G.strstart+G.lookahead,z),G.lookahead+=M,G.lookahead+G.insert>=3)for(q=G.strstart-G.insert,G.ins_h=G.window[q],G.ins_h=oe(G,G.ins_h,G.window[q+1]);G.insert&&(G.ins_h=oe(G,G.ins_h,G.window[q+3-1]),G.prev[q&G.w_mask]=G.head[G.ins_h],G.head[G.ins_h]=q,q++,G.insert--,!(G.lookahead+G.insert<3)););}while(G.lookahead{let O,M;for(;;){if(G.lookahead=3&&(G.ins_h=oe(G,G.ins_h,G.window[G.strstart+3-1]),O=G.prev[G.strstart&G.w_mask]=G.head[G.ins_h],G.head[G.ins_h]=G.strstart),O!==0&&G.strstart-O<=G.w_size-p&&(G.match_length=X(G,O)),G.match_length>=3)if(M=w(G,G.strstart-G.match_start,G.match_length-3),G.lookahead-=G.match_length,G.match_length<=G.max_lazy_match&&G.lookahead>=3){G.match_length--;do G.strstart++,G.ins_h=oe(G,G.ins_h,G.window[G.strstart+3-1]),O=G.prev[G.strstart&G.w_mask]=G.head[G.ins_h],G.head[G.ins_h]=G.strstart;while(--G.match_length!=0);G.strstart++}else G.strstart+=G.match_length,G.match_length=0,G.ins_h=G.window[G.strstart],G.ins_h=oe(G,G.ins_h,G.window[G.strstart+1]);else M=w(G,0,G.window[G.strstart]),G.lookahead--,G.strstart++;if(M&&(Z(G,!1),G.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return G.insert=G.strstart<2?G.strstart:2,_===o?(Z(G,!0),G.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):G.last_lit&&(Z(G,!1),G.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2},ue=(G,_)=>{let O,M,U;for(;;){if(G.lookahead=3&&(G.ins_h=oe(G,G.ins_h,G.window[G.strstart+3-1]),O=G.prev[G.strstart&G.w_mask]=G.head[G.ins_h],G.head[G.ins_h]=G.strstart),G.prev_length=G.match_length,G.prev_match=G.match_start,G.match_length=2,O!==0&&G.prev_length4096)&&(G.match_length=2)),G.prev_length>=3&&G.match_length<=G.prev_length){U=G.strstart+G.lookahead-3,M=w(G,G.strstart-1-G.prev_match,G.prev_length-3),G.lookahead-=G.prev_length-1,G.prev_length-=2;do++G.strstart<=U&&(G.ins_h=oe(G,G.ins_h,G.window[G.strstart+3-1]),O=G.prev[G.strstart&G.w_mask]=G.head[G.ins_h],G.head[G.ins_h]=G.strstart);while(--G.prev_length!=0);if(G.match_available=0,G.match_length=2,G.strstart++,M&&(Z(G,!1),G.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}else if(G.match_available){if(M=w(G,0,G.window[G.strstart-1]),M&&Z(G,!1),G.strstart++,G.lookahead--,G.strm.avail_out===0)return 1}else G.match_available=1,G.strstart++,G.lookahead--}return G.match_available&&(M=w(G,0,G.window[G.strstart-1]),G.match_available=0),G.insert=G.strstart<2?G.strstart:2,_===o?(Z(G,!0),G.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):G.last_lit&&(Z(G,!1),G.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2};function le(G,_,O,M,U){this.good_length=G,this.max_lazy=_,this.nice_length=O,this.max_chain=M,this.func=U}const fe=[new le(0,0,0,0,(G,_)=>{let O=65535;for(O>G.pending_buf_size-5&&(O=G.pending_buf_size-5);;){if(G.lookahead<=1){if(F(G),G.lookahead===0&&_===s)return 1;if(G.lookahead===0)break}G.strstart+=G.lookahead,G.lookahead=0;const M=G.block_start+O;if((G.strstart===0||G.strstart>=M)&&(G.lookahead=G.strstart-M,G.strstart=M,Z(G,!1),G.strm.avail_out===0)||G.strstart-G.block_start>=G.w_size-p&&(Z(G,!1),G.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return G.insert=0,_===o?(Z(G,!0),G.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):(G.strstart>G.block_start&&(Z(G,!1),G.strm.avail_out),1)}),new le(4,4,8,4,se),new le(4,5,16,8,se),new le(4,6,32,32,se),new le(4,4,16,16,ue),new le(8,16,32,32,ue),new le(8,16,128,128,ue),new le(8,32,128,256,ue),new le(32,128,258,1024,ue),new le(32,258,258,4096,ue)];function _e(){this.strm=null,this.status=0,this.pending_buf=null,this.pending_buf_size=0,this.pending_out=0,this.pending=0,this.wrap=0,this.gzhead=null,this.gzindex=0,this.method=k,this.last_flush=-1,this.w_size=0,this.w_bits=0,this.w_mask=0,this.window=null,this.window_size=0,this.prev=null,this.head=null,this.ins_h=0,this.hash_size=0,this.hash_bits=0,this.hash_mask=0,this.hash_shift=0,this.block_start=0,this.match_length=0,this.prev_match=0,this.match_available=0,this.strstart=0,this.match_start=0,this.lookahead=0,this.prev_length=0,this.max_chain_length=0,this.max_lazy_match=0,this.level=0,this.strategy=0,this.good_match=0,this.nice_match=0,this.dyn_ltree=new Uint16Array(1146),this.dyn_dtree=new Uint16Array(122),this.bl_tree=new Uint16Array(78),ee(this.dyn_ltree),ee(this.dyn_dtree),ee(this.bl_tree),this.l_desc=null,this.d_desc=null,this.bl_desc=null,this.bl_count=new Uint16Array(16),this.heap=new Uint16Array(573),ee(this.heap),this.heap_len=0,this.heap_max=0,this.depth=new Uint16Array(573),ee(this.depth),this.l_buf=0,this.lit_bufsize=0,this.last_lit=0,this.d_buf=0,this.opt_len=0,this.static_len=0,this.matches=0,this.insert=0,this.bi_buf=0,this.bi_valid=0}const de=G=>{if(!G||!G.state)return L(G,h);G.total_in=G.total_out=0,G.data_type=x;const _=G.state;return _.pending=0,_.pending_out=0,_.wrap<0&&(_.wrap=-_.wrap),_.status=_.wrap?42:B,G.adler=_.wrap===2?0:1,_.last_flush=s,E(_),f},pe=G=>{const _=de(G);var O;return _===f&&((O=G.state).window_size=2*O.w_size,ee(O.head),O.max_lazy_match=fe[O.level].max_lazy,O.good_match=fe[O.level].good_length,O.nice_match=fe[O.level].nice_length,O.max_chain_length=fe[O.level].max_chain,O.strstart=0,O.block_start=0,O.lookahead=0,O.insert=0,O.match_length=O.prev_length=2,O.match_available=0,O.ins_h=0),_},ye=(G,_,O,M,U,z)=>{if(!G)return h;let q=1;if(_===I&&(_=6),M<0?(q=0,M=-M):M>15&&(q=2,M-=16),U<1||U>9||O!==k||M<8||M>15||_<0||_>9||z<0||z>S)return L(G,h);M===8&&(M=9);const W=new _e;return G.state=W,W.strm=G,W.wrap=q,W.gzhead=null,W.w_bits=M,W.w_size=1<ye(G,_,k,15,8,T),J.exports.deflateInit2=ye,J.exports.deflateReset=pe,J.exports.deflateResetKeep=de,J.exports.deflateSetHeader=(G,_)=>G&&G.state?G.state.wrap!==2?h:(G.state.gzhead=_,f):h,J.exports.deflate=(G,_)=>{let O,M;if(!G||!G.state||_>i||_<0)return G?L(G,h):h;const U=G.state;if(!G.output||!G.input&&G.avail_in!==0||U.status===C&&_!==o)return L(G,G.avail_out===0?v:h);U.strm=G;const z=U.last_flush;if(U.last_flush=_,U.status===42)if(U.wrap===2)G.adler=0,H(U,31),H(U,139),H(U,8),U.gzhead?(H(U,(U.gzhead.text?1:0)+(U.gzhead.hcrc?2:0)+(U.gzhead.extra?4:0)+(U.gzhead.name?8:0)+(U.gzhead.comment?16:0)),H(U,255&U.gzhead.time),H(U,U.gzhead.time>>8&255),H(U,U.gzhead.time>>16&255),H(U,U.gzhead.time>>24&255),H(U,U.level===9?2:U.strategy>=j||U.level<2?4:0),H(U,255&U.gzhead.os),U.gzhead.extra&&U.gzhead.extra.length&&(H(U,255&U.gzhead.extra.length),H(U,U.gzhead.extra.length>>8&255)),U.gzhead.hcrc&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,U.pending_buf,U.pending,0)),U.gzindex=0,U.status=69):(H(U,0),H(U,0),H(U,0),H(U,0),H(U,0),H(U,U.level===9?2:U.strategy>=j||U.level<2?4:0),H(U,3),U.status=B);else{let q=k+(U.w_bits-8<<4)<<8,W=-1;W=U.strategy>=j||U.level<2?0:U.level<6?1:U.level===6?2:3,q|=W<<6,U.strstart!==0&&(q|=32),q+=31-q%31,U.status=B,te(U,q),U.strstart!==0&&(te(U,G.adler>>>16),te(U,65535&G.adler)),G.adler=1}if(U.status===69)if(U.gzhead.extra){for(O=U.pending;U.gzindex<(65535&U.gzhead.extra.length)&&(U.pending!==U.pending_buf_size||(U.gzhead.hcrc&&U.pending>O&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,U.pending_buf,U.pending-O,O)),D(G),O=U.pending,U.pending!==U.pending_buf_size));)H(U,255&U.gzhead.extra[U.gzindex]),U.gzindex++;U.gzhead.hcrc&&U.pending>O&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,U.pending_buf,U.pending-O,O)),U.gzindex===U.gzhead.extra.length&&(U.gzindex=0,U.status=73)}else U.status=73;if(U.status===73)if(U.gzhead.name){O=U.pending;do{if(U.pending===U.pending_buf_size&&(U.gzhead.hcrc&&U.pending>O&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,U.pending_buf,U.pending-O,O)),D(G),O=U.pending,U.pending===U.pending_buf_size)){M=1;break}M=U.gzindexO&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,U.pending_buf,U.pending-O,O)),M===0&&(U.gzindex=0,U.status=91)}else U.status=91;if(U.status===91)if(U.gzhead.comment){O=U.pending;do{if(U.pending===U.pending_buf_size&&(U.gzhead.hcrc&&U.pending>O&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,U.pending_buf,U.pending-O,O)),D(G),O=U.pending,U.pending===U.pending_buf_size)){M=1;break}M=U.gzindexO&&(G.adler=d(G.adler,U.pending_buf,U.pending-O,O)),M===0&&(U.status=P)}else U.status=P;if(U.status===P&&(U.gzhead.hcrc?(U.pending+2>U.pending_buf_size&&D(G),U.pending+2<=U.pending_buf_size&&(H(U,255&G.adler),H(U,G.adler>>8&255),G.adler=0,U.status=B)):U.status=B),U.pending!==0){if(D(G),G.avail_out===0)return U.last_flush=-1,f}else if(G.avail_in===0&&re(_)<=re(z)&&_!==o)return L(G,v);if(U.status===C&&G.avail_in!==0)return L(G,v);if(G.avail_in!==0||U.lookahead!==0||_!==s&&U.status!==C){let q=U.strategy===j?((W,ne)=>{let ie;for(;;){if(W.lookahead===0&&(F(W),W.lookahead===0)){if(ne===s)return 1;break}if(W.match_length=0,ie=w(W,0,W.window[W.strstart]),W.lookahead--,W.strstart++,ie&&(Z(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return W.insert=0,ne===o?(Z(W,!0),W.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):W.last_lit&&(Z(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2})(U,_):U.strategy===N?((W,ne)=>{let ie,V,Y,$;const K=W.window;for(;;){if(W.lookahead<=b){if(F(W),W.lookahead<=b&&ne===s)return 1;if(W.lookahead===0)break}if(W.match_length=0,W.lookahead>=3&&W.strstart>0&&(Y=W.strstart-1,V=K[Y],V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y])){$=W.strstart+b;do;while(V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&V===K[++Y]&&Y<$);W.match_length=b-($-Y),W.match_length>W.lookahead&&(W.match_length=W.lookahead)}if(W.match_length>=3?(ie=w(W,1,W.match_length-3),W.lookahead-=W.match_length,W.strstart+=W.match_length,W.match_length=0):(ie=w(W,0,W.window[W.strstart]),W.lookahead--,W.strstart++),ie&&(Z(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0))return 1}return W.insert=0,ne===o?(Z(W,!0),W.strm.avail_out===0?3:4):W.last_lit&&(Z(W,!1),W.strm.avail_out===0)?1:2})(U,_):fe[U.level].func(U,_);if(q!==3&&q!==4||(U.status=C),q===1||q===3)return G.avail_out===0&&(U.last_flush=-1),f;if(q===2&&(_===r?a(U):_!==i&&(R(U,0,0,!1),_===n&&(ee(U.head),U.lookahead===0&&(U.strstart=0,U.block_start=0,U.insert=0))),D(G),G.avail_out===0))return U.last_flush=-1,f}return _!==o?f:U.wrap<=0?c:(U.wrap===2?(H(U,255&G.adler),H(U,G.adler>>8&255),H(U,G.adler>>16&255),H(U,G.adler>>24&255),H(U,255&G.total_in),H(U,G.total_in>>8&255),H(U,G.total_in>>16&255),H(U,G.total_in>>24&255)):(te(U,G.adler>>>16),te(U,65535&G.adler)),D(G),U.wrap>0&&(U.wrap=-U.wrap),U.pending!==0?f:c)},J.exports.deflateEnd=G=>{if(!G||!G.state)return h;const _=G.state.status;return _!==42&&_!==69&&_!==73&&_!==91&&_!==P&&_!==B&&_!==C?L(G,h):(G.state=null,_===B?L(G,m):f)},J.exports.deflateSetDictionary=(G,_)=>{let O=_.length;if(!G||!G.state)return h;const M=G.state,U=M.wrap;if(U===2||U===1&&M.status!==42||M.lookahead)return h;if(U===1&&(G.adler=t(G.adler,_,O,0)),M.wrap=0,O>=M.w_size){U===0&&(ee(M.head),M.strstart=0,M.block_start=0,M.insert=0);let ne=new Uint8Array(M.w_size);ne.set(_.subarray(O-M.w_size,O),0),_=ne,O=M.w_size}const z=G.avail_in,q=G.next_in,W=G.input;for(G.avail_in=O,G.next_in=0,G.input=_,F(M);M.lookahead>=3;){let ne=M.strstart,ie=M.lookahead-2;do M.ins_h=oe(M,M.ins_h,M.window[ne+3-1]),M.prev[ne&M.w_mask]=M.head[M.ins_h],M.head[M.ins_h]=ne,ne++;while(--ie);M.strstart=ne,M.lookahead=2,F(M)}return M.strstart+=M.lookahead,M.block_start=M.strstart,M.insert=M.lookahead,M.lookahead=0,M.match_length=M.prev_length=2,M.match_available=0,G.next_in=q,G.input=W,G.avail_in=z,M.wrap=U,f},J.exports.deflateInfo="pako deflate (from Nodeca project)"},188:J=>{J.exports=function(){this.text=0,this.time=0,this.xflags=0,this.os=0,this.extra=null,this.extra_len=0,this.name="",this.comment="",this.hcrc=0,this.done=!1}},4264:J=>{J.exports=function(e,y){let E,R,A,w,a,t,d,u,s,r,n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v,I,l,j,N,S,T;const x=e.state;E=e.next_in,S=e.input,R=E+(e.avail_in-5),A=e.next_out,T=e.output,w=A-(y-e.avail_out),a=A+(e.avail_out-257),t=x.dmax,d=x.wsize,u=x.whave,s=x.wnext,r=x.window,n=x.hold,o=x.bits,i=x.lencode,f=x.distcode,c=(1<>>24,n>>>=v,o-=v,v=m>>>16&255,v===0)T[A++]=65535&m;else{if(!(16&v)){if(!(64&v)){m=i[(65535&m)+(n&(1<>>=v,o-=v),o<15&&(n+=S[E++]<>>24,n>>>=v,o-=v,v=m>>>16&255,!(16&v)){if(!(64&v)){m=f[(65535&m)+(n&(1<t){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",x.mode=30;break e}if(n>>>=v,o-=v,v=A-w,l>v){if(v=l-v,v>u&&x.sane){e.msg="invalid distance too far back",x.mode=30;break e}if(j=0,N=r,s===0){if(j+=d-v,v2;)T[A++]=N[j++],T[A++]=N[j++],T[A++]=N[j++],I-=3;I&&(T[A++]=N[j++],I>1&&(T[A++]=N[j++]))}else{j=A-l;do T[A++]=T[j++],T[A++]=T[j++],T[A++]=T[j++],I-=3;while(I>2);I&&(T[A++]=T[j++],I>1&&(T[A++]=T[j++]))}break}}break}}while(E>3,E-=I,o-=I<<3,n&=(1<{const E=y(6069),R=y(2869),A=y(4264),w=y(9241),{Z_FINISH:a,Z_BLOCK:t,Z_TREES:d,Z_OK:u,Z_STREAM_END:s,Z_NEED_DICT:r,Z_STREAM_ERROR:n,Z_DATA_ERROR:o,Z_MEM_ERROR:i,Z_BUF_ERROR:f,Z_DEFLATED:c}=y(1619),h=12,m=30,v=P=>(P>>>24&255)+(P>>>8&65280)+((65280&P)<<8)+((255&P)<<24);function I(){this.mode=0,this.last=!1,this.wrap=0,this.havedict=!1,this.flags=0,this.dmax=0,this.check=0,this.total=0,this.head=null,this.wbits=0,this.wsize=0,this.whave=0,this.wnext=0,this.window=null,this.hold=0,this.bits=0,this.length=0,this.offset=0,this.extra=0,this.lencode=null,this.distcode=null,this.lenbits=0,this.distbits=0,this.ncode=0,this.nlen=0,this.ndist=0,this.have=0,this.next=null,this.lens=new Uint16Array(320),this.work=new Uint16Array(288),this.lendyn=null,this.distdyn=null,this.sane=0,this.back=0,this.was=0}const l=P=>{if(!P||!P.state)return n;const B=P.state;return P.total_in=P.total_out=B.total=0,P.msg="",B.wrap&&(P.adler=1&B.wrap),B.mode=1,B.last=0,B.havedict=0,B.dmax=32768,B.head=null,B.hold=0,B.bits=0,B.lencode=B.lendyn=new Int32Array(852),B.distcode=B.distdyn=new Int32Array(592),B.sane=1,B.back=-1,u},j=P=>{if(!P||!P.state)return n;const B=P.state;return B.wsize=0,B.whave=0,B.wnext=0,l(P)},N=(P,B)=>{let C;if(!P||!P.state)return n;const L=P.state;return B<0?(C=0,B=-B):(C=1+(B>>4),B<48&&(B&=15)),B&&(B<8||B>15)?n:(L.window!==null&&L.wbits!==B&&(L.window=null),L.wrap=C,L.wbits=B,j(P))},S=(P,B)=>{if(!P)return n;const C=new I;P.state=C,C.window=null;const L=N(P,B);return L!==u&&(P.state=null),L};let T,x,k=!0;const b=P=>{if(k){T=new Int32Array(512),x=new Int32Array(32);let B=0;for(;B<144;)P.lens[B++]=8;for(;B<256;)P.lens[B++]=9;for(;B<280;)P.lens[B++]=7;for(;B<288;)P.lens[B++]=8;for(w(1,P.lens,0,288,T,0,P.work,{bits:9}),B=0;B<32;)P.lens[B++]=5;w(2,P.lens,0,32,x,0,P.work,{bits:5}),k=!1}P.lencode=T,P.lenbits=9,P.distcode=x,P.distbits=5},p=(P,B,C,L)=>{let re;const ee=P.state;return ee.window===null&&(ee.wsize=1<=ee.wsize?(ee.window.set(B.subarray(C-ee.wsize,C),0),ee.wnext=0,ee.whave=ee.wsize):(re=ee.wsize-ee.wnext,re>L&&(re=L),ee.window.set(B.subarray(C-L,C-L+re),ee.wnext),(L-=re)?(ee.window.set(B.subarray(C-L,C),0),ee.wnext=L,ee.whave=ee.wsize):(ee.wnext+=re,ee.wnext===ee.wsize&&(ee.wnext=0),ee.whaveS(P,15),J.exports.inflateInit2=S,J.exports.inflate=(P,B)=>{let C,L,re,ee,oe,D,Z,H,te,Q,X,F,se,ue,le,fe,_e,de,pe,ye,G,_,O=0;const M=new Uint8Array(4);let U,z;const q=new Uint8Array([16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15]);if(!P||!P.state||!P.output||!P.input&&P.avail_in!==0)return n;C=P.state,C.mode===h&&(C.mode=13),oe=P.next_out,re=P.output,Z=P.avail_out,ee=P.next_in,L=P.input,D=P.avail_in,H=C.hold,te=C.bits,Q=D,X=Z,_=u;e:for(;;)switch(C.mode){case 1:if(C.wrap===0){C.mode=13;break}for(;te<16;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>8&255,C.check=R(C.check,M,2,0),H=0,te=0,C.mode=2;break}if(C.flags=0,C.head&&(C.head.done=!1),!(1&C.wrap)||(((255&H)<<8)+(H>>8))%31){P.msg="incorrect header check",C.mode=m;break}if((15&H)!==c){P.msg="unknown compression method",C.mode=m;break}if(H>>>=4,te-=4,G=8+(15&H),C.wbits===0)C.wbits=G;else if(G>C.wbits){P.msg="invalid window size",C.mode=m;break}C.dmax=1<>8&1),512&C.flags&&(M[0]=255&H,M[1]=H>>>8&255,C.check=R(C.check,M,2,0)),H=0,te=0,C.mode=3;case 3:for(;te<32;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>8&255,M[2]=H>>>16&255,M[3]=H>>>24&255,C.check=R(C.check,M,4,0)),H=0,te=0,C.mode=4;case 4:for(;te<16;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>8),512&C.flags&&(M[0]=255&H,M[1]=H>>>8&255,C.check=R(C.check,M,2,0)),H=0,te=0,C.mode=5;case 5:if(1024&C.flags){for(;te<16;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>8&255,C.check=R(C.check,M,2,0)),H=0,te=0}else C.head&&(C.head.extra=null);C.mode=6;case 6:if(1024&C.flags&&(F=C.length,F>D&&(F=D),F&&(C.head&&(G=C.head.extra_len-C.length,C.head.extra||(C.head.extra=new Uint8Array(C.head.extra_len)),C.head.extra.set(L.subarray(ee,ee+F),G)),512&C.flags&&(C.check=R(C.check,L,F,ee)),D-=F,ee+=F,C.length-=F),C.length))break e;C.length=0,C.mode=7;case 7:if(2048&C.flags){if(D===0)break e;F=0;do G=L[ee+F++],C.head&&G&&C.length<65536&&(C.head.name+=String.fromCharCode(G));while(G&&F>9&1,C.head.done=!0),P.adler=C.check=0,C.mode=h;break;case 10:for(;te<32;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>=7&te,te-=7&te,C.mode=27;break}for(;te<3;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>=1,te-=1,3&H){case 0:C.mode=14;break;case 1:if(b(C),C.mode=20,B===d){H>>>=2,te-=2;break e}break;case 2:C.mode=17;break;case 3:P.msg="invalid block type",C.mode=m}H>>>=2,te-=2;break;case 14:for(H>>>=7&te,te-=7&te;te<32;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>16^65535)){P.msg="invalid stored block lengths",C.mode=m;break}if(C.length=65535&H,H=0,te=0,C.mode=15,B===d)break e;case 15:C.mode=16;case 16:if(F=C.length,F){if(F>D&&(F=D),F>Z&&(F=Z),F===0)break e;re.set(L.subarray(ee,ee+F),oe),D-=F,ee+=F,Z-=F,oe+=F,C.length-=F;break}C.mode=h;break;case 17:for(;te<14;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>=5,te-=5,C.ndist=1+(31&H),H>>>=5,te-=5,C.ncode=4+(15&H),H>>>=4,te-=4,C.nlen>286||C.ndist>30){P.msg="too many length or distance symbols",C.mode=m;break}C.have=0,C.mode=18;case 18:for(;C.have>>=3,te-=3}for(;C.have<19;)C.lens[q[C.have++]]=0;if(C.lencode=C.lendyn,C.lenbits=7,U={bits:C.lenbits},_=w(0,C.lens,0,19,C.lencode,0,C.work,U),C.lenbits=U.bits,_){P.msg="invalid code lengths set",C.mode=m;break}C.have=0,C.mode=19;case 19:for(;C.have>>24,fe=O>>>16&255,_e=65535&O,!(le<=te);){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>=le,te-=le,C.lens[C.have++]=_e;else{if(_e===16){for(z=le+2;te>>=le,te-=le,C.have===0){P.msg="invalid bit length repeat",C.mode=m;break}G=C.lens[C.have-1],F=3+(3&H),H>>>=2,te-=2}else if(_e===17){for(z=le+3;te>>=le,te-=le,G=0,F=3+(7&H),H>>>=3,te-=3}else{for(z=le+7;te>>=le,te-=le,G=0,F=11+(127&H),H>>>=7,te-=7}if(C.have+F>C.nlen+C.ndist){P.msg="invalid bit length repeat",C.mode=m;break}for(;F--;)C.lens[C.have++]=G}}if(C.mode===m)break;if(C.lens[256]===0){P.msg="invalid code -- missing end-of-block",C.mode=m;break}if(C.lenbits=9,U={bits:C.lenbits},_=w(1,C.lens,0,C.nlen,C.lencode,0,C.work,U),C.lenbits=U.bits,_){P.msg="invalid literal/lengths set",C.mode=m;break}if(C.distbits=6,C.distcode=C.distdyn,U={bits:C.distbits},_=w(2,C.lens,C.nlen,C.ndist,C.distcode,0,C.work,U),C.distbits=U.bits,_){P.msg="invalid distances set",C.mode=m;break}if(C.mode=20,B===d)break e;case 20:C.mode=21;case 21:if(D>=6&&Z>=258){P.next_out=oe,P.avail_out=Z,P.next_in=ee,P.avail_in=D,C.hold=H,C.bits=te,A(P,X),oe=P.next_out,re=P.output,Z=P.avail_out,ee=P.next_in,L=P.input,D=P.avail_in,H=C.hold,te=C.bits,C.mode===h&&(C.back=-1);break}for(C.back=0;O=C.lencode[H&(1<>>24,fe=O>>>16&255,_e=65535&O,!(le<=te);){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>de)],le=O>>>24,fe=O>>>16&255,_e=65535&O,!(de+le<=te);){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>=de,te-=de,C.back+=de}if(H>>>=le,te-=le,C.back+=le,C.length=_e,fe===0){C.mode=26;break}if(32&fe){C.back=-1,C.mode=h;break}if(64&fe){P.msg="invalid literal/length code",C.mode=m;break}C.extra=15&fe,C.mode=22;case 22:if(C.extra){for(z=C.extra;te>>=C.extra,te-=C.extra,C.back+=C.extra}C.was=C.length,C.mode=23;case 23:for(;O=C.distcode[H&(1<>>24,fe=O>>>16&255,_e=65535&O,!(le<=te);){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>de)],le=O>>>24,fe=O>>>16&255,_e=65535&O,!(de+le<=te);){if(D===0)break e;D--,H+=L[ee++]<>>=de,te-=de,C.back+=de}if(H>>>=le,te-=le,C.back+=le,64&fe){P.msg="invalid distance code",C.mode=m;break}C.offset=_e,C.extra=15&fe,C.mode=24;case 24:if(C.extra){for(z=C.extra;te>>=C.extra,te-=C.extra,C.back+=C.extra}if(C.offset>C.dmax){P.msg="invalid distance too far back",C.mode=m;break}C.mode=25;case 25:if(Z===0)break e;if(F=X-Z,C.offset>F){if(F=C.offset-F,F>C.whave&&C.sane){P.msg="invalid distance too far back",C.mode=m;break}F>C.wnext?(F-=C.wnext,se=C.wsize-F):se=C.wnext-F,F>C.length&&(F=C.length),ue=C.window}else ue=re,se=oe-C.offset,F=C.length;F>Z&&(F=Z),Z-=F,C.length-=F;do re[oe++]=ue[se++];while(--F);C.length===0&&(C.mode=21);break;case 26:if(Z===0)break e;re[oe++]=C.length,Z--,C.mode=21;break;case 27:if(C.wrap){for(;te<32;){if(D===0)break e;D--,H|=L[ee++]<{if(!P||!P.state)return n;let B=P.state;return B.window&&(B.window=null),P.state=null,u},J.exports.inflateGetHeader=(P,B)=>{if(!P||!P.state)return n;const C=P.state;return 2&C.wrap?(C.head=B,B.done=!1,u):n},J.exports.inflateSetDictionary=(P,B)=>{const C=B.length;let L,re,ee;return P&&P.state?(L=P.state,L.wrap!==0&&L.mode!==11?n:L.mode===11&&(re=1,re=E(re,B,C,0),re!==L.check)?o:(ee=p(P,B,C,C),ee?(L.mode=31,i):(L.havedict=1,u))):n},J.exports.inflateInfo="pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"},9241:J=>{const e=new Uint16Array([3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,258,0,0]),y=new Uint8Array([16,16,16,16,16,16,16,16,17,17,17,17,18,18,18,18,19,19,19,19,20,20,20,20,21,21,21,21,16,72,78]),E=new Uint16Array([1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577,0,0]),R=new Uint8Array([16,16,16,16,17,17,18,18,19,19,20,20,21,21,22,22,23,23,24,24,25,25,26,26,27,27,28,28,29,29,64,64]);J.exports=(A,w,a,t,d,u,s,r)=>{const n=r.bits;let o,i,f,c,h,m,v=0,I=0,l=0,j=0,N=0,S=0,T=0,x=0,k=0,b=0,p=null,P=0;const B=new Uint16Array(16),C=new Uint16Array(16);let L,re,ee,oe=null,D=0;for(v=0;v<=15;v++)B[v]=0;for(I=0;I=1&&B[j]===0;j--);if(N>j&&(N=j),j===0)return d[u++]=20971520,d[u++]=20971520,r.bits=1,0;for(l=1;l0&&(A===0||j!==1))return-1;for(C[1]=0,v=1;v<15;v++)C[v+1]=C[v]+B[v];for(I=0;I852||A===2&&k>592)return 1;for(;;){L=v-T,s[I]m?(re=oe[D+s[I]],ee=p[P+s[I]]):(re=96,ee=0),o=1<>T)+i]=L<<24|re<<16|ee|0;while(i!==0);for(o=1<>=1;if(o!==0?(b&=o-1,b+=o):b=0,I++,--B[v]==0){if(v===j)break;v=w[a+s[I]]}if(v>N&&(b&c)!==f){for(T===0&&(T=N),h+=l,S=v-T,x=1<852||A===2&&k>592)return 1;f=b&c,d[f]=N<<24|S<<16|h-u|0}}return b!==0&&(d[h+b]=v-T<<24|4194304|0),r.bits=N,0}},8898:J=>{J.exports={2:"need dictionary",1:"stream end",0:"","-1":"file error","-2":"stream error","-3":"data error","-4":"insufficient memory","-5":"buffer error","-6":"incompatible version"}},342:J=>{function e(C){let L=C.length;for(;--L>=0;)C[L]=0}const y=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0]),E=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13]),R=new Uint8Array([0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,2,3,7]),A=new Uint8Array([16,17,18,0,8,7,9,6,10,5,11,4,12,3,13,2,14,1,15]),w=new Array(576);e(w);const a=new Array(60);e(a);const t=new Array(512);e(t);const d=new Array(256);e(d);const u=new Array(29);e(u);const s=new Array(30);function r(C,L,re,ee,oe){this.static_tree=C,this.extra_bits=L,this.extra_base=re,this.elems=ee,this.max_length=oe,this.has_stree=C&&C.length}let n,o,i;function f(C,L){this.dyn_tree=C,this.max_code=0,this.stat_desc=L}e(s);const c=C=>C<256?t[C]:t[256+(C>>>7)],h=(C,L)=>{C.pending_buf[C.pending++]=255&L,C.pending_buf[C.pending++]=L>>>8&255},m=(C,L,re)=>{C.bi_valid>16-re?(C.bi_buf|=L<>16-C.bi_valid,C.bi_valid+=re-16):(C.bi_buf|=L<{m(C,re[2*L],re[2*L+1])},I=(C,L)=>{let re=0;do re|=1&C,C>>>=1,re<<=1;while(--L>0);return re>>>1},l=(C,L,re)=>{const ee=new Array(16);let oe,D,Z=0;for(oe=1;oe<=15;oe++)ee[oe]=Z=Z+re[oe-1]<<1;for(D=0;D<=L;D++){let H=C[2*D+1];H!==0&&(C[2*D]=I(ee[H]++,H))}},j=C=>{let L;for(L=0;L<286;L++)C.dyn_ltree[2*L]=0;for(L=0;L<30;L++)C.dyn_dtree[2*L]=0;for(L=0;L<19;L++)C.bl_tree[2*L]=0;C.dyn_ltree[512]=1,C.opt_len=C.static_len=0,C.last_lit=C.matches=0},N=C=>{C.bi_valid>8?h(C,C.bi_buf):C.bi_valid>0&&(C.pending_buf[C.pending++]=C.bi_buf),C.bi_buf=0,C.bi_valid=0},S=(C,L,re,ee)=>{const oe=2*L,D=2*re;return C[oe]{const ee=C.heap[re];let oe=re<<1;for(;oe<=C.heap_len&&(oe{let ee,oe,D,Z,H=0;if(C.last_lit!==0)do ee=C.pending_buf[C.d_buf+2*H]<<8|C.pending_buf[C.d_buf+2*H+1],oe=C.pending_buf[C.l_buf+H],H++,ee===0?v(C,oe,L):(D=d[oe],v(C,D+256+1,L),Z=y[D],Z!==0&&(oe-=u[D],m(C,oe,Z)),ee--,D=c(ee),v(C,D,re),Z=E[D],Z!==0&&(ee-=s[D],m(C,ee,Z)));while(H{const re=L.dyn_tree,ee=L.stat_desc.static_tree,oe=L.stat_desc.has_stree,D=L.stat_desc.elems;let Z,H,te,Q=-1;for(C.heap_len=0,C.heap_max=573,Z=0;Z>1;Z>=1;Z--)T(C,re,Z);te=D;do Z=C.heap[1],C.heap[1]=C.heap[C.heap_len--],T(C,re,1),H=C.heap[1],C.heap[--C.heap_max]=Z,C.heap[--C.heap_max]=H,re[2*te]=re[2*Z]+re[2*H],C.depth[te]=(C.depth[Z]>=C.depth[H]?C.depth[Z]:C.depth[H])+1,re[2*Z+1]=re[2*H+1]=te,C.heap[1]=te++,T(C,re,1);while(C.heap_len>=2);C.heap[--C.heap_max]=C.heap[1],((X,F)=>{const se=F.dyn_tree,ue=F.max_code,le=F.stat_desc.static_tree,fe=F.stat_desc.has_stree,_e=F.stat_desc.extra_bits,de=F.stat_desc.extra_base,pe=F.stat_desc.max_length;let ye,G,_,O,M,U,z=0;for(O=0;O<=15;O++)X.bl_count[O]=0;for(se[2*X.heap[X.heap_max]+1]=0,ye=X.heap_max+1;ye<573;ye++)G=X.heap[ye],O=se[2*se[2*G+1]+1]+1,O>pe&&(O=pe,z++),se[2*G+1]=O,G>ue||(X.bl_count[O]++,M=0,G>=de&&(M=_e[G-de]),U=se[2*G],X.opt_len+=U*(O+M),fe&&(X.static_len+=U*(le[2*G+1]+M)));if(z!==0){do{for(O=pe-1;X.bl_count[O]===0;)O--;X.bl_count[O]--,X.bl_count[O+1]+=2,X.bl_count[pe]--,z-=2}while(z>0);for(O=pe;O!==0;O--)for(G=X.bl_count[O];G!==0;)_=X.heap[--ye],_>ue||(se[2*_+1]!==O&&(X.opt_len+=(O-se[2*_+1])*se[2*_],se[2*_+1]=O),G--)}})(C,L),l(re,Q,C.bl_count)},b=(C,L,re)=>{let ee,oe,D=-1,Z=L[1],H=0,te=7,Q=4;for(Z===0&&(te=138,Q=3),L[2*(re+1)+1]=65535,ee=0;ee<=re;ee++)oe=Z,Z=L[2*(ee+1)+1],++H{let ee,oe,D=-1,Z=L[1],H=0,te=7,Q=4;for(Z===0&&(te=138,Q=3),ee=0;ee<=re;ee++)if(oe=Z,Z=L[2*(ee+1)+1],!(++H{m(C,0+(ee?1:0),3),((oe,D,Z,H)=>{N(oe),h(oe,Z),h(oe,~Z),oe.pending_buf.set(oe.window.subarray(D,D+Z),oe.pending),oe.pending+=Z})(C,L,re)};J.exports._tr_init=C=>{P||((()=>{let L,re,ee,oe,D;const Z=new Array(16);for(ee=0,oe=0;oe<28;oe++)for(u[oe]=ee,L=0;L<1<>=7;oe<30;oe++)for(s[oe]=D<<7,L=0;L<1<{let oe,D,Z=0;C.level>0?(C.strm.data_type===2&&(C.strm.data_type=(H=>{let te,Q=4093624447;for(te=0;te<=31;te++,Q>>>=1)if(1&Q&&H.dyn_ltree[2*te]!==0)return 0;if(H.dyn_ltree[18]!==0||H.dyn_ltree[20]!==0||H.dyn_ltree[26]!==0)return 1;for(te=32;te<256;te++)if(H.dyn_ltree[2*te]!==0)return 1;return 0})(C)),k(C,C.l_desc),k(C,C.d_desc),Z=(H=>{let te;for(b(H,H.dyn_ltree,H.l_desc.max_code),b(H,H.dyn_dtree,H.d_desc.max_code),k(H,H.bl_desc),te=18;te>=3&&H.bl_tree[2*A[te]+1]===0;te--);return H.opt_len+=3*(te+1)+5+5+4,te})(C),oe=C.opt_len+3+7>>>3,D=C.static_len+3+7>>>3,D<=oe&&(oe=D)):oe=D=re+5,re+4<=oe&&L!==-1?B(C,L,re,ee):C.strategy===4||D===oe?(m(C,2+(ee?1:0),3),x(C,w,a)):(m(C,4+(ee?1:0),3),((H,te,Q,X)=>{let F;for(m(H,te-257,5),m(H,Q-1,5),m(H,X-4,4),F=0;F(C.pending_buf[C.d_buf+2*C.last_lit]=L>>>8&255,C.pending_buf[C.d_buf+2*C.last_lit+1]=255&L,C.pending_buf[C.l_buf+C.last_lit]=255&re,C.last_lit++,L===0?C.dyn_ltree[2*re]++:(C.matches++,L--,C.dyn_ltree[2*(d[re]+256+1)]++,C.dyn_dtree[2*c(L)]++),C.last_lit===C.lit_bufsize-1),J.exports._tr_align=C=>{m(C,2,3),v(C,256,w),(L=>{L.bi_valid===16?(h(L,L.bi_buf),L.bi_buf=0,L.bi_valid=0):L.bi_valid>=8&&(L.pending_buf[L.pending++]=255&L.bi_buf,L.bi_buf>>=8,L.bi_valid-=8)})(C)}},2292:J=>{J.exports=function(){this.input=null,this.next_in=0,this.avail_in=0,this.total_in=0,this.output=null,this.next_out=0,this.avail_out=0,this.total_out=0,this.msg="",this.state=null,this.data_type=2,this.adler=0}},5632:(J,e,y)=>{e.pbkdf2=y(8638),e.pbkdf2Sync=y(1257)},8638:(J,e,y)=>{var E,R,A=y(9509).Buffer,w=y(7357),a=y(2368),t=y(1257),d=y(7777),u=y.g.crypto&&y.g.crypto.subtle,s={sha:"SHA-1","sha-1":"SHA-1",sha1:"SHA-1",sha256:"SHA-256","sha-256":"SHA-256",sha384:"SHA-384","sha-384":"SHA-384","sha-512":"SHA-512",sha512:"SHA-512"},r=[];function n(){return R||(R=y.g.process&&y.g.process.nextTick?y.g.process.nextTick:y.g.queueMicrotask?y.g.queueMicrotask:y.g.setImmediate?y.g.setImmediate:y.g.setTimeout)}function o(i,f,c,h,m){return u.importKey("raw",i,{name:"PBKDF2"},!1,["deriveBits"]).then(function(v){return u.deriveBits({name:"PBKDF2",salt:f,iterations:c,hash:{name:m}},v,h<<3)}).then(function(v){return A.from(v)})}J.exports=function(i,f,c,h,m,v){typeof m=="function"&&(v=m,m=void 0);var I=s[(m=m||"sha1").toLowerCase()];if(I&&typeof y.g.Promise=="function"){if(w(c,h),i=d(i,a,"Password"),f=d(f,a,"Salt"),typeof v!="function")throw new Error("No callback provided to pbkdf2");(function(l,j){l.then(function(N){n()(function(){j(null,N)})},function(N){n()(function(){j(N)})})})(function(l){if(y.g.process&&!y.g.process.browser||!u||!u.importKey||!u.deriveBits)return Promise.resolve(!1);if(r[l]!==void 0)return r[l];var j=o(E=E||A.alloc(8),E,10,128,l).then(function(){return!0}).catch(function(){return!1});return r[l]=j,j}(I).then(function(l){return l?o(i,f,c,h,I):t(i,f,c,h,m)}),v)}else n()(function(){var l;try{l=t(i,f,c,h,m)}catch(j){return v(j)}v(null,l)})}},2368:(J,e,y)=>{var E,R=y(4155);E=y.g.process&&y.g.process.browser?"utf-8":y.g.process&&y.g.process.version?parseInt(R.version.split(".")[0].slice(1),10)>=6?"utf-8":"binary":"utf-8",J.exports=E},7357:J=>{var e=Math.pow(2,30)-1;J.exports=function(y,E){if(typeof y!="number")throw new TypeError("Iterations not a number");if(y<0)throw new TypeError("Bad iterations");if(typeof E!="number")throw new TypeError("Key length not a number");if(E<0||E>e||E!=E)throw new TypeError("Bad key length")}},1257:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8028),R=y(9785),A=y(9072),w=y(9509).Buffer,a=y(7357),t=y(2368),d=y(7777),u=w.alloc(128),s={md5:16,sha1:20,sha224:28,sha256:32,sha384:48,sha512:64,rmd160:20,ripemd160:20};function r(n,o,i){var f=function(l){return l==="rmd160"||l==="ripemd160"?function(j){return new R().update(j).digest()}:l==="md5"?E:function(j){return A(l).update(j).digest()}}(n),c=n==="sha512"||n==="sha384"?128:64;o.length>c?o=f(o):o.length{var E=y(9509).Buffer;J.exports=function(R,A,w){if(E.isBuffer(R))return R;if(typeof R=="string")return E.from(R,A);if(ArrayBuffer.isView(R))return E.from(R.buffer);throw new TypeError(w+" must be a string, a Buffer, a typed array or a DataView")}},4155:J=>{var e,y,E=J.exports={};function R(){throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined")}function A(){throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined")}function w(i){if(e===setTimeout)return setTimeout(i,0);if((e===R||!e)&&setTimeout)return e=setTimeout,setTimeout(i,0);try{return e(i,0)}catch{try{return e.call(null,i,0)}catch{return e.call(this,i,0)}}}(function(){try{e=typeof setTimeout=="function"?setTimeout:R}catch{e=R}try{y=typeof clearTimeout=="function"?clearTimeout:A}catch{y=A}})();var a,t=[],d=!1,u=-1;function s(){d&&a&&(d=!1,a.length?t=a.concat(t):u=-1,t.length&&r())}function r(){if(!d){var i=w(s);d=!0;for(var f=t.length;f;){for(a=t,t=[];++u1)for(var c=1;c{J.exports=y(9482)},9482:(J,e,y)=>{var E=e;function R(){E.util._configure(),E.Writer._configure(E.BufferWriter),E.Reader._configure(E.BufferReader)}E.build="minimal",E.Writer=y(1173),E.BufferWriter=y(3155),E.Reader=y(1408),E.BufferReader=y(593),E.util=y(9693),E.rpc=y(5994),E.roots=y(5054),E.configure=R,R()},1408:(J,e,y)=>{J.exports=t;var E,R=y(9693),A=R.LongBits,w=R.utf8;function a(i,f){return RangeError("index out of range: "+i.pos+" + "+(f||1)+" > "+i.len)}function t(i){this.buf=i,this.pos=0,this.len=i.length}var d,u=typeof Uint8Array<"u"?function(i){if(i instanceof Uint8Array||Array.isArray(i))return new t(i);throw Error("illegal buffer")}:function(i){if(Array.isArray(i))return new t(i);throw Error("illegal buffer")},s=function(){return R.Buffer?function(i){return(t.create=function(f){return R.Buffer.isBuffer(f)?new E(f):u(f)})(i)}:u};function r(){var i=new A(0,0),f=0;if(!(this.len-this.pos>4)){for(;f<3;++f){if(this.pos>=this.len)throw a(this);if(i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i}return i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos++])<<7*f)>>>0,i}for(;f<4;++f)if(i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i;if(i.lo=(i.lo|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<28)>>>0,i.hi=(i.hi|(127&this.buf[this.pos])>>4)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i;if(f=0,this.len-this.pos>4){for(;f<5;++f)if(i.hi=(i.hi|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f+3)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i}else for(;f<5;++f){if(this.pos>=this.len)throw a(this);if(i.hi=(i.hi|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7*f+3)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)return i}throw Error("invalid varint encoding")}function n(i,f){return(i[f-4]|i[f-3]<<8|i[f-2]<<16|i[f-1]<<24)>>>0}function o(){if(this.pos+8>this.len)throw a(this,8);return new A(n(this.buf,this.pos+=4),n(this.buf,this.pos+=4))}t.create=s(),t.prototype._slice=R.Array.prototype.subarray||R.Array.prototype.slice,t.prototype.uint32=(d=4294967295,function(){if(d=(127&this.buf[this.pos])>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128||(d=(d|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<7)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)||(d=(d|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<14)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)||(d=(d|(127&this.buf[this.pos])<<21)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128)||(d=(d|(15&this.buf[this.pos])<<28)>>>0,this.buf[this.pos++]<128))return d;if((this.pos+=5)>this.len)throw this.pos=this.len,a(this,10);return d}),t.prototype.int32=function(){return 0|this.uint32()},t.prototype.sint32=function(){var i=this.uint32();return i>>>1^-(1&i)|0},t.prototype.bool=function(){return this.uint32()!==0},t.prototype.fixed32=function(){if(this.pos+4>this.len)throw a(this,4);return n(this.buf,this.pos+=4)},t.prototype.sfixed32=function(){if(this.pos+4>this.len)throw a(this,4);return 0|n(this.buf,this.pos+=4)},t.prototype.float=function(){if(this.pos+4>this.len)throw a(this,4);var i=R.float.readFloatLE(this.buf,this.pos);return this.pos+=4,i},t.prototype.double=function(){if(this.pos+8>this.len)throw a(this,4);var i=R.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf,this.pos);return this.pos+=8,i},t.prototype.bytes=function(){var i=this.uint32(),f=this.pos,c=this.pos+i;if(c>this.len)throw a(this,i);return this.pos+=i,Array.isArray(this.buf)?this.buf.slice(f,c):f===c?new this.buf.constructor(0):this._slice.call(this.buf,f,c)},t.prototype.string=function(){var i=this.bytes();return w.read(i,0,i.length)},t.prototype.skip=function(i){if(typeof i=="number"){if(this.pos+i>this.len)throw a(this,i);this.pos+=i}else do if(this.pos>=this.len)throw a(this);while(128&this.buf[this.pos++]);return this},t.prototype.skipType=function(i){switch(i){case 0:this.skip();break;case 1:this.skip(8);break;case 2:this.skip(this.uint32());break;case 3:for(;(i=7&this.uint32())!=4;)this.skipType(i);break;case 5:this.skip(4);break;default:throw Error("invalid wire type "+i+" at offset "+this.pos)}return this},t._configure=function(i){E=i,t.create=s(),E._configure();var f=R.Long?"toLong":"toNumber";R.merge(t.prototype,{int64:function(){return r.call(this)[f](!1)},uint64:function(){return r.call(this)[f](!0)},sint64:function(){return r.call(this).zzDecode()[f](!1)},fixed64:function(){return o.call(this)[f](!0)},sfixed64:function(){return o.call(this)[f](!1)}})}},593:(J,e,y)=>{J.exports=A;var E=y(1408);(A.prototype=Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor=A;var R=y(9693);function A(w){E.call(this,w)}A._configure=function(){R.Buffer&&(A.prototype._slice=R.Buffer.prototype.slice)},A.prototype.string=function(){var w=this.uint32();return this.buf.utf8Slice?this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos,this.pos=Math.min(this.pos+w,this.len)):this.buf.toString("utf-8",this.pos,this.pos=Math.min(this.pos+w,this.len))},A._configure()},5054:J=>{J.exports={}},5994:(J,e,y)=>{e.Service=y(7948)},7948:(J,e,y)=>{J.exports=R;var E=y(9693);function R(A,w,a){if(typeof A!="function")throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function");E.EventEmitter.call(this),this.rpcImpl=A,this.requestDelimited=!!w,this.responseDelimited=!!a}(R.prototype=Object.create(E.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor=R,R.prototype.rpcCall=function A(w,a,t,d,u){if(!d)throw TypeError("request must be specified");var s=this;if(!u)return E.asPromise(A,s,w,a,t,d);if(s.rpcImpl)try{return s.rpcImpl(w,a[s.requestDelimited?"encodeDelimited":"encode"](d).finish(),function(r,n){if(r)return s.emit("error",r,w),u(r);if(n!==null){if(!(n instanceof t))try{n=t[s.responseDelimited?"decodeDelimited":"decode"](n)}catch(o){return s.emit("error",o,w),u(o)}return s.emit("data",n,w),u(null,n)}s.end(!0)})}catch(r){return s.emit("error",r,w),void setTimeout(function(){u(r)},0)}else setTimeout(function(){u(Error("already ended"))},0)},R.prototype.end=function(A){return this.rpcImpl&&(A||this.rpcImpl(null,null,null),this.rpcImpl=null,this.emit("end").off()),this}},2630:(J,e,y)=>{J.exports=R;var E=y(9693);function R(t,d){this.lo=t>>>0,this.hi=d>>>0}var A=R.zero=new R(0,0);A.toNumber=function(){return 0},A.zzEncode=A.zzDecode=function(){return this},A.length=function(){return 1};var w=R.zeroHash="\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0";R.fromNumber=function(t){if(t===0)return A;var d=t<0;d&&(t=-t);var u=t>>>0,s=(t-u)/4294967296>>>0;return d&&(s=~s>>>0,u=~u>>>0,++u>4294967295&&(u=0,++s>4294967295&&(s=0))),new R(u,s)},R.from=function(t){if(typeof t=="number")return R.fromNumber(t);if(E.isString(t)){if(!E.Long)return R.fromNumber(parseInt(t,10));t=E.Long.fromString(t)}return t.low||t.high?new R(t.low>>>0,t.high>>>0):A},R.prototype.toNumber=function(t){if(!t&&this.hi>>>31){var d=1+~this.lo>>>0,u=~this.hi>>>0;return d||(u=u+1>>>0),-(d+4294967296*u)}return this.lo+4294967296*this.hi},R.prototype.toLong=function(t){return E.Long?new E.Long(0|this.lo,0|this.hi,!!t):{low:0|this.lo,high:0|this.hi,unsigned:!!t}};var a=String.prototype.charCodeAt;R.fromHash=function(t){return t===w?A:new R((a.call(t,0)|a.call(t,1)<<8|a.call(t,2)<<16|a.call(t,3)<<24)>>>0,(a.call(t,4)|a.call(t,5)<<8|a.call(t,6)<<16|a.call(t,7)<<24)>>>0)},R.prototype.toHash=function(){return String.fromCharCode(255&this.lo,this.lo>>>8&255,this.lo>>>16&255,this.lo>>>24,255&this.hi,this.hi>>>8&255,this.hi>>>16&255,this.hi>>>24)},R.prototype.zzEncode=function(){var t=this.hi>>31;return this.hi=((this.hi<<1|this.lo>>>31)^t)>>>0,this.lo=(this.lo<<1^t)>>>0,this},R.prototype.zzDecode=function(){var t=-(1&this.lo);return this.lo=((this.lo>>>1|this.hi<<31)^t)>>>0,this.hi=(this.hi>>>1^t)>>>0,this},R.prototype.length=function(){var t=this.lo,d=(this.lo>>>28|this.hi<<4)>>>0,u=this.hi>>>24;return u===0?d===0?t<16384?t<128?1:2:t<2097152?3:4:d<16384?d<128?5:6:d<2097152?7:8:u<128?9:10}},9693:function(J,e,y){var E=e;function R(w,a,t){for(var d=Object.keys(a),u=0;u0)},E.Buffer=function(){try{var w=E.inquire("buffer").Buffer;return w.prototype.utf8Write?w:null}catch{return null}}(),E._Buffer_from=null,E._Buffer_allocUnsafe=null,E.newBuffer=function(w){return typeof w=="number"?E.Buffer?E._Buffer_allocUnsafe(w):new E.Array(w):E.Buffer?E._Buffer_from(w):typeof Uint8Array>"u"?w:new Uint8Array(w)},E.Array=typeof Uint8Array<"u"?Uint8Array:Array,E.Long=E.global.dcodeIO&&E.global.dcodeIO.Long||E.global.Long||E.inquire("long"),E.key2Re=/^true|false|0|1$/,E.key32Re=/^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/,E.key64Re=/^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/,E.longToHash=function(w){return w?E.LongBits.from(w).toHash():E.LongBits.zeroHash},E.longFromHash=function(w,a){var t=E.LongBits.fromHash(w);return E.Long?E.Long.fromBits(t.lo,t.hi,a):t.toNumber(!!a)},E.merge=R,E.lcFirst=function(w){return w.charAt(0).toLowerCase()+w.substring(1)},E.newError=A,E.ProtocolError=A("ProtocolError"),E.oneOfGetter=function(w){for(var a={},t=0;t-1;--u)if(a[d[u]]===1&&this[d[u]]!==void 0&&this[d[u]]!==null)return d[u]}},E.oneOfSetter=function(w){return function(a){for(var t=0;t{J.exports=s;var E,R=y(9693),A=R.LongBits,w=R.base64,a=R.utf8;function t(h,m,v){this.fn=h,this.len=m,this.next=void 0,this.val=v}function d(){}function u(h){this.head=h.head,this.tail=h.tail,this.len=h.len,this.next=h.states}function s(){this.len=0,this.head=new t(d,0,0),this.tail=this.head,this.states=null}var r=function(){return R.Buffer?function(){return(s.create=function(){return new E})()}:function(){return new s}};function n(h,m,v){m[v]=255&h}function o(h,m){this.len=h,this.next=void 0,this.val=m}function i(h,m,v){for(;h.hi;)m[v++]=127&h.lo|128,h.lo=(h.lo>>>7|h.hi<<25)>>>0,h.hi>>>=7;for(;h.lo>127;)m[v++]=127&h.lo|128,h.lo=h.lo>>>7;m[v++]=h.lo}function f(h,m,v){m[v]=255&h,m[v+1]=h>>>8&255,m[v+2]=h>>>16&255,m[v+3]=h>>>24}s.create=r(),s.alloc=function(h){return new R.Array(h)},R.Array!==Array&&(s.alloc=R.pool(s.alloc,R.Array.prototype.subarray)),s.prototype._push=function(h,m,v){return this.tail=this.tail.next=new t(h,m,v),this.len+=m,this},o.prototype=Object.create(t.prototype),o.prototype.fn=function(h,m,v){for(;h>127;)m[v++]=127&h|128,h>>>=7;m[v]=h},s.prototype.uint32=function(h){return this.len+=(this.tail=this.tail.next=new o((h>>>=0)<128?1:h<16384?2:h<2097152?3:h<268435456?4:5,h)).len,this},s.prototype.int32=function(h){return h<0?this._push(i,10,A.fromNumber(h)):this.uint32(h)},s.prototype.sint32=function(h){return this.uint32((h<<1^h>>31)>>>0)},s.prototype.uint64=function(h){var m=A.from(h);return this._push(i,m.length(),m)},s.prototype.int64=s.prototype.uint64,s.prototype.sint64=function(h){var m=A.from(h).zzEncode();return this._push(i,m.length(),m)},s.prototype.bool=function(h){return this._push(n,1,h?1:0)},s.prototype.fixed32=function(h){return this._push(f,4,h>>>0)},s.prototype.sfixed32=s.prototype.fixed32,s.prototype.fixed64=function(h){var m=A.from(h);return this._push(f,4,m.lo)._push(f,4,m.hi)},s.prototype.sfixed64=s.prototype.fixed64,s.prototype.float=function(h){return this._push(R.float.writeFloatLE,4,h)},s.prototype.double=function(h){return this._push(R.float.writeDoubleLE,8,h)};var c=R.Array.prototype.set?function(h,m,v){m.set(h,v)}:function(h,m,v){for(var I=0;I>>0;if(!m)return this._push(n,1,0);if(R.isString(h)){var v=s.alloc(m=w.length(h));w.decode(h,v,0),h=v}return this.uint32(m)._push(c,m,h)},s.prototype.string=function(h){var m=a.length(h);return m?this.uint32(m)._push(a.write,m,h):this._push(n,1,0)},s.prototype.fork=function(){return this.states=new u(this),this.head=this.tail=new t(d,0,0),this.len=0,this},s.prototype.reset=function(){return this.states?(this.head=this.states.head,this.tail=this.states.tail,this.len=this.states.len,this.states=this.states.next):(this.head=this.tail=new t(d,0,0),this.len=0),this},s.prototype.ldelim=function(){var h=this.head,m=this.tail,v=this.len;return this.reset().uint32(v),v&&(this.tail.next=h.next,this.tail=m,this.len+=v),this},s.prototype.finish=function(){for(var h=this.head.next,m=this.constructor.alloc(this.len),v=0;h;)h.fn(h.val,m,v),v+=h.len,h=h.next;return m},s._configure=function(h){E=h,s.create=r(),E._configure()}},3155:(J,e,y)=>{J.exports=A;var E=y(1173);(A.prototype=Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor=A;var R=y(9693);function A(){E.call(this)}function w(a,t,d){a.length<40?R.utf8.write(a,t,d):t.utf8Write?t.utf8Write(a,d):t.write(a,d)}A._configure=function(){A.alloc=R._Buffer_allocUnsafe,A.writeBytesBuffer=R.Buffer&&R.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array&&R.Buffer.prototype.set.name==="set"?function(a,t,d){t.set(a,d)}:function(a,t,d){if(a.copy)a.copy(t,d,0,a.length);else for(var u=0;u>>0;return this.uint32(t),t&&this._push(A.writeBytesBuffer,t,a),this},A.prototype.string=function(a){var t=R.Buffer.byteLength(a);return this.uint32(t),t&&this._push(w,t,a),this},A._configure()},1798:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4155),R=65536,A=y(9509).Buffer,w=y.g.crypto||y.g.msCrypto;w&&w.getRandomValues?J.exports=function(a,t){if(a>4294967295)throw new RangeError("requested too many random bytes");var d=A.allocUnsafe(a);if(a>0)if(a>R)for(var u=0;u{var e={};function y(R,A,w){w||(w=Error);var a=function(t){var d,u;function s(r,n,o){return t.call(this,function(i,f,c){return typeof A=="string"?A:A(i,f,c)}(r,n,o))||this}return u=t,(d=s).prototype=Object.create(u.prototype),d.prototype.constructor=d,d.__proto__=u,s}(w);a.prototype.name=w.name,a.prototype.code=R,e[R]=a}function E(R,A){if(Array.isArray(R)){var w=R.length;return R=R.map(function(a){return String(a)}),w>2?"one of ".concat(A," ").concat(R.slice(0,w-1).join(", "),", or ")+R[w-1]:w===2?"one of ".concat(A," ").concat(R[0]," or ").concat(R[1]):"of ".concat(A," ").concat(R[0])}return"of ".concat(A," ").concat(String(R))}y("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE",function(R,A){return'The value "'+A+'" is invalid for option "'+R+'"'},TypeError),y("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE",function(R,A,w){var a,t,d,u,s;if(typeof A=="string"&&(t="not ",A.substr(0,4)===t)?(a="must not be",A=A.replace(/^not /,"")):a="must be",function(n,o,i){return(i===void 0||i>n.length)&&(i=n.length),n.substring(i-9,i)===o}(R," argument"))d="The ".concat(R," ").concat(a," ").concat(E(A,"type"));else{var r=(typeof s!="number"&&(s=0),s+1>(u=R).length||u.indexOf(".",s)===-1?"argument":"property");d='The "'.concat(R,'" ').concat(r," ").concat(a," ").concat(E(A,"type"))}return d+". Received type ".concat(typeof w)},TypeError),y("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF","stream.push() after EOF"),y("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED",function(R){return"The "+R+" method is not implemented"}),y("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE","Premature close"),y("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED",function(R){return"Cannot call "+R+" after a stream was destroyed"}),y("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK","Callback called multiple times"),y("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE","Cannot pipe, not readable"),y("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END","write after end"),y("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES","May not write null values to stream",TypeError),y("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING",function(R){return"Unknown encoding: "+R},TypeError),y("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT","stream.unshift() after end event"),J.exports.q=e},6753:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4155),R=Object.keys||function(n){var o=[];for(var i in n)o.push(i);return o};J.exports=u;var A=y(9481),w=y(4229);y(5717)(u,A);for(var a=R(w.prototype),t=0;t{J.exports=R;var E=y(4605);function R(A){if(!(this instanceof R))return new R(A);E.call(this,A)}y(5717)(R,E),R.prototype._transform=function(A,w,a){a(null,A)}},9481:(J,e,y)=>{var E,R=y(4155);J.exports=S,S.ReadableState=N,y(7187).EventEmitter;var A,w=function(Q,X){return Q.listeners(X).length},a=y(2503),t=y(8764).Buffer,d=(y.g!==void 0?y.g:typeof window<"u"?window:typeof self<"u"?self:{}).Uint8Array||function(){},u=y(4616);A=u&&u.debuglog?u.debuglog("stream"):function(){};var s,r,n,o=y(7327),i=y(1195),f=y(2457).getHighWaterMark,c=y(4281).q,h=c.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE,m=c.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF,v=c.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED,I=c.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT;y(5717)(S,a);var l=i.errorOrDestroy,j=["error","close","destroy","pause","resume"];function N(Q,X,F){E=E||y(6753),Q=Q||{},typeof F!="boolean"&&(F=X instanceof E),this.objectMode=!!Q.objectMode,F&&(this.objectMode=this.objectMode||!!Q.readableObjectMode),this.highWaterMark=f(this,Q,"readableHighWaterMark",F),this.buffer=new o,this.length=0,this.pipes=null,this.pipesCount=0,this.flowing=null,this.ended=!1,this.endEmitted=!1,this.reading=!1,this.sync=!0,this.needReadable=!1,this.emittedReadable=!1,this.readableListening=!1,this.resumeScheduled=!1,this.paused=!0,this.emitClose=Q.emitClose!==!1,this.autoDestroy=!!Q.autoDestroy,this.destroyed=!1,this.defaultEncoding=Q.defaultEncoding||"utf8",this.awaitDrain=0,this.readingMore=!1,this.decoder=null,this.encoding=null,Q.encoding&&(s||(s=y(2553).s),this.decoder=new s(Q.encoding),this.encoding=Q.encoding)}function S(Q){if(E=E||y(6753),!(this instanceof S))return new S(Q);var X=this instanceof E;this._readableState=new N(Q,this,X),this.readable=!0,Q&&(typeof Q.read=="function"&&(this._read=Q.read),typeof Q.destroy=="function"&&(this._destroy=Q.destroy)),a.call(this)}function T(Q,X,F,se,ue){A("readableAddChunk",X);var le,fe=Q._readableState;if(X===null)fe.reading=!1,function(_e,de){if(A("onEofChunk"),!de.ended){if(de.decoder){var pe=de.decoder.end();pe&&pe.length&&(de.buffer.push(pe),de.length+=de.objectMode?1:pe.length)}de.ended=!0,de.sync?p(_e):(de.needReadable=!1,de.emittedReadable||(de.emittedReadable=!0,P(_e)))}}(Q,fe);else if(ue||(le=function(_e,de){var pe,ye;return ye=de,t.isBuffer(ye)||ye instanceof d||typeof de=="string"||de===void 0||_e.objectMode||(pe=new h("chunk",["string","Buffer","Uint8Array"],de)),pe}(fe,X)),le)l(Q,le);else if(fe.objectMode||X&&X.length>0)if(typeof X=="string"||fe.objectMode||Object.getPrototypeOf(X)===t.prototype||(X=function(_e){return t.from(_e)}(X)),se)fe.endEmitted?l(Q,new I):x(Q,fe,X,!0);else if(fe.ended)l(Q,new m);else{if(fe.destroyed)return!1;fe.reading=!1,fe.decoder&&!F?(X=fe.decoder.write(X),fe.objectMode||X.length!==0?x(Q,fe,X,!1):B(Q,fe)):x(Q,fe,X,!1)}else se||(fe.reading=!1,B(Q,fe));return!fe.ended&&(fe.lengthX.highWaterMark&&(X.highWaterMark=function(F){return F>=k?F=k:(F--,F|=F>>>1,F|=F>>>2,F|=F>>>4,F|=F>>>8,F|=F>>>16,F++),F}(Q)),Q<=X.length?Q:X.ended?X.length:(X.needReadable=!0,0))}function p(Q){var X=Q._readableState;A("emitReadable",X.needReadable,X.emittedReadable),X.needReadable=!1,X.emittedReadable||(A("emitReadable",X.flowing),X.emittedReadable=!0,R.nextTick(P,Q))}function P(Q){var X=Q._readableState;A("emitReadable_",X.destroyed,X.length,X.ended),X.destroyed||!X.length&&!X.ended||(Q.emit("readable"),X.emittedReadable=!1),X.needReadable=!X.flowing&&!X.ended&&X.length<=X.highWaterMark,oe(Q)}function B(Q,X){X.readingMore||(X.readingMore=!0,R.nextTick(C,Q,X))}function C(Q,X){for(;!X.reading&&!X.ended&&(X.length0,X.resumeScheduled&&!X.paused?X.flowing=!0:Q.listenerCount("data")>0&&Q.resume()}function re(Q){A("readable nexttick read 0"),Q.read(0)}function ee(Q,X){A("resume",X.reading),X.reading||Q.read(0),X.resumeScheduled=!1,Q.emit("resume"),oe(Q),X.flowing&&!X.reading&&Q.read(0)}function oe(Q){var X=Q._readableState;for(A("flow",X.flowing);X.flowing&&Q.read()!==null;);}function D(Q,X){return X.length===0?null:(X.objectMode?F=X.buffer.shift():!Q||Q>=X.length?(F=X.decoder?X.buffer.join(""):X.buffer.length===1?X.buffer.first():X.buffer.concat(X.length),X.buffer.clear()):F=X.buffer.consume(Q,X.decoder),F);var F}function Z(Q){var X=Q._readableState;A("endReadable",X.endEmitted),X.endEmitted||(X.ended=!0,R.nextTick(H,X,Q))}function H(Q,X){if(A("endReadableNT",Q.endEmitted,Q.length),!Q.endEmitted&&Q.length===0&&(Q.endEmitted=!0,X.readable=!1,X.emit("end"),Q.autoDestroy)){var F=X._writableState;(!F||F.autoDestroy&&F.finished)&&X.destroy()}}function te(Q,X){for(var F=0,se=Q.length;F=X.highWaterMark:X.length>0)||X.ended))return A("read: emitReadable",X.length,X.ended),X.length===0&&X.ended?Z(this):p(this),null;if((Q=b(Q,X))===0&&X.ended)return X.length===0&&Z(this),null;var se,ue=X.needReadable;return A("need readable",ue),(X.length===0||X.length-Q0?D(Q,X):null)===null?(X.needReadable=X.length<=X.highWaterMark,Q=0):(X.length-=Q,X.awaitDrain=0),X.length===0&&(X.ended||(X.needReadable=!0),F!==Q&&X.ended&&Z(this)),se!==null&&this.emit("data",se),se},S.prototype._read=function(Q){l(this,new v("_read()"))},S.prototype.pipe=function(Q,X){var F=this,se=this._readableState;switch(se.pipesCount){case 0:se.pipes=Q;break;case 1:se.pipes=[se.pipes,Q];break;default:se.pipes.push(Q)}se.pipesCount+=1,A("pipe count=%d opts=%j",se.pipesCount,X);var ue=X&&X.end===!1||Q===R.stdout||Q===R.stderr?_:le;function le(){A("onend"),Q.end()}se.endEmitted?R.nextTick(ue):F.once("end",ue),Q.on("unpipe",function O(M,U){A("onunpipe"),M===F&&U&&U.hasUnpiped===!1&&(U.hasUnpiped=!0,A("cleanup"),Q.removeListener("close",ye),Q.removeListener("finish",G),Q.removeListener("drain",fe),Q.removeListener("error",pe),Q.removeListener("unpipe",O),F.removeListener("end",le),F.removeListener("end",_),F.removeListener("data",de),_e=!0,!se.awaitDrain||Q._writableState&&!Q._writableState.needDrain||fe())});var fe=function(O){return function(){var M=O._readableState;A("pipeOnDrain",M.awaitDrain),M.awaitDrain&&M.awaitDrain--,M.awaitDrain===0&&w(O,"data")&&(M.flowing=!0,oe(O))}}(F);Q.on("drain",fe);var _e=!1;function de(O){A("ondata");var M=Q.write(O);A("dest.write",M),M===!1&&((se.pipesCount===1&&se.pipes===Q||se.pipesCount>1&&te(se.pipes,Q)!==-1)&&!_e&&(A("false write response, pause",se.awaitDrain),se.awaitDrain++),F.pause())}function pe(O){A("onerror",O),_(),Q.removeListener("error",pe),w(Q,"error")===0&&l(Q,O)}function ye(){Q.removeListener("finish",G),_()}function 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o("chunk",["string","Buffer"],te)),!X||(l(Z,X),R.nextTick(Q,X),!1)}(this,ee,B,L))&&(ee.pendingcb++,oe=function(Z,H,te,Q,X,F){if(!te){var se=function(_e,de,pe){return _e.objectMode||_e.decodeStrings===!1||typeof de!="string"||(de=d.from(de,pe)),de}(H,Q,X);Q!==se&&(te=!0,X="buffer",Q=se)}var ue=H.objectMode?1:Q.length;H.length+=ue;var le=H.length-1))throw new I(B);return this._writableState.defaultEncoding=B,this},Object.defineProperty(S.prototype,"writableBuffer",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this._writableState&&this._writableState.getBuffer()}}),Object.defineProperty(S.prototype,"writableHighWaterMark",{enumerable:!1,get:function(){return this._writableState.highWaterMark}}),S.prototype._write=function(B,C,L){L(new i("_write()"))},S.prototype._writev=null,S.prototype.end=function(B,C,L){var re=this._writableState;return typeof B=="function"?(L=B,B=null,C=null):typeof 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d.highWaterMark!=null?d.highWaterMark:u?d[s]:null}(A,a,w);if(t!=null){if(!isFinite(t)||Math.floor(t)!==t||t<0)throw new E(a?w:"highWaterMark",t);return Math.floor(t)}return R.objectMode?16:16384}}},2503:(J,e,y)=>{J.exports=y(7187).EventEmitter},8473:(J,e,y)=>{(e=J.exports=y(9481)).Stream=e,e.Readable=e,e.Writable=y(4229),e.Duplex=y(6753),e.Transform=y(4605),e.PassThrough=y(2725),e.finished=y(8610),e.pipeline=y(9946)},9785:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8764).Buffer,R=y(5717),A=y(3349),w=new Array(16),a=[0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,7,4,13,1,10,6,15,3,12,0,9,5,2,14,11,8,3,10,14,4,9,15,8,1,2,7,0,6,13,11,5,12,1,9,11,10,0,8,12,4,13,3,7,15,14,5,6,2,4,0,5,9,7,12,2,10,14,1,3,8,11,6,15,13],t=[5,14,7,0,9,2,11,4,13,6,15,8,1,10,3,12,6,11,3,7,0,13,5,10,14,15,8,12,4,9,1,2,15,5,1,3,7,14,6,9,11,8,12,2,10,0,4,13,8,6,4,1,3,11,15,0,5,12,2,13,9,7,10,14,12,15,10,4,1,5,8,7,6,2,13,14,0,3,9,11],d=[11,14,15,12,5,8,7,9,11,13,14,15,6,7,9,8,7,6,8,13,11,9,7,15,7,12,15,9,11,7,13,12,11,13,6,7,14,9,13,15,14,8,13,6,5,12,7,5,11,12,14,15,14,15,9,8,9,14,5,6,8,6,5,12,9,15,5,11,6,8,13,12,5,12,13,14,11,8,5,6],u=[8,9,9,11,13,15,15,5,7,7,8,11,14,14,12,6,9,13,15,7,12,8,9,11,7,7,12,7,6,15,13,11,9,7,15,11,8,6,6,14,12,13,5,14,13,13,7,5,15,5,8,11,14,14,6,14,6,9,12,9,12,5,15,8,8,5,12,9,12,5,14,6,8,13,6,5,15,13,11,11],s=[0,1518500249,1859775393,2400959708,2840853838],r=[1352829926,1548603684,1836072691,2053994217,0];function n(){A.call(this,64),this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878,this._e=3285377520}function o(v,I){return v<>>32-I}function i(v,I,l,j,N,S,T,x){return o(v+(I^l^j)+S+T|0,x)+N|0}function f(v,I,l,j,N,S,T,x){return o(v+(I&l|~I&j)+S+T|0,x)+N|0}function c(v,I,l,j,N,S,T,x){return o(v+((I|~l)^j)+S+T|0,x)+N|0}function h(v,I,l,j,N,S,T,x){return o(v+(I&j|l&~j)+S+T|0,x)+N|0}function m(v,I,l,j,N,S,T,x){return o(v+(I^(l|~j))+S+T|0,x)+N|0}R(n,A),n.prototype._update=function(){for(var v=w,I=0;I<16;++I)v[I]=this._block.readInt32LE(4*I);for(var l=0|this._a,j=0|this._b,N=0|this._c,S=0|this._d,T=0|this._e,x=0|this._a,k=0|this._b,b=0|this._c,p=0|this._d,P=0|this._e,B=0;B<80;B+=1){var C,L;B<16?(C=i(l,j,N,S,T,v[a[B]],s[0],d[B]),L=m(x,k,b,p,P,v[t[B]],r[0],u[B])):B<32?(C=f(l,j,N,S,T,v[a[B]],s[1],d[B]),L=h(x,k,b,p,P,v[t[B]],r[1],u[B])):B<48?(C=c(l,j,N,S,T,v[a[B]],s[2],d[B]),L=c(x,k,b,p,P,v[t[B]],r[2],u[B])):B<64?(C=h(l,j,N,S,T,v[a[B]],s[3],d[B]),L=f(x,k,b,p,P,v[t[B]],r[3],u[B])):(C=m(l,j,N,S,T,v[a[B]],s[4],d[B]),L=i(x,k,b,p,P,v[t[B]],r[4],u[B])),l=T,T=S,S=o(N,10),N=j,j=C,x=P,P=p,p=o(b,10),b=k,k=L}var re=this._b+N+p|0;this._b=this._c+S+P|0,this._c=this._d+T+x|0,this._d=this._e+l+k|0,this._e=this._a+j+b|0,this._a=re},n.prototype._digest=function(){this._block[this._blockOffset++]=128,this._blockOffset>56&&(this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,64),this._update(),this._blockOffset=0),this._block.fill(0,this._blockOffset,56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0],56),this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1],60),this._update();var v=E.alloc?E.alloc(20):new E(20);return v.writeInt32LE(this._a,0),v.writeInt32LE(this._b,4),v.writeInt32LE(this._c,8),v.writeInt32LE(this._d,12),v.writeInt32LE(this._e,16),v},J.exports=n},9509:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8764),R=E.Buffer;function A(a,t){for(var d in a)t[d]=a[d]}function w(a,t,d){return R(a,t,d)}R.from&&R.alloc&&R.allocUnsafe&&R.allocUnsafeSlow?J.exports=E:(A(E,e),e.Buffer=w),w.prototype=Object.create(R.prototype),A(R,w),w.from=function(a,t,d){if(typeof a=="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number");return R(a,t,d)},w.alloc=function(a,t,d){if(typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");var u=R(a);return t!==void 0?typeof d=="string"?u.fill(t,d):u.fill(t):u.fill(0),u},w.allocUnsafe=function(a){if(typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");return R(a)},w.allocUnsafeSlow=function(a){if(typeof a!="number")throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number");return E.SlowBuffer(a)}},64:function(J,e,y){var E,R=y(4155),A=y(8764).Buffer;(function(w){function a(t,d){if(d=d||{type:"Array"},R!==void 0&&typeof R.pid=="number"&&R.versions&&R.versions.node)return function(u,s){var r=y(3954).randomBytes(u);switch(s.type){case"Array":return[].slice.call(r);case"Buffer":return r;case"Uint8Array":for(var n=new Uint8Array(u),o=0;o{var E=y(9509).Buffer;function R(A,w){this._block=E.alloc(A),this._finalSize=w,this._blockSize=A,this._len=0}R.prototype.update=function(A,w){typeof A=="string"&&(w=w||"utf8",A=E.from(A,w));for(var a=this._block,t=this._blockSize,d=A.length,u=this._len,s=0;s=this._finalSize&&(this._update(this._block),this._block.fill(0));var a=8*this._len;if(a<=4294967295)this._block.writeUInt32BE(a,this._blockSize-4);else{var t=(4294967295&a)>>>0,d=(a-t)/4294967296;this._block.writeUInt32BE(d,this._blockSize-8),this._block.writeUInt32BE(t,this._blockSize-4)}this._update(this._block);var u=this._hash();return A?u.toString(A):u},R.prototype._update=function(){throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass")},J.exports=R},9072:(J,e,y)=>{var E=J.exports=function(R){R=R.toLowerCase();var A=E[R];if(!A)throw new Error(R+" is not supported (we accept pull requests)");return new A};E.sha=y(4448),E.sha1=y(8336),E.sha224=y(8432),E.sha256=y(7499),E.sha384=y(1686),E.sha512=y(7816)},4448:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(4189),A=y(9509).Buffer,w=[1518500249,1859775393,-1894007588,-899497514],a=new Array(80);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,R.call(this,64,56)}function d(s){return s<<30|s>>>2}function u(s,r,n,o){return s===0?r&n|~r&o:s===2?r&n|r&o|n&o:r^n^o}E(t,R),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878,this._e=3285377520,this},t.prototype._update=function(s){for(var r,n=this._w,o=0|this._a,i=0|this._b,f=0|this._c,c=0|this._d,h=0|this._e,m=0;m<16;++m)n[m]=s.readInt32BE(4*m);for(;m<80;++m)n[m]=n[m-3]^n[m-8]^n[m-14]^n[m-16];for(var v=0;v<80;++v){var I=~~(v/20),l=0|((r=o)<<5|r>>>27)+u(I,i,f,c)+h+n[v]+w[I];h=c,c=f,f=d(i),i=o,o=l}this._a=o+this._a|0,this._b=i+this._b|0,this._c=f+this._c|0,this._d=c+this._d|0,this._e=h+this._e|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var s=A.allocUnsafe(20);return s.writeInt32BE(0|this._a,0),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._b,4),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._c,8),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._d,12),s.writeInt32BE(0|this._e,16),s},J.exports=t},8336:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(4189),A=y(9509).Buffer,w=[1518500249,1859775393,-1894007588,-899497514],a=new Array(80);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,R.call(this,64,56)}function d(r){return r<<5|r>>>27}function u(r){return r<<30|r>>>2}function s(r,n,o,i){return r===0?n&o|~n&i:r===2?n&o|n&i|o&i:n^o^i}E(t,R),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1732584193,this._b=4023233417,this._c=2562383102,this._d=271733878,this._e=3285377520,this},t.prototype._update=function(r){for(var n,o=this._w,i=0|this._a,f=0|this._b,c=0|this._c,h=0|this._d,m=0|this._e,v=0;v<16;++v)o[v]=r.readInt32BE(4*v);for(;v<80;++v)o[v]=(n=o[v-3]^o[v-8]^o[v-14]^o[v-16])<<1|n>>>31;for(var I=0;I<80;++I){var l=~~(I/20),j=d(i)+s(l,f,c,h)+m+o[I]+w[l]|0;m=h,h=c,c=u(f),f=i,i=j}this._a=i+this._a|0,this._b=f+this._b|0,this._c=c+this._c|0,this._d=h+this._d|0,this._e=m+this._e|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var r=A.allocUnsafe(20);return r.writeInt32BE(0|this._a,0),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._b,4),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._c,8),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._d,12),r.writeInt32BE(0|this._e,16),r},J.exports=t},8432:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(7499),A=y(4189),w=y(9509).Buffer,a=new Array(64);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,A.call(this,64,56)}E(t,R),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=3238371032,this._b=914150663,this._c=812702999,this._d=4144912697,this._e=4290775857,this._f=1750603025,this._g=1694076839,this._h=3204075428,this},t.prototype._hash=function(){var d=w.allocUnsafe(28);return d.writeInt32BE(this._a,0),d.writeInt32BE(this._b,4),d.writeInt32BE(this._c,8),d.writeInt32BE(this._d,12),d.writeInt32BE(this._e,16),d.writeInt32BE(this._f,20),d.writeInt32BE(this._g,24),d},J.exports=t},7499:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(4189),A=y(9509).Buffer,w=[1116352408,1899447441,3049323471,3921009573,961987163,1508970993,2453635748,2870763221,3624381080,310598401,607225278,1426881987,1925078388,2162078206,2614888103,3248222580,3835390401,4022224774,264347078,604807628,770255983,1249150122,1555081692,1996064986,2554220882,2821834349,2952996808,3210313671,3336571891,3584528711,113926993,338241895,666307205,773529912,1294757372,1396182291,1695183700,1986661051,2177026350,2456956037,2730485921,2820302411,3259730800,3345764771,3516065817,3600352804,4094571909,275423344,430227734,506948616,659060556,883997877,958139571,1322822218,1537002063,1747873779,1955562222,2024104815,2227730452,2361852424,2428436474,2756734187,3204031479,3329325298],a=new Array(64);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,R.call(this,64,56)}function d(o,i,f){return f^o&(i^f)}function u(o,i,f){return o&i|f&(o|i)}function s(o){return(o>>>2|o<<30)^(o>>>13|o<<19)^(o>>>22|o<<10)}function r(o){return(o>>>6|o<<26)^(o>>>11|o<<21)^(o>>>25|o<<7)}function n(o){return(o>>>7|o<<25)^(o>>>18|o<<14)^o>>>3}E(t,R),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._a=1779033703,this._b=3144134277,this._c=1013904242,this._d=2773480762,this._e=1359893119,this._f=2600822924,this._g=528734635,this._h=1541459225,this},t.prototype._update=function(o){for(var i,f=this._w,c=0|this._a,h=0|this._b,m=0|this._c,v=0|this._d,I=0|this._e,l=0|this._f,j=0|this._g,N=0|this._h,S=0;S<16;++S)f[S]=o.readInt32BE(4*S);for(;S<64;++S)f[S]=0|(((i=f[S-2])>>>17|i<<15)^(i>>>19|i<<13)^i>>>10)+f[S-7]+n(f[S-15])+f[S-16];for(var T=0;T<64;++T){var x=N+r(I)+d(I,l,j)+w[T]+f[T]|0,k=s(c)+u(c,h,m)|0;N=j,j=l,l=I,I=v+x|0,v=m,m=h,h=c,c=x+k|0}this._a=c+this._a|0,this._b=h+this._b|0,this._c=m+this._c|0,this._d=v+this._d|0,this._e=I+this._e|0,this._f=l+this._f|0,this._g=j+this._g|0,this._h=N+this._h|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var o=A.allocUnsafe(32);return o.writeInt32BE(this._a,0),o.writeInt32BE(this._b,4),o.writeInt32BE(this._c,8),o.writeInt32BE(this._d,12),o.writeInt32BE(this._e,16),o.writeInt32BE(this._f,20),o.writeInt32BE(this._g,24),o.writeInt32BE(this._h,28),o},J.exports=t},1686:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(7816),A=y(4189),w=y(9509).Buffer,a=new Array(160);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,A.call(this,128,112)}E(t,R),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._ah=3418070365,this._bh=1654270250,this._ch=2438529370,this._dh=355462360,this._eh=1731405415,this._fh=2394180231,this._gh=3675008525,this._hh=1203062813,this._al=3238371032,this._bl=914150663,this._cl=812702999,this._dl=4144912697,this._el=4290775857,this._fl=1750603025,this._gl=1694076839,this._hl=3204075428,this},t.prototype._hash=function(){var d=w.allocUnsafe(48);function u(s,r,n){d.writeInt32BE(s,n),d.writeInt32BE(r,n+4)}return u(this._ah,this._al,0),u(this._bh,this._bl,8),u(this._ch,this._cl,16),u(this._dh,this._dl,24),u(this._eh,this._el,32),u(this._fh,this._fl,40),d},J.exports=t},7816:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5717),R=y(4189),A=y(9509).Buffer,w=[1116352408,3609767458,1899447441,602891725,3049323471,3964484399,3921009573,2173295548,961987163,4081628472,1508970993,3053834265,2453635748,2937671579,2870763221,3664609560,3624381080,2734883394,310598401,1164996542,607225278,1323610764,1426881987,3590304994,1925078388,4068182383,2162078206,991336113,2614888103,633803317,3248222580,3479774868,3835390401,2666613458,4022224774,944711139,264347078,2341262773,604807628,2007800933,770255983,1495990901,1249150122,1856431235,1555081692,3175218132,1996064986,2198950837,2554220882,3999719339,2821834349,766784016,2952996808,2566594879,3210313671,3203337956,3336571891,1034457026,3584528711,2466948901,113926993,3758326383,338241895,168717936,666307205,1188179964,773529912,1546045734,1294757372,1522805485,1396182291,2643833823,1695183700,2343527390,1986661051,1014477480,2177026350,1206759142,2456956037,344077627,2730485921,1290863460,2820302411,3158454273,3259730800,3505952657,3345764771,106217008,3516065817,3606008344,3600352804,1432725776,4094571909,1467031594,275423344,851169720,430227734,3100823752,506948616,1363258195,659060556,3750685593,883997877,3785050280,958139571,3318307427,1322822218,3812723403,1537002063,2003034995,1747873779,3602036899,1955562222,1575990012,2024104815,1125592928,2227730452,2716904306,2361852424,442776044,2428436474,593698344,2756734187,3733110249,3204031479,2999351573,3329325298,3815920427,3391569614,3928383900,3515267271,566280711,3940187606,3454069534,4118630271,4000239992,116418474,1914138554,174292421,2731055270,289380356,3203993006,460393269,320620315,685471733,587496836,852142971,1086792851,1017036298,365543100,1126000580,2618297676,1288033470,3409855158,1501505948,4234509866,1607167915,987167468,1816402316,1246189591],a=new Array(160);function t(){this.init(),this._w=a,R.call(this,128,112)}function d(h,m,v){return v^h&(m^v)}function u(h,m,v){return h&m|v&(h|m)}function s(h,m){return(h>>>28|m<<4)^(m>>>2|h<<30)^(m>>>7|h<<25)}function r(h,m){return(h>>>14|m<<18)^(h>>>18|m<<14)^(m>>>9|h<<23)}function n(h,m){return(h>>>1|m<<31)^(h>>>8|m<<24)^h>>>7}function o(h,m){return(h>>>1|m<<31)^(h>>>8|m<<24)^(h>>>7|m<<25)}function i(h,m){return(h>>>19|m<<13)^(m>>>29|h<<3)^h>>>6}function f(h,m){return(h>>>19|m<<13)^(m>>>29|h<<3)^(h>>>6|m<<26)}function c(h,m){return h>>>0>>0?1:0}E(t,R),t.prototype.init=function(){return this._ah=1779033703,this._bh=3144134277,this._ch=1013904242,this._dh=2773480762,this._eh=1359893119,this._fh=2600822924,this._gh=528734635,this._hh=1541459225,this._al=4089235720,this._bl=2227873595,this._cl=4271175723,this._dl=1595750129,this._el=2917565137,this._fl=725511199,this._gl=4215389547,this._hl=327033209,this},t.prototype._update=function(h){for(var m=this._w,v=0|this._ah,I=0|this._bh,l=0|this._ch,j=0|this._dh,N=0|this._eh,S=0|this._fh,T=0|this._gh,x=0|this._hh,k=0|this._al,b=0|this._bl,p=0|this._cl,P=0|this._dl,B=0|this._el,C=0|this._fl,L=0|this._gl,re=0|this._hl,ee=0;ee<32;ee+=2)m[ee]=h.readInt32BE(4*ee),m[ee+1]=h.readInt32BE(4*ee+4);for(;ee<160;ee+=2){var oe=m[ee-30],D=m[ee-30+1],Z=n(oe,D),H=o(D,oe),te=i(oe=m[ee-4],D=m[ee-4+1]),Q=f(D,oe),X=m[ee-14],F=m[ee-14+1],se=m[ee-32],ue=m[ee-32+1],le=H+F|0,fe=Z+X+c(le,H)|0;fe=(fe=fe+te+c(le=le+Q|0,Q)|0)+se+c(le=le+ue|0,ue)|0,m[ee]=fe,m[ee+1]=le}for(var _e=0;_e<160;_e+=2){fe=m[_e],le=m[_e+1];var de=u(v,I,l),pe=u(k,b,p),ye=s(v,k),G=s(k,v),_=r(N,B),O=r(B,N),M=w[_e],U=w[_e+1],z=d(N,S,T),q=d(B,C,L),W=re+O|0,ne=x+_+c(W,re)|0;ne=(ne=(ne=ne+z+c(W=W+q|0,q)|0)+M+c(W=W+U|0,U)|0)+fe+c(W=W+le|0,le)|0;var ie=G+pe|0,V=ye+de+c(ie,G)|0;x=T,re=L,T=S,L=C,S=N,C=B,N=j+ne+c(B=P+W|0,P)|0,j=l,P=p,l=I,p=b,I=v,b=k,v=ne+V+c(k=W+ie|0,W)|0}this._al=this._al+k|0,this._bl=this._bl+b|0,this._cl=this._cl+p|0,this._dl=this._dl+P|0,this._el=this._el+B|0,this._fl=this._fl+C|0,this._gl=this._gl+L|0,this._hl=this._hl+re|0,this._ah=this._ah+v+c(this._al,k)|0,this._bh=this._bh+I+c(this._bl,b)|0,this._ch=this._ch+l+c(this._cl,p)|0,this._dh=this._dh+j+c(this._dl,P)|0,this._eh=this._eh+N+c(this._el,B)|0,this._fh=this._fh+S+c(this._fl,C)|0,this._gh=this._gh+T+c(this._gl,L)|0,this._hh=this._hh+x+c(this._hl,re)|0},t.prototype._hash=function(){var h=A.allocUnsafe(64);function m(v,I,l){h.writeInt32BE(v,l),h.writeInt32BE(I,l+4)}return m(this._ah,this._al,0),m(this._bh,this._bl,8),m(this._ch,this._cl,16),m(this._dh,this._dl,24),m(this._eh,this._el,32),m(this._fh,this._fl,40),m(this._gh,this._gl,48),m(this._hh,this._hl,56),h},J.exports=t},2830:(J,e,y)=>{J.exports=R;var E=y(7187).EventEmitter;function R(){E.call(this)}y(5717)(R,E),R.Readable=y(9481),R.Writable=y(4229),R.Duplex=y(6753),R.Transform=y(4605),R.PassThrough=y(2725),R.finished=y(8610),R.pipeline=y(9946),R.Stream=R,R.prototype.pipe=function(A,w){var a=this;function t(i){A.writable&&A.write(i)===!1&&a.pause&&a.pause()}function d(){a.readable&&a.resume&&a.resume()}a.on("data",t),A.on("drain",d),A._isStdio||w&&w.end===!1||(a.on("end",s),a.on("close",r));var u=!1;function s(){u||(u=!0,A.end())}function r(){u||(u=!0,typeof A.destroy=="function"&&A.destroy())}function n(i){if(o(),E.listenerCount(this,"error")===0)throw i}function o(){a.removeListener("data",t),A.removeListener("drain",d),a.removeListener("end",s),a.removeListener("close",r),a.removeListener("error",n),A.removeListener("error",n),a.removeListener("end",o),a.removeListener("close",o),A.removeListener("close",o)}return a.on("error",n),A.on("error",n),a.on("end",o),a.on("close",o),A.on("close",o),A.emit("pipe",a),A}},2553:(J,e,y)=>{var 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o<=127?0:o>>5==6?2:o>>4==14?3:o>>3==30?4:o>>6==2?-1:-2}function a(o){var i=this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed,f=function(c,h,m){if((192&h[0])!=128)return c.lastNeed=0,"�";if(c.lastNeed>1&&h.length>1){if((192&h[1])!=128)return c.lastNeed=1,"�";if(c.lastNeed>2&&h.length>2&&(192&h[2])!=128)return c.lastNeed=2,"�"}}(this,o);return f!==void 0?f:this.lastNeed<=o.length?(o.copy(this.lastChar,i,0,this.lastNeed),this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding,0,this.lastTotal)):(o.copy(this.lastChar,i,0,o.length),void(this.lastNeed-=o.length))}function t(o,i){if((o.length-i)%2==0){var f=o.toString("utf16le",i);if(f){var c=f.charCodeAt(f.length-1);if(c>=55296&&c<=56319)return this.lastNeed=2,this.lastTotal=4,this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-2],this.lastChar[1]=o[o.length-1],f.slice(0,-1)}return f}return this.lastNeed=1,this.lastTotal=2,this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-1],o.toString("utf16le",i,o.length-1)}function d(o){var i=o&&o.length?this.write(o):"";if(this.lastNeed){var f=this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed;return i+this.lastChar.toString("utf16le",0,f)}return i}function u(o,i){var f=(o.length-i)%3;return f===0?o.toString("base64",i):(this.lastNeed=3-f,this.lastTotal=3,f===1?this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-1]:(this.lastChar[0]=o[o.length-2],this.lastChar[1]=o[o.length-1]),o.toString("base64",i,o.length-f))}function s(o){var i=o&&o.length?this.write(o):"";return this.lastNeed?i+this.lastChar.toString("base64",0,3-this.lastNeed):i}function r(o){return o.toString(this.encoding)}function n(o){return o&&o.length?this.write(o):""}e.s=A,A.prototype.write=function(o){if(o.length===0)return"";var i,f;if(this.lastNeed){if((i=this.fillLast(o))===void 0)return"";f=this.lastNeed,this.lastNeed=0}else f=0;return f=0?(l>0&&(h.lastNeed=l-1),l):--I=0?(l>0&&(h.lastNeed=l-2),l):--I=0?(l>0&&(l===2?l=0:h.lastNeed=l-3),l):0}(this,o,i);if(!this.lastNeed)return o.toString("utf8",i);this.lastTotal=f;var c=o.length-(f-this.lastNeed);return o.copy(this.lastChar,0,c),o.toString("utf8",i,c)},A.prototype.fillLast=function(o){if(this.lastNeed<=o.length)return o.copy(this.lastChar,this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed,0,this.lastNeed),this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding,0,this.lastTotal);o.copy(this.lastChar,this.lastTotal-this.lastNeed,0,o.length),this.lastNeed-=o.length}},5892:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8764).Buffer;const R=y(3550),A=new(y(6266)).ec("secp256k1"),w=y(4142),a=E.alloc(32,0),t=E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141","hex"),d=E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f","hex"),u=A.curve.n,s=u.shrn(1),r=A.curve.g,n="Expected Private",o="Expected Point",i="Expected Tweak",f="Expected Hash";function c(k){return E.isBuffer(k)&&k.length===32}function h(k){return!!c(k)&&k.compare(t)<0}function m(k){if(!E.isBuffer(k)||k.length<33)return!1;const b=k[0],p=k.slice(1,33);if(p.compare(a)===0||p.compare(d)>=0)return!1;if((b===2||b===3)&&k.length===33){try{S(k)}catch{return!1}return!0}const P=k.slice(33);return P.compare(a)!==0&&!(P.compare(d)>=0)&&b===4&&k.length===65}function v(k){return k[0]!==4}function I(k){return!!c(k)&&k.compare(a)>0&&k.compare(t)<0}function l(k,b){return k===void 0&&b!==void 0?v(b):k===void 0||k}function j(k){return new R(k)}function N(k){return k.toArrayLike(E,"be",32)}function S(k){return A.curve.decodePoint(k)}function T(k,b){return E.from(k._encode(b))}function x(k,b,p){if(!c(k))throw new TypeError(f);if(!I(b))throw new TypeError(n);if(p!==void 0&&!c(p))throw new TypeError("Expected Extra Data (32 bytes)");const P=j(b),B=j(k);let C,L;w(k,b,function(ee){const oe=j(ee),D=r.mul(oe);return!D.isInfinity()&&(C=D.x.umod(u),C.isZero()!==0&&(L=oe.invm(u).mul(B.add(P.mul(C))).umod(u),L.isZero()!==0))},I,p),L.cmp(s)>0&&(L=u.sub(L));const re=E.allocUnsafe(64);return N(C).copy(re,0),N(L).copy(re,32),re}J.exports={isPoint:m,isPointCompressed:function(k){return!!m(k)&&v(k)},isPrivate:I,pointAdd:function(k,b,p){if(!m(k))throw new TypeError(o);if(!m(b))throw new TypeError(o);const P=S(k),B=S(b),C=P.add(B);return C.isInfinity()?null:T(C,l(p,k))},pointAddScalar:function(k,b,p){if(!m(k))throw new TypeError(o);if(!h(b))throw new TypeError(i);const P=l(p,k),B=S(k);if(b.compare(a)===0)return T(B,P);const C=j(b),L=r.mul(C),re=B.add(L);return re.isInfinity()?null:T(re,P)},pointCompress:function(k,b){if(!m(k))throw new TypeError(o);const p=S(k);if(p.isInfinity())throw new TypeError(o);return T(p,l(b,k))},pointFromScalar:function(k,b){if(!I(k))throw new TypeError(n);const p=j(k),P=r.mul(p);return P.isInfinity()?null:T(P,l(b))},pointMultiply:function(k,b,p){if(!m(k))throw new TypeError(o);if(!h(b))throw new TypeError(i);const P=l(p,k),B=S(k),C=j(b),L=B.mul(C);return L.isInfinity()?null:T(L,P)},privateAdd:function(k,b){if(!I(k))throw new TypeError(n);if(!h(b))throw new TypeError(i);const p=j(k),P=j(b),B=N(p.add(P).umod(u));return I(B)?B:null},privateSub:function(k,b){if(!I(k))throw new TypeError(n);if(!h(b))throw new TypeError(i);const p=j(k),P=j(b),B=N(p.sub(P).umod(u));return I(B)?B:null},sign:function(k,b){return x(k,b)},signWithEntropy:function(k,b,p){return x(k,b,p)},verify:function(k,b,p,P){if(!c(k))throw new TypeError(f);if(!m(b))throw new TypeError(o);if(!function(H){const te=H.slice(0,32),Q=H.slice(32,64);return E.isBuffer(H)&&H.length===64&&te.compare(t)<0&&Q.compare(t)<0}(p))throw new TypeError("Expected Signature");const B=S(b),C=j(p.slice(0,32)),L=j(p.slice(32,64));if(P&&L.cmp(s)>0||C.gtn(0)<=0||L.gtn(0)<=0)return!1;const re=j(k),ee=L.invm(u),oe=re.mul(ee).umod(u),D=C.mul(ee).umod(u),Z=r.mulAdd(oe,B,D);return!Z.isInfinity()&&Z.x.umod(u).eq(C)}}},4142:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8764).Buffer;const R=y(8355),A=E.alloc(1,1),w=E.alloc(1,0);J.exports=function(a,t,d,u,s){let r=E.alloc(32,0),n=E.alloc(32,1);r=R("sha256",r).update(n).update(w).update(t).update(a).update(s||"").digest(),n=R("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),r=R("sha256",r).update(n).update(A).update(t).update(a).update(s||"").digest(),n=R("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),n=R("sha256",r).update(n).digest();let o=n;for(;!u(o)||!d(o);)r=R("sha256",r).update(n).update(w).digest(),n=R("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),n=R("sha256",r).update(n).digest(),o=n;return o}},8136:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(v,I,l,j){j===void 0&&(j=l),Object.defineProperty(v,j,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return I[l]}})}:function(v,I,l,j){j===void 0&&(j=l),v[j]=I[l]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(v,I){Object.defineProperty(v,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:I})}:function(v,I){v.default=I}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(v){if(v&&v.__esModule)return v;var I={};if(v!=null)for(var l in v)l!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v,l)&&E(I,v,l);return R(I,v),I},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(v,I,l,j){return new(l||(l=Promise))(function(N,S){function T(b){try{k(j.next(b))}catch(p){S(p)}}function x(b){try{k(j.throw(b))}catch(p){S(p)}}function k(b){var p;b.done?N(b.value):(p=b.value,p instanceof l?p:new l(function(P){P(p)})).then(T,x)}k((j=j.apply(v,I||[])).next())})},a=this&&this.__importDefault||function(v){return v&&v.__esModule?v:{default:v}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.EncryptionUtilsImpl=void 0;const t=y(8972),d=y(4330),u=y(3061),s=y(4063),r=A(y(9463)),n=a(y(64)),o=y(6402),i=new r.PolyfillCryptoProvider,f=(0,t.fromHex)("000000000000000000024bead8df69990852c202db0e0097c1a12ea637d7e96d"),c=(0,t.fromBase64)("79++5YOHfm0SwhlpUDClv7cuCjq9xBZlWqSjDJWkRG8="),h=new Set(["secret-2","secret-3","secret-4"]);class m{constructor(I,l,j){if(this.url=I,this.consensusIoPubKey=new Uint8Array,l){if(l.length!==32)throw new Error("encryptionSeed must be a Uint8Array of length 32");this.seed=l}else this.seed=m.GenerateNewSeed();const{privkey:N,pubkey:S}=m.GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(this.seed);this.privkey=N,this.pubkey=S,j&&h.has(j)&&(this.consensusIoPubKey=c)}static GenerateNewKeyPair(){return m.GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(m.GenerateNewSeed())}static GenerateNewSeed(){return(0,n.default)(32,{type:"Uint8Array"})}static GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(I){const{private:l,public:j}=(0,s.generateKeyPair)(I);return{privkey:l,pubkey:j}}getConsensusIoPubKey(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(this.consensusIoPubKey.length===32)return this.consensusIoPubKey;const{key:I}=yield o.Query.TxKey({},{pathPrefix:this.url});return this.consensusIoPubKey=(0,t.fromBase64)(I),this.consensusIoPubKey})}getTxEncryptionKey(I){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const l=yield this.getConsensusIoPubKey(),j=(0,s.sharedKey)(this.privkey,l);return(0,d.hkdf)(u.sha256,Uint8Array.from([...j,...I]),f,"",32)})}encrypt(I,l){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const j=(0,n.default)(32,{type:"Uint8Array"}),N=yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(j),S=yield r.SIV.importKey(N,"AES-SIV",i),T=(0,t.toUtf8)(I+JSON.stringify(l)),x=yield S.seal(T,[new Uint8Array]);return Uint8Array.from([...j,...this.pubkey,...x])})}decrypt(I,l){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!(I!=null&&I.length))return new Uint8Array;const j=yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(l);return yield(yield r.SIV.importKey(j,"AES-SIV",i)).open(I,[new Uint8Array])})}getPubkey(){return Promise.resolve(this.pubkey)}}e.EncryptionUtilsImpl=m},7061:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(A,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return w[a]}})}:function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),A[t]=w[a]}),R=this&&this.__exportStar||function(A,w){for(var a in A)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w,a)||E(w,A,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),R(y(7131),e),R(y(8680),e)},7131:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(m,v,I,l){l===void 0&&(l=I),Object.defineProperty(m,l,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return v[I]}})}:function(m,v,I,l){l===void 0&&(l=I),m[l]=v[I]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(m,v){Object.defineProperty(m,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:v})}:function(m,v){m.default=v}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(m){if(m&&m.__esModule)return m;var v={};if(m!=null)for(var I in m)I!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m,I)&&E(v,m,I);return R(v,m),v},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(m,v,I,l){return new(I||(I=Promise))(function(j,N){function S(k){try{x(l.next(k))}catch(b){N(b)}}function T(k){try{x(l.throw(k))}catch(b){N(b)}}function x(k){var b;k.done?j(k.value):(b=k.value,b instanceof I?b:new I(function(p){p(b)})).then(S,T)}x((l=l.apply(m,v||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.validatePermit=e.newPermit=e.newSignDoc=e.PermissionNotInPermit=e.SignerIsNotAddress=e.SignatureInvalid=e.ContractNotInPermit=e.PermitError=void 0;const a=y(8972),t=y(3061),d=A(y(9656)),u=y(7715),s=y(3607),r=y(5360);class n extends Error{constructor(v){super(v),this.type="PermitError",this.name="PermitError"}}e.PermitError=n;class o extends n{constructor(v,I){super(`Contract ${v} is not allowed for this permit`),this.name="ContractNotInPermit",this.contract=v,this.allowed_contracts=I}}e.ContractNotInPermit=o;class i extends n{constructor(v,I){super("Signature invalid"),this.name="SignatureInvalid",this.key=I,this.signature=v}}e.SignatureInvalid=i;class f extends n{constructor(v,I){super(`Address ${I} is not the permit signer`),this.name="SignerIsNotAddress",this.address=I,this.publicKey=v}}e.SignerIsNotAddress=f;class c extends n{constructor(v,I){super("Permit does not contain required the permissions"),this.name="PermissionNotInPermit",this.permission=v,this.permissionsInContract=I}}e.PermissionNotInPermit=c,e.newSignDoc=(m,v,I,l)=>({chain_id:m,account_number:"0",sequence:"0",fee:{amount:(0,s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"),gas:"1"},msgs:[{type:"query_permit",value:{permit_name:v,allowed_tokens:I,permissions:l}}],memo:""}),e.newPermit=(m,v,I,l,j,N,S)=>w(void 0,void 0,void 0,function*(){let T;if(S){if(!(window!=null&&window.keplr))throw new Error("Cannot sign with Keplr - extension not enabled; enable Keplr or change signing mode");({signature:T}=yield window.keplr.signAmino(I,v,{chain_id:I,account_number:"0",sequence:"0",fee:{amount:(0,s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"),gas:"1"},msgs:[{type:"query_permit",value:{permit_name:l,allowed_tokens:j,permissions:N}}],memo:""},{preferNoSetFee:!0,preferNoSetMemo:!0}))}else T=typeof m.signPermit=="function"?(yield m.signPermit(v,(0,e.newSignDoc)(I,l,j,N))).signature:(yield m.signAmino(v,(0,e.newSignDoc)(I,l,j,N))).signature;return{params:{chain_id:I,permit_name:l,allowed_tokens:j,permissions:N},signature:T}}),e.validatePermit=(m,v,I,l,j=!0)=>{if(!m.params.allowed_tokens.includes(I)){if(!j)return!1;throw new o(I,m.params.allowed_tokens)}if(!m.params.permissions.find(x=>l.includes(x))){if(!j)return!1;throw new c(l,m.params.permissions)}let N="";try{N=u.bech32.decode(v).prefix}catch{throw new Error(`Address address=${v} must be a valid bech32 address`)}let S="";try{S=(0,s.base64PubkeyToAddress)(m.signature.pub_key.value,N)}catch{throw new n("Pubkey invalid")}if(S!==v){if(!j)return!1;throw new f(m.signature.pub_key,v)}let T=!1;try{T=h(m)}catch{if(!j)return!1;throw new i(m.signature.signature,m.signature.pub_key.value)}if(!T){if(!j)return!1;throw new i(m.signature.signature,m.signature.pub_key.value)}return!0};const h=m=>{let v=(0,e.newSignDoc)(m.params.chain_id,m.params.permit_name,m.params.allowed_tokens,m.params.permissions);const I=(0,t.sha256)((0,r.serializeStdSignDoc)(v));let l=d.Signature.fromCompact((0,a.fromBase64)(m.signature.signature));return d.verify(l,I,(0,a.fromBase64)(m.signature.pub_key.value))}},3117:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.PermitSigner=e.DirectSignerUnsupported=void 0;const E=y(7131);class R extends E.PermitError{constructor(){super("Only amino signer is supported for permits")}}e.DirectSignerUnsupported=R,e.PermitSigner=class{constructor(A){this.isAminoSigner=w=>"signAmino"in w,this.signer=A}_checkSigner(){if(!this.isAminoSigner(this.signer))throw new R}sign(A,w,a,t,d,u=!0){return this._checkSigner(),(0,E.newPermit)(this.signer,A,w,a,t,d,u)}verify(A,w,a,t){return(0,E.validatePermit)(A,w,a,t)}verifyNoExcept(A,w,a,t){return(0,E.validatePermit)(A,w,a,t,!1)}}},8680:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},1610:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgCreateViewingKey=e.MsgSetViewingKey=void 0;const E=y(3745);class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSetViewingKey=R;class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgCreateViewingKey=A},4447:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(w,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){var f;i.done?u(i.value):(f=i.value,f instanceof t?f:new t(function(c){c(f)})).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(w,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Snip1155Querier=void 0;const R=y(9150);class A extends R.ComputeQuerier{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.getBalance=({contract:a,token_id:t,owner:d,auth:u})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(u.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{balance:{token_id:t,owner:d,viewer:u.viewer.address,key:u.viewer.viewing_key}}});if(u.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:u.permit,query:{balance:{token_id:t,owner:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetBalance")}),this.getAllBalances=({contract:a,auth:t,owner:d,tx_history_page:u,tx_history_page_size:s})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer&&d){if(t.viewer.address!==d)throw new Error("only owner can query all balances");return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{all_balances:{owner:d,key:t.viewer.viewing_key,tx_history_page:u,tx_history_page_size:s}}})}if(t.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{all_balances:{tx_history_page:u,tx_history_page_size:s}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetAllBalances")}),this.getTransactionHistory=({contract:a,auth:t,page_size:d,page:u})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer)return this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{transaction_history:{key:t.viewer.viewing_key,address:t.viewer.address,page_size:d,page:u}}});if(t.permit)return this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{transaction_history:{page_size:d,page:u}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransactionHistory")}),this.getPublicTokenInfo=({contract:a,token_id:t})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{token_id_public_info:{token_id:t}}})}),this.getPrivateTokenInfo=({contract:a,token_id:t,auth:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{token_id_private_info:{token_id:t,address:d.viewer.address,key:d.viewer.viewing_key}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{token_id_private_info:{token_id:t}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransactionHistory")})}}e.Snip1155Querier=A},7350:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata=e.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter=e.MsgSnipAddMinter=e.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer=e.MsgSnip1155Transfer=e.MsgSnip1155Burn=e.MsgSnip1155Mint=e.MsgSnip1155BatchSend=e.MsgSnip1155Send=e.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator=e.MsgSnip1155AddCurator=e.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens=e.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin=e.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin=void 0;const E=y(3745);class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin=R;class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin=A;class w extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens=w;class a extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155AddCurator=a;class t extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator=t;class d extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Send=d;class u extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155BatchSend=u;class s extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Mint=s;class r extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Burn=r;class n extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155Transfer=n;class o extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer=o;class i extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnipAddMinter=i;class f extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter=f;class c extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata=c},8471:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(A,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return w[a]}})}:function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),A[t]=w[a]}),R=this&&this.__exportStar||function(A,w){for(var a in A)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w,a)||E(w,A,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),R(y(3655),e),R(y(1047),e)},3655:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(w,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){var f;i.done?u(i.value):(f=i.value,f instanceof t?f:new t(function(c){c(f)})).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(w,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Snip20Querier=void 0;const R=y(3607);class A extends R.ComputeQuerier{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.getSnip20Params=({contract:a})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{token_info:{}}})}),this.getBalance=({contract:a,address:t,auth:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{balance:{address:t,key:d.key}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{balance:{}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetBalance")}),this.getTransferHistory=({contract:a,address:t,auth:d,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{transfer_history:{address:t,key:d.key,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{transfer_history:{page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransferHistory")}),this.getTransactionHistory=({contract:a,address:t,auth:d,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(d.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{transaction_history:{address:t,key:d.key,page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}});if(d.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:d.permit,query:{transaction_history:{page:u,page_size:s,should_filter_decoys:r}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: getTransactionHistory")}),this.GetAllowance=({contract:a,owner:t,spender:d,auth:u})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(u.key)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{allowance:{owner:t,spender:d,key:u.key}}});if(u.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.code_hash,query:{with_permit:{permit:u.permit,query:{allowance:{owner:t,spender:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetAllowance")})}}e.Snip20Querier=A},1047:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSnip20SetViewingKey=e.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance=e.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance=e.MsgSnip20Transfer=e.MsgSnip20Send=void 0;const E=y(3745);class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20Send=R;class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20Transfer=A;class w extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance=w;class a extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance=a;class t extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip20SetViewingKey=t},2412:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(A,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return w[a]}})}:function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),A[t]=w[a]}),R=this&&this.__exportStar||function(A,w){for(var a in A)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w,a)||E(w,A,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),R(y(3449),e),R(y(4539),e)},3449:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(w,a,t,d){return new(t||(t=Promise))(function(u,s){function r(i){try{o(d.next(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function n(i){try{o(d.throw(i))}catch(f){s(f)}}function o(i){var f;i.done?u(i.value):(f=i.value,f instanceof t?f:new t(function(c){c(f)})).then(r,n)}o((d=d.apply(w,a||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Snip721Querier=void 0;const R=y(9150);class A extends R.ComputeQuerier{constructor(){super(...arguments),this.GetTokenInfo=({contract:a,auth:t,token_id:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{all_nft_info:{token_id:d,viewer:t.viewer}}});if(t.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{all_nft_info:{token_id:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetTokenInfo")}),this.GetOwnedTokens=({contract:a,auth:t,owner:d})=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(t.viewer)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{tokens:{owner:d,viewing_key:t.viewer.viewing_key}}});if(t.permit)return yield this.queryContract({contract_address:a.address,code_hash:a.codeHash,query:{with_permit:{permit:t.permit,query:{tokens:{owner:d}}}}});throw new Error("Empty auth parameter for authenticated query: GetOwnedTokens")})}}e.Snip721Querier=A},4539:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSnip721Mint=e.MsgSnip721AddMinter=e.MsgSnip721Send=void 0;const E=y(3745);class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip721Send=R;class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip721AddMinter=A;class w extends E.MsgExecuteContract{}e.MsgSnip721Mint=w},3004:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Query=class{static Accounts(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Account(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts/${a.address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Params(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ModuleAccountByName(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts/${a.name}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["name"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},3704:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Query=class{static Grants(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GranterGrants(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/granter/${a.granter}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["granter"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GranteeGrants(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/grantee/${a.grantee}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["grantee"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},1926:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Query=class{static Balance(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}/by_denom?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static AllBalances(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static SpendableBalances(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/spendable_balances/${a.address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static TotalSupply(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static SupplyOf(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/${a.denom}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["denom"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Params(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static DenomMetadata(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata/${a.denom}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["denom"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static DenomsMetadata(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},4210:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Service=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Service=class{static Config(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/node/v1beta1/config?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},2390:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Service=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Service=class{static GetNodeInfo(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static GetSyncing(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static 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0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Query=class{static Connection(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["connection_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Connections(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ClientConnections(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/client_connections/${a.client_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["client_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ConnectionClientState(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/client_state?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["connection_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ConnectionConsensusState(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/consensus_state/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["connection_id","revision_number","revision_height"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},5250:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Query=class{static ContractInfo(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/info/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ContractsByCodeId(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contracts/${a.code_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["code_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static QuerySecretContract(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/query/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Code(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code/${a.code_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["code_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static Codes(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/codes?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static CodeHashByContractAddress(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_contract_address/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static CodeHashByCodeId(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_code_id/${a.code_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["code_id"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static LabelByAddress(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/label/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static AddressByLabel(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_address/${a.label}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["label"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static ContractHistory(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_history/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["contract_address"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},71:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 0;const w=A(y(1704));e.Query=class{static Params(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/emergencybutton/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},9743:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Query=void 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w.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/tx-key?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static RegistrationKey(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/registration-key?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,[])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}static EncryptedSeed(a,t){return w.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/encrypted-seed/${a.pub_key}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a,["pub_key"])}`,Object.assign(Object.assign({},t),{method:"GET"}))}}},3607:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(t,d,u,s){s===void 0&&(s=u),Object.defineProperty(t,s,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return d[u]}})}:function(t,d,u,s){s===void 0&&(s=u),t[s]=d[u]}),R=this&&this.__exportStar||function(t,d){for(var u in t)u==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,u)||E(d,t,u)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgExecuteContractResponse=e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse=e.MsgStoreCodeResponse=e.MetaMaskWallet=e.Wallet=void 0,typeof BigInt>"u"&&(y.g.BigInt=y(4736)),R(y(8972),e),R(y(8136),e),R(y(9150),e),R(y(1972),e),R(y(3745),e),R(y(8593),e);var A=y(1049);Object.defineProperty(e,"Wallet",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return A.Wallet}});var w=y(1444);Object.defineProperty(e,"MetaMaskWallet",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return w.MetaMaskWallet}}),R(y(8471),e),R(y(2412),e),R(y(7061),e);var a=y(2896);Object.defineProperty(e,"MsgStoreCodeResponse",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.MsgStoreCodeResponse}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"MsgInstantiateContractResponse",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.MsgInstantiateContractResponse}}),Object.defineProperty(e,"MsgExecuteContractResponse",{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return a.MsgExecuteContractResponse}})},6578:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(k,b,p,P){P===void 0&&(P=p),Object.defineProperty(k,P,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return b[p]}})}:function(k,b,p,P){P===void 0&&(P=p),k[P]=b[p]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(k,b){Object.defineProperty(k,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:b})}:function(k,b){k.default=b}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(k){if(k&&k.__esModule)return k;var b={};if(k!=null)for(var p in k)p!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(k,p)&&E(b,k,p);return R(b,k),b},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(k){return k&&k.__esModule?k:{default:k}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.CompressedNonExistenceProof=e.CompressedExistenceProof=e.CompressedBatchEntry=e.CompressedBatchProof=e.BatchEntry=e.BatchProof=e.InnerSpec=e.ProofSpec=e.InnerOp=e.LeafOp=e.CommitmentProof=e.NonExistenceProof=e.ExistenceProof=e.lengthOpToJSON=e.lengthOpFromJSON=e.LengthOp=e.hashOpToJSON=e.hashOpFromJSON=e.HashOp=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));var d,u;function s(k){switch(k){case 0:case"NO_HASH":return d.NO_HASH;case 1:case"SHA256":return d.SHA256;case 2:case"SHA512":return d.SHA512;case 3:case"KECCAK":return d.KECCAK;case 4:case"RIPEMD160":return d.RIPEMD160;case 5:case"BITCOIN":return d.BITCOIN;default:return d.UNRECOGNIZED}}function r(k){switch(k){case d.NO_HASH:return"NO_HASH";case d.SHA256:return"SHA256";case d.SHA512:return"SHA512";case d.KECCAK:return"KECCAK";case d.RIPEMD160:return"RIPEMD160";case d.BITCOIN:return"BITCOIN";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function 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Uint8Array,left:void 0,right:void 0}}function c(){return{hash:0,prehash_key:0,prehash_value:0,length:0,prefix:new Uint8Array}}function h(){return{hash:0,prefix:new Uint8Array,suffix:new Uint8Array}}function m(){return{child_order:[],child_size:0,min_prefix_length:0,max_prefix_length:0,empty_child:new Uint8Array,hash:0}}function v(){return{key:new Uint8Array,value:new Uint8Array,leaf:void 0,path:[]}}function I(){return{key:new Uint8Array,left:void 0,right:void 0}}e.protobufPackage="ics23",function(k){k[k.NO_HASH=0]="NO_HASH",k[k.SHA256=1]="SHA256",k[k.SHA512=2]="SHA512",k[k.KECCAK=3]="KECCAK",k[k.RIPEMD160=4]="RIPEMD160",k[k.BITCOIN=5]="BITCOIN",k[k.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(d=e.HashOp||(e.HashOp={})),e.hashOpFromJSON=s,e.hashOpToJSON=r,function(k){k[k.NO_PREFIX=0]="NO_PREFIX",k[k.VAR_PROTO=1]="VAR_PROTO",k[k.VAR_RLP=2]="VAR_RLP",k[k.FIXED32_BIG=3]="FIXED32_BIG",k[k.FIXED32_LITTLE=4]="FIXED32_LITTLE",k[k.FIXED64_BIG=5]="FIXED64_BIG",k[k.FIXED64_LITTLE=6]="FIXED64_LITTLE",k[k.REQUIRE_32_BYTES=7]="REQUIRE_32_BYTES",k[k.REQUIRE_64_BYTES=8]="REQUIRE_64_BYTES",k[k.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(u=e.LengthOp||(e.LengthOp={})),e.lengthOpFromJSON=n,e.lengthOpToJSON=o,e.ExistenceProof={encode(k,b=t.Writer.create()){k.key.length!==0&&b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key),k.value.length!==0&&b.uint32(18).bytes(k.value),k.leaf!==void 0&&e.LeafOp.encode(k.leaf,b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const p of k.path)e.InnerOp.encode(p,b.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return b},decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B=i();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:B.value=p.bytes();break;case 3:B.leaf=e.LeafOp.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 4:B.path.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p,p.uint32()));break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({key:x(k.key)?N(k.key):new Uint8Array,value:x(k.value)?N(k.value):new Uint8Array,leaf:x(k.leaf)?e.LeafOp.fromJSON(k.leaf):void 0,path:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.path)?k.path.map(b=>e.InnerOp.fromJSON(b)):[]}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.key!==void 0&&(b.key=T(k.key!==void 0?k.key:new Uint8Array)),k.value!==void 0&&(b.value=T(k.value!==void 0?k.value:new Uint8Array)),k.leaf!==void 0&&(b.leaf=k.leaf?e.LeafOp.toJSON(k.leaf):void 0),k.path?b.path=k.path.map(p=>p?e.InnerOp.toJSON(p):void 0):b.path=[],b},fromPartial(k){var b,p,P;const B=i();return B.key=(b=k.key)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,B.value=(p=k.value)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,B.leaf=k.leaf!==void 0&&k.leaf!==null?e.LeafOp.fromPartial(k.leaf):void 0,B.path=((P=k.path)===null||P===void 0?void 0:P.map(C=>e.InnerOp.fromPartial(C)))||[],B}},e.NonExistenceProof={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.key.length!==0&&b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key),k.left!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.left,b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),k.right!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.right,b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B=f();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:B.left=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:B.right=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({key:x(k.key)?N(k.key):new Uint8Array,left:x(k.left)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.left):void 0,right:x(k.right)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.right):void 0}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.key!==void 0&&(b.key=T(k.key!==void 0?k.key:new Uint8Array)),k.left!==void 0&&(b.left=k.left?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.left):void 0),k.right!==void 0&&(b.right=k.right?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.right):void 0),b},fromPartial(k){var b;const p=f();return p.key=(b=k.key)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,p.left=k.left!==void 0&&k.left!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.left):void 0,p.right=k.right!==void 0&&k.right!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.right):void 0,p}},e.CommitmentProof={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.exist!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.exist,b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),k.nonexist!==void 0&&e.NonExistenceProof.encode(k.nonexist,b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),k.batch!==void 0&&e.BatchProof.encode(k.batch,b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),k.compressed!==void 0&&e.CompressedBatchProof.encode(k.compressed,b.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0,batch:void 0,compressed:void 0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.exist=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:B.nonexist=e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:B.batch=e.BatchProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 4:B.compressed=e.CompressedBatchProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({exist:x(k.exist)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.exist):void 0,nonexist:x(k.nonexist)?e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.nonexist):void 0,batch:x(k.batch)?e.BatchProof.fromJSON(k.batch):void 0,compressed:x(k.compressed)?e.CompressedBatchProof.fromJSON(k.compressed):void 0}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.exist!==void 0&&(b.exist=k.exist?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.exist):void 0),k.nonexist!==void 0&&(b.nonexist=k.nonexist?e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(k.nonexist):void 0),k.batch!==void 0&&(b.batch=k.batch?e.BatchProof.toJSON(k.batch):void 0),k.compressed!==void 0&&(b.compressed=k.compressed?e.CompressedBatchProof.toJSON(k.compressed):void 0),b},fromPartial(k){const b={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0,batch:void 0,compressed:void 0};return b.exist=k.exist!==void 0&&k.exist!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.exist):void 0,b.nonexist=k.nonexist!==void 0&&k.nonexist!==null?e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.nonexist):void 0,b.batch=k.batch!==void 0&&k.batch!==null?e.BatchProof.fromPartial(k.batch):void 0,b.compressed=k.compressed!==void 0&&k.compressed!==null?e.CompressedBatchProof.fromPartial(k.compressed):void 0,b}},e.LeafOp={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.hash!==0&&b.uint32(8).int32(k.hash),k.prehash_key!==0&&b.uint32(16).int32(k.prehash_key),k.prehash_value!==0&&b.uint32(24).int32(k.prehash_value),k.length!==0&&b.uint32(32).int32(k.length),k.prefix.length!==0&&b.uint32(42).bytes(k.prefix),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B=c();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.hash=p.int32();break;case 2:B.prehash_key=p.int32();break;case 3:B.prehash_value=p.int32();break;case 4:B.length=p.int32();break;case 5:B.prefix=p.bytes();break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({hash:x(k.hash)?s(k.hash):0,prehash_key:x(k.prehash_key)?s(k.prehash_key):0,prehash_value:x(k.prehash_value)?s(k.prehash_value):0,length:x(k.length)?n(k.length):0,prefix:x(k.prefix)?N(k.prefix):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.hash!==void 0&&(b.hash=r(k.hash)),k.prehash_key!==void 0&&(b.prehash_key=r(k.prehash_key)),k.prehash_value!==void 0&&(b.prehash_value=r(k.prehash_value)),k.length!==void 0&&(b.length=o(k.length)),k.prefix!==void 0&&(b.prefix=T(k.prefix!==void 0?k.prefix:new Uint8Array)),b},fromPartial(k){var b,p,P,B,C;const L=c();return L.hash=(b=k.hash)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:0,L.prehash_key=(p=k.prehash_key)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,L.prehash_value=(P=k.prehash_value)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:0,L.length=(B=k.length)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:0,L.prefix=(C=k.prefix)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array,L}},e.InnerOp={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.hash!==0&&b.uint32(8).int32(k.hash),k.prefix.length!==0&&b.uint32(18).bytes(k.prefix),k.suffix.length!==0&&b.uint32(26).bytes(k.suffix),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B=h();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.hash=p.int32();break;case 2:B.prefix=p.bytes();break;case 3:B.suffix=p.bytes();break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({hash:x(k.hash)?s(k.hash):0,prefix:x(k.prefix)?N(k.prefix):new Uint8Array,suffix:x(k.suffix)?N(k.suffix):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.hash!==void 0&&(b.hash=r(k.hash)),k.prefix!==void 0&&(b.prefix=T(k.prefix!==void 0?k.prefix:new Uint8Array)),k.suffix!==void 0&&(b.suffix=T(k.suffix!==void 0?k.suffix:new Uint8Array)),b},fromPartial(k){var b,p,P;const B=h();return B.hash=(b=k.hash)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:0,B.prefix=(p=k.prefix)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,B.suffix=(P=k.suffix)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:new Uint8Array,B}},e.ProofSpec={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.leaf_spec!==void 0&&e.LeafOp.encode(k.leaf_spec,b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),k.inner_spec!==void 0&&e.InnerSpec.encode(k.inner_spec,b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),k.max_depth!==0&&b.uint32(24).int32(k.max_depth),k.min_depth!==0&&b.uint32(32).int32(k.min_depth),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B={leaf_spec:void 0,inner_spec:void 0,max_depth:0,min_depth:0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.leaf_spec=e.LeafOp.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:B.inner_spec=e.InnerSpec.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:B.max_depth=p.int32();break;case 4:B.min_depth=p.int32();break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({leaf_spec:x(k.leaf_spec)?e.LeafOp.fromJSON(k.leaf_spec):void 0,inner_spec:x(k.inner_spec)?e.InnerSpec.fromJSON(k.inner_spec):void 0,max_depth:x(k.max_depth)?Number(k.max_depth):0,min_depth:x(k.min_depth)?Number(k.min_depth):0}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.leaf_spec!==void 0&&(b.leaf_spec=k.leaf_spec?e.LeafOp.toJSON(k.leaf_spec):void 0),k.inner_spec!==void 0&&(b.inner_spec=k.inner_spec?e.InnerSpec.toJSON(k.inner_spec):void 0),k.max_depth!==void 0&&(b.max_depth=Math.round(k.max_depth)),k.min_depth!==void 0&&(b.min_depth=Math.round(k.min_depth)),b},fromPartial(k){var b,p;const P={leaf_spec:void 0,inner_spec:void 0,max_depth:0,min_depth:0};return P.leaf_spec=k.leaf_spec!==void 0&&k.leaf_spec!==null?e.LeafOp.fromPartial(k.leaf_spec):void 0,P.inner_spec=k.inner_spec!==void 0&&k.inner_spec!==null?e.InnerSpec.fromPartial(k.inner_spec):void 0,P.max_depth=(b=k.max_depth)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:0,P.min_depth=(p=k.min_depth)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,P}},e.InnerSpec={encode(k,b=t.Writer.create()){b.uint32(10).fork();for(const p of k.child_order)b.int32(p);return b.ldelim(),k.child_size!==0&&b.uint32(16).int32(k.child_size),k.min_prefix_length!==0&&b.uint32(24).int32(k.min_prefix_length),k.max_prefix_length!==0&&b.uint32(32).int32(k.max_prefix_length),k.empty_child.length!==0&&b.uint32(42).bytes(k.empty_child),k.hash!==0&&b.uint32(48).int32(k.hash),b},decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B=m();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:if((7&C)==2){const L=p.uint32()+p.pos;for(;p.pos({child_order:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.child_order)?k.child_order.map(b=>Number(b)):[],child_size:x(k.child_size)?Number(k.child_size):0,min_prefix_length:x(k.min_prefix_length)?Number(k.min_prefix_length):0,max_prefix_length:x(k.max_prefix_length)?Number(k.max_prefix_length):0,empty_child:x(k.empty_child)?N(k.empty_child):new Uint8Array,hash:x(k.hash)?s(k.hash):0}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.child_order?b.child_order=k.child_order.map(p=>Math.round(p)):b.child_order=[],k.child_size!==void 0&&(b.child_size=Math.round(k.child_size)),k.min_prefix_length!==void 0&&(b.min_prefix_length=Math.round(k.min_prefix_length)),k.max_prefix_length!==void 0&&(b.max_prefix_length=Math.round(k.max_prefix_length)),k.empty_child!==void 0&&(b.empty_child=T(k.empty_child!==void 0?k.empty_child:new Uint8Array)),k.hash!==void 0&&(b.hash=r(k.hash)),b},fromPartial(k){var b,p,P,B,C,L;const re=m();return re.child_order=((b=k.child_order)===null||b===void 0?void 0:b.map(ee=>ee))||[],re.child_size=(p=k.child_size)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,re.min_prefix_length=(P=k.min_prefix_length)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:0,re.max_prefix_length=(B=k.max_prefix_length)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:0,re.empty_child=(C=k.empty_child)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array,re.hash=(L=k.hash)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:0,re}},e.BatchProof={encode(k,b=t.Writer.create()){for(const p of k.entries)e.BatchEntry.encode(p,b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return b},decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B={entries:[]};for(;p.pos>>3==1?B.entries.push(e.BatchEntry.decode(p,p.uint32())):p.skipType(7&C)}return B},fromJSON:k=>({entries:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.entries)?k.entries.map(b=>e.BatchEntry.fromJSON(b)):[]}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.entries?b.entries=k.entries.map(p=>p?e.BatchEntry.toJSON(p):void 0):b.entries=[],b},fromPartial(k){var b;const p={entries:[]};return p.entries=((b=k.entries)===null||b===void 0?void 0:b.map(P=>e.BatchEntry.fromPartial(P)))||[],p}},e.BatchEntry={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.exist!==void 0&&e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.exist,b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),k.nonexist!==void 0&&e.NonExistenceProof.encode(k.nonexist,b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.exist=e.ExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:B.nonexist=e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({exist:x(k.exist)?e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.exist):void 0,nonexist:x(k.nonexist)?e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.nonexist):void 0}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.exist!==void 0&&(b.exist=k.exist?e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.exist):void 0),k.nonexist!==void 0&&(b.nonexist=k.nonexist?e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(k.nonexist):void 0),b},fromPartial(k){const b={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};return b.exist=k.exist!==void 0&&k.exist!==null?e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.exist):void 0,b.nonexist=k.nonexist!==void 0&&k.nonexist!==null?e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.nonexist):void 0,b}},e.CompressedBatchProof={encode(k,b=t.Writer.create()){for(const p of k.entries)e.CompressedBatchEntry.encode(p,b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const p of k.lookup_inners)e.InnerOp.encode(p,b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return b},decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B={entries:[],lookup_inners:[]};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.entries.push(e.CompressedBatchEntry.decode(p,p.uint32()));break;case 2:B.lookup_inners.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p,p.uint32()));break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({entries:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.entries)?k.entries.map(b=>e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromJSON(b)):[],lookup_inners:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.lookup_inners)?k.lookup_inners.map(b=>e.InnerOp.fromJSON(b)):[]}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.entries?b.entries=k.entries.map(p=>p?e.CompressedBatchEntry.toJSON(p):void 0):b.entries=[],k.lookup_inners?b.lookup_inners=k.lookup_inners.map(p=>p?e.InnerOp.toJSON(p):void 0):b.lookup_inners=[],b},fromPartial(k){var b,p;const P={entries:[],lookup_inners:[]};return P.entries=((b=k.entries)===null||b===void 0?void 0:b.map(B=>e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromPartial(B)))||[],P.lookup_inners=((p=k.lookup_inners)===null||p===void 0?void 0:p.map(B=>e.InnerOp.fromPartial(B)))||[],P}},e.CompressedBatchEntry={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.exist!==void 0&&e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(k.exist,b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),k.nonexist!==void 0&&e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.encode(k.nonexist,b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.exist=e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 2:B.nonexist=e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({exist:x(k.exist)?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.exist):void 0,nonexist:x(k.nonexist)?e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.nonexist):void 0}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.exist!==void 0&&(b.exist=k.exist?e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(k.exist):void 0),k.nonexist!==void 0&&(b.nonexist=k.nonexist?e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.toJSON(k.nonexist):void 0),b},fromPartial(k){const b={exist:void 0,nonexist:void 0};return b.exist=k.exist!==void 0&&k.exist!==null?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.exist):void 0,b.nonexist=k.nonexist!==void 0&&k.nonexist!==null?e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.nonexist):void 0,b}},e.CompressedExistenceProof={encode(k,b=t.Writer.create()){k.key.length!==0&&b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key),k.value.length!==0&&b.uint32(18).bytes(k.value),k.leaf!==void 0&&e.LeafOp.encode(k.leaf,b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),b.uint32(34).fork();for(const p of k.path)b.int32(p);return b.ldelim(),b},decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B=v();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:B.value=p.bytes();break;case 3:B.leaf=e.LeafOp.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 4:if((7&C)==2){const L=p.uint32()+p.pos;for(;p.pos({key:x(k.key)?N(k.key):new Uint8Array,value:x(k.value)?N(k.value):new Uint8Array,leaf:x(k.leaf)?e.LeafOp.fromJSON(k.leaf):void 0,path:Array.isArray(k==null?void 0:k.path)?k.path.map(b=>Number(b)):[]}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.key!==void 0&&(b.key=T(k.key!==void 0?k.key:new Uint8Array)),k.value!==void 0&&(b.value=T(k.value!==void 0?k.value:new Uint8Array)),k.leaf!==void 0&&(b.leaf=k.leaf?e.LeafOp.toJSON(k.leaf):void 0),k.path?b.path=k.path.map(p=>Math.round(p)):b.path=[],b},fromPartial(k){var b,p,P;const B=v();return B.key=(b=k.key)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,B.value=(p=k.value)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,B.leaf=k.leaf!==void 0&&k.leaf!==null?e.LeafOp.fromPartial(k.leaf):void 0,B.path=((P=k.path)===null||P===void 0?void 0:P.map(C=>C))||[],B}},e.CompressedNonExistenceProof={encode:(k,b=t.Writer.create())=>(k.key.length!==0&&b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key),k.left!==void 0&&e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(k.left,b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),k.right!==void 0&&e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(k.right,b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),b),decode(k,b){const p=k instanceof t.Reader?k:new t.Reader(k);let P=b===void 0?p.len:p.pos+b;const B=I();for(;p.pos>>3){case 1:B.key=p.bytes();break;case 2:B.left=e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;case 3:B.right=e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p,p.uint32());break;default:p.skipType(7&C)}}return B},fromJSON:k=>({key:x(k.key)?N(k.key):new Uint8Array,left:x(k.left)?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.left):void 0,right:x(k.right)?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.right):void 0}),toJSON(k){const b={};return k.key!==void 0&&(b.key=T(k.key!==void 0?k.key:new Uint8Array)),k.left!==void 0&&(b.left=k.left?e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(k.left):void 0),k.right!==void 0&&(b.right=k.right?e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(k.right):void 0),b},fromPartial(k){var b;const p=I();return p.key=(b=k.key)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,p.left=k.left!==void 0&&k.left!==null?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.left):void 0,p.right=k.right!==void 0&&k.right!==null?e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.right):void 0,p}};var l=(()=>{if(l!==void 0)return l;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const j=l.atob||(k=>l.Buffer.from(k,"base64").toString("binary"));function N(k){const b=j(k),p=new Uint8Array(b.length);for(let P=0;Pl.Buffer.from(k,"binary").toString("base64"));function T(k){const b=[];for(const p of k)b.push(String.fromCharCode(p));return S(b.join(""))}function x(k){return k!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9094:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return R(f,i),f},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.GrantAuthorization=e.Grant=e.GenericAuthorization=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191),u=y(5090);function s(i){return{seconds:Math.trunc(i.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:i.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function r(i){let f=1e3*Number(i.seconds);return f+=i.nanos/1e6,new Date(f)}function n(i){return i instanceof Date?s(i):typeof i=="string"?s(new Date(i)):u.Timestamp.fromJSON(i)}function o(i){return i!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.authz.v1beta1",e.GenericAuthorization={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.msg!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.msg),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={msg:""};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.msg=c.string():c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({msg:o(i.msg)?String(i.msg):""}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.msg!==void 0&&(f.msg=i.msg),f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={msg:""};return c.msg=(f=i.msg)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c}},e.Grant={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.authorization!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(i.authorization,f.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),i.expiration!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(i.expiration,f.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.authorization=d.Any.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 2:m.expiration=u.Timestamp.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({authorization:o(i.authorization)?d.Any.fromJSON(i.authorization):void 0,expiration:o(i.expiration)?n(i.expiration):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.authorization!==void 0&&(f.authorization=i.authorization?d.Any.toJSON(i.authorization):void 0),i.expiration!==void 0&&(f.expiration=r(i.expiration).toISOString()),f},fromPartial(i){const f={authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};return f.authorization=i.authorization!==void 0&&i.authorization!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(i.authorization):void 0,f.expiration=i.expiration!==void 0&&i.expiration!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(i.expiration):void 0,f}},e.GrantAuthorization={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.granter!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.granter),i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.grantee),i.authorization!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(i.authorization,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),i.expiration!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(i.expiration,f.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.granter=c.string();break;case 2:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 3:m.authorization=d.Any.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 4:m.expiration=u.Timestamp.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({granter:o(i.granter)?String(i.granter):"",grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",authorization:o(i.authorization)?d.Any.fromJSON(i.authorization):void 0,expiration:o(i.expiration)?n(i.expiration):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.granter!==void 0&&(f.granter=i.granter),i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.authorization!==void 0&&(f.authorization=i.authorization?d.Any.toJSON(i.authorization):void 0),i.expiration!==void 0&&(f.expiration=r(i.expiration).toISOString()),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={granter:"",grantee:"",authorization:void 0,expiration:void 0};return h.granter=(f=i.granter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.grantee=(c=i.grantee)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.authorization=i.authorization!==void 0&&i.authorization!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(i.authorization):void 0,h.expiration=i.expiration!==void 0&&i.expiration!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(i.expiration):void 0,h}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5635:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return R(f,i),f},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgRevokeResponse=e.MsgRevoke=e.MsgGrantResponse=e.MsgExec=e.MsgExecResponse=e.MsgGrant=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(9094),u=y(4191);e.protobufPackage="cosmos.authz.v1beta1",e.MsgGrant={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.granter!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.granter),i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.grantee),i.grant!==void 0&&d.Grant.encode(i.grant,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",grant:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.granter=c.string();break;case 2:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 3:m.grant=d.Grant.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({granter:o(i.granter)?String(i.granter):"",grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",grant:o(i.grant)?d.Grant.fromJSON(i.grant):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.granter!==void 0&&(f.granter=i.granter),i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.grant!==void 0&&(f.grant=i.grant?d.Grant.toJSON(i.grant):void 0),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={granter:"",grantee:"",grant:void 0};return h.granter=(f=i.granter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.grantee=(c=i.grantee)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.grant=i.grant!==void 0&&i.grant!==null?d.Grant.fromPartial(i.grant):void 0,h}},e.MsgExecResponse={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){for(const c of i.results)f.uint32(10).bytes(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={results:[]};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.results.push(c.bytes()):c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({results:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.results)?i.results.map(f=>function(c){const h=r(c),m=new Uint8Array(h.length);for(let v=0;vfunction(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return n(m.join(""))}(c!==void 0?c:new Uint8Array)):f.results=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={results:[]};return c.results=((f=i.results)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>h))||[],c}},e.MsgExec={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.grantee);for(const c of i.msgs)u.Any.encode(c,f.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={grantee:"",msgs:[]};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 2:m.msgs.push(u.Any.decode(c,c.uint32()));break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",msgs:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.msgs)?i.msgs.map(f=>u.Any.fromJSON(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.msgs?f.msgs=i.msgs.map(c=>c?u.Any.toJSON(c):void 0):f.msgs=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={grantee:"",msgs:[]};return h.grantee=(f=i.grantee)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.msgs=((c=i.msgs)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>u.Any.fromPartial(m)))||[],h}},e.MsgGrantResponse={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>f,decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;for(;c.pos({}),toJSON:i=>({}),fromPartial:i=>({})},e.MsgRevoke={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.granter!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.granter),i.grantee!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.grantee),i.msg_type_url!==""&&f.uint32(26).string(i.msg_type_url),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",msg_type_url:""};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.granter=c.string();break;case 2:m.grantee=c.string();break;case 3:m.msg_type_url=c.string();break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({granter:o(i.granter)?String(i.granter):"",grantee:o(i.grantee)?String(i.grantee):"",msg_type_url:o(i.msg_type_url)?String(i.msg_type_url):""}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.granter!==void 0&&(f.granter=i.granter),i.grantee!==void 0&&(f.grantee=i.grantee),i.msg_type_url!==void 0&&(f.msg_type_url=i.msg_type_url),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c,h;const m={granter:"",grantee:"",msg_type_url:""};return m.granter=(f=i.granter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",m.grantee=(c=i.grantee)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",m.msg_type_url=(h=i.msg_type_url)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",m}},e.MsgRevokeResponse={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>f,decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;for(;c.pos({}),toJSON:i=>({}),fromPartial:i=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(i){this.rpc=i,this.Grant=this.Grant.bind(this),this.Exec=this.Exec.bind(this),this.Revoke=this.Revoke.bind(this)}Grant(i){const f=e.MsgGrant.encode(i).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.authz.v1beta1.Msg","Grant",f).then(c=>e.MsgGrantResponse.decode(new t.Reader(c)))}Exec(i){const f=e.MsgExec.encode(i).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.authz.v1beta1.Msg","Exec",f).then(c=>e.MsgExecResponse.decode(new t.Reader(c)))}Revoke(i){const f=e.MsgRevoke.encode(i).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.authz.v1beta1.Msg","Revoke",f).then(c=>e.MsgRevokeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(c)))}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(i=>s.Buffer.from(i,"base64").toString("binary")),n=s.btoa||(i=>s.Buffer.from(i,"binary").toString("base64"));function o(i){return i!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5939:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return R(s,u),s},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SendAuthorization=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976);e.protobufPackage="cosmos.bank.v1beta1",e.SendAuthorization={encode(u,s=t.Writer.create()){for(const r of u.spend_limit)d.Coin.encode(r,s.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return s},decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={spend_limit:[]};for(;r.pos>>3==1?o.spend_limit.push(d.Coin.decode(r,r.uint32())):r.skipType(7&i)}return o},fromJSON:u=>({spend_limit:Array.isArray(u==null?void 0:u.spend_limit)?u.spend_limit.map(s=>d.Coin.fromJSON(s)):[]}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.spend_limit?s.spend_limit=u.spend_limit.map(r=>r?d.Coin.toJSON(r):void 0):s.spend_limit=[],s},fromPartial(u){var s;const r={spend_limit:[]};return r.spend_limit=((s=u.spend_limit)===null||s===void 0?void 0:s.map(n=>d.Coin.fromPartial(n)))||[],r}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},7725:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return R(r,s),r},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Metadata=e.DenomUnit=e.Supply=e.Output=e.Input=e.SendEnabled=e.Params=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.bank.v1beta1",e.Params={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){for(const n of s.send_enabled)e.SendEnabled.encode(n,r.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return s.default_send_enabled===!0&&r.uint32(16).bool(s.default_send_enabled),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={send_enabled:[],default_send_enabled:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.send_enabled.push(e.SendEnabled.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 2:i.default_send_enabled=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({send_enabled:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.send_enabled)?s.send_enabled.map(r=>e.SendEnabled.fromJSON(r)):[],default_send_enabled:!!u(s.default_send_enabled)&&!!s.default_send_enabled}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.send_enabled?r.send_enabled=s.send_enabled.map(n=>n?e.SendEnabled.toJSON(n):void 0):r.send_enabled=[],s.default_send_enabled!==void 0&&(r.default_send_enabled=s.default_send_enabled),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={send_enabled:[],default_send_enabled:!1};return o.send_enabled=((r=s.send_enabled)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.map(i=>e.SendEnabled.fromPartial(i)))||[],o.default_send_enabled=(n=s.default_send_enabled)!==null&&n!==void 0&&n,o}},e.SendEnabled={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.denom!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.denom),s.enabled===!0&&r.uint32(16).bool(s.enabled),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={denom:"",enabled:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.denom=n.string();break;case 2:i.enabled=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({denom:u(s.denom)?String(s.denom):"",enabled:!!u(s.enabled)&&!!s.enabled}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.denom!==void 0&&(r.denom=s.denom),s.enabled!==void 0&&(r.enabled=s.enabled),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={denom:"",enabled:!1};return o.denom=(r=s.denom)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.enabled=(n=s.enabled)!==null&&n!==void 0&&n,o}},e.Input={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.address);for(const n of s.coins)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={address:"",coins:[]};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.address=n.string();break;case 2:i.coins.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({address:u(s.address)?String(s.address):"",coins:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.coins)?s.coins.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.address!==void 0&&(r.address=s.address),s.coins?r.coins=s.coins.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.coins=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={address:"",coins:[]};return o.address=(r=s.address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.coins=((n=s.coins)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.Coin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.Output={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.address);for(const n of s.coins)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={address:"",coins:[]};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.address=n.string();break;case 2:i.coins.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({address:u(s.address)?String(s.address):"",coins:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.coins)?s.coins.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.address!==void 0&&(r.address=s.address),s.coins?r.coins=s.coins.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.coins=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={address:"",coins:[]};return o.address=(r=s.address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.coins=((n=s.coins)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.Coin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.Supply={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){for(const n of s.total)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={total:[]};for(;n.pos>>3==1?i.total.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32())):n.skipType(7&f)}return i},fromJSON:s=>({total:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.total)?s.total.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.total?r.total=s.total.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.total=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r;const n={total:[]};return n.total=((r=s.total)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.map(o=>d.Coin.fromPartial(o)))||[],n}},e.DenomUnit={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.denom!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.denom),s.exponent!==0&&r.uint32(16).uint32(s.exponent);for(const n of s.aliases)r.uint32(26).string(n);return r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={denom:"",exponent:0,aliases:[]};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.denom=n.string();break;case 2:i.exponent=n.uint32();break;case 3:i.aliases.push(n.string());break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({denom:u(s.denom)?String(s.denom):"",exponent:u(s.exponent)?Number(s.exponent):0,aliases:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.aliases)?s.aliases.map(r=>String(r)):[]}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.denom!==void 0&&(r.denom=s.denom),s.exponent!==void 0&&(r.exponent=Math.round(s.exponent)),s.aliases?r.aliases=s.aliases.map(n=>n):r.aliases=[],r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o;const i={denom:"",exponent:0,aliases:[]};return i.denom=(r=s.denom)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",i.exponent=(n=s.exponent)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:0,i.aliases=((o=s.aliases)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>f))||[],i}},e.Metadata={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.description!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.description);for(const n of s.denom_units)e.DenomUnit.encode(n,r.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return s.base!==""&&r.uint32(26).string(s.base),s.display!==""&&r.uint32(34).string(s.display),s.name!==""&&r.uint32(42).string(s.name),s.symbol!==""&&r.uint32(50).string(s.symbol),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={description:"",denom_units:[],base:"",display:"",name:"",symbol:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.description=n.string();break;case 2:i.denom_units.push(e.DenomUnit.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 3:i.base=n.string();break;case 4:i.display=n.string();break;case 5:i.name=n.string();break;case 6:i.symbol=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({description:u(s.description)?String(s.description):"",denom_units:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.denom_units)?s.denom_units.map(r=>e.DenomUnit.fromJSON(r)):[],base:u(s.base)?String(s.base):"",display:u(s.display)?String(s.display):"",name:u(s.name)?String(s.name):"",symbol:u(s.symbol)?String(s.symbol):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.description!==void 0&&(r.description=s.description),s.denom_units?r.denom_units=s.denom_units.map(n=>n?e.DenomUnit.toJSON(n):void 0):r.denom_units=[],s.base!==void 0&&(r.base=s.base),s.display!==void 0&&(r.display=s.display),s.name!==void 0&&(r.name=s.name),s.symbol!==void 0&&(r.symbol=s.symbol),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o,i,f,c;const h={description:"",denom_units:[],base:"",display:"",name:"",symbol:""};return h.description=(r=s.description)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",h.denom_units=((n=s.denom_units)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(m=>e.DenomUnit.fromPartial(m)))||[],h.base=(o=s.base)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",h.display=(i=s.display)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",h.name=(f=s.name)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.symbol=(c=s.symbol)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},810:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return R(n,r),n},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgMultiSendResponse=e.MsgMultiSend=e.MsgSendResponse=e.MsgSend=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976),u=y(7725);function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.bank.v1beta1",e.MsgSend={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.from_address!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.from_address),r.to_address!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.to_address);for(const o of r.amount)d.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.from_address=o.string();break;case 2:f.to_address=o.string();break;case 3:f.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({from_address:s(r.from_address)?String(r.from_address):"",to_address:s(r.to_address)?String(r.to_address):"",amount:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.amount)?r.amount.map(n=>d.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.from_address!==void 0&&(n.from_address=r.from_address),r.to_address!==void 0&&(n.to_address=r.to_address),r.amount?n.amount=r.amount.map(o=>o?d.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.amount=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[]};return f.from_address=(n=r.from_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",f.to_address=(o=r.to_address)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",f.amount=((i=r.amount)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(c=>d.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f}},e.MsgSendResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgMultiSend={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.inputs)u.Input.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.outputs)u.Output.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={inputs:[],outputs:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.inputs.push(u.Input.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.outputs.push(u.Output.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({inputs:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.inputs)?r.inputs.map(n=>u.Input.fromJSON(n)):[],outputs:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.outputs)?r.outputs.map(n=>u.Output.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.inputs?n.inputs=r.inputs.map(o=>o?u.Input.toJSON(o):void 0):n.inputs=[],r.outputs?n.outputs=r.outputs.map(o=>o?u.Output.toJSON(o):void 0):n.outputs=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={inputs:[],outputs:[]};return i.inputs=((n=r.inputs)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(f=>u.Input.fromPartial(f)))||[],i.outputs=((o=r.outputs)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>u.Output.fromPartial(f)))||[],i}},e.MsgMultiSendResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(r){this.rpc=r,this.Send=this.Send.bind(this),this.MultiSend=this.MultiSend.bind(this)}Send(r){const n=e.MsgSend.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Msg","Send",n).then(o=>e.MsgSendResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}MultiSend(r){const n=e.MsgMultiSend.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Msg","MultiSend",n).then(o=>e.MsgMultiSendResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9849:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(v,I,l,j){j===void 0&&(j=l),Object.defineProperty(v,j,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return I[l]}})}:function(v,I,l,j){j===void 0&&(j=l),v[j]=I[l]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(v,I){Object.defineProperty(v,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:I})}:function(v,I){v.default=I}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(v){if(v&&v.__esModule)return v;var I={};if(v!=null)for(var l in v)l!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v,l)&&E(I,v,l);return R(I,v),I},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(v){return v&&v.__esModule?v:{default:v}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SearchTxsResult=e.TxMsgData=e.MsgData=e.SimulationResponse=e.Result=e.GasInfo=e.Attribute=e.StringEvent=e.ABCIMessageLog=e.TxResponse=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191),u=y(2093);function s(){return{data:new Uint8Array,log:"",events:[]}}function r(){return{msg_type:"",data:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1",e.TxResponse={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){v.height!=="0"&&I.uint32(8).int64(v.height),v.txhash!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(v.txhash),v.codespace!==""&&I.uint32(26).string(v.codespace),v.code!==0&&I.uint32(32).uint32(v.code),v.data!==""&&I.uint32(42).string(v.data),v.raw_log!==""&&I.uint32(50).string(v.raw_log);for(const l of v.logs)e.ABCIMessageLog.encode(l,I.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();v.info!==""&&I.uint32(66).string(v.info),v.gas_wanted!=="0"&&I.uint32(72).int64(v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!=="0"&&I.uint32(80).int64(v.gas_used),v.tx!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(v.tx,I.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(),v.timestamp!==""&&I.uint32(98).string(v.timestamp);for(const l of v.events)u.Event.encode(l,I.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={height:"0",txhash:"",codespace:"",code:0,data:"",raw_log:"",logs:[],info:"",gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0",tx:void 0,timestamp:"",events:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.height=h(l.int64());break;case 2:N.txhash=l.string();break;case 3:N.codespace=l.string();break;case 4:N.code=l.uint32();break;case 5:N.data=l.string();break;case 6:N.raw_log=l.string();break;case 7:N.logs.push(e.ABCIMessageLog.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;case 8:N.info=l.string();break;case 9:N.gas_wanted=h(l.int64());break;case 10:N.gas_used=h(l.int64());break;case 11:N.tx=d.Any.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 12:N.timestamp=l.string();break;case 13:N.events.push(u.Event.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({height:m(v.height)?String(v.height):"0",txhash:m(v.txhash)?String(v.txhash):"",codespace:m(v.codespace)?String(v.codespace):"",code:m(v.code)?Number(v.code):0,data:m(v.data)?String(v.data):"",raw_log:m(v.raw_log)?String(v.raw_log):"",logs:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.logs)?v.logs.map(I=>e.ABCIMessageLog.fromJSON(I)):[],info:m(v.info)?String(v.info):"",gas_wanted:m(v.gas_wanted)?String(v.gas_wanted):"0",gas_used:m(v.gas_used)?String(v.gas_used):"0",tx:m(v.tx)?d.Any.fromJSON(v.tx):void 0,timestamp:m(v.timestamp)?String(v.timestamp):"",events:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.events)?v.events.map(I=>u.Event.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.height!==void 0&&(I.height=v.height),v.txhash!==void 0&&(I.txhash=v.txhash),v.codespace!==void 0&&(I.codespace=v.codespace),v.code!==void 0&&(I.code=Math.round(v.code)),v.data!==void 0&&(I.data=v.data),v.raw_log!==void 0&&(I.raw_log=v.raw_log),v.logs?I.logs=v.logs.map(l=>l?e.ABCIMessageLog.toJSON(l):void 0):I.logs=[],v.info!==void 0&&(I.info=v.info),v.gas_wanted!==void 0&&(I.gas_wanted=v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!==void 0&&(I.gas_used=v.gas_used),v.tx!==void 0&&(I.tx=v.tx?d.Any.toJSON(v.tx):void 0),v.timestamp!==void 0&&(I.timestamp=v.timestamp),v.events?I.events=v.events.map(l=>l?u.Event.toJSON(l):void 0):I.events=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I,l,j,N,S,T,x,k,b,p,P,B;const C={height:"0",txhash:"",codespace:"",code:0,data:"",raw_log:"",logs:[],info:"",gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0",tx:void 0,timestamp:"",events:[]};return C.height=(I=v.height)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",C.txhash=(l=v.txhash)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",C.codespace=(j=v.codespace)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",C.code=(N=v.code)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:0,C.data=(S=v.data)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",C.raw_log=(T=v.raw_log)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",C.logs=((x=v.logs)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(L=>e.ABCIMessageLog.fromPartial(L)))||[],C.info=(k=v.info)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",C.gas_wanted=(b=v.gas_wanted)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"0",C.gas_used=(p=v.gas_used)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"0",C.tx=v.tx!==void 0&&v.tx!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(v.tx):void 0,C.timestamp=(P=v.timestamp)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",C.events=((B=v.events)===null||B===void 0?void 0:B.map(L=>u.Event.fromPartial(L)))||[],C}},e.ABCIMessageLog={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){v.msg_index!==0&&I.uint32(8).uint32(v.msg_index),v.log!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(v.log);for(const l of v.events)e.StringEvent.encode(l,I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={msg_index:0,log:"",events:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.msg_index=l.uint32();break;case 2:N.log=l.string();break;case 3:N.events.push(e.StringEvent.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({msg_index:m(v.msg_index)?Number(v.msg_index):0,log:m(v.log)?String(v.log):"",events:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.events)?v.events.map(I=>e.StringEvent.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.msg_index!==void 0&&(I.msg_index=Math.round(v.msg_index)),v.log!==void 0&&(I.log=v.log),v.events?I.events=v.events.map(l=>l?e.StringEvent.toJSON(l):void 0):I.events=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I,l,j;const N={msg_index:0,log:"",events:[]};return N.msg_index=(I=v.msg_index)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:0,N.log=(l=v.log)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",N.events=((j=v.events)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>e.StringEvent.fromPartial(S)))||[],N}},e.StringEvent={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){v.type!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(v.type);for(const l of v.attributes)e.Attribute.encode(l,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={type:"",attributes:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.type=l.string();break;case 2:N.attributes.push(e.Attribute.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({type:m(v.type)?String(v.type):"",attributes:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.attributes)?v.attributes.map(I=>e.Attribute.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.type!==void 0&&(I.type=v.type),v.attributes?I.attributes=v.attributes.map(l=>l?e.Attribute.toJSON(l):void 0):I.attributes=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I,l;const j={type:"",attributes:[]};return j.type=(I=v.type)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",j.attributes=((l=v.attributes)===null||l===void 0?void 0:l.map(N=>e.Attribute.fromPartial(N)))||[],j}},e.Attribute={encode:(v,I=t.Writer.create())=>(v.key!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(v.key),v.value!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(v.value),I),decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={key:"",value:""};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.key=l.string();break;case 2:N.value=l.string();break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({key:m(v.key)?String(v.key):"",value:m(v.value)?String(v.value):""}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.key!==void 0&&(I.key=v.key),v.value!==void 0&&(I.value=v.value),I},fromPartial(v){var I,l;const j={key:"",value:""};return j.key=(I=v.key)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",j.value=(l=v.value)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",j}},e.GasInfo={encode:(v,I=t.Writer.create())=>(v.gas_wanted!=="0"&&I.uint32(8).uint64(v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!=="0"&&I.uint32(16).uint64(v.gas_used),I),decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0"};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.gas_wanted=h(l.uint64());break;case 2:N.gas_used=h(l.uint64());break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({gas_wanted:m(v.gas_wanted)?String(v.gas_wanted):"0",gas_used:m(v.gas_used)?String(v.gas_used):"0"}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.gas_wanted!==void 0&&(I.gas_wanted=v.gas_wanted),v.gas_used!==void 0&&(I.gas_used=v.gas_used),I},fromPartial(v){var I,l;const j={gas_wanted:"0",gas_used:"0"};return j.gas_wanted=(I=v.gas_wanted)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",j.gas_used=(l=v.gas_used)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"0",j}},e.Result={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){v.data.length!==0&&I.uint32(10).bytes(v.data),v.log!==""&&I.uint32(18).string(v.log);for(const l of v.events)u.Event.encode(l,I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N=s();for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.data=l.bytes();break;case 2:N.log=l.string();break;case 3:N.events.push(u.Event.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({data:m(v.data)?i(v.data):new Uint8Array,log:m(v.log)?String(v.log):"",events:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.events)?v.events.map(I=>u.Event.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.data!==void 0&&(I.data=c(v.data!==void 0?v.data:new Uint8Array)),v.log!==void 0&&(I.log=v.log),v.events?I.events=v.events.map(l=>l?u.Event.toJSON(l):void 0):I.events=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I,l,j;const N=s();return N.data=(I=v.data)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:new Uint8Array,N.log=(l=v.log)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",N.events=((j=v.events)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>u.Event.fromPartial(S)))||[],N}},e.SimulationResponse={encode:(v,I=t.Writer.create())=>(v.gas_info!==void 0&&e.GasInfo.encode(v.gas_info,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),v.result!==void 0&&e.Result.encode(v.result,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),I),decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={gas_info:void 0,result:void 0};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.gas_info=e.GasInfo.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:N.result=e.Result.decode(l,l.uint32());break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({gas_info:m(v.gas_info)?e.GasInfo.fromJSON(v.gas_info):void 0,result:m(v.result)?e.Result.fromJSON(v.result):void 0}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.gas_info!==void 0&&(I.gas_info=v.gas_info?e.GasInfo.toJSON(v.gas_info):void 0),v.result!==void 0&&(I.result=v.result?e.Result.toJSON(v.result):void 0),I},fromPartial(v){const I={gas_info:void 0,result:void 0};return I.gas_info=v.gas_info!==void 0&&v.gas_info!==null?e.GasInfo.fromPartial(v.gas_info):void 0,I.result=v.result!==void 0&&v.result!==null?e.Result.fromPartial(v.result):void 0,I}},e.MsgData={encode:(v,I=t.Writer.create())=>(v.msg_type!==""&&I.uint32(10).string(v.msg_type),v.data.length!==0&&I.uint32(18).bytes(v.data),I),decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N=r();for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.msg_type=l.string();break;case 2:N.data=l.bytes();break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({msg_type:m(v.msg_type)?String(v.msg_type):"",data:m(v.data)?i(v.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.msg_type!==void 0&&(I.msg_type=v.msg_type),v.data!==void 0&&(I.data=c(v.data!==void 0?v.data:new Uint8Array)),I},fromPartial(v){var I,l;const j=r();return j.msg_type=(I=v.msg_type)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",j.data=(l=v.data)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,j}},e.TxMsgData={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const l of v.data)e.MsgData.encode(l,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={data:[]};for(;l.pos>>3==1?N.data.push(e.MsgData.decode(l,l.uint32())):l.skipType(7&S)}return N},fromJSON:v=>({data:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.data)?v.data.map(I=>e.MsgData.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.data?I.data=v.data.map(l=>l?e.MsgData.toJSON(l):void 0):I.data=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I;const l={data:[]};return l.data=((I=v.data)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(j=>e.MsgData.fromPartial(j)))||[],l}},e.SearchTxsResult={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){v.total_count!=="0"&&I.uint32(8).uint64(v.total_count),v.count!=="0"&&I.uint32(16).uint64(v.count),v.page_number!=="0"&&I.uint32(24).uint64(v.page_number),v.page_total!=="0"&&I.uint32(32).uint64(v.page_total),v.limit!=="0"&&I.uint32(40).uint64(v.limit);for(const l of v.txs)e.TxResponse.encode(l,I.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={total_count:"0",count:"0",page_number:"0",page_total:"0",limit:"0",txs:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.total_count=h(l.uint64());break;case 2:N.count=h(l.uint64());break;case 3:N.page_number=h(l.uint64());break;case 4:N.page_total=h(l.uint64());break;case 5:N.limit=h(l.uint64());break;case 6:N.txs.push(e.TxResponse.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({total_count:m(v.total_count)?String(v.total_count):"0",count:m(v.count)?String(v.count):"0",page_number:m(v.page_number)?String(v.page_number):"0",page_total:m(v.page_total)?String(v.page_total):"0",limit:m(v.limit)?String(v.limit):"0",txs:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.txs)?v.txs.map(I=>e.TxResponse.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.total_count!==void 0&&(I.total_count=v.total_count),v.count!==void 0&&(I.count=v.count),v.page_number!==void 0&&(I.page_number=v.page_number),v.page_total!==void 0&&(I.page_total=v.page_total),v.limit!==void 0&&(I.limit=v.limit),v.txs?I.txs=v.txs.map(l=>l?e.TxResponse.toJSON(l):void 0):I.txs=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I,l,j,N,S,T;const x={total_count:"0",count:"0",page_number:"0",page_total:"0",limit:"0",txs:[]};return x.total_count=(I=v.total_count)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",x.count=(l=v.count)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"0",x.page_number=(j=v.page_number)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",x.page_total=(N=v.page_total)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"0",x.limit=(S=v.limit)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",x.txs=((T=v.txs)===null||T===void 0?void 0:T.map(k=>e.TxResponse.fromPartial(k)))||[],x}};var n=(()=>{if(n!==void 0)return n;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const o=n.atob||(v=>n.Buffer.from(v,"base64").toString("binary"));function i(v){const I=o(v),l=new Uint8Array(I.length);for(let j=0;jn.Buffer.from(v,"binary").toString("base64"));function c(v){const I=[];for(const l of v)I.push(String.fromCharCode(l));return f(I.join(""))}function h(v){return v.toString()}function m(v){return v!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2976:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return R(s,u),s},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.DecProto=e.IntProto=e.DecCoin=e.Coin=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(u){return u!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.base.v1beta1",e.Coin={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.denom!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.denom),u.amount!==""&&s.uint32(18).string(u.amount),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={denom:"",amount:""};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.denom=r.string();break;case 2:o.amount=r.string();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({denom:d(u.denom)?String(u.denom):"",amount:d(u.amount)?String(u.amount):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.denom!==void 0&&(s.denom=u.denom),u.amount!==void 0&&(s.amount=u.amount),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r;const n={denom:"",amount:""};return n.denom=(s=u.denom)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",n.amount=(r=u.amount)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",n}},e.DecCoin={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.denom!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.denom),u.amount!==""&&s.uint32(18).string(u.amount),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={denom:"",amount:""};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.denom=r.string();break;case 2:o.amount=r.string();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({denom:d(u.denom)?String(u.denom):"",amount:d(u.amount)?String(u.amount):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.denom!==void 0&&(s.denom=u.denom),u.amount!==void 0&&(s.amount=u.amount),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r;const n={denom:"",amount:""};return n.denom=(s=u.denom)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",n.amount=(r=u.amount)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",n}},e.IntProto={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.int!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.int),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={int:""};for(;r.pos>>3==1?o.int=r.string():r.skipType(7&i)}return o},fromJSON:u=>({int:d(u.int)?String(u.int):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.int!==void 0&&(s.int=u.int),s},fromPartial(u){var s;const r={int:""};return r.int=(s=u.int)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",r}},e.DecProto={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.dec!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.dec),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={dec:""};for(;r.pos>>3==1?o.dec=r.string():r.skipType(7&i)}return o},fromJSON:u=>({dec:d(u.dec)?String(u.dec):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.dec!==void 0&&(s.dec=u.dec),s},fromPartial(u){var s;const r={dec:""};return r.dec=(s=u.dec)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",r}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4489:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return R(s,u),s},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse=e.MsgVerifyInvariant=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(u){return u!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.crisis.v1beta1",e.MsgVerifyInvariant={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.sender!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.sender),u.invariant_module_name!==""&&s.uint32(18).string(u.invariant_module_name),u.invariant_route!==""&&s.uint32(26).string(u.invariant_route),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={sender:"",invariant_module_name:"",invariant_route:""};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.sender=r.string();break;case 2:o.invariant_module_name=r.string();break;case 3:o.invariant_route=r.string();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({sender:d(u.sender)?String(u.sender):"",invariant_module_name:d(u.invariant_module_name)?String(u.invariant_module_name):"",invariant_route:d(u.invariant_route)?String(u.invariant_route):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.sender!==void 0&&(s.sender=u.sender),u.invariant_module_name!==void 0&&(s.invariant_module_name=u.invariant_module_name),u.invariant_route!==void 0&&(s.invariant_route=u.invariant_route),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r,n;const o={sender:"",invariant_module_name:"",invariant_route:""};return o.sender=(s=u.sender)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",o.invariant_module_name=(r=u.invariant_module_name)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.invariant_route=(n=u.invariant_route)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>s,decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;for(;r.pos({}),toJSON:u=>({}),fromPartial:u=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(u){this.rpc=u,this.VerifyInvariant=this.VerifyInvariant.bind(this)}VerifyInvariant(u){const s=e.MsgVerifyInvariant.encode(u).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.Msg","VerifyInvariant",s).then(r=>e.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.decode(new t.Reader(r)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},7776:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return 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0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return R(s,u),s},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.LegacyAminoPubKey=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191);e.protobufPackage="cosmos.crypto.multisig",e.LegacyAminoPubKey={encode(u,s=t.Writer.create()){u.threshold!==0&&s.uint32(8).uint32(u.threshold);for(const r of u.public_keys)d.Any.encode(r,s.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return s},decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 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0&&(m=h),Object.defineProperty(f,m,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return c[h]}})}:function(f,c,h,m){m===void 0&&(m=h),f[m]=c[h]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(f,c){Object.defineProperty(f,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:c})}:function(f,c){f.default=c}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(f){if(f&&f.__esModule)return f;var c={};if(f!=null)for(var h in f)h!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f,h)&&E(c,f,h);return R(c,f),c},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(f){return f&&f.__esModule?f:{default:f}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.CompactBitArray=e.MultiSignature=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(){return{extra_bits_stored:0,elems:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.crypto.multisig.v1beta1",e.MultiSignature={encode(f,c=t.Writer.create()){for(const h of f.signatures)c.uint32(10).bytes(h);return c},decode(f,c){const h=f instanceof t.Reader?f:new t.Reader(f);let m=c===void 0?h.len:h.pos+c;const v={signatures:[]};for(;h.pos>>3==1?v.signatures.push(h.bytes()):h.skipType(7&I)}return v},fromJSON:f=>({signatures:Array.isArray(f==null?void 0:f.signatures)?f.signatures.map(c=>r(c)):[]}),toJSON(f){const c={};return f.signatures?c.signatures=f.signatures.map(h=>o(h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array)):c.signatures=[],c},fromPartial(f){var c;const h={signatures:[]};return h.signatures=((c=f.signatures)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>m))||[],h}},e.CompactBitArray={encode:(f,c=t.Writer.create())=>(f.extra_bits_stored!==0&&c.uint32(8).uint32(f.extra_bits_stored),f.elems.length!==0&&c.uint32(18).bytes(f.elems),c),decode(f,c){const h=f instanceof t.Reader?f:new t.Reader(f);let m=c===void 0?h.len:h.pos+c;const v=d();for(;h.pos>>3){case 1:v.extra_bits_stored=h.uint32();break;case 2:v.elems=h.bytes();break;default:h.skipType(7&I)}}return v},fromJSON:f=>({extra_bits_stored:i(f.extra_bits_stored)?Number(f.extra_bits_stored):0,elems:i(f.elems)?r(f.elems):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(f){const c={};return f.extra_bits_stored!==void 0&&(c.extra_bits_stored=Math.round(f.extra_bits_stored)),f.elems!==void 0&&(c.elems=o(f.elems!==void 0?f.elems:new Uint8Array)),c},fromPartial(f){var c,h;const m=d();return m.extra_bits_stored=(c=f.extra_bits_stored)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:0,m.elems=(h=f.elems)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array,m}};var u=(()=>{if(u!==void 0)return u;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const s=u.atob||(f=>u.Buffer.from(f,"base64").toString("binary"));function r(f){const c=s(f),h=new Uint8Array(c.length);for(let m=0;mu.Buffer.from(f,"binary").toString("base64"));function o(f){const c=[];for(const h of f)c.push(String.fromCharCode(h));return n(c.join(""))}function i(f){return f!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6010:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return R(h,c),h},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.PrivKey=e.PubKey=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(){return{key:new Uint8Array}}function u(){return{key:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.crypto.secp256k1",e.PubKey={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.key.length!==0&&h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I=d();for(;m.pos>>3==1?I.key=m.bytes():m.skipType(7&l)}return I},fromJSON:c=>({key:f(c.key)?n(c.key):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.key!==void 0&&(h.key=i(c.key!==void 0?c.key:new Uint8Array)),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m=d();return m.key=(h=c.key)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array,m}},e.PrivKey={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.key.length!==0&&h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I=u();for(;m.pos>>3==1?I.key=m.bytes():m.skipType(7&l)}return I},fromJSON:c=>({key:f(c.key)?n(c.key):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.key!==void 0&&(h.key=i(c.key!==void 0?c.key:new Uint8Array)),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m=u();return m.key=(h=c.key)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array,m}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const 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r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.CommunityPoolSpendProposalWithDeposit=e.DelegationDelegatorReward=e.DelegatorStartingInfo=e.CommunityPoolSpendProposal=e.FeePool=e.ValidatorSlashEvents=e.ValidatorSlashEvent=e.ValidatorOutstandingRewards=e.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission=e.ValidatorCurrentRewards=e.ValidatorHistoricalRewards=e.Params=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976);function u(r){return r.toString()}function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.distribution.v1beta1",e.Params={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.community_tax!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.community_tax),r.base_proposer_reward!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.base_proposer_reward),r.bonus_proposer_reward!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.bonus_proposer_reward),r.withdraw_addr_enabled===!0&&n.uint32(32).bool(r.withdraw_addr_enabled),r.secret_foundation_tax!==""&&n.uint32(42).string(r.secret_foundation_tax),r.secret_foundation_address!==""&&n.uint32(50).string(r.secret_foundation_address),r.minimum_restake_threshold!==""&&n.uint32(58).string(r.minimum_restake_threshold),r.restake_period!==""&&n.uint32(66).string(r.restake_period),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={community_tax:"",base_proposer_reward:"",bonus_proposer_reward:"",withdraw_addr_enabled:!1,secret_foundation_tax:"",secret_foundation_address:"",minimum_restake_threshold:"",restake_period:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.community_tax=o.string();break;case 2:f.base_proposer_reward=o.string();break;case 3:f.bonus_proposer_reward=o.string();break;case 4:f.withdraw_addr_enabled=o.bool();break;case 5:f.secret_foundation_tax=o.string();break;case 6:f.secret_foundation_address=o.string();break;case 7:f.minimum_restake_threshold=o.string();break;case 8:f.restake_period=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({community_tax:s(r.community_tax)?String(r.community_tax):"",base_proposer_reward:s(r.base_proposer_reward)?String(r.base_proposer_reward):"",bonus_proposer_reward:s(r.bonus_proposer_reward)?String(r.bonus_proposer_reward):"",withdraw_addr_enabled:!!s(r.withdraw_addr_enabled)&&!!r.withdraw_addr_enabled,secret_foundation_tax:s(r.secret_foundation_tax)?String(r.secret_foundation_tax):"",secret_foundation_address:s(r.secret_foundation_address)?String(r.secret_foundation_address):"",minimum_restake_threshold:s(r.minimum_restake_threshold)?String(r.minimum_restake_threshold):"",restake_period:s(r.restake_period)?String(r.restake_period):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.community_tax!==void 0&&(n.community_tax=r.community_tax),r.base_proposer_reward!==void 0&&(n.base_proposer_reward=r.base_proposer_reward),r.bonus_proposer_reward!==void 0&&(n.bonus_proposer_reward=r.bonus_proposer_reward),r.withdraw_addr_enabled!==void 0&&(n.withdraw_addr_enabled=r.withdraw_addr_enabled),r.secret_foundation_tax!==void 0&&(n.secret_foundation_tax=r.secret_foundation_tax),r.secret_foundation_address!==void 0&&(n.secret_foundation_address=r.secret_foundation_address),r.minimum_restake_threshold!==void 0&&(n.minimum_restake_threshold=r.minimum_restake_threshold),r.restake_period!==void 0&&(n.restake_period=r.restake_period),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f,c,h,m,v;const I={community_tax:"",base_proposer_reward:"",bonus_proposer_reward:"",withdraw_addr_enabled:!1,secret_foundation_tax:"",secret_foundation_address:"",minimum_restake_threshold:"",restake_period:""};return I.community_tax=(n=r.community_tax)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",I.base_proposer_reward=(o=r.base_proposer_reward)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",I.bonus_proposer_reward=(i=r.bonus_proposer_reward)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",I.withdraw_addr_enabled=(f=r.withdraw_addr_enabled)!==null&&f!==void 0&&f,I.secret_foundation_tax=(c=r.secret_foundation_tax)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",I.secret_foundation_address=(h=r.secret_foundation_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",I.minimum_restake_threshold=(m=r.minimum_restake_threshold)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",I.restake_period=(v=r.restake_period)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",I}},e.ValidatorHistoricalRewards={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.cumulative_reward_ratio)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return r.reference_count!==0&&n.uint32(16).uint32(r.reference_count),n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={cumulative_reward_ratio:[],reference_count:0};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.cumulative_reward_ratio.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.reference_count=o.uint32();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({cumulative_reward_ratio:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.cumulative_reward_ratio)?r.cumulative_reward_ratio.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[],reference_count:s(r.reference_count)?Number(r.reference_count):0}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.cumulative_reward_ratio?n.cumulative_reward_ratio=r.cumulative_reward_ratio.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.cumulative_reward_ratio=[],r.reference_count!==void 0&&(n.reference_count=Math.round(r.reference_count)),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={cumulative_reward_ratio:[],reference_count:0};return i.cumulative_reward_ratio=((n=r.cumulative_reward_ratio)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(f=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(f)))||[],i.reference_count=(o=r.reference_count)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:0,i}},e.ValidatorCurrentRewards={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.rewards)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return r.period!=="0"&&n.uint32(16).uint64(r.period),n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={rewards:[],period:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.rewards.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.period=u(o.uint64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({rewards:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.rewards)?r.rewards.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[],period:s(r.period)?String(r.period):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.rewards?n.rewards=r.rewards.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.rewards=[],r.period!==void 0&&(n.period=r.period),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={rewards:[],period:"0"};return i.rewards=((n=r.rewards)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(f=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(f)))||[],i.period=(o=r.period)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},e.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.commission)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={commission:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.commission.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({commission:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.commission)?r.commission.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.commission?n.commission=r.commission.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.commission=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={commission:[]};return o.commission=((n=r.commission)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.ValidatorOutstandingRewards={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.rewards)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={rewards:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.rewards.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({rewards:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.rewards)?r.rewards.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.rewards?n.rewards=r.rewards.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.rewards=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={rewards:[]};return o.rewards=((n=r.rewards)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.ValidatorSlashEvent={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.validator_period!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).uint64(r.validator_period),r.fraction!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.fraction),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={validator_period:"0",fraction:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.validator_period=u(o.uint64());break;case 2:f.fraction=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({validator_period:s(r.validator_period)?String(r.validator_period):"0",fraction:s(r.fraction)?String(r.fraction):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.validator_period!==void 0&&(n.validator_period=r.validator_period),r.fraction!==void 0&&(n.fraction=r.fraction),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={validator_period:"0",fraction:""};return i.validator_period=(n=r.validator_period)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",i.fraction=(o=r.fraction)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",i}},e.ValidatorSlashEvents={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.validator_slash_events)e.ValidatorSlashEvent.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={validator_slash_events:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.validator_slash_events.push(e.ValidatorSlashEvent.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({validator_slash_events:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.validator_slash_events)?r.validator_slash_events.map(n=>e.ValidatorSlashEvent.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.validator_slash_events?n.validator_slash_events=r.validator_slash_events.map(o=>o?e.ValidatorSlashEvent.toJSON(o):void 0):n.validator_slash_events=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={validator_slash_events:[]};return o.validator_slash_events=((n=r.validator_slash_events)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.ValidatorSlashEvent.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.FeePool={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.community_pool)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={community_pool:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.community_pool.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({community_pool:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.community_pool)?r.community_pool.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.community_pool?n.community_pool=r.community_pool.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.community_pool=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={community_pool:[]};return o.community_pool=((n=r.community_pool)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.CommunityPoolSpendProposal={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.title!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.title),r.description!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.description),r.recipient!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.recipient);for(const o of r.amount)d.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.title=o.string();break;case 2:f.description=o.string();break;case 3:f.recipient=o.string();break;case 4:f.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({title:s(r.title)?String(r.title):"",description:s(r.description)?String(r.description):"",recipient:s(r.recipient)?String(r.recipient):"",amount:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.amount)?r.amount.map(n=>d.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.title!==void 0&&(n.title=r.title),r.description!==void 0&&(n.description=r.description),r.recipient!==void 0&&(n.recipient=r.recipient),r.amount?n.amount=r.amount.map(o=>o?d.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.amount=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:[]};return c.title=(n=r.title)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.description=(o=r.description)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.recipient=(i=r.recipient)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.amount=((f=r.amount)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>d.Coin.fromPartial(h)))||[],c}},e.DelegatorStartingInfo={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.previous_period!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).uint64(r.previous_period),r.stake!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.stake),r.height!=="0"&&n.uint32(24).uint64(r.height),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={previous_period:"0",stake:"",height:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.previous_period=u(o.uint64());break;case 2:f.stake=o.string();break;case 3:f.height=u(o.uint64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({previous_period:s(r.previous_period)?String(r.previous_period):"0",stake:s(r.stake)?String(r.stake):"",height:s(r.height)?String(r.height):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.previous_period!==void 0&&(n.previous_period=r.previous_period),r.stake!==void 0&&(n.stake=r.stake),r.height!==void 0&&(n.height=r.height),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={previous_period:"0",stake:"",height:"0"};return f.previous_period=(n=r.previous_period)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",f.stake=(o=r.stake)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",f.height=(i=r.height)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",f}},e.DelegationDelegatorReward={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.validator_address!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.validator_address);for(const o of r.reward)d.DecCoin.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={validator_address:"",reward:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.validator_address=o.string();break;case 2:f.reward.push(d.DecCoin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({validator_address:s(r.validator_address)?String(r.validator_address):"",reward:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.reward)?r.reward.map(n=>d.DecCoin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.validator_address!==void 0&&(n.validator_address=r.validator_address),r.reward?n.reward=r.reward.map(o=>o?d.DecCoin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.reward=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={validator_address:"",reward:[]};return i.validator_address=(n=r.validator_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",i.reward=((o=r.reward)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>d.DecCoin.fromPartial(f)))||[],i}},e.CommunityPoolSpendProposalWithDeposit={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.title!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.title),r.description!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.description),r.recipient!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.recipient),r.amount!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.amount),r.deposit!==""&&n.uint32(42).string(r.deposit),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:"",deposit:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.title=o.string();break;case 2:f.description=o.string();break;case 3:f.recipient=o.string();break;case 4:f.amount=o.string();break;case 5:f.deposit=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({title:s(r.title)?String(r.title):"",description:s(r.description)?String(r.description):"",recipient:s(r.recipient)?String(r.recipient):"",amount:s(r.amount)?String(r.amount):"",deposit:s(r.deposit)?String(r.deposit):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.title!==void 0&&(n.title=r.title),r.description!==void 0&&(n.description=r.description),r.recipient!==void 0&&(n.recipient=r.recipient),r.amount!==void 0&&(n.amount=r.amount),r.deposit!==void 0&&(n.deposit=r.deposit),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f,c;const h={title:"",description:"",recipient:"",amount:"",deposit:""};return h.title=(n=r.title)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",h.description=(o=r.description)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",h.recipient=(i=r.recipient)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",h.amount=(f=r.amount)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.deposit=(c=r.deposit)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4301:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return R(r,s),r},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgFundCommunityPoolResponse=e.MsgFundCommunityPool=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddressResponse=e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse=e.MsgSetAutoRestake=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.distribution.v1beta1",e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.delegator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.delegator_address),s.withdraw_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.withdraw_address),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={delegator_address:"",withdraw_address:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.delegator_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.withdraw_address=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({delegator_address:u(s.delegator_address)?String(s.delegator_address):"",withdraw_address:u(s.withdraw_address)?String(s.withdraw_address):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.delegator_address!==void 0&&(r.delegator_address=s.delegator_address),s.withdraw_address!==void 0&&(r.withdraw_address=s.withdraw_address),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={delegator_address:"",withdraw_address:""};return o.delegator_address=(r=s.delegator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.withdraw_address=(n=s.withdraw_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgSetAutoRestake={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.delegator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.validator_address),s.enabled===!0&&r.uint32(24).bool(s.enabled),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",enabled:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.delegator_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.validator_address=n.string();break;case 3:i.enabled=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({delegator_address:u(s.delegator_address)?String(s.delegator_address):"",validator_address:u(s.validator_address)?String(s.validator_address):"",enabled:!!u(s.enabled)&&!!s.enabled}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.delegator_address!==void 0&&(r.delegator_address=s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==void 0&&(r.validator_address=s.validator_address),s.enabled!==void 0&&(r.enabled=s.enabled),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o;const i={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",enabled:!1};return i.delegator_address=(r=s.delegator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",i.validator_address=(n=s.validator_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",i.enabled=(o=s.enabled)!==null&&o!==void 0&&o,i}},e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgSetWithdrawAddressResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.delegator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.validator_address),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.delegator_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.validator_address=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({delegator_address:u(s.delegator_address)?String(s.delegator_address):"",validator_address:u(s.validator_address)?String(s.validator_address):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.delegator_address!==void 0&&(r.delegator_address=s.delegator_address),s.validator_address!==void 0&&(r.validator_address=s.validator_address),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};return o.delegator_address=(r=s.delegator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.validator_address=(n=s.validator_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.validator_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.validator_address),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={validator_address:""};for(;n.pos>>3==1?i.validator_address=n.string():n.skipType(7&f)}return i},fromJSON:s=>({validator_address:u(s.validator_address)?String(s.validator_address):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.validator_address!==void 0&&(r.validator_address=s.validator_address),r},fromPartial(s){var r;const n={validator_address:""};return n.validator_address=(r=s.validator_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",n}},e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgFundCommunityPool={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){for(const n of s.amount)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return s.depositor!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.depositor),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={amount:[],depositor:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 2:i.depositor=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({amount:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.amount)?s.amount.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[],depositor:u(s.depositor)?String(s.depositor):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.amount?r.amount=s.amount.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.amount=[],s.depositor!==void 0&&(r.depositor=s.depositor),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={amount:[],depositor:""};return o.amount=((r=s.amount)===null||r===void 0?void 0:r.map(i=>d.Coin.fromPartial(i)))||[],o.depositor=(n=s.depositor)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgFundCommunityPoolResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(s){this.rpc=s,this.SetWithdrawAddress=this.SetWithdrawAddress.bind(this),this.WithdrawDelegatorReward=this.WithdrawDelegatorReward.bind(this),this.WithdrawValidatorCommission=this.WithdrawValidatorCommission.bind(this),this.FundCommunityPool=this.FundCommunityPool.bind(this),this.SetAutoRestake=this.SetAutoRestake.bind(this)}SetWithdrawAddress(s){const r=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","SetWithdrawAddress",r).then(n=>e.MsgSetWithdrawAddressResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}WithdrawDelegatorReward(s){const r=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","WithdrawDelegatorReward",r).then(n=>e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}WithdrawValidatorCommission(s){const r=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","WithdrawValidatorCommission",r).then(n=>e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}FundCommunityPool(s){const r=e.MsgFundCommunityPool.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","FundCommunityPool",r).then(n=>e.MsgFundCommunityPoolResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}SetAutoRestake(s){const r=e.MsgSetAutoRestake.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg","SetAutoRestake",r).then(n=>e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},3676:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(f,c,h,m){m===void 0&&(m=h),Object.defineProperty(f,m,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return c[h]}})}:function(f,c,h,m){m===void 0&&(m=h),f[m]=c[h]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(f,c){Object.defineProperty(f,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:c})}:function(f,c){f.default=c}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(f){if(f&&f.__esModule)return f;var c={};if(f!=null)for(var h in f)h!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f,h)&&E(c,f,h);return R(c,f),c},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(f){return f&&f.__esModule?f:{default:f}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgSubmitEvidenceResponse=e.MsgSubmitEvidence=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191);function u(){return{hash:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.evidence.v1beta1",e.MsgSubmitEvidence={encode:(f,c=t.Writer.create())=>(f.submitter!==""&&c.uint32(10).string(f.submitter),f.evidence!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(f.evidence,c.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c),decode(f,c){const h=f instanceof t.Reader?f:new t.Reader(f);let m=c===void 0?h.len:h.pos+c;const v={submitter:"",evidence:void 0};for(;h.pos>>3){case 1:v.submitter=h.string();break;case 2:v.evidence=d.Any.decode(h,h.uint32());break;default:h.skipType(7&I)}}return v},fromJSON:f=>({submitter:i(f.submitter)?String(f.submitter):"",evidence:i(f.evidence)?d.Any.fromJSON(f.evidence):void 0}),toJSON(f){const c={};return f.submitter!==void 0&&(c.submitter=f.submitter),f.evidence!==void 0&&(c.evidence=f.evidence?d.Any.toJSON(f.evidence):void 0),c},fromPartial(f){var c;const h={submitter:"",evidence:void 0};return h.submitter=(c=f.submitter)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.evidence=f.evidence!==void 0&&f.evidence!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(f.evidence):void 0,h}},e.MsgSubmitEvidenceResponse={encode:(f,c=t.Writer.create())=>(f.hash.length!==0&&c.uint32(34).bytes(f.hash),c),decode(f,c){const h=f instanceof t.Reader?f:new t.Reader(f);let m=c===void 0?h.len:h.pos+c;const v=u();for(;h.pos>>3==4?v.hash=h.bytes():h.skipType(7&I)}return v},fromJSON:f=>({hash:i(f.hash)?n(f.hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(f){const c={};return f.hash!==void 0&&(c.hash=function(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return o(m.join(""))}(f.hash!==void 0?f.hash:new Uint8Array)),c},fromPartial(f){var c;const h=u();return h.hash=(c=f.hash)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:new Uint8Array,h}},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(f){this.rpc=f,this.SubmitEvidence=this.SubmitEvidence.bind(this)}SubmitEvidence(f){const c=e.MsgSubmitEvidence.encode(f).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.Msg","SubmitEvidence",c).then(h=>e.MsgSubmitEvidenceResponse.decode(new t.Reader(h)))}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof 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c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Grant=e.AllowedMsgAllowance=e.PeriodicAllowance=e.BasicAllowance=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(5090),u=y(6138),s=y(4191),r=y(2976);function n(c){return{seconds:Math.trunc(c.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:c.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function o(c){let h=1e3*Number(c.seconds);return h+=c.nanos/1e6,new Date(h)}function i(c){return c instanceof Date?n(c):typeof c=="string"?n(new Date(c)):d.Timestamp.fromJSON(c)}function f(c){return c!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1",e.BasicAllowance={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){for(const m of c.spend_limit)r.Coin.encode(m,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return c.expiration!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(c.expiration,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={spend_limit:[],expiration:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 2:I.expiration=d.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({spend_limit:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.spend_limit)?c.spend_limit.map(h=>r.Coin.fromJSON(h)):[],expiration:f(c.expiration)?i(c.expiration):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.spend_limit?h.spend_limit=c.spend_limit.map(m=>m?r.Coin.toJSON(m):void 0):h.spend_limit=[],c.expiration!==void 0&&(h.expiration=o(c.expiration).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={spend_limit:[],expiration:void 0};return m.spend_limit=((h=c.spend_limit)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(v=>r.Coin.fromPartial(v)))||[],m.expiration=c.expiration!==void 0&&c.expiration!==null?d.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.expiration):void 0,m}},e.PeriodicAllowance={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){c.basic!==void 0&&e.BasicAllowance.encode(c.basic,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.period!==void 0&&u.Duration.encode(c.period,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const m of c.period_spend_limit)r.Coin.encode(m,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const m of c.period_can_spend)r.Coin.encode(m,h.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return c.period_reset!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(c.period_reset,h.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={basic:void 0,period:void 0,period_spend_limit:[],period_can_spend:[],period_reset:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.basic=e.BasicAllowance.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:I.period=u.Duration.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.period_spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 4:I.period_can_spend.push(r.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 5:I.period_reset=d.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({basic:f(c.basic)?e.BasicAllowance.fromJSON(c.basic):void 0,period:f(c.period)?u.Duration.fromJSON(c.period):void 0,period_spend_limit:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.period_spend_limit)?c.period_spend_limit.map(h=>r.Coin.fromJSON(h)):[],period_can_spend:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.period_can_spend)?c.period_can_spend.map(h=>r.Coin.fromJSON(h)):[],period_reset:f(c.period_reset)?i(c.period_reset):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.basic!==void 0&&(h.basic=c.basic?e.BasicAllowance.toJSON(c.basic):void 0),c.period!==void 0&&(h.period=c.period?u.Duration.toJSON(c.period):void 0),c.period_spend_limit?h.period_spend_limit=c.period_spend_limit.map(m=>m?r.Coin.toJSON(m):void 0):h.period_spend_limit=[],c.period_can_spend?h.period_can_spend=c.period_can_spend.map(m=>m?r.Coin.toJSON(m):void 0):h.period_can_spend=[],c.period_reset!==void 0&&(h.period_reset=o(c.period_reset).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={basic:void 0,period:void 0,period_spend_limit:[],period_can_spend:[],period_reset:void 0};return v.basic=c.basic!==void 0&&c.basic!==null?e.BasicAllowance.fromPartial(c.basic):void 0,v.period=c.period!==void 0&&c.period!==null?u.Duration.fromPartial(c.period):void 0,v.period_spend_limit=((h=c.period_spend_limit)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(I=>r.Coin.fromPartial(I)))||[],v.period_can_spend=((m=c.period_can_spend)===null||m===void 0?void 0:m.map(I=>r.Coin.fromPartial(I)))||[],v.period_reset=c.period_reset!==void 0&&c.period_reset!==null?d.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.period_reset):void 0,v}},e.AllowedMsgAllowance={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){c.allowance!==void 0&&s.Any.encode(c.allowance,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const m of c.allowed_messages)h.uint32(18).string(m);return h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={allowance:void 0,allowed_messages:[]};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.allowance=s.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:I.allowed_messages.push(m.string());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({allowance:f(c.allowance)?s.Any.fromJSON(c.allowance):void 0,allowed_messages:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.allowed_messages)?c.allowed_messages.map(h=>String(h)):[]}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.allowance!==void 0&&(h.allowance=c.allowance?s.Any.toJSON(c.allowance):void 0),c.allowed_messages?h.allowed_messages=c.allowed_messages.map(m=>m):h.allowed_messages=[],h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={allowance:void 0,allowed_messages:[]};return m.allowance=c.allowance!==void 0&&c.allowance!==null?s.Any.fromPartial(c.allowance):void 0,m.allowed_messages=((h=c.allowed_messages)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(v=>v))||[],m}},e.Grant={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.granter!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.granter),c.grantee!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.grantee),c.allowance!==void 0&&s.Any.encode(c.allowance,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.granter=m.string();break;case 2:I.grantee=m.string();break;case 3:I.allowance=s.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({granter:f(c.granter)?String(c.granter):"",grantee:f(c.grantee)?String(c.grantee):"",allowance:f(c.allowance)?s.Any.fromJSON(c.allowance):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.granter!==void 0&&(h.granter=c.granter),c.grantee!==void 0&&(h.grantee=c.grantee),c.allowance!==void 0&&(h.allowance=c.allowance?s.Any.toJSON(c.allowance):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};return v.granter=(h=c.granter)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.grantee=(m=c.grantee)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v.allowance=c.allowance!==void 0&&c.allowance!==null?s.Any.fromPartial(c.allowance):void 0,v}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6513:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return R(r,s),r},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse=e.MsgRevokeAllowance=e.MsgGrantAllowanceResponse=e.MsgGrantAllowance=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1",e.MsgGrantAllowance={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.granter!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.granter),s.grantee!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.grantee),s.allowance!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(s.allowance,r.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.granter=n.string();break;case 2:i.grantee=n.string();break;case 3:i.allowance=d.Any.decode(n,n.uint32());break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({granter:u(s.granter)?String(s.granter):"",grantee:u(s.grantee)?String(s.grantee):"",allowance:u(s.allowance)?d.Any.fromJSON(s.allowance):void 0}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.granter!==void 0&&(r.granter=s.granter),s.grantee!==void 0&&(r.grantee=s.grantee),s.allowance!==void 0&&(r.allowance=s.allowance?d.Any.toJSON(s.allowance):void 0),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={granter:"",grantee:"",allowance:void 0};return o.granter=(r=s.granter)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.grantee=(n=s.grantee)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o.allowance=s.allowance!==void 0&&s.allowance!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(s.allowance):void 0,o}},e.MsgGrantAllowanceResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgRevokeAllowance={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.granter!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.granter),s.grantee!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.grantee),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={granter:"",grantee:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.granter=n.string();break;case 2:i.grantee=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({granter:u(s.granter)?String(s.granter):"",grantee:u(s.grantee)?String(s.grantee):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.granter!==void 0&&(r.granter=s.granter),s.grantee!==void 0&&(r.grantee=s.grantee),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={granter:"",grantee:""};return o.granter=(r=s.granter)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.grantee=(n=s.grantee)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(s){this.rpc=s,this.GrantAllowance=this.GrantAllowance.bind(this),this.RevokeAllowance=this.RevokeAllowance.bind(this)}GrantAllowance(s){const r=e.MsgGrantAllowance.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.Msg","GrantAllowance",r).then(n=>e.MsgGrantAllowanceResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}RevokeAllowance(s){const r=e.MsgRevokeAllowance.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.Msg","RevokeAllowance",r).then(n=>e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9074:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(p,P,B,C){C===void 0&&(C=B),Object.defineProperty(p,C,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return P[B]}})}:function(p,P,B,C){C===void 0&&(C=B),p[C]=P[B]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(p,P){Object.defineProperty(p,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:P})}:function(p,P){p.default=P}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(p){if(p&&p.__esModule)return p;var P={};if(p!=null)for(var B in p)B!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p,B)&&E(P,p,B);return R(P,p),P},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(p){return p&&p.__esModule?p:{default:p}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TallyParams=e.VotingParams=e.DepositParams=e.Vote=e.TallyResult=e.Proposal=e.Deposit=e.TextProposal=e.WeightedVoteOption=e.proposalStatusToJSON=e.proposalStatusFromJSON=e.ProposalStatus=e.voteOptionToJSON=e.voteOptionFromJSON=e.VoteOption=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191),u=y(5090),s=y(6138),r=y(2976);var n,o;function i(p){switch(p){case 0:case"VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED":return n.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"VOTE_OPTION_YES":return n.VOTE_OPTION_YES;case 2:case"VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN":return n.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN;case 3:case"VOTE_OPTION_NO":return n.VOTE_OPTION_NO;case 4:case"VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO":return n.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO;default:return n.UNRECOGNIZED}}function f(p){switch(p){case n.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED:return"VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED";case n.VOTE_OPTION_YES:return"VOTE_OPTION_YES";case n.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN:return"VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN";case n.VOTE_OPTION_NO:return"VOTE_OPTION_NO";case n.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO:return"VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function c(p){switch(p){case 0:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD;case 2:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD;case 3:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED;case 4:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED;case 5:case"PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED":return o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function h(p){switch(p){case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED";case o.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED:return"PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function m(){return{quorum:new Uint8Array,threshold:new Uint8Array,veto_threshold:new Uint8Array,expedited_threshold:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.gov.v1beta1",function(p){p[p.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED=0]="VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_YES=1]="VOTE_OPTION_YES",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN=2]="VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_NO=3]="VOTE_OPTION_NO",p[p.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO=4]="VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO",p[p.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(n=e.VoteOption||(e.VoteOption={})),e.voteOptionFromJSON=i,e.voteOptionToJSON=f,function(p){p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED=0]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD=1]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD=2]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED=3]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED=4]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED",p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED=5]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED",p[p.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(o=e.ProposalStatus||(e.ProposalStatus={})),e.proposalStatusFromJSON=c,e.proposalStatusToJSON=h,e.WeightedVoteOption={encode:(p,P=t.Writer.create())=>(p.option!==0&&P.uint32(8).int32(p.option),p.weight!==""&&P.uint32(18).string(p.weight),P),decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={option:0,weight:""};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.option=B.int32();break;case 2:L.weight=B.string();break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({option:b(p.option)?i(p.option):0,weight:b(p.weight)?String(p.weight):""}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.option!==void 0&&(P.option=f(p.option)),p.weight!==void 0&&(P.weight=p.weight),P},fromPartial(p){var P,B;const C={option:0,weight:""};return C.option=(P=p.option)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:0,C.weight=(B=p.weight)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",C}},e.TextProposal={encode:(p,P=t.Writer.create())=>(p.title!==""&&P.uint32(10).string(p.title),p.description!==""&&P.uint32(18).string(p.description),P),decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={title:"",description:""};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.title=B.string();break;case 2:L.description=B.string();break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({title:b(p.title)?String(p.title):"",description:b(p.description)?String(p.description):""}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.title!==void 0&&(P.title=p.title),p.description!==void 0&&(P.description=p.description),P},fromPartial(p){var P,B;const C={title:"",description:""};return C.title=(P=p.title)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",C.description=(B=p.description)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",C}},e.Deposit={encode(p,P=t.Writer.create()){p.proposal_id!=="0"&&P.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id),p.depositor!==""&&P.uint32(18).string(p.depositor);for(const B of p.amount)r.Coin.encode(B,P.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return P},decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.proposal_id=k(B.uint64());break;case 2:L.depositor=B.string();break;case 3:L.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(B,B.uint32()));break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({proposal_id:b(p.proposal_id)?String(p.proposal_id):"0",depositor:b(p.depositor)?String(p.depositor):"",amount:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.amount)?p.amount.map(P=>r.Coin.fromJSON(P)):[]}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.proposal_id!==void 0&&(P.proposal_id=p.proposal_id),p.depositor!==void 0&&(P.depositor=p.depositor),p.amount?P.amount=p.amount.map(B=>B?r.Coin.toJSON(B):void 0):P.amount=[],P},fromPartial(p){var P,B,C;const L={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};return L.proposal_id=(P=p.proposal_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"0",L.depositor=(B=p.depositor)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",L.amount=((C=p.amount)===null||C===void 0?void 0:C.map(re=>r.Coin.fromPartial(re)))||[],L}},e.Proposal={encode(p,P=t.Writer.create()){p.proposal_id!=="0"&&P.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id),p.content!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(p.content,P.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),p.status!==0&&P.uint32(24).int32(p.status),p.final_tally_result!==void 0&&e.TallyResult.encode(p.final_tally_result,P.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),p.submit_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.submit_time,P.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),p.deposit_end_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.deposit_end_time,P.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();for(const B of p.total_deposit)r.Coin.encode(B,P.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();return p.voting_start_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_start_time,P.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(),p.voting_end_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_end_time,P.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),p.is_expedited===!0&&P.uint32(80).bool(p.is_expedited),P},decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={proposal_id:"0",content:void 0,status:0,final_tally_result:void 0,submit_time:void 0,deposit_end_time:void 0,total_deposit:[],voting_start_time:void 0,voting_end_time:void 0,is_expedited:!1};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.proposal_id=k(B.uint64());break;case 2:L.content=d.Any.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 3:L.status=B.int32();break;case 4:L.final_tally_result=e.TallyResult.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 5:L.submit_time=u.Timestamp.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 6:L.deposit_end_time=u.Timestamp.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 7:L.total_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(B,B.uint32()));break;case 8:L.voting_start_time=u.Timestamp.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 9:L.voting_end_time=u.Timestamp.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 10:L.is_expedited=B.bool();break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({proposal_id:b(p.proposal_id)?String(p.proposal_id):"0",content:b(p.content)?d.Any.fromJSON(p.content):void 0,status:b(p.status)?c(p.status):0,final_tally_result:b(p.final_tally_result)?e.TallyResult.fromJSON(p.final_tally_result):void 0,submit_time:b(p.submit_time)?x(p.submit_time):void 0,deposit_end_time:b(p.deposit_end_time)?x(p.deposit_end_time):void 0,total_deposit:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.total_deposit)?p.total_deposit.map(P=>r.Coin.fromJSON(P)):[],voting_start_time:b(p.voting_start_time)?x(p.voting_start_time):void 0,voting_end_time:b(p.voting_end_time)?x(p.voting_end_time):void 0,is_expedited:!!b(p.is_expedited)&&!!p.is_expedited}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.proposal_id!==void 0&&(P.proposal_id=p.proposal_id),p.content!==void 0&&(P.content=p.content?d.Any.toJSON(p.content):void 0),p.status!==void 0&&(P.status=h(p.status)),p.final_tally_result!==void 0&&(P.final_tally_result=p.final_tally_result?e.TallyResult.toJSON(p.final_tally_result):void 0),p.submit_time!==void 0&&(P.submit_time=T(p.submit_time).toISOString()),p.deposit_end_time!==void 0&&(P.deposit_end_time=T(p.deposit_end_time).toISOString()),p.total_deposit?P.total_deposit=p.total_deposit.map(B=>B?r.Coin.toJSON(B):void 0):P.total_deposit=[],p.voting_start_time!==void 0&&(P.voting_start_time=T(p.voting_start_time).toISOString()),p.voting_end_time!==void 0&&(P.voting_end_time=T(p.voting_end_time).toISOString()),p.is_expedited!==void 0&&(P.is_expedited=p.is_expedited),P},fromPartial(p){var P,B,C,L;const re={proposal_id:"0",content:void 0,status:0,final_tally_result:void 0,submit_time:void 0,deposit_end_time:void 0,total_deposit:[],voting_start_time:void 0,voting_end_time:void 0,is_expedited:!1};return re.proposal_id=(P=p.proposal_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"0",re.content=p.content!==void 0&&p.content!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(p.content):void 0,re.status=(B=p.status)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:0,re.final_tally_result=p.final_tally_result!==void 0&&p.final_tally_result!==null?e.TallyResult.fromPartial(p.final_tally_result):void 0,re.submit_time=p.submit_time!==void 0&&p.submit_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.submit_time):void 0,re.deposit_end_time=p.deposit_end_time!==void 0&&p.deposit_end_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.deposit_end_time):void 0,re.total_deposit=((C=p.total_deposit)===null||C===void 0?void 0:C.map(ee=>r.Coin.fromPartial(ee)))||[],re.voting_start_time=p.voting_start_time!==void 0&&p.voting_start_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_start_time):void 0,re.voting_end_time=p.voting_end_time!==void 0&&p.voting_end_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_end_time):void 0,re.is_expedited=(L=p.is_expedited)!==null&&L!==void 0&&L,re}},e.TallyResult={encode:(p,P=t.Writer.create())=>(p.yes!==""&&P.uint32(10).string(p.yes),p.abstain!==""&&P.uint32(18).string(p.abstain),p.no!==""&&P.uint32(26).string(p.no),p.no_with_veto!==""&&P.uint32(34).string(p.no_with_veto),P),decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={yes:"",abstain:"",no:"",no_with_veto:""};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.yes=B.string();break;case 2:L.abstain=B.string();break;case 3:L.no=B.string();break;case 4:L.no_with_veto=B.string();break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({yes:b(p.yes)?String(p.yes):"",abstain:b(p.abstain)?String(p.abstain):"",no:b(p.no)?String(p.no):"",no_with_veto:b(p.no_with_veto)?String(p.no_with_veto):""}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.yes!==void 0&&(P.yes=p.yes),p.abstain!==void 0&&(P.abstain=p.abstain),p.no!==void 0&&(P.no=p.no),p.no_with_veto!==void 0&&(P.no_with_veto=p.no_with_veto),P},fromPartial(p){var P,B,C,L;const re={yes:"",abstain:"",no:"",no_with_veto:""};return re.yes=(P=p.yes)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",re.abstain=(B=p.abstain)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",re.no=(C=p.no)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",re.no_with_veto=(L=p.no_with_veto)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:"",re}},e.Vote={encode(p,P=t.Writer.create()){p.proposal_id!=="0"&&P.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id),p.voter!==""&&P.uint32(18).string(p.voter),p.option!==0&&P.uint32(24).int32(p.option);for(const B of p.options)e.WeightedVoteOption.encode(B,P.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return P},decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0,options:[]};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.proposal_id=k(B.uint64());break;case 2:L.voter=B.string();break;case 3:L.option=B.int32();break;case 4:L.options.push(e.WeightedVoteOption.decode(B,B.uint32()));break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({proposal_id:b(p.proposal_id)?String(p.proposal_id):"0",voter:b(p.voter)?String(p.voter):"",option:b(p.option)?i(p.option):0,options:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.options)?p.options.map(P=>e.WeightedVoteOption.fromJSON(P)):[]}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.proposal_id!==void 0&&(P.proposal_id=p.proposal_id),p.voter!==void 0&&(P.voter=p.voter),p.option!==void 0&&(P.option=f(p.option)),p.options?P.options=p.options.map(B=>B?e.WeightedVoteOption.toJSON(B):void 0):P.options=[],P},fromPartial(p){var P,B,C,L;const re={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0,options:[]};return re.proposal_id=(P=p.proposal_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"0",re.voter=(B=p.voter)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",re.option=(C=p.option)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:0,re.options=((L=p.options)===null||L===void 0?void 0:L.map(ee=>e.WeightedVoteOption.fromPartial(ee)))||[],re}},e.DepositParams={encode(p,P=t.Writer.create()){for(const B of p.min_deposit)r.Coin.encode(B,P.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();p.max_deposit_period!==void 0&&s.Duration.encode(p.max_deposit_period,P.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const B of p.min_expedited_deposit)r.Coin.encode(B,P.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return P},decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={min_deposit:[],max_deposit_period:void 0,min_expedited_deposit:[]};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.min_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(B,B.uint32()));break;case 2:L.max_deposit_period=s.Duration.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 3:L.min_expedited_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(B,B.uint32()));break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({min_deposit:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.min_deposit)?p.min_deposit.map(P=>r.Coin.fromJSON(P)):[],max_deposit_period:b(p.max_deposit_period)?s.Duration.fromJSON(p.max_deposit_period):void 0,min_expedited_deposit:Array.isArray(p==null?void 0:p.min_expedited_deposit)?p.min_expedited_deposit.map(P=>r.Coin.fromJSON(P)):[]}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.min_deposit?P.min_deposit=p.min_deposit.map(B=>B?r.Coin.toJSON(B):void 0):P.min_deposit=[],p.max_deposit_period!==void 0&&(P.max_deposit_period=p.max_deposit_period?s.Duration.toJSON(p.max_deposit_period):void 0),p.min_expedited_deposit?P.min_expedited_deposit=p.min_expedited_deposit.map(B=>B?r.Coin.toJSON(B):void 0):P.min_expedited_deposit=[],P},fromPartial(p){var P,B;const C={min_deposit:[],max_deposit_period:void 0,min_expedited_deposit:[]};return C.min_deposit=((P=p.min_deposit)===null||P===void 0?void 0:P.map(L=>r.Coin.fromPartial(L)))||[],C.max_deposit_period=p.max_deposit_period!==void 0&&p.max_deposit_period!==null?s.Duration.fromPartial(p.max_deposit_period):void 0,C.min_expedited_deposit=((B=p.min_expedited_deposit)===null||B===void 0?void 0:B.map(L=>r.Coin.fromPartial(L)))||[],C}},e.VotingParams={encode:(p,P=t.Writer.create())=>(p.voting_period!==void 0&&s.Duration.encode(p.voting_period,P.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),p.expedited_voting_period!==void 0&&s.Duration.encode(p.expedited_voting_period,P.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),P),decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L={voting_period:void 0,expedited_voting_period:void 0};for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.voting_period=s.Duration.decode(B,B.uint32());break;case 3:L.expedited_voting_period=s.Duration.decode(B,B.uint32());break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({voting_period:b(p.voting_period)?s.Duration.fromJSON(p.voting_period):void 0,expedited_voting_period:b(p.expedited_voting_period)?s.Duration.fromJSON(p.expedited_voting_period):void 0}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.voting_period!==void 0&&(P.voting_period=p.voting_period?s.Duration.toJSON(p.voting_period):void 0),p.expedited_voting_period!==void 0&&(P.expedited_voting_period=p.expedited_voting_period?s.Duration.toJSON(p.expedited_voting_period):void 0),P},fromPartial(p){const P={voting_period:void 0,expedited_voting_period:void 0};return P.voting_period=p.voting_period!==void 0&&p.voting_period!==null?s.Duration.fromPartial(p.voting_period):void 0,P.expedited_voting_period=p.expedited_voting_period!==void 0&&p.expedited_voting_period!==null?s.Duration.fromPartial(p.expedited_voting_period):void 0,P}},e.TallyParams={encode:(p,P=t.Writer.create())=>(p.quorum.length!==0&&P.uint32(10).bytes(p.quorum),p.threshold.length!==0&&P.uint32(18).bytes(p.threshold),p.veto_threshold.length!==0&&P.uint32(26).bytes(p.veto_threshold),p.expedited_threshold.length!==0&&P.uint32(34).bytes(p.expedited_threshold),P),decode(p,P){const B=p instanceof t.Reader?p:new t.Reader(p);let C=P===void 0?B.len:B.pos+P;const L=m();for(;B.pos>>3){case 1:L.quorum=B.bytes();break;case 2:L.threshold=B.bytes();break;case 3:L.veto_threshold=B.bytes();break;case 4:L.expedited_threshold=B.bytes();break;default:B.skipType(7&re)}}return L},fromJSON:p=>({quorum:b(p.quorum)?l(p.quorum):new Uint8Array,threshold:b(p.threshold)?l(p.threshold):new Uint8Array,veto_threshold:b(p.veto_threshold)?l(p.veto_threshold):new Uint8Array,expedited_threshold:b(p.expedited_threshold)?l(p.expedited_threshold):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(p){const P={};return p.quorum!==void 0&&(P.quorum=N(p.quorum!==void 0?p.quorum:new Uint8Array)),p.threshold!==void 0&&(P.threshold=N(p.threshold!==void 0?p.threshold:new Uint8Array)),p.veto_threshold!==void 0&&(P.veto_threshold=N(p.veto_threshold!==void 0?p.veto_threshold:new Uint8Array)),p.expedited_threshold!==void 0&&(P.expedited_threshold=N(p.expedited_threshold!==void 0?p.expedited_threshold:new Uint8Array)),P},fromPartial(p){var P,B,C,L;const re=m();return re.quorum=(P=p.quorum)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:new Uint8Array,re.threshold=(B=p.threshold)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:new Uint8Array,re.veto_threshold=(C=p.veto_threshold)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array,re.expedited_threshold=(L=p.expedited_threshold)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:new Uint8Array,re}};var v=(()=>{if(v!==void 0)return v;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const I=v.atob||(p=>v.Buffer.from(p,"base64").toString("binary"));function l(p){const P=I(p),B=new Uint8Array(P.length);for(let C=0;Cv.Buffer.from(p,"binary").toString("base64"));function N(p){const P=[];for(const B of p)P.push(String.fromCharCode(B));return j(P.join(""))}function S(p){return{seconds:Math.trunc(p.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:p.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function T(p){let P=1e3*Number(p.seconds);return P+=p.nanos/1e6,new Date(P)}function x(p){return p instanceof Date?S(p):typeof p=="string"?S(new Date(p)):u.Timestamp.fromJSON(p)}function k(p){return p.toString()}function b(p){return p!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},88:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return R(i,o),i},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgDepositResponse=e.MsgDeposit=e.MsgVoteWeightedResponse=e.MsgVoteWeighted=e.MsgVoteResponse=e.MsgVote=e.MsgSubmitProposalResponse=e.MsgSubmitProposal=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191),u=y(9074),s=y(2976);function r(o){return o.toString()}function n(o){return o!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.gov.v1beta1",e.MsgSubmitProposal={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){o.content!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(o.content,i.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const f of o.initial_deposit)s.Coin.encode(f,i.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return o.proposer!==""&&i.uint32(26).string(o.proposer),o.is_expedited===!0&&i.uint32(32).bool(o.is_expedited),i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={content:void 0,initial_deposit:[],proposer:"",is_expedited:!1};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.content=d.Any.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 2:h.initial_deposit.push(s.Coin.decode(f,f.uint32()));break;case 3:h.proposer=f.string();break;case 4:h.is_expedited=f.bool();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({content:n(o.content)?d.Any.fromJSON(o.content):void 0,initial_deposit:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.initial_deposit)?o.initial_deposit.map(i=>s.Coin.fromJSON(i)):[],proposer:n(o.proposer)?String(o.proposer):"",is_expedited:!!n(o.is_expedited)&&!!o.is_expedited}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.content!==void 0&&(i.content=o.content?d.Any.toJSON(o.content):void 0),o.initial_deposit?i.initial_deposit=o.initial_deposit.map(f=>f?s.Coin.toJSON(f):void 0):i.initial_deposit=[],o.proposer!==void 0&&(i.proposer=o.proposer),o.is_expedited!==void 0&&(i.is_expedited=o.is_expedited),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={content:void 0,initial_deposit:[],proposer:"",is_expedited:!1};return h.content=o.content!==void 0&&o.content!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(o.content):void 0,h.initial_deposit=((i=o.initial_deposit)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(m=>s.Coin.fromPartial(m)))||[],h.proposer=(f=o.proposer)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.is_expedited=(c=o.is_expedited)!==null&&c!==void 0&&c,h}},e.MsgSubmitProposalResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0"};for(;f.pos>>3==1?h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64()):f.skipType(7&m)}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0"}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),i},fromPartial(o){var i;const f={proposal_id:"0"};return f.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",f}},e.MsgVote={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),o.voter!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.voter),o.option!==0&&i.uint32(24).int32(o.option),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64());break;case 2:h.voter=f.string();break;case 3:h.option=f.int32();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0",voter:n(o.voter)?String(o.voter):"",option:n(o.option)?(0,u.voteOptionFromJSON)(o.option):0}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),o.voter!==void 0&&(i.voter=o.voter),o.option!==void 0&&(i.option=(0,u.voteOptionToJSON)(o.option)),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",option:0};return h.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",h.voter=(f=o.voter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.option=(c=o.option)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:0,h}},e.MsgVoteResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>i,decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;for(;f.pos({}),toJSON:o=>({}),fromPartial:o=>({})},e.MsgVoteWeighted={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),o.voter!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.voter);for(const f of o.options)u.WeightedVoteOption.encode(f,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",options:[]};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64());break;case 2:h.voter=f.string();break;case 3:h.options.push(u.WeightedVoteOption.decode(f,f.uint32()));break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0",voter:n(o.voter)?String(o.voter):"",options:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.options)?o.options.map(i=>u.WeightedVoteOption.fromJSON(i)):[]}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),o.voter!==void 0&&(i.voter=o.voter),o.options?i.options=o.options.map(f=>f?u.WeightedVoteOption.toJSON(f):void 0):i.options=[],i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={proposal_id:"0",voter:"",options:[]};return h.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",h.voter=(f=o.voter)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.options=((c=o.options)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>u.WeightedVoteOption.fromPartial(m)))||[],h}},e.MsgVoteWeightedResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>i,decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;for(;f.pos({}),toJSON:o=>({}),fromPartial:o=>({})},e.MsgDeposit={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){o.proposal_id!=="0"&&i.uint32(8).uint64(o.proposal_id),o.depositor!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.depositor);for(const f of o.amount)s.Coin.encode(f,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.proposal_id=r(f.uint64());break;case 2:h.depositor=f.string();break;case 3:h.amount.push(s.Coin.decode(f,f.uint32()));break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({proposal_id:n(o.proposal_id)?String(o.proposal_id):"0",depositor:n(o.depositor)?String(o.depositor):"",amount:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.amount)?o.amount.map(i=>s.Coin.fromJSON(i)):[]}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.proposal_id!==void 0&&(i.proposal_id=o.proposal_id),o.depositor!==void 0&&(i.depositor=o.depositor),o.amount?i.amount=o.amount.map(f=>f?s.Coin.toJSON(f):void 0):i.amount=[],i},fromPartial(o){var i,f,c;const h={proposal_id:"0",depositor:"",amount:[]};return h.proposal_id=(i=o.proposal_id)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",h.depositor=(f=o.depositor)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.amount=((c=o.amount)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>s.Coin.fromPartial(m)))||[],h}},e.MsgDepositResponse={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>i,decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;for(;f.pos({}),toJSON:o=>({}),fromPartial:o=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(o){this.rpc=o,this.SubmitProposal=this.SubmitProposal.bind(this),this.Vote=this.Vote.bind(this),this.VoteWeighted=this.VoteWeighted.bind(this),this.Deposit=this.Deposit.bind(this)}SubmitProposal(o){const i=e.MsgSubmitProposal.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","SubmitProposal",i).then(f=>e.MsgSubmitProposalResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}Vote(o){const i=e.MsgVote.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","Vote",i).then(f=>e.MsgVoteResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}VoteWeighted(o){const i=e.MsgVoteWeighted.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","VoteWeighted",i).then(f=>e.MsgVoteWeightedResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}Deposit(o){const i=e.MsgDeposit.encode(o).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg","Deposit",i).then(f=>e.MsgDepositResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9913:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return R(s,u),s},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ParamChange=e.ParameterChangeProposal=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(u){return u!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.params.v1beta1",e.ParameterChangeProposal={encode(u,s=t.Writer.create()){u.title!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.title),u.description!==""&&s.uint32(18).string(u.description);for(const r of u.changes)e.ParamChange.encode(r,s.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return s},decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={title:"",description:"",changes:[]};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.title=r.string();break;case 2:o.description=r.string();break;case 3:o.changes.push(e.ParamChange.decode(r,r.uint32()));break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({title:d(u.title)?String(u.title):"",description:d(u.description)?String(u.description):"",changes:Array.isArray(u==null?void 0:u.changes)?u.changes.map(s=>e.ParamChange.fromJSON(s)):[]}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.title!==void 0&&(s.title=u.title),u.description!==void 0&&(s.description=u.description),u.changes?s.changes=u.changes.map(r=>r?e.ParamChange.toJSON(r):void 0):s.changes=[],s},fromPartial(u){var s,r,n;const o={title:"",description:"",changes:[]};return o.title=(s=u.title)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",o.description=(r=u.description)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.changes=((n=u.changes)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.ParamChange.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.ParamChange={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.subspace!==""&&s.uint32(10).string(u.subspace),u.key!==""&&s.uint32(18).string(u.key),u.value!==""&&s.uint32(26).string(u.value),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={subspace:"",key:"",value:""};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.subspace=r.string();break;case 2:o.key=r.string();break;case 3:o.value=r.string();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({subspace:d(u.subspace)?String(u.subspace):"",key:d(u.key)?String(u.key):"",value:d(u.value)?String(u.value):""}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.subspace!==void 0&&(s.subspace=u.subspace),u.key!==void 0&&(s.key=u.key),u.value!==void 0&&(s.value=u.value),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r,n;const o={subspace:"",key:"",value:""};return o.subspace=(s=u.subspace)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"",o.key=(r=u.key)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",o.value=(n=u.value)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5925:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),Object.defineProperty(d,r,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return u[s]}})}:function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),d[r]=u[s]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(d,u){Object.defineProperty(d,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:u})}:function(d,u){d.default=u}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(d){if(d&&d.__esModule)return d;var u={};if(d!=null)for(var s in d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return R(u,d),u},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(d){return d&&d.__esModule?d:{default:d}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgUnjailResponse=e.MsgUnjail=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));e.protobufPackage="cosmos.slashing.v1beta1",e.MsgUnjail={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>(d.validator_addr!==""&&u.uint32(10).string(d.validator_addr),u),decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;const n={validator_addr:""};for(;s.pos>>3==1?n.validator_addr=s.string():s.skipType(7&o)}return n},fromJSON(d){return{validator_addr:(u=d.validator_addr,u!=null?String(d.validator_addr):"")};var u},toJSON(d){const u={};return d.validator_addr!==void 0&&(u.validator_addr=d.validator_addr),u},fromPartial(d){var u;const s={validator_addr:""};return s.validator_addr=(u=d.validator_addr)!==null&&u!==void 0?u:"",s}},e.MsgUnjailResponse={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>u,decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;for(;s.pos({}),toJSON:d=>({}),fromPartial:d=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(d){this.rpc=d,this.Unjail=this.Unjail.bind(this)}Unjail(d){const u=e.MsgUnjail.encode(d).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.Msg","Unjail",u).then(s=>e.MsgUnjailResponse.decode(new t.Reader(s)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},837:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return R(i,o),i},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.StakeAuthorization_Validators=e.StakeAuthorization=e.authorizationTypeToJSON=e.authorizationTypeFromJSON=e.AuthorizationType=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976);var u;function s(o){switch(o){case 0:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE;case 2:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE;case 3:case"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE":return u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE;default:return u.UNRECOGNIZED}}function r(o){switch(o){case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED";case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE";case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE";case u.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE:return"AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function n(o){return o!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.staking.v1beta1",function(o){o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED=0]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED",o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE=1]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_DELEGATE",o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE=2]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_UNDELEGATE",o[o.AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE=3]="AUTHORIZATION_TYPE_REDELEGATE",o[o.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(u=e.AuthorizationType||(e.AuthorizationType={})),e.authorizationTypeFromJSON=s,e.authorizationTypeToJSON=r,e.StakeAuthorization={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.max_tokens!==void 0&&d.Coin.encode(o.max_tokens,i.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),o.allow_list!==void 0&&e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.encode(o.allow_list,i.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),o.deny_list!==void 0&&e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.encode(o.deny_list,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),o.authorization_type!==0&&i.uint32(32).int32(o.authorization_type),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={max_tokens:void 0,allow_list:void 0,deny_list:void 0,authorization_type:0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.max_tokens=d.Coin.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 2:h.allow_list=e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 3:h.deny_list=e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 4:h.authorization_type=f.int32();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({max_tokens:n(o.max_tokens)?d.Coin.fromJSON(o.max_tokens):void 0,allow_list:n(o.allow_list)?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromJSON(o.allow_list):void 0,deny_list:n(o.deny_list)?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromJSON(o.deny_list):void 0,authorization_type:n(o.authorization_type)?s(o.authorization_type):0}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.max_tokens!==void 0&&(i.max_tokens=o.max_tokens?d.Coin.toJSON(o.max_tokens):void 0),o.allow_list!==void 0&&(i.allow_list=o.allow_list?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.toJSON(o.allow_list):void 0),o.deny_list!==void 0&&(i.deny_list=o.deny_list?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.toJSON(o.deny_list):void 0),o.authorization_type!==void 0&&(i.authorization_type=r(o.authorization_type)),i},fromPartial(o){var i;const f={max_tokens:void 0,allow_list:void 0,deny_list:void 0,authorization_type:0};return f.max_tokens=o.max_tokens!==void 0&&o.max_tokens!==null?d.Coin.fromPartial(o.max_tokens):void 0,f.allow_list=o.allow_list!==void 0&&o.allow_list!==null?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromPartial(o.allow_list):void 0,f.deny_list=o.deny_list!==void 0&&o.deny_list!==null?e.StakeAuthorization_Validators.fromPartial(o.deny_list):void 0,f.authorization_type=(i=o.authorization_type)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:0,f}},e.StakeAuthorization_Validators={encode(o,i=t.Writer.create()){for(const f of o.address)i.uint32(10).string(f);return i},decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={address:[]};for(;f.pos>>3==1?h.address.push(f.string()):f.skipType(7&m)}return h},fromJSON:o=>({address:Array.isArray(o==null?void 0:o.address)?o.address.map(i=>String(i)):[]}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.address?i.address=o.address.map(f=>f):i.address=[],i},fromPartial(o){var i;const f={address:[]};return f.address=((i=o.address)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(c=>c))||[],f}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2572:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(l,j,N,S){S===void 0&&(S=N),Object.defineProperty(l,S,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return j[N]}})}:function(l,j,N,S){S===void 0&&(S=N),l[S]=j[N]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(l,j){Object.defineProperty(l,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:j})}:function(l,j){l.default=j}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(l){if(l&&l.__esModule)return l;var j={};if(l!=null)for(var N in l)N!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l,N)&&E(j,l,N);return R(j,l),j},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(l){return l&&l.__esModule?l:{default:l}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Pool=e.RedelegationResponse=e.RedelegationEntryResponse=e.DelegationResponse=e.Params=e.Redelegation=e.RedelegationEntry=e.UnbondingDelegationEntry=e.UnbondingDelegation=e.Delegation=e.DVVTriplets=e.DVVTriplet=e.DVPairs=e.DVPair=e.ValAddresses=e.Validator=e.Description=e.Commission=e.CommissionRates=e.HistoricalInfo=e.bondStatusToJSON=e.bondStatusFromJSON=e.BondStatus=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(9928),u=y(5090),s=y(4191),r=y(6138),n=y(2976);var o;function i(l){switch(l){case 0:case"BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED":return o.BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED":return o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED;case 2:case"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING":return o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING;case 3:case"BOND_STATUS_BONDED":return o.BOND_STATUS_BONDED;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function f(l){switch(l){case o.BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED:return"BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED";case o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED:return"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED";case o.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING:return"BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING";case o.BOND_STATUS_BONDED:return"BOND_STATUS_BONDED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function c(l){return{seconds:Math.trunc(l.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:l.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function h(l){let j=1e3*Number(l.seconds);return j+=l.nanos/1e6,new Date(j)}function m(l){return l instanceof Date?c(l):typeof l=="string"?c(new Date(l)):u.Timestamp.fromJSON(l)}function v(l){return l.toString()}function I(l){return l!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.staking.v1beta1",function(l){l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED=0]="BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED",l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED=1]="BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED",l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING=2]="BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING",l[l.BOND_STATUS_BONDED=3]="BOND_STATUS_BONDED",l[l.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(o=e.BondStatus||(e.BondStatus={})),e.bondStatusFromJSON=i,e.bondStatusToJSON=f,e.HistoricalInfo={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.header!==void 0&&d.Header.encode(l.header,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const N of l.valset)e.Validator.encode(N,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={header:void 0,valset:[]};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.header=d.Header.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.valset.push(e.Validator.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({header:I(l.header)?d.Header.fromJSON(l.header):void 0,valset:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.valset)?l.valset.map(j=>e.Validator.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.header!==void 0&&(j.header=l.header?d.Header.toJSON(l.header):void 0),l.valset?j.valset=l.valset.map(N=>N?e.Validator.toJSON(N):void 0):j.valset=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={header:void 0,valset:[]};return N.header=l.header!==void 0&&l.header!==null?d.Header.fromPartial(l.header):void 0,N.valset=((j=l.valset)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>e.Validator.fromPartial(S)))||[],N}},e.CommissionRates={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.rate!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.rate),l.max_rate!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.max_rate),l.max_change_rate!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.max_change_rate),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={rate:"",max_rate:"",max_change_rate:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.rate=N.string();break;case 2:T.max_rate=N.string();break;case 3:T.max_change_rate=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({rate:I(l.rate)?String(l.rate):"",max_rate:I(l.max_rate)?String(l.max_rate):"",max_change_rate:I(l.max_change_rate)?String(l.max_change_rate):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.rate!==void 0&&(j.rate=l.rate),l.max_rate!==void 0&&(j.max_rate=l.max_rate),l.max_change_rate!==void 0&&(j.max_change_rate=l.max_change_rate),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T={rate:"",max_rate:"",max_change_rate:""};return T.rate=(j=l.rate)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",T.max_rate=(N=l.max_rate)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",T.max_change_rate=(S=l.max_change_rate)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",T}},e.Commission={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.commission_rates!==void 0&&e.CommissionRates.encode(l.commission_rates,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.update_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.update_time,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={commission_rates:void 0,update_time:void 0};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.commission_rates=e.CommissionRates.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.update_time=u.Timestamp.decode(N,N.uint32());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({commission_rates:I(l.commission_rates)?e.CommissionRates.fromJSON(l.commission_rates):void 0,update_time:I(l.update_time)?m(l.update_time):void 0}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.commission_rates!==void 0&&(j.commission_rates=l.commission_rates?e.CommissionRates.toJSON(l.commission_rates):void 0),l.update_time!==void 0&&(j.update_time=h(l.update_time).toISOString()),j},fromPartial(l){const j={commission_rates:void 0,update_time:void 0};return j.commission_rates=l.commission_rates!==void 0&&l.commission_rates!==null?e.CommissionRates.fromPartial(l.commission_rates):void 0,j.update_time=l.update_time!==void 0&&l.update_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.update_time):void 0,j}},e.Description={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.moniker!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.moniker),l.identity!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.identity),l.website!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.website),l.security_contact!==""&&j.uint32(34).string(l.security_contact),l.details!==""&&j.uint32(42).string(l.details),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={moniker:"",identity:"",website:"",security_contact:"",details:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.moniker=N.string();break;case 2:T.identity=N.string();break;case 3:T.website=N.string();break;case 4:T.security_contact=N.string();break;case 5:T.details=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({moniker:I(l.moniker)?String(l.moniker):"",identity:I(l.identity)?String(l.identity):"",website:I(l.website)?String(l.website):"",security_contact:I(l.security_contact)?String(l.security_contact):"",details:I(l.details)?String(l.details):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.moniker!==void 0&&(j.moniker=l.moniker),l.identity!==void 0&&(j.identity=l.identity),l.website!==void 0&&(j.website=l.website),l.security_contact!==void 0&&(j.security_contact=l.security_contact),l.details!==void 0&&(j.details=l.details),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T,x;const k={moniker:"",identity:"",website:"",security_contact:"",details:""};return k.moniker=(j=l.moniker)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",k.identity=(N=l.identity)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",k.website=(S=l.website)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",k.security_contact=(T=l.security_contact)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",k.details=(x=l.details)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",k}},e.Validator={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.operator_address!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.operator_address),l.consensus_pubkey!==void 0&&s.Any.encode(l.consensus_pubkey,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.jailed===!0&&j.uint32(24).bool(l.jailed),l.status!==0&&j.uint32(32).int32(l.status),l.tokens!==""&&j.uint32(42).string(l.tokens),l.delegator_shares!==""&&j.uint32(50).string(l.delegator_shares),l.description!==void 0&&e.Description.encode(l.description,j.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),l.unbonding_height!=="0"&&j.uint32(64).int64(l.unbonding_height),l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.unbonding_time,j.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),l.commission!==void 0&&e.Commission.encode(l.commission,j.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(),l.min_self_delegation!==""&&j.uint32(90).string(l.min_self_delegation),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={operator_address:"",consensus_pubkey:void 0,jailed:!1,status:0,tokens:"",delegator_shares:"",description:void 0,unbonding_height:"0",unbonding_time:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.operator_address=N.string();break;case 2:T.consensus_pubkey=s.Any.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 3:T.jailed=N.bool();break;case 4:T.status=N.int32();break;case 5:T.tokens=N.string();break;case 6:T.delegator_shares=N.string();break;case 7:T.description=e.Description.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 8:T.unbonding_height=v(N.int64());break;case 9:T.unbonding_time=u.Timestamp.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 10:T.commission=e.Commission.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 11:T.min_self_delegation=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({operator_address:I(l.operator_address)?String(l.operator_address):"",consensus_pubkey:I(l.consensus_pubkey)?s.Any.fromJSON(l.consensus_pubkey):void 0,jailed:!!I(l.jailed)&&!!l.jailed,status:I(l.status)?i(l.status):0,tokens:I(l.tokens)?String(l.tokens):"",delegator_shares:I(l.delegator_shares)?String(l.delegator_shares):"",description:I(l.description)?e.Description.fromJSON(l.description):void 0,unbonding_height:I(l.unbonding_height)?String(l.unbonding_height):"0",unbonding_time:I(l.unbonding_time)?m(l.unbonding_time):void 0,commission:I(l.commission)?e.Commission.fromJSON(l.commission):void 0,min_self_delegation:I(l.min_self_delegation)?String(l.min_self_delegation):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.operator_address!==void 0&&(j.operator_address=l.operator_address),l.consensus_pubkey!==void 0&&(j.consensus_pubkey=l.consensus_pubkey?s.Any.toJSON(l.consensus_pubkey):void 0),l.jailed!==void 0&&(j.jailed=l.jailed),l.status!==void 0&&(j.status=f(l.status)),l.tokens!==void 0&&(j.tokens=l.tokens),l.delegator_shares!==void 0&&(j.delegator_shares=l.delegator_shares),l.description!==void 0&&(j.description=l.description?e.Description.toJSON(l.description):void 0),l.unbonding_height!==void 0&&(j.unbonding_height=l.unbonding_height),l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&(j.unbonding_time=h(l.unbonding_time).toISOString()),l.commission!==void 0&&(j.commission=l.commission?e.Commission.toJSON(l.commission):void 0),l.min_self_delegation!==void 0&&(j.min_self_delegation=l.min_self_delegation),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T,x,k,b;const p={operator_address:"",consensus_pubkey:void 0,jailed:!1,status:0,tokens:"",delegator_shares:"",description:void 0,unbonding_height:"0",unbonding_time:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:""};return p.operator_address=(j=l.operator_address)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",p.consensus_pubkey=l.consensus_pubkey!==void 0&&l.consensus_pubkey!==null?s.Any.fromPartial(l.consensus_pubkey):void 0,p.jailed=(N=l.jailed)!==null&&N!==void 0&&N,p.status=(S=l.status)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,p.tokens=(T=l.tokens)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",p.delegator_shares=(x=l.delegator_shares)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",p.description=l.description!==void 0&&l.description!==null?e.Description.fromPartial(l.description):void 0,p.unbonding_height=(k=l.unbonding_height)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"0",p.unbonding_time=l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&l.unbonding_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time):void 0,p.commission=l.commission!==void 0&&l.commission!==null?e.Commission.fromPartial(l.commission):void 0,p.min_self_delegation=(b=l.min_self_delegation)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"",p}},e.ValAddresses={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){for(const N of l.addresses)j.uint32(10).string(N);return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={addresses:[]};for(;N.pos>>3==1?T.addresses.push(N.string()):N.skipType(7&x)}return T},fromJSON:l=>({addresses:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.addresses)?l.addresses.map(j=>String(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.addresses?j.addresses=l.addresses.map(N=>N):j.addresses=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={addresses:[]};return N.addresses=((j=l.addresses)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>S))||[],N}},e.DVPair={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegator_address!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.delegator_address=N.string();break;case 2:T.validator_address=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:I(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_address:I(l.validator_address)?String(l.validator_address):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(j.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==void 0&&(j.validator_address=l.validator_address),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N;const S={delegator_address:"",validator_address:""};return S.delegator_address=(j=l.delegator_address)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",S.validator_address=(N=l.validator_address)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",S}},e.DVPairs={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){for(const N of l.pairs)e.DVPair.encode(N,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={pairs:[]};for(;N.pos>>3==1?T.pairs.push(e.DVPair.decode(N,N.uint32())):N.skipType(7&x)}return T},fromJSON:l=>({pairs:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.pairs)?l.pairs.map(j=>e.DVPair.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.pairs?j.pairs=l.pairs.map(N=>N?e.DVPair.toJSON(N):void 0):j.pairs=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={pairs:[]};return N.pairs=((j=l.pairs)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>e.DVPair.fromPartial(S)))||[],N}},e.DVVTriplet={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegator_address!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.delegator_address=N.string();break;case 2:T.validator_src_address=N.string();break;case 3:T.validator_dst_address=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:I(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_src_address:I(l.validator_src_address)?String(l.validator_src_address):"",validator_dst_address:I(l.validator_dst_address)?String(l.validator_dst_address):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(j.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==void 0&&(j.validator_src_address=l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==void 0&&(j.validator_dst_address=l.validator_dst_address),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:""};return T.delegator_address=(j=l.delegator_address)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",T.validator_src_address=(N=l.validator_src_address)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",T.validator_dst_address=(S=l.validator_dst_address)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",T}},e.DVVTriplets={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){for(const N of l.triplets)e.DVVTriplet.encode(N,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={triplets:[]};for(;N.pos>>3==1?T.triplets.push(e.DVVTriplet.decode(N,N.uint32())):N.skipType(7&x)}return T},fromJSON:l=>({triplets:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.triplets)?l.triplets.map(j=>e.DVVTriplet.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.triplets?j.triplets=l.triplets.map(N=>N?e.DVVTriplet.toJSON(N):void 0):j.triplets=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={triplets:[]};return N.triplets=((j=l.triplets)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>e.DVVTriplet.fromPartial(S)))||[],N}},e.Delegation={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegator_address!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address),l.shares!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.shares),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",shares:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.delegator_address=N.string();break;case 2:T.validator_address=N.string();break;case 3:T.shares=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:I(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_address:I(l.validator_address)?String(l.validator_address):"",shares:I(l.shares)?String(l.shares):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(j.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==void 0&&(j.validator_address=l.validator_address),l.shares!==void 0&&(j.shares=l.shares),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",shares:""};return T.delegator_address=(j=l.delegator_address)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",T.validator_address=(N=l.validator_address)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",T.shares=(S=l.shares)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",T}},e.UnbondingDelegation={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.delegator_address!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address);for(const N of l.entries)e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.encode(N,j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",entries:[]};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.delegator_address=N.string();break;case 2:T.validator_address=N.string();break;case 3:T.entries.push(e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:I(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_address:I(l.validator_address)?String(l.validator_address):"",entries:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.entries)?l.entries.map(j=>e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(j.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_address!==void 0&&(j.validator_address=l.validator_address),l.entries?j.entries=l.entries.map(N=>N?e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.toJSON(N):void 0):j.entries=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",entries:[]};return T.delegator_address=(j=l.delegator_address)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",T.validator_address=(N=l.validator_address)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",T.entries=((S=l.entries)===null||S===void 0?void 0:S.map(x=>e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromPartial(x)))||[],T}},e.UnbondingDelegationEntry={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.creation_height!=="0"&&j.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.initial_balance!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance),l.balance!==""&&j.uint32(34).string(l.balance),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",balance:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.creation_height=v(N.int64());break;case 2:T.completion_time=u.Timestamp.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 3:T.initial_balance=N.string();break;case 4:T.balance=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({creation_height:I(l.creation_height)?String(l.creation_height):"0",completion_time:I(l.completion_time)?m(l.completion_time):void 0,initial_balance:I(l.initial_balance)?String(l.initial_balance):"",balance:I(l.balance)?String(l.balance):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.creation_height!==void 0&&(j.creation_height=l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&(j.completion_time=h(l.completion_time).toISOString()),l.initial_balance!==void 0&&(j.initial_balance=l.initial_balance),l.balance!==void 0&&(j.balance=l.balance),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",balance:""};return T.creation_height=(j=l.creation_height)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",T.completion_time=l.completion_time!==void 0&&l.completion_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time):void 0,T.initial_balance=(N=l.initial_balance)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",T.balance=(S=l.balance)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",T}},e.RedelegationEntry={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.creation_height!=="0"&&j.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.initial_balance!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance),l.shares_dst!==""&&j.uint32(34).string(l.shares_dst),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",shares_dst:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.creation_height=v(N.int64());break;case 2:T.completion_time=u.Timestamp.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 3:T.initial_balance=N.string();break;case 4:T.shares_dst=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({creation_height:I(l.creation_height)?String(l.creation_height):"0",completion_time:I(l.completion_time)?m(l.completion_time):void 0,initial_balance:I(l.initial_balance)?String(l.initial_balance):"",shares_dst:I(l.shares_dst)?String(l.shares_dst):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.creation_height!==void 0&&(j.creation_height=l.creation_height),l.completion_time!==void 0&&(j.completion_time=h(l.completion_time).toISOString()),l.initial_balance!==void 0&&(j.initial_balance=l.initial_balance),l.shares_dst!==void 0&&(j.shares_dst=l.shares_dst),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T={creation_height:"0",completion_time:void 0,initial_balance:"",shares_dst:""};return T.creation_height=(j=l.creation_height)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",T.completion_time=l.completion_time!==void 0&&l.completion_time!==null?u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time):void 0,T.initial_balance=(N=l.initial_balance)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",T.shares_dst=(S=l.shares_dst)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",T}},e.Redelegation={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.delegator_address!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address);for(const N of l.entries)e.RedelegationEntry.encode(N,j.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",entries:[]};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.delegator_address=N.string();break;case 2:T.validator_src_address=N.string();break;case 3:T.validator_dst_address=N.string();break;case 4:T.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntry.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({delegator_address:I(l.delegator_address)?String(l.delegator_address):"",validator_src_address:I(l.validator_src_address)?String(l.validator_src_address):"",validator_dst_address:I(l.validator_dst_address)?String(l.validator_dst_address):"",entries:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.entries)?l.entries.map(j=>e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.delegator_address!==void 0&&(j.delegator_address=l.delegator_address),l.validator_src_address!==void 0&&(j.validator_src_address=l.validator_src_address),l.validator_dst_address!==void 0&&(j.validator_dst_address=l.validator_dst_address),l.entries?j.entries=l.entries.map(N=>N?e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(N):void 0):j.entries=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T;const x={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",entries:[]};return x.delegator_address=(j=l.delegator_address)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",x.validator_src_address=(N=l.validator_src_address)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",x.validator_dst_address=(S=l.validator_dst_address)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",x.entries=((T=l.entries)===null||T===void 0?void 0:T.map(k=>e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(k)))||[],x}},e.Params={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&r.Duration.encode(l.unbonding_time,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.max_validators!==0&&j.uint32(16).uint32(l.max_validators),l.max_entries!==0&&j.uint32(24).uint32(l.max_entries),l.historical_entries!==0&&j.uint32(32).uint32(l.historical_entries),l.bond_denom!==""&&j.uint32(42).string(l.bond_denom),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={unbonding_time:void 0,max_validators:0,max_entries:0,historical_entries:0,bond_denom:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.unbonding_time=r.Duration.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.max_validators=N.uint32();break;case 3:T.max_entries=N.uint32();break;case 4:T.historical_entries=N.uint32();break;case 5:T.bond_denom=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({unbonding_time:I(l.unbonding_time)?r.Duration.fromJSON(l.unbonding_time):void 0,max_validators:I(l.max_validators)?Number(l.max_validators):0,max_entries:I(l.max_entries)?Number(l.max_entries):0,historical_entries:I(l.historical_entries)?Number(l.historical_entries):0,bond_denom:I(l.bond_denom)?String(l.bond_denom):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&(j.unbonding_time=l.unbonding_time?r.Duration.toJSON(l.unbonding_time):void 0),l.max_validators!==void 0&&(j.max_validators=Math.round(l.max_validators)),l.max_entries!==void 0&&(j.max_entries=Math.round(l.max_entries)),l.historical_entries!==void 0&&(j.historical_entries=Math.round(l.historical_entries)),l.bond_denom!==void 0&&(j.bond_denom=l.bond_denom),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T;const x={unbonding_time:void 0,max_validators:0,max_entries:0,historical_entries:0,bond_denom:""};return x.unbonding_time=l.unbonding_time!==void 0&&l.unbonding_time!==null?r.Duration.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time):void 0,x.max_validators=(j=l.max_validators)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:0,x.max_entries=(N=l.max_entries)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:0,x.historical_entries=(S=l.historical_entries)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:0,x.bond_denom=(T=l.bond_denom)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",x}},e.DelegationResponse={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.delegation!==void 0&&e.Delegation.encode(l.delegation,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.balance!==void 0&&n.Coin.encode(l.balance,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={delegation:void 0,balance:void 0};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.delegation=e.Delegation.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.balance=n.Coin.decode(N,N.uint32());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({delegation:I(l.delegation)?e.Delegation.fromJSON(l.delegation):void 0,balance:I(l.balance)?n.Coin.fromJSON(l.balance):void 0}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.delegation!==void 0&&(j.delegation=l.delegation?e.Delegation.toJSON(l.delegation):void 0),l.balance!==void 0&&(j.balance=l.balance?n.Coin.toJSON(l.balance):void 0),j},fromPartial(l){const j={delegation:void 0,balance:void 0};return j.delegation=l.delegation!==void 0&&l.delegation!==null?e.Delegation.fromPartial(l.delegation):void 0,j.balance=l.balance!==void 0&&l.balance!==null?n.Coin.fromPartial(l.balance):void 0,j}},e.RedelegationEntryResponse={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.redelegation_entry!==void 0&&e.RedelegationEntry.encode(l.redelegation_entry,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.balance!==""&&j.uint32(34).string(l.balance),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={redelegation_entry:void 0,balance:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.redelegation_entry=e.RedelegationEntry.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 4:T.balance=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({redelegation_entry:I(l.redelegation_entry)?e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(l.redelegation_entry):void 0,balance:I(l.balance)?String(l.balance):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.redelegation_entry!==void 0&&(j.redelegation_entry=l.redelegation_entry?e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(l.redelegation_entry):void 0),l.balance!==void 0&&(j.balance=l.balance),j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={redelegation_entry:void 0,balance:""};return N.redelegation_entry=l.redelegation_entry!==void 0&&l.redelegation_entry!==null?e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(l.redelegation_entry):void 0,N.balance=(j=l.balance)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",N}},e.RedelegationResponse={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.redelegation!==void 0&&e.Redelegation.encode(l.redelegation,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const N of l.entries)e.RedelegationEntryResponse.encode(N,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={redelegation:void 0,entries:[]};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.redelegation=e.Redelegation.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntryResponse.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({redelegation:I(l.redelegation)?e.Redelegation.fromJSON(l.redelegation):void 0,entries:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.entries)?l.entries.map(j=>e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.redelegation!==void 0&&(j.redelegation=l.redelegation?e.Redelegation.toJSON(l.redelegation):void 0),l.entries?j.entries=l.entries.map(N=>N?e.RedelegationEntryResponse.toJSON(N):void 0):j.entries=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={redelegation:void 0,entries:[]};return N.redelegation=l.redelegation!==void 0&&l.redelegation!==null?e.Redelegation.fromPartial(l.redelegation):void 0,N.entries=((j=l.entries)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromPartial(S)))||[],N}},e.Pool={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.not_bonded_tokens!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.not_bonded_tokens),l.bonded_tokens!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.bonded_tokens),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={not_bonded_tokens:"",bonded_tokens:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.not_bonded_tokens=N.string();break;case 2:T.bonded_tokens=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({not_bonded_tokens:I(l.not_bonded_tokens)?String(l.not_bonded_tokens):"",bonded_tokens:I(l.bonded_tokens)?String(l.bonded_tokens):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.not_bonded_tokens!==void 0&&(j.not_bonded_tokens=l.not_bonded_tokens),l.bonded_tokens!==void 0&&(j.bonded_tokens=l.bonded_tokens),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N;const S={not_bonded_tokens:"",bonded_tokens:""};return S.not_bonded_tokens=(j=l.not_bonded_tokens)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",S.bonded_tokens=(N=l.bonded_tokens)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",S}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},7704:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return R(h,c),h},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgUndelegateResponse=e.MsgUndelegate=e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse=e.MsgBeginRedelegate=e.MsgDelegateResponse=e.MsgDelegate=e.MsgEditValidatorResponse=e.MsgEditValidator=e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse=e.MsgCreateValidator=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2572),u=y(4191),s=y(2976),r=y(5090);function n(c){return{seconds:Math.trunc(c.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:c.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function o(c){let h=1e3*Number(c.seconds);return h+=c.nanos/1e6,new Date(h)}function i(c){return c instanceof Date?n(c):typeof c=="string"?n(new Date(c)):r.Timestamp.fromJSON(c)}function f(c){return c!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.staking.v1beta1",e.MsgCreateValidator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.description!==void 0&&d.Description.encode(c.description,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.commission!==void 0&&d.CommissionRates.encode(c.commission,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.min_self_delegation!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.min_self_delegation),c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(34).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(42).string(c.validator_address),c.pubkey!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(c.pubkey,h.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),c.value!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.value,h.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={description:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:"",delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",pubkey:void 0,value:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.description=d.Description.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:I.commission=d.CommissionRates.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.min_self_delegation=m.string();break;case 4:I.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 5:I.validator_address=m.string();break;case 6:I.pubkey=u.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 7:I.value=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({description:f(c.description)?d.Description.fromJSON(c.description):void 0,commission:f(c.commission)?d.CommissionRates.fromJSON(c.commission):void 0,min_self_delegation:f(c.min_self_delegation)?String(c.min_self_delegation):"",delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",pubkey:f(c.pubkey)?u.Any.fromJSON(c.pubkey):void 0,value:f(c.value)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.value):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.description!==void 0&&(h.description=c.description?d.Description.toJSON(c.description):void 0),c.commission!==void 0&&(h.commission=c.commission?d.CommissionRates.toJSON(c.commission):void 0),c.min_self_delegation!==void 0&&(h.min_self_delegation=c.min_self_delegation),c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.pubkey!==void 0&&(h.pubkey=c.pubkey?u.Any.toJSON(c.pubkey):void 0),c.value!==void 0&&(h.value=c.value?s.Coin.toJSON(c.value):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const I={description:void 0,commission:void 0,min_self_delegation:"",delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",pubkey:void 0,value:void 0};return I.description=c.description!==void 0&&c.description!==null?d.Description.fromPartial(c.description):void 0,I.commission=c.commission!==void 0&&c.commission!==null?d.CommissionRates.fromPartial(c.commission):void 0,I.min_self_delegation=(h=c.min_self_delegation)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",I.delegator_address=(m=c.delegator_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",I.validator_address=(v=c.validator_address)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",I.pubkey=c.pubkey!==void 0&&c.pubkey!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(c.pubkey):void 0,I.value=c.value!==void 0&&c.value!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.value):void 0,I}},e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgEditValidator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.description!==void 0&&d.Description.encode(c.description,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address),c.commission_rate!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.commission_rate),c.min_self_delegation!==""&&h.uint32(34).string(c.min_self_delegation),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={description:void 0,validator_address:"",commission_rate:"",min_self_delegation:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.description=d.Description.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:I.validator_address=m.string();break;case 3:I.commission_rate=m.string();break;case 4:I.min_self_delegation=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({description:f(c.description)?d.Description.fromJSON(c.description):void 0,validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",commission_rate:f(c.commission_rate)?String(c.commission_rate):"",min_self_delegation:f(c.min_self_delegation)?String(c.min_self_delegation):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.description!==void 0&&(h.description=c.description?d.Description.toJSON(c.description):void 0),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.commission_rate!==void 0&&(h.commission_rate=c.commission_rate),c.min_self_delegation!==void 0&&(h.min_self_delegation=c.min_self_delegation),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const I={description:void 0,validator_address:"",commission_rate:"",min_self_delegation:""};return I.description=c.description!==void 0&&c.description!==null?d.Description.fromPartial(c.description):void 0,I.validator_address=(h=c.validator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",I.commission_rate=(m=c.commission_rate)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",I.min_self_delegation=(v=c.min_self_delegation)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",I}},e.MsgEditValidatorResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgDelegate={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.amount,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 2:I.validator_address=m.string();break;case 3:I.amount=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",amount:f(c.amount)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&(h.amount=c.amount?s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};return v.delegator_address=(h=c.delegator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.validator_address=(m=c.validator_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v.amount=c.amount!==void 0&&c.amount!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount):void 0,v}},e.MsgDelegateResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgBeginRedelegate={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_src_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_src_address),c.validator_dst_address!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.validator_dst_address),c.amount!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.amount,h.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",amount:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 2:I.validator_src_address=m.string();break;case 3:I.validator_dst_address=m.string();break;case 4:I.amount=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_src_address:f(c.validator_src_address)?String(c.validator_src_address):"",validator_dst_address:f(c.validator_dst_address)?String(c.validator_dst_address):"",amount:f(c.amount)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_src_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_src_address=c.validator_src_address),c.validator_dst_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_dst_address=c.validator_dst_address),c.amount!==void 0&&(h.amount=c.amount?s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const I={delegator_address:"",validator_src_address:"",validator_dst_address:"",amount:void 0};return I.delegator_address=(h=c.delegator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",I.validator_src_address=(m=c.validator_src_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",I.validator_dst_address=(v=c.validator_dst_address)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",I.amount=c.amount!==void 0&&c.amount!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount):void 0,I}},e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.completion_time!==void 0&&r.Timestamp.encode(c.completion_time,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={completion_time:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3==1?I.completion_time=r.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32()):m.skipType(7&l)}return I},fromJSON:c=>({completion_time:f(c.completion_time)?i(c.completion_time):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.completion_time!==void 0&&(h.completion_time=o(c.completion_time).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){const h={completion_time:void 0};return h.completion_time=c.completion_time!==void 0&&c.completion_time!==null?r.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.completion_time):void 0,h}},e.MsgUndelegate={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.delegator_address!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==""&&h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&s.Coin.encode(c.amount,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.delegator_address=m.string();break;case 2:I.validator_address=m.string();break;case 3:I.amount=s.Coin.decode(m,m.uint32());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({delegator_address:f(c.delegator_address)?String(c.delegator_address):"",validator_address:f(c.validator_address)?String(c.validator_address):"",amount:f(c.amount)?s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.delegator_address!==void 0&&(h.delegator_address=c.delegator_address),c.validator_address!==void 0&&(h.validator_address=c.validator_address),c.amount!==void 0&&(h.amount=c.amount?s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount):void 0),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={delegator_address:"",validator_address:"",amount:void 0};return v.delegator_address=(h=c.delegator_address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.validator_address=(m=c.validator_address)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v.amount=c.amount!==void 0&&c.amount!==null?s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount):void 0,v}},e.MsgUndelegateResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.completion_time!==void 0&&r.Timestamp.encode(c.completion_time,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={completion_time:void 0};for(;m.pos>>3==1?I.completion_time=r.Timestamp.decode(m,m.uint32()):m.skipType(7&l)}return I},fromJSON:c=>({completion_time:f(c.completion_time)?i(c.completion_time):void 0}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.completion_time!==void 0&&(h.completion_time=o(c.completion_time).toISOString()),h},fromPartial(c){const h={completion_time:void 0};return h.completion_time=c.completion_time!==void 0&&c.completion_time!==null?r.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.completion_time):void 0,h}},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(c){this.rpc=c,this.CreateValidator=this.CreateValidator.bind(this),this.EditValidator=this.EditValidator.bind(this),this.Delegate=this.Delegate.bind(this),this.BeginRedelegate=this.BeginRedelegate.bind(this),this.Undelegate=this.Undelegate.bind(this)}CreateValidator(c){const h=e.MsgCreateValidator.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","CreateValidator",h).then(m=>e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}EditValidator(c){const h=e.MsgEditValidator.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","EditValidator",h).then(m=>e.MsgEditValidatorResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}Delegate(c){const h=e.MsgDelegate.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","Delegate",h).then(m=>e.MsgDelegateResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}BeginRedelegate(c){const h=e.MsgBeginRedelegate.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","BeginRedelegate",h).then(m=>e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}Undelegate(c){const h=e.MsgUndelegate.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg","Undelegate",h).then(m=>e.MsgUndelegateResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8502:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(v,I,l,j){j===void 0&&(j=l),Object.defineProperty(v,j,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return I[l]}})}:function(v,I,l,j){j===void 0&&(j=l),v[j]=I[l]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(v,I){Object.defineProperty(v,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:I})}:function(v,I){v.default=I}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(v){if(v&&v.__esModule)return v;var I={};if(v!=null)for(var l in v)l!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v,l)&&E(I,v,l);return R(I,v),I},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(v){return v&&v.__esModule?v:{default:v}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data=e.SignatureDescriptor=e.SignatureDescriptors=e.signModeToJSON=e.signModeFromJSON=e.SignMode=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191),u=y(4271);var s;function r(v){switch(v){case 0:case"SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED":return s.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"SIGN_MODE_DIRECT":return s.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT;case 2:case"SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL":return s.SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL;case 127:case"SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON":return s.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON;case 191:case"SIGN_MODE_EIP_191":return s.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191;default:return s.UNRECOGNIZED}}function n(v){switch(v){case s.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED:return"SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED";case s.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT:return"SIGN_MODE_DIRECT";case s.SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL:return"SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL";case s.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON:return"SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON";case s.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191:return"SIGN_MODE_EIP_191";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function o(){return{mode:0,signature:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.tx.signing.v1beta1",function(v){v[v.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED=0]="SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED",v[v.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT=1]="SIGN_MODE_DIRECT",v[v.SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL=2]="SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL",v[v.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON=127]="SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON",v[v.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191=191]="SIGN_MODE_EIP_191",v[v.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(s=e.SignMode||(e.SignMode={})),e.signModeFromJSON=r,e.signModeToJSON=n,e.SignatureDescriptors={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){for(const l of v.signatures)e.SignatureDescriptor.encode(l,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={signatures:[]};for(;l.pos>>3==1?N.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor.decode(l,l.uint32())):l.skipType(7&S)}return N},fromJSON:v=>({signatures:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.signatures)?v.signatures.map(I=>e.SignatureDescriptor.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.signatures?I.signatures=v.signatures.map(l=>l?e.SignatureDescriptor.toJSON(l):void 0):I.signatures=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I;const l={signatures:[]};return l.signatures=((I=v.signatures)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(j=>e.SignatureDescriptor.fromPartial(j)))||[],l}},e.SignatureDescriptor={encode:(v,I=t.Writer.create())=>(v.public_key!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(v.public_key,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),v.data!==void 0&&e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(v.data,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),v.sequence!=="0"&&I.uint32(24).uint64(v.sequence),I),decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={public_key:void 0,data:void 0,sequence:"0"};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.public_key=d.Any.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:N.data=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 3:N.sequence=l.uint64().toString();break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({public_key:m(v.public_key)?d.Any.fromJSON(v.public_key):void 0,data:m(v.data)?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromJSON(v.data):void 0,sequence:m(v.sequence)?String(v.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.public_key!==void 0&&(I.public_key=v.public_key?d.Any.toJSON(v.public_key):void 0),v.data!==void 0&&(I.data=v.data?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(v.data):void 0),v.sequence!==void 0&&(I.sequence=v.sequence),I},fromPartial(v){var I;const l={public_key:void 0,data:void 0,sequence:"0"};return l.public_key=v.public_key!==void 0&&v.public_key!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(v.public_key):void 0,l.data=v.data!==void 0&&v.data!==null?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(v.data):void 0,l.sequence=(I=v.sequence)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",l}},e.SignatureDescriptor_Data={encode:(v,I=t.Writer.create())=>(v.single!==void 0&&e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.encode(v.single,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),v.multi!==void 0&&e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.encode(v.multi,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),I),decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={single:void 0,multi:void 0};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.single=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:N.multi=e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.decode(l,l.uint32());break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({single:m(v.single)?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.fromJSON(v.single):void 0,multi:m(v.multi)?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.fromJSON(v.multi):void 0}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.single!==void 0&&(I.single=v.single?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.toJSON(v.single):void 0),v.multi!==void 0&&(I.multi=v.multi?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.toJSON(v.multi):void 0),I},fromPartial(v){const I={single:void 0,multi:void 0};return I.single=v.single!==void 0&&v.single!==null?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.fromPartial(v.single):void 0,I.multi=v.multi!==void 0&&v.multi!==null?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.fromPartial(v.multi):void 0,I}},e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single={encode:(v,I=t.Writer.create())=>(v.mode!==0&&I.uint32(8).int32(v.mode),v.signature.length!==0&&I.uint32(18).bytes(v.signature),I),decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N=o();for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.mode=l.int32();break;case 2:N.signature=l.bytes();break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({mode:m(v.mode)?r(v.mode):0,signature:m(v.signature)?c(v.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.mode!==void 0&&(I.mode=n(v.mode)),v.signature!==void 0&&(I.signature=function(l){const j=[];for(const N of l)j.push(String.fromCharCode(N));return h(j.join(""))}(v.signature!==void 0?v.signature:new Uint8Array)),I},fromPartial(v){var I,l;const j=o();return j.mode=(I=v.mode)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:0,j.signature=(l=v.signature)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,j}},e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi={encode(v,I=t.Writer.create()){v.bitarray!==void 0&&u.CompactBitArray.encode(v.bitarray,I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const l of v.signatures)e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(l,I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return I},decode(v,I){const l=v instanceof t.Reader?v:new t.Reader(v);let j=I===void 0?l.len:l.pos+I;const N={bitarray:void 0,signatures:[]};for(;l.pos>>3){case 1:N.bitarray=u.CompactBitArray.decode(l,l.uint32());break;case 2:N.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l,l.uint32()));break;default:l.skipType(7&S)}}return N},fromJSON:v=>({bitarray:m(v.bitarray)?u.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(v.bitarray):void 0,signatures:Array.isArray(v==null?void 0:v.signatures)?v.signatures.map(I=>e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromJSON(I)):[]}),toJSON(v){const I={};return v.bitarray!==void 0&&(I.bitarray=v.bitarray?u.CompactBitArray.toJSON(v.bitarray):void 0),v.signatures?I.signatures=v.signatures.map(l=>l?e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(l):void 0):I.signatures=[],I},fromPartial(v){var I;const l={bitarray:void 0,signatures:[]};return l.bitarray=v.bitarray!==void 0&&v.bitarray!==null?u.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(v.bitarray):void 0,l.signatures=((I=v.signatures)===null||I===void 0?void 0:I.map(j=>e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(j)))||[],l}};var i=(()=>{if(i!==void 0)return i;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const f=i.atob||(v=>i.Buffer.from(v,"base64").toString("binary"));function c(v){const I=f(v),l=new Uint8Array(I.length);for(let j=0;ji.Buffer.from(v,"binary").toString("base64"));function m(v){return v!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6994:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(l,j,N,S){S===void 0&&(S=N),Object.defineProperty(l,S,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return j[N]}})}:function(l,j,N,S){S===void 0&&(S=N),l[S]=j[N]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(l,j){Object.defineProperty(l,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:j})}:function(l,j){l.default=j}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(l){if(l&&l.__esModule)return l;var j={};if(l!=null)for(var N in l)N!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l,N)&&E(j,l,N);return R(j,l),j},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(l){return l&&l.__esModule?l:{default:l}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Fee=e.ModeInfo_Multi=e.ModeInfo_Single=e.ModeInfo=e.SignerInfo=e.AuthInfo=e.TxBody=e.SignDoc=e.TxRaw=e.Tx=e.Txs=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191),u=y(8502),s=y(4271),r=y(2976);function n(){return{body_bytes:new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array,signatures:[]}}function o(){return{body_bytes:new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array,chain_id:"",account_number:"0"}}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.tx.v1beta1",e.Txs={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){for(const N of l.tx)j.uint32(10).bytes(N);return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={tx:[]};for(;N.pos>>3==1?T.tx.push(N.bytes()):N.skipType(7&x)}return T},fromJSON:l=>({tx:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.tx)?l.tx.map(j=>c(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.tx?j.tx=l.tx.map(N=>m(N!==void 0?N:new Uint8Array)):j.tx=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={tx:[]};return N.tx=((j=l.tx)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>S))||[],N}},e.Tx={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.body!==void 0&&e.TxBody.encode(l.body,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.auth_info!==void 0&&e.AuthInfo.encode(l.auth_info,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const N of l.signatures)j.uint32(26).bytes(N);return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={body:void 0,auth_info:void 0,signatures:[]};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.body=e.TxBody.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.auth_info=e.AuthInfo.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 3:T.signatures.push(N.bytes());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({body:I(l.body)?e.TxBody.fromJSON(l.body):void 0,auth_info:I(l.auth_info)?e.AuthInfo.fromJSON(l.auth_info):void 0,signatures:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.signatures)?l.signatures.map(j=>c(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.body!==void 0&&(j.body=l.body?e.TxBody.toJSON(l.body):void 0),l.auth_info!==void 0&&(j.auth_info=l.auth_info?e.AuthInfo.toJSON(l.auth_info):void 0),l.signatures?j.signatures=l.signatures.map(N=>m(N!==void 0?N:new Uint8Array)):j.signatures=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={body:void 0,auth_info:void 0,signatures:[]};return N.body=l.body!==void 0&&l.body!==null?e.TxBody.fromPartial(l.body):void 0,N.auth_info=l.auth_info!==void 0&&l.auth_info!==null?e.AuthInfo.fromPartial(l.auth_info):void 0,N.signatures=((j=l.signatures)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>S))||[],N}},e.TxRaw={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.body_bytes.length!==0&&j.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes),l.auth_info_bytes.length!==0&&j.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes);for(const N of l.signatures)j.uint32(26).bytes(N);return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T=n();for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.body_bytes=N.bytes();break;case 2:T.auth_info_bytes=N.bytes();break;case 3:T.signatures.push(N.bytes());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({body_bytes:I(l.body_bytes)?c(l.body_bytes):new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:I(l.auth_info_bytes)?c(l.auth_info_bytes):new Uint8Array,signatures:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.signatures)?l.signatures.map(j=>c(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.body_bytes!==void 0&&(j.body_bytes=m(l.body_bytes!==void 0?l.body_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0&&(j.auth_info_bytes=m(l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0?l.auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.signatures?j.signatures=l.signatures.map(N=>m(N!==void 0?N:new Uint8Array)):j.signatures=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T=n();return T.body_bytes=(j=l.body_bytes)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:new Uint8Array,T.auth_info_bytes=(N=l.auth_info_bytes)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:new Uint8Array,T.signatures=((S=l.signatures)===null||S===void 0?void 0:S.map(x=>x))||[],T}},e.SignDoc={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.body_bytes.length!==0&&j.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes),l.auth_info_bytes.length!==0&&j.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes),l.chain_id!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.chain_id),l.account_number!=="0"&&j.uint32(32).uint64(l.account_number),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T=o();for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.body_bytes=N.bytes();break;case 2:T.auth_info_bytes=N.bytes();break;case 3:T.chain_id=N.string();break;case 4:T.account_number=v(N.uint64());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({body_bytes:I(l.body_bytes)?c(l.body_bytes):new Uint8Array,auth_info_bytes:I(l.auth_info_bytes)?c(l.auth_info_bytes):new Uint8Array,chain_id:I(l.chain_id)?String(l.chain_id):"",account_number:I(l.account_number)?String(l.account_number):"0"}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.body_bytes!==void 0&&(j.body_bytes=m(l.body_bytes!==void 0?l.body_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0&&(j.auth_info_bytes=m(l.auth_info_bytes!==void 0?l.auth_info_bytes:new Uint8Array)),l.chain_id!==void 0&&(j.chain_id=l.chain_id),l.account_number!==void 0&&(j.account_number=l.account_number),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T;const x=o();return x.body_bytes=(j=l.body_bytes)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:new Uint8Array,x.auth_info_bytes=(N=l.auth_info_bytes)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:new Uint8Array,x.chain_id=(S=l.chain_id)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",x.account_number=(T=l.account_number)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"0",x}},e.TxBody={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){for(const N of l.messages)d.Any.encode(N,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();l.memo!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.memo),l.timeout_height!=="0"&&j.uint32(24).uint64(l.timeout_height);for(const N of l.extension_options)d.Any.encode(N,j.uint32(8186).fork()).ldelim();for(const N of l.non_critical_extension_options)d.Any.encode(N,j.uint32(16378).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={messages:[],memo:"",timeout_height:"0",extension_options:[],non_critical_extension_options:[]};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.messages.push(d.Any.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;case 2:T.memo=N.string();break;case 3:T.timeout_height=v(N.uint64());break;case 1023:T.extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;case 2047:T.non_critical_extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({messages:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.messages)?l.messages.map(j=>d.Any.fromJSON(j)):[],memo:I(l.memo)?String(l.memo):"",timeout_height:I(l.timeout_height)?String(l.timeout_height):"0",extension_options:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.extension_options)?l.extension_options.map(j=>d.Any.fromJSON(j)):[],non_critical_extension_options:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.non_critical_extension_options)?l.non_critical_extension_options.map(j=>d.Any.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.messages?j.messages=l.messages.map(N=>N?d.Any.toJSON(N):void 0):j.messages=[],l.memo!==void 0&&(j.memo=l.memo),l.timeout_height!==void 0&&(j.timeout_height=l.timeout_height),l.extension_options?j.extension_options=l.extension_options.map(N=>N?d.Any.toJSON(N):void 0):j.extension_options=[],l.non_critical_extension_options?j.non_critical_extension_options=l.non_critical_extension_options.map(N=>N?d.Any.toJSON(N):void 0):j.non_critical_extension_options=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T,x;const k={messages:[],memo:"",timeout_height:"0",extension_options:[],non_critical_extension_options:[]};return k.messages=((j=l.messages)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(b=>d.Any.fromPartial(b)))||[],k.memo=(N=l.memo)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",k.timeout_height=(S=l.timeout_height)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",k.extension_options=((T=l.extension_options)===null||T===void 0?void 0:T.map(b=>d.Any.fromPartial(b)))||[],k.non_critical_extension_options=((x=l.non_critical_extension_options)===null||x===void 0?void 0:x.map(b=>d.Any.fromPartial(b)))||[],k}},e.AuthInfo={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){for(const N of l.signer_infos)e.SignerInfo.encode(N,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return l.fee!==void 0&&e.Fee.encode(l.fee,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={signer_infos:[],fee:void 0};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.signer_infos.push(e.SignerInfo.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;case 2:T.fee=e.Fee.decode(N,N.uint32());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({signer_infos:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.signer_infos)?l.signer_infos.map(j=>e.SignerInfo.fromJSON(j)):[],fee:I(l.fee)?e.Fee.fromJSON(l.fee):void 0}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.signer_infos?j.signer_infos=l.signer_infos.map(N=>N?e.SignerInfo.toJSON(N):void 0):j.signer_infos=[],l.fee!==void 0&&(j.fee=l.fee?e.Fee.toJSON(l.fee):void 0),j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={signer_infos:[],fee:void 0};return N.signer_infos=((j=l.signer_infos)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>e.SignerInfo.fromPartial(S)))||[],N.fee=l.fee!==void 0&&l.fee!==null?e.Fee.fromPartial(l.fee):void 0,N}},e.SignerInfo={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.public_key!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(l.public_key,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.mode_info!==void 0&&e.ModeInfo.encode(l.mode_info,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.sequence!=="0"&&j.uint32(24).uint64(l.sequence),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={public_key:void 0,mode_info:void 0,sequence:"0"};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.public_key=d.Any.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.mode_info=e.ModeInfo.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 3:T.sequence=v(N.uint64());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({public_key:I(l.public_key)?d.Any.fromJSON(l.public_key):void 0,mode_info:I(l.mode_info)?e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(l.mode_info):void 0,sequence:I(l.sequence)?String(l.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.public_key!==void 0&&(j.public_key=l.public_key?d.Any.toJSON(l.public_key):void 0),l.mode_info!==void 0&&(j.mode_info=l.mode_info?e.ModeInfo.toJSON(l.mode_info):void 0),l.sequence!==void 0&&(j.sequence=l.sequence),j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={public_key:void 0,mode_info:void 0,sequence:"0"};return N.public_key=l.public_key!==void 0&&l.public_key!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(l.public_key):void 0,N.mode_info=l.mode_info!==void 0&&l.mode_info!==null?e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(l.mode_info):void 0,N.sequence=(j=l.sequence)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"0",N}},e.ModeInfo={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.single!==void 0&&e.ModeInfo_Single.encode(l.single,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),l.multi!==void 0&&e.ModeInfo_Multi.encode(l.multi,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={single:void 0,multi:void 0};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.single=e.ModeInfo_Single.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.multi=e.ModeInfo_Multi.decode(N,N.uint32());break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({single:I(l.single)?e.ModeInfo_Single.fromJSON(l.single):void 0,multi:I(l.multi)?e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromJSON(l.multi):void 0}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.single!==void 0&&(j.single=l.single?e.ModeInfo_Single.toJSON(l.single):void 0),l.multi!==void 0&&(j.multi=l.multi?e.ModeInfo_Multi.toJSON(l.multi):void 0),j},fromPartial(l){const j={single:void 0,multi:void 0};return j.single=l.single!==void 0&&l.single!==null?e.ModeInfo_Single.fromPartial(l.single):void 0,j.multi=l.multi!==void 0&&l.multi!==null?e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromPartial(l.multi):void 0,j}},e.ModeInfo_Single={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.mode!==0&&j.uint32(8).int32(l.mode),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={mode:0};for(;N.pos>>3==1?T.mode=N.int32():N.skipType(7&x)}return T},fromJSON:l=>({mode:I(l.mode)?(0,u.signModeFromJSON)(l.mode):0}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.mode!==void 0&&(j.mode=(0,u.signModeToJSON)(l.mode)),j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={mode:0};return N.mode=(j=l.mode)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:0,N}},e.ModeInfo_Multi={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.bitarray!==void 0&&s.CompactBitArray.encode(l.bitarray,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const N of l.mode_infos)e.ModeInfo.encode(N,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={bitarray:void 0,mode_infos:[]};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.bitarray=s.CompactBitArray.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 2:T.mode_infos.push(e.ModeInfo.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({bitarray:I(l.bitarray)?s.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(l.bitarray):void 0,mode_infos:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.mode_infos)?l.mode_infos.map(j=>e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(j)):[]}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.bitarray!==void 0&&(j.bitarray=l.bitarray?s.CompactBitArray.toJSON(l.bitarray):void 0),l.mode_infos?j.mode_infos=l.mode_infos.map(N=>N?e.ModeInfo.toJSON(N):void 0):j.mode_infos=[],j},fromPartial(l){var j;const N={bitarray:void 0,mode_infos:[]};return N.bitarray=l.bitarray!==void 0&&l.bitarray!==null?s.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(l.bitarray):void 0,N.mode_infos=((j=l.mode_infos)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(S)))||[],N}},e.Fee={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){for(const N of l.amount)r.Coin.encode(N,j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return l.gas_limit!=="0"&&j.uint32(16).uint64(l.gas_limit),l.payer!==""&&j.uint32(26).string(l.payer),l.granter!==""&&j.uint32(34).string(l.granter),j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={amount:[],gas_limit:"0",payer:"",granter:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;case 2:T.gas_limit=v(N.uint64());break;case 3:T.payer=N.string();break;case 4:T.granter=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({amount:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.amount)?l.amount.map(j=>r.Coin.fromJSON(j)):[],gas_limit:I(l.gas_limit)?String(l.gas_limit):"0",payer:I(l.payer)?String(l.payer):"",granter:I(l.granter)?String(l.granter):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.amount?j.amount=l.amount.map(N=>N?r.Coin.toJSON(N):void 0):j.amount=[],l.gas_limit!==void 0&&(j.gas_limit=l.gas_limit),l.payer!==void 0&&(j.payer=l.payer),l.granter!==void 0&&(j.granter=l.granter),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T;const x={amount:[],gas_limit:"0",payer:"",granter:""};return x.amount=((j=l.amount)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(k=>r.Coin.fromPartial(k)))||[],x.gas_limit=(N=l.gas_limit)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"0",x.payer=(S=l.payer)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",x.granter=(T=l.granter)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",x}};var i=(()=>{if(i!==void 0)return i;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const f=i.atob||(l=>i.Buffer.from(l,"base64").toString("binary"));function c(l){const j=f(l),N=new Uint8Array(j.length);for(let S=0;Si.Buffer.from(l,"binary").toString("base64"));function m(l){const j=[];for(const N of l)j.push(String.fromCharCode(N));return h(j.join(""))}function v(l){return l.toString()}function I(l){return l!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8310:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return R(i,o),i},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ModuleVersion=e.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal=e.SoftwareUpgradeProposal=e.Plan=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(5090),u=y(4191);function s(o){return{seconds:Math.trunc(o.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:o.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function r(o){return o.toString()}function n(o){return o!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1",e.Plan={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.name!==""&&i.uint32(10).string(o.name),o.time!==void 0&&d.Timestamp.encode(o.time,i.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),o.height!=="0"&&i.uint32(24).int64(o.height),o.info!==""&&i.uint32(34).string(o.info),o.upgraded_client_state!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(o.upgraded_client_state,i.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={name:"",time:void 0,height:"0",info:"",upgraded_client_state:void 0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.name=f.string();break;case 2:h.time=d.Timestamp.decode(f,f.uint32());break;case 3:h.height=r(f.int64());break;case 4:h.info=f.string();break;case 5:h.upgraded_client_state=u.Any.decode(f,f.uint32());break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>{return{name:n(o.name)?String(o.name):"",time:n(o.time)?(i=o.time,i instanceof Date?s(i):typeof i=="string"?s(new Date(i)):d.Timestamp.fromJSON(i)):void 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0&&o.upgraded_client_state!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(o.upgraded_client_state):void 0,h}},e.SoftwareUpgradeProposal={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.title!==""&&i.uint32(10).string(o.title),o.description!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.description),o.plan!==void 0&&e.Plan.encode(o.plan,i.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={title:"",description:"",plan:void 0};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.title=f.string();break;case 2:h.description=f.string();break;case 3:h.plan=e.Plan.decode(f,f.uint32());break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({title:n(o.title)?String(o.title):"",description:n(o.description)?String(o.description):"",plan:n(o.plan)?e.Plan.fromJSON(o.plan):void 0}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.title!==void 0&&(i.title=o.title),o.description!==void 0&&(i.description=o.description),o.plan!==void 0&&(i.plan=o.plan?e.Plan.toJSON(o.plan):void 0),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f;const c={title:"",description:"",plan:void 0};return c.title=(i=o.title)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.description=(f=o.description)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c.plan=o.plan!==void 0&&o.plan!==null?e.Plan.fromPartial(o.plan):void 0,c}},e.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal={encode:(o,i=t.Writer.create())=>(o.title!==""&&i.uint32(10).string(o.title),o.description!==""&&i.uint32(18).string(o.description),i),decode(o,i){const f=o instanceof t.Reader?o:new t.Reader(o);let c=i===void 0?f.len:f.pos+i;const h={title:"",description:""};for(;f.pos>>3){case 1:h.title=f.string();break;case 2:h.description=f.string();break;default:f.skipType(7&m)}}return h},fromJSON:o=>({title:n(o.title)?String(o.title):"",description:n(o.description)?String(o.description):""}),toJSON(o){const i={};return o.title!==void 0&&(i.title=o.title),o.description!==void 0&&(i.description=o.description),i},fromPartial(o){var i,f;const c={title:"",description:""};return c.title=(i=o.title)!==null&&i!==void 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0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return R(r,s),r},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse=e.MsgCreateVestingAccount=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976);function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="cosmos.vesting.v1beta1",e.MsgCreateVestingAccount={encode(s,r=t.Writer.create()){s.from_address!==""&&r.uint32(10).string(s.from_address),s.to_address!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.to_address);for(const n of s.amount)d.Coin.encode(n,r.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return s.end_time!=="0"&&r.uint32(32).int64(s.end_time),s.delayed===!0&&r.uint32(40).bool(s.delayed),r},decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[],end_time:"0",delayed:!1};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.from_address=n.string();break;case 2:i.to_address=n.string();break;case 3:i.amount.push(d.Coin.decode(n,n.uint32()));break;case 4:i.end_time=n.int64().toString();break;case 5:i.delayed=n.bool();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({from_address:u(s.from_address)?String(s.from_address):"",to_address:u(s.to_address)?String(s.to_address):"",amount:Array.isArray(s==null?void 0:s.amount)?s.amount.map(r=>d.Coin.fromJSON(r)):[],end_time:u(s.end_time)?String(s.end_time):"0",delayed:!!u(s.delayed)&&!!s.delayed}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.from_address!==void 0&&(r.from_address=s.from_address),s.to_address!==void 0&&(r.to_address=s.to_address),s.amount?r.amount=s.amount.map(n=>n?d.Coin.toJSON(n):void 0):r.amount=[],s.end_time!==void 0&&(r.end_time=s.end_time),s.delayed!==void 0&&(r.delayed=s.delayed),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n,o,i,f;const c={from_address:"",to_address:"",amount:[],end_time:"0",delayed:!1};return c.from_address=(r=s.from_address)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"",c.to_address=(n=s.to_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.amount=((o=s.amount)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(h=>d.Coin.fromPartial(h)))||[],c.end_time=(i=s.end_time)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",c.delayed=(f=s.delayed)!==null&&f!==void 0&&f,c}},e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>r,decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;for(;n.pos({}),toJSON:s=>({}),fromPartial:s=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(s){this.rpc=s,this.CreateVestingAccount=this.CreateVestingAccount.bind(this)}CreateVestingAccount(s){const r=e.MsgCreateVestingAccount.encode(s).finish();return this.rpc.request("cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.Msg","CreateVestingAccount",r).then(n=>e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},4191:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return R(f,i),f},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Any=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const 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R(s,u),s},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Duration=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(u){return u!=null}e.protobufPackage="google.protobuf",e.Duration={encode:(u,s=t.Writer.create())=>(u.seconds!=="0"&&s.uint32(8).int64(u.seconds),u.nanos!==0&&s.uint32(16).int32(u.nanos),s),decode(u,s){const r=u instanceof t.Reader?u:new t.Reader(u);let n=s===void 0?r.len:r.pos+s;const o={seconds:"0",nanos:0};for(;r.pos>>3){case 1:o.seconds=r.int64().toString();break;case 2:o.nanos=r.int32();break;default:r.skipType(7&i)}}return o},fromJSON:u=>({seconds:d(u.seconds)?String(u.seconds):"0",nanos:d(u.nanos)?Number(u.nanos):0}),toJSON(u){const s={};return u.seconds!==void 0&&(s.seconds=u.seconds),u.nanos!==void 0&&(s.nanos=Math.round(u.nanos)),s},fromPartial(u){var s,r;const n={seconds:"0",nanos:0};return n.seconds=(s=u.seconds)!==null&&s!==void 0?s:"0",n.nanos=(r=u.nanos)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:0,n}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5090:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),Object.defineProperty(u,n,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return s[r]}})}:function(u,s,r,n){n===void 0&&(n=r),u[n]=s[r]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(u,s){Object.defineProperty(u,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:s})}:function(u,s){u.default=s}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(u){if(u&&u.__esModule)return u;var s={};if(u!=null)for(var r in u)r!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u,r)&&E(s,u,r);return R(s,u),s},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(u){return u&&u.__esModule?u:{default:u}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Timestamp=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(u){return 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0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return R(n,r),n},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IdentifiedPacketFees=e.PacketFees=e.PacketFee=e.Fee=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(5414),u=y(2976);function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.applications.fee.v1",e.Fee={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.recv_fee)u.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.ack_fee)u.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.timeout_fee)u.Coin.encode(o,n.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={recv_fee:[],ack_fee:[],timeout_fee:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.recv_fee.push(u.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 2:f.ack_fee.push(u.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;case 3:f.timeout_fee.push(u.Coin.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({recv_fee:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.recv_fee)?r.recv_fee.map(n=>u.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[],ack_fee:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.ack_fee)?r.ack_fee.map(n=>u.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[],timeout_fee:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.timeout_fee)?r.timeout_fee.map(n=>u.Coin.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.recv_fee?n.recv_fee=r.recv_fee.map(o=>o?u.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.recv_fee=[],r.ack_fee?n.ack_fee=r.ack_fee.map(o=>o?u.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.ack_fee=[],r.timeout_fee?n.timeout_fee=r.timeout_fee.map(o=>o?u.Coin.toJSON(o):void 0):n.timeout_fee=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={recv_fee:[],ack_fee:[],timeout_fee:[]};return f.recv_fee=((n=r.recv_fee)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(c=>u.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f.ack_fee=((o=r.ack_fee)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(c=>u.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f.timeout_fee=((i=r.timeout_fee)===null||i===void 0?void 0:i.map(c=>u.Coin.fromPartial(c)))||[],f}},e.PacketFee={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.fee!==void 0&&e.Fee.encode(r.fee,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.refund_address!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.refund_address);for(const o of r.relayers)n.uint32(26).string(o);return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={fee:void 0,refund_address:"",relayers:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.fee=e.Fee.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.refund_address=o.string();break;case 3:f.relayers.push(o.string());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({fee:s(r.fee)?e.Fee.fromJSON(r.fee):void 0,refund_address:s(r.refund_address)?String(r.refund_address):"",relayers:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.relayers)?r.relayers.map(n=>String(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.fee!==void 0&&(n.fee=r.fee?e.Fee.toJSON(r.fee):void 0),r.refund_address!==void 0&&(n.refund_address=r.refund_address),r.relayers?n.relayers=r.relayers.map(o=>o):n.relayers=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={fee:void 0,refund_address:"",relayers:[]};return i.fee=r.fee!==void 0&&r.fee!==null?e.Fee.fromPartial(r.fee):void 0,i.refund_address=(n=r.refund_address)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",i.relayers=((o=r.relayers)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>f))||[],i}},e.PacketFees={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.packet_fees)e.PacketFee.encode(o,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={packet_fees:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.packet_fees.push(e.PacketFee.decode(o,o.uint32())):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({packet_fees:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.packet_fees)?r.packet_fees.map(n=>e.PacketFee.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.packet_fees?n.packet_fees=r.packet_fees.map(o=>o?e.PacketFee.toJSON(o):void 0):n.packet_fees=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={packet_fees:[]};return o.packet_fees=((n=r.packet_fees)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.PacketFee.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},e.IdentifiedPacketFees={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.packet_id!==void 0&&d.PacketId.encode(r.packet_id,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();for(const o of r.packet_fees)e.PacketFee.encode(o,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={packet_id:void 0,packet_fees:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.packet_id=d.PacketId.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.packet_fees.push(e.PacketFee.decode(o,o.uint32()));break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({packet_id:s(r.packet_id)?d.PacketId.fromJSON(r.packet_id):void 0,packet_fees:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.packet_fees)?r.packet_fees.map(n=>e.PacketFee.fromJSON(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.packet_id!==void 0&&(n.packet_id=r.packet_id?d.PacketId.toJSON(r.packet_id):void 0),r.packet_fees?n.packet_fees=r.packet_fees.map(o=>o?e.PacketFee.toJSON(o):void 0):n.packet_fees=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={packet_id:void 0,packet_fees:[]};return o.packet_id=r.packet_id!==void 0&&r.packet_id!==null?d.PacketId.fromPartial(r.packet_id):void 0,o.packet_fees=((n=r.packet_fees)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>e.PacketFee.fromPartial(i)))||[],o}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6065:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return R(n,r),n},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse=e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync=e.MsgPayPacketFeeResponse=e.MsgPayPacketFee=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayeeResponse=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee=e.MsgRegisterPayeeResponse=e.MsgRegisterPayee=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(1106),u=y(5414);function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.applications.fee.v1",e.MsgRegisterPayee={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.port_id!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.port_id),r.channel_id!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.channel_id),r.relayer!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.relayer),r.payee!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.payee),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",payee:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.port_id=o.string();break;case 2:f.channel_id=o.string();break;case 3:f.relayer=o.string();break;case 4:f.payee=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({port_id:s(r.port_id)?String(r.port_id):"",channel_id:s(r.channel_id)?String(r.channel_id):"",relayer:s(r.relayer)?String(r.relayer):"",payee:s(r.payee)?String(r.payee):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.port_id!==void 0&&(n.port_id=r.port_id),r.channel_id!==void 0&&(n.channel_id=r.channel_id),r.relayer!==void 0&&(n.relayer=r.relayer),r.payee!==void 0&&(n.payee=r.payee),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",payee:""};return c.port_id=(n=r.port_id)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.channel_id=(o=r.channel_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.relayer=(i=r.relayer)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.payee=(f=r.payee)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c}},e.MsgRegisterPayeeResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.port_id!==""&&n.uint32(10).string(r.port_id),r.channel_id!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.channel_id),r.relayer!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.relayer),r.counterparty_payee!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.counterparty_payee),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",counterparty_payee:""};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.port_id=o.string();break;case 2:f.channel_id=o.string();break;case 3:f.relayer=o.string();break;case 4:f.counterparty_payee=o.string();break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({port_id:s(r.port_id)?String(r.port_id):"",channel_id:s(r.channel_id)?String(r.channel_id):"",relayer:s(r.relayer)?String(r.relayer):"",counterparty_payee:s(r.counterparty_payee)?String(r.counterparty_payee):""}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.port_id!==void 0&&(n.port_id=r.port_id),r.channel_id!==void 0&&(n.channel_id=r.channel_id),r.relayer!==void 0&&(n.relayer=r.relayer),r.counterparty_payee!==void 0&&(n.counterparty_payee=r.counterparty_payee),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={port_id:"",channel_id:"",relayer:"",counterparty_payee:""};return c.port_id=(n=r.port_id)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.channel_id=(o=r.channel_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.relayer=(i=r.relayer)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.counterparty_payee=(f=r.counterparty_payee)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",c}},e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayeeResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgPayPacketFee={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){r.fee!==void 0&&d.Fee.encode(r.fee,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.source_port_id!==""&&n.uint32(18).string(r.source_port_id),r.source_channel_id!==""&&n.uint32(26).string(r.source_channel_id),r.signer!==""&&n.uint32(34).string(r.signer);for(const o of r.relayers)n.uint32(42).string(o);return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={fee:void 0,source_port_id:"",source_channel_id:"",signer:"",relayers:[]};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.fee=d.Fee.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.source_port_id=o.string();break;case 3:f.source_channel_id=o.string();break;case 4:f.signer=o.string();break;case 5:f.relayers.push(o.string());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({fee:s(r.fee)?d.Fee.fromJSON(r.fee):void 0,source_port_id:s(r.source_port_id)?String(r.source_port_id):"",source_channel_id:s(r.source_channel_id)?String(r.source_channel_id):"",signer:s(r.signer)?String(r.signer):"",relayers:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.relayers)?r.relayers.map(n=>String(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.fee!==void 0&&(n.fee=r.fee?d.Fee.toJSON(r.fee):void 0),r.source_port_id!==void 0&&(n.source_port_id=r.source_port_id),r.source_channel_id!==void 0&&(n.source_channel_id=r.source_channel_id),r.signer!==void 0&&(n.signer=r.signer),r.relayers?n.relayers=r.relayers.map(o=>o):n.relayers=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i,f;const c={fee:void 0,source_port_id:"",source_channel_id:"",signer:"",relayers:[]};return c.fee=r.fee!==void 0&&r.fee!==null?d.Fee.fromPartial(r.fee):void 0,c.source_port_id=(n=r.source_port_id)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",c.source_channel_id=(o=r.source_channel_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",c.signer=(i=r.signer)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",c.relayers=((f=r.relayers)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>h))||[],c}},e.MsgPayPacketFeeResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.packet_id!==void 0&&u.PacketId.encode(r.packet_id,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.packet_fee!==void 0&&d.PacketFee.encode(r.packet_fee,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={packet_id:void 0,packet_fee:void 0};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.packet_id=u.PacketId.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.packet_fee=d.PacketFee.decode(o,o.uint32());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({packet_id:s(r.packet_id)?u.PacketId.fromJSON(r.packet_id):void 0,packet_fee:s(r.packet_fee)?d.PacketFee.fromJSON(r.packet_fee):void 0}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.packet_id!==void 0&&(n.packet_id=r.packet_id?u.PacketId.toJSON(r.packet_id):void 0),r.packet_fee!==void 0&&(n.packet_fee=r.packet_fee?d.PacketFee.toJSON(r.packet_fee):void 0),n},fromPartial(r){const n={packet_id:void 0,packet_fee:void 0};return n.packet_id=r.packet_id!==void 0&&r.packet_id!==null?u.PacketId.fromPartial(r.packet_id):void 0,n.packet_fee=r.packet_fee!==void 0&&r.packet_fee!==null?d.PacketFee.fromPartial(r.packet_fee):void 0,n}},e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>n,decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;for(;o.pos({}),toJSON:r=>({}),fromPartial:r=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(r){this.rpc=r,this.RegisterPayee=this.RegisterPayee.bind(this),this.RegisterCounterpartyPayee=this.RegisterCounterpartyPayee.bind(this),this.PayPacketFee=this.PayPacketFee.bind(this),this.PayPacketFeeAsync=this.PayPacketFeeAsync.bind(this)}RegisterPayee(r){const n=e.MsgRegisterPayee.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","RegisterPayee",n).then(o=>e.MsgRegisterPayeeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}RegisterCounterpartyPayee(r){const n=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","RegisterCounterpartyPayee",n).then(o=>e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayeeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}PayPacketFee(r){const n=e.MsgPayPacketFee.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","PayPacketFee",n).then(o=>e.MsgPayPacketFeeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}PayPacketFeeAsync(r){const n=e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync.encode(r).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg","PayPacketFeeAsync",n).then(o=>e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},865:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return R(o,n),o},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgTransferResponse=e.MsgTransfer=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976),u=y(5650);function s(n){return n.toString()}function r(n){return n!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.applications.transfer.v1",e.MsgTransfer={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.source_port!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.source_port),n.source_channel!==""&&o.uint32(18).string(n.source_channel),n.token!==void 0&&d.Coin.encode(n.token,o.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),n.sender!==""&&o.uint32(34).string(n.sender),n.receiver!==""&&o.uint32(42).string(n.receiver),n.timeout_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(n.timeout_height,o.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),n.timeout_timestamp!=="0"&&o.uint32(56).uint64(n.timeout_timestamp),n.memo!==""&&o.uint32(66).string(n.memo),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={source_port:"",source_channel:"",token:void 0,sender:"",receiver:"",timeout_height:void 0,timeout_timestamp:"0",memo:""};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.source_port=i.string();break;case 2:c.source_channel=i.string();break;case 3:c.token=d.Coin.decode(i,i.uint32());break;case 4:c.sender=i.string();break;case 5:c.receiver=i.string();break;case 6:c.timeout_height=u.Height.decode(i,i.uint32());break;case 7:c.timeout_timestamp=s(i.uint64());break;case 8:c.memo=i.string();break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({source_port:r(n.source_port)?String(n.source_port):"",source_channel:r(n.source_channel)?String(n.source_channel):"",token:r(n.token)?d.Coin.fromJSON(n.token):void 0,sender:r(n.sender)?String(n.sender):"",receiver:r(n.receiver)?String(n.receiver):"",timeout_height:r(n.timeout_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(n.timeout_height):void 0,timeout_timestamp:r(n.timeout_timestamp)?String(n.timeout_timestamp):"0",memo:r(n.memo)?String(n.memo):""}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.source_port!==void 0&&(o.source_port=n.source_port),n.source_channel!==void 0&&(o.source_channel=n.source_channel),n.token!==void 0&&(o.token=n.token?d.Coin.toJSON(n.token):void 0),n.sender!==void 0&&(o.sender=n.sender),n.receiver!==void 0&&(o.receiver=n.receiver),n.timeout_height!==void 0&&(o.timeout_height=n.timeout_height?u.Height.toJSON(n.timeout_height):void 0),n.timeout_timestamp!==void 0&&(o.timeout_timestamp=n.timeout_timestamp),n.memo!==void 0&&(o.memo=n.memo),o},fromPartial(n){var o,i,f,c,h,m;const v={source_port:"",source_channel:"",token:void 0,sender:"",receiver:"",timeout_height:void 0,timeout_timestamp:"0",memo:""};return v.source_port=(o=n.source_port)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",v.source_channel=(i=n.source_channel)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",v.token=n.token!==void 0&&n.token!==null?d.Coin.fromPartial(n.token):void 0,v.sender=(f=n.sender)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",v.receiver=(c=n.receiver)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",v.timeout_height=n.timeout_height!==void 0&&n.timeout_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(n.timeout_height):void 0,v.timeout_timestamp=(h=n.timeout_timestamp)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"0",v.memo=(m=n.memo)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v}},e.MsgTransferResponse={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.sequence!=="0"&&o.uint32(8).uint64(n.sequence),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={sequence:"0"};for(;i.pos>>3==1?c.sequence=s(i.uint64()):i.skipType(7&h)}return c},fromJSON:n=>({sequence:r(n.sequence)?String(n.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.sequence!==void 0&&(o.sequence=n.sequence),o},fromPartial(n){var o;const i={sequence:"0"};return i.sequence=(o=n.sequence)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(n){this.rpc=n,this.Transfer=this.Transfer.bind(this)}Transfer(n){const o=e.MsgTransfer.encode(n).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.transfer.v1.Msg","Transfer",o).then(i=>e.MsgTransferResponse.decode(new t.Reader(i)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5414:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(S,T,x,k){k===void 0&&(k=x),Object.defineProperty(S,k,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return T[x]}})}:function(S,T,x,k){k===void 0&&(k=x),S[k]=T[x]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(S,T){Object.defineProperty(S,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:T})}:function(S,T){S.default=T}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(S){if(S&&S.__esModule)return S;var T={};if(S!=null)for(var x in S)x!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S,x)&&E(T,S,x);return R(T,S),T},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(S){return S&&S.__esModule?S:{default:S}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Acknowledgement=e.PacketId=e.PacketState=e.Packet=e.Counterparty=e.IdentifiedChannel=e.Channel=e.orderToJSON=e.orderFromJSON=e.Order=e.stateToJSON=e.stateFromJSON=e.State=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(5650);var u,s;function r(S){switch(S){case 0:case"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED":return u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"STATE_INIT":return u.STATE_INIT;case 2:case"STATE_TRYOPEN":return u.STATE_TRYOPEN;case 3:case"STATE_OPEN":return u.STATE_OPEN;case 4:case"STATE_CLOSED":return u.STATE_CLOSED;default:return u.UNRECOGNIZED}}function n(S){switch(S){case u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED:return"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED";case u.STATE_INIT:return"STATE_INIT";case u.STATE_TRYOPEN:return"STATE_TRYOPEN";case u.STATE_OPEN:return"STATE_OPEN";case u.STATE_CLOSED:return"STATE_CLOSED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function o(S){switch(S){case 0:case"ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED":return s.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"ORDER_UNORDERED":return s.ORDER_UNORDERED;case 2:case"ORDER_ORDERED":return s.ORDER_ORDERED;default:return s.UNRECOGNIZED}}function i(S){switch(S){case s.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED:return"ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED";case s.ORDER_UNORDERED:return"ORDER_UNORDERED";case s.ORDER_ORDERED:return"ORDER_ORDERED";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function f(){return{sequence:"0",source_port:"",source_channel:"",destination_port:"",destination_channel:"",data:new Uint8Array,timeout_height:void 0,timeout_timestamp:"0"}}function c(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",sequence:"0",data:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.channel.v1",function(S){S[S.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED=0]="STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED",S[S.STATE_INIT=1]="STATE_INIT",S[S.STATE_TRYOPEN=2]="STATE_TRYOPEN",S[S.STATE_OPEN=3]="STATE_OPEN",S[S.STATE_CLOSED=4]="STATE_CLOSED",S[S.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(u=e.State||(e.State={})),e.stateFromJSON=r,e.stateToJSON=n,function(S){S[S.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED=0]="ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED",S[S.ORDER_UNORDERED=1]="ORDER_UNORDERED",S[S.ORDER_ORDERED=2]="ORDER_ORDERED",S[S.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(s=e.Order||(e.Order={})),e.orderFromJSON=o,e.orderToJSON=i,e.Channel={encode(S,T=t.Writer.create()){S.state!==0&&T.uint32(8).int32(S.state),S.ordering!==0&&T.uint32(16).int32(S.ordering),S.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(S.counterparty,T.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const x of S.connection_hops)T.uint32(34).string(x);return S.version!==""&&T.uint32(42).string(S.version),T},decode(S,T){const x=S instanceof t.Reader?S:new t.Reader(S);let k=T===void 0?x.len:x.pos+T;const b={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:""};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:b.state=x.int32();break;case 2:b.ordering=x.int32();break;case 3:b.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 4:b.connection_hops.push(x.string());break;case 5:b.version=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&p)}}return b},fromJSON:S=>({state:N(S.state)?r(S.state):0,ordering:N(S.ordering)?o(S.ordering):0,counterparty:N(S.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(S.counterparty):void 0,connection_hops:Array.isArray(S==null?void 0:S.connection_hops)?S.connection_hops.map(T=>String(T)):[],version:N(S.version)?String(S.version):""}),toJSON(S){const T={};return S.state!==void 0&&(T.state=n(S.state)),S.ordering!==void 0&&(T.ordering=i(S.ordering)),S.counterparty!==void 0&&(T.counterparty=S.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(S.counterparty):void 0),S.connection_hops?T.connection_hops=S.connection_hops.map(x=>x):T.connection_hops=[],S.version!==void 0&&(T.version=S.version),T},fromPartial(S){var T,x,k,b;const p={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:""};return p.state=(T=S.state)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:0,p.ordering=(x=S.ordering)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:0,p.counterparty=S.counterparty!==void 0&&S.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(S.counterparty):void 0,p.connection_hops=((k=S.connection_hops)===null||k===void 0?void 0:k.map(P=>P))||[],p.version=(b=S.version)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"",p}},e.IdentifiedChannel={encode(S,T=t.Writer.create()){S.state!==0&&T.uint32(8).int32(S.state),S.ordering!==0&&T.uint32(16).int32(S.ordering),S.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(S.counterparty,T.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const x of S.connection_hops)T.uint32(34).string(x);return S.version!==""&&T.uint32(42).string(S.version),S.port_id!==""&&T.uint32(50).string(S.port_id),S.channel_id!==""&&T.uint32(58).string(S.channel_id),T},decode(S,T){const x=S instanceof t.Reader?S:new t.Reader(S);let k=T===void 0?x.len:x.pos+T;const b={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:"",port_id:"",channel_id:""};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:b.state=x.int32();break;case 2:b.ordering=x.int32();break;case 3:b.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 4:b.connection_hops.push(x.string());break;case 5:b.version=x.string();break;case 6:b.port_id=x.string();break;case 7:b.channel_id=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&p)}}return b},fromJSON:S=>({state:N(S.state)?r(S.state):0,ordering:N(S.ordering)?o(S.ordering):0,counterparty:N(S.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(S.counterparty):void 0,connection_hops:Array.isArray(S==null?void 0:S.connection_hops)?S.connection_hops.map(T=>String(T)):[],version:N(S.version)?String(S.version):"",port_id:N(S.port_id)?String(S.port_id):"",channel_id:N(S.channel_id)?String(S.channel_id):""}),toJSON(S){const T={};return S.state!==void 0&&(T.state=n(S.state)),S.ordering!==void 0&&(T.ordering=i(S.ordering)),S.counterparty!==void 0&&(T.counterparty=S.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(S.counterparty):void 0),S.connection_hops?T.connection_hops=S.connection_hops.map(x=>x):T.connection_hops=[],S.version!==void 0&&(T.version=S.version),S.port_id!==void 0&&(T.port_id=S.port_id),S.channel_id!==void 0&&(T.channel_id=S.channel_id),T},fromPartial(S){var T,x,k,b,p,P;const B={state:0,ordering:0,counterparty:void 0,connection_hops:[],version:"",port_id:"",channel_id:""};return B.state=(T=S.state)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:0,B.ordering=(x=S.ordering)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:0,B.counterparty=S.counterparty!==void 0&&S.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(S.counterparty):void 0,B.connection_hops=((k=S.connection_hops)===null||k===void 0?void 0:k.map(C=>C))||[],B.version=(b=S.version)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"",B.port_id=(p=S.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",B.channel_id=(P=S.channel_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",B}},e.Counterparty={encode:(S,T=t.Writer.create())=>(S.port_id!==""&&T.uint32(10).string(S.port_id),S.channel_id!==""&&T.uint32(18).string(S.channel_id),T),decode(S,T){const x=S instanceof t.Reader?S:new t.Reader(S);let k=T===void 0?x.len:x.pos+T;const b={port_id:"",channel_id:""};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:b.port_id=x.string();break;case 2:b.channel_id=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&p)}}return b},fromJSON:S=>({port_id:N(S.port_id)?String(S.port_id):"",channel_id:N(S.channel_id)?String(S.channel_id):""}),toJSON(S){const T={};return S.port_id!==void 0&&(T.port_id=S.port_id),S.channel_id!==void 0&&(T.channel_id=S.channel_id),T},fromPartial(S){var T,x;const k={port_id:"",channel_id:""};return k.port_id=(T=S.port_id)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",k.channel_id=(x=S.channel_id)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",k}},e.Packet={encode:(S,T=t.Writer.create())=>(S.sequence!=="0"&&T.uint32(8).uint64(S.sequence),S.source_port!==""&&T.uint32(18).string(S.source_port),S.source_channel!==""&&T.uint32(26).string(S.source_channel),S.destination_port!==""&&T.uint32(34).string(S.destination_port),S.destination_channel!==""&&T.uint32(42).string(S.destination_channel),S.data.length!==0&&T.uint32(50).bytes(S.data),S.timeout_height!==void 0&&d.Height.encode(S.timeout_height,T.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),S.timeout_timestamp!=="0"&&T.uint32(64).uint64(S.timeout_timestamp),T),decode(S,T){const x=S instanceof t.Reader?S:new t.Reader(S);let k=T===void 0?x.len:x.pos+T;const b=f();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:b.sequence=j(x.uint64());break;case 2:b.source_port=x.string();break;case 3:b.source_channel=x.string();break;case 4:b.destination_port=x.string();break;case 5:b.destination_channel=x.string();break;case 6:b.data=x.bytes();break;case 7:b.timeout_height=d.Height.decode(x,x.uint32());break;case 8:b.timeout_timestamp=j(x.uint64());break;default:x.skipType(7&p)}}return b},fromJSON:S=>({sequence:N(S.sequence)?String(S.sequence):"0",source_port:N(S.source_port)?String(S.source_port):"",source_channel:N(S.source_channel)?String(S.source_channel):"",destination_port:N(S.destination_port)?String(S.destination_port):"",destination_channel:N(S.destination_channel)?String(S.destination_channel):"",data:N(S.data)?v(S.data):new Uint8Array,timeout_height:N(S.timeout_height)?d.Height.fromJSON(S.timeout_height):void 0,timeout_timestamp:N(S.timeout_timestamp)?String(S.timeout_timestamp):"0"}),toJSON(S){const T={};return S.sequence!==void 0&&(T.sequence=S.sequence),S.source_port!==void 0&&(T.source_port=S.source_port),S.source_channel!==void 0&&(T.source_channel=S.source_channel),S.destination_port!==void 0&&(T.destination_port=S.destination_port),S.destination_channel!==void 0&&(T.destination_channel=S.destination_channel),S.data!==void 0&&(T.data=l(S.data!==void 0?S.data:new Uint8Array)),S.timeout_height!==void 0&&(T.timeout_height=S.timeout_height?d.Height.toJSON(S.timeout_height):void 0),S.timeout_timestamp!==void 0&&(T.timeout_timestamp=S.timeout_timestamp),T},fromPartial(S){var T,x,k,b,p,P,B;const C=f();return C.sequence=(T=S.sequence)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"0",C.source_port=(x=S.source_port)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",C.source_channel=(k=S.source_channel)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",C.destination_port=(b=S.destination_port)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"",C.destination_channel=(p=S.destination_channel)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",C.data=(P=S.data)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:new Uint8Array,C.timeout_height=S.timeout_height!==void 0&&S.timeout_height!==null?d.Height.fromPartial(S.timeout_height):void 0,C.timeout_timestamp=(B=S.timeout_timestamp)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"0",C}},e.PacketState={encode:(S,T=t.Writer.create())=>(S.port_id!==""&&T.uint32(10).string(S.port_id),S.channel_id!==""&&T.uint32(18).string(S.channel_id),S.sequence!=="0"&&T.uint32(24).uint64(S.sequence),S.data.length!==0&&T.uint32(34).bytes(S.data),T),decode(S,T){const x=S instanceof t.Reader?S:new t.Reader(S);let k=T===void 0?x.len:x.pos+T;const b=c();for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:b.port_id=x.string();break;case 2:b.channel_id=x.string();break;case 3:b.sequence=j(x.uint64());break;case 4:b.data=x.bytes();break;default:x.skipType(7&p)}}return b},fromJSON:S=>({port_id:N(S.port_id)?String(S.port_id):"",channel_id:N(S.channel_id)?String(S.channel_id):"",sequence:N(S.sequence)?String(S.sequence):"0",data:N(S.data)?v(S.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(S){const T={};return S.port_id!==void 0&&(T.port_id=S.port_id),S.channel_id!==void 0&&(T.channel_id=S.channel_id),S.sequence!==void 0&&(T.sequence=S.sequence),S.data!==void 0&&(T.data=l(S.data!==void 0?S.data:new Uint8Array)),T},fromPartial(S){var T,x,k,b;const p=c();return p.port_id=(T=S.port_id)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",p.channel_id=(x=S.channel_id)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",p.sequence=(k=S.sequence)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"0",p.data=(b=S.data)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,p}},e.PacketId={encode:(S,T=t.Writer.create())=>(S.port_id!==""&&T.uint32(10).string(S.port_id),S.channel_id!==""&&T.uint32(18).string(S.channel_id),S.sequence!=="0"&&T.uint32(24).uint64(S.sequence),T),decode(S,T){const x=S instanceof t.Reader?S:new t.Reader(S);let k=T===void 0?x.len:x.pos+T;const b={port_id:"",channel_id:"",sequence:"0"};for(;x.pos>>3){case 1:b.port_id=x.string();break;case 2:b.channel_id=x.string();break;case 3:b.sequence=j(x.uint64());break;default:x.skipType(7&p)}}return b},fromJSON:S=>({port_id:N(S.port_id)?String(S.port_id):"",channel_id:N(S.channel_id)?String(S.channel_id):"",sequence:N(S.sequence)?String(S.sequence):"0"}),toJSON(S){const T={};return S.port_id!==void 0&&(T.port_id=S.port_id),S.channel_id!==void 0&&(T.channel_id=S.channel_id),S.sequence!==void 0&&(T.sequence=S.sequence),T},fromPartial(S){var T,x,k;const b={port_id:"",channel_id:"",sequence:"0"};return b.port_id=(T=S.port_id)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:"",b.channel_id=(x=S.channel_id)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",b.sequence=(k=S.sequence)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"0",b}},e.Acknowledgement={encode:(S,T=t.Writer.create())=>(S.result!==void 0&&T.uint32(170).bytes(S.result),S.error!==void 0&&T.uint32(178).string(S.error),T),decode(S,T){const x=S instanceof t.Reader?S:new t.Reader(S);let k=T===void 0?x.len:x.pos+T;const b={result:void 0,error:void 0};for(;x.pos>>3){case 21:b.result=x.bytes();break;case 22:b.error=x.string();break;default:x.skipType(7&p)}}return b},fromJSON:S=>({result:N(S.result)?v(S.result):void 0,error:N(S.error)?String(S.error):void 0}),toJSON(S){const T={};return S.result!==void 0&&(T.result=S.result!==void 0?l(S.result):void 0),S.error!==void 0&&(T.error=S.error),T},fromPartial(S){var T,x;const k={result:void 0,error:void 0};return k.result=(T=S.result)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:void 0,k.error=(x=S.error)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:void 0,k}};var h=(()=>{if(h!==void 0)return h;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const m=h.atob||(S=>h.Buffer.from(S,"base64").toString("binary"));function v(S){const T=m(S),x=new Uint8Array(T.length);for(let k=0;kh.Buffer.from(S,"binary").toString("base64"));function l(S){const T=[];for(const x of S)T.push(String.fromCharCode(x));return I(T.join(""))}function j(S){return S.toString()}function N(S){return S!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},7579:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(b,p,P,B){B===void 0&&(B=P),Object.defineProperty(b,B,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return p[P]}})}:function(b,p,P,B){B===void 0&&(B=P),b[B]=p[P]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(b,p){Object.defineProperty(b,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:p})}:function(b,p){b.default=p}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(b){if(b&&b.__esModule)return b;var p={};if(b!=null)for(var P in b)P!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b,P)&&E(p,b,P);return R(p,b),p},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(b){return b&&b.__esModule?b:{default:b}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse=e.MsgAcknowledgement=e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse=e.MsgTimeoutOnClose=e.MsgTimeoutResponse=e.MsgTimeout=e.MsgRecvPacketResponse=e.MsgRecvPacket=e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse=e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm=e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse=e.MsgChannelCloseInit=e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm=e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenAck=e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenTry=e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse=e.MsgChannelOpenInit=e.responseResultTypeToJSON=e.responseResultTypeFromJSON=e.ResponseResultType=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(5414),u=y(5650);var s;function r(b){switch(b){case 0:case"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED":return s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP":return s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP;case 2:case"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS":return s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS;default:return s.UNRECOGNIZED}}function n(b){switch(b){case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED:return"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED";case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP:return"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP";case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS:return"RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function o(){return{port_id:"",previous_channel_id:"",channel:void 0,counterparty_version:"",proof_init:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function i(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",counterparty_channel_id:"",counterparty_version:"",proof_try:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function f(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",proof_ack:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function c(){return{port_id:"",channel_id:"",proof_init:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function h(){return{packet:void 0,proof_commitment:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}function m(){return{packet:void 0,proof_unreceived:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,next_sequence_recv:"0",signer:""}}function v(){return{packet:void 0,proof_unreceived:new Uint8Array,proof_close:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,next_sequence_recv:"0",signer:""}}function I(){return{packet:void 0,acknowledgement:new Uint8Array,proof_acked:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.channel.v1",function(b){b[b.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED=0]="RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED",b[b.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP=1]="RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP",b[b.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS=2]="RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS",b[b.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(s=e.ResponseResultType||(e.ResponseResultType={})),e.responseResultTypeFromJSON=r,e.responseResultTypeToJSON=n,e.MsgChannelOpenInit={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.port_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id),b.channel!==void 0&&d.Channel.encode(b.channel,p.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(26).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={port_id:"",channel:void 0,signer:""};for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.port_id=P.string();break;case 2:C.channel=d.Channel.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 3:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({port_id:k(b.port_id)?String(b.port_id):"",channel:k(b.channel)?d.Channel.fromJSON(b.channel):void 0,signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.port_id!==void 0&&(p.port_id=b.port_id),b.channel!==void 0&&(p.channel=b.channel?d.Channel.toJSON(b.channel):void 0),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P;const B={port_id:"",channel:void 0,signer:""};return B.port_id=(p=b.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",B.channel=b.channel!==void 0&&b.channel!==null?d.Channel.fromPartial(b.channel):void 0,B.signer=(P=b.signer)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",B}},e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.channel_id),b.version!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(b.version),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={channel_id:"",version:""};for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.channel_id=P.string();break;case 2:C.version=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({channel_id:k(b.channel_id)?String(b.channel_id):"",version:k(b.version)?String(b.version):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.channel_id!==void 0&&(p.channel_id=b.channel_id),b.version!==void 0&&(p.version=b.version),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P;const B={channel_id:"",version:""};return B.channel_id=(p=b.channel_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",B.version=(P=b.version)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",B}},e.MsgChannelOpenTry={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.port_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id),b.previous_channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(b.previous_channel_id),b.channel!==void 0&&d.Channel.encode(b.channel,p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),b.counterparty_version!==""&&p.uint32(34).string(b.counterparty_version),b.proof_init.length!==0&&p.uint32(42).bytes(b.proof_init),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(58).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=o();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.port_id=P.string();break;case 2:C.previous_channel_id=P.string();break;case 3:C.channel=d.Channel.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 4:C.counterparty_version=P.string();break;case 5:C.proof_init=P.bytes();break;case 6:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 7:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({port_id:k(b.port_id)?String(b.port_id):"",previous_channel_id:k(b.previous_channel_id)?String(b.previous_channel_id):"",channel:k(b.channel)?d.Channel.fromJSON(b.channel):void 0,counterparty_version:k(b.counterparty_version)?String(b.counterparty_version):"",proof_init:k(b.proof_init)?N(b.proof_init):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.port_id!==void 0&&(p.port_id=b.port_id),b.previous_channel_id!==void 0&&(p.previous_channel_id=b.previous_channel_id),b.channel!==void 0&&(p.channel=b.channel?d.Channel.toJSON(b.channel):void 0),b.counterparty_version!==void 0&&(p.counterparty_version=b.counterparty_version),b.proof_init!==void 0&&(p.proof_init=T(b.proof_init!==void 0?b.proof_init:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B,C,L;const re=o();return re.port_id=(p=b.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",re.previous_channel_id=(P=b.previous_channel_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",re.channel=b.channel!==void 0&&b.channel!==null?d.Channel.fromPartial(b.channel):void 0,re.counterparty_version=(B=b.counterparty_version)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",re.proof_init=(C=b.proof_init)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array,re.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,re.signer=(L=b.signer)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:"",re}},e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.version!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.version),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={version:""};for(;P.pos>>3==1?C.version=P.string():P.skipType(7&L)}return C},fromJSON:b=>({version:k(b.version)?String(b.version):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.version!==void 0&&(p.version=b.version),p},fromPartial(b){var p;const P={version:""};return P.version=(p=b.version)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",P}},e.MsgChannelOpenAck={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.port_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id),b.channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id),b.counterparty_channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(26).string(b.counterparty_channel_id),b.counterparty_version!==""&&p.uint32(34).string(b.counterparty_version),b.proof_try.length!==0&&p.uint32(42).bytes(b.proof_try),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(58).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=i();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.port_id=P.string();break;case 2:C.channel_id=P.string();break;case 3:C.counterparty_channel_id=P.string();break;case 4:C.counterparty_version=P.string();break;case 5:C.proof_try=P.bytes();break;case 6:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 7:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({port_id:k(b.port_id)?String(b.port_id):"",channel_id:k(b.channel_id)?String(b.channel_id):"",counterparty_channel_id:k(b.counterparty_channel_id)?String(b.counterparty_channel_id):"",counterparty_version:k(b.counterparty_version)?String(b.counterparty_version):"",proof_try:k(b.proof_try)?N(b.proof_try):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.port_id!==void 0&&(p.port_id=b.port_id),b.channel_id!==void 0&&(p.channel_id=b.channel_id),b.counterparty_channel_id!==void 0&&(p.counterparty_channel_id=b.counterparty_channel_id),b.counterparty_version!==void 0&&(p.counterparty_version=b.counterparty_version),b.proof_try!==void 0&&(p.proof_try=T(b.proof_try!==void 0?b.proof_try:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B,C,L,re;const ee=i();return ee.port_id=(p=b.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",ee.channel_id=(P=b.channel_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",ee.counterparty_channel_id=(B=b.counterparty_channel_id)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",ee.counterparty_version=(C=b.counterparty_version)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",ee.proof_try=(L=b.proof_try)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:new Uint8Array,ee.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,ee.signer=(re=b.signer)!==null&&re!==void 0?re:"",ee}},e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>p,decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;for(;P.pos({}),toJSON:b=>({}),fromPartial:b=>({})},e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.port_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id),b.channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id),b.proof_ack.length!==0&&p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_ack),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(42).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=f();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.port_id=P.string();break;case 2:C.channel_id=P.string();break;case 3:C.proof_ack=P.bytes();break;case 4:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 5:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({port_id:k(b.port_id)?String(b.port_id):"",channel_id:k(b.channel_id)?String(b.channel_id):"",proof_ack:k(b.proof_ack)?N(b.proof_ack):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.port_id!==void 0&&(p.port_id=b.port_id),b.channel_id!==void 0&&(p.channel_id=b.channel_id),b.proof_ack!==void 0&&(p.proof_ack=T(b.proof_ack!==void 0?b.proof_ack:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B,C;const L=f();return L.port_id=(p=b.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",L.channel_id=(P=b.channel_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",L.proof_ack=(B=b.proof_ack)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:new Uint8Array,L.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,L.signer=(C=b.signer)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",L}},e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>p,decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;for(;P.pos({}),toJSON:b=>({}),fromPartial:b=>({})},e.MsgChannelCloseInit={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.port_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id),b.channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(26).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={port_id:"",channel_id:"",signer:""};for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.port_id=P.string();break;case 2:C.channel_id=P.string();break;case 3:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({port_id:k(b.port_id)?String(b.port_id):"",channel_id:k(b.channel_id)?String(b.channel_id):"",signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.port_id!==void 0&&(p.port_id=b.port_id),b.channel_id!==void 0&&(p.channel_id=b.channel_id),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B;const C={port_id:"",channel_id:"",signer:""};return C.port_id=(p=b.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",C.channel_id=(P=b.channel_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",C.signer=(B=b.signer)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",C}},e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>p,decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;for(;P.pos({}),toJSON:b=>({}),fromPartial:b=>({})},e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.port_id!==""&&p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id),b.channel_id!==""&&p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id),b.proof_init.length!==0&&p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_init),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(42).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=c();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.port_id=P.string();break;case 2:C.channel_id=P.string();break;case 3:C.proof_init=P.bytes();break;case 4:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 5:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({port_id:k(b.port_id)?String(b.port_id):"",channel_id:k(b.channel_id)?String(b.channel_id):"",proof_init:k(b.proof_init)?N(b.proof_init):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.port_id!==void 0&&(p.port_id=b.port_id),b.channel_id!==void 0&&(p.channel_id=b.channel_id),b.proof_init!==void 0&&(p.proof_init=T(b.proof_init!==void 0?b.proof_init:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B,C;const L=c();return L.port_id=(p=b.port_id)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",L.channel_id=(P=b.channel_id)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",L.proof_init=(B=b.proof_init)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:new Uint8Array,L.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,L.signer=(C=b.signer)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",L}},e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>p,decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;for(;P.pos({}),toJSON:b=>({}),fromPartial:b=>({})},e.MsgRecvPacket={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.packet!==void 0&&d.Packet.encode(b.packet,p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),b.proof_commitment.length!==0&&p.uint32(18).bytes(b.proof_commitment),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(34).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=h();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.packet=d.Packet.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 2:C.proof_commitment=P.bytes();break;case 3:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 4:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({packet:k(b.packet)?d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet):void 0,proof_commitment:k(b.proof_commitment)?N(b.proof_commitment):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.packet!==void 0&&(p.packet=b.packet?d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet):void 0),b.proof_commitment!==void 0&&(p.proof_commitment=T(b.proof_commitment!==void 0?b.proof_commitment:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P;const B=h();return B.packet=b.packet!==void 0&&b.packet!==null?d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet):void 0,B.proof_commitment=(p=b.proof_commitment)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,B.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,B.signer=(P=b.signer)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"",B}},e.MsgRecvPacketResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.result!==0&&p.uint32(8).int32(b.result),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={result:0};for(;P.pos>>3==1?C.result=P.int32():P.skipType(7&L)}return C},fromJSON:b=>({result:k(b.result)?r(b.result):0}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.result!==void 0&&(p.result=n(b.result)),p},fromPartial(b){var p;const P={result:0};return P.result=(p=b.result)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,P}},e.MsgTimeout={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.packet!==void 0&&d.Packet.encode(b.packet,p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),b.proof_unreceived.length!==0&&p.uint32(18).bytes(b.proof_unreceived),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),b.next_sequence_recv!=="0"&&p.uint32(32).uint64(b.next_sequence_recv),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(42).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=m();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.packet=d.Packet.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 2:C.proof_unreceived=P.bytes();break;case 3:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 4:C.next_sequence_recv=x(P.uint64());break;case 5:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({packet:k(b.packet)?d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet):void 0,proof_unreceived:k(b.proof_unreceived)?N(b.proof_unreceived):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,next_sequence_recv:k(b.next_sequence_recv)?String(b.next_sequence_recv):"0",signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.packet!==void 0&&(p.packet=b.packet?d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet):void 0),b.proof_unreceived!==void 0&&(p.proof_unreceived=T(b.proof_unreceived!==void 0?b.proof_unreceived:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.next_sequence_recv!==void 0&&(p.next_sequence_recv=b.next_sequence_recv),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B;const C=m();return C.packet=b.packet!==void 0&&b.packet!==null?d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet):void 0,C.proof_unreceived=(p=b.proof_unreceived)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,C.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,C.next_sequence_recv=(P=b.next_sequence_recv)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:"0",C.signer=(B=b.signer)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",C}},e.MsgTimeoutResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.result!==0&&p.uint32(8).int32(b.result),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={result:0};for(;P.pos>>3==1?C.result=P.int32():P.skipType(7&L)}return C},fromJSON:b=>({result:k(b.result)?r(b.result):0}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.result!==void 0&&(p.result=n(b.result)),p},fromPartial(b){var p;const P={result:0};return P.result=(p=b.result)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,P}},e.MsgTimeoutOnClose={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.packet!==void 0&&d.Packet.encode(b.packet,p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),b.proof_unreceived.length!==0&&p.uint32(18).bytes(b.proof_unreceived),b.proof_close.length!==0&&p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_close),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),b.next_sequence_recv!=="0"&&p.uint32(40).uint64(b.next_sequence_recv),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(50).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=v();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.packet=d.Packet.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 2:C.proof_unreceived=P.bytes();break;case 3:C.proof_close=P.bytes();break;case 4:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 5:C.next_sequence_recv=x(P.uint64());break;case 6:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({packet:k(b.packet)?d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet):void 0,proof_unreceived:k(b.proof_unreceived)?N(b.proof_unreceived):new Uint8Array,proof_close:k(b.proof_close)?N(b.proof_close):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,next_sequence_recv:k(b.next_sequence_recv)?String(b.next_sequence_recv):"0",signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.packet!==void 0&&(p.packet=b.packet?d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet):void 0),b.proof_unreceived!==void 0&&(p.proof_unreceived=T(b.proof_unreceived!==void 0?b.proof_unreceived:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_close!==void 0&&(p.proof_close=T(b.proof_close!==void 0?b.proof_close:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.next_sequence_recv!==void 0&&(p.next_sequence_recv=b.next_sequence_recv),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B,C;const L=v();return L.packet=b.packet!==void 0&&b.packet!==null?d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet):void 0,L.proof_unreceived=(p=b.proof_unreceived)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,L.proof_close=(P=b.proof_close)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:new Uint8Array,L.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,L.next_sequence_recv=(B=b.next_sequence_recv)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"0",L.signer=(C=b.signer)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:"",L}},e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.result!==0&&p.uint32(8).int32(b.result),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={result:0};for(;P.pos>>3==1?C.result=P.int32():P.skipType(7&L)}return C},fromJSON:b=>({result:k(b.result)?r(b.result):0}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.result!==void 0&&(p.result=n(b.result)),p},fromPartial(b){var p;const P={result:0};return P.result=(p=b.result)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,P}},e.MsgAcknowledgement={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.packet!==void 0&&d.Packet.encode(b.packet,p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),b.acknowledgement.length!==0&&p.uint32(18).bytes(b.acknowledgement),b.proof_acked.length!==0&&p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_acked),b.proof_height!==void 0&&u.Height.encode(b.proof_height,p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),b.signer!==""&&p.uint32(42).string(b.signer),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C=I();for(;P.pos>>3){case 1:C.packet=d.Packet.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 2:C.acknowledgement=P.bytes();break;case 3:C.proof_acked=P.bytes();break;case 4:C.proof_height=u.Height.decode(P,P.uint32());break;case 5:C.signer=P.string();break;default:P.skipType(7&L)}}return C},fromJSON:b=>({packet:k(b.packet)?d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet):void 0,acknowledgement:k(b.acknowledgement)?N(b.acknowledgement):new Uint8Array,proof_acked:k(b.proof_acked)?N(b.proof_acked):new Uint8Array,proof_height:k(b.proof_height)?u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height):void 0,signer:k(b.signer)?String(b.signer):""}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.packet!==void 0&&(p.packet=b.packet?d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet):void 0),b.acknowledgement!==void 0&&(p.acknowledgement=T(b.acknowledgement!==void 0?b.acknowledgement:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_acked!==void 0&&(p.proof_acked=T(b.proof_acked!==void 0?b.proof_acked:new Uint8Array)),b.proof_height!==void 0&&(p.proof_height=b.proof_height?u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height):void 0),b.signer!==void 0&&(p.signer=b.signer),p},fromPartial(b){var p,P,B;const C=I();return C.packet=b.packet!==void 0&&b.packet!==null?d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet):void 0,C.acknowledgement=(p=b.acknowledgement)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,C.proof_acked=(P=b.proof_acked)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:new Uint8Array,C.proof_height=b.proof_height!==void 0&&b.proof_height!==null?u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height):void 0,C.signer=(B=b.signer)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",C}},e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse={encode:(b,p=t.Writer.create())=>(b.result!==0&&p.uint32(8).int32(b.result),p),decode(b,p){const P=b instanceof t.Reader?b:new t.Reader(b);let B=p===void 0?P.len:P.pos+p;const C={result:0};for(;P.pos>>3==1?C.result=P.int32():P.skipType(7&L)}return C},fromJSON:b=>({result:k(b.result)?r(b.result):0}),toJSON(b){const p={};return b.result!==void 0&&(p.result=n(b.result)),p},fromPartial(b){var p;const P={result:0};return P.result=(p=b.result)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:0,P}},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(b){this.rpc=b,this.ChannelOpenInit=this.ChannelOpenInit.bind(this),this.ChannelOpenTry=this.ChannelOpenTry.bind(this),this.ChannelOpenAck=this.ChannelOpenAck.bind(this),this.ChannelOpenConfirm=this.ChannelOpenConfirm.bind(this),this.ChannelCloseInit=this.ChannelCloseInit.bind(this),this.ChannelCloseConfirm=this.ChannelCloseConfirm.bind(this),this.RecvPacket=this.RecvPacket.bind(this),this.Timeout=this.Timeout.bind(this),this.TimeoutOnClose=this.TimeoutOnClose.bind(this),this.Acknowledgement=this.Acknowledgement.bind(this)}ChannelOpenInit(b){const p=e.MsgChannelOpenInit.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","ChannelOpenInit",p).then(P=>e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}ChannelOpenTry(b){const p=e.MsgChannelOpenTry.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","ChannelOpenTry",p).then(P=>e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}ChannelOpenAck(b){const p=e.MsgChannelOpenAck.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","ChannelOpenAck",p).then(P=>e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}ChannelOpenConfirm(b){const p=e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","ChannelOpenConfirm",p).then(P=>e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}ChannelCloseInit(b){const p=e.MsgChannelCloseInit.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","ChannelCloseInit",p).then(P=>e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}ChannelCloseConfirm(b){const p=e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","ChannelCloseConfirm",p).then(P=>e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}RecvPacket(b){const p=e.MsgRecvPacket.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","RecvPacket",p).then(P=>e.MsgRecvPacketResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}Timeout(b){const p=e.MsgTimeout.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","Timeout",p).then(P=>e.MsgTimeoutResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}TimeoutOnClose(b){const p=e.MsgTimeoutOnClose.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","TimeoutOnClose",p).then(P=>e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}Acknowledgement(b){const p=e.MsgAcknowledgement.encode(b).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg","Acknowledgement",p).then(P=>e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P)))}};var l=(()=>{if(l!==void 0)return l;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const j=l.atob||(b=>l.Buffer.from(b,"base64").toString("binary"));function N(b){const p=j(b),P=new Uint8Array(p.length);for(let B=0;Bl.Buffer.from(b,"binary").toString("base64"));function T(b){const p=[];for(const P of b)p.push(String.fromCharCode(P));return S(p.join(""))}function x(b){return b.toString()}function k(b){return b!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5650:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return R(o,n),o},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Params=e.Height=e.UpgradeProposal=e.ClientUpdateProposal=e.ClientConsensusStates=e.ConsensusStateWithHeight=e.IdentifiedClientState=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191),u=y(8310);function s(n){return n.toString()}function r(n){return n!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.client.v1",e.IdentifiedClientState={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.client_id!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.client_id),n.client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(n.client_state,o.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={client_id:"",client_state:void 0};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.client_id=i.string();break;case 2:c.client_state=d.Any.decode(i,i.uint32());break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({client_id:r(n.client_id)?String(n.client_id):"",client_state:r(n.client_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(n.client_state):void 0}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.client_id!==void 0&&(o.client_id=n.client_id),n.client_state!==void 0&&(o.client_state=n.client_state?d.Any.toJSON(n.client_state):void 0),o},fromPartial(n){var o;const i={client_id:"",client_state:void 0};return i.client_id=(o=n.client_id)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",i.client_state=n.client_state!==void 0&&n.client_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(n.client_state):void 0,i}},e.ConsensusStateWithHeight={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.height!==void 0&&e.Height.encode(n.height,o.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),n.consensus_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(n.consensus_state,o.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={height:void 0,consensus_state:void 0};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.height=e.Height.decode(i,i.uint32());break;case 2:c.consensus_state=d.Any.decode(i,i.uint32());break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({height:r(n.height)?e.Height.fromJSON(n.height):void 0,consensus_state:r(n.consensus_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(n.consensus_state):void 0}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.height!==void 0&&(o.height=n.height?e.Height.toJSON(n.height):void 0),n.consensus_state!==void 0&&(o.consensus_state=n.consensus_state?d.Any.toJSON(n.consensus_state):void 0),o},fromPartial(n){const o={height:void 0,consensus_state:void 0};return o.height=n.height!==void 0&&n.height!==null?e.Height.fromPartial(n.height):void 0,o.consensus_state=n.consensus_state!==void 0&&n.consensus_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(n.consensus_state):void 0,o}},e.ClientConsensusStates={encode(n,o=t.Writer.create()){n.client_id!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.client_id);for(const i of n.consensus_states)e.ConsensusStateWithHeight.encode(i,o.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return o},decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={client_id:"",consensus_states:[]};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.client_id=i.string();break;case 2:c.consensus_states.push(e.ConsensusStateWithHeight.decode(i,i.uint32()));break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({client_id:r(n.client_id)?String(n.client_id):"",consensus_states:Array.isArray(n==null?void 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c={title:"",description:"",subject_client_id:"",substitute_client_id:""};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.title=i.string();break;case 2:c.description=i.string();break;case 3:c.subject_client_id=i.string();break;case 4:c.substitute_client_id=i.string();break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return c},fromJSON:n=>({title:r(n.title)?String(n.title):"",description:r(n.description)?String(n.description):"",subject_client_id:r(n.subject_client_id)?String(n.subject_client_id):"",substitute_client_id:r(n.substitute_client_id)?String(n.substitute_client_id):""}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.title!==void 0&&(o.title=n.title),n.description!==void 0&&(o.description=n.description),n.subject_client_id!==void 0&&(o.subject_client_id=n.subject_client_id),n.substitute_client_id!==void 0&&(o.substitute_client_id=n.substitute_client_id),o},fromPartial(n){var o,i,f,c;const h={title:"",description:"",subject_client_id:"",substitute_client_id:""};return h.title=(o=n.title)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"",h.description=(i=n.description)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"",h.subject_client_id=(f=n.subject_client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.substitute_client_id=(c=n.substitute_client_id)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h}},e.UpgradeProposal={encode:(n,o=t.Writer.create())=>(n.title!==""&&o.uint32(10).string(n.title),n.description!==""&&o.uint32(18).string(n.description),n.plan!==void 0&&u.Plan.encode(n.plan,o.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),n.upgraded_client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(n.upgraded_client_state,o.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),o),decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={title:"",description:"",plan:void 0,upgraded_client_state:void 0};for(;i.pos>>3){case 1:c.title=i.string();break;case 2:c.description=i.string();break;case 3:c.plan=u.Plan.decode(i,i.uint32());break;case 4:c.upgraded_client_state=d.Any.decode(i,i.uint32());break;default:i.skipType(7&h)}}return 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0?i:"0",f}},e.Params={encode(n,o=t.Writer.create()){for(const i of n.allowed_clients)o.uint32(10).string(i);return o},decode(n,o){const i=n instanceof t.Reader?n:new t.Reader(n);let f=o===void 0?i.len:i.pos+o;const c={allowed_clients:[]};for(;i.pos>>3==1?c.allowed_clients.push(i.string()):i.skipType(7&h)}return c},fromJSON:n=>({allowed_clients:Array.isArray(n==null?void 0:n.allowed_clients)?n.allowed_clients.map(o=>String(o)):[]}),toJSON(n){const o={};return n.allowed_clients?o.allowed_clients=n.allowed_clients.map(i=>i):o.allowed_clients=[],o},fromPartial(n){var o;const i={allowed_clients:[]};return i.allowed_clients=((o=n.allowed_clients)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.map(f=>f))||[],i}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},322:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return R(h,c),h},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour=e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse=e.MsgUpgradeClient=e.MsgUpdateClientResponse=e.MsgUpdateClient=e.MsgCreateClientResponse=e.MsgCreateClient=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(4191);function u(){return{client_id:"",client_state:void 0,consensus_state:void 0,proof_upgrade_client:new Uint8Array,proof_upgrade_consensus_state:new Uint8Array,signer:""}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.client.v1",e.MsgCreateClient={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.client_state,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.consensus_state,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={client_state:void 0,consensus_state:void 0,signer:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.client_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:I.consensus_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({client_state:f(c.client_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.client_state):void 0,consensus_state:f(c.consensus_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_state!==void 0&&(h.client_state=c.client_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.client_state):void 0),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&(h.consensus_state=c.consensus_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={client_state:void 0,consensus_state:void 0,signer:""};return m.client_state=c.client_state!==void 0&&c.client_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.client_state):void 0,m.consensus_state=c.consensus_state!==void 0&&c.consensus_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.consensus_state):void 0,m.signer=(h=c.signer)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",m}},e.MsgCreateClientResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgUpdateClient={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_id!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id),c.header!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.header,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={client_id:"",header:void 0,signer:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.client_id=m.string();break;case 2:I.header=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({client_id:f(c.client_id)?String(c.client_id):"",header:f(c.header)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.header):void 0,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_id!==void 0&&(h.client_id=c.client_id),c.header!==void 0&&(h.header=c.header?d.Any.toJSON(c.header):void 0),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={client_id:"",header:void 0,signer:""};return v.client_id=(h=c.client_id)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.header=c.header!==void 0&&c.header!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.header):void 0,v.signer=(m=c.signer)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v}},e.MsgUpdateClientResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgUpgradeClient={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_id!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id),c.client_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.client_state,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.consensus_state,h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),c.proof_upgrade_client.length!==0&&h.uint32(34).bytes(c.proof_upgrade_client),c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state.length!==0&&h.uint32(42).bytes(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(50).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I=u();for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.client_id=m.string();break;case 2:I.client_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.consensus_state=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 4:I.proof_upgrade_client=m.bytes();break;case 5:I.proof_upgrade_consensus_state=m.bytes();break;case 6:I.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({client_id:f(c.client_id)?String(c.client_id):"",client_state:f(c.client_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.client_state):void 0,consensus_state:f(c.consensus_state)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0,proof_upgrade_client:f(c.proof_upgrade_client)?n(c.proof_upgrade_client):new Uint8Array,proof_upgrade_consensus_state:f(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state)?n(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state):new Uint8Array,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_id!==void 0&&(h.client_id=c.client_id),c.client_state!==void 0&&(h.client_state=c.client_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.client_state):void 0),c.consensus_state!==void 0&&(h.consensus_state=c.consensus_state?d.Any.toJSON(c.consensus_state):void 0),c.proof_upgrade_client!==void 0&&(h.proof_upgrade_client=i(c.proof_upgrade_client!==void 0?c.proof_upgrade_client:new Uint8Array)),c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state!==void 0&&(h.proof_upgrade_consensus_state=i(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state!==void 0?c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state:new Uint8Array)),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v,I;const l=u();return l.client_id=(h=c.client_id)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",l.client_state=c.client_state!==void 0&&c.client_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.client_state):void 0,l.consensus_state=c.consensus_state!==void 0&&c.consensus_state!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.consensus_state):void 0,l.proof_upgrade_client=(m=c.proof_upgrade_client)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,l.proof_upgrade_consensus_state=(v=c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:new Uint8Array,l.signer=(I=c.signer)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",l}},e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.client_id!==""&&h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id),c.misbehaviour!==void 0&&d.Any.encode(c.misbehaviour,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.signer!==""&&h.uint32(26).string(c.signer),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={client_id:"",misbehaviour:void 0,signer:""};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.client_id=m.string();break;case 2:I.misbehaviour=d.Any.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.signer=m.string();break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({client_id:f(c.client_id)?String(c.client_id):"",misbehaviour:f(c.misbehaviour)?d.Any.fromJSON(c.misbehaviour):void 0,signer:f(c.signer)?String(c.signer):""}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.client_id!==void 0&&(h.client_id=c.client_id),c.misbehaviour!==void 0&&(h.misbehaviour=c.misbehaviour?d.Any.toJSON(c.misbehaviour):void 0),c.signer!==void 0&&(h.signer=c.signer),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={client_id:"",misbehaviour:void 0,signer:""};return v.client_id=(h=c.client_id)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"",v.misbehaviour=c.misbehaviour!==void 0&&c.misbehaviour!==null?d.Any.fromPartial(c.misbehaviour):void 0,v.signer=(m=c.signer)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"",v}},e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>h,decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;for(;m.pos({}),toJSON:c=>({}),fromPartial:c=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(c){this.rpc=c,this.CreateClient=this.CreateClient.bind(this),this.UpdateClient=this.UpdateClient.bind(this),this.UpgradeClient=this.UpgradeClient.bind(this),this.SubmitMisbehaviour=this.SubmitMisbehaviour.bind(this)}CreateClient(c){const h=e.MsgCreateClient.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","CreateClient",h).then(m=>e.MsgCreateClientResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}UpdateClient(c){const h=e.MsgUpdateClient.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","UpdateClient",h).then(m=>e.MsgUpdateClientResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}UpgradeClient(c){const h=e.MsgUpgradeClient.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","UpgradeClient",h).then(m=>e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}SubmitMisbehaviour(c){const h=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour.encode(c).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.client.v1.Msg","SubmitMisbehaviour",h).then(m=>e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m)))}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(c=>s.Buffer.from(c,"base64").toString("binary"));function n(c){const h=r(c),m=new Uint8Array(h.length);for(let v=0;vs.Buffer.from(c,"binary").toString("base64"));function i(c){const h=[];for(const m of c)h.push(String.fromCharCode(m));return o(h.join(""))}function f(c){return c!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5261:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(h,m,v,I){I===void 0&&(I=v),Object.defineProperty(h,I,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return m[v]}})}:function(h,m,v,I){I===void 0&&(I=v),h[I]=m[v]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(h,m){Object.defineProperty(h,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:m})}:function(h,m){h.default=m}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(h){if(h&&h.__esModule)return h;var m={};if(h!=null)for(var v in h)v!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h,v)&&E(m,h,v);return R(m,h),m},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(h){return h&&h.__esModule?h:{default:h}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MerkleProof=e.MerklePath=e.MerklePrefix=e.MerkleRoot=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(6578);function u(){return{hash:new Uint8Array}}function s(){return{key_prefix:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.commitment.v1",e.MerkleRoot={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.hash.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.hash),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let I=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=u();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.hash=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&j)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({hash:c(h.hash)?o(h.hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.hash!==void 0&&(m.hash=f(h.hash!==void 0?h.hash:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=u();return v.hash=(m=h.hash)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}},e.MerklePrefix={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.key_prefix.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.key_prefix),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let I=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=s();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.key_prefix=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&j)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({key_prefix:c(h.key_prefix)?o(h.key_prefix):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.key_prefix!==void 0&&(m.key_prefix=f(h.key_prefix!==void 0?h.key_prefix:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=s();return v.key_prefix=(m=h.key_prefix)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}},e.MerklePath={encode(h,m=t.Writer.create()){for(const v of h.key_path)m.uint32(10).string(v);return m},decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let I=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l={key_path:[]};for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.key_path.push(v.string()):v.skipType(7&j)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({key_path:Array.isArray(h==null?void 0:h.key_path)?h.key_path.map(m=>String(m)):[]}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.key_path?m.key_path=h.key_path.map(v=>v):m.key_path=[],m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v={key_path:[]};return v.key_path=((m=h.key_path)===null||m===void 0?void 0:m.map(I=>I))||[],v}},e.MerkleProof={encode(h,m=t.Writer.create()){for(const v of h.proofs)d.CommitmentProof.encode(v,m.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return m},decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let I=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l={proofs:[]};for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.proofs.push(d.CommitmentProof.decode(v,v.uint32())):v.skipType(7&j)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({proofs:Array.isArray(h==null?void 0:h.proofs)?h.proofs.map(m=>d.CommitmentProof.fromJSON(m)):[]}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.proofs?m.proofs=h.proofs.map(v=>v?d.CommitmentProof.toJSON(v):void 0):m.proofs=[],m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v={proofs:[]};return v.proofs=((m=h.proofs)===null||m===void 0?void 0:m.map(I=>d.CommitmentProof.fromPartial(I)))||[],v}};var r=(()=>{if(r!==void 0)return r;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const n=r.atob||(h=>r.Buffer.from(h,"base64").toString("binary"));function o(h){const m=n(h),v=new Uint8Array(m.length);for(let I=0;Ir.Buffer.from(h,"binary").toString("base64"));function f(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return i(m.join(""))}function c(h){return h!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},6788:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return R(f,i),f},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Params=e.Version=e.ConnectionPaths=e.ClientPaths=e.Counterparty=e.IdentifiedConnection=e.ConnectionEnd=e.stateToJSON=e.stateFromJSON=e.State=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(5261);var u;function s(i){switch(i){case 0:case"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED":return u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED;case 1:case"STATE_INIT":return u.STATE_INIT;case 2:case"STATE_TRYOPEN":return u.STATE_TRYOPEN;case 3:case"STATE_OPEN":return u.STATE_OPEN;default:return u.UNRECOGNIZED}}function r(i){switch(i){case u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED:return"STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED";case u.STATE_INIT:return"STATE_INIT";case u.STATE_TRYOPEN:return"STATE_TRYOPEN";case u.STATE_OPEN:return"STATE_OPEN";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function n(i){return i.toString()}function o(i){return i!=null}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.connection.v1",function(i){i[i.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED=0]="STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED",i[i.STATE_INIT=1]="STATE_INIT",i[i.STATE_TRYOPEN=2]="STATE_TRYOPEN",i[i.STATE_OPEN=3]="STATE_OPEN",i[i.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(u=e.State||(e.State={})),e.stateFromJSON=s,e.stateToJSON=r,e.ConnectionEnd={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.client_id);for(const c of i.versions)e.Version.encode(c,f.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim();return i.state!==0&&f.uint32(24).int32(i.state),i.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(i.counterparty,f.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),i.delay_period!=="0"&&f.uint32(40).uint64(i.delay_period),f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 2:m.versions.push(e.Version.decode(c,c.uint32()));break;case 3:m.state=c.int32();break;case 4:m.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 5:m.delay_period=n(c.uint64());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",versions:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.versions)?i.versions.map(f=>e.Version.fromJSON(f)):[],state:o(i.state)?s(i.state):0,counterparty:o(i.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(i.counterparty):void 0,delay_period:o(i.delay_period)?String(i.delay_period):"0"}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.versions?f.versions=i.versions.map(c=>c?e.Version.toJSON(c):void 0):f.versions=[],i.state!==void 0&&(f.state=r(i.state)),i.counterparty!==void 0&&(f.counterparty=i.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(i.counterparty):void 0),i.delay_period!==void 0&&(f.delay_period=i.delay_period),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c,h,m;const v={client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};return v.client_id=(f=i.client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",v.versions=((c=i.versions)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(I=>e.Version.fromPartial(I)))||[],v.state=(h=i.state)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:0,v.counterparty=i.counterparty!==void 0&&i.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty):void 0,v.delay_period=(m=i.delay_period)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"0",v}},e.IdentifiedConnection={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.id),i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.client_id);for(const c of i.versions)e.Version.encode(c,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();return i.state!==0&&f.uint32(32).int32(i.state),i.counterparty!==void 0&&e.Counterparty.encode(i.counterparty,f.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),i.delay_period!=="0"&&f.uint32(48).uint64(i.delay_period),f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={id:"",client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.id=c.string();break;case 2:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 3:m.versions.push(e.Version.decode(c,c.uint32()));break;case 4:m.state=c.int32();break;case 5:m.counterparty=e.Counterparty.decode(c,c.uint32());break;case 6:m.delay_period=n(c.uint64());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({id:o(i.id)?String(i.id):"",client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",versions:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.versions)?i.versions.map(f=>e.Version.fromJSON(f)):[],state:o(i.state)?s(i.state):0,counterparty:o(i.counterparty)?e.Counterparty.fromJSON(i.counterparty):void 0,delay_period:o(i.delay_period)?String(i.delay_period):"0"}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.id!==void 0&&(f.id=i.id),i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.versions?f.versions=i.versions.map(c=>c?e.Version.toJSON(c):void 0):f.versions=[],i.state!==void 0&&(f.state=r(i.state)),i.counterparty!==void 0&&(f.counterparty=i.counterparty?e.Counterparty.toJSON(i.counterparty):void 0),i.delay_period!==void 0&&(f.delay_period=i.delay_period),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c,h,m,v;const I={id:"",client_id:"",versions:[],state:0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0"};return I.id=(f=i.id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",I.client_id=(c=i.client_id)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",I.versions=((h=i.versions)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(l=>e.Version.fromPartial(l)))||[],I.state=(m=i.state)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:0,I.counterparty=i.counterparty!==void 0&&i.counterparty!==null?e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty):void 0,I.delay_period=(v=i.delay_period)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"0",I}},e.Counterparty={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.client_id),i.connection_id!==""&&f.uint32(18).string(i.connection_id),i.prefix!==void 0&&d.MerklePrefix.encode(i.prefix,f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={client_id:"",connection_id:"",prefix:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 2:m.connection_id=c.string();break;case 3:m.prefix=d.MerklePrefix.decode(c,c.uint32());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",connection_id:o(i.connection_id)?String(i.connection_id):"",prefix:o(i.prefix)?d.MerklePrefix.fromJSON(i.prefix):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.connection_id!==void 0&&(f.connection_id=i.connection_id),i.prefix!==void 0&&(f.prefix=i.prefix?d.MerklePrefix.toJSON(i.prefix):void 0),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={client_id:"",connection_id:"",prefix:void 0};return h.client_id=(f=i.client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.connection_id=(c=i.connection_id)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:"",h.prefix=i.prefix!==void 0&&i.prefix!==null?d.MerklePrefix.fromPartial(i.prefix):void 0,h}},e.ClientPaths={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){for(const c of i.paths)f.uint32(10).string(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={paths:[]};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.paths.push(c.string()):c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({paths:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.paths)?i.paths.map(f=>String(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.paths?f.paths=i.paths.map(c=>c):f.paths=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={paths:[]};return c.paths=((f=i.paths)===null||f===void 0?void 0:f.map(h=>h))||[],c}},e.ConnectionPaths={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.client_id!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.client_id);for(const c of i.paths)f.uint32(18).string(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={client_id:"",paths:[]};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.client_id=c.string();break;case 2:m.paths.push(c.string());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({client_id:o(i.client_id)?String(i.client_id):"",paths:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.paths)?i.paths.map(f=>String(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.client_id!==void 0&&(f.client_id=i.client_id),i.paths?f.paths=i.paths.map(c=>c):f.paths=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={client_id:"",paths:[]};return h.client_id=(f=i.client_id)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.paths=((c=i.paths)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>m))||[],h}},e.Version={encode(i,f=t.Writer.create()){i.identifier!==""&&f.uint32(10).string(i.identifier);for(const c of i.features)f.uint32(18).string(c);return f},decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={identifier:"",features:[]};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.identifier=c.string();break;case 2:m.features.push(c.string());break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({identifier:o(i.identifier)?String(i.identifier):"",features:Array.isArray(i==null?void 0:i.features)?i.features.map(f=>String(f)):[]}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.identifier!==void 0&&(f.identifier=i.identifier),i.features?f.features=i.features.map(c=>c):f.features=[],f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={identifier:"",features:[]};return h.identifier=(f=i.identifier)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"",h.features=((c=i.features)===null||c===void 0?void 0:c.map(m=>m))||[],h}},e.Params={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.max_expected_time_per_block!=="0"&&f.uint32(8).uint64(i.max_expected_time_per_block),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={max_expected_time_per_block:"0"};for(;c.pos>>3==1?m.max_expected_time_per_block=n(c.uint64()):c.skipType(7&v)}return m},fromJSON:i=>({max_expected_time_per_block:o(i.max_expected_time_per_block)?String(i.max_expected_time_per_block):"0"}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.max_expected_time_per_block!==void 0&&(f.max_expected_time_per_block=i.max_expected_time_per_block),f},fromPartial(i){var f;const c={max_expected_time_per_block:"0"};return c.max_expected_time_per_block=(f=i.max_expected_time_per_block)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:"0",c}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},8344:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(l,j,N,S){S===void 0&&(S=N),Object.defineProperty(l,S,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return j[N]}})}:function(l,j,N,S){S===void 0&&(S=N),l[S]=j[N]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(l,j){Object.defineProperty(l,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:j})}:function(l,j){l.default=j}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(l){if(l&&l.__esModule)return l;var j={};if(l!=null)for(var N in l)N!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l,N)&&E(j,l,N);return R(j,l),j},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(l){return l&&l.__esModule?l:{default:l}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm=e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenAck=e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenTry=e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse=e.MsgConnectionOpenInit=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(6788),u=y(4191),s=y(5650);function r(){return{client_id:"",previous_connection_id:"",client_state:void 0,counterparty:void 0,delay_period:"0",counterparty_versions:[],proof_height:void 0,proof_init:new Uint8Array,proof_client:new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:new Uint8Array,consensus_height:void 0,signer:""}}function n(){return{connection_id:"",counterparty_connection_id:"",version:void 0,client_state:void 0,proof_height:void 0,proof_try:new Uint8Array,proof_client:new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:new Uint8Array,consensus_height:void 0,signer:""}}function o(){return{connection_id:"",proof_ack:new Uint8Array,proof_height:void 0,signer:""}}e.protobufPackage="ibc.core.connection.v1",e.MsgConnectionOpenInit={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.client_id!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.client_id),l.counterparty!==void 0&&d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty,j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),l.version!==void 0&&d.Version.encode(l.version,j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.delay_period!=="0"&&j.uint32(32).uint64(l.delay_period),l.signer!==""&&j.uint32(42).string(l.signer),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T={client_id:"",counterparty:void 0,version:void 0,delay_period:"0",signer:""};for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.client_id=N.string();break;case 2:T.counterparty=d.Counterparty.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 3:T.version=d.Version.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 4:T.delay_period=v(N.uint64());break;case 5:T.signer=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({client_id:I(l.client_id)?String(l.client_id):"",counterparty:I(l.counterparty)?d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty):void 0,version:I(l.version)?d.Version.fromJSON(l.version):void 0,delay_period:I(l.delay_period)?String(l.delay_period):"0",signer:I(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.client_id!==void 0&&(j.client_id=l.client_id),l.counterparty!==void 0&&(j.counterparty=l.counterparty?d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty):void 0),l.version!==void 0&&(j.version=l.version?d.Version.toJSON(l.version):void 0),l.delay_period!==void 0&&(j.delay_period=l.delay_period),l.signer!==void 0&&(j.signer=l.signer),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T={client_id:"",counterparty:void 0,version:void 0,delay_period:"0",signer:""};return T.client_id=(j=l.client_id)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",T.counterparty=l.counterparty!==void 0&&l.counterparty!==null?d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty):void 0,T.version=l.version!==void 0&&l.version!==null?d.Version.fromPartial(l.version):void 0,T.delay_period=(N=l.delay_period)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"0",T.signer=(S=l.signer)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",T}},e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>j,decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;for(;N.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgConnectionOpenTry={encode(l,j=t.Writer.create()){l.client_id!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.client_id),l.previous_connection_id!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.previous_connection_id),l.client_state!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(l.client_state,j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.counterparty!==void 0&&d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty,j.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),l.delay_period!=="0"&&j.uint32(40).uint64(l.delay_period);for(const N of l.counterparty_versions)d.Version.encode(N,j.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();return l.proof_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.proof_height,j.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(),l.proof_init.length!==0&&j.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_init),l.proof_client.length!==0&&j.uint32(74).bytes(l.proof_client),l.proof_consensus.length!==0&&j.uint32(82).bytes(l.proof_consensus),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height,j.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(),l.signer!==""&&j.uint32(98).string(l.signer),j},decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T=r();for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.client_id=N.string();break;case 2:T.previous_connection_id=N.string();break;case 3:T.client_state=u.Any.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 4:T.counterparty=d.Counterparty.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 5:T.delay_period=v(N.uint64());break;case 6:T.counterparty_versions.push(d.Version.decode(N,N.uint32()));break;case 7:T.proof_height=s.Height.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 8:T.proof_init=N.bytes();break;case 9:T.proof_client=N.bytes();break;case 10:T.proof_consensus=N.bytes();break;case 11:T.consensus_height=s.Height.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 12:T.signer=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({client_id:I(l.client_id)?String(l.client_id):"",previous_connection_id:I(l.previous_connection_id)?String(l.previous_connection_id):"",client_state:I(l.client_state)?u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state):void 0,counterparty:I(l.counterparty)?d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty):void 0,delay_period:I(l.delay_period)?String(l.delay_period):"0",counterparty_versions:Array.isArray(l==null?void 0:l.counterparty_versions)?l.counterparty_versions.map(j=>d.Version.fromJSON(j)):[],proof_height:I(l.proof_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height):void 0,proof_init:I(l.proof_init)?c(l.proof_init):new Uint8Array,proof_client:I(l.proof_client)?c(l.proof_client):new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:I(l.proof_consensus)?c(l.proof_consensus):new Uint8Array,consensus_height:I(l.consensus_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0,signer:I(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.client_id!==void 0&&(j.client_id=l.client_id),l.previous_connection_id!==void 0&&(j.previous_connection_id=l.previous_connection_id),l.client_state!==void 0&&(j.client_state=l.client_state?u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state):void 0),l.counterparty!==void 0&&(j.counterparty=l.counterparty?d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty):void 0),l.delay_period!==void 0&&(j.delay_period=l.delay_period),l.counterparty_versions?j.counterparty_versions=l.counterparty_versions.map(N=>N?d.Version.toJSON(N):void 0):j.counterparty_versions=[],l.proof_height!==void 0&&(j.proof_height=l.proof_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height):void 0),l.proof_init!==void 0&&(j.proof_init=m(l.proof_init!==void 0?l.proof_init:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_client!==void 0&&(j.proof_client=m(l.proof_client!==void 0?l.proof_client:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_consensus!==void 0&&(j.proof_consensus=m(l.proof_consensus!==void 0?l.proof_consensus:new Uint8Array)),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&(j.consensus_height=l.consensus_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0),l.signer!==void 0&&(j.signer=l.signer),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T,x,k,b,p;const P=r();return P.client_id=(j=l.client_id)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",P.previous_connection_id=(N=l.previous_connection_id)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",P.client_state=l.client_state!==void 0&&l.client_state!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state):void 0,P.counterparty=l.counterparty!==void 0&&l.counterparty!==null?d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty):void 0,P.delay_period=(S=l.delay_period)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"0",P.counterparty_versions=((T=l.counterparty_versions)===null||T===void 0?void 0:T.map(B=>d.Version.fromPartial(B)))||[],P.proof_height=l.proof_height!==void 0&&l.proof_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height):void 0,P.proof_init=(x=l.proof_init)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,P.proof_client=(k=l.proof_client)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:new Uint8Array,P.proof_consensus=(b=l.proof_consensus)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,P.consensus_height=l.consensus_height!==void 0&&l.consensus_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height):void 0,P.signer=(p=l.signer)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",P}},e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>j,decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;for(;N.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgConnectionOpenAck={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.connection_id!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id),l.counterparty_connection_id!==""&&j.uint32(18).string(l.counterparty_connection_id),l.version!==void 0&&d.Version.encode(l.version,j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.client_state!==void 0&&u.Any.encode(l.client_state,j.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),l.proof_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.proof_height,j.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),l.proof_try.length!==0&&j.uint32(50).bytes(l.proof_try),l.proof_client.length!==0&&j.uint32(58).bytes(l.proof_client),l.proof_consensus.length!==0&&j.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_consensus),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height,j.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(),l.signer!==""&&j.uint32(82).string(l.signer),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T=n();for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.connection_id=N.string();break;case 2:T.counterparty_connection_id=N.string();break;case 3:T.version=d.Version.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 4:T.client_state=u.Any.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 5:T.proof_height=s.Height.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 6:T.proof_try=N.bytes();break;case 7:T.proof_client=N.bytes();break;case 8:T.proof_consensus=N.bytes();break;case 9:T.consensus_height=s.Height.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 10:T.signer=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({connection_id:I(l.connection_id)?String(l.connection_id):"",counterparty_connection_id:I(l.counterparty_connection_id)?String(l.counterparty_connection_id):"",version:I(l.version)?d.Version.fromJSON(l.version):void 0,client_state:I(l.client_state)?u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state):void 0,proof_height:I(l.proof_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height):void 0,proof_try:I(l.proof_try)?c(l.proof_try):new Uint8Array,proof_client:I(l.proof_client)?c(l.proof_client):new Uint8Array,proof_consensus:I(l.proof_consensus)?c(l.proof_consensus):new Uint8Array,consensus_height:I(l.consensus_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0,signer:I(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.connection_id!==void 0&&(j.connection_id=l.connection_id),l.counterparty_connection_id!==void 0&&(j.counterparty_connection_id=l.counterparty_connection_id),l.version!==void 0&&(j.version=l.version?d.Version.toJSON(l.version):void 0),l.client_state!==void 0&&(j.client_state=l.client_state?u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state):void 0),l.proof_height!==void 0&&(j.proof_height=l.proof_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height):void 0),l.proof_try!==void 0&&(j.proof_try=m(l.proof_try!==void 0?l.proof_try:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_client!==void 0&&(j.proof_client=m(l.proof_client!==void 0?l.proof_client:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_consensus!==void 0&&(j.proof_consensus=m(l.proof_consensus!==void 0?l.proof_consensus:new Uint8Array)),l.consensus_height!==void 0&&(j.consensus_height=l.consensus_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height):void 0),l.signer!==void 0&&(j.signer=l.signer),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S,T,x,k;const b=n();return b.connection_id=(j=l.connection_id)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",b.counterparty_connection_id=(N=l.counterparty_connection_id)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:"",b.version=l.version!==void 0&&l.version!==null?d.Version.fromPartial(l.version):void 0,b.client_state=l.client_state!==void 0&&l.client_state!==null?u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state):void 0,b.proof_height=l.proof_height!==void 0&&l.proof_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height):void 0,b.proof_try=(S=l.proof_try)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:new Uint8Array,b.proof_client=(T=l.proof_client)!==null&&T!==void 0?T:new Uint8Array,b.proof_consensus=(x=l.proof_consensus)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,b.consensus_height=l.consensus_height!==void 0&&l.consensus_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height):void 0,b.signer=(k=l.signer)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",b}},e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>j,decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;for(;N.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>(l.connection_id!==""&&j.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id),l.proof_ack.length!==0&&j.uint32(18).bytes(l.proof_ack),l.proof_height!==void 0&&s.Height.encode(l.proof_height,j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),l.signer!==""&&j.uint32(34).string(l.signer),j),decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;const T=o();for(;N.pos>>3){case 1:T.connection_id=N.string();break;case 2:T.proof_ack=N.bytes();break;case 3:T.proof_height=s.Height.decode(N,N.uint32());break;case 4:T.signer=N.string();break;default:N.skipType(7&x)}}return T},fromJSON:l=>({connection_id:I(l.connection_id)?String(l.connection_id):"",proof_ack:I(l.proof_ack)?c(l.proof_ack):new Uint8Array,proof_height:I(l.proof_height)?s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height):void 0,signer:I(l.signer)?String(l.signer):""}),toJSON(l){const j={};return l.connection_id!==void 0&&(j.connection_id=l.connection_id),l.proof_ack!==void 0&&(j.proof_ack=m(l.proof_ack!==void 0?l.proof_ack:new Uint8Array)),l.proof_height!==void 0&&(j.proof_height=l.proof_height?s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height):void 0),l.signer!==void 0&&(j.signer=l.signer),j},fromPartial(l){var j,N,S;const T=o();return T.connection_id=(j=l.connection_id)!==null&&j!==void 0?j:"",T.proof_ack=(N=l.proof_ack)!==null&&N!==void 0?N:new Uint8Array,T.proof_height=l.proof_height!==void 0&&l.proof_height!==null?s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height):void 0,T.signer=(S=l.signer)!==null&&S!==void 0?S:"",T}},e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse={encode:(l,j=t.Writer.create())=>j,decode(l,j){const N=l instanceof t.Reader?l:new t.Reader(l);let S=j===void 0?N.len:N.pos+j;for(;N.pos({}),toJSON:l=>({}),fromPartial:l=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(l){this.rpc=l,this.ConnectionOpenInit=this.ConnectionOpenInit.bind(this),this.ConnectionOpenTry=this.ConnectionOpenTry.bind(this),this.ConnectionOpenAck=this.ConnectionOpenAck.bind(this),this.ConnectionOpenConfirm=this.ConnectionOpenConfirm.bind(this)}ConnectionOpenInit(l){const j=e.MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenInit",j).then(N=>e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N)))}ConnectionOpenTry(l){const j=e.MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenTry",j).then(N=>e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N)))}ConnectionOpenAck(l){const j=e.MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenAck",j).then(N=>e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N)))}ConnectionOpenConfirm(l){const j=e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(l).finish();return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg","ConnectionOpenConfirm",j).then(N=>e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N)))}};var i=(()=>{if(i!==void 0)return i;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const f=i.atob||(l=>i.Buffer.from(l,"base64").toString("binary"));function c(l){const j=f(l),N=new Uint8Array(j.length);for(let S=0;Si.Buffer.from(l,"binary").toString("base64"));function m(l){const j=[];for(const N of l)j.push(String.fromCharCode(N));return h(j.join(""))}function v(l){return l.toString()}function I(l){return l!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2896:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(T,x,k,b){b===void 0&&(b=k),Object.defineProperty(T,b,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return x[k]}})}:function(T,x,k,b){b===void 0&&(b=k),T[b]=x[k]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(T,x){Object.defineProperty(T,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:x})}:function(T,x){T.default=x}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(T){if(T&&T.__esModule)return T;var x={};if(T!=null)for(var k in T)k!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T,k)&&E(x,T,k);return R(x,T),x},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(T){return T&&T.__esModule?T:{default:T}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgClearAdminResponse=e.MsgClearAdmin=e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse=e.MsgUpdateAdmin=e.MsgMigrateContractResponse=e.MsgMigrateContract=e.MsgExecuteContractResponse=e.MsgExecuteContract=e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse=e.MsgInstantiateContract=e.MsgStoreCodeResponse=e.MsgStoreCode=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2976);function u(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,wasm_byte_code:new Uint8Array,source:"",builder:""}}function s(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:"",code_id:"0",label:"",init_msg:new Uint8Array,init_funds:[],callback_sig:new Uint8Array,admin:""}}function r(){return{address:"",data:new Uint8Array}}function n(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,contract:new Uint8Array,msg:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:"",sent_funds:[],callback_sig:new Uint8Array}}function o(){return{data:new Uint8Array}}function i(){return{sender:"",contract:"",code_id:"0",msg:new Uint8Array,callback_sig:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:""}}function f(){return{data:new Uint8Array}}function c(){return{sender:"",new_admin:"",contract:"",callback_sig:new Uint8Array}}function h(){return{sender:"",contract:"",callback_sig:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="secret.compute.v1beta1",e.MsgStoreCode={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.sender.length!==0&&x.uint32(10).bytes(T.sender),T.wasm_byte_code.length!==0&&x.uint32(18).bytes(T.wasm_byte_code),T.source!==""&&x.uint32(26).string(T.source),T.builder!==""&&x.uint32(34).string(T.builder),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=u();for(;k.pos>>3){case 1:p.sender=k.bytes();break;case 2:p.wasm_byte_code=k.bytes();break;case 3:p.source=k.string();break;case 4:p.builder=k.string();break;default:k.skipType(7&P)}}return p},fromJSON:T=>({sender:S(T.sender)?I(T.sender):new Uint8Array,wasm_byte_code:S(T.wasm_byte_code)?I(T.wasm_byte_code):new Uint8Array,source:S(T.source)?String(T.source):"",builder:S(T.builder)?String(T.builder):""}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.sender!==void 0&&(x.sender=j(T.sender!==void 0?T.sender:new Uint8Array)),T.wasm_byte_code!==void 0&&(x.wasm_byte_code=j(T.wasm_byte_code!==void 0?T.wasm_byte_code:new Uint8Array)),T.source!==void 0&&(x.source=T.source),T.builder!==void 0&&(x.builder=T.builder),x},fromPartial(T){var x,k,b,p;const P=u();return P.sender=(x=T.sender)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,P.wasm_byte_code=(k=T.wasm_byte_code)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:new Uint8Array,P.source=(b=T.source)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"",P.builder=(p=T.builder)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",P}},e.MsgStoreCodeResponse={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.code_id!=="0"&&x.uint32(8).uint64(T.code_id),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p={code_id:"0"};for(;k.pos>>3==1?p.code_id=N(k.uint64()):k.skipType(7&P)}return p},fromJSON:T=>({code_id:S(T.code_id)?String(T.code_id):"0"}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.code_id!==void 0&&(x.code_id=T.code_id),x},fromPartial(T){var x;const k={code_id:"0"};return k.code_id=(x=T.code_id)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"0",k}},e.MsgInstantiateContract={encode(T,x=t.Writer.create()){T.sender.length!==0&&x.uint32(10).bytes(T.sender),T.callback_code_hash!==""&&x.uint32(18).string(T.callback_code_hash),T.code_id!=="0"&&x.uint32(24).uint64(T.code_id),T.label!==""&&x.uint32(34).string(T.label),T.init_msg.length!==0&&x.uint32(42).bytes(T.init_msg);for(const k of T.init_funds)d.Coin.encode(k,x.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim();return T.callback_sig.length!==0&&x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig),T.admin!==""&&x.uint32(66).string(T.admin),x},decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=s();for(;k.pos>>3){case 1:p.sender=k.bytes();break;case 2:p.callback_code_hash=k.string();break;case 3:p.code_id=N(k.uint64());break;case 4:p.label=k.string();break;case 5:p.init_msg=k.bytes();break;case 6:p.init_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(k,k.uint32()));break;case 7:p.callback_sig=k.bytes();break;case 8:p.admin=k.string();break;default:k.skipType(7&P)}}return p},fromJSON:T=>({sender:S(T.sender)?I(T.sender):new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:S(T.callback_code_hash)?String(T.callback_code_hash):"",code_id:S(T.code_id)?String(T.code_id):"0",label:S(T.label)?String(T.label):"",init_msg:S(T.init_msg)?I(T.init_msg):new Uint8Array,init_funds:Array.isArray(T==null?void 0:T.init_funds)?T.init_funds.map(x=>d.Coin.fromJSON(x)):[],callback_sig:S(T.callback_sig)?I(T.callback_sig):new Uint8Array,admin:S(T.admin)?String(T.admin):""}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.sender!==void 0&&(x.sender=j(T.sender!==void 0?T.sender:new Uint8Array)),T.callback_code_hash!==void 0&&(x.callback_code_hash=T.callback_code_hash),T.code_id!==void 0&&(x.code_id=T.code_id),T.label!==void 0&&(x.label=T.label),T.init_msg!==void 0&&(x.init_msg=j(T.init_msg!==void 0?T.init_msg:new Uint8Array)),T.init_funds?x.init_funds=T.init_funds.map(k=>k?d.Coin.toJSON(k):void 0):x.init_funds=[],T.callback_sig!==void 0&&(x.callback_sig=j(T.callback_sig!==void 0?T.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),T.admin!==void 0&&(x.admin=T.admin),x},fromPartial(T){var x,k,b,p,P,B,C,L;const re=s();return re.sender=(x=T.sender)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,re.callback_code_hash=(k=T.callback_code_hash)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",re.code_id=(b=T.code_id)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"0",re.label=(p=T.label)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",re.init_msg=(P=T.init_msg)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:new Uint8Array,re.init_funds=((B=T.init_funds)===null||B===void 0?void 0:B.map(ee=>d.Coin.fromPartial(ee)))||[],re.callback_sig=(C=T.callback_sig)!==null&&C!==void 0?C:new Uint8Array,re.admin=(L=T.admin)!==null&&L!==void 0?L:"",re}},e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.address!==""&&x.uint32(10).string(T.address),T.data.length!==0&&x.uint32(18).bytes(T.data),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=r();for(;k.pos>>3){case 1:p.address=k.string();break;case 2:p.data=k.bytes();break;default:k.skipType(7&P)}}return p},fromJSON:T=>({address:S(T.address)?String(T.address):"",data:S(T.data)?I(T.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.address!==void 0&&(x.address=T.address),T.data!==void 0&&(x.data=j(T.data!==void 0?T.data:new Uint8Array)),x},fromPartial(T){var x,k;const b=r();return b.address=(x=T.address)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",b.data=(k=T.data)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:new Uint8Array,b}},e.MsgExecuteContract={encode(T,x=t.Writer.create()){T.sender.length!==0&&x.uint32(10).bytes(T.sender),T.contract.length!==0&&x.uint32(18).bytes(T.contract),T.msg.length!==0&&x.uint32(26).bytes(T.msg),T.callback_code_hash!==""&&x.uint32(34).string(T.callback_code_hash);for(const k of T.sent_funds)d.Coin.encode(k,x.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim();return T.callback_sig.length!==0&&x.uint32(50).bytes(T.callback_sig),x},decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=n();for(;k.pos>>3){case 1:p.sender=k.bytes();break;case 2:p.contract=k.bytes();break;case 3:p.msg=k.bytes();break;case 4:p.callback_code_hash=k.string();break;case 5:p.sent_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(k,k.uint32()));break;case 6:p.callback_sig=k.bytes();break;default:k.skipType(7&P)}}return p},fromJSON:T=>({sender:S(T.sender)?I(T.sender):new Uint8Array,contract:S(T.contract)?I(T.contract):new Uint8Array,msg:S(T.msg)?I(T.msg):new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:S(T.callback_code_hash)?String(T.callback_code_hash):"",sent_funds:Array.isArray(T==null?void 0:T.sent_funds)?T.sent_funds.map(x=>d.Coin.fromJSON(x)):[],callback_sig:S(T.callback_sig)?I(T.callback_sig):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.sender!==void 0&&(x.sender=j(T.sender!==void 0?T.sender:new Uint8Array)),T.contract!==void 0&&(x.contract=j(T.contract!==void 0?T.contract:new Uint8Array)),T.msg!==void 0&&(x.msg=j(T.msg!==void 0?T.msg:new Uint8Array)),T.callback_code_hash!==void 0&&(x.callback_code_hash=T.callback_code_hash),T.sent_funds?x.sent_funds=T.sent_funds.map(k=>k?d.Coin.toJSON(k):void 0):x.sent_funds=[],T.callback_sig!==void 0&&(x.callback_sig=j(T.callback_sig!==void 0?T.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),x},fromPartial(T){var x,k,b,p,P,B;const C=n();return C.sender=(x=T.sender)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,C.contract=(k=T.contract)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:new Uint8Array,C.msg=(b=T.msg)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,C.callback_code_hash=(p=T.callback_code_hash)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:"",C.sent_funds=((P=T.sent_funds)===null||P===void 0?void 0:P.map(L=>d.Coin.fromPartial(L)))||[],C.callback_sig=(B=T.callback_sig)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:new Uint8Array,C}},e.MsgExecuteContractResponse={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.data.length!==0&&x.uint32(10).bytes(T.data),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=o();for(;k.pos>>3==1?p.data=k.bytes():k.skipType(7&P)}return p},fromJSON:T=>({data:S(T.data)?I(T.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.data!==void 0&&(x.data=j(T.data!==void 0?T.data:new Uint8Array)),x},fromPartial(T){var x;const k=o();return k.data=(x=T.data)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,k}},e.MsgMigrateContract={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.sender!==""&&x.uint32(10).string(T.sender),T.contract!==""&&x.uint32(18).string(T.contract),T.code_id!=="0"&&x.uint32(24).uint64(T.code_id),T.msg.length!==0&&x.uint32(34).bytes(T.msg),T.callback_sig.length!==0&&x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig),T.callback_code_hash!==""&&x.uint32(66).string(T.callback_code_hash),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=i();for(;k.pos>>3){case 1:p.sender=k.string();break;case 2:p.contract=k.string();break;case 3:p.code_id=N(k.uint64());break;case 4:p.msg=k.bytes();break;case 7:p.callback_sig=k.bytes();break;case 8:p.callback_code_hash=k.string();break;default:k.skipType(7&P)}}return p},fromJSON:T=>({sender:S(T.sender)?String(T.sender):"",contract:S(T.contract)?String(T.contract):"",code_id:S(T.code_id)?String(T.code_id):"0",msg:S(T.msg)?I(T.msg):new Uint8Array,callback_sig:S(T.callback_sig)?I(T.callback_sig):new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:S(T.callback_code_hash)?String(T.callback_code_hash):""}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.sender!==void 0&&(x.sender=T.sender),T.contract!==void 0&&(x.contract=T.contract),T.code_id!==void 0&&(x.code_id=T.code_id),T.msg!==void 0&&(x.msg=j(T.msg!==void 0?T.msg:new Uint8Array)),T.callback_sig!==void 0&&(x.callback_sig=j(T.callback_sig!==void 0?T.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),T.callback_code_hash!==void 0&&(x.callback_code_hash=T.callback_code_hash),x},fromPartial(T){var x,k,b,p,P,B;const C=i();return C.sender=(x=T.sender)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",C.contract=(k=T.contract)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",C.code_id=(b=T.code_id)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"0",C.msg=(p=T.msg)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,C.callback_sig=(P=T.callback_sig)!==null&&P!==void 0?P:new Uint8Array,C.callback_code_hash=(B=T.callback_code_hash)!==null&&B!==void 0?B:"",C}},e.MsgMigrateContractResponse={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.data.length!==0&&x.uint32(10).bytes(T.data),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=f();for(;k.pos>>3==1?p.data=k.bytes():k.skipType(7&P)}return p},fromJSON:T=>({data:S(T.data)?I(T.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.data!==void 0&&(x.data=j(T.data!==void 0?T.data:new Uint8Array)),x},fromPartial(T){var x;const k=f();return k.data=(x=T.data)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:new Uint8Array,k}},e.MsgUpdateAdmin={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.sender!==""&&x.uint32(10).string(T.sender),T.new_admin!==""&&x.uint32(18).string(T.new_admin),T.contract!==""&&x.uint32(26).string(T.contract),T.callback_sig.length!==0&&x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=c();for(;k.pos>>3){case 1:p.sender=k.string();break;case 2:p.new_admin=k.string();break;case 3:p.contract=k.string();break;case 7:p.callback_sig=k.bytes();break;default:k.skipType(7&P)}}return p},fromJSON:T=>({sender:S(T.sender)?String(T.sender):"",new_admin:S(T.new_admin)?String(T.new_admin):"",contract:S(T.contract)?String(T.contract):"",callback_sig:S(T.callback_sig)?I(T.callback_sig):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.sender!==void 0&&(x.sender=T.sender),T.new_admin!==void 0&&(x.new_admin=T.new_admin),T.contract!==void 0&&(x.contract=T.contract),T.callback_sig!==void 0&&(x.callback_sig=j(T.callback_sig!==void 0?T.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),x},fromPartial(T){var x,k,b,p;const P=c();return P.sender=(x=T.sender)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",P.new_admin=(k=T.new_admin)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",P.contract=(b=T.contract)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:"",P.callback_sig=(p=T.callback_sig)!==null&&p!==void 0?p:new Uint8Array,P}},e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>x,decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;for(;k.pos({}),toJSON:T=>({}),fromPartial:T=>({})},e.MsgClearAdmin={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>(T.sender!==""&&x.uint32(10).string(T.sender),T.contract!==""&&x.uint32(26).string(T.contract),T.callback_sig.length!==0&&x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig),x),decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;const p=h();for(;k.pos>>3){case 1:p.sender=k.string();break;case 3:p.contract=k.string();break;case 7:p.callback_sig=k.bytes();break;default:k.skipType(7&P)}}return p},fromJSON:T=>({sender:S(T.sender)?String(T.sender):"",contract:S(T.contract)?String(T.contract):"",callback_sig:S(T.callback_sig)?I(T.callback_sig):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(T){const x={};return T.sender!==void 0&&(x.sender=T.sender),T.contract!==void 0&&(x.contract=T.contract),T.callback_sig!==void 0&&(x.callback_sig=j(T.callback_sig!==void 0?T.callback_sig:new Uint8Array)),x},fromPartial(T){var x,k,b;const p=h();return p.sender=(x=T.sender)!==null&&x!==void 0?x:"",p.contract=(k=T.contract)!==null&&k!==void 0?k:"",p.callback_sig=(b=T.callback_sig)!==null&&b!==void 0?b:new Uint8Array,p}},e.MsgClearAdminResponse={encode:(T,x=t.Writer.create())=>x,decode(T,x){const k=T instanceof t.Reader?T:new t.Reader(T);let b=x===void 0?k.len:k.pos+x;for(;k.pos({}),toJSON:T=>({}),fromPartial:T=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(T){this.rpc=T,this.StoreCode=this.StoreCode.bind(this),this.InstantiateContract=this.InstantiateContract.bind(this),this.ExecuteContract=this.ExecuteContract.bind(this),this.MigrateContract=this.MigrateContract.bind(this),this.UpdateAdmin=this.UpdateAdmin.bind(this),this.ClearAdmin=this.ClearAdmin.bind(this)}StoreCode(T){const x=e.MsgStoreCode.encode(T).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","StoreCode",x).then(k=>e.MsgStoreCodeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k)))}InstantiateContract(T){const x=e.MsgInstantiateContract.encode(T).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","InstantiateContract",x).then(k=>e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k)))}ExecuteContract(T){const x=e.MsgExecuteContract.encode(T).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","ExecuteContract",x).then(k=>e.MsgExecuteContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k)))}MigrateContract(T){const x=e.MsgMigrateContract.encode(T).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","MigrateContract",x).then(k=>e.MsgMigrateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k)))}UpdateAdmin(T){const x=e.MsgUpdateAdmin.encode(T).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","UpdateAdmin",x).then(k=>e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k)))}ClearAdmin(T){const x=e.MsgClearAdmin.encode(T).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg","ClearAdmin",x).then(k=>e.MsgClearAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k)))}};var m=(()=>{if(m!==void 0)return m;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof 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d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return R(u,d),u},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(d){return d&&d.__esModule?d:{default:d}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClientImpl=e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse=e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));e.protobufPackage="secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1",e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>(d.sender!==""&&u.uint32(10).string(d.sender),u),decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;const n={sender:""};for(;s.pos>>3==1?n.sender=s.string():s.skipType(7&o)}return n},fromJSON(d){return{sender:(u=d.sender,u!=null?String(d.sender):"")};var u},toJSON(d){const u={};return d.sender!==void 0&&(u.sender=d.sender),u},fromPartial(d){var u;const s={sender:""};return s.sender=(u=d.sender)!==null&&u!==void 0?u:"",s}},e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse={encode:(d,u=t.Writer.create())=>u,decode(d,u){const s=d instanceof t.Reader?d:new t.Reader(d);let r=u===void 0?s.len:s.pos+u;for(;s.pos({}),toJSON:d=>({}),fromPartial:d=>({})},e.MsgClientImpl=class{constructor(d){this.rpc=d,this.ToggleIbcSwitch=this.ToggleIbcSwitch.bind(this)}ToggleIbcSwitch(d){const u=e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch.encode(d).finish();return this.rpc.request("secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.Msg","ToggleIbcSwitch",u).then(s=>e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse.decode(new t.Reader(s)))}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},1901:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(h,m,v,I){I===void 0&&(I=v),Object.defineProperty(h,I,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return m[v]}})}:function(h,m,v,I){I===void 0&&(I=v),h[I]=m[v]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(h,m){Object.defineProperty(h,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:m})}:function(h,m){h.default=m}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(h){if(h&&h.__esModule)return h;var m={};if(h!=null)for(var v in h)v!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h,v)&&E(m,h,v);return R(m,h),m},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(h){return h&&h.__esModule?h:{default:h}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Key=e.MasterKey=e.RaAuthenticate=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(){return{sender:new Uint8Array,certificate:new Uint8Array}}function u(){return{bytes:new Uint8Array}}function s(){return{key:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="secret.registration.v1beta1",e.RaAuthenticate={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.sender.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.sender),h.certificate.length!==0&&m.uint32(18).bytes(h.certificate),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let I=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=d();for(;v.pos>>3){case 1:l.sender=v.bytes();break;case 2:l.certificate=v.bytes();break;default:v.skipType(7&j)}}return l},fromJSON:h=>({sender:c(h.sender)?o(h.sender):new Uint8Array,certificate:c(h.certificate)?o(h.certificate):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.sender!==void 0&&(m.sender=f(h.sender!==void 0?h.sender:new Uint8Array)),h.certificate!==void 0&&(m.certificate=f(h.certificate!==void 0?h.certificate:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m,v;const I=d();return I.sender=(m=h.sender)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,I.certificate=(v=h.certificate)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:new Uint8Array,I}},e.MasterKey={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.bytes.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.bytes),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let I=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=u();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.bytes=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&j)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({bytes:c(h.bytes)?o(h.bytes):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.bytes!==void 0&&(m.bytes=f(h.bytes!==void 0?h.bytes:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=u();return v.bytes=(m=h.bytes)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}},e.Key={encode:(h,m=t.Writer.create())=>(h.key.length!==0&&m.uint32(10).bytes(h.key),m),decode(h,m){const v=h instanceof t.Reader?h:new t.Reader(h);let I=m===void 0?v.len:v.pos+m;const l=s();for(;v.pos>>3==1?l.key=v.bytes():v.skipType(7&j)}return l},fromJSON:h=>({key:c(h.key)?o(h.key):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(h){const m={};return h.key!==void 0&&(m.key=f(h.key!==void 0?h.key:new Uint8Array)),m},fromPartial(h){var m;const v=s();return v.key=(m=h.key)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:new Uint8Array,v}};var r=(()=>{if(r!==void 0)return r;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const n=r.atob||(h=>r.Buffer.from(h,"base64").toString("binary"));function o(h){const m=n(h),v=new Uint8Array(m.length);for(let I=0;Ir.Buffer.from(h,"binary").toString("base64"));function f(h){const m=[];for(const v of h)m.push(String.fromCharCode(v));return i(m.join(""))}function c(h){return h!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2093:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(_,O,M,U){U===void 0&&(U=M),Object.defineProperty(_,U,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return O[M]}})}:function(_,O,M,U){U===void 0&&(U=M),_[U]=O[M]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(_,O){Object.defineProperty(_,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:O})}:function(_,O){_.default=O}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(_){if(_&&_.__esModule)return _;var O={};if(_!=null)for(var M in _)M!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_,M)&&E(O,_,M);return R(O,_),O},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(_){return _&&_.__esModule?_:{default:_}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Event=e.LastCommitInfo=e.BlockParams=e.ConsensusParams=e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk=e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk=e.ResponseOfferSnapshot=e.ResponseListSnapshots=e.ResponseCommit=e.ResponseEndBlock=e.ResponseDeliverTx=e.ResponseCheckTx=e.ResponseBeginBlock=e.ResponseQuery=e.ResponseInitChain=e.ResponseSetOption=e.ResponseInfo=e.ResponseFlush=e.ResponseEcho=e.ResponseException=e.Response=e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk=e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk=e.RequestOfferSnapshot=e.RequestListSnapshots=e.RequestCommit=e.RequestEndBlock=e.RequestDeliverTx=e.RequestCheckTx=e.RequestBeginBlock=e.RequestQuery=e.RequestInitChain=e.RequestSetOption=e.RequestInfo=e.RequestFlush=e.RequestEcho=e.Request=e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultToJSON=e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultFromJSON=e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result=e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultToJSON=e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultFromJSON=e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result=e.evidenceTypeToJSON=e.evidenceTypeFromJSON=e.EvidenceType=e.checkTxTypeToJSON=e.checkTxTypeFromJSON=e.CheckTxType=e.protobufPackage=void 0,e.ABCIApplicationClientImpl=e.Snapshot=e.Evidence=e.VoteInfo=e.ValidatorUpdate=e.Validator=e.TxResult=e.EventAttribute=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(5090),u=y(9928),s=y(1093),r=y(5672),n=y(2740);var o,i,f,c;function h(_){switch(_){case 0:case"NEW":return o.NEW;case 1:case"RECHECK":return o.RECHECK;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function m(_){switch(_){case o.NEW:return"NEW";case o.RECHECK:return"RECHECK";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function v(_){switch(_){case 0:case"UNKNOWN":return i.UNKNOWN;case 1:case"DUPLICATE_VOTE":return i.DUPLICATE_VOTE;case 2:case"LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK":return i.LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK;default:return i.UNRECOGNIZED}}function I(_){switch(_){case i.UNKNOWN:return"UNKNOWN";case i.DUPLICATE_VOTE:return"DUPLICATE_VOTE";case i.LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK:return"LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function l(_){switch(_){case 0:case"UNKNOWN":return f.UNKNOWN;case 1:case"ACCEPT":return f.ACCEPT;case 2:case"ABORT":return f.ABORT;case 3:case"REJECT":return f.REJECT;case 4:case"REJECT_FORMAT":return f.REJECT_FORMAT;case 5:case"REJECT_SENDER":return f.REJECT_SENDER;default:return f.UNRECOGNIZED}}function j(_){switch(_){case f.UNKNOWN:return"UNKNOWN";case f.ACCEPT:return"ACCEPT";case f.ABORT:return"ABORT";case f.REJECT:return"REJECT";case f.REJECT_FORMAT:return"REJECT_FORMAT";case f.REJECT_SENDER:return"REJECT_SENDER";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function N(_){switch(_){case 0:case"UNKNOWN":return c.UNKNOWN;case 1:case"ACCEPT":return c.ACCEPT;case 2:case"ABORT":return c.ABORT;case 3:case"RETRY":return c.RETRY;case 4:case"RETRY_SNAPSHOT":return c.RETRY_SNAPSHOT;case 5:case"REJECT_SNAPSHOT":return c.REJECT_SNAPSHOT;default:return c.UNRECOGNIZED}}function S(_){switch(_){case c.UNKNOWN:return"UNKNOWN";case c.ACCEPT:return"ACCEPT";case c.ABORT:return"ABORT";case c.RETRY:return"RETRY";case c.RETRY_SNAPSHOT:return"RETRY_SNAPSHOT";case c.REJECT_SNAPSHOT:return"REJECT_SNAPSHOT";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function T(){return{time:void 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0&&e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(_.list_snapshots,O.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim(),_.offer_snapshot!==void 0&&e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(_.offer_snapshot,O.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(),_.load_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(_.load_snapshot_chunk,O.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim(),_.apply_snapshot_chunk!==void 0&&e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(_.apply_snapshot_chunk,O.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(),O),decode(_,O){const M=_ instanceof t.Reader?_:new t.Reader(_);let U=O===void 0?M.len:M.pos+O;const z={echo:void 0,flush:void 0,info:void 0,set_option:void 0,init_chain:void 0,query:void 0,begin_block:void 0,check_tx:void 0,deliver_tx:void 0,end_block:void 0,commit:void 0,list_snapshots:void 0,offer_snapshot:void 0,load_snapshot_chunk:void 0,apply_snapshot_chunk:void 0};for(;M.pos>>3){case 1:z.echo=e.RequestEcho.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 2:z.flush=e.RequestFlush.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 3:z.info=e.RequestInfo.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 4:z.set_option=e.RequestSetOption.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 5:z.init_chain=e.RequestInitChain.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 6:z.query=e.RequestQuery.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 7:z.begin_block=e.RequestBeginBlock.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 8:z.check_tx=e.RequestCheckTx.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 9:z.deliver_tx=e.RequestDeliverTx.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 10:z.end_block=e.RequestEndBlock.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 11:z.commit=e.RequestCommit.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 12:z.list_snapshots=e.RequestListSnapshots.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 13:z.offer_snapshot=e.RequestOfferSnapshot.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 14:z.load_snapshot_chunk=e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 15:z.apply_snapshot_chunk=e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.decode(M,M.uint32());break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({echo:G(_.echo)?e.RequestEcho.fromJSON(_.echo):void 0,flush:G(_.flush)?e.RequestFlush.fromJSON(_.flush):void 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2:z.chain_id=M.string();break;case 3:z.consensus_params=e.ConsensusParams.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 4:z.validators.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(M,M.uint32()));break;case 5:z.app_state_bytes=M.bytes();break;case 6:z.initial_height=ye(M.int64());break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({time:G(_.time)?pe(_.time):void 0,chain_id:G(_.chain_id)?String(_.chain_id):"",consensus_params:G(_.consensus_params)?e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(_.consensus_params):void 0,validators:Array.isArray(_==null?void 0:_.validators)?_.validators.map(O=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(O)):[],app_state_bytes:G(_.app_state_bytes)?ue(_.app_state_bytes):new Uint8Array,initial_height:G(_.initial_height)?String(_.initial_height):"0"}),toJSON(_){const O={};return _.time!==void 0&&(O.time=de(_.time).toISOString()),_.chain_id!==void 0&&(O.chain_id=_.chain_id),_.consensus_params!==void 0&&(O.consensus_params=_.consensus_params?e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(_.consensus_params):void 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5:z.commit=u.Commit.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 6:z.txs.push(M.bytes());break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({hash:G(_.hash)?ue(_.hash):new Uint8Array,header:G(_.header)?u.Header.fromJSON(_.header):void 0,last_commit_info:G(_.last_commit_info)?e.LastCommitInfo.fromJSON(_.last_commit_info):void 0,byzantine_validators:Array.isArray(_==null?void 0:_.byzantine_validators)?_.byzantine_validators.map(O=>e.Evidence.fromJSON(O)):[],commit:G(_.commit)?u.Commit.fromJSON(_.commit):void 0,txs:Array.isArray(_==null?void 0:_.txs)?_.txs.map(O=>ue(O)):[]}),toJSON(_){const O={};return _.hash!==void 0&&(O.hash=fe(_.hash!==void 0?_.hash:new Uint8Array)),_.header!==void 0&&(O.header=_.header?u.Header.toJSON(_.header):void 0),_.last_commit_info!==void 0&&(O.last_commit_info=_.last_commit_info?e.LastCommitInfo.toJSON(_.last_commit_info):void 0),_.byzantine_validators?O.byzantine_validators=_.byzantine_validators.map(M=>M?e.Evidence.toJSON(M):void 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2:z.version=M.string();break;case 3:z.app_version=ye(M.uint64());break;case 4:z.last_block_height=ye(M.int64());break;case 5:z.last_block_app_hash=M.bytes();break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({data:G(_.data)?String(_.data):"",version:G(_.version)?String(_.version):"",app_version:G(_.app_version)?String(_.app_version):"0",last_block_height:G(_.last_block_height)?String(_.last_block_height):"0",last_block_app_hash:G(_.last_block_app_hash)?ue(_.last_block_app_hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(_){const O={};return _.data!==void 0&&(O.data=_.data),_.version!==void 0&&(O.version=_.version),_.app_version!==void 0&&(O.app_version=_.app_version),_.last_block_height!==void 0&&(O.last_block_height=_.last_block_height),_.last_block_app_hash!==void 0&&(O.last_block_app_hash=fe(_.last_block_app_hash!==void 0?_.last_block_app_hash:new Uint8Array)),O},fromPartial(_){var O,M,U,z,q;const W=C();return W.data=(O=_.data)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"",W.version=(M=_.version)!==null&&M!==void 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M.events=((O=_.events)===null||O===void 0?void 0:O.map(U=>e.Event.fromPartial(U)))||[],M}},e.ResponseCheckTx={encode(_,O=t.Writer.create()){_.code!==0&&O.uint32(8).uint32(_.code),_.data.length!==0&&O.uint32(18).bytes(_.data),_.log!==""&&O.uint32(26).string(_.log),_.info!==""&&O.uint32(34).string(_.info),_.gas_wanted!=="0"&&O.uint32(40).int64(_.gas_wanted),_.gas_used!=="0"&&O.uint32(48).int64(_.gas_used);for(const M of _.events)e.Event.encode(M,O.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim();return _.codespace!==""&&O.uint32(66).string(_.codespace),_.sender!==""&&O.uint32(74).string(_.sender),_.priority!=="0"&&O.uint32(80).int64(_.priority),_.mempool_error!==""&&O.uint32(90).string(_.mempool_error),O},decode(_,O){const M=_ instanceof t.Reader?_:new t.Reader(_);let U=O===void 0?M.len:M.pos+O;const z=ee();for(;M.pos>>3){case 1:z.code=M.uint32();break;case 2:z.data=M.bytes();break;case 3:z.log=M.string();break;case 4:z.info=M.string();break;case 5:z.gas_wanted=ye(M.int64());break;case 6:z.gas_used=ye(M.int64());break;case 7:z.events.push(e.Event.decode(M,M.uint32()));break;case 8:z.codespace=M.string();break;case 9:z.sender=M.string();break;case 10:z.priority=ye(M.int64());break;case 11:z.mempool_error=M.string();break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({code:G(_.code)?Number(_.code):0,data:G(_.data)?ue(_.data):new Uint8Array,log:G(_.log)?String(_.log):"",info:G(_.info)?String(_.info):"",gas_wanted:G(_.gas_wanted)?String(_.gas_wanted):"0",gas_used:G(_.gas_used)?String(_.gas_used):"0",events:Array.isArray(_==null?void 0:_.events)?_.events.map(O=>e.Event.fromJSON(O)):[],codespace:G(_.codespace)?String(_.codespace):"",sender:G(_.sender)?String(_.sender):"",priority:G(_.priority)?String(_.priority):"0",mempool_error:G(_.mempool_error)?String(_.mempool_error):""}),toJSON(_){const O={};return _.code!==void 0&&(O.code=Math.round(_.code)),_.data!==void 0&&(O.data=fe(_.data!==void 0?_.data:new Uint8Array)),_.log!==void 0&&(O.log=_.log),_.info!==void 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3:z.events.push(e.Event.decode(M,M.uint32()));break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({validator_updates:Array.isArray(_==null?void 0:_.validator_updates)?_.validator_updates.map(O=>e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(O)):[],consensus_param_updates:G(_.consensus_param_updates)?e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(_.consensus_param_updates):void 0,events:Array.isArray(_==null?void 0:_.events)?_.events.map(O=>e.Event.fromJSON(O)):[]}),toJSON(_){const O={};return _.validator_updates?O.validator_updates=_.validator_updates.map(M=>M?e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(M):void 0):O.validator_updates=[],_.consensus_param_updates!==void 0&&(O.consensus_param_updates=_.consensus_param_updates?e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(_.consensus_param_updates):void 0),_.events?O.events=_.events.map(M=>M?e.Event.toJSON(M):void 0):O.events=[],O},fromPartial(_){var O,M;const U={validator_updates:[],consensus_param_updates:void 0,events:[]};return U.validator_updates=((O=_.validator_updates)===null||O===void 0?void 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2:z.validator=e.Validator.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 3:z.height=ye(M.int64());break;case 4:z.time=d.Timestamp.decode(M,M.uint32());break;case 5:z.total_voting_power=ye(M.int64());break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({type:G(_.type)?v(_.type):0,validator:G(_.validator)?e.Validator.fromJSON(_.validator):void 0,height:G(_.height)?String(_.height):"0",time:G(_.time)?pe(_.time):void 0,total_voting_power:G(_.total_voting_power)?String(_.total_voting_power):"0"}),toJSON(_){const O={};return _.type!==void 0&&(O.type=I(_.type)),_.validator!==void 0&&(O.validator=_.validator?e.Validator.toJSON(_.validator):void 0),_.height!==void 0&&(O.height=_.height),_.time!==void 0&&(O.time=de(_.time).toISOString()),_.total_voting_power!==void 0&&(O.total_voting_power=_.total_voting_power),O},fromPartial(_){var O,M,U;const z={type:0,validator:void 0,height:"0",time:void 0,total_voting_power:"0"};return z.type=(O=_.type)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:0,z.validator=_.validator!==void 0&&_.validator!==null?e.Validator.fromPartial(_.validator):void 0,z.height=(M=_.height)!==null&&M!==void 0?M:"0",z.time=_.time!==void 0&&_.time!==null?d.Timestamp.fromPartial(_.time):void 0,z.total_voting_power=(U=_.total_voting_power)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:"0",z}},e.Snapshot={encode:(_,O=t.Writer.create())=>(_.height!=="0"&&O.uint32(8).uint64(_.height),_.format!==0&&O.uint32(16).uint32(_.format),_.chunks!==0&&O.uint32(24).uint32(_.chunks),_.hash.length!==0&&O.uint32(34).bytes(_.hash),_.metadata.length!==0&&O.uint32(42).bytes(_.metadata),O),decode(_,O){const M=_ instanceof t.Reader?_:new t.Reader(_);let U=O===void 0?M.len:M.pos+O;const z=X();for(;M.pos>>3){case 1:z.height=ye(M.uint64());break;case 2:z.format=M.uint32();break;case 3:z.chunks=M.uint32();break;case 4:z.hash=M.bytes();break;case 5:z.metadata=M.bytes();break;default:M.skipType(7&q)}}return z},fromJSON:_=>({height:G(_.height)?String(_.height):"0",format:G(_.format)?Number(_.format):0,chunks:G(_.chunks)?Number(_.chunks):0,hash:G(_.hash)?ue(_.hash):new Uint8Array,metadata:G(_.metadata)?ue(_.metadata):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(_){const O={};return _.height!==void 0&&(O.height=_.height),_.format!==void 0&&(O.format=Math.round(_.format)),_.chunks!==void 0&&(O.chunks=Math.round(_.chunks)),_.hash!==void 0&&(O.hash=fe(_.hash!==void 0?_.hash:new Uint8Array)),_.metadata!==void 0&&(O.metadata=fe(_.metadata!==void 0?_.metadata:new Uint8Array)),O},fromPartial(_){var O,M,U,z,q;const W=X();return W.height=(O=_.height)!==null&&O!==void 0?O:"0",W.format=(M=_.format)!==null&&M!==void 0?M:0,W.chunks=(U=_.chunks)!==null&&U!==void 0?U:0,W.hash=(z=_.hash)!==null&&z!==void 0?z:new Uint8Array,W.metadata=(q=_.metadata)!==null&&q!==void 0?q:new Uint8Array,W}},e.ABCIApplicationClientImpl=class{constructor(_){this.rpc=_,this.Echo=this.Echo.bind(this),this.Flush=this.Flush.bind(this),this.Info=this.Info.bind(this),this.SetOption=this.SetOption.bind(this),this.DeliverTx=this.DeliverTx.bind(this),this.CheckTx=this.CheckTx.bind(this),this.Query=this.Query.bind(this),this.Commit=this.Commit.bind(this),this.InitChain=this.InitChain.bind(this),this.BeginBlock=this.BeginBlock.bind(this),this.EndBlock=this.EndBlock.bind(this),this.ListSnapshots=this.ListSnapshots.bind(this),this.OfferSnapshot=this.OfferSnapshot.bind(this),this.LoadSnapshotChunk=this.LoadSnapshotChunk.bind(this),this.ApplySnapshotChunk=this.ApplySnapshotChunk.bind(this)}Echo(_){const O=e.RequestEcho.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Echo",O).then(M=>e.ResponseEcho.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}Flush(_){const O=e.RequestFlush.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Flush",O).then(M=>e.ResponseFlush.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}Info(_){const O=e.RequestInfo.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Info",O).then(M=>e.ResponseInfo.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}SetOption(_){const O=e.RequestSetOption.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","SetOption",O).then(M=>e.ResponseSetOption.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}DeliverTx(_){const O=e.RequestDeliverTx.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","DeliverTx",O).then(M=>e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}CheckTx(_){const O=e.RequestCheckTx.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","CheckTx",O).then(M=>e.ResponseCheckTx.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}Query(_){const O=e.RequestQuery.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Query",O).then(M=>e.ResponseQuery.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}Commit(_){const O=e.RequestCommit.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","Commit",O).then(M=>e.ResponseCommit.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}InitChain(_){const O=e.RequestInitChain.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","InitChain",O).then(M=>e.ResponseInitChain.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}BeginBlock(_){const O=e.RequestBeginBlock.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","BeginBlock",O).then(M=>e.ResponseBeginBlock.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}EndBlock(_){const O=e.RequestEndBlock.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","EndBlock",O).then(M=>e.ResponseEndBlock.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}ListSnapshots(_){const O=e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","ListSnapshots",O).then(M=>e.ResponseListSnapshots.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}OfferSnapshot(_){const O=e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","OfferSnapshot",O).then(M=>e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}LoadSnapshotChunk(_){const O=e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","LoadSnapshotChunk",O).then(M=>e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}ApplySnapshotChunk(_){const O=e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(_).finish();return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication","ApplySnapshotChunk",O).then(M=>e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(M)))}};var F=(()=>{if(F!==void 0)return F;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const se=F.atob||(_=>F.Buffer.from(_,"base64").toString("binary"));function ue(_){const O=se(_),M=new Uint8Array(O.length);for(let U=0;UF.Buffer.from(_,"binary").toString("base64"));function fe(_){const O=[];for(const M of _)O.push(String.fromCharCode(M));return le(O.join(""))}function _e(_){return{seconds:Math.trunc(_.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:_.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function de(_){let O=1e3*Number(_.seconds);return O+=_.nanos/1e6,new Date(O)}function pe(_){return _ instanceof Date?_e(_):typeof _=="string"?_e(new Date(_)):d.Timestamp.fromJSON(_)}function ye(_){return _.toString()}function G(_){return _!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2740:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),Object.defineProperty(i,h,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return f[c]}})}:function(i,f,c,h){h===void 0&&(h=c),i[h]=f[c]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(i,f){Object.defineProperty(i,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:f})}:function(i,f){i.default=f}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(i){if(i&&i.__esModule)return i;var f={};if(i!=null)for(var c in i)c!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i,c)&&E(f,i,c);return R(f,i),f},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(i){return i&&i.__esModule?i:{default:i}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.PublicKey=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));e.protobufPackage="tendermint.crypto",e.PublicKey={encode:(i,f=t.Writer.create())=>(i.ed25519!==void 0&&f.uint32(10).bytes(i.ed25519),i.secp256k1!==void 0&&f.uint32(18).bytes(i.secp256k1),f),decode(i,f){const c=i instanceof t.Reader?i:new t.Reader(i);let h=f===void 0?c.len:c.pos+f;const m={ed25519:void 0,secp256k1:void 0};for(;c.pos>>3){case 1:m.ed25519=c.bytes();break;case 2:m.secp256k1=c.bytes();break;default:c.skipType(7&v)}}return m},fromJSON:i=>({ed25519:o(i.ed25519)?s(i.ed25519):void 0,secp256k1:o(i.secp256k1)?s(i.secp256k1):void 0}),toJSON(i){const f={};return i.ed25519!==void 0&&(f.ed25519=i.ed25519!==void 0?n(i.ed25519):void 0),i.secp256k1!==void 0&&(f.secp256k1=i.secp256k1!==void 0?n(i.secp256k1):void 0),f},fromPartial(i){var f,c;const h={ed25519:void 0,secp256k1:void 0};return h.ed25519=(f=i.ed25519)!==null&&f!==void 0?f:void 0,h.secp256k1=(c=i.secp256k1)!==null&&c!==void 0?c:void 0,h}};var d=(()=>{if(d!==void 0)return d;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const u=d.atob||(i=>d.Buffer.from(i,"base64").toString("binary"));function s(i){const f=u(i),c=new Uint8Array(f.length);for(let h=0;hd.Buffer.from(i,"binary").toString("base64"));function n(i){const f=[];for(const c of i)f.push(String.fromCharCode(c));return r(f.join(""))}function o(i){return i!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},1093:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(m,v,I,l){l===void 0&&(l=I),Object.defineProperty(m,l,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return v[I]}})}:function(m,v,I,l){l===void 0&&(l=I),m[l]=v[I]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(m,v){Object.defineProperty(m,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:v})}:function(m,v){m.default=v}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(m){if(m&&m.__esModule)return m;var v={};if(m!=null)for(var I in m)I!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m,I)&&E(v,m,I);return R(v,m),v},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(m){return m&&m.__esModule?m:{default:m}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ProofOps=e.ProofOp=e.DominoOp=e.ValueOp=e.Proof=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(){return{total:"0",index:"0",leaf_hash:new Uint8Array,aunts:[]}}function u(){return{key:new Uint8Array,proof:void 0}}function s(){return{type:"",key:new Uint8Array,data:new Uint8Array}}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.crypto",e.Proof={encode(m,v=t.Writer.create()){m.total!=="0"&&v.uint32(8).int64(m.total),m.index!=="0"&&v.uint32(16).int64(m.index),m.leaf_hash.length!==0&&v.uint32(26).bytes(m.leaf_hash);for(const I of m.aunts)v.uint32(34).bytes(I);return v},decode(m,v){const I=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?I.len:I.pos+v;const j=d();for(;I.pos>>3){case 1:j.total=c(I.int64());break;case 2:j.index=c(I.int64());break;case 3:j.leaf_hash=I.bytes();break;case 4:j.aunts.push(I.bytes());break;default:I.skipType(7&N)}}return j},fromJSON:m=>({total:h(m.total)?String(m.total):"0",index:h(m.index)?String(m.index):"0",leaf_hash:h(m.leaf_hash)?o(m.leaf_hash):new Uint8Array,aunts:Array.isArray(m==null?void 0:m.aunts)?m.aunts.map(v=>o(v)):[]}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.total!==void 0&&(v.total=m.total),m.index!==void 0&&(v.index=m.index),m.leaf_hash!==void 0&&(v.leaf_hash=f(m.leaf_hash!==void 0?m.leaf_hash:new Uint8Array)),m.aunts?v.aunts=m.aunts.map(I=>f(I!==void 0?I:new Uint8Array)):v.aunts=[],v},fromPartial(m){var v,I,l,j;const N=d();return N.total=(v=m.total)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"0",N.index=(I=m.index)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"0",N.leaf_hash=(l=m.leaf_hash)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,N.aunts=((j=m.aunts)===null||j===void 0?void 0:j.map(S=>S))||[],N}},e.ValueOp={encode:(m,v=t.Writer.create())=>(m.key.length!==0&&v.uint32(10).bytes(m.key),m.proof!==void 0&&e.Proof.encode(m.proof,v.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),v),decode(m,v){const I=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?I.len:I.pos+v;const j=u();for(;I.pos>>3){case 1:j.key=I.bytes();break;case 2:j.proof=e.Proof.decode(I,I.uint32());break;default:I.skipType(7&N)}}return j},fromJSON:m=>({key:h(m.key)?o(m.key):new Uint8Array,proof:h(m.proof)?e.Proof.fromJSON(m.proof):void 0}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.key!==void 0&&(v.key=f(m.key!==void 0?m.key:new Uint8Array)),m.proof!==void 0&&(v.proof=m.proof?e.Proof.toJSON(m.proof):void 0),v},fromPartial(m){var v;const I=u();return I.key=(v=m.key)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:new Uint8Array,I.proof=m.proof!==void 0&&m.proof!==null?e.Proof.fromPartial(m.proof):void 0,I}},e.DominoOp={encode:(m,v=t.Writer.create())=>(m.key!==""&&v.uint32(10).string(m.key),m.input!==""&&v.uint32(18).string(m.input),m.output!==""&&v.uint32(26).string(m.output),v),decode(m,v){const I=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?I.len:I.pos+v;const j={key:"",input:"",output:""};for(;I.pos>>3){case 1:j.key=I.string();break;case 2:j.input=I.string();break;case 3:j.output=I.string();break;default:I.skipType(7&N)}}return j},fromJSON:m=>({key:h(m.key)?String(m.key):"",input:h(m.input)?String(m.input):"",output:h(m.output)?String(m.output):""}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.key!==void 0&&(v.key=m.key),m.input!==void 0&&(v.input=m.input),m.output!==void 0&&(v.output=m.output),v},fromPartial(m){var v,I,l;const j={key:"",input:"",output:""};return j.key=(v=m.key)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",j.input=(I=m.input)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:"",j.output=(l=m.output)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:"",j}},e.ProofOp={encode:(m,v=t.Writer.create())=>(m.type!==""&&v.uint32(10).string(m.type),m.key.length!==0&&v.uint32(18).bytes(m.key),m.data.length!==0&&v.uint32(26).bytes(m.data),v),decode(m,v){const I=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?I.len:I.pos+v;const j=s();for(;I.pos>>3){case 1:j.type=I.string();break;case 2:j.key=I.bytes();break;case 3:j.data=I.bytes();break;default:I.skipType(7&N)}}return j},fromJSON:m=>({type:h(m.type)?String(m.type):"",key:h(m.key)?o(m.key):new Uint8Array,data:h(m.data)?o(m.data):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.type!==void 0&&(v.type=m.type),m.key!==void 0&&(v.key=f(m.key!==void 0?m.key:new Uint8Array)),m.data!==void 0&&(v.data=f(m.data!==void 0?m.data:new Uint8Array)),v},fromPartial(m){var v,I,l;const j=s();return j.type=(v=m.type)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"",j.key=(I=m.key)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:new Uint8Array,j.data=(l=m.data)!==null&&l!==void 0?l:new Uint8Array,j}},e.ProofOps={encode(m,v=t.Writer.create()){for(const I of m.ops)e.ProofOp.encode(I,v.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return v},decode(m,v){const I=m instanceof t.Reader?m:new t.Reader(m);let l=v===void 0?I.len:I.pos+v;const j={ops:[]};for(;I.pos>>3==1?j.ops.push(e.ProofOp.decode(I,I.uint32())):I.skipType(7&N)}return j},fromJSON:m=>({ops:Array.isArray(m==null?void 0:m.ops)?m.ops.map(v=>e.ProofOp.fromJSON(v)):[]}),toJSON(m){const v={};return m.ops?v.ops=m.ops.map(I=>I?e.ProofOp.toJSON(I):void 0):v.ops=[],v},fromPartial(m){var v;const I={ops:[]};return I.ops=((v=m.ops)===null||v===void 0?void 0:v.map(l=>e.ProofOp.fromPartial(l)))||[],I}};var r=(()=>{if(r!==void 0)return r;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const n=r.atob||(m=>r.Buffer.from(m,"base64").toString("binary"));function o(m){const v=n(m),I=new Uint8Array(v.length);for(let l=0;lr.Buffer.from(m,"binary").toString("base64"));function f(m){const v=[];for(const I of m)v.push(String.fromCharCode(I));return i(v.join(""))}function c(m){return m.toString()}function h(m){return m!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5672:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),Object.defineProperty(r,i,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return n[o]}})}:function(r,n,o,i){i===void 0&&(i=o),r[i]=n[o]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(r,n){Object.defineProperty(r,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:n})}:function(r,n){r.default=n}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(r){if(r&&r.__esModule)return r;var n={};if(r!=null)for(var o in r)o!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r,o)&&E(n,r,o);return R(n,r),n},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(r){return r&&r.__esModule?r:{default:r}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.HashedParams=e.VersionParams=e.ValidatorParams=e.EvidenceParams=e.BlockParams=e.ConsensusParams=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(6138);function u(r){return r.toString()}function s(r){return r!=null}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.types",e.ConsensusParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.block!==void 0&&e.BlockParams.encode(r.block,n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),r.evidence!==void 0&&e.EvidenceParams.encode(r.evidence,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),r.validator!==void 0&&e.ValidatorParams.encode(r.validator,n.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),r.version!==void 0&&e.VersionParams.encode(r.version,n.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={block:void 0,evidence:void 0,validator:void 0,version:void 0};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.block=e.BlockParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 2:f.evidence=e.EvidenceParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 3:f.validator=e.ValidatorParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 4:f.version=e.VersionParams.decode(o,o.uint32());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({block:s(r.block)?e.BlockParams.fromJSON(r.block):void 0,evidence:s(r.evidence)?e.EvidenceParams.fromJSON(r.evidence):void 0,validator:s(r.validator)?e.ValidatorParams.fromJSON(r.validator):void 0,version:s(r.version)?e.VersionParams.fromJSON(r.version):void 0}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.block!==void 0&&(n.block=r.block?e.BlockParams.toJSON(r.block):void 0),r.evidence!==void 0&&(n.evidence=r.evidence?e.EvidenceParams.toJSON(r.evidence):void 0),r.validator!==void 0&&(n.validator=r.validator?e.ValidatorParams.toJSON(r.validator):void 0),r.version!==void 0&&(n.version=r.version?e.VersionParams.toJSON(r.version):void 0),n},fromPartial(r){const n={block:void 0,evidence:void 0,validator:void 0,version:void 0};return n.block=r.block!==void 0&&r.block!==null?e.BlockParams.fromPartial(r.block):void 0,n.evidence=r.evidence!==void 0&&r.evidence!==null?e.EvidenceParams.fromPartial(r.evidence):void 0,n.validator=r.validator!==void 0&&r.validator!==null?e.ValidatorParams.fromPartial(r.validator):void 0,n.version=r.version!==void 0&&r.version!==null?e.VersionParams.fromPartial(r.version):void 0,n}},e.BlockParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.max_bytes!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).int64(r.max_bytes),r.max_gas!=="0"&&n.uint32(16).int64(r.max_gas),r.time_iota_ms!=="0"&&n.uint32(24).int64(r.time_iota_ms),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={max_bytes:"0",max_gas:"0",time_iota_ms:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.max_bytes=u(o.int64());break;case 2:f.max_gas=u(o.int64());break;case 3:f.time_iota_ms=u(o.int64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({max_bytes:s(r.max_bytes)?String(r.max_bytes):"0",max_gas:s(r.max_gas)?String(r.max_gas):"0",time_iota_ms:s(r.time_iota_ms)?String(r.time_iota_ms):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.max_bytes!==void 0&&(n.max_bytes=r.max_bytes),r.max_gas!==void 0&&(n.max_gas=r.max_gas),r.time_iota_ms!==void 0&&(n.time_iota_ms=r.time_iota_ms),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o,i;const f={max_bytes:"0",max_gas:"0",time_iota_ms:"0"};return f.max_bytes=(n=r.max_bytes)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",f.max_gas=(o=r.max_gas)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",f.time_iota_ms=(i=r.time_iota_ms)!==null&&i!==void 0?i:"0",f}},e.EvidenceParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.max_age_num_blocks!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).int64(r.max_age_num_blocks),r.max_age_duration!==void 0&&d.Duration.encode(r.max_age_duration,n.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),r.max_bytes!=="0"&&n.uint32(24).int64(r.max_bytes),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={max_age_num_blocks:"0",max_age_duration:void 0,max_bytes:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.max_age_num_blocks=u(o.int64());break;case 2:f.max_age_duration=d.Duration.decode(o,o.uint32());break;case 3:f.max_bytes=u(o.int64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({max_age_num_blocks:s(r.max_age_num_blocks)?String(r.max_age_num_blocks):"0",max_age_duration:s(r.max_age_duration)?d.Duration.fromJSON(r.max_age_duration):void 0,max_bytes:s(r.max_bytes)?String(r.max_bytes):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.max_age_num_blocks!==void 0&&(n.max_age_num_blocks=r.max_age_num_blocks),r.max_age_duration!==void 0&&(n.max_age_duration=r.max_age_duration?d.Duration.toJSON(r.max_age_duration):void 0),r.max_bytes!==void 0&&(n.max_bytes=r.max_bytes),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={max_age_num_blocks:"0",max_age_duration:void 0,max_bytes:"0"};return i.max_age_num_blocks=(n=r.max_age_num_blocks)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",i.max_age_duration=r.max_age_duration!==void 0&&r.max_age_duration!==null?d.Duration.fromPartial(r.max_age_duration):void 0,i.max_bytes=(o=r.max_bytes)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},e.ValidatorParams={encode(r,n=t.Writer.create()){for(const o of r.pub_key_types)n.uint32(10).string(o);return n},decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={pub_key_types:[]};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.pub_key_types.push(o.string()):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({pub_key_types:Array.isArray(r==null?void 0:r.pub_key_types)?r.pub_key_types.map(n=>String(n)):[]}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.pub_key_types?n.pub_key_types=r.pub_key_types.map(o=>o):n.pub_key_types=[],n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={pub_key_types:[]};return o.pub_key_types=((n=r.pub_key_types)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.map(i=>i))||[],o}},e.VersionParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.app_version!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).uint64(r.app_version),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={app_version:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3==1?f.app_version=u(o.uint64()):o.skipType(7&c)}return f},fromJSON:r=>({app_version:s(r.app_version)?String(r.app_version):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.app_version!==void 0&&(n.app_version=r.app_version),n},fromPartial(r){var n;const o={app_version:"0"};return o.app_version=(n=r.app_version)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",o}},e.HashedParams={encode:(r,n=t.Writer.create())=>(r.block_max_bytes!=="0"&&n.uint32(8).int64(r.block_max_bytes),r.block_max_gas!=="0"&&n.uint32(16).int64(r.block_max_gas),n),decode(r,n){const o=r instanceof t.Reader?r:new t.Reader(r);let i=n===void 0?o.len:o.pos+n;const f={block_max_bytes:"0",block_max_gas:"0"};for(;o.pos>>3){case 1:f.block_max_bytes=u(o.int64());break;case 2:f.block_max_gas=u(o.int64());break;default:o.skipType(7&c)}}return f},fromJSON:r=>({block_max_bytes:s(r.block_max_bytes)?String(r.block_max_bytes):"0",block_max_gas:s(r.block_max_gas)?String(r.block_max_gas):"0"}),toJSON(r){const n={};return r.block_max_bytes!==void 0&&(n.block_max_bytes=r.block_max_bytes),r.block_max_gas!==void 0&&(n.block_max_gas=r.block_max_gas),n},fromPartial(r){var n,o;const i={block_max_bytes:"0",block_max_gas:"0"};return i.block_max_bytes=(n=r.block_max_bytes)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",i.block_max_gas=(o=r.block_max_gas)!==null&&o!==void 0?o:"0",i}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},9928:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(D,Z,H,te){te===void 0&&(te=H),Object.defineProperty(D,te,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return Z[H]}})}:function(D,Z,H,te){te===void 0&&(te=H),D[te]=Z[H]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(D,Z){Object.defineProperty(D,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:Z})}:function(D,Z){D.default=Z}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(D){if(D&&D.__esModule)return D;var Z={};if(D!=null)for(var H in D)H!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(D,H)&&E(Z,D,H);return R(Z,D),Z},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(D){return D&&D.__esModule?D:{default:D}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TxProof=e.BlockMeta=e.LightBlock=e.SignedHeader=e.Proposal=e.CommitSig=e.Commit=e.Vote=e.Data=e.EncryptedRandom=e.Header=e.BlockID=e.Part=e.PartSetHeader=e.signedMsgTypeToJSON=e.signedMsgTypeFromJSON=e.SignedMsgType=e.blockIDFlagToJSON=e.blockIDFlagFromJSON=e.BlockIDFlag=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(1093),u=y(5640),s=y(5090),r=y(3563);var n,o;function i(D){switch(D){case 0:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN;case 1:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT;case 2:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT;case 3:case"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL":return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL;default:return n.UNRECOGNIZED}}function f(D){switch(D){case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN";case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT";case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT";case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL:return"BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function c(D){switch(D){case 0:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN;case 1:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE;case 2:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT;case 32:case"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL":return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL;default:return o.UNRECOGNIZED}}function h(D){switch(D){case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN";case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE";case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT";case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL:return"SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL";default:return"UNKNOWN"}}function m(){return{total:0,hash:new Uint8Array}}function v(){return{index:0,bytes:new Uint8Array,proof:void 0}}function I(){return{hash:new Uint8Array,part_set_header:void 0}}function l(){return{version:void 0,chain_id:"",height:"0",time:void 0,last_block_id:void 0,last_commit_hash:new Uint8Array,data_hash:new Uint8Array,validators_hash:new Uint8Array,next_validators_hash:new Uint8Array,consensus_hash:new Uint8Array,app_hash:new Uint8Array,last_results_hash:new Uint8Array,evidence_hash:new Uint8Array,proposer_address:new Uint8Array,encrypted_random:void 0}}function j(){return{random:new Uint8Array,proof:new Uint8Array}}function N(){return{type:0,height:"0",round:0,block_id:void 0,timestamp:void 0,validator_address:new Uint8Array,validator_index:0,signature:new Uint8Array}}function S(){return{block_id_flag:0,validator_address:new Uint8Array,timestamp:void 0,signature:new Uint8Array}}function T(){return{type:0,height:"0",round:0,pol_round:0,block_id:void 0,timestamp:void 0,signature:new Uint8Array}}function x(){return{root_hash:new Uint8Array,data:new Uint8Array,proof:void 0}}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.types",function(D){D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN=0]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN",D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT=1]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT",D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT=2]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT",D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL=3]="BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL",D[D.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(n=e.BlockIDFlag||(e.BlockIDFlag={})),e.blockIDFlagFromJSON=i,e.blockIDFlagToJSON=f,function(D){D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN=0]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN",D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE=1]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE",D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT=2]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT",D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL=32]="SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL",D[D.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED"}(o=e.SignedMsgType||(e.SignedMsgType={})),e.signedMsgTypeFromJSON=c,e.signedMsgTypeToJSON=h,e.PartSetHeader={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.total!==0&&Z.uint32(8).uint32(D.total),D.hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.hash),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=m();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.total=H.uint32();break;case 2:Q.hash=H.bytes();break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({total:oe(D.total)?Number(D.total):0,hash:oe(D.hash)?p(D.hash):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.total!==void 0&&(Z.total=Math.round(D.total)),D.hash!==void 0&&(Z.hash=B(D.hash!==void 0?D.hash:new Uint8Array)),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H;const te=m();return te.total=(Z=D.total)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:0,te.hash=(H=D.hash)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:new Uint8Array,te}},e.Part={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.index!==0&&Z.uint32(8).uint32(D.index),D.bytes.length!==0&&Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.bytes),D.proof!==void 0&&d.Proof.encode(D.proof,Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=v();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.index=H.uint32();break;case 2:Q.bytes=H.bytes();break;case 3:Q.proof=d.Proof.decode(H,H.uint32());break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({index:oe(D.index)?Number(D.index):0,bytes:oe(D.bytes)?p(D.bytes):new Uint8Array,proof:oe(D.proof)?d.Proof.fromJSON(D.proof):void 0}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.index!==void 0&&(Z.index=Math.round(D.index)),D.bytes!==void 0&&(Z.bytes=B(D.bytes!==void 0?D.bytes:new Uint8Array)),D.proof!==void 0&&(Z.proof=D.proof?d.Proof.toJSON(D.proof):void 0),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H;const te=v();return te.index=(Z=D.index)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:0,te.bytes=(H=D.bytes)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:new Uint8Array,te.proof=D.proof!==void 0&&D.proof!==null?d.Proof.fromPartial(D.proof):void 0,te}},e.BlockID={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(10).bytes(D.hash),D.part_set_header!==void 0&&e.PartSetHeader.encode(D.part_set_header,Z.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=I();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.hash=H.bytes();break;case 2:Q.part_set_header=e.PartSetHeader.decode(H,H.uint32());break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({hash:oe(D.hash)?p(D.hash):new Uint8Array,part_set_header:oe(D.part_set_header)?e.PartSetHeader.fromJSON(D.part_set_header):void 0}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.hash!==void 0&&(Z.hash=B(D.hash!==void 0?D.hash:new Uint8Array)),D.part_set_header!==void 0&&(Z.part_set_header=D.part_set_header?e.PartSetHeader.toJSON(D.part_set_header):void 0),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z;const H=I();return H.hash=(Z=D.hash)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:new Uint8Array,H.part_set_header=D.part_set_header!==void 0&&D.part_set_header!==null?e.PartSetHeader.fromPartial(D.part_set_header):void 0,H}},e.Header={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.version!==void 0&&u.Consensus.encode(D.version,Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),D.chain_id!==""&&Z.uint32(18).string(D.chain_id),D.height!=="0"&&Z.uint32(24).int64(D.height),D.time!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(D.time,Z.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),D.last_block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(D.last_block_id,Z.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),D.last_commit_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(50).bytes(D.last_commit_hash),D.data_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(58).bytes(D.data_hash),D.validators_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(66).bytes(D.validators_hash),D.next_validators_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(74).bytes(D.next_validators_hash),D.consensus_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(82).bytes(D.consensus_hash),D.app_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(90).bytes(D.app_hash),D.last_results_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(98).bytes(D.last_results_hash),D.evidence_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(106).bytes(D.evidence_hash),D.proposer_address.length!==0&&Z.uint32(114).bytes(D.proposer_address),D.encrypted_random!==void 0&&e.EncryptedRandom.encode(D.encrypted_random,Z.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=l();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.version=u.Consensus.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 2:Q.chain_id=H.string();break;case 3:Q.height=ee(H.int64());break;case 4:Q.time=s.Timestamp.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 5:Q.last_block_id=e.BlockID.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 6:Q.last_commit_hash=H.bytes();break;case 7:Q.data_hash=H.bytes();break;case 8:Q.validators_hash=H.bytes();break;case 9:Q.next_validators_hash=H.bytes();break;case 10:Q.consensus_hash=H.bytes();break;case 11:Q.app_hash=H.bytes();break;case 12:Q.last_results_hash=H.bytes();break;case 13:Q.evidence_hash=H.bytes();break;case 14:Q.proposer_address=H.bytes();break;case 15:Q.encrypted_random=e.EncryptedRandom.decode(H,H.uint32());break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({version:oe(D.version)?u.Consensus.fromJSON(D.version):void 0,chain_id:oe(D.chain_id)?String(D.chain_id):"",height:oe(D.height)?String(D.height):"0",time:oe(D.time)?re(D.time):void 0,last_block_id:oe(D.last_block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.last_block_id):void 0,last_commit_hash:oe(D.last_commit_hash)?p(D.last_commit_hash):new Uint8Array,data_hash:oe(D.data_hash)?p(D.data_hash):new Uint8Array,validators_hash:oe(D.validators_hash)?p(D.validators_hash):new Uint8Array,next_validators_hash:oe(D.next_validators_hash)?p(D.next_validators_hash):new Uint8Array,consensus_hash:oe(D.consensus_hash)?p(D.consensus_hash):new Uint8Array,app_hash:oe(D.app_hash)?p(D.app_hash):new Uint8Array,last_results_hash:oe(D.last_results_hash)?p(D.last_results_hash):new Uint8Array,evidence_hash:oe(D.evidence_hash)?p(D.evidence_hash):new Uint8Array,proposer_address:oe(D.proposer_address)?p(D.proposer_address):new Uint8Array,encrypted_random:oe(D.encrypted_random)?e.EncryptedRandom.fromJSON(D.encrypted_random):void 0}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.version!==void 0&&(Z.version=D.version?u.Consensus.toJSON(D.version):void 0),D.chain_id!==void 0&&(Z.chain_id=D.chain_id),D.height!==void 0&&(Z.height=D.height),D.time!==void 0&&(Z.time=L(D.time).toISOString()),D.last_block_id!==void 0&&(Z.last_block_id=D.last_block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(D.last_block_id):void 0),D.last_commit_hash!==void 0&&(Z.last_commit_hash=B(D.last_commit_hash!==void 0?D.last_commit_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.data_hash!==void 0&&(Z.data_hash=B(D.data_hash!==void 0?D.data_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.validators_hash!==void 0&&(Z.validators_hash=B(D.validators_hash!==void 0?D.validators_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.next_validators_hash!==void 0&&(Z.next_validators_hash=B(D.next_validators_hash!==void 0?D.next_validators_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.consensus_hash!==void 0&&(Z.consensus_hash=B(D.consensus_hash!==void 0?D.consensus_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.app_hash!==void 0&&(Z.app_hash=B(D.app_hash!==void 0?D.app_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.last_results_hash!==void 0&&(Z.last_results_hash=B(D.last_results_hash!==void 0?D.last_results_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.evidence_hash!==void 0&&(Z.evidence_hash=B(D.evidence_hash!==void 0?D.evidence_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.proposer_address!==void 0&&(Z.proposer_address=B(D.proposer_address!==void 0?D.proposer_address:new Uint8Array)),D.encrypted_random!==void 0&&(Z.encrypted_random=D.encrypted_random?e.EncryptedRandom.toJSON(D.encrypted_random):void 0),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H,te,Q,X,F,se,ue,le,fe,_e;const de=l();return de.version=D.version!==void 0&&D.version!==null?u.Consensus.fromPartial(D.version):void 0,de.chain_id=(Z=D.chain_id)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:"",de.height=(H=D.height)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:"0",de.time=D.time!==void 0&&D.time!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.time):void 0,de.last_block_id=D.last_block_id!==void 0&&D.last_block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.last_block_id):void 0,de.last_commit_hash=(te=D.last_commit_hash)!==null&&te!==void 0?te:new Uint8Array,de.data_hash=(Q=D.data_hash)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:new Uint8Array,de.validators_hash=(X=D.validators_hash)!==null&&X!==void 0?X:new Uint8Array,de.next_validators_hash=(F=D.next_validators_hash)!==null&&F!==void 0?F:new Uint8Array,de.consensus_hash=(se=D.consensus_hash)!==null&&se!==void 0?se:new Uint8Array,de.app_hash=(ue=D.app_hash)!==null&&ue!==void 0?ue:new Uint8Array,de.last_results_hash=(le=D.last_results_hash)!==null&&le!==void 0?le:new Uint8Array,de.evidence_hash=(fe=D.evidence_hash)!==null&&fe!==void 0?fe:new Uint8Array,de.proposer_address=(_e=D.proposer_address)!==null&&_e!==void 0?_e:new Uint8Array,de.encrypted_random=D.encrypted_random!==void 0&&D.encrypted_random!==null?e.EncryptedRandom.fromPartial(D.encrypted_random):void 0,de}},e.EncryptedRandom={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.random.length!==0&&Z.uint32(10).bytes(D.random),D.proof.length!==0&&Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.proof),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=j();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.random=H.bytes();break;case 2:Q.proof=H.bytes();break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({random:oe(D.random)?p(D.random):new Uint8Array,proof:oe(D.proof)?p(D.proof):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.random!==void 0&&(Z.random=B(D.random!==void 0?D.random:new Uint8Array)),D.proof!==void 0&&(Z.proof=B(D.proof!==void 0?D.proof:new Uint8Array)),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H;const te=j();return te.random=(Z=D.random)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:new Uint8Array,te.proof=(H=D.proof)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:new Uint8Array,te}},e.Data={encode(D,Z=t.Writer.create()){for(const H of D.txs)Z.uint32(10).bytes(H);return Z},decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q={txs:[]};for(;H.pos>>3==1?Q.txs.push(H.bytes()):H.skipType(7&X)}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({txs:Array.isArray(D==null?void 0:D.txs)?D.txs.map(Z=>p(Z)):[]}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.txs?Z.txs=D.txs.map(H=>B(H!==void 0?H:new Uint8Array)):Z.txs=[],Z},fromPartial(D){var Z;const H={txs:[]};return H.txs=((Z=D.txs)===null||Z===void 0?void 0:Z.map(te=>te))||[],H}},e.Vote={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.type!==0&&Z.uint32(8).int32(D.type),D.height!=="0"&&Z.uint32(16).int64(D.height),D.round!==0&&Z.uint32(24).int32(D.round),D.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id,Z.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(),D.timestamp!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(D.timestamp,Z.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),D.validator_address.length!==0&&Z.uint32(50).bytes(D.validator_address),D.validator_index!==0&&Z.uint32(56).int32(D.validator_index),D.signature.length!==0&&Z.uint32(66).bytes(D.signature),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=N();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.type=H.int32();break;case 2:Q.height=ee(H.int64());break;case 3:Q.round=H.int32();break;case 4:Q.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 5:Q.timestamp=s.Timestamp.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 6:Q.validator_address=H.bytes();break;case 7:Q.validator_index=H.int32();break;case 8:Q.signature=H.bytes();break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({type:oe(D.type)?c(D.type):0,height:oe(D.height)?String(D.height):"0",round:oe(D.round)?Number(D.round):0,block_id:oe(D.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id):void 0,timestamp:oe(D.timestamp)?re(D.timestamp):void 0,validator_address:oe(D.validator_address)?p(D.validator_address):new Uint8Array,validator_index:oe(D.validator_index)?Number(D.validator_index):0,signature:oe(D.signature)?p(D.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.type!==void 0&&(Z.type=h(D.type)),D.height!==void 0&&(Z.height=D.height),D.round!==void 0&&(Z.round=Math.round(D.round)),D.block_id!==void 0&&(Z.block_id=D.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id):void 0),D.timestamp!==void 0&&(Z.timestamp=L(D.timestamp).toISOString()),D.validator_address!==void 0&&(Z.validator_address=B(D.validator_address!==void 0?D.validator_address:new Uint8Array)),D.validator_index!==void 0&&(Z.validator_index=Math.round(D.validator_index)),D.signature!==void 0&&(Z.signature=B(D.signature!==void 0?D.signature:new Uint8Array)),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H,te,Q,X,F;const se=N();return se.type=(Z=D.type)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:0,se.height=(H=D.height)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:"0",se.round=(te=D.round)!==null&&te!==void 0?te:0,se.block_id=D.block_id!==void 0&&D.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id):void 0,se.timestamp=D.timestamp!==void 0&&D.timestamp!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.timestamp):void 0,se.validator_address=(Q=D.validator_address)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:new Uint8Array,se.validator_index=(X=D.validator_index)!==null&&X!==void 0?X:0,se.signature=(F=D.signature)!==null&&F!==void 0?F:new Uint8Array,se}},e.Commit={encode(D,Z=t.Writer.create()){D.height!=="0"&&Z.uint32(8).int64(D.height),D.round!==0&&Z.uint32(16).int32(D.round),D.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id,Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim();for(const H of D.signatures)e.CommitSig.encode(H,Z.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim();return Z},decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q={height:"0",round:0,block_id:void 0,signatures:[]};for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.height=ee(H.int64());break;case 2:Q.round=H.int32();break;case 3:Q.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 4:Q.signatures.push(e.CommitSig.decode(H,H.uint32()));break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({height:oe(D.height)?String(D.height):"0",round:oe(D.round)?Number(D.round):0,block_id:oe(D.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id):void 0,signatures:Array.isArray(D==null?void 0:D.signatures)?D.signatures.map(Z=>e.CommitSig.fromJSON(Z)):[]}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.height!==void 0&&(Z.height=D.height),D.round!==void 0&&(Z.round=Math.round(D.round)),D.block_id!==void 0&&(Z.block_id=D.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id):void 0),D.signatures?Z.signatures=D.signatures.map(H=>H?e.CommitSig.toJSON(H):void 0):Z.signatures=[],Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H,te;const Q={height:"0",round:0,block_id:void 0,signatures:[]};return Q.height=(Z=D.height)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:"0",Q.round=(H=D.round)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:0,Q.block_id=D.block_id!==void 0&&D.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id):void 0,Q.signatures=((te=D.signatures)===null||te===void 0?void 0:te.map(X=>e.CommitSig.fromPartial(X)))||[],Q}},e.CommitSig={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.block_id_flag!==0&&Z.uint32(8).int32(D.block_id_flag),D.validator_address.length!==0&&Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.validator_address),D.timestamp!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(D.timestamp,Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),D.signature.length!==0&&Z.uint32(34).bytes(D.signature),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=S();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.block_id_flag=H.int32();break;case 2:Q.validator_address=H.bytes();break;case 3:Q.timestamp=s.Timestamp.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 4:Q.signature=H.bytes();break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({block_id_flag:oe(D.block_id_flag)?i(D.block_id_flag):0,validator_address:oe(D.validator_address)?p(D.validator_address):new Uint8Array,timestamp:oe(D.timestamp)?re(D.timestamp):void 0,signature:oe(D.signature)?p(D.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.block_id_flag!==void 0&&(Z.block_id_flag=f(D.block_id_flag)),D.validator_address!==void 0&&(Z.validator_address=B(D.validator_address!==void 0?D.validator_address:new Uint8Array)),D.timestamp!==void 0&&(Z.timestamp=L(D.timestamp).toISOString()),D.signature!==void 0&&(Z.signature=B(D.signature!==void 0?D.signature:new Uint8Array)),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H,te;const Q=S();return Q.block_id_flag=(Z=D.block_id_flag)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:0,Q.validator_address=(H=D.validator_address)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:new Uint8Array,Q.timestamp=D.timestamp!==void 0&&D.timestamp!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.timestamp):void 0,Q.signature=(te=D.signature)!==null&&te!==void 0?te:new Uint8Array,Q}},e.Proposal={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.type!==0&&Z.uint32(8).int32(D.type),D.height!=="0"&&Z.uint32(16).int64(D.height),D.round!==0&&Z.uint32(24).int32(D.round),D.pol_round!==0&&Z.uint32(32).int32(D.pol_round),D.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id,Z.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(),D.timestamp!==void 0&&s.Timestamp.encode(D.timestamp,Z.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(),D.signature.length!==0&&Z.uint32(58).bytes(D.signature),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=T();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.type=H.int32();break;case 2:Q.height=ee(H.int64());break;case 3:Q.round=H.int32();break;case 4:Q.pol_round=H.int32();break;case 5:Q.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 6:Q.timestamp=s.Timestamp.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 7:Q.signature=H.bytes();break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({type:oe(D.type)?c(D.type):0,height:oe(D.height)?String(D.height):"0",round:oe(D.round)?Number(D.round):0,pol_round:oe(D.pol_round)?Number(D.pol_round):0,block_id:oe(D.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id):void 0,timestamp:oe(D.timestamp)?re(D.timestamp):void 0,signature:oe(D.signature)?p(D.signature):new Uint8Array}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.type!==void 0&&(Z.type=h(D.type)),D.height!==void 0&&(Z.height=D.height),D.round!==void 0&&(Z.round=Math.round(D.round)),D.pol_round!==void 0&&(Z.pol_round=Math.round(D.pol_round)),D.block_id!==void 0&&(Z.block_id=D.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id):void 0),D.timestamp!==void 0&&(Z.timestamp=L(D.timestamp).toISOString()),D.signature!==void 0&&(Z.signature=B(D.signature!==void 0?D.signature:new Uint8Array)),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H,te,Q,X;const F=T();return F.type=(Z=D.type)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:0,F.height=(H=D.height)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:"0",F.round=(te=D.round)!==null&&te!==void 0?te:0,F.pol_round=(Q=D.pol_round)!==null&&Q!==void 0?Q:0,F.block_id=D.block_id!==void 0&&D.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id):void 0,F.timestamp=D.timestamp!==void 0&&D.timestamp!==null?s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.timestamp):void 0,F.signature=(X=D.signature)!==null&&X!==void 0?X:new Uint8Array,F}},e.SignedHeader={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.header!==void 0&&e.Header.encode(D.header,Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),D.commit!==void 0&&e.Commit.encode(D.commit,Z.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q={header:void 0,commit:void 0};for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.header=e.Header.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 2:Q.commit=e.Commit.decode(H,H.uint32());break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({header:oe(D.header)?e.Header.fromJSON(D.header):void 0,commit:oe(D.commit)?e.Commit.fromJSON(D.commit):void 0}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.header!==void 0&&(Z.header=D.header?e.Header.toJSON(D.header):void 0),D.commit!==void 0&&(Z.commit=D.commit?e.Commit.toJSON(D.commit):void 0),Z},fromPartial(D){const Z={header:void 0,commit:void 0};return Z.header=D.header!==void 0&&D.header!==null?e.Header.fromPartial(D.header):void 0,Z.commit=D.commit!==void 0&&D.commit!==null?e.Commit.fromPartial(D.commit):void 0,Z}},e.LightBlock={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.signed_header!==void 0&&e.SignedHeader.encode(D.signed_header,Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),D.validator_set!==void 0&&r.ValidatorSet.encode(D.validator_set,Z.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q={signed_header:void 0,validator_set:void 0};for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.signed_header=e.SignedHeader.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 2:Q.validator_set=r.ValidatorSet.decode(H,H.uint32());break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({signed_header:oe(D.signed_header)?e.SignedHeader.fromJSON(D.signed_header):void 0,validator_set:oe(D.validator_set)?r.ValidatorSet.fromJSON(D.validator_set):void 0}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.signed_header!==void 0&&(Z.signed_header=D.signed_header?e.SignedHeader.toJSON(D.signed_header):void 0),D.validator_set!==void 0&&(Z.validator_set=D.validator_set?r.ValidatorSet.toJSON(D.validator_set):void 0),Z},fromPartial(D){const Z={signed_header:void 0,validator_set:void 0};return Z.signed_header=D.signed_header!==void 0&&D.signed_header!==null?e.SignedHeader.fromPartial(D.signed_header):void 0,Z.validator_set=D.validator_set!==void 0&&D.validator_set!==null?r.ValidatorSet.fromPartial(D.validator_set):void 0,Z}},e.BlockMeta={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.block_id!==void 0&&e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id,Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),D.block_size!=="0"&&Z.uint32(16).int64(D.block_size),D.header!==void 0&&e.Header.encode(D.header,Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),D.num_txs!=="0"&&Z.uint32(32).int64(D.num_txs),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q={block_id:void 0,block_size:"0",header:void 0,num_txs:"0"};for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.block_id=e.BlockID.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 2:Q.block_size=ee(H.int64());break;case 3:Q.header=e.Header.decode(H,H.uint32());break;case 4:Q.num_txs=ee(H.int64());break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({block_id:oe(D.block_id)?e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id):void 0,block_size:oe(D.block_size)?String(D.block_size):"0",header:oe(D.header)?e.Header.fromJSON(D.header):void 0,num_txs:oe(D.num_txs)?String(D.num_txs):"0"}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.block_id!==void 0&&(Z.block_id=D.block_id?e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id):void 0),D.block_size!==void 0&&(Z.block_size=D.block_size),D.header!==void 0&&(Z.header=D.header?e.Header.toJSON(D.header):void 0),D.num_txs!==void 0&&(Z.num_txs=D.num_txs),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H;const te={block_id:void 0,block_size:"0",header:void 0,num_txs:"0"};return te.block_id=D.block_id!==void 0&&D.block_id!==null?e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id):void 0,te.block_size=(Z=D.block_size)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:"0",te.header=D.header!==void 0&&D.header!==null?e.Header.fromPartial(D.header):void 0,te.num_txs=(H=D.num_txs)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:"0",te}},e.TxProof={encode:(D,Z=t.Writer.create())=>(D.root_hash.length!==0&&Z.uint32(10).bytes(D.root_hash),D.data.length!==0&&Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.data),D.proof!==void 0&&d.Proof.encode(D.proof,Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(),Z),decode(D,Z){const H=D instanceof t.Reader?D:new t.Reader(D);let te=Z===void 0?H.len:H.pos+Z;const Q=x();for(;H.pos>>3){case 1:Q.root_hash=H.bytes();break;case 2:Q.data=H.bytes();break;case 3:Q.proof=d.Proof.decode(H,H.uint32());break;default:H.skipType(7&X)}}return Q},fromJSON:D=>({root_hash:oe(D.root_hash)?p(D.root_hash):new Uint8Array,data:oe(D.data)?p(D.data):new Uint8Array,proof:oe(D.proof)?d.Proof.fromJSON(D.proof):void 0}),toJSON(D){const Z={};return D.root_hash!==void 0&&(Z.root_hash=B(D.root_hash!==void 0?D.root_hash:new Uint8Array)),D.data!==void 0&&(Z.data=B(D.data!==void 0?D.data:new Uint8Array)),D.proof!==void 0&&(Z.proof=D.proof?d.Proof.toJSON(D.proof):void 0),Z},fromPartial(D){var Z,H;const te=x();return te.root_hash=(Z=D.root_hash)!==null&&Z!==void 0?Z:new Uint8Array,te.data=(H=D.data)!==null&&H!==void 0?H:new Uint8Array,te.proof=D.proof!==void 0&&D.proof!==null?d.Proof.fromPartial(D.proof):void 0,te}};var k=(()=>{if(k!==void 0)return k;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const b=k.atob||(D=>k.Buffer.from(D,"base64").toString("binary"));function p(D){const Z=b(D),H=new Uint8Array(Z.length);for(let te=0;tek.Buffer.from(D,"binary").toString("base64"));function B(D){const Z=[];for(const H of D)Z.push(String.fromCharCode(H));return P(Z.join(""))}function C(D){return{seconds:Math.trunc(D.getTime()/1e3).toString(),nanos:D.getTime()%1e3*1e6}}function L(D){let Z=1e3*Number(D.seconds);return Z+=D.nanos/1e6,new Date(Z)}function re(D){return D instanceof Date?C(D):typeof D=="string"?C(new Date(D)):s.Timestamp.fromJSON(D)}function ee(D){return D.toString()}function oe(D){return D!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},3563:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return R(h,c),h},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(c){return c&&c.__esModule?c:{default:c}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SimpleValidator=e.Validator=e.ValidatorSet=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100)),d=y(2740);function u(){return{address:new Uint8Array,pub_key:void 0,voting_power:"0",proposer_priority:"0"}}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.types",e.ValidatorSet={encode(c,h=t.Writer.create()){for(const m of c.validators)e.Validator.encode(m,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim();return c.proposer!==void 0&&e.Validator.encode(c.proposer,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.total_voting_power!=="0"&&h.uint32(24).int64(c.total_voting_power),h},decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={validators:[],proposer:void 0,total_voting_power:"0"};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.validators.push(e.Validator.decode(m,m.uint32()));break;case 2:I.proposer=e.Validator.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.total_voting_power=i(m.int64());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({validators:Array.isArray(c==null?void 0:c.validators)?c.validators.map(h=>e.Validator.fromJSON(h)):[],proposer:f(c.proposer)?e.Validator.fromJSON(c.proposer):void 0,total_voting_power:f(c.total_voting_power)?String(c.total_voting_power):"0"}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.validators?h.validators=c.validators.map(m=>m?e.Validator.toJSON(m):void 0):h.validators=[],c.proposer!==void 0&&(h.proposer=c.proposer?e.Validator.toJSON(c.proposer):void 0),c.total_voting_power!==void 0&&(h.total_voting_power=c.total_voting_power),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m;const v={validators:[],proposer:void 0,total_voting_power:"0"};return v.validators=((h=c.validators)===null||h===void 0?void 0:h.map(I=>e.Validator.fromPartial(I)))||[],v.proposer=c.proposer!==void 0&&c.proposer!==null?e.Validator.fromPartial(c.proposer):void 0,v.total_voting_power=(m=c.total_voting_power)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"0",v}},e.Validator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.address.length!==0&&h.uint32(10).bytes(c.address),c.pub_key!==void 0&&d.PublicKey.encode(c.pub_key,h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(),c.voting_power!=="0"&&h.uint32(24).int64(c.voting_power),c.proposer_priority!=="0"&&h.uint32(32).int64(c.proposer_priority),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I=u();for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.address=m.bytes();break;case 2:I.pub_key=d.PublicKey.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 3:I.voting_power=i(m.int64());break;case 4:I.proposer_priority=i(m.int64());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({address:f(c.address)?n(c.address):new Uint8Array,pub_key:f(c.pub_key)?d.PublicKey.fromJSON(c.pub_key):void 0,voting_power:f(c.voting_power)?String(c.voting_power):"0",proposer_priority:f(c.proposer_priority)?String(c.proposer_priority):"0"}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.address!==void 0&&(h.address=function(m){const v=[];for(const I of m)v.push(String.fromCharCode(I));return o(v.join(""))}(c.address!==void 0?c.address:new Uint8Array)),c.pub_key!==void 0&&(h.pub_key=c.pub_key?d.PublicKey.toJSON(c.pub_key):void 0),c.voting_power!==void 0&&(h.voting_power=c.voting_power),c.proposer_priority!==void 0&&(h.proposer_priority=c.proposer_priority),h},fromPartial(c){var h,m,v;const I=u();return I.address=(h=c.address)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:new Uint8Array,I.pub_key=c.pub_key!==void 0&&c.pub_key!==null?d.PublicKey.fromPartial(c.pub_key):void 0,I.voting_power=(m=c.voting_power)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:"0",I.proposer_priority=(v=c.proposer_priority)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:"0",I}},e.SimpleValidator={encode:(c,h=t.Writer.create())=>(c.pub_key!==void 0&&d.PublicKey.encode(c.pub_key,h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(),c.voting_power!=="0"&&h.uint32(16).int64(c.voting_power),h),decode(c,h){const m=c instanceof t.Reader?c:new t.Reader(c);let v=h===void 0?m.len:m.pos+h;const I={pub_key:void 0,voting_power:"0"};for(;m.pos>>3){case 1:I.pub_key=d.PublicKey.decode(m,m.uint32());break;case 2:I.voting_power=i(m.int64());break;default:m.skipType(7&l)}}return I},fromJSON:c=>({pub_key:f(c.pub_key)?d.PublicKey.fromJSON(c.pub_key):void 0,voting_power:f(c.voting_power)?String(c.voting_power):"0"}),toJSON(c){const h={};return c.pub_key!==void 0&&(h.pub_key=c.pub_key?d.PublicKey.toJSON(c.pub_key):void 0),c.voting_power!==void 0&&(h.voting_power=c.voting_power),h},fromPartial(c){var h;const m={pub_key:void 0,voting_power:"0"};return m.pub_key=c.pub_key!==void 0&&c.pub_key!==null?d.PublicKey.fromPartial(c.pub_key):void 0,m.voting_power=(h=c.voting_power)!==null&&h!==void 0?h:"0",m}};var s=(()=>{if(s!==void 0)return s;if(typeof self<"u")return self;if(typeof window<"u")return window;if(y.g!==void 0)return y.g;throw"Unable to locate global object"})();const r=s.atob||(c=>s.Buffer.from(c,"base64").toString("binary"));function n(c){const h=r(c),m=new Uint8Array(h.length);for(let v=0;vs.Buffer.from(c,"binary").toString("base64"));function i(c){return c.toString()}function f(c){return c!=null}t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},5640:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return R(r,s),r},w=this&&this.__importDefault||function(s){return s&&s.__esModule?s:{default:s}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Consensus=e.App=e.protobufPackage=void 0;const a=w(y(3720)),t=A(y(2100));function d(s){return s.toString()}function u(s){return s!=null}e.protobufPackage="tendermint.version",e.App={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.protocol!=="0"&&r.uint32(8).uint64(s.protocol),s.software!==""&&r.uint32(18).string(s.software),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={protocol:"0",software:""};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.protocol=d(n.uint64());break;case 2:i.software=n.string();break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({protocol:u(s.protocol)?String(s.protocol):"0",software:u(s.software)?String(s.software):""}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.protocol!==void 0&&(r.protocol=s.protocol),s.software!==void 0&&(r.software=s.software),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={protocol:"0",software:""};return o.protocol=(r=s.protocol)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"0",o.software=(n=s.software)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"",o}},e.Consensus={encode:(s,r=t.Writer.create())=>(s.block!=="0"&&r.uint32(8).uint64(s.block),s.app!=="0"&&r.uint32(16).uint64(s.app),r),decode(s,r){const n=s instanceof t.Reader?s:new t.Reader(s);let o=r===void 0?n.len:n.pos+r;const i={block:"0",app:"0"};for(;n.pos>>3){case 1:i.block=d(n.uint64());break;case 2:i.app=d(n.uint64());break;default:n.skipType(7&f)}}return i},fromJSON:s=>({block:u(s.block)?String(s.block):"0",app:u(s.app)?String(s.app):"0"}),toJSON(s){const r={};return s.block!==void 0&&(r.block=s.block),s.app!==void 0&&(r.app=s.app),r},fromPartial(s){var r,n;const o={block:"0",app:"0"};return o.block=(r=s.block)!==null&&r!==void 0?r:"0",o.app=(n=s.app)!==null&&n!==void 0?n:"0",o}},t.util.Long!==a.default&&(t.util.Long=a.default,t.configure())},2076:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(A,w,a,t){return new(a||(a=Promise))(function(d,u){function s(o){try{n(t.next(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function r(o){try{n(t.throw(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function n(o){var i;o.done?d(o.value):(i=o.value,i instanceof a?i:new a(function(f){f(i)})).then(s,r)}n((t=t.apply(A,w||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.AuthQuerier=void 0;const R=y(3004);e.AuthQuerier=class{constructor(A){this.url=A}accounts(A,w){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.Query.Accounts(A,{headers:w,pathPrefix:this.url})})}account(A,w){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.Query.Account(A,{headers:w,pathPrefix:this.url})})}params(A,w){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.Query.Params(A,{headers:w,pathPrefix:this.url})})}moduleAccountByName(A,w){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.Query.ModuleAccountByName(A,{headers:w,pathPrefix:this.url})})}}},298:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.AuthzQuerier=void 0;const E=y(3704);e.AuthzQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}grants(R,A){return E.Query.Grants(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}granterGrants(R,A){return E.Query.GranterGrants(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}granteeGrants(R,A){return E.Query.GranteeGrants(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},8622:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.BankQuerier=void 0;const E=y(1926);e.BankQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}balance(R,A){return E.Query.Balance(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}allBalances(R,A){return E.Query.AllBalances(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}spendableBalances(R,A){return E.Query.SpendableBalances(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalSupply(R,A){return E.Query.TotalSupply(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}supplyOf(R,A){return E.Query.SupplyOf(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomMetadata(R,A){return E.Query.DenomMetadata(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomsMetadata(R,A){return E.Query.DenomsMetadata(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},8526:function(J,e,y){var E=y(5108),R=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ComputeQuerier=void 0;const A=y(8972),w=y(3607),a=y(8136),t=y(5250);e.ComputeQuerier=class{constructor(d,u){this.url=d,this.encryption=u,this.codeHashCache=new Map,this.encryption||(this.encryption=new a.EncryptionUtilsImpl(d))}contractInfo(d,u){return t.Query.ContractInfo(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}contractsByCodeId(d,u){return t.Query.ContractsByCodeId(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}code(d,u){return t.Query.Code(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}codes(d,u){return t.Query.Codes(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}codeHashByContractAddress(d,u){return R(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let s=this.codeHashCache.get(d.contract_address);return s||({code_hash:s}=yield t.Query.CodeHashByContractAddress(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url}),this.codeHashCache.set(d.contract_address,s)),{code_hash:s}})}codeHashByCodeId(d,u){return R(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let s=this.codeHashCache.get(d.code_id);return s||({code_hash:s}=yield t.Query.CodeHashByCodeId({code_id:d.code_id},{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url}),this.codeHashCache.set(d.code_id,s)),{code_hash:s}})}labelByAddress(d,u){return t.Query.LabelByAddress(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}addressByLabel(d,u){return t.Query.AddressByLabel(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url})}queryContract({contract_address:d,code_hash:u,query:s},r){return R(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){u||(E.warn((0,w.getMissingCodeHashWarning)("queryContract()")),{code_hash:u}=yield this.codeHashByContractAddress({contract_address:d})),u=u.replace("0x","").toLowerCase();const n=yield this.encryption.encrypt(u,s),o=n.slice(0,32);try{const{data:i}=yield t.Query.QuerySecretContract({contract_address:d,query:n},{headers:r,pathPrefix:this.url}),f=yield this.encryption.decrypt((0,A.fromBase64)(i),o);return f!=null&&f.length?JSON.parse((0,A.fromUtf8)((0,A.fromBase64)((0,A.fromUtf8)(f)))):{}}catch(i){try{const f=/encrypted: (.+?): (?:instantiate|execute|query|reply to|migrate) contract failed/g.exec(i.message);if(f==null||(f==null?void 0:f.length)!=2)throw i;const c=(0,A.fromBase64)(f[1]),h=yield this.encryption.decrypt(c,o);try{return(0,A.fromUtf8)((0,A.fromBase64)((0,A.fromUtf8)(h)))}catch(m){if(m.message==="Invalid base64 string format")return(0,A.fromUtf8)(h);throw i}}catch{throw i}}})}contractHistory(d,u){return R(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{entries:s}=yield t.Query.ContractHistory(d,{headers:u,pathPrefix:this.url});let r=[];for(const n of s??[]){let o=n.msg;try{const i=(0,A.fromBase64)(o),f=i.slice(0,32),c=i.slice(64),h=yield this.encryption.decrypt(c,f);o=(0,A.fromUtf8)(h).slice(64)}catch{}r.push({operation:n.operation,code_id:n.code_id,updated:n.updated,msg:o})}return{entries:r}})}}},2012:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.DistributionQuerier=void 0;const E=y(406);e.DistributionQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorOutstandingRewards(R,A){return E.Query.ValidatorOutstandingRewards(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorCommission(R,A){return E.Query.ValidatorCommission(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorSlashes(R,A){return E.Query.ValidatorSlashes(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegationRewards(R,A){return E.Query.DelegationRewards(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegationTotalRewards(R,A){return E.Query.DelegationTotalRewards(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorValidators(R,A){return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorWithdrawAddress(R,A){return E.Query.DelegatorWithdrawAddress(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}communityPool(R,A){return E.Query.CommunityPool(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}foundationTax(R,A){return E.Query.FoundationTax(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}restakeThreshold(R,A){return E.Query.RestakeThreshold(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}restakingEntries(R,A){return E.Query.RestakingEntries(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5468:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.EmergencyButtonQuerier=void 0;const E=y(71);e.EmergencyButtonQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},3394:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.EvidenceQuerier=void 0;const E=y(6898);e.EvidenceQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}evidence(R,A){return E.Query.Evidence(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}allEvidence(R,A){return E.Query.AllEvidence(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},380:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.FeegrantQuerier=void 0;const E=y(876);e.FeegrantQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}allowance(R,A){return E.Query.Allowance(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}allowances(R,A){return E.Query.Allowances(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}allowancesByGranter(R,A){return E.Query.AllowancesByGranter(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},3095:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.GovQuerier=void 0;const E=y(7331);e.GovQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}proposal(R,A){return E.Query.Proposal(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}proposals(R,A){return E.Query.Proposals(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}vote(R,A){return E.Query.Vote(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}votes(R,A){return E.Query.Votes(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}deposit(R,A){return E.Query.Deposit(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}deposits(R,A){return E.Query.Deposits(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}tallyResult(R,A){return E.Query.TallyResult(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},7807:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcChannelQuerier=void 0;const E=y(6409);e.IbcChannelQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}channel(R,A){return E.Query.Channel(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}channels(R,A){return E.Query.Channels(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}connectionChannels(R,A){return E.Query.ConnectionChannels(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}channelClientState(R,A){return E.Query.ChannelClientState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}channelConsensusState(R,A){return E.Query.ChannelConsensusState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetCommitment(R,A){return E.Query.PacketCommitment(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetCommitments(R,A){return E.Query.PacketCommitments(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetReceipt(R,A){return E.Query.PacketReceipt(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetAcknowledgement(R,A){return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgement(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}packetAcknowledgements(R,A){return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgements(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}unreceivedPackets(R,A){return E.Query.UnreceivedPackets(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}unreceivedAcks(R,A){return E.Query.UnreceivedAcks(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}nextSequenceReceive(R,A){return E.Query.NextSequenceReceive(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1654:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcClientQuerier=void 0;const E=y(301);e.IbcClientQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}clientState(R,A){return E.Query.ClientState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientStates(R,A){return E.Query.ClientStates(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}consensusState(R,A){return E.Query.ConsensusState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}consensusStates(R,A){return E.Query.ConsensusStates(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientStatus(R,A){return E.Query.ClientStatus(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientParams(R,A){return E.Query.ClientParams(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}upgradedClientState(R,A){return E.Query.UpgradedClientState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}upgradedConsensusState(R,A){return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}consensusStateHeights(R,A){return E.Query.ConsensusStateHeights(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},2840:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcConnectionQuerier=void 0;const E=y(5258);e.IbcConnectionQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}connection(R,A){return E.Query.Connection(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}connections(R,A){return E.Query.Connections(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}clientConnections(R,A){return E.Query.ClientConnections(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}connectionClientState(R,A){return E.Query.ConnectionClientState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}connectionConsensusState(R,A){return E.Query.ConnectionConsensusState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5570:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcFeeQuerier=void 0;const E=y(187);e.IbcFeeQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}incentivizedPackets(R,A){return E.Query.IncentivizedPackets(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}incentivizedPacket(R,A){return E.Query.IncentivizedPacket(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}incentivizedPacketsForChannel(R,A){return E.Query.IncentivizedPacketsForChannel(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalRecvFees(R,A){return E.Query.TotalRecvFees(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalAckFees(R,A){return E.Query.TotalAckFees(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}totalTimeoutFees(R,A){return E.Query.TotalTimeoutFees(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}payee(R,A){return E.Query.Payee(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}counterpartyPayee(R,A){return E.Query.CounterpartyPayee(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}feeEnabledChannels(R,A){return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannels(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}feeEnabledChannel(R,A){return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannel(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5037:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier=void 0;const E=y(2847);e.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}interchainAccount(R,A){return E.Query.InterchainAccount(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},3635:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier=void 0;const E=y(1154);e.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},9637:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcPacketForwardQuerier=void 0;const E=y(1692);e.IbcPacketForwardQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1387:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.IbcTransferQuerier=void 0;const E=y(4921);e.IbcTransferQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}denomTrace(R,A){return E.Query.DenomTrace(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomTraces(R,A){return E.Query.DenomTraces(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}denomHash(R,A){return E.Query.DenomHash(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}escrowAddress(R,A){return E.Query.EscrowAddress(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},9150:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),Object.defineProperty(A,t,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return w[a]}})}:function(A,w,a,t){t===void 0&&(t=a),A[t]=w[a]}),R=this&&this.__exportStar||function(A,w){for(var a in A)a==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w,a)||E(w,A,a)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),R(y(2076),e),R(y(298),e),R(y(8622),e),R(y(8526),e),R(y(2012),e),R(y(3394),e),R(y(380),e),R(y(3095),e),R(y(7807),e),R(y(1654),e),R(y(2840),e),R(y(1387),e),R(y(5714),e),R(y(5932),e),R(y(8513),e),R(y(4482),e),R(y(7224),e),R(y(5562),e),R(y(7174),e),R(y(1743),e),R(y(6189),e),R(y(5468),e)},5714:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MauthQuerier=void 0;const E=y(9743);e.MauthQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}interchainAccountFromAddress(R,A){return E.Query.InterchainAccountFromAddress(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5932:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MintQuerier=void 0;const E=y(468);e.MintQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}inflation(R,A){return E.Query.Inflation(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}annualProvisions(R,A){return E.Query.AnnualProvisions(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},8513:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.NodeQuerier=void 0;const E=y(4210);e.NodeQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}config(R,A){return E.Service.Config(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},4482:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.ParamsQuerier=void 0;const E=y(5440);e.ParamsQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},7224:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.RegistrationQuerier=void 0;const E=y(6402);e.RegistrationQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}txKey(R,A){return E.Query.TxKey(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}registrationKey(R,A){return E.Query.RegistrationKey(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}encryptedSeed(R,A){return E.Query.EncryptedSeed(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},5562:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.SlashingQuerier=void 0;const E=y(1575);e.SlashingQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}signingInfo(R,A){return E.Query.SigningInfo(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}signingInfos(R,A){return E.Query.SigningInfos(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},7174:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.StakingQuerier=void 0;const E=y(4066);e.StakingQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}validators(R,A){return E.Query.Validators(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}validator(R,A){return E.Query.Validator(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorDelegations(R,A){return E.Query.ValidatorDelegations(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}validatorUnbondingDelegations(R,A){return E.Query.ValidatorUnbondingDelegations(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegation(R,A){return E.Query.Delegation(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}unbondingDelegation(R,A){return E.Query.UnbondingDelegation(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorDelegations(R,A){return E.Query.DelegatorDelegations(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorUnbondingDelegations(R,A){return E.Query.DelegatorUnbondingDelegations(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}redelegations(R,A){return E.Query.Redelegations(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorValidators(R,A){return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}delegatorValidator(R,A){return E.Query.DelegatorValidator(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}historicalInfo(R,A){return E.Query.HistoricalInfo(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}pool(R,A){return E.Query.Pool(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}params(R,A){return E.Query.Params(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1743:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TendermintQuerier=void 0;const E=y(2390);e.TendermintQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}getNodeInfo(R,A){return E.Service.GetNodeInfo(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}getSyncing(R,A){return E.Service.GetSyncing(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}getLatestBlock(R,A){return E.Service.GetLatestBlock(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}getBlockByHeight(R,A){return E.Service.GetBlockByHeight(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}getLatestValidatorSet(R,A){return E.Service.GetLatestValidatorSet(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}getValidatorSetByHeight(R,A){return E.Service.GetValidatorSetByHeight(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},6189:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.UpgradeQuerier=void 0;const E=y(2265);e.UpgradeQuerier=class{constructor(R){this.url=R}currentPlan(R,A){return E.Query.CurrentPlan(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}appliedPlan(R,A){return E.Query.AppliedPlan(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}upgradedConsensusState(R,A){return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}moduleVersions(R,A){return E.Query.ModuleVersions(R,{headers:A,pathPrefix:this.url})}}},1972:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(V,Y,$,K){K===void 0&&(K=$),Object.defineProperty(V,K,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return Y[$]}})}:function(V,Y,$,K){K===void 0&&(K=$),V[K]=Y[$]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(V,Y){Object.defineProperty(V,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:Y})}:function(V,Y){V.default=Y}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(V){if(V&&V.__esModule)return V;var Y={};if(V!=null)for(var $ in V)$!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(V,$)&&E(Y,V,$);return R(Y,V),Y},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(V,Y,$,K){return new($||($=Promise))(function(ae,ce){function he(ve){try{ge(K.next(ve))}catch(be){ce(be)}}function me(ve){try{ge(K.throw(ve))}catch(be){ce(be)}}function ge(ve){var be;ve.done?ae(ve.value):(be=ve.value,be instanceof $?be:new $(function(we){we(be)})).then(he,me)}ge((K=K.apply(V,Y||[])).next())})};if(Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.TxResultCode=e.gasToFee=e.SecretNetworkClient=e.ReadonlySigner=e.BroadcastMode=void 0,typeof window>"u"||window.fetch===void 0){const V=y(4098);y.g.fetch=V}const a=y(8972),t=y(3061),d=y(3607),u=y(8136),s=y(3117),r=y(1610),n=y(4447),o=y(7350),i=y(8471),f=y(2412),c=y(6519),h=y(9849),m=y(5818),v=y(6010),I=y(6994),l=y(4191),j=y(2896),N=y(2076),S=y(298),T=y(8622),x=y(8526),k=y(2012),b=y(5468),p=y(3394),P=y(380),B=y(3095),C=y(7807),L=y(1654),re=y(2840),ee=y(5570),oe=y(5037),D=y(3635),Z=y(9637),H=y(1387),te=y(5932),Q=y(4482),X=y(7224),F=y(5562),se=y(7174),ue=y(1743),le=y(6189),fe=y(3745),_e=y(6049),de=y(8772),pe=y(5498),ye=y(5360);var G,_;(function(V){V.Block="Block",V.Sync="Sync",V.Async="Async"})(G=e.BroadcastMode||(e.BroadcastMode={}));class O{getAccounts(){throw new Error("getAccounts() is not supported in readonly mode.")}signAmino(Y,$){throw new Error("signAmino() is not supported in readonly mode.")}}function M(V){return new Promise(Y=>setTimeout(Y,V))}function U(V,Y){return Math.ceil(V*Y)}function z(V,Y,$,K,ae){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){ae||(ae=(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT);const ce={signer_infos:q(V,ae),fee:{amount:[...Y],gas_limit:String($),granter:K??"",payer:""}},{AuthInfo:he}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(6994)));return he.encode(he.fromPartial(ce)).finish()})}function q(V,Y){return V.map(({pubkey:$,sequence:K})=>({public_key:$,mode_info:{single:{mode:Y}},sequence:String(K)}))}function W(V){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{Any:Y}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4191)));if(function($){return $.type==="tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1"}(V)){const{PubKey:$}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(6010))),K=$.fromPartial({key:(0,a.fromBase64)(V.value)});return Y.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey",value:Uint8Array.from($.encode(K).finish())})}if(function($){return $.type==="tendermint/PubKeyMultisigThreshold"}(V)){const{LegacyAminoPubKey:$}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(5818))),K=$.fromPartial({threshold:Number(V.value.threshold),public_keys:V.value.pubkeys.map(W)});return Y.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey",value:Uint8Array.from($.encode(K).finish())})}throw new Error(`Pubkey type ${V.type} not recognized`)})}function ne(V){if(typeof V!="object"||V===null)return V;if(Array.isArray(V))return V.map(ne);if(Object.keys(V).length===2&&typeof V.type_url=="string"&&typeof V.value=="object")return Object.assign({"@type":V.type_url},ne(V.value));const Y={};return Object.keys(V).forEach($=>{Y[$]=ne(V[$])}),Y}function ie(){return{pub_key:{type:"tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",value:(0,a.toBase64)(new Uint8Array(33).fill(0))},signature:(0,a.toBase64)(new Uint8Array(64).fill(0))}}e.ReadonlySigner=O,e.SecretNetworkClient=class{constructor(V){var Y,$;if(this.url=V.url.replace(/\/*$/g,""),this.query={auth:new N.AuthQuerier(V.url),authz:new S.AuthzQuerier(V.url),bank:new T.BankQuerier(V.url),compute:new x.ComputeQuerier(V.url),snip20:new i.Snip20Querier(V.url),snip721:new f.Snip721Querier(V.url),snip1155:new n.Snip1155Querier(V.url),distribution:new k.DistributionQuerier(V.url),evidence:new p.EvidenceQuerier(V.url),feegrant:new P.FeegrantQuerier(V.url),gov:new B.GovQuerier(V.url),ibc_channel:new C.IbcChannelQuerier(V.url),ibc_client:new L.IbcClientQuerier(V.url),ibc_connection:new re.IbcConnectionQuerier(V.url),ibc_transfer:new H.IbcTransferQuerier(V.url),ibc_iterchain_accounts_host:new D.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier(V.url),ibc_iterchain_accounts_controller:new oe.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier(V.url),ibc_fee:new ee.IbcFeeQuerier(V.url),ibc_packet_forward:new Z.IbcPacketForwardQuerier(V.url),emergency_button:new b.EmergencyButtonQuerier(V.url),mauth:new d.MauthQuerier(V.url),mint:new te.MintQuerier(V.url),node:new d.NodeQuerier(V.url),params:new Q.ParamsQuerier(V.url),registration:new X.RegistrationQuerier(V.url),slashing:new F.SlashingQuerier(V.url),staking:new se.StakingQuerier(V.url),tendermint:new ue.TendermintQuerier(V.url),upgrade:new le.UpgradeQuerier(V.url),getTx:(ae,ce)=>this.getTx(ae,ce),txsQuery:(ae,ce,he,me)=>this.txsQuery(ae,ce,he,me)},V.wallet&&V.walletAddress===void 0)throw new Error("Must also pass 'walletAddress' when passing 'wallet'");this.wallet=(Y=V.wallet)!==null&&Y!==void 0?Y:new O,this.address=($=V.walletAddress)!==null&&$!==void 0?$:"",this.chainId=V.chainId,this.utils={accessControl:{permit:new s.PermitSigner(this.wallet)}};const K=ae=>{const ce=(he,me)=>this.tx.broadcast([new ae(he)],me);return ce.simulate=(he,me)=>this.tx.simulate([new ae(he)],me),ce};this.tx={signTx:this.signTx.bind(this),broadcastSignedTx:this.broadcastSignedTx.bind(this),broadcast:this.signAndBroadcast.bind(this),simulate:this.simulate.bind(this),snip20:{send:K(i.MsgSnip20Send),transfer:K(i.MsgSnip20Transfer),increaseAllowance:K(i.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance),decreaseAllowance:K(i.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance),setViewingKey:K(r.MsgSetViewingKey),createViewingKey:K(r.MsgCreateViewingKey)},snip721:{send:K(f.MsgSnip721Send),mint:K(d.MsgSnip721Mint),addMinter:K(d.MsgSnip721AddMinter),setViewingKey:K(r.MsgSetViewingKey),createViewingKey:K(r.MsgCreateViewingKey)},snip1155:{changeAdmin:K(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin),removeAdmin:K(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin),addCurator:K(o.MsgSnip1155AddCurator),removeCurator:K(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator),addMinter:K(o.MsgSnipAddMinter),removeMinter:K(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter),send:K(o.MsgSnip1155Send),batchSend:K(o.MsgSnip1155BatchSend),transfer:K(o.MsgSnip1155Transfer),batchTransfer:K(o.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer),curate:K(o.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens),mint:K(o.MsgSnip1155Mint),burn:K(o.MsgSnip1155Burn),changeMetaData:K(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata),setViewingKey:K(r.MsgSetViewingKey),createViewingKey:K(r.MsgCreateViewingKey)},authz:{exec:K(d.MsgExec),grant:K(d.MsgGrant),revoke:K(d.MsgRevoke)},bank:{multiSend:K(d.MsgMultiSend),send:K(d.MsgSend)},compute:{storeCode:K(d.MsgStoreCode),instantiateContract:K(d.MsgInstantiateContract),executeContract:K(d.MsgExecuteContract),migrateContract:K(fe.MsgMigrateContract),updateAdmin:K(fe.MsgUpdateAdmin),clearAdmin:K(fe.MsgClearAdmin)},emergency_button:{toggleIbcSwitch:K(_e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch)},crisis:{verifyInvariant:K(d.MsgVerifyInvariant)},distribution:{fundCommunityPool:K(d.MsgFundCommunityPool),setWithdrawAddress:K(d.MsgSetWithdrawAddress),withdrawDelegatorReward:K(d.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward),withdrawValidatorCommission:K(d.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission),setAutoRestake:K(fe.MsgSetAutoRestake)},evidence:{submitEvidence:K(d.MsgSubmitEvidence)},feegrant:{grantAllowance:K(d.MsgGrantAllowance),revokeAllowance:K(d.MsgRevokeAllowance)},gov:{deposit:K(d.MsgDeposit),submitProposal:K(d.MsgSubmitProposal),vote:K(d.MsgVote),voteWeighted:K(d.MsgVoteWeighted)},ibc:{transfer:K(d.MsgTransfer)},ibc_fee:{payPacketFee:K(fe.MsgPayPacketFee),payPacketFeeAsync:K(fe.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync),registerPayee:K(fe.MsgRegisterPayee),registerCounterpartyPayee:K(fe.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee)},registration:{register:K(de.RaAuthenticate)},slashing:{unjail:K(d.MsgUnjail)},staking:{beginRedelegate:K(d.MsgBeginRedelegate),createValidator:K(d.MsgCreateValidator),delegate:K(d.MsgDelegate),editValidator:K(d.MsgEditValidator),undelegate:K(d.MsgUndelegate)},vesting:{createVestingAccount:K(pe.MsgCreateVestingAccount)}},V.encryptionUtils?this.encryptionUtils=V.encryptionUtils:this.encryptionUtils=new u.EncryptionUtilsImpl(this.url,V.encryptionSeed,this.chainId),this.query.compute=new x.ComputeQuerier(this.url,this.encryptionUtils)}getTx(V,Y){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){try{const{tx_response:$}=yield c.Service.GetTx({hash:V},{pathPrefix:this.url});return $?this.decodeTxResponse($,Y):null}catch($){if(($==null?void 0:$.message)===`tx not found: ${V}`)return null;throw $}})}txsQuery(V,Y={resolveResponses:!1},$={key:void 0,offset:void 0,limit:void 0,count_total:void 0,reverse:void 0},K){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{tx_responses:ae}=yield c.Service.GetTxsEvent({events:V.split(" AND ").map(ce=>ce.trim()),pagination:$,order_by:K},{pathPrefix:this.url});return this.decodeTxResponses(ae??[],Y)})}waitForIbcResponse(V,Y,$,K,ae){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return new Promise((ce,he)=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let me=K.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs/K.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs,ge=$;$==="ack"&&(ge="acknowledge");const ve=[`${ge}_packet.packet_src_channel = '${Y}'`,`${ge}_packet.packet_sequence = '${V}'`].join(" AND ");for(;me>0&&!ae.isDone;){const be=(yield this.txsQuery(ve)).find(we=>we.code===0);be&&(ae.isDone=!0,ce({type:$,tx:be})),me--,yield M(K.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs)}he(`timed-out while trying to resolve IBC ${$} tx for packet_src_channel='${Y}' and packet_sequence='${V}'`)}))})}decodeTxResponses(V,Y){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield Promise.all(V.map($=>this.decodeTxResponse($,Y)))})}decodeTxResponse(V,Y){var $,K,ae,ce;return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let he;he=Y?{resolveResponses:typeof Y.resolveResponses!="boolean"||Y.resolveResponses,resolveResponsesTimeoutMs:typeof Y.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs=="number"?Y.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs:12e4,resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs:typeof Y.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs=="number"?Y.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs:15e3}:{resolveResponses:!0,resolveResponsesTimeoutMs:12e4,resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs:15e3};const me=[],ge=V.tx;for(let Se=0;!isNaN(Number((K=($=ge==null?void 0:ge.body)===null||$===void 0?void 0:$.messages)===null||K===void 0?void 0:K.length))&&Seke.type==="send_packet"&&ke.key==="packet_sequence"))||[],Re=(be==null?void 0:be.filter(ke=>ke.type==="send_packet"&&ke.key==="packet_src_channel"))||[];if(he.resolveResponses)for(let ke=0;ke<(Se==null?void 0:Se.length);ke++){const Oe={isDone:!1};xe.push(Promise.race([this.waitForIbcResponse(Se[ke].value,Re[ke].value,"ack",he,Oe),this.waitForIbcResponse(Se[ke].value,Re[ke].value,"timeout",he,Oe)]))}}return{height:Number(V.height),timestamp:V.timestamp,transactionHash:V.txhash,code:V.code,codespace:V.codespace,info:V.info,tx:ge,rawLog:we,jsonLog:ve,arrayLog:be,events:V.events,data:Pe,gasUsed:Number(V.gas_used),gasWanted:Number(V.gas_wanted),ibcResponses:xe}})}broadcastTx(V,Y,$,K,ae,ce){var he,me,ge,ve,be,we;return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const xe=Date.now(),Ee=(0,a.toHex)((0,t.sha256)(V)).toUpperCase();let Pe;if(ae||K!=G.Block||(K=G.Sync),K===G.Block){ae=!0;const{BroadcastMode:Se}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(6519)));let Re=!1;try{({tx_response:Pe}=yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({txBytes:(0,a.toBase64)(V),mode:Se.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK},{pathPrefix:this.url}))}catch(ke){if(!JSON.stringify(ke).toLowerCase().includes("timed out waiting for tx to be included in a block"))throw new Error(`Failed to broadcast transaction ID ${Ee}: '${JSON.stringify(ke)}'.`);Re=!0}if(!Re){Pe.tx=(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(6994)))).Tx.toJSON((yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(6994)))).Tx.decode(V));const ke=Pe.tx,Oe=Me=>{if(Me.type_url==="/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey"){const Ae=m.LegacyAminoPubKey.decode((0,a.fromBase64)(Me.value));for(let Ne=0;Ne(Me.public_key=Oe(Me.public_key),Me));for(let Me=0;!isNaN(Number((ve=(ge=ke.body)===null||ge===void 0?void 0:ge.messages)===null||ve===void 0?void 0:ve.length))&&MeA(y(6519)));if({tx_response:Pe}=yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({txBytes:(0,a.toBase64)(V),mode:Se.BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC},{pathPrefix:this.url}),(Pe==null?void 0:Pe.code)!==0)throw new Error(`Broadcasting transaction failed with code ${Pe==null?void 0:Pe.code} (codespace: ${Pe==null?void 0:Pe.codespace}). Log: ${Pe==null?void 0:Pe.raw_log}`)}else{if(K!==G.Async)throw new Error(`Unknown broadcast mode "${String(K)}", must be either "${String(G.Block)}", "${String(G.Sync)}" or "${String(G.Async)}".`);{const{BroadcastMode:Se}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(6519)));c.Service.BroadcastTx({txBytes:(0,a.toBase64)(V),mode:Se.BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC},{pathPrefix:this.url})}}if(!ae)return{transactionHash:Ee};for(yield M($/2);;){const Se=yield this.getTx(Ee,ce);if(Se)return Se;if(xe+Yve.address===this.address);if(!me)throw new Error("Failed to retrieve account from signer");let ge;if(K)ge=K;else{const{account:ve}=yield this.query.auth.account({address:this.address});if(!ve)throw new Error(`Cannot find account "${this.address}", make sure it has a balance.`);let be;if(ve["@type"]==="/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount")be=ve;else if(ve["@type"]==="/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount")be=(ce=ve.base_vesting_account)===null||ce===void 0?void 0:ce.base_account;else if(ve["@type"]==="/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount")be=(he=ve.base_vesting_account)===null||he===void 0?void 0:he.base_account;else{if(ve["@type"]!=="/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.ModuleAccount")throw new Error(`Cannot sign with account of type "${ve["@type"]}".`);be=ve.base_account}if(!be)throw new Error(`Cannot extract BaseAccount from "${JSON.stringify(ve)}".`);ge={accountNumber:Number(be.account_number),sequence:Number(be.sequence),chainId:this.chainId}}return(0,ye.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet)?this.signDirect(me,V,Y,$,ge,ae):this.signAmino(me,V,Y,$,ge,ae)})}signAmino(V,Y,$,K,{accountNumber:ae,sequence:ce,chainId:he},me=!1){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if((0,ye.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet))throw new Error("Wrong signer type! Expected AminoSigner or AminoEip191Signer.");let ge=(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON;typeof this.wallet.getSignMode=="function"&&(ge=yield this.wallet.getSignMode());const ve=function(Oe,Me,Ae,Ne,Ce,Te){return{chain_id:Ae,account_number:String(Ce),sequence:String(Te),fee:Me,msgs:Oe,memo:Ne||""}}(yield Promise.all(Y.map(Oe=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.populateCodeHash(Oe),Oe.toAmino(this.encryptionUtils)}))),$,he,K,ae,ce);let be,we;me?(be=ve,we=ie()):{signature:we,signed:be}=yield this.wallet.signAmino(V.address,ve);const xe={type_url:"/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody",value:{messages:yield Promise.all(Y.map((Oe,Me)=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.populateCodeHash(Oe),yield Oe.toProto(this.encryptionUtils)}))),memo:K}},Ee=yield this.encodeTx(xe),Pe=Number(be.fee.gas),Se=Number(be.sequence),Re=yield W((0,ye.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(V.pubkey)),ke=yield z([{pubkey:Re,sequence:Se}],be.fee.amount,Pe,be.fee.granter,ge);return I.TxRaw.fromPartial({body_bytes:Ee,auth_info_bytes:ke,signatures:[(0,a.fromBase64)(we.signature)]})})}populateCodeHash(V){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){V instanceof d.MsgExecuteContract?V.codeHash||(V.codeHash=(yield this.query.compute.codeHashByContractAddress({contract_address:V.contractAddress})).code_hash):(V instanceof d.MsgInstantiateContract||V instanceof fe.MsgMigrateContract)&&(V.codeHash||(V.codeHash=(yield this.query.compute.codeHashByCodeId({code_id:V.codeId})).code_hash))})}encodeTx(V){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const Y=yield Promise.all(V.value.messages.map(K=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const ae=yield K.encode();return l.Any.fromPartial({type_url:K.type_url,value:ae})}))),$=I.TxBody.fromPartial(Object.assign(Object.assign({},V.value),{messages:Y}));return I.TxBody.encode($).finish()})}signDirect(V,Y,$,K,{accountNumber:ae,sequence:ce,chainId:he},me=!1){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!(0,ye.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet))throw new Error("Wrong signer type! Expected DirectSigner.");const ge={type_url:"/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody",value:{messages:yield Promise.all(Y.map((Se,Re)=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.populateCodeHash(Se),yield Se.toProto(this.encryptionUtils)}))),memo:K}},ve=yield this.encodeTx(ge),be=yield W((0,ye.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(V.pubkey)),we=Number($.gas),xe=function(Se,Re,ke,Oe){return{body_bytes:Se,auth_info_bytes:Re,chain_id:ke,account_number:String(Oe),bodyBytes:Se,authInfoBytes:Re,chainId:ke,accountNumber:String(Oe)}}(ve,yield z([{pubkey:be,sequence:ce}],$.amount,we,$.granter),he,ae);let Ee,Pe;if(me?(Ee=xe,Pe=ie()):{signature:Pe,signed:Ee}=yield this.wallet.signDirect(V.address,xe),(0,ye.isSignDoc)(Ee))return I.TxRaw.fromPartial({body_bytes:Ee.body_bytes,auth_info_bytes:Ee.auth_info_bytes,signatures:[(0,a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)]});if((0,ye.isSignDocCamelCase)(Ee))return I.TxRaw.fromPartial({body_bytes:Ee.bodyBytes,auth_info_bytes:Ee.authInfoBytes,signatures:[(0,a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)]});throw new Error(`unknown SignDoc instance: ${JSON.stringify(Ee)}`)})}},e.gasToFee=U,function(V){V[V.Success=0]="Success",V[V.ErrInternal=1]="ErrInternal",V[V.ErrTxDecode=2]="ErrTxDecode",V[V.ErrInvalidSequence=3]="ErrInvalidSequence",V[V.ErrUnauthorized=4]="ErrUnauthorized",V[V.ErrInsufficientFunds=5]="ErrInsufficientFunds",V[V.ErrUnknownRequest=6]="ErrUnknownRequest",V[V.ErrInvalidAddress=7]="ErrInvalidAddress",V[V.ErrInvalidPubKey=8]="ErrInvalidPubKey",V[V.ErrUnknownAddress=9]="ErrUnknownAddress",V[V.ErrInvalidCoins=10]="ErrInvalidCoins",V[V.ErrOutOfGas=11]="ErrOutOfGas",V[V.ErrMemoTooLarge=12]="ErrMemoTooLarge",V[V.ErrInsufficientFee=13]="ErrInsufficientFee",V[V.ErrTooManySignatures=14]="ErrTooManySignatures",V[V.ErrNoSignatures=15]="ErrNoSignatures",V[V.ErrJSONMarshal=16]="ErrJSONMarshal",V[V.ErrJSONUnmarshal=17]="ErrJSONUnmarshal",V[V.ErrInvalidRequest=18]="ErrInvalidRequest",V[V.ErrTxInMempoolCache=19]="ErrTxInMempoolCache",V[V.ErrMempoolIsFull=20]="ErrMempoolIsFull",V[V.ErrTxTooLarge=21]="ErrTxTooLarge",V[V.ErrKeyNotFound=22]="ErrKeyNotFound",V[V.ErrWrongPassword=23]="ErrWrongPassword",V[V.ErrorInvalidSigner=24]="ErrorInvalidSigner",V[V.ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment=25]="ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment",V[V.ErrInvalidHeight=26]="ErrInvalidHeight",V[V.ErrInvalidVersion=27]="ErrInvalidVersion",V[V.ErrInvalidChainID=28]="ErrInvalidChainID",V[V.ErrInvalidType=29]="ErrInvalidType",V[V.ErrTxTimeoutHeight=30]="ErrTxTimeoutHeight",V[V.ErrUnknownExtensionOptions=31]="ErrUnknownExtensionOptions",V[V.ErrWrongSequence=32]="ErrWrongSequence",V[V.ErrPackAny=33]="ErrPackAny",V[V.ErrUnpackAny=34]="ErrUnpackAny",V[V.ErrLogic=35]="ErrLogic",V[V.ErrConflict=36]="ErrConflict",V[V.ErrNotSupported=37]="ErrNotSupported",V[V.ErrNotFound=38]="ErrNotFound",V[V.ErrIO=39]="ErrIO",V[V.ErrAppConfig=40]="ErrAppConfig",V[V.ErrPanic=111222]="ErrPanic"}(_=e.TxResultCode||(e.TxResultCode={}))},2132:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(n,o,i,f){return new(i||(i=Promise))(function(c,h){function m(l){try{I(f.next(l))}catch(j){h(j)}}function v(l){try{I(f.throw(l))}catch(j){h(j)}}function I(l){var j;l.done?c(l.value):(j=l.value,j instanceof i?j:new i(function(N){N(j)})).then(m,v)}I((f=f.apply(n,o||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgRevoke=e.MsgExec=e.MsgGrant=e.StakeAuthorizationType=e.MsgGrantAuthorization=void 0;const R=y(9094),A=y(5635),w=y(5939),a=y(837);function t(n){return"msg"in n}function d(n){return"spend_limit"in n}function u(n){return"max_tokens"in n&&"allow_list"in n&&"deny_list"in n&&"authorization_type"in n}var s,r;(r=e.MsgGrantAuthorization||(e.MsgGrantAuthorization={})).MsgAcknowledgement="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement",r.MsgBeginRedelegate="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate",r.MsgChannelCloseConfirm="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm",r.MsgChannelCloseInit="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit",r.MsgChannelOpenAck="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck",r.MsgChannelOpenConfirm="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm",r.MsgChannelOpenInit="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit",r.MsgChannelOpenTry="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry",r.MsgConnectionOpenAck="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck",r.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm",r.MsgConnectionOpenInit="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit",r.MsgConnectionOpenTry="/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry",r.MsgCreateClient="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient",r.MsgCreateValidator="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",r.MsgDelegate="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",r.MsgDeposit="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit",r.MsgEditValidator="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator",r.MsgExec="/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec",r.MsgExecuteContract="/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract",r.MsgFundCommunityPool="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool",r.MsgGrant="/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",r.MsgGrantAllowance="/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance",r.MsgInstantiateContract="/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract",r.MsgMultiSend="/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend",r.MsgRecvPacket="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket",r.MsgRevoke="/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke",r.MsgRevokeAllowance="/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance",r.MsgSend="/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",r.MsgSetWithdrawAddress="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress",r.MsgStoreCode="/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode",r.MsgSubmitEvidence="/cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.MsgSubmitEvidence",r.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour",r.MsgSubmitProposal="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal",r.MsgTimeout="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout",r.MsgTimeoutOnClose="/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose",r.MsgTransfer="/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",r.MsgUndelegate="/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate",r.MsgUnjail="/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail",r.MsgUpdateClient="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient",r.MsgUpgradeClient="/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient",r.MsgVerifyInvariant="/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant",r.MsgVote="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote",r.MsgVoteWeighted="/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted",r.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward",r.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission="/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",(s=e.StakeAuthorizationType||(e.StakeAuthorizationType={}))[s.Delegate=1]="Delegate",s[s.Undelegate=2]="Undelegate",s[s.Redelegate=3]="Redelegate",e.MsgGrant=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){var n,o;return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let i;const f={seconds:String(Math.floor(this.params.expiration)),nanos:0};if(d(this.params.authorization))i={authorization:{type_url:"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.SendAuthorization",value:w.SendAuthorization.encode(this.params.authorization).finish()},expiration:f};else if(u(this.params.authorization)){let h,m;((n=this.params.authorization.allow_list)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.length)>0?h={address:this.params.authorization.allow_list}:((o=this.params.authorization.deny_list)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.length)>0&&(m={address:this.params.authorization.deny_list}),i={authorization:{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.StakeAuthorization",value:a.StakeAuthorization.encode({max_tokens:this.params.authorization.max_tokens,allow_list:h,deny_list:m,authorization_type:Number(this.params.authorization.authorization_type)}).finish()},expiration:f}}else{if(!t(this.params.authorization))throw new Error("Unknown authorization type.");i={authorization:{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization",value:R.GenericAuthorization.encode({msg:String(this.params.authorization.msg)}).finish()},expiration:f}}const c={granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,grant:i};return{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",value:c,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return A.MsgGrant.encode(c).finish()})}})}toAmino(){var n,o;return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let i={type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgGrant",value:{granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,grant:{authorization:{},expiration:new Date(1e3*Math.floor(this.params.expiration)).toISOString().replace(/\.\d+Z/,"Z")}}};if(d(this.params.authorization))i.value.grant.authorization={type:"cosmos-sdk/SendAuthorization",value:{spend_limit:this.params.authorization.spend_limit}};else if(u(this.params.authorization)){let f;if(((n=this.params.authorization.allow_list)===null||n===void 0?void 0:n.length)>0)f={type:"cosmos-sdk/StakeAuthorization/AllowList",value:{allow_list:{address:this.params.authorization.allow_list}}};else{if(!(((o=this.params.authorization.deny_list)===null||o===void 0?void 0:o.length)>0))throw new Error("Must pass in allow_list or deny_list.");f={type:"cosmos-sdk/StakeAuthorization/DenyList",value:{deny_list:{address:this.params.authorization.deny_list}}}}i.value.grant.authorization={type:"cosmos-sdk/StakeAuthorization",value:{max_tokens:this.params.authorization.max_tokens,authorization_type:this.params.authorization.authorization_type,Validators:f}}}else{if(!t(this.params.authorization))throw new Error("Unknown authorization type.");i.value.grant.authorization={type:"cosmos-sdk/GenericAuthorization",value:{msg:this.params.authorization.msg}}}return i})}},e.MsgExec=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(n){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const o=[];for(const f of this.params.msgs){const c=yield f.toProto(n);o.push({type_url:c.type_url,value:yield c.encode()})}const i={grantee:this.params.grantee,msgs:o};return{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec",value:i,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return A.MsgExec.encode(i).finish()})}})}toAmino(n){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgExec",value:{grantee:this.params.grantee,msgs:yield Promise.all(this.params.msgs.map(o=>o.toAmino(n)))}}})}},e.MsgRevoke=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const n={granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,msg_type_url:String(this.params.msg)};return{type_url:"/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke",value:n,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return A.MsgRevoke.encode(n).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRevoke",value:{granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,msg_type_url:String(this.params.msg)}}})}}},587:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgMultiSend=e.MsgSend=void 0,e.MsgSend=class{constructor({from_address:a,to_address:t,amount:d}){this.from_address=a,this.to_address=t,this.amount=d}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const a={from_address:this.from_address,to_address:this.to_address,amount:this.amount};return{type_url:"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",value:a,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(810)))).MsgSend.encode(a).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgSend",value:{from_address:this.from_address,to_address:this.to_address,amount:this.amount}}})}},e.MsgMultiSend=class{constructor({inputs:a,outputs:t}){this.inputs=a,this.outputs=t}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const a={inputs:this.inputs,outputs:this.outputs};return{type_url:"/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend",value:a,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(810)))).MsgMultiSend.encode(a).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgMultiSend",value:{inputs:this.inputs,outputs:this.outputs}}})}}},7278:function(J,e,y){var E=y(5108),R=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),A=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),w=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&R(r,s,n);return A(r,s),r},a=this&&this.__awaiter||function(s,r,n,o){return new(n||(n=Promise))(function(i,f){function c(v){try{m(o.next(v))}catch(I){f(I)}}function h(v){try{m(o.throw(v))}catch(I){f(I)}}function m(v){var I;v.done?i(v.value):(I=v.value,I instanceof n?I:new n(function(l){l(I)})).then(c,h)}m((o=o.apply(s,r||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgClearAdmin=e.MsgUpdateAdmin=e.MsgMigrateContract=e.MsgStoreCode=e.MsgExecuteContract=e.MsgInstantiateContract=e.getMissingCodeHashWarning=void 0;const t=y(8972),d=y(8593);function u(s){return`${new Date().toISOString()} WARNING: ${s} was used without the "code_hash" parameter. This is discouraged and will result in much slower execution times for your app.`}e.getMissingCodeHashWarning=u,e.MsgInstantiateContract=class{constructor({sender:s,code_id:r,label:n,init_msg:o,init_funds:i,code_hash:f,admin:c}){this.warnCodeHash=!1,this.sender=s,this.codeId=String(r),this.label=n,this.initMsg=o,this.initMsgEncrypted=null,this.initFunds=i??[],this.admin=c??"",f?this.codeHash=f.replace(/^0x/,"").toLowerCase():(this.codeHash="",this.warnCodeHash=!0,E.warn(u("MsgInstantiateContract")))}toProto(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgInstantiateContract")),this.initMsgEncrypted||(this.initMsgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.initMsg));const r={sender:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.sender),code_id:this.codeId,label:this.label,init_msg:this.initMsgEncrypted,init_funds:this.initFunds,callback_sig:new Uint8Array(0),callback_code_hash:"",admin:this.admin};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract",value:r,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>w(y(2896)))).MsgInstantiateContract.encode(r).finish()})}})}toAmino(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgInstantiateContract")),this.initMsgEncrypted||(this.initMsgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.initMsg)),{type:"wasm/MsgInstantiateContract",value:{sender:this.sender,code_id:this.codeId,label:this.label,init_msg:(0,t.toBase64)(this.initMsgEncrypted),init_funds:this.initFunds,admin:this.admin.length>0?this.admin:void 0}}})}},e.MsgExecuteContract=class{constructor({sender:s,contract_address:r,msg:n,sent_funds:o,code_hash:i}){this.warnCodeHash=!1,this.sender=s,this.contractAddress=r,this.msg=n,this.msgEncrypted=null,this.sentFunds=o??[],i?this.codeHash=i.replace(/^0x/,"").toLowerCase():(this.codeHash="",this.warnCodeHash=!0,E.warn(u("MsgExecuteContract")))}toProto(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgExecuteContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg));const r={sender:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.sender),contract:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.contractAddress),msg:this.msgEncrypted,sent_funds:this.sentFunds,callback_sig:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:""};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract",value:r,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>w(y(2896)))).MsgExecuteContract.encode(r).finish()})}})}toAmino(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgExecuteContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg)),{type:"wasm/MsgExecuteContract",value:{sender:this.sender,contract:this.contractAddress,msg:(0,t.toBase64)(this.msgEncrypted),sent_funds:this.sentFunds}}})}},e.MsgStoreCode=class{constructor({sender:s,wasm_byte_code:r,source:n,builder:o}){this.sender=s,this.source=n,this.builder=o,this.wasmByteCode=r}gzipWasm(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(!(0,d.is_gzip)(this.wasmByteCode)){const s=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>w(y(9591)));this.wasmByteCode=s.gzip(this.wasmByteCode,{level:9})}})}toProto(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){yield this.gzipWasm();const s={sender:(0,d.addressToBytes)(this.sender),wasm_byte_code:this.wasmByteCode,source:this.source,builder:this.builder};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode",value:s,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>w(y(2896)))).MsgStoreCode.encode(s).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return yield this.gzipWasm(),{type:"wasm/MsgStoreCode",value:{sender:this.sender,wasm_byte_code:(0,t.toBase64)(this.wasmByteCode),source:this.source.length>0?this.source:void 0,builder:this.builder.length>0?this.builder:void 0}}})}},e.MsgMigrateContract=class{constructor({sender:s,contract_address:r,msg:n,code_id:o,code_hash:i}){this.warnCodeHash=!1,this.sender=s,this.contractAddress=r,this.msg=n,this.msgEncrypted=null,this.codeId=String(o),i?this.codeHash=i.replace(/^0x/,"").toLowerCase():(this.codeHash="",this.warnCodeHash=!0,E.warn(u("MsgMigrateContract")))}toProto(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgMigrateContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg));const r={sender:this.sender,contract:this.contractAddress,msg:this.msgEncrypted,code_id:this.codeId,callback_sig:new Uint8Array,callback_code_hash:""};return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract",value:r,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>w(y(2896)))).MsgMigrateContract.encode(r).finish()})}})}toAmino(s){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return this.warnCodeHash&&E.warn(u("MsgMigrateContract")),this.msgEncrypted||(this.msgEncrypted=yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash,this.msg)),{type:"wasm/MsgMigrateContract",value:{sender:this.sender,contract:this.contractAddress,msg:(0,t.toBase64)(this.msgEncrypted),code_id:this.codeId}}})}},e.MsgUpdateAdmin=class{constructor(s){this.params=s}toProto(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgUpdateAdmin",value:this.params,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>w(y(2896)))).MsgUpdateAdmin.encode({sender:this.params.sender,new_admin:this.params.new_admin,contract:this.params.contract_address,callback_sig:new Uint8Array}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"wasm/MsgUpdateAdmin",value:{sender:this.params.sender,new_admin:this.params.new_admin,contract:this.params.contract_address}}})}},e.MsgClearAdmin=class{constructor(s){this.params=s}toProto(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgClearAdmin",value:this.params,encode:()=>a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>w(y(2896)))).MsgClearAdmin.encode({sender:this.params.sender,contract:this.params.contract_address,callback_sig:new Uint8Array}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return a(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"wasm/MsgClearAdmin",value:{sender:this.params.sender,contract:this.params.contract_address}}})}}},7949:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgVerifyInvariant=void 0,e.MsgVerifyInvariant=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4489)))).MsgVerifyInvariant.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgVerifyInvariant",value:{sender:this.params.sender||void 0,invariant_module_name:this.params.invariant_module_name||void 0,invariant_route:this.params.invariant_route||void 0}}})}}},1890:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),Object.defineProperty(d,r,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return u[s]}})}:function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),d[r]=u[s]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(d,u){Object.defineProperty(d,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:u})}:function(d,u){d.default=u}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(d){if(d&&d.__esModule)return d;var u={};if(d!=null)for(var s in d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return R(u,d),u},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSetAutoRestake=e.MsgFundCommunityPool=e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission=e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward=e.MsgWithdrawDelegationReward=e.MsgModifyWithdrawAddress=e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress=void 0;class a{constructor(u){this.params=u}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4301)))).MsgSetWithdrawAddress.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgModifyWithdrawAddress",value:this.params}})}}e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress=a,e.MsgModifyWithdrawAddress=a;class t{constructor(u){this.params=u}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4301)))).MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward",value:this.params}})}}e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward=t,e.MsgWithdrawDelegationReward=t,e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4301)))).MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgFundCommunityPool=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4301)))).MsgFundCommunityPool.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgFundCommunityPool",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgSetAutoRestake=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4301)))).MsgSetAutoRestake.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgSetAutoRestake",value:Object.assign({},this.params,{enabled:!!this.params.enabled||void 0})}})}}},6049:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch=void 0,e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(4657)))).MsgToggleIbcSwitch.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"emergencybutton/MsgToggleIbcSwitch",value:this.params}})}}},3651:function(J,e){var y=this&&this.__awaiter||function(E,R,A,w){return new(A||(A=Promise))(function(a,t){function d(r){try{s(w.next(r))}catch(n){t(n)}}function u(r){try{s(w.throw(r))}catch(n){t(n)}}function s(r){var n;r.done?a(r.value):(n=r.value,n instanceof A?n:new A(function(o){o(n)})).then(d,u)}s((w=w.apply(E,R||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgSubmitEvidence=void 0,e.MsgSubmitEvidence=class{constructor(E){this.params=E}toProto(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgSubmitEvidence not implemented.")})}toAmino(){return y(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgSubmitEvidence not implemented.")})}}},8434:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgRevokeAllowance=e.MsgGrantAllowance=void 0;const R=y(4932),A=y(6513);function w(d){return"spend_limit"in d}function a(d){return"period_spend_limit"in d}function t(d){return"allowed_messages"in d}e.MsgGrantAllowance=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let d;if(w(this.params.allowance))d={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance",value:R.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish()};else if(a(this.params.allowance))d={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance",value:R.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish()};else{if(!t(this.params.allowance))throw new Error(`Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance', 'PeriodicAllowance' or 'AllowedMsgAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance)}`);{let u;if(w(this.params.allowance.allowance))u={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance",value:R.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish()};else{if(!a(this.params.allowance.allowance))throw new Error(`PeriodicAllowance: Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance' or 'PeriodicAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance.allowance)}`);u={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance",value:R.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish()}}d={type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.AllowedMsgAllowance",value:R.AllowedMsgAllowance.encode({allowed_messages:this.params.allowance.allowed_messages,allowance:u}).finish()}}}return{type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return A.MsgGrantAllowance.encode({grantee:this.params.grantee,granter:this.params.granter,allowance:d}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let d;if(w(this.params.allowance))d={type:"cosmos-sdk/BasicAllowance",value:{spend_limit:this.params.allowance.spend_limit,expiration:this.params.allowance.expiration}};else if(a(this.params.allowance))d={type:"cosmos-sdk/PeriodicAllowance",value:{basic:this.params.allowance.basic,period:this.params.allowance.period,period_spend_limit:this.params.allowance.period_spend_limit,period_can_spend:this.params.allowance.period_can_spend,period_reset:this.params.allowance.period_reset}};else{if(!t(this.params.allowance))throw new Error(`Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance', 'PeriodicAllowance' or 'AllowedMsgAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance)}`);{let u;if(w(this.params.allowance.allowance))u={type:"cosmos-sdk/BasicAllowance",value:{spend_limit:this.params.allowance.allowance.spend_limit,expiration:this.params.allowance.allowance.expiration}};else{if(!a(this.params.allowance.allowance))throw new Error(`PeriodicAllowance: Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance' or 'PeriodicAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance.allowance)}`);u={type:"cosmos-sdk/PeriodicAllowance",value:{basic:this.params.allowance.allowance.basic,period:this.params.allowance.allowance.period,period_spend_limit:this.params.allowance.allowance.period_spend_limit,period_can_spend:this.params.allowance.allowance.period_can_spend,period_reset:this.params.allowance.allowance.period_reset}}}d={type:"cosmos-sdk/AllowedMsgAllowance",value:{allowed_messages:this.params.allowance.allowed_messages,allowance:u}}}}return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgGrantAllowance",value:{granter:this.params.granter,grantee:this.params.grantee,allowance:d}}})}},e.MsgRevokeAllowance=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return A.MsgRevokeAllowance.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRevokeAllowance",value:this.params}})}}},4509:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),Object.defineProperty(o,c,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return i[f]}})}:function(o,i,f,c){c===void 0&&(c=f),o[c]=i[f]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(o,i){Object.defineProperty(o,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:i})}:function(o,i){o.default=i}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(o){if(o&&o.__esModule)return o;var i={};if(o!=null)for(var f in o)f!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o,f)&&E(i,o,f);return R(i,o),i},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(o,i,f,c){return new(f||(f=Promise))(function(h,m){function v(j){try{l(c.next(j))}catch(N){m(N)}}function I(j){try{l(c.throw(j))}catch(N){m(N)}}function l(j){var N;j.done?h(j.value):(N=j.value,N instanceof f?N:new f(function(S){S(N)})).then(v,I)}l((c=c.apply(o,i||[])).next())})},a=this&&this.__importDefault||function(o){return o&&o.__esModule?o:{default:o}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgDeposit=e.MsgVoteWeighted=e.MsgVote=e.MsgSubmitProposal=e.ProposalType=e.ProposalStatus=e.VoteOption=void 0;const t=a(y(4431)),d=y(4191);var u,s,r;(r=e.VoteOption||(e.VoteOption={}))[r.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED=0]="VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_YES=1]="VOTE_OPTION_YES",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN=2]="VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_NO=3]="VOTE_OPTION_NO",r[r.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO=4]="VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO",(s=e.ProposalStatus||(e.ProposalStatus={}))[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED=0]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD=1]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD=2]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED=3]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED=4]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED",s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED=5]="PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED",s[s.UNRECOGNIZED=-1]="UNRECOGNIZED",function(o){o.TextProposal="TextProposal",o.CommunityPoolSpendProposal="CommunityPoolSpendProposal",o.ParameterChangeProposal="ParameterChangeProposal",o.ClientUpdateProposal="ClientUpdateProposal",o.UpgradeProposal="UpgradeProposal",o.SoftwareUpgradeProposal="SoftwareUpgradeProposal",o.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal="CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal"}(u=e.ProposalType||(e.ProposalType={}));const n=new Map([[u.TextProposal,"cosmos-sdk/TextProposal"],[u.CommunityPoolSpendProposal,"cosmos-sdk/CommunityPoolSpendProposal"],[u.ParameterChangeProposal,"cosmos-sdk/ParameterChangeProposal"],[u.SoftwareUpgradeProposal,"cosmos-sdk/SoftwareUpgradeProposal"],[u.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal,"cosmos-sdk/CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal"]]);e.MsgSubmitProposal=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){var o;return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let i;switch(this.params.type){case u.TextProposal:const{TextProposal:c}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(9074)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal",value:c.encode(c.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.CommunityPoolSpendProposal:const{CommunityPoolSpendProposal:h}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8866)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.CommunityPoolSpendProposal",value:h.encode(h.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.ParameterChangeProposal:const{ParameterChangeProposal:m}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(9913)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.params.v1beta1.ParameterChangeProposal",value:m.encode(m.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.ClientUpdateProposal:const{ClientUpdateProposal:v}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(5650)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.ClientUpdateProposal",value:v.encode(v.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.UpgradeProposal:const{UpgradeProposal:I}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(5650)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.UpgradeProposal",value:I.encode(I.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.SoftwareUpgradeProposal:const{SoftwareUpgradeProposal:l}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8310)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal",value:l.encode(l.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;case u.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal:const{CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal:j}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8310)));i=d.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal",value:j.encode(j.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish()});break;default:throw new Error(`Unknown proposal type: "${this.params.type}" - ${JSON.stringify(this.params.content)}`)}const f={content:i,initial_deposit:this.params.initial_deposit,proposer:this.params.proposer,is_expedited:(o=this.params.is_expedited)!==null&&o!==void 0&&o};return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal",value:f,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(88)))).MsgSubmitProposal.encode(f).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const o=n.get(this.params.type);if(!o)throw new Error(`Proposal of type "${String(this.params.type)}" is not supported with an Amino signer.`);let i=this.params.content;return this.params.type===u.SoftwareUpgradeProposal&&i.plan&&(i=Object.assign(Object.assign({},i),{plan:Object.assign(Object.assign({},i.plan),{time:"0001-01-01T00:00:00Z"})})),{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgSubmitProposal",value:{content:{type:o,value:i},initial_deposit:this.params.initial_deposit,proposer:this.params.proposer,is_expedited:!!this.params.is_expedited||void 0}}})}},e.MsgVote=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(88)))).MsgVote.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgVote",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgVoteWeighted=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const o={voter:this.params.voter,proposal_id:this.params.proposal_id,options:this.params.options.map(i=>({option:i.option,weight:new t.default(i.weight).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,"")}))};return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted",value:o,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(88)))).MsgVoteWeighted.encode(o).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgVoteWeighted",value:{voter:this.params.voter,proposal_id:this.params.proposal_id,options:this.params.options.map(o=>({option:o.option,weight:new t.default(o.weight).toFixed(18)}))}}})}},e.MsgDeposit=class{constructor(o){this.params=o}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(88)))).MsgDeposit.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgDeposit",value:this.params}})}}},6130:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm=e.MsgChannelCloseInit=e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm=e.MsgChannelOpenAck=e.MsgChannelOpenTry=e.MsgAcknowledgement=e.MsgChannelOpenInit=e.MsgTimeoutOnClose=e.MsgTimeout=e.MsgRecvPacket=void 0,e.MsgRecvPacket=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgRecvPacket.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgRecvPacket doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgTimeout=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgTimeout.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgTimeout doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgTimeoutOnClose=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgTimeoutOnClose.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgTimeoutOnClose doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenInit=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenInit doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgAcknowledgement=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgAcknowledgement.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgAcknowledgement doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenTry=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenTry doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenAck=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenAck doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelCloseInit=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseInit.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelCloseInit doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgChannelCloseConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}}},574:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgCreateClient=e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour=e.MsgUpgradeClient=e.MsgUpdateClient=void 0,e.MsgUpdateClient=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(322)))).MsgUpdateClient.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgUpdateClient doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgUpgradeClient=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(322)))).MsgUpgradeClient.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgUpgradeClient doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(322)))).MsgSubmitMisbehaviour.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgSubmitMisbehaviour doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgCreateClient=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(322)))).MsgCreateClient.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgCreateClient doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}}},6187:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm=e.MsgConnectionOpenAck=e.MsgConnectionOpenTry=e.MsgConnectionOpenInit=void 0,e.MsgConnectionOpenInit=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenInit doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgConnectionOpenTry=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenTry doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgConnectionOpenAck=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenAck doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}},e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm=class{constructor(a){this.msg=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm",value:this.msg,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding.")})}}},7989:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__awaiter||function(A,w,a,t){return new(a||(a=Promise))(function(d,u){function s(o){try{n(t.next(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function r(o){try{n(t.throw(o))}catch(i){u(i)}}function n(o){var i;o.done?d(o.value):(i=o.value,i instanceof a?i:new a(function(f){f(i)})).then(s,r)}n((t=t.apply(A,w||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync=e.MsgPayPacketFee=e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee=e.MsgRegisterPayee=void 0;const R=y(6065);e.MsgRegisterPayee=class{constructor(A){this.params=A}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterPayee",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.MsgRegisterPayee.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRegisterPayee",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee=class{constructor(A){this.params=A}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgPayPacketFee=class{constructor(A){this.params=A}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFee",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.MsgPayPacketFee.encode({fee:this.params.fee,source_port_id:this.params.source_port_id,source_channel_id:this.params.source_channel_id,signer:this.params.signer,relayers:this.params.relayers||[]}).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgPayPacketFee",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync=class{constructor(A){this.params=A}toProto(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync",value:this.params,encode:()=>E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return R.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return E(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgPayPacketFeeAsync",value:this.params}})}}},6272:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgTransfer=void 0,e.MsgTransfer=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const a={source_port:this.params.source_port,source_channel:this.params.source_channel,token:this.params.token,sender:this.params.sender,receiver:this.params.receiver,timeout_height:this.params.timeout_height,timeout_timestamp:this.params.timeout_timestamp?`${this.params.timeout_timestamp}000000000`:"0",memo:this.params.memo||""};return{type_url:"/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",value:a,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(865)))).MsgTransfer.encode(a).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgTransfer",value:{source_port:this.params.source_port,source_channel:this.params.source_channel,token:this.params.token,sender:this.params.sender,receiver:this.params.receiver,timeout_height:this.params.timeout_height?{revision_number:this.params.timeout_height.revision_number,revision_height:this.params.timeout_height.revision_height}:{},timeout_timestamp:this.params.timeout_timestamp?`${this.params.timeout_timestamp}000000000`:"0",memo:this.params.memo}}})}}},3745:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(j,N,S,T){T===void 0&&(T=S),Object.defineProperty(j,T,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return N[S]}})}:function(j,N,S,T){T===void 0&&(T=S),j[T]=N[S]}),R=this&&this.__exportStar||function(j,N){for(var S in j)S==="default"||Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(N,S)||E(N,j,S)};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgRegistry=void 0;const A=y(5635),w=y(810),a=y(4489),t=y(4301),d=y(3676),u=y(6513),s=y(88),r=y(5925),n=y(7704),o=y(8644),i=y(6065),f=y(865),c=y(7579),h=y(322),m=y(8344),v=y(2896),I=y(4657),l=y(1901);R(y(2132),e),R(y(587),e),R(y(7278),e),R(y(7949),e),R(y(1890),e),R(y(6049),e),R(y(3651),e),R(y(8434),e),R(y(4509),e),R(y(6130),e),R(y(574),e),R(y(6187),e),R(y(7989),e),R(y(6272),e),R(y(5656),e),R(y(2731),e),R(y(8382),e),R(y(5498),e),e.MsgRegistry=new Map([["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant",A.MsgGrant],["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec",A.MsgExec],["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke",A.MsgRevoke],["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend",w.MsgSend],["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend",w.MsgMultiSend],["/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant",a.MsgVerifyInvariant],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress",t.MsgSetWithdrawAddress],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward",t.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission",t.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool",t.MsgFundCommunityPool],["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake",t.MsgSetAutoRestake],["/cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.MsgSubmitEvidence",d.MsgSubmitEvidence],["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance",u.MsgGrantAllowance],["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance",u.MsgRevokeAllowance],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal",s.MsgSubmitProposal],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote",s.MsgVote],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted",s.MsgVoteWeighted],["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit",s.MsgDeposit],["/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail",r.MsgUnjail],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",n.MsgCreateValidator],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator",n.MsgEditValidator],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",n.MsgDelegate],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate",n.MsgBeginRedelegate],["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate",n.MsgUndelegate],["/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer",f.MsgTransfer],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFee",i.MsgPayPacketFee],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync",i.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterPayee",i.MsgRegisterPayee],["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee",i.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit",c.MsgChannelOpenInit],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry",c.MsgChannelOpenTry],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck",c.MsgChannelOpenAck],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm",c.MsgChannelOpenConfirm],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit",c.MsgChannelCloseInit],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm",c.MsgChannelCloseConfirm],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket",c.MsgRecvPacket],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout",c.MsgTimeout],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose",c.MsgTimeoutOnClose],["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement",c.MsgAcknowledgement],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient",h.MsgCreateClient],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient",h.MsgUpdateClient],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient",h.MsgUpgradeClient],["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour",h.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit",m.MsgConnectionOpenInit],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry",m.MsgConnectionOpenTry],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck",m.MsgConnectionOpenAck],["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm",m.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode",v.MsgStoreCode],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract",v.MsgInstantiateContract],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract",v.MsgExecuteContract],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract",v.MsgMigrateContract],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgUpdateAdmin",v.MsgUpdateAdmin],["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgClearAdmin",v.MsgClearAdmin],["/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate",l.RaAuthenticate],["/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount",o.MsgCreateVestingAccount],["/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch",I.MsgToggleIbcSwitch]])},8772:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),Object.defineProperty(d,r,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return u[s]}})}:function(d,u,s,r){r===void 0&&(r=s),d[r]=u[s]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(d,u){Object.defineProperty(d,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:u})}:function(d,u){d.default=u}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(d){if(d&&d.__esModule)return d;var u={};if(d!=null)for(var s in d)s!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d,s)&&E(u,d,s);return R(u,d),u},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(d,u,s,r){return new(s||(s=Promise))(function(n,o){function i(h){try{c(r.next(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function f(h){try{c(r.throw(h))}catch(m){o(m)}}function c(h){var m;h.done?n(h.value):(m=h.value,m instanceof s?m:new s(function(v){v(m)})).then(i,f)}c((r=r.apply(d,u||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.RaAuthenticate=void 0;const a=y(8972),t=y(3607);e.RaAuthenticate=class{constructor(d){this.params=d}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const d={sender:(0,t.addressToBytes)(this.params.sender),certificate:this.params.certificate};return{type_url:"/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate",value:d,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(1901)))).RaAuthenticate.encode(d).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"reg/authenticate",value:{sender:this.params.sender,ra_cert:(0,a.toBase64)(this.params.certificate)}}})}}},5656:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgUnjail=void 0,e.MsgUnjail=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(5925)))).MsgUnjail.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgUnjail",value:{address:this.params.validator_addr}}})}}},2731:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return R(o,n),o},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(n,o,i,f){return new(i||(i=Promise))(function(c,h){function m(l){try{I(f.next(l))}catch(j){h(j)}}function v(l){try{I(f.throw(l))}catch(j){h(j)}}function I(l){var j;l.done?c(l.value):(j=l.value,j instanceof i?j:new i(function(N){N(j)})).then(m,v)}I((f=f.apply(n,o||[])).next())})},a=this&&this.__importDefault||function(n){return n&&n.__esModule?n:{default:n}};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgUndelegate=e.MsgBeginRedelegate=e.MsgDelegate=e.MsgEditValidator=e.MsgCreateValidator=void 0;const t=y(8972),d=y(7715),u=a(y(4431)),s=y(7776),r=y(4191);e.MsgCreateValidator=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const n={description:this.params.description,commission:{rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,""),max_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,""),max_change_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_change_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,"")},min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation,delegator_address:this.params.delegator_address,validator_address:d.bech32.encode("secretvaloper",d.bech32.decode(this.params.delegator_address).words),pubkey:r.Any.fromPartial({type_url:"/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey",value:s.PubKey.encode(s.PubKey.fromPartial({key:(0,t.fromBase64)(this.params.pubkey)})).finish()}),value:this.params.initial_delegation};return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator",value:n,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7704)))).MsgCreateValidator.encode(n).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgCreateValidator",value:{description:{moniker:this.params.description.moniker,identity:this.params.description.identity,website:this.params.description.website,security_contact:this.params.description.security_contact,details:this.params.description.details},commission:{rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.rate).toFixed(18),max_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_rate).toFixed(18),max_change_rate:new u.default(this.params.commission.max_change_rate).toFixed(18)},min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation,delegator_address:this.params.delegator_address,validator_address:d.bech32.encode("secretvaloper",d.bech32.decode(this.params.delegator_address).words),pubkey:{type:"tendermint/PubKeyEd25519",value:this.params.pubkey},value:this.params.initial_delegation}}})}},e.MsgEditValidator=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{Description:n}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(2572))),o={validator_address:this.params.validator_address,description:n.fromPartial(this.params.description||{}),commission_rate:this.params.commission_rate?new u.default(this.params.commission_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/,""):"",min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation||""};return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator",value:o,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7704)))).MsgEditValidator.encode(o).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){let n,o;return this.params.description&&(n={moniker:this.params.description.moniker,identity:this.params.description.identity,website:this.params.description.website,security_contact:this.params.description.security_contact,details:this.params.description.details}),this.params.commission_rate&&(o=new u.default(this.params.commission_rate).toFixed(18)),{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgEditValidator",value:{validator_address:this.params.validator_address,description:n,commission_rate:o,min_self_delegation:this.params.min_self_delegation}}})}},e.MsgDelegate=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7704)))).MsgDelegate.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgBeginRedelegate=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7704)))).MsgBeginRedelegate.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgBeginRedelegate",value:this.params}})}},e.MsgUndelegate=class{constructor(n){this.params=n}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(7704)))).MsgUndelegate.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type:"cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate",value:this.params}})}}},8382:(J,e)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0})},5498:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),Object.defineProperty(a,u,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return t[d]}})}:function(a,t,d,u){u===void 0&&(u=d),a[u]=t[d]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(a,t){Object.defineProperty(a,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:t})}:function(a,t){a.default=t}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(a){if(a&&a.__esModule)return a;var t={};if(a!=null)for(var d in a)d!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a,d)&&E(t,a,d);return R(t,a),t},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(a,t,d,u){return new(d||(d=Promise))(function(s,r){function n(f){try{i(u.next(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function o(f){try{i(u.throw(f))}catch(c){r(c)}}function i(f){var c;f.done?s(f.value):(c=f.value,c instanceof d?c:new d(function(h){h(c)})).then(n,o)}i((u=u.apply(a,t||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MsgCreateVestingAccount=void 0,e.MsgCreateVestingAccount=class{constructor(a){this.params=a}toProto(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return{type_url:"/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount",value:this.params,encode:()=>w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8644)))).MsgCreateVestingAccount.encode(this.params).finish()})}})}toAmino(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){throw new Error("MsgCreateVestingAccount not implemented.")})}}},8593:(J,e,y)=>{Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.bytesToAddress=e.addressToBytes=e.validateAddress=e.coinsFromString=e.stringToCoins=e.coinFromString=e.stringToCoin=e.ibcDenom=e.base64TendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=e.tendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=e.validatorAddressToSelfDelegatorAddress=e.selfDelegatorAddressToValidatorAddress=e.base64PubkeyToAddress=e.pubkeyToAddress=e.is_gzip=void 0;const E=y(8972),R=y(830),A=y(3061),w=y(7715);function a(d,u="secret"){return w.bech32.encode(u,w.bech32.toWords((0,R.ripemd160)((0,A.sha256)(d))))}function t(d,u="secret"){return w.bech32.encode(`${u}valcons`,w.bech32.toWords((0,A.sha256)(d).slice(0,20)))}e.is_gzip=d=>!(!d||d.length<3)&&d[0]===31&&d[1]===139&&d[2]===8,e.pubkeyToAddress=a,e.base64PubkeyToAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return a((0,E.fromBase64)(d),u)},e.selfDelegatorAddressToValidatorAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return w.bech32.encode(`${u}valoper`,w.bech32.decode(d).words)},e.validatorAddressToSelfDelegatorAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return w.bech32.encode(u,w.bech32.decode(d).words)},e.tendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=t,e.base64TendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return t((0,E.fromBase64)(d),u)},e.ibcDenom=(d,u)=>{const s=[];for(const n of d)s.push(`${n.incomingPortId}/${n.incomingChannelId}`);const r=`${s.join("/")}/${u}`;return"ibc/"+(0,E.toHex)((0,A.sha256)((0,E.toUtf8)(r))).toUpperCase()},e.stringToCoin=d=>{const u=d.match(/^(\d+)([a-z]+)$/);if(u===null)throw new Error(`cannot extract denom & amount from '${d}'`);return{amount:u[1],denom:u[2]}},e.coinFromString=e.stringToCoin,e.stringToCoins=d=>d.split(",").map(e.stringToCoin),e.coinsFromString=e.stringToCoins,e.validateAddress=(d,u="secret")=>{let s;try{s=w.bech32.decode(d)}catch(n){let o="failed to decode address as a bech32";return n instanceof Error&&(o+=`: ${n.message}`),{isValid:!1,reason:o}}if(s.prefix!==u)return{isValid:!1,reason:`wrong bech32 prefix, expected '${u}', got '${s.prefix}'`};const r=w.bech32.fromWords(s.words);return r.length!==20&&r.length!==32?{isValid:!1,reason:`wrong address length, expected 20 or 32 bytes, got ${r.length}`}:{isValid:!0}},e.addressToBytes=function(d){return d===""?new Uint8Array(0):Uint8Array.from(w.bech32.fromWords(w.bech32.decode(d).words))},e.bytesToAddress=function(d,u="secret"){return d.length===0?"":w.bech32.encode(u,w.bech32.toWords(d))}},5360:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),Object.defineProperty(c,v,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return h[m]}})}:function(c,h,m,v){v===void 0&&(v=m),c[v]=h[m]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(c,h){Object.defineProperty(c,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:h})}:function(c,h){c.default=h}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(c){if(c&&c.__esModule)return c;var h={};if(c!=null)for(var m in c)m!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c,m)&&E(h,c,m);return R(h,c),h},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(c,h,m,v){return new(m||(m=Promise))(function(I,l){function j(T){try{S(v.next(T))}catch(x){l(x)}}function N(T){try{S(v.throw(T))}catch(x){l(x)}}function S(T){var x;T.done?I(T.value):(x=T.value,x instanceof m?x:new m(function(k){k(x)})).then(j,N)}S((v=v.apply(c,h||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.isDirectSigner=e.isSignDocCamelCase=e.isSignDoc=e.serializeStdSignDoc=e.sortObject=e.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey=e.encodeSecp256k1Signature=e.AminoWallet=e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX=e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE=void 0;const a=y(8972),t=y(3061),d=A(y(9656)),u=A(y(7786)),s=A(y(2153)),r=y(3607);function n(c,h){if(h.length!==64)throw new Error("Signature must be 64 bytes long. Cosmos SDK uses a 2x32 byte fixed length encoding for the secp256k1 signature integers r and s.");return{pub_key:o(c),signature:(0,a.toBase64)(h)}}function o(c){if(c.length!==33||c[0]!==2&&c[0]!==3)throw new Error("Public key must be compressed secp256k1, i.e. 33 bytes starting with 0x02 or 0x03");return{type:"tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1",value:(0,a.toBase64)(c)}}function i(c){if(typeof c!="object"||c===null)return c;if(Array.isArray(c))return c.map(i);const h=Object.keys(c).sort(),m={};return h.forEach(v=>{m[v]=i(c[v])}),m}function f(c){return(0,a.toUtf8)((h=c,JSON.stringify(i(h))));var h}e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE=529,e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX="secret",e.AminoWallet=class{constructor(c="",h={}){var m,v,I;c===""&&(c=s.generateMnemonic(256)),this.mnemonic=c,this.hdAccountIndex=(m=h.hdAccountIndex)!==null&&m!==void 0?m:0,this.coinType=(v=h.coinType)!==null&&v!==void 0?v:e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE,this.bech32Prefix=(I=h.bech32Prefix)!==null&&I!==void 0?I:e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX;const l=s.mnemonicToSeedSync(this.mnemonic),j=u.fromSeed(l).derivePath(`m/44'/${this.coinType}'/0'/0/${this.hdAccountIndex}`).privateKey;if(!j)throw new Error("Failed to derive key pair");this.privateKey=new Uint8Array(j),this.publicKey=d.getPublicKey(this.privateKey,!0),this.address=(0,r.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey,this.bech32Prefix)}getAccounts(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return[{address:this.address,algo:"secp256k1",pubkey:this.publicKey}]})}signAmino(c,h){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(c!==this.address)throw new Error(`Address ${c} not found in wallet`);const m=(0,t.sha256)(f(h)),v=yield d.sign(m,this.privateKey,{extraEntropy:!0,der:!1});return{signed:h,signature:n(this.publicKey,v)}})}},e.encodeSecp256k1Signature=n,e.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey=o,e.sortObject=i,e.serializeStdSignDoc=f,e.isSignDoc=function(c){return"body_bytes"in c&&"auth_info_bytes"in c&&"chain_id"in c&&"account_number"in c},e.isSignDocCamelCase=function(c){return"bodyBytes"in c&&"authInfoBytes"in c&&"chainId"in c&&"accountNumber"in c},e.isDirectSigner=function(c){return c.signDirect!==void 0}},1444:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),Object.defineProperty(n,f,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return o[i]}})}:function(n,o,i,f){f===void 0&&(f=i),n[f]=o[i]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(n,o){Object.defineProperty(n,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:o})}:function(n,o){n.default=o}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(n){if(n&&n.__esModule)return n;var o={};if(n!=null)for(var i in n)i!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n,i)&&E(o,n,i);return R(o,n),o},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(n,o,i,f){return new(i||(i=Promise))(function(c,h){function m(l){try{I(f.next(l))}catch(j){h(j)}}function v(l){try{I(f.throw(l))}catch(j){h(j)}}function I(l){var j;l.done?c(l.value):(j=l.value,j instanceof i?j:new i(function(N){N(j)})).then(m,v)}I((f=f.apply(n,o||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.MetaMaskWallet=void 0;const a=y(5426),t=A(y(9656)),d=y(3061),u=y(3607),s=y(5360);class r{constructor(o,i,f){this.ethProvider=o,this.ethAddress=i,this.publicKey=f,this.address=(0,u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey)}static create(o,i){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const f=`secretjs_${i}_pubkey`,c=localStorage.getItem(f);if(c){const T=i.slice(2).toLocaleLowerCase();if((0,u.toHex)((0,a.keccak_256)(function(k){return t.Point.fromHex(k).toRawBytes(!1)}(c).slice(1)).slice(-20)).toLocaleLowerCase()===T)return new r(o,i,(0,u.fromHex)(c));localStorage.removeItem(f)}const h=(0,u.toUtf8)("Get secret address"),m=`0x${(0,u.toHex)(h)}`,v=(yield o.request({method:"personal_sign",params:[m,i]})).toString(),I=(0,u.fromHex)(v.slice(2,-2));let l=parseInt(v.slice(-2),16)-27;l<0&&(l+=27);const j=(0,u.toUtf8)(`Ethereum Signed Message: +`),N=(0,u.toUtf8)(String(h.length)),S=t.recoverPublicKey((0,a.keccak_256)(new Uint8Array([...j,...N,...h])),I,l,!0);return localStorage.setItem(f,(0,u.toHex)(S)),new r(o,i,S)})}getAccounts(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return[{address:this.address,algo:"secp256k1",pubkey:this.publicKey}]})}getSignMode(){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){return(yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191})}signAmino(o,i){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(o!==(0,u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey))throw new Error(`Address ${o} not found in wallet`);const f=`0x${(0,u.toHex)(function(m){return(0,u.toUtf8)((v=m,JSON.stringify((0,s.sortObject)(v),null,4)));var v}(i))}`,c=yield this.ethProvider.request({method:"personal_sign",params:[f,this.ethAddress]}),h=(0,u.fromHex)(c.slice(2,-2));return{signed:i,signature:(0,s.encodeSecp256k1Signature)(this.publicKey,h)}})}signPermit(o,i){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(o!==(0,u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey))throw new Error(`Address ${o} not found in wallet`);const f=(0,d.sha256)((0,s.serializeStdSignDoc)(i)),c=yield this.ethProvider.request({method:"eth_sign",params:[this.ethAddress,"0x"+(0,u.toHex)(f)]}),h=(0,u.fromHex)(c.slice(2,-2));return{signed:i,signature:(0,s.encodeSecp256k1Signature)(this.publicKey,h)}})}}e.MetaMaskWallet=r},1049:function(J,e,y){var E=this&&this.__createBinding||(Object.create?function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),Object.defineProperty(s,o,{enumerable:!0,get:function(){return r[n]}})}:function(s,r,n,o){o===void 0&&(o=n),s[o]=r[n]}),R=this&&this.__setModuleDefault||(Object.create?function(s,r){Object.defineProperty(s,"default",{enumerable:!0,value:r})}:function(s,r){s.default=r}),A=this&&this.__importStar||function(s){if(s&&s.__esModule)return s;var r={};if(s!=null)for(var n in s)n!=="default"&&Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s,n)&&E(r,s,n);return R(r,s),r},w=this&&this.__awaiter||function(s,r,n,o){return new(n||(n=Promise))(function(i,f){function c(v){try{m(o.next(v))}catch(I){f(I)}}function h(v){try{m(o.throw(v))}catch(I){f(I)}}function m(v){var I;v.done?i(v.value):(I=v.value,I instanceof n?I:new n(function(l){l(I)})).then(c,h)}m((o=o.apply(s,r||[])).next())})};Object.defineProperty(e,"__esModule",{value:!0}),e.Wallet=void 0;const a=y(3061),t=A(y(9656)),d=y(5360);class u extends d.AminoWallet{signDirect(r,n){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){if(r!==this.address)throw new Error(`Address ${r} not found in wallet`);const o=(0,a.sha256)(yield function({account_number:f,auth_info_bytes:c,body_bytes:h,chain_id:m}){return w(this,void 0,void 0,function*(){const{SignDoc:v}=yield Promise.resolve().then(()=>A(y(6994)));return v.encode(v.fromPartial({account_number:f,auth_info_bytes:c,body_bytes:h,chain_id:m})).finish()})}(n)),i=yield t.sign(o,this.privateKey,{extraEntropy:!0,der:!1});return{signed:n,signature:(0,d.encodeSecp256k1Signature)(this.publicKey,i)}})}}e.Wallet=u},6647:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(247);function R(s){return s.name||s.toString().match(/function (.*?)\s*\(/)[1]}function A(s){return E.Nil(s)?"":R(s.constructor)}function w(s,r){Error.captureStackTrace&&Error.captureStackTrace(s,r)}function a(s){return E.Function(s)?s.toJSON?s.toJSON():R(s):E.Array(s)?"Array":s&&E.Object(s)?"Object":s!==void 0?s:""}function t(s,r,n){var o=function(i){return E.Function(i)?"":E.String(i)?JSON.stringify(i):i&&E.Object(i)?"":i}(r);return"Expected "+a(s)+", got"+(n!==""?" "+n:"")+(o!==""?" "+o:"")}function d(s,r,n){n=n||A(r),this.message=t(s,r,n),w(this,d),this.__type=s,this.__value=r,this.__valueTypeName=n}function u(s,r,n,o,i){s?(i=i||A(o),this.message=function(f,c,h,m,v){var I='" of type ';return c==="key"&&(I='" with key type '),t('property "'+a(h)+I+a(f),m,v)}(s,n,r,o,i)):this.message='Unexpected property "'+r+'"',w(this,d),this.__label=n,this.__property=r,this.__type=s,this.__value=o,this.__valueTypeName=i}d.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),d.prototype.constructor=d,u.prototype=Object.create(Error.prototype),u.prototype.constructor=d,J.exports={TfTypeError:d,TfPropertyTypeError:u,tfCustomError:function(s,r){return new d(s,{},r)},tfSubError:function(s,r,n){return s instanceof u?(r=r+"."+s.__property,s=new u(s.__type,r,s.__label,s.__value,s.__valueTypeName)):s instanceof d&&(s=new u(s.__type,r,n,s.__value,s.__valueTypeName)),w(s),s},tfJSON:a,getValueTypeName:A}},4307:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(8764).Buffer,R=y(247),A=y(6647);function w(f){return E.isBuffer(f)}function a(f){return typeof f=="string"&&/^([0-9a-f]{2})+$/i.test(f)}function t(f,c){var h=f.toJSON();function m(v){if(!f(v))return!1;if(v.length===c)return!0;throw A.tfCustomError(h+"(Length: "+c+")",h+"(Length: "+v.length+")")}return m.toJSON=function(){return h},m}var d=t.bind(null,R.Array),u=t.bind(null,w),s=t.bind(null,a),r=t.bind(null,R.String),n=Math.pow(2,53)-1,o={ArrayN:d,Buffer:w,BufferN:u,Finite:function(f){return typeof f=="number"&&isFinite(f)},Hex:a,HexN:s,Int8:function(f){return f<<24>>24===f},Int16:function(f){return f<<16>>16===f},Int32:function(f){return(0|f)===f},Int53:function(f){return typeof f=="number"&&f>=-n&&f<=n&&Math.floor(f)===f},Range:function(f,c,h){function m(v,I){return h(v,I)&&v>f&&v>>0===f},UInt53:function(f){return typeof f=="number"&&f>=0&&f<=n&&Math.floor(f)===f}};for(var i in o)o[i].toJSON=(function(f){return f}).bind(null,i);J.exports=o},2401:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(6647),R=y(247),A=E.tfJSON,w=E.TfTypeError,a=E.TfPropertyTypeError,t=E.tfSubError,d=E.getValueTypeName,u={arrayOf:function(i,f){function c(h,m){return!!R.Array(h)&&!R.Nil(h)&&!(f.minLength!==void 0&&h.lengthf.maxLength)&&(f.length===void 0||h.length===f.length)&&h.every(function(v,I){try{return r(i,v,m)}catch(l){throw t(l,I)}})}return i=s(i),f=f||{},c.toJSON=function(){var h="["+A(i)+"]";return f.length!==void 0?h+="{"+f.length+"}":f.minLength===void 0&&f.maxLength===void 0||(h+="{"+(f.minLength===void 0?0:f.minLength)+","+(f.maxLength===void 0?1/0:f.maxLength)+"}"),h},c},maybe:function i(f){function c(h,m){return R.Nil(h)||f(h,m,i)}return f=s(f),c.toJSON=function(){return"?"+A(f)},c},map:function(i,f){function c(h,m){if(!R.Object(h)||R.Nil(h))return!1;for(var v in h){try{f&&r(f,v,m)}catch(l){throw t(l,v,"key")}try{var I=h[v];r(i,I,m)}catch(l){throw t(l,v)}}return!0}return i=s(i),f&&(f=s(f)),c.toJSON=f?function(){return"{"+A(f)+": "+A(i)+"}"}:function(){return"{"+A(i)+"}"},c},object:function(i){var f={};for(var c in i)f[c]=s(i[c]);function h(m,v){if(!R.Object(m)||R.Nil(m))return!1;var I;try{for(I in f)r(f[I],m[I],v)}catch(l){throw t(l,I)}if(v){for(I in m)if(!f[I])throw new a(void 0,I)}return!0}return h.toJSON=function(){return A(f)},h},anyOf:function(){var i=[].slice.call(arguments).map(s);function f(c,h){return i.some(function(m){try{return r(m,c,h)}catch{return!1}})}return f.toJSON=function(){return i.map(A).join("|")},f},allOf:function(){var i=[].slice.call(arguments).map(s);function f(c,h){return i.every(function(m){try{return r(m,c,h)}catch{return!1}})}return f.toJSON=function(){return i.map(A).join(" & ")},f},quacksLike:function(i){function f(c){return i===d(c)}return f.toJSON=function(){return i},f},tuple:function(){var i=[].slice.call(arguments).map(s);function f(c,h){return!R.Nil(c)&&!R.Nil(c.length)&&(!h||c.length===i.length)&&i.every(function(m,v){try{return r(m,c[v],h)}catch(I){throw t(I,v)}})}return f.toJSON=function(){return"("+i.map(A).join(", ")+")"},f},value:function(i){function f(c){return c===i}return f.toJSON=function(){return i},f}};function s(i){if(R.String(i))return i[0]==="?"?u.maybe(i.slice(1)):R[i]||u.quacksLike(i);if(i&&R.Object(i)){if(R.Array(i)){if(i.length!==1)throw new TypeError("Expected compile() parameter of type Array of length 1");return u.arrayOf(i[0])}return u.object(i)}return R.Function(i)?i:u.value(i)}function r(i,f,c,h){if(R.Function(i)){if(i(f,c))return!0;throw new w(h||i,f)}return r(s(i),f,c)}for(var n in u.oneOf=u.anyOf,R)r[n]=R[n];for(n in u)r[n]=u[n];var o=y(4307);for(n in o)r[n]=o[n];r.compile=s,r.TfTypeError=w,r.TfPropertyTypeError=a,J.exports=r},247:J=>{var e={Array:function(E){return E!=null&&E.constructor===Array},Boolean:function(E){return typeof E=="boolean"},Function:function(E){return typeof E=="function"},Nil:function(E){return E==null},Number:function(E){return typeof E=="number"},Object:function(E){return typeof E=="object"},String:function(E){return typeof E=="string"},"":function(){return!0}};for(var y in e.Null=e.Nil,e)e[y].toJSON=(function(E){return E}).bind(null,y);J.exports=e},4927:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(5108);function R(A){try{if(!y.g.localStorage)return!1}catch{return!1}var w=y.g.localStorage[A];return w!=null&&String(w).toLowerCase()==="true"}J.exports=function(A,w){if(R("noDeprecation"))return A;var a=!1;return function(){if(!a){if(R("throwDeprecation"))throw new Error(w);R("traceDeprecation")?E.trace(w):E.warn(w),a=!0}return A.apply(this,arguments)}}},384:J=>{J.exports=function(e){return e&&typeof e=="object"&&typeof e.copy=="function"&&typeof e.fill=="function"&&typeof e.readUInt8=="function"}},5955:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(2584),R=y(8662),A=y(6430),w=y(5692);function a(C){return C.call.bind(C)}var t=typeof BigInt<"u",d=typeof Symbol<"u",u=a(Object.prototype.toString),s=a(Number.prototype.valueOf),r=a(String.prototype.valueOf),n=a(Boolean.prototype.valueOf);if(t)var o=a(BigInt.prototype.valueOf);if(d)var i=a(Symbol.prototype.valueOf);function f(C,L){if(typeof C!="object")return!1;try{return L(C),!0}catch{return!1}}function c(C){return u(C)==="[object Map]"}function h(C){return u(C)==="[object Set]"}function m(C){return u(C)==="[object WeakMap]"}function v(C){return u(C)==="[object WeakSet]"}function I(C){return u(C)==="[object ArrayBuffer]"}function l(C){return typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&(I.working?I(C):C instanceof ArrayBuffer)}function j(C){return u(C)==="[object DataView]"}function N(C){return typeof DataView<"u"&&(j.working?j(C):C instanceof DataView)}e.isArgumentsObject=E,e.isGeneratorFunction=R,e.isTypedArray=w,e.isPromise=function(C){return typeof Promise<"u"&&C instanceof Promise||C!==null&&typeof C=="object"&&typeof C.then=="function"&&typeof C.catch=="function"},e.isArrayBufferView=function(C){return typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&ArrayBuffer.isView?ArrayBuffer.isView(C):w(C)||N(C)},e.isUint8Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Uint8Array"},e.isUint8ClampedArray=function(C){return A(C)==="Uint8ClampedArray"},e.isUint16Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Uint16Array"},e.isUint32Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Uint32Array"},e.isInt8Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Int8Array"},e.isInt16Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Int16Array"},e.isInt32Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Int32Array"},e.isFloat32Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Float32Array"},e.isFloat64Array=function(C){return A(C)==="Float64Array"},e.isBigInt64Array=function(C){return A(C)==="BigInt64Array"},e.isBigUint64Array=function(C){return A(C)==="BigUint64Array"},c.working=typeof Map<"u"&&c(new Map),e.isMap=function(C){return typeof Map<"u"&&(c.working?c(C):C instanceof Map)},h.working=typeof Set<"u"&&h(new Set),e.isSet=function(C){return typeof Set<"u"&&(h.working?h(C):C instanceof Set)},m.working=typeof WeakMap<"u"&&m(new WeakMap),e.isWeakMap=function(C){return typeof WeakMap<"u"&&(m.working?m(C):C instanceof WeakMap)},v.working=typeof WeakSet<"u"&&v(new WeakSet),e.isWeakSet=function(C){return v(C)},I.working=typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&I(new ArrayBuffer),e.isArrayBuffer=l,j.working=typeof ArrayBuffer<"u"&&typeof DataView<"u"&&j(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1),0,1)),e.isDataView=N;var S=typeof SharedArrayBuffer<"u"?SharedArrayBuffer:void 0;function T(C){return u(C)==="[object SharedArrayBuffer]"}function x(C){return S!==void 0&&(T.working===void 0&&(T.working=T(new S)),T.working?T(C):C instanceof S)}function k(C){return f(C,s)}function b(C){return f(C,r)}function p(C){return f(C,n)}function P(C){return t&&f(C,o)}function B(C){return d&&f(C,i)}e.isSharedArrayBuffer=x,e.isAsyncFunction=function(C){return u(C)==="[object AsyncFunction]"},e.isMapIterator=function(C){return u(C)==="[object Map Iterator]"},e.isSetIterator=function(C){return u(C)==="[object Set Iterator]"},e.isGeneratorObject=function(C){return u(C)==="[object Generator]"},e.isWebAssemblyCompiledModule=function(C){return u(C)==="[object WebAssembly.Module]"},e.isNumberObject=k,e.isStringObject=b,e.isBooleanObject=p,e.isBigIntObject=P,e.isSymbolObject=B,e.isBoxedPrimitive=function(C){return k(C)||b(C)||p(C)||P(C)||B(C)},e.isAnyArrayBuffer=function(C){return typeof Uint8Array<"u"&&(l(C)||x(C))},["isProxy","isExternal","isModuleNamespaceObject"].forEach(function(C){Object.defineProperty(e,C,{enumerable:!1,value:function(){throw new Error(C+" is not supported in userland")}})})},9539:(J,e,y)=>{var E=y(4155),R=y(5108),A=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors||function(C){for(var L=Object.keys(C),re={},ee=0;ee=oe)return H;switch(H){case"%s":return String(ee[re++]);case"%d":return Number(ee[re++]);case"%j":try{return JSON.stringify(ee[re++])}catch{return"[Circular]"}default:return H}}),Z=ee[re];re=3&&(re.depth=arguments[2]),arguments.length>=4&&(re.colors=arguments[3]),c(L)?re.showHidden=L:L&&e._extend(re,L),I(re.showHidden)&&(re.showHidden=!1),I(re.depth)&&(re.depth=2),I(re.colors)&&(re.colors=!1),I(re.customInspect)&&(re.customInspect=!0),re.colors&&(re.stylize=s),n(re,C,re.depth)}function s(C,L){var re=u.styles[L];return re?"\x1B["+u.colors[re][0]+"m"+C+"\x1B["+u.colors[re][1]+"m":C}function r(C,L){return C}function n(C,L,re){if(C.customInspect&&L&&T(L.inspect)&&L.inspect!==e.inspect&&(!L.constructor||L.constructor.prototype!==L)){var ee=L.inspect(re,C);return v(ee)||(ee=n(C,ee,re)),ee}var oe=function(se,ue){if(I(ue))return se.stylize("undefined","undefined");if(v(ue)){var le="'"+JSON.stringify(ue).replace(/^"|"$/g,"").replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(/\\"/g,'"')+"'";return se.stylize(le,"string")}return m(ue)?se.stylize(""+ue,"number"):c(ue)?se.stylize(""+ue,"boolean"):h(ue)?se.stylize("null","null"):void 0}(C,L);if(oe)return oe;var D=Object.keys(L),Z=function(se){var ue={};return se.forEach(function(le,fe){ue[le]=!0}),ue}(D);if(C.showHidden&&(D=Object.getOwnPropertyNames(L)),S(L)&&(D.indexOf("message")>=0||D.indexOf("description")>=0))return o(L);if(D.length===0){if(T(L)){var H=L.name?": "+L.name:"";return C.stylize("[Function"+H+"]","special")}if(l(L))return C.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(L),"regexp");if(N(L))return C.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(L),"date");if(S(L))return o(L)}var te,Q="",X=!1,F=["{","}"];return f(L)&&(X=!0,F=["[","]"]),T(L)&&(Q=" [Function"+(L.name?": "+L.name:"")+"]"),l(L)&&(Q=" "+RegExp.prototype.toString.call(L)),N(L)&&(Q=" "+Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(L)),S(L)&&(Q=" "+o(L)),D.length!==0||X&&L.length!=0?re<0?l(L)?C.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(L),"regexp"):C.stylize("[Object]","special"):(C.seen.push(L),te=X?function(se,ue,le,fe,_e){for(var de=[],pe=0,ye=ue.length;pe60?le[0]+(ue===""?"":ue+` + `)+" "+se.join(`, + `)+" "+le[1]:le[0]+ue+" "+se.join(", ")+" "+le[1]}(te,Q,F)):F[0]+Q+F[1]}function o(C){return"["+Error.prototype.toString.call(C)+"]"}function i(C,L,re,ee,oe,D){var Z,H,te;if((te=Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(L,oe)||{value:L[oe]}).get?H=te.set?C.stylize("[Getter/Setter]","special"):C.stylize("[Getter]","special"):te.set&&(H=C.stylize("[Setter]","special")),p(ee,oe)||(Z="["+oe+"]"),H||(C.seen.indexOf(te.value)<0?(H=h(re)?n(C,te.value,null):n(C,te.value,re-1)).indexOf(` +`)>-1&&(H=D?H.split(` +`).map(function(Q){return" "+Q}).join(` `).slice(2):` -`+V.split(` -`).map(function(K){return" "+K}).join(` -`)):V=T.stylize("[Circular]","special")),C(Q)){if(B&&ne.match(/^\d+$/))return V;(Q=JSON.stringify(""+ne)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/)?(Q=Q.slice(1,-1),Q=T.stylize(Q,"name")):(Q=Q.replace(/'/g,"\\'").replace(/\\"/g,'"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g,"'"),Q=T.stylize(Q,"string"))}return Q+": "+V}function f(T){return Array.isArray(T)}function c(T){return typeof T=="boolean"}function h(T){return T===null}function m(T){return typeof T=="number"}function v(T){return typeof T=="string"}function C(T){return T===void 0}function l(T){return I(T)&&A(T)==="[object RegExp]"}function I(T){return typeof T=="object"&&T!==null}function R(T){return I(T)&&A(T)==="[object Date]"}function k(T){return I(T)&&(A(T)==="[object Error]"||T instanceof Error)}function N(T){return typeof T=="function"}function A(T){return Object.prototype.toString.call(T)}function w(T){return T<10?"0"+T.toString(10):T.toString(10)}e.debuglog=function(T){if(T=T.toUpperCase(),!a[T])if(t.test(T)){var z=E.pid;a[T]=function(){var te=e.format.apply(e,arguments);M.error("%s %d: %s",T,z,te)}}else a[T]=function(){};return a[T]},e.inspect=u,u.colors={bold:[1,22],italic:[3,23],underline:[4,24],inverse:[7,27],white:[37,39],grey:[90,39],black:[30,39],blue:[34,39],cyan:[36,39],green:[32,39],magenta:[35,39],red:[31,39],yellow:[33,39]},u.styles={special:"cyan",number:"yellow",boolean:"yellow",undefined:"grey",null:"bold",string:"green",date:"magenta",regexp:"red"},e.types=b(5955),e.isArray=f,e.isBoolean=c,e.isNull=h,e.isNullOrUndefined=function(T){return T==null},e.isNumber=m,e.isString=v,e.isSymbol=function(T){return typeof T=="symbol"},e.isUndefined=C,e.isRegExp=l,e.types.isRegExp=l,e.isObject=I,e.isDate=R,e.types.isDate=R,e.isError=k,e.types.isNativeError=k,e.isFunction=N,e.isPrimitive=function(T){return T===null||typeof T=="boolean"||typeof T=="number"||typeof T=="string"||typeof T=="symbol"||T===void 0},e.isBuffer=b(384);var _=["Jan","Feb","Mar","Apr","May","Jun","Jul","Aug","Sep","Oct","Nov","Dec"];function p(T,z){return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T,z)}e.log=function(){var T,z;M.log("%s - %s",(z=[w((T=new Date).getHours()),w(T.getMinutes()),w(T.getSeconds())].join(":"),[T.getDate(),_[T.getMonth()],z].join(" ")),e.format.apply(e,arguments))},e.inherits=b(5717),e._extend=function(T,z){if(!z||!I(z))return T;for(var te=Object.keys(z),X=te.length;X--;)T[te[X]]=z[te[X]];return T};var O=typeof Symbol<"u"?Symbol("util.promisify.custom"):void 0;function U(T,z){if(!T){var te=new Error("Promise was rejected with a falsy value");te.reason=T,T=te}return z(T)}e.promisify=function(T){if(typeof T!="function")throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function');if(O&&T[O]){var z;if(typeof(z=T[O])!="function")throw new TypeError('The "util.promisify.custom" argument must be of type Function');return Object.defineProperty(z,O,{value:z,enumerable:!1,writable:!1,configurable:!0}),z}function z(){for(var te,X,ne=new Promise(function(V,ee){te=V,X=ee}),B=[],Q=0;Q{var E=b(4029),M=b(3083),P=b(1924),y=b(7296),a=P("Object.prototype.toString"),t=b(6410)(),d=typeof 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h(1),y=20,a=4,t=-7,d=21,u=-1e7,s=1e7,r=!1,n=1,o=0,i={prefix:"",groupSize:3,secondaryGroupSize:0,groupSeparator:",",decimalSeparator:".",fractionGroupSize:0,fractionGroupSeparator:" ",suffix:""},f="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",c=!0;function h(R,k){var N,A,w,_,p,O,U,T,z=this;if(!(z instanceof h))return new h(R,k);if(k==null){if(R&&R._isBigNumber===!0){z.s=R.s,!R.c||R.e>s?z.c=z.e=null:R.e=10;p/=10,_++);_>s?z.c=z.e=null:(z.e=_,z.c=[R]);return}T=String(R)}else{if(!isNumeric.test(T=String(R)))return E(z,T,O);z.s=T.charCodeAt(0)==45?(T=T.slice(1),-1):1}(_=T.indexOf("."))>-1&&(T=T.replace(".","")),(p=T.search(/e/i))>0?(_<0&&(_=p),_+=+T.slice(p+1),T=T.substring(0,p)):_<0&&(_=T.length)}else{if(intCheck(k,2,f.length,"Base"),k==10&&c)return z=new h(R),l(z,y+z.e+1,a);if(T=String(R),O=typeof R=="number"){if(R*0!=0)return E(z,T,O,k);if(z.s=1/R<0?(T=T.slice(1),-1):1,h.DEBUG&&T.replace(/^0\.0*|\./,"").length>15)throw Error(tooManyDigits+R)}else z.s=T.charCodeAt(0)===45?(T=T.slice(1),-1):1;for(N=f.slice(0,k),_=p=0,U=T.length;p_){_=U;continue}}else if(!w&&(T==T.toUpperCase()&&(T=T.toLowerCase())||T==T.toLowerCase()&&(T=T.toUpperCase()))){w=!0,p=-1,_=0;continue}return E(z,String(R),O,k)}O=!1,T=b(T,k,10,z.s),(_=T.indexOf("."))>-1?T=T.replace(".",""):_=T.length}for(p=0;T.charCodeAt(p)===48;p++);for(U=T.length;T.charCodeAt(--U)===48;);if(T=T.slice(p,++U)){if(U-=p,O&&h.DEBUG&&U>15&&(R>MAX_SAFE_INTEGER||R!==mathfloor(R)))throw Error(tooManyDigits+z.s*R);if((_=_-p-1)>s)z.c=z.e=null;else if(_=-MAX&&w<=MAX&&w===mathfloor(w)){if(A[0]===0){if(w===0&&A.length===1)return!0;break e}if(k=(w+1)%LOG_BASE,k<1&&(k+=LOG_BASE),String(A[0]).length==k){for(k=0;k=BASE||N!==mathfloor(N))break e;if(N!==0)return!0}}}else if(A===null&&w===null&&(_===null||_===1||_===-1))return!0;throw Error(bignumberError+"Invalid BigNumber: "+R)},h.maximum=h.max=function(){return v(arguments,-1)},h.minimum=h.min=function(){return v(arguments,1)},h.random=function(){var R=9007199254740992,k=Math.random()*R&2097151?function(){return mathfloor(Math.random()*R)}:function(){return(Math.random()*1073741824|0)*8388608+(Math.random()*8388608|0)};return function(N){var A,w,_,p,O,U=0,T=[],z=new h(P);if(N==null?N=y:intCheck(N,0,MAX),p=mathceil(N/LOG_BASE),r)if(crypto.getRandomValues){for(A=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(p*=2));U>>11),O>=9e15?(w=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)),A[U]=w[0],A[U+1]=w[1]):(T.push(O%1e14),U+=2);U=p/2}else if(crypto.randomBytes){for(A=crypto.randomBytes(p*=7);U=9e15?crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(A,U):(T.push(O%1e14),U+=7);U=p/7}else throw r=!1,Error(bignumberError+"crypto unavailable");if(!r)for(;U=10;O/=10,U++);Uw-1&&(O[p+1]==null&&(O[p+1]=0),O[p+1]+=O[p]/w|0,O[p]%=w)}return O.reverse()}return function(N,A,w,_,p){var O,U,T,z,te,X,ne,B,Q=N.indexOf("."),V=y,ee=a;for(Q>=0&&(z=o,o=0,N=N.replace(".",""),B=new h(A),X=B.pow(N.length-Q),o=z,B.c=k(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(X.c),X.e,"0"),10,w,R),B.e=B.c.length),ne=k(N,A,w,p?(O=f,R):(O=R,f)),T=z=ne.length;ne[--z]==0;ne.pop());if(!ne[0])return O.charAt(0);if(Q<0?--T:(X.c=ne,X.e=T,X.s=_,X=e(X,B,V,ee,w),ne=X.c,te=X.r,T=X.e),U=T+V+1,Q=ne[U],z=w/2,te=te||U<0||ne[U+1]!=null,te=ee<4?(Q!=null||te)&&(ee==0||ee==(X.s<0?3:2)):Q>z||Q==z&&(ee==4||te||ee==6&&ne[U-1]&1||ee==(X.s<0?8:7)),U<1||!ne[0])N=te?toFixedPoint(O.charAt(1),-V,O.charAt(0)):O.charAt(0);else{if(ne.length=U,te)for(--w;++ne[--U]>w;)ne[U]=0,U||(++T,ne=[1].concat(ne));for(z=ne.length;!ne[--z];);for(Q=0,N="";Q<=z;N+=O.charAt(ne[Q++]));N=toFixedPoint(N,T,O.charAt(0))}return N}}(),e=function(){function R(A,w,_){var p,O,U,T,z=0,te=A.length,X=w%SQRT_BASE,ne=w/SQRT_BASE|0;for(A=A.slice();te--;)U=A[te]%SQRT_BASE,T=A[te]/SQRT_BASE|0,p=ne*U+T*X,O=X*U+p%SQRT_BASE*SQRT_BASE+z,z=(O/_|0)+(p/SQRT_BASE|0)+ne*T,A[te]=O%_;return z&&(A=[z].concat(A)),A}function k(A,w,_,p){var O,U;if(_!=p)U=_>p?1:-1;else for(O=U=0;O<_;O++)if(A[O]!=w[O]){U=A[O]>w[O]?1:-1;break}return U}function N(A,w,_,p){for(var O=0;_--;)A[_]-=O,O=A[_]1;A.splice(0,1));}return function(A,w,_,p,O){var U,T,z,te,X,ne,B,Q,V,ee,K,Y,q,ae,de,ue,le,ge=A.s==w.s?1:-1,ce=A.c,he=w.c;if(!ce||!ce[0]||!he||!he[0])return new h(!A.s||!w.s||(ce?he&&ce[0]==he[0]:!he)?NaN:ce&&ce[0]==0||!he?ge*0:ge/0);for(Q=new h(ge),V=Q.c=[],T=A.e-w.e,ge=_+T+1,O||(O=BASE,T=bitFloor(A.e/LOG_BASE)-bitFloor(w.e/LOG_BASE),ge=ge/LOG_BASE|0),z=0;he[z]==(ce[z]||0);z++);if(he[z]>(ce[z]||0)&&T--,ge<0)V.push(1),te=!0;else{for(ae=ce.length,ue=he.length,z=0,ge+=2,X=mathfloor(O/(he[0]+1)),X>1&&(he=R(he,X,O),ce=R(ce,X,O),ue=he.length,ae=ce.length),q=ue,ee=ce.slice(0,ue),K=ee.length;K=O/2&&de++;do{if(X=0,U=k(he,ee,ue,K),U<0){if(Y=ee[0],ue!=K&&(Y=Y*O+(ee[1]||0)),X=mathfloor(Y/de),X>1)for(X>=O&&(X=O-1),ne=R(he,X,O),B=ne.length,K=ee.length;k(ne,ee,B,K)==1;)X--,N(ne,ue=10;ge/=10,z++);l(Q,_+(Q.e=z+T*LOG_BASE-1)+1,p,te)}else Q.e=T,Q.r=+te;return Q}}();function m(R,k,N,A){var w,_,p,O,U;if(N==null?N=a:intCheck(N,0,8),!R.c)return R.toString();if(w=R.c[0],p=R.e,k==null)U=coeffToString(R.c),U=A==1||A==2&&(p<=t||p>=d)?toExponential(U,p):toFixedPoint(U,p,"0");else if(R=l(new h(R),k,N),_=R.e,U=coeffToString(R.c),O=U.length,A==1||A==2&&(k<=_||_<=t)){for(;OO){if(--k>0)for(U+=".";k--;U+="0");}else if(k+=_-O,k>0)for(_+1==O&&(U+=".");k--;U+="0");return R.s<0&&w?"-"+U:U}function v(R,k){for(var N,A,w=1,_=new h(R[0]);w=10;w/=10,A++);return(N=A+N*LOG_BASE-1)>s?R.c=R.e=null:N=10;O/=10,w++);if(_=k-w,_<0)_+=LOG_BASE,p=k,U=te[T=0],z=mathfloor(U/X[w-p-1]%10);else if(T=mathceil((_+1)/LOG_BASE),T>=te.length)if(A){for(;te.length<=T;te.push(0));U=z=0,w=1,_%=LOG_BASE,p=_-LOG_BASE+1}else break e;else{for(U=O=te[T],w=1;O>=10;O/=10,w++);_%=LOG_BASE,p=_-LOG_BASE+w,z=p<0?0:mathfloor(U/X[w-p-1]%10)}if(A=A||k<0||te[T+1]!=null||(p<0?U:U%X[w-p-1]),A=N<4?(z||A)&&(N==0||N==(R.s<0?3:2)):z>5||z==5&&(N==4||A||N==6&&(_>0?p>0?U/X[w-p]:0:te[T-1])%10&1||N==(R.s<0?8:7)),k<1||!te[0])return te.length=0,A?(k-=R.e+1,te[0]=X[(LOG_BASE-k%LOG_BASE)%LOG_BASE],R.e=-k||0):te[0]=R.e=0,R;if(_==0?(te.length=T,O=1,T--):(te.length=T+1,O=X[LOG_BASE-_],te[T]=p>0?mathfloor(U/X[w-p]%X[p])*O:0),A)for(;;)if(T==0){for(_=1,p=te[0];p>=10;p/=10,_++);for(p=te[0]+=O,O=1;p>=10;p/=10,O++);_!=O&&(R.e++,te[0]==BASE&&(te[0]=1));break}else{if(te[T]+=O,te[T]!=BASE)break;te[T--]=0,O=1}for(_=te.length;te[--_]===0;te.pop());}R.e>s?R.c=R.e=null:R.e=d?toExponential(k,N):toFixedPoint(k,N,"0"),R.s<0?"-"+k:k)}return M.absoluteValue=M.abs=function(){var R=new h(this);return R.s<0&&(R.s=1),R},M.comparedTo=function(R,k){return compare(this,new h(R,k))},M.decimalPlaces=M.dp=function(R,k){var N,A,w,_=this;if(R!=null)return intCheck(R,0,MAX),k==null?k=a:intCheck(k,0,8),l(new h(_),R+_.e+1,k);if(!(N=_.c))return null;if(A=((w=N.length-1)-bitFloor(this.e/LOG_BASE))*LOG_BASE,w=N[w])for(;w%10==0;w/=10,A--);return A<0&&(A=0),A},M.dividedBy=M.div=function(R,k){return e(this,new h(R,k),y,a)},M.dividedToIntegerBy=M.idiv=function(R,k){return e(this,new h(R,k),0,1)},M.exponentiatedBy=M.pow=function(R,k){var N,A,w,_,p,O,U,T,z,te=this;if(R=new h(R),R.c&&!R.isInteger())throw Error(bignumberError+"Exponent not an integer: "+I(R));if(k!=null&&(k=new h(k)),O=R.e>14,!te.c||!te.c[0]||te.c[0]==1&&!te.e&&te.c.length==1||!R.c||!R.c[0])return z=new h(Math.pow(+I(te),O?R.s*(2-isOdd(R)):+I(R))),k?z.mod(k):z;if(U=R.s<0,k){if(k.c?!k.c[0]:!k.s)return new h(NaN);A=!U&&te.isInteger()&&k.isInteger(),A&&(te=te.mod(k))}else{if(R.e>9&&(te.e>0||te.e<-1||(te.e==0?te.c[0]>1||O&&te.c[1]>=24e7:te.c[0]<8e13||O&&te.c[0]<=9999975e7)))return _=te.s<0&&isOdd(R)?-0:0,te.e>-1&&(_=1/_),new h(U?1/_:_);o&&(_=mathceil(o/LOG_BASE+2))}for(O?(N=new h(.5),U&&(R.s=1),T=isOdd(R)):(w=Math.abs(+I(R)),T=w%2),z=new h(P);;){if(T){if(z=z.times(te),!z.c)break;_?z.c.length>_&&(z.c.length=_):A&&(z=z.mod(k))}if(w){if(w=mathfloor(w/2),w===0)break;T=w%2}else if(R=R.times(N),l(R,R.e+1,1),R.e>14)T=isOdd(R);else{if(w=+I(R),w===0)break;T=w%2}te=te.times(te),_?te.c&&te.c.length>_&&(te.c.length=_):A&&(te=te.mod(k))}return A?z:(U&&(z=P.div(z)),k?z.mod(k):_?l(z,o,a,p):z)},M.integerValue=function(R){var k=new h(this);return R==null?R=a:intCheck(R,0,8),l(k,k.e+1,R)},M.isEqualTo=M.eq=function(R,k){return compare(this,new h(R,k))===0},M.isFinite=function(){return!!this.c},M.isGreaterThan=M.gt=function(R,k){return compare(this,new h(R,k))>0},M.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo=M.gte=function(R,k){return(k=compare(this,new h(R,k)))===1||k===0},M.isInteger=function(){return!!this.c&&bitFloor(this.e/LOG_BASE)>this.c.length-2},M.isLessThan=M.lt=function(R,k){return compare(this,new h(R,k))<0},M.isLessThanOrEqualTo=M.lte=function(R,k){return(k=compare(this,new h(R,k)))===-1||k===0},M.isNaN=function(){return!this.s},M.isNegative=function(){return this.s<0},M.isPositive=function(){return this.s>0},M.isZero=function(){return!!this.c&&this.c[0]==0},M.minus=function(R,k){var N,A,w,_,p=this,O=p.s;if(R=new h(R,k),k=R.s,!O||!k)return new h(NaN);if(O!=k)return R.s=-k,p.plus(R);var U=p.e/LOG_BASE,T=R.e/LOG_BASE,z=p.c,te=R.c;if(!U||!T){if(!z||!te)return z?(R.s=-k,R):new h(te?p:NaN);if(!z[0]||!te[0])return te[0]?(R.s=-k,R):new h(z[0]?p:a==3?-0:0)}if(U=bitFloor(U),T=bitFloor(T),z=z.slice(),O=U-T){for((_=O<0)?(O=-O,w=z):(T=U,w=te),w.reverse(),k=O;k--;w.push(0));w.reverse()}else for(A=(_=(O=z.length)<(k=te.length))?O:k,O=k=0;k0)for(;k--;z[N++]=0);for(k=BASE-1;A>O;){if(z[--A]=0;){for(N=0,X=Y[w]%V,ne=Y[w]/V|0,p=U,_=w+p;_>w;)T=K[--p]%V,z=K[p]/V|0,O=ne*T+z*X,T=X*T+O%V*V+B[_]+N,N=(T/Q|0)+(O/V|0)+ne*z,B[_--]=T%Q;B[_]=N}return N?++A:B.splice(0,1),C(R,B,A)},M.negated=function(){var R=new h(this);return R.s=-R.s||null,R},M.plus=function(R,k){var N,A=this,w=A.s;if(R=new h(R,k),k=R.s,!w||!k)return new h(NaN);if(w!=k)return R.s=-k,A.minus(R);var _=A.e/LOG_BASE,p=R.e/LOG_BASE,O=A.c,U=R.c;if(!_||!p){if(!O||!U)return new h(w/0);if(!O[0]||!U[0])return U[0]?R:new h(O[0]?A:w*0)}if(_=bitFloor(_),p=bitFloor(p),O=O.slice(),w=_-p){for(w>0?(p=_,N=U):(w=-w,N=O),N.reverse();w--;N.push(0));N.reverse()}for(w=O.length,k=U.length,w-k<0&&(N=U,U=O,O=N,k=w),w=0;k;)w=(O[--k]=O[k]+U[k]+w)/BASE|0,O[k]=BASE===O[k]?0:O[k]%BASE;return w&&(O=[w].concat(O),++p),C(R,O,p)},M.precision=M.sd=function(R,k){var N,A,w,_=this;if(R!=null&&R!==!!R)return intCheck(R,1,MAX),k==null?k=a:intCheck(k,0,8),l(new h(_),R,k);if(!(N=_.c))return null;if(w=N.length-1,A=w*LOG_BASE+1,w=N[w]){for(;w%10==0;w/=10,A--);for(w=N[0];w>=10;w/=10,A++);}return R&&_.e+1>A&&(A=_.e+1),A},M.shiftedBy=function(R){return intCheck(R,-MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER),this.times("1e"+R)},M.squareRoot=M.sqrt=function(){var R,k,N,A,w,_=this,p=_.c,O=_.s,U=_.e,T=y+4,z=new h("0.5");if(O!==1||!p||!p[0])return new h(!O||O<0&&(!p||p[0])?NaN:p?_:1/0);if(O=Math.sqrt(+I(_)),O==0||O==1/0?(k=coeffToString(p),(k.length+U)%2==0&&(k+="0"),O=Math.sqrt(+k),U=bitFloor((U+1)/2)-(U<0||U%2),O==1/0?k="5e"+U:(k=O.toExponential(),k=k.slice(0,k.indexOf("e")+1)+U),N=new h(k)):N=new h(O+""),N.c[0]){for(U=N.e,O=U+T,O<3&&(O=0);;)if(w=N,N=z.times(w.plus(e(_,w,T,1))),coeffToString(w.c).slice(0,O)===(k=coeffToString(N.c)).slice(0,O))if(N.e0&&B>0){for(_=B%O||O,z=ne.substr(0,_);_0&&(z+=T+ne.slice(_)),X&&(z="-"+z)}A=te?z+(N.decimalSeparator||"")+((U=+N.fractionGroupSize)?te.replace(new RegExp("\\d{"+U+"}\\B","g"),"$&"+(N.fractionGroupSeparator||"")):te):z}return(N.prefix||"")+A+(N.suffix||"")},M.toFraction=function(R){var k,N,A,w,_,p,O,U,T,z,te,X,ne=this,B=ne.c;if(R!=null&&(O=new h(R),!O.isInteger()&&(O.c||O.s!==1)||O.lt(P)))throw Error(bignumberError+"Argument "+(O.isInteger()?"out of range: ":"not an integer: ")+I(O));if(!B)return new h(ne);for(k=new h(P),T=N=new h(P),A=U=new h(P),X=coeffToString(B),_=k.e=X.length-ne.e-1,k.c[0]=POWS_TEN[(p=_%LOG_BASE)<0?LOG_BASE+p:p],R=!R||O.comparedTo(k)>0?_>0?k:T:O,p=s,s=1/0,O=new h(X),U.c[0]=0;z=e(O,k,0,1),w=N.plus(z.times(A)),w.comparedTo(R)!=1;)N=A,A=w,T=U.plus(z.times(w=T)),U=w,k=O.minus(z.times(w=k)),O=w;return w=e(R.minus(N),A,0,1),U=U.plus(w.times(T)),N=N.plus(w.times(A)),U.s=T.s=ne.s,_=_*2,te=e(T,A,_,a).minus(ne).abs().comparedTo(e(U,N,_,a).minus(ne).abs())<1?[T,A]:[U,N],s=p,te},M.toNumber=function(){return+I(this)},M.toPrecision=function(R,k){return R!=null&&intCheck(R,1,MAX),m(this,R,k,2)},M.toString=function(R){var k,N=this,A=N.s,w=N.e;return w===null?A?(k="Infinity",A<0&&(k="-"+k)):k="NaN":(R==null?k=w<=t||w>=d?toExponential(coeffToString(N.c),w):toFixedPoint(coeffToString(N.c),w,"0"):R===10&&c?(N=l(new h(N),y+w+1,a),k=toFixedPoint(coeffToString(N.c),N.e,"0")):(intCheck(R,2,f.length,"Base"),k=b(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(N.c),w,"0"),10,R,A,!0)),A<0&&N.c[0]&&(k="-"+k)),k},M.valueOf=M.toJSON=function(){return I(this)},M._isBigNumber=!0,M[Symbol.toStringTag]="BigNumber",M[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]=M.valueOf,J!=null&&h.set(J),h}function bitFloor(J){var e=J|0;return J>0||J===e?e:e-1}function coeffToString(J){for(var e,b,E=1,M=J.length,P=J[0]+"";Ed^b?1:-1;for(a=(t=M.length)<(d=P.length)?t:d,y=0;yP[y]^b?1:-1;return t==d?0:t>d^b?1:-1}function intCheck(J,e,b,E){if(Jb||J!==mathfloor(J))throw Error(bignumberError+(E||"Argument")+(typeof J=="number"?Jb?" out of range: ":" not an integer: ":" not a primitive number: ")+String(J))}function isOdd(J){var e=J.c.length-1;return bitFloor(J.e/LOG_BASE)==e&&J.c[e]%2!=0}function toExponential(J,e){return(J.length>1?J.charAt(0)+"."+J.slice(1):J)+(e<0?"e":"e+")+e}function toFixedPoint(J,e,b){var E,M;if(e<0){for(M=b+".";++e;M+=b);J=M+J}else if(E=J.length,++e>E){for(M=b,e-=E;--e;M+=b);J+=M}else e(BigNumber.config({DECIMAL_PLACES:18}),BigNumber(J).dividedBy(BigNumber(10).pow(e))),msgQueryOraclePrice=J=>({get_price:{key:J}}),msgQueryOraclePrices=J=>({get_prices:{keys:J}}),parsePriceFromContract=J=>({oracleKey:J.key,rate:convertCoinFromUDenom(J.data.rate,18),lastUpdatedBase:J.data.last_updated_base,lastUpdatedQuote:J.data.last_updated_quote});function parsePricesFromContract(J){return J.reduce((e,b)=>({...e,[b.key]:{oracleKey:b.key,rate:convertCoinFromUDenom(b.data.rate,18),lastUpdatedBase:b.data.last_updated_base,lastUpdatedQuote:b.data.last_updated_quote}}),{})}const queryPrice$=({contractAddress:J,codeHash:e,oracleKey:b,lcdEndpoint:E,chainId:M})=>getActiveQueryClient$(E,M).pipe(switchMap(({client:P})=>sendSecretClientContractQuery$({queryMsg:msgQueryOraclePrice(b),client:P,contractAddress:J,codeHash:e})),map(P=>parsePriceFromContract(P)),first()),queryPrices$=({contractAddress:J,codeHash:e,oracleKeys:b,lcdEndpoint:E,chainId:M})=>getActiveQueryClient$(E,M).pipe(switchMap(({client:P})=>sendSecretClientContractQuery$({queryMsg:msgQueryOraclePrices(b),client:P,contractAddress:J,codeHash:e})),map(P=>parsePricesFromContract(P)),first());exports.getActiveQueryClient$=getActiveQueryClient$;exports.getSecretNetworkClient$=getSecretNetworkClient$;exports.queryPrice$=queryPrice$;exports.queryPrices$=queryPrices$; +`+H.split(` +`).map(function(Q){return" "+Q}).join(` +`)):H=C.stylize("[Circular]","special")),I(Z)){if(D&&oe.match(/^\d+$/))return 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h(1),w=20,a=4,t=-7,d=21,u=-1e7,s=1e7,r=!1,n=1,o=0,i={prefix:"",groupSize:3,secondaryGroupSize:0,groupSeparator:",",decimalSeparator:".",fractionGroupSize:0,fractionGroupSeparator:" ",suffix:""},f="0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz",c=!0;function h(N,S){var T,x,k,b,p,P,B,C,L=this;if(!(L instanceof h))return new h(N,S);if(S==null){if(N&&N._isBigNumber===!0){L.s=N.s,!N.c||N.e>s?L.c=L.e=null:N.e=10;p/=10,b++);b>s?L.c=L.e=null:(L.e=b,L.c=[N]);return}C=String(N)}else{if(!isNumeric.test(C=String(N)))return E(L,C,P);L.s=C.charCodeAt(0)==45?(C=C.slice(1),-1):1}(b=C.indexOf("."))>-1&&(C=C.replace(".","")),(p=C.search(/e/i))>0?(b<0&&(b=p),b+=+C.slice(p+1),C=C.substring(0,p)):b<0&&(b=C.length)}else{if(intCheck(S,2,f.length,"Base"),S==10&&c)return L=new h(N),l(L,w+L.e+1,a);if(C=String(N),P=typeof N=="number"){if(N*0!=0)return E(L,C,P,S);if(L.s=1/N<0?(C=C.slice(1),-1):1,h.DEBUG&&C.replace(/^0\.0*|\./,"").length>15)throw Error(tooManyDigits+N)}else L.s=C.charCodeAt(0)===45?(C=C.slice(1),-1):1;for(T=f.slice(0,S),b=p=0,B=C.length;pb){b=B;continue}}else if(!k&&(C==C.toUpperCase()&&(C=C.toLowerCase())||C==C.toLowerCase()&&(C=C.toUpperCase()))){k=!0,p=-1,b=0;continue}return E(L,String(N),P,S)}P=!1,C=y(C,S,10,L.s),(b=C.indexOf("."))>-1?C=C.replace(".",""):b=C.length}for(p=0;C.charCodeAt(p)===48;p++);for(B=C.length;C.charCodeAt(--B)===48;);if(C=C.slice(p,++B)){if(B-=p,P&&h.DEBUG&&B>15&&(N>MAX_SAFE_INTEGER||N!==mathfloor(N)))throw Error(tooManyDigits+L.s*N);if((b=b-p-1)>s)L.c=L.e=null;else if(b=-MAX&&k<=MAX&&k===mathfloor(k)){if(x[0]===0){if(k===0&&x.length===1)return!0;break e}if(S=(k+1)%LOG_BASE,S<1&&(S+=LOG_BASE),String(x[0]).length==S){for(S=0;S=BASE||T!==mathfloor(T))break e;if(T!==0)return!0}}}else if(x===null&&k===null&&(b===null||b===1||b===-1))return!0;throw Error(bignumberError+"Invalid BigNumber: "+N)},h.maximum=h.max=function(){return v(arguments,-1)},h.minimum=h.min=function(){return v(arguments,1)},h.random=function(){var N=9007199254740992,S=Math.random()*N&2097151?function(){return mathfloor(Math.random()*N)}:function(){return(Math.random()*1073741824|0)*8388608+(Math.random()*8388608|0)};return function(T){var x,k,b,p,P,B=0,C=[],L=new h(A);if(T==null?T=w:intCheck(T,0,MAX),p=mathceil(T/LOG_BASE),r)if(crypto.getRandomValues){for(x=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(p*=2));B>>11),P>=9e15?(k=crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)),x[B]=k[0],x[B+1]=k[1]):(C.push(P%1e14),B+=2);B=p/2}else if(crypto.randomBytes){for(x=crypto.randomBytes(p*=7);B=9e15?crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(x,B):(C.push(P%1e14),B+=7);B=p/7}else throw r=!1,Error(bignumberError+"crypto unavailable");if(!r)for(;B=10;P/=10,B++);Bk-1&&(P[p+1]==null&&(P[p+1]=0),P[p+1]+=P[p]/k|0,P[p]%=k)}return P.reverse()}return function(T,x,k,b,p){var P,B,C,L,re,ee,oe,D,Z=T.indexOf("."),H=w,te=a;for(Z>=0&&(L=o,o=0,T=T.replace(".",""),D=new h(x),ee=D.pow(T.length-Z),o=L,D.c=S(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(ee.c),ee.e,"0"),10,k,N),D.e=D.c.length),oe=S(T,x,k,p?(P=f,N):(P=N,f)),C=L=oe.length;oe[--L]==0;oe.pop());if(!oe[0])return P.charAt(0);if(Z<0?--C:(ee.c=oe,ee.e=C,ee.s=b,ee=e(ee,D,H,te,k),oe=ee.c,re=ee.r,C=ee.e),B=C+H+1,Z=oe[B],L=k/2,re=re||B<0||oe[B+1]!=null,re=te<4?(Z!=null||re)&&(te==0||te==(ee.s<0?3:2)):Z>L||Z==L&&(te==4||re||te==6&&oe[B-1]&1||te==(ee.s<0?8:7)),B<1||!oe[0])T=re?toFixedPoint(P.charAt(1),-H,P.charAt(0)):P.charAt(0);else{if(oe.length=B,re)for(--k;++oe[--B]>k;)oe[B]=0,B||(++C,oe=[1].concat(oe));for(L=oe.length;!oe[--L];);for(Z=0,T="";Z<=L;T+=P.charAt(oe[Z++]));T=toFixedPoint(T,C,P.charAt(0))}return T}}(),e=function(){function N(x,k,b){var p,P,B,C,L=0,re=x.length,ee=k%SQRT_BASE,oe=k/SQRT_BASE|0;for(x=x.slice();re--;)B=x[re]%SQRT_BASE,C=x[re]/SQRT_BASE|0,p=oe*B+C*ee,P=ee*B+p%SQRT_BASE*SQRT_BASE+L,L=(P/b|0)+(p/SQRT_BASE|0)+oe*C,x[re]=P%b;return L&&(x=[L].concat(x)),x}function S(x,k,b,p){var P,B;if(b!=p)B=b>p?1:-1;else for(P=B=0;Pk[P]?1:-1;break}return B}function T(x,k,b,p){for(var P=0;b--;)x[b]-=P,P=x[b]1;x.splice(0,1));}return function(x,k,b,p,P){var B,C,L,re,ee,oe,D,Z,H,te,Q,X,F,se,ue,le,fe,_e=x.s==k.s?1:-1,de=x.c,pe=k.c;if(!de||!de[0]||!pe||!pe[0])return new h(!x.s||!k.s||(de?pe&&de[0]==pe[0]:!pe)?NaN:de&&de[0]==0||!pe?_e*0:_e/0);for(Z=new h(_e),H=Z.c=[],C=x.e-k.e,_e=b+C+1,P||(P=BASE,C=bitFloor(x.e/LOG_BASE)-bitFloor(k.e/LOG_BASE),_e=_e/LOG_BASE|0),L=0;pe[L]==(de[L]||0);L++);if(pe[L]>(de[L]||0)&&C--,_e<0)H.push(1),re=!0;else{for(se=de.length,le=pe.length,L=0,_e+=2,ee=mathfloor(P/(pe[0]+1)),ee>1&&(pe=N(pe,ee,P),de=N(de,ee,P),le=pe.length,se=de.length),F=le,te=de.slice(0,le),Q=te.length;Q=P/2&&ue++;do{if(ee=0,B=S(pe,te,le,Q),B<0){if(X=te[0],le!=Q&&(X=X*P+(te[1]||0)),ee=mathfloor(X/ue),ee>1)for(ee>=P&&(ee=P-1),oe=N(pe,ee,P),D=oe.length,Q=te.length;S(oe,te,D,Q)==1;)ee--,T(oe,le=10;_e/=10,L++);l(Z,b+(Z.e=L+C*LOG_BASE-1)+1,p,re)}else Z.e=C,Z.r=+re;return Z}}();function m(N,S,T,x){var k,b,p,P,B;if(T==null?T=a:intCheck(T,0,8),!N.c)return N.toString();if(k=N.c[0],p=N.e,S==null)B=coeffToString(N.c),B=x==1||x==2&&(p<=t||p>=d)?toExponential(B,p):toFixedPoint(B,p,"0");else if(N=l(new h(N),S,T),b=N.e,B=coeffToString(N.c),P=B.length,x==1||x==2&&(S<=b||b<=t)){for(;PP){if(--S>0)for(B+=".";S--;B+="0");}else if(S+=b-P,S>0)for(b+1==P&&(B+=".");S--;B+="0");return N.s<0&&k?"-"+B:B}function v(N,S){for(var T,x,k=1,b=new h(N[0]);k=10;k/=10,x++);return(T=x+T*LOG_BASE-1)>s?N.c=N.e=null:T=10;P/=10,k++);if(b=S-k,b<0)b+=LOG_BASE,p=S,B=re[C=0],L=mathfloor(B/ee[k-p-1]%10);else if(C=mathceil((b+1)/LOG_BASE),C>=re.length)if(x){for(;re.length<=C;re.push(0));B=L=0,k=1,b%=LOG_BASE,p=b-LOG_BASE+1}else break e;else{for(B=P=re[C],k=1;P>=10;P/=10,k++);b%=LOG_BASE,p=b-LOG_BASE+k,L=p<0?0:mathfloor(B/ee[k-p-1]%10)}if(x=x||S<0||re[C+1]!=null||(p<0?B:B%ee[k-p-1]),x=T<4?(L||x)&&(T==0||T==(N.s<0?3:2)):L>5||L==5&&(T==4||x||T==6&&(b>0?p>0?B/ee[k-p]:0:re[C-1])%10&1||T==(N.s<0?8:7)),S<1||!re[0])return re.length=0,x?(S-=N.e+1,re[0]=ee[(LOG_BASE-S%LOG_BASE)%LOG_BASE],N.e=-S||0):re[0]=N.e=0,N;if(b==0?(re.length=C,P=1,C--):(re.length=C+1,P=ee[LOG_BASE-b],re[C]=p>0?mathfloor(B/ee[k-p]%ee[p])*P:0),x)for(;;)if(C==0){for(b=1,p=re[0];p>=10;p/=10,b++);for(p=re[0]+=P,P=1;p>=10;p/=10,P++);b!=P&&(N.e++,re[0]==BASE&&(re[0]=1));break}else{if(re[C]+=P,re[C]!=BASE)break;re[C--]=0,P=1}for(b=re.length;re[--b]===0;re.pop());}N.e>s?N.c=N.e=null:N.e=d?toExponential(S,T):toFixedPoint(S,T,"0"),N.s<0?"-"+S:S)}return R.absoluteValue=R.abs=function(){var N=new h(this);return N.s<0&&(N.s=1),N},R.comparedTo=function(N,S){return compare(this,new h(N,S))},R.decimalPlaces=R.dp=function(N,S){var T,x,k,b=this;if(N!=null)return intCheck(N,0,MAX),S==null?S=a:intCheck(S,0,8),l(new h(b),N+b.e+1,S);if(!(T=b.c))return null;if(x=((k=T.length-1)-bitFloor(this.e/LOG_BASE))*LOG_BASE,k=T[k])for(;k%10==0;k/=10,x--);return x<0&&(x=0),x},R.dividedBy=R.div=function(N,S){return e(this,new h(N,S),w,a)},R.dividedToIntegerBy=R.idiv=function(N,S){return e(this,new h(N,S),0,1)},R.exponentiatedBy=R.pow=function(N,S){var T,x,k,b,p,P,B,C,L,re=this;if(N=new h(N),N.c&&!N.isInteger())throw Error(bignumberError+"Exponent not an integer: "+j(N));if(S!=null&&(S=new h(S)),P=N.e>14,!re.c||!re.c[0]||re.c[0]==1&&!re.e&&re.c.length==1||!N.c||!N.c[0])return L=new h(Math.pow(+j(re),P?N.s*(2-isOdd(N)):+j(N))),S?L.mod(S):L;if(B=N.s<0,S){if(S.c?!S.c[0]:!S.s)return new h(NaN);x=!B&&re.isInteger()&&S.isInteger(),x&&(re=re.mod(S))}else{if(N.e>9&&(re.e>0||re.e<-1||(re.e==0?re.c[0]>1||P&&re.c[1]>=24e7:re.c[0]<8e13||P&&re.c[0]<=9999975e7)))return b=re.s<0&&isOdd(N)?-0:0,re.e>-1&&(b=1/b),new h(B?1/b:b);o&&(b=mathceil(o/LOG_BASE+2))}for(P?(T=new h(.5),B&&(N.s=1),C=isOdd(N)):(k=Math.abs(+j(N)),C=k%2),L=new h(A);;){if(C){if(L=L.times(re),!L.c)break;b?L.c.length>b&&(L.c.length=b):x&&(L=L.mod(S))}if(k){if(k=mathfloor(k/2),k===0)break;C=k%2}else if(N=N.times(T),l(N,N.e+1,1),N.e>14)C=isOdd(N);else{if(k=+j(N),k===0)break;C=k%2}re=re.times(re),b?re.c&&re.c.length>b&&(re.c.length=b):x&&(re=re.mod(S))}return x?L:(B&&(L=A.div(L)),S?L.mod(S):b?l(L,o,a,p):L)},R.integerValue=function(N){var S=new h(this);return N==null?N=a:intCheck(N,0,8),l(S,S.e+1,N)},R.isEqualTo=R.eq=function(N,S){return compare(this,new h(N,S))===0},R.isFinite=function(){return!!this.c},R.isGreaterThan=R.gt=function(N,S){return compare(this,new h(N,S))>0},R.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo=R.gte=function(N,S){return(S=compare(this,new h(N,S)))===1||S===0},R.isInteger=function(){return!!this.c&&bitFloor(this.e/LOG_BASE)>this.c.length-2},R.isLessThan=R.lt=function(N,S){return compare(this,new h(N,S))<0},R.isLessThanOrEqualTo=R.lte=function(N,S){return(S=compare(this,new h(N,S)))===-1||S===0},R.isNaN=function(){return!this.s},R.isNegative=function(){return this.s<0},R.isPositive=function(){return this.s>0},R.isZero=function(){return!!this.c&&this.c[0]==0},R.minus=function(N,S){var T,x,k,b,p=this,P=p.s;if(N=new h(N,S),S=N.s,!P||!S)return new h(NaN);if(P!=S)return N.s=-S,p.plus(N);var B=p.e/LOG_BASE,C=N.e/LOG_BASE,L=p.c,re=N.c;if(!B||!C){if(!L||!re)return L?(N.s=-S,N):new h(re?p:NaN);if(!L[0]||!re[0])return re[0]?(N.s=-S,N):new h(L[0]?p:a==3?-0:0)}if(B=bitFloor(B),C=bitFloor(C),L=L.slice(),P=B-C){for((b=P<0)?(P=-P,k=L):(C=B,k=re),k.reverse(),S=P;S--;k.push(0));k.reverse()}else for(x=(b=(P=L.length)<(S=re.length))?P:S,P=S=0;S0)for(;S--;L[T++]=0);for(S=BASE-1;x>P;){if(L[--x]=0;){for(T=0,ee=X[k]%H,oe=X[k]/H|0,p=B,b=k+p;b>k;)C=Q[--p]%H,L=Q[p]/H|0,P=oe*C+L*ee,C=ee*C+P%H*H+D[b]+T,T=(C/Z|0)+(P/H|0)+oe*L,D[b--]=C%Z;D[b]=T}return T?++x:D.splice(0,1),I(N,D,x)},R.negated=function(){var N=new h(this);return N.s=-N.s||null,N},R.plus=function(N,S){var T,x=this,k=x.s;if(N=new h(N,S),S=N.s,!k||!S)return new h(NaN);if(k!=S)return N.s=-S,x.minus(N);var b=x.e/LOG_BASE,p=N.e/LOG_BASE,P=x.c,B=N.c;if(!b||!p){if(!P||!B)return new h(k/0);if(!P[0]||!B[0])return B[0]?N:new h(P[0]?x:k*0)}if(b=bitFloor(b),p=bitFloor(p),P=P.slice(),k=b-p){for(k>0?(p=b,T=B):(k=-k,T=P),T.reverse();k--;T.push(0));T.reverse()}for(k=P.length,S=B.length,k-S<0&&(T=B,B=P,P=T,S=k),k=0;S;)k=(P[--S]=P[S]+B[S]+k)/BASE|0,P[S]=BASE===P[S]?0:P[S]%BASE;return k&&(P=[k].concat(P),++p),I(N,P,p)},R.precision=R.sd=function(N,S){var T,x,k,b=this;if(N!=null&&N!==!!N)return intCheck(N,1,MAX),S==null?S=a:intCheck(S,0,8),l(new h(b),N,S);if(!(T=b.c))return null;if(k=T.length-1,x=k*LOG_BASE+1,k=T[k]){for(;k%10==0;k/=10,x--);for(k=T[0];k>=10;k/=10,x++);}return N&&b.e+1>x&&(x=b.e+1),x},R.shiftedBy=function(N){return intCheck(N,-MAX_SAFE_INTEGER,MAX_SAFE_INTEGER),this.times("1e"+N)},R.squareRoot=R.sqrt=function(){var N,S,T,x,k,b=this,p=b.c,P=b.s,B=b.e,C=w+4,L=new h("0.5");if(P!==1||!p||!p[0])return new h(!P||P<0&&(!p||p[0])?NaN:p?b:1/0);if(P=Math.sqrt(+j(b)),P==0||P==1/0?(S=coeffToString(p),(S.length+B)%2==0&&(S+="0"),P=Math.sqrt(+S),B=bitFloor((B+1)/2)-(B<0||B%2),P==1/0?S="5e"+B:(S=P.toExponential(),S=S.slice(0,S.indexOf("e")+1)+B),T=new h(S)):T=new h(P+""),T.c[0]){for(B=T.e,P=B+C,P<3&&(P=0);;)if(k=T,T=L.times(k.plus(e(b,k,C,1))),coeffToString(k.c).slice(0,P)===(S=coeffToString(T.c)).slice(0,P))if(T.e0&&D>0){for(b=D%P||P,L=oe.substr(0,b);b0&&(L+=C+oe.slice(b)),ee&&(L="-"+L)}x=re?L+(T.decimalSeparator||"")+((B=+T.fractionGroupSize)?re.replace(new RegExp("\\d{"+B+"}\\B","g"),"$&"+(T.fractionGroupSeparator||"")):re):L}return(T.prefix||"")+x+(T.suffix||"")},R.toFraction=function(N){var S,T,x,k,b,p,P,B,C,L,re,ee,oe=this,D=oe.c;if(N!=null&&(P=new h(N),!P.isInteger()&&(P.c||P.s!==1)||P.lt(A)))throw Error(bignumberError+"Argument "+(P.isInteger()?"out of range: ":"not an integer: ")+j(P));if(!D)return new h(oe);for(S=new h(A),C=T=new h(A),x=B=new h(A),ee=coeffToString(D),b=S.e=ee.length-oe.e-1,S.c[0]=POWS_TEN[(p=b%LOG_BASE)<0?LOG_BASE+p:p],N=!N||P.comparedTo(S)>0?b>0?S:C:P,p=s,s=1/0,P=new h(ee),B.c[0]=0;L=e(P,S,0,1),k=T.plus(L.times(x)),k.comparedTo(N)!=1;)T=x,x=k,C=B.plus(L.times(k=C)),B=k,S=P.minus(L.times(k=S)),P=k;return k=e(N.minus(T),x,0,1),B=B.plus(k.times(C)),T=T.plus(k.times(x)),B.s=C.s=oe.s,b=b*2,re=e(C,x,b,a).minus(oe).abs().comparedTo(e(B,T,b,a).minus(oe).abs())<1?[C,x]:[B,T],s=p,re},R.toNumber=function(){return+j(this)},R.toPrecision=function(N,S){return N!=null&&intCheck(N,1,MAX),m(this,N,S,2)},R.toString=function(N){var S,T=this,x=T.s,k=T.e;return k===null?x?(S="Infinity",x<0&&(S="-"+S)):S="NaN":(N==null?S=k<=t||k>=d?toExponential(coeffToString(T.c),k):toFixedPoint(coeffToString(T.c),k,"0"):N===10&&c?(T=l(new h(T),w+k+1,a),S=toFixedPoint(coeffToString(T.c),T.e,"0")):(intCheck(N,2,f.length,"Base"),S=y(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(T.c),k,"0"),10,N,x,!0)),x<0&&T.c[0]&&(S="-"+S)),S},R.valueOf=R.toJSON=function(){return j(this)},R._isBigNumber=!0,R[Symbol.toStringTag]="BigNumber",R[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")]=R.valueOf,J!=null&&h.set(J),h}function bitFloor(J){var e=J|0;return J>0||J===e?e:e-1}function coeffToString(J){for(var e,y,E=1,R=J.length,A=J[0]+"";Ed^y?1:-1;for(a=(t=R.length)<(d=A.length)?t:d,w=0;wA[w]^y?1:-1;return t==d?0:t>d^y?1:-1}function intCheck(J,e,y,E){if(Jy||J!==mathfloor(J))throw Error(bignumberError+(E||"Argument")+(typeof J=="number"?Jy?" out of range: ":" not an integer: ":" not a primitive number: ")+String(J))}function isOdd(J){var e=J.c.length-1;return bitFloor(J.e/LOG_BASE)==e&&J.c[e]%2!=0}function toExponential(J,e){return(J.length>1?J.charAt(0)+"."+J.slice(1):J)+(e<0?"e":"e+")+e}function toFixedPoint(J,e,y){var E,R;if(e<0){for(R=y+".";++e;R+=y);J=R+J}else if(E=J.length,++e>E){for(R=y,e-=E;--e;R+=y);J+=R}else e(BigNumber.config({DECIMAL_PLACES:18}),BigNumber(J).dividedBy(BigNumber(10).pow(e))),msgQueryOraclePrice=J=>({get_price:{key:J}}),msgQueryOraclePrices=J=>({get_prices:{keys:J}}),parsePriceFromContract=J=>({oracleKey:J.key,rate:convertCoinFromUDenom(J.data.rate,18),lastUpdatedBase:J.data.last_updated_base,lastUpdatedQuote:J.data.last_updated_quote});function parsePricesFromContract(J){return J.reduce((e,y)=>({...e,[y.key]:{oracleKey:y.key,rate:convertCoinFromUDenom(y.data.rate,18),lastUpdatedBase:y.data.last_updated_base,lastUpdatedQuote:y.data.last_updated_quote}}),{})}const queryPrice$=({contractAddress:J,codeHash:e,oracleKey:y,lcdEndpoint:E,chainId:R})=>getActiveQueryClient$(E,R).pipe(switchMap(({client:A})=>sendSecretClientContractQuery$({queryMsg:msgQueryOraclePrice(y),client:A,contractAddress:J,codeHash:e})),map(A=>parsePriceFromContract(A)),first()),queryPrices$=({contractAddress:J,codeHash:e,oracleKeys:y,lcdEndpoint:E,chainId:R})=>getActiveQueryClient$(E,R).pipe(switchMap(({client:A})=>sendSecretClientContractQuery$({queryMsg:msgQueryOraclePrices(y),client:A,contractAddress:J,codeHash:e})),map(A=>parsePricesFromContract(A)),first());exports.getActiveQueryClient$=getActiveQueryClient$;exports.getSecretNetworkClient$=getSecretNetworkClient$;exports.queryPrice$=queryPrice$;exports.queryPrices$=queryPrices$; diff --git a/dist/shadejs.js b/dist/shadejs.js index 20189c8..df3a325 100644 --- a/dist/shadejs.js +++ b/dist/shadejs.js @@ -1,56 +1,394 @@ +var g = typeof globalThis < "u" && globalThis || typeof self < "u" && self || // eslint-disable-next-line no-undef +typeof global < "u" && global || {}, support = { + searchParams: "URLSearchParams" in g, + iterable: "Symbol" in g && "iterator" in Symbol, + blob: "FileReader" in g && "Blob" in g && function() { + try { + return new Blob(), !0; + } catch { + return !1; + } + }(), + formData: "FormData" in g, + arrayBuffer: "ArrayBuffer" in g +}; +function isDataView(J) { + return J && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(J); +} +if (support.arrayBuffer) + var viewClasses = [ + "[object Int8Array]", + "[object Uint8Array]", + "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", + "[object Int16Array]", + "[object Uint16Array]", + "[object Int32Array]", + "[object Uint32Array]", + "[object Float32Array]", + "[object Float64Array]" + ], isArrayBufferView = ArrayBuffer.isView || function(J) { + return J && viewClasses.indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(J)) > -1; + }; +function normalizeName(J) { + if (typeof J != "string" && (J = String(J)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~!]/i.test(J) || J === "") + throw new TypeError('Invalid character in header field name: "' + J + '"'); + return J.toLowerCase(); +} +function normalizeValue(J) { + return typeof J != "string" && (J = String(J)), J; +} +function iteratorFor(J) { + var e = { + next: function() { + var y = J.shift(); + return { done: y === void 0, value: y }; + } + }; + return support.iterable && (e[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + return e; + }), e; +} +function Headers(J) { + this.map = {}, J instanceof Headers ? J.forEach(function(e, y) { + this.append(y, e); + }, this) : Array.isArray(J) ? J.forEach(function(e) { + if (e.length != 2) + throw new TypeError("Headers constructor: expected name/value pair to be length 2, found" + e.length); + this.append(e[0], e[1]); + }, this) : J && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(J).forEach(function(e) { + this.append(e, J[e]); + }, this); +} +Headers.prototype.append = function(J, e) { + J = normalizeName(J), e = normalizeValue(e); + var y = this.map[J]; + this.map[J] = y ? y + ", " + e : e; +}; +Headers.prototype.delete = function(J) { + delete this.map[normalizeName(J)]; +}; +Headers.prototype.get = function(J) { + return J = normalizeName(J), this.has(J) ? this.map[J] : null; +}; +Headers.prototype.has = function(J) { + return this.map.hasOwnProperty(normalizeName(J)); +}; +Headers.prototype.set = function(J, e) { + this.map[normalizeName(J)] = normalizeValue(e); +}; +Headers.prototype.forEach = function(J, e) { + for (var y in this.map) + this.map.hasOwnProperty(y) && J.call(e, this.map[y], y, this); +}; +Headers.prototype.keys = function() { + var J = []; + return this.forEach(function(e, y) { + J.push(y); + }), iteratorFor(J); +}; +Headers.prototype.values = function() { + var J = []; + return this.forEach(function(e) { + J.push(e); + }), iteratorFor(J); +}; +Headers.prototype.entries = function() { + var J = []; + return this.forEach(function(e, y) { + J.push([y, e]); + }), iteratorFor(J); +}; +support.iterable && (Headers.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = Headers.prototype.entries); +function consumed(J) { + if (!J._noBody) { + if (J.bodyUsed) + return Promise.reject(new TypeError("Already read")); + J.bodyUsed = !0; + } +} +function fileReaderReady(J) { + return new Promise(function(e, y) { + J.onload = function() { + e(J.result); + }, J.onerror = function() { + y(J.error); + }; + }); +} +function readBlobAsArrayBuffer(J) { + var e = new FileReader(), y = fileReaderReady(e); + return e.readAsArrayBuffer(J), y; +} +function readBlobAsText(J) { + var e = new FileReader(), y = fileReaderReady(e), E = /charset=([A-Za-z0-9_-]+)/.exec(J.type), R = E ? E[1] : "utf-8"; + return e.readAsText(J, R), y; +} +function readArrayBufferAsText(J) { + for (var e = new Uint8Array(J), y = new Array(e.length), E = 0; E < e.length; E++) + y[E] = String.fromCharCode(e[E]); + return y.join(""); +} +function bufferClone(J) { + if (J.slice) + return J.slice(0); + var e = new Uint8Array(J.byteLength); + return e.set(new Uint8Array(J)), e.buffer; +} +function Body() { + return this.bodyUsed = !1, this._initBody = function(J) { + this.bodyUsed = this.bodyUsed, this._bodyInit = J, J ? typeof J == "string" ? this._bodyText = J : support.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(J) ? this._bodyBlob = J : support.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(J) ? this._bodyFormData = J : support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(J) ? this._bodyText = J.toString() : support.arrayBuffer && support.blob && isDataView(J) ? (this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(J.buffer), this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) : support.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(J) || isArrayBufferView(J)) ? this._bodyArrayBuffer = bufferClone(J) : this._bodyText = J = Object.prototype.toString.call(J) : (this._noBody = !0, this._bodyText = ""), this.headers.get("content-type") || (typeof J == "string" ? this.headers.set("content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8") : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set("content-type", this._bodyBlob.type) : support.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(J) && this.headers.set("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8")); + }, support.blob && (this.blob = function() { + var J = consumed(this); + if (J) + return J; + if (this._bodyBlob) + return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob); + if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) + return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])); + if (this._bodyFormData) + throw new Error("could not read FormData body as blob"); + return Promise.resolve(new Blob([this._bodyText])); + }), this.arrayBuffer = function() { + if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) { + var J = consumed(this); + return J || (ArrayBuffer.isView(this._bodyArrayBuffer) ? Promise.resolve( + this._bodyArrayBuffer.buffer.slice( + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset, + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteOffset + this._bodyArrayBuffer.byteLength + ) + ) : Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer)); + } else { + if (support.blob) + return this.blob().then(readBlobAsArrayBuffer); + throw new Error("could not read as ArrayBuffer"); + } + }, this.text = function() { + var J = consumed(this); + if (J) + return J; + if (this._bodyBlob) + return readBlobAsText(this._bodyBlob); + if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) + return Promise.resolve(readArrayBufferAsText(this._bodyArrayBuffer)); + if (this._bodyFormData) + throw new Error("could not read FormData body as text"); + return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText); + }, support.formData && (this.formData = function() { + return this.text().then(decode); + }), this.json = function() { + return this.text().then(JSON.parse); + }, this; +} +var methods = ["CONNECT", "DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "PATCH", "POST", "PUT", "TRACE"]; +function normalizeMethod(J) { + var e = J.toUpperCase(); + return methods.indexOf(e) > -1 ? e : J; +} +function Request(J, e) { + if (!(this instanceof Request)) + throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.'); + e = e || {}; + var y = e.body; + if (J instanceof Request) { + if (J.bodyUsed) + throw new TypeError("Already read"); + this.url = J.url, this.credentials = J.credentials, e.headers || (this.headers = new Headers(J.headers)), this.method = J.method, this.mode = J.mode, this.signal = J.signal, !y && J._bodyInit != null && (y = J._bodyInit, J.bodyUsed = !0); + } else + this.url = String(J); + if (this.credentials = e.credentials || this.credentials || "same-origin", (e.headers || !this.headers) && (this.headers = new Headers(e.headers)), this.method = normalizeMethod(e.method || this.method || "GET"), this.mode = e.mode || this.mode || null, this.signal = e.signal || this.signal || function() { + if ("AbortController" in g) { + var A = new AbortController(); + return A.signal; + } + }(), this.referrer = null, (this.method === "GET" || this.method === "HEAD") && y) + throw new TypeError("Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests"); + if (this._initBody(y), (this.method === "GET" || this.method === "HEAD") && (e.cache === "no-store" || e.cache === "no-cache")) { + var E = /([?&])_=[^&]*/; + if (E.test(this.url)) + this.url = this.url.replace(E, "$1_=" + (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime()); + else { + var R = /\?/; + this.url += (R.test(this.url) ? "&" : "?") + "_=" + (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(); + } + } +} +Request.prototype.clone = function() { + return new Request(this, { body: this._bodyInit }); +}; +function decode(J) { + var e = new FormData(); + return J.trim().split("&").forEach(function(y) { + if (y) { + var E = y.split("="), R = E.shift().replace(/\+/g, " "), A = E.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " "); + e.append(decodeURIComponent(R), decodeURIComponent(A)); + } + }), e; +} +function parseHeaders(J) { + var e = new Headers(), y = J.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, " "); + return y.split("\r").map(function(E) { + return E.indexOf(` +`) === 0 ? E.substr(1, E.length) : E; + }).forEach(function(E) { + var R = E.split(":"), A = R.shift().trim(); + if (A) { + var w = R.join(":").trim(); + try { + e.append(A, w); + } catch (a) { + console.warn("Response " + a.message); + } + } + }), e; +} +Body.call(Request.prototype); +function Response(J, e) { + if (!(this instanceof Response)) + throw new TypeError('Please use the "new" operator, this DOM object constructor cannot be called as a function.'); + if (e || (e = {}), this.type = "default", this.status = e.status === void 0 ? 200 : e.status, this.status < 200 || this.status > 599) + throw new RangeError("Failed to construct 'Response': The status provided (0) is outside the range [200, 599]."); + this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300, this.statusText = e.statusText === void 0 ? "" : "" + e.statusText, this.headers = new Headers(e.headers), this.url = e.url || "", this._initBody(J); +} +Body.call(Response.prototype); +Response.prototype.clone = function() { + return new Response(this._bodyInit, { + status: this.status, + statusText: this.statusText, + headers: new Headers(this.headers), + url: this.url + }); +}; +Response.error = function() { + var J = new Response(null, { status: 200, statusText: "" }); + return J.status = 0, J.type = "error", J; +}; +var redirectStatuses = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]; +Response.redirect = function(J, e) { + if (redirectStatuses.indexOf(e) === -1) + throw new RangeError("Invalid status code"); + return new Response(null, { status: e, headers: { location: J } }); +}; +var DOMException = g.DOMException; +try { + new DOMException(); +} catch { + DOMException = function(e, y) { + this.message = e, this.name = y; + var E = Error(e); + this.stack = E.stack; + }, DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), DOMException.prototype.constructor = DOMException; +} +function fetch$1(J, e) { + return new Promise(function(y, E) { + var R = new Request(J, e); + if (R.signal && R.signal.aborted) + return E(new DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError")); + var A = new XMLHttpRequest(); + function w() { + A.abort(); + } + A.onload = function() { + var d = { + statusText: A.statusText, + headers: parseHeaders(A.getAllResponseHeaders() || "") + }; + R.url.startsWith("file://") && (A.status < 200 || A.status > 599) ? d.status = 200 : d.status = A.status, d.url = "responseURL" in A ? A.responseURL : d.headers.get("X-Request-URL"); + var u = "response" in A ? A.response : A.responseText; + setTimeout(function() { + y(new Response(u, d)); + }, 0); + }, A.onerror = function() { + setTimeout(function() { + E(new TypeError("Network request failed")); + }, 0); + }, A.ontimeout = function() { + setTimeout(function() { + E(new TypeError("Network request timed out")); + }, 0); + }, A.onabort = function() { + setTimeout(function() { + E(new DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError")); + }, 0); + }; + function a(d) { + try { + return d === "" && g.location.href ? g.location.href : d; + } catch { + return d; + } + } + if (A.open(R.method, a(R.url), !0), R.credentials === "include" ? A.withCredentials = !0 : R.credentials === "omit" && (A.withCredentials = !1), "responseType" in A && (support.blob ? A.responseType = "blob" : support.arrayBuffer && (A.responseType = "arraybuffer")), e && typeof e.headers == "object" && !(e.headers instanceof Headers || g.Headers && e.headers instanceof g.Headers)) { + var t = []; + Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e.headers).forEach(function(d) { + t.push(normalizeName(d)), A.setRequestHeader(d, normalizeValue(e.headers[d])); + }), R.headers.forEach(function(d, u) { + t.indexOf(u) === -1 && A.setRequestHeader(u, d); + }); + } else + R.headers.forEach(function(d, u) { + A.setRequestHeader(u, d); + }); + R.signal && (R.signal.addEventListener("abort", w), A.onreadystatechange = function() { + A.readyState === 4 && R.signal.removeEventListener("abort", w); + }), A.send(typeof R._bodyInit > "u" ? null : R._bodyInit); + }); +} +fetch$1.polyfill = !0; +g.fetch || (g.fetch = fetch$1, g.Headers = Headers, g.Request = Request, g.Response = Response); +typeof window > "u" && (global.window = globalThis); var extendStatics = function(J, e) { - return extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(b, E) { - b.__proto__ = E; - } || function(b, E) { - for (var M in E) - Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(E, M) && (b[M] = E[M]); + return extendStatics = Object.setPrototypeOf || { __proto__: [] } instanceof Array && function(y, E) { + y.__proto__ = E; + } || function(y, E) { + for (var R in E) + Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(E, R) && (y[R] = E[R]); }, extendStatics(J, e); }; function __extends(J, e) { if (typeof e != "function" && e !== null) throw new TypeError("Class extends value " + String(e) + " is not a constructor or null"); extendStatics(J, e); - function b() { + function y() { this.constructor = J; } - J.prototype = e === null ? Object.create(e) : (b.prototype = e.prototype, new b()); + J.prototype = e === null ? Object.create(e) : (y.prototype = e.prototype, new y()); } -function __awaiter(J, e, b, E) { - function M(P) { - return P instanceof b ? P : new b(function(y) { - y(P); +function __awaiter(J, e, y, E) { + function R(A) { + return A instanceof y ? A : new y(function(w) { + w(A); }); } - return new (b || (b = Promise))(function(P, y) { + return new (y || (y = Promise))(function(A, w) { function a(u) { try { d(E.next(u)); } catch (s) { - y(s); + w(s); } } function t(u) { try { d(E.throw(u)); } catch (s) { - y(s); + w(s); } } function d(u) { - u.done ? P(u.value) : M(u.value).then(a, t); + u.done ? A(u.value) : R(u.value).then(a, t); } d((E = E.apply(J, e || [])).next()); }); } function __generator(J, e) { - var b = { label: 0, sent: function() { - if (P[0] & 1) - throw P[1]; - return P[1]; - }, trys: [], ops: [] }, E, M, P, y; - return y = { next: a(0), throw: a(1), return: a(2) }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (y[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + var y = { label: 0, sent: function() { + if (A[0] & 1) + throw A[1]; + return A[1]; + }, trys: [], ops: [] }, E, R, A, w; + return w = { next: a(0), throw: a(1), return: a(2) }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (w[Symbol.iterator] = function() { return this; - }), y; + }), w; function a(d) { return function(u) { return t([d, u]); @@ -59,48 +397,48 @@ function __generator(J, e) { function t(d) { if (E) throw new TypeError("Generator is already executing."); - for (; y && (y = 0, d[0] && (b = 0)), b; ) + for (; w && (w = 0, d[0] && (y = 0)), y; ) try { - if (E = 1, M && (P = d[0] & 2 ? M.return : d[0] ? M.throw || ((P = M.return) && P.call(M), 0) : M.next) && !(P = P.call(M, d[1])).done) - return P; - switch (M = 0, P && (d = [d[0] & 2, P.value]), d[0]) { + if (E = 1, R && (A = d[0] & 2 ? R.return : d[0] ? R.throw || ((A = R.return) && A.call(R), 0) : R.next) && !(A = A.call(R, d[1])).done) + return A; + switch (R = 0, A && (d = [d[0] & 2, A.value]), d[0]) { case 0: case 1: - P = d; + A = d; break; case 4: - return b.label++, { value: d[1], done: !1 }; + return y.label++, { value: d[1], done: !1 }; case 5: - b.label++, M = d[1], d = [0]; + y.label++, R = d[1], d = [0]; continue; case 7: - d = b.ops.pop(), b.trys.pop(); + d = y.ops.pop(), y.trys.pop(); continue; default: - if (P = b.trys, !(P = P.length > 0 && P[P.length - 1]) && (d[0] === 6 || d[0] === 2)) { - b = 0; + if (A = y.trys, !(A = A.length > 0 && A[A.length - 1]) && (d[0] === 6 || d[0] === 2)) { + y = 0; continue; } - if (d[0] === 3 && (!P || d[1] > P[0] && d[1] < P[3])) { - b.label = d[1]; + if (d[0] === 3 && (!A || d[1] > A[0] && d[1] < A[3])) { + y.label = d[1]; break; } - if (d[0] === 6 && b.label < P[1]) { - b.label = P[1], P = d; + if (d[0] === 6 && y.label < A[1]) { + y.label = A[1], A = d; break; } - if (P && b.label < P[2]) { - b.label = P[2], b.ops.push(d); + if (A && y.label < A[2]) { + y.label = A[2], y.ops.push(d); break; } - P[2] && b.ops.pop(), b.trys.pop(); + A[2] && y.ops.pop(), y.trys.pop(); continue; } - d = e.call(J, b); + d = e.call(J, y); } catch (u) { - d = [6, u], M = 0; + d = [6, u], R = 0; } finally { - E = P = 0; + E = A = 0; } if (d[0] & 5) throw d[1]; @@ -108,9 +446,9 @@ function __generator(J, e) { } } function __values(J) { - var e = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.iterator, b = e && J[e], E = 0; - if (b) - return b.call(J); + var e = typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.iterator, y = e && J[e], E = 0; + if (y) + return y.call(J); if (J && typeof J.length == "number") return { next: function() { @@ -120,45 +458,45 @@ function __values(J) { throw new TypeError(e ? "Object is not iterable." : "Symbol.iterator is not defined."); } function __read(J, e) { - var b = typeof Symbol == "function" && J[Symbol.iterator]; - if (!b) + var y = typeof Symbol == "function" && J[Symbol.iterator]; + if (!y) return J; - var E = b.call(J), M, P = [], y; + var E = y.call(J), R, A = [], w; try { - for (; (e === void 0 || e-- > 0) && !(M = E.next()).done; ) - P.push(M.value); + for (; (e === void 0 || e-- > 0) && !(R = E.next()).done; ) + A.push(R.value); } catch (a) { - y = { error: a }; + w = { error: a }; } finally { try { - M && !M.done && (b = E.return) && b.call(E); + R && !R.done && (y = E.return) && y.call(E); } finally { - if (y) - throw y.error; + if (w) + throw w.error; } } - return P; + return A; } -function __spreadArray(J, e, b) { - if (b || arguments.length === 2) - for (var E = 0, M = e.length, P; E < M; E++) - (P || !(E in e)) && (P || (P = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0, E)), P[E] = e[E]); - return J.concat(P || Array.prototype.slice.call(e)); +function __spreadArray(J, e, y) { + if (y || arguments.length === 2) + for (var E = 0, R = e.length, A; E < R; E++) + (A || !(E in e)) && (A || (A = Array.prototype.slice.call(e, 0, E)), A[E] = e[E]); + return J.concat(A || Array.prototype.slice.call(e)); } function __await(J) { return this instanceof __await ? (this.v = J, this) : new __await(J); } -function __asyncGenerator(J, e, b) { +function __asyncGenerator(J, e, y) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); - var E = b.apply(J, e || []), M, P = []; - return M = {}, y("next"), y("throw"), y("return"), M[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { + var E = y.apply(J, e || []), R, A = []; + return R = {}, w("next"), w("throw"), w("return"), R[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this; - }, M; - function y(r) { - E[r] && (M[r] = function(n) { + }, R; + function w(r) { + E[r] && (R[r] = function(n) { return new Promise(function(o, i) { - P.push([r, n, o, i]) > 1 || a(r, n); + A.push([r, n, o, i]) > 1 || a(r, n); }); }); } @@ -166,11 +504,11 @@ function __asyncGenerator(J, e, b) { try { t(E[r](n)); } catch (o) { - s(P[0][3], o); + s(A[0][3], o); } } function t(r) { - r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(d, u) : s(P[0][2], r); + r.value instanceof __await ? Promise.resolve(r.value.v).then(d, u) : s(A[0][2], r); } function d(r) { a("next", r); @@ -179,27 +517,27 @@ function __asyncGenerator(J, e, b) { a("throw", r); } function s(r, n) { - r(n), P.shift(), P.length && a(P[0][0], P[0][1]); + r(n), A.shift(), A.length && a(A[0][0], A[0][1]); } } function __asyncValues(J) { if (!Symbol.asyncIterator) throw new TypeError("Symbol.asyncIterator is not defined."); - var e = J[Symbol.asyncIterator], b; - return e ? e.call(J) : (J = typeof __values == "function" ? __values(J) : J[Symbol.iterator](), b = {}, E("next"), E("throw"), E("return"), b[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { + var e = J[Symbol.asyncIterator], y; + return e ? e.call(J) : (J = typeof __values == "function" ? __values(J) : J[Symbol.iterator](), y = {}, E("next"), E("throw"), E("return"), y[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { return this; - }, b); - function E(P) { - b[P] = J[P] && function(y) { + }, y); + function E(A) { + y[A] = J[A] && function(w) { return new Promise(function(a, t) { - y = J[P](y), M(a, t, y.done, y.value); + w = J[A](w), R(a, t, w.done, w.value); }); }; } - function M(P, y, a, t) { + function R(A, w, a, t) { Promise.resolve(t).then(function(d) { - P({ value: d, done: a }); - }, y); + A({ value: d, done: a }); + }, w); } } typeof SuppressedError == "function" && SuppressedError; @@ -209,22 +547,22 @@ function isFunction(J) { function createErrorClass(J) { var e = function(E) { Error.call(E), E.stack = new Error().stack; - }, b = J(e); - return b.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), b.prototype.constructor = b, b; + }, y = J(e); + return y.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), y.prototype.constructor = y, y; } var UnsubscriptionError = createErrorClass(function(J) { - return function(b) { - J(this), this.message = b ? b.length + ` errors occurred during unsubscription: -` + b.map(function(E, M) { - return M + 1 + ") " + E.toString(); + return function(y) { + J(this), this.message = y ? y.length + ` errors occurred during unsubscription: +` + y.map(function(E, R) { + return R + 1 + ") " + E.toString(); }).join(` - `) : "", this.name = "UnsubscriptionError", this.errors = b; + `) : "", this.name = "UnsubscriptionError", this.errors = y; }; }); function arrRemove(J, e) { if (J) { - var b = J.indexOf(e); - 0 <= b && J.splice(b, 1); + var y = J.indexOf(e); + 0 <= y && J.splice(y, 1); } } var Subscription = function() { @@ -232,14 +570,14 @@ var Subscription = function() { this.initialTeardown = e, this.closed = !1, this._parentage = null, this._finalizers = null; } return J.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { - var e, b, E, M, P; + var e, y, E, R, A; if (!this.closed) { this.closed = !0; - var y = this._parentage; - if (y) - if (this._parentage = null, Array.isArray(y)) + var w = this._parentage; + if (w) + if (this._parentage = null, Array.isArray(w)) try { - for (var a = __values(y), t = a.next(); !t.done; t = a.next()) { + for (var a = __values(w), t = a.next(); !t.done; t = a.next()) { var d = t.value; d.remove(this); } @@ -247,20 +585,20 @@ var Subscription = function() { e = { error: i }; } finally { try { - t && !t.done && (b = a.return) && b.call(a); + t && !t.done && (y = a.return) && y.call(a); } finally { if (e) throw e.error; } } else - y.remove(this); + w.remove(this); var u = this.initialTeardown; if (isFunction(u)) try { u(); } catch (i) { - P = i instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? i.errors : [i]; + A = i instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? i.errors : [i]; } var s = this._finalizers; if (s) { @@ -271,25 +609,25 @@ var Subscription = function() { try { execFinalizer(o); } catch (i) { - P = P ?? [], i instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? P = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(P)), __read(i.errors)) : P.push(i); + A = A ?? [], i instanceof UnsubscriptionError ? A = __spreadArray(__spreadArray([], __read(A)), __read(i.errors)) : A.push(i); } } } catch (i) { E = { error: i }; } finally { try { - n && !n.done && (M = r.return) && M.call(r); + n && !n.done && (R = r.return) && R.call(r); } finally { if (E) throw E.error; } } } - if (P) - throw new UnsubscriptionError(P); + if (A) + throw new UnsubscriptionError(A); } }, J.prototype.add = function(e) { - var b; + var y; if (e && e !== this) if (this.closed) execFinalizer(e); @@ -299,20 +637,20 @@ var Subscription = function() { return; e._addParent(this); } - (this._finalizers = (b = this._finalizers) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : []).push(e); + (this._finalizers = (y = this._finalizers) !== null && y !== void 0 ? y : []).push(e); } }, J.prototype._hasParent = function(e) { - var b = this._parentage; - return b === e || Array.isArray(b) && b.includes(e); + var y = this._parentage; + return y === e || Array.isArray(y) && y.includes(e); }, J.prototype._addParent = function(e) { - var b = this._parentage; - this._parentage = Array.isArray(b) ? (b.push(e), b) : b ? [b, e] : e; + var y = this._parentage; + this._parentage = Array.isArray(y) ? (y.push(e), y) : y ? [y, e] : e; }, J.prototype._removeParent = function(e) { - var b = this._parentage; - b === e ? this._parentage = null : Array.isArray(b) && arrRemove(b, e); + var y = this._parentage; + y === e ? this._parentage = null : Array.isArray(y) && arrRemove(y, e); }, J.prototype.remove = function(e) { - var b = this._finalizers; - b && arrRemove(b, e), e instanceof J && e._removeParent(this); + var y = this._finalizers; + y && arrRemove(y, e), e instanceof J && e._removeParent(this); }, J.EMPTY = function() { var e = new J(); return e.closed = !0, e; @@ -333,10 +671,10 @@ var config = { useDeprecatedNextContext: !1 }, timeoutProvider = { setTimeout: function(J, e) { - for (var b = [], E = 2; E < arguments.length; E++) - b[E - 2] = arguments[E]; - var M = timeoutProvider.delegate; - return M != null && M.setTimeout ? M.setTimeout.apply(M, __spreadArray([J, e], __read(b))) : setTimeout.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([J, e], __read(b))); + for (var y = [], E = 2; E < arguments.length; E++) + y[E - 2] = arguments[E]; + var R = timeoutProvider.delegate; + return R != null && R.setTimeout ? R.setTimeout.apply(R, __spreadArray([J, e], __read(y))) : setTimeout.apply(void 0, __spreadArray([J, e], __read(y))); }, clearTimeout: function(J) { var e = timeoutProvider.delegate; @@ -356,25 +694,25 @@ function errorContext(J) { } var Subscriber = function(J) { __extends(e, J); - function e(b) { + function e(y) { var E = J.call(this) || this; - return E.isStopped = !1, b ? (E.destination = b, isSubscription(b) && b.add(E)) : E.destination = EMPTY_OBSERVER, E; + return E.isStopped = !1, y ? (E.destination = y, isSubscription(y) && y.add(E)) : E.destination = EMPTY_OBSERVER, E; } - return e.create = function(b, E, M) { - return new SafeSubscriber(b, E, M); - }, e.prototype.next = function(b) { - this.isStopped || this._next(b); - }, e.prototype.error = function(b) { - this.isStopped || (this.isStopped = !0, this._error(b)); + return e.create = function(y, E, R) { + return new SafeSubscriber(y, E, R); + }, e.prototype.next = function(y) { + this.isStopped || this._next(y); + }, e.prototype.error = function(y) { + this.isStopped || (this.isStopped = !0, this._error(y)); }, e.prototype.complete = function() { this.isStopped || (this.isStopped = !0, this._complete()); }, e.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { this.closed || (this.isStopped = !0, J.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this), this.destination = null); - }, e.prototype._next = function(b) { - this.destination.next(b); - }, e.prototype._error = function(b) { + }, e.prototype._next = function(y) { + this.destination.next(y); + }, e.prototype._error = function(y) { try { - this.destination.error(b); + this.destination.error(y); } finally { this.unsubscribe(); } @@ -394,18 +732,18 @@ var ConsumerObserver = function() { this.partialObserver = e; } return J.prototype.next = function(e) { - var b = this.partialObserver; - if (b.next) + var y = this.partialObserver; + if (y.next) try { - b.next(e); + y.next(e); } catch (E) { handleUnhandledError(E); } }, J.prototype.error = function(e) { - var b = this.partialObserver; - if (b.error) + var y = this.partialObserver; + if (y.error) try { - b.error(e); + y.error(e); } catch (E) { handleUnhandledError(E); } @@ -416,31 +754,31 @@ var ConsumerObserver = function() { if (e.complete) try { e.complete(); - } catch (b) { - handleUnhandledError(b); + } catch (y) { + handleUnhandledError(y); } }, J; }(), SafeSubscriber = function(J) { __extends(e, J); - function e(b, E, M) { - var P = J.call(this) || this, y; - if (isFunction(b) || !b) - y = { - next: b ?? void 0, + function e(y, E, R) { + var A = J.call(this) || this, w; + if (isFunction(y) || !y) + w = { + next: y ?? void 0, error: E ?? void 0, - complete: M ?? void 0 + complete: R ?? void 0 }; else { var a; - P && config.useDeprecatedNextContext ? (a = Object.create(b), a.unsubscribe = function() { - return P.unsubscribe(); - }, y = { - next: b.next && bind(b.next, a), - error: b.error && bind(b.error, a), - complete: b.complete && bind(b.complete, a) - }) : y = b; + A && config.useDeprecatedNextContext ? (a = Object.create(y), a.unsubscribe = function() { + return A.unsubscribe(); + }, w = { + next: y.next && bind(y.next, a), + error: y.error && bind(y.error, a), + complete: y.complete && bind(y.complete, a) + }) : w = y; } - return P.destination = new ConsumerObserver(y), P; + return A.destination = new ConsumerObserver(w), A; } return e; }(Subscriber); @@ -462,10 +800,10 @@ function identity(J) { return J; } function pipeFromArray(J) { - return J.length === 0 ? identity : J.length === 1 ? J[0] : function(b) { - return J.reduce(function(E, M) { - return M(E); - }, b); + return J.length === 0 ? identity : J.length === 1 ? J[0] : function(y) { + return J.reduce(function(E, R) { + return R(E); + }, y); }; } var Observable = function() { @@ -473,55 +811,55 @@ var Observable = function() { e && (this._subscribe = e); } return J.prototype.lift = function(e) { - var b = new J(); - return b.source = this, b.operator = e, b; - }, J.prototype.subscribe = function(e, b, E) { - var M = this, P = isSubscriber(e) ? e : new SafeSubscriber(e, b, E); + var y = new J(); + return y.source = this, y.operator = e, y; + }, J.prototype.subscribe = function(e, y, E) { + var R = this, A = isSubscriber(e) ? e : new SafeSubscriber(e, y, E); return errorContext(function() { - var y = M, a = y.operator, t = y.source; - P.add(a ? a.call(P, t) : t ? M._subscribe(P) : M._trySubscribe(P)); - }), P; + var w = R, a = w.operator, t = w.source; + A.add(a ? a.call(A, t) : t ? R._subscribe(A) : R._trySubscribe(A)); + }), A; }, J.prototype._trySubscribe = function(e) { try { return this._subscribe(e); - } catch (b) { - e.error(b); + } catch (y) { + e.error(y); } - }, J.prototype.forEach = function(e, b) { + }, J.prototype.forEach = function(e, y) { var E = this; - return b = getPromiseCtor(b), new b(function(M, P) { - var y = new SafeSubscriber({ + return y = getPromiseCtor(y), new y(function(R, A) { + var w = new SafeSubscriber({ next: function(a) { try { e(a); } catch (t) { - P(t), y.unsubscribe(); + A(t), w.unsubscribe(); } }, - error: P, - complete: M + error: A, + complete: R }); - E.subscribe(y); + E.subscribe(w); }); }, J.prototype._subscribe = function(e) { - var b; - return (b = this.source) === null || b === void 0 ? void 0 : b.subscribe(e); + var y; + return (y = this.source) === null || y === void 0 ? void 0 : y.subscribe(e); }, J.prototype[observable] = function() { return this; }, J.prototype.pipe = function() { - for (var e = [], b = 0; b < arguments.length; b++) - e[b] = arguments[b]; + for (var e = [], y = 0; y < arguments.length; y++) + e[y] = arguments[y]; return pipeFromArray(e)(this); }, J.prototype.toPromise = function(e) { - var b = this; - return e = getPromiseCtor(e), new e(function(E, M) { - var P; - b.subscribe(function(y) { - return P = y; - }, function(y) { - return M(y); + var y = this; + return e = getPromiseCtor(e), new e(function(E, R) { + var A; + y.subscribe(function(w) { + return A = w; + }, function(w) { + return R(w); }, function() { - return E(P); + return E(A); }); }); }, J.create = function(e) { @@ -544,9 +882,9 @@ function hasLift(J) { function operate(J) { return function(e) { if (hasLift(e)) - return e.lift(function(b) { + return e.lift(function(y) { try { - return J(b, this); + return J(y, this); } catch (E) { this.error(E); } @@ -554,42 +892,42 @@ function operate(J) { throw new TypeError("Unable to lift unknown Observable type"); }; } -function createOperatorSubscriber(J, e, b, E, M) { - return new OperatorSubscriber(J, e, b, E, M); +function createOperatorSubscriber(J, e, y, E, R) { + return new OperatorSubscriber(J, e, y, E, R); } var OperatorSubscriber = function(J) { __extends(e, J); - function e(b, E, M, P, y, a) { - var t = J.call(this, b) || this; - return t.onFinalize = y, t.shouldUnsubscribe = a, t._next = E ? function(d) { + function e(y, E, R, A, w, a) { + var t = J.call(this, y) || this; + return t.onFinalize = w, t.shouldUnsubscribe = a, t._next = E ? function(d) { try { E(d); } catch (u) { - b.error(u); + y.error(u); } - } : J.prototype._next, t._error = P ? function(d) { + } : J.prototype._next, t._error = A ? function(d) { try { - P(d); + A(d); } catch (u) { - b.error(u); + y.error(u); } finally { this.unsubscribe(); } - } : J.prototype._error, t._complete = M ? function() { + } : J.prototype._error, t._complete = R ? function() { try { - M(); + R(); } catch (d) { - b.error(d); + y.error(d); } finally { this.unsubscribe(); } } : J.prototype._complete, t; } return e.prototype.unsubscribe = function() { - var b; + var y; if (!this.shouldUnsubscribe || this.shouldUnsubscribe()) { var E = this.closed; - J.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this), !E && ((b = this.onFinalize) === null || b === void 0 || b.call(this)); + J.prototype.unsubscribe.call(this), !E && ((y = this.onFinalize) === null || y === void 0 || y.call(this)); } }, e; }(Subscriber), EMPTY = new Observable(function(J) { @@ -628,29 +966,29 @@ function isIterable(J) { } function readableStreamLikeToAsyncGenerator(J) { return __asyncGenerator(this, arguments, function() { - var b, E, M, P; - return __generator(this, function(y) { - switch (y.label) { + var y, E, R, A; + return __generator(this, function(w) { + switch (w.label) { case 0: - b = J.getReader(), y.label = 1; + y = J.getReader(), w.label = 1; case 1: - y.trys.push([1, , 9, 10]), y.label = 2; + w.trys.push([1, , 9, 10]), w.label = 2; case 2: - return [4, __await(b.read())]; + return [4, __await(y.read())]; case 3: - return E = y.sent(), M = E.value, P = E.done, P ? [4, __await(void 0)] : [3, 5]; + return E = w.sent(), R = E.value, A = E.done, A ? [4, __await(void 0)] : [3, 5]; case 4: - return [2, y.sent()]; + return [2, w.sent()]; case 5: - return [4, __await(M)]; + return [4, __await(R)]; case 6: - return [4, y.sent()]; + return [4, w.sent()]; case 7: - return y.sent(), [3, 2]; + return w.sent(), [3, 2]; case 8: return [3, 10]; case 9: - return b.releaseLock(), [7]; + return y.releaseLock(), [7]; case 10: return [2]; } @@ -681,45 +1019,45 @@ function innerFrom(J) { } function fromInteropObservable(J) { return new Observable(function(e) { - var b = J[observable](); - if (isFunction(b.subscribe)) - return b.subscribe(e); + var y = J[observable](); + if (isFunction(y.subscribe)) + return y.subscribe(e); throw new TypeError("Provided object does not correctly implement Symbol.observable"); }); } function fromArrayLike(J) { return new Observable(function(e) { - for (var b = 0; b < J.length && !e.closed; b++) - e.next(J[b]); + for (var y = 0; y < J.length && !e.closed; y++) + e.next(J[y]); e.complete(); }); } function fromPromise(J) { return new Observable(function(e) { - J.then(function(b) { - e.closed || (e.next(b), e.complete()); - }, function(b) { - return e.error(b); + J.then(function(y) { + e.closed || (e.next(y), e.complete()); + }, function(y) { + return e.error(y); }).then(null, reportUnhandledError); }); } function fromIterable(J) { return new Observable(function(e) { - var b, E; + var y, E; try { - for (var M = __values(J), P = M.next(); !P.done; P = M.next()) { - var y = P.value; - if (e.next(y), e.closed) + for (var R = __values(J), A = R.next(); !A.done; A = R.next()) { + var w = A.value; + if (e.next(w), e.closed) return; } } catch (a) { - b = { error: a }; + y = { error: a }; } finally { try { - P && !P.done && (E = M.return) && E.call(M); + A && !A.done && (E = R.return) && E.call(R); } finally { - if (b) - throw b.error; + if (y) + throw y.error; } } e.complete(); @@ -727,8 +1065,8 @@ function fromIterable(J) { } function fromAsyncIterable(J) { return new Observable(function(e) { - process(J, e).catch(function(b) { - return e.error(b); + process(J, e).catch(function(y) { + return e.error(y); }); }); } @@ -736,19 +1074,19 @@ function fromReadableStreamLike(J) { return fromAsyncIterable(readableStreamLikeToAsyncGenerator(J)); } function process(J, e) { - var b, E, M, P; + var y, E, R, A; return __awaiter(this, void 0, void 0, function() { - var y, a; + var w, a; return __generator(this, function(t) { switch (t.label) { case 0: - t.trys.push([0, 5, 6, 11]), b = __asyncValues(J), t.label = 1; + t.trys.push([0, 5, 6, 11]), y = __asyncValues(J), t.label = 1; case 1: - return [4, b.next()]; + return [4, y.next()]; case 2: if (E = t.sent(), !!E.done) return [3, 4]; - if (y = E.value, e.next(y), e.closed) + if (w = E.value, e.next(w), e.closed) return [2]; t.label = 3; case 3: @@ -756,16 +1094,16 @@ function process(J, e) { case 4: return [3, 11]; case 5: - return a = t.sent(), M = { error: a }, [3, 11]; + return a = t.sent(), R = { error: a }, [3, 11]; case 6: - return t.trys.push([6, , 9, 10]), E && !E.done && (P = b.return) ? [4, P.call(b)] : [3, 8]; + return t.trys.push([6, , 9, 10]), E && !E.done && (A = y.return) ? [4, A.call(y)] : [3, 8]; case 7: t.sent(), t.label = 8; case 8: return [3, 10]; case 9: - if (M) - throw M.error; + if (R) + throw R.error; return [7]; case 10: return [7]; @@ -775,35 +1113,35 @@ function process(J, e) { }); }); } -function executeSchedule(J, e, b, E, M) { - E === void 0 && (E = 0), M === void 0 && (M = !1); - var P = e.schedule(function() { - b(), M ? J.add(this.schedule(null, E)) : this.unsubscribe(); +function executeSchedule(J, e, y, E, R) { + E === void 0 && (E = 0), R === void 0 && (R = !1); + var A = e.schedule(function() { + y(), R ? J.add(this.schedule(null, E)) : this.unsubscribe(); }, E); - if (J.add(P), !M) - return P; + if (J.add(A), !R) + return A; } function observeOn(J, e) { - return e === void 0 && (e = 0), operate(function(b, E) { - b.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(M) { + return e === void 0 && (e = 0), operate(function(y, E) { + y.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(R) { return executeSchedule(E, J, function() { - return E.next(M); + return E.next(R); }, e); }, function() { return executeSchedule(E, J, function() { return E.complete(); }, e); - }, function(M) { + }, function(R) { return executeSchedule(E, J, function() { - return E.error(M); + return E.error(R); }, e); })); }); } function subscribeOn(J, e) { - return e === void 0 && (e = 0), operate(function(b, E) { + return e === void 0 && (e = 0), operate(function(y, E) { E.add(J.schedule(function() { - return b.subscribe(E); + return y.subscribe(E); }, e)); }); } @@ -814,26 +1152,26 @@ function schedulePromise(J, e) { return innerFrom(J).pipe(subscribeOn(e), observeOn(e)); } function scheduleArray(J, e) { - return new Observable(function(b) { + return new Observable(function(y) { var E = 0; return e.schedule(function() { - E === J.length ? b.complete() : (b.next(J[E++]), b.closed || this.schedule()); + E === J.length ? y.complete() : (y.next(J[E++]), y.closed || this.schedule()); }); }); } function scheduleIterable(J, e) { - return new Observable(function(b) { + return new Observable(function(y) { var E; - return executeSchedule(b, e, function() { - E = J[iterator](), executeSchedule(b, e, function() { - var M, P, y; + return executeSchedule(y, e, function() { + E = J[iterator](), executeSchedule(y, e, function() { + var R, A, w; try { - M = E.next(), P = M.value, y = M.done; + R = E.next(), A = R.value, w = R.done; } catch (a) { - b.error(a); + y.error(a); return; } - y ? b.complete() : b.next(P); + w ? y.complete() : y.next(A); }, 0, !0); }), function() { return isFunction(E == null ? void 0 : E.return) && E.return(); @@ -843,12 +1181,12 @@ function scheduleIterable(J, e) { function scheduleAsyncIterable(J, e) { if (!J) throw new Error("Iterable cannot be null"); - return new Observable(function(b) { - executeSchedule(b, e, function() { + return new Observable(function(y) { + executeSchedule(y, e, function() { var E = J[Symbol.asyncIterator](); - executeSchedule(b, e, function() { - E.next().then(function(M) { - M.done ? b.complete() : b.next(M.value); + executeSchedule(y, e, function() { + E.next().then(function(R) { + R.done ? y.complete() : y.next(R.value); }); }, 0, !0); }); @@ -880,8 +1218,8 @@ function from(J, e) { function of() { for (var J = [], e = 0; e < arguments.length; e++) J[e] = arguments[e]; - var b = popScheduler(J); - return from(J, b); + var y = popScheduler(J); + return from(J, y); } var EmptyError = createErrorClass(function(J) { return function() { @@ -889,10 +1227,10 @@ var EmptyError = createErrorClass(function(J) { }; }); function map(J, e) { - return operate(function(b, E) { - var M = 0; - b.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(P) { - E.next(J.call(e, P, M++)); + return operate(function(y, E) { + var R = 0; + y.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(A) { + E.next(J.call(e, A, R++)); })); }); } @@ -902,48 +1240,48 @@ function defer(J) { }); } function filter(J, e) { - return operate(function(b, E) { - var M = 0; - b.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(P) { - return J.call(e, P, M++) && E.next(P); + return operate(function(y, E) { + var R = 0; + y.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(A) { + return J.call(e, A, R++) && E.next(A); })); }); } function catchError(J) { - return operate(function(e, b) { - var E = null, M = !1, P; - E = e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(b, void 0, void 0, function(y) { - P = innerFrom(J(y, catchError(J)(e))), E ? (E.unsubscribe(), E = null, P.subscribe(b)) : M = !0; - })), M && (E.unsubscribe(), E = null, P.subscribe(b)); + return operate(function(e, y) { + var E = null, R = !1, A; + E = e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(y, void 0, void 0, function(w) { + A = innerFrom(J(w, catchError(J)(e))), E ? (E.unsubscribe(), E = null, A.subscribe(y)) : R = !0; + })), R && (E.unsubscribe(), E = null, A.subscribe(y)); }); } function defaultIfEmpty(J) { - return operate(function(e, b) { + return operate(function(e, y) { var E = !1; - e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(b, function(M) { - E = !0, b.next(M); + e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(y, function(R) { + E = !0, y.next(R); }, function() { - E || b.next(J), b.complete(); + E || y.next(J), y.complete(); })); }); } function take(J) { return J <= 0 ? function() { return EMPTY; - } : operate(function(e, b) { + } : operate(function(e, y) { var E = 0; - e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(b, function(M) { - ++E <= J && (b.next(M), J <= E && b.complete()); + e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(y, function(R) { + ++E <= J && (y.next(R), J <= E && y.complete()); })); }); } function throwIfEmpty(J) { - return J === void 0 && (J = defaultErrorFactory), operate(function(e, b) { + return J === void 0 && (J = defaultErrorFactory), operate(function(e, y) { var E = !1; - e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(b, function(M) { - E = !0, b.next(M); + e.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(y, function(R) { + E = !0, y.next(R); }, function() { - return E ? b.complete() : b.error(J()); + return E ? y.complete() : y.error(J()); })); }); } @@ -951,48 +1289,48 @@ function defaultErrorFactory() { return new EmptyError(); } function first(J, e) { - var b = arguments.length >= 2; + var y = arguments.length >= 2; return function(E) { - return E.pipe(J ? filter(function(M, P) { - return J(M, P, E); - }) : identity, take(1), b ? defaultIfEmpty(e) : throwIfEmpty(function() { + return E.pipe(J ? filter(function(R, A) { + return J(R, A, E); + }) : identity, take(1), y ? defaultIfEmpty(e) : throwIfEmpty(function() { return new EmptyError(); })); }; } function switchMap(J, e) { - return operate(function(b, E) { - var M = null, P = 0, y = !1, a = function() { - return y && !M && E.complete(); + return operate(function(y, E) { + var R = null, A = 0, w = !1, a = function() { + return w && !R && E.complete(); }; - b.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(t) { - M == null || M.unsubscribe(); - var d = 0, u = P++; - innerFrom(J(t, u)).subscribe(M = createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(s) { + y.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(t) { + R == null || R.unsubscribe(); + var d = 0, u = A++; + innerFrom(J(t, u)).subscribe(R = createOperatorSubscriber(E, function(s) { return E.next(e ? e(t, s, u, d++) : s); }, function() { - M = null, a(); + R = null, a(); })); }, function() { - y = !0, a(); + w = !0, a(); })); }); } -function tap(J, e, b) { - var E = isFunction(J) || e || b ? { next: J, error: e, complete: b } : J; - return E ? operate(function(M, P) { - var y; - (y = E.subscribe) === null || y === void 0 || y.call(E); +function tap(J, e, y) { + var E = isFunction(J) || e || y ? { next: J, error: e, complete: y } : J; + return E ? operate(function(R, A) { + var w; + (w = E.subscribe) === null || w === void 0 || w.call(E); var a = !0; - M.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(P, function(t) { + R.subscribe(createOperatorSubscriber(A, function(t) { var d; - (d = E.next) === null || d === void 0 || d.call(E, t), P.next(t); + (d = E.next) === null || d === void 0 || d.call(E, t), A.next(t); }, function() { var t; - a = !1, (t = E.complete) === null || t === void 0 || t.call(E), P.complete(); + a = !1, (t = E.complete) === null || t === void 0 || t.call(E), A.complete(); }, function(t) { var d; - a = !1, (d = E.error) === null || d === void 0 || d.call(E, t), P.error(t); + a = !1, (d = E.error) === null || d === void 0 || d.call(E, t), A.error(t); }, function() { var t, d; a && ((t = E.unsubscribe) === null || t === void 0 || t.call(E)), (d = E.finalize) === null || d === void 0 || d.call(E); @@ -1006,130 +1344,130 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" module.exports = e(); })(commonjsGlobal, () => (() => { var __webpack_modules__ = { 7768: (J, e) => { - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.fromAscii = e.toAscii = void 0, e.toAscii = function(b) { - return Uint8Array.from(b.split("").map((E) => { - const M = E.charCodeAt(0); - if (M < 32 || M > 126) - throw new Error("Cannot encode character that is out of printable ASCII range: " + M); - return M; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.fromAscii = e.toAscii = void 0, e.toAscii = function(y) { + return Uint8Array.from(y.split("").map((E) => { + const R = E.charCodeAt(0); + if (R < 32 || R > 126) + throw new Error("Cannot encode character that is out of printable ASCII range: " + R); + return R; })); - }, e.fromAscii = function(b) { - return (E = Array.from(b), E.map((M) => { - if (M < 32 || M > 126) - throw new Error("Cannot decode character that is out of printable ASCII range: " + M); - return String.fromCharCode(M); + }, e.fromAscii = function(y) { + return (E = Array.from(y), E.map((R) => { + if (R < 32 || R > 126) + throw new Error("Cannot decode character that is out of printable ASCII range: " + R); + return String.fromCharCode(R); })).join(""); var E; }; - }, 3431: function(J, e, b) { + }, 3431: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.fromBase64 = e.toBase64 = void 0; - const y = P(b(9742)); + const w = A(y(9742)); e.toBase64 = function(a) { - return y.fromByteArray(a); + return w.fromByteArray(a); }, e.fromBase64 = function(a) { if (!a.match(/^[a-zA-Z0-9+/]*={0,2}$/)) throw new Error("Invalid base64 string format"); - return y.toByteArray(a); + return w.toByteArray(a); }; - }, 5438: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5438: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Bech32 = void 0; - const y = P(b(3235)); + const w = A(y(3235)); e.Bech32 = class { static encode(a, t, d) { - return y.encode(a, y.toWords(t), d); + return w.encode(a, w.toWords(t), d); } static decode(a, t = 1 / 0) { - const d = y.decode(a, t); - return { prefix: d.prefix, data: new Uint8Array(y.fromWords(d.words)) }; + const d = w.decode(a, t); + return { prefix: d.prefix, data: new Uint8Array(w.fromWords(d.words)) }; } }; }, 6135: (J, e) => { - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.fromHex = e.toHex = void 0, e.toHex = function(b) { + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.fromHex = e.toHex = void 0, e.toHex = function(y) { let E = ""; - for (const M of b) - E += ("0" + M.toString(16)).slice(-2); + for (const R of y) + E += ("0" + R.toString(16)).slice(-2); return E; - }, e.fromHex = function(b) { - if (b.length % 2 != 0) + }, e.fromHex = function(y) { + if (y.length % 2 != 0) throw new Error("hex string length must be a multiple of 2"); const E = []; - for (let M = 0; M < b.length; M += 2) { - const P = b.substr(M, 2); - if (!P.match(/[0-9a-f]{2}/i)) + for (let R = 0; R < y.length; R += 2) { + const A = y.substr(R, 2); + if (!A.match(/[0-9a-f]{2}/i)) throw new Error("hex string contains invalid characters"); - E.push(parseInt(P, 16)); + E.push(parseInt(A, 16)); } return new Uint8Array(E); }; - }, 8972: (J, e, b) => { + }, 8972: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.toUtf8 = e.fromUtf8 = e.toRfc3339 = e.fromRfc3339 = e.toHex = e.fromHex = e.Bech32 = e.toBase64 = e.fromBase64 = e.toAscii = e.fromAscii = void 0; - var E = b(7768); + var E = y(7768); Object.defineProperty(e, "fromAscii", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return E.fromAscii; } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "toAscii", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return E.toAscii; } }); - var M = b(3431); + var R = y(3431); Object.defineProperty(e, "fromBase64", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return M.fromBase64; + return R.fromBase64; } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "toBase64", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return M.toBase64; + return R.toBase64; } }); - var P = b(5438); + var A = y(5438); Object.defineProperty(e, "Bech32", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return P.Bech32; + return A.Bech32; } }); - var y = b(6135); + var w = y(6135); Object.defineProperty(e, "fromHex", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return y.fromHex; + return w.fromHex; } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "toHex", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return y.toHex; + return w.toHex; } }); - var a = b(7310); + var a = y(7310); Object.defineProperty(e, "fromRfc3339", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return a.fromRfc3339; } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "toRfc3339", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return a.toRfc3339; } }); - var t = b(6081); + var t = y(6081); Object.defineProperty(e, "fromUtf8", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t.fromUtf8; } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "toUtf8", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { @@ -1137,50 +1475,50 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" } }); }, 7310: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.toRfc3339 = e.fromRfc3339 = void 0; - const b = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[T ](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\.\d{1,9})?((?:[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})|Z)$/; - function E(M, P = 2) { - const y = "00000" + M.toString(); - return y.substring(y.length - P); - } - e.fromRfc3339 = function(M) { - const P = b.exec(M); - if (!P) + const y = /^(\d{4})-(\d{2})-(\d{2})[T ](\d{2}):(\d{2}):(\d{2})(\.\d{1,9})?((?:[+-]\d{2}:\d{2})|Z)$/; + function E(R, A = 2) { + const w = "00000" + R.toString(); + return w.substring(w.length - A); + } + e.fromRfc3339 = function(R) { + const A = y.exec(R); + if (!A) throw new Error("Date string is not in RFC3339 format"); - const y = +P[1], a = +P[2], t = +P[3], d = +P[4], u = +P[5], s = +P[6], r = P[7] ? Math.floor(1e3 * +P[7]) : 0; + const w = +A[1], a = +A[2], t = +A[3], d = +A[4], u = +A[5], s = +A[6], r = A[7] ? Math.floor(1e3 * +A[7]) : 0; let n, o, i; - P[8] === "Z" ? (n = 1, o = 0, i = 0) : (n = P[8].substring(0, 1) === "-" ? -1 : 1, o = +P[8].substring(1, 3), i = +P[8].substring(4, 6)); - const f = n * (60 * o + i) * 60, c = Date.UTC(y, a - 1, t, d, u, s, r) - 1e3 * f; + A[8] === "Z" ? (n = 1, o = 0, i = 0) : (n = A[8].substring(0, 1) === "-" ? -1 : 1, o = +A[8].substring(1, 3), i = +A[8].substring(4, 6)); + const f = n * (60 * o + i) * 60, c = Date.UTC(w, a - 1, t, d, u, s, r) - 1e3 * f; return new Date(c); - }, e.toRfc3339 = function(M) { - return `${M.getUTCFullYear()}-${E(M.getUTCMonth() + 1)}-${E(M.getUTCDate())}T${E(M.getUTCHours())}:${E(M.getUTCMinutes())}:${E(M.getUTCSeconds())}.${E(M.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3)}Z`; + }, e.toRfc3339 = function(R) { + return `${R.getUTCFullYear()}-${E(R.getUTCMonth() + 1)}-${E(R.getUTCDate())}T${E(R.getUTCHours())}:${E(R.getUTCMinutes())}:${E(R.getUTCSeconds())}.${E(R.getUTCMilliseconds(), 3)}Z`; }; }, 6081: (J, e) => { - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.fromUtf8 = e.toUtf8 = void 0, e.toUtf8 = function(b) { - return new TextEncoder().encode(b); - }, e.fromUtf8 = function(b) { - return new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(b); + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.fromUtf8 = e.toUtf8 = void 0, e.toUtf8 = function(y) { + return new TextEncoder().encode(y); + }, e.fromUtf8 = function(y) { + return new TextDecoder("utf-8", { fatal: !0 }).decode(y); }; }, 3235: (J) => { - for (var e = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l", b = {}, E = 0; E < 32; E++) { - var M = e.charAt(E); - if (b[M] !== void 0) - throw new TypeError(M + " is ambiguous"); - b[M] = E; + for (var e = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l", y = {}, E = 0; E < 32; E++) { + var R = e.charAt(E); + if (y[R] !== void 0) + throw new TypeError(R + " is ambiguous"); + y[R] = E; } - function P(d) { + function A(d) { var u = d >> 25; return (33554431 & d) << 5 ^ 996825010 & -(u >> 0 & 1) ^ 642813549 & -(u >> 1 & 1) ^ 513874426 & -(u >> 2 & 1) ^ 1027748829 & -(u >> 3 & 1) ^ 705979059 & -(u >> 4 & 1); } - function y(d) { + function w(d) { for (var u = 1, s = 0; s < d.length; ++s) { var r = d.charCodeAt(s); if (r < 33 || r > 126) return "Invalid prefix (" + d + ")"; - u = P(u) ^ r >> 5; + u = A(u) ^ r >> 5; } - for (u = P(u), s = 0; s < d.length; ++s) { + for (u = A(u), s = 0; s < d.length; ++s) { var n = d.charCodeAt(s); - u = P(u) ^ 31 & n; + u = A(u) ^ 31 & n; } return u; } @@ -1200,14 +1538,14 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" var o = d.slice(0, n), i = d.slice(n + 1); if (i.length < 6) return "Data too short"; - var f = y(o); + var f = w(o); if (typeof f == "string") return f; for (var c = [], h = 0; h < i.length; ++h) { - var m = i.charAt(h), v = b[m]; + var m = i.charAt(h), v = y[m]; if (v === void 0) return "Unknown character " + m; - f = P(f) ^ v, h + 6 >= i.length || c.push(v); + f = A(f) ^ v, h + 6 >= i.length || c.push(v); } return f !== 1 ? "Invalid checksum for " + d : { prefix: o, words: c }; } @@ -1237,17 +1575,17 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" }, encode: function(d, u, s) { if (s = s || 90, d.length + 7 + u.length > s) throw new TypeError("Exceeds length limit"); - var r = y(d = d.toLowerCase()); + var r = w(d = d.toLowerCase()); if (typeof r == "string") throw new Error(r); for (var n = d + "1", o = 0; o < u.length; ++o) { var i = u[o]; if (i >> 5) throw new Error("Non 5-bit word"); - r = P(r) ^ i, n += e.charAt(i); + r = A(r) ^ i, n += e.charAt(i); } for (o = 0; o < 6; ++o) - r = P(r); + r = A(r); for (r ^= 1, o = 0; o < 6; ++o) n += e.charAt(r >> 5 * (5 - o) & 31); return n; @@ -1270,36 +1608,36 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" return u; throw new Error(u); } }; - }, 7505: (J, e, b) => { + }, 7505: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SHA2 = void 0; - const E = b(8089); - class M extends E.Hash { - constructor(y, a, t, d) { - super(), this.blockLen = y, this.outputLen = a, this.padOffset = t, this.isLE = d, this.finished = !1, this.length = 0, this.pos = 0, this.destroyed = !1, this.buffer = new Uint8Array(y), this.view = (0, E.createView)(this.buffer); + const E = y(8089); + class R extends E.Hash { + constructor(w, a, t, d) { + super(), this.blockLen = w, this.outputLen = a, this.padOffset = t, this.isLE = d, this.finished = !1, this.length = 0, this.pos = 0, this.destroyed = !1, this.buffer = new Uint8Array(w), this.view = (0, E.createView)(this.buffer); } - update(y) { + update(w) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("instance is destroyed"); const { view: a, buffer: t, blockLen: d, finished: u } = this; if (u) throw new Error("digest() was already called"); - const s = (y = (0, E.toBytes)(y)).length; + const s = (w = (0, E.toBytes)(w)).length; for (let r = 0; r < s; ) { const n = Math.min(d - this.pos, s - r); if (n !== d) - t.set(y.subarray(r, r + n), this.pos), this.pos += n, r += n, this.pos === d && (this.process(a, 0), this.pos = 0); + t.set(w.subarray(r, r + n), this.pos), this.pos += n, r += n, this.pos === d && (this.process(a, 0), this.pos = 0); else { - const o = (0, E.createView)(y); + const o = (0, E.createView)(w); for (; d <= s - r; r += d) this.process(o, r); } } - return this.length += y.length, this.roundClean(), this; + return this.length += w.length, this.roundClean(), this; } - digestInto(y) { + digestInto(w) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("instance is destroyed"); - if (!(y instanceof Uint8Array) || y.length < this.outputLen) + if (!(w instanceof Uint8Array) || w.length < this.outputLen) throw new Error("_Sha2: Invalid output buffer"); if (this.finished) throw new Error("digest() was already called"); @@ -1312,121 +1650,121 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" (function(n, o, i, f) { if (typeof n.setBigUint64 == "function") return n.setBigUint64(o, i, f); - const c = BigInt(32), h = BigInt(4294967295), m = Number(i >> c & h), v = Number(i & h), C = f ? 4 : 0, l = f ? 0 : 4; - n.setUint32(o + C, m, f), n.setUint32(o + l, v, f); + const c = BigInt(32), h = BigInt(4294967295), m = Number(i >> c & h), v = Number(i & h), I = f ? 4 : 0, l = f ? 0 : 4; + n.setUint32(o + I, m, f), n.setUint32(o + l, v, f); })(t, d - 8, BigInt(8 * this.length), u), this.process(t, 0); - const r = (0, E.createView)(y); + const r = (0, E.createView)(w); this.get().forEach((n, o) => r.setUint32(4 * o, n, u)); } digest() { - const { buffer: y, outputLen: a } = this; - this.digestInto(y); - const t = y.slice(0, a); + const { buffer: w, outputLen: a } = this; + this.digestInto(w); + const t = w.slice(0, a); return this.destroy(), t; } - _cloneInto(y) { - y || (y = new this.constructor()), y.set(...this.get()); + _cloneInto(w) { + w || (w = new this.constructor()), w.set(...this.get()); const { blockLen: a, buffer: t, length: d, finished: u, destroyed: s, pos: r } = this; - return y.length = d, y.pos = r, y.finished = u, y.destroyed = s, d % a && y.buffer.set(t), y; + return w.length = d, w.pos = r, w.finished = u, w.destroyed = s, d % a && w.buffer.set(t), w; } } - e.SHA2 = M; + e.SHA2 = R; }, 6873: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.add5H = e.add5L = e.add4H = e.add4L = e.add3H = e.add3L = e.add = e.rotlBL = e.rotlBH = e.rotlSL = e.rotlSH = e.rotr32L = e.rotr32H = e.rotrBL = e.rotrBH = e.rotrSL = e.rotrSH = e.shrSL = e.shrSH = e.toBig = e.split = e.fromBig = void 0; - const b = BigInt(2 ** 32 - 1), E = BigInt(32); - function M(P, y = !1) { - return y ? { h: Number(P & b), l: Number(P >> E & b) } : { h: 0 | Number(P >> E & b), l: 0 | Number(P & b) }; - } - e.fromBig = M, e.split = function(P, y = !1) { - let a = new Uint32Array(P.length), t = new Uint32Array(P.length); - for (let d = 0; d < P.length; d++) { - const { h: u, l: s } = M(P[d], y); + const y = BigInt(2 ** 32 - 1), E = BigInt(32); + function R(A, w = !1) { + return w ? { h: Number(A & y), l: Number(A >> E & y) } : { h: 0 | Number(A >> E & y), l: 0 | Number(A & y) }; + } + e.fromBig = R, e.split = function(A, w = !1) { + let a = new Uint32Array(A.length), t = new Uint32Array(A.length); + for (let d = 0; d < A.length; d++) { + const { h: u, l: s } = R(A[d], w); [a[d], t[d]] = [u, s]; } return [a, t]; - }, e.toBig = (P, y) => BigInt(P >>> 0) << E | BigInt(y >>> 0), e.shrSH = (P, y, a) => P >>> a, e.shrSL = (P, y, a) => P << 32 - a | y >>> a, e.rotrSH = (P, y, a) => P >>> a | y << 32 - a, e.rotrSL = (P, y, a) => P << 32 - a | y >>> a, e.rotrBH = (P, y, a) => P << 64 - a | y >>> a - 32, e.rotrBL = (P, y, a) => P >>> a - 32 | y << 64 - a, e.rotr32H = (P, y) => y, e.rotr32L = (P, y) => P, e.rotlSH = (P, y, a) => P << a | y >>> 32 - a, e.rotlSL = (P, y, a) => y << a | P >>> 32 - a, e.rotlBH = (P, y, a) => y << a - 32 | P >>> 64 - a, e.rotlBL = (P, y, a) => P << a - 32 | y >>> 64 - a, e.add = function(P, y, a, t) { - const d = (y >>> 0) + (t >>> 0); - return { h: P + a + (d / 4294967296 | 0) | 0, l: 0 | d }; - }, e.add3L = (P, y, a) => (P >>> 0) + (y >>> 0) + (a >>> 0), e.add3H = (P, y, a, t) => y + a + t + (P / 4294967296 | 0) | 0, e.add4L = (P, y, a, t) => (P >>> 0) + (y >>> 0) + (a >>> 0) + (t >>> 0), e.add4H = (P, y, a, t, d) => y + a + t + d + (P / 4294967296 | 0) | 0, e.add5L = (P, y, a, t, d) => (P >>> 0) + (y >>> 0) + (a >>> 0) + (t >>> 0) + (d >>> 0), e.add5H = (P, y, a, t, d, u) => y + a + t + d + u + (P / 4294967296 | 0) | 0; + }, e.toBig = (A, w) => BigInt(A >>> 0) << E | BigInt(w >>> 0), e.shrSH = (A, w, a) => A >>> a, e.shrSL = (A, w, a) => A << 32 - a | w >>> a, e.rotrSH = (A, w, a) => A >>> a | w << 32 - a, e.rotrSL = (A, w, a) => A << 32 - a | w >>> a, e.rotrBH = (A, w, a) => A << 64 - a | w >>> a - 32, e.rotrBL = (A, w, a) => A >>> a - 32 | w << 64 - a, e.rotr32H = (A, w) => w, e.rotr32L = (A, w) => A, e.rotlSH = (A, w, a) => A << a | w >>> 32 - a, e.rotlSL = (A, w, a) => w << a | A >>> 32 - a, e.rotlBH = (A, w, a) => w << a - 32 | A >>> 64 - a, e.rotlBL = (A, w, a) => A << a - 32 | w >>> 64 - a, e.add = function(A, w, a, t) { + const d = (w >>> 0) + (t >>> 0); + return { h: A + a + (d / 4294967296 | 0) | 0, l: 0 | d }; + }, e.add3L = (A, w, a) => (A >>> 0) + (w >>> 0) + (a >>> 0), e.add3H = (A, w, a, t) => w + a + t + (A / 4294967296 | 0) | 0, e.add4L = (A, w, a, t) => (A >>> 0) + (w >>> 0) + (a >>> 0) + (t >>> 0), e.add4H = (A, w, a, t, d) => w + a + t + d + (A / 4294967296 | 0) | 0, e.add5L = (A, w, a, t, d) => (A >>> 0) + (w >>> 0) + (a >>> 0) + (t >>> 0) + (d >>> 0), e.add5H = (A, w, a, t, d, u) => w + a + t + d + u + (A / 4294967296 | 0) | 0; }, 4421: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.crypto = void 0, e.crypto = { node: void 0, web: typeof self == "object" && "crypto" in self ? self.crypto : void 0 }; - }, 4330: (J, e, b) => { + }, 4330: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.hkdf = e.expand = e.extract = void 0; - const E = b(8089), M = b(9569); - function P(d, u, s) { - return (0, E.assertHash)(d), s === void 0 && (s = new Uint8Array(d.outputLen)), (0, M.hmac)(d, (0, E.toBytes)(s), (0, E.toBytes)(u)); + const E = y(8089), R = y(9569); + function A(d, u, s) { + return (0, E.assertHash)(d), s === void 0 && (s = new Uint8Array(d.outputLen)), (0, R.hmac)(d, (0, E.toBytes)(s), (0, E.toBytes)(u)); } - e.extract = P; - const y = new Uint8Array([0]), a = new Uint8Array(); + e.extract = A; + const w = new Uint8Array([0]), a = new Uint8Array(); function t(d, u, s, r = 32) { if ((0, E.assertHash)(d), (0, E.assertNumber)(r), r > 255 * d.outputLen) throw new Error("Length should be <= 255*HashLen"); const n = Math.ceil(r / d.outputLen); s === void 0 && (s = a); - const o = new Uint8Array(n * d.outputLen), i = M.hmac.create(d, u), f = i._cloneInto(), c = new Uint8Array(i.outputLen); + const o = new Uint8Array(n * d.outputLen), i = R.hmac.create(d, u), f = i._cloneInto(), c = new Uint8Array(i.outputLen); for (let h = 0; h < n; h++) - y[0] = h + 1, f.update(h === 0 ? a : c).update(s).update(y).digestInto(c), o.set(c, d.outputLen * h), i._cloneInto(f); - return i.destroy(), f.destroy(), c.fill(0), y.fill(0), o.slice(0, r); + w[0] = h + 1, f.update(h === 0 ? a : c).update(s).update(w).digestInto(c), o.set(c, d.outputLen * h), i._cloneInto(f); + return i.destroy(), f.destroy(), c.fill(0), w.fill(0), o.slice(0, r); } - e.expand = t, e.hkdf = (d, u, s, r, n) => t(d, P(d, u, s), r, n); - }, 9569: (J, e, b) => { + e.expand = t, e.hkdf = (d, u, s, r, n) => t(d, A(d, u, s), r, n); + }, 9569: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.hmac = void 0; - const E = b(8089); - class M extends E.Hash { - constructor(y, a) { - super(), this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1, (0, E.assertHash)(y); + const E = y(8089); + class R extends E.Hash { + constructor(w, a) { + super(), this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1, (0, E.assertHash)(w); const t = (0, E.toBytes)(a); - if (this.iHash = y.create(), !(this.iHash instanceof E.Hash)) + if (this.iHash = w.create(), !(this.iHash instanceof E.Hash)) throw new TypeError("Expected instance of class which extends utils.Hash"); const d = this.blockLen = this.iHash.blockLen; this.outputLen = this.iHash.outputLen; const u = new Uint8Array(d); - u.set(t.length > this.iHash.blockLen ? y.create().update(t).digest() : t); + u.set(t.length > this.iHash.blockLen ? w.create().update(t).digest() : t); for (let s = 0; s < u.length; s++) u[s] ^= 54; - this.iHash.update(u), this.oHash = y.create(); + this.iHash.update(u), this.oHash = w.create(); for (let s = 0; s < u.length; s++) u[s] ^= 106; this.oHash.update(u), u.fill(0); } - update(y) { + update(w) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("instance is destroyed"); - return this.iHash.update(y), this; + return this.iHash.update(w), this; } - digestInto(y) { + digestInto(w) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("instance is destroyed"); - if (!(y instanceof Uint8Array) || y.length !== this.outputLen) + if (!(w instanceof Uint8Array) || w.length !== this.outputLen) throw new Error("HMAC: Invalid output buffer"); if (this.finished) throw new Error("digest() was already called"); - this.finished = !0, this.iHash.digestInto(y), this.oHash.update(y), this.oHash.digestInto(y), this.destroy(); + this.finished = !0, this.iHash.digestInto(w), this.oHash.update(w), this.oHash.digestInto(w), this.destroy(); } digest() { - const y = new Uint8Array(this.oHash.outputLen); - return this.digestInto(y), y; + const w = new Uint8Array(this.oHash.outputLen); + return this.digestInto(w), w; } - _cloneInto(y) { - y || (y = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), {})); + _cloneInto(w) { + w || (w = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this), {})); const { oHash: a, iHash: t, finished: d, destroyed: u, blockLen: s, outputLen: r } = this; - return y.finished = d, y.destroyed = u, y.blockLen = s, y.outputLen = r, y.oHash = a._cloneInto(y.oHash), y.iHash = t._cloneInto(y.iHash), y; + return w.finished = d, w.destroyed = u, w.blockLen = s, w.outputLen = r, w.oHash = a._cloneInto(w.oHash), w.iHash = t._cloneInto(w.iHash), w; } destroy() { this.destroyed = !0, this.oHash.destroy(), this.iHash.destroy(); } } - e.hmac = (P, y, a) => new M(P, y).update(a).digest(), e.hmac.create = (P, y) => new M(P, y); - }, 830: (J, e, b) => { + e.hmac = (A, w, a) => new R(A, w).update(a).digest(), e.hmac.create = (A, w) => new R(A, w); + }, 830: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.ripemd160 = e.RIPEMD160 = void 0; - const E = b(7505), M = b(8089), P = new Uint8Array([7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8]), y = Uint8Array.from({ length: 16 }, (m, v) => v), a = y.map((m) => (9 * m + 5) % 16); - let t = [y], d = [a]; + const E = y(7505), R = y(8089), A = new Uint8Array([7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8]), w = Uint8Array.from({ length: 16 }, (m, v) => v), a = w.map((m) => (9 * m + 5) % 16); + let t = [w], d = [a]; for (let m = 0; m < 4; m++) for (let v of [t, d]) - v.push(v[m].map((C) => P[C])); - const u = [[11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8], [12, 13, 11, 15, 6, 9, 9, 7, 12, 15, 11, 13, 7, 8, 7, 7], [13, 15, 14, 11, 7, 7, 6, 8, 13, 14, 13, 12, 5, 5, 6, 9], [14, 11, 12, 14, 8, 6, 5, 5, 15, 12, 15, 14, 9, 9, 8, 6], [15, 12, 13, 13, 9, 5, 8, 6, 14, 11, 12, 11, 8, 6, 5, 5]].map((m) => new Uint8Array(m)), s = t.map((m, v) => m.map((C) => u[v][C])), r = d.map((m, v) => m.map((C) => u[v][C])), n = new Uint32Array([0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838]), o = new Uint32Array([1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0]), i = (m, v) => m << v | m >>> 32 - v; - function f(m, v, C, l) { - return m === 0 ? v ^ C ^ l : m === 1 ? v & C | ~v & l : m === 2 ? (v | ~C) ^ l : m === 3 ? v & l | C & ~l : v ^ (C | ~l); + v.push(v[m].map((I) => A[I])); + const u = [[11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8], [12, 13, 11, 15, 6, 9, 9, 7, 12, 15, 11, 13, 7, 8, 7, 7], [13, 15, 14, 11, 7, 7, 6, 8, 13, 14, 13, 12, 5, 5, 6, 9], [14, 11, 12, 14, 8, 6, 5, 5, 15, 12, 15, 14, 9, 9, 8, 6], [15, 12, 13, 13, 9, 5, 8, 6, 14, 11, 12, 11, 8, 6, 5, 5]].map((m) => new Uint8Array(m)), s = t.map((m, v) => m.map((I) => u[v][I])), r = d.map((m, v) => m.map((I) => u[v][I])), n = new Uint32Array([0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838]), o = new Uint32Array([1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0]), i = (m, v) => m << v | m >>> 32 - v; + function f(m, v, I, l) { + return m === 0 ? v ^ I ^ l : m === 1 ? v & I | ~v & l : m === 2 ? (v | ~I) ^ l : m === 3 ? v & l | I & ~l : v ^ (I | ~l); } const c = new Uint32Array(16); class h extends E.SHA2 { @@ -1434,28 +1772,28 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" super(64, 20, 8, !0), this.h0 = 1732584193, this.h1 = -271733879, this.h2 = -1732584194, this.h3 = 271733878, this.h4 = -1009589776; } get() { - const { h0: v, h1: C, h2: l, h3: I, h4: R } = this; - return [v, C, l, I, R]; - } - set(v, C, l, I, R) { - this.h0 = 0 | v, this.h1 = 0 | C, this.h2 = 0 | l, this.h3 = 0 | I, this.h4 = 0 | R; - } - process(v, C) { - for (let U = 0; U < 16; U++, C += 4) - c[U] = v.getUint32(C, !0); - let l = 0 | this.h0, I = l, R = 0 | this.h1, k = R, N = 0 | this.h2, A = N, w = 0 | this.h3, _ = w, p = 0 | this.h4, O = p; - for (let U = 0; U < 5; U++) { - const T = 4 - U, z = n[U], te = o[U], X = t[U], ne = d[U], B = s[U], Q = r[U]; - for (let V = 0; V < 16; V++) { - const ee = i(l + f(U, R, N, w) + c[X[V]] + z, B[V]) + p | 0; - l = p, p = w, w = 0 | i(N, 10), N = R, R = ee; + const { h0: v, h1: I, h2: l, h3: j, h4: N } = this; + return [v, I, l, j, N]; + } + set(v, I, l, j, N) { + this.h0 = 0 | v, this.h1 = 0 | I, this.h2 = 0 | l, this.h3 = 0 | j, this.h4 = 0 | N; + } + process(v, I) { + for (let B = 0; B < 16; B++, I += 4) + c[B] = v.getUint32(I, !0); + let l = 0 | this.h0, j = l, N = 0 | this.h1, S = N, T = 0 | this.h2, x = T, k = 0 | this.h3, b = k, p = 0 | this.h4, P = p; + for (let B = 0; B < 5; B++) { + const C = 4 - B, L = n[B], re = o[B], ee = t[B], oe = d[B], D = s[B], Z = r[B]; + for (let H = 0; H < 16; H++) { + const te = i(l + f(B, N, T, k) + c[ee[H]] + L, D[H]) + p | 0; + l = p, p = k, k = 0 | i(T, 10), T = N, N = te; } - for (let V = 0; V < 16; V++) { - const ee = i(I + f(T, k, A, _) + c[ne[V]] + te, Q[V]) + O | 0; - I = O, O = _, _ = 0 | i(A, 10), A = k, k = ee; + for (let H = 0; H < 16; H++) { + const te = i(j + f(C, S, x, b) + c[oe[H]] + re, Z[H]) + P | 0; + j = P, P = b, b = 0 | i(x, 10), x = S, S = te; } } - this.set(this.h1 + N + _ | 0, this.h2 + w + O | 0, this.h3 + p + I | 0, this.h4 + l + k | 0, this.h0 + R + A | 0); + this.set(this.h1 + T + b | 0, this.h2 + k + P | 0, this.h3 + p + j | 0, this.h4 + l + S | 0, this.h0 + N + x | 0); } roundClean() { c.fill(0); @@ -1464,10 +1802,10 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" this.destroyed = !0, this.buffer.fill(0), this.set(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); } } - e.RIPEMD160 = h, e.ripemd160 = (0, M.wrapConstructor)(() => new h()); - }, 3061: (J, e, b) => { + e.RIPEMD160 = h, e.ripemd160 = (0, R.wrapConstructor)(() => new h()); + }, 3061: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.sha256 = void 0; - const E = b(7505), M = b(8089), P = (u, s, r) => u & s ^ u & r ^ s & r, y = new Uint32Array([1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298]), a = new Uint32Array([1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225]), t = new Uint32Array(64); + const E = y(7505), R = y(8089), A = (u, s, r) => u & s ^ u & r ^ s & r, w = new Uint32Array([1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298]), a = new Uint32Array([1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225]), t = new Uint32Array(64); class d extends E.SHA2 { constructor() { super(64, 32, 8, !1), this.A = 0 | a[0], this.B = 0 | a[1], this.C = 0 | a[2], this.D = 0 | a[3], this.E = 0 | a[4], this.F = 0 | a[5], this.G = 0 | a[6], this.H = 0 | a[7]; @@ -1483,15 +1821,15 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" for (let l = 0; l < 16; l++, r += 4) t[l] = s.getUint32(r, !1); for (let l = 16; l < 64; l++) { - const I = t[l - 15], R = t[l - 2], k = (0, M.rotr)(I, 7) ^ (0, M.rotr)(I, 18) ^ I >>> 3, N = (0, M.rotr)(R, 17) ^ (0, M.rotr)(R, 19) ^ R >>> 10; - t[l] = N + t[l - 7] + k + t[l - 16] | 0; + const j = t[l - 15], N = t[l - 2], S = (0, R.rotr)(j, 7) ^ (0, R.rotr)(j, 18) ^ j >>> 3, T = (0, R.rotr)(N, 17) ^ (0, R.rotr)(N, 19) ^ N >>> 10; + t[l] = T + t[l - 7] + S + t[l - 16] | 0; } let { A: n, B: o, C: i, D: f, E: c, F: h, G: m, H: v } = this; for (let l = 0; l < 64; l++) { - const I = v + ((0, M.rotr)(c, 6) ^ (0, M.rotr)(c, 11) ^ (0, M.rotr)(c, 25)) + ((C = c) & h ^ ~C & m) + y[l] + t[l] | 0, R = ((0, M.rotr)(n, 2) ^ (0, M.rotr)(n, 13) ^ (0, M.rotr)(n, 22)) + P(n, o, i) | 0; - v = m, m = h, h = c, c = f + I | 0, f = i, i = o, o = n, n = I + R | 0; + const j = v + ((0, R.rotr)(c, 6) ^ (0, R.rotr)(c, 11) ^ (0, R.rotr)(c, 25)) + ((I = c) & h ^ ~I & m) + w[l] + t[l] | 0, N = ((0, R.rotr)(n, 2) ^ (0, R.rotr)(n, 13) ^ (0, R.rotr)(n, 22)) + A(n, o, i) | 0; + v = m, m = h, h = c, c = f + j | 0, f = i, i = o, o = n, n = j + N | 0; } - var C; + var I; n = n + this.A | 0, o = o + this.B | 0, i = i + this.C | 0, f = f + this.D | 0, c = c + this.E | 0, h = h + this.F | 0, m = m + this.G | 0, v = v + this.H | 0, this.set(n, o, i, f, c, h, m, v); } roundClean() { @@ -1501,83 +1839,83 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" this.set(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0), this.buffer.fill(0); } } - e.sha256 = (0, M.wrapConstructor)(() => new d()); - }, 5426: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(k, N, A, w) { - w === void 0 && (w = A), Object.defineProperty(k, w, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return N[A]; + e.sha256 = (0, R.wrapConstructor)(() => new d()); + }, 5426: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(S, T, x, k) { + k === void 0 && (k = x), Object.defineProperty(S, k, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return T[x]; } }); - } : function(k, N, A, w) { - w === void 0 && (w = A), k[w] = N[A]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(k, N) { - Object.defineProperty(k, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: N }); - } : function(k, N) { - k.default = N; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(k) { - if (k && k.__esModule) - return k; - var N = {}; - if (k != null) - for (var A in k) - A !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(k, A) && E(N, k, A); - return M(N, k), N; + } : function(S, T, x, k) { + k === void 0 && (k = x), S[k] = T[x]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(S, T) { + Object.defineProperty(S, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: T }); + } : function(S, T) { + S.default = T; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(S) { + if (S && S.__esModule) + return S; + var T = {}; + if (S != null) + for (var x in S) + x !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S, x) && E(T, S, x); + return R(T, S), T; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.shake256 = e.shake128 = e.keccak_512 = e.keccak_384 = e.keccak_256 = e.keccak_224 = e.sha3_512 = e.sha3_384 = e.sha3_256 = e.sha3_224 = e.Keccak = e.keccakP = void 0; - const y = P(b(6873)), a = b(8089), [t, d, u] = [[], [], []], s = BigInt(0), r = BigInt(1), n = BigInt(2), o = BigInt(7), i = BigInt(256), f = BigInt(113); - for (let k = 0, N = r, A = 1, w = 0; k < 24; k++) { - [A, w] = [w, (2 * A + 3 * w) % 5], t.push(2 * (5 * w + A)), d.push((k + 1) * (k + 2) / 2 % 64); - let _ = s; + const w = A(y(6873)), a = y(8089), [t, d, u] = [[], [], []], s = BigInt(0), r = BigInt(1), n = BigInt(2), o = BigInt(7), i = BigInt(256), f = BigInt(113); + for (let S = 0, T = r, x = 1, k = 0; S < 24; S++) { + [x, k] = [k, (2 * x + 3 * k) % 5], t.push(2 * (5 * k + x)), d.push((S + 1) * (S + 2) / 2 % 64); + let b = s; for (let p = 0; p < 7; p++) - N = (N << r ^ (N >> o) * f) % i, N & n && (_ ^= r << (r << BigInt(p)) - r); - u.push(_); - } - const [c, h] = y.split(u, !0), m = (k, N, A) => A > 32 ? y.rotlBH(k, N, A) : y.rotlSH(k, N, A), v = (k, N, A) => A > 32 ? y.rotlBL(k, N, A) : y.rotlSL(k, N, A); - function C(k, N = 24) { - const A = new Uint32Array(10); - for (let w = 24 - N; w < 24; w++) { - for (let O = 0; O < 10; O++) - A[O] = k[O] ^ k[O + 10] ^ k[O + 20] ^ k[O + 30] ^ k[O + 40]; - for (let O = 0; O < 10; O += 2) { - const U = (O + 8) % 10, T = (O + 2) % 10, z = A[T], te = A[T + 1], X = m(z, te, 1) ^ A[U], ne = v(z, te, 1) ^ A[U + 1]; - for (let B = 0; B < 50; B += 10) - k[O + B] ^= X, k[O + B + 1] ^= ne; - } - let _ = k[2], p = k[3]; - for (let O = 0; O < 24; O++) { - const U = d[O], T = m(_, p, U), z = v(_, p, U), te = t[O]; - _ = k[te], p = k[te + 1], k[te] = T, k[te + 1] = z; - } - for (let O = 0; O < 50; O += 10) { - for (let U = 0; U < 10; U++) - A[U] = k[O + U]; - for (let U = 0; U < 10; U++) - k[O + U] ^= ~A[(U + 2) % 10] & A[(U + 4) % 10]; - } - k[0] ^= c[w], k[1] ^= h[w]; - } - A.fill(0); - } - e.keccakP = C; + T = (T << r ^ (T >> o) * f) % i, T & n && (b ^= r << (r << BigInt(p)) - r); + u.push(b); + } + const [c, h] = w.split(u, !0), m = (S, T, x) => x > 32 ? w.rotlBH(S, T, x) : w.rotlSH(S, T, x), v = (S, T, x) => x > 32 ? w.rotlBL(S, T, x) : w.rotlSL(S, T, x); + function I(S, T = 24) { + const x = new Uint32Array(10); + for (let k = 24 - T; k < 24; k++) { + for (let P = 0; P < 10; P++) + x[P] = S[P] ^ S[P + 10] ^ S[P + 20] ^ S[P + 30] ^ S[P + 40]; + for (let P = 0; P < 10; P += 2) { + const B = (P + 8) % 10, C = (P + 2) % 10, L = x[C], re = x[C + 1], ee = m(L, re, 1) ^ x[B], oe = v(L, re, 1) ^ x[B + 1]; + for (let D = 0; D < 50; D += 10) + S[P + D] ^= ee, S[P + D + 1] ^= oe; + } + let b = S[2], p = S[3]; + for (let P = 0; P < 24; P++) { + const B = d[P], C = m(b, p, B), L = v(b, p, B), re = t[P]; + b = S[re], p = S[re + 1], S[re] = C, S[re + 1] = L; + } + for (let P = 0; P < 50; P += 10) { + for (let B = 0; B < 10; B++) + x[B] = S[P + B]; + for (let B = 0; B < 10; B++) + S[P + B] ^= ~x[(B + 2) % 10] & x[(B + 4) % 10]; + } + S[0] ^= c[k], S[1] ^= h[k]; + } + x.fill(0); + } + e.keccakP = I; class l extends a.Hash { - constructor(N, A, w, _ = !1, p = 24) { - if (super(), this.blockLen = N, this.suffix = A, this.outputLen = w, this.enableXOF = _, this.rounds = p, this.pos = 0, this.posOut = 0, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1, (0, a.assertNumber)(w), 0 >= this.blockLen || this.blockLen >= 200) + constructor(T, x, k, b = !1, p = 24) { + if (super(), this.blockLen = T, this.suffix = x, this.outputLen = k, this.enableXOF = b, this.rounds = p, this.pos = 0, this.posOut = 0, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1, (0, a.assertNumber)(k), 0 >= this.blockLen || this.blockLen >= 200) throw new Error("Sha3 supports only keccak-f1600 function"); this.state = new Uint8Array(200), this.state32 = (0, a.u32)(this.state); } keccak() { - C(this.state32, this.rounds), this.posOut = 0, this.pos = 0; + I(this.state32, this.rounds), this.posOut = 0, this.pos = 0; } - update(N) { + update(T) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("instance is destroyed"); if (this.finished) throw new Error("digest() was already called"); - const { blockLen: A, state: w } = this, _ = (N = (0, a.toBytes)(N)).length; - for (let p = 0; p < _; ) { - const O = Math.min(A - this.pos, _ - p); - for (let U = 0; U < O; U++) - w[this.pos++] ^= N[p++]; - this.pos === A && this.keccak(); + const { blockLen: x, state: k } = this, b = (T = (0, a.toBytes)(T)).length; + for (let p = 0; p < b; ) { + const P = Math.min(x - this.pos, b - p); + for (let B = 0; B < P; B++) + k[this.pos++] ^= T[p++]; + this.pos === x && this.keccak(); } return this; } @@ -1585,36 +1923,36 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" if (this.finished) return; this.finished = !0; - const { state: N, suffix: A, pos: w, blockLen: _ } = this; - N[w] ^= A, 128 & A && w === _ - 1 && this.keccak(), N[_ - 1] ^= 128, this.keccak(); + const { state: T, suffix: x, pos: k, blockLen: b } = this; + T[k] ^= x, 128 & x && k === b - 1 && this.keccak(), T[b - 1] ^= 128, this.keccak(); } - writeInto(N) { + writeInto(T) { if (this.destroyed) throw new Error("instance is destroyed"); - if (!(N instanceof Uint8Array)) + if (!(T instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error("Keccak: invalid output buffer"); this.finish(); - for (let A = 0, w = N.length; A < w; ) { + for (let x = 0, k = T.length; x < k; ) { this.posOut >= this.blockLen && this.keccak(); - const _ = Math.min(this.blockLen - this.posOut, w - A); - N.set(this.state.subarray(this.posOut, this.posOut + _), A), this.posOut += _, A += _; + const b = Math.min(this.blockLen - this.posOut, k - x); + T.set(this.state.subarray(this.posOut, this.posOut + b), x), this.posOut += b, x += b; } - return N; + return T; } - xofInto(N) { + xofInto(T) { if (!this.enableXOF) throw new Error("XOF is not possible for this instance"); - return this.writeInto(N); + return this.writeInto(T); } - xof(N) { - return (0, a.assertNumber)(N), this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(N)); + xof(T) { + return (0, a.assertNumber)(T), this.xofInto(new Uint8Array(T)); } - digestInto(N) { - if (N.length < this.outputLen) + digestInto(T) { + if (T.length < this.outputLen) throw new Error("Keccak: invalid output buffer"); if (this.finished) throw new Error("digest() was already called"); - return this.finish(), this.writeInto(N), this.destroy(), N; + return this.finish(), this.writeInto(T), this.destroy(), T; } digest() { return this.digestInto(new Uint8Array(this.outputLen)); @@ -1622,29 +1960,29 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" destroy() { this.destroyed = !0, this.state.fill(0); } - _cloneInto(N) { - const { blockLen: A, suffix: w, outputLen: _, rounds: p, enableXOF: O } = this; - return N || (N = new l(A, w, _, O, p)), N.state32.set(this.state32), N.pos = this.pos, N.posOut = this.posOut, N.finished = this.finished, N.rounds = p, N.suffix = w, N.outputLen = _, N.enableXOF = O, N.destroyed = this.destroyed, N; + _cloneInto(T) { + const { blockLen: x, suffix: k, outputLen: b, rounds: p, enableXOF: P } = this; + return T || (T = new l(x, k, b, P, p)), T.state32.set(this.state32), T.pos = this.pos, T.posOut = this.posOut, T.finished = this.finished, T.rounds = p, T.suffix = k, T.outputLen = b, T.enableXOF = P, T.destroyed = this.destroyed, T; } } e.Keccak = l; - const I = (k, N, A) => (0, a.wrapConstructor)(() => new l(N, k, A)); - e.sha3_224 = I(6, 144, 28), e.sha3_256 = I(6, 136, 32), e.sha3_384 = I(6, 104, 48), e.sha3_512 = I(6, 72, 64), e.keccak_224 = I(1, 144, 28), e.keccak_256 = I(1, 136, 32), e.keccak_384 = I(1, 104, 48), e.keccak_512 = I(1, 72, 64); - const R = (k, N, A) => (0, a.wrapConstructorWithOpts)((w = {}) => new l(N, k, w.dkLen !== void 0 ? w.dkLen : A, !0)); - e.shake128 = R(31, 168, 16), e.shake256 = R(31, 136, 32); - }, 8089: (J, e, b) => { - J = b.nmd(J), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.randomBytes = e.wrapConstructorWithOpts = e.wrapConstructor = e.checkOpts = e.Hash = e.assertHash = e.assertBytes = e.assertBool = e.assertNumber = e.concatBytes = e.toBytes = e.utf8ToBytes = e.asyncLoop = e.nextTick = e.hexToBytes = e.bytesToHex = e.isLE = e.rotr = e.createView = e.u32 = e.u8 = void 0; - const E = b(4421); + const j = (S, T, x) => (0, a.wrapConstructor)(() => new l(T, S, x)); + e.sha3_224 = j(6, 144, 28), e.sha3_256 = j(6, 136, 32), e.sha3_384 = j(6, 104, 48), e.sha3_512 = j(6, 72, 64), e.keccak_224 = j(1, 144, 28), e.keccak_256 = j(1, 136, 32), e.keccak_384 = j(1, 104, 48), e.keccak_512 = j(1, 72, 64); + const N = (S, T, x) => (0, a.wrapConstructorWithOpts)((k = {}) => new l(T, S, k.dkLen !== void 0 ? k.dkLen : x, !0)); + e.shake128 = N(31, 168, 16), e.shake256 = N(31, 136, 32); + }, 8089: (J, e, y) => { + J = y.nmd(J), Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.randomBytes = e.wrapConstructorWithOpts = e.wrapConstructor = e.checkOpts = e.Hash = e.assertHash = e.assertBytes = e.assertBool = e.assertNumber = e.concatBytes = e.toBytes = e.utf8ToBytes = e.asyncLoop = e.nextTick = e.hexToBytes = e.bytesToHex = e.isLE = e.rotr = e.createView = e.u32 = e.u8 = void 0; + const E = y(4421); if (e.u8 = (t) => new Uint8Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength), e.u32 = (t) => new Uint32Array(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, Math.floor(t.byteLength / 4)), e.createView = (t) => new DataView(t.buffer, t.byteOffset, t.byteLength), e.rotr = (t, d) => t << 32 - d | t >>> d, e.isLE = new Uint8Array(new Uint32Array([287454020]).buffer)[0] === 68, !e.isLE) throw new Error("Non little-endian hardware is not supported"); - const M = Array.from({ length: 256 }, (t, d) => d.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")); - function P(t) { + const R = Array.from({ length: 256 }, (t, d) => d.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")); + function A(t) { if (typeof t != "string") throw new TypeError("utf8ToBytes expected string, got " + typeof t); return new TextEncoder().encode(t); } - function y(t) { - if (typeof t == "string" && (t = P(t)), !(t instanceof Uint8Array)) + function w(t) { + if (typeof t == "string" && (t = A(t)), !(t instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new TypeError(`Expected input type is Uint8Array (got ${typeof t})`); return t; } @@ -1655,7 +1993,7 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" e.bytesToHex = function(t) { let d = ""; for (let u = 0; u < t.length; u++) - d += M[t[u]]; + d += R[t[u]]; return d; }, e.hexToBytes = function(t) { if (typeof t != "string") @@ -1687,7 +2025,7 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" const n = Date.now() - s; n >= 0 && n < d || (await (0, e.nextTick)(), s += n); } - }, e.utf8ToBytes = P, e.toBytes = y, e.concatBytes = function(...t) { + }, e.utf8ToBytes = A, e.toBytes = w, e.concatBytes = function(...t) { if (!t.every((s) => s instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error("Uint8Array list expected"); if (t.length === 1) @@ -1718,10 +2056,10 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" var u; return Object.assign(t, d); }, e.wrapConstructor = function(t) { - const d = (s) => t().update(y(s)).digest(), u = t(); + const d = (s) => t().update(w(s)).digest(), u = t(); return d.outputLen = u.outputLen, d.blockLen = u.blockLen, d.create = () => t(), d; }, e.wrapConstructorWithOpts = function(t) { - const d = (s, r) => t(r).update(y(s)).digest(), u = t({}); + const d = (s, r) => t(r).update(w(s)).digest(), u = t({}); return d.outputLen = u.outputLen, d.blockLen = u.blockLen, d.create = (s) => t(s), d; }, e.randomBytes = function(t = 32) { if (E.crypto.web) @@ -1730,194 +2068,194 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" return new Uint8Array(E.crypto.node.randomBytes(t).buffer); throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function"); }; - }, 9656: (J, e, b) => { + }, 9656: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.utils = e.schnorr = e.verify = e.signSync = e.sign = e.getSharedSecret = e.recoverPublicKey = e.getPublicKey = e.Signature = e.Point = e.CURVE = void 0; - const E = b(9159), M = BigInt(0), P = BigInt(1), y = BigInt(2), a = BigInt(3), t = BigInt(8), d = Object.freeze({ a: M, b: BigInt(7), P: BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f"), n: BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141"), h: P, Gx: BigInt("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240"), Gy: BigInt("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424"), beta: BigInt("0x7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee") }); - function u(Z) { - const { a: H, b: $ } = d, ie = O(Z * Z), se = O(ie * Z); - return O(se + H * Z + $); + const E = y(9159), R = BigInt(0), A = BigInt(1), w = BigInt(2), a = BigInt(3), t = BigInt(8), d = Object.freeze({ a: R, b: BigInt(7), P: BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f"), n: BigInt("0xfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141"), h: A, Gx: BigInt("55066263022277343669578718895168534326250603453777594175500187360389116729240"), Gy: BigInt("32670510020758816978083085130507043184471273380659243275938904335757337482424"), beta: BigInt("0x7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee") }); + function u(Y) { + const { a: $, b: K } = d, ae = P(Y * Y), ce = P(ae * Y); + return P(ce + $ * Y + K); } e.CURVE = d; - const s = d.a === M; + const s = d.a === R; class r extends Error { - constructor(H) { - super(H); + constructor($) { + super($); } } class n { - constructor(H, $, ie) { - this.x = H, this.y = $, this.z = ie; + constructor($, K, ae) { + this.x = $, this.y = K, this.z = ae; } - static fromAffine(H) { - if (!(H instanceof i)) + static fromAffine($) { + if (!($ instanceof i)) throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint#fromAffine: expected Point"); - return new n(H.x, H.y, P); + return new n($.x, $.y, A); } - static toAffineBatch(H) { - const $ = function(ie, se = d.P) { - const fe = new Array(ie.length), pe = T(ie.reduce((ve, me, _e) => me === M ? ve : (fe[_e] = ve, O(ve * me, se)), P), se); - return ie.reduceRight((ve, me, _e) => me === M ? ve : (fe[_e] = O(ve * fe[_e], se), O(ve * me, se)), pe), fe; - }(H.map((ie) => ie.z)); - return H.map((ie, se) => ie.toAffine($[se])); + static toAffineBatch($) { + const K = function(ae, ce = d.P) { + const he = new Array(ae.length), me = C(ae.reduce((ge, ve, be) => ve === R ? ge : (he[be] = ge, P(ge * ve, ce)), A), ce); + return ae.reduceRight((ge, ve, be) => ve === R ? ge : (he[be] = P(ge * he[be], ce), P(ge * ve, ce)), me), he; + }($.map((ae) => ae.z)); + return $.map((ae, ce) => ae.toAffine(K[ce])); } - static normalizeZ(H) { - return n.toAffineBatch(H).map(n.fromAffine); + static normalizeZ($) { + return n.toAffineBatch($).map(n.fromAffine); } - equals(H) { - if (!(H instanceof n)) + equals($) { + if (!($ instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint expected"); - const { x: $, y: ie, z: se } = this, { x: fe, y: pe, z: ve } = H, me = O(se * se), _e = O(ve * ve), ye = O($ * _e), Ee = O(fe * me), Ae = O(O(ie * ve) * _e), Pe = O(O(pe * se) * me); - return ye === Ee && Ae === Pe; + const { x: K, y: ae, z: ce } = this, { x: he, y: me, z: ge } = $, ve = P(ce * ce), be = P(ge * ge), we = P(K * be), xe = P(he * ve), Ee = P(P(ae * ge) * be), Pe = P(P(me * ce) * ve); + return we === xe && Ee === Pe; } negate() { - return new n(this.x, O(-this.y), this.z); + return new n(this.x, P(-this.y), this.z); } double() { - const { x: H, y: $, z: ie } = this, se = O(H * H), fe = O($ * $), pe = O(fe * fe), ve = H + fe, me = O(y * (O(ve * ve) - se - pe)), _e = O(a * se), ye = O(_e * _e), Ee = O(ye - y * me), Ae = O(_e * (me - Ee) - t * pe), Pe = O(y * $ * ie); - return new n(Ee, Ae, Pe); + const { x: $, y: K, z: ae } = this, ce = P($ * $), he = P(K * K), me = P(he * he), ge = $ + he, ve = P(w * (P(ge * ge) - ce - me)), be = P(a * ce), we = P(be * be), xe = P(we - w * ve), Ee = P(be * (ve - xe) - t * me), Pe = P(w * K * ae); + return new n(xe, Ee, Pe); } - add(H) { - if (!(H instanceof n)) + add($) { + if (!($ instanceof n)) throw new TypeError("JacobianPoint expected"); - const { x: $, y: ie, z: se } = this, { x: fe, y: pe, z: ve } = H; - if (fe === M || pe === M) + const { x: K, y: ae, z: ce } = this, { x: he, y: me, z: ge } = $; + if (he === R || me === R) return this; - if ($ === M || ie === M) - return H; - const me = O(se * se), _e = O(ve * ve), ye = O($ * _e), Ee = O(fe * me), Ae = O(O(ie * ve) * _e), Pe = O(O(pe * se) * me), ke = O(Ee - ye), xe = O(Pe - Ae); - if (ke === M) - return xe === M ? this.double() : n.ZERO; - const we = O(ke * ke), Se = O(ke * we), Re = O(ye * we), Oe = O(xe * xe - Se - y * Re), Me = O(xe * (Re - Oe) - Ae * Se), Te = O(se * ve * ke); - return new n(Oe, Me, Te); - } - subtract(H) { - return this.add(H.negate()); - } - multiplyUnsafe(H) { - const $ = n.ZERO; - if (typeof H == "bigint" && H === M) + if (K === R || ae === R) return $; - let ie = p(H); - if (ie === P) + const ve = P(ce * ce), be = P(ge * ge), we = P(K * be), xe = P(he * ve), Ee = P(P(ae * ge) * be), Pe = P(P(me * ce) * ve), Se = P(xe - we), Re = P(Pe - Ee); + if (Se === R) + return Re === R ? this.double() : n.ZERO; + const ke = P(Se * Se), Oe = P(Se * ke), Me = P(we * ke), Ae = P(Re * Re - Oe - w * Me), Ne = P(Re * (Me - Ae) - Ee * Oe), Ce = P(ce * ge * Se); + return new n(Ae, Ne, Ce); + } + subtract($) { + return this.add($.negate()); + } + multiplyUnsafe($) { + const K = n.ZERO; + if (typeof $ == "bigint" && $ === R) + return K; + let ae = p($); + if (ae === A) return this; if (!s) { - let Ee = $, Ae = this; - for (; ie > M; ) - ie & P && (Ee = Ee.add(Ae)), Ae = Ae.double(), ie >>= P; - return Ee; - } - let { k1neg: se, k1: fe, k2neg: pe, k2: ve } = X(ie), me = $, _e = $, ye = this; - for (; fe > M || ve > M; ) - fe & P && (me = me.add(ye)), ve & P && (_e = _e.add(ye)), ye = ye.double(), fe >>= P, ve >>= P; - return se && (me = me.negate()), pe && (_e = _e.negate()), _e = new n(O(_e.x * d.beta), _e.y, _e.z), me.add(_e); - } - precomputeWindow(H) { - const $ = s ? 128 / H + 1 : 256 / H + 1, ie = []; - let se = this, fe = se; - for (let pe = 0; pe < $; pe++) { - fe = se, ie.push(fe); - for (let ve = 1; ve < 2 ** (H - 1); ve++) - fe = fe.add(se), ie.push(fe); - se = fe.double(); - } - return ie; - } - wNAF(H, $) { - !$ && this.equals(n.BASE) && ($ = i.BASE); - const ie = $ && $._WINDOW_SIZE || 1; - if (256 % ie) + let xe = K, Ee = this; + for (; ae > R; ) + ae & A && (xe = xe.add(Ee)), Ee = Ee.double(), ae >>= A; + return xe; + } + let { k1neg: ce, k1: he, k2neg: me, k2: ge } = ee(ae), ve = K, be = K, we = this; + for (; he > R || ge > R; ) + he & A && (ve = ve.add(we)), ge & A && (be = be.add(we)), we = we.double(), he >>= A, ge >>= A; + return ce && (ve = ve.negate()), me && (be = be.negate()), be = new n(P(be.x * d.beta), be.y, be.z), ve.add(be); + } + precomputeWindow($) { + const K = s ? 128 / $ + 1 : 256 / $ + 1, ae = []; + let ce = this, he = ce; + for (let me = 0; me < K; me++) { + he = ce, ae.push(he); + for (let ge = 1; ge < 2 ** ($ - 1); ge++) + he = he.add(ce), ae.push(he); + ce = he.double(); + } + return ae; + } + wNAF($, K) { + !K && this.equals(n.BASE) && (K = i.BASE); + const ae = K && K._WINDOW_SIZE || 1; + if (256 % ae) throw new Error("Point#wNAF: Invalid precomputation window, must be power of 2"); - let se = $ && o.get($); - se || (se = this.precomputeWindow(ie), $ && ie !== 1 && (se = n.normalizeZ(se), o.set($, se))); - let fe = n.ZERO, pe = n.ZERO; - const ve = 1 + (s ? 128 / ie : 256 / ie), me = 2 ** (ie - 1), _e = BigInt(2 ** ie - 1), ye = 2 ** ie, Ee = BigInt(ie); - for (let Ae = 0; Ae < ve; Ae++) { - const Pe = Ae * me; - let ke = Number(H & _e); - if (H >>= Ee, ke > me && (ke -= ye, H += P), ke === 0) { - let xe = se[Pe]; - Ae % 2 && (xe = xe.negate()), pe = pe.add(xe); + let ce = K && o.get(K); + ce || (ce = this.precomputeWindow(ae), K && ae !== 1 && (ce = n.normalizeZ(ce), o.set(K, ce))); + let he = n.ZERO, me = n.ZERO; + const ge = 1 + (s ? 128 / ae : 256 / ae), ve = 2 ** (ae - 1), be = BigInt(2 ** ae - 1), we = 2 ** ae, xe = BigInt(ae); + for (let Ee = 0; Ee < ge; Ee++) { + const Pe = Ee * ve; + let Se = Number($ & be); + if ($ >>= xe, Se > ve && (Se -= we, $ += A), Se === 0) { + let Re = ce[Pe]; + Ee % 2 && (Re = Re.negate()), me = me.add(Re); } else { - let xe = se[Pe + Math.abs(ke) - 1]; - ke < 0 && (xe = xe.negate()), fe = fe.add(xe); + let Re = ce[Pe + Math.abs(Se) - 1]; + Se < 0 && (Re = Re.negate()), he = he.add(Re); } } - return { p: fe, f: pe }; + return { p: he, f: me }; } - multiply(H, $) { - let ie, se, fe = p(H); + multiply($, K) { + let ae, ce, he = p($); if (s) { - const { k1neg: pe, k1: ve, k2neg: me, k2: _e } = X(fe); - let { p: ye, f: Ee } = this.wNAF(ve, $), { p: Ae, f: Pe } = this.wNAF(_e, $); - pe && (ye = ye.negate()), me && (Ae = Ae.negate()), Ae = new n(O(Ae.x * d.beta), Ae.y, Ae.z), ie = ye.add(Ae), se = Ee.add(Pe); + const { k1neg: me, k1: ge, k2neg: ve, k2: be } = ee(he); + let { p: we, f: xe } = this.wNAF(ge, K), { p: Ee, f: Pe } = this.wNAF(be, K); + me && (we = we.negate()), ve && (Ee = Ee.negate()), Ee = new n(P(Ee.x * d.beta), Ee.y, Ee.z), ae = we.add(Ee), ce = xe.add(Pe); } else { - const { p: pe, f: ve } = this.wNAF(fe, $); - ie = pe, se = ve; + const { p: me, f: ge } = this.wNAF(he, K); + ae = me, ce = ge; } - return n.normalizeZ([ie, se])[0]; + return n.normalizeZ([ae, ce])[0]; } - toAffine(H = T(this.z)) { - const { x: $, y: ie, z: se } = this, fe = H, pe = O(fe * fe), ve = O(pe * fe), me = O($ * pe), _e = O(ie * ve); - if (O(se * fe) !== P) + toAffine($ = C(this.z)) { + const { x: K, y: ae, z: ce } = this, he = $, me = P(he * he), ge = P(me * he), ve = P(K * me), be = P(ae * ge); + if (P(ce * he) !== A) throw new Error("invZ was invalid"); - return new i(me, _e); + return new i(ve, be); } } - n.BASE = new n(d.Gx, d.Gy, P), n.ZERO = new n(M, P, M); + n.BASE = new n(d.Gx, d.Gy, A), n.ZERO = new n(R, A, R); const o = /* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap(); class i { - constructor(H, $) { - this.x = H, this.y = $; + constructor($, K) { + this.x = $, this.y = K; } - _setWindowSize(H) { - this._WINDOW_SIZE = H, o.delete(this); + _setWindowSize($) { + this._WINDOW_SIZE = $, o.delete(this); } hasEvenY() { - return this.y % y === M; + return this.y % w === R; } - static fromCompressedHex(H) { - const $ = H.length === 32, ie = w($ ? H : H.subarray(1)); - if (!K(ie)) + static fromCompressedHex($) { + const K = $.length === 32, ae = k(K ? $ : $.subarray(1)); + if (!Q(ae)) throw new Error("Point is not on curve"); - let se = function(ve) { - const { P: me } = d, _e = BigInt(6), ye = BigInt(11), Ee = BigInt(22), Ae = BigInt(23), Pe = BigInt(44), ke = BigInt(88), xe = ve * ve * ve % me, we = xe * xe * ve % me, Se = U(we, a) * we % me, Re = U(Se, a) * we % me, Oe = U(Re, y) * xe % me, Me = U(Oe, ye) * Oe % me, Te = U(Me, Ee) * Me % me, Ne = U(Te, Pe) * Te % me, Ce = U(Ne, ke) * Ne % me, Be = U(Ce, Pe) * Te % me, Ie = U(Be, a) * we % me, je = U(Ie, Ae) * Me % me, De = U(je, _e) * xe % me; - return U(De, y); - }(u(ie)); - const fe = (se & P) === P; - $ ? fe && (se = O(-se)) : (1 & H[0]) == 1 !== fe && (se = O(-se)); - const pe = new i(ie, se); - return pe.assertValidity(), pe; - } - static fromUncompressedHex(H) { - const $ = w(H.subarray(1, 33)), ie = w(H.subarray(33, 65)), se = new i($, ie); - return se.assertValidity(), se; - } - static fromHex(H) { - const $ = _(H), ie = $.length, se = $[0]; - if (ie === 32 || ie === 33 && (se === 2 || se === 3)) - return this.fromCompressedHex($); - if (ie === 65 && se === 4) - return this.fromUncompressedHex($); - throw new Error(`Point.fromHex: received invalid point. Expected 32-33 compressed bytes or 65 uncompressed bytes, not ${ie}`); - } - static fromPrivateKey(H) { - return i.BASE.multiply(q(H)); - } - static fromSignature(H, $, ie) { - const se = ne(H = _(H)), { r: fe, s: pe } = de($); - if (ie !== 0 && ie !== 1) + let ce = function(ge) { + const { P: ve } = d, be = BigInt(6), we = BigInt(11), xe = BigInt(22), Ee = BigInt(23), Pe = BigInt(44), Se = BigInt(88), Re = ge * ge * ge % ve, ke = Re * Re * ge % ve, Oe = B(ke, a) * ke % ve, Me = B(Oe, a) * ke % ve, Ae = B(Me, w) * Re % ve, Ne = B(Ae, we) * Ae % ve, Ce = B(Ne, xe) * Ne % ve, Te = B(Ce, Pe) * Ce % ve, Ie = B(Te, Se) * Te % ve, De = B(Ie, Pe) * Ce % ve, je = B(De, a) * ke % ve, Ue = B(je, Ee) * Ne % ve, Je = B(Ue, be) * Re % ve; + return B(Je, w); + }(u(ae)); + const he = (ce & A) === A; + K ? he && (ce = P(-ce)) : (1 & $[0]) == 1 !== he && (ce = P(-ce)); + const me = new i(ae, ce); + return me.assertValidity(), me; + } + static fromUncompressedHex($) { + const K = k($.subarray(1, 33)), ae = k($.subarray(33, 65)), ce = new i(K, ae); + return ce.assertValidity(), ce; + } + static fromHex($) { + const K = b($), ae = K.length, ce = K[0]; + if (ae === 32 || ae === 33 && (ce === 2 || ce === 3)) + return this.fromCompressedHex(K); + if (ae === 65 && ce === 4) + return this.fromUncompressedHex(K); + throw new Error(`Point.fromHex: received invalid point. Expected 32-33 compressed bytes or 65 uncompressed bytes, not ${ae}`); + } + static fromPrivateKey($) { + return i.BASE.multiply(F($)); + } + static fromSignature($, K, ae) { + const ce = oe($ = b($)), { r: he, s: me } = ue(K); + if (ae !== 0 && ae !== 1) throw new Error("Cannot recover signature: invalid recovery bit"); - const ve = 1 & ie ? "03" : "02", me = i.fromHex(ve + I(fe)), { n: _e } = d, ye = T(fe, _e), Ee = O(-se * ye, _e), Ae = O(pe * ye, _e), Pe = i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(me, Ee, Ae); + const ge = 1 & ae ? "03" : "02", ve = i.fromHex(ge + j(he)), { n: be } = d, we = C(he, be), xe = P(-ce * we, be), Ee = P(me * we, be), Pe = i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(ve, xe, Ee); if (!Pe) throw new Error("Cannot recover signature: point at infinify"); return Pe.assertValidity(), Pe; } - toRawBytes(H = !1) { - return A(this.toHex(H)); + toRawBytes($ = !1) { + return x(this.toHex($)); } - toHex(H = !1) { - const $ = I(this.x); - return H ? `${this.hasEvenY() ? "02" : "03"}${$}` : `04${$}${I(this.y)}`; + toHex($ = !1) { + const K = j(this.x); + return $ ? `${this.hasEvenY() ? "02" : "03"}${K}` : `04${K}${j(this.y)}`; } toHexX() { return this.toHex(!0).slice(2); @@ -1926,105 +2264,105 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" return this.toRawBytes(!0).slice(1); } assertValidity() { - const H = "Point is not on elliptic curve", { x: $, y: ie } = this; - if (!K($) || !K(ie)) - throw new Error(H); - const se = O(ie * ie); - if (O(se - u($)) !== M) - throw new Error(H); + const $ = "Point is not on elliptic curve", { x: K, y: ae } = this; + if (!Q(K) || !Q(ae)) + throw new Error($); + const ce = P(ae * ae); + if (P(ce - u(K)) !== R) + throw new Error($); } - equals(H) { - return this.x === H.x && this.y === H.y; + equals($) { + return this.x === $.x && this.y === $.y; } negate() { - return new i(this.x, O(-this.y)); + return new i(this.x, P(-this.y)); } double() { return n.fromAffine(this).double().toAffine(); } - add(H) { - return n.fromAffine(this).add(n.fromAffine(H)).toAffine(); + add($) { + return n.fromAffine(this).add(n.fromAffine($)).toAffine(); } - subtract(H) { - return this.add(H.negate()); + subtract($) { + return this.add($.negate()); } - multiply(H) { - return n.fromAffine(this).multiply(H, this).toAffine(); + multiply($) { + return n.fromAffine(this).multiply($, this).toAffine(); } - multiplyAndAddUnsafe(H, $, ie) { - const se = n.fromAffine(this), fe = $ === M || $ === P || this !== i.BASE ? se.multiplyUnsafe($) : se.multiply($), pe = n.fromAffine(H).multiplyUnsafe(ie), ve = fe.add(pe); - return ve.equals(n.ZERO) ? void 0 : ve.toAffine(); + multiplyAndAddUnsafe($, K, ae) { + const ce = n.fromAffine(this), he = K === R || K === A || this !== i.BASE ? ce.multiplyUnsafe(K) : ce.multiply(K), me = n.fromAffine($).multiplyUnsafe(ae), ge = he.add(me); + return ge.equals(n.ZERO) ? void 0 : ge.toAffine(); } } - function f(Z) { - return Number.parseInt(Z[0], 16) >= 8 ? "00" + Z : Z; + function f(Y) { + return Number.parseInt(Y[0], 16) >= 8 ? "00" + Y : Y; } - function c(Z) { - if (Z.length < 2 || Z[0] !== 2) - throw new Error(`Invalid signature integer tag: ${C(Z)}`); - const H = Z[1], $ = Z.subarray(2, H + 2); - if (!H || $.length !== H) + function c(Y) { + if (Y.length < 2 || Y[0] !== 2) + throw new Error(`Invalid signature integer tag: ${I(Y)}`); + const $ = Y[1], K = Y.subarray(2, $ + 2); + if (!$ || K.length !== $) throw new Error("Invalid signature integer: wrong length"); - if ($[0] === 0 && $[1] <= 127) + if (K[0] === 0 && K[1] <= 127) throw new Error("Invalid signature integer: trailing length"); - return { data: w($), left: Z.subarray(H + 2) }; + return { data: k(K), left: Y.subarray($ + 2) }; } - e.Point = i, i.BASE = new i(d.Gx, d.Gy), i.ZERO = new i(M, M); + e.Point = i, i.BASE = new i(d.Gx, d.Gy), i.ZERO = new i(R, R); class h { - constructor(H, $) { - this.r = H, this.s = $, this.assertValidity(); - } - static fromCompact(H) { - const $ = H instanceof Uint8Array, ie = "Signature.fromCompact"; - if (typeof H != "string" && !$) - throw new TypeError(`${ie}: Expected string or Uint8Array`); - const se = $ ? C(H) : H; - if (se.length !== 128) - throw new Error(`${ie}: Expected 64-byte hex`); - return new h(N(se.slice(0, 64)), N(se.slice(64, 128))); - } - static fromDER(H) { - const $ = H instanceof Uint8Array; - if (typeof H != "string" && !$) + constructor($, K) { + this.r = $, this.s = K, this.assertValidity(); + } + static fromCompact($) { + const K = $ instanceof Uint8Array, ae = "Signature.fromCompact"; + if (typeof $ != "string" && !K) + throw new TypeError(`${ae}: Expected string or Uint8Array`); + const ce = K ? I($) : $; + if (ce.length !== 128) + throw new Error(`${ae}: Expected 64-byte hex`); + return new h(T(ce.slice(0, 64)), T(ce.slice(64, 128))); + } + static fromDER($) { + const K = $ instanceof Uint8Array; + if (typeof $ != "string" && !K) throw new TypeError("Signature.fromDER: Expected string or Uint8Array"); - const { r: ie, s: se } = function(fe) { - if (fe.length < 2 || fe[0] != 48) - throw new Error(`Invalid signature tag: ${C(fe)}`); - if (fe[1] !== fe.length - 2) + const { r: ae, s: ce } = function(he) { + if (he.length < 2 || he[0] != 48) + throw new Error(`Invalid signature tag: ${I(he)}`); + if (he[1] !== he.length - 2) throw new Error("Invalid signature: incorrect length"); - const { data: pe, left: ve } = c(fe.subarray(2)), { data: me, left: _e } = c(ve); - if (_e.length) - throw new Error(`Invalid signature: left bytes after parsing: ${C(_e)}`); - return { r: pe, s: me }; - }($ ? H : A(H)); - return new h(ie, se); + const { data: me, left: ge } = c(he.subarray(2)), { data: ve, left: be } = c(ge); + if (be.length) + throw new Error(`Invalid signature: left bytes after parsing: ${I(be)}`); + return { r: me, s: ve }; + }(K ? $ : x($)); + return new h(ae, ce); } - static fromHex(H) { - return this.fromDER(H); + static fromHex($) { + return this.fromDER($); } assertValidity() { - const { r: H, s: $ } = this; - if (!ee(H)) + const { r: $, s: K } = this; + if (!te($)) throw new Error("Invalid Signature: r must be 0 < r < n"); - if (!ee($)) + if (!te(K)) throw new Error("Invalid Signature: s must be 0 < s < n"); } hasHighS() { - const H = d.n >> P; - return this.s > H; + const $ = d.n >> A; + return this.s > $; } normalizeS() { return this.hasHighS() ? new h(this.r, d.n - this.s) : this; } - toDERRawBytes(H = !1) { - return A(this.toDERHex(H)); + toDERRawBytes($ = !1) { + return x(this.toDERHex($)); } - toDERHex(H = !1) { - const $ = f(k(this.s)); - if (H) - return $; - const ie = f(k(this.r)), se = k(ie.length / 2), fe = k($.length / 2); - return `30${k(ie.length / 2 + $.length / 2 + 4)}02${se}${ie}02${fe}${$}`; + toDERHex($ = !1) { + const K = f(S(this.s)); + if ($) + return K; + const ae = f(S(this.r)), ce = S(ae.length / 2), he = S(K.length / 2); + return `30${S(ae.length / 2 + K.length / 2 + 4)}02${ce}${ae}02${he}${K}`; } toRawBytes() { return this.toDERRawBytes(); @@ -2033,134 +2371,134 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" return this.toDERHex(); } toCompactRawBytes() { - return A(this.toCompactHex()); + return x(this.toCompactHex()); } toCompactHex() { - return I(this.r) + I(this.s); + return j(this.r) + j(this.s); } } - function m(...Z) { - if (!Z.every((ie) => ie instanceof Uint8Array)) + function m(...Y) { + if (!Y.every((ae) => ae instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error("Uint8Array list expected"); - if (Z.length === 1) - return Z[0]; - const H = Z.reduce((ie, se) => ie + se.length, 0), $ = new Uint8Array(H); - for (let ie = 0, se = 0; ie < Z.length; ie++) { - const fe = Z[ie]; - $.set(fe, se), se += fe.length; + if (Y.length === 1) + return Y[0]; + const $ = Y.reduce((ae, ce) => ae + ce.length, 0), K = new Uint8Array($); + for (let ae = 0, ce = 0; ae < Y.length; ae++) { + const he = Y[ae]; + K.set(he, ce), ce += he.length; } - return $; + return K; } e.Signature = h; - const v = Array.from({ length: 256 }, (Z, H) => H.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")); - function C(Z) { - if (!(Z instanceof Uint8Array)) + const v = Array.from({ length: 256 }, (Y, $) => $.toString(16).padStart(2, "0")); + function I(Y) { + if (!(Y instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new Error("Expected Uint8Array"); - let H = ""; - for (let $ = 0; $ < Z.length; $++) - H += v[Z[$]]; - return H; + let $ = ""; + for (let K = 0; K < Y.length; K++) + $ += v[Y[K]]; + return $; } const l = BigInt("0x10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"); - function I(Z) { - if (typeof Z != "bigint") + function j(Y) { + if (typeof Y != "bigint") throw new Error("Expected bigint"); - if (!(M <= Z && Z < l)) + if (!(R <= Y && Y < l)) throw new Error("Expected number < 2^256"); - return Z.toString(16).padStart(64, "0"); + return Y.toString(16).padStart(64, "0"); } - function R(Z) { - const H = A(I(Z)); - if (H.length !== 32) + function N(Y) { + const $ = x(j(Y)); + if ($.length !== 32) throw new Error("Error: expected 32 bytes"); - return H; + return $; } - function k(Z) { - const H = Z.toString(16); - return 1 & H.length ? `0${H}` : H; - } - function N(Z) { - if (typeof Z != "string") - throw new TypeError("hexToNumber: expected string, got " + typeof Z); - return BigInt(`0x${Z}`); - } - function A(Z) { - if (typeof Z != "string") - throw new TypeError("hexToBytes: expected string, got " + typeof Z); - if (Z.length % 2) - throw new Error("hexToBytes: received invalid unpadded hex" + Z.length); - const H = new Uint8Array(Z.length / 2); - for (let $ = 0; $ < H.length; $++) { - const ie = 2 * $, se = Z.slice(ie, ie + 2), fe = Number.parseInt(se, 16); - if (Number.isNaN(fe) || fe < 0) + function S(Y) { + const $ = Y.toString(16); + return 1 & $.length ? `0${$}` : $; + } + function T(Y) { + if (typeof Y != "string") + throw new TypeError("hexToNumber: expected string, got " + typeof Y); + return BigInt(`0x${Y}`); + } + function x(Y) { + if (typeof Y != "string") + throw new TypeError("hexToBytes: expected string, got " + typeof Y); + if (Y.length % 2) + throw new Error("hexToBytes: received invalid unpadded hex" + Y.length); + const $ = new Uint8Array(Y.length / 2); + for (let K = 0; K < $.length; K++) { + const ae = 2 * K, ce = Y.slice(ae, ae + 2), he = Number.parseInt(ce, 16); + if (Number.isNaN(he) || he < 0) throw new Error("Invalid byte sequence"); - H[$] = fe; + $[K] = he; } - return H; + return $; } - function w(Z) { - return N(C(Z)); + function k(Y) { + return T(I(Y)); } - function _(Z) { - return Z instanceof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array.from(Z) : A(Z); + function b(Y) { + return Y instanceof Uint8Array ? Uint8Array.from(Y) : x(Y); } - function p(Z) { - if (typeof Z == "number" && Number.isSafeInteger(Z) && Z > 0) - return BigInt(Z); - if (typeof Z == "bigint" && ee(Z)) - return Z; + function p(Y) { + if (typeof Y == "number" && Number.isSafeInteger(Y) && Y > 0) + return BigInt(Y); + if (typeof Y == "bigint" && te(Y)) + return Y; throw new TypeError("Expected valid private scalar: 0 < scalar < curve.n"); } - function O(Z, H = d.P) { - const $ = Z % H; - return $ >= M ? $ : H + $; - } - function U(Z, H) { - const { P: $ } = d; - let ie = Z; - for (; H-- > M; ) - ie *= ie, ie %= $; - return ie; - } - function T(Z, H = d.P) { - if (Z === M || H <= M) - throw new Error(`invert: expected positive integers, got n=${Z} mod=${H}`); - let $ = O(Z, H), ie = H, se = M, fe = P; - for (; $ !== M; ) { - const pe = ie / $, ve = ie % $, me = se - fe * pe; - ie = $, $ = ve, se = fe, fe = me; - } - if (ie !== P) + function P(Y, $ = d.P) { + const K = Y % $; + return K >= R ? K : $ + K; + } + function B(Y, $) { + const { P: K } = d; + let ae = Y; + for (; $-- > R; ) + ae *= ae, ae %= K; + return ae; + } + function C(Y, $ = d.P) { + if (Y === R || $ <= R) + throw new Error(`invert: expected positive integers, got n=${Y} mod=${$}`); + let K = P(Y, $), ae = $, ce = R, he = A; + for (; K !== R; ) { + const me = ae / K, ge = ae % K, ve = ce - he * me; + ae = K, K = ge, ce = he, he = ve; + } + if (ae !== A) throw new Error("invert: does not exist"); - return O(se, H); - } - const z = (Z, H) => (Z + H / y) / H, te = { a1: BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"), b1: -P * BigInt("0xe4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"), a2: BigInt("0x114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8"), b2: BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"), POW_2_128: BigInt("0x100000000000000000000000000000000") }; - function X(Z) { - const { n: H } = d, { a1: $, b1: ie, a2: se, b2: fe, POW_2_128: pe } = te, ve = z(fe * Z, H), me = z(-ie * Z, H); - let _e = O(Z - ve * $ - me * se, H), ye = O(-ve * ie - me * fe, H); - const Ee = _e > pe, Ae = ye > pe; - if (Ee && (_e = H - _e), Ae && (ye = H - ye), _e > pe || ye > pe) - throw new Error("splitScalarEndo: Endomorphism failed, k=" + Z); - return { k1neg: Ee, k1: _e, k2neg: Ae, k2: ye }; - } - function ne(Z) { - const { n: H } = d, $ = 8 * Z.length - 256; - let ie = w(Z); - return $ > 0 && (ie >>= BigInt($)), ie >= H && (ie -= H), ie; - } - let B, Q; - class V { + return P(ce, $); + } + const L = (Y, $) => (Y + $ / w) / $, re = { a1: BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"), b1: -A * BigInt("0xe4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3"), a2: BigInt("0x114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8"), b2: BigInt("0x3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15"), POW_2_128: BigInt("0x100000000000000000000000000000000") }; + function ee(Y) { + const { n: $ } = d, { a1: K, b1: ae, a2: ce, b2: he, POW_2_128: me } = re, ge = L(he * Y, $), ve = L(-ae * Y, $); + let be = P(Y - ge * K - ve * ce, $), we = P(-ge * ae - ve * he, $); + const xe = be > me, Ee = we > me; + if (xe && (be = $ - be), Ee && (we = $ - we), be > me || we > me) + throw new Error("splitScalarEndo: Endomorphism failed, k=" + Y); + return { k1neg: xe, k1: be, k2neg: Ee, k2: we }; + } + function oe(Y) { + const { n: $ } = d, K = 8 * Y.length - 256; + let ae = k(Y); + return K > 0 && (ae >>= BigInt(K)), ae >= $ && (ae -= $), ae; + } + let D, Z; + class H { constructor() { this.v = new Uint8Array(32).fill(1), this.k = new Uint8Array(32).fill(0), this.counter = 0; } - hmac(...H) { - return e.utils.hmacSha256(this.k, ...H); + hmac(...$) { + return e.utils.hmacSha256(this.k, ...$); } - hmacSync(...H) { - return Q(this.k, ...H); + hmacSync(...$) { + return Z(this.k, ...$); } checkSync() { - if (typeof Q != "function") + if (typeof Z != "function") throw new r("hmacSha256Sync needs to be set"); } incr() { @@ -2168,11 +2506,11 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" throw new Error("Tried 1,000 k values for sign(), all were invalid"); this.counter += 1; } - async reseed(H = new Uint8Array()) { - this.k = await this.hmac(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0]), H), this.v = await this.hmac(this.v), H.length !== 0 && (this.k = await this.hmac(this.v, Uint8Array.from([1]), H), this.v = await this.hmac(this.v)); + async reseed($ = new Uint8Array()) { + this.k = await this.hmac(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0]), $), this.v = await this.hmac(this.v), $.length !== 0 && (this.k = await this.hmac(this.v, Uint8Array.from([1]), $), this.v = await this.hmac(this.v)); } - reseedSync(H = new Uint8Array()) { - this.checkSync(), this.k = this.hmacSync(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0]), H), this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v), H.length !== 0 && (this.k = this.hmacSync(this.v, Uint8Array.from([1]), H), this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v)); + reseedSync($ = new Uint8Array()) { + this.checkSync(), this.k = this.hmacSync(this.v, Uint8Array.from([0]), $), this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v), $.length !== 0 && (this.k = this.hmacSync(this.v, Uint8Array.from([1]), $), this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v)); } async generate() { return this.incr(), this.v = await this.hmac(this.v), this.v; @@ -2181,307 +2519,307 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" return this.checkSync(), this.incr(), this.v = this.hmacSync(this.v), this.v; } } - function ee(Z) { - return M < Z && Z < d.n; + function te(Y) { + return R < Y && Y < d.n; } - function K(Z) { - return M < Z && Z < d.P; + function Q(Y) { + return R < Y && Y < d.P; } - function Y(Z, H, $) { - const ie = w(Z); - if (!ee(ie)) + function X(Y, $, K) { + const ae = k(Y); + if (!te(ae)) return; - const { n: se } = d, fe = i.BASE.multiply(ie), pe = O(fe.x, se); - if (pe === M) + const { n: ce } = d, he = i.BASE.multiply(ae), me = P(he.x, ce); + if (me === R) return; - const ve = O(T(ie, se) * O(H + $ * pe, se), se); - if (ve === M) + const ge = P(C(ae, ce) * P($ + K * me, ce), ce); + if (ge === R) return; - const me = new h(pe, ve); - return { sig: me, recovery: (fe.x === me.r ? 0 : 2) | Number(fe.y & P) }; - } - function q(Z) { - let H; - if (typeof Z == "bigint") - H = Z; - else if (typeof Z == "number" && Number.isSafeInteger(Z) && Z > 0) - H = BigInt(Z); - else if (typeof Z == "string") { - if (Z.length !== 64) + const ve = new h(me, ge); + return { sig: ve, recovery: (he.x === ve.r ? 0 : 2) | Number(he.y & A) }; + } + function F(Y) { + let $; + if (typeof Y == "bigint") + $ = Y; + else if (typeof Y == "number" && Number.isSafeInteger(Y) && Y > 0) + $ = BigInt(Y); + else if (typeof Y == "string") { + if (Y.length !== 64) throw new Error("Expected 32 bytes of private key"); - H = N(Z); + $ = T(Y); } else { - if (!(Z instanceof Uint8Array)) + if (!(Y instanceof Uint8Array)) throw new TypeError("Expected valid private key"); - if (Z.length !== 32) + if (Y.length !== 32) throw new Error("Expected 32 bytes of private key"); - H = w(Z); + $ = k(Y); } - if (!ee(H)) + if (!te($)) throw new Error("Expected private key: 0 < key < n"); - return H; + return $; } - function ae(Z) { - return Z instanceof i ? (Z.assertValidity(), Z) : i.fromHex(Z); + function se(Y) { + return Y instanceof i ? (Y.assertValidity(), Y) : i.fromHex(Y); } - function de(Z) { - if (Z instanceof h) - return Z.assertValidity(), Z; + function ue(Y) { + if (Y instanceof h) + return Y.assertValidity(), Y; try { - return h.fromDER(Z); + return h.fromDER(Y); } catch { - return h.fromCompact(Z); + return h.fromCompact(Y); } } - function ue(Z) { - const H = Z instanceof Uint8Array, $ = typeof Z == "string", ie = (H || $) && Z.length; - return H ? ie === 33 || ie === 65 : $ ? ie === 66 || ie === 130 : Z instanceof i; + function le(Y) { + const $ = Y instanceof Uint8Array, K = typeof Y == "string", ae = ($ || K) && Y.length; + return $ ? ae === 33 || ae === 65 : K ? ae === 66 || ae === 130 : Y instanceof i; } - function le(Z) { - return w(Z.length > 32 ? Z.slice(0, 32) : Z); + function fe(Y) { + return k(Y.length > 32 ? Y.slice(0, 32) : Y); } - function ge(Z) { - const H = le(Z), $ = O(H, d.n); - return ce($ < M ? H : $); + function _e(Y) { + const $ = fe(Y), K = P($, d.n); + return de(K < R ? $ : K); } - function ce(Z) { - return R(Z); + function de(Y) { + return N(Y); } - function he(Z, H, $) { - if (Z == null) - throw new Error(`sign: expected valid message hash, not "${Z}"`); - const ie = _(Z), se = q(H), fe = [ce(se), ge(ie)]; - if ($ != null) { - $ === !0 && ($ = e.utils.randomBytes(32)); - const pe = _($); - if (pe.length !== 32) + function pe(Y, $, K) { + if (Y == null) + throw new Error(`sign: expected valid message hash, not "${Y}"`); + const ae = b(Y), ce = F($), he = [de(ce), _e(ae)]; + if (K != null) { + K === !0 && (K = e.utils.randomBytes(32)); + const me = b(K); + if (me.length !== 32) throw new Error("sign: Expected 32 bytes of extra data"); - fe.push(pe); - } - return { seed: m(...fe), m: le(ie), d: se }; - } - function be(Z, H) { - let { sig: $, recovery: ie } = Z; - const { canonical: se, der: fe, recovered: pe } = Object.assign({ canonical: !0, der: !0 }, H); - se && $.hasHighS() && ($ = $.normalizeS(), ie ^= 1); - const ve = fe ? $.toDERRawBytes() : $.toCompactRawBytes(); - return pe ? [ve, ie] : ve; - } - e.getPublicKey = function(Z, H = !1) { - return i.fromPrivateKey(Z).toRawBytes(H); - }, e.recoverPublicKey = function(Z, H, $, ie = !1) { - return i.fromSignature(Z, H, $).toRawBytes(ie); - }, e.getSharedSecret = function(Z, H, $ = !1) { - if (ue(Z)) + he.push(me); + } + return { seed: m(...he), m: fe(ae), d: ce }; + } + function ye(Y, $) { + let { sig: K, recovery: ae } = Y; + const { canonical: ce, der: he, recovered: me } = Object.assign({ canonical: !0, der: !0 }, $); + ce && K.hasHighS() && (K = K.normalizeS(), ae ^= 1); + const ge = he ? K.toDERRawBytes() : K.toCompactRawBytes(); + return me ? [ge, ae] : ge; + } + e.getPublicKey = function(Y, $ = !1) { + return i.fromPrivateKey(Y).toRawBytes($); + }, e.recoverPublicKey = function(Y, $, K, ae = !1) { + return i.fromSignature(Y, $, K).toRawBytes(ae); + }, e.getSharedSecret = function(Y, $, K = !1) { + if (le(Y)) throw new TypeError("getSharedSecret: first arg must be private key"); - if (!ue(H)) + if (!le($)) throw new TypeError("getSharedSecret: second arg must be public key"); - const ie = ae(H); - return ie.assertValidity(), ie.multiply(q(Z)).toRawBytes($); - }, e.sign = async function(Z, H, $ = {}) { - const { seed: ie, m: se, d: fe } = he(Z, H, $.extraEntropy); - let pe; - const ve = new V(); - for (await ve.reseed(ie); !(pe = Y(await ve.generate(), se, fe)); ) - await ve.reseed(); - return be(pe, $); - }, e.signSync = function(Z, H, $ = {}) { - const { seed: ie, m: se, d: fe } = he(Z, H, $.extraEntropy); - let pe; - const ve = new V(); - for (ve.reseedSync(ie); !(pe = Y(ve.generateSync(), se, fe)); ) - ve.reseedSync(); - return be(pe, $); - }; - const W = { strict: !0 }; - function g(Z) { - return O(w(Z), d.n); - } - e.verify = function(Z, H, $, ie = W) { - let se; + const ae = se($); + return ae.assertValidity(), ae.multiply(F(Y)).toRawBytes(K); + }, e.sign = async function(Y, $, K = {}) { + const { seed: ae, m: ce, d: he } = pe(Y, $, K.extraEntropy); + let me; + const ge = new H(); + for (await ge.reseed(ae); !(me = X(await ge.generate(), ce, he)); ) + await ge.reseed(); + return ye(me, K); + }, e.signSync = function(Y, $, K = {}) { + const { seed: ae, m: ce, d: he } = pe(Y, $, K.extraEntropy); + let me; + const ge = new H(); + for (ge.reseedSync(ae); !(me = X(ge.generateSync(), ce, he)); ) + ge.reseedSync(); + return ye(me, K); + }; + const G = { strict: !0 }; + function _(Y) { + return P(k(Y), d.n); + } + e.verify = function(Y, $, K, ae = G) { + let ce; try { - se = de(Z), H = _(H); + ce = ue(Y), $ = b($); } catch { return !1; } - const { r: fe, s: pe } = se; - if (ie.strict && se.hasHighS()) + const { r: he, s: me } = ce; + if (ae.strict && ce.hasHighS()) return !1; - const ve = ne(H); - let me; + const ge = oe($); + let ve; try { - me = ae($); + ve = se(K); } catch { return !1; } - const { n: _e } = d, ye = T(pe, _e), Ee = O(ve * ye, _e), Ae = O(fe * ye, _e), Pe = i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(me, Ee, Ae); - return !!Pe && O(Pe.x, _e) === fe; + const { n: be } = d, we = C(me, be), xe = P(ge * we, be), Ee = P(he * we, be), Pe = i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(ve, xe, Ee); + return !!Pe && P(Pe.x, be) === he; }; - class S { - constructor(H, $) { - this.r = H, this.s = $, this.assertValidity(); + class O { + constructor($, K) { + this.r = $, this.s = K, this.assertValidity(); } - static fromHex(H) { - const $ = _(H); - if ($.length !== 64) - throw new TypeError(`SchnorrSignature.fromHex: expected 64 bytes, not ${$.length}`); - const ie = w($.subarray(0, 32)), se = w($.subarray(32, 64)); - return new S(ie, se); + static fromHex($) { + const K = b($); + if (K.length !== 64) + throw new TypeError(`SchnorrSignature.fromHex: expected 64 bytes, not ${K.length}`); + const ae = k(K.subarray(0, 32)), ce = k(K.subarray(32, 64)); + return new O(ae, ce); } assertValidity() { - const { r: H, s: $ } = this; - if (!K(H) || !ee($)) + const { r: $, s: K } = this; + if (!Q($) || !te(K)) throw new Error("Invalid signature"); } toHex() { - return I(this.r) + I(this.s); + return j(this.r) + j(this.s); } toRawBytes() { - return A(this.toHex()); + return x(this.toHex()); } } - class x { - constructor(H, $, ie = e.utils.randomBytes()) { - if (H == null) - throw new TypeError(`sign: Expected valid message, not "${H}"`); - this.m = _(H); - const { x: se, scalar: fe } = this.getScalar(q($)); - if (this.px = se, this.d = fe, this.rand = _(ie), this.rand.length !== 32) + class M { + constructor($, K, ae = e.utils.randomBytes()) { + if ($ == null) + throw new TypeError(`sign: Expected valid message, not "${$}"`); + this.m = b($); + const { x: ce, scalar: he } = this.getScalar(F(K)); + if (this.px = ce, this.d = he, this.rand = b(ae), this.rand.length !== 32) throw new TypeError("sign: Expected 32 bytes of aux randomness"); } - getScalar(H) { - const $ = i.fromPrivateKey(H), ie = $.hasEvenY() ? H : d.n - H; - return { point: $, scalar: ie, x: $.toRawX() }; + getScalar($) { + const K = i.fromPrivateKey($), ae = K.hasEvenY() ? $ : d.n - $; + return { point: K, scalar: ae, x: K.toRawX() }; } - initNonce(H, $) { - return R(H ^ w($)); + initNonce($, K) { + return N($ ^ k(K)); } - finalizeNonce(H) { - const $ = O(w(H), d.n); - if ($ === M) + finalizeNonce($) { + const K = P(k($), d.n); + if (K === R) throw new Error("sign: Creation of signature failed. k is zero"); - const { point: ie, x: se, scalar: fe } = this.getScalar($); - return { R: ie, rx: se, k: fe }; + const { point: ae, x: ce, scalar: he } = this.getScalar(K); + return { R: ae, rx: ce, k: he }; } - finalizeSig(H, $, ie, se) { - return new S(H.x, O($ + ie * se, d.n)).toRawBytes(); + finalizeSig($, K, ae, ce) { + return new O($.x, P(K + ae * ce, d.n)).toRawBytes(); } error() { throw new Error("sign: Invalid signature produced"); } async calc() { - const { m: H, d: $, px: ie, rand: se } = this, fe = e.utils.taggedHash, pe = this.initNonce($, await fe(oe.aux, se)), { R: ve, rx: me, k: _e } = this.finalizeNonce(await fe(oe.nonce, pe, ie, H)), ye = g(await fe(oe.challenge, me, ie, H)), Ee = this.finalizeSig(ve, _e, ye, $); - return await L(Ee, H, ie) || this.error(), Ee; + const { m: $, d: K, px: ae, rand: ce } = this, he = e.utils.taggedHash, me = this.initNonce(K, await he(ie.aux, ce)), { R: ge, rx: ve, k: be } = this.finalizeNonce(await he(ie.nonce, me, ae, $)), we = _(await he(ie.challenge, ve, ae, $)), xe = this.finalizeSig(ge, be, we, K); + return await q(xe, $, ae) || this.error(), xe; } calcSync() { - const { m: H, d: $, px: ie, rand: se } = this, fe = e.utils.taggedHashSync, pe = this.initNonce($, fe(oe.aux, se)), { R: ve, rx: me, k: _e } = this.finalizeNonce(fe(oe.nonce, pe, ie, H)), ye = g(fe(oe.challenge, me, ie, H)), Ee = this.finalizeSig(ve, _e, ye, $); - return F(Ee, H, ie) || this.error(), Ee; + const { m: $, d: K, px: ae, rand: ce } = this, he = e.utils.taggedHashSync, me = this.initNonce(K, he(ie.aux, ce)), { R: ge, rx: ve, k: be } = this.finalizeNonce(he(ie.nonce, me, ae, $)), we = _(he(ie.challenge, ve, ae, $)), xe = this.finalizeSig(ge, be, we, K); + return W(xe, $, ae) || this.error(), xe; } } - function j(Z, H, $) { - const ie = Z instanceof S, se = ie ? Z : S.fromHex(Z); - return ie && se.assertValidity(), { ...se, m: _(H), P: ae($) }; + function U(Y, $, K) { + const ae = Y instanceof O, ce = ae ? Y : O.fromHex(Y); + return ae && ce.assertValidity(), { ...ce, m: b($), P: se(K) }; } - function D(Z, H, $, ie) { - const se = i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe(H, q($), O(-ie, d.n)); - return !(!se || !se.hasEvenY() || se.x !== Z); + function z(Y, $, K, ae) { + const ce = i.BASE.multiplyAndAddUnsafe($, F(K), P(-ae, d.n)); + return !(!ce || !ce.hasEvenY() || ce.x !== Y); } - async function L(Z, H, $) { + async function q(Y, $, K) { try { - const { r: ie, s: se, m: fe, P: pe } = j(Z, H, $), ve = g(await e.utils.taggedHash(oe.challenge, R(ie), pe.toRawX(), fe)); - return D(ie, pe, se, ve); + const { r: ae, s: ce, m: he, P: me } = U(Y, $, K), ge = _(await e.utils.taggedHash(ie.challenge, N(ae), me.toRawX(), he)); + return z(ae, me, ce, ge); } catch { return !1; } } - function F(Z, H, $) { + function W(Y, $, K) { try { - const { r: ie, s: se, m: fe, P: pe } = j(Z, H, $), ve = g(e.utils.taggedHashSync(oe.challenge, R(ie), pe.toRawX(), fe)); - return D(ie, pe, se, ve); - } catch (ie) { - if (ie instanceof r) - throw ie; + const { r: ae, s: ce, m: he, P: me } = U(Y, $, K), ge = _(e.utils.taggedHashSync(ie.challenge, N(ae), me.toRawX(), he)); + return z(ae, me, ce, ge); + } catch (ae) { + if (ae instanceof r) + throw ae; return !1; } } - e.schnorr = { Signature: S, getPublicKey: function(Z) { - return i.fromPrivateKey(Z).toRawX(); - }, sign: async function(Z, H, $) { - return new x(Z, H, $).calc(); - }, verify: L, signSync: function(Z, H, $) { - return new x(Z, H, $).calcSync(); - }, verifySync: F }, i.BASE._setWindowSize(8); - const re = { node: E, web: typeof self == "object" && "crypto" in self ? self.crypto : void 0 }, oe = { challenge: "BIP0340/challenge", aux: "BIP0340/aux", nonce: "BIP0340/nonce" }, G = {}; - e.utils = { bytesToHex: C, hexToBytes: A, concatBytes: m, mod: O, invert: T, isValidPrivateKey(Z) { + e.schnorr = { Signature: O, getPublicKey: function(Y) { + return i.fromPrivateKey(Y).toRawX(); + }, sign: async function(Y, $, K) { + return new M(Y, $, K).calc(); + }, verify: q, signSync: function(Y, $, K) { + return new M(Y, $, K).calcSync(); + }, verifySync: W }, i.BASE._setWindowSize(8); + const ne = { node: E, web: typeof self == "object" && "crypto" in self ? self.crypto : void 0 }, ie = { challenge: "BIP0340/challenge", aux: "BIP0340/aux", nonce: "BIP0340/nonce" }, V = {}; + e.utils = { bytesToHex: I, hexToBytes: x, concatBytes: m, mod: P, invert: C, isValidPrivateKey(Y) { try { - return q(Z), !0; + return F(Y), !0; } catch { return !1; } - }, _bigintTo32Bytes: R, _normalizePrivateKey: q, hashToPrivateKey: (Z) => { - if ((Z = _(Z)).length < 40 || Z.length > 1024) + }, _bigintTo32Bytes: N, _normalizePrivateKey: F, hashToPrivateKey: (Y) => { + if ((Y = b(Y)).length < 40 || Y.length > 1024) throw new Error("Expected 40-1024 bytes of private key as per FIPS 186"); - return R(O(w(Z), d.n - P) + P); - }, randomBytes: (Z = 32) => { - if (re.web) - return re.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(Z)); - if (re.node) { - const { randomBytes: H } = re.node; - return Uint8Array.from(H(Z)); + return N(P(k(Y), d.n - A) + A); + }, randomBytes: (Y = 32) => { + if (ne.web) + return ne.web.getRandomValues(new Uint8Array(Y)); + if (ne.node) { + const { randomBytes: $ } = ne.node; + return Uint8Array.from($(Y)); } throw new Error("The environment doesn't have randomBytes function"); - }, randomPrivateKey: () => e.utils.hashToPrivateKey(e.utils.randomBytes(40)), sha256: async (...Z) => { - if (re.web) { - const H = await re.web.subtle.digest("SHA-256", m(...Z)); - return new Uint8Array(H); + }, randomPrivateKey: () => e.utils.hashToPrivateKey(e.utils.randomBytes(40)), sha256: async (...Y) => { + if (ne.web) { + const $ = await ne.web.subtle.digest("SHA-256", m(...Y)); + return new Uint8Array($); } - if (re.node) { - const { createHash: H } = re.node, $ = H("sha256"); - return Z.forEach((ie) => $.update(ie)), Uint8Array.from($.digest()); + if (ne.node) { + const { createHash: $ } = ne.node, K = $("sha256"); + return Y.forEach((ae) => K.update(ae)), Uint8Array.from(K.digest()); } throw new Error("The environment doesn't have sha256 function"); - }, hmacSha256: async (Z, ...H) => { - if (re.web) { - const $ = await re.web.subtle.importKey("raw", Z, { name: "HMAC", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, !1, ["sign"]), ie = m(...H), se = await re.web.subtle.sign("HMAC", $, ie); - return new Uint8Array(se); + }, hmacSha256: async (Y, ...$) => { + if (ne.web) { + const K = await ne.web.subtle.importKey("raw", Y, { name: "HMAC", hash: { name: "SHA-256" } }, !1, ["sign"]), ae = m(...$), ce = await ne.web.subtle.sign("HMAC", K, ae); + return new Uint8Array(ce); } - if (re.node) { - const { createHmac: $ } = re.node, ie = $("sha256", Z); - return H.forEach((se) => ie.update(se)), Uint8Array.from(ie.digest()); + if (ne.node) { + const { createHmac: K } = ne.node, ae = K("sha256", Y); + return $.forEach((ce) => ae.update(ce)), Uint8Array.from(ae.digest()); } throw new Error("The environment doesn't have hmac-sha256 function"); - }, sha256Sync: void 0, hmacSha256Sync: void 0, taggedHash: async (Z, ...H) => { - let $ = G[Z]; - if ($ === void 0) { - const ie = await e.utils.sha256(Uint8Array.from(Z, (se) => se.charCodeAt(0))); - $ = m(ie, ie), G[Z] = $; - } - return e.utils.sha256($, ...H); - }, taggedHashSync: (Z, ...H) => { - if (typeof B != "function") + }, sha256Sync: void 0, hmacSha256Sync: void 0, taggedHash: async (Y, ...$) => { + let K = V[Y]; + if (K === void 0) { + const ae = await e.utils.sha256(Uint8Array.from(Y, (ce) => ce.charCodeAt(0))); + K = m(ae, ae), V[Y] = K; + } + return e.utils.sha256(K, ...$); + }, taggedHashSync: (Y, ...$) => { + if (typeof D != "function") throw new r("sha256Sync is undefined, you need to set it"); - let $ = G[Z]; - if ($ === void 0) { - const ie = B(Uint8Array.from(Z, (se) => se.charCodeAt(0))); - $ = m(ie, ie), G[Z] = $; - } - return B($, ...H); - }, precompute(Z = 8, H = i.BASE) { - const $ = H === i.BASE ? H : new i(H.x, H.y); - return $._setWindowSize(Z), $.multiply(a), $; - } }, Object.defineProperties(e.utils, { sha256Sync: { configurable: !1, get: () => B, set(Z) { - B || (B = Z); - } }, hmacSha256Sync: { configurable: !1, get: () => Q, set(Z) { - Q || (Q = Z); + let K = V[Y]; + if (K === void 0) { + const ae = D(Uint8Array.from(Y, (ce) => ce.charCodeAt(0))); + K = m(ae, ae), V[Y] = K; + } + return D(K, ...$); + }, precompute(Y = 8, $ = i.BASE) { + const K = $ === i.BASE ? $ : new i($.x, $.y); + return K._setWindowSize(Y), K.multiply(a), K; + } }, Object.defineProperties(e.utils, { sha256Sync: { configurable: !1, get: () => D, set(Y) { + D || (D = Y); + } }, hmacSha256Sync: { configurable: !1, get: () => Z, set(Y) { + Z || (Z = Y); } } }); }, 4537: (J) => { - J.exports = function(e, b) { - for (var E = new Array(arguments.length - 1), M = 0, P = 2, y = !0; P < arguments.length; ) - E[M++] = arguments[P++]; + J.exports = function(e, y) { + for (var E = new Array(arguments.length - 1), R = 0, A = 2, w = !0; A < arguments.length; ) + E[R++] = arguments[A++]; return new Promise(function(a, t) { - E[M] = function(d) { - if (y) - if (y = !1, d) + E[R] = function(d) { + if (w) + if (w = !1, d) t(d); else { for (var u = new Array(arguments.length - 1), s = 0; s < u.length; ) @@ -2490,15 +2828,15 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" } }; try { - e.apply(b || null, E); + e.apply(y || null, E); } catch (d) { - y && (y = !1, t(d)); + w && (w = !1, t(d)); } }); }; }, 7419: (J, e) => { - var b = e; - b.length = function(a) { + var y = e; + y.length = function(a) { var t = a.length; if (!t) return 0; @@ -2506,9 +2844,9 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" ++d; return Math.ceil(3 * a.length) / 4 - d; }; - for (var E = new Array(64), M = new Array(123), P = 0; P < 64; ) - M[E[P] = P < 26 ? P + 65 : P < 52 ? P + 71 : P < 62 ? P - 4 : P - 59 | 43] = P++; - b.encode = function(a, t, d) { + for (var E = new Array(64), R = new Array(123), A = 0; A < 64; ) + R[E[A] = A < 26 ? A + 65 : A < 52 ? A + 71 : A < 62 ? A - 4 : A - 59 | 43] = A++; + y.encode = function(a, t, d) { for (var u, s = null, r = [], n = 0, o = 0; t < d; ) { var i = a[t++]; switch (o) { @@ -2525,14 +2863,14 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" } return o && (r[n++] = E[u], r[n++] = 61, o === 1 && (r[n++] = 61)), s ? (n && s.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, r.slice(0, n))), s.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, r.slice(0, n)); }; - var y = "invalid encoding"; - b.decode = function(a, t, d) { + var w = "invalid encoding"; + y.decode = function(a, t, d) { for (var u, s = d, r = 0, n = 0; n < a.length; ) { var o = a.charCodeAt(n++); if (o === 61 && r > 1) break; - if ((o = M[o]) === void 0) - throw Error(y); + if ((o = R[o]) === void 0) + throw Error(w); switch (r) { case 0: u = o, r = 1; @@ -2548,38 +2886,38 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" } } if (r === 1) - throw Error(y); + throw Error(w); return d - s; - }, b.test = function(a) { + }, y.test = function(a) { return /^(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{4})*(?:[A-Za-z0-9+/]{2}==|[A-Za-z0-9+/]{3}=)?$/.test(a); }; }, 9211: (J) => { function e() { this._listeners = {}; } - J.exports = e, e.prototype.on = function(b, E, M) { - return (this._listeners[b] || (this._listeners[b] = [])).push({ fn: E, ctx: M || this }), this; - }, e.prototype.off = function(b, E) { - if (b === void 0) + J.exports = e, e.prototype.on = function(y, E, R) { + return (this._listeners[y] || (this._listeners[y] = [])).push({ fn: E, ctx: R || this }), this; + }, e.prototype.off = function(y, E) { + if (y === void 0) this._listeners = {}; else if (E === void 0) - this._listeners[b] = []; + this._listeners[y] = []; else - for (var M = this._listeners[b], P = 0; P < M.length; ) - M[P].fn === E ? M.splice(P, 1) : ++P; + for (var R = this._listeners[y], A = 0; A < R.length; ) + R[A].fn === E ? R.splice(A, 1) : ++A; return this; - }, e.prototype.emit = function(b) { - var E = this._listeners[b]; + }, e.prototype.emit = function(y) { + var E = this._listeners[y]; if (E) { - for (var M = [], P = 1; P < arguments.length; ) - M.push(arguments[P++]); - for (P = 0; P < E.length; ) - E[P].fn.apply(E[P++].ctx, M); + for (var R = [], A = 1; A < arguments.length; ) + R.push(arguments[A++]); + for (A = 0; A < E.length; ) + E[A].fn.apply(E[A++].ctx, R); } return this; }; }, 945: (J) => { - function e(y) { + function e(w) { return typeof Float32Array < "u" ? function() { var a = new Float32Array([-0]), t = new Uint8Array(a.buffer), d = t[3] === 128; function u(o, i, f) { @@ -2594,7 +2932,7 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" function n(o, i) { return t[3] = o[i], t[2] = o[i + 1], t[1] = o[i + 2], t[0] = o[i + 3], a[0]; } - y.writeFloatLE = d ? u : s, y.writeFloatBE = d ? s : u, y.readFloatLE = d ? r : n, y.readFloatBE = d ? n : r; + w.writeFloatLE = d ? u : s, w.writeFloatBE = d ? s : u, w.readFloatLE = d ? r : n, w.readFloatBE = d ? n : r; }() : function() { function a(d, u, s, r) { var n = u < 0 ? 1 : 0; @@ -2615,7 +2953,7 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" var r = d(u, s), n = 2 * (r >> 31) + 1, o = r >>> 23 & 255, i = 8388607 & r; return o === 255 ? i ? NaN : n * (1 / 0) : o === 0 ? 1401298464324817e-60 * n * i : n * Math.pow(2, o - 150) * (i + 8388608); } - y.writeFloatLE = a.bind(null, b), y.writeFloatBE = a.bind(null, E), y.readFloatLE = t.bind(null, M), y.readFloatBE = t.bind(null, P); + w.writeFloatLE = a.bind(null, y), w.writeFloatBE = a.bind(null, E), w.readFloatLE = t.bind(null, R), w.readFloatBE = t.bind(null, A); }(), typeof Float64Array < "u" ? function() { var a = new Float64Array([-0]), t = new Uint8Array(a.buffer), d = t[7] === 128; function u(o, i, f) { @@ -2630,7 +2968,7 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" function n(o, i) { return t[7] = o[i], t[6] = o[i + 1], t[5] = o[i + 2], t[4] = o[i + 3], t[3] = o[i + 4], t[2] = o[i + 5], t[1] = o[i + 6], t[0] = o[i + 7], a[0]; } - y.writeDoubleLE = d ? u : s, y.writeDoubleBE = d ? s : u, y.readDoubleLE = d ? r : n, y.readDoubleBE = d ? n : r; + w.writeDoubleLE = d ? u : s, w.writeDoubleBE = d ? s : u, w.readDoubleLE = d ? r : n, w.readDoubleBE = d ? n : r; }() : function() { function a(d, u, s, r, n, o) { var i = r < 0 ? 1 : 0; @@ -2654,20 +2992,20 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" var o = d(r, n + u), i = d(r, n + s), f = 2 * (i >> 31) + 1, c = i >>> 20 & 2047, h = 4294967296 * (1048575 & i) + o; return c === 2047 ? h ? NaN : f * (1 / 0) : c === 0 ? 5e-324 * f * h : f * Math.pow(2, c - 1075) * (h + 4503599627370496); } - y.writeDoubleLE = a.bind(null, b, 0, 4), y.writeDoubleBE = a.bind(null, E, 4, 0), y.readDoubleLE = t.bind(null, M, 0, 4), y.readDoubleBE = t.bind(null, P, 4, 0); - }(), y; + w.writeDoubleLE = a.bind(null, y, 0, 4), w.writeDoubleBE = a.bind(null, E, 4, 0), w.readDoubleLE = t.bind(null, R, 0, 4), w.readDoubleBE = t.bind(null, A, 4, 0); + }(), w; } - function b(y, a, t) { - a[t] = 255 & y, a[t + 1] = y >>> 8 & 255, a[t + 2] = y >>> 16 & 255, a[t + 3] = y >>> 24; + function y(w, a, t) { + a[t] = 255 & w, a[t + 1] = w >>> 8 & 255, a[t + 2] = w >>> 16 & 255, a[t + 3] = w >>> 24; } - function E(y, a, t) { - a[t] = y >>> 24, a[t + 1] = y >>> 16 & 255, a[t + 2] = y >>> 8 & 255, a[t + 3] = 255 & y; + function E(w, a, t) { + a[t] = w >>> 24, a[t + 1] = w >>> 16 & 255, a[t + 2] = w >>> 8 & 255, a[t + 3] = 255 & w; } - function M(y, a) { - return (y[a] | y[a + 1] << 8 | y[a + 2] << 16 | y[a + 3] << 24) >>> 0; + function R(w, a) { + return (w[a] | w[a + 1] << 8 | w[a + 2] << 16 | w[a + 3] << 24) >>> 0; } - function P(y, a) { - return (y[a] << 24 | y[a + 1] << 16 | y[a + 2] << 8 | y[a + 3]) >>> 0; + function A(w, a) { + return (w[a] << 24 | w[a + 1] << 16 | w[a + 2] << 8 | w[a + 3]) >>> 0; } J.exports = e(e); }, 7199: (module) => { @@ -2682,299 +3020,299 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" } module.exports = inquire; }, 6662: (J) => { - J.exports = function(e, b, E) { - var M = E || 8192, P = M >>> 1, y = null, a = M; + J.exports = function(e, y, E) { + var R = E || 8192, A = R >>> 1, w = null, a = R; return function(t) { - if (t < 1 || t > P) + if (t < 1 || t > A) return e(t); - a + t > M && (y = e(M), a = 0); - var d = b.call(y, a, a += t); + a + t > R && (w = e(R), a = 0); + var d = y.call(w, a, a += t); return 7 & a && (a = 1 + (7 | a)), d; }; }; }, 4997: (J, e) => { - var b = e; - b.length = function(E) { - for (var M = 0, P = 0, y = 0; y < E.length; ++y) - (P = E.charCodeAt(y)) < 128 ? M += 1 : P < 2048 ? M += 2 : (64512 & P) == 55296 && (64512 & E.charCodeAt(y + 1)) == 56320 ? (++y, M += 4) : M += 3; - return M; - }, b.read = function(E, M, P) { - if (P - M < 1) + var y = e; + y.length = function(E) { + for (var R = 0, A = 0, w = 0; w < E.length; ++w) + (A = E.charCodeAt(w)) < 128 ? R += 1 : A < 2048 ? R += 2 : (64512 & A) == 55296 && (64512 & E.charCodeAt(w + 1)) == 56320 ? (++w, R += 4) : R += 3; + return R; + }, y.read = function(E, R, A) { + if (A - R < 1) return ""; - for (var y, a = null, t = [], d = 0; M < P; ) - (y = E[M++]) < 128 ? t[d++] = y : y > 191 && y < 224 ? t[d++] = (31 & y) << 6 | 63 & E[M++] : y > 239 && y < 365 ? (y = ((7 & y) << 18 | (63 & E[M++]) << 12 | (63 & E[M++]) << 6 | 63 & E[M++]) - 65536, t[d++] = 55296 + (y >> 10), t[d++] = 56320 + (1023 & y)) : t[d++] = (15 & y) << 12 | (63 & E[M++]) << 6 | 63 & E[M++], d > 8191 && ((a || (a = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t)), d = 0); + for (var w, a = null, t = [], d = 0; R < A; ) + (w = E[R++]) < 128 ? t[d++] = w : w > 191 && w < 224 ? t[d++] = (31 & w) << 6 | 63 & E[R++] : w > 239 && w < 365 ? (w = ((7 & w) << 18 | (63 & E[R++]) << 12 | (63 & E[R++]) << 6 | 63 & E[R++]) - 65536, t[d++] = 55296 + (w >> 10), t[d++] = 56320 + (1023 & w)) : t[d++] = (15 & w) << 12 | (63 & E[R++]) << 6 | 63 & E[R++], d > 8191 && ((a || (a = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t)), d = 0); return a ? (d && a.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t.slice(0, d))), a.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, t.slice(0, d)); - }, b.write = function(E, M, P) { - for (var y, a, t = P, d = 0; d < E.length; ++d) - (y = E.charCodeAt(d)) < 128 ? M[P++] = y : y < 2048 ? (M[P++] = y >> 6 | 192, M[P++] = 63 & y | 128) : (64512 & y) == 55296 && (64512 & (a = E.charCodeAt(d + 1))) == 56320 ? (y = 65536 + ((1023 & y) << 10) + (1023 & a), ++d, M[P++] = y >> 18 | 240, M[P++] = y >> 12 & 63 | 128, M[P++] = y >> 6 & 63 | 128, M[P++] = 63 & y | 128) : (M[P++] = y >> 12 | 224, M[P++] = y >> 6 & 63 | 128, M[P++] = 63 & y | 128); - return P - t; - }; - }, 9282: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4155), M = b(5108); - function P(X) { - return P = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(ne) { - return typeof ne; - } : function(ne) { - return ne && typeof Symbol == "function" && ne.constructor === Symbol && ne !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof ne; - }, P(X); - } - var y, a, t = b(2136).codes, d = t.ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, u = t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, s = t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, r = t.ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE, n = t.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, o = b(5961), i = b(9539).inspect, f = b(9539).types, c = f.isPromise, h = f.isRegExp, m = Object.assign ? Object.assign : b(8091).assign, v = Object.is ? Object.is : b(609); - function C() { - var X = b(9158); - y = X.isDeepEqual, a = X.isDeepStrictEqual; - } - var l = !1, I = J.exports = A, R = {}; - function k(X) { - throw X.message instanceof Error ? X.message : new o(X); + }, y.write = function(E, R, A) { + for (var w, a, t = A, d = 0; d < E.length; ++d) + (w = E.charCodeAt(d)) < 128 ? R[A++] = w : w < 2048 ? (R[A++] = w >> 6 | 192, R[A++] = 63 & w | 128) : (64512 & w) == 55296 && (64512 & (a = E.charCodeAt(d + 1))) == 56320 ? (w = 65536 + ((1023 & w) << 10) + (1023 & a), ++d, R[A++] = w >> 18 | 240, R[A++] = w >> 12 & 63 | 128, R[A++] = w >> 6 & 63 | 128, R[A++] = 63 & w | 128) : (R[A++] = w >> 12 | 224, R[A++] = w >> 6 & 63 | 128, R[A++] = 63 & w | 128); + return A - t; + }; + }, 9282: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4155), R = y(5108); + function A(ee) { + return A = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(oe) { + return typeof oe; + } : function(oe) { + return oe && typeof Symbol == "function" && oe.constructor === Symbol && oe !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof oe; + }, A(ee); + } + var w, a, t = y(2136).codes, d = t.ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT, u = t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, s = t.ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE, r = t.ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE, n = t.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, o = y(5961), i = y(9539).inspect, f = y(9539).types, c = f.isPromise, h = f.isRegExp, m = Object.assign ? Object.assign : y(8091).assign, v = Object.is ? Object.is : y(609); + function I() { + var ee = y(9158); + w = ee.isDeepEqual, a = ee.isDeepStrictEqual; } - function N(X, ne, B, Q) { - if (!B) { - var V = !1; - if (ne === 0) - V = !0, Q = "No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`"; - else if (Q instanceof Error) - throw Q; - var ee = new o({ actual: B, expected: !0, message: Q, operator: "==", stackStartFn: X }); - throw ee.generatedMessage = V, ee; - } + var l = !1, j = J.exports = x, N = {}; + function S(ee) { + throw ee.message instanceof Error ? ee.message : new o(ee); } - function A() { - for (var X = arguments.length, ne = new Array(X), B = 0; B < X; B++) - ne[B] = arguments[B]; - N.apply(void 0, [A, ne.length].concat(ne)); - } - I.fail = function X(ne, B, Q, V, ee) { - var K, Y = arguments.length; - if (Y === 0 ? K = "Failed" : Y === 1 ? (Q = ne, ne = void 0) : (l === !1 && (l = !0, (E.emitWarning ? E.emitWarning : M.warn.bind(M))("assert.fail() with more than one argument is deprecated. Please use assert.strictEqual() instead or only pass a message.", "DeprecationWarning", "DEP0094")), Y === 2 && (V = "!=")), Q instanceof Error) - throw Q; - var q = { actual: ne, expected: B, operator: V === void 0 ? "fail" : V, stackStartFn: ee || X }; - Q !== void 0 && (q.message = Q); - var ae = new o(q); - throw K && (ae.message = K, ae.generatedMessage = !0), ae; - }, I.AssertionError = o, I.ok = A, I.equal = function X(ne, B, Q) { + function T(ee, oe, D, Z) { + if (!D) { + var H = !1; + if (oe === 0) + H = !0, Z = "No value argument passed to `assert.ok()`"; + else if (Z instanceof Error) + throw Z; + var te = new o({ actual: D, expected: !0, message: Z, operator: "==", stackStartFn: ee }); + throw te.generatedMessage = H, te; + } + } + function x() { + for (var ee = arguments.length, oe = new Array(ee), D = 0; D < ee; D++) + oe[D] = arguments[D]; + T.apply(void 0, [x, oe.length].concat(oe)); + } + j.fail = function ee(oe, D, Z, H, te) { + var Q, X = arguments.length; + if (X === 0 ? Q = "Failed" : X === 1 ? (Z = oe, oe = void 0) : (l === !1 && (l = !0, (E.emitWarning ? E.emitWarning : R.warn.bind(R))("assert.fail() with more than one argument is deprecated. Please use assert.strictEqual() instead or only pass a message.", "DeprecationWarning", "DEP0094")), X === 2 && (H = "!=")), Z instanceof Error) + throw Z; + var F = { actual: oe, expected: D, operator: H === void 0 ? "fail" : H, stackStartFn: te || ee }; + Z !== void 0 && (F.message = Z); + var se = new o(F); + throw Q && (se.message = Q, se.generatedMessage = !0), se; + }, j.AssertionError = o, j.ok = x, j.equal = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - ne != B && k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "==", stackStartFn: X }); - }, I.notEqual = function X(ne, B, Q) { + oe != D && S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "==", stackStartFn: ee }); + }, j.notEqual = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - ne == B && k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "!=", stackStartFn: X }); - }, I.deepEqual = function X(ne, B, Q) { + oe == D && S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "!=", stackStartFn: ee }); + }, j.deepEqual = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - y === void 0 && C(), y(ne, B) || k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "deepEqual", stackStartFn: X }); - }, I.notDeepEqual = function X(ne, B, Q) { + w === void 0 && I(), w(oe, D) || S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "deepEqual", stackStartFn: ee }); + }, j.notDeepEqual = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - y === void 0 && C(), y(ne, B) && k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "notDeepEqual", stackStartFn: X }); - }, I.deepStrictEqual = function X(ne, B, Q) { + w === void 0 && I(), w(oe, D) && S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "notDeepEqual", stackStartFn: ee }); + }, j.deepStrictEqual = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - y === void 0 && C(), a(ne, B) || k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: X }); - }, I.notDeepStrictEqual = function X(ne, B, Q) { + w === void 0 && I(), a(oe, D) || S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: ee }); + }, j.notDeepStrictEqual = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - y === void 0 && C(), a(ne, B) && k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "notDeepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: X }); - }, I.strictEqual = function X(ne, B, Q) { + w === void 0 && I(), a(oe, D) && S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "notDeepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: ee }); + }, j.strictEqual = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - v(ne, B) || k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "strictEqual", stackStartFn: X }); - }, I.notStrictEqual = function X(ne, B, Q) { + v(oe, D) || S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "strictEqual", stackStartFn: ee }); + }, j.notStrictEqual = function ee(oe, D, Z) { if (arguments.length < 2) throw new n("actual", "expected"); - v(ne, B) && k({ actual: ne, expected: B, message: Q, operator: "notStrictEqual", stackStartFn: X }); + v(oe, D) && S({ actual: oe, expected: D, message: Z, operator: "notStrictEqual", stackStartFn: ee }); }; - var w = function X(ne, B, Q) { - var V = this; - (function(ee, K) { - if (!(ee instanceof K)) + var k = function ee(oe, D, Z) { + var H = this; + (function(te, Q) { + if (!(te instanceof Q)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); - })(this, X), B.forEach(function(ee) { - ee in ne && (Q !== void 0 && typeof Q[ee] == "string" && h(ne[ee]) && ne[ee].test(Q[ee]) ? V[ee] = Q[ee] : V[ee] = ne[ee]); + })(this, ee), D.forEach(function(te) { + te in oe && (Z !== void 0 && typeof Z[te] == "string" && h(oe[te]) && oe[te].test(Z[te]) ? H[te] = Z[te] : H[te] = oe[te]); }); }; - function _(X, ne, B, Q) { - if (typeof ne != "function") { - if (h(ne)) - return ne.test(X); + function b(ee, oe, D, Z) { + if (typeof oe != "function") { + if (h(oe)) + return oe.test(ee); if (arguments.length === 2) - throw new u("expected", ["Function", "RegExp"], ne); - if (P(X) !== "object" || X === null) { - var V = new o({ actual: X, expected: ne, message: B, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: Q }); - throw V.operator = Q.name, V; - } - var ee = Object.keys(ne); - if (ne instanceof Error) - ee.push("name", "message"); - else if (ee.length === 0) - throw new s("error", ne, "may not be an empty object"); - return y === void 0 && C(), ee.forEach(function(K) { - typeof X[K] == "string" && h(ne[K]) && ne[K].test(X[K]) || function(Y, q, ae, de, ue, le) { - if (!(ae in Y) || !a(Y[ae], q[ae])) { - if (!de) { - var ge = new w(Y, ue), ce = new w(q, ue, Y), he = new o({ actual: ge, expected: ce, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: le }); - throw he.actual = Y, he.expected = q, he.operator = le.name, he; + throw new u("expected", ["Function", "RegExp"], oe); + if (A(ee) !== "object" || ee === null) { + var H = new o({ actual: ee, expected: oe, message: D, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: Z }); + throw H.operator = Z.name, H; + } + var te = Object.keys(oe); + if (oe instanceof Error) + te.push("name", "message"); + else if (te.length === 0) + throw new s("error", oe, "may not be an empty object"); + return w === void 0 && I(), te.forEach(function(Q) { + typeof ee[Q] == "string" && h(oe[Q]) && oe[Q].test(ee[Q]) || function(X, F, se, ue, le, fe) { + if (!(se in X) || !a(X[se], F[se])) { + if (!ue) { + var _e = new k(X, le), de = new k(F, le, X), pe = new o({ actual: _e, expected: de, operator: "deepStrictEqual", stackStartFn: fe }); + throw pe.actual = X, pe.expected = F, pe.operator = fe.name, pe; } - k({ actual: Y, expected: q, message: de, operator: le.name, stackStartFn: le }); + S({ actual: X, expected: F, message: ue, operator: fe.name, stackStartFn: fe }); } - }(X, ne, K, B, ee, Q); + }(ee, oe, Q, D, te, Z); }), !0; } - return ne.prototype !== void 0 && X instanceof ne || !Error.isPrototypeOf(ne) && ne.call({}, X) === !0; + return oe.prototype !== void 0 && ee instanceof oe || !Error.isPrototypeOf(oe) && oe.call({}, ee) === !0; } - function p(X) { - if (typeof X != "function") - throw new u("fn", "Function", X); + function p(ee) { + if (typeof ee != "function") + throw new u("fn", "Function", ee); try { - X(); - } catch (ne) { - return ne; + ee(); + } catch (oe) { + return oe; } - return R; + return N; } - function O(X) { - return c(X) || X !== null && P(X) === "object" && typeof X.then == "function" && typeof X.catch == "function"; + function P(ee) { + return c(ee) || ee !== null && A(ee) === "object" && typeof ee.then == "function" && typeof ee.catch == "function"; } - function U(X) { + function B(ee) { return Promise.resolve().then(function() { - var ne; - if (typeof X == "function") { - if (!O(ne = X())) - throw new r("instance of Promise", "promiseFn", ne); + var oe; + if (typeof ee == "function") { + if (!P(oe = ee())) + throw new r("instance of Promise", "promiseFn", oe); } else { - if (!O(X)) - throw new u("promiseFn", ["Function", "Promise"], X); - ne = X; + if (!P(ee)) + throw new u("promiseFn", ["Function", "Promise"], ee); + oe = ee; } return Promise.resolve().then(function() { - return ne; + return oe; }).then(function() { - return R; - }).catch(function(B) { - return B; + return N; + }).catch(function(D) { + return D; }); }); } - function T(X, ne, B, Q) { - if (typeof B == "string") { + function C(ee, oe, D, Z) { + if (typeof D == "string") { if (arguments.length === 4) - throw new u("error", ["Object", "Error", "Function", "RegExp"], B); - if (P(ne) === "object" && ne !== null) { - if (ne.message === B) - throw new d("error/message", 'The error message "'.concat(ne.message, '" is identical to the message.')); - } else if (ne === B) - throw new d("error/message", 'The error "'.concat(ne, '" is identical to the message.')); - Q = B, B = void 0; - } else if (B != null && P(B) !== "object" && typeof B != "function") - throw new u("error", ["Object", "Error", "Function", "RegExp"], B); - if (ne === R) { - var V = ""; - B && B.name && (V += " (".concat(B.name, ")")), V += Q ? ": ".concat(Q) : "."; - var ee = X.name === "rejects" ? "rejection" : "exception"; - k({ actual: void 0, expected: B, operator: X.name, message: "Missing expected ".concat(ee).concat(V), stackStartFn: X }); - } - if (B && !_(ne, B, Q, X)) - throw ne; - } - function z(X, ne, B, Q) { - if (ne !== R) { - if (typeof B == "string" && (Q = B, B = void 0), !B || _(ne, B)) { - var V = Q ? ": ".concat(Q) : ".", ee = X.name === "doesNotReject" ? "rejection" : "exception"; - k({ actual: ne, expected: B, operator: X.name, message: "Got unwanted ".concat(ee).concat(V, ` -`) + 'Actual message: "'.concat(ne && ne.message, '"'), stackStartFn: X }); - } - throw ne; - } - } - function te() { - for (var X = arguments.length, ne = new Array(X), B = 0; B < X; B++) - ne[B] = arguments[B]; - N.apply(void 0, [te, ne.length].concat(ne)); - } - I.throws = function X(ne) { - for (var B = arguments.length, Q = new Array(B > 1 ? B - 1 : 0), V = 1; V < B; V++) - Q[V - 1] = arguments[V]; - T.apply(void 0, [X, p(ne)].concat(Q)); - }, I.rejects = function X(ne) { - for (var B = arguments.length, Q = new Array(B > 1 ? B - 1 : 0), V = 1; V < B; V++) - Q[V - 1] = arguments[V]; - return U(ne).then(function(ee) { - return T.apply(void 0, [X, ee].concat(Q)); + throw new u("error", ["Object", "Error", "Function", "RegExp"], D); + if (A(oe) === "object" && oe !== null) { + if (oe.message === D) + throw new d("error/message", 'The error message "'.concat(oe.message, '" is identical to the message.')); + } else if (oe === D) + throw new d("error/message", 'The error "'.concat(oe, '" is identical to the message.')); + Z = D, D = void 0; + } else if (D != null && A(D) !== "object" && typeof D != "function") + throw new u("error", ["Object", "Error", "Function", "RegExp"], D); + if (oe === N) { + var H = ""; + D && D.name && (H += " (".concat(D.name, ")")), H += Z ? ": ".concat(Z) : "."; + var te = ee.name === "rejects" ? "rejection" : "exception"; + S({ actual: void 0, expected: D, operator: ee.name, message: "Missing expected ".concat(te).concat(H), stackStartFn: ee }); + } + if (D && !b(oe, D, Z, ee)) + throw oe; + } + function L(ee, oe, D, Z) { + if (oe !== N) { + if (typeof D == "string" && (Z = D, D = void 0), !D || b(oe, D)) { + var H = Z ? ": ".concat(Z) : ".", te = ee.name === "doesNotReject" ? "rejection" : "exception"; + S({ actual: oe, expected: D, operator: ee.name, message: "Got unwanted ".concat(te).concat(H, ` +`) + 'Actual message: "'.concat(oe && oe.message, '"'), stackStartFn: ee }); + } + throw oe; + } + } + function re() { + for (var ee = arguments.length, oe = new Array(ee), D = 0; D < ee; D++) + oe[D] = arguments[D]; + T.apply(void 0, [re, oe.length].concat(oe)); + } + j.throws = function ee(oe) { + for (var D = arguments.length, Z = new Array(D > 1 ? D - 1 : 0), H = 1; H < D; H++) + Z[H - 1] = arguments[H]; + C.apply(void 0, [ee, p(oe)].concat(Z)); + }, j.rejects = function ee(oe) { + for (var D = arguments.length, Z = new Array(D > 1 ? D - 1 : 0), H = 1; H < D; H++) + Z[H - 1] = arguments[H]; + return B(oe).then(function(te) { + return C.apply(void 0, [ee, te].concat(Z)); }); - }, I.doesNotThrow = function X(ne) { - for (var B = arguments.length, Q = new Array(B > 1 ? B - 1 : 0), V = 1; V < B; V++) - Q[V - 1] = arguments[V]; - z.apply(void 0, [X, p(ne)].concat(Q)); - }, I.doesNotReject = function X(ne) { - for (var B = arguments.length, Q = new Array(B > 1 ? B - 1 : 0), V = 1; V < B; V++) - Q[V - 1] = arguments[V]; - return U(ne).then(function(ee) { - return z.apply(void 0, [X, ee].concat(Q)); + }, j.doesNotThrow = function ee(oe) { + for (var D = arguments.length, Z = new Array(D > 1 ? D - 1 : 0), H = 1; H < D; H++) + Z[H - 1] = arguments[H]; + L.apply(void 0, [ee, p(oe)].concat(Z)); + }, j.doesNotReject = function ee(oe) { + for (var D = arguments.length, Z = new Array(D > 1 ? D - 1 : 0), H = 1; H < D; H++) + Z[H - 1] = arguments[H]; + return B(oe).then(function(te) { + return L.apply(void 0, [ee, te].concat(Z)); }); - }, I.ifError = function X(ne) { - if (ne != null) { - var B = "ifError got unwanted exception: "; - P(ne) === "object" && typeof ne.message == "string" ? ne.message.length === 0 && ne.constructor ? B += ne.constructor.name : B += ne.message : B += i(ne); - var Q = new o({ actual: ne, expected: null, operator: "ifError", message: B, stackStartFn: X }), V = ne.stack; - if (typeof V == "string") { - var ee = V.split(` + }, j.ifError = function ee(oe) { + if (oe != null) { + var D = "ifError got unwanted exception: "; + A(oe) === "object" && typeof oe.message == "string" ? oe.message.length === 0 && oe.constructor ? D += oe.constructor.name : D += oe.message : D += i(oe); + var Z = new o({ actual: oe, expected: null, operator: "ifError", message: D, stackStartFn: ee }), H = oe.stack; + if (typeof H == "string") { + var te = H.split(` `); - ee.shift(); - for (var K = Q.stack.split(` -`), Y = 0; Y < ee.length; Y++) { - var q = K.indexOf(ee[Y]); - if (q !== -1) { - K = K.slice(0, q); + te.shift(); + for (var Q = Z.stack.split(` +`), X = 0; X < te.length; X++) { + var F = Q.indexOf(te[X]); + if (F !== -1) { + Q = Q.slice(0, F); break; } } - Q.stack = "".concat(K.join(` + Z.stack = "".concat(Q.join(` `), ` -`).concat(ee.join(` +`).concat(te.join(` `)); } - throw Q; + throw Z; } - }, I.strict = m(te, I, { equal: I.strictEqual, deepEqual: I.deepStrictEqual, notEqual: I.notStrictEqual, notDeepEqual: I.notDeepStrictEqual }), I.strict.strict = I.strict; - }, 5961: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4155); - function M(R, k, N) { - return k in R ? Object.defineProperty(R, k, { value: N, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : R[k] = N, R; + }, j.strict = m(re, j, { equal: j.strictEqual, deepEqual: j.deepStrictEqual, notEqual: j.notStrictEqual, notDeepEqual: j.notDeepStrictEqual }), j.strict.strict = j.strict; + }, 5961: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4155); + function R(N, S, T) { + return S in N ? Object.defineProperty(N, S, { value: T, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : N[S] = T, N; } - function P(R, k) { - for (var N = 0; N < k.length; N++) { - var A = k[N]; - A.enumerable = A.enumerable || !1, A.configurable = !0, "value" in A && (A.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(R, A.key, A); + function A(N, S) { + for (var T = 0; T < S.length; T++) { + var x = S[T]; + x.enumerable = x.enumerable || !1, x.configurable = !0, "value" in x && (x.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(N, x.key, x); } } - function y(R, k) { - return !k || r(k) !== "object" && typeof k != "function" ? a(R) : k; + function w(N, S) { + return !S || r(S) !== "object" && typeof S != "function" ? a(N) : S; } - function a(R) { - if (R === void 0) + function a(N) { + if (N === void 0) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); - return R; + return N; } - function t(R) { - var k = typeof Map == "function" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0; - return t = function(N) { - if (N === null || (A = N, Function.toString.call(A).indexOf("[native code]") === -1)) - return N; - var A; - if (typeof N != "function") + function t(N) { + var S = typeof Map == "function" ? /* @__PURE__ */ new Map() : void 0; + return t = function(T) { + if (T === null || (x = T, Function.toString.call(x).indexOf("[native code]") === -1)) + return T; + var x; + if (typeof T != "function") throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); - if (k !== void 0) { - if (k.has(N)) - return k.get(N); - k.set(N, w); + if (S !== void 0) { + if (S.has(T)) + return S.get(T); + S.set(T, k); } - function w() { - return d(N, arguments, s(this).constructor); + function k() { + return d(T, arguments, s(this).constructor); } - return w.prototype = Object.create(N.prototype, { constructor: { value: w, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), u(w, N); - }, t(R); + return k.prototype = Object.create(T.prototype, { constructor: { value: k, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), u(k, T); + }, t(N); } - function d(R, k, N) { + function d(N, S, T) { return d = function() { if (typeof Reflect > "u" || !Reflect.construct || Reflect.construct.sham) return !1; @@ -2986,184 +3324,184 @@ var commonjsGlobal = typeof globalThis < "u" ? globalThis : typeof window < "u" } catch { return !1; } - }() ? Reflect.construct : function(A, w, _) { + }() ? Reflect.construct : function(x, k, b) { var p = [null]; - p.push.apply(p, w); - var O = new (Function.bind.apply(A, p))(); - return _ && u(O, _.prototype), O; + p.push.apply(p, k); + var P = new (Function.bind.apply(x, p))(); + return b && u(P, b.prototype), P; }, d.apply(null, arguments); } - function u(R, k) { - return u = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(N, A) { - return N.__proto__ = A, N; - }, u(R, k); + function u(N, S) { + return u = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(T, x) { + return T.__proto__ = x, T; + }, u(N, S); } - function s(R) { - return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(k) { - return k.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(k); - }, s(R); + function s(N) { + return s = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(S) { + return S.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(S); + }, s(N); } - function r(R) { - return r = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(k) { - return typeof k; - } : function(k) { - return k && typeof Symbol == "function" && k.constructor === Symbol && k !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof k; - }, r(R); + function r(N) { + return r = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(S) { + return typeof S; + } : function(S) { + return S && typeof Symbol == "function" && S.constructor === Symbol && S !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof S; + }, r(N); } - var n = b(9539).inspect, o = b(2136).codes.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE; - function i(R, k, N) { - return (N === void 0 || N > R.length) && (N = R.length), R.substring(N - k.length, N) === k; + var n = y(9539).inspect, o = y(2136).codes.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE; + function i(N, S, T) { + return (T === void 0 || T > N.length) && (T = N.length), N.substring(T - S.length, T) === S; } var f = "", c = "", h = "", m = "", v = { deepStrictEqual: "Expected values to be strictly deep-equal:", strictEqual: "Expected values to be strictly equal:", strictEqualObject: 'Expected "actual" to be reference-equal to "expected":', deepEqual: "Expected values to be loosely deep-equal:", equal: "Expected values to be loosely equal:", notDeepStrictEqual: 'Expected "actual" not to be strictly deep-equal to:', notStrictEqual: 'Expected "actual" to be strictly unequal to:', notStrictEqualObject: 'Expected "actual" not to be reference-equal to "expected":', notDeepEqual: 'Expected "actual" not to be loosely deep-equal to:', notEqual: 'Expected "actual" to be loosely unequal to:', notIdentical: "Values identical but not reference-equal:" }; - function C(R) { - var k = Object.keys(R), N = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(R)); - return k.forEach(function(A) { - N[A] = R[A]; - }), Object.defineProperty(N, "message", { value: R.message }), N; - } - function l(R) { - return n(R, { compact: !1, customInspect: !1, depth: 1e3, maxArrayLength: 1 / 0, showHidden: !1, breakLength: 1 / 0, showProxy: !1, sorted: !0, getters: !0 }); - } - var I = function(R) { - function k(w) { - var _; - if (function(ee, K) { - if (!(ee instanceof K)) + function I(N) { + var S = Object.keys(N), T = Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(N)); + return S.forEach(function(x) { + T[x] = N[x]; + }), Object.defineProperty(T, "message", { value: N.message }), T; + } + function l(N) { + return n(N, { compact: !1, customInspect: !1, depth: 1e3, maxArrayLength: 1 / 0, showHidden: !1, breakLength: 1 / 0, showProxy: !1, sorted: !0, getters: !0 }); + } + var j = function(N) { + function S(k) { + var b; + if (function(te, Q) { + if (!(te instanceof Q)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); - }(this, k), r(w) !== "object" || w === null) - throw new o("options", "Object", w); - var p = w.message, O = w.operator, U = w.stackStartFn, T = w.actual, z = w.expected, te = Error.stackTraceLimit; + }(this, S), r(k) !== "object" || k === null) + throw new o("options", "Object", k); + var p = k.message, P = k.operator, B = k.stackStartFn, C = k.actual, L = k.expected, re = Error.stackTraceLimit; if (Error.stackTraceLimit = 0, p != null) - _ = y(this, s(k).call(this, String(p))); - else if (E.stderr && E.stderr.isTTY && (E.stderr && E.stderr.getColorDepth && E.stderr.getColorDepth() !== 1 ? (f = "\x1B[34m", c = "\x1B[32m", m = "\x1B[39m", h = "\x1B[31m") : (f = "", c = "", m = "", h = "")), r(T) === "object" && T !== null && r(z) === "object" && z !== null && "stack" in T && T instanceof Error && "stack" in z && z instanceof Error && (T = C(T), z = C(z)), O === "deepStrictEqual" || O === "strictEqual") - _ = y(this, s(k).call(this, function(ee, K, Y) { - var q = "", ae = "", de = 0, ue = "", le = !1, ge = l(ee), ce = ge.split(` -`), he = l(K).split(` -`), be = 0, W = ""; - if (Y === "strictEqual" && r(ee) === "object" && r(K) === "object" && ee !== null && K !== null && (Y = "strictEqualObject"), ce.length === 1 && he.length === 1 && ce[0] !== he[0]) { - var g = ce[0].length + he[0].length; - if (g <= 10) { - if (!(r(ee) === "object" && ee !== null || r(K) === "object" && K !== null || ee === 0 && K === 0)) - return "".concat(v[Y], ` + b = w(this, s(S).call(this, String(p))); + else if (E.stderr && E.stderr.isTTY && (E.stderr && E.stderr.getColorDepth && E.stderr.getColorDepth() !== 1 ? (f = "\x1B[34m", c = "\x1B[32m", m = "\x1B[39m", h = "\x1B[31m") : (f = "", c = "", m = "", h = "")), r(C) === "object" && C !== null && r(L) === "object" && L !== null && "stack" in C && C instanceof Error && "stack" in L && L instanceof Error && (C = I(C), L = I(L)), P === "deepStrictEqual" || P === "strictEqual") + b = w(this, s(S).call(this, function(te, Q, X) { + var F = "", se = "", ue = 0, le = "", fe = !1, _e = l(te), de = _e.split(` +`), pe = l(Q).split(` +`), ye = 0, G = ""; + if (X === "strictEqual" && r(te) === "object" && r(Q) === "object" && te !== null && Q !== null && (X = "strictEqualObject"), de.length === 1 && pe.length === 1 && de[0] !== pe[0]) { + var _ = de[0].length + pe[0].length; + if (_ <= 10) { + if (!(r(te) === "object" && te !== null || r(Q) === "object" && Q !== null || te === 0 && Q === 0)) + return "".concat(v[X], ` -`) + "".concat(ce[0], " !== ").concat(he[0], ` +`) + "".concat(de[0], " !== ").concat(pe[0], ` `); - } else if (Y !== "strictEqualObject" && g < (E.stderr && E.stderr.isTTY ? E.stderr.columns : 80)) { - for (; ce[0][be] === he[0][be]; ) - be++; - be > 2 && (W = ` - `.concat(function($, ie) { - if (ie = Math.floor(ie), $.length == 0 || ie == 0) + } else if (X !== "strictEqualObject" && _ < (E.stderr && E.stderr.isTTY ? E.stderr.columns : 80)) { + for (; de[0][ye] === pe[0][ye]; ) + ye++; + ye > 2 && (G = ` + `.concat(function(K, ae) { + if (ae = Math.floor(ae), K.length == 0 || ae == 0) return ""; - var se = $.length * ie; - for (ie = Math.floor(Math.log(ie) / Math.log(2)); ie; ) - $ += $, ie--; - return $ + $.substring(0, se - $.length); - }(" ", be), "^"), be = 0); + var ce = K.length * ae; + for (ae = Math.floor(Math.log(ae) / Math.log(2)); ae; ) + K += K, ae--; + return K + K.substring(0, ce - K.length); + }(" ", ye), "^"), ye = 0); } } - for (var S = ce[ce.length - 1], x = he[he.length - 1]; S === x && (be++ < 2 ? ue = ` - `.concat(S).concat(ue) : q = S, ce.pop(), he.pop(), ce.length !== 0 && he.length !== 0); ) - S = ce[ce.length - 1], x = he[he.length - 1]; - var j = Math.max(ce.length, he.length); - if (j === 0) { - var D = ge.split(` + for (var O = de[de.length - 1], M = pe[pe.length - 1]; O === M && (ye++ < 2 ? le = ` + `.concat(O).concat(le) : F = O, de.pop(), pe.pop(), de.length !== 0 && pe.length !== 0); ) + O = de[de.length - 1], M = pe[pe.length - 1]; + var U = Math.max(de.length, pe.length); + if (U === 0) { + var z = _e.split(` `); - if (D.length > 30) - for (D[26] = "".concat(f, "...").concat(m); D.length > 27; ) - D.pop(); + if (z.length > 30) + for (z[26] = "".concat(f, "...").concat(m); z.length > 27; ) + z.pop(); return "".concat(v.notIdentical, ` -`).concat(D.join(` +`).concat(z.join(` `), ` `); } - be > 3 && (ue = ` -`.concat(f, "...").concat(m).concat(ue), le = !0), q !== "" && (ue = ` - `.concat(q).concat(ue), q = ""); - var L = 0, F = v[Y] + ` -`.concat(c, "+ actual").concat(m, " ").concat(h, "- expected").concat(m), re = " ".concat(f, "...").concat(m, " Lines skipped"); - for (be = 0; be < j; be++) { - var oe = be - de; - if (ce.length < be + 1) - oe > 1 && be > 2 && (oe > 4 ? (ae += ` -`.concat(f, "...").concat(m), le = !0) : oe > 3 && (ae += ` - `.concat(he[be - 2]), L++), ae += ` - `.concat(he[be - 1]), L++), de = be, q += ` -`.concat(h, "-").concat(m, " ").concat(he[be]), L++; - else if (he.length < be + 1) - oe > 1 && be > 2 && (oe > 4 ? (ae += ` -`.concat(f, "...").concat(m), le = !0) : oe > 3 && (ae += ` - `.concat(ce[be - 2]), L++), ae += ` - `.concat(ce[be - 1]), L++), de = be, ae += ` -`.concat(c, "+").concat(m, " ").concat(ce[be]), L++; + ye > 3 && (le = ` +`.concat(f, "...").concat(m).concat(le), fe = !0), F !== "" && (le = ` + `.concat(F).concat(le), F = ""); + var q = 0, W = v[X] + ` +`.concat(c, "+ actual").concat(m, " ").concat(h, "- expected").concat(m), ne = " ".concat(f, "...").concat(m, " Lines skipped"); + for (ye = 0; ye < U; ye++) { + var ie = ye - ue; + if (de.length < ye + 1) + ie > 1 && ye > 2 && (ie > 4 ? (se += ` +`.concat(f, "...").concat(m), fe = !0) : ie > 3 && (se += ` + `.concat(pe[ye - 2]), q++), se += ` + `.concat(pe[ye - 1]), q++), ue = ye, F += ` +`.concat(h, "-").concat(m, " ").concat(pe[ye]), q++; + else if (pe.length < ye + 1) + ie > 1 && ye > 2 && (ie > 4 ? (se += ` +`.concat(f, "...").concat(m), fe = !0) : ie > 3 && (se += ` + `.concat(de[ye - 2]), q++), se += ` + `.concat(de[ye - 1]), q++), ue = ye, se += ` +`.concat(c, "+").concat(m, " ").concat(de[ye]), q++; else { - var G = he[be], Z = ce[be], H = Z !== G && (!i(Z, ",") || Z.slice(0, -1) !== G); - H && i(G, ",") && G.slice(0, -1) === Z && (H = !1, Z += ","), H ? (oe > 1 && be > 2 && (oe > 4 ? (ae += ` -`.concat(f, "...").concat(m), le = !0) : oe > 3 && (ae += ` - `.concat(ce[be - 2]), L++), ae += ` - `.concat(ce[be - 1]), L++), de = be, ae += ` -`.concat(c, "+").concat(m, " ").concat(Z), q += ` -`.concat(h, "-").concat(m, " ").concat(G), L += 2) : (ae += q, q = "", oe !== 1 && be !== 0 || (ae += ` - `.concat(Z), L++)); + var V = pe[ye], Y = de[ye], $ = Y !== V && (!i(Y, ",") || Y.slice(0, -1) !== V); + $ && i(V, ",") && V.slice(0, -1) === Y && ($ = !1, Y += ","), $ ? (ie > 1 && ye > 2 && (ie > 4 ? (se += ` +`.concat(f, "...").concat(m), fe = !0) : ie > 3 && (se += ` + `.concat(de[ye - 2]), q++), se += ` + `.concat(de[ye - 1]), q++), ue = ye, se += ` +`.concat(c, "+").concat(m, " ").concat(Y), F += ` +`.concat(h, "-").concat(m, " ").concat(V), q += 2) : (se += F, F = "", ie !== 1 && ye !== 0 || (se += ` + `.concat(Y), q++)); } - if (L > 20 && be < j - 2) - return "".concat(F).concat(re, ` -`).concat(ae, ` -`).concat(f, "...").concat(m).concat(q, ` + if (q > 20 && ye < U - 2) + return "".concat(W).concat(ne, ` +`).concat(se, ` +`).concat(f, "...").concat(m).concat(F, ` `) + "".concat(f, "...").concat(m); } - return "".concat(F).concat(le ? re : "", ` -`).concat(ae).concat(q).concat(ue).concat(W); - }(T, z, O))); - else if (O === "notDeepStrictEqual" || O === "notStrictEqual") { - var X = v[O], ne = l(T).split(` + return "".concat(W).concat(fe ? ne : "", ` +`).concat(se).concat(F).concat(le).concat(G); + }(C, L, P))); + else if (P === "notDeepStrictEqual" || P === "notStrictEqual") { + var ee = v[P], oe = l(C).split(` `); - if (O === "notStrictEqual" && r(T) === "object" && T !== null && (X = v.notStrictEqualObject), ne.length > 30) - for (ne[26] = "".concat(f, "...").concat(m); ne.length > 27; ) - ne.pop(); - _ = ne.length === 1 ? y(this, s(k).call(this, "".concat(X, " ").concat(ne[0]))) : y(this, s(k).call(this, "".concat(X, ` + if (P === "notStrictEqual" && r(C) === "object" && C !== null && (ee = v.notStrictEqualObject), oe.length > 30) + for (oe[26] = "".concat(f, "...").concat(m); oe.length > 27; ) + oe.pop(); + b = oe.length === 1 ? w(this, s(S).call(this, "".concat(ee, " ").concat(oe[0]))) : w(this, s(S).call(this, "".concat(ee, ` -`).concat(ne.join(` +`).concat(oe.join(` `), ` `))); } else { - var B = l(T), Q = "", V = v[O]; - O === "notDeepEqual" || O === "notEqual" ? (B = "".concat(v[O], ` + var D = l(C), Z = "", H = v[P]; + P === "notDeepEqual" || P === "notEqual" ? (D = "".concat(v[P], ` -`).concat(B)).length > 1024 && (B = "".concat(B.slice(0, 1021), "...")) : (Q = "".concat(l(z)), B.length > 512 && (B = "".concat(B.slice(0, 509), "...")), Q.length > 512 && (Q = "".concat(Q.slice(0, 509), "...")), O === "deepEqual" || O === "equal" ? B = "".concat(V, ` +`).concat(D)).length > 1024 && (D = "".concat(D.slice(0, 1021), "...")) : (Z = "".concat(l(L)), D.length > 512 && (D = "".concat(D.slice(0, 509), "...")), Z.length > 512 && (Z = "".concat(Z.slice(0, 509), "...")), P === "deepEqual" || P === "equal" ? D = "".concat(H, ` -`).concat(B, ` +`).concat(D, ` should equal -`) : Q = " ".concat(O, " ").concat(Q)), _ = y(this, s(k).call(this, "".concat(B).concat(Q))); +`) : Z = " ".concat(P, " ").concat(Z)), b = w(this, s(S).call(this, "".concat(D).concat(Z))); } - return Error.stackTraceLimit = te, _.generatedMessage = !p, Object.defineProperty(a(_), "name", { value: "AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]", enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }), _.code = "ERR_ASSERTION", _.actual = T, _.expected = z, _.operator = O, Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(a(_), U), _.stack, _.name = "AssertionError", y(_); + return Error.stackTraceLimit = re, b.generatedMessage = !p, Object.defineProperty(a(b), "name", { value: "AssertionError [ERR_ASSERTION]", enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 }), b.code = "ERR_ASSERTION", b.actual = C, b.expected = L, b.operator = P, Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(a(b), B), b.stack, b.name = "AssertionError", w(b); } - var N, A; - return function(w, _) { - if (typeof _ != "function" && _ !== null) + var T, x; + return function(k, b) { + if (typeof b != "function" && b !== null) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); - w.prototype = Object.create(_ && _.prototype, { constructor: { value: w, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), _ && u(w, _); - }(k, R), N = k, A = [{ key: "toString", value: function() { + k.prototype = Object.create(b && b.prototype, { constructor: { value: k, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), b && u(k, b); + }(S, N), T = S, x = [{ key: "toString", value: function() { return "".concat(this.name, " [").concat(this.code, "]: ").concat(this.message); - } }, { key: n.custom, value: function(w, _) { + } }, { key: n.custom, value: function(k, b) { return n(this, function(p) { - for (var O = 1; O < arguments.length; O++) { - var U = arguments[O] != null ? arguments[O] : {}, T = Object.keys(U); - typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function" && (T = T.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(U).filter(function(z) { - return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(U, z).enumerable; - }))), T.forEach(function(z) { - M(p, z, U[z]); + for (var P = 1; P < arguments.length; P++) { + var B = arguments[P] != null ? arguments[P] : {}, C = Object.keys(B); + typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols == "function" && (C = C.concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(B).filter(function(L) { + return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(B, L).enumerable; + }))), C.forEach(function(L) { + R(p, L, B[L]); }); } return p; - }({}, _, { customInspect: !1, depth: 0 })); - } }], A && P(N.prototype, A), k; + }({}, b, { customInspect: !1, depth: 0 })); + } }], x && A(T.prototype, x), S; }(t(Error)); - J.exports = I; - }, 2136: (J, e, b) => { + J.exports = j; + }, 2136: (J, e, y) => { function E(s) { return E = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(r) { return typeof r; @@ -3171,39 +3509,39 @@ should equal return r && typeof Symbol == "function" && r.constructor === Symbol && r !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof r; }, E(s); } - function M(s) { - return M = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(r) { + function R(s) { + return R = Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.getPrototypeOf : function(r) { return r.__proto__ || Object.getPrototypeOf(r); - }, M(s); + }, R(s); } - function P(s, r) { - return P = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) { + function A(s, r) { + return A = Object.setPrototypeOf || function(n, o) { return n.__proto__ = o, n; - }, P(s, r); + }, A(s, r); } - var y, a, t = {}; + var w, a, t = {}; function d(s, r, n) { n || (n = Error); var o = function(i) { function f(c, h, m) { var v; - return function(C, l) { - if (!(C instanceof l)) + return function(I, l) { + if (!(I instanceof l)) throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); - }(this, f), v = function(C, l) { - return !l || E(l) !== "object" && typeof l != "function" ? function(I) { - if (I === void 0) + }(this, f), v = function(I, l) { + return !l || E(l) !== "object" && typeof l != "function" ? function(j) { + if (j === void 0) throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); - return I; - }(C) : l; - }(this, M(f).call(this, function(C, l, I) { - return typeof r == "string" ? r : r(C, l, I); + return j; + }(I) : l; + }(this, R(f).call(this, function(I, l, j) { + return typeof r == "string" ? r : r(I, l, j); }(c, h, m))), v.code = s, v; } return function(c, h) { if (typeof h != "function" && h !== null) throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); - c.prototype = Object.create(h && h.prototype, { constructor: { value: c, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), h && P(c, h); + c.prototype = Object.create(h && h.prototype, { constructor: { value: c, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } }), h && A(c, h); }(f, i), f; }(n); t[s] = o; @@ -3219,8 +3557,8 @@ should equal } d("ERR_AMBIGUOUS_ARGUMENT", 'The "%s" argument is ambiguous. %s', TypeError), d("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(s, r, n) { var o, i, f, c, h; - if (y === void 0 && (y = b(9282)), y(typeof s == "string", "'name' must be a string"), typeof r == "string" && (i = "not ", r.substr(0, 4) === i) ? (o = "must not be", r = r.replace(/^not /, "")) : o = "must be", function(v, C, l) { - return (l === void 0 || l > v.length) && (l = v.length), v.substring(l - 9, l) === C; + if (w === void 0 && (w = y(9282)), w(typeof s == "string", "'name' must be a string"), typeof r == "string" && (i = "not ", r.substr(0, 4) === i) ? (o = "must not be", r = r.replace(/^not /, "")) : o = "must be", function(v, I, l) { + return (l === void 0 || l > v.length) && (l = v.length), v.substring(l - 9, l) === I; }(s, " argument")) f = "The ".concat(s, " ").concat(o, " ").concat(u(r, "type")); else { @@ -3230,7 +3568,7 @@ should equal return f + ". Received type ".concat(E(n)); }, TypeError), d("ERR_INVALID_ARG_VALUE", function(s, r) { var n = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== void 0 ? arguments[2] : "is invalid"; - a === void 0 && (a = b(9539)); + a === void 0 && (a = y(9539)); var o = a.inspect(r); return o.length > 128 && (o = "".concat(o.slice(0, 128), "...")), "The argument '".concat(s, "' ").concat(n, ". Received ").concat(o); }, TypeError), d("ERR_INVALID_RETURN_VALUE", function(s, r, n) { @@ -3239,7 +3577,7 @@ should equal }, TypeError), d("ERR_MISSING_ARGS", function() { for (var s = arguments.length, r = new Array(s), n = 0; n < s; n++) r[n] = arguments[n]; - y === void 0 && (y = b(9282)), y(r.length > 0, "At least one arg needs to be specified"); + w === void 0 && (w = y(9282)), w(r.length > 0, "At least one arg needs to be specified"); var o = "The ", i = r.length; switch (r = r.map(function(f) { return '"'.concat(f, '"'); @@ -3255,288 +3593,288 @@ should equal } return "".concat(o, " must be specified"); }, TypeError), J.exports.codes = t; - }, 9158: (J, e, b) => { - function E(de, ue) { - return function(le) { - if (Array.isArray(le)) - return le; - }(de) || function(le, ge) { - var ce = [], he = !0, be = !1, W = void 0; + }, 9158: (J, e, y) => { + function E(ue, le) { + return function(fe) { + if (Array.isArray(fe)) + return fe; + }(ue) || function(fe, _e) { + var de = [], pe = !0, ye = !1, G = void 0; try { - for (var g, S = le[Symbol.iterator](); !(he = (g = S.next()).done) && (ce.push(g.value), !ge || ce.length !== ge); he = !0) + for (var _, O = fe[Symbol.iterator](); !(pe = (_ = O.next()).done) && (de.push(_.value), !_e || de.length !== _e); pe = !0) ; - } catch (x) { - be = !0, W = x; + } catch (M) { + ye = !0, G = M; } finally { try { - he || S.return == null || S.return(); + pe || O.return == null || O.return(); } finally { - if (be) - throw W; + if (ye) + throw G; } } - return ce; - }(de, ue) || function() { + return de; + }(ue, le) || function() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to destructure non-iterable instance"); }(); } - function M(de) { - return M = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(ue) { - return typeof ue; - } : function(ue) { - return ue && typeof Symbol == "function" && ue.constructor === Symbol && ue !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof ue; - }, M(de); - } - var P = /a/g.flags !== void 0, y = function(de) { - var ue = []; - return de.forEach(function(le) { - return ue.push(le); - }), ue; - }, a = function(de) { - var ue = []; - return de.forEach(function(le, ge) { - return ue.push([ge, le]); - }), ue; - }, t = Object.is ? Object.is : b(609), d = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols : function() { + function R(ue) { + return R = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol" ? function(le) { + return typeof le; + } : function(le) { + return le && typeof Symbol == "function" && le.constructor === Symbol && le !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof le; + }, R(ue); + } + var A = /a/g.flags !== void 0, w = function(ue) { + var le = []; + return ue.forEach(function(fe) { + return le.push(fe); + }), le; + }, a = function(ue) { + var le = []; + return ue.forEach(function(fe, _e) { + return le.push([_e, fe]); + }), le; + }, t = Object.is ? Object.is : y(609), d = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? Object.getOwnPropertySymbols : function() { return []; - }, u = Number.isNaN ? Number.isNaN : b(360); - function s(de) { - return de.call.bind(de); + }, u = Number.isNaN ? Number.isNaN : y(360); + function s(ue) { + return ue.call.bind(ue); } - var r = s(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), n = s(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable), o = s(Object.prototype.toString), i = b(9539).types, f = i.isAnyArrayBuffer, c = i.isArrayBufferView, h = i.isDate, m = i.isMap, v = i.isRegExp, C = i.isSet, l = i.isNativeError, I = i.isBoxedPrimitive, R = i.isNumberObject, k = i.isStringObject, N = i.isBooleanObject, A = i.isBigIntObject, w = i.isSymbolObject, _ = i.isFloat32Array, p = i.isFloat64Array; - function O(de) { - if (de.length === 0 || de.length > 10) + var r = s(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty), n = s(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable), o = s(Object.prototype.toString), i = y(9539).types, f = i.isAnyArrayBuffer, c = i.isArrayBufferView, h = i.isDate, m = i.isMap, v = i.isRegExp, I = i.isSet, l = i.isNativeError, j = i.isBoxedPrimitive, N = i.isNumberObject, S = i.isStringObject, T = i.isBooleanObject, x = i.isBigIntObject, k = i.isSymbolObject, b = i.isFloat32Array, p = i.isFloat64Array; + function P(ue) { + if (ue.length === 0 || ue.length > 10) return !0; - for (var ue = 0; ue < de.length; ue++) { - var le = de.charCodeAt(ue); - if (le < 48 || le > 57) + for (var le = 0; le < ue.length; le++) { + var fe = ue.charCodeAt(le); + if (fe < 48 || fe > 57) return !0; } - return de.length === 10 && de >= Math.pow(2, 32); + return ue.length === 10 && ue >= Math.pow(2, 32); } - function U(de) { - return Object.keys(de).filter(O).concat(d(de).filter(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.bind(de))); + function B(ue) { + return Object.keys(ue).filter(P).concat(d(ue).filter(Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.bind(ue))); } - function T(de, ue) { - if (de === ue) + function C(ue, le) { + if (ue === le) return 0; - for (var le = de.length, ge = ue.length, ce = 0, he = Math.min(le, ge); ce < he; ++ce) - if (de[ce] !== ue[ce]) { - le = de[ce], ge = ue[ce]; + for (var fe = ue.length, _e = le.length, de = 0, pe = Math.min(fe, _e); de < pe; ++de) + if (ue[de] !== le[de]) { + fe = ue[de], _e = le[de]; break; } - return le < ge ? -1 : ge < le ? 1 : 0; + return fe < _e ? -1 : _e < fe ? 1 : 0; } - var z = 0, te = 1, X = 2, ne = 3; - function B(de, ue, le, ge) { - if (de === ue) - return de !== 0 || !le || t(de, ue); - if (le) { - if (M(de) !== "object") - return typeof de == "number" && u(de) && u(ue); - if (M(ue) !== "object" || de === null || ue === null || Object.getPrototypeOf(de) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(ue)) + var L = 0, re = 1, ee = 2, oe = 3; + function D(ue, le, fe, _e) { + if (ue === le) + return ue !== 0 || !fe || t(ue, le); + if (fe) { + if (R(ue) !== "object") + return typeof ue == "number" && u(ue) && u(le); + if (R(le) !== "object" || ue === null || le === null || Object.getPrototypeOf(ue) !== Object.getPrototypeOf(le)) return !1; } else { - if (de === null || M(de) !== "object") - return (ue === null || M(ue) !== "object") && de == ue; - if (ue === null || M(ue) !== "object") + if (ue === null || R(ue) !== "object") + return (le === null || R(le) !== "object") && ue == le; + if (le === null || R(le) !== "object") return !1; } - var ce, he, be, W, g = o(de); - if (g !== o(ue)) + var de, pe, ye, G, _ = o(ue); + if (_ !== o(le)) return !1; - if (Array.isArray(de)) { - if (de.length !== ue.length) + if (Array.isArray(ue)) { + if (ue.length !== le.length) return !1; - var S = U(de), x = U(ue); - return S.length === x.length && V(de, ue, le, ge, te, S); + var O = B(ue), M = B(le); + return O.length === M.length && H(ue, le, fe, _e, re, O); } - if (g === "[object Object]" && (!m(de) && m(ue) || !C(de) && C(ue))) + if (_ === "[object Object]" && (!m(ue) && m(le) || !I(ue) && I(le))) return !1; - if (h(de)) { - if (!h(ue) || Date.prototype.getTime.call(de) !== Date.prototype.getTime.call(ue)) + if (h(ue)) { + if (!h(le) || Date.prototype.getTime.call(ue) !== Date.prototype.getTime.call(le)) return !1; - } else if (v(de)) { - if (!v(ue) || (be = de, W = ue, !(P ? be.source === W.source && be.flags === W.flags : RegExp.prototype.toString.call(be) === RegExp.prototype.toString.call(W)))) + } else if (v(ue)) { + if (!v(le) || (ye = ue, G = le, !(A ? ye.source === G.source && ye.flags === G.flags : RegExp.prototype.toString.call(ye) === RegExp.prototype.toString.call(G)))) return !1; - } else if (l(de) || de instanceof Error) { - if (de.message !== ue.message || de.name !== ue.name) + } else if (l(ue) || ue instanceof Error) { + if (ue.message !== le.message || ue.name !== le.name) return !1; } else { - if (c(de)) { - if (le || !_(de) && !p(de)) { - if (!function(L, F) { - return L.byteLength === F.byteLength && T(new Uint8Array(L.buffer, L.byteOffset, L.byteLength), new Uint8Array(F.buffer, F.byteOffset, F.byteLength)) === 0; - }(de, ue)) + if (c(ue)) { + if (fe || !b(ue) && !p(ue)) { + if (!function(q, W) { + return q.byteLength === W.byteLength && C(new Uint8Array(q.buffer, q.byteOffset, q.byteLength), new Uint8Array(W.buffer, W.byteOffset, W.byteLength)) === 0; + }(ue, le)) return !1; - } else if (!function(L, F) { - if (L.byteLength !== F.byteLength) + } else if (!function(q, W) { + if (q.byteLength !== W.byteLength) return !1; - for (var re = 0; re < L.byteLength; re++) - if (L[re] !== F[re]) + for (var ne = 0; ne < q.byteLength; ne++) + if (q[ne] !== W[ne]) return !1; return !0; - }(de, ue)) + }(ue, le)) return !1; - var j = U(de), D = U(ue); - return j.length === D.length && V(de, ue, le, ge, z, j); - } - if (C(de)) - return !(!C(ue) || de.size !== ue.size) && V(de, ue, le, ge, X); - if (m(de)) - return !(!m(ue) || de.size !== ue.size) && V(de, ue, le, ge, ne); - if (f(de)) { - if (he = ue, (ce = de).byteLength !== he.byteLength || T(new Uint8Array(ce), new Uint8Array(he)) !== 0) + var U = B(ue), z = B(le); + return U.length === z.length && H(ue, le, fe, _e, L, U); + } + if (I(ue)) + return !(!I(le) || ue.size !== le.size) && H(ue, le, fe, _e, ee); + if (m(ue)) + return !(!m(le) || ue.size !== le.size) && H(ue, le, fe, _e, oe); + if (f(ue)) { + if (pe = le, (de = ue).byteLength !== pe.byteLength || C(new Uint8Array(de), new Uint8Array(pe)) !== 0) return !1; - } else if (I(de) && !function(L, F) { - return R(L) ? R(F) && t(Number.prototype.valueOf.call(L), Number.prototype.valueOf.call(F)) : k(L) ? k(F) && String.prototype.valueOf.call(L) === String.prototype.valueOf.call(F) : N(L) ? N(F) && Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(L) === Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(F) : A(L) ? A(F) && BigInt.prototype.valueOf.call(L) === BigInt.prototype.valueOf.call(F) : w(F) && Symbol.prototype.valueOf.call(L) === Symbol.prototype.valueOf.call(F); - }(de, ue)) + } else if (j(ue) && !function(q, W) { + return N(q) ? N(W) && t(Number.prototype.valueOf.call(q), Number.prototype.valueOf.call(W)) : S(q) ? S(W) && String.prototype.valueOf.call(q) === String.prototype.valueOf.call(W) : T(q) ? T(W) && Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(q) === Boolean.prototype.valueOf.call(W) : x(q) ? x(W) && BigInt.prototype.valueOf.call(q) === BigInt.prototype.valueOf.call(W) : k(W) && Symbol.prototype.valueOf.call(q) === Symbol.prototype.valueOf.call(W); + }(ue, le)) return !1; } - return V(de, ue, le, ge, z); + return H(ue, le, fe, _e, L); } - function Q(de, ue) { - return ue.filter(function(le) { - return n(de, le); + function Z(ue, le) { + return le.filter(function(fe) { + return n(ue, fe); }); } - function V(de, ue, le, ge, ce, he) { + function H(ue, le, fe, _e, de, pe) { if (arguments.length === 5) { - he = Object.keys(de); - var be = Object.keys(ue); - if (he.length !== be.length) + pe = Object.keys(ue); + var ye = Object.keys(le); + if (pe.length !== ye.length) return !1; } - for (var W = 0; W < he.length; W++) - if (!r(ue, he[W])) + for (var G = 0; G < pe.length; G++) + if (!r(le, pe[G])) return !1; - if (le && arguments.length === 5) { - var g = d(de); - if (g.length !== 0) { - var S = 0; - for (W = 0; W < g.length; W++) { - var x = g[W]; - if (n(de, x)) { - if (!n(ue, x)) + if (fe && arguments.length === 5) { + var _ = d(ue); + if (_.length !== 0) { + var O = 0; + for (G = 0; G < _.length; G++) { + var M = _[G]; + if (n(ue, M)) { + if (!n(le, M)) return !1; - he.push(x), S++; - } else if (n(ue, x)) + pe.push(M), O++; + } else if (n(le, M)) return !1; } - var j = d(ue); - if (g.length !== j.length && Q(ue, j).length !== S) + var U = d(le); + if (_.length !== U.length && Z(le, U).length !== O) return !1; } else { - var D = d(ue); - if (D.length !== 0 && Q(ue, D).length !== 0) + var z = d(le); + if (z.length !== 0 && Z(le, z).length !== 0) return !1; } } - if (he.length === 0 && (ce === z || ce === te && de.length === 0 || de.size === 0)) + if (pe.length === 0 && (de === L || de === re && ue.length === 0 || ue.size === 0)) return !0; - if (ge === void 0) - ge = { val1: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), val2: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), position: 0 }; + if (_e === void 0) + _e = { val1: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), val2: /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), position: 0 }; else { - var L = ge.val1.get(de); - if (L !== void 0) { - var F = ge.val2.get(ue); - if (F !== void 0) - return L === F; - } - ge.position++; - } - ge.val1.set(de, ge.position), ge.val2.set(ue, ge.position); - var re = function(oe, G, Z, H, $, ie) { - var se = 0; - if (ie === X) { - if (!function(me, _e, ye, Ee) { - for (var Ae = null, Pe = y(me), ke = 0; ke < Pe.length; ke++) { - var xe = Pe[ke]; - if (M(xe) === "object" && xe !== null) - Ae === null && (Ae = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ae.add(xe); - else if (!_e.has(xe)) { - if (ye || !Y(me, _e, xe)) + var q = _e.val1.get(ue); + if (q !== void 0) { + var W = _e.val2.get(le); + if (W !== void 0) + return q === W; + } + _e.position++; + } + _e.val1.set(ue, _e.position), _e.val2.set(le, _e.position); + var ne = function(ie, V, Y, $, K, ae) { + var ce = 0; + if (ae === ee) { + if (!function(ve, be, we, xe) { + for (var Ee = null, Pe = w(ve), Se = 0; Se < Pe.length; Se++) { + var Re = Pe[Se]; + if (R(Re) === "object" && Re !== null) + Ee === null && (Ee = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ee.add(Re); + else if (!be.has(Re)) { + if (we || !X(ve, be, Re)) return !1; - Ae === null && (Ae = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ae.add(xe); + Ee === null && (Ee = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ee.add(Re); } } - if (Ae !== null) { - for (var we = y(_e), Se = 0; Se < we.length; Se++) { - var Re = we[Se]; - if (M(Re) === "object" && Re !== null) { - if (!ee(Ae, Re, ye, Ee)) + if (Ee !== null) { + for (var ke = w(be), Oe = 0; Oe < ke.length; Oe++) { + var Me = ke[Oe]; + if (R(Me) === "object" && Me !== null) { + if (!te(Ee, Me, we, xe)) return !1; - } else if (!ye && !me.has(Re) && !ee(Ae, Re, ye, Ee)) + } else if (!we && !ve.has(Me) && !te(Ee, Me, we, xe)) return !1; } - return Ae.size === 0; + return Ee.size === 0; } return !0; - }(oe, G, Z, $)) + }(ie, V, Y, K)) return !1; - } else if (ie === ne) { - if (!function(me, _e, ye, Ee) { - for (var Ae = null, Pe = a(me), ke = 0; ke < Pe.length; ke++) { - var xe = E(Pe[ke], 2), we = xe[0], Se = xe[1]; - if (M(we) === "object" && we !== null) - Ae === null && (Ae = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ae.add(we); + } else if (ae === oe) { + if (!function(ve, be, we, xe) { + for (var Ee = null, Pe = a(ve), Se = 0; Se < Pe.length; Se++) { + var Re = E(Pe[Se], 2), ke = Re[0], Oe = Re[1]; + if (R(ke) === "object" && ke !== null) + Ee === null && (Ee = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ee.add(ke); else { - var Re = _e.get(we); - if (Re === void 0 && !_e.has(we) || !B(Se, Re, ye, Ee)) { - if (ye || !q(me, _e, we, Se, Ee)) + var Me = be.get(ke); + if (Me === void 0 && !be.has(ke) || !D(Oe, Me, we, xe)) { + if (we || !F(ve, be, ke, Oe, xe)) return !1; - Ae === null && (Ae = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ae.add(we); + Ee === null && (Ee = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), Ee.add(ke); } } } - if (Ae !== null) { - for (var Oe = a(_e), Me = 0; Me < Oe.length; Me++) { - var Te = E(Oe[Me], 2), Ne = (we = Te[0], Te[1]); - if (M(we) === "object" && we !== null) { - if (!ae(Ae, me, we, Ne, ye, Ee)) + if (Ee !== null) { + for (var Ae = a(be), Ne = 0; Ne < Ae.length; Ne++) { + var Ce = E(Ae[Ne], 2), Te = (ke = Ce[0], Ce[1]); + if (R(ke) === "object" && ke !== null) { + if (!se(Ee, ve, ke, Te, we, xe)) return !1; - } else if (!(ye || me.has(we) && B(me.get(we), Ne, !1, Ee) || ae(Ae, me, we, Ne, !1, Ee))) + } else if (!(we || ve.has(ke) && D(ve.get(ke), Te, !1, xe) || se(Ee, ve, ke, Te, !1, xe))) return !1; } - return Ae.size === 0; + return Ee.size === 0; } return !0; - }(oe, G, Z, $)) + }(ie, V, Y, K)) return !1; - } else if (ie === te) - for (; se < oe.length; se++) { - if (!r(oe, se)) { - if (r(G, se)) + } else if (ae === re) + for (; ce < ie.length; ce++) { + if (!r(ie, ce)) { + if (r(V, ce)) return !1; - for (var fe = Object.keys(oe); se < fe.length; se++) { - var pe = fe[se]; - if (!r(G, pe) || !B(oe[pe], G[pe], Z, $)) + for (var he = Object.keys(ie); ce < he.length; ce++) { + var me = he[ce]; + if (!r(V, me) || !D(ie[me], V[me], Y, K)) return !1; } - return fe.length === Object.keys(G).length; + return he.length === Object.keys(V).length; } - if (!r(G, se) || !B(oe[se], G[se], Z, $)) + if (!r(V, ce) || !D(ie[ce], V[ce], Y, K)) return !1; } - for (se = 0; se < H.length; se++) { - var ve = H[se]; - if (!B(oe[ve], G[ve], Z, $)) + for (ce = 0; ce < $.length; ce++) { + var ge = $[ce]; + if (!D(ie[ge], V[ge], Y, K)) return !1; } return !0; - }(de, ue, le, he, ge, ce); - return ge.val1.delete(de), ge.val2.delete(ue), re; + }(ue, le, fe, pe, _e, de); + return _e.val1.delete(ue), _e.val2.delete(le), ne; } - function ee(de, ue, le, ge) { - for (var ce = y(de), he = 0; he < ce.length; he++) { - var be = ce[he]; - if (B(ue, be, le, ge)) - return de.delete(be), !0; + function te(ue, le, fe, _e) { + for (var de = w(ue), pe = 0; pe < de.length; pe++) { + var ye = de[pe]; + if (D(le, ye, fe, _e)) + return ue.delete(ye), !0; } return !1; } - function K(de) { - switch (M(de)) { + function Q(ue) { + switch (R(ue)) { case "undefined": return null; case "object": @@ -3544,51 +3882,51 @@ should equal case "symbol": return !1; case "string": - de = +de; + ue = +ue; case "number": - if (u(de)) + if (u(ue)) return !1; } return !0; } - function Y(de, ue, le) { - var ge = K(le); - return ge ?? (ue.has(ge) && !de.has(ge)); + function X(ue, le, fe) { + var _e = Q(fe); + return _e ?? (le.has(_e) && !ue.has(_e)); } - function q(de, ue, le, ge, ce) { - var he = K(le); - if (he != null) - return he; - var be = ue.get(he); - return !(be === void 0 && !ue.has(he) || !B(ge, be, !1, ce)) && !de.has(he) && B(ge, be, !1, ce); + function F(ue, le, fe, _e, de) { + var pe = Q(fe); + if (pe != null) + return pe; + var ye = le.get(pe); + return !(ye === void 0 && !le.has(pe) || !D(_e, ye, !1, de)) && !ue.has(pe) && D(_e, ye, !1, de); } - function ae(de, ue, le, ge, ce, he) { - for (var be = y(de), W = 0; W < be.length; W++) { - var g = be[W]; - if (B(le, g, ce, he) && B(ge, ue.get(g), ce, he)) - return de.delete(g), !0; + function se(ue, le, fe, _e, de, pe) { + for (var ye = w(ue), G = 0; G < ye.length; G++) { + var _ = ye[G]; + if (D(fe, _, de, pe) && D(_e, le.get(_), de, pe)) + return ue.delete(_), !0; } return !1; } - J.exports = { isDeepEqual: function(de, ue) { - return B(de, ue, !1); - }, isDeepStrictEqual: function(de, ue) { - return B(de, ue, !0); + J.exports = { isDeepEqual: function(ue, le) { + return D(ue, le, !1); + }, isDeepStrictEqual: function(ue, le) { + return D(ue, le, !0); } }; - }, 8162: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9509).Buffer; - J.exports = function(M) { - if (M.length >= 255) + }, 8162: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9509).Buffer; + J.exports = function(R) { + if (R.length >= 255) throw new TypeError("Alphabet too long"); - for (var P = new Uint8Array(256), y = 0; y < P.length; y++) - P[y] = 255; - for (var a = 0; a < M.length; a++) { - var t = M.charAt(a), d = t.charCodeAt(0); - if (P[d] !== 255) + for (var A = new Uint8Array(256), w = 0; w < A.length; w++) + A[w] = 255; + for (var a = 0; a < R.length; a++) { + var t = R.charAt(a), d = t.charCodeAt(0); + if (A[d] !== 255) throw new TypeError(t + " is ambiguous"); - P[d] = a; + A[d] = a; } - var u = M.length, s = M.charAt(0), r = Math.log(u) / Math.log(256), n = Math.log(256) / Math.log(u); + var u = R.length, s = R.charAt(0), r = Math.log(u) / Math.log(256), n = Math.log(256) / Math.log(u); function o(i) { if (typeof i != "string") throw new TypeError("Expected String"); @@ -3597,22 +3935,22 @@ should equal for (var f = 0, c = 0, h = 0; i[f] === s; ) c++, f++; for (var m = (i.length - f) * r + 1 >>> 0, v = new Uint8Array(m); i[f]; ) { - var C = P[i.charCodeAt(f)]; - if (C === 255) + var I = A[i.charCodeAt(f)]; + if (I === 255) return; - for (var l = 0, I = m - 1; (C !== 0 || l < h) && I !== -1; I--, l++) - C += u * v[I] >>> 0, v[I] = C % 256 >>> 0, C = C / 256 >>> 0; - if (C !== 0) + for (var l = 0, j = m - 1; (I !== 0 || l < h) && j !== -1; j--, l++) + I += u * v[j] >>> 0, v[j] = I % 256 >>> 0, I = I / 256 >>> 0; + if (I !== 0) throw new Error("Non-zero carry"); h = l, f++; } - for (var R = m - h; R !== m && v[R] === 0; ) - R++; - var k = E.allocUnsafe(c + (m - R)); - k.fill(0, 0, c); - for (var N = c; R !== m; ) - k[N++] = v[R++]; - return k; + for (var N = m - h; N !== m && v[N] === 0; ) + N++; + var S = E.allocUnsafe(c + (m - N)); + S.fill(0, 0, c); + for (var T = c; N !== m; ) + S[T++] = v[N++]; + return S; } return { encode: function(i) { if ((Array.isArray(i) || i instanceof Uint8Array) && (i = E.from(i)), !E.isBuffer(i)) @@ -3621,18 +3959,18 @@ should equal return ""; for (var f = 0, c = 0, h = 0, m = i.length; h !== m && i[h] === 0; ) h++, f++; - for (var v = (m - h) * n + 1 >>> 0, C = new Uint8Array(v); h !== m; ) { - for (var l = i[h], I = 0, R = v - 1; (l !== 0 || I < c) && R !== -1; R--, I++) - l += 256 * C[R] >>> 0, C[R] = l % u >>> 0, l = l / u >>> 0; + for (var v = (m - h) * n + 1 >>> 0, I = new Uint8Array(v); h !== m; ) { + for (var l = i[h], j = 0, N = v - 1; (l !== 0 || j < c) && N !== -1; N--, j++) + l += 256 * I[N] >>> 0, I[N] = l % u >>> 0, l = l / u >>> 0; if (l !== 0) throw new Error("Non-zero carry"); - c = I, h++; + c = j, h++; } - for (var k = v - c; k !== v && C[k] === 0; ) - k++; - for (var N = s.repeat(f); k < v; ++k) - N += M.charAt(C[k]); - return N; + for (var S = v - c; S !== v && I[S] === 0; ) + S++; + for (var T = s.repeat(f); S < v; ++S) + T += R.charAt(I[S]); + return T; }, decodeUnsafe: o, decode: function(i) { var f = o(i); if (f) @@ -3645,7 +3983,7 @@ should equal var u = a(d), s = u[0], r = u[1]; return 3 * (s + r) / 4 - r; }, e.toByteArray = function(d) { - var u, s, r = a(d), n = r[0], o = r[1], i = new M(function(h, m, v) { + var u, s, r = a(d), n = r[0], o = r[1], i = new R(function(h, m, v) { return 3 * (m + v) / 4 - v; }(0, n, o)), f = 0, c = o > 0 ? n - 4 : n; for (s = 0; s < c; s += 4) @@ -3654,10 +3992,10 @@ should equal }, e.fromByteArray = function(d) { for (var u, s = d.length, r = s % 3, n = [], o = 16383, i = 0, f = s - r; i < f; i += o) n.push(t(d, i, i + o > f ? f : i + o)); - return r === 1 ? (u = d[s - 1], n.push(b[u >> 2] + b[u << 4 & 63] + "==")) : r === 2 && (u = (d[s - 2] << 8) + d[s - 1], n.push(b[u >> 10] + b[u >> 4 & 63] + b[u << 2 & 63] + "=")), n.join(""); + return r === 1 ? (u = d[s - 1], n.push(y[u >> 2] + y[u << 4 & 63] + "==")) : r === 2 && (u = (d[s - 2] << 8) + d[s - 1], n.push(y[u >> 10] + y[u >> 4 & 63] + y[u << 2 & 63] + "=")), n.join(""); }; - for (var b = [], E = [], M = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, P = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", y = 0; y < 64; ++y) - b[y] = P[y], E[P.charCodeAt(y)] = y; + for (var y = [], E = [], R = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, A = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/", w = 0; w < 64; ++w) + y[w] = A[w], E[A.charCodeAt(w)] = w; function a(d) { var u = d.length; if (u % 4 > 0) @@ -3667,37 +4005,37 @@ should equal } function t(d, u, s) { for (var r, n, o = [], i = u; i < s; i += 3) - r = (d[i] << 16 & 16711680) + (d[i + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & d[i + 2]), o.push(b[(n = r) >> 18 & 63] + b[n >> 12 & 63] + b[n >> 6 & 63] + b[63 & n]); + r = (d[i] << 16 & 16711680) + (d[i + 1] << 8 & 65280) + (255 & d[i + 2]), o.push(y[(n = r) >> 18 & 63] + y[n >> 12 & 63] + y[n >> 6 & 63] + y[63 & n]); return o.join(""); } E["-".charCodeAt(0)] = 62, E["_".charCodeAt(0)] = 63; }, 7715: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.bech32m = e.bech32 = void 0; - const b = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l", E = {}; + const y = "qpzry9x8gf2tvdw0s3jn54khce6mua7l", E = {}; for (let s = 0; s < 32; s++) { - const r = b.charAt(s); + const r = y.charAt(s); E[r] = s; } - function M(s) { + function R(s) { const r = s >> 25; return (33554431 & s) << 5 ^ 996825010 & -(r >> 0 & 1) ^ 642813549 & -(r >> 1 & 1) ^ 513874426 & -(r >> 2 & 1) ^ 1027748829 & -(r >> 3 & 1) ^ 705979059 & -(r >> 4 & 1); } - function P(s) { + function A(s) { let r = 1; for (let n = 0; n < s.length; ++n) { const o = s.charCodeAt(n); if (o < 33 || o > 126) return "Invalid prefix (" + s + ")"; - r = M(r) ^ o >> 5; + r = R(r) ^ o >> 5; } - r = M(r); + r = R(r); for (let n = 0; n < s.length; ++n) { const o = s.charCodeAt(n); - r = M(r) ^ 31 & o; + r = R(r) ^ 31 & o; } return r; } - function y(s, r, n, o) { + function w(s, r, n, o) { let i = 0, f = 0; const c = (1 << n) - 1, h = []; for (let m = 0; m < s.length; ++m) @@ -3714,15 +4052,15 @@ should equal return h; } function a(s) { - return y(s, 8, 5, !0); + return w(s, 8, 5, !0); } function t(s) { - const r = y(s, 5, 8, !1); + const r = w(s, 5, 8, !1); if (Array.isArray(r)) return r; } function d(s) { - const r = y(s, 5, 8, !1); + const r = w(s, 5, 8, !1); if (Array.isArray(r)) return r; throw new Error(r); @@ -3745,17 +4083,17 @@ should equal const m = o.slice(0, h), v = o.slice(h + 1); if (v.length < 6) return "Data too short"; - let C = P(m); - if (typeof C == "string") - return C; + let I = A(m); + if (typeof I == "string") + return I; const l = []; - for (let I = 0; I < v.length; ++I) { - const R = v.charAt(I), k = E[R]; - if (k === void 0) - return "Unknown character " + R; - C = M(C) ^ k, I + 6 >= v.length || l.push(k); + for (let j = 0; j < v.length; ++j) { + const N = v.charAt(j), S = E[N]; + if (S === void 0) + return "Unknown character " + N; + I = R(I) ^ S, j + 6 >= v.length || l.push(S); } - return C !== r ? "Invalid checksum for " + o : { prefix: m, words: l }; + return I !== r ? "Invalid checksum for " + o : { prefix: m, words: l }; } return r = s === "bech32" ? 1 : 734539939, { decodeUnsafe: function(o, i) { const f = n(o, i); @@ -3769,7 +4107,7 @@ should equal }, encode: function(o, i, f) { if (f = f || 90, o.length + 7 + i.length > f) throw new TypeError("Exceeds length limit"); - let c = P(o = o.toLowerCase()); + let c = A(o = o.toLowerCase()); if (typeof c == "string") throw new Error(c); let h = o + "1"; @@ -3777,285 +4115,285 @@ should equal const v = i[m]; if (v >> 5) throw new Error("Non 5-bit word"); - c = M(c) ^ v, h += b.charAt(v); + c = R(c) ^ v, h += y.charAt(v); } for (let m = 0; m < 6; ++m) - c = M(c); + c = R(c); c ^= r; for (let m = 0; m < 6; ++m) - h += b.charAt(c >> 5 * (5 - m) & 31); + h += y.charAt(c >> 5 * (5 - m) & 31); return h; }, toWords: a, fromWordsUnsafe: t, fromWords: d }; } e.bech32 = u("bech32"), e.bech32m = u("bech32m"); - }, 4736: (J, e, b) => { + }, 4736: (J, e, y) => { var E; - J = b.nmd(J); - var M = function(P) { - var y = 1e7, a = 7, t = 9007199254740992, d = c(t), u = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", s = typeof BigInt == "function"; - function r(j, D, L, F) { - return j === void 0 ? r[0] : D === void 0 || +D == 10 && !L ? S(j) : ce(j, D, L, F); + J = y.nmd(J); + var R = function(A) { + var w = 1e7, a = 7, t = 9007199254740992, d = c(t), u = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", s = typeof BigInt == "function"; + function r(U, z, q, W) { + return U === void 0 ? r[0] : z === void 0 || +z == 10 && !q ? O(U) : de(U, z, q, W); } - function n(j, D) { - this.value = j, this.sign = D, this.isSmall = !1; + function n(U, z) { + this.value = U, this.sign = z, this.isSmall = !1; } - function o(j) { - this.value = j, this.sign = j < 0, this.isSmall = !0; + function o(U) { + this.value = U, this.sign = U < 0, this.isSmall = !0; } - function i(j) { - this.value = j; + function i(U) { + this.value = U; } - function f(j) { - return -t < j && j < t; + function f(U) { + return -t < U && U < t; } - function c(j) { - return j < 1e7 ? [j] : j < 1e14 ? [j % 1e7, Math.floor(j / 1e7)] : [j % 1e7, Math.floor(j / 1e7) % 1e7, Math.floor(j / 1e14)]; + function c(U) { + return U < 1e7 ? [U] : U < 1e14 ? [U % 1e7, Math.floor(U / 1e7)] : [U % 1e7, Math.floor(U / 1e7) % 1e7, Math.floor(U / 1e14)]; } - function h(j) { - m(j); - var D = j.length; - if (D < 4 && te(j, d) < 0) - switch (D) { + function h(U) { + m(U); + var z = U.length; + if (z < 4 && re(U, d) < 0) + switch (z) { case 0: return 0; case 1: - return j[0]; + return U[0]; case 2: - return j[0] + j[1] * y; + return U[0] + U[1] * w; default: - return j[0] + (j[1] + j[2] * y) * y; + return U[0] + (U[1] + U[2] * w) * w; } - return j; + return U; } - function m(j) { - for (var D = j.length; j[--D] === 0; ) + function m(U) { + for (var z = U.length; U[--z] === 0; ) ; - j.length = D + 1; - } - function v(j) { - for (var D = new Array(j), L = -1; ++L < j; ) - D[L] = 0; - return D; - } - function C(j) { - return j > 0 ? Math.floor(j) : Math.ceil(j); - } - function l(j, D) { - var L, F, re = j.length, oe = D.length, G = new Array(re), Z = 0, H = y; - for (F = 0; F < oe; F++) - Z = (L = j[F] + D[F] + Z) >= H ? 1 : 0, G[F] = L - Z * H; - for (; F < re; ) - Z = (L = j[F] + Z) === H ? 1 : 0, G[F++] = L - Z * H; - return Z > 0 && G.push(Z), G; - } - function I(j, D) { - return j.length >= D.length ? l(j, D) : l(D, j); - } - function R(j, D) { - var L, F, re = j.length, oe = new Array(re), G = y; - for (F = 0; F < re; F++) - L = j[F] - G + D, D = Math.floor(L / G), oe[F] = L - D * G, D += 1; - for (; D > 0; ) - oe[F++] = D % G, D = Math.floor(D / G); - return oe; + U.length = z + 1; + } + function v(U) { + for (var z = new Array(U), q = -1; ++q < U; ) + z[q] = 0; + return z; + } + function I(U) { + return U > 0 ? Math.floor(U) : Math.ceil(U); + } + function l(U, z) { + var q, W, ne = U.length, ie = z.length, V = new Array(ne), Y = 0, $ = w; + for (W = 0; W < ie; W++) + Y = (q = U[W] + z[W] + Y) >= $ ? 1 : 0, V[W] = q - Y * $; + for (; W < ne; ) + Y = (q = U[W] + Y) === $ ? 1 : 0, V[W++] = q - Y * $; + return Y > 0 && V.push(Y), V; + } + function j(U, z) { + return U.length >= z.length ? l(U, z) : l(z, U); + } + function N(U, z) { + var q, W, ne = U.length, ie = new Array(ne), V = w; + for (W = 0; W < ne; W++) + q = U[W] - V + z, z = Math.floor(q / V), ie[W] = q - z * V, z += 1; + for (; z > 0; ) + ie[W++] = z % V, z = Math.floor(z / V); + return ie; } - function k(j, D) { - var L, F, re = j.length, oe = D.length, G = new Array(re), Z = 0, H = y; - for (L = 0; L < oe; L++) - (F = j[L] - Z - D[L]) < 0 ? (F += H, Z = 1) : Z = 0, G[L] = F; - for (L = oe; L < re; L++) { - if (!((F = j[L] - Z) < 0)) { - G[L++] = F; + function S(U, z) { + var q, W, ne = U.length, ie = z.length, V = new Array(ne), Y = 0, $ = w; + for (q = 0; q < ie; q++) + (W = U[q] - Y - z[q]) < 0 ? (W += $, Y = 1) : Y = 0, V[q] = W; + for (q = ie; q < ne; q++) { + if (!((W = U[q] - Y) < 0)) { + V[q++] = W; break; } - F += H, G[L] = F; - } - for (; L < re; L++) - G[L] = j[L]; - return m(G), G; - } - function N(j, D, L) { - var F, re, oe = j.length, G = new Array(oe), Z = -D, H = y; - for (F = 0; F < oe; F++) - re = j[F] + Z, Z = Math.floor(re / H), re %= H, G[F] = re < 0 ? re + H : re; - return typeof (G = h(G)) == "number" ? (L && (G = -G), new o(G)) : new n(G, L); - } - function A(j, D) { - var L, F, re, oe, G = j.length, Z = D.length, H = v(G + Z), $ = y; - for (re = 0; re < G; ++re) { - oe = j[re]; - for (var ie = 0; ie < Z; ++ie) - L = oe * D[ie] + H[re + ie], F = Math.floor(L / $), H[re + ie] = L - F * $, H[re + ie + 1] += F; - } - return m(H), H; - } - function w(j, D) { - var L, F, re = j.length, oe = new Array(re), G = y, Z = 0; - for (F = 0; F < re; F++) - L = j[F] * D + Z, Z = Math.floor(L / G), oe[F] = L - Z * G; - for (; Z > 0; ) - oe[F++] = Z % G, Z = Math.floor(Z / G); - return oe; + W += $, V[q] = W; + } + for (; q < ne; q++) + V[q] = U[q]; + return m(V), V; + } + function T(U, z, q) { + var W, ne, ie = U.length, V = new Array(ie), Y = -z, $ = w; + for (W = 0; W < ie; W++) + ne = U[W] + Y, Y = Math.floor(ne / $), ne %= $, V[W] = ne < 0 ? ne + $ : ne; + return typeof (V = h(V)) == "number" ? (q && (V = -V), new o(V)) : new n(V, q); + } + function x(U, z) { + var q, W, ne, ie, V = U.length, Y = z.length, $ = v(V + Y), K = w; + for (ne = 0; ne < V; ++ne) { + ie = U[ne]; + for (var ae = 0; ae < Y; ++ae) + q = ie * z[ae] + $[ne + ae], W = Math.floor(q / K), $[ne + ae] = q - W * K, $[ne + ae + 1] += W; + } + return m($), $; + } + function k(U, z) { + var q, W, ne = U.length, ie = new Array(ne), V = w, Y = 0; + for (W = 0; W < ne; W++) + q = U[W] * z + Y, Y = Math.floor(q / V), ie[W] = q - Y * V; + for (; Y > 0; ) + ie[W++] = Y % V, Y = Math.floor(Y / V); + return ie; } - function _(j, D) { - for (var L = []; D-- > 0; ) - L.push(0); - return L.concat(j); - } - function p(j, D) { - var L = Math.max(j.length, D.length); - if (L <= 30) - return A(j, D); - L = Math.ceil(L / 2); - var F = j.slice(L), re = j.slice(0, L), oe = D.slice(L), G = D.slice(0, L), Z = p(re, G), H = p(F, oe), $ = p(I(re, F), I(G, oe)), ie = I(I(Z, _(k(k($, Z), H), L)), _(H, 2 * L)); - return m(ie), ie; - } - function O(j, D, L) { - return new n(j < y ? w(D, j) : A(D, c(j)), L); - } - function U(j) { - var D, L, F, re, oe = j.length, G = v(oe + oe), Z = y; - for (F = 0; F < oe; F++) { - L = 0 - (re = j[F]) * re; - for (var H = F; H < oe; H++) - D = re * j[H] * 2 + G[F + H] + L, L = Math.floor(D / Z), G[F + H] = D - L * Z; - G[F + oe] = L; - } - return m(G), G; - } - function T(j, D) { - var L, F, re, oe, G = j.length, Z = v(G), H = y; - for (re = 0, L = G - 1; L >= 0; --L) - re = (oe = re * H + j[L]) - (F = C(oe / D)) * D, Z[L] = 0 | F; - return [Z, 0 | re]; - } - function z(j, D) { - var L, F = S(D); + function b(U, z) { + for (var q = []; z-- > 0; ) + q.push(0); + return q.concat(U); + } + function p(U, z) { + var q = Math.max(U.length, z.length); + if (q <= 30) + return x(U, z); + q = Math.ceil(q / 2); + var W = U.slice(q), ne = U.slice(0, q), ie = z.slice(q), V = z.slice(0, q), Y = p(ne, V), $ = p(W, ie), K = p(j(ne, W), j(V, ie)), ae = j(j(Y, b(S(S(K, Y), $), q)), b($, 2 * q)); + return m(ae), ae; + } + function P(U, z, q) { + return new n(U < w ? k(z, U) : x(z, c(U)), q); + } + function B(U) { + var z, q, W, ne, ie = U.length, V = v(ie + ie), Y = w; + for (W = 0; W < ie; W++) { + q = 0 - (ne = U[W]) * ne; + for (var $ = W; $ < ie; $++) + z = ne * U[$] * 2 + V[W + $] + q, q = Math.floor(z / Y), V[W + $] = z - q * Y; + V[W + ie] = q; + } + return m(V), V; + } + function C(U, z) { + var q, W, ne, ie, V = U.length, Y = v(V), $ = w; + for (ne = 0, q = V - 1; q >= 0; --q) + ne = (ie = ne * $ + U[q]) - (W = I(ie / z)) * z, Y[q] = 0 | W; + return [Y, 0 | ne]; + } + function L(U, z) { + var q, W = O(z); if (s) - return [new i(j.value / F.value), new i(j.value % F.value)]; - var re, oe = j.value, G = F.value; - if (G === 0) + return [new i(U.value / W.value), new i(U.value % W.value)]; + var ne, ie = U.value, V = W.value; + if (V === 0) throw new Error("Cannot divide by zero"); - if (j.isSmall) - return F.isSmall ? [new o(C(oe / G)), new o(oe % G)] : [r[0], j]; - if (F.isSmall) { - if (G === 1) - return [j, r[0]]; - if (G == -1) - return [j.negate(), r[0]]; - var Z = Math.abs(G); - if (Z < y) { - re = h((L = T(oe, Z))[0]); - var H = L[1]; - return j.sign && (H = -H), typeof re == "number" ? (j.sign !== F.sign && (re = -re), [new o(re), new o(H)]) : [new n(re, j.sign !== F.sign), new o(H)]; + if (U.isSmall) + return W.isSmall ? [new o(I(ie / V)), new o(ie % V)] : [r[0], U]; + if (W.isSmall) { + if (V === 1) + return [U, r[0]]; + if (V == -1) + return [U.negate(), r[0]]; + var Y = Math.abs(V); + if (Y < w) { + ne = h((q = C(ie, Y))[0]); + var $ = q[1]; + return U.sign && ($ = -$), typeof ne == "number" ? (U.sign !== W.sign && (ne = -ne), [new o(ne), new o($)]) : [new n(ne, U.sign !== W.sign), new o($)]; } - G = c(Z); - } - var $ = te(oe, G); - if ($ === -1) - return [r[0], j]; - if ($ === 0) - return [r[j.sign === F.sign ? 1 : -1], r[0]]; - L = oe.length + G.length <= 200 ? function(pe, ve) { - var me, _e, ye, Ee, Ae, Pe, ke, xe = pe.length, we = ve.length, Se = y, Re = v(ve.length), Oe = ve[we - 1], Me = Math.ceil(Se / (2 * Oe)), Te = w(pe, Me), Ne = w(ve, Me); - for (Te.length <= xe && Te.push(0), Ne.push(0), Oe = Ne[we - 1], _e = xe - we; _e >= 0; _e--) { - for (me = Se - 1, Te[_e + we] !== Oe && (me = Math.floor((Te[_e + we] * Se + Te[_e + we - 1]) / Oe)), ye = 0, Ee = 0, Pe = Ne.length, Ae = 0; Ae < Pe; Ae++) - ye += me * Ne[Ae], ke = Math.floor(ye / Se), Ee += Te[_e + Ae] - (ye - ke * Se), ye = ke, Ee < 0 ? (Te[_e + Ae] = Ee + Se, Ee = -1) : (Te[_e + Ae] = Ee, Ee = 0); - for (; Ee !== 0; ) { - for (me -= 1, ye = 0, Ae = 0; Ae < Pe; Ae++) - (ye += Te[_e + Ae] - Se + Ne[Ae]) < 0 ? (Te[_e + Ae] = ye + Se, ye = 0) : (Te[_e + Ae] = ye, ye = 1); - Ee += ye; + V = c(Y); + } + var K = re(ie, V); + if (K === -1) + return [r[0], U]; + if (K === 0) + return [r[U.sign === W.sign ? 1 : -1], r[0]]; + q = ie.length + V.length <= 200 ? function(me, ge) { + var ve, be, we, xe, Ee, Pe, Se, Re = me.length, ke = ge.length, Oe = w, Me = v(ge.length), Ae = ge[ke - 1], Ne = Math.ceil(Oe / (2 * Ae)), Ce = k(me, Ne), Te = k(ge, Ne); + for (Ce.length <= Re && Ce.push(0), Te.push(0), Ae = Te[ke - 1], be = Re - ke; be >= 0; be--) { + for (ve = Oe - 1, Ce[be + ke] !== Ae && (ve = Math.floor((Ce[be + ke] * Oe + Ce[be + ke - 1]) / Ae)), we = 0, xe = 0, Pe = Te.length, Ee = 0; Ee < Pe; Ee++) + we += ve * Te[Ee], Se = Math.floor(we / Oe), xe += Ce[be + Ee] - (we - Se * Oe), we = Se, xe < 0 ? (Ce[be + Ee] = xe + Oe, xe = -1) : (Ce[be + Ee] = xe, xe = 0); + for (; xe !== 0; ) { + for (ve -= 1, we = 0, Ee = 0; Ee < Pe; Ee++) + (we += Ce[be + Ee] - Oe + Te[Ee]) < 0 ? (Ce[be + Ee] = we + Oe, we = 0) : (Ce[be + Ee] = we, we = 1); + xe += we; } - Re[_e] = me; + Me[be] = ve; } - return Te = T(Te, Me)[0], [h(Re), h(Te)]; - }(oe, G) : function(pe, ve) { - for (var me, _e, ye, Ee, Ae, Pe = pe.length, ke = ve.length, xe = [], we = [], Se = y; Pe; ) - if (we.unshift(pe[--Pe]), m(we), te(we, ve) < 0) - xe.push(0); + return Ce = C(Ce, Ne)[0], [h(Me), h(Ce)]; + }(ie, V) : function(me, ge) { + for (var ve, be, we, xe, Ee, Pe = me.length, Se = ge.length, Re = [], ke = [], Oe = w; Pe; ) + if (ke.unshift(me[--Pe]), m(ke), re(ke, ge) < 0) + Re.push(0); else { - ye = we[(_e = we.length) - 1] * Se + we[_e - 2], Ee = ve[ke - 1] * Se + ve[ke - 2], _e > ke && (ye = (ye + 1) * Se), me = Math.ceil(ye / Ee); + we = ke[(be = ke.length) - 1] * Oe + ke[be - 2], xe = ge[Se - 1] * Oe + ge[Se - 2], be > Se && (we = (we + 1) * Oe), ve = Math.ceil(we / xe); do { - if (te(Ae = w(ve, me), we) <= 0) + if (re(Ee = k(ge, ve), ke) <= 0) break; - me--; - } while (me); - xe.push(me), we = k(we, Ae); + ve--; + } while (ve); + Re.push(ve), ke = S(ke, Ee); } - return xe.reverse(), [h(xe), h(we)]; - }(oe, G), re = L[0]; - var ie = j.sign !== F.sign, se = L[1], fe = j.sign; - return typeof re == "number" ? (ie && (re = -re), re = new o(re)) : re = new n(re, ie), typeof se == "number" ? (fe && (se = -se), se = new o(se)) : se = new n(se, fe), [re, se]; - } - function te(j, D) { - if (j.length !== D.length) - return j.length > D.length ? 1 : -1; - for (var L = j.length - 1; L >= 0; L--) - if (j[L] !== D[L]) - return j[L] > D[L] ? 1 : -1; + return Re.reverse(), [h(Re), h(ke)]; + }(ie, V), ne = q[0]; + var ae = U.sign !== W.sign, ce = q[1], he = U.sign; + return typeof ne == "number" ? (ae && (ne = -ne), ne = new o(ne)) : ne = new n(ne, ae), typeof ce == "number" ? (he && (ce = -ce), ce = new o(ce)) : ce = new n(ce, he), [ne, ce]; + } + function re(U, z) { + if (U.length !== z.length) + return U.length > z.length ? 1 : -1; + for (var q = U.length - 1; q >= 0; q--) + if (U[q] !== z[q]) + return U[q] > z[q] ? 1 : -1; return 0; } - function X(j) { - var D = j.abs(); - return !D.isUnit() && (!!(D.equals(2) || D.equals(3) || D.equals(5)) || !(D.isEven() || D.isDivisibleBy(3) || D.isDivisibleBy(5)) && (!!D.lesser(49) || void 0)); + function ee(U) { + var z = U.abs(); + return !z.isUnit() && (!!(z.equals(2) || z.equals(3) || z.equals(5)) || !(z.isEven() || z.isDivisibleBy(3) || z.isDivisibleBy(5)) && (!!z.lesser(49) || void 0)); } - function ne(j, D) { - for (var L, F, re, oe = j.prev(), G = oe, Z = 0; G.isEven(); ) - G = G.divide(2), Z++; + function oe(U, z) { + for (var q, W, ne, ie = U.prev(), V = ie, Y = 0; V.isEven(); ) + V = V.divide(2), Y++; e: - for (F = 0; F < D.length; F++) - if (!j.lesser(D[F]) && !(re = M(D[F]).modPow(G, j)).isUnit() && !re.equals(oe)) { - for (L = Z - 1; L != 0; L--) { - if ((re = re.square().mod(j)).isUnit()) + for (W = 0; W < z.length; W++) + if (!U.lesser(z[W]) && !(ne = R(z[W]).modPow(V, U)).isUnit() && !ne.equals(ie)) { + for (q = Y - 1; q != 0; q--) { + if ((ne = ne.square().mod(U)).isUnit()) return !1; - if (re.equals(oe)) + if (ne.equals(ie)) continue e; } return !1; } return !0; } - n.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), o.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), i.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), n.prototype.add = function(j) { - var D = S(j); - if (this.sign !== D.sign) - return this.subtract(D.negate()); - var L = this.value, F = D.value; - return D.isSmall ? new n(R(L, Math.abs(F)), this.sign) : new n(I(L, F), this.sign); - }, n.prototype.plus = n.prototype.add, o.prototype.add = function(j) { - var D = S(j), L = this.value; - if (L < 0 !== D.sign) - return this.subtract(D.negate()); - var F = D.value; - if (D.isSmall) { - if (f(L + F)) - return new o(L + F); - F = c(Math.abs(F)); - } - return new n(R(F, Math.abs(L)), L < 0); - }, o.prototype.plus = o.prototype.add, i.prototype.add = function(j) { - return new i(this.value + S(j).value); - }, i.prototype.plus = i.prototype.add, n.prototype.subtract = function(j) { - var D = S(j); - if (this.sign !== D.sign) - return this.add(D.negate()); - var L = this.value, F = D.value; - return D.isSmall ? N(L, Math.abs(F), this.sign) : function(re, oe, G) { - var Z; - return te(re, oe) >= 0 ? Z = k(re, oe) : (Z = k(oe, re), G = !G), typeof (Z = h(Z)) == "number" ? (G && (Z = -Z), new o(Z)) : new n(Z, G); - }(L, F, this.sign); - }, n.prototype.minus = n.prototype.subtract, o.prototype.subtract = function(j) { - var D = S(j), L = this.value; - if (L < 0 !== D.sign) - return this.add(D.negate()); - var F = D.value; - return D.isSmall ? new o(L - F) : N(F, Math.abs(L), L >= 0); - }, o.prototype.minus = o.prototype.subtract, i.prototype.subtract = function(j) { - return new i(this.value - S(j).value); + n.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), o.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), i.prototype = Object.create(r.prototype), n.prototype.add = function(U) { + var z = O(U); + if (this.sign !== z.sign) + return this.subtract(z.negate()); + var q = this.value, W = z.value; + return z.isSmall ? new n(N(q, Math.abs(W)), this.sign) : new n(j(q, W), this.sign); + }, n.prototype.plus = n.prototype.add, o.prototype.add = function(U) { + var z = O(U), q = this.value; + if (q < 0 !== z.sign) + return this.subtract(z.negate()); + var W = z.value; + if (z.isSmall) { + if (f(q + W)) + return new o(q + W); + W = c(Math.abs(W)); + } + return new n(N(W, Math.abs(q)), q < 0); + }, o.prototype.plus = o.prototype.add, i.prototype.add = function(U) { + return new i(this.value + O(U).value); + }, i.prototype.plus = i.prototype.add, n.prototype.subtract = function(U) { + var z = O(U); + if (this.sign !== z.sign) + return this.add(z.negate()); + var q = this.value, W = z.value; + return z.isSmall ? T(q, Math.abs(W), this.sign) : function(ne, ie, V) { + var Y; + return re(ne, ie) >= 0 ? Y = S(ne, ie) : (Y = S(ie, ne), V = !V), typeof (Y = h(Y)) == "number" ? (V && (Y = -Y), new o(Y)) : new n(Y, V); + }(q, W, this.sign); + }, n.prototype.minus = n.prototype.subtract, o.prototype.subtract = function(U) { + var z = O(U), q = this.value; + if (q < 0 !== z.sign) + return this.add(z.negate()); + var W = z.value; + return z.isSmall ? new o(q - W) : T(W, Math.abs(q), q >= 0); + }, o.prototype.minus = o.prototype.subtract, i.prototype.subtract = function(U) { + return new i(this.value - O(U).value); }, i.prototype.minus = i.prototype.subtract, n.prototype.negate = function() { return new n(this.value, !this.sign); }, o.prototype.negate = function() { - var j = this.sign, D = new o(-this.value); - return D.sign = !j, D; + var U = this.sign, z = new o(-this.value); + return z.sign = !U, z; }, i.prototype.negate = function() { return new i(-this.value); }, n.prototype.abs = function() { @@ -4064,132 +4402,132 @@ should equal return new o(Math.abs(this.value)); }, i.prototype.abs = function() { return new i(this.value >= 0 ? this.value : -this.value); - }, n.prototype.multiply = function(j) { - var D, L, F, re = S(j), oe = this.value, G = re.value, Z = this.sign !== re.sign; - if (re.isSmall) { - if (G === 0) + }, n.prototype.multiply = function(U) { + var z, q, W, ne = O(U), ie = this.value, V = ne.value, Y = this.sign !== ne.sign; + if (ne.isSmall) { + if (V === 0) return r[0]; - if (G === 1) + if (V === 1) return this; - if (G === -1) + if (V === -1) return this.negate(); - if ((D = Math.abs(G)) < y) - return new n(w(oe, D), Z); - G = c(D); - } - return new n(-0.012 * (L = oe.length) - 0.012 * (F = G.length) + 15e-6 * L * F > 0 ? p(oe, G) : A(oe, G), Z); - }, n.prototype.times = n.prototype.multiply, o.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(j) { - return f(j.value * this.value) ? new o(j.value * this.value) : O(Math.abs(j.value), c(Math.abs(this.value)), this.sign !== j.sign); - }, n.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(j) { - return j.value === 0 ? r[0] : j.value === 1 ? this : j.value === -1 ? this.negate() : O(Math.abs(j.value), this.value, this.sign !== j.sign); - }, o.prototype.multiply = function(j) { - return S(j)._multiplyBySmall(this); - }, o.prototype.times = o.prototype.multiply, i.prototype.multiply = function(j) { - return new i(this.value * S(j).value); + if ((z = Math.abs(V)) < w) + return new n(k(ie, z), Y); + V = c(z); + } + return new n(-0.012 * (q = ie.length) - 0.012 * (W = V.length) + 15e-6 * q * W > 0 ? p(ie, V) : x(ie, V), Y); + }, n.prototype.times = n.prototype.multiply, o.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(U) { + return f(U.value * this.value) ? new o(U.value * this.value) : P(Math.abs(U.value), c(Math.abs(this.value)), this.sign !== U.sign); + }, n.prototype._multiplyBySmall = function(U) { + return U.value === 0 ? r[0] : U.value === 1 ? this : U.value === -1 ? this.negate() : P(Math.abs(U.value), this.value, this.sign !== U.sign); + }, o.prototype.multiply = function(U) { + return O(U)._multiplyBySmall(this); + }, o.prototype.times = o.prototype.multiply, i.prototype.multiply = function(U) { + return new i(this.value * O(U).value); }, i.prototype.times = i.prototype.multiply, n.prototype.square = function() { - return new n(U(this.value), !1); + return new n(B(this.value), !1); }, o.prototype.square = function() { - var j = this.value * this.value; - return f(j) ? new o(j) : new n(U(c(Math.abs(this.value))), !1); - }, i.prototype.square = function(j) { + var U = this.value * this.value; + return f(U) ? new o(U) : new n(B(c(Math.abs(this.value))), !1); + }, i.prototype.square = function(U) { return new i(this.value * this.value); - }, n.prototype.divmod = function(j) { - var D = z(this, j); - return { quotient: D[0], remainder: D[1] }; - }, i.prototype.divmod = o.prototype.divmod = n.prototype.divmod, n.prototype.divide = function(j) { - return z(this, j)[0]; - }, i.prototype.over = i.prototype.divide = function(j) { - return new i(this.value / S(j).value); - }, o.prototype.over = o.prototype.divide = n.prototype.over = n.prototype.divide, n.prototype.mod = function(j) { - return z(this, j)[1]; - }, i.prototype.mod = i.prototype.remainder = function(j) { - return new i(this.value % S(j).value); - }, o.prototype.remainder = o.prototype.mod = n.prototype.remainder = n.prototype.mod, n.prototype.pow = function(j) { - var D, L, F, re = S(j), oe = this.value, G = re.value; - if (G === 0) + }, n.prototype.divmod = function(U) { + var z = L(this, U); + return { quotient: z[0], remainder: z[1] }; + }, i.prototype.divmod = o.prototype.divmod = n.prototype.divmod, n.prototype.divide = function(U) { + return L(this, U)[0]; + }, i.prototype.over = i.prototype.divide = function(U) { + return new i(this.value / O(U).value); + }, o.prototype.over = o.prototype.divide = n.prototype.over = n.prototype.divide, n.prototype.mod = function(U) { + return L(this, U)[1]; + }, i.prototype.mod = i.prototype.remainder = function(U) { + return new i(this.value % O(U).value); + }, o.prototype.remainder = o.prototype.mod = n.prototype.remainder = n.prototype.mod, n.prototype.pow = function(U) { + var z, q, W, ne = O(U), ie = this.value, V = ne.value; + if (V === 0) return r[1]; - if (oe === 0) + if (ie === 0) return r[0]; - if (oe === 1) + if (ie === 1) return r[1]; - if (oe === -1) - return re.isEven() ? r[1] : r[-1]; - if (re.sign) + if (ie === -1) + return ne.isEven() ? r[1] : r[-1]; + if (ne.sign) return r[0]; - if (!re.isSmall) - throw new Error("The exponent " + re.toString() + " is too large."); - if (this.isSmall && f(D = Math.pow(oe, G))) - return new o(C(D)); - for (L = this, F = r[1]; !0 & G && (F = F.times(L), --G), G !== 0; ) - G /= 2, L = L.square(); - return F; - }, o.prototype.pow = n.prototype.pow, i.prototype.pow = function(j) { - var D = S(j), L = this.value, F = D.value, re = BigInt(0), oe = BigInt(1), G = BigInt(2); - if (F === re) + if (!ne.isSmall) + throw new Error("The exponent " + ne.toString() + " is too large."); + if (this.isSmall && f(z = Math.pow(ie, V))) + return new o(I(z)); + for (q = this, W = r[1]; !0 & V && (W = W.times(q), --V), V !== 0; ) + V /= 2, q = q.square(); + return W; + }, o.prototype.pow = n.prototype.pow, i.prototype.pow = function(U) { + var z = O(U), q = this.value, W = z.value, ne = BigInt(0), ie = BigInt(1), V = BigInt(2); + if (W === ne) return r[1]; - if (L === re) + if (q === ne) return r[0]; - if (L === oe) + if (q === ie) return r[1]; - if (L === BigInt(-1)) - return D.isEven() ? r[1] : r[-1]; - if (D.isNegative()) - return new i(re); - for (var Z = this, H = r[1]; (F & oe) === oe && (H = H.times(Z), --F), F !== re; ) - F /= G, Z = Z.square(); - return H; - }, n.prototype.modPow = function(j, D) { - if (j = S(j), (D = S(D)).isZero()) + if (q === BigInt(-1)) + return z.isEven() ? r[1] : r[-1]; + if (z.isNegative()) + return new i(ne); + for (var Y = this, $ = r[1]; (W & ie) === ie && ($ = $.times(Y), --W), W !== ne; ) + W /= V, Y = Y.square(); + return $; + }, n.prototype.modPow = function(U, z) { + if (U = O(U), (z = O(z)).isZero()) throw new Error("Cannot take modPow with modulus 0"); - var L = r[1], F = this.mod(D); - for (j.isNegative() && (j = j.multiply(r[-1]), F = F.modInv(D)); j.isPositive(); ) { - if (F.isZero()) + var q = r[1], W = this.mod(z); + for (U.isNegative() && (U = U.multiply(r[-1]), W = W.modInv(z)); U.isPositive(); ) { + if (W.isZero()) return r[0]; - j.isOdd() && (L = L.multiply(F).mod(D)), j = j.divide(2), F = F.square().mod(D); - } - return L; - }, i.prototype.modPow = o.prototype.modPow = n.prototype.modPow, n.prototype.compareAbs = function(j) { - var D = S(j), L = this.value, F = D.value; - return D.isSmall ? 1 : te(L, F); - }, o.prototype.compareAbs = function(j) { - var D = S(j), L = Math.abs(this.value), F = D.value; - return D.isSmall ? L === (F = Math.abs(F)) ? 0 : L > F ? 1 : -1 : -1; - }, i.prototype.compareAbs = function(j) { - var D = this.value, L = S(j).value; - return (D = D >= 0 ? D : -D) === (L = L >= 0 ? L : -L) ? 0 : D > L ? 1 : -1; - }, n.prototype.compare = function(j) { - if (j === 1 / 0) + U.isOdd() && (q = q.multiply(W).mod(z)), U = U.divide(2), W = W.square().mod(z); + } + return q; + }, i.prototype.modPow = o.prototype.modPow = n.prototype.modPow, n.prototype.compareAbs = function(U) { + var z = O(U), q = this.value, W = z.value; + return z.isSmall ? 1 : re(q, W); + }, o.prototype.compareAbs = function(U) { + var z = O(U), q = Math.abs(this.value), W = z.value; + return z.isSmall ? q === (W = Math.abs(W)) ? 0 : q > W ? 1 : -1 : -1; + }, i.prototype.compareAbs = function(U) { + var z = this.value, q = O(U).value; + return (z = z >= 0 ? z : -z) === (q = q >= 0 ? q : -q) ? 0 : z > q ? 1 : -1; + }, n.prototype.compare = function(U) { + if (U === 1 / 0) return -1; - if (j === -1 / 0) + if (U === -1 / 0) return 1; - var D = S(j), L = this.value, F = D.value; - return this.sign !== D.sign ? D.sign ? 1 : -1 : D.isSmall ? this.sign ? -1 : 1 : te(L, F) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1); - }, n.prototype.compareTo = n.prototype.compare, o.prototype.compare = function(j) { - if (j === 1 / 0) + var z = O(U), q = this.value, W = z.value; + return this.sign !== z.sign ? z.sign ? 1 : -1 : z.isSmall ? this.sign ? -1 : 1 : re(q, W) * (this.sign ? -1 : 1); + }, n.prototype.compareTo = n.prototype.compare, o.prototype.compare = function(U) { + if (U === 1 / 0) return -1; - if (j === -1 / 0) + if (U === -1 / 0) return 1; - var D = S(j), L = this.value, F = D.value; - return D.isSmall ? L == F ? 0 : L > F ? 1 : -1 : L < 0 !== D.sign ? L < 0 ? -1 : 1 : L < 0 ? 1 : -1; - }, o.prototype.compareTo = o.prototype.compare, i.prototype.compare = function(j) { - if (j === 1 / 0) + var z = O(U), q = this.value, W = z.value; + return z.isSmall ? q == W ? 0 : q > W ? 1 : -1 : q < 0 !== z.sign ? q < 0 ? -1 : 1 : q < 0 ? 1 : -1; + }, o.prototype.compareTo = o.prototype.compare, i.prototype.compare = function(U) { + if (U === 1 / 0) return -1; - if (j === -1 / 0) + if (U === -1 / 0) return 1; - var D = this.value, L = S(j).value; - return D === L ? 0 : D > L ? 1 : -1; - }, i.prototype.compareTo = i.prototype.compare, n.prototype.equals = function(j) { - return this.compare(j) === 0; - }, i.prototype.eq = i.prototype.equals = o.prototype.eq = o.prototype.equals = n.prototype.eq = n.prototype.equals, n.prototype.notEquals = function(j) { - return this.compare(j) !== 0; - }, i.prototype.neq = i.prototype.notEquals = o.prototype.neq = o.prototype.notEquals = n.prototype.neq = n.prototype.notEquals, n.prototype.greater = function(j) { - return this.compare(j) > 0; - }, i.prototype.gt = i.prototype.greater = o.prototype.gt = o.prototype.greater = n.prototype.gt = n.prototype.greater, n.prototype.lesser = function(j) { - return this.compare(j) < 0; - }, i.prototype.lt = i.prototype.lesser = o.prototype.lt = o.prototype.lesser = n.prototype.lt = n.prototype.lesser, n.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function(j) { - return this.compare(j) >= 0; - }, i.prototype.geq = i.prototype.greaterOrEquals = o.prototype.geq = o.prototype.greaterOrEquals = n.prototype.geq = n.prototype.greaterOrEquals, n.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function(j) { - return this.compare(j) <= 0; + var z = this.value, q = O(U).value; + return z === q ? 0 : z > q ? 1 : -1; + }, i.prototype.compareTo = i.prototype.compare, n.prototype.equals = function(U) { + return this.compare(U) === 0; + }, i.prototype.eq = i.prototype.equals = o.prototype.eq = o.prototype.equals = n.prototype.eq = n.prototype.equals, n.prototype.notEquals = function(U) { + return this.compare(U) !== 0; + }, i.prototype.neq = i.prototype.notEquals = o.prototype.neq = o.prototype.notEquals = n.prototype.neq = n.prototype.notEquals, n.prototype.greater = function(U) { + return this.compare(U) > 0; + }, i.prototype.gt = i.prototype.greater = o.prototype.gt = o.prototype.greater = n.prototype.gt = n.prototype.greater, n.prototype.lesser = function(U) { + return this.compare(U) < 0; + }, i.prototype.lt = i.prototype.lesser = o.prototype.lt = o.prototype.lesser = n.prototype.lt = n.prototype.lesser, n.prototype.greaterOrEquals = function(U) { + return this.compare(U) >= 0; + }, i.prototype.geq = i.prototype.greaterOrEquals = o.prototype.geq = o.prototype.greaterOrEquals = n.prototype.geq = n.prototype.greaterOrEquals, n.prototype.lesserOrEquals = function(U) { + return this.compare(U) <= 0; }, i.prototype.leq = i.prototype.lesserOrEquals = o.prototype.leq = o.prototype.lesserOrEquals = n.prototype.leq = n.prototype.lesserOrEquals, n.prototype.isEven = function() { return (1 & this.value[0]) == 0; }, o.prototype.isEven = function() { @@ -4222,264 +4560,264 @@ should equal return this.value === 0; }, i.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.value === BigInt(0); - }, n.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function(j) { - var D = S(j); - return !D.isZero() && (!!D.isUnit() || (D.compareAbs(2) === 0 ? this.isEven() : this.mod(D).isZero())); - }, i.prototype.isDivisibleBy = o.prototype.isDivisibleBy = n.prototype.isDivisibleBy, n.prototype.isPrime = function(j) { - var D = X(this); - if (D !== P) - return D; - var L = this.abs(), F = L.bitLength(); - if (F <= 64) - return ne(L, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37]); - for (var re = Math.log(2) * F.toJSNumber(), oe = Math.ceil(j === !0 ? 2 * Math.pow(re, 2) : re), G = [], Z = 0; Z < oe; Z++) - G.push(M(Z + 2)); - return ne(L, G); - }, i.prototype.isPrime = o.prototype.isPrime = n.prototype.isPrime, n.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(j, D) { - var L = X(this); - if (L !== P) - return L; - for (var F = this.abs(), re = j === P ? 5 : j, oe = [], G = 0; G < re; G++) - oe.push(M.randBetween(2, F.minus(2), D)); - return ne(F, oe); - }, i.prototype.isProbablePrime = o.prototype.isProbablePrime = n.prototype.isProbablePrime, n.prototype.modInv = function(j) { - for (var D, L, F, re = M.zero, oe = M.one, G = S(j), Z = this.abs(); !Z.isZero(); ) - D = G.divide(Z), L = re, F = G, re = oe, G = Z, oe = L.subtract(D.multiply(oe)), Z = F.subtract(D.multiply(Z)); - if (!G.isUnit()) - throw new Error(this.toString() + " and " + j.toString() + " are not co-prime"); - return re.compare(0) === -1 && (re = re.add(j)), this.isNegative() ? re.negate() : re; + }, n.prototype.isDivisibleBy = function(U) { + var z = O(U); + return !z.isZero() && (!!z.isUnit() || (z.compareAbs(2) === 0 ? this.isEven() : this.mod(z).isZero())); + }, i.prototype.isDivisibleBy = o.prototype.isDivisibleBy = n.prototype.isDivisibleBy, n.prototype.isPrime = function(U) { + var z = ee(this); + if (z !== A) + return z; + var q = this.abs(), W = q.bitLength(); + if (W <= 64) + return oe(q, [2, 3, 5, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19, 23, 29, 31, 37]); + for (var ne = Math.log(2) * W.toJSNumber(), ie = Math.ceil(U === !0 ? 2 * Math.pow(ne, 2) : ne), V = [], Y = 0; Y < ie; Y++) + V.push(R(Y + 2)); + return oe(q, V); + }, i.prototype.isPrime = o.prototype.isPrime = n.prototype.isPrime, n.prototype.isProbablePrime = function(U, z) { + var q = ee(this); + if (q !== A) + return q; + for (var W = this.abs(), ne = U === A ? 5 : U, ie = [], V = 0; V < ne; V++) + ie.push(R.randBetween(2, W.minus(2), z)); + return oe(W, ie); + }, i.prototype.isProbablePrime = o.prototype.isProbablePrime = n.prototype.isProbablePrime, n.prototype.modInv = function(U) { + for (var z, q, W, ne = R.zero, ie = R.one, V = O(U), Y = this.abs(); !Y.isZero(); ) + z = V.divide(Y), q = ne, W = V, ne = ie, V = Y, ie = q.subtract(z.multiply(ie)), Y = W.subtract(z.multiply(Y)); + if (!V.isUnit()) + throw new Error(this.toString() + " and " + U.toString() + " are not co-prime"); + return ne.compare(0) === -1 && (ne = ne.add(U)), this.isNegative() ? ne.negate() : ne; }, i.prototype.modInv = o.prototype.modInv = n.prototype.modInv, n.prototype.next = function() { - var j = this.value; - return this.sign ? N(j, 1, this.sign) : new n(R(j, 1), this.sign); + var U = this.value; + return this.sign ? T(U, 1, this.sign) : new n(N(U, 1), this.sign); }, o.prototype.next = function() { - var j = this.value; - return j + 1 < t ? new o(j + 1) : new n(d, !1); + var U = this.value; + return U + 1 < t ? new o(U + 1) : new n(d, !1); }, i.prototype.next = function() { return new i(this.value + BigInt(1)); }, n.prototype.prev = function() { - var j = this.value; - return this.sign ? new n(R(j, 1), !0) : N(j, 1, this.sign); + var U = this.value; + return this.sign ? new n(N(U, 1), !0) : T(U, 1, this.sign); }, o.prototype.prev = function() { - var j = this.value; - return j - 1 > -t ? new o(j - 1) : new n(d, !0); + var U = this.value; + return U - 1 > -t ? new o(U - 1) : new n(d, !0); }, i.prototype.prev = function() { return new i(this.value - BigInt(1)); }; - for (var B = [1]; 2 * B[B.length - 1] <= y; ) - B.push(2 * B[B.length - 1]); - var Q = B.length, V = B[Q - 1]; - function ee(j) { - return Math.abs(j) <= y; - } - function K(j, D, L) { - D = S(D); - for (var F = j.isNegative(), re = D.isNegative(), oe = F ? j.not() : j, G = re ? D.not() : D, Z = 0, H = 0, $ = null, ie = null, se = []; !oe.isZero() || !G.isZero(); ) - Z = ($ = z(oe, V))[1].toJSNumber(), F && (Z = V - 1 - Z), H = (ie = z(G, V))[1].toJSNumber(), re && (H = V - 1 - H), oe = $[0], G = ie[0], se.push(L(Z, H)); - for (var fe = L(F ? 1 : 0, re ? 1 : 0) !== 0 ? M(-1) : M(0), pe = se.length - 1; pe >= 0; pe -= 1) - fe = fe.multiply(V).add(M(se[pe])); - return fe; + for (var D = [1]; 2 * D[D.length - 1] <= w; ) + D.push(2 * D[D.length - 1]); + var Z = D.length, H = D[Z - 1]; + function te(U) { + return Math.abs(U) <= w; + } + function Q(U, z, q) { + z = O(z); + for (var W = U.isNegative(), ne = z.isNegative(), ie = W ? U.not() : U, V = ne ? z.not() : z, Y = 0, $ = 0, K = null, ae = null, ce = []; !ie.isZero() || !V.isZero(); ) + Y = (K = L(ie, H))[1].toJSNumber(), W && (Y = H - 1 - Y), $ = (ae = L(V, H))[1].toJSNumber(), ne && ($ = H - 1 - $), ie = K[0], V = ae[0], ce.push(q(Y, $)); + for (var he = q(W ? 1 : 0, ne ? 1 : 0) !== 0 ? R(-1) : R(0), me = ce.length - 1; me >= 0; me -= 1) + he = he.multiply(H).add(R(ce[me])); + return he; } - n.prototype.shiftLeft = function(j) { - var D = S(j).toJSNumber(); - if (!ee(D)) - throw new Error(String(D) + " is too large for shifting."); - if (D < 0) - return this.shiftRight(-D); - var L = this; - if (L.isZero()) - return L; - for (; D >= Q; ) - L = L.multiply(V), D -= Q - 1; - return L.multiply(B[D]); - }, i.prototype.shiftLeft = o.prototype.shiftLeft = n.prototype.shiftLeft, n.prototype.shiftRight = function(j) { - var D, L = S(j).toJSNumber(); - if (!ee(L)) - throw new Error(String(L) + " is too large for shifting."); - if (L < 0) - return this.shiftLeft(-L); - for (var F = this; L >= Q; ) { - if (F.isZero() || F.isNegative() && F.isUnit()) - return F; - F = (D = z(F, V))[1].isNegative() ? D[0].prev() : D[0], L -= Q - 1; - } - return (D = z(F, B[L]))[1].isNegative() ? D[0].prev() : D[0]; + n.prototype.shiftLeft = function(U) { + var z = O(U).toJSNumber(); + if (!te(z)) + throw new Error(String(z) + " is too large for shifting."); + if (z < 0) + return this.shiftRight(-z); + var q = this; + if (q.isZero()) + return q; + for (; z >= Z; ) + q = q.multiply(H), z -= Z - 1; + return q.multiply(D[z]); + }, i.prototype.shiftLeft = o.prototype.shiftLeft = n.prototype.shiftLeft, n.prototype.shiftRight = function(U) { + var z, q = O(U).toJSNumber(); + if (!te(q)) + throw new Error(String(q) + " is too large for shifting."); + if (q < 0) + return this.shiftLeft(-q); + for (var W = this; q >= Z; ) { + if (W.isZero() || W.isNegative() && W.isUnit()) + return W; + W = (z = L(W, H))[1].isNegative() ? z[0].prev() : z[0], q -= Z - 1; + } + return (z = L(W, D[q]))[1].isNegative() ? z[0].prev() : z[0]; }, i.prototype.shiftRight = o.prototype.shiftRight = n.prototype.shiftRight, n.prototype.not = function() { return this.negate().prev(); - }, i.prototype.not = o.prototype.not = n.prototype.not, n.prototype.and = function(j) { - return K(this, j, function(D, L) { - return D & L; + }, i.prototype.not = o.prototype.not = n.prototype.not, n.prototype.and = function(U) { + return Q(this, U, function(z, q) { + return z & q; }); - }, i.prototype.and = o.prototype.and = n.prototype.and, n.prototype.or = function(j) { - return K(this, j, function(D, L) { - return D | L; + }, i.prototype.and = o.prototype.and = n.prototype.and, n.prototype.or = function(U) { + return Q(this, U, function(z, q) { + return z | q; }); - }, i.prototype.or = o.prototype.or = n.prototype.or, n.prototype.xor = function(j) { - return K(this, j, function(D, L) { - return D ^ L; + }, i.prototype.or = o.prototype.or = n.prototype.or, n.prototype.xor = function(U) { + return Q(this, U, function(z, q) { + return z ^ q; }); }, i.prototype.xor = o.prototype.xor = n.prototype.xor; - var Y = 1 << 30, q = (y & -y) * (y & -y) | Y; - function ae(j) { - var D = j.value, L = typeof D == "number" ? D | Y : typeof D == "bigint" ? D | BigInt(Y) : D[0] + D[1] * y | q; - return L & -L; - } - function de(j, D) { - if (D.compareTo(j) <= 0) { - var L = de(j, D.square(D)), F = L.p, re = L.e, oe = F.multiply(D); - return oe.compareTo(j) <= 0 ? { p: oe, e: 2 * re + 1 } : { p: F, e: 2 * re }; - } - return { p: M(1), e: 0 }; - } - function ue(j, D) { - return j = S(j), D = S(D), j.greater(D) ? j : D; - } - function le(j, D) { - return j = S(j), D = S(D), j.lesser(D) ? j : D; - } - function ge(j, D) { - if (j = S(j).abs(), D = S(D).abs(), j.equals(D)) - return j; - if (j.isZero()) - return D; - if (D.isZero()) - return j; - for (var L, F, re = r[1]; j.isEven() && D.isEven(); ) - L = le(ae(j), ae(D)), j = j.divide(L), D = D.divide(L), re = re.multiply(L); - for (; j.isEven(); ) - j = j.divide(ae(j)); + var X = 1 << 30, F = (w & -w) * (w & -w) | X; + function se(U) { + var z = U.value, q = typeof z == "number" ? z | X : typeof z == "bigint" ? z | BigInt(X) : z[0] + z[1] * w | F; + return q & -q; + } + function ue(U, z) { + if (z.compareTo(U) <= 0) { + var q = ue(U, z.square(z)), W = q.p, ne = q.e, ie = W.multiply(z); + return ie.compareTo(U) <= 0 ? { p: ie, e: 2 * ne + 1 } : { p: W, e: 2 * ne }; + } + return { p: R(1), e: 0 }; + } + function le(U, z) { + return U = O(U), z = O(z), U.greater(z) ? U : z; + } + function fe(U, z) { + return U = O(U), z = O(z), U.lesser(z) ? U : z; + } + function _e(U, z) { + if (U = O(U).abs(), z = O(z).abs(), U.equals(z)) + return U; + if (U.isZero()) + return z; + if (z.isZero()) + return U; + for (var q, W, ne = r[1]; U.isEven() && z.isEven(); ) + q = fe(se(U), se(z)), U = U.divide(q), z = z.divide(q), ne = ne.multiply(q); + for (; U.isEven(); ) + U = U.divide(se(U)); do { - for (; D.isEven(); ) - D = D.divide(ae(D)); - j.greater(D) && (F = D, D = j, j = F), D = D.subtract(j); - } while (!D.isZero()); - return re.isUnit() ? j : j.multiply(re); + for (; z.isEven(); ) + z = z.divide(se(z)); + U.greater(z) && (W = z, z = U, U = W), z = z.subtract(U); + } while (!z.isZero()); + return ne.isUnit() ? U : U.multiply(ne); } n.prototype.bitLength = function() { - var j = this; - return j.compareTo(M(0)) < 0 && (j = j.negate().subtract(M(1))), j.compareTo(M(0)) === 0 ? M(0) : M(de(j, M(2)).e).add(M(1)); + var U = this; + return U.compareTo(R(0)) < 0 && (U = U.negate().subtract(R(1))), U.compareTo(R(0)) === 0 ? R(0) : R(ue(U, R(2)).e).add(R(1)); }, i.prototype.bitLength = o.prototype.bitLength = n.prototype.bitLength; - var ce = function(j, D, L, F) { - L = L || u, j = String(j), F || (j = j.toLowerCase(), L = L.toLowerCase()); - var re, oe = j.length, G = Math.abs(D), Z = {}; - for (re = 0; re < L.length; re++) - Z[L[re]] = re; - for (re = 0; re < oe; re++) - if ((ie = j[re]) !== "-" && ie in Z && Z[ie] >= G) { - if (ie === "1" && G === 1) + var de = function(U, z, q, W) { + q = q || u, U = String(U), W || (U = U.toLowerCase(), q = q.toLowerCase()); + var ne, ie = U.length, V = Math.abs(z), Y = {}; + for (ne = 0; ne < q.length; ne++) + Y[q[ne]] = ne; + for (ne = 0; ne < ie; ne++) + if ((ae = U[ne]) !== "-" && ae in Y && Y[ae] >= V) { + if (ae === "1" && V === 1) continue; - throw new Error(ie + " is not a valid digit in base " + D + "."); + throw new Error(ae + " is not a valid digit in base " + z + "."); } - D = S(D); - var H = [], $ = j[0] === "-"; - for (re = $ ? 1 : 0; re < j.length; re++) { - var ie; - if ((ie = j[re]) in Z) - H.push(S(Z[ie])); + z = O(z); + var $ = [], K = U[0] === "-"; + for (ne = K ? 1 : 0; ne < U.length; ne++) { + var ae; + if ((ae = U[ne]) in Y) + $.push(O(Y[ae])); else { - if (ie !== "<") - throw new Error(ie + " is not a valid character"); - var se = re; + if (ae !== "<") + throw new Error(ae + " is not a valid character"); + var ce = ne; do - re++; - while (j[re] !== ">" && re < j.length); - H.push(S(j.slice(se + 1, re))); + ne++; + while (U[ne] !== ">" && ne < U.length); + $.push(O(U.slice(ce + 1, ne))); } } - return he(H, D, $); + return pe($, z, K); }; - function he(j, D, L) { - var F, re = r[0], oe = r[1]; - for (F = j.length - 1; F >= 0; F--) - re = re.add(j[F].times(oe)), oe = oe.times(D); - return L ? re.negate() : re; - } - function be(j, D) { - if ((D = M(D)).isZero()) { - if (j.isZero()) + function pe(U, z, q) { + var W, ne = r[0], ie = r[1]; + for (W = U.length - 1; W >= 0; W--) + ne = ne.add(U[W].times(ie)), ie = ie.times(z); + return q ? ne.negate() : ne; + } + function ye(U, z) { + if ((z = R(z)).isZero()) { + if (U.isZero()) return { value: [0], isNegative: !1 }; throw new Error("Cannot convert nonzero numbers to base 0."); } - if (D.equals(-1)) { - if (j.isZero()) + if (z.equals(-1)) { + if (U.isZero()) return { value: [0], isNegative: !1 }; - if (j.isNegative()) - return { value: [].concat.apply([], Array.apply(null, Array(-j.toJSNumber())).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [1, 0])), isNegative: !1 }; - var L = Array.apply(null, Array(j.toJSNumber() - 1)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [0, 1]); - return L.unshift([1]), { value: [].concat.apply([], L), isNegative: !1 }; - } - var F = !1; - if (j.isNegative() && D.isPositive() && (F = !0, j = j.abs()), D.isUnit()) - return j.isZero() ? { value: [0], isNegative: !1 } : { value: Array.apply(null, Array(j.toJSNumber())).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 1), isNegative: F }; - for (var re, oe = [], G = j; G.isNegative() || G.compareAbs(D) >= 0; ) { - re = G.divmod(D), G = re.quotient; - var Z = re.remainder; - Z.isNegative() && (Z = D.minus(Z).abs(), G = G.next()), oe.push(Z.toJSNumber()); - } - return oe.push(G.toJSNumber()), { value: oe.reverse(), isNegative: F }; - } - function W(j, D, L) { - var F = be(j, D); - return (F.isNegative ? "-" : "") + F.value.map(function(re) { - return function(oe, G) { - return oe < (G = G || u).length ? G[oe] : "<" + oe + ">"; - }(re, L); + if (U.isNegative()) + return { value: [].concat.apply([], Array.apply(null, Array(-U.toJSNumber())).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [1, 0])), isNegative: !1 }; + var q = Array.apply(null, Array(U.toJSNumber() - 1)).map(Array.prototype.valueOf, [0, 1]); + return q.unshift([1]), { value: [].concat.apply([], q), isNegative: !1 }; + } + var W = !1; + if (U.isNegative() && z.isPositive() && (W = !0, U = U.abs()), z.isUnit()) + return U.isZero() ? { value: [0], isNegative: !1 } : { value: Array.apply(null, Array(U.toJSNumber())).map(Number.prototype.valueOf, 1), isNegative: W }; + for (var ne, ie = [], V = U; V.isNegative() || V.compareAbs(z) >= 0; ) { + ne = V.divmod(z), V = ne.quotient; + var Y = ne.remainder; + Y.isNegative() && (Y = z.minus(Y).abs(), V = V.next()), ie.push(Y.toJSNumber()); + } + return ie.push(V.toJSNumber()), { value: ie.reverse(), isNegative: W }; + } + function G(U, z, q) { + var W = ye(U, z); + return (W.isNegative ? "-" : "") + W.value.map(function(ne) { + return function(ie, V) { + return ie < (V = V || u).length ? V[ie] : "<" + ie + ">"; + }(ne, q); }).join(""); } - function g(j) { - if (f(+j)) { - var D = +j; - if (D === C(D)) - return s ? new i(BigInt(D)) : new o(D); - throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + j); - } - var L = j[0] === "-"; - L && (j = j.slice(1)); - var F = j.split(/e/i); - if (F.length > 2) - throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + F.join("e")); - if (F.length === 2) { - var re = F[1]; - if (re[0] === "+" && (re = re.slice(1)), (re = +re) !== C(re) || !f(re)) - throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + re + " is not a valid exponent."); - var oe = F[0], G = oe.indexOf("."); - if (G >= 0 && (re -= oe.length - G - 1, oe = oe.slice(0, G) + oe.slice(G + 1)), re < 0) + function _(U) { + if (f(+U)) { + var z = +U; + if (z === I(z)) + return s ? new i(BigInt(z)) : new o(z); + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + U); + } + var q = U[0] === "-"; + q && (U = U.slice(1)); + var W = U.split(/e/i); + if (W.length > 2) + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + W.join("e")); + if (W.length === 2) { + var ne = W[1]; + if (ne[0] === "+" && (ne = ne.slice(1)), (ne = +ne) !== I(ne) || !f(ne)) + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + ne + " is not a valid exponent."); + var ie = W[0], V = ie.indexOf("."); + if (V >= 0 && (ne -= ie.length - V - 1, ie = ie.slice(0, V) + ie.slice(V + 1)), ne < 0) throw new Error("Cannot include negative exponent part for integers"); - j = oe += new Array(re + 1).join("0"); + U = ie += new Array(ne + 1).join("0"); } - if (!/^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(j)) - throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + j); + if (!/^([0-9][0-9]*)$/.test(U)) + throw new Error("Invalid integer: " + U); if (s) - return new i(BigInt(L ? "-" + j : j)); - for (var Z = [], H = j.length, $ = a, ie = H - $; H > 0; ) - Z.push(+j.slice(ie, H)), (ie -= $) < 0 && (ie = 0), H -= $; - return m(Z), new n(Z, L); + return new i(BigInt(q ? "-" + U : U)); + for (var Y = [], $ = U.length, K = a, ae = $ - K; $ > 0; ) + Y.push(+U.slice(ae, $)), (ae -= K) < 0 && (ae = 0), $ -= K; + return m(Y), new n(Y, q); } - function S(j) { - return typeof j == "number" ? function(D) { + function O(U) { + return typeof U == "number" ? function(z) { if (s) - return new i(BigInt(D)); - if (f(D)) { - if (D !== C(D)) - throw new Error(D + " is not an integer."); - return new o(D); + return new i(BigInt(z)); + if (f(z)) { + if (z !== I(z)) + throw new Error(z + " is not an integer."); + return new o(z); } - return g(D.toString()); - }(j) : typeof j == "string" ? g(j) : typeof j == "bigint" ? new i(j) : j; - } - n.prototype.toArray = function(j) { - return be(this, j); - }, o.prototype.toArray = function(j) { - return be(this, j); - }, i.prototype.toArray = function(j) { - return be(this, j); - }, n.prototype.toString = function(j, D) { - if (j === P && (j = 10), j !== 10) - return W(this, j, D); - for (var L, F = this.value, re = F.length, oe = String(F[--re]); --re >= 0; ) - L = String(F[re]), oe += "0000000".slice(L.length) + L; - return (this.sign ? "-" : "") + oe; - }, o.prototype.toString = function(j, D) { - return j === P && (j = 10), j != 10 ? W(this, j, D) : String(this.value); + return _(z.toString()); + }(U) : typeof U == "string" ? _(U) : typeof U == "bigint" ? new i(U) : U; + } + n.prototype.toArray = function(U) { + return ye(this, U); + }, o.prototype.toArray = function(U) { + return ye(this, U); + }, i.prototype.toArray = function(U) { + return ye(this, U); + }, n.prototype.toString = function(U, z) { + if (U === A && (U = 10), U !== 10) + return G(this, U, z); + for (var q, W = this.value, ne = W.length, ie = String(W[--ne]); --ne >= 0; ) + q = String(W[ne]), ie += "0000000".slice(q.length) + q; + return (this.sign ? "-" : "") + ie; + }, o.prototype.toString = function(U, z) { + return U === A && (U = 10), U != 10 ? G(this, U, z) : String(this.value); }, i.prototype.toString = o.prototype.toString, i.prototype.toJSON = n.prototype.toJSON = o.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(); }, n.prototype.valueOf = function() { @@ -4489,686 +4827,686 @@ should equal }, o.prototype.toJSNumber = o.prototype.valueOf, i.prototype.valueOf = i.prototype.toJSNumber = function() { return parseInt(this.toString(), 10); }; - for (var x = 0; x < 1e3; x++) - r[x] = S(x), x > 0 && (r[-x] = S(-x)); - return r.one = r[1], r.zero = r[0], r.minusOne = r[-1], r.max = ue, r.min = le, r.gcd = ge, r.lcm = function(j, D) { - return j = S(j).abs(), D = S(D).abs(), j.divide(ge(j, D)).multiply(D); - }, r.isInstance = function(j) { - return j instanceof n || j instanceof o || j instanceof i; - }, r.randBetween = function(j, D, L) { - j = S(j), D = S(D); - var F = L || Math.random, re = le(j, D), oe = ue(j, D).subtract(re).add(1); - if (oe.isSmall) - return re.add(Math.floor(F() * oe)); - for (var G = be(oe, y).value, Z = [], H = !0, $ = 0; $ < G.length; $++) { - var ie = H ? G[$] + ($ + 1 < G.length ? G[$ + 1] / y : 0) : y, se = C(F() * ie); - Z.push(se), se < G[$] && (H = !1); - } - return re.add(r.fromArray(Z, y, !1)); - }, r.fromArray = function(j, D, L) { - return he(j.map(S), S(D || 10), L); + for (var M = 0; M < 1e3; M++) + r[M] = O(M), M > 0 && (r[-M] = O(-M)); + return r.one = r[1], r.zero = r[0], r.minusOne = r[-1], r.max = le, r.min = fe, r.gcd = _e, r.lcm = function(U, z) { + return U = O(U).abs(), z = O(z).abs(), U.divide(_e(U, z)).multiply(z); + }, r.isInstance = function(U) { + return U instanceof n || U instanceof o || U instanceof i; + }, r.randBetween = function(U, z, q) { + U = O(U), z = O(z); + var W = q || Math.random, ne = fe(U, z), ie = le(U, z).subtract(ne).add(1); + if (ie.isSmall) + return ne.add(Math.floor(W() * ie)); + for (var V = ye(ie, w).value, Y = [], $ = !0, K = 0; K < V.length; K++) { + var ae = $ ? V[K] + (K + 1 < V.length ? V[K + 1] / w : 0) : w, ce = I(W() * ae); + Y.push(ce), ce < V[K] && ($ = !1); + } + return ne.add(r.fromArray(Y, w, !1)); + }, r.fromArray = function(U, z, q) { + return pe(U.map(O), O(z || 10), q); }, r; }(); - J.hasOwnProperty("exports") && (J.exports = M), (E = (function() { - return M; - }).call(e, b, e, J)) === void 0 || (J.exports = E); - }, 4431: function(J, e, b) { + J.hasOwnProperty("exports") && (J.exports = R), (E = (function() { + return R; + }).call(e, y, e, J)) === void 0 || (J.exports = E); + }, 4431: function(J, e, y) { var E; - (function(M) { - var P, y = /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?$/i, a = Math.ceil, t = Math.floor, d = "[BigNumber Error] ", u = d + "Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: ", s = 1e14, r = 14, n = 9007199254740991, o = [1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13], i = 1e7, f = 1e9; - function c(R) { - var k = 0 | R; - return R > 0 || R === k ? k : k - 1; - } - function h(R) { - for (var k, N, A = 1, w = R.length, _ = R[0] + ""; A < w; ) { - for (k = R[A++] + "", N = r - k.length; N--; k = "0" + k) + (function(R) { + var A, w = /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?$/i, a = Math.ceil, t = Math.floor, d = "[BigNumber Error] ", u = d + "Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: ", s = 1e14, r = 14, n = 9007199254740991, o = [1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13], i = 1e7, f = 1e9; + function c(N) { + var S = 0 | N; + return N > 0 || N === S ? S : S - 1; + } + function h(N) { + for (var S, T, x = 1, k = N.length, b = N[0] + ""; x < k; ) { + for (S = N[x++] + "", T = r - S.length; T--; S = "0" + S) ; - _ += k; + b += S; } - for (w = _.length; _.charCodeAt(--w) === 48; ) + for (k = b.length; b.charCodeAt(--k) === 48; ) ; - return _.slice(0, w + 1 || 1); + return b.slice(0, k + 1 || 1); } - function m(R, k) { - var N, A, w = R.c, _ = k.c, p = R.s, O = k.s, U = R.e, T = k.e; - if (!p || !O) + function m(N, S) { + var T, x, k = N.c, b = S.c, p = N.s, P = S.s, B = N.e, C = S.e; + if (!p || !P) return null; - if (N = w && !w[0], A = _ && !_[0], N || A) - return N ? A ? 0 : -O : p; - if (p != O) + if (T = k && !k[0], x = b && !b[0], T || x) + return T ? x ? 0 : -P : p; + if (p != P) return p; - if (N = p < 0, A = U == T, !w || !_) - return A ? 0 : !w ^ N ? 1 : -1; - if (!A) - return U > T ^ N ? 1 : -1; - for (O = (U = w.length) < (T = _.length) ? U : T, p = 0; p < O; p++) - if (w[p] != _[p]) - return w[p] > _[p] ^ N ? 1 : -1; - return U == T ? 0 : U > T ^ N ? 1 : -1; - } - function v(R, k, N, A) { - if (R < k || R > N || R !== t(R)) - throw Error(d + (A || "Argument") + (typeof R == "number" ? R < k || R > N ? " out of range: " : " not an integer: " : " not a primitive number: ") + String(R)); - } - function C(R) { - var k = R.c.length - 1; - return c(R.e / r) == k && R.c[k] % 2 != 0; - } - function l(R, k) { - return (R.length > 1 ? R.charAt(0) + "." + R.slice(1) : R) + (k < 0 ? "e" : "e+") + k; - } - function I(R, k, N) { - var A, w; - if (k < 0) { - for (w = N + "."; ++k; w += N) + if (T = p < 0, x = B == C, !k || !b) + return x ? 0 : !k ^ T ? 1 : -1; + if (!x) + return B > C ^ T ? 1 : -1; + for (P = (B = k.length) < (C = b.length) ? B : C, p = 0; p < P; p++) + if (k[p] != b[p]) + return k[p] > b[p] ^ T ? 1 : -1; + return B == C ? 0 : B > C ^ T ? 1 : -1; + } + function v(N, S, T, x) { + if (N < S || N > T || N !== t(N)) + throw Error(d + (x || "Argument") + (typeof N == "number" ? N < S || N > T ? " out of range: " : " not an integer: " : " not a primitive number: ") + String(N)); + } + function I(N) { + var S = N.c.length - 1; + return c(N.e / r) == S && N.c[S] % 2 != 0; + } + function l(N, S) { + return (N.length > 1 ? N.charAt(0) + "." + N.slice(1) : N) + (S < 0 ? "e" : "e+") + S; + } + function j(N, S, T) { + var x, k; + if (S < 0) { + for (k = T + "."; ++S; k += T) ; - R = w + R; - } else if (++k > (A = R.length)) { - for (w = N, k -= A; --k; w += N) + N = k + N; + } else if (++S > (x = N.length)) { + for (k = T, S -= x; --S; k += T) ; - R += w; + N += k; } else - k < A && (R = R.slice(0, k) + "." + R.slice(k)); - return R; + S < x && (N = N.slice(0, S) + "." + N.slice(S)); + return N; } - P = function R(k) { - var N, A, w, _, p, O, U, T, z, te, X = ce.prototype = { constructor: ce, toString: null, valueOf: null }, ne = new ce(1), B = 20, Q = 4, V = -7, ee = 21, K = -1e7, Y = 1e7, q = !1, ae = 1, de = 0, ue = { prefix: "", groupSize: 3, secondaryGroupSize: 0, groupSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: ".", fractionGroupSize: 0, fractionGroupSeparator: " ", suffix: "" }, le = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", ge = !0; - function ce(x, j) { - var D, L, F, re, oe, G, Z, H, $ = this; - if (!($ instanceof ce)) - return new ce(x, j); - if (j == null) { - if (x && x._isBigNumber === !0) - return $.s = x.s, void (!x.c || x.e > Y ? $.c = $.e = null : x.e < K ? $.c = [$.e = 0] : ($.e = x.e, $.c = x.c.slice())); - if ((G = typeof x == "number") && 0 * x == 0) { - if ($.s = 1 / x < 0 ? (x = -x, -1) : 1, x === ~~x) { - for (re = 0, oe = x; oe >= 10; oe /= 10, re++) + A = function N(S) { + var T, x, k, b, p, P, B, C, L, re, ee = de.prototype = { constructor: de, toString: null, valueOf: null }, oe = new de(1), D = 20, Z = 4, H = -7, te = 21, Q = -1e7, X = 1e7, F = !1, se = 1, ue = 0, le = { prefix: "", groupSize: 3, secondaryGroupSize: 0, groupSeparator: ",", decimalSeparator: ".", fractionGroupSize: 0, fractionGroupSeparator: " ", suffix: "" }, fe = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", _e = !0; + function de(M, U) { + var z, q, W, ne, ie, V, Y, $, K = this; + if (!(K instanceof de)) + return new de(M, U); + if (U == null) { + if (M && M._isBigNumber === !0) + return K.s = M.s, void (!M.c || M.e > X ? K.c = K.e = null : M.e < Q ? K.c = [K.e = 0] : (K.e = M.e, K.c = M.c.slice())); + if ((V = typeof M == "number") && 0 * M == 0) { + if (K.s = 1 / M < 0 ? (M = -M, -1) : 1, M === ~~M) { + for (ne = 0, ie = M; ie >= 10; ie /= 10, ne++) ; - return void (re > Y ? $.c = $.e = null : ($.e = re, $.c = [x])); + return void (ne > X ? K.c = K.e = null : (K.e = ne, K.c = [M])); } - H = String(x); + $ = String(M); } else { - if (!y.test(H = String(x))) - return w($, H, G); - $.s = H.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? (H = H.slice(1), -1) : 1; + if (!w.test($ = String(M))) + return k(K, $, V); + K.s = $.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? ($ = $.slice(1), -1) : 1; } - (re = H.indexOf(".")) > -1 && (H = H.replace(".", "")), (oe = H.search(/e/i)) > 0 ? (re < 0 && (re = oe), re += +H.slice(oe + 1), H = H.substring(0, oe)) : re < 0 && (re = H.length); + (ne = $.indexOf(".")) > -1 && ($ = $.replace(".", "")), (ie = $.search(/e/i)) > 0 ? (ne < 0 && (ne = ie), ne += +$.slice(ie + 1), $ = $.substring(0, ie)) : ne < 0 && (ne = $.length); } else { - if (v(j, 2, le.length, "Base"), j == 10 && ge) - return g($ = new ce(x), B + $.e + 1, Q); - if (H = String(x), G = typeof x == "number") { - if (0 * x != 0) - return w($, H, G, j); - if ($.s = 1 / x < 0 ? (H = H.slice(1), -1) : 1, ce.DEBUG && H.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, "").length > 15) - throw Error(u + x); + if (v(U, 2, fe.length, "Base"), U == 10 && _e) + return _(K = new de(M), D + K.e + 1, Z); + if ($ = String(M), V = typeof M == "number") { + if (0 * M != 0) + return k(K, $, V, U); + if (K.s = 1 / M < 0 ? ($ = $.slice(1), -1) : 1, de.DEBUG && $.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, "").length > 15) + throw Error(u + M); } else - $.s = H.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? (H = H.slice(1), -1) : 1; - for (D = le.slice(0, j), re = oe = 0, Z = H.length; oe < Z; oe++) - if (D.indexOf(L = H.charAt(oe)) < 0) { - if (L == ".") { - if (oe > re) { - re = Z; + K.s = $.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? ($ = $.slice(1), -1) : 1; + for (z = fe.slice(0, U), ne = ie = 0, Y = $.length; ie < Y; ie++) + if (z.indexOf(q = $.charAt(ie)) < 0) { + if (q == ".") { + if (ie > ne) { + ne = Y; continue; } - } else if (!F && (H == H.toUpperCase() && (H = H.toLowerCase()) || H == H.toLowerCase() && (H = H.toUpperCase()))) { - F = !0, oe = -1, re = 0; + } else if (!W && ($ == $.toUpperCase() && ($ = $.toLowerCase()) || $ == $.toLowerCase() && ($ = $.toUpperCase()))) { + W = !0, ie = -1, ne = 0; continue; } - return w($, String(x), G, j); + return k(K, String(M), V, U); } - G = !1, (re = (H = A(H, j, 10, $.s)).indexOf(".")) > -1 ? H = H.replace(".", "") : re = H.length; + V = !1, (ne = ($ = x($, U, 10, K.s)).indexOf(".")) > -1 ? $ = $.replace(".", "") : ne = $.length; } - for (oe = 0; H.charCodeAt(oe) === 48; oe++) + for (ie = 0; $.charCodeAt(ie) === 48; ie++) ; - for (Z = H.length; H.charCodeAt(--Z) === 48; ) + for (Y = $.length; $.charCodeAt(--Y) === 48; ) ; - if (H = H.slice(oe, ++Z)) { - if (Z -= oe, G && ce.DEBUG && Z > 15 && (x > n || x !== t(x))) - throw Error(u + $.s * x); - if ((re = re - oe - 1) > Y) - $.c = $.e = null; - else if (re < K) - $.c = [$.e = 0]; + if ($ = $.slice(ie, ++Y)) { + if (Y -= ie, V && de.DEBUG && Y > 15 && (M > n || M !== t(M))) + throw Error(u + K.s * M); + if ((ne = ne - ie - 1) > X) + K.c = K.e = null; + else if (ne < Q) + K.c = [K.e = 0]; else { - if ($.e = re, $.c = [], oe = (re + 1) % r, re < 0 && (oe += r), oe < Z) { - for (oe && $.c.push(+H.slice(0, oe)), Z -= r; oe < Z; ) - $.c.push(+H.slice(oe, oe += r)); - oe = r - (H = H.slice(oe)).length; + if (K.e = ne, K.c = [], ie = (ne + 1) % r, ne < 0 && (ie += r), ie < Y) { + for (ie && K.c.push(+$.slice(0, ie)), Y -= r; ie < Y; ) + K.c.push(+$.slice(ie, ie += r)); + ie = r - ($ = $.slice(ie)).length; } else - oe -= Z; - for (; oe--; H += "0") + ie -= Y; + for (; ie--; $ += "0") ; - $.c.push(+H); + K.c.push(+$); } } else - $.c = [$.e = 0]; - } - function he(x, j, D, L) { - var F, re, oe, G, Z; - if (D == null ? D = Q : v(D, 0, 8), !x.c) - return x.toString(); - if (F = x.c[0], oe = x.e, j == null) - Z = h(x.c), Z = L == 1 || L == 2 && (oe <= V || oe >= ee) ? l(Z, oe) : I(Z, oe, "0"); - else if (re = (x = g(new ce(x), j, D)).e, G = (Z = h(x.c)).length, L == 1 || L == 2 && (j <= re || re <= V)) { - for (; G < j; Z += "0", G++) + K.c = [K.e = 0]; + } + function pe(M, U, z, q) { + var W, ne, ie, V, Y; + if (z == null ? z = Z : v(z, 0, 8), !M.c) + return M.toString(); + if (W = M.c[0], ie = M.e, U == null) + Y = h(M.c), Y = q == 1 || q == 2 && (ie <= H || ie >= te) ? l(Y, ie) : j(Y, ie, "0"); + else if (ne = (M = _(new de(M), U, z)).e, V = (Y = h(M.c)).length, q == 1 || q == 2 && (U <= ne || ne <= H)) { + for (; V < U; Y += "0", V++) ; - Z = l(Z, re); - } else if (j -= oe, Z = I(Z, re, "0"), re + 1 > G) { - if (--j > 0) - for (Z += "."; j--; Z += "0") + Y = l(Y, ne); + } else if (U -= ie, Y = j(Y, ne, "0"), ne + 1 > V) { + if (--U > 0) + for (Y += "."; U--; Y += "0") ; - } else if ((j += re - G) > 0) - for (re + 1 == G && (Z += "."); j--; Z += "0") + } else if ((U += ne - V) > 0) + for (ne + 1 == V && (Y += "."); U--; Y += "0") ; - return x.s < 0 && F ? "-" + Z : Z; + return M.s < 0 && W ? "-" + Y : Y; } - function be(x, j) { - for (var D, L = 1, F = new ce(x[0]); L < x.length; L++) { - if (!(D = new ce(x[L])).s) { - F = D; + function ye(M, U) { + for (var z, q = 1, W = new de(M[0]); q < M.length; q++) { + if (!(z = new de(M[q])).s) { + W = z; break; } - j.call(F, D) && (F = D); + U.call(W, z) && (W = z); } - return F; + return W; } - function W(x, j, D) { - for (var L = 1, F = j.length; !j[--F]; j.pop()) + function G(M, U, z) { + for (var q = 1, W = U.length; !U[--W]; U.pop()) ; - for (F = j[0]; F >= 10; F /= 10, L++) + for (W = U[0]; W >= 10; W /= 10, q++) ; - return (D = L + D * r - 1) > Y ? x.c = x.e = null : D < K ? x.c = [x.e = 0] : (x.e = D, x.c = j), x; + return (z = q + z * r - 1) > X ? M.c = M.e = null : z < Q ? M.c = [M.e = 0] : (M.e = z, M.c = U), M; } - function g(x, j, D, L) { - var F, re, oe, G, Z, H, $, ie = x.c, se = o; - if (ie) { + function _(M, U, z, q) { + var W, ne, ie, V, Y, $, K, ae = M.c, ce = o; + if (ae) { e: { - for (F = 1, G = ie[0]; G >= 10; G /= 10, F++) + for (W = 1, V = ae[0]; V >= 10; V /= 10, W++) ; - if ((re = j - F) < 0) - re += r, oe = j, $ = (Z = ie[H = 0]) / se[F - oe - 1] % 10 | 0; - else if ((H = a((re + 1) / r)) >= ie.length) { - if (!L) + if ((ne = U - W) < 0) + ne += r, ie = U, K = (Y = ae[$ = 0]) / ce[W - ie - 1] % 10 | 0; + else if (($ = a((ne + 1) / r)) >= ae.length) { + if (!q) break e; - for (; ie.length <= H; ie.push(0)) + for (; ae.length <= $; ae.push(0)) ; - Z = $ = 0, F = 1, oe = (re %= r) - r + 1; + Y = K = 0, W = 1, ie = (ne %= r) - r + 1; } else { - for (Z = G = ie[H], F = 1; G >= 10; G /= 10, F++) + for (Y = V = ae[$], W = 1; V >= 10; V /= 10, W++) ; - $ = (oe = (re %= r) - r + F) < 0 ? 0 : Z / se[F - oe - 1] % 10 | 0; + K = (ie = (ne %= r) - r + W) < 0 ? 0 : Y / ce[W - ie - 1] % 10 | 0; } - if (L = L || j < 0 || ie[H + 1] != null || (oe < 0 ? Z : Z % se[F - oe - 1]), L = D < 4 ? ($ || L) && (D == 0 || D == (x.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : $ > 5 || $ == 5 && (D == 4 || L || D == 6 && (re > 0 ? oe > 0 ? Z / se[F - oe] : 0 : ie[H - 1]) % 10 & 1 || D == (x.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), j < 1 || !ie[0]) - return ie.length = 0, L ? (j -= x.e + 1, ie[0] = se[(r - j % r) % r], x.e = -j || 0) : ie[0] = x.e = 0, x; - if (re == 0 ? (ie.length = H, G = 1, H--) : (ie.length = H + 1, G = se[r - re], ie[H] = oe > 0 ? t(Z / se[F - oe] % se[oe]) * G : 0), L) + if (q = q || U < 0 || ae[$ + 1] != null || (ie < 0 ? Y : Y % ce[W - ie - 1]), q = z < 4 ? (K || q) && (z == 0 || z == (M.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : K > 5 || K == 5 && (z == 4 || q || z == 6 && (ne > 0 ? ie > 0 ? Y / ce[W - ie] : 0 : ae[$ - 1]) % 10 & 1 || z == (M.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), U < 1 || !ae[0]) + return ae.length = 0, q ? (U -= M.e + 1, ae[0] = ce[(r - U % r) % r], M.e = -U || 0) : ae[0] = M.e = 0, M; + if (ne == 0 ? (ae.length = $, V = 1, $--) : (ae.length = $ + 1, V = ce[r - ne], ae[$] = ie > 0 ? t(Y / ce[W - ie] % ce[ie]) * V : 0), q) for (; ; ) { - if (H == 0) { - for (re = 1, oe = ie[0]; oe >= 10; oe /= 10, re++) + if ($ == 0) { + for (ne = 1, ie = ae[0]; ie >= 10; ie /= 10, ne++) ; - for (oe = ie[0] += G, G = 1; oe >= 10; oe /= 10, G++) + for (ie = ae[0] += V, V = 1; ie >= 10; ie /= 10, V++) ; - re != G && (x.e++, ie[0] == s && (ie[0] = 1)); + ne != V && (M.e++, ae[0] == s && (ae[0] = 1)); break; } - if (ie[H] += G, ie[H] != s) + if (ae[$] += V, ae[$] != s) break; - ie[H--] = 0, G = 1; + ae[$--] = 0, V = 1; } - for (re = ie.length; ie[--re] === 0; ie.pop()) + for (ne = ae.length; ae[--ne] === 0; ae.pop()) ; } - x.e > Y ? x.c = x.e = null : x.e < K && (x.c = [x.e = 0]); + M.e > X ? M.c = M.e = null : M.e < Q && (M.c = [M.e = 0]); } - return x; - } - function S(x) { - var j, D = x.e; - return D === null ? x.toString() : (j = h(x.c), j = D <= V || D >= ee ? l(j, D) : I(j, D, "0"), x.s < 0 ? "-" + j : j); - } - return ce.clone = R, ce.ROUND_UP = 0, ce.ROUND_DOWN = 1, ce.ROUND_CEIL = 2, ce.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, ce.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, ce.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, ce.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, ce.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, ce.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, ce.EUCLID = 9, ce.config = ce.set = function(x) { - var j, D; - if (x != null) { - if (typeof x != "object") - throw Error(d + "Object expected: " + x); - if (x.hasOwnProperty(j = "DECIMAL_PLACES") && (v(D = x[j], 0, f, j), B = D), x.hasOwnProperty(j = "ROUNDING_MODE") && (v(D = x[j], 0, 8, j), Q = D), x.hasOwnProperty(j = "EXPONENTIAL_AT") && ((D = x[j]) && D.pop ? (v(D[0], -f, 0, j), v(D[1], 0, f, j), V = D[0], ee = D[1]) : (v(D, -f, f, j), V = -(ee = D < 0 ? -D : D))), x.hasOwnProperty(j = "RANGE")) - if ((D = x[j]) && D.pop) - v(D[0], -f, -1, j), v(D[1], 1, f, j), K = D[0], Y = D[1]; + return M; + } + function O(M) { + var U, z = M.e; + return z === null ? M.toString() : (U = h(M.c), U = z <= H || z >= te ? l(U, z) : j(U, z, "0"), M.s < 0 ? "-" + U : U); + } + return de.clone = N, de.ROUND_UP = 0, de.ROUND_DOWN = 1, de.ROUND_CEIL = 2, de.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, de.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, de.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, de.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, de.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, de.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, de.EUCLID = 9, de.config = de.set = function(M) { + var U, z; + if (M != null) { + if (typeof M != "object") + throw Error(d + "Object expected: " + M); + if (M.hasOwnProperty(U = "DECIMAL_PLACES") && (v(z = M[U], 0, f, U), D = z), M.hasOwnProperty(U = "ROUNDING_MODE") && (v(z = M[U], 0, 8, U), Z = z), M.hasOwnProperty(U = "EXPONENTIAL_AT") && ((z = M[U]) && z.pop ? (v(z[0], -f, 0, U), v(z[1], 0, f, U), H = z[0], te = z[1]) : (v(z, -f, f, U), H = -(te = z < 0 ? -z : z))), M.hasOwnProperty(U = "RANGE")) + if ((z = M[U]) && z.pop) + v(z[0], -f, -1, U), v(z[1], 1, f, U), Q = z[0], X = z[1]; else { - if (v(D, -f, f, j), !D) - throw Error(d + j + " cannot be zero: " + D); - K = -(Y = D < 0 ? -D : D); + if (v(z, -f, f, U), !z) + throw Error(d + U + " cannot be zero: " + z); + Q = -(X = z < 0 ? -z : z); } - if (x.hasOwnProperty(j = "CRYPTO")) { - if ((D = x[j]) !== !!D) - throw Error(d + j + " not true or false: " + D); - if (D) { + if (M.hasOwnProperty(U = "CRYPTO")) { + if ((z = M[U]) !== !!z) + throw Error(d + U + " not true or false: " + z); + if (z) { if (typeof crypto > "u" || !crypto || !crypto.getRandomValues && !crypto.randomBytes) - throw q = !D, Error(d + "crypto unavailable"); - q = D; + throw F = !z, Error(d + "crypto unavailable"); + F = z; } else - q = D; + F = z; } - if (x.hasOwnProperty(j = "MODULO_MODE") && (v(D = x[j], 0, 9, j), ae = D), x.hasOwnProperty(j = "POW_PRECISION") && (v(D = x[j], 0, f, j), de = D), x.hasOwnProperty(j = "FORMAT")) { - if (typeof (D = x[j]) != "object") - throw Error(d + j + " not an object: " + D); - ue = D; + if (M.hasOwnProperty(U = "MODULO_MODE") && (v(z = M[U], 0, 9, U), se = z), M.hasOwnProperty(U = "POW_PRECISION") && (v(z = M[U], 0, f, U), ue = z), M.hasOwnProperty(U = "FORMAT")) { + if (typeof (z = M[U]) != "object") + throw Error(d + U + " not an object: " + z); + le = z; } - if (x.hasOwnProperty(j = "ALPHABET")) { - if (typeof (D = x[j]) != "string" || /^.?$|[+\-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(D)) - throw Error(d + j + " invalid: " + D); - ge = D.slice(0, 10) == "0123456789", le = D; + if (M.hasOwnProperty(U = "ALPHABET")) { + if (typeof (z = M[U]) != "string" || /^.?$|[+\-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(z)) + throw Error(d + U + " invalid: " + z); + _e = z.slice(0, 10) == "0123456789", fe = z; } } - return { DECIMAL_PLACES: B, ROUNDING_MODE: Q, EXPONENTIAL_AT: [V, ee], RANGE: [K, Y], CRYPTO: q, MODULO_MODE: ae, POW_PRECISION: de, FORMAT: ue, ALPHABET: le }; - }, ce.isBigNumber = function(x) { - if (!x || x._isBigNumber !== !0) + return { DECIMAL_PLACES: D, ROUNDING_MODE: Z, EXPONENTIAL_AT: [H, te], RANGE: [Q, X], CRYPTO: F, MODULO_MODE: se, POW_PRECISION: ue, FORMAT: le, ALPHABET: fe }; + }, de.isBigNumber = function(M) { + if (!M || M._isBigNumber !== !0) return !1; - if (!ce.DEBUG) + if (!de.DEBUG) return !0; - var j, D, L = x.c, F = x.e, re = x.s; + var U, z, q = M.c, W = M.e, ne = M.s; e: - if ({}.toString.call(L) == "[object Array]") { - if ((re === 1 || re === -1) && F >= -f && F <= f && F === t(F)) { - if (L[0] === 0) { - if (F === 0 && L.length === 1) + if ({}.toString.call(q) == "[object Array]") { + if ((ne === 1 || ne === -1) && W >= -f && W <= f && W === t(W)) { + if (q[0] === 0) { + if (W === 0 && q.length === 1) return !0; break e; } - if ((j = (F + 1) % r) < 1 && (j += r), String(L[0]).length == j) { - for (j = 0; j < L.length; j++) - if ((D = L[j]) < 0 || D >= s || D !== t(D)) + if ((U = (W + 1) % r) < 1 && (U += r), String(q[0]).length == U) { + for (U = 0; U < q.length; U++) + if ((z = q[U]) < 0 || z >= s || z !== t(z)) break e; - if (D !== 0) + if (z !== 0) return !0; } } - } else if (L === null && F === null && (re === null || re === 1 || re === -1)) + } else if (q === null && W === null && (ne === null || ne === 1 || ne === -1)) return !0; - throw Error(d + "Invalid BigNumber: " + x); - }, ce.maximum = ce.max = function() { - return be(arguments, X.lt); - }, ce.minimum = ce.min = function() { - return be(arguments, X.gt); - }, ce.random = (_ = 9007199254740992, p = Math.random() * _ & 2097151 ? function() { - return t(Math.random() * _); + throw Error(d + "Invalid BigNumber: " + M); + }, de.maximum = de.max = function() { + return ye(arguments, ee.lt); + }, de.minimum = de.min = function() { + return ye(arguments, ee.gt); + }, de.random = (b = 9007199254740992, p = Math.random() * b & 2097151 ? function() { + return t(Math.random() * b); } : function() { return 8388608 * (1073741824 * Math.random() | 0) + (8388608 * Math.random() | 0); - }, function(x) { - var j, D, L, F, re, oe = 0, G = [], Z = new ce(ne); - if (x == null ? x = B : v(x, 0, f), F = a(x / r), q) + }, function(M) { + var U, z, q, W, ne, ie = 0, V = [], Y = new de(oe); + if (M == null ? M = D : v(M, 0, f), W = a(M / r), F) if (crypto.getRandomValues) { - for (j = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(F *= 2)); oe < F; ) - (re = 131072 * j[oe] + (j[oe + 1] >>> 11)) >= 9e15 ? (D = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)), j[oe] = D[0], j[oe + 1] = D[1]) : (G.push(re % 1e14), oe += 2); - oe = F / 2; + for (U = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(W *= 2)); ie < W; ) + (ne = 131072 * U[ie] + (U[ie + 1] >>> 11)) >= 9e15 ? (z = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)), U[ie] = z[0], U[ie + 1] = z[1]) : (V.push(ne % 1e14), ie += 2); + ie = W / 2; } else { if (!crypto.randomBytes) - throw q = !1, Error(d + "crypto unavailable"); - for (j = crypto.randomBytes(F *= 7); oe < F; ) - (re = 281474976710656 * (31 & j[oe]) + 1099511627776 * j[oe + 1] + 4294967296 * j[oe + 2] + 16777216 * j[oe + 3] + (j[oe + 4] << 16) + (j[oe + 5] << 8) + j[oe + 6]) >= 9e15 ? crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(j, oe) : (G.push(re % 1e14), oe += 7); - oe = F / 7; + throw F = !1, Error(d + "crypto unavailable"); + for (U = crypto.randomBytes(W *= 7); ie < W; ) + (ne = 281474976710656 * (31 & U[ie]) + 1099511627776 * U[ie + 1] + 4294967296 * U[ie + 2] + 16777216 * U[ie + 3] + (U[ie + 4] << 16) + (U[ie + 5] << 8) + U[ie + 6]) >= 9e15 ? crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(U, ie) : (V.push(ne % 1e14), ie += 7); + ie = W / 7; } - if (!q) - for (; oe < F; ) - (re = p()) < 9e15 && (G[oe++] = re % 1e14); - for (F = G[--oe], x %= r, F && x && (re = o[r - x], G[oe] = t(F / re) * re); G[oe] === 0; G.pop(), oe--) + if (!F) + for (; ie < W; ) + (ne = p()) < 9e15 && (V[ie++] = ne % 1e14); + for (W = V[--ie], M %= r, W && M && (ne = o[r - M], V[ie] = t(W / ne) * ne); V[ie] === 0; V.pop(), ie--) ; - if (oe < 0) - G = [L = 0]; + if (ie < 0) + V = [q = 0]; else { - for (L = -1; G[0] === 0; G.splice(0, 1), L -= r) + for (q = -1; V[0] === 0; V.splice(0, 1), q -= r) ; - for (oe = 1, re = G[0]; re >= 10; re /= 10, oe++) + for (ie = 1, ne = V[0]; ne >= 10; ne /= 10, ie++) ; - oe < r && (L -= r - oe); + ie < r && (q -= r - ie); } - return Z.e = L, Z.c = G, Z; - }), ce.sum = function() { - for (var x = 1, j = arguments, D = new ce(j[0]); x < j.length; ) - D = D.plus(j[x++]); - return D; - }, A = function() { - var x = "0123456789"; - function j(D, L, F, re) { - for (var oe, G, Z = [0], H = 0, $ = D.length; H < $; ) { - for (G = Z.length; G--; Z[G] *= L) + return Y.e = q, Y.c = V, Y; + }), de.sum = function() { + for (var M = 1, U = arguments, z = new de(U[0]); M < U.length; ) + z = z.plus(U[M++]); + return z; + }, x = function() { + var M = "0123456789"; + function U(z, q, W, ne) { + for (var ie, V, Y = [0], $ = 0, K = z.length; $ < K; ) { + for (V = Y.length; V--; Y[V] *= q) ; - for (Z[0] += re.indexOf(D.charAt(H++)), oe = 0; oe < Z.length; oe++) - Z[oe] > F - 1 && (Z[oe + 1] == null && (Z[oe + 1] = 0), Z[oe + 1] += Z[oe] / F | 0, Z[oe] %= F); + for (Y[0] += ne.indexOf(z.charAt($++)), ie = 0; ie < Y.length; ie++) + Y[ie] > W - 1 && (Y[ie + 1] == null && (Y[ie + 1] = 0), Y[ie + 1] += Y[ie] / W | 0, Y[ie] %= W); } - return Z.reverse(); + return Y.reverse(); } - return function(D, L, F, re, oe) { - var G, Z, H, $, ie, se, fe, pe, ve = D.indexOf("."), me = B, _e = Q; - for (ve >= 0 && ($ = de, de = 0, D = D.replace(".", ""), se = (pe = new ce(L)).pow(D.length - ve), de = $, pe.c = j(I(h(se.c), se.e, "0"), 10, F, x), pe.e = pe.c.length), H = $ = (fe = j(D, L, F, oe ? (G = le, x) : (G = x, le))).length; fe[--$] == 0; fe.pop()) + return function(z, q, W, ne, ie) { + var V, Y, $, K, ae, ce, he, me, ge = z.indexOf("."), ve = D, be = Z; + for (ge >= 0 && (K = ue, ue = 0, z = z.replace(".", ""), ce = (me = new de(q)).pow(z.length - ge), ue = K, me.c = U(j(h(ce.c), ce.e, "0"), 10, W, M), me.e = me.c.length), $ = K = (he = U(z, q, W, ie ? (V = fe, M) : (V = M, fe))).length; he[--K] == 0; he.pop()) ; - if (!fe[0]) - return G.charAt(0); - if (ve < 0 ? --H : (se.c = fe, se.e = H, se.s = re, fe = (se = N(se, pe, me, _e, F)).c, ie = se.r, H = se.e), ve = fe[Z = H + me + 1], $ = F / 2, ie = ie || Z < 0 || fe[Z + 1] != null, ie = _e < 4 ? (ve != null || ie) && (_e == 0 || _e == (se.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : ve > $ || ve == $ && (_e == 4 || ie || _e == 6 && 1 & fe[Z - 1] || _e == (se.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), Z < 1 || !fe[0]) - D = ie ? I(G.charAt(1), -me, G.charAt(0)) : G.charAt(0); + if (!he[0]) + return V.charAt(0); + if (ge < 0 ? --$ : (ce.c = he, ce.e = $, ce.s = ne, he = (ce = T(ce, me, ve, be, W)).c, ae = ce.r, $ = ce.e), ge = he[Y = $ + ve + 1], K = W / 2, ae = ae || Y < 0 || he[Y + 1] != null, ae = be < 4 ? (ge != null || ae) && (be == 0 || be == (ce.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : ge > K || ge == K && (be == 4 || ae || be == 6 && 1 & he[Y - 1] || be == (ce.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), Y < 1 || !he[0]) + z = ae ? j(V.charAt(1), -ve, V.charAt(0)) : V.charAt(0); else { - if (fe.length = Z, ie) - for (--F; ++fe[--Z] > F; ) - fe[Z] = 0, Z || (++H, fe = [1].concat(fe)); - for ($ = fe.length; !fe[--$]; ) + if (he.length = Y, ae) + for (--W; ++he[--Y] > W; ) + he[Y] = 0, Y || (++$, he = [1].concat(he)); + for (K = he.length; !he[--K]; ) ; - for (ve = 0, D = ""; ve <= $; D += G.charAt(fe[ve++])) + for (ge = 0, z = ""; ge <= K; z += V.charAt(he[ge++])) ; - D = I(D, H, G.charAt(0)); + z = j(z, $, V.charAt(0)); } - return D; + return z; }; - }(), N = function() { - function x(L, F, re) { - var oe, G, Z, H, $ = 0, ie = L.length, se = F % i, fe = F / i | 0; - for (L = L.slice(); ie--; ) - $ = ((G = se * (Z = L[ie] % i) + (oe = fe * Z + (H = L[ie] / i | 0) * se) % i * i + $) / re | 0) + (oe / i | 0) + fe * H, L[ie] = G % re; - return $ && (L = [$].concat(L)), L; + }(), T = function() { + function M(q, W, ne) { + var ie, V, Y, $, K = 0, ae = q.length, ce = W % i, he = W / i | 0; + for (q = q.slice(); ae--; ) + K = ((V = ce * (Y = q[ae] % i) + (ie = he * Y + ($ = q[ae] / i | 0) * ce) % i * i + K) / ne | 0) + (ie / i | 0) + he * $, q[ae] = V % ne; + return K && (q = [K].concat(q)), q; } - function j(L, F, re, oe) { - var G, Z; - if (re != oe) - Z = re > oe ? 1 : -1; + function U(q, W, ne, ie) { + var V, Y; + if (ne != ie) + Y = ne > ie ? 1 : -1; else - for (G = Z = 0; G < re; G++) - if (L[G] != F[G]) { - Z = L[G] > F[G] ? 1 : -1; + for (V = Y = 0; V < ne; V++) + if (q[V] != W[V]) { + Y = q[V] > W[V] ? 1 : -1; break; } - return Z; + return Y; } - function D(L, F, re, oe) { - for (var G = 0; re--; ) - L[re] -= G, G = L[re] < F[re] ? 1 : 0, L[re] = G * oe + L[re] - F[re]; - for (; !L[0] && L.length > 1; L.splice(0, 1)) + function z(q, W, ne, ie) { + for (var V = 0; ne--; ) + q[ne] -= V, V = q[ne] < W[ne] ? 1 : 0, q[ne] = V * ie + q[ne] - W[ne]; + for (; !q[0] && q.length > 1; q.splice(0, 1)) ; } - return function(L, F, re, oe, G) { - var Z, H, $, ie, se, fe, pe, ve, me, _e, ye, Ee, Ae, Pe, ke, xe, we, Se = L.s == F.s ? 1 : -1, Re = L.c, Oe = F.c; - if (!(Re && Re[0] && Oe && Oe[0])) - return new ce(L.s && F.s && (Re ? !Oe || Re[0] != Oe[0] : Oe) ? Re && Re[0] == 0 || !Oe ? 0 * Se : Se / 0 : NaN); - for (me = (ve = new ce(Se)).c = [], Se = re + (H = L.e - F.e) + 1, G || (G = s, H = c(L.e / r) - c(F.e / r), Se = Se / r | 0), $ = 0; Oe[$] == (Re[$] || 0); $++) + return function(q, W, ne, ie, V) { + var Y, $, K, ae, ce, he, me, ge, ve, be, we, xe, Ee, Pe, Se, Re, ke, Oe = q.s == W.s ? 1 : -1, Me = q.c, Ae = W.c; + if (!(Me && Me[0] && Ae && Ae[0])) + return new de(q.s && W.s && (Me ? !Ae || Me[0] != Ae[0] : Ae) ? Me && Me[0] == 0 || !Ae ? 0 * Oe : Oe / 0 : NaN); + for (ve = (ge = new de(Oe)).c = [], Oe = ne + ($ = q.e - W.e) + 1, V || (V = s, $ = c(q.e / r) - c(W.e / r), Oe = Oe / r | 0), K = 0; Ae[K] == (Me[K] || 0); K++) ; - if (Oe[$] > (Re[$] || 0) && H--, Se < 0) - me.push(1), ie = !0; + if (Ae[K] > (Me[K] || 0) && $--, Oe < 0) + ve.push(1), ae = !0; else { - for (Pe = Re.length, xe = Oe.length, $ = 0, Se += 2, (se = t(G / (Oe[0] + 1))) > 1 && (Oe = x(Oe, se, G), Re = x(Re, se, G), xe = Oe.length, Pe = Re.length), Ae = xe, ye = (_e = Re.slice(0, xe)).length; ye < xe; _e[ye++] = 0) + for (Pe = Me.length, Re = Ae.length, K = 0, Oe += 2, (ce = t(V / (Ae[0] + 1))) > 1 && (Ae = M(Ae, ce, V), Me = M(Me, ce, V), Re = Ae.length, Pe = Me.length), Ee = Re, we = (be = Me.slice(0, Re)).length; we < Re; be[we++] = 0) ; - we = Oe.slice(), we = [0].concat(we), ke = Oe[0], Oe[1] >= G / 2 && ke++; + ke = Ae.slice(), ke = [0].concat(ke), Se = Ae[0], Ae[1] >= V / 2 && Se++; do { - if (se = 0, (Z = j(Oe, _e, xe, ye)) < 0) { - if (Ee = _e[0], xe != ye && (Ee = Ee * G + (_e[1] || 0)), (se = t(Ee / ke)) > 1) - for (se >= G && (se = G - 1), pe = (fe = x(Oe, se, G)).length, ye = _e.length; j(fe, _e, pe, ye) == 1; ) - se--, D(fe, xe < pe ? we : Oe, pe, G), pe = fe.length, Z = 1; + if (ce = 0, (Y = U(Ae, be, Re, we)) < 0) { + if (xe = be[0], Re != we && (xe = xe * V + (be[1] || 0)), (ce = t(xe / Se)) > 1) + for (ce >= V && (ce = V - 1), me = (he = M(Ae, ce, V)).length, we = be.length; U(he, be, me, we) == 1; ) + ce--, z(he, Re < me ? ke : Ae, me, V), me = he.length, Y = 1; else - se == 0 && (Z = se = 1), pe = (fe = Oe.slice()).length; - if (pe < ye && (fe = [0].concat(fe)), D(_e, fe, ye, G), ye = _e.length, Z == -1) - for (; j(Oe, _e, xe, ye) < 1; ) - se++, D(_e, xe < ye ? we : Oe, ye, G), ye = _e.length; + ce == 0 && (Y = ce = 1), me = (he = Ae.slice()).length; + if (me < we && (he = [0].concat(he)), z(be, he, we, V), we = be.length, Y == -1) + for (; U(Ae, be, Re, we) < 1; ) + ce++, z(be, Re < we ? ke : Ae, we, V), we = be.length; } else - Z === 0 && (se++, _e = [0]); - me[$++] = se, _e[0] ? _e[ye++] = Re[Ae] || 0 : (_e = [Re[Ae]], ye = 1); - } while ((Ae++ < Pe || _e[0] != null) && Se--); - ie = _e[0] != null, me[0] || me.splice(0, 1); + Y === 0 && (ce++, be = [0]); + ve[K++] = ce, be[0] ? be[we++] = Me[Ee] || 0 : (be = [Me[Ee]], we = 1); + } while ((Ee++ < Pe || be[0] != null) && Oe--); + ae = be[0] != null, ve[0] || ve.splice(0, 1); } - if (G == s) { - for ($ = 1, Se = me[0]; Se >= 10; Se /= 10, $++) + if (V == s) { + for (K = 1, Oe = ve[0]; Oe >= 10; Oe /= 10, K++) ; - g(ve, re + (ve.e = $ + H * r - 1) + 1, oe, ie); + _(ge, ne + (ge.e = K + $ * r - 1) + 1, ie, ae); } else - ve.e = H, ve.r = +ie; - return ve; + ge.e = $, ge.r = +ae; + return ge; }; - }(), O = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i, U = /^([^.]+)\.$/, T = /^\.([^.]+)$/, z = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/, te = /^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g, w = function(x, j, D, L) { - var F, re = D ? j : j.replace(te, ""); - if (z.test(re)) - x.s = isNaN(re) ? null : re < 0 ? -1 : 1; + }(), P = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i, B = /^([^.]+)\.$/, C = /^\.([^.]+)$/, L = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/, re = /^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g, k = function(M, U, z, q) { + var W, ne = z ? U : U.replace(re, ""); + if (L.test(ne)) + M.s = isNaN(ne) ? null : ne < 0 ? -1 : 1; else { - if (!D && (re = re.replace(O, function(oe, G, Z) { - return F = (Z = Z.toLowerCase()) == "x" ? 16 : Z == "b" ? 2 : 8, L && L != F ? oe : G; - }), L && (F = L, re = re.replace(U, "$1").replace(T, "0.$1")), j != re)) - return new ce(re, F); - if (ce.DEBUG) - throw Error(d + "Not a" + (L ? " base " + L : "") + " number: " + j); - x.s = null; + if (!z && (ne = ne.replace(P, function(ie, V, Y) { + return W = (Y = Y.toLowerCase()) == "x" ? 16 : Y == "b" ? 2 : 8, q && q != W ? ie : V; + }), q && (W = q, ne = ne.replace(B, "$1").replace(C, "0.$1")), U != ne)) + return new de(ne, W); + if (de.DEBUG) + throw Error(d + "Not a" + (q ? " base " + q : "") + " number: " + U); + M.s = null; } - x.c = x.e = null; - }, X.absoluteValue = X.abs = function() { - var x = new ce(this); - return x.s < 0 && (x.s = 1), x; - }, X.comparedTo = function(x, j) { - return m(this, new ce(x, j)); - }, X.decimalPlaces = X.dp = function(x, j) { - var D, L, F, re = this; - if (x != null) - return v(x, 0, f), j == null ? j = Q : v(j, 0, 8), g(new ce(re), x + re.e + 1, j); - if (!(D = re.c)) + M.c = M.e = null; + }, ee.absoluteValue = ee.abs = function() { + var M = new de(this); + return M.s < 0 && (M.s = 1), M; + }, ee.comparedTo = function(M, U) { + return m(this, new de(M, U)); + }, ee.decimalPlaces = ee.dp = function(M, U) { + var z, q, W, ne = this; + if (M != null) + return v(M, 0, f), U == null ? U = Z : v(U, 0, 8), _(new de(ne), M + ne.e + 1, U); + if (!(z = ne.c)) return null; - if (L = ((F = D.length - 1) - c(this.e / r)) * r, F = D[F]) - for (; F % 10 == 0; F /= 10, L--) + if (q = ((W = z.length - 1) - c(this.e / r)) * r, W = z[W]) + for (; W % 10 == 0; W /= 10, q--) ; - return L < 0 && (L = 0), L; - }, X.dividedBy = X.div = function(x, j) { - return N(this, new ce(x, j), B, Q); - }, X.dividedToIntegerBy = X.idiv = function(x, j) { - return N(this, new ce(x, j), 0, 1); - }, X.exponentiatedBy = X.pow = function(x, j) { - var D, L, F, re, oe, G, Z, H, $ = this; - if ((x = new ce(x)).c && !x.isInteger()) - throw Error(d + "Exponent not an integer: " + S(x)); - if (j != null && (j = new ce(j)), oe = x.e > 14, !$.c || !$.c[0] || $.c[0] == 1 && !$.e && $.c.length == 1 || !x.c || !x.c[0]) - return H = new ce(Math.pow(+S($), oe ? 2 - C(x) : +S(x))), j ? H.mod(j) : H; - if (G = x.s < 0, j) { - if (j.c ? !j.c[0] : !j.s) - return new ce(NaN); - (L = !G && $.isInteger() && j.isInteger()) && ($ = $.mod(j)); + return q < 0 && (q = 0), q; + }, ee.dividedBy = ee.div = function(M, U) { + return T(this, new de(M, U), D, Z); + }, ee.dividedToIntegerBy = ee.idiv = function(M, U) { + return T(this, new de(M, U), 0, 1); + }, ee.exponentiatedBy = ee.pow = function(M, U) { + var z, q, W, ne, ie, V, Y, $, K = this; + if ((M = new de(M)).c && !M.isInteger()) + throw Error(d + "Exponent not an integer: " + O(M)); + if (U != null && (U = new de(U)), ie = M.e > 14, !K.c || !K.c[0] || K.c[0] == 1 && !K.e && K.c.length == 1 || !M.c || !M.c[0]) + return $ = new de(Math.pow(+O(K), ie ? 2 - I(M) : +O(M))), U ? $.mod(U) : $; + if (V = M.s < 0, U) { + if (U.c ? !U.c[0] : !U.s) + return new de(NaN); + (q = !V && K.isInteger() && U.isInteger()) && (K = K.mod(U)); } else { - if (x.e > 9 && ($.e > 0 || $.e < -1 || ($.e == 0 ? $.c[0] > 1 || oe && $.c[1] >= 24e7 : $.c[0] < 8e13 || oe && $.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) - return re = $.s < 0 && C(x) ? -0 : 0, $.e > -1 && (re = 1 / re), new ce(G ? 1 / re : re); - de && (re = a(de / r + 2)); + if (M.e > 9 && (K.e > 0 || K.e < -1 || (K.e == 0 ? K.c[0] > 1 || ie && K.c[1] >= 24e7 : K.c[0] < 8e13 || ie && K.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) + return ne = K.s < 0 && I(M) ? -0 : 0, K.e > -1 && (ne = 1 / ne), new de(V ? 1 / ne : ne); + ue && (ne = a(ue / r + 2)); } - for (oe ? (D = new ce(0.5), G && (x.s = 1), Z = C(x)) : Z = (F = Math.abs(+S(x))) % 2, H = new ce(ne); ; ) { - if (Z) { - if (!(H = H.times($)).c) + for (ie ? (z = new de(0.5), V && (M.s = 1), Y = I(M)) : Y = (W = Math.abs(+O(M))) % 2, $ = new de(oe); ; ) { + if (Y) { + if (!($ = $.times(K)).c) break; - re ? H.c.length > re && (H.c.length = re) : L && (H = H.mod(j)); + ne ? $.c.length > ne && ($.c.length = ne) : q && ($ = $.mod(U)); } - if (F) { - if ((F = t(F / 2)) === 0) + if (W) { + if ((W = t(W / 2)) === 0) break; - Z = F % 2; - } else if (g(x = x.times(D), x.e + 1, 1), x.e > 14) - Z = C(x); + Y = W % 2; + } else if (_(M = M.times(z), M.e + 1, 1), M.e > 14) + Y = I(M); else { - if ((F = +S(x)) == 0) + if ((W = +O(M)) == 0) break; - Z = F % 2; + Y = W % 2; } - $ = $.times($), re ? $.c && $.c.length > re && ($.c.length = re) : L && ($ = $.mod(j)); + K = K.times(K), ne ? K.c && K.c.length > ne && (K.c.length = ne) : q && (K = K.mod(U)); } - return L ? H : (G && (H = ne.div(H)), j ? H.mod(j) : re ? g(H, de, Q, void 0) : H); - }, X.integerValue = function(x) { - var j = new ce(this); - return x == null ? x = Q : v(x, 0, 8), g(j, j.e + 1, x); - }, X.isEqualTo = X.eq = function(x, j) { - return m(this, new ce(x, j)) === 0; - }, X.isFinite = function() { + return q ? $ : (V && ($ = oe.div($)), U ? $.mod(U) : ne ? _($, ue, Z, void 0) : $); + }, ee.integerValue = function(M) { + var U = new de(this); + return M == null ? M = Z : v(M, 0, 8), _(U, U.e + 1, M); + }, ee.isEqualTo = ee.eq = function(M, U) { + return m(this, new de(M, U)) === 0; + }, ee.isFinite = function() { return !!this.c; - }, X.isGreaterThan = X.gt = function(x, j) { - return m(this, new ce(x, j)) > 0; - }, X.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = X.gte = function(x, j) { - return (j = m(this, new ce(x, j))) === 1 || j === 0; - }, X.isInteger = function() { + }, ee.isGreaterThan = ee.gt = function(M, U) { + return m(this, new de(M, U)) > 0; + }, ee.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = ee.gte = function(M, U) { + return (U = m(this, new de(M, U))) === 1 || U === 0; + }, ee.isInteger = function() { return !!this.c && c(this.e / r) > this.c.length - 2; - }, X.isLessThan = X.lt = function(x, j) { - return m(this, new ce(x, j)) < 0; - }, X.isLessThanOrEqualTo = X.lte = function(x, j) { - return (j = m(this, new ce(x, j))) === -1 || j === 0; - }, X.isNaN = function() { + }, ee.isLessThan = ee.lt = function(M, U) { + return m(this, new de(M, U)) < 0; + }, ee.isLessThanOrEqualTo = ee.lte = function(M, U) { + return (U = m(this, new de(M, U))) === -1 || U === 0; + }, ee.isNaN = function() { return !this.s; - }, X.isNegative = function() { + }, ee.isNegative = function() { return this.s < 0; - }, X.isPositive = function() { + }, ee.isPositive = function() { return this.s > 0; - }, X.isZero = function() { + }, ee.isZero = function() { return !!this.c && this.c[0] == 0; - }, X.minus = function(x, j) { - var D, L, F, re, oe = this, G = oe.s; - if (j = (x = new ce(x, j)).s, !G || !j) - return new ce(NaN); - if (G != j) - return x.s = -j, oe.plus(x); - var Z = oe.e / r, H = x.e / r, $ = oe.c, ie = x.c; - if (!Z || !H) { - if (!$ || !ie) - return $ ? (x.s = -j, x) : new ce(ie ? oe : NaN); - if (!$[0] || !ie[0]) - return ie[0] ? (x.s = -j, x) : new ce($[0] ? oe : Q == 3 ? -0 : 0); + }, ee.minus = function(M, U) { + var z, q, W, ne, ie = this, V = ie.s; + if (U = (M = new de(M, U)).s, !V || !U) + return new de(NaN); + if (V != U) + return M.s = -U, ie.plus(M); + var Y = ie.e / r, $ = M.e / r, K = ie.c, ae = M.c; + if (!Y || !$) { + if (!K || !ae) + return K ? (M.s = -U, M) : new de(ae ? ie : NaN); + if (!K[0] || !ae[0]) + return ae[0] ? (M.s = -U, M) : new de(K[0] ? ie : Z == 3 ? -0 : 0); } - if (Z = c(Z), H = c(H), $ = $.slice(), G = Z - H) { - for ((re = G < 0) ? (G = -G, F = $) : (H = Z, F = ie), F.reverse(), j = G; j--; F.push(0)) + if (Y = c(Y), $ = c($), K = K.slice(), V = Y - $) { + for ((ne = V < 0) ? (V = -V, W = K) : ($ = Y, W = ae), W.reverse(), U = V; U--; W.push(0)) ; - F.reverse(); + W.reverse(); } else - for (L = (re = (G = $.length) < (j = ie.length)) ? G : j, G = j = 0; j < L; j++) - if ($[j] != ie[j]) { - re = $[j] < ie[j]; + for (q = (ne = (V = K.length) < (U = ae.length)) ? V : U, V = U = 0; U < q; U++) + if (K[U] != ae[U]) { + ne = K[U] < ae[U]; break; } - if (re && (F = $, $ = ie, ie = F, x.s = -x.s), (j = (L = ie.length) - (D = $.length)) > 0) - for (; j--; $[D++] = 0) + if (ne && (W = K, K = ae, ae = W, M.s = -M.s), (U = (q = ae.length) - (z = K.length)) > 0) + for (; U--; K[z++] = 0) ; - for (j = s - 1; L > G; ) { - if ($[--L] < ie[L]) { - for (D = L; D && !$[--D]; $[D] = j) + for (U = s - 1; q > V; ) { + if (K[--q] < ae[q]) { + for (z = q; z && !K[--z]; K[z] = U) ; - --$[D], $[L] += s; + --K[z], K[q] += s; } - $[L] -= ie[L]; + K[q] -= ae[q]; } - for (; $[0] == 0; $.splice(0, 1), --H) + for (; K[0] == 0; K.splice(0, 1), --$) ; - return $[0] ? W(x, $, H) : (x.s = Q == 3 ? -1 : 1, x.c = [x.e = 0], x); - }, X.modulo = X.mod = function(x, j) { - var D, L, F = this; - return x = new ce(x, j), !F.c || !x.s || x.c && !x.c[0] ? new ce(NaN) : !x.c || F.c && !F.c[0] ? new ce(F) : (ae == 9 ? (L = x.s, x.s = 1, D = N(F, x, 0, 3), x.s = L, D.s *= L) : D = N(F, x, 0, ae), (x = F.minus(D.times(x))).c[0] || ae != 1 || (x.s = F.s), x); - }, X.multipliedBy = X.times = function(x, j) { - var D, L, F, re, oe, G, Z, H, $, ie, se, fe, pe, ve, me, _e = this, ye = _e.c, Ee = (x = new ce(x, j)).c; - if (!(ye && Ee && ye[0] && Ee[0])) - return !_e.s || !x.s || ye && !ye[0] && !Ee || Ee && !Ee[0] && !ye ? x.c = x.e = x.s = null : (x.s *= _e.s, ye && Ee ? (x.c = [0], x.e = 0) : x.c = x.e = null), x; - for (L = c(_e.e / r) + c(x.e / r), x.s *= _e.s, (Z = ye.length) < (ie = Ee.length) && (pe = ye, ye = Ee, Ee = pe, F = Z, Z = ie, ie = F), F = Z + ie, pe = []; F--; pe.push(0)) + return K[0] ? G(M, K, $) : (M.s = Z == 3 ? -1 : 1, M.c = [M.e = 0], M); + }, ee.modulo = ee.mod = function(M, U) { + var z, q, W = this; + return M = new de(M, U), !W.c || !M.s || M.c && !M.c[0] ? new de(NaN) : !M.c || W.c && !W.c[0] ? new de(W) : (se == 9 ? (q = M.s, M.s = 1, z = T(W, M, 0, 3), M.s = q, z.s *= q) : z = T(W, M, 0, se), (M = W.minus(z.times(M))).c[0] || se != 1 || (M.s = W.s), M); + }, ee.multipliedBy = ee.times = function(M, U) { + var z, q, W, ne, ie, V, Y, $, K, ae, ce, he, me, ge, ve, be = this, we = be.c, xe = (M = new de(M, U)).c; + if (!(we && xe && we[0] && xe[0])) + return !be.s || !M.s || we && !we[0] && !xe || xe && !xe[0] && !we ? M.c = M.e = M.s = null : (M.s *= be.s, we && xe ? (M.c = [0], M.e = 0) : M.c = M.e = null), M; + for (q = c(be.e / r) + c(M.e / r), M.s *= be.s, (Y = we.length) < (ae = xe.length) && (me = we, we = xe, xe = me, W = Y, Y = ae, ae = W), W = Y + ae, me = []; W--; me.push(0)) ; - for (ve = s, me = i, F = ie; --F >= 0; ) { - for (D = 0, se = Ee[F] % me, fe = Ee[F] / me | 0, re = F + (oe = Z); re > F; ) - D = ((H = se * (H = ye[--oe] % me) + (G = fe * H + ($ = ye[oe] / me | 0) * se) % me * me + pe[re] + D) / ve | 0) + (G / me | 0) + fe * $, pe[re--] = H % ve; - pe[re] = D; + for (ge = s, ve = i, W = ae; --W >= 0; ) { + for (z = 0, ce = xe[W] % ve, he = xe[W] / ve | 0, ne = W + (ie = Y); ne > W; ) + z = (($ = ce * ($ = we[--ie] % ve) + (V = he * $ + (K = we[ie] / ve | 0) * ce) % ve * ve + me[ne] + z) / ge | 0) + (V / ve | 0) + he * K, me[ne--] = $ % ge; + me[ne] = z; } - return D ? ++L : pe.splice(0, 1), W(x, pe, L); - }, X.negated = function() { - var x = new ce(this); - return x.s = -x.s || null, x; - }, X.plus = function(x, j) { - var D, L = this, F = L.s; - if (j = (x = new ce(x, j)).s, !F || !j) - return new ce(NaN); - if (F != j) - return x.s = -j, L.minus(x); - var re = L.e / r, oe = x.e / r, G = L.c, Z = x.c; - if (!re || !oe) { - if (!G || !Z) - return new ce(F / 0); - if (!G[0] || !Z[0]) - return Z[0] ? x : new ce(G[0] ? L : 0 * F); + return z ? ++q : me.splice(0, 1), G(M, me, q); + }, ee.negated = function() { + var M = new de(this); + return M.s = -M.s || null, M; + }, ee.plus = function(M, U) { + var z, q = this, W = q.s; + if (U = (M = new de(M, U)).s, !W || !U) + return new de(NaN); + if (W != U) + return M.s = -U, q.minus(M); + var ne = q.e / r, ie = M.e / r, V = q.c, Y = M.c; + if (!ne || !ie) { + if (!V || !Y) + return new de(W / 0); + if (!V[0] || !Y[0]) + return Y[0] ? M : new de(V[0] ? q : 0 * W); } - if (re = c(re), oe = c(oe), G = G.slice(), F = re - oe) { - for (F > 0 ? (oe = re, D = Z) : (F = -F, D = G), D.reverse(); F--; D.push(0)) + if (ne = c(ne), ie = c(ie), V = V.slice(), W = ne - ie) { + for (W > 0 ? (ie = ne, z = Y) : (W = -W, z = V), z.reverse(); W--; z.push(0)) ; - D.reverse(); + z.reverse(); } - for ((F = G.length) - (j = Z.length) < 0 && (D = Z, Z = G, G = D, j = F), F = 0; j; ) - F = (G[--j] = G[j] + Z[j] + F) / s | 0, G[j] = s === G[j] ? 0 : G[j] % s; - return F && (G = [F].concat(G), ++oe), W(x, G, oe); - }, X.precision = X.sd = function(x, j) { - var D, L, F, re = this; - if (x != null && x !== !!x) - return v(x, 1, f), j == null ? j = Q : v(j, 0, 8), g(new ce(re), x, j); - if (!(D = re.c)) + for ((W = V.length) - (U = Y.length) < 0 && (z = Y, Y = V, V = z, U = W), W = 0; U; ) + W = (V[--U] = V[U] + Y[U] + W) / s | 0, V[U] = s === V[U] ? 0 : V[U] % s; + return W && (V = [W].concat(V), ++ie), G(M, V, ie); + }, ee.precision = ee.sd = function(M, U) { + var z, q, W, ne = this; + if (M != null && M !== !!M) + return v(M, 1, f), U == null ? U = Z : v(U, 0, 8), _(new de(ne), M, U); + if (!(z = ne.c)) return null; - if (L = (F = D.length - 1) * r + 1, F = D[F]) { - for (; F % 10 == 0; F /= 10, L--) + if (q = (W = z.length - 1) * r + 1, W = z[W]) { + for (; W % 10 == 0; W /= 10, q--) ; - for (F = D[0]; F >= 10; F /= 10, L++) + for (W = z[0]; W >= 10; W /= 10, q++) ; } - return x && re.e + 1 > L && (L = re.e + 1), L; - }, X.shiftedBy = function(x) { - return v(x, -9007199254740991, n), this.times("1e" + x); - }, X.squareRoot = X.sqrt = function() { - var x, j, D, L, F, re = this, oe = re.c, G = re.s, Z = re.e, H = B + 4, $ = new ce("0.5"); - if (G !== 1 || !oe || !oe[0]) - return new ce(!G || G < 0 && (!oe || oe[0]) ? NaN : oe ? re : 1 / 0); - if ((G = Math.sqrt(+S(re))) == 0 || G == 1 / 0 ? (((j = h(oe)).length + Z) % 2 == 0 && (j += "0"), G = Math.sqrt(+j), Z = c((Z + 1) / 2) - (Z < 0 || Z % 2), D = new ce(j = G == 1 / 0 ? "5e" + Z : (j = G.toExponential()).slice(0, j.indexOf("e") + 1) + Z)) : D = new ce(G + ""), D.c[0]) { - for ((G = (Z = D.e) + H) < 3 && (G = 0); ; ) - if (F = D, D = $.times(F.plus(N(re, F, H, 1))), h(F.c).slice(0, G) === (j = h(D.c)).slice(0, G)) { - if (D.e < Z && --G, (j = j.slice(G - 3, G + 1)) != "9999" && (L || j != "4999")) { - +j && (+j.slice(1) || j.charAt(0) != "5") || (g(D, D.e + B + 2, 1), x = !D.times(D).eq(re)); + return M && ne.e + 1 > q && (q = ne.e + 1), q; + }, ee.shiftedBy = function(M) { + return v(M, -9007199254740991, n), this.times("1e" + M); + }, ee.squareRoot = ee.sqrt = function() { + var M, U, z, q, W, ne = this, ie = ne.c, V = ne.s, Y = ne.e, $ = D + 4, K = new de("0.5"); + if (V !== 1 || !ie || !ie[0]) + return new de(!V || V < 0 && (!ie || ie[0]) ? NaN : ie ? ne : 1 / 0); + if ((V = Math.sqrt(+O(ne))) == 0 || V == 1 / 0 ? (((U = h(ie)).length + Y) % 2 == 0 && (U += "0"), V = Math.sqrt(+U), Y = c((Y + 1) / 2) - (Y < 0 || Y % 2), z = new de(U = V == 1 / 0 ? "5e" + Y : (U = V.toExponential()).slice(0, U.indexOf("e") + 1) + Y)) : z = new de(V + ""), z.c[0]) { + for ((V = (Y = z.e) + $) < 3 && (V = 0); ; ) + if (W = z, z = K.times(W.plus(T(ne, W, $, 1))), h(W.c).slice(0, V) === (U = h(z.c)).slice(0, V)) { + if (z.e < Y && --V, (U = U.slice(V - 3, V + 1)) != "9999" && (q || U != "4999")) { + +U && (+U.slice(1) || U.charAt(0) != "5") || (_(z, z.e + D + 2, 1), M = !z.times(z).eq(ne)); break; } - if (!L && (g(F, F.e + B + 2, 0), F.times(F).eq(re))) { - D = F; + if (!q && (_(W, W.e + D + 2, 0), W.times(W).eq(ne))) { + z = W; break; } - H += 4, G += 4, L = 1; + $ += 4, V += 4, q = 1; } } - return g(D, D.e + B + 1, Q, x); - }, X.toExponential = function(x, j) { - return x != null && (v(x, 0, f), x++), he(this, x, j, 1); - }, X.toFixed = function(x, j) { - return x != null && (v(x, 0, f), x = x + this.e + 1), he(this, x, j); - }, X.toFormat = function(x, j, D) { - var L, F = this; - if (D == null) - x != null && j && typeof j == "object" ? (D = j, j = null) : x && typeof x == "object" ? (D = x, x = j = null) : D = ue; - else if (typeof D != "object") - throw Error(d + "Argument not an object: " + D); - if (L = F.toFixed(x, j), F.c) { - var re, oe = L.split("."), G = +D.groupSize, Z = +D.secondaryGroupSize, H = D.groupSeparator || "", $ = oe[0], ie = oe[1], se = F.s < 0, fe = se ? $.slice(1) : $, pe = fe.length; - if (Z && (re = G, G = Z, Z = re, pe -= re), G > 0 && pe > 0) { - for (re = pe % G || G, $ = fe.substr(0, re); re < pe; re += G) - $ += H + fe.substr(re, G); - Z > 0 && ($ += H + fe.slice(re)), se && ($ = "-" + $); + return _(z, z.e + D + 1, Z, M); + }, ee.toExponential = function(M, U) { + return M != null && (v(M, 0, f), M++), pe(this, M, U, 1); + }, ee.toFixed = function(M, U) { + return M != null && (v(M, 0, f), M = M + this.e + 1), pe(this, M, U); + }, ee.toFormat = function(M, U, z) { + var q, W = this; + if (z == null) + M != null && U && typeof U == "object" ? (z = U, U = null) : M && typeof M == "object" ? (z = M, M = U = null) : z = le; + else if (typeof z != "object") + throw Error(d + "Argument not an object: " + z); + if (q = W.toFixed(M, U), W.c) { + var ne, ie = q.split("."), V = +z.groupSize, Y = +z.secondaryGroupSize, $ = z.groupSeparator || "", K = ie[0], ae = ie[1], ce = W.s < 0, he = ce ? K.slice(1) : K, me = he.length; + if (Y && (ne = V, V = Y, Y = ne, me -= ne), V > 0 && me > 0) { + for (ne = me % V || V, K = he.substr(0, ne); ne < me; ne += V) + K += $ + he.substr(ne, V); + Y > 0 && (K += $ + he.slice(ne)), ce && (K = "-" + K); } - L = ie ? $ + (D.decimalSeparator || "") + ((Z = +D.fractionGroupSize) ? ie.replace(new RegExp("\\d{" + Z + "}\\B", "g"), "$&" + (D.fractionGroupSeparator || "")) : ie) : $; + q = ae ? K + (z.decimalSeparator || "") + ((Y = +z.fractionGroupSize) ? ae.replace(new RegExp("\\d{" + Y + "}\\B", "g"), "$&" + (z.fractionGroupSeparator || "")) : ae) : K; } - return (D.prefix || "") + L + (D.suffix || ""); - }, X.toFraction = function(x) { - var j, D, L, F, re, oe, G, Z, H, $, ie, se, fe = this, pe = fe.c; - if (x != null && (!(G = new ce(x)).isInteger() && (G.c || G.s !== 1) || G.lt(ne))) - throw Error(d + "Argument " + (G.isInteger() ? "out of range: " : "not an integer: ") + S(G)); - if (!pe) - return new ce(fe); - for (j = new ce(ne), H = D = new ce(ne), L = Z = new ce(ne), se = h(pe), re = j.e = se.length - fe.e - 1, j.c[0] = o[(oe = re % r) < 0 ? r + oe : oe], x = !x || G.comparedTo(j) > 0 ? re > 0 ? j : H : G, oe = Y, Y = 1 / 0, G = new ce(se), Z.c[0] = 0; $ = N(G, j, 0, 1), (F = D.plus($.times(L))).comparedTo(x) != 1; ) - D = L, L = F, H = Z.plus($.times(F = H)), Z = F, j = G.minus($.times(F = j)), G = F; - return F = N(x.minus(D), L, 0, 1), Z = Z.plus(F.times(H)), D = D.plus(F.times(L)), Z.s = H.s = fe.s, ie = N(H, L, re *= 2, Q).minus(fe).abs().comparedTo(N(Z, D, re, Q).minus(fe).abs()) < 1 ? [H, L] : [Z, D], Y = oe, ie; - }, X.toNumber = function() { - return +S(this); - }, X.toPrecision = function(x, j) { - return x != null && v(x, 1, f), he(this, x, j, 2); - }, X.toString = function(x) { - var j, D = this, L = D.s, F = D.e; - return F === null ? L ? (j = "Infinity", L < 0 && (j = "-" + j)) : j = "NaN" : (x == null ? j = F <= V || F >= ee ? l(h(D.c), F) : I(h(D.c), F, "0") : x === 10 && ge ? j = I(h((D = g(new ce(D), B + F + 1, Q)).c), D.e, "0") : (v(x, 2, le.length, "Base"), j = A(I(h(D.c), F, "0"), 10, x, L, !0)), L < 0 && D.c[0] && (j = "-" + j)), j; - }, X.valueOf = X.toJSON = function() { - return S(this); - }, X._isBigNumber = !0, k != null && ce.set(k), ce; - }(), P.default = P.BigNumber = P, (E = (function() { - return P; - }).call(e, b, e, J)) === void 0 || (J.exports = E); + return (z.prefix || "") + q + (z.suffix || ""); + }, ee.toFraction = function(M) { + var U, z, q, W, ne, ie, V, Y, $, K, ae, ce, he = this, me = he.c; + if (M != null && (!(V = new de(M)).isInteger() && (V.c || V.s !== 1) || V.lt(oe))) + throw Error(d + "Argument " + (V.isInteger() ? "out of range: " : "not an integer: ") + O(V)); + if (!me) + return new de(he); + for (U = new de(oe), $ = z = new de(oe), q = Y = new de(oe), ce = h(me), ne = U.e = ce.length - he.e - 1, U.c[0] = o[(ie = ne % r) < 0 ? r + ie : ie], M = !M || V.comparedTo(U) > 0 ? ne > 0 ? U : $ : V, ie = X, X = 1 / 0, V = new de(ce), Y.c[0] = 0; K = T(V, U, 0, 1), (W = z.plus(K.times(q))).comparedTo(M) != 1; ) + z = q, q = W, $ = Y.plus(K.times(W = $)), Y = W, U = V.minus(K.times(W = U)), V = W; + return W = T(M.minus(z), q, 0, 1), Y = Y.plus(W.times($)), z = z.plus(W.times(q)), Y.s = $.s = he.s, ae = T($, q, ne *= 2, Z).minus(he).abs().comparedTo(T(Y, z, ne, Z).minus(he).abs()) < 1 ? [$, q] : [Y, z], X = ie, ae; + }, ee.toNumber = function() { + return +O(this); + }, ee.toPrecision = function(M, U) { + return M != null && v(M, 1, f), pe(this, M, U, 2); + }, ee.toString = function(M) { + var U, z = this, q = z.s, W = z.e; + return W === null ? q ? (U = "Infinity", q < 0 && (U = "-" + U)) : U = "NaN" : (M == null ? U = W <= H || W >= te ? l(h(z.c), W) : j(h(z.c), W, "0") : M === 10 && _e ? U = j(h((z = _(new de(z), D + W + 1, Z)).c), z.e, "0") : (v(M, 2, fe.length, "Base"), U = x(j(h(z.c), W, "0"), 10, M, q, !0)), q < 0 && z.c[0] && (U = "-" + U)), U; + }, ee.valueOf = ee.toJSON = function() { + return O(this); + }, ee._isBigNumber = !0, S != null && de.set(S), de; + }(), A.default = A.BigNumber = A, (E = (function() { + return A; + }).call(e, y, e, J)) === void 0 || (J.exports = E); })(); - }, 4090: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764).Buffer; + }, 4090: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764).Buffer; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(6903), P = b(8334), y = b(5892), a = b(2401), t = b(9898), d = a.BufferN(32), u = a.compile({ wif: a.UInt8, bip32: { public: a.UInt32, private: a.UInt32 } }), s = { messagePrefix: `Bitcoin Signed Message: + const R = y(6903), A = y(8334), w = y(5892), a = y(2401), t = y(9898), d = a.BufferN(32), u = a.compile({ wif: a.UInt8, bip32: { public: a.UInt32, private: a.UInt32 } }), s = { messagePrefix: `Bitcoin Signed Message: `, bech32: "bc", bip32: { public: 76067358, private: 76066276 }, pubKeyHash: 0, scriptHash: 5, wif: 128 }, r = 2147483648, n = Math.pow(2, 31) - 1; function o(v) { return a.String(v) && v.match(/^(m\/)?(\d+'?\/)*\d+'?$/) !== null; @@ -5177,8 +5515,8 @@ should equal return a.UInt32(v) && v <= n; } class f { - constructor(C, l, I, R, k = 0, N = 0, A = 0) { - this.__D = C, this.__Q = l, this.chainCode = I, this.network = R, this.__DEPTH = k, this.__INDEX = N, this.__PARENT_FINGERPRINT = A, a(u, R), this.lowR = !1; + constructor(I, l, j, N, S = 0, T = 0, x = 0) { + this.__D = I, this.__Q = l, this.chainCode = j, this.network = N, this.__DEPTH = S, this.__INDEX = T, this.__PARENT_FINGERPRINT = x, a(u, N), this.lowR = !1; } get depth() { return this.__DEPTH; @@ -5190,13 +5528,13 @@ should equal return this.__PARENT_FINGERPRINT; } get publicKey() { - return this.__Q === void 0 && (this.__Q = y.pointFromScalar(this.__D, !0)), this.__Q; + return this.__Q === void 0 && (this.__Q = w.pointFromScalar(this.__D, !0)), this.__Q; } get privateKey() { return this.__D; } get identifier() { - return M.hash160(this.publicKey); + return R.hash160(this.publicKey); } get fingerprint() { return this.identifier.slice(0, 4); @@ -5211,385 +5549,385 @@ should equal return m(this.publicKey, this.chainCode, this.network, this.depth, this.index, this.parentFingerprint); } toBase58() { - const C = this.network, l = this.isNeutered() ? C.bip32.public : C.bip32.private, I = E.allocUnsafe(78); - return I.writeUInt32BE(l, 0), I.writeUInt8(this.depth, 4), I.writeUInt32BE(this.parentFingerprint, 5), I.writeUInt32BE(this.index, 9), this.chainCode.copy(I, 13), this.isNeutered() ? this.publicKey.copy(I, 45) : (I.writeUInt8(0, 45), this.privateKey.copy(I, 46)), P.encode(I); + const I = this.network, l = this.isNeutered() ? I.bip32.public : I.bip32.private, j = E.allocUnsafe(78); + return j.writeUInt32BE(l, 0), j.writeUInt8(this.depth, 4), j.writeUInt32BE(this.parentFingerprint, 5), j.writeUInt32BE(this.index, 9), this.chainCode.copy(j, 13), this.isNeutered() ? this.publicKey.copy(j, 45) : (j.writeUInt8(0, 45), this.privateKey.copy(j, 46)), A.encode(j); } toWIF() { if (!this.privateKey) throw new TypeError("Missing private key"); return t.encode(this.network.wif, this.privateKey, !0); } - derive(C) { - a(a.UInt32, C); - const l = C >= r, I = E.allocUnsafe(37); + derive(I) { + a(a.UInt32, I); + const l = I >= r, j = E.allocUnsafe(37); if (l) { if (this.isNeutered()) throw new TypeError("Missing private key for hardened child key"); - I[0] = 0, this.privateKey.copy(I, 1), I.writeUInt32BE(C, 33); + j[0] = 0, this.privateKey.copy(j, 1), j.writeUInt32BE(I, 33); } else - this.publicKey.copy(I, 0), I.writeUInt32BE(C, 33); - const R = M.hmacSHA512(this.chainCode, I), k = R.slice(0, 32), N = R.slice(32); - if (!y.isPrivate(k)) - return this.derive(C + 1); - let A; + this.publicKey.copy(j, 0), j.writeUInt32BE(I, 33); + const N = R.hmacSHA512(this.chainCode, j), S = N.slice(0, 32), T = N.slice(32); + if (!w.isPrivate(S)) + return this.derive(I + 1); + let x; if (this.isNeutered()) { - const w = y.pointAddScalar(this.publicKey, k, !0); - if (w === null) - return this.derive(C + 1); - A = m(w, N, this.network, this.depth + 1, C, this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0)); + const k = w.pointAddScalar(this.publicKey, S, !0); + if (k === null) + return this.derive(I + 1); + x = m(k, T, this.network, this.depth + 1, I, this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0)); } else { - const w = y.privateAdd(this.privateKey, k); - if (w == null) - return this.derive(C + 1); - A = h(w, N, this.network, this.depth + 1, C, this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0)); + const k = w.privateAdd(this.privateKey, S); + if (k == null) + return this.derive(I + 1); + x = h(k, T, this.network, this.depth + 1, I, this.fingerprint.readUInt32BE(0)); } - return A; + return x; } - deriveHardened(C) { - return a(i, C), this.derive(C + r); + deriveHardened(I) { + return a(i, I), this.derive(I + r); } - derivePath(C) { - a(o, C); - let l = C.split("/"); + derivePath(I) { + a(o, I); + let l = I.split("/"); if (l[0] === "m") { if (this.parentFingerprint) throw new TypeError("Expected master, got child"); l = l.slice(1); } - return l.reduce((I, R) => { - let k; - return R.slice(-1) === "'" ? (k = parseInt(R.slice(0, -1), 10), I.deriveHardened(k)) : (k = parseInt(R, 10), I.derive(k)); + return l.reduce((j, N) => { + let S; + return N.slice(-1) === "'" ? (S = parseInt(N.slice(0, -1), 10), j.deriveHardened(S)) : (S = parseInt(N, 10), j.derive(S)); }, this); } - sign(C, l) { + sign(I, l) { if (!this.privateKey) throw new Error("Missing private key"); if (l === void 0 && (l = this.lowR), l === !1) - return y.sign(C, this.privateKey); + return w.sign(I, this.privateKey); { - let I = y.sign(C, this.privateKey); - const R = E.alloc(32, 0); - let k = 0; - for (; I[0] > 127; ) - k++, R.writeUIntLE(k, 0, 6), I = y.signWithEntropy(C, this.privateKey, R); - return I; + let j = w.sign(I, this.privateKey); + const N = E.alloc(32, 0); + let S = 0; + for (; j[0] > 127; ) + S++, N.writeUIntLE(S, 0, 6), j = w.signWithEntropy(I, this.privateKey, N); + return j; } } - verify(C, l) { - return y.verify(C, this.publicKey, l); + verify(I, l) { + return w.verify(I, this.publicKey, l); } } - function c(v, C, l) { - return h(v, C, l); + function c(v, I, l) { + return h(v, I, l); } - function h(v, C, l, I, R, k) { - if (a({ privateKey: d, chainCode: d }, { privateKey: v, chainCode: C }), l = l || s, !y.isPrivate(v)) + function h(v, I, l, j, N, S) { + if (a({ privateKey: d, chainCode: d }, { privateKey: v, chainCode: I }), l = l || s, !w.isPrivate(v)) throw new TypeError("Private key not in range [1, n)"); - return new f(v, void 0, C, l, I, R, k); + return new f(v, void 0, I, l, j, N, S); } - function m(v, C, l, I, R, k) { - if (a({ publicKey: a.BufferN(33), chainCode: d }, { publicKey: v, chainCode: C }), l = l || s, !y.isPoint(v)) + function m(v, I, l, j, N, S) { + if (a({ publicKey: a.BufferN(33), chainCode: d }, { publicKey: v, chainCode: I }), l = l || s, !w.isPoint(v)) throw new TypeError("Point is not on the curve"); - return new f(void 0, v, C, l, I, R, k); + return new f(void 0, v, I, l, j, N, S); } - e.fromBase58 = function(v, C) { - const l = P.decode(v); + e.fromBase58 = function(v, I) { + const l = A.decode(v); if (l.length !== 78) throw new TypeError("Invalid buffer length"); - C = C || s; - const I = l.readUInt32BE(0); - if (I !== C.bip32.private && I !== C.bip32.public) + I = I || s; + const j = l.readUInt32BE(0); + if (j !== I.bip32.private && j !== I.bip32.public) throw new TypeError("Invalid network version"); - const R = l[4], k = l.readUInt32BE(5); - if (R === 0 && k !== 0) + const N = l[4], S = l.readUInt32BE(5); + if (N === 0 && S !== 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid parent fingerprint"); - const N = l.readUInt32BE(9); - if (R === 0 && N !== 0) + const T = l.readUInt32BE(9); + if (N === 0 && T !== 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid index"); - const A = l.slice(13, 45); - let w; - if (I === C.bip32.private) { + const x = l.slice(13, 45); + let k; + if (j === I.bip32.private) { if (l.readUInt8(45) !== 0) throw new TypeError("Invalid private key"); - w = h(l.slice(46, 78), A, C, R, N, k); + k = h(l.slice(46, 78), x, I, N, T, S); } else - w = m(l.slice(45, 78), A, C, R, N, k); - return w; - }, e.fromPrivateKey = c, e.fromPublicKey = function(v, C, l) { - return m(v, C, l); - }, e.fromSeed = function(v, C) { + k = m(l.slice(45, 78), x, I, N, T, S); + return k; + }, e.fromPrivateKey = c, e.fromPublicKey = function(v, I, l) { + return m(v, I, l); + }, e.fromSeed = function(v, I) { if (a(a.Buffer, v), v.length < 16) throw new TypeError("Seed should be at least 128 bits"); if (v.length > 64) throw new TypeError("Seed should be at most 512 bits"); - C = C || s; - const l = M.hmacSHA512(E.from("Bitcoin seed", "utf8"), v); - return c(l.slice(0, 32), l.slice(32), C); + I = I || s; + const l = R.hmacSHA512(E.from("Bitcoin seed", "utf8"), v); + return c(l.slice(0, 32), l.slice(32), I); }; - }, 6903: (J, e, b) => { + }, 6903: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const E = b(3482), M = b(8355); - e.hash160 = function(P) { - const y = E("sha256").update(P).digest(); + const E = y(3482), R = y(8355); + e.hash160 = function(A) { + const w = E("sha256").update(A).digest(); try { - return E("rmd160").update(y).digest(); + return E("rmd160").update(w).digest(); } catch { - return E("ripemd160").update(y).digest(); + return E("ripemd160").update(w).digest(); } - }, e.hmacSHA512 = function(P, y) { - return M("sha512", P).update(y).digest(); + }, e.hmacSHA512 = function(A, w) { + return R("sha512", A).update(w).digest(); }; - }, 7786: (J, e, b) => { + }, 7786: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - var E = b(4090); + var E = y(4090); e.fromSeed = E.fromSeed, e.fromBase58 = E.fromBase58, e.fromPublicKey = E.fromPublicKey, e.fromPrivateKey = E.fromPrivateKey; - }, 2314: (J, e, b) => { + }, 2314: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); const E = {}; - let M; - e.wordlists = E, e._default = M; + let R; + e.wordlists = E, e._default = R; try { - e._default = M = b(32), E.czech = M; + e._default = R = y(32), E.czech = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(6996), E.chinese_simplified = M; + e._default = R = y(6996), E.chinese_simplified = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(4262), E.chinese_traditional = M; + e._default = R = y(4262), E.chinese_traditional = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(8013), E.korean = M; + e._default = R = y(8013), E.korean = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(1848), E.french = M; + e._default = R = y(1848), E.french = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(2841), E.italian = M; + e._default = R = y(2841), E.italian = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(659), E.spanish = M; + e._default = R = y(659), E.spanish = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(4472), E.japanese = M, E.JA = M; + e._default = R = y(4472), E.japanese = R, E.JA = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(1945), E.portuguese = M; + e._default = R = y(1945), E.portuguese = R; } catch { } try { - e._default = M = b(4573), E.english = M, E.EN = M; + e._default = R = y(4573), E.english = R, E.EN = R; } catch { } - }, 2153: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764).Buffer; + }, 2153: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764).Buffer; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(3482), P = b(5632), y = b(1798), a = b(2314); + const R = y(3482), A = y(5632), w = y(1798), a = y(2314); let t = a._default; const d = "Invalid mnemonic", u = "Invalid entropy", s = `A wordlist is required but a default could not be found. Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; - function r(C) { - return (C || "").normalize("NFKD"); + function r(I) { + return (I || "").normalize("NFKD"); } - function n(C, l, I) { - for (; C.length < I; ) - C = l + C; - return C; + function n(I, l, j) { + for (; I.length < j; ) + I = l + I; + return I; } - function o(C) { - return parseInt(C, 2); + function o(I) { + return parseInt(I, 2); } - function i(C) { - return C.map((l) => n(l.toString(2), "0", 8)).join(""); + function i(I) { + return I.map((l) => n(l.toString(2), "0", 8)).join(""); } - function f(C) { - const l = 8 * C.length / 32, I = M("sha256").update(C).digest(); - return i(Array.from(I)).slice(0, l); + function f(I) { + const l = 8 * I.length / 32, j = R("sha256").update(I).digest(); + return i(Array.from(j)).slice(0, l); } - function c(C) { - return "mnemonic" + (C || ""); + function c(I) { + return "mnemonic" + (I || ""); } - function h(C, l) { + function h(I, l) { if (!(l = l || t)) throw new Error(s); - const I = r(C).split(" "); - if (I.length % 3 != 0) + const j = r(I).split(" "); + if (j.length % 3 != 0) throw new Error(d); - const R = I.map((p) => { - const O = l.indexOf(p); - if (O === -1) + const N = j.map((p) => { + const P = l.indexOf(p); + if (P === -1) throw new Error(d); - return n(O.toString(2), "0", 11); - }).join(""), k = 32 * Math.floor(R.length / 33), N = R.slice(0, k), A = R.slice(k), w = N.match(/(.{1,8})/g).map(o); - if (w.length < 16) + return n(P.toString(2), "0", 11); + }).join(""), S = 32 * Math.floor(N.length / 33), T = N.slice(0, S), x = N.slice(S), k = T.match(/(.{1,8})/g).map(o); + if (k.length < 16) throw new Error(u); - if (w.length > 32) + if (k.length > 32) throw new Error(u); - if (w.length % 4 != 0) + if (k.length % 4 != 0) throw new Error(u); - const _ = E.from(w); - if (f(_) !== A) + const b = E.from(k); + if (f(b) !== x) throw new Error("Invalid mnemonic checksum"); - return _.toString("hex"); + return b.toString("hex"); } - function m(C, l) { - if (E.isBuffer(C) || (C = E.from(C, "hex")), !(l = l || t)) + function m(I, l) { + if (E.isBuffer(I) || (I = E.from(I, "hex")), !(l = l || t)) throw new Error(s); - if (C.length < 16) + if (I.length < 16) throw new TypeError(u); - if (C.length > 32) + if (I.length > 32) throw new TypeError(u); - if (C.length % 4 != 0) + if (I.length % 4 != 0) throw new TypeError(u); - const I = (i(Array.from(C)) + f(C)).match(/(.{1,11})/g).map((R) => { - const k = o(R); - return l[k]; + const j = (i(Array.from(I)) + f(I)).match(/(.{1,11})/g).map((N) => { + const S = o(N); + return l[S]; }); - return l[0] === "あいこくしん" ? I.join(" ") : I.join(" "); - } - e.mnemonicToSeedSync = function(C, l) { - const I = E.from(r(C), "utf8"), R = E.from(c(r(l)), "utf8"); - return P.pbkdf2Sync(I, R, 2048, 64, "sha512"); - }, e.mnemonicToSeed = function(C, l) { - return Promise.resolve().then(() => function(I, R, k, N, A) { - return Promise.resolve().then(() => new Promise((w, _) => { - P.pbkdf2(I, R, 2048, 64, "sha512", (p, O) => p ? _(p) : w(O)); + return l[0] === "あいこくしん" ? j.join(" ") : j.join(" "); + } + e.mnemonicToSeedSync = function(I, l) { + const j = E.from(r(I), "utf8"), N = E.from(c(r(l)), "utf8"); + return A.pbkdf2Sync(j, N, 2048, 64, "sha512"); + }, e.mnemonicToSeed = function(I, l) { + return Promise.resolve().then(() => function(j, N, S, T, x) { + return Promise.resolve().then(() => new Promise((k, b) => { + A.pbkdf2(j, N, 2048, 64, "sha512", (p, P) => p ? b(p) : k(P)); })); - }(E.from(r(C), "utf8"), E.from(c(r(l)), "utf8"))); - }, e.mnemonicToEntropy = h, e.entropyToMnemonic = m, e.generateMnemonic = function(C, l, I) { - if ((C = C || 128) % 32 != 0) + }(E.from(r(I), "utf8"), E.from(c(r(l)), "utf8"))); + }, e.mnemonicToEntropy = h, e.entropyToMnemonic = m, e.generateMnemonic = function(I, l, j) { + if ((I = I || 128) % 32 != 0) throw new TypeError(u); - return m((l = l || y)(C / 8), I); - }, e.validateMnemonic = function(C, l) { + return m((l = l || w)(I / 8), j); + }, e.validateMnemonic = function(I, l) { try { - h(C, l); + h(I, l); } catch { return !1; } return !0; - }, e.setDefaultWordlist = function(C) { - const l = a.wordlists[C]; + }, e.setDefaultWordlist = function(I) { + const l = a.wordlists[I]; if (!l) - throw new Error('Could not find wordlist for language "' + C + '"'); + throw new Error('Could not find wordlist for language "' + I + '"'); t = l; }, e.getDefaultWordlist = function() { if (!t) throw new Error("No Default Wordlist set"); - return Object.keys(a.wordlists).filter((C) => C !== "JA" && C !== "EN" && a.wordlists[C].every((l, I) => l === t[I]))[0]; + return Object.keys(a.wordlists).filter((I) => I !== "JA" && I !== "EN" && a.wordlists[I].every((l, j) => l === t[j]))[0]; }; - var v = b(2314); + var v = y(2314); e.wordlists = v.wordlists; - }, 3550: function(J, e, b) { - (function(E, M) { - function P(A, w) { - if (!A) - throw new Error(w || "Assertion failed"); - } - function y(A, w) { - A.super_ = w; - var _ = function() { + }, 3550: function(J, e, y) { + (function(E, R) { + function A(x, k) { + if (!x) + throw new Error(k || "Assertion failed"); + } + function w(x, k) { + x.super_ = k; + var b = function() { }; - _.prototype = w.prototype, A.prototype = new _(), A.prototype.constructor = A; + b.prototype = k.prototype, x.prototype = new b(), x.prototype.constructor = x; } - function a(A, w, _) { - if (a.isBN(A)) - return A; - this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, this.red = null, A !== null && (w !== "le" && w !== "be" || (_ = w, w = 10), this._init(A || 0, w || 10, _ || "be")); + function a(x, k, b) { + if (a.isBN(x)) + return x; + this.negative = 0, this.words = null, this.length = 0, this.red = null, x !== null && (k !== "le" && k !== "be" || (b = k, k = 10), this._init(x || 0, k || 10, b || "be")); } var t; - typeof E == "object" ? E.exports = a : M.BN = a, a.BN = a, a.wordSize = 26; + typeof E == "object" ? E.exports = a : R.BN = a, a.BN = a, a.wordSize = 26; try { - t = typeof window < "u" && window.Buffer !== void 0 ? window.Buffer : b(6601).Buffer; + t = typeof window < "u" && window.Buffer !== void 0 ? window.Buffer : y(6601).Buffer; } catch { } - function d(A, w) { - var _ = A.charCodeAt(w); - return _ >= 65 && _ <= 70 ? _ - 55 : _ >= 97 && _ <= 102 ? _ - 87 : _ - 48 & 15; - } - function u(A, w, _) { - var p = d(A, _); - return _ - 1 >= w && (p |= d(A, _ - 1) << 4), p; - } - function s(A, w, _, p) { - for (var O = 0, U = Math.min(A.length, _), T = w; T < U; T++) { - var z = A.charCodeAt(T) - 48; - O *= p, O += z >= 49 ? z - 49 + 10 : z >= 17 ? z - 17 + 10 : z; - } - return O; - } - a.isBN = function(A) { - return A instanceof a || A !== null && typeof A == "object" && A.constructor.wordSize === a.wordSize && Array.isArray(A.words); - }, a.max = function(A, w) { - return A.cmp(w) > 0 ? A : w; - }, a.min = function(A, w) { - return A.cmp(w) < 0 ? A : w; - }, a.prototype._init = function(A, w, _) { - if (typeof A == "number") - return this._initNumber(A, w, _); - if (typeof A == "object") - return this._initArray(A, w, _); - w === "hex" && (w = 16), P(w === (0 | w) && w >= 2 && w <= 36); + function d(x, k) { + var b = x.charCodeAt(k); + return b >= 65 && b <= 70 ? b - 55 : b >= 97 && b <= 102 ? b - 87 : b - 48 & 15; + } + function u(x, k, b) { + var p = d(x, b); + return b - 1 >= k && (p |= d(x, b - 1) << 4), p; + } + function s(x, k, b, p) { + for (var P = 0, B = Math.min(x.length, b), C = k; C < B; C++) { + var L = x.charCodeAt(C) - 48; + P *= p, P += L >= 49 ? L - 49 + 10 : L >= 17 ? L - 17 + 10 : L; + } + return P; + } + a.isBN = function(x) { + return x instanceof a || x !== null && typeof x == "object" && x.constructor.wordSize === a.wordSize && Array.isArray(x.words); + }, a.max = function(x, k) { + return x.cmp(k) > 0 ? x : k; + }, a.min = function(x, k) { + return x.cmp(k) < 0 ? x : k; + }, a.prototype._init = function(x, k, b) { + if (typeof x == "number") + return this._initNumber(x, k, b); + if (typeof x == "object") + return this._initArray(x, k, b); + k === "hex" && (k = 16), A(k === (0 | k) && k >= 2 && k <= 36); var p = 0; - (A = A.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""))[0] === "-" && (p++, this.negative = 1), p < A.length && (w === 16 ? this._parseHex(A, p, _) : (this._parseBase(A, w, p), _ === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), w, _))); - }, a.prototype._initNumber = function(A, w, _) { - A < 0 && (this.negative = 1, A = -A), A < 67108864 ? (this.words = [67108863 & A], this.length = 1) : A < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [67108863 & A, A / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (P(A < 9007199254740992), this.words = [67108863 & A, A / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), _ === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), w, _); - }, a.prototype._initArray = function(A, w, _) { - if (P(typeof A.length == "number"), A.length <= 0) + (x = x.toString().replace(/\s+/g, ""))[0] === "-" && (p++, this.negative = 1), p < x.length && (k === 16 ? this._parseHex(x, p, b) : (this._parseBase(x, k, p), b === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), k, b))); + }, a.prototype._initNumber = function(x, k, b) { + x < 0 && (this.negative = 1, x = -x), x < 67108864 ? (this.words = [67108863 & x], this.length = 1) : x < 4503599627370496 ? (this.words = [67108863 & x, x / 67108864 & 67108863], this.length = 2) : (A(x < 9007199254740992), this.words = [67108863 & x, x / 67108864 & 67108863, 1], this.length = 3), b === "le" && this._initArray(this.toArray(), k, b); + }, a.prototype._initArray = function(x, k, b) { + if (A(typeof x.length == "number"), x.length <= 0) return this.words = [0], this.length = 1, this; - this.length = Math.ceil(A.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); + this.length = Math.ceil(x.length / 3), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var p = 0; p < this.length; p++) this.words[p] = 0; - var O, U, T = 0; - if (_ === "be") - for (p = A.length - 1, O = 0; p >= 0; p -= 3) - U = A[p] | A[p - 1] << 8 | A[p - 2] << 16, this.words[O] |= U << T & 67108863, this.words[O + 1] = U >>> 26 - T & 67108863, (T += 24) >= 26 && (T -= 26, O++); - else if (_ === "le") - for (p = 0, O = 0; p < A.length; p += 3) - U = A[p] | A[p + 1] << 8 | A[p + 2] << 16, this.words[O] |= U << T & 67108863, this.words[O + 1] = U >>> 26 - T & 67108863, (T += 24) >= 26 && (T -= 26, O++); + var P, B, C = 0; + if (b === "be") + for (p = x.length - 1, P = 0; p >= 0; p -= 3) + B = x[p] | x[p - 1] << 8 | x[p - 2] << 16, this.words[P] |= B << C & 67108863, this.words[P + 1] = B >>> 26 - C & 67108863, (C += 24) >= 26 && (C -= 26, P++); + else if (b === "le") + for (p = 0, P = 0; p < x.length; p += 3) + B = x[p] | x[p + 1] << 8 | x[p + 2] << 16, this.words[P] |= B << C & 67108863, this.words[P + 1] = B >>> 26 - C & 67108863, (C += 24) >= 26 && (C -= 26, P++); return this.strip(); - }, a.prototype._parseHex = function(A, w, _) { - this.length = Math.ceil((A.length - w) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); + }, a.prototype._parseHex = function(x, k, b) { + this.length = Math.ceil((x.length - k) / 6), this.words = new Array(this.length); for (var p = 0; p < this.length; p++) this.words[p] = 0; - var O, U = 0, T = 0; - if (_ === "be") - for (p = A.length - 1; p >= w; p -= 2) - O = u(A, w, p) << U, this.words[T] |= 67108863 & O, U >= 18 ? (U -= 18, T += 1, this.words[T] |= O >>> 26) : U += 8; + var P, B = 0, C = 0; + if (b === "be") + for (p = x.length - 1; p >= k; p -= 2) + P = u(x, k, p) << B, this.words[C] |= 67108863 & P, B >= 18 ? (B -= 18, C += 1, this.words[C] |= P >>> 26) : B += 8; else - for (p = (A.length - w) % 2 == 0 ? w + 1 : w; p < A.length; p += 2) - O = u(A, w, p) << U, this.words[T] |= 67108863 & O, U >= 18 ? (U -= 18, T += 1, this.words[T] |= O >>> 26) : U += 8; + for (p = (x.length - k) % 2 == 0 ? k + 1 : k; p < x.length; p += 2) + P = u(x, k, p) << B, this.words[C] |= 67108863 & P, B >= 18 ? (B -= 18, C += 1, this.words[C] |= P >>> 26) : B += 8; this.strip(); - }, a.prototype._parseBase = function(A, w, _) { + }, a.prototype._parseBase = function(x, k, b) { this.words = [0], this.length = 1; - for (var p = 0, O = 1; O <= 67108863; O *= w) + for (var p = 0, P = 1; P <= 67108863; P *= k) p++; - p--, O = O / w | 0; - for (var U = A.length - _, T = U % p, z = Math.min(U, U - T) + _, te = 0, X = _; X < z; X += p) - te = s(A, X, X + p, w), this.imuln(O), this.words[0] + te < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += te : this._iaddn(te); - if (T !== 0) { - var ne = 1; - for (te = s(A, X, A.length, w), X = 0; X < T; X++) - ne *= w; - this.imuln(ne), this.words[0] + te < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += te : this._iaddn(te); + p--, P = P / k | 0; + for (var B = x.length - b, C = B % p, L = Math.min(B, B - C) + b, re = 0, ee = b; ee < L; ee += p) + re = s(x, ee, ee + p, k), this.imuln(P), this.words[0] + re < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += re : this._iaddn(re); + if (C !== 0) { + var oe = 1; + for (re = s(x, ee, x.length, k), ee = 0; ee < C; ee++) + oe *= k; + this.imuln(oe), this.words[0] + re < 67108864 ? this.words[0] += re : this._iaddn(re); } this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.copy = function(A) { - A.words = new Array(this.length); - for (var w = 0; w < this.length; w++) - A.words[w] = this.words[w]; - A.length = this.length, A.negative = this.negative, A.red = this.red; + }, a.prototype.copy = function(x) { + x.words = new Array(this.length); + for (var k = 0; k < this.length; k++) + x.words[k] = this.words[k]; + x.length = this.length, x.negative = this.negative, x.red = this.red; }, a.prototype.clone = function() { - var A = new a(null); - return this.copy(A), A; - }, a.prototype._expand = function(A) { - for (; this.length < A; ) + var x = new a(null); + return this.copy(x), x; + }, a.prototype._expand = function(x) { + for (; this.length < x; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; return this; }, a.prototype.strip = function() { @@ -5602,1222 +5940,1222 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return (this.red ? ""; }; var r = ["", "0", "00", "000", "0000", "00000", "000000", "0000000", "00000000", "000000000", "0000000000", "00000000000", "000000000000", "0000000000000", "00000000000000", "000000000000000", "0000000000000000", "00000000000000000", "000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000", "00000000000000000000000", "000000000000000000000000", "0000000000000000000000000"], n = [0, 0, 25, 16, 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 8, 7, 7, 7, 7, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 6, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5, 5], o = [0, 0, 33554432, 43046721, 16777216, 48828125, 60466176, 40353607, 16777216, 43046721, 1e7, 19487171, 35831808, 62748517, 7529536, 11390625, 16777216, 24137569, 34012224, 47045881, 64e6, 4084101, 5153632, 6436343, 7962624, 9765625, 11881376, 14348907, 17210368, 20511149, 243e5, 28629151, 33554432, 39135393, 45435424, 52521875, 60466176]; - function i(A, w, _) { - _.negative = w.negative ^ A.negative; - var p = A.length + w.length | 0; - _.length = p, p = p - 1 | 0; - var O = 0 | A.words[0], U = 0 | w.words[0], T = O * U, z = 67108863 & T, te = T / 67108864 | 0; - _.words[0] = z; - for (var X = 1; X < p; X++) { - for (var ne = te >>> 26, B = 67108863 & te, Q = Math.min(X, w.length - 1), V = Math.max(0, X - A.length + 1); V <= Q; V++) { - var ee = X - V | 0; - ne += (T = (O = 0 | A.words[ee]) * (U = 0 | w.words[V]) + B) / 67108864 | 0, B = 67108863 & T; + function i(x, k, b) { + b.negative = k.negative ^ x.negative; + var p = x.length + k.length | 0; + b.length = p, p = p - 1 | 0; + var P = 0 | x.words[0], B = 0 | k.words[0], C = P * B, L = 67108863 & C, re = C / 67108864 | 0; + b.words[0] = L; + for (var ee = 1; ee < p; ee++) { + for (var oe = re >>> 26, D = 67108863 & re, Z = Math.min(ee, k.length - 1), H = Math.max(0, ee - x.length + 1); H <= Z; H++) { + var te = ee - H | 0; + oe += (C = (P = 0 | x.words[te]) * (B = 0 | k.words[H]) + D) / 67108864 | 0, D = 67108863 & C; } - _.words[X] = 0 | B, te = 0 | ne; + b.words[ee] = 0 | D, re = 0 | oe; } - return te !== 0 ? _.words[X] = 0 | te : _.length--, _.strip(); + return re !== 0 ? b.words[ee] = 0 | re : b.length--, b.strip(); } - a.prototype.toString = function(A, w) { - var _; - if (w = 0 | w || 1, (A = A || 10) === 16 || A === "hex") { - _ = ""; - for (var p = 0, O = 0, U = 0; U < this.length; U++) { - var T = this.words[U], z = (16777215 & (T << p | O)).toString(16); - _ = (O = T >>> 24 - p & 16777215) != 0 || U !== this.length - 1 ? r[6 - z.length] + z + _ : z + _, (p += 2) >= 26 && (p -= 26, U--); + a.prototype.toString = function(x, k) { + var b; + if (k = 0 | k || 1, (x = x || 10) === 16 || x === "hex") { + b = ""; + for (var p = 0, P = 0, B = 0; B < this.length; B++) { + var C = this.words[B], L = (16777215 & (C << p | P)).toString(16); + b = (P = C >>> 24 - p & 16777215) != 0 || B !== this.length - 1 ? r[6 - L.length] + L + b : L + b, (p += 2) >= 26 && (p -= 26, B--); } - for (O !== 0 && (_ = O.toString(16) + _); _.length % w != 0; ) - _ = "0" + _; - return this.negative !== 0 && (_ = "-" + _), _; - } - if (A === (0 | A) && A >= 2 && A <= 36) { - var te = n[A], X = o[A]; - _ = ""; - var ne = this.clone(); - for (ne.negative = 0; !ne.isZero(); ) { - var B = ne.modn(X).toString(A); - _ = (ne = ne.idivn(X)).isZero() ? B + _ : r[te - B.length] + B + _; + for (P !== 0 && (b = P.toString(16) + b); b.length % k != 0; ) + b = "0" + b; + return this.negative !== 0 && (b = "-" + b), b; + } + if (x === (0 | x) && x >= 2 && x <= 36) { + var re = n[x], ee = o[x]; + b = ""; + var oe = this.clone(); + for (oe.negative = 0; !oe.isZero(); ) { + var D = oe.modn(ee).toString(x); + b = (oe = oe.idivn(ee)).isZero() ? D + b : r[re - D.length] + D + b; } - for (this.isZero() && (_ = "0" + _); _.length % w != 0; ) - _ = "0" + _; - return this.negative !== 0 && (_ = "-" + _), _; + for (this.isZero() && (b = "0" + b); b.length % k != 0; ) + b = "0" + b; + return this.negative !== 0 && (b = "-" + b), b; } - P(!1, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); + A(!1, "Base should be between 2 and 36"); }, a.prototype.toNumber = function() { - var A = this.words[0]; - return this.length === 2 ? A += 67108864 * this.words[1] : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? A += 4503599627370496 + 67108864 * this.words[1] : this.length > 2 && P(!1, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -A : A; + var x = this.words[0]; + return this.length === 2 ? x += 67108864 * this.words[1] : this.length === 3 && this.words[2] === 1 ? x += 4503599627370496 + 67108864 * this.words[1] : this.length > 2 && A(!1, "Number can only safely store up to 53 bits"), this.negative !== 0 ? -x : x; }, a.prototype.toJSON = function() { return this.toString(16); - }, a.prototype.toBuffer = function(A, w) { - return P(t !== void 0), this.toArrayLike(t, A, w); - }, a.prototype.toArray = function(A, w) { - return this.toArrayLike(Array, A, w); - }, a.prototype.toArrayLike = function(A, w, _) { - var p = this.byteLength(), O = _ || Math.max(1, p); - P(p <= O, "byte array longer than desired length"), P(O > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); - var U, T, z = w === "le", te = new A(O), X = this.clone(); - if (z) { - for (T = 0; !X.isZero(); T++) - U = X.andln(255), X.iushrn(8), te[T] = U; - for (; T < O; T++) - te[T] = 0; + }, a.prototype.toBuffer = function(x, k) { + return A(t !== void 0), this.toArrayLike(t, x, k); + }, a.prototype.toArray = function(x, k) { + return this.toArrayLike(Array, x, k); + }, a.prototype.toArrayLike = function(x, k, b) { + var p = this.byteLength(), P = b || Math.max(1, p); + A(p <= P, "byte array longer than desired length"), A(P > 0, "Requested array length <= 0"), this.strip(); + var B, C, L = k === "le", re = new x(P), ee = this.clone(); + if (L) { + for (C = 0; !ee.isZero(); C++) + B = ee.andln(255), ee.iushrn(8), re[C] = B; + for (; C < P; C++) + re[C] = 0; } else { - for (T = 0; T < O - p; T++) - te[T] = 0; - for (T = 0; !X.isZero(); T++) - U = X.andln(255), X.iushrn(8), te[O - T - 1] = U; - } - return te; - }, Math.clz32 ? a.prototype._countBits = function(A) { - return 32 - Math.clz32(A); - } : a.prototype._countBits = function(A) { - var w = A, _ = 0; - return w >= 4096 && (_ += 13, w >>>= 13), w >= 64 && (_ += 7, w >>>= 7), w >= 8 && (_ += 4, w >>>= 4), w >= 2 && (_ += 2, w >>>= 2), _ + w; - }, a.prototype._zeroBits = function(A) { - if (A === 0) + for (C = 0; C < P - p; C++) + re[C] = 0; + for (C = 0; !ee.isZero(); C++) + B = ee.andln(255), ee.iushrn(8), re[P - C - 1] = B; + } + return re; + }, Math.clz32 ? a.prototype._countBits = function(x) { + return 32 - Math.clz32(x); + } : a.prototype._countBits = function(x) { + var k = x, b = 0; + return k >= 4096 && (b += 13, k >>>= 13), k >= 64 && (b += 7, k >>>= 7), k >= 8 && (b += 4, k >>>= 4), k >= 2 && (b += 2, k >>>= 2), b + k; + }, a.prototype._zeroBits = function(x) { + if (x === 0) return 26; - var w = A, _ = 0; - return !(8191 & w) && (_ += 13, w >>>= 13), !(127 & w) && (_ += 7, w >>>= 7), !(15 & w) && (_ += 4, w >>>= 4), !(3 & w) && (_ += 2, w >>>= 2), !(1 & w) && _++, _; + var k = x, b = 0; + return !(8191 & k) && (b += 13, k >>>= 13), !(127 & k) && (b += 7, k >>>= 7), !(15 & k) && (b += 4, k >>>= 4), !(3 & k) && (b += 2, k >>>= 2), !(1 & k) && b++, b; }, a.prototype.bitLength = function() { - var A = this.words[this.length - 1], w = this._countBits(A); - return 26 * (this.length - 1) + w; + var x = this.words[this.length - 1], k = this._countBits(x); + return 26 * (this.length - 1) + k; }, a.prototype.zeroBits = function() { if (this.isZero()) return 0; - for (var A = 0, w = 0; w < this.length; w++) { - var _ = this._zeroBits(this.words[w]); - if (A += _, _ !== 26) + for (var x = 0, k = 0; k < this.length; k++) { + var b = this._zeroBits(this.words[k]); + if (x += b, b !== 26) break; } - return A; + return x; }, a.prototype.byteLength = function() { return Math.ceil(this.bitLength() / 8); - }, a.prototype.toTwos = function(A) { - return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(A).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); - }, a.prototype.fromTwos = function(A) { - return this.testn(A - 1) ? this.notn(A).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); + }, a.prototype.toTwos = function(x) { + return this.negative !== 0 ? this.abs().inotn(x).iaddn(1) : this.clone(); + }, a.prototype.fromTwos = function(x) { + return this.testn(x - 1) ? this.notn(x).iaddn(1).ineg() : this.clone(); }, a.prototype.isNeg = function() { return this.negative !== 0; }, a.prototype.neg = function() { return this.clone().ineg(); }, a.prototype.ineg = function() { return this.isZero() || (this.negative ^= 1), this; - }, a.prototype.iuor = function(A) { - for (; this.length < A.length; ) + }, a.prototype.iuor = function(x) { + for (; this.length < x.length; ) this.words[this.length++] = 0; - for (var w = 0; w < A.length; w++) - this.words[w] = this.words[w] | A.words[w]; + for (var k = 0; k < x.length; k++) + this.words[k] = this.words[k] | x.words[k]; return this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.ior = function(A) { - return P((this.negative | A.negative) == 0), this.iuor(A); - }, a.prototype.or = function(A) { - return this.length > A.length ? this.clone().ior(A) : A.clone().ior(this); - }, a.prototype.uor = function(A) { - return this.length > A.length ? this.clone().iuor(A) : A.clone().iuor(this); - }, a.prototype.iuand = function(A) { - var w; - w = this.length > A.length ? A : this; - for (var _ = 0; _ < w.length; _++) - this.words[_] = this.words[_] & A.words[_]; - return this.length = w.length, this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.iand = function(A) { - return P((this.negative | A.negative) == 0), this.iuand(A); - }, a.prototype.and = function(A) { - return this.length > A.length ? this.clone().iand(A) : A.clone().iand(this); - }, a.prototype.uand = function(A) { - return this.length > A.length ? this.clone().iuand(A) : A.clone().iuand(this); - }, a.prototype.iuxor = function(A) { - var w, _; - this.length > A.length ? (w = this, _ = A) : (w = A, _ = this); - for (var p = 0; p < _.length; p++) - this.words[p] = w.words[p] ^ _.words[p]; - if (this !== w) - for (; p < w.length; p++) - this.words[p] = w.words[p]; - return this.length = w.length, this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.ixor = function(A) { - return P((this.negative | A.negative) == 0), this.iuxor(A); - }, a.prototype.xor = function(A) { - return this.length > A.length ? this.clone().ixor(A) : A.clone().ixor(this); - }, a.prototype.uxor = function(A) { - return this.length > A.length ? this.clone().iuxor(A) : A.clone().iuxor(this); - }, a.prototype.inotn = function(A) { - P(typeof A == "number" && A >= 0); - var w = 0 | Math.ceil(A / 26), _ = A % 26; - this._expand(w), _ > 0 && w--; - for (var p = 0; p < w; p++) + }, a.prototype.ior = function(x) { + return A((this.negative | x.negative) == 0), this.iuor(x); + }, a.prototype.or = function(x) { + return this.length > x.length ? this.clone().ior(x) : x.clone().ior(this); + }, a.prototype.uor = function(x) { + return this.length > x.length ? this.clone().iuor(x) : x.clone().iuor(this); + }, a.prototype.iuand = function(x) { + var k; + k = this.length > x.length ? x : this; + for (var b = 0; b < k.length; b++) + this.words[b] = this.words[b] & x.words[b]; + return this.length = k.length, this.strip(); + }, a.prototype.iand = function(x) { + return A((this.negative | x.negative) == 0), this.iuand(x); + }, a.prototype.and = function(x) { + return this.length > x.length ? this.clone().iand(x) : x.clone().iand(this); + }, a.prototype.uand = function(x) { + return this.length > x.length ? this.clone().iuand(x) : x.clone().iuand(this); + }, a.prototype.iuxor = function(x) { + var k, b; + this.length > x.length ? (k = this, b = x) : (k = x, b = this); + for (var p = 0; p < b.length; p++) + this.words[p] = k.words[p] ^ b.words[p]; + if (this !== k) + for (; p < k.length; p++) + this.words[p] = k.words[p]; + return this.length = k.length, this.strip(); + }, a.prototype.ixor = function(x) { + return A((this.negative | x.negative) == 0), this.iuxor(x); + }, a.prototype.xor = function(x) { + return this.length > x.length ? this.clone().ixor(x) : x.clone().ixor(this); + }, a.prototype.uxor = function(x) { + return this.length > x.length ? this.clone().iuxor(x) : x.clone().iuxor(this); + }, a.prototype.inotn = function(x) { + A(typeof x == "number" && x >= 0); + var k = 0 | Math.ceil(x / 26), b = x % 26; + this._expand(k), b > 0 && k--; + for (var p = 0; p < k; p++) this.words[p] = 67108863 & ~this.words[p]; - return _ > 0 && (this.words[p] = ~this.words[p] & 67108863 >> 26 - _), this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.notn = function(A) { - return this.clone().inotn(A); - }, a.prototype.setn = function(A, w) { - P(typeof A == "number" && A >= 0); - var _ = A / 26 | 0, p = A % 26; - return this._expand(_ + 1), this.words[_] = w ? this.words[_] | 1 << p : this.words[_] & ~(1 << p), this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.iadd = function(A) { - var w, _, p; - if (this.negative !== 0 && A.negative === 0) - return this.negative = 0, w = this.isub(A), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); - if (this.negative === 0 && A.negative !== 0) - return A.negative = 0, w = this.isub(A), A.negative = 1, w._normSign(); - this.length > A.length ? (_ = this, p = A) : (_ = A, p = this); - for (var O = 0, U = 0; U < p.length; U++) - w = (0 | _.words[U]) + (0 | p.words[U]) + O, this.words[U] = 67108863 & w, O = w >>> 26; - for (; O !== 0 && U < _.length; U++) - w = (0 | _.words[U]) + O, this.words[U] = 67108863 & w, O = w >>> 26; - if (this.length = _.length, O !== 0) - this.words[this.length] = O, this.length++; - else if (_ !== this) - for (; U < _.length; U++) - this.words[U] = _.words[U]; + return b > 0 && (this.words[p] = ~this.words[p] & 67108863 >> 26 - b), this.strip(); + }, a.prototype.notn = function(x) { + return this.clone().inotn(x); + }, a.prototype.setn = function(x, k) { + A(typeof x == "number" && x >= 0); + var b = x / 26 | 0, p = x % 26; + return this._expand(b + 1), this.words[b] = k ? this.words[b] | 1 << p : this.words[b] & ~(1 << p), this.strip(); + }, a.prototype.iadd = function(x) { + var k, b, p; + if (this.negative !== 0 && x.negative === 0) + return this.negative = 0, k = this.isub(x), this.negative ^= 1, this._normSign(); + if (this.negative === 0 && x.negative !== 0) + return x.negative = 0, k = this.isub(x), x.negative = 1, k._normSign(); + this.length > x.length ? (b = this, p = x) : (b = x, p = this); + for (var P = 0, B = 0; B < p.length; B++) + k = (0 | b.words[B]) + (0 | p.words[B]) + P, this.words[B] = 67108863 & k, P = k >>> 26; + for (; P !== 0 && B < b.length; B++) + k = (0 | b.words[B]) + P, this.words[B] = 67108863 & k, P = k >>> 26; + if (this.length = b.length, P !== 0) + this.words[this.length] = P, this.length++; + else if (b !== this) + for (; B < b.length; B++) + this.words[B] = b.words[B]; return this; - }, a.prototype.add = function(A) { - var w; - return A.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (A.negative = 0, w = this.sub(A), A.negative ^= 1, w) : A.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, w = A.sub(this), this.negative = 1, w) : this.length > A.length ? this.clone().iadd(A) : A.clone().iadd(this); - }, a.prototype.isub = function(A) { - if (A.negative !== 0) { - A.negative = 0; - var w = this.iadd(A); - return A.negative = 1, w._normSign(); + }, a.prototype.add = function(x) { + var k; + return x.negative !== 0 && this.negative === 0 ? (x.negative = 0, k = this.sub(x), x.negative ^= 1, k) : x.negative === 0 && this.negative !== 0 ? (this.negative = 0, k = x.sub(this), this.negative = 1, k) : this.length > x.length ? this.clone().iadd(x) : x.clone().iadd(this); + }, a.prototype.isub = function(x) { + if (x.negative !== 0) { + x.negative = 0; + var k = this.iadd(x); + return x.negative = 1, k._normSign(); } if (this.negative !== 0) - return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(A), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); - var _, p, O = this.cmp(A); - if (O === 0) + return this.negative = 0, this.iadd(x), this.negative = 1, this._normSign(); + var b, p, P = this.cmp(x); + if (P === 0) return this.negative = 0, this.length = 1, this.words[0] = 0, this; - O > 0 ? (_ = this, p = A) : (_ = A, p = this); - for (var U = 0, T = 0; T < p.length; T++) - U = (w = (0 | _.words[T]) - (0 | p.words[T]) + U) >> 26, this.words[T] = 67108863 & w; - for (; U !== 0 && T < _.length; T++) - U = (w = (0 | _.words[T]) + U) >> 26, this.words[T] = 67108863 & w; - if (U === 0 && T < _.length && _ !== this) - for (; T < _.length; T++) - this.words[T] = _.words[T]; - return this.length = Math.max(this.length, T), _ !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.sub = function(A) { - return this.clone().isub(A); + P > 0 ? (b = this, p = x) : (b = x, p = this); + for (var B = 0, C = 0; C < p.length; C++) + B = (k = (0 | b.words[C]) - (0 | p.words[C]) + B) >> 26, this.words[C] = 67108863 & k; + for (; B !== 0 && C < b.length; C++) + B = (k = (0 | b.words[C]) + B) >> 26, this.words[C] = 67108863 & k; + if (B === 0 && C < b.length && b !== this) + for (; C < b.length; C++) + this.words[C] = b.words[C]; + return this.length = Math.max(this.length, C), b !== this && (this.negative = 1), this.strip(); + }, a.prototype.sub = function(x) { + return this.clone().isub(x); }; - var f = function(A, w, _) { - var p, O, U, T = A.words, z = w.words, te = _.words, X = 0, ne = 0 | T[0], B = 8191 & ne, Q = ne >>> 13, V = 0 | T[1], ee = 8191 & V, K = V >>> 13, Y = 0 | T[2], q = 8191 & Y, ae = Y >>> 13, de = 0 | T[3], ue = 8191 & de, le = de >>> 13, ge = 0 | T[4], ce = 8191 & ge, he = ge >>> 13, be = 0 | T[5], W = 8191 & be, g = be >>> 13, S = 0 | T[6], x = 8191 & S, j = S >>> 13, D = 0 | T[7], L = 8191 & D, F = D >>> 13, re = 0 | T[8], oe = 8191 & re, G = re >>> 13, Z = 0 | T[9], H = 8191 & Z, $ = Z >>> 13, ie = 0 | z[0], se = 8191 & ie, fe = ie >>> 13, pe = 0 | z[1], ve = 8191 & pe, me = pe >>> 13, _e = 0 | z[2], ye = 8191 & _e, Ee = _e >>> 13, Ae = 0 | z[3], Pe = 8191 & Ae, ke = Ae >>> 13, xe = 0 | z[4], we = 8191 & xe, Se = xe >>> 13, Re = 0 | z[5], Oe = 8191 & Re, Me = Re >>> 13, Te = 0 | z[6], Ne = 8191 & Te, Ce = Te >>> 13, Be = 0 | z[7], Ie = 8191 & Be, je = Be >>> 13, De = 0 | z[8], Ue = 8191 & De, Je = De >>> 13, st = 0 | z[9], ze = 8191 & st, Le = st >>> 13; - _.negative = A.negative ^ w.negative, _.length = 19; - var qe = (X + (p = Math.imul(B, se)) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = Math.imul(B, fe)) + Math.imul(Q, se) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = Math.imul(Q, fe)) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (qe >>> 26) | 0, qe &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(ee, se), O = (O = Math.imul(ee, fe)) + Math.imul(K, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(K, fe); - var Fe = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, ve) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, me) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, ve) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, me) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Fe >>> 26) | 0, Fe &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(q, se), O = (O = Math.imul(q, fe)) + Math.imul(ae, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(ae, fe), p = p + Math.imul(ee, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, me) | 0) + Math.imul(K, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, me) | 0; - var We = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, ye) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, ye) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, Ee) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(ue, se), O = (O = Math.imul(ue, fe)) + Math.imul(le, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(le, fe), p = p + Math.imul(q, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, me) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ee, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(K, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, Ee) | 0; - var Ge = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, Pe) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Pe) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, ke) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(ce, se), O = (O = Math.imul(ce, fe)) + Math.imul(he, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(he, fe), p = p + Math.imul(ue, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, me) | 0) + Math.imul(le, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, Ee) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ee, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(K, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, ke) | 0; - var Ve = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, we) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, we) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, Se) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(W, se), O = (O = Math.imul(W, fe)) + Math.imul(g, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(g, fe), p = p + Math.imul(ce, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, me) | 0) + Math.imul(he, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ue, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(le, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, Ee) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, ke) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ee, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(K, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, Se) | 0; - var He = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, Oe) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Oe) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, Me) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(x, se), O = (O = Math.imul(x, fe)) + Math.imul(j, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(j, fe), p = p + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, me) | 0) + Math.imul(g, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ce, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(he, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Ee) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ue, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(le, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, ke) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ee, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(K, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, Me) | 0; - var $e = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, Ne) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Ne) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, Ce) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(L, se), O = (O = Math.imul(L, fe)) + Math.imul(F, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(F, fe), p = p + Math.imul(x, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, me) | 0) + Math.imul(j, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(W, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(g, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, Ee) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ce, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(he, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, ke) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ue, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(le, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, Me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ee, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(K, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, Ce) | 0; - var Ke = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, Ie) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, je) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Ie) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, je) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(oe, se), O = (O = Math.imul(oe, fe)) + Math.imul(G, se) | 0, U = Math.imul(G, fe), p = p + Math.imul(L, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, me) | 0) + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(x, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(j, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, Ee) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(W, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(g, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, ke) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ce, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(he, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ue, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(le, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, Me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, Ce) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ee, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, je) | 0) + Math.imul(K, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, je) | 0; - var Qe = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, Ue) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Ue) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, Je) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, se), O = (O = Math.imul(H, fe)) + Math.imul($, se) | 0, U = Math.imul($, fe), p = p + Math.imul(oe, ve) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, me) | 0) + Math.imul(G, ve) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(L, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(F, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, Ee) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(x, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(j, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, ke) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(W, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(g, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ce, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(he, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ue, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(le, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, Ce) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, je) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, je) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ee, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(K, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(K, Je) | 0; - var Ze = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(B, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(B, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(Q, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, ve), O = (O = Math.imul(H, me)) + Math.imul($, ve) | 0, U = Math.imul($, me), p = p + Math.imul(oe, ye) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, Ee) | 0) + Math.imul(G, ye) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Ee) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(L, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(F, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, ke) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(x, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(j, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(W, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(g, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, Me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ce, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(he, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Ce) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ue, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, je) | 0) + Math.imul(le, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, je) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(ae, Je) | 0; - var Ye = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(ee, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(ee, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(K, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(K, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, ye), O = (O = Math.imul(H, Ee)) + Math.imul($, ye) | 0, U = Math.imul($, Ee), p = p + Math.imul(oe, Pe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, ke) | 0) + Math.imul(G, Pe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, ke) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(L, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(F, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(x, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(j, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, Me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(W, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(g, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, Ce) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ce, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, je) | 0) + Math.imul(he, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, je) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ue, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(le, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(le, Je) | 0; - var Xe = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(q, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(q, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(ae, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(ae, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, Pe), O = (O = Math.imul(H, ke)) + Math.imul($, Pe) | 0, U = Math.imul($, ke), p = p + Math.imul(oe, we) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(G, we) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(L, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(F, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, Me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(x, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(j, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, Ce) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(W, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, je) | 0) + Math.imul(g, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, je) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(ce, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(he, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(he, Je) | 0; - var et = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(ue, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(ue, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(le, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(le, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, we), O = (O = Math.imul(H, Se)) + Math.imul($, we) | 0, U = Math.imul($, Se), p = p + Math.imul(oe, Oe) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, Me) | 0) + Math.imul(G, Oe) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Me) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(L, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(F, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, Ce) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(x, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, je) | 0) + Math.imul(j, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, je) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(W, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(g, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(g, Je) | 0; - var tt = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(ce, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(ce, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(he, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(he, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, Oe), O = (O = Math.imul(H, Me)) + Math.imul($, Oe) | 0, U = Math.imul($, Me), p = p + Math.imul(oe, Ne) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, Ce) | 0) + Math.imul(G, Ne) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Ce) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(L, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, je) | 0) + Math.imul(F, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, je) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(x, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(j, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(j, Je) | 0; - var rt = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(W, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(W, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(g, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(g, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, Ne), O = (O = Math.imul(H, Ce)) + Math.imul($, Ne) | 0, U = Math.imul($, Ce), p = p + Math.imul(oe, Ie) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, je) | 0) + Math.imul(G, Ie) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, je) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(L, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(F, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(F, Je) | 0; - var nt = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(x, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(x, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(j, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(j, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (nt >>> 26) | 0, nt &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, Ie), O = (O = Math.imul(H, je)) + Math.imul($, Ie) | 0, U = Math.imul($, je), p = p + Math.imul(oe, Ue) | 0, O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, Je) | 0) + Math.imul(G, Ue) | 0, U = U + Math.imul(G, Je) | 0; - var ot = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(L, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(L, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(F, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(F, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (ot >>> 26) | 0, ot &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(H, Ue), O = (O = Math.imul(H, Je)) + Math.imul($, Ue) | 0, U = Math.imul($, Je); - var it = (X + (p = p + Math.imul(oe, ze) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = O + Math.imul(oe, Le) | 0) + Math.imul(G, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - X = ((U = U + Math.imul(G, Le) | 0) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (it >>> 26) | 0, it &= 67108863; - var at = (X + (p = Math.imul(H, ze)) | 0) + ((8191 & (O = (O = Math.imul(H, Le)) + Math.imul($, ze) | 0)) << 13) | 0; - return X = ((U = Math.imul($, Le)) + (O >>> 13) | 0) + (at >>> 26) | 0, at &= 67108863, te[0] = qe, te[1] = Fe, te[2] = We, te[3] = Ge, te[4] = Ve, te[5] = He, te[6] = $e, te[7] = Ke, te[8] = Qe, te[9] = Ze, te[10] = Ye, te[11] = Xe, te[12] = et, te[13] = tt, te[14] = rt, te[15] = nt, te[16] = ot, te[17] = it, te[18] = at, X !== 0 && (te[19] = X, _.length++), _; + var f = function(x, k, b) { + var p, P, B, C = x.words, L = k.words, re = b.words, ee = 0, oe = 0 | C[0], D = 8191 & oe, Z = oe >>> 13, H = 0 | C[1], te = 8191 & H, Q = H >>> 13, X = 0 | C[2], F = 8191 & X, se = X >>> 13, ue = 0 | C[3], le = 8191 & ue, fe = ue >>> 13, _e = 0 | C[4], de = 8191 & _e, pe = _e >>> 13, ye = 0 | C[5], G = 8191 & ye, _ = ye >>> 13, O = 0 | C[6], M = 8191 & O, U = O >>> 13, z = 0 | C[7], q = 8191 & z, W = z >>> 13, ne = 0 | C[8], ie = 8191 & ne, V = ne >>> 13, Y = 0 | C[9], $ = 8191 & Y, K = Y >>> 13, ae = 0 | L[0], ce = 8191 & ae, he = ae >>> 13, me = 0 | L[1], ge = 8191 & me, ve = me >>> 13, be = 0 | L[2], we = 8191 & be, xe = be >>> 13, Ee = 0 | L[3], Pe = 8191 & Ee, Se = Ee >>> 13, Re = 0 | L[4], ke = 8191 & Re, Oe = Re >>> 13, Me = 0 | L[5], Ae = 8191 & Me, Ne = Me >>> 13, Ce = 0 | L[6], Te = 8191 & Ce, Ie = Ce >>> 13, De = 0 | L[7], je = 8191 & De, Ue = De >>> 13, Je = 0 | L[8], Be = 8191 & Je, ze = Je >>> 13, ct = 0 | L[9], Le = 8191 & ct, qe = ct >>> 13; + b.negative = x.negative ^ k.negative, b.length = 19; + var Fe = (ee + (p = Math.imul(D, ce)) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = Math.imul(D, he)) + Math.imul(Z, ce) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = Math.imul(Z, he)) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Fe >>> 26) | 0, Fe &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(te, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(te, he)) + Math.imul(Q, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(Q, he); + var We = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, ge) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, ge) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, ve) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (We >>> 26) | 0, We &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(F, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(F, he)) + Math.imul(se, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(se, he), p = p + Math.imul(te, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, ve) | 0; + var Ge = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, we) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, we) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, xe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Ge >>> 26) | 0, Ge &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(le, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(le, he)) + Math.imul(fe, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(fe, he), p = p + Math.imul(F, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(se, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, ve) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(te, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, xe) | 0; + var Ve = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, Pe) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, Pe) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, Se) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Ve >>> 26) | 0, Ve &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(de, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(de, he)) + Math.imul(pe, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(pe, he), p = p + Math.imul(le, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, ve) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(F, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(se, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, xe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(te, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Se) | 0; + var He = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, ke) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, ke) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, Oe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (He >>> 26) | 0, He &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(G, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(G, he)) + Math.imul(_, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(_, he), p = p + Math.imul(de, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, ve) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(le, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, xe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(F, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(se, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(te, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Oe) | 0; + var $e = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, Ae) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, Ae) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, Ne) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + ($e >>> 26) | 0, $e &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(M, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(M, he)) + Math.imul(U, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(U, he), p = p + Math.imul(G, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(_, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, ve) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(de, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, xe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(le, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(F, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(se, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, Oe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(te, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Ne) | 0; + var Ke = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, Te) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, Te) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, Ie) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Ke >>> 26) | 0, Ke &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(q, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(q, he)) + Math.imul(W, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(W, he), p = p + Math.imul(M, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(U, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, ve) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(G, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(_, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, xe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(de, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(le, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Oe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(F, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(se, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, Ne) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(te, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Ie) | 0; + var Qe = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, je) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, je) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, Ue) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Qe >>> 26) | 0, Qe &= 67108863, p = Math.imul(ie, ce), P = (P = Math.imul(ie, he)) + Math.imul(V, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(V, he), p = p + Math.imul(q, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(W, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, ve) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(M, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(U, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, xe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(G, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(de, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, Oe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(le, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Ne) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(F, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(se, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, Ie) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(te, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, Ue) | 0; + var Ze = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, Be) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, Be) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, ze) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Ze >>> 26) | 0, Ze &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, ce), P = (P = Math.imul($, he)) + Math.imul(K, ce) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, he), p = p + Math.imul(ie, ge) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, ve) | 0) + Math.imul(V, ge) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, ve) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(W, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, xe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(M, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(G, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(_, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, Oe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(de, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, Ne) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(le, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Ie) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(F, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(se, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, Ue) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(te, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(Q, ze) | 0; + var Ye = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(D, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(D, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(Z, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Z, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Ye >>> 26) | 0, Ye &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, ge), P = (P = Math.imul($, ve)) + Math.imul(K, ge) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, ve), p = p + Math.imul(ie, we) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, xe) | 0) + Math.imul(V, we) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, xe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(W, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(M, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(U, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, Oe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(G, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, Ne) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(de, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, Ie) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(le, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, Ue) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(F, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(se, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(se, ze) | 0; + var Xe = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(te, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(te, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(Q, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(Q, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (Xe >>> 26) | 0, Xe &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, we), P = (P = Math.imul($, xe)) + Math.imul(K, we) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, xe), p = p + Math.imul(ie, Pe) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, Se) | 0) + Math.imul(V, Pe) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, Se) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(W, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, Oe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(M, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, Ne) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(G, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, Ie) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(de, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, Ue) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(le, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(fe, ze) | 0; + var et = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(F, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(F, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(se, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(se, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (et >>> 26) | 0, et &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, Pe), P = (P = Math.imul($, Se)) + Math.imul(K, Pe) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, Se), p = p + Math.imul(ie, ke) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, Oe) | 0) + Math.imul(V, ke) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, Oe) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(W, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, Ne) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(M, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, Ie) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(G, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(_, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, Ue) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(de, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(pe, ze) | 0; + var tt = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(le, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(le, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(fe, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(fe, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (tt >>> 26) | 0, tt &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, ke), P = (P = Math.imul($, Oe)) + Math.imul(K, ke) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, Oe), p = p + Math.imul(ie, Ae) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, Ne) | 0) + Math.imul(V, Ae) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, Ne) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(W, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, Ie) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(M, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(U, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, Ue) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(G, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(_, ze) | 0; + var rt = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(de, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(de, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(pe, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(pe, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (rt >>> 26) | 0, rt &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, Ae), P = (P = Math.imul($, Ne)) + Math.imul(K, Ae) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, Ne), p = p + Math.imul(ie, Te) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, Ie) | 0) + Math.imul(V, Te) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, Ie) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(W, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, Ue) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(M, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(U, ze) | 0; + var nt = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(G, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(G, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(_, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(_, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (nt >>> 26) | 0, nt &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, Te), P = (P = Math.imul($, Ie)) + Math.imul(K, Te) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, Ie), p = p + Math.imul(ie, je) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, Ue) | 0) + Math.imul(V, je) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, Ue) | 0, p = p + Math.imul(q, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(W, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(W, ze) | 0; + var ot = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(M, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(M, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(U, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(U, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (ot >>> 26) | 0, ot &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, je), P = (P = Math.imul($, Ue)) + Math.imul(K, je) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, Ue), p = p + Math.imul(ie, Be) | 0, P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, ze) | 0) + Math.imul(V, Be) | 0, B = B + Math.imul(V, ze) | 0; + var it = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(q, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(q, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(W, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(W, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (it >>> 26) | 0, it &= 67108863, p = Math.imul($, Be), P = (P = Math.imul($, ze)) + Math.imul(K, Be) | 0, B = Math.imul(K, ze); + var at = (ee + (p = p + Math.imul(ie, Le) | 0) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = P + Math.imul(ie, qe) | 0) + Math.imul(V, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + ee = ((B = B + Math.imul(V, qe) | 0) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (at >>> 26) | 0, at &= 67108863; + var st = (ee + (p = Math.imul($, Le)) | 0) + ((8191 & (P = (P = Math.imul($, qe)) + Math.imul(K, Le) | 0)) << 13) | 0; + return ee = ((B = Math.imul(K, qe)) + (P >>> 13) | 0) + (st >>> 26) | 0, st &= 67108863, re[0] = Fe, re[1] = We, re[2] = Ge, re[3] = Ve, re[4] = He, re[5] = $e, re[6] = Ke, re[7] = Qe, re[8] = Ze, re[9] = Ye, re[10] = Xe, re[11] = et, re[12] = tt, re[13] = rt, re[14] = nt, re[15] = ot, re[16] = it, re[17] = at, re[18] = st, ee !== 0 && (re[19] = ee, b.length++), b; }; - function c(A, w, _) { - return new h().mulp(A, w, _); - } - function h(A, w) { - this.x = A, this.y = w; - } - Math.imul || (f = i), a.prototype.mulTo = function(A, w) { - var _, p = this.length + A.length; - return _ = this.length === 10 && A.length === 10 ? f(this, A, w) : p < 63 ? i(this, A, w) : p < 1024 ? function(O, U, T) { - T.negative = U.negative ^ O.negative, T.length = O.length + U.length; - for (var z = 0, te = 0, X = 0; X < T.length - 1; X++) { - var ne = te; - te = 0; - for (var B = 67108863 & z, Q = Math.min(X, U.length - 1), V = Math.max(0, X - O.length + 1); V <= Q; V++) { - var ee = X - V, K = (0 | O.words[ee]) * (0 | U.words[V]), Y = 67108863 & K; - B = 67108863 & (Y = Y + B | 0), te += (ne = (ne = ne + (K / 67108864 | 0) | 0) + (Y >>> 26) | 0) >>> 26, ne &= 67108863; + function c(x, k, b) { + return new h().mulp(x, k, b); + } + function h(x, k) { + this.x = x, this.y = k; + } + Math.imul || (f = i), a.prototype.mulTo = function(x, k) { + var b, p = this.length + x.length; + return b = this.length === 10 && x.length === 10 ? f(this, x, k) : p < 63 ? i(this, x, k) : p < 1024 ? function(P, B, C) { + C.negative = B.negative ^ P.negative, C.length = P.length + B.length; + for (var L = 0, re = 0, ee = 0; ee < C.length - 1; ee++) { + var oe = re; + re = 0; + for (var D = 67108863 & L, Z = Math.min(ee, B.length - 1), H = Math.max(0, ee - P.length + 1); H <= Z; H++) { + var te = ee - H, Q = (0 | P.words[te]) * (0 | B.words[H]), X = 67108863 & Q; + D = 67108863 & (X = X + D | 0), re += (oe = (oe = oe + (Q / 67108864 | 0) | 0) + (X >>> 26) | 0) >>> 26, oe &= 67108863; } - T.words[X] = B, z = ne, ne = te; + C.words[ee] = D, L = oe, oe = re; } - return z !== 0 ? T.words[X] = z : T.length--, T.strip(); - }(this, A, w) : c(this, A, w), _; - }, h.prototype.makeRBT = function(A) { - for (var w = new Array(A), _ = a.prototype._countBits(A) - 1, p = 0; p < A; p++) - w[p] = this.revBin(p, _, A); - return w; - }, h.prototype.revBin = function(A, w, _) { - if (A === 0 || A === _ - 1) - return A; - for (var p = 0, O = 0; O < w; O++) - p |= (1 & A) << w - O - 1, A >>= 1; + return L !== 0 ? C.words[ee] = L : C.length--, C.strip(); + }(this, x, k) : c(this, x, k), b; + }, h.prototype.makeRBT = function(x) { + for (var k = new Array(x), b = a.prototype._countBits(x) - 1, p = 0; p < x; p++) + k[p] = this.revBin(p, b, x); + return k; + }, h.prototype.revBin = function(x, k, b) { + if (x === 0 || x === b - 1) + return x; + for (var p = 0, P = 0; P < k; P++) + p |= (1 & x) << k - P - 1, x >>= 1; return p; - }, h.prototype.permute = function(A, w, _, p, O, U) { - for (var T = 0; T < U; T++) - p[T] = w[A[T]], O[T] = _[A[T]]; - }, h.prototype.transform = function(A, w, _, p, O, U) { - this.permute(U, A, w, _, p, O); - for (var T = 1; T < O; T <<= 1) - for (var z = T << 1, te = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / z), X = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / z), ne = 0; ne < O; ne += z) - for (var B = te, Q = X, V = 0; V < T; V++) { - var ee = _[ne + V], K = p[ne + V], Y = _[ne + V + T], q = p[ne + V + T], ae = B * Y - Q * q; - q = B * q + Q * Y, Y = ae, _[ne + V] = ee + Y, p[ne + V] = K + q, _[ne + V + T] = ee - Y, p[ne + V + T] = K - q, V !== z && (ae = te * B - X * Q, Q = te * Q + X * B, B = ae); + }, h.prototype.permute = function(x, k, b, p, P, B) { + for (var C = 0; C < B; C++) + p[C] = k[x[C]], P[C] = b[x[C]]; + }, h.prototype.transform = function(x, k, b, p, P, B) { + this.permute(B, x, k, b, p, P); + for (var C = 1; C < P; C <<= 1) + for (var L = C << 1, re = Math.cos(2 * Math.PI / L), ee = Math.sin(2 * Math.PI / L), oe = 0; oe < P; oe += L) + for (var D = re, Z = ee, H = 0; H < C; H++) { + var te = b[oe + H], Q = p[oe + H], X = b[oe + H + C], F = p[oe + H + C], se = D * X - Z * F; + F = D * F + Z * X, X = se, b[oe + H] = te + X, p[oe + H] = Q + F, b[oe + H + C] = te - X, p[oe + H + C] = Q - F, H !== L && (se = re * D - ee * Z, Z = re * Z + ee * D, D = se); } - }, h.prototype.guessLen13b = function(A, w) { - var _ = 1 | Math.max(w, A), p = 1 & _, O = 0; - for (_ = _ / 2 | 0; _; _ >>>= 1) - O++; - return 1 << O + 1 + p; - }, h.prototype.conjugate = function(A, w, _) { - if (!(_ <= 1)) - for (var p = 0; p < _ / 2; p++) { - var O = A[p]; - A[p] = A[_ - p - 1], A[_ - p - 1] = O, O = w[p], w[p] = -w[_ - p - 1], w[_ - p - 1] = -O; + }, h.prototype.guessLen13b = function(x, k) { + var b = 1 | Math.max(k, x), p = 1 & b, P = 0; + for (b = b / 2 | 0; b; b >>>= 1) + P++; + return 1 << P + 1 + p; + }, h.prototype.conjugate = function(x, k, b) { + if (!(b <= 1)) + for (var p = 0; p < b / 2; p++) { + var P = x[p]; + x[p] = x[b - p - 1], x[b - p - 1] = P, P = k[p], k[p] = -k[b - p - 1], k[b - p - 1] = -P; } - }, h.prototype.normalize13b = function(A, w) { - for (var _ = 0, p = 0; p < w / 2; p++) { - var O = 8192 * Math.round(A[2 * p + 1] / w) + Math.round(A[2 * p] / w) + _; - A[p] = 67108863 & O, _ = O < 67108864 ? 0 : O / 67108864 | 0; + }, h.prototype.normalize13b = function(x, k) { + for (var b = 0, p = 0; p < k / 2; p++) { + var P = 8192 * Math.round(x[2 * p + 1] / k) + Math.round(x[2 * p] / k) + b; + x[p] = 67108863 & P, b = P < 67108864 ? 0 : P / 67108864 | 0; } - return A; - }, h.prototype.convert13b = function(A, w, _, p) { - for (var O = 0, U = 0; U < w; U++) - O += 0 | A[U], _[2 * U] = 8191 & O, O >>>= 13, _[2 * U + 1] = 8191 & O, O >>>= 13; - for (U = 2 * w; U < p; ++U) - _[U] = 0; - P(O === 0), P((-8192 & O) == 0); - }, h.prototype.stub = function(A) { - for (var w = new Array(A), _ = 0; _ < A; _++) - w[_] = 0; - return w; - }, h.prototype.mulp = function(A, w, _) { - var p = 2 * this.guessLen13b(A.length, w.length), O = this.makeRBT(p), U = this.stub(p), T = new Array(p), z = new Array(p), te = new Array(p), X = new Array(p), ne = new Array(p), B = new Array(p), Q = _.words; - Q.length = p, this.convert13b(A.words, A.length, T, p), this.convert13b(w.words, w.length, X, p), this.transform(T, U, z, te, p, O), this.transform(X, U, ne, B, p, O); - for (var V = 0; V < p; V++) { - var ee = z[V] * ne[V] - te[V] * B[V]; - te[V] = z[V] * B[V] + te[V] * ne[V], z[V] = ee; - } - return this.conjugate(z, te, p), this.transform(z, te, Q, U, p, O), this.conjugate(Q, U, p), this.normalize13b(Q, p), _.negative = A.negative ^ w.negative, _.length = A.length + w.length, _.strip(); - }, a.prototype.mul = function(A) { - var w = new a(null); - return w.words = new Array(this.length + A.length), this.mulTo(A, w); - }, a.prototype.mulf = function(A) { - var w = new a(null); - return w.words = new Array(this.length + A.length), c(this, A, w); - }, a.prototype.imul = function(A) { - return this.clone().mulTo(A, this); - }, a.prototype.imuln = function(A) { - P(typeof A == "number"), P(A < 67108864); - for (var w = 0, _ = 0; _ < this.length; _++) { - var p = (0 | this.words[_]) * A, O = (67108863 & p) + (67108863 & w); - w >>= 26, w += p / 67108864 | 0, w += O >>> 26, this.words[_] = 67108863 & O; - } - return w !== 0 && (this.words[_] = w, this.length++), this; - }, a.prototype.muln = function(A) { - return this.clone().imuln(A); + return x; + }, h.prototype.convert13b = function(x, k, b, p) { + for (var P = 0, B = 0; B < k; B++) + P += 0 | x[B], b[2 * B] = 8191 & P, P >>>= 13, b[2 * B + 1] = 8191 & P, P >>>= 13; + for (B = 2 * k; B < p; ++B) + b[B] = 0; + A(P === 0), A((-8192 & P) == 0); + }, h.prototype.stub = function(x) { + for (var k = new Array(x), b = 0; b < x; b++) + k[b] = 0; + return k; + }, h.prototype.mulp = function(x, k, b) { + var p = 2 * this.guessLen13b(x.length, k.length), P = this.makeRBT(p), B = this.stub(p), C = new Array(p), L = new Array(p), re = new Array(p), ee = new Array(p), oe = new Array(p), D = new Array(p), Z = b.words; + Z.length = p, this.convert13b(x.words, x.length, C, p), this.convert13b(k.words, k.length, ee, p), this.transform(C, B, L, re, p, P), this.transform(ee, B, oe, D, p, P); + for (var H = 0; H < p; H++) { + var te = L[H] * oe[H] - re[H] * D[H]; + re[H] = L[H] * D[H] + re[H] * oe[H], L[H] = te; + } + return this.conjugate(L, re, p), this.transform(L, re, Z, B, p, P), this.conjugate(Z, B, p), this.normalize13b(Z, p), b.negative = x.negative ^ k.negative, b.length = x.length + k.length, b.strip(); + }, a.prototype.mul = function(x) { + var k = new a(null); + return k.words = new Array(this.length + x.length), this.mulTo(x, k); + }, a.prototype.mulf = function(x) { + var k = new a(null); + return k.words = new Array(this.length + x.length), c(this, x, k); + }, a.prototype.imul = function(x) { + return this.clone().mulTo(x, this); + }, a.prototype.imuln = function(x) { + A(typeof x == "number"), A(x < 67108864); + for (var k = 0, b = 0; b < this.length; b++) { + var p = (0 | this.words[b]) * x, P = (67108863 & p) + (67108863 & k); + k >>= 26, k += p / 67108864 | 0, k += P >>> 26, this.words[b] = 67108863 & P; + } + return k !== 0 && (this.words[b] = k, this.length++), this; + }, a.prototype.muln = function(x) { + return this.clone().imuln(x); }, a.prototype.sqr = function() { return this.mul(this); }, a.prototype.isqr = function() { return this.imul(this.clone()); - }, a.prototype.pow = function(A) { - var w = function(U) { - for (var T = new Array(U.bitLength()), z = 0; z < T.length; z++) { - var te = z / 26 | 0, X = z % 26; - T[z] = (U.words[te] & 1 << X) >>> X; + }, a.prototype.pow = function(x) { + var k = function(B) { + for (var C = new Array(B.bitLength()), L = 0; L < C.length; L++) { + var re = L / 26 | 0, ee = L % 26; + C[L] = (B.words[re] & 1 << ee) >>> ee; } - return T; - }(A); - if (w.length === 0) + return C; + }(x); + if (k.length === 0) return new a(1); - for (var _ = this, p = 0; p < w.length && w[p] === 0; p++, _ = _.sqr()) + for (var b = this, p = 0; p < k.length && k[p] === 0; p++, b = b.sqr()) ; - if (++p < w.length) - for (var O = _.sqr(); p < w.length; p++, O = O.sqr()) - w[p] !== 0 && (_ = _.mul(O)); - return _; - }, a.prototype.iushln = function(A) { - P(typeof A == "number" && A >= 0); - var w, _ = A % 26, p = (A - _) / 26, O = 67108863 >>> 26 - _ << 26 - _; - if (_ !== 0) { - var U = 0; - for (w = 0; w < this.length; w++) { - var T = this.words[w] & O, z = (0 | this.words[w]) - T << _; - this.words[w] = z | U, U = T >>> 26 - _; + if (++p < k.length) + for (var P = b.sqr(); p < k.length; p++, P = P.sqr()) + k[p] !== 0 && (b = b.mul(P)); + return b; + }, a.prototype.iushln = function(x) { + A(typeof x == "number" && x >= 0); + var k, b = x % 26, p = (x - b) / 26, P = 67108863 >>> 26 - b << 26 - b; + if (b !== 0) { + var B = 0; + for (k = 0; k < this.length; k++) { + var C = this.words[k] & P, L = (0 | this.words[k]) - C << b; + this.words[k] = L | B, B = C >>> 26 - b; } - U && (this.words[w] = U, this.length++); + B && (this.words[k] = B, this.length++); } if (p !== 0) { - for (w = this.length - 1; w >= 0; w--) - this.words[w + p] = this.words[w]; - for (w = 0; w < p; w++) - this.words[w] = 0; + for (k = this.length - 1; k >= 0; k--) + this.words[k + p] = this.words[k]; + for (k = 0; k < p; k++) + this.words[k] = 0; this.length += p; } return this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.ishln = function(A) { - return P(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(A); - }, a.prototype.iushrn = function(A, w, _) { + }, a.prototype.ishln = function(x) { + return A(this.negative === 0), this.iushln(x); + }, a.prototype.iushrn = function(x, k, b) { var p; - P(typeof A == "number" && A >= 0), p = w ? (w - w % 26) / 26 : 0; - var O = A % 26, U = Math.min((A - O) / 26, this.length), T = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> O << O, z = _; - if (p -= U, p = Math.max(0, p), z) { - for (var te = 0; te < U; te++) - z.words[te] = this.words[te]; - z.length = U; - } - if (U !== 0) - if (this.length > U) - for (this.length -= U, te = 0; te < this.length; te++) - this.words[te] = this.words[te + U]; + A(typeof x == "number" && x >= 0), p = k ? (k - k % 26) / 26 : 0; + var P = x % 26, B = Math.min((x - P) / 26, this.length), C = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> P << P, L = b; + if (p -= B, p = Math.max(0, p), L) { + for (var re = 0; re < B; re++) + L.words[re] = this.words[re]; + L.length = B; + } + if (B !== 0) + if (this.length > B) + for (this.length -= B, re = 0; re < this.length; re++) + this.words[re] = this.words[re + B]; else this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1; - var X = 0; - for (te = this.length - 1; te >= 0 && (X !== 0 || te >= p); te--) { - var ne = 0 | this.words[te]; - this.words[te] = X << 26 - O | ne >>> O, X = ne & T; - } - return z && X !== 0 && (z.words[z.length++] = X), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.ishrn = function(A, w, _) { - return P(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(A, w, _); - }, a.prototype.shln = function(A) { - return this.clone().ishln(A); - }, a.prototype.ushln = function(A) { - return this.clone().iushln(A); - }, a.prototype.shrn = function(A) { - return this.clone().ishrn(A); - }, a.prototype.ushrn = function(A) { - return this.clone().iushrn(A); - }, a.prototype.testn = function(A) { - P(typeof A == "number" && A >= 0); - var w = A % 26, _ = (A - w) / 26, p = 1 << w; - return !(this.length <= _ || !(this.words[_] & p)); - }, a.prototype.imaskn = function(A) { - P(typeof A == "number" && A >= 0); - var w = A % 26, _ = (A - w) / 26; - if (P(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= _) + var ee = 0; + for (re = this.length - 1; re >= 0 && (ee !== 0 || re >= p); re--) { + var oe = 0 | this.words[re]; + this.words[re] = ee << 26 - P | oe >>> P, ee = oe & C; + } + return L && ee !== 0 && (L.words[L.length++] = ee), this.length === 0 && (this.words[0] = 0, this.length = 1), this.strip(); + }, a.prototype.ishrn = function(x, k, b) { + return A(this.negative === 0), this.iushrn(x, k, b); + }, a.prototype.shln = function(x) { + return this.clone().ishln(x); + }, a.prototype.ushln = function(x) { + return this.clone().iushln(x); + }, a.prototype.shrn = function(x) { + return this.clone().ishrn(x); + }, a.prototype.ushrn = function(x) { + return this.clone().iushrn(x); + }, a.prototype.testn = function(x) { + A(typeof x == "number" && x >= 0); + var k = x % 26, b = (x - k) / 26, p = 1 << k; + return !(this.length <= b || !(this.words[b] & p)); + }, a.prototype.imaskn = function(x) { + A(typeof x == "number" && x >= 0); + var k = x % 26, b = (x - k) / 26; + if (A(this.negative === 0, "imaskn works only with positive numbers"), this.length <= b) return this; - if (w !== 0 && _++, this.length = Math.min(_, this.length), w !== 0) { - var p = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> w << w; + if (k !== 0 && b++, this.length = Math.min(b, this.length), k !== 0) { + var p = 67108863 ^ 67108863 >>> k << k; this.words[this.length - 1] &= p; } return this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.maskn = function(A) { - return this.clone().imaskn(A); - }, a.prototype.iaddn = function(A) { - return P(typeof A == "number"), P(A < 67108864), A < 0 ? this.isubn(-A) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (0 | this.words[0]) < A ? (this.words[0] = A - (0 | this.words[0]), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(A), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(A); - }, a.prototype._iaddn = function(A) { - this.words[0] += A; - for (var w = 0; w < this.length && this.words[w] >= 67108864; w++) - this.words[w] -= 67108864, w === this.length - 1 ? this.words[w + 1] = 1 : this.words[w + 1]++; - return this.length = Math.max(this.length, w + 1), this; - }, a.prototype.isubn = function(A) { - if (P(typeof A == "number"), P(A < 67108864), A < 0) - return this.iaddn(-A); + }, a.prototype.maskn = function(x) { + return this.clone().imaskn(x); + }, a.prototype.iaddn = function(x) { + return A(typeof x == "number"), A(x < 67108864), x < 0 ? this.isubn(-x) : this.negative !== 0 ? this.length === 1 && (0 | this.words[0]) < x ? (this.words[0] = x - (0 | this.words[0]), this.negative = 0, this) : (this.negative = 0, this.isubn(x), this.negative = 1, this) : this._iaddn(x); + }, a.prototype._iaddn = function(x) { + this.words[0] += x; + for (var k = 0; k < this.length && this.words[k] >= 67108864; k++) + this.words[k] -= 67108864, k === this.length - 1 ? this.words[k + 1] = 1 : this.words[k + 1]++; + return this.length = Math.max(this.length, k + 1), this; + }, a.prototype.isubn = function(x) { + if (A(typeof x == "number"), A(x < 67108864), x < 0) + return this.iaddn(-x); if (this.negative !== 0) - return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(A), this.negative = 1, this; - if (this.words[0] -= A, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) + return this.negative = 0, this.iaddn(x), this.negative = 1, this; + if (this.words[0] -= x, this.length === 1 && this.words[0] < 0) this.words[0] = -this.words[0], this.negative = 1; else - for (var w = 0; w < this.length && this.words[w] < 0; w++) - this.words[w] += 67108864, this.words[w + 1] -= 1; + for (var k = 0; k < this.length && this.words[k] < 0; k++) + this.words[k] += 67108864, this.words[k + 1] -= 1; return this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.addn = function(A) { - return this.clone().iaddn(A); - }, a.prototype.subn = function(A) { - return this.clone().isubn(A); + }, a.prototype.addn = function(x) { + return this.clone().iaddn(x); + }, a.prototype.subn = function(x) { + return this.clone().isubn(x); }, a.prototype.iabs = function() { return this.negative = 0, this; }, a.prototype.abs = function() { return this.clone().iabs(); - }, a.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(A, w, _) { - var p, O, U = A.length + _; - this._expand(U); - var T = 0; - for (p = 0; p < A.length; p++) { - O = (0 | this.words[p + _]) + T; - var z = (0 | A.words[p]) * w; - T = ((O -= 67108863 & z) >> 26) - (z / 67108864 | 0), this.words[p + _] = 67108863 & O; - } - for (; p < this.length - _; p++) - T = (O = (0 | this.words[p + _]) + T) >> 26, this.words[p + _] = 67108863 & O; - if (T === 0) + }, a.prototype._ishlnsubmul = function(x, k, b) { + var p, P, B = x.length + b; + this._expand(B); + var C = 0; + for (p = 0; p < x.length; p++) { + P = (0 | this.words[p + b]) + C; + var L = (0 | x.words[p]) * k; + C = ((P -= 67108863 & L) >> 26) - (L / 67108864 | 0), this.words[p + b] = 67108863 & P; + } + for (; p < this.length - b; p++) + C = (P = (0 | this.words[p + b]) + C) >> 26, this.words[p + b] = 67108863 & P; + if (C === 0) return this.strip(); - for (P(T === -1), T = 0, p = 0; p < this.length; p++) - T = (O = -(0 | this.words[p]) + T) >> 26, this.words[p] = 67108863 & O; + for (A(C === -1), C = 0, p = 0; p < this.length; p++) + C = (P = -(0 | this.words[p]) + C) >> 26, this.words[p] = 67108863 & P; return this.negative = 1, this.strip(); - }, a.prototype._wordDiv = function(A, w) { - var _ = (this.length, A.length), p = this.clone(), O = A, U = 0 | O.words[O.length - 1]; - (_ = 26 - this._countBits(U)) != 0 && (O = O.ushln(_), p.iushln(_), U = 0 | O.words[O.length - 1]); - var T, z = p.length - O.length; - if (w !== "mod") { - (T = new a(null)).length = z + 1, T.words = new Array(T.length); - for (var te = 0; te < T.length; te++) - T.words[te] = 0; - } - var X = p.clone()._ishlnsubmul(O, 1, z); - X.negative === 0 && (p = X, T && (T.words[z] = 1)); - for (var ne = z - 1; ne >= 0; ne--) { - var B = 67108864 * (0 | p.words[O.length + ne]) + (0 | p.words[O.length + ne - 1]); - for (B = Math.min(B / U | 0, 67108863), p._ishlnsubmul(O, B, ne); p.negative !== 0; ) - B--, p.negative = 0, p._ishlnsubmul(O, 1, ne), p.isZero() || (p.negative ^= 1); - T && (T.words[ne] = B); - } - return T && T.strip(), p.strip(), w !== "div" && _ !== 0 && p.iushrn(_), { div: T || null, mod: p }; - }, a.prototype.divmod = function(A, w, _) { - return P(!A.isZero()), this.isZero() ? { div: new a(0), mod: new a(0) } : this.negative !== 0 && A.negative === 0 ? (U = this.neg().divmod(A, w), w !== "mod" && (p = U.div.neg()), w !== "div" && (O = U.mod.neg(), _ && O.negative !== 0 && O.iadd(A)), { div: p, mod: O }) : this.negative === 0 && A.negative !== 0 ? (U = this.divmod(A.neg(), w), w !== "mod" && (p = U.div.neg()), { div: p, mod: U.mod }) : this.negative & A.negative ? (U = this.neg().divmod(A.neg(), w), w !== "div" && (O = U.mod.neg(), _ && O.negative !== 0 && O.isub(A)), { div: U.div, mod: O }) : A.length > this.length || this.cmp(A) < 0 ? { div: new a(0), mod: this } : A.length === 1 ? w === "div" ? { div: this.divn(A.words[0]), mod: null } : w === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new a(this.modn(A.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(A.words[0]), mod: new a(this.modn(A.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(A, w); - var p, O, U; - }, a.prototype.div = function(A) { - return this.divmod(A, "div", !1).div; - }, a.prototype.mod = function(A) { - return this.divmod(A, "mod", !1).mod; - }, a.prototype.umod = function(A) { - return this.divmod(A, "mod", !0).mod; - }, a.prototype.divRound = function(A) { - var w = this.divmod(A); - if (w.mod.isZero()) - return w.div; - var _ = w.div.negative !== 0 ? w.mod.isub(A) : w.mod, p = A.ushrn(1), O = A.andln(1), U = _.cmp(p); - return U < 0 || O === 1 && U === 0 ? w.div : w.div.negative !== 0 ? w.div.isubn(1) : w.div.iaddn(1); - }, a.prototype.modn = function(A) { - P(A <= 67108863); - for (var w = 67108864 % A, _ = 0, p = this.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) - _ = (w * _ + (0 | this.words[p])) % A; - return _; - }, a.prototype.idivn = function(A) { - P(A <= 67108863); - for (var w = 0, _ = this.length - 1; _ >= 0; _--) { - var p = (0 | this.words[_]) + 67108864 * w; - this.words[_] = p / A | 0, w = p % A; + }, a.prototype._wordDiv = function(x, k) { + var b = (this.length, x.length), p = this.clone(), P = x, B = 0 | P.words[P.length - 1]; + (b = 26 - this._countBits(B)) != 0 && (P = P.ushln(b), p.iushln(b), B = 0 | P.words[P.length - 1]); + var C, L = p.length - P.length; + if (k !== "mod") { + (C = new a(null)).length = L + 1, C.words = new Array(C.length); + for (var re = 0; re < C.length; re++) + C.words[re] = 0; + } + var ee = p.clone()._ishlnsubmul(P, 1, L); + ee.negative === 0 && (p = ee, C && (C.words[L] = 1)); + for (var oe = L - 1; oe >= 0; oe--) { + var D = 67108864 * (0 | p.words[P.length + oe]) + (0 | p.words[P.length + oe - 1]); + for (D = Math.min(D / B | 0, 67108863), p._ishlnsubmul(P, D, oe); p.negative !== 0; ) + D--, p.negative = 0, p._ishlnsubmul(P, 1, oe), p.isZero() || (p.negative ^= 1); + C && (C.words[oe] = D); + } + return C && C.strip(), p.strip(), k !== "div" && b !== 0 && p.iushrn(b), { div: C || null, mod: p }; + }, a.prototype.divmod = function(x, k, b) { + return A(!x.isZero()), this.isZero() ? { div: new a(0), mod: new a(0) } : this.negative !== 0 && x.negative === 0 ? (B = this.neg().divmod(x, k), k !== "mod" && (p = B.div.neg()), k !== "div" && (P = B.mod.neg(), b && P.negative !== 0 && P.iadd(x)), { div: p, mod: P }) : this.negative === 0 && x.negative !== 0 ? (B = this.divmod(x.neg(), k), k !== "mod" && (p = B.div.neg()), { div: p, mod: B.mod }) : this.negative & x.negative ? (B = this.neg().divmod(x.neg(), k), k !== "div" && (P = B.mod.neg(), b && P.negative !== 0 && P.isub(x)), { div: B.div, mod: P }) : x.length > this.length || this.cmp(x) < 0 ? { div: new a(0), mod: this } : x.length === 1 ? k === "div" ? { div: this.divn(x.words[0]), mod: null } : k === "mod" ? { div: null, mod: new a(this.modn(x.words[0])) } : { div: this.divn(x.words[0]), mod: new a(this.modn(x.words[0])) } : this._wordDiv(x, k); + var p, P, B; + }, a.prototype.div = function(x) { + return this.divmod(x, "div", !1).div; + }, a.prototype.mod = function(x) { + return this.divmod(x, "mod", !1).mod; + }, a.prototype.umod = function(x) { + return this.divmod(x, "mod", !0).mod; + }, a.prototype.divRound = function(x) { + var k = this.divmod(x); + if (k.mod.isZero()) + return k.div; + var b = k.div.negative !== 0 ? k.mod.isub(x) : k.mod, p = x.ushrn(1), P = x.andln(1), B = b.cmp(p); + return B < 0 || P === 1 && B === 0 ? k.div : k.div.negative !== 0 ? k.div.isubn(1) : k.div.iaddn(1); + }, a.prototype.modn = function(x) { + A(x <= 67108863); + for (var k = 67108864 % x, b = 0, p = this.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) + b = (k * b + (0 | this.words[p])) % x; + return b; + }, a.prototype.idivn = function(x) { + A(x <= 67108863); + for (var k = 0, b = this.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) { + var p = (0 | this.words[b]) + 67108864 * k; + this.words[b] = p / x | 0, k = p % x; } return this.strip(); - }, a.prototype.divn = function(A) { - return this.clone().idivn(A); - }, a.prototype.egcd = function(A) { - P(A.negative === 0), P(!A.isZero()); - var w = this, _ = A.clone(); - w = w.negative !== 0 ? w.umod(A) : w.clone(); - for (var p = new a(1), O = new a(0), U = new a(0), T = new a(1), z = 0; w.isEven() && _.isEven(); ) - w.iushrn(1), _.iushrn(1), ++z; - for (var te = _.clone(), X = w.clone(); !w.isZero(); ) { - for (var ne = 0, B = 1; !(w.words[0] & B) && ne < 26; ++ne, B <<= 1) + }, a.prototype.divn = function(x) { + return this.clone().idivn(x); + }, a.prototype.egcd = function(x) { + A(x.negative === 0), A(!x.isZero()); + var k = this, b = x.clone(); + k = k.negative !== 0 ? k.umod(x) : k.clone(); + for (var p = new a(1), P = new a(0), B = new a(0), C = new a(1), L = 0; k.isEven() && b.isEven(); ) + k.iushrn(1), b.iushrn(1), ++L; + for (var re = b.clone(), ee = k.clone(); !k.isZero(); ) { + for (var oe = 0, D = 1; !(k.words[0] & D) && oe < 26; ++oe, D <<= 1) ; - if (ne > 0) - for (w.iushrn(ne); ne-- > 0; ) - (p.isOdd() || O.isOdd()) && (p.iadd(te), O.isub(X)), p.iushrn(1), O.iushrn(1); - for (var Q = 0, V = 1; !(_.words[0] & V) && Q < 26; ++Q, V <<= 1) + if (oe > 0) + for (k.iushrn(oe); oe-- > 0; ) + (p.isOdd() || P.isOdd()) && (p.iadd(re), P.isub(ee)), p.iushrn(1), P.iushrn(1); + for (var Z = 0, H = 1; !(b.words[0] & H) && Z < 26; ++Z, H <<= 1) ; - if (Q > 0) - for (_.iushrn(Q); Q-- > 0; ) - (U.isOdd() || T.isOdd()) && (U.iadd(te), T.isub(X)), U.iushrn(1), T.iushrn(1); - w.cmp(_) >= 0 ? (w.isub(_), p.isub(U), O.isub(T)) : (_.isub(w), U.isub(p), T.isub(O)); - } - return { a: U, b: T, gcd: _.iushln(z) }; - }, a.prototype._invmp = function(A) { - P(A.negative === 0), P(!A.isZero()); - var w = this, _ = A.clone(); - w = w.negative !== 0 ? w.umod(A) : w.clone(); - for (var p, O = new a(1), U = new a(0), T = _.clone(); w.cmpn(1) > 0 && _.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { - for (var z = 0, te = 1; !(w.words[0] & te) && z < 26; ++z, te <<= 1) + if (Z > 0) + for (b.iushrn(Z); Z-- > 0; ) + (B.isOdd() || C.isOdd()) && (B.iadd(re), C.isub(ee)), B.iushrn(1), C.iushrn(1); + k.cmp(b) >= 0 ? (k.isub(b), p.isub(B), P.isub(C)) : (b.isub(k), B.isub(p), C.isub(P)); + } + return { a: B, b: C, gcd: b.iushln(L) }; + }, a.prototype._invmp = function(x) { + A(x.negative === 0), A(!x.isZero()); + var k = this, b = x.clone(); + k = k.negative !== 0 ? k.umod(x) : k.clone(); + for (var p, P = new a(1), B = new a(0), C = b.clone(); k.cmpn(1) > 0 && b.cmpn(1) > 0; ) { + for (var L = 0, re = 1; !(k.words[0] & re) && L < 26; ++L, re <<= 1) ; - if (z > 0) - for (w.iushrn(z); z-- > 0; ) - O.isOdd() && O.iadd(T), O.iushrn(1); - for (var X = 0, ne = 1; !(_.words[0] & ne) && X < 26; ++X, ne <<= 1) + if (L > 0) + for (k.iushrn(L); L-- > 0; ) + P.isOdd() && P.iadd(C), P.iushrn(1); + for (var ee = 0, oe = 1; !(b.words[0] & oe) && ee < 26; ++ee, oe <<= 1) ; - if (X > 0) - for (_.iushrn(X); X-- > 0; ) - U.isOdd() && U.iadd(T), U.iushrn(1); - w.cmp(_) >= 0 ? (w.isub(_), O.isub(U)) : (_.isub(w), U.isub(O)); + if (ee > 0) + for (b.iushrn(ee); ee-- > 0; ) + B.isOdd() && B.iadd(C), B.iushrn(1); + k.cmp(b) >= 0 ? (k.isub(b), P.isub(B)) : (b.isub(k), B.isub(P)); } - return (p = w.cmpn(1) === 0 ? O : U).cmpn(0) < 0 && p.iadd(A), p; - }, a.prototype.gcd = function(A) { + return (p = k.cmpn(1) === 0 ? P : B).cmpn(0) < 0 && p.iadd(x), p; + }, a.prototype.gcd = function(x) { if (this.isZero()) - return A.abs(); - if (A.isZero()) + return x.abs(); + if (x.isZero()) return this.abs(); - var w = this.clone(), _ = A.clone(); - w.negative = 0, _.negative = 0; - for (var p = 0; w.isEven() && _.isEven(); p++) - w.iushrn(1), _.iushrn(1); + var k = this.clone(), b = x.clone(); + k.negative = 0, b.negative = 0; + for (var p = 0; k.isEven() && b.isEven(); p++) + k.iushrn(1), b.iushrn(1); for (; ; ) { - for (; w.isEven(); ) - w.iushrn(1); - for (; _.isEven(); ) - _.iushrn(1); - var O = w.cmp(_); - if (O < 0) { - var U = w; - w = _, _ = U; - } else if (O === 0 || _.cmpn(1) === 0) - break; - w.isub(_); - } - return _.iushln(p); - }, a.prototype.invm = function(A) { - return this.egcd(A).a.umod(A); + for (; k.isEven(); ) + k.iushrn(1); + for (; b.isEven(); ) + b.iushrn(1); + var P = k.cmp(b); + if (P < 0) { + var B = k; + k = b, b = B; + } else if (P === 0 || b.cmpn(1) === 0) + break; + k.isub(b); + } + return b.iushln(p); + }, a.prototype.invm = function(x) { + return this.egcd(x).a.umod(x); }, a.prototype.isEven = function() { return (1 & this.words[0]) == 0; }, a.prototype.isOdd = function() { return (1 & this.words[0]) == 1; - }, a.prototype.andln = function(A) { - return this.words[0] & A; - }, a.prototype.bincn = function(A) { - P(typeof A == "number"); - var w = A % 26, _ = (A - w) / 26, p = 1 << w; - if (this.length <= _) - return this._expand(_ + 1), this.words[_] |= p, this; - for (var O = p, U = _; O !== 0 && U < this.length; U++) { - var T = 0 | this.words[U]; - O = (T += O) >>> 26, T &= 67108863, this.words[U] = T; - } - return O !== 0 && (this.words[U] = O, this.length++), this; + }, a.prototype.andln = function(x) { + return this.words[0] & x; + }, a.prototype.bincn = function(x) { + A(typeof x == "number"); + var k = x % 26, b = (x - k) / 26, p = 1 << k; + if (this.length <= b) + return this._expand(b + 1), this.words[b] |= p, this; + for (var P = p, B = b; P !== 0 && B < this.length; B++) { + var C = 0 | this.words[B]; + P = (C += P) >>> 26, C &= 67108863, this.words[B] = C; + } + return P !== 0 && (this.words[B] = P, this.length++), this; }, a.prototype.isZero = function() { return this.length === 1 && this.words[0] === 0; - }, a.prototype.cmpn = function(A) { - var w, _ = A < 0; - if (this.negative !== 0 && !_) + }, a.prototype.cmpn = function(x) { + var k, b = x < 0; + if (this.negative !== 0 && !b) return -1; - if (this.negative === 0 && _) + if (this.negative === 0 && b) return 1; if (this.strip(), this.length > 1) - w = 1; + k = 1; else { - _ && (A = -A), P(A <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); + b && (x = -x), A(x <= 67108863, "Number is too big"); var p = 0 | this.words[0]; - w = p === A ? 0 : p < A ? -1 : 1; + k = p === x ? 0 : p < x ? -1 : 1; } - return this.negative !== 0 ? 0 | -w : w; - }, a.prototype.cmp = function(A) { - if (this.negative !== 0 && A.negative === 0) + return this.negative !== 0 ? 0 | -k : k; + }, a.prototype.cmp = function(x) { + if (this.negative !== 0 && x.negative === 0) return -1; - if (this.negative === 0 && A.negative !== 0) + if (this.negative === 0 && x.negative !== 0) return 1; - var w = this.ucmp(A); - return this.negative !== 0 ? 0 | -w : w; - }, a.prototype.ucmp = function(A) { - if (this.length > A.length) + var k = this.ucmp(x); + return this.negative !== 0 ? 0 | -k : k; + }, a.prototype.ucmp = function(x) { + if (this.length > x.length) return 1; - if (this.length < A.length) + if (this.length < x.length) return -1; - for (var w = 0, _ = this.length - 1; _ >= 0; _--) { - var p = 0 | this.words[_], O = 0 | A.words[_]; - if (p !== O) { - p < O ? w = -1 : p > O && (w = 1); + for (var k = 0, b = this.length - 1; b >= 0; b--) { + var p = 0 | this.words[b], P = 0 | x.words[b]; + if (p !== P) { + p < P ? k = -1 : p > P && (k = 1); break; } } - return w; - }, a.prototype.gtn = function(A) { - return this.cmpn(A) === 1; - }, a.prototype.gt = function(A) { - return this.cmp(A) === 1; - }, a.prototype.gten = function(A) { - return this.cmpn(A) >= 0; - }, a.prototype.gte = function(A) { - return this.cmp(A) >= 0; - }, a.prototype.ltn = function(A) { - return this.cmpn(A) === -1; - }, a.prototype.lt = function(A) { - return this.cmp(A) === -1; - }, a.prototype.lten = function(A) { - return this.cmpn(A) <= 0; - }, a.prototype.lte = function(A) { - return this.cmp(A) <= 0; - }, a.prototype.eqn = function(A) { - return this.cmpn(A) === 0; - }, a.prototype.eq = function(A) { - return this.cmp(A) === 0; - }, a.red = function(A) { - return new k(A); - }, a.prototype.toRed = function(A) { - return P(!this.red, "Already a number in reduction context"), P(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), A.convertTo(this)._forceRed(A); + return k; + }, a.prototype.gtn = function(x) { + return this.cmpn(x) === 1; + }, a.prototype.gt = function(x) { + return this.cmp(x) === 1; + }, a.prototype.gten = function(x) { + return this.cmpn(x) >= 0; + }, a.prototype.gte = function(x) { + return this.cmp(x) >= 0; + }, a.prototype.ltn = function(x) { + return this.cmpn(x) === -1; + }, a.prototype.lt = function(x) { + return this.cmp(x) === -1; + }, a.prototype.lten = function(x) { + return this.cmpn(x) <= 0; + }, a.prototype.lte = function(x) { + return this.cmp(x) <= 0; + }, a.prototype.eqn = function(x) { + return this.cmpn(x) === 0; + }, a.prototype.eq = function(x) { + return this.cmp(x) === 0; + }, a.red = function(x) { + return new S(x); + }, a.prototype.toRed = function(x) { + return A(!this.red, "Already a number in reduction context"), A(this.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), x.convertTo(this)._forceRed(x); }, a.prototype.fromRed = function() { - return P(this.red, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"), this.red.convertFrom(this); - }, a.prototype._forceRed = function(A) { - return this.red = A, this; - }, a.prototype.forceRed = function(A) { - return P(!this.red, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(A); - }, a.prototype.redAdd = function(A) { - return P(this.red, "redAdd works only with red numbers"), this.red.add(this, A); - }, a.prototype.redIAdd = function(A) { - return P(this.red, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"), this.red.iadd(this, A); - }, a.prototype.redSub = function(A) { - return P(this.red, "redSub works only with red numbers"), this.red.sub(this, A); - }, a.prototype.redISub = function(A) { - return P(this.red, "redISub works only with red numbers"), this.red.isub(this, A); - }, a.prototype.redShl = function(A) { - return P(this.red, "redShl works only with red numbers"), this.red.shl(this, A); - }, a.prototype.redMul = function(A) { - return P(this.red, "redMul works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify2(this, A), this.red.mul(this, A); - }, a.prototype.redIMul = function(A) { - return P(this.red, "redMul works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify2(this, A), this.red.imul(this, A); + return A(this.red, "fromRed works only with numbers in reduction context"), this.red.convertFrom(this); + }, a.prototype._forceRed = function(x) { + return this.red = x, this; + }, a.prototype.forceRed = function(x) { + return A(!this.red, "Already a number in reduction context"), this._forceRed(x); + }, a.prototype.redAdd = function(x) { + return A(this.red, "redAdd works only with red numbers"), this.red.add(this, x); + }, a.prototype.redIAdd = function(x) { + return A(this.red, "redIAdd works only with red numbers"), this.red.iadd(this, x); + }, a.prototype.redSub = function(x) { + return A(this.red, "redSub works only with red numbers"), this.red.sub(this, x); + }, a.prototype.redISub = function(x) { + return A(this.red, "redISub works only with red numbers"), this.red.isub(this, x); + }, a.prototype.redShl = function(x) { + return A(this.red, "redShl works only with red numbers"), this.red.shl(this, x); + }, a.prototype.redMul = function(x) { + return A(this.red, "redMul works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify2(this, x), this.red.mul(this, x); + }, a.prototype.redIMul = function(x) { + return A(this.red, "redMul works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify2(this, x), this.red.imul(this, x); }, a.prototype.redSqr = function() { - return P(this.red, "redSqr works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqr(this); + return A(this.red, "redSqr works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqr(this); }, a.prototype.redISqr = function() { - return P(this.red, "redISqr works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.isqr(this); + return A(this.red, "redISqr works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.isqr(this); }, a.prototype.redSqrt = function() { - return P(this.red, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqrt(this); + return A(this.red, "redSqrt works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.sqrt(this); }, a.prototype.redInvm = function() { - return P(this.red, "redInvm works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.invm(this); + return A(this.red, "redInvm works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.invm(this); }, a.prototype.redNeg = function() { - return P(this.red, "redNeg works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.neg(this); - }, a.prototype.redPow = function(A) { - return P(this.red && !A.red, "redPow(normalNum)"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.pow(this, A); + return A(this.red, "redNeg works only with red numbers"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.neg(this); + }, a.prototype.redPow = function(x) { + return A(this.red && !x.red, "redPow(normalNum)"), this.red._verify1(this), this.red.pow(this, x); }; var m = { k256: null, p224: null, p192: null, p25519: null }; - function v(A, w) { - this.name = A, this.p = new a(w, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new a(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); + function v(x, k) { + this.name = x, this.p = new a(k, 16), this.n = this.p.bitLength(), this.k = new a(1).iushln(this.n).isub(this.p), this.tmp = this._tmp(); } - function C() { + function I() { v.call(this, "k256", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f"); } function l() { v.call(this, "p224", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001"); } - function I() { + function j() { v.call(this, "p192", "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff"); } - function R() { + function N() { v.call(this, "25519", "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed"); } - function k(A) { - if (typeof A == "string") { - var w = a._prime(A); - this.m = w.p, this.prime = w; + function S(x) { + if (typeof x == "string") { + var k = a._prime(x); + this.m = k.p, this.prime = k; } else - P(A.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = A, this.prime = null; + A(x.gtn(1), "modulus must be greater than 1"), this.m = x, this.prime = null; } - function N(A) { - k.call(this, A), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 != 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new a(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); + function T(x) { + S.call(this, x), this.shift = this.m.bitLength(), this.shift % 26 != 0 && (this.shift += 26 - this.shift % 26), this.r = new a(1).iushln(this.shift), this.r2 = this.imod(this.r.sqr()), this.rinv = this.r._invmp(this.m), this.minv = this.rinv.mul(this.r).isubn(1).div(this.m), this.minv = this.minv.umod(this.r), this.minv = this.r.sub(this.minv); } v.prototype._tmp = function() { - var A = new a(null); - return A.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), A; - }, v.prototype.ireduce = function(A) { - var w, _ = A; + var x = new a(null); + return x.words = new Array(Math.ceil(this.n / 13)), x; + }, v.prototype.ireduce = function(x) { + var k, b = x; do - this.split(_, this.tmp), w = (_ = (_ = this.imulK(_)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength(); - while (w > this.n); - var p = w < this.n ? -1 : _.ucmp(this.p); - return p === 0 ? (_.words[0] = 0, _.length = 1) : p > 0 ? _.isub(this.p) : _.strip !== void 0 ? _.strip() : _._strip(), _; - }, v.prototype.split = function(A, w) { - A.iushrn(this.n, 0, w); - }, v.prototype.imulK = function(A) { - return A.imul(this.k); - }, y(C, v), C.prototype.split = function(A, w) { - for (var _ = 4194303, p = Math.min(A.length, 9), O = 0; O < p; O++) - w.words[O] = A.words[O]; - if (w.length = p, A.length <= 9) - return A.words[0] = 0, void (A.length = 1); - var U = A.words[9]; - for (w.words[w.length++] = U & _, O = 10; O < A.length; O++) { - var T = 0 | A.words[O]; - A.words[O - 10] = (T & _) << 4 | U >>> 22, U = T; - } - U >>>= 22, A.words[O - 10] = U, U === 0 && A.length > 10 ? A.length -= 10 : A.length -= 9; - }, C.prototype.imulK = function(A) { - A.words[A.length] = 0, A.words[A.length + 1] = 0, A.length += 2; - for (var w = 0, _ = 0; _ < A.length; _++) { - var p = 0 | A.words[_]; - w += 977 * p, A.words[_] = 67108863 & w, w = 64 * p + (w / 67108864 | 0); - } - return A.words[A.length - 1] === 0 && (A.length--, A.words[A.length - 1] === 0 && A.length--), A; - }, y(l, v), y(I, v), y(R, v), R.prototype.imulK = function(A) { - for (var w = 0, _ = 0; _ < A.length; _++) { - var p = 19 * (0 | A.words[_]) + w, O = 67108863 & p; - p >>>= 26, A.words[_] = O, w = p; - } - return w !== 0 && (A.words[A.length++] = w), A; - }, a._prime = function(A) { - if (m[A]) - return m[A]; - var w; - if (A === "k256") - w = new C(); - else if (A === "p224") - w = new l(); - else if (A === "p192") - w = new I(); + this.split(b, this.tmp), k = (b = (b = this.imulK(b)).iadd(this.tmp)).bitLength(); + while (k > this.n); + var p = k < this.n ? -1 : b.ucmp(this.p); + return p === 0 ? (b.words[0] = 0, b.length = 1) : p > 0 ? b.isub(this.p) : b.strip !== void 0 ? b.strip() : b._strip(), b; + }, v.prototype.split = function(x, k) { + x.iushrn(this.n, 0, k); + }, v.prototype.imulK = function(x) { + return x.imul(this.k); + }, w(I, v), I.prototype.split = function(x, k) { + for (var b = 4194303, p = Math.min(x.length, 9), P = 0; P < p; P++) + k.words[P] = x.words[P]; + if (k.length = p, x.length <= 9) + return x.words[0] = 0, void (x.length = 1); + var B = x.words[9]; + for (k.words[k.length++] = B & b, P = 10; P < x.length; P++) { + var C = 0 | x.words[P]; + x.words[P - 10] = (C & b) << 4 | B >>> 22, B = C; + } + B >>>= 22, x.words[P - 10] = B, B === 0 && x.length > 10 ? x.length -= 10 : x.length -= 9; + }, I.prototype.imulK = function(x) { + x.words[x.length] = 0, x.words[x.length + 1] = 0, x.length += 2; + for (var k = 0, b = 0; b < x.length; b++) { + var p = 0 | x.words[b]; + k += 977 * p, x.words[b] = 67108863 & k, k = 64 * p + (k / 67108864 | 0); + } + return x.words[x.length - 1] === 0 && (x.length--, x.words[x.length - 1] === 0 && x.length--), x; + }, w(l, v), w(j, v), w(N, v), N.prototype.imulK = function(x) { + for (var k = 0, b = 0; b < x.length; b++) { + var p = 19 * (0 | x.words[b]) + k, P = 67108863 & p; + p >>>= 26, x.words[b] = P, k = p; + } + return k !== 0 && (x.words[x.length++] = k), x; + }, a._prime = function(x) { + if (m[x]) + return m[x]; + var k; + if (x === "k256") + k = new I(); + else if (x === "p224") + k = new l(); + else if (x === "p192") + k = new j(); else { - if (A !== "p25519") - throw new Error("Unknown prime " + A); - w = new R(); - } - return m[A] = w, w; - }, k.prototype._verify1 = function(A) { - P(A.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), P(A.red, "red works only with red numbers"); - }, k.prototype._verify2 = function(A, w) { - P((A.negative | w.negative) == 0, "red works only with positives"), P(A.red && A.red === w.red, "red works only with red numbers"); - }, k.prototype.imod = function(A) { - return this.prime ? this.prime.ireduce(A)._forceRed(this) : A.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); - }, k.prototype.neg = function(A) { - return A.isZero() ? A.clone() : this.m.sub(A)._forceRed(this); - }, k.prototype.add = function(A, w) { - this._verify2(A, w); - var _ = A.add(w); - return _.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && _.isub(this.m), _._forceRed(this); - }, k.prototype.iadd = function(A, w) { - this._verify2(A, w); - var _ = A.iadd(w); - return _.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && _.isub(this.m), _; - }, k.prototype.sub = function(A, w) { - this._verify2(A, w); - var _ = A.sub(w); - return _.cmpn(0) < 0 && _.iadd(this.m), _._forceRed(this); - }, k.prototype.isub = function(A, w) { - this._verify2(A, w); - var _ = A.isub(w); - return _.cmpn(0) < 0 && _.iadd(this.m), _; - }, k.prototype.shl = function(A, w) { - return this._verify1(A), this.imod(A.ushln(w)); - }, k.prototype.imul = function(A, w) { - return this._verify2(A, w), this.imod(A.imul(w)); - }, k.prototype.mul = function(A, w) { - return this._verify2(A, w), this.imod(A.mul(w)); - }, k.prototype.isqr = function(A) { - return this.imul(A, A.clone()); - }, k.prototype.sqr = function(A) { - return this.mul(A, A); - }, k.prototype.sqrt = function(A) { - if (A.isZero()) - return A.clone(); - var w = this.m.andln(3); - if (P(w % 2 == 1), w === 3) { - var _ = this.m.add(new a(1)).iushrn(2); - return this.pow(A, _); - } - for (var p = this.m.subn(1), O = 0; !p.isZero() && p.andln(1) === 0; ) - O++, p.iushrn(1); - P(!p.isZero()); - var U = new a(1).toRed(this), T = U.redNeg(), z = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), te = this.m.bitLength(); - for (te = new a(2 * te * te).toRed(this); this.pow(te, z).cmp(T) !== 0; ) - te.redIAdd(T); - for (var X = this.pow(te, p), ne = this.pow(A, p.addn(1).iushrn(1)), B = this.pow(A, p), Q = O; B.cmp(U) !== 0; ) { - for (var V = B, ee = 0; V.cmp(U) !== 0; ee++) - V = V.redSqr(); - P(ee < Q); - var K = this.pow(X, new a(1).iushln(Q - ee - 1)); - ne = ne.redMul(K), X = K.redSqr(), B = B.redMul(X), Q = ee; - } - return ne; - }, k.prototype.invm = function(A) { - var w = A._invmp(this.m); - return w.negative !== 0 ? (w.negative = 0, this.imod(w).redNeg()) : this.imod(w); - }, k.prototype.pow = function(A, w) { - if (w.isZero()) + if (x !== "p25519") + throw new Error("Unknown prime " + x); + k = new N(); + } + return m[x] = k, k; + }, S.prototype._verify1 = function(x) { + A(x.negative === 0, "red works only with positives"), A(x.red, "red works only with red numbers"); + }, S.prototype._verify2 = function(x, k) { + A((x.negative | k.negative) == 0, "red works only with positives"), A(x.red && x.red === k.red, "red works only with red numbers"); + }, S.prototype.imod = function(x) { + return this.prime ? this.prime.ireduce(x)._forceRed(this) : x.umod(this.m)._forceRed(this); + }, S.prototype.neg = function(x) { + return x.isZero() ? x.clone() : this.m.sub(x)._forceRed(this); + }, S.prototype.add = function(x, k) { + this._verify2(x, k); + var b = x.add(k); + return b.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && b.isub(this.m), b._forceRed(this); + }, S.prototype.iadd = function(x, k) { + this._verify2(x, k); + var b = x.iadd(k); + return b.cmp(this.m) >= 0 && b.isub(this.m), b; + }, S.prototype.sub = function(x, k) { + this._verify2(x, k); + var b = x.sub(k); + return b.cmpn(0) < 0 && b.iadd(this.m), b._forceRed(this); + }, S.prototype.isub = function(x, k) { + this._verify2(x, k); + var b = x.isub(k); + return b.cmpn(0) < 0 && b.iadd(this.m), b; + }, S.prototype.shl = function(x, k) { + return this._verify1(x), this.imod(x.ushln(k)); + }, S.prototype.imul = function(x, k) { + return this._verify2(x, k), this.imod(x.imul(k)); + }, S.prototype.mul = function(x, k) { + return this._verify2(x, k), this.imod(x.mul(k)); + }, S.prototype.isqr = function(x) { + return this.imul(x, x.clone()); + }, S.prototype.sqr = function(x) { + return this.mul(x, x); + }, S.prototype.sqrt = function(x) { + if (x.isZero()) + return x.clone(); + var k = this.m.andln(3); + if (A(k % 2 == 1), k === 3) { + var b = this.m.add(new a(1)).iushrn(2); + return this.pow(x, b); + } + for (var p = this.m.subn(1), P = 0; !p.isZero() && p.andln(1) === 0; ) + P++, p.iushrn(1); + A(!p.isZero()); + var B = new a(1).toRed(this), C = B.redNeg(), L = this.m.subn(1).iushrn(1), re = this.m.bitLength(); + for (re = new a(2 * re * re).toRed(this); this.pow(re, L).cmp(C) !== 0; ) + re.redIAdd(C); + for (var ee = this.pow(re, p), oe = this.pow(x, p.addn(1).iushrn(1)), D = this.pow(x, p), Z = P; D.cmp(B) !== 0; ) { + for (var H = D, te = 0; H.cmp(B) !== 0; te++) + H = H.redSqr(); + A(te < Z); + var Q = this.pow(ee, new a(1).iushln(Z - te - 1)); + oe = oe.redMul(Q), ee = Q.redSqr(), D = D.redMul(ee), Z = te; + } + return oe; + }, S.prototype.invm = function(x) { + var k = x._invmp(this.m); + return k.negative !== 0 ? (k.negative = 0, this.imod(k).redNeg()) : this.imod(k); + }, S.prototype.pow = function(x, k) { + if (k.isZero()) return new a(1).toRed(this); - if (w.cmpn(1) === 0) - return A.clone(); - var _ = new Array(16); - _[0] = new a(1).toRed(this), _[1] = A; - for (var p = 2; p < _.length; p++) - _[p] = this.mul(_[p - 1], A); - var O = _[0], U = 0, T = 0, z = w.bitLength() % 26; - for (z === 0 && (z = 26), p = w.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) { - for (var te = w.words[p], X = z - 1; X >= 0; X--) { - var ne = te >> X & 1; - O !== _[0] && (O = this.sqr(O)), ne !== 0 || U !== 0 ? (U <<= 1, U |= ne, (++T == 4 || p === 0 && X === 0) && (O = this.mul(O, _[U]), T = 0, U = 0)) : T = 0; + if (k.cmpn(1) === 0) + return x.clone(); + var b = new Array(16); + b[0] = new a(1).toRed(this), b[1] = x; + for (var p = 2; p < b.length; p++) + b[p] = this.mul(b[p - 1], x); + var P = b[0], B = 0, C = 0, L = k.bitLength() % 26; + for (L === 0 && (L = 26), p = k.length - 1; p >= 0; p--) { + for (var re = k.words[p], ee = L - 1; ee >= 0; ee--) { + var oe = re >> ee & 1; + P !== b[0] && (P = this.sqr(P)), oe !== 0 || B !== 0 ? (B <<= 1, B |= oe, (++C == 4 || p === 0 && ee === 0) && (P = this.mul(P, b[B]), C = 0, B = 0)) : C = 0; } - z = 26; - } - return O; - }, k.prototype.convertTo = function(A) { - var w = A.umod(this.m); - return w === A ? w.clone() : w; - }, k.prototype.convertFrom = function(A) { - var w = A.clone(); - return w.red = null, w; - }, a.mont = function(A) { - return new N(A); - }, y(N, k), N.prototype.convertTo = function(A) { - return this.imod(A.ushln(this.shift)); - }, N.prototype.convertFrom = function(A) { - var w = this.imod(A.mul(this.rinv)); - return w.red = null, w; - }, N.prototype.imul = function(A, w) { - if (A.isZero() || w.isZero()) - return A.words[0] = 0, A.length = 1, A; - var _ = A.imul(w), p = _.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), O = _.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift), U = O; - return O.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? U = O.isub(this.m) : O.cmpn(0) < 0 && (U = O.iadd(this.m)), U._forceRed(this); - }, N.prototype.mul = function(A, w) { - if (A.isZero() || w.isZero()) + L = 26; + } + return P; + }, S.prototype.convertTo = function(x) { + var k = x.umod(this.m); + return k === x ? k.clone() : k; + }, S.prototype.convertFrom = function(x) { + var k = x.clone(); + return k.red = null, k; + }, a.mont = function(x) { + return new T(x); + }, w(T, S), T.prototype.convertTo = function(x) { + return this.imod(x.ushln(this.shift)); + }, T.prototype.convertFrom = function(x) { + var k = this.imod(x.mul(this.rinv)); + return k.red = null, k; + }, T.prototype.imul = function(x, k) { + if (x.isZero() || k.isZero()) + return x.words[0] = 0, x.length = 1, x; + var b = x.imul(k), p = b.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), P = b.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift), B = P; + return P.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? B = P.isub(this.m) : P.cmpn(0) < 0 && (B = P.iadd(this.m)), B._forceRed(this); + }, T.prototype.mul = function(x, k) { + if (x.isZero() || k.isZero()) return new a(0)._forceRed(this); - var _ = A.mul(w), p = _.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), O = _.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift), U = O; - return O.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? U = O.isub(this.m) : O.cmpn(0) < 0 && (U = O.iadd(this.m)), U._forceRed(this); - }, N.prototype.invm = function(A) { - return this.imod(A._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this); + var b = x.mul(k), p = b.maskn(this.shift).mul(this.minv).imaskn(this.shift).mul(this.m), P = b.isub(p).iushrn(this.shift), B = P; + return P.cmp(this.m) >= 0 ? B = P.isub(this.m) : P.cmpn(0) < 0 && (B = P.iadd(this.m)), B._forceRed(this); + }, T.prototype.invm = function(x) { + return this.imod(x._invmp(this.m).mul(this.r2))._forceRed(this); }; - })(J = b.nmd(J), this); - }, 9931: (J, e, b) => { + })(J = y.nmd(J), this); + }, 9931: (J, e, y) => { var E; - function M(y) { - this.rand = y; - } - if (J.exports = function(y) { - return E || (E = new M(null)), E.generate(y); - }, J.exports.Rand = M, M.prototype.generate = function(y) { - return this._rand(y); - }, M.prototype._rand = function(y) { + function R(w) { + this.rand = w; + } + if (J.exports = function(w) { + return E || (E = new R(null)), E.generate(w); + }, J.exports.Rand = R, R.prototype.generate = function(w) { + return this._rand(w); + }, R.prototype._rand = function(w) { if (this.rand.getBytes) - return this.rand.getBytes(y); - for (var a = new Uint8Array(y), t = 0; t < a.length; t++) + return this.rand.getBytes(w); + for (var a = new Uint8Array(w), t = 0; t < a.length; t++) a[t] = this.rand.getByte(); return a; }, typeof self == "object") - self.crypto && self.crypto.getRandomValues ? M.prototype._rand = function(y) { - var a = new Uint8Array(y); + self.crypto && self.crypto.getRandomValues ? R.prototype._rand = function(w) { + var a = new Uint8Array(w); return self.crypto.getRandomValues(a), a; - } : self.msCrypto && self.msCrypto.getRandomValues ? M.prototype._rand = function(y) { - var a = new Uint8Array(y); + } : self.msCrypto && self.msCrypto.getRandomValues ? R.prototype._rand = function(w) { + var a = new Uint8Array(w); return self.msCrypto.getRandomValues(a), a; - } : typeof window == "object" && (M.prototype._rand = function() { + } : typeof window == "object" && (R.prototype._rand = function() { throw new Error("Not implemented yet"); }); else try { - var P = b(9214); - if (typeof P.randomBytes != "function") + var A = y(9214); + if (typeof A.randomBytes != "function") throw new Error("Not supported"); - M.prototype._rand = function(y) { - return P.randomBytes(y); + R.prototype._rand = function(w) { + return A.randomBytes(w); }; } catch { } - }, 7191: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8162); + }, 7191: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8162); J.exports = E("123456789ABCDEFGHJKLMNPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijkmnopqrstuvwxyz"); - }, 3310: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(7191), M = b(9509).Buffer; - J.exports = function(P) { - function y(a) { - var t = a.slice(0, -4), d = a.slice(-4), u = P(t); + }, 3310: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(7191), R = y(9509).Buffer; + J.exports = function(A) { + function w(a) { + var t = a.slice(0, -4), d = a.slice(-4), u = A(t); if (!(d[0] ^ u[0] | d[1] ^ u[1] | d[2] ^ u[2] | d[3] ^ u[3])) return t; } return { encode: function(a) { - var t = P(a); - return E.encode(M.concat([a, t], a.length + 4)); + var t = A(a); + return E.encode(R.concat([a, t], a.length + 4)); }, decode: function(a) { - var t = y(E.decode(a)); + var t = w(E.decode(a)); if (!t) throw new Error("Invalid checksum"); return t; }, decodeUnsafe: function(a) { var t = E.decodeUnsafe(a); if (t) - return y(t); + return w(t); } }; }; - }, 8334: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3482), M = b(3310); - J.exports = M(function(P) { - var y = E("sha256").update(P).digest(); - return E("sha256").update(y).digest(); + }, 8334: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3482), R = y(3310); + J.exports = R(function(A) { + var w = E("sha256").update(A).digest(); + return E("sha256").update(w).digest(); }); - }, 8764: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5108); - const M = b(9742), P = b(645), y = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null; - e.Buffer = d, e.SlowBuffer = function(S) { - return +S != S && (S = 0), d.alloc(+S); + }, 8764: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5108); + const R = y(9742), A = y(645), w = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol.for == "function" ? Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom") : null; + e.Buffer = d, e.SlowBuffer = function(O) { + return +O != O && (O = 0), d.alloc(+O); }, e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES = 50; const a = 2147483647; - function t(S) { - if (S > a) - throw new RangeError('The value "' + S + '" is invalid for option "size"'); - const x = new Uint8Array(S); - return Object.setPrototypeOf(x, d.prototype), x; - } - function d(S, x, j) { - if (typeof S == "number") { - if (typeof x == "string") + function t(O) { + if (O > a) + throw new RangeError('The value "' + O + '" is invalid for option "size"'); + const M = new Uint8Array(O); + return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, d.prototype), M; + } + function d(O, M, U) { + if (typeof O == "number") { + if (typeof M == "string") throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be of type string. Received type number'); - return r(S); - } - return u(S, x, j); - } - function u(S, x, j) { - if (typeof S == "string") - return function(F, re) { - if (typeof re == "string" && re !== "" || (re = "utf8"), !d.isEncoding(re)) - throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + re); - const oe = 0 | f(F, re); - let G = t(oe); - const Z = G.write(F, re); - return Z !== oe && (G = G.slice(0, Z)), G; - }(S, x); - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(S)) - return function(F) { - if (ce(F, Uint8Array)) { - const re = new Uint8Array(F); - return o(re.buffer, re.byteOffset, re.byteLength); + return r(O); + } + return u(O, M, U); + } + function u(O, M, U) { + if (typeof O == "string") + return function(W, ne) { + if (typeof ne == "string" && ne !== "" || (ne = "utf8"), !d.isEncoding(ne)) + throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + ne); + const ie = 0 | f(W, ne); + let V = t(ie); + const Y = V.write(W, ne); + return Y !== ie && (V = V.slice(0, Y)), V; + }(O, M); + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(O)) + return function(W) { + if (de(W, Uint8Array)) { + const ne = new Uint8Array(W); + return o(ne.buffer, ne.byteOffset, ne.byteLength); } - return n(F); - }(S); - if (S == null) - throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof S); - if (ce(S, ArrayBuffer) || S && ce(S.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (ce(S, SharedArrayBuffer) || S && ce(S.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer))) - return o(S, x, j); - if (typeof S == "number") + return n(W); + }(O); + if (O == null) + throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof O); + if (de(O, ArrayBuffer) || O && de(O.buffer, ArrayBuffer) || typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" && (de(O, SharedArrayBuffer) || O && de(O.buffer, SharedArrayBuffer))) + return o(O, M, U); + if (typeof O == "number") throw new TypeError('The "value" argument must not be of type number. Received type number'); - const D = S.valueOf && S.valueOf(); - if (D != null && D !== S) - return d.from(D, x, j); - const L = function(F) { - if (d.isBuffer(F)) { - const re = 0 | i(F.length), oe = t(re); - return oe.length === 0 || F.copy(oe, 0, 0, re), oe; - } - return F.length !== void 0 ? typeof F.length != "number" || he(F.length) ? t(0) : n(F) : F.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(F.data) ? n(F.data) : void 0; - }(S); - if (L) - return L; - if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof S[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function") - return d.from(S[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), x, j); - throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof S); - } - function s(S) { - if (typeof S != "number") + const z = O.valueOf && O.valueOf(); + if (z != null && z !== O) + return d.from(z, M, U); + const q = function(W) { + if (d.isBuffer(W)) { + const ne = 0 | i(W.length), ie = t(ne); + return ie.length === 0 || W.copy(ie, 0, 0, ne), ie; + } + return W.length !== void 0 ? typeof W.length != "number" || pe(W.length) ? t(0) : n(W) : W.type === "Buffer" && Array.isArray(W.data) ? n(W.data) : void 0; + }(O); + if (q) + return q; + if (typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol.toPrimitive != null && typeof O[Symbol.toPrimitive] == "function") + return d.from(O[Symbol.toPrimitive]("string"), M, U); + throw new TypeError("The first argument must be one of type string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or Array-like Object. Received type " + typeof O); + } + function s(O) { + if (typeof O != "number") throw new TypeError('"size" argument must be of type number'); - if (S < 0) - throw new RangeError('The value "' + S + '" is invalid for option "size"'); + if (O < 0) + throw new RangeError('The value "' + O + '" is invalid for option "size"'); } - function r(S) { - return s(S), t(S < 0 ? 0 : 0 | i(S)); + function r(O) { + return s(O), t(O < 0 ? 0 : 0 | i(O)); } - function n(S) { - const x = S.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | i(S.length), j = t(x); - for (let D = 0; D < x; D += 1) - j[D] = 255 & S[D]; - return j; + function n(O) { + const M = O.length < 0 ? 0 : 0 | i(O.length), U = t(M); + for (let z = 0; z < M; z += 1) + U[z] = 255 & O[z]; + return U; } - function o(S, x, j) { - if (x < 0 || S.byteLength < x) + function o(O, M, U) { + if (M < 0 || O.byteLength < M) throw new RangeError('"offset" is outside of buffer bounds'); - if (S.byteLength < x + (j || 0)) + if (O.byteLength < M + (U || 0)) throw new RangeError('"length" is outside of buffer bounds'); - let D; - return D = x === void 0 && j === void 0 ? new Uint8Array(S) : j === void 0 ? new Uint8Array(S, x) : new Uint8Array(S, x, j), Object.setPrototypeOf(D, d.prototype), D; + let z; + return z = M === void 0 && U === void 0 ? new Uint8Array(O) : U === void 0 ? new Uint8Array(O, M) : new Uint8Array(O, M, U), Object.setPrototypeOf(z, d.prototype), z; } - function i(S) { - if (S >= a) + function i(O) { + if (O >= a) throw new RangeError("Attempt to allocate Buffer larger than maximum size: 0x" + a.toString(16) + " bytes"); - return 0 | S; - } - function f(S, x) { - if (d.isBuffer(S)) - return S.length; - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(S) || ce(S, ArrayBuffer)) - return S.byteLength; - if (typeof S != "string") - throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof S); - const j = S.length, D = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === !0; - if (!D && j === 0) + return 0 | O; + } + function f(O, M) { + if (d.isBuffer(O)) + return O.length; + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(O) || de(O, ArrayBuffer)) + return O.byteLength; + if (typeof O != "string") + throw new TypeError('The "string" argument must be one of type string, Buffer, or ArrayBuffer. Received type ' + typeof O); + const U = O.length, z = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] === !0; + if (!z && U === 0) return 0; - let L = !1; + let q = !1; for (; ; ) - switch (x) { + switch (M) { case "ascii": case "latin1": case "binary": - return j; + return U; case "utf8": case "utf-8": - return ue(S).length; + return le(O).length; case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": - return 2 * j; + return 2 * U; case "hex": - return j >>> 1; + return U >>> 1; case "base64": - return le(S).length; + return fe(O).length; default: - if (L) - return D ? -1 : ue(S).length; - x = ("" + x).toLowerCase(), L = !0; + if (q) + return z ? -1 : le(O).length; + M = ("" + M).toLowerCase(), q = !0; } } - function c(S, x, j) { - let D = !1; - if ((x === void 0 || x < 0) && (x = 0), x > this.length || ((j === void 0 || j > this.length) && (j = this.length), j <= 0) || (j >>>= 0) <= (x >>>= 0)) + function c(O, M, U) { + let z = !1; + if ((M === void 0 || M < 0) && (M = 0), M > this.length || ((U === void 0 || U > this.length) && (U = this.length), U <= 0) || (U >>>= 0) <= (M >>>= 0)) return ""; - for (S || (S = "utf8"); ; ) - switch (S) { + for (O || (O = "utf8"); ; ) + switch (O) { case "hex": - return O(this, x, j); + return P(this, M, U); case "utf8": case "utf-8": - return A(this, x, j); + return x(this, M, U); case "ascii": - return _(this, x, j); + return b(this, M, U); case "latin1": case "binary": - return p(this, x, j); + return p(this, M, U); case "base64": - return N(this, x, j); + return T(this, M, U); case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": - return U(this, x, j); + return B(this, M, U); default: - if (D) - throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + S); - S = (S + "").toLowerCase(), D = !0; + if (z) + throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + O); + O = (O + "").toLowerCase(), z = !0; } } - function h(S, x, j) { - const D = S[x]; - S[x] = S[j], S[j] = D; + function h(O, M, U) { + const z = O[M]; + O[M] = O[U], O[U] = z; } - function m(S, x, j, D, L) { - if (S.length === 0) + function m(O, M, U, z, q) { + if (O.length === 0) return -1; - if (typeof j == "string" ? (D = j, j = 0) : j > 2147483647 ? j = 2147483647 : j < -2147483648 && (j = -2147483648), he(j = +j) && (j = L ? 0 : S.length - 1), j < 0 && (j = S.length + j), j >= S.length) { - if (L) + if (typeof U == "string" ? (z = U, U = 0) : U > 2147483647 ? U = 2147483647 : U < -2147483648 && (U = -2147483648), pe(U = +U) && (U = q ? 0 : O.length - 1), U < 0 && (U = O.length + U), U >= O.length) { + if (q) return -1; - j = S.length - 1; - } else if (j < 0) { - if (!L) + U = O.length - 1; + } else if (U < 0) { + if (!q) return -1; - j = 0; + U = 0; } - if (typeof x == "string" && (x = d.from(x, D)), d.isBuffer(x)) - return x.length === 0 ? -1 : v(S, x, j, D, L); - if (typeof x == "number") - return x &= 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? L ? Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(S, x, j) : Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(S, x, j) : v(S, [x], j, D, L); + if (typeof M == "string" && (M = d.from(M, z)), d.isBuffer(M)) + return M.length === 0 ? -1 : v(O, M, U, z, q); + if (typeof M == "number") + return M &= 255, typeof Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf == "function" ? q ? Uint8Array.prototype.indexOf.call(O, M, U) : Uint8Array.prototype.lastIndexOf.call(O, M, U) : v(O, [M], U, z, q); throw new TypeError("val must be string, number or Buffer"); } - function v(S, x, j, D, L) { - let F, re = 1, oe = S.length, G = x.length; - if (D !== void 0 && ((D = String(D).toLowerCase()) === "ucs2" || D === "ucs-2" || D === "utf16le" || D === "utf-16le")) { - if (S.length < 2 || x.length < 2) + function v(O, M, U, z, q) { + let W, ne = 1, ie = O.length, V = M.length; + if (z !== void 0 && ((z = String(z).toLowerCase()) === "ucs2" || z === "ucs-2" || z === "utf16le" || z === "utf-16le")) { + if (O.length < 2 || M.length < 2) return -1; - re = 2, oe /= 2, G /= 2, j /= 2; + ne = 2, ie /= 2, V /= 2, U /= 2; } - function Z(H, $) { - return re === 1 ? H[$] : H.readUInt16BE($ * re); + function Y($, K) { + return ne === 1 ? $[K] : $.readUInt16BE(K * ne); } - if (L) { - let H = -1; - for (F = j; F < oe; F++) - if (Z(S, F) === Z(x, H === -1 ? 0 : F - H)) { - if (H === -1 && (H = F), F - H + 1 === G) - return H * re; + if (q) { + let $ = -1; + for (W = U; W < ie; W++) + if (Y(O, W) === Y(M, $ === -1 ? 0 : W - $)) { + if ($ === -1 && ($ = W), W - $ + 1 === V) + return $ * ne; } else - H !== -1 && (F -= F - H), H = -1; + $ !== -1 && (W -= W - $), $ = -1; } else - for (j + G > oe && (j = oe - G), F = j; F >= 0; F--) { - let H = !0; - for (let $ = 0; $ < G; $++) - if (Z(S, F + $) !== Z(x, $)) { - H = !1; + for (U + V > ie && (U = ie - V), W = U; W >= 0; W--) { + let $ = !0; + for (let K = 0; K < V; K++) + if (Y(O, W + K) !== Y(M, K)) { + $ = !1; break; } - if (H) - return F; + if ($) + return W; } return -1; } - function C(S, x, j, D) { - j = Number(j) || 0; - const L = S.length - j; - D ? (D = Number(D)) > L && (D = L) : D = L; - const F = x.length; - let re; - for (D > F / 2 && (D = F / 2), re = 0; re < D; ++re) { - const oe = parseInt(x.substr(2 * re, 2), 16); - if (he(oe)) - return re; - S[j + re] = oe; - } - return re; - } - function l(S, x, j, D) { - return ge(ue(x, S.length - j), S, j, D); - } - function I(S, x, j, D) { - return ge(function(L) { - const F = []; - for (let re = 0; re < L.length; ++re) - F.push(255 & L.charCodeAt(re)); - return F; - }(x), S, j, D); - } - function R(S, x, j, D) { - return ge(le(x), S, j, D); - } - function k(S, x, j, D) { - return ge(function(L, F) { - let re, oe, G; - const Z = []; - for (let H = 0; H < L.length && !((F -= 2) < 0); ++H) - re = L.charCodeAt(H), oe = re >> 8, G = re % 256, Z.push(G), Z.push(oe); - return Z; - }(x, S.length - j), S, j, D); - } - function N(S, x, j) { - return x === 0 && j === S.length ? M.fromByteArray(S) : M.fromByteArray(S.slice(x, j)); - } - function A(S, x, j) { - j = Math.min(S.length, j); - const D = []; - let L = x; - for (; L < j; ) { - const F = S[L]; - let re = null, oe = F > 239 ? 4 : F > 223 ? 3 : F > 191 ? 2 : 1; - if (L + oe <= j) { - let G, Z, H, $; - switch (oe) { + function I(O, M, U, z) { + U = Number(U) || 0; + const q = O.length - U; + z ? (z = Number(z)) > q && (z = q) : z = q; + const W = M.length; + let ne; + for (z > W / 2 && (z = W / 2), ne = 0; ne < z; ++ne) { + const ie = parseInt(M.substr(2 * ne, 2), 16); + if (pe(ie)) + return ne; + O[U + ne] = ie; + } + return ne; + } + function l(O, M, U, z) { + return _e(le(M, O.length - U), O, U, z); + } + function j(O, M, U, z) { + return _e(function(q) { + const W = []; + for (let ne = 0; ne < q.length; ++ne) + W.push(255 & q.charCodeAt(ne)); + return W; + }(M), O, U, z); + } + function N(O, M, U, z) { + return _e(fe(M), O, U, z); + } + function S(O, M, U, z) { + return _e(function(q, W) { + let ne, ie, V; + const Y = []; + for (let $ = 0; $ < q.length && !((W -= 2) < 0); ++$) + ne = q.charCodeAt($), ie = ne >> 8, V = ne % 256, Y.push(V), Y.push(ie); + return Y; + }(M, O.length - U), O, U, z); + } + function T(O, M, U) { + return M === 0 && U === O.length ? R.fromByteArray(O) : R.fromByteArray(O.slice(M, U)); + } + function x(O, M, U) { + U = Math.min(O.length, U); + const z = []; + let q = M; + for (; q < U; ) { + const W = O[q]; + let ne = null, ie = W > 239 ? 4 : W > 223 ? 3 : W > 191 ? 2 : 1; + if (q + ie <= U) { + let V, Y, $, K; + switch (ie) { case 1: - F < 128 && (re = F); + W < 128 && (ne = W); break; case 2: - G = S[L + 1], (192 & G) == 128 && ($ = (31 & F) << 6 | 63 & G, $ > 127 && (re = $)); + V = O[q + 1], (192 & V) == 128 && (K = (31 & W) << 6 | 63 & V, K > 127 && (ne = K)); break; case 3: - G = S[L + 1], Z = S[L + 2], (192 & G) == 128 && (192 & Z) == 128 && ($ = (15 & F) << 12 | (63 & G) << 6 | 63 & Z, $ > 2047 && ($ < 55296 || $ > 57343) && (re = $)); + V = O[q + 1], Y = O[q + 2], (192 & V) == 128 && (192 & Y) == 128 && (K = (15 & W) << 12 | (63 & V) << 6 | 63 & Y, K > 2047 && (K < 55296 || K > 57343) && (ne = K)); break; case 4: - G = S[L + 1], Z = S[L + 2], H = S[L + 3], (192 & G) == 128 && (192 & Z) == 128 && (192 & H) == 128 && ($ = (15 & F) << 18 | (63 & G) << 12 | (63 & Z) << 6 | 63 & H, $ > 65535 && $ < 1114112 && (re = $)); + V = O[q + 1], Y = O[q + 2], $ = O[q + 3], (192 & V) == 128 && (192 & Y) == 128 && (192 & $) == 128 && (K = (15 & W) << 18 | (63 & V) << 12 | (63 & Y) << 6 | 63 & $, K > 65535 && K < 1114112 && (ne = K)); } } - re === null ? (re = 65533, oe = 1) : re > 65535 && (re -= 65536, D.push(re >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), re = 56320 | 1023 & re), D.push(re), L += oe; + ne === null ? (ne = 65533, ie = 1) : ne > 65535 && (ne -= 65536, z.push(ne >>> 10 & 1023 | 55296), ne = 56320 | 1023 & ne), z.push(ne), q += ie; } - return function(F) { - const re = F.length; - if (re <= w) - return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, F); - let oe = "", G = 0; - for (; G < re; ) - oe += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, F.slice(G, G += w)); - return oe; - }(D); + return function(W) { + const ne = W.length; + if (ne <= k) + return String.fromCharCode.apply(String, W); + let ie = "", V = 0; + for (; V < ne; ) + ie += String.fromCharCode.apply(String, W.slice(V, V += k)); + return ie; + }(z); } e.kMaxLength = a, d.TYPED_ARRAY_SUPPORT = function() { try { - const S = new Uint8Array(1), x = { foo: function() { + const O = new Uint8Array(1), M = { foo: function() { return 42; } }; - return Object.setPrototypeOf(x, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(S, x), S.foo() === 42; + return Object.setPrototypeOf(M, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(O, M), O.foo() === 42; } catch { return !1; } @@ -6827,32 +7165,32 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } }), Object.defineProperty(d.prototype, "offset", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { if (d.isBuffer(this)) return this.byteOffset; - } }), d.poolSize = 8192, d.from = function(S, x, j) { - return u(S, x, j); - }, Object.setPrototypeOf(d.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(d, Uint8Array), d.alloc = function(S, x, j) { - return function(D, L, F) { - return s(D), D <= 0 ? t(D) : L !== void 0 ? typeof F == "string" ? t(D).fill(L, F) : t(D).fill(L) : t(D); - }(S, x, j); - }, d.allocUnsafe = function(S) { - return r(S); - }, d.allocUnsafeSlow = function(S) { - return r(S); - }, d.isBuffer = function(S) { - return S != null && S._isBuffer === !0 && S !== d.prototype; - }, d.compare = function(S, x) { - if (ce(S, Uint8Array) && (S = d.from(S, S.offset, S.byteLength)), ce(x, Uint8Array) && (x = d.from(x, x.offset, x.byteLength)), !d.isBuffer(S) || !d.isBuffer(x)) + } }), d.poolSize = 8192, d.from = function(O, M, U) { + return u(O, M, U); + }, Object.setPrototypeOf(d.prototype, Uint8Array.prototype), Object.setPrototypeOf(d, Uint8Array), d.alloc = function(O, M, U) { + return function(z, q, W) { + return s(z), z <= 0 ? t(z) : q !== void 0 ? typeof W == "string" ? t(z).fill(q, W) : t(z).fill(q) : t(z); + }(O, M, U); + }, d.allocUnsafe = function(O) { + return r(O); + }, d.allocUnsafeSlow = function(O) { + return r(O); + }, d.isBuffer = function(O) { + return O != null && O._isBuffer === !0 && O !== d.prototype; + }, d.compare = function(O, M) { + if (de(O, Uint8Array) && (O = d.from(O, O.offset, O.byteLength)), de(M, Uint8Array) && (M = d.from(M, M.offset, M.byteLength)), !d.isBuffer(O) || !d.isBuffer(M)) throw new TypeError('The "buf1", "buf2" arguments must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array'); - if (S === x) + if (O === M) return 0; - let j = S.length, D = x.length; - for (let L = 0, F = Math.min(j, D); L < F; ++L) - if (S[L] !== x[L]) { - j = S[L], D = x[L]; + let U = O.length, z = M.length; + for (let q = 0, W = Math.min(U, z); q < W; ++q) + if (O[q] !== M[q]) { + U = O[q], z = M[q]; break; } - return j < D ? -1 : D < j ? 1 : 0; - }, d.isEncoding = function(S) { - switch (String(S).toLowerCase()) { + return U < z ? -1 : z < U ? 1 : 0; + }, d.isEncoding = function(O) { + switch (String(O).toLowerCase()) { case "hex": case "utf8": case "utf-8": @@ -6868,536 +7206,536 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; default: return !1; } - }, d.concat = function(S, x) { - if (!Array.isArray(S)) + }, d.concat = function(O, M) { + if (!Array.isArray(O)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); - if (S.length === 0) + if (O.length === 0) return d.alloc(0); - let j; - if (x === void 0) - for (x = 0, j = 0; j < S.length; ++j) - x += S[j].length; - const D = d.allocUnsafe(x); - let L = 0; - for (j = 0; j < S.length; ++j) { - let F = S[j]; - if (ce(F, Uint8Array)) - L + F.length > D.length ? (d.isBuffer(F) || (F = d.from(F)), F.copy(D, L)) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(D, F, L); + let U; + if (M === void 0) + for (M = 0, U = 0; U < O.length; ++U) + M += O[U].length; + const z = d.allocUnsafe(M); + let q = 0; + for (U = 0; U < O.length; ++U) { + let W = O[U]; + if (de(W, Uint8Array)) + q + W.length > z.length ? (d.isBuffer(W) || (W = d.from(W)), W.copy(z, q)) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(z, W, q); else { - if (!d.isBuffer(F)) + if (!d.isBuffer(W)) throw new TypeError('"list" argument must be an Array of Buffers'); - F.copy(D, L); + W.copy(z, q); } - L += F.length; + q += W.length; } - return D; + return z; }, d.byteLength = f, d.prototype._isBuffer = !0, d.prototype.swap16 = function() { - const S = this.length; - if (S % 2 != 0) + const O = this.length; + if (O % 2 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 16-bits"); - for (let x = 0; x < S; x += 2) - h(this, x, x + 1); + for (let M = 0; M < O; M += 2) + h(this, M, M + 1); return this; }, d.prototype.swap32 = function() { - const S = this.length; - if (S % 4 != 0) + const O = this.length; + if (O % 4 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 32-bits"); - for (let x = 0; x < S; x += 4) - h(this, x, x + 3), h(this, x + 1, x + 2); + for (let M = 0; M < O; M += 4) + h(this, M, M + 3), h(this, M + 1, M + 2); return this; }, d.prototype.swap64 = function() { - const S = this.length; - if (S % 8 != 0) + const O = this.length; + if (O % 8 != 0) throw new RangeError("Buffer size must be a multiple of 64-bits"); - for (let x = 0; x < S; x += 8) - h(this, x, x + 7), h(this, x + 1, x + 6), h(this, x + 2, x + 5), h(this, x + 3, x + 4); + for (let M = 0; M < O; M += 8) + h(this, M, M + 7), h(this, M + 1, M + 6), h(this, M + 2, M + 5), h(this, M + 3, M + 4); return this; }, d.prototype.toString = function() { - const S = this.length; - return S === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? A(this, 0, S) : c.apply(this, arguments); - }, d.prototype.toLocaleString = d.prototype.toString, d.prototype.equals = function(S) { - if (!d.isBuffer(S)) + const O = this.length; + return O === 0 ? "" : arguments.length === 0 ? x(this, 0, O) : c.apply(this, arguments); + }, d.prototype.toLocaleString = d.prototype.toString, d.prototype.equals = function(O) { + if (!d.isBuffer(O)) throw new TypeError("Argument must be a Buffer"); - return this === S || d.compare(this, S) === 0; + return this === O || d.compare(this, O) === 0; }, d.prototype.inspect = function() { - let S = ""; - const x = e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; - return S = this.toString("hex", 0, x).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > x && (S += " ... "), ""; - }, y && (d.prototype[y] = d.prototype.inspect), d.prototype.compare = function(S, x, j, D, L) { - if (ce(S, Uint8Array) && (S = d.from(S, S.offset, S.byteLength)), !d.isBuffer(S)) - throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof S); - if (x === void 0 && (x = 0), j === void 0 && (j = S ? S.length : 0), D === void 0 && (D = 0), L === void 0 && (L = this.length), x < 0 || j > S.length || D < 0 || L > this.length) + let O = ""; + const M = e.INSPECT_MAX_BYTES; + return O = this.toString("hex", 0, M).replace(/(.{2})/g, "$1 ").trim(), this.length > M && (O += " ... "), ""; + }, w && (d.prototype[w] = d.prototype.inspect), d.prototype.compare = function(O, M, U, z, q) { + if (de(O, Uint8Array) && (O = d.from(O, O.offset, O.byteLength)), !d.isBuffer(O)) + throw new TypeError('The "target" argument must be one of type Buffer or Uint8Array. Received type ' + typeof O); + if (M === void 0 && (M = 0), U === void 0 && (U = O ? O.length : 0), z === void 0 && (z = 0), q === void 0 && (q = this.length), M < 0 || U > O.length || z < 0 || q > this.length) throw new RangeError("out of range index"); - if (D >= L && x >= j) + if (z >= q && M >= U) return 0; - if (D >= L) + if (z >= q) return -1; - if (x >= j) + if (M >= U) return 1; - if (this === S) + if (this === O) return 0; - let F = (L >>>= 0) - (D >>>= 0), re = (j >>>= 0) - (x >>>= 0); - const oe = Math.min(F, re), G = this.slice(D, L), Z = S.slice(x, j); - for (let H = 0; H < oe; ++H) - if (G[H] !== Z[H]) { - F = G[H], re = Z[H]; + let W = (q >>>= 0) - (z >>>= 0), ne = (U >>>= 0) - (M >>>= 0); + const ie = Math.min(W, ne), V = this.slice(z, q), Y = O.slice(M, U); + for (let $ = 0; $ < ie; ++$) + if (V[$] !== Y[$]) { + W = V[$], ne = Y[$]; break; } - return F < re ? -1 : re < F ? 1 : 0; - }, d.prototype.includes = function(S, x, j) { - return this.indexOf(S, x, j) !== -1; - }, d.prototype.indexOf = function(S, x, j) { - return m(this, S, x, j, !0); - }, d.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(S, x, j) { - return m(this, S, x, j, !1); - }, d.prototype.write = function(S, x, j, D) { - if (x === void 0) - D = "utf8", j = this.length, x = 0; - else if (j === void 0 && typeof x == "string") - D = x, j = this.length, x = 0; + return W < ne ? -1 : ne < W ? 1 : 0; + }, d.prototype.includes = function(O, M, U) { + return this.indexOf(O, M, U) !== -1; + }, d.prototype.indexOf = function(O, M, U) { + return m(this, O, M, U, !0); + }, d.prototype.lastIndexOf = function(O, M, U) { + return m(this, O, M, U, !1); + }, d.prototype.write = function(O, M, U, z) { + if (M === void 0) + z = "utf8", U = this.length, M = 0; + else if (U === void 0 && typeof M == "string") + z = M, U = this.length, M = 0; else { - if (!isFinite(x)) + if (!isFinite(M)) throw new Error("Buffer.write(string, encoding, offset[, length]) is no longer supported"); - x >>>= 0, isFinite(j) ? (j >>>= 0, D === void 0 && (D = "utf8")) : (D = j, j = void 0); + M >>>= 0, isFinite(U) ? (U >>>= 0, z === void 0 && (z = "utf8")) : (z = U, U = void 0); } - const L = this.length - x; - if ((j === void 0 || j > L) && (j = L), S.length > 0 && (j < 0 || x < 0) || x > this.length) + const q = this.length - M; + if ((U === void 0 || U > q) && (U = q), O.length > 0 && (U < 0 || M < 0) || M > this.length) throw new RangeError("Attempt to write outside buffer bounds"); - D || (D = "utf8"); - let F = !1; + z || (z = "utf8"); + let W = !1; for (; ; ) - switch (D) { + switch (z) { case "hex": - return C(this, S, x, j); + return I(this, O, M, U); case "utf8": case "utf-8": - return l(this, S, x, j); + return l(this, O, M, U); case "ascii": case "latin1": case "binary": - return I(this, S, x, j); + return j(this, O, M, U); case "base64": - return R(this, S, x, j); + return N(this, O, M, U); case "ucs2": case "ucs-2": case "utf16le": case "utf-16le": - return k(this, S, x, j); + return S(this, O, M, U); default: - if (F) - throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + D); - D = ("" + D).toLowerCase(), F = !0; + if (W) + throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + z); + z = ("" + z).toLowerCase(), W = !0; } }, d.prototype.toJSON = function() { return { type: "Buffer", data: Array.prototype.slice.call(this._arr || this, 0) }; }; - const w = 4096; - function _(S, x, j) { - let D = ""; - j = Math.min(S.length, j); - for (let L = x; L < j; ++L) - D += String.fromCharCode(127 & S[L]); - return D; + const k = 4096; + function b(O, M, U) { + let z = ""; + U = Math.min(O.length, U); + for (let q = M; q < U; ++q) + z += String.fromCharCode(127 & O[q]); + return z; } - function p(S, x, j) { - let D = ""; - j = Math.min(S.length, j); - for (let L = x; L < j; ++L) - D += String.fromCharCode(S[L]); - return D; + function p(O, M, U) { + let z = ""; + U = Math.min(O.length, U); + for (let q = M; q < U; ++q) + z += String.fromCharCode(O[q]); + return z; } - function O(S, x, j) { - const D = S.length; - (!x || x < 0) && (x = 0), (!j || j < 0 || j > D) && (j = D); - let L = ""; - for (let F = x; F < j; ++F) - L += be[S[F]]; - return L; + function P(O, M, U) { + const z = O.length; + (!M || M < 0) && (M = 0), (!U || U < 0 || U > z) && (U = z); + let q = ""; + for (let W = M; W < U; ++W) + q += ye[O[W]]; + return q; } - function U(S, x, j) { - const D = S.slice(x, j); - let L = ""; - for (let F = 0; F < D.length - 1; F += 2) - L += String.fromCharCode(D[F] + 256 * D[F + 1]); - return L; + function B(O, M, U) { + const z = O.slice(M, U); + let q = ""; + for (let W = 0; W < z.length - 1; W += 2) + q += String.fromCharCode(z[W] + 256 * z[W + 1]); + return q; } - function T(S, x, j) { - if (S % 1 != 0 || S < 0) + function C(O, M, U) { + if (O % 1 != 0 || O < 0) throw new RangeError("offset is not uint"); - if (S + x > j) + if (O + M > U) throw new RangeError("Trying to access beyond buffer length"); } - function z(S, x, j, D, L, F) { - if (!d.isBuffer(S)) + function L(O, M, U, z, q, W) { + if (!d.isBuffer(O)) throw new TypeError('"buffer" argument must be a Buffer instance'); - if (x > L || x < F) + if (M > q || M < W) throw new RangeError('"value" argument is out of bounds'); - if (j + D > S.length) + if (U + z > O.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); } - function te(S, x, j, D, L) { - Y(x, D, L, S, j, 7); - let F = Number(x & BigInt(4294967295)); - S[j++] = F, F >>= 8, S[j++] = F, F >>= 8, S[j++] = F, F >>= 8, S[j++] = F; - let re = Number(x >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295)); - return S[j++] = re, re >>= 8, S[j++] = re, re >>= 8, S[j++] = re, re >>= 8, S[j++] = re, j; - } - function X(S, x, j, D, L) { - Y(x, D, L, S, j, 7); - let F = Number(x & BigInt(4294967295)); - S[j + 7] = F, F >>= 8, S[j + 6] = F, F >>= 8, S[j + 5] = F, F >>= 8, S[j + 4] = F; - let re = Number(x >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295)); - return S[j + 3] = re, re >>= 8, S[j + 2] = re, re >>= 8, S[j + 1] = re, re >>= 8, S[j] = re, j + 8; - } - function ne(S, x, j, D, L, F) { - if (j + D > S.length) + function re(O, M, U, z, q) { + X(M, z, q, O, U, 7); + let W = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295)); + O[U++] = W, W >>= 8, O[U++] = W, W >>= 8, O[U++] = W, W >>= 8, O[U++] = W; + let ne = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295)); + return O[U++] = ne, ne >>= 8, O[U++] = ne, ne >>= 8, O[U++] = ne, ne >>= 8, O[U++] = ne, U; + } + function ee(O, M, U, z, q) { + X(M, z, q, O, U, 7); + let W = Number(M & BigInt(4294967295)); + O[U + 7] = W, W >>= 8, O[U + 6] = W, W >>= 8, O[U + 5] = W, W >>= 8, O[U + 4] = W; + let ne = Number(M >> BigInt(32) & BigInt(4294967295)); + return O[U + 3] = ne, ne >>= 8, O[U + 2] = ne, ne >>= 8, O[U + 1] = ne, ne >>= 8, O[U] = ne, U + 8; + } + function oe(O, M, U, z, q, W) { + if (U + z > O.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); - if (j < 0) + if (U < 0) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); } - function B(S, x, j, D, L) { - return x = +x, j >>>= 0, L || ne(S, 0, j, 4), P.write(S, x, j, D, 23, 4), j + 4; - } - function Q(S, x, j, D, L) { - return x = +x, j >>>= 0, L || ne(S, 0, j, 8), P.write(S, x, j, D, 52, 8), j + 8; - } - d.prototype.slice = function(S, x) { - const j = this.length; - (S = ~~S) < 0 ? (S += j) < 0 && (S = 0) : S > j && (S = j), (x = x === void 0 ? j : ~~x) < 0 ? (x += j) < 0 && (x = 0) : x > j && (x = j), x < S && (x = S); - const D = this.subarray(S, x); - return Object.setPrototypeOf(D, d.prototype), D; - }, d.prototype.readUintLE = d.prototype.readUIntLE = function(S, x, j) { - S >>>= 0, x >>>= 0, j || T(S, x, this.length); - let D = this[S], L = 1, F = 0; - for (; ++F < x && (L *= 256); ) - D += this[S + F] * L; - return D; - }, d.prototype.readUintBE = d.prototype.readUIntBE = function(S, x, j) { - S >>>= 0, x >>>= 0, j || T(S, x, this.length); - let D = this[S + --x], L = 1; - for (; x > 0 && (L *= 256); ) - D += this[S + --x] * L; - return D; - }, d.prototype.readUint8 = d.prototype.readUInt8 = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 1, this.length), this[S]; - }, d.prototype.readUint16LE = d.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 2, this.length), this[S] | this[S + 1] << 8; - }, d.prototype.readUint16BE = d.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 2, this.length), this[S] << 8 | this[S + 1]; - }, d.prototype.readUint32LE = d.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 4, this.length), (this[S] | this[S + 1] << 8 | this[S + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[S + 3]; - }, d.prototype.readUint32BE = d.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[S] + (this[S + 1] << 16 | this[S + 2] << 8 | this[S + 3]); - }, d.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = W(function(S) { - q(S >>>= 0, "offset"); - const x = this[S], j = this[S + 7]; - x !== void 0 && j !== void 0 || ae(S, this.length - 8); - const D = x + 256 * this[++S] + 65536 * this[++S] + this[++S] * 2 ** 24, L = this[++S] + 256 * this[++S] + 65536 * this[++S] + j * 2 ** 24; - return BigInt(D) + (BigInt(L) << BigInt(32)); - }), d.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = W(function(S) { - q(S >>>= 0, "offset"); - const x = this[S], j = this[S + 7]; - x !== void 0 && j !== void 0 || ae(S, this.length - 8); - const D = x * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++S] + 256 * this[++S] + this[++S], L = this[++S] * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++S] + 256 * this[++S] + j; - return (BigInt(D) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(L); - }), d.prototype.readIntLE = function(S, x, j) { - S >>>= 0, x >>>= 0, j || T(S, x, this.length); - let D = this[S], L = 1, F = 0; - for (; ++F < x && (L *= 256); ) - D += this[S + F] * L; - return L *= 128, D >= L && (D -= Math.pow(2, 8 * x)), D; - }, d.prototype.readIntBE = function(S, x, j) { - S >>>= 0, x >>>= 0, j || T(S, x, this.length); - let D = x, L = 1, F = this[S + --D]; - for (; D > 0 && (L *= 256); ) - F += this[S + --D] * L; - return L *= 128, F >= L && (F -= Math.pow(2, 8 * x)), F; - }, d.prototype.readInt8 = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 1, this.length), 128 & this[S] ? -1 * (255 - this[S] + 1) : this[S]; - }, d.prototype.readInt16LE = function(S, x) { - S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 2, this.length); - const j = this[S] | this[S + 1] << 8; - return 32768 & j ? 4294901760 | j : j; - }, d.prototype.readInt16BE = function(S, x) { - S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 2, this.length); - const j = this[S + 1] | this[S] << 8; - return 32768 & j ? 4294901760 | j : j; - }, d.prototype.readInt32LE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 4, this.length), this[S] | this[S + 1] << 8 | this[S + 2] << 16 | this[S + 3] << 24; - }, d.prototype.readInt32BE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 4, this.length), this[S] << 24 | this[S + 1] << 16 | this[S + 2] << 8 | this[S + 3]; - }, d.prototype.readBigInt64LE = W(function(S) { - q(S >>>= 0, "offset"); - const x = this[S], j = this[S + 7]; - x !== void 0 && j !== void 0 || ae(S, this.length - 8); - const D = this[S + 4] + 256 * this[S + 5] + 65536 * this[S + 6] + (j << 24); - return (BigInt(D) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(x + 256 * this[++S] + 65536 * this[++S] + this[++S] * 16777216); - }), d.prototype.readBigInt64BE = W(function(S) { - q(S >>>= 0, "offset"); - const x = this[S], j = this[S + 7]; - x !== void 0 && j !== void 0 || ae(S, this.length - 8); - const D = (x << 24) + 65536 * this[++S] + 256 * this[++S] + this[++S]; - return (BigInt(D) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++S] * 16777216 + 65536 * this[++S] + 256 * this[++S] + j); - }), d.prototype.readFloatLE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 4, this.length), P.read(this, S, !0, 23, 4); - }, d.prototype.readFloatBE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 4, this.length), P.read(this, S, !1, 23, 4); - }, d.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 8, this.length), P.read(this, S, !0, 52, 8); - }, d.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(S, x) { - return S >>>= 0, x || T(S, 8, this.length), P.read(this, S, !1, 52, 8); - }, d.prototype.writeUintLE = d.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(S, x, j, D) { - S = +S, x >>>= 0, j >>>= 0, D || z(this, S, x, j, Math.pow(2, 8 * j) - 1, 0); - let L = 1, F = 0; - for (this[x] = 255 & S; ++F < j && (L *= 256); ) - this[x + F] = S / L & 255; - return x + j; - }, d.prototype.writeUintBE = d.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(S, x, j, D) { - S = +S, x >>>= 0, j >>>= 0, D || z(this, S, x, j, Math.pow(2, 8 * j) - 1, 0); - let L = j - 1, F = 1; - for (this[x + L] = 255 & S; --L >= 0 && (F *= 256); ) - this[x + L] = S / F & 255; - return x + j; - }, d.prototype.writeUint8 = d.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 1, 255, 0), this[x] = 255 & S, x + 1; - }, d.prototype.writeUint16LE = d.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 2, 65535, 0), this[x] = 255 & S, this[x + 1] = S >>> 8, x + 2; - }, d.prototype.writeUint16BE = d.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 2, 65535, 0), this[x] = S >>> 8, this[x + 1] = 255 & S, x + 2; - }, d.prototype.writeUint32LE = d.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[x + 3] = S >>> 24, this[x + 2] = S >>> 16, this[x + 1] = S >>> 8, this[x] = 255 & S, x + 4; - }, d.prototype.writeUint32BE = d.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[x] = S >>> 24, this[x + 1] = S >>> 16, this[x + 2] = S >>> 8, this[x + 3] = 255 & S, x + 4; - }, d.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = W(function(S, x = 0) { - return te(this, S, x, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff")); - }), d.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = W(function(S, x = 0) { - return X(this, S, x, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff")); - }), d.prototype.writeIntLE = function(S, x, j, D) { - if (S = +S, x >>>= 0, !D) { - const oe = Math.pow(2, 8 * j - 1); - z(this, S, x, j, oe - 1, -oe); - } - let L = 0, F = 1, re = 0; - for (this[x] = 255 & S; ++L < j && (F *= 256); ) - S < 0 && re === 0 && this[x + L - 1] !== 0 && (re = 1), this[x + L] = (S / F >> 0) - re & 255; - return x + j; - }, d.prototype.writeIntBE = function(S, x, j, D) { - if (S = +S, x >>>= 0, !D) { - const oe = Math.pow(2, 8 * j - 1); - z(this, S, x, j, oe - 1, -oe); - } - let L = j - 1, F = 1, re = 0; - for (this[x + L] = 255 & S; --L >= 0 && (F *= 256); ) - S < 0 && re === 0 && this[x + L + 1] !== 0 && (re = 1), this[x + L] = (S / F >> 0) - re & 255; - return x + j; - }, d.prototype.writeInt8 = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 1, 127, -128), S < 0 && (S = 255 + S + 1), this[x] = 255 & S, x + 1; - }, d.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 2, 32767, -32768), this[x] = 255 & S, this[x + 1] = S >>> 8, x + 2; - }, d.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 2, 32767, -32768), this[x] = S >>> 8, this[x + 1] = 255 & S, x + 2; - }, d.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[x] = 255 & S, this[x + 1] = S >>> 8, this[x + 2] = S >>> 16, this[x + 3] = S >>> 24, x + 4; - }, d.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(S, x, j) { - return S = +S, x >>>= 0, j || z(this, S, x, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), S < 0 && (S = 4294967295 + S + 1), this[x] = S >>> 24, this[x + 1] = S >>> 16, this[x + 2] = S >>> 8, this[x + 3] = 255 & S, x + 4; - }, d.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = W(function(S, x = 0) { - return te(this, S, x, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff")); - }), d.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = W(function(S, x = 0) { - return X(this, S, x, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff")); - }), d.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(S, x, j) { - return B(this, S, x, !0, j); - }, d.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(S, x, j) { - return B(this, S, x, !1, j); - }, d.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(S, x, j) { - return Q(this, S, x, !0, j); - }, d.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(S, x, j) { - return Q(this, S, x, !1, j); - }, d.prototype.copy = function(S, x, j, D) { - if (!d.isBuffer(S)) + function D(O, M, U, z, q) { + return M = +M, U >>>= 0, q || oe(O, 0, U, 4), A.write(O, M, U, z, 23, 4), U + 4; + } + function Z(O, M, U, z, q) { + return M = +M, U >>>= 0, q || oe(O, 0, U, 8), A.write(O, M, U, z, 52, 8), U + 8; + } + d.prototype.slice = function(O, M) { + const U = this.length; + (O = ~~O) < 0 ? (O += U) < 0 && (O = 0) : O > U && (O = U), (M = M === void 0 ? U : ~~M) < 0 ? (M += U) < 0 && (M = 0) : M > U && (M = U), M < O && (M = O); + const z = this.subarray(O, M); + return Object.setPrototypeOf(z, d.prototype), z; + }, d.prototype.readUintLE = d.prototype.readUIntLE = function(O, M, U) { + O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, U || C(O, M, this.length); + let z = this[O], q = 1, W = 0; + for (; ++W < M && (q *= 256); ) + z += this[O + W] * q; + return z; + }, d.prototype.readUintBE = d.prototype.readUIntBE = function(O, M, U) { + O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, U || C(O, M, this.length); + let z = this[O + --M], q = 1; + for (; M > 0 && (q *= 256); ) + z += this[O + --M] * q; + return z; + }, d.prototype.readUint8 = d.prototype.readUInt8 = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 1, this.length), this[O]; + }, d.prototype.readUint16LE = d.prototype.readUInt16LE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 2, this.length), this[O] | this[O + 1] << 8; + }, d.prototype.readUint16BE = d.prototype.readUInt16BE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 2, this.length), this[O] << 8 | this[O + 1]; + }, d.prototype.readUint32LE = d.prototype.readUInt32LE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 4, this.length), (this[O] | this[O + 1] << 8 | this[O + 2] << 16) + 16777216 * this[O + 3]; + }, d.prototype.readUint32BE = d.prototype.readUInt32BE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 4, this.length), 16777216 * this[O] + (this[O + 1] << 16 | this[O + 2] << 8 | this[O + 3]); + }, d.prototype.readBigUInt64LE = G(function(O) { + F(O >>>= 0, "offset"); + const M = this[O], U = this[O + 7]; + M !== void 0 && U !== void 0 || se(O, this.length - 8); + const z = M + 256 * this[++O] + 65536 * this[++O] + this[++O] * 2 ** 24, q = this[++O] + 256 * this[++O] + 65536 * this[++O] + U * 2 ** 24; + return BigInt(z) + (BigInt(q) << BigInt(32)); + }), d.prototype.readBigUInt64BE = G(function(O) { + F(O >>>= 0, "offset"); + const M = this[O], U = this[O + 7]; + M !== void 0 && U !== void 0 || se(O, this.length - 8); + const z = M * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++O] + 256 * this[++O] + this[++O], q = this[++O] * 2 ** 24 + 65536 * this[++O] + 256 * this[++O] + U; + return (BigInt(z) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(q); + }), d.prototype.readIntLE = function(O, M, U) { + O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, U || C(O, M, this.length); + let z = this[O], q = 1, W = 0; + for (; ++W < M && (q *= 256); ) + z += this[O + W] * q; + return q *= 128, z >= q && (z -= Math.pow(2, 8 * M)), z; + }, d.prototype.readIntBE = function(O, M, U) { + O >>>= 0, M >>>= 0, U || C(O, M, this.length); + let z = M, q = 1, W = this[O + --z]; + for (; z > 0 && (q *= 256); ) + W += this[O + --z] * q; + return q *= 128, W >= q && (W -= Math.pow(2, 8 * M)), W; + }, d.prototype.readInt8 = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 1, this.length), 128 & this[O] ? -1 * (255 - this[O] + 1) : this[O]; + }, d.prototype.readInt16LE = function(O, M) { + O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 2, this.length); + const U = this[O] | this[O + 1] << 8; + return 32768 & U ? 4294901760 | U : U; + }, d.prototype.readInt16BE = function(O, M) { + O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 2, this.length); + const U = this[O + 1] | this[O] << 8; + return 32768 & U ? 4294901760 | U : U; + }, d.prototype.readInt32LE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 4, this.length), this[O] | this[O + 1] << 8 | this[O + 2] << 16 | this[O + 3] << 24; + }, d.prototype.readInt32BE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 4, this.length), this[O] << 24 | this[O + 1] << 16 | this[O + 2] << 8 | this[O + 3]; + }, d.prototype.readBigInt64LE = G(function(O) { + F(O >>>= 0, "offset"); + const M = this[O], U = this[O + 7]; + M !== void 0 && U !== void 0 || se(O, this.length - 8); + const z = this[O + 4] + 256 * this[O + 5] + 65536 * this[O + 6] + (U << 24); + return (BigInt(z) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(M + 256 * this[++O] + 65536 * this[++O] + this[++O] * 16777216); + }), d.prototype.readBigInt64BE = G(function(O) { + F(O >>>= 0, "offset"); + const M = this[O], U = this[O + 7]; + M !== void 0 && U !== void 0 || se(O, this.length - 8); + const z = (M << 24) + 65536 * this[++O] + 256 * this[++O] + this[++O]; + return (BigInt(z) << BigInt(32)) + BigInt(this[++O] * 16777216 + 65536 * this[++O] + 256 * this[++O] + U); + }), d.prototype.readFloatLE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 4, this.length), A.read(this, O, !0, 23, 4); + }, d.prototype.readFloatBE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 4, this.length), A.read(this, O, !1, 23, 4); + }, d.prototype.readDoubleLE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 8, this.length), A.read(this, O, !0, 52, 8); + }, d.prototype.readDoubleBE = function(O, M) { + return O >>>= 0, M || C(O, 8, this.length), A.read(this, O, !1, 52, 8); + }, d.prototype.writeUintLE = d.prototype.writeUIntLE = function(O, M, U, z) { + O = +O, M >>>= 0, U >>>= 0, z || L(this, O, M, U, Math.pow(2, 8 * U) - 1, 0); + let q = 1, W = 0; + for (this[M] = 255 & O; ++W < U && (q *= 256); ) + this[M + W] = O / q & 255; + return M + U; + }, d.prototype.writeUintBE = d.prototype.writeUIntBE = function(O, M, U, z) { + O = +O, M >>>= 0, U >>>= 0, z || L(this, O, M, U, Math.pow(2, 8 * U) - 1, 0); + let q = U - 1, W = 1; + for (this[M + q] = 255 & O; --q >= 0 && (W *= 256); ) + this[M + q] = O / W & 255; + return M + U; + }, d.prototype.writeUint8 = d.prototype.writeUInt8 = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 1, 255, 0), this[M] = 255 & O, M + 1; + }, d.prototype.writeUint16LE = d.prototype.writeUInt16LE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 2, 65535, 0), this[M] = 255 & O, this[M + 1] = O >>> 8, M + 2; + }, d.prototype.writeUint16BE = d.prototype.writeUInt16BE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 2, 65535, 0), this[M] = O >>> 8, this[M + 1] = 255 & O, M + 2; + }, d.prototype.writeUint32LE = d.prototype.writeUInt32LE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[M + 3] = O >>> 24, this[M + 2] = O >>> 16, this[M + 1] = O >>> 8, this[M] = 255 & O, M + 4; + }, d.prototype.writeUint32BE = d.prototype.writeUInt32BE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 4, 4294967295, 0), this[M] = O >>> 24, this[M + 1] = O >>> 16, this[M + 2] = O >>> 8, this[M + 3] = 255 & O, M + 4; + }, d.prototype.writeBigUInt64LE = G(function(O, M = 0) { + return re(this, O, M, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff")); + }), d.prototype.writeBigUInt64BE = G(function(O, M = 0) { + return ee(this, O, M, BigInt(0), BigInt("0xffffffffffffffff")); + }), d.prototype.writeIntLE = function(O, M, U, z) { + if (O = +O, M >>>= 0, !z) { + const ie = Math.pow(2, 8 * U - 1); + L(this, O, M, U, ie - 1, -ie); + } + let q = 0, W = 1, ne = 0; + for (this[M] = 255 & O; ++q < U && (W *= 256); ) + O < 0 && ne === 0 && this[M + q - 1] !== 0 && (ne = 1), this[M + q] = (O / W >> 0) - ne & 255; + return M + U; + }, d.prototype.writeIntBE = function(O, M, U, z) { + if (O = +O, M >>>= 0, !z) { + const ie = Math.pow(2, 8 * U - 1); + L(this, O, M, U, ie - 1, -ie); + } + let q = U - 1, W = 1, ne = 0; + for (this[M + q] = 255 & O; --q >= 0 && (W *= 256); ) + O < 0 && ne === 0 && this[M + q + 1] !== 0 && (ne = 1), this[M + q] = (O / W >> 0) - ne & 255; + return M + U; + }, d.prototype.writeInt8 = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 1, 127, -128), O < 0 && (O = 255 + O + 1), this[M] = 255 & O, M + 1; + }, d.prototype.writeInt16LE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 2, 32767, -32768), this[M] = 255 & O, this[M + 1] = O >>> 8, M + 2; + }, d.prototype.writeInt16BE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 2, 32767, -32768), this[M] = O >>> 8, this[M + 1] = 255 & O, M + 2; + }, d.prototype.writeInt32LE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), this[M] = 255 & O, this[M + 1] = O >>> 8, this[M + 2] = O >>> 16, this[M + 3] = O >>> 24, M + 4; + }, d.prototype.writeInt32BE = function(O, M, U) { + return O = +O, M >>>= 0, U || L(this, O, M, 4, 2147483647, -2147483648), O < 0 && (O = 4294967295 + O + 1), this[M] = O >>> 24, this[M + 1] = O >>> 16, this[M + 2] = O >>> 8, this[M + 3] = 255 & O, M + 4; + }, d.prototype.writeBigInt64LE = G(function(O, M = 0) { + return re(this, O, M, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff")); + }), d.prototype.writeBigInt64BE = G(function(O, M = 0) { + return ee(this, O, M, -BigInt("0x8000000000000000"), BigInt("0x7fffffffffffffff")); + }), d.prototype.writeFloatLE = function(O, M, U) { + return D(this, O, M, !0, U); + }, d.prototype.writeFloatBE = function(O, M, U) { + return D(this, O, M, !1, U); + }, d.prototype.writeDoubleLE = function(O, M, U) { + return Z(this, O, M, !0, U); + }, d.prototype.writeDoubleBE = function(O, M, U) { + return Z(this, O, M, !1, U); + }, d.prototype.copy = function(O, M, U, z) { + if (!d.isBuffer(O)) throw new TypeError("argument should be a Buffer"); - if (j || (j = 0), D || D === 0 || (D = this.length), x >= S.length && (x = S.length), x || (x = 0), D > 0 && D < j && (D = j), D === j || S.length === 0 || this.length === 0) + if (U || (U = 0), z || z === 0 || (z = this.length), M >= O.length && (M = O.length), M || (M = 0), z > 0 && z < U && (z = U), z === U || O.length === 0 || this.length === 0) return 0; - if (x < 0) + if (M < 0) throw new RangeError("targetStart out of bounds"); - if (j < 0 || j >= this.length) + if (U < 0 || U >= this.length) throw new RangeError("Index out of range"); - if (D < 0) + if (z < 0) throw new RangeError("sourceEnd out of bounds"); - D > this.length && (D = this.length), S.length - x < D - j && (D = S.length - x + j); - const L = D - j; - return this === S && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function" ? this.copyWithin(x, j, D) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(S, this.subarray(j, D), x), L; - }, d.prototype.fill = function(S, x, j, D) { - if (typeof S == "string") { - if (typeof x == "string" ? (D = x, x = 0, j = this.length) : typeof j == "string" && (D = j, j = this.length), D !== void 0 && typeof D != "string") + z > this.length && (z = this.length), O.length - M < z - U && (z = O.length - M + U); + const q = z - U; + return this === O && typeof Uint8Array.prototype.copyWithin == "function" ? this.copyWithin(M, U, z) : Uint8Array.prototype.set.call(O, this.subarray(U, z), M), q; + }, d.prototype.fill = function(O, M, U, z) { + if (typeof O == "string") { + if (typeof M == "string" ? (z = M, M = 0, U = this.length) : typeof U == "string" && (z = U, U = this.length), z !== void 0 && typeof z != "string") throw new TypeError("encoding must be a string"); - if (typeof D == "string" && !d.isEncoding(D)) - throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + D); - if (S.length === 1) { - const F = S.charCodeAt(0); - (D === "utf8" && F < 128 || D === "latin1") && (S = F); + if (typeof z == "string" && !d.isEncoding(z)) + throw new TypeError("Unknown encoding: " + z); + if (O.length === 1) { + const W = O.charCodeAt(0); + (z === "utf8" && W < 128 || z === "latin1") && (O = W); } } else - typeof S == "number" ? S &= 255 : typeof S == "boolean" && (S = Number(S)); - if (x < 0 || this.length < x || this.length < j) + typeof O == "number" ? O &= 255 : typeof O == "boolean" && (O = Number(O)); + if (M < 0 || this.length < M || this.length < U) throw new RangeError("Out of range index"); - if (j <= x) + if (U <= M) return this; - let L; - if (x >>>= 0, j = j === void 0 ? this.length : j >>> 0, S || (S = 0), typeof S == "number") - for (L = x; L < j; ++L) - this[L] = S; + let q; + if (M >>>= 0, U = U === void 0 ? this.length : U >>> 0, O || (O = 0), typeof O == "number") + for (q = M; q < U; ++q) + this[q] = O; else { - const F = d.isBuffer(S) ? S : d.from(S, D), re = F.length; - if (re === 0) - throw new TypeError('The value "' + S + '" is invalid for argument "value"'); - for (L = 0; L < j - x; ++L) - this[L + x] = F[L % re]; + const W = d.isBuffer(O) ? O : d.from(O, z), ne = W.length; + if (ne === 0) + throw new TypeError('The value "' + O + '" is invalid for argument "value"'); + for (q = 0; q < U - M; ++q) + this[q + M] = W[q % ne]; } return this; }; - const V = {}; - function ee(S, x, j) { - V[S] = class extends j { + const H = {}; + function te(O, M, U) { + H[O] = class extends U { constructor() { - super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: x.apply(this, arguments), writable: !0, configurable: !0 }), this.name = `${this.name} [${S}]`, this.stack, delete this.name; + super(), Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { value: M.apply(this, arguments), writable: !0, configurable: !0 }), this.name = `${this.name} [${O}]`, this.stack, delete this.name; } get code() { - return S; + return O; } - set code(D) { - Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: D, writable: !0 }); + set code(z) { + Object.defineProperty(this, "code", { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: z, writable: !0 }); } toString() { - return `${this.name} [${S}]: ${this.message}`; + return `${this.name} [${O}]: ${this.message}`; } }; } - function K(S) { - let x = "", j = S.length; - const D = S[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0; - for (; j >= D + 4; j -= 3) - x = `_${S.slice(j - 3, j)}${x}`; - return `${S.slice(0, j)}${x}`; - } - function Y(S, x, j, D, L, F) { - if (S > j || S < x) { - const re = typeof x == "bigint" ? "n" : ""; - let oe; - throw oe = F > 3 ? x === 0 || x === BigInt(0) ? `>= 0${re} and < 2${re} ** ${8 * (F + 1)}${re}` : `>= -(2${re} ** ${8 * (F + 1) - 1}${re}) and < 2 ** ${8 * (F + 1) - 1}${re}` : `>= ${x}${re} and <= ${j}${re}`, new V.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", oe, S); - } - (function(re, oe, G) { - q(oe, "offset"), re[oe] !== void 0 && re[oe + G] !== void 0 || ae(oe, re.length - (G + 1)); - })(D, L, F); - } - function q(S, x) { - if (typeof S != "number") - throw new V.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(x, "number", S); - } - function ae(S, x, j) { - throw Math.floor(S) !== S ? (q(S, j), new V.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(j || "offset", "an integer", S)) : x < 0 ? new V.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS() : new V.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(j || "offset", `>= ${j ? 1 : 0} and <= ${x}`, S); - } - ee("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(S) { - return S ? `${S} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds"; - }, RangeError), ee("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(S, x) { - return `The "${S}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof x}`; - }, TypeError), ee("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(S, x, j) { - let D = `The value of "${S}" is out of range.`, L = j; - return Number.isInteger(j) && Math.abs(j) > 4294967296 ? L = K(String(j)) : typeof j == "bigint" && (L = String(j), (j > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || j < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (L = K(L)), L += "n"), D += ` It must be ${x}. Received ${L}`, D; + function Q(O) { + let M = "", U = O.length; + const z = O[0] === "-" ? 1 : 0; + for (; U >= z + 4; U -= 3) + M = `_${O.slice(U - 3, U)}${M}`; + return `${O.slice(0, U)}${M}`; + } + function X(O, M, U, z, q, W) { + if (O > U || O < M) { + const ne = typeof M == "bigint" ? "n" : ""; + let ie; + throw ie = W > 3 ? M === 0 || M === BigInt(0) ? `>= 0${ne} and < 2${ne} ** ${8 * (W + 1)}${ne}` : `>= -(2${ne} ** ${8 * (W + 1) - 1}${ne}) and < 2 ** ${8 * (W + 1) - 1}${ne}` : `>= ${M}${ne} and <= ${U}${ne}`, new H.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE("value", ie, O); + } + (function(ne, ie, V) { + F(ie, "offset"), ne[ie] !== void 0 && ne[ie + V] !== void 0 || se(ie, ne.length - (V + 1)); + })(z, q, W); + } + function F(O, M) { + if (typeof O != "number") + throw new H.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE(M, "number", O); + } + function se(O, M, U) { + throw Math.floor(O) !== O ? (F(O, U), new H.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(U || "offset", "an integer", O)) : M < 0 ? new H.ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS() : new H.ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE(U || "offset", `>= ${U ? 1 : 0} and <= ${M}`, O); + } + te("ERR_BUFFER_OUT_OF_BOUNDS", function(O) { + return O ? `${O} is outside of buffer bounds` : "Attempt to access memory outside buffer bounds"; + }, RangeError), te("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(O, M) { + return `The "${O}" argument must be of type number. Received type ${typeof M}`; + }, TypeError), te("ERR_OUT_OF_RANGE", function(O, M, U) { + let z = `The value of "${O}" is out of range.`, q = U; + return Number.isInteger(U) && Math.abs(U) > 4294967296 ? q = Q(String(U)) : typeof U == "bigint" && (q = String(U), (U > BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32) || U < -(BigInt(2) ** BigInt(32))) && (q = Q(q)), q += "n"), z += ` It must be ${M}. Received ${q}`, z; }, RangeError); - const de = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g; - function ue(S, x) { - let j; - x = x || 1 / 0; - const D = S.length; - let L = null; - const F = []; - for (let re = 0; re < D; ++re) { - if (j = S.charCodeAt(re), j > 55295 && j < 57344) { - if (!L) { - if (j > 56319) { - (x -= 3) > -1 && F.push(239, 191, 189); + const ue = /[^+/0-9A-Za-z-_]/g; + function le(O, M) { + let U; + M = M || 1 / 0; + const z = O.length; + let q = null; + const W = []; + for (let ne = 0; ne < z; ++ne) { + if (U = O.charCodeAt(ne), U > 55295 && U < 57344) { + if (!q) { + if (U > 56319) { + (M -= 3) > -1 && W.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } - if (re + 1 === D) { - (x -= 3) > -1 && F.push(239, 191, 189); + if (ne + 1 === z) { + (M -= 3) > -1 && W.push(239, 191, 189); continue; } - L = j; + q = U; continue; } - if (j < 56320) { - (x -= 3) > -1 && F.push(239, 191, 189), L = j; + if (U < 56320) { + (M -= 3) > -1 && W.push(239, 191, 189), q = U; continue; } - j = 65536 + (L - 55296 << 10 | j - 56320); + U = 65536 + (q - 55296 << 10 | U - 56320); } else - L && (x -= 3) > -1 && F.push(239, 191, 189); - if (L = null, j < 128) { - if ((x -= 1) < 0) + q && (M -= 3) > -1 && W.push(239, 191, 189); + if (q = null, U < 128) { + if ((M -= 1) < 0) break; - F.push(j); - } else if (j < 2048) { - if ((x -= 2) < 0) + W.push(U); + } else if (U < 2048) { + if ((M -= 2) < 0) break; - F.push(j >> 6 | 192, 63 & j | 128); - } else if (j < 65536) { - if ((x -= 3) < 0) + W.push(U >> 6 | 192, 63 & U | 128); + } else if (U < 65536) { + if ((M -= 3) < 0) break; - F.push(j >> 12 | 224, j >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & j | 128); + W.push(U >> 12 | 224, U >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & U | 128); } else { - if (!(j < 1114112)) + if (!(U < 1114112)) throw new Error("Invalid code point"); - if ((x -= 4) < 0) + if ((M -= 4) < 0) break; - F.push(j >> 18 | 240, j >> 12 & 63 | 128, j >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & j | 128); + W.push(U >> 18 | 240, U >> 12 & 63 | 128, U >> 6 & 63 | 128, 63 & U | 128); } } - return F; + return W; } - function le(S) { - return M.toByteArray(function(x) { - if ((x = (x = x.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(de, "")).length < 2) + function fe(O) { + return R.toByteArray(function(M) { + if ((M = (M = M.split("=")[0]).trim().replace(ue, "")).length < 2) return ""; - for (; x.length % 4 != 0; ) - x += "="; - return x; - }(S)); + for (; M.length % 4 != 0; ) + M += "="; + return M; + }(O)); } - function ge(S, x, j, D) { - let L; - for (L = 0; L < D && !(L + j >= x.length || L >= S.length); ++L) - x[L + j] = S[L]; - return L; + function _e(O, M, U, z) { + let q; + for (q = 0; q < z && !(q + U >= M.length || q >= O.length); ++q) + M[q + U] = O[q]; + return q; } - function ce(S, x) { - return S instanceof x || S != null && S.constructor != null && S.constructor.name != null && S.constructor.name === x.name; + function de(O, M) { + return O instanceof M || O != null && O.constructor != null && O.constructor.name != null && O.constructor.name === M.name; } - function he(S) { - return S != S; + function pe(O) { + return O != O; } - const be = function() { - const S = "0123456789abcdef", x = new Array(256); - for (let j = 0; j < 16; ++j) { - const D = 16 * j; - for (let L = 0; L < 16; ++L) - x[D + L] = S[j] + S[L]; + const ye = function() { + const O = "0123456789abcdef", M = new Array(256); + for (let U = 0; U < 16; ++U) { + const z = 16 * U; + for (let q = 0; q < 16; ++q) + M[z + q] = O[U] + O[q]; } - return x; + return M; }(); - function W(S) { - return typeof BigInt > "u" ? g : S; + function G(O) { + return typeof BigInt > "u" ? _ : O; } - function g() { + function _() { throw new Error("BigInt not supported"); } - }, 1924: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(210), M = b(5559), P = M(E("String.prototype.indexOf")); - J.exports = function(y, a) { - var t = E(y, !!a); - return typeof t == "function" && P(y, ".prototype.") > -1 ? M(t) : t; + }, 1924: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(210), R = y(5559), A = R(E("String.prototype.indexOf")); + J.exports = function(w, a) { + var t = E(w, !!a); + return typeof t == "function" && A(w, ".prototype.") > -1 ? R(t) : t; }; - }, 5559: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8612), M = b(210), P = M("%Function.prototype.apply%"), y = M("%Function.prototype.call%"), a = M("%Reflect.apply%", !0) || E.call(y, P), t = M("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", !0), d = M("%Object.defineProperty%", !0), u = M("%Math.max%"); + }, 5559: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8612), R = y(210), A = R("%Function.prototype.apply%"), w = R("%Function.prototype.call%"), a = R("%Reflect.apply%", !0) || E.call(w, A), t = R("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", !0), d = R("%Object.defineProperty%", !0), u = R("%Math.max%"); if (d) try { d({}, "a", { value: 1 }); @@ -7405,30 +7743,30 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; d = null; } J.exports = function(r) { - var n = a(E, y, arguments); + var n = a(E, w, arguments); return t && d && t(n, "length").configurable && d(n, "length", { value: 1 + u(0, r.length - (arguments.length - 1)) }), n; }; var s = function() { - return a(E, P, arguments); + return a(E, A, arguments); }; d ? d(J.exports, "apply", { value: s }) : J.exports.apply = s; - }, 1027: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9509).Buffer, M = b(2830).Transform, P = b(2553).s; - function y(a) { - M.call(this), this.hashMode = typeof a == "string", this.hashMode ? this[a] = this._finalOrDigest : this.final = this._finalOrDigest, this._final && (this.__final = this._final, this._final = null), this._decoder = null, this._encoding = null; + }, 1027: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9509).Buffer, R = y(2830).Transform, A = y(2553).s; + function w(a) { + R.call(this), this.hashMode = typeof a == "string", this.hashMode ? this[a] = this._finalOrDigest : this.final = this._finalOrDigest, this._final && (this.__final = this._final, this._final = null), this._decoder = null, this._encoding = null; } - b(5717)(y, M), y.prototype.update = function(a, t, d) { + y(5717)(w, R), w.prototype.update = function(a, t, d) { typeof a == "string" && (a = E.from(a, t)); var u = this._update(a); return this.hashMode ? this : (d && (u = this._toString(u, d)), u); - }, y.prototype.setAutoPadding = function() { - }, y.prototype.getAuthTag = function() { + }, w.prototype.setAutoPadding = function() { + }, w.prototype.getAuthTag = function() { throw new Error("trying to get auth tag in unsupported state"); - }, y.prototype.setAuthTag = function() { + }, w.prototype.setAuthTag = function() { throw new Error("trying to set auth tag in unsupported state"); - }, y.prototype.setAAD = function() { + }, w.prototype.setAAD = function() { throw new Error("trying to set aad in unsupported state"); - }, y.prototype._transform = function(a, t, d) { + }, w.prototype._transform = function(a, t, d) { var u; try { this.hashMode ? this._update(a) : this.push(this._update(a)); @@ -7437,7 +7775,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } finally { d(u); } - }, y.prototype._flush = function(a) { + }, w.prototype._flush = function(a) { var t; try { this.push(this.__final()); @@ -7445,56 +7783,56 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; t = d; } a(t); - }, y.prototype._finalOrDigest = function(a) { + }, w.prototype._finalOrDigest = function(a) { var t = this.__final() || E.alloc(0); return a && (t = this._toString(t, a, !0)), t; - }, y.prototype._toString = function(a, t, d) { - if (this._decoder || (this._decoder = new P(t), this._encoding = t), this._encoding !== t) + }, w.prototype._toString = function(a, t, d) { + if (this._decoder || (this._decoder = new A(t), this._encoding = t), this._encoding !== t) throw new Error("can't switch encodings"); var u = this._decoder.write(a); return d && (u += this._decoder.end()), u; - }, J.exports = y; - }, 5108: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9539), M = b(9282); - function P() { + }, J.exports = w; + }, 5108: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9539), R = y(9282); + function A() { return (/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getTime(); } - var y, a = Array.prototype.slice, t = {}; - y = b.g !== void 0 && b.g.console ? b.g.console : typeof window < "u" && window.console ? window.console : {}; + var w, a = Array.prototype.slice, t = {}; + w = y.g !== void 0 && y.g.console ? y.g.console : typeof window < "u" && window.console ? window.console : {}; for (var d = [[function() { }, "log"], [function() { - y.log.apply(y, arguments); + w.log.apply(w, arguments); }, "info"], [function() { - y.log.apply(y, arguments); + w.log.apply(w, arguments); }, "warn"], [function() { - y.warn.apply(y, arguments); + w.warn.apply(w, arguments); }, "error"], [function(o) { - t[o] = P(); + t[o] = A(); }, "time"], [function(o) { var i = t[o]; if (!i) throw new Error("No such label: " + o); delete t[o]; - var f = P() - i; - y.log(o + ": " + f + "ms"); + var f = A() - i; + w.log(o + ": " + f + "ms"); }, "timeEnd"], [function() { var o = new Error(); - o.name = "Trace", o.message = E.format.apply(null, arguments), y.error(o.stack); + o.name = "Trace", o.message = E.format.apply(null, arguments), w.error(o.stack); }, "trace"], [function(o) { - y.log(E.inspect(o) + ` + w.log(E.inspect(o) + ` `); }, "dir"], [function(o) { if (!o) { var i = a.call(arguments, 1); - M.ok(!1, E.format.apply(null, i)); + R.ok(!1, E.format.apply(null, i)); } }, "assert"]], u = 0; u < d.length; u++) { var s = d[u], r = s[0], n = s[1]; - y[n] || (y[n] = r); + w[n] || (w[n] = r); } - J.exports = y; - }, 3482: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(2318), P = b(9785), y = b(9072), a = b(1027); + J.exports = w; + }, 3482: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(2318), A = y(9785), w = y(9072), a = y(1027); function t(d) { a.call(this, "digest"), this._hash = d; } @@ -7503,123 +7841,123 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, t.prototype._final = function() { return this._hash.digest(); }, J.exports = function(d) { - return (d = d.toLowerCase()) === "md5" ? new M() : d === "rmd160" || d === "ripemd160" ? new P() : new t(y(d)); + return (d = d.toLowerCase()) === "md5" ? new R() : d === "rmd160" || d === "ripemd160" ? new A() : new t(w(d)); }; - }, 8028: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(2318); - J.exports = function(M) { - return new E().update(M).digest(); + }, 8028: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(2318); + J.exports = function(R) { + return new E().update(R).digest(); }; - }, 8355: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(1031), P = b(1027), y = b(9509).Buffer, a = b(8028), t = b(9785), d = b(9072), u = y.alloc(128); + }, 8355: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(1031), A = y(1027), w = y(9509).Buffer, a = y(8028), t = y(9785), d = y(9072), u = w.alloc(128); function s(r, n) { - P.call(this, "digest"), typeof n == "string" && (n = y.from(n)); + A.call(this, "digest"), typeof n == "string" && (n = w.from(n)); var o = r === "sha512" || r === "sha384" ? 128 : 64; - this._alg = r, this._key = n, n.length > o ? n = (r === "rmd160" ? new t() : d(r)).update(n).digest() : n.length < o && (n = y.concat([n, u], o)); - for (var i = this._ipad = y.allocUnsafe(o), f = this._opad = y.allocUnsafe(o), c = 0; c < o; c++) + this._alg = r, this._key = n, n.length > o ? n = (r === "rmd160" ? new t() : d(r)).update(n).digest() : n.length < o && (n = w.concat([n, u], o)); + for (var i = this._ipad = w.allocUnsafe(o), f = this._opad = w.allocUnsafe(o), c = 0; c < o; c++) i[c] = 54 ^ n[c], f[c] = 92 ^ n[c]; this._hash = r === "rmd160" ? new t() : d(r), this._hash.update(i); } - E(s, P), s.prototype._update = function(r) { + E(s, A), s.prototype._update = function(r) { this._hash.update(r); }, s.prototype._final = function() { var r = this._hash.digest(); return (this._alg === "rmd160" ? new t() : d(this._alg)).update(this._opad).update(r).digest(); }, J.exports = function(r, n) { - return (r = r.toLowerCase()) === "rmd160" || r === "ripemd160" ? new s("rmd160", n) : r === "md5" ? new M(a, n) : new s(r, n); + return (r = r.toLowerCase()) === "rmd160" || r === "ripemd160" ? new s("rmd160", n) : r === "md5" ? new R(a, n) : new s(r, n); }; - }, 1031: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(9509).Buffer, P = b(1027), y = M.alloc(128), a = 64; + }, 1031: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(9509).Buffer, A = y(1027), w = R.alloc(128), a = 64; function t(d, u) { - P.call(this, "digest"), typeof u == "string" && (u = M.from(u)), this._alg = d, this._key = u, u.length > a ? u = d(u) : u.length < a && (u = M.concat([u, y], a)); - for (var s = this._ipad = M.allocUnsafe(a), r = this._opad = M.allocUnsafe(a), n = 0; n < a; n++) + A.call(this, "digest"), typeof u == "string" && (u = R.from(u)), this._alg = d, this._key = u, u.length > a ? u = d(u) : u.length < a && (u = R.concat([u, w], a)); + for (var s = this._ipad = R.allocUnsafe(a), r = this._opad = R.allocUnsafe(a), n = 0; n < a; n++) s[n] = 54 ^ u[n], r[n] = 92 ^ u[n]; this._hash = [s]; } - E(t, P), t.prototype._update = function(d) { + E(t, A), t.prototype._update = function(d) { this._hash.push(d); }, t.prototype._final = function() { - var d = this._alg(M.concat(this._hash)); - return this._alg(M.concat([this._opad, d])); + var d = this._alg(R.concat(this._hash)); + return this._alg(R.concat([this._opad, d])); }, J.exports = t; }, 4098: function(J, e) { - var b = typeof self < "u" ? self : this, E = function() { - function P() { - this.fetch = !1, this.DOMException = b.DOMException; + var y = typeof self < "u" ? self : this, E = function() { + function A() { + this.fetch = !1, this.DOMException = y.DOMException; } - return P.prototype = b, new P(); + return A.prototype = y, new A(); }(); - (function(P) { - (function(y) { - var a = { searchParams: "URLSearchParams" in P, iterable: "Symbol" in P && "iterator" in Symbol, blob: "FileReader" in P && "Blob" in P && function() { + (function(A) { + (function(w) { + var a = { searchParams: "URLSearchParams" in A, iterable: "Symbol" in A && "iterator" in Symbol, blob: "FileReader" in A && "Blob" in A && function() { try { return new Blob(), !0; } catch { return !1; } - }(), formData: "FormData" in P, arrayBuffer: "ArrayBuffer" in P }; + }(), formData: "FormData" in A, arrayBuffer: "ArrayBuffer" in A }; if (a.arrayBuffer) - var t = ["[object Int8Array]", "[object Uint8Array]", "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", "[object Int16Array]", "[object Uint16Array]", "[object Int32Array]", "[object Uint32Array]", "[object Float32Array]", "[object Float64Array]"], d = ArrayBuffer.isView || function(k) { - return k && t.indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(k)) > -1; + var t = ["[object Int8Array]", "[object Uint8Array]", "[object Uint8ClampedArray]", "[object Int16Array]", "[object Uint16Array]", "[object Int32Array]", "[object Uint32Array]", "[object Float32Array]", "[object Float64Array]"], d = ArrayBuffer.isView || function(S) { + return S && t.indexOf(Object.prototype.toString.call(S)) > -1; }; - function u(k) { - if (typeof k != "string" && (k = String(k)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~]/i.test(k)) + function u(S) { + if (typeof S != "string" && (S = String(S)), /[^a-z0-9\-#$%&'*+.^_`|~]/i.test(S)) throw new TypeError("Invalid character in header field name"); - return k.toLowerCase(); + return S.toLowerCase(); } - function s(k) { - return typeof k != "string" && (k = String(k)), k; + function s(S) { + return typeof S != "string" && (S = String(S)), S; } - function r(k) { - var N = { next: function() { - var A = k.shift(); - return { done: A === void 0, value: A }; + function r(S) { + var T = { next: function() { + var x = S.shift(); + return { done: x === void 0, value: x }; } }; - return a.iterable && (N[Symbol.iterator] = function() { - return N; - }), N; - } - function n(k) { - this.map = {}, k instanceof n ? k.forEach(function(N, A) { - this.append(A, N); - }, this) : Array.isArray(k) ? k.forEach(function(N) { - this.append(N[0], N[1]); - }, this) : k && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(k).forEach(function(N) { - this.append(N, k[N]); + return a.iterable && (T[Symbol.iterator] = function() { + return T; + }), T; + } + function n(S) { + this.map = {}, S instanceof n ? S.forEach(function(T, x) { + this.append(x, T); + }, this) : Array.isArray(S) ? S.forEach(function(T) { + this.append(T[0], T[1]); + }, this) : S && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(S).forEach(function(T) { + this.append(T, S[T]); }, this); } - function o(k) { - if (k.bodyUsed) + function o(S) { + if (S.bodyUsed) return Promise.reject(new TypeError("Already read")); - k.bodyUsed = !0; - } - function i(k) { - return new Promise(function(N, A) { - k.onload = function() { - N(k.result); - }, k.onerror = function() { - A(k.error); + S.bodyUsed = !0; + } + function i(S) { + return new Promise(function(T, x) { + S.onload = function() { + T(S.result); + }, S.onerror = function() { + x(S.error); }; }); } - function f(k) { - var N = new FileReader(), A = i(N); - return N.readAsArrayBuffer(k), A; + function f(S) { + var T = new FileReader(), x = i(T); + return T.readAsArrayBuffer(S), x; } - function c(k) { - if (k.slice) - return k.slice(0); - var N = new Uint8Array(k.byteLength); - return N.set(new Uint8Array(k)), N.buffer; + function c(S) { + if (S.slice) + return S.slice(0); + var T = new Uint8Array(S.byteLength); + return T.set(new Uint8Array(S)), T.buffer; } function h() { - return this.bodyUsed = !1, this._initBody = function(k) { - var N; - this._bodyInit = k, k ? typeof k == "string" ? this._bodyText = k : a.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(k) ? this._bodyBlob = k : a.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(k) ? this._bodyFormData = k : a.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(k) ? this._bodyText = k.toString() : a.arrayBuffer && a.blob && (N = k) && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(N) ? (this._bodyArrayBuffer = c(k.buffer), this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) : a.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(k) || d(k)) ? this._bodyArrayBuffer = c(k) : this._bodyText = k = Object.prototype.toString.call(k) : this._bodyText = "", this.headers.get("content-type") || (typeof k == "string" ? this.headers.set("content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8") : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set("content-type", this._bodyBlob.type) : a.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(k) && this.headers.set("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8")); + return this.bodyUsed = !1, this._initBody = function(S) { + var T; + this._bodyInit = S, S ? typeof S == "string" ? this._bodyText = S : a.blob && Blob.prototype.isPrototypeOf(S) ? this._bodyBlob = S : a.formData && FormData.prototype.isPrototypeOf(S) ? this._bodyFormData = S : a.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(S) ? this._bodyText = S.toString() : a.arrayBuffer && a.blob && (T = S) && DataView.prototype.isPrototypeOf(T) ? (this._bodyArrayBuffer = c(S.buffer), this._bodyInit = new Blob([this._bodyArrayBuffer])) : a.arrayBuffer && (ArrayBuffer.prototype.isPrototypeOf(S) || d(S)) ? this._bodyArrayBuffer = c(S) : this._bodyText = S = Object.prototype.toString.call(S) : this._bodyText = "", this.headers.get("content-type") || (typeof S == "string" ? this.headers.set("content-type", "text/plain;charset=UTF-8") : this._bodyBlob && this._bodyBlob.type ? this.headers.set("content-type", this._bodyBlob.type) : a.searchParams && URLSearchParams.prototype.isPrototypeOf(S) && this.headers.set("content-type", "application/x-www-form-urlencoded;charset=UTF-8")); }, a.blob && (this.blob = function() { - var k = o(this); - if (k) - return k; + var S = o(this); + if (S) + return S; if (this._bodyBlob) return Promise.resolve(this._bodyBlob); if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) @@ -7630,473 +7968,473 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, this.arrayBuffer = function() { return this._bodyArrayBuffer ? o(this) || Promise.resolve(this._bodyArrayBuffer) : this.blob().then(f); }), this.text = function() { - var k, N, A, w = o(this); - if (w) - return w; + var S, T, x, k = o(this); + if (k) + return k; if (this._bodyBlob) - return k = this._bodyBlob, A = i(N = new FileReader()), N.readAsText(k), A; + return S = this._bodyBlob, x = i(T = new FileReader()), T.readAsText(S), x; if (this._bodyArrayBuffer) - return Promise.resolve(function(_) { - for (var p = new Uint8Array(_), O = new Array(p.length), U = 0; U < p.length; U++) - O[U] = String.fromCharCode(p[U]); - return O.join(""); + return Promise.resolve(function(b) { + for (var p = new Uint8Array(b), P = new Array(p.length), B = 0; B < p.length; B++) + P[B] = String.fromCharCode(p[B]); + return P.join(""); }(this._bodyArrayBuffer)); if (this._bodyFormData) throw new Error("could not read FormData body as text"); return Promise.resolve(this._bodyText); }, a.formData && (this.formData = function() { - return this.text().then(C); + return this.text().then(I); }), this.json = function() { return this.text().then(JSON.parse); }, this; } - n.prototype.append = function(k, N) { - k = u(k), N = s(N); - var A = this.map[k]; - this.map[k] = A ? A + ", " + N : N; - }, n.prototype.delete = function(k) { - delete this.map[u(k)]; - }, n.prototype.get = function(k) { - return k = u(k), this.has(k) ? this.map[k] : null; - }, n.prototype.has = function(k) { - return this.map.hasOwnProperty(u(k)); - }, n.prototype.set = function(k, N) { - this.map[u(k)] = s(N); - }, n.prototype.forEach = function(k, N) { - for (var A in this.map) - this.map.hasOwnProperty(A) && k.call(N, this.map[A], A, this); + n.prototype.append = function(S, T) { + S = u(S), T = s(T); + var x = this.map[S]; + this.map[S] = x ? x + ", " + T : T; + }, n.prototype.delete = function(S) { + delete this.map[u(S)]; + }, n.prototype.get = function(S) { + return S = u(S), this.has(S) ? this.map[S] : null; + }, n.prototype.has = function(S) { + return this.map.hasOwnProperty(u(S)); + }, n.prototype.set = function(S, T) { + this.map[u(S)] = s(T); + }, n.prototype.forEach = function(S, T) { + for (var x in this.map) + this.map.hasOwnProperty(x) && S.call(T, this.map[x], x, this); }, n.prototype.keys = function() { - var k = []; - return this.forEach(function(N, A) { - k.push(A); - }), r(k); + var S = []; + return this.forEach(function(T, x) { + S.push(x); + }), r(S); }, n.prototype.values = function() { - var k = []; - return this.forEach(function(N) { - k.push(N); - }), r(k); + var S = []; + return this.forEach(function(T) { + S.push(T); + }), r(S); }, n.prototype.entries = function() { - var k = []; - return this.forEach(function(N, A) { - k.push([A, N]); - }), r(k); + var S = []; + return this.forEach(function(T, x) { + S.push([x, T]); + }), r(S); }, a.iterable && (n.prototype[Symbol.iterator] = n.prototype.entries); var m = ["DELETE", "GET", "HEAD", "OPTIONS", "POST", "PUT"]; - function v(k, N) { - var A, w, _ = (N = N || {}).body; - if (k instanceof v) { - if (k.bodyUsed) + function v(S, T) { + var x, k, b = (T = T || {}).body; + if (S instanceof v) { + if (S.bodyUsed) throw new TypeError("Already read"); - this.url = k.url, this.credentials = k.credentials, N.headers || (this.headers = new n(k.headers)), this.method = k.method, this.mode = k.mode, this.signal = k.signal, _ || k._bodyInit == null || (_ = k._bodyInit, k.bodyUsed = !0); + this.url = S.url, this.credentials = S.credentials, T.headers || (this.headers = new n(S.headers)), this.method = S.method, this.mode = S.mode, this.signal = S.signal, b || S._bodyInit == null || (b = S._bodyInit, S.bodyUsed = !0); } else - this.url = String(k); - if (this.credentials = N.credentials || this.credentials || "same-origin", !N.headers && this.headers || (this.headers = new n(N.headers)), this.method = (w = (A = N.method || this.method || "GET").toUpperCase(), m.indexOf(w) > -1 ? w : A), this.mode = N.mode || this.mode || null, this.signal = N.signal || this.signal, this.referrer = null, (this.method === "GET" || this.method === "HEAD") && _) + this.url = String(S); + if (this.credentials = T.credentials || this.credentials || "same-origin", !T.headers && this.headers || (this.headers = new n(T.headers)), this.method = (k = (x = T.method || this.method || "GET").toUpperCase(), m.indexOf(k) > -1 ? k : x), this.mode = T.mode || this.mode || null, this.signal = T.signal || this.signal, this.referrer = null, (this.method === "GET" || this.method === "HEAD") && b) throw new TypeError("Body not allowed for GET or HEAD requests"); - this._initBody(_); - } - function C(k) { - var N = new FormData(); - return k.trim().split("&").forEach(function(A) { - if (A) { - var w = A.split("="), _ = w.shift().replace(/\+/g, " "), p = w.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " "); - N.append(decodeURIComponent(_), decodeURIComponent(p)); + this._initBody(b); + } + function I(S) { + var T = new FormData(); + return S.trim().split("&").forEach(function(x) { + if (x) { + var k = x.split("="), b = k.shift().replace(/\+/g, " "), p = k.join("=").replace(/\+/g, " "); + T.append(decodeURIComponent(b), decodeURIComponent(p)); } - }), N; + }), T; } - function l(k, N) { - N || (N = {}), this.type = "default", this.status = N.status === void 0 ? 200 : N.status, this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300, this.statusText = "statusText" in N ? N.statusText : "OK", this.headers = new n(N.headers), this.url = N.url || "", this._initBody(k); + function l(S, T) { + T || (T = {}), this.type = "default", this.status = T.status === void 0 ? 200 : T.status, this.ok = this.status >= 200 && this.status < 300, this.statusText = "statusText" in T ? T.statusText : "OK", this.headers = new n(T.headers), this.url = T.url || "", this._initBody(S); } v.prototype.clone = function() { return new v(this, { body: this._bodyInit }); }, h.call(v.prototype), h.call(l.prototype), l.prototype.clone = function() { return new l(this._bodyInit, { status: this.status, statusText: this.statusText, headers: new n(this.headers), url: this.url }); }, l.error = function() { - var k = new l(null, { status: 0, statusText: "" }); - return k.type = "error", k; + var S = new l(null, { status: 0, statusText: "" }); + return S.type = "error", S; }; - var I = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]; - l.redirect = function(k, N) { - if (I.indexOf(N) === -1) + var j = [301, 302, 303, 307, 308]; + l.redirect = function(S, T) { + if (j.indexOf(T) === -1) throw new RangeError("Invalid status code"); - return new l(null, { status: N, headers: { location: k } }); - }, y.DOMException = P.DOMException; + return new l(null, { status: T, headers: { location: S } }); + }, w.DOMException = A.DOMException; try { - new y.DOMException(); + new w.DOMException(); } catch { - y.DOMException = function(N, A) { - this.message = N, this.name = A; - var w = Error(N); - this.stack = w.stack; - }, y.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), y.DOMException.prototype.constructor = y.DOMException; - } - function R(k, N) { - return new Promise(function(A, w) { - var _ = new v(k, N); - if (_.signal && _.signal.aborted) - return w(new y.DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError")); + w.DOMException = function(T, x) { + this.message = T, this.name = x; + var k = Error(T); + this.stack = k.stack; + }, w.DOMException.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), w.DOMException.prototype.constructor = w.DOMException; + } + function N(S, T) { + return new Promise(function(x, k) { + var b = new v(S, T); + if (b.signal && b.signal.aborted) + return k(new w.DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError")); var p = new XMLHttpRequest(); - function O() { + function P() { p.abort(); } p.onload = function() { - var U, T, z = { status: p.status, statusText: p.statusText, headers: (U = p.getAllResponseHeaders() || "", T = new n(), U.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, " ").split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function(X) { - var ne = X.split(":"), B = ne.shift().trim(); - if (B) { - var Q = ne.join(":").trim(); - T.append(B, Q); + var B, C, L = { status: p.status, statusText: p.statusText, headers: (B = p.getAllResponseHeaders() || "", C = new n(), B.replace(/\r?\n[\t ]+/g, " ").split(/\r?\n/).forEach(function(ee) { + var oe = ee.split(":"), D = oe.shift().trim(); + if (D) { + var Z = oe.join(":").trim(); + C.append(D, Z); } - }), T) }; - z.url = "responseURL" in p ? p.responseURL : z.headers.get("X-Request-URL"); - var te = "response" in p ? p.response : p.responseText; - A(new l(te, z)); + }), C) }; + L.url = "responseURL" in p ? p.responseURL : L.headers.get("X-Request-URL"); + var re = "response" in p ? p.response : p.responseText; + x(new l(re, L)); }, p.onerror = function() { - w(new TypeError("Network request failed")); + k(new TypeError("Network request failed")); }, p.ontimeout = function() { - w(new TypeError("Network request failed")); + k(new TypeError("Network request failed")); }, p.onabort = function() { - w(new y.DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError")); - }, p.open(_.method, _.url, !0), _.credentials === "include" ? p.withCredentials = !0 : _.credentials === "omit" && (p.withCredentials = !1), "responseType" in p && a.blob && (p.responseType = "blob"), _.headers.forEach(function(U, T) { - p.setRequestHeader(T, U); - }), _.signal && (_.signal.addEventListener("abort", O), p.onreadystatechange = function() { - p.readyState === 4 && _.signal.removeEventListener("abort", O); - }), p.send(_._bodyInit === void 0 ? null : _._bodyInit); + k(new w.DOMException("Aborted", "AbortError")); + }, p.open(b.method, b.url, !0), b.credentials === "include" ? p.withCredentials = !0 : b.credentials === "omit" && (p.withCredentials = !1), "responseType" in p && a.blob && (p.responseType = "blob"), b.headers.forEach(function(B, C) { + p.setRequestHeader(C, B); + }), b.signal && (b.signal.addEventListener("abort", P), p.onreadystatechange = function() { + p.readyState === 4 && b.signal.removeEventListener("abort", P); + }), p.send(b._bodyInit === void 0 ? null : b._bodyInit); }); } - R.polyfill = !0, P.fetch || (P.fetch = R, P.Headers = n, P.Request = v, P.Response = l), y.Headers = n, y.Request = v, y.Response = l, y.fetch = R, Object.defineProperty(y, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); + N.polyfill = !0, A.fetch || (A.fetch = N, A.Headers = n, A.Request = v, A.Response = l), w.Headers = n, w.Request = v, w.Response = l, w.fetch = N, Object.defineProperty(w, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); })({}); })(E), E.fetch.ponyfill = !0, delete E.fetch.polyfill; - var M = E; - (e = M.fetch).default = M.fetch, e.fetch = M.fetch, e.Headers = M.Headers, e.Request = M.Request, e.Response = M.Response, J.exports = e; + var R = E; + (e = R.fetch).default = R.fetch, e.fetch = R.fetch, e.Headers = R.Headers, e.Request = R.Request, e.Response = R.Response, J.exports = e; }, 4063: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - let b = new Uint8Array(32); - function E(ee) { - var K, Y = new Float64Array(16); - if (ee) - for (K = 0; K < ee.length; K++) - Y[K] = ee[K]; - return Y; - } - b[0] = 9; - const M = E(), P = E([1]), y = E([56129, 1]), a = E([30883, 4953, 19914, 30187, 55467, 16705, 2637, 112, 59544, 30585, 16505, 36039, 65139, 11119, 27886, 20995]), t = E([61785, 9906, 39828, 60374, 45398, 33411, 5274, 224, 53552, 61171, 33010, 6542, 64743, 22239, 55772, 9222]), d = E([54554, 36645, 11616, 51542, 42930, 38181, 51040, 26924, 56412, 64982, 57905, 49316, 21502, 52590, 14035, 8553]), u = E([26200, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214]), s = E([41136, 18958, 6951, 50414, 58488, 44335, 6150, 12099, 55207, 15867, 153, 11085, 57099, 20417, 9344, 11139]); - function r(ee, K, Y, q) { - ee[K] = Y >> 24 & 255, ee[K + 1] = Y >> 16 & 255, ee[K + 2] = Y >> 8 & 255, ee[K + 3] = 255 & Y, ee[K + 4] = q >> 24 & 255, ee[K + 5] = q >> 16 & 255, ee[K + 6] = q >> 8 & 255, ee[K + 7] = 255 & q; - } - function n(ee, K, Y, q) { - return function(ae, de, ue, le, ge) { - var ce, he = 0; - for (ce = 0; ce < 32; ce++) - he |= ae[de + ce] ^ ue[le + ce]; - return (1 & he - 1 >>> 8) - 1; - }(ee, K, Y, q); - } - function o(ee, K) { - var Y; - for (Y = 0; Y < 16; Y++) - ee[Y] = 0 | K[Y]; - } - function i(ee) { - var K, Y, q = 1; - for (K = 0; K < 16; K++) - Y = ee[K] + q + 65535, q = Math.floor(Y / 65536), ee[K] = Y - 65536 * q; - ee[0] += q - 1 + 37 * (q - 1); - } - function f(ee, K, Y) { - for (var q, ae = ~(Y - 1), de = 0; de < 16; de++) - q = ae & (ee[de] ^ K[de]), ee[de] ^= q, K[de] ^= q; - } - function c(ee, K) { - var Y, q, ae, de = E(), ue = E(); - for (Y = 0; Y < 16; Y++) - ue[Y] = K[Y]; - for (i(ue), i(ue), i(ue), q = 0; q < 2; q++) { - for (de[0] = ue[0] - 65517, Y = 1; Y < 15; Y++) - de[Y] = ue[Y] - 65535 - (de[Y - 1] >> 16 & 1), de[Y - 1] &= 65535; - de[15] = ue[15] - 32767 - (de[14] >> 16 & 1), ae = de[15] >> 16 & 1, de[14] &= 65535, f(ue, de, 1 - ae); - } - for (Y = 0; Y < 16; Y++) - ee[2 * Y] = 255 & ue[Y], ee[2 * Y + 1] = ue[Y] >> 8; - } - function h(ee, K) { - var Y = new Uint8Array(32), q = new Uint8Array(32); - return c(Y, ee), c(q, K), n(Y, 0, q, 0); - } - function m(ee) { - var K = new Uint8Array(32); - return c(K, ee), 1 & K[0]; - } - function v(ee, K) { - var Y; - for (Y = 0; Y < 16; Y++) - ee[Y] = K[2 * Y] + (K[2 * Y + 1] << 8); - ee[15] &= 32767; - } - function C(ee, K, Y) { - for (var q = 0; q < 16; q++) - ee[q] = K[q] + Y[q]; - } - function l(ee, K, Y) { - for (var q = 0; q < 16; q++) - ee[q] = K[q] - Y[q]; - } - function I(ee, K, Y) { - var q, ae, de = 0, ue = 0, le = 0, ge = 0, ce = 0, he = 0, be = 0, W = 0, g = 0, S = 0, x = 0, j = 0, D = 0, L = 0, F = 0, re = 0, oe = 0, G = 0, Z = 0, H = 0, $ = 0, ie = 0, se = 0, fe = 0, pe = 0, ve = 0, me = 0, _e = 0, ye = 0, Ee = 0, Ae = 0, Pe = Y[0], ke = Y[1], xe = Y[2], we = Y[3], Se = Y[4], Re = Y[5], Oe = Y[6], Me = Y[7], Te = Y[8], Ne = Y[9], Ce = Y[10], Be = Y[11], Ie = Y[12], je = Y[13], De = Y[14], Ue = Y[15]; - de += (q = K[0]) * Pe, ue += q * ke, le += q * xe, ge += q * we, ce += q * Se, he += q * Re, be += q * Oe, W += q * Me, g += q * Te, S += q * Ne, x += q * Ce, j += q * Be, D += q * Ie, L += q * je, F += q * De, re += q * Ue, ue += (q = K[1]) * Pe, le += q * ke, ge += q * xe, ce += q * we, he += q * Se, be += q * Re, W += q * Oe, g += q * Me, S += q * Te, x += q * Ne, j += q * Ce, D += q * Be, L += q * Ie, F += q * je, re += q * De, oe += q * Ue, le += (q = K[2]) * Pe, ge += q * ke, ce += q * xe, he += q * we, be += q * Se, W += q * Re, g += q * Oe, S += q * Me, x += q * Te, j += q * Ne, D += q * Ce, L += q * Be, F += q * Ie, re += q * je, oe += q * De, G += q * Ue, ge += (q = K[3]) * Pe, ce += q * ke, he += q * xe, be += q * we, W += q * Se, g += q * Re, S += q * Oe, x += q * Me, j += q * Te, D += q * Ne, L += q * Ce, F += q * Be, re += q * Ie, oe += q * je, G += q * De, Z += q * Ue, ce += (q = K[4]) * Pe, he += q * ke, be += q * xe, W += q * we, g += q * Se, S += q * Re, x += q * Oe, j += q * Me, D += q * Te, L += q * Ne, F += q * Ce, re += q * Be, oe += q * Ie, G += q * je, Z += q * De, H += q * Ue, he += (q = K[5]) * Pe, be += q * ke, W += q * xe, g += q * we, S += q * Se, x += q * Re, j += q * Oe, D += q * Me, L += q * Te, F += q * Ne, re += q * Ce, oe += q * Be, G += q * Ie, Z += q * je, H += q * De, $ += q * Ue, be += (q = K[6]) * Pe, W += q * ke, g += q * xe, S += q * we, x += q * Se, j += q * Re, D += q * Oe, L += q * Me, F += q * Te, re += q * Ne, oe += q * Ce, G += q * Be, Z += q * Ie, H += q * je, $ += q * De, ie += q * Ue, W += (q = K[7]) * Pe, g += q * ke, S += q * xe, x += q * we, j += q * Se, D += q * Re, L += q * Oe, F += q * Me, re += q * Te, oe += q * Ne, G += q * Ce, Z += q * Be, H += q * Ie, $ += q * je, ie += q * De, se += q * Ue, g += (q = K[8]) * Pe, S += q * ke, x += q * xe, j += q * we, D += q * Se, L += q * Re, F += q * Oe, re += q * Me, oe += q * Te, G += q * Ne, Z += q * Ce, H += q * Be, $ += q * Ie, ie += q * je, se += q * De, fe += q * Ue, S += (q = K[9]) * Pe, x += q * ke, j += q * xe, D += q * we, L += q * Se, F += q * Re, re += q * Oe, oe += q * Me, G += q * Te, Z += q * Ne, H += q * Ce, $ += q * Be, ie += q * Ie, se += q * je, fe += q * De, pe += q * Ue, x += (q = K[10]) * Pe, j += q * ke, D += q * xe, L += q * we, F += q * Se, re += q * Re, oe += q * Oe, G += q * Me, Z += q * Te, H += q * Ne, $ += q * Ce, ie += q * Be, se += q * Ie, fe += q * je, pe += q * De, ve += q * Ue, j += (q = K[11]) * Pe, D += q * ke, L += q * xe, F += q * we, re += q * Se, oe += q * Re, G += q * Oe, Z += q * Me, H += q * Te, $ += q * Ne, ie += q * Ce, se += q * Be, fe += q * Ie, pe += q * je, ve += q * De, me += q * Ue, D += (q = K[12]) * Pe, L += q * ke, F += q * xe, re += q * we, oe += q * Se, G += q * Re, Z += q * Oe, H += q * Me, $ += q * Te, ie += q * Ne, se += q * Ce, fe += q * Be, pe += q * Ie, ve += q * je, me += q * De, _e += q * Ue, L += (q = K[13]) * Pe, F += q * ke, re += q * xe, oe += q * we, G += q * Se, Z += q * Re, H += q * Oe, $ += q * Me, ie += q * Te, se += q * Ne, fe += q * Ce, pe += q * Be, ve += q * Ie, me += q * je, _e += q * De, ye += q * Ue, F += (q = K[14]) * Pe, re += q * ke, oe += q * xe, G += q * we, Z += q * Se, H += q * Re, $ += q * Oe, ie += q * Me, se += q * Te, fe += q * Ne, pe += q * Ce, ve += q * Be, me += q * Ie, _e += q * je, ye += q * De, Ee += q * Ue, re += (q = K[15]) * Pe, ue += 38 * (G += q * xe), le += 38 * (Z += q * we), ge += 38 * (H += q * Se), ce += 38 * ($ += q * Re), he += 38 * (ie += q * Oe), be += 38 * (se += q * Me), W += 38 * (fe += q * Te), g += 38 * (pe += q * Ne), S += 38 * (ve += q * Ce), x += 38 * (me += q * Be), j += 38 * (_e += q * Ie), D += 38 * (ye += q * je), L += 38 * (Ee += q * De), F += 38 * (Ae += q * Ue), de = (q = (de += 38 * (oe += q * ke)) + (ae = 1) + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), ue = (q = ue + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), le = (q = le + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), ge = (q = ge + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), ce = (q = ce + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), he = (q = he + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), be = (q = be + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), W = (q = W + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), g = (q = g + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), S = (q = S + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), x = (q = x + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), j = (q = j + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), D = (q = D + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), L = (q = L + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), F = (q = F + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), re = (q = re + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), de = (q = (de += ae - 1 + 37 * (ae - 1)) + (ae = 1) + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), ue = (q = ue + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), le = (q = le + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), ge = (q = ge + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), ce = (q = ce + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), he = (q = he + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), be = (q = be + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), W = (q = W + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), g = (q = g + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), S = (q = S + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), x = (q = x + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), j = (q = j + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), D = (q = D + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), L = (q = L + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), F = (q = F + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), re = (q = re + ae + 65535) - 65536 * (ae = Math.floor(q / 65536)), de += ae - 1 + 37 * (ae - 1), ee[0] = de, ee[1] = ue, ee[2] = le, ee[3] = ge, ee[4] = ce, ee[5] = he, ee[6] = be, ee[7] = W, ee[8] = g, ee[9] = S, ee[10] = x, ee[11] = j, ee[12] = D, ee[13] = L, ee[14] = F, ee[15] = re; - } - function R(ee, K) { - I(ee, K, K); - } - function k(ee, K) { - var Y, q = E(); - for (Y = 0; Y < 16; Y++) - q[Y] = K[Y]; - for (Y = 253; Y >= 0; Y--) - R(q, q), Y !== 2 && Y !== 4 && I(q, q, K); - for (Y = 0; Y < 16; Y++) - ee[Y] = q[Y]; - } - function N(ee, K, Y) { - var q, ae, de = new Uint8Array(32), ue = new Float64Array(80), le = E(), ge = E(), ce = E(), he = E(), be = E(), W = E(); - for (ae = 0; ae < 31; ae++) - de[ae] = K[ae]; - for (de[31] = 127 & K[31] | 64, de[0] &= 248, v(ue, Y), ae = 0; ae < 16; ae++) - ge[ae] = ue[ae], he[ae] = le[ae] = ce[ae] = 0; - for (le[0] = he[0] = 1, ae = 254; ae >= 0; --ae) - f(le, ge, q = de[ae >>> 3] >>> (7 & ae) & 1), f(ce, he, q), C(be, le, ce), l(le, le, ce), C(ce, ge, he), l(ge, ge, he), R(he, be), R(W, le), I(le, ce, le), I(ce, ge, be), C(be, le, ce), l(le, le, ce), R(ge, le), l(ce, he, W), I(le, ce, y), C(le, le, he), I(ce, ce, le), I(le, he, W), I(he, ge, ue), R(ge, be), f(le, ge, q), f(ce, he, q); - for (ae = 0; ae < 16; ae++) - ue[ae + 16] = le[ae], ue[ae + 32] = ce[ae], ue[ae + 48] = ge[ae], ue[ae + 64] = he[ae]; - var g = ue.subarray(32), S = ue.subarray(16); - return k(g, g), I(S, S, g), c(ee, S), 0; - } - var A = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591]; - function w(ee, K, Y, q) { - for (var ae, de, ue, le, ge, ce, he, be, W, g, S, x, j, D, L, F, re, oe, G, Z, H, $, ie, se, fe, pe, ve = new Int32Array(16), me = new Int32Array(16), _e = ee[0], ye = ee[1], Ee = ee[2], Ae = ee[3], Pe = ee[4], ke = ee[5], xe = ee[6], we = ee[7], Se = K[0], Re = K[1], Oe = K[2], Me = K[3], Te = K[4], Ne = K[5], Ce = K[6], Be = K[7], Ie = 0; q >= 128; ) { - for (G = 0; G < 16; G++) - Z = 8 * G + Ie, ve[G] = Y[Z + 0] << 24 | Y[Z + 1] << 16 | Y[Z + 2] << 8 | Y[Z + 3], me[G] = Y[Z + 4] << 24 | Y[Z + 5] << 16 | Y[Z + 6] << 8 | Y[Z + 7]; - for (G = 0; G < 80; G++) - if (ae = _e, de = ye, ue = Ee, le = Ae, ge = Pe, ce = ke, he = xe, W = Se, g = Re, S = Oe, x = Me, j = Te, D = Ne, L = Ce, ie = 65535 & ($ = Be), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = we), pe = H >>> 16, ie += 65535 & ($ = (Te >>> 14 | Pe << 18) ^ (Te >>> 18 | Pe << 14) ^ (Pe >>> 9 | Te << 23)), se += $ >>> 16, fe += 65535 & (H = (Pe >>> 14 | Te << 18) ^ (Pe >>> 18 | Te << 14) ^ (Te >>> 9 | Pe << 23)), pe += H >>> 16, ie += 65535 & ($ = Te & Ne ^ ~Te & Ce), se += $ >>> 16, fe += 65535 & (H = Pe & ke ^ ~Pe & xe), pe += H >>> 16, H = A[2 * G], ie += 65535 & ($ = A[2 * G + 1]), se += $ >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, H = ve[G % 16], se += ($ = me[G % 16]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = oe = 65535 & ie | se << 16), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = re = 65535 & fe | (pe += fe >>> 16) << 16), pe = H >>> 16, ie += 65535 & ($ = (Se >>> 28 | _e << 4) ^ (_e >>> 2 | Se << 30) ^ (_e >>> 7 | Se << 25)), se += $ >>> 16, fe += 65535 & (H = (_e >>> 28 | Se << 4) ^ (Se >>> 2 | _e << 30) ^ (Se >>> 7 | _e << 25)), pe += H >>> 16, se += ($ = Se & Re ^ Se & Oe ^ Re & Oe) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & (H = _e & ye ^ _e & Ee ^ ye & Ee), pe += H >>> 16, be = 65535 & (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) | (pe += fe >>> 16) << 16, F = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = x), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = le), pe = H >>> 16, se += ($ = oe) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & (H = re), pe += H >>> 16, ye = ae, Ee = de, Ae = ue, Pe = le = 65535 & (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) | (pe += fe >>> 16) << 16, ke = ge, xe = ce, we = he, _e = be, Re = W, Oe = g, Me = S, Te = x = 65535 & ie | se << 16, Ne = j, Ce = D, Be = L, Se = F, G % 16 == 15) - for (Z = 0; Z < 16; Z++) - H = ve[Z], ie = 65535 & ($ = me[Z]), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & H, pe = H >>> 16, H = ve[(Z + 9) % 16], ie += 65535 & ($ = me[(Z + 9) % 16]), se += $ >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, re = ve[(Z + 1) % 16], ie += 65535 & ($ = ((oe = me[(Z + 1) % 16]) >>> 1 | re << 31) ^ (oe >>> 8 | re << 24) ^ (oe >>> 7 | re << 25)), se += $ >>> 16, fe += 65535 & (H = (re >>> 1 | oe << 31) ^ (re >>> 8 | oe << 24) ^ re >>> 7), pe += H >>> 16, re = ve[(Z + 14) % 16], se += ($ = ((oe = me[(Z + 14) % 16]) >>> 19 | re << 13) ^ (re >>> 29 | oe << 3) ^ (oe >>> 6 | re << 26)) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & (H = (re >>> 19 | oe << 13) ^ (oe >>> 29 | re << 3) ^ re >>> 6), pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ve[Z] = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, me[Z] = 65535 & ie | se << 16; - ie = 65535 & ($ = Se), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = _e), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[0], se += ($ = K[0]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[0] = _e = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[0] = Se = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = Re), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = ye), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[1], se += ($ = K[1]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[1] = ye = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[1] = Re = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = Oe), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = Ee), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[2], se += ($ = K[2]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[2] = Ee = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[2] = Oe = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = Me), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = Ae), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[3], se += ($ = K[3]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[3] = Ae = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[3] = Me = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = Te), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = Pe), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[4], se += ($ = K[4]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[4] = Pe = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[4] = Te = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = Ne), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = ke), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[5], se += ($ = K[5]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[5] = ke = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[5] = Ne = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = Ce), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = xe), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[6], se += ($ = K[6]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[6] = xe = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[6] = Ce = 65535 & ie | se << 16, ie = 65535 & ($ = Be), se = $ >>> 16, fe = 65535 & (H = we), pe = H >>> 16, H = ee[7], se += ($ = K[7]) >>> 16, fe += 65535 & H, pe += H >>> 16, pe += (fe += (se += (ie += 65535 & $) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ee[7] = we = 65535 & fe | pe << 16, K[7] = Be = 65535 & ie | se << 16, Ie += 128, q -= 128; + let y = new Uint8Array(32); + function E(te) { + var Q, X = new Float64Array(16); + if (te) + for (Q = 0; Q < te.length; Q++) + X[Q] = te[Q]; + return X; + } + y[0] = 9; + const R = E(), A = E([1]), w = E([56129, 1]), a = E([30883, 4953, 19914, 30187, 55467, 16705, 2637, 112, 59544, 30585, 16505, 36039, 65139, 11119, 27886, 20995]), t = E([61785, 9906, 39828, 60374, 45398, 33411, 5274, 224, 53552, 61171, 33010, 6542, 64743, 22239, 55772, 9222]), d = E([54554, 36645, 11616, 51542, 42930, 38181, 51040, 26924, 56412, 64982, 57905, 49316, 21502, 52590, 14035, 8553]), u = E([26200, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214, 26214]), s = E([41136, 18958, 6951, 50414, 58488, 44335, 6150, 12099, 55207, 15867, 153, 11085, 57099, 20417, 9344, 11139]); + function r(te, Q, X, F) { + te[Q] = X >> 24 & 255, te[Q + 1] = X >> 16 & 255, te[Q + 2] = X >> 8 & 255, te[Q + 3] = 255 & X, te[Q + 4] = F >> 24 & 255, te[Q + 5] = F >> 16 & 255, te[Q + 6] = F >> 8 & 255, te[Q + 7] = 255 & F; + } + function n(te, Q, X, F) { + return function(se, ue, le, fe, _e) { + var de, pe = 0; + for (de = 0; de < 32; de++) + pe |= se[ue + de] ^ le[fe + de]; + return (1 & pe - 1 >>> 8) - 1; + }(te, Q, X, F); + } + function o(te, Q) { + var X; + for (X = 0; X < 16; X++) + te[X] = 0 | Q[X]; + } + function i(te) { + var Q, X, F = 1; + for (Q = 0; Q < 16; Q++) + X = te[Q] + F + 65535, F = Math.floor(X / 65536), te[Q] = X - 65536 * F; + te[0] += F - 1 + 37 * (F - 1); + } + function f(te, Q, X) { + for (var F, se = ~(X - 1), ue = 0; ue < 16; ue++) + F = se & (te[ue] ^ Q[ue]), te[ue] ^= F, Q[ue] ^= F; + } + function c(te, Q) { + var X, F, se, ue = E(), le = E(); + for (X = 0; X < 16; X++) + le[X] = Q[X]; + for (i(le), i(le), i(le), F = 0; F < 2; F++) { + for (ue[0] = le[0] - 65517, X = 1; X < 15; X++) + ue[X] = le[X] - 65535 - (ue[X - 1] >> 16 & 1), ue[X - 1] &= 65535; + ue[15] = le[15] - 32767 - (ue[14] >> 16 & 1), se = ue[15] >> 16 & 1, ue[14] &= 65535, f(le, ue, 1 - se); + } + for (X = 0; X < 16; X++) + te[2 * X] = 255 & le[X], te[2 * X + 1] = le[X] >> 8; + } + function h(te, Q) { + var X = new Uint8Array(32), F = new Uint8Array(32); + return c(X, te), c(F, Q), n(X, 0, F, 0); + } + function m(te) { + var Q = new Uint8Array(32); + return c(Q, te), 1 & Q[0]; + } + function v(te, Q) { + var X; + for (X = 0; X < 16; X++) + te[X] = Q[2 * X] + (Q[2 * X + 1] << 8); + te[15] &= 32767; + } + function I(te, Q, X) { + for (var F = 0; F < 16; F++) + te[F] = Q[F] + X[F]; + } + function l(te, Q, X) { + for (var F = 0; F < 16; F++) + te[F] = Q[F] - X[F]; + } + function j(te, Q, X) { + var F, se, ue = 0, le = 0, fe = 0, _e = 0, de = 0, pe = 0, ye = 0, G = 0, _ = 0, O = 0, M = 0, U = 0, z = 0, q = 0, W = 0, ne = 0, ie = 0, V = 0, Y = 0, $ = 0, K = 0, ae = 0, ce = 0, he = 0, me = 0, ge = 0, ve = 0, be = 0, we = 0, xe = 0, Ee = 0, Pe = X[0], Se = X[1], Re = X[2], ke = X[3], Oe = X[4], Me = X[5], Ae = X[6], Ne = X[7], Ce = X[8], Te = X[9], Ie = X[10], De = X[11], je = X[12], Ue = X[13], Je = X[14], Be = X[15]; + ue += (F = Q[0]) * Pe, le += F * Se, fe += F * Re, _e += F * ke, de += F * Oe, pe += F * Me, ye += F * Ae, G += F * Ne, _ += F * Ce, O += F * Te, M += F * Ie, U += F * De, z += F * je, q += F * Ue, W += F * Je, ne += F * Be, le += (F = Q[1]) * Pe, fe += F * Se, _e += F * Re, de += F * ke, pe += F * Oe, ye += F * Me, G += F * Ae, _ += F * Ne, O += F * Ce, M += F * Te, U += F * Ie, z += F * De, q += F * je, W += F * Ue, ne += F * Je, ie += F * Be, fe += (F = Q[2]) * Pe, _e += F * Se, de += F * Re, pe += F * ke, ye += F * Oe, G += F * Me, _ += F * Ae, O += F * Ne, M += F * Ce, U += F * Te, z += F * Ie, q += F * De, W += F * je, ne += F * Ue, ie += F * Je, V += F * Be, _e += (F = Q[3]) * Pe, de += F * Se, pe += F * Re, ye += F * ke, G += F * Oe, _ += F * Me, O += F * Ae, M += F * Ne, U += F * Ce, z += F * Te, q += F * Ie, W += F * De, ne += F * je, ie += F * Ue, V += F * Je, Y += F * Be, de += (F = Q[4]) * Pe, pe += F * Se, ye += F * Re, G += F * ke, _ += F * Oe, O += F * Me, M += F * Ae, U += F * Ne, z += F * Ce, q += F * Te, W += F * Ie, ne += F * De, ie += F * je, V += F * Ue, Y += F * Je, $ += F * Be, pe += (F = Q[5]) * Pe, ye += F * Se, G += F * Re, _ += F * ke, O += F * Oe, M += F * Me, U += F * Ae, z += F * Ne, q += F * Ce, W += F * Te, ne += F * Ie, ie += F * De, V += F * je, Y += F * Ue, $ += F * Je, K += F * Be, ye += (F = Q[6]) * Pe, G += F * Se, _ += F * Re, O += F * ke, M += F * Oe, U += F * Me, z += F * Ae, q += F * Ne, W += F * Ce, ne += F * Te, ie += F * Ie, V += F * De, Y += F * je, $ += F * Ue, K += F * Je, ae += F * Be, G += (F = Q[7]) * Pe, _ += F * Se, O += F * Re, M += F * ke, U += F * Oe, z += F * Me, q += F * Ae, W += F * Ne, ne += F * Ce, ie += F * Te, V += F * Ie, Y += F * De, $ += F * je, K += F * Ue, ae += F * Je, ce += F * Be, _ += (F = Q[8]) * Pe, O += F * Se, M += F * Re, U += F * ke, z += F * Oe, q += F * Me, W += F * Ae, ne += F * Ne, ie += F * Ce, V += F * Te, Y += F * Ie, $ += F * De, K += F * je, ae += F * Ue, ce += F * Je, he += F * Be, O += (F = Q[9]) * Pe, M += F * Se, U += F * Re, z += F * ke, q += F * Oe, W += F * Me, ne += F * Ae, ie += F * Ne, V += F * Ce, Y += F * Te, $ += F * Ie, K += F * De, ae += F * je, ce += F * Ue, he += F * Je, me += F * Be, M += (F = Q[10]) * Pe, U += F * Se, z += F * Re, q += F * ke, W += F * Oe, ne += F * Me, ie += F * Ae, V += F * Ne, Y += F * Ce, $ += F * Te, K += F * Ie, ae += F * De, ce += F * je, he += F * Ue, me += F * Je, ge += F * Be, U += (F = Q[11]) * Pe, z += F * Se, q += F * Re, W += F * ke, ne += F * Oe, ie += F * Me, V += F * Ae, Y += F * Ne, $ += F * Ce, K += F * Te, ae += F * Ie, ce += F * De, he += F * je, me += F * Ue, ge += F * Je, ve += F * Be, z += (F = Q[12]) * Pe, q += F * Se, W += F * Re, ne += F * ke, ie += F * Oe, V += F * Me, Y += F * Ae, $ += F * Ne, K += F * Ce, ae += F * Te, ce += F * Ie, he += F * De, me += F * je, ge += F * Ue, ve += F * Je, be += F * Be, q += (F = Q[13]) * Pe, W += F * Se, ne += F * Re, ie += F * ke, V += F * Oe, Y += F * Me, $ += F * Ae, K += F * Ne, ae += F * Ce, ce += F * Te, he += F * Ie, me += F * De, ge += F * je, ve += F * Ue, be += F * Je, we += F * Be, W += (F = Q[14]) * Pe, ne += F * Se, ie += F * Re, V += F * ke, Y += F * Oe, $ += F * Me, K += F * Ae, ae += F * Ne, ce += F * Ce, he += F * Te, me += F * Ie, ge += F * De, ve += F * je, be += F * Ue, we += F * Je, xe += F * Be, ne += (F = Q[15]) * Pe, le += 38 * (V += F * Re), fe += 38 * (Y += F * ke), _e += 38 * ($ += F * Oe), de += 38 * (K += F * Me), pe += 38 * (ae += F * Ae), ye += 38 * (ce += F * Ne), G += 38 * (he += F * Ce), _ += 38 * (me += F * Te), O += 38 * (ge += F * Ie), M += 38 * (ve += F * De), U += 38 * (be += F * je), z += 38 * (we += F * Ue), q += 38 * (xe += F * Je), W += 38 * (Ee += F * Be), ue = (F = (ue += 38 * (ie += F * Se)) + (se = 1) + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), le = (F = le + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), fe = (F = fe + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), _e = (F = _e + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), de = (F = de + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), pe = (F = pe + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), ye = (F = ye + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), G = (F = G + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), _ = (F = _ + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), O = (F = O + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), M = (F = M + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), U = (F = U + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), z = (F = z + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), q = (F = q + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), W = (F = W + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), ne = (F = ne + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), ue = (F = (ue += se - 1 + 37 * (se - 1)) + (se = 1) + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), le = (F = le + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), fe = (F = fe + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), _e = (F = _e + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), de = (F = de + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), pe = (F = pe + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), ye = (F = ye + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), G = (F = G + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), _ = (F = _ + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), O = (F = O + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), M = (F = M + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), U = (F = U + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), z = (F = z + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), q = (F = q + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), W = (F = W + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), ne = (F = ne + se + 65535) - 65536 * (se = Math.floor(F / 65536)), ue += se - 1 + 37 * (se - 1), te[0] = ue, te[1] = le, te[2] = fe, te[3] = _e, te[4] = de, te[5] = pe, te[6] = ye, te[7] = G, te[8] = _, te[9] = O, te[10] = M, te[11] = U, te[12] = z, te[13] = q, te[14] = W, te[15] = ne; + } + function N(te, Q) { + j(te, Q, Q); + } + function S(te, Q) { + var X, F = E(); + for (X = 0; X < 16; X++) + F[X] = Q[X]; + for (X = 253; X >= 0; X--) + N(F, F), X !== 2 && X !== 4 && j(F, F, Q); + for (X = 0; X < 16; X++) + te[X] = F[X]; + } + function T(te, Q, X) { + var F, se, ue = new Uint8Array(32), le = new Float64Array(80), fe = E(), _e = E(), de = E(), pe = E(), ye = E(), G = E(); + for (se = 0; se < 31; se++) + ue[se] = Q[se]; + for (ue[31] = 127 & Q[31] | 64, ue[0] &= 248, v(le, X), se = 0; se < 16; se++) + _e[se] = le[se], pe[se] = fe[se] = de[se] = 0; + for (fe[0] = pe[0] = 1, se = 254; se >= 0; --se) + f(fe, _e, F = ue[se >>> 3] >>> (7 & se) & 1), f(de, pe, F), I(ye, fe, de), l(fe, fe, de), I(de, _e, pe), l(_e, _e, pe), N(pe, ye), N(G, fe), j(fe, de, fe), j(de, _e, ye), I(ye, fe, de), l(fe, fe, de), N(_e, fe), l(de, pe, G), j(fe, de, w), I(fe, fe, pe), j(de, de, fe), j(fe, pe, G), j(pe, _e, le), N(_e, ye), f(fe, _e, F), f(de, pe, F); + for (se = 0; se < 16; se++) + le[se + 16] = fe[se], le[se + 32] = de[se], le[se + 48] = _e[se], le[se + 64] = pe[se]; + var _ = le.subarray(32), O = le.subarray(16); + return S(_, _), j(O, O, _), c(te, O), 0; + } + var x = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591]; + function k(te, Q, X, F) { + for (var se, ue, le, fe, _e, de, pe, ye, G, _, O, M, U, z, q, W, ne, ie, V, Y, $, K, ae, ce, he, me, ge = new Int32Array(16), ve = new Int32Array(16), be = te[0], we = te[1], xe = te[2], Ee = te[3], Pe = te[4], Se = te[5], Re = te[6], ke = te[7], Oe = Q[0], Me = Q[1], Ae = Q[2], Ne = Q[3], Ce = Q[4], Te = Q[5], Ie = Q[6], De = Q[7], je = 0; F >= 128; ) { + for (V = 0; V < 16; V++) + Y = 8 * V + je, ge[V] = X[Y + 0] << 24 | X[Y + 1] << 16 | X[Y + 2] << 8 | X[Y + 3], ve[V] = X[Y + 4] << 24 | X[Y + 5] << 16 | X[Y + 6] << 8 | X[Y + 7]; + for (V = 0; V < 80; V++) + if (se = be, ue = we, le = xe, fe = Ee, _e = Pe, de = Se, pe = Re, G = Oe, _ = Me, O = Ae, M = Ne, U = Ce, z = Te, q = Ie, ae = 65535 & (K = De), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = ke), me = $ >>> 16, ae += 65535 & (K = (Ce >>> 14 | Pe << 18) ^ (Ce >>> 18 | Pe << 14) ^ (Pe >>> 9 | Ce << 23)), ce += K >>> 16, he += 65535 & ($ = (Pe >>> 14 | Ce << 18) ^ (Pe >>> 18 | Ce << 14) ^ (Ce >>> 9 | Pe << 23)), me += $ >>> 16, ae += 65535 & (K = Ce & Te ^ ~Ce & Ie), ce += K >>> 16, he += 65535 & ($ = Pe & Se ^ ~Pe & Re), me += $ >>> 16, $ = x[2 * V], ae += 65535 & (K = x[2 * V + 1]), ce += K >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, $ = ge[V % 16], ce += (K = ve[V % 16]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16, ae = 65535 & (K = ie = 65535 & ae | ce << 16), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = ne = 65535 & he | (me += he >>> 16) << 16), me = $ >>> 16, ae += 65535 & (K = (Oe >>> 28 | be << 4) ^ (be >>> 2 | Oe << 30) ^ (be >>> 7 | Oe << 25)), ce += K >>> 16, he += 65535 & ($ = (be >>> 28 | Oe << 4) ^ (Oe >>> 2 | be << 30) ^ (Oe >>> 7 | be << 25)), me += $ >>> 16, ce += (K = Oe & Me ^ Oe & Ae ^ Me & Ae) >>> 16, he += 65535 & ($ = be & we ^ be & xe ^ we & xe), me += $ >>> 16, ye = 65535 & (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) | (me += he >>> 16) << 16, W = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = M), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = fe), me = $ >>> 16, ce += (K = ie) >>> 16, he += 65535 & ($ = ne), me += $ >>> 16, we = se, xe = ue, Ee = le, Pe = fe = 65535 & (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) | (me += he >>> 16) << 16, Se = _e, Re = de, ke = pe, be = ye, Me = G, Ae = _, Ne = O, Ce = M = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, Te = U, Ie = z, De = q, Oe = W, V % 16 == 15) + for (Y = 0; Y < 16; Y++) + $ = ge[Y], ae = 65535 & (K = ve[Y]), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & $, me = $ >>> 16, $ = ge[(Y + 9) % 16], ae += 65535 & (K = ve[(Y + 9) % 16]), ce += K >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, ne = ge[(Y + 1) % 16], ae += 65535 & (K = ((ie = ve[(Y + 1) % 16]) >>> 1 | ne << 31) ^ (ie >>> 8 | ne << 24) ^ (ie >>> 7 | ne << 25)), ce += K >>> 16, he += 65535 & ($ = (ne >>> 1 | ie << 31) ^ (ne >>> 8 | ie << 24) ^ ne >>> 7), me += $ >>> 16, ne = ge[(Y + 14) % 16], ce += (K = ((ie = ve[(Y + 14) % 16]) >>> 19 | ne << 13) ^ (ne >>> 29 | ie << 3) ^ (ie >>> 6 | ne << 26)) >>> 16, he += 65535 & ($ = (ne >>> 19 | ie << 13) ^ (ie >>> 29 | ne << 3) ^ ne >>> 6), me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, ge[Y] = 65535 & he | me << 16, ve[Y] = 65535 & ae | ce << 16; + ae = 65535 & (K = Oe), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = be), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[0], ce += (K = Q[0]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[0] = be = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[0] = Oe = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = Me), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = we), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[1], ce += (K = Q[1]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[1] = we = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[1] = Me = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = Ae), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = xe), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[2], ce += (K = Q[2]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[2] = xe = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[2] = Ae = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = Ne), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = Ee), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[3], ce += (K = Q[3]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[3] = Ee = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[3] = Ne = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = Ce), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = Pe), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[4], ce += (K = Q[4]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[4] = Pe = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[4] = Ce = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = Te), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = Se), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[5], ce += (K = Q[5]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[5] = Se = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[5] = Te = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = Ie), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = Re), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[6], ce += (K = Q[6]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[6] = Re = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[6] = Ie = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, ae = 65535 & (K = De), ce = K >>> 16, he = 65535 & ($ = ke), me = $ >>> 16, $ = te[7], ce += (K = Q[7]) >>> 16, he += 65535 & $, me += $ >>> 16, me += (he += (ce += (ae += 65535 & K) >>> 16) >>> 16) >>> 16, te[7] = ke = 65535 & he | me << 16, Q[7] = De = 65535 & ae | ce << 16, je += 128, F -= 128; } - return q; + return F; } - function _(ee, K, Y) { - var q, ae = new Int32Array(8), de = new Int32Array(8), ue = new Uint8Array(256), le = Y; - for (ae[0] = 1779033703, ae[1] = 3144134277, ae[2] = 1013904242, ae[3] = 2773480762, ae[4] = 1359893119, ae[5] = 2600822924, ae[6] = 528734635, ae[7] = 1541459225, de[0] = 4089235720, de[1] = 2227873595, de[2] = 4271175723, de[3] = 1595750129, de[4] = 2917565137, de[5] = 725511199, de[6] = 4215389547, de[7] = 327033209, w(ae, de, K, Y), Y %= 128, q = 0; q < Y; q++) - ue[q] = K[le - Y + q]; - for (ue[Y] = 128, ue[(Y = 256 - 128 * (Y < 112 ? 1 : 0)) - 9] = 0, r(ue, Y - 8, le / 536870912 | 0, le << 3), w(ae, de, ue, Y), q = 0; q < 8; q++) - r(ee, 8 * q, ae[q], de[q]); + function b(te, Q, X) { + var F, se = new Int32Array(8), ue = new Int32Array(8), le = new Uint8Array(256), fe = X; + for (se[0] = 1779033703, se[1] = 3144134277, se[2] = 1013904242, se[3] = 2773480762, se[4] = 1359893119, se[5] = 2600822924, se[6] = 528734635, se[7] = 1541459225, ue[0] = 4089235720, ue[1] = 2227873595, ue[2] = 4271175723, ue[3] = 1595750129, ue[4] = 2917565137, ue[5] = 725511199, ue[6] = 4215389547, ue[7] = 327033209, k(se, ue, Q, X), X %= 128, F = 0; F < X; F++) + le[F] = Q[fe - X + F]; + for (le[X] = 128, le[(X = 256 - 128 * (X < 112 ? 1 : 0)) - 9] = 0, r(le, X - 8, fe / 536870912 | 0, fe << 3), k(se, ue, le, X), F = 0; F < 8; F++) + r(te, 8 * F, se[F], ue[F]); return 0; } - function p(ee, K) { - var Y = E(), q = E(), ae = E(), de = E(), ue = E(), le = E(), ge = E(), ce = E(), he = E(); - l(Y, ee[1], ee[0]), l(he, K[1], K[0]), I(Y, Y, he), C(q, ee[0], ee[1]), C(he, K[0], K[1]), I(q, q, he), I(ae, ee[3], K[3]), I(ae, ae, t), I(de, ee[2], K[2]), C(de, de, de), l(ue, q, Y), l(le, de, ae), C(ge, de, ae), C(ce, q, Y), I(ee[0], ue, le), I(ee[1], ce, ge), I(ee[2], ge, le), I(ee[3], ue, ce); - } - function O(ee, K, Y) { - var q; - for (q = 0; q < 4; q++) - f(ee[q], K[q], Y); - } - function U(ee, K) { - var Y = E(), q = E(), ae = E(); - k(ae, K[2]), I(Y, K[0], ae), I(q, K[1], ae), c(ee, q), ee[31] ^= m(Y) << 7; - } - function T(ee, K, Y) { - var q, ae; - for (o(ee[0], M), o(ee[1], P), o(ee[2], P), o(ee[3], M), ae = 255; ae >= 0; --ae) - O(ee, K, q = Y[ae / 8 | 0] >> (7 & ae) & 1), p(K, ee), p(ee, ee), O(ee, K, q); - } - function z(ee, K) { - var Y = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; - o(Y[0], d), o(Y[1], u), o(Y[2], P), I(Y[3], d, u), T(ee, Y, K); - } - var te = new Float64Array([237, 211, 245, 92, 26, 99, 18, 88, 214, 156, 247, 162, 222, 249, 222, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16]); - function X(ee, K) { - var Y, q, ae, de; - for (q = 63; q >= 32; --q) { - for (Y = 0, ae = q - 32, de = q - 12; ae < de; ++ae) - K[ae] += Y - 16 * K[q] * te[ae - (q - 32)], Y = K[ae] + 128 >> 8, K[ae] -= 256 * Y; - K[ae] += Y, K[q] = 0; - } - for (Y = 0, ae = 0; ae < 32; ae++) - K[ae] += Y - (K[31] >> 4) * te[ae], Y = K[ae] >> 8, K[ae] &= 255; - for (ae = 0; ae < 32; ae++) - K[ae] -= Y * te[ae]; - for (q = 0; q < 32; q++) - K[q + 1] += K[q] >> 8, ee[q] = 255 & K[q]; - } - function ne(ee) { - var K, Y = new Float64Array(64); - for (K = 0; K < 64; K++) - Y[K] = ee[K]; - for (K = 0; K < 64; K++) - ee[K] = 0; - X(ee, Y); - } - function B(ee, K, Y, q, ae) { - for (var de = new Uint8Array(64), ue = [E(), E(), E(), E()], le = 0; le < 32; le++) - de[le] = q[le]; - de[0] &= 248, de[31] &= 127, de[31] |= 64, z(ue, de), U(de.subarray(32), ue); - var ge, ce = 128 & de[63]; - return ge = ae ? function(he, be, W, g, S) { - var x, j, D = new Uint8Array(64), L = new Uint8Array(64), F = new Float64Array(64), re = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; - for (he[0] = 254, x = 1; x < 32; x++) - he[x] = 255; - for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) - he[32 + x] = g[x]; - for (x = 0; x < W; x++) - he[64 + x] = be[x]; - for (x = 0; x < 64; x++) - he[W + 64 + x] = S[x]; - for (_(L, he, W + 128), ne(L), z(re, L), U(he, re), x = 0; x < 32; x++) - he[x + 32] = g[32 + x]; - for (_(D, he, W + 64), ne(D), x = 0; x < 64; x++) - he[W + 64 + x] = 0; - for (x = 0; x < 64; x++) - F[x] = 0; - for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) - F[x] = L[x]; - for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) - for (j = 0; j < 32; j++) - F[x + j] += D[x] * g[j]; - return X(he.subarray(32, W + 64), F), W + 64; - }(ee, K, Y, de, ae) : function(he, be, W, g) { - var S, x, j = new Uint8Array(64), D = new Uint8Array(64), L = new Float64Array(64), F = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; - for (S = 0; S < W; S++) - he[64 + S] = be[S]; - for (S = 0; S < 32; S++) - he[32 + S] = g[S]; - for (_(D, he.subarray(32), W + 32), ne(D), z(F, D), U(he, F), S = 0; S < 32; S++) - he[S + 32] = g[32 + S]; - for (_(j, he, W + 64), ne(j), S = 0; S < 64; S++) - L[S] = 0; - for (S = 0; S < 32; S++) - L[S] = D[S]; - for (S = 0; S < 32; S++) - for (x = 0; x < 32; x++) - L[S + x] += j[S] * g[x]; - return X(he.subarray(32), L), W + 64; - }(ee, K, Y, de), ee[63] |= ce, ge; - } - function Q(ee, K, Y, q) { - var ae = function(de) { - var ue = new Uint8Array(32), le = E(), ge = E(), ce = E(); - return v(le, de), C(ge, le, P), l(ce, le, P), k(ge, ge), I(ge, ge, ce), c(ue, ge), ue; - }(q); - return ae[31] |= 128 & K[63], K[63] &= 127, function(de, ue, le, ge) { - var ce, he = new Uint8Array(32), be = new Uint8Array(64), W = [E(), E(), E(), E()], g = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; - if (le < 64 || function(S, x) { - var j = E(), D = E(), L = E(), F = E(), re = E(), oe = E(), G = E(); - return o(S[2], P), v(S[1], x), R(L, S[1]), I(F, L, a), l(L, L, S[2]), C(F, S[2], F), R(re, F), R(oe, re), I(G, oe, re), I(j, G, L), I(j, j, F), function(Z, H) { - var $, ie = E(); - for ($ = 0; $ < 16; $++) - ie[$] = H[$]; - for ($ = 250; $ >= 0; $--) - R(ie, ie), $ !== 1 && I(ie, ie, H); - for ($ = 0; $ < 16; $++) - Z[$] = ie[$]; - }(j, j), I(j, j, L), I(j, j, F), I(j, j, F), I(S[0], j, F), R(D, S[0]), I(D, D, F), h(D, L) && I(S[0], S[0], s), R(D, S[0]), I(D, D, F), h(D, L) ? -1 : (m(S[0]) === x[31] >> 7 && l(S[0], M, S[0]), I(S[3], S[0], S[1]), 0); - }(g, ge)) + function p(te, Q) { + var X = E(), F = E(), se = E(), ue = E(), le = E(), fe = E(), _e = E(), de = E(), pe = E(); + l(X, te[1], te[0]), l(pe, Q[1], Q[0]), j(X, X, pe), I(F, te[0], te[1]), I(pe, Q[0], Q[1]), j(F, F, pe), j(se, te[3], Q[3]), j(se, se, t), j(ue, te[2], Q[2]), I(ue, ue, ue), l(le, F, X), l(fe, ue, se), I(_e, ue, se), I(de, F, X), j(te[0], le, fe), j(te[1], de, _e), j(te[2], _e, fe), j(te[3], le, de); + } + function P(te, Q, X) { + var F; + for (F = 0; F < 4; F++) + f(te[F], Q[F], X); + } + function B(te, Q) { + var X = E(), F = E(), se = E(); + S(se, Q[2]), j(X, Q[0], se), j(F, Q[1], se), c(te, F), te[31] ^= m(X) << 7; + } + function C(te, Q, X) { + var F, se; + for (o(te[0], R), o(te[1], A), o(te[2], A), o(te[3], R), se = 255; se >= 0; --se) + P(te, Q, F = X[se / 8 | 0] >> (7 & se) & 1), p(Q, te), p(te, te), P(te, Q, F); + } + function L(te, Q) { + var X = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; + o(X[0], d), o(X[1], u), o(X[2], A), j(X[3], d, u), C(te, X, Q); + } + var re = new Float64Array([237, 211, 245, 92, 26, 99, 18, 88, 214, 156, 247, 162, 222, 249, 222, 20, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16]); + function ee(te, Q) { + var X, F, se, ue; + for (F = 63; F >= 32; --F) { + for (X = 0, se = F - 32, ue = F - 12; se < ue; ++se) + Q[se] += X - 16 * Q[F] * re[se - (F - 32)], X = Q[se] + 128 >> 8, Q[se] -= 256 * X; + Q[se] += X, Q[F] = 0; + } + for (X = 0, se = 0; se < 32; se++) + Q[se] += X - (Q[31] >> 4) * re[se], X = Q[se] >> 8, Q[se] &= 255; + for (se = 0; se < 32; se++) + Q[se] -= X * re[se]; + for (F = 0; F < 32; F++) + Q[F + 1] += Q[F] >> 8, te[F] = 255 & Q[F]; + } + function oe(te) { + var Q, X = new Float64Array(64); + for (Q = 0; Q < 64; Q++) + X[Q] = te[Q]; + for (Q = 0; Q < 64; Q++) + te[Q] = 0; + ee(te, X); + } + function D(te, Q, X, F, se) { + for (var ue = new Uint8Array(64), le = [E(), E(), E(), E()], fe = 0; fe < 32; fe++) + ue[fe] = F[fe]; + ue[0] &= 248, ue[31] &= 127, ue[31] |= 64, L(le, ue), B(ue.subarray(32), le); + var _e, de = 128 & ue[63]; + return _e = se ? function(pe, ye, G, _, O) { + var M, U, z = new Uint8Array(64), q = new Uint8Array(64), W = new Float64Array(64), ne = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; + for (pe[0] = 254, M = 1; M < 32; M++) + pe[M] = 255; + for (M = 0; M < 32; M++) + pe[32 + M] = _[M]; + for (M = 0; M < G; M++) + pe[64 + M] = ye[M]; + for (M = 0; M < 64; M++) + pe[G + 64 + M] = O[M]; + for (b(q, pe, G + 128), oe(q), L(ne, q), B(pe, ne), M = 0; M < 32; M++) + pe[M + 32] = _[32 + M]; + for (b(z, pe, G + 64), oe(z), M = 0; M < 64; M++) + pe[G + 64 + M] = 0; + for (M = 0; M < 64; M++) + W[M] = 0; + for (M = 0; M < 32; M++) + W[M] = q[M]; + for (M = 0; M < 32; M++) + for (U = 0; U < 32; U++) + W[M + U] += z[M] * _[U]; + return ee(pe.subarray(32, G + 64), W), G + 64; + }(te, Q, X, ue, se) : function(pe, ye, G, _) { + var O, M, U = new Uint8Array(64), z = new Uint8Array(64), q = new Float64Array(64), W = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; + for (O = 0; O < G; O++) + pe[64 + O] = ye[O]; + for (O = 0; O < 32; O++) + pe[32 + O] = _[O]; + for (b(z, pe.subarray(32), G + 32), oe(z), L(W, z), B(pe, W), O = 0; O < 32; O++) + pe[O + 32] = _[32 + O]; + for (b(U, pe, G + 64), oe(U), O = 0; O < 64; O++) + q[O] = 0; + for (O = 0; O < 32; O++) + q[O] = z[O]; + for (O = 0; O < 32; O++) + for (M = 0; M < 32; M++) + q[O + M] += U[O] * _[M]; + return ee(pe.subarray(32), q), G + 64; + }(te, Q, X, ue), te[63] |= de, _e; + } + function Z(te, Q, X, F) { + var se = function(ue) { + var le = new Uint8Array(32), fe = E(), _e = E(), de = E(); + return v(fe, ue), I(_e, fe, A), l(de, fe, A), S(_e, _e), j(_e, _e, de), c(le, _e), le; + }(F); + return se[31] |= 128 & Q[63], Q[63] &= 127, function(ue, le, fe, _e) { + var de, pe = new Uint8Array(32), ye = new Uint8Array(64), G = [E(), E(), E(), E()], _ = [E(), E(), E(), E()]; + if (fe < 64 || function(O, M) { + var U = E(), z = E(), q = E(), W = E(), ne = E(), ie = E(), V = E(); + return o(O[2], A), v(O[1], M), N(q, O[1]), j(W, q, a), l(q, q, O[2]), I(W, O[2], W), N(ne, W), N(ie, ne), j(V, ie, ne), j(U, V, q), j(U, U, W), function(Y, $) { + var K, ae = E(); + for (K = 0; K < 16; K++) + ae[K] = $[K]; + for (K = 250; K >= 0; K--) + N(ae, ae), K !== 1 && j(ae, ae, $); + for (K = 0; K < 16; K++) + Y[K] = ae[K]; + }(U, U), j(U, U, q), j(U, U, W), j(U, U, W), j(O[0], U, W), N(z, O[0]), j(z, z, W), h(z, q) && j(O[0], O[0], s), N(z, O[0]), j(z, z, W), h(z, q) ? -1 : (m(O[0]) === M[31] >> 7 && l(O[0], R, O[0]), j(O[3], O[0], O[1]), 0); + }(_, _e)) return -1; - for (ce = 0; ce < le; ce++) - de[ce] = ue[ce]; - for (ce = 0; ce < 32; ce++) - de[ce + 32] = ge[ce]; - if (_(be, de, le), ne(be), T(W, g, be), z(g, ue.subarray(32)), p(W, g), U(he, W), le -= 64, n(ue, 0, he, 0)) { - for (ce = 0; ce < le; ce++) - de[ce] = 0; + for (de = 0; de < fe; de++) + ue[de] = le[de]; + for (de = 0; de < 32; de++) + ue[de + 32] = _e[de]; + if (b(ye, ue, fe), oe(ye), C(G, _, ye), L(_, le.subarray(32)), p(G, _), B(pe, G), fe -= 64, n(le, 0, pe, 0)) { + for (de = 0; de < fe; de++) + ue[de] = 0; return -1; } - for (ce = 0; ce < le; ce++) - de[ce] = ue[ce + 64]; - return le; - }(ee, K, Y, ae); + for (de = 0; de < fe; de++) + ue[de] = le[de + 64]; + return fe; + }(te, Q, X, se); } - function V(...ee) { - var K, Y; - for (Y = 0; Y < arguments.length; Y++) - if ((K = Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[Y])) !== "[object Uint8Array]") - throw new TypeError("unexpected type " + K + ", use Uint8Array"); + function H(...te) { + var Q, X; + for (X = 0; X < arguments.length; X++) + if ((Q = Object.prototype.toString.call(arguments[X])) !== "[object Uint8Array]") + throw new TypeError("unexpected type " + Q + ", use Uint8Array"); } - e.sharedKey = function(ee, K) { - if (V(K, ee), K.length !== 32) + e.sharedKey = function(te, Q) { + if (H(Q, te), Q.length !== 32) throw new Error("wrong public key length"); - if (ee.length !== 32) + if (te.length !== 32) throw new Error("wrong secret key length"); - var Y = new Uint8Array(32); - return N(Y, ee, K), Y; - }, e.signMessage = function(ee, K, Y) { - if (V(K, ee), ee.length !== 32) + var X = new Uint8Array(32); + return T(X, te, Q), X; + }, e.signMessage = function(te, Q, X) { + if (H(Q, te), te.length !== 32) throw new Error("wrong secret key length"); - if (Y) { - if (V(Y), Y.length !== 64) + if (X) { + if (H(X), X.length !== 64) throw new Error("wrong random data length"); - var q = new Uint8Array(128 + K.length); - return B(q, K, K.length, ee, Y), new Uint8Array(q.subarray(0, 64 + K.length)); + var F = new Uint8Array(128 + Q.length); + return D(F, Q, Q.length, te, X), new Uint8Array(F.subarray(0, 64 + Q.length)); } - var ae = new Uint8Array(64 + K.length); - return B(ae, K, K.length, ee), ae; - }, e.openMessage = function(ee, K) { - if (V(K, ee), ee.length !== 32) + var se = new Uint8Array(64 + Q.length); + return D(se, Q, Q.length, te), se; + }, e.openMessage = function(te, Q) { + if (H(Q, te), te.length !== 32) throw new Error("wrong public key length"); - var Y = new Uint8Array(K.length), q = Q(Y, K, K.length, ee); - if (q < 0) + var X = new Uint8Array(Q.length), F = Z(X, Q, Q.length, te); + if (F < 0) return null; - for (var ae = new Uint8Array(q), de = 0; de < ae.length; de++) - ae[de] = Y[de]; - return ae; - }, e.sign = function(ee, K, Y) { - if (V(ee, K), ee.length !== 32) + for (var se = new Uint8Array(F), ue = 0; ue < se.length; ue++) + se[ue] = X[ue]; + return se; + }, e.sign = function(te, Q, X) { + if (H(te, Q), te.length !== 32) throw new Error("wrong secret key length"); - if (Y && (V(Y), Y.length !== 64)) + if (X && (H(X), X.length !== 64)) throw new Error("wrong random data length"); - var q = new Uint8Array((Y ? 128 : 64) + K.length); - B(q, K, K.length, ee, Y); - for (var ae = new Uint8Array(64), de = 0; de < ae.length; de++) - ae[de] = q[de]; - return ae; - }, e.verify = function(ee, K, Y) { - if (V(K, Y, ee), Y.length !== 64) + var F = new Uint8Array((X ? 128 : 64) + Q.length); + D(F, Q, Q.length, te, X); + for (var se = new Uint8Array(64), ue = 0; ue < se.length; ue++) + se[ue] = F[ue]; + return se; + }, e.verify = function(te, Q, X) { + if (H(Q, X, te), X.length !== 64) throw new Error("wrong signature length"); - if (ee.length !== 32) + if (te.length !== 32) throw new Error("wrong public key length"); - var q, ae = new Uint8Array(64 + K.length), de = new Uint8Array(64 + K.length); - for (q = 0; q < 64; q++) - ae[q] = Y[q]; - for (q = 0; q < K.length; q++) - ae[q + 64] = K[q]; - return Q(de, ae, ae.length, ee) >= 0; - }, e.generateKeyPair = function(ee) { - if (V(ee), ee.length !== 32) + var F, se = new Uint8Array(64 + Q.length), ue = new Uint8Array(64 + Q.length); + for (F = 0; F < 64; F++) + se[F] = X[F]; + for (F = 0; F < Q.length; F++) + se[F + 64] = Q[F]; + return Z(ue, se, se.length, te) >= 0; + }, e.generateKeyPair = function(te) { + if (H(te), te.length !== 32) throw new Error("wrong seed length"); - for (var K = new Uint8Array(32), Y = new Uint8Array(32), q = 0; q < 32; q++) - K[q] = ee[q]; - return N(Y, K, b), K[0] &= 248, K[31] &= 127, K[31] |= 64, Y[31] &= 127, { public: Y, private: K }; + for (var Q = new Uint8Array(32), X = new Uint8Array(32), F = 0; F < 32; F++) + Q[F] = te[F]; + return T(X, Q, y), Q[0] &= 248, Q[31] &= 127, Q[31] |= 64, X[31] &= 127, { public: X, private: Q }; }, e.default = {}; - }, 4289: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(2215), M = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol("foo") == "symbol", P = Object.prototype.toString, y = Array.prototype.concat, a = Object.defineProperty, t = b(1044)(), d = a && t, u = function(r, n, o, i) { + }, 4289: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(2215), R = typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof Symbol("foo") == "symbol", A = Object.prototype.toString, w = Array.prototype.concat, a = Object.defineProperty, t = y(1044)(), d = a && t, u = function(r, n, o, i) { if (n in r) { if (i === !0) { if (r[n] === o) return; - } else if (typeof (f = i) != "function" || P.call(f) !== "[object Function]" || !i()) + } else if (typeof (f = i) != "function" || A.call(f) !== "[object Function]" || !i()) return; } var f; d ? a(r, n, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !1, value: o, writable: !0 }) : r[n] = o; }, s = function(r, n) { var o = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : {}, i = E(n); - M && (i = y.call(i, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n))); + R && (i = w.call(i, Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(n))); for (var f = 0; f < i.length; f += 1) u(r, i[f], n[i[f]], o[i[f]]); }; s.supportsDescriptors = !!d, J.exports = s; - }, 6266: (J, e, b) => { + }, 6266: (J, e, y) => { var E = e; - E.version = b(8597).i8, E.utils = b(953), E.rand = b(9931), E.curve = b(8254), E.curves = b(5427), E.ec = b(7954), E.eddsa = b(5980); - }, 4918: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3550), M = b(953), P = M.getNAF, y = M.getJSF, a = M.assert; + E.version = y(8597).i8, E.utils = y(953), E.rand = y(9931), E.curve = y(8254), E.curves = y(5427), E.ec = y(7954), E.eddsa = y(5980); + }, 4918: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3550), R = y(953), A = R.getNAF, w = R.getJSF, a = R.assert; function t(u, s) { this.type = u, this.p = new E(s.p, 16), this.red = s.prime ? E.red(s.prime) : E.mont(this.p), this.zero = new E(0).toRed(this.red), this.one = new E(1).toRed(this.red), this.two = new E(2).toRed(this.red), this.n = s.n && new E(s.n, 16), this.g = s.g && this.pointFromJSON(s.g, s.gRed), this._wnafT1 = new Array(4), this._wnafT2 = new Array(4), this._wnafT3 = new Array(4), this._wnafT4 = new Array(4), this._bitLength = this.n ? this.n.bitLength() : 0; var r = this.n && this.p.div(this.n); @@ -8111,7 +8449,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; throw new Error("Not implemented"); }, t.prototype._fixedNafMul = function(u, s) { a(u.precomputed); - var r = u._getDoubles(), n = P(s, 1, this._bitLength), o = (1 << r.step + 1) - (r.step % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1); + var r = u._getDoubles(), n = A(s, 1, this._bitLength), o = (1 << r.step + 1) - (r.step % 2 == 0 ? 2 : 1); o /= 3; var i, f, c = []; for (i = 0; i < n.length; i += r.step) { @@ -8120,16 +8458,16 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; f = (f << 1) + n[h]; c.push(f); } - for (var m = this.jpoint(null, null, null), v = this.jpoint(null, null, null), C = o; C > 0; C--) { + for (var m = this.jpoint(null, null, null), v = this.jpoint(null, null, null), I = o; I > 0; I--) { for (i = 0; i < c.length; i++) - (f = c[i]) === C ? v = v.mixedAdd(r.points[i]) : f === -C && (v = v.mixedAdd(r.points[i].neg())); + (f = c[i]) === I ? v = v.mixedAdd(r.points[i]) : f === -I && (v = v.mixedAdd(r.points[i].neg())); m = m.add(v); } return m.toP(); }, t.prototype._wnafMul = function(u, s) { var r = 4, n = u._getNAFPoints(r); r = n.wnd; - for (var o = n.points, i = P(s, r, this._bitLength), f = this.jpoint(null, null, null), c = i.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { + for (var o = n.points, i = A(s, r, this._bitLength), f = this.jpoint(null, null, null), c = i.length - 1; c >= 0; c--) { for (var h = 0; c >= 0 && i[c] === 0; c--) h++; if (c >= 0 && h++, f = f.dblp(h), c < 0) @@ -8139,39 +8477,39 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } return u.type === "affine" ? f.toP() : f; }, t.prototype._wnafMulAdd = function(u, s, r, n, o) { - var i, f, c, h = this._wnafT1, m = this._wnafT2, v = this._wnafT3, C = 0; + var i, f, c, h = this._wnafT1, m = this._wnafT2, v = this._wnafT3, I = 0; for (i = 0; i < n; i++) { var l = (c = s[i])._getNAFPoints(u); h[i] = l.wnd, m[i] = l.points; } for (i = n - 1; i >= 1; i -= 2) { - var I = i - 1, R = i; - if (h[I] === 1 && h[R] === 1) { - var k = [s[I], null, null, s[R]]; - s[I].y.cmp(s[R].y) === 0 ? (k[1] = s[I].add(s[R]), k[2] = s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R].neg())) : s[I].y.cmp(s[R].y.redNeg()) === 0 ? (k[1] = s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R]), k[2] = s[I].add(s[R].neg())) : (k[1] = s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R]), k[2] = s[I].toJ().mixedAdd(s[R].neg())); - var N = [-3, -1, -5, -7, 0, 7, 5, 1, 3], A = y(r[I], r[R]); - for (C = Math.max(A[0].length, C), v[I] = new Array(C), v[R] = new Array(C), f = 0; f < C; f++) { - var w = 0 | A[0][f], _ = 0 | A[1][f]; - v[I][f] = N[3 * (w + 1) + (_ + 1)], v[R][f] = 0, m[I] = k; + var j = i - 1, N = i; + if (h[j] === 1 && h[N] === 1) { + var S = [s[j], null, null, s[N]]; + s[j].y.cmp(s[N].y) === 0 ? (S[1] = s[j].add(s[N]), S[2] = s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N].neg())) : s[j].y.cmp(s[N].y.redNeg()) === 0 ? (S[1] = s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N]), S[2] = s[j].add(s[N].neg())) : (S[1] = s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N]), S[2] = s[j].toJ().mixedAdd(s[N].neg())); + var T = [-3, -1, -5, -7, 0, 7, 5, 1, 3], x = w(r[j], r[N]); + for (I = Math.max(x[0].length, I), v[j] = new Array(I), v[N] = new Array(I), f = 0; f < I; f++) { + var k = 0 | x[0][f], b = 0 | x[1][f]; + v[j][f] = T[3 * (k + 1) + (b + 1)], v[N][f] = 0, m[j] = S; } } else - v[I] = P(r[I], h[I], this._bitLength), v[R] = P(r[R], h[R], this._bitLength), C = Math.max(v[I].length, C), C = Math.max(v[R].length, C); + v[j] = A(r[j], h[j], this._bitLength), v[N] = A(r[N], h[N], this._bitLength), I = Math.max(v[j].length, I), I = Math.max(v[N].length, I); } - var p = this.jpoint(null, null, null), O = this._wnafT4; - for (i = C; i >= 0; i--) { - for (var U = 0; i >= 0; ) { - var T = !0; + var p = this.jpoint(null, null, null), P = this._wnafT4; + for (i = I; i >= 0; i--) { + for (var B = 0; i >= 0; ) { + var C = !0; for (f = 0; f < n; f++) - O[f] = 0 | v[f][i], O[f] !== 0 && (T = !1); - if (!T) + P[f] = 0 | v[f][i], P[f] !== 0 && (C = !1); + if (!C) break; - U++, i--; + B++, i--; } - if (i >= 0 && U++, p = p.dblp(U), i < 0) + if (i >= 0 && B++, p = p.dblp(B), i < 0) break; for (f = 0; f < n; f++) { - var z = O[f]; - z !== 0 && (z > 0 ? c = m[f][z - 1 >> 1] : z < 0 && (c = m[f][-z - 1 >> 1].neg()), p = c.type === "affine" ? p.mixedAdd(c) : p.add(c)); + var L = P[f]; + L !== 0 && (L > 0 ? c = m[f][L - 1 >> 1] : L < 0 && (c = m[f][-L - 1 >> 1].neg()), p = c.type === "affine" ? p.mixedAdd(c) : p.add(c)); } } for (i = 0; i < n; i++) @@ -8182,7 +8520,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, d.prototype.validate = function() { return this.curve.validate(this); }, t.prototype.decodePoint = function(u, s) { - u = M.toArray(u, s); + u = R.toArray(u, s); var r = this.p.byteLength(); if ((u[0] === 4 || u[0] === 6 || u[0] === 7) && u.length - 1 == 2 * r) return u[0] === 6 ? a(u[u.length - 1] % 2 == 0) : u[0] === 7 && a(u[u.length - 1] % 2 == 1), this.point(u.slice(1, 1 + r), u.slice(1 + r, 1 + 2 * r)); @@ -8195,7 +8533,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var s = this.curve.p.byteLength(), r = this.getX().toArray("be", s); return u ? [this.getY().isEven() ? 2 : 3].concat(r) : [4].concat(r, this.getY().toArray("be", s)); }, d.prototype.encode = function(u, s) { - return M.encode(this._encode(s), u); + return R.encode(this._encode(s), u); }, d.prototype.precompute = function(u) { if (this.precomputed) return this; @@ -8228,29 +8566,29 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; s = s.dbl(); return s; }; - }, 1138: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(953), M = b(3550), P = b(5717), y = b(4918), a = E.assert; + }, 1138: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(953), R = y(3550), A = y(5717), w = y(4918), a = E.assert; function t(u) { - this.twisted = (0 | u.a) != 1, this.mOneA = this.twisted && (0 | u.a) == -1, this.extended = this.mOneA, y.call(this, "edwards", u), this.a = new M(u.a, 16).umod(this.red.m), this.a = this.a.toRed(this.red), this.c = new M(u.c, 16).toRed(this.red), this.c2 = this.c.redSqr(), this.d = new M(u.d, 16).toRed(this.red), this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d), a(!this.twisted || this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1) === 0), this.oneC = (0 | u.c) == 1; + this.twisted = (0 | u.a) != 1, this.mOneA = this.twisted && (0 | u.a) == -1, this.extended = this.mOneA, w.call(this, "edwards", u), this.a = new R(u.a, 16).umod(this.red.m), this.a = this.a.toRed(this.red), this.c = new R(u.c, 16).toRed(this.red), this.c2 = this.c.redSqr(), this.d = new R(u.d, 16).toRed(this.red), this.dd = this.d.redAdd(this.d), a(!this.twisted || this.c.fromRed().cmpn(1) === 0), this.oneC = (0 | u.c) == 1; } function d(u, s, r, n, o) { - y.BasePoint.call(this, u, "projective"), s === null && r === null && n === null ? (this.x = this.curve.zero, this.y = this.curve.one, this.z = this.curve.one, this.t = this.curve.zero, this.zOne = !0) : (this.x = new M(s, 16), this.y = new M(r, 16), this.z = n ? new M(n, 16) : this.curve.one, this.t = o && new M(o, 16), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.t && !this.t.red && (this.t = this.t.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one, this.curve.extended && !this.t && (this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y), this.zOne || (this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm())))); + w.BasePoint.call(this, u, "projective"), s === null && r === null && n === null ? (this.x = this.curve.zero, this.y = this.curve.one, this.z = this.curve.one, this.t = this.curve.zero, this.zOne = !0) : (this.x = new R(s, 16), this.y = new R(r, 16), this.z = n ? new R(n, 16) : this.curve.one, this.t = o && new R(o, 16), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.t && !this.t.red && (this.t = this.t.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one, this.curve.extended && !this.t && (this.t = this.x.redMul(this.y), this.zOne || (this.t = this.t.redMul(this.z.redInvm())))); } - P(t, y), J.exports = t, t.prototype._mulA = function(u) { + A(t, w), J.exports = t, t.prototype._mulA = function(u) { return this.mOneA ? u.redNeg() : this.a.redMul(u); }, t.prototype._mulC = function(u) { return this.oneC ? u : this.c.redMul(u); }, t.prototype.jpoint = function(u, s, r, n) { return this.point(u, s, r, n); }, t.prototype.pointFromX = function(u, s) { - (u = new M(u, 16)).red || (u = u.toRed(this.red)); + (u = new R(u, 16)).red || (u = u.toRed(this.red)); var r = u.redSqr(), n = this.c2.redSub(this.a.redMul(r)), o = this.one.redSub(this.c2.redMul(this.d).redMul(r)), i = n.redMul(o.redInvm()), f = i.redSqrt(); if (f.redSqr().redSub(i).cmp(this.zero) !== 0) throw new Error("invalid point"); var c = f.fromRed().isOdd(); return (s && !c || !s && c) && (f = f.redNeg()), this.point(u, f); }, t.prototype.pointFromY = function(u, s) { - (u = new M(u, 16)).red || (u = u.toRed(this.red)); + (u = new R(u, 16)).red || (u = u.toRed(this.red)); var r = u.redSqr(), n = r.redSub(this.c2), o = r.redMul(this.d).redMul(this.c2).redSub(this.a), i = n.redMul(o.redInvm()); if (i.cmp(this.zero) === 0) { if (s) @@ -8267,7 +8605,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; u.normalize(); var s = u.x.redSqr(), r = u.y.redSqr(), n = s.redMul(this.a).redAdd(r), o = this.c2.redMul(this.one.redAdd(this.d.redMul(s).redMul(r))); return n.cmp(o) === 0; - }, P(d, y.BasePoint), t.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(u) { + }, A(d, w.BasePoint), t.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(u) { return d.fromJSON(this, u); }, t.prototype.point = function(u, s, r, n) { return new d(this, u, s, r, n); @@ -8280,8 +8618,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, d.prototype._extDbl = function() { var u = this.x.redSqr(), s = this.y.redSqr(), r = this.z.redSqr(); r = r.redIAdd(r); - var n = this.curve._mulA(u), o = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(u).redISub(s), i = n.redAdd(s), f = i.redSub(r), c = n.redSub(s), h = o.redMul(f), m = i.redMul(c), v = o.redMul(c), C = f.redMul(i); - return this.curve.point(h, m, C, v); + var n = this.curve._mulA(u), o = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr().redISub(u).redISub(s), i = n.redAdd(s), f = i.redSub(r), c = n.redSub(s), h = o.redMul(f), m = i.redMul(c), v = o.redMul(c), I = f.redMul(i); + return this.curve.point(h, m, I, v); }, d.prototype._projDbl = function() { var u, s, r, n, o, i, f = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redSqr(), c = this.x.redSqr(), h = this.y.redSqr(); if (this.curve.twisted) { @@ -8293,11 +8631,11 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, d.prototype.dbl = function() { return this.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extDbl() : this._projDbl(); }, d.prototype._extAdd = function(u) { - var s = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(u.y.redSub(u.x)), r = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(u.y.redAdd(u.x)), n = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(u.t), o = this.z.redMul(u.z.redAdd(u.z)), i = r.redSub(s), f = o.redSub(n), c = o.redAdd(n), h = r.redAdd(s), m = i.redMul(f), v = c.redMul(h), C = i.redMul(h), l = f.redMul(c); - return this.curve.point(m, v, l, C); + var s = this.y.redSub(this.x).redMul(u.y.redSub(u.x)), r = this.y.redAdd(this.x).redMul(u.y.redAdd(u.x)), n = this.t.redMul(this.curve.dd).redMul(u.t), o = this.z.redMul(u.z.redAdd(u.z)), i = r.redSub(s), f = o.redSub(n), c = o.redAdd(n), h = r.redAdd(s), m = i.redMul(f), v = c.redMul(h), I = i.redMul(h), l = f.redMul(c); + return this.curve.point(m, v, l, I); }, d.prototype._projAdd = function(u) { - var s, r, n = this.z.redMul(u.z), o = n.redSqr(), i = this.x.redMul(u.x), f = this.y.redMul(u.y), c = this.curve.d.redMul(i).redMul(f), h = o.redSub(c), m = o.redAdd(c), v = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(u.x.redAdd(u.y)).redISub(i).redISub(f), C = n.redMul(h).redMul(v); - return this.curve.twisted ? (s = n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(this.curve._mulA(i))), r = h.redMul(m)) : (s = n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(i)), r = this.curve._mulC(h).redMul(m)), this.curve.point(C, s, r); + var s, r, n = this.z.redMul(u.z), o = n.redSqr(), i = this.x.redMul(u.x), f = this.y.redMul(u.y), c = this.curve.d.redMul(i).redMul(f), h = o.redSub(c), m = o.redAdd(c), v = this.x.redAdd(this.y).redMul(u.x.redAdd(u.y)).redISub(i).redISub(f), I = n.redMul(h).redMul(v); + return this.curve.twisted ? (s = n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(this.curve._mulA(i))), r = h.redMul(m)) : (s = n.redMul(m).redMul(f.redSub(i)), r = this.curve._mulC(h).redMul(m)), this.curve.point(I, s, r); }, d.prototype.add = function(u) { return this.isInfinity() ? u : u.isInfinity() ? this : this.curve.extended ? this._extAdd(u) : this._projAdd(u); }, d.prototype.mul = function(u) { @@ -8330,22 +8668,22 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return !0; } }, d.prototype.toP = d.prototype.normalize, d.prototype.mixedAdd = d.prototype.add; - }, 8254: (J, e, b) => { + }, 8254: (J, e, y) => { var E = e; - E.base = b(4918), E.short = b(6673), E.mont = b(2881), E.edwards = b(1138); - }, 2881: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3550), M = b(5717), P = b(4918), y = b(953); + E.base = y(4918), E.short = y(6673), E.mont = y(2881), E.edwards = y(1138); + }, 2881: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3550), R = y(5717), A = y(4918), w = y(953); function a(d) { - P.call(this, "mont", d), this.a = new E(d.a, 16).toRed(this.red), this.b = new E(d.b, 16).toRed(this.red), this.i4 = new E(4).toRed(this.red).redInvm(), this.two = new E(2).toRed(this.red), this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two)); + A.call(this, "mont", d), this.a = new E(d.a, 16).toRed(this.red), this.b = new E(d.b, 16).toRed(this.red), this.i4 = new E(4).toRed(this.red).redInvm(), this.two = new E(2).toRed(this.red), this.a24 = this.i4.redMul(this.a.redAdd(this.two)); } function t(d, u, s) { - P.BasePoint.call(this, d, "projective"), u === null && s === null ? (this.x = this.curve.one, this.z = this.curve.zero) : (this.x = new E(u, 16), this.z = new E(s, 16), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red))); + A.BasePoint.call(this, d, "projective"), u === null && s === null ? (this.x = this.curve.one, this.z = this.curve.zero) : (this.x = new E(u, 16), this.z = new E(s, 16), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red))); } - M(a, P), J.exports = a, a.prototype.validate = function(d) { + R(a, A), J.exports = a, a.prototype.validate = function(d) { var u = d.normalize().x, s = u.redSqr(), r = s.redMul(u).redAdd(s.redMul(this.a)).redAdd(u); return r.redSqrt().redSqr().cmp(r) === 0; - }, M(t, P.BasePoint), a.prototype.decodePoint = function(d, u) { - return this.point(y.toArray(d, u), 1); + }, R(t, A.BasePoint), a.prototype.decodePoint = function(d, u) { + return this.point(w.toArray(d, u), 1); }, a.prototype.point = function(d, u) { return new t(this, d, u); }, a.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(d) { @@ -8384,58 +8722,58 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, t.prototype.getX = function() { return this.normalize(), this.x.fromRed(); }; - }, 6673: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(953), M = b(3550), P = b(5717), y = b(4918), a = E.assert; + }, 6673: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(953), R = y(3550), A = y(5717), w = y(4918), a = E.assert; function t(s) { - y.call(this, "short", s), this.a = new M(s.a, 16).toRed(this.red), this.b = new M(s.b, 16).toRed(this.red), this.tinv = this.two.redInvm(), this.zeroA = this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0) === 0, this.threeA = this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3) === 0, this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(s), this._endoWnafT1 = new Array(4), this._endoWnafT2 = new Array(4); + w.call(this, "short", s), this.a = new R(s.a, 16).toRed(this.red), this.b = new R(s.b, 16).toRed(this.red), this.tinv = this.two.redInvm(), this.zeroA = this.a.fromRed().cmpn(0) === 0, this.threeA = this.a.fromRed().sub(this.p).cmpn(-3) === 0, this.endo = this._getEndomorphism(s), this._endoWnafT1 = new Array(4), this._endoWnafT2 = new Array(4); } function d(s, r, n, o) { - y.BasePoint.call(this, s, "affine"), r === null && n === null ? (this.x = null, this.y = null, this.inf = !0) : (this.x = new M(r, 16), this.y = new M(n, 16), o && (this.x.forceRed(this.curve.red), this.y.forceRed(this.curve.red)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.inf = !1); + w.BasePoint.call(this, s, "affine"), r === null && n === null ? (this.x = null, this.y = null, this.inf = !0) : (this.x = new R(r, 16), this.y = new R(n, 16), o && (this.x.forceRed(this.curve.red), this.y.forceRed(this.curve.red)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.inf = !1); } function u(s, r, n, o) { - y.BasePoint.call(this, s, "jacobian"), r === null && n === null && o === null ? (this.x = this.curve.one, this.y = this.curve.one, this.z = new M(0)) : (this.x = new M(r, 16), this.y = new M(n, 16), this.z = new M(o, 16)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one; + w.BasePoint.call(this, s, "jacobian"), r === null && n === null && o === null ? (this.x = this.curve.one, this.y = this.curve.one, this.z = new R(0)) : (this.x = new R(r, 16), this.y = new R(n, 16), this.z = new R(o, 16)), this.x.red || (this.x = this.x.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.y.red || (this.y = this.y.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.z.red || (this.z = this.z.toRed(this.curve.red)), this.zOne = this.z === this.curve.one; } - P(t, y), J.exports = t, t.prototype._getEndomorphism = function(s) { + A(t, w), J.exports = t, t.prototype._getEndomorphism = function(s) { if (this.zeroA && this.g && this.n && this.p.modn(3) === 1) { var r, n; if (s.beta) - r = new M(s.beta, 16).toRed(this.red); + r = new R(s.beta, 16).toRed(this.red); else { var o = this._getEndoRoots(this.p); r = (r = o[0].cmp(o[1]) < 0 ? o[0] : o[1]).toRed(this.red); } if (s.lambda) - n = new M(s.lambda, 16); + n = new R(s.lambda, 16); else { var i = this._getEndoRoots(this.n); this.g.mul(i[0]).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r)) === 0 ? n = i[0] : (n = i[1], a(this.g.mul(n).x.cmp(this.g.x.redMul(r)) === 0)); } return { beta: r, lambda: n, basis: s.basis ? s.basis.map(function(f) { - return { a: new M(f.a, 16), b: new M(f.b, 16) }; + return { a: new R(f.a, 16), b: new R(f.b, 16) }; }) : this._getEndoBasis(n) }; } }, t.prototype._getEndoRoots = function(s) { - var r = s === this.p ? this.red : M.mont(s), n = new M(2).toRed(r).redInvm(), o = n.redNeg(), i = new M(3).toRed(r).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(n); + var r = s === this.p ? this.red : R.mont(s), n = new R(2).toRed(r).redInvm(), o = n.redNeg(), i = new R(3).toRed(r).redNeg().redSqrt().redMul(n); return [o.redAdd(i).fromRed(), o.redSub(i).fromRed()]; }, t.prototype._getEndoBasis = function(s) { - for (var r, n, o, i, f, c, h, m, v, C = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2)), l = s, I = this.n.clone(), R = new M(1), k = new M(0), N = new M(0), A = new M(1), w = 0; l.cmpn(0) !== 0; ) { - var _ = I.div(l); - m = I.sub(_.mul(l)), v = N.sub(_.mul(R)); - var p = A.sub(_.mul(k)); - if (!o && m.cmp(C) < 0) - r = h.neg(), n = R, o = m.neg(), i = v; - else if (o && ++w == 2) + for (var r, n, o, i, f, c, h, m, v, I = this.n.ushrn(Math.floor(this.n.bitLength() / 2)), l = s, j = this.n.clone(), N = new R(1), S = new R(0), T = new R(0), x = new R(1), k = 0; l.cmpn(0) !== 0; ) { + var b = j.div(l); + m = j.sub(b.mul(l)), v = T.sub(b.mul(N)); + var p = x.sub(b.mul(S)); + if (!o && m.cmp(I) < 0) + r = h.neg(), n = N, o = m.neg(), i = v; + else if (o && ++k == 2) break; - h = m, I = l, l = m, N = R, R = v, A = k, k = p; + h = m, j = l, l = m, T = N, N = v, x = S, S = p; } f = m.neg(), c = v; - var O = o.sqr().add(i.sqr()); - return f.sqr().add(c.sqr()).cmp(O) >= 0 && (f = r, c = n), o.negative && (o = o.neg(), i = i.neg()), f.negative && (f = f.neg(), c = c.neg()), [{ a: o, b: i }, { a: f, b: c }]; + var P = o.sqr().add(i.sqr()); + return f.sqr().add(c.sqr()).cmp(P) >= 0 && (f = r, c = n), o.negative && (o = o.neg(), i = i.neg()), f.negative && (f = f.neg(), c = c.neg()), [{ a: o, b: i }, { a: f, b: c }]; }, t.prototype._endoSplit = function(s) { var r = this.endo.basis, n = r[0], o = r[1], i = o.b.mul(s).divRound(this.n), f = n.b.neg().mul(s).divRound(this.n), c = i.mul(n.a), h = f.mul(o.a), m = i.mul(n.b), v = f.mul(o.b); return { k1: s.sub(c).sub(h), k2: m.add(v).neg() }; }, t.prototype.pointFromX = function(s, r) { - (s = new M(s, 16)).red || (s = s.toRed(this.red)); + (s = new R(s, 16)).red || (s = s.toRed(this.red)); var n = s.redSqr().redMul(s).redIAdd(s.redMul(this.a)).redIAdd(this.b), o = n.redSqrt(); if (o.redSqr().redSub(n).cmp(this.zero) !== 0) throw new Error("invalid point"); @@ -8451,10 +8789,10 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var c = this._endoSplit(r[f]), h = s[f], m = h._getBeta(); c.k1.negative && (c.k1.ineg(), h = h.neg(!0)), c.k2.negative && (c.k2.ineg(), m = m.neg(!0)), o[2 * f] = h, o[2 * f + 1] = m, i[2 * f] = c.k1, i[2 * f + 1] = c.k2; } - for (var v = this._wnafMulAdd(1, o, i, 2 * f, n), C = 0; C < 2 * f; C++) - o[C] = null, i[C] = null; + for (var v = this._wnafMulAdd(1, o, i, 2 * f, n), I = 0; I < 2 * f; I++) + o[I] = null, i[I] = null; return v; - }, P(d, y.BasePoint), t.prototype.point = function(s, r, n) { + }, A(d, w.BasePoint), t.prototype.point = function(s, r, n) { return new d(this, s, r, n); }, t.prototype.pointFromJSON = function(s, r) { return d.fromJSON(this, s, r); @@ -8516,7 +8854,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, d.prototype.getY = function() { return this.y.fromRed(); }, d.prototype.mul = function(s) { - return s = new M(s, 16), this.isInfinity() ? this : this._hasDoubles(s) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, s) : this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this], [s]) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, s); + return s = new R(s, 16), this.isInfinity() ? this : this._hasDoubles(s) ? this.curve._fixedNafMul(this, s) : this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd([this], [s]) : this.curve._wnafMul(this, s); }, d.prototype.mulAdd = function(s, r, n) { var o = [this, r], i = [s, n]; return this.curve.endo ? this.curve._endoWnafMulAdd(o, i) : this.curve._wnafMulAdd(1, o, i, 2); @@ -8538,7 +8876,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return r; }, d.prototype.toJ = function() { return this.inf ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.curve.jpoint(this.x, this.y, this.curve.one); - }, P(u, y.BasePoint), t.prototype.jpoint = function(s, r, n) { + }, A(u, w.BasePoint), t.prototype.jpoint = function(s, r, n) { return new u(this, s, r, n); }, u.prototype.toP = function() { if (this.isInfinity()) @@ -8555,8 +8893,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var r = s.z.redSqr(), n = this.z.redSqr(), o = this.x.redMul(r), i = s.x.redMul(n), f = this.y.redMul(r.redMul(s.z)), c = s.y.redMul(n.redMul(this.z)), h = o.redSub(i), m = f.redSub(c); if (h.cmpn(0) === 0) return m.cmpn(0) !== 0 ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); - var v = h.redSqr(), C = v.redMul(h), l = o.redMul(v), I = m.redSqr().redIAdd(C).redISub(l).redISub(l), R = m.redMul(l.redISub(I)).redISub(f.redMul(C)), k = this.z.redMul(s.z).redMul(h); - return this.curve.jpoint(I, R, k); + var v = h.redSqr(), I = v.redMul(h), l = o.redMul(v), j = m.redSqr().redIAdd(I).redISub(l).redISub(l), N = m.redMul(l.redISub(j)).redISub(f.redMul(I)), S = this.z.redMul(s.z).redMul(h); + return this.curve.jpoint(j, N, S); }, u.prototype.mixedAdd = function(s) { if (this.isInfinity()) return s.toJ(); @@ -8565,8 +8903,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var r = this.z.redSqr(), n = this.x, o = s.x.redMul(r), i = this.y, f = s.y.redMul(r).redMul(this.z), c = n.redSub(o), h = i.redSub(f); if (c.cmpn(0) === 0) return h.cmpn(0) !== 0 ? this.curve.jpoint(null, null, null) : this.dbl(); - var m = c.redSqr(), v = m.redMul(c), C = n.redMul(m), l = h.redSqr().redIAdd(v).redISub(C).redISub(C), I = h.redMul(C.redISub(l)).redISub(i.redMul(v)), R = this.z.redMul(c); - return this.curve.jpoint(l, I, R); + var m = c.redSqr(), v = m.redMul(c), I = n.redMul(m), l = h.redSqr().redIAdd(v).redISub(I).redISub(I), j = h.redMul(I.redISub(l)).redISub(i.redMul(v)), N = this.z.redMul(c); + return this.curve.jpoint(l, j, N); }, u.prototype.dblp = function(s) { if (s === 0) return this; @@ -8583,10 +8921,10 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } var o = this.curve.a, i = this.curve.tinv, f = this.x, c = this.y, h = this.z, m = h.redSqr().redSqr(), v = c.redAdd(c); for (r = 0; r < s; r++) { - var C = f.redSqr(), l = v.redSqr(), I = l.redSqr(), R = C.redAdd(C).redIAdd(C).redIAdd(o.redMul(m)), k = f.redMul(l), N = R.redSqr().redISub(k.redAdd(k)), A = k.redISub(N), w = R.redMul(A); - w = w.redIAdd(w).redISub(I); - var _ = v.redMul(h); - r + 1 < s && (m = m.redMul(I)), f = N, h = _, v = w; + var I = f.redSqr(), l = v.redSqr(), j = l.redSqr(), N = I.redAdd(I).redIAdd(I).redIAdd(o.redMul(m)), S = f.redMul(l), T = N.redSqr().redISub(S.redAdd(S)), x = S.redISub(T), k = N.redMul(x); + k = k.redIAdd(k).redISub(j); + var b = v.redMul(h); + r + 1 < s && (m = m.redMul(j)), f = T, h = b, v = k; } return this.curve.jpoint(f, v.redMul(i), h); }, u.prototype.dbl = function() { @@ -8599,10 +8937,10 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var h = o.redAdd(o).redIAdd(o), m = h.redSqr().redISub(c).redISub(c), v = f.redIAdd(f); v = (v = v.redIAdd(v)).redIAdd(v), s = m, r = h.redMul(c.redISub(m)).redISub(v), n = this.y.redAdd(this.y); } else { - var C = this.x.redSqr(), l = this.y.redSqr(), I = l.redSqr(), R = this.x.redAdd(l).redSqr().redISub(C).redISub(I); - R = R.redIAdd(R); - var k = C.redAdd(C).redIAdd(C), N = k.redSqr(), A = I.redIAdd(I); - A = (A = A.redIAdd(A)).redIAdd(A), s = N.redISub(R).redISub(R), r = k.redMul(R.redISub(s)).redISub(A), n = (n = this.y.redMul(this.z)).redIAdd(n); + var I = this.x.redSqr(), l = this.y.redSqr(), j = l.redSqr(), N = this.x.redAdd(l).redSqr().redISub(I).redISub(j); + N = N.redIAdd(N); + var S = I.redAdd(I).redIAdd(I), T = S.redSqr(), x = j.redIAdd(j); + x = (x = x.redIAdd(x)).redIAdd(x), s = T.redISub(N).redISub(N), r = S.redMul(N.redISub(s)).redISub(x), n = (n = this.y.redMul(this.z)).redIAdd(n); } return this.curve.jpoint(s, r, n); }, u.prototype._threeDbl = function() { @@ -8615,34 +8953,34 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var v = f.redIAdd(f); v = (v = v.redIAdd(v)).redIAdd(v), r = h.redMul(c.redISub(m)).redISub(v), n = this.y.redAdd(this.y); } else { - var C = this.z.redSqr(), l = this.y.redSqr(), I = this.x.redMul(l), R = this.x.redSub(C).redMul(this.x.redAdd(C)); - R = R.redAdd(R).redIAdd(R); - var k = I.redIAdd(I), N = (k = k.redIAdd(k)).redAdd(k); - s = R.redSqr().redISub(N), n = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(l).redISub(C); - var A = l.redSqr(); - A = (A = (A = A.redIAdd(A)).redIAdd(A)).redIAdd(A), r = R.redMul(k.redISub(s)).redISub(A); + var I = this.z.redSqr(), l = this.y.redSqr(), j = this.x.redMul(l), N = this.x.redSub(I).redMul(this.x.redAdd(I)); + N = N.redAdd(N).redIAdd(N); + var S = j.redIAdd(j), T = (S = S.redIAdd(S)).redAdd(S); + s = N.redSqr().redISub(T), n = this.y.redAdd(this.z).redSqr().redISub(l).redISub(I); + var x = l.redSqr(); + x = (x = (x = x.redIAdd(x)).redIAdd(x)).redIAdd(x), r = N.redMul(S.redISub(s)).redISub(x); } return this.curve.jpoint(s, r, n); }, u.prototype._dbl = function() { - var s = this.curve.a, r = this.x, n = this.y, o = this.z, i = o.redSqr().redSqr(), f = r.redSqr(), c = n.redSqr(), h = f.redAdd(f).redIAdd(f).redIAdd(s.redMul(i)), m = r.redAdd(r), v = (m = m.redIAdd(m)).redMul(c), C = h.redSqr().redISub(v.redAdd(v)), l = v.redISub(C), I = c.redSqr(); - I = (I = (I = I.redIAdd(I)).redIAdd(I)).redIAdd(I); - var R = h.redMul(l).redISub(I), k = n.redAdd(n).redMul(o); - return this.curve.jpoint(C, R, k); + var s = this.curve.a, r = this.x, n = this.y, o = this.z, i = o.redSqr().redSqr(), f = r.redSqr(), c = n.redSqr(), h = f.redAdd(f).redIAdd(f).redIAdd(s.redMul(i)), m = r.redAdd(r), v = (m = m.redIAdd(m)).redMul(c), I = h.redSqr().redISub(v.redAdd(v)), l = v.redISub(I), j = c.redSqr(); + j = (j = (j = j.redIAdd(j)).redIAdd(j)).redIAdd(j); + var N = h.redMul(l).redISub(j), S = n.redAdd(n).redMul(o); + return this.curve.jpoint(I, N, S); }, u.prototype.trpl = function() { if (!this.curve.zeroA) return this.dbl().add(this); var s = this.x.redSqr(), r = this.y.redSqr(), n = this.z.redSqr(), o = r.redSqr(), i = s.redAdd(s).redIAdd(s), f = i.redSqr(), c = this.x.redAdd(r).redSqr().redISub(s).redISub(o), h = (c = (c = (c = c.redIAdd(c)).redAdd(c).redIAdd(c)).redISub(f)).redSqr(), m = o.redIAdd(o); m = (m = (m = m.redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m)).redIAdd(m); - var v = i.redIAdd(c).redSqr().redISub(f).redISub(h).redISub(m), C = r.redMul(v); - C = (C = C.redIAdd(C)).redIAdd(C); - var l = this.x.redMul(h).redISub(C); + var v = i.redIAdd(c).redSqr().redISub(f).redISub(h).redISub(m), I = r.redMul(v); + I = (I = I.redIAdd(I)).redIAdd(I); + var l = this.x.redMul(h).redISub(I); l = (l = l.redIAdd(l)).redIAdd(l); - var I = this.y.redMul(v.redMul(m.redISub(v)).redISub(c.redMul(h))); - I = (I = (I = I.redIAdd(I)).redIAdd(I)).redIAdd(I); - var R = this.z.redAdd(c).redSqr().redISub(n).redISub(h); - return this.curve.jpoint(l, I, R); + var j = this.y.redMul(v.redMul(m.redISub(v)).redISub(c.redMul(h))); + j = (j = (j = j.redIAdd(j)).redIAdd(j)).redIAdd(j); + var N = this.z.redAdd(c).redSqr().redISub(n).redISub(h); + return this.curve.jpoint(l, j, N); }, u.prototype.mul = function(s, r) { - return s = new M(s, r), this.curve._wnafMul(this, s); + return s = new R(s, r), this.curve._wnafMul(this, s); }, u.prototype.eq = function(s) { if (s.type === "affine") return this.eq(s.toJ()); @@ -8668,30 +9006,30 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, u.prototype.isInfinity = function() { return this.z.cmpn(0) === 0; }; - }, 5427: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = e, P = b(3715), y = b(8254), a = b(953).assert; + }, 5427: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = e, A = y(3715), w = y(8254), a = y(953).assert; function t(u) { - u.type === "short" ? this.curve = new y.short(u) : u.type === "edwards" ? this.curve = new y.edwards(u) : this.curve = new y.mont(u), this.g = this.curve.g, this.n = this.curve.n, this.hash = u.hash, a(this.g.validate(), "Invalid curve"), a(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), "Invalid curve, G*N != O"); + u.type === "short" ? this.curve = new w.short(u) : u.type === "edwards" ? this.curve = new w.edwards(u) : this.curve = new w.mont(u), this.g = this.curve.g, this.n = this.curve.n, this.hash = u.hash, a(this.g.validate(), "Invalid curve"), a(this.g.mul(this.n).isInfinity(), "Invalid curve, G*N != O"); } function d(u, s) { - Object.defineProperty(M, u, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { + Object.defineProperty(R, u, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, get: function() { var r = new t(s); - return Object.defineProperty(M, u, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: r }), r; + return Object.defineProperty(R, u, { configurable: !0, enumerable: !0, value: r }), r; } }); } - M.PresetCurve = t, d("p192", { type: "short", prime: "p192", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc", b: "64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831", hash: P.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012", "07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811"] }), d("p224", { type: "short", prime: "p224", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe", b: "b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d", hash: P.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21", "bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34"] }), d("p256", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff", a: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc", b: "5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b", n: "ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551", hash: P.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296", "4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5"] }), d("p384", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc", b: "b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973", hash: P.sha384, gRed: !1, g: ["aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7", "3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f"] }), d("p521", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff", a: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc", b: "00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00", n: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409", hash: P.sha512, gRed: !1, g: ["000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66", "00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650"] }), d("curve25519", { type: "mont", prime: "p25519", p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed", a: "76d06", b: "1", n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed", hash: P.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["9"] }), d("ed25519", { type: "edwards", prime: "p25519", p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed", a: "-1", c: "1", d: "52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3", n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed", hash: P.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a", "6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658"] }); + R.PresetCurve = t, d("p192", { type: "short", prime: "p192", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff fffffffc", b: "64210519 e59c80e7 0fa7e9ab 72243049 feb8deec c146b9b1", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 99def836 146bc9b1 b4d22831", hash: A.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["188da80e b03090f6 7cbf20eb 43a18800 f4ff0afd 82ff1012", "07192b95 ffc8da78 631011ed 6b24cdd5 73f977a1 1e794811"] }), d("p224", { type: "short", prime: "p224", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff 00000000 00000000 00000001", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe", b: "b4050a85 0c04b3ab f5413256 5044b0b7 d7bfd8ba 270b3943 2355ffb4", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffff16a2 e0b8f03e 13dd2945 5c5c2a3d", hash: A.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["b70e0cbd 6bb4bf7f 321390b9 4a03c1d3 56c21122 343280d6 115c1d21", "bd376388 b5f723fb 4c22dfe6 cd4375a0 5a074764 44d58199 85007e34"] }), d("p256", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff", a: "ffffffff 00000001 00000000 00000000 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc", b: "5ac635d8 aa3a93e7 b3ebbd55 769886bc 651d06b0 cc53b0f6 3bce3c3e 27d2604b", n: "ffffffff 00000000 ffffffff ffffffff bce6faad a7179e84 f3b9cac2 fc632551", hash: A.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["6b17d1f2 e12c4247 f8bce6e5 63a440f2 77037d81 2deb33a0 f4a13945 d898c296", "4fe342e2 fe1a7f9b 8ee7eb4a 7c0f9e16 2bce3357 6b315ece cbb64068 37bf51f5"] }), d("p384", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 ffffffff", a: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe ffffffff 00000000 00000000 fffffffc", b: "b3312fa7 e23ee7e4 988e056b e3f82d19 181d9c6e fe814112 0314088f 5013875a c656398d 8a2ed19d 2a85c8ed d3ec2aef", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff c7634d81 f4372ddf 581a0db2 48b0a77a ecec196a ccc52973", hash: A.sha384, gRed: !1, g: ["aa87ca22 be8b0537 8eb1c71e f320ad74 6e1d3b62 8ba79b98 59f741e0 82542a38 5502f25d bf55296c 3a545e38 72760ab7", "3617de4a 96262c6f 5d9e98bf 9292dc29 f8f41dbd 289a147c e9da3113 b5f0b8c0 0a60b1ce 1d7e819d 7a431d7c 90ea0e5f"] }), d("p521", { type: "short", prime: null, p: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff", a: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffc", b: "00000051 953eb961 8e1c9a1f 929a21a0 b68540ee a2da725b 99b315f3 b8b48991 8ef109e1 56193951 ec7e937b 1652c0bd 3bb1bf07 3573df88 3d2c34f1 ef451fd4 6b503f00", n: "000001ff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffa 51868783 bf2f966b 7fcc0148 f709a5d0 3bb5c9b8 899c47ae bb6fb71e 91386409", hash: A.sha512, gRed: !1, g: ["000000c6 858e06b7 0404e9cd 9e3ecb66 2395b442 9c648139 053fb521 f828af60 6b4d3dba a14b5e77 efe75928 fe1dc127 a2ffa8de 3348b3c1 856a429b f97e7e31 c2e5bd66", "00000118 39296a78 9a3bc004 5c8a5fb4 2c7d1bd9 98f54449 579b4468 17afbd17 273e662c 97ee7299 5ef42640 c550b901 3fad0761 353c7086 a272c240 88be9476 9fd16650"] }), d("curve25519", { type: "mont", prime: "p25519", p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed", a: "76d06", b: "1", n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed", hash: A.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["9"] }), d("ed25519", { type: "edwards", prime: "p25519", p: "7fffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffff ffffffffffffffed", a: "-1", c: "1", d: "52036cee2b6ffe73 8cc740797779e898 00700a4d4141d8ab 75eb4dca135978a3", n: "1000000000000000 0000000000000000 14def9dea2f79cd6 5812631a5cf5d3ed", hash: A.sha256, gRed: !1, g: ["216936d3cd6e53fec0a4e231fdd6dc5c692cc7609525a7b2c9562d608f25d51a", "6666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666666658"] }); try { - E = b(1037); + E = y(1037); } catch { E = void 0; } - d("secp256k1", { type: "short", prime: "k256", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f", a: "0", b: "7", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141", h: "1", hash: P.sha256, beta: "7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee", lambda: "5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72", basis: [{ a: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15", b: "-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3" }, { a: "114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8", b: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15" }], gRed: !1, g: ["79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798", "483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8", E] }); - }, 7954: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3550), M = b(2156), P = b(953), y = b(5427), a = b(9931), t = P.assert, d = b(1251), u = b(611); + d("secp256k1", { type: "short", prime: "k256", p: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe fffffc2f", a: "0", b: "7", n: "ffffffff ffffffff ffffffff fffffffe baaedce6 af48a03b bfd25e8c d0364141", h: "1", hash: A.sha256, beta: "7ae96a2b657c07106e64479eac3434e99cf0497512f58995c1396c28719501ee", lambda: "5363ad4cc05c30e0a5261c028812645a122e22ea20816678df02967c1b23bd72", basis: [{ a: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15", b: "-e4437ed6010e88286f547fa90abfe4c3" }, { a: "114ca50f7a8e2f3f657c1108d9d44cfd8", b: "3086d221a7d46bcde86c90e49284eb15" }], gRed: !1, g: ["79be667ef9dcbbac55a06295ce870b07029bfcdb2dce28d959f2815b16f81798", "483ada7726a3c4655da4fbfc0e1108a8fd17b448a68554199c47d08ffb10d4b8", E] }); + }, 7954: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3550), R = y(2156), A = y(953), w = y(5427), a = y(9931), t = A.assert, d = y(1251), u = y(611); function s(r) { if (!(this instanceof s)) return new s(r); - typeof r == "string" && (t(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y, r), "Unknown curve " + r), r = y[r]), r instanceof y.PresetCurve && (r = { curve: r }), this.curve = r.curve.curve, this.n = this.curve.n, this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1), this.g = this.curve.g, this.g = r.curve.g, this.g.precompute(r.curve.n.bitLength() + 1), this.hash = r.hash || r.curve.hash; + typeof r == "string" && (t(Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w, r), "Unknown curve " + r), r = w[r]), r instanceof w.PresetCurve && (r = { curve: r }), this.curve = r.curve.curve, this.n = this.curve.n, this.nh = this.n.ushrn(1), this.g = this.curve.g, this.g = r.curve.g, this.g.precompute(r.curve.n.bitLength() + 1), this.hash = r.hash || r.curve.hash; } J.exports = s, s.prototype.keyPair = function(r) { return new d(this, r); @@ -8701,7 +9039,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return d.fromPublic(this, r, n); }, s.prototype.genKeyPair = function(r) { r || (r = {}); - for (var n = new M({ hash: this.hash, pers: r.pers, persEnc: r.persEnc || "utf8", entropy: r.entropy || a(this.hash.hmacStrength), entropyEnc: r.entropy && r.entropyEnc || "utf8", nonce: this.n.toArray() }), o = this.n.byteLength(), i = this.n.sub(new E(2)); ; ) { + for (var n = new R({ hash: this.hash, pers: r.pers, persEnc: r.persEnc || "utf8", entropy: r.entropy || a(this.hash.hmacStrength), entropyEnc: r.entropy && r.entropyEnc || "utf8", nonce: this.n.toArray() }), o = this.n.byteLength(), i = this.n.sub(new E(2)); ; ) { var f = new E(n.generate(o)); if (!(f.cmp(i) > 0)) return f.iaddn(1), this.keyFromPrivate(f); @@ -8711,17 +9049,17 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return o > 0 && (r = r.ushrn(o)), !n && r.cmp(this.n) >= 0 ? r.sub(this.n) : r; }, s.prototype.sign = function(r, n, o, i) { typeof o == "object" && (i = o, o = null), i || (i = {}), n = this.keyFromPrivate(n, o), r = this._truncateToN(new E(r, 16)); - for (var f = this.n.byteLength(), c = n.getPrivate().toArray("be", f), h = r.toArray("be", f), m = new M({ hash: this.hash, entropy: c, nonce: h, pers: i.pers, persEnc: i.persEnc || "utf8" }), v = this.n.sub(new E(1)), C = 0; ; C++) { - var l = i.k ? i.k(C) : new E(m.generate(this.n.byteLength())); + for (var f = this.n.byteLength(), c = n.getPrivate().toArray("be", f), h = r.toArray("be", f), m = new R({ hash: this.hash, entropy: c, nonce: h, pers: i.pers, persEnc: i.persEnc || "utf8" }), v = this.n.sub(new E(1)), I = 0; ; I++) { + var l = i.k ? i.k(I) : new E(m.generate(this.n.byteLength())); if (!((l = this._truncateToN(l, !0)).cmpn(1) <= 0 || l.cmp(v) >= 0)) { - var I = this.g.mul(l); - if (!I.isInfinity()) { - var R = I.getX(), k = R.umod(this.n); - if (k.cmpn(0) !== 0) { - var N = l.invm(this.n).mul(k.mul(n.getPrivate()).iadd(r)); - if ((N = N.umod(this.n)).cmpn(0) !== 0) { - var A = (I.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (R.cmp(k) !== 0 ? 2 : 0); - return i.canonical && N.cmp(this.nh) > 0 && (N = this.n.sub(N), A ^= 1), new u({ r: k, s: N, recoveryParam: A }); + var j = this.g.mul(l); + if (!j.isInfinity()) { + var N = j.getX(), S = N.umod(this.n); + if (S.cmpn(0) !== 0) { + var T = l.invm(this.n).mul(S.mul(n.getPrivate()).iadd(r)); + if ((T = T.umod(this.n)).cmpn(0) !== 0) { + var x = (j.getY().isOdd() ? 1 : 0) | (N.cmp(S) !== 0 ? 2 : 0); + return i.canonical && T.cmp(this.nh) > 0 && (T = this.n.sub(T), x ^= 1), new u({ r: S, s: T, recoveryParam: x }); } } } @@ -8732,16 +9070,16 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var f = (n = new u(n, "hex")).r, c = n.s; if (f.cmpn(1) < 0 || f.cmp(this.n) >= 0 || c.cmpn(1) < 0 || c.cmp(this.n) >= 0) return !1; - var h, m = c.invm(this.n), v = m.mul(r).umod(this.n), C = m.mul(f).umod(this.n); - return this.curve._maxwellTrick ? !(h = this.g.jmulAdd(v, o.getPublic(), C)).isInfinity() && h.eqXToP(f) : !(h = this.g.mulAdd(v, o.getPublic(), C)).isInfinity() && h.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(f) === 0; + var h, m = c.invm(this.n), v = m.mul(r).umod(this.n), I = m.mul(f).umod(this.n); + return this.curve._maxwellTrick ? !(h = this.g.jmulAdd(v, o.getPublic(), I)).isInfinity() && h.eqXToP(f) : !(h = this.g.mulAdd(v, o.getPublic(), I)).isInfinity() && h.getX().umod(this.n).cmp(f) === 0; }, s.prototype.recoverPubKey = function(r, n, o, i) { t((3 & o) === o, "The recovery param is more than two bits"), n = new u(n, i); - var f = this.n, c = new E(r), h = n.r, m = n.s, v = 1 & o, C = o >> 1; - if (h.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && C) + var f = this.n, c = new E(r), h = n.r, m = n.s, v = 1 & o, I = o >> 1; + if (h.cmp(this.curve.p.umod(this.curve.n)) >= 0 && I) throw new Error("Unable to find sencond key candinate"); - h = C ? this.curve.pointFromX(h.add(this.curve.n), v) : this.curve.pointFromX(h, v); - var l = n.r.invm(f), I = f.sub(c).mul(l).umod(f), R = m.mul(l).umod(f); - return this.g.mulAdd(I, h, R); + h = I ? this.curve.pointFromX(h.add(this.curve.n), v) : this.curve.pointFromX(h, v); + var l = n.r.invm(f), j = f.sub(c).mul(l).umod(f), N = m.mul(l).umod(f); + return this.g.mulAdd(j, h, N); }, s.prototype.getKeyRecoveryParam = function(r, n, o, i) { if ((n = new u(n, i)).recoveryParam !== null) return n.recoveryParam; @@ -8757,43 +9095,43 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } throw new Error("Unable to find valid recovery factor"); }; - }, 1251: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3550), M = b(953).assert; - function P(y, a) { - this.ec = y, this.priv = null, this.pub = null, a.priv && this._importPrivate(a.priv, a.privEnc), a.pub && this._importPublic(a.pub, a.pubEnc); - } - J.exports = P, P.fromPublic = function(y, a, t) { - return a instanceof P ? a : new P(y, { pub: a, pubEnc: t }); - }, P.fromPrivate = function(y, a, t) { - return a instanceof P ? a : new P(y, { priv: a, privEnc: t }); - }, P.prototype.validate = function() { - var y = this.getPublic(); - return y.isInfinity() ? { result: !1, reason: "Invalid public key" } : y.validate() ? y.mul(this.ec.curve.n).isInfinity() ? { result: !0, reason: null } : { result: !1, reason: "Public key * N != O" } : { result: !1, reason: "Public key is not a point" }; - }, P.prototype.getPublic = function(y, a) { - return typeof y == "string" && (a = y, y = null), this.pub || (this.pub = this.ec.g.mul(this.priv)), a ? this.pub.encode(a, y) : this.pub; - }, P.prototype.getPrivate = function(y) { - return y === "hex" ? this.priv.toString(16, 2) : this.priv; - }, P.prototype._importPrivate = function(y, a) { - this.priv = new E(y, a || 16), this.priv = this.priv.umod(this.ec.curve.n); - }, P.prototype._importPublic = function(y, a) { - if (y.x || y.y) - return this.ec.curve.type === "mont" ? M(y.x, "Need x coordinate") : this.ec.curve.type !== "short" && this.ec.curve.type !== "edwards" || M(y.x && y.y, "Need both x and y coordinate"), void (this.pub = this.ec.curve.point(y.x, y.y)); - this.pub = this.ec.curve.decodePoint(y, a); - }, P.prototype.derive = function(y) { - return y.validate() || M(y.validate(), "public point not validated"), y.mul(this.priv).getX(); - }, P.prototype.sign = function(y, a, t) { - return this.ec.sign(y, this, a, t); - }, P.prototype.verify = function(y, a) { - return this.ec.verify(y, a, this); - }, P.prototype.inspect = function() { + }, 1251: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3550), R = y(953).assert; + function A(w, a) { + this.ec = w, this.priv = null, this.pub = null, a.priv && this._importPrivate(a.priv, a.privEnc), a.pub && this._importPublic(a.pub, a.pubEnc); + } + J.exports = A, A.fromPublic = function(w, a, t) { + return a instanceof A ? a : new A(w, { pub: a, pubEnc: t }); + }, A.fromPrivate = function(w, a, t) { + return a instanceof A ? a : new A(w, { priv: a, privEnc: t }); + }, A.prototype.validate = function() { + var w = this.getPublic(); + return w.isInfinity() ? { result: !1, reason: "Invalid public key" } : w.validate() ? w.mul(this.ec.curve.n).isInfinity() ? { result: !0, reason: null } : { result: !1, reason: "Public key * N != O" } : { result: !1, reason: "Public key is not a point" }; + }, A.prototype.getPublic = function(w, a) { + return typeof w == "string" && (a = w, w = null), this.pub || (this.pub = this.ec.g.mul(this.priv)), a ? this.pub.encode(a, w) : this.pub; + }, A.prototype.getPrivate = function(w) { + return w === "hex" ? this.priv.toString(16, 2) : this.priv; + }, A.prototype._importPrivate = function(w, a) { + this.priv = new E(w, a || 16), this.priv = this.priv.umod(this.ec.curve.n); + }, A.prototype._importPublic = function(w, a) { + if (w.x || w.y) + return this.ec.curve.type === "mont" ? R(w.x, "Need x coordinate") : this.ec.curve.type !== "short" && this.ec.curve.type !== "edwards" || R(w.x && w.y, "Need both x and y coordinate"), void (this.pub = this.ec.curve.point(w.x, w.y)); + this.pub = this.ec.curve.decodePoint(w, a); + }, A.prototype.derive = function(w) { + return w.validate() || R(w.validate(), "public point not validated"), w.mul(this.priv).getX(); + }, A.prototype.sign = function(w, a, t) { + return this.ec.sign(w, this, a, t); + }, A.prototype.verify = function(w, a) { + return this.ec.verify(w, a, this); + }, A.prototype.inspect = function() { return ""; }; - }, 611: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3550), M = b(953), P = M.assert; - function y(s, r) { - if (s instanceof y) + }, 611: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3550), R = y(953), A = R.assert; + function w(s, r) { + if (s instanceof w) return s; - this._importDER(s, r) || (P(s.r && s.s, "Signature without r or s"), this.r = new E(s.r, 16), this.s = new E(s.s, 16), s.recoveryParam === void 0 ? this.recoveryParam = null : this.recoveryParam = s.recoveryParam); + this._importDER(s, r) || (A(s.r && s.s, "Signature without r or s"), this.r = new E(s.r, 16), this.s = new E(s.s, 16), s.recoveryParam === void 0 ? this.recoveryParam = null : this.recoveryParam = s.recoveryParam); } function a() { this.place = 0; @@ -8824,8 +9162,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; s.push(r); } } - J.exports = y, y.prototype._importDER = function(s, r) { - s = M.toArray(s, r); + J.exports = w, w.prototype._importDER = function(s, r) { + s = R.toArray(s, r); var n = new a(); if (s[n.place++] !== 48) return !1; @@ -8853,21 +9191,21 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; h = h.slice(1); } return this.r = new E(f), this.s = new E(h), this.recoveryParam = null, !0; - }, y.prototype.toDER = function(s) { + }, w.prototype.toDER = function(s) { var r = this.r.toArray(), n = this.s.toArray(); for (128 & r[0] && (r = [0].concat(r)), 128 & n[0] && (n = [0].concat(n)), r = d(r), n = d(n); !(n[0] || 128 & n[1]); ) n = n.slice(1); var o = [2]; u(o, r.length), (o = o.concat(r)).push(2), u(o, n.length); var i = o.concat(n), f = [48]; - return u(f, i.length), f = f.concat(i), M.encode(f, s); + return u(f, i.length), f = f.concat(i), R.encode(f, s); }; - }, 5980: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3715), M = b(5427), P = b(953), y = P.assert, a = P.parseBytes, t = b(9087), d = b(3622); + }, 5980: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3715), R = y(5427), A = y(953), w = A.assert, a = A.parseBytes, t = y(9087), d = y(3622); function u(s) { - if (y(s === "ed25519", "only tested with ed25519 so far"), !(this instanceof u)) + if (w(s === "ed25519", "only tested with ed25519 so far"), !(this instanceof u)) return new u(s); - s = M[s].curve, this.curve = s, this.g = s.g, this.g.precompute(s.n.bitLength() + 1), this.pointClass = s.point().constructor, this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(s.n.bitLength() / 8), this.hash = E.sha512; + s = R[s].curve, this.curve = s, this.g = s.g, this.g.precompute(s.n.bitLength() + 1), this.pointClass = s.point().constructor, this.encodingLength = Math.ceil(s.n.bitLength() / 8), this.hash = E.sha512; } J.exports = u, u.prototype.sign = function(s, r) { s = a(s); @@ -8880,7 +9218,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, u.prototype.hashInt = function() { for (var s = this.hash(), r = 0; r < arguments.length; r++) s.update(arguments[r]); - return P.intFromLE(s.digest()).umod(this.curve.n); + return A.intFromLE(s.digest()).umod(this.curve.n); }, u.prototype.keyFromPublic = function(s) { return t.fromPublic(this, s); }, u.prototype.keyFromSecret = function(s) { @@ -8891,19 +9229,19 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; var r = s.getY().toArray("le", this.encodingLength); return r[this.encodingLength - 1] |= s.getX().isOdd() ? 128 : 0, r; }, u.prototype.decodePoint = function(s) { - var r = (s = P.parseBytes(s)).length - 1, n = s.slice(0, r).concat(-129 & s[r]), o = (128 & s[r]) != 0, i = P.intFromLE(n); + var r = (s = A.parseBytes(s)).length - 1, n = s.slice(0, r).concat(-129 & s[r]), o = (128 & s[r]) != 0, i = A.intFromLE(n); return this.curve.pointFromY(i, o); }, u.prototype.encodeInt = function(s) { return s.toArray("le", this.encodingLength); }, u.prototype.decodeInt = function(s) { - return P.intFromLE(s); + return A.intFromLE(s); }, u.prototype.isPoint = function(s) { return s instanceof this.pointClass; }; - }, 9087: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(953), M = E.assert, P = E.parseBytes, y = E.cachedProperty; + }, 9087: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(953), R = E.assert, A = E.parseBytes, w = E.cachedProperty; function a(t, d) { - this.eddsa = t, this._secret = P(d.secret), t.isPoint(d.pub) ? this._pub = d.pub : this._pubBytes = P(d.pub); + this.eddsa = t, this._secret = A(d.secret), t.isPoint(d.pub) ? this._pub = d.pub : this._pubBytes = A(d.pub); } a.fromPublic = function(t, d) { return d instanceof a ? d : new a(t, { pub: d }); @@ -8911,51 +9249,51 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return d instanceof a ? d : new a(t, { secret: d }); }, a.prototype.secret = function() { return this._secret; - }, y(a, "pubBytes", function() { + }, w(a, "pubBytes", function() { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.pub()); - }), y(a, "pub", function() { + }), w(a, "pub", function() { return this._pubBytes ? this.eddsa.decodePoint(this._pubBytes) : this.eddsa.g.mul(this.priv()); - }), y(a, "privBytes", function() { + }), w(a, "privBytes", function() { var t = this.eddsa, d = this.hash(), u = t.encodingLength - 1, s = d.slice(0, t.encodingLength); return s[0] &= 248, s[u] &= 127, s[u] |= 64, s; - }), y(a, "priv", function() { + }), w(a, "priv", function() { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.privBytes()); - }), y(a, "hash", function() { + }), w(a, "hash", function() { return this.eddsa.hash().update(this.secret()).digest(); - }), y(a, "messagePrefix", function() { + }), w(a, "messagePrefix", function() { return this.hash().slice(this.eddsa.encodingLength); }), a.prototype.sign = function(t) { - return M(this._secret, "KeyPair can only verify"), this.eddsa.sign(t, this); + return R(this._secret, "KeyPair can only verify"), this.eddsa.sign(t, this); }, a.prototype.verify = function(t, d) { return this.eddsa.verify(t, d, this); }, a.prototype.getSecret = function(t) { - return M(this._secret, "KeyPair is public only"), E.encode(this.secret(), t); + return R(this._secret, "KeyPair is public only"), E.encode(this.secret(), t); }, a.prototype.getPublic = function(t) { return E.encode(this.pubBytes(), t); }, J.exports = a; - }, 3622: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3550), M = b(953), P = M.assert, y = M.cachedProperty, a = M.parseBytes; + }, 3622: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3550), R = y(953), A = R.assert, w = R.cachedProperty, a = R.parseBytes; function t(d, u) { - this.eddsa = d, typeof u != "object" && (u = a(u)), Array.isArray(u) && (u = { R: u.slice(0, d.encodingLength), S: u.slice(d.encodingLength) }), P(u.R && u.S, "Signature without R or S"), d.isPoint(u.R) && (this._R = u.R), u.S instanceof E && (this._S = u.S), this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(u.R) ? u.R : u.Rencoded, this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(u.S) ? u.S : u.Sencoded; + this.eddsa = d, typeof u != "object" && (u = a(u)), Array.isArray(u) && (u = { R: u.slice(0, d.encodingLength), S: u.slice(d.encodingLength) }), A(u.R && u.S, "Signature without R or S"), d.isPoint(u.R) && (this._R = u.R), u.S instanceof E && (this._S = u.S), this._Rencoded = Array.isArray(u.R) ? u.R : u.Rencoded, this._Sencoded = Array.isArray(u.S) ? u.S : u.Sencoded; } - y(t, "S", function() { + w(t, "S", function() { return this.eddsa.decodeInt(this.Sencoded()); - }), y(t, "R", function() { + }), w(t, "R", function() { return this.eddsa.decodePoint(this.Rencoded()); - }), y(t, "Rencoded", function() { + }), w(t, "Rencoded", function() { return this.eddsa.encodePoint(this.R()); - }), y(t, "Sencoded", function() { + }), w(t, "Sencoded", function() { return this.eddsa.encodeInt(this.S()); }), t.prototype.toBytes = function() { return this.Rencoded().concat(this.Sencoded()); }, t.prototype.toHex = function() { - return M.encode(this.toBytes(), "hex").toUpperCase(); + return R.encode(this.toBytes(), "hex").toUpperCase(); }, J.exports = t; }, 1037: (J) => { J.exports = { doubles: { step: 4, points: [["e60fce93b59e9ec53011aabc21c23e97b2a31369b87a5ae9c44ee89e2a6dec0a", "f7e3507399e595929db99f34f57937101296891e44d23f0be1f32cce69616821"], ["8282263212c609d9ea2a6e3e172de238d8c39cabd5ac1ca10646e23fd5f51508", "11f8a8098557dfe45e8256e830b60ace62d613ac2f7b17bed31b6eaff6e26caf"], ["175e159f728b865a72f99cc6c6fc846de0b93833fd2222ed73fce5b551e5b739", "d3506e0d9e3c79eba4ef97a51ff71f5eacb5955add24345c6efa6ffee9fed695"], ["363d90d447b00c9c99ceac05b6262ee053441c7e55552ffe526bad8f83ff4640", "4e273adfc732221953b445397f3363145b9a89008199ecb62003c7f3bee9de9"], ["8b4b5f165df3c2be8c6244b5b745638843e4a781a15bcd1b69f79a55dffdf80c", "4aad0a6f68d308b4b3fbd7813ab0da04f9e336546162ee56b3eff0c65fd4fd36"], ["723cbaa6e5db996d6bf771c00bd548c7b700dbffa6c0e77bcb6115925232fcda", "96e867b5595cc498a921137488824d6e2660a0653779494801dc069d9eb39f5f"], ["eebfa4d493bebf98ba5feec812c2d3b50947961237a919839a533eca0e7dd7fa", "5d9a8ca3970ef0f269ee7edaf178089d9ae4cdc3a711f712ddfd4fdae1de8999"], ["100f44da696e71672791d0a09b7bde459f1215a29b3c03bfefd7835b39a48db0", "cdd9e13192a00b772ec8f3300c090666b7ff4a18ff5195ac0fbd5cd62bc65a09"], ["e1031be262c7ed1b1dc9227a4a04c017a77f8d4464f3b3852c8acde6e534fd2d", "9d7061928940405e6bb6a4176597535af292dd419e1ced79a44f18f29456a00d"], ["feea6cae46d55b530ac2839f143bd7ec5cf8b266a41d6af52d5e688d9094696d", "e57c6b6c97dce1bab06e4e12bf3ecd5c981c8957cc41442d3155debf18090088"], ["da67a91d91049cdcb367be4be6ffca3cfeed657d808583de33fa978bc1ec6cb1", "9bacaa35481642bc41f463f7ec9780e5dec7adc508f740a17e9ea8e27a68be1d"], ["53904faa0b334cdda6e000935ef22151ec08d0f7bb11069f57545ccc1a37b7c0", "5bc087d0bc80106d88c9eccac20d3c1c13999981e14434699dcb096b022771c8"], ["8e7bcd0bd35983a7719cca7764ca906779b53a043a9b8bcaeff959f43ad86047", "10b7770b2a3da4b3940310420ca9514579e88e2e47fd68b3ea10047e8460372a"], ["385eed34c1cdff21e6d0818689b81bde71a7f4f18397e6690a841e1599c43862", "283bebc3e8ea23f56701de19e9ebf4576b304eec2086dc8cc0458fe5542e5453"], ["6f9d9b803ecf191637c73a4413dfa180fddf84a5947fbc9c606ed86c3fac3a7", "7c80c68e603059ba69b8e2a30e45c4d47ea4dd2f5c281002d86890603a842160"], ["3322d401243c4e2582a2147c104d6ecbf774d163db0f5e5313b7e0e742d0e6bd", "56e70797e9664ef5bfb019bc4ddaf9b72805f63ea2873af624f3a2e96c28b2a0"], ["85672c7d2de0b7da2bd1770d89665868741b3f9af7643397721d74d28134ab83", "7c481b9b5b43b2eb6374049bfa62c2e5e77f17fcc5298f44c8e3094f790313a6"], ["948bf809b1988a46b06c9f1919413b10f9226c60f668832ffd959af60c82a0a", "53a562856dcb6646dc6b74c5d1c3418c6d4dff08c97cd2bed4cb7f88d8c8e589"], ["6260ce7f461801c34f067ce0f02873a8f1b0e44dfc69752accecd819f38fd8e8", "bc2da82b6fa5b571a7f09049776a1ef7ecd292238051c198c1a84e95b2b4ae17"], 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["4162d488b89402039b584c6fc6c308870587d9c46f660b878ab65c82c711d67e", "67163e903236289f776f22c25fb8a3afc1732f2b84b4e95dbda47ae5a0852649"], ["3fad3fa84caf0f34f0f89bfd2dcf54fc175d767aec3e50684f3ba4a4bf5f683d", "cd1bc7cb6cc407bb2f0ca647c718a730cf71872e7d0d2a53fa20efcdfe61826"], ["674f2600a3007a00568c1a7ce05d0816c1fb84bf1370798f1c69532faeb1a86b", "299d21f9413f33b3edf43b257004580b70db57da0b182259e09eecc69e0d38a5"], ["d32f4da54ade74abb81b815ad1fb3b263d82d6c692714bcff87d29bd5ee9f08f", "f9429e738b8e53b968e99016c059707782e14f4535359d582fc416910b3eea87"], ["30e4e670435385556e593657135845d36fbb6931f72b08cb1ed954f1e3ce3ff6", "462f9bce619898638499350113bbc9b10a878d35da70740dc695a559eb88db7b"], ["be2062003c51cc3004682904330e4dee7f3dcd10b01e580bf1971b04d4cad297", "62188bc49d61e5428573d48a74e1c655b1c61090905682a0d5558ed72dccb9bc"], ["93144423ace3451ed29e0fb9ac2af211cb6e84a601df5993c419859fff5df04a", "7c10dfb164c3425f5c71a3f9d7992038f1065224f72bb9d1d902a6d13037b47c"], ["b015f8044f5fcbdcf21ca26d6c34fb8197829205c7b7d2a7cb66418c157b112c", "ab8c1e086d04e813744a655b2df8d5f83b3cdc6faa3088c1d3aea1454e3a1d5f"], ["d5e9e1da649d97d89e4868117a465a3a4f8a18de57a140d36b3f2af341a21b52", "4cb04437f391ed73111a13cc1d4dd0db1693465c2240480d8955e8592f27447a"], ["d3ae41047dd7ca065dbf8ed77b992439983005cd72e16d6f996a5316d36966bb", "bd1aeb21ad22ebb22a10f0303417c6d964f8cdd7df0aca614b10dc14d125ac46"], ["463e2763d885f958fc66cdd22800f0a487197d0a82e377b49f80af87c897b065", "bfefacdb0e5d0fd7df3a311a94de062b26b80c61fbc97508b79992671ef7ca7f"], ["7985fdfd127c0567c6f53ec1bb63ec3158e597c40bfe747c83cddfc910641917", "603c12daf3d9862ef2b25fe1de289aed24ed291e0ec6708703a5bd567f32ed03"], ["74a1ad6b5f76e39db2dd249410eac7f99e74c59cb83d2d0ed5ff1543da7703e9", "cc6157ef18c9c63cd6193d83631bbea0093e0968942e8c33d5737fd790e0db08"], ["30682a50703375f602d416664ba19b7fc9bab42c72747463a71d0896b22f6da3", "553e04f6b018b4fa6c8f39e7f311d3176290d0e0f19ca73f17714d9977a22ff8"], ["9e2158f0d7c0d5f26c3791efefa79597654e7a2b2464f52b1ee6c1347769ef57", "712fcdd1b9053f09003a3481fa7762e9ffd7c8ef35a38509e2fbf2629008373"], ["176e26989a43c9cfeba4029c202538c28172e566e3c4fce7322857f3be327d66", "ed8cc9d04b29eb877d270b4878dc43c19aefd31f4eee09ee7b47834c1fa4b1c3"], ["75d46efea3771e6e68abb89a13ad747ecf1892393dfc4f1b7004788c50374da8", "9852390a99507679fd0b86fd2b39a868d7efc22151346e1a3ca4726586a6bed8"], ["809a20c67d64900ffb698c4c825f6d5f2310fb0451c869345b7319f645605721", "9e994980d9917e22b76b061927fa04143d096ccc54963e6a5ebfa5f3f8e286c1"], ["1b38903a43f7f114ed4500b4eac7083fdefece1cf29c63528d563446f972c180", "4036edc931a60ae889353f77fd53de4a2708b26b6f5da72ad3394119daf408f9"]] } }; - }, 953: (J, e, b) => { - var E = e, M = b(3550), P = b(9746), y = b(4504); - E.assert = P, E.toArray = y.toArray, E.zero2 = y.zero2, E.toHex = y.toHex, E.encode = y.encode, E.getNAF = function(a, t, d) { + }, 953: (J, e, y) => { + var E = e, R = y(3550), A = y(9746), w = y(4504); + E.assert = A, E.toArray = w.toArray, E.zero2 = w.zero2, E.toHex = w.toHex, E.encode = w.encode, E.getNAF = function(a, t, d) { var u = new Array(Math.max(a.bitLength(), d) + 1); u.fill(0); for (var s = 1 << t + 1, r = a.clone(), n = 0; n < u.length; n++) { @@ -8979,30 +9317,30 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, E.parseBytes = function(a) { return typeof a == "string" ? E.toArray(a, "hex") : a; }, E.intFromLE = function(a) { - return new M(a, "hex", "le"); + return new R(a, "hex", "le"); }; }, 8091: (J) => { - function e(b, E) { - if (b == null) + function e(y, E) { + if (y == null) throw new TypeError("Cannot convert first argument to object"); - for (var M = Object(b), P = 1; P < arguments.length; P++) { - var y = arguments[P]; - if (y != null) - for (var a = Object.keys(Object(y)), t = 0, d = a.length; t < d; t++) { - var u = a[t], s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(y, u); - s !== void 0 && s.enumerable && (M[u] = y[u]); + for (var R = Object(y), A = 1; A < arguments.length; A++) { + var w = arguments[A]; + if (w != null) + for (var a = Object.keys(Object(w)), t = 0, d = a.length; t < d; t++) { + var u = a[t], s = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(w, u); + s !== void 0 && s.enumerable && (R[u] = w[u]); } } - return M; + return R; } J.exports = { assign: e, polyfill: function() { Object.assign || Object.defineProperty(Object, "assign", { enumerable: !1, configurable: !0, writable: !0, value: e }); } }; - }, 7187: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = b(5108), P = typeof Reflect == "object" ? Reflect : null, y = P && typeof P.apply == "function" ? P.apply : function(m, v, C) { - return Function.prototype.apply.call(m, v, C); + }, 7187: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = y(5108), A = typeof Reflect == "object" ? Reflect : null, w = A && typeof A.apply == "function" ? A.apply : function(m, v, I) { + return Function.prototype.apply.call(m, v, I); }; - E = P && typeof P.ownKeys == "function" ? P.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(m) { + E = A && typeof A.ownKeys == "function" ? A.ownKeys : Object.getOwnPropertySymbols ? function(m) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(m).concat(Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(m)); } : function(m) { return Object.getOwnPropertyNames(m); @@ -9014,16 +9352,16 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; t.init.call(this); } J.exports = t, J.exports.once = function(m, v) { - return new Promise(function(C, l) { - function I(k) { - m.removeListener(v, R), l(k); + return new Promise(function(I, l) { + function j(S) { + m.removeListener(v, N), l(S); } - function R() { - typeof m.removeListener == "function" && m.removeListener("error", I), C([].slice.call(arguments)); + function N() { + typeof m.removeListener == "function" && m.removeListener("error", j), I([].slice.call(arguments)); } - h(m, v, R, { once: !0 }), v !== "error" && function(k, N, A) { - typeof k.on == "function" && h(k, "error", N, { once: !0 }); - }(m, I); + h(m, v, N, { once: !0 }), v !== "error" && function(S, T, x) { + typeof S.on == "function" && h(S, "error", T, { once: !0 }); + }(m, j); }); }, t.EventEmitter = t, t.prototype._events = void 0, t.prototype._eventsCount = 0, t.prototype._maxListeners = void 0; var d = 10; @@ -9034,14 +9372,14 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; function s(m) { return m._maxListeners === void 0 ? t.defaultMaxListeners : m._maxListeners; } - function r(m, v, C, l) { - var I, R, k, N; - if (u(C), (R = m._events) === void 0 ? (R = m._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), m._eventsCount = 0) : (R.newListener !== void 0 && (m.emit("newListener", v, C.listener ? C.listener : C), R = m._events), k = R[v]), k === void 0) - k = R[v] = C, ++m._eventsCount; - else if (typeof k == "function" ? k = R[v] = l ? [C, k] : [k, C] : l ? k.unshift(C) : k.push(C), (I = s(m)) > 0 && k.length > I && !k.warned) { - k.warned = !0; - var A = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + k.length + " " + String(v) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"); - A.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", A.emitter = m, A.type = v, A.count = k.length, N = A, M && M.warn && M.warn(N); + function r(m, v, I, l) { + var j, N, S, T; + if (u(I), (N = m._events) === void 0 ? (N = m._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), m._eventsCount = 0) : (N.newListener !== void 0 && (m.emit("newListener", v, I.listener ? I.listener : I), N = m._events), S = N[v]), S === void 0) + S = N[v] = I, ++m._eventsCount; + else if (typeof S == "function" ? S = N[v] = l ? [I, S] : [S, I] : l ? S.unshift(I) : S.push(I), (j = s(m)) > 0 && S.length > j && !S.warned) { + S.warned = !0; + var x = new Error("Possible EventEmitter memory leak detected. " + S.length + " " + String(v) + " listeners added. Use emitter.setMaxListeners() to increase limit"); + x.name = "MaxListenersExceededWarning", x.emitter = m, x.type = v, x.count = S.length, T = x, R && R.warn && R.warn(T); } return m; } @@ -9049,45 +9387,45 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; if (!this.fired) return this.target.removeListener(this.type, this.wrapFn), this.fired = !0, arguments.length === 0 ? this.listener.call(this.target) : this.listener.apply(this.target, arguments); } - function o(m, v, C) { - var l = { fired: !1, wrapFn: void 0, target: m, type: v, listener: C }, I = n.bind(l); - return I.listener = C, l.wrapFn = I, I; + function o(m, v, I) { + var l = { fired: !1, wrapFn: void 0, target: m, type: v, listener: I }, j = n.bind(l); + return j.listener = I, l.wrapFn = j, j; } - function i(m, v, C) { + function i(m, v, I) { var l = m._events; if (l === void 0) return []; - var I = l[v]; - return I === void 0 ? [] : typeof I == "function" ? C ? [I.listener || I] : [I] : C ? function(R) { - for (var k = new Array(R.length), N = 0; N < k.length; ++N) - k[N] = R[N].listener || R[N]; - return k; - }(I) : c(I, I.length); + var j = l[v]; + return j === void 0 ? [] : typeof j == "function" ? I ? [j.listener || j] : [j] : I ? function(N) { + for (var S = new Array(N.length), T = 0; T < S.length; ++T) + S[T] = N[T].listener || N[T]; + return S; + }(j) : c(j, j.length); } function f(m) { var v = this._events; if (v !== void 0) { - var C = v[m]; - if (typeof C == "function") + var I = v[m]; + if (typeof I == "function") return 1; - if (C !== void 0) - return C.length; + if (I !== void 0) + return I.length; } return 0; } function c(m, v) { - for (var C = new Array(v), l = 0; l < v; ++l) - C[l] = m[l]; - return C; + for (var I = new Array(v), l = 0; l < v; ++l) + I[l] = m[l]; + return I; } - function h(m, v, C, l) { + function h(m, v, I, l) { if (typeof m.on == "function") - l.once ? m.once(v, C) : m.on(v, C); + l.once ? m.once(v, I) : m.on(v, I); else { if (typeof m.addEventListener != "function") throw new TypeError('The "emitter" argument must be of type EventEmitter. Received type ' + typeof m); - m.addEventListener(v, function I(R) { - l.once && m.removeEventListener(v, I), C(R); + m.addEventListener(v, function j(N) { + l.once && m.removeEventListener(v, j), I(N); }); } } @@ -9106,29 +9444,29 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, t.prototype.getMaxListeners = function() { return s(this); }, t.prototype.emit = function(m) { - for (var v = [], C = 1; C < arguments.length; C++) - v.push(arguments[C]); - var l = m === "error", I = this._events; - if (I !== void 0) - l = l && I.error === void 0; + for (var v = [], I = 1; I < arguments.length; I++) + v.push(arguments[I]); + var l = m === "error", j = this._events; + if (j !== void 0) + l = l && j.error === void 0; else if (!l) return !1; if (l) { - var R; - if (v.length > 0 && (R = v[0]), R instanceof Error) - throw R; - var k = new Error("Unhandled error." + (R ? " (" + R.message + ")" : "")); - throw k.context = R, k; - } - var N = I[m]; - if (N === void 0) + var N; + if (v.length > 0 && (N = v[0]), N instanceof Error) + throw N; + var S = new Error("Unhandled error." + (N ? " (" + N.message + ")" : "")); + throw S.context = N, S; + } + var T = j[m]; + if (T === void 0) return !1; - if (typeof N == "function") - y(N, this, v); + if (typeof T == "function") + w(T, this, v); else { - var A = N.length, w = c(N, A); - for (C = 0; C < A; ++C) - y(w[C], this, v); + var x = T.length, k = c(T, x); + for (I = 0; I < x; ++I) + w(k[I], this, v); } return !0; }, t.prototype.addListener = function(m, v) { @@ -9140,41 +9478,41 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, t.prototype.prependOnceListener = function(m, v) { return u(v), this.prependListener(m, o(this, m, v)), this; }, t.prototype.removeListener = function(m, v) { - var C, l, I, R, k; + var I, l, j, N, S; if (u(v), (l = this._events) === void 0) return this; - if ((C = l[m]) === void 0) + if ((I = l[m]) === void 0) return this; - if (C === v || C.listener === v) - --this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : (delete l[m], l.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", m, C.listener || v)); - else if (typeof C != "function") { - for (I = -1, R = C.length - 1; R >= 0; R--) - if (C[R] === v || C[R].listener === v) { - k = C[R].listener, I = R; + if (I === v || I.listener === v) + --this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : (delete l[m], l.removeListener && this.emit("removeListener", m, I.listener || v)); + else if (typeof I != "function") { + for (j = -1, N = I.length - 1; N >= 0; N--) + if (I[N] === v || I[N].listener === v) { + S = I[N].listener, j = N; break; } - if (I < 0) + if (j < 0) return this; - I === 0 ? C.shift() : function(N, A) { - for (; A + 1 < N.length; A++) - N[A] = N[A + 1]; - N.pop(); - }(C, I), C.length === 1 && (l[m] = C[0]), l.removeListener !== void 0 && this.emit("removeListener", m, k || v); + j === 0 ? I.shift() : function(T, x) { + for (; x + 1 < T.length; x++) + T[x] = T[x + 1]; + T.pop(); + }(I, j), I.length === 1 && (l[m] = I[0]), l.removeListener !== void 0 && this.emit("removeListener", m, S || v); } return this; }, t.prototype.off = t.prototype.removeListener, t.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(m) { - var v, C, l; - if ((C = this._events) === void 0) + var v, I, l; + if ((I = this._events) === void 0) return this; - if (C.removeListener === void 0) - return arguments.length === 0 ? (this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : C[m] !== void 0 && (--this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : delete C[m]), this; + if (I.removeListener === void 0) + return arguments.length === 0 ? (this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0) : I[m] !== void 0 && (--this._eventsCount == 0 ? this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null) : delete I[m]), this; if (arguments.length === 0) { - var I, R = Object.keys(C); - for (l = 0; l < R.length; ++l) - (I = R[l]) !== "removeListener" && this.removeAllListeners(I); + var j, N = Object.keys(I); + for (l = 0; l < N.length; ++l) + (j = N[l]) !== "removeListener" && this.removeAllListeners(j); return this.removeAllListeners("removeListener"), this._events = /* @__PURE__ */ Object.create(null), this._eventsCount = 0, this; } - if (typeof (v = C[m]) == "function") + if (typeof (v = I[m]) == "function") this.removeListener(m, v); else if (v !== void 0) for (l = v.length - 1; l >= 0; l--) @@ -9189,51 +9527,51 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, t.prototype.listenerCount = f, t.prototype.eventNames = function() { return this._eventsCount > 0 ? E(this._events) : []; }; - }, 4029: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5320), M = Object.prototype.toString, P = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; - J.exports = function(y, a, t) { + }, 4029: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5320), R = Object.prototype.toString, A = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty; + J.exports = function(w, a, t) { if (!E(a)) throw new TypeError("iterator must be a function"); var d; - arguments.length >= 3 && (d = t), M.call(y) === "[object Array]" ? function(u, s, r) { + arguments.length >= 3 && (d = t), R.call(w) === "[object Array]" ? function(u, s, r) { for (var n = 0, o = u.length; n < o; n++) - P.call(u, n) && (r == null ? s(u[n], n, u) : s.call(r, u[n], n, u)); - }(y, a, d) : typeof y == "string" ? function(u, s, r) { + A.call(u, n) && (r == null ? s(u[n], n, u) : s.call(r, u[n], n, u)); + }(w, a, d) : typeof w == "string" ? function(u, s, r) { for (var n = 0, o = u.length; n < o; n++) r == null ? s(u.charAt(n), n, u) : s.call(r, u.charAt(n), n, u); - }(y, a, d) : function(u, s, r) { + }(w, a, d) : function(u, s, r) { for (var n in u) - P.call(u, n) && (r == null ? s(u[n], n, u) : s.call(r, u[n], n, u)); - }(y, a, d); + A.call(u, n) && (r == null ? s(u[n], n, u) : s.call(r, u[n], n, u)); + }(w, a, d); }; }, 7648: (J) => { - var e = Array.prototype.slice, b = Object.prototype.toString; + var e = Array.prototype.slice, y = Object.prototype.toString; J.exports = function(E) { - var M = this; - if (typeof M != "function" || b.call(M) !== "[object Function]") - throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible " + M); - for (var P, y = e.call(arguments, 1), a = Math.max(0, M.length - y.length), t = [], d = 0; d < a; d++) + var R = this; + if (typeof R != "function" || y.call(R) !== "[object Function]") + throw new TypeError("Function.prototype.bind called on incompatible " + R); + for (var A, w = e.call(arguments, 1), a = Math.max(0, R.length - w.length), t = [], d = 0; d < a; d++) t.push("$" + d); - if (P = Function("binder", "return function (" + t.join(",") + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")(function() { - if (this instanceof P) { - var s = M.apply(this, y.concat(e.call(arguments))); + if (A = Function("binder", "return function (" + t.join(",") + "){ return binder.apply(this,arguments); }")(function() { + if (this instanceof A) { + var s = R.apply(this, w.concat(e.call(arguments))); return Object(s) === s ? s : this; } - return M.apply(E, y.concat(e.call(arguments))); - }), M.prototype) { + return R.apply(E, w.concat(e.call(arguments))); + }), R.prototype) { var u = function() { }; - u.prototype = M.prototype, P.prototype = new u(), u.prototype = null; + u.prototype = R.prototype, A.prototype = new u(), u.prototype = null; } - return P; + return A; }; - }, 8612: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(7648); + }, 8612: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(7648); J.exports = Function.prototype.bind || E; - }, 210: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = SyntaxError, P = Function, y = TypeError, a = function(_) { + }, 210: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = SyntaxError, A = Function, w = TypeError, a = function(b) { try { - return P('"use strict"; return (' + _ + ").constructor;")(); + return A('"use strict"; return (' + b + ").constructor;")(); } catch { } }, t = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; @@ -9244,7 +9582,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; t = null; } var d = function() { - throw new y(); + throw new w(); }, u = t ? function() { try { return d; @@ -9255,84 +9593,84 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return d; } } - }() : d, s = b(1405)(), r = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(_) { - return _.__proto__; - }, n = {}, o = typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? E : r(Uint8Array), i = { "%AggregateError%": typeof AggregateError > "u" ? E : AggregateError, "%Array%": Array, "%ArrayBuffer%": typeof ArrayBuffer > "u" ? E : ArrayBuffer, "%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": s ? r([][Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%": E, "%AsyncFunction%": n, "%AsyncGenerator%": n, "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%": n, "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": n, "%Atomics%": typeof Atomics > "u" ? E : Atomics, "%BigInt%": typeof BigInt > "u" ? E : BigInt, "%BigInt64Array%": typeof BigInt64Array > "u" ? E : BigInt64Array, "%BigUint64Array%": typeof BigUint64Array > "u" ? E : BigUint64Array, "%Boolean%": Boolean, "%DataView%": typeof DataView > "u" ? E : DataView, "%Date%": Date, "%decodeURI%": decodeURI, "%decodeURIComponent%": decodeURIComponent, "%encodeURI%": encodeURI, "%encodeURIComponent%": encodeURIComponent, "%Error%": Error, "%eval%": eval, "%EvalError%": EvalError, "%Float32Array%": typeof Float32Array > "u" ? E : Float32Array, "%Float64Array%": typeof Float64Array > "u" ? E : Float64Array, "%FinalizationRegistry%": typeof FinalizationRegistry > "u" ? E : FinalizationRegistry, "%Function%": P, "%GeneratorFunction%": n, "%Int8Array%": typeof Int8Array > "u" ? E : Int8Array, "%Int16Array%": typeof Int16Array > "u" ? E : Int16Array, "%Int32Array%": typeof Int32Array > "u" ? E : Int32Array, "%isFinite%": isFinite, "%isNaN%": isNaN, "%IteratorPrototype%": s ? r(r([][Symbol.iterator]())) : E, "%JSON%": typeof JSON == "object" ? JSON : E, "%Map%": typeof Map > "u" ? E : Map, "%MapIteratorPrototype%": typeof Map < "u" && s ? r((/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())[Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%Math%": Math, "%Number%": Number, "%Object%": Object, "%parseFloat%": parseFloat, "%parseInt%": parseInt, "%Promise%": typeof Promise > "u" ? E : Promise, "%Proxy%": typeof Proxy > "u" ? E : Proxy, "%RangeError%": RangeError, "%ReferenceError%": ReferenceError, "%Reflect%": typeof Reflect > "u" ? E : Reflect, "%RegExp%": RegExp, "%Set%": typeof Set > "u" ? E : Set, "%SetIteratorPrototype%": typeof Set < "u" && s ? r((/* @__PURE__ */ new Set())[Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%SharedArrayBuffer%": typeof SharedArrayBuffer > "u" ? E : SharedArrayBuffer, "%String%": String, "%StringIteratorPrototype%": s ? r(""[Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%Symbol%": s ? Symbol : E, "%SyntaxError%": M, "%ThrowTypeError%": u, "%TypedArray%": o, "%TypeError%": y, "%Uint8Array%": typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? E : Uint8Array, "%Uint8ClampedArray%": typeof Uint8ClampedArray > "u" ? E : Uint8ClampedArray, "%Uint16Array%": typeof Uint16Array > "u" ? E : Uint16Array, "%Uint32Array%": typeof Uint32Array > "u" ? E : Uint32Array, "%URIError%": URIError, "%WeakMap%": typeof WeakMap > "u" ? E : WeakMap, "%WeakRef%": typeof WeakRef > "u" ? E : WeakRef, "%WeakSet%": typeof WeakSet > "u" ? E : WeakSet }; + }() : d, s = y(1405)(), r = Object.getPrototypeOf || function(b) { + return b.__proto__; + }, n = {}, o = typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? E : r(Uint8Array), i = { "%AggregateError%": typeof AggregateError > "u" ? E : AggregateError, "%Array%": Array, "%ArrayBuffer%": typeof ArrayBuffer > "u" ? E : ArrayBuffer, "%ArrayIteratorPrototype%": s ? r([][Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%AsyncFromSyncIteratorPrototype%": E, "%AsyncFunction%": n, "%AsyncGenerator%": n, "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%": n, "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%": n, "%Atomics%": typeof Atomics > "u" ? E : Atomics, "%BigInt%": typeof BigInt > "u" ? E : BigInt, "%BigInt64Array%": typeof BigInt64Array > "u" ? E : BigInt64Array, "%BigUint64Array%": typeof BigUint64Array > "u" ? E : BigUint64Array, "%Boolean%": Boolean, "%DataView%": typeof DataView > "u" ? E : DataView, "%Date%": Date, "%decodeURI%": decodeURI, "%decodeURIComponent%": decodeURIComponent, "%encodeURI%": encodeURI, "%encodeURIComponent%": encodeURIComponent, "%Error%": Error, "%eval%": eval, "%EvalError%": EvalError, "%Float32Array%": typeof Float32Array > "u" ? E : Float32Array, "%Float64Array%": typeof Float64Array > "u" ? E : Float64Array, "%FinalizationRegistry%": typeof FinalizationRegistry > "u" ? E : FinalizationRegistry, "%Function%": A, "%GeneratorFunction%": n, "%Int8Array%": typeof Int8Array > "u" ? E : Int8Array, "%Int16Array%": typeof Int16Array > "u" ? E : Int16Array, "%Int32Array%": typeof Int32Array > "u" ? E : Int32Array, "%isFinite%": isFinite, "%isNaN%": isNaN, "%IteratorPrototype%": s ? r(r([][Symbol.iterator]())) : E, "%JSON%": typeof JSON == "object" ? JSON : E, "%Map%": typeof Map > "u" ? E : Map, "%MapIteratorPrototype%": typeof Map < "u" && s ? r((/* @__PURE__ */ new Map())[Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%Math%": Math, "%Number%": Number, "%Object%": Object, "%parseFloat%": parseFloat, "%parseInt%": parseInt, "%Promise%": typeof Promise > "u" ? E : Promise, "%Proxy%": typeof Proxy > "u" ? E : Proxy, "%RangeError%": RangeError, "%ReferenceError%": ReferenceError, "%Reflect%": typeof Reflect > "u" ? E : Reflect, "%RegExp%": RegExp, "%Set%": typeof Set > "u" ? E : Set, "%SetIteratorPrototype%": typeof Set < "u" && s ? r((/* @__PURE__ */ new Set())[Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%SharedArrayBuffer%": typeof SharedArrayBuffer > "u" ? E : SharedArrayBuffer, "%String%": String, "%StringIteratorPrototype%": s ? r(""[Symbol.iterator]()) : E, "%Symbol%": s ? Symbol : E, "%SyntaxError%": R, "%ThrowTypeError%": u, "%TypedArray%": o, "%TypeError%": w, "%Uint8Array%": typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? E : Uint8Array, "%Uint8ClampedArray%": typeof Uint8ClampedArray > "u" ? E : Uint8ClampedArray, "%Uint16Array%": typeof Uint16Array > "u" ? E : Uint16Array, "%Uint32Array%": typeof Uint32Array > "u" ? E : Uint32Array, "%URIError%": URIError, "%WeakMap%": typeof WeakMap > "u" ? E : WeakMap, "%WeakRef%": typeof WeakRef > "u" ? E : WeakRef, "%WeakSet%": typeof WeakSet > "u" ? E : WeakSet }; try { null.error; - } catch (_) { - var f = r(r(_)); + } catch (b) { + var f = r(r(b)); i["%Error.prototype%"] = f; } - var c = function _(p) { - var O; + var c = function b(p) { + var P; if (p === "%AsyncFunction%") - O = a("async function () {}"); + P = a("async function () {}"); else if (p === "%GeneratorFunction%") - O = a("function* () {}"); + P = a("function* () {}"); else if (p === "%AsyncGeneratorFunction%") - O = a("async function* () {}"); + P = a("async function* () {}"); else if (p === "%AsyncGenerator%") { - var U = _("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%"); - U && (O = U.prototype); + var B = b("%AsyncGeneratorFunction%"); + B && (P = B.prototype); } else if (p === "%AsyncIteratorPrototype%") { - var T = _("%AsyncGenerator%"); - T && (O = r(T.prototype)); - } - return i[p] = O, O; - }, h = { "%ArrayBufferPrototype%": ["ArrayBuffer", "prototype"], "%ArrayPrototype%": ["Array", "prototype"], "%ArrayProto_entries%": ["Array", "prototype", "entries"], "%ArrayProto_forEach%": ["Array", "prototype", "forEach"], "%ArrayProto_keys%": ["Array", "prototype", "keys"], "%ArrayProto_values%": ["Array", "prototype", "values"], "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": ["AsyncFunction", "prototype"], "%AsyncGenerator%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype"], "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"], "%BooleanPrototype%": ["Boolean", "prototype"], "%DataViewPrototype%": ["DataView", "prototype"], "%DatePrototype%": ["Date", "prototype"], "%ErrorPrototype%": ["Error", "prototype"], "%EvalErrorPrototype%": ["EvalError", "prototype"], "%Float32ArrayPrototype%": ["Float32Array", "prototype"], "%Float64ArrayPrototype%": ["Float64Array", "prototype"], "%FunctionPrototype%": ["Function", "prototype"], "%Generator%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype"], "%GeneratorPrototype%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"], "%Int8ArrayPrototype%": ["Int8Array", "prototype"], "%Int16ArrayPrototype%": ["Int16Array", "prototype"], "%Int32ArrayPrototype%": ["Int32Array", "prototype"], "%JSONParse%": ["JSON", "parse"], "%JSONStringify%": ["JSON", "stringify"], "%MapPrototype%": ["Map", "prototype"], "%NumberPrototype%": ["Number", "prototype"], "%ObjectPrototype%": ["Object", "prototype"], "%ObjProto_toString%": ["Object", "prototype", "toString"], "%ObjProto_valueOf%": ["Object", "prototype", "valueOf"], "%PromisePrototype%": ["Promise", "prototype"], "%PromiseProto_then%": ["Promise", "prototype", "then"], "%Promise_all%": ["Promise", "all"], "%Promise_reject%": ["Promise", "reject"], "%Promise_resolve%": ["Promise", "resolve"], "%RangeErrorPrototype%": ["RangeError", "prototype"], "%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ["ReferenceError", "prototype"], "%RegExpPrototype%": ["RegExp", "prototype"], "%SetPrototype%": ["Set", "prototype"], "%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": ["SharedArrayBuffer", "prototype"], "%StringPrototype%": ["String", "prototype"], "%SymbolPrototype%": ["Symbol", "prototype"], "%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": ["SyntaxError", "prototype"], "%TypedArrayPrototype%": ["TypedArray", "prototype"], "%TypeErrorPrototype%": ["TypeError", "prototype"], "%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8Array", "prototype"], "%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8ClampedArray", "prototype"], "%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint16Array", "prototype"], "%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint32Array", "prototype"], "%URIErrorPrototype%": ["URIError", "prototype"], "%WeakMapPrototype%": ["WeakMap", "prototype"], "%WeakSetPrototype%": ["WeakSet", "prototype"] }, m = b(8612), v = b(7642), C = m.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.concat), l = m.call(Function.apply, Array.prototype.splice), I = m.call(Function.call, String.prototype.replace), R = m.call(Function.call, String.prototype.slice), k = m.call(Function.call, RegExp.prototype.exec), N = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g, A = /\\(\\)?/g, w = function(_, p) { - var O, U = _; - if (v(h, U) && (U = "%" + (O = h[U])[0] + "%"), v(i, U)) { - var T = i[U]; - if (T === n && (T = c(U)), T === void 0 && !p) - throw new y("intrinsic " + _ + " exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!"); - return { alias: O, name: U, value: T }; - } - throw new M("intrinsic " + _ + " does not exist!"); - }; - J.exports = function(_, p) { - if (typeof _ != "string" || _.length === 0) - throw new y("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string"); + var C = b("%AsyncGenerator%"); + C && (P = r(C.prototype)); + } + return i[p] = P, P; + }, h = { "%ArrayBufferPrototype%": ["ArrayBuffer", "prototype"], "%ArrayPrototype%": ["Array", "prototype"], "%ArrayProto_entries%": ["Array", "prototype", "entries"], "%ArrayProto_forEach%": ["Array", "prototype", "forEach"], "%ArrayProto_keys%": ["Array", "prototype", "keys"], "%ArrayProto_values%": ["Array", "prototype", "values"], "%AsyncFunctionPrototype%": ["AsyncFunction", "prototype"], "%AsyncGenerator%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype"], "%AsyncGeneratorPrototype%": ["AsyncGeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"], "%BooleanPrototype%": ["Boolean", "prototype"], "%DataViewPrototype%": ["DataView", "prototype"], "%DatePrototype%": ["Date", "prototype"], "%ErrorPrototype%": ["Error", "prototype"], "%EvalErrorPrototype%": ["EvalError", "prototype"], "%Float32ArrayPrototype%": ["Float32Array", "prototype"], "%Float64ArrayPrototype%": ["Float64Array", "prototype"], "%FunctionPrototype%": ["Function", "prototype"], "%Generator%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype"], "%GeneratorPrototype%": ["GeneratorFunction", "prototype", "prototype"], "%Int8ArrayPrototype%": ["Int8Array", "prototype"], "%Int16ArrayPrototype%": ["Int16Array", "prototype"], "%Int32ArrayPrototype%": ["Int32Array", "prototype"], "%JSONParse%": ["JSON", "parse"], "%JSONStringify%": ["JSON", "stringify"], "%MapPrototype%": ["Map", "prototype"], "%NumberPrototype%": ["Number", "prototype"], "%ObjectPrototype%": ["Object", "prototype"], "%ObjProto_toString%": ["Object", "prototype", "toString"], "%ObjProto_valueOf%": ["Object", "prototype", "valueOf"], "%PromisePrototype%": ["Promise", "prototype"], "%PromiseProto_then%": ["Promise", "prototype", "then"], "%Promise_all%": ["Promise", "all"], "%Promise_reject%": ["Promise", "reject"], "%Promise_resolve%": ["Promise", "resolve"], "%RangeErrorPrototype%": ["RangeError", "prototype"], "%ReferenceErrorPrototype%": ["ReferenceError", "prototype"], "%RegExpPrototype%": ["RegExp", "prototype"], "%SetPrototype%": ["Set", "prototype"], "%SharedArrayBufferPrototype%": ["SharedArrayBuffer", "prototype"], "%StringPrototype%": ["String", "prototype"], "%SymbolPrototype%": ["Symbol", "prototype"], "%SyntaxErrorPrototype%": ["SyntaxError", "prototype"], "%TypedArrayPrototype%": ["TypedArray", "prototype"], "%TypeErrorPrototype%": ["TypeError", "prototype"], "%Uint8ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8Array", "prototype"], "%Uint8ClampedArrayPrototype%": ["Uint8ClampedArray", "prototype"], "%Uint16ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint16Array", "prototype"], "%Uint32ArrayPrototype%": ["Uint32Array", "prototype"], "%URIErrorPrototype%": ["URIError", "prototype"], "%WeakMapPrototype%": ["WeakMap", "prototype"], "%WeakSetPrototype%": ["WeakSet", "prototype"] }, m = y(8612), v = y(7642), I = m.call(Function.call, Array.prototype.concat), l = m.call(Function.apply, Array.prototype.splice), j = m.call(Function.call, String.prototype.replace), N = m.call(Function.call, String.prototype.slice), S = m.call(Function.call, RegExp.prototype.exec), T = /[^%.[\]]+|\[(?:(-?\d+(?:\.\d+)?)|(["'])((?:(?!\2)[^\\]|\\.)*?)\2)\]|(?=(?:\.|\[\])(?:\.|\[\]|%$))/g, x = /\\(\\)?/g, k = function(b, p) { + var P, B = b; + if (v(h, B) && (B = "%" + (P = h[B])[0] + "%"), v(i, B)) { + var C = i[B]; + if (C === n && (C = c(B)), C === void 0 && !p) + throw new w("intrinsic " + b + " exists, but is not available. Please file an issue!"); + return { alias: P, name: B, value: C }; + } + throw new R("intrinsic " + b + " does not exist!"); + }; + J.exports = function(b, p) { + if (typeof b != "string" || b.length === 0) + throw new w("intrinsic name must be a non-empty string"); if (arguments.length > 1 && typeof p != "boolean") - throw new y('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean'); - if (k(/^%?[^%]*%?$/, _) === null) - throw new M("`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name"); - var O = function(q) { - var ae = R(q, 0, 1), de = R(q, -1); - if (ae === "%" && de !== "%") - throw new M("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`"); - if (de === "%" && ae !== "%") - throw new M("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`"); - var ue = []; - return I(q, N, function(le, ge, ce, he) { - ue[ue.length] = ce ? I(he, A, "$1") : ge || le; - }), ue; - }(_), U = O.length > 0 ? O[0] : "", T = w("%" + U + "%", p), z = T.name, te = T.value, X = !1, ne = T.alias; - ne && (U = ne[0], l(O, C([0, 1], ne))); - for (var B = 1, Q = !0; B < O.length; B += 1) { - var V = O[B], ee = R(V, 0, 1), K = R(V, -1); - if ((ee === '"' || ee === "'" || ee === "`" || K === '"' || K === "'" || K === "`") && ee !== K) - throw new M("property names with quotes must have matching quotes"); - if (V !== "constructor" && Q || (X = !0), v(i, z = "%" + (U += "." + V) + "%")) - te = i[z]; - else if (te != null) { - if (!(V in te)) { + throw new w('"allowMissing" argument must be a boolean'); + if (S(/^%?[^%]*%?$/, b) === null) + throw new R("`%` may not be present anywhere but at the beginning and end of the intrinsic name"); + var P = function(F) { + var se = N(F, 0, 1), ue = N(F, -1); + if (se === "%" && ue !== "%") + throw new R("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected closing `%`"); + if (ue === "%" && se !== "%") + throw new R("invalid intrinsic syntax, expected opening `%`"); + var le = []; + return j(F, T, function(fe, _e, de, pe) { + le[le.length] = de ? j(pe, x, "$1") : _e || fe; + }), le; + }(b), B = P.length > 0 ? P[0] : "", C = k("%" + B + "%", p), L = C.name, re = C.value, ee = !1, oe = C.alias; + oe && (B = oe[0], l(P, I([0, 1], oe))); + for (var D = 1, Z = !0; D < P.length; D += 1) { + var H = P[D], te = N(H, 0, 1), Q = N(H, -1); + if ((te === '"' || te === "'" || te === "`" || Q === '"' || Q === "'" || Q === "`") && te !== Q) + throw new R("property names with quotes must have matching quotes"); + if (H !== "constructor" && Z || (ee = !0), v(i, L = "%" + (B += "." + H) + "%")) + re = i[L]; + else if (re != null) { + if (!(H in re)) { if (!p) - throw new y("base intrinsic for " + _ + " exists, but the property is not available."); + throw new w("base intrinsic for " + b + " exists, but the property is not available."); return; } - if (t && B + 1 >= O.length) { - var Y = t(te, V); - te = (Q = !!Y) && "get" in Y && !("originalValue" in Y.get) ? Y.get : te[V]; + if (t && D + 1 >= P.length) { + var X = t(re, H); + re = (Z = !!X) && "get" in X && !("originalValue" in X.get) ? X.get : re[H]; } else - Q = v(te, V), te = te[V]; - Q && !X && (i[z] = te); + Z = v(re, H), re = re[H]; + Z && !ee && (i[L] = re); } } - return te; + return re; }; - }, 7296: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(210)("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", !0); + }, 7296: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(210)("%Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor%", !0); if (E) try { E([], "length"); @@ -9340,8 +9678,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; E = null; } J.exports = E; - }, 1044: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(210)("%Object.defineProperty%", !0), M = function() { + }, 1044: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(210)("%Object.defineProperty%", !0), R = function() { if (E) try { return E({}, "a", { value: 1 }), !0; @@ -9350,19 +9688,19 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } return !1; }; - M.hasArrayLengthDefineBug = function() { - if (!M()) + R.hasArrayLengthDefineBug = function() { + if (!R()) return null; try { return E([], "length", { value: 1 }).length !== 1; } catch { return !0; } - }, J.exports = M; - }, 1405: (J, e, b) => { - var E = typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol, M = b(5419); + }, J.exports = R; + }, 1405: (J, e, y) => { + var E = typeof Symbol < "u" && Symbol, R = y(5419); J.exports = function() { - return typeof E == "function" && typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof E("foo") == "symbol" && typeof Symbol("bar") == "symbol" && M(); + return typeof E == "function" && typeof Symbol == "function" && typeof E("foo") == "symbol" && typeof Symbol("bar") == "symbol" && R(); }; }, 5419: (J) => { J.exports = function() { @@ -9370,145 +9708,145 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return !1; if (typeof Symbol.iterator == "symbol") return !0; - var e = {}, b = Symbol("test"), E = Object(b); - if (typeof b == "string" || Object.prototype.toString.call(b) !== "[object Symbol]" || Object.prototype.toString.call(E) !== "[object Symbol]") + var e = {}, y = Symbol("test"), E = Object(y); + if (typeof y == "string" || Object.prototype.toString.call(y) !== "[object Symbol]" || Object.prototype.toString.call(E) !== "[object Symbol]") return !1; - for (b in e[b] = 42, e) + for (y in e[y] = 42, e) return !1; if (typeof Object.keys == "function" && Object.keys(e).length !== 0 || typeof Object.getOwnPropertyNames == "function" && Object.getOwnPropertyNames(e).length !== 0) return !1; - var M = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); - if (M.length !== 1 || M[0] !== b || !Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, b)) + var R = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); + if (R.length !== 1 || R[0] !== y || !Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable.call(e, y)) return !1; if (typeof Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor == "function") { - var P = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, b); - if (P.value !== 42 || P.enumerable !== !0) + var A = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, y); + if (A.value !== 42 || A.enumerable !== !0) return !1; } return !0; }; - }, 6410: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5419); + }, 6410: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5419); J.exports = function() { return E() && !!Symbol.toStringTag; }; - }, 7642: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8612); + }, 7642: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8612); J.exports = E.call(Function.call, Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty); - }, 3349: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9509).Buffer, M = b(8473).Transform; - function P(y) { - M.call(this), this._block = E.allocUnsafe(y), this._blockSize = y, this._blockOffset = 0, this._length = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._finalized = !1; + }, 3349: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9509).Buffer, R = y(8473).Transform; + function A(w) { + R.call(this), this._block = E.allocUnsafe(w), this._blockSize = w, this._blockOffset = 0, this._length = [0, 0, 0, 0], this._finalized = !1; } - b(5717)(P, M), P.prototype._transform = function(y, a, t) { + y(5717)(A, R), A.prototype._transform = function(w, a, t) { var d = null; try { - this.update(y, a); + this.update(w, a); } catch (u) { d = u; } t(d); - }, P.prototype._flush = function(y) { + }, A.prototype._flush = function(w) { var a = null; try { this.push(this.digest()); } catch (t) { a = t; } - y(a); - }, P.prototype.update = function(y, a) { + w(a); + }, A.prototype.update = function(w, a) { if (function(n, o) { if (!E.isBuffer(n) && typeof n != "string") throw new TypeError("Data must be a string or a buffer"); - }(y), this._finalized) + }(w), this._finalized) throw new Error("Digest already called"); - E.isBuffer(y) || (y = E.from(y, a)); - for (var t = this._block, d = 0; this._blockOffset + y.length - d >= this._blockSize; ) { + E.isBuffer(w) || (w = E.from(w, a)); + for (var t = this._block, d = 0; this._blockOffset + w.length - d >= this._blockSize; ) { for (var u = this._blockOffset; u < this._blockSize; ) - t[u++] = y[d++]; + t[u++] = w[d++]; this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0; } - for (; d < y.length; ) - t[this._blockOffset++] = y[d++]; - for (var s = 0, r = 8 * y.length; r > 0; ++s) + for (; d < w.length; ) + t[this._blockOffset++] = w[d++]; + for (var s = 0, r = 8 * w.length; r > 0; ++s) this._length[s] += r, (r = this._length[s] / 4294967296 | 0) > 0 && (this._length[s] -= 4294967296 * r); return this; - }, P.prototype._update = function() { + }, A.prototype._update = function() { throw new Error("_update is not implemented"); - }, P.prototype.digest = function(y) { + }, A.prototype.digest = function(w) { if (this._finalized) throw new Error("Digest already called"); this._finalized = !0; var a = this._digest(); - y !== void 0 && (a = a.toString(y)), this._block.fill(0), this._blockOffset = 0; + w !== void 0 && (a = a.toString(w)), this._block.fill(0), this._blockOffset = 0; for (var t = 0; t < 4; ++t) this._length[t] = 0; return a; - }, P.prototype._digest = function() { + }, A.prototype._digest = function() { throw new Error("_digest is not implemented"); - }, J.exports = P; - }, 3715: (J, e, b) => { + }, J.exports = A; + }, 3715: (J, e, y) => { var E = e; - E.utils = b(6436), E.common = b(5772), E.sha = b(9041), E.ripemd = b(2949), E.hmac = b(2344), E.sha1 = E.sha.sha1, E.sha256 = E.sha.sha256, E.sha224 = E.sha.sha224, E.sha384 = E.sha.sha384, E.sha512 = E.sha.sha512, E.ripemd160 = E.ripemd.ripemd160; - }, 5772: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(9746); - function P() { + E.utils = y(6436), E.common = y(5772), E.sha = y(9041), E.ripemd = y(2949), E.hmac = y(2344), E.sha1 = E.sha.sha1, E.sha256 = E.sha.sha256, E.sha224 = E.sha.sha224, E.sha384 = E.sha.sha384, E.sha512 = E.sha.sha512, E.ripemd160 = E.ripemd.ripemd160; + }, 5772: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(9746); + function A() { this.pending = null, this.pendingTotal = 0, this.blockSize = this.constructor.blockSize, this.outSize = this.constructor.outSize, this.hmacStrength = this.constructor.hmacStrength, this.padLength = this.constructor.padLength / 8, this.endian = "big", this._delta8 = this.blockSize / 8, this._delta32 = this.blockSize / 32; } - e.BlockHash = P, P.prototype.update = function(y, a) { - if (y = E.toArray(y, a), this.pending ? this.pending = this.pending.concat(y) : this.pending = y, this.pendingTotal += y.length, this.pending.length >= this._delta8) { - var t = (y = this.pending).length % this._delta8; - this.pending = y.slice(y.length - t, y.length), this.pending.length === 0 && (this.pending = null), y = E.join32(y, 0, y.length - t, this.endian); - for (var d = 0; d < y.length; d += this._delta32) - this._update(y, d, d + this._delta32); + e.BlockHash = A, A.prototype.update = function(w, a) { + if (w = E.toArray(w, a), this.pending ? this.pending = this.pending.concat(w) : this.pending = w, this.pendingTotal += w.length, this.pending.length >= this._delta8) { + var t = (w = this.pending).length % this._delta8; + this.pending = w.slice(w.length - t, w.length), this.pending.length === 0 && (this.pending = null), w = E.join32(w, 0, w.length - t, this.endian); + for (var d = 0; d < w.length; d += this._delta32) + this._update(w, d, d + this._delta32); } return this; - }, P.prototype.digest = function(y) { - return this.update(this._pad()), M(this.pending === null), this._digest(y); - }, P.prototype._pad = function() { - var y = this.pendingTotal, a = this._delta8, t = a - (y + this.padLength) % a, d = new Array(t + this.padLength); + }, A.prototype.digest = function(w) { + return this.update(this._pad()), R(this.pending === null), this._digest(w); + }, A.prototype._pad = function() { + var w = this.pendingTotal, a = this._delta8, t = a - (w + this.padLength) % a, d = new Array(t + this.padLength); d[0] = 128; for (var u = 1; u < t; u++) d[u] = 0; - if (y <<= 3, this.endian === "big") { + if (w <<= 3, this.endian === "big") { for (var s = 8; s < this.padLength; s++) d[u++] = 0; - d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = y >>> 24 & 255, d[u++] = y >>> 16 & 255, d[u++] = y >>> 8 & 255, d[u++] = 255 & y; + d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = w >>> 24 & 255, d[u++] = w >>> 16 & 255, d[u++] = w >>> 8 & 255, d[u++] = 255 & w; } else - for (d[u++] = 255 & y, d[u++] = y >>> 8 & 255, d[u++] = y >>> 16 & 255, d[u++] = y >>> 24 & 255, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, s = 8; s < this.padLength; s++) + for (d[u++] = 255 & w, d[u++] = w >>> 8 & 255, d[u++] = w >>> 16 & 255, d[u++] = w >>> 24 & 255, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, d[u++] = 0, s = 8; s < this.padLength; s++) d[u++] = 0; return d; }; - }, 2344: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(9746); - function P(y, a, t) { - if (!(this instanceof P)) - return new P(y, a, t); - this.Hash = y, this.blockSize = y.blockSize / 8, this.outSize = y.outSize / 8, this.inner = null, this.outer = null, this._init(E.toArray(a, t)); - } - J.exports = P, P.prototype._init = function(y) { - y.length > this.blockSize && (y = new this.Hash().update(y).digest()), M(y.length <= this.blockSize); - for (var a = y.length; a < this.blockSize; a++) - y.push(0); - for (a = 0; a < y.length; a++) - y[a] ^= 54; - for (this.inner = new this.Hash().update(y), a = 0; a < y.length; a++) - y[a] ^= 106; - this.outer = new this.Hash().update(y); - }, P.prototype.update = function(y, a) { - return this.inner.update(y, a), this; - }, P.prototype.digest = function(y) { - return this.outer.update(this.inner.digest()), this.outer.digest(y); - }; - }, 2949: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(5772), P = E.rotl32, y = E.sum32, a = E.sum32_3, t = E.sum32_4, d = M.BlockHash; + }, 2344: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(9746); + function A(w, a, t) { + if (!(this instanceof A)) + return new A(w, a, t); + this.Hash = w, this.blockSize = w.blockSize / 8, this.outSize = w.outSize / 8, this.inner = null, this.outer = null, this._init(E.toArray(a, t)); + } + J.exports = A, A.prototype._init = function(w) { + w.length > this.blockSize && (w = new this.Hash().update(w).digest()), R(w.length <= this.blockSize); + for (var a = w.length; a < this.blockSize; a++) + w.push(0); + for (a = 0; a < w.length; a++) + w[a] ^= 54; + for (this.inner = new this.Hash().update(w), a = 0; a < w.length; a++) + w[a] ^= 106; + this.outer = new this.Hash().update(w); + }, A.prototype.update = function(w, a) { + return this.inner.update(w, a), this; + }, A.prototype.digest = function(w) { + return this.outer.update(this.inner.digest()), this.outer.digest(w); + }; + }, 2949: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(5772), A = E.rotl32, w = E.sum32, a = E.sum32_3, t = E.sum32_4, d = R.BlockHash; function u() { if (!(this instanceof u)) return new u(); d.call(this), this.h = [1732584193, 4023233417, 2562383102, 271733878, 3285377520], this.endian = "little"; } - function s(h, m, v, C) { - return h <= 15 ? m ^ v ^ C : h <= 31 ? m & v | ~m & C : h <= 47 ? (m | ~v) ^ C : h <= 63 ? m & C | v & ~C : m ^ (v | ~C); + function s(h, m, v, I) { + return h <= 15 ? m ^ v ^ I : h <= 31 ? m & v | ~m & I : h <= 47 ? (m | ~v) ^ I : h <= 63 ? m & I | v & ~I : m ^ (v | ~I); } function r(h) { return h <= 15 ? 0 : h <= 31 ? 1518500249 : h <= 47 ? 1859775393 : h <= 63 ? 2400959708 : 2840853838; @@ -9517,19 +9855,19 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return h <= 15 ? 1352829926 : h <= 31 ? 1548603684 : h <= 47 ? 1836072691 : h <= 63 ? 2053994217 : 0; } E.inherits(u, d), e.ripemd160 = u, u.blockSize = 512, u.outSize = 160, u.hmacStrength = 192, u.padLength = 64, u.prototype._update = function(h, m) { - for (var v = this.h[0], C = this.h[1], l = this.h[2], I = this.h[3], R = this.h[4], k = v, N = C, A = l, w = I, _ = R, p = 0; p < 80; p++) { - var O = y(P(t(v, s(p, C, l, I), h[o[p] + m], r(p)), f[p]), R); - v = R, R = I, I = P(l, 10), l = C, C = O, O = y(P(t(k, s(79 - p, N, A, w), h[i[p] + m], n(p)), c[p]), _), k = _, _ = w, w = P(A, 10), A = N, N = O; + for (var v = this.h[0], I = this.h[1], l = this.h[2], j = this.h[3], N = this.h[4], S = v, T = I, x = l, k = j, b = N, p = 0; p < 80; p++) { + var P = w(A(t(v, s(p, I, l, j), h[o[p] + m], r(p)), f[p]), N); + v = N, N = j, j = A(l, 10), l = I, I = P, P = w(A(t(S, s(79 - p, T, x, k), h[i[p] + m], n(p)), c[p]), b), S = b, b = k, k = A(x, 10), x = T, T = P; } - O = a(this.h[1], l, w), this.h[1] = a(this.h[2], I, _), this.h[2] = a(this.h[3], R, k), this.h[3] = a(this.h[4], v, N), this.h[4] = a(this.h[0], C, A), this.h[0] = O; + P = a(this.h[1], l, k), this.h[1] = a(this.h[2], j, b), this.h[2] = a(this.h[3], N, S), this.h[3] = a(this.h[4], v, T), this.h[4] = a(this.h[0], I, x), this.h[0] = P; }, u.prototype._digest = function(h) { return h === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h, "little") : E.split32(this.h, "little"); }; var o = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13], i = [5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11], f = [11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6], c = [8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11]; - }, 9041: (J, e, b) => { - e.sha1 = b(4761), e.sha224 = b(799), e.sha256 = b(9344), e.sha384 = b(772), e.sha512 = b(5900); - }, 4761: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(5772), P = b(7038), y = E.rotl32, a = E.sum32, t = E.sum32_5, d = P.ft_1, u = M.BlockHash, s = [1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 3395469782]; + }, 9041: (J, e, y) => { + e.sha1 = y(4761), e.sha224 = y(799), e.sha256 = y(9344), e.sha384 = y(772), e.sha512 = y(5900); + }, 4761: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(5772), A = y(7038), w = E.rotl32, a = E.sum32, t = E.sum32_5, d = A.ft_1, u = R.BlockHash, s = [1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 3395469782]; function r() { if (!(this instanceof r)) return new r(); @@ -9539,140 +9877,140 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; for (var i = this.W, f = 0; f < 16; f++) i[f] = n[o + f]; for (; f < i.length; f++) - i[f] = y(i[f - 3] ^ i[f - 8] ^ i[f - 14] ^ i[f - 16], 1); - var c = this.h[0], h = this.h[1], m = this.h[2], v = this.h[3], C = this.h[4]; + i[f] = w(i[f - 3] ^ i[f - 8] ^ i[f - 14] ^ i[f - 16], 1); + var c = this.h[0], h = this.h[1], m = this.h[2], v = this.h[3], I = this.h[4]; for (f = 0; f < i.length; f++) { - var l = ~~(f / 20), I = t(y(c, 5), d(l, h, m, v), C, i[f], s[l]); - C = v, v = m, m = y(h, 30), h = c, c = I; + var l = ~~(f / 20), j = t(w(c, 5), d(l, h, m, v), I, i[f], s[l]); + I = v, v = m, m = w(h, 30), h = c, c = j; } - this.h[0] = a(this.h[0], c), this.h[1] = a(this.h[1], h), this.h[2] = a(this.h[2], m), this.h[3] = a(this.h[3], v), this.h[4] = a(this.h[4], C); + this.h[0] = a(this.h[0], c), this.h[1] = a(this.h[1], h), this.h[2] = a(this.h[2], m), this.h[3] = a(this.h[3], v), this.h[4] = a(this.h[4], I); }, r.prototype._digest = function(n) { return n === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h, "big") : E.split32(this.h, "big"); }; - }, 799: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(9344); - function P() { - if (!(this instanceof P)) - return new P(); - M.call(this), this.h = [3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428]; + }, 799: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(9344); + function A() { + if (!(this instanceof A)) + return new A(); + R.call(this), this.h = [3238371032, 914150663, 812702999, 4144912697, 4290775857, 1750603025, 1694076839, 3204075428]; } - E.inherits(P, M), J.exports = P, P.blockSize = 512, P.outSize = 224, P.hmacStrength = 192, P.padLength = 64, P.prototype._digest = function(y) { - return y === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big") : E.split32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big"); + E.inherits(A, R), J.exports = A, A.blockSize = 512, A.outSize = 224, A.hmacStrength = 192, A.padLength = 64, A.prototype._digest = function(w) { + return w === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big") : E.split32(this.h.slice(0, 7), "big"); }; - }, 9344: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(5772), P = b(7038), y = b(9746), a = E.sum32, t = E.sum32_4, d = E.sum32_5, u = P.ch32, s = P.maj32, r = P.s0_256, n = P.s1_256, o = P.g0_256, i = P.g1_256, f = M.BlockHash, c = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298]; + }, 9344: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(5772), A = y(7038), w = y(9746), a = E.sum32, t = E.sum32_4, d = E.sum32_5, u = A.ch32, s = A.maj32, r = A.s0_256, n = A.s1_256, o = A.g0_256, i = A.g1_256, f = R.BlockHash, c = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298]; function h() { if (!(this instanceof h)) return new h(); f.call(this), this.h = [1779033703, 3144134277, 1013904242, 2773480762, 1359893119, 2600822924, 528734635, 1541459225], this.k = c, this.W = new Array(64); } E.inherits(h, f), J.exports = h, h.blockSize = 512, h.outSize = 256, h.hmacStrength = 192, h.padLength = 64, h.prototype._update = function(m, v) { - for (var C = this.W, l = 0; l < 16; l++) - C[l] = m[v + l]; - for (; l < C.length; l++) - C[l] = t(i(C[l - 2]), C[l - 7], o(C[l - 15]), C[l - 16]); - var I = this.h[0], R = this.h[1], k = this.h[2], N = this.h[3], A = this.h[4], w = this.h[5], _ = this.h[6], p = this.h[7]; - for (y(this.k.length === C.length), l = 0; l < C.length; l++) { - var O = d(p, n(A), u(A, w, _), this.k[l], C[l]), U = a(r(I), s(I, R, k)); - p = _, _ = w, w = A, A = a(N, O), N = k, k = R, R = I, I = a(O, U); - } - this.h[0] = a(this.h[0], I), this.h[1] = a(this.h[1], R), this.h[2] = a(this.h[2], k), this.h[3] = a(this.h[3], N), this.h[4] = a(this.h[4], A), this.h[5] = a(this.h[5], w), this.h[6] = a(this.h[6], _), this.h[7] = a(this.h[7], p); + for (var I = this.W, l = 0; l < 16; l++) + I[l] = m[v + l]; + for (; l < I.length; l++) + I[l] = t(i(I[l - 2]), I[l - 7], o(I[l - 15]), I[l - 16]); + var j = this.h[0], N = this.h[1], S = this.h[2], T = this.h[3], x = this.h[4], k = this.h[5], b = this.h[6], p = this.h[7]; + for (w(this.k.length === I.length), l = 0; l < I.length; l++) { + var P = d(p, n(x), u(x, k, b), this.k[l], I[l]), B = a(r(j), s(j, N, S)); + p = b, b = k, k = x, x = a(T, P), T = S, S = N, N = j, j = a(P, B); + } + this.h[0] = a(this.h[0], j), this.h[1] = a(this.h[1], N), this.h[2] = a(this.h[2], S), this.h[3] = a(this.h[3], T), this.h[4] = a(this.h[4], x), this.h[5] = a(this.h[5], k), this.h[6] = a(this.h[6], b), this.h[7] = a(this.h[7], p); }, h.prototype._digest = function(m) { return m === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h, "big") : E.split32(this.h, "big"); }; - }, 772: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(5900); - function P() { - if (!(this instanceof P)) - return new P(); - M.call(this), this.h = [3418070365, 3238371032, 1654270250, 914150663, 2438529370, 812702999, 355462360, 4144912697, 1731405415, 4290775857, 2394180231, 1750603025, 3675008525, 1694076839, 1203062813, 3204075428]; + }, 772: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(5900); + function A() { + if (!(this instanceof A)) + return new A(); + R.call(this), this.h = [3418070365, 3238371032, 1654270250, 914150663, 2438529370, 812702999, 355462360, 4144912697, 1731405415, 4290775857, 2394180231, 1750603025, 3675008525, 1694076839, 1203062813, 3204075428]; } - E.inherits(P, M), J.exports = P, P.blockSize = 1024, P.outSize = 384, P.hmacStrength = 192, P.padLength = 128, P.prototype._digest = function(y) { - return y === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big") : E.split32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big"); + E.inherits(A, R), J.exports = A, A.blockSize = 1024, A.outSize = 384, A.hmacStrength = 192, A.padLength = 128, A.prototype._digest = function(w) { + return w === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big") : E.split32(this.h.slice(0, 12), "big"); }; - }, 5900: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436), M = b(5772), P = b(9746), y = E.rotr64_hi, a = E.rotr64_lo, t = E.shr64_hi, d = E.shr64_lo, u = E.sum64, s = E.sum64_hi, r = E.sum64_lo, n = E.sum64_4_hi, o = E.sum64_4_lo, i = E.sum64_5_hi, f = E.sum64_5_lo, c = M.BlockHash, h = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591]; + }, 5900: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436), R = y(5772), A = y(9746), w = E.rotr64_hi, a = E.rotr64_lo, t = E.shr64_hi, d = E.shr64_lo, u = E.sum64, s = E.sum64_hi, r = E.sum64_lo, n = E.sum64_4_hi, o = E.sum64_4_lo, i = E.sum64_5_hi, f = E.sum64_5_lo, c = R.BlockHash, h = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591]; function m() { if (!(this instanceof m)) return new m(); c.call(this), this.h = [1779033703, 4089235720, 3144134277, 2227873595, 1013904242, 4271175723, 2773480762, 1595750129, 1359893119, 2917565137, 2600822924, 725511199, 528734635, 4215389547, 1541459225, 327033209], this.k = h, this.W = new Array(160); } - function v(p, O, U, T, z) { - var te = p & U ^ ~p & z; - return te < 0 && (te += 4294967296), te; - } - function C(p, O, U, T, z, te) { - var X = O & T ^ ~O & te; - return X < 0 && (X += 4294967296), X; - } - function l(p, O, U, T, z) { - var te = p & U ^ p & z ^ U & z; - return te < 0 && (te += 4294967296), te; - } - function I(p, O, U, T, z, te) { - var X = O & T ^ O & te ^ T & te; - return X < 0 && (X += 4294967296), X; - } - function R(p, O) { - var U = y(p, O, 28) ^ y(O, p, 2) ^ y(O, p, 7); - return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U; - } - function k(p, O) { - var U = a(p, O, 28) ^ a(O, p, 2) ^ a(O, p, 7); - return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U; - } - function N(p, O) { - var U = a(p, O, 14) ^ a(p, O, 18) ^ a(O, p, 9); - return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U; - } - function A(p, O) { - var U = y(p, O, 1) ^ y(p, O, 8) ^ t(p, O, 7); - return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U; - } - function w(p, O) { - var U = a(p, O, 1) ^ a(p, O, 8) ^ d(p, O, 7); - return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U; - } - function _(p, O) { - var U = a(p, O, 19) ^ a(O, p, 29) ^ d(p, O, 6); - return U < 0 && (U += 4294967296), U; - } - E.inherits(m, c), J.exports = m, m.blockSize = 1024, m.outSize = 512, m.hmacStrength = 192, m.padLength = 128, m.prototype._prepareBlock = function(p, O) { - for (var U = this.W, T = 0; T < 32; T++) - U[T] = p[O + T]; - for (; T < U.length; T += 2) { - var z = (K = U[T - 4], Y = U[T - 3], q = void 0, (q = y(K, Y, 19) ^ y(Y, K, 29) ^ t(K, Y, 6)) < 0 && (q += 4294967296), q), te = _(U[T - 4], U[T - 3]), X = U[T - 14], ne = U[T - 13], B = A(U[T - 30], U[T - 29]), Q = w(U[T - 30], U[T - 29]), V = U[T - 32], ee = U[T - 31]; - U[T] = n(z, te, X, ne, B, Q, V, ee), U[T + 1] = o(z, te, X, ne, B, Q, V, ee); - } - var K, Y, q; - }, m.prototype._update = function(p, O) { - this._prepareBlock(p, O); - var U, T, z, te = this.W, X = this.h[0], ne = this.h[1], B = this.h[2], Q = this.h[3], V = this.h[4], ee = this.h[5], K = this.h[6], Y = this.h[7], q = this.h[8], ae = this.h[9], de = this.h[10], ue = this.h[11], le = this.h[12], ge = this.h[13], ce = this.h[14], he = this.h[15]; - P(this.k.length === te.length); - for (var be = 0; be < te.length; be += 2) { - var W = ce, g = he, S = (z = void 0, (z = y(U = q, T = ae, 14) ^ y(U, T, 18) ^ y(T, U, 9)) < 0 && (z += 4294967296), z), x = N(q, ae), j = v(q, 0, de, 0, le), D = C(0, ae, 0, ue, 0, ge), L = this.k[be], F = this.k[be + 1], re = te[be], oe = te[be + 1], G = i(W, g, S, x, j, D, L, F, re, oe), Z = f(W, g, S, x, j, D, L, F, re, oe); - W = R(X, ne), g = k(X, ne), S = l(X, 0, B, 0, V), x = I(0, ne, 0, Q, 0, ee); - var H = s(W, g, S, x), $ = r(W, g, S, x); - ce = le, he = ge, le = de, ge = ue, de = q, ue = ae, q = s(K, Y, G, Z), ae = r(Y, Y, G, Z), K = V, Y = ee, V = B, ee = Q, B = X, Q = ne, X = s(G, Z, H, $), ne = r(G, Z, H, $); - } - u(this.h, 0, X, ne), u(this.h, 2, B, Q), u(this.h, 4, V, ee), u(this.h, 6, K, Y), u(this.h, 8, q, ae), u(this.h, 10, de, ue), u(this.h, 12, le, ge), u(this.h, 14, ce, he); + function v(p, P, B, C, L) { + var re = p & B ^ ~p & L; + return re < 0 && (re += 4294967296), re; + } + function I(p, P, B, C, L, re) { + var ee = P & C ^ ~P & re; + return ee < 0 && (ee += 4294967296), ee; + } + function l(p, P, B, C, L) { + var re = p & B ^ p & L ^ B & L; + return re < 0 && (re += 4294967296), re; + } + function j(p, P, B, C, L, re) { + var ee = P & C ^ P & re ^ C & re; + return ee < 0 && (ee += 4294967296), ee; + } + function N(p, P) { + var B = w(p, P, 28) ^ w(P, p, 2) ^ w(P, p, 7); + return B < 0 && (B += 4294967296), B; + } + function S(p, P) { + var B = a(p, P, 28) ^ a(P, p, 2) ^ a(P, p, 7); + return B < 0 && (B += 4294967296), B; + } + function T(p, P) { + var B = a(p, P, 14) ^ a(p, P, 18) ^ a(P, p, 9); + return B < 0 && (B += 4294967296), B; + } + function x(p, P) { + var B = w(p, P, 1) ^ w(p, P, 8) ^ t(p, P, 7); + return B < 0 && (B += 4294967296), B; + } + function k(p, P) { + var B = a(p, P, 1) ^ a(p, P, 8) ^ d(p, P, 7); + return B < 0 && (B += 4294967296), B; + } + function b(p, P) { + var B = a(p, P, 19) ^ a(P, p, 29) ^ d(p, P, 6); + return B < 0 && (B += 4294967296), B; + } + E.inherits(m, c), J.exports = m, m.blockSize = 1024, m.outSize = 512, m.hmacStrength = 192, m.padLength = 128, m.prototype._prepareBlock = function(p, P) { + for (var B = this.W, C = 0; C < 32; C++) + B[C] = p[P + C]; + for (; C < B.length; C += 2) { + var L = (Q = B[C - 4], X = B[C - 3], F = void 0, (F = w(Q, X, 19) ^ w(X, Q, 29) ^ t(Q, X, 6)) < 0 && (F += 4294967296), F), re = b(B[C - 4], B[C - 3]), ee = B[C - 14], oe = B[C - 13], D = x(B[C - 30], B[C - 29]), Z = k(B[C - 30], B[C - 29]), H = B[C - 32], te = B[C - 31]; + B[C] = n(L, re, ee, oe, D, Z, H, te), B[C + 1] = o(L, re, ee, oe, D, Z, H, te); + } + var Q, X, F; + }, m.prototype._update = function(p, P) { + this._prepareBlock(p, P); + var B, C, L, re = this.W, ee = this.h[0], oe = this.h[1], D = this.h[2], Z = this.h[3], H = this.h[4], te = this.h[5], Q = this.h[6], X = this.h[7], F = this.h[8], se = this.h[9], ue = this.h[10], le = this.h[11], fe = this.h[12], _e = this.h[13], de = this.h[14], pe = this.h[15]; + A(this.k.length === re.length); + for (var ye = 0; ye < re.length; ye += 2) { + var G = de, _ = pe, O = (L = void 0, (L = w(B = F, C = se, 14) ^ w(B, C, 18) ^ w(C, B, 9)) < 0 && (L += 4294967296), L), M = T(F, se), U = v(F, 0, ue, 0, fe), z = I(0, se, 0, le, 0, _e), q = this.k[ye], W = this.k[ye + 1], ne = re[ye], ie = re[ye + 1], V = i(G, _, O, M, U, z, q, W, ne, ie), Y = f(G, _, O, M, U, z, q, W, ne, ie); + G = N(ee, oe), _ = S(ee, oe), O = l(ee, 0, D, 0, H), M = j(0, oe, 0, Z, 0, te); + var $ = s(G, _, O, M), K = r(G, _, O, M); + de = fe, pe = _e, fe = ue, _e = le, ue = F, le = se, F = s(Q, X, V, Y), se = r(X, X, V, Y), Q = H, X = te, H = D, te = Z, D = ee, Z = oe, ee = s(V, Y, $, K), oe = r(V, Y, $, K); + } + u(this.h, 0, ee, oe), u(this.h, 2, D, Z), u(this.h, 4, H, te), u(this.h, 6, Q, X), u(this.h, 8, F, se), u(this.h, 10, ue, le), u(this.h, 12, fe, _e), u(this.h, 14, de, pe); }, m.prototype._digest = function(p) { return p === "hex" ? E.toHex32(this.h, "big") : E.split32(this.h, "big"); }; - }, 7038: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6436).rotr32; - function M(a, t, d) { + }, 7038: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6436).rotr32; + function R(a, t, d) { return a & t ^ ~a & d; } - function P(a, t, d) { + function A(a, t, d) { return a & t ^ a & d ^ t & d; } - function y(a, t, d) { + function w(a, t, d) { return a ^ t ^ d; } e.ft_1 = function(a, t, d, u) { - return a === 0 ? M(t, d, u) : a === 1 || a === 3 ? y(t, d, u) : a === 2 ? P(t, d, u) : void 0; - }, e.ch32 = M, e.maj32 = P, e.p32 = y, e.s0_256 = function(a) { + return a === 0 ? R(t, d, u) : a === 1 || a === 3 ? w(t, d, u) : a === 2 ? A(t, d, u) : void 0; + }, e.ch32 = R, e.maj32 = A, e.p32 = w, e.s0_256 = function(a) { return E(a, 2) ^ E(a, 13) ^ E(a, 22); }, e.s1_256 = function(a) { return E(a, 6) ^ E(a, 11) ^ E(a, 25); @@ -9681,12 +10019,12 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, e.g1_256 = function(a) { return E(a, 17) ^ E(a, 19) ^ a >>> 10; }; - }, 6436: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9746), M = b(5717); - function P(d, u) { + }, 6436: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9746), R = y(5717); + function A(d, u) { return (64512 & d.charCodeAt(u)) == 55296 && !(u < 0 || u + 1 >= d.length) && (64512 & d.charCodeAt(u + 1)) == 56320; } - function y(d) { + function w(d) { return (d >>> 24 | d >>> 8 & 65280 | d << 8 & 16711680 | (255 & d) << 24) >>> 0; } function a(d) { @@ -9695,7 +10033,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; function t(d) { return d.length === 7 ? "0" + d : d.length === 6 ? "00" + d : d.length === 5 ? "000" + d : d.length === 4 ? "0000" + d : d.length === 3 ? "00000" + d : d.length === 2 ? "000000" + d : d.length === 1 ? "0000000" + d : d; } - e.inherits = M, e.toArray = function(d, u) { + e.inherits = R, e.toArray = function(d, u) { if (Array.isArray(d)) return d.slice(); if (!d) @@ -9709,7 +10047,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } else for (var r = 0, n = 0; n < d.length; n++) { var o = d.charCodeAt(n); - o < 128 ? s[r++] = o : o < 2048 ? (s[r++] = o >> 6 | 192, s[r++] = 63 & o | 128) : P(d, n) ? (o = 65536 + ((1023 & o) << 10) + (1023 & d.charCodeAt(++n)), s[r++] = o >> 18 | 240, s[r++] = o >> 12 & 63 | 128, s[r++] = o >> 6 & 63 | 128, s[r++] = 63 & o | 128) : (s[r++] = o >> 12 | 224, s[r++] = o >> 6 & 63 | 128, s[r++] = 63 & o | 128); + o < 128 ? s[r++] = o : o < 2048 ? (s[r++] = o >> 6 | 192, s[r++] = 63 & o | 128) : A(d, n) ? (o = 65536 + ((1023 & o) << 10) + (1023 & d.charCodeAt(++n)), s[r++] = o >> 18 | 240, s[r++] = o >> 12 & 63 | 128, s[r++] = o >> 6 & 63 | 128, s[r++] = 63 & o | 128) : (s[r++] = o >> 12 | 224, s[r++] = o >> 6 & 63 | 128, s[r++] = 63 & o | 128); } else for (n = 0; n < d.length; n++) @@ -9719,10 +10057,10 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; for (var u = "", s = 0; s < d.length; s++) u += a(d[s].toString(16)); return u; - }, e.htonl = y, e.toHex32 = function(d, u) { + }, e.htonl = w, e.toHex32 = function(d, u) { for (var s = "", r = 0; r < d.length; r++) { var n = d[r]; - u === "little" && (n = y(n)), s += t(n.toString(16)); + u === "little" && (n = w(n)), s += t(n.toString(16)); } return s; }, e.zero2 = a, e.zero8 = t, e.join32 = function(d, u, s, r) { @@ -9777,104 +10115,104 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, e.shr64_lo = function(d, u, s) { return (d << 32 - s | u >>> s) >>> 0; }; - }, 2156: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(3715), M = b(4504), P = b(9746); - function y(a) { - if (!(this instanceof y)) - return new y(a); + }, 2156: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(3715), R = y(4504), A = y(9746); + function w(a) { + if (!(this instanceof w)) + return new w(a); this.hash = a.hash, this.predResist = !!a.predResist, this.outLen = this.hash.outSize, this.minEntropy = a.minEntropy || this.hash.hmacStrength, this._reseed = null, this.reseedInterval = null, this.K = null, this.V = null; - var t = M.toArray(a.entropy, a.entropyEnc || "hex"), d = M.toArray(a.nonce, a.nonceEnc || "hex"), u = M.toArray(a.pers, a.persEnc || "hex"); - P(t.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._init(t, d, u); + var t = R.toArray(a.entropy, a.entropyEnc || "hex"), d = R.toArray(a.nonce, a.nonceEnc || "hex"), u = R.toArray(a.pers, a.persEnc || "hex"); + A(t.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._init(t, d, u); } - J.exports = y, y.prototype._init = function(a, t, d) { + J.exports = w, w.prototype._init = function(a, t, d) { var u = a.concat(t).concat(d); this.K = new Array(this.outLen / 8), this.V = new Array(this.outLen / 8); for (var s = 0; s < this.V.length; s++) this.K[s] = 0, this.V[s] = 1; this._update(u), this._reseed = 1, this.reseedInterval = 281474976710656; - }, y.prototype._hmac = function() { + }, w.prototype._hmac = function() { return new E.hmac(this.hash, this.K); - }, y.prototype._update = function(a) { + }, w.prototype._update = function(a) { var t = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([0]); a && (t = t.update(a)), this.K = t.digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), a && (this.K = this._hmac().update(this.V).update([1]).update(a).digest(), this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest()); - }, y.prototype.reseed = function(a, t, d, u) { - typeof t != "string" && (u = d, d = t, t = null), a = M.toArray(a, t), d = M.toArray(d, u), P(a.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._update(a.concat(d || [])), this._reseed = 1; - }, y.prototype.generate = function(a, t, d, u) { + }, w.prototype.reseed = function(a, t, d, u) { + typeof t != "string" && (u = d, d = t, t = null), a = R.toArray(a, t), d = R.toArray(d, u), A(a.length >= this.minEntropy / 8, "Not enough entropy. Minimum is: " + this.minEntropy + " bits"), this._update(a.concat(d || [])), this._reseed = 1; + }, w.prototype.generate = function(a, t, d, u) { if (this._reseed > this.reseedInterval) throw new Error("Reseed is required"); - typeof t != "string" && (u = d, d = t, t = null), d && (d = M.toArray(d, u || "hex"), this._update(d)); + typeof t != "string" && (u = d, d = t, t = null), d && (d = R.toArray(d, u || "hex"), this._update(d)); for (var s = []; s.length < a; ) this.V = this._hmac().update(this.V).digest(), s = s.concat(this.V); var r = s.slice(0, a); - return this._update(d), this._reseed++, M.encode(r, t); + return this._update(d), this._reseed++, R.encode(r, t); }; }, 645: (J, e) => { - e.read = function(b, E, M, P, y) { - var a, t, d = 8 * y - P - 1, u = (1 << d) - 1, s = u >> 1, r = -7, n = M ? y - 1 : 0, o = M ? -1 : 1, i = b[E + n]; - for (n += o, a = i & (1 << -r) - 1, i >>= -r, r += d; r > 0; a = 256 * a + b[E + n], n += o, r -= 8) + e.read = function(y, E, R, A, w) { + var a, t, d = 8 * w - A - 1, u = (1 << d) - 1, s = u >> 1, r = -7, n = R ? w - 1 : 0, o = R ? -1 : 1, i = y[E + n]; + for (n += o, a = i & (1 << -r) - 1, i >>= -r, r += d; r > 0; a = 256 * a + y[E + n], n += o, r -= 8) ; - for (t = a & (1 << -r) - 1, a >>= -r, r += P; r > 0; t = 256 * t + b[E + n], n += o, r -= 8) + for (t = a & (1 << -r) - 1, a >>= -r, r += A; r > 0; t = 256 * t + y[E + n], n += o, r -= 8) ; if (a === 0) a = 1 - s; else { if (a === u) return t ? NaN : 1 / 0 * (i ? -1 : 1); - t += Math.pow(2, P), a -= s; + t += Math.pow(2, A), a -= s; } - return (i ? -1 : 1) * t * Math.pow(2, a - P); - }, e.write = function(b, E, M, P, y, a) { - var t, d, u, s = 8 * a - y - 1, r = (1 << s) - 1, n = r >> 1, o = y === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, i = P ? 0 : a - 1, f = P ? 1 : -1, c = E < 0 || E === 0 && 1 / E < 0 ? 1 : 0; - for (E = Math.abs(E), isNaN(E) || E === 1 / 0 ? (d = isNaN(E) ? 1 : 0, t = r) : (t = Math.floor(Math.log(E) / Math.LN2), E * (u = Math.pow(2, -t)) < 1 && (t--, u *= 2), (E += t + n >= 1 ? o / u : o * Math.pow(2, 1 - n)) * u >= 2 && (t++, u /= 2), t + n >= r ? (d = 0, t = r) : t + n >= 1 ? (d = (E * u - 1) * Math.pow(2, y), t += n) : (d = E * Math.pow(2, n - 1) * Math.pow(2, y), t = 0)); y >= 8; b[M + i] = 255 & d, i += f, d /= 256, y -= 8) + return (i ? -1 : 1) * t * Math.pow(2, a - A); + }, e.write = function(y, E, R, A, w, a) { + var t, d, u, s = 8 * a - w - 1, r = (1 << s) - 1, n = r >> 1, o = w === 23 ? Math.pow(2, -24) - Math.pow(2, -77) : 0, i = A ? 0 : a - 1, f = A ? 1 : -1, c = E < 0 || E === 0 && 1 / E < 0 ? 1 : 0; + for (E = Math.abs(E), isNaN(E) || E === 1 / 0 ? (d = isNaN(E) ? 1 : 0, t = r) : (t = Math.floor(Math.log(E) / Math.LN2), E * (u = Math.pow(2, -t)) < 1 && (t--, u *= 2), (E += t + n >= 1 ? o / u : o * Math.pow(2, 1 - n)) * u >= 2 && (t++, u /= 2), t + n >= r ? (d = 0, t = r) : t + n >= 1 ? (d = (E * u - 1) * Math.pow(2, w), t += n) : (d = E * Math.pow(2, n - 1) * Math.pow(2, w), t = 0)); w >= 8; y[R + i] = 255 & d, i += f, d /= 256, w -= 8) ; - for (t = t << y | d, s += y; s > 0; b[M + i] = 255 & t, i += f, t /= 256, s -= 8) + for (t = t << w | d, s += w; s > 0; y[R + i] = 255 & t, i += f, t /= 256, s -= 8) ; - b[M + i - f] |= 128 * c; + y[R + i - f] |= 128 * c; }; }, 5717: (J) => { - typeof Object.create == "function" ? J.exports = function(e, b) { - b && (e.super_ = b, e.prototype = Object.create(b.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })); - } : J.exports = function(e, b) { - if (b) { - e.super_ = b; + typeof Object.create == "function" ? J.exports = function(e, y) { + y && (e.super_ = y, e.prototype = Object.create(y.prototype, { constructor: { value: e, enumerable: !1, writable: !0, configurable: !0 } })); + } : J.exports = function(e, y) { + if (y) { + e.super_ = y; var E = function() { }; - E.prototype = b.prototype, e.prototype = new E(), e.prototype.constructor = e; + E.prototype = y.prototype, e.prototype = new E(), e.prototype.constructor = e; } }; - }, 2584: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6410)(), M = b(1924)("Object.prototype.toString"), P = function(t) { - return !(E && t && typeof t == "object" && Symbol.toStringTag in t) && M(t) === "[object Arguments]"; - }, y = function(t) { - return !!P(t) || t !== null && typeof t == "object" && typeof t.length == "number" && t.length >= 0 && M(t) !== "[object Array]" && M(t.callee) === "[object Function]"; + }, 2584: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6410)(), R = y(1924)("Object.prototype.toString"), A = function(t) { + return !(E && t && typeof t == "object" && Symbol.toStringTag in t) && R(t) === "[object Arguments]"; + }, w = function(t) { + return !!A(t) || t !== null && typeof t == "object" && typeof t.length == "number" && t.length >= 0 && R(t) !== "[object Array]" && R(t.callee) === "[object Function]"; }, a = function() { - return P(arguments); + return A(arguments); }(); - P.isLegacyArguments = y, J.exports = a ? P : y; + A.isLegacyArguments = w, J.exports = a ? A : w; }, 5320: (J) => { - var e, b, E = Function.prototype.toString, M = typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect !== null && Reflect.apply; - if (typeof M == "function" && typeof Object.defineProperty == "function") + var e, y, E = Function.prototype.toString, R = typeof Reflect == "object" && Reflect !== null && Reflect.apply; + if (typeof R == "function" && typeof Object.defineProperty == "function") try { e = Object.defineProperty({}, "length", { get: function() { - throw b; - } }), b = {}, M(function() { + throw y; + } }), y = {}, R(function() { throw 42; }, null, e); } catch (n) { - n !== b && (M = null); + n !== y && (R = null); } else - M = null; - var P = /^\s*class\b/, y = function(n) { + R = null; + var A = /^\s*class\b/, w = function(n) { try { var o = E.call(n); - return P.test(o); + return A.test(o); } catch { return !1; } }, a = function(n) { try { - return !y(n) && (E.call(n), !0); + return !w(n) && (E.call(n), !0); } catch { return !1; } @@ -9893,18 +10231,18 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return !1; }); } - J.exports = M ? function(n) { + J.exports = R ? function(n) { if (s(n)) return !0; if (!n || typeof n != "function" && typeof n != "object") return !1; try { - M(n, null, e); + R(n, null, e); } catch (o) { - if (o !== b) + if (o !== y) return !1; } - return !y(n) && a(n); + return !w(n) && a(n); } : function(n) { if (s(n)) return !0; @@ -9912,20 +10250,20 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return !1; if (d) return a(n); - if (y(n)) + if (w(n)) return !1; var o = t.call(n); return !(o !== "[object Function]" && o !== "[object GeneratorFunction]" && !/^\[object HTML/.test(o)) && a(n); }; - }, 8662: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = Object.prototype.toString, P = Function.prototype.toString, y = /^\s*(?:function)?\*/, a = b(6410)(), t = Object.getPrototypeOf; + }, 8662: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = Object.prototype.toString, A = Function.prototype.toString, w = /^\s*(?:function)?\*/, a = y(6410)(), t = Object.getPrototypeOf; J.exports = function(d) { if (typeof d != "function") return !1; - if (y.test(P.call(d))) + if (w.test(A.call(d))) return !0; if (!a) - return M.call(d) === "[object GeneratorFunction]"; + return R.call(d) === "[object GeneratorFunction]"; if (!t) return !1; if (E === void 0) { @@ -9945,29 +10283,29 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; J.exports = function(e) { return e != e; }; - }, 360: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5559), M = b(4289), P = b(8611), y = b(9415), a = b(3194), t = E(y(), Number); - M(t, { getPolyfill: y, implementation: P, shim: a }), J.exports = t; - }, 9415: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8611); + }, 360: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5559), R = y(4289), A = y(8611), w = y(9415), a = y(3194), t = E(w(), Number); + R(t, { getPolyfill: w, implementation: A, shim: a }), J.exports = t; + }, 9415: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8611); J.exports = function() { return Number.isNaN && Number.isNaN(NaN) && !Number.isNaN("a") ? Number.isNaN : E; }; - }, 3194: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4289), M = b(9415); + }, 3194: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4289), R = y(9415); J.exports = function() { - var P = M(); - return E(Number, { isNaN: P }, { isNaN: function() { - return Number.isNaN !== P; - } }), P; + var A = R(); + return E(Number, { isNaN: A }, { isNaN: function() { + return Number.isNaN !== A; + } }), A; }; - }, 5692: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4029), M = b(3083), P = b(1924), y = P("Object.prototype.toString"), a = b(6410)(), t = b(7296), d = typeof globalThis > "u" ? b.g : globalThis, u = M(), s = P("Array.prototype.indexOf", !0) || function(i, f) { + }, 5692: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4029), R = y(3083), A = y(1924), w = A("Object.prototype.toString"), a = y(6410)(), t = y(7296), d = typeof globalThis > "u" ? y.g : globalThis, u = R(), s = A("Array.prototype.indexOf", !0) || function(i, f) { for (var c = 0; c < i.length; c += 1) if (i[c] === f) return c; return -1; - }, r = P("String.prototype.slice"), n = {}, o = Object.getPrototypeOf; + }, r = A("String.prototype.slice"), n = {}, o = Object.getPrototypeOf; a && t && o && E(u, function(i) { var f = new d[i](); if (Symbol.toStringTag in f) { @@ -9982,7 +10320,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; if (!i || typeof i != "object") return !1; if (!a || !(Symbol.toStringTag in i)) { - var f = r(y(i), 8, -1); + var f = r(w(i), 8, -1); return s(u, f) > -1; } return !!t && function(c) { @@ -9997,254 +10335,254 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }(i); }; }, 3720: (J) => { - J.exports = b; + J.exports = y; var e = null; try { e = new WebAssembly.Instance(new WebAssembly.Module(new Uint8Array([0, 97, 115, 109, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 13, 2, 96, 0, 1, 127, 96, 4, 127, 127, 127, 127, 1, 127, 3, 7, 6, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 6, 6, 1, 127, 1, 65, 0, 11, 7, 50, 6, 3, 109, 117, 108, 0, 1, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 115, 0, 2, 5, 100, 105, 118, 95, 117, 0, 3, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 115, 0, 4, 5, 114, 101, 109, 95, 117, 0, 5, 8, 103, 101, 116, 95, 104, 105, 103, 104, 0, 0, 10, 191, 1, 6, 4, 0, 35, 0, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 126, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 127, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 128, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 129, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11, 36, 1, 1, 126, 32, 0, 173, 32, 1, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 32, 2, 173, 32, 3, 173, 66, 32, 134, 132, 130, 34, 4, 66, 32, 135, 167, 36, 0, 32, 4, 167, 11])), {}).exports; } catch { } - function b(k, N, A) { - this.low = 0 | k, this.high = 0 | N, this.unsigned = !!A; + function y(S, T, x) { + this.low = 0 | S, this.high = 0 | T, this.unsigned = !!x; } - function E(k) { - return (k && k.__isLong__) === !0; + function E(S) { + return (S && S.__isLong__) === !0; } - b.prototype.__isLong__, Object.defineProperty(b.prototype, "__isLong__", { value: !0 }), b.isLong = E; - var M = {}, P = {}; - function y(k, N) { - var A, w, _; - return N ? (_ = 0 <= (k >>>= 0) && k < 256) && (w = P[k]) ? w : (A = t(k, (0 | k) < 0 ? -1 : 0, !0), _ && (P[k] = A), A) : (_ = -128 <= (k |= 0) && k < 128) && (w = M[k]) ? w : (A = t(k, k < 0 ? -1 : 0, !1), _ && (M[k] = A), A); + y.prototype.__isLong__, Object.defineProperty(y.prototype, "__isLong__", { value: !0 }), y.isLong = E; + var R = {}, A = {}; + function w(S, T) { + var x, k, b; + return T ? (b = 0 <= (S >>>= 0) && S < 256) && (k = A[S]) ? k : (x = t(S, (0 | S) < 0 ? -1 : 0, !0), b && (A[S] = x), x) : (b = -128 <= (S |= 0) && S < 128) && (k = R[S]) ? k : (x = t(S, S < 0 ? -1 : 0, !1), b && (R[S] = x), x); } - function a(k, N) { - if (isNaN(k)) - return N ? c : f; - if (N) { - if (k < 0) + function a(S, T) { + if (isNaN(S)) + return T ? c : f; + if (T) { + if (S < 0) return c; - if (k >= n) + if (S >= n) return l; } else { - if (k <= -o) + if (S <= -o) + return j; + if (S + 1 >= o) return I; - if (k + 1 >= o) - return C; } - return k < 0 ? a(-k, N).neg() : t(k % r | 0, k / r | 0, N); + return S < 0 ? a(-S, T).neg() : t(S % r | 0, S / r | 0, T); } - function t(k, N, A) { - return new b(k, N, A); + function t(S, T, x) { + return new y(S, T, x); } - b.fromInt = y, b.fromNumber = a, b.fromBits = t; + y.fromInt = w, y.fromNumber = a, y.fromBits = t; var d = Math.pow; - function u(k, N, A) { - if (k.length === 0) + function u(S, T, x) { + if (S.length === 0) throw Error("empty string"); - if (k === "NaN" || k === "Infinity" || k === "+Infinity" || k === "-Infinity") + if (S === "NaN" || S === "Infinity" || S === "+Infinity" || S === "-Infinity") return f; - if (typeof N == "number" ? (A = N, N = !1) : N = !!N, (A = A || 10) < 2 || 36 < A) + if (typeof T == "number" ? (x = T, T = !1) : T = !!T, (x = x || 10) < 2 || 36 < x) throw RangeError("radix"); - var w; - if ((w = k.indexOf("-")) > 0) + var k; + if ((k = S.indexOf("-")) > 0) throw Error("interior hyphen"); - if (w === 0) - return u(k.substring(1), N, A).neg(); - for (var _ = a(d(A, 8)), p = f, O = 0; O < k.length; O += 8) { - var U = Math.min(8, k.length - O), T = parseInt(k.substring(O, O + U), A); - if (U < 8) { - var z = a(d(A, U)); - p = p.mul(z).add(a(T)); + if (k === 0) + return u(S.substring(1), T, x).neg(); + for (var b = a(d(x, 8)), p = f, P = 0; P < S.length; P += 8) { + var B = Math.min(8, S.length - P), C = parseInt(S.substring(P, P + B), x); + if (B < 8) { + var L = a(d(x, B)); + p = p.mul(L).add(a(C)); } else - p = (p = p.mul(_)).add(a(T)); - } - return p.unsigned = N, p; - } - function s(k, N) { - return typeof k == "number" ? a(k, N) : typeof k == "string" ? u(k, N) : t(k.low, k.high, typeof N == "boolean" ? N : k.unsigned); - } - b.fromString = u, b.fromValue = s; - var r = 4294967296, n = r * r, o = n / 2, i = y(1 << 24), f = y(0); - b.ZERO = f; - var c = y(0, !0); - b.UZERO = c; - var h = y(1); - b.ONE = h; - var m = y(1, !0); - b.UONE = m; - var v = y(-1); - b.NEG_ONE = v; - var C = t(-1, 2147483647, !1); - b.MAX_VALUE = C; + p = (p = p.mul(b)).add(a(C)); + } + return p.unsigned = T, p; + } + function s(S, T) { + return typeof S == "number" ? a(S, T) : typeof S == "string" ? u(S, T) : t(S.low, S.high, typeof T == "boolean" ? T : S.unsigned); + } + y.fromString = u, y.fromValue = s; + var r = 4294967296, n = r * r, o = n / 2, i = w(1 << 24), f = w(0); + y.ZERO = f; + var c = w(0, !0); + y.UZERO = c; + var h = w(1); + y.ONE = h; + var m = w(1, !0); + y.UONE = m; + var v = w(-1); + y.NEG_ONE = v; + var I = t(-1, 2147483647, !1); + y.MAX_VALUE = I; var l = t(-1, -1, !0); - b.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE = l; - var I = t(0, -2147483648, !1); - b.MIN_VALUE = I; - var R = b.prototype; - R.toInt = function() { + y.MAX_UNSIGNED_VALUE = l; + var j = t(0, -2147483648, !1); + y.MIN_VALUE = j; + var N = y.prototype; + N.toInt = function() { return this.unsigned ? this.low >>> 0 : this.low; - }, R.toNumber = function() { + }, N.toNumber = function() { return this.unsigned ? (this.high >>> 0) * r + (this.low >>> 0) : this.high * r + (this.low >>> 0); - }, R.toString = function(k) { - if ((k = k || 10) < 2 || 36 < k) + }, N.toString = function(S) { + if ((S = S || 10) < 2 || 36 < S) throw RangeError("radix"); if (this.isZero()) return "0"; if (this.isNegative()) { - if (this.eq(I)) { - var N = a(k), A = this.div(N), w = A.mul(N).sub(this); - return A.toString(k) + w.toInt().toString(k); + if (this.eq(j)) { + var T = a(S), x = this.div(T), k = x.mul(T).sub(this); + return x.toString(S) + k.toInt().toString(S); } - return "-" + this.neg().toString(k); + return "-" + this.neg().toString(S); } - for (var _ = a(d(k, 6), this.unsigned), p = this, O = ""; ; ) { - var U = p.div(_), T = (p.sub(U.mul(_)).toInt() >>> 0).toString(k); - if ((p = U).isZero()) - return T + O; - for (; T.length < 6; ) - T = "0" + T; - O = "" + T + O; + for (var b = a(d(S, 6), this.unsigned), p = this, P = ""; ; ) { + var B = p.div(b), C = (p.sub(B.mul(b)).toInt() >>> 0).toString(S); + if ((p = B).isZero()) + return C + P; + for (; C.length < 6; ) + C = "0" + C; + P = "" + C + P; } - }, R.getHighBits = function() { + }, N.getHighBits = function() { return this.high; - }, R.getHighBitsUnsigned = function() { + }, N.getHighBitsUnsigned = function() { return this.high >>> 0; - }, R.getLowBits = function() { + }, N.getLowBits = function() { return this.low; - }, R.getLowBitsUnsigned = function() { + }, N.getLowBitsUnsigned = function() { return this.low >>> 0; - }, R.getNumBitsAbs = function() { + }, N.getNumBitsAbs = function() { if (this.isNegative()) - return this.eq(I) ? 64 : this.neg().getNumBitsAbs(); - for (var k = this.high != 0 ? this.high : this.low, N = 31; N > 0 && !(k & 1 << N); N--) + return this.eq(j) ? 64 : this.neg().getNumBitsAbs(); + for (var S = this.high != 0 ? this.high : this.low, T = 31; T > 0 && !(S & 1 << T); T--) ; - return this.high != 0 ? N + 33 : N + 1; - }, R.isZero = function() { + return this.high != 0 ? T + 33 : T + 1; + }, N.isZero = function() { return this.high === 0 && this.low === 0; - }, R.eqz = R.isZero, R.isNegative = function() { + }, N.eqz = N.isZero, N.isNegative = function() { return !this.unsigned && this.high < 0; - }, R.isPositive = function() { + }, N.isPositive = function() { return this.unsigned || this.high >= 0; - }, R.isOdd = function() { + }, N.isOdd = function() { return (1 & this.low) == 1; - }, R.isEven = function() { + }, N.isEven = function() { return (1 & this.low) == 0; - }, R.equals = function(k) { - return E(k) || (k = s(k)), (this.unsigned === k.unsigned || this.high >>> 31 != 1 || k.high >>> 31 != 1) && this.high === k.high && this.low === k.low; - }, R.eq = R.equals, R.notEquals = function(k) { - return !this.eq(k); - }, R.neq = R.notEquals, R.ne = R.notEquals, R.lessThan = function(k) { - return this.comp(k) < 0; - }, R.lt = R.lessThan, R.lessThanOrEqual = function(k) { - return this.comp(k) <= 0; - }, R.lte = R.lessThanOrEqual, R.le = R.lessThanOrEqual, R.greaterThan = function(k) { - return this.comp(k) > 0; - }, R.gt = R.greaterThan, R.greaterThanOrEqual = function(k) { - return this.comp(k) >= 0; - }, R.gte = R.greaterThanOrEqual, R.ge = R.greaterThanOrEqual, R.compare = function(k) { - if (E(k) || (k = s(k)), this.eq(k)) + }, N.equals = function(S) { + return E(S) || (S = s(S)), (this.unsigned === S.unsigned || this.high >>> 31 != 1 || S.high >>> 31 != 1) && this.high === S.high && this.low === S.low; + }, N.eq = N.equals, N.notEquals = function(S) { + return !this.eq(S); + }, N.neq = N.notEquals, N.ne = N.notEquals, N.lessThan = function(S) { + return this.comp(S) < 0; + }, N.lt = N.lessThan, N.lessThanOrEqual = function(S) { + return this.comp(S) <= 0; + }, N.lte = N.lessThanOrEqual, N.le = N.lessThanOrEqual, N.greaterThan = function(S) { + return this.comp(S) > 0; + }, N.gt = N.greaterThan, N.greaterThanOrEqual = function(S) { + return this.comp(S) >= 0; + }, N.gte = N.greaterThanOrEqual, N.ge = N.greaterThanOrEqual, N.compare = function(S) { + if (E(S) || (S = s(S)), this.eq(S)) return 0; - var N = this.isNegative(), A = k.isNegative(); - return N && !A ? -1 : !N && A ? 1 : this.unsigned ? k.high >>> 0 > this.high >>> 0 || k.high === this.high && k.low >>> 0 > this.low >>> 0 ? -1 : 1 : this.sub(k).isNegative() ? -1 : 1; - }, R.comp = R.compare, R.negate = function() { - return !this.unsigned && this.eq(I) ? I : this.not().add(h); - }, R.neg = R.negate, R.add = function(k) { - E(k) || (k = s(k)); - var N = this.high >>> 16, A = 65535 & this.high, w = this.low >>> 16, _ = 65535 & this.low, p = k.high >>> 16, O = 65535 & k.high, U = k.low >>> 16, T = 0, z = 0, te = 0, X = 0; - return te += (X += _ + (65535 & k.low)) >>> 16, z += (te += w + U) >>> 16, T += (z += A + O) >>> 16, T += N + p, t((te &= 65535) << 16 | (X &= 65535), (T &= 65535) << 16 | (z &= 65535), this.unsigned); - }, R.subtract = function(k) { - return E(k) || (k = s(k)), this.add(k.neg()); - }, R.sub = R.subtract, R.multiply = function(k) { + var T = this.isNegative(), x = S.isNegative(); + return T && !x ? -1 : !T && x ? 1 : this.unsigned ? S.high >>> 0 > this.high >>> 0 || S.high === this.high && S.low >>> 0 > this.low >>> 0 ? -1 : 1 : this.sub(S).isNegative() ? -1 : 1; + }, N.comp = N.compare, N.negate = function() { + return !this.unsigned && this.eq(j) ? j : this.not().add(h); + }, N.neg = N.negate, N.add = function(S) { + E(S) || (S = s(S)); + var T = this.high >>> 16, x = 65535 & this.high, k = this.low >>> 16, b = 65535 & this.low, p = S.high >>> 16, P = 65535 & S.high, B = S.low >>> 16, C = 0, L = 0, re = 0, ee = 0; + return re += (ee += b + (65535 & S.low)) >>> 16, L += (re += k + B) >>> 16, C += (L += x + P) >>> 16, C += T + p, t((re &= 65535) << 16 | (ee &= 65535), (C &= 65535) << 16 | (L &= 65535), this.unsigned); + }, N.subtract = function(S) { + return E(S) || (S = s(S)), this.add(S.neg()); + }, N.sub = N.subtract, N.multiply = function(S) { if (this.isZero()) return f; - if (E(k) || (k = s(k)), e) - return t(e.mul(this.low, this.high, k.low, k.high), e.get_high(), this.unsigned); - if (k.isZero()) + if (E(S) || (S = s(S)), e) + return t(e.mul(this.low, this.high, S.low, S.high), e.get_high(), this.unsigned); + if (S.isZero()) return f; - if (this.eq(I)) - return k.isOdd() ? I : f; - if (k.eq(I)) - return this.isOdd() ? I : f; + if (this.eq(j)) + return S.isOdd() ? j : f; + if (S.eq(j)) + return this.isOdd() ? j : f; if (this.isNegative()) - return k.isNegative() ? this.neg().mul(k.neg()) : this.neg().mul(k).neg(); - if (k.isNegative()) - return this.mul(k.neg()).neg(); - if (this.lt(i) && k.lt(i)) - return a(this.toNumber() * k.toNumber(), this.unsigned); - var N = this.high >>> 16, A = 65535 & this.high, w = this.low >>> 16, _ = 65535 & this.low, p = k.high >>> 16, O = 65535 & k.high, U = k.low >>> 16, T = 65535 & k.low, z = 0, te = 0, X = 0, ne = 0; - return X += (ne += _ * T) >>> 16, te += (X += w * T) >>> 16, X &= 65535, te += (X += _ * U) >>> 16, z += (te += A * T) >>> 16, te &= 65535, z += (te += w * U) >>> 16, te &= 65535, z += (te += _ * O) >>> 16, z += N * T + A * U + w * O + _ * p, t((X &= 65535) << 16 | (ne &= 65535), (z &= 65535) << 16 | (te &= 65535), this.unsigned); - }, R.mul = R.multiply, R.divide = function(k) { - if (E(k) || (k = s(k)), k.isZero()) + return S.isNegative() ? this.neg().mul(S.neg()) : this.neg().mul(S).neg(); + if (S.isNegative()) + return this.mul(S.neg()).neg(); + if (this.lt(i) && S.lt(i)) + return a(this.toNumber() * S.toNumber(), this.unsigned); + var T = this.high >>> 16, x = 65535 & this.high, k = this.low >>> 16, b = 65535 & this.low, p = S.high >>> 16, P = 65535 & S.high, B = S.low >>> 16, C = 65535 & S.low, L = 0, re = 0, ee = 0, oe = 0; + return ee += (oe += b * C) >>> 16, re += (ee += k * C) >>> 16, ee &= 65535, re += (ee += b * B) >>> 16, L += (re += x * C) >>> 16, re &= 65535, L += (re += k * B) >>> 16, re &= 65535, L += (re += b * P) >>> 16, L += T * C + x * B + k * P + b * p, t((ee &= 65535) << 16 | (oe &= 65535), (L &= 65535) << 16 | (re &= 65535), this.unsigned); + }, N.mul = N.multiply, N.divide = function(S) { + if (E(S) || (S = s(S)), S.isZero()) throw Error("division by zero"); - var N, A, w; + var T, x, k; if (e) - return this.unsigned || this.high !== -2147483648 || k.low !== -1 || k.high !== -1 ? t((this.unsigned ? e.div_u : e.div_s)(this.low, this.high, k.low, k.high), e.get_high(), this.unsigned) : this; + return this.unsigned || this.high !== -2147483648 || S.low !== -1 || S.high !== -1 ? t((this.unsigned ? e.div_u : e.div_s)(this.low, this.high, S.low, S.high), e.get_high(), this.unsigned) : this; if (this.isZero()) return this.unsigned ? c : f; if (this.unsigned) { - if (k.unsigned || (k = k.toUnsigned()), k.gt(this)) + if (S.unsigned || (S = S.toUnsigned()), S.gt(this)) return c; - if (k.gt(this.shru(1))) + if (S.gt(this.shru(1))) return m; - w = c; + k = c; } else { - if (this.eq(I)) - return k.eq(h) || k.eq(v) ? I : k.eq(I) ? h : (N = this.shr(1).div(k).shl(1)).eq(f) ? k.isNegative() ? h : v : (A = this.sub(k.mul(N)), w = N.add(A.div(k))); - if (k.eq(I)) + if (this.eq(j)) + return S.eq(h) || S.eq(v) ? j : S.eq(j) ? h : (T = this.shr(1).div(S).shl(1)).eq(f) ? S.isNegative() ? h : v : (x = this.sub(S.mul(T)), k = T.add(x.div(S))); + if (S.eq(j)) return this.unsigned ? c : f; if (this.isNegative()) - return k.isNegative() ? this.neg().div(k.neg()) : this.neg().div(k).neg(); - if (k.isNegative()) - return this.div(k.neg()).neg(); - w = f; - } - for (A = this; A.gte(k); ) { - N = Math.max(1, Math.floor(A.toNumber() / k.toNumber())); - for (var _ = Math.ceil(Math.log(N) / Math.LN2), p = _ <= 48 ? 1 : d(2, _ - 48), O = a(N), U = O.mul(k); U.isNegative() || U.gt(A); ) - U = (O = a(N -= p, this.unsigned)).mul(k); - O.isZero() && (O = h), w = w.add(O), A = A.sub(U); - } - return w; - }, R.div = R.divide, R.modulo = function(k) { - return E(k) || (k = s(k)), e ? t((this.unsigned ? e.rem_u : e.rem_s)(this.low, this.high, k.low, k.high), e.get_high(), this.unsigned) : this.sub(this.div(k).mul(k)); - }, R.mod = R.modulo, R.rem = R.modulo, R.not = function() { + return S.isNegative() ? this.neg().div(S.neg()) : this.neg().div(S).neg(); + if (S.isNegative()) + return this.div(S.neg()).neg(); + k = f; + } + for (x = this; x.gte(S); ) { + T = Math.max(1, Math.floor(x.toNumber() / S.toNumber())); + for (var b = Math.ceil(Math.log(T) / Math.LN2), p = b <= 48 ? 1 : d(2, b - 48), P = a(T), B = P.mul(S); B.isNegative() || B.gt(x); ) + B = (P = a(T -= p, this.unsigned)).mul(S); + P.isZero() && (P = h), k = k.add(P), x = x.sub(B); + } + return k; + }, N.div = N.divide, N.modulo = function(S) { + return E(S) || (S = s(S)), e ? t((this.unsigned ? e.rem_u : e.rem_s)(this.low, this.high, S.low, S.high), e.get_high(), this.unsigned) : this.sub(this.div(S).mul(S)); + }, N.mod = N.modulo, N.rem = N.modulo, N.not = function() { return t(~this.low, ~this.high, this.unsigned); - }, R.and = function(k) { - return E(k) || (k = s(k)), t(this.low & k.low, this.high & k.high, this.unsigned); - }, R.or = function(k) { - return E(k) || (k = s(k)), t(this.low | k.low, this.high | k.high, this.unsigned); - }, R.xor = function(k) { - return E(k) || (k = s(k)), t(this.low ^ k.low, this.high ^ k.high, this.unsigned); - }, R.shiftLeft = function(k) { - return E(k) && (k = k.toInt()), (k &= 63) == 0 ? this : k < 32 ? t(this.low << k, this.high << k | this.low >>> 32 - k, this.unsigned) : t(0, this.low << k - 32, this.unsigned); - }, R.shl = R.shiftLeft, R.shiftRight = function(k) { - return E(k) && (k = k.toInt()), (k &= 63) == 0 ? this : k < 32 ? t(this.low >>> k | this.high << 32 - k, this.high >> k, this.unsigned) : t(this.high >> k - 32, this.high >= 0 ? 0 : -1, this.unsigned); - }, R.shr = R.shiftRight, R.shiftRightUnsigned = function(k) { - if (E(k) && (k = k.toInt()), (k &= 63) == 0) + }, N.and = function(S) { + return E(S) || (S = s(S)), t(this.low & S.low, this.high & S.high, this.unsigned); + }, N.or = function(S) { + return E(S) || (S = s(S)), t(this.low | S.low, this.high | S.high, this.unsigned); + }, N.xor = function(S) { + return E(S) || (S = s(S)), t(this.low ^ S.low, this.high ^ S.high, this.unsigned); + }, N.shiftLeft = function(S) { + return E(S) && (S = S.toInt()), (S &= 63) == 0 ? this : S < 32 ? t(this.low << S, this.high << S | this.low >>> 32 - S, this.unsigned) : t(0, this.low << S - 32, this.unsigned); + }, N.shl = N.shiftLeft, N.shiftRight = function(S) { + return E(S) && (S = S.toInt()), (S &= 63) == 0 ? this : S < 32 ? t(this.low >>> S | this.high << 32 - S, this.high >> S, this.unsigned) : t(this.high >> S - 32, this.high >= 0 ? 0 : -1, this.unsigned); + }, N.shr = N.shiftRight, N.shiftRightUnsigned = function(S) { + if (E(S) && (S = S.toInt()), (S &= 63) == 0) return this; - var N = this.high; - return k < 32 ? t(this.low >>> k | N << 32 - k, N >>> k, this.unsigned) : t(k === 32 ? N : N >>> k - 32, 0, this.unsigned); - }, R.shru = R.shiftRightUnsigned, R.shr_u = R.shiftRightUnsigned, R.toSigned = function() { + var T = this.high; + return S < 32 ? t(this.low >>> S | T << 32 - S, T >>> S, this.unsigned) : t(S === 32 ? T : T >>> S - 32, 0, this.unsigned); + }, N.shru = N.shiftRightUnsigned, N.shr_u = N.shiftRightUnsigned, N.toSigned = function() { return this.unsigned ? t(this.low, this.high, !1) : this; - }, R.toUnsigned = function() { + }, N.toUnsigned = function() { return this.unsigned ? this : t(this.low, this.high, !0); - }, R.toBytes = function(k) { - return k ? this.toBytesLE() : this.toBytesBE(); - }, R.toBytesLE = function() { - var k = this.high, N = this.low; - return [255 & N, N >>> 8 & 255, N >>> 16 & 255, N >>> 24, 255 & k, k >>> 8 & 255, k >>> 16 & 255, k >>> 24]; - }, R.toBytesBE = function() { - var k = this.high, N = this.low; - return [k >>> 24, k >>> 16 & 255, k >>> 8 & 255, 255 & k, N >>> 24, N >>> 16 & 255, N >>> 8 & 255, 255 & N]; - }, b.fromBytes = function(k, N, A) { - return A ? b.fromBytesLE(k, N) : b.fromBytesBE(k, N); - }, b.fromBytesLE = function(k, N) { - return new b(k[0] | k[1] << 8 | k[2] << 16 | k[3] << 24, k[4] | k[5] << 8 | k[6] << 16 | k[7] << 24, N); - }, b.fromBytesBE = function(k, N) { - return new b(k[4] << 24 | k[5] << 16 | k[6] << 8 | k[7], k[0] << 24 | k[1] << 16 | k[2] << 8 | k[3], N); - }; - }, 2318: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(3349), P = b(9509).Buffer, y = new Array(16); + }, N.toBytes = function(S) { + return S ? this.toBytesLE() : this.toBytesBE(); + }, N.toBytesLE = function() { + var S = this.high, T = this.low; + return [255 & T, T >>> 8 & 255, T >>> 16 & 255, T >>> 24, 255 & S, S >>> 8 & 255, S >>> 16 & 255, S >>> 24]; + }, N.toBytesBE = function() { + var S = this.high, T = this.low; + return [S >>> 24, S >>> 16 & 255, S >>> 8 & 255, 255 & S, T >>> 24, T >>> 16 & 255, T >>> 8 & 255, 255 & T]; + }, y.fromBytes = function(S, T, x) { + return x ? y.fromBytesLE(S, T) : y.fromBytesBE(S, T); + }, y.fromBytesLE = function(S, T) { + return new y(S[0] | S[1] << 8 | S[2] << 16 | S[3] << 24, S[4] | S[5] << 8 | S[6] << 16 | S[7] << 24, T); + }, y.fromBytesBE = function(S, T) { + return new y(S[4] << 24 | S[5] << 16 | S[6] << 8 | S[7], S[0] << 24 | S[1] << 16 | S[2] << 8 | S[3], T); + }; + }, 2318: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(3349), A = y(9509).Buffer, w = new Array(16); function a() { - M.call(this, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878; + R.call(this, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878; } function t(n, o) { return n << o | n >>> 32 - o; @@ -10261,59 +10599,59 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; function r(n, o, i, f, c, h, m) { return t(n + (i ^ (o | ~f)) + c + h | 0, m) + o | 0; } - E(a, M), a.prototype._update = function() { - for (var n = y, o = 0; o < 16; ++o) + E(a, R), a.prototype._update = function() { + for (var n = w, o = 0; o < 16; ++o) n[o] = this._block.readInt32LE(4 * o); var i = this._a, f = this._b, c = this._c, h = this._d; i = d(i, f, c, h, n[0], 3614090360, 7), h = d(h, i, f, c, n[1], 3905402710, 12), c = d(c, h, i, f, n[2], 606105819, 17), f = d(f, c, h, i, n[3], 3250441966, 22), i = d(i, f, c, h, n[4], 4118548399, 7), h = d(h, i, f, c, n[5], 1200080426, 12), c = d(c, h, i, f, n[6], 2821735955, 17), f = d(f, c, h, i, n[7], 4249261313, 22), i = d(i, f, c, h, n[8], 1770035416, 7), h = d(h, i, f, c, n[9], 2336552879, 12), c = d(c, h, i, f, n[10], 4294925233, 17), f = d(f, c, h, i, n[11], 2304563134, 22), i = d(i, f, c, h, n[12], 1804603682, 7), h = d(h, i, f, c, n[13], 4254626195, 12), c = d(c, h, i, f, n[14], 2792965006, 17), i = u(i, f = d(f, c, h, i, n[15], 1236535329, 22), c, h, n[1], 4129170786, 5), h = u(h, i, f, c, n[6], 3225465664, 9), c = u(c, h, i, f, n[11], 643717713, 14), f = u(f, c, h, i, n[0], 3921069994, 20), i = u(i, f, c, h, n[5], 3593408605, 5), h = u(h, i, f, c, n[10], 38016083, 9), c = u(c, h, i, f, n[15], 3634488961, 14), f = u(f, c, h, i, n[4], 3889429448, 20), i = u(i, f, c, h, n[9], 568446438, 5), h = u(h, i, f, c, n[14], 3275163606, 9), c = u(c, h, i, f, n[3], 4107603335, 14), f = u(f, c, h, i, n[8], 1163531501, 20), i = u(i, f, c, h, n[13], 2850285829, 5), h = u(h, i, f, c, n[2], 4243563512, 9), c = u(c, h, i, f, n[7], 1735328473, 14), i = s(i, f = u(f, c, h, i, n[12], 2368359562, 20), c, h, n[5], 4294588738, 4), h = s(h, i, f, c, n[8], 2272392833, 11), c = s(c, h, i, f, n[11], 1839030562, 16), f = s(f, c, h, i, n[14], 4259657740, 23), i = s(i, f, c, h, n[1], 2763975236, 4), h = s(h, i, f, c, n[4], 1272893353, 11), c = s(c, h, i, f, n[7], 4139469664, 16), f = s(f, c, h, i, n[10], 3200236656, 23), i = s(i, f, c, h, n[13], 681279174, 4), h = s(h, i, f, c, n[0], 3936430074, 11), c = s(c, h, i, f, n[3], 3572445317, 16), f = s(f, c, h, i, n[6], 76029189, 23), i = s(i, f, c, h, n[9], 3654602809, 4), h = s(h, i, f, c, n[12], 3873151461, 11), c = s(c, h, i, f, n[15], 530742520, 16), i = r(i, f = s(f, c, h, i, n[2], 3299628645, 23), c, h, n[0], 4096336452, 6), h = r(h, i, f, c, n[7], 1126891415, 10), c = r(c, h, i, f, n[14], 2878612391, 15), f = r(f, c, h, i, n[5], 4237533241, 21), i = r(i, f, c, h, n[12], 1700485571, 6), h = r(h, i, f, c, n[3], 2399980690, 10), c = r(c, h, i, f, n[10], 4293915773, 15), f = r(f, c, h, i, n[1], 2240044497, 21), i = r(i, f, c, h, n[8], 1873313359, 6), h = r(h, i, f, c, n[15], 4264355552, 10), c = r(c, h, i, f, n[6], 2734768916, 15), f = r(f, c, h, i, n[13], 1309151649, 21), i = r(i, f, c, h, n[4], 4149444226, 6), h = r(h, i, f, c, n[11], 3174756917, 10), c = r(c, h, i, f, n[2], 718787259, 15), f = r(f, c, h, i, n[9], 3951481745, 21), this._a = this._a + i | 0, this._b = this._b + f | 0, this._c = this._c + c | 0, this._d = this._d + h | 0; }, a.prototype._digest = function() { this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128, this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update(); - var n = P.allocUnsafe(16); + var n = A.allocUnsafe(16); return n.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), n.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), n.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), n.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), n; }, J.exports = a; }, 9746: (J) => { - function e(b, E) { - if (!b) + function e(y, E) { + if (!y) throw new Error(E || "Assertion failed"); } - J.exports = e, e.equal = function(b, E, M) { - if (b != E) - throw new Error(M || "Assertion failed: " + b + " != " + E); + J.exports = e, e.equal = function(y, E, R) { + if (y != E) + throw new Error(R || "Assertion failed: " + y + " != " + E); }; }, 4504: (J, e) => { - var b = e; - function E(P) { - return P.length === 1 ? "0" + P : P; + var y = e; + function E(A) { + return A.length === 1 ? "0" + A : A; } - function M(P) { - for (var y = "", a = 0; a < P.length; a++) - y += E(P[a].toString(16)); - return y; + function R(A) { + for (var w = "", a = 0; a < A.length; a++) + w += E(A[a].toString(16)); + return w; } - b.toArray = function(P, y) { - if (Array.isArray(P)) - return P.slice(); - if (!P) + y.toArray = function(A, w) { + if (Array.isArray(A)) + return A.slice(); + if (!A) return []; var a = []; - if (typeof P != "string") { - for (var t = 0; t < P.length; t++) - a[t] = 0 | P[t]; + if (typeof A != "string") { + for (var t = 0; t < A.length; t++) + a[t] = 0 | A[t]; return a; } - if (y === "hex") - for ((P = P.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi, "")).length % 2 != 0 && (P = "0" + P), t = 0; t < P.length; t += 2) - a.push(parseInt(P[t] + P[t + 1], 16)); + if (w === "hex") + for ((A = A.replace(/[^a-z0-9]+/gi, "")).length % 2 != 0 && (A = "0" + A), t = 0; t < A.length; t += 2) + a.push(parseInt(A[t] + A[t + 1], 16)); else - for (t = 0; t < P.length; t++) { - var d = P.charCodeAt(t), u = d >> 8, s = 255 & d; + for (t = 0; t < A.length; t++) { + var d = A.charCodeAt(t), u = d >> 8, s = 255 & d; u ? a.push(u, s) : a.push(s); } return a; - }, b.zero2 = E, b.toHex = M, b.encode = function(P, y) { - return y === "hex" ? M(P) : P; + }, y.zero2 = E, y.toHex = R, y.encode = function(A, w) { + return w === "hex" ? R(A) : A; }; - }, 45: function(J, e, b) { + }, 45: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { @@ -10339,11 +10677,11 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(3555), P = b(8982); - class y { - static importKey(t, d, u = new M.WebCryptoProvider()) { + const R = y(3555), A = y(8982); + class w { + static importKey(t, d, u = new R.WebCryptoProvider()) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return new y(yield P.SIV.importKey(t, d, u)); + return new w(yield A.SIV.importKey(t, d, u)); }); } constructor(t) { @@ -10363,52 +10701,52 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return this._siv.clear(), this; } } - e.AEAD = y; + e.AEAD = w; }, 4870: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - class b extends Error { - constructor(P) { - super(P), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, b.prototype); + class y extends Error { + constructor(A) { + super(A), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, y.prototype); } } - e.IntegrityError = b; + e.IntegrityError = y; class E extends Error { - constructor(P) { - super(P), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, E.prototype); + constructor(A) { + super(A), Object.setPrototypeOf(this, E.prototype); } } e.NotImplementedError = E; - }, 9463: (J, e, b) => { + }, 9463: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), function(u) { for (var s in u) e.hasOwnProperty(s) || (e[s] = u[s]); - }(b(4870)); - var E = b(45); + }(y(4870)); + var E = y(45); e.AEAD = E.AEAD; - var M = b(8982); - e.SIV = M.SIV; - var P = b(8711); - e.StreamEncryptor = P.StreamEncryptor, e.StreamDecryptor = P.StreamDecryptor; - var y = b(8572); - e.CMAC = y.CMAC; - var a = b(8462); + var R = y(8982); + e.SIV = R.SIV; + var A = y(8711); + e.StreamEncryptor = A.StreamEncryptor, e.StreamDecryptor = A.StreamDecryptor; + var w = y(8572); + e.CMAC = w.CMAC; + var a = y(8462); e.PMAC = a.PMAC; - var t = b(3511); + var t = y(3511); e.PolyfillCryptoProvider = t.PolyfillCryptoProvider; - var d = b(3555); + var d = y(3555); e.WebCryptoProvider = d.WebCryptoProvider; - }, 3618: (J, e, b) => { + }, 3618: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const E = b(8877), M = b(3082); - class P { + const E = y(8877), R = y(3082); + class A { constructor() { - this.data = new Uint8Array(P.SIZE); + this.data = new Uint8Array(A.SIZE); } clear() { - M.wipe(this.data); + R.wipe(this.data); } clone() { - const a = new P(); + const a = new A(); return a.copy(this), a; } copy(a) { @@ -10416,46 +10754,46 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } dbl() { let a = 0; - for (let t = P.SIZE - 1; t >= 0; t--) { + for (let t = A.SIZE - 1; t >= 0; t--) { const d = this.data[t] >>> 7 & 255; this.data[t] = this.data[t] << 1 | a, a = d; } - this.data[P.SIZE - 1] ^= E.select(a, P.R, 0), a = 0; + this.data[A.SIZE - 1] ^= E.select(a, A.R, 0), a = 0; } } - P.SIZE = 16, P.R = 135, e.default = P; + A.SIZE = 16, A.R = 135, e.default = A; }, 8877: (J, e) => { - function b(E, M) { - if (E.length !== M.length) + function y(E, R) { + if (E.length !== R.length) return 0; - let P = 0; - for (let y = 0; y < E.length; y++) - P |= E[y] ^ M[y]; - return 1 & P - 1 >>> 8; + let A = 0; + for (let w = 0; w < E.length; w++) + A |= E[w] ^ R[w]; + return 1 & A - 1 >>> 8; } - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.select = function(E, M, P) { - return ~(E - 1) & M | E - 1 & P; - }, e.compare = b, e.equal = function(E, M) { - return E.length !== 0 && M.length !== 0 && b(E, M) !== 0; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.select = function(E, R, A) { + return ~(E - 1) & R | E - 1 & A; + }, e.compare = y, e.equal = function(E, R) { + return E.length !== 0 && R.length !== 0 && y(E, R) !== 0; }; }, 2104: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const b = new Uint8Array([8, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0]); + const y = new Uint8Array([8, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 7, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 6, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 5, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 4, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0, 3, 0, 1, 0, 2, 0, 1, 0]); e.ctz = function(E) { - return b[E]; + return y[E]; }; }, 3082: (J, e) => { - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.wipe = function(b) { - for (let E = 0; E < b.length; E++) - b[E] = 0; - return b; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.wipe = function(y) { + for (let E = 0; E < y.length; E++) + y[E] = 0; + return y; }; }, 4080: (J, e) => { - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.xor = function(b, E) { - for (let M = 0; M < E.length; M++) - b[M] ^= E[M]; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.xor = function(y, E) { + for (let R = 0; R < E.length; R++) + y[R] ^= E[R]; }; - }, 8572: function(J, e, b) { + }, 8572: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { @@ -10481,17 +10819,17 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(3618), P = b(4080); - class y { + const R = y(3618), A = y(4080); + class w { constructor(t, d, u) { - this._cipher = t, this._subkey1 = d, this._subkey2 = u, this._bufferPos = 0, this._finished = !1, this._buffer = new M.default(); + this._cipher = t, this._subkey1 = d, this._subkey2 = u, this._bufferPos = 0, this._finished = !1, this._buffer = new R.default(); } static importKey(t, d) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const u = yield t.importBlockCipherKey(d), s = new M.default(); + const u = yield t.importBlockCipherKey(d), s = new R.default(); yield u.encryptBlock(s), s.dbl(); const r = s.clone(); - return r.dbl(), new y(u, s, r); + return r.dbl(), new w(u, s, r); }); } reset() { @@ -10502,17 +10840,17 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } update(t) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const d = M.default.SIZE - this._bufferPos; + const d = R.default.SIZE - this._bufferPos; let u = 0, s = t.length; if (s > d) { for (let r = 0; r < d; r++) this._buffer.data[this._bufferPos + r] ^= t[r]; s -= d, u += d, yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer), this._bufferPos = 0; } - for (; s > M.default.SIZE; ) { - for (let r = 0; r < M.default.SIZE; r++) + for (; s > R.default.SIZE; ) { + for (let r = 0; r < R.default.SIZE; r++) this._buffer.data[r] ^= t[u + r]; - s -= M.default.SIZE, u += M.default.SIZE, yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer); + s -= R.default.SIZE, u += R.default.SIZE, yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer); } for (let r = 0; r < s; r++) this._buffer.data[this._bufferPos++] ^= t[u + r]; @@ -10522,15 +10860,15 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; finish() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!this._finished) { - const t = this._bufferPos < M.default.SIZE ? this._subkey2 : this._subkey1; - P.xor(this._buffer.data, t.data), this._bufferPos < M.default.SIZE && (this._buffer.data[this._bufferPos] ^= 128), yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer), this._finished = !0; + const t = this._bufferPos < R.default.SIZE ? this._subkey2 : this._subkey1; + A.xor(this._buffer.data, t.data), this._bufferPos < R.default.SIZE && (this._buffer.data[this._bufferPos] ^= 128), yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer), this._finished = !0; } return this._buffer.clone().data; }); } } - e.CMAC = y; - }, 8462: function(J, e, b) { + e.CMAC = w; + }, 8462: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { return new (s || (s = Promise))(function(n, o) { function i(h) { @@ -10556,24 +10894,24 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(3618), P = b(8877), y = b(2104), a = b(4080); + const R = y(3618), A = y(8877), w = y(2104), a = y(4080); class t { constructor(u, s, r) { - this._finished = !1, this._cipher = u, this._L = s, this._LInv = r, this._buffer = new M.default(), this._bufferPos = 0, this._counter = 0, this._offset = new M.default(), this._tag = new M.default(); + this._finished = !1, this._cipher = u, this._L = s, this._LInv = r, this._buffer = new R.default(), this._bufferPos = 0, this._counter = 0, this._offset = new R.default(), this._tag = new R.default(); } static importKey(u, s) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const r = yield u.importBlockCipherKey(s), n = new M.default(); + const r = yield u.importBlockCipherKey(s), n = new R.default(); yield r.encryptBlock(n); const o = new Array(31); for (let c = 0; c < 31; c++) o[c] = n.clone(), n.dbl(); - const i = o[0].clone(), f = 1 & i.data[M.default.SIZE - 1]; - for (let c = M.default.SIZE - 1; c > 0; c--) { - const h = P.select(1 & i.data[c - 1], 128, 0); + const i = o[0].clone(), f = 1 & i.data[R.default.SIZE - 1]; + for (let c = R.default.SIZE - 1; c > 0; c--) { + const h = A.select(1 & i.data[c - 1], 128, 0); i.data[c] = i.data[c] >>> 1 | h; } - return i.data[0] >>>= 1, i.data[0] ^= P.select(f, 128, 0), i.data[M.default.SIZE - 1] ^= P.select(f, M.default.R >>> 1, 0), new t(r, o, i); + return i.data[0] >>>= 1, i.data[0] ^= A.select(f, 128, 0), i.data[R.default.SIZE - 1] ^= A.select(f, R.default.R >>> 1, 0), new t(r, o, i); }); } reset() { @@ -10586,10 +10924,10 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this._finished) throw new Error("pmac: already finished"); - const s = M.default.SIZE - this._bufferPos; + const s = R.default.SIZE - this._bufferPos; let r = 0, n = u.length; - for (n > s && (this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(0, s), this._bufferPos), r += s, n -= s, yield this._processBuffer()); n > M.default.SIZE; ) - this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(r, r + M.default.SIZE)), r += M.default.SIZE, n -= M.default.SIZE, yield this._processBuffer(); + for (n > s && (this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(0, s), this._bufferPos), r += s, n -= s, yield this._processBuffer()); n > R.default.SIZE; ) + this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(r, r + R.default.SIZE)), r += R.default.SIZE, n -= R.default.SIZE, yield this._processBuffer(); return n > 0 && (this._buffer.data.set(u.slice(r, r + n), this._bufferPos), this._bufferPos += n), this; }); } @@ -10597,18 +10935,18 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this._finished) throw new Error("pmac: already finished"); - return this._bufferPos === M.default.SIZE ? (a.xor(this._tag.data, this._buffer.data), a.xor(this._tag.data, this._LInv.data)) : (a.xor(this._tag.data, this._buffer.data.slice(0, this._bufferPos)), this._tag.data[this._bufferPos] ^= 128), yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._tag), this._finished = !0, this._tag.clone().data; + return this._bufferPos === R.default.SIZE ? (a.xor(this._tag.data, this._buffer.data), a.xor(this._tag.data, this._LInv.data)) : (a.xor(this._tag.data, this._buffer.data.slice(0, this._bufferPos)), this._tag.data[this._bufferPos] ^= 128), yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._tag), this._finished = !0, this._tag.clone().data; }); } _processBuffer() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - a.xor(this._offset.data, this._L[y.ctz(this._counter + 1)].data), a.xor(this._buffer.data, this._offset.data), this._counter++, yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer), a.xor(this._tag.data, this._buffer.data), this._bufferPos = 0; + a.xor(this._offset.data, this._L[w.ctz(this._counter + 1)].data), a.xor(this._buffer.data, this._offset.data), this._counter++, yield this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer), a.xor(this._tag.data, this._buffer.data), this._bufferPos = 0; }); } } e.PMAC = t; - }, 3511: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(y, a, t, d) { + }, 3511: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(w, a, t, d) { return new (t || (t = Promise))(function(u, s) { function r(i) { try { @@ -10629,92 +10967,92 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; f(i.value); }).then(r, n); } - o((d = d.apply(y, a || [])).next()); + o((d = d.apply(w, a || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(4274), P = b(3056); + const R = y(4274), A = y(3056); e.PolyfillCryptoProvider = class { constructor() { } - importBlockCipherKey(y) { + importBlockCipherKey(w) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return new M.default(y); + return new R.default(w); }); } - importCTRKey(y) { + importCTRKey(w) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return new P.default(new M.default(y)); + return new A.default(new R.default(w)); }); } }; - }, 4274: (J, e, b) => { + }, 4274: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const E = b(3082), M = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47]), P = new Uint8Array([99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118, 202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192, 183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204, 52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21, 4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154, 7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117, 9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160, 82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132, 83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91, 106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207, 208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133, 69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168, 81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245, 188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210, 205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23, 196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115, 96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136, 70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219, 224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, 194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121, 231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169, 108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8, 186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138, 112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14, 97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158, 225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223, 140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104, 65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22]), y = new Uint8Array([82, 9, 106, 213, 48, 54, 165, 56, 191, 64, 163, 158, 129, 243, 215, 251, 124, 227, 57, 130, 155, 47, 255, 135, 52, 142, 67, 68, 196, 222, 233, 203, 84, 123, 148, 50, 166, 194, 35, 61, 238, 76, 149, 11, 66, 250, 195, 78, 8, 46, 161, 102, 40, 217, 36, 178, 118, 91, 162, 73, 109, 139, 209, 37, 114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152, 22, 212, 164, 92, 204, 93, 101, 182, 146, 108, 112, 72, 80, 253, 237, 185, 218, 94, 21, 70, 87, 167, 141, 157, 132, 144, 216, 171, 0, 140, 188, 211, 10, 247, 228, 88, 5, 184, 179, 69, 6, 208, 44, 30, 143, 202, 63, 15, 2, 193, 175, 189, 3, 1, 19, 138, 107, 58, 145, 17, 65, 79, 103, 220, 234, 151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115, 150, 172, 116, 34, 231, 173, 53, 133, 226, 249, 55, 232, 28, 117, 223, 110, 71, 241, 26, 113, 29, 41, 197, 137, 111, 183, 98, 14, 170, 24, 190, 27, 252, 86, 62, 75, 198, 210, 121, 32, 154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205, 90, 244, 31, 221, 168, 51, 136, 7, 199, 49, 177, 18, 16, 89, 39, 128, 236, 95, 96, 81, 127, 169, 25, 181, 74, 13, 45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239, 160, 224, 59, 77, 174, 42, 245, 176, 200, 235, 187, 60, 131, 83, 153, 97, 23, 43, 4, 126, 186, 119, 214, 38, 225, 105, 20, 99, 85, 33, 12, 125]); + const E = y(3082), R = new Uint8Array([1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 27, 54, 108, 216, 171, 77, 154, 47]), A = new Uint8Array([99, 124, 119, 123, 242, 107, 111, 197, 48, 1, 103, 43, 254, 215, 171, 118, 202, 130, 201, 125, 250, 89, 71, 240, 173, 212, 162, 175, 156, 164, 114, 192, 183, 253, 147, 38, 54, 63, 247, 204, 52, 165, 229, 241, 113, 216, 49, 21, 4, 199, 35, 195, 24, 150, 5, 154, 7, 18, 128, 226, 235, 39, 178, 117, 9, 131, 44, 26, 27, 110, 90, 160, 82, 59, 214, 179, 41, 227, 47, 132, 83, 209, 0, 237, 32, 252, 177, 91, 106, 203, 190, 57, 74, 76, 88, 207, 208, 239, 170, 251, 67, 77, 51, 133, 69, 249, 2, 127, 80, 60, 159, 168, 81, 163, 64, 143, 146, 157, 56, 245, 188, 182, 218, 33, 16, 255, 243, 210, 205, 12, 19, 236, 95, 151, 68, 23, 196, 167, 126, 61, 100, 93, 25, 115, 96, 129, 79, 220, 34, 42, 144, 136, 70, 238, 184, 20, 222, 94, 11, 219, 224, 50, 58, 10, 73, 6, 36, 92, 194, 211, 172, 98, 145, 149, 228, 121, 231, 200, 55, 109, 141, 213, 78, 169, 108, 86, 244, 234, 101, 122, 174, 8, 186, 120, 37, 46, 28, 166, 180, 198, 232, 221, 116, 31, 75, 189, 139, 138, 112, 62, 181, 102, 72, 3, 246, 14, 97, 53, 87, 185, 134, 193, 29, 158, 225, 248, 152, 17, 105, 217, 142, 148, 155, 30, 135, 233, 206, 85, 40, 223, 140, 161, 137, 13, 191, 230, 66, 104, 65, 153, 45, 15, 176, 84, 187, 22]), w = new Uint8Array([82, 9, 106, 213, 48, 54, 165, 56, 191, 64, 163, 158, 129, 243, 215, 251, 124, 227, 57, 130, 155, 47, 255, 135, 52, 142, 67, 68, 196, 222, 233, 203, 84, 123, 148, 50, 166, 194, 35, 61, 238, 76, 149, 11, 66, 250, 195, 78, 8, 46, 161, 102, 40, 217, 36, 178, 118, 91, 162, 73, 109, 139, 209, 37, 114, 248, 246, 100, 134, 104, 152, 22, 212, 164, 92, 204, 93, 101, 182, 146, 108, 112, 72, 80, 253, 237, 185, 218, 94, 21, 70, 87, 167, 141, 157, 132, 144, 216, 171, 0, 140, 188, 211, 10, 247, 228, 88, 5, 184, 179, 69, 6, 208, 44, 30, 143, 202, 63, 15, 2, 193, 175, 189, 3, 1, 19, 138, 107, 58, 145, 17, 65, 79, 103, 220, 234, 151, 242, 207, 206, 240, 180, 230, 115, 150, 172, 116, 34, 231, 173, 53, 133, 226, 249, 55, 232, 28, 117, 223, 110, 71, 241, 26, 113, 29, 41, 197, 137, 111, 183, 98, 14, 170, 24, 190, 27, 252, 86, 62, 75, 198, 210, 121, 32, 154, 219, 192, 254, 120, 205, 90, 244, 31, 221, 168, 51, 136, 7, 199, 49, 177, 18, 16, 89, 39, 128, 236, 95, 96, 81, 127, 169, 25, 181, 74, 13, 45, 229, 122, 159, 147, 201, 156, 239, 160, 224, 59, 77, 174, 42, 245, 176, 200, 235, 187, 60, 131, 83, 153, 97, 23, 43, 4, 126, 186, 119, 214, 38, 225, 105, 20, 99, 85, 33, 12, 125]); let a, t, d, u, s, r, n, o, i = !1; function f(m, v = 0) { return (m[v] << 24 | m[v + 1] << 16 | m[v + 2] << 8 | m[v + 3]) >>> 0; } - function c(m, v = new Uint8Array(4), C = 0) { - return v[C + 0] = m >>> 24, v[C + 1] = m >>> 16, v[C + 2] = m >>> 8, v[C + 3] = m >>> 0, v; + function c(m, v = new Uint8Array(4), I = 0) { + return v[I + 0] = m >>> 24, v[I + 1] = m >>> 16, v[I + 2] = m >>> 8, v[I + 3] = m >>> 0, v; } function h(m) { - return P[m >>> 24 & 255] << 24 | P[m >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | P[m >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | P[255 & m]; + return A[m >>> 24 & 255] << 24 | A[m >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | A[m >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | A[255 & m]; } e.default = class { constructor(m) { if (i || function() { - function v(l, I) { - let R = l, k = I, N = 0; - for (let A = 1; A < 256 && k !== 0; A <<= 1) - k & A && (N ^= R, k ^= A), R <<= 1, 256 & R && (R ^= 283); - return N; + function v(l, j) { + let N = l, S = j, T = 0; + for (let x = 1; x < 256 && S !== 0; x <<= 1) + S & x && (T ^= N, S ^= x), N <<= 1, 256 & N && (N ^= 283); + return T; } - const C = (l) => l << 24 | l >>> 8; + const I = (l) => l << 24 | l >>> 8; a = new Uint32Array(256), t = new Uint32Array(256), d = new Uint32Array(256), u = new Uint32Array(256); for (let l = 0; l < 256; l++) { - const I = P[l]; - let R = v(I, 2) << 24 | I << 16 | I << 8 | v(I, 3); - a[l] = R, R = C(R), t[l] = R, R = C(R), d[l] = R, R = C(R), u[l] = R, R = C(R); + const j = A[l]; + let N = v(j, 2) << 24 | j << 16 | j << 8 | v(j, 3); + a[l] = N, N = I(N), t[l] = N, N = I(N), d[l] = N, N = I(N), u[l] = N, N = I(N); } s = new Uint32Array(256), r = new Uint32Array(256), n = new Uint32Array(256), o = new Uint32Array(256); for (let l = 0; l < 256; l++) { - const I = y[l]; - let R = v(I, 14) << 24 | v(I, 9) << 16 | v(I, 13) << 8 | v(I, 11); - s[l] = R, R = C(R), r[l] = R, R = C(R), n[l] = R, R = C(R), o[l] = R, R = C(R); + const j = w[l]; + let N = v(j, 14) << 24 | v(j, 9) << 16 | v(j, 13) << 8 | v(j, 11); + s[l] = N, N = I(N), r[l] = N, N = I(N), n[l] = N, N = I(N), o[l] = N, N = I(N); } i = !0; }(), m.length !== 16 && m.length !== 32) throw new Error(`Miscreant: invalid key length: ${m.length} (expected 16 or 32 bytes)`); this._encKey = function(v) { - const C = new Uint32Array(v.length + 28), l = v.length / 4 | 0, I = C.length; - for (let k = 0; k < l; k++) - C[k] = f(v, 4 * k); - for (let k = l; k < I; k++) { - let N = C[k - 1]; - k % l == 0 ? N = h((R = N) << 8 | R >>> 24) ^ M[k / l - 1] << 24 : l > 6 && k % l == 4 && (N = h(N)), C[k] = C[k - l] ^ N; + const I = new Uint32Array(v.length + 28), l = v.length / 4 | 0, j = I.length; + for (let S = 0; S < l; S++) + I[S] = f(v, 4 * S); + for (let S = l; S < j; S++) { + let T = I[S - 1]; + S % l == 0 ? T = h((N = T) << 8 | N >>> 24) ^ R[S / l - 1] << 24 : l > 6 && S % l == 4 && (T = h(T)), I[S] = I[S - l] ^ T; } - var R; - return C; + var N; + return I; }(m), this._emptyPromise = Promise.resolve(this); } clear() { return this._encKey && E.wipe(this._encKey), this; } encryptBlock(m) { - const v = m.data, C = m.data; - let l = f(v, 0), I = f(v, 4), R = f(v, 8), k = f(v, 12); - l ^= this._encKey[0], I ^= this._encKey[1], R ^= this._encKey[2], k ^= this._encKey[3]; - let N = 0, A = 0, w = 0, _ = 0; + const v = m.data, I = m.data; + let l = f(v, 0), j = f(v, 4), N = f(v, 8), S = f(v, 12); + l ^= this._encKey[0], j ^= this._encKey[1], N ^= this._encKey[2], S ^= this._encKey[3]; + let T = 0, x = 0, k = 0, b = 0; const p = this._encKey.length / 4 - 2; - let O = 4; - for (let U = 0; U < p; U++) - N = this._encKey[O + 0] ^ a[l >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[I >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[R >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & k], A = this._encKey[O + 1] ^ a[I >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[R >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[k >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & l], w = this._encKey[O + 2] ^ a[R >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[k >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[l >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & I], _ = this._encKey[O + 3] ^ a[k >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[l >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[I >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & R], O += 4, l = N, I = A, R = w, k = _; - return l = P[N >>> 24] << 24 | P[A >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | P[w >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | P[255 & _], I = P[A >>> 24] << 24 | P[w >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | P[_ >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | P[255 & N], R = P[w >>> 24] << 24 | P[_ >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | P[N >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | P[255 & A], k = P[_ >>> 24] << 24 | P[N >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | P[A >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | P[255 & w], l ^= this._encKey[O + 0], I ^= this._encKey[O + 1], R ^= this._encKey[O + 2], k ^= this._encKey[O + 3], c(l, C, 0), c(I, C, 4), c(R, C, 8), c(k, C, 12), this._emptyPromise; + let P = 4; + for (let B = 0; B < p; B++) + T = this._encKey[P + 0] ^ a[l >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[j >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[N >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & S], x = this._encKey[P + 1] ^ a[j >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[N >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[S >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & l], k = this._encKey[P + 2] ^ a[N >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[S >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[l >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & j], b = this._encKey[P + 3] ^ a[S >>> 24 & 255] ^ t[l >>> 16 & 255] ^ d[j >>> 8 & 255] ^ u[255 & N], P += 4, l = T, j = x, N = k, S = b; + return l = A[T >>> 24] << 24 | A[x >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | A[k >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | A[255 & b], j = A[x >>> 24] << 24 | A[k >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | A[b >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | A[255 & T], N = A[k >>> 24] << 24 | A[b >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | A[T >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | A[255 & x], S = A[b >>> 24] << 24 | A[T >>> 16 & 255] << 16 | A[x >>> 8 & 255] << 8 | A[255 & k], l ^= this._encKey[P + 0], j ^= this._encKey[P + 1], N ^= this._encKey[P + 2], S ^= this._encKey[P + 3], c(l, I, 0), c(j, I, 4), c(N, I, 8), c(S, I, 12), this._emptyPromise; } }; - }, 3056: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(y, a, t, d) { + }, 3056: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(w, a, t, d) { return new (t || (t = Promise))(function(u, s) { function r(i) { try { @@ -10735,37 +11073,37 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; f(i.value); }).then(r, n); } - o((d = d.apply(y, a || [])).next()); + o((d = d.apply(w, a || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(3618); - function P(y) { + const R = y(3618); + function A(w) { let a = 1; - for (let t = M.default.SIZE - 1; t >= 0; t--) - a += 255 & y.data[t] | 0, y.data[t] = 255 & a, a >>>= 8; + for (let t = R.default.SIZE - 1; t >= 0; t--) + a += 255 & w.data[t] | 0, w.data[t] = 255 & a, a >>>= 8; } e.default = class { - constructor(y) { - this._cipher = y, this._counter = new M.default(), this._buffer = new M.default(); + constructor(w) { + this._cipher = w, this._counter = new R.default(), this._buffer = new R.default(); } clear() { return this._buffer.clear(), this._counter.clear(), this._cipher.clear(), this; } - encryptCtr(y, a) { + encryptCtr(w, a) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - if (y.length !== M.default.SIZE) + if (w.length !== R.default.SIZE) throw new Error("CTR: iv length must be equal to cipher block size"); - this._counter.data.set(y); - let t = M.default.SIZE; + this._counter.data.set(w); + let t = R.default.SIZE; const d = new Uint8Array(a.length); for (let u = 0; u < a.length; u++) - t === M.default.SIZE && (this._buffer.copy(this._counter), this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer), t = 0, P(this._counter)), d[u] = a[u] ^ this._buffer.data[t++]; + t === R.default.SIZE && (this._buffer.copy(this._counter), this._cipher.encryptBlock(this._buffer), t = 0, A(this._counter)), d[u] = a[u] ^ this._buffer.data[t++]; return d; }); } }; - }, 3555: function(J, e, b) { + }, 3555: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { @@ -10791,28 +11129,28 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(4870), P = b(2695), y = b(1530); + const R = y(4870), A = y(2695), w = y(1530); e.WebCryptoProvider = class { constructor(a = window.crypto) { this.crypto = a; } importBlockCipherKey(a) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return P.default.importKey(this.crypto, a); + return A.default.importKey(this.crypto, a); }); } importCTRKey(a) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { - return yield y.default.importKey(this.crypto, a); + return yield w.default.importKey(this.crypto, a); } catch (t) { - throw t.message.includes("unsupported") ? new M.NotImplementedError("WebCryptoProvider: AES-CTR unsupported. Use PolyfillCryptoProvider.") : t; + throw t.message.includes("unsupported") ? new R.NotImplementedError("WebCryptoProvider: AES-CTR unsupported. Use PolyfillCryptoProvider.") : t; } }); } }; - }, 2695: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(y, a, t, d) { + }, 2695: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(w, a, t, d) { return new (t || (t = Promise))(function(u, s) { function r(i) { try { @@ -10833,21 +11171,21 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; f(i.value); }).then(r, n); } - o((d = d.apply(y, a || [])).next()); + o((d = d.apply(w, a || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(3618); - class P { + const R = y(3618); + class A { constructor(a, t) { - this._crypto = a, this._key = t, this._iv = new M.default(), this._emptyPromise = Promise.resolve(this); + this._crypto = a, this._key = t, this._iv = new R.default(), this._emptyPromise = Promise.resolve(this); } static importKey(a, t) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (t.length !== 16 && t.length !== 32) throw new Error(`Miscreant: invalid key length: ${t.length} (expected 16 or 32 bytes)`); const d = yield a.subtle.importKey("raw", t, "AES-CBC", !1, ["encrypt"]); - return new P(a, d); + return new A(a, d); }); } clear() { @@ -10856,14 +11194,14 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; encryptBlock(a) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const t = { name: "AES-CBC", iv: this._iv.data }, d = yield this._crypto.subtle.encrypt(t, this._key, a.data); - return a.data.set(new Uint8Array(d, 0, M.default.SIZE)), this._emptyPromise; + return a.data.set(new Uint8Array(d, 0, R.default.SIZE)), this._emptyPromise; }); } } - e.default = P; + e.default = A; }, 1530: function(J, e) { - var b = this && this.__awaiter || function(M, P, y, a) { - return new (y || (y = Promise))(function(t, d) { + var y = this && this.__awaiter || function(R, A, w, a) { + return new (w || (w = Promise))(function(t, d) { function u(n) { try { r(a.next(n)); @@ -10879,29 +11217,29 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } } function r(n) { - n.done ? t(n.value) : new y(function(o) { + n.done ? t(n.value) : new w(function(o) { o(n.value); }).then(u, s); } - r((a = a.apply(M, P || [])).next()); + r((a = a.apply(R, A || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); class E { - constructor(P, y) { - this.key = P, this.crypto = y; - } - static importKey(P, y) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - if (y.length !== 16 && y.length !== 32) - throw new Error(`Miscreant: invalid key length: ${y.length} (expected 16 or 32 bytes)`); - const a = yield P.subtle.importKey("raw", y, "AES-CTR", !1, ["encrypt"]); - return new E(a, P); + constructor(A, w) { + this.key = A, this.crypto = w; + } + static importKey(A, w) { + return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if (w.length !== 16 && w.length !== 32) + throw new Error(`Miscreant: invalid key length: ${w.length} (expected 16 or 32 bytes)`); + const a = yield A.subtle.importKey("raw", w, "AES-CTR", !1, ["encrypt"]); + return new E(a, A); }); } - encryptCtr(P, y) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const a = yield this.crypto.subtle.encrypt({ name: "AES-CTR", counter: P, length: 16 }, this.key, y); + encryptCtr(A, w) { + return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const a = yield this.crypto.subtle.encrypt({ name: "AES-CTR", counter: A, length: 16 }, this.key, w); return new Uint8Array(a); }); } @@ -10910,33 +11248,33 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } } e.default = E; - }, 8982: function(J, e, b) { + }, 8982: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(o, i, f, c) { return new (f || (f = Promise))(function(h, m) { - function v(I) { + function v(j) { try { - l(c.next(I)); - } catch (R) { - m(R); + l(c.next(j)); + } catch (N) { + m(N); } } - function C(I) { + function I(j) { try { - l(c.throw(I)); - } catch (R) { - m(R); + l(c.throw(j)); + } catch (N) { + m(N); } } - function l(I) { - I.done ? h(I.value) : new f(function(R) { - R(I.value); - }).then(v, C); + function l(j) { + j.done ? h(j.value) : new f(function(N) { + N(j.value); + }).then(v, I); } l((c = c.apply(o, i || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(8877), P = b(3082), y = b(4080), a = b(4870), t = b(3618), d = b(8572), u = b(8462), s = b(3555); + const R = y(8877), A = y(3082), w = y(4080), a = y(4870), t = y(3618), d = y(8572), u = y(8462), s = y(3555); e.MAX_ASSOCIATED_DATA = 126; class r { static importKey(i, f, c = new s.WebCryptoProvider()) { @@ -10956,8 +11294,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; default: throw new a.NotImplementedError(`Miscreant: algorithm not supported: ${f}`); } - const C = yield c.importCTRKey(m); - return new r(v, C); + const I = yield c.importCTRKey(m); + return new r(v, I); }); } constructor(i, f) { @@ -10980,8 +11318,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; const c = i.subarray(0, t.default.SIZE), h = this._tmp1.data; h.set(c), n(h); const m = yield this._ctr.encryptCtr(h, i.subarray(t.default.SIZE)), v = yield this._s2v(f, m); - if (!M.equal(v, c)) - throw P.wipe(m), new a.IntegrityError("AES-SIV: ciphertext verification failure!"); + if (!R.equal(v, c)) + throw A.wipe(m), new a.IntegrityError("AES-SIV: ciphertext verification failure!"); return m; }); } @@ -10992,13 +11330,13 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { this._mac.reset(), this._tmp1.clear(), yield this._mac.update(this._tmp1.data), this._tmp2.clear(), this._tmp2.data.set(yield this._mac.finish()), this._mac.reset(); for (const c of i) - yield this._mac.update(c), this._tmp1.clear(), this._tmp1.data.set(yield this._mac.finish()), this._mac.reset(), this._tmp2.dbl(), y.xor(this._tmp2.data, this._tmp1.data); + yield this._mac.update(c), this._tmp1.clear(), this._tmp1.data.set(yield this._mac.finish()), this._mac.reset(), this._tmp2.dbl(), w.xor(this._tmp2.data, this._tmp1.data); if (this._tmp1.clear(), f.length >= t.default.SIZE) { const c = f.length - t.default.SIZE; this._tmp1.data.set(f.subarray(c)), yield this._mac.update(f.subarray(0, c)); } else this._tmp1.data.set(f), this._tmp1.data[f.length] = 128, this._tmp2.dbl(); - return y.xor(this._tmp1.data, this._tmp2.data), yield this._mac.update(this._tmp1.data), this._mac.finish(); + return w.xor(this._tmp1.data, this._tmp2.data), yield this._mac.update(this._tmp1.data), this._mac.finish(); }); } } @@ -11006,7 +11344,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; o[o.length - 8] &= 127, o[o.length - 4] &= 127; } e.SIV = r; - }, 8711: function(J, e, b) { + }, 8711: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { return new (s || (s = Promise))(function(n, o) { function i(h) { @@ -11032,12 +11370,12 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - const M = b(45), P = b(3555); + const R = y(45), A = y(3555); e.NONCE_SIZE = 8, e.LAST_BLOCK_FLAG = 1, e.COUNTER_MAX = 4294967295; - class y { - static importKey(u, s, r, n = new P.WebCryptoProvider()) { + class w { + static importKey(u, s, r, n = new A.WebCryptoProvider()) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return new y(yield M.AEAD.importKey(u, r, n), s); + return new w(yield R.AEAD.importKey(u, r, n), s); }); } constructor(u, s) { @@ -11052,11 +11390,11 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return this._aead.clear(), this; } } - e.StreamEncryptor = y; + e.StreamEncryptor = w; class a { - static importKey(u, s, r, n = new P.WebCryptoProvider()) { + static importKey(u, s, r, n = new A.WebCryptoProvider()) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return new a(yield M.AEAD.importKey(u, r, n), s); + return new a(yield R.AEAD.importKey(u, r, n), s); }); } constructor(u, s) { @@ -11089,32 +11427,32 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } } }, 4244: (J) => { - var e = function(b) { - return b != b; + var e = function(y) { + return y != y; }; - J.exports = function(b, E) { - return b === 0 && E === 0 ? 1 / b == 1 / E : b === E || !(!e(b) || !e(E)); + J.exports = function(y, E) { + return y === 0 && E === 0 ? 1 / y == 1 / E : y === E || !(!e(y) || !e(E)); }; - }, 609: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4289), M = b(5559), P = b(4244), y = b(5624), a = b(2281), t = M(y(), Object); - E(t, { getPolyfill: y, implementation: P, shim: a }), J.exports = t; - }, 5624: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4244); + }, 609: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4289), R = y(5559), A = y(4244), w = y(5624), a = y(2281), t = R(w(), Object); + E(t, { getPolyfill: w, implementation: A, shim: a }), J.exports = t; + }, 5624: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4244); J.exports = function() { return typeof Object.is == "function" ? Object.is : E; }; - }, 2281: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5624), M = b(4289); + }, 2281: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5624), R = y(4289); J.exports = function() { - var P = E(); - return M(Object, { is: P }, { is: function() { - return Object.is !== P; - } }), P; + var A = E(); + return R(Object, { is: A }, { is: function() { + return Object.is !== A; + } }), A; }; - }, 8987: (J, e, b) => { + }, 8987: (J, e, y) => { var E; if (!Object.keys) { - var M = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, P = Object.prototype.toString, y = b(1414), a = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, t = !a.call({ toString: null }, "toString"), d = a.call(function() { + var R = Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty, A = Object.prototype.toString, w = y(1414), a = Object.prototype.propertyIsEnumerable, t = !a.call({ toString: null }, "toString"), d = a.call(function() { }, "prototype"), u = ["toString", "toLocaleString", "valueOf", "hasOwnProperty", "isPrototypeOf", "propertyIsEnumerable", "constructor"], s = function(o) { var i = o.constructor; return i && i.prototype === o; @@ -11123,7 +11461,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return !1; for (var o in window) try { - if (!r["$" + o] && M.call(window, o) && window[o] !== null && typeof window[o] == "object") + if (!r["$" + o] && R.call(window, o) && window[o] !== null && typeof window[o] == "object") try { s(window[o]); } catch { @@ -11135,95 +11473,95 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return !1; }(); E = function(o) { - var i = o !== null && typeof o == "object", f = P.call(o) === "[object Function]", c = y(o), h = i && P.call(o) === "[object String]", m = []; + var i = o !== null && typeof o == "object", f = A.call(o) === "[object Function]", c = w(o), h = i && A.call(o) === "[object String]", m = []; if (!i && !f && !c) throw new TypeError("Object.keys called on a non-object"); var v = d && f; - if (h && o.length > 0 && !M.call(o, 0)) - for (var C = 0; C < o.length; ++C) - m.push(String(C)); + if (h && o.length > 0 && !R.call(o, 0)) + for (var I = 0; I < o.length; ++I) + m.push(String(I)); if (c && o.length > 0) for (var l = 0; l < o.length; ++l) m.push(String(l)); else - for (var I in o) - v && I === "prototype" || !M.call(o, I) || m.push(String(I)); + for (var j in o) + v && j === "prototype" || !R.call(o, j) || m.push(String(j)); if (t) - for (var R = function(N) { + for (var N = function(T) { if (typeof window > "u" || !n) - return s(N); + return s(T); try { - return s(N); + return s(T); } catch { return !1; } - }(o), k = 0; k < u.length; ++k) - R && u[k] === "constructor" || !M.call(o, u[k]) || m.push(u[k]); + }(o), S = 0; S < u.length; ++S) + N && u[S] === "constructor" || !R.call(o, u[S]) || m.push(u[S]); return m; }; } J.exports = E; - }, 2215: (J, e, b) => { - var E = Array.prototype.slice, M = b(1414), P = Object.keys, y = P ? function(t) { - return P(t); - } : b(8987), a = Object.keys; - y.shim = function() { + }, 2215: (J, e, y) => { + var E = Array.prototype.slice, R = y(1414), A = Object.keys, w = A ? function(t) { + return A(t); + } : y(8987), a = Object.keys; + w.shim = function() { if (Object.keys) { var t = function() { var d = Object.keys(arguments); return d && d.length === arguments.length; }(1, 2); t || (Object.keys = function(d) { - return M(d) ? a(E.call(d)) : a(d); + return R(d) ? a(E.call(d)) : a(d); }); } else - Object.keys = y; - return Object.keys || y; - }, J.exports = y; + Object.keys = w; + return Object.keys || w; + }, J.exports = w; }, 1414: (J) => { var e = Object.prototype.toString; - J.exports = function(b) { - var E = e.call(b), M = E === "[object Arguments]"; - return M || (M = E !== "[object Array]" && b !== null && typeof b == "object" && typeof b.length == "number" && b.length >= 0 && e.call(b.callee) === "[object Function]"), M; - }; - }, 9591: (J, e, b) => { - const { Deflate: E, deflate: M, deflateRaw: P, gzip: y } = b(4555), { Inflate: a, inflate: t, inflateRaw: d, ungzip: u } = b(8843), s = b(1619); - J.exports.Deflate = E, J.exports.deflate = M, J.exports.deflateRaw = P, J.exports.gzip = y, J.exports.Inflate = a, J.exports.inflate = t, J.exports.inflateRaw = d, J.exports.ungzip = u, J.exports.constants = s; - }, 4555: (J, e, b) => { - const E = b(405), M = b(4236), P = b(9373), y = b(8898), a = b(2292), t = Object.prototype.toString, { Z_NO_FLUSH: d, Z_SYNC_FLUSH: u, Z_FULL_FLUSH: s, Z_FINISH: r, Z_OK: n, Z_STREAM_END: o, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: i, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: f, Z_DEFLATED: c } = b(1619); + J.exports = function(y) { + var E = e.call(y), R = E === "[object Arguments]"; + return R || (R = E !== "[object Array]" && y !== null && typeof y == "object" && typeof y.length == "number" && y.length >= 0 && e.call(y.callee) === "[object Function]"), R; + }; + }, 9591: (J, e, y) => { + const { Deflate: E, deflate: R, deflateRaw: A, gzip: w } = y(4555), { Inflate: a, inflate: t, inflateRaw: d, ungzip: u } = y(8843), s = y(1619); + J.exports.Deflate = E, J.exports.deflate = R, J.exports.deflateRaw = A, J.exports.gzip = w, J.exports.Inflate = a, J.exports.inflate = t, J.exports.inflateRaw = d, J.exports.ungzip = u, J.exports.constants = s; + }, 4555: (J, e, y) => { + const E = y(405), R = y(4236), A = y(9373), w = y(8898), a = y(2292), t = Object.prototype.toString, { Z_NO_FLUSH: d, Z_SYNC_FLUSH: u, Z_FULL_FLUSH: s, Z_FINISH: r, Z_OK: n, Z_STREAM_END: o, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: i, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: f, Z_DEFLATED: c } = y(1619); function h(v) { - this.options = M.assign({ level: i, method: c, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: f }, v || {}); - let C = this.options; - C.raw && C.windowBits > 0 ? C.windowBits = -C.windowBits : C.gzip && C.windowBits > 0 && C.windowBits < 16 && (C.windowBits += 16), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new a(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; - let l = E.deflateInit2(this.strm, C.level, C.method, C.windowBits, C.memLevel, C.strategy); + this.options = R.assign({ level: i, method: c, chunkSize: 16384, windowBits: 15, memLevel: 8, strategy: f }, v || {}); + let I = this.options; + I.raw && I.windowBits > 0 ? I.windowBits = -I.windowBits : I.gzip && I.windowBits > 0 && I.windowBits < 16 && (I.windowBits += 16), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new a(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; + let l = E.deflateInit2(this.strm, I.level, I.method, I.windowBits, I.memLevel, I.strategy); if (l !== n) - throw new Error(y[l]); - if (C.header && E.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, C.header), C.dictionary) { - let I; - if (I = typeof C.dictionary == "string" ? P.string2buf(C.dictionary) : t.call(C.dictionary) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? new Uint8Array(C.dictionary) : C.dictionary, l = E.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, I), l !== n) - throw new Error(y[l]); + throw new Error(w[l]); + if (I.header && E.deflateSetHeader(this.strm, I.header), I.dictionary) { + let j; + if (j = typeof I.dictionary == "string" ? A.string2buf(I.dictionary) : t.call(I.dictionary) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? new Uint8Array(I.dictionary) : I.dictionary, l = E.deflateSetDictionary(this.strm, j), l !== n) + throw new Error(w[l]); this._dict_set = !0; } } - function m(v, C) { - const l = new h(C); + function m(v, I) { + const l = new h(I); if (l.push(v, !0), l.err) - throw l.msg || y[l.err]; + throw l.msg || w[l.err]; return l.result; } - h.prototype.push = function(v, C) { - const l = this.strm, I = this.options.chunkSize; - let R, k; + h.prototype.push = function(v, I) { + const l = this.strm, j = this.options.chunkSize; + let N, S; if (this.ended) return !1; - for (k = C === ~~C ? C : C === !0 ? r : d, typeof v == "string" ? l.input = P.string2buf(v) : t.call(v) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? l.input = new Uint8Array(v) : l.input = v, l.next_in = 0, l.avail_in = l.input.length; ; ) - if (l.avail_out === 0 && (l.output = new Uint8Array(I), l.next_out = 0, l.avail_out = I), (k === u || k === s) && l.avail_out <= 6) + for (S = I === ~~I ? I : I === !0 ? r : d, typeof v == "string" ? l.input = A.string2buf(v) : t.call(v) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? l.input = new Uint8Array(v) : l.input = v, l.next_in = 0, l.avail_in = l.input.length; ; ) + if (l.avail_out === 0 && (l.output = new Uint8Array(j), l.next_out = 0, l.avail_out = j), (S === u || S === s) && l.avail_out <= 6) this.onData(l.output.subarray(0, l.next_out)), l.avail_out = 0; else { - if (R = E.deflate(l, k), R === o) - return l.next_out > 0 && this.onData(l.output.subarray(0, l.next_out)), R = E.deflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(R), this.ended = !0, R === n; + if (N = E.deflate(l, S), N === o) + return l.next_out > 0 && this.onData(l.output.subarray(0, l.next_out)), N = E.deflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(N), this.ended = !0, N === n; if (l.avail_out !== 0) { - if (k > 0 && l.next_out > 0) + if (S > 0 && l.next_out > 0) this.onData(l.output.subarray(0, l.next_out)), l.avail_out = 0; else if (l.avail_in === 0) break; @@ -11234,54 +11572,54 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, h.prototype.onData = function(v) { this.chunks.push(v); }, h.prototype.onEnd = function(v) { - v === n && (this.result = M.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = v, this.msg = this.strm.msg; - }, J.exports.Deflate = h, J.exports.deflate = m, J.exports.deflateRaw = function(v, C) { - return (C = C || {}).raw = !0, m(v, C); - }, J.exports.gzip = function(v, C) { - return (C = C || {}).gzip = !0, m(v, C); - }, J.exports.constants = b(1619); - }, 8843: (J, e, b) => { - const E = b(6351), M = b(4236), P = b(9373), y = b(8898), a = b(2292), t = b(188), d = Object.prototype.toString, { Z_NO_FLUSH: u, Z_FINISH: s, Z_OK: r, Z_STREAM_END: n, Z_NEED_DICT: o, Z_STREAM_ERROR: i, Z_DATA_ERROR: f, Z_MEM_ERROR: c } = b(1619); + v === n && (this.result = R.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = v, this.msg = this.strm.msg; + }, J.exports.Deflate = h, J.exports.deflate = m, J.exports.deflateRaw = function(v, I) { + return (I = I || {}).raw = !0, m(v, I); + }, J.exports.gzip = function(v, I) { + return (I = I || {}).gzip = !0, m(v, I); + }, J.exports.constants = y(1619); + }, 8843: (J, e, y) => { + const E = y(6351), R = y(4236), A = y(9373), w = y(8898), a = y(2292), t = y(188), d = Object.prototype.toString, { Z_NO_FLUSH: u, Z_FINISH: s, Z_OK: r, Z_STREAM_END: n, Z_NEED_DICT: o, Z_STREAM_ERROR: i, Z_DATA_ERROR: f, Z_MEM_ERROR: c } = y(1619); function h(v) { - this.options = M.assign({ chunkSize: 65536, windowBits: 15, to: "" }, v || {}); - const C = this.options; - C.raw && C.windowBits >= 0 && C.windowBits < 16 && (C.windowBits = -C.windowBits, C.windowBits === 0 && (C.windowBits = -15)), !(C.windowBits >= 0 && C.windowBits < 16) || v && v.windowBits || (C.windowBits += 32), C.windowBits > 15 && C.windowBits < 48 && !(15 & C.windowBits) && (C.windowBits |= 15), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new a(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; - let l = E.inflateInit2(this.strm, C.windowBits); + this.options = R.assign({ chunkSize: 65536, windowBits: 15, to: "" }, v || {}); + const I = this.options; + I.raw && I.windowBits >= 0 && I.windowBits < 16 && (I.windowBits = -I.windowBits, I.windowBits === 0 && (I.windowBits = -15)), !(I.windowBits >= 0 && I.windowBits < 16) || v && v.windowBits || (I.windowBits += 32), I.windowBits > 15 && I.windowBits < 48 && !(15 & I.windowBits) && (I.windowBits |= 15), this.err = 0, this.msg = "", this.ended = !1, this.chunks = [], this.strm = new a(), this.strm.avail_out = 0; + let l = E.inflateInit2(this.strm, I.windowBits); if (l !== r) - throw new Error(y[l]); - if (this.header = new t(), E.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header), C.dictionary && (typeof C.dictionary == "string" ? C.dictionary = P.string2buf(C.dictionary) : d.call(C.dictionary) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" && (C.dictionary = new Uint8Array(C.dictionary)), C.raw && (l = E.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, C.dictionary), l !== r))) - throw new Error(y[l]); + throw new Error(w[l]); + if (this.header = new t(), E.inflateGetHeader(this.strm, this.header), I.dictionary && (typeof I.dictionary == "string" ? I.dictionary = A.string2buf(I.dictionary) : d.call(I.dictionary) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" && (I.dictionary = new Uint8Array(I.dictionary)), I.raw && (l = E.inflateSetDictionary(this.strm, I.dictionary), l !== r))) + throw new Error(w[l]); } - function m(v, C) { - const l = new h(C); + function m(v, I) { + const l = new h(I); if (l.push(v), l.err) - throw l.msg || y[l.err]; + throw l.msg || w[l.err]; return l.result; } - h.prototype.push = function(v, C) { - const l = this.strm, I = this.options.chunkSize, R = this.options.dictionary; - let k, N, A; + h.prototype.push = function(v, I) { + const l = this.strm, j = this.options.chunkSize, N = this.options.dictionary; + let S, T, x; if (this.ended) return !1; - for (N = C === ~~C ? C : C === !0 ? s : u, d.call(v) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? l.input = new Uint8Array(v) : l.input = v, l.next_in = 0, l.avail_in = l.input.length; ; ) { - for (l.avail_out === 0 && (l.output = new Uint8Array(I), l.next_out = 0, l.avail_out = I), k = E.inflate(l, N), k === o && R && (k = E.inflateSetDictionary(l, R), k === r ? k = E.inflate(l, N) : k === f && (k = o)); l.avail_in > 0 && k === n && l.state.wrap > 0 && v[l.next_in] !== 0; ) - E.inflateReset(l), k = E.inflate(l, N); - switch (k) { + for (T = I === ~~I ? I : I === !0 ? s : u, d.call(v) === "[object ArrayBuffer]" ? l.input = new Uint8Array(v) : l.input = v, l.next_in = 0, l.avail_in = l.input.length; ; ) { + for (l.avail_out === 0 && (l.output = new Uint8Array(j), l.next_out = 0, l.avail_out = j), S = E.inflate(l, T), S === o && N && (S = E.inflateSetDictionary(l, N), S === r ? S = E.inflate(l, T) : S === f && (S = o)); l.avail_in > 0 && S === n && l.state.wrap > 0 && v[l.next_in] !== 0; ) + E.inflateReset(l), S = E.inflate(l, T); + switch (S) { case i: case f: case o: case c: - return this.onEnd(k), this.ended = !0, !1; + return this.onEnd(S), this.ended = !0, !1; } - if (A = l.avail_out, l.next_out && (l.avail_out === 0 || k === n)) + if (x = l.avail_out, l.next_out && (l.avail_out === 0 || S === n)) if (this.options.to === "string") { - let w = P.utf8border(l.output, l.next_out), _ = l.next_out - w, p = P.buf2string(l.output, w); - l.next_out = _, l.avail_out = I - _, _ && l.output.set(l.output.subarray(w, w + _), 0), this.onData(p); + let k = A.utf8border(l.output, l.next_out), b = l.next_out - k, p = A.buf2string(l.output, k); + l.next_out = b, l.avail_out = j - b, b && l.output.set(l.output.subarray(k, k + b), 0), this.onData(p); } else this.onData(l.output.length === l.next_out ? l.output : l.output.subarray(0, l.next_out)); - if (k !== r || A !== 0) { - if (k === n) - return k = E.inflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(k), this.ended = !0, !0; + if (S !== r || x !== 0) { + if (S === n) + return S = E.inflateEnd(this.strm), this.onEnd(S), this.ended = !0, !0; if (l.avail_in === 0) break; } @@ -11290,34 +11628,34 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, h.prototype.onData = function(v) { this.chunks.push(v); }, h.prototype.onEnd = function(v) { - v === r && (this.options.to === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = M.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = v, this.msg = this.strm.msg; - }, J.exports.Inflate = h, J.exports.inflate = m, J.exports.inflateRaw = function(v, C) { - return (C = C || {}).raw = !0, m(v, C); - }, J.exports.ungzip = m, J.exports.constants = b(1619); + v === r && (this.options.to === "string" ? this.result = this.chunks.join("") : this.result = R.flattenChunks(this.chunks)), this.chunks = [], this.err = v, this.msg = this.strm.msg; + }, J.exports.Inflate = h, J.exports.inflate = m, J.exports.inflateRaw = function(v, I) { + return (I = I || {}).raw = !0, m(v, I); + }, J.exports.ungzip = m, J.exports.constants = y(1619); }, 4236: (J) => { - const e = (b, E) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, E); - J.exports.assign = function(b) { + const e = (y, E) => Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y, E); + J.exports.assign = function(y) { const E = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments, 1); for (; E.length; ) { - const M = E.shift(); - if (M) { - if (typeof M != "object") - throw new TypeError(M + "must be non-object"); - for (const P in M) - e(M, P) && (b[P] = M[P]); + const R = E.shift(); + if (R) { + if (typeof R != "object") + throw new TypeError(R + "must be non-object"); + for (const A in R) + e(R, A) && (y[A] = R[A]); } } - return b; - }, J.exports.flattenChunks = (b) => { + return y; + }, J.exports.flattenChunks = (y) => { let E = 0; - for (let P = 0, y = b.length; P < y; P++) - E += b[P].length; - const M = new Uint8Array(E); - for (let P = 0, y = 0, a = b.length; P < a; P++) { - let t = b[P]; - M.set(t, y), y += t.length; + for (let A = 0, w = y.length; A < w; A++) + E += y[A].length; + const R = new Uint8Array(E); + for (let A = 0, w = 0, a = y.length; A < a; A++) { + let t = y[A]; + R.set(t, w), w += t.length; } - return M; + return R; }; }, 9373: (J) => { let e = !0; @@ -11326,36 +11664,36 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } catch { e = !1; } - const b = new Uint8Array(256); + const y = new Uint8Array(256); for (let E = 0; E < 256; E++) - b[E] = E >= 252 ? 6 : E >= 248 ? 5 : E >= 240 ? 4 : E >= 224 ? 3 : E >= 192 ? 2 : 1; - b[254] = b[254] = 1, J.exports.string2buf = (E) => { + y[E] = E >= 252 ? 6 : E >= 248 ? 5 : E >= 240 ? 4 : E >= 224 ? 3 : E >= 192 ? 2 : 1; + y[254] = y[254] = 1, J.exports.string2buf = (E) => { if (typeof TextEncoder == "function" && TextEncoder.prototype.encode) return new TextEncoder().encode(E); - let M, P, y, a, t, d = E.length, u = 0; + let R, A, w, a, t, d = E.length, u = 0; for (a = 0; a < d; a++) - P = E.charCodeAt(a), (64512 & P) == 55296 && a + 1 < d && (y = E.charCodeAt(a + 1), (64512 & y) == 56320 && (P = 65536 + (P - 55296 << 10) + (y - 56320), a++)), u += P < 128 ? 1 : P < 2048 ? 2 : P < 65536 ? 3 : 4; - for (M = new Uint8Array(u), t = 0, a = 0; t < u; a++) - P = E.charCodeAt(a), (64512 & P) == 55296 && a + 1 < d && (y = E.charCodeAt(a + 1), (64512 & y) == 56320 && (P = 65536 + (P - 55296 << 10) + (y - 56320), a++)), P < 128 ? M[t++] = P : P < 2048 ? (M[t++] = 192 | P >>> 6, M[t++] = 128 | 63 & P) : P < 65536 ? (M[t++] = 224 | P >>> 12, M[t++] = 128 | P >>> 6 & 63, M[t++] = 128 | 63 & P) : (M[t++] = 240 | P >>> 18, M[t++] = 128 | P >>> 12 & 63, M[t++] = 128 | P >>> 6 & 63, M[t++] = 128 | 63 & P); - return M; - }, J.exports.buf2string = (E, M) => { - const P = M || E.length; + A = E.charCodeAt(a), (64512 & A) == 55296 && a + 1 < d && (w = E.charCodeAt(a + 1), (64512 & w) == 56320 && (A = 65536 + (A - 55296 << 10) + (w - 56320), a++)), u += A < 128 ? 1 : A < 2048 ? 2 : A < 65536 ? 3 : 4; + for (R = new Uint8Array(u), t = 0, a = 0; t < u; a++) + A = E.charCodeAt(a), (64512 & A) == 55296 && a + 1 < d && (w = E.charCodeAt(a + 1), (64512 & w) == 56320 && (A = 65536 + (A - 55296 << 10) + (w - 56320), a++)), A < 128 ? R[t++] = A : A < 2048 ? (R[t++] = 192 | A >>> 6, R[t++] = 128 | 63 & A) : A < 65536 ? (R[t++] = 224 | A >>> 12, R[t++] = 128 | A >>> 6 & 63, R[t++] = 128 | 63 & A) : (R[t++] = 240 | A >>> 18, R[t++] = 128 | A >>> 12 & 63, R[t++] = 128 | A >>> 6 & 63, R[t++] = 128 | 63 & A); + return R; + }, J.exports.buf2string = (E, R) => { + const A = R || E.length; if (typeof TextDecoder == "function" && TextDecoder.prototype.decode) - return new TextDecoder().decode(E.subarray(0, M)); - let y, a; - const t = new Array(2 * P); - for (a = 0, y = 0; y < P; ) { - let d = E[y++]; + return new TextDecoder().decode(E.subarray(0, R)); + let w, a; + const t = new Array(2 * A); + for (a = 0, w = 0; w < A; ) { + let d = E[w++]; if (d < 128) { t[a++] = d; continue; } - let u = b[d]; + let u = y[d]; if (u > 4) - t[a++] = 65533, y += u - 1; + t[a++] = 65533, w += u - 1; else { - for (d &= u === 2 ? 31 : u === 3 ? 15 : 7; u > 1 && y < P; ) - d = d << 6 | 63 & E[y++], u--; + for (d &= u === 2 ? 31 : u === 3 ? 15 : 7; u > 1 && w < A; ) + d = d << 6 | 63 & E[w++], u--; u > 1 ? t[a++] = 65533 : d < 65536 ? t[a++] = d : (d -= 65536, t[a++] = 55296 | d >> 10 & 1023, t[a++] = 56320 | 1023 & d); } } @@ -11367,335 +11705,335 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; s += String.fromCharCode(d[r]); return s; })(t, a); - }, J.exports.utf8border = (E, M) => { - (M = M || E.length) > E.length && (M = E.length); - let P = M - 1; - for (; P >= 0 && (192 & E[P]) == 128; ) - P--; - return P < 0 || P === 0 ? M : P + b[E[P]] > M ? P : M; + }, J.exports.utf8border = (E, R) => { + (R = R || E.length) > E.length && (R = E.length); + let A = R - 1; + for (; A >= 0 && (192 & E[A]) == 128; ) + A--; + return A < 0 || A === 0 ? R : A + y[E[A]] > R ? A : R; }; }, 6069: (J) => { - J.exports = (e, b, E, M) => { - let P = 65535 & e | 0, y = e >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, a = 0; + J.exports = (e, y, E, R) => { + let A = 65535 & e | 0, w = e >>> 16 & 65535 | 0, a = 0; for (; E !== 0; ) { a = E > 2e3 ? 2e3 : E, E -= a; do - P = P + b[M++] | 0, y = y + P | 0; + A = A + y[R++] | 0, w = w + A | 0; while (--a); - P %= 65521, y %= 65521; + A %= 65521, w %= 65521; } - return P | y << 16 | 0; + return A | w << 16 | 0; }; }, 1619: (J) => { J.exports = { Z_NO_FLUSH: 0, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: 1, Z_SYNC_FLUSH: 2, Z_FULL_FLUSH: 3, Z_FINISH: 4, Z_BLOCK: 5, Z_TREES: 6, Z_OK: 0, Z_STREAM_END: 1, Z_NEED_DICT: 2, Z_ERRNO: -1, Z_STREAM_ERROR: -2, Z_DATA_ERROR: -3, Z_MEM_ERROR: -4, Z_BUF_ERROR: -5, Z_NO_COMPRESSION: 0, Z_BEST_SPEED: 1, Z_BEST_COMPRESSION: 9, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: -1, Z_FILTERED: 1, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: 2, Z_RLE: 3, Z_FIXED: 4, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: 0, Z_BINARY: 0, Z_TEXT: 1, Z_UNKNOWN: 2, Z_DEFLATED: 8 }; }, 2869: (J) => { const e = new Uint32Array((() => { - let b, E = []; - for (var M = 0; M < 256; M++) { - b = M; - for (var P = 0; P < 8; P++) - b = 1 & b ? 3988292384 ^ b >>> 1 : b >>> 1; - E[M] = b; + let y, E = []; + for (var R = 0; R < 256; R++) { + y = R; + for (var A = 0; A < 8; A++) + y = 1 & y ? 3988292384 ^ y >>> 1 : y >>> 1; + E[R] = y; } return E; })()); - J.exports = (b, E, M, P) => { - const y = e, a = P + M; - b ^= -1; - for (let t = P; t < a; t++) - b = b >>> 8 ^ y[255 & (b ^ E[t])]; - return -1 ^ b; - }; - }, 405: (J, e, b) => { - const { _tr_init: E, _tr_stored_block: M, _tr_flush_block: P, _tr_tally: y, _tr_align: a } = b(342), t = b(6069), d = b(2869), u = b(8898), { Z_NO_FLUSH: s, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: r, Z_FULL_FLUSH: n, Z_FINISH: o, Z_BLOCK: i, Z_OK: f, Z_STREAM_END: c, Z_STREAM_ERROR: h, Z_DATA_ERROR: m, Z_BUF_ERROR: v, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: C, Z_FILTERED: l, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: I, Z_RLE: R, Z_FIXED: k, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: N, Z_UNKNOWN: A, Z_DEFLATED: w } = b(1619), _ = 258, p = 262, O = 103, U = 113, T = 666, z = (W, g) => (W.msg = u[g], g), te = (W) => (W << 1) - (W > 4 ? 9 : 0), X = (W) => { - let g = W.length; - for (; --g >= 0; ) - W[g] = 0; - }; - let ne = (W, g, S) => (g << W.hash_shift ^ S) & W.hash_mask; - const B = (W) => { - const g = W.state; - let S = g.pending; - S > W.avail_out && (S = W.avail_out), S !== 0 && (W.output.set(g.pending_buf.subarray(g.pending_out, g.pending_out + S), W.next_out), W.next_out += S, g.pending_out += S, W.total_out += S, W.avail_out -= S, g.pending -= S, g.pending === 0 && (g.pending_out = 0)); - }, Q = (W, g) => { - P(W, W.block_start >= 0 ? W.block_start : -1, W.strstart - W.block_start, g), W.block_start = W.strstart, B(W.strm); - }, V = (W, g) => { - W.pending_buf[W.pending++] = g; - }, ee = (W, g) => { - W.pending_buf[W.pending++] = g >>> 8 & 255, W.pending_buf[W.pending++] = 255 & g; - }, K = (W, g, S, x) => { - let j = W.avail_in; - return j > x && (j = x), j === 0 ? 0 : (W.avail_in -= j, g.set(W.input.subarray(W.next_in, W.next_in + j), S), W.state.wrap === 1 ? W.adler = t(W.adler, g, j, S) : W.state.wrap === 2 && (W.adler = d(W.adler, g, j, S)), W.next_in += j, W.total_in += j, j); - }, Y = (W, g) => { - let S, x, j = W.max_chain_length, D = W.strstart, L = W.prev_length, F = W.nice_match; - const re = W.strstart > W.w_size - p ? W.strstart - (W.w_size - p) : 0, oe = W.window, G = W.w_mask, Z = W.prev, H = W.strstart + _; - let $ = oe[D + L - 1], ie = oe[D + L]; - W.prev_length >= W.good_match && (j >>= 2), F > W.lookahead && (F = W.lookahead); + J.exports = (y, E, R, A) => { + const w = e, a = A + R; + y ^= -1; + for (let t = A; t < a; t++) + y = y >>> 8 ^ w[255 & (y ^ E[t])]; + return -1 ^ y; + }; + }, 405: (J, e, y) => { + const { _tr_init: E, _tr_stored_block: R, _tr_flush_block: A, _tr_tally: w, _tr_align: a } = y(342), t = y(6069), d = y(2869), u = y(8898), { Z_NO_FLUSH: s, Z_PARTIAL_FLUSH: r, Z_FULL_FLUSH: n, Z_FINISH: o, Z_BLOCK: i, Z_OK: f, Z_STREAM_END: c, Z_STREAM_ERROR: h, Z_DATA_ERROR: m, Z_BUF_ERROR: v, Z_DEFAULT_COMPRESSION: I, Z_FILTERED: l, Z_HUFFMAN_ONLY: j, Z_RLE: N, Z_FIXED: S, Z_DEFAULT_STRATEGY: T, Z_UNKNOWN: x, Z_DEFLATED: k } = y(1619), b = 258, p = 262, P = 103, B = 113, C = 666, L = (G, _) => (G.msg = u[_], _), re = (G) => (G << 1) - (G > 4 ? 9 : 0), ee = (G) => { + let _ = G.length; + for (; --_ >= 0; ) + G[_] = 0; + }; + let oe = (G, _, O) => (_ << G.hash_shift ^ O) & G.hash_mask; + const D = (G) => { + const _ = G.state; + let O = _.pending; + O > G.avail_out && (O = G.avail_out), O !== 0 && (G.output.set(_.pending_buf.subarray(_.pending_out, _.pending_out + O), G.next_out), G.next_out += O, _.pending_out += O, G.total_out += O, G.avail_out -= O, _.pending -= O, _.pending === 0 && (_.pending_out = 0)); + }, Z = (G, _) => { + A(G, G.block_start >= 0 ? G.block_start : -1, G.strstart - G.block_start, _), G.block_start = G.strstart, D(G.strm); + }, H = (G, _) => { + G.pending_buf[G.pending++] = _; + }, te = (G, _) => { + G.pending_buf[G.pending++] = _ >>> 8 & 255, G.pending_buf[G.pending++] = 255 & _; + }, Q = (G, _, O, M) => { + let U = G.avail_in; + return U > M && (U = M), U === 0 ? 0 : (G.avail_in -= U, _.set(G.input.subarray(G.next_in, G.next_in + U), O), G.state.wrap === 1 ? G.adler = t(G.adler, _, U, O) : G.state.wrap === 2 && (G.adler = d(G.adler, _, U, O)), G.next_in += U, G.total_in += U, U); + }, X = (G, _) => { + let O, M, U = G.max_chain_length, z = G.strstart, q = G.prev_length, W = G.nice_match; + const ne = G.strstart > G.w_size - p ? G.strstart - (G.w_size - p) : 0, ie = G.window, V = G.w_mask, Y = G.prev, $ = G.strstart + b; + let K = ie[z + q - 1], ae = ie[z + q]; + G.prev_length >= G.good_match && (U >>= 2), W > G.lookahead && (W = G.lookahead); do - if (S = g, oe[S + L] === ie && oe[S + L - 1] === $ && oe[S] === oe[D] && oe[++S] === oe[D + 1]) { - D += 2, S++; + if (O = _, ie[O + q] === ae && ie[O + q - 1] === K && ie[O] === ie[z] && ie[++O] === ie[z + 1]) { + z += 2, O++; do ; - while (oe[++D] === oe[++S] && oe[++D] === oe[++S] && oe[++D] === oe[++S] && oe[++D] === oe[++S] && oe[++D] === oe[++S] && oe[++D] === oe[++S] && oe[++D] === oe[++S] && oe[++D] === oe[++S] && D < H); - if (x = _ - (H - D), D = H - _, x > L) { - if (W.match_start = g, L = x, x >= F) + while (ie[++z] === ie[++O] && ie[++z] === ie[++O] && ie[++z] === ie[++O] && ie[++z] === ie[++O] && ie[++z] === ie[++O] && ie[++z] === ie[++O] && ie[++z] === ie[++O] && ie[++z] === ie[++O] && z < $); + if (M = b - ($ - z), z = $ - b, M > q) { + if (G.match_start = _, q = M, M >= W) break; - $ = oe[D + L - 1], ie = oe[D + L]; + K = ie[z + q - 1], ae = ie[z + q]; } } - while ((g = Z[g & G]) > re && --j != 0); - return L <= W.lookahead ? L : W.lookahead; - }, q = (W) => { - const g = W.w_size; - let S, x, j, D, L; + while ((_ = Y[_ & V]) > ne && --U != 0); + return q <= G.lookahead ? q : G.lookahead; + }, F = (G) => { + const _ = G.w_size; + let O, M, U, z, q; do { - if (D = W.window_size - W.lookahead - W.strstart, W.strstart >= g + (g - p)) { - W.window.set(W.window.subarray(g, g + g), 0), W.match_start -= g, W.strstart -= g, W.block_start -= g, x = W.hash_size, S = x; + if (z = G.window_size - G.lookahead - G.strstart, G.strstart >= _ + (_ - p)) { + G.window.set(G.window.subarray(_, _ + _), 0), G.match_start -= _, G.strstart -= _, G.block_start -= _, M = G.hash_size, O = M; do - j = W.head[--S], W.head[S] = j >= g ? j - g : 0; - while (--x); - x = g, S = x; + U = G.head[--O], G.head[O] = U >= _ ? U - _ : 0; + while (--M); + M = _, O = M; do - j = W.prev[--S], W.prev[S] = j >= g ? j - g : 0; - while (--x); - D += g; + U = G.prev[--O], G.prev[O] = U >= _ ? U - _ : 0; + while (--M); + z += _; } - if (W.strm.avail_in === 0) + if (G.strm.avail_in === 0) break; - if (x = K(W.strm, W.window, W.strstart + W.lookahead, D), W.lookahead += x, W.lookahead + W.insert >= 3) - for (L = W.strstart - W.insert, W.ins_h = W.window[L], W.ins_h = ne(W, W.ins_h, W.window[L + 1]); W.insert && (W.ins_h = ne(W, W.ins_h, W.window[L + 3 - 1]), W.prev[L & W.w_mask] = W.head[W.ins_h], W.head[W.ins_h] = L, L++, W.insert--, !(W.lookahead + W.insert < 3)); ) + if (M = Q(G.strm, G.window, G.strstart + G.lookahead, z), G.lookahead += M, G.lookahead + G.insert >= 3) + for (q = G.strstart - G.insert, G.ins_h = G.window[q], G.ins_h = oe(G, G.ins_h, G.window[q + 1]); G.insert && (G.ins_h = oe(G, G.ins_h, G.window[q + 3 - 1]), G.prev[q & G.w_mask] = G.head[G.ins_h], G.head[G.ins_h] = q, q++, G.insert--, !(G.lookahead + G.insert < 3)); ) ; - } while (W.lookahead < p && W.strm.avail_in !== 0); - }, ae = (W, g) => { - let S, x; + } while (G.lookahead < p && G.strm.avail_in !== 0); + }, se = (G, _) => { + let O, M; for (; ; ) { - if (W.lookahead < p) { - if (q(W), W.lookahead < p && g === s) + if (G.lookahead < p) { + if (F(G), G.lookahead < p && _ === s) return 1; - if (W.lookahead === 0) + if (G.lookahead === 0) break; } - if (S = 0, W.lookahead >= 3 && (W.ins_h = ne(W, W.ins_h, W.window[W.strstart + 3 - 1]), S = W.prev[W.strstart & W.w_mask] = W.head[W.ins_h], W.head[W.ins_h] = W.strstart), S !== 0 && W.strstart - S <= W.w_size - p && (W.match_length = Y(W, S)), W.match_length >= 3) - if (x = y(W, W.strstart - W.match_start, W.match_length - 3), W.lookahead -= W.match_length, W.match_length <= W.max_lazy_match && W.lookahead >= 3) { - W.match_length--; + if (O = 0, G.lookahead >= 3 && (G.ins_h = oe(G, G.ins_h, G.window[G.strstart + 3 - 1]), O = G.prev[G.strstart & G.w_mask] = G.head[G.ins_h], G.head[G.ins_h] = G.strstart), O !== 0 && G.strstart - O <= G.w_size - p && (G.match_length = X(G, O)), G.match_length >= 3) + if (M = w(G, G.strstart - G.match_start, G.match_length - 3), G.lookahead -= G.match_length, G.match_length <= G.max_lazy_match && G.lookahead >= 3) { + G.match_length--; do - W.strstart++, W.ins_h = ne(W, W.ins_h, W.window[W.strstart + 3 - 1]), S = W.prev[W.strstart & W.w_mask] = W.head[W.ins_h], W.head[W.ins_h] = W.strstart; - while (--W.match_length != 0); - W.strstart++; + G.strstart++, G.ins_h = oe(G, G.ins_h, G.window[G.strstart + 3 - 1]), O = G.prev[G.strstart & G.w_mask] = G.head[G.ins_h], G.head[G.ins_h] = G.strstart; + while (--G.match_length != 0); + G.strstart++; } else - W.strstart += W.match_length, W.match_length = 0, W.ins_h = W.window[W.strstart], W.ins_h = ne(W, W.ins_h, W.window[W.strstart + 1]); + G.strstart += G.match_length, G.match_length = 0, G.ins_h = G.window[G.strstart], G.ins_h = oe(G, G.ins_h, G.window[G.strstart + 1]); else - x = y(W, 0, W.window[W.strstart]), W.lookahead--, W.strstart++; - if (x && (Q(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0)) + M = w(G, 0, G.window[G.strstart]), G.lookahead--, G.strstart++; + if (M && (Z(G, !1), G.strm.avail_out === 0)) return 1; } - return W.insert = W.strstart < 2 ? W.strstart : 2, g === o ? (Q(W, !0), W.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : W.last_lit && (Q(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; - }, de = (W, g) => { - let S, x, j; + return G.insert = G.strstart < 2 ? G.strstart : 2, _ === o ? (Z(G, !0), G.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : G.last_lit && (Z(G, !1), G.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; + }, ue = (G, _) => { + let O, M, U; for (; ; ) { - if (W.lookahead < p) { - if (q(W), W.lookahead < p && g === s) + if (G.lookahead < p) { + if (F(G), G.lookahead < p && _ === s) return 1; - if (W.lookahead === 0) + if (G.lookahead === 0) break; } - if (S = 0, W.lookahead >= 3 && (W.ins_h = ne(W, W.ins_h, W.window[W.strstart + 3 - 1]), S = W.prev[W.strstart & W.w_mask] = W.head[W.ins_h], W.head[W.ins_h] = W.strstart), W.prev_length = W.match_length, W.prev_match = W.match_start, W.match_length = 2, S !== 0 && W.prev_length < W.max_lazy_match && W.strstart - S <= W.w_size - p && (W.match_length = Y(W, S), W.match_length <= 5 && (W.strategy === l || W.match_length === 3 && W.strstart - W.match_start > 4096) && (W.match_length = 2)), W.prev_length >= 3 && W.match_length <= W.prev_length) { - j = W.strstart + W.lookahead - 3, x = y(W, W.strstart - 1 - W.prev_match, W.prev_length - 3), W.lookahead -= W.prev_length - 1, W.prev_length -= 2; + if (O = 0, G.lookahead >= 3 && (G.ins_h = oe(G, G.ins_h, G.window[G.strstart + 3 - 1]), O = G.prev[G.strstart & G.w_mask] = G.head[G.ins_h], G.head[G.ins_h] = G.strstart), G.prev_length = G.match_length, G.prev_match = G.match_start, G.match_length = 2, O !== 0 && G.prev_length < G.max_lazy_match && G.strstart - O <= G.w_size - p && (G.match_length = X(G, O), G.match_length <= 5 && (G.strategy === l || G.match_length === 3 && G.strstart - G.match_start > 4096) && (G.match_length = 2)), G.prev_length >= 3 && G.match_length <= G.prev_length) { + U = G.strstart + G.lookahead - 3, M = w(G, G.strstart - 1 - G.prev_match, G.prev_length - 3), G.lookahead -= G.prev_length - 1, G.prev_length -= 2; do - ++W.strstart <= j && (W.ins_h = ne(W, W.ins_h, W.window[W.strstart + 3 - 1]), S = W.prev[W.strstart & W.w_mask] = W.head[W.ins_h], W.head[W.ins_h] = W.strstart); - while (--W.prev_length != 0); - if (W.match_available = 0, W.match_length = 2, W.strstart++, x && (Q(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0)) + ++G.strstart <= U && (G.ins_h = oe(G, G.ins_h, G.window[G.strstart + 3 - 1]), O = G.prev[G.strstart & G.w_mask] = G.head[G.ins_h], G.head[G.ins_h] = G.strstart); + while (--G.prev_length != 0); + if (G.match_available = 0, G.match_length = 2, G.strstart++, M && (Z(G, !1), G.strm.avail_out === 0)) return 1; - } else if (W.match_available) { - if (x = y(W, 0, W.window[W.strstart - 1]), x && Q(W, !1), W.strstart++, W.lookahead--, W.strm.avail_out === 0) + } else if (G.match_available) { + if (M = w(G, 0, G.window[G.strstart - 1]), M && Z(G, !1), G.strstart++, G.lookahead--, G.strm.avail_out === 0) return 1; } else - W.match_available = 1, W.strstart++, W.lookahead--; + G.match_available = 1, G.strstart++, G.lookahead--; } - return W.match_available && (x = y(W, 0, W.window[W.strstart - 1]), W.match_available = 0), W.insert = W.strstart < 2 ? W.strstart : 2, g === o ? (Q(W, !0), W.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : W.last_lit && (Q(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; + return G.match_available && (M = w(G, 0, G.window[G.strstart - 1]), G.match_available = 0), G.insert = G.strstart < 2 ? G.strstart : 2, _ === o ? (Z(G, !0), G.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : G.last_lit && (Z(G, !1), G.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; }; - function ue(W, g, S, x, j) { - this.good_length = W, this.max_lazy = g, this.nice_length = S, this.max_chain = x, this.func = j; + function le(G, _, O, M, U) { + this.good_length = G, this.max_lazy = _, this.nice_length = O, this.max_chain = M, this.func = U; } - const le = [new ue(0, 0, 0, 0, (W, g) => { - let S = 65535; - for (S > W.pending_buf_size - 5 && (S = W.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) { - if (W.lookahead <= 1) { - if (q(W), W.lookahead === 0 && g === s) + const fe = [new le(0, 0, 0, 0, (G, _) => { + let O = 65535; + for (O > G.pending_buf_size - 5 && (O = G.pending_buf_size - 5); ; ) { + if (G.lookahead <= 1) { + if (F(G), G.lookahead === 0 && _ === s) return 1; - if (W.lookahead === 0) + if (G.lookahead === 0) break; } - W.strstart += W.lookahead, W.lookahead = 0; - const x = W.block_start + S; - if ((W.strstart === 0 || W.strstart >= x) && (W.lookahead = W.strstart - x, W.strstart = x, Q(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0) || W.strstart - W.block_start >= W.w_size - p && (Q(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0)) + G.strstart += G.lookahead, G.lookahead = 0; + const M = G.block_start + O; + if ((G.strstart === 0 || G.strstart >= M) && (G.lookahead = G.strstart - M, G.strstart = M, Z(G, !1), G.strm.avail_out === 0) || G.strstart - G.block_start >= G.w_size - p && (Z(G, !1), G.strm.avail_out === 0)) return 1; } - return W.insert = 0, g === o ? (Q(W, !0), W.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : (W.strstart > W.block_start && (Q(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out), 1); - }), new ue(4, 4, 8, 4, ae), new ue(4, 5, 16, 8, ae), new ue(4, 6, 32, 32, ae), new ue(4, 4, 16, 16, de), new ue(8, 16, 32, 32, de), new ue(8, 16, 128, 128, de), new ue(8, 32, 128, 256, de), new ue(32, 128, 258, 1024, de), new ue(32, 258, 258, 4096, de)]; - function ge() { - this.strm = null, this.status = 0, this.pending_buf = null, this.pending_buf_size = 0, this.pending_out = 0, this.pending = 0, this.wrap = 0, this.gzhead = null, this.gzindex = 0, this.method = w, this.last_flush = -1, this.w_size = 0, this.w_bits = 0, this.w_mask = 0, this.window = null, this.window_size = 0, this.prev = null, this.head = null, this.ins_h = 0, this.hash_size = 0, this.hash_bits = 0, this.hash_mask = 0, this.hash_shift = 0, this.block_start = 0, this.match_length = 0, this.prev_match = 0, this.match_available = 0, this.strstart = 0, this.match_start = 0, this.lookahead = 0, this.prev_length = 0, this.max_chain_length = 0, this.max_lazy_match = 0, this.level = 0, this.strategy = 0, this.good_match = 0, this.nice_match = 0, this.dyn_ltree = new Uint16Array(1146), this.dyn_dtree = new Uint16Array(122), this.bl_tree = new Uint16Array(78), X(this.dyn_ltree), X(this.dyn_dtree), X(this.bl_tree), this.l_desc = null, this.d_desc = null, this.bl_desc = null, this.bl_count = new Uint16Array(16), this.heap = new Uint16Array(573), X(this.heap), this.heap_len = 0, this.heap_max = 0, this.depth = new Uint16Array(573), X(this.depth), this.l_buf = 0, this.lit_bufsize = 0, this.last_lit = 0, this.d_buf = 0, this.opt_len = 0, this.static_len = 0, this.matches = 0, this.insert = 0, this.bi_buf = 0, this.bi_valid = 0; - } - const ce = (W) => { - if (!W || !W.state) - return z(W, h); - W.total_in = W.total_out = 0, W.data_type = A; - const g = W.state; - return g.pending = 0, g.pending_out = 0, g.wrap < 0 && (g.wrap = -g.wrap), g.status = g.wrap ? 42 : U, W.adler = g.wrap === 2 ? 0 : 1, g.last_flush = s, E(g), f; - }, he = (W) => { - const g = ce(W); - var S; - return g === f && ((S = W.state).window_size = 2 * S.w_size, X(S.head), S.max_lazy_match = le[S.level].max_lazy, S.good_match = le[S.level].good_length, S.nice_match = le[S.level].nice_length, S.max_chain_length = le[S.level].max_chain, S.strstart = 0, S.block_start = 0, S.lookahead = 0, S.insert = 0, S.match_length = S.prev_length = 2, S.match_available = 0, S.ins_h = 0), g; - }, be = (W, g, S, x, j, D) => { - if (!W) + return G.insert = 0, _ === o ? (Z(G, !0), G.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : (G.strstart > G.block_start && (Z(G, !1), G.strm.avail_out), 1); + }), new le(4, 4, 8, 4, se), new le(4, 5, 16, 8, se), new le(4, 6, 32, 32, se), new le(4, 4, 16, 16, ue), new le(8, 16, 32, 32, ue), new le(8, 16, 128, 128, ue), new le(8, 32, 128, 256, ue), new le(32, 128, 258, 1024, ue), new le(32, 258, 258, 4096, ue)]; + function _e() { + this.strm = null, this.status = 0, this.pending_buf = null, this.pending_buf_size = 0, this.pending_out = 0, this.pending = 0, this.wrap = 0, this.gzhead = null, this.gzindex = 0, this.method = k, this.last_flush = -1, this.w_size = 0, this.w_bits = 0, this.w_mask = 0, this.window = null, this.window_size = 0, this.prev = null, this.head = null, this.ins_h = 0, this.hash_size = 0, this.hash_bits = 0, this.hash_mask = 0, this.hash_shift = 0, this.block_start = 0, this.match_length = 0, this.prev_match = 0, this.match_available = 0, this.strstart = 0, this.match_start = 0, this.lookahead = 0, this.prev_length = 0, this.max_chain_length = 0, this.max_lazy_match = 0, this.level = 0, this.strategy = 0, this.good_match = 0, this.nice_match = 0, this.dyn_ltree = new Uint16Array(1146), this.dyn_dtree = new Uint16Array(122), this.bl_tree = new Uint16Array(78), ee(this.dyn_ltree), ee(this.dyn_dtree), ee(this.bl_tree), this.l_desc = null, this.d_desc = null, this.bl_desc = null, this.bl_count = new Uint16Array(16), this.heap = new Uint16Array(573), ee(this.heap), this.heap_len = 0, this.heap_max = 0, this.depth = new Uint16Array(573), ee(this.depth), this.l_buf = 0, this.lit_bufsize = 0, this.last_lit = 0, this.d_buf = 0, this.opt_len = 0, this.static_len = 0, this.matches = 0, this.insert = 0, this.bi_buf = 0, this.bi_valid = 0; + } + const de = (G) => { + if (!G || !G.state) + return L(G, h); + G.total_in = G.total_out = 0, G.data_type = x; + const _ = G.state; + return _.pending = 0, _.pending_out = 0, _.wrap < 0 && (_.wrap = -_.wrap), _.status = _.wrap ? 42 : B, G.adler = _.wrap === 2 ? 0 : 1, _.last_flush = s, E(_), f; + }, pe = (G) => { + const _ = de(G); + var O; + return _ === f && ((O = G.state).window_size = 2 * O.w_size, ee(O.head), O.max_lazy_match = fe[O.level].max_lazy, O.good_match = fe[O.level].good_length, O.nice_match = fe[O.level].nice_length, O.max_chain_length = fe[O.level].max_chain, O.strstart = 0, O.block_start = 0, O.lookahead = 0, O.insert = 0, O.match_length = O.prev_length = 2, O.match_available = 0, O.ins_h = 0), _; + }, ye = (G, _, O, M, U, z) => { + if (!G) return h; - let L = 1; - if (g === C && (g = 6), x < 0 ? (L = 0, x = -x) : x > 15 && (L = 2, x -= 16), j < 1 || j > 9 || S !== w || x < 8 || x > 15 || g < 0 || g > 9 || D < 0 || D > k) - return z(W, h); - x === 8 && (x = 9); - const F = new ge(); - return W.state = F, F.strm = W, F.wrap = L, F.gzhead = null, F.w_bits = x, F.w_size = 1 << F.w_bits, F.w_mask = F.w_size - 1, F.hash_bits = j + 7, F.hash_size = 1 << F.hash_bits, F.hash_mask = F.hash_size - 1, F.hash_shift = ~~((F.hash_bits + 3 - 1) / 3), F.window = new Uint8Array(2 * F.w_size), F.head = new Uint16Array(F.hash_size), F.prev = new Uint16Array(F.w_size), F.lit_bufsize = 1 << j + 6, F.pending_buf_size = 4 * F.lit_bufsize, F.pending_buf = new Uint8Array(F.pending_buf_size), F.d_buf = 1 * F.lit_bufsize, F.l_buf = 3 * F.lit_bufsize, F.level = g, F.strategy = D, F.method = S, he(W); - }; - J.exports.deflateInit = (W, g) => be(W, g, w, 15, 8, N), J.exports.deflateInit2 = be, J.exports.deflateReset = he, J.exports.deflateResetKeep = ce, J.exports.deflateSetHeader = (W, g) => W && W.state ? W.state.wrap !== 2 ? h : (W.state.gzhead = g, f) : h, J.exports.deflate = (W, g) => { - let S, x; - if (!W || !W.state || g > i || g < 0) - return W ? z(W, h) : h; - const j = W.state; - if (!W.output || !W.input && W.avail_in !== 0 || j.status === T && g !== o) - return z(W, W.avail_out === 0 ? v : h); - j.strm = W; - const D = j.last_flush; - if (j.last_flush = g, j.status === 42) - if (j.wrap === 2) - W.adler = 0, V(j, 31), V(j, 139), V(j, 8), j.gzhead ? (V(j, (j.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (j.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (j.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) + (j.gzhead.name ? 8 : 0) + (j.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)), V(j, 255 & j.gzhead.time), V(j, j.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255), V(j, j.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255), V(j, j.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255), V(j, j.level === 9 ? 2 : j.strategy >= I || j.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), V(j, 255 & j.gzhead.os), j.gzhead.extra && j.gzhead.extra.length && (V(j, 255 & j.gzhead.extra.length), V(j, j.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255)), j.gzhead.hcrc && (W.adler = d(W.adler, j.pending_buf, j.pending, 0)), j.gzindex = 0, j.status = 69) : (V(j, 0), V(j, 0), V(j, 0), V(j, 0), V(j, 0), V(j, j.level === 9 ? 2 : j.strategy >= I || j.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), V(j, 3), j.status = U); + let q = 1; + if (_ === I && (_ = 6), M < 0 ? (q = 0, M = -M) : M > 15 && (q = 2, M -= 16), U < 1 || U > 9 || O !== k || M < 8 || M > 15 || _ < 0 || _ > 9 || z < 0 || z > S) + return L(G, h); + M === 8 && (M = 9); + const W = new _e(); + return G.state = W, W.strm = G, W.wrap = q, W.gzhead = null, W.w_bits = M, W.w_size = 1 << W.w_bits, W.w_mask = W.w_size - 1, W.hash_bits = U + 7, W.hash_size = 1 << W.hash_bits, W.hash_mask = W.hash_size - 1, W.hash_shift = ~~((W.hash_bits + 3 - 1) / 3), W.window = new Uint8Array(2 * W.w_size), W.head = new Uint16Array(W.hash_size), W.prev = new Uint16Array(W.w_size), W.lit_bufsize = 1 << U + 6, W.pending_buf_size = 4 * W.lit_bufsize, W.pending_buf = new Uint8Array(W.pending_buf_size), W.d_buf = 1 * W.lit_bufsize, W.l_buf = 3 * W.lit_bufsize, W.level = _, W.strategy = z, W.method = O, pe(G); + }; + J.exports.deflateInit = (G, _) => ye(G, _, k, 15, 8, T), J.exports.deflateInit2 = ye, J.exports.deflateReset = pe, J.exports.deflateResetKeep = de, J.exports.deflateSetHeader = (G, _) => G && G.state ? G.state.wrap !== 2 ? h : (G.state.gzhead = _, f) : h, J.exports.deflate = (G, _) => { + let O, M; + if (!G || !G.state || _ > i || _ < 0) + return G ? L(G, h) : h; + const U = G.state; + if (!G.output || !G.input && G.avail_in !== 0 || U.status === C && _ !== o) + return L(G, G.avail_out === 0 ? v : h); + U.strm = G; + const z = U.last_flush; + if (U.last_flush = _, U.status === 42) + if (U.wrap === 2) + G.adler = 0, H(U, 31), H(U, 139), H(U, 8), U.gzhead ? (H(U, (U.gzhead.text ? 1 : 0) + (U.gzhead.hcrc ? 2 : 0) + (U.gzhead.extra ? 4 : 0) + (U.gzhead.name ? 8 : 0) + (U.gzhead.comment ? 16 : 0)), H(U, 255 & U.gzhead.time), H(U, U.gzhead.time >> 8 & 255), H(U, U.gzhead.time >> 16 & 255), H(U, U.gzhead.time >> 24 & 255), H(U, U.level === 9 ? 2 : U.strategy >= j || U.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), H(U, 255 & U.gzhead.os), U.gzhead.extra && U.gzhead.extra.length && (H(U, 255 & U.gzhead.extra.length), H(U, U.gzhead.extra.length >> 8 & 255)), U.gzhead.hcrc && (G.adler = d(G.adler, U.pending_buf, U.pending, 0)), U.gzindex = 0, U.status = 69) : (H(U, 0), H(U, 0), H(U, 0), H(U, 0), H(U, 0), H(U, U.level === 9 ? 2 : U.strategy >= j || U.level < 2 ? 4 : 0), H(U, 3), U.status = B); else { - let L = w + (j.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8, F = -1; - F = j.strategy >= I || j.level < 2 ? 0 : j.level < 6 ? 1 : j.level === 6 ? 2 : 3, L |= F << 6, j.strstart !== 0 && (L |= 32), L += 31 - L % 31, j.status = U, ee(j, L), j.strstart !== 0 && (ee(j, W.adler >>> 16), ee(j, 65535 & W.adler)), W.adler = 1; - } - if (j.status === 69) - if (j.gzhead.extra) { - for (S = j.pending; j.gzindex < (65535 & j.gzhead.extra.length) && (j.pending !== j.pending_buf_size || (j.gzhead.hcrc && j.pending > S && (W.adler = d(W.adler, j.pending_buf, j.pending - S, S)), B(W), S = j.pending, j.pending !== j.pending_buf_size)); ) - V(j, 255 & j.gzhead.extra[j.gzindex]), j.gzindex++; - j.gzhead.hcrc && j.pending > S && (W.adler = d(W.adler, j.pending_buf, j.pending - S, S)), j.gzindex === j.gzhead.extra.length && (j.gzindex = 0, j.status = 73); + let q = k + (U.w_bits - 8 << 4) << 8, W = -1; + W = U.strategy >= j || U.level < 2 ? 0 : U.level < 6 ? 1 : U.level === 6 ? 2 : 3, q |= W << 6, U.strstart !== 0 && (q |= 32), q += 31 - q % 31, U.status = B, te(U, q), U.strstart !== 0 && (te(U, G.adler >>> 16), te(U, 65535 & G.adler)), G.adler = 1; + } + if (U.status === 69) + if (U.gzhead.extra) { + for (O = U.pending; U.gzindex < (65535 & U.gzhead.extra.length) && (U.pending !== U.pending_buf_size || (U.gzhead.hcrc && U.pending > O && (G.adler = d(G.adler, U.pending_buf, U.pending - O, O)), D(G), O = U.pending, U.pending !== U.pending_buf_size)); ) + H(U, 255 & U.gzhead.extra[U.gzindex]), U.gzindex++; + U.gzhead.hcrc && U.pending > O && (G.adler = d(G.adler, U.pending_buf, U.pending - O, O)), U.gzindex === U.gzhead.extra.length && (U.gzindex = 0, U.status = 73); } else - j.status = 73; - if (j.status === 73) - if (j.gzhead.name) { - S = j.pending; + U.status = 73; + if (U.status === 73) + if (U.gzhead.name) { + O = U.pending; do { - if (j.pending === j.pending_buf_size && (j.gzhead.hcrc && j.pending > S && (W.adler = d(W.adler, j.pending_buf, j.pending - S, S)), B(W), S = j.pending, j.pending === j.pending_buf_size)) { - x = 1; + if (U.pending === U.pending_buf_size && (U.gzhead.hcrc && U.pending > O && (G.adler = d(G.adler, U.pending_buf, U.pending - O, O)), D(G), O = U.pending, U.pending === U.pending_buf_size)) { + M = 1; break; } - x = j.gzindex < j.gzhead.name.length ? 255 & j.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(j.gzindex++) : 0, V(j, x); - } while (x !== 0); - j.gzhead.hcrc && j.pending > S && (W.adler = d(W.adler, j.pending_buf, j.pending - S, S)), x === 0 && (j.gzindex = 0, j.status = 91); + M = U.gzindex < U.gzhead.name.length ? 255 & U.gzhead.name.charCodeAt(U.gzindex++) : 0, H(U, M); + } while (M !== 0); + U.gzhead.hcrc && U.pending > O && (G.adler = d(G.adler, U.pending_buf, U.pending - O, O)), M === 0 && (U.gzindex = 0, U.status = 91); } else - j.status = 91; - if (j.status === 91) - if (j.gzhead.comment) { - S = j.pending; + U.status = 91; + if (U.status === 91) + if (U.gzhead.comment) { + O = U.pending; do { - if (j.pending === j.pending_buf_size && (j.gzhead.hcrc && j.pending > S && (W.adler = d(W.adler, j.pending_buf, j.pending - S, S)), B(W), S = j.pending, j.pending === j.pending_buf_size)) { - x = 1; + if (U.pending === U.pending_buf_size && (U.gzhead.hcrc && U.pending > O && (G.adler = d(G.adler, U.pending_buf, U.pending - O, O)), D(G), O = U.pending, U.pending === U.pending_buf_size)) { + M = 1; break; } - x = j.gzindex < j.gzhead.comment.length ? 255 & j.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(j.gzindex++) : 0, V(j, x); - } while (x !== 0); - j.gzhead.hcrc && j.pending > S && (W.adler = d(W.adler, j.pending_buf, j.pending - S, S)), x === 0 && (j.status = O); + M = U.gzindex < U.gzhead.comment.length ? 255 & U.gzhead.comment.charCodeAt(U.gzindex++) : 0, H(U, M); + } while (M !== 0); + U.gzhead.hcrc && U.pending > O && (G.adler = d(G.adler, U.pending_buf, U.pending - O, O)), M === 0 && (U.status = P); } else - j.status = O; - if (j.status === O && (j.gzhead.hcrc ? (j.pending + 2 > j.pending_buf_size && B(W), j.pending + 2 <= j.pending_buf_size && (V(j, 255 & W.adler), V(j, W.adler >> 8 & 255), W.adler = 0, j.status = U)) : j.status = U), j.pending !== 0) { - if (B(W), W.avail_out === 0) - return j.last_flush = -1, f; - } else if (W.avail_in === 0 && te(g) <= te(D) && g !== o) - return z(W, v); - if (j.status === T && W.avail_in !== 0) - return z(W, v); - if (W.avail_in !== 0 || j.lookahead !== 0 || g !== s && j.status !== T) { - let L = j.strategy === I ? ((F, re) => { - let oe; + U.status = P; + if (U.status === P && (U.gzhead.hcrc ? (U.pending + 2 > U.pending_buf_size && D(G), U.pending + 2 <= U.pending_buf_size && (H(U, 255 & G.adler), H(U, G.adler >> 8 & 255), G.adler = 0, U.status = B)) : U.status = B), U.pending !== 0) { + if (D(G), G.avail_out === 0) + return U.last_flush = -1, f; + } else if (G.avail_in === 0 && re(_) <= re(z) && _ !== o) + return L(G, v); + if (U.status === C && G.avail_in !== 0) + return L(G, v); + if (G.avail_in !== 0 || U.lookahead !== 0 || _ !== s && U.status !== C) { + let q = U.strategy === j ? ((W, ne) => { + let ie; for (; ; ) { - if (F.lookahead === 0 && (q(F), F.lookahead === 0)) { - if (re === s) + if (W.lookahead === 0 && (F(W), W.lookahead === 0)) { + if (ne === s) return 1; break; } - if (F.match_length = 0, oe = y(F, 0, F.window[F.strstart]), F.lookahead--, F.strstart++, oe && (Q(F, !1), F.strm.avail_out === 0)) + if (W.match_length = 0, ie = w(W, 0, W.window[W.strstart]), W.lookahead--, W.strstart++, ie && (Z(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0)) return 1; } - return F.insert = 0, re === o ? (Q(F, !0), F.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : F.last_lit && (Q(F, !1), F.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; - })(j, g) : j.strategy === R ? ((F, re) => { - let oe, G, Z, H; - const $ = F.window; + return W.insert = 0, ne === o ? (Z(W, !0), W.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : W.last_lit && (Z(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; + })(U, _) : U.strategy === N ? ((W, ne) => { + let ie, V, Y, $; + const K = W.window; for (; ; ) { - if (F.lookahead <= _) { - if (q(F), F.lookahead <= _ && re === s) + if (W.lookahead <= b) { + if (F(W), W.lookahead <= b && ne === s) return 1; - if (F.lookahead === 0) + if (W.lookahead === 0) break; } - if (F.match_length = 0, F.lookahead >= 3 && F.strstart > 0 && (Z = F.strstart - 1, G = $[Z], G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z])) { - H = F.strstart + _; + if (W.match_length = 0, W.lookahead >= 3 && W.strstart > 0 && (Y = W.strstart - 1, V = K[Y], V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y])) { + $ = W.strstart + b; do ; - while (G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && G === $[++Z] && Z < H); - F.match_length = _ - (H - Z), F.match_length > F.lookahead && (F.match_length = F.lookahead); + while (V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && V === K[++Y] && Y < $); + W.match_length = b - ($ - Y), W.match_length > W.lookahead && (W.match_length = W.lookahead); } - if (F.match_length >= 3 ? (oe = y(F, 1, F.match_length - 3), F.lookahead -= F.match_length, F.strstart += F.match_length, F.match_length = 0) : (oe = y(F, 0, F.window[F.strstart]), F.lookahead--, F.strstart++), oe && (Q(F, !1), F.strm.avail_out === 0)) + if (W.match_length >= 3 ? (ie = w(W, 1, W.match_length - 3), W.lookahead -= W.match_length, W.strstart += W.match_length, W.match_length = 0) : (ie = w(W, 0, W.window[W.strstart]), W.lookahead--, W.strstart++), ie && (Z(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0)) return 1; } - return F.insert = 0, re === o ? (Q(F, !0), F.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : F.last_lit && (Q(F, !1), F.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; - })(j, g) : le[j.level].func(j, g); - if (L !== 3 && L !== 4 || (j.status = T), L === 1 || L === 3) - return W.avail_out === 0 && (j.last_flush = -1), f; - if (L === 2 && (g === r ? a(j) : g !== i && (M(j, 0, 0, !1), g === n && (X(j.head), j.lookahead === 0 && (j.strstart = 0, j.block_start = 0, j.insert = 0))), B(W), W.avail_out === 0)) - return j.last_flush = -1, f; - } - return g !== o ? f : j.wrap <= 0 ? c : (j.wrap === 2 ? (V(j, 255 & W.adler), V(j, W.adler >> 8 & 255), V(j, W.adler >> 16 & 255), V(j, W.adler >> 24 & 255), V(j, 255 & W.total_in), V(j, W.total_in >> 8 & 255), V(j, W.total_in >> 16 & 255), V(j, W.total_in >> 24 & 255)) : (ee(j, W.adler >>> 16), ee(j, 65535 & W.adler)), B(W), j.wrap > 0 && (j.wrap = -j.wrap), j.pending !== 0 ? f : c); - }, J.exports.deflateEnd = (W) => { - if (!W || !W.state) + return W.insert = 0, ne === o ? (Z(W, !0), W.strm.avail_out === 0 ? 3 : 4) : W.last_lit && (Z(W, !1), W.strm.avail_out === 0) ? 1 : 2; + })(U, _) : fe[U.level].func(U, _); + if (q !== 3 && q !== 4 || (U.status = C), q === 1 || q === 3) + return G.avail_out === 0 && (U.last_flush = -1), f; + if (q === 2 && (_ === r ? a(U) : _ !== i && (R(U, 0, 0, !1), _ === n && (ee(U.head), U.lookahead === 0 && (U.strstart = 0, U.block_start = 0, U.insert = 0))), D(G), G.avail_out === 0)) + return U.last_flush = -1, f; + } + return _ !== o ? f : U.wrap <= 0 ? c : (U.wrap === 2 ? (H(U, 255 & G.adler), H(U, G.adler >> 8 & 255), H(U, G.adler >> 16 & 255), H(U, G.adler >> 24 & 255), H(U, 255 & G.total_in), H(U, G.total_in >> 8 & 255), H(U, G.total_in >> 16 & 255), H(U, G.total_in >> 24 & 255)) : (te(U, G.adler >>> 16), te(U, 65535 & G.adler)), D(G), U.wrap > 0 && (U.wrap = -U.wrap), U.pending !== 0 ? f : c); + }, J.exports.deflateEnd = (G) => { + if (!G || !G.state) return h; - const g = W.state.status; - return g !== 42 && g !== 69 && g !== 73 && g !== 91 && g !== O && g !== U && g !== T ? z(W, h) : (W.state = null, g === U ? z(W, m) : f); - }, J.exports.deflateSetDictionary = (W, g) => { - let S = g.length; - if (!W || !W.state) + const _ = G.state.status; + return _ !== 42 && _ !== 69 && _ !== 73 && _ !== 91 && _ !== P && _ !== B && _ !== C ? L(G, h) : (G.state = null, _ === B ? L(G, m) : f); + }, J.exports.deflateSetDictionary = (G, _) => { + let O = _.length; + if (!G || !G.state) return h; - const x = W.state, j = x.wrap; - if (j === 2 || j === 1 && x.status !== 42 || x.lookahead) + const M = G.state, U = M.wrap; + if (U === 2 || U === 1 && M.status !== 42 || M.lookahead) return h; - if (j === 1 && (W.adler = t(W.adler, g, S, 0)), x.wrap = 0, S >= x.w_size) { - j === 0 && (X(x.head), x.strstart = 0, x.block_start = 0, x.insert = 0); - let re = new Uint8Array(x.w_size); - re.set(g.subarray(S - x.w_size, S), 0), g = re, S = x.w_size; - } - const D = W.avail_in, L = W.next_in, F = W.input; - for (W.avail_in = S, W.next_in = 0, W.input = g, q(x); x.lookahead >= 3; ) { - let re = x.strstart, oe = x.lookahead - 2; + if (U === 1 && (G.adler = t(G.adler, _, O, 0)), M.wrap = 0, O >= M.w_size) { + U === 0 && (ee(M.head), M.strstart = 0, M.block_start = 0, M.insert = 0); + let ne = new Uint8Array(M.w_size); + ne.set(_.subarray(O - M.w_size, O), 0), _ = ne, O = M.w_size; + } + const z = G.avail_in, q = G.next_in, W = G.input; + for (G.avail_in = O, G.next_in = 0, G.input = _, F(M); M.lookahead >= 3; ) { + let ne = M.strstart, ie = M.lookahead - 2; do - x.ins_h = ne(x, x.ins_h, x.window[re + 3 - 1]), x.prev[re & x.w_mask] = x.head[x.ins_h], x.head[x.ins_h] = re, re++; - while (--oe); - x.strstart = re, x.lookahead = 2, q(x); + M.ins_h = oe(M, M.ins_h, M.window[ne + 3 - 1]), M.prev[ne & M.w_mask] = M.head[M.ins_h], M.head[M.ins_h] = ne, ne++; + while (--ie); + M.strstart = ne, M.lookahead = 2, F(M); } - return x.strstart += x.lookahead, x.block_start = x.strstart, x.insert = x.lookahead, x.lookahead = 0, x.match_length = x.prev_length = 2, x.match_available = 0, W.next_in = L, W.input = F, W.avail_in = D, x.wrap = j, f; + return M.strstart += M.lookahead, M.block_start = M.strstart, M.insert = M.lookahead, M.lookahead = 0, M.match_length = M.prev_length = 2, M.match_available = 0, G.next_in = q, G.input = W, G.avail_in = z, M.wrap = U, f; }, J.exports.deflateInfo = "pako deflate (from Nodeca project)"; }, 188: (J) => { J.exports = function() { this.text = 0, this.time = 0, this.xflags = 0, this.os = 0, this.extra = null, this.extra_len = 0, this.name = "", this.comment = "", this.hcrc = 0, this.done = !1; }; }, 4264: (J) => { - J.exports = function(e, b) { - let E, M, P, y, a, t, d, u, s, r, n, o, i, f, c, h, m, v, C, l, I, R, k, N; - const A = e.state; - E = e.next_in, k = e.input, M = E + (e.avail_in - 5), P = e.next_out, N = e.output, y = P - (b - e.avail_out), a = P + (e.avail_out - 257), t = A.dmax, d = A.wsize, u = A.whave, s = A.wnext, r = A.window, n = A.hold, o = A.bits, i = A.lencode, f = A.distcode, c = (1 << A.lenbits) - 1, h = (1 << A.distbits) - 1; + J.exports = function(e, y) { + let E, R, A, w, a, t, d, u, s, r, n, o, i, f, c, h, m, v, I, l, j, N, S, T; + const x = e.state; + E = e.next_in, S = e.input, R = E + (e.avail_in - 5), A = e.next_out, T = e.output, w = A - (y - e.avail_out), a = A + (e.avail_out - 257), t = x.dmax, d = x.wsize, u = x.whave, s = x.wnext, r = x.window, n = x.hold, o = x.bits, i = x.lencode, f = x.distcode, c = (1 << x.lenbits) - 1, h = (1 << x.distbits) - 1; e: do { - o < 15 && (n += k[E++] << o, o += 8, n += k[E++] << o, o += 8), m = i[n & c]; + o < 15 && (n += S[E++] << o, o += 8, n += S[E++] << o, o += 8), m = i[n & c]; t: for (; ; ) { if (v = m >>> 24, n >>>= v, o -= v, v = m >>> 16 & 255, v === 0) - N[P++] = 65535 & m; + T[A++] = 65535 & m; else { if (!(16 & v)) { if (!(64 & v)) { @@ -11703,13 +12041,13 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; continue t; } if (32 & v) { - A.mode = 12; + x.mode = 12; break e; } - e.msg = "invalid literal/length code", A.mode = 30; + e.msg = "invalid literal/length code", x.mode = 30; break e; } - C = 65535 & m, v &= 15, v && (o < v && (n += k[E++] << o, o += 8), C += n & (1 << v) - 1, n >>>= v, o -= v), o < 15 && (n += k[E++] << o, o += 8, n += k[E++] << o, o += 8), m = f[n & h]; + I = 65535 & m, v &= 15, v && (o < v && (n += S[E++] << o, o += 8), I += n & (1 << v) - 1, n >>>= v, o -= v), o < 15 && (n += S[E++] << o, o += 8, n += S[E++] << o, o += 8), m = f[n & h]; r: for (; ; ) { if (v = m >>> 24, n >>>= v, o -= v, v = m >>> 16 & 255, !(16 & v)) { @@ -11717,608 +12055,608 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; m = f[(65535 & m) + (n & (1 << v) - 1)]; continue r; } - e.msg = "invalid distance code", A.mode = 30; + e.msg = "invalid distance code", x.mode = 30; break e; } - if (l = 65535 & m, v &= 15, o < v && (n += k[E++] << o, o += 8, o < v && (n += k[E++] << o, o += 8)), l += n & (1 << v) - 1, l > t) { - e.msg = "invalid distance too far back", A.mode = 30; + if (l = 65535 & m, v &= 15, o < v && (n += S[E++] << o, o += 8, o < v && (n += S[E++] << o, o += 8)), l += n & (1 << v) - 1, l > t) { + e.msg = "invalid distance too far back", x.mode = 30; break e; } - if (n >>>= v, o -= v, v = P - y, l > v) { - if (v = l - v, v > u && A.sane) { - e.msg = "invalid distance too far back", A.mode = 30; + if (n >>>= v, o -= v, v = A - w, l > v) { + if (v = l - v, v > u && x.sane) { + e.msg = "invalid distance too far back", x.mode = 30; break e; } - if (I = 0, R = r, s === 0) { - if (I += d - v, v < C) { - C -= v; + if (j = 0, N = r, s === 0) { + if (j += d - v, v < I) { + I -= v; do - N[P++] = r[I++]; + T[A++] = r[j++]; while (--v); - I = P - l, R = N; + j = A - l, N = T; } } else if (s < v) { - if (I += d + s - v, v -= s, v < C) { - C -= v; + if (j += d + s - v, v -= s, v < I) { + I -= v; do - N[P++] = r[I++]; + T[A++] = r[j++]; while (--v); - if (I = 0, s < C) { - v = s, C -= v; + if (j = 0, s < I) { + v = s, I -= v; do - N[P++] = r[I++]; + T[A++] = r[j++]; while (--v); - I = P - l, R = N; + j = A - l, N = T; } } - } else if (I += s - v, v < C) { - C -= v; + } else if (j += s - v, v < I) { + I -= v; do - N[P++] = r[I++]; + T[A++] = r[j++]; while (--v); - I = P - l, R = N; + j = A - l, N = T; } - for (; C > 2; ) - N[P++] = R[I++], N[P++] = R[I++], N[P++] = R[I++], C -= 3; - C && (N[P++] = R[I++], C > 1 && (N[P++] = R[I++])); + for (; I > 2; ) + T[A++] = N[j++], T[A++] = N[j++], T[A++] = N[j++], I -= 3; + I && (T[A++] = N[j++], I > 1 && (T[A++] = N[j++])); } else { - I = P - l; + j = A - l; do - N[P++] = N[I++], N[P++] = N[I++], N[P++] = N[I++], C -= 3; - while (C > 2); - C && (N[P++] = N[I++], C > 1 && (N[P++] = N[I++])); + T[A++] = T[j++], T[A++] = T[j++], T[A++] = T[j++], I -= 3; + while (I > 2); + I && (T[A++] = T[j++], I > 1 && (T[A++] = T[j++])); } break; } } break; } - } while (E < M && P < a); - C = o >> 3, E -= C, o -= C << 3, n &= (1 << o) - 1, e.next_in = E, e.next_out = P, e.avail_in = E < M ? M - E + 5 : 5 - (E - M), e.avail_out = P < a ? a - P + 257 : 257 - (P - a), A.hold = n, A.bits = o; + } while (E < R && A < a); + I = o >> 3, E -= I, o -= I << 3, n &= (1 << o) - 1, e.next_in = E, e.next_out = A, e.avail_in = E < R ? R - E + 5 : 5 - (E - R), e.avail_out = A < a ? a - A + 257 : 257 - (A - a), x.hold = n, x.bits = o; }; - }, 6351: (J, e, b) => { - const E = b(6069), M = b(2869), P = b(4264), y = b(9241), { Z_FINISH: a, Z_BLOCK: t, Z_TREES: d, Z_OK: u, Z_STREAM_END: s, Z_NEED_DICT: r, Z_STREAM_ERROR: n, Z_DATA_ERROR: o, Z_MEM_ERROR: i, Z_BUF_ERROR: f, Z_DEFLATED: c } = b(1619), h = 12, m = 30, v = (O) => (O >>> 24 & 255) + (O >>> 8 & 65280) + ((65280 & O) << 8) + ((255 & O) << 24); - function C() { + }, 6351: (J, e, y) => { + const E = y(6069), R = y(2869), A = y(4264), w = y(9241), { Z_FINISH: a, Z_BLOCK: t, Z_TREES: d, Z_OK: u, Z_STREAM_END: s, Z_NEED_DICT: r, Z_STREAM_ERROR: n, Z_DATA_ERROR: o, Z_MEM_ERROR: i, Z_BUF_ERROR: f, Z_DEFLATED: c } = y(1619), h = 12, m = 30, v = (P) => (P >>> 24 & 255) + (P >>> 8 & 65280) + ((65280 & P) << 8) + ((255 & P) << 24); + function I() { this.mode = 0, this.last = !1, this.wrap = 0, this.havedict = !1, this.flags = 0, this.dmax = 0, this.check = 0, this.total = 0, this.head = null, this.wbits = 0, this.wsize = 0, this.whave = 0, this.wnext = 0, this.window = null, this.hold = 0, this.bits = 0, this.length = 0, this.offset = 0, this.extra = 0, this.lencode = null, this.distcode = null, this.lenbits = 0, this.distbits = 0, this.ncode = 0, this.nlen = 0, this.ndist = 0, this.have = 0, this.next = null, this.lens = new Uint16Array(320), this.work = new Uint16Array(288), this.lendyn = null, this.distdyn = null, this.sane = 0, this.back = 0, this.was = 0; } - const l = (O) => { - if (!O || !O.state) + const l = (P) => { + if (!P || !P.state) return n; - const U = O.state; - return O.total_in = O.total_out = U.total = 0, O.msg = "", U.wrap && (O.adler = 1 & U.wrap), U.mode = 1, U.last = 0, U.havedict = 0, U.dmax = 32768, U.head = null, U.hold = 0, U.bits = 0, U.lencode = U.lendyn = new Int32Array(852), U.distcode = U.distdyn = new Int32Array(592), U.sane = 1, U.back = -1, u; - }, I = (O) => { - if (!O || !O.state) + const B = P.state; + return P.total_in = P.total_out = B.total = 0, P.msg = "", B.wrap && (P.adler = 1 & B.wrap), B.mode = 1, B.last = 0, B.havedict = 0, B.dmax = 32768, B.head = null, B.hold = 0, B.bits = 0, B.lencode = B.lendyn = new Int32Array(852), B.distcode = B.distdyn = new Int32Array(592), B.sane = 1, B.back = -1, u; + }, j = (P) => { + if (!P || !P.state) return n; - const U = O.state; - return U.wsize = 0, U.whave = 0, U.wnext = 0, l(O); - }, R = (O, U) => { - let T; - if (!O || !O.state) + const B = P.state; + return B.wsize = 0, B.whave = 0, B.wnext = 0, l(P); + }, N = (P, B) => { + let C; + if (!P || !P.state) return n; - const z = O.state; - return U < 0 ? (T = 0, U = -U) : (T = 1 + (U >> 4), U < 48 && (U &= 15)), U && (U < 8 || U > 15) ? n : (z.window !== null && z.wbits !== U && (z.window = null), z.wrap = T, z.wbits = U, I(O)); - }, k = (O, U) => { - if (!O) + const L = P.state; + return B < 0 ? (C = 0, B = -B) : (C = 1 + (B >> 4), B < 48 && (B &= 15)), B && (B < 8 || B > 15) ? n : (L.window !== null && L.wbits !== B && (L.window = null), L.wrap = C, L.wbits = B, j(P)); + }, S = (P, B) => { + if (!P) return n; - const T = new C(); - O.state = T, T.window = null; - const z = R(O, U); - return z !== u && (O.state = null), z; - }; - let N, A, w = !0; - const _ = (O) => { - if (w) { - N = new Int32Array(512), A = new Int32Array(32); - let U = 0; - for (; U < 144; ) - O.lens[U++] = 8; - for (; U < 256; ) - O.lens[U++] = 9; - for (; U < 280; ) - O.lens[U++] = 7; - for (; U < 288; ) - O.lens[U++] = 8; - for (y(1, O.lens, 0, 288, N, 0, O.work, { bits: 9 }), U = 0; U < 32; ) - O.lens[U++] = 5; - y(2, O.lens, 0, 32, A, 0, O.work, { bits: 5 }), w = !1; - } - O.lencode = N, O.lenbits = 9, O.distcode = A, O.distbits = 5; - }, p = (O, U, T, z) => { - let te; - const X = O.state; - return X.window === null && (X.wsize = 1 << X.wbits, X.wnext = 0, X.whave = 0, X.window = new Uint8Array(X.wsize)), z >= X.wsize ? (X.window.set(U.subarray(T - X.wsize, T), 0), X.wnext = 0, X.whave = X.wsize) : (te = X.wsize - X.wnext, te > z && (te = z), X.window.set(U.subarray(T - z, T - z + te), X.wnext), (z -= te) ? (X.window.set(U.subarray(T - z, T), 0), X.wnext = z, X.whave = X.wsize) : (X.wnext += te, X.wnext === X.wsize && (X.wnext = 0), X.whave < X.wsize && (X.whave += te))), 0; - }; - J.exports.inflateReset = I, J.exports.inflateReset2 = R, J.exports.inflateResetKeep = l, J.exports.inflateInit = (O) => k(O, 15), J.exports.inflateInit2 = k, J.exports.inflate = (O, U) => { - let T, z, te, X, ne, B, Q, V, ee, K, Y, q, ae, de, ue, le, ge, ce, he, be, W, g, S = 0; - const x = new Uint8Array(4); - let j, D; - const L = new Uint8Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]); - if (!O || !O.state || !O.output || !O.input && O.avail_in !== 0) + const C = new I(); + P.state = C, C.window = null; + const L = N(P, B); + return L !== u && (P.state = null), L; + }; + let T, x, k = !0; + const b = (P) => { + if (k) { + T = new Int32Array(512), x = new Int32Array(32); + let B = 0; + for (; B < 144; ) + P.lens[B++] = 8; + for (; B < 256; ) + P.lens[B++] = 9; + for (; B < 280; ) + P.lens[B++] = 7; + for (; B < 288; ) + P.lens[B++] = 8; + for (w(1, P.lens, 0, 288, T, 0, P.work, { bits: 9 }), B = 0; B < 32; ) + P.lens[B++] = 5; + w(2, P.lens, 0, 32, x, 0, P.work, { bits: 5 }), k = !1; + } + P.lencode = T, P.lenbits = 9, P.distcode = x, P.distbits = 5; + }, p = (P, B, C, L) => { + let re; + const ee = P.state; + return ee.window === null && (ee.wsize = 1 << ee.wbits, ee.wnext = 0, ee.whave = 0, ee.window = new Uint8Array(ee.wsize)), L >= ee.wsize ? (ee.window.set(B.subarray(C - ee.wsize, C), 0), ee.wnext = 0, ee.whave = ee.wsize) : (re = ee.wsize - ee.wnext, re > L && (re = L), ee.window.set(B.subarray(C - L, C - L + re), ee.wnext), (L -= re) ? (ee.window.set(B.subarray(C - L, C), 0), ee.wnext = L, ee.whave = ee.wsize) : (ee.wnext += re, ee.wnext === ee.wsize && (ee.wnext = 0), ee.whave < ee.wsize && (ee.whave += re))), 0; + }; + J.exports.inflateReset = j, J.exports.inflateReset2 = N, J.exports.inflateResetKeep = l, J.exports.inflateInit = (P) => S(P, 15), J.exports.inflateInit2 = S, J.exports.inflate = (P, B) => { + let C, L, re, ee, oe, D, Z, H, te, Q, X, F, se, ue, le, fe, _e, de, pe, ye, G, _, O = 0; + const M = new Uint8Array(4); + let U, z; + const q = new Uint8Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]); + if (!P || !P.state || !P.output || !P.input && P.avail_in !== 0) return n; - T = O.state, T.mode === h && (T.mode = 13), ne = O.next_out, te = O.output, Q = O.avail_out, X = O.next_in, z = O.input, B = O.avail_in, V = T.hold, ee = T.bits, K = B, Y = Q, g = u; + C = P.state, C.mode === h && (C.mode = 13), oe = P.next_out, re = P.output, Z = P.avail_out, ee = P.next_in, L = P.input, D = P.avail_in, H = C.hold, te = C.bits, Q = D, X = Z, _ = u; e: for (; ; ) - switch (T.mode) { + switch (C.mode) { case 1: - if (T.wrap === 0) { - T.mode = 13; + if (C.wrap === 0) { + C.mode = 13; break; } - for (; ee < 16; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; te < 16; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (2 & T.wrap && V === 35615) { - T.check = 0, x[0] = 255 & V, x[1] = V >>> 8 & 255, T.check = M(T.check, x, 2, 0), V = 0, ee = 0, T.mode = 2; + if (2 & C.wrap && H === 35615) { + C.check = 0, M[0] = 255 & H, M[1] = H >>> 8 & 255, C.check = R(C.check, M, 2, 0), H = 0, te = 0, C.mode = 2; break; } - if (T.flags = 0, T.head && (T.head.done = !1), !(1 & T.wrap) || (((255 & V) << 8) + (V >> 8)) % 31) { - O.msg = "incorrect header check", T.mode = m; + if (C.flags = 0, C.head && (C.head.done = !1), !(1 & C.wrap) || (((255 & H) << 8) + (H >> 8)) % 31) { + P.msg = "incorrect header check", C.mode = m; break; } - if ((15 & V) !== c) { - O.msg = "unknown compression method", T.mode = m; + if ((15 & H) !== c) { + P.msg = "unknown compression method", C.mode = m; break; } - if (V >>>= 4, ee -= 4, W = 8 + (15 & V), T.wbits === 0) - T.wbits = W; - else if (W > T.wbits) { - O.msg = "invalid window size", T.mode = m; + if (H >>>= 4, te -= 4, G = 8 + (15 & H), C.wbits === 0) + C.wbits = G; + else if (G > C.wbits) { + P.msg = "invalid window size", C.mode = m; break; } - T.dmax = 1 << T.wbits, O.adler = T.check = 1, T.mode = 512 & V ? 10 : h, V = 0, ee = 0; + C.dmax = 1 << C.wbits, P.adler = C.check = 1, C.mode = 512 & H ? 10 : h, H = 0, te = 0; break; case 2: - for (; ee < 16; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; te < 16; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (T.flags = V, (255 & T.flags) !== c) { - O.msg = "unknown compression method", T.mode = m; + if (C.flags = H, (255 & C.flags) !== c) { + P.msg = "unknown compression method", C.mode = m; break; } - if (57344 & T.flags) { - O.msg = "unknown header flags set", T.mode = m; + if (57344 & C.flags) { + P.msg = "unknown header flags set", C.mode = m; break; } - T.head && (T.head.text = V >> 8 & 1), 512 & T.flags && (x[0] = 255 & V, x[1] = V >>> 8 & 255, T.check = M(T.check, x, 2, 0)), V = 0, ee = 0, T.mode = 3; + C.head && (C.head.text = H >> 8 & 1), 512 & C.flags && (M[0] = 255 & H, M[1] = H >>> 8 & 255, C.check = R(C.check, M, 2, 0)), H = 0, te = 0, C.mode = 3; case 3: - for (; ee < 32; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; te < 32; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - T.head && (T.head.time = V), 512 & T.flags && (x[0] = 255 & V, x[1] = V >>> 8 & 255, x[2] = V >>> 16 & 255, x[3] = V >>> 24 & 255, T.check = M(T.check, x, 4, 0)), V = 0, ee = 0, T.mode = 4; + C.head && (C.head.time = H), 512 & C.flags && (M[0] = 255 & H, M[1] = H >>> 8 & 255, M[2] = H >>> 16 & 255, M[3] = H >>> 24 & 255, C.check = R(C.check, M, 4, 0)), H = 0, te = 0, C.mode = 4; case 4: - for (; ee < 16; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; te < 16; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - T.head && (T.head.xflags = 255 & V, T.head.os = V >> 8), 512 & T.flags && (x[0] = 255 & V, x[1] = V >>> 8 & 255, T.check = M(T.check, x, 2, 0)), V = 0, ee = 0, T.mode = 5; + C.head && (C.head.xflags = 255 & H, C.head.os = H >> 8), 512 & C.flags && (M[0] = 255 & H, M[1] = H >>> 8 & 255, C.check = R(C.check, M, 2, 0)), H = 0, te = 0, C.mode = 5; case 5: - if (1024 & T.flags) { - for (; ee < 16; ) { - if (B === 0) + if (1024 & C.flags) { + for (; te < 16; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - T.length = V, T.head && (T.head.extra_len = V), 512 & T.flags && (x[0] = 255 & V, x[1] = V >>> 8 & 255, T.check = M(T.check, x, 2, 0)), V = 0, ee = 0; + C.length = H, C.head && (C.head.extra_len = H), 512 & C.flags && (M[0] = 255 & H, M[1] = H >>> 8 & 255, C.check = R(C.check, M, 2, 0)), H = 0, te = 0; } else - T.head && (T.head.extra = null); - T.mode = 6; + C.head && (C.head.extra = null); + C.mode = 6; case 6: - if (1024 & T.flags && (q = T.length, q > B && (q = B), q && (T.head && (W = T.head.extra_len - T.length, T.head.extra || (T.head.extra = new Uint8Array(T.head.extra_len)), T.head.extra.set(z.subarray(X, X + q), W)), 512 & T.flags && (T.check = M(T.check, z, q, X)), B -= q, X += q, T.length -= q), T.length)) + if (1024 & C.flags && (F = C.length, F > D && (F = D), F && (C.head && (G = C.head.extra_len - C.length, C.head.extra || (C.head.extra = new Uint8Array(C.head.extra_len)), C.head.extra.set(L.subarray(ee, ee + F), G)), 512 & C.flags && (C.check = R(C.check, L, F, ee)), D -= F, ee += F, C.length -= F), C.length)) break e; - T.length = 0, T.mode = 7; + C.length = 0, C.mode = 7; case 7: - if (2048 & T.flags) { - if (B === 0) + if (2048 & C.flags) { + if (D === 0) break e; - q = 0; + F = 0; do - W = z[X + q++], T.head && W && T.length < 65536 && (T.head.name += String.fromCharCode(W)); - while (W && q < B); - if (512 & T.flags && (T.check = M(T.check, z, q, X)), B -= q, X += q, W) + G = L[ee + F++], C.head && G && C.length < 65536 && (C.head.name += String.fromCharCode(G)); + while (G && F < D); + if (512 & C.flags && (C.check = R(C.check, L, F, ee)), D -= F, ee += F, G) break e; } else - T.head && (T.head.name = null); - T.length = 0, T.mode = 8; + C.head && (C.head.name = null); + C.length = 0, C.mode = 8; case 8: - if (4096 & T.flags) { - if (B === 0) + if (4096 & C.flags) { + if (D === 0) break e; - q = 0; + F = 0; do - W = z[X + q++], T.head && W && T.length < 65536 && (T.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(W)); - while (W && q < B); - if (512 & T.flags && (T.check = M(T.check, z, q, X)), B -= q, X += q, W) + G = L[ee + F++], C.head && G && C.length < 65536 && (C.head.comment += String.fromCharCode(G)); + while (G && F < D); + if (512 & C.flags && (C.check = R(C.check, L, F, ee)), D -= F, ee += F, G) break e; } else - T.head && (T.head.comment = null); - T.mode = 9; + C.head && (C.head.comment = null); + C.mode = 9; case 9: - if (512 & T.flags) { - for (; ee < 16; ) { - if (B === 0) + if (512 & C.flags) { + for (; te < 16; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (V !== (65535 & T.check)) { - O.msg = "header crc mismatch", T.mode = m; + if (H !== (65535 & C.check)) { + P.msg = "header crc mismatch", C.mode = m; break; } - V = 0, ee = 0; + H = 0, te = 0; } - T.head && (T.head.hcrc = T.flags >> 9 & 1, T.head.done = !0), O.adler = T.check = 0, T.mode = h; + C.head && (C.head.hcrc = C.flags >> 9 & 1, C.head.done = !0), P.adler = C.check = 0, C.mode = h; break; case 10: - for (; ee < 32; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; te < 32; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - O.adler = T.check = v(V), V = 0, ee = 0, T.mode = 11; + P.adler = C.check = v(H), H = 0, te = 0, C.mode = 11; case 11: - if (T.havedict === 0) - return O.next_out = ne, O.avail_out = Q, O.next_in = X, O.avail_in = B, T.hold = V, T.bits = ee, r; - O.adler = T.check = 1, T.mode = h; + if (C.havedict === 0) + return P.next_out = oe, P.avail_out = Z, P.next_in = ee, P.avail_in = D, C.hold = H, C.bits = te, r; + P.adler = C.check = 1, C.mode = h; case h: - if (U === t || U === d) + if (B === t || B === d) break e; case 13: - if (T.last) { - V >>>= 7 & ee, ee -= 7 & ee, T.mode = 27; + if (C.last) { + H >>>= 7 & te, te -= 7 & te, C.mode = 27; break; } - for (; ee < 3; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; te < 3; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - switch (T.last = 1 & V, V >>>= 1, ee -= 1, 3 & V) { + switch (C.last = 1 & H, H >>>= 1, te -= 1, 3 & H) { case 0: - T.mode = 14; + C.mode = 14; break; case 1: - if (_(T), T.mode = 20, U === d) { - V >>>= 2, ee -= 2; + if (b(C), C.mode = 20, B === d) { + H >>>= 2, te -= 2; break e; } break; case 2: - T.mode = 17; + C.mode = 17; break; case 3: - O.msg = "invalid block type", T.mode = m; + P.msg = "invalid block type", C.mode = m; } - V >>>= 2, ee -= 2; + H >>>= 2, te -= 2; break; case 14: - for (V >>>= 7 & ee, ee -= 7 & ee; ee < 32; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (H >>>= 7 & te, te -= 7 & te; te < 32; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if ((65535 & V) != (V >>> 16 ^ 65535)) { - O.msg = "invalid stored block lengths", T.mode = m; + if ((65535 & H) != (H >>> 16 ^ 65535)) { + P.msg = "invalid stored block lengths", C.mode = m; break; } - if (T.length = 65535 & V, V = 0, ee = 0, T.mode = 15, U === d) + if (C.length = 65535 & H, H = 0, te = 0, C.mode = 15, B === d) break e; case 15: - T.mode = 16; + C.mode = 16; case 16: - if (q = T.length, q) { - if (q > B && (q = B), q > Q && (q = Q), q === 0) + if (F = C.length, F) { + if (F > D && (F = D), F > Z && (F = Z), F === 0) break e; - te.set(z.subarray(X, X + q), ne), B -= q, X += q, Q -= q, ne += q, T.length -= q; + re.set(L.subarray(ee, ee + F), oe), D -= F, ee += F, Z -= F, oe += F, C.length -= F; break; } - T.mode = h; + C.mode = h; break; case 17: - for (; ee < 14; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; te < 14; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (T.nlen = 257 + (31 & V), V >>>= 5, ee -= 5, T.ndist = 1 + (31 & V), V >>>= 5, ee -= 5, T.ncode = 4 + (15 & V), V >>>= 4, ee -= 4, T.nlen > 286 || T.ndist > 30) { - O.msg = "too many length or distance symbols", T.mode = m; + if (C.nlen = 257 + (31 & H), H >>>= 5, te -= 5, C.ndist = 1 + (31 & H), H >>>= 5, te -= 5, C.ncode = 4 + (15 & H), H >>>= 4, te -= 4, C.nlen > 286 || C.ndist > 30) { + P.msg = "too many length or distance symbols", C.mode = m; break; } - T.have = 0, T.mode = 18; + C.have = 0, C.mode = 18; case 18: - for (; T.have < T.ncode; ) { - for (; ee < 3; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; C.have < C.ncode; ) { + for (; te < 3; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - T.lens[L[T.have++]] = 7 & V, V >>>= 3, ee -= 3; + C.lens[q[C.have++]] = 7 & H, H >>>= 3, te -= 3; } - for (; T.have < 19; ) - T.lens[L[T.have++]] = 0; - if (T.lencode = T.lendyn, T.lenbits = 7, j = { bits: T.lenbits }, g = y(0, T.lens, 0, 19, T.lencode, 0, T.work, j), T.lenbits = j.bits, g) { - O.msg = "invalid code lengths set", T.mode = m; + for (; C.have < 19; ) + C.lens[q[C.have++]] = 0; + if (C.lencode = C.lendyn, C.lenbits = 7, U = { bits: C.lenbits }, _ = w(0, C.lens, 0, 19, C.lencode, 0, C.work, U), C.lenbits = U.bits, _) { + P.msg = "invalid code lengths set", C.mode = m; break; } - T.have = 0, T.mode = 19; + C.have = 0, C.mode = 19; case 19: - for (; T.have < T.nlen + T.ndist; ) { - for (; S = T.lencode[V & (1 << T.lenbits) - 1], ue = S >>> 24, le = S >>> 16 & 255, ge = 65535 & S, !(ue <= ee); ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; C.have < C.nlen + C.ndist; ) { + for (; O = C.lencode[H & (1 << C.lenbits) - 1], le = O >>> 24, fe = O >>> 16 & 255, _e = 65535 & O, !(le <= te); ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (ge < 16) - V >>>= ue, ee -= ue, T.lens[T.have++] = ge; + if (_e < 16) + H >>>= le, te -= le, C.lens[C.have++] = _e; else { - if (ge === 16) { - for (D = ue + 2; ee < D; ) { - if (B === 0) + if (_e === 16) { + for (z = le + 2; te < z; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (V >>>= ue, ee -= ue, T.have === 0) { - O.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", T.mode = m; + if (H >>>= le, te -= le, C.have === 0) { + P.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", C.mode = m; break; } - W = T.lens[T.have - 1], q = 3 + (3 & V), V >>>= 2, ee -= 2; - } else if (ge === 17) { - for (D = ue + 3; ee < D; ) { - if (B === 0) + G = C.lens[C.have - 1], F = 3 + (3 & H), H >>>= 2, te -= 2; + } else if (_e === 17) { + for (z = le + 3; te < z; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - V >>>= ue, ee -= ue, W = 0, q = 3 + (7 & V), V >>>= 3, ee -= 3; + H >>>= le, te -= le, G = 0, F = 3 + (7 & H), H >>>= 3, te -= 3; } else { - for (D = ue + 7; ee < D; ) { - if (B === 0) + for (z = le + 7; te < z; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - V >>>= ue, ee -= ue, W = 0, q = 11 + (127 & V), V >>>= 7, ee -= 7; + H >>>= le, te -= le, G = 0, F = 11 + (127 & H), H >>>= 7, te -= 7; } - if (T.have + q > T.nlen + T.ndist) { - O.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", T.mode = m; + if (C.have + F > C.nlen + C.ndist) { + P.msg = "invalid bit length repeat", C.mode = m; break; } - for (; q--; ) - T.lens[T.have++] = W; + for (; F--; ) + C.lens[C.have++] = G; } } - if (T.mode === m) + if (C.mode === m) break; - if (T.lens[256] === 0) { - O.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block", T.mode = m; + if (C.lens[256] === 0) { + P.msg = "invalid code -- missing end-of-block", C.mode = m; break; } - if (T.lenbits = 9, j = { bits: T.lenbits }, g = y(1, T.lens, 0, T.nlen, T.lencode, 0, T.work, j), T.lenbits = j.bits, g) { - O.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set", T.mode = m; + if (C.lenbits = 9, U = { bits: C.lenbits }, _ = w(1, C.lens, 0, C.nlen, C.lencode, 0, C.work, U), C.lenbits = U.bits, _) { + P.msg = "invalid literal/lengths set", C.mode = m; break; } - if (T.distbits = 6, T.distcode = T.distdyn, j = { bits: T.distbits }, g = y(2, T.lens, T.nlen, T.ndist, T.distcode, 0, T.work, j), T.distbits = j.bits, g) { - O.msg = "invalid distances set", T.mode = m; + if (C.distbits = 6, C.distcode = C.distdyn, U = { bits: C.distbits }, _ = w(2, C.lens, C.nlen, C.ndist, C.distcode, 0, C.work, U), C.distbits = U.bits, _) { + P.msg = "invalid distances set", C.mode = m; break; } - if (T.mode = 20, U === d) + if (C.mode = 20, B === d) break e; case 20: - T.mode = 21; + C.mode = 21; case 21: - if (B >= 6 && Q >= 258) { - O.next_out = ne, O.avail_out = Q, O.next_in = X, O.avail_in = B, T.hold = V, T.bits = ee, P(O, Y), ne = O.next_out, te = O.output, Q = O.avail_out, X = O.next_in, z = O.input, B = O.avail_in, V = T.hold, ee = T.bits, T.mode === h && (T.back = -1); + if (D >= 6 && Z >= 258) { + P.next_out = oe, P.avail_out = Z, P.next_in = ee, P.avail_in = D, C.hold = H, C.bits = te, A(P, X), oe = P.next_out, re = P.output, Z = P.avail_out, ee = P.next_in, L = P.input, D = P.avail_in, H = C.hold, te = C.bits, C.mode === h && (C.back = -1); break; } - for (T.back = 0; S = T.lencode[V & (1 << T.lenbits) - 1], ue = S >>> 24, le = S >>> 16 & 255, ge = 65535 & S, !(ue <= ee); ) { - if (B === 0) + for (C.back = 0; O = C.lencode[H & (1 << C.lenbits) - 1], le = O >>> 24, fe = O >>> 16 & 255, _e = 65535 & O, !(le <= te); ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (le && !(240 & le)) { - for (ce = ue, he = le, be = ge; S = T.lencode[be + ((V & (1 << ce + he) - 1) >> ce)], ue = S >>> 24, le = S >>> 16 & 255, ge = 65535 & S, !(ce + ue <= ee); ) { - if (B === 0) + if (fe && !(240 & fe)) { + for (de = le, pe = fe, ye = _e; O = C.lencode[ye + ((H & (1 << de + pe) - 1) >> de)], le = O >>> 24, fe = O >>> 16 & 255, _e = 65535 & O, !(de + le <= te); ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - V >>>= ce, ee -= ce, T.back += ce; + H >>>= de, te -= de, C.back += de; } - if (V >>>= ue, ee -= ue, T.back += ue, T.length = ge, le === 0) { - T.mode = 26; + if (H >>>= le, te -= le, C.back += le, C.length = _e, fe === 0) { + C.mode = 26; break; } - if (32 & le) { - T.back = -1, T.mode = h; + if (32 & fe) { + C.back = -1, C.mode = h; break; } - if (64 & le) { - O.msg = "invalid literal/length code", T.mode = m; + if (64 & fe) { + P.msg = "invalid literal/length code", C.mode = m; break; } - T.extra = 15 & le, T.mode = 22; + C.extra = 15 & fe, C.mode = 22; case 22: - if (T.extra) { - for (D = T.extra; ee < D; ) { - if (B === 0) + if (C.extra) { + for (z = C.extra; te < z; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - T.length += V & (1 << T.extra) - 1, V >>>= T.extra, ee -= T.extra, T.back += T.extra; + C.length += H & (1 << C.extra) - 1, H >>>= C.extra, te -= C.extra, C.back += C.extra; } - T.was = T.length, T.mode = 23; + C.was = C.length, C.mode = 23; case 23: - for (; S = T.distcode[V & (1 << T.distbits) - 1], ue = S >>> 24, le = S >>> 16 & 255, ge = 65535 & S, !(ue <= ee); ) { - if (B === 0) + for (; O = C.distcode[H & (1 << C.distbits) - 1], le = O >>> 24, fe = O >>> 16 & 255, _e = 65535 & O, !(le <= te); ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (!(240 & le)) { - for (ce = ue, he = le, be = ge; S = T.distcode[be + ((V & (1 << ce + he) - 1) >> ce)], ue = S >>> 24, le = S >>> 16 & 255, ge = 65535 & S, !(ce + ue <= ee); ) { - if (B === 0) + if (!(240 & fe)) { + for (de = le, pe = fe, ye = _e; O = C.distcode[ye + ((H & (1 << de + pe) - 1) >> de)], le = O >>> 24, fe = O >>> 16 & 255, _e = 65535 & O, !(de + le <= te); ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - V >>>= ce, ee -= ce, T.back += ce; + H >>>= de, te -= de, C.back += de; } - if (V >>>= ue, ee -= ue, T.back += ue, 64 & le) { - O.msg = "invalid distance code", T.mode = m; + if (H >>>= le, te -= le, C.back += le, 64 & fe) { + P.msg = "invalid distance code", C.mode = m; break; } - T.offset = ge, T.extra = 15 & le, T.mode = 24; + C.offset = _e, C.extra = 15 & fe, C.mode = 24; case 24: - if (T.extra) { - for (D = T.extra; ee < D; ) { - if (B === 0) + if (C.extra) { + for (z = C.extra; te < z; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - T.offset += V & (1 << T.extra) - 1, V >>>= T.extra, ee -= T.extra, T.back += T.extra; + C.offset += H & (1 << C.extra) - 1, H >>>= C.extra, te -= C.extra, C.back += C.extra; } - if (T.offset > T.dmax) { - O.msg = "invalid distance too far back", T.mode = m; + if (C.offset > C.dmax) { + P.msg = "invalid distance too far back", C.mode = m; break; } - T.mode = 25; + C.mode = 25; case 25: - if (Q === 0) + if (Z === 0) break e; - if (q = Y - Q, T.offset > q) { - if (q = T.offset - q, q > T.whave && T.sane) { - O.msg = "invalid distance too far back", T.mode = m; + if (F = X - Z, C.offset > F) { + if (F = C.offset - F, F > C.whave && C.sane) { + P.msg = "invalid distance too far back", C.mode = m; break; } - q > T.wnext ? (q -= T.wnext, ae = T.wsize - q) : ae = T.wnext - q, q > T.length && (q = T.length), de = T.window; + F > C.wnext ? (F -= C.wnext, se = C.wsize - F) : se = C.wnext - F, F > C.length && (F = C.length), ue = C.window; } else - de = te, ae = ne - T.offset, q = T.length; - q > Q && (q = Q), Q -= q, T.length -= q; + ue = re, se = oe - C.offset, F = C.length; + F > Z && (F = Z), Z -= F, C.length -= F; do - te[ne++] = de[ae++]; - while (--q); - T.length === 0 && (T.mode = 21); + re[oe++] = ue[se++]; + while (--F); + C.length === 0 && (C.mode = 21); break; case 26: - if (Q === 0) + if (Z === 0) break e; - te[ne++] = T.length, Q--, T.mode = 21; + re[oe++] = C.length, Z--, C.mode = 21; break; case 27: - if (T.wrap) { - for (; ee < 32; ) { - if (B === 0) + if (C.wrap) { + for (; te < 32; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V |= z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H |= L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (Y -= Q, O.total_out += Y, T.total += Y, Y && (O.adler = T.check = T.flags ? M(T.check, te, Y, ne - Y) : E(T.check, te, Y, ne - Y)), Y = Q, (T.flags ? V : v(V)) !== T.check) { - O.msg = "incorrect data check", T.mode = m; + if (X -= Z, P.total_out += X, C.total += X, X && (P.adler = C.check = C.flags ? R(C.check, re, X, oe - X) : E(C.check, re, X, oe - X)), X = Z, (C.flags ? H : v(H)) !== C.check) { + P.msg = "incorrect data check", C.mode = m; break; } - V = 0, ee = 0; + H = 0, te = 0; } - T.mode = 28; + C.mode = 28; case 28: - if (T.wrap && T.flags) { - for (; ee < 32; ) { - if (B === 0) + if (C.wrap && C.flags) { + for (; te < 32; ) { + if (D === 0) break e; - B--, V += z[X++] << ee, ee += 8; + D--, H += L[ee++] << te, te += 8; } - if (V !== (4294967295 & T.total)) { - O.msg = "incorrect length check", T.mode = m; + if (H !== (4294967295 & C.total)) { + P.msg = "incorrect length check", C.mode = m; break; } - V = 0, ee = 0; + H = 0, te = 0; } - T.mode = 29; + C.mode = 29; case 29: - g = s; + _ = s; break e; case m: - g = o; + _ = o; break e; case 31: return i; default: return n; } - return O.next_out = ne, O.avail_out = Q, O.next_in = X, O.avail_in = B, T.hold = V, T.bits = ee, (T.wsize || Y !== O.avail_out && T.mode < m && (T.mode < 27 || U !== a)) && p(O, O.output, O.next_out, Y - O.avail_out) ? (T.mode = 31, i) : (K -= O.avail_in, Y -= O.avail_out, O.total_in += K, O.total_out += Y, T.total += Y, T.wrap && Y && (O.adler = T.check = T.flags ? M(T.check, te, Y, O.next_out - Y) : E(T.check, te, Y, O.next_out - Y)), O.data_type = T.bits + (T.last ? 64 : 0) + (T.mode === h ? 128 : 0) + (T.mode === 20 || T.mode === 15 ? 256 : 0), (K === 0 && Y === 0 || U === a) && g === u && (g = f), g); - }, J.exports.inflateEnd = (O) => { - if (!O || !O.state) + return P.next_out = oe, P.avail_out = Z, P.next_in = ee, P.avail_in = D, C.hold = H, C.bits = te, (C.wsize || X !== P.avail_out && C.mode < m && (C.mode < 27 || B !== a)) && p(P, P.output, P.next_out, X - P.avail_out) ? (C.mode = 31, i) : (Q -= P.avail_in, X -= P.avail_out, P.total_in += Q, P.total_out += X, C.total += X, C.wrap && X && (P.adler = C.check = C.flags ? R(C.check, re, X, P.next_out - X) : E(C.check, re, X, P.next_out - X)), P.data_type = C.bits + (C.last ? 64 : 0) + (C.mode === h ? 128 : 0) + (C.mode === 20 || C.mode === 15 ? 256 : 0), (Q === 0 && X === 0 || B === a) && _ === u && (_ = f), _); + }, J.exports.inflateEnd = (P) => { + if (!P || !P.state) return n; - let U = O.state; - return U.window && (U.window = null), O.state = null, u; - }, J.exports.inflateGetHeader = (O, U) => { - if (!O || !O.state) + let B = P.state; + return B.window && (B.window = null), P.state = null, u; + }, J.exports.inflateGetHeader = (P, B) => { + if (!P || !P.state) return n; - const T = O.state; - return 2 & T.wrap ? (T.head = U, U.done = !1, u) : n; - }, J.exports.inflateSetDictionary = (O, U) => { - const T = U.length; - let z, te, X; - return O && O.state ? (z = O.state, z.wrap !== 0 && z.mode !== 11 ? n : z.mode === 11 && (te = 1, te = E(te, U, T, 0), te !== z.check) ? o : (X = p(O, U, T, T), X ? (z.mode = 31, i) : (z.havedict = 1, u))) : n; + const C = P.state; + return 2 & C.wrap ? (C.head = B, B.done = !1, u) : n; + }, J.exports.inflateSetDictionary = (P, B) => { + const C = B.length; + let L, re, ee; + return P && P.state ? (L = P.state, L.wrap !== 0 && L.mode !== 11 ? n : L.mode === 11 && (re = 1, re = E(re, B, C, 0), re !== L.check) ? o : (ee = p(P, B, C, C), ee ? (L.mode = 31, i) : (L.havedict = 1, u))) : n; }, J.exports.inflateInfo = "pako inflate (from Nodeca project)"; }, 9241: (J) => { - const e = new Uint16Array([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0]), b = new Uint8Array([16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78]), E = new Uint16Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0]), M = new Uint8Array([16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64]); - J.exports = (P, y, a, t, d, u, s, r) => { + const e = new Uint16Array([3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 23, 27, 31, 35, 43, 51, 59, 67, 83, 99, 115, 131, 163, 195, 227, 258, 0, 0]), y = new Uint8Array([16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 17, 17, 18, 18, 18, 18, 19, 19, 19, 19, 20, 20, 20, 20, 21, 21, 21, 21, 16, 72, 78]), E = new Uint16Array([1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 13, 17, 25, 33, 49, 65, 97, 129, 193, 257, 385, 513, 769, 1025, 1537, 2049, 3073, 4097, 6145, 8193, 12289, 16385, 24577, 0, 0]), R = new Uint8Array([16, 16, 16, 16, 17, 17, 18, 18, 19, 19, 20, 20, 21, 21, 22, 22, 23, 23, 24, 24, 25, 25, 26, 26, 27, 27, 28, 28, 29, 29, 64, 64]); + J.exports = (A, w, a, t, d, u, s, r) => { const n = r.bits; - let o, i, f, c, h, m, v = 0, C = 0, l = 0, I = 0, R = 0, k = 0, N = 0, A = 0, w = 0, _ = 0, p = null, O = 0; - const U = new Uint16Array(16), T = new Uint16Array(16); - let z, te, X, ne = null, B = 0; + let o, i, f, c, h, m, v = 0, I = 0, l = 0, j = 0, N = 0, S = 0, T = 0, x = 0, k = 0, b = 0, p = null, P = 0; + const B = new Uint16Array(16), C = new Uint16Array(16); + let L, re, ee, oe = null, D = 0; for (v = 0; v <= 15; v++) - U[v] = 0; - for (C = 0; C < t; C++) - U[y[a + C]]++; - for (R = n, I = 15; I >= 1 && U[I] === 0; I--) + B[v] = 0; + for (I = 0; I < t; I++) + B[w[a + I]]++; + for (N = n, j = 15; j >= 1 && B[j] === 0; j--) ; - if (R > I && (R = I), I === 0) + if (N > j && (N = j), j === 0) return d[u++] = 20971520, d[u++] = 20971520, r.bits = 1, 0; - for (l = 1; l < I && U[l] === 0; l++) + for (l = 1; l < j && B[l] === 0; l++) ; - for (R < l && (R = l), A = 1, v = 1; v <= 15; v++) - if (A <<= 1, A -= U[v], A < 0) + for (N < l && (N = l), x = 1, v = 1; v <= 15; v++) + if (x <<= 1, x -= B[v], x < 0) return -1; - if (A > 0 && (P === 0 || I !== 1)) + if (x > 0 && (A === 0 || j !== 1)) return -1; - for (T[1] = 0, v = 1; v < 15; v++) - T[v + 1] = T[v] + U[v]; - for (C = 0; C < t; C++) - y[a + C] !== 0 && (s[T[y[a + C]]++] = C); - if (P === 0 ? (p = ne = s, m = 19) : P === 1 ? (p = e, O -= 257, ne = b, B -= 257, m = 256) : (p = E, ne = M, m = -1), _ = 0, C = 0, v = l, h = u, k = R, N = 0, f = -1, w = 1 << R, c = w - 1, P === 1 && w > 852 || P === 2 && w > 592) + for (C[1] = 0, v = 1; v < 15; v++) + C[v + 1] = C[v] + B[v]; + for (I = 0; I < t; I++) + w[a + I] !== 0 && (s[C[w[a + I]]++] = I); + if (A === 0 ? (p = oe = s, m = 19) : A === 1 ? (p = e, P -= 257, oe = y, D -= 257, m = 256) : (p = E, oe = R, m = -1), b = 0, I = 0, v = l, h = u, S = N, T = 0, f = -1, k = 1 << N, c = k - 1, A === 1 && k > 852 || A === 2 && k > 592) return 1; for (; ; ) { - z = v - N, s[C] < m ? (te = 0, X = s[C]) : s[C] > m ? (te = ne[B + s[C]], X = p[O + s[C]]) : (te = 96, X = 0), o = 1 << v - N, i = 1 << k, l = i; + L = v - T, s[I] < m ? (re = 0, ee = s[I]) : s[I] > m ? (re = oe[D + s[I]], ee = p[P + s[I]]) : (re = 96, ee = 0), o = 1 << v - T, i = 1 << S, l = i; do - i -= o, d[h + (_ >> N) + i] = z << 24 | te << 16 | X | 0; + i -= o, d[h + (b >> T) + i] = L << 24 | re << 16 | ee | 0; while (i !== 0); - for (o = 1 << v - 1; _ & o; ) + for (o = 1 << v - 1; b & o; ) o >>= 1; - if (o !== 0 ? (_ &= o - 1, _ += o) : _ = 0, C++, --U[v] == 0) { - if (v === I) + if (o !== 0 ? (b &= o - 1, b += o) : b = 0, I++, --B[v] == 0) { + if (v === j) break; - v = y[a + s[C]]; + v = w[a + s[I]]; } - if (v > R && (_ & c) !== f) { - for (N === 0 && (N = R), h += l, k = v - N, A = 1 << k; k + N < I && (A -= U[k + N], !(A <= 0)); ) - k++, A <<= 1; - if (w += 1 << k, P === 1 && w > 852 || P === 2 && w > 592) + if (v > N && (b & c) !== f) { + for (T === 0 && (T = N), h += l, S = v - T, x = 1 << S; S + T < j && (x -= B[S + T], !(x <= 0)); ) + S++, x <<= 1; + if (k += 1 << S, A === 1 && k > 852 || A === 2 && k > 592) return 1; - f = _ & c, d[f] = R << 24 | k << 16 | h - u | 0; + f = b & c, d[f] = N << 24 | S << 16 | h - u | 0; } } - return _ !== 0 && (d[h + _] = v - N << 24 | 4194304 | 0), r.bits = R, 0; + return b !== 0 && (d[h + b] = v - T << 24 | 4194304 | 0), r.bits = N, 0; }; }, 8898: (J) => { J.exports = { 2: "need dictionary", 1: "stream end", 0: "", "-1": "file error", "-2": "stream error", "-3": "data error", "-4": "insufficient memory", "-5": "buffer error", "-6": "incompatible version" }; }, 342: (J) => { - function e(T) { - let z = T.length; - for (; --z >= 0; ) - T[z] = 0; + function e(C) { + let L = C.length; + for (; --L >= 0; ) + C[L] = 0; } - const b = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0]), E = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13]), M = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7]), P = new Uint8Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]), y = new Array(576); - e(y); + const y = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 3, 4, 4, 4, 4, 5, 5, 5, 5, 0]), E = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 4, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 8, 8, 9, 9, 10, 10, 11, 11, 12, 12, 13, 13]), R = new Uint8Array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 3, 7]), A = new Uint8Array([16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15]), w = new Array(576); + e(w); const a = new Array(60); e(a); const t = new Array(512); @@ -12328,302 +12666,302 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; const u = new Array(29); e(u); const s = new Array(30); - function r(T, z, te, X, ne) { - this.static_tree = T, this.extra_bits = z, this.extra_base = te, this.elems = X, this.max_length = ne, this.has_stree = T && T.length; + function r(C, L, re, ee, oe) { + this.static_tree = C, this.extra_bits = L, this.extra_base = re, this.elems = ee, this.max_length = oe, this.has_stree = C && C.length; } let n, o, i; - function f(T, z) { - this.dyn_tree = T, this.max_code = 0, this.stat_desc = z; + function f(C, L) { + this.dyn_tree = C, this.max_code = 0, this.stat_desc = L; } e(s); - const c = (T) => T < 256 ? t[T] : t[256 + (T >>> 7)], h = (T, z) => { - T.pending_buf[T.pending++] = 255 & z, T.pending_buf[T.pending++] = z >>> 8 & 255; - }, m = (T, z, te) => { - T.bi_valid > 16 - te ? (T.bi_buf |= z << T.bi_valid & 65535, h(T, T.bi_buf), T.bi_buf = z >> 16 - T.bi_valid, T.bi_valid += te - 16) : (T.bi_buf |= z << T.bi_valid & 65535, T.bi_valid += te); - }, v = (T, z, te) => { - m(T, te[2 * z], te[2 * z + 1]); - }, C = (T, z) => { - let te = 0; + const c = (C) => C < 256 ? t[C] : t[256 + (C >>> 7)], h = (C, L) => { + C.pending_buf[C.pending++] = 255 & L, C.pending_buf[C.pending++] = L >>> 8 & 255; + }, m = (C, L, re) => { + C.bi_valid > 16 - re ? (C.bi_buf |= L << C.bi_valid & 65535, h(C, C.bi_buf), C.bi_buf = L >> 16 - C.bi_valid, C.bi_valid += re - 16) : (C.bi_buf |= L << C.bi_valid & 65535, C.bi_valid += re); + }, v = (C, L, re) => { + m(C, re[2 * L], re[2 * L + 1]); + }, I = (C, L) => { + let re = 0; do - te |= 1 & T, T >>>= 1, te <<= 1; - while (--z > 0); - return te >>> 1; - }, l = (T, z, te) => { - const X = new Array(16); - let ne, B, Q = 0; - for (ne = 1; ne <= 15; ne++) - X[ne] = Q = Q + te[ne - 1] << 1; - for (B = 0; B <= z; B++) { - let V = T[2 * B + 1]; - V !== 0 && (T[2 * B] = C(X[V]++, V)); - } - }, I = (T) => { - let z; - for (z = 0; z < 286; z++) - T.dyn_ltree[2 * z] = 0; - for (z = 0; z < 30; z++) - T.dyn_dtree[2 * z] = 0; - for (z = 0; z < 19; z++) - T.bl_tree[2 * z] = 0; - T.dyn_ltree[512] = 1, T.opt_len = T.static_len = 0, T.last_lit = T.matches = 0; - }, R = (T) => { - T.bi_valid > 8 ? h(T, T.bi_buf) : T.bi_valid > 0 && (T.pending_buf[T.pending++] = T.bi_buf), T.bi_buf = 0, T.bi_valid = 0; - }, k = (T, z, te, X) => { - const ne = 2 * z, B = 2 * te; - return T[ne] < T[B] || T[ne] === T[B] && X[z] <= X[te]; - }, N = (T, z, te) => { - const X = T.heap[te]; - let ne = te << 1; - for (; ne <= T.heap_len && (ne < T.heap_len && k(z, T.heap[ne + 1], T.heap[ne], T.depth) && ne++, !k(z, X, T.heap[ne], T.depth)); ) - T.heap[te] = T.heap[ne], te = ne, ne <<= 1; - T.heap[te] = X; - }, A = (T, z, te) => { - let X, ne, B, Q, V = 0; - if (T.last_lit !== 0) + re |= 1 & C, C >>>= 1, re <<= 1; + while (--L > 0); + return re >>> 1; + }, l = (C, L, re) => { + const ee = new Array(16); + let oe, D, Z = 0; + for (oe = 1; oe <= 15; oe++) + ee[oe] = Z = Z + re[oe - 1] << 1; + for (D = 0; D <= L; D++) { + let H = C[2 * D + 1]; + H !== 0 && (C[2 * D] = I(ee[H]++, H)); + } + }, j = (C) => { + let L; + for (L = 0; L < 286; L++) + C.dyn_ltree[2 * L] = 0; + for (L = 0; L < 30; L++) + C.dyn_dtree[2 * L] = 0; + for (L = 0; L < 19; L++) + C.bl_tree[2 * L] = 0; + C.dyn_ltree[512] = 1, C.opt_len = C.static_len = 0, C.last_lit = C.matches = 0; + }, N = (C) => { + C.bi_valid > 8 ? h(C, C.bi_buf) : C.bi_valid > 0 && (C.pending_buf[C.pending++] = C.bi_buf), C.bi_buf = 0, C.bi_valid = 0; + }, S = (C, L, re, ee) => { + const oe = 2 * L, D = 2 * re; + return C[oe] < C[D] || C[oe] === C[D] && ee[L] <= ee[re]; + }, T = (C, L, re) => { + const ee = C.heap[re]; + let oe = re << 1; + for (; oe <= C.heap_len && (oe < C.heap_len && S(L, C.heap[oe + 1], C.heap[oe], C.depth) && oe++, !S(L, ee, C.heap[oe], C.depth)); ) + C.heap[re] = C.heap[oe], re = oe, oe <<= 1; + C.heap[re] = ee; + }, x = (C, L, re) => { + let ee, oe, D, Z, H = 0; + if (C.last_lit !== 0) do - X = T.pending_buf[T.d_buf + 2 * V] << 8 | T.pending_buf[T.d_buf + 2 * V + 1], ne = T.pending_buf[T.l_buf + V], V++, X === 0 ? v(T, ne, z) : (B = d[ne], v(T, B + 256 + 1, z), Q = b[B], Q !== 0 && (ne -= u[B], m(T, ne, Q)), X--, B = c(X), v(T, B, te), Q = E[B], Q !== 0 && (X -= s[B], m(T, X, Q))); - while (V < T.last_lit); - v(T, 256, z); - }, w = (T, z) => { - const te = z.dyn_tree, X = z.stat_desc.static_tree, ne = z.stat_desc.has_stree, B = z.stat_desc.elems; - let Q, V, ee, K = -1; - for (T.heap_len = 0, T.heap_max = 573, Q = 0; Q < B; Q++) - te[2 * Q] !== 0 ? (T.heap[++T.heap_len] = K = Q, T.depth[Q] = 0) : te[2 * Q + 1] = 0; - for (; T.heap_len < 2; ) - ee = T.heap[++T.heap_len] = K < 2 ? ++K : 0, te[2 * ee] = 1, T.depth[ee] = 0, T.opt_len--, ne && (T.static_len -= X[2 * ee + 1]); - for (z.max_code = K, Q = T.heap_len >> 1; Q >= 1; Q--) - N(T, te, Q); - ee = B; + ee = C.pending_buf[C.d_buf + 2 * H] << 8 | C.pending_buf[C.d_buf + 2 * H + 1], oe = C.pending_buf[C.l_buf + H], H++, ee === 0 ? v(C, oe, L) : (D = d[oe], v(C, D + 256 + 1, L), Z = y[D], Z !== 0 && (oe -= u[D], m(C, oe, Z)), ee--, D = c(ee), v(C, D, re), Z = E[D], Z !== 0 && (ee -= s[D], m(C, ee, Z))); + while (H < C.last_lit); + v(C, 256, L); + }, k = (C, L) => { + const re = L.dyn_tree, ee = L.stat_desc.static_tree, oe = L.stat_desc.has_stree, D = L.stat_desc.elems; + let Z, H, te, Q = -1; + for (C.heap_len = 0, C.heap_max = 573, Z = 0; Z < D; Z++) + re[2 * Z] !== 0 ? (C.heap[++C.heap_len] = Q = Z, C.depth[Z] = 0) : re[2 * Z + 1] = 0; + for (; C.heap_len < 2; ) + te = C.heap[++C.heap_len] = Q < 2 ? ++Q : 0, re[2 * te] = 1, C.depth[te] = 0, C.opt_len--, oe && (C.static_len -= ee[2 * te + 1]); + for (L.max_code = Q, Z = C.heap_len >> 1; Z >= 1; Z--) + T(C, re, Z); + te = D; do - Q = T.heap[1], T.heap[1] = T.heap[T.heap_len--], N(T, te, 1), V = T.heap[1], T.heap[--T.heap_max] = Q, T.heap[--T.heap_max] = V, te[2 * ee] = te[2 * Q] + te[2 * V], T.depth[ee] = (T.depth[Q] >= T.depth[V] ? T.depth[Q] : T.depth[V]) + 1, te[2 * Q + 1] = te[2 * V + 1] = ee, T.heap[1] = ee++, N(T, te, 1); - while (T.heap_len >= 2); - T.heap[--T.heap_max] = T.heap[1], ((Y, q) => { - const ae = q.dyn_tree, de = q.max_code, ue = q.stat_desc.static_tree, le = q.stat_desc.has_stree, ge = q.stat_desc.extra_bits, ce = q.stat_desc.extra_base, he = q.stat_desc.max_length; - let be, W, g, S, x, j, D = 0; - for (S = 0; S <= 15; S++) - Y.bl_count[S] = 0; - for (ae[2 * Y.heap[Y.heap_max] + 1] = 0, be = Y.heap_max + 1; be < 573; be++) - W = Y.heap[be], S = ae[2 * ae[2 * W + 1] + 1] + 1, S > he && (S = he, D++), ae[2 * W + 1] = S, W > de || (Y.bl_count[S]++, x = 0, W >= ce && (x = ge[W - ce]), j = ae[2 * W], Y.opt_len += j * (S + x), le && (Y.static_len += j * (ue[2 * W + 1] + x))); - if (D !== 0) { + Z = C.heap[1], C.heap[1] = C.heap[C.heap_len--], T(C, re, 1), H = C.heap[1], C.heap[--C.heap_max] = Z, C.heap[--C.heap_max] = H, re[2 * te] = re[2 * Z] + re[2 * H], C.depth[te] = (C.depth[Z] >= C.depth[H] ? C.depth[Z] : C.depth[H]) + 1, re[2 * Z + 1] = re[2 * H + 1] = te, C.heap[1] = te++, T(C, re, 1); + while (C.heap_len >= 2); + C.heap[--C.heap_max] = C.heap[1], ((X, F) => { + const se = F.dyn_tree, ue = F.max_code, le = F.stat_desc.static_tree, fe = F.stat_desc.has_stree, _e = F.stat_desc.extra_bits, de = F.stat_desc.extra_base, pe = F.stat_desc.max_length; + let ye, G, _, O, M, U, z = 0; + for (O = 0; O <= 15; O++) + X.bl_count[O] = 0; + for (se[2 * X.heap[X.heap_max] + 1] = 0, ye = X.heap_max + 1; ye < 573; ye++) + G = X.heap[ye], O = se[2 * se[2 * G + 1] + 1] + 1, O > pe && (O = pe, z++), se[2 * G + 1] = O, G > ue || (X.bl_count[O]++, M = 0, G >= de && (M = _e[G - de]), U = se[2 * G], X.opt_len += U * (O + M), fe && (X.static_len += U * (le[2 * G + 1] + M))); + if (z !== 0) { do { - for (S = he - 1; Y.bl_count[S] === 0; ) - S--; - Y.bl_count[S]--, Y.bl_count[S + 1] += 2, Y.bl_count[he]--, D -= 2; - } while (D > 0); - for (S = he; S !== 0; S--) - for (W = Y.bl_count[S]; W !== 0; ) - g = Y.heap[--be], g > de || (ae[2 * g + 1] !== S && (Y.opt_len += (S - ae[2 * g + 1]) * ae[2 * g], ae[2 * g + 1] = S), W--); - } - })(T, z), l(te, K, T.bl_count); - }, _ = (T, z, te) => { - let X, ne, B = -1, Q = z[1], V = 0, ee = 7, K = 4; - for (Q === 0 && (ee = 138, K = 3), z[2 * (te + 1) + 1] = 65535, X = 0; X <= te; X++) - ne = Q, Q = z[2 * (X + 1) + 1], ++V < ee && ne === Q || (V < K ? T.bl_tree[2 * ne] += V : ne !== 0 ? (ne !== B && T.bl_tree[2 * ne]++, T.bl_tree[32]++) : V <= 10 ? T.bl_tree[34]++ : T.bl_tree[36]++, V = 0, B = ne, Q === 0 ? (ee = 138, K = 3) : ne === Q ? (ee = 6, K = 3) : (ee = 7, K = 4)); - }, p = (T, z, te) => { - let X, ne, B = -1, Q = z[1], V = 0, ee = 7, K = 4; - for (Q === 0 && (ee = 138, K = 3), X = 0; X <= te; X++) - if (ne = Q, Q = z[2 * (X + 1) + 1], !(++V < ee && ne === Q)) { - if (V < K) + for (O = pe - 1; X.bl_count[O] === 0; ) + O--; + X.bl_count[O]--, X.bl_count[O + 1] += 2, X.bl_count[pe]--, z -= 2; + } while (z > 0); + for (O = pe; O !== 0; O--) + for (G = X.bl_count[O]; G !== 0; ) + _ = X.heap[--ye], _ > ue || (se[2 * _ + 1] !== O && (X.opt_len += (O - se[2 * _ + 1]) * se[2 * _], se[2 * _ + 1] = O), G--); + } + })(C, L), l(re, Q, C.bl_count); + }, b = (C, L, re) => { + let ee, oe, D = -1, Z = L[1], H = 0, te = 7, Q = 4; + for (Z === 0 && (te = 138, Q = 3), L[2 * (re + 1) + 1] = 65535, ee = 0; ee <= re; ee++) + oe = Z, Z = L[2 * (ee + 1) + 1], ++H < te && oe === Z || (H < Q ? C.bl_tree[2 * oe] += H : oe !== 0 ? (oe !== D && C.bl_tree[2 * oe]++, C.bl_tree[32]++) : H <= 10 ? C.bl_tree[34]++ : C.bl_tree[36]++, H = 0, D = oe, Z === 0 ? (te = 138, Q = 3) : oe === Z ? (te = 6, Q = 3) : (te = 7, Q = 4)); + }, p = (C, L, re) => { + let ee, oe, D = -1, Z = L[1], H = 0, te = 7, Q = 4; + for (Z === 0 && (te = 138, Q = 3), ee = 0; ee <= re; ee++) + if (oe = Z, Z = L[2 * (ee + 1) + 1], !(++H < te && oe === Z)) { + if (H < Q) do - v(T, ne, T.bl_tree); - while (--V != 0); + v(C, oe, C.bl_tree); + while (--H != 0); else - ne !== 0 ? (ne !== B && (v(T, ne, T.bl_tree), V--), v(T, 16, T.bl_tree), m(T, V - 3, 2)) : V <= 10 ? (v(T, 17, T.bl_tree), m(T, V - 3, 3)) : (v(T, 18, T.bl_tree), m(T, V - 11, 7)); - V = 0, B = ne, Q === 0 ? (ee = 138, K = 3) : ne === Q ? (ee = 6, K = 3) : (ee = 7, K = 4); - } - }; - let O = !1; - const U = (T, z, te, X) => { - m(T, 0 + (X ? 1 : 0), 3), ((ne, B, Q, V) => { - R(ne), h(ne, Q), h(ne, ~Q), ne.pending_buf.set(ne.window.subarray(B, B + Q), ne.pending), ne.pending += Q; - })(T, z, te); - }; - J.exports._tr_init = (T) => { - O || ((() => { - let z, te, X, ne, B; - const Q = new Array(16); - for (X = 0, ne = 0; ne < 28; ne++) - for (u[ne] = X, z = 0; z < 1 << b[ne]; z++) - d[X++] = ne; - for (d[X - 1] = ne, B = 0, ne = 0; ne < 16; ne++) - for (s[ne] = B, z = 0; z < 1 << E[ne]; z++) - t[B++] = ne; - for (B >>= 7; ne < 30; ne++) - for (s[ne] = B << 7, z = 0; z < 1 << E[ne] - 7; z++) - t[256 + B++] = ne; - for (te = 0; te <= 15; te++) - Q[te] = 0; - for (z = 0; z <= 143; ) - y[2 * z + 1] = 8, z++, Q[8]++; - for (; z <= 255; ) - y[2 * z + 1] = 9, z++, Q[9]++; - for (; z <= 279; ) - y[2 * z + 1] = 7, z++, Q[7]++; - for (; z <= 287; ) - y[2 * z + 1] = 8, z++, Q[8]++; - for (l(y, 287, Q), z = 0; z < 30; z++) - a[2 * z + 1] = 5, a[2 * z] = C(z, 5); - n = new r(y, b, 257, 286, 15), o = new r(a, E, 0, 30, 15), i = new r(new Array(0), M, 0, 19, 7); - })(), O = !0), T.l_desc = new f(T.dyn_ltree, n), T.d_desc = new f(T.dyn_dtree, o), T.bl_desc = new f(T.bl_tree, i), T.bi_buf = 0, T.bi_valid = 0, I(T); - }, J.exports._tr_stored_block = U, J.exports._tr_flush_block = (T, z, te, X) => { - let ne, B, Q = 0; - T.level > 0 ? (T.strm.data_type === 2 && (T.strm.data_type = ((V) => { - let ee, K = 4093624447; - for (ee = 0; ee <= 31; ee++, K >>>= 1) - if (1 & K && V.dyn_ltree[2 * ee] !== 0) + oe !== 0 ? (oe !== D && (v(C, oe, C.bl_tree), H--), v(C, 16, C.bl_tree), m(C, H - 3, 2)) : H <= 10 ? (v(C, 17, C.bl_tree), m(C, H - 3, 3)) : (v(C, 18, C.bl_tree), m(C, H - 11, 7)); + H = 0, D = oe, Z === 0 ? (te = 138, Q = 3) : oe === Z ? (te = 6, Q = 3) : (te = 7, Q = 4); + } + }; + let P = !1; + const B = (C, L, re, ee) => { + m(C, 0 + (ee ? 1 : 0), 3), ((oe, D, Z, H) => { + N(oe), h(oe, Z), h(oe, ~Z), oe.pending_buf.set(oe.window.subarray(D, D + Z), oe.pending), oe.pending += Z; + })(C, L, re); + }; + J.exports._tr_init = (C) => { + P || ((() => { + let L, re, ee, oe, D; + const Z = new Array(16); + for (ee = 0, oe = 0; oe < 28; oe++) + for (u[oe] = ee, L = 0; L < 1 << y[oe]; L++) + d[ee++] = oe; + for (d[ee - 1] = oe, D = 0, oe = 0; oe < 16; oe++) + for (s[oe] = D, L = 0; L < 1 << E[oe]; L++) + t[D++] = oe; + for (D >>= 7; oe < 30; oe++) + for (s[oe] = D << 7, L = 0; L < 1 << E[oe] - 7; L++) + t[256 + D++] = oe; + for (re = 0; re <= 15; re++) + Z[re] = 0; + for (L = 0; L <= 143; ) + w[2 * L + 1] = 8, L++, Z[8]++; + for (; L <= 255; ) + w[2 * L + 1] = 9, L++, Z[9]++; + for (; L <= 279; ) + w[2 * L + 1] = 7, L++, Z[7]++; + for (; L <= 287; ) + w[2 * L + 1] = 8, L++, Z[8]++; + for (l(w, 287, Z), L = 0; L < 30; L++) + a[2 * L + 1] = 5, a[2 * L] = I(L, 5); + n = new r(w, y, 257, 286, 15), o = new r(a, E, 0, 30, 15), i = new r(new Array(0), R, 0, 19, 7); + })(), P = !0), C.l_desc = new f(C.dyn_ltree, n), C.d_desc = new f(C.dyn_dtree, o), C.bl_desc = new f(C.bl_tree, i), C.bi_buf = 0, C.bi_valid = 0, j(C); + }, J.exports._tr_stored_block = B, J.exports._tr_flush_block = (C, L, re, ee) => { + let oe, D, Z = 0; + C.level > 0 ? (C.strm.data_type === 2 && (C.strm.data_type = ((H) => { + let te, Q = 4093624447; + for (te = 0; te <= 31; te++, Q >>>= 1) + if (1 & Q && H.dyn_ltree[2 * te] !== 0) return 0; - if (V.dyn_ltree[18] !== 0 || V.dyn_ltree[20] !== 0 || V.dyn_ltree[26] !== 0) + if (H.dyn_ltree[18] !== 0 || H.dyn_ltree[20] !== 0 || H.dyn_ltree[26] !== 0) return 1; - for (ee = 32; ee < 256; ee++) - if (V.dyn_ltree[2 * ee] !== 0) + for (te = 32; te < 256; te++) + if (H.dyn_ltree[2 * te] !== 0) return 1; return 0; - })(T)), w(T, T.l_desc), w(T, T.d_desc), Q = ((V) => { - let ee; - for (_(V, V.dyn_ltree, V.l_desc.max_code), _(V, V.dyn_dtree, V.d_desc.max_code), w(V, V.bl_desc), ee = 18; ee >= 3 && V.bl_tree[2 * P[ee] + 1] === 0; ee--) + })(C)), k(C, C.l_desc), k(C, C.d_desc), Z = ((H) => { + let te; + for (b(H, H.dyn_ltree, H.l_desc.max_code), b(H, H.dyn_dtree, H.d_desc.max_code), k(H, H.bl_desc), te = 18; te >= 3 && H.bl_tree[2 * A[te] + 1] === 0; te--) ; - return V.opt_len += 3 * (ee + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, ee; - })(T), ne = T.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, B = T.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, B <= ne && (ne = B)) : ne = B = te + 5, te + 4 <= ne && z !== -1 ? U(T, z, te, X) : T.strategy === 4 || B === ne ? (m(T, 2 + (X ? 1 : 0), 3), A(T, y, a)) : (m(T, 4 + (X ? 1 : 0), 3), ((V, ee, K, Y) => { - let q; - for (m(V, ee - 257, 5), m(V, K - 1, 5), m(V, Y - 4, 4), q = 0; q < Y; q++) - m(V, V.bl_tree[2 * P[q] + 1], 3); - p(V, V.dyn_ltree, ee - 1), p(V, V.dyn_dtree, K - 1); - })(T, T.l_desc.max_code + 1, T.d_desc.max_code + 1, Q + 1), A(T, T.dyn_ltree, T.dyn_dtree)), I(T), X && R(T); - }, J.exports._tr_tally = (T, z, te) => (T.pending_buf[T.d_buf + 2 * T.last_lit] = z >>> 8 & 255, T.pending_buf[T.d_buf + 2 * T.last_lit + 1] = 255 & z, T.pending_buf[T.l_buf + T.last_lit] = 255 & te, T.last_lit++, z === 0 ? T.dyn_ltree[2 * te]++ : (T.matches++, z--, T.dyn_ltree[2 * (d[te] + 256 + 1)]++, T.dyn_dtree[2 * c(z)]++), T.last_lit === T.lit_bufsize - 1), J.exports._tr_align = (T) => { - m(T, 2, 3), v(T, 256, y), ((z) => { - z.bi_valid === 16 ? (h(z, z.bi_buf), z.bi_buf = 0, z.bi_valid = 0) : z.bi_valid >= 8 && (z.pending_buf[z.pending++] = 255 & z.bi_buf, z.bi_buf >>= 8, z.bi_valid -= 8); - })(T); + return H.opt_len += 3 * (te + 1) + 5 + 5 + 4, te; + })(C), oe = C.opt_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, D = C.static_len + 3 + 7 >>> 3, D <= oe && (oe = D)) : oe = D = re + 5, re + 4 <= oe && L !== -1 ? B(C, L, re, ee) : C.strategy === 4 || D === oe ? (m(C, 2 + (ee ? 1 : 0), 3), x(C, w, a)) : (m(C, 4 + (ee ? 1 : 0), 3), ((H, te, Q, X) => { + let F; + for (m(H, te - 257, 5), m(H, Q - 1, 5), m(H, X - 4, 4), F = 0; F < X; F++) + m(H, H.bl_tree[2 * A[F] + 1], 3); + p(H, H.dyn_ltree, te - 1), p(H, H.dyn_dtree, Q - 1); + })(C, C.l_desc.max_code + 1, C.d_desc.max_code + 1, Z + 1), x(C, C.dyn_ltree, C.dyn_dtree)), j(C), ee && N(C); + }, J.exports._tr_tally = (C, L, re) => (C.pending_buf[C.d_buf + 2 * C.last_lit] = L >>> 8 & 255, C.pending_buf[C.d_buf + 2 * C.last_lit + 1] = 255 & L, C.pending_buf[C.l_buf + C.last_lit] = 255 & re, C.last_lit++, L === 0 ? C.dyn_ltree[2 * re]++ : (C.matches++, L--, C.dyn_ltree[2 * (d[re] + 256 + 1)]++, C.dyn_dtree[2 * c(L)]++), C.last_lit === C.lit_bufsize - 1), J.exports._tr_align = (C) => { + m(C, 2, 3), v(C, 256, w), ((L) => { + L.bi_valid === 16 ? (h(L, L.bi_buf), L.bi_buf = 0, L.bi_valid = 0) : L.bi_valid >= 8 && (L.pending_buf[L.pending++] = 255 & L.bi_buf, L.bi_buf >>= 8, L.bi_valid -= 8); + })(C); }; }, 2292: (J) => { J.exports = function() { this.input = null, this.next_in = 0, this.avail_in = 0, this.total_in = 0, this.output = null, this.next_out = 0, this.avail_out = 0, this.total_out = 0, this.msg = "", this.state = null, this.data_type = 2, this.adler = 0; }; - }, 5632: (J, e, b) => { - e.pbkdf2 = b(8638), e.pbkdf2Sync = b(1257); - }, 8638: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M, P = b(9509).Buffer, y = b(7357), a = b(2368), t = b(1257), d = b(7777), u = b.g.crypto && b.g.crypto.subtle, s = { sha: "SHA-1", "sha-1": "SHA-1", sha1: "SHA-1", sha256: "SHA-256", "sha-256": "SHA-256", sha384: "SHA-384", "sha-384": "SHA-384", "sha-512": "SHA-512", sha512: "SHA-512" }, r = []; + }, 5632: (J, e, y) => { + e.pbkdf2 = y(8638), e.pbkdf2Sync = y(1257); + }, 8638: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R, A = y(9509).Buffer, w = y(7357), a = y(2368), t = y(1257), d = y(7777), u = y.g.crypto && y.g.crypto.subtle, s = { sha: "SHA-1", "sha-1": "SHA-1", sha1: "SHA-1", sha256: "SHA-256", "sha-256": "SHA-256", sha384: "SHA-384", "sha-384": "SHA-384", "sha-512": "SHA-512", sha512: "SHA-512" }, r = []; function n() { - return M || (M = b.g.process && b.g.process.nextTick ? b.g.process.nextTick : b.g.queueMicrotask ? b.g.queueMicrotask : b.g.setImmediate ? b.g.setImmediate : b.g.setTimeout); + return R || (R = y.g.process && y.g.process.nextTick ? y.g.process.nextTick : y.g.queueMicrotask ? y.g.queueMicrotask : y.g.setImmediate ? y.g.setImmediate : y.g.setTimeout); } function o(i, f, c, h, m) { return u.importKey("raw", i, { name: "PBKDF2" }, !1, ["deriveBits"]).then(function(v) { return u.deriveBits({ name: "PBKDF2", salt: f, iterations: c, hash: { name: m } }, v, h << 3); }).then(function(v) { - return P.from(v); + return A.from(v); }); } J.exports = function(i, f, c, h, m, v) { typeof m == "function" && (v = m, m = void 0); - var C = s[(m = m || "sha1").toLowerCase()]; - if (C && typeof b.g.Promise == "function") { - if (y(c, h), i = d(i, a, "Password"), f = d(f, a, "Salt"), typeof v != "function") + var I = s[(m = m || "sha1").toLowerCase()]; + if (I && typeof y.g.Promise == "function") { + if (w(c, h), i = d(i, a, "Password"), f = d(f, a, "Salt"), typeof v != "function") throw new Error("No callback provided to pbkdf2"); - (function(l, I) { - l.then(function(R) { + (function(l, j) { + l.then(function(N) { n()(function() { - I(null, R); + j(null, N); }); - }, function(R) { + }, function(N) { n()(function() { - I(R); + j(N); }); }); })(function(l) { - if (b.g.process && !b.g.process.browser || !u || !u.importKey || !u.deriveBits) + if (y.g.process && !y.g.process.browser || !u || !u.importKey || !u.deriveBits) return Promise.resolve(!1); if (r[l] !== void 0) return r[l]; - var I = o(E = E || P.alloc(8), E, 10, 128, l).then(function() { + var j = o(E = E || A.alloc(8), E, 10, 128, l).then(function() { return !0; }).catch(function() { return !1; }); - return r[l] = I, I; - }(C).then(function(l) { - return l ? o(i, f, c, h, C) : t(i, f, c, h, m); + return r[l] = j, j; + }(I).then(function(l) { + return l ? o(i, f, c, h, I) : t(i, f, c, h, m); }), v); } else n()(function() { var l; try { l = t(i, f, c, h, m); - } catch (I) { - return v(I); + } catch (j) { + return v(j); } v(null, l); }); }; - }, 2368: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = b(4155); - E = b.g.process && b.g.process.browser ? "utf-8" : b.g.process && b.g.process.version ? parseInt(M.version.split(".")[0].slice(1), 10) >= 6 ? "utf-8" : "binary" : "utf-8", J.exports = E; + }, 2368: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = y(4155); + E = y.g.process && y.g.process.browser ? "utf-8" : y.g.process && y.g.process.version ? parseInt(R.version.split(".")[0].slice(1), 10) >= 6 ? "utf-8" : "binary" : "utf-8", J.exports = E; }, 7357: (J) => { var e = Math.pow(2, 30) - 1; - J.exports = function(b, E) { - if (typeof b != "number") + J.exports = function(y, E) { + if (typeof y != "number") throw new TypeError("Iterations not a number"); - if (b < 0) + if (y < 0) throw new TypeError("Bad iterations"); if (typeof E != "number") throw new TypeError("Key length not a number"); if (E < 0 || E > e || E != E) throw new TypeError("Bad key length"); }; - }, 1257: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8028), M = b(9785), P = b(9072), y = b(9509).Buffer, a = b(7357), t = b(2368), d = b(7777), u = y.alloc(128), s = { md5: 16, sha1: 20, sha224: 28, sha256: 32, sha384: 48, sha512: 64, rmd160: 20, ripemd160: 20 }; + }, 1257: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8028), R = y(9785), A = y(9072), w = y(9509).Buffer, a = y(7357), t = y(2368), d = y(7777), u = w.alloc(128), s = { md5: 16, sha1: 20, sha224: 28, sha256: 32, sha384: 48, sha512: 64, rmd160: 20, ripemd160: 20 }; function r(n, o, i) { var f = function(l) { - return l === "rmd160" || l === "ripemd160" ? function(I) { - return new M().update(I).digest(); - } : l === "md5" ? E : function(I) { - return P(l).update(I).digest(); + return l === "rmd160" || l === "ripemd160" ? function(j) { + return new R().update(j).digest(); + } : l === "md5" ? E : function(j) { + return A(l).update(j).digest(); }; }(n), c = n === "sha512" || n === "sha384" ? 128 : 64; - o.length > c ? o = f(o) : o.length < c && (o = y.concat([o, u], c)); - for (var h = y.allocUnsafe(c + s[n]), m = y.allocUnsafe(c + s[n]), v = 0; v < c; v++) + o.length > c ? o = f(o) : o.length < c && (o = w.concat([o, u], c)); + for (var h = w.allocUnsafe(c + s[n]), m = w.allocUnsafe(c + s[n]), v = 0; v < c; v++) h[v] = 54 ^ o[v], m[v] = 92 ^ o[v]; - var C = y.allocUnsafe(c + i + 4); - h.copy(C, 0, 0, c), this.ipad1 = C, this.ipad2 = h, this.opad = m, this.alg = n, this.blocksize = c, this.hash = f, this.size = s[n]; + var I = w.allocUnsafe(c + i + 4); + h.copy(I, 0, 0, c), this.ipad1 = I, this.ipad2 = h, this.opad = m, this.alg = n, this.blocksize = c, this.hash = f, this.size = s[n]; } r.prototype.run = function(n, o) { return n.copy(o, this.blocksize), this.hash(o).copy(this.opad, this.blocksize), this.hash(this.opad); }, J.exports = function(n, o, i, f, c) { a(i, f); - var h = new r(c = c || "sha1", n = d(n, t, "Password"), (o = d(o, t, "Salt")).length), m = y.allocUnsafe(f), v = y.allocUnsafe(o.length + 4); + var h = new r(c = c || "sha1", n = d(n, t, "Password"), (o = d(o, t, "Salt")).length), m = w.allocUnsafe(f), v = w.allocUnsafe(o.length + 4); o.copy(v, 0, 0, o.length); - for (var C = 0, l = s[c], I = Math.ceil(f / l), R = 1; R <= I; R++) { - v.writeUInt32BE(R, o.length); - for (var k = h.run(v, h.ipad1), N = k, A = 1; A < i; A++) { - N = h.run(N, h.ipad2); - for (var w = 0; w < l; w++) - k[w] ^= N[w]; + for (var I = 0, l = s[c], j = Math.ceil(f / l), N = 1; N <= j; N++) { + v.writeUInt32BE(N, o.length); + for (var S = h.run(v, h.ipad1), T = S, x = 1; x < i; x++) { + T = h.run(T, h.ipad2); + for (var k = 0; k < l; k++) + S[k] ^= T[k]; } - k.copy(m, C), C += l; + S.copy(m, I), I += l; } return m; }; - }, 7777: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9509).Buffer; - J.exports = function(M, P, y) { - if (E.isBuffer(M)) - return M; - if (typeof M == "string") - return E.from(M, P); - if (ArrayBuffer.isView(M)) - return E.from(M.buffer); - throw new TypeError(y + " must be a string, a Buffer, a typed array or a DataView"); + }, 7777: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9509).Buffer; + J.exports = function(R, A, w) { + if (E.isBuffer(R)) + return R; + if (typeof R == "string") + return E.from(R, A); + if (ArrayBuffer.isView(R)) + return E.from(R.buffer); + throw new TypeError(w + " must be a string, a Buffer, a typed array or a DataView"); }; }, 4155: (J) => { - var e, b, E = J.exports = {}; - function M() { + var e, y, E = J.exports = {}; + function R() { throw new Error("setTimeout has not been defined"); } - function P() { + function A() { throw new Error("clearTimeout has not been defined"); } - function y(i) { + function w(i) { if (e === setTimeout) return setTimeout(i, 0); - if ((e === M || !e) && setTimeout) + if ((e === R || !e) && setTimeout) return e = setTimeout, setTimeout(i, 0); try { return e(i, 0); @@ -12637,14 +12975,14 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } (function() { try { - e = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : M; + e = typeof setTimeout == "function" ? setTimeout : R; } catch { - e = M; + e = R; } try { - b = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : P; + y = typeof clearTimeout == "function" ? clearTimeout : A; } catch { - b = P; + y = A; } })(); var a, t = [], d = !1, u = -1; @@ -12653,7 +12991,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; } function r() { if (!d) { - var i = y(s); + var i = w(s); d = !0; for (var f = t.length; f; ) { for (a = t, t = []; ++u < f; ) @@ -12661,17 +12999,17 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; u = -1, f = t.length; } a = null, d = !1, function(c) { - if (b === clearTimeout) + if (y === clearTimeout) return clearTimeout(c); - if ((b === P || !b) && clearTimeout) - return b = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(c); + if ((y === A || !y) && clearTimeout) + return y = clearTimeout, clearTimeout(c); try { - return b(c); + return y(c); } catch { try { - return b.call(null, c); + return y.call(null, c); } catch { - return b.call(this, c); + return y.call(this, c); } } }(i); @@ -12687,7 +13025,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; if (arguments.length > 1) for (var c = 1; c < arguments.length; c++) f[c - 1] = arguments[c]; - t.push(new n(i, f)), t.length !== 1 || d || y(r); + t.push(new n(i, f)), t.length !== 1 || d || w(r); }, n.prototype.run = function() { this.fun.apply(null, this.array); }, E.title = "browser", E.browser = !0, E.env = {}, E.argv = [], E.version = "", E.versions = {}, E.on = o, E.addListener = o, E.once = o, E.off = o, E.removeListener = o, E.removeAllListeners = o, E.emit = o, E.prependListener = o, E.prependOnceListener = o, E.listeners = function(i) { @@ -12701,17 +13039,17 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, E.umask = function() { return 0; }; - }, 2100: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = b(9482); - }, 9482: (J, e, b) => { + }, 2100: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = y(9482); + }, 9482: (J, e, y) => { var E = e; - function M() { + function R() { E.util._configure(), E.Writer._configure(E.BufferWriter), E.Reader._configure(E.BufferReader); } - E.build = "minimal", E.Writer = b(1173), E.BufferWriter = b(3155), E.Reader = b(1408), E.BufferReader = b(593), E.util = b(9693), E.rpc = b(5994), E.roots = b(5054), E.configure = M, M(); - }, 1408: (J, e, b) => { + E.build = "minimal", E.Writer = y(1173), E.BufferWriter = y(3155), E.Reader = y(1408), E.BufferReader = y(593), E.util = y(9693), E.rpc = y(5994), E.roots = y(5054), E.configure = R, R(); + }, 1408: (J, e, y) => { J.exports = t; - var E, M = b(9693), P = M.LongBits, y = M.utf8; + var E, R = y(9693), A = R.LongBits, w = R.utf8; function a(i, f) { return RangeError("index out of range: " + i.pos + " + " + (f || 1) + " > " + i.len); } @@ -12727,14 +13065,14 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return new t(i); throw Error("illegal buffer"); }, s = function() { - return M.Buffer ? function(i) { + return R.Buffer ? function(i) { return (t.create = function(f) { - return M.Buffer.isBuffer(f) ? new E(f) : u(f); + return R.Buffer.isBuffer(f) ? new E(f) : u(f); })(i); } : u; }; function r() { - var i = new P(0, 0), f = 0; + var i = new A(0, 0), f = 0; if (!(this.len - this.pos > 4)) { for (; f < 3; ++f) { if (this.pos >= this.len) @@ -12768,9 +13106,9 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; function o() { if (this.pos + 8 > this.len) throw a(this, 8); - return new P(n(this.buf, this.pos += 4), n(this.buf, this.pos += 4)); + return new A(n(this.buf, this.pos += 4), n(this.buf, this.pos += 4)); } - t.create = s(), t.prototype._slice = M.Array.prototype.subarray || M.Array.prototype.slice, t.prototype.uint32 = (d = 4294967295, function() { + t.create = s(), t.prototype._slice = R.Array.prototype.subarray || R.Array.prototype.slice, t.prototype.uint32 = (d = 4294967295, function() { if (d = (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128 || (d = (d | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 7) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) || (d = (d | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 14) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) || (d = (d | (127 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 21) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128) || (d = (d | (15 & this.buf[this.pos]) << 28) >>> 0, this.buf[this.pos++] < 128)) return d; if ((this.pos += 5) > this.len) @@ -12794,12 +13132,12 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, t.prototype.float = function() { if (this.pos + 4 > this.len) throw a(this, 4); - var i = M.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos); + var i = R.float.readFloatLE(this.buf, this.pos); return this.pos += 4, i; }, t.prototype.double = function() { if (this.pos + 8 > this.len) throw a(this, 4); - var i = M.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos); + var i = R.float.readDoubleLE(this.buf, this.pos); return this.pos += 8, i; }, t.prototype.bytes = function() { var i = this.uint32(), f = this.pos, c = this.pos + i; @@ -12808,7 +13146,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return this.pos += i, Array.isArray(this.buf) ? this.buf.slice(f, c) : f === c ? new this.buf.constructor(0) : this._slice.call(this.buf, f, c); }, t.prototype.string = function() { var i = this.bytes(); - return y.read(i, 0, i.length); + return w.read(i, 0, i.length); }, t.prototype.skip = function(i) { if (typeof i == "number") { if (this.pos + i > this.len) @@ -12844,8 +13182,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return this; }, t._configure = function(i) { E = i, t.create = s(), E._configure(); - var f = M.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber"; - M.merge(t.prototype, { int64: function() { + var f = R.Long ? "toLong" : "toNumber"; + R.merge(t.prototype, { int64: function() { return r.call(this)[f](!1); }, uint64: function() { return r.call(this)[f](!0); @@ -12857,56 +13195,56 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; return o.call(this)[f](!1); } }); }; - }, 593: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = P; - var E = b(1408); - (P.prototype = Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor = P; - var M = b(9693); - function P(y) { - E.call(this, y); - } - P._configure = function() { - M.Buffer && (P.prototype._slice = M.Buffer.prototype.slice); - }, P.prototype.string = function() { - var y = this.uint32(); - return this.buf.utf8Slice ? this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + y, this.len)) : this.buf.toString("utf-8", this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + y, this.len)); - }, P._configure(); + }, 593: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = A; + var E = y(1408); + (A.prototype = Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor = A; + var R = y(9693); + function A(w) { + E.call(this, w); + } + A._configure = function() { + R.Buffer && (A.prototype._slice = R.Buffer.prototype.slice); + }, A.prototype.string = function() { + var w = this.uint32(); + return this.buf.utf8Slice ? this.buf.utf8Slice(this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + w, this.len)) : this.buf.toString("utf-8", this.pos, this.pos = Math.min(this.pos + w, this.len)); + }, A._configure(); }, 5054: (J) => { J.exports = {}; - }, 5994: (J, e, b) => { - e.Service = b(7948); - }, 7948: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = M; - var E = b(9693); - function M(P, y, a) { - if (typeof P != "function") + }, 5994: (J, e, y) => { + e.Service = y(7948); + }, 7948: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = R; + var E = y(9693); + function R(A, w, a) { + if (typeof A != "function") throw TypeError("rpcImpl must be a function"); - E.EventEmitter.call(this), this.rpcImpl = P, this.requestDelimited = !!y, this.responseDelimited = !!a; + E.EventEmitter.call(this), this.rpcImpl = A, this.requestDelimited = !!w, this.responseDelimited = !!a; } - (M.prototype = Object.create(E.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = M, M.prototype.rpcCall = function P(y, a, t, d, u) { + (R.prototype = Object.create(E.EventEmitter.prototype)).constructor = R, R.prototype.rpcCall = function A(w, a, t, d, u) { if (!d) throw TypeError("request must be specified"); var s = this; if (!u) - return E.asPromise(P, s, y, a, t, d); + return E.asPromise(A, s, w, a, t, d); if (s.rpcImpl) try { - return s.rpcImpl(y, a[s.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](d).finish(), function(r, n) { + return s.rpcImpl(w, a[s.requestDelimited ? "encodeDelimited" : "encode"](d).finish(), function(r, n) { if (r) - return s.emit("error", r, y), u(r); + return s.emit("error", r, w), u(r); if (n !== null) { if (!(n instanceof t)) try { n = t[s.responseDelimited ? "decodeDelimited" : "decode"](n); } catch (o) { - return s.emit("error", o, y), u(o); + return s.emit("error", o, w), u(o); } - return s.emit("data", n, y), u(null, n); + return s.emit("data", n, w), u(null, n); } s.end(!0); }); } catch (r) { - return s.emit("error", r, y), void setTimeout(function() { + return s.emit("error", r, w), void setTimeout(function() { u(r); }, 0); } @@ -12914,134 +13252,134 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; setTimeout(function() { u(Error("already ended")); }, 0); - }, M.prototype.end = function(P) { - return this.rpcImpl && (P || this.rpcImpl(null, null, null), this.rpcImpl = null, this.emit("end").off()), this; + }, R.prototype.end = function(A) { + return this.rpcImpl && (A || this.rpcImpl(null, null, null), this.rpcImpl = null, this.emit("end").off()), this; }; - }, 2630: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = M; - var E = b(9693); - function M(t, d) { + }, 2630: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = R; + var E = y(9693); + function R(t, d) { this.lo = t >>> 0, this.hi = d >>> 0; } - var P = M.zero = new M(0, 0); - P.toNumber = function() { + var A = R.zero = new R(0, 0); + A.toNumber = function() { return 0; - }, P.zzEncode = P.zzDecode = function() { + }, A.zzEncode = A.zzDecode = function() { return this; - }, P.length = function() { + }, A.length = function() { return 1; }; - var y = M.zeroHash = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; - M.fromNumber = function(t) { + var w = R.zeroHash = "\0\0\0\0\0\0\0\0"; + R.fromNumber = function(t) { if (t === 0) - return P; + return A; var d = t < 0; d && (t = -t); var u = t >>> 0, s = (t - u) / 4294967296 >>> 0; - return d && (s = ~s >>> 0, u = ~u >>> 0, ++u > 4294967295 && (u = 0, ++s > 4294967295 && (s = 0))), new M(u, s); - }, M.from = function(t) { + return d && (s = ~s >>> 0, u = ~u >>> 0, ++u > 4294967295 && (u = 0, ++s > 4294967295 && (s = 0))), new R(u, s); + }, R.from = function(t) { if (typeof t == "number") - return M.fromNumber(t); + return R.fromNumber(t); if (E.isString(t)) { if (!E.Long) - return M.fromNumber(parseInt(t, 10)); + return R.fromNumber(parseInt(t, 10)); t = E.Long.fromString(t); } - return t.low || t.high ? new M(t.low >>> 0, t.high >>> 0) : P; - }, M.prototype.toNumber = function(t) { + return t.low || t.high ? new R(t.low >>> 0, t.high >>> 0) : A; + }, R.prototype.toNumber = function(t) { if (!t && this.hi >>> 31) { var d = 1 + ~this.lo >>> 0, u = ~this.hi >>> 0; return d || (u = u + 1 >>> 0), -(d + 4294967296 * u); } return this.lo + 4294967296 * this.hi; - }, M.prototype.toLong = function(t) { + }, R.prototype.toLong = function(t) { return E.Long ? new E.Long(0 | this.lo, 0 | this.hi, !!t) : { low: 0 | this.lo, high: 0 | this.hi, unsigned: !!t }; }; var a = String.prototype.charCodeAt; - M.fromHash = function(t) { - return t === y ? P : new M((a.call(t, 0) | a.call(t, 1) << 8 | a.call(t, 2) << 16 | a.call(t, 3) << 24) >>> 0, (a.call(t, 4) | a.call(t, 5) << 8 | a.call(t, 6) << 16 | a.call(t, 7) << 24) >>> 0); - }, M.prototype.toHash = function() { + R.fromHash = function(t) { + return t === w ? A : new R((a.call(t, 0) | a.call(t, 1) << 8 | a.call(t, 2) << 16 | a.call(t, 3) << 24) >>> 0, (a.call(t, 4) | a.call(t, 5) << 8 | a.call(t, 6) << 16 | a.call(t, 7) << 24) >>> 0); + }, R.prototype.toHash = function() { return String.fromCharCode(255 & this.lo, this.lo >>> 8 & 255, this.lo >>> 16 & 255, this.lo >>> 24, 255 & this.hi, this.hi >>> 8 & 255, this.hi >>> 16 & 255, this.hi >>> 24); - }, M.prototype.zzEncode = function() { + }, R.prototype.zzEncode = function() { var t = this.hi >> 31; return this.hi = ((this.hi << 1 | this.lo >>> 31) ^ t) >>> 0, this.lo = (this.lo << 1 ^ t) >>> 0, this; - }, M.prototype.zzDecode = function() { + }, R.prototype.zzDecode = function() { var t = -(1 & this.lo); return this.lo = ((this.lo >>> 1 | this.hi << 31) ^ t) >>> 0, this.hi = (this.hi >>> 1 ^ t) >>> 0, this; - }, M.prototype.length = function() { + }, R.prototype.length = function() { var t = this.lo, d = (this.lo >>> 28 | this.hi << 4) >>> 0, u = this.hi >>> 24; return u === 0 ? d === 0 ? t < 16384 ? t < 128 ? 1 : 2 : t < 2097152 ? 3 : 4 : d < 16384 ? d < 128 ? 5 : 6 : d < 2097152 ? 7 : 8 : u < 128 ? 9 : 10; }; - }, 9693: function(J, e, b) { + }, 9693: function(J, e, y) { var E = e; - function M(y, a, t) { + function R(w, a, t) { for (var d = Object.keys(a), u = 0; u < d.length; ++u) - y[d[u]] !== void 0 && t || (y[d[u]] = a[d[u]]); - return y; + w[d[u]] !== void 0 && t || (w[d[u]] = a[d[u]]); + return w; } - function P(y) { + function A(w) { function a(t, d) { if (!(this instanceof a)) return new a(t, d); Object.defineProperty(this, "message", { get: function() { return t; - } }), Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, a) : Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack || "" }), d && M(this, d); + } }), Error.captureStackTrace ? Error.captureStackTrace(this, a) : Object.defineProperty(this, "stack", { value: new Error().stack || "" }), d && R(this, d); } return (a.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype)).constructor = a, Object.defineProperty(a.prototype, "name", { get: function() { - return y; + return w; } }), a.prototype.toString = function() { return this.name + ": " + this.message; }, a; } - E.asPromise = b(4537), E.base64 = b(7419), E.EventEmitter = b(9211), E.float = b(945), E.inquire = b(7199), E.utf8 = b(4997), E.pool = b(6662), E.LongBits = b(2630), E.isNode = !!(b.g !== void 0 && b.g && b.g.process && b.g.process.versions && b.g.process.versions.node), E.global = E.isNode && b.g || typeof window < "u" && window || typeof self < "u" && self || this, E.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : [], E.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {}, E.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(y) { - return typeof y == "number" && isFinite(y) && Math.floor(y) === y; - }, E.isString = function(y) { - return typeof y == "string" || y instanceof String; - }, E.isObject = function(y) { - return y && typeof y == "object"; - }, E.isset = E.isSet = function(y, a) { - var t = y[a]; - return !(t == null || !y.hasOwnProperty(a)) && (typeof t != "object" || (Array.isArray(t) ? t.length : Object.keys(t).length) > 0); + E.asPromise = y(4537), E.base64 = y(7419), E.EventEmitter = y(9211), E.float = y(945), E.inquire = y(7199), E.utf8 = y(4997), E.pool = y(6662), E.LongBits = y(2630), E.isNode = !!(y.g !== void 0 && y.g && y.g.process && y.g.process.versions && y.g.process.versions.node), E.global = E.isNode && y.g || typeof window < "u" && window || typeof self < "u" && self || this, E.emptyArray = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze([]) : [], E.emptyObject = Object.freeze ? Object.freeze({}) : {}, E.isInteger = Number.isInteger || function(w) { + return typeof w == "number" && isFinite(w) && Math.floor(w) === w; + }, E.isString = function(w) { + return typeof w == "string" || w instanceof String; + }, E.isObject = function(w) { + return w && typeof w == "object"; + }, E.isset = E.isSet = function(w, a) { + var t = w[a]; + return !(t == null || !w.hasOwnProperty(a)) && (typeof t != "object" || (Array.isArray(t) ? t.length : Object.keys(t).length) > 0); }, E.Buffer = function() { try { - var y = E.inquire("buffer").Buffer; - return y.prototype.utf8Write ? y : null; + var w = E.inquire("buffer").Buffer; + return w.prototype.utf8Write ? w : null; } catch { return null; } - }(), E._Buffer_from = null, E._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null, E.newBuffer = function(y) { - return typeof y == "number" ? E.Buffer ? E._Buffer_allocUnsafe(y) : new E.Array(y) : E.Buffer ? E._Buffer_from(y) : typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? y : new Uint8Array(y); - }, E.Array = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, E.Long = E.global.dcodeIO && E.global.dcodeIO.Long || E.global.Long || E.inquire("long"), E.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/, E.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/, E.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/, E.longToHash = function(y) { - return y ? E.LongBits.from(y).toHash() : E.LongBits.zeroHash; - }, E.longFromHash = function(y, a) { - var t = E.LongBits.fromHash(y); + }(), E._Buffer_from = null, E._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null, E.newBuffer = function(w) { + return typeof w == "number" ? E.Buffer ? E._Buffer_allocUnsafe(w) : new E.Array(w) : E.Buffer ? E._Buffer_from(w) : typeof Uint8Array > "u" ? w : new Uint8Array(w); + }, E.Array = typeof Uint8Array < "u" ? Uint8Array : Array, E.Long = E.global.dcodeIO && E.global.dcodeIO.Long || E.global.Long || E.inquire("long"), E.key2Re = /^true|false|0|1$/, E.key32Re = /^-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*)$/, E.key64Re = /^(?:[\\x00-\\xff]{8}|-?(?:0|[1-9][0-9]*))$/, E.longToHash = function(w) { + return w ? E.LongBits.from(w).toHash() : E.LongBits.zeroHash; + }, E.longFromHash = function(w, a) { + var t = E.LongBits.fromHash(w); return E.Long ? E.Long.fromBits(t.lo, t.hi, a) : t.toNumber(!!a); - }, E.merge = M, E.lcFirst = function(y) { - return y.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + y.substring(1); - }, E.newError = P, E.ProtocolError = P("ProtocolError"), E.oneOfGetter = function(y) { - for (var a = {}, t = 0; t < y.length; ++t) - a[y[t]] = 1; + }, E.merge = R, E.lcFirst = function(w) { + return w.charAt(0).toLowerCase() + w.substring(1); + }, E.newError = A, E.ProtocolError = A("ProtocolError"), E.oneOfGetter = function(w) { + for (var a = {}, t = 0; t < w.length; ++t) + a[w[t]] = 1; return function() { for (var d = Object.keys(this), u = d.length - 1; u > -1; --u) if (a[d[u]] === 1 && this[d[u]] !== void 0 && this[d[u]] !== null) return d[u]; }; - }, E.oneOfSetter = function(y) { + }, E.oneOfSetter = function(w) { return function(a) { - for (var t = 0; t < y.length; ++t) - y[t] !== a && delete this[y[t]]; + for (var t = 0; t < w.length; ++t) + w[t] !== a && delete this[w[t]]; }; }, E.toJSONOptions = { longs: String, enums: String, bytes: String, json: !0 }, E._configure = function() { - var y = E.Buffer; - y ? (E._Buffer_from = y.from !== Uint8Array.from && y.from || function(a, t) { - return new y(a, t); - }, E._Buffer_allocUnsafe = y.allocUnsafe || function(a) { - return new y(a); + var w = E.Buffer; + w ? (E._Buffer_from = w.from !== Uint8Array.from && w.from || function(a, t) { + return new w(a, t); + }, E._Buffer_allocUnsafe = w.allocUnsafe || function(a) { + return new w(a); }) : E._Buffer_from = E._Buffer_allocUnsafe = null; }; - }, 1173: (J, e, b) => { + }, 1173: (J, e, y) => { J.exports = s; - var E, M = b(9693), P = M.LongBits, y = M.base64, a = M.utf8; + var E, R = y(9693), A = R.LongBits, w = R.base64, a = R.utf8; function t(h, m, v) { this.fn = h, this.len = m, this.next = void 0, this.val = v; } @@ -13054,7 +13392,7 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; this.len = 0, this.head = new t(d, 0, 0), this.tail = this.head, this.states = null; } var r = function() { - return M.Buffer ? function() { + return R.Buffer ? function() { return (s.create = function() { return new E(); })(); @@ -13079,8 +13417,8 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; m[v] = 255 & h, m[v + 1] = h >>> 8 & 255, m[v + 2] = h >>> 16 & 255, m[v + 3] = h >>> 24; } s.create = r(), s.alloc = function(h) { - return new M.Array(h); - }, M.Array !== Array && (s.alloc = M.pool(s.alloc, M.Array.prototype.subarray)), s.prototype._push = function(h, m, v) { + return new R.Array(h); + }, R.Array !== Array && (s.alloc = R.pool(s.alloc, R.Array.prototype.subarray)), s.prototype._push = function(h, m, v) { return this.tail = this.tail.next = new t(h, m, v), this.len += m, this; }, o.prototype = Object.create(t.prototype), o.prototype.fn = function(h, m, v) { for (; h > 127; ) @@ -13089,40 +13427,40 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, s.prototype.uint32 = function(h) { return this.len += (this.tail = this.tail.next = new o((h >>>= 0) < 128 ? 1 : h < 16384 ? 2 : h < 2097152 ? 3 : h < 268435456 ? 4 : 5, h)).len, this; }, s.prototype.int32 = function(h) { - return h < 0 ? this._push(i, 10, P.fromNumber(h)) : this.uint32(h); + return h < 0 ? this._push(i, 10, A.fromNumber(h)) : this.uint32(h); }, s.prototype.sint32 = function(h) { return this.uint32((h << 1 ^ h >> 31) >>> 0); }, s.prototype.uint64 = function(h) { - var m = P.from(h); + var m = A.from(h); return this._push(i, m.length(), m); }, s.prototype.int64 = s.prototype.uint64, s.prototype.sint64 = function(h) { - var m = P.from(h).zzEncode(); + var m = A.from(h).zzEncode(); return this._push(i, m.length(), m); }, s.prototype.bool = function(h) { return this._push(n, 1, h ? 1 : 0); }, s.prototype.fixed32 = function(h) { return this._push(f, 4, h >>> 0); }, s.prototype.sfixed32 = s.prototype.fixed32, s.prototype.fixed64 = function(h) { - var m = P.from(h); + var m = A.from(h); return this._push(f, 4, m.lo)._push(f, 4, m.hi); }, s.prototype.sfixed64 = s.prototype.fixed64, s.prototype.float = function(h) { - return this._push(M.float.writeFloatLE, 4, h); + return this._push(R.float.writeFloatLE, 4, h); }, s.prototype.double = function(h) { - return this._push(M.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, h); + return this._push(R.float.writeDoubleLE, 8, h); }; - var c = M.Array.prototype.set ? function(h, m, v) { + var c = R.Array.prototype.set ? function(h, m, v) { m.set(h, v); } : function(h, m, v) { - for (var C = 0; C < h.length; ++C) - m[v + C] = h[C]; + for (var I = 0; I < h.length; ++I) + m[v + I] = h[I]; }; s.prototype.bytes = function(h) { var m = h.length >>> 0; if (!m) return this._push(n, 1, 0); - if (M.isString(h)) { - var v = s.alloc(m = y.length(h)); - y.decode(h, v, 0), h = v; + if (R.isString(h)) { + var v = s.alloc(m = w.length(h)); + w.decode(h, v, 0), h = v; } return this.uint32(m)._push(c, m, h); }, s.prototype.string = function(h) { @@ -13142,19 +13480,19 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; }, s._configure = function(h) { E = h, s.create = r(), E._configure(); }; - }, 3155: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = P; - var E = b(1173); - (P.prototype = Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor = P; - var M = b(9693); - function P() { + }, 3155: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = A; + var E = y(1173); + (A.prototype = Object.create(E.prototype)).constructor = A; + var R = y(9693); + function A() { E.call(this); } - function y(a, t, d) { - a.length < 40 ? M.utf8.write(a, t, d) : t.utf8Write ? t.utf8Write(a, d) : t.write(a, d); + function w(a, t, d) { + a.length < 40 ? R.utf8.write(a, t, d) : t.utf8Write ? t.utf8Write(a, d) : t.write(a, d); } - P._configure = function() { - P.alloc = M._Buffer_allocUnsafe, P.writeBytesBuffer = M.Buffer && M.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && M.Buffer.prototype.set.name === "set" ? function(a, t, d) { + A._configure = function() { + A.alloc = R._Buffer_allocUnsafe, A.writeBytesBuffer = R.Buffer && R.Buffer.prototype instanceof Uint8Array && R.Buffer.prototype.set.name === "set" ? function(a, t, d) { t.set(a, d); } : function(a, t, d) { if (a.copy) @@ -13163,26 +13501,26 @@ Please pass a 2048 word array explicitly.`; for (var u = 0; u < a.length; ) t[d++] = a[u++]; }; - }, P.prototype.bytes = function(a) { - M.isString(a) && (a = M._Buffer_from(a, "base64")); + }, A.prototype.bytes = function(a) { + R.isString(a) && (a = R._Buffer_from(a, "base64")); var t = a.length >>> 0; - return this.uint32(t), t && this._push(P.writeBytesBuffer, t, a), this; - }, P.prototype.string = function(a) { - var t = M.Buffer.byteLength(a); - return this.uint32(t), t && this._push(y, t, a), this; - }, P._configure(); - }, 1798: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4155), M = 65536, P = b(9509).Buffer, y = b.g.crypto || b.g.msCrypto; - y && y.getRandomValues ? J.exports = function(a, t) { + return this.uint32(t), t && this._push(A.writeBytesBuffer, t, a), this; + }, A.prototype.string = function(a) { + var t = R.Buffer.byteLength(a); + return this.uint32(t), t && this._push(w, t, a), this; + }, A._configure(); + }, 1798: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4155), R = 65536, A = y(9509).Buffer, w = y.g.crypto || y.g.msCrypto; + w && w.getRandomValues ? J.exports = function(a, t) { if (a > 4294967295) throw new RangeError("requested too many random bytes"); - var d = P.allocUnsafe(a); + var d = A.allocUnsafe(a); if (a > 0) - if (a > M) - for (var u = 0; u < a; u += M) - y.getRandomValues(d.slice(u, u + M)); + if (a > R) + for (var u = 0; u < a; u += R) + w.getRandomValues(d.slice(u, u + R)); else - y.getRandomValues(d); + w.getRandomValues(d); return typeof t == "function" ? E.nextTick(function() { t(null, d); }) : d; @@ -13192,66 +13530,66 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }; }, 4281: (J) => { var e = {}; - function b(M, P, y) { - y || (y = Error); + function y(R, A, w) { + w || (w = Error); var a = function(t) { var d, u; function s(r, n, o) { return t.call(this, function(i, f, c) { - return typeof P == "string" ? P : P(i, f, c); + return typeof A == "string" ? A : A(i, f, c); }(r, n, o)) || this; } return u = t, (d = s).prototype = Object.create(u.prototype), d.prototype.constructor = d, d.__proto__ = u, s; - }(y); - a.prototype.name = y.name, a.prototype.code = M, e[M] = a; + }(w); + a.prototype.name = w.name, a.prototype.code = R, e[R] = a; } - function E(M, P) { - if (Array.isArray(M)) { - var y = M.length; - return M = M.map(function(a) { + function E(R, A) { + if (Array.isArray(R)) { + var w = R.length; + return R = R.map(function(a) { return String(a); - }), y > 2 ? "one of ".concat(P, " ").concat(M.slice(0, y - 1).join(", "), ", or ") + M[y - 1] : y === 2 ? "one of ".concat(P, " ").concat(M[0], " or ").concat(M[1]) : "of ".concat(P, " ").concat(M[0]); + }), w > 2 ? "one of ".concat(A, " ").concat(R.slice(0, w - 1).join(", "), ", or ") + R[w - 1] : w === 2 ? "one of ".concat(A, " ").concat(R[0], " or ").concat(R[1]) : "of ".concat(A, " ").concat(R[0]); } - return "of ".concat(P, " ").concat(String(M)); + return "of ".concat(A, " ").concat(String(R)); } - b("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(M, P) { - return 'The value "' + P + '" is invalid for option "' + M + '"'; - }, TypeError), b("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(M, P, y) { + y("ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE", function(R, A) { + return 'The value "' + A + '" is invalid for option "' + R + '"'; + }, TypeError), y("ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE", function(R, A, w) { var a, t, d, u, s; - if (typeof P == "string" && (t = "not ", P.substr(0, 4) === t) ? (a = "must not be", P = P.replace(/^not /, "")) : a = "must be", function(n, o, i) { + if (typeof A == "string" && (t = "not ", A.substr(0, 4) === t) ? (a = "must not be", A = A.replace(/^not /, "")) : a = "must be", function(n, o, i) { return (i === void 0 || i > n.length) && (i = n.length), n.substring(i - 9, i) === o; - }(M, " argument")) - d = "The ".concat(M, " ").concat(a, " ").concat(E(P, "type")); + }(R, " argument")) + d = "The ".concat(R, " ").concat(a, " ").concat(E(A, "type")); else { - var r = (typeof s != "number" && (s = 0), s + 1 > (u = M).length || u.indexOf(".", s) === -1 ? "argument" : "property"); - d = 'The "'.concat(M, '" ').concat(r, " ").concat(a, " ").concat(E(P, "type")); - } - return d + ". Received type ".concat(typeof y); - }, TypeError), b("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"), b("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function(M) { - return "The " + M + " method is not implemented"; - }), b("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"), b("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function(M) { - return "Cannot call " + M + " after a stream was destroyed"; - }), b("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"), b("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"), b("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"), b("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError), b("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function(M) { - return "Unknown encoding: " + M; - }, TypeError), b("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"), J.exports.q = e; - }, 6753: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4155), M = Object.keys || function(n) { + var r = (typeof s != "number" && (s = 0), s + 1 > (u = R).length || u.indexOf(".", s) === -1 ? "argument" : "property"); + d = 'The "'.concat(R, '" ').concat(r, " ").concat(a, " ").concat(E(A, "type")); + } + return d + ". Received type ".concat(typeof w); + }, TypeError), y("ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF", "stream.push() after EOF"), y("ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED", function(R) { + return "The " + R + " method is not implemented"; + }), y("ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE", "Premature close"), y("ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED", function(R) { + return "Cannot call " + R + " after a stream was destroyed"; + }), y("ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK", "Callback called multiple times"), y("ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE", "Cannot pipe, not readable"), y("ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END", "write after end"), y("ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES", "May not write null values to stream", TypeError), y("ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING", function(R) { + return "Unknown encoding: " + R; + }, TypeError), y("ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT", "stream.unshift() after end event"), J.exports.q = e; + }, 6753: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4155), R = Object.keys || function(n) { var o = []; for (var i in n) o.push(i); return o; }; J.exports = u; - var P = b(9481), y = b(4229); - b(5717)(u, P); - for (var a = M(y.prototype), t = 0; t < a.length; t++) { + var A = y(9481), w = y(4229); + y(5717)(u, A); + for (var a = R(w.prototype), t = 0; t < a.length; t++) { var d = a[t]; - u.prototype[d] || (u.prototype[d] = y.prototype[d]); + u.prototype[d] || (u.prototype[d] = w.prototype[d]); } function u(n) { if (!(this instanceof u)) return new u(n); - P.call(this, n), y.call(this, n), this.allowHalfOpen = !0, n && (n.readable === !1 && (this.readable = !1), n.writable === !1 && (this.writable = !1), n.allowHalfOpen === !1 && (this.allowHalfOpen = !1, this.once("end", s))); + A.call(this, n), w.call(this, n), this.allowHalfOpen = !0, n && (n.readable === !1 && (this.readable = !1), n.writable === !1 && (this.writable = !1), n.allowHalfOpen === !1 && (this.allowHalfOpen = !1, this.once("end", s))); } function s() { this._writableState.ended || E.nextTick(r, this); @@ -13270,293 +13608,293 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, set: function(n) { this._readableState !== void 0 && this._writableState !== void 0 && (this._readableState.destroyed = n, this._writableState.destroyed = n); } }); - }, 2725: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = M; - var E = b(4605); - function M(P) { - if (!(this instanceof M)) - return new M(P); - E.call(this, P); - } - b(5717)(M, E), M.prototype._transform = function(P, y, a) { - a(null, P); - }; - }, 9481: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = b(4155); - J.exports = k, k.ReadableState = R, b(7187).EventEmitter; - var P, y = function(K, Y) { - return K.listeners(Y).length; - }, a = b(2503), t = b(8764).Buffer, d = (b.g !== void 0 ? b.g : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}).Uint8Array || function() { - }, u = b(4616); - P = u && u.debuglog ? u.debuglog("stream") : function() { - }; - var s, r, n, o = b(7327), i = b(1195), f = b(2457).getHighWaterMark, c = b(4281).q, h = c.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, m = c.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, v = c.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, C = c.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT; - b(5717)(k, a); - var l = i.errorOrDestroy, I = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"]; - function R(K, Y, q) { - E = E || b(6753), K = K || {}, typeof q != "boolean" && (q = Y instanceof E), this.objectMode = !!K.objectMode, q && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!K.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = f(this, K, "readableHighWaterMark", q), this.buffer = new o(), this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = !1, this.endEmitted = !1, this.reading = !1, this.sync = !0, this.needReadable = !1, this.emittedReadable = !1, this.readableListening = !1, this.resumeScheduled = !1, this.paused = !0, this.emitClose = K.emitClose !== !1, this.autoDestroy = !!K.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = !1, this.defaultEncoding = K.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = !1, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, K.encoding && (s || (s = b(2553).s), this.decoder = new s(K.encoding), this.encoding = K.encoding); - } - function k(K) { - if (E = E || b(6753), !(this instanceof k)) - return new k(K); - var Y = this instanceof E; - this._readableState = new R(K, this, Y), this.readable = !0, K && (typeof K.read == "function" && (this._read = K.read), typeof K.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = K.destroy)), a.call(this); - } - function N(K, Y, q, ae, de) { - P("readableAddChunk", Y); - var ue, le = K._readableState; - if (Y === null) - le.reading = !1, function(ge, ce) { - if (P("onEofChunk"), !ce.ended) { - if (ce.decoder) { - var he = ce.decoder.end(); - he && he.length && (ce.buffer.push(he), ce.length += ce.objectMode ? 1 : he.length); + }, 2725: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = R; + var E = y(4605); + function R(A) { + if (!(this instanceof R)) + return new R(A); + E.call(this, A); + } + y(5717)(R, E), R.prototype._transform = function(A, w, a) { + a(null, A); + }; + }, 9481: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = y(4155); + J.exports = S, S.ReadableState = N, y(7187).EventEmitter; + var A, w = function(Q, X) { + return Q.listeners(X).length; + }, a = y(2503), t = y(8764).Buffer, d = (y.g !== void 0 ? y.g : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}).Uint8Array || function() { + }, u = y(4616); + A = u && u.debuglog ? u.debuglog("stream") : function() { + }; + var s, r, n, o = y(7327), i = y(1195), f = y(2457).getHighWaterMark, c = y(4281).q, h = c.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, m = c.ERR_STREAM_PUSH_AFTER_EOF, v = c.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, I = c.ERR_STREAM_UNSHIFT_AFTER_END_EVENT; + y(5717)(S, a); + var l = i.errorOrDestroy, j = ["error", "close", "destroy", "pause", "resume"]; + function N(Q, X, F) { + E = E || y(6753), Q = Q || {}, typeof F != "boolean" && (F = X instanceof E), this.objectMode = !!Q.objectMode, F && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!Q.readableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = f(this, Q, "readableHighWaterMark", F), this.buffer = new o(), this.length = 0, this.pipes = null, this.pipesCount = 0, this.flowing = null, this.ended = !1, this.endEmitted = !1, this.reading = !1, this.sync = !0, this.needReadable = !1, this.emittedReadable = !1, this.readableListening = !1, this.resumeScheduled = !1, this.paused = !0, this.emitClose = Q.emitClose !== !1, this.autoDestroy = !!Q.autoDestroy, this.destroyed = !1, this.defaultEncoding = Q.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.awaitDrain = 0, this.readingMore = !1, this.decoder = null, this.encoding = null, Q.encoding && (s || (s = y(2553).s), this.decoder = new s(Q.encoding), this.encoding = Q.encoding); + } + function S(Q) { + if (E = E || y(6753), !(this instanceof S)) + return new S(Q); + var X = this instanceof E; + this._readableState = new N(Q, this, X), this.readable = !0, Q && (typeof Q.read == "function" && (this._read = Q.read), typeof Q.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = Q.destroy)), a.call(this); + } + function T(Q, X, F, se, ue) { + A("readableAddChunk", X); + var le, fe = Q._readableState; + if (X === null) + fe.reading = !1, function(_e, de) { + if (A("onEofChunk"), !de.ended) { + if (de.decoder) { + var pe = de.decoder.end(); + pe && pe.length && (de.buffer.push(pe), de.length += de.objectMode ? 1 : pe.length); } - ce.ended = !0, ce.sync ? p(ge) : (ce.needReadable = !1, ce.emittedReadable || (ce.emittedReadable = !0, O(ge))); + de.ended = !0, de.sync ? p(_e) : (de.needReadable = !1, de.emittedReadable || (de.emittedReadable = !0, P(_e))); } - }(K, le); - else if (de || (ue = function(ge, ce) { - var he, be; - return be = ce, t.isBuffer(be) || be instanceof d || typeof ce == "string" || ce === void 0 || ge.objectMode || (he = new h("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], ce)), he; - }(le, Y)), ue) - l(K, ue); - else if (le.objectMode || Y && Y.length > 0) - if (typeof Y == "string" || le.objectMode || Object.getPrototypeOf(Y) === t.prototype || (Y = function(ge) { - return t.from(ge); - }(Y)), ae) - le.endEmitted ? l(K, new C()) : A(K, le, Y, !0); - else if (le.ended) - l(K, new m()); + }(Q, fe); + else if (ue || (le = function(_e, de) { + var pe, ye; + return ye = de, t.isBuffer(ye) || ye instanceof d || typeof de == "string" || de === void 0 || _e.objectMode || (pe = new h("chunk", ["string", "Buffer", "Uint8Array"], de)), pe; + }(fe, X)), le) + l(Q, le); + else if (fe.objectMode || X && X.length > 0) + if (typeof X == "string" || fe.objectMode || Object.getPrototypeOf(X) === t.prototype || (X = function(_e) { + return t.from(_e); + }(X)), se) + fe.endEmitted ? l(Q, new I()) : x(Q, fe, X, !0); + else if (fe.ended) + l(Q, new m()); else { - if (le.destroyed) + if (fe.destroyed) return !1; - le.reading = !1, le.decoder && !q ? (Y = le.decoder.write(Y), le.objectMode || Y.length !== 0 ? A(K, le, Y, !1) : U(K, le)) : A(K, le, Y, !1); + fe.reading = !1, fe.decoder && !F ? (X = fe.decoder.write(X), fe.objectMode || X.length !== 0 ? x(Q, fe, X, !1) : B(Q, fe)) : x(Q, fe, X, !1); } else - ae || (le.reading = !1, U(K, le)); - return !le.ended && (le.length < le.highWaterMark || le.length === 0); + se || (fe.reading = !1, B(Q, fe)); + return !fe.ended && (fe.length < fe.highWaterMark || fe.length === 0); } - function A(K, Y, q, ae) { - Y.flowing && Y.length === 0 && !Y.sync ? (Y.awaitDrain = 0, K.emit("data", q)) : (Y.length += Y.objectMode ? 1 : q.length, ae ? Y.buffer.unshift(q) : Y.buffer.push(q), Y.needReadable && p(K)), U(K, Y); + function x(Q, X, F, se) { + X.flowing && X.length === 0 && !X.sync ? (X.awaitDrain = 0, Q.emit("data", F)) : (X.length += X.objectMode ? 1 : F.length, se ? X.buffer.unshift(F) : X.buffer.push(F), X.needReadable && p(Q)), B(Q, X); } - Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState !== void 0 && this._readableState.destroyed; - }, set: function(K) { - this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = K); - } }), k.prototype.destroy = i.destroy, k.prototype._undestroy = i.undestroy, k.prototype._destroy = function(K, Y) { - Y(K); - }, k.prototype.push = function(K, Y) { - var q, ae = this._readableState; - return ae.objectMode ? q = !0 : typeof K == "string" && ((Y = Y || ae.defaultEncoding) !== ae.encoding && (K = t.from(K, Y), Y = ""), q = !0), N(this, K, Y, !1, q); - }, k.prototype.unshift = function(K) { - return N(this, K, null, !0, !1); - }, k.prototype.isPaused = function() { + }, set: function(Q) { + this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = Q); + } }), S.prototype.destroy = i.destroy, S.prototype._undestroy = i.undestroy, S.prototype._destroy = function(Q, X) { + X(Q); + }, S.prototype.push = function(Q, X) { + var F, se = this._readableState; + return se.objectMode ? F = !0 : typeof Q == "string" && ((X = X || se.defaultEncoding) !== se.encoding && (Q = t.from(Q, X), X = ""), F = !0), T(this, Q, X, !1, F); + }, S.prototype.unshift = function(Q) { + return T(this, Q, null, !0, !1); + }, S.prototype.isPaused = function() { return this._readableState.flowing === !1; - }, k.prototype.setEncoding = function(K) { - s || (s = b(2553).s); - var Y = new s(K); - this._readableState.decoder = Y, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; - for (var q = this._readableState.buffer.head, ae = ""; q !== null; ) - ae += Y.write(q.data), q = q.next; - return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), ae !== "" && this._readableState.buffer.push(ae), this._readableState.length = ae.length, this; - }; - var w = 1073741824; - function _(K, Y) { - return K <= 0 || Y.length === 0 && Y.ended ? 0 : Y.objectMode ? 1 : K != K ? Y.flowing && Y.length ? Y.buffer.head.data.length : Y.length : (K > Y.highWaterMark && (Y.highWaterMark = function(q) { - return q >= w ? q = w : (q--, q |= q >>> 1, q |= q >>> 2, q |= q >>> 4, q |= q >>> 8, q |= q >>> 16, q++), q; - }(K)), K <= Y.length ? K : Y.ended ? Y.length : (Y.needReadable = !0, 0)); - } - function p(K) { - var Y = K._readableState; - P("emitReadable", Y.needReadable, Y.emittedReadable), Y.needReadable = !1, Y.emittedReadable || (P("emitReadable", Y.flowing), Y.emittedReadable = !0, M.nextTick(O, K)); - } - function O(K) { - var Y = K._readableState; - P("emitReadable_", Y.destroyed, Y.length, Y.ended), Y.destroyed || !Y.length && !Y.ended || (K.emit("readable"), Y.emittedReadable = !1), Y.needReadable = !Y.flowing && !Y.ended && Y.length <= Y.highWaterMark, ne(K); - } - function U(K, Y) { - Y.readingMore || (Y.readingMore = !0, M.nextTick(T, K, Y)); - } - function T(K, Y) { - for (; !Y.reading && !Y.ended && (Y.length < Y.highWaterMark || Y.flowing && Y.length === 0); ) { - var q = Y.length; - if (P("maybeReadMore read 0"), K.read(0), q === Y.length) + }, S.prototype.setEncoding = function(Q) { + s || (s = y(2553).s); + var X = new s(Q); + this._readableState.decoder = X, this._readableState.encoding = this._readableState.decoder.encoding; + for (var F = this._readableState.buffer.head, se = ""; F !== null; ) + se += X.write(F.data), F = F.next; + return this._readableState.buffer.clear(), se !== "" && this._readableState.buffer.push(se), this._readableState.length = se.length, this; + }; + var k = 1073741824; + function b(Q, X) { + return Q <= 0 || X.length === 0 && X.ended ? 0 : X.objectMode ? 1 : Q != Q ? X.flowing && X.length ? X.buffer.head.data.length : X.length : (Q > X.highWaterMark && (X.highWaterMark = function(F) { + return F >= k ? F = k : (F--, F |= F >>> 1, F |= F >>> 2, F |= F >>> 4, F |= F >>> 8, F |= F >>> 16, F++), F; + }(Q)), Q <= X.length ? Q : X.ended ? X.length : (X.needReadable = !0, 0)); + } + function p(Q) { + var X = Q._readableState; + A("emitReadable", X.needReadable, X.emittedReadable), X.needReadable = !1, X.emittedReadable || (A("emitReadable", X.flowing), X.emittedReadable = !0, R.nextTick(P, Q)); + } + function P(Q) { + var X = Q._readableState; + A("emitReadable_", X.destroyed, X.length, X.ended), X.destroyed || !X.length && !X.ended || (Q.emit("readable"), X.emittedReadable = !1), X.needReadable = !X.flowing && !X.ended && X.length <= X.highWaterMark, oe(Q); + } + function B(Q, X) { + X.readingMore || (X.readingMore = !0, R.nextTick(C, Q, X)); + } + function C(Q, X) { + for (; !X.reading && !X.ended && (X.length < X.highWaterMark || X.flowing && X.length === 0); ) { + var F = X.length; + if (A("maybeReadMore read 0"), Q.read(0), F === X.length) break; } - Y.readingMore = !1; + X.readingMore = !1; } - function z(K) { - var Y = K._readableState; - Y.readableListening = K.listenerCount("readable") > 0, Y.resumeScheduled && !Y.paused ? Y.flowing = !0 : K.listenerCount("data") > 0 && K.resume(); + function L(Q) { + var X = Q._readableState; + X.readableListening = Q.listenerCount("readable") > 0, X.resumeScheduled && !X.paused ? X.flowing = !0 : Q.listenerCount("data") > 0 && Q.resume(); } - function te(K) { - P("readable nexttick read 0"), K.read(0); + function re(Q) { + A("readable nexttick read 0"), Q.read(0); } - function X(K, Y) { - P("resume", Y.reading), Y.reading || K.read(0), Y.resumeScheduled = !1, K.emit("resume"), ne(K), Y.flowing && !Y.reading && K.read(0); + function ee(Q, X) { + A("resume", X.reading), X.reading || Q.read(0), X.resumeScheduled = !1, Q.emit("resume"), oe(Q), X.flowing && !X.reading && Q.read(0); } - function ne(K) { - var Y = K._readableState; - for (P("flow", Y.flowing); Y.flowing && K.read() !== null; ) + function oe(Q) { + var X = Q._readableState; + for (A("flow", X.flowing); X.flowing && Q.read() !== null; ) ; } - function B(K, Y) { - return Y.length === 0 ? null : (Y.objectMode ? q = Y.buffer.shift() : !K || K >= Y.length ? (q = Y.decoder ? Y.buffer.join("") : Y.buffer.length === 1 ? Y.buffer.first() : Y.buffer.concat(Y.length), Y.buffer.clear()) : q = Y.buffer.consume(K, Y.decoder), q); - var q; + function D(Q, X) { + return X.length === 0 ? null : (X.objectMode ? F = X.buffer.shift() : !Q || Q >= X.length ? (F = X.decoder ? X.buffer.join("") : X.buffer.length === 1 ? X.buffer.first() : X.buffer.concat(X.length), X.buffer.clear()) : F = X.buffer.consume(Q, X.decoder), F); + var F; } - function Q(K) { - var Y = K._readableState; - P("endReadable", Y.endEmitted), Y.endEmitted || (Y.ended = !0, M.nextTick(V, Y, K)); + function Z(Q) { + var X = Q._readableState; + A("endReadable", X.endEmitted), X.endEmitted || (X.ended = !0, R.nextTick(H, X, Q)); } - function V(K, Y) { - if (P("endReadableNT", K.endEmitted, K.length), !K.endEmitted && K.length === 0 && (K.endEmitted = !0, Y.readable = !1, Y.emit("end"), K.autoDestroy)) { - var q = Y._writableState; - (!q || q.autoDestroy && q.finished) && Y.destroy(); + function H(Q, X) { + if (A("endReadableNT", Q.endEmitted, Q.length), !Q.endEmitted && Q.length === 0 && (Q.endEmitted = !0, X.readable = !1, X.emit("end"), Q.autoDestroy)) { + var F = X._writableState; + (!F || F.autoDestroy && F.finished) && X.destroy(); } } - function ee(K, Y) { - for (var q = 0, ae = K.length; q < ae; q++) - if (K[q] === Y) - return q; + function te(Q, X) { + for (var F = 0, se = Q.length; F < se; F++) + if (Q[F] === X) + return F; return -1; } - k.prototype.read = function(K) { - P("read", K), K = parseInt(K, 10); - var Y = this._readableState, q = K; - if (K !== 0 && (Y.emittedReadable = !1), K === 0 && Y.needReadable && ((Y.highWaterMark !== 0 ? Y.length >= Y.highWaterMark : Y.length > 0) || Y.ended)) - return P("read: emitReadable", Y.length, Y.ended), Y.length === 0 && Y.ended ? Q(this) : p(this), null; - if ((K = _(K, Y)) === 0 && Y.ended) - return Y.length === 0 && Q(this), null; - var ae, de = Y.needReadable; - return P("need readable", de), (Y.length === 0 || Y.length - K < Y.highWaterMark) && P("length less than watermark", de = !0), Y.ended || Y.reading ? P("reading or ended", de = !1) : de && (P("do read"), Y.reading = !0, Y.sync = !0, Y.length === 0 && (Y.needReadable = !0), this._read(Y.highWaterMark), Y.sync = !1, Y.reading || (K = _(q, Y))), (ae = K > 0 ? B(K, Y) : null) === null ? (Y.needReadable = Y.length <= Y.highWaterMark, K = 0) : (Y.length -= K, Y.awaitDrain = 0), Y.length === 0 && (Y.ended || (Y.needReadable = !0), q !== K && Y.ended && Q(this)), ae !== null && this.emit("data", ae), ae; - }, k.prototype._read = function(K) { + S.prototype.read = function(Q) { + A("read", Q), Q = parseInt(Q, 10); + var X = this._readableState, F = Q; + if (Q !== 0 && (X.emittedReadable = !1), Q === 0 && X.needReadable && ((X.highWaterMark !== 0 ? X.length >= X.highWaterMark : X.length > 0) || X.ended)) + return A("read: emitReadable", X.length, X.ended), X.length === 0 && X.ended ? Z(this) : p(this), null; + if ((Q = b(Q, X)) === 0 && X.ended) + return X.length === 0 && Z(this), null; + var se, ue = X.needReadable; + return A("need readable", ue), (X.length === 0 || X.length - Q < X.highWaterMark) && A("length less than watermark", ue = !0), X.ended || X.reading ? A("reading or ended", ue = !1) : ue && (A("do read"), X.reading = !0, X.sync = !0, X.length === 0 && (X.needReadable = !0), this._read(X.highWaterMark), X.sync = !1, X.reading || (Q = b(F, X))), (se = Q > 0 ? D(Q, X) : null) === null ? (X.needReadable = X.length <= X.highWaterMark, Q = 0) : (X.length -= Q, X.awaitDrain = 0), X.length === 0 && (X.ended || (X.needReadable = !0), F !== Q && X.ended && Z(this)), se !== null && this.emit("data", se), se; + }, S.prototype._read = function(Q) { l(this, new v("_read()")); - }, k.prototype.pipe = function(K, Y) { - var q = this, ae = this._readableState; - switch (ae.pipesCount) { + }, S.prototype.pipe = function(Q, X) { + var F = this, se = this._readableState; + switch (se.pipesCount) { case 0: - ae.pipes = K; + se.pipes = Q; break; case 1: - ae.pipes = [ae.pipes, K]; + se.pipes = [se.pipes, Q]; break; default: - ae.pipes.push(K); + se.pipes.push(Q); } - ae.pipesCount += 1, P("pipe count=%d opts=%j", ae.pipesCount, Y); - var de = Y && Y.end === !1 || K === M.stdout || K === M.stderr ? g : ue; - function ue() { - P("onend"), K.end(); + se.pipesCount += 1, A("pipe count=%d opts=%j", se.pipesCount, X); + var ue = X && X.end === !1 || Q === R.stdout || Q === R.stderr ? _ : le; + function le() { + A("onend"), Q.end(); } - ae.endEmitted ? M.nextTick(de) : q.once("end", de), K.on("unpipe", function S(x, j) { - P("onunpipe"), x === q && j && j.hasUnpiped === !1 && (j.hasUnpiped = !0, P("cleanup"), K.removeListener("close", be), K.removeListener("finish", W), K.removeListener("drain", le), K.removeListener("error", he), K.removeListener("unpipe", S), q.removeListener("end", ue), q.removeListener("end", g), q.removeListener("data", ce), ge = !0, !ae.awaitDrain || K._writableState && !K._writableState.needDrain || le()); + se.endEmitted ? R.nextTick(ue) : F.once("end", ue), Q.on("unpipe", function O(M, U) { + A("onunpipe"), M === F && U && U.hasUnpiped === !1 && (U.hasUnpiped = !0, A("cleanup"), Q.removeListener("close", ye), Q.removeListener("finish", G), Q.removeListener("drain", fe), Q.removeListener("error", pe), Q.removeListener("unpipe", O), F.removeListener("end", le), F.removeListener("end", _), F.removeListener("data", de), _e = !0, !se.awaitDrain || Q._writableState && !Q._writableState.needDrain || fe()); }); - var le = function(S) { + var fe = function(O) { return function() { - var x = S._readableState; - P("pipeOnDrain", x.awaitDrain), x.awaitDrain && x.awaitDrain--, x.awaitDrain === 0 && y(S, "data") && (x.flowing = !0, ne(S)); + var M = O._readableState; + A("pipeOnDrain", M.awaitDrain), M.awaitDrain && M.awaitDrain--, M.awaitDrain === 0 && w(O, "data") && (M.flowing = !0, oe(O)); }; - }(q); - K.on("drain", le); - var ge = !1; - function ce(S) { - P("ondata"); - var x = K.write(S); - P("dest.write", x), x === !1 && ((ae.pipesCount === 1 && ae.pipes === K || ae.pipesCount > 1 && ee(ae.pipes, K) !== -1) && !ge && (P("false write response, pause", ae.awaitDrain), ae.awaitDrain++), q.pause()); - } - function he(S) { - P("onerror", S), g(), K.removeListener("error", he), y(K, "error") === 0 && l(K, S); - } - function be() { - K.removeListener("finish", W), g(); - } - function W() { - P("onfinish"), K.removeListener("close", be), g(); - } - function g() { - P("unpipe"), q.unpipe(K); - } - return q.on("data", ce), function(S, x, j) { - if (typeof S.prependListener == "function") - return S.prependListener(x, j); - S._events && S._events[x] ? Array.isArray(S._events[x]) ? S._events[x].unshift(j) : S._events[x] = [j, S._events[x]] : S.on(x, j); - }(K, "error", he), K.once("close", be), K.once("finish", W), K.emit("pipe", q), ae.flowing || (P("pipe resume"), q.resume()), K; - }, k.prototype.unpipe = function(K) { - var Y = this._readableState, q = { hasUnpiped: !1 }; - if (Y.pipesCount === 0) + }(F); + Q.on("drain", fe); + var _e = !1; + function de(O) { + A("ondata"); + var M = Q.write(O); + A("dest.write", M), M === !1 && ((se.pipesCount === 1 && se.pipes === Q || se.pipesCount > 1 && te(se.pipes, Q) !== -1) && !_e && (A("false write response, pause", se.awaitDrain), se.awaitDrain++), F.pause()); + } + function pe(O) { + A("onerror", O), _(), Q.removeListener("error", pe), w(Q, "error") === 0 && l(Q, O); + } + function ye() { + Q.removeListener("finish", G), _(); + } + function G() { + A("onfinish"), Q.removeListener("close", ye), _(); + } + function _() { + A("unpipe"), F.unpipe(Q); + } + return F.on("data", de), function(O, M, U) { + if (typeof O.prependListener == "function") + return O.prependListener(M, U); + O._events && O._events[M] ? Array.isArray(O._events[M]) ? O._events[M].unshift(U) : O._events[M] = [U, O._events[M]] : O.on(M, U); + }(Q, "error", pe), Q.once("close", ye), Q.once("finish", G), Q.emit("pipe", F), se.flowing || (A("pipe resume"), F.resume()), Q; + }, S.prototype.unpipe = function(Q) { + var X = this._readableState, F = { hasUnpiped: !1 }; + if (X.pipesCount === 0) return this; - if (Y.pipesCount === 1) - return K && K !== Y.pipes || (K || (K = Y.pipes), Y.pipes = null, Y.pipesCount = 0, Y.flowing = !1, K && K.emit("unpipe", this, q)), this; - if (!K) { - var ae = Y.pipes, de = Y.pipesCount; - Y.pipes = null, Y.pipesCount = 0, Y.flowing = !1; - for (var ue = 0; ue < de; ue++) - ae[ue].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: !1 }); + if (X.pipesCount === 1) + return Q && Q !== X.pipes || (Q || (Q = X.pipes), X.pipes = null, X.pipesCount = 0, X.flowing = !1, Q && Q.emit("unpipe", this, F)), this; + if (!Q) { + var se = X.pipes, ue = X.pipesCount; + X.pipes = null, X.pipesCount = 0, X.flowing = !1; + for (var le = 0; le < ue; le++) + se[le].emit("unpipe", this, { hasUnpiped: !1 }); return this; } - var le = ee(Y.pipes, K); - return le === -1 || (Y.pipes.splice(le, 1), Y.pipesCount -= 1, Y.pipesCount === 1 && (Y.pipes = Y.pipes[0]), K.emit("unpipe", this, q)), this; - }, k.prototype.on = function(K, Y) { - var q = a.prototype.on.call(this, K, Y), ae = this._readableState; - return K === "data" ? (ae.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, ae.flowing !== !1 && this.resume()) : K === "readable" && (ae.endEmitted || ae.readableListening || (ae.readableListening = ae.needReadable = !0, ae.flowing = !1, ae.emittedReadable = !1, P("on readable", ae.length, ae.reading), ae.length ? p(this) : ae.reading || M.nextTick(te, this))), q; - }, k.prototype.addListener = k.prototype.on, k.prototype.removeListener = function(K, Y) { - var q = a.prototype.removeListener.call(this, K, Y); - return K === "readable" && M.nextTick(z, this), q; - }, k.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(K) { - var Y = a.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); - return K !== "readable" && K !== void 0 || M.nextTick(z, this), Y; - }, k.prototype.resume = function() { - var K = this._readableState; - return K.flowing || (P("resume"), K.flowing = !K.readableListening, function(Y, q) { - q.resumeScheduled || (q.resumeScheduled = !0, M.nextTick(X, Y, q)); - }(this, K)), K.paused = !1, this; - }, k.prototype.pause = function() { - return P("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== !1 && (P("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = !1, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = !0, this; - }, k.prototype.wrap = function(K) { - var Y = this, q = this._readableState, ae = !1; - for (var de in K.on("end", function() { - if (P("wrapped end"), q.decoder && !q.ended) { - var le = q.decoder.end(); - le && le.length && Y.push(le); - } - Y.push(null); - }), K.on("data", function(le) { - P("wrapped data"), q.decoder && (le = q.decoder.write(le)), q.objectMode && le == null || (q.objectMode || le && le.length) && (Y.push(le) || (ae = !0, K.pause())); - }), K) - this[de] === void 0 && typeof K[de] == "function" && (this[de] = function(le) { + var fe = te(X.pipes, Q); + return fe === -1 || (X.pipes.splice(fe, 1), X.pipesCount -= 1, X.pipesCount === 1 && (X.pipes = X.pipes[0]), Q.emit("unpipe", this, F)), this; + }, S.prototype.on = function(Q, X) { + var F = a.prototype.on.call(this, Q, X), se = this._readableState; + return Q === "data" ? (se.readableListening = this.listenerCount("readable") > 0, se.flowing !== !1 && this.resume()) : Q === "readable" && (se.endEmitted || se.readableListening || (se.readableListening = se.needReadable = !0, se.flowing = !1, se.emittedReadable = !1, A("on readable", se.length, se.reading), se.length ? p(this) : se.reading || R.nextTick(re, this))), F; + }, S.prototype.addListener = S.prototype.on, S.prototype.removeListener = function(Q, X) { + var F = a.prototype.removeListener.call(this, Q, X); + return Q === "readable" && R.nextTick(L, this), F; + }, S.prototype.removeAllListeners = function(Q) { + var X = a.prototype.removeAllListeners.apply(this, arguments); + return Q !== "readable" && Q !== void 0 || R.nextTick(L, this), X; + }, S.prototype.resume = function() { + var Q = this._readableState; + return Q.flowing || (A("resume"), Q.flowing = !Q.readableListening, function(X, F) { + F.resumeScheduled || (F.resumeScheduled = !0, R.nextTick(ee, X, F)); + }(this, Q)), Q.paused = !1, this; + }, S.prototype.pause = function() { + return A("call pause flowing=%j", this._readableState.flowing), this._readableState.flowing !== !1 && (A("pause"), this._readableState.flowing = !1, this.emit("pause")), this._readableState.paused = !0, this; + }, S.prototype.wrap = function(Q) { + var X = this, F = this._readableState, se = !1; + for (var ue in Q.on("end", function() { + if (A("wrapped end"), F.decoder && !F.ended) { + var fe = F.decoder.end(); + fe && fe.length && X.push(fe); + } + X.push(null); + }), Q.on("data", function(fe) { + A("wrapped data"), F.decoder && (fe = F.decoder.write(fe)), F.objectMode && fe == null || (F.objectMode || fe && fe.length) && (X.push(fe) || (se = !0, Q.pause())); + }), Q) + this[ue] === void 0 && typeof Q[ue] == "function" && (this[ue] = function(fe) { return function() { - return K[le].apply(K, arguments); + return Q[fe].apply(Q, arguments); }; - }(de)); - for (var ue = 0; ue < I.length; ue++) - K.on(I[ue], this.emit.bind(this, I[ue])); - return this._read = function(le) { - P("wrapped _read", le), ae && (ae = !1, K.resume()); + }(ue)); + for (var le = 0; le < j.length; le++) + Q.on(j[le], this.emit.bind(this, j[le])); + return this._read = function(fe) { + A("wrapped _read", fe), se && (se = !1, Q.resume()); }, this; - }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (k.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { - return r === void 0 && (r = b(5850)), r(this); - }), Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + }, typeof Symbol == "function" && (S.prototype[Symbol.asyncIterator] = function() { + return r === void 0 && (r = y(5850)), r(this); + }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "readableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState.highWaterMark; - } }), Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "readableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + } }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "readableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState && this._readableState.buffer; - } }), Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "readableFlowing", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + } }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "readableFlowing", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState.flowing; - }, set: function(K) { - this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = K); - } }), k._fromList = B, Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "readableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + }, set: function(Q) { + this._readableState && (this._readableState.flowing = Q); + } }), S._fromList = D, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "readableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._readableState.length; - } }), typeof Symbol == "function" && (k.from = function(K, Y) { - return n === void 0 && (n = b(5167)), n(k, K, Y); + } }), typeof Symbol == "function" && (S.from = function(Q, X) { + return n === void 0 && (n = y(5167)), n(S, Q, X); }); - }, 4605: (J, e, b) => { + }, 4605: (J, e, y) => { J.exports = u; - var E = b(4281).q, M = E.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, P = E.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, y = E.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, a = E.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, t = b(6753); + var E = y(4281).q, R = E.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, A = E.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, w = E.ERR_TRANSFORM_ALREADY_TRANSFORMING, a = E.ERR_TRANSFORM_WITH_LENGTH_0, t = y(6753); function d(n, o) { var i = this._transformState; i.transforming = !1; var f = i.writecb; if (f === null) - return this.emit("error", new P()); + return this.emit("error", new A()); i.writechunk = null, i.writecb = null, o != null && this.push(o), f(n); var c = this._readableState; c.reading = !1, (c.needReadable || c.length < c.highWaterMark) && this._read(c.highWaterMark); @@ -13578,13 +13916,13 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); if (i != null && n.push(i), n._writableState.length) throw new a(); if (n._transformState.transforming) - throw new y(); + throw new w(); return n.push(null); } - b(5717)(u, t), u.prototype.push = function(n, o) { + y(5717)(u, t), u.prototype.push = function(n, o) { return this._transformState.needTransform = !1, t.prototype.push.call(this, n, o); }, u.prototype._transform = function(n, o, i) { - i(new M("_transform()")); + i(new R("_transform()")); }, u.prototype._write = function(n, o, i) { var f = this._transformState; if (f.writecb = i, f.writechunk = n, f.writeencoding = o, !f.transforming) { @@ -13599,206 +13937,206 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); o(i); }); }; - }, 4229: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = b(4155); - function P(U) { - var T = this; + }, 4229: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = y(4155); + function A(B) { + var C = this; this.next = null, this.entry = null, this.finish = function() { - (function(z, te, X) { - var ne = z.entry; - for (z.entry = null; ne; ) { - var B = ne.callback; - te.pendingcb--, B(void 0), ne = ne.next; + (function(L, re, ee) { + var oe = L.entry; + for (L.entry = null; oe; ) { + var D = oe.callback; + re.pendingcb--, D(void 0), oe = oe.next; } - te.corkedRequestsFree.next = z; - })(T, U); + re.corkedRequestsFree.next = L; + })(C, B); }; } - J.exports = k, k.WritableState = R; - var y, a = { deprecate: b(4927) }, t = b(2503), d = b(8764).Buffer, u = (b.g !== void 0 ? b.g : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}).Uint8Array || function() { - }, s = b(1195), r = b(2457).getHighWaterMark, n = b(4281).q, o = n.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, i = n.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, f = n.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, c = n.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, h = n.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, m = n.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, v = n.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, C = n.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, l = s.errorOrDestroy; - function I() { - } - function R(U, T, z) { - E = E || b(6753), U = U || {}, typeof z != "boolean" && (z = T instanceof E), this.objectMode = !!U.objectMode, z && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!U.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = r(this, U, "writableHighWaterMark", z), this.finalCalled = !1, this.needDrain = !1, this.ending = !1, this.ended = !1, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1; - var te = U.decodeStrings === !1; - this.decodeStrings = !te, this.defaultEncoding = U.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = !1, this.corked = 0, this.sync = !0, this.bufferProcessing = !1, this.onwrite = function(X) { - (function(ne, B) { - var Q = ne._writableState, V = Q.sync, ee = Q.writecb; - if (typeof ee != "function") + J.exports = S, S.WritableState = N; + var w, a = { deprecate: y(4927) }, t = y(2503), d = y(8764).Buffer, u = (y.g !== void 0 ? y.g : typeof window < "u" ? window : typeof self < "u" ? self : {}).Uint8Array || function() { + }, s = y(1195), r = y(2457).getHighWaterMark, n = y(4281).q, o = n.ERR_INVALID_ARG_TYPE, i = n.ERR_METHOD_NOT_IMPLEMENTED, f = n.ERR_MULTIPLE_CALLBACK, c = n.ERR_STREAM_CANNOT_PIPE, h = n.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED, m = n.ERR_STREAM_NULL_VALUES, v = n.ERR_STREAM_WRITE_AFTER_END, I = n.ERR_UNKNOWN_ENCODING, l = s.errorOrDestroy; + function j() { + } + function N(B, C, L) { + E = E || y(6753), B = B || {}, typeof L != "boolean" && (L = C instanceof E), this.objectMode = !!B.objectMode, L && (this.objectMode = this.objectMode || !!B.writableObjectMode), this.highWaterMark = r(this, B, "writableHighWaterMark", L), this.finalCalled = !1, this.needDrain = !1, this.ending = !1, this.ended = !1, this.finished = !1, this.destroyed = !1; + var re = B.decodeStrings === !1; + this.decodeStrings = !re, this.defaultEncoding = B.defaultEncoding || "utf8", this.length = 0, this.writing = !1, this.corked = 0, this.sync = !0, this.bufferProcessing = !1, this.onwrite = function(ee) { + (function(oe, D) { + var Z = oe._writableState, H = Z.sync, te = Z.writecb; + if (typeof te != "function") throw new f(); - if (function(Y) { - Y.writing = !1, Y.writecb = null, Y.length -= Y.writelen, Y.writelen = 0; - }(Q), B) - (function(Y, q, ae, de, ue) { - --q.pendingcb, ae ? (M.nextTick(ue, de), M.nextTick(O, Y, q), Y._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, l(Y, de)) : (ue(de), Y._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, l(Y, de), O(Y, q)); - })(ne, Q, V, B, ee); + if (function(X) { + X.writing = !1, X.writecb = null, X.length -= X.writelen, X.writelen = 0; + }(Z), D) + (function(X, F, se, ue, le) { + --F.pendingcb, se ? (R.nextTick(le, ue), R.nextTick(P, X, F), X._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, l(X, ue)) : (le(ue), X._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, l(X, ue), P(X, F)); + })(oe, Z, H, D, te); else { - var K = _(Q) || ne.destroyed; - K || Q.corked || Q.bufferProcessing || !Q.bufferedRequest || w(ne, Q), V ? M.nextTick(A, ne, Q, K, ee) : A(ne, Q, K, ee); + var Q = b(Z) || oe.destroyed; + Q || Z.corked || Z.bufferProcessing || !Z.bufferedRequest || k(oe, Z), H ? R.nextTick(x, oe, Z, Q, te) : x(oe, Z, Q, te); } - })(T, X); - }, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = !1, this.errorEmitted = !1, this.emitClose = U.emitClose !== !1, this.autoDestroy = !!U.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new P(this); - } - function k(U) { - var T = this instanceof (E = E || b(6753)); - if (!T && !y.call(k, this)) - return new k(U); - this._writableState = new R(U, this, T), this.writable = !0, U && (typeof U.write == "function" && (this._write = U.write), typeof U.writev == "function" && (this._writev = U.writev), typeof U.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = U.destroy), typeof U.final == "function" && (this._final = U.final)), t.call(this); - } - function N(U, T, z, te, X, ne, B) { - T.writelen = te, T.writecb = B, T.writing = !0, T.sync = !0, T.destroyed ? T.onwrite(new h("write")) : z ? U._writev(X, T.onwrite) : U._write(X, ne, T.onwrite), T.sync = !1; - } - function A(U, T, z, te) { - z || function(X, ne) { - ne.length === 0 && ne.needDrain && (ne.needDrain = !1, X.emit("drain")); - }(U, T), T.pendingcb--, te(), O(U, T); - } - function w(U, T) { - T.bufferProcessing = !0; - var z = T.bufferedRequest; - if (U._writev && z && z.next) { - var te = T.bufferedRequestCount, X = new Array(te), ne = T.corkedRequestsFree; - ne.entry = z; - for (var B = 0, Q = !0; z; ) - X[B] = z, z.isBuf || (Q = !1), z = z.next, B += 1; - X.allBuffers = Q, N(U, T, !0, T.length, X, "", ne.finish), T.pendingcb++, T.lastBufferedRequest = null, ne.next ? (T.corkedRequestsFree = ne.next, ne.next = null) : T.corkedRequestsFree = new P(T), T.bufferedRequestCount = 0; + })(C, ee); + }, this.writecb = null, this.writelen = 0, this.bufferedRequest = null, this.lastBufferedRequest = null, this.pendingcb = 0, this.prefinished = !1, this.errorEmitted = !1, this.emitClose = B.emitClose !== !1, this.autoDestroy = !!B.autoDestroy, this.bufferedRequestCount = 0, this.corkedRequestsFree = new A(this); + } + function S(B) { + var C = this instanceof (E = E || y(6753)); + if (!C && !w.call(S, this)) + return new S(B); + this._writableState = new N(B, this, C), this.writable = !0, B && (typeof B.write == "function" && (this._write = B.write), typeof B.writev == "function" && (this._writev = B.writev), typeof B.destroy == "function" && (this._destroy = B.destroy), typeof B.final == "function" && (this._final = B.final)), t.call(this); + } + function T(B, C, L, re, ee, oe, D) { + C.writelen = re, C.writecb = D, C.writing = !0, C.sync = !0, C.destroyed ? C.onwrite(new h("write")) : L ? B._writev(ee, C.onwrite) : B._write(ee, oe, C.onwrite), C.sync = !1; + } + function x(B, C, L, re) { + L || function(ee, oe) { + oe.length === 0 && oe.needDrain && (oe.needDrain = !1, ee.emit("drain")); + }(B, C), C.pendingcb--, re(), P(B, C); + } + function k(B, C) { + C.bufferProcessing = !0; + var L = C.bufferedRequest; + if (B._writev && L && L.next) { + var re = C.bufferedRequestCount, ee = new Array(re), oe = C.corkedRequestsFree; + oe.entry = L; + for (var D = 0, Z = !0; L; ) + ee[D] = L, L.isBuf || (Z = !1), L = L.next, D += 1; + ee.allBuffers = Z, T(B, C, !0, C.length, ee, "", oe.finish), C.pendingcb++, C.lastBufferedRequest = null, oe.next ? (C.corkedRequestsFree = oe.next, oe.next = null) : C.corkedRequestsFree = new A(C), C.bufferedRequestCount = 0; } else { - for (; z; ) { - var V = z.chunk, ee = z.encoding, K = z.callback; - if (N(U, T, !1, T.objectMode ? 1 : V.length, V, ee, K), z = z.next, T.bufferedRequestCount--, T.writing) + for (; L; ) { + var H = L.chunk, te = L.encoding, Q = L.callback; + if (T(B, C, !1, C.objectMode ? 1 : H.length, H, te, Q), L = L.next, C.bufferedRequestCount--, C.writing) break; } - z === null && (T.lastBufferedRequest = null); + L === null && (C.lastBufferedRequest = null); } - T.bufferedRequest = z, T.bufferProcessing = !1; + C.bufferedRequest = L, C.bufferProcessing = !1; } - function _(U) { - return U.ending && U.length === 0 && U.bufferedRequest === null && !U.finished && !U.writing; + function b(B) { + return B.ending && B.length === 0 && B.bufferedRequest === null && !B.finished && !B.writing; } - function p(U, T) { - U._final(function(z) { - T.pendingcb--, z && l(U, z), T.prefinished = !0, U.emit("prefinish"), O(U, T); + function p(B, C) { + B._final(function(L) { + C.pendingcb--, L && l(B, L), C.prefinished = !0, B.emit("prefinish"), P(B, C); }); } - function O(U, T) { - var z = _(T); - if (z && (function(X, ne) { - ne.prefinished || ne.finalCalled || (typeof X._final != "function" || ne.destroyed ? (ne.prefinished = !0, X.emit("prefinish")) : (ne.pendingcb++, ne.finalCalled = !0, M.nextTick(p, X, ne))); - }(U, T), T.pendingcb === 0 && (T.finished = !0, U.emit("finish"), T.autoDestroy))) { - var te = U._readableState; - (!te || te.autoDestroy && te.endEmitted) && U.destroy(); + function P(B, C) { + var L = b(C); + if (L && (function(ee, oe) { + oe.prefinished || oe.finalCalled || (typeof ee._final != "function" || oe.destroyed ? (oe.prefinished = !0, ee.emit("prefinish")) : (oe.pendingcb++, oe.finalCalled = !0, R.nextTick(p, ee, oe))); + }(B, C), C.pendingcb === 0 && (C.finished = !0, B.emit("finish"), C.autoDestroy))) { + var re = B._readableState; + (!re || re.autoDestroy && re.endEmitted) && B.destroy(); } - return z; + return L; } - b(5717)(k, t), R.prototype.getBuffer = function() { - for (var U = this.bufferedRequest, T = []; U; ) - T.push(U), U = U.next; - return T; + y(5717)(S, t), N.prototype.getBuffer = function() { + for (var B = this.bufferedRequest, C = []; B; ) + C.push(B), B = B.next; + return C; }, function() { try { - Object.defineProperty(R.prototype, "buffer", { get: a.deprecate(function() { + Object.defineProperty(N.prototype, "buffer", { get: a.deprecate(function() { return this.getBuffer(); }, "_writableState.buffer is deprecated. Use _writableState.getBuffer instead.", "DEP0003") }); } catch { } - }(), typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] == "function" ? (y = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(k, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function(U) { - return !!y.call(this, U) || this === k && U && U._writableState instanceof R; - } })) : y = function(U) { - return U instanceof this; - }, k.prototype.pipe = function() { + }(), typeof Symbol == "function" && Symbol.hasInstance && typeof Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance] == "function" ? (w = Function.prototype[Symbol.hasInstance], Object.defineProperty(S, Symbol.hasInstance, { value: function(B) { + return !!w.call(this, B) || this === S && B && B._writableState instanceof N; + } })) : w = function(B) { + return B instanceof this; + }, S.prototype.pipe = function() { l(this, new c()); - }, k.prototype.write = function(U, T, z) { - var te, X = this._writableState, ne = !1, B = !X.objectMode && (te = U, d.isBuffer(te) || te instanceof u); - return B && !d.isBuffer(U) && (U = function(Q) { - return d.from(Q); - }(U)), typeof T == "function" && (z = T, T = null), B ? T = "buffer" : T || (T = X.defaultEncoding), typeof z != "function" && (z = I), X.ending ? function(Q, V) { - var ee = new v(); - l(Q, ee), M.nextTick(V, ee); - }(this, z) : (B || function(Q, V, ee, K) { - var Y; - return ee === null ? Y = new m() : typeof ee == "string" || V.objectMode || (Y = new o("chunk", ["string", "Buffer"], ee)), !Y || (l(Q, Y), M.nextTick(K, Y), !1); - }(this, X, U, z)) && (X.pendingcb++, ne = function(Q, V, ee, K, Y, q) { - if (!ee) { - var ae = function(ge, ce, he) { - return ge.objectMode || ge.decodeStrings === !1 || typeof ce != "string" || (ce = d.from(ce, he)), ce; - }(V, K, Y); - K !== ae && (ee = !0, Y = "buffer", K = ae); - } - var de = V.objectMode ? 1 : K.length; - V.length += de; - var ue = V.length < V.highWaterMark; - if (ue || (V.needDrain = !0), V.writing || V.corked) { - var le = V.lastBufferedRequest; - V.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: K, encoding: Y, isBuf: ee, callback: q, next: null }, le ? le.next = V.lastBufferedRequest : V.bufferedRequest = V.lastBufferedRequest, V.bufferedRequestCount += 1; + }, S.prototype.write = function(B, C, L) { + var re, ee = this._writableState, oe = !1, D = !ee.objectMode && (re = B, d.isBuffer(re) || re instanceof u); + return D && !d.isBuffer(B) && (B = function(Z) { + return d.from(Z); + }(B)), typeof C == "function" && (L = C, C = null), D ? C = "buffer" : C || (C = ee.defaultEncoding), typeof L != "function" && (L = j), ee.ending ? function(Z, H) { + var te = new v(); + l(Z, te), R.nextTick(H, te); + }(this, L) : (D || function(Z, H, te, Q) { + var X; + return te === null ? X = new m() : typeof te == "string" || H.objectMode || (X = new o("chunk", ["string", "Buffer"], te)), !X || (l(Z, X), R.nextTick(Q, X), !1); + }(this, ee, B, L)) && (ee.pendingcb++, oe = function(Z, H, te, Q, X, F) { + if (!te) { + var se = function(_e, de, pe) { + return _e.objectMode || _e.decodeStrings === !1 || typeof de != "string" || (de = d.from(de, pe)), de; + }(H, Q, X); + Q !== se && (te = !0, X = "buffer", Q = se); + } + var ue = H.objectMode ? 1 : Q.length; + H.length += ue; + var le = H.length < H.highWaterMark; + if (le || (H.needDrain = !0), H.writing || H.corked) { + var fe = H.lastBufferedRequest; + H.lastBufferedRequest = { chunk: Q, encoding: X, isBuf: te, callback: F, next: null }, fe ? fe.next = H.lastBufferedRequest : H.bufferedRequest = H.lastBufferedRequest, H.bufferedRequestCount += 1; } else - N(Q, V, !1, de, K, Y, q); - return ue; - }(this, X, B, U, T, z)), ne; - }, k.prototype.cork = function() { + T(Z, H, !1, ue, Q, X, F); + return le; + }(this, ee, D, B, C, L)), oe; + }, S.prototype.cork = function() { this._writableState.corked++; - }, k.prototype.uncork = function() { - var U = this._writableState; - U.corked && (U.corked--, U.writing || U.corked || U.bufferProcessing || !U.bufferedRequest || w(this, U)); - }, k.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(U) { - if (typeof U == "string" && (U = U.toLowerCase()), !(["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((U + "").toLowerCase()) > -1)) - throw new C(U); - return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = U, this; - }, Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + }, S.prototype.uncork = function() { + var B = this._writableState; + B.corked && (B.corked--, B.writing || B.corked || B.bufferProcessing || !B.bufferedRequest || k(this, B)); + }, S.prototype.setDefaultEncoding = function(B) { + if (typeof B == "string" && (B = B.toLowerCase()), !(["hex", "utf8", "utf-8", "ascii", "binary", "base64", "ucs2", "ucs-2", "utf16le", "utf-16le", "raw"].indexOf((B + "").toLowerCase()) > -1)) + throw new I(B); + return this._writableState.defaultEncoding = B, this; + }, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "writableBuffer", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState && this._writableState.getBuffer(); - } }), Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + } }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "writableHighWaterMark", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState.highWaterMark; - } }), k.prototype._write = function(U, T, z) { - z(new i("_write()")); - }, k.prototype._writev = null, k.prototype.end = function(U, T, z) { - var te = this._writableState; - return typeof U == "function" ? (z = U, U = null, T = null) : typeof T == "function" && (z = T, T = null), U != null && this.write(U, T), te.corked && (te.corked = 1, this.uncork()), te.ending || function(X, ne, B) { - ne.ending = !0, O(X, ne), B && (ne.finished ? M.nextTick(B) : X.once("finish", B)), ne.ended = !0, X.writable = !1; - }(this, te, z), this; - }, Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + } }), S.prototype._write = function(B, C, L) { + L(new i("_write()")); + }, S.prototype._writev = null, S.prototype.end = function(B, C, L) { + var re = this._writableState; + return typeof B == "function" ? (L = B, B = null, C = null) : typeof C == "function" && (L = C, C = null), B != null && this.write(B, C), re.corked && (re.corked = 1, this.uncork()), re.ending || function(ee, oe, D) { + oe.ending = !0, P(ee, oe), D && (oe.finished ? R.nextTick(D) : ee.once("finish", D)), oe.ended = !0, ee.writable = !1; + }(this, re, L), this; + }, Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "writableLength", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState.length; - } }), Object.defineProperty(k.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { + } }), Object.defineProperty(S.prototype, "destroyed", { enumerable: !1, get: function() { return this._writableState !== void 0 && this._writableState.destroyed; - }, set: function(U) { - this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = U); - } }), k.prototype.destroy = s.destroy, k.prototype._undestroy = s.undestroy, k.prototype._destroy = function(U, T) { - T(U); - }; - }, 5850: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = b(4155); - function P(m, v, C) { + }, set: function(B) { + this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = B); + } }), S.prototype.destroy = s.destroy, S.prototype._undestroy = s.undestroy, S.prototype._destroy = function(B, C) { + C(B); + }; + }, 5850: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = y(4155); + function A(m, v, I) { return (v = function(l) { - var I = function(R, k) { - if (typeof R != "object" || R === null) - return R; - var N = R[Symbol.toPrimitive]; - if (N !== void 0) { - var A = N.call(R, "string"); - if (typeof A != "object") - return A; + var j = function(N, S) { + if (typeof N != "object" || N === null) + return N; + var T = N[Symbol.toPrimitive]; + if (T !== void 0) { + var x = T.call(N, "string"); + if (typeof x != "object") + return x; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } - return String(R); + return String(N); }(l); - return typeof I == "symbol" ? I : String(I); - }(v)) in m ? Object.defineProperty(m, v, { value: C, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : m[v] = C, m; + return typeof j == "symbol" ? j : String(j); + }(v)) in m ? Object.defineProperty(m, v, { value: I, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : m[v] = I, m; } - var y = b(8610), a = Symbol("lastResolve"), t = Symbol("lastReject"), d = Symbol("error"), u = Symbol("ended"), s = Symbol("lastPromise"), r = Symbol("handlePromise"), n = Symbol("stream"); + var w = y(8610), a = Symbol("lastResolve"), t = Symbol("lastReject"), d = Symbol("error"), u = Symbol("ended"), s = Symbol("lastPromise"), r = Symbol("handlePromise"), n = Symbol("stream"); function o(m, v) { return { value: m, done: v }; } function i(m) { var v = m[a]; if (v !== null) { - var C = m[n].read(); - C !== null && (m[s] = null, m[a] = null, m[t] = null, v(o(C, !1))); + var I = m[n].read(); + I !== null && (m[s] = null, m[a] = null, m[t] = null, v(o(I, !1))); } } function f(m) { - M.nextTick(i, m); + R.nextTick(i, m); } var c = Object.getPrototypeOf(function() { - }), h = Object.setPrototypeOf((P(E = { get stream() { + }), h = Object.setPrototypeOf((A(E = { get stream() { return this[n]; }, next: function() { var m = this, v = this[d]; @@ -13807,52 +14145,52 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); if (this[u]) return Promise.resolve(o(void 0, !0)); if (this[n].destroyed) - return new Promise(function(R, k) { - M.nextTick(function() { - m[d] ? k(m[d]) : R(o(void 0, !0)); + return new Promise(function(N, S) { + R.nextTick(function() { + m[d] ? S(m[d]) : N(o(void 0, !0)); }); }); - var C, l = this[s]; + var I, l = this[s]; if (l) - C = new Promise(function(R, k) { - return function(N, A) { - R.then(function() { - k[u] ? N(o(void 0, !0)) : k[r](N, A); - }, A); + I = new Promise(function(N, S) { + return function(T, x) { + N.then(function() { + S[u] ? T(o(void 0, !0)) : S[r](T, x); + }, x); }; }(l, this)); else { - var I = this[n].read(); - if (I !== null) - return Promise.resolve(o(I, !1)); - C = new Promise(this[r]); + var j = this[n].read(); + if (j !== null) + return Promise.resolve(o(j, !1)); + I = new Promise(this[r]); } - return this[s] = C, C; + return this[s] = I, I; } }, Symbol.asyncIterator, function() { return this; - }), P(E, "return", function() { + }), A(E, "return", function() { var m = this; - return new Promise(function(v, C) { + return new Promise(function(v, I) { m[n].destroy(null, function(l) { - l ? C(l) : v(o(void 0, !0)); + l ? I(l) : v(o(void 0, !0)); }); }); }), E), c); J.exports = function(m) { - var v, C = Object.create(h, (P(v = {}, n, { value: m, writable: !0 }), P(v, a, { value: null, writable: !0 }), P(v, t, { value: null, writable: !0 }), P(v, d, { value: null, writable: !0 }), P(v, u, { value: m._readableState.endEmitted, writable: !0 }), P(v, r, { value: function(l, I) { - var R = C[n].read(); - R ? (C[s] = null, C[a] = null, C[t] = null, l(o(R, !1))) : (C[a] = l, C[t] = I); + var v, I = Object.create(h, (A(v = {}, n, { value: m, writable: !0 }), A(v, a, { value: null, writable: !0 }), A(v, t, { value: null, writable: !0 }), A(v, d, { value: null, writable: !0 }), A(v, u, { value: m._readableState.endEmitted, writable: !0 }), A(v, r, { value: function(l, j) { + var N = I[n].read(); + N ? (I[s] = null, I[a] = null, I[t] = null, l(o(N, !1))) : (I[a] = l, I[t] = j); }, writable: !0 }), v)); - return C[s] = null, y(m, function(l) { + return I[s] = null, w(m, function(l) { if (l && l.code !== "ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE") { - var I = C[t]; - return I !== null && (C[s] = null, C[a] = null, C[t] = null, I(l)), void (C[d] = l); + var j = I[t]; + return j !== null && (I[s] = null, I[a] = null, I[t] = null, j(l)), void (I[d] = l); } - var R = C[a]; - R !== null && (C[s] = null, C[a] = null, C[t] = null, R(o(void 0, !0))), C[u] = !0; - }), m.on("readable", f.bind(null, C)), C; + var N = I[a]; + N !== null && (I[s] = null, I[a] = null, I[t] = null, N(o(void 0, !0))), I[u] = !0; + }), m.on("readable", f.bind(null, I)), I; }; - }, 7327: (J, e, b) => { + }, 7327: (J, e, y) => { function E(s, r) { var n = Object.keys(s); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { @@ -13863,21 +14201,21 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } return n; } - function M(s) { + function R(s) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var n = arguments[r] != null ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? E(Object(n), !0).forEach(function(o) { - P(s, o, n[o]); + A(s, o, n[o]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(s, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(n)) : E(Object(n)).forEach(function(o) { Object.defineProperty(s, o, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(n, o)); }); } return s; } - function P(s, r, n) { + function A(s, r, n) { return (r = a(r)) in s ? Object.defineProperty(s, r, { value: n, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : s[r] = n, s; } - function y(s, r) { + function w(s, r) { for (var n = 0; n < r.length; n++) { var o = r[n]; o.enumerable = o.enumerable || !1, o.configurable = !0, "value" in o && (o.writable = !0), Object.defineProperty(s, a(o.key), o); @@ -13898,7 +14236,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }(s); return typeof r == "symbol" ? r : String(r); } - var t = b(8764).Buffer, d = b(2361).inspect, u = d && d.custom || "inspect"; + var t = y(8764).Buffer, d = y(2361).inspect, u = d && d.custom || "inspect"; J.exports = function() { function s() { (function(o, i) { @@ -13960,24 +14298,24 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } return this.length -= c, i; } }, { key: u, value: function(o, i) { - return d(this, M(M({}, i), {}, { depth: 0, customInspect: !1 })); - } }]) && y(r.prototype, n), Object.defineProperty(r, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), s; + return d(this, R(R({}, i), {}, { depth: 0, customInspect: !1 })); + } }]) && w(r.prototype, n), Object.defineProperty(r, "prototype", { writable: !1 }), s; }(); - }, 1195: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4155); - function M(a, t) { - y(a, t), P(a); + }, 1195: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4155); + function R(a, t) { + w(a, t), A(a); } - function P(a) { + function A(a) { a._writableState && !a._writableState.emitClose || a._readableState && !a._readableState.emitClose || a.emit("close"); } - function y(a, t) { + function w(a, t) { a.emit("error", t); } J.exports = { destroy: function(a, t) { var d = this, u = this._readableState && this._readableState.destroyed, s = this._writableState && this._writableState.destroyed; - return u || s ? (t ? t(a) : a && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || (this._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, E.nextTick(y, this, a)) : E.nextTick(y, this, a)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(a || null, function(r) { - !t && r ? d._writableState ? d._writableState.errorEmitted ? E.nextTick(P, d) : (d._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, E.nextTick(M, d, r)) : E.nextTick(M, d, r) : t ? (E.nextTick(P, d), t(r)) : E.nextTick(P, d); + return u || s ? (t ? t(a) : a && (this._writableState ? this._writableState.errorEmitted || (this._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, E.nextTick(w, this, a)) : E.nextTick(w, this, a)), this) : (this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !0), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !0), this._destroy(a || null, function(r) { + !t && r ? d._writableState ? d._writableState.errorEmitted ? E.nextTick(A, d) : (d._writableState.errorEmitted = !0, E.nextTick(R, d, r)) : E.nextTick(R, d, r) : t ? (E.nextTick(A, d), t(r)) : E.nextTick(A, d); }), this); }, undestroy: function() { this._readableState && (this._readableState.destroyed = !1, this._readableState.reading = !1, this._readableState.ended = !1, this._readableState.endEmitted = !1), this._writableState && (this._writableState.destroyed = !1, this._writableState.ended = !1, this._writableState.ending = !1, this._writableState.finalCalled = !1, this._writableState.prefinished = !1, this._writableState.finished = !1, this._writableState.errorEmitted = !1); @@ -13985,50 +14323,50 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); var d = a._readableState, u = a._writableState; d && d.autoDestroy || u && u.autoDestroy ? a.destroy(t) : a.emit("error", t); } }; - }, 8610: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4281).q.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE; - function M() { + }, 8610: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4281).q.ERR_STREAM_PREMATURE_CLOSE; + function R() { } - J.exports = function P(y, a, t) { + J.exports = function A(w, a, t) { if (typeof a == "function") - return P(y, null, a); + return A(w, null, a); a || (a = {}), t = function(m) { var v = !1; return function() { if (!v) { v = !0; - for (var C = arguments.length, l = new Array(C), I = 0; I < C; I++) - l[I] = arguments[I]; + for (var I = arguments.length, l = new Array(I), j = 0; j < I; j++) + l[j] = arguments[j]; m.apply(this, l); } }; - }(t || M); - var d = a.readable || a.readable !== !1 && y.readable, u = a.writable || a.writable !== !1 && y.writable, s = function() { - y.writable || n(); - }, r = y._writableState && y._writableState.finished, n = function() { - u = !1, r = !0, d || t.call(y); - }, o = y._readableState && y._readableState.endEmitted, i = function() { - d = !1, o = !0, u || t.call(y); + }(t || R); + var d = a.readable || a.readable !== !1 && w.readable, u = a.writable || a.writable !== !1 && w.writable, s = function() { + w.writable || n(); + }, r = w._writableState && w._writableState.finished, n = function() { + u = !1, r = !0, d || t.call(w); + }, o = w._readableState && w._readableState.endEmitted, i = function() { + d = !1, o = !0, u || t.call(w); }, f = function(m) { - t.call(y, m); + t.call(w, m); }, c = function() { var m; - return d && !o ? (y._readableState && y._readableState.ended || (m = new E()), t.call(y, m)) : u && !r ? (y._writableState && y._writableState.ended || (m = new E()), t.call(y, m)) : void 0; + return d && !o ? (w._readableState && w._readableState.ended || (m = new E()), t.call(w, m)) : u && !r ? (w._writableState && w._writableState.ended || (m = new E()), t.call(w, m)) : void 0; }, h = function() { - y.req.on("finish", n); + w.req.on("finish", n); }; return function(m) { return m.setHeader && typeof m.abort == "function"; - }(y) ? (y.on("complete", n), y.on("abort", c), y.req ? h() : y.on("request", h)) : u && !y._writableState && (y.on("end", s), y.on("close", s)), y.on("end", i), y.on("finish", n), a.error !== !1 && y.on("error", f), y.on("close", c), function() { - y.removeListener("complete", n), y.removeListener("abort", c), y.removeListener("request", h), y.req && y.req.removeListener("finish", n), y.removeListener("end", s), y.removeListener("close", s), y.removeListener("finish", n), y.removeListener("end", i), y.removeListener("error", f), y.removeListener("close", c); + }(w) ? (w.on("complete", n), w.on("abort", c), w.req ? h() : w.on("request", h)) : u && !w._writableState && (w.on("end", s), w.on("close", s)), w.on("end", i), w.on("finish", n), a.error !== !1 && w.on("error", f), w.on("close", c), function() { + w.removeListener("complete", n), w.removeListener("abort", c), w.removeListener("request", h), w.req && w.req.removeListener("finish", n), w.removeListener("end", s), w.removeListener("close", s), w.removeListener("finish", n), w.removeListener("end", i), w.removeListener("error", f), w.removeListener("close", c); }; }; }, 5167: (J) => { J.exports = function() { throw new Error("Readable.from is not available in the browser"); }; - }, 9946: (J, e, b) => { - var E, M = b(4281).q, P = M.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, y = M.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED; + }, 9946: (J, e, y) => { + var E, R = y(4281).q, A = R.ERR_MISSING_ARGS, w = R.ERR_STREAM_DESTROYED; function a(u) { if (u) throw u; @@ -14046,30 +14384,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return f.length ? typeof f[f.length - 1] != "function" ? a : f.pop() : a; }(s); if (Array.isArray(s[0]) && (s = s[0]), s.length < 2) - throw new P("streams"); + throw new A("streams"); var i = s.map(function(f, c) { var h = c < s.length - 1; - return function(m, v, C, l) { - l = function(k) { - var N = !1; + return function(m, v, I, l) { + l = function(S) { + var T = !1; return function() { - N || (N = !0, k.apply(void 0, arguments)); + T || (T = !0, S.apply(void 0, arguments)); }; }(l); - var I = !1; + var j = !1; m.on("close", function() { - I = !0; - }), E === void 0 && (E = b(8610)), E(m, { readable: v, writable: C }, function(k) { - if (k) - return l(k); - I = !0, l(); + j = !0; + }), E === void 0 && (E = y(8610)), E(m, { readable: v, writable: I }, function(S) { + if (S) + return l(S); + j = !0, l(); }); - var R = !1; - return function(k) { - if (!I && !R) - return R = !0, function(N) { - return N.setHeader && typeof N.abort == "function"; - }(m) ? m.abort() : typeof m.destroy == "function" ? m.destroy() : void l(k || new y("pipe")); + var N = !1; + return function(S) { + if (!j && !N) + return N = !0, function(T) { + return T.setHeader && typeof T.abort == "function"; + }(m) ? m.abort() : typeof m.destroy == "function" ? m.destroy() : void l(S || new w("pipe")); }; }(f, h, c > 0, function(m) { n || (n = m), m && i.forEach(t), h || (i.forEach(t), o(n)); @@ -14077,94 +14415,94 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); return s.reduce(d); }; - }, 2457: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4281).q.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE; - J.exports = { getHighWaterMark: function(M, P, y, a) { + }, 2457: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4281).q.ERR_INVALID_OPT_VALUE; + J.exports = { getHighWaterMark: function(R, A, w, a) { var t = function(d, u, s) { return d.highWaterMark != null ? d.highWaterMark : u ? d[s] : null; - }(P, a, y); + }(A, a, w); if (t != null) { if (!isFinite(t) || Math.floor(t) !== t || t < 0) - throw new E(a ? y : "highWaterMark", t); + throw new E(a ? w : "highWaterMark", t); return Math.floor(t); } - return M.objectMode ? 16 : 16384; + return R.objectMode ? 16 : 16384; } }; - }, 2503: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = b(7187).EventEmitter; - }, 8473: (J, e, b) => { - (e = J.exports = b(9481)).Stream = e, e.Readable = e, e.Writable = b(4229), e.Duplex = b(6753), e.Transform = b(4605), e.PassThrough = b(2725), e.finished = b(8610), e.pipeline = b(9946); - }, 9785: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764).Buffer, M = b(5717), P = b(3349), y = new Array(16), a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13], t = [5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11], d = [11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6], u = [8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11], s = [0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838], r = [1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0]; + }, 2503: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = y(7187).EventEmitter; + }, 8473: (J, e, y) => { + (e = J.exports = y(9481)).Stream = e, e.Readable = e, e.Writable = y(4229), e.Duplex = y(6753), e.Transform = y(4605), e.PassThrough = y(2725), e.finished = y(8610), e.pipeline = y(9946); + }, 9785: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764).Buffer, R = y(5717), A = y(3349), w = new Array(16), a = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 7, 4, 13, 1, 10, 6, 15, 3, 12, 0, 9, 5, 2, 14, 11, 8, 3, 10, 14, 4, 9, 15, 8, 1, 2, 7, 0, 6, 13, 11, 5, 12, 1, 9, 11, 10, 0, 8, 12, 4, 13, 3, 7, 15, 14, 5, 6, 2, 4, 0, 5, 9, 7, 12, 2, 10, 14, 1, 3, 8, 11, 6, 15, 13], t = [5, 14, 7, 0, 9, 2, 11, 4, 13, 6, 15, 8, 1, 10, 3, 12, 6, 11, 3, 7, 0, 13, 5, 10, 14, 15, 8, 12, 4, 9, 1, 2, 15, 5, 1, 3, 7, 14, 6, 9, 11, 8, 12, 2, 10, 0, 4, 13, 8, 6, 4, 1, 3, 11, 15, 0, 5, 12, 2, 13, 9, 7, 10, 14, 12, 15, 10, 4, 1, 5, 8, 7, 6, 2, 13, 14, 0, 3, 9, 11], d = [11, 14, 15, 12, 5, 8, 7, 9, 11, 13, 14, 15, 6, 7, 9, 8, 7, 6, 8, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 7, 12, 15, 9, 11, 7, 13, 12, 11, 13, 6, 7, 14, 9, 13, 15, 14, 8, 13, 6, 5, 12, 7, 5, 11, 12, 14, 15, 14, 15, 9, 8, 9, 14, 5, 6, 8, 6, 5, 12, 9, 15, 5, 11, 6, 8, 13, 12, 5, 12, 13, 14, 11, 8, 5, 6], u = [8, 9, 9, 11, 13, 15, 15, 5, 7, 7, 8, 11, 14, 14, 12, 6, 9, 13, 15, 7, 12, 8, 9, 11, 7, 7, 12, 7, 6, 15, 13, 11, 9, 7, 15, 11, 8, 6, 6, 14, 12, 13, 5, 14, 13, 13, 7, 5, 15, 5, 8, 11, 14, 14, 6, 14, 6, 9, 12, 9, 12, 5, 15, 8, 8, 5, 12, 9, 12, 5, 14, 6, 8, 13, 6, 5, 15, 13, 11, 11], s = [0, 1518500249, 1859775393, 2400959708, 2840853838], r = [1352829926, 1548603684, 1836072691, 2053994217, 0]; function n() { - P.call(this, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520; + A.call(this, 64), this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520; } - function o(v, C) { - return v << C | v >>> 32 - C; + function o(v, I) { + return v << I | v >>> 32 - I; } - function i(v, C, l, I, R, k, N, A) { - return o(v + (C ^ l ^ I) + k + N | 0, A) + R | 0; + function i(v, I, l, j, N, S, T, x) { + return o(v + (I ^ l ^ j) + S + T | 0, x) + N | 0; } - function f(v, C, l, I, R, k, N, A) { - return o(v + (C & l | ~C & I) + k + N | 0, A) + R | 0; + function f(v, I, l, j, N, S, T, x) { + return o(v + (I & l | ~I & j) + S + T | 0, x) + N | 0; } - function c(v, C, l, I, R, k, N, A) { - return o(v + ((C | ~l) ^ I) + k + N | 0, A) + R | 0; + function c(v, I, l, j, N, S, T, x) { + return o(v + ((I | ~l) ^ j) + S + T | 0, x) + N | 0; } - function h(v, C, l, I, R, k, N, A) { - return o(v + (C & I | l & ~I) + k + N | 0, A) + R | 0; + function h(v, I, l, j, N, S, T, x) { + return o(v + (I & j | l & ~j) + S + T | 0, x) + N | 0; } - function m(v, C, l, I, R, k, N, A) { - return o(v + (C ^ (l | ~I)) + k + N | 0, A) + R | 0; + function m(v, I, l, j, N, S, T, x) { + return o(v + (I ^ (l | ~j)) + S + T | 0, x) + N | 0; } - M(n, P), n.prototype._update = function() { - for (var v = y, C = 0; C < 16; ++C) - v[C] = this._block.readInt32LE(4 * C); - for (var l = 0 | this._a, I = 0 | this._b, R = 0 | this._c, k = 0 | this._d, N = 0 | this._e, A = 0 | this._a, w = 0 | this._b, _ = 0 | this._c, p = 0 | this._d, O = 0 | this._e, U = 0; U < 80; U += 1) { - var T, z; - U < 16 ? (T = i(l, I, R, k, N, v[a[U]], s[0], d[U]), z = m(A, w, _, p, O, v[t[U]], r[0], u[U])) : U < 32 ? (T = f(l, I, R, k, N, v[a[U]], s[1], d[U]), z = h(A, w, _, p, O, v[t[U]], r[1], u[U])) : U < 48 ? (T = c(l, I, R, k, N, v[a[U]], s[2], d[U]), z = c(A, w, _, p, O, v[t[U]], r[2], u[U])) : U < 64 ? (T = h(l, I, R, k, N, v[a[U]], s[3], d[U]), z = f(A, w, _, p, O, v[t[U]], r[3], u[U])) : (T = m(l, I, R, k, N, v[a[U]], s[4], d[U]), z = i(A, w, _, p, O, v[t[U]], r[4], u[U])), l = N, N = k, k = o(R, 10), R = I, I = T, A = O, O = p, p = o(_, 10), _ = w, w = z; + R(n, A), n.prototype._update = function() { + for (var v = w, I = 0; I < 16; ++I) + v[I] = this._block.readInt32LE(4 * I); + for (var l = 0 | this._a, j = 0 | this._b, N = 0 | this._c, S = 0 | this._d, T = 0 | this._e, x = 0 | this._a, k = 0 | this._b, b = 0 | this._c, p = 0 | this._d, P = 0 | this._e, B = 0; B < 80; B += 1) { + var C, L; + B < 16 ? (C = i(l, j, N, S, T, v[a[B]], s[0], d[B]), L = m(x, k, b, p, P, v[t[B]], r[0], u[B])) : B < 32 ? (C = f(l, j, N, S, T, v[a[B]], s[1], d[B]), L = h(x, k, b, p, P, v[t[B]], r[1], u[B])) : B < 48 ? (C = c(l, j, N, S, T, v[a[B]], s[2], d[B]), L = c(x, k, b, p, P, v[t[B]], r[2], u[B])) : B < 64 ? (C = h(l, j, N, S, T, v[a[B]], s[3], d[B]), L = f(x, k, b, p, P, v[t[B]], r[3], u[B])) : (C = m(l, j, N, S, T, v[a[B]], s[4], d[B]), L = i(x, k, b, p, P, v[t[B]], r[4], u[B])), l = T, T = S, S = o(N, 10), N = j, j = C, x = P, P = p, p = o(b, 10), b = k, k = L; } - var te = this._b + R + p | 0; - this._b = this._c + k + O | 0, this._c = this._d + N + A | 0, this._d = this._e + l + w | 0, this._e = this._a + I + _ | 0, this._a = te; + var re = this._b + N + p | 0; + this._b = this._c + S + P | 0, this._c = this._d + T + x | 0, this._d = this._e + l + k | 0, this._e = this._a + j + b | 0, this._a = re; }, n.prototype._digest = function() { this._block[this._blockOffset++] = 128, this._blockOffset > 56 && (this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 64), this._update(), this._blockOffset = 0), this._block.fill(0, this._blockOffset, 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[0], 56), this._block.writeUInt32LE(this._length[1], 60), this._update(); var v = E.alloc ? E.alloc(20) : new E(20); return v.writeInt32LE(this._a, 0), v.writeInt32LE(this._b, 4), v.writeInt32LE(this._c, 8), v.writeInt32LE(this._d, 12), v.writeInt32LE(this._e, 16), v; }, J.exports = n; - }, 9509: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764), M = E.Buffer; - function P(a, t) { + }, 9509: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764), R = E.Buffer; + function A(a, t) { for (var d in a) t[d] = a[d]; } - function y(a, t, d) { - return M(a, t, d); + function w(a, t, d) { + return R(a, t, d); } - M.from && M.alloc && M.allocUnsafe && M.allocUnsafeSlow ? J.exports = E : (P(E, e), e.Buffer = y), y.prototype = Object.create(M.prototype), P(M, y), y.from = function(a, t, d) { + R.from && R.alloc && R.allocUnsafe && R.allocUnsafeSlow ? J.exports = E : (A(E, e), e.Buffer = w), w.prototype = Object.create(R.prototype), A(R, w), w.from = function(a, t, d) { if (typeof a == "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must not be a number"); - return M(a, t, d); - }, y.alloc = function(a, t, d) { + return R(a, t, d); + }, w.alloc = function(a, t, d) { if (typeof a != "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); - var u = M(a); + var u = R(a); return t !== void 0 ? typeof d == "string" ? u.fill(t, d) : u.fill(t) : u.fill(0), u; - }, y.allocUnsafe = function(a) { + }, w.allocUnsafe = function(a) { if (typeof a != "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); - return M(a); - }, y.allocUnsafeSlow = function(a) { + return R(a); + }, w.allocUnsafeSlow = function(a) { if (typeof a != "number") throw new TypeError("Argument must be a number"); return E.SlowBuffer(a); }; - }, 64: function(J, e, b) { - var E, M = b(4155), P = b(8764).Buffer; - (function(y) { + }, 64: function(J, e, y) { + var E, R = y(4155), A = y(8764).Buffer; + (function(w) { function a(t, d) { - if (d = d || { type: "Array" }, M !== void 0 && typeof M.pid == "number" && M.versions && M.versions.node) + if (d = d || { type: "Array" }, R !== void 0 && typeof R.pid == "number" && R.versions && R.versions.node) return function(u, s) { - var r = b(3954).randomBytes(u); + var r = y(3954).randomBytes(u); switch (s.type) { case "Array": return [].slice.call(r); @@ -14187,11 +14525,11 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return [].slice.call(r); case "Buffer": try { - new P(1); + new A(1); } catch { throw new Error("Buffer not supported in this environment. Use Node.js or Browserify for browser support."); } - return new P(r); + return new A(r); case "Uint8Array": return r; default: @@ -14209,22 +14547,22 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return a(t, { type: "Buffer" }); }; })(); - }, 4189: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9509).Buffer; - function M(P, y) { - this._block = E.alloc(P), this._finalSize = y, this._blockSize = P, this._len = 0; - } - M.prototype.update = function(P, y) { - typeof P == "string" && (y = y || "utf8", P = E.from(P, y)); - for (var a = this._block, t = this._blockSize, d = P.length, u = this._len, s = 0; s < d; ) { + }, 4189: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9509).Buffer; + function R(A, w) { + this._block = E.alloc(A), this._finalSize = w, this._blockSize = A, this._len = 0; + } + R.prototype.update = function(A, w) { + typeof A == "string" && (w = w || "utf8", A = E.from(A, w)); + for (var a = this._block, t = this._blockSize, d = A.length, u = this._len, s = 0; s < d; ) { for (var r = u % t, n = Math.min(d - s, t - r), o = 0; o < n; o++) - a[r + o] = P[s + o]; + a[r + o] = A[s + o]; s += n, (u += n) % t == 0 && this._update(a); } return this._len += d, this; - }, M.prototype.digest = function(P) { - var y = this._len % this._blockSize; - this._block[y] = 128, this._block.fill(0, y + 1), y >= this._finalSize && (this._update(this._block), this._block.fill(0)); + }, R.prototype.digest = function(A) { + var w = this._len % this._blockSize; + this._block[w] = 128, this._block.fill(0, w + 1), w >= this._finalSize && (this._update(this._block), this._block.fill(0)); var a = 8 * this._len; if (a <= 4294967295) this._block.writeUInt32BE(a, this._blockSize - 4); @@ -14234,23 +14572,23 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } this._update(this._block); var u = this._hash(); - return P ? u.toString(P) : u; - }, M.prototype._update = function() { + return A ? u.toString(A) : u; + }, R.prototype._update = function() { throw new Error("_update must be implemented by subclass"); - }, J.exports = M; - }, 9072: (J, e, b) => { - var E = J.exports = function(M) { - M = M.toLowerCase(); - var P = E[M]; - if (!P) - throw new Error(M + " is not supported (we accept pull requests)"); - return new P(); - }; - E.sha = b(4448), E.sha1 = b(8336), E.sha224 = b(8432), E.sha256 = b(7499), E.sha384 = b(1686), E.sha512 = b(7816); - }, 4448: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(4189), P = b(9509).Buffer, y = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], a = new Array(80); + }, J.exports = R; + }, 9072: (J, e, y) => { + var E = J.exports = function(R) { + R = R.toLowerCase(); + var A = E[R]; + if (!A) + throw new Error(R + " is not supported (we accept pull requests)"); + return new A(); + }; + E.sha = y(4448), E.sha1 = y(8336), E.sha224 = y(8432), E.sha256 = y(7499), E.sha384 = y(1686), E.sha512 = y(7816); + }, 4448: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(4189), A = y(9509).Buffer, w = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], a = new Array(80); function t() { - this.init(), this._w = a, M.call(this, 64, 56); + this.init(), this._w = a, R.call(this, 64, 56); } function d(s) { return s << 30 | s >>> 2; @@ -14258,7 +14596,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function u(s, r, n, o) { return s === 0 ? r & n | ~r & o : s === 2 ? r & n | r & o | n & o : r ^ n ^ o; } - E(t, M), t.prototype.init = function() { + E(t, R), t.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520, this; }, t.prototype._update = function(s) { for (var r, n = this._w, o = 0 | this._a, i = 0 | this._b, f = 0 | this._c, c = 0 | this._d, h = 0 | this._e, m = 0; m < 16; ++m) @@ -14266,18 +14604,18 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); for (; m < 80; ++m) n[m] = n[m - 3] ^ n[m - 8] ^ n[m - 14] ^ n[m - 16]; for (var v = 0; v < 80; ++v) { - var C = ~~(v / 20), l = 0 | ((r = o) << 5 | r >>> 27) + u(C, i, f, c) + h + n[v] + y[C]; + var I = ~~(v / 20), l = 0 | ((r = o) << 5 | r >>> 27) + u(I, i, f, c) + h + n[v] + w[I]; h = c, c = f, f = d(i), i = o, o = l; } this._a = o + this._a | 0, this._b = i + this._b | 0, this._c = f + this._c | 0, this._d = c + this._d | 0, this._e = h + this._e | 0; }, t.prototype._hash = function() { - var s = P.allocUnsafe(20); + var s = A.allocUnsafe(20); return s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._a, 0), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._b, 4), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._c, 8), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._d, 12), s.writeInt32BE(0 | this._e, 16), s; }, J.exports = t; - }, 8336: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(4189), P = b(9509).Buffer, y = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], a = new Array(80); + }, 8336: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(4189), A = y(9509).Buffer, w = [1518500249, 1859775393, -1894007588, -899497514], a = new Array(80); function t() { - this.init(), this._w = a, M.call(this, 64, 56); + this.init(), this._w = a, R.call(this, 64, 56); } function d(r) { return r << 5 | r >>> 27; @@ -14288,37 +14626,37 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function s(r, n, o, i) { return r === 0 ? n & o | ~n & i : r === 2 ? n & o | n & i | o & i : n ^ o ^ i; } - E(t, M), t.prototype.init = function() { + E(t, R), t.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 1732584193, this._b = 4023233417, this._c = 2562383102, this._d = 271733878, this._e = 3285377520, this; }, t.prototype._update = function(r) { for (var n, o = this._w, i = 0 | this._a, f = 0 | this._b, c = 0 | this._c, h = 0 | this._d, m = 0 | this._e, v = 0; v < 16; ++v) o[v] = r.readInt32BE(4 * v); for (; v < 80; ++v) o[v] = (n = o[v - 3] ^ o[v - 8] ^ o[v - 14] ^ o[v - 16]) << 1 | n >>> 31; - for (var C = 0; C < 80; ++C) { - var l = ~~(C / 20), I = d(i) + s(l, f, c, h) + m + o[C] + y[l] | 0; - m = h, h = c, c = u(f), f = i, i = I; + for (var I = 0; I < 80; ++I) { + var l = ~~(I / 20), j = d(i) + s(l, f, c, h) + m + o[I] + w[l] | 0; + m = h, h = c, c = u(f), f = i, i = j; } this._a = i + this._a | 0, this._b = f + this._b | 0, this._c = c + this._c | 0, this._d = h + this._d | 0, this._e = m + this._e | 0; }, t.prototype._hash = function() { - var r = P.allocUnsafe(20); + var r = A.allocUnsafe(20); return r.writeInt32BE(0 | this._a, 0), r.writeInt32BE(0 | this._b, 4), r.writeInt32BE(0 | this._c, 8), r.writeInt32BE(0 | this._d, 12), r.writeInt32BE(0 | this._e, 16), r; }, J.exports = t; - }, 8432: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(7499), P = b(4189), y = b(9509).Buffer, a = new Array(64); + }, 8432: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(7499), A = y(4189), w = y(9509).Buffer, a = new Array(64); function t() { - this.init(), this._w = a, P.call(this, 64, 56); + this.init(), this._w = a, A.call(this, 64, 56); } - E(t, M), t.prototype.init = function() { + E(t, R), t.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 3238371032, this._b = 914150663, this._c = 812702999, this._d = 4144912697, this._e = 4290775857, this._f = 1750603025, this._g = 1694076839, this._h = 3204075428, this; }, t.prototype._hash = function() { - var d = y.allocUnsafe(28); + var d = w.allocUnsafe(28); return d.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), d.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), d.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), d.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), d.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), d.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), d.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), d; }, J.exports = t; - }, 7499: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(4189), P = b(9509).Buffer, y = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298], a = new Array(64); + }, 7499: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(4189), A = y(9509).Buffer, w = [1116352408, 1899447441, 3049323471, 3921009573, 961987163, 1508970993, 2453635748, 2870763221, 3624381080, 310598401, 607225278, 1426881987, 1925078388, 2162078206, 2614888103, 3248222580, 3835390401, 4022224774, 264347078, 604807628, 770255983, 1249150122, 1555081692, 1996064986, 2554220882, 2821834349, 2952996808, 3210313671, 3336571891, 3584528711, 113926993, 338241895, 666307205, 773529912, 1294757372, 1396182291, 1695183700, 1986661051, 2177026350, 2456956037, 2730485921, 2820302411, 3259730800, 3345764771, 3516065817, 3600352804, 4094571909, 275423344, 430227734, 506948616, 659060556, 883997877, 958139571, 1322822218, 1537002063, 1747873779, 1955562222, 2024104815, 2227730452, 2361852424, 2428436474, 2756734187, 3204031479, 3329325298], a = new Array(64); function t() { - this.init(), this._w = a, M.call(this, 64, 56); + this.init(), this._w = a, R.call(this, 64, 56); } function d(o, i, f) { return f ^ o & (i ^ f); @@ -14335,40 +14673,40 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function n(o) { return (o >>> 7 | o << 25) ^ (o >>> 18 | o << 14) ^ o >>> 3; } - E(t, M), t.prototype.init = function() { + E(t, R), t.prototype.init = function() { return this._a = 1779033703, this._b = 3144134277, this._c = 1013904242, this._d = 2773480762, this._e = 1359893119, this._f = 2600822924, this._g = 528734635, this._h = 1541459225, this; }, t.prototype._update = function(o) { - for (var i, f = this._w, c = 0 | this._a, h = 0 | this._b, m = 0 | this._c, v = 0 | this._d, C = 0 | this._e, l = 0 | this._f, I = 0 | this._g, R = 0 | this._h, k = 0; k < 16; ++k) - f[k] = o.readInt32BE(4 * k); - for (; k < 64; ++k) - f[k] = 0 | (((i = f[k - 2]) >>> 17 | i << 15) ^ (i >>> 19 | i << 13) ^ i >>> 10) + f[k - 7] + n(f[k - 15]) + f[k - 16]; - for (var N = 0; N < 64; ++N) { - var A = R + r(C) + d(C, l, I) + y[N] + f[N] | 0, w = s(c) + u(c, h, m) | 0; - R = I, I = l, l = C, C = v + A | 0, v = m, m = h, h = c, c = A + w | 0; - } - this._a = c + this._a | 0, this._b = h + this._b | 0, this._c = m + this._c | 0, this._d = v + this._d | 0, this._e = C + this._e | 0, this._f = l + this._f | 0, this._g = I + this._g | 0, this._h = R + this._h | 0; + for (var i, f = this._w, c = 0 | this._a, h = 0 | this._b, m = 0 | this._c, v = 0 | this._d, I = 0 | this._e, l = 0 | this._f, j = 0 | this._g, N = 0 | this._h, S = 0; S < 16; ++S) + f[S] = o.readInt32BE(4 * S); + for (; S < 64; ++S) + f[S] = 0 | (((i = f[S - 2]) >>> 17 | i << 15) ^ (i >>> 19 | i << 13) ^ i >>> 10) + f[S - 7] + n(f[S - 15]) + f[S - 16]; + for (var T = 0; T < 64; ++T) { + var x = N + r(I) + d(I, l, j) + w[T] + f[T] | 0, k = s(c) + u(c, h, m) | 0; + N = j, j = l, l = I, I = v + x | 0, v = m, m = h, h = c, c = x + k | 0; + } + this._a = c + this._a | 0, this._b = h + this._b | 0, this._c = m + this._c | 0, this._d = v + this._d | 0, this._e = I + this._e | 0, this._f = l + this._f | 0, this._g = j + this._g | 0, this._h = N + this._h | 0; }, t.prototype._hash = function() { - var o = P.allocUnsafe(32); + var o = A.allocUnsafe(32); return o.writeInt32BE(this._a, 0), o.writeInt32BE(this._b, 4), o.writeInt32BE(this._c, 8), o.writeInt32BE(this._d, 12), o.writeInt32BE(this._e, 16), o.writeInt32BE(this._f, 20), o.writeInt32BE(this._g, 24), o.writeInt32BE(this._h, 28), o; }, J.exports = t; - }, 1686: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(7816), P = b(4189), y = b(9509).Buffer, a = new Array(160); + }, 1686: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(7816), A = y(4189), w = y(9509).Buffer, a = new Array(160); function t() { - this.init(), this._w = a, P.call(this, 128, 112); + this.init(), this._w = a, A.call(this, 128, 112); } - E(t, M), t.prototype.init = function() { + E(t, R), t.prototype.init = function() { return this._ah = 3418070365, this._bh = 1654270250, this._ch = 2438529370, this._dh = 355462360, this._eh = 1731405415, this._fh = 2394180231, this._gh = 3675008525, this._hh = 1203062813, this._al = 3238371032, this._bl = 914150663, this._cl = 812702999, this._dl = 4144912697, this._el = 4290775857, this._fl = 1750603025, this._gl = 1694076839, this._hl = 3204075428, this; }, t.prototype._hash = function() { - var d = y.allocUnsafe(48); + var d = w.allocUnsafe(48); function u(s, r, n) { d.writeInt32BE(s, n), d.writeInt32BE(r, n + 4); } return u(this._ah, this._al, 0), u(this._bh, this._bl, 8), u(this._ch, this._cl, 16), u(this._dh, this._dl, 24), u(this._eh, this._el, 32), u(this._fh, this._fl, 40), d; }, J.exports = t; - }, 7816: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5717), M = b(4189), P = b(9509).Buffer, y = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591], a = new Array(160); + }, 7816: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5717), R = y(4189), A = y(9509).Buffer, w = [1116352408, 3609767458, 1899447441, 602891725, 3049323471, 3964484399, 3921009573, 2173295548, 961987163, 4081628472, 1508970993, 3053834265, 2453635748, 2937671579, 2870763221, 3664609560, 3624381080, 2734883394, 310598401, 1164996542, 607225278, 1323610764, 1426881987, 3590304994, 1925078388, 4068182383, 2162078206, 991336113, 2614888103, 633803317, 3248222580, 3479774868, 3835390401, 2666613458, 4022224774, 944711139, 264347078, 2341262773, 604807628, 2007800933, 770255983, 1495990901, 1249150122, 1856431235, 1555081692, 3175218132, 1996064986, 2198950837, 2554220882, 3999719339, 2821834349, 766784016, 2952996808, 2566594879, 3210313671, 3203337956, 3336571891, 1034457026, 3584528711, 2466948901, 113926993, 3758326383, 338241895, 168717936, 666307205, 1188179964, 773529912, 1546045734, 1294757372, 1522805485, 1396182291, 2643833823, 1695183700, 2343527390, 1986661051, 1014477480, 2177026350, 1206759142, 2456956037, 344077627, 2730485921, 1290863460, 2820302411, 3158454273, 3259730800, 3505952657, 3345764771, 106217008, 3516065817, 3606008344, 3600352804, 1432725776, 4094571909, 1467031594, 275423344, 851169720, 430227734, 3100823752, 506948616, 1363258195, 659060556, 3750685593, 883997877, 3785050280, 958139571, 3318307427, 1322822218, 3812723403, 1537002063, 2003034995, 1747873779, 3602036899, 1955562222, 1575990012, 2024104815, 1125592928, 2227730452, 2716904306, 2361852424, 442776044, 2428436474, 593698344, 2756734187, 3733110249, 3204031479, 2999351573, 3329325298, 3815920427, 3391569614, 3928383900, 3515267271, 566280711, 3940187606, 3454069534, 4118630271, 4000239992, 116418474, 1914138554, 174292421, 2731055270, 289380356, 3203993006, 460393269, 320620315, 685471733, 587496836, 852142971, 1086792851, 1017036298, 365543100, 1126000580, 2618297676, 1288033470, 3409855158, 1501505948, 4234509866, 1607167915, 987167468, 1816402316, 1246189591], a = new Array(160); function t() { - this.init(), this._w = a, M.call(this, 128, 112); + this.init(), this._w = a, R.call(this, 128, 112); } function d(h, m, v) { return v ^ h & (m ^ v); @@ -14397,63 +14735,63 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function c(h, m) { return h >>> 0 < m >>> 0 ? 1 : 0; } - E(t, M), t.prototype.init = function() { + E(t, R), t.prototype.init = function() { return this._ah = 1779033703, this._bh = 3144134277, this._ch = 1013904242, this._dh = 2773480762, this._eh = 1359893119, this._fh = 2600822924, this._gh = 528734635, this._hh = 1541459225, this._al = 4089235720, this._bl = 2227873595, this._cl = 4271175723, this._dl = 1595750129, this._el = 2917565137, this._fl = 725511199, this._gl = 4215389547, this._hl = 327033209, this; }, t.prototype._update = function(h) { - for (var m = this._w, v = 0 | this._ah, C = 0 | this._bh, l = 0 | this._ch, I = 0 | this._dh, R = 0 | this._eh, k = 0 | this._fh, N = 0 | this._gh, A = 0 | this._hh, w = 0 | this._al, _ = 0 | this._bl, p = 0 | this._cl, O = 0 | this._dl, U = 0 | this._el, T = 0 | this._fl, z = 0 | this._gl, te = 0 | this._hl, X = 0; X < 32; X += 2) - m[X] = h.readInt32BE(4 * X), m[X + 1] = h.readInt32BE(4 * X + 4); - for (; X < 160; X += 2) { - var ne = m[X - 30], B = m[X - 30 + 1], Q = n(ne, B), V = o(B, ne), ee = i(ne = m[X - 4], B = m[X - 4 + 1]), K = f(B, ne), Y = m[X - 14], q = m[X - 14 + 1], ae = m[X - 32], de = m[X - 32 + 1], ue = V + q | 0, le = Q + Y + c(ue, V) | 0; - le = (le = le + ee + c(ue = ue + K | 0, K) | 0) + ae + c(ue = ue + de | 0, de) | 0, m[X] = le, m[X + 1] = ue; - } - for (var ge = 0; ge < 160; ge += 2) { - le = m[ge], ue = m[ge + 1]; - var ce = u(v, C, l), he = u(w, _, p), be = s(v, w), W = s(w, v), g = r(R, U), S = r(U, R), x = y[ge], j = y[ge + 1], D = d(R, k, N), L = d(U, T, z), F = te + S | 0, re = A + g + c(F, te) | 0; - re = (re = (re = re + D + c(F = F + L | 0, L) | 0) + x + c(F = F + j | 0, j) | 0) + le + c(F = F + ue | 0, ue) | 0; - var oe = W + he | 0, G = be + ce + c(oe, W) | 0; - A = N, te = z, N = k, z = T, k = R, T = U, R = I + re + c(U = O + F | 0, O) | 0, I = l, O = p, l = C, p = _, C = v, _ = w, v = re + G + c(w = F + oe | 0, F) | 0; - } - this._al = this._al + w | 0, this._bl = this._bl + _ | 0, this._cl = this._cl + p | 0, this._dl = this._dl + O | 0, this._el = this._el + U | 0, this._fl = this._fl + T | 0, this._gl = this._gl + z | 0, this._hl = this._hl + te | 0, this._ah = this._ah + v + c(this._al, w) | 0, this._bh = this._bh + C + c(this._bl, _) | 0, this._ch = this._ch + l + c(this._cl, p) | 0, this._dh = this._dh + I + c(this._dl, O) | 0, this._eh = this._eh + R + c(this._el, U) | 0, this._fh = this._fh + k + c(this._fl, T) | 0, this._gh = this._gh + N + c(this._gl, z) | 0, this._hh = this._hh + A + c(this._hl, te) | 0; + for (var m = this._w, v = 0 | this._ah, I = 0 | this._bh, l = 0 | this._ch, j = 0 | this._dh, N = 0 | this._eh, S = 0 | this._fh, T = 0 | this._gh, x = 0 | this._hh, k = 0 | this._al, b = 0 | this._bl, p = 0 | this._cl, P = 0 | this._dl, B = 0 | this._el, C = 0 | this._fl, L = 0 | this._gl, re = 0 | this._hl, ee = 0; ee < 32; ee += 2) + m[ee] = h.readInt32BE(4 * ee), m[ee + 1] = h.readInt32BE(4 * ee + 4); + for (; ee < 160; ee += 2) { + var oe = m[ee - 30], D = m[ee - 30 + 1], Z = n(oe, D), H = o(D, oe), te = i(oe = m[ee - 4], D = m[ee - 4 + 1]), Q = f(D, oe), X = m[ee - 14], F = m[ee - 14 + 1], se = m[ee - 32], ue = m[ee - 32 + 1], le = H + F | 0, fe = Z + X + c(le, H) | 0; + fe = (fe = fe + te + c(le = le + Q | 0, Q) | 0) + se + c(le = le + ue | 0, ue) | 0, m[ee] = fe, m[ee + 1] = le; + } + for (var _e = 0; _e < 160; _e += 2) { + fe = m[_e], le = m[_e + 1]; + var de = u(v, I, l), pe = u(k, b, p), ye = s(v, k), G = s(k, v), _ = r(N, B), O = r(B, N), M = w[_e], U = w[_e + 1], z = d(N, S, T), q = d(B, C, L), W = re + O | 0, ne = x + _ + c(W, re) | 0; + ne = (ne = (ne = ne + z + c(W = W + q | 0, q) | 0) + M + c(W = W + U | 0, U) | 0) + fe + c(W = W + le | 0, le) | 0; + var ie = G + pe | 0, V = ye + de + c(ie, G) | 0; + x = T, re = L, T = S, L = C, S = N, C = B, N = j + ne + c(B = P + W | 0, P) | 0, j = l, P = p, l = I, p = b, I = v, b = k, v = ne + V + c(k = W + ie | 0, W) | 0; + } + this._al = this._al + k | 0, this._bl = this._bl + b | 0, this._cl = this._cl + p | 0, this._dl = this._dl + P | 0, this._el = this._el + B | 0, this._fl = this._fl + C | 0, this._gl = this._gl + L | 0, this._hl = this._hl + re | 0, this._ah = this._ah + v + c(this._al, k) | 0, this._bh = this._bh + I + c(this._bl, b) | 0, this._ch = this._ch + l + c(this._cl, p) | 0, this._dh = this._dh + j + c(this._dl, P) | 0, this._eh = this._eh + N + c(this._el, B) | 0, this._fh = this._fh + S + c(this._fl, C) | 0, this._gh = this._gh + T + c(this._gl, L) | 0, this._hh = this._hh + x + c(this._hl, re) | 0; }, t.prototype._hash = function() { - var h = P.allocUnsafe(64); - function m(v, C, l) { - h.writeInt32BE(v, l), h.writeInt32BE(C, l + 4); + var h = A.allocUnsafe(64); + function m(v, I, l) { + h.writeInt32BE(v, l), h.writeInt32BE(I, l + 4); } return m(this._ah, this._al, 0), m(this._bh, this._bl, 8), m(this._ch, this._cl, 16), m(this._dh, this._dl, 24), m(this._eh, this._el, 32), m(this._fh, this._fl, 40), m(this._gh, this._gl, 48), m(this._hh, this._hl, 56), h; }, J.exports = t; - }, 2830: (J, e, b) => { - J.exports = M; - var E = b(7187).EventEmitter; - function M() { + }, 2830: (J, e, y) => { + J.exports = R; + var E = y(7187).EventEmitter; + function R() { E.call(this); } - b(5717)(M, E), M.Readable = b(9481), M.Writable = b(4229), M.Duplex = b(6753), M.Transform = b(4605), M.PassThrough = b(2725), M.finished = b(8610), M.pipeline = b(9946), M.Stream = M, M.prototype.pipe = function(P, y) { + y(5717)(R, E), R.Readable = y(9481), R.Writable = y(4229), R.Duplex = y(6753), R.Transform = y(4605), R.PassThrough = y(2725), R.finished = y(8610), R.pipeline = y(9946), R.Stream = R, R.prototype.pipe = function(A, w) { var a = this; function t(i) { - P.writable && P.write(i) === !1 && a.pause && a.pause(); + A.writable && A.write(i) === !1 && a.pause && a.pause(); } function d() { a.readable && a.resume && a.resume(); } - a.on("data", t), P.on("drain", d), P._isStdio || y && y.end === !1 || (a.on("end", s), a.on("close", r)); + a.on("data", t), A.on("drain", d), A._isStdio || w && w.end === !1 || (a.on("end", s), a.on("close", r)); var u = !1; function s() { - u || (u = !0, P.end()); + u || (u = !0, A.end()); } function r() { - u || (u = !0, typeof P.destroy == "function" && P.destroy()); + u || (u = !0, typeof A.destroy == "function" && A.destroy()); } function n(i) { if (o(), E.listenerCount(this, "error") === 0) throw i; } function o() { - a.removeListener("data", t), P.removeListener("drain", d), a.removeListener("end", s), a.removeListener("close", r), a.removeListener("error", n), P.removeListener("error", n), a.removeListener("end", o), a.removeListener("close", o), P.removeListener("close", o); + a.removeListener("data", t), A.removeListener("drain", d), a.removeListener("end", s), a.removeListener("close", r), a.removeListener("error", n), A.removeListener("error", n), a.removeListener("end", o), a.removeListener("close", o), A.removeListener("close", o); } - return a.on("error", n), P.on("error", n), a.on("end", o), a.on("close", o), P.on("close", o), P.emit("pipe", a), P; + return a.on("error", n), A.on("error", n), a.on("end", o), a.on("close", o), A.on("close", o), A.emit("pipe", a), A; }; - }, 2553: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(9509).Buffer, M = E.isEncoding || function(o) { + }, 2553: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(9509).Buffer, R = E.isEncoding || function(o) { switch ((o = "" + o) && o.toLowerCase()) { case "hex": case "utf8": @@ -14471,7 +14809,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return !1; } }; - function P(o) { + function A(o) { var i; switch (this.encoding = function(f) { var c = function(h) { @@ -14500,7 +14838,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); h = ("" + h).toLowerCase(), m = !0; } }(f); - if (typeof c != "string" && (E.isEncoding === M || !M(f))) + if (typeof c != "string" && (E.isEncoding === R || !R(f))) throw new Error("Unknown encoding: " + f); return c || f; }(o), this.encoding) { @@ -14518,7 +14856,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } this.lastNeed = 0, this.lastTotal = 0, this.lastChar = E.allocUnsafe(i); } - function y(o) { + function w(o) { return o <= 127 ? 0 : o >> 5 == 6 ? 2 : o >> 4 == 14 ? 3 : o >> 3 == 30 ? 4 : o >> 6 == 2 ? -1 : -2; } function a(o) { @@ -14568,7 +14906,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function n(o) { return o && o.length ? this.write(o) : ""; } - e.s = P, P.prototype.write = function(o) { + e.s = A, A.prototype.write = function(o) { if (o.length === 0) return ""; var i, f; @@ -14579,231 +14917,231 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } else f = 0; return f < o.length ? i ? i + this.text(o, f) : this.text(o, f) : i || ""; - }, P.prototype.end = function(o) { + }, A.prototype.end = function(o) { var i = o && o.length ? this.write(o) : ""; return this.lastNeed ? i + "�" : i; - }, P.prototype.text = function(o, i) { + }, A.prototype.text = function(o, i) { var f = function(h, m, v) { - var C = m.length - 1; - if (C < v) + var I = m.length - 1; + if (I < v) return 0; - var l = y(m[C]); - return l >= 0 ? (l > 0 && (h.lastNeed = l - 1), l) : --C < v || l === -2 ? 0 : (l = y(m[C])) >= 0 ? (l > 0 && (h.lastNeed = l - 2), l) : --C < v || l === -2 ? 0 : (l = y(m[C])) >= 0 ? (l > 0 && (l === 2 ? l = 0 : h.lastNeed = l - 3), l) : 0; + var l = w(m[I]); + return l >= 0 ? (l > 0 && (h.lastNeed = l - 1), l) : --I < v || l === -2 ? 0 : (l = w(m[I])) >= 0 ? (l > 0 && (h.lastNeed = l - 2), l) : --I < v || l === -2 ? 0 : (l = w(m[I])) >= 0 ? (l > 0 && (l === 2 ? l = 0 : h.lastNeed = l - 3), l) : 0; }(this, o, i); if (!this.lastNeed) return o.toString("utf8", i); this.lastTotal = f; var c = o.length - (f - this.lastNeed); return o.copy(this.lastChar, 0, c), o.toString("utf8", i, c); - }, P.prototype.fillLast = function(o) { + }, A.prototype.fillLast = function(o) { if (this.lastNeed <= o.length) return o.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, this.lastNeed), this.lastChar.toString(this.encoding, 0, this.lastTotal); o.copy(this.lastChar, this.lastTotal - this.lastNeed, 0, o.length), this.lastNeed -= o.length; }; - }, 5892: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764).Buffer; - const M = b(3550), P = new (b(6266)).ec("secp256k1"), y = b(4142), a = E.alloc(32, 0), t = E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141", "hex"), d = E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f", "hex"), u = P.curve.n, s = u.shrn(1), r = P.curve.g, n = "Expected Private", o = "Expected Point", i = "Expected Tweak", f = "Expected Hash"; - function c(w) { - return E.isBuffer(w) && w.length === 32; + }, 5892: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764).Buffer; + const R = y(3550), A = new (y(6266)).ec("secp256k1"), w = y(4142), a = E.alloc(32, 0), t = E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffebaaedce6af48a03bbfd25e8cd0364141", "hex"), d = E.from("fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffc2f", "hex"), u = A.curve.n, s = u.shrn(1), r = A.curve.g, n = "Expected Private", o = "Expected Point", i = "Expected Tweak", f = "Expected Hash"; + function c(k) { + return E.isBuffer(k) && k.length === 32; } - function h(w) { - return !!c(w) && w.compare(t) < 0; + function h(k) { + return !!c(k) && k.compare(t) < 0; } - function m(w) { - if (!E.isBuffer(w) || w.length < 33) + function m(k) { + if (!E.isBuffer(k) || k.length < 33) return !1; - const _ = w[0], p = w.slice(1, 33); + const b = k[0], p = k.slice(1, 33); if (p.compare(a) === 0 || p.compare(d) >= 0) return !1; - if ((_ === 2 || _ === 3) && w.length === 33) { + if ((b === 2 || b === 3) && k.length === 33) { try { - k(w); + S(k); } catch { return !1; } return !0; } - const O = w.slice(33); - return O.compare(a) !== 0 && !(O.compare(d) >= 0) && _ === 4 && w.length === 65; + const P = k.slice(33); + return P.compare(a) !== 0 && !(P.compare(d) >= 0) && b === 4 && k.length === 65; } - function v(w) { - return w[0] !== 4; + function v(k) { + return k[0] !== 4; } - function C(w) { - return !!c(w) && w.compare(a) > 0 && w.compare(t) < 0; + function I(k) { + return !!c(k) && k.compare(a) > 0 && k.compare(t) < 0; } - function l(w, _) { - return w === void 0 && _ !== void 0 ? v(_) : w === void 0 || w; + function l(k, b) { + return k === void 0 && b !== void 0 ? v(b) : k === void 0 || k; } - function I(w) { - return new M(w); + function j(k) { + return new R(k); } - function R(w) { - return w.toArrayLike(E, "be", 32); + function N(k) { + return k.toArrayLike(E, "be", 32); } - function k(w) { - return P.curve.decodePoint(w); + function S(k) { + return A.curve.decodePoint(k); } - function N(w, _) { - return E.from(w._encode(_)); + function T(k, b) { + return E.from(k._encode(b)); } - function A(w, _, p) { - if (!c(w)) + function x(k, b, p) { + if (!c(k)) throw new TypeError(f); - if (!C(_)) + if (!I(b)) throw new TypeError(n); if (p !== void 0 && !c(p)) throw new TypeError("Expected Extra Data (32 bytes)"); - const O = I(_), U = I(w); - let T, z; - y(w, _, function(X) { - const ne = I(X), B = r.mul(ne); - return !B.isInfinity() && (T = B.x.umod(u), T.isZero() !== 0 && (z = ne.invm(u).mul(U.add(O.mul(T))).umod(u), z.isZero() !== 0)); - }, C, p), z.cmp(s) > 0 && (z = u.sub(z)); - const te = E.allocUnsafe(64); - return R(T).copy(te, 0), R(z).copy(te, 32), te; - } - J.exports = { isPoint: m, isPointCompressed: function(w) { - return !!m(w) && v(w); - }, isPrivate: C, pointAdd: function(w, _, p) { - if (!m(w)) + const P = j(b), B = j(k); + let C, L; + w(k, b, function(ee) { + const oe = j(ee), D = r.mul(oe); + return !D.isInfinity() && (C = D.x.umod(u), C.isZero() !== 0 && (L = oe.invm(u).mul(B.add(P.mul(C))).umod(u), L.isZero() !== 0)); + }, I, p), L.cmp(s) > 0 && (L = u.sub(L)); + const re = E.allocUnsafe(64); + return N(C).copy(re, 0), N(L).copy(re, 32), re; + } + J.exports = { isPoint: m, isPointCompressed: function(k) { + return !!m(k) && v(k); + }, isPrivate: I, pointAdd: function(k, b, p) { + if (!m(k)) throw new TypeError(o); - if (!m(_)) + if (!m(b)) throw new TypeError(o); - const O = k(w), U = k(_), T = O.add(U); - return T.isInfinity() ? null : N(T, l(p, w)); - }, pointAddScalar: function(w, _, p) { - if (!m(w)) + const P = S(k), B = S(b), C = P.add(B); + return C.isInfinity() ? null : T(C, l(p, k)); + }, pointAddScalar: function(k, b, p) { + if (!m(k)) throw new TypeError(o); - if (!h(_)) + if (!h(b)) throw new TypeError(i); - const O = l(p, w), U = k(w); - if (_.compare(a) === 0) - return N(U, O); - const T = I(_), z = r.mul(T), te = U.add(z); - return te.isInfinity() ? null : N(te, O); - }, pointCompress: function(w, _) { - if (!m(w)) + const P = l(p, k), B = S(k); + if (b.compare(a) === 0) + return T(B, P); + const C = j(b), L = r.mul(C), re = B.add(L); + return re.isInfinity() ? null : T(re, P); + }, pointCompress: function(k, b) { + if (!m(k)) throw new TypeError(o); - const p = k(w); + const p = S(k); if (p.isInfinity()) throw new TypeError(o); - return N(p, l(_, w)); - }, pointFromScalar: function(w, _) { - if (!C(w)) + return T(p, l(b, k)); + }, pointFromScalar: function(k, b) { + if (!I(k)) throw new TypeError(n); - const p = I(w), O = r.mul(p); - return O.isInfinity() ? null : N(O, l(_)); - }, pointMultiply: function(w, _, p) { - if (!m(w)) + const p = j(k), P = r.mul(p); + return P.isInfinity() ? null : T(P, l(b)); + }, pointMultiply: function(k, b, p) { + if (!m(k)) throw new TypeError(o); - if (!h(_)) + if (!h(b)) throw new TypeError(i); - const O = l(p, w), U = k(w), T = I(_), z = U.mul(T); - return z.isInfinity() ? null : N(z, O); - }, privateAdd: function(w, _) { - if (!C(w)) + const P = l(p, k), B = S(k), C = j(b), L = B.mul(C); + return L.isInfinity() ? null : T(L, P); + }, privateAdd: function(k, b) { + if (!I(k)) throw new TypeError(n); - if (!h(_)) + if (!h(b)) throw new TypeError(i); - const p = I(w), O = I(_), U = R(p.add(O).umod(u)); - return C(U) ? U : null; - }, privateSub: function(w, _) { - if (!C(w)) + const p = j(k), P = j(b), B = N(p.add(P).umod(u)); + return I(B) ? B : null; + }, privateSub: function(k, b) { + if (!I(k)) throw new TypeError(n); - if (!h(_)) + if (!h(b)) throw new TypeError(i); - const p = I(w), O = I(_), U = R(p.sub(O).umod(u)); - return C(U) ? U : null; - }, sign: function(w, _) { - return A(w, _); - }, signWithEntropy: function(w, _, p) { - return A(w, _, p); - }, verify: function(w, _, p, O) { - if (!c(w)) + const p = j(k), P = j(b), B = N(p.sub(P).umod(u)); + return I(B) ? B : null; + }, sign: function(k, b) { + return x(k, b); + }, signWithEntropy: function(k, b, p) { + return x(k, b, p); + }, verify: function(k, b, p, P) { + if (!c(k)) throw new TypeError(f); - if (!m(_)) + if (!m(b)) throw new TypeError(o); - if (!function(V) { - const ee = V.slice(0, 32), K = V.slice(32, 64); - return E.isBuffer(V) && V.length === 64 && ee.compare(t) < 0 && K.compare(t) < 0; + if (!function(H) { + const te = H.slice(0, 32), Q = H.slice(32, 64); + return E.isBuffer(H) && H.length === 64 && te.compare(t) < 0 && Q.compare(t) < 0; }(p)) throw new TypeError("Expected Signature"); - const U = k(_), T = I(p.slice(0, 32)), z = I(p.slice(32, 64)); - if (O && z.cmp(s) > 0 || T.gtn(0) <= 0 || z.gtn(0) <= 0) + const B = S(b), C = j(p.slice(0, 32)), L = j(p.slice(32, 64)); + if (P && L.cmp(s) > 0 || C.gtn(0) <= 0 || L.gtn(0) <= 0) return !1; - const te = I(w), X = z.invm(u), ne = te.mul(X).umod(u), B = T.mul(X).umod(u), Q = r.mulAdd(ne, U, B); - return !Q.isInfinity() && Q.x.umod(u).eq(T); + const re = j(k), ee = L.invm(u), oe = re.mul(ee).umod(u), D = C.mul(ee).umod(u), Z = r.mulAdd(oe, B, D); + return !Z.isInfinity() && Z.x.umod(u).eq(C); } }; - }, 4142: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764).Buffer; - const M = b(8355), P = E.alloc(1, 1), y = E.alloc(1, 0); + }, 4142: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764).Buffer; + const R = y(8355), A = E.alloc(1, 1), w = E.alloc(1, 0); J.exports = function(a, t, d, u, s) { let r = E.alloc(32, 0), n = E.alloc(32, 1); - r = M("sha256", r).update(n).update(y).update(t).update(a).update(s || "").digest(), n = M("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), r = M("sha256", r).update(n).update(P).update(t).update(a).update(s || "").digest(), n = M("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), n = M("sha256", r).update(n).digest(); + r = R("sha256", r).update(n).update(w).update(t).update(a).update(s || "").digest(), n = R("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), r = R("sha256", r).update(n).update(A).update(t).update(a).update(s || "").digest(), n = R("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), n = R("sha256", r).update(n).digest(); let o = n; for (; !u(o) || !d(o); ) - r = M("sha256", r).update(n).update(y).digest(), n = M("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), n = M("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), o = n; + r = R("sha256", r).update(n).update(w).digest(), n = R("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), n = R("sha256", r).update(n).digest(), o = n; return o; }; - }, 8136: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(v, C, l, I) { - I === void 0 && (I = l), Object.defineProperty(v, I, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return C[l]; + }, 8136: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(v, I, l, j) { + j === void 0 && (j = l), Object.defineProperty(v, j, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return I[l]; } }); - } : function(v, C, l, I) { - I === void 0 && (I = l), v[I] = C[l]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(v, C) { - Object.defineProperty(v, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: C }); - } : function(v, C) { - v.default = C; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(v) { + } : function(v, I, l, j) { + j === void 0 && (j = l), v[j] = I[l]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(v, I) { + Object.defineProperty(v, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: I }); + } : function(v, I) { + v.default = I; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(v) { if (v && v.__esModule) return v; - var C = {}; + var I = {}; if (v != null) for (var l in v) - l !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, l) && E(C, v, l); - return M(C, v), C; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(v, C, l, I) { - return new (l || (l = Promise))(function(R, k) { - function N(_) { + l !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, l) && E(I, v, l); + return R(I, v), I; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(v, I, l, j) { + return new (l || (l = Promise))(function(N, S) { + function T(b) { try { - w(I.next(_)); + k(j.next(b)); } catch (p) { - k(p); + S(p); } } - function A(_) { + function x(b) { try { - w(I.throw(_)); + k(j.throw(b)); } catch (p) { - k(p); + S(p); } } - function w(_) { + function k(b) { var p; - _.done ? R(_.value) : (p = _.value, p instanceof l ? p : new l(function(O) { - O(p); - })).then(N, A); + b.done ? N(b.value) : (p = b.value, p instanceof l ? p : new l(function(P) { + P(p); + })).then(T, x); } - w((I = I.apply(v, C || [])).next()); + k((j = j.apply(v, I || [])).next()); }); }, a = this && this.__importDefault || function(v) { return v && v.__esModule ? v : { default: v }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.EncryptionUtilsImpl = void 0; - const t = b(8972), d = b(4330), u = b(3061), s = b(4063), r = P(b(9463)), n = a(b(64)), o = b(6402), i = new r.PolyfillCryptoProvider(), f = (0, t.fromHex)("000000000000000000024bead8df69990852c202db0e0097c1a12ea637d7e96d"), c = (0, t.fromBase64)("79++5YOHfm0SwhlpUDClv7cuCjq9xBZlWqSjDJWkRG8="), h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["secret-2", "secret-3", "secret-4"]); + const t = y(8972), d = y(4330), u = y(3061), s = y(4063), r = A(y(9463)), n = a(y(64)), o = y(6402), i = new r.PolyfillCryptoProvider(), f = (0, t.fromHex)("000000000000000000024bead8df69990852c202db0e0097c1a12ea637d7e96d"), c = (0, t.fromBase64)("79++5YOHfm0SwhlpUDClv7cuCjq9xBZlWqSjDJWkRG8="), h = /* @__PURE__ */ new Set(["secret-2", "secret-3", "secret-4"]); class m { - constructor(C, l, I) { - if (this.url = C, this.consensusIoPubKey = new Uint8Array(), l) { + constructor(I, l, j) { + if (this.url = I, this.consensusIoPubKey = new Uint8Array(), l) { if (l.length !== 32) throw new Error("encryptionSeed must be a Uint8Array of length 32"); this.seed = l; } else this.seed = m.GenerateNewSeed(); - const { privkey: R, pubkey: k } = m.GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(this.seed); - this.privkey = R, this.pubkey = k, I && h.has(I) && (this.consensusIoPubKey = c); + const { privkey: N, pubkey: S } = m.GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(this.seed); + this.privkey = N, this.pubkey = S, j && h.has(j) && (this.consensusIoPubKey = c); } static GenerateNewKeyPair() { return m.GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(m.GenerateNewSeed()); @@ -14811,36 +15149,36 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); static GenerateNewSeed() { return (0, n.default)(32, { type: "Uint8Array" }); } - static GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(C) { - const { private: l, public: I } = (0, s.generateKeyPair)(C); - return { privkey: l, pubkey: I }; + static GenerateNewKeyPairFromSeed(I) { + const { private: l, public: j } = (0, s.generateKeyPair)(I); + return { privkey: l, pubkey: j }; } getConsensusIoPubKey() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (this.consensusIoPubKey.length === 32) return this.consensusIoPubKey; - const { key: C } = yield o.Query.TxKey({}, { pathPrefix: this.url }); - return this.consensusIoPubKey = (0, t.fromBase64)(C), this.consensusIoPubKey; + const { key: I } = yield o.Query.TxKey({}, { pathPrefix: this.url }); + return this.consensusIoPubKey = (0, t.fromBase64)(I), this.consensusIoPubKey; }); } - getTxEncryptionKey(C) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const l = yield this.getConsensusIoPubKey(), I = (0, s.sharedKey)(this.privkey, l); - return (0, d.hkdf)(u.sha256, Uint8Array.from([...I, ...C]), f, "", 32); + getTxEncryptionKey(I) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const l = yield this.getConsensusIoPubKey(), j = (0, s.sharedKey)(this.privkey, l); + return (0, d.hkdf)(u.sha256, Uint8Array.from([...j, ...I]), f, "", 32); }); } - encrypt(C, l) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const I = (0, n.default)(32, { type: "Uint8Array" }), R = yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(I), k = yield r.SIV.importKey(R, "AES-SIV", i), N = (0, t.toUtf8)(C + JSON.stringify(l)), A = yield k.seal(N, [new Uint8Array()]); - return Uint8Array.from([...I, ...this.pubkey, ...A]); + encrypt(I, l) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const j = (0, n.default)(32, { type: "Uint8Array" }), N = yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(j), S = yield r.SIV.importKey(N, "AES-SIV", i), T = (0, t.toUtf8)(I + JSON.stringify(l)), x = yield S.seal(T, [new Uint8Array()]); + return Uint8Array.from([...j, ...this.pubkey, ...x]); }); } - decrypt(C, l) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - if (!(C != null && C.length)) + decrypt(I, l) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if (!(I != null && I.length)) return new Uint8Array(); - const I = yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(l); - return yield (yield r.SIV.importKey(I, "AES-SIV", i)).open(C, [new Uint8Array()]); + const j = yield this.getTxEncryptionKey(l); + return yield (yield r.SIV.importKey(j, "AES-SIV", i)).open(I, [new Uint8Array()]); }); } getPubkey() { @@ -14848,64 +15186,64 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } } e.EncryptionUtilsImpl = m; - }, 7061: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(P, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return y[a]; + }, 7061: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(A, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return w[a]; } }); - } : function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), P[t] = y[a]; - }), M = this && this.__exportStar || function(P, y) { - for (var a in P) - a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y, a) || E(y, P, a); - }; - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), M(b(7131), e), M(b(8680), e); - }, 7131: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(m, v, C, l) { - l === void 0 && (l = C), Object.defineProperty(m, l, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return v[C]; + } : function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), A[t] = w[a]; + }), R = this && this.__exportStar || function(A, w) { + for (var a in A) + a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w, a) || E(w, A, a); + }; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), R(y(7131), e), R(y(8680), e); + }, 7131: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(m, v, I, l) { + l === void 0 && (l = I), Object.defineProperty(m, l, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return v[I]; } }); - } : function(m, v, C, l) { - l === void 0 && (l = C), m[l] = v[C]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(m, v) { + } : function(m, v, I, l) { + l === void 0 && (l = I), m[l] = v[I]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(m, v) { Object.defineProperty(m, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v }); } : function(m, v) { m.default = v; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(m) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(m) { if (m && m.__esModule) return m; var v = {}; if (m != null) - for (var C in m) - C !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m, C) && E(v, m, C); - return M(v, m), v; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(m, v, C, l) { - return new (C || (C = Promise))(function(I, R) { - function k(w) { + for (var I in m) + I !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m, I) && E(v, m, I); + return R(v, m), v; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(m, v, I, l) { + return new (I || (I = Promise))(function(j, N) { + function S(k) { try { - A(l.next(w)); - } catch (_) { - R(_); + x(l.next(k)); + } catch (b) { + N(b); } } - function N(w) { + function T(k) { try { - A(l.throw(w)); - } catch (_) { - R(_); + x(l.throw(k)); + } catch (b) { + N(b); } } - function A(w) { - var _; - w.done ? I(w.value) : (_ = w.value, _ instanceof C ? _ : new C(function(p) { - p(_); - })).then(k, N); + function x(k) { + var b; + k.done ? j(k.value) : (b = k.value, b instanceof I ? b : new I(function(p) { + p(b); + })).then(S, T); } - A((l = l.apply(m, v || [])).next()); + x((l = l.apply(m, v || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.validatePermit = e.newPermit = e.newSignDoc = e.PermissionNotInPermit = e.SignerIsNotAddress = e.SignatureInvalid = e.ContractNotInPermit = e.PermitError = void 0; - const a = b(8972), t = b(3061), d = P(b(9656)), u = b(7715), s = b(3607), r = b(5360); + const a = y(8972), t = y(3061), d = A(y(9656)), u = y(7715), s = y(3607), r = y(5360); class n extends Error { constructor(v) { super(v), this.type = "PermitError", this.name = "PermitError"; @@ -14913,75 +15251,75 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } e.PermitError = n; class o extends n { - constructor(v, C) { - super(`Contract ${v} is not allowed for this permit`), this.name = "ContractNotInPermit", this.contract = v, this.allowed_contracts = C; + constructor(v, I) { + super(`Contract ${v} is not allowed for this permit`), this.name = "ContractNotInPermit", this.contract = v, this.allowed_contracts = I; } } e.ContractNotInPermit = o; class i extends n { - constructor(v, C) { - super("Signature invalid"), this.name = "SignatureInvalid", this.key = C, this.signature = v; + constructor(v, I) { + super("Signature invalid"), this.name = "SignatureInvalid", this.key = I, this.signature = v; } } e.SignatureInvalid = i; class f extends n { - constructor(v, C) { - super(`Address ${C} is not the permit signer`), this.name = "SignerIsNotAddress", this.address = C, this.publicKey = v; + constructor(v, I) { + super(`Address ${I} is not the permit signer`), this.name = "SignerIsNotAddress", this.address = I, this.publicKey = v; } } e.SignerIsNotAddress = f; class c extends n { - constructor(v, C) { - super("Permit does not contain required the permissions"), this.name = "PermissionNotInPermit", this.permission = v, this.permissionsInContract = C; + constructor(v, I) { + super("Permit does not contain required the permissions"), this.name = "PermissionNotInPermit", this.permission = v, this.permissionsInContract = I; } } - e.PermissionNotInPermit = c, e.newSignDoc = (m, v, C, l) => ({ chain_id: m, account_number: "0", sequence: "0", fee: { amount: (0, s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"), gas: "1" }, msgs: [{ type: "query_permit", value: { permit_name: v, allowed_tokens: C, permissions: l } }], memo: "" }), e.newPermit = (m, v, C, l, I, R, k) => y(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { - let N; - if (k) { + e.PermissionNotInPermit = c, e.newSignDoc = (m, v, I, l) => ({ chain_id: m, account_number: "0", sequence: "0", fee: { amount: (0, s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"), gas: "1" }, msgs: [{ type: "query_permit", value: { permit_name: v, allowed_tokens: I, permissions: l } }], memo: "" }), e.newPermit = (m, v, I, l, j, N, S) => w(void 0, void 0, void 0, function* () { + let T; + if (S) { if (!(window != null && window.keplr)) throw new Error("Cannot sign with Keplr - extension not enabled; enable Keplr or change signing mode"); - ({ signature: N } = yield window.keplr.signAmino(C, v, { chain_id: C, account_number: "0", sequence: "0", fee: { amount: (0, s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"), gas: "1" }, msgs: [{ type: "query_permit", value: { permit_name: l, allowed_tokens: I, permissions: R } }], memo: "" }, { preferNoSetFee: !0, preferNoSetMemo: !0 })); + ({ signature: T } = yield window.keplr.signAmino(I, v, { chain_id: I, account_number: "0", sequence: "0", fee: { amount: (0, s.stringToCoins)("0uscrt"), gas: "1" }, msgs: [{ type: "query_permit", value: { permit_name: l, allowed_tokens: j, permissions: N } }], memo: "" }, { preferNoSetFee: !0, preferNoSetMemo: !0 })); } else - N = typeof m.signPermit == "function" ? (yield m.signPermit(v, (0, e.newSignDoc)(C, l, I, R))).signature : (yield m.signAmino(v, (0, e.newSignDoc)(C, l, I, R))).signature; - return { params: { chain_id: C, permit_name: l, allowed_tokens: I, permissions: R }, signature: N }; - }), e.validatePermit = (m, v, C, l, I = !0) => { - if (!m.params.allowed_tokens.includes(C)) { - if (!I) + T = typeof m.signPermit == "function" ? (yield m.signPermit(v, (0, e.newSignDoc)(I, l, j, N))).signature : (yield m.signAmino(v, (0, e.newSignDoc)(I, l, j, N))).signature; + return { params: { chain_id: I, permit_name: l, allowed_tokens: j, permissions: N }, signature: T }; + }), e.validatePermit = (m, v, I, l, j = !0) => { + if (!m.params.allowed_tokens.includes(I)) { + if (!j) return !1; - throw new o(C, m.params.allowed_tokens); + throw new o(I, m.params.allowed_tokens); } - if (!m.params.permissions.find((A) => l.includes(A))) { - if (!I) + if (!m.params.permissions.find((x) => l.includes(x))) { + if (!j) return !1; throw new c(l, m.params.permissions); } - let R = ""; + let N = ""; try { - R = u.bech32.decode(v).prefix; + N = u.bech32.decode(v).prefix; } catch { throw new Error(`Address address=${v} must be a valid bech32 address`); } - let k = ""; + let S = ""; try { - k = (0, s.base64PubkeyToAddress)(m.signature.pub_key.value, R); + S = (0, s.base64PubkeyToAddress)(m.signature.pub_key.value, N); } catch { throw new n("Pubkey invalid"); } - if (k !== v) { - if (!I) + if (S !== v) { + if (!j) return !1; throw new f(m.signature.pub_key, v); } - let N = !1; + let T = !1; try { - N = h(m); + T = h(m); } catch { - if (!I) + if (!j) return !1; throw new i(m.signature.signature, m.signature.pub_key.value); } - if (!N) { - if (!I) + if (!T) { + if (!j) return !1; throw new i(m.signature.signature, m.signature.pub_key.value); } @@ -14989,49 +15327,49 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }; const h = (m) => { let v = (0, e.newSignDoc)(m.params.chain_id, m.params.permit_name, m.params.allowed_tokens, m.params.permissions); - const C = (0, t.sha256)((0, r.serializeStdSignDoc)(v)); + const I = (0, t.sha256)((0, r.serializeStdSignDoc)(v)); let l = d.Signature.fromCompact((0, a.fromBase64)(m.signature.signature)); - return d.verify(l, C, (0, a.fromBase64)(m.signature.pub_key.value)); + return d.verify(l, I, (0, a.fromBase64)(m.signature.pub_key.value)); }; - }, 3117: (J, e, b) => { + }, 3117: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PermitSigner = e.DirectSignerUnsupported = void 0; - const E = b(7131); - class M extends E.PermitError { + const E = y(7131); + class R extends E.PermitError { constructor() { super("Only amino signer is supported for permits"); } } - e.DirectSignerUnsupported = M, e.PermitSigner = class { - constructor(P) { - this.isAminoSigner = (y) => "signAmino" in y, this.signer = P; + e.DirectSignerUnsupported = R, e.PermitSigner = class { + constructor(A) { + this.isAminoSigner = (w) => "signAmino" in w, this.signer = A; } _checkSigner() { if (!this.isAminoSigner(this.signer)) - throw new M(); + throw new R(); } - sign(P, y, a, t, d, u = !0) { - return this._checkSigner(), (0, E.newPermit)(this.signer, P, y, a, t, d, u); + sign(A, w, a, t, d, u = !0) { + return this._checkSigner(), (0, E.newPermit)(this.signer, A, w, a, t, d, u); } - verify(P, y, a, t) { - return (0, E.validatePermit)(P, y, a, t); + verify(A, w, a, t) { + return (0, E.validatePermit)(A, w, a, t); } - verifyNoExcept(P, y, a, t) { - return (0, E.validatePermit)(P, y, a, t, !1); + verifyNoExcept(A, w, a, t) { + return (0, E.validatePermit)(A, w, a, t, !1); } }; }, 8680: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - }, 1610: (J, e, b) => { + }, 1610: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgCreateViewingKey = e.MsgSetViewingKey = void 0; - const E = b(3745); - class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + const E = y(3745); + class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSetViewingKey = M; - class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + e.MsgSetViewingKey = R; + class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgCreateViewingKey = P; - }, 4447: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(y, a, t, d) { + e.MsgCreateViewingKey = A; + }, 4447: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(w, a, t, d) { return new (t || (t = Promise))(function(u, s) { function r(i) { try { @@ -15053,12 +15391,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); c(f); })).then(r, n); } - o((d = d.apply(y, a || [])).next()); + o((d = d.apply(w, a || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Snip1155Querier = void 0; - const M = b(9150); - class P extends M.ComputeQuerier { + const R = y(9150); + class A extends R.ComputeQuerier { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.getBalance = ({ contract: a, token_id: t, owner: d, auth: u }) => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (u.viewer) @@ -15092,19 +15430,19 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } } - e.Snip1155Querier = P; - }, 7350: (J, e, b) => { + e.Snip1155Querier = A; + }, 7350: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata = e.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter = e.MsgSnipAddMinter = e.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer = e.MsgSnip1155Transfer = e.MsgSnip1155Burn = e.MsgSnip1155Mint = e.MsgSnip1155BatchSend = e.MsgSnip1155Send = e.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator = e.MsgSnip1155AddCurator = e.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens = e.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin = e.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin = void 0; - const E = b(3745); - class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + const E = y(3745); + class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin = M; - class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + e.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin = R; + class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin = P; - class y extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + e.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin = A; + class w extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens = y; + e.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens = w; class a extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } e.MsgSnip1155AddCurator = a; @@ -15138,20 +15476,20 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); class c extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } e.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata = c; - }, 8471: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(P, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return y[a]; + }, 8471: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(A, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return w[a]; } }); - } : function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), P[t] = y[a]; - }), M = this && this.__exportStar || function(P, y) { - for (var a in P) - a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y, a) || E(y, P, a); - }; - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), M(b(3655), e), M(b(1047), e); - }, 3655: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(y, a, t, d) { + } : function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), A[t] = w[a]; + }), R = this && this.__exportStar || function(A, w) { + for (var a in A) + a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w, a) || E(w, A, a); + }; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), R(y(3655), e), R(y(1047), e); + }, 3655: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(w, a, t, d) { return new (t || (t = Promise))(function(u, s) { function r(i) { try { @@ -15173,12 +15511,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); c(f); })).then(r, n); } - o((d = d.apply(y, a || [])).next()); + o((d = d.apply(w, a || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Snip20Querier = void 0; - const M = b(3607); - class P extends M.ComputeQuerier { + const R = y(3607); + class A extends R.ComputeQuerier { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.getSnip20Params = ({ contract: a }) => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return yield this.queryContract({ contract_address: a.address, code_hash: a.code_hash, query: { token_info: {} } }); @@ -15209,39 +15547,39 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } } - e.Snip20Querier = P; - }, 1047: (J, e, b) => { + e.Snip20Querier = A; + }, 1047: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgSnip20SetViewingKey = e.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance = e.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance = e.MsgSnip20Transfer = e.MsgSnip20Send = void 0; - const E = b(3745); - class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + const E = y(3745); + class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip20Send = M; - class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + e.MsgSnip20Send = R; + class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip20Transfer = P; - class y extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + e.MsgSnip20Transfer = A; + class w extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance = y; + e.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance = w; class a extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } e.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance = a; class t extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } e.MsgSnip20SetViewingKey = t; - }, 2412: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(P, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return y[a]; + }, 2412: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(A, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return w[a]; } }); - } : function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), P[t] = y[a]; - }), M = this && this.__exportStar || function(P, y) { - for (var a in P) - a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y, a) || E(y, P, a); - }; - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), M(b(3449), e), M(b(4539), e); - }, 3449: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(y, a, t, d) { + } : function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), A[t] = w[a]; + }), R = this && this.__exportStar || function(A, w) { + for (var a in A) + a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w, a) || E(w, A, a); + }; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), R(y(3449), e), R(y(4539), e); + }, 3449: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(w, a, t, d) { return new (t || (t = Promise))(function(u, s) { function r(i) { try { @@ -15263,12 +15601,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); c(f); })).then(r, n); } - o((d = d.apply(y, a || [])).next()); + o((d = d.apply(w, a || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Snip721Querier = void 0; - const M = b(9150); - class P extends M.ComputeQuerier { + const R = y(9150); + class A extends R.ComputeQuerier { constructor() { super(...arguments), this.GetTokenInfo = ({ contract: a, auth: t, token_id: d }) => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (t.viewer) @@ -15285,613 +15623,613 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } } - e.Snip721Querier = P; - }, 4539: (J, e, b) => { + e.Snip721Querier = A; + }, 4539: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgSnip721Mint = e.MsgSnip721AddMinter = e.MsgSnip721Send = void 0; - const E = b(3745); - class M extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + const E = y(3745); + class R extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip721Send = M; - class P extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + e.MsgSnip721Send = R; + class A extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip721AddMinter = P; - class y extends E.MsgExecuteContract { + e.MsgSnip721AddMinter = A; + class w extends E.MsgExecuteContract { } - e.MsgSnip721Mint = y; - }, 3004: function(J, e, b) { + e.MsgSnip721Mint = w; + }, 3004: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Accounts(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Account(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts/${a.address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/accounts/${a.address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ModuleAccountByName(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts/${a.name}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["name"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/auth/v1beta1/module_accounts/${a.name}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["name"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 3704: function(J, e, b) { + }, 3704: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Grants(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static GranterGrants(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/granter/${a.granter}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["granter"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/granter/${a.granter}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["granter"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static GranteeGrants(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/grantee/${a.grantee}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["grantee"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/authz/v1beta1/grants/grantee/${a.grantee}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["grantee"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 1926: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1926: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Balance(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}/by_denom?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}/by_denom?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static AllBalances(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/balances/${a.address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static SpendableBalances(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/spendable_balances/${a.address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/spendable_balances/${a.address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static TotalSupply(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static SupplyOf(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/${a.denom}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["denom"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/supply/${a.denom}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["denom"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DenomMetadata(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata/${a.denom}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["denom"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata/${a.denom}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["denom"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DenomsMetadata(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/bank/v1beta1/denoms_metadata?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 4210: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4210: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Service = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Service = class { static Config(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/node/v1beta1/config?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/node/v1beta1/config?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 2390: function(J, e, b) { + }, 2390: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Service = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Service = class { static GetNodeInfo(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/node_info?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static GetSyncing(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/syncing?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static GetLatestBlock(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/latest?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/latest?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static GetBlockByHeight(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/${a.height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/blocks/${a.height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static GetLatestValidatorSet(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/latest?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/latest?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static GetValidatorSetByHeight(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/${a.height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/base/tendermint/v1beta1/validatorsets/${a.height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 406: function(J, e, b) { + }, 406: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ValidatorOutstandingRewards(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_address}/outstanding_rewards?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_address}/outstanding_rewards?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ValidatorCommission(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_address}/commission?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_address}/commission?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ValidatorSlashes(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_address}/slashes?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_address}/slashes?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegationRewards(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/rewards/${a.validator_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address", "validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/rewards/${a.validator_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address", "validator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegationTotalRewards(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/rewards?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/rewards?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegatorValidators(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/validators?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/validators?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegatorWithdrawAddress(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/withdraw_address?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_address}/withdraw_address?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static CommunityPool(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/community_pool?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/community_pool?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static FoundationTax(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/foundation_tax?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/foundation_tax?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static RestakeThreshold(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/restake_threshold?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/restake_threshold?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static RestakingEntries(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/restake_entries?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/distribution/v1beta1/restake_entries?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 6898: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6898: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Evidence(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence/${a.evidence_hash}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["evidence_hash"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence/${a.evidence_hash}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["evidence_hash"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static AllEvidence(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/evidence/v1beta1/evidence?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 876: function(J, e, b) { + }, 876: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Allowance(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/allowance/${a.granter}/${a.grantee}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["granter", "grantee"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/allowance/${a.granter}/${a.grantee}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["granter", "grantee"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Allowances(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/allowances/${a.grantee}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["grantee"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/allowances/${a.grantee}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["grantee"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static AllowancesByGranter(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/issued/${a.granter}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["granter"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/feegrant/v1beta1/issued/${a.granter}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["granter"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 7331: function(J, e, b) { + }, 7331: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Proposal(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Proposals(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Vote(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/votes/${a.voter}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id", "voter"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/votes/${a.voter}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id", "voter"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Votes(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/votes?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/votes?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/params/${a.params_type}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["params_type"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/params/${a.params_type}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["params_type"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Deposit(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/deposits/${a.depositor}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id", "depositor"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/deposits/${a.depositor}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id", "depositor"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Deposits(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/deposits?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/deposits?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static TallyResult(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/tally?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/gov/v1beta1/proposals/${a.proposal_id}/tally?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["proposal_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 468: function(J, e, b) { + }, 468: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Inflation(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/inflation?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/inflation?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static AnnualProvisions(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/annual_provisions?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/mint/v1beta1/annual_provisions?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 5440: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5440: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/params/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/params/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 1575: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1575: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static SigningInfo(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos/${a.cons_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["cons_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos/${a.cons_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["cons_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static SigningInfos(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/slashing/v1beta1/signing_infos?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 4066: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4066: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Validators(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Validator(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ValidatorDelegations(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/delegations?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/delegations?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ValidatorUnbondingDelegations(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/unbonding_delegations?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/unbonding_delegations?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Delegation(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/delegations/${a.delegator_addr}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr", "delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/delegations/${a.delegator_addr}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr", "delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static UnbondingDelegation(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/delegations/${a.delegator_addr}/unbonding_delegation?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr", "delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/validators/${a.validator_addr}/delegations/${a.delegator_addr}/unbonding_delegation?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["validator_addr", "delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegatorDelegations(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegations/${a.delegator_addr}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegations/${a.delegator_addr}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegatorUnbondingDelegations(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/unbonding_delegations?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/unbonding_delegations?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Redelegations(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/redelegations?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/redelegations?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegatorValidators(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/validators?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/validators?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DelegatorValidator(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/validators/${a.validator_addr}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr", "validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/delegators/${a.delegator_addr}/validators/${a.validator_addr}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["delegator_addr", "validator_addr"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static HistoricalInfo(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/historical_info/${a.height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/historical_info/${a.height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Pool(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/pool?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/pool?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/staking/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 6519: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6519: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), Object.defineProperty(d, r, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return u[s]; } }); } : function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), d[r] = u[s]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { Object.defineProperty(d, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: u }); } : function(d, u) { d.default = u; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { if (d && d.__esModule) return d; var u = {}; if (d != null) for (var s in d) s !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, s) && E(u, d, s); - return M(u, d), u; + return R(u, d), u; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Service = e.BroadcastMode = e.OrderBy = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); var a, t; (t = e.OrderBy || (e.OrderBy = {})).ORDER_BY_UNSPECIFIED = "ORDER_BY_UNSPECIFIED", t.ORDER_BY_ASC = "ORDER_BY_ASC", t.ORDER_BY_DESC = "ORDER_BY_DESC", (a = e.BroadcastMode || (e.BroadcastMode = {})).BROADCAST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = "BROADCAST_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", a.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK = "BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK", a.BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC = "BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC", a.BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC = "BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC", e.Service = class { static Simulate(d, u) { - return y.fetchReq("/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/simulate", Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(d, y.replacer) })); + return w.fetchReq("/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/simulate", Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(d, w.replacer) })); } static GetTx(d, u) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/${d.hash}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(d, ["hash"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/${d.hash}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(d, ["hash"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "GET" })); } static BroadcastTx(d, u) { - return y.fetchReq("/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs", Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(d, y.replacer) })); + return w.fetchReq("/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs", Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "POST", body: JSON.stringify(d, w.replacer) })); } static GetTxsEvent(d, u) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs?${y.renderURLSearchParams(d, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs?${w.renderURLSearchParams(d, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "GET" })); } static GetBlockWithTxs(d, u) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/block/${d.height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(d, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/tx/v1beta1/txs/block/${d.height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(d, ["height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, u), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 2265: function(J, e, b) { + }, 2265: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static CurrentPlan(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/current_plan?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/current_plan?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static AppliedPlan(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/applied_plan/${a.name}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["name"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/applied_plan/${a.name}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["name"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static UpgradedConsensusState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/upgraded_consensus_state/${a.last_height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["last_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/upgraded_consensus_state/${a.last_height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["last_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ModuleVersions(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/module_versions?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/cosmos/upgrade/v1beta1/module_versions?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; }, 1704: function(J, e) { - var b = this && this.__awaiter || function(u, s, r, n) { + var y = this && this.__awaiter || function(u, s, r, n) { return new (r || (r = Promise))(function(o, i) { function f(m) { try { @@ -15909,8 +16247,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } function h(m) { var v; - m.done ? o(m.value) : (v = m.value, v instanceof r ? v : new r(function(C) { - C(v); + m.done ? o(m.value) : (v = m.value, v instanceof r ? v : new r(function(I) { + I(v); })).then(f, c); } h((n = n.apply(u, s || [])).next()); @@ -15927,10 +16265,10 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return r; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.renderURLSearchParams = e.fetchStreamingRequest = e.fetchReq = e.replacer = e.b64Decode = e.b64Encode = void 0; - const M = new Array(64), P = new Array(123); + const R = new Array(64), A = new Array(123); for (let u = 0; u < 64; ) - P[M[u] = u < 26 ? u + 65 : u < 52 ? u + 71 : u < 62 ? u - 4 : u - 59 | 43] = u++; - function y(u, s, r) { + A[R[u] = u < 26 ? u + 65 : u < 52 ? u + 71 : u < 62 ? u - 4 : u - 59 | 43] = u++; + function w(u, s, r) { let n = null; const o = []; let i, f = 0, c = 0; @@ -15938,19 +16276,19 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const h = u[s++]; switch (c) { case 0: - o[f++] = M[h >> 2], i = (3 & h) << 4, c = 1; + o[f++] = R[h >> 2], i = (3 & h) << 4, c = 1; break; case 1: - o[f++] = M[i | h >> 4], i = (15 & h) << 2, c = 2; + o[f++] = R[i | h >> 4], i = (15 & h) << 2, c = 2; break; case 2: - o[f++] = M[i | h >> 6], o[f++] = M[63 & h], c = 0; + o[f++] = R[i | h >> 6], o[f++] = R[63 & h], c = 0; } f > 8191 && ((n || (n = [])).push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o)), f = 0); } - return c && (o[f++] = M[i], o[f++] = 61, c === 1 && (o[f++] = 61)), n ? (f && n.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, f))), n.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, f)); + return c && (o[f++] = R[i], o[f++] = 61, c === 1 && (o[f++] = 61)), n ? (f && n.push(String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, f))), n.join("")) : String.fromCharCode.apply(String, o.slice(0, f)); } - e.b64Encode = y; + e.b64Encode = w; const a = "invalid encoding"; function t(u) { return ["string", "number", "boolean"].some((s) => typeof u === s); @@ -15965,9 +16303,9 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const v = Object.prototype.toString.call(m).slice(8, -1) === "Object"; if (m === null || !v || !v) return !1; - const C = Object.getPrototypeOf(m); - return typeof C == "object" && C.constructor === Object.prototype.constructor; - }(o) ? h = d(o, i) : o && o.constructor === Uint8Array ? h = { [i]: y(o, 0, o.length) } : (c || f) && (h = { [i]: o }), Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), h); + const I = Object.getPrototypeOf(m); + return typeof I == "object" && I.constructor === Object.prototype.constructor; + }(o) ? h = d(o, i) : o && o.constructor === Uint8Array ? h = { [i]: w(o, 0, o.length) } : (c || f) && (h = { [i]: o }), Object.assign(Object.assign({}, r), h); }, {}); } e.b64Decode = function(u) { @@ -15977,7 +16315,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); let f = u.charCodeAt(i++); if (f === 61 && o > 1) break; - if ((f = P[f]) === void 0) + if ((f = A[f]) === void 0) throw Error(a); switch (o) { case 0: @@ -15997,7 +16335,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); throw Error(a); return new Uint8Array(s); }, e.replacer = function(u, s) { - return s && s.constructor === Uint8Array ? y(s, 0, s.length) : s; + return s && s.constructor === Uint8Array ? w(s, 0, s.length) : s; }, e.fetchReq = function(u, s) { const r = s || {}, { pathPrefix: n } = r, o = E(r, ["pathPrefix"]); return fetch(n ? `${n}${u}` : u, o).then((i) => i.json().then((f) => { @@ -16006,7 +16344,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return f; })); }, e.fetchStreamingRequest = function(u, s, r) { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const n = r || {}, { pathPrefix: o } = n, i = E(n, ["pathPrefix"]), f = o ? `${o}${u}` : u, c = yield fetch(f, i); if (!c.ok) { const m = yield c.json(), v = m.error && m.error.message ? m.error.message : ""; @@ -16021,7 +16359,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); for (v.buf === void 0 && (v.buf = ""), v.pos === void 0 && (v.pos = 0), v.buf += m; v.pos < v.buf.length; ) if (v.buf[v.pos] === ` `) { - const C = v.buf.substring(0, v.pos), l = JSON.parse(C); + const I = v.buf.substring(0, v.pos), l = JSON.parse(I); v.enqueue(l.result), v.buf = v.buf.substring(v.pos + 1), v.pos = 0; } else ++v.pos; @@ -16038,498 +16376,498 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return s.find((f) => f === o) ? n : Array.isArray(i) ? [...n, ...i.map((f) => [o, f.toString()])] : n = [...n, [o, i.toString()]]; }, []).map((n) => new URLSearchParams({ [n[0]]: n[1] }).toString()).join("&"); }; - }, 187: function(J, e, b) { + }, 187: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static IncentivizedPackets(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/incentivized_packets?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/incentivized_packets?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static IncentivizedPacket(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/incentivized_packet?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/incentivized_packet?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static IncentivizedPacketsForChannel(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/incentivized_packets?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/incentivized_packets?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static TotalRecvFees(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/total_recv_fees?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/total_recv_fees?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static TotalAckFees(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/total_ack_fees?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/total_ack_fees?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static TotalTimeoutFees(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/total_timeout_fees?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a["packet_id.channel_id"]}/ports/${a["packet_id.port_id"]}/sequences/${a["packet_id.sequence"]}/total_timeout_fees?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["packet_id.channel_id", "packet_id.port_id", "packet_id.sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Payee(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/relayers/${a.relayer}/payee?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "relayer"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/relayers/${a.relayer}/payee?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "relayer"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static CounterpartyPayee(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/relayers/${a.relayer}/counterparty_payee?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "relayer"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/relayers/${a.relayer}/counterparty_payee?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "relayer"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static FeeEnabledChannels(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/fee_enabled?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/fee_enabled?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static FeeEnabledChannel(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/fee_enabled?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/fee/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/fee_enabled?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 2847: function(J, e, b) { + }, 2847: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static InterchainAccount(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/interchain_accounts/controller/v1/owners/${a.owner}/connections/${a.connection_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["owner", "connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/interchain_accounts/controller/v1/owners/${a.owner}/connections/${a.connection_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["owner", "connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/interchain_accounts/controller/v1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/interchain_accounts/controller/v1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 1154: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1154: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/interchain_accounts/host/v1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/interchain_accounts/host/v1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 1692: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1692: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/router/v1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/router/v1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 4921: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4921: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static DenomTrace(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_traces/${a.hash}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["hash"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_traces/${a.hash}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["hash"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DenomTraces(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_traces?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_traces?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static DenomHash(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_hashes/${a.trace}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["trace"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/denom_hashes/${a.trace}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["trace"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static EscrowAddress(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/escrow_address?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/apps/transfer/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/escrow_address?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 6409: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6409: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Channel(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Channels(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ConnectionChannels(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/connections/${a.connection}/channels?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/connections/${a.connection}/channels?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ChannelClientState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/client_state?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/client_state?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ChannelConsensusState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/consensus_state/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "revision_number", "revision_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/consensus_state/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "revision_number", "revision_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static PacketCommitment(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments/${a.sequence}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments/${a.sequence}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static PacketCommitments(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static PacketReceipt(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_receipts/${a.sequence}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_receipts/${a.sequence}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static PacketAcknowledgement(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_acks/${a.sequence}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_acks/${a.sequence}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "sequence"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static PacketAcknowledgements(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_acknowledgements?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_acknowledgements?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static UnreceivedPackets(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments/${a.packet_commitment_sequences}/unreceived_packets?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "packet_commitment_sequences"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments/${a.packet_commitment_sequences}/unreceived_packets?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "packet_commitment_sequences"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static UnreceivedAcks(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments/${a.packet_ack_sequences}/unreceived_acks?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "packet_ack_sequences"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/packet_commitments/${a.packet_ack_sequences}/unreceived_acks?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id", "packet_ack_sequences"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static NextSequenceReceive(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/next_sequence?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/channel/v1/channels/${a.channel_id}/ports/${a.port_id}/next_sequence?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["channel_id", "port_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 301: function(J, e, b) { + }, 301: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static ClientState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/client_states/${a.client_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/client_states/${a.client_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ClientStates(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/client_states?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/client_states?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ConsensusState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/consensus_states/${a.client_id}/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id", "revision_number", "revision_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/consensus_states/${a.client_id}/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id", "revision_number", "revision_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ConsensusStates(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/consensus_states/${a.client_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/consensus_states/${a.client_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ConsensusStateHeights(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/consensus_states/${a.client_id}/heights?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/consensus_states/${a.client_id}/heights?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ClientStatus(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/client_status/${a.client_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/client_status/${a.client_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ClientParams(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/client/v1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/client/v1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static UpgradedClientState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/upgraded_client_states?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/upgraded_client_states?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static UpgradedConsensusState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/upgraded_consensus_states?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/client/v1/upgraded_consensus_states?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 5258: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5258: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Connection(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Connections(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ClientConnections(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/client_connections/${a.client_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/client_connections/${a.client_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["client_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ConnectionClientState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/client_state?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/client_state?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ConnectionConsensusState(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/consensus_state/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection_id", "revision_number", "revision_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/ibc/core/connection/v1/connections/${a.connection_id}/consensus_state/revision/${a.revision_number}/height/${a.revision_height}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["connection_id", "revision_number", "revision_height"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 5250: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5250: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static ContractInfo(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/info/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/info/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ContractsByCodeId(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contracts/${a.code_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["code_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contracts/${a.code_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["code_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static QuerySecretContract(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/query/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/query/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Code(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code/${a.code_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["code_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code/${a.code_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["code_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static Codes(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/codes?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/codes?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static CodeHashByContractAddress(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_contract_address/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_contract_address/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static CodeHashByCodeId(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_code_id/${a.code_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["code_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/code_hash/by_code_id/${a.code_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["code_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static LabelByAddress(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/label/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/label/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static AddressByLabel(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_address/${a.label}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["label"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_address/${a.label}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["label"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static ContractHistory(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_history/${a.contract_address}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/compute/v1beta1/contract_history/${a.contract_address}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["contract_address"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 71: function(J, e, b) { + }, 71: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static Params(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/emergencybutton/v1beta1/params?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/emergencybutton/v1beta1/params?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 9743: function(J, e, b) { + }, 9743: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static InterchainAccountFromAddress(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/mauth/interchain_account/owner/${a.owner}/connection/${a.connection_id}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["owner", "connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/mauth/interchain_account/owner/${a.owner}/connection/${a.connection_id}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["owner", "connection_id"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 6402: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6402: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; + return R(t, a), t; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Query = void 0; - const y = P(b(1704)); + const w = A(y(1704)); e.Query = class { static TxKey(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/tx-key?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/tx-key?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static RegistrationKey(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/registration-key?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/registration-key?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, [])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } static EncryptedSeed(a, t) { - return y.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/encrypted-seed/${a.pub_key}?${y.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["pub_key"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); + return w.fetchReq(`/registration/v1beta1/encrypted-seed/${a.pub_key}?${w.renderURLSearchParams(a, ["pub_key"])}`, Object.assign(Object.assign({}, t), { method: "GET" })); } }; - }, 3607: function(J, e, b) { + }, 3607: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(t, d, u, s) { s === void 0 && (s = u), Object.defineProperty(t, s, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return d[u]; } }); } : function(t, d, u, s) { s === void 0 && (s = u), t[s] = d[u]; - }), M = this && this.__exportStar || function(t, d) { + }), R = this && this.__exportStar || function(t, d) { for (var u in t) u === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, u) || E(d, t, u); }; - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgExecuteContractResponse = e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse = e.MsgStoreCodeResponse = e.MetaMaskWallet = e.Wallet = void 0, typeof BigInt > "u" && (b.g.BigInt = b(4736)), M(b(8972), e), M(b(8136), e), M(b(9150), e), M(b(1972), e), M(b(3745), e), M(b(8593), e); - var P = b(1049); + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgExecuteContractResponse = e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse = e.MsgStoreCodeResponse = e.MetaMaskWallet = e.Wallet = void 0, typeof BigInt > "u" && (y.g.BigInt = y(4736)), R(y(8972), e), R(y(8136), e), R(y(9150), e), R(y(1972), e), R(y(3745), e), R(y(8593), e); + var A = y(1049); Object.defineProperty(e, "Wallet", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return P.Wallet; + return A.Wallet; } }); - var y = b(1444); + var w = y(1444); Object.defineProperty(e, "MetaMaskWallet", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return y.MetaMaskWallet; - } }), M(b(8471), e), M(b(2412), e), M(b(7061), e); - var a = b(2896); + return w.MetaMaskWallet; + } }), R(y(8471), e), R(y(2412), e), R(y(7061), e); + var a = y(2896); Object.defineProperty(e, "MsgStoreCodeResponse", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return a.MsgStoreCodeResponse; } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "MsgInstantiateContractResponse", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { @@ -16537,33 +16875,33 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } }), Object.defineProperty(e, "MsgExecuteContractResponse", { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return a.MsgExecuteContractResponse; } }); - }, 6578: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(w, _, p, O) { - O === void 0 && (O = p), Object.defineProperty(w, O, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return _[p]; + }, 6578: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(k, b, p, P) { + P === void 0 && (P = p), Object.defineProperty(k, P, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return b[p]; } }); - } : function(w, _, p, O) { - O === void 0 && (O = p), w[O] = _[p]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(w, _) { - Object.defineProperty(w, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: _ }); - } : function(w, _) { - w.default = _; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(w) { - if (w && w.__esModule) - return w; - var _ = {}; - if (w != null) - for (var p in w) - p !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w, p) && E(_, w, p); - return M(_, w), _; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(w) { - return w && w.__esModule ? w : { default: w }; + } : function(k, b, p, P) { + P === void 0 && (P = p), k[P] = b[p]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(k, b) { + Object.defineProperty(k, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: b }); + } : function(k, b) { + k.default = b; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(k) { + if (k && k.__esModule) + return k; + var b = {}; + if (k != null) + for (var p in k) + p !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(k, p) && E(b, k, p); + return R(b, k), b; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(k) { + return k && k.__esModule ? k : { default: k }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.CompressedNonExistenceProof = e.CompressedExistenceProof = e.CompressedBatchEntry = e.CompressedBatchProof = e.BatchEntry = e.BatchProof = e.InnerSpec = e.ProofSpec = e.InnerOp = e.LeafOp = e.CommitmentProof = e.NonExistenceProof = e.ExistenceProof = e.lengthOpToJSON = e.lengthOpFromJSON = e.LengthOp = e.hashOpToJSON = e.hashOpFromJSON = e.HashOp = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); var d, u; - function s(w) { - switch (w) { + function s(k) { + switch (k) { case 0: case "NO_HASH": return d.NO_HASH; @@ -16586,8 +16924,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return d.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function r(w) { - switch (w) { + function r(k) { + switch (k) { case d.NO_HASH: return "NO_HASH"; case d.SHA256: @@ -16604,8 +16942,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "UNKNOWN"; } } - function n(w) { - switch (w) { + function n(k) { + switch (k) { case 0: case "NO_PREFIX": return u.NO_PREFIX; @@ -16637,8 +16975,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return u.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function o(w) { - switch (w) { + function o(k) { + switch (k) { case u.NO_PREFIX: return "NO_PREFIX"; case u.VAR_PROTO: @@ -16679,415 +17017,415 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function v() { return { key: new Uint8Array(), value: new Uint8Array(), leaf: void 0, path: [] }; } - function C() { + function I() { return { key: new Uint8Array(), left: void 0, right: void 0 }; } - e.protobufPackage = "ics23", function(w) { - w[w.NO_HASH = 0] = "NO_HASH", w[w.SHA256 = 1] = "SHA256", w[w.SHA512 = 2] = "SHA512", w[w.KECCAK = 3] = "KECCAK", w[w.RIPEMD160 = 4] = "RIPEMD160", w[w.BITCOIN = 5] = "BITCOIN", w[w.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(d = e.HashOp || (e.HashOp = {})), e.hashOpFromJSON = s, e.hashOpToJSON = r, function(w) { - w[w.NO_PREFIX = 0] = "NO_PREFIX", w[w.VAR_PROTO = 1] = "VAR_PROTO", w[w.VAR_RLP = 2] = "VAR_RLP", w[w.FIXED32_BIG = 3] = "FIXED32_BIG", w[w.FIXED32_LITTLE = 4] = "FIXED32_LITTLE", w[w.FIXED64_BIG = 5] = "FIXED64_BIG", w[w.FIXED64_LITTLE = 6] = "FIXED64_LITTLE", w[w.REQUIRE_32_BYTES = 7] = "REQUIRE_32_BYTES", w[w.REQUIRE_64_BYTES = 8] = "REQUIRE_64_BYTES", w[w.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(u = e.LengthOp || (e.LengthOp = {})), e.lengthOpFromJSON = n, e.lengthOpToJSON = o, e.ExistenceProof = { encode(w, _ = t.Writer.create()) { - w.key.length !== 0 && _.uint32(10).bytes(w.key), w.value.length !== 0 && _.uint32(18).bytes(w.value), w.leaf !== void 0 && e.LeafOp.encode(w.leaf, _.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const p of w.path) - e.InnerOp.encode(p, _.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); - return _; - }, decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = i(); - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + e.protobufPackage = "ics23", function(k) { + k[k.NO_HASH = 0] = "NO_HASH", k[k.SHA256 = 1] = "SHA256", k[k.SHA512 = 2] = "SHA512", k[k.KECCAK = 3] = "KECCAK", k[k.RIPEMD160 = 4] = "RIPEMD160", k[k.BITCOIN = 5] = "BITCOIN", k[k.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(d = e.HashOp || (e.HashOp = {})), e.hashOpFromJSON = s, e.hashOpToJSON = r, function(k) { + k[k.NO_PREFIX = 0] = "NO_PREFIX", k[k.VAR_PROTO = 1] = "VAR_PROTO", k[k.VAR_RLP = 2] = "VAR_RLP", k[k.FIXED32_BIG = 3] = "FIXED32_BIG", k[k.FIXED32_LITTLE = 4] = "FIXED32_LITTLE", k[k.FIXED64_BIG = 5] = "FIXED64_BIG", k[k.FIXED64_LITTLE = 6] = "FIXED64_LITTLE", k[k.REQUIRE_32_BYTES = 7] = "REQUIRE_32_BYTES", k[k.REQUIRE_64_BYTES = 8] = "REQUIRE_64_BYTES", k[k.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(u = e.LengthOp || (e.LengthOp = {})), e.lengthOpFromJSON = n, e.lengthOpToJSON = o, e.ExistenceProof = { encode(k, b = t.Writer.create()) { + k.key.length !== 0 && b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key), k.value.length !== 0 && b.uint32(18).bytes(k.value), k.leaf !== void 0 && e.LeafOp.encode(k.leaf, b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const p of k.path) + e.InnerOp.encode(p, b.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); + return b; + }, decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = i(); + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.key = p.bytes(); + B.key = p.bytes(); break; case 2: - U.value = p.bytes(); + B.value = p.bytes(); break; case 3: - U.leaf = e.LeafOp.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.leaf = e.LeafOp.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 4: - U.path.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p, p.uint32())); + B.path.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p, p.uint32())); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ key: A(w.key) ? R(w.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: A(w.value) ? R(w.value) : new Uint8Array(), leaf: A(w.leaf) ? e.LeafOp.fromJSON(w.leaf) : void 0, path: Array.isArray(w == null ? void 0 : w.path) ? w.path.map((_) => e.InnerOp.fromJSON(_)) : [] }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.key !== void 0 && (_.key = N(w.key !== void 0 ? w.key : new Uint8Array())), w.value !== void 0 && (_.value = N(w.value !== void 0 ? w.value : new Uint8Array())), w.leaf !== void 0 && (_.leaf = w.leaf ? e.LeafOp.toJSON(w.leaf) : void 0), w.path ? _.path = w.path.map((p) => p ? e.InnerOp.toJSON(p) : void 0) : _.path = [], _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _, p, O; - const U = i(); - return U.key = (_ = w.key) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), U.value = (p = w.value) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), U.leaf = w.leaf !== void 0 && w.leaf !== null ? e.LeafOp.fromPartial(w.leaf) : void 0, U.path = ((O = w.path) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((T) => e.InnerOp.fromPartial(T))) || [], U; - } }, e.NonExistenceProof = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.key.length !== 0 && _.uint32(10).bytes(w.key), w.left !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.left, _.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), w.right !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.right, _.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = f(); - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ key: x(k.key) ? N(k.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: x(k.value) ? N(k.value) : new Uint8Array(), leaf: x(k.leaf) ? e.LeafOp.fromJSON(k.leaf) : void 0, path: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.path) ? k.path.map((b) => e.InnerOp.fromJSON(b)) : [] }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.key !== void 0 && (b.key = T(k.key !== void 0 ? k.key : new Uint8Array())), k.value !== void 0 && (b.value = T(k.value !== void 0 ? k.value : new Uint8Array())), k.leaf !== void 0 && (b.leaf = k.leaf ? e.LeafOp.toJSON(k.leaf) : void 0), k.path ? b.path = k.path.map((p) => p ? e.InnerOp.toJSON(p) : void 0) : b.path = [], b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b, p, P; + const B = i(); + return B.key = (b = k.key) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), B.value = (p = k.value) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), B.leaf = k.leaf !== void 0 && k.leaf !== null ? e.LeafOp.fromPartial(k.leaf) : void 0, B.path = ((P = k.path) === null || P === void 0 ? void 0 : P.map((C) => e.InnerOp.fromPartial(C))) || [], B; + } }, e.NonExistenceProof = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.key.length !== 0 && b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key), k.left !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.left, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), k.right !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.right, b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = f(); + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.key = p.bytes(); + B.key = p.bytes(); break; case 2: - U.left = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.left = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 3: - U.right = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.right = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ key: A(w.key) ? R(w.key) : new Uint8Array(), left: A(w.left) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.left) : void 0, right: A(w.right) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.right) : void 0 }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.key !== void 0 && (_.key = N(w.key !== void 0 ? w.key : new Uint8Array())), w.left !== void 0 && (_.left = w.left ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.left) : void 0), w.right !== void 0 && (_.right = w.right ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.right) : void 0), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _; + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ key: x(k.key) ? N(k.key) : new Uint8Array(), left: x(k.left) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.left) : void 0, right: x(k.right) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.right) : void 0 }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.key !== void 0 && (b.key = T(k.key !== void 0 ? k.key : new Uint8Array())), k.left !== void 0 && (b.left = k.left ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.left) : void 0), k.right !== void 0 && (b.right = k.right ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.right) : void 0), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b; const p = f(); - return p.key = (_ = w.key) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), p.left = w.left !== void 0 && w.left !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.left) : void 0, p.right = w.right !== void 0 && w.right !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.right) : void 0, p; - } }, e.CommitmentProof = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.exist !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.exist, _.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), w.nonexist !== void 0 && e.NonExistenceProof.encode(w.nonexist, _.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), w.batch !== void 0 && e.BatchProof.encode(w.batch, _.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), w.compressed !== void 0 && e.CompressedBatchProof.encode(w.compressed, _.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0, batch: void 0, compressed: void 0 }; - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return p.key = (b = k.key) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), p.left = k.left !== void 0 && k.left !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.left) : void 0, p.right = k.right !== void 0 && k.right !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.right) : void 0, p; + } }, e.CommitmentProof = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.exist !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.exist, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), k.nonexist !== void 0 && e.NonExistenceProof.encode(k.nonexist, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), k.batch !== void 0 && e.BatchProof.encode(k.batch, b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), k.compressed !== void 0 && e.CompressedBatchProof.encode(k.compressed, b.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0, batch: void 0, compressed: void 0 }; + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.exist = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.exist = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 2: - U.nonexist = e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.nonexist = e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 3: - U.batch = e.BatchProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.batch = e.BatchProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 4: - U.compressed = e.CompressedBatchProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.compressed = e.CompressedBatchProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ exist: A(w.exist) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.exist) : void 0, nonexist: A(w.nonexist) ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.nonexist) : void 0, batch: A(w.batch) ? e.BatchProof.fromJSON(w.batch) : void 0, compressed: A(w.compressed) ? e.CompressedBatchProof.fromJSON(w.compressed) : void 0 }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.exist !== void 0 && (_.exist = w.exist ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.exist) : void 0), w.nonexist !== void 0 && (_.nonexist = w.nonexist ? e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(w.nonexist) : void 0), w.batch !== void 0 && (_.batch = w.batch ? e.BatchProof.toJSON(w.batch) : void 0), w.compressed !== void 0 && (_.compressed = w.compressed ? e.CompressedBatchProof.toJSON(w.compressed) : void 0), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - const _ = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0, batch: void 0, compressed: void 0 }; - return _.exist = w.exist !== void 0 && w.exist !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.exist) : void 0, _.nonexist = w.nonexist !== void 0 && w.nonexist !== null ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.nonexist) : void 0, _.batch = w.batch !== void 0 && w.batch !== null ? e.BatchProof.fromPartial(w.batch) : void 0, _.compressed = w.compressed !== void 0 && w.compressed !== null ? e.CompressedBatchProof.fromPartial(w.compressed) : void 0, _; - } }, e.LeafOp = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.hash !== 0 && _.uint32(8).int32(w.hash), w.prehash_key !== 0 && _.uint32(16).int32(w.prehash_key), w.prehash_value !== 0 && _.uint32(24).int32(w.prehash_value), w.length !== 0 && _.uint32(32).int32(w.length), w.prefix.length !== 0 && _.uint32(42).bytes(w.prefix), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = c(); - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ exist: x(k.exist) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.exist) : void 0, nonexist: x(k.nonexist) ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.nonexist) : void 0, batch: x(k.batch) ? e.BatchProof.fromJSON(k.batch) : void 0, compressed: x(k.compressed) ? e.CompressedBatchProof.fromJSON(k.compressed) : void 0 }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.exist !== void 0 && (b.exist = k.exist ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.exist) : void 0), k.nonexist !== void 0 && (b.nonexist = k.nonexist ? e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(k.nonexist) : void 0), k.batch !== void 0 && (b.batch = k.batch ? e.BatchProof.toJSON(k.batch) : void 0), k.compressed !== void 0 && (b.compressed = k.compressed ? e.CompressedBatchProof.toJSON(k.compressed) : void 0), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + const b = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0, batch: void 0, compressed: void 0 }; + return b.exist = k.exist !== void 0 && k.exist !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.exist) : void 0, b.nonexist = k.nonexist !== void 0 && k.nonexist !== null ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.nonexist) : void 0, b.batch = k.batch !== void 0 && k.batch !== null ? e.BatchProof.fromPartial(k.batch) : void 0, b.compressed = k.compressed !== void 0 && k.compressed !== null ? e.CompressedBatchProof.fromPartial(k.compressed) : void 0, b; + } }, e.LeafOp = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.hash !== 0 && b.uint32(8).int32(k.hash), k.prehash_key !== 0 && b.uint32(16).int32(k.prehash_key), k.prehash_value !== 0 && b.uint32(24).int32(k.prehash_value), k.length !== 0 && b.uint32(32).int32(k.length), k.prefix.length !== 0 && b.uint32(42).bytes(k.prefix), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = c(); + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.hash = p.int32(); + B.hash = p.int32(); break; case 2: - U.prehash_key = p.int32(); + B.prehash_key = p.int32(); break; case 3: - U.prehash_value = p.int32(); + B.prehash_value = p.int32(); break; case 4: - U.length = p.int32(); + B.length = p.int32(); break; case 5: - U.prefix = p.bytes(); + B.prefix = p.bytes(); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ hash: A(w.hash) ? s(w.hash) : 0, prehash_key: A(w.prehash_key) ? s(w.prehash_key) : 0, prehash_value: A(w.prehash_value) ? s(w.prehash_value) : 0, length: A(w.length) ? n(w.length) : 0, prefix: A(w.prefix) ? R(w.prefix) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.hash !== void 0 && (_.hash = r(w.hash)), w.prehash_key !== void 0 && (_.prehash_key = r(w.prehash_key)), w.prehash_value !== void 0 && (_.prehash_value = r(w.prehash_value)), w.length !== void 0 && (_.length = o(w.length)), w.prefix !== void 0 && (_.prefix = N(w.prefix !== void 0 ? w.prefix : new Uint8Array())), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _, p, O, U, T; - const z = c(); - return z.hash = (_ = w.hash) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : 0, z.prehash_key = (p = w.prehash_key) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, z.prehash_value = (O = w.prehash_value) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, z.length = (U = w.length) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : 0, z.prefix = (T = w.prefix) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : new Uint8Array(), z; - } }, e.InnerOp = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.hash !== 0 && _.uint32(8).int32(w.hash), w.prefix.length !== 0 && _.uint32(18).bytes(w.prefix), w.suffix.length !== 0 && _.uint32(26).bytes(w.suffix), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = h(); - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ hash: x(k.hash) ? s(k.hash) : 0, prehash_key: x(k.prehash_key) ? s(k.prehash_key) : 0, prehash_value: x(k.prehash_value) ? s(k.prehash_value) : 0, length: x(k.length) ? n(k.length) : 0, prefix: x(k.prefix) ? N(k.prefix) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.hash !== void 0 && (b.hash = r(k.hash)), k.prehash_key !== void 0 && (b.prehash_key = r(k.prehash_key)), k.prehash_value !== void 0 && (b.prehash_value = r(k.prehash_value)), k.length !== void 0 && (b.length = o(k.length)), k.prefix !== void 0 && (b.prefix = T(k.prefix !== void 0 ? k.prefix : new Uint8Array())), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b, p, P, B, C; + const L = c(); + return L.hash = (b = k.hash) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : 0, L.prehash_key = (p = k.prehash_key) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, L.prehash_value = (P = k.prehash_value) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : 0, L.length = (B = k.length) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : 0, L.prefix = (C = k.prefix) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array(), L; + } }, e.InnerOp = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.hash !== 0 && b.uint32(8).int32(k.hash), k.prefix.length !== 0 && b.uint32(18).bytes(k.prefix), k.suffix.length !== 0 && b.uint32(26).bytes(k.suffix), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = h(); + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.hash = p.int32(); + B.hash = p.int32(); break; case 2: - U.prefix = p.bytes(); + B.prefix = p.bytes(); break; case 3: - U.suffix = p.bytes(); + B.suffix = p.bytes(); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ hash: A(w.hash) ? s(w.hash) : 0, prefix: A(w.prefix) ? R(w.prefix) : new Uint8Array(), suffix: A(w.suffix) ? R(w.suffix) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.hash !== void 0 && (_.hash = r(w.hash)), w.prefix !== void 0 && (_.prefix = N(w.prefix !== void 0 ? w.prefix : new Uint8Array())), w.suffix !== void 0 && (_.suffix = N(w.suffix !== void 0 ? w.suffix : new Uint8Array())), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _, p, O; - const U = h(); - return U.hash = (_ = w.hash) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : 0, U.prefix = (p = w.prefix) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), U.suffix = (O = w.suffix) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), U; - } }, e.ProofSpec = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.leaf_spec !== void 0 && e.LeafOp.encode(w.leaf_spec, _.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), w.inner_spec !== void 0 && e.InnerSpec.encode(w.inner_spec, _.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), w.max_depth !== 0 && _.uint32(24).int32(w.max_depth), w.min_depth !== 0 && _.uint32(32).int32(w.min_depth), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = { leaf_spec: void 0, inner_spec: void 0, max_depth: 0, min_depth: 0 }; - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ hash: x(k.hash) ? s(k.hash) : 0, prefix: x(k.prefix) ? N(k.prefix) : new Uint8Array(), suffix: x(k.suffix) ? N(k.suffix) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.hash !== void 0 && (b.hash = r(k.hash)), k.prefix !== void 0 && (b.prefix = T(k.prefix !== void 0 ? k.prefix : new Uint8Array())), k.suffix !== void 0 && (b.suffix = T(k.suffix !== void 0 ? k.suffix : new Uint8Array())), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b, p, P; + const B = h(); + return B.hash = (b = k.hash) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : 0, B.prefix = (p = k.prefix) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), B.suffix = (P = k.suffix) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : new Uint8Array(), B; + } }, e.ProofSpec = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.leaf_spec !== void 0 && e.LeafOp.encode(k.leaf_spec, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), k.inner_spec !== void 0 && e.InnerSpec.encode(k.inner_spec, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), k.max_depth !== 0 && b.uint32(24).int32(k.max_depth), k.min_depth !== 0 && b.uint32(32).int32(k.min_depth), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = { leaf_spec: void 0, inner_spec: void 0, max_depth: 0, min_depth: 0 }; + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.leaf_spec = e.LeafOp.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.leaf_spec = e.LeafOp.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 2: - U.inner_spec = e.InnerSpec.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.inner_spec = e.InnerSpec.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 3: - U.max_depth = p.int32(); + B.max_depth = p.int32(); break; case 4: - U.min_depth = p.int32(); + B.min_depth = p.int32(); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ leaf_spec: A(w.leaf_spec) ? e.LeafOp.fromJSON(w.leaf_spec) : void 0, inner_spec: A(w.inner_spec) ? e.InnerSpec.fromJSON(w.inner_spec) : void 0, max_depth: A(w.max_depth) ? Number(w.max_depth) : 0, min_depth: A(w.min_depth) ? Number(w.min_depth) : 0 }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.leaf_spec !== void 0 && (_.leaf_spec = w.leaf_spec ? e.LeafOp.toJSON(w.leaf_spec) : void 0), w.inner_spec !== void 0 && (_.inner_spec = w.inner_spec ? e.InnerSpec.toJSON(w.inner_spec) : void 0), w.max_depth !== void 0 && (_.max_depth = Math.round(w.max_depth)), w.min_depth !== void 0 && (_.min_depth = Math.round(w.min_depth)), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _, p; - const O = { leaf_spec: void 0, inner_spec: void 0, max_depth: 0, min_depth: 0 }; - return O.leaf_spec = w.leaf_spec !== void 0 && w.leaf_spec !== null ? e.LeafOp.fromPartial(w.leaf_spec) : void 0, O.inner_spec = w.inner_spec !== void 0 && w.inner_spec !== null ? e.InnerSpec.fromPartial(w.inner_spec) : void 0, O.max_depth = (_ = w.max_depth) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : 0, O.min_depth = (p = w.min_depth) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, O; - } }, e.InnerSpec = { encode(w, _ = t.Writer.create()) { - _.uint32(10).fork(); - for (const p of w.child_order) - _.int32(p); - return _.ldelim(), w.child_size !== 0 && _.uint32(16).int32(w.child_size), w.min_prefix_length !== 0 && _.uint32(24).int32(w.min_prefix_length), w.max_prefix_length !== 0 && _.uint32(32).int32(w.max_prefix_length), w.empty_child.length !== 0 && _.uint32(42).bytes(w.empty_child), w.hash !== 0 && _.uint32(48).int32(w.hash), _; - }, decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = m(); - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ leaf_spec: x(k.leaf_spec) ? e.LeafOp.fromJSON(k.leaf_spec) : void 0, inner_spec: x(k.inner_spec) ? e.InnerSpec.fromJSON(k.inner_spec) : void 0, max_depth: x(k.max_depth) ? Number(k.max_depth) : 0, min_depth: x(k.min_depth) ? Number(k.min_depth) : 0 }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.leaf_spec !== void 0 && (b.leaf_spec = k.leaf_spec ? e.LeafOp.toJSON(k.leaf_spec) : void 0), k.inner_spec !== void 0 && (b.inner_spec = k.inner_spec ? e.InnerSpec.toJSON(k.inner_spec) : void 0), k.max_depth !== void 0 && (b.max_depth = Math.round(k.max_depth)), k.min_depth !== void 0 && (b.min_depth = Math.round(k.min_depth)), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b, p; + const P = { leaf_spec: void 0, inner_spec: void 0, max_depth: 0, min_depth: 0 }; + return P.leaf_spec = k.leaf_spec !== void 0 && k.leaf_spec !== null ? e.LeafOp.fromPartial(k.leaf_spec) : void 0, P.inner_spec = k.inner_spec !== void 0 && k.inner_spec !== null ? e.InnerSpec.fromPartial(k.inner_spec) : void 0, P.max_depth = (b = k.max_depth) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : 0, P.min_depth = (p = k.min_depth) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, P; + } }, e.InnerSpec = { encode(k, b = t.Writer.create()) { + b.uint32(10).fork(); + for (const p of k.child_order) + b.int32(p); + return b.ldelim(), k.child_size !== 0 && b.uint32(16).int32(k.child_size), k.min_prefix_length !== 0 && b.uint32(24).int32(k.min_prefix_length), k.max_prefix_length !== 0 && b.uint32(32).int32(k.max_prefix_length), k.empty_child.length !== 0 && b.uint32(42).bytes(k.empty_child), k.hash !== 0 && b.uint32(48).int32(k.hash), b; + }, decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = m(); + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - if ((7 & T) == 2) { - const z = p.uint32() + p.pos; - for (; p.pos < z; ) - U.child_order.push(p.int32()); + if ((7 & C) == 2) { + const L = p.uint32() + p.pos; + for (; p.pos < L; ) + B.child_order.push(p.int32()); } else - U.child_order.push(p.int32()); + B.child_order.push(p.int32()); break; case 2: - U.child_size = p.int32(); + B.child_size = p.int32(); break; case 3: - U.min_prefix_length = p.int32(); + B.min_prefix_length = p.int32(); break; case 4: - U.max_prefix_length = p.int32(); + B.max_prefix_length = p.int32(); break; case 5: - U.empty_child = p.bytes(); + B.empty_child = p.bytes(); break; case 6: - U.hash = p.int32(); + B.hash = p.int32(); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ child_order: Array.isArray(w == null ? void 0 : w.child_order) ? w.child_order.map((_) => Number(_)) : [], child_size: A(w.child_size) ? Number(w.child_size) : 0, min_prefix_length: A(w.min_prefix_length) ? Number(w.min_prefix_length) : 0, max_prefix_length: A(w.max_prefix_length) ? Number(w.max_prefix_length) : 0, empty_child: A(w.empty_child) ? R(w.empty_child) : new Uint8Array(), hash: A(w.hash) ? s(w.hash) : 0 }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.child_order ? _.child_order = w.child_order.map((p) => Math.round(p)) : _.child_order = [], w.child_size !== void 0 && (_.child_size = Math.round(w.child_size)), w.min_prefix_length !== void 0 && (_.min_prefix_length = Math.round(w.min_prefix_length)), w.max_prefix_length !== void 0 && (_.max_prefix_length = Math.round(w.max_prefix_length)), w.empty_child !== void 0 && (_.empty_child = N(w.empty_child !== void 0 ? w.empty_child : new Uint8Array())), w.hash !== void 0 && (_.hash = r(w.hash)), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _, p, O, U, T, z; - const te = m(); - return te.child_order = ((_ = w.child_order) === null || _ === void 0 ? void 0 : _.map((X) => X)) || [], te.child_size = (p = w.child_size) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, te.min_prefix_length = (O = w.min_prefix_length) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, te.max_prefix_length = (U = w.max_prefix_length) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : 0, te.empty_child = (T = w.empty_child) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : new Uint8Array(), te.hash = (z = w.hash) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : 0, te; - } }, e.BatchProof = { encode(w, _ = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const p of w.entries) - e.BatchEntry.encode(p, _.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return _; - }, decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = { entries: [] }; - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - T >>> 3 == 1 ? U.entries.push(e.BatchEntry.decode(p, p.uint32())) : p.skipType(7 & T); + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ child_order: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.child_order) ? k.child_order.map((b) => Number(b)) : [], child_size: x(k.child_size) ? Number(k.child_size) : 0, min_prefix_length: x(k.min_prefix_length) ? Number(k.min_prefix_length) : 0, max_prefix_length: x(k.max_prefix_length) ? Number(k.max_prefix_length) : 0, empty_child: x(k.empty_child) ? N(k.empty_child) : new Uint8Array(), hash: x(k.hash) ? s(k.hash) : 0 }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.child_order ? b.child_order = k.child_order.map((p) => Math.round(p)) : b.child_order = [], k.child_size !== void 0 && (b.child_size = Math.round(k.child_size)), k.min_prefix_length !== void 0 && (b.min_prefix_length = Math.round(k.min_prefix_length)), k.max_prefix_length !== void 0 && (b.max_prefix_length = Math.round(k.max_prefix_length)), k.empty_child !== void 0 && (b.empty_child = T(k.empty_child !== void 0 ? k.empty_child : new Uint8Array())), k.hash !== void 0 && (b.hash = r(k.hash)), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b, p, P, B, C, L; + const re = m(); + return re.child_order = ((b = k.child_order) === null || b === void 0 ? void 0 : b.map((ee) => ee)) || [], re.child_size = (p = k.child_size) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, re.min_prefix_length = (P = k.min_prefix_length) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : 0, re.max_prefix_length = (B = k.max_prefix_length) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : 0, re.empty_child = (C = k.empty_child) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array(), re.hash = (L = k.hash) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : 0, re; + } }, e.BatchProof = { encode(k, b = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const p of k.entries) + e.BatchEntry.encode(p, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return b; + }, decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = { entries: [] }; + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + C >>> 3 == 1 ? B.entries.push(e.BatchEntry.decode(p, p.uint32())) : p.skipType(7 & C); } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ entries: Array.isArray(w == null ? void 0 : w.entries) ? w.entries.map((_) => e.BatchEntry.fromJSON(_)) : [] }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.entries ? _.entries = w.entries.map((p) => p ? e.BatchEntry.toJSON(p) : void 0) : _.entries = [], _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _; + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ entries: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.entries) ? k.entries.map((b) => e.BatchEntry.fromJSON(b)) : [] }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.entries ? b.entries = k.entries.map((p) => p ? e.BatchEntry.toJSON(p) : void 0) : b.entries = [], b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b; const p = { entries: [] }; - return p.entries = ((_ = w.entries) === null || _ === void 0 ? void 0 : _.map((O) => e.BatchEntry.fromPartial(O))) || [], p; - } }, e.BatchEntry = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.exist !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(w.exist, _.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), w.nonexist !== void 0 && e.NonExistenceProof.encode(w.nonexist, _.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return p.entries = ((b = k.entries) === null || b === void 0 ? void 0 : b.map((P) => e.BatchEntry.fromPartial(P))) || [], p; + } }, e.BatchEntry = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.exist !== void 0 && e.ExistenceProof.encode(k.exist, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), k.nonexist !== void 0 && e.NonExistenceProof.encode(k.nonexist, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.exist = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.exist = e.ExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 2: - U.nonexist = e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.nonexist = e.NonExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ exist: A(w.exist) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.exist) : void 0, nonexist: A(w.nonexist) ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.nonexist) : void 0 }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.exist !== void 0 && (_.exist = w.exist ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(w.exist) : void 0), w.nonexist !== void 0 && (_.nonexist = w.nonexist ? e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(w.nonexist) : void 0), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - const _ = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; - return _.exist = w.exist !== void 0 && w.exist !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.exist) : void 0, _.nonexist = w.nonexist !== void 0 && w.nonexist !== null ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.nonexist) : void 0, _; - } }, e.CompressedBatchProof = { encode(w, _ = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const p of w.entries) - e.CompressedBatchEntry.encode(p, _.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const p of w.lookup_inners) - e.InnerOp.encode(p, _.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return _; - }, decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = { entries: [], lookup_inners: [] }; - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ exist: x(k.exist) ? e.ExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.exist) : void 0, nonexist: x(k.nonexist) ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.nonexist) : void 0 }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.exist !== void 0 && (b.exist = k.exist ? e.ExistenceProof.toJSON(k.exist) : void 0), k.nonexist !== void 0 && (b.nonexist = k.nonexist ? e.NonExistenceProof.toJSON(k.nonexist) : void 0), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + const b = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; + return b.exist = k.exist !== void 0 && k.exist !== null ? e.ExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.exist) : void 0, b.nonexist = k.nonexist !== void 0 && k.nonexist !== null ? e.NonExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.nonexist) : void 0, b; + } }, e.CompressedBatchProof = { encode(k, b = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const p of k.entries) + e.CompressedBatchEntry.encode(p, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const p of k.lookup_inners) + e.InnerOp.encode(p, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return b; + }, decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = { entries: [], lookup_inners: [] }; + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.entries.push(e.CompressedBatchEntry.decode(p, p.uint32())); + B.entries.push(e.CompressedBatchEntry.decode(p, p.uint32())); break; case 2: - U.lookup_inners.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p, p.uint32())); + B.lookup_inners.push(e.InnerOp.decode(p, p.uint32())); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ entries: Array.isArray(w == null ? void 0 : w.entries) ? w.entries.map((_) => e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromJSON(_)) : [], lookup_inners: Array.isArray(w == null ? void 0 : w.lookup_inners) ? w.lookup_inners.map((_) => e.InnerOp.fromJSON(_)) : [] }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.entries ? _.entries = w.entries.map((p) => p ? e.CompressedBatchEntry.toJSON(p) : void 0) : _.entries = [], w.lookup_inners ? _.lookup_inners = w.lookup_inners.map((p) => p ? e.InnerOp.toJSON(p) : void 0) : _.lookup_inners = [], _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _, p; - const O = { entries: [], lookup_inners: [] }; - return O.entries = ((_ = w.entries) === null || _ === void 0 ? void 0 : _.map((U) => e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromPartial(U))) || [], O.lookup_inners = ((p = w.lookup_inners) === null || p === void 0 ? void 0 : p.map((U) => e.InnerOp.fromPartial(U))) || [], O; - } }, e.CompressedBatchEntry = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.exist !== void 0 && e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(w.exist, _.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), w.nonexist !== void 0 && e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.encode(w.nonexist, _.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ entries: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.entries) ? k.entries.map((b) => e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromJSON(b)) : [], lookup_inners: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.lookup_inners) ? k.lookup_inners.map((b) => e.InnerOp.fromJSON(b)) : [] }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.entries ? b.entries = k.entries.map((p) => p ? e.CompressedBatchEntry.toJSON(p) : void 0) : b.entries = [], k.lookup_inners ? b.lookup_inners = k.lookup_inners.map((p) => p ? e.InnerOp.toJSON(p) : void 0) : b.lookup_inners = [], b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b, p; + const P = { entries: [], lookup_inners: [] }; + return P.entries = ((b = k.entries) === null || b === void 0 ? void 0 : b.map((B) => e.CompressedBatchEntry.fromPartial(B))) || [], P.lookup_inners = ((p = k.lookup_inners) === null || p === void 0 ? void 0 : p.map((B) => e.InnerOp.fromPartial(B))) || [], P; + } }, e.CompressedBatchEntry = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.exist !== void 0 && e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(k.exist, b.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), k.nonexist !== void 0 && e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.encode(k.nonexist, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.exist = e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.exist = e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 2: - U.nonexist = e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.nonexist = e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ exist: A(w.exist) ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.exist) : void 0, nonexist: A(w.nonexist) ? e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.nonexist) : void 0 }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.exist !== void 0 && (_.exist = w.exist ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(w.exist) : void 0), w.nonexist !== void 0 && (_.nonexist = w.nonexist ? e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.toJSON(w.nonexist) : void 0), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - const _ = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; - return _.exist = w.exist !== void 0 && w.exist !== null ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.exist) : void 0, _.nonexist = w.nonexist !== void 0 && w.nonexist !== null ? e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.nonexist) : void 0, _; - } }, e.CompressedExistenceProof = { encode(w, _ = t.Writer.create()) { - w.key.length !== 0 && _.uint32(10).bytes(w.key), w.value.length !== 0 && _.uint32(18).bytes(w.value), w.leaf !== void 0 && e.LeafOp.encode(w.leaf, _.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _.uint32(34).fork(); - for (const p of w.path) - _.int32(p); - return _.ldelim(), _; - }, decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = v(); - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ exist: x(k.exist) ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.exist) : void 0, nonexist: x(k.nonexist) ? e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.nonexist) : void 0 }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.exist !== void 0 && (b.exist = k.exist ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(k.exist) : void 0), k.nonexist !== void 0 && (b.nonexist = k.nonexist ? e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.toJSON(k.nonexist) : void 0), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + const b = { exist: void 0, nonexist: void 0 }; + return b.exist = k.exist !== void 0 && k.exist !== null ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.exist) : void 0, b.nonexist = k.nonexist !== void 0 && k.nonexist !== null ? e.CompressedNonExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.nonexist) : void 0, b; + } }, e.CompressedExistenceProof = { encode(k, b = t.Writer.create()) { + k.key.length !== 0 && b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key), k.value.length !== 0 && b.uint32(18).bytes(k.value), k.leaf !== void 0 && e.LeafOp.encode(k.leaf, b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), b.uint32(34).fork(); + for (const p of k.path) + b.int32(p); + return b.ldelim(), b; + }, decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = v(); + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.key = p.bytes(); + B.key = p.bytes(); break; case 2: - U.value = p.bytes(); + B.value = p.bytes(); break; case 3: - U.leaf = e.LeafOp.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.leaf = e.LeafOp.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 4: - if ((7 & T) == 2) { - const z = p.uint32() + p.pos; - for (; p.pos < z; ) - U.path.push(p.int32()); + if ((7 & C) == 2) { + const L = p.uint32() + p.pos; + for (; p.pos < L; ) + B.path.push(p.int32()); } else - U.path.push(p.int32()); + B.path.push(p.int32()); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ key: A(w.key) ? R(w.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: A(w.value) ? R(w.value) : new Uint8Array(), leaf: A(w.leaf) ? e.LeafOp.fromJSON(w.leaf) : void 0, path: Array.isArray(w == null ? void 0 : w.path) ? w.path.map((_) => Number(_)) : [] }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.key !== void 0 && (_.key = N(w.key !== void 0 ? w.key : new Uint8Array())), w.value !== void 0 && (_.value = N(w.value !== void 0 ? w.value : new Uint8Array())), w.leaf !== void 0 && (_.leaf = w.leaf ? e.LeafOp.toJSON(w.leaf) : void 0), w.path ? _.path = w.path.map((p) => Math.round(p)) : _.path = [], _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _, p, O; - const U = v(); - return U.key = (_ = w.key) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), U.value = (p = w.value) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), U.leaf = w.leaf !== void 0 && w.leaf !== null ? e.LeafOp.fromPartial(w.leaf) : void 0, U.path = ((O = w.path) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((T) => T)) || [], U; - } }, e.CompressedNonExistenceProof = { encode: (w, _ = t.Writer.create()) => (w.key.length !== 0 && _.uint32(10).bytes(w.key), w.left !== void 0 && e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(w.left, _.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), w.right !== void 0 && e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(w.right, _.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _), decode(w, _) { - const p = w instanceof t.Reader ? w : new t.Reader(w); - let O = _ === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + _; - const U = C(); - for (; p.pos < O; ) { - const T = p.uint32(); - switch (T >>> 3) { + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ key: x(k.key) ? N(k.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: x(k.value) ? N(k.value) : new Uint8Array(), leaf: x(k.leaf) ? e.LeafOp.fromJSON(k.leaf) : void 0, path: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.path) ? k.path.map((b) => Number(b)) : [] }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.key !== void 0 && (b.key = T(k.key !== void 0 ? k.key : new Uint8Array())), k.value !== void 0 && (b.value = T(k.value !== void 0 ? k.value : new Uint8Array())), k.leaf !== void 0 && (b.leaf = k.leaf ? e.LeafOp.toJSON(k.leaf) : void 0), k.path ? b.path = k.path.map((p) => Math.round(p)) : b.path = [], b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b, p, P; + const B = v(); + return B.key = (b = k.key) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), B.value = (p = k.value) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), B.leaf = k.leaf !== void 0 && k.leaf !== null ? e.LeafOp.fromPartial(k.leaf) : void 0, B.path = ((P = k.path) === null || P === void 0 ? void 0 : P.map((C) => C)) || [], B; + } }, e.CompressedNonExistenceProof = { encode: (k, b = t.Writer.create()) => (k.key.length !== 0 && b.uint32(10).bytes(k.key), k.left !== void 0 && e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(k.left, b.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), k.right !== void 0 && e.CompressedExistenceProof.encode(k.right, b.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), b), decode(k, b) { + const p = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); + let P = b === void 0 ? p.len : p.pos + b; + const B = I(); + for (; p.pos < P; ) { + const C = p.uint32(); + switch (C >>> 3) { case 1: - U.key = p.bytes(); + B.key = p.bytes(); break; case 2: - U.left = e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.left = e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; case 3: - U.right = e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); + B.right = e.CompressedExistenceProof.decode(p, p.uint32()); break; default: - p.skipType(7 & T); + p.skipType(7 & C); } } - return U; - }, fromJSON: (w) => ({ key: A(w.key) ? R(w.key) : new Uint8Array(), left: A(w.left) ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.left) : void 0, right: A(w.right) ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(w.right) : void 0 }), toJSON(w) { - const _ = {}; - return w.key !== void 0 && (_.key = N(w.key !== void 0 ? w.key : new Uint8Array())), w.left !== void 0 && (_.left = w.left ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(w.left) : void 0), w.right !== void 0 && (_.right = w.right ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(w.right) : void 0), _; - }, fromPartial(w) { - var _; - const p = C(); - return p.key = (_ = w.key) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), p.left = w.left !== void 0 && w.left !== null ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.left) : void 0, p.right = w.right !== void 0 && w.right !== null ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(w.right) : void 0, p; + return B; + }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ key: x(k.key) ? N(k.key) : new Uint8Array(), left: x(k.left) ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.left) : void 0, right: x(k.right) ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromJSON(k.right) : void 0 }), toJSON(k) { + const b = {}; + return k.key !== void 0 && (b.key = T(k.key !== void 0 ? k.key : new Uint8Array())), k.left !== void 0 && (b.left = k.left ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(k.left) : void 0), k.right !== void 0 && (b.right = k.right ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.toJSON(k.right) : void 0), b; + }, fromPartial(k) { + var b; + const p = I(); + return p.key = (b = k.key) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), p.left = k.left !== void 0 && k.left !== null ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.left) : void 0, p.right = k.right !== void 0 && k.right !== null ? e.CompressedExistenceProof.fromPartial(k.right) : void 0, p; } }; var l = (() => { if (l !== void 0) @@ -17096,52 +17434,52 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); - const I = l.atob || ((w) => l.Buffer.from(w, "base64").toString("binary")); - function R(w) { - const _ = I(w), p = new Uint8Array(_.length); - for (let O = 0; O < _.length; ++O) - p[O] = _.charCodeAt(O); + const j = l.atob || ((k) => l.Buffer.from(k, "base64").toString("binary")); + function N(k) { + const b = j(k), p = new Uint8Array(b.length); + for (let P = 0; P < b.length; ++P) + p[P] = b.charCodeAt(P); return p; } - const k = l.btoa || ((w) => l.Buffer.from(w, "binary").toString("base64")); - function N(w) { - const _ = []; - for (const p of w) - _.push(String.fromCharCode(p)); - return k(_.join("")); + const S = l.btoa || ((k) => l.Buffer.from(k, "binary").toString("base64")); + function T(k) { + const b = []; + for (const p of k) + b.push(String.fromCharCode(p)); + return S(b.join("")); } - function A(w) { - return w != null; + function x(k) { + return k != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 9094: function(J, e, b) { + }, 9094: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), Object.defineProperty(i, h, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return f[c]; } }); } : function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), i[h] = f[c]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { Object.defineProperty(i, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: f }); } : function(i, f) { i.default = f; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { if (i && i.__esModule) return i; var f = {}; if (i != null) for (var c in i) c !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, c) && E(f, i, c); - return M(f, i), f; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { + return R(f, i), f; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { return i && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.GrantAuthorization = e.Grant = e.GenericAuthorization = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191), u = b(5090); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191), u = y(5090); function s(i) { return { seconds: Math.trunc(i.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: i.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } @@ -17227,30 +17565,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const h = { granter: "", grantee: "", authorization: void 0, expiration: void 0 }; return h.granter = (f = i.granter) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "", h.grantee = (c = i.grantee) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "", h.authorization = i.authorization !== void 0 && i.authorization !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(i.authorization) : void 0, h.expiration = i.expiration !== void 0 && i.expiration !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(i.expiration) : void 0, h; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5635: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5635: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), Object.defineProperty(i, h, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return f[c]; } }); } : function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), i[h] = f[c]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { Object.defineProperty(i, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: f }); } : function(i, f) { i.default = f; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { if (i && i.__esModule) return i; var f = {}; if (i != null) for (var c in i) c !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, c) && E(f, i, c); - return M(f, i), f; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { + return R(f, i), f; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { return i && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgRevokeResponse = e.MsgRevoke = e.MsgGrantResponse = e.MsgExec = e.MsgExecResponse = e.MsgGrant = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(9094), u = b(4191); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(9094), u = y(4191); e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.authz.v1beta1", e.MsgGrant = { encode: (i, f = t.Writer.create()) => (i.granter !== "" && f.uint32(10).string(i.granter), i.grantee !== "" && f.uint32(18).string(i.grantee), i.grant !== void 0 && d.Grant.encode(i.grant, f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), f), decode(i, f) { const c = i instanceof t.Reader ? i : new t.Reader(i); let h = f === void 0 ? c.len : c.pos + f; @@ -17407,8 +17745,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const r = s.atob || ((i) => s.Buffer.from(i, "base64").toString("binary")), n = s.btoa || ((i) => s.Buffer.from(i, "binary").toString("base64")); @@ -17416,30 +17754,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return i != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5939: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5939: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), Object.defineProperty(u, n, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s[r]; } }); } : function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), u[n] = s[r]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { Object.defineProperty(u, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: s }); } : function(u, s) { u.default = s; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { if (u && u.__esModule) return u; var s = {}; if (u != null) for (var r in u) r !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, r) && E(s, u, r); - return M(s, u), s; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { + return R(s, u), s; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SendAuthorization = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976); e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.bank.v1beta1", e.SendAuthorization = { encode(u, s = t.Writer.create()) { for (const r of u.spend_limit) d.Coin.encode(r, s.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); @@ -17461,30 +17799,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const r = { spend_limit: [] }; return r.spend_limit = ((s = u.spend_limit) === null || s === void 0 ? void 0 : s.map((n) => d.Coin.fromPartial(n))) || [], r; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 7725: function(J, e, b) { + }, 7725: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return r[n]; } }); } : function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), s[o] = r[n]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }); } : function(s, r) { s.default = r; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { if (s && s.__esModule) return s; var r = {}; if (s != null) for (var n in s) n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && E(r, s, n); - return M(r, s), r; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { + return R(r, s), r; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Metadata = e.DenomUnit = e.Supply = e.Output = e.Input = e.SendEnabled = e.Params = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976); function u(s) { return s != null; } @@ -17698,30 +18036,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const h = { description: "", denom_units: [], base: "", display: "", name: "", symbol: "" }; return h.description = (r = s.description) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : "", h.denom_units = ((n = s.denom_units) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.map((m) => e.DenomUnit.fromPartial(m))) || [], h.base = (o = s.base) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : "", h.display = (i = s.display) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", h.name = (f = s.name) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "", h.symbol = (c = s.symbol) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "", h; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 810: function(J, e, b) { + }, 810: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), Object.defineProperty(r, i, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n[o]; } }); } : function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), r[i] = n[o]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: n }); } : function(r, n) { r.default = n; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { if (r && r.__esModule) return r; var n = {}; if (r != null) for (var o in r) o !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, o) && E(n, r, o); - return M(n, r), n; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { + return R(n, r), n; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgMultiSendResponse = e.MsgMultiSend = e.MsgSendResponse = e.MsgSend = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976), u = b(7725); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976), u = y(7725); function s(r) { return r != null; } @@ -17818,359 +18156,359 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.bank.v1beta1.Msg", "MultiSend", n).then((o) => e.MsgMultiSendResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 9849: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(v, C, l, I) { - I === void 0 && (I = l), Object.defineProperty(v, I, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return C[l]; + }, 9849: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(v, I, l, j) { + j === void 0 && (j = l), Object.defineProperty(v, j, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return I[l]; } }); - } : function(v, C, l, I) { - I === void 0 && (I = l), v[I] = C[l]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(v, C) { - Object.defineProperty(v, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: C }); - } : function(v, C) { - v.default = C; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(v) { + } : function(v, I, l, j) { + j === void 0 && (j = l), v[j] = I[l]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(v, I) { + Object.defineProperty(v, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: I }); + } : function(v, I) { + v.default = I; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(v) { if (v && v.__esModule) return v; - var C = {}; + var I = {}; if (v != null) for (var l in v) - l !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, l) && E(C, v, l); - return M(C, v), C; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(v) { + l !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, l) && E(I, v, l); + return R(I, v), I; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(v) { return v && v.__esModule ? v : { default: v }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SearchTxsResult = e.TxMsgData = e.MsgData = e.SimulationResponse = e.Result = e.GasInfo = e.Attribute = e.StringEvent = e.ABCIMessageLog = e.TxResponse = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191), u = b(2093); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191), u = y(2093); function s() { return { data: new Uint8Array(), log: "", events: [] }; } function r() { return { msg_type: "", data: new Uint8Array() }; } - e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1", e.TxResponse = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { - v.height !== "0" && C.uint32(8).int64(v.height), v.txhash !== "" && C.uint32(18).string(v.txhash), v.codespace !== "" && C.uint32(26).string(v.codespace), v.code !== 0 && C.uint32(32).uint32(v.code), v.data !== "" && C.uint32(42).string(v.data), v.raw_log !== "" && C.uint32(50).string(v.raw_log); + e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.base.abci.v1beta1", e.TxResponse = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { + v.height !== "0" && I.uint32(8).int64(v.height), v.txhash !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(v.txhash), v.codespace !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(v.codespace), v.code !== 0 && I.uint32(32).uint32(v.code), v.data !== "" && I.uint32(42).string(v.data), v.raw_log !== "" && I.uint32(50).string(v.raw_log); for (const l of v.logs) - e.ABCIMessageLog.encode(l, C.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); - v.info !== "" && C.uint32(66).string(v.info), v.gas_wanted !== "0" && C.uint32(72).int64(v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== "0" && C.uint32(80).int64(v.gas_used), v.tx !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(v.tx, C.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), v.timestamp !== "" && C.uint32(98).string(v.timestamp); + e.ABCIMessageLog.encode(l, I.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); + v.info !== "" && I.uint32(66).string(v.info), v.gas_wanted !== "0" && I.uint32(72).int64(v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== "0" && I.uint32(80).int64(v.gas_used), v.tx !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(v.tx, I.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), v.timestamp !== "" && I.uint32(98).string(v.timestamp); for (const l of v.events) - u.Event.encode(l, C.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + u.Event.encode(l, I.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { height: "0", txhash: "", codespace: "", code: 0, data: "", raw_log: "", logs: [], info: "", gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0", tx: void 0, timestamp: "", events: [] }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { height: "0", txhash: "", codespace: "", code: 0, data: "", raw_log: "", logs: [], info: "", gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0", tx: void 0, timestamp: "", events: [] }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.height = h(l.int64()); + N.height = h(l.int64()); break; case 2: - R.txhash = l.string(); + N.txhash = l.string(); break; case 3: - R.codespace = l.string(); + N.codespace = l.string(); break; case 4: - R.code = l.uint32(); + N.code = l.uint32(); break; case 5: - R.data = l.string(); + N.data = l.string(); break; case 6: - R.raw_log = l.string(); + N.raw_log = l.string(); break; case 7: - R.logs.push(e.ABCIMessageLog.decode(l, l.uint32())); + N.logs.push(e.ABCIMessageLog.decode(l, l.uint32())); break; case 8: - R.info = l.string(); + N.info = l.string(); break; case 9: - R.gas_wanted = h(l.int64()); + N.gas_wanted = h(l.int64()); break; case 10: - R.gas_used = h(l.int64()); + N.gas_used = h(l.int64()); break; case 11: - R.tx = d.Any.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.tx = d.Any.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; case 12: - R.timestamp = l.string(); + N.timestamp = l.string(); break; case 13: - R.events.push(u.Event.decode(l, l.uint32())); + N.events.push(u.Event.decode(l, l.uint32())); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ height: m(v.height) ? String(v.height) : "0", txhash: m(v.txhash) ? String(v.txhash) : "", codespace: m(v.codespace) ? String(v.codespace) : "", code: m(v.code) ? Number(v.code) : 0, data: m(v.data) ? String(v.data) : "", raw_log: m(v.raw_log) ? String(v.raw_log) : "", logs: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.logs) ? v.logs.map((C) => e.ABCIMessageLog.fromJSON(C)) : [], info: m(v.info) ? String(v.info) : "", gas_wanted: m(v.gas_wanted) ? String(v.gas_wanted) : "0", gas_used: m(v.gas_used) ? String(v.gas_used) : "0", tx: m(v.tx) ? d.Any.fromJSON(v.tx) : void 0, timestamp: m(v.timestamp) ? String(v.timestamp) : "", events: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.events) ? v.events.map((C) => u.Event.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.height !== void 0 && (C.height = v.height), v.txhash !== void 0 && (C.txhash = v.txhash), v.codespace !== void 0 && (C.codespace = v.codespace), v.code !== void 0 && (C.code = Math.round(v.code)), v.data !== void 0 && (C.data = v.data), v.raw_log !== void 0 && (C.raw_log = v.raw_log), v.logs ? C.logs = v.logs.map((l) => l ? e.ABCIMessageLog.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.logs = [], v.info !== void 0 && (C.info = v.info), v.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (C.gas_wanted = v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== void 0 && (C.gas_used = v.gas_used), v.tx !== void 0 && (C.tx = v.tx ? d.Any.toJSON(v.tx) : void 0), v.timestamp !== void 0 && (C.timestamp = v.timestamp), v.events ? C.events = v.events.map((l) => l ? u.Event.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.events = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ height: m(v.height) ? String(v.height) : "0", txhash: m(v.txhash) ? String(v.txhash) : "", codespace: m(v.codespace) ? String(v.codespace) : "", code: m(v.code) ? Number(v.code) : 0, data: m(v.data) ? String(v.data) : "", raw_log: m(v.raw_log) ? String(v.raw_log) : "", logs: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.logs) ? v.logs.map((I) => e.ABCIMessageLog.fromJSON(I)) : [], info: m(v.info) ? String(v.info) : "", gas_wanted: m(v.gas_wanted) ? String(v.gas_wanted) : "0", gas_used: m(v.gas_used) ? String(v.gas_used) : "0", tx: m(v.tx) ? d.Any.fromJSON(v.tx) : void 0, timestamp: m(v.timestamp) ? String(v.timestamp) : "", events: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.events) ? v.events.map((I) => u.Event.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.height !== void 0 && (I.height = v.height), v.txhash !== void 0 && (I.txhash = v.txhash), v.codespace !== void 0 && (I.codespace = v.codespace), v.code !== void 0 && (I.code = Math.round(v.code)), v.data !== void 0 && (I.data = v.data), v.raw_log !== void 0 && (I.raw_log = v.raw_log), v.logs ? I.logs = v.logs.map((l) => l ? e.ABCIMessageLog.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.logs = [], v.info !== void 0 && (I.info = v.info), v.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (I.gas_wanted = v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== void 0 && (I.gas_used = v.gas_used), v.tx !== void 0 && (I.tx = v.tx ? d.Any.toJSON(v.tx) : void 0), v.timestamp !== void 0 && (I.timestamp = v.timestamp), v.events ? I.events = v.events.map((l) => l ? u.Event.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.events = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l, I, R, k, N, A, w, _, p, O, U; - const T = { height: "0", txhash: "", codespace: "", code: 0, data: "", raw_log: "", logs: [], info: "", gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0", tx: void 0, timestamp: "", events: [] }; - return T.height = (C = v.height) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "0", T.txhash = (l = v.txhash) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", T.codespace = (I = v.codespace) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", T.code = (R = v.code) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : 0, T.data = (k = v.data) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", T.raw_log = (N = v.raw_log) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", T.logs = ((A = v.logs) === null || A === void 0 ? void 0 : A.map((z) => e.ABCIMessageLog.fromPartial(z))) || [], T.info = (w = v.info) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "", T.gas_wanted = (_ = v.gas_wanted) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "0", T.gas_used = (p = v.gas_used) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "0", T.tx = v.tx !== void 0 && v.tx !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(v.tx) : void 0, T.timestamp = (O = v.timestamp) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", T.events = ((U = v.events) === null || U === void 0 ? void 0 : U.map((z) => u.Event.fromPartial(z))) || [], T; - } }, e.ABCIMessageLog = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { - v.msg_index !== 0 && C.uint32(8).uint32(v.msg_index), v.log !== "" && C.uint32(18).string(v.log); + var I, l, j, N, S, T, x, k, b, p, P, B; + const C = { height: "0", txhash: "", codespace: "", code: 0, data: "", raw_log: "", logs: [], info: "", gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0", tx: void 0, timestamp: "", events: [] }; + return C.height = (I = v.height) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", C.txhash = (l = v.txhash) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", C.codespace = (j = v.codespace) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", C.code = (N = v.code) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : 0, C.data = (S = v.data) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", C.raw_log = (T = v.raw_log) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", C.logs = ((x = v.logs) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((L) => e.ABCIMessageLog.fromPartial(L))) || [], C.info = (k = v.info) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", C.gas_wanted = (b = v.gas_wanted) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "0", C.gas_used = (p = v.gas_used) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "0", C.tx = v.tx !== void 0 && v.tx !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(v.tx) : void 0, C.timestamp = (P = v.timestamp) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", C.events = ((B = v.events) === null || B === void 0 ? void 0 : B.map((L) => u.Event.fromPartial(L))) || [], C; + } }, e.ABCIMessageLog = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { + v.msg_index !== 0 && I.uint32(8).uint32(v.msg_index), v.log !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(v.log); for (const l of v.events) - e.StringEvent.encode(l, C.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + e.StringEvent.encode(l, I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { msg_index: 0, log: "", events: [] }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { msg_index: 0, log: "", events: [] }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.msg_index = l.uint32(); + N.msg_index = l.uint32(); break; case 2: - R.log = l.string(); + N.log = l.string(); break; case 3: - R.events.push(e.StringEvent.decode(l, l.uint32())); + N.events.push(e.StringEvent.decode(l, l.uint32())); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ msg_index: m(v.msg_index) ? Number(v.msg_index) : 0, log: m(v.log) ? String(v.log) : "", events: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.events) ? v.events.map((C) => e.StringEvent.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.msg_index !== void 0 && (C.msg_index = Math.round(v.msg_index)), v.log !== void 0 && (C.log = v.log), v.events ? C.events = v.events.map((l) => l ? e.StringEvent.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.events = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ msg_index: m(v.msg_index) ? Number(v.msg_index) : 0, log: m(v.log) ? String(v.log) : "", events: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.events) ? v.events.map((I) => e.StringEvent.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.msg_index !== void 0 && (I.msg_index = Math.round(v.msg_index)), v.log !== void 0 && (I.log = v.log), v.events ? I.events = v.events.map((l) => l ? e.StringEvent.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.events = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l, I; - const R = { msg_index: 0, log: "", events: [] }; - return R.msg_index = (C = v.msg_index) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : 0, R.log = (l = v.log) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", R.events = ((I = v.events) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => e.StringEvent.fromPartial(k))) || [], R; - } }, e.StringEvent = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { - v.type !== "" && C.uint32(10).string(v.type); + var I, l, j; + const N = { msg_index: 0, log: "", events: [] }; + return N.msg_index = (I = v.msg_index) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : 0, N.log = (l = v.log) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", N.events = ((j = v.events) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => e.StringEvent.fromPartial(S))) || [], N; + } }, e.StringEvent = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { + v.type !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(v.type); for (const l of v.attributes) - e.Attribute.encode(l, C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + e.Attribute.encode(l, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { type: "", attributes: [] }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { type: "", attributes: [] }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.type = l.string(); + N.type = l.string(); break; case 2: - R.attributes.push(e.Attribute.decode(l, l.uint32())); + N.attributes.push(e.Attribute.decode(l, l.uint32())); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ type: m(v.type) ? String(v.type) : "", attributes: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.attributes) ? v.attributes.map((C) => e.Attribute.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.type !== void 0 && (C.type = v.type), v.attributes ? C.attributes = v.attributes.map((l) => l ? e.Attribute.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.attributes = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ type: m(v.type) ? String(v.type) : "", attributes: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.attributes) ? v.attributes.map((I) => e.Attribute.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.type !== void 0 && (I.type = v.type), v.attributes ? I.attributes = v.attributes.map((l) => l ? e.Attribute.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.attributes = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l; - const I = { type: "", attributes: [] }; - return I.type = (C = v.type) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", I.attributes = ((l = v.attributes) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.map((R) => e.Attribute.fromPartial(R))) || [], I; - } }, e.Attribute = { encode: (v, C = t.Writer.create()) => (v.key !== "" && C.uint32(10).string(v.key), v.value !== "" && C.uint32(18).string(v.value), C), decode(v, C) { + var I, l; + const j = { type: "", attributes: [] }; + return j.type = (I = v.type) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", j.attributes = ((l = v.attributes) === null || l === void 0 ? void 0 : l.map((N) => e.Attribute.fromPartial(N))) || [], j; + } }, e.Attribute = { encode: (v, I = t.Writer.create()) => (v.key !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(v.key), v.value !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(v.value), I), decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { key: "", value: "" }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { key: "", value: "" }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.key = l.string(); + N.key = l.string(); break; case 2: - R.value = l.string(); + N.value = l.string(); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; + return N; }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ key: m(v.key) ? String(v.key) : "", value: m(v.value) ? String(v.value) : "" }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.key !== void 0 && (C.key = v.key), v.value !== void 0 && (C.value = v.value), C; + const I = {}; + return v.key !== void 0 && (I.key = v.key), v.value !== void 0 && (I.value = v.value), I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l; - const I = { key: "", value: "" }; - return I.key = (C = v.key) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", I.value = (l = v.value) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", I; - } }, e.GasInfo = { encode: (v, C = t.Writer.create()) => (v.gas_wanted !== "0" && C.uint32(8).uint64(v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== "0" && C.uint32(16).uint64(v.gas_used), C), decode(v, C) { + var I, l; + const j = { key: "", value: "" }; + return j.key = (I = v.key) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", j.value = (l = v.value) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", j; + } }, e.GasInfo = { encode: (v, I = t.Writer.create()) => (v.gas_wanted !== "0" && I.uint32(8).uint64(v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== "0" && I.uint32(16).uint64(v.gas_used), I), decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0" }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0" }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.gas_wanted = h(l.uint64()); + N.gas_wanted = h(l.uint64()); break; case 2: - R.gas_used = h(l.uint64()); + N.gas_used = h(l.uint64()); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; + return N; }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ gas_wanted: m(v.gas_wanted) ? String(v.gas_wanted) : "0", gas_used: m(v.gas_used) ? String(v.gas_used) : "0" }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (C.gas_wanted = v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== void 0 && (C.gas_used = v.gas_used), C; + const I = {}; + return v.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (I.gas_wanted = v.gas_wanted), v.gas_used !== void 0 && (I.gas_used = v.gas_used), I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l; - const I = { gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0" }; - return I.gas_wanted = (C = v.gas_wanted) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "0", I.gas_used = (l = v.gas_used) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "0", I; - } }, e.Result = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { - v.data.length !== 0 && C.uint32(10).bytes(v.data), v.log !== "" && C.uint32(18).string(v.log); + var I, l; + const j = { gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0" }; + return j.gas_wanted = (I = v.gas_wanted) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", j.gas_used = (l = v.gas_used) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "0", j; + } }, e.Result = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { + v.data.length !== 0 && I.uint32(10).bytes(v.data), v.log !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(v.log); for (const l of v.events) - u.Event.encode(l, C.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + u.Event.encode(l, I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = s(); - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = s(); + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.data = l.bytes(); + N.data = l.bytes(); break; case 2: - R.log = l.string(); + N.log = l.string(); break; case 3: - R.events.push(u.Event.decode(l, l.uint32())); + N.events.push(u.Event.decode(l, l.uint32())); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ data: m(v.data) ? i(v.data) : new Uint8Array(), log: m(v.log) ? String(v.log) : "", events: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.events) ? v.events.map((C) => u.Event.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.data !== void 0 && (C.data = c(v.data !== void 0 ? v.data : new Uint8Array())), v.log !== void 0 && (C.log = v.log), v.events ? C.events = v.events.map((l) => l ? u.Event.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.events = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ data: m(v.data) ? i(v.data) : new Uint8Array(), log: m(v.log) ? String(v.log) : "", events: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.events) ? v.events.map((I) => u.Event.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.data !== void 0 && (I.data = c(v.data !== void 0 ? v.data : new Uint8Array())), v.log !== void 0 && (I.log = v.log), v.events ? I.events = v.events.map((l) => l ? u.Event.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.events = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l, I; - const R = s(); - return R.data = (C = v.data) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array(), R.log = (l = v.log) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", R.events = ((I = v.events) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => u.Event.fromPartial(k))) || [], R; - } }, e.SimulationResponse = { encode: (v, C = t.Writer.create()) => (v.gas_info !== void 0 && e.GasInfo.encode(v.gas_info, C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), v.result !== void 0 && e.Result.encode(v.result, C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), C), decode(v, C) { + var I, l, j; + const N = s(); + return N.data = (I = v.data) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : new Uint8Array(), N.log = (l = v.log) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", N.events = ((j = v.events) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => u.Event.fromPartial(S))) || [], N; + } }, e.SimulationResponse = { encode: (v, I = t.Writer.create()) => (v.gas_info !== void 0 && e.GasInfo.encode(v.gas_info, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), v.result !== void 0 && e.Result.encode(v.result, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), I), decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { gas_info: void 0, result: void 0 }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { gas_info: void 0, result: void 0 }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.gas_info = e.GasInfo.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.gas_info = e.GasInfo.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; case 2: - R.result = e.Result.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.result = e.Result.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; + return N; }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ gas_info: m(v.gas_info) ? e.GasInfo.fromJSON(v.gas_info) : void 0, result: m(v.result) ? e.Result.fromJSON(v.result) : void 0 }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.gas_info !== void 0 && (C.gas_info = v.gas_info ? e.GasInfo.toJSON(v.gas_info) : void 0), v.result !== void 0 && (C.result = v.result ? e.Result.toJSON(v.result) : void 0), C; + const I = {}; + return v.gas_info !== void 0 && (I.gas_info = v.gas_info ? e.GasInfo.toJSON(v.gas_info) : void 0), v.result !== void 0 && (I.result = v.result ? e.Result.toJSON(v.result) : void 0), I; }, fromPartial(v) { - const C = { gas_info: void 0, result: void 0 }; - return C.gas_info = v.gas_info !== void 0 && v.gas_info !== null ? e.GasInfo.fromPartial(v.gas_info) : void 0, C.result = v.result !== void 0 && v.result !== null ? e.Result.fromPartial(v.result) : void 0, C; - } }, e.MsgData = { encode: (v, C = t.Writer.create()) => (v.msg_type !== "" && C.uint32(10).string(v.msg_type), v.data.length !== 0 && C.uint32(18).bytes(v.data), C), decode(v, C) { + const I = { gas_info: void 0, result: void 0 }; + return I.gas_info = v.gas_info !== void 0 && v.gas_info !== null ? e.GasInfo.fromPartial(v.gas_info) : void 0, I.result = v.result !== void 0 && v.result !== null ? e.Result.fromPartial(v.result) : void 0, I; + } }, e.MsgData = { encode: (v, I = t.Writer.create()) => (v.msg_type !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(v.msg_type), v.data.length !== 0 && I.uint32(18).bytes(v.data), I), decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = r(); - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = r(); + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.msg_type = l.string(); + N.msg_type = l.string(); break; case 2: - R.data = l.bytes(); + N.data = l.bytes(); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; + return N; }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ msg_type: m(v.msg_type) ? String(v.msg_type) : "", data: m(v.data) ? i(v.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.msg_type !== void 0 && (C.msg_type = v.msg_type), v.data !== void 0 && (C.data = c(v.data !== void 0 ? v.data : new Uint8Array())), C; + const I = {}; + return v.msg_type !== void 0 && (I.msg_type = v.msg_type), v.data !== void 0 && (I.data = c(v.data !== void 0 ? v.data : new Uint8Array())), I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l; - const I = r(); - return I.msg_type = (C = v.msg_type) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", I.data = (l = v.data) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), I; - } }, e.TxMsgData = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { + var I, l; + const j = r(); + return j.msg_type = (I = v.msg_type) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", j.data = (l = v.data) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), j; + } }, e.TxMsgData = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { for (const l of v.data) - e.MsgData.encode(l, C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + e.MsgData.encode(l, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { data: [] }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - k >>> 3 == 1 ? R.data.push(e.MsgData.decode(l, l.uint32())) : l.skipType(7 & k); + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { data: [] }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + S >>> 3 == 1 ? N.data.push(e.MsgData.decode(l, l.uint32())) : l.skipType(7 & S); } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ data: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.data) ? v.data.map((C) => e.MsgData.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.data ? C.data = v.data.map((l) => l ? e.MsgData.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.data = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ data: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.data) ? v.data.map((I) => e.MsgData.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.data ? I.data = v.data.map((l) => l ? e.MsgData.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.data = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C; + var I; const l = { data: [] }; - return l.data = ((C = v.data) === null || C === void 0 ? void 0 : C.map((I) => e.MsgData.fromPartial(I))) || [], l; - } }, e.SearchTxsResult = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { - v.total_count !== "0" && C.uint32(8).uint64(v.total_count), v.count !== "0" && C.uint32(16).uint64(v.count), v.page_number !== "0" && C.uint32(24).uint64(v.page_number), v.page_total !== "0" && C.uint32(32).uint64(v.page_total), v.limit !== "0" && C.uint32(40).uint64(v.limit); + return l.data = ((I = v.data) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((j) => e.MsgData.fromPartial(j))) || [], l; + } }, e.SearchTxsResult = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { + v.total_count !== "0" && I.uint32(8).uint64(v.total_count), v.count !== "0" && I.uint32(16).uint64(v.count), v.page_number !== "0" && I.uint32(24).uint64(v.page_number), v.page_total !== "0" && I.uint32(32).uint64(v.page_total), v.limit !== "0" && I.uint32(40).uint64(v.limit); for (const l of v.txs) - e.TxResponse.encode(l, C.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + e.TxResponse.encode(l, I.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { total_count: "0", count: "0", page_number: "0", page_total: "0", limit: "0", txs: [] }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { total_count: "0", count: "0", page_number: "0", page_total: "0", limit: "0", txs: [] }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.total_count = h(l.uint64()); + N.total_count = h(l.uint64()); break; case 2: - R.count = h(l.uint64()); + N.count = h(l.uint64()); break; case 3: - R.page_number = h(l.uint64()); + N.page_number = h(l.uint64()); break; case 4: - R.page_total = h(l.uint64()); + N.page_total = h(l.uint64()); break; case 5: - R.limit = h(l.uint64()); + N.limit = h(l.uint64()); break; case 6: - R.txs.push(e.TxResponse.decode(l, l.uint32())); + N.txs.push(e.TxResponse.decode(l, l.uint32())); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ total_count: m(v.total_count) ? String(v.total_count) : "0", count: m(v.count) ? String(v.count) : "0", page_number: m(v.page_number) ? String(v.page_number) : "0", page_total: m(v.page_total) ? String(v.page_total) : "0", limit: m(v.limit) ? String(v.limit) : "0", txs: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.txs) ? v.txs.map((C) => e.TxResponse.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.total_count !== void 0 && (C.total_count = v.total_count), v.count !== void 0 && (C.count = v.count), v.page_number !== void 0 && (C.page_number = v.page_number), v.page_total !== void 0 && (C.page_total = v.page_total), v.limit !== void 0 && (C.limit = v.limit), v.txs ? C.txs = v.txs.map((l) => l ? e.TxResponse.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.txs = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ total_count: m(v.total_count) ? String(v.total_count) : "0", count: m(v.count) ? String(v.count) : "0", page_number: m(v.page_number) ? String(v.page_number) : "0", page_total: m(v.page_total) ? String(v.page_total) : "0", limit: m(v.limit) ? String(v.limit) : "0", txs: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.txs) ? v.txs.map((I) => e.TxResponse.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.total_count !== void 0 && (I.total_count = v.total_count), v.count !== void 0 && (I.count = v.count), v.page_number !== void 0 && (I.page_number = v.page_number), v.page_total !== void 0 && (I.page_total = v.page_total), v.limit !== void 0 && (I.limit = v.limit), v.txs ? I.txs = v.txs.map((l) => l ? e.TxResponse.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.txs = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l, I, R, k, N; - const A = { total_count: "0", count: "0", page_number: "0", page_total: "0", limit: "0", txs: [] }; - return A.total_count = (C = v.total_count) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "0", A.count = (l = v.count) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "0", A.page_number = (I = v.page_number) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", A.page_total = (R = v.page_total) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "0", A.limit = (k = v.limit) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "0", A.txs = ((N = v.txs) === null || N === void 0 ? void 0 : N.map((w) => e.TxResponse.fromPartial(w))) || [], A; + var I, l, j, N, S, T; + const x = { total_count: "0", count: "0", page_number: "0", page_total: "0", limit: "0", txs: [] }; + return x.total_count = (I = v.total_count) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", x.count = (l = v.count) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "0", x.page_number = (j = v.page_number) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", x.page_total = (N = v.page_total) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "0", x.limit = (S = v.limit) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", x.txs = ((T = v.txs) === null || T === void 0 ? void 0 : T.map((k) => e.TxResponse.fromPartial(k))) || [], x; } }; var n = (() => { if (n !== void 0) @@ -18179,23 +18517,23 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const o = n.atob || ((v) => n.Buffer.from(v, "base64").toString("binary")); function i(v) { - const C = o(v), l = new Uint8Array(C.length); - for (let I = 0; I < C.length; ++I) - l[I] = C.charCodeAt(I); + const I = o(v), l = new Uint8Array(I.length); + for (let j = 0; j < I.length; ++j) + l[j] = I.charCodeAt(j); return l; } const f = n.btoa || ((v) => n.Buffer.from(v, "binary").toString("base64")); function c(v) { - const C = []; + const I = []; for (const l of v) - C.push(String.fromCharCode(l)); - return f(C.join("")); + I.push(String.fromCharCode(l)); + return f(I.join("")); } function h(v) { return v.toString(); @@ -18204,30 +18542,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return v != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 2976: function(J, e, b) { + }, 2976: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), Object.defineProperty(u, n, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s[r]; } }); } : function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), u[n] = s[r]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { Object.defineProperty(u, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: s }); } : function(u, s) { u.default = s; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { if (u && u.__esModule) return u; var s = {}; if (u != null) for (var r in u) r !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, r) && E(s, u, r); - return M(s, u), s; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { + return R(s, u), s; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.DecProto = e.IntProto = e.DecCoin = e.Coin = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d(u) { return u != null; } @@ -18314,30 +18652,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const r = { dec: "" }; return r.dec = (s = u.dec) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : "", r; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 4489: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4489: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), Object.defineProperty(u, n, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s[r]; } }); } : function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), u[n] = s[r]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { Object.defineProperty(u, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: s }); } : function(u, s) { u.default = s; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { if (u && u.__esModule) return u; var s = {}; if (u != null) for (var r in u) r !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, r) && E(s, u, r); - return M(s, u), s; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { + return R(s, u), s; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse = e.MsgVerifyInvariant = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d(u) { return u != null; } @@ -18386,30 +18724,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.Msg", "VerifyInvariant", s).then((r) => e.MsgVerifyInvariantResponse.decode(new t.Reader(r))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 7776: function(J, e, b) { + }, 7776: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), Object.defineProperty(c, v, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h[m]; } }); } : function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), c[v] = h[m]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { Object.defineProperty(c, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: h }); } : function(c, h) { c.default = h; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { if (c && c.__esModule) return c; var h = {}; if (c != null) for (var m in c) m !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, m) && E(h, c, m); - return M(h, c), h; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { + return R(h, c), h; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PrivKey = e.PubKey = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d() { return { key: new Uint8Array() }; } @@ -18419,12 +18757,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.crypto.ed25519", e.PubKey = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.key.length !== 0 && h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = d(); + const I = d(); for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); - l >>> 3 == 1 ? C.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); + l >>> 3 == 1 ? I.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ key: f(c.key) ? n(c.key) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.key !== void 0 && (h.key = i(c.key !== void 0 ? c.key : new Uint8Array())), h; @@ -18435,12 +18773,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } }, e.PrivKey = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.key.length !== 0 && h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = u(); + const I = u(); for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); - l >>> 3 == 1 ? C.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); + l >>> 3 == 1 ? I.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ key: f(c.key) ? n(c.key) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.key !== void 0 && (h.key = i(c.key !== void 0 ? c.key : new Uint8Array())), h; @@ -18456,8 +18794,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const r = s.atob || ((c) => s.Buffer.from(c, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -18478,30 +18816,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return c != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5818: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5818: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), Object.defineProperty(u, n, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s[r]; } }); } : function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), u[n] = s[r]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { Object.defineProperty(u, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: s }); } : function(u, s) { u.default = s; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { if (u && u.__esModule) return u; var s = {}; if (u != null) for (var r in u) r !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, r) && E(s, u, r); - return M(s, u), s; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { + return R(s, u), s; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.LegacyAminoPubKey = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191); e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.crypto.multisig", e.LegacyAminoPubKey = { encode(u, s = t.Writer.create()) { u.threshold !== 0 && s.uint32(8).uint32(u.threshold); for (const r of u.public_keys) @@ -18536,30 +18874,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const n = { threshold: 0, public_keys: [] }; return n.threshold = (s = u.threshold) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : 0, n.public_keys = ((r = u.public_keys) === null || r === void 0 ? void 0 : r.map((o) => d.Any.fromPartial(o))) || [], n; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 4271: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4271: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(f, c, h, m) { m === void 0 && (m = h), Object.defineProperty(f, m, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return c[h]; } }); } : function(f, c, h, m) { m === void 0 && (m = h), f[m] = c[h]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(f, c) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(f, c) { Object.defineProperty(f, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: c }); } : function(f, c) { f.default = c; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(f) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(f) { if (f && f.__esModule) return f; var c = {}; if (f != null) for (var h in f) h !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f, h) && E(c, f, h); - return M(c, f), c; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(f) { + return R(c, f), c; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(f) { return f && f.__esModule ? f : { default: f }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.CompactBitArray = e.MultiSignature = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d() { return { extra_bits_stored: 0, elems: new Uint8Array() }; } @@ -18572,8 +18910,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); let m = c === void 0 ? h.len : h.pos + c; const v = { signatures: [] }; for (; h.pos < m; ) { - const C = h.uint32(); - C >>> 3 == 1 ? v.signatures.push(h.bytes()) : h.skipType(7 & C); + const I = h.uint32(); + I >>> 3 == 1 ? v.signatures.push(h.bytes()) : h.skipType(7 & I); } return v; }, fromJSON: (f) => ({ signatures: Array.isArray(f == null ? void 0 : f.signatures) ? f.signatures.map((c) => r(c)) : [] }), toJSON(f) { @@ -18588,8 +18926,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); let m = c === void 0 ? h.len : h.pos + c; const v = d(); for (; h.pos < m; ) { - const C = h.uint32(); - switch (C >>> 3) { + const I = h.uint32(); + switch (I >>> 3) { case 1: v.extra_bits_stored = h.uint32(); break; @@ -18597,7 +18935,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); v.elems = h.bytes(); break; default: - h.skipType(7 & C); + h.skipType(7 & I); } } return v; @@ -18616,8 +18954,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const s = u.atob || ((f) => u.Buffer.from(f, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -18638,30 +18976,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return f != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 6010: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6010: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), Object.defineProperty(c, v, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h[m]; } }); } : function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), c[v] = h[m]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { Object.defineProperty(c, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: h }); } : function(c, h) { c.default = h; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { if (c && c.__esModule) return c; var h = {}; if (c != null) for (var m in c) m !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, m) && E(h, c, m); - return M(h, c), h; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { + return R(h, c), h; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PrivKey = e.PubKey = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d() { return { key: new Uint8Array() }; } @@ -18671,12 +19009,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.crypto.secp256k1", e.PubKey = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.key.length !== 0 && h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = d(); + const I = d(); for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); - l >>> 3 == 1 ? C.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); + l >>> 3 == 1 ? I.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ key: f(c.key) ? n(c.key) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.key !== void 0 && (h.key = i(c.key !== void 0 ? c.key : new Uint8Array())), h; @@ -18687,12 +19025,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } }, e.PrivKey = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.key.length !== 0 && h.uint32(10).bytes(c.key), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = u(); + const I = u(); for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); - l >>> 3 == 1 ? C.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); + l >>> 3 == 1 ? I.key = m.bytes() : m.skipType(7 & l); } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ key: f(c.key) ? n(c.key) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.key !== void 0 && (h.key = i(c.key !== void 0 ? c.key : new Uint8Array())), h; @@ -18708,8 +19046,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const r = s.atob || ((c) => s.Buffer.from(c, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -18730,30 +19068,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return c != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 8866: function(J, e, b) { + }, 8866: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), Object.defineProperty(r, i, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n[o]; } }); } : function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), r[i] = n[o]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: n }); } : function(r, n) { r.default = n; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { if (r && r.__esModule) return r; var n = {}; if (r != null) for (var o in r) o !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, o) && E(n, r, o); - return M(n, r), n; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { + return R(n, r), n; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.CommunityPoolSpendProposalWithDeposit = e.DelegationDelegatorReward = e.DelegatorStartingInfo = e.CommunityPoolSpendProposal = e.FeePool = e.ValidatorSlashEvents = e.ValidatorSlashEvent = e.ValidatorOutstandingRewards = e.ValidatorAccumulatedCommission = e.ValidatorCurrentRewards = e.ValidatorHistoricalRewards = e.Params = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976); function u(r) { return r.toString(); } @@ -18801,8 +19139,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return r.community_tax !== void 0 && (n.community_tax = r.community_tax), r.base_proposer_reward !== void 0 && (n.base_proposer_reward = r.base_proposer_reward), r.bonus_proposer_reward !== void 0 && (n.bonus_proposer_reward = r.bonus_proposer_reward), r.withdraw_addr_enabled !== void 0 && (n.withdraw_addr_enabled = r.withdraw_addr_enabled), r.secret_foundation_tax !== void 0 && (n.secret_foundation_tax = r.secret_foundation_tax), r.secret_foundation_address !== void 0 && (n.secret_foundation_address = r.secret_foundation_address), r.minimum_restake_threshold !== void 0 && (n.minimum_restake_threshold = r.minimum_restake_threshold), r.restake_period !== void 0 && (n.restake_period = r.restake_period), n; }, fromPartial(r) { var n, o, i, f, c, h, m, v; - const C = { community_tax: "", base_proposer_reward: "", bonus_proposer_reward: "", withdraw_addr_enabled: !1, secret_foundation_tax: "", secret_foundation_address: "", minimum_restake_threshold: "", restake_period: "" }; - return C.community_tax = (n = r.community_tax) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : "", C.base_proposer_reward = (o = r.base_proposer_reward) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : "", C.bonus_proposer_reward = (i = r.bonus_proposer_reward) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", C.withdraw_addr_enabled = (f = r.withdraw_addr_enabled) !== null && f !== void 0 && f, C.secret_foundation_tax = (c = r.secret_foundation_tax) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "", C.secret_foundation_address = (h = r.secret_foundation_address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", C.minimum_restake_threshold = (m = r.minimum_restake_threshold) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", C.restake_period = (v = r.restake_period) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", C; + const I = { community_tax: "", base_proposer_reward: "", bonus_proposer_reward: "", withdraw_addr_enabled: !1, secret_foundation_tax: "", secret_foundation_address: "", minimum_restake_threshold: "", restake_period: "" }; + return I.community_tax = (n = r.community_tax) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : "", I.base_proposer_reward = (o = r.base_proposer_reward) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : "", I.bonus_proposer_reward = (i = r.bonus_proposer_reward) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", I.withdraw_addr_enabled = (f = r.withdraw_addr_enabled) !== null && f !== void 0 && f, I.secret_foundation_tax = (c = r.secret_foundation_tax) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "", I.secret_foundation_address = (h = r.secret_foundation_address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", I.minimum_restake_threshold = (m = r.minimum_restake_threshold) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", I.restake_period = (v = r.restake_period) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", I; } }, e.ValidatorHistoricalRewards = { encode(r, n = t.Writer.create()) { for (const o of r.cumulative_reward_ratio) d.DecCoin.encode(o, n.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); @@ -19095,30 +19433,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const h = { title: "", description: "", recipient: "", amount: "", deposit: "" }; return h.title = (n = r.title) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : "", h.description = (o = r.description) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : "", h.recipient = (i = r.recipient) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", h.amount = (f = r.amount) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "", h.deposit = (c = r.deposit) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "", h; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 4301: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4301: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return r[n]; } }); } : function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), s[o] = r[n]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }); } : function(s, r) { s.default = r; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { if (s && s.__esModule) return s; var r = {}; if (s != null) for (var n in s) n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && E(r, s, n); - return M(r, s), r; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { + return R(r, s), r; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgFundCommunityPoolResponse = e.MsgFundCommunityPool = e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommissionResponse = e.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission = e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorRewardResponse = e.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward = e.MsgSetWithdrawAddressResponse = e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse = e.MsgSetAutoRestake = e.MsgSetWithdrawAddress = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976); function u(s) { return s != null; } @@ -19310,30 +19648,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.Msg", "SetAutoRestake", r).then((n) => e.MsgSetAutoRestakeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 3676: function(J, e, b) { + }, 3676: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(f, c, h, m) { m === void 0 && (m = h), Object.defineProperty(f, m, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return c[h]; } }); } : function(f, c, h, m) { m === void 0 && (m = h), f[m] = c[h]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(f, c) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(f, c) { Object.defineProperty(f, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: c }); } : function(f, c) { f.default = c; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(f) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(f) { if (f && f.__esModule) return f; var c = {}; if (f != null) for (var h in f) h !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(f, h) && E(c, f, h); - return M(c, f), c; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(f) { + return R(c, f), c; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(f) { return f && f.__esModule ? f : { default: f }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgSubmitEvidenceResponse = e.MsgSubmitEvidence = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191); function u() { return { hash: new Uint8Array() }; } @@ -19342,8 +19680,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); let m = c === void 0 ? h.len : h.pos + c; const v = { submitter: "", evidence: void 0 }; for (; h.pos < m; ) { - const C = h.uint32(); - switch (C >>> 3) { + const I = h.uint32(); + switch (I >>> 3) { case 1: v.submitter = h.string(); break; @@ -19351,7 +19689,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); v.evidence = d.Any.decode(h, h.uint32()); break; default: - h.skipType(7 & C); + h.skipType(7 & I); } } return v; @@ -19367,8 +19705,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); let m = c === void 0 ? h.len : h.pos + c; const v = u(); for (; h.pos < m; ) { - const C = h.uint32(); - C >>> 3 == 4 ? v.hash = h.bytes() : h.skipType(7 & C); + const I = h.uint32(); + I >>> 3 == 4 ? v.hash = h.bytes() : h.skipType(7 & I); } return v; }, fromJSON: (f) => ({ hash: i(f.hash) ? n(f.hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(f) { @@ -19399,8 +19737,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const r = s.atob || ((f) => s.Buffer.from(f, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -19415,30 +19753,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return f != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 4932: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4932: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), Object.defineProperty(c, v, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h[m]; } }); } : function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), c[v] = h[m]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { Object.defineProperty(c, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: h }); } : function(c, h) { c.default = h; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { if (c && c.__esModule) return c; var h = {}; if (c != null) for (var m in c) m !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, m) && E(h, c, m); - return M(h, c), h; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { + return R(h, c), h; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Grant = e.AllowedMsgAllowance = e.PeriodicAllowance = e.BasicAllowance = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(5090), u = b(6138), s = b(4191), r = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(5090), u = y(6138), s = y(4191), r = y(2976); function n(c) { return { seconds: Math.trunc(c.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: c.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } @@ -19459,21 +19797,21 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { spend_limit: [], expiration: void 0 }; + const I = { spend_limit: [], expiration: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32())); + I.spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32())); break; case 2: - C.expiration = d.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.expiration = d.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ spend_limit: Array.isArray(c == null ? void 0 : c.spend_limit) ? c.spend_limit.map((h) => r.Coin.fromJSON(h)) : [], expiration: f(c.expiration) ? i(c.expiration) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.spend_limit ? h.spend_limit = c.spend_limit.map((m) => m ? r.Coin.toJSON(m) : void 0) : h.spend_limit = [], c.expiration !== void 0 && (h.expiration = o(c.expiration).toISOString()), h; @@ -19491,37 +19829,37 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { basic: void 0, period: void 0, period_spend_limit: [], period_can_spend: [], period_reset: void 0 }; + const I = { basic: void 0, period: void 0, period_spend_limit: [], period_can_spend: [], period_reset: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.basic = e.BasicAllowance.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.basic = e.BasicAllowance.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 2: - C.period = u.Duration.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.period = u.Duration.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.period_spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32())); + I.period_spend_limit.push(r.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32())); break; case 4: - C.period_can_spend.push(r.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32())); + I.period_can_spend.push(r.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32())); break; case 5: - C.period_reset = d.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.period_reset = d.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ basic: f(c.basic) ? e.BasicAllowance.fromJSON(c.basic) : void 0, period: f(c.period) ? u.Duration.fromJSON(c.period) : void 0, period_spend_limit: Array.isArray(c == null ? void 0 : c.period_spend_limit) ? c.period_spend_limit.map((h) => r.Coin.fromJSON(h)) : [], period_can_spend: Array.isArray(c == null ? void 0 : c.period_can_spend) ? c.period_can_spend.map((h) => r.Coin.fromJSON(h)) : [], period_reset: f(c.period_reset) ? i(c.period_reset) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.basic !== void 0 && (h.basic = c.basic ? e.BasicAllowance.toJSON(c.basic) : void 0), c.period !== void 0 && (h.period = c.period ? u.Duration.toJSON(c.period) : void 0), c.period_spend_limit ? h.period_spend_limit = c.period_spend_limit.map((m) => m ? r.Coin.toJSON(m) : void 0) : h.period_spend_limit = [], c.period_can_spend ? h.period_can_spend = c.period_can_spend.map((m) => m ? r.Coin.toJSON(m) : void 0) : h.period_can_spend = [], c.period_reset !== void 0 && (h.period_reset = o(c.period_reset).toISOString()), h; }, fromPartial(c) { var h, m; const v = { basic: void 0, period: void 0, period_spend_limit: [], period_can_spend: [], period_reset: void 0 }; - return v.basic = c.basic !== void 0 && c.basic !== null ? e.BasicAllowance.fromPartial(c.basic) : void 0, v.period = c.period !== void 0 && c.period !== null ? u.Duration.fromPartial(c.period) : void 0, v.period_spend_limit = ((h = c.period_spend_limit) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.map((C) => r.Coin.fromPartial(C))) || [], v.period_can_spend = ((m = c.period_can_spend) === null || m === void 0 ? void 0 : m.map((C) => r.Coin.fromPartial(C))) || [], v.period_reset = c.period_reset !== void 0 && c.period_reset !== null ? d.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.period_reset) : void 0, v; + return v.basic = c.basic !== void 0 && c.basic !== null ? e.BasicAllowance.fromPartial(c.basic) : void 0, v.period = c.period !== void 0 && c.period !== null ? u.Duration.fromPartial(c.period) : void 0, v.period_spend_limit = ((h = c.period_spend_limit) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.map((I) => r.Coin.fromPartial(I))) || [], v.period_can_spend = ((m = c.period_can_spend) === null || m === void 0 ? void 0 : m.map((I) => r.Coin.fromPartial(I))) || [], v.period_reset = c.period_reset !== void 0 && c.period_reset !== null ? d.Timestamp.fromPartial(c.period_reset) : void 0, v; } }, e.AllowedMsgAllowance = { encode(c, h = t.Writer.create()) { c.allowance !== void 0 && s.Any.encode(c.allowance, h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); for (const m of c.allowed_messages) @@ -19530,21 +19868,21 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { allowance: void 0, allowed_messages: [] }; + const I = { allowance: void 0, allowed_messages: [] }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.allowance = s.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.allowance = s.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 2: - C.allowed_messages.push(m.string()); + I.allowed_messages.push(m.string()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ allowance: f(c.allowance) ? s.Any.fromJSON(c.allowance) : void 0, allowed_messages: Array.isArray(c == null ? void 0 : c.allowed_messages) ? c.allowed_messages.map((h) => String(h)) : [] }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.allowance !== void 0 && (h.allowance = c.allowance ? s.Any.toJSON(c.allowance) : void 0), c.allowed_messages ? h.allowed_messages = c.allowed_messages.map((m) => m) : h.allowed_messages = [], h; @@ -19555,24 +19893,24 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } }, e.Grant = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.granter !== "" && h.uint32(10).string(c.granter), c.grantee !== "" && h.uint32(18).string(c.grantee), c.allowance !== void 0 && s.Any.encode(c.allowance, h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { granter: "", grantee: "", allowance: void 0 }; + const I = { granter: "", grantee: "", allowance: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.granter = m.string(); + I.granter = m.string(); break; case 2: - C.grantee = m.string(); + I.grantee = m.string(); break; case 3: - C.allowance = s.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.allowance = s.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ granter: f(c.granter) ? String(c.granter) : "", grantee: f(c.grantee) ? String(c.grantee) : "", allowance: f(c.allowance) ? s.Any.fromJSON(c.allowance) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.granter !== void 0 && (h.granter = c.granter), c.grantee !== void 0 && (h.grantee = c.grantee), c.allowance !== void 0 && (h.allowance = c.allowance ? s.Any.toJSON(c.allowance) : void 0), h; @@ -19581,30 +19919,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const v = { granter: "", grantee: "", allowance: void 0 }; return v.granter = (h = c.granter) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", v.grantee = (m = c.grantee) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", v.allowance = c.allowance !== void 0 && c.allowance !== null ? s.Any.fromPartial(c.allowance) : void 0, v; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 6513: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6513: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return r[n]; } }); } : function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), s[o] = r[n]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }); } : function(s, r) { s.default = r; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { if (s && s.__esModule) return s; var r = {}; if (s != null) for (var n in s) n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && E(r, s, n); - return M(r, s), r; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { + return R(r, s), r; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse = e.MsgRevokeAllowance = e.MsgGrantAllowanceResponse = e.MsgGrantAllowance = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191); function u(s) { return s != null; } @@ -19690,30 +20028,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.Msg", "RevokeAllowance", r).then((n) => e.MsgRevokeAllowanceResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 9074: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(p, O, U, T) { - T === void 0 && (T = U), Object.defineProperty(p, T, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return O[U]; + }, 9074: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(p, P, B, C) { + C === void 0 && (C = B), Object.defineProperty(p, C, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return P[B]; } }); - } : function(p, O, U, T) { - T === void 0 && (T = U), p[T] = O[U]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(p, O) { - Object.defineProperty(p, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: O }); - } : function(p, O) { - p.default = O; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(p) { + } : function(p, P, B, C) { + C === void 0 && (C = B), p[C] = P[B]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(p, P) { + Object.defineProperty(p, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: P }); + } : function(p, P) { + p.default = P; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(p) { if (p && p.__esModule) return p; - var O = {}; + var P = {}; if (p != null) - for (var U in p) - U !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p, U) && E(O, p, U); - return M(O, p), O; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(p) { + for (var B in p) + B !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(p, B) && E(P, p, B); + return R(P, p), P; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(p) { return p && p.__esModule ? p : { default: p }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.TallyParams = e.VotingParams = e.DepositParams = e.Vote = e.TallyResult = e.Proposal = e.Deposit = e.TextProposal = e.WeightedVoteOption = e.proposalStatusToJSON = e.proposalStatusFromJSON = e.ProposalStatus = e.voteOptionToJSON = e.voteOptionFromJSON = e.VoteOption = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191), u = b(5090), s = b(6138), r = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191), u = y(5090), s = y(6138), r = y(2976); var n, o; function i(p) { switch (p) { @@ -19801,300 +20139,300 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); p[p.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED", p[p.VOTE_OPTION_YES = 1] = "VOTE_OPTION_YES", p[p.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN = 2] = "VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN", p[p.VOTE_OPTION_NO = 3] = "VOTE_OPTION_NO", p[p.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO = 4] = "VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO", p[p.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; }(n = e.VoteOption || (e.VoteOption = {})), e.voteOptionFromJSON = i, e.voteOptionToJSON = f, function(p) { p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED", p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD = 1] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD", p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD = 2] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD", p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED = 3] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED", p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED = 4] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED", p[p.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED = 5] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED", p[p.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(o = e.ProposalStatus || (e.ProposalStatus = {})), e.proposalStatusFromJSON = c, e.proposalStatusToJSON = h, e.WeightedVoteOption = { encode: (p, O = t.Writer.create()) => (p.option !== 0 && O.uint32(8).int32(p.option), p.weight !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(p.weight), O), decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { option: 0, weight: "" }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + }(o = e.ProposalStatus || (e.ProposalStatus = {})), e.proposalStatusFromJSON = c, e.proposalStatusToJSON = h, e.WeightedVoteOption = { encode: (p, P = t.Writer.create()) => (p.option !== 0 && P.uint32(8).int32(p.option), p.weight !== "" && P.uint32(18).string(p.weight), P), decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { option: 0, weight: "" }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.option = U.int32(); + L.option = B.int32(); break; case 2: - z.weight = U.string(); + L.weight = B.string(); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ option: _(p.option) ? i(p.option) : 0, weight: _(p.weight) ? String(p.weight) : "" }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.option !== void 0 && (O.option = f(p.option)), p.weight !== void 0 && (O.weight = p.weight), O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ option: b(p.option) ? i(p.option) : 0, weight: b(p.weight) ? String(p.weight) : "" }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.option !== void 0 && (P.option = f(p.option)), p.weight !== void 0 && (P.weight = p.weight), P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U; - const T = { option: 0, weight: "" }; - return T.option = (O = p.option) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, T.weight = (U = p.weight) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", T; - } }, e.TextProposal = { encode: (p, O = t.Writer.create()) => (p.title !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(p.title), p.description !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(p.description), O), decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { title: "", description: "" }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + var P, B; + const C = { option: 0, weight: "" }; + return C.option = (P = p.option) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : 0, C.weight = (B = p.weight) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", C; + } }, e.TextProposal = { encode: (p, P = t.Writer.create()) => (p.title !== "" && P.uint32(10).string(p.title), p.description !== "" && P.uint32(18).string(p.description), P), decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { title: "", description: "" }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.title = U.string(); + L.title = B.string(); break; case 2: - z.description = U.string(); + L.description = B.string(); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ title: _(p.title) ? String(p.title) : "", description: _(p.description) ? String(p.description) : "" }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.title !== void 0 && (O.title = p.title), p.description !== void 0 && (O.description = p.description), O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ title: b(p.title) ? String(p.title) : "", description: b(p.description) ? String(p.description) : "" }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.title !== void 0 && (P.title = p.title), p.description !== void 0 && (P.description = p.description), P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U; - const T = { title: "", description: "" }; - return T.title = (O = p.title) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", T.description = (U = p.description) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", T; - } }, e.Deposit = { encode(p, O = t.Writer.create()) { - p.proposal_id !== "0" && O.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id), p.depositor !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(p.depositor); - for (const U of p.amount) - r.Coin.encode(U, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - return O; - }, decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { proposal_id: "0", depositor: "", amount: [] }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + var P, B; + const C = { title: "", description: "" }; + return C.title = (P = p.title) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", C.description = (B = p.description) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", C; + } }, e.Deposit = { encode(p, P = t.Writer.create()) { + p.proposal_id !== "0" && P.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id), p.depositor !== "" && P.uint32(18).string(p.depositor); + for (const B of p.amount) + r.Coin.encode(B, P.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + return P; + }, decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { proposal_id: "0", depositor: "", amount: [] }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.proposal_id = w(U.uint64()); + L.proposal_id = k(B.uint64()); break; case 2: - z.depositor = U.string(); + L.depositor = B.string(); break; case 3: - z.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(U, U.uint32())); + L.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(B, B.uint32())); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ proposal_id: _(p.proposal_id) ? String(p.proposal_id) : "0", depositor: _(p.depositor) ? String(p.depositor) : "", amount: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.amount) ? p.amount.map((O) => r.Coin.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.proposal_id !== void 0 && (O.proposal_id = p.proposal_id), p.depositor !== void 0 && (O.depositor = p.depositor), p.amount ? O.amount = p.amount.map((U) => U ? r.Coin.toJSON(U) : void 0) : O.amount = [], O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ proposal_id: b(p.proposal_id) ? String(p.proposal_id) : "0", depositor: b(p.depositor) ? String(p.depositor) : "", amount: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.amount) ? p.amount.map((P) => r.Coin.fromJSON(P)) : [] }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.proposal_id !== void 0 && (P.proposal_id = p.proposal_id), p.depositor !== void 0 && (P.depositor = p.depositor), p.amount ? P.amount = p.amount.map((B) => B ? r.Coin.toJSON(B) : void 0) : P.amount = [], P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U, T; - const z = { proposal_id: "0", depositor: "", amount: [] }; - return z.proposal_id = (O = p.proposal_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", z.depositor = (U = p.depositor) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", z.amount = ((T = p.amount) === null || T === void 0 ? void 0 : T.map((te) => r.Coin.fromPartial(te))) || [], z; - } }, e.Proposal = { encode(p, O = t.Writer.create()) { - p.proposal_id !== "0" && O.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id), p.content !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(p.content, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), p.status !== 0 && O.uint32(24).int32(p.status), p.final_tally_result !== void 0 && e.TallyResult.encode(p.final_tally_result, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), p.submit_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.submit_time, O.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), p.deposit_end_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.deposit_end_time, O.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const U of p.total_deposit) - r.Coin.encode(U, O.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); - return p.voting_start_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_start_time, O.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), p.voting_end_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_end_time, O.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), p.is_expedited === !0 && O.uint32(80).bool(p.is_expedited), O; - }, decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { proposal_id: "0", content: void 0, status: 0, final_tally_result: void 0, submit_time: void 0, deposit_end_time: void 0, total_deposit: [], voting_start_time: void 0, voting_end_time: void 0, is_expedited: !1 }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + var P, B, C; + const L = { proposal_id: "0", depositor: "", amount: [] }; + return L.proposal_id = (P = p.proposal_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "0", L.depositor = (B = p.depositor) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", L.amount = ((C = p.amount) === null || C === void 0 ? void 0 : C.map((re) => r.Coin.fromPartial(re))) || [], L; + } }, e.Proposal = { encode(p, P = t.Writer.create()) { + p.proposal_id !== "0" && P.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id), p.content !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(p.content, P.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), p.status !== 0 && P.uint32(24).int32(p.status), p.final_tally_result !== void 0 && e.TallyResult.encode(p.final_tally_result, P.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), p.submit_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.submit_time, P.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), p.deposit_end_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.deposit_end_time, P.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const B of p.total_deposit) + r.Coin.encode(B, P.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); + return p.voting_start_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_start_time, P.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), p.voting_end_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(p.voting_end_time, P.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), p.is_expedited === !0 && P.uint32(80).bool(p.is_expedited), P; + }, decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { proposal_id: "0", content: void 0, status: 0, final_tally_result: void 0, submit_time: void 0, deposit_end_time: void 0, total_deposit: [], voting_start_time: void 0, voting_end_time: void 0, is_expedited: !1 }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.proposal_id = w(U.uint64()); + L.proposal_id = k(B.uint64()); break; case 2: - z.content = d.Any.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.content = d.Any.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 3: - z.status = U.int32(); + L.status = B.int32(); break; case 4: - z.final_tally_result = e.TallyResult.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.final_tally_result = e.TallyResult.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 5: - z.submit_time = u.Timestamp.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.submit_time = u.Timestamp.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 6: - z.deposit_end_time = u.Timestamp.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.deposit_end_time = u.Timestamp.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 7: - z.total_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(U, U.uint32())); + L.total_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(B, B.uint32())); break; case 8: - z.voting_start_time = u.Timestamp.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.voting_start_time = u.Timestamp.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 9: - z.voting_end_time = u.Timestamp.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.voting_end_time = u.Timestamp.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 10: - z.is_expedited = U.bool(); + L.is_expedited = B.bool(); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ proposal_id: _(p.proposal_id) ? String(p.proposal_id) : "0", content: _(p.content) ? d.Any.fromJSON(p.content) : void 0, status: _(p.status) ? c(p.status) : 0, final_tally_result: _(p.final_tally_result) ? e.TallyResult.fromJSON(p.final_tally_result) : void 0, submit_time: _(p.submit_time) ? A(p.submit_time) : void 0, deposit_end_time: _(p.deposit_end_time) ? A(p.deposit_end_time) : void 0, total_deposit: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.total_deposit) ? p.total_deposit.map((O) => r.Coin.fromJSON(O)) : [], voting_start_time: _(p.voting_start_time) ? A(p.voting_start_time) : void 0, voting_end_time: _(p.voting_end_time) ? A(p.voting_end_time) : void 0, is_expedited: !!_(p.is_expedited) && !!p.is_expedited }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.proposal_id !== void 0 && (O.proposal_id = p.proposal_id), p.content !== void 0 && (O.content = p.content ? d.Any.toJSON(p.content) : void 0), p.status !== void 0 && (O.status = h(p.status)), p.final_tally_result !== void 0 && (O.final_tally_result = p.final_tally_result ? e.TallyResult.toJSON(p.final_tally_result) : void 0), p.submit_time !== void 0 && (O.submit_time = N(p.submit_time).toISOString()), p.deposit_end_time !== void 0 && (O.deposit_end_time = N(p.deposit_end_time).toISOString()), p.total_deposit ? O.total_deposit = p.total_deposit.map((U) => U ? r.Coin.toJSON(U) : void 0) : O.total_deposit = [], p.voting_start_time !== void 0 && (O.voting_start_time = N(p.voting_start_time).toISOString()), p.voting_end_time !== void 0 && (O.voting_end_time = N(p.voting_end_time).toISOString()), p.is_expedited !== void 0 && (O.is_expedited = p.is_expedited), O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ proposal_id: b(p.proposal_id) ? String(p.proposal_id) : "0", content: b(p.content) ? d.Any.fromJSON(p.content) : void 0, status: b(p.status) ? c(p.status) : 0, final_tally_result: b(p.final_tally_result) ? e.TallyResult.fromJSON(p.final_tally_result) : void 0, submit_time: b(p.submit_time) ? x(p.submit_time) : void 0, deposit_end_time: b(p.deposit_end_time) ? x(p.deposit_end_time) : void 0, total_deposit: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.total_deposit) ? p.total_deposit.map((P) => r.Coin.fromJSON(P)) : [], voting_start_time: b(p.voting_start_time) ? x(p.voting_start_time) : void 0, voting_end_time: b(p.voting_end_time) ? x(p.voting_end_time) : void 0, is_expedited: !!b(p.is_expedited) && !!p.is_expedited }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.proposal_id !== void 0 && (P.proposal_id = p.proposal_id), p.content !== void 0 && (P.content = p.content ? d.Any.toJSON(p.content) : void 0), p.status !== void 0 && (P.status = h(p.status)), p.final_tally_result !== void 0 && (P.final_tally_result = p.final_tally_result ? e.TallyResult.toJSON(p.final_tally_result) : void 0), p.submit_time !== void 0 && (P.submit_time = T(p.submit_time).toISOString()), p.deposit_end_time !== void 0 && (P.deposit_end_time = T(p.deposit_end_time).toISOString()), p.total_deposit ? P.total_deposit = p.total_deposit.map((B) => B ? r.Coin.toJSON(B) : void 0) : P.total_deposit = [], p.voting_start_time !== void 0 && (P.voting_start_time = T(p.voting_start_time).toISOString()), p.voting_end_time !== void 0 && (P.voting_end_time = T(p.voting_end_time).toISOString()), p.is_expedited !== void 0 && (P.is_expedited = p.is_expedited), P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U, T, z; - const te = { proposal_id: "0", content: void 0, status: 0, final_tally_result: void 0, submit_time: void 0, deposit_end_time: void 0, total_deposit: [], voting_start_time: void 0, voting_end_time: void 0, is_expedited: !1 }; - return te.proposal_id = (O = p.proposal_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", te.content = p.content !== void 0 && p.content !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(p.content) : void 0, te.status = (U = p.status) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : 0, te.final_tally_result = p.final_tally_result !== void 0 && p.final_tally_result !== null ? e.TallyResult.fromPartial(p.final_tally_result) : void 0, te.submit_time = p.submit_time !== void 0 && p.submit_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.submit_time) : void 0, te.deposit_end_time = p.deposit_end_time !== void 0 && p.deposit_end_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.deposit_end_time) : void 0, te.total_deposit = ((T = p.total_deposit) === null || T === void 0 ? void 0 : T.map((X) => r.Coin.fromPartial(X))) || [], te.voting_start_time = p.voting_start_time !== void 0 && p.voting_start_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_start_time) : void 0, te.voting_end_time = p.voting_end_time !== void 0 && p.voting_end_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_end_time) : void 0, te.is_expedited = (z = p.is_expedited) !== null && z !== void 0 && z, te; - } }, e.TallyResult = { encode: (p, O = t.Writer.create()) => (p.yes !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(p.yes), p.abstain !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(p.abstain), p.no !== "" && O.uint32(26).string(p.no), p.no_with_veto !== "" && O.uint32(34).string(p.no_with_veto), O), decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { yes: "", abstain: "", no: "", no_with_veto: "" }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + var P, B, C, L; + const re = { proposal_id: "0", content: void 0, status: 0, final_tally_result: void 0, submit_time: void 0, deposit_end_time: void 0, total_deposit: [], voting_start_time: void 0, voting_end_time: void 0, is_expedited: !1 }; + return re.proposal_id = (P = p.proposal_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "0", re.content = p.content !== void 0 && p.content !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(p.content) : void 0, re.status = (B = p.status) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : 0, re.final_tally_result = p.final_tally_result !== void 0 && p.final_tally_result !== null ? e.TallyResult.fromPartial(p.final_tally_result) : void 0, re.submit_time = p.submit_time !== void 0 && p.submit_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.submit_time) : void 0, re.deposit_end_time = p.deposit_end_time !== void 0 && p.deposit_end_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.deposit_end_time) : void 0, re.total_deposit = ((C = p.total_deposit) === null || C === void 0 ? void 0 : C.map((ee) => r.Coin.fromPartial(ee))) || [], re.voting_start_time = p.voting_start_time !== void 0 && p.voting_start_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_start_time) : void 0, re.voting_end_time = p.voting_end_time !== void 0 && p.voting_end_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(p.voting_end_time) : void 0, re.is_expedited = (L = p.is_expedited) !== null && L !== void 0 && L, re; + } }, e.TallyResult = { encode: (p, P = t.Writer.create()) => (p.yes !== "" && P.uint32(10).string(p.yes), p.abstain !== "" && P.uint32(18).string(p.abstain), p.no !== "" && P.uint32(26).string(p.no), p.no_with_veto !== "" && P.uint32(34).string(p.no_with_veto), P), decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { yes: "", abstain: "", no: "", no_with_veto: "" }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.yes = U.string(); + L.yes = B.string(); break; case 2: - z.abstain = U.string(); + L.abstain = B.string(); break; case 3: - z.no = U.string(); + L.no = B.string(); break; case 4: - z.no_with_veto = U.string(); + L.no_with_veto = B.string(); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ yes: _(p.yes) ? String(p.yes) : "", abstain: _(p.abstain) ? String(p.abstain) : "", no: _(p.no) ? String(p.no) : "", no_with_veto: _(p.no_with_veto) ? String(p.no_with_veto) : "" }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.yes !== void 0 && (O.yes = p.yes), p.abstain !== void 0 && (O.abstain = p.abstain), p.no !== void 0 && (O.no = p.no), p.no_with_veto !== void 0 && (O.no_with_veto = p.no_with_veto), O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ yes: b(p.yes) ? String(p.yes) : "", abstain: b(p.abstain) ? String(p.abstain) : "", no: b(p.no) ? String(p.no) : "", no_with_veto: b(p.no_with_veto) ? String(p.no_with_veto) : "" }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.yes !== void 0 && (P.yes = p.yes), p.abstain !== void 0 && (P.abstain = p.abstain), p.no !== void 0 && (P.no = p.no), p.no_with_veto !== void 0 && (P.no_with_veto = p.no_with_veto), P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U, T, z; - const te = { yes: "", abstain: "", no: "", no_with_veto: "" }; - return te.yes = (O = p.yes) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", te.abstain = (U = p.abstain) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", te.no = (T = p.no) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", te.no_with_veto = (z = p.no_with_veto) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "", te; - } }, e.Vote = { encode(p, O = t.Writer.create()) { - p.proposal_id !== "0" && O.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id), p.voter !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(p.voter), p.option !== 0 && O.uint32(24).int32(p.option); - for (const U of p.options) - e.WeightedVoteOption.encode(U, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); - return O; - }, decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { proposal_id: "0", voter: "", option: 0, options: [] }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + var P, B, C, L; + const re = { yes: "", abstain: "", no: "", no_with_veto: "" }; + return re.yes = (P = p.yes) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", re.abstain = (B = p.abstain) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", re.no = (C = p.no) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", re.no_with_veto = (L = p.no_with_veto) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : "", re; + } }, e.Vote = { encode(p, P = t.Writer.create()) { + p.proposal_id !== "0" && P.uint32(8).uint64(p.proposal_id), p.voter !== "" && P.uint32(18).string(p.voter), p.option !== 0 && P.uint32(24).int32(p.option); + for (const B of p.options) + e.WeightedVoteOption.encode(B, P.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); + return P; + }, decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { proposal_id: "0", voter: "", option: 0, options: [] }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.proposal_id = w(U.uint64()); + L.proposal_id = k(B.uint64()); break; case 2: - z.voter = U.string(); + L.voter = B.string(); break; case 3: - z.option = U.int32(); + L.option = B.int32(); break; case 4: - z.options.push(e.WeightedVoteOption.decode(U, U.uint32())); + L.options.push(e.WeightedVoteOption.decode(B, B.uint32())); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ proposal_id: _(p.proposal_id) ? String(p.proposal_id) : "0", voter: _(p.voter) ? String(p.voter) : "", option: _(p.option) ? i(p.option) : 0, options: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.options) ? p.options.map((O) => e.WeightedVoteOption.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.proposal_id !== void 0 && (O.proposal_id = p.proposal_id), p.voter !== void 0 && (O.voter = p.voter), p.option !== void 0 && (O.option = f(p.option)), p.options ? O.options = p.options.map((U) => U ? e.WeightedVoteOption.toJSON(U) : void 0) : O.options = [], O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ proposal_id: b(p.proposal_id) ? String(p.proposal_id) : "0", voter: b(p.voter) ? String(p.voter) : "", option: b(p.option) ? i(p.option) : 0, options: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.options) ? p.options.map((P) => e.WeightedVoteOption.fromJSON(P)) : [] }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.proposal_id !== void 0 && (P.proposal_id = p.proposal_id), p.voter !== void 0 && (P.voter = p.voter), p.option !== void 0 && (P.option = f(p.option)), p.options ? P.options = p.options.map((B) => B ? e.WeightedVoteOption.toJSON(B) : void 0) : P.options = [], P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U, T, z; - const te = { proposal_id: "0", voter: "", option: 0, options: [] }; - return te.proposal_id = (O = p.proposal_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", te.voter = (U = p.voter) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", te.option = (T = p.option) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : 0, te.options = ((z = p.options) === null || z === void 0 ? void 0 : z.map((X) => e.WeightedVoteOption.fromPartial(X))) || [], te; - } }, e.DepositParams = { encode(p, O = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const U of p.min_deposit) - r.Coin.encode(U, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - p.max_deposit_period !== void 0 && s.Duration.encode(p.max_deposit_period, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const U of p.min_expedited_deposit) - r.Coin.encode(U, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - return O; - }, decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { min_deposit: [], max_deposit_period: void 0, min_expedited_deposit: [] }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + var P, B, C, L; + const re = { proposal_id: "0", voter: "", option: 0, options: [] }; + return re.proposal_id = (P = p.proposal_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "0", re.voter = (B = p.voter) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", re.option = (C = p.option) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : 0, re.options = ((L = p.options) === null || L === void 0 ? void 0 : L.map((ee) => e.WeightedVoteOption.fromPartial(ee))) || [], re; + } }, e.DepositParams = { encode(p, P = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const B of p.min_deposit) + r.Coin.encode(B, P.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + p.max_deposit_period !== void 0 && s.Duration.encode(p.max_deposit_period, P.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const B of p.min_expedited_deposit) + r.Coin.encode(B, P.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + return P; + }, decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { min_deposit: [], max_deposit_period: void 0, min_expedited_deposit: [] }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.min_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(U, U.uint32())); + L.min_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(B, B.uint32())); break; case 2: - z.max_deposit_period = s.Duration.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.max_deposit_period = s.Duration.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 3: - z.min_expedited_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(U, U.uint32())); + L.min_expedited_deposit.push(r.Coin.decode(B, B.uint32())); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ min_deposit: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.min_deposit) ? p.min_deposit.map((O) => r.Coin.fromJSON(O)) : [], max_deposit_period: _(p.max_deposit_period) ? s.Duration.fromJSON(p.max_deposit_period) : void 0, min_expedited_deposit: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.min_expedited_deposit) ? p.min_expedited_deposit.map((O) => r.Coin.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.min_deposit ? O.min_deposit = p.min_deposit.map((U) => U ? r.Coin.toJSON(U) : void 0) : O.min_deposit = [], p.max_deposit_period !== void 0 && (O.max_deposit_period = p.max_deposit_period ? s.Duration.toJSON(p.max_deposit_period) : void 0), p.min_expedited_deposit ? O.min_expedited_deposit = p.min_expedited_deposit.map((U) => U ? r.Coin.toJSON(U) : void 0) : O.min_expedited_deposit = [], O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ min_deposit: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.min_deposit) ? p.min_deposit.map((P) => r.Coin.fromJSON(P)) : [], max_deposit_period: b(p.max_deposit_period) ? s.Duration.fromJSON(p.max_deposit_period) : void 0, min_expedited_deposit: Array.isArray(p == null ? void 0 : p.min_expedited_deposit) ? p.min_expedited_deposit.map((P) => r.Coin.fromJSON(P)) : [] }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.min_deposit ? P.min_deposit = p.min_deposit.map((B) => B ? r.Coin.toJSON(B) : void 0) : P.min_deposit = [], p.max_deposit_period !== void 0 && (P.max_deposit_period = p.max_deposit_period ? s.Duration.toJSON(p.max_deposit_period) : void 0), p.min_expedited_deposit ? P.min_expedited_deposit = p.min_expedited_deposit.map((B) => B ? r.Coin.toJSON(B) : void 0) : P.min_expedited_deposit = [], P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U; - const T = { min_deposit: [], max_deposit_period: void 0, min_expedited_deposit: [] }; - return T.min_deposit = ((O = p.min_deposit) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((z) => r.Coin.fromPartial(z))) || [], T.max_deposit_period = p.max_deposit_period !== void 0 && p.max_deposit_period !== null ? s.Duration.fromPartial(p.max_deposit_period) : void 0, T.min_expedited_deposit = ((U = p.min_expedited_deposit) === null || U === void 0 ? void 0 : U.map((z) => r.Coin.fromPartial(z))) || [], T; - } }, e.VotingParams = { encode: (p, O = t.Writer.create()) => (p.voting_period !== void 0 && s.Duration.encode(p.voting_period, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), p.expedited_voting_period !== void 0 && s.Duration.encode(p.expedited_voting_period, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), O), decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = { voting_period: void 0, expedited_voting_period: void 0 }; - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + var P, B; + const C = { min_deposit: [], max_deposit_period: void 0, min_expedited_deposit: [] }; + return C.min_deposit = ((P = p.min_deposit) === null || P === void 0 ? void 0 : P.map((L) => r.Coin.fromPartial(L))) || [], C.max_deposit_period = p.max_deposit_period !== void 0 && p.max_deposit_period !== null ? s.Duration.fromPartial(p.max_deposit_period) : void 0, C.min_expedited_deposit = ((B = p.min_expedited_deposit) === null || B === void 0 ? void 0 : B.map((L) => r.Coin.fromPartial(L))) || [], C; + } }, e.VotingParams = { encode: (p, P = t.Writer.create()) => (p.voting_period !== void 0 && s.Duration.encode(p.voting_period, P.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), p.expedited_voting_period !== void 0 && s.Duration.encode(p.expedited_voting_period, P.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), P), decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = { voting_period: void 0, expedited_voting_period: void 0 }; + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.voting_period = s.Duration.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.voting_period = s.Duration.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; case 3: - z.expedited_voting_period = s.Duration.decode(U, U.uint32()); + L.expedited_voting_period = s.Duration.decode(B, B.uint32()); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ voting_period: _(p.voting_period) ? s.Duration.fromJSON(p.voting_period) : void 0, expedited_voting_period: _(p.expedited_voting_period) ? s.Duration.fromJSON(p.expedited_voting_period) : void 0 }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.voting_period !== void 0 && (O.voting_period = p.voting_period ? s.Duration.toJSON(p.voting_period) : void 0), p.expedited_voting_period !== void 0 && (O.expedited_voting_period = p.expedited_voting_period ? s.Duration.toJSON(p.expedited_voting_period) : void 0), O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ voting_period: b(p.voting_period) ? s.Duration.fromJSON(p.voting_period) : void 0, expedited_voting_period: b(p.expedited_voting_period) ? s.Duration.fromJSON(p.expedited_voting_period) : void 0 }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.voting_period !== void 0 && (P.voting_period = p.voting_period ? s.Duration.toJSON(p.voting_period) : void 0), p.expedited_voting_period !== void 0 && (P.expedited_voting_period = p.expedited_voting_period ? s.Duration.toJSON(p.expedited_voting_period) : void 0), P; }, fromPartial(p) { - const O = { voting_period: void 0, expedited_voting_period: void 0 }; - return O.voting_period = p.voting_period !== void 0 && p.voting_period !== null ? s.Duration.fromPartial(p.voting_period) : void 0, O.expedited_voting_period = p.expedited_voting_period !== void 0 && p.expedited_voting_period !== null ? s.Duration.fromPartial(p.expedited_voting_period) : void 0, O; - } }, e.TallyParams = { encode: (p, O = t.Writer.create()) => (p.quorum.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(p.quorum), p.threshold.length !== 0 && O.uint32(18).bytes(p.threshold), p.veto_threshold.length !== 0 && O.uint32(26).bytes(p.veto_threshold), p.expedited_threshold.length !== 0 && O.uint32(34).bytes(p.expedited_threshold), O), decode(p, O) { - const U = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); - let T = O === void 0 ? U.len : U.pos + O; - const z = m(); - for (; U.pos < T; ) { - const te = U.uint32(); - switch (te >>> 3) { + const P = { voting_period: void 0, expedited_voting_period: void 0 }; + return P.voting_period = p.voting_period !== void 0 && p.voting_period !== null ? s.Duration.fromPartial(p.voting_period) : void 0, P.expedited_voting_period = p.expedited_voting_period !== void 0 && p.expedited_voting_period !== null ? s.Duration.fromPartial(p.expedited_voting_period) : void 0, P; + } }, e.TallyParams = { encode: (p, P = t.Writer.create()) => (p.quorum.length !== 0 && P.uint32(10).bytes(p.quorum), p.threshold.length !== 0 && P.uint32(18).bytes(p.threshold), p.veto_threshold.length !== 0 && P.uint32(26).bytes(p.veto_threshold), p.expedited_threshold.length !== 0 && P.uint32(34).bytes(p.expedited_threshold), P), decode(p, P) { + const B = p instanceof t.Reader ? p : new t.Reader(p); + let C = P === void 0 ? B.len : B.pos + P; + const L = m(); + for (; B.pos < C; ) { + const re = B.uint32(); + switch (re >>> 3) { case 1: - z.quorum = U.bytes(); + L.quorum = B.bytes(); break; case 2: - z.threshold = U.bytes(); + L.threshold = B.bytes(); break; case 3: - z.veto_threshold = U.bytes(); + L.veto_threshold = B.bytes(); break; case 4: - z.expedited_threshold = U.bytes(); + L.expedited_threshold = B.bytes(); break; default: - U.skipType(7 & te); + B.skipType(7 & re); } } - return z; - }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ quorum: _(p.quorum) ? l(p.quorum) : new Uint8Array(), threshold: _(p.threshold) ? l(p.threshold) : new Uint8Array(), veto_threshold: _(p.veto_threshold) ? l(p.veto_threshold) : new Uint8Array(), expedited_threshold: _(p.expedited_threshold) ? l(p.expedited_threshold) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(p) { - const O = {}; - return p.quorum !== void 0 && (O.quorum = R(p.quorum !== void 0 ? p.quorum : new Uint8Array())), p.threshold !== void 0 && (O.threshold = R(p.threshold !== void 0 ? p.threshold : new Uint8Array())), p.veto_threshold !== void 0 && (O.veto_threshold = R(p.veto_threshold !== void 0 ? p.veto_threshold : new Uint8Array())), p.expedited_threshold !== void 0 && (O.expedited_threshold = R(p.expedited_threshold !== void 0 ? p.expedited_threshold : new Uint8Array())), O; + return L; + }, fromJSON: (p) => ({ quorum: b(p.quorum) ? l(p.quorum) : new Uint8Array(), threshold: b(p.threshold) ? l(p.threshold) : new Uint8Array(), veto_threshold: b(p.veto_threshold) ? l(p.veto_threshold) : new Uint8Array(), expedited_threshold: b(p.expedited_threshold) ? l(p.expedited_threshold) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(p) { + const P = {}; + return p.quorum !== void 0 && (P.quorum = N(p.quorum !== void 0 ? p.quorum : new Uint8Array())), p.threshold !== void 0 && (P.threshold = N(p.threshold !== void 0 ? p.threshold : new Uint8Array())), p.veto_threshold !== void 0 && (P.veto_threshold = N(p.veto_threshold !== void 0 ? p.veto_threshold : new Uint8Array())), p.expedited_threshold !== void 0 && (P.expedited_threshold = N(p.expedited_threshold !== void 0 ? p.expedited_threshold : new Uint8Array())), P; }, fromPartial(p) { - var O, U, T, z; - const te = m(); - return te.quorum = (O = p.quorum) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), te.threshold = (U = p.threshold) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : new Uint8Array(), te.veto_threshold = (T = p.veto_threshold) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : new Uint8Array(), te.expedited_threshold = (z = p.expedited_threshold) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : new Uint8Array(), te; + var P, B, C, L; + const re = m(); + return re.quorum = (P = p.quorum) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : new Uint8Array(), re.threshold = (B = p.threshold) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : new Uint8Array(), re.veto_threshold = (C = p.veto_threshold) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array(), re.expedited_threshold = (L = p.expedited_threshold) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : new Uint8Array(), re; } }; var v = (() => { if (v !== void 0) @@ -20103,65 +20441,65 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); - const C = v.atob || ((p) => v.Buffer.from(p, "base64").toString("binary")); + const I = v.atob || ((p) => v.Buffer.from(p, "base64").toString("binary")); function l(p) { - const O = C(p), U = new Uint8Array(O.length); - for (let T = 0; T < O.length; ++T) - U[T] = O.charCodeAt(T); - return U; + const P = I(p), B = new Uint8Array(P.length); + for (let C = 0; C < P.length; ++C) + B[C] = P.charCodeAt(C); + return B; } - const I = v.btoa || ((p) => v.Buffer.from(p, "binary").toString("base64")); - function R(p) { - const O = []; - for (const U of p) - O.push(String.fromCharCode(U)); - return I(O.join("")); + const j = v.btoa || ((p) => v.Buffer.from(p, "binary").toString("base64")); + function N(p) { + const P = []; + for (const B of p) + P.push(String.fromCharCode(B)); + return j(P.join("")); } - function k(p) { + function S(p) { return { seconds: Math.trunc(p.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: p.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } - function N(p) { - let O = 1e3 * Number(p.seconds); - return O += p.nanos / 1e6, new Date(O); + function T(p) { + let P = 1e3 * Number(p.seconds); + return P += p.nanos / 1e6, new Date(P); } - function A(p) { - return p instanceof Date ? k(p) : typeof p == "string" ? k(new Date(p)) : u.Timestamp.fromJSON(p); + function x(p) { + return p instanceof Date ? S(p) : typeof p == "string" ? S(new Date(p)) : u.Timestamp.fromJSON(p); } - function w(p) { + function k(p) { return p.toString(); } - function _(p) { + function b(p) { return p != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 88: function(J, e, b) { + }, 88: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), Object.defineProperty(o, c, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i[f]; } }); } : function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), o[c] = i[f]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: i }); } : function(o, i) { o.default = i; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { if (o && o.__esModule) return o; var i = {}; if (o != null) for (var f in o) f !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, f) && E(i, o, f); - return M(i, o), i; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(o) { + return R(i, o), i; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(o) { return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgDepositResponse = e.MsgDeposit = e.MsgVoteWeightedResponse = e.MsgVoteWeighted = e.MsgVoteResponse = e.MsgVote = e.MsgSubmitProposalResponse = e.MsgSubmitProposal = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191), u = b(9074), s = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191), u = y(9074), s = y(2976); function r(o) { return o.toString(); } @@ -20359,30 +20697,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.gov.v1beta1.Msg", "Deposit", i).then((f) => e.MsgDepositResponse.decode(new t.Reader(f))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 9913: function(J, e, b) { + }, 9913: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), Object.defineProperty(u, n, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s[r]; } }); } : function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), u[n] = s[r]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { Object.defineProperty(u, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: s }); } : function(u, s) { u.default = s; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { if (u && u.__esModule) return u; var s = {}; if (u != null) for (var r in u) r !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, r) && E(s, u, r); - return M(s, u), s; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { + return R(s, u), s; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.ParamChange = e.ParameterChangeProposal = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d(u) { return u != null; } @@ -20448,30 +20786,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const o = { subspace: "", key: "", value: "" }; return o.subspace = (s = u.subspace) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : "", o.key = (r = u.key) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : "", o.value = (n = u.value) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : "", o; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5925: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5925: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), Object.defineProperty(d, r, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return u[s]; } }); } : function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), d[r] = u[s]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { Object.defineProperty(d, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: u }); } : function(d, u) { d.default = u; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { if (d && d.__esModule) return d; var u = {}; if (d != null) for (var s in d) s !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, s) && E(u, d, s); - return M(u, d), u; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(d) { + return R(u, d), u; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(d) { return d && d.__esModule ? d : { default: d }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgUnjailResponse = e.MsgUnjail = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.slashing.v1beta1", e.MsgUnjail = { encode: (d, u = t.Writer.create()) => (d.validator_addr !== "" && u.uint32(10).string(d.validator_addr), u), decode(d, u) { const s = d instanceof t.Reader ? d : new t.Reader(d); let r = u === void 0 ? s.len : s.pos + u; @@ -20508,30 +20846,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.Msg", "Unjail", u).then((s) => e.MsgUnjailResponse.decode(new t.Reader(s))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 837: function(J, e, b) { + }, 837: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), Object.defineProperty(o, c, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i[f]; } }); } : function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), o[c] = i[f]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: i }); } : function(o, i) { o.default = i; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { if (o && o.__esModule) return o; var i = {}; if (o != null) for (var f in o) f !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, f) && E(i, o, f); - return M(i, o), i; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(o) { + return R(i, o), i; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(o) { return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.StakeAuthorization_Validators = e.StakeAuthorization = e.authorizationTypeToJSON = e.authorizationTypeFromJSON = e.AuthorizationType = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976); var u; function s(o) { switch (o) { @@ -20622,30 +20960,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const f = { address: [] }; return f.address = ((i = o.address) === null || i === void 0 ? void 0 : i.map((c) => c)) || [], f; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 2572: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(l, I, R, k) { - k === void 0 && (k = R), Object.defineProperty(l, k, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return I[R]; + }, 2572: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(l, j, N, S) { + S === void 0 && (S = N), Object.defineProperty(l, S, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return j[N]; } }); - } : function(l, I, R, k) { - k === void 0 && (k = R), l[k] = I[R]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(l, I) { - Object.defineProperty(l, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: I }); - } : function(l, I) { - l.default = I; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(l) { + } : function(l, j, N, S) { + S === void 0 && (S = N), l[S] = j[N]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(l, j) { + Object.defineProperty(l, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: j }); + } : function(l, j) { + l.default = j; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(l) { if (l && l.__esModule) return l; - var I = {}; + var j = {}; if (l != null) - for (var R in l) - R !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l, R) && E(I, l, R); - return M(I, l), I; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(l) { + for (var N in l) + N !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l, N) && E(j, l, N); + return R(j, l), j; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(l) { return l && l.__esModule ? l : { default: l }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Pool = e.RedelegationResponse = e.RedelegationEntryResponse = e.DelegationResponse = e.Params = e.Redelegation = e.RedelegationEntry = e.UnbondingDelegationEntry = e.UnbondingDelegation = e.Delegation = e.DVVTriplets = e.DVVTriplet = e.DVPairs = e.DVPair = e.ValAddresses = e.Validator = e.Description = e.Commission = e.CommissionRates = e.HistoricalInfo = e.bondStatusToJSON = e.bondStatusFromJSON = e.BondStatus = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(9928), u = b(5090), s = b(4191), r = b(6138), n = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(9928), u = y(5090), s = y(4191), r = y(6138), n = y(2976); var o; function i(l) { switch (l) { @@ -20683,8 +21021,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return { seconds: Math.trunc(l.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: l.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } function h(l) { - let I = 1e3 * Number(l.seconds); - return I += l.nanos / 1e6, new Date(I); + let j = 1e3 * Number(l.seconds); + return j += l.nanos / 1e6, new Date(j); } function m(l) { return l instanceof Date ? c(l) : typeof l == "string" ? c(new Date(l)) : u.Timestamp.fromJSON(l); @@ -20692,614 +21030,614 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function v(l) { return l.toString(); } - function C(l) { + function I(l) { return l != null; } e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.staking.v1beta1", function(l) { l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "BOND_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED", l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED = 1] = "BOND_STATUS_UNBONDED", l[l.BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING = 2] = "BOND_STATUS_UNBONDING", l[l.BOND_STATUS_BONDED = 3] = "BOND_STATUS_BONDED", l[l.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(o = e.BondStatus || (e.BondStatus = {})), e.bondStatusFromJSON = i, e.bondStatusToJSON = f, e.HistoricalInfo = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.header !== void 0 && d.Header.encode(l.header, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const R of l.valset) - e.Validator.encode(R, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { header: void 0, valset: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + }(o = e.BondStatus || (e.BondStatus = {})), e.bondStatusFromJSON = i, e.bondStatusToJSON = f, e.HistoricalInfo = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.header !== void 0 && d.Header.encode(l.header, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const N of l.valset) + e.Validator.encode(N, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { header: void 0, valset: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.header = d.Header.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.header = d.Header.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.valset.push(e.Validator.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.valset.push(e.Validator.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ header: C(l.header) ? d.Header.fromJSON(l.header) : void 0, valset: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.valset) ? l.valset.map((I) => e.Validator.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.header !== void 0 && (I.header = l.header ? d.Header.toJSON(l.header) : void 0), l.valset ? I.valset = l.valset.map((R) => R ? e.Validator.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.valset = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ header: I(l.header) ? d.Header.fromJSON(l.header) : void 0, valset: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.valset) ? l.valset.map((j) => e.Validator.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.header !== void 0 && (j.header = l.header ? d.Header.toJSON(l.header) : void 0), l.valset ? j.valset = l.valset.map((N) => N ? e.Validator.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.valset = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { header: void 0, valset: [] }; - return R.header = l.header !== void 0 && l.header !== null ? d.Header.fromPartial(l.header) : void 0, R.valset = ((I = l.valset) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => e.Validator.fromPartial(k))) || [], R; - } }, e.CommissionRates = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.rate !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.rate), l.max_rate !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.max_rate), l.max_change_rate !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.max_change_rate), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { rate: "", max_rate: "", max_change_rate: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { header: void 0, valset: [] }; + return N.header = l.header !== void 0 && l.header !== null ? d.Header.fromPartial(l.header) : void 0, N.valset = ((j = l.valset) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => e.Validator.fromPartial(S))) || [], N; + } }, e.CommissionRates = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.rate !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.rate), l.max_rate !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.max_rate), l.max_change_rate !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.max_change_rate), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { rate: "", max_rate: "", max_change_rate: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.rate = R.string(); + T.rate = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.max_rate = R.string(); + T.max_rate = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.max_change_rate = R.string(); + T.max_change_rate = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ rate: C(l.rate) ? String(l.rate) : "", max_rate: C(l.max_rate) ? String(l.max_rate) : "", max_change_rate: C(l.max_change_rate) ? String(l.max_change_rate) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.rate !== void 0 && (I.rate = l.rate), l.max_rate !== void 0 && (I.max_rate = l.max_rate), l.max_change_rate !== void 0 && (I.max_change_rate = l.max_change_rate), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ rate: I(l.rate) ? String(l.rate) : "", max_rate: I(l.max_rate) ? String(l.max_rate) : "", max_change_rate: I(l.max_change_rate) ? String(l.max_change_rate) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.rate !== void 0 && (j.rate = l.rate), l.max_rate !== void 0 && (j.max_rate = l.max_rate), l.max_change_rate !== void 0 && (j.max_change_rate = l.max_change_rate), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = { rate: "", max_rate: "", max_change_rate: "" }; - return N.rate = (I = l.rate) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", N.max_rate = (R = l.max_rate) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", N.max_change_rate = (k = l.max_change_rate) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", N; - } }, e.Commission = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.commission_rates !== void 0 && e.CommissionRates.encode(l.commission_rates, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.update_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.update_time, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { commission_rates: void 0, update_time: void 0 }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S; + const T = { rate: "", max_rate: "", max_change_rate: "" }; + return T.rate = (j = l.rate) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", T.max_rate = (N = l.max_rate) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", T.max_change_rate = (S = l.max_change_rate) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", T; + } }, e.Commission = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.commission_rates !== void 0 && e.CommissionRates.encode(l.commission_rates, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.update_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.update_time, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { commission_rates: void 0, update_time: void 0 }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.commission_rates = e.CommissionRates.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.commission_rates = e.CommissionRates.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.update_time = u.Timestamp.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.update_time = u.Timestamp.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ commission_rates: C(l.commission_rates) ? e.CommissionRates.fromJSON(l.commission_rates) : void 0, update_time: C(l.update_time) ? m(l.update_time) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.commission_rates !== void 0 && (I.commission_rates = l.commission_rates ? e.CommissionRates.toJSON(l.commission_rates) : void 0), l.update_time !== void 0 && (I.update_time = h(l.update_time).toISOString()), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ commission_rates: I(l.commission_rates) ? e.CommissionRates.fromJSON(l.commission_rates) : void 0, update_time: I(l.update_time) ? m(l.update_time) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.commission_rates !== void 0 && (j.commission_rates = l.commission_rates ? e.CommissionRates.toJSON(l.commission_rates) : void 0), l.update_time !== void 0 && (j.update_time = h(l.update_time).toISOString()), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - const I = { commission_rates: void 0, update_time: void 0 }; - return I.commission_rates = l.commission_rates !== void 0 && l.commission_rates !== null ? e.CommissionRates.fromPartial(l.commission_rates) : void 0, I.update_time = l.update_time !== void 0 && l.update_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.update_time) : void 0, I; - } }, e.Description = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.moniker !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.moniker), l.identity !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.identity), l.website !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.website), l.security_contact !== "" && I.uint32(34).string(l.security_contact), l.details !== "" && I.uint32(42).string(l.details), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { moniker: "", identity: "", website: "", security_contact: "", details: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + const j = { commission_rates: void 0, update_time: void 0 }; + return j.commission_rates = l.commission_rates !== void 0 && l.commission_rates !== null ? e.CommissionRates.fromPartial(l.commission_rates) : void 0, j.update_time = l.update_time !== void 0 && l.update_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.update_time) : void 0, j; + } }, e.Description = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.moniker !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.moniker), l.identity !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.identity), l.website !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.website), l.security_contact !== "" && j.uint32(34).string(l.security_contact), l.details !== "" && j.uint32(42).string(l.details), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { moniker: "", identity: "", website: "", security_contact: "", details: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.moniker = R.string(); + T.moniker = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.identity = R.string(); + T.identity = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.website = R.string(); + T.website = N.string(); break; case 4: - N.security_contact = R.string(); + T.security_contact = N.string(); break; case 5: - N.details = R.string(); + T.details = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ moniker: C(l.moniker) ? String(l.moniker) : "", identity: C(l.identity) ? String(l.identity) : "", website: C(l.website) ? String(l.website) : "", security_contact: C(l.security_contact) ? String(l.security_contact) : "", details: C(l.details) ? String(l.details) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.moniker !== void 0 && (I.moniker = l.moniker), l.identity !== void 0 && (I.identity = l.identity), l.website !== void 0 && (I.website = l.website), l.security_contact !== void 0 && (I.security_contact = l.security_contact), l.details !== void 0 && (I.details = l.details), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ moniker: I(l.moniker) ? String(l.moniker) : "", identity: I(l.identity) ? String(l.identity) : "", website: I(l.website) ? String(l.website) : "", security_contact: I(l.security_contact) ? String(l.security_contact) : "", details: I(l.details) ? String(l.details) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.moniker !== void 0 && (j.moniker = l.moniker), l.identity !== void 0 && (j.identity = l.identity), l.website !== void 0 && (j.website = l.website), l.security_contact !== void 0 && (j.security_contact = l.security_contact), l.details !== void 0 && (j.details = l.details), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N, A; - const w = { moniker: "", identity: "", website: "", security_contact: "", details: "" }; - return w.moniker = (I = l.moniker) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", w.identity = (R = l.identity) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", w.website = (k = l.website) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", w.security_contact = (N = l.security_contact) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", w.details = (A = l.details) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", w; - } }, e.Validator = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.operator_address !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.operator_address), l.consensus_pubkey !== void 0 && s.Any.encode(l.consensus_pubkey, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.jailed === !0 && I.uint32(24).bool(l.jailed), l.status !== 0 && I.uint32(32).int32(l.status), l.tokens !== "" && I.uint32(42).string(l.tokens), l.delegator_shares !== "" && I.uint32(50).string(l.delegator_shares), l.description !== void 0 && e.Description.encode(l.description, I.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), l.unbonding_height !== "0" && I.uint32(64).int64(l.unbonding_height), l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.unbonding_time, I.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), l.commission !== void 0 && e.Commission.encode(l.commission, I.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(), l.min_self_delegation !== "" && I.uint32(90).string(l.min_self_delegation), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { operator_address: "", consensus_pubkey: void 0, jailed: !1, status: 0, tokens: "", delegator_shares: "", description: void 0, unbonding_height: "0", unbonding_time: void 0, commission: void 0, min_self_delegation: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S, T, x; + const k = { moniker: "", identity: "", website: "", security_contact: "", details: "" }; + return k.moniker = (j = l.moniker) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", k.identity = (N = l.identity) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", k.website = (S = l.website) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", k.security_contact = (T = l.security_contact) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", k.details = (x = l.details) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", k; + } }, e.Validator = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.operator_address !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.operator_address), l.consensus_pubkey !== void 0 && s.Any.encode(l.consensus_pubkey, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.jailed === !0 && j.uint32(24).bool(l.jailed), l.status !== 0 && j.uint32(32).int32(l.status), l.tokens !== "" && j.uint32(42).string(l.tokens), l.delegator_shares !== "" && j.uint32(50).string(l.delegator_shares), l.description !== void 0 && e.Description.encode(l.description, j.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), l.unbonding_height !== "0" && j.uint32(64).int64(l.unbonding_height), l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.unbonding_time, j.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), l.commission !== void 0 && e.Commission.encode(l.commission, j.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(), l.min_self_delegation !== "" && j.uint32(90).string(l.min_self_delegation), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { operator_address: "", consensus_pubkey: void 0, jailed: !1, status: 0, tokens: "", delegator_shares: "", description: void 0, unbonding_height: "0", unbonding_time: void 0, commission: void 0, min_self_delegation: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.operator_address = R.string(); + T.operator_address = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.consensus_pubkey = s.Any.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.consensus_pubkey = s.Any.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 3: - N.jailed = R.bool(); + T.jailed = N.bool(); break; case 4: - N.status = R.int32(); + T.status = N.int32(); break; case 5: - N.tokens = R.string(); + T.tokens = N.string(); break; case 6: - N.delegator_shares = R.string(); + T.delegator_shares = N.string(); break; case 7: - N.description = e.Description.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.description = e.Description.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 8: - N.unbonding_height = v(R.int64()); + T.unbonding_height = v(N.int64()); break; case 9: - N.unbonding_time = u.Timestamp.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.unbonding_time = u.Timestamp.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 10: - N.commission = e.Commission.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.commission = e.Commission.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 11: - N.min_self_delegation = R.string(); + T.min_self_delegation = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ operator_address: C(l.operator_address) ? String(l.operator_address) : "", consensus_pubkey: C(l.consensus_pubkey) ? s.Any.fromJSON(l.consensus_pubkey) : void 0, jailed: !!C(l.jailed) && !!l.jailed, status: C(l.status) ? i(l.status) : 0, tokens: C(l.tokens) ? String(l.tokens) : "", delegator_shares: C(l.delegator_shares) ? String(l.delegator_shares) : "", description: C(l.description) ? e.Description.fromJSON(l.description) : void 0, unbonding_height: C(l.unbonding_height) ? String(l.unbonding_height) : "0", unbonding_time: C(l.unbonding_time) ? m(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, commission: C(l.commission) ? e.Commission.fromJSON(l.commission) : void 0, min_self_delegation: C(l.min_self_delegation) ? String(l.min_self_delegation) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.operator_address !== void 0 && (I.operator_address = l.operator_address), l.consensus_pubkey !== void 0 && (I.consensus_pubkey = l.consensus_pubkey ? s.Any.toJSON(l.consensus_pubkey) : void 0), l.jailed !== void 0 && (I.jailed = l.jailed), l.status !== void 0 && (I.status = f(l.status)), l.tokens !== void 0 && (I.tokens = l.tokens), l.delegator_shares !== void 0 && (I.delegator_shares = l.delegator_shares), l.description !== void 0 && (I.description = l.description ? e.Description.toJSON(l.description) : void 0), l.unbonding_height !== void 0 && (I.unbonding_height = l.unbonding_height), l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && (I.unbonding_time = h(l.unbonding_time).toISOString()), l.commission !== void 0 && (I.commission = l.commission ? e.Commission.toJSON(l.commission) : void 0), l.min_self_delegation !== void 0 && (I.min_self_delegation = l.min_self_delegation), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ operator_address: I(l.operator_address) ? String(l.operator_address) : "", consensus_pubkey: I(l.consensus_pubkey) ? s.Any.fromJSON(l.consensus_pubkey) : void 0, jailed: !!I(l.jailed) && !!l.jailed, status: I(l.status) ? i(l.status) : 0, tokens: I(l.tokens) ? String(l.tokens) : "", delegator_shares: I(l.delegator_shares) ? String(l.delegator_shares) : "", description: I(l.description) ? e.Description.fromJSON(l.description) : void 0, unbonding_height: I(l.unbonding_height) ? String(l.unbonding_height) : "0", unbonding_time: I(l.unbonding_time) ? m(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, commission: I(l.commission) ? e.Commission.fromJSON(l.commission) : void 0, min_self_delegation: I(l.min_self_delegation) ? String(l.min_self_delegation) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.operator_address !== void 0 && (j.operator_address = l.operator_address), l.consensus_pubkey !== void 0 && (j.consensus_pubkey = l.consensus_pubkey ? s.Any.toJSON(l.consensus_pubkey) : void 0), l.jailed !== void 0 && (j.jailed = l.jailed), l.status !== void 0 && (j.status = f(l.status)), l.tokens !== void 0 && (j.tokens = l.tokens), l.delegator_shares !== void 0 && (j.delegator_shares = l.delegator_shares), l.description !== void 0 && (j.description = l.description ? e.Description.toJSON(l.description) : void 0), l.unbonding_height !== void 0 && (j.unbonding_height = l.unbonding_height), l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && (j.unbonding_time = h(l.unbonding_time).toISOString()), l.commission !== void 0 && (j.commission = l.commission ? e.Commission.toJSON(l.commission) : void 0), l.min_self_delegation !== void 0 && (j.min_self_delegation = l.min_self_delegation), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N, A, w, _; + var j, N, S, T, x, k, b; const p = { operator_address: "", consensus_pubkey: void 0, jailed: !1, status: 0, tokens: "", delegator_shares: "", description: void 0, unbonding_height: "0", unbonding_time: void 0, commission: void 0, min_self_delegation: "" }; - return p.operator_address = (I = l.operator_address) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", p.consensus_pubkey = l.consensus_pubkey !== void 0 && l.consensus_pubkey !== null ? s.Any.fromPartial(l.consensus_pubkey) : void 0, p.jailed = (R = l.jailed) !== null && R !== void 0 && R, p.status = (k = l.status) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : 0, p.tokens = (N = l.tokens) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", p.delegator_shares = (A = l.delegator_shares) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", p.description = l.description !== void 0 && l.description !== null ? e.Description.fromPartial(l.description) : void 0, p.unbonding_height = (w = l.unbonding_height) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "0", p.unbonding_time = l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && l.unbonding_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, p.commission = l.commission !== void 0 && l.commission !== null ? e.Commission.fromPartial(l.commission) : void 0, p.min_self_delegation = (_ = l.min_self_delegation) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "", p; - } }, e.ValAddresses = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const R of l.addresses) - I.uint32(10).string(R); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { addresses: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - A >>> 3 == 1 ? N.addresses.push(R.string()) : R.skipType(7 & A); + return p.operator_address = (j = l.operator_address) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", p.consensus_pubkey = l.consensus_pubkey !== void 0 && l.consensus_pubkey !== null ? s.Any.fromPartial(l.consensus_pubkey) : void 0, p.jailed = (N = l.jailed) !== null && N !== void 0 && N, p.status = (S = l.status) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, p.tokens = (T = l.tokens) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", p.delegator_shares = (x = l.delegator_shares) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", p.description = l.description !== void 0 && l.description !== null ? e.Description.fromPartial(l.description) : void 0, p.unbonding_height = (k = l.unbonding_height) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "0", p.unbonding_time = l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && l.unbonding_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, p.commission = l.commission !== void 0 && l.commission !== null ? e.Commission.fromPartial(l.commission) : void 0, p.min_self_delegation = (b = l.min_self_delegation) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "", p; + } }, e.ValAddresses = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const N of l.addresses) + j.uint32(10).string(N); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { addresses: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + x >>> 3 == 1 ? T.addresses.push(N.string()) : N.skipType(7 & x); } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ addresses: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.addresses) ? l.addresses.map((I) => String(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.addresses ? I.addresses = l.addresses.map((R) => R) : I.addresses = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ addresses: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.addresses) ? l.addresses.map((j) => String(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.addresses ? j.addresses = l.addresses.map((N) => N) : j.addresses = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { addresses: [] }; - return R.addresses = ((I = l.addresses) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => k)) || [], R; - } }, e.DVPair = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegator_address !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { addresses: [] }; + return N.addresses = ((j = l.addresses) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => S)) || [], N; + } }, e.DVPair = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegator_address !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.delegator_address = R.string(); + T.delegator_address = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.validator_address = R.string(); + T.validator_address = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: C(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: C(l.validator_address) ? String(l.validator_address) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (I.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== void 0 && (I.validator_address = l.validator_address), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: I(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: I(l.validator_address) ? String(l.validator_address) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (j.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== void 0 && (j.validator_address = l.validator_address), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R; - const k = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "" }; - return k.delegator_address = (I = l.delegator_address) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", k.validator_address = (R = l.validator_address) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", k; - } }, e.DVPairs = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const R of l.pairs) - e.DVPair.encode(R, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { pairs: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - A >>> 3 == 1 ? N.pairs.push(e.DVPair.decode(R, R.uint32())) : R.skipType(7 & A); + var j, N; + const S = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "" }; + return S.delegator_address = (j = l.delegator_address) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", S.validator_address = (N = l.validator_address) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", S; + } }, e.DVPairs = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const N of l.pairs) + e.DVPair.encode(N, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { pairs: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + x >>> 3 == 1 ? T.pairs.push(e.DVPair.decode(N, N.uint32())) : N.skipType(7 & x); } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ pairs: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.pairs) ? l.pairs.map((I) => e.DVPair.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.pairs ? I.pairs = l.pairs.map((R) => R ? e.DVPair.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.pairs = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ pairs: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.pairs) ? l.pairs.map((j) => e.DVPair.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.pairs ? j.pairs = l.pairs.map((N) => N ? e.DVPair.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.pairs = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { pairs: [] }; - return R.pairs = ((I = l.pairs) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => e.DVPair.fromPartial(k))) || [], R; - } }, e.DVVTriplet = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegator_address !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { pairs: [] }; + return N.pairs = ((j = l.pairs) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => e.DVPair.fromPartial(S))) || [], N; + } }, e.DVVTriplet = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegator_address !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.delegator_address = R.string(); + T.delegator_address = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.validator_src_address = R.string(); + T.validator_src_address = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.validator_dst_address = R.string(); + T.validator_dst_address = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: C(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_src_address: C(l.validator_src_address) ? String(l.validator_src_address) : "", validator_dst_address: C(l.validator_dst_address) ? String(l.validator_dst_address) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (I.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== void 0 && (I.validator_src_address = l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== void 0 && (I.validator_dst_address = l.validator_dst_address), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: I(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_src_address: I(l.validator_src_address) ? String(l.validator_src_address) : "", validator_dst_address: I(l.validator_dst_address) ? String(l.validator_dst_address) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (j.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== void 0 && (j.validator_src_address = l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== void 0 && (j.validator_dst_address = l.validator_dst_address), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "" }; - return N.delegator_address = (I = l.delegator_address) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", N.validator_src_address = (R = l.validator_src_address) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", N.validator_dst_address = (k = l.validator_dst_address) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", N; - } }, e.DVVTriplets = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const R of l.triplets) - e.DVVTriplet.encode(R, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { triplets: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - A >>> 3 == 1 ? N.triplets.push(e.DVVTriplet.decode(R, R.uint32())) : R.skipType(7 & A); + var j, N, S; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "" }; + return T.delegator_address = (j = l.delegator_address) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", T.validator_src_address = (N = l.validator_src_address) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", T.validator_dst_address = (S = l.validator_dst_address) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", T; + } }, e.DVVTriplets = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const N of l.triplets) + e.DVVTriplet.encode(N, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { triplets: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + x >>> 3 == 1 ? T.triplets.push(e.DVVTriplet.decode(N, N.uint32())) : N.skipType(7 & x); } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ triplets: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.triplets) ? l.triplets.map((I) => e.DVVTriplet.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.triplets ? I.triplets = l.triplets.map((R) => R ? e.DVVTriplet.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.triplets = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ triplets: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.triplets) ? l.triplets.map((j) => e.DVVTriplet.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.triplets ? j.triplets = l.triplets.map((N) => N ? e.DVVTriplet.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.triplets = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { triplets: [] }; - return R.triplets = ((I = l.triplets) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => e.DVVTriplet.fromPartial(k))) || [], R; - } }, e.Delegation = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegator_address !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address), l.shares !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.shares), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", shares: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { triplets: [] }; + return N.triplets = ((j = l.triplets) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => e.DVVTriplet.fromPartial(S))) || [], N; + } }, e.Delegation = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegator_address !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address), l.shares !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.shares), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", shares: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.delegator_address = R.string(); + T.delegator_address = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.validator_address = R.string(); + T.validator_address = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.shares = R.string(); + T.shares = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: C(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: C(l.validator_address) ? String(l.validator_address) : "", shares: C(l.shares) ? String(l.shares) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (I.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== void 0 && (I.validator_address = l.validator_address), l.shares !== void 0 && (I.shares = l.shares), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: I(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: I(l.validator_address) ? String(l.validator_address) : "", shares: I(l.shares) ? String(l.shares) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (j.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== void 0 && (j.validator_address = l.validator_address), l.shares !== void 0 && (j.shares = l.shares), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", shares: "" }; - return N.delegator_address = (I = l.delegator_address) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", N.validator_address = (R = l.validator_address) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", N.shares = (k = l.shares) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", N; - } }, e.UnbondingDelegation = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.delegator_address !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address); - for (const R of l.entries) - e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.encode(R, I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", entries: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", shares: "" }; + return T.delegator_address = (j = l.delegator_address) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", T.validator_address = (N = l.validator_address) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", T.shares = (S = l.shares) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", T; + } }, e.UnbondingDelegation = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.delegator_address !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_address); + for (const N of l.entries) + e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.encode(N, j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", entries: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.delegator_address = R.string(); + T.delegator_address = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.validator_address = R.string(); + T.validator_address = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.entries.push(e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.entries.push(e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: C(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: C(l.validator_address) ? String(l.validator_address) : "", entries: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.entries) ? l.entries.map((I) => e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (I.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== void 0 && (I.validator_address = l.validator_address), l.entries ? I.entries = l.entries.map((R) => R ? e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.entries = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: I(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: I(l.validator_address) ? String(l.validator_address) : "", entries: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.entries) ? l.entries.map((j) => e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (j.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_address !== void 0 && (j.validator_address = l.validator_address), l.entries ? j.entries = l.entries.map((N) => N ? e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.entries = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", entries: [] }; - return N.delegator_address = (I = l.delegator_address) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", N.validator_address = (R = l.validator_address) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", N.entries = ((k = l.entries) === null || k === void 0 ? void 0 : k.map((A) => e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromPartial(A))) || [], N; - } }, e.UnbondingDelegationEntry = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.creation_height !== "0" && I.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.initial_balance !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance), l.balance !== "" && I.uint32(34).string(l.balance), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", balance: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", entries: [] }; + return T.delegator_address = (j = l.delegator_address) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", T.validator_address = (N = l.validator_address) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", T.entries = ((S = l.entries) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.map((x) => e.UnbondingDelegationEntry.fromPartial(x))) || [], T; + } }, e.UnbondingDelegationEntry = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.creation_height !== "0" && j.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.initial_balance !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance), l.balance !== "" && j.uint32(34).string(l.balance), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", balance: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.creation_height = v(R.int64()); + T.creation_height = v(N.int64()); break; case 2: - N.completion_time = u.Timestamp.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.completion_time = u.Timestamp.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 3: - N.initial_balance = R.string(); + T.initial_balance = N.string(); break; case 4: - N.balance = R.string(); + T.balance = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ creation_height: C(l.creation_height) ? String(l.creation_height) : "0", completion_time: C(l.completion_time) ? m(l.completion_time) : void 0, initial_balance: C(l.initial_balance) ? String(l.initial_balance) : "", balance: C(l.balance) ? String(l.balance) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.creation_height !== void 0 && (I.creation_height = l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && (I.completion_time = h(l.completion_time).toISOString()), l.initial_balance !== void 0 && (I.initial_balance = l.initial_balance), l.balance !== void 0 && (I.balance = l.balance), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ creation_height: I(l.creation_height) ? String(l.creation_height) : "0", completion_time: I(l.completion_time) ? m(l.completion_time) : void 0, initial_balance: I(l.initial_balance) ? String(l.initial_balance) : "", balance: I(l.balance) ? String(l.balance) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.creation_height !== void 0 && (j.creation_height = l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && (j.completion_time = h(l.completion_time).toISOString()), l.initial_balance !== void 0 && (j.initial_balance = l.initial_balance), l.balance !== void 0 && (j.balance = l.balance), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", balance: "" }; - return N.creation_height = (I = l.creation_height) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", N.completion_time = l.completion_time !== void 0 && l.completion_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time) : void 0, N.initial_balance = (R = l.initial_balance) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", N.balance = (k = l.balance) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", N; - } }, e.RedelegationEntry = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.creation_height !== "0" && I.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.initial_balance !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance), l.shares_dst !== "" && I.uint32(34).string(l.shares_dst), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", shares_dst: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S; + const T = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", balance: "" }; + return T.creation_height = (j = l.creation_height) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", T.completion_time = l.completion_time !== void 0 && l.completion_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time) : void 0, T.initial_balance = (N = l.initial_balance) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", T.balance = (S = l.balance) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", T; + } }, e.RedelegationEntry = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.creation_height !== "0" && j.uint32(8).int64(l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && u.Timestamp.encode(l.completion_time, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.initial_balance !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.initial_balance), l.shares_dst !== "" && j.uint32(34).string(l.shares_dst), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", shares_dst: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.creation_height = v(R.int64()); + T.creation_height = v(N.int64()); break; case 2: - N.completion_time = u.Timestamp.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.completion_time = u.Timestamp.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 3: - N.initial_balance = R.string(); + T.initial_balance = N.string(); break; case 4: - N.shares_dst = R.string(); + T.shares_dst = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ creation_height: C(l.creation_height) ? String(l.creation_height) : "0", completion_time: C(l.completion_time) ? m(l.completion_time) : void 0, initial_balance: C(l.initial_balance) ? String(l.initial_balance) : "", shares_dst: C(l.shares_dst) ? String(l.shares_dst) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.creation_height !== void 0 && (I.creation_height = l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && (I.completion_time = h(l.completion_time).toISOString()), l.initial_balance !== void 0 && (I.initial_balance = l.initial_balance), l.shares_dst !== void 0 && (I.shares_dst = l.shares_dst), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ creation_height: I(l.creation_height) ? String(l.creation_height) : "0", completion_time: I(l.completion_time) ? m(l.completion_time) : void 0, initial_balance: I(l.initial_balance) ? String(l.initial_balance) : "", shares_dst: I(l.shares_dst) ? String(l.shares_dst) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.creation_height !== void 0 && (j.creation_height = l.creation_height), l.completion_time !== void 0 && (j.completion_time = h(l.completion_time).toISOString()), l.initial_balance !== void 0 && (j.initial_balance = l.initial_balance), l.shares_dst !== void 0 && (j.shares_dst = l.shares_dst), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", shares_dst: "" }; - return N.creation_height = (I = l.creation_height) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", N.completion_time = l.completion_time !== void 0 && l.completion_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time) : void 0, N.initial_balance = (R = l.initial_balance) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", N.shares_dst = (k = l.shares_dst) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", N; - } }, e.Redelegation = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.delegator_address !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address); - for (const R of l.entries) - e.RedelegationEntry.encode(R, I.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", entries: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S; + const T = { creation_height: "0", completion_time: void 0, initial_balance: "", shares_dst: "" }; + return T.creation_height = (j = l.creation_height) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", T.completion_time = l.completion_time !== void 0 && l.completion_time !== null ? u.Timestamp.fromPartial(l.completion_time) : void 0, T.initial_balance = (N = l.initial_balance) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", T.shares_dst = (S = l.shares_dst) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", T; + } }, e.Redelegation = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.delegator_address !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.validator_dst_address); + for (const N of l.entries) + e.RedelegationEntry.encode(N, j.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", entries: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.delegator_address = R.string(); + T.delegator_address = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.validator_src_address = R.string(); + T.validator_src_address = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.validator_dst_address = R.string(); + T.validator_dst_address = N.string(); break; case 4: - N.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntry.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntry.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: C(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_src_address: C(l.validator_src_address) ? String(l.validator_src_address) : "", validator_dst_address: C(l.validator_dst_address) ? String(l.validator_dst_address) : "", entries: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.entries) ? l.entries.map((I) => e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (I.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== void 0 && (I.validator_src_address = l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== void 0 && (I.validator_dst_address = l.validator_dst_address), l.entries ? I.entries = l.entries.map((R) => R ? e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.entries = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegator_address: I(l.delegator_address) ? String(l.delegator_address) : "", validator_src_address: I(l.validator_src_address) ? String(l.validator_src_address) : "", validator_dst_address: I(l.validator_dst_address) ? String(l.validator_dst_address) : "", entries: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.entries) ? l.entries.map((j) => e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.delegator_address !== void 0 && (j.delegator_address = l.delegator_address), l.validator_src_address !== void 0 && (j.validator_src_address = l.validator_src_address), l.validator_dst_address !== void 0 && (j.validator_dst_address = l.validator_dst_address), l.entries ? j.entries = l.entries.map((N) => N ? e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.entries = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N; - const A = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", entries: [] }; - return A.delegator_address = (I = l.delegator_address) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", A.validator_src_address = (R = l.validator_src_address) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", A.validator_dst_address = (k = l.validator_dst_address) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", A.entries = ((N = l.entries) === null || N === void 0 ? void 0 : N.map((w) => e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(w))) || [], A; - } }, e.Params = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && r.Duration.encode(l.unbonding_time, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.max_validators !== 0 && I.uint32(16).uint32(l.max_validators), l.max_entries !== 0 && I.uint32(24).uint32(l.max_entries), l.historical_entries !== 0 && I.uint32(32).uint32(l.historical_entries), l.bond_denom !== "" && I.uint32(42).string(l.bond_denom), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { unbonding_time: void 0, max_validators: 0, max_entries: 0, historical_entries: 0, bond_denom: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S, T; + const x = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", entries: [] }; + return x.delegator_address = (j = l.delegator_address) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", x.validator_src_address = (N = l.validator_src_address) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", x.validator_dst_address = (S = l.validator_dst_address) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", x.entries = ((T = l.entries) === null || T === void 0 ? void 0 : T.map((k) => e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(k))) || [], x; + } }, e.Params = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && r.Duration.encode(l.unbonding_time, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.max_validators !== 0 && j.uint32(16).uint32(l.max_validators), l.max_entries !== 0 && j.uint32(24).uint32(l.max_entries), l.historical_entries !== 0 && j.uint32(32).uint32(l.historical_entries), l.bond_denom !== "" && j.uint32(42).string(l.bond_denom), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { unbonding_time: void 0, max_validators: 0, max_entries: 0, historical_entries: 0, bond_denom: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.unbonding_time = r.Duration.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.unbonding_time = r.Duration.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.max_validators = R.uint32(); + T.max_validators = N.uint32(); break; case 3: - N.max_entries = R.uint32(); + T.max_entries = N.uint32(); break; case 4: - N.historical_entries = R.uint32(); + T.historical_entries = N.uint32(); break; case 5: - N.bond_denom = R.string(); + T.bond_denom = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ unbonding_time: C(l.unbonding_time) ? r.Duration.fromJSON(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, max_validators: C(l.max_validators) ? Number(l.max_validators) : 0, max_entries: C(l.max_entries) ? Number(l.max_entries) : 0, historical_entries: C(l.historical_entries) ? Number(l.historical_entries) : 0, bond_denom: C(l.bond_denom) ? String(l.bond_denom) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && (I.unbonding_time = l.unbonding_time ? r.Duration.toJSON(l.unbonding_time) : void 0), l.max_validators !== void 0 && (I.max_validators = Math.round(l.max_validators)), l.max_entries !== void 0 && (I.max_entries = Math.round(l.max_entries)), l.historical_entries !== void 0 && (I.historical_entries = Math.round(l.historical_entries)), l.bond_denom !== void 0 && (I.bond_denom = l.bond_denom), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ unbonding_time: I(l.unbonding_time) ? r.Duration.fromJSON(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, max_validators: I(l.max_validators) ? Number(l.max_validators) : 0, max_entries: I(l.max_entries) ? Number(l.max_entries) : 0, historical_entries: I(l.historical_entries) ? Number(l.historical_entries) : 0, bond_denom: I(l.bond_denom) ? String(l.bond_denom) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && (j.unbonding_time = l.unbonding_time ? r.Duration.toJSON(l.unbonding_time) : void 0), l.max_validators !== void 0 && (j.max_validators = Math.round(l.max_validators)), l.max_entries !== void 0 && (j.max_entries = Math.round(l.max_entries)), l.historical_entries !== void 0 && (j.historical_entries = Math.round(l.historical_entries)), l.bond_denom !== void 0 && (j.bond_denom = l.bond_denom), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N; - const A = { unbonding_time: void 0, max_validators: 0, max_entries: 0, historical_entries: 0, bond_denom: "" }; - return A.unbonding_time = l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && l.unbonding_time !== null ? r.Duration.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, A.max_validators = (I = l.max_validators) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : 0, A.max_entries = (R = l.max_entries) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : 0, A.historical_entries = (k = l.historical_entries) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : 0, A.bond_denom = (N = l.bond_denom) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", A; - } }, e.DelegationResponse = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegation !== void 0 && e.Delegation.encode(l.delegation, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.balance !== void 0 && n.Coin.encode(l.balance, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { delegation: void 0, balance: void 0 }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S, T; + const x = { unbonding_time: void 0, max_validators: 0, max_entries: 0, historical_entries: 0, bond_denom: "" }; + return x.unbonding_time = l.unbonding_time !== void 0 && l.unbonding_time !== null ? r.Duration.fromPartial(l.unbonding_time) : void 0, x.max_validators = (j = l.max_validators) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : 0, x.max_entries = (N = l.max_entries) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : 0, x.historical_entries = (S = l.historical_entries) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, x.bond_denom = (T = l.bond_denom) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", x; + } }, e.DelegationResponse = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.delegation !== void 0 && e.Delegation.encode(l.delegation, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.balance !== void 0 && n.Coin.encode(l.balance, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { delegation: void 0, balance: void 0 }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.delegation = e.Delegation.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.delegation = e.Delegation.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.balance = n.Coin.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.balance = n.Coin.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegation: C(l.delegation) ? e.Delegation.fromJSON(l.delegation) : void 0, balance: C(l.balance) ? n.Coin.fromJSON(l.balance) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.delegation !== void 0 && (I.delegation = l.delegation ? e.Delegation.toJSON(l.delegation) : void 0), l.balance !== void 0 && (I.balance = l.balance ? n.Coin.toJSON(l.balance) : void 0), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ delegation: I(l.delegation) ? e.Delegation.fromJSON(l.delegation) : void 0, balance: I(l.balance) ? n.Coin.fromJSON(l.balance) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.delegation !== void 0 && (j.delegation = l.delegation ? e.Delegation.toJSON(l.delegation) : void 0), l.balance !== void 0 && (j.balance = l.balance ? n.Coin.toJSON(l.balance) : void 0), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - const I = { delegation: void 0, balance: void 0 }; - return I.delegation = l.delegation !== void 0 && l.delegation !== null ? e.Delegation.fromPartial(l.delegation) : void 0, I.balance = l.balance !== void 0 && l.balance !== null ? n.Coin.fromPartial(l.balance) : void 0, I; - } }, e.RedelegationEntryResponse = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.redelegation_entry !== void 0 && e.RedelegationEntry.encode(l.redelegation_entry, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.balance !== "" && I.uint32(34).string(l.balance), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { redelegation_entry: void 0, balance: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + const j = { delegation: void 0, balance: void 0 }; + return j.delegation = l.delegation !== void 0 && l.delegation !== null ? e.Delegation.fromPartial(l.delegation) : void 0, j.balance = l.balance !== void 0 && l.balance !== null ? n.Coin.fromPartial(l.balance) : void 0, j; + } }, e.RedelegationEntryResponse = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.redelegation_entry !== void 0 && e.RedelegationEntry.encode(l.redelegation_entry, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.balance !== "" && j.uint32(34).string(l.balance), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { redelegation_entry: void 0, balance: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.redelegation_entry = e.RedelegationEntry.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.redelegation_entry = e.RedelegationEntry.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 4: - N.balance = R.string(); + T.balance = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ redelegation_entry: C(l.redelegation_entry) ? e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(l.redelegation_entry) : void 0, balance: C(l.balance) ? String(l.balance) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.redelegation_entry !== void 0 && (I.redelegation_entry = l.redelegation_entry ? e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(l.redelegation_entry) : void 0), l.balance !== void 0 && (I.balance = l.balance), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ redelegation_entry: I(l.redelegation_entry) ? e.RedelegationEntry.fromJSON(l.redelegation_entry) : void 0, balance: I(l.balance) ? String(l.balance) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.redelegation_entry !== void 0 && (j.redelegation_entry = l.redelegation_entry ? e.RedelegationEntry.toJSON(l.redelegation_entry) : void 0), l.balance !== void 0 && (j.balance = l.balance), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { redelegation_entry: void 0, balance: "" }; - return R.redelegation_entry = l.redelegation_entry !== void 0 && l.redelegation_entry !== null ? e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(l.redelegation_entry) : void 0, R.balance = (I = l.balance) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", R; - } }, e.RedelegationResponse = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.redelegation !== void 0 && e.Redelegation.encode(l.redelegation, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const R of l.entries) - e.RedelegationEntryResponse.encode(R, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { redelegation: void 0, entries: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { redelegation_entry: void 0, balance: "" }; + return N.redelegation_entry = l.redelegation_entry !== void 0 && l.redelegation_entry !== null ? e.RedelegationEntry.fromPartial(l.redelegation_entry) : void 0, N.balance = (j = l.balance) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", N; + } }, e.RedelegationResponse = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.redelegation !== void 0 && e.Redelegation.encode(l.redelegation, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const N of l.entries) + e.RedelegationEntryResponse.encode(N, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { redelegation: void 0, entries: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.redelegation = e.Redelegation.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.redelegation = e.Redelegation.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntryResponse.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.entries.push(e.RedelegationEntryResponse.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ redelegation: C(l.redelegation) ? e.Redelegation.fromJSON(l.redelegation) : void 0, entries: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.entries) ? l.entries.map((I) => e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.redelegation !== void 0 && (I.redelegation = l.redelegation ? e.Redelegation.toJSON(l.redelegation) : void 0), l.entries ? I.entries = l.entries.map((R) => R ? e.RedelegationEntryResponse.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.entries = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ redelegation: I(l.redelegation) ? e.Redelegation.fromJSON(l.redelegation) : void 0, entries: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.entries) ? l.entries.map((j) => e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.redelegation !== void 0 && (j.redelegation = l.redelegation ? e.Redelegation.toJSON(l.redelegation) : void 0), l.entries ? j.entries = l.entries.map((N) => N ? e.RedelegationEntryResponse.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.entries = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { redelegation: void 0, entries: [] }; - return R.redelegation = l.redelegation !== void 0 && l.redelegation !== null ? e.Redelegation.fromPartial(l.redelegation) : void 0, R.entries = ((I = l.entries) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromPartial(k))) || [], R; - } }, e.Pool = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.not_bonded_tokens !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.not_bonded_tokens), l.bonded_tokens !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.bonded_tokens), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { not_bonded_tokens: "", bonded_tokens: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { redelegation: void 0, entries: [] }; + return N.redelegation = l.redelegation !== void 0 && l.redelegation !== null ? e.Redelegation.fromPartial(l.redelegation) : void 0, N.entries = ((j = l.entries) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => e.RedelegationEntryResponse.fromPartial(S))) || [], N; + } }, e.Pool = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.not_bonded_tokens !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.not_bonded_tokens), l.bonded_tokens !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.bonded_tokens), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { not_bonded_tokens: "", bonded_tokens: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.not_bonded_tokens = R.string(); + T.not_bonded_tokens = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.bonded_tokens = R.string(); + T.bonded_tokens = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ not_bonded_tokens: C(l.not_bonded_tokens) ? String(l.not_bonded_tokens) : "", bonded_tokens: C(l.bonded_tokens) ? String(l.bonded_tokens) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.not_bonded_tokens !== void 0 && (I.not_bonded_tokens = l.not_bonded_tokens), l.bonded_tokens !== void 0 && (I.bonded_tokens = l.bonded_tokens), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ not_bonded_tokens: I(l.not_bonded_tokens) ? String(l.not_bonded_tokens) : "", bonded_tokens: I(l.bonded_tokens) ? String(l.bonded_tokens) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.not_bonded_tokens !== void 0 && (j.not_bonded_tokens = l.not_bonded_tokens), l.bonded_tokens !== void 0 && (j.bonded_tokens = l.bonded_tokens), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R; - const k = { not_bonded_tokens: "", bonded_tokens: "" }; - return k.not_bonded_tokens = (I = l.not_bonded_tokens) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", k.bonded_tokens = (R = l.bonded_tokens) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", k; + var j, N; + const S = { not_bonded_tokens: "", bonded_tokens: "" }; + return S.not_bonded_tokens = (j = l.not_bonded_tokens) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", S.bonded_tokens = (N = l.bonded_tokens) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", S; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 7704: function(J, e, b) { + }, 7704: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), Object.defineProperty(c, v, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h[m]; } }); } : function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), c[v] = h[m]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { Object.defineProperty(c, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: h }); } : function(c, h) { c.default = h; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { if (c && c.__esModule) return c; var h = {}; if (c != null) for (var m in c) m !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, m) && E(h, c, m); - return M(h, c), h; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { + return R(h, c), h; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgUndelegateResponse = e.MsgUndelegate = e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse = e.MsgBeginRedelegate = e.MsgDelegateResponse = e.MsgDelegate = e.MsgEditValidatorResponse = e.MsgEditValidator = e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse = e.MsgCreateValidator = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2572), u = b(4191), s = b(2976), r = b(5090); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2572), u = y(4191), s = y(2976), r = y(5090); function n(c) { return { seconds: Math.trunc(c.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: c.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } @@ -21316,111 +21654,111 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.staking.v1beta1", e.MsgCreateValidator = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.description !== void 0 && d.Description.encode(c.description, h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), c.commission !== void 0 && d.CommissionRates.encode(c.commission, h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), c.min_self_delegation !== "" && h.uint32(26).string(c.min_self_delegation), c.delegator_address !== "" && h.uint32(34).string(c.delegator_address), c.validator_address !== "" && h.uint32(42).string(c.validator_address), c.pubkey !== void 0 && u.Any.encode(c.pubkey, h.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), c.value !== void 0 && s.Coin.encode(c.value, h.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { description: void 0, commission: void 0, min_self_delegation: "", delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", pubkey: void 0, value: void 0 }; + const I = { description: void 0, commission: void 0, min_self_delegation: "", delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", pubkey: void 0, value: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.description = d.Description.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.description = d.Description.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 2: - C.commission = d.CommissionRates.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.commission = d.CommissionRates.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.min_self_delegation = m.string(); + I.min_self_delegation = m.string(); break; case 4: - C.delegator_address = m.string(); + I.delegator_address = m.string(); break; case 5: - C.validator_address = m.string(); + I.validator_address = m.string(); break; case 6: - C.pubkey = u.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.pubkey = u.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 7: - C.value = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.value = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ description: f(c.description) ? d.Description.fromJSON(c.description) : void 0, commission: f(c.commission) ? d.CommissionRates.fromJSON(c.commission) : void 0, min_self_delegation: f(c.min_self_delegation) ? String(c.min_self_delegation) : "", delegator_address: f(c.delegator_address) ? String(c.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: f(c.validator_address) ? String(c.validator_address) : "", pubkey: f(c.pubkey) ? u.Any.fromJSON(c.pubkey) : void 0, value: f(c.value) ? s.Coin.fromJSON(c.value) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.description !== void 0 && (h.description = c.description ? d.Description.toJSON(c.description) : void 0), c.commission !== void 0 && (h.commission = c.commission ? d.CommissionRates.toJSON(c.commission) : void 0), c.min_self_delegation !== void 0 && (h.min_self_delegation = c.min_self_delegation), c.delegator_address !== void 0 && (h.delegator_address = c.delegator_address), c.validator_address !== void 0 && (h.validator_address = c.validator_address), c.pubkey !== void 0 && (h.pubkey = c.pubkey ? u.Any.toJSON(c.pubkey) : void 0), c.value !== void 0 && (h.value = c.value ? s.Coin.toJSON(c.value) : void 0), h; }, fromPartial(c) { var h, m, v; - const C = { description: void 0, commission: void 0, min_self_delegation: "", delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", pubkey: void 0, value: void 0 }; - return C.description = c.description !== void 0 && c.description !== null ? d.Description.fromPartial(c.description) : void 0, C.commission = c.commission !== void 0 && c.commission !== null ? d.CommissionRates.fromPartial(c.commission) : void 0, C.min_self_delegation = (h = c.min_self_delegation) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", C.delegator_address = (m = c.delegator_address) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", C.validator_address = (v = c.validator_address) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", C.pubkey = c.pubkey !== void 0 && c.pubkey !== null ? u.Any.fromPartial(c.pubkey) : void 0, C.value = c.value !== void 0 && c.value !== null ? s.Coin.fromPartial(c.value) : void 0, C; + const I = { description: void 0, commission: void 0, min_self_delegation: "", delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", pubkey: void 0, value: void 0 }; + return I.description = c.description !== void 0 && c.description !== null ? d.Description.fromPartial(c.description) : void 0, I.commission = c.commission !== void 0 && c.commission !== null ? d.CommissionRates.fromPartial(c.commission) : void 0, I.min_self_delegation = (h = c.min_self_delegation) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", I.delegator_address = (m = c.delegator_address) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", I.validator_address = (v = c.validator_address) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", I.pubkey = c.pubkey !== void 0 && c.pubkey !== null ? u.Any.fromPartial(c.pubkey) : void 0, I.value = c.value !== void 0 && c.value !== null ? s.Coin.fromPartial(c.value) : void 0, I; } }, e.MsgCreateValidatorResponse = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => h, decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; for (; m.pos < v; ) { - const C = m.uint32(); - m.skipType(7 & C); + const I = m.uint32(); + m.skipType(7 & I); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({}), toJSON: (c) => ({}), fromPartial: (c) => ({}) }, e.MsgEditValidator = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.description !== void 0 && d.Description.encode(c.description, h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), c.validator_address !== "" && h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address), c.commission_rate !== "" && h.uint32(26).string(c.commission_rate), c.min_self_delegation !== "" && h.uint32(34).string(c.min_self_delegation), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { description: void 0, validator_address: "", commission_rate: "", min_self_delegation: "" }; + const I = { description: void 0, validator_address: "", commission_rate: "", min_self_delegation: "" }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.description = d.Description.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.description = d.Description.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 2: - C.validator_address = m.string(); + I.validator_address = m.string(); break; case 3: - C.commission_rate = m.string(); + I.commission_rate = m.string(); break; case 4: - C.min_self_delegation = m.string(); + I.min_self_delegation = m.string(); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ description: f(c.description) ? d.Description.fromJSON(c.description) : void 0, validator_address: f(c.validator_address) ? String(c.validator_address) : "", commission_rate: f(c.commission_rate) ? String(c.commission_rate) : "", min_self_delegation: f(c.min_self_delegation) ? String(c.min_self_delegation) : "" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.description !== void 0 && (h.description = c.description ? d.Description.toJSON(c.description) : void 0), c.validator_address !== void 0 && (h.validator_address = c.validator_address), c.commission_rate !== void 0 && (h.commission_rate = c.commission_rate), c.min_self_delegation !== void 0 && (h.min_self_delegation = c.min_self_delegation), h; }, fromPartial(c) { var h, m, v; - const C = { description: void 0, validator_address: "", commission_rate: "", min_self_delegation: "" }; - return C.description = c.description !== void 0 && c.description !== null ? d.Description.fromPartial(c.description) : void 0, C.validator_address = (h = c.validator_address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", C.commission_rate = (m = c.commission_rate) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", C.min_self_delegation = (v = c.min_self_delegation) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", C; + const I = { description: void 0, validator_address: "", commission_rate: "", min_self_delegation: "" }; + return I.description = c.description !== void 0 && c.description !== null ? d.Description.fromPartial(c.description) : void 0, I.validator_address = (h = c.validator_address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", I.commission_rate = (m = c.commission_rate) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", I.min_self_delegation = (v = c.min_self_delegation) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", I; } }, e.MsgEditValidatorResponse = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => h, decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; for (; m.pos < v; ) { - const C = m.uint32(); - m.skipType(7 & C); + const I = m.uint32(); + m.skipType(7 & I); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({}), toJSON: (c) => ({}), fromPartial: (c) => ({}) }, e.MsgDelegate = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.delegator_address !== "" && h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address), c.validator_address !== "" && h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address), c.amount !== void 0 && s.Coin.encode(c.amount, h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", amount: void 0 }; + const I = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", amount: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.delegator_address = m.string(); + I.delegator_address = m.string(); break; case 2: - C.validator_address = m.string(); + I.validator_address = m.string(); break; case 3: - C.amount = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.amount = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ delegator_address: f(c.delegator_address) ? String(c.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: f(c.validator_address) ? String(c.validator_address) : "", amount: f(c.amount) ? s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.delegator_address !== void 0 && (h.delegator_address = c.delegator_address), c.validator_address !== void 0 && (h.validator_address = c.validator_address), c.amount !== void 0 && (h.amount = c.amount ? s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount) : void 0), h; @@ -21432,50 +21770,50 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; for (; m.pos < v; ) { - const C = m.uint32(); - m.skipType(7 & C); + const I = m.uint32(); + m.skipType(7 & I); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({}), toJSON: (c) => ({}), fromPartial: (c) => ({}) }, e.MsgBeginRedelegate = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.delegator_address !== "" && h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address), c.validator_src_address !== "" && h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_src_address), c.validator_dst_address !== "" && h.uint32(26).string(c.validator_dst_address), c.amount !== void 0 && s.Coin.encode(c.amount, h.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", amount: void 0 }; + const I = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", amount: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.delegator_address = m.string(); + I.delegator_address = m.string(); break; case 2: - C.validator_src_address = m.string(); + I.validator_src_address = m.string(); break; case 3: - C.validator_dst_address = m.string(); + I.validator_dst_address = m.string(); break; case 4: - C.amount = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.amount = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ delegator_address: f(c.delegator_address) ? String(c.delegator_address) : "", validator_src_address: f(c.validator_src_address) ? String(c.validator_src_address) : "", validator_dst_address: f(c.validator_dst_address) ? String(c.validator_dst_address) : "", amount: f(c.amount) ? s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.delegator_address !== void 0 && (h.delegator_address = c.delegator_address), c.validator_src_address !== void 0 && (h.validator_src_address = c.validator_src_address), c.validator_dst_address !== void 0 && (h.validator_dst_address = c.validator_dst_address), c.amount !== void 0 && (h.amount = c.amount ? s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount) : void 0), h; }, fromPartial(c) { var h, m, v; - const C = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", amount: void 0 }; - return C.delegator_address = (h = c.delegator_address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", C.validator_src_address = (m = c.validator_src_address) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", C.validator_dst_address = (v = c.validator_dst_address) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", C.amount = c.amount !== void 0 && c.amount !== null ? s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount) : void 0, C; + const I = { delegator_address: "", validator_src_address: "", validator_dst_address: "", amount: void 0 }; + return I.delegator_address = (h = c.delegator_address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", I.validator_src_address = (m = c.validator_src_address) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "", I.validator_dst_address = (v = c.validator_dst_address) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", I.amount = c.amount !== void 0 && c.amount !== null ? s.Coin.fromPartial(c.amount) : void 0, I; } }, e.MsgBeginRedelegateResponse = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.completion_time !== void 0 && r.Timestamp.encode(c.completion_time, h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { completion_time: void 0 }; + const I = { completion_time: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); - l >>> 3 == 1 ? C.completion_time = r.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()) : m.skipType(7 & l); + l >>> 3 == 1 ? I.completion_time = r.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()) : m.skipType(7 & l); } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ completion_time: f(c.completion_time) ? i(c.completion_time) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.completion_time !== void 0 && (h.completion_time = o(c.completion_time).toISOString()), h; @@ -21485,24 +21823,24 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } }, e.MsgUndelegate = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.delegator_address !== "" && h.uint32(10).string(c.delegator_address), c.validator_address !== "" && h.uint32(18).string(c.validator_address), c.amount !== void 0 && s.Coin.encode(c.amount, h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", amount: void 0 }; + const I = { delegator_address: "", validator_address: "", amount: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.delegator_address = m.string(); + I.delegator_address = m.string(); break; case 2: - C.validator_address = m.string(); + I.validator_address = m.string(); break; case 3: - C.amount = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.amount = s.Coin.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ delegator_address: f(c.delegator_address) ? String(c.delegator_address) : "", validator_address: f(c.validator_address) ? String(c.validator_address) : "", amount: f(c.amount) ? s.Coin.fromJSON(c.amount) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.delegator_address !== void 0 && (h.delegator_address = c.delegator_address), c.validator_address !== void 0 && (h.validator_address = c.validator_address), c.amount !== void 0 && (h.amount = c.amount ? s.Coin.toJSON(c.amount) : void 0), h; @@ -21513,12 +21851,12 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } }, e.MsgUndelegateResponse = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.completion_time !== void 0 && r.Timestamp.encode(c.completion_time, h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { completion_time: void 0 }; + const I = { completion_time: void 0 }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); - l >>> 3 == 1 ? C.completion_time = r.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()) : m.skipType(7 & l); + l >>> 3 == 1 ? I.completion_time = r.Timestamp.decode(m, m.uint32()) : m.skipType(7 & l); } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ completion_time: f(c.completion_time) ? i(c.completion_time) : void 0 }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.completion_time !== void 0 && (h.completion_time = o(c.completion_time).toISOString()), h; @@ -21550,30 +21888,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.staking.v1beta1.Msg", "Undelegate", h).then((m) => e.MsgUndelegateResponse.decode(new t.Reader(m))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 8502: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(v, C, l, I) { - I === void 0 && (I = l), Object.defineProperty(v, I, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return C[l]; + }, 8502: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(v, I, l, j) { + j === void 0 && (j = l), Object.defineProperty(v, j, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return I[l]; } }); - } : function(v, C, l, I) { - I === void 0 && (I = l), v[I] = C[l]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(v, C) { - Object.defineProperty(v, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: C }); - } : function(v, C) { - v.default = C; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(v) { + } : function(v, I, l, j) { + j === void 0 && (j = l), v[j] = I[l]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(v, I) { + Object.defineProperty(v, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: I }); + } : function(v, I) { + v.default = I; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(v) { if (v && v.__esModule) return v; - var C = {}; + var I = {}; if (v != null) for (var l in v) - l !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, l) && E(C, v, l); - return M(C, v), C; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(v) { + l !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(v, l) && E(I, v, l); + return R(I, v), I; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(v) { return v && v.__esModule ? v : { default: v }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data = e.SignatureDescriptor = e.SignatureDescriptors = e.signModeToJSON = e.signModeFromJSON = e.SignMode = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191), u = b(4271); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191), u = y(4271); var s; function r(v) { switch (v) { @@ -21617,138 +21955,138 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.tx.signing.v1beta1", function(v) { v[v.SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "SIGN_MODE_UNSPECIFIED", v[v.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT = 1] = "SIGN_MODE_DIRECT", v[v.SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL = 2] = "SIGN_MODE_TEXTUAL", v[v.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON = 127] = "SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON", v[v.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191 = 191] = "SIGN_MODE_EIP_191", v[v.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(s = e.SignMode || (e.SignMode = {})), e.signModeFromJSON = r, e.signModeToJSON = n, e.SignatureDescriptors = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { + }(s = e.SignMode || (e.SignMode = {})), e.signModeFromJSON = r, e.signModeToJSON = n, e.SignatureDescriptors = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { for (const l of v.signatures) - e.SignatureDescriptor.encode(l, C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + e.SignatureDescriptor.encode(l, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { signatures: [] }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - k >>> 3 == 1 ? R.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor.decode(l, l.uint32())) : l.skipType(7 & k); + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { signatures: [] }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + S >>> 3 == 1 ? N.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor.decode(l, l.uint32())) : l.skipType(7 & S); } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ signatures: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.signatures) ? v.signatures.map((C) => e.SignatureDescriptor.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.signatures ? C.signatures = v.signatures.map((l) => l ? e.SignatureDescriptor.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.signatures = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ signatures: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.signatures) ? v.signatures.map((I) => e.SignatureDescriptor.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.signatures ? I.signatures = v.signatures.map((l) => l ? e.SignatureDescriptor.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.signatures = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C; + var I; const l = { signatures: [] }; - return l.signatures = ((C = v.signatures) === null || C === void 0 ? void 0 : C.map((I) => e.SignatureDescriptor.fromPartial(I))) || [], l; - } }, e.SignatureDescriptor = { encode: (v, C = t.Writer.create()) => (v.public_key !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(v.public_key, C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), v.data !== void 0 && e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(v.data, C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), v.sequence !== "0" && C.uint32(24).uint64(v.sequence), C), decode(v, C) { + return l.signatures = ((I = v.signatures) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((j) => e.SignatureDescriptor.fromPartial(j))) || [], l; + } }, e.SignatureDescriptor = { encode: (v, I = t.Writer.create()) => (v.public_key !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(v.public_key, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), v.data !== void 0 && e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(v.data, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), v.sequence !== "0" && I.uint32(24).uint64(v.sequence), I), decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { public_key: void 0, data: void 0, sequence: "0" }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { public_key: void 0, data: void 0, sequence: "0" }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.public_key = d.Any.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.public_key = d.Any.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; case 2: - R.data = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.data = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; case 3: - R.sequence = l.uint64().toString(); + N.sequence = l.uint64().toString(); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; + return N; }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ public_key: m(v.public_key) ? d.Any.fromJSON(v.public_key) : void 0, data: m(v.data) ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromJSON(v.data) : void 0, sequence: m(v.sequence) ? String(v.sequence) : "0" }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.public_key !== void 0 && (C.public_key = v.public_key ? d.Any.toJSON(v.public_key) : void 0), v.data !== void 0 && (C.data = v.data ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(v.data) : void 0), v.sequence !== void 0 && (C.sequence = v.sequence), C; + const I = {}; + return v.public_key !== void 0 && (I.public_key = v.public_key ? d.Any.toJSON(v.public_key) : void 0), v.data !== void 0 && (I.data = v.data ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(v.data) : void 0), v.sequence !== void 0 && (I.sequence = v.sequence), I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C; + var I; const l = { public_key: void 0, data: void 0, sequence: "0" }; - return l.public_key = v.public_key !== void 0 && v.public_key !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(v.public_key) : void 0, l.data = v.data !== void 0 && v.data !== null ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(v.data) : void 0, l.sequence = (C = v.sequence) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "0", l; - } }, e.SignatureDescriptor_Data = { encode: (v, C = t.Writer.create()) => (v.single !== void 0 && e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.encode(v.single, C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), v.multi !== void 0 && e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.encode(v.multi, C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), C), decode(v, C) { + return l.public_key = v.public_key !== void 0 && v.public_key !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(v.public_key) : void 0, l.data = v.data !== void 0 && v.data !== null ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(v.data) : void 0, l.sequence = (I = v.sequence) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", l; + } }, e.SignatureDescriptor_Data = { encode: (v, I = t.Writer.create()) => (v.single !== void 0 && e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.encode(v.single, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), v.multi !== void 0 && e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.encode(v.multi, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), I), decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.single = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.single = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; case 2: - R.multi = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.multi = e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; + return N; }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ single: m(v.single) ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.fromJSON(v.single) : void 0, multi: m(v.multi) ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.fromJSON(v.multi) : void 0 }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.single !== void 0 && (C.single = v.single ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.toJSON(v.single) : void 0), v.multi !== void 0 && (C.multi = v.multi ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.toJSON(v.multi) : void 0), C; + const I = {}; + return v.single !== void 0 && (I.single = v.single ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.toJSON(v.single) : void 0), v.multi !== void 0 && (I.multi = v.multi ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.toJSON(v.multi) : void 0), I; }, fromPartial(v) { - const C = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; - return C.single = v.single !== void 0 && v.single !== null ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.fromPartial(v.single) : void 0, C.multi = v.multi !== void 0 && v.multi !== null ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.fromPartial(v.multi) : void 0, C; - } }, e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single = { encode: (v, C = t.Writer.create()) => (v.mode !== 0 && C.uint32(8).int32(v.mode), v.signature.length !== 0 && C.uint32(18).bytes(v.signature), C), decode(v, C) { + const I = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; + return I.single = v.single !== void 0 && v.single !== null ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single.fromPartial(v.single) : void 0, I.multi = v.multi !== void 0 && v.multi !== null ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi.fromPartial(v.multi) : void 0, I; + } }, e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Single = { encode: (v, I = t.Writer.create()) => (v.mode !== 0 && I.uint32(8).int32(v.mode), v.signature.length !== 0 && I.uint32(18).bytes(v.signature), I), decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = o(); - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = o(); + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.mode = l.int32(); + N.mode = l.int32(); break; case 2: - R.signature = l.bytes(); + N.signature = l.bytes(); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; + return N; }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ mode: m(v.mode) ? r(v.mode) : 0, signature: m(v.signature) ? c(v.signature) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.mode !== void 0 && (C.mode = n(v.mode)), v.signature !== void 0 && (C.signature = function(l) { - const I = []; - for (const R of l) - I.push(String.fromCharCode(R)); - return h(I.join("")); - }(v.signature !== void 0 ? v.signature : new Uint8Array())), C; + const I = {}; + return v.mode !== void 0 && (I.mode = n(v.mode)), v.signature !== void 0 && (I.signature = function(l) { + const j = []; + for (const N of l) + j.push(String.fromCharCode(N)); + return h(j.join("")); + }(v.signature !== void 0 ? v.signature : new Uint8Array())), I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C, l; - const I = o(); - return I.mode = (C = v.mode) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : 0, I.signature = (l = v.signature) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), I; - } }, e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi = { encode(v, C = t.Writer.create()) { - v.bitarray !== void 0 && u.CompactBitArray.encode(v.bitarray, C.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + var I, l; + const j = o(); + return j.mode = (I = v.mode) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : 0, j.signature = (l = v.signature) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), j; + } }, e.SignatureDescriptor_Data_Multi = { encode(v, I = t.Writer.create()) { + v.bitarray !== void 0 && u.CompactBitArray.encode(v.bitarray, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); for (const l of v.signatures) - e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(l, C.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return C; - }, decode(v, C) { + e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.encode(l, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return I; + }, decode(v, I) { const l = v instanceof t.Reader ? v : new t.Reader(v); - let I = C === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + C; - const R = { bitarray: void 0, signatures: [] }; - for (; l.pos < I; ) { - const k = l.uint32(); - switch (k >>> 3) { + let j = I === void 0 ? l.len : l.pos + I; + const N = { bitarray: void 0, signatures: [] }; + for (; l.pos < j; ) { + const S = l.uint32(); + switch (S >>> 3) { case 1: - R.bitarray = u.CompactBitArray.decode(l, l.uint32()); + N.bitarray = u.CompactBitArray.decode(l, l.uint32()); break; case 2: - R.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l, l.uint32())); + N.signatures.push(e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.decode(l, l.uint32())); break; default: - l.skipType(7 & k); + l.skipType(7 & S); } } - return R; - }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ bitarray: m(v.bitarray) ? u.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(v.bitarray) : void 0, signatures: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.signatures) ? v.signatures.map((C) => e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromJSON(C)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { - const C = {}; - return v.bitarray !== void 0 && (C.bitarray = v.bitarray ? u.CompactBitArray.toJSON(v.bitarray) : void 0), v.signatures ? C.signatures = v.signatures.map((l) => l ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(l) : void 0) : C.signatures = [], C; + return N; + }, fromJSON: (v) => ({ bitarray: m(v.bitarray) ? u.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(v.bitarray) : void 0, signatures: Array.isArray(v == null ? void 0 : v.signatures) ? v.signatures.map((I) => e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(v) { + const I = {}; + return v.bitarray !== void 0 && (I.bitarray = v.bitarray ? u.CompactBitArray.toJSON(v.bitarray) : void 0), v.signatures ? I.signatures = v.signatures.map((l) => l ? e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.toJSON(l) : void 0) : I.signatures = [], I; }, fromPartial(v) { - var C; + var I; const l = { bitarray: void 0, signatures: [] }; - return l.bitarray = v.bitarray !== void 0 && v.bitarray !== null ? u.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(v.bitarray) : void 0, l.signatures = ((C = v.signatures) === null || C === void 0 ? void 0 : C.map((I) => e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(I))) || [], l; + return l.bitarray = v.bitarray !== void 0 && v.bitarray !== null ? u.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(v.bitarray) : void 0, l.signatures = ((I = v.signatures) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((j) => e.SignatureDescriptor_Data.fromPartial(j))) || [], l; } }; var i = (() => { if (i !== void 0) @@ -21757,15 +22095,15 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const f = i.atob || ((v) => i.Buffer.from(v, "base64").toString("binary")); function c(v) { - const C = f(v), l = new Uint8Array(C.length); - for (let I = 0; I < C.length; ++I) - l[I] = C.charCodeAt(I); + const I = f(v), l = new Uint8Array(I.length); + for (let j = 0; j < I.length; ++j) + l[j] = I.charCodeAt(j); return l; } const h = i.btoa || ((v) => i.Buffer.from(v, "binary").toString("base64")); @@ -21773,358 +22111,358 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return v != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 6994: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(l, I, R, k) { - k === void 0 && (k = R), Object.defineProperty(l, k, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return I[R]; + }, 6994: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(l, j, N, S) { + S === void 0 && (S = N), Object.defineProperty(l, S, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return j[N]; } }); - } : function(l, I, R, k) { - k === void 0 && (k = R), l[k] = I[R]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(l, I) { - Object.defineProperty(l, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: I }); - } : function(l, I) { - l.default = I; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(l) { + } : function(l, j, N, S) { + S === void 0 && (S = N), l[S] = j[N]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(l, j) { + Object.defineProperty(l, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: j }); + } : function(l, j) { + l.default = j; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(l) { if (l && l.__esModule) return l; - var I = {}; + var j = {}; if (l != null) - for (var R in l) - R !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l, R) && E(I, l, R); - return M(I, l), I; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(l) { + for (var N in l) + N !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l, N) && E(j, l, N); + return R(j, l), j; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(l) { return l && l.__esModule ? l : { default: l }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Fee = e.ModeInfo_Multi = e.ModeInfo_Single = e.ModeInfo = e.SignerInfo = e.AuthInfo = e.TxBody = e.SignDoc = e.TxRaw = e.Tx = e.Txs = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191), u = b(8502), s = b(4271), r = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191), u = y(8502), s = y(4271), r = y(2976); function n() { return { body_bytes: new Uint8Array(), auth_info_bytes: new Uint8Array(), signatures: [] }; } function o() { return { body_bytes: new Uint8Array(), auth_info_bytes: new Uint8Array(), chain_id: "", account_number: "0" }; } - e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.tx.v1beta1", e.Txs = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const R of l.tx) - I.uint32(10).bytes(R); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { tx: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - A >>> 3 == 1 ? N.tx.push(R.bytes()) : R.skipType(7 & A); + e.protobufPackage = "cosmos.tx.v1beta1", e.Txs = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const N of l.tx) + j.uint32(10).bytes(N); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { tx: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + x >>> 3 == 1 ? T.tx.push(N.bytes()) : N.skipType(7 & x); } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ tx: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.tx) ? l.tx.map((I) => c(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.tx ? I.tx = l.tx.map((R) => m(R !== void 0 ? R : new Uint8Array())) : I.tx = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ tx: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.tx) ? l.tx.map((j) => c(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.tx ? j.tx = l.tx.map((N) => m(N !== void 0 ? N : new Uint8Array())) : j.tx = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { tx: [] }; - return R.tx = ((I = l.tx) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => k)) || [], R; - } }, e.Tx = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.body !== void 0 && e.TxBody.encode(l.body, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.auth_info !== void 0 && e.AuthInfo.encode(l.auth_info, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const R of l.signatures) - I.uint32(26).bytes(R); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { body: void 0, auth_info: void 0, signatures: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { tx: [] }; + return N.tx = ((j = l.tx) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => S)) || [], N; + } }, e.Tx = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.body !== void 0 && e.TxBody.encode(l.body, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.auth_info !== void 0 && e.AuthInfo.encode(l.auth_info, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const N of l.signatures) + j.uint32(26).bytes(N); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { body: void 0, auth_info: void 0, signatures: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.body = e.TxBody.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.body = e.TxBody.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.auth_info = e.AuthInfo.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.auth_info = e.AuthInfo.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 3: - N.signatures.push(R.bytes()); + T.signatures.push(N.bytes()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ body: C(l.body) ? e.TxBody.fromJSON(l.body) : void 0, auth_info: C(l.auth_info) ? e.AuthInfo.fromJSON(l.auth_info) : void 0, signatures: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.signatures) ? l.signatures.map((I) => c(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.body !== void 0 && (I.body = l.body ? e.TxBody.toJSON(l.body) : void 0), l.auth_info !== void 0 && (I.auth_info = l.auth_info ? e.AuthInfo.toJSON(l.auth_info) : void 0), l.signatures ? I.signatures = l.signatures.map((R) => m(R !== void 0 ? R : new Uint8Array())) : I.signatures = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ body: I(l.body) ? e.TxBody.fromJSON(l.body) : void 0, auth_info: I(l.auth_info) ? e.AuthInfo.fromJSON(l.auth_info) : void 0, signatures: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.signatures) ? l.signatures.map((j) => c(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.body !== void 0 && (j.body = l.body ? e.TxBody.toJSON(l.body) : void 0), l.auth_info !== void 0 && (j.auth_info = l.auth_info ? e.AuthInfo.toJSON(l.auth_info) : void 0), l.signatures ? j.signatures = l.signatures.map((N) => m(N !== void 0 ? N : new Uint8Array())) : j.signatures = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { body: void 0, auth_info: void 0, signatures: [] }; - return R.body = l.body !== void 0 && l.body !== null ? e.TxBody.fromPartial(l.body) : void 0, R.auth_info = l.auth_info !== void 0 && l.auth_info !== null ? e.AuthInfo.fromPartial(l.auth_info) : void 0, R.signatures = ((I = l.signatures) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => k)) || [], R; - } }, e.TxRaw = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.body_bytes.length !== 0 && I.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes), l.auth_info_bytes.length !== 0 && I.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes); - for (const R of l.signatures) - I.uint32(26).bytes(R); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = n(); - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { body: void 0, auth_info: void 0, signatures: [] }; + return N.body = l.body !== void 0 && l.body !== null ? e.TxBody.fromPartial(l.body) : void 0, N.auth_info = l.auth_info !== void 0 && l.auth_info !== null ? e.AuthInfo.fromPartial(l.auth_info) : void 0, N.signatures = ((j = l.signatures) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => S)) || [], N; + } }, e.TxRaw = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.body_bytes.length !== 0 && j.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes), l.auth_info_bytes.length !== 0 && j.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes); + for (const N of l.signatures) + j.uint32(26).bytes(N); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = n(); + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.body_bytes = R.bytes(); + T.body_bytes = N.bytes(); break; case 2: - N.auth_info_bytes = R.bytes(); + T.auth_info_bytes = N.bytes(); break; case 3: - N.signatures.push(R.bytes()); + T.signatures.push(N.bytes()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ body_bytes: C(l.body_bytes) ? c(l.body_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), auth_info_bytes: C(l.auth_info_bytes) ? c(l.auth_info_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), signatures: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.signatures) ? l.signatures.map((I) => c(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.body_bytes !== void 0 && (I.body_bytes = m(l.body_bytes !== void 0 ? l.body_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 && (I.auth_info_bytes = m(l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 ? l.auth_info_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.signatures ? I.signatures = l.signatures.map((R) => m(R !== void 0 ? R : new Uint8Array())) : I.signatures = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ body_bytes: I(l.body_bytes) ? c(l.body_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), auth_info_bytes: I(l.auth_info_bytes) ? c(l.auth_info_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), signatures: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.signatures) ? l.signatures.map((j) => c(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.body_bytes !== void 0 && (j.body_bytes = m(l.body_bytes !== void 0 ? l.body_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 && (j.auth_info_bytes = m(l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 ? l.auth_info_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.signatures ? j.signatures = l.signatures.map((N) => m(N !== void 0 ? N : new Uint8Array())) : j.signatures = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = n(); - return N.body_bytes = (I = l.body_bytes) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : new Uint8Array(), N.auth_info_bytes = (R = l.auth_info_bytes) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : new Uint8Array(), N.signatures = ((k = l.signatures) === null || k === void 0 ? void 0 : k.map((A) => A)) || [], N; - } }, e.SignDoc = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.body_bytes.length !== 0 && I.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes), l.auth_info_bytes.length !== 0 && I.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes), l.chain_id !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.chain_id), l.account_number !== "0" && I.uint32(32).uint64(l.account_number), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = o(); - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S; + const T = n(); + return T.body_bytes = (j = l.body_bytes) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : new Uint8Array(), T.auth_info_bytes = (N = l.auth_info_bytes) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : new Uint8Array(), T.signatures = ((S = l.signatures) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.map((x) => x)) || [], T; + } }, e.SignDoc = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.body_bytes.length !== 0 && j.uint32(10).bytes(l.body_bytes), l.auth_info_bytes.length !== 0 && j.uint32(18).bytes(l.auth_info_bytes), l.chain_id !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.chain_id), l.account_number !== "0" && j.uint32(32).uint64(l.account_number), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = o(); + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.body_bytes = R.bytes(); + T.body_bytes = N.bytes(); break; case 2: - N.auth_info_bytes = R.bytes(); + T.auth_info_bytes = N.bytes(); break; case 3: - N.chain_id = R.string(); + T.chain_id = N.string(); break; case 4: - N.account_number = v(R.uint64()); + T.account_number = v(N.uint64()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ body_bytes: C(l.body_bytes) ? c(l.body_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), auth_info_bytes: C(l.auth_info_bytes) ? c(l.auth_info_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), chain_id: C(l.chain_id) ? String(l.chain_id) : "", account_number: C(l.account_number) ? String(l.account_number) : "0" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.body_bytes !== void 0 && (I.body_bytes = m(l.body_bytes !== void 0 ? l.body_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 && (I.auth_info_bytes = m(l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 ? l.auth_info_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.chain_id !== void 0 && (I.chain_id = l.chain_id), l.account_number !== void 0 && (I.account_number = l.account_number), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ body_bytes: I(l.body_bytes) ? c(l.body_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), auth_info_bytes: I(l.auth_info_bytes) ? c(l.auth_info_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), chain_id: I(l.chain_id) ? String(l.chain_id) : "", account_number: I(l.account_number) ? String(l.account_number) : "0" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.body_bytes !== void 0 && (j.body_bytes = m(l.body_bytes !== void 0 ? l.body_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 && (j.auth_info_bytes = m(l.auth_info_bytes !== void 0 ? l.auth_info_bytes : new Uint8Array())), l.chain_id !== void 0 && (j.chain_id = l.chain_id), l.account_number !== void 0 && (j.account_number = l.account_number), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N; - const A = o(); - return A.body_bytes = (I = l.body_bytes) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : new Uint8Array(), A.auth_info_bytes = (R = l.auth_info_bytes) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : new Uint8Array(), A.chain_id = (k = l.chain_id) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", A.account_number = (N = l.account_number) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "0", A; - } }, e.TxBody = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const R of l.messages) - d.Any.encode(R, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - l.memo !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.memo), l.timeout_height !== "0" && I.uint32(24).uint64(l.timeout_height); - for (const R of l.extension_options) - d.Any.encode(R, I.uint32(8186).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const R of l.non_critical_extension_options) - d.Any.encode(R, I.uint32(16378).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { messages: [], memo: "", timeout_height: "0", extension_options: [], non_critical_extension_options: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S, T; + const x = o(); + return x.body_bytes = (j = l.body_bytes) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : new Uint8Array(), x.auth_info_bytes = (N = l.auth_info_bytes) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : new Uint8Array(), x.chain_id = (S = l.chain_id) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", x.account_number = (T = l.account_number) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "0", x; + } }, e.TxBody = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const N of l.messages) + d.Any.encode(N, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + l.memo !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.memo), l.timeout_height !== "0" && j.uint32(24).uint64(l.timeout_height); + for (const N of l.extension_options) + d.Any.encode(N, j.uint32(8186).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const N of l.non_critical_extension_options) + d.Any.encode(N, j.uint32(16378).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { messages: [], memo: "", timeout_height: "0", extension_options: [], non_critical_extension_options: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.messages.push(d.Any.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.messages.push(d.Any.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; case 2: - N.memo = R.string(); + T.memo = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.timeout_height = v(R.uint64()); + T.timeout_height = v(N.uint64()); break; case 1023: - N.extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; case 2047: - N.non_critical_extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.non_critical_extension_options.push(d.Any.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ messages: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.messages) ? l.messages.map((I) => d.Any.fromJSON(I)) : [], memo: C(l.memo) ? String(l.memo) : "", timeout_height: C(l.timeout_height) ? String(l.timeout_height) : "0", extension_options: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.extension_options) ? l.extension_options.map((I) => d.Any.fromJSON(I)) : [], non_critical_extension_options: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.non_critical_extension_options) ? l.non_critical_extension_options.map((I) => d.Any.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.messages ? I.messages = l.messages.map((R) => R ? d.Any.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.messages = [], l.memo !== void 0 && (I.memo = l.memo), l.timeout_height !== void 0 && (I.timeout_height = l.timeout_height), l.extension_options ? I.extension_options = l.extension_options.map((R) => R ? d.Any.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.extension_options = [], l.non_critical_extension_options ? I.non_critical_extension_options = l.non_critical_extension_options.map((R) => R ? d.Any.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.non_critical_extension_options = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ messages: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.messages) ? l.messages.map((j) => d.Any.fromJSON(j)) : [], memo: I(l.memo) ? String(l.memo) : "", timeout_height: I(l.timeout_height) ? String(l.timeout_height) : "0", extension_options: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.extension_options) ? l.extension_options.map((j) => d.Any.fromJSON(j)) : [], non_critical_extension_options: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.non_critical_extension_options) ? l.non_critical_extension_options.map((j) => d.Any.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.messages ? j.messages = l.messages.map((N) => N ? d.Any.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.messages = [], l.memo !== void 0 && (j.memo = l.memo), l.timeout_height !== void 0 && (j.timeout_height = l.timeout_height), l.extension_options ? j.extension_options = l.extension_options.map((N) => N ? d.Any.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.extension_options = [], l.non_critical_extension_options ? j.non_critical_extension_options = l.non_critical_extension_options.map((N) => N ? d.Any.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.non_critical_extension_options = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N, A; - const w = { messages: [], memo: "", timeout_height: "0", extension_options: [], non_critical_extension_options: [] }; - return w.messages = ((I = l.messages) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((_) => d.Any.fromPartial(_))) || [], w.memo = (R = l.memo) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", w.timeout_height = (k = l.timeout_height) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "0", w.extension_options = ((N = l.extension_options) === null || N === void 0 ? void 0 : N.map((_) => d.Any.fromPartial(_))) || [], w.non_critical_extension_options = ((A = l.non_critical_extension_options) === null || A === void 0 ? void 0 : A.map((_) => d.Any.fromPartial(_))) || [], w; - } }, e.AuthInfo = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const R of l.signer_infos) - e.SignerInfo.encode(R, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return l.fee !== void 0 && e.Fee.encode(l.fee, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { signer_infos: [], fee: void 0 }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j, N, S, T, x; + const k = { messages: [], memo: "", timeout_height: "0", extension_options: [], non_critical_extension_options: [] }; + return k.messages = ((j = l.messages) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((b) => d.Any.fromPartial(b))) || [], k.memo = (N = l.memo) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", k.timeout_height = (S = l.timeout_height) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", k.extension_options = ((T = l.extension_options) === null || T === void 0 ? void 0 : T.map((b) => d.Any.fromPartial(b))) || [], k.non_critical_extension_options = ((x = l.non_critical_extension_options) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((b) => d.Any.fromPartial(b))) || [], k; + } }, e.AuthInfo = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const N of l.signer_infos) + e.SignerInfo.encode(N, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return l.fee !== void 0 && e.Fee.encode(l.fee, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { signer_infos: [], fee: void 0 }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.signer_infos.push(e.SignerInfo.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.signer_infos.push(e.SignerInfo.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; case 2: - N.fee = e.Fee.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.fee = e.Fee.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ signer_infos: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.signer_infos) ? l.signer_infos.map((I) => e.SignerInfo.fromJSON(I)) : [], fee: C(l.fee) ? e.Fee.fromJSON(l.fee) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.signer_infos ? I.signer_infos = l.signer_infos.map((R) => R ? e.SignerInfo.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.signer_infos = [], l.fee !== void 0 && (I.fee = l.fee ? e.Fee.toJSON(l.fee) : void 0), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ signer_infos: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.signer_infos) ? l.signer_infos.map((j) => e.SignerInfo.fromJSON(j)) : [], fee: I(l.fee) ? e.Fee.fromJSON(l.fee) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.signer_infos ? j.signer_infos = l.signer_infos.map((N) => N ? e.SignerInfo.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.signer_infos = [], l.fee !== void 0 && (j.fee = l.fee ? e.Fee.toJSON(l.fee) : void 0), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { signer_infos: [], fee: void 0 }; - return R.signer_infos = ((I = l.signer_infos) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => e.SignerInfo.fromPartial(k))) || [], R.fee = l.fee !== void 0 && l.fee !== null ? e.Fee.fromPartial(l.fee) : void 0, R; - } }, e.SignerInfo = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.public_key !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(l.public_key, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.mode_info !== void 0 && e.ModeInfo.encode(l.mode_info, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.sequence !== "0" && I.uint32(24).uint64(l.sequence), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { public_key: void 0, mode_info: void 0, sequence: "0" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { signer_infos: [], fee: void 0 }; + return N.signer_infos = ((j = l.signer_infos) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => e.SignerInfo.fromPartial(S))) || [], N.fee = l.fee !== void 0 && l.fee !== null ? e.Fee.fromPartial(l.fee) : void 0, N; + } }, e.SignerInfo = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.public_key !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(l.public_key, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.mode_info !== void 0 && e.ModeInfo.encode(l.mode_info, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.sequence !== "0" && j.uint32(24).uint64(l.sequence), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { public_key: void 0, mode_info: void 0, sequence: "0" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.public_key = d.Any.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.public_key = d.Any.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.mode_info = e.ModeInfo.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.mode_info = e.ModeInfo.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 3: - N.sequence = v(R.uint64()); + T.sequence = v(N.uint64()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ public_key: C(l.public_key) ? d.Any.fromJSON(l.public_key) : void 0, mode_info: C(l.mode_info) ? e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(l.mode_info) : void 0, sequence: C(l.sequence) ? String(l.sequence) : "0" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.public_key !== void 0 && (I.public_key = l.public_key ? d.Any.toJSON(l.public_key) : void 0), l.mode_info !== void 0 && (I.mode_info = l.mode_info ? e.ModeInfo.toJSON(l.mode_info) : void 0), l.sequence !== void 0 && (I.sequence = l.sequence), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ public_key: I(l.public_key) ? d.Any.fromJSON(l.public_key) : void 0, mode_info: I(l.mode_info) ? e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(l.mode_info) : void 0, sequence: I(l.sequence) ? String(l.sequence) : "0" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.public_key !== void 0 && (j.public_key = l.public_key ? d.Any.toJSON(l.public_key) : void 0), l.mode_info !== void 0 && (j.mode_info = l.mode_info ? e.ModeInfo.toJSON(l.mode_info) : void 0), l.sequence !== void 0 && (j.sequence = l.sequence), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { public_key: void 0, mode_info: void 0, sequence: "0" }; - return R.public_key = l.public_key !== void 0 && l.public_key !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(l.public_key) : void 0, R.mode_info = l.mode_info !== void 0 && l.mode_info !== null ? e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(l.mode_info) : void 0, R.sequence = (I = l.sequence) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", R; - } }, e.ModeInfo = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.single !== void 0 && e.ModeInfo_Single.encode(l.single, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.multi !== void 0 && e.ModeInfo_Multi.encode(l.multi, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { public_key: void 0, mode_info: void 0, sequence: "0" }; + return N.public_key = l.public_key !== void 0 && l.public_key !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(l.public_key) : void 0, N.mode_info = l.mode_info !== void 0 && l.mode_info !== null ? e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(l.mode_info) : void 0, N.sequence = (j = l.sequence) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", N; + } }, e.ModeInfo = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.single !== void 0 && e.ModeInfo_Single.encode(l.single, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), l.multi !== void 0 && e.ModeInfo_Multi.encode(l.multi, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.single = e.ModeInfo_Single.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.single = e.ModeInfo_Single.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.multi = e.ModeInfo_Multi.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.multi = e.ModeInfo_Multi.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ single: C(l.single) ? e.ModeInfo_Single.fromJSON(l.single) : void 0, multi: C(l.multi) ? e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromJSON(l.multi) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.single !== void 0 && (I.single = l.single ? e.ModeInfo_Single.toJSON(l.single) : void 0), l.multi !== void 0 && (I.multi = l.multi ? e.ModeInfo_Multi.toJSON(l.multi) : void 0), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ single: I(l.single) ? e.ModeInfo_Single.fromJSON(l.single) : void 0, multi: I(l.multi) ? e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromJSON(l.multi) : void 0 }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.single !== void 0 && (j.single = l.single ? e.ModeInfo_Single.toJSON(l.single) : void 0), l.multi !== void 0 && (j.multi = l.multi ? e.ModeInfo_Multi.toJSON(l.multi) : void 0), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - const I = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; - return I.single = l.single !== void 0 && l.single !== null ? e.ModeInfo_Single.fromPartial(l.single) : void 0, I.multi = l.multi !== void 0 && l.multi !== null ? e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromPartial(l.multi) : void 0, I; - } }, e.ModeInfo_Single = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.mode !== 0 && I.uint32(8).int32(l.mode), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { mode: 0 }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - A >>> 3 == 1 ? N.mode = R.int32() : R.skipType(7 & A); + const j = { single: void 0, multi: void 0 }; + return j.single = l.single !== void 0 && l.single !== null ? e.ModeInfo_Single.fromPartial(l.single) : void 0, j.multi = l.multi !== void 0 && l.multi !== null ? e.ModeInfo_Multi.fromPartial(l.multi) : void 0, j; + } }, e.ModeInfo_Single = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.mode !== 0 && j.uint32(8).int32(l.mode), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { mode: 0 }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + x >>> 3 == 1 ? T.mode = N.int32() : N.skipType(7 & x); } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ mode: C(l.mode) ? (0, u.signModeFromJSON)(l.mode) : 0 }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.mode !== void 0 && (I.mode = (0, u.signModeToJSON)(l.mode)), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ mode: I(l.mode) ? (0, u.signModeFromJSON)(l.mode) : 0 }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.mode !== void 0 && (j.mode = (0, u.signModeToJSON)(l.mode)), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { mode: 0 }; - return R.mode = (I = l.mode) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : 0, R; - } }, e.ModeInfo_Multi = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.bitarray !== void 0 && s.CompactBitArray.encode(l.bitarray, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const R of l.mode_infos) - e.ModeInfo.encode(R, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { bitarray: void 0, mode_infos: [] }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { mode: 0 }; + return N.mode = (j = l.mode) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : 0, N; + } }, e.ModeInfo_Multi = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.bitarray !== void 0 && s.CompactBitArray.encode(l.bitarray, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const N of l.mode_infos) + e.ModeInfo.encode(N, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { bitarray: void 0, mode_infos: [] }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.bitarray = s.CompactBitArray.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.bitarray = s.CompactBitArray.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 2: - N.mode_infos.push(e.ModeInfo.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.mode_infos.push(e.ModeInfo.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ bitarray: C(l.bitarray) ? s.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(l.bitarray) : void 0, mode_infos: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.mode_infos) ? l.mode_infos.map((I) => e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(I)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.bitarray !== void 0 && (I.bitarray = l.bitarray ? s.CompactBitArray.toJSON(l.bitarray) : void 0), l.mode_infos ? I.mode_infos = l.mode_infos.map((R) => R ? e.ModeInfo.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.mode_infos = [], I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ bitarray: I(l.bitarray) ? s.CompactBitArray.fromJSON(l.bitarray) : void 0, mode_infos: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.mode_infos) ? l.mode_infos.map((j) => e.ModeInfo.fromJSON(j)) : [] }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.bitarray !== void 0 && (j.bitarray = l.bitarray ? s.CompactBitArray.toJSON(l.bitarray) : void 0), l.mode_infos ? j.mode_infos = l.mode_infos.map((N) => N ? e.ModeInfo.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.mode_infos = [], j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I; - const R = { bitarray: void 0, mode_infos: [] }; - return R.bitarray = l.bitarray !== void 0 && l.bitarray !== null ? s.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(l.bitarray) : void 0, R.mode_infos = ((I = l.mode_infos) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(k))) || [], R; - } }, e.Fee = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const R of l.amount) - r.Coin.encode(R, I.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return l.gas_limit !== "0" && I.uint32(16).uint64(l.gas_limit), l.payer !== "" && I.uint32(26).string(l.payer), l.granter !== "" && I.uint32(34).string(l.granter), I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { amount: [], gas_limit: "0", payer: "", granter: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + var j; + const N = { bitarray: void 0, mode_infos: [] }; + return N.bitarray = l.bitarray !== void 0 && l.bitarray !== null ? s.CompactBitArray.fromPartial(l.bitarray) : void 0, N.mode_infos = ((j = l.mode_infos) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => e.ModeInfo.fromPartial(S))) || [], N; + } }, e.Fee = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const N of l.amount) + r.Coin.encode(N, j.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return l.gas_limit !== "0" && j.uint32(16).uint64(l.gas_limit), l.payer !== "" && j.uint32(26).string(l.payer), l.granter !== "" && j.uint32(34).string(l.granter), j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { amount: [], gas_limit: "0", payer: "", granter: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.amount.push(r.Coin.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; case 2: - N.gas_limit = v(R.uint64()); + T.gas_limit = v(N.uint64()); break; case 3: - N.payer = R.string(); + T.payer = N.string(); break; case 4: - N.granter = R.string(); + T.granter = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ amount: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.amount) ? l.amount.map((I) => r.Coin.fromJSON(I)) : [], gas_limit: C(l.gas_limit) ? String(l.gas_limit) : "0", payer: C(l.payer) ? String(l.payer) : "", granter: C(l.granter) ? String(l.granter) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.amount ? I.amount = l.amount.map((R) => R ? r.Coin.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.amount = [], l.gas_limit !== void 0 && (I.gas_limit = l.gas_limit), l.payer !== void 0 && (I.payer = l.payer), l.granter !== void 0 && (I.granter = l.granter), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ amount: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.amount) ? l.amount.map((j) => r.Coin.fromJSON(j)) : [], gas_limit: I(l.gas_limit) ? String(l.gas_limit) : "0", payer: I(l.payer) ? String(l.payer) : "", granter: I(l.granter) ? String(l.granter) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.amount ? j.amount = l.amount.map((N) => N ? r.Coin.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.amount = [], l.gas_limit !== void 0 && (j.gas_limit = l.gas_limit), l.payer !== void 0 && (j.payer = l.payer), l.granter !== void 0 && (j.granter = l.granter), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N; - const A = { amount: [], gas_limit: "0", payer: "", granter: "" }; - return A.amount = ((I = l.amount) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((w) => r.Coin.fromPartial(w))) || [], A.gas_limit = (R = l.gas_limit) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "0", A.payer = (k = l.payer) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", A.granter = (N = l.granter) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", A; + var j, N, S, T; + const x = { amount: [], gas_limit: "0", payer: "", granter: "" }; + return x.amount = ((j = l.amount) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((k) => r.Coin.fromPartial(k))) || [], x.gas_limit = (N = l.gas_limit) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "0", x.payer = (S = l.payer) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", x.granter = (T = l.granter) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", x; } }; var i = (() => { if (i !== void 0) @@ -22133,55 +22471,55 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const f = i.atob || ((l) => i.Buffer.from(l, "base64").toString("binary")); function c(l) { - const I = f(l), R = new Uint8Array(I.length); - for (let k = 0; k < I.length; ++k) - R[k] = I.charCodeAt(k); - return R; + const j = f(l), N = new Uint8Array(j.length); + for (let S = 0; S < j.length; ++S) + N[S] = j.charCodeAt(S); + return N; } const h = i.btoa || ((l) => i.Buffer.from(l, "binary").toString("base64")); function m(l) { - const I = []; - for (const R of l) - I.push(String.fromCharCode(R)); - return h(I.join("")); + const j = []; + for (const N of l) + j.push(String.fromCharCode(N)); + return h(j.join("")); } function v(l) { return l.toString(); } - function C(l) { + function I(l) { return l != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 8310: function(J, e, b) { + }, 8310: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), Object.defineProperty(o, c, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i[f]; } }); } : function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), o[c] = i[f]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: i }); } : function(o, i) { o.default = i; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { if (o && o.__esModule) return o; var i = {}; if (o != null) for (var f in o) f !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, f) && E(i, o, f); - return M(i, o), i; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(o) { + return R(i, o), i; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(o) { return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.ModuleVersion = e.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal = e.SoftwareUpgradeProposal = e.Plan = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(5090), u = b(4191); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(5090), u = y(4191); function s(o) { return { seconds: Math.trunc(o.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: o.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } @@ -22310,30 +22648,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const c = { name: "", version: "0" }; return c.name = (i = o.name) !== null && i !== void 0 ? i : "", c.version = (f = o.version) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "0", c; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 8644: function(J, e, b) { + }, 8644: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return r[n]; } }); } : function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), s[o] = r[n]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }); } : function(s, r) { s.default = r; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { if (s && s.__esModule) return s; var r = {}; if (s != null) for (var n in s) n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && E(r, s, n); - return M(r, s), r; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { + return R(r, s), r; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse = e.MsgCreateVestingAccount = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976); function u(s) { return s != null; } @@ -22393,30 +22731,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.Msg", "CreateVestingAccount", r).then((n) => e.MsgCreateVestingAccountResponse.decode(new t.Reader(n))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 4191: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4191: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), Object.defineProperty(i, h, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return f[c]; } }); } : function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), i[h] = f[c]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { Object.defineProperty(i, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: f }); } : function(i, f) { i.default = f; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { if (i && i.__esModule) return i; var f = {}; if (i != null) for (var c in i) c !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, c) && E(f, i, c); - return M(f, i), f; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { + return R(f, i), f; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { return i && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Any = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d() { return { type_url: "", value: new Uint8Array() }; } @@ -22458,8 +22796,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const s = u.atob || ((i) => u.Buffer.from(i, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -22474,30 +22812,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return i != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 6138: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6138: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), Object.defineProperty(u, n, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s[r]; } }); } : function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), u[n] = s[r]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { Object.defineProperty(u, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: s }); } : function(u, s) { u.default = s; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { if (u && u.__esModule) return u; var s = {}; if (u != null) for (var r in u) r !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, r) && E(s, u, r); - return M(s, u), s; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { + return R(s, u), s; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Duration = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d(u) { return u != null; } @@ -22527,30 +22865,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const n = { seconds: "0", nanos: 0 }; return n.seconds = (s = u.seconds) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : "0", n.nanos = (r = u.nanos) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : 0, n; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5090: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5090: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), Object.defineProperty(u, n, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return s[r]; } }); } : function(u, s, r, n) { n === void 0 && (n = r), u[n] = s[r]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(u, s) { Object.defineProperty(u, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: s }); } : function(u, s) { u.default = s; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(u) { if (u && u.__esModule) return u; var s = {}; if (u != null) for (var r in u) r !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(u, r) && E(s, u, r); - return M(s, u), s; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { + return R(s, u), s; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(u) { return u && u.__esModule ? u : { default: u }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Timestamp = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d(u) { return u != null; } @@ -22580,30 +22918,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const n = { seconds: "0", nanos: 0 }; return n.seconds = (s = u.seconds) !== null && s !== void 0 ? s : "0", n.nanos = (r = u.nanos) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : 0, n; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 1106: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1106: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), Object.defineProperty(r, i, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n[o]; } }); } : function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), r[i] = n[o]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: n }); } : function(r, n) { r.default = n; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { if (r && r.__esModule) return r; var n = {}; if (r != null) for (var o in r) o !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, o) && E(n, r, o); - return M(n, r), n; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { + return R(n, r), n; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IdentifiedPacketFees = e.PacketFees = e.PacketFee = e.Fee = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(5414), u = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(5414), u = y(2976); function s(r) { return r != null; } @@ -22727,30 +23065,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const o = { packet_id: void 0, packet_fees: [] }; return o.packet_id = r.packet_id !== void 0 && r.packet_id !== null ? d.PacketId.fromPartial(r.packet_id) : void 0, o.packet_fees = ((n = r.packet_fees) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.map((i) => e.PacketFee.fromPartial(i))) || [], o; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 6065: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6065: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), Object.defineProperty(r, i, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n[o]; } }); } : function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), r[i] = n[o]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: n }); } : function(r, n) { r.default = n; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { if (r && r.__esModule) return r; var n = {}; if (r != null) for (var o in r) o !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, o) && E(n, r, o); - return M(n, r), n; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { + return R(n, r), n; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse = e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync = e.MsgPayPacketFeeResponse = e.MsgPayPacketFee = e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayeeResponse = e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee = e.MsgRegisterPayeeResponse = e.MsgRegisterPayee = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(1106), u = b(5414); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(1106), u = y(5414); function s(r) { return r != null; } @@ -22932,30 +23270,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.fee.v1.Msg", "PayPacketFeeAsync", n).then((o) => e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsyncResponse.decode(new t.Reader(o))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 865: function(J, e, b) { + }, 865: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), Object.defineProperty(n, f, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return o[i]; } }); } : function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), n[f] = o[i]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: o }); } : function(n, o) { n.default = o; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { if (n && n.__esModule) return n; var o = {}; if (n != null) for (var i in n) i !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && E(o, n, i); - return M(o, n), o; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(n) { + return R(o, n), o; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(n) { return n && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgTransferResponse = e.MsgTransfer = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976), u = b(5650); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976), u = y(5650); function s(n) { return n.toString(); } @@ -23030,33 +23368,33 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("ibc.applications.transfer.v1.Msg", "Transfer", o).then((i) => e.MsgTransferResponse.decode(new t.Reader(i))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5414: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(k, N, A, w) { - w === void 0 && (w = A), Object.defineProperty(k, w, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return N[A]; + }, 5414: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(S, T, x, k) { + k === void 0 && (k = x), Object.defineProperty(S, k, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return T[x]; } }); - } : function(k, N, A, w) { - w === void 0 && (w = A), k[w] = N[A]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(k, N) { - Object.defineProperty(k, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: N }); - } : function(k, N) { - k.default = N; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(k) { - if (k && k.__esModule) - return k; - var N = {}; - if (k != null) - for (var A in k) - A !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(k, A) && E(N, k, A); - return M(N, k), N; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(k) { - return k && k.__esModule ? k : { default: k }; + } : function(S, T, x, k) { + k === void 0 && (k = x), S[k] = T[x]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(S, T) { + Object.defineProperty(S, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: T }); + } : function(S, T) { + S.default = T; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(S) { + if (S && S.__esModule) + return S; + var T = {}; + if (S != null) + for (var x in S) + x !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(S, x) && E(T, S, x); + return R(T, S), T; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(S) { + return S && S.__esModule ? S : { default: S }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Acknowledgement = e.PacketId = e.PacketState = e.Packet = e.Counterparty = e.IdentifiedChannel = e.Channel = e.orderToJSON = e.orderFromJSON = e.Order = e.stateToJSON = e.stateFromJSON = e.State = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(5650); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(5650); var u, s; - function r(k) { - switch (k) { + function r(S) { + switch (S) { case 0: case "STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED": return u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED; @@ -23076,8 +23414,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return u.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function n(k) { - switch (k) { + function n(S) { + switch (S) { case u.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED: return "STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED"; case u.STATE_INIT: @@ -23092,8 +23430,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "UNKNOWN"; } } - function o(k) { - switch (k) { + function o(S) { + switch (S) { case 0: case "ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED": return s.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED; @@ -23107,8 +23445,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return s.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function i(k) { - switch (k) { + function i(S) { + switch (S) { case s.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED: return "ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED"; case s.ORDER_UNORDERED: @@ -23125,246 +23463,246 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function c() { return { port_id: "", channel_id: "", sequence: "0", data: new Uint8Array() }; } - e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.channel.v1", function(k) { - k[k.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED", k[k.STATE_INIT = 1] = "STATE_INIT", k[k.STATE_TRYOPEN = 2] = "STATE_TRYOPEN", k[k.STATE_OPEN = 3] = "STATE_OPEN", k[k.STATE_CLOSED = 4] = "STATE_CLOSED", k[k.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(u = e.State || (e.State = {})), e.stateFromJSON = r, e.stateToJSON = n, function(k) { - k[k.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED", k[k.ORDER_UNORDERED = 1] = "ORDER_UNORDERED", k[k.ORDER_ORDERED = 2] = "ORDER_ORDERED", k[k.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(s = e.Order || (e.Order = {})), e.orderFromJSON = o, e.orderToJSON = i, e.Channel = { encode(k, N = t.Writer.create()) { - k.state !== 0 && N.uint32(8).int32(k.state), k.ordering !== 0 && N.uint32(16).int32(k.ordering), k.counterparty !== void 0 && e.Counterparty.encode(k.counterparty, N.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const A of k.connection_hops) - N.uint32(34).string(A); - return k.version !== "" && N.uint32(42).string(k.version), N; - }, decode(k, N) { - const A = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); - let w = N === void 0 ? A.len : A.pos + N; - const _ = { state: 0, ordering: 0, counterparty: void 0, connection_hops: [], version: "" }; - for (; A.pos < w; ) { - const p = A.uint32(); + e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.channel.v1", function(S) { + S[S.STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "STATE_UNINITIALIZED_UNSPECIFIED", S[S.STATE_INIT = 1] = "STATE_INIT", S[S.STATE_TRYOPEN = 2] = "STATE_TRYOPEN", S[S.STATE_OPEN = 3] = "STATE_OPEN", S[S.STATE_CLOSED = 4] = "STATE_CLOSED", S[S.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(u = e.State || (e.State = {})), e.stateFromJSON = r, e.stateToJSON = n, function(S) { + S[S.ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "ORDER_NONE_UNSPECIFIED", S[S.ORDER_UNORDERED = 1] = "ORDER_UNORDERED", S[S.ORDER_ORDERED = 2] = "ORDER_ORDERED", S[S.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(s = e.Order || (e.Order = {})), e.orderFromJSON = o, e.orderToJSON = i, e.Channel = { encode(S, T = t.Writer.create()) { + S.state !== 0 && T.uint32(8).int32(S.state), S.ordering !== 0 && T.uint32(16).int32(S.ordering), S.counterparty !== void 0 && e.Counterparty.encode(S.counterparty, T.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const x of S.connection_hops) + T.uint32(34).string(x); + return S.version !== "" && T.uint32(42).string(S.version), T; + }, decode(S, T) { + const x = S instanceof t.Reader ? S : new t.Reader(S); + let k = T === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + T; + const b = { state: 0, ordering: 0, counterparty: void 0, connection_hops: [], version: "" }; + for (; x.pos < k; ) { + const p = x.uint32(); switch (p >>> 3) { case 1: - _.state = A.int32(); + b.state = x.int32(); break; case 2: - _.ordering = A.int32(); + b.ordering = x.int32(); break; case 3: - _.counterparty = e.Counterparty.decode(A, A.uint32()); + b.counterparty = e.Counterparty.decode(x, x.uint32()); break; case 4: - _.connection_hops.push(A.string()); + b.connection_hops.push(x.string()); break; case 5: - _.version = A.string(); + b.version = x.string(); break; default: - A.skipType(7 & p); + x.skipType(7 & p); } } - return _; - }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ state: R(k.state) ? r(k.state) : 0, ordering: R(k.ordering) ? o(k.ordering) : 0, counterparty: R(k.counterparty) ? e.Counterparty.fromJSON(k.counterparty) : void 0, connection_hops: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.connection_hops) ? k.connection_hops.map((N) => String(N)) : [], version: R(k.version) ? String(k.version) : "" }), toJSON(k) { - const N = {}; - return k.state !== void 0 && (N.state = n(k.state)), k.ordering !== void 0 && (N.ordering = i(k.ordering)), k.counterparty !== void 0 && (N.counterparty = k.counterparty ? e.Counterparty.toJSON(k.counterparty) : void 0), k.connection_hops ? N.connection_hops = k.connection_hops.map((A) => A) : N.connection_hops = [], k.version !== void 0 && (N.version = k.version), N; - }, fromPartial(k) { - var N, A, w, _; + return b; + }, fromJSON: (S) => ({ state: N(S.state) ? r(S.state) : 0, ordering: N(S.ordering) ? o(S.ordering) : 0, counterparty: N(S.counterparty) ? e.Counterparty.fromJSON(S.counterparty) : void 0, connection_hops: Array.isArray(S == null ? void 0 : S.connection_hops) ? S.connection_hops.map((T) => String(T)) : [], version: N(S.version) ? String(S.version) : "" }), toJSON(S) { + const T = {}; + return S.state !== void 0 && (T.state = n(S.state)), S.ordering !== void 0 && (T.ordering = i(S.ordering)), S.counterparty !== void 0 && (T.counterparty = S.counterparty ? e.Counterparty.toJSON(S.counterparty) : void 0), S.connection_hops ? T.connection_hops = S.connection_hops.map((x) => x) : T.connection_hops = [], S.version !== void 0 && (T.version = S.version), T; + }, fromPartial(S) { + var T, x, k, b; const p = { state: 0, ordering: 0, counterparty: void 0, connection_hops: [], version: "" }; - return p.state = (N = k.state) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : 0, p.ordering = (A = k.ordering) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : 0, p.counterparty = k.counterparty !== void 0 && k.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(k.counterparty) : void 0, p.connection_hops = ((w = k.connection_hops) === null || w === void 0 ? void 0 : w.map((O) => O)) || [], p.version = (_ = k.version) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "", p; - } }, e.IdentifiedChannel = { encode(k, N = t.Writer.create()) { - k.state !== 0 && N.uint32(8).int32(k.state), k.ordering !== 0 && N.uint32(16).int32(k.ordering), k.counterparty !== void 0 && e.Counterparty.encode(k.counterparty, N.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const A of k.connection_hops) - N.uint32(34).string(A); - return k.version !== "" && N.uint32(42).string(k.version), k.port_id !== "" && N.uint32(50).string(k.port_id), k.channel_id !== "" && N.uint32(58).string(k.channel_id), N; - }, decode(k, N) { - const A = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); - let w = N === void 0 ? A.len : A.pos + N; - const _ = { state: 0, ordering: 0, counterparty: void 0, connection_hops: [], version: "", port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; - for (; A.pos < w; ) { - const p = A.uint32(); + return p.state = (T = S.state) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : 0, p.ordering = (x = S.ordering) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : 0, p.counterparty = S.counterparty !== void 0 && S.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(S.counterparty) : void 0, p.connection_hops = ((k = S.connection_hops) === null || k === void 0 ? void 0 : k.map((P) => P)) || [], p.version = (b = S.version) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "", p; + } }, e.IdentifiedChannel = { encode(S, T = t.Writer.create()) { + S.state !== 0 && T.uint32(8).int32(S.state), S.ordering !== 0 && T.uint32(16).int32(S.ordering), S.counterparty !== void 0 && e.Counterparty.encode(S.counterparty, T.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const x of S.connection_hops) + T.uint32(34).string(x); + return S.version !== "" && T.uint32(42).string(S.version), S.port_id !== "" && T.uint32(50).string(S.port_id), S.channel_id !== "" && T.uint32(58).string(S.channel_id), T; + }, decode(S, T) { + const x = S instanceof t.Reader ? S : new t.Reader(S); + let k = T === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + T; + const b = { state: 0, ordering: 0, counterparty: void 0, connection_hops: [], version: "", port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; + for (; x.pos < k; ) { + const p = x.uint32(); switch (p >>> 3) { case 1: - _.state = A.int32(); + b.state = x.int32(); break; case 2: - _.ordering = A.int32(); + b.ordering = x.int32(); break; case 3: - _.counterparty = e.Counterparty.decode(A, A.uint32()); + b.counterparty = e.Counterparty.decode(x, x.uint32()); break; case 4: - _.connection_hops.push(A.string()); + b.connection_hops.push(x.string()); break; case 5: - _.version = A.string(); + b.version = x.string(); break; case 6: - _.port_id = A.string(); + b.port_id = x.string(); break; case 7: - _.channel_id = A.string(); + b.channel_id = x.string(); break; default: - A.skipType(7 & p); + x.skipType(7 & p); } } - return _; - }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ state: R(k.state) ? r(k.state) : 0, ordering: R(k.ordering) ? o(k.ordering) : 0, counterparty: R(k.counterparty) ? e.Counterparty.fromJSON(k.counterparty) : void 0, connection_hops: Array.isArray(k == null ? void 0 : k.connection_hops) ? k.connection_hops.map((N) => String(N)) : [], version: R(k.version) ? String(k.version) : "", port_id: R(k.port_id) ? String(k.port_id) : "", channel_id: R(k.channel_id) ? String(k.channel_id) : "" }), toJSON(k) { - const N = {}; - return k.state !== void 0 && (N.state = n(k.state)), k.ordering !== void 0 && (N.ordering = i(k.ordering)), k.counterparty !== void 0 && (N.counterparty = k.counterparty ? e.Counterparty.toJSON(k.counterparty) : void 0), k.connection_hops ? N.connection_hops = k.connection_hops.map((A) => A) : N.connection_hops = [], k.version !== void 0 && (N.version = k.version), k.port_id !== void 0 && (N.port_id = k.port_id), k.channel_id !== void 0 && (N.channel_id = k.channel_id), N; - }, fromPartial(k) { - var N, A, w, _, p, O; - const U = { state: 0, ordering: 0, counterparty: void 0, connection_hops: [], version: "", port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; - return U.state = (N = k.state) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : 0, U.ordering = (A = k.ordering) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : 0, U.counterparty = k.counterparty !== void 0 && k.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(k.counterparty) : void 0, U.connection_hops = ((w = k.connection_hops) === null || w === void 0 ? void 0 : w.map((T) => T)) || [], U.version = (_ = k.version) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "", U.port_id = (p = k.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", U.channel_id = (O = k.channel_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", U; - } }, e.Counterparty = { encode: (k, N = t.Writer.create()) => (k.port_id !== "" && N.uint32(10).string(k.port_id), k.channel_id !== "" && N.uint32(18).string(k.channel_id), N), decode(k, N) { - const A = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); - let w = N === void 0 ? A.len : A.pos + N; - const _ = { port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; - for (; A.pos < w; ) { - const p = A.uint32(); + return b; + }, fromJSON: (S) => ({ state: N(S.state) ? r(S.state) : 0, ordering: N(S.ordering) ? o(S.ordering) : 0, counterparty: N(S.counterparty) ? e.Counterparty.fromJSON(S.counterparty) : void 0, connection_hops: Array.isArray(S == null ? void 0 : S.connection_hops) ? S.connection_hops.map((T) => String(T)) : [], version: N(S.version) ? String(S.version) : "", port_id: N(S.port_id) ? String(S.port_id) : "", channel_id: N(S.channel_id) ? String(S.channel_id) : "" }), toJSON(S) { + const T = {}; + return S.state !== void 0 && (T.state = n(S.state)), S.ordering !== void 0 && (T.ordering = i(S.ordering)), S.counterparty !== void 0 && (T.counterparty = S.counterparty ? e.Counterparty.toJSON(S.counterparty) : void 0), S.connection_hops ? T.connection_hops = S.connection_hops.map((x) => x) : T.connection_hops = [], S.version !== void 0 && (T.version = S.version), S.port_id !== void 0 && (T.port_id = S.port_id), S.channel_id !== void 0 && (T.channel_id = S.channel_id), T; + }, fromPartial(S) { + var T, x, k, b, p, P; + const B = { state: 0, ordering: 0, counterparty: void 0, connection_hops: [], version: "", port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; + return B.state = (T = S.state) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : 0, B.ordering = (x = S.ordering) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : 0, B.counterparty = S.counterparty !== void 0 && S.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(S.counterparty) : void 0, B.connection_hops = ((k = S.connection_hops) === null || k === void 0 ? void 0 : k.map((C) => C)) || [], B.version = (b = S.version) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "", B.port_id = (p = S.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", B.channel_id = (P = S.channel_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", B; + } }, e.Counterparty = { encode: (S, T = t.Writer.create()) => (S.port_id !== "" && T.uint32(10).string(S.port_id), S.channel_id !== "" && T.uint32(18).string(S.channel_id), T), decode(S, T) { + const x = S instanceof t.Reader ? S : new t.Reader(S); + let k = T === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + T; + const b = { port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; + for (; x.pos < k; ) { + const p = x.uint32(); switch (p >>> 3) { case 1: - _.port_id = A.string(); + b.port_id = x.string(); break; case 2: - _.channel_id = A.string(); + b.channel_id = x.string(); break; default: - A.skipType(7 & p); + x.skipType(7 & p); } } - return _; - }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ port_id: R(k.port_id) ? String(k.port_id) : "", channel_id: R(k.channel_id) ? String(k.channel_id) : "" }), toJSON(k) { - const N = {}; - return k.port_id !== void 0 && (N.port_id = k.port_id), k.channel_id !== void 0 && (N.channel_id = k.channel_id), N; - }, fromPartial(k) { - var N, A; - const w = { port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; - return w.port_id = (N = k.port_id) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", w.channel_id = (A = k.channel_id) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", w; - } }, e.Packet = { encode: (k, N = t.Writer.create()) => (k.sequence !== "0" && N.uint32(8).uint64(k.sequence), k.source_port !== "" && N.uint32(18).string(k.source_port), k.source_channel !== "" && N.uint32(26).string(k.source_channel), k.destination_port !== "" && N.uint32(34).string(k.destination_port), k.destination_channel !== "" && N.uint32(42).string(k.destination_channel), k.data.length !== 0 && N.uint32(50).bytes(k.data), k.timeout_height !== void 0 && d.Height.encode(k.timeout_height, N.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), k.timeout_timestamp !== "0" && N.uint32(64).uint64(k.timeout_timestamp), N), decode(k, N) { - const A = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); - let w = N === void 0 ? A.len : A.pos + N; - const _ = f(); - for (; A.pos < w; ) { - const p = A.uint32(); + return b; + }, fromJSON: (S) => ({ port_id: N(S.port_id) ? String(S.port_id) : "", channel_id: N(S.channel_id) ? String(S.channel_id) : "" }), toJSON(S) { + const T = {}; + return S.port_id !== void 0 && (T.port_id = S.port_id), S.channel_id !== void 0 && (T.channel_id = S.channel_id), T; + }, fromPartial(S) { + var T, x; + const k = { port_id: "", channel_id: "" }; + return k.port_id = (T = S.port_id) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", k.channel_id = (x = S.channel_id) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", k; + } }, e.Packet = { encode: (S, T = t.Writer.create()) => (S.sequence !== "0" && T.uint32(8).uint64(S.sequence), S.source_port !== "" && T.uint32(18).string(S.source_port), S.source_channel !== "" && T.uint32(26).string(S.source_channel), S.destination_port !== "" && T.uint32(34).string(S.destination_port), S.destination_channel !== "" && T.uint32(42).string(S.destination_channel), S.data.length !== 0 && T.uint32(50).bytes(S.data), S.timeout_height !== void 0 && d.Height.encode(S.timeout_height, T.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), S.timeout_timestamp !== "0" && T.uint32(64).uint64(S.timeout_timestamp), T), decode(S, T) { + const x = S instanceof t.Reader ? S : new t.Reader(S); + let k = T === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + T; + const b = f(); + for (; x.pos < k; ) { + const p = x.uint32(); switch (p >>> 3) { case 1: - _.sequence = I(A.uint64()); + b.sequence = j(x.uint64()); break; case 2: - _.source_port = A.string(); + b.source_port = x.string(); break; case 3: - _.source_channel = A.string(); + b.source_channel = x.string(); break; case 4: - _.destination_port = A.string(); + b.destination_port = x.string(); break; case 5: - _.destination_channel = A.string(); + b.destination_channel = x.string(); break; case 6: - _.data = A.bytes(); + b.data = x.bytes(); break; case 7: - _.timeout_height = d.Height.decode(A, A.uint32()); + b.timeout_height = d.Height.decode(x, x.uint32()); break; case 8: - _.timeout_timestamp = I(A.uint64()); + b.timeout_timestamp = j(x.uint64()); break; default: - A.skipType(7 & p); + x.skipType(7 & p); } } - return _; - }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ sequence: R(k.sequence) ? String(k.sequence) : "0", source_port: R(k.source_port) ? String(k.source_port) : "", source_channel: R(k.source_channel) ? String(k.source_channel) : "", destination_port: R(k.destination_port) ? String(k.destination_port) : "", destination_channel: R(k.destination_channel) ? String(k.destination_channel) : "", data: R(k.data) ? v(k.data) : new Uint8Array(), timeout_height: R(k.timeout_height) ? d.Height.fromJSON(k.timeout_height) : void 0, timeout_timestamp: R(k.timeout_timestamp) ? String(k.timeout_timestamp) : "0" }), toJSON(k) { - const N = {}; - return k.sequence !== void 0 && (N.sequence = k.sequence), k.source_port !== void 0 && (N.source_port = k.source_port), k.source_channel !== void 0 && (N.source_channel = k.source_channel), k.destination_port !== void 0 && (N.destination_port = k.destination_port), k.destination_channel !== void 0 && (N.destination_channel = k.destination_channel), k.data !== void 0 && (N.data = l(k.data !== void 0 ? k.data : new Uint8Array())), k.timeout_height !== void 0 && (N.timeout_height = k.timeout_height ? d.Height.toJSON(k.timeout_height) : void 0), k.timeout_timestamp !== void 0 && (N.timeout_timestamp = k.timeout_timestamp), N; - }, fromPartial(k) { - var N, A, w, _, p, O, U; - const T = f(); - return T.sequence = (N = k.sequence) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "0", T.source_port = (A = k.source_port) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", T.source_channel = (w = k.source_channel) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "", T.destination_port = (_ = k.destination_port) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "", T.destination_channel = (p = k.destination_channel) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", T.data = (O = k.data) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), T.timeout_height = k.timeout_height !== void 0 && k.timeout_height !== null ? d.Height.fromPartial(k.timeout_height) : void 0, T.timeout_timestamp = (U = k.timeout_timestamp) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "0", T; - } }, e.PacketState = { encode: (k, N = t.Writer.create()) => (k.port_id !== "" && N.uint32(10).string(k.port_id), k.channel_id !== "" && N.uint32(18).string(k.channel_id), k.sequence !== "0" && N.uint32(24).uint64(k.sequence), k.data.length !== 0 && N.uint32(34).bytes(k.data), N), decode(k, N) { - const A = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); - let w = N === void 0 ? A.len : A.pos + N; - const _ = c(); - for (; A.pos < w; ) { - const p = A.uint32(); + return b; + }, fromJSON: (S) => ({ sequence: N(S.sequence) ? String(S.sequence) : "0", source_port: N(S.source_port) ? String(S.source_port) : "", source_channel: N(S.source_channel) ? String(S.source_channel) : "", destination_port: N(S.destination_port) ? String(S.destination_port) : "", destination_channel: N(S.destination_channel) ? String(S.destination_channel) : "", data: N(S.data) ? v(S.data) : new Uint8Array(), timeout_height: N(S.timeout_height) ? d.Height.fromJSON(S.timeout_height) : void 0, timeout_timestamp: N(S.timeout_timestamp) ? String(S.timeout_timestamp) : "0" }), toJSON(S) { + const T = {}; + return S.sequence !== void 0 && (T.sequence = S.sequence), S.source_port !== void 0 && (T.source_port = S.source_port), S.source_channel !== void 0 && (T.source_channel = S.source_channel), S.destination_port !== void 0 && (T.destination_port = S.destination_port), S.destination_channel !== void 0 && (T.destination_channel = S.destination_channel), S.data !== void 0 && (T.data = l(S.data !== void 0 ? S.data : new Uint8Array())), S.timeout_height !== void 0 && (T.timeout_height = S.timeout_height ? d.Height.toJSON(S.timeout_height) : void 0), S.timeout_timestamp !== void 0 && (T.timeout_timestamp = S.timeout_timestamp), T; + }, fromPartial(S) { + var T, x, k, b, p, P, B; + const C = f(); + return C.sequence = (T = S.sequence) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "0", C.source_port = (x = S.source_port) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", C.source_channel = (k = S.source_channel) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", C.destination_port = (b = S.destination_port) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "", C.destination_channel = (p = S.destination_channel) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", C.data = (P = S.data) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : new Uint8Array(), C.timeout_height = S.timeout_height !== void 0 && S.timeout_height !== null ? d.Height.fromPartial(S.timeout_height) : void 0, C.timeout_timestamp = (B = S.timeout_timestamp) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "0", C; + } }, e.PacketState = { encode: (S, T = t.Writer.create()) => (S.port_id !== "" && T.uint32(10).string(S.port_id), S.channel_id !== "" && T.uint32(18).string(S.channel_id), S.sequence !== "0" && T.uint32(24).uint64(S.sequence), S.data.length !== 0 && T.uint32(34).bytes(S.data), T), decode(S, T) { + const x = S instanceof t.Reader ? S : new t.Reader(S); + let k = T === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + T; + const b = c(); + for (; x.pos < k; ) { + const p = x.uint32(); switch (p >>> 3) { case 1: - _.port_id = A.string(); + b.port_id = x.string(); break; case 2: - _.channel_id = A.string(); + b.channel_id = x.string(); break; case 3: - _.sequence = I(A.uint64()); + b.sequence = j(x.uint64()); break; case 4: - _.data = A.bytes(); + b.data = x.bytes(); break; default: - A.skipType(7 & p); + x.skipType(7 & p); } } - return _; - }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ port_id: R(k.port_id) ? String(k.port_id) : "", channel_id: R(k.channel_id) ? String(k.channel_id) : "", sequence: R(k.sequence) ? String(k.sequence) : "0", data: R(k.data) ? v(k.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(k) { - const N = {}; - return k.port_id !== void 0 && (N.port_id = k.port_id), k.channel_id !== void 0 && (N.channel_id = k.channel_id), k.sequence !== void 0 && (N.sequence = k.sequence), k.data !== void 0 && (N.data = l(k.data !== void 0 ? k.data : new Uint8Array())), N; - }, fromPartial(k) { - var N, A, w, _; + return b; + }, fromJSON: (S) => ({ port_id: N(S.port_id) ? String(S.port_id) : "", channel_id: N(S.channel_id) ? String(S.channel_id) : "", sequence: N(S.sequence) ? String(S.sequence) : "0", data: N(S.data) ? v(S.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(S) { + const T = {}; + return S.port_id !== void 0 && (T.port_id = S.port_id), S.channel_id !== void 0 && (T.channel_id = S.channel_id), S.sequence !== void 0 && (T.sequence = S.sequence), S.data !== void 0 && (T.data = l(S.data !== void 0 ? S.data : new Uint8Array())), T; + }, fromPartial(S) { + var T, x, k, b; const p = c(); - return p.port_id = (N = k.port_id) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", p.channel_id = (A = k.channel_id) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", p.sequence = (w = k.sequence) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "0", p.data = (_ = k.data) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), p; - } }, e.PacketId = { encode: (k, N = t.Writer.create()) => (k.port_id !== "" && N.uint32(10).string(k.port_id), k.channel_id !== "" && N.uint32(18).string(k.channel_id), k.sequence !== "0" && N.uint32(24).uint64(k.sequence), N), decode(k, N) { - const A = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); - let w = N === void 0 ? A.len : A.pos + N; - const _ = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", sequence: "0" }; - for (; A.pos < w; ) { - const p = A.uint32(); + return p.port_id = (T = S.port_id) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", p.channel_id = (x = S.channel_id) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", p.sequence = (k = S.sequence) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "0", p.data = (b = S.data) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), p; + } }, e.PacketId = { encode: (S, T = t.Writer.create()) => (S.port_id !== "" && T.uint32(10).string(S.port_id), S.channel_id !== "" && T.uint32(18).string(S.channel_id), S.sequence !== "0" && T.uint32(24).uint64(S.sequence), T), decode(S, T) { + const x = S instanceof t.Reader ? S : new t.Reader(S); + let k = T === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + T; + const b = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", sequence: "0" }; + for (; x.pos < k; ) { + const p = x.uint32(); switch (p >>> 3) { case 1: - _.port_id = A.string(); + b.port_id = x.string(); break; case 2: - _.channel_id = A.string(); + b.channel_id = x.string(); break; case 3: - _.sequence = I(A.uint64()); + b.sequence = j(x.uint64()); break; default: - A.skipType(7 & p); + x.skipType(7 & p); } } - return _; - }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ port_id: R(k.port_id) ? String(k.port_id) : "", channel_id: R(k.channel_id) ? String(k.channel_id) : "", sequence: R(k.sequence) ? String(k.sequence) : "0" }), toJSON(k) { - const N = {}; - return k.port_id !== void 0 && (N.port_id = k.port_id), k.channel_id !== void 0 && (N.channel_id = k.channel_id), k.sequence !== void 0 && (N.sequence = k.sequence), N; - }, fromPartial(k) { - var N, A, w; - const _ = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", sequence: "0" }; - return _.port_id = (N = k.port_id) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", _.channel_id = (A = k.channel_id) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", _.sequence = (w = k.sequence) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "0", _; - } }, e.Acknowledgement = { encode: (k, N = t.Writer.create()) => (k.result !== void 0 && N.uint32(170).bytes(k.result), k.error !== void 0 && N.uint32(178).string(k.error), N), decode(k, N) { - const A = k instanceof t.Reader ? k : new t.Reader(k); - let w = N === void 0 ? A.len : A.pos + N; - const _ = { result: void 0, error: void 0 }; - for (; A.pos < w; ) { - const p = A.uint32(); + return b; + }, fromJSON: (S) => ({ port_id: N(S.port_id) ? String(S.port_id) : "", channel_id: N(S.channel_id) ? String(S.channel_id) : "", sequence: N(S.sequence) ? String(S.sequence) : "0" }), toJSON(S) { + const T = {}; + return S.port_id !== void 0 && (T.port_id = S.port_id), S.channel_id !== void 0 && (T.channel_id = S.channel_id), S.sequence !== void 0 && (T.sequence = S.sequence), T; + }, fromPartial(S) { + var T, x, k; + const b = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", sequence: "0" }; + return b.port_id = (T = S.port_id) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", b.channel_id = (x = S.channel_id) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", b.sequence = (k = S.sequence) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "0", b; + } }, e.Acknowledgement = { encode: (S, T = t.Writer.create()) => (S.result !== void 0 && T.uint32(170).bytes(S.result), S.error !== void 0 && T.uint32(178).string(S.error), T), decode(S, T) { + const x = S instanceof t.Reader ? S : new t.Reader(S); + let k = T === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + T; + const b = { result: void 0, error: void 0 }; + for (; x.pos < k; ) { + const p = x.uint32(); switch (p >>> 3) { case 21: - _.result = A.bytes(); + b.result = x.bytes(); break; case 22: - _.error = A.string(); + b.error = x.string(); break; default: - A.skipType(7 & p); + x.skipType(7 & p); } } - return _; - }, fromJSON: (k) => ({ result: R(k.result) ? v(k.result) : void 0, error: R(k.error) ? String(k.error) : void 0 }), toJSON(k) { - const N = {}; - return k.result !== void 0 && (N.result = k.result !== void 0 ? l(k.result) : void 0), k.error !== void 0 && (N.error = k.error), N; - }, fromPartial(k) { - var N, A; - const w = { result: void 0, error: void 0 }; - return w.result = (N = k.result) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : void 0, w.error = (A = k.error) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : void 0, w; + return b; + }, fromJSON: (S) => ({ result: N(S.result) ? v(S.result) : void 0, error: N(S.error) ? String(S.error) : void 0 }), toJSON(S) { + const T = {}; + return S.result !== void 0 && (T.result = S.result !== void 0 ? l(S.result) : void 0), S.error !== void 0 && (T.error = S.error), T; + }, fromPartial(S) { + var T, x; + const k = { result: void 0, error: void 0 }; + return k.result = (T = S.result) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : void 0, k.error = (x = S.error) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : void 0, k; } }; var h = (() => { if (h !== void 0) @@ -23373,58 +23711,58 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); - const m = h.atob || ((k) => h.Buffer.from(k, "base64").toString("binary")); - function v(k) { - const N = m(k), A = new Uint8Array(N.length); - for (let w = 0; w < N.length; ++w) - A[w] = N.charCodeAt(w); - return A; + const m = h.atob || ((S) => h.Buffer.from(S, "base64").toString("binary")); + function v(S) { + const T = m(S), x = new Uint8Array(T.length); + for (let k = 0; k < T.length; ++k) + x[k] = T.charCodeAt(k); + return x; } - const C = h.btoa || ((k) => h.Buffer.from(k, "binary").toString("base64")); - function l(k) { - const N = []; - for (const A of k) - N.push(String.fromCharCode(A)); - return C(N.join("")); + const I = h.btoa || ((S) => h.Buffer.from(S, "binary").toString("base64")); + function l(S) { + const T = []; + for (const x of S) + T.push(String.fromCharCode(x)); + return I(T.join("")); } - function I(k) { - return k.toString(); + function j(S) { + return S.toString(); } - function R(k) { - return k != null; + function N(S) { + return S != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 7579: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(_, p, O, U) { - U === void 0 && (U = O), Object.defineProperty(_, U, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return p[O]; + }, 7579: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(b, p, P, B) { + B === void 0 && (B = P), Object.defineProperty(b, B, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return p[P]; } }); - } : function(_, p, O, U) { - U === void 0 && (U = O), _[U] = p[O]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(_, p) { - Object.defineProperty(_, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: p }); - } : function(_, p) { - _.default = p; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(_) { - if (_ && _.__esModule) - return _; + } : function(b, p, P, B) { + B === void 0 && (B = P), b[B] = p[P]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(b, p) { + Object.defineProperty(b, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: p }); + } : function(b, p) { + b.default = p; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(b) { + if (b && b.__esModule) + return b; var p = {}; - if (_ != null) - for (var O in _) - O !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_, O) && E(p, _, O); - return M(p, _), p; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(_) { - return _ && _.__esModule ? _ : { default: _ }; + if (b != null) + for (var P in b) + P !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(b, P) && E(p, b, P); + return R(p, b), p; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(b) { + return b && b.__esModule ? b : { default: b }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse = e.MsgAcknowledgement = e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse = e.MsgTimeoutOnClose = e.MsgTimeoutResponse = e.MsgTimeout = e.MsgRecvPacketResponse = e.MsgRecvPacket = e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse = e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm = e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse = e.MsgChannelCloseInit = e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse = e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm = e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse = e.MsgChannelOpenAck = e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse = e.MsgChannelOpenTry = e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse = e.MsgChannelOpenInit = e.responseResultTypeToJSON = e.responseResultTypeFromJSON = e.ResponseResultType = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(5414), u = b(5650); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(5414), u = y(5650); var s; - function r(_) { - switch (_) { + function r(b) { + switch (b) { case 0: case "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED": return s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED; @@ -23438,8 +23776,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return s.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function n(_) { - switch (_) { + function n(b) { + switch (b) { case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED: return "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED"; case s.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP: @@ -23471,531 +23809,531 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function v() { return { packet: void 0, proof_unreceived: new Uint8Array(), proof_close: new Uint8Array(), proof_height: void 0, next_sequence_recv: "0", signer: "" }; } - function C() { + function I() { return { packet: void 0, acknowledgement: new Uint8Array(), proof_acked: new Uint8Array(), proof_height: void 0, signer: "" }; } - e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.channel.v1", function(_) { - _[_.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", _[_.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP = 1] = "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP", _[_.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 2] = "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS", _[_.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(s = e.ResponseResultType || (e.ResponseResultType = {})), e.responseResultTypeFromJSON = r, e.responseResultTypeToJSON = n, e.MsgChannelOpenInit = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.port_id), _.channel !== void 0 && d.Channel.encode(_.channel, p.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(26).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { port_id: "", channel: void 0, signer: "" }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.channel.v1", function(b) { + b[b.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_UNSPECIFIED", b[b.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP = 1] = "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_NOOP", b[b.RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS = 2] = "RESPONSE_RESULT_TYPE_SUCCESS", b[b.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(s = e.ResponseResultType || (e.ResponseResultType = {})), e.responseResultTypeFromJSON = r, e.responseResultTypeToJSON = n, e.MsgChannelOpenInit = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id), b.channel !== void 0 && d.Channel.encode(b.channel, p.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(26).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { port_id: "", channel: void 0, signer: "" }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.port_id = O.string(); + C.port_id = P.string(); break; case 2: - T.channel = d.Channel.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.channel = d.Channel.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 3: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ port_id: w(_.port_id) ? String(_.port_id) : "", channel: w(_.channel) ? d.Channel.fromJSON(_.channel) : void 0, signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ port_id: k(b.port_id) ? String(b.port_id) : "", channel: k(b.channel) ? d.Channel.fromJSON(b.channel) : void 0, signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = _.port_id), _.channel !== void 0 && (p.channel = _.channel ? d.Channel.toJSON(_.channel) : void 0), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O; - const U = { port_id: "", channel: void 0, signer: "" }; - return U.port_id = (p = _.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", U.channel = _.channel !== void 0 && _.channel !== null ? d.Channel.fromPartial(_.channel) : void 0, U.signer = (O = _.signer) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", U; - } }, e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.channel_id), _.version !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(_.version), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { channel_id: "", version: "" }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + return b.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = b.port_id), b.channel !== void 0 && (p.channel = b.channel ? d.Channel.toJSON(b.channel) : void 0), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P; + const B = { port_id: "", channel: void 0, signer: "" }; + return B.port_id = (p = b.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", B.channel = b.channel !== void 0 && b.channel !== null ? d.Channel.fromPartial(b.channel) : void 0, B.signer = (P = b.signer) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", B; + } }, e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.channel_id), b.version !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(b.version), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { channel_id: "", version: "" }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.channel_id = O.string(); + C.channel_id = P.string(); break; case 2: - T.version = O.string(); + C.version = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ channel_id: w(_.channel_id) ? String(_.channel_id) : "", version: w(_.version) ? String(_.version) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ channel_id: k(b.channel_id) ? String(b.channel_id) : "", version: k(b.version) ? String(b.version) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = _.channel_id), _.version !== void 0 && (p.version = _.version), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O; - const U = { channel_id: "", version: "" }; - return U.channel_id = (p = _.channel_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", U.version = (O = _.version) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", U; - } }, e.MsgChannelOpenTry = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.port_id), _.previous_channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(_.previous_channel_id), _.channel !== void 0 && d.Channel.encode(_.channel, p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _.counterparty_version !== "" && p.uint32(34).string(_.counterparty_version), _.proof_init.length !== 0 && p.uint32(42).bytes(_.proof_init), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(58).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = o(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + return b.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = b.channel_id), b.version !== void 0 && (p.version = b.version), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P; + const B = { channel_id: "", version: "" }; + return B.channel_id = (p = b.channel_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", B.version = (P = b.version) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", B; + } }, e.MsgChannelOpenTry = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id), b.previous_channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(b.previous_channel_id), b.channel !== void 0 && d.Channel.encode(b.channel, p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), b.counterparty_version !== "" && p.uint32(34).string(b.counterparty_version), b.proof_init.length !== 0 && p.uint32(42).bytes(b.proof_init), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(58).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = o(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.port_id = O.string(); + C.port_id = P.string(); break; case 2: - T.previous_channel_id = O.string(); + C.previous_channel_id = P.string(); break; case 3: - T.channel = d.Channel.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.channel = d.Channel.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 4: - T.counterparty_version = O.string(); + C.counterparty_version = P.string(); break; case 5: - T.proof_init = O.bytes(); + C.proof_init = P.bytes(); break; case 6: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 7: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ port_id: w(_.port_id) ? String(_.port_id) : "", previous_channel_id: w(_.previous_channel_id) ? String(_.previous_channel_id) : "", channel: w(_.channel) ? d.Channel.fromJSON(_.channel) : void 0, counterparty_version: w(_.counterparty_version) ? String(_.counterparty_version) : "", proof_init: w(_.proof_init) ? R(_.proof_init) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ port_id: k(b.port_id) ? String(b.port_id) : "", previous_channel_id: k(b.previous_channel_id) ? String(b.previous_channel_id) : "", channel: k(b.channel) ? d.Channel.fromJSON(b.channel) : void 0, counterparty_version: k(b.counterparty_version) ? String(b.counterparty_version) : "", proof_init: k(b.proof_init) ? N(b.proof_init) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = _.port_id), _.previous_channel_id !== void 0 && (p.previous_channel_id = _.previous_channel_id), _.channel !== void 0 && (p.channel = _.channel ? d.Channel.toJSON(_.channel) : void 0), _.counterparty_version !== void 0 && (p.counterparty_version = _.counterparty_version), _.proof_init !== void 0 && (p.proof_init = N(_.proof_init !== void 0 ? _.proof_init : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U, T, z; - const te = o(); - return te.port_id = (p = _.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", te.previous_channel_id = (O = _.previous_channel_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", te.channel = _.channel !== void 0 && _.channel !== null ? d.Channel.fromPartial(_.channel) : void 0, te.counterparty_version = (U = _.counterparty_version) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", te.proof_init = (T = _.proof_init) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : new Uint8Array(), te.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, te.signer = (z = _.signer) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "", te; - } }, e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.version !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.version), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { version: "" }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - z >>> 3 == 1 ? T.version = O.string() : O.skipType(7 & z); + return b.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = b.port_id), b.previous_channel_id !== void 0 && (p.previous_channel_id = b.previous_channel_id), b.channel !== void 0 && (p.channel = b.channel ? d.Channel.toJSON(b.channel) : void 0), b.counterparty_version !== void 0 && (p.counterparty_version = b.counterparty_version), b.proof_init !== void 0 && (p.proof_init = T(b.proof_init !== void 0 ? b.proof_init : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B, C, L; + const re = o(); + return re.port_id = (p = b.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", re.previous_channel_id = (P = b.previous_channel_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", re.channel = b.channel !== void 0 && b.channel !== null ? d.Channel.fromPartial(b.channel) : void 0, re.counterparty_version = (B = b.counterparty_version) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", re.proof_init = (C = b.proof_init) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array(), re.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, re.signer = (L = b.signer) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : "", re; + } }, e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.version !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.version), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { version: "" }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + L >>> 3 == 1 ? C.version = P.string() : P.skipType(7 & L); } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ version: w(_.version) ? String(_.version) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ version: k(b.version) ? String(b.version) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.version !== void 0 && (p.version = _.version), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { + return b.version !== void 0 && (p.version = b.version), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { var p; - const O = { version: "" }; - return O.version = (p = _.version) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", O; - } }, e.MsgChannelOpenAck = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.port_id), _.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(_.channel_id), _.counterparty_channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(26).string(_.counterparty_channel_id), _.counterparty_version !== "" && p.uint32(34).string(_.counterparty_version), _.proof_try.length !== 0 && p.uint32(42).bytes(_.proof_try), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(58).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = i(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + const P = { version: "" }; + return P.version = (p = b.version) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", P; + } }, e.MsgChannelOpenAck = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id), b.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id), b.counterparty_channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(26).string(b.counterparty_channel_id), b.counterparty_version !== "" && p.uint32(34).string(b.counterparty_version), b.proof_try.length !== 0 && p.uint32(42).bytes(b.proof_try), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(58).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = i(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.port_id = O.string(); + C.port_id = P.string(); break; case 2: - T.channel_id = O.string(); + C.channel_id = P.string(); break; case 3: - T.counterparty_channel_id = O.string(); + C.counterparty_channel_id = P.string(); break; case 4: - T.counterparty_version = O.string(); + C.counterparty_version = P.string(); break; case 5: - T.proof_try = O.bytes(); + C.proof_try = P.bytes(); break; case 6: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 7: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ port_id: w(_.port_id) ? String(_.port_id) : "", channel_id: w(_.channel_id) ? String(_.channel_id) : "", counterparty_channel_id: w(_.counterparty_channel_id) ? String(_.counterparty_channel_id) : "", counterparty_version: w(_.counterparty_version) ? String(_.counterparty_version) : "", proof_try: w(_.proof_try) ? R(_.proof_try) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ port_id: k(b.port_id) ? String(b.port_id) : "", channel_id: k(b.channel_id) ? String(b.channel_id) : "", counterparty_channel_id: k(b.counterparty_channel_id) ? String(b.counterparty_channel_id) : "", counterparty_version: k(b.counterparty_version) ? String(b.counterparty_version) : "", proof_try: k(b.proof_try) ? N(b.proof_try) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = _.port_id), _.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = _.channel_id), _.counterparty_channel_id !== void 0 && (p.counterparty_channel_id = _.counterparty_channel_id), _.counterparty_version !== void 0 && (p.counterparty_version = _.counterparty_version), _.proof_try !== void 0 && (p.proof_try = N(_.proof_try !== void 0 ? _.proof_try : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U, T, z, te; - const X = i(); - return X.port_id = (p = _.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", X.channel_id = (O = _.channel_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", X.counterparty_channel_id = (U = _.counterparty_channel_id) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", X.counterparty_version = (T = _.counterparty_version) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", X.proof_try = (z = _.proof_try) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : new Uint8Array(), X.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, X.signer = (te = _.signer) !== null && te !== void 0 ? te : "", X; - } }, e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const T = O.uint32(); - O.skipType(7 & T); + return b.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = b.port_id), b.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = b.channel_id), b.counterparty_channel_id !== void 0 && (p.counterparty_channel_id = b.counterparty_channel_id), b.counterparty_version !== void 0 && (p.counterparty_version = b.counterparty_version), b.proof_try !== void 0 && (p.proof_try = T(b.proof_try !== void 0 ? b.proof_try : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B, C, L, re; + const ee = i(); + return ee.port_id = (p = b.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", ee.channel_id = (P = b.channel_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", ee.counterparty_channel_id = (B = b.counterparty_channel_id) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", ee.counterparty_version = (C = b.counterparty_version) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", ee.proof_try = (L = b.proof_try) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : new Uint8Array(), ee.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, ee.signer = (re = b.signer) !== null && re !== void 0 ? re : "", ee; + } }, e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const C = P.uint32(); + P.skipType(7 & C); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.port_id), _.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(_.channel_id), _.proof_ack.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(_.proof_ack), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = f(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({}), toJSON: (b) => ({}), fromPartial: (b) => ({}) }, e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id), b.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id), b.proof_ack.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_ack), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = f(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.port_id = O.string(); + C.port_id = P.string(); break; case 2: - T.channel_id = O.string(); + C.channel_id = P.string(); break; case 3: - T.proof_ack = O.bytes(); + C.proof_ack = P.bytes(); break; case 4: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 5: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ port_id: w(_.port_id) ? String(_.port_id) : "", channel_id: w(_.channel_id) ? String(_.channel_id) : "", proof_ack: w(_.proof_ack) ? R(_.proof_ack) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ port_id: k(b.port_id) ? String(b.port_id) : "", channel_id: k(b.channel_id) ? String(b.channel_id) : "", proof_ack: k(b.proof_ack) ? N(b.proof_ack) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = _.port_id), _.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = _.channel_id), _.proof_ack !== void 0 && (p.proof_ack = N(_.proof_ack !== void 0 ? _.proof_ack : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U, T; - const z = f(); - return z.port_id = (p = _.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", z.channel_id = (O = _.channel_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", z.proof_ack = (U = _.proof_ack) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : new Uint8Array(), z.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, z.signer = (T = _.signer) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", z; - } }, e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const T = O.uint32(); - O.skipType(7 & T); + return b.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = b.port_id), b.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = b.channel_id), b.proof_ack !== void 0 && (p.proof_ack = T(b.proof_ack !== void 0 ? b.proof_ack : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B, C; + const L = f(); + return L.port_id = (p = b.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", L.channel_id = (P = b.channel_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", L.proof_ack = (B = b.proof_ack) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : new Uint8Array(), L.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, L.signer = (C = b.signer) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", L; + } }, e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const C = P.uint32(); + P.skipType(7 & C); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.MsgChannelCloseInit = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.port_id), _.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(_.channel_id), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(26).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", signer: "" }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({}), toJSON: (b) => ({}), fromPartial: (b) => ({}) }, e.MsgChannelCloseInit = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id), b.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(26).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", signer: "" }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.port_id = O.string(); + C.port_id = P.string(); break; case 2: - T.channel_id = O.string(); + C.channel_id = P.string(); break; case 3: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ port_id: w(_.port_id) ? String(_.port_id) : "", channel_id: w(_.channel_id) ? String(_.channel_id) : "", signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ port_id: k(b.port_id) ? String(b.port_id) : "", channel_id: k(b.channel_id) ? String(b.channel_id) : "", signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = _.port_id), _.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = _.channel_id), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U; - const T = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", signer: "" }; - return T.port_id = (p = _.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", T.channel_id = (O = _.channel_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", T.signer = (U = _.signer) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", T; - } }, e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const T = O.uint32(); - O.skipType(7 & T); + return b.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = b.port_id), b.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = b.channel_id), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B; + const C = { port_id: "", channel_id: "", signer: "" }; + return C.port_id = (p = b.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", C.channel_id = (P = b.channel_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", C.signer = (B = b.signer) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", C; + } }, e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const C = P.uint32(); + P.skipType(7 & C); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(_.port_id), _.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(_.channel_id), _.proof_init.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(_.proof_init), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = c(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({}), toJSON: (b) => ({}), fromPartial: (b) => ({}) }, e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.port_id !== "" && p.uint32(10).string(b.port_id), b.channel_id !== "" && p.uint32(18).string(b.channel_id), b.proof_init.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_init), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = c(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.port_id = O.string(); + C.port_id = P.string(); break; case 2: - T.channel_id = O.string(); + C.channel_id = P.string(); break; case 3: - T.proof_init = O.bytes(); + C.proof_init = P.bytes(); break; case 4: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 5: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ port_id: w(_.port_id) ? String(_.port_id) : "", channel_id: w(_.channel_id) ? String(_.channel_id) : "", proof_init: w(_.proof_init) ? R(_.proof_init) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ port_id: k(b.port_id) ? String(b.port_id) : "", channel_id: k(b.channel_id) ? String(b.channel_id) : "", proof_init: k(b.proof_init) ? N(b.proof_init) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = _.port_id), _.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = _.channel_id), _.proof_init !== void 0 && (p.proof_init = N(_.proof_init !== void 0 ? _.proof_init : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U, T; - const z = c(); - return z.port_id = (p = _.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", z.channel_id = (O = _.channel_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", z.proof_init = (U = _.proof_init) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : new Uint8Array(), z.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, z.signer = (T = _.signer) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", z; - } }, e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const T = O.uint32(); - O.skipType(7 & T); + return b.port_id !== void 0 && (p.port_id = b.port_id), b.channel_id !== void 0 && (p.channel_id = b.channel_id), b.proof_init !== void 0 && (p.proof_init = T(b.proof_init !== void 0 ? b.proof_init : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B, C; + const L = c(); + return L.port_id = (p = b.port_id) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", L.channel_id = (P = b.channel_id) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", L.proof_init = (B = b.proof_init) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : new Uint8Array(), L.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, L.signer = (C = b.signer) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", L; + } }, e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => p, decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const C = P.uint32(); + P.skipType(7 & C); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.MsgRecvPacket = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(_.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.proof_commitment.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(_.proof_commitment), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(34).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = h(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({}), toJSON: (b) => ({}), fromPartial: (b) => ({}) }, e.MsgRecvPacket = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(b.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), b.proof_commitment.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(b.proof_commitment), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(34).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = h(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.packet = d.Packet.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.packet = d.Packet.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 2: - T.proof_commitment = O.bytes(); + C.proof_commitment = P.bytes(); break; case 3: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 4: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ packet: w(_.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(_.packet) : void 0, proof_commitment: w(_.proof_commitment) ? R(_.proof_commitment) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ packet: k(b.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet) : void 0, proof_commitment: k(b.proof_commitment) ? N(b.proof_commitment) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = _.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(_.packet) : void 0), _.proof_commitment !== void 0 && (p.proof_commitment = N(_.proof_commitment !== void 0 ? _.proof_commitment : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O; - const U = h(); - return U.packet = _.packet !== void 0 && _.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(_.packet) : void 0, U.proof_commitment = (p = _.proof_commitment) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), U.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, U.signer = (O = _.signer) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", U; - } }, e.MsgRecvPacketResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(_.result), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { result: 0 }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - z >>> 3 == 1 ? T.result = O.int32() : O.skipType(7 & z); + return b.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = b.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet) : void 0), b.proof_commitment !== void 0 && (p.proof_commitment = T(b.proof_commitment !== void 0 ? b.proof_commitment : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P; + const B = h(); + return B.packet = b.packet !== void 0 && b.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet) : void 0, B.proof_commitment = (p = b.proof_commitment) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), B.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, B.signer = (P = b.signer) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "", B; + } }, e.MsgRecvPacketResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(b.result), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { result: 0 }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + L >>> 3 == 1 ? C.result = P.int32() : P.skipType(7 & L); } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ result: w(_.result) ? r(_.result) : 0 }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ result: k(b.result) ? r(b.result) : 0 }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(_.result)), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { + return b.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(b.result)), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { var p; - const O = { result: 0 }; - return O.result = (p = _.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, O; - } }, e.MsgTimeout = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(_.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.proof_unreceived.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(_.proof_unreceived), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _.next_sequence_recv !== "0" && p.uint32(32).uint64(_.next_sequence_recv), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = m(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + const P = { result: 0 }; + return P.result = (p = b.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, P; + } }, e.MsgTimeout = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(b.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), b.proof_unreceived.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(b.proof_unreceived), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), b.next_sequence_recv !== "0" && p.uint32(32).uint64(b.next_sequence_recv), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = m(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.packet = d.Packet.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.packet = d.Packet.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 2: - T.proof_unreceived = O.bytes(); + C.proof_unreceived = P.bytes(); break; case 3: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 4: - T.next_sequence_recv = A(O.uint64()); + C.next_sequence_recv = x(P.uint64()); break; case 5: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ packet: w(_.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(_.packet) : void 0, proof_unreceived: w(_.proof_unreceived) ? R(_.proof_unreceived) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, next_sequence_recv: w(_.next_sequence_recv) ? String(_.next_sequence_recv) : "0", signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ packet: k(b.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet) : void 0, proof_unreceived: k(b.proof_unreceived) ? N(b.proof_unreceived) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, next_sequence_recv: k(b.next_sequence_recv) ? String(b.next_sequence_recv) : "0", signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = _.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(_.packet) : void 0), _.proof_unreceived !== void 0 && (p.proof_unreceived = N(_.proof_unreceived !== void 0 ? _.proof_unreceived : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.next_sequence_recv !== void 0 && (p.next_sequence_recv = _.next_sequence_recv), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U; - const T = m(); - return T.packet = _.packet !== void 0 && _.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(_.packet) : void 0, T.proof_unreceived = (p = _.proof_unreceived) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), T.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, T.next_sequence_recv = (O = _.next_sequence_recv) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", T.signer = (U = _.signer) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", T; - } }, e.MsgTimeoutResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(_.result), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { result: 0 }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - z >>> 3 == 1 ? T.result = O.int32() : O.skipType(7 & z); + return b.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = b.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet) : void 0), b.proof_unreceived !== void 0 && (p.proof_unreceived = T(b.proof_unreceived !== void 0 ? b.proof_unreceived : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.next_sequence_recv !== void 0 && (p.next_sequence_recv = b.next_sequence_recv), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B; + const C = m(); + return C.packet = b.packet !== void 0 && b.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet) : void 0, C.proof_unreceived = (p = b.proof_unreceived) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), C.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, C.next_sequence_recv = (P = b.next_sequence_recv) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : "0", C.signer = (B = b.signer) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", C; + } }, e.MsgTimeoutResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(b.result), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { result: 0 }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + L >>> 3 == 1 ? C.result = P.int32() : P.skipType(7 & L); } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ result: w(_.result) ? r(_.result) : 0 }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ result: k(b.result) ? r(b.result) : 0 }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(_.result)), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { + return b.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(b.result)), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { var p; - const O = { result: 0 }; - return O.result = (p = _.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, O; - } }, e.MsgTimeoutOnClose = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(_.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.proof_unreceived.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(_.proof_unreceived), _.proof_close.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(_.proof_close), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _.next_sequence_recv !== "0" && p.uint32(40).uint64(_.next_sequence_recv), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(50).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = v(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + const P = { result: 0 }; + return P.result = (p = b.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, P; + } }, e.MsgTimeoutOnClose = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(b.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), b.proof_unreceived.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(b.proof_unreceived), b.proof_close.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_close), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), b.next_sequence_recv !== "0" && p.uint32(40).uint64(b.next_sequence_recv), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(50).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = v(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.packet = d.Packet.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.packet = d.Packet.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 2: - T.proof_unreceived = O.bytes(); + C.proof_unreceived = P.bytes(); break; case 3: - T.proof_close = O.bytes(); + C.proof_close = P.bytes(); break; case 4: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 5: - T.next_sequence_recv = A(O.uint64()); + C.next_sequence_recv = x(P.uint64()); break; case 6: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ packet: w(_.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(_.packet) : void 0, proof_unreceived: w(_.proof_unreceived) ? R(_.proof_unreceived) : new Uint8Array(), proof_close: w(_.proof_close) ? R(_.proof_close) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, next_sequence_recv: w(_.next_sequence_recv) ? String(_.next_sequence_recv) : "0", signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ packet: k(b.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet) : void 0, proof_unreceived: k(b.proof_unreceived) ? N(b.proof_unreceived) : new Uint8Array(), proof_close: k(b.proof_close) ? N(b.proof_close) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, next_sequence_recv: k(b.next_sequence_recv) ? String(b.next_sequence_recv) : "0", signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = _.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(_.packet) : void 0), _.proof_unreceived !== void 0 && (p.proof_unreceived = N(_.proof_unreceived !== void 0 ? _.proof_unreceived : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_close !== void 0 && (p.proof_close = N(_.proof_close !== void 0 ? _.proof_close : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.next_sequence_recv !== void 0 && (p.next_sequence_recv = _.next_sequence_recv), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U, T; - const z = v(); - return z.packet = _.packet !== void 0 && _.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(_.packet) : void 0, z.proof_unreceived = (p = _.proof_unreceived) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), z.proof_close = (O = _.proof_close) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), z.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, z.next_sequence_recv = (U = _.next_sequence_recv) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "0", z.signer = (T = _.signer) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : "", z; - } }, e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(_.result), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { result: 0 }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - z >>> 3 == 1 ? T.result = O.int32() : O.skipType(7 & z); + return b.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = b.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet) : void 0), b.proof_unreceived !== void 0 && (p.proof_unreceived = T(b.proof_unreceived !== void 0 ? b.proof_unreceived : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_close !== void 0 && (p.proof_close = T(b.proof_close !== void 0 ? b.proof_close : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.next_sequence_recv !== void 0 && (p.next_sequence_recv = b.next_sequence_recv), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B, C; + const L = v(); + return L.packet = b.packet !== void 0 && b.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet) : void 0, L.proof_unreceived = (p = b.proof_unreceived) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), L.proof_close = (P = b.proof_close) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : new Uint8Array(), L.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, L.next_sequence_recv = (B = b.next_sequence_recv) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "0", L.signer = (C = b.signer) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", L; + } }, e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(b.result), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { result: 0 }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + L >>> 3 == 1 ? C.result = P.int32() : P.skipType(7 & L); } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ result: w(_.result) ? r(_.result) : 0 }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ result: k(b.result) ? r(b.result) : 0 }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(_.result)), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { + return b.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(b.result)), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { var p; - const O = { result: 0 }; - return O.result = (p = _.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, O; - } }, e.MsgAcknowledgement = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(_.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.acknowledgement.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(_.acknowledgement), _.proof_acked.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(_.proof_acked), _.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(_.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(_.signer), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = C(); - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - switch (z >>> 3) { + const P = { result: 0 }; + return P.result = (p = b.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, P; + } }, e.MsgAcknowledgement = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.packet !== void 0 && d.Packet.encode(b.packet, p.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), b.acknowledgement.length !== 0 && p.uint32(18).bytes(b.acknowledgement), b.proof_acked.length !== 0 && p.uint32(26).bytes(b.proof_acked), b.proof_height !== void 0 && u.Height.encode(b.proof_height, p.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), b.signer !== "" && p.uint32(42).string(b.signer), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = I(); + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + switch (L >>> 3) { case 1: - T.packet = d.Packet.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.packet = d.Packet.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 2: - T.acknowledgement = O.bytes(); + C.acknowledgement = P.bytes(); break; case 3: - T.proof_acked = O.bytes(); + C.proof_acked = P.bytes(); break; case 4: - T.proof_height = u.Height.decode(O, O.uint32()); + C.proof_height = u.Height.decode(P, P.uint32()); break; case 5: - T.signer = O.string(); + C.signer = P.string(); break; default: - O.skipType(7 & z); + P.skipType(7 & L); } } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ packet: w(_.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(_.packet) : void 0, acknowledgement: w(_.acknowledgement) ? R(_.acknowledgement) : new Uint8Array(), proof_acked: w(_.proof_acked) ? R(_.proof_acked) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: w(_.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0, signer: w(_.signer) ? String(_.signer) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ packet: k(b.packet) ? d.Packet.fromJSON(b.packet) : void 0, acknowledgement: k(b.acknowledgement) ? N(b.acknowledgement) : new Uint8Array(), proof_acked: k(b.proof_acked) ? N(b.proof_acked) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: k(b.proof_height) ? u.Height.fromJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0, signer: k(b.signer) ? String(b.signer) : "" }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = _.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(_.packet) : void 0), _.acknowledgement !== void 0 && (p.acknowledgement = N(_.acknowledgement !== void 0 ? _.acknowledgement : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_acked !== void 0 && (p.proof_acked = N(_.proof_acked !== void 0 ? _.proof_acked : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = _.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(_.proof_height) : void 0), _.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = _.signer), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { - var p, O, U; - const T = C(); - return T.packet = _.packet !== void 0 && _.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(_.packet) : void 0, T.acknowledgement = (p = _.acknowledgement) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), T.proof_acked = (O = _.proof_acked) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), T.proof_height = _.proof_height !== void 0 && _.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(_.proof_height) : void 0, T.signer = (U = _.signer) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", T; - } }, e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse = { encode: (_, p = t.Writer.create()) => (_.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(_.result), p), decode(_, p) { - const O = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); - let U = p === void 0 ? O.len : O.pos + p; - const T = { result: 0 }; - for (; O.pos < U; ) { - const z = O.uint32(); - z >>> 3 == 1 ? T.result = O.int32() : O.skipType(7 & z); + return b.packet !== void 0 && (p.packet = b.packet ? d.Packet.toJSON(b.packet) : void 0), b.acknowledgement !== void 0 && (p.acknowledgement = T(b.acknowledgement !== void 0 ? b.acknowledgement : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_acked !== void 0 && (p.proof_acked = T(b.proof_acked !== void 0 ? b.proof_acked : new Uint8Array())), b.proof_height !== void 0 && (p.proof_height = b.proof_height ? u.Height.toJSON(b.proof_height) : void 0), b.signer !== void 0 && (p.signer = b.signer), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { + var p, P, B; + const C = I(); + return C.packet = b.packet !== void 0 && b.packet !== null ? d.Packet.fromPartial(b.packet) : void 0, C.acknowledgement = (p = b.acknowledgement) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), C.proof_acked = (P = b.proof_acked) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : new Uint8Array(), C.proof_height = b.proof_height !== void 0 && b.proof_height !== null ? u.Height.fromPartial(b.proof_height) : void 0, C.signer = (B = b.signer) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", C; + } }, e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse = { encode: (b, p = t.Writer.create()) => (b.result !== 0 && p.uint32(8).int32(b.result), p), decode(b, p) { + const P = b instanceof t.Reader ? b : new t.Reader(b); + let B = p === void 0 ? P.len : P.pos + p; + const C = { result: 0 }; + for (; P.pos < B; ) { + const L = P.uint32(); + L >>> 3 == 1 ? C.result = P.int32() : P.skipType(7 & L); } - return T; - }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ result: w(_.result) ? r(_.result) : 0 }), toJSON(_) { + return C; + }, fromJSON: (b) => ({ result: k(b.result) ? r(b.result) : 0 }), toJSON(b) { const p = {}; - return _.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(_.result)), p; - }, fromPartial(_) { + return b.result !== void 0 && (p.result = n(b.result)), p; + }, fromPartial(b) { var p; - const O = { result: 0 }; - return O.result = (p = _.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, O; + const P = { result: 0 }; + return P.result = (p = b.result) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : 0, P; } }, e.MsgClientImpl = class { - constructor(_) { - this.rpc = _, this.ChannelOpenInit = this.ChannelOpenInit.bind(this), this.ChannelOpenTry = this.ChannelOpenTry.bind(this), this.ChannelOpenAck = this.ChannelOpenAck.bind(this), this.ChannelOpenConfirm = this.ChannelOpenConfirm.bind(this), this.ChannelCloseInit = this.ChannelCloseInit.bind(this), this.ChannelCloseConfirm = this.ChannelCloseConfirm.bind(this), this.RecvPacket = this.RecvPacket.bind(this), this.Timeout = this.Timeout.bind(this), this.TimeoutOnClose = this.TimeoutOnClose.bind(this), this.Acknowledgement = this.Acknowledgement.bind(this); + constructor(b) { + this.rpc = b, this.ChannelOpenInit = this.ChannelOpenInit.bind(this), this.ChannelOpenTry = this.ChannelOpenTry.bind(this), this.ChannelOpenAck = this.ChannelOpenAck.bind(this), this.ChannelOpenConfirm = this.ChannelOpenConfirm.bind(this), this.ChannelCloseInit = this.ChannelCloseInit.bind(this), this.ChannelCloseConfirm = this.ChannelCloseConfirm.bind(this), this.RecvPacket = this.RecvPacket.bind(this), this.Timeout = this.Timeout.bind(this), this.TimeoutOnClose = this.TimeoutOnClose.bind(this), this.Acknowledgement = this.Acknowledgement.bind(this); } - ChannelOpenInit(_) { - const p = e.MsgChannelOpenInit.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenInit", p).then((O) => e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + ChannelOpenInit(b) { + const p = e.MsgChannelOpenInit.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenInit", p).then((P) => e.MsgChannelOpenInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - ChannelOpenTry(_) { - const p = e.MsgChannelOpenTry.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenTry", p).then((O) => e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + ChannelOpenTry(b) { + const p = e.MsgChannelOpenTry.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenTry", p).then((P) => e.MsgChannelOpenTryResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - ChannelOpenAck(_) { - const p = e.MsgChannelOpenAck.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenAck", p).then((O) => e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + ChannelOpenAck(b) { + const p = e.MsgChannelOpenAck.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenAck", p).then((P) => e.MsgChannelOpenAckResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - ChannelOpenConfirm(_) { - const p = e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenConfirm", p).then((O) => e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + ChannelOpenConfirm(b) { + const p = e.MsgChannelOpenConfirm.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelOpenConfirm", p).then((P) => e.MsgChannelOpenConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - ChannelCloseInit(_) { - const p = e.MsgChannelCloseInit.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelCloseInit", p).then((O) => e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + ChannelCloseInit(b) { + const p = e.MsgChannelCloseInit.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelCloseInit", p).then((P) => e.MsgChannelCloseInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - ChannelCloseConfirm(_) { - const p = e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelCloseConfirm", p).then((O) => e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + ChannelCloseConfirm(b) { + const p = e.MsgChannelCloseConfirm.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "ChannelCloseConfirm", p).then((P) => e.MsgChannelCloseConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - RecvPacket(_) { - const p = e.MsgRecvPacket.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "RecvPacket", p).then((O) => e.MsgRecvPacketResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + RecvPacket(b) { + const p = e.MsgRecvPacket.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "RecvPacket", p).then((P) => e.MsgRecvPacketResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - Timeout(_) { - const p = e.MsgTimeout.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "Timeout", p).then((O) => e.MsgTimeoutResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + Timeout(b) { + const p = e.MsgTimeout.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "Timeout", p).then((P) => e.MsgTimeoutResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - TimeoutOnClose(_) { - const p = e.MsgTimeoutOnClose.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "TimeoutOnClose", p).then((O) => e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + TimeoutOnClose(b) { + const p = e.MsgTimeoutOnClose.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "TimeoutOnClose", p).then((P) => e.MsgTimeoutOnCloseResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } - Acknowledgement(_) { - const p = e.MsgAcknowledgement.encode(_).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "Acknowledgement", p).then((O) => e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse.decode(new t.Reader(O))); + Acknowledgement(b) { + const p = e.MsgAcknowledgement.encode(b).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.channel.v1.Msg", "Acknowledgement", p).then((P) => e.MsgAcknowledgementResponse.decode(new t.Reader(P))); } }; var l = (() => { @@ -24005,55 +24343,55 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); - const I = l.atob || ((_) => l.Buffer.from(_, "base64").toString("binary")); - function R(_) { - const p = I(_), O = new Uint8Array(p.length); - for (let U = 0; U < p.length; ++U) - O[U] = p.charCodeAt(U); - return O; + const j = l.atob || ((b) => l.Buffer.from(b, "base64").toString("binary")); + function N(b) { + const p = j(b), P = new Uint8Array(p.length); + for (let B = 0; B < p.length; ++B) + P[B] = p.charCodeAt(B); + return P; } - const k = l.btoa || ((_) => l.Buffer.from(_, "binary").toString("base64")); - function N(_) { + const S = l.btoa || ((b) => l.Buffer.from(b, "binary").toString("base64")); + function T(b) { const p = []; - for (const O of _) - p.push(String.fromCharCode(O)); - return k(p.join("")); + for (const P of b) + p.push(String.fromCharCode(P)); + return S(p.join("")); } - function A(_) { - return _.toString(); + function x(b) { + return b.toString(); } - function w(_) { - return _ != null; + function k(b) { + return b != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5650: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5650: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), Object.defineProperty(n, f, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return o[i]; } }); } : function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), n[f] = o[i]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: o }); } : function(n, o) { n.default = o; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { if (n && n.__esModule) return n; var o = {}; if (n != null) for (var i in n) i !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && E(o, n, i); - return M(o, n), o; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(n) { + return R(o, n), o; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(n) { return n && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Params = e.Height = e.UpgradeProposal = e.ClientUpdateProposal = e.ClientConsensusStates = e.ConsensusStateWithHeight = e.IdentifiedClientState = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191), u = b(8310); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191), u = y(8310); function s(n) { return n.toString(); } @@ -24247,54 +24585,54 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const i = { allowed_clients: [] }; return i.allowed_clients = ((o = n.allowed_clients) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.map((f) => f)) || [], i; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 322: function(J, e, b) { + }, 322: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), Object.defineProperty(c, v, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h[m]; } }); } : function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), c[v] = h[m]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { Object.defineProperty(c, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: h }); } : function(c, h) { c.default = h; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { if (c && c.__esModule) return c; var h = {}; if (c != null) for (var m in c) m !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, m) && E(h, c, m); - return M(h, c), h; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { + return R(h, c), h; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviourResponse = e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour = e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse = e.MsgUpgradeClient = e.MsgUpdateClientResponse = e.MsgUpdateClient = e.MsgCreateClientResponse = e.MsgCreateClient = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(4191); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(4191); function u() { return { client_id: "", client_state: void 0, consensus_state: void 0, proof_upgrade_client: new Uint8Array(), proof_upgrade_consensus_state: new Uint8Array(), signer: "" }; } e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.client.v1", e.MsgCreateClient = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.client_state !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(c.client_state, h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), c.consensus_state !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(c.consensus_state, h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), c.signer !== "" && h.uint32(26).string(c.signer), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { client_state: void 0, consensus_state: void 0, signer: "" }; + const I = { client_state: void 0, consensus_state: void 0, signer: "" }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.client_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.client_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 2: - C.consensus_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.consensus_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.signer = m.string(); + I.signer = m.string(); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ client_state: f(c.client_state) ? d.Any.fromJSON(c.client_state) : void 0, consensus_state: f(c.consensus_state) ? d.Any.fromJSON(c.consensus_state) : void 0, signer: f(c.signer) ? String(c.signer) : "" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.client_state !== void 0 && (h.client_state = c.client_state ? d.Any.toJSON(c.client_state) : void 0), c.consensus_state !== void 0 && (h.consensus_state = c.consensus_state ? d.Any.toJSON(c.consensus_state) : void 0), c.signer !== void 0 && (h.signer = c.signer), h; @@ -24306,31 +24644,31 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; for (; m.pos < v; ) { - const C = m.uint32(); - m.skipType(7 & C); + const I = m.uint32(); + m.skipType(7 & I); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({}), toJSON: (c) => ({}), fromPartial: (c) => ({}) }, e.MsgUpdateClient = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.client_id !== "" && h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id), c.header !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(c.header, h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), c.signer !== "" && h.uint32(26).string(c.signer), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { client_id: "", header: void 0, signer: "" }; + const I = { client_id: "", header: void 0, signer: "" }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.client_id = m.string(); + I.client_id = m.string(); break; case 2: - C.header = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.header = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.signer = m.string(); + I.signer = m.string(); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ client_id: f(c.client_id) ? String(c.client_id) : "", header: f(c.header) ? d.Any.fromJSON(c.header) : void 0, signer: f(c.signer) ? String(c.signer) : "" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.client_id !== void 0 && (h.client_id = c.client_id), c.header !== void 0 && (h.header = c.header ? d.Any.toJSON(c.header) : void 0), c.signer !== void 0 && (h.signer = c.signer), h; @@ -24342,76 +24680,76 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; for (; m.pos < v; ) { - const C = m.uint32(); - m.skipType(7 & C); + const I = m.uint32(); + m.skipType(7 & I); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({}), toJSON: (c) => ({}), fromPartial: (c) => ({}) }, e.MsgUpgradeClient = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.client_id !== "" && h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id), c.client_state !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(c.client_state, h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), c.consensus_state !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(c.consensus_state, h.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), c.proof_upgrade_client.length !== 0 && h.uint32(34).bytes(c.proof_upgrade_client), c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state.length !== 0 && h.uint32(42).bytes(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state), c.signer !== "" && h.uint32(50).string(c.signer), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = u(); + const I = u(); for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.client_id = m.string(); + I.client_id = m.string(); break; case 2: - C.client_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.client_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.consensus_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.consensus_state = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 4: - C.proof_upgrade_client = m.bytes(); + I.proof_upgrade_client = m.bytes(); break; case 5: - C.proof_upgrade_consensus_state = m.bytes(); + I.proof_upgrade_consensus_state = m.bytes(); break; case 6: - C.signer = m.string(); + I.signer = m.string(); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ client_id: f(c.client_id) ? String(c.client_id) : "", client_state: f(c.client_state) ? d.Any.fromJSON(c.client_state) : void 0, consensus_state: f(c.consensus_state) ? d.Any.fromJSON(c.consensus_state) : void 0, proof_upgrade_client: f(c.proof_upgrade_client) ? n(c.proof_upgrade_client) : new Uint8Array(), proof_upgrade_consensus_state: f(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state) ? n(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state) : new Uint8Array(), signer: f(c.signer) ? String(c.signer) : "" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.client_id !== void 0 && (h.client_id = c.client_id), c.client_state !== void 0 && (h.client_state = c.client_state ? d.Any.toJSON(c.client_state) : void 0), c.consensus_state !== void 0 && (h.consensus_state = c.consensus_state ? d.Any.toJSON(c.consensus_state) : void 0), c.proof_upgrade_client !== void 0 && (h.proof_upgrade_client = i(c.proof_upgrade_client !== void 0 ? c.proof_upgrade_client : new Uint8Array())), c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state !== void 0 && (h.proof_upgrade_consensus_state = i(c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state !== void 0 ? c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state : new Uint8Array())), c.signer !== void 0 && (h.signer = c.signer), h; }, fromPartial(c) { - var h, m, v, C; + var h, m, v, I; const l = u(); - return l.client_id = (h = c.client_id) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", l.client_state = c.client_state !== void 0 && c.client_state !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(c.client_state) : void 0, l.consensus_state = c.consensus_state !== void 0 && c.consensus_state !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(c.consensus_state) : void 0, l.proof_upgrade_client = (m = c.proof_upgrade_client) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : new Uint8Array(), l.proof_upgrade_consensus_state = (v = c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : new Uint8Array(), l.signer = (C = c.signer) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", l; + return l.client_id = (h = c.client_id) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : "", l.client_state = c.client_state !== void 0 && c.client_state !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(c.client_state) : void 0, l.consensus_state = c.consensus_state !== void 0 && c.consensus_state !== null ? d.Any.fromPartial(c.consensus_state) : void 0, l.proof_upgrade_client = (m = c.proof_upgrade_client) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : new Uint8Array(), l.proof_upgrade_consensus_state = (v = c.proof_upgrade_consensus_state) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : new Uint8Array(), l.signer = (I = c.signer) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", l; } }, e.MsgUpgradeClientResponse = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => h, decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; for (; m.pos < v; ) { - const C = m.uint32(); - m.skipType(7 & C); + const I = m.uint32(); + m.skipType(7 & I); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({}), toJSON: (c) => ({}), fromPartial: (c) => ({}) }, e.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.client_id !== "" && h.uint32(10).string(c.client_id), c.misbehaviour !== void 0 && d.Any.encode(c.misbehaviour, h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), c.signer !== "" && h.uint32(26).string(c.signer), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { client_id: "", misbehaviour: void 0, signer: "" }; + const I = { client_id: "", misbehaviour: void 0, signer: "" }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.client_id = m.string(); + I.client_id = m.string(); break; case 2: - C.misbehaviour = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.misbehaviour = d.Any.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.signer = m.string(); + I.signer = m.string(); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ client_id: f(c.client_id) ? String(c.client_id) : "", misbehaviour: f(c.misbehaviour) ? d.Any.fromJSON(c.misbehaviour) : void 0, signer: f(c.signer) ? String(c.signer) : "" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.client_id !== void 0 && (h.client_id = c.client_id), c.misbehaviour !== void 0 && (h.misbehaviour = c.misbehaviour ? d.Any.toJSON(c.misbehaviour) : void 0), c.signer !== void 0 && (h.signer = c.signer), h; @@ -24423,8 +24761,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; for (; m.pos < v; ) { - const C = m.uint32(); - m.skipType(7 & C); + const I = m.uint32(); + m.skipType(7 & I); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({}), toJSON: (c) => ({}), fromPartial: (c) => ({}) }, e.MsgClientImpl = class { @@ -24455,8 +24793,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const r = s.atob || ((c) => s.Buffer.from(c, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -24477,30 +24815,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return c != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5261: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(h, m, v, C) { - C === void 0 && (C = v), Object.defineProperty(h, C, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + }, 5261: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(h, m, v, I) { + I === void 0 && (I = v), Object.defineProperty(h, I, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m[v]; } }); - } : function(h, m, v, C) { - C === void 0 && (C = v), h[C] = m[v]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(h, m) { + } : function(h, m, v, I) { + I === void 0 && (I = v), h[I] = m[v]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(h, m) { Object.defineProperty(h, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: m }); } : function(h, m) { h.default = m; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(h) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(h) { if (h && h.__esModule) return h; var m = {}; if (h != null) for (var v in h) v !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h, v) && E(m, h, v); - return M(m, h), m; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(h) { + return R(m, h), m; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(h) { return h && h.__esModule ? h : { default: h }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MerkleProof = e.MerklePath = e.MerklePrefix = e.MerkleRoot = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(6578); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(6578); function u() { return { hash: new Uint8Array() }; } @@ -24509,11 +24847,11 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.commitment.v1", e.MerkleRoot = { encode: (h, m = t.Writer.create()) => (h.hash.length !== 0 && m.uint32(10).bytes(h.hash), m), decode(h, m) { const v = h instanceof t.Reader ? h : new t.Reader(h); - let C = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; + let I = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; const l = u(); - for (; v.pos < C; ) { - const I = v.uint32(); - I >>> 3 == 1 ? l.hash = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & I); + for (; v.pos < I; ) { + const j = v.uint32(); + j >>> 3 == 1 ? l.hash = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & j); } return l; }, fromJSON: (h) => ({ hash: c(h.hash) ? o(h.hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(h) { @@ -24525,11 +24863,11 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return v.hash = (m = h.hash) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : new Uint8Array(), v; } }, e.MerklePrefix = { encode: (h, m = t.Writer.create()) => (h.key_prefix.length !== 0 && m.uint32(10).bytes(h.key_prefix), m), decode(h, m) { const v = h instanceof t.Reader ? h : new t.Reader(h); - let C = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; + let I = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; const l = s(); - for (; v.pos < C; ) { - const I = v.uint32(); - I >>> 3 == 1 ? l.key_prefix = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & I); + for (; v.pos < I; ) { + const j = v.uint32(); + j >>> 3 == 1 ? l.key_prefix = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & j); } return l; }, fromJSON: (h) => ({ key_prefix: c(h.key_prefix) ? o(h.key_prefix) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(h) { @@ -24545,11 +24883,11 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return m; }, decode(h, m) { const v = h instanceof t.Reader ? h : new t.Reader(h); - let C = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; + let I = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; const l = { key_path: [] }; - for (; v.pos < C; ) { - const I = v.uint32(); - I >>> 3 == 1 ? l.key_path.push(v.string()) : v.skipType(7 & I); + for (; v.pos < I; ) { + const j = v.uint32(); + j >>> 3 == 1 ? l.key_path.push(v.string()) : v.skipType(7 & j); } return l; }, fromJSON: (h) => ({ key_path: Array.isArray(h == null ? void 0 : h.key_path) ? h.key_path.map((m) => String(m)) : [] }), toJSON(h) { @@ -24558,18 +24896,18 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, fromPartial(h) { var m; const v = { key_path: [] }; - return v.key_path = ((m = h.key_path) === null || m === void 0 ? void 0 : m.map((C) => C)) || [], v; + return v.key_path = ((m = h.key_path) === null || m === void 0 ? void 0 : m.map((I) => I)) || [], v; } }, e.MerkleProof = { encode(h, m = t.Writer.create()) { for (const v of h.proofs) d.CommitmentProof.encode(v, m.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); return m; }, decode(h, m) { const v = h instanceof t.Reader ? h : new t.Reader(h); - let C = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; + let I = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; const l = { proofs: [] }; - for (; v.pos < C; ) { - const I = v.uint32(); - I >>> 3 == 1 ? l.proofs.push(d.CommitmentProof.decode(v, v.uint32())) : v.skipType(7 & I); + for (; v.pos < I; ) { + const j = v.uint32(); + j >>> 3 == 1 ? l.proofs.push(d.CommitmentProof.decode(v, v.uint32())) : v.skipType(7 & j); } return l; }, fromJSON: (h) => ({ proofs: Array.isArray(h == null ? void 0 : h.proofs) ? h.proofs.map((m) => d.CommitmentProof.fromJSON(m)) : [] }), toJSON(h) { @@ -24578,7 +24916,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, fromPartial(h) { var m; const v = { proofs: [] }; - return v.proofs = ((m = h.proofs) === null || m === void 0 ? void 0 : m.map((C) => d.CommitmentProof.fromPartial(C))) || [], v; + return v.proofs = ((m = h.proofs) === null || m === void 0 ? void 0 : m.map((I) => d.CommitmentProof.fromPartial(I))) || [], v; } }; var r = (() => { if (r !== void 0) @@ -24587,15 +24925,15 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const n = r.atob || ((h) => r.Buffer.from(h, "base64").toString("binary")); function o(h) { const m = n(h), v = new Uint8Array(m.length); - for (let C = 0; C < m.length; ++C) - v[C] = m.charCodeAt(C); + for (let I = 0; I < m.length; ++I) + v[I] = m.charCodeAt(I); return v; } const i = r.btoa || ((h) => r.Buffer.from(h, "binary").toString("base64")); @@ -24609,30 +24947,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return h != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 6788: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6788: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), Object.defineProperty(i, h, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return f[c]; } }); } : function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), i[h] = f[c]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { Object.defineProperty(i, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: f }); } : function(i, f) { i.default = f; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { if (i && i.__esModule) return i; var f = {}; if (i != null) for (var c in i) c !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, c) && E(f, i, c); - return M(f, i), f; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { + return R(f, i), f; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { return i && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Params = e.Version = e.ConnectionPaths = e.ClientPaths = e.Counterparty = e.IdentifiedConnection = e.ConnectionEnd = e.stateToJSON = e.stateFromJSON = e.State = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(5261); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(5261); var u; function s(i) { switch (i) { @@ -24712,7 +25050,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, fromPartial(i) { var f, c, h, m; const v = { client_id: "", versions: [], state: 0, counterparty: void 0, delay_period: "0" }; - return v.client_id = (f = i.client_id) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "", v.versions = ((c = i.versions) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.map((C) => e.Version.fromPartial(C))) || [], v.state = (h = i.state) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : 0, v.counterparty = i.counterparty !== void 0 && i.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty) : void 0, v.delay_period = (m = i.delay_period) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "0", v; + return v.client_id = (f = i.client_id) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "", v.versions = ((c = i.versions) === null || c === void 0 ? void 0 : c.map((I) => e.Version.fromPartial(I))) || [], v.state = (h = i.state) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : 0, v.counterparty = i.counterparty !== void 0 && i.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty) : void 0, v.delay_period = (m = i.delay_period) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "0", v; } }, e.IdentifiedConnection = { encode(i, f = t.Writer.create()) { i.id !== "" && f.uint32(10).string(i.id), i.client_id !== "" && f.uint32(18).string(i.client_id); for (const c of i.versions) @@ -24753,8 +25091,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return i.id !== void 0 && (f.id = i.id), i.client_id !== void 0 && (f.client_id = i.client_id), i.versions ? f.versions = i.versions.map((c) => c ? e.Version.toJSON(c) : void 0) : f.versions = [], i.state !== void 0 && (f.state = r(i.state)), i.counterparty !== void 0 && (f.counterparty = i.counterparty ? e.Counterparty.toJSON(i.counterparty) : void 0), i.delay_period !== void 0 && (f.delay_period = i.delay_period), f; }, fromPartial(i) { var f, c, h, m, v; - const C = { id: "", client_id: "", versions: [], state: 0, counterparty: void 0, delay_period: "0" }; - return C.id = (f = i.id) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "", C.client_id = (c = i.client_id) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "", C.versions = ((h = i.versions) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.map((l) => e.Version.fromPartial(l))) || [], C.state = (m = i.state) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : 0, C.counterparty = i.counterparty !== void 0 && i.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty) : void 0, C.delay_period = (v = i.delay_period) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "0", C; + const I = { id: "", client_id: "", versions: [], state: 0, counterparty: void 0, delay_period: "0" }; + return I.id = (f = i.id) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "", I.client_id = (c = i.client_id) !== null && c !== void 0 ? c : "", I.versions = ((h = i.versions) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.map((l) => e.Version.fromPartial(l))) || [], I.state = (m = i.state) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : 0, I.counterparty = i.counterparty !== void 0 && i.counterparty !== null ? e.Counterparty.fromPartial(i.counterparty) : void 0, I.delay_period = (v = i.delay_period) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "0", I; } }, e.Counterparty = { encode: (i, f = t.Writer.create()) => (i.client_id !== "" && f.uint32(10).string(i.client_id), i.connection_id !== "" && f.uint32(18).string(i.connection_id), i.prefix !== void 0 && d.MerklePrefix.encode(i.prefix, f.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), f), decode(i, f) { const c = i instanceof t.Reader ? i : new t.Reader(i); let h = f === void 0 ? c.len : c.pos + f; @@ -24880,30 +25218,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const c = { max_expected_time_per_block: "0" }; return c.max_expected_time_per_block = (f = i.max_expected_time_per_block) !== null && f !== void 0 ? f : "0", c; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 8344: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(l, I, R, k) { - k === void 0 && (k = R), Object.defineProperty(l, k, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return I[R]; + }, 8344: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(l, j, N, S) { + S === void 0 && (S = N), Object.defineProperty(l, S, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return j[N]; } }); - } : function(l, I, R, k) { - k === void 0 && (k = R), l[k] = I[R]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(l, I) { - Object.defineProperty(l, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: I }); - } : function(l, I) { - l.default = I; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(l) { + } : function(l, j, N, S) { + S === void 0 && (S = N), l[S] = j[N]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(l, j) { + Object.defineProperty(l, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: j }); + } : function(l, j) { + l.default = j; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(l) { if (l && l.__esModule) return l; - var I = {}; + var j = {}; if (l != null) - for (var R in l) - R !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l, R) && E(I, l, R); - return M(I, l), I; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(l) { + for (var N in l) + N !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(l, N) && E(j, l, N); + return R(j, l), j; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(l) { return l && l.__esModule ? l : { default: l }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse = e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm = e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse = e.MsgConnectionOpenAck = e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse = e.MsgConnectionOpenTry = e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse = e.MsgConnectionOpenInit = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(6788), u = b(4191), s = b(5650); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(6788), u = y(4191), s = y(5650); function r() { return { client_id: "", previous_connection_id: "", client_state: void 0, counterparty: void 0, delay_period: "0", counterparty_versions: [], proof_height: void 0, proof_init: new Uint8Array(), proof_client: new Uint8Array(), proof_consensus: new Uint8Array(), consensus_height: void 0, signer: "" }; } @@ -24913,210 +25251,210 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function o() { return { connection_id: "", proof_ack: new Uint8Array(), proof_height: void 0, signer: "" }; } - e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.connection.v1", e.MsgConnectionOpenInit = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.client_id !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.client_id), l.counterparty !== void 0 && d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty, I.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.version !== void 0 && d.Version.encode(l.version, I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.delay_period !== "0" && I.uint32(32).uint64(l.delay_period), l.signer !== "" && I.uint32(42).string(l.signer), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = { client_id: "", counterparty: void 0, version: void 0, delay_period: "0", signer: "" }; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + e.protobufPackage = "ibc.core.connection.v1", e.MsgConnectionOpenInit = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.client_id !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.client_id), l.counterparty !== void 0 && d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty, j.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), l.version !== void 0 && d.Version.encode(l.version, j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.delay_period !== "0" && j.uint32(32).uint64(l.delay_period), l.signer !== "" && j.uint32(42).string(l.signer), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = { client_id: "", counterparty: void 0, version: void 0, delay_period: "0", signer: "" }; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.client_id = R.string(); + T.client_id = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.counterparty = d.Counterparty.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.counterparty = d.Counterparty.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 3: - N.version = d.Version.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.version = d.Version.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 4: - N.delay_period = v(R.uint64()); + T.delay_period = v(N.uint64()); break; case 5: - N.signer = R.string(); + T.signer = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ client_id: C(l.client_id) ? String(l.client_id) : "", counterparty: C(l.counterparty) ? d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0, version: C(l.version) ? d.Version.fromJSON(l.version) : void 0, delay_period: C(l.delay_period) ? String(l.delay_period) : "0", signer: C(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.client_id !== void 0 && (I.client_id = l.client_id), l.counterparty !== void 0 && (I.counterparty = l.counterparty ? d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0), l.version !== void 0 && (I.version = l.version ? d.Version.toJSON(l.version) : void 0), l.delay_period !== void 0 && (I.delay_period = l.delay_period), l.signer !== void 0 && (I.signer = l.signer), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ client_id: I(l.client_id) ? String(l.client_id) : "", counterparty: I(l.counterparty) ? d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0, version: I(l.version) ? d.Version.fromJSON(l.version) : void 0, delay_period: I(l.delay_period) ? String(l.delay_period) : "0", signer: I(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.client_id !== void 0 && (j.client_id = l.client_id), l.counterparty !== void 0 && (j.counterparty = l.counterparty ? d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0), l.version !== void 0 && (j.version = l.version ? d.Version.toJSON(l.version) : void 0), l.delay_period !== void 0 && (j.delay_period = l.delay_period), l.signer !== void 0 && (j.signer = l.signer), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = { client_id: "", counterparty: void 0, version: void 0, delay_period: "0", signer: "" }; - return N.client_id = (I = l.client_id) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", N.counterparty = l.counterparty !== void 0 && l.counterparty !== null ? d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty) : void 0, N.version = l.version !== void 0 && l.version !== null ? d.Version.fromPartial(l.version) : void 0, N.delay_period = (R = l.delay_period) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "0", N.signer = (k = l.signer) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", N; - } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => I, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const N = R.uint32(); - R.skipType(7 & N); + var j, N, S; + const T = { client_id: "", counterparty: void 0, version: void 0, delay_period: "0", signer: "" }; + return T.client_id = (j = l.client_id) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", T.counterparty = l.counterparty !== void 0 && l.counterparty !== null ? d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty) : void 0, T.version = l.version !== void 0 && l.version !== null ? d.Version.fromPartial(l.version) : void 0, T.delay_period = (N = l.delay_period) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "0", T.signer = (S = l.signer) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", T; + } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => j, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const T = N.uint32(); + N.skipType(7 & T); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({}), toJSON: (l) => ({}), fromPartial: (l) => ({}) }, e.MsgConnectionOpenTry = { encode(l, I = t.Writer.create()) { - l.client_id !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.client_id), l.previous_connection_id !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.previous_connection_id), l.client_state !== void 0 && u.Any.encode(l.client_state, I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.counterparty !== void 0 && d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty, I.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), l.delay_period !== "0" && I.uint32(40).uint64(l.delay_period); - for (const R of l.counterparty_versions) - d.Version.encode(R, I.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); - return l.proof_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.proof_height, I.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), l.proof_init.length !== 0 && I.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_init), l.proof_client.length !== 0 && I.uint32(74).bytes(l.proof_client), l.proof_consensus.length !== 0 && I.uint32(82).bytes(l.proof_consensus), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height, I.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), l.signer !== "" && I.uint32(98).string(l.signer), I; - }, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = r(); - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({}), toJSON: (l) => ({}), fromPartial: (l) => ({}) }, e.MsgConnectionOpenTry = { encode(l, j = t.Writer.create()) { + l.client_id !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.client_id), l.previous_connection_id !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.previous_connection_id), l.client_state !== void 0 && u.Any.encode(l.client_state, j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.counterparty !== void 0 && d.Counterparty.encode(l.counterparty, j.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), l.delay_period !== "0" && j.uint32(40).uint64(l.delay_period); + for (const N of l.counterparty_versions) + d.Version.encode(N, j.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); + return l.proof_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.proof_height, j.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), l.proof_init.length !== 0 && j.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_init), l.proof_client.length !== 0 && j.uint32(74).bytes(l.proof_client), l.proof_consensus.length !== 0 && j.uint32(82).bytes(l.proof_consensus), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height, j.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), l.signer !== "" && j.uint32(98).string(l.signer), j; + }, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = r(); + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.client_id = R.string(); + T.client_id = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.previous_connection_id = R.string(); + T.previous_connection_id = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.client_state = u.Any.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.client_state = u.Any.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 4: - N.counterparty = d.Counterparty.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.counterparty = d.Counterparty.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 5: - N.delay_period = v(R.uint64()); + T.delay_period = v(N.uint64()); break; case 6: - N.counterparty_versions.push(d.Version.decode(R, R.uint32())); + T.counterparty_versions.push(d.Version.decode(N, N.uint32())); break; case 7: - N.proof_height = s.Height.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.proof_height = s.Height.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 8: - N.proof_init = R.bytes(); + T.proof_init = N.bytes(); break; case 9: - N.proof_client = R.bytes(); + T.proof_client = N.bytes(); break; case 10: - N.proof_consensus = R.bytes(); + T.proof_consensus = N.bytes(); break; case 11: - N.consensus_height = s.Height.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.consensus_height = s.Height.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 12: - N.signer = R.string(); + T.signer = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ client_id: C(l.client_id) ? String(l.client_id) : "", previous_connection_id: C(l.previous_connection_id) ? String(l.previous_connection_id) : "", client_state: C(l.client_state) ? u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state) : void 0, counterparty: C(l.counterparty) ? d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0, delay_period: C(l.delay_period) ? String(l.delay_period) : "0", counterparty_versions: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.counterparty_versions) ? l.counterparty_versions.map((I) => d.Version.fromJSON(I)) : [], proof_height: C(l.proof_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0, proof_init: C(l.proof_init) ? c(l.proof_init) : new Uint8Array(), proof_client: C(l.proof_client) ? c(l.proof_client) : new Uint8Array(), proof_consensus: C(l.proof_consensus) ? c(l.proof_consensus) : new Uint8Array(), consensus_height: C(l.consensus_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0, signer: C(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.client_id !== void 0 && (I.client_id = l.client_id), l.previous_connection_id !== void 0 && (I.previous_connection_id = l.previous_connection_id), l.client_state !== void 0 && (I.client_state = l.client_state ? u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state) : void 0), l.counterparty !== void 0 && (I.counterparty = l.counterparty ? d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0), l.delay_period !== void 0 && (I.delay_period = l.delay_period), l.counterparty_versions ? I.counterparty_versions = l.counterparty_versions.map((R) => R ? d.Version.toJSON(R) : void 0) : I.counterparty_versions = [], l.proof_height !== void 0 && (I.proof_height = l.proof_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0), l.proof_init !== void 0 && (I.proof_init = m(l.proof_init !== void 0 ? l.proof_init : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_client !== void 0 && (I.proof_client = m(l.proof_client !== void 0 ? l.proof_client : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_consensus !== void 0 && (I.proof_consensus = m(l.proof_consensus !== void 0 ? l.proof_consensus : new Uint8Array())), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && (I.consensus_height = l.consensus_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0), l.signer !== void 0 && (I.signer = l.signer), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ client_id: I(l.client_id) ? String(l.client_id) : "", previous_connection_id: I(l.previous_connection_id) ? String(l.previous_connection_id) : "", client_state: I(l.client_state) ? u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state) : void 0, counterparty: I(l.counterparty) ? d.Counterparty.fromJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0, delay_period: I(l.delay_period) ? String(l.delay_period) : "0", counterparty_versions: Array.isArray(l == null ? void 0 : l.counterparty_versions) ? l.counterparty_versions.map((j) => d.Version.fromJSON(j)) : [], proof_height: I(l.proof_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0, proof_init: I(l.proof_init) ? c(l.proof_init) : new Uint8Array(), proof_client: I(l.proof_client) ? c(l.proof_client) : new Uint8Array(), proof_consensus: I(l.proof_consensus) ? c(l.proof_consensus) : new Uint8Array(), consensus_height: I(l.consensus_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0, signer: I(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.client_id !== void 0 && (j.client_id = l.client_id), l.previous_connection_id !== void 0 && (j.previous_connection_id = l.previous_connection_id), l.client_state !== void 0 && (j.client_state = l.client_state ? u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state) : void 0), l.counterparty !== void 0 && (j.counterparty = l.counterparty ? d.Counterparty.toJSON(l.counterparty) : void 0), l.delay_period !== void 0 && (j.delay_period = l.delay_period), l.counterparty_versions ? j.counterparty_versions = l.counterparty_versions.map((N) => N ? d.Version.toJSON(N) : void 0) : j.counterparty_versions = [], l.proof_height !== void 0 && (j.proof_height = l.proof_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0), l.proof_init !== void 0 && (j.proof_init = m(l.proof_init !== void 0 ? l.proof_init : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_client !== void 0 && (j.proof_client = m(l.proof_client !== void 0 ? l.proof_client : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_consensus !== void 0 && (j.proof_consensus = m(l.proof_consensus !== void 0 ? l.proof_consensus : new Uint8Array())), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && (j.consensus_height = l.consensus_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0), l.signer !== void 0 && (j.signer = l.signer), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N, A, w, _, p; - const O = r(); - return O.client_id = (I = l.client_id) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", O.previous_connection_id = (R = l.previous_connection_id) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", O.client_state = l.client_state !== void 0 && l.client_state !== null ? u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state) : void 0, O.counterparty = l.counterparty !== void 0 && l.counterparty !== null ? d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty) : void 0, O.delay_period = (k = l.delay_period) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "0", O.counterparty_versions = ((N = l.counterparty_versions) === null || N === void 0 ? void 0 : N.map((U) => d.Version.fromPartial(U))) || [], O.proof_height = l.proof_height !== void 0 && l.proof_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height) : void 0, O.proof_init = (A = l.proof_init) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : new Uint8Array(), O.proof_client = (w = l.proof_client) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : new Uint8Array(), O.proof_consensus = (_ = l.proof_consensus) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), O.consensus_height = l.consensus_height !== void 0 && l.consensus_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height) : void 0, O.signer = (p = l.signer) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", O; - } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => I, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const N = R.uint32(); - R.skipType(7 & N); + var j, N, S, T, x, k, b, p; + const P = r(); + return P.client_id = (j = l.client_id) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", P.previous_connection_id = (N = l.previous_connection_id) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", P.client_state = l.client_state !== void 0 && l.client_state !== null ? u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state) : void 0, P.counterparty = l.counterparty !== void 0 && l.counterparty !== null ? d.Counterparty.fromPartial(l.counterparty) : void 0, P.delay_period = (S = l.delay_period) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", P.counterparty_versions = ((T = l.counterparty_versions) === null || T === void 0 ? void 0 : T.map((B) => d.Version.fromPartial(B))) || [], P.proof_height = l.proof_height !== void 0 && l.proof_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height) : void 0, P.proof_init = (x = l.proof_init) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), P.proof_client = (k = l.proof_client) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : new Uint8Array(), P.proof_consensus = (b = l.proof_consensus) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), P.consensus_height = l.consensus_height !== void 0 && l.consensus_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height) : void 0, P.signer = (p = l.signer) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", P; + } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => j, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const T = N.uint32(); + N.skipType(7 & T); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({}), toJSON: (l) => ({}), fromPartial: (l) => ({}) }, e.MsgConnectionOpenAck = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.connection_id !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id), l.counterparty_connection_id !== "" && I.uint32(18).string(l.counterparty_connection_id), l.version !== void 0 && d.Version.encode(l.version, I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.client_state !== void 0 && u.Any.encode(l.client_state, I.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), l.proof_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.proof_height, I.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), l.proof_try.length !== 0 && I.uint32(50).bytes(l.proof_try), l.proof_client.length !== 0 && I.uint32(58).bytes(l.proof_client), l.proof_consensus.length !== 0 && I.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_consensus), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height, I.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), l.signer !== "" && I.uint32(82).string(l.signer), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = n(); - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({}), toJSON: (l) => ({}), fromPartial: (l) => ({}) }, e.MsgConnectionOpenAck = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.connection_id !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id), l.counterparty_connection_id !== "" && j.uint32(18).string(l.counterparty_connection_id), l.version !== void 0 && d.Version.encode(l.version, j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.client_state !== void 0 && u.Any.encode(l.client_state, j.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), l.proof_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.proof_height, j.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), l.proof_try.length !== 0 && j.uint32(50).bytes(l.proof_try), l.proof_client.length !== 0 && j.uint32(58).bytes(l.proof_client), l.proof_consensus.length !== 0 && j.uint32(66).bytes(l.proof_consensus), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.consensus_height, j.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), l.signer !== "" && j.uint32(82).string(l.signer), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = n(); + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.connection_id = R.string(); + T.connection_id = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.counterparty_connection_id = R.string(); + T.counterparty_connection_id = N.string(); break; case 3: - N.version = d.Version.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.version = d.Version.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 4: - N.client_state = u.Any.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.client_state = u.Any.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 5: - N.proof_height = s.Height.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.proof_height = s.Height.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 6: - N.proof_try = R.bytes(); + T.proof_try = N.bytes(); break; case 7: - N.proof_client = R.bytes(); + T.proof_client = N.bytes(); break; case 8: - N.proof_consensus = R.bytes(); + T.proof_consensus = N.bytes(); break; case 9: - N.consensus_height = s.Height.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.consensus_height = s.Height.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 10: - N.signer = R.string(); + T.signer = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ connection_id: C(l.connection_id) ? String(l.connection_id) : "", counterparty_connection_id: C(l.counterparty_connection_id) ? String(l.counterparty_connection_id) : "", version: C(l.version) ? d.Version.fromJSON(l.version) : void 0, client_state: C(l.client_state) ? u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state) : void 0, proof_height: C(l.proof_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0, proof_try: C(l.proof_try) ? c(l.proof_try) : new Uint8Array(), proof_client: C(l.proof_client) ? c(l.proof_client) : new Uint8Array(), proof_consensus: C(l.proof_consensus) ? c(l.proof_consensus) : new Uint8Array(), consensus_height: C(l.consensus_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0, signer: C(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.connection_id !== void 0 && (I.connection_id = l.connection_id), l.counterparty_connection_id !== void 0 && (I.counterparty_connection_id = l.counterparty_connection_id), l.version !== void 0 && (I.version = l.version ? d.Version.toJSON(l.version) : void 0), l.client_state !== void 0 && (I.client_state = l.client_state ? u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state) : void 0), l.proof_height !== void 0 && (I.proof_height = l.proof_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0), l.proof_try !== void 0 && (I.proof_try = m(l.proof_try !== void 0 ? l.proof_try : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_client !== void 0 && (I.proof_client = m(l.proof_client !== void 0 ? l.proof_client : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_consensus !== void 0 && (I.proof_consensus = m(l.proof_consensus !== void 0 ? l.proof_consensus : new Uint8Array())), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && (I.consensus_height = l.consensus_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0), l.signer !== void 0 && (I.signer = l.signer), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ connection_id: I(l.connection_id) ? String(l.connection_id) : "", counterparty_connection_id: I(l.counterparty_connection_id) ? String(l.counterparty_connection_id) : "", version: I(l.version) ? d.Version.fromJSON(l.version) : void 0, client_state: I(l.client_state) ? u.Any.fromJSON(l.client_state) : void 0, proof_height: I(l.proof_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0, proof_try: I(l.proof_try) ? c(l.proof_try) : new Uint8Array(), proof_client: I(l.proof_client) ? c(l.proof_client) : new Uint8Array(), proof_consensus: I(l.proof_consensus) ? c(l.proof_consensus) : new Uint8Array(), consensus_height: I(l.consensus_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0, signer: I(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.connection_id !== void 0 && (j.connection_id = l.connection_id), l.counterparty_connection_id !== void 0 && (j.counterparty_connection_id = l.counterparty_connection_id), l.version !== void 0 && (j.version = l.version ? d.Version.toJSON(l.version) : void 0), l.client_state !== void 0 && (j.client_state = l.client_state ? u.Any.toJSON(l.client_state) : void 0), l.proof_height !== void 0 && (j.proof_height = l.proof_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0), l.proof_try !== void 0 && (j.proof_try = m(l.proof_try !== void 0 ? l.proof_try : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_client !== void 0 && (j.proof_client = m(l.proof_client !== void 0 ? l.proof_client : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_consensus !== void 0 && (j.proof_consensus = m(l.proof_consensus !== void 0 ? l.proof_consensus : new Uint8Array())), l.consensus_height !== void 0 && (j.consensus_height = l.consensus_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.consensus_height) : void 0), l.signer !== void 0 && (j.signer = l.signer), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k, N, A, w; - const _ = n(); - return _.connection_id = (I = l.connection_id) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", _.counterparty_connection_id = (R = l.counterparty_connection_id) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : "", _.version = l.version !== void 0 && l.version !== null ? d.Version.fromPartial(l.version) : void 0, _.client_state = l.client_state !== void 0 && l.client_state !== null ? u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state) : void 0, _.proof_height = l.proof_height !== void 0 && l.proof_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height) : void 0, _.proof_try = (k = l.proof_try) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : new Uint8Array(), _.proof_client = (N = l.proof_client) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : new Uint8Array(), _.proof_consensus = (A = l.proof_consensus) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : new Uint8Array(), _.consensus_height = l.consensus_height !== void 0 && l.consensus_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height) : void 0, _.signer = (w = l.signer) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "", _; - } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => I, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const N = R.uint32(); - R.skipType(7 & N); + var j, N, S, T, x, k; + const b = n(); + return b.connection_id = (j = l.connection_id) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", b.counterparty_connection_id = (N = l.counterparty_connection_id) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : "", b.version = l.version !== void 0 && l.version !== null ? d.Version.fromPartial(l.version) : void 0, b.client_state = l.client_state !== void 0 && l.client_state !== null ? u.Any.fromPartial(l.client_state) : void 0, b.proof_height = l.proof_height !== void 0 && l.proof_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height) : void 0, b.proof_try = (S = l.proof_try) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), b.proof_client = (T = l.proof_client) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : new Uint8Array(), b.proof_consensus = (x = l.proof_consensus) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), b.consensus_height = l.consensus_height !== void 0 && l.consensus_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.consensus_height) : void 0, b.signer = (k = l.signer) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", b; + } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => j, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const T = N.uint32(); + N.skipType(7 & T); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({}), toJSON: (l) => ({}), fromPartial: (l) => ({}) }, e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => (l.connection_id !== "" && I.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id), l.proof_ack.length !== 0 && I.uint32(18).bytes(l.proof_ack), l.proof_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.proof_height, I.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.signer !== "" && I.uint32(34).string(l.signer), I), decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - const N = o(); - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const A = R.uint32(); - switch (A >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({}), toJSON: (l) => ({}), fromPartial: (l) => ({}) }, e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => (l.connection_id !== "" && j.uint32(10).string(l.connection_id), l.proof_ack.length !== 0 && j.uint32(18).bytes(l.proof_ack), l.proof_height !== void 0 && s.Height.encode(l.proof_height, j.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), l.signer !== "" && j.uint32(34).string(l.signer), j), decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + const T = o(); + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const x = N.uint32(); + switch (x >>> 3) { case 1: - N.connection_id = R.string(); + T.connection_id = N.string(); break; case 2: - N.proof_ack = R.bytes(); + T.proof_ack = N.bytes(); break; case 3: - N.proof_height = s.Height.decode(R, R.uint32()); + T.proof_height = s.Height.decode(N, N.uint32()); break; case 4: - N.signer = R.string(); + T.signer = N.string(); break; default: - R.skipType(7 & A); + N.skipType(7 & x); } } - return N; - }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ connection_id: C(l.connection_id) ? String(l.connection_id) : "", proof_ack: C(l.proof_ack) ? c(l.proof_ack) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: C(l.proof_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0, signer: C(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { - const I = {}; - return l.connection_id !== void 0 && (I.connection_id = l.connection_id), l.proof_ack !== void 0 && (I.proof_ack = m(l.proof_ack !== void 0 ? l.proof_ack : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_height !== void 0 && (I.proof_height = l.proof_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0), l.signer !== void 0 && (I.signer = l.signer), I; + return T; + }, fromJSON: (l) => ({ connection_id: I(l.connection_id) ? String(l.connection_id) : "", proof_ack: I(l.proof_ack) ? c(l.proof_ack) : new Uint8Array(), proof_height: I(l.proof_height) ? s.Height.fromJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0, signer: I(l.signer) ? String(l.signer) : "" }), toJSON(l) { + const j = {}; + return l.connection_id !== void 0 && (j.connection_id = l.connection_id), l.proof_ack !== void 0 && (j.proof_ack = m(l.proof_ack !== void 0 ? l.proof_ack : new Uint8Array())), l.proof_height !== void 0 && (j.proof_height = l.proof_height ? s.Height.toJSON(l.proof_height) : void 0), l.signer !== void 0 && (j.signer = l.signer), j; }, fromPartial(l) { - var I, R, k; - const N = o(); - return N.connection_id = (I = l.connection_id) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", N.proof_ack = (R = l.proof_ack) !== null && R !== void 0 ? R : new Uint8Array(), N.proof_height = l.proof_height !== void 0 && l.proof_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height) : void 0, N.signer = (k = l.signer) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", N; - } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse = { encode: (l, I = t.Writer.create()) => I, decode(l, I) { - const R = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); - let k = I === void 0 ? R.len : R.pos + I; - for (; R.pos < k; ) { - const N = R.uint32(); - R.skipType(7 & N); + var j, N, S; + const T = o(); + return T.connection_id = (j = l.connection_id) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", T.proof_ack = (N = l.proof_ack) !== null && N !== void 0 ? N : new Uint8Array(), T.proof_height = l.proof_height !== void 0 && l.proof_height !== null ? s.Height.fromPartial(l.proof_height) : void 0, T.signer = (S = l.signer) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", T; + } }, e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse = { encode: (l, j = t.Writer.create()) => j, decode(l, j) { + const N = l instanceof t.Reader ? l : new t.Reader(l); + let S = j === void 0 ? N.len : N.pos + j; + for (; N.pos < S; ) { + const T = N.uint32(); + N.skipType(7 & T); } return {}; }, fromJSON: (l) => ({}), toJSON: (l) => ({}), fromPartial: (l) => ({}) }, e.MsgClientImpl = class { @@ -25124,20 +25462,20 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.rpc = l, this.ConnectionOpenInit = this.ConnectionOpenInit.bind(this), this.ConnectionOpenTry = this.ConnectionOpenTry.bind(this), this.ConnectionOpenAck = this.ConnectionOpenAck.bind(this), this.ConnectionOpenConfirm = this.ConnectionOpenConfirm.bind(this); } ConnectionOpenInit(l) { - const I = e.MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(l).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenInit", I).then((R) => e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R))); + const j = e.MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(l).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenInit", j).then((N) => e.MsgConnectionOpenInitResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N))); } ConnectionOpenTry(l) { - const I = e.MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(l).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenTry", I).then((R) => e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R))); + const j = e.MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(l).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenTry", j).then((N) => e.MsgConnectionOpenTryResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N))); } ConnectionOpenAck(l) { - const I = e.MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(l).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenAck", I).then((R) => e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R))); + const j = e.MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(l).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenAck", j).then((N) => e.MsgConnectionOpenAckResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N))); } ConnectionOpenConfirm(l) { - const I = e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(l).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenConfirm", I).then((R) => e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(R))); + const j = e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(l).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("ibc.core.connection.v1.Msg", "ConnectionOpenConfirm", j).then((N) => e.MsgConnectionOpenConfirmResponse.decode(new t.Reader(N))); } }; var i = (() => { @@ -25147,55 +25485,55 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const f = i.atob || ((l) => i.Buffer.from(l, "base64").toString("binary")); function c(l) { - const I = f(l), R = new Uint8Array(I.length); - for (let k = 0; k < I.length; ++k) - R[k] = I.charCodeAt(k); - return R; + const j = f(l), N = new Uint8Array(j.length); + for (let S = 0; S < j.length; ++S) + N[S] = j.charCodeAt(S); + return N; } const h = i.btoa || ((l) => i.Buffer.from(l, "binary").toString("base64")); function m(l) { - const I = []; - for (const R of l) - I.push(String.fromCharCode(R)); - return h(I.join("")); + const j = []; + for (const N of l) + j.push(String.fromCharCode(N)); + return h(j.join("")); } function v(l) { return l.toString(); } - function C(l) { + function I(l) { return l != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 2896: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(N, A, w, _) { - _ === void 0 && (_ = w), Object.defineProperty(N, _, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return A[w]; + }, 2896: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(T, x, k, b) { + b === void 0 && (b = k), Object.defineProperty(T, b, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return x[k]; } }); - } : function(N, A, w, _) { - _ === void 0 && (_ = w), N[_] = A[w]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(N, A) { - Object.defineProperty(N, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: A }); - } : function(N, A) { - N.default = A; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(N) { - if (N && N.__esModule) - return N; - var A = {}; - if (N != null) - for (var w in N) - w !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(N, w) && E(A, N, w); - return M(A, N), A; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(N) { - return N && N.__esModule ? N : { default: N }; + } : function(T, x, k, b) { + b === void 0 && (b = k), T[b] = x[k]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(T, x) { + Object.defineProperty(T, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: x }); + } : function(T, x) { + T.default = x; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(T) { + if (T && T.__esModule) + return T; + var x = {}; + if (T != null) + for (var k in T) + k !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T, k) && E(x, T, k); + return R(x, T), x; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(T) { + return T && T.__esModule ? T : { default: T }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgClearAdminResponse = e.MsgClearAdmin = e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse = e.MsgUpdateAdmin = e.MsgMigrateContractResponse = e.MsgMigrateContract = e.MsgExecuteContractResponse = e.MsgExecuteContract = e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse = e.MsgInstantiateContract = e.MsgStoreCodeResponse = e.MsgStoreCode = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2976); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2976); function u() { return { sender: new Uint8Array(), wasm_byte_code: new Uint8Array(), source: "", builder: "" }; } @@ -25223,339 +25561,339 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function h() { return { sender: "", contract: "", callback_sig: new Uint8Array() }; } - e.protobufPackage = "secret.compute.v1beta1", e.MsgStoreCode = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.sender.length !== 0 && A.uint32(10).bytes(N.sender), N.wasm_byte_code.length !== 0 && A.uint32(18).bytes(N.wasm_byte_code), N.source !== "" && A.uint32(26).string(N.source), N.builder !== "" && A.uint32(34).string(N.builder), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + e.protobufPackage = "secret.compute.v1beta1", e.MsgStoreCode = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.sender.length !== 0 && x.uint32(10).bytes(T.sender), T.wasm_byte_code.length !== 0 && x.uint32(18).bytes(T.wasm_byte_code), T.source !== "" && x.uint32(26).string(T.source), T.builder !== "" && x.uint32(34).string(T.builder), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = u(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - switch (O >>> 3) { + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + switch (P >>> 3) { case 1: - p.sender = w.bytes(); + p.sender = k.bytes(); break; case 2: - p.wasm_byte_code = w.bytes(); + p.wasm_byte_code = k.bytes(); break; case 3: - p.source = w.string(); + p.source = k.string(); break; case 4: - p.builder = w.string(); + p.builder = k.string(); break; default: - w.skipType(7 & O); + k.skipType(7 & P); } } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ sender: k(N.sender) ? C(N.sender) : new Uint8Array(), wasm_byte_code: k(N.wasm_byte_code) ? C(N.wasm_byte_code) : new Uint8Array(), source: k(N.source) ? String(N.source) : "", builder: k(N.builder) ? String(N.builder) : "" }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.sender !== void 0 && (A.sender = I(N.sender !== void 0 ? N.sender : new Uint8Array())), N.wasm_byte_code !== void 0 && (A.wasm_byte_code = I(N.wasm_byte_code !== void 0 ? N.wasm_byte_code : new Uint8Array())), N.source !== void 0 && (A.source = N.source), N.builder !== void 0 && (A.builder = N.builder), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A, w, _, p; - const O = u(); - return O.sender = (A = N.sender) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : new Uint8Array(), O.wasm_byte_code = (w = N.wasm_byte_code) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : new Uint8Array(), O.source = (_ = N.source) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "", O.builder = (p = N.builder) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", O; - } }, e.MsgStoreCodeResponse = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.code_id !== "0" && A.uint32(8).uint64(N.code_id), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ sender: S(T.sender) ? I(T.sender) : new Uint8Array(), wasm_byte_code: S(T.wasm_byte_code) ? I(T.wasm_byte_code) : new Uint8Array(), source: S(T.source) ? String(T.source) : "", builder: S(T.builder) ? String(T.builder) : "" }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.sender !== void 0 && (x.sender = j(T.sender !== void 0 ? T.sender : new Uint8Array())), T.wasm_byte_code !== void 0 && (x.wasm_byte_code = j(T.wasm_byte_code !== void 0 ? T.wasm_byte_code : new Uint8Array())), T.source !== void 0 && (x.source = T.source), T.builder !== void 0 && (x.builder = T.builder), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x, k, b, p; + const P = u(); + return P.sender = (x = T.sender) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), P.wasm_byte_code = (k = T.wasm_byte_code) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : new Uint8Array(), P.source = (b = T.source) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "", P.builder = (p = T.builder) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", P; + } }, e.MsgStoreCodeResponse = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.code_id !== "0" && x.uint32(8).uint64(T.code_id), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = { code_id: "0" }; - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - O >>> 3 == 1 ? p.code_id = R(w.uint64()) : w.skipType(7 & O); + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + P >>> 3 == 1 ? p.code_id = N(k.uint64()) : k.skipType(7 & P); } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ code_id: k(N.code_id) ? String(N.code_id) : "0" }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.code_id !== void 0 && (A.code_id = N.code_id), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A; - const w = { code_id: "0" }; - return w.code_id = (A = N.code_id) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "0", w; - } }, e.MsgInstantiateContract = { encode(N, A = t.Writer.create()) { - N.sender.length !== 0 && A.uint32(10).bytes(N.sender), N.callback_code_hash !== "" && A.uint32(18).string(N.callback_code_hash), N.code_id !== "0" && A.uint32(24).uint64(N.code_id), N.label !== "" && A.uint32(34).string(N.label), N.init_msg.length !== 0 && A.uint32(42).bytes(N.init_msg); - for (const w of N.init_funds) - d.Coin.encode(w, A.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); - return N.callback_sig.length !== 0 && A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig), N.admin !== "" && A.uint32(66).string(N.admin), A; - }, decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ code_id: S(T.code_id) ? String(T.code_id) : "0" }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.code_id !== void 0 && (x.code_id = T.code_id), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x; + const k = { code_id: "0" }; + return k.code_id = (x = T.code_id) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "0", k; + } }, e.MsgInstantiateContract = { encode(T, x = t.Writer.create()) { + T.sender.length !== 0 && x.uint32(10).bytes(T.sender), T.callback_code_hash !== "" && x.uint32(18).string(T.callback_code_hash), T.code_id !== "0" && x.uint32(24).uint64(T.code_id), T.label !== "" && x.uint32(34).string(T.label), T.init_msg.length !== 0 && x.uint32(42).bytes(T.init_msg); + for (const k of T.init_funds) + d.Coin.encode(k, x.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(); + return T.callback_sig.length !== 0 && x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig), T.admin !== "" && x.uint32(66).string(T.admin), x; + }, decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = s(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - switch (O >>> 3) { + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + switch (P >>> 3) { case 1: - p.sender = w.bytes(); + p.sender = k.bytes(); break; case 2: - p.callback_code_hash = w.string(); + p.callback_code_hash = k.string(); break; case 3: - p.code_id = R(w.uint64()); + p.code_id = N(k.uint64()); break; case 4: - p.label = w.string(); + p.label = k.string(); break; case 5: - p.init_msg = w.bytes(); + p.init_msg = k.bytes(); break; case 6: - p.init_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(w, w.uint32())); + p.init_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(k, k.uint32())); break; case 7: - p.callback_sig = w.bytes(); + p.callback_sig = k.bytes(); break; case 8: - p.admin = w.string(); + p.admin = k.string(); break; default: - w.skipType(7 & O); + k.skipType(7 & P); } } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ sender: k(N.sender) ? C(N.sender) : new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: k(N.callback_code_hash) ? String(N.callback_code_hash) : "", code_id: k(N.code_id) ? String(N.code_id) : "0", label: k(N.label) ? String(N.label) : "", init_msg: k(N.init_msg) ? C(N.init_msg) : new Uint8Array(), init_funds: Array.isArray(N == null ? void 0 : N.init_funds) ? N.init_funds.map((A) => d.Coin.fromJSON(A)) : [], callback_sig: k(N.callback_sig) ? C(N.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array(), admin: k(N.admin) ? String(N.admin) : "" }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.sender !== void 0 && (A.sender = I(N.sender !== void 0 ? N.sender : new Uint8Array())), N.callback_code_hash !== void 0 && (A.callback_code_hash = N.callback_code_hash), N.code_id !== void 0 && (A.code_id = N.code_id), N.label !== void 0 && (A.label = N.label), N.init_msg !== void 0 && (A.init_msg = I(N.init_msg !== void 0 ? N.init_msg : new Uint8Array())), N.init_funds ? A.init_funds = N.init_funds.map((w) => w ? d.Coin.toJSON(w) : void 0) : A.init_funds = [], N.callback_sig !== void 0 && (A.callback_sig = I(N.callback_sig !== void 0 ? N.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), N.admin !== void 0 && (A.admin = N.admin), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A, w, _, p, O, U, T, z; - const te = s(); - return te.sender = (A = N.sender) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : new Uint8Array(), te.callback_code_hash = (w = N.callback_code_hash) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "", te.code_id = (_ = N.code_id) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "0", te.label = (p = N.label) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", te.init_msg = (O = N.init_msg) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), te.init_funds = ((U = N.init_funds) === null || U === void 0 ? void 0 : U.map((X) => d.Coin.fromPartial(X))) || [], te.callback_sig = (T = N.callback_sig) !== null && T !== void 0 ? T : new Uint8Array(), te.admin = (z = N.admin) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "", te; - } }, e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.address !== "" && A.uint32(10).string(N.address), N.data.length !== 0 && A.uint32(18).bytes(N.data), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ sender: S(T.sender) ? I(T.sender) : new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: S(T.callback_code_hash) ? String(T.callback_code_hash) : "", code_id: S(T.code_id) ? String(T.code_id) : "0", label: S(T.label) ? String(T.label) : "", init_msg: S(T.init_msg) ? I(T.init_msg) : new Uint8Array(), init_funds: Array.isArray(T == null ? void 0 : T.init_funds) ? T.init_funds.map((x) => d.Coin.fromJSON(x)) : [], callback_sig: S(T.callback_sig) ? I(T.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array(), admin: S(T.admin) ? String(T.admin) : "" }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.sender !== void 0 && (x.sender = j(T.sender !== void 0 ? T.sender : new Uint8Array())), T.callback_code_hash !== void 0 && (x.callback_code_hash = T.callback_code_hash), T.code_id !== void 0 && (x.code_id = T.code_id), T.label !== void 0 && (x.label = T.label), T.init_msg !== void 0 && (x.init_msg = j(T.init_msg !== void 0 ? T.init_msg : new Uint8Array())), T.init_funds ? x.init_funds = T.init_funds.map((k) => k ? d.Coin.toJSON(k) : void 0) : x.init_funds = [], T.callback_sig !== void 0 && (x.callback_sig = j(T.callback_sig !== void 0 ? T.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), T.admin !== void 0 && (x.admin = T.admin), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x, k, b, p, P, B, C, L; + const re = s(); + return re.sender = (x = T.sender) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), re.callback_code_hash = (k = T.callback_code_hash) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", re.code_id = (b = T.code_id) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "0", re.label = (p = T.label) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", re.init_msg = (P = T.init_msg) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : new Uint8Array(), re.init_funds = ((B = T.init_funds) === null || B === void 0 ? void 0 : B.map((ee) => d.Coin.fromPartial(ee))) || [], re.callback_sig = (C = T.callback_sig) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array(), re.admin = (L = T.admin) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : "", re; + } }, e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.address !== "" && x.uint32(10).string(T.address), T.data.length !== 0 && x.uint32(18).bytes(T.data), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = r(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - switch (O >>> 3) { + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + switch (P >>> 3) { case 1: - p.address = w.string(); + p.address = k.string(); break; case 2: - p.data = w.bytes(); + p.data = k.bytes(); break; default: - w.skipType(7 & O); + k.skipType(7 & P); } } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ address: k(N.address) ? String(N.address) : "", data: k(N.data) ? C(N.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.address !== void 0 && (A.address = N.address), N.data !== void 0 && (A.data = I(N.data !== void 0 ? N.data : new Uint8Array())), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A, w; - const _ = r(); - return _.address = (A = N.address) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", _.data = (w = N.data) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : new Uint8Array(), _; - } }, e.MsgExecuteContract = { encode(N, A = t.Writer.create()) { - N.sender.length !== 0 && A.uint32(10).bytes(N.sender), N.contract.length !== 0 && A.uint32(18).bytes(N.contract), N.msg.length !== 0 && A.uint32(26).bytes(N.msg), N.callback_code_hash !== "" && A.uint32(34).string(N.callback_code_hash); - for (const w of N.sent_funds) - d.Coin.encode(w, A.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(); - return N.callback_sig.length !== 0 && A.uint32(50).bytes(N.callback_sig), A; - }, decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ address: S(T.address) ? String(T.address) : "", data: S(T.data) ? I(T.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.address !== void 0 && (x.address = T.address), T.data !== void 0 && (x.data = j(T.data !== void 0 ? T.data : new Uint8Array())), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x, k; + const b = r(); + return b.address = (x = T.address) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", b.data = (k = T.data) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : new Uint8Array(), b; + } }, e.MsgExecuteContract = { encode(T, x = t.Writer.create()) { + T.sender.length !== 0 && x.uint32(10).bytes(T.sender), T.contract.length !== 0 && x.uint32(18).bytes(T.contract), T.msg.length !== 0 && x.uint32(26).bytes(T.msg), T.callback_code_hash !== "" && x.uint32(34).string(T.callback_code_hash); + for (const k of T.sent_funds) + d.Coin.encode(k, x.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(); + return T.callback_sig.length !== 0 && x.uint32(50).bytes(T.callback_sig), x; + }, decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = n(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - switch (O >>> 3) { + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + switch (P >>> 3) { case 1: - p.sender = w.bytes(); + p.sender = k.bytes(); break; case 2: - p.contract = w.bytes(); + p.contract = k.bytes(); break; case 3: - p.msg = w.bytes(); + p.msg = k.bytes(); break; case 4: - p.callback_code_hash = w.string(); + p.callback_code_hash = k.string(); break; case 5: - p.sent_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(w, w.uint32())); + p.sent_funds.push(d.Coin.decode(k, k.uint32())); break; case 6: - p.callback_sig = w.bytes(); + p.callback_sig = k.bytes(); break; default: - w.skipType(7 & O); + k.skipType(7 & P); } } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ sender: k(N.sender) ? C(N.sender) : new Uint8Array(), contract: k(N.contract) ? C(N.contract) : new Uint8Array(), msg: k(N.msg) ? C(N.msg) : new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: k(N.callback_code_hash) ? String(N.callback_code_hash) : "", sent_funds: Array.isArray(N == null ? void 0 : N.sent_funds) ? N.sent_funds.map((A) => d.Coin.fromJSON(A)) : [], callback_sig: k(N.callback_sig) ? C(N.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.sender !== void 0 && (A.sender = I(N.sender !== void 0 ? N.sender : new Uint8Array())), N.contract !== void 0 && (A.contract = I(N.contract !== void 0 ? N.contract : new Uint8Array())), N.msg !== void 0 && (A.msg = I(N.msg !== void 0 ? N.msg : new Uint8Array())), N.callback_code_hash !== void 0 && (A.callback_code_hash = N.callback_code_hash), N.sent_funds ? A.sent_funds = N.sent_funds.map((w) => w ? d.Coin.toJSON(w) : void 0) : A.sent_funds = [], N.callback_sig !== void 0 && (A.callback_sig = I(N.callback_sig !== void 0 ? N.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A, w, _, p, O, U; - const T = n(); - return T.sender = (A = N.sender) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : new Uint8Array(), T.contract = (w = N.contract) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : new Uint8Array(), T.msg = (_ = N.msg) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), T.callback_code_hash = (p = N.callback_code_hash) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", T.sent_funds = ((O = N.sent_funds) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((z) => d.Coin.fromPartial(z))) || [], T.callback_sig = (U = N.callback_sig) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : new Uint8Array(), T; - } }, e.MsgExecuteContractResponse = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.data.length !== 0 && A.uint32(10).bytes(N.data), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ sender: S(T.sender) ? I(T.sender) : new Uint8Array(), contract: S(T.contract) ? I(T.contract) : new Uint8Array(), msg: S(T.msg) ? I(T.msg) : new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: S(T.callback_code_hash) ? String(T.callback_code_hash) : "", sent_funds: Array.isArray(T == null ? void 0 : T.sent_funds) ? T.sent_funds.map((x) => d.Coin.fromJSON(x)) : [], callback_sig: S(T.callback_sig) ? I(T.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.sender !== void 0 && (x.sender = j(T.sender !== void 0 ? T.sender : new Uint8Array())), T.contract !== void 0 && (x.contract = j(T.contract !== void 0 ? T.contract : new Uint8Array())), T.msg !== void 0 && (x.msg = j(T.msg !== void 0 ? T.msg : new Uint8Array())), T.callback_code_hash !== void 0 && (x.callback_code_hash = T.callback_code_hash), T.sent_funds ? x.sent_funds = T.sent_funds.map((k) => k ? d.Coin.toJSON(k) : void 0) : x.sent_funds = [], T.callback_sig !== void 0 && (x.callback_sig = j(T.callback_sig !== void 0 ? T.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x, k, b, p, P, B; + const C = n(); + return C.sender = (x = T.sender) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), C.contract = (k = T.contract) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : new Uint8Array(), C.msg = (b = T.msg) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), C.callback_code_hash = (p = T.callback_code_hash) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : "", C.sent_funds = ((P = T.sent_funds) === null || P === void 0 ? void 0 : P.map((L) => d.Coin.fromPartial(L))) || [], C.callback_sig = (B = T.callback_sig) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : new Uint8Array(), C; + } }, e.MsgExecuteContractResponse = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.data.length !== 0 && x.uint32(10).bytes(T.data), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = o(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - O >>> 3 == 1 ? p.data = w.bytes() : w.skipType(7 & O); + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + P >>> 3 == 1 ? p.data = k.bytes() : k.skipType(7 & P); } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ data: k(N.data) ? C(N.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.data !== void 0 && (A.data = I(N.data !== void 0 ? N.data : new Uint8Array())), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A; - const w = o(); - return w.data = (A = N.data) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : new Uint8Array(), w; - } }, e.MsgMigrateContract = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.sender !== "" && A.uint32(10).string(N.sender), N.contract !== "" && A.uint32(18).string(N.contract), N.code_id !== "0" && A.uint32(24).uint64(N.code_id), N.msg.length !== 0 && A.uint32(34).bytes(N.msg), N.callback_sig.length !== 0 && A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig), N.callback_code_hash !== "" && A.uint32(66).string(N.callback_code_hash), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ data: S(T.data) ? I(T.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.data !== void 0 && (x.data = j(T.data !== void 0 ? T.data : new Uint8Array())), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x; + const k = o(); + return k.data = (x = T.data) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), k; + } }, e.MsgMigrateContract = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.sender !== "" && x.uint32(10).string(T.sender), T.contract !== "" && x.uint32(18).string(T.contract), T.code_id !== "0" && x.uint32(24).uint64(T.code_id), T.msg.length !== 0 && x.uint32(34).bytes(T.msg), T.callback_sig.length !== 0 && x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig), T.callback_code_hash !== "" && x.uint32(66).string(T.callback_code_hash), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = i(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - switch (O >>> 3) { + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + switch (P >>> 3) { case 1: - p.sender = w.string(); + p.sender = k.string(); break; case 2: - p.contract = w.string(); + p.contract = k.string(); break; case 3: - p.code_id = R(w.uint64()); + p.code_id = N(k.uint64()); break; case 4: - p.msg = w.bytes(); + p.msg = k.bytes(); break; case 7: - p.callback_sig = w.bytes(); + p.callback_sig = k.bytes(); break; case 8: - p.callback_code_hash = w.string(); + p.callback_code_hash = k.string(); break; default: - w.skipType(7 & O); + k.skipType(7 & P); } } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ sender: k(N.sender) ? String(N.sender) : "", contract: k(N.contract) ? String(N.contract) : "", code_id: k(N.code_id) ? String(N.code_id) : "0", msg: k(N.msg) ? C(N.msg) : new Uint8Array(), callback_sig: k(N.callback_sig) ? C(N.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: k(N.callback_code_hash) ? String(N.callback_code_hash) : "" }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.sender !== void 0 && (A.sender = N.sender), N.contract !== void 0 && (A.contract = N.contract), N.code_id !== void 0 && (A.code_id = N.code_id), N.msg !== void 0 && (A.msg = I(N.msg !== void 0 ? N.msg : new Uint8Array())), N.callback_sig !== void 0 && (A.callback_sig = I(N.callback_sig !== void 0 ? N.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), N.callback_code_hash !== void 0 && (A.callback_code_hash = N.callback_code_hash), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A, w, _, p, O, U; - const T = i(); - return T.sender = (A = N.sender) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", T.contract = (w = N.contract) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "", T.code_id = (_ = N.code_id) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "0", T.msg = (p = N.msg) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), T.callback_sig = (O = N.callback_sig) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), T.callback_code_hash = (U = N.callback_code_hash) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", T; - } }, e.MsgMigrateContractResponse = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.data.length !== 0 && A.uint32(10).bytes(N.data), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ sender: S(T.sender) ? String(T.sender) : "", contract: S(T.contract) ? String(T.contract) : "", code_id: S(T.code_id) ? String(T.code_id) : "0", msg: S(T.msg) ? I(T.msg) : new Uint8Array(), callback_sig: S(T.callback_sig) ? I(T.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: S(T.callback_code_hash) ? String(T.callback_code_hash) : "" }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.sender !== void 0 && (x.sender = T.sender), T.contract !== void 0 && (x.contract = T.contract), T.code_id !== void 0 && (x.code_id = T.code_id), T.msg !== void 0 && (x.msg = j(T.msg !== void 0 ? T.msg : new Uint8Array())), T.callback_sig !== void 0 && (x.callback_sig = j(T.callback_sig !== void 0 ? T.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), T.callback_code_hash !== void 0 && (x.callback_code_hash = T.callback_code_hash), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x, k, b, p, P, B; + const C = i(); + return C.sender = (x = T.sender) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", C.contract = (k = T.contract) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", C.code_id = (b = T.code_id) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "0", C.msg = (p = T.msg) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), C.callback_sig = (P = T.callback_sig) !== null && P !== void 0 ? P : new Uint8Array(), C.callback_code_hash = (B = T.callback_code_hash) !== null && B !== void 0 ? B : "", C; + } }, e.MsgMigrateContractResponse = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.data.length !== 0 && x.uint32(10).bytes(T.data), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = f(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - O >>> 3 == 1 ? p.data = w.bytes() : w.skipType(7 & O); + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + P >>> 3 == 1 ? p.data = k.bytes() : k.skipType(7 & P); } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ data: k(N.data) ? C(N.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.data !== void 0 && (A.data = I(N.data !== void 0 ? N.data : new Uint8Array())), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A; - const w = f(); - return w.data = (A = N.data) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : new Uint8Array(), w; - } }, e.MsgUpdateAdmin = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.sender !== "" && A.uint32(10).string(N.sender), N.new_admin !== "" && A.uint32(18).string(N.new_admin), N.contract !== "" && A.uint32(26).string(N.contract), N.callback_sig.length !== 0 && A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ data: S(T.data) ? I(T.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.data !== void 0 && (x.data = j(T.data !== void 0 ? T.data : new Uint8Array())), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x; + const k = f(); + return k.data = (x = T.data) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), k; + } }, e.MsgUpdateAdmin = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.sender !== "" && x.uint32(10).string(T.sender), T.new_admin !== "" && x.uint32(18).string(T.new_admin), T.contract !== "" && x.uint32(26).string(T.contract), T.callback_sig.length !== 0 && x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = c(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - switch (O >>> 3) { + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + switch (P >>> 3) { case 1: - p.sender = w.string(); + p.sender = k.string(); break; case 2: - p.new_admin = w.string(); + p.new_admin = k.string(); break; case 3: - p.contract = w.string(); + p.contract = k.string(); break; case 7: - p.callback_sig = w.bytes(); + p.callback_sig = k.bytes(); break; default: - w.skipType(7 & O); + k.skipType(7 & P); } } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ sender: k(N.sender) ? String(N.sender) : "", new_admin: k(N.new_admin) ? String(N.new_admin) : "", contract: k(N.contract) ? String(N.contract) : "", callback_sig: k(N.callback_sig) ? C(N.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.sender !== void 0 && (A.sender = N.sender), N.new_admin !== void 0 && (A.new_admin = N.new_admin), N.contract !== void 0 && (A.contract = N.contract), N.callback_sig !== void 0 && (A.callback_sig = I(N.callback_sig !== void 0 ? N.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A, w, _, p; - const O = c(); - return O.sender = (A = N.sender) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", O.new_admin = (w = N.new_admin) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "", O.contract = (_ = N.contract) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : "", O.callback_sig = (p = N.callback_sig) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), O; - } }, e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => A, decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const p = w.uint32(); - w.skipType(7 & p); + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ sender: S(T.sender) ? String(T.sender) : "", new_admin: S(T.new_admin) ? String(T.new_admin) : "", contract: S(T.contract) ? String(T.contract) : "", callback_sig: S(T.callback_sig) ? I(T.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.sender !== void 0 && (x.sender = T.sender), T.new_admin !== void 0 && (x.new_admin = T.new_admin), T.contract !== void 0 && (x.contract = T.contract), T.callback_sig !== void 0 && (x.callback_sig = j(T.callback_sig !== void 0 ? T.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x, k, b, p; + const P = c(); + return P.sender = (x = T.sender) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", P.new_admin = (k = T.new_admin) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", P.contract = (b = T.contract) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : "", P.callback_sig = (p = T.callback_sig) !== null && p !== void 0 ? p : new Uint8Array(), P; + } }, e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => x, decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const p = k.uint32(); + k.skipType(7 & p); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({}), toJSON: (N) => ({}), fromPartial: (N) => ({}) }, e.MsgClearAdmin = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => (N.sender !== "" && A.uint32(10).string(N.sender), N.contract !== "" && A.uint32(26).string(N.contract), N.callback_sig.length !== 0 && A.uint32(58).bytes(N.callback_sig), A), decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({}), toJSON: (T) => ({}), fromPartial: (T) => ({}) }, e.MsgClearAdmin = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => (T.sender !== "" && x.uint32(10).string(T.sender), T.contract !== "" && x.uint32(26).string(T.contract), T.callback_sig.length !== 0 && x.uint32(58).bytes(T.callback_sig), x), decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; const p = h(); - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const O = w.uint32(); - switch (O >>> 3) { + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const P = k.uint32(); + switch (P >>> 3) { case 1: - p.sender = w.string(); + p.sender = k.string(); break; case 3: - p.contract = w.string(); + p.contract = k.string(); break; case 7: - p.callback_sig = w.bytes(); + p.callback_sig = k.bytes(); break; default: - w.skipType(7 & O); + k.skipType(7 & P); } } return p; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({ sender: k(N.sender) ? String(N.sender) : "", contract: k(N.contract) ? String(N.contract) : "", callback_sig: k(N.callback_sig) ? C(N.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(N) { - const A = {}; - return N.sender !== void 0 && (A.sender = N.sender), N.contract !== void 0 && (A.contract = N.contract), N.callback_sig !== void 0 && (A.callback_sig = I(N.callback_sig !== void 0 ? N.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), A; - }, fromPartial(N) { - var A, w, _; + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({ sender: S(T.sender) ? String(T.sender) : "", contract: S(T.contract) ? String(T.contract) : "", callback_sig: S(T.callback_sig) ? I(T.callback_sig) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(T) { + const x = {}; + return T.sender !== void 0 && (x.sender = T.sender), T.contract !== void 0 && (x.contract = T.contract), T.callback_sig !== void 0 && (x.callback_sig = j(T.callback_sig !== void 0 ? T.callback_sig : new Uint8Array())), x; + }, fromPartial(T) { + var x, k, b; const p = h(); - return p.sender = (A = N.sender) !== null && A !== void 0 ? A : "", p.contract = (w = N.contract) !== null && w !== void 0 ? w : "", p.callback_sig = (_ = N.callback_sig) !== null && _ !== void 0 ? _ : new Uint8Array(), p; - } }, e.MsgClearAdminResponse = { encode: (N, A = t.Writer.create()) => A, decode(N, A) { - const w = N instanceof t.Reader ? N : new t.Reader(N); - let _ = A === void 0 ? w.len : w.pos + A; - for (; w.pos < _; ) { - const p = w.uint32(); - w.skipType(7 & p); + return p.sender = (x = T.sender) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", p.contract = (k = T.contract) !== null && k !== void 0 ? k : "", p.callback_sig = (b = T.callback_sig) !== null && b !== void 0 ? b : new Uint8Array(), p; + } }, e.MsgClearAdminResponse = { encode: (T, x = t.Writer.create()) => x, decode(T, x) { + const k = T instanceof t.Reader ? T : new t.Reader(T); + let b = x === void 0 ? k.len : k.pos + x; + for (; k.pos < b; ) { + const p = k.uint32(); + k.skipType(7 & p); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (N) => ({}), toJSON: (N) => ({}), fromPartial: (N) => ({}) }, e.MsgClientImpl = class { - constructor(N) { - this.rpc = N, this.StoreCode = this.StoreCode.bind(this), this.InstantiateContract = this.InstantiateContract.bind(this), this.ExecuteContract = this.ExecuteContract.bind(this), this.MigrateContract = this.MigrateContract.bind(this), this.UpdateAdmin = this.UpdateAdmin.bind(this), this.ClearAdmin = this.ClearAdmin.bind(this); + }, fromJSON: (T) => ({}), toJSON: (T) => ({}), fromPartial: (T) => ({}) }, e.MsgClientImpl = class { + constructor(T) { + this.rpc = T, this.StoreCode = this.StoreCode.bind(this), this.InstantiateContract = this.InstantiateContract.bind(this), this.ExecuteContract = this.ExecuteContract.bind(this), this.MigrateContract = this.MigrateContract.bind(this), this.UpdateAdmin = this.UpdateAdmin.bind(this), this.ClearAdmin = this.ClearAdmin.bind(this); } - StoreCode(N) { - const A = e.MsgStoreCode.encode(N).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "StoreCode", A).then((w) => e.MsgStoreCodeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w))); + StoreCode(T) { + const x = e.MsgStoreCode.encode(T).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "StoreCode", x).then((k) => e.MsgStoreCodeResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k))); } - InstantiateContract(N) { - const A = e.MsgInstantiateContract.encode(N).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "InstantiateContract", A).then((w) => e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w))); + InstantiateContract(T) { + const x = e.MsgInstantiateContract.encode(T).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "InstantiateContract", x).then((k) => e.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k))); } - ExecuteContract(N) { - const A = e.MsgExecuteContract.encode(N).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "ExecuteContract", A).then((w) => e.MsgExecuteContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w))); + ExecuteContract(T) { + const x = e.MsgExecuteContract.encode(T).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "ExecuteContract", x).then((k) => e.MsgExecuteContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k))); } - MigrateContract(N) { - const A = e.MsgMigrateContract.encode(N).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "MigrateContract", A).then((w) => e.MsgMigrateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w))); + MigrateContract(T) { + const x = e.MsgMigrateContract.encode(T).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "MigrateContract", x).then((k) => e.MsgMigrateContractResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k))); } - UpdateAdmin(N) { - const A = e.MsgUpdateAdmin.encode(N).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "UpdateAdmin", A).then((w) => e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w))); + UpdateAdmin(T) { + const x = e.MsgUpdateAdmin.encode(T).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "UpdateAdmin", x).then((k) => e.MsgUpdateAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k))); } - ClearAdmin(N) { - const A = e.MsgClearAdmin.encode(N).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "ClearAdmin", A).then((w) => e.MsgClearAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(w))); + ClearAdmin(T) { + const x = e.MsgClearAdmin.encode(T).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("secret.compute.v1beta1.Msg", "ClearAdmin", x).then((k) => e.MsgClearAdminResponse.decode(new t.Reader(k))); } }; var m = (() => { @@ -25565,55 +25903,55 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); - const v = m.atob || ((N) => m.Buffer.from(N, "base64").toString("binary")); - function C(N) { - const A = v(N), w = new Uint8Array(A.length); - for (let _ = 0; _ < A.length; ++_) - w[_] = A.charCodeAt(_); - return w; - } - const l = m.btoa || ((N) => m.Buffer.from(N, "binary").toString("base64")); - function I(N) { - const A = []; - for (const w of N) - A.push(String.fromCharCode(w)); - return l(A.join("")); + const v = m.atob || ((T) => m.Buffer.from(T, "base64").toString("binary")); + function I(T) { + const x = v(T), k = new Uint8Array(x.length); + for (let b = 0; b < x.length; ++b) + k[b] = x.charCodeAt(b); + return k; + } + const l = m.btoa || ((T) => m.Buffer.from(T, "binary").toString("base64")); + function j(T) { + const x = []; + for (const k of T) + x.push(String.fromCharCode(k)); + return l(x.join("")); } - function R(N) { - return N.toString(); + function N(T) { + return T.toString(); } - function k(N) { - return N != null; + function S(T) { + return T != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 4657: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4657: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), Object.defineProperty(d, r, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return u[s]; } }); } : function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), d[r] = u[s]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { Object.defineProperty(d, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: u }); } : function(d, u) { d.default = u; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { if (d && d.__esModule) return d; var u = {}; if (d != null) for (var s in d) s !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, s) && E(u, d, s); - return M(u, d), u; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(d) { + return R(u, d), u; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(d) { return d && d.__esModule ? d : { default: d }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClientImpl = e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse = e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); e.protobufPackage = "secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1", e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch = { encode: (d, u = t.Writer.create()) => (d.sender !== "" && u.uint32(10).string(d.sender), u), decode(d, u) { const s = d instanceof t.Reader ? d : new t.Reader(d); let r = u === void 0 ? s.len : s.pos + u; @@ -25650,30 +25988,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return this.rpc.request("secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.Msg", "ToggleIbcSwitch", u).then((s) => e.MsgToggleIbcSwitchResponse.decode(new t.Reader(s))); } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 1901: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(h, m, v, C) { - C === void 0 && (C = v), Object.defineProperty(h, C, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + }, 1901: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(h, m, v, I) { + I === void 0 && (I = v), Object.defineProperty(h, I, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return m[v]; } }); - } : function(h, m, v, C) { - C === void 0 && (C = v), h[C] = m[v]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(h, m) { + } : function(h, m, v, I) { + I === void 0 && (I = v), h[I] = m[v]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(h, m) { Object.defineProperty(h, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: m }); } : function(h, m) { h.default = m; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(h) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(h) { if (h && h.__esModule) return h; var m = {}; if (h != null) for (var v in h) v !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(h, v) && E(m, h, v); - return M(m, h), m; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(h) { + return R(m, h), m; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(h) { return h && h.__esModule ? h : { default: h }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Key = e.MasterKey = e.RaAuthenticate = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d() { return { sender: new Uint8Array(), certificate: new Uint8Array() }; } @@ -25685,11 +26023,11 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } e.protobufPackage = "secret.registration.v1beta1", e.RaAuthenticate = { encode: (h, m = t.Writer.create()) => (h.sender.length !== 0 && m.uint32(10).bytes(h.sender), h.certificate.length !== 0 && m.uint32(18).bytes(h.certificate), m), decode(h, m) { const v = h instanceof t.Reader ? h : new t.Reader(h); - let C = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; + let I = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; const l = d(); - for (; v.pos < C; ) { - const I = v.uint32(); - switch (I >>> 3) { + for (; v.pos < I; ) { + const j = v.uint32(); + switch (j >>> 3) { case 1: l.sender = v.bytes(); break; @@ -25697,7 +26035,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); l.certificate = v.bytes(); break; default: - v.skipType(7 & I); + v.skipType(7 & j); } } return l; @@ -25706,15 +26044,15 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return h.sender !== void 0 && (m.sender = f(h.sender !== void 0 ? h.sender : new Uint8Array())), h.certificate !== void 0 && (m.certificate = f(h.certificate !== void 0 ? h.certificate : new Uint8Array())), m; }, fromPartial(h) { var m, v; - const C = d(); - return C.sender = (m = h.sender) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : new Uint8Array(), C.certificate = (v = h.certificate) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : new Uint8Array(), C; + const I = d(); + return I.sender = (m = h.sender) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : new Uint8Array(), I.certificate = (v = h.certificate) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : new Uint8Array(), I; } }, e.MasterKey = { encode: (h, m = t.Writer.create()) => (h.bytes.length !== 0 && m.uint32(10).bytes(h.bytes), m), decode(h, m) { const v = h instanceof t.Reader ? h : new t.Reader(h); - let C = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; + let I = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; const l = u(); - for (; v.pos < C; ) { - const I = v.uint32(); - I >>> 3 == 1 ? l.bytes = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & I); + for (; v.pos < I; ) { + const j = v.uint32(); + j >>> 3 == 1 ? l.bytes = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & j); } return l; }, fromJSON: (h) => ({ bytes: c(h.bytes) ? o(h.bytes) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(h) { @@ -25726,11 +26064,11 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return v.bytes = (m = h.bytes) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : new Uint8Array(), v; } }, e.Key = { encode: (h, m = t.Writer.create()) => (h.key.length !== 0 && m.uint32(10).bytes(h.key), m), decode(h, m) { const v = h instanceof t.Reader ? h : new t.Reader(h); - let C = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; + let I = m === void 0 ? v.len : v.pos + m; const l = s(); - for (; v.pos < C; ) { - const I = v.uint32(); - I >>> 3 == 1 ? l.key = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & I); + for (; v.pos < I; ) { + const j = v.uint32(); + j >>> 3 == 1 ? l.key = v.bytes() : v.skipType(7 & j); } return l; }, fromJSON: (h) => ({ key: c(h.key) ? o(h.key) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(h) { @@ -25748,15 +26086,15 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const n = r.atob || ((h) => r.Buffer.from(h, "base64").toString("binary")); function o(h) { const m = n(h), v = new Uint8Array(m.length); - for (let C = 0; C < m.length; ++C) - v[C] = m.charCodeAt(C); + for (let I = 0; I < m.length; ++I) + v[I] = m.charCodeAt(I); return v; } const i = r.btoa || ((h) => r.Buffer.from(h, "binary").toString("base64")); @@ -25770,33 +26108,33 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return h != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 2093: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(g, S, x, j) { - j === void 0 && (j = x), Object.defineProperty(g, j, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return S[x]; + }, 2093: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(_, O, M, U) { + U === void 0 && (U = M), Object.defineProperty(_, U, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return O[M]; } }); - } : function(g, S, x, j) { - j === void 0 && (j = x), g[j] = S[x]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(g, S) { - Object.defineProperty(g, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: S }); - } : function(g, S) { - g.default = S; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(g) { - if (g && g.__esModule) - return g; - var S = {}; - if (g != null) - for (var x in g) - x !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(g, x) && E(S, g, x); - return M(S, g), S; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(g) { - return g && g.__esModule ? g : { default: g }; + } : function(_, O, M, U) { + U === void 0 && (U = M), _[U] = O[M]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(_, O) { + Object.defineProperty(_, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: O }); + } : function(_, O) { + _.default = O; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(_) { + if (_ && _.__esModule) + return _; + var O = {}; + if (_ != null) + for (var M in _) + M !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(_, M) && E(O, _, M); + return R(O, _), O; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(_) { + return _ && _.__esModule ? _ : { default: _ }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Event = e.LastCommitInfo = e.BlockParams = e.ConsensusParams = e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk = e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk = e.ResponseOfferSnapshot = e.ResponseListSnapshots = e.ResponseCommit = e.ResponseEndBlock = e.ResponseDeliverTx = e.ResponseCheckTx = e.ResponseBeginBlock = e.ResponseQuery = e.ResponseInitChain = e.ResponseSetOption = e.ResponseInfo = e.ResponseFlush = e.ResponseEcho = e.ResponseException = e.Response = e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk = e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk = e.RequestOfferSnapshot = e.RequestListSnapshots = e.RequestCommit = e.RequestEndBlock = e.RequestDeliverTx = e.RequestCheckTx = e.RequestBeginBlock = e.RequestQuery = e.RequestInitChain = e.RequestSetOption = e.RequestInfo = e.RequestFlush = e.RequestEcho = e.Request = e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultToJSON = e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultFromJSON = e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result = e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultToJSON = e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultFromJSON = e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result = e.evidenceTypeToJSON = e.evidenceTypeFromJSON = e.EvidenceType = e.checkTxTypeToJSON = e.checkTxTypeFromJSON = e.CheckTxType = e.protobufPackage = void 0, e.ABCIApplicationClientImpl = e.Snapshot = e.Evidence = e.VoteInfo = e.ValidatorUpdate = e.Validator = e.TxResult = e.EventAttribute = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(5090), u = b(9928), s = b(1093), r = b(5672), n = b(2740); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(5090), u = y(9928), s = y(1093), r = y(5672), n = y(2740); var o, i, f, c; - function h(g) { - switch (g) { + function h(_) { + switch (_) { case 0: case "NEW": return o.NEW; @@ -25807,8 +26145,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return o.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function m(g) { - switch (g) { + function m(_) { + switch (_) { case o.NEW: return "NEW"; case o.RECHECK: @@ -25817,8 +26155,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "UNKNOWN"; } } - function v(g) { - switch (g) { + function v(_) { + switch (_) { case 0: case "UNKNOWN": return i.UNKNOWN; @@ -25832,8 +26170,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return i.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function C(g) { - switch (g) { + function I(_) { + switch (_) { case i.UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN"; case i.DUPLICATE_VOTE: @@ -25844,8 +26182,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "UNKNOWN"; } } - function l(g) { - switch (g) { + function l(_) { + switch (_) { case 0: case "UNKNOWN": return f.UNKNOWN; @@ -25868,8 +26206,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return f.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function I(g) { - switch (g) { + function j(_) { + switch (_) { case f.UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN"; case f.ACCEPT: @@ -25886,8 +26224,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "UNKNOWN"; } } - function R(g) { - switch (g) { + function N(_) { + switch (_) { case 0: case "UNKNOWN": return c.UNKNOWN; @@ -25910,8 +26248,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return c.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function k(g) { - switch (g) { + function S(_) { + switch (_) { case c.UNKNOWN: return "UNKNOWN"; case c.ACCEPT: @@ -25928,1453 +26266,1453 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "UNKNOWN"; } } - function N() { + function T() { return { time: void 0, chain_id: "", consensus_params: void 0, validators: [], app_state_bytes: new Uint8Array(), initial_height: "0" }; } - function A() { + function x() { return { data: new Uint8Array(), path: "", height: "0", prove: !1 }; } - function w() { + function k() { return { hash: new Uint8Array(), header: void 0, last_commit_info: void 0, byzantine_validators: [], commit: void 0, txs: [] }; } - function _() { + function b() { return { tx: new Uint8Array(), type: 0 }; } function p() { return { tx: new Uint8Array() }; } - function O() { + function P() { return { snapshot: void 0, app_hash: new Uint8Array() }; } - function U() { + function B() { return { index: 0, chunk: new Uint8Array(), sender: "" }; } - function T() { + function C() { return { data: "", version: "", app_version: "0", last_block_height: "0", last_block_app_hash: new Uint8Array() }; } - function z() { + function L() { return { consensus_params: void 0, validators: [], app_hash: new Uint8Array() }; } - function te() { + function re() { return { code: 0, log: "", info: "", index: "0", key: new Uint8Array(), value: new Uint8Array(), proof_ops: void 0, height: "0", codespace: "" }; } - function X() { + function ee() { return { code: 0, data: new Uint8Array(), log: "", info: "", gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0", events: [], codespace: "", sender: "", priority: "0", mempool_error: "" }; } - function ne() { + function oe() { return { code: 0, data: new Uint8Array(), log: "", info: "", gas_wanted: "0", gas_used: "0", events: [], codespace: "" }; } - function B() { + function D() { return { data: new Uint8Array(), retain_height: "0" }; } - function Q() { + function Z() { return { chunk: new Uint8Array() }; } - function V() { + function H() { return { key: new Uint8Array(), value: new Uint8Array(), index: !1 }; } - function ee() { + function te() { return { height: "0", index: 0, tx: new Uint8Array(), result: void 0 }; } - function K() { + function Q() { return { address: new Uint8Array(), power: "0" }; } - function Y() { + function X() { return { height: "0", format: 0, chunks: 0, hash: new Uint8Array(), metadata: new Uint8Array() }; } - e.protobufPackage = "tendermint.abci", function(g) { - g[g.NEW = 0] = "NEW", g[g.RECHECK = 1] = "RECHECK", g[g.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(o = e.CheckTxType || (e.CheckTxType = {})), e.checkTxTypeFromJSON = h, e.checkTxTypeToJSON = m, function(g) { - g[g.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", g[g.DUPLICATE_VOTE = 1] = "DUPLICATE_VOTE", g[g.LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK = 2] = "LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK", g[g.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(i = e.EvidenceType || (e.EvidenceType = {})), e.evidenceTypeFromJSON = v, e.evidenceTypeToJSON = C, function(g) { - g[g.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", g[g.ACCEPT = 1] = "ACCEPT", g[g.ABORT = 2] = "ABORT", g[g.REJECT = 3] = "REJECT", g[g.REJECT_FORMAT = 4] = "REJECT_FORMAT", g[g.REJECT_SENDER = 5] = "REJECT_SENDER", g[g.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(f = e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result || (e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result = {})), e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultFromJSON = l, e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultToJSON = I, function(g) { - g[g.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", g[g.ACCEPT = 1] = "ACCEPT", g[g.ABORT = 2] = "ABORT", g[g.RETRY = 3] = "RETRY", g[g.RETRY_SNAPSHOT = 4] = "RETRY_SNAPSHOT", g[g.REJECT_SNAPSHOT = 5] = "REJECT_SNAPSHOT", g[g.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(c = e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result || (e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result = {})), e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultFromJSON = R, e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultToJSON = k, e.Request = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.echo !== void 0 && e.RequestEcho.encode(g.echo, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), g.flush !== void 0 && e.RequestFlush.encode(g.flush, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), g.info !== void 0 && e.RequestInfo.encode(g.info, S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), g.set_option !== void 0 && e.RequestSetOption.encode(g.set_option, S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), g.init_chain !== void 0 && e.RequestInitChain.encode(g.init_chain, S.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), g.query !== void 0 && e.RequestQuery.encode(g.query, S.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), g.begin_block !== void 0 && e.RequestBeginBlock.encode(g.begin_block, S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), g.check_tx !== void 0 && e.RequestCheckTx.encode(g.check_tx, S.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), g.deliver_tx !== void 0 && e.RequestDeliverTx.encode(g.deliver_tx, S.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), g.end_block !== void 0 && e.RequestEndBlock.encode(g.end_block, S.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(), g.commit !== void 0 && e.RequestCommit.encode(g.commit, S.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), g.list_snapshots !== void 0 && e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(g.list_snapshots, S.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim(), g.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(g.offer_snapshot, S.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(), g.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(g.load_snapshot_chunk, S.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim(), g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(g.apply_snapshot_chunk, S.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + e.protobufPackage = "tendermint.abci", function(_) { + _[_.NEW = 0] = "NEW", _[_.RECHECK = 1] = "RECHECK", _[_.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(o = e.CheckTxType || (e.CheckTxType = {})), e.checkTxTypeFromJSON = h, e.checkTxTypeToJSON = m, function(_) { + _[_.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", _[_.DUPLICATE_VOTE = 1] = "DUPLICATE_VOTE", _[_.LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK = 2] = "LIGHT_CLIENT_ATTACK", _[_.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(i = e.EvidenceType || (e.EvidenceType = {})), e.evidenceTypeFromJSON = v, e.evidenceTypeToJSON = I, function(_) { + _[_.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", _[_.ACCEPT = 1] = "ACCEPT", _[_.ABORT = 2] = "ABORT", _[_.REJECT = 3] = "REJECT", _[_.REJECT_FORMAT = 4] = "REJECT_FORMAT", _[_.REJECT_SENDER = 5] = "REJECT_SENDER", _[_.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(f = e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result || (e.ResponseOfferSnapshot_Result = {})), e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultFromJSON = l, e.responseOfferSnapshot_ResultToJSON = j, function(_) { + _[_.UNKNOWN = 0] = "UNKNOWN", _[_.ACCEPT = 1] = "ACCEPT", _[_.ABORT = 2] = "ABORT", _[_.RETRY = 3] = "RETRY", _[_.RETRY_SNAPSHOT = 4] = "RETRY_SNAPSHOT", _[_.REJECT_SNAPSHOT = 5] = "REJECT_SNAPSHOT", _[_.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(c = e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result || (e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk_Result = {})), e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultFromJSON = N, e.responseApplySnapshotChunk_ResultToJSON = S, e.Request = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.echo !== void 0 && e.RequestEcho.encode(_.echo, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.flush !== void 0 && e.RequestFlush.encode(_.flush, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _.info !== void 0 && e.RequestInfo.encode(_.info, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _.set_option !== void 0 && e.RequestSetOption.encode(_.set_option, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _.init_chain !== void 0 && e.RequestInitChain.encode(_.init_chain, O.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), _.query !== void 0 && e.RequestQuery.encode(_.query, O.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), _.begin_block !== void 0 && e.RequestBeginBlock.encode(_.begin_block, O.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), _.check_tx !== void 0 && e.RequestCheckTx.encode(_.check_tx, O.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), _.deliver_tx !== void 0 && e.RequestDeliverTx.encode(_.deliver_tx, O.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), _.end_block !== void 0 && e.RequestEndBlock.encode(_.end_block, O.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(), _.commit !== void 0 && e.RequestCommit.encode(_.commit, O.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), _.list_snapshots !== void 0 && e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(_.list_snapshots, O.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim(), _.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(_.offer_snapshot, O.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(), _.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(_.load_snapshot_chunk, O.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim(), _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(_.apply_snapshot_chunk, O.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.echo = e.RequestEcho.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.echo = e.RequestEcho.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.flush = e.RequestFlush.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.flush = e.RequestFlush.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 3: - D.info = e.RequestInfo.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.info = e.RequestInfo.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 4: - D.set_option = e.RequestSetOption.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.set_option = e.RequestSetOption.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 5: - D.init_chain = e.RequestInitChain.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.init_chain = e.RequestInitChain.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 6: - D.query = e.RequestQuery.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.query = e.RequestQuery.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 7: - D.begin_block = e.RequestBeginBlock.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.begin_block = e.RequestBeginBlock.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 8: - D.check_tx = e.RequestCheckTx.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.check_tx = e.RequestCheckTx.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 9: - D.deliver_tx = e.RequestDeliverTx.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.deliver_tx = e.RequestDeliverTx.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 10: - D.end_block = e.RequestEndBlock.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.end_block = e.RequestEndBlock.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 11: - D.commit = e.RequestCommit.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.commit = e.RequestCommit.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 12: - D.list_snapshots = e.RequestListSnapshots.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.list_snapshots = e.RequestListSnapshots.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 13: - D.offer_snapshot = e.RequestOfferSnapshot.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.offer_snapshot = e.RequestOfferSnapshot.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 14: - D.load_snapshot_chunk = e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.load_snapshot_chunk = e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 15: - D.apply_snapshot_chunk = e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.apply_snapshot_chunk = e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ echo: W(g.echo) ? e.RequestEcho.fromJSON(g.echo) : void 0, flush: W(g.flush) ? e.RequestFlush.fromJSON(g.flush) : void 0, info: W(g.info) ? e.RequestInfo.fromJSON(g.info) : void 0, set_option: W(g.set_option) ? e.RequestSetOption.fromJSON(g.set_option) : void 0, init_chain: W(g.init_chain) ? e.RequestInitChain.fromJSON(g.init_chain) : void 0, query: W(g.query) ? e.RequestQuery.fromJSON(g.query) : void 0, begin_block: W(g.begin_block) ? e.RequestBeginBlock.fromJSON(g.begin_block) : void 0, check_tx: W(g.check_tx) ? e.RequestCheckTx.fromJSON(g.check_tx) : void 0, deliver_tx: W(g.deliver_tx) ? e.RequestDeliverTx.fromJSON(g.deliver_tx) : void 0, end_block: W(g.end_block) ? e.RequestEndBlock.fromJSON(g.end_block) : void 0, commit: W(g.commit) ? e.RequestCommit.fromJSON(g.commit) : void 0, list_snapshots: W(g.list_snapshots) ? e.RequestListSnapshots.fromJSON(g.list_snapshots) : void 0, offer_snapshot: W(g.offer_snapshot) ? e.RequestOfferSnapshot.fromJSON(g.offer_snapshot) : void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: W(g.load_snapshot_chunk) ? e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: W(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) ? e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0 }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.echo !== void 0 && (S.echo = g.echo ? e.RequestEcho.toJSON(g.echo) : void 0), g.flush !== void 0 && (S.flush = g.flush ? e.RequestFlush.toJSON(g.flush) : void 0), g.info !== void 0 && (S.info = g.info ? e.RequestInfo.toJSON(g.info) : void 0), g.set_option !== void 0 && (S.set_option = g.set_option ? e.RequestSetOption.toJSON(g.set_option) : void 0), g.init_chain !== void 0 && (S.init_chain = g.init_chain ? e.RequestInitChain.toJSON(g.init_chain) : void 0), g.query !== void 0 && (S.query = g.query ? e.RequestQuery.toJSON(g.query) : void 0), g.begin_block !== void 0 && (S.begin_block = g.begin_block ? e.RequestBeginBlock.toJSON(g.begin_block) : void 0), g.check_tx !== void 0 && (S.check_tx = g.check_tx ? e.RequestCheckTx.toJSON(g.check_tx) : void 0), g.deliver_tx !== void 0 && (S.deliver_tx = g.deliver_tx ? e.RequestDeliverTx.toJSON(g.deliver_tx) : void 0), g.end_block !== void 0 && (S.end_block = g.end_block ? e.RequestEndBlock.toJSON(g.end_block) : void 0), g.commit !== void 0 && (S.commit = g.commit ? e.RequestCommit.toJSON(g.commit) : void 0), g.list_snapshots !== void 0 && (S.list_snapshots = g.list_snapshots ? e.RequestListSnapshots.toJSON(g.list_snapshots) : void 0), g.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && (S.offer_snapshot = g.offer_snapshot ? e.RequestOfferSnapshot.toJSON(g.offer_snapshot) : void 0), g.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (S.load_snapshot_chunk = g.load_snapshot_chunk ? e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (S.apply_snapshot_chunk = g.apply_snapshot_chunk ? e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - const S = { echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; - return S.echo = g.echo !== void 0 && g.echo !== null ? e.RequestEcho.fromPartial(g.echo) : void 0, S.flush = g.flush !== void 0 && g.flush !== null ? e.RequestFlush.fromPartial(g.flush) : void 0, S.info = g.info !== void 0 && g.info !== null ? e.RequestInfo.fromPartial(g.info) : void 0, S.set_option = g.set_option !== void 0 && g.set_option !== null ? e.RequestSetOption.fromPartial(g.set_option) : void 0, S.init_chain = g.init_chain !== void 0 && g.init_chain !== null ? e.RequestInitChain.fromPartial(g.init_chain) : void 0, S.query = g.query !== void 0 && g.query !== null ? e.RequestQuery.fromPartial(g.query) : void 0, S.begin_block = g.begin_block !== void 0 && g.begin_block !== null ? e.RequestBeginBlock.fromPartial(g.begin_block) : void 0, S.check_tx = g.check_tx !== void 0 && g.check_tx !== null ? e.RequestCheckTx.fromPartial(g.check_tx) : void 0, S.deliver_tx = g.deliver_tx !== void 0 && g.deliver_tx !== null ? e.RequestDeliverTx.fromPartial(g.deliver_tx) : void 0, S.end_block = g.end_block !== void 0 && g.end_block !== null ? e.RequestEndBlock.fromPartial(g.end_block) : void 0, S.commit = g.commit !== void 0 && g.commit !== null ? e.RequestCommit.fromPartial(g.commit) : void 0, S.list_snapshots = g.list_snapshots !== void 0 && g.list_snapshots !== null ? e.RequestListSnapshots.fromPartial(g.list_snapshots) : void 0, S.offer_snapshot = g.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && g.offer_snapshot !== null ? e.RequestOfferSnapshot.fromPartial(g.offer_snapshot) : void 0, S.load_snapshot_chunk = g.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && g.load_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, S.apply_snapshot_chunk = g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, S; - } }, e.RequestEcho = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.message !== "" && S.uint32(10).string(g.message), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { message: "" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.message = x.string() : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ echo: G(_.echo) ? e.RequestEcho.fromJSON(_.echo) : void 0, flush: G(_.flush) ? e.RequestFlush.fromJSON(_.flush) : void 0, info: G(_.info) ? e.RequestInfo.fromJSON(_.info) : void 0, set_option: G(_.set_option) ? e.RequestSetOption.fromJSON(_.set_option) : void 0, init_chain: G(_.init_chain) ? e.RequestInitChain.fromJSON(_.init_chain) : void 0, query: G(_.query) ? e.RequestQuery.fromJSON(_.query) : void 0, begin_block: G(_.begin_block) ? e.RequestBeginBlock.fromJSON(_.begin_block) : void 0, check_tx: G(_.check_tx) ? e.RequestCheckTx.fromJSON(_.check_tx) : void 0, deliver_tx: G(_.deliver_tx) ? e.RequestDeliverTx.fromJSON(_.deliver_tx) : void 0, end_block: G(_.end_block) ? e.RequestEndBlock.fromJSON(_.end_block) : void 0, commit: G(_.commit) ? e.RequestCommit.fromJSON(_.commit) : void 0, list_snapshots: G(_.list_snapshots) ? e.RequestListSnapshots.fromJSON(_.list_snapshots) : void 0, offer_snapshot: G(_.offer_snapshot) ? e.RequestOfferSnapshot.fromJSON(_.offer_snapshot) : void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: G(_.load_snapshot_chunk) ? e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.fromJSON(_.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: G(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) ? e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.fromJSON(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0 }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.echo !== void 0 && (O.echo = _.echo ? e.RequestEcho.toJSON(_.echo) : void 0), _.flush !== void 0 && (O.flush = _.flush ? e.RequestFlush.toJSON(_.flush) : void 0), _.info !== void 0 && (O.info = _.info ? e.RequestInfo.toJSON(_.info) : void 0), _.set_option !== void 0 && (O.set_option = _.set_option ? e.RequestSetOption.toJSON(_.set_option) : void 0), _.init_chain !== void 0 && (O.init_chain = _.init_chain ? e.RequestInitChain.toJSON(_.init_chain) : void 0), _.query !== void 0 && (O.query = _.query ? e.RequestQuery.toJSON(_.query) : void 0), _.begin_block !== void 0 && (O.begin_block = _.begin_block ? e.RequestBeginBlock.toJSON(_.begin_block) : void 0), _.check_tx !== void 0 && (O.check_tx = _.check_tx ? e.RequestCheckTx.toJSON(_.check_tx) : void 0), _.deliver_tx !== void 0 && (O.deliver_tx = _.deliver_tx ? e.RequestDeliverTx.toJSON(_.deliver_tx) : void 0), _.end_block !== void 0 && (O.end_block = _.end_block ? e.RequestEndBlock.toJSON(_.end_block) : void 0), _.commit !== void 0 && (O.commit = _.commit ? e.RequestCommit.toJSON(_.commit) : void 0), _.list_snapshots !== void 0 && (O.list_snapshots = _.list_snapshots ? e.RequestListSnapshots.toJSON(_.list_snapshots) : void 0), _.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && (O.offer_snapshot = _.offer_snapshot ? e.RequestOfferSnapshot.toJSON(_.offer_snapshot) : void 0), _.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (O.load_snapshot_chunk = _.load_snapshot_chunk ? e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.toJSON(_.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (O.apply_snapshot_chunk = _.apply_snapshot_chunk ? e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.toJSON(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + const O = { echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; + return O.echo = _.echo !== void 0 && _.echo !== null ? e.RequestEcho.fromPartial(_.echo) : void 0, O.flush = _.flush !== void 0 && _.flush !== null ? e.RequestFlush.fromPartial(_.flush) : void 0, O.info = _.info !== void 0 && _.info !== null ? e.RequestInfo.fromPartial(_.info) : void 0, O.set_option = _.set_option !== void 0 && _.set_option !== null ? e.RequestSetOption.fromPartial(_.set_option) : void 0, O.init_chain = _.init_chain !== void 0 && _.init_chain !== null ? e.RequestInitChain.fromPartial(_.init_chain) : void 0, O.query = _.query !== void 0 && _.query !== null ? e.RequestQuery.fromPartial(_.query) : void 0, O.begin_block = _.begin_block !== void 0 && _.begin_block !== null ? e.RequestBeginBlock.fromPartial(_.begin_block) : void 0, O.check_tx = _.check_tx !== void 0 && _.check_tx !== null ? e.RequestCheckTx.fromPartial(_.check_tx) : void 0, O.deliver_tx = _.deliver_tx !== void 0 && _.deliver_tx !== null ? e.RequestDeliverTx.fromPartial(_.deliver_tx) : void 0, O.end_block = _.end_block !== void 0 && _.end_block !== null ? e.RequestEndBlock.fromPartial(_.end_block) : void 0, O.commit = _.commit !== void 0 && _.commit !== null ? e.RequestCommit.fromPartial(_.commit) : void 0, O.list_snapshots = _.list_snapshots !== void 0 && _.list_snapshots !== null ? e.RequestListSnapshots.fromPartial(_.list_snapshots) : void 0, O.offer_snapshot = _.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && _.offer_snapshot !== null ? e.RequestOfferSnapshot.fromPartial(_.offer_snapshot) : void 0, O.load_snapshot_chunk = _.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && _.load_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.fromPartial(_.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, O.apply_snapshot_chunk = _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.fromPartial(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, O; + } }, e.RequestEcho = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.message !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(_.message), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { message: "" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.message = M.string() : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ message: W(g.message) ? String(g.message) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.message !== void 0 && (S.message = g.message), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { message: "" }; - return x.message = (S = g.message) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", x; - } }, e.RequestFlush = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => S, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const D = x.uint32(); - x.skipType(7 & D); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ message: G(_.message) ? String(_.message) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.message !== void 0 && (O.message = _.message), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { message: "" }; + return M.message = (O = _.message) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", M; + } }, e.RequestFlush = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => O, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const z = M.uint32(); + M.skipType(7 & z); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({}), toJSON: (g) => ({}), fromPartial: (g) => ({}) }, e.RequestInfo = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.version !== "" && S.uint32(10).string(g.version), g.block_version !== "0" && S.uint32(16).uint64(g.block_version), g.p2p_version !== "0" && S.uint32(24).uint64(g.p2p_version), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { version: "", block_version: "0", p2p_version: "0" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.RequestInfo = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.version !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(_.version), _.block_version !== "0" && O.uint32(16).uint64(_.block_version), _.p2p_version !== "0" && O.uint32(24).uint64(_.p2p_version), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { version: "", block_version: "0", p2p_version: "0" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.version = x.string(); + z.version = M.string(); break; case 2: - D.block_version = be(x.uint64()); + z.block_version = ye(M.uint64()); break; case 3: - D.p2p_version = be(x.uint64()); + z.p2p_version = ye(M.uint64()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ version: W(g.version) ? String(g.version) : "", block_version: W(g.block_version) ? String(g.block_version) : "0", p2p_version: W(g.p2p_version) ? String(g.p2p_version) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.version !== void 0 && (S.version = g.version), g.block_version !== void 0 && (S.block_version = g.block_version), g.p2p_version !== void 0 && (S.p2p_version = g.p2p_version), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = { version: "", block_version: "0", p2p_version: "0" }; - return D.version = (S = g.version) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", D.block_version = (x = g.block_version) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "0", D.p2p_version = (j = g.p2p_version) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", D; - } }, e.RequestSetOption = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.key !== "" && S.uint32(10).string(g.key), g.value !== "" && S.uint32(18).string(g.value), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { key: "", value: "" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ version: G(_.version) ? String(_.version) : "", block_version: G(_.block_version) ? String(_.block_version) : "0", p2p_version: G(_.p2p_version) ? String(_.p2p_version) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.version !== void 0 && (O.version = _.version), _.block_version !== void 0 && (O.block_version = _.block_version), _.p2p_version !== void 0 && (O.p2p_version = _.p2p_version), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = { version: "", block_version: "0", p2p_version: "0" }; + return z.version = (O = _.version) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", z.block_version = (M = _.block_version) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "0", z.p2p_version = (U = _.p2p_version) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "0", z; + } }, e.RequestSetOption = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.key !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(_.key), _.value !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(_.value), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { key: "", value: "" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.key = x.string(); + z.key = M.string(); break; case 2: - D.value = x.string(); + z.value = M.string(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ key: W(g.key) ? String(g.key) : "", value: W(g.value) ? String(g.value) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.key !== void 0 && (S.key = g.key), g.value !== void 0 && (S.value = g.value), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = { key: "", value: "" }; - return j.key = (S = g.key) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", j.value = (x = g.value) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", j; - } }, e.RequestInitChain = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.time !== void 0 && d.Timestamp.encode(g.time, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), g.chain_id !== "" && S.uint32(18).string(g.chain_id), g.consensus_params !== void 0 && e.ConsensusParams.encode(g.consensus_params, S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const x of g.validators) - e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(x, S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); - return g.app_state_bytes.length !== 0 && S.uint32(42).bytes(g.app_state_bytes), g.initial_height !== "0" && S.uint32(48).int64(g.initial_height), S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = N(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ key: G(_.key) ? String(_.key) : "", value: G(_.value) ? String(_.value) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.key !== void 0 && (O.key = _.key), _.value !== void 0 && (O.value = _.value), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = { key: "", value: "" }; + return U.key = (O = _.key) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", U.value = (M = _.value) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "", U; + } }, e.RequestInitChain = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.time !== void 0 && d.Timestamp.encode(_.time, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.chain_id !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(_.chain_id), _.consensus_params !== void 0 && e.ConsensusParams.encode(_.consensus_params, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const M of _.validators) + e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(M, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); + return _.app_state_bytes.length !== 0 && O.uint32(42).bytes(_.app_state_bytes), _.initial_height !== "0" && O.uint32(48).int64(_.initial_height), O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = T(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.time = d.Timestamp.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.time = d.Timestamp.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.chain_id = x.string(); + z.chain_id = M.string(); break; case 3: - D.consensus_params = e.ConsensusParams.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.consensus_params = e.ConsensusParams.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 4: - D.validators.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.validators.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; case 5: - D.app_state_bytes = x.bytes(); + z.app_state_bytes = M.bytes(); break; case 6: - D.initial_height = be(x.int64()); + z.initial_height = ye(M.int64()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ time: W(g.time) ? he(g.time) : void 0, chain_id: W(g.chain_id) ? String(g.chain_id) : "", consensus_params: W(g.consensus_params) ? e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(g.consensus_params) : void 0, validators: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.validators) ? g.validators.map((S) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(S)) : [], app_state_bytes: W(g.app_state_bytes) ? de(g.app_state_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), initial_height: W(g.initial_height) ? String(g.initial_height) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.time !== void 0 && (S.time = ce(g.time).toISOString()), g.chain_id !== void 0 && (S.chain_id = g.chain_id), g.consensus_params !== void 0 && (S.consensus_params = g.consensus_params ? e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(g.consensus_params) : void 0), g.validators ? S.validators = g.validators.map((x) => x ? e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.validators = [], g.app_state_bytes !== void 0 && (S.app_state_bytes = le(g.app_state_bytes !== void 0 ? g.app_state_bytes : new Uint8Array())), g.initial_height !== void 0 && (S.initial_height = g.initial_height), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j, D; - const L = N(); - return L.time = g.time !== void 0 && g.time !== null ? d.Timestamp.fromPartial(g.time) : void 0, L.chain_id = (S = g.chain_id) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", L.consensus_params = g.consensus_params !== void 0 && g.consensus_params !== null ? e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(g.consensus_params) : void 0, L.validators = ((x = g.validators) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((F) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(F))) || [], L.app_state_bytes = (j = g.app_state_bytes) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : new Uint8Array(), L.initial_height = (D = g.initial_height) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : "0", L; - } }, e.RequestQuery = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.data.length !== 0 && S.uint32(10).bytes(g.data), g.path !== "" && S.uint32(18).string(g.path), g.height !== "0" && S.uint32(24).int64(g.height), g.prove === !0 && S.uint32(32).bool(g.prove), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = A(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ time: G(_.time) ? pe(_.time) : void 0, chain_id: G(_.chain_id) ? String(_.chain_id) : "", consensus_params: G(_.consensus_params) ? e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(_.consensus_params) : void 0, validators: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.validators) ? _.validators.map((O) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(O)) : [], app_state_bytes: G(_.app_state_bytes) ? ue(_.app_state_bytes) : new Uint8Array(), initial_height: G(_.initial_height) ? String(_.initial_height) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.time !== void 0 && (O.time = de(_.time).toISOString()), _.chain_id !== void 0 && (O.chain_id = _.chain_id), _.consensus_params !== void 0 && (O.consensus_params = _.consensus_params ? e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(_.consensus_params) : void 0), _.validators ? O.validators = _.validators.map((M) => M ? e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.validators = [], _.app_state_bytes !== void 0 && (O.app_state_bytes = fe(_.app_state_bytes !== void 0 ? _.app_state_bytes : new Uint8Array())), _.initial_height !== void 0 && (O.initial_height = _.initial_height), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U, z; + const q = T(); + return q.time = _.time !== void 0 && _.time !== null ? d.Timestamp.fromPartial(_.time) : void 0, q.chain_id = (O = _.chain_id) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", q.consensus_params = _.consensus_params !== void 0 && _.consensus_params !== null ? e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(_.consensus_params) : void 0, q.validators = ((M = _.validators) === null || M === void 0 ? void 0 : M.map((W) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(W))) || [], q.app_state_bytes = (U = _.app_state_bytes) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : new Uint8Array(), q.initial_height = (z = _.initial_height) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "0", q; + } }, e.RequestQuery = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.data.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(_.data), _.path !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(_.path), _.height !== "0" && O.uint32(24).int64(_.height), _.prove === !0 && O.uint32(32).bool(_.prove), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = x(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.data = x.bytes(); + z.data = M.bytes(); break; case 2: - D.path = x.string(); + z.path = M.string(); break; case 3: - D.height = be(x.int64()); + z.height = ye(M.int64()); break; case 4: - D.prove = x.bool(); + z.prove = M.bool(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ data: W(g.data) ? de(g.data) : new Uint8Array(), path: W(g.path) ? String(g.path) : "", height: W(g.height) ? String(g.height) : "0", prove: !!W(g.prove) && !!g.prove }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.data !== void 0 && (S.data = le(g.data !== void 0 ? g.data : new Uint8Array())), g.path !== void 0 && (S.path = g.path), g.height !== void 0 && (S.height = g.height), g.prove !== void 0 && (S.prove = g.prove), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j, D; - const L = A(); - return L.data = (S = g.data) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), L.path = (x = g.path) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", L.height = (j = g.height) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", L.prove = (D = g.prove) !== null && D !== void 0 && D, L; - } }, e.RequestBeginBlock = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.hash.length !== 0 && S.uint32(10).bytes(g.hash), g.header !== void 0 && u.Header.encode(g.header, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), g.last_commit_info !== void 0 && e.LastCommitInfo.encode(g.last_commit_info, S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const x of g.byzantine_validators) - e.Evidence.encode(x, S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); - g.commit !== void 0 && u.Commit.encode(g.commit, S.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const x of g.txs) - S.uint32(50).bytes(x); - return S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = w(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ data: G(_.data) ? ue(_.data) : new Uint8Array(), path: G(_.path) ? String(_.path) : "", height: G(_.height) ? String(_.height) : "0", prove: !!G(_.prove) && !!_.prove }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.data !== void 0 && (O.data = fe(_.data !== void 0 ? _.data : new Uint8Array())), _.path !== void 0 && (O.path = _.path), _.height !== void 0 && (O.height = _.height), _.prove !== void 0 && (O.prove = _.prove), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U, z; + const q = x(); + return q.data = (O = _.data) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), q.path = (M = _.path) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "", q.height = (U = _.height) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "0", q.prove = (z = _.prove) !== null && z !== void 0 && z, q; + } }, e.RequestBeginBlock = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.hash.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(_.hash), _.header !== void 0 && u.Header.encode(_.header, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _.last_commit_info !== void 0 && e.LastCommitInfo.encode(_.last_commit_info, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const M of _.byzantine_validators) + e.Evidence.encode(M, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); + _.commit !== void 0 && u.Commit.encode(_.commit, O.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const M of _.txs) + O.uint32(50).bytes(M); + return O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = k(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.hash = x.bytes(); + z.hash = M.bytes(); break; case 2: - D.header = u.Header.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.header = u.Header.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 3: - D.last_commit_info = e.LastCommitInfo.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.last_commit_info = e.LastCommitInfo.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 4: - D.byzantine_validators.push(e.Evidence.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.byzantine_validators.push(e.Evidence.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; case 5: - D.commit = u.Commit.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.commit = u.Commit.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 6: - D.txs.push(x.bytes()); + z.txs.push(M.bytes()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ hash: W(g.hash) ? de(g.hash) : new Uint8Array(), header: W(g.header) ? u.Header.fromJSON(g.header) : void 0, last_commit_info: W(g.last_commit_info) ? e.LastCommitInfo.fromJSON(g.last_commit_info) : void 0, byzantine_validators: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.byzantine_validators) ? g.byzantine_validators.map((S) => e.Evidence.fromJSON(S)) : [], commit: W(g.commit) ? u.Commit.fromJSON(g.commit) : void 0, txs: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.txs) ? g.txs.map((S) => de(S)) : [] }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.hash !== void 0 && (S.hash = le(g.hash !== void 0 ? g.hash : new Uint8Array())), g.header !== void 0 && (S.header = g.header ? u.Header.toJSON(g.header) : void 0), g.last_commit_info !== void 0 && (S.last_commit_info = g.last_commit_info ? e.LastCommitInfo.toJSON(g.last_commit_info) : void 0), g.byzantine_validators ? S.byzantine_validators = g.byzantine_validators.map((x) => x ? e.Evidence.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.byzantine_validators = [], g.commit !== void 0 && (S.commit = g.commit ? u.Commit.toJSON(g.commit) : void 0), g.txs ? S.txs = g.txs.map((x) => le(x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array())) : S.txs = [], S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = w(); - return D.hash = (S = g.hash) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), D.header = g.header !== void 0 && g.header !== null ? u.Header.fromPartial(g.header) : void 0, D.last_commit_info = g.last_commit_info !== void 0 && g.last_commit_info !== null ? e.LastCommitInfo.fromPartial(g.last_commit_info) : void 0, D.byzantine_validators = ((x = g.byzantine_validators) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((L) => e.Evidence.fromPartial(L))) || [], D.commit = g.commit !== void 0 && g.commit !== null ? u.Commit.fromPartial(g.commit) : void 0, D.txs = ((j = g.txs) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((L) => L)) || [], D; - } }, e.RequestCheckTx = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.tx.length !== 0 && S.uint32(10).bytes(g.tx), g.type !== 0 && S.uint32(16).int32(g.type), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = _(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ hash: G(_.hash) ? ue(_.hash) : new Uint8Array(), header: G(_.header) ? u.Header.fromJSON(_.header) : void 0, last_commit_info: G(_.last_commit_info) ? e.LastCommitInfo.fromJSON(_.last_commit_info) : void 0, byzantine_validators: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.byzantine_validators) ? _.byzantine_validators.map((O) => e.Evidence.fromJSON(O)) : [], commit: G(_.commit) ? u.Commit.fromJSON(_.commit) : void 0, txs: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.txs) ? _.txs.map((O) => ue(O)) : [] }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.hash !== void 0 && (O.hash = fe(_.hash !== void 0 ? _.hash : new Uint8Array())), _.header !== void 0 && (O.header = _.header ? u.Header.toJSON(_.header) : void 0), _.last_commit_info !== void 0 && (O.last_commit_info = _.last_commit_info ? e.LastCommitInfo.toJSON(_.last_commit_info) : void 0), _.byzantine_validators ? O.byzantine_validators = _.byzantine_validators.map((M) => M ? e.Evidence.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.byzantine_validators = [], _.commit !== void 0 && (O.commit = _.commit ? u.Commit.toJSON(_.commit) : void 0), _.txs ? O.txs = _.txs.map((M) => fe(M !== void 0 ? M : new Uint8Array())) : O.txs = [], O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = k(); + return z.hash = (O = _.hash) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), z.header = _.header !== void 0 && _.header !== null ? u.Header.fromPartial(_.header) : void 0, z.last_commit_info = _.last_commit_info !== void 0 && _.last_commit_info !== null ? e.LastCommitInfo.fromPartial(_.last_commit_info) : void 0, z.byzantine_validators = ((M = _.byzantine_validators) === null || M === void 0 ? void 0 : M.map((q) => e.Evidence.fromPartial(q))) || [], z.commit = _.commit !== void 0 && _.commit !== null ? u.Commit.fromPartial(_.commit) : void 0, z.txs = ((U = _.txs) === null || U === void 0 ? void 0 : U.map((q) => q)) || [], z; + } }, e.RequestCheckTx = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.tx.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(_.tx), _.type !== 0 && O.uint32(16).int32(_.type), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = b(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.tx = x.bytes(); + z.tx = M.bytes(); break; case 2: - D.type = x.int32(); + z.type = M.int32(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ tx: W(g.tx) ? de(g.tx) : new Uint8Array(), type: W(g.type) ? h(g.type) : 0 }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.tx !== void 0 && (S.tx = le(g.tx !== void 0 ? g.tx : new Uint8Array())), g.type !== void 0 && (S.type = m(g.type)), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = _(); - return j.tx = (S = g.tx) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), j.type = (x = g.type) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : 0, j; - } }, e.RequestDeliverTx = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.tx.length !== 0 && S.uint32(10).bytes(g.tx), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = p(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.tx = x.bytes() : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ tx: G(_.tx) ? ue(_.tx) : new Uint8Array(), type: G(_.type) ? h(_.type) : 0 }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.tx !== void 0 && (O.tx = fe(_.tx !== void 0 ? _.tx : new Uint8Array())), _.type !== void 0 && (O.type = m(_.type)), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = b(); + return U.tx = (O = _.tx) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), U.type = (M = _.type) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : 0, U; + } }, e.RequestDeliverTx = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.tx.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(_.tx), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = p(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.tx = M.bytes() : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ tx: W(g.tx) ? de(g.tx) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.tx !== void 0 && (S.tx = le(g.tx !== void 0 ? g.tx : new Uint8Array())), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = p(); - return x.tx = (S = g.tx) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), x; - } }, e.RequestEndBlock = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.height !== "0" && S.uint32(8).int64(g.height), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { height: "0" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.height = be(x.int64()) : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ tx: G(_.tx) ? ue(_.tx) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.tx !== void 0 && (O.tx = fe(_.tx !== void 0 ? _.tx : new Uint8Array())), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = p(); + return M.tx = (O = _.tx) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), M; + } }, e.RequestEndBlock = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.height !== "0" && O.uint32(8).int64(_.height), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { height: "0" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.height = ye(M.int64()) : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ height: W(g.height) ? String(g.height) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.height !== void 0 && (S.height = g.height), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { height: "0" }; - return x.height = (S = g.height) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", x; - } }, e.RequestCommit = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => S, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const D = x.uint32(); - x.skipType(7 & D); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ height: G(_.height) ? String(_.height) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.height !== void 0 && (O.height = _.height), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { height: "0" }; + return M.height = (O = _.height) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", M; + } }, e.RequestCommit = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => O, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const z = M.uint32(); + M.skipType(7 & z); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({}), toJSON: (g) => ({}), fromPartial: (g) => ({}) }, e.RequestListSnapshots = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => S, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const D = x.uint32(); - x.skipType(7 & D); + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.RequestListSnapshots = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => O, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const z = M.uint32(); + M.skipType(7 & z); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({}), toJSON: (g) => ({}), fromPartial: (g) => ({}) }, e.RequestOfferSnapshot = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.snapshot !== void 0 && e.Snapshot.encode(g.snapshot, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), g.app_hash.length !== 0 && S.uint32(18).bytes(g.app_hash), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = O(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.RequestOfferSnapshot = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.snapshot !== void 0 && e.Snapshot.encode(_.snapshot, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.app_hash.length !== 0 && O.uint32(18).bytes(_.app_hash), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = P(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.snapshot = e.Snapshot.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.snapshot = e.Snapshot.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.app_hash = x.bytes(); + z.app_hash = M.bytes(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ snapshot: W(g.snapshot) ? e.Snapshot.fromJSON(g.snapshot) : void 0, app_hash: W(g.app_hash) ? de(g.app_hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.snapshot !== void 0 && (S.snapshot = g.snapshot ? e.Snapshot.toJSON(g.snapshot) : void 0), g.app_hash !== void 0 && (S.app_hash = le(g.app_hash !== void 0 ? g.app_hash : new Uint8Array())), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = O(); - return x.snapshot = g.snapshot !== void 0 && g.snapshot !== null ? e.Snapshot.fromPartial(g.snapshot) : void 0, x.app_hash = (S = g.app_hash) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), x; - } }, e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.height !== "0" && S.uint32(8).uint64(g.height), g.format !== 0 && S.uint32(16).uint32(g.format), g.chunk !== 0 && S.uint32(24).uint32(g.chunk), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { height: "0", format: 0, chunk: 0 }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ snapshot: G(_.snapshot) ? e.Snapshot.fromJSON(_.snapshot) : void 0, app_hash: G(_.app_hash) ? ue(_.app_hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.snapshot !== void 0 && (O.snapshot = _.snapshot ? e.Snapshot.toJSON(_.snapshot) : void 0), _.app_hash !== void 0 && (O.app_hash = fe(_.app_hash !== void 0 ? _.app_hash : new Uint8Array())), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = P(); + return M.snapshot = _.snapshot !== void 0 && _.snapshot !== null ? e.Snapshot.fromPartial(_.snapshot) : void 0, M.app_hash = (O = _.app_hash) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), M; + } }, e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.height !== "0" && O.uint32(8).uint64(_.height), _.format !== 0 && O.uint32(16).uint32(_.format), _.chunk !== 0 && O.uint32(24).uint32(_.chunk), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { height: "0", format: 0, chunk: 0 }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.height = be(x.uint64()); + z.height = ye(M.uint64()); break; case 2: - D.format = x.uint32(); + z.format = M.uint32(); break; case 3: - D.chunk = x.uint32(); + z.chunk = M.uint32(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ height: W(g.height) ? String(g.height) : "0", format: W(g.format) ? Number(g.format) : 0, chunk: W(g.chunk) ? Number(g.chunk) : 0 }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.height !== void 0 && (S.height = g.height), g.format !== void 0 && (S.format = Math.round(g.format)), g.chunk !== void 0 && (S.chunk = Math.round(g.chunk)), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = { height: "0", format: 0, chunk: 0 }; - return D.height = (S = g.height) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", D.format = (x = g.format) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : 0, D.chunk = (j = g.chunk) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : 0, D; - } }, e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.index !== 0 && S.uint32(8).uint32(g.index), g.chunk.length !== 0 && S.uint32(18).bytes(g.chunk), g.sender !== "" && S.uint32(26).string(g.sender), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = U(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ height: G(_.height) ? String(_.height) : "0", format: G(_.format) ? Number(_.format) : 0, chunk: G(_.chunk) ? Number(_.chunk) : 0 }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.height !== void 0 && (O.height = _.height), _.format !== void 0 && (O.format = Math.round(_.format)), _.chunk !== void 0 && (O.chunk = Math.round(_.chunk)), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = { height: "0", format: 0, chunk: 0 }; + return z.height = (O = _.height) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", z.format = (M = _.format) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : 0, z.chunk = (U = _.chunk) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : 0, z; + } }, e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.index !== 0 && O.uint32(8).uint32(_.index), _.chunk.length !== 0 && O.uint32(18).bytes(_.chunk), _.sender !== "" && O.uint32(26).string(_.sender), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = B(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.index = x.uint32(); + z.index = M.uint32(); break; case 2: - D.chunk = x.bytes(); + z.chunk = M.bytes(); break; case 3: - D.sender = x.string(); + z.sender = M.string(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ index: W(g.index) ? Number(g.index) : 0, chunk: W(g.chunk) ? de(g.chunk) : new Uint8Array(), sender: W(g.sender) ? String(g.sender) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.index !== void 0 && (S.index = Math.round(g.index)), g.chunk !== void 0 && (S.chunk = le(g.chunk !== void 0 ? g.chunk : new Uint8Array())), g.sender !== void 0 && (S.sender = g.sender), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = U(); - return D.index = (S = g.index) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, D.chunk = (x = g.chunk) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), D.sender = (j = g.sender) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", D; - } }, e.Response = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.exception !== void 0 && e.ResponseException.encode(g.exception, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), g.echo !== void 0 && e.ResponseEcho.encode(g.echo, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), g.flush !== void 0 && e.ResponseFlush.encode(g.flush, S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), g.info !== void 0 && e.ResponseInfo.encode(g.info, S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), g.set_option !== void 0 && e.ResponseSetOption.encode(g.set_option, S.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), g.init_chain !== void 0 && e.ResponseInitChain.encode(g.init_chain, S.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), g.query !== void 0 && e.ResponseQuery.encode(g.query, S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), g.begin_block !== void 0 && e.ResponseBeginBlock.encode(g.begin_block, S.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), g.check_tx !== void 0 && e.ResponseCheckTx.encode(g.check_tx, S.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), g.deliver_tx !== void 0 && e.ResponseDeliverTx.encode(g.deliver_tx, S.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(), g.end_block !== void 0 && e.ResponseEndBlock.encode(g.end_block, S.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), g.commit !== void 0 && e.ResponseCommit.encode(g.commit, S.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim(), g.list_snapshots !== void 0 && e.ResponseListSnapshots.encode(g.list_snapshots, S.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(), g.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.encode(g.offer_snapshot, S.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim(), g.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(g.load_snapshot_chunk, S.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(), g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.encode(g.apply_snapshot_chunk, S.uint32(130).fork()).ldelim(), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { exception: void 0, echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ index: G(_.index) ? Number(_.index) : 0, chunk: G(_.chunk) ? ue(_.chunk) : new Uint8Array(), sender: G(_.sender) ? String(_.sender) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.index !== void 0 && (O.index = Math.round(_.index)), _.chunk !== void 0 && (O.chunk = fe(_.chunk !== void 0 ? _.chunk : new Uint8Array())), _.sender !== void 0 && (O.sender = _.sender), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = B(); + return z.index = (O = _.index) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, z.chunk = (M = _.chunk) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : new Uint8Array(), z.sender = (U = _.sender) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", z; + } }, e.Response = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.exception !== void 0 && e.ResponseException.encode(_.exception, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.echo !== void 0 && e.ResponseEcho.encode(_.echo, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _.flush !== void 0 && e.ResponseFlush.encode(_.flush, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _.info !== void 0 && e.ResponseInfo.encode(_.info, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _.set_option !== void 0 && e.ResponseSetOption.encode(_.set_option, O.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), _.init_chain !== void 0 && e.ResponseInitChain.encode(_.init_chain, O.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), _.query !== void 0 && e.ResponseQuery.encode(_.query, O.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(), _.begin_block !== void 0 && e.ResponseBeginBlock.encode(_.begin_block, O.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), _.check_tx !== void 0 && e.ResponseCheckTx.encode(_.check_tx, O.uint32(74).fork()).ldelim(), _.deliver_tx !== void 0 && e.ResponseDeliverTx.encode(_.deliver_tx, O.uint32(82).fork()).ldelim(), _.end_block !== void 0 && e.ResponseEndBlock.encode(_.end_block, O.uint32(90).fork()).ldelim(), _.commit !== void 0 && e.ResponseCommit.encode(_.commit, O.uint32(98).fork()).ldelim(), _.list_snapshots !== void 0 && e.ResponseListSnapshots.encode(_.list_snapshots, O.uint32(106).fork()).ldelim(), _.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.encode(_.offer_snapshot, O.uint32(114).fork()).ldelim(), _.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(_.load_snapshot_chunk, O.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(), _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.encode(_.apply_snapshot_chunk, O.uint32(130).fork()).ldelim(), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { exception: void 0, echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.exception = e.ResponseException.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.exception = e.ResponseException.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.echo = e.ResponseEcho.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.echo = e.ResponseEcho.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 3: - D.flush = e.ResponseFlush.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.flush = e.ResponseFlush.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 4: - D.info = e.ResponseInfo.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.info = e.ResponseInfo.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 5: - D.set_option = e.ResponseSetOption.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.set_option = e.ResponseSetOption.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 6: - D.init_chain = e.ResponseInitChain.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.init_chain = e.ResponseInitChain.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 7: - D.query = e.ResponseQuery.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.query = e.ResponseQuery.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 8: - D.begin_block = e.ResponseBeginBlock.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.begin_block = e.ResponseBeginBlock.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 9: - D.check_tx = e.ResponseCheckTx.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.check_tx = e.ResponseCheckTx.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 10: - D.deliver_tx = e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.deliver_tx = e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 11: - D.end_block = e.ResponseEndBlock.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.end_block = e.ResponseEndBlock.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 12: - D.commit = e.ResponseCommit.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.commit = e.ResponseCommit.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 13: - D.list_snapshots = e.ResponseListSnapshots.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.list_snapshots = e.ResponseListSnapshots.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 14: - D.offer_snapshot = e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.offer_snapshot = e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 15: - D.load_snapshot_chunk = e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.load_snapshot_chunk = e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 16: - D.apply_snapshot_chunk = e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.apply_snapshot_chunk = e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ exception: W(g.exception) ? e.ResponseException.fromJSON(g.exception) : void 0, echo: W(g.echo) ? e.ResponseEcho.fromJSON(g.echo) : void 0, flush: W(g.flush) ? e.ResponseFlush.fromJSON(g.flush) : void 0, info: W(g.info) ? e.ResponseInfo.fromJSON(g.info) : void 0, set_option: W(g.set_option) ? e.ResponseSetOption.fromJSON(g.set_option) : void 0, init_chain: W(g.init_chain) ? e.ResponseInitChain.fromJSON(g.init_chain) : void 0, query: W(g.query) ? e.ResponseQuery.fromJSON(g.query) : void 0, begin_block: W(g.begin_block) ? e.ResponseBeginBlock.fromJSON(g.begin_block) : void 0, check_tx: W(g.check_tx) ? e.ResponseCheckTx.fromJSON(g.check_tx) : void 0, deliver_tx: W(g.deliver_tx) ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromJSON(g.deliver_tx) : void 0, end_block: W(g.end_block) ? e.ResponseEndBlock.fromJSON(g.end_block) : void 0, commit: W(g.commit) ? e.ResponseCommit.fromJSON(g.commit) : void 0, list_snapshots: W(g.list_snapshots) ? e.ResponseListSnapshots.fromJSON(g.list_snapshots) : void 0, offer_snapshot: W(g.offer_snapshot) ? e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.fromJSON(g.offer_snapshot) : void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: W(g.load_snapshot_chunk) ? e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: W(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) ? e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.fromJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0 }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.exception !== void 0 && (S.exception = g.exception ? e.ResponseException.toJSON(g.exception) : void 0), g.echo !== void 0 && (S.echo = g.echo ? e.ResponseEcho.toJSON(g.echo) : void 0), g.flush !== void 0 && (S.flush = g.flush ? e.ResponseFlush.toJSON(g.flush) : void 0), g.info !== void 0 && (S.info = g.info ? e.ResponseInfo.toJSON(g.info) : void 0), g.set_option !== void 0 && (S.set_option = g.set_option ? e.ResponseSetOption.toJSON(g.set_option) : void 0), g.init_chain !== void 0 && (S.init_chain = g.init_chain ? e.ResponseInitChain.toJSON(g.init_chain) : void 0), g.query !== void 0 && (S.query = g.query ? e.ResponseQuery.toJSON(g.query) : void 0), g.begin_block !== void 0 && (S.begin_block = g.begin_block ? e.ResponseBeginBlock.toJSON(g.begin_block) : void 0), g.check_tx !== void 0 && (S.check_tx = g.check_tx ? e.ResponseCheckTx.toJSON(g.check_tx) : void 0), g.deliver_tx !== void 0 && (S.deliver_tx = g.deliver_tx ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.toJSON(g.deliver_tx) : void 0), g.end_block !== void 0 && (S.end_block = g.end_block ? e.ResponseEndBlock.toJSON(g.end_block) : void 0), g.commit !== void 0 && (S.commit = g.commit ? e.ResponseCommit.toJSON(g.commit) : void 0), g.list_snapshots !== void 0 && (S.list_snapshots = g.list_snapshots ? e.ResponseListSnapshots.toJSON(g.list_snapshots) : void 0), g.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && (S.offer_snapshot = g.offer_snapshot ? e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.toJSON(g.offer_snapshot) : void 0), g.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (S.load_snapshot_chunk = g.load_snapshot_chunk ? e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (S.apply_snapshot_chunk = g.apply_snapshot_chunk ? e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.toJSON(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - const S = { exception: void 0, echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; - return S.exception = g.exception !== void 0 && g.exception !== null ? e.ResponseException.fromPartial(g.exception) : void 0, S.echo = g.echo !== void 0 && g.echo !== null ? e.ResponseEcho.fromPartial(g.echo) : void 0, S.flush = g.flush !== void 0 && g.flush !== null ? e.ResponseFlush.fromPartial(g.flush) : void 0, S.info = g.info !== void 0 && g.info !== null ? e.ResponseInfo.fromPartial(g.info) : void 0, S.set_option = g.set_option !== void 0 && g.set_option !== null ? e.ResponseSetOption.fromPartial(g.set_option) : void 0, S.init_chain = g.init_chain !== void 0 && g.init_chain !== null ? e.ResponseInitChain.fromPartial(g.init_chain) : void 0, S.query = g.query !== void 0 && g.query !== null ? e.ResponseQuery.fromPartial(g.query) : void 0, S.begin_block = g.begin_block !== void 0 && g.begin_block !== null ? e.ResponseBeginBlock.fromPartial(g.begin_block) : void 0, S.check_tx = g.check_tx !== void 0 && g.check_tx !== null ? e.ResponseCheckTx.fromPartial(g.check_tx) : void 0, S.deliver_tx = g.deliver_tx !== void 0 && g.deliver_tx !== null ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromPartial(g.deliver_tx) : void 0, S.end_block = g.end_block !== void 0 && g.end_block !== null ? e.ResponseEndBlock.fromPartial(g.end_block) : void 0, S.commit = g.commit !== void 0 && g.commit !== null ? e.ResponseCommit.fromPartial(g.commit) : void 0, S.list_snapshots = g.list_snapshots !== void 0 && g.list_snapshots !== null ? e.ResponseListSnapshots.fromPartial(g.list_snapshots) : void 0, S.offer_snapshot = g.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && g.offer_snapshot !== null ? e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.fromPartial(g.offer_snapshot) : void 0, S.load_snapshot_chunk = g.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && g.load_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, S.apply_snapshot_chunk = g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && g.apply_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.fromPartial(g.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, S; - } }, e.ResponseException = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.error !== "" && S.uint32(10).string(g.error), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { error: "" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.error = x.string() : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ exception: G(_.exception) ? e.ResponseException.fromJSON(_.exception) : void 0, echo: G(_.echo) ? e.ResponseEcho.fromJSON(_.echo) : void 0, flush: G(_.flush) ? e.ResponseFlush.fromJSON(_.flush) : void 0, info: G(_.info) ? e.ResponseInfo.fromJSON(_.info) : void 0, set_option: G(_.set_option) ? e.ResponseSetOption.fromJSON(_.set_option) : void 0, init_chain: G(_.init_chain) ? e.ResponseInitChain.fromJSON(_.init_chain) : void 0, query: G(_.query) ? e.ResponseQuery.fromJSON(_.query) : void 0, begin_block: G(_.begin_block) ? e.ResponseBeginBlock.fromJSON(_.begin_block) : void 0, check_tx: G(_.check_tx) ? e.ResponseCheckTx.fromJSON(_.check_tx) : void 0, deliver_tx: G(_.deliver_tx) ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromJSON(_.deliver_tx) : void 0, end_block: G(_.end_block) ? e.ResponseEndBlock.fromJSON(_.end_block) : void 0, commit: G(_.commit) ? e.ResponseCommit.fromJSON(_.commit) : void 0, list_snapshots: G(_.list_snapshots) ? e.ResponseListSnapshots.fromJSON(_.list_snapshots) : void 0, offer_snapshot: G(_.offer_snapshot) ? e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.fromJSON(_.offer_snapshot) : void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: G(_.load_snapshot_chunk) ? e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.fromJSON(_.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: G(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) ? e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.fromJSON(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0 }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.exception !== void 0 && (O.exception = _.exception ? e.ResponseException.toJSON(_.exception) : void 0), _.echo !== void 0 && (O.echo = _.echo ? e.ResponseEcho.toJSON(_.echo) : void 0), _.flush !== void 0 && (O.flush = _.flush ? e.ResponseFlush.toJSON(_.flush) : void 0), _.info !== void 0 && (O.info = _.info ? e.ResponseInfo.toJSON(_.info) : void 0), _.set_option !== void 0 && (O.set_option = _.set_option ? e.ResponseSetOption.toJSON(_.set_option) : void 0), _.init_chain !== void 0 && (O.init_chain = _.init_chain ? e.ResponseInitChain.toJSON(_.init_chain) : void 0), _.query !== void 0 && (O.query = _.query ? e.ResponseQuery.toJSON(_.query) : void 0), _.begin_block !== void 0 && (O.begin_block = _.begin_block ? e.ResponseBeginBlock.toJSON(_.begin_block) : void 0), _.check_tx !== void 0 && (O.check_tx = _.check_tx ? e.ResponseCheckTx.toJSON(_.check_tx) : void 0), _.deliver_tx !== void 0 && (O.deliver_tx = _.deliver_tx ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.toJSON(_.deliver_tx) : void 0), _.end_block !== void 0 && (O.end_block = _.end_block ? e.ResponseEndBlock.toJSON(_.end_block) : void 0), _.commit !== void 0 && (O.commit = _.commit ? e.ResponseCommit.toJSON(_.commit) : void 0), _.list_snapshots !== void 0 && (O.list_snapshots = _.list_snapshots ? e.ResponseListSnapshots.toJSON(_.list_snapshots) : void 0), _.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && (O.offer_snapshot = _.offer_snapshot ? e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.toJSON(_.offer_snapshot) : void 0), _.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (O.load_snapshot_chunk = _.load_snapshot_chunk ? e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.toJSON(_.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && (O.apply_snapshot_chunk = _.apply_snapshot_chunk ? e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.toJSON(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + const O = { exception: void 0, echo: void 0, flush: void 0, info: void 0, set_option: void 0, init_chain: void 0, query: void 0, begin_block: void 0, check_tx: void 0, deliver_tx: void 0, end_block: void 0, commit: void 0, list_snapshots: void 0, offer_snapshot: void 0, load_snapshot_chunk: void 0, apply_snapshot_chunk: void 0 }; + return O.exception = _.exception !== void 0 && _.exception !== null ? e.ResponseException.fromPartial(_.exception) : void 0, O.echo = _.echo !== void 0 && _.echo !== null ? e.ResponseEcho.fromPartial(_.echo) : void 0, O.flush = _.flush !== void 0 && _.flush !== null ? e.ResponseFlush.fromPartial(_.flush) : void 0, O.info = _.info !== void 0 && _.info !== null ? e.ResponseInfo.fromPartial(_.info) : void 0, O.set_option = _.set_option !== void 0 && _.set_option !== null ? e.ResponseSetOption.fromPartial(_.set_option) : void 0, O.init_chain = _.init_chain !== void 0 && _.init_chain !== null ? e.ResponseInitChain.fromPartial(_.init_chain) : void 0, O.query = _.query !== void 0 && _.query !== null ? e.ResponseQuery.fromPartial(_.query) : void 0, O.begin_block = _.begin_block !== void 0 && _.begin_block !== null ? e.ResponseBeginBlock.fromPartial(_.begin_block) : void 0, O.check_tx = _.check_tx !== void 0 && _.check_tx !== null ? e.ResponseCheckTx.fromPartial(_.check_tx) : void 0, O.deliver_tx = _.deliver_tx !== void 0 && _.deliver_tx !== null ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromPartial(_.deliver_tx) : void 0, O.end_block = _.end_block !== void 0 && _.end_block !== null ? e.ResponseEndBlock.fromPartial(_.end_block) : void 0, O.commit = _.commit !== void 0 && _.commit !== null ? e.ResponseCommit.fromPartial(_.commit) : void 0, O.list_snapshots = _.list_snapshots !== void 0 && _.list_snapshots !== null ? e.ResponseListSnapshots.fromPartial(_.list_snapshots) : void 0, O.offer_snapshot = _.offer_snapshot !== void 0 && _.offer_snapshot !== null ? e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.fromPartial(_.offer_snapshot) : void 0, O.load_snapshot_chunk = _.load_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && _.load_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.fromPartial(_.load_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, O.apply_snapshot_chunk = _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== void 0 && _.apply_snapshot_chunk !== null ? e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.fromPartial(_.apply_snapshot_chunk) : void 0, O; + } }, e.ResponseException = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.error !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(_.error), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { error: "" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.error = M.string() : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ error: W(g.error) ? String(g.error) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.error !== void 0 && (S.error = g.error), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { error: "" }; - return x.error = (S = g.error) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", x; - } }, e.ResponseEcho = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.message !== "" && S.uint32(10).string(g.message), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { message: "" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.message = x.string() : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ error: G(_.error) ? String(_.error) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.error !== void 0 && (O.error = _.error), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { error: "" }; + return M.error = (O = _.error) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", M; + } }, e.ResponseEcho = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.message !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(_.message), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { message: "" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.message = M.string() : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ message: W(g.message) ? String(g.message) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.message !== void 0 && (S.message = g.message), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { message: "" }; - return x.message = (S = g.message) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", x; - } }, e.ResponseFlush = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => S, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const D = x.uint32(); - x.skipType(7 & D); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ message: G(_.message) ? String(_.message) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.message !== void 0 && (O.message = _.message), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { message: "" }; + return M.message = (O = _.message) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", M; + } }, e.ResponseFlush = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => O, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const z = M.uint32(); + M.skipType(7 & z); } return {}; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({}), toJSON: (g) => ({}), fromPartial: (g) => ({}) }, e.ResponseInfo = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.data !== "" && S.uint32(10).string(g.data), g.version !== "" && S.uint32(18).string(g.version), g.app_version !== "0" && S.uint32(24).uint64(g.app_version), g.last_block_height !== "0" && S.uint32(32).int64(g.last_block_height), g.last_block_app_hash.length !== 0 && S.uint32(42).bytes(g.last_block_app_hash), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = T(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({}), toJSON: (_) => ({}), fromPartial: (_) => ({}) }, e.ResponseInfo = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.data !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(_.data), _.version !== "" && O.uint32(18).string(_.version), _.app_version !== "0" && O.uint32(24).uint64(_.app_version), _.last_block_height !== "0" && O.uint32(32).int64(_.last_block_height), _.last_block_app_hash.length !== 0 && O.uint32(42).bytes(_.last_block_app_hash), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = C(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.data = x.string(); + z.data = M.string(); break; case 2: - D.version = x.string(); + z.version = M.string(); break; case 3: - D.app_version = be(x.uint64()); + z.app_version = ye(M.uint64()); break; case 4: - D.last_block_height = be(x.int64()); + z.last_block_height = ye(M.int64()); break; case 5: - D.last_block_app_hash = x.bytes(); + z.last_block_app_hash = M.bytes(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ data: W(g.data) ? String(g.data) : "", version: W(g.version) ? String(g.version) : "", app_version: W(g.app_version) ? String(g.app_version) : "0", last_block_height: W(g.last_block_height) ? String(g.last_block_height) : "0", last_block_app_hash: W(g.last_block_app_hash) ? de(g.last_block_app_hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.data !== void 0 && (S.data = g.data), g.version !== void 0 && (S.version = g.version), g.app_version !== void 0 && (S.app_version = g.app_version), g.last_block_height !== void 0 && (S.last_block_height = g.last_block_height), g.last_block_app_hash !== void 0 && (S.last_block_app_hash = le(g.last_block_app_hash !== void 0 ? g.last_block_app_hash : new Uint8Array())), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j, D, L; - const F = T(); - return F.data = (S = g.data) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", F.version = (x = g.version) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", F.app_version = (j = g.app_version) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", F.last_block_height = (D = g.last_block_height) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : "0", F.last_block_app_hash = (L = g.last_block_app_hash) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : new Uint8Array(), F; - } }, e.ResponseSetOption = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.code !== 0 && S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code), g.log !== "" && S.uint32(26).string(g.log), g.info !== "" && S.uint32(34).string(g.info), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { code: 0, log: "", info: "" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ data: G(_.data) ? String(_.data) : "", version: G(_.version) ? String(_.version) : "", app_version: G(_.app_version) ? String(_.app_version) : "0", last_block_height: G(_.last_block_height) ? String(_.last_block_height) : "0", last_block_app_hash: G(_.last_block_app_hash) ? ue(_.last_block_app_hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.data !== void 0 && (O.data = _.data), _.version !== void 0 && (O.version = _.version), _.app_version !== void 0 && (O.app_version = _.app_version), _.last_block_height !== void 0 && (O.last_block_height = _.last_block_height), _.last_block_app_hash !== void 0 && (O.last_block_app_hash = fe(_.last_block_app_hash !== void 0 ? _.last_block_app_hash : new Uint8Array())), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U, z, q; + const W = C(); + return W.data = (O = _.data) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", W.version = (M = _.version) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "", W.app_version = (U = _.app_version) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "0", W.last_block_height = (z = _.last_block_height) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "0", W.last_block_app_hash = (q = _.last_block_app_hash) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : new Uint8Array(), W; + } }, e.ResponseSetOption = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.code !== 0 && O.uint32(8).uint32(_.code), _.log !== "" && O.uint32(26).string(_.log), _.info !== "" && O.uint32(34).string(_.info), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { code: 0, log: "", info: "" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.code = x.uint32(); + z.code = M.uint32(); break; case 3: - D.log = x.string(); + z.log = M.string(); break; case 4: - D.info = x.string(); + z.info = M.string(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ code: W(g.code) ? Number(g.code) : 0, log: W(g.log) ? String(g.log) : "", info: W(g.info) ? String(g.info) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.code !== void 0 && (S.code = Math.round(g.code)), g.log !== void 0 && (S.log = g.log), g.info !== void 0 && (S.info = g.info), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = { code: 0, log: "", info: "" }; - return D.code = (S = g.code) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, D.log = (x = g.log) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", D.info = (j = g.info) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", D; - } }, e.ResponseInitChain = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.consensus_params !== void 0 && e.ConsensusParams.encode(g.consensus_params, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const x of g.validators) - e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(x, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return g.app_hash.length !== 0 && S.uint32(26).bytes(g.app_hash), S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = z(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ code: G(_.code) ? Number(_.code) : 0, log: G(_.log) ? String(_.log) : "", info: G(_.info) ? String(_.info) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.code !== void 0 && (O.code = Math.round(_.code)), _.log !== void 0 && (O.log = _.log), _.info !== void 0 && (O.info = _.info), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = { code: 0, log: "", info: "" }; + return z.code = (O = _.code) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, z.log = (M = _.log) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "", z.info = (U = _.info) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", z; + } }, e.ResponseInitChain = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.consensus_params !== void 0 && e.ConsensusParams.encode(_.consensus_params, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const M of _.validators) + e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(M, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return _.app_hash.length !== 0 && O.uint32(26).bytes(_.app_hash), O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = L(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.consensus_params = e.ConsensusParams.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.consensus_params = e.ConsensusParams.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.validators.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.validators.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; case 3: - D.app_hash = x.bytes(); + z.app_hash = M.bytes(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ consensus_params: W(g.consensus_params) ? e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(g.consensus_params) : void 0, validators: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.validators) ? g.validators.map((S) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(S)) : [], app_hash: W(g.app_hash) ? de(g.app_hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.consensus_params !== void 0 && (S.consensus_params = g.consensus_params ? e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(g.consensus_params) : void 0), g.validators ? S.validators = g.validators.map((x) => x ? e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.validators = [], g.app_hash !== void 0 && (S.app_hash = le(g.app_hash !== void 0 ? g.app_hash : new Uint8Array())), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = z(); - return j.consensus_params = g.consensus_params !== void 0 && g.consensus_params !== null ? e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(g.consensus_params) : void 0, j.validators = ((S = g.validators) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.map((D) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(D))) || [], j.app_hash = (x = g.app_hash) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), j; - } }, e.ResponseQuery = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.code !== 0 && S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code), g.log !== "" && S.uint32(26).string(g.log), g.info !== "" && S.uint32(34).string(g.info), g.index !== "0" && S.uint32(40).int64(g.index), g.key.length !== 0 && S.uint32(50).bytes(g.key), g.value.length !== 0 && S.uint32(58).bytes(g.value), g.proof_ops !== void 0 && s.ProofOps.encode(g.proof_ops, S.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), g.height !== "0" && S.uint32(72).int64(g.height), g.codespace !== "" && S.uint32(82).string(g.codespace), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = te(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ consensus_params: G(_.consensus_params) ? e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(_.consensus_params) : void 0, validators: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.validators) ? _.validators.map((O) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(O)) : [], app_hash: G(_.app_hash) ? ue(_.app_hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.consensus_params !== void 0 && (O.consensus_params = _.consensus_params ? e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(_.consensus_params) : void 0), _.validators ? O.validators = _.validators.map((M) => M ? e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.validators = [], _.app_hash !== void 0 && (O.app_hash = fe(_.app_hash !== void 0 ? _.app_hash : new Uint8Array())), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = L(); + return U.consensus_params = _.consensus_params !== void 0 && _.consensus_params !== null ? e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(_.consensus_params) : void 0, U.validators = ((O = _.validators) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((z) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(z))) || [], U.app_hash = (M = _.app_hash) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : new Uint8Array(), U; + } }, e.ResponseQuery = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.code !== 0 && O.uint32(8).uint32(_.code), _.log !== "" && O.uint32(26).string(_.log), _.info !== "" && O.uint32(34).string(_.info), _.index !== "0" && O.uint32(40).int64(_.index), _.key.length !== 0 && O.uint32(50).bytes(_.key), _.value.length !== 0 && O.uint32(58).bytes(_.value), _.proof_ops !== void 0 && s.ProofOps.encode(_.proof_ops, O.uint32(66).fork()).ldelim(), _.height !== "0" && O.uint32(72).int64(_.height), _.codespace !== "" && O.uint32(82).string(_.codespace), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = re(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.code = x.uint32(); + z.code = M.uint32(); break; case 3: - D.log = x.string(); + z.log = M.string(); break; case 4: - D.info = x.string(); + z.info = M.string(); break; case 5: - D.index = be(x.int64()); + z.index = ye(M.int64()); break; case 6: - D.key = x.bytes(); + z.key = M.bytes(); break; case 7: - D.value = x.bytes(); + z.value = M.bytes(); break; case 8: - D.proof_ops = s.ProofOps.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.proof_ops = s.ProofOps.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 9: - D.height = be(x.int64()); + z.height = ye(M.int64()); break; case 10: - D.codespace = x.string(); + z.codespace = M.string(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ code: W(g.code) ? Number(g.code) : 0, log: W(g.log) ? String(g.log) : "", info: W(g.info) ? String(g.info) : "", index: W(g.index) ? String(g.index) : "0", key: W(g.key) ? de(g.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: W(g.value) ? de(g.value) : new Uint8Array(), proof_ops: W(g.proof_ops) ? s.ProofOps.fromJSON(g.proof_ops) : void 0, height: W(g.height) ? String(g.height) : "0", codespace: W(g.codespace) ? String(g.codespace) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.code !== void 0 && (S.code = Math.round(g.code)), g.log !== void 0 && (S.log = g.log), g.info !== void 0 && (S.info = g.info), g.index !== void 0 && (S.index = g.index), g.key !== void 0 && (S.key = le(g.key !== void 0 ? g.key : new Uint8Array())), g.value !== void 0 && (S.value = le(g.value !== void 0 ? g.value : new Uint8Array())), g.proof_ops !== void 0 && (S.proof_ops = g.proof_ops ? s.ProofOps.toJSON(g.proof_ops) : void 0), g.height !== void 0 && (S.height = g.height), g.codespace !== void 0 && (S.codespace = g.codespace), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j, D, L, F, re, oe; - const G = te(); - return G.code = (S = g.code) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, G.log = (x = g.log) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "", G.info = (j = g.info) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", G.index = (D = g.index) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : "0", G.key = (L = g.key) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : new Uint8Array(), G.value = (F = g.value) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : new Uint8Array(), G.proof_ops = g.proof_ops !== void 0 && g.proof_ops !== null ? s.ProofOps.fromPartial(g.proof_ops) : void 0, G.height = (re = g.height) !== null && re !== void 0 ? re : "0", G.codespace = (oe = g.codespace) !== null && oe !== void 0 ? oe : "", G; - } }, e.ResponseBeginBlock = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const x of g.events) - e.Event.encode(x, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { events: [] }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x, x.uint32())) : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ code: G(_.code) ? Number(_.code) : 0, log: G(_.log) ? String(_.log) : "", info: G(_.info) ? String(_.info) : "", index: G(_.index) ? String(_.index) : "0", key: G(_.key) ? ue(_.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: G(_.value) ? ue(_.value) : new Uint8Array(), proof_ops: G(_.proof_ops) ? s.ProofOps.fromJSON(_.proof_ops) : void 0, height: G(_.height) ? String(_.height) : "0", codespace: G(_.codespace) ? String(_.codespace) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.code !== void 0 && (O.code = Math.round(_.code)), _.log !== void 0 && (O.log = _.log), _.info !== void 0 && (O.info = _.info), _.index !== void 0 && (O.index = _.index), _.key !== void 0 && (O.key = fe(_.key !== void 0 ? _.key : new Uint8Array())), _.value !== void 0 && (O.value = fe(_.value !== void 0 ? _.value : new Uint8Array())), _.proof_ops !== void 0 && (O.proof_ops = _.proof_ops ? s.ProofOps.toJSON(_.proof_ops) : void 0), _.height !== void 0 && (O.height = _.height), _.codespace !== void 0 && (O.codespace = _.codespace), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U, z, q, W, ne, ie; + const V = re(); + return V.code = (O = _.code) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, V.log = (M = _.log) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "", V.info = (U = _.info) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", V.index = (z = _.index) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "0", V.key = (q = _.key) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : new Uint8Array(), V.value = (W = _.value) !== null && W !== void 0 ? W : new Uint8Array(), V.proof_ops = _.proof_ops !== void 0 && _.proof_ops !== null ? s.ProofOps.fromPartial(_.proof_ops) : void 0, V.height = (ne = _.height) !== null && ne !== void 0 ? ne : "0", V.codespace = (ie = _.codespace) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : "", V; + } }, e.ResponseBeginBlock = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const M of _.events) + e.Event.encode(M, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { events: [] }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.events.push(e.Event.decode(M, M.uint32())) : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ events: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.events) ? g.events.map((S) => e.Event.fromJSON(S)) : [] }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.events ? S.events = g.events.map((x) => x ? e.Event.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.events = [], S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { events: [] }; - return x.events = ((S = g.events) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.map((j) => e.Event.fromPartial(j))) || [], x; - } }, e.ResponseCheckTx = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.code !== 0 && S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code), g.data.length !== 0 && S.uint32(18).bytes(g.data), g.log !== "" && S.uint32(26).string(g.log), g.info !== "" && S.uint32(34).string(g.info), g.gas_wanted !== "0" && S.uint32(40).int64(g.gas_wanted), g.gas_used !== "0" && S.uint32(48).int64(g.gas_used); - for (const x of g.events) - e.Event.encode(x, S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); - return g.codespace !== "" && S.uint32(66).string(g.codespace), g.sender !== "" && S.uint32(74).string(g.sender), g.priority !== "0" && S.uint32(80).int64(g.priority), g.mempool_error !== "" && S.uint32(90).string(g.mempool_error), S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = X(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ events: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.events) ? _.events.map((O) => e.Event.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.events ? O.events = _.events.map((M) => M ? e.Event.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.events = [], O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { events: [] }; + return M.events = ((O = _.events) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((U) => e.Event.fromPartial(U))) || [], M; + } }, e.ResponseCheckTx = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.code !== 0 && O.uint32(8).uint32(_.code), _.data.length !== 0 && O.uint32(18).bytes(_.data), _.log !== "" && O.uint32(26).string(_.log), _.info !== "" && O.uint32(34).string(_.info), _.gas_wanted !== "0" && O.uint32(40).int64(_.gas_wanted), _.gas_used !== "0" && O.uint32(48).int64(_.gas_used); + for (const M of _.events) + e.Event.encode(M, O.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); + return _.codespace !== "" && O.uint32(66).string(_.codespace), _.sender !== "" && O.uint32(74).string(_.sender), _.priority !== "0" && O.uint32(80).int64(_.priority), _.mempool_error !== "" && O.uint32(90).string(_.mempool_error), O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = ee(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.code = x.uint32(); + z.code = M.uint32(); break; case 2: - D.data = x.bytes(); + z.data = M.bytes(); break; case 3: - D.log = x.string(); + z.log = M.string(); break; case 4: - D.info = x.string(); + z.info = M.string(); break; case 5: - D.gas_wanted = be(x.int64()); + z.gas_wanted = ye(M.int64()); break; case 6: - D.gas_used = be(x.int64()); + z.gas_used = ye(M.int64()); break; case 7: - D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.events.push(e.Event.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; case 8: - D.codespace = x.string(); + z.codespace = M.string(); break; case 9: - D.sender = x.string(); + z.sender = M.string(); break; case 10: - D.priority = be(x.int64()); + z.priority = ye(M.int64()); break; case 11: - D.mempool_error = x.string(); + z.mempool_error = M.string(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ code: W(g.code) ? Number(g.code) : 0, data: W(g.data) ? de(g.data) : new Uint8Array(), log: W(g.log) ? String(g.log) : "", info: W(g.info) ? String(g.info) : "", gas_wanted: W(g.gas_wanted) ? String(g.gas_wanted) : "0", gas_used: W(g.gas_used) ? String(g.gas_used) : "0", events: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.events) ? g.events.map((S) => e.Event.fromJSON(S)) : [], codespace: W(g.codespace) ? String(g.codespace) : "", sender: W(g.sender) ? String(g.sender) : "", priority: W(g.priority) ? String(g.priority) : "0", mempool_error: W(g.mempool_error) ? String(g.mempool_error) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.code !== void 0 && (S.code = Math.round(g.code)), g.data !== void 0 && (S.data = le(g.data !== void 0 ? g.data : new Uint8Array())), g.log !== void 0 && (S.log = g.log), g.info !== void 0 && (S.info = g.info), g.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (S.gas_wanted = g.gas_wanted), g.gas_used !== void 0 && (S.gas_used = g.gas_used), g.events ? S.events = g.events.map((x) => x ? e.Event.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.events = [], g.codespace !== void 0 && (S.codespace = g.codespace), g.sender !== void 0 && (S.sender = g.sender), g.priority !== void 0 && (S.priority = g.priority), g.mempool_error !== void 0 && (S.mempool_error = g.mempool_error), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j, D, L, F, re, oe, G, Z, H; - const $ = X(); - return $.code = (S = g.code) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, $.data = (x = g.data) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), $.log = (j = g.log) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", $.info = (D = g.info) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : "", $.gas_wanted = (L = g.gas_wanted) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : "0", $.gas_used = (F = g.gas_used) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : "0", $.events = ((re = g.events) === null || re === void 0 ? void 0 : re.map((ie) => e.Event.fromPartial(ie))) || [], $.codespace = (oe = g.codespace) !== null && oe !== void 0 ? oe : "", $.sender = (G = g.sender) !== null && G !== void 0 ? G : "", $.priority = (Z = g.priority) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : "0", $.mempool_error = (H = g.mempool_error) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : "", $; - } }, e.ResponseDeliverTx = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.code !== 0 && S.uint32(8).uint32(g.code), g.data.length !== 0 && S.uint32(18).bytes(g.data), g.log !== "" && S.uint32(26).string(g.log), g.info !== "" && S.uint32(34).string(g.info), g.gas_wanted !== "0" && S.uint32(40).int64(g.gas_wanted), g.gas_used !== "0" && S.uint32(48).int64(g.gas_used); - for (const x of g.events) - e.Event.encode(x, S.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); - return g.codespace !== "" && S.uint32(66).string(g.codespace), S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = ne(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ code: G(_.code) ? Number(_.code) : 0, data: G(_.data) ? ue(_.data) : new Uint8Array(), log: G(_.log) ? String(_.log) : "", info: G(_.info) ? String(_.info) : "", gas_wanted: G(_.gas_wanted) ? String(_.gas_wanted) : "0", gas_used: G(_.gas_used) ? String(_.gas_used) : "0", events: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.events) ? _.events.map((O) => e.Event.fromJSON(O)) : [], codespace: G(_.codespace) ? String(_.codespace) : "", sender: G(_.sender) ? String(_.sender) : "", priority: G(_.priority) ? String(_.priority) : "0", mempool_error: G(_.mempool_error) ? String(_.mempool_error) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.code !== void 0 && (O.code = Math.round(_.code)), _.data !== void 0 && (O.data = fe(_.data !== void 0 ? _.data : new Uint8Array())), _.log !== void 0 && (O.log = _.log), _.info !== void 0 && (O.info = _.info), _.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (O.gas_wanted = _.gas_wanted), _.gas_used !== void 0 && (O.gas_used = _.gas_used), _.events ? O.events = _.events.map((M) => M ? e.Event.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.events = [], _.codespace !== void 0 && (O.codespace = _.codespace), _.sender !== void 0 && (O.sender = _.sender), _.priority !== void 0 && (O.priority = _.priority), _.mempool_error !== void 0 && (O.mempool_error = _.mempool_error), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U, z, q, W, ne, ie, V, Y, $; + const K = ee(); + return K.code = (O = _.code) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, K.data = (M = _.data) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : new Uint8Array(), K.log = (U = _.log) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", K.info = (z = _.info) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "", K.gas_wanted = (q = _.gas_wanted) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : "0", K.gas_used = (W = _.gas_used) !== null && W !== void 0 ? W : "0", K.events = ((ne = _.events) === null || ne === void 0 ? void 0 : ne.map((ae) => e.Event.fromPartial(ae))) || [], K.codespace = (ie = _.codespace) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : "", K.sender = (V = _.sender) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : "", K.priority = (Y = _.priority) !== null && Y !== void 0 ? Y : "0", K.mempool_error = ($ = _.mempool_error) !== null && $ !== void 0 ? $ : "", K; + } }, e.ResponseDeliverTx = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.code !== 0 && O.uint32(8).uint32(_.code), _.data.length !== 0 && O.uint32(18).bytes(_.data), _.log !== "" && O.uint32(26).string(_.log), _.info !== "" && O.uint32(34).string(_.info), _.gas_wanted !== "0" && O.uint32(40).int64(_.gas_wanted), _.gas_used !== "0" && O.uint32(48).int64(_.gas_used); + for (const M of _.events) + e.Event.encode(M, O.uint32(58).fork()).ldelim(); + return _.codespace !== "" && O.uint32(66).string(_.codespace), O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = oe(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.code = x.uint32(); + z.code = M.uint32(); break; case 2: - D.data = x.bytes(); + z.data = M.bytes(); break; case 3: - D.log = x.string(); + z.log = M.string(); break; case 4: - D.info = x.string(); + z.info = M.string(); break; case 5: - D.gas_wanted = be(x.int64()); + z.gas_wanted = ye(M.int64()); break; case 6: - D.gas_used = be(x.int64()); + z.gas_used = ye(M.int64()); break; case 7: - D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.events.push(e.Event.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; case 8: - D.codespace = x.string(); + z.codespace = M.string(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ code: W(g.code) ? Number(g.code) : 0, data: W(g.data) ? de(g.data) : new Uint8Array(), log: W(g.log) ? String(g.log) : "", info: W(g.info) ? String(g.info) : "", gas_wanted: W(g.gas_wanted) ? String(g.gas_wanted) : "0", gas_used: W(g.gas_used) ? String(g.gas_used) : "0", events: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.events) ? g.events.map((S) => e.Event.fromJSON(S)) : [], codespace: W(g.codespace) ? String(g.codespace) : "" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.code !== void 0 && (S.code = Math.round(g.code)), g.data !== void 0 && (S.data = le(g.data !== void 0 ? g.data : new Uint8Array())), g.log !== void 0 && (S.log = g.log), g.info !== void 0 && (S.info = g.info), g.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (S.gas_wanted = g.gas_wanted), g.gas_used !== void 0 && (S.gas_used = g.gas_used), g.events ? S.events = g.events.map((x) => x ? e.Event.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.events = [], g.codespace !== void 0 && (S.codespace = g.codespace), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j, D, L, F, re, oe; - const G = ne(); - return G.code = (S = g.code) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, G.data = (x = g.data) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), G.log = (j = g.log) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "", G.info = (D = g.info) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : "", G.gas_wanted = (L = g.gas_wanted) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : "0", G.gas_used = (F = g.gas_used) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : "0", G.events = ((re = g.events) === null || re === void 0 ? void 0 : re.map((Z) => e.Event.fromPartial(Z))) || [], G.codespace = (oe = g.codespace) !== null && oe !== void 0 ? oe : "", G; - } }, e.ResponseEndBlock = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const x of g.validator_updates) - e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(x, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - g.consensus_param_updates !== void 0 && e.ConsensusParams.encode(g.consensus_param_updates, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const x of g.events) - e.Event.encode(x, S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - return S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { validator_updates: [], consensus_param_updates: void 0, events: [] }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ code: G(_.code) ? Number(_.code) : 0, data: G(_.data) ? ue(_.data) : new Uint8Array(), log: G(_.log) ? String(_.log) : "", info: G(_.info) ? String(_.info) : "", gas_wanted: G(_.gas_wanted) ? String(_.gas_wanted) : "0", gas_used: G(_.gas_used) ? String(_.gas_used) : "0", events: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.events) ? _.events.map((O) => e.Event.fromJSON(O)) : [], codespace: G(_.codespace) ? String(_.codespace) : "" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.code !== void 0 && (O.code = Math.round(_.code)), _.data !== void 0 && (O.data = fe(_.data !== void 0 ? _.data : new Uint8Array())), _.log !== void 0 && (O.log = _.log), _.info !== void 0 && (O.info = _.info), _.gas_wanted !== void 0 && (O.gas_wanted = _.gas_wanted), _.gas_used !== void 0 && (O.gas_used = _.gas_used), _.events ? O.events = _.events.map((M) => M ? e.Event.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.events = [], _.codespace !== void 0 && (O.codespace = _.codespace), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U, z, q, W, ne, ie; + const V = oe(); + return V.code = (O = _.code) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, V.data = (M = _.data) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : new Uint8Array(), V.log = (U = _.log) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "", V.info = (z = _.info) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : "", V.gas_wanted = (q = _.gas_wanted) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : "0", V.gas_used = (W = _.gas_used) !== null && W !== void 0 ? W : "0", V.events = ((ne = _.events) === null || ne === void 0 ? void 0 : ne.map((Y) => e.Event.fromPartial(Y))) || [], V.codespace = (ie = _.codespace) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : "", V; + } }, e.ResponseEndBlock = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const M of _.validator_updates) + e.ValidatorUpdate.encode(M, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + _.consensus_param_updates !== void 0 && e.ConsensusParams.encode(_.consensus_param_updates, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const M of _.events) + e.Event.encode(M, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + return O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { validator_updates: [], consensus_param_updates: void 0, events: [] }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.validator_updates.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.validator_updates.push(e.ValidatorUpdate.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; case 2: - D.consensus_param_updates = e.ConsensusParams.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.consensus_param_updates = e.ConsensusParams.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 3: - D.events.push(e.Event.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.events.push(e.Event.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ validator_updates: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.validator_updates) ? g.validator_updates.map((S) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(S)) : [], consensus_param_updates: W(g.consensus_param_updates) ? e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(g.consensus_param_updates) : void 0, events: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.events) ? g.events.map((S) => e.Event.fromJSON(S)) : [] }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.validator_updates ? S.validator_updates = g.validator_updates.map((x) => x ? e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.validator_updates = [], g.consensus_param_updates !== void 0 && (S.consensus_param_updates = g.consensus_param_updates ? e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(g.consensus_param_updates) : void 0), g.events ? S.events = g.events.map((x) => x ? e.Event.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.events = [], S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = { validator_updates: [], consensus_param_updates: void 0, events: [] }; - return j.validator_updates = ((S = g.validator_updates) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.map((D) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(D))) || [], j.consensus_param_updates = g.consensus_param_updates !== void 0 && g.consensus_param_updates !== null ? e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(g.consensus_param_updates) : void 0, j.events = ((x = g.events) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((D) => e.Event.fromPartial(D))) || [], j; - } }, e.ResponseCommit = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.data.length !== 0 && S.uint32(18).bytes(g.data), g.retain_height !== "0" && S.uint32(24).int64(g.retain_height), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = B(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ validator_updates: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.validator_updates) ? _.validator_updates.map((O) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromJSON(O)) : [], consensus_param_updates: G(_.consensus_param_updates) ? e.ConsensusParams.fromJSON(_.consensus_param_updates) : void 0, events: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.events) ? _.events.map((O) => e.Event.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.validator_updates ? O.validator_updates = _.validator_updates.map((M) => M ? e.ValidatorUpdate.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.validator_updates = [], _.consensus_param_updates !== void 0 && (O.consensus_param_updates = _.consensus_param_updates ? e.ConsensusParams.toJSON(_.consensus_param_updates) : void 0), _.events ? O.events = _.events.map((M) => M ? e.Event.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.events = [], O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = { validator_updates: [], consensus_param_updates: void 0, events: [] }; + return U.validator_updates = ((O = _.validator_updates) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((z) => e.ValidatorUpdate.fromPartial(z))) || [], U.consensus_param_updates = _.consensus_param_updates !== void 0 && _.consensus_param_updates !== null ? e.ConsensusParams.fromPartial(_.consensus_param_updates) : void 0, U.events = ((M = _.events) === null || M === void 0 ? void 0 : M.map((z) => e.Event.fromPartial(z))) || [], U; + } }, e.ResponseCommit = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.data.length !== 0 && O.uint32(18).bytes(_.data), _.retain_height !== "0" && O.uint32(24).int64(_.retain_height), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = D(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 2: - D.data = x.bytes(); + z.data = M.bytes(); break; case 3: - D.retain_height = be(x.int64()); + z.retain_height = ye(M.int64()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ data: W(g.data) ? de(g.data) : new Uint8Array(), retain_height: W(g.retain_height) ? String(g.retain_height) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.data !== void 0 && (S.data = le(g.data !== void 0 ? g.data : new Uint8Array())), g.retain_height !== void 0 && (S.retain_height = g.retain_height), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = B(); - return j.data = (S = g.data) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), j.retain_height = (x = g.retain_height) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "0", j; - } }, e.ResponseListSnapshots = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const x of g.snapshots) - e.Snapshot.encode(x, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); - return S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { snapshots: [] }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.snapshots.push(e.Snapshot.decode(x, x.uint32())) : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ data: G(_.data) ? ue(_.data) : new Uint8Array(), retain_height: G(_.retain_height) ? String(_.retain_height) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.data !== void 0 && (O.data = fe(_.data !== void 0 ? _.data : new Uint8Array())), _.retain_height !== void 0 && (O.retain_height = _.retain_height), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = D(); + return U.data = (O = _.data) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), U.retain_height = (M = _.retain_height) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "0", U; + } }, e.ResponseListSnapshots = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const M of _.snapshots) + e.Snapshot.encode(M, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + return O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { snapshots: [] }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.snapshots.push(e.Snapshot.decode(M, M.uint32())) : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ snapshots: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.snapshots) ? g.snapshots.map((S) => e.Snapshot.fromJSON(S)) : [] }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.snapshots ? S.snapshots = g.snapshots.map((x) => x ? e.Snapshot.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.snapshots = [], S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { snapshots: [] }; - return x.snapshots = ((S = g.snapshots) === null || S === void 0 ? void 0 : S.map((j) => e.Snapshot.fromPartial(j))) || [], x; - } }, e.ResponseOfferSnapshot = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.result !== 0 && S.uint32(8).int32(g.result), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { result: 0 }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.result = x.int32() : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ snapshots: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.snapshots) ? _.snapshots.map((O) => e.Snapshot.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.snapshots ? O.snapshots = _.snapshots.map((M) => M ? e.Snapshot.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.snapshots = [], O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { snapshots: [] }; + return M.snapshots = ((O = _.snapshots) === null || O === void 0 ? void 0 : O.map((U) => e.Snapshot.fromPartial(U))) || [], M; + } }, e.ResponseOfferSnapshot = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.result !== 0 && O.uint32(8).int32(_.result), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { result: 0 }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.result = M.int32() : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ result: W(g.result) ? l(g.result) : 0 }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.result !== void 0 && (S.result = I(g.result)), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { result: 0 }; - return x.result = (S = g.result) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, x; - } }, e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.chunk.length !== 0 && S.uint32(10).bytes(g.chunk), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = Q(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - L >>> 3 == 1 ? D.chunk = x.bytes() : x.skipType(7 & L); + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ result: G(_.result) ? l(_.result) : 0 }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.result !== void 0 && (O.result = j(_.result)), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { result: 0 }; + return M.result = (O = _.result) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, M; + } }, e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.chunk.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(_.chunk), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = Z(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + q >>> 3 == 1 ? z.chunk = M.bytes() : M.skipType(7 & q); } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ chunk: W(g.chunk) ? de(g.chunk) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.chunk !== void 0 && (S.chunk = le(g.chunk !== void 0 ? g.chunk : new Uint8Array())), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = Q(); - return x.chunk = (S = g.chunk) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), x; - } }, e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.result !== 0 && S.uint32(8).int32(g.result), S.uint32(18).fork(); - for (const x of g.refetch_chunks) - S.uint32(x); - S.ldelim(); - for (const x of g.reject_senders) - S.uint32(26).string(x); - return S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { result: 0, refetch_chunks: [], reject_senders: [] }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ chunk: G(_.chunk) ? ue(_.chunk) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.chunk !== void 0 && (O.chunk = fe(_.chunk !== void 0 ? _.chunk : new Uint8Array())), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = Z(); + return M.chunk = (O = _.chunk) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), M; + } }, e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.result !== 0 && O.uint32(8).int32(_.result), O.uint32(18).fork(); + for (const M of _.refetch_chunks) + O.uint32(M); + O.ldelim(); + for (const M of _.reject_senders) + O.uint32(26).string(M); + return O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { result: 0, refetch_chunks: [], reject_senders: [] }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.result = x.int32(); + z.result = M.int32(); break; case 2: - if ((7 & L) == 2) { - const F = x.uint32() + x.pos; - for (; x.pos < F; ) - D.refetch_chunks.push(x.uint32()); + if ((7 & q) == 2) { + const W = M.uint32() + M.pos; + for (; M.pos < W; ) + z.refetch_chunks.push(M.uint32()); } else - D.refetch_chunks.push(x.uint32()); + z.refetch_chunks.push(M.uint32()); break; case 3: - D.reject_senders.push(x.string()); + z.reject_senders.push(M.string()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ result: W(g.result) ? R(g.result) : 0, refetch_chunks: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.refetch_chunks) ? g.refetch_chunks.map((S) => Number(S)) : [], reject_senders: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.reject_senders) ? g.reject_senders.map((S) => String(S)) : [] }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.result !== void 0 && (S.result = k(g.result)), g.refetch_chunks ? S.refetch_chunks = g.refetch_chunks.map((x) => Math.round(x)) : S.refetch_chunks = [], g.reject_senders ? S.reject_senders = g.reject_senders.map((x) => x) : S.reject_senders = [], S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = { result: 0, refetch_chunks: [], reject_senders: [] }; - return D.result = (S = g.result) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, D.refetch_chunks = ((x = g.refetch_chunks) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((L) => L)) || [], D.reject_senders = ((j = g.reject_senders) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((L) => L)) || [], D; - } }, e.ConsensusParams = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.block !== void 0 && e.BlockParams.encode(g.block, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), g.evidence !== void 0 && r.EvidenceParams.encode(g.evidence, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), g.validator !== void 0 && r.ValidatorParams.encode(g.validator, S.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), g.version !== void 0 && r.VersionParams.encode(g.version, S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { block: void 0, evidence: void 0, validator: void 0, version: void 0 }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ result: G(_.result) ? N(_.result) : 0, refetch_chunks: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.refetch_chunks) ? _.refetch_chunks.map((O) => Number(O)) : [], reject_senders: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.reject_senders) ? _.reject_senders.map((O) => String(O)) : [] }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.result !== void 0 && (O.result = S(_.result)), _.refetch_chunks ? O.refetch_chunks = _.refetch_chunks.map((M) => Math.round(M)) : O.refetch_chunks = [], _.reject_senders ? O.reject_senders = _.reject_senders.map((M) => M) : O.reject_senders = [], O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = { result: 0, refetch_chunks: [], reject_senders: [] }; + return z.result = (O = _.result) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, z.refetch_chunks = ((M = _.refetch_chunks) === null || M === void 0 ? void 0 : M.map((q) => q)) || [], z.reject_senders = ((U = _.reject_senders) === null || U === void 0 ? void 0 : U.map((q) => q)) || [], z; + } }, e.ConsensusParams = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.block !== void 0 && e.BlockParams.encode(_.block, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.evidence !== void 0 && r.EvidenceParams.encode(_.evidence, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _.validator !== void 0 && r.ValidatorParams.encode(_.validator, O.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), _.version !== void 0 && r.VersionParams.encode(_.version, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { block: void 0, evidence: void 0, validator: void 0, version: void 0 }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.block = e.BlockParams.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.block = e.BlockParams.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.evidence = r.EvidenceParams.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.evidence = r.EvidenceParams.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 3: - D.validator = r.ValidatorParams.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.validator = r.ValidatorParams.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 4: - D.version = r.VersionParams.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.version = r.VersionParams.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ block: W(g.block) ? e.BlockParams.fromJSON(g.block) : void 0, evidence: W(g.evidence) ? r.EvidenceParams.fromJSON(g.evidence) : void 0, validator: W(g.validator) ? r.ValidatorParams.fromJSON(g.validator) : void 0, version: W(g.version) ? r.VersionParams.fromJSON(g.version) : void 0 }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.block !== void 0 && (S.block = g.block ? e.BlockParams.toJSON(g.block) : void 0), g.evidence !== void 0 && (S.evidence = g.evidence ? r.EvidenceParams.toJSON(g.evidence) : void 0), g.validator !== void 0 && (S.validator = g.validator ? r.ValidatorParams.toJSON(g.validator) : void 0), g.version !== void 0 && (S.version = g.version ? r.VersionParams.toJSON(g.version) : void 0), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - const S = { block: void 0, evidence: void 0, validator: void 0, version: void 0 }; - return S.block = g.block !== void 0 && g.block !== null ? e.BlockParams.fromPartial(g.block) : void 0, S.evidence = g.evidence !== void 0 && g.evidence !== null ? r.EvidenceParams.fromPartial(g.evidence) : void 0, S.validator = g.validator !== void 0 && g.validator !== null ? r.ValidatorParams.fromPartial(g.validator) : void 0, S.version = g.version !== void 0 && g.version !== null ? r.VersionParams.fromPartial(g.version) : void 0, S; - } }, e.BlockParams = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.max_bytes !== "0" && S.uint32(8).int64(g.max_bytes), g.max_gas !== "0" && S.uint32(16).int64(g.max_gas), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { max_bytes: "0", max_gas: "0" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ block: G(_.block) ? e.BlockParams.fromJSON(_.block) : void 0, evidence: G(_.evidence) ? r.EvidenceParams.fromJSON(_.evidence) : void 0, validator: G(_.validator) ? r.ValidatorParams.fromJSON(_.validator) : void 0, version: G(_.version) ? r.VersionParams.fromJSON(_.version) : void 0 }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.block !== void 0 && (O.block = _.block ? e.BlockParams.toJSON(_.block) : void 0), _.evidence !== void 0 && (O.evidence = _.evidence ? r.EvidenceParams.toJSON(_.evidence) : void 0), _.validator !== void 0 && (O.validator = _.validator ? r.ValidatorParams.toJSON(_.validator) : void 0), _.version !== void 0 && (O.version = _.version ? r.VersionParams.toJSON(_.version) : void 0), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + const O = { block: void 0, evidence: void 0, validator: void 0, version: void 0 }; + return O.block = _.block !== void 0 && _.block !== null ? e.BlockParams.fromPartial(_.block) : void 0, O.evidence = _.evidence !== void 0 && _.evidence !== null ? r.EvidenceParams.fromPartial(_.evidence) : void 0, O.validator = _.validator !== void 0 && _.validator !== null ? r.ValidatorParams.fromPartial(_.validator) : void 0, O.version = _.version !== void 0 && _.version !== null ? r.VersionParams.fromPartial(_.version) : void 0, O; + } }, e.BlockParams = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.max_bytes !== "0" && O.uint32(8).int64(_.max_bytes), _.max_gas !== "0" && O.uint32(16).int64(_.max_gas), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { max_bytes: "0", max_gas: "0" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.max_bytes = be(x.int64()); + z.max_bytes = ye(M.int64()); break; case 2: - D.max_gas = be(x.int64()); + z.max_gas = ye(M.int64()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ max_bytes: W(g.max_bytes) ? String(g.max_bytes) : "0", max_gas: W(g.max_gas) ? String(g.max_gas) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.max_bytes !== void 0 && (S.max_bytes = g.max_bytes), g.max_gas !== void 0 && (S.max_gas = g.max_gas), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = { max_bytes: "0", max_gas: "0" }; - return j.max_bytes = (S = g.max_bytes) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", j.max_gas = (x = g.max_gas) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "0", j; - } }, e.LastCommitInfo = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.round !== 0 && S.uint32(8).int32(g.round); - for (const x of g.votes) - e.VoteInfo.encode(x, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { round: 0, votes: [] }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ max_bytes: G(_.max_bytes) ? String(_.max_bytes) : "0", max_gas: G(_.max_gas) ? String(_.max_gas) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.max_bytes !== void 0 && (O.max_bytes = _.max_bytes), _.max_gas !== void 0 && (O.max_gas = _.max_gas), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = { max_bytes: "0", max_gas: "0" }; + return U.max_bytes = (O = _.max_bytes) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", U.max_gas = (M = _.max_gas) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "0", U; + } }, e.LastCommitInfo = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.round !== 0 && O.uint32(8).int32(_.round); + for (const M of _.votes) + e.VoteInfo.encode(M, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { round: 0, votes: [] }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.round = x.int32(); + z.round = M.int32(); break; case 2: - D.votes.push(e.VoteInfo.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.votes.push(e.VoteInfo.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ round: W(g.round) ? Number(g.round) : 0, votes: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.votes) ? g.votes.map((S) => e.VoteInfo.fromJSON(S)) : [] }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.round !== void 0 && (S.round = Math.round(g.round)), g.votes ? S.votes = g.votes.map((x) => x ? e.VoteInfo.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.votes = [], S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = { round: 0, votes: [] }; - return j.round = (S = g.round) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, j.votes = ((x = g.votes) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((D) => e.VoteInfo.fromPartial(D))) || [], j; - } }, e.Event = { encode(g, S = t.Writer.create()) { - g.type !== "" && S.uint32(10).string(g.type); - for (const x of g.attributes) - e.EventAttribute.encode(x, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); - return S; - }, decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { type: "", attributes: [] }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ round: G(_.round) ? Number(_.round) : 0, votes: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.votes) ? _.votes.map((O) => e.VoteInfo.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.round !== void 0 && (O.round = Math.round(_.round)), _.votes ? O.votes = _.votes.map((M) => M ? e.VoteInfo.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.votes = [], O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = { round: 0, votes: [] }; + return U.round = (O = _.round) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, U.votes = ((M = _.votes) === null || M === void 0 ? void 0 : M.map((z) => e.VoteInfo.fromPartial(z))) || [], U; + } }, e.Event = { encode(_, O = t.Writer.create()) { + _.type !== "" && O.uint32(10).string(_.type); + for (const M of _.attributes) + e.EventAttribute.encode(M, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(); + return O; + }, decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { type: "", attributes: [] }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.type = x.string(); + z.type = M.string(); break; case 2: - D.attributes.push(e.EventAttribute.decode(x, x.uint32())); + z.attributes.push(e.EventAttribute.decode(M, M.uint32())); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ type: W(g.type) ? String(g.type) : "", attributes: Array.isArray(g == null ? void 0 : g.attributes) ? g.attributes.map((S) => e.EventAttribute.fromJSON(S)) : [] }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.type !== void 0 && (S.type = g.type), g.attributes ? S.attributes = g.attributes.map((x) => x ? e.EventAttribute.toJSON(x) : void 0) : S.attributes = [], S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = { type: "", attributes: [] }; - return j.type = (S = g.type) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "", j.attributes = ((x = g.attributes) === null || x === void 0 ? void 0 : x.map((D) => e.EventAttribute.fromPartial(D))) || [], j; - } }, e.EventAttribute = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.key.length !== 0 && S.uint32(10).bytes(g.key), g.value.length !== 0 && S.uint32(18).bytes(g.value), g.index === !0 && S.uint32(24).bool(g.index), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = V(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ type: G(_.type) ? String(_.type) : "", attributes: Array.isArray(_ == null ? void 0 : _.attributes) ? _.attributes.map((O) => e.EventAttribute.fromJSON(O)) : [] }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.type !== void 0 && (O.type = _.type), _.attributes ? O.attributes = _.attributes.map((M) => M ? e.EventAttribute.toJSON(M) : void 0) : O.attributes = [], O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = { type: "", attributes: [] }; + return U.type = (O = _.type) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "", U.attributes = ((M = _.attributes) === null || M === void 0 ? void 0 : M.map((z) => e.EventAttribute.fromPartial(z))) || [], U; + } }, e.EventAttribute = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.key.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(_.key), _.value.length !== 0 && O.uint32(18).bytes(_.value), _.index === !0 && O.uint32(24).bool(_.index), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = H(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.key = x.bytes(); + z.key = M.bytes(); break; case 2: - D.value = x.bytes(); + z.value = M.bytes(); break; case 3: - D.index = x.bool(); + z.index = M.bool(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ key: W(g.key) ? de(g.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: W(g.value) ? de(g.value) : new Uint8Array(), index: !!W(g.index) && !!g.index }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.key !== void 0 && (S.key = le(g.key !== void 0 ? g.key : new Uint8Array())), g.value !== void 0 && (S.value = le(g.value !== void 0 ? g.value : new Uint8Array())), g.index !== void 0 && (S.index = g.index), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = V(); - return D.key = (S = g.key) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), D.value = (x = g.value) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : new Uint8Array(), D.index = (j = g.index) !== null && j !== void 0 && j, D; - } }, e.TxResult = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.height !== "0" && S.uint32(8).int64(g.height), g.index !== 0 && S.uint32(16).uint32(g.index), g.tx.length !== 0 && S.uint32(26).bytes(g.tx), g.result !== void 0 && e.ResponseDeliverTx.encode(g.result, S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = ee(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ key: G(_.key) ? ue(_.key) : new Uint8Array(), value: G(_.value) ? ue(_.value) : new Uint8Array(), index: !!G(_.index) && !!_.index }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.key !== void 0 && (O.key = fe(_.key !== void 0 ? _.key : new Uint8Array())), _.value !== void 0 && (O.value = fe(_.value !== void 0 ? _.value : new Uint8Array())), _.index !== void 0 && (O.index = _.index), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = H(); + return z.key = (O = _.key) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), z.value = (M = _.value) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : new Uint8Array(), z.index = (U = _.index) !== null && U !== void 0 && U, z; + } }, e.TxResult = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.height !== "0" && O.uint32(8).int64(_.height), _.index !== 0 && O.uint32(16).uint32(_.index), _.tx.length !== 0 && O.uint32(26).bytes(_.tx), _.result !== void 0 && e.ResponseDeliverTx.encode(_.result, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = te(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.height = be(x.int64()); + z.height = ye(M.int64()); break; case 2: - D.index = x.uint32(); + z.index = M.uint32(); break; case 3: - D.tx = x.bytes(); + z.tx = M.bytes(); break; case 4: - D.result = e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.result = e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ height: W(g.height) ? String(g.height) : "0", index: W(g.index) ? Number(g.index) : 0, tx: W(g.tx) ? de(g.tx) : new Uint8Array(), result: W(g.result) ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromJSON(g.result) : void 0 }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.height !== void 0 && (S.height = g.height), g.index !== void 0 && (S.index = Math.round(g.index)), g.tx !== void 0 && (S.tx = le(g.tx !== void 0 ? g.tx : new Uint8Array())), g.result !== void 0 && (S.result = g.result ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.toJSON(g.result) : void 0), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = ee(); - return D.height = (S = g.height) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", D.index = (x = g.index) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : 0, D.tx = (j = g.tx) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : new Uint8Array(), D.result = g.result !== void 0 && g.result !== null ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromPartial(g.result) : void 0, D; - } }, e.Validator = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.address.length !== 0 && S.uint32(10).bytes(g.address), g.power !== "0" && S.uint32(24).int64(g.power), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = K(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ height: G(_.height) ? String(_.height) : "0", index: G(_.index) ? Number(_.index) : 0, tx: G(_.tx) ? ue(_.tx) : new Uint8Array(), result: G(_.result) ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromJSON(_.result) : void 0 }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.height !== void 0 && (O.height = _.height), _.index !== void 0 && (O.index = Math.round(_.index)), _.tx !== void 0 && (O.tx = fe(_.tx !== void 0 ? _.tx : new Uint8Array())), _.result !== void 0 && (O.result = _.result ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.toJSON(_.result) : void 0), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = te(); + return z.height = (O = _.height) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", z.index = (M = _.index) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : 0, z.tx = (U = _.tx) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : new Uint8Array(), z.result = _.result !== void 0 && _.result !== null ? e.ResponseDeliverTx.fromPartial(_.result) : void 0, z; + } }, e.Validator = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.address.length !== 0 && O.uint32(10).bytes(_.address), _.power !== "0" && O.uint32(24).int64(_.power), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = Q(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.address = x.bytes(); + z.address = M.bytes(); break; case 3: - D.power = be(x.int64()); + z.power = ye(M.int64()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ address: W(g.address) ? de(g.address) : new Uint8Array(), power: W(g.power) ? String(g.power) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.address !== void 0 && (S.address = le(g.address !== void 0 ? g.address : new Uint8Array())), g.power !== void 0 && (S.power = g.power), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x; - const j = K(); - return j.address = (S = g.address) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : new Uint8Array(), j.power = (x = g.power) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "0", j; - } }, e.ValidatorUpdate = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.pub_key !== void 0 && n.PublicKey.encode(g.pub_key, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), g.power !== "0" && S.uint32(16).int64(g.power), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { pub_key: void 0, power: "0" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ address: G(_.address) ? ue(_.address) : new Uint8Array(), power: G(_.power) ? String(_.power) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.address !== void 0 && (O.address = fe(_.address !== void 0 ? _.address : new Uint8Array())), _.power !== void 0 && (O.power = _.power), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M; + const U = Q(); + return U.address = (O = _.address) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : new Uint8Array(), U.power = (M = _.power) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "0", U; + } }, e.ValidatorUpdate = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.pub_key !== void 0 && n.PublicKey.encode(_.pub_key, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.power !== "0" && O.uint32(16).int64(_.power), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { pub_key: void 0, power: "0" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.pub_key = n.PublicKey.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.pub_key = n.PublicKey.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.power = be(x.int64()); + z.power = ye(M.int64()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ pub_key: W(g.pub_key) ? n.PublicKey.fromJSON(g.pub_key) : void 0, power: W(g.power) ? String(g.power) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.pub_key !== void 0 && (S.pub_key = g.pub_key ? n.PublicKey.toJSON(g.pub_key) : void 0), g.power !== void 0 && (S.power = g.power), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { pub_key: void 0, power: "0" }; - return x.pub_key = g.pub_key !== void 0 && g.pub_key !== null ? n.PublicKey.fromPartial(g.pub_key) : void 0, x.power = (S = g.power) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", x; - } }, e.VoteInfo = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.validator !== void 0 && e.Validator.encode(g.validator, S.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), g.signed_last_block === !0 && S.uint32(16).bool(g.signed_last_block), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { validator: void 0, signed_last_block: !1 }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ pub_key: G(_.pub_key) ? n.PublicKey.fromJSON(_.pub_key) : void 0, power: G(_.power) ? String(_.power) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.pub_key !== void 0 && (O.pub_key = _.pub_key ? n.PublicKey.toJSON(_.pub_key) : void 0), _.power !== void 0 && (O.power = _.power), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { pub_key: void 0, power: "0" }; + return M.pub_key = _.pub_key !== void 0 && _.pub_key !== null ? n.PublicKey.fromPartial(_.pub_key) : void 0, M.power = (O = _.power) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", M; + } }, e.VoteInfo = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.validator !== void 0 && e.Validator.encode(_.validator, O.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), _.signed_last_block === !0 && O.uint32(16).bool(_.signed_last_block), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { validator: void 0, signed_last_block: !1 }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.validator = e.Validator.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.validator = e.Validator.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 2: - D.signed_last_block = x.bool(); + z.signed_last_block = M.bool(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ validator: W(g.validator) ? e.Validator.fromJSON(g.validator) : void 0, signed_last_block: !!W(g.signed_last_block) && !!g.signed_last_block }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.validator !== void 0 && (S.validator = g.validator ? e.Validator.toJSON(g.validator) : void 0), g.signed_last_block !== void 0 && (S.signed_last_block = g.signed_last_block), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S; - const x = { validator: void 0, signed_last_block: !1 }; - return x.validator = g.validator !== void 0 && g.validator !== null ? e.Validator.fromPartial(g.validator) : void 0, x.signed_last_block = (S = g.signed_last_block) !== null && S !== void 0 && S, x; - } }, e.Evidence = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.type !== 0 && S.uint32(8).int32(g.type), g.validator !== void 0 && e.Validator.encode(g.validator, S.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), g.height !== "0" && S.uint32(24).int64(g.height), g.time !== void 0 && d.Timestamp.encode(g.time, S.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), g.total_voting_power !== "0" && S.uint32(40).int64(g.total_voting_power), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = { type: 0, validator: void 0, height: "0", time: void 0, total_voting_power: "0" }; - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ validator: G(_.validator) ? e.Validator.fromJSON(_.validator) : void 0, signed_last_block: !!G(_.signed_last_block) && !!_.signed_last_block }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.validator !== void 0 && (O.validator = _.validator ? e.Validator.toJSON(_.validator) : void 0), _.signed_last_block !== void 0 && (O.signed_last_block = _.signed_last_block), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O; + const M = { validator: void 0, signed_last_block: !1 }; + return M.validator = _.validator !== void 0 && _.validator !== null ? e.Validator.fromPartial(_.validator) : void 0, M.signed_last_block = (O = _.signed_last_block) !== null && O !== void 0 && O, M; + } }, e.Evidence = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.type !== 0 && O.uint32(8).int32(_.type), _.validator !== void 0 && e.Validator.encode(_.validator, O.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), _.height !== "0" && O.uint32(24).int64(_.height), _.time !== void 0 && d.Timestamp.encode(_.time, O.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), _.total_voting_power !== "0" && O.uint32(40).int64(_.total_voting_power), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = { type: 0, validator: void 0, height: "0", time: void 0, total_voting_power: "0" }; + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.type = x.int32(); + z.type = M.int32(); break; case 2: - D.validator = e.Validator.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.validator = e.Validator.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 3: - D.height = be(x.int64()); + z.height = ye(M.int64()); break; case 4: - D.time = d.Timestamp.decode(x, x.uint32()); + z.time = d.Timestamp.decode(M, M.uint32()); break; case 5: - D.total_voting_power = be(x.int64()); + z.total_voting_power = ye(M.int64()); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ type: W(g.type) ? v(g.type) : 0, validator: W(g.validator) ? e.Validator.fromJSON(g.validator) : void 0, height: W(g.height) ? String(g.height) : "0", time: W(g.time) ? he(g.time) : void 0, total_voting_power: W(g.total_voting_power) ? String(g.total_voting_power) : "0" }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.type !== void 0 && (S.type = C(g.type)), g.validator !== void 0 && (S.validator = g.validator ? e.Validator.toJSON(g.validator) : void 0), g.height !== void 0 && (S.height = g.height), g.time !== void 0 && (S.time = ce(g.time).toISOString()), g.total_voting_power !== void 0 && (S.total_voting_power = g.total_voting_power), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j; - const D = { type: 0, validator: void 0, height: "0", time: void 0, total_voting_power: "0" }; - return D.type = (S = g.type) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : 0, D.validator = g.validator !== void 0 && g.validator !== null ? e.Validator.fromPartial(g.validator) : void 0, D.height = (x = g.height) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : "0", D.time = g.time !== void 0 && g.time !== null ? d.Timestamp.fromPartial(g.time) : void 0, D.total_voting_power = (j = g.total_voting_power) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : "0", D; - } }, e.Snapshot = { encode: (g, S = t.Writer.create()) => (g.height !== "0" && S.uint32(8).uint64(g.height), g.format !== 0 && S.uint32(16).uint32(g.format), g.chunks !== 0 && S.uint32(24).uint32(g.chunks), g.hash.length !== 0 && S.uint32(34).bytes(g.hash), g.metadata.length !== 0 && S.uint32(42).bytes(g.metadata), S), decode(g, S) { - const x = g instanceof t.Reader ? g : new t.Reader(g); - let j = S === void 0 ? x.len : x.pos + S; - const D = Y(); - for (; x.pos < j; ) { - const L = x.uint32(); - switch (L >>> 3) { + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ type: G(_.type) ? v(_.type) : 0, validator: G(_.validator) ? e.Validator.fromJSON(_.validator) : void 0, height: G(_.height) ? String(_.height) : "0", time: G(_.time) ? pe(_.time) : void 0, total_voting_power: G(_.total_voting_power) ? String(_.total_voting_power) : "0" }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.type !== void 0 && (O.type = I(_.type)), _.validator !== void 0 && (O.validator = _.validator ? e.Validator.toJSON(_.validator) : void 0), _.height !== void 0 && (O.height = _.height), _.time !== void 0 && (O.time = de(_.time).toISOString()), _.total_voting_power !== void 0 && (O.total_voting_power = _.total_voting_power), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U; + const z = { type: 0, validator: void 0, height: "0", time: void 0, total_voting_power: "0" }; + return z.type = (O = _.type) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : 0, z.validator = _.validator !== void 0 && _.validator !== null ? e.Validator.fromPartial(_.validator) : void 0, z.height = (M = _.height) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : "0", z.time = _.time !== void 0 && _.time !== null ? d.Timestamp.fromPartial(_.time) : void 0, z.total_voting_power = (U = _.total_voting_power) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : "0", z; + } }, e.Snapshot = { encode: (_, O = t.Writer.create()) => (_.height !== "0" && O.uint32(8).uint64(_.height), _.format !== 0 && O.uint32(16).uint32(_.format), _.chunks !== 0 && O.uint32(24).uint32(_.chunks), _.hash.length !== 0 && O.uint32(34).bytes(_.hash), _.metadata.length !== 0 && O.uint32(42).bytes(_.metadata), O), decode(_, O) { + const M = _ instanceof t.Reader ? _ : new t.Reader(_); + let U = O === void 0 ? M.len : M.pos + O; + const z = X(); + for (; M.pos < U; ) { + const q = M.uint32(); + switch (q >>> 3) { case 1: - D.height = be(x.uint64()); + z.height = ye(M.uint64()); break; case 2: - D.format = x.uint32(); + z.format = M.uint32(); break; case 3: - D.chunks = x.uint32(); + z.chunks = M.uint32(); break; case 4: - D.hash = x.bytes(); + z.hash = M.bytes(); break; case 5: - D.metadata = x.bytes(); + z.metadata = M.bytes(); break; default: - x.skipType(7 & L); + M.skipType(7 & q); } } - return D; - }, fromJSON: (g) => ({ height: W(g.height) ? String(g.height) : "0", format: W(g.format) ? Number(g.format) : 0, chunks: W(g.chunks) ? Number(g.chunks) : 0, hash: W(g.hash) ? de(g.hash) : new Uint8Array(), metadata: W(g.metadata) ? de(g.metadata) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(g) { - const S = {}; - return g.height !== void 0 && (S.height = g.height), g.format !== void 0 && (S.format = Math.round(g.format)), g.chunks !== void 0 && (S.chunks = Math.round(g.chunks)), g.hash !== void 0 && (S.hash = le(g.hash !== void 0 ? g.hash : new Uint8Array())), g.metadata !== void 0 && (S.metadata = le(g.metadata !== void 0 ? g.metadata : new Uint8Array())), S; - }, fromPartial(g) { - var S, x, j, D, L; - const F = Y(); - return F.height = (S = g.height) !== null && S !== void 0 ? S : "0", F.format = (x = g.format) !== null && x !== void 0 ? x : 0, F.chunks = (j = g.chunks) !== null && j !== void 0 ? j : 0, F.hash = (D = g.hash) !== null && D !== void 0 ? D : new Uint8Array(), F.metadata = (L = g.metadata) !== null && L !== void 0 ? L : new Uint8Array(), F; + return z; + }, fromJSON: (_) => ({ height: G(_.height) ? String(_.height) : "0", format: G(_.format) ? Number(_.format) : 0, chunks: G(_.chunks) ? Number(_.chunks) : 0, hash: G(_.hash) ? ue(_.hash) : new Uint8Array(), metadata: G(_.metadata) ? ue(_.metadata) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(_) { + const O = {}; + return _.height !== void 0 && (O.height = _.height), _.format !== void 0 && (O.format = Math.round(_.format)), _.chunks !== void 0 && (O.chunks = Math.round(_.chunks)), _.hash !== void 0 && (O.hash = fe(_.hash !== void 0 ? _.hash : new Uint8Array())), _.metadata !== void 0 && (O.metadata = fe(_.metadata !== void 0 ? _.metadata : new Uint8Array())), O; + }, fromPartial(_) { + var O, M, U, z, q; + const W = X(); + return W.height = (O = _.height) !== null && O !== void 0 ? O : "0", W.format = (M = _.format) !== null && M !== void 0 ? M : 0, W.chunks = (U = _.chunks) !== null && U !== void 0 ? U : 0, W.hash = (z = _.hash) !== null && z !== void 0 ? z : new Uint8Array(), W.metadata = (q = _.metadata) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : new Uint8Array(), W; } }, e.ABCIApplicationClientImpl = class { - constructor(g) { - this.rpc = g, this.Echo = this.Echo.bind(this), this.Flush = this.Flush.bind(this), this.Info = this.Info.bind(this), this.SetOption = this.SetOption.bind(this), this.DeliverTx = this.DeliverTx.bind(this), this.CheckTx = this.CheckTx.bind(this), this.Query = this.Query.bind(this), this.Commit = this.Commit.bind(this), this.InitChain = this.InitChain.bind(this), this.BeginBlock = this.BeginBlock.bind(this), this.EndBlock = this.EndBlock.bind(this), this.ListSnapshots = this.ListSnapshots.bind(this), this.OfferSnapshot = this.OfferSnapshot.bind(this), this.LoadSnapshotChunk = this.LoadSnapshotChunk.bind(this), this.ApplySnapshotChunk = this.ApplySnapshotChunk.bind(this); + constructor(_) { + this.rpc = _, this.Echo = this.Echo.bind(this), this.Flush = this.Flush.bind(this), this.Info = this.Info.bind(this), this.SetOption = this.SetOption.bind(this), this.DeliverTx = this.DeliverTx.bind(this), this.CheckTx = this.CheckTx.bind(this), this.Query = this.Query.bind(this), this.Commit = this.Commit.bind(this), this.InitChain = this.InitChain.bind(this), this.BeginBlock = this.BeginBlock.bind(this), this.EndBlock = this.EndBlock.bind(this), this.ListSnapshots = this.ListSnapshots.bind(this), this.OfferSnapshot = this.OfferSnapshot.bind(this), this.LoadSnapshotChunk = this.LoadSnapshotChunk.bind(this), this.ApplySnapshotChunk = this.ApplySnapshotChunk.bind(this); } - Echo(g) { - const S = e.RequestEcho.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Echo", S).then((x) => e.ResponseEcho.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + Echo(_) { + const O = e.RequestEcho.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Echo", O).then((M) => e.ResponseEcho.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - Flush(g) { - const S = e.RequestFlush.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Flush", S).then((x) => e.ResponseFlush.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + Flush(_) { + const O = e.RequestFlush.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Flush", O).then((M) => e.ResponseFlush.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - Info(g) { - const S = e.RequestInfo.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Info", S).then((x) => e.ResponseInfo.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + Info(_) { + const O = e.RequestInfo.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Info", O).then((M) => e.ResponseInfo.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - SetOption(g) { - const S = e.RequestSetOption.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "SetOption", S).then((x) => e.ResponseSetOption.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + SetOption(_) { + const O = e.RequestSetOption.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "SetOption", O).then((M) => e.ResponseSetOption.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - DeliverTx(g) { - const S = e.RequestDeliverTx.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "DeliverTx", S).then((x) => e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + DeliverTx(_) { + const O = e.RequestDeliverTx.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "DeliverTx", O).then((M) => e.ResponseDeliverTx.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - CheckTx(g) { - const S = e.RequestCheckTx.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "CheckTx", S).then((x) => e.ResponseCheckTx.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + CheckTx(_) { + const O = e.RequestCheckTx.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "CheckTx", O).then((M) => e.ResponseCheckTx.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - Query(g) { - const S = e.RequestQuery.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Query", S).then((x) => e.ResponseQuery.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + Query(_) { + const O = e.RequestQuery.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Query", O).then((M) => e.ResponseQuery.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - Commit(g) { - const S = e.RequestCommit.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Commit", S).then((x) => e.ResponseCommit.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + Commit(_) { + const O = e.RequestCommit.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "Commit", O).then((M) => e.ResponseCommit.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - InitChain(g) { - const S = e.RequestInitChain.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "InitChain", S).then((x) => e.ResponseInitChain.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + InitChain(_) { + const O = e.RequestInitChain.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "InitChain", O).then((M) => e.ResponseInitChain.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - BeginBlock(g) { - const S = e.RequestBeginBlock.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "BeginBlock", S).then((x) => e.ResponseBeginBlock.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + BeginBlock(_) { + const O = e.RequestBeginBlock.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "BeginBlock", O).then((M) => e.ResponseBeginBlock.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - EndBlock(g) { - const S = e.RequestEndBlock.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "EndBlock", S).then((x) => e.ResponseEndBlock.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + EndBlock(_) { + const O = e.RequestEndBlock.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "EndBlock", O).then((M) => e.ResponseEndBlock.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - ListSnapshots(g) { - const S = e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "ListSnapshots", S).then((x) => e.ResponseListSnapshots.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + ListSnapshots(_) { + const O = e.RequestListSnapshots.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "ListSnapshots", O).then((M) => e.ResponseListSnapshots.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - OfferSnapshot(g) { - const S = e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "OfferSnapshot", S).then((x) => e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + OfferSnapshot(_) { + const O = e.RequestOfferSnapshot.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "OfferSnapshot", O).then((M) => e.ResponseOfferSnapshot.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - LoadSnapshotChunk(g) { - const S = e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "LoadSnapshotChunk", S).then((x) => e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + LoadSnapshotChunk(_) { + const O = e.RequestLoadSnapshotChunk.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "LoadSnapshotChunk", O).then((M) => e.ResponseLoadSnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } - ApplySnapshotChunk(g) { - const S = e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(g).finish(); - return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "ApplySnapshotChunk", S).then((x) => e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(x))); + ApplySnapshotChunk(_) { + const O = e.RequestApplySnapshotChunk.encode(_).finish(); + return this.rpc.request("tendermint.abci.ABCIApplication", "ApplySnapshotChunk", O).then((M) => e.ResponseApplySnapshotChunk.decode(new t.Reader(M))); } }; - var q = (() => { - if (q !== void 0) - return q; + var F = (() => { + if (F !== void 0) + return F; if (typeof self < "u") return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); - const ae = q.atob || ((g) => q.Buffer.from(g, "base64").toString("binary")); - function de(g) { - const S = ae(g), x = new Uint8Array(S.length); - for (let j = 0; j < S.length; ++j) - x[j] = S.charCodeAt(j); - return x; + const se = F.atob || ((_) => F.Buffer.from(_, "base64").toString("binary")); + function ue(_) { + const O = se(_), M = new Uint8Array(O.length); + for (let U = 0; U < O.length; ++U) + M[U] = O.charCodeAt(U); + return M; } - const ue = q.btoa || ((g) => q.Buffer.from(g, "binary").toString("base64")); - function le(g) { - const S = []; - for (const x of g) - S.push(String.fromCharCode(x)); - return ue(S.join("")); + const le = F.btoa || ((_) => F.Buffer.from(_, "binary").toString("base64")); + function fe(_) { + const O = []; + for (const M of _) + O.push(String.fromCharCode(M)); + return le(O.join("")); } - function ge(g) { - return { seconds: Math.trunc(g.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: g.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; + function _e(_) { + return { seconds: Math.trunc(_.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: _.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } - function ce(g) { - let S = 1e3 * Number(g.seconds); - return S += g.nanos / 1e6, new Date(S); + function de(_) { + let O = 1e3 * Number(_.seconds); + return O += _.nanos / 1e6, new Date(O); } - function he(g) { - return g instanceof Date ? ge(g) : typeof g == "string" ? ge(new Date(g)) : d.Timestamp.fromJSON(g); + function pe(_) { + return _ instanceof Date ? _e(_) : typeof _ == "string" ? _e(new Date(_)) : d.Timestamp.fromJSON(_); } - function be(g) { - return g.toString(); + function ye(_) { + return _.toString(); } - function W(g) { - return g != null; + function G(_) { + return _ != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 2740: function(J, e, b) { + }, 2740: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), Object.defineProperty(i, h, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return f[c]; } }); } : function(i, f, c, h) { h === void 0 && (h = c), i[h] = f[c]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(i, f) { Object.defineProperty(i, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: f }); } : function(i, f) { i.default = f; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(i) { if (i && i.__esModule) return i; var f = {}; if (i != null) for (var c in i) c !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(i, c) && E(f, i, c); - return M(f, i), f; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { + return R(f, i), f; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(i) { return i && i.__esModule ? i : { default: i }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.PublicKey = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); e.protobufPackage = "tendermint.crypto", e.PublicKey = { encode: (i, f = t.Writer.create()) => (i.ed25519 !== void 0 && f.uint32(10).bytes(i.ed25519), i.secp256k1 !== void 0 && f.uint32(18).bytes(i.secp256k1), f), decode(i, f) { const c = i instanceof t.Reader ? i : new t.Reader(i); let h = f === void 0 ? c.len : c.pos + f; @@ -27408,8 +27746,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const u = d.atob || ((i) => d.Buffer.from(i, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -27430,30 +27768,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return i != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 1093: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(m, v, C, l) { - l === void 0 && (l = C), Object.defineProperty(m, l, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return v[C]; + }, 1093: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(m, v, I, l) { + l === void 0 && (l = I), Object.defineProperty(m, l, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return v[I]; } }); - } : function(m, v, C, l) { - l === void 0 && (l = C), m[l] = v[C]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(m, v) { + } : function(m, v, I, l) { + l === void 0 && (l = I), m[l] = v[I]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(m, v) { Object.defineProperty(m, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: v }); } : function(m, v) { m.default = v; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(m) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(m) { if (m && m.__esModule) return m; var v = {}; if (m != null) - for (var C in m) - C !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m, C) && E(v, m, C); - return M(v, m), v; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(m) { + for (var I in m) + I !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(m, I) && E(v, m, I); + return R(v, m), v; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(m) { return m && m.__esModule ? m : { default: m }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.ProofOps = e.ProofOp = e.DominoOp = e.ValueOp = e.Proof = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d() { return { total: "0", index: "0", leaf_hash: new Uint8Array(), aunts: [] }; } @@ -27465,141 +27803,141 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } e.protobufPackage = "tendermint.crypto", e.Proof = { encode(m, v = t.Writer.create()) { m.total !== "0" && v.uint32(8).int64(m.total), m.index !== "0" && v.uint32(16).int64(m.index), m.leaf_hash.length !== 0 && v.uint32(26).bytes(m.leaf_hash); - for (const C of m.aunts) - v.uint32(34).bytes(C); + for (const I of m.aunts) + v.uint32(34).bytes(I); return v; }, decode(m, v) { - const C = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); - let l = v === void 0 ? C.len : C.pos + v; - const I = d(); - for (; C.pos < l; ) { - const R = C.uint32(); - switch (R >>> 3) { + const I = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); + let l = v === void 0 ? I.len : I.pos + v; + const j = d(); + for (; I.pos < l; ) { + const N = I.uint32(); + switch (N >>> 3) { case 1: - I.total = c(C.int64()); + j.total = c(I.int64()); break; case 2: - I.index = c(C.int64()); + j.index = c(I.int64()); break; case 3: - I.leaf_hash = C.bytes(); + j.leaf_hash = I.bytes(); break; case 4: - I.aunts.push(C.bytes()); + j.aunts.push(I.bytes()); break; default: - C.skipType(7 & R); + I.skipType(7 & N); } } - return I; + return j; }, fromJSON: (m) => ({ total: h(m.total) ? String(m.total) : "0", index: h(m.index) ? String(m.index) : "0", leaf_hash: h(m.leaf_hash) ? o(m.leaf_hash) : new Uint8Array(), aunts: Array.isArray(m == null ? void 0 : m.aunts) ? m.aunts.map((v) => o(v)) : [] }), toJSON(m) { const v = {}; - return m.total !== void 0 && (v.total = m.total), m.index !== void 0 && (v.index = m.index), m.leaf_hash !== void 0 && (v.leaf_hash = f(m.leaf_hash !== void 0 ? m.leaf_hash : new Uint8Array())), m.aunts ? v.aunts = m.aunts.map((C) => f(C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array())) : v.aunts = [], v; + return m.total !== void 0 && (v.total = m.total), m.index !== void 0 && (v.index = m.index), m.leaf_hash !== void 0 && (v.leaf_hash = f(m.leaf_hash !== void 0 ? m.leaf_hash : new Uint8Array())), m.aunts ? v.aunts = m.aunts.map((I) => f(I !== void 0 ? I : new Uint8Array())) : v.aunts = [], v; }, fromPartial(m) { - var v, C, l, I; - const R = d(); - return R.total = (v = m.total) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "0", R.index = (C = m.index) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "0", R.leaf_hash = (l = m.leaf_hash) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), R.aunts = ((I = m.aunts) === null || I === void 0 ? void 0 : I.map((k) => k)) || [], R; + var v, I, l, j; + const N = d(); + return N.total = (v = m.total) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "0", N.index = (I = m.index) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "0", N.leaf_hash = (l = m.leaf_hash) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), N.aunts = ((j = m.aunts) === null || j === void 0 ? void 0 : j.map((S) => S)) || [], N; } }, e.ValueOp = { encode: (m, v = t.Writer.create()) => (m.key.length !== 0 && v.uint32(10).bytes(m.key), m.proof !== void 0 && e.Proof.encode(m.proof, v.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), v), decode(m, v) { - const C = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); - let l = v === void 0 ? C.len : C.pos + v; - const I = u(); - for (; C.pos < l; ) { - const R = C.uint32(); - switch (R >>> 3) { + const I = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); + let l = v === void 0 ? I.len : I.pos + v; + const j = u(); + for (; I.pos < l; ) { + const N = I.uint32(); + switch (N >>> 3) { case 1: - I.key = C.bytes(); + j.key = I.bytes(); break; case 2: - I.proof = e.Proof.decode(C, C.uint32()); + j.proof = e.Proof.decode(I, I.uint32()); break; default: - C.skipType(7 & R); + I.skipType(7 & N); } } - return I; + return j; }, fromJSON: (m) => ({ key: h(m.key) ? o(m.key) : new Uint8Array(), proof: h(m.proof) ? e.Proof.fromJSON(m.proof) : void 0 }), toJSON(m) { const v = {}; return m.key !== void 0 && (v.key = f(m.key !== void 0 ? m.key : new Uint8Array())), m.proof !== void 0 && (v.proof = m.proof ? e.Proof.toJSON(m.proof) : void 0), v; }, fromPartial(m) { var v; - const C = u(); - return C.key = (v = m.key) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : new Uint8Array(), C.proof = m.proof !== void 0 && m.proof !== null ? e.Proof.fromPartial(m.proof) : void 0, C; + const I = u(); + return I.key = (v = m.key) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : new Uint8Array(), I.proof = m.proof !== void 0 && m.proof !== null ? e.Proof.fromPartial(m.proof) : void 0, I; } }, e.DominoOp = { encode: (m, v = t.Writer.create()) => (m.key !== "" && v.uint32(10).string(m.key), m.input !== "" && v.uint32(18).string(m.input), m.output !== "" && v.uint32(26).string(m.output), v), decode(m, v) { - const C = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); - let l = v === void 0 ? C.len : C.pos + v; - const I = { key: "", input: "", output: "" }; - for (; C.pos < l; ) { - const R = C.uint32(); - switch (R >>> 3) { + const I = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); + let l = v === void 0 ? I.len : I.pos + v; + const j = { key: "", input: "", output: "" }; + for (; I.pos < l; ) { + const N = I.uint32(); + switch (N >>> 3) { case 1: - I.key = C.string(); + j.key = I.string(); break; case 2: - I.input = C.string(); + j.input = I.string(); break; case 3: - I.output = C.string(); + j.output = I.string(); break; default: - C.skipType(7 & R); + I.skipType(7 & N); } } - return I; + return j; }, fromJSON: (m) => ({ key: h(m.key) ? String(m.key) : "", input: h(m.input) ? String(m.input) : "", output: h(m.output) ? String(m.output) : "" }), toJSON(m) { const v = {}; return m.key !== void 0 && (v.key = m.key), m.input !== void 0 && (v.input = m.input), m.output !== void 0 && (v.output = m.output), v; }, fromPartial(m) { - var v, C, l; - const I = { key: "", input: "", output: "" }; - return I.key = (v = m.key) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", I.input = (C = m.input) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : "", I.output = (l = m.output) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", I; + var v, I, l; + const j = { key: "", input: "", output: "" }; + return j.key = (v = m.key) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", j.input = (I = m.input) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : "", j.output = (l = m.output) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : "", j; } }, e.ProofOp = { encode: (m, v = t.Writer.create()) => (m.type !== "" && v.uint32(10).string(m.type), m.key.length !== 0 && v.uint32(18).bytes(m.key), m.data.length !== 0 && v.uint32(26).bytes(m.data), v), decode(m, v) { - const C = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); - let l = v === void 0 ? C.len : C.pos + v; - const I = s(); - for (; C.pos < l; ) { - const R = C.uint32(); - switch (R >>> 3) { + const I = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); + let l = v === void 0 ? I.len : I.pos + v; + const j = s(); + for (; I.pos < l; ) { + const N = I.uint32(); + switch (N >>> 3) { case 1: - I.type = C.string(); + j.type = I.string(); break; case 2: - I.key = C.bytes(); + j.key = I.bytes(); break; case 3: - I.data = C.bytes(); + j.data = I.bytes(); break; default: - C.skipType(7 & R); + I.skipType(7 & N); } } - return I; + return j; }, fromJSON: (m) => ({ type: h(m.type) ? String(m.type) : "", key: h(m.key) ? o(m.key) : new Uint8Array(), data: h(m.data) ? o(m.data) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(m) { const v = {}; return m.type !== void 0 && (v.type = m.type), m.key !== void 0 && (v.key = f(m.key !== void 0 ? m.key : new Uint8Array())), m.data !== void 0 && (v.data = f(m.data !== void 0 ? m.data : new Uint8Array())), v; }, fromPartial(m) { - var v, C, l; - const I = s(); - return I.type = (v = m.type) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", I.key = (C = m.key) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : new Uint8Array(), I.data = (l = m.data) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), I; + var v, I, l; + const j = s(); + return j.type = (v = m.type) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "", j.key = (I = m.key) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : new Uint8Array(), j.data = (l = m.data) !== null && l !== void 0 ? l : new Uint8Array(), j; } }, e.ProofOps = { encode(m, v = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const C of m.ops) - e.ProofOp.encode(C, v.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const I of m.ops) + e.ProofOp.encode(I, v.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(); return v; }, decode(m, v) { - const C = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); - let l = v === void 0 ? C.len : C.pos + v; - const I = { ops: [] }; - for (; C.pos < l; ) { - const R = C.uint32(); - R >>> 3 == 1 ? I.ops.push(e.ProofOp.decode(C, C.uint32())) : C.skipType(7 & R); + const I = m instanceof t.Reader ? m : new t.Reader(m); + let l = v === void 0 ? I.len : I.pos + v; + const j = { ops: [] }; + for (; I.pos < l; ) { + const N = I.uint32(); + N >>> 3 == 1 ? j.ops.push(e.ProofOp.decode(I, I.uint32())) : I.skipType(7 & N); } - return I; + return j; }, fromJSON: (m) => ({ ops: Array.isArray(m == null ? void 0 : m.ops) ? m.ops.map((v) => e.ProofOp.fromJSON(v)) : [] }), toJSON(m) { const v = {}; - return m.ops ? v.ops = m.ops.map((C) => C ? e.ProofOp.toJSON(C) : void 0) : v.ops = [], v; + return m.ops ? v.ops = m.ops.map((I) => I ? e.ProofOp.toJSON(I) : void 0) : v.ops = [], v; }, fromPartial(m) { var v; - const C = { ops: [] }; - return C.ops = ((v = m.ops) === null || v === void 0 ? void 0 : v.map((l) => e.ProofOp.fromPartial(l))) || [], C; + const I = { ops: [] }; + return I.ops = ((v = m.ops) === null || v === void 0 ? void 0 : v.map((l) => e.ProofOp.fromPartial(l))) || [], I; } }; var r = (() => { if (r !== void 0) @@ -27608,22 +27946,22 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const n = r.atob || ((m) => r.Buffer.from(m, "base64").toString("binary")); function o(m) { - const v = n(m), C = new Uint8Array(v.length); + const v = n(m), I = new Uint8Array(v.length); for (let l = 0; l < v.length; ++l) - C[l] = v.charCodeAt(l); - return C; + I[l] = v.charCodeAt(l); + return I; } const i = r.btoa || ((m) => r.Buffer.from(m, "binary").toString("base64")); function f(m) { const v = []; - for (const C of m) - v.push(String.fromCharCode(C)); + for (const I of m) + v.push(String.fromCharCode(I)); return i(v.join("")); } function c(m) { @@ -27633,30 +27971,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return m != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5672: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5672: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), Object.defineProperty(r, i, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return n[o]; } }); } : function(r, n, o, i) { i === void 0 && (i = o), r[i] = n[o]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(r, n) { Object.defineProperty(r, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: n }); } : function(r, n) { r.default = n; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(r) { if (r && r.__esModule) return r; var n = {}; if (r != null) for (var o in r) o !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(r, o) && E(n, r, o); - return M(n, r), n; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { + return R(n, r), n; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(r) { return r && r.__esModule ? r : { default: r }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.HashedParams = e.VersionParams = e.ValidatorParams = e.EvidenceParams = e.BlockParams = e.ConsensusParams = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(6138); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(6138); function u(r) { return r.toString(); } @@ -27811,33 +28149,33 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const i = { block_max_bytes: "0", block_max_gas: "0" }; return i.block_max_bytes = (n = r.block_max_bytes) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : "0", i.block_max_gas = (o = r.block_max_gas) !== null && o !== void 0 ? o : "0", i; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 9928: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(B, Q, V, ee) { - ee === void 0 && (ee = V), Object.defineProperty(B, ee, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return Q[V]; + }, 9928: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(D, Z, H, te) { + te === void 0 && (te = H), Object.defineProperty(D, te, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return Z[H]; } }); - } : function(B, Q, V, ee) { - ee === void 0 && (ee = V), B[ee] = Q[V]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(B, Q) { - Object.defineProperty(B, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: Q }); - } : function(B, Q) { - B.default = Q; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(B) { - if (B && B.__esModule) - return B; - var Q = {}; - if (B != null) - for (var V in B) - V !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(B, V) && E(Q, B, V); - return M(Q, B), Q; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(B) { - return B && B.__esModule ? B : { default: B }; + } : function(D, Z, H, te) { + te === void 0 && (te = H), D[te] = Z[H]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(D, Z) { + Object.defineProperty(D, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: Z }); + } : function(D, Z) { + D.default = Z; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(D) { + if (D && D.__esModule) + return D; + var Z = {}; + if (D != null) + for (var H in D) + H !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(D, H) && E(Z, D, H); + return R(Z, D), Z; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(D) { + return D && D.__esModule ? D : { default: D }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.TxProof = e.BlockMeta = e.LightBlock = e.SignedHeader = e.Proposal = e.CommitSig = e.Commit = e.Vote = e.Data = e.EncryptedRandom = e.Header = e.BlockID = e.Part = e.PartSetHeader = e.signedMsgTypeToJSON = e.signedMsgTypeFromJSON = e.SignedMsgType = e.blockIDFlagToJSON = e.blockIDFlagFromJSON = e.BlockIDFlag = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(1093), u = b(5640), s = b(5090), r = b(3563); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(1093), u = y(5640), s = y(5090), r = y(3563); var n, o; - function i(B) { - switch (B) { + function i(D) { + switch (D) { case 0: case "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN": return n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN; @@ -27854,8 +28192,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return n.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function f(B) { - switch (B) { + function f(D) { + switch (D) { case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN: return "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN"; case n.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT: @@ -27868,8 +28206,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "UNKNOWN"; } } - function c(B) { - switch (B) { + function c(D) { + switch (D) { case 0: case "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN": return o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN; @@ -27886,8 +28224,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return o.UNRECOGNIZED; } } - function h(B) { - switch (B) { + function h(D) { + switch (D) { case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN: return "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN"; case o.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE: @@ -27906,542 +28244,542 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); function v() { return { index: 0, bytes: new Uint8Array(), proof: void 0 }; } - function C() { + function I() { return { hash: new Uint8Array(), part_set_header: void 0 }; } function l() { return { version: void 0, chain_id: "", height: "0", time: void 0, last_block_id: void 0, last_commit_hash: new Uint8Array(), data_hash: new Uint8Array(), validators_hash: new Uint8Array(), next_validators_hash: new Uint8Array(), consensus_hash: new Uint8Array(), app_hash: new Uint8Array(), last_results_hash: new Uint8Array(), evidence_hash: new Uint8Array(), proposer_address: new Uint8Array(), encrypted_random: void 0 }; } - function I() { + function j() { return { random: new Uint8Array(), proof: new Uint8Array() }; } - function R() { + function N() { return { type: 0, height: "0", round: 0, block_id: void 0, timestamp: void 0, validator_address: new Uint8Array(), validator_index: 0, signature: new Uint8Array() }; } - function k() { + function S() { return { block_id_flag: 0, validator_address: new Uint8Array(), timestamp: void 0, signature: new Uint8Array() }; } - function N() { + function T() { return { type: 0, height: "0", round: 0, pol_round: 0, block_id: void 0, timestamp: void 0, signature: new Uint8Array() }; } - function A() { + function x() { return { root_hash: new Uint8Array(), data: new Uint8Array(), proof: void 0 }; } - e.protobufPackage = "tendermint.types", function(B) { - B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN = 0] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN", B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT = 1] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT", B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT = 2] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT", B[B.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL = 3] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL", B[B.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(n = e.BlockIDFlag || (e.BlockIDFlag = {})), e.blockIDFlagFromJSON = i, e.blockIDFlagToJSON = f, function(B) { - B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN", B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE = 1] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE", B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT = 2] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT", B[B.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL = 32] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL", B[B.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; - }(o = e.SignedMsgType || (e.SignedMsgType = {})), e.signedMsgTypeFromJSON = c, e.signedMsgTypeToJSON = h, e.PartSetHeader = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.total !== 0 && Q.uint32(8).uint32(B.total), B.hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.hash), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = m(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + e.protobufPackage = "tendermint.types", function(D) { + D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN = 0] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_UNKNOWN", D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT = 1] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_ABSENT", D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT = 2] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_COMMIT", D[D.BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL = 3] = "BLOCK_ID_FLAG_NIL", D[D.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(n = e.BlockIDFlag || (e.BlockIDFlag = {})), e.blockIDFlagFromJSON = i, e.blockIDFlagToJSON = f, function(D) { + D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN = 0] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_UNKNOWN", D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE = 1] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PREVOTE", D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT = 2] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PRECOMMIT", D[D.SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL = 32] = "SIGNED_MSG_TYPE_PROPOSAL", D[D.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED"; + }(o = e.SignedMsgType || (e.SignedMsgType = {})), e.signedMsgTypeFromJSON = c, e.signedMsgTypeToJSON = h, e.PartSetHeader = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.total !== 0 && Z.uint32(8).uint32(D.total), D.hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.hash), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = m(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.total = V.uint32(); + Q.total = H.uint32(); break; case 2: - K.hash = V.bytes(); + Q.hash = H.bytes(); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ total: ne(B.total) ? Number(B.total) : 0, hash: ne(B.hash) ? p(B.hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.total !== void 0 && (Q.total = Math.round(B.total)), B.hash !== void 0 && (Q.hash = U(B.hash !== void 0 ? B.hash : new Uint8Array())), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V; - const ee = m(); - return ee.total = (Q = B.total) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : 0, ee.hash = (V = B.hash) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : new Uint8Array(), ee; - } }, e.Part = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.index !== 0 && Q.uint32(8).uint32(B.index), B.bytes.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.bytes), B.proof !== void 0 && d.Proof.encode(B.proof, Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = v(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ total: oe(D.total) ? Number(D.total) : 0, hash: oe(D.hash) ? p(D.hash) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.total !== void 0 && (Z.total = Math.round(D.total)), D.hash !== void 0 && (Z.hash = B(D.hash !== void 0 ? D.hash : new Uint8Array())), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H; + const te = m(); + return te.total = (Z = D.total) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : 0, te.hash = (H = D.hash) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : new Uint8Array(), te; + } }, e.Part = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.index !== 0 && Z.uint32(8).uint32(D.index), D.bytes.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.bytes), D.proof !== void 0 && d.Proof.encode(D.proof, Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = v(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.index = V.uint32(); + Q.index = H.uint32(); break; case 2: - K.bytes = V.bytes(); + Q.bytes = H.bytes(); break; case 3: - K.proof = d.Proof.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.proof = d.Proof.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ index: ne(B.index) ? Number(B.index) : 0, bytes: ne(B.bytes) ? p(B.bytes) : new Uint8Array(), proof: ne(B.proof) ? d.Proof.fromJSON(B.proof) : void 0 }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.index !== void 0 && (Q.index = Math.round(B.index)), B.bytes !== void 0 && (Q.bytes = U(B.bytes !== void 0 ? B.bytes : new Uint8Array())), B.proof !== void 0 && (Q.proof = B.proof ? d.Proof.toJSON(B.proof) : void 0), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V; - const ee = v(); - return ee.index = (Q = B.index) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : 0, ee.bytes = (V = B.bytes) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : new Uint8Array(), ee.proof = B.proof !== void 0 && B.proof !== null ? d.Proof.fromPartial(B.proof) : void 0, ee; - } }, e.BlockID = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(10).bytes(B.hash), B.part_set_header !== void 0 && e.PartSetHeader.encode(B.part_set_header, Q.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = C(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ index: oe(D.index) ? Number(D.index) : 0, bytes: oe(D.bytes) ? p(D.bytes) : new Uint8Array(), proof: oe(D.proof) ? d.Proof.fromJSON(D.proof) : void 0 }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.index !== void 0 && (Z.index = Math.round(D.index)), D.bytes !== void 0 && (Z.bytes = B(D.bytes !== void 0 ? D.bytes : new Uint8Array())), D.proof !== void 0 && (Z.proof = D.proof ? d.Proof.toJSON(D.proof) : void 0), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H; + const te = v(); + return te.index = (Z = D.index) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : 0, te.bytes = (H = D.bytes) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : new Uint8Array(), te.proof = D.proof !== void 0 && D.proof !== null ? d.Proof.fromPartial(D.proof) : void 0, te; + } }, e.BlockID = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(10).bytes(D.hash), D.part_set_header !== void 0 && e.PartSetHeader.encode(D.part_set_header, Z.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = I(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.hash = V.bytes(); + Q.hash = H.bytes(); break; case 2: - K.part_set_header = e.PartSetHeader.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.part_set_header = e.PartSetHeader.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ hash: ne(B.hash) ? p(B.hash) : new Uint8Array(), part_set_header: ne(B.part_set_header) ? e.PartSetHeader.fromJSON(B.part_set_header) : void 0 }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.hash !== void 0 && (Q.hash = U(B.hash !== void 0 ? B.hash : new Uint8Array())), B.part_set_header !== void 0 && (Q.part_set_header = B.part_set_header ? e.PartSetHeader.toJSON(B.part_set_header) : void 0), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q; - const V = C(); - return V.hash = (Q = B.hash) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : new Uint8Array(), V.part_set_header = B.part_set_header !== void 0 && B.part_set_header !== null ? e.PartSetHeader.fromPartial(B.part_set_header) : void 0, V; - } }, e.Header = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.version !== void 0 && u.Consensus.encode(B.version, Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), B.chain_id !== "" && Q.uint32(18).string(B.chain_id), B.height !== "0" && Q.uint32(24).int64(B.height), B.time !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(B.time, Q.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), B.last_block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(B.last_block_id, Q.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), B.last_commit_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(50).bytes(B.last_commit_hash), B.data_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(58).bytes(B.data_hash), B.validators_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(66).bytes(B.validators_hash), B.next_validators_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(74).bytes(B.next_validators_hash), B.consensus_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(82).bytes(B.consensus_hash), B.app_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(90).bytes(B.app_hash), B.last_results_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(98).bytes(B.last_results_hash), B.evidence_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(106).bytes(B.evidence_hash), B.proposer_address.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(114).bytes(B.proposer_address), B.encrypted_random !== void 0 && e.EncryptedRandom.encode(B.encrypted_random, Q.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = l(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ hash: oe(D.hash) ? p(D.hash) : new Uint8Array(), part_set_header: oe(D.part_set_header) ? e.PartSetHeader.fromJSON(D.part_set_header) : void 0 }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.hash !== void 0 && (Z.hash = B(D.hash !== void 0 ? D.hash : new Uint8Array())), D.part_set_header !== void 0 && (Z.part_set_header = D.part_set_header ? e.PartSetHeader.toJSON(D.part_set_header) : void 0), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z; + const H = I(); + return H.hash = (Z = D.hash) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : new Uint8Array(), H.part_set_header = D.part_set_header !== void 0 && D.part_set_header !== null ? e.PartSetHeader.fromPartial(D.part_set_header) : void 0, H; + } }, e.Header = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.version !== void 0 && u.Consensus.encode(D.version, Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), D.chain_id !== "" && Z.uint32(18).string(D.chain_id), D.height !== "0" && Z.uint32(24).int64(D.height), D.time !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(D.time, Z.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), D.last_block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(D.last_block_id, Z.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), D.last_commit_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(50).bytes(D.last_commit_hash), D.data_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(58).bytes(D.data_hash), D.validators_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(66).bytes(D.validators_hash), D.next_validators_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(74).bytes(D.next_validators_hash), D.consensus_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(82).bytes(D.consensus_hash), D.app_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(90).bytes(D.app_hash), D.last_results_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(98).bytes(D.last_results_hash), D.evidence_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(106).bytes(D.evidence_hash), D.proposer_address.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(114).bytes(D.proposer_address), D.encrypted_random !== void 0 && e.EncryptedRandom.encode(D.encrypted_random, Z.uint32(122).fork()).ldelim(), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = l(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.version = u.Consensus.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.version = u.Consensus.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 2: - K.chain_id = V.string(); + Q.chain_id = H.string(); break; case 3: - K.height = X(V.int64()); + Q.height = ee(H.int64()); break; case 4: - K.time = s.Timestamp.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.time = s.Timestamp.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 5: - K.last_block_id = e.BlockID.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.last_block_id = e.BlockID.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 6: - K.last_commit_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.last_commit_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 7: - K.data_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.data_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 8: - K.validators_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.validators_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 9: - K.next_validators_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.next_validators_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 10: - K.consensus_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.consensus_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 11: - K.app_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.app_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 12: - K.last_results_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.last_results_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 13: - K.evidence_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.evidence_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 14: - K.proposer_address = V.bytes(); + Q.proposer_address = H.bytes(); break; case 15: - K.encrypted_random = e.EncryptedRandom.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.encrypted_random = e.EncryptedRandom.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ version: ne(B.version) ? u.Consensus.fromJSON(B.version) : void 0, chain_id: ne(B.chain_id) ? String(B.chain_id) : "", height: ne(B.height) ? String(B.height) : "0", time: ne(B.time) ? te(B.time) : void 0, last_block_id: ne(B.last_block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.last_block_id) : void 0, last_commit_hash: ne(B.last_commit_hash) ? p(B.last_commit_hash) : new Uint8Array(), data_hash: ne(B.data_hash) ? p(B.data_hash) : new Uint8Array(), validators_hash: ne(B.validators_hash) ? p(B.validators_hash) : new Uint8Array(), next_validators_hash: ne(B.next_validators_hash) ? p(B.next_validators_hash) : new Uint8Array(), consensus_hash: ne(B.consensus_hash) ? p(B.consensus_hash) : new Uint8Array(), app_hash: ne(B.app_hash) ? p(B.app_hash) : new Uint8Array(), last_results_hash: ne(B.last_results_hash) ? p(B.last_results_hash) : new Uint8Array(), evidence_hash: ne(B.evidence_hash) ? p(B.evidence_hash) : new Uint8Array(), proposer_address: ne(B.proposer_address) ? p(B.proposer_address) : new Uint8Array(), encrypted_random: ne(B.encrypted_random) ? e.EncryptedRandom.fromJSON(B.encrypted_random) : void 0 }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.version !== void 0 && (Q.version = B.version ? u.Consensus.toJSON(B.version) : void 0), B.chain_id !== void 0 && (Q.chain_id = B.chain_id), B.height !== void 0 && (Q.height = B.height), B.time !== void 0 && (Q.time = z(B.time).toISOString()), B.last_block_id !== void 0 && (Q.last_block_id = B.last_block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(B.last_block_id) : void 0), B.last_commit_hash !== void 0 && (Q.last_commit_hash = U(B.last_commit_hash !== void 0 ? B.last_commit_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.data_hash !== void 0 && (Q.data_hash = U(B.data_hash !== void 0 ? B.data_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.validators_hash !== void 0 && (Q.validators_hash = U(B.validators_hash !== void 0 ? B.validators_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.next_validators_hash !== void 0 && (Q.next_validators_hash = U(B.next_validators_hash !== void 0 ? B.next_validators_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.consensus_hash !== void 0 && (Q.consensus_hash = U(B.consensus_hash !== void 0 ? B.consensus_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.app_hash !== void 0 && (Q.app_hash = U(B.app_hash !== void 0 ? B.app_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.last_results_hash !== void 0 && (Q.last_results_hash = U(B.last_results_hash !== void 0 ? B.last_results_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.evidence_hash !== void 0 && (Q.evidence_hash = U(B.evidence_hash !== void 0 ? B.evidence_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.proposer_address !== void 0 && (Q.proposer_address = U(B.proposer_address !== void 0 ? B.proposer_address : new Uint8Array())), B.encrypted_random !== void 0 && (Q.encrypted_random = B.encrypted_random ? e.EncryptedRandom.toJSON(B.encrypted_random) : void 0), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V, ee, K, Y, q, ae, de, ue, le, ge; - const ce = l(); - return ce.version = B.version !== void 0 && B.version !== null ? u.Consensus.fromPartial(B.version) : void 0, ce.chain_id = (Q = B.chain_id) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : "", ce.height = (V = B.height) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : "0", ce.time = B.time !== void 0 && B.time !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.time) : void 0, ce.last_block_id = B.last_block_id !== void 0 && B.last_block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.last_block_id) : void 0, ce.last_commit_hash = (ee = B.last_commit_hash) !== null && ee !== void 0 ? ee : new Uint8Array(), ce.data_hash = (K = B.data_hash) !== null && K !== void 0 ? K : new Uint8Array(), ce.validators_hash = (Y = B.validators_hash) !== null && Y !== void 0 ? Y : new Uint8Array(), ce.next_validators_hash = (q = B.next_validators_hash) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : new Uint8Array(), ce.consensus_hash = (ae = B.consensus_hash) !== null && ae !== void 0 ? ae : new Uint8Array(), ce.app_hash = (de = B.app_hash) !== null && de !== void 0 ? de : new Uint8Array(), ce.last_results_hash = (ue = B.last_results_hash) !== null && ue !== void 0 ? ue : new Uint8Array(), ce.evidence_hash = (le = B.evidence_hash) !== null && le !== void 0 ? le : new Uint8Array(), ce.proposer_address = (ge = B.proposer_address) !== null && ge !== void 0 ? ge : new Uint8Array(), ce.encrypted_random = B.encrypted_random !== void 0 && B.encrypted_random !== null ? e.EncryptedRandom.fromPartial(B.encrypted_random) : void 0, ce; - } }, e.EncryptedRandom = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.random.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(10).bytes(B.random), B.proof.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.proof), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = I(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ version: oe(D.version) ? u.Consensus.fromJSON(D.version) : void 0, chain_id: oe(D.chain_id) ? String(D.chain_id) : "", height: oe(D.height) ? String(D.height) : "0", time: oe(D.time) ? re(D.time) : void 0, last_block_id: oe(D.last_block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.last_block_id) : void 0, last_commit_hash: oe(D.last_commit_hash) ? p(D.last_commit_hash) : new Uint8Array(), data_hash: oe(D.data_hash) ? p(D.data_hash) : new Uint8Array(), validators_hash: oe(D.validators_hash) ? p(D.validators_hash) : new Uint8Array(), next_validators_hash: oe(D.next_validators_hash) ? p(D.next_validators_hash) : new Uint8Array(), consensus_hash: oe(D.consensus_hash) ? p(D.consensus_hash) : new Uint8Array(), app_hash: oe(D.app_hash) ? p(D.app_hash) : new Uint8Array(), last_results_hash: oe(D.last_results_hash) ? p(D.last_results_hash) : new Uint8Array(), evidence_hash: oe(D.evidence_hash) ? p(D.evidence_hash) : new Uint8Array(), proposer_address: oe(D.proposer_address) ? p(D.proposer_address) : new Uint8Array(), encrypted_random: oe(D.encrypted_random) ? e.EncryptedRandom.fromJSON(D.encrypted_random) : void 0 }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.version !== void 0 && (Z.version = D.version ? u.Consensus.toJSON(D.version) : void 0), D.chain_id !== void 0 && (Z.chain_id = D.chain_id), D.height !== void 0 && (Z.height = D.height), D.time !== void 0 && (Z.time = L(D.time).toISOString()), D.last_block_id !== void 0 && (Z.last_block_id = D.last_block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(D.last_block_id) : void 0), D.last_commit_hash !== void 0 && (Z.last_commit_hash = B(D.last_commit_hash !== void 0 ? D.last_commit_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.data_hash !== void 0 && (Z.data_hash = B(D.data_hash !== void 0 ? D.data_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.validators_hash !== void 0 && (Z.validators_hash = B(D.validators_hash !== void 0 ? D.validators_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.next_validators_hash !== void 0 && (Z.next_validators_hash = B(D.next_validators_hash !== void 0 ? D.next_validators_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.consensus_hash !== void 0 && (Z.consensus_hash = B(D.consensus_hash !== void 0 ? D.consensus_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.app_hash !== void 0 && (Z.app_hash = B(D.app_hash !== void 0 ? D.app_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.last_results_hash !== void 0 && (Z.last_results_hash = B(D.last_results_hash !== void 0 ? D.last_results_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.evidence_hash !== void 0 && (Z.evidence_hash = B(D.evidence_hash !== void 0 ? D.evidence_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.proposer_address !== void 0 && (Z.proposer_address = B(D.proposer_address !== void 0 ? D.proposer_address : new Uint8Array())), D.encrypted_random !== void 0 && (Z.encrypted_random = D.encrypted_random ? e.EncryptedRandom.toJSON(D.encrypted_random) : void 0), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H, te, Q, X, F, se, ue, le, fe, _e; + const de = l(); + return de.version = D.version !== void 0 && D.version !== null ? u.Consensus.fromPartial(D.version) : void 0, de.chain_id = (Z = D.chain_id) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : "", de.height = (H = D.height) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : "0", de.time = D.time !== void 0 && D.time !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.time) : void 0, de.last_block_id = D.last_block_id !== void 0 && D.last_block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.last_block_id) : void 0, de.last_commit_hash = (te = D.last_commit_hash) !== null && te !== void 0 ? te : new Uint8Array(), de.data_hash = (Q = D.data_hash) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : new Uint8Array(), de.validators_hash = (X = D.validators_hash) !== null && X !== void 0 ? X : new Uint8Array(), de.next_validators_hash = (F = D.next_validators_hash) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : new Uint8Array(), de.consensus_hash = (se = D.consensus_hash) !== null && se !== void 0 ? se : new Uint8Array(), de.app_hash = (ue = D.app_hash) !== null && ue !== void 0 ? ue : new Uint8Array(), de.last_results_hash = (le = D.last_results_hash) !== null && le !== void 0 ? le : new Uint8Array(), de.evidence_hash = (fe = D.evidence_hash) !== null && fe !== void 0 ? fe : new Uint8Array(), de.proposer_address = (_e = D.proposer_address) !== null && _e !== void 0 ? _e : new Uint8Array(), de.encrypted_random = D.encrypted_random !== void 0 && D.encrypted_random !== null ? e.EncryptedRandom.fromPartial(D.encrypted_random) : void 0, de; + } }, e.EncryptedRandom = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.random.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(10).bytes(D.random), D.proof.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.proof), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = j(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.random = V.bytes(); + Q.random = H.bytes(); break; case 2: - K.proof = V.bytes(); + Q.proof = H.bytes(); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ random: ne(B.random) ? p(B.random) : new Uint8Array(), proof: ne(B.proof) ? p(B.proof) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.random !== void 0 && (Q.random = U(B.random !== void 0 ? B.random : new Uint8Array())), B.proof !== void 0 && (Q.proof = U(B.proof !== void 0 ? B.proof : new Uint8Array())), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V; - const ee = I(); - return ee.random = (Q = B.random) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : new Uint8Array(), ee.proof = (V = B.proof) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : new Uint8Array(), ee; - } }, e.Data = { encode(B, Q = t.Writer.create()) { - for (const V of B.txs) - Q.uint32(10).bytes(V); return Q; - }, decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = { txs: [] }; - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - Y >>> 3 == 1 ? K.txs.push(V.bytes()) : V.skipType(7 & Y); + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ random: oe(D.random) ? p(D.random) : new Uint8Array(), proof: oe(D.proof) ? p(D.proof) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.random !== void 0 && (Z.random = B(D.random !== void 0 ? D.random : new Uint8Array())), D.proof !== void 0 && (Z.proof = B(D.proof !== void 0 ? D.proof : new Uint8Array())), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H; + const te = j(); + return te.random = (Z = D.random) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : new Uint8Array(), te.proof = (H = D.proof) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : new Uint8Array(), te; + } }, e.Data = { encode(D, Z = t.Writer.create()) { + for (const H of D.txs) + Z.uint32(10).bytes(H); + return Z; + }, decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = { txs: [] }; + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + X >>> 3 == 1 ? Q.txs.push(H.bytes()) : H.skipType(7 & X); } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ txs: Array.isArray(B == null ? void 0 : B.txs) ? B.txs.map((Q) => p(Q)) : [] }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.txs ? Q.txs = B.txs.map((V) => U(V !== void 0 ? V : new Uint8Array())) : Q.txs = [], Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q; - const V = { txs: [] }; - return V.txs = ((Q = B.txs) === null || Q === void 0 ? void 0 : Q.map((ee) => ee)) || [], V; - } }, e.Vote = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.type !== 0 && Q.uint32(8).int32(B.type), B.height !== "0" && Q.uint32(16).int64(B.height), B.round !== 0 && Q.uint32(24).int32(B.round), B.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id, Q.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), B.timestamp !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(B.timestamp, Q.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), B.validator_address.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(50).bytes(B.validator_address), B.validator_index !== 0 && Q.uint32(56).int32(B.validator_index), B.signature.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(66).bytes(B.signature), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = R(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ txs: Array.isArray(D == null ? void 0 : D.txs) ? D.txs.map((Z) => p(Z)) : [] }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.txs ? Z.txs = D.txs.map((H) => B(H !== void 0 ? H : new Uint8Array())) : Z.txs = [], Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z; + const H = { txs: [] }; + return H.txs = ((Z = D.txs) === null || Z === void 0 ? void 0 : Z.map((te) => te)) || [], H; + } }, e.Vote = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.type !== 0 && Z.uint32(8).int32(D.type), D.height !== "0" && Z.uint32(16).int64(D.height), D.round !== 0 && Z.uint32(24).int32(D.round), D.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id, Z.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(), D.timestamp !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(D.timestamp, Z.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), D.validator_address.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(50).bytes(D.validator_address), D.validator_index !== 0 && Z.uint32(56).int32(D.validator_index), D.signature.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(66).bytes(D.signature), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = N(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.type = V.int32(); + Q.type = H.int32(); break; case 2: - K.height = X(V.int64()); + Q.height = ee(H.int64()); break; case 3: - K.round = V.int32(); + Q.round = H.int32(); break; case 4: - K.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 5: - K.timestamp = s.Timestamp.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.timestamp = s.Timestamp.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 6: - K.validator_address = V.bytes(); + Q.validator_address = H.bytes(); break; case 7: - K.validator_index = V.int32(); + Q.validator_index = H.int32(); break; case 8: - K.signature = V.bytes(); + Q.signature = H.bytes(); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ type: ne(B.type) ? c(B.type) : 0, height: ne(B.height) ? String(B.height) : "0", round: ne(B.round) ? Number(B.round) : 0, block_id: ne(B.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id) : void 0, timestamp: ne(B.timestamp) ? te(B.timestamp) : void 0, validator_address: ne(B.validator_address) ? p(B.validator_address) : new Uint8Array(), validator_index: ne(B.validator_index) ? Number(B.validator_index) : 0, signature: ne(B.signature) ? p(B.signature) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.type !== void 0 && (Q.type = h(B.type)), B.height !== void 0 && (Q.height = B.height), B.round !== void 0 && (Q.round = Math.round(B.round)), B.block_id !== void 0 && (Q.block_id = B.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id) : void 0), B.timestamp !== void 0 && (Q.timestamp = z(B.timestamp).toISOString()), B.validator_address !== void 0 && (Q.validator_address = U(B.validator_address !== void 0 ? B.validator_address : new Uint8Array())), B.validator_index !== void 0 && (Q.validator_index = Math.round(B.validator_index)), B.signature !== void 0 && (Q.signature = U(B.signature !== void 0 ? B.signature : new Uint8Array())), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V, ee, K, Y, q; - const ae = R(); - return ae.type = (Q = B.type) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : 0, ae.height = (V = B.height) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : "0", ae.round = (ee = B.round) !== null && ee !== void 0 ? ee : 0, ae.block_id = B.block_id !== void 0 && B.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id) : void 0, ae.timestamp = B.timestamp !== void 0 && B.timestamp !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.timestamp) : void 0, ae.validator_address = (K = B.validator_address) !== null && K !== void 0 ? K : new Uint8Array(), ae.validator_index = (Y = B.validator_index) !== null && Y !== void 0 ? Y : 0, ae.signature = (q = B.signature) !== null && q !== void 0 ? q : new Uint8Array(), ae; - } }, e.Commit = { encode(B, Q = t.Writer.create()) { - B.height !== "0" && Q.uint32(8).int64(B.height), B.round !== 0 && Q.uint32(16).int32(B.round), B.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id, Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); - for (const V of B.signatures) - e.CommitSig.encode(V, Q.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); return Q; - }, decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = { height: "0", round: 0, block_id: void 0, signatures: [] }; - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ type: oe(D.type) ? c(D.type) : 0, height: oe(D.height) ? String(D.height) : "0", round: oe(D.round) ? Number(D.round) : 0, block_id: oe(D.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id) : void 0, timestamp: oe(D.timestamp) ? re(D.timestamp) : void 0, validator_address: oe(D.validator_address) ? p(D.validator_address) : new Uint8Array(), validator_index: oe(D.validator_index) ? Number(D.validator_index) : 0, signature: oe(D.signature) ? p(D.signature) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.type !== void 0 && (Z.type = h(D.type)), D.height !== void 0 && (Z.height = D.height), D.round !== void 0 && (Z.round = Math.round(D.round)), D.block_id !== void 0 && (Z.block_id = D.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id) : void 0), D.timestamp !== void 0 && (Z.timestamp = L(D.timestamp).toISOString()), D.validator_address !== void 0 && (Z.validator_address = B(D.validator_address !== void 0 ? D.validator_address : new Uint8Array())), D.validator_index !== void 0 && (Z.validator_index = Math.round(D.validator_index)), D.signature !== void 0 && (Z.signature = B(D.signature !== void 0 ? D.signature : new Uint8Array())), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H, te, Q, X, F; + const se = N(); + return se.type = (Z = D.type) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : 0, se.height = (H = D.height) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : "0", se.round = (te = D.round) !== null && te !== void 0 ? te : 0, se.block_id = D.block_id !== void 0 && D.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id) : void 0, se.timestamp = D.timestamp !== void 0 && D.timestamp !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.timestamp) : void 0, se.validator_address = (Q = D.validator_address) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : new Uint8Array(), se.validator_index = (X = D.validator_index) !== null && X !== void 0 ? X : 0, se.signature = (F = D.signature) !== null && F !== void 0 ? F : new Uint8Array(), se; + } }, e.Commit = { encode(D, Z = t.Writer.create()) { + D.height !== "0" && Z.uint32(8).int64(D.height), D.round !== 0 && Z.uint32(16).int32(D.round), D.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id, Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(); + for (const H of D.signatures) + e.CommitSig.encode(H, Z.uint32(34).fork()).ldelim(); + return Z; + }, decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = { height: "0", round: 0, block_id: void 0, signatures: [] }; + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.height = X(V.int64()); + Q.height = ee(H.int64()); break; case 2: - K.round = V.int32(); + Q.round = H.int32(); break; case 3: - K.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 4: - K.signatures.push(e.CommitSig.decode(V, V.uint32())); + Q.signatures.push(e.CommitSig.decode(H, H.uint32())); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ height: ne(B.height) ? String(B.height) : "0", round: ne(B.round) ? Number(B.round) : 0, block_id: ne(B.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id) : void 0, signatures: Array.isArray(B == null ? void 0 : B.signatures) ? B.signatures.map((Q) => e.CommitSig.fromJSON(Q)) : [] }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.height !== void 0 && (Q.height = B.height), B.round !== void 0 && (Q.round = Math.round(B.round)), B.block_id !== void 0 && (Q.block_id = B.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id) : void 0), B.signatures ? Q.signatures = B.signatures.map((V) => V ? e.CommitSig.toJSON(V) : void 0) : Q.signatures = [], Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V, ee; - const K = { height: "0", round: 0, block_id: void 0, signatures: [] }; - return K.height = (Q = B.height) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : "0", K.round = (V = B.round) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : 0, K.block_id = B.block_id !== void 0 && B.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id) : void 0, K.signatures = ((ee = B.signatures) === null || ee === void 0 ? void 0 : ee.map((Y) => e.CommitSig.fromPartial(Y))) || [], K; - } }, e.CommitSig = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.block_id_flag !== 0 && Q.uint32(8).int32(B.block_id_flag), B.validator_address.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.validator_address), B.timestamp !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(B.timestamp, Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), B.signature.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(34).bytes(B.signature), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = k(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ height: oe(D.height) ? String(D.height) : "0", round: oe(D.round) ? Number(D.round) : 0, block_id: oe(D.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id) : void 0, signatures: Array.isArray(D == null ? void 0 : D.signatures) ? D.signatures.map((Z) => e.CommitSig.fromJSON(Z)) : [] }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.height !== void 0 && (Z.height = D.height), D.round !== void 0 && (Z.round = Math.round(D.round)), D.block_id !== void 0 && (Z.block_id = D.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id) : void 0), D.signatures ? Z.signatures = D.signatures.map((H) => H ? e.CommitSig.toJSON(H) : void 0) : Z.signatures = [], Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H, te; + const Q = { height: "0", round: 0, block_id: void 0, signatures: [] }; + return Q.height = (Z = D.height) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : "0", Q.round = (H = D.round) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : 0, Q.block_id = D.block_id !== void 0 && D.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id) : void 0, Q.signatures = ((te = D.signatures) === null || te === void 0 ? void 0 : te.map((X) => e.CommitSig.fromPartial(X))) || [], Q; + } }, e.CommitSig = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.block_id_flag !== 0 && Z.uint32(8).int32(D.block_id_flag), D.validator_address.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.validator_address), D.timestamp !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(D.timestamp, Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), D.signature.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(34).bytes(D.signature), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = S(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.block_id_flag = V.int32(); + Q.block_id_flag = H.int32(); break; case 2: - K.validator_address = V.bytes(); + Q.validator_address = H.bytes(); break; case 3: - K.timestamp = s.Timestamp.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.timestamp = s.Timestamp.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 4: - K.signature = V.bytes(); + Q.signature = H.bytes(); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ block_id_flag: ne(B.block_id_flag) ? i(B.block_id_flag) : 0, validator_address: ne(B.validator_address) ? p(B.validator_address) : new Uint8Array(), timestamp: ne(B.timestamp) ? te(B.timestamp) : void 0, signature: ne(B.signature) ? p(B.signature) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.block_id_flag !== void 0 && (Q.block_id_flag = f(B.block_id_flag)), B.validator_address !== void 0 && (Q.validator_address = U(B.validator_address !== void 0 ? B.validator_address : new Uint8Array())), B.timestamp !== void 0 && (Q.timestamp = z(B.timestamp).toISOString()), B.signature !== void 0 && (Q.signature = U(B.signature !== void 0 ? B.signature : new Uint8Array())), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V, ee; - const K = k(); - return K.block_id_flag = (Q = B.block_id_flag) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : 0, K.validator_address = (V = B.validator_address) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : new Uint8Array(), K.timestamp = B.timestamp !== void 0 && B.timestamp !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.timestamp) : void 0, K.signature = (ee = B.signature) !== null && ee !== void 0 ? ee : new Uint8Array(), K; - } }, e.Proposal = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.type !== 0 && Q.uint32(8).int32(B.type), B.height !== "0" && Q.uint32(16).int64(B.height), B.round !== 0 && Q.uint32(24).int32(B.round), B.pol_round !== 0 && Q.uint32(32).int32(B.pol_round), B.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id, Q.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), B.timestamp !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(B.timestamp, Q.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), B.signature.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(58).bytes(B.signature), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = N(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ block_id_flag: oe(D.block_id_flag) ? i(D.block_id_flag) : 0, validator_address: oe(D.validator_address) ? p(D.validator_address) : new Uint8Array(), timestamp: oe(D.timestamp) ? re(D.timestamp) : void 0, signature: oe(D.signature) ? p(D.signature) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.block_id_flag !== void 0 && (Z.block_id_flag = f(D.block_id_flag)), D.validator_address !== void 0 && (Z.validator_address = B(D.validator_address !== void 0 ? D.validator_address : new Uint8Array())), D.timestamp !== void 0 && (Z.timestamp = L(D.timestamp).toISOString()), D.signature !== void 0 && (Z.signature = B(D.signature !== void 0 ? D.signature : new Uint8Array())), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H, te; + const Q = S(); + return Q.block_id_flag = (Z = D.block_id_flag) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : 0, Q.validator_address = (H = D.validator_address) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : new Uint8Array(), Q.timestamp = D.timestamp !== void 0 && D.timestamp !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.timestamp) : void 0, Q.signature = (te = D.signature) !== null && te !== void 0 ? te : new Uint8Array(), Q; + } }, e.Proposal = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.type !== 0 && Z.uint32(8).int32(D.type), D.height !== "0" && Z.uint32(16).int64(D.height), D.round !== 0 && Z.uint32(24).int32(D.round), D.pol_round !== 0 && Z.uint32(32).int32(D.pol_round), D.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id, Z.uint32(42).fork()).ldelim(), D.timestamp !== void 0 && s.Timestamp.encode(D.timestamp, Z.uint32(50).fork()).ldelim(), D.signature.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(58).bytes(D.signature), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = T(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.type = V.int32(); + Q.type = H.int32(); break; case 2: - K.height = X(V.int64()); + Q.height = ee(H.int64()); break; case 3: - K.round = V.int32(); + Q.round = H.int32(); break; case 4: - K.pol_round = V.int32(); + Q.pol_round = H.int32(); break; case 5: - K.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 6: - K.timestamp = s.Timestamp.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.timestamp = s.Timestamp.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 7: - K.signature = V.bytes(); + Q.signature = H.bytes(); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ type: ne(B.type) ? c(B.type) : 0, height: ne(B.height) ? String(B.height) : "0", round: ne(B.round) ? Number(B.round) : 0, pol_round: ne(B.pol_round) ? Number(B.pol_round) : 0, block_id: ne(B.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id) : void 0, timestamp: ne(B.timestamp) ? te(B.timestamp) : void 0, signature: ne(B.signature) ? p(B.signature) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.type !== void 0 && (Q.type = h(B.type)), B.height !== void 0 && (Q.height = B.height), B.round !== void 0 && (Q.round = Math.round(B.round)), B.pol_round !== void 0 && (Q.pol_round = Math.round(B.pol_round)), B.block_id !== void 0 && (Q.block_id = B.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id) : void 0), B.timestamp !== void 0 && (Q.timestamp = z(B.timestamp).toISOString()), B.signature !== void 0 && (Q.signature = U(B.signature !== void 0 ? B.signature : new Uint8Array())), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V, ee, K, Y; - const q = N(); - return q.type = (Q = B.type) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : 0, q.height = (V = B.height) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : "0", q.round = (ee = B.round) !== null && ee !== void 0 ? ee : 0, q.pol_round = (K = B.pol_round) !== null && K !== void 0 ? K : 0, q.block_id = B.block_id !== void 0 && B.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id) : void 0, q.timestamp = B.timestamp !== void 0 && B.timestamp !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(B.timestamp) : void 0, q.signature = (Y = B.signature) !== null && Y !== void 0 ? Y : new Uint8Array(), q; - } }, e.SignedHeader = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.header !== void 0 && e.Header.encode(B.header, Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), B.commit !== void 0 && e.Commit.encode(B.commit, Q.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = { header: void 0, commit: void 0 }; - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ type: oe(D.type) ? c(D.type) : 0, height: oe(D.height) ? String(D.height) : "0", round: oe(D.round) ? Number(D.round) : 0, pol_round: oe(D.pol_round) ? Number(D.pol_round) : 0, block_id: oe(D.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id) : void 0, timestamp: oe(D.timestamp) ? re(D.timestamp) : void 0, signature: oe(D.signature) ? p(D.signature) : new Uint8Array() }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.type !== void 0 && (Z.type = h(D.type)), D.height !== void 0 && (Z.height = D.height), D.round !== void 0 && (Z.round = Math.round(D.round)), D.pol_round !== void 0 && (Z.pol_round = Math.round(D.pol_round)), D.block_id !== void 0 && (Z.block_id = D.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id) : void 0), D.timestamp !== void 0 && (Z.timestamp = L(D.timestamp).toISOString()), D.signature !== void 0 && (Z.signature = B(D.signature !== void 0 ? D.signature : new Uint8Array())), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H, te, Q, X; + const F = T(); + return F.type = (Z = D.type) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : 0, F.height = (H = D.height) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : "0", F.round = (te = D.round) !== null && te !== void 0 ? te : 0, F.pol_round = (Q = D.pol_round) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : 0, F.block_id = D.block_id !== void 0 && D.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id) : void 0, F.timestamp = D.timestamp !== void 0 && D.timestamp !== null ? s.Timestamp.fromPartial(D.timestamp) : void 0, F.signature = (X = D.signature) !== null && X !== void 0 ? X : new Uint8Array(), F; + } }, e.SignedHeader = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.header !== void 0 && e.Header.encode(D.header, Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), D.commit !== void 0 && e.Commit.encode(D.commit, Z.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = { header: void 0, commit: void 0 }; + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.header = e.Header.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.header = e.Header.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 2: - K.commit = e.Commit.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.commit = e.Commit.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ header: ne(B.header) ? e.Header.fromJSON(B.header) : void 0, commit: ne(B.commit) ? e.Commit.fromJSON(B.commit) : void 0 }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.header !== void 0 && (Q.header = B.header ? e.Header.toJSON(B.header) : void 0), B.commit !== void 0 && (Q.commit = B.commit ? e.Commit.toJSON(B.commit) : void 0), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - const Q = { header: void 0, commit: void 0 }; - return Q.header = B.header !== void 0 && B.header !== null ? e.Header.fromPartial(B.header) : void 0, Q.commit = B.commit !== void 0 && B.commit !== null ? e.Commit.fromPartial(B.commit) : void 0, Q; - } }, e.LightBlock = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.signed_header !== void 0 && e.SignedHeader.encode(B.signed_header, Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), B.validator_set !== void 0 && r.ValidatorSet.encode(B.validator_set, Q.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = { signed_header: void 0, validator_set: void 0 }; - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ header: oe(D.header) ? e.Header.fromJSON(D.header) : void 0, commit: oe(D.commit) ? e.Commit.fromJSON(D.commit) : void 0 }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.header !== void 0 && (Z.header = D.header ? e.Header.toJSON(D.header) : void 0), D.commit !== void 0 && (Z.commit = D.commit ? e.Commit.toJSON(D.commit) : void 0), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + const Z = { header: void 0, commit: void 0 }; + return Z.header = D.header !== void 0 && D.header !== null ? e.Header.fromPartial(D.header) : void 0, Z.commit = D.commit !== void 0 && D.commit !== null ? e.Commit.fromPartial(D.commit) : void 0, Z; + } }, e.LightBlock = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.signed_header !== void 0 && e.SignedHeader.encode(D.signed_header, Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), D.validator_set !== void 0 && r.ValidatorSet.encode(D.validator_set, Z.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = { signed_header: void 0, validator_set: void 0 }; + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.signed_header = e.SignedHeader.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.signed_header = e.SignedHeader.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 2: - K.validator_set = r.ValidatorSet.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.validator_set = r.ValidatorSet.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ signed_header: ne(B.signed_header) ? e.SignedHeader.fromJSON(B.signed_header) : void 0, validator_set: ne(B.validator_set) ? r.ValidatorSet.fromJSON(B.validator_set) : void 0 }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.signed_header !== void 0 && (Q.signed_header = B.signed_header ? e.SignedHeader.toJSON(B.signed_header) : void 0), B.validator_set !== void 0 && (Q.validator_set = B.validator_set ? r.ValidatorSet.toJSON(B.validator_set) : void 0), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - const Q = { signed_header: void 0, validator_set: void 0 }; - return Q.signed_header = B.signed_header !== void 0 && B.signed_header !== null ? e.SignedHeader.fromPartial(B.signed_header) : void 0, Q.validator_set = B.validator_set !== void 0 && B.validator_set !== null ? r.ValidatorSet.fromPartial(B.validator_set) : void 0, Q; - } }, e.BlockMeta = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(B.block_id, Q.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), B.block_size !== "0" && Q.uint32(16).int64(B.block_size), B.header !== void 0 && e.Header.encode(B.header, Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), B.num_txs !== "0" && Q.uint32(32).int64(B.num_txs), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = { block_id: void 0, block_size: "0", header: void 0, num_txs: "0" }; - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ signed_header: oe(D.signed_header) ? e.SignedHeader.fromJSON(D.signed_header) : void 0, validator_set: oe(D.validator_set) ? r.ValidatorSet.fromJSON(D.validator_set) : void 0 }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.signed_header !== void 0 && (Z.signed_header = D.signed_header ? e.SignedHeader.toJSON(D.signed_header) : void 0), D.validator_set !== void 0 && (Z.validator_set = D.validator_set ? r.ValidatorSet.toJSON(D.validator_set) : void 0), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + const Z = { signed_header: void 0, validator_set: void 0 }; + return Z.signed_header = D.signed_header !== void 0 && D.signed_header !== null ? e.SignedHeader.fromPartial(D.signed_header) : void 0, Z.validator_set = D.validator_set !== void 0 && D.validator_set !== null ? r.ValidatorSet.fromPartial(D.validator_set) : void 0, Z; + } }, e.BlockMeta = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.block_id !== void 0 && e.BlockID.encode(D.block_id, Z.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), D.block_size !== "0" && Z.uint32(16).int64(D.block_size), D.header !== void 0 && e.Header.encode(D.header, Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), D.num_txs !== "0" && Z.uint32(32).int64(D.num_txs), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = { block_id: void 0, block_size: "0", header: void 0, num_txs: "0" }; + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.block_id = e.BlockID.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 2: - K.block_size = X(V.int64()); + Q.block_size = ee(H.int64()); break; case 3: - K.header = e.Header.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.header = e.Header.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; case 4: - K.num_txs = X(V.int64()); + Q.num_txs = ee(H.int64()); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ block_id: ne(B.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(B.block_id) : void 0, block_size: ne(B.block_size) ? String(B.block_size) : "0", header: ne(B.header) ? e.Header.fromJSON(B.header) : void 0, num_txs: ne(B.num_txs) ? String(B.num_txs) : "0" }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.block_id !== void 0 && (Q.block_id = B.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(B.block_id) : void 0), B.block_size !== void 0 && (Q.block_size = B.block_size), B.header !== void 0 && (Q.header = B.header ? e.Header.toJSON(B.header) : void 0), B.num_txs !== void 0 && (Q.num_txs = B.num_txs), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V; - const ee = { block_id: void 0, block_size: "0", header: void 0, num_txs: "0" }; - return ee.block_id = B.block_id !== void 0 && B.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(B.block_id) : void 0, ee.block_size = (Q = B.block_size) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : "0", ee.header = B.header !== void 0 && B.header !== null ? e.Header.fromPartial(B.header) : void 0, ee.num_txs = (V = B.num_txs) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : "0", ee; - } }, e.TxProof = { encode: (B, Q = t.Writer.create()) => (B.root_hash.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(10).bytes(B.root_hash), B.data.length !== 0 && Q.uint32(18).bytes(B.data), B.proof !== void 0 && d.Proof.encode(B.proof, Q.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), Q), decode(B, Q) { - const V = B instanceof t.Reader ? B : new t.Reader(B); - let ee = Q === void 0 ? V.len : V.pos + Q; - const K = A(); - for (; V.pos < ee; ) { - const Y = V.uint32(); - switch (Y >>> 3) { + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ block_id: oe(D.block_id) ? e.BlockID.fromJSON(D.block_id) : void 0, block_size: oe(D.block_size) ? String(D.block_size) : "0", header: oe(D.header) ? e.Header.fromJSON(D.header) : void 0, num_txs: oe(D.num_txs) ? String(D.num_txs) : "0" }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.block_id !== void 0 && (Z.block_id = D.block_id ? e.BlockID.toJSON(D.block_id) : void 0), D.block_size !== void 0 && (Z.block_size = D.block_size), D.header !== void 0 && (Z.header = D.header ? e.Header.toJSON(D.header) : void 0), D.num_txs !== void 0 && (Z.num_txs = D.num_txs), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H; + const te = { block_id: void 0, block_size: "0", header: void 0, num_txs: "0" }; + return te.block_id = D.block_id !== void 0 && D.block_id !== null ? e.BlockID.fromPartial(D.block_id) : void 0, te.block_size = (Z = D.block_size) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : "0", te.header = D.header !== void 0 && D.header !== null ? e.Header.fromPartial(D.header) : void 0, te.num_txs = (H = D.num_txs) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : "0", te; + } }, e.TxProof = { encode: (D, Z = t.Writer.create()) => (D.root_hash.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(10).bytes(D.root_hash), D.data.length !== 0 && Z.uint32(18).bytes(D.data), D.proof !== void 0 && d.Proof.encode(D.proof, Z.uint32(26).fork()).ldelim(), Z), decode(D, Z) { + const H = D instanceof t.Reader ? D : new t.Reader(D); + let te = Z === void 0 ? H.len : H.pos + Z; + const Q = x(); + for (; H.pos < te; ) { + const X = H.uint32(); + switch (X >>> 3) { case 1: - K.root_hash = V.bytes(); + Q.root_hash = H.bytes(); break; case 2: - K.data = V.bytes(); + Q.data = H.bytes(); break; case 3: - K.proof = d.Proof.decode(V, V.uint32()); + Q.proof = d.Proof.decode(H, H.uint32()); break; default: - V.skipType(7 & Y); + H.skipType(7 & X); } } - return K; - }, fromJSON: (B) => ({ root_hash: ne(B.root_hash) ? p(B.root_hash) : new Uint8Array(), data: ne(B.data) ? p(B.data) : new Uint8Array(), proof: ne(B.proof) ? d.Proof.fromJSON(B.proof) : void 0 }), toJSON(B) { - const Q = {}; - return B.root_hash !== void 0 && (Q.root_hash = U(B.root_hash !== void 0 ? B.root_hash : new Uint8Array())), B.data !== void 0 && (Q.data = U(B.data !== void 0 ? B.data : new Uint8Array())), B.proof !== void 0 && (Q.proof = B.proof ? d.Proof.toJSON(B.proof) : void 0), Q; - }, fromPartial(B) { - var Q, V; - const ee = A(); - return ee.root_hash = (Q = B.root_hash) !== null && Q !== void 0 ? Q : new Uint8Array(), ee.data = (V = B.data) !== null && V !== void 0 ? V : new Uint8Array(), ee.proof = B.proof !== void 0 && B.proof !== null ? d.Proof.fromPartial(B.proof) : void 0, ee; + return Q; + }, fromJSON: (D) => ({ root_hash: oe(D.root_hash) ? p(D.root_hash) : new Uint8Array(), data: oe(D.data) ? p(D.data) : new Uint8Array(), proof: oe(D.proof) ? d.Proof.fromJSON(D.proof) : void 0 }), toJSON(D) { + const Z = {}; + return D.root_hash !== void 0 && (Z.root_hash = B(D.root_hash !== void 0 ? D.root_hash : new Uint8Array())), D.data !== void 0 && (Z.data = B(D.data !== void 0 ? D.data : new Uint8Array())), D.proof !== void 0 && (Z.proof = D.proof ? d.Proof.toJSON(D.proof) : void 0), Z; + }, fromPartial(D) { + var Z, H; + const te = x(); + return te.root_hash = (Z = D.root_hash) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : new Uint8Array(), te.data = (H = D.data) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : new Uint8Array(), te.proof = D.proof !== void 0 && D.proof !== null ? d.Proof.fromPartial(D.proof) : void 0, te; } }; - var w = (() => { - if (w !== void 0) - return w; + var k = (() => { + if (k !== void 0) + return k; if (typeof self < "u") return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); - const _ = w.atob || ((B) => w.Buffer.from(B, "base64").toString("binary")); - function p(B) { - const Q = _(B), V = new Uint8Array(Q.length); - for (let ee = 0; ee < Q.length; ++ee) - V[ee] = Q.charCodeAt(ee); - return V; + const b = k.atob || ((D) => k.Buffer.from(D, "base64").toString("binary")); + function p(D) { + const Z = b(D), H = new Uint8Array(Z.length); + for (let te = 0; te < Z.length; ++te) + H[te] = Z.charCodeAt(te); + return H; } - const O = w.btoa || ((B) => w.Buffer.from(B, "binary").toString("base64")); - function U(B) { - const Q = []; - for (const V of B) - Q.push(String.fromCharCode(V)); - return O(Q.join("")); + const P = k.btoa || ((D) => k.Buffer.from(D, "binary").toString("base64")); + function B(D) { + const Z = []; + for (const H of D) + Z.push(String.fromCharCode(H)); + return P(Z.join("")); } - function T(B) { - return { seconds: Math.trunc(B.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: B.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; + function C(D) { + return { seconds: Math.trunc(D.getTime() / 1e3).toString(), nanos: D.getTime() % 1e3 * 1e6 }; } - function z(B) { - let Q = 1e3 * Number(B.seconds); - return Q += B.nanos / 1e6, new Date(Q); + function L(D) { + let Z = 1e3 * Number(D.seconds); + return Z += D.nanos / 1e6, new Date(Z); } - function te(B) { - return B instanceof Date ? T(B) : typeof B == "string" ? T(new Date(B)) : s.Timestamp.fromJSON(B); + function re(D) { + return D instanceof Date ? C(D) : typeof D == "string" ? C(new Date(D)) : s.Timestamp.fromJSON(D); } - function X(B) { - return B.toString(); + function ee(D) { + return D.toString(); } - function ne(B) { - return B != null; + function oe(D) { + return D != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 3563: function(J, e, b) { + }, 3563: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), Object.defineProperty(c, v, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h[m]; } }); } : function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), c[v] = h[m]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { Object.defineProperty(c, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: h }); } : function(c, h) { c.default = h; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { if (c && c.__esModule) return c; var h = {}; if (c != null) for (var m in c) m !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, m) && E(h, c, m); - return M(h, c), h; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { + return R(h, c), h; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(c) { return c && c.__esModule ? c : { default: c }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SimpleValidator = e.Validator = e.ValidatorSet = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)), d = b(2740); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)), d = y(2740); function u() { return { address: new Uint8Array(), pub_key: void 0, voting_power: "0", proposer_priority: "0" }; } @@ -28452,85 +28790,85 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { validators: [], proposer: void 0, total_voting_power: "0" }; + const I = { validators: [], proposer: void 0, total_voting_power: "0" }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.validators.push(e.Validator.decode(m, m.uint32())); + I.validators.push(e.Validator.decode(m, m.uint32())); break; case 2: - C.proposer = e.Validator.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.proposer = e.Validator.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.total_voting_power = i(m.int64()); + I.total_voting_power = i(m.int64()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ validators: Array.isArray(c == null ? void 0 : c.validators) ? c.validators.map((h) => e.Validator.fromJSON(h)) : [], proposer: f(c.proposer) ? e.Validator.fromJSON(c.proposer) : void 0, total_voting_power: f(c.total_voting_power) ? String(c.total_voting_power) : "0" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.validators ? h.validators = c.validators.map((m) => m ? e.Validator.toJSON(m) : void 0) : h.validators = [], c.proposer !== void 0 && (h.proposer = c.proposer ? e.Validator.toJSON(c.proposer) : void 0), c.total_voting_power !== void 0 && (h.total_voting_power = c.total_voting_power), h; }, fromPartial(c) { var h, m; const v = { validators: [], proposer: void 0, total_voting_power: "0" }; - return v.validators = ((h = c.validators) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.map((C) => e.Validator.fromPartial(C))) || [], v.proposer = c.proposer !== void 0 && c.proposer !== null ? e.Validator.fromPartial(c.proposer) : void 0, v.total_voting_power = (m = c.total_voting_power) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "0", v; + return v.validators = ((h = c.validators) === null || h === void 0 ? void 0 : h.map((I) => e.Validator.fromPartial(I))) || [], v.proposer = c.proposer !== void 0 && c.proposer !== null ? e.Validator.fromPartial(c.proposer) : void 0, v.total_voting_power = (m = c.total_voting_power) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "0", v; } }, e.Validator = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.address.length !== 0 && h.uint32(10).bytes(c.address), c.pub_key !== void 0 && d.PublicKey.encode(c.pub_key, h.uint32(18).fork()).ldelim(), c.voting_power !== "0" && h.uint32(24).int64(c.voting_power), c.proposer_priority !== "0" && h.uint32(32).int64(c.proposer_priority), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = u(); + const I = u(); for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.address = m.bytes(); + I.address = m.bytes(); break; case 2: - C.pub_key = d.PublicKey.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.pub_key = d.PublicKey.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 3: - C.voting_power = i(m.int64()); + I.voting_power = i(m.int64()); break; case 4: - C.proposer_priority = i(m.int64()); + I.proposer_priority = i(m.int64()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ address: f(c.address) ? n(c.address) : new Uint8Array(), pub_key: f(c.pub_key) ? d.PublicKey.fromJSON(c.pub_key) : void 0, voting_power: f(c.voting_power) ? String(c.voting_power) : "0", proposer_priority: f(c.proposer_priority) ? String(c.proposer_priority) : "0" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.address !== void 0 && (h.address = function(m) { const v = []; - for (const C of m) - v.push(String.fromCharCode(C)); + for (const I of m) + v.push(String.fromCharCode(I)); return o(v.join("")); }(c.address !== void 0 ? c.address : new Uint8Array())), c.pub_key !== void 0 && (h.pub_key = c.pub_key ? d.PublicKey.toJSON(c.pub_key) : void 0), c.voting_power !== void 0 && (h.voting_power = c.voting_power), c.proposer_priority !== void 0 && (h.proposer_priority = c.proposer_priority), h; }, fromPartial(c) { var h, m, v; - const C = u(); - return C.address = (h = c.address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : new Uint8Array(), C.pub_key = c.pub_key !== void 0 && c.pub_key !== null ? d.PublicKey.fromPartial(c.pub_key) : void 0, C.voting_power = (m = c.voting_power) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "0", C.proposer_priority = (v = c.proposer_priority) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "0", C; + const I = u(); + return I.address = (h = c.address) !== null && h !== void 0 ? h : new Uint8Array(), I.pub_key = c.pub_key !== void 0 && c.pub_key !== null ? d.PublicKey.fromPartial(c.pub_key) : void 0, I.voting_power = (m = c.voting_power) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : "0", I.proposer_priority = (v = c.proposer_priority) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : "0", I; } }, e.SimpleValidator = { encode: (c, h = t.Writer.create()) => (c.pub_key !== void 0 && d.PublicKey.encode(c.pub_key, h.uint32(10).fork()).ldelim(), c.voting_power !== "0" && h.uint32(16).int64(c.voting_power), h), decode(c, h) { const m = c instanceof t.Reader ? c : new t.Reader(c); let v = h === void 0 ? m.len : m.pos + h; - const C = { pub_key: void 0, voting_power: "0" }; + const I = { pub_key: void 0, voting_power: "0" }; for (; m.pos < v; ) { const l = m.uint32(); switch (l >>> 3) { case 1: - C.pub_key = d.PublicKey.decode(m, m.uint32()); + I.pub_key = d.PublicKey.decode(m, m.uint32()); break; case 2: - C.voting_power = i(m.int64()); + I.voting_power = i(m.int64()); break; default: m.skipType(7 & l); } } - return C; + return I; }, fromJSON: (c) => ({ pub_key: f(c.pub_key) ? d.PublicKey.fromJSON(c.pub_key) : void 0, voting_power: f(c.voting_power) ? String(c.voting_power) : "0" }), toJSON(c) { const h = {}; return c.pub_key !== void 0 && (h.pub_key = c.pub_key ? d.PublicKey.toJSON(c.pub_key) : void 0), c.voting_power !== void 0 && (h.voting_power = c.voting_power), h; @@ -28546,8 +28884,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return self; if (typeof window < "u") return window; - if (b.g !== void 0) - return b.g; + if (y.g !== void 0) + return y.g; throw "Unable to locate global object"; })(); const r = s.atob || ((c) => s.Buffer.from(c, "base64").toString("binary")); @@ -28565,30 +28903,30 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return c != null; } t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 5640: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5640: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return r[n]; } }); } : function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), s[o] = r[n]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }); } : function(s, r) { s.default = r; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { if (s && s.__esModule) return s; var r = {}; if (s != null) for (var n in s) n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && E(r, s, n); - return M(r, s), r; - }, y = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { + return R(r, s), r; + }, w = this && this.__importDefault || function(s) { return s && s.__esModule ? s : { default: s }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Consensus = e.App = e.protobufPackage = void 0; - const a = y(b(3720)), t = P(b(2100)); + const a = w(y(3720)), t = A(y(2100)); function d(s) { return s.toString(); } @@ -28646,8 +28984,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); const o = { block: "0", app: "0" }; return o.block = (r = s.block) !== null && r !== void 0 ? r : "0", o.app = (n = s.app) !== null && n !== void 0 ? n : "0", o; } }, t.util.Long !== a.default && (t.util.Long = a.default, t.configure()); - }, 2076: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(P, y, a, t) { + }, 2076: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(A, w, a, t) { return new (a || (a = Promise))(function(d, u) { function s(o) { try { @@ -28669,87 +29007,87 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); f(i); })).then(s, r); } - n((t = t.apply(P, y || [])).next()); + n((t = t.apply(A, w || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.AuthQuerier = void 0; - const M = b(3004); + const R = y(3004); e.AuthQuerier = class { - constructor(P) { - this.url = P; + constructor(A) { + this.url = A; } - accounts(P, y) { + accounts(A, w) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.Query.Accounts(P, { headers: y, pathPrefix: this.url }); + return R.Query.Accounts(A, { headers: w, pathPrefix: this.url }); }); } - account(P, y) { + account(A, w) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.Query.Account(P, { headers: y, pathPrefix: this.url }); + return R.Query.Account(A, { headers: w, pathPrefix: this.url }); }); } - params(P, y) { + params(A, w) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.Query.Params(P, { headers: y, pathPrefix: this.url }); + return R.Query.Params(A, { headers: w, pathPrefix: this.url }); }); } - moduleAccountByName(P, y) { + moduleAccountByName(A, w) { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.Query.ModuleAccountByName(P, { headers: y, pathPrefix: this.url }); + return R.Query.ModuleAccountByName(A, { headers: w, pathPrefix: this.url }); }); } }; - }, 298: (J, e, b) => { + }, 298: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.AuthzQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(3704); + const E = y(3704); e.AuthzQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - grants(M, P) { - return E.Query.Grants(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + grants(R, A) { + return E.Query.Grants(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - granterGrants(M, P) { - return E.Query.GranterGrants(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + granterGrants(R, A) { + return E.Query.GranterGrants(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - granteeGrants(M, P) { - return E.Query.GranteeGrants(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + granteeGrants(R, A) { + return E.Query.GranteeGrants(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 8622: (J, e, b) => { + }, 8622: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.BankQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(1926); + const E = y(1926); e.BankQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - balance(M, P) { - return E.Query.Balance(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + balance(R, A) { + return E.Query.Balance(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - allBalances(M, P) { - return E.Query.AllBalances(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + allBalances(R, A) { + return E.Query.AllBalances(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - spendableBalances(M, P) { - return E.Query.SpendableBalances(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + spendableBalances(R, A) { + return E.Query.SpendableBalances(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - totalSupply(M, P) { - return E.Query.TotalSupply(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + totalSupply(R, A) { + return E.Query.TotalSupply(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - supplyOf(M, P) { - return E.Query.SupplyOf(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + supplyOf(R, A) { + return E.Query.SupplyOf(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - denomMetadata(M, P) { - return E.Query.DenomMetadata(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + denomMetadata(R, A) { + return E.Query.DenomMetadata(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - denomsMetadata(M, P) { - return E.Query.DenomsMetadata(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + denomsMetadata(R, A) { + return E.Query.DenomsMetadata(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 8526: function(J, e, b) { - var E = b(5108), M = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { + }, 8526: function(J, e, y) { + var E = y(5108), R = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { return new (s || (s = Promise))(function(n, o) { function i(h) { try { @@ -28775,7 +29113,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.ComputeQuerier = void 0; - const P = b(8972), y = b(3607), a = b(8136), t = b(5250); + const A = y(8972), w = y(3607), a = y(8136), t = y(5250); e.ComputeQuerier = class { constructor(d, u) { this.url = d, this.encryption = u, this.codeHashCache = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map(), this.encryption || (this.encryption = new a.EncryptionUtilsImpl(d)); @@ -28793,13 +29131,13 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return t.Query.Codes(d, { headers: u, pathPrefix: this.url }); } codeHashByContractAddress(d, u) { - return M(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return R(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let s = this.codeHashCache.get(d.contract_address); return s || ({ code_hash: s } = yield t.Query.CodeHashByContractAddress(d, { headers: u, pathPrefix: this.url }), this.codeHashCache.set(d.contract_address, s)), { code_hash: s }; }); } codeHashByCodeId(d, u) { - return M(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return R(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let s = this.codeHashCache.get(d.code_id); return s || ({ code_hash: s } = yield t.Query.CodeHashByCodeId({ code_id: d.code_id }, { headers: u, pathPrefix: this.url }), this.codeHashCache.set(d.code_id, s)), { code_hash: s }; }); @@ -28811,23 +29149,23 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return t.Query.AddressByLabel(d, { headers: u, pathPrefix: this.url }); } queryContract({ contract_address: d, code_hash: u, query: s }, r) { - return M(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - u || (E.warn((0, y.getMissingCodeHashWarning)("queryContract()")), { code_hash: u } = yield this.codeHashByContractAddress({ contract_address: d })), u = u.replace("0x", "").toLowerCase(); + return R(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + u || (E.warn((0, w.getMissingCodeHashWarning)("queryContract()")), { code_hash: u } = yield this.codeHashByContractAddress({ contract_address: d })), u = u.replace("0x", "").toLowerCase(); const n = yield this.encryption.encrypt(u, s), o = n.slice(0, 32); try { - const { data: i } = yield t.Query.QuerySecretContract({ contract_address: d, query: n }, { headers: r, pathPrefix: this.url }), f = yield this.encryption.decrypt((0, P.fromBase64)(i), o); - return f != null && f.length ? JSON.parse((0, P.fromUtf8)((0, P.fromBase64)((0, P.fromUtf8)(f)))) : {}; + const { data: i } = yield t.Query.QuerySecretContract({ contract_address: d, query: n }, { headers: r, pathPrefix: this.url }), f = yield this.encryption.decrypt((0, A.fromBase64)(i), o); + return f != null && f.length ? JSON.parse((0, A.fromUtf8)((0, A.fromBase64)((0, A.fromUtf8)(f)))) : {}; } catch (i) { try { const f = /encrypted: (.+?): (?:instantiate|execute|query|reply to|migrate) contract failed/g.exec(i.message); if (f == null || (f == null ? void 0 : f.length) != 2) throw i; - const c = (0, P.fromBase64)(f[1]), h = yield this.encryption.decrypt(c, o); + const c = (0, A.fromBase64)(f[1]), h = yield this.encryption.decrypt(c, o); try { - return (0, P.fromUtf8)((0, P.fromBase64)((0, P.fromUtf8)(h))); + return (0, A.fromUtf8)((0, A.fromBase64)((0, A.fromUtf8)(h))); } catch (m) { if (m.message === "Invalid base64 string format") - return (0, P.fromUtf8)(h); + return (0, A.fromUtf8)(h); throw i; } } catch { @@ -28837,14 +29175,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } contractHistory(d, u) { - return M(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return R(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const { entries: s } = yield t.Query.ContractHistory(d, { headers: u, pathPrefix: this.url }); let r = []; for (const n of s ?? []) { let o = n.msg; try { - const i = (0, P.fromBase64)(o), f = i.slice(0, 32), c = i.slice(64), h = yield this.encryption.decrypt(c, f); - o = (0, P.fromUtf8)(h).slice(64); + const i = (0, A.fromBase64)(o), f = i.slice(0, 32), c = i.slice(64), h = yield this.encryption.decrypt(c, f); + o = (0, A.fromUtf8)(h).slice(64); } catch { } r.push({ operation: n.operation, code_id: n.code_id, updated: n.updated, msg: o }); @@ -28853,965 +29191,965 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }; - }, 2012: (J, e, b) => { + }, 2012: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.DistributionQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(406); + const E = y(406); e.DistributionQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - validatorOutstandingRewards(M, P) { - return E.Query.ValidatorOutstandingRewards(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + validatorOutstandingRewards(R, A) { + return E.Query.ValidatorOutstandingRewards(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - validatorCommission(M, P) { - return E.Query.ValidatorCommission(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + validatorCommission(R, A) { + return E.Query.ValidatorCommission(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - validatorSlashes(M, P) { - return E.Query.ValidatorSlashes(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + validatorSlashes(R, A) { + return E.Query.ValidatorSlashes(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegationRewards(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegationRewards(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegationRewards(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegationRewards(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegationTotalRewards(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegationTotalRewards(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegationTotalRewards(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegationTotalRewards(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegatorValidators(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegatorValidators(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegatorWithdrawAddress(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegatorWithdrawAddress(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegatorWithdrawAddress(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegatorWithdrawAddress(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - communityPool(M, P) { - return E.Query.CommunityPool(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + communityPool(R, A) { + return E.Query.CommunityPool(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - foundationTax(M, P) { - return E.Query.FoundationTax(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + foundationTax(R, A) { + return E.Query.FoundationTax(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - restakeThreshold(M, P) { - return E.Query.RestakeThreshold(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + restakeThreshold(R, A) { + return E.Query.RestakeThreshold(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - restakingEntries(M, P) { - return E.Query.RestakingEntries(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + restakingEntries(R, A) { + return E.Query.RestakingEntries(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 5468: (J, e, b) => { + }, 5468: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.EmergencyButtonQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(71); + const E = y(71); e.EmergencyButtonQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 3394: (J, e, b) => { + }, 3394: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.EvidenceQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(6898); + const E = y(6898); e.EvidenceQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - evidence(M, P) { - return E.Query.Evidence(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + evidence(R, A) { + return E.Query.Evidence(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - allEvidence(M, P) { - return E.Query.AllEvidence(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + allEvidence(R, A) { + return E.Query.AllEvidence(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 380: (J, e, b) => { + }, 380: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.FeegrantQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(876); + const E = y(876); e.FeegrantQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - allowance(M, P) { - return E.Query.Allowance(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + allowance(R, A) { + return E.Query.Allowance(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - allowances(M, P) { - return E.Query.Allowances(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + allowances(R, A) { + return E.Query.Allowances(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - allowancesByGranter(M, P) { - return E.Query.AllowancesByGranter(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + allowancesByGranter(R, A) { + return E.Query.AllowancesByGranter(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 3095: (J, e, b) => { + }, 3095: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.GovQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(7331); + const E = y(7331); e.GovQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - proposal(M, P) { - return E.Query.Proposal(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + proposal(R, A) { + return E.Query.Proposal(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - proposals(M, P) { - return E.Query.Proposals(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + proposals(R, A) { + return E.Query.Proposals(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - vote(M, P) { - return E.Query.Vote(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + vote(R, A) { + return E.Query.Vote(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - votes(M, P) { - return E.Query.Votes(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + votes(R, A) { + return E.Query.Votes(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - deposit(M, P) { - return E.Query.Deposit(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + deposit(R, A) { + return E.Query.Deposit(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - deposits(M, P) { - return E.Query.Deposits(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + deposits(R, A) { + return E.Query.Deposits(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - tallyResult(M, P) { - return E.Query.TallyResult(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + tallyResult(R, A) { + return E.Query.TallyResult(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 7807: (J, e, b) => { + }, 7807: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcChannelQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(6409); + const E = y(6409); e.IbcChannelQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - channel(M, P) { - return E.Query.Channel(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + channel(R, A) { + return E.Query.Channel(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - channels(M, P) { - return E.Query.Channels(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + channels(R, A) { + return E.Query.Channels(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - connectionChannels(M, P) { - return E.Query.ConnectionChannels(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + connectionChannels(R, A) { + return E.Query.ConnectionChannels(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - channelClientState(M, P) { - return E.Query.ChannelClientState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + channelClientState(R, A) { + return E.Query.ChannelClientState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - channelConsensusState(M, P) { - return E.Query.ChannelConsensusState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + channelConsensusState(R, A) { + return E.Query.ChannelConsensusState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - packetCommitment(M, P) { - return E.Query.PacketCommitment(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + packetCommitment(R, A) { + return E.Query.PacketCommitment(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - packetCommitments(M, P) { - return E.Query.PacketCommitments(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + packetCommitments(R, A) { + return E.Query.PacketCommitments(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - packetReceipt(M, P) { - return E.Query.PacketReceipt(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + packetReceipt(R, A) { + return E.Query.PacketReceipt(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - packetAcknowledgement(M, P) { - return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgement(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + packetAcknowledgement(R, A) { + return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgement(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - packetAcknowledgements(M, P) { - return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgements(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + packetAcknowledgements(R, A) { + return E.Query.PacketAcknowledgements(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - unreceivedPackets(M, P) { - return E.Query.UnreceivedPackets(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + unreceivedPackets(R, A) { + return E.Query.UnreceivedPackets(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - unreceivedAcks(M, P) { - return E.Query.UnreceivedAcks(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + unreceivedAcks(R, A) { + return E.Query.UnreceivedAcks(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - nextSequenceReceive(M, P) { - return E.Query.NextSequenceReceive(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + nextSequenceReceive(R, A) { + return E.Query.NextSequenceReceive(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 1654: (J, e, b) => { + }, 1654: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcClientQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(301); + const E = y(301); e.IbcClientQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - clientState(M, P) { - return E.Query.ClientState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + clientState(R, A) { + return E.Query.ClientState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - clientStates(M, P) { - return E.Query.ClientStates(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + clientStates(R, A) { + return E.Query.ClientStates(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - consensusState(M, P) { - return E.Query.ConsensusState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + consensusState(R, A) { + return E.Query.ConsensusState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - consensusStates(M, P) { - return E.Query.ConsensusStates(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + consensusStates(R, A) { + return E.Query.ConsensusStates(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - clientStatus(M, P) { - return E.Query.ClientStatus(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + clientStatus(R, A) { + return E.Query.ClientStatus(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - clientParams(M, P) { - return E.Query.ClientParams(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + clientParams(R, A) { + return E.Query.ClientParams(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - upgradedClientState(M, P) { - return E.Query.UpgradedClientState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + upgradedClientState(R, A) { + return E.Query.UpgradedClientState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - upgradedConsensusState(M, P) { - return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + upgradedConsensusState(R, A) { + return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - consensusStateHeights(M, P) { - return E.Query.ConsensusStateHeights(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + consensusStateHeights(R, A) { + return E.Query.ConsensusStateHeights(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 2840: (J, e, b) => { + }, 2840: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcConnectionQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(5258); + const E = y(5258); e.IbcConnectionQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - connection(M, P) { - return E.Query.Connection(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + connection(R, A) { + return E.Query.Connection(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - connections(M, P) { - return E.Query.Connections(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + connections(R, A) { + return E.Query.Connections(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - clientConnections(M, P) { - return E.Query.ClientConnections(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + clientConnections(R, A) { + return E.Query.ClientConnections(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - connectionClientState(M, P) { - return E.Query.ConnectionClientState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + connectionClientState(R, A) { + return E.Query.ConnectionClientState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - connectionConsensusState(M, P) { - return E.Query.ConnectionConsensusState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + connectionConsensusState(R, A) { + return E.Query.ConnectionConsensusState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 5570: (J, e, b) => { + }, 5570: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcFeeQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(187); + const E = y(187); e.IbcFeeQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - incentivizedPackets(M, P) { - return E.Query.IncentivizedPackets(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + incentivizedPackets(R, A) { + return E.Query.IncentivizedPackets(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - incentivizedPacket(M, P) { - return E.Query.IncentivizedPacket(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + incentivizedPacket(R, A) { + return E.Query.IncentivizedPacket(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - incentivizedPacketsForChannel(M, P) { - return E.Query.IncentivizedPacketsForChannel(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + incentivizedPacketsForChannel(R, A) { + return E.Query.IncentivizedPacketsForChannel(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - totalRecvFees(M, P) { - return E.Query.TotalRecvFees(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + totalRecvFees(R, A) { + return E.Query.TotalRecvFees(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - totalAckFees(M, P) { - return E.Query.TotalAckFees(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + totalAckFees(R, A) { + return E.Query.TotalAckFees(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - totalTimeoutFees(M, P) { - return E.Query.TotalTimeoutFees(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + totalTimeoutFees(R, A) { + return E.Query.TotalTimeoutFees(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - payee(M, P) { - return E.Query.Payee(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + payee(R, A) { + return E.Query.Payee(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - counterpartyPayee(M, P) { - return E.Query.CounterpartyPayee(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + counterpartyPayee(R, A) { + return E.Query.CounterpartyPayee(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - feeEnabledChannels(M, P) { - return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannels(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + feeEnabledChannels(R, A) { + return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannels(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - feeEnabledChannel(M, P) { - return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannel(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + feeEnabledChannel(R, A) { + return E.Query.FeeEnabledChannel(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 5037: (J, e, b) => { + }, 5037: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(2847); + const E = y(2847); e.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - interchainAccount(M, P) { - return E.Query.InterchainAccount(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + interchainAccount(R, A) { + return E.Query.InterchainAccount(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 3635: (J, e, b) => { + }, 3635: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(1154); + const E = y(1154); e.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 9637: (J, e, b) => { + }, 9637: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcPacketForwardQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(1692); + const E = y(1692); e.IbcPacketForwardQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 1387: (J, e, b) => { + }, 1387: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.IbcTransferQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(4921); + const E = y(4921); e.IbcTransferQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - denomTrace(M, P) { - return E.Query.DenomTrace(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + denomTrace(R, A) { + return E.Query.DenomTrace(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - denomTraces(M, P) { - return E.Query.DenomTraces(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + denomTraces(R, A) { + return E.Query.DenomTraces(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - denomHash(M, P) { - return E.Query.DenomHash(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + denomHash(R, A) { + return E.Query.DenomHash(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - escrowAddress(M, P) { - return E.Query.EscrowAddress(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + escrowAddress(R, A) { + return E.Query.EscrowAddress(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 9150: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(P, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return y[a]; + }, 9150: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), Object.defineProperty(A, t, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return w[a]; } }); - } : function(P, y, a, t) { - t === void 0 && (t = a), P[t] = y[a]; - }), M = this && this.__exportStar || function(P, y) { - for (var a in P) - a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(y, a) || E(y, P, a); - }; - Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), M(b(2076), e), M(b(298), e), M(b(8622), e), M(b(8526), e), M(b(2012), e), M(b(3394), e), M(b(380), e), M(b(3095), e), M(b(7807), e), M(b(1654), e), M(b(2840), e), M(b(1387), e), M(b(5714), e), M(b(5932), e), M(b(8513), e), M(b(4482), e), M(b(7224), e), M(b(5562), e), M(b(7174), e), M(b(1743), e), M(b(6189), e), M(b(5468), e); - }, 5714: (J, e, b) => { + } : function(A, w, a, t) { + t === void 0 && (t = a), A[t] = w[a]; + }), R = this && this.__exportStar || function(A, w) { + for (var a in A) + a === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(w, a) || E(w, A, a); + }; + Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), R(y(2076), e), R(y(298), e), R(y(8622), e), R(y(8526), e), R(y(2012), e), R(y(3394), e), R(y(380), e), R(y(3095), e), R(y(7807), e), R(y(1654), e), R(y(2840), e), R(y(1387), e), R(y(5714), e), R(y(5932), e), R(y(8513), e), R(y(4482), e), R(y(7224), e), R(y(5562), e), R(y(7174), e), R(y(1743), e), R(y(6189), e), R(y(5468), e); + }, 5714: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MauthQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(9743); + const E = y(9743); e.MauthQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - interchainAccountFromAddress(M, P) { - return E.Query.InterchainAccountFromAddress(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + interchainAccountFromAddress(R, A) { + return E.Query.InterchainAccountFromAddress(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 5932: (J, e, b) => { + }, 5932: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MintQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(468); + const E = y(468); e.MintQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - inflation(M, P) { - return E.Query.Inflation(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + inflation(R, A) { + return E.Query.Inflation(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - annualProvisions(M, P) { - return E.Query.AnnualProvisions(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + annualProvisions(R, A) { + return E.Query.AnnualProvisions(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 8513: (J, e, b) => { + }, 8513: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.NodeQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(4210); + const E = y(4210); e.NodeQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - config(M, P) { - return E.Service.Config(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + config(R, A) { + return E.Service.Config(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 4482: (J, e, b) => { + }, 4482: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.ParamsQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(5440); + const E = y(5440); e.ParamsQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 7224: (J, e, b) => { + }, 7224: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.RegistrationQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(6402); + const E = y(6402); e.RegistrationQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - txKey(M, P) { - return E.Query.TxKey(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + txKey(R, A) { + return E.Query.TxKey(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - registrationKey(M, P) { - return E.Query.RegistrationKey(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + registrationKey(R, A) { + return E.Query.RegistrationKey(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - encryptedSeed(M, P) { - return E.Query.EncryptedSeed(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + encryptedSeed(R, A) { + return E.Query.EncryptedSeed(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 5562: (J, e, b) => { + }, 5562: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.SlashingQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(1575); + const E = y(1575); e.SlashingQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - signingInfo(M, P) { - return E.Query.SigningInfo(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + signingInfo(R, A) { + return E.Query.SigningInfo(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - signingInfos(M, P) { - return E.Query.SigningInfos(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + signingInfos(R, A) { + return E.Query.SigningInfos(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 7174: (J, e, b) => { + }, 7174: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.StakingQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(4066); + const E = y(4066); e.StakingQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - validators(M, P) { - return E.Query.Validators(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + validators(R, A) { + return E.Query.Validators(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - validator(M, P) { - return E.Query.Validator(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + validator(R, A) { + return E.Query.Validator(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - validatorDelegations(M, P) { - return E.Query.ValidatorDelegations(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + validatorDelegations(R, A) { + return E.Query.ValidatorDelegations(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - validatorUnbondingDelegations(M, P) { - return E.Query.ValidatorUnbondingDelegations(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + validatorUnbondingDelegations(R, A) { + return E.Query.ValidatorUnbondingDelegations(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegation(M, P) { - return E.Query.Delegation(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegation(R, A) { + return E.Query.Delegation(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - unbondingDelegation(M, P) { - return E.Query.UnbondingDelegation(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + unbondingDelegation(R, A) { + return E.Query.UnbondingDelegation(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegatorDelegations(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegatorDelegations(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegatorDelegations(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegatorDelegations(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegatorUnbondingDelegations(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegatorUnbondingDelegations(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegatorUnbondingDelegations(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegatorUnbondingDelegations(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - redelegations(M, P) { - return E.Query.Redelegations(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + redelegations(R, A) { + return E.Query.Redelegations(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegatorValidators(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegatorValidators(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegatorValidators(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - delegatorValidator(M, P) { - return E.Query.DelegatorValidator(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + delegatorValidator(R, A) { + return E.Query.DelegatorValidator(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - historicalInfo(M, P) { - return E.Query.HistoricalInfo(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + historicalInfo(R, A) { + return E.Query.HistoricalInfo(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - pool(M, P) { - return E.Query.Pool(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + pool(R, A) { + return E.Query.Pool(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - params(M, P) { - return E.Query.Params(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + params(R, A) { + return E.Query.Params(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 1743: (J, e, b) => { + }, 1743: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.TendermintQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(2390); + const E = y(2390); e.TendermintQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - getNodeInfo(M, P) { - return E.Service.GetNodeInfo(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + getNodeInfo(R, A) { + return E.Service.GetNodeInfo(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - getSyncing(M, P) { - return E.Service.GetSyncing(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + getSyncing(R, A) { + return E.Service.GetSyncing(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - getLatestBlock(M, P) { - return E.Service.GetLatestBlock(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + getLatestBlock(R, A) { + return E.Service.GetLatestBlock(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - getBlockByHeight(M, P) { - return E.Service.GetBlockByHeight(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + getBlockByHeight(R, A) { + return E.Service.GetBlockByHeight(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - getLatestValidatorSet(M, P) { - return E.Service.GetLatestValidatorSet(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + getLatestValidatorSet(R, A) { + return E.Service.GetLatestValidatorSet(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - getValidatorSetByHeight(M, P) { - return E.Service.GetValidatorSetByHeight(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + getValidatorSetByHeight(R, A) { + return E.Service.GetValidatorSetByHeight(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 6189: (J, e, b) => { + }, 6189: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.UpgradeQuerier = void 0; - const E = b(2265); + const E = y(2265); e.UpgradeQuerier = class { - constructor(M) { - this.url = M; + constructor(R) { + this.url = R; } - currentPlan(M, P) { - return E.Query.CurrentPlan(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + currentPlan(R, A) { + return E.Query.CurrentPlan(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - appliedPlan(M, P) { - return E.Query.AppliedPlan(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + appliedPlan(R, A) { + return E.Query.AppliedPlan(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - upgradedConsensusState(M, P) { - return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + upgradedConsensusState(R, A) { + return E.Query.UpgradedConsensusState(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } - moduleVersions(M, P) { - return E.Query.ModuleVersions(M, { headers: P, pathPrefix: this.url }); + moduleVersions(R, A) { + return E.Query.ModuleVersions(R, { headers: A, pathPrefix: this.url }); } }; - }, 1972: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(G, Z, H, $) { - $ === void 0 && ($ = H), Object.defineProperty(G, $, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return Z[H]; + }, 1972: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(V, Y, $, K) { + K === void 0 && (K = $), Object.defineProperty(V, K, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return Y[$]; } }); - } : function(G, Z, H, $) { - $ === void 0 && ($ = H), G[$] = Z[H]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(G, Z) { - Object.defineProperty(G, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: Z }); - } : function(G, Z) { - G.default = Z; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(G) { - if (G && G.__esModule) - return G; - var Z = {}; - if (G != null) - for (var H in G) - H !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(G, H) && E(Z, G, H); - return M(Z, G), Z; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(G, Z, H, $) { - return new (H || (H = Promise))(function(ie, se) { - function fe(me) { + } : function(V, Y, $, K) { + K === void 0 && (K = $), V[K] = Y[$]; + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(V, Y) { + Object.defineProperty(V, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: Y }); + } : function(V, Y) { + V.default = Y; + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(V) { + if (V && V.__esModule) + return V; + var Y = {}; + if (V != null) + for (var $ in V) + $ !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(V, $) && E(Y, V, $); + return R(Y, V), Y; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(V, Y, $, K) { + return new ($ || ($ = Promise))(function(ae, ce) { + function he(ve) { try { - ve($.next(me)); - } catch (_e) { - se(_e); + ge(K.next(ve)); + } catch (be) { + ce(be); } } - function pe(me) { + function me(ve) { try { - ve($.throw(me)); - } catch (_e) { - se(_e); + ge(K.throw(ve)); + } catch (be) { + ce(be); } } - function ve(me) { - var _e; - me.done ? ie(me.value) : (_e = me.value, _e instanceof H ? _e : new H(function(ye) { - ye(_e); - })).then(fe, pe); + function ge(ve) { + var be; + ve.done ? ae(ve.value) : (be = ve.value, be instanceof $ ? be : new $(function(we) { + we(be); + })).then(he, me); } - ve(($ = $.apply(G, Z || [])).next()); + ge((K = K.apply(V, Y || [])).next()); }); }; if (Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.TxResultCode = e.gasToFee = e.SecretNetworkClient = e.ReadonlySigner = e.BroadcastMode = void 0, typeof window > "u" || window.fetch === void 0) { - const G = b(4098); - b.g.fetch = G; - } - const a = b(8972), t = b(3061), d = b(3607), u = b(8136), s = b(3117), r = b(1610), n = b(4447), o = b(7350), i = b(8471), f = b(2412), c = b(6519), h = b(9849), m = b(5818), v = b(6010), C = b(6994), l = b(4191), I = b(2896), R = b(2076), k = b(298), N = b(8622), A = b(8526), w = b(2012), _ = b(5468), p = b(3394), O = b(380), U = b(3095), T = b(7807), z = b(1654), te = b(2840), X = b(5570), ne = b(5037), B = b(3635), Q = b(9637), V = b(1387), ee = b(5932), K = b(4482), Y = b(7224), q = b(5562), ae = b(7174), de = b(1743), ue = b(6189), le = b(3745), ge = b(6049), ce = b(8772), he = b(5498), be = b(5360); - var W, g; - (function(G) { - G.Block = "Block", G.Sync = "Sync", G.Async = "Async"; - })(W = e.BroadcastMode || (e.BroadcastMode = {})); - class S { + const V = y(4098); + y.g.fetch = V; + } + const a = y(8972), t = y(3061), d = y(3607), u = y(8136), s = y(3117), r = y(1610), n = y(4447), o = y(7350), i = y(8471), f = y(2412), c = y(6519), h = y(9849), m = y(5818), v = y(6010), I = y(6994), l = y(4191), j = y(2896), N = y(2076), S = y(298), T = y(8622), x = y(8526), k = y(2012), b = y(5468), p = y(3394), P = y(380), B = y(3095), C = y(7807), L = y(1654), re = y(2840), ee = y(5570), oe = y(5037), D = y(3635), Z = y(9637), H = y(1387), te = y(5932), Q = y(4482), X = y(7224), F = y(5562), se = y(7174), ue = y(1743), le = y(6189), fe = y(3745), _e = y(6049), de = y(8772), pe = y(5498), ye = y(5360); + var G, _; + (function(V) { + V.Block = "Block", V.Sync = "Sync", V.Async = "Async"; + })(G = e.BroadcastMode || (e.BroadcastMode = {})); + class O { getAccounts() { throw new Error("getAccounts() is not supported in readonly mode."); } - signAmino(Z, H) { + signAmino(Y, $) { throw new Error("signAmino() is not supported in readonly mode."); } } - function x(G) { - return new Promise((Z) => setTimeout(Z, G)); + function M(V) { + return new Promise((Y) => setTimeout(Y, V)); } - function j(G, Z) { - return Math.ceil(G * Z); + function U(V, Y) { + return Math.ceil(V * Y); } - function D(G, Z, H, $, ie) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - ie || (ie = (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT); - const se = { signer_infos: L(G, ie), fee: { amount: [...Z], gas_limit: String(H), granter: $ ?? "", payer: "" } }, { AuthInfo: fe } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6994))); - return fe.encode(fe.fromPartial(se)).finish(); + function z(V, Y, $, K, ae) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + ae || (ae = (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_DIRECT); + const ce = { signer_infos: q(V, ae), fee: { amount: [...Y], gas_limit: String($), granter: K ?? "", payer: "" } }, { AuthInfo: he } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6994))); + return he.encode(he.fromPartial(ce)).finish(); }); } - function L(G, Z) { - return G.map(({ pubkey: H, sequence: $ }) => ({ public_key: H, mode_info: { single: { mode: Z } }, sequence: String($) })); - } - function F(G) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const { Any: Z } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4191))); - if (function(H) { - return H.type === "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1"; - }(G)) { - const { PubKey: H } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6010))), $ = H.fromPartial({ key: (0, a.fromBase64)(G.value) }); - return Z.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey", value: Uint8Array.from(H.encode($).finish()) }); - } - if (function(H) { - return H.type === "tendermint/PubKeyMultisigThreshold"; - }(G)) { - const { LegacyAminoPubKey: H } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(5818))), $ = H.fromPartial({ threshold: Number(G.value.threshold), public_keys: G.value.pubkeys.map(F) }); - return Z.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey", value: Uint8Array.from(H.encode($).finish()) }); - } - throw new Error(`Pubkey type ${G.type} not recognized`); + function q(V, Y) { + return V.map(({ pubkey: $, sequence: K }) => ({ public_key: $, mode_info: { single: { mode: Y } }, sequence: String(K) })); + } + function W(V) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const { Any: Y } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4191))); + if (function($) { + return $.type === "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1"; + }(V)) { + const { PubKey: $ } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6010))), K = $.fromPartial({ key: (0, a.fromBase64)(V.value) }); + return Y.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.crypto.secp256k1.PubKey", value: Uint8Array.from($.encode(K).finish()) }); + } + if (function($) { + return $.type === "tendermint/PubKeyMultisigThreshold"; + }(V)) { + const { LegacyAminoPubKey: $ } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(5818))), K = $.fromPartial({ threshold: Number(V.value.threshold), public_keys: V.value.pubkeys.map(W) }); + return Y.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey", value: Uint8Array.from($.encode(K).finish()) }); + } + throw new Error(`Pubkey type ${V.type} not recognized`); }); } - function re(G) { - if (typeof G != "object" || G === null) - return G; - if (Array.isArray(G)) - return G.map(re); - if (Object.keys(G).length === 2 && typeof G.type_url == "string" && typeof G.value == "object") - return Object.assign({ "@type": G.type_url }, re(G.value)); - const Z = {}; - return Object.keys(G).forEach((H) => { - Z[H] = re(G[H]); - }), Z; - } - function oe() { + function ne(V) { + if (typeof V != "object" || V === null) + return V; + if (Array.isArray(V)) + return V.map(ne); + if (Object.keys(V).length === 2 && typeof V.type_url == "string" && typeof V.value == "object") + return Object.assign({ "@type": V.type_url }, ne(V.value)); + const Y = {}; + return Object.keys(V).forEach(($) => { + Y[$] = ne(V[$]); + }), Y; + } + function ie() { return { pub_key: { type: "tendermint/PubKeySecp256k1", value: (0, a.toBase64)(new Uint8Array(33).fill(0)) }, signature: (0, a.toBase64)(new Uint8Array(64).fill(0)) }; } - e.ReadonlySigner = S, e.SecretNetworkClient = class { - constructor(G) { - var Z, H; - if (this.url = G.url.replace(/\/*$/g, ""), this.query = { auth: new R.AuthQuerier(G.url), authz: new k.AuthzQuerier(G.url), bank: new N.BankQuerier(G.url), compute: new A.ComputeQuerier(G.url), snip20: new i.Snip20Querier(G.url), snip721: new f.Snip721Querier(G.url), snip1155: new n.Snip1155Querier(G.url), distribution: new w.DistributionQuerier(G.url), evidence: new p.EvidenceQuerier(G.url), feegrant: new O.FeegrantQuerier(G.url), gov: new U.GovQuerier(G.url), ibc_channel: new T.IbcChannelQuerier(G.url), ibc_client: new z.IbcClientQuerier(G.url), ibc_connection: new te.IbcConnectionQuerier(G.url), ibc_transfer: new V.IbcTransferQuerier(G.url), ibc_iterchain_accounts_host: new B.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier(G.url), ibc_iterchain_accounts_controller: new ne.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier(G.url), ibc_fee: new X.IbcFeeQuerier(G.url), ibc_packet_forward: new Q.IbcPacketForwardQuerier(G.url), emergency_button: new _.EmergencyButtonQuerier(G.url), mauth: new d.MauthQuerier(G.url), mint: new ee.MintQuerier(G.url), node: new d.NodeQuerier(G.url), params: new K.ParamsQuerier(G.url), registration: new Y.RegistrationQuerier(G.url), slashing: new q.SlashingQuerier(G.url), staking: new ae.StakingQuerier(G.url), tendermint: new de.TendermintQuerier(G.url), upgrade: new ue.UpgradeQuerier(G.url), getTx: (ie, se) => this.getTx(ie, se), txsQuery: (ie, se, fe, pe) => this.txsQuery(ie, se, fe, pe) }, G.wallet && G.walletAddress === void 0) + e.ReadonlySigner = O, e.SecretNetworkClient = class { + constructor(V) { + var Y, $; + if (this.url = V.url.replace(/\/*$/g, ""), this.query = { auth: new N.AuthQuerier(V.url), authz: new S.AuthzQuerier(V.url), bank: new T.BankQuerier(V.url), compute: new x.ComputeQuerier(V.url), snip20: new i.Snip20Querier(V.url), snip721: new f.Snip721Querier(V.url), snip1155: new n.Snip1155Querier(V.url), distribution: new k.DistributionQuerier(V.url), evidence: new p.EvidenceQuerier(V.url), feegrant: new P.FeegrantQuerier(V.url), gov: new B.GovQuerier(V.url), ibc_channel: new C.IbcChannelQuerier(V.url), ibc_client: new L.IbcClientQuerier(V.url), ibc_connection: new re.IbcConnectionQuerier(V.url), ibc_transfer: new H.IbcTransferQuerier(V.url), ibc_iterchain_accounts_host: new D.IbcInterchainAccountsHostQuerier(V.url), ibc_iterchain_accounts_controller: new oe.IbcInterchainAccountsControllerQuerier(V.url), ibc_fee: new ee.IbcFeeQuerier(V.url), ibc_packet_forward: new Z.IbcPacketForwardQuerier(V.url), emergency_button: new b.EmergencyButtonQuerier(V.url), mauth: new d.MauthQuerier(V.url), mint: new te.MintQuerier(V.url), node: new d.NodeQuerier(V.url), params: new Q.ParamsQuerier(V.url), registration: new X.RegistrationQuerier(V.url), slashing: new F.SlashingQuerier(V.url), staking: new se.StakingQuerier(V.url), tendermint: new ue.TendermintQuerier(V.url), upgrade: new le.UpgradeQuerier(V.url), getTx: (ae, ce) => this.getTx(ae, ce), txsQuery: (ae, ce, he, me) => this.txsQuery(ae, ce, he, me) }, V.wallet && V.walletAddress === void 0) throw new Error("Must also pass 'walletAddress' when passing 'wallet'"); - this.wallet = (Z = G.wallet) !== null && Z !== void 0 ? Z : new S(), this.address = (H = G.walletAddress) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : "", this.chainId = G.chainId, this.utils = { accessControl: { permit: new s.PermitSigner(this.wallet) } }; - const $ = (ie) => { - const se = (fe, pe) => this.tx.broadcast([new ie(fe)], pe); - return se.simulate = (fe, pe) => this.tx.simulate([new ie(fe)], pe), se; + this.wallet = (Y = V.wallet) !== null && Y !== void 0 ? Y : new O(), this.address = ($ = V.walletAddress) !== null && $ !== void 0 ? $ : "", this.chainId = V.chainId, this.utils = { accessControl: { permit: new s.PermitSigner(this.wallet) } }; + const K = (ae) => { + const ce = (he, me) => this.tx.broadcast([new ae(he)], me); + return ce.simulate = (he, me) => this.tx.simulate([new ae(he)], me), ce; }; - this.tx = { signTx: this.signTx.bind(this), broadcastSignedTx: this.broadcastSignedTx.bind(this), broadcast: this.signAndBroadcast.bind(this), simulate: this.simulate.bind(this), snip20: { send: $(i.MsgSnip20Send), transfer: $(i.MsgSnip20Transfer), increaseAllowance: $(i.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance), decreaseAllowance: $(i.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance), setViewingKey: $(r.MsgSetViewingKey), createViewingKey: $(r.MsgCreateViewingKey) }, snip721: { send: $(f.MsgSnip721Send), mint: $(d.MsgSnip721Mint), addMinter: $(d.MsgSnip721AddMinter), setViewingKey: $(r.MsgSetViewingKey), createViewingKey: $(r.MsgCreateViewingKey) }, snip1155: { changeAdmin: $(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin), removeAdmin: $(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin), addCurator: $(o.MsgSnip1155AddCurator), removeCurator: $(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator), addMinter: $(o.MsgSnipAddMinter), removeMinter: $(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter), send: $(o.MsgSnip1155Send), batchSend: $(o.MsgSnip1155BatchSend), transfer: $(o.MsgSnip1155Transfer), batchTransfer: $(o.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer), curate: $(o.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens), mint: $(o.MsgSnip1155Mint), burn: $(o.MsgSnip1155Burn), changeMetaData: $(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata), setViewingKey: $(r.MsgSetViewingKey), createViewingKey: $(r.MsgCreateViewingKey) }, authz: { exec: $(d.MsgExec), grant: $(d.MsgGrant), revoke: $(d.MsgRevoke) }, bank: { multiSend: $(d.MsgMultiSend), send: $(d.MsgSend) }, compute: { storeCode: $(d.MsgStoreCode), instantiateContract: $(d.MsgInstantiateContract), executeContract: $(d.MsgExecuteContract), migrateContract: $(le.MsgMigrateContract), updateAdmin: $(le.MsgUpdateAdmin), clearAdmin: $(le.MsgClearAdmin) }, emergency_button: { toggleIbcSwitch: $(ge.MsgToggleIbcSwitch) }, crisis: { verifyInvariant: $(d.MsgVerifyInvariant) }, distribution: { fundCommunityPool: $(d.MsgFundCommunityPool), setWithdrawAddress: $(d.MsgSetWithdrawAddress), withdrawDelegatorReward: $(d.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward), withdrawValidatorCommission: $(d.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission), setAutoRestake: $(le.MsgSetAutoRestake) }, evidence: { submitEvidence: $(d.MsgSubmitEvidence) }, feegrant: { grantAllowance: $(d.MsgGrantAllowance), revokeAllowance: $(d.MsgRevokeAllowance) }, gov: { deposit: $(d.MsgDeposit), submitProposal: $(d.MsgSubmitProposal), vote: $(d.MsgVote), voteWeighted: $(d.MsgVoteWeighted) }, ibc: { transfer: $(d.MsgTransfer) }, ibc_fee: { payPacketFee: $(le.MsgPayPacketFee), payPacketFeeAsync: $(le.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync), registerPayee: $(le.MsgRegisterPayee), registerCounterpartyPayee: $(le.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee) }, registration: { register: $(ce.RaAuthenticate) }, slashing: { unjail: $(d.MsgUnjail) }, staking: { beginRedelegate: $(d.MsgBeginRedelegate), createValidator: $(d.MsgCreateValidator), delegate: $(d.MsgDelegate), editValidator: $(d.MsgEditValidator), undelegate: $(d.MsgUndelegate) }, vesting: { createVestingAccount: $(he.MsgCreateVestingAccount) } }, G.encryptionUtils ? this.encryptionUtils = G.encryptionUtils : this.encryptionUtils = new u.EncryptionUtilsImpl(this.url, G.encryptionSeed, this.chainId), this.query.compute = new A.ComputeQuerier(this.url, this.encryptionUtils); + this.tx = { signTx: this.signTx.bind(this), broadcastSignedTx: this.broadcastSignedTx.bind(this), broadcast: this.signAndBroadcast.bind(this), simulate: this.simulate.bind(this), snip20: { send: K(i.MsgSnip20Send), transfer: K(i.MsgSnip20Transfer), increaseAllowance: K(i.MsgSnip20IncreaseAllowance), decreaseAllowance: K(i.MsgSnip20DecreaseAllowance), setViewingKey: K(r.MsgSetViewingKey), createViewingKey: K(r.MsgCreateViewingKey) }, snip721: { send: K(f.MsgSnip721Send), mint: K(d.MsgSnip721Mint), addMinter: K(d.MsgSnip721AddMinter), setViewingKey: K(r.MsgSetViewingKey), createViewingKey: K(r.MsgCreateViewingKey) }, snip1155: { changeAdmin: K(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeAdmin), removeAdmin: K(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveAdmin), addCurator: K(o.MsgSnip1155AddCurator), removeCurator: K(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveCurator), addMinter: K(o.MsgSnipAddMinter), removeMinter: K(o.MsgSnip1155RemoveMinter), send: K(o.MsgSnip1155Send), batchSend: K(o.MsgSnip1155BatchSend), transfer: K(o.MsgSnip1155Transfer), batchTransfer: K(o.MsgSnip1155BatchTransfer), curate: K(o.MsgSnip1155CurateTokens), mint: K(o.MsgSnip1155Mint), burn: K(o.MsgSnip1155Burn), changeMetaData: K(o.MsgSnip1155ChangeMetadata), setViewingKey: K(r.MsgSetViewingKey), createViewingKey: K(r.MsgCreateViewingKey) }, authz: { exec: K(d.MsgExec), grant: K(d.MsgGrant), revoke: K(d.MsgRevoke) }, bank: { multiSend: K(d.MsgMultiSend), send: K(d.MsgSend) }, compute: { storeCode: K(d.MsgStoreCode), instantiateContract: K(d.MsgInstantiateContract), executeContract: K(d.MsgExecuteContract), migrateContract: K(fe.MsgMigrateContract), updateAdmin: K(fe.MsgUpdateAdmin), clearAdmin: K(fe.MsgClearAdmin) }, emergency_button: { toggleIbcSwitch: K(_e.MsgToggleIbcSwitch) }, crisis: { verifyInvariant: K(d.MsgVerifyInvariant) }, distribution: { fundCommunityPool: K(d.MsgFundCommunityPool), setWithdrawAddress: K(d.MsgSetWithdrawAddress), withdrawDelegatorReward: K(d.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward), withdrawValidatorCommission: K(d.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission), setAutoRestake: K(fe.MsgSetAutoRestake) }, evidence: { submitEvidence: K(d.MsgSubmitEvidence) }, feegrant: { grantAllowance: K(d.MsgGrantAllowance), revokeAllowance: K(d.MsgRevokeAllowance) }, gov: { deposit: K(d.MsgDeposit), submitProposal: K(d.MsgSubmitProposal), vote: K(d.MsgVote), voteWeighted: K(d.MsgVoteWeighted) }, ibc: { transfer: K(d.MsgTransfer) }, ibc_fee: { payPacketFee: K(fe.MsgPayPacketFee), payPacketFeeAsync: K(fe.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync), registerPayee: K(fe.MsgRegisterPayee), registerCounterpartyPayee: K(fe.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee) }, registration: { register: K(de.RaAuthenticate) }, slashing: { unjail: K(d.MsgUnjail) }, staking: { beginRedelegate: K(d.MsgBeginRedelegate), createValidator: K(d.MsgCreateValidator), delegate: K(d.MsgDelegate), editValidator: K(d.MsgEditValidator), undelegate: K(d.MsgUndelegate) }, vesting: { createVestingAccount: K(pe.MsgCreateVestingAccount) } }, V.encryptionUtils ? this.encryptionUtils = V.encryptionUtils : this.encryptionUtils = new u.EncryptionUtilsImpl(this.url, V.encryptionSeed, this.chainId), this.query.compute = new x.ComputeQuerier(this.url, this.encryptionUtils); } - getTx(G, Z) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + getTx(V, Y) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { try { - const { tx_response: H } = yield c.Service.GetTx({ hash: G }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); - return H ? this.decodeTxResponse(H, Z) : null; - } catch (H) { - if ((H == null ? void 0 : H.message) === `tx not found: ${G}`) + const { tx_response: $ } = yield c.Service.GetTx({ hash: V }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); + return $ ? this.decodeTxResponse($, Y) : null; + } catch ($) { + if (($ == null ? void 0 : $.message) === `tx not found: ${V}`) return null; - throw H; + throw $; } }); } - txsQuery(G, Z = { resolveResponses: !1 }, H = { key: void 0, offset: void 0, limit: void 0, count_total: void 0, reverse: void 0 }, $) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const { tx_responses: ie } = yield c.Service.GetTxsEvent({ events: G.split(" AND ").map((se) => se.trim()), pagination: H, order_by: $ }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); - return this.decodeTxResponses(ie ?? [], Z); + txsQuery(V, Y = { resolveResponses: !1 }, $ = { key: void 0, offset: void 0, limit: void 0, count_total: void 0, reverse: void 0 }, K) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const { tx_responses: ae } = yield c.Service.GetTxsEvent({ events: V.split(" AND ").map((ce) => ce.trim()), pagination: $, order_by: K }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); + return this.decodeTxResponses(ae ?? [], Y); }); } - waitForIbcResponse(G, Z, H, $, ie) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return new Promise((se, fe) => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - let pe = $.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs / $.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs, ve = H; - H === "ack" && (ve = "acknowledge"); - const me = [`${ve}_packet.packet_src_channel = '${Z}'`, `${ve}_packet.packet_sequence = '${G}'`].join(" AND "); - for (; pe > 0 && !ie.isDone; ) { - const _e = (yield this.txsQuery(me)).find((ye) => ye.code === 0); - _e && (ie.isDone = !0, se({ type: H, tx: _e })), pe--, yield x($.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs); + waitForIbcResponse(V, Y, $, K, ae) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return new Promise((ce, he) => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + let me = K.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs / K.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs, ge = $; + $ === "ack" && (ge = "acknowledge"); + const ve = [`${ge}_packet.packet_src_channel = '${Y}'`, `${ge}_packet.packet_sequence = '${V}'`].join(" AND "); + for (; me > 0 && !ae.isDone; ) { + const be = (yield this.txsQuery(ve)).find((we) => we.code === 0); + be && (ae.isDone = !0, ce({ type: $, tx: be })), me--, yield M(K.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs); } - fe(`timed-out while trying to resolve IBC ${H} tx for packet_src_channel='${Z}' and packet_sequence='${G}'`); + he(`timed-out while trying to resolve IBC ${$} tx for packet_src_channel='${Y}' and packet_sequence='${V}'`); })); }); } - decodeTxResponses(G, Z) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return yield Promise.all(G.map((H) => this.decodeTxResponse(H, Z))); + decodeTxResponses(V, Y) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return yield Promise.all(V.map(($) => this.decodeTxResponse($, Y))); }); } - decodeTxResponse(G, Z) { - var H, $, ie, se; - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - let fe; - fe = Z ? { resolveResponses: typeof Z.resolveResponses != "boolean" || Z.resolveResponses, resolveResponsesTimeoutMs: typeof Z.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs == "number" ? Z.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs : 12e4, resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs: typeof Z.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs == "number" ? Z.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs : 15e3 } : { resolveResponses: !0, resolveResponsesTimeoutMs: 12e4, resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs: 15e3 }; - const pe = [], ve = G.tx; - for (let ke = 0; !isNaN(Number(($ = (H = ve == null ? void 0 : ve.body) === null || H === void 0 ? void 0 : H.messages) === null || $ === void 0 ? void 0 : $.length)) && ke < Number((se = (ie = ve == null ? void 0 : ve.body) === null || ie === void 0 ? void 0 : ie.messages) === null || se === void 0 ? void 0 : se.length); ke++) { - const xe = ve.body.messages[ke]; - let we = ""; - if (xe["@type"] === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract" ? we = "init_msg" : xe["@type"] !== "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract" && xe["@type"] !== "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract" || (we = "msg"), we !== "") + decodeTxResponse(V, Y) { + var $, K, ae, ce; + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + let he; + he = Y ? { resolveResponses: typeof Y.resolveResponses != "boolean" || Y.resolveResponses, resolveResponsesTimeoutMs: typeof Y.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs == "number" ? Y.resolveResponsesTimeoutMs : 12e4, resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs: typeof Y.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs == "number" ? Y.resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs : 15e3 } : { resolveResponses: !0, resolveResponsesTimeoutMs: 12e4, resolveResponsesCheckIntervalMs: 15e3 }; + const me = [], ge = V.tx; + for (let Se = 0; !isNaN(Number((K = ($ = ge == null ? void 0 : ge.body) === null || $ === void 0 ? void 0 : $.messages) === null || K === void 0 ? void 0 : K.length)) && Se < Number((ce = (ae = ge == null ? void 0 : ge.body) === null || ae === void 0 ? void 0 : ae.messages) === null || ce === void 0 ? void 0 : ce.length); Se++) { + const Re = ge.body.messages[Se]; + let ke = ""; + if (Re["@type"] === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract" ? ke = "init_msg" : Re["@type"] !== "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract" && Re["@type"] !== "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract" || (ke = "msg"), ke !== "") try { - const Se = (0, a.fromBase64)(xe[we]), Re = Se.slice(0, 32), Oe = Se.slice(64), Me = yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Oe, Re); - xe[we] = JSON.parse((0, a.fromUtf8)(Me).slice(64)), pe[ke] = Re; + const Oe = (0, a.fromBase64)(Re[ke]), Me = Oe.slice(0, 32), Ae = Oe.slice(64), Ne = yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Ae, Me); + Re[ke] = JSON.parse((0, a.fromUtf8)(Ne).slice(64)), me[Se] = Me; } catch { } - ve.body.messages[ke] = xe; + ge.body.messages[Se] = Re; } - let me, _e, ye = G.raw_log, Ee = []; - if (G.code === 0 && ye !== "") { - me = JSON.parse(ye), _e = []; - for (let ke = 0; ke < me.length; ke++) { - me[ke].msg_index === void 0 && (me[ke].msg_index = ke); - const xe = me[ke]; - for (const we of xe.events) - for (const Se of we.attributes) { - if (we.type === "wasm") { - const Re = pe[ke]; - if (Re && Re.length === 32) { + let ve, be, we = V.raw_log, xe = []; + if (V.code === 0 && we !== "") { + ve = JSON.parse(we), be = []; + for (let Se = 0; Se < ve.length; Se++) { + ve[Se].msg_index === void 0 && (ve[Se].msg_index = Se); + const Re = ve[Se]; + for (const ke of Re.events) + for (const Oe of ke.attributes) { + if (ke.type === "wasm") { + const Me = me[Se]; + if (Me && Me.length === 32) { try { - Se.key = (0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt((0, a.fromBase64)(Se.key), Re)).trim(); + Oe.key = (0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt((0, a.fromBase64)(Oe.key), Me)).trim(); } catch { } try { - Se.value = (0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt((0, a.fromBase64)(Se.value), Re)).trim(); + Oe.value = (0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt((0, a.fromBase64)(Oe.value), Me)).trim(); } catch { } } } - _e.push({ msg: ke, type: we.type, key: Se.key, value: Se.value }); + be.push({ msg: Se, type: ke.type, key: Oe.key, value: Oe.value }); } } - } else if (G.code !== 0 && ye !== "") + } else if (V.code !== 0 && we !== "") try { - const ke = /; message index: (\d+):(?: dispatch: submessages:)* encrypted: (.+?): (?:instantiate|execute|query|reply to|migrate) contract failed/g.exec(ye); - if ((ke == null ? void 0 : ke.length) === 3) { - const xe = (0, a.fromBase64)(ke[2]), we = Number(ke[1]), Se = yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(xe, pe[we]), Re = (0, a.fromUtf8)(Se); - ye = ye.replace(`encrypted: ${ke[2]}`, Re); + const Se = /; message index: (\d+):(?: dispatch: submessages:)* encrypted: (.+?): (?:instantiate|execute|query|reply to|migrate) contract failed/g.exec(we); + if ((Se == null ? void 0 : Se.length) === 3) { + const Re = (0, a.fromBase64)(Se[2]), ke = Number(Se[1]), Oe = yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Re, me[ke]), Me = (0, a.fromUtf8)(Oe); + we = we.replace(`encrypted: ${Se[2]}`, Me); try { - me = JSON.parse(Re); + ve = JSON.parse(Me); } catch { } } } catch { } - const Ae = h.TxMsgData.decode((0, a.fromHex)(G.data)), Pe = new Array(Ae.data.length); - for (let ke = 0; ke < Ae.data.length; ke++) { - Pe[ke] = Ae.data[ke].data; - const xe = pe[ke]; - if (xe && xe.length === 32) + const Ee = h.TxMsgData.decode((0, a.fromHex)(V.data)), Pe = new Array(Ee.data.length); + for (let Se = 0; Se < Ee.data.length; Se++) { + Pe[Se] = Ee.data[Se].data; + const Re = me[Se]; + if (Re && Re.length === 32) try { - const { "@type": we } = ve.body.messages[ke]; - if (we === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract") { - const Se = I.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.decode(Ae.data[ke].data), Re = (0, a.fromBase64)((0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Se.data, xe))); - Pe[ke] = I.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.encode({ address: Se.address, data: Re }).finish(); - } else if (we === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract") { - const Se = I.MsgExecuteContractResponse.decode(Ae.data[ke].data), Re = (0, a.fromBase64)((0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Se.data, xe))); - Pe[ke] = I.MsgExecuteContractResponse.encode({ data: Re }).finish(); - } else if (we === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract") { - const Se = I.MsgMigrateContractResponse.decode(Ae.data[ke].data), Re = (0, a.fromBase64)((0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Se.data, xe))); - Pe[ke] = I.MsgMigrateContractResponse.encode({ data: Re }).finish(); + const { "@type": ke } = ge.body.messages[Se]; + if (ke === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract") { + const Oe = j.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.decode(Ee.data[Se].data), Me = (0, a.fromBase64)((0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Oe.data, Re))); + Pe[Se] = j.MsgInstantiateContractResponse.encode({ address: Oe.address, data: Me }).finish(); + } else if (ke === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract") { + const Oe = j.MsgExecuteContractResponse.decode(Ee.data[Se].data), Me = (0, a.fromBase64)((0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Oe.data, Re))); + Pe[Se] = j.MsgExecuteContractResponse.encode({ data: Me }).finish(); + } else if (ke === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract") { + const Oe = j.MsgMigrateContractResponse.decode(Ee.data[Se].data), Me = (0, a.fromBase64)((0, a.fromUtf8)(yield this.encryptionUtils.decrypt(Oe.data, Re))); + Pe[Se] = j.MsgMigrateContractResponse.encode({ data: Me }).finish(); } } catch { } } - if (G.code === g.Success) { - const ke = (_e == null ? void 0 : _e.filter((we) => we.type === "send_packet" && we.key === "packet_sequence")) || [], xe = (_e == null ? void 0 : _e.filter((we) => we.type === "send_packet" && we.key === "packet_src_channel")) || []; - if (fe.resolveResponses) - for (let we = 0; we < (ke == null ? void 0 : ke.length); we++) { - const Se = { isDone: !1 }; - Ee.push(Promise.race([this.waitForIbcResponse(ke[we].value, xe[we].value, "ack", fe, Se), this.waitForIbcResponse(ke[we].value, xe[we].value, "timeout", fe, Se)])); + if (V.code === _.Success) { + const Se = (be == null ? void 0 : be.filter((ke) => ke.type === "send_packet" && ke.key === "packet_sequence")) || [], Re = (be == null ? void 0 : be.filter((ke) => ke.type === "send_packet" && ke.key === "packet_src_channel")) || []; + if (he.resolveResponses) + for (let ke = 0; ke < (Se == null ? void 0 : Se.length); ke++) { + const Oe = { isDone: !1 }; + xe.push(Promise.race([this.waitForIbcResponse(Se[ke].value, Re[ke].value, "ack", he, Oe), this.waitForIbcResponse(Se[ke].value, Re[ke].value, "timeout", he, Oe)])); } } - return { height: Number(G.height), timestamp: G.timestamp, transactionHash: G.txhash, code: G.code, codespace: G.codespace, info: G.info, tx: ve, rawLog: ye, jsonLog: me, arrayLog: _e, events: G.events, data: Pe, gasUsed: Number(G.gas_used), gasWanted: Number(G.gas_wanted), ibcResponses: Ee }; + return { height: Number(V.height), timestamp: V.timestamp, transactionHash: V.txhash, code: V.code, codespace: V.codespace, info: V.info, tx: ge, rawLog: we, jsonLog: ve, arrayLog: be, events: V.events, data: Pe, gasUsed: Number(V.gas_used), gasWanted: Number(V.gas_wanted), ibcResponses: xe }; }); } - broadcastTx(G, Z, H, $, ie, se) { - var fe, pe, ve, me, _e, ye; - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const Ee = Date.now(), Ae = (0, a.toHex)((0, t.sha256)(G)).toUpperCase(); + broadcastTx(V, Y, $, K, ae, ce) { + var he, me, ge, ve, be, we; + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const xe = Date.now(), Ee = (0, a.toHex)((0, t.sha256)(V)).toUpperCase(); let Pe; - if (ie || $ != W.Block || ($ = W.Sync), $ === W.Block) { - ie = !0; - const { BroadcastMode: ke } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6519))); - let xe = !1; + if (ae || K != G.Block || (K = G.Sync), K === G.Block) { + ae = !0; + const { BroadcastMode: Se } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6519))); + let Re = !1; try { - ({ tx_response: Pe } = yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)(G), mode: ke.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK }, { pathPrefix: this.url })); - } catch (we) { - if (!JSON.stringify(we).toLowerCase().includes("timed out waiting for tx to be included in a block")) - throw new Error(`Failed to broadcast transaction ID ${Ae}: '${JSON.stringify(we)}'.`); - xe = !0; + ({ tx_response: Pe } = yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)(V), mode: Se.BROADCAST_MODE_BLOCK }, { pathPrefix: this.url })); + } catch (ke) { + if (!JSON.stringify(ke).toLowerCase().includes("timed out waiting for tx to be included in a block")) + throw new Error(`Failed to broadcast transaction ID ${Ee}: '${JSON.stringify(ke)}'.`); + Re = !0; } - if (!xe) { - Pe.tx = (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6994)))).Tx.toJSON((yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6994)))).Tx.decode(G)); - const we = Pe.tx, Se = (Re) => { - if (Re.type_url === "/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey") { - const Oe = m.LegacyAminoPubKey.decode((0, a.fromBase64)(Re.value)); - for (let Me = 0; Me < Oe.public_keys.length; Me++) - Oe.public_keys[Me] = Se(Oe.public_keys[Me]); - return m.LegacyAminoPubKey.toJSON(Oe); + if (!Re) { + Pe.tx = (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6994)))).Tx.toJSON((yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6994)))).Tx.decode(V)); + const ke = Pe.tx, Oe = (Me) => { + if (Me.type_url === "/cosmos.crypto.multisig.LegacyAminoPubKey") { + const Ae = m.LegacyAminoPubKey.decode((0, a.fromBase64)(Me.value)); + for (let Ne = 0; Ne < Ae.public_keys.length; Ne++) + Ae.public_keys[Ne] = Oe(Ae.public_keys[Ne]); + return m.LegacyAminoPubKey.toJSON(Ae); } - return { type_url: Re.type_url, value: v.PubKey.toJSON(v.PubKey.decode((0, a.fromBase64)(Re.value))) }; + return { type_url: Me.type_url, value: v.PubKey.toJSON(v.PubKey.decode((0, a.fromBase64)(Me.value))) }; }; - we.auth_info.signer_infos = (pe = (fe = we.auth_info) === null || fe === void 0 ? void 0 : fe.signer_infos) === null || pe === void 0 ? void 0 : pe.map((Re) => (Re.public_key = Se(Re.public_key), Re)); - for (let Re = 0; !isNaN(Number((me = (ve = we.body) === null || ve === void 0 ? void 0 : ve.messages) === null || me === void 0 ? void 0 : me.length)) && Re < Number((ye = (_e = we.body) === null || _e === void 0 ? void 0 : _e.messages) === null || ye === void 0 ? void 0 : ye.length); Re++) { - let Oe = we.body.messages[Re]; - const { type_url: Me, value: Te } = Oe, Ne = le.MsgRegistry.get(Me); - Ne && (Oe = { type_url: Me, value: Ne.decode((0, a.fromBase64)(Te)) }, Oe.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract" ? (Oe.value.sender = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Oe.value.sender), Oe.value.init_msg = (0, a.toBase64)(Oe.value.init_msg), Oe.value.callback_sig = null) : Oe.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract" ? (Oe.value.sender = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Oe.value.sender), Oe.value.contract = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Oe.value.contract), Oe.value.msg = (0, a.toBase64)(Oe.value.msg), Oe.value.callback_sig = null) : Oe.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode" ? (Oe.value.sender = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Oe.value.sender), Oe.value.wasm_byte_code = (0, a.toBase64)(Oe.value.wasm_byte_code)) : Oe.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract" && (Oe.value.msg = (0, a.toBase64)(Oe.value.msg)), we.body.messages[Re] = Oe); + ke.auth_info.signer_infos = (me = (he = ke.auth_info) === null || he === void 0 ? void 0 : he.signer_infos) === null || me === void 0 ? void 0 : me.map((Me) => (Me.public_key = Oe(Me.public_key), Me)); + for (let Me = 0; !isNaN(Number((ve = (ge = ke.body) === null || ge === void 0 ? void 0 : ge.messages) === null || ve === void 0 ? void 0 : ve.length)) && Me < Number((we = (be = ke.body) === null || be === void 0 ? void 0 : be.messages) === null || we === void 0 ? void 0 : we.length); Me++) { + let Ae = ke.body.messages[Me]; + const { type_url: Ne, value: Ce } = Ae, Te = fe.MsgRegistry.get(Ne); + Te && (Ae = { type_url: Ne, value: Te.decode((0, a.fromBase64)(Ce)) }, Ae.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract" ? (Ae.value.sender = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Ae.value.sender), Ae.value.init_msg = (0, a.toBase64)(Ae.value.init_msg), Ae.value.callback_sig = null) : Ae.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract" ? (Ae.value.sender = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Ae.value.sender), Ae.value.contract = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Ae.value.contract), Ae.value.msg = (0, a.toBase64)(Ae.value.msg), Ae.value.callback_sig = null) : Ae.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode" ? (Ae.value.sender = (0, d.bytesToAddress)(Ae.value.sender), Ae.value.wasm_byte_code = (0, a.toBase64)(Ae.value.wasm_byte_code)) : Ae.type_url === "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract" && (Ae.value.msg = (0, a.toBase64)(Ae.value.msg)), ke.body.messages[Me] = Ae); } - return Pe.tx = Object.assign({ "@type": "/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx" }, re(Pe.tx)), yield this.decodeTxResponse(Pe, se); + return Pe.tx = Object.assign({ "@type": "/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.Tx" }, ne(Pe.tx)), yield this.decodeTxResponse(Pe, ce); } - } else if ($ === W.Sync) { - const { BroadcastMode: ke } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6519))); - if ({ tx_response: Pe } = yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)(G), mode: ke.BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC }, { pathPrefix: this.url }), (Pe == null ? void 0 : Pe.code) !== 0) + } else if (K === G.Sync) { + const { BroadcastMode: Se } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6519))); + if ({ tx_response: Pe } = yield c.Service.BroadcastTx({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)(V), mode: Se.BROADCAST_MODE_SYNC }, { pathPrefix: this.url }), (Pe == null ? void 0 : Pe.code) !== 0) throw new Error(`Broadcasting transaction failed with code ${Pe == null ? void 0 : Pe.code} (codespace: ${Pe == null ? void 0 : Pe.codespace}). Log: ${Pe == null ? void 0 : Pe.raw_log}`); } else { - if ($ !== W.Async) - throw new Error(`Unknown broadcast mode "${String($)}", must be either "${String(W.Block)}", "${String(W.Sync)}" or "${String(W.Async)}".`); + if (K !== G.Async) + throw new Error(`Unknown broadcast mode "${String(K)}", must be either "${String(G.Block)}", "${String(G.Sync)}" or "${String(G.Async)}".`); { - const { BroadcastMode: ke } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6519))); - c.Service.BroadcastTx({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)(G), mode: ke.BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); + const { BroadcastMode: Se } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6519))); + c.Service.BroadcastTx({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)(V), mode: Se.BROADCAST_MODE_ASYNC }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); } } - if (!ie) - return { transactionHash: Ae }; - for (yield x(H / 2); ; ) { - const ke = yield this.getTx(Ae, se); - if (ke) - return ke; - if (Ee + Z < Date.now()) - throw new Error(`Transaction ID ${Ae} was submitted but was not yet found on the chain. You might want to check later or increase broadcastTimeoutMs from '${Z}'.`); - yield x(H); + if (!ae) + return { transactionHash: Ee }; + for (yield M($ / 2); ; ) { + const Se = yield this.getTx(Ee, ce); + if (Se) + return Se; + if (xe + Y < Date.now()) + throw new Error(`Transaction ID ${Ee} was submitted but was not yet found on the chain. You might want to check later or increase broadcastTimeoutMs from '${Y}'.`); + yield M($); } }); } - signTx(G, Z) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return this.prepareAndSign(G, Z); + signTx(V, Y) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return this.prepareAndSign(V, Y); }); } - broadcastSignedTx(G, Z) { - var H, $, ie, se; - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return this.broadcastTx(G, (H = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.broadcastTimeoutMs) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : 6e4, ($ = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.broadcastCheckIntervalMs) !== null && $ !== void 0 ? $ : 6e3, (ie = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.broadcastMode) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : W.Block, (se = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.waitForCommit) === null || se === void 0 || se); + broadcastSignedTx(V, Y) { + var $, K, ae, ce; + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return this.broadcastTx(V, ($ = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.broadcastTimeoutMs) !== null && $ !== void 0 ? $ : 6e4, (K = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.broadcastCheckIntervalMs) !== null && K !== void 0 ? K : 6e3, (ae = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.broadcastMode) !== null && ae !== void 0 ? ae : G.Block, (ce = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.waitForCommit) === null || ce === void 0 || ce); }); } - prepareAndSign(G, Z, H = !1) { - var $, ie, se, fe; - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const pe = ($ = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.gasLimit) !== null && $ !== void 0 ? $ : 25e3, ve = (ie = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.gasPriceInFeeDenom) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : 0.1, me = (se = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.feeDenom) !== null && se !== void 0 ? se : "uscrt", _e = (fe = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.memo) !== null && fe !== void 0 ? fe : "", ye = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.feeGranter, Ee = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.explicitSignerData, Ae = yield this.sign(G, { gas: String(pe), amount: [{ amount: String(j(pe, ve)), denom: me }], granter: ye }, _e, Ee, H); - return C.TxRaw.encode(Ae).finish(); + prepareAndSign(V, Y, $ = !1) { + var K, ae, ce, he; + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const me = (K = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.gasLimit) !== null && K !== void 0 ? K : 25e3, ge = (ae = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.gasPriceInFeeDenom) !== null && ae !== void 0 ? ae : 0.1, ve = (ce = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.feeDenom) !== null && ce !== void 0 ? ce : "uscrt", be = (he = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.memo) !== null && he !== void 0 ? he : "", we = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.feeGranter, xe = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.explicitSignerData, Ee = yield this.sign(V, { gas: String(me), amount: [{ amount: String(U(me, ge)), denom: ve }], granter: we }, be, xe, $); + return I.TxRaw.encode(Ee).finish(); }); } - signAndBroadcast(G, Z) { - var H, $, ie, se; - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const fe = yield this.prepareAndSign(G, Z); - return this.broadcastTx(fe, (H = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.broadcastTimeoutMs) !== null && H !== void 0 ? H : 6e4, ($ = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.broadcastCheckIntervalMs) !== null && $ !== void 0 ? $ : 6e3, (ie = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.broadcastMode) !== null && ie !== void 0 ? ie : W.Block, (se = Z == null ? void 0 : Z.waitForCommit) === null || se === void 0 || se, Z == null ? void 0 : Z.ibcTxsOptions); + signAndBroadcast(V, Y) { + var $, K, ae, ce; + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const he = yield this.prepareAndSign(V, Y); + return this.broadcastTx(he, ($ = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.broadcastTimeoutMs) !== null && $ !== void 0 ? $ : 6e4, (K = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.broadcastCheckIntervalMs) !== null && K !== void 0 ? K : 6e3, (ae = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.broadcastMode) !== null && ae !== void 0 ? ae : G.Block, (ce = Y == null ? void 0 : Y.waitForCommit) === null || ce === void 0 || ce, Y == null ? void 0 : Y.ibcTxsOptions); }); } - simulate(G, Z) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const H = yield this.prepareAndSign(G, Z, !0); - return c.Service.Simulate({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)(H) }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); + simulate(V, Y) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const $ = yield this.prepareAndSign(V, Y, !0); + return c.Service.Simulate({ txBytes: (0, a.toBase64)($) }, { pathPrefix: this.url }); }); } - sign(G, Z, H, $, ie = !1) { - var se, fe; - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const pe = (yield this.wallet.getAccounts()).find((me) => me.address === this.address); - if (!pe) + sign(V, Y, $, K, ae = !1) { + var ce, he; + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const me = (yield this.wallet.getAccounts()).find((ve) => ve.address === this.address); + if (!me) throw new Error("Failed to retrieve account from signer"); - let ve; - if ($) - ve = $; + let ge; + if (K) + ge = K; else { - const { account: me } = yield this.query.auth.account({ address: this.address }); - if (!me) + const { account: ve } = yield this.query.auth.account({ address: this.address }); + if (!ve) throw new Error(`Cannot find account "${this.address}", make sure it has a balance.`); - let _e; - if (me["@type"] === "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount") - _e = me; - else if (me["@type"] === "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount") - _e = (se = me.base_vesting_account) === null || se === void 0 ? void 0 : se.base_account; - else if (me["@type"] === "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount") - _e = (fe = me.base_vesting_account) === null || fe === void 0 ? void 0 : fe.base_account; + let be; + if (ve["@type"] === "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.BaseAccount") + be = ve; + else if (ve["@type"] === "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.ContinuousVestingAccount") + be = (ce = ve.base_vesting_account) === null || ce === void 0 ? void 0 : ce.base_account; + else if (ve["@type"] === "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.DelayedVestingAccount") + be = (he = ve.base_vesting_account) === null || he === void 0 ? void 0 : he.base_account; else { - if (me["@type"] !== "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.ModuleAccount") - throw new Error(`Cannot sign with account of type "${me["@type"]}".`); - _e = me.base_account; + if (ve["@type"] !== "/cosmos.auth.v1beta1.ModuleAccount") + throw new Error(`Cannot sign with account of type "${ve["@type"]}".`); + be = ve.base_account; } - if (!_e) - throw new Error(`Cannot extract BaseAccount from "${JSON.stringify(me)}".`); - ve = { accountNumber: Number(_e.account_number), sequence: Number(_e.sequence), chainId: this.chainId }; + if (!be) + throw new Error(`Cannot extract BaseAccount from "${JSON.stringify(ve)}".`); + ge = { accountNumber: Number(be.account_number), sequence: Number(be.sequence), chainId: this.chainId }; } - return (0, be.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet) ? this.signDirect(pe, G, Z, H, ve, ie) : this.signAmino(pe, G, Z, H, ve, ie); + return (0, ye.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet) ? this.signDirect(me, V, Y, $, ge, ae) : this.signAmino(me, V, Y, $, ge, ae); }); } - signAmino(G, Z, H, $, { accountNumber: ie, sequence: se, chainId: fe }, pe = !1) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - if ((0, be.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet)) + signAmino(V, Y, $, K, { accountNumber: ae, sequence: ce, chainId: he }, me = !1) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if ((0, ye.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet)) throw new Error("Wrong signer type! Expected AminoSigner or AminoEip191Signer."); - let ve = (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON; - typeof this.wallet.getSignMode == "function" && (ve = yield this.wallet.getSignMode()); - const me = function(Se, Re, Oe, Me, Te, Ne) { - return { chain_id: Oe, account_number: String(Te), sequence: String(Ne), fee: Re, msgs: Se, memo: Me || "" }; - }(yield Promise.all(Z.map((Se) => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return yield this.populateCodeHash(Se), Se.toAmino(this.encryptionUtils); - }))), H, fe, $, ie, se); - let _e, ye; - pe ? (_e = me, ye = oe()) : { signature: ye, signed: _e } = yield this.wallet.signAmino(G.address, me); - const Ee = { type_url: "/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody", value: { messages: yield Promise.all(Z.map((Se, Re) => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return yield this.populateCodeHash(Se), yield Se.toProto(this.encryptionUtils); - }))), memo: $ } }, Ae = yield this.encodeTx(Ee), Pe = Number(_e.fee.gas), ke = Number(_e.sequence), xe = yield F((0, be.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(G.pubkey)), we = yield D([{ pubkey: xe, sequence: ke }], _e.fee.amount, Pe, _e.fee.granter, ve); - return C.TxRaw.fromPartial({ body_bytes: Ae, auth_info_bytes: we, signatures: [(0, a.fromBase64)(ye.signature)] }); + let ge = (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_LEGACY_AMINO_JSON; + typeof this.wallet.getSignMode == "function" && (ge = yield this.wallet.getSignMode()); + const ve = function(Oe, Me, Ae, Ne, Ce, Te) { + return { chain_id: Ae, account_number: String(Ce), sequence: String(Te), fee: Me, msgs: Oe, memo: Ne || "" }; + }(yield Promise.all(Y.map((Oe) => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return yield this.populateCodeHash(Oe), Oe.toAmino(this.encryptionUtils); + }))), $, he, K, ae, ce); + let be, we; + me ? (be = ve, we = ie()) : { signature: we, signed: be } = yield this.wallet.signAmino(V.address, ve); + const xe = { type_url: "/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody", value: { messages: yield Promise.all(Y.map((Oe, Me) => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return yield this.populateCodeHash(Oe), yield Oe.toProto(this.encryptionUtils); + }))), memo: K } }, Ee = yield this.encodeTx(xe), Pe = Number(be.fee.gas), Se = Number(be.sequence), Re = yield W((0, ye.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(V.pubkey)), ke = yield z([{ pubkey: Re, sequence: Se }], be.fee.amount, Pe, be.fee.granter, ge); + return I.TxRaw.fromPartial({ body_bytes: Ee, auth_info_bytes: ke, signatures: [(0, a.fromBase64)(we.signature)] }); }); } - populateCodeHash(G) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - G instanceof d.MsgExecuteContract ? G.codeHash || (G.codeHash = (yield this.query.compute.codeHashByContractAddress({ contract_address: G.contractAddress })).code_hash) : (G instanceof d.MsgInstantiateContract || G instanceof le.MsgMigrateContract) && (G.codeHash || (G.codeHash = (yield this.query.compute.codeHashByCodeId({ code_id: G.codeId })).code_hash)); + populateCodeHash(V) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + V instanceof d.MsgExecuteContract ? V.codeHash || (V.codeHash = (yield this.query.compute.codeHashByContractAddress({ contract_address: V.contractAddress })).code_hash) : (V instanceof d.MsgInstantiateContract || V instanceof fe.MsgMigrateContract) && (V.codeHash || (V.codeHash = (yield this.query.compute.codeHashByCodeId({ code_id: V.codeId })).code_hash)); }); } - encodeTx(G) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const Z = yield Promise.all(G.value.messages.map(($) => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const ie = yield $.encode(); - return l.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: $.type_url, value: ie }); - }))), H = C.TxBody.fromPartial(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, G.value), { messages: Z })); - return C.TxBody.encode(H).finish(); + encodeTx(V) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const Y = yield Promise.all(V.value.messages.map((K) => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const ae = yield K.encode(); + return l.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: K.type_url, value: ae }); + }))), $ = I.TxBody.fromPartial(Object.assign(Object.assign({}, V.value), { messages: Y })); + return I.TxBody.encode($).finish(); }); } - signDirect(G, Z, H, $, { accountNumber: ie, sequence: se, chainId: fe }, pe = !1) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - if (!(0, be.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet)) + signDirect(V, Y, $, K, { accountNumber: ae, sequence: ce, chainId: he }, me = !1) { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + if (!(0, ye.isDirectSigner)(this.wallet)) throw new Error("Wrong signer type! Expected DirectSigner."); - const ve = { type_url: "/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody", value: { messages: yield Promise.all(Z.map((ke, xe) => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return yield this.populateCodeHash(ke), yield ke.toProto(this.encryptionUtils); - }))), memo: $ } }, me = yield this.encodeTx(ve), _e = yield F((0, be.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(G.pubkey)), ye = Number(H.gas), Ee = function(ke, xe, we, Se) { - return { body_bytes: ke, auth_info_bytes: xe, chain_id: we, account_number: String(Se), bodyBytes: ke, authInfoBytes: xe, chainId: we, accountNumber: String(Se) }; - }(me, yield D([{ pubkey: _e, sequence: se }], H.amount, ye, H.granter), fe, ie); - let Ae, Pe; - if (pe ? (Ae = Ee, Pe = oe()) : { signature: Pe, signed: Ae } = yield this.wallet.signDirect(G.address, Ee), (0, be.isSignDoc)(Ae)) - return C.TxRaw.fromPartial({ body_bytes: Ae.body_bytes, auth_info_bytes: Ae.auth_info_bytes, signatures: [(0, a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)] }); - if ((0, be.isSignDocCamelCase)(Ae)) - return C.TxRaw.fromPartial({ body_bytes: Ae.bodyBytes, auth_info_bytes: Ae.authInfoBytes, signatures: [(0, a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)] }); - throw new Error(`unknown SignDoc instance: ${JSON.stringify(Ae)}`); + const ge = { type_url: "/cosmos.tx.v1beta1.TxBody", value: { messages: yield Promise.all(Y.map((Se, Re) => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return yield this.populateCodeHash(Se), yield Se.toProto(this.encryptionUtils); + }))), memo: K } }, ve = yield this.encodeTx(ge), be = yield W((0, ye.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey)(V.pubkey)), we = Number($.gas), xe = function(Se, Re, ke, Oe) { + return { body_bytes: Se, auth_info_bytes: Re, chain_id: ke, account_number: String(Oe), bodyBytes: Se, authInfoBytes: Re, chainId: ke, accountNumber: String(Oe) }; + }(ve, yield z([{ pubkey: be, sequence: ce }], $.amount, we, $.granter), he, ae); + let Ee, Pe; + if (me ? (Ee = xe, Pe = ie()) : { signature: Pe, signed: Ee } = yield this.wallet.signDirect(V.address, xe), (0, ye.isSignDoc)(Ee)) + return I.TxRaw.fromPartial({ body_bytes: Ee.body_bytes, auth_info_bytes: Ee.auth_info_bytes, signatures: [(0, a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)] }); + if ((0, ye.isSignDocCamelCase)(Ee)) + return I.TxRaw.fromPartial({ body_bytes: Ee.bodyBytes, auth_info_bytes: Ee.authInfoBytes, signatures: [(0, a.fromBase64)(Pe.signature)] }); + throw new Error(`unknown SignDoc instance: ${JSON.stringify(Ee)}`); }); } - }, e.gasToFee = j, function(G) { - G[G.Success = 0] = "Success", G[G.ErrInternal = 1] = "ErrInternal", G[G.ErrTxDecode = 2] = "ErrTxDecode", G[G.ErrInvalidSequence = 3] = "ErrInvalidSequence", G[G.ErrUnauthorized = 4] = "ErrUnauthorized", G[G.ErrInsufficientFunds = 5] = "ErrInsufficientFunds", G[G.ErrUnknownRequest = 6] = "ErrUnknownRequest", G[G.ErrInvalidAddress = 7] = "ErrInvalidAddress", G[G.ErrInvalidPubKey = 8] = "ErrInvalidPubKey", G[G.ErrUnknownAddress = 9] = "ErrUnknownAddress", G[G.ErrInvalidCoins = 10] = "ErrInvalidCoins", G[G.ErrOutOfGas = 11] = "ErrOutOfGas", G[G.ErrMemoTooLarge = 12] = "ErrMemoTooLarge", G[G.ErrInsufficientFee = 13] = "ErrInsufficientFee", G[G.ErrTooManySignatures = 14] = "ErrTooManySignatures", G[G.ErrNoSignatures = 15] = "ErrNoSignatures", G[G.ErrJSONMarshal = 16] = "ErrJSONMarshal", G[G.ErrJSONUnmarshal = 17] = "ErrJSONUnmarshal", G[G.ErrInvalidRequest = 18] = "ErrInvalidRequest", G[G.ErrTxInMempoolCache = 19] = "ErrTxInMempoolCache", G[G.ErrMempoolIsFull = 20] = "ErrMempoolIsFull", G[G.ErrTxTooLarge = 21] = "ErrTxTooLarge", G[G.ErrKeyNotFound = 22] = "ErrKeyNotFound", G[G.ErrWrongPassword = 23] = "ErrWrongPassword", G[G.ErrorInvalidSigner = 24] = "ErrorInvalidSigner", G[G.ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment = 25] = "ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment", G[G.ErrInvalidHeight = 26] = "ErrInvalidHeight", G[G.ErrInvalidVersion = 27] = "ErrInvalidVersion", G[G.ErrInvalidChainID = 28] = "ErrInvalidChainID", G[G.ErrInvalidType = 29] = "ErrInvalidType", G[G.ErrTxTimeoutHeight = 30] = "ErrTxTimeoutHeight", G[G.ErrUnknownExtensionOptions = 31] = "ErrUnknownExtensionOptions", G[G.ErrWrongSequence = 32] = "ErrWrongSequence", G[G.ErrPackAny = 33] = "ErrPackAny", G[G.ErrUnpackAny = 34] = "ErrUnpackAny", G[G.ErrLogic = 35] = "ErrLogic", G[G.ErrConflict = 36] = "ErrConflict", G[G.ErrNotSupported = 37] = "ErrNotSupported", G[G.ErrNotFound = 38] = "ErrNotFound", G[G.ErrIO = 39] = "ErrIO", G[G.ErrAppConfig = 40] = "ErrAppConfig", G[G.ErrPanic = 111222] = "ErrPanic"; - }(g = e.TxResultCode || (e.TxResultCode = {})); - }, 2132: function(J, e, b) { + }, e.gasToFee = U, function(V) { + V[V.Success = 0] = "Success", V[V.ErrInternal = 1] = "ErrInternal", V[V.ErrTxDecode = 2] = "ErrTxDecode", V[V.ErrInvalidSequence = 3] = "ErrInvalidSequence", V[V.ErrUnauthorized = 4] = "ErrUnauthorized", V[V.ErrInsufficientFunds = 5] = "ErrInsufficientFunds", V[V.ErrUnknownRequest = 6] = "ErrUnknownRequest", V[V.ErrInvalidAddress = 7] = "ErrInvalidAddress", V[V.ErrInvalidPubKey = 8] = "ErrInvalidPubKey", V[V.ErrUnknownAddress = 9] = "ErrUnknownAddress", V[V.ErrInvalidCoins = 10] = "ErrInvalidCoins", V[V.ErrOutOfGas = 11] = "ErrOutOfGas", V[V.ErrMemoTooLarge = 12] = "ErrMemoTooLarge", V[V.ErrInsufficientFee = 13] = "ErrInsufficientFee", V[V.ErrTooManySignatures = 14] = "ErrTooManySignatures", V[V.ErrNoSignatures = 15] = "ErrNoSignatures", V[V.ErrJSONMarshal = 16] = "ErrJSONMarshal", V[V.ErrJSONUnmarshal = 17] = "ErrJSONUnmarshal", V[V.ErrInvalidRequest = 18] = "ErrInvalidRequest", V[V.ErrTxInMempoolCache = 19] = "ErrTxInMempoolCache", V[V.ErrMempoolIsFull = 20] = "ErrMempoolIsFull", V[V.ErrTxTooLarge = 21] = "ErrTxTooLarge", V[V.ErrKeyNotFound = 22] = "ErrKeyNotFound", V[V.ErrWrongPassword = 23] = "ErrWrongPassword", V[V.ErrorInvalidSigner = 24] = "ErrorInvalidSigner", V[V.ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment = 25] = "ErrorInvalidGasAdjustment", V[V.ErrInvalidHeight = 26] = "ErrInvalidHeight", V[V.ErrInvalidVersion = 27] = "ErrInvalidVersion", V[V.ErrInvalidChainID = 28] = "ErrInvalidChainID", V[V.ErrInvalidType = 29] = "ErrInvalidType", V[V.ErrTxTimeoutHeight = 30] = "ErrTxTimeoutHeight", V[V.ErrUnknownExtensionOptions = 31] = "ErrUnknownExtensionOptions", V[V.ErrWrongSequence = 32] = "ErrWrongSequence", V[V.ErrPackAny = 33] = "ErrPackAny", V[V.ErrUnpackAny = 34] = "ErrUnpackAny", V[V.ErrLogic = 35] = "ErrLogic", V[V.ErrConflict = 36] = "ErrConflict", V[V.ErrNotSupported = 37] = "ErrNotSupported", V[V.ErrNotFound = 38] = "ErrNotFound", V[V.ErrIO = 39] = "ErrIO", V[V.ErrAppConfig = 40] = "ErrAppConfig", V[V.ErrPanic = 111222] = "ErrPanic"; + }(_ = e.TxResultCode || (e.TxResultCode = {})); + }, 2132: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(n, o, i, f) { return new (i || (i = Promise))(function(c, h) { function m(l) { try { - C(f.next(l)); - } catch (I) { - h(I); + I(f.next(l)); + } catch (j) { + h(j); } } function v(l) { try { - C(f.throw(l)); - } catch (I) { - h(I); + I(f.throw(l)); + } catch (j) { + h(j); } } - function C(l) { - var I; - l.done ? c(l.value) : (I = l.value, I instanceof i ? I : new i(function(R) { - R(I); + function I(l) { + var j; + l.done ? c(l.value) : (j = l.value, j instanceof i ? j : new i(function(N) { + N(j); })).then(m, v); } - C((f = f.apply(n, o || [])).next()); + I((f = f.apply(n, o || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgRevoke = e.MsgExec = e.MsgGrant = e.StakeAuthorizationType = e.MsgGrantAuthorization = void 0; - const M = b(9094), P = b(5635), y = b(5939), a = b(837); + const R = y(9094), A = y(5635), w = y(5939), a = y(837); function t(n) { return "msg" in n; } @@ -29832,18 +30170,18 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); let i; const f = { seconds: String(Math.floor(this.params.expiration)), nanos: 0 }; if (d(this.params.authorization)) - i = { authorization: { type_url: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.SendAuthorization", value: y.SendAuthorization.encode(this.params.authorization).finish() }, expiration: f }; + i = { authorization: { type_url: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.SendAuthorization", value: w.SendAuthorization.encode(this.params.authorization).finish() }, expiration: f }; else if (u(this.params.authorization)) { let h, m; ((n = this.params.authorization.allow_list) === null || n === void 0 ? void 0 : n.length) > 0 ? h = { address: this.params.authorization.allow_list } : ((o = this.params.authorization.deny_list) === null || o === void 0 ? void 0 : o.length) > 0 && (m = { address: this.params.authorization.deny_list }), i = { authorization: { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.StakeAuthorization", value: a.StakeAuthorization.encode({ max_tokens: this.params.authorization.max_tokens, allow_list: h, deny_list: m, authorization_type: Number(this.params.authorization.authorization_type) }).finish() }, expiration: f }; } else { if (!t(this.params.authorization)) throw new Error("Unknown authorization type."); - i = { authorization: { type_url: "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization", value: M.GenericAuthorization.encode({ msg: String(this.params.authorization.msg) }).finish() }, expiration: f }; + i = { authorization: { type_url: "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.GenericAuthorization", value: R.GenericAuthorization.encode({ msg: String(this.params.authorization.msg) }).finish() }, expiration: f }; } const c = { granter: this.params.granter, grantee: this.params.grantee, grant: i }; return { type_url: "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant", value: c, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return P.MsgGrant.encode(c).finish(); + return A.MsgGrant.encode(c).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -29884,7 +30222,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } const i = { grantee: this.params.grantee, msgs: o }; return { type_url: "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec", value: i, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return P.MsgExec.encode(i).finish(); + return A.MsgExec.encode(i).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -29901,7 +30239,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const n = { granter: this.params.granter, grantee: this.params.grantee, msg_type_url: String(this.params.msg) }; return { type_url: "/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke", value: n, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return P.MsgRevoke.encode(n).finish(); + return A.MsgRevoke.encode(n).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -29911,26 +30249,26 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }; - }, 587: function(J, e, b) { + }, 587: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -29960,15 +30298,15 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.from_address = a, this.to_address = t, this.amount = d; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const a = { from_address: this.from_address, to_address: this.to_address, amount: this.amount }; - return { type_url: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", value: a, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(810)))).MsgSend.encode(a).finish(); + return { type_url: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", value: a, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(810)))).MsgSend.encode(a).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSend", value: { from_address: this.from_address, to_address: this.to_address, amount: this.amount } }; }); } @@ -29977,65 +30315,65 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.inputs = a, this.outputs = t; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const a = { inputs: this.inputs, outputs: this.outputs }; - return { type_url: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend", value: a, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(810)))).MsgMultiSend.encode(a).finish(); + return { type_url: "/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend", value: a, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(810)))).MsgMultiSend.encode(a).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgMultiSend", value: { inputs: this.inputs, outputs: this.outputs } }; }); } }; - }, 7278: function(J, e, b) { - var E = b(5108), M = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { + }, 7278: function(J, e, y) { + var E = y(5108), R = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return r[n]; } }); } : function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), s[o] = r[n]; - }), P = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { + }), A = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }); } : function(s, r) { s.default = r; - }), y = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { + }), w = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { if (s && s.__esModule) return s; var r = {}; if (s != null) for (var n in s) - n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && M(r, s, n); - return P(r, s), r; + n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && R(r, s, n); + return A(r, s), r; }, a = this && this.__awaiter || function(s, r, n, o) { return new (n || (n = Promise))(function(i, f) { function c(v) { try { m(o.next(v)); - } catch (C) { - f(C); + } catch (I) { + f(I); } } function h(v) { try { m(o.throw(v)); - } catch (C) { - f(C); + } catch (I) { + f(I); } } function m(v) { - var C; - v.done ? i(v.value) : (C = v.value, C instanceof n ? C : new n(function(l) { - l(C); + var I; + v.done ? i(v.value) : (I = v.value, I instanceof n ? I : new n(function(l) { + l(I); })).then(c, h); } m((o = o.apply(s, r || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgClearAdmin = e.MsgUpdateAdmin = e.MsgMigrateContract = e.MsgStoreCode = e.MsgExecuteContract = e.MsgInstantiateContract = e.getMissingCodeHashWarning = void 0; - const t = b(8972), d = b(8593); + const t = y(8972), d = y(8593); function u(s) { return `${(/* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).toISOString()} WARNING: ${s} was used without the "code_hash" parameter. This is discouraged and will result in much slower execution times for your app.`; } @@ -30048,7 +30386,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.warnCodeHash && E.warn(u("MsgInstantiateContract")), this.initMsgEncrypted || (this.initMsgEncrypted = yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash, this.initMsg)); const r = { sender: (0, d.addressToBytes)(this.sender), code_id: this.codeId, label: this.label, init_msg: this.initMsgEncrypted, init_funds: this.initFunds, callback_sig: new Uint8Array(0), callback_code_hash: "", admin: this.admin }; return { type_url: "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract", value: r, encode: () => a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => y(b(2896)))).MsgInstantiateContract.encode(r).finish(); + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => w(y(2896)))).MsgInstantiateContract.encode(r).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -30066,7 +30404,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.warnCodeHash && E.warn(u("MsgExecuteContract")), this.msgEncrypted || (this.msgEncrypted = yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash, this.msg)); const r = { sender: (0, d.addressToBytes)(this.sender), contract: (0, d.addressToBytes)(this.contractAddress), msg: this.msgEncrypted, sent_funds: this.sentFunds, callback_sig: new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: "" }; return { type_url: "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract", value: r, encode: () => a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => y(b(2896)))).MsgExecuteContract.encode(r).finish(); + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => w(y(2896)))).MsgExecuteContract.encode(r).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -30082,7 +30420,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); gzipWasm() { return a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (!(0, d.is_gzip)(this.wasmByteCode)) { - const s = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => y(b(9591))); + const s = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => w(y(9591))); this.wasmByteCode = s.gzip(this.wasmByteCode, { level: 9 }); } }); @@ -30092,7 +30430,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); yield this.gzipWasm(); const s = { sender: (0, d.addressToBytes)(this.sender), wasm_byte_code: this.wasmByteCode, source: this.source, builder: this.builder }; return { type_url: "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode", value: s, encode: () => a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => y(b(2896)))).MsgStoreCode.encode(s).finish(); + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => w(y(2896)))).MsgStoreCode.encode(s).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -30110,7 +30448,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.warnCodeHash && E.warn(u("MsgMigrateContract")), this.msgEncrypted || (this.msgEncrypted = yield s.encrypt(this.codeHash, this.msg)); const r = { sender: this.sender, contract: this.contractAddress, msg: this.msgEncrypted, code_id: this.codeId, callback_sig: new Uint8Array(), callback_code_hash: "" }; return { type_url: "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract", value: r, encode: () => a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => y(b(2896)))).MsgMigrateContract.encode(r).finish(); + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => w(y(2896)))).MsgMigrateContract.encode(r).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -30126,7 +30464,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); toProto() { return a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type_url: "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgUpdateAdmin", value: this.params, encode: () => a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => y(b(2896)))).MsgUpdateAdmin.encode({ sender: this.params.sender, new_admin: this.params.new_admin, contract: this.params.contract_address, callback_sig: new Uint8Array() }).finish(); + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => w(y(2896)))).MsgUpdateAdmin.encode({ sender: this.params.sender, new_admin: this.params.new_admin, contract: this.params.contract_address, callback_sig: new Uint8Array() }).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -30142,7 +30480,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); toProto() { return a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type_url: "/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgClearAdmin", value: this.params, encode: () => a(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => y(b(2896)))).MsgClearAdmin.encode({ sender: this.params.sender, contract: this.params.contract_address, callback_sig: new Uint8Array() }).finish(); + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => w(y(2896)))).MsgClearAdmin.encode({ sender: this.params.sender, contract: this.params.contract_address, callback_sig: new Uint8Array() }).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -30152,26 +30490,26 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }; - }, 7949: function(J, e, b) { + }, 7949: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -30201,38 +30539,38 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4489)))).MsgVerifyInvariant.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4489)))).MsgVerifyInvariant.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgVerifyInvariant", value: { sender: this.params.sender || void 0, invariant_module_name: this.params.invariant_module_name || void 0, invariant_route: this.params.invariant_route || void 0 } }; }); } }; - }, 1890: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1890: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), Object.defineProperty(d, r, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return u[s]; } }); } : function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), d[r] = u[s]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { Object.defineProperty(d, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: u }); } : function(d, u) { d.default = u; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { if (d && d.__esModule) return d; var u = {}; if (d != null) for (var s in d) s !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, s) && E(u, d, s); - return M(u, d), u; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { + return R(u, d), u; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { return new (s || (s = Promise))(function(n, o) { function i(h) { try { @@ -30263,14 +30601,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = u; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4301)))).MsgSetWithdrawAddress.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4301)))).MsgSetWithdrawAddress.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgModifyWithdrawAddress", value: this.params }; }); } @@ -30281,14 +30619,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = u; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4301)))).MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4301)))).MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawDelegationReward", value: this.params }; }); } @@ -30298,14 +30636,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = d; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4301)))).MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4301)))).MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission", value: this.params }; }); } @@ -30314,14 +30652,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = d; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4301)))).MsgFundCommunityPool.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4301)))).MsgFundCommunityPool.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgFundCommunityPool", value: this.params }; }); } @@ -30330,38 +30668,38 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = d; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4301)))).MsgSetAutoRestake.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4301)))).MsgSetAutoRestake.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgSetAutoRestake", value: Object.assign({}, this.params, { enabled: !!this.params.enabled || void 0 }) }; }); } }; - }, 6049: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6049: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -30391,42 +30729,42 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(4657)))).MsgToggleIbcSwitch.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(4657)))).MsgToggleIbcSwitch.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "emergencybutton/MsgToggleIbcSwitch", value: this.params }; }); } }; }, 3651: function(J, e) { - var b = this && this.__awaiter || function(E, M, P, y) { - return new (P || (P = Promise))(function(a, t) { + var y = this && this.__awaiter || function(E, R, A, w) { + return new (A || (A = Promise))(function(a, t) { function d(r) { try { - s(y.next(r)); + s(w.next(r)); } catch (n) { t(n); } } function u(r) { try { - s(y.throw(r)); + s(w.throw(r)); } catch (n) { t(n); } } function s(r) { var n; - r.done ? a(r.value) : (n = r.value, n instanceof P ? n : new P(function(o) { + r.done ? a(r.value) : (n = r.value, n instanceof A ? n : new A(function(o) { o(n); })).then(d, u); } - s((y = y.apply(E, M || [])).next()); + s((w = w.apply(E, R || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgSubmitEvidence = void 0, e.MsgSubmitEvidence = class { @@ -30434,17 +30772,17 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = E; } toProto() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgSubmitEvidence not implemented."); }); } toAmino() { - return b(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgSubmitEvidence not implemented."); }); } }; - }, 8434: function(J, e, b) { + }, 8434: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { return new (s || (s = Promise))(function(n, o) { function i(h) { @@ -30471,8 +30809,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgRevokeAllowance = e.MsgGrantAllowance = void 0; - const M = b(4932), P = b(6513); - function y(d) { + const R = y(4932), A = y(6513); + function w(d) { return "spend_limit" in d; } function a(d) { @@ -30488,34 +30826,34 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); toProto() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let d; - if (y(this.params.allowance)) - d = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance", value: M.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish() }; + if (w(this.params.allowance)) + d = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance", value: R.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish() }; else if (a(this.params.allowance)) - d = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance", value: M.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish() }; + d = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance", value: R.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance).finish() }; else { if (!t(this.params.allowance)) throw new Error(`Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance', 'PeriodicAllowance' or 'AllowedMsgAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance)}`); { let u; - if (y(this.params.allowance.allowance)) - u = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance", value: M.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish() }; + if (w(this.params.allowance.allowance)) + u = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.BasicAllowance", value: R.BasicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish() }; else { if (!a(this.params.allowance.allowance)) throw new Error(`PeriodicAllowance: Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance' or 'PeriodicAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance.allowance)}`); - u = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance", value: M.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish() }; + u = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.PeriodicAllowance", value: R.PeriodicAllowance.encode(this.params.allowance.allowance).finish() }; } - d = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.AllowedMsgAllowance", value: M.AllowedMsgAllowance.encode({ allowed_messages: this.params.allowance.allowed_messages, allowance: u }).finish() }; + d = { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.AllowedMsgAllowance", value: R.AllowedMsgAllowance.encode({ allowed_messages: this.params.allowance.allowed_messages, allowance: u }).finish() }; } } return { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance", value: this.params, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return P.MsgGrantAllowance.encode({ grantee: this.params.grantee, granter: this.params.granter, allowance: d }).finish(); + return A.MsgGrantAllowance.encode({ grantee: this.params.grantee, granter: this.params.granter, allowance: d }).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let d; - if (y(this.params.allowance)) + if (w(this.params.allowance)) d = { type: "cosmos-sdk/BasicAllowance", value: { spend_limit: this.params.allowance.spend_limit, expiration: this.params.allowance.expiration } }; else if (a(this.params.allowance)) d = { type: "cosmos-sdk/PeriodicAllowance", value: { basic: this.params.allowance.basic, period: this.params.allowance.period, period_spend_limit: this.params.allowance.period_spend_limit, period_can_spend: this.params.allowance.period_can_spend, period_reset: this.params.allowance.period_reset } }; @@ -30524,7 +30862,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); throw new Error(`Cannot cast allowance into 'BasicAllowance', 'PeriodicAllowance' or 'AllowedMsgAllowance': ${JSON.stringify(this.params.allowance)}`); { let u; - if (y(this.params.allowance.allowance)) + if (w(this.params.allowance.allowance)) u = { type: "cosmos-sdk/BasicAllowance", value: { spend_limit: this.params.allowance.allowance.spend_limit, expiration: this.params.allowance.allowance.expiration } }; else { if (!a(this.params.allowance.allowance)) @@ -30544,7 +30882,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); toProto() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type_url: "/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance", value: this.params, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return P.MsgRevokeAllowance.encode(this.params).finish(); + return A.MsgRevokeAllowance.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -30554,46 +30892,46 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }; - }, 4509: function(J, e, b) { + }, 4509: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), Object.defineProperty(o, c, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return i[f]; } }); } : function(o, i, f, c) { c === void 0 && (c = f), o[c] = i[f]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(o, i) { Object.defineProperty(o, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: i }); } : function(o, i) { o.default = i; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(o) { if (o && o.__esModule) return o; var i = {}; if (o != null) for (var f in o) f !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(o, f) && E(i, o, f); - return M(i, o), i; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(o, i, f, c) { + return R(i, o), i; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(o, i, f, c) { return new (f || (f = Promise))(function(h, m) { - function v(I) { + function v(j) { try { - l(c.next(I)); - } catch (R) { - m(R); + l(c.next(j)); + } catch (N) { + m(N); } } - function C(I) { + function I(j) { try { - l(c.throw(I)); - } catch (R) { - m(R); + l(c.throw(j)); + } catch (N) { + m(N); } } - function l(I) { - var R; - I.done ? h(I.value) : (R = I.value, R instanceof f ? R : new f(function(k) { - k(R); - })).then(v, C); + function l(j) { + var N; + j.done ? h(j.value) : (N = j.value, N instanceof f ? N : new f(function(S) { + S(N); + })).then(v, I); } l((c = c.apply(o, i || [])).next()); }); @@ -30601,7 +30939,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return o && o.__esModule ? o : { default: o }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgDeposit = e.MsgVoteWeighted = e.MsgVote = e.MsgSubmitProposal = e.ProposalType = e.ProposalStatus = e.VoteOption = void 0; - const t = a(b(4431)), d = b(4191); + const t = a(y(4431)), d = y(4191); var u, s, r; (r = e.VoteOption || (e.VoteOption = {}))[r.VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "VOTE_OPTION_UNSPECIFIED", r[r.VOTE_OPTION_YES = 1] = "VOTE_OPTION_YES", r[r.VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN = 2] = "VOTE_OPTION_ABSTAIN", r[r.VOTE_OPTION_NO = 3] = "VOTE_OPTION_NO", r[r.VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO = 4] = "VOTE_OPTION_NO_WITH_VETO", (s = e.ProposalStatus || (e.ProposalStatus = {}))[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED = 0] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_UNSPECIFIED", s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD = 1] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_DEPOSIT_PERIOD", s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD = 2] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_VOTING_PERIOD", s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED = 3] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_PASSED", s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED = 4] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_REJECTED", s[s.PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED = 5] = "PROPOSAL_STATUS_FAILED", s[s.UNRECOGNIZED = -1] = "UNRECOGNIZED", function(o) { o.TextProposal = "TextProposal", o.CommunityPoolSpendProposal = "CommunityPoolSpendProposal", o.ParameterChangeProposal = "ParameterChangeProposal", o.ClientUpdateProposal = "ClientUpdateProposal", o.UpgradeProposal = "UpgradeProposal", o.SoftwareUpgradeProposal = "SoftwareUpgradeProposal", o.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal = "CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal"; @@ -30613,48 +30951,48 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } toProto() { var o; - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let i; switch (this.params.type) { case u.TextProposal: - const { TextProposal: c } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(9074))); + const { TextProposal: c } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(9074))); i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.TextProposal", value: c.encode(c.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); break; case u.CommunityPoolSpendProposal: - const { CommunityPoolSpendProposal: h } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8866))); + const { CommunityPoolSpendProposal: h } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8866))); i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.CommunityPoolSpendProposal", value: h.encode(h.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); break; case u.ParameterChangeProposal: - const { ParameterChangeProposal: m } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(9913))); + const { ParameterChangeProposal: m } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(9913))); i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.params.v1beta1.ParameterChangeProposal", value: m.encode(m.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); break; case u.ClientUpdateProposal: - const { ClientUpdateProposal: v } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(5650))); + const { ClientUpdateProposal: v } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(5650))); i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.ClientUpdateProposal", value: v.encode(v.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); break; case u.UpgradeProposal: - const { UpgradeProposal: C } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(5650))); - i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.UpgradeProposal", value: C.encode(C.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); + const { UpgradeProposal: I } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(5650))); + i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.UpgradeProposal", value: I.encode(I.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); break; case u.SoftwareUpgradeProposal: - const { SoftwareUpgradeProposal: l } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8310))); + const { SoftwareUpgradeProposal: l } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8310))); i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.SoftwareUpgradeProposal", value: l.encode(l.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); break; case u.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal: - const { CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal: I } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8310))); - i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal", value: I.encode(I.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); + const { CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal: j } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8310))); + i = d.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.upgrade.v1beta1.CancelSoftwareUpgradeProposal", value: j.encode(j.fromPartial(this.params.content)).finish() }); break; default: throw new Error(`Unknown proposal type: "${this.params.type}" - ${JSON.stringify(this.params.content)}`); } const f = { content: i, initial_deposit: this.params.initial_deposit, proposer: this.params.proposer, is_expedited: (o = this.params.is_expedited) !== null && o !== void 0 && o }; - return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal", value: f, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(88)))).MsgSubmitProposal.encode(f).finish(); + return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal", value: f, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(88)))).MsgSubmitProposal.encode(f).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const o = n.get(this.params.type); if (!o) throw new Error(`Proposal of type "${String(this.params.type)}" is not supported with an Amino signer.`); @@ -30667,14 +31005,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = o; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(88)))).MsgVote.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(88)))).MsgVote.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgVote", value: this.params }; }); } @@ -30683,15 +31021,15 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = o; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const o = { voter: this.params.voter, proposal_id: this.params.proposal_id, options: this.params.options.map((i) => ({ option: i.option, weight: new t.default(i.weight).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/, "") })) }; - return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted", value: o, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(88)))).MsgVoteWeighted.encode(o).finish(); + return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted", value: o, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(88)))).MsgVoteWeighted.encode(o).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgVoteWeighted", value: { voter: this.params.voter, proposal_id: this.params.proposal_id, options: this.params.options.map((o) => ({ option: o.option, weight: new t.default(o.weight).toFixed(18) })) } }; }); } @@ -30700,38 +31038,38 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = o; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(88)))).MsgDeposit.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(88)))).MsgDeposit.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgDeposit", value: this.params }; }); } }; - }, 6130: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6130: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -30761,14 +31099,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgRecvPacket.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgRecvPacket.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgRecvPacket doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30777,14 +31115,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgTimeout.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgTimeout.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgTimeout doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30793,14 +31131,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgTimeoutOnClose.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgTimeoutOnClose.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgTimeoutOnClose doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30809,14 +31147,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenInit doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30825,14 +31163,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgAcknowledgement.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgAcknowledgement.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgAcknowledgement doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30841,14 +31179,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenTry doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30857,14 +31195,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenAck doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30873,14 +31211,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgChannelOpenConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30889,14 +31227,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseInit.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseInit.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgChannelCloseInit doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30905,38 +31243,38 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7579)))).MsgChannelCloseConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgChannelCloseConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } }; - }, 574: function(J, e, b) { + }, 574: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -30966,14 +31304,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(322)))).MsgUpdateClient.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(322)))).MsgUpdateClient.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgUpdateClient doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30982,14 +31320,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(322)))).MsgUpgradeClient.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(322)))).MsgUpgradeClient.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgUpgradeClient doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -30998,14 +31336,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(322)))).MsgSubmitMisbehaviour.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(322)))).MsgSubmitMisbehaviour.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgSubmitMisbehaviour doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -31014,38 +31352,38 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(322)))).MsgCreateClient.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(322)))).MsgCreateClient.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgCreateClient doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } }; - }, 6187: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6187: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -31075,14 +31413,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenInit.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenInit doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -31091,14 +31429,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenTry.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenTry doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -31107,14 +31445,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenAck.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenAck doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } @@ -31123,20 +31461,20 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.msg = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm", value: this.msg, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm", value: this.msg, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8344)))).MsgConnectionOpenConfirm.encode(this.msg).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgConnectionOpenConfirm doesn't support Amino encoding."); }); } }; - }, 7989: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(P, y, a, t) { + }, 7989: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__awaiter || function(A, w, a, t) { return new (a || (a = Promise))(function(d, u) { function s(o) { try { @@ -31158,19 +31496,19 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); f(i); })).then(s, r); } - n((t = t.apply(P, y || [])).next()); + n((t = t.apply(A, w || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync = e.MsgPayPacketFee = e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee = e.MsgRegisterPayee = void 0; - const M = b(6065); + const R = y(6065); e.MsgRegisterPayee = class { - constructor(P) { - this.params = P; + constructor(A) { + this.params = A; } toProto() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type_url: "/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterPayee", value: this.params, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.MsgRegisterPayee.encode(this.params).finish(); + return R.MsgRegisterPayee.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -31180,13 +31518,13 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }, e.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee = class { - constructor(P) { - this.params = P; + constructor(A) { + this.params = A; } toProto() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type_url: "/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee", value: this.params, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee.encode(this.params).finish(); + return R.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -31196,13 +31534,13 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }, e.MsgPayPacketFee = class { - constructor(P) { - this.params = P; + constructor(A) { + this.params = A; } toProto() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type_url: "/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFee", value: this.params, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.MsgPayPacketFee.encode({ fee: this.params.fee, source_port_id: this.params.source_port_id, source_channel_id: this.params.source_channel_id, signer: this.params.signer, relayers: this.params.relayers || [] }).finish(); + return R.MsgPayPacketFee.encode({ fee: this.params.fee, source_port_id: this.params.source_port_id, source_channel_id: this.params.source_channel_id, signer: this.params.signer, relayers: this.params.relayers || [] }).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -31212,13 +31550,13 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }, e.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync = class { - constructor(P) { - this.params = P; + constructor(A) { + this.params = A; } toProto() { return E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type_url: "/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync", value: this.params, encode: () => E(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return M.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync.encode(this.params).finish(); + return R.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } @@ -31228,26 +31566,26 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } }; - }, 6272: function(J, e, b) { + }, 6272: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -31277,53 +31615,53 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const a = { source_port: this.params.source_port, source_channel: this.params.source_channel, token: this.params.token, sender: this.params.sender, receiver: this.params.receiver, timeout_height: this.params.timeout_height, timeout_timestamp: this.params.timeout_timestamp ? `${this.params.timeout_timestamp}000000000` : "0", memo: this.params.memo || "" }; - return { type_url: "/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer", value: a, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(865)))).MsgTransfer.encode(a).finish(); + return { type_url: "/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer", value: a, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(865)))).MsgTransfer.encode(a).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgTransfer", value: { source_port: this.params.source_port, source_channel: this.params.source_channel, token: this.params.token, sender: this.params.sender, receiver: this.params.receiver, timeout_height: this.params.timeout_height ? { revision_number: this.params.timeout_height.revision_number, revision_height: this.params.timeout_height.revision_height } : {}, timeout_timestamp: this.params.timeout_timestamp ? `${this.params.timeout_timestamp}000000000` : "0", memo: this.params.memo } }; }); } }; - }, 3745: function(J, e, b) { - var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(I, R, k, N) { - N === void 0 && (N = k), Object.defineProperty(I, N, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { - return R[k]; + }, 3745: function(J, e, y) { + var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(j, N, S, T) { + T === void 0 && (T = S), Object.defineProperty(j, T, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { + return N[S]; } }); - } : function(I, R, k, N) { - N === void 0 && (N = k), I[N] = R[k]; - }), M = this && this.__exportStar || function(I, R) { - for (var k in I) - k === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(R, k) || E(R, I, k); + } : function(j, N, S, T) { + T === void 0 && (T = S), j[T] = N[S]; + }), R = this && this.__exportStar || function(j, N) { + for (var S in j) + S === "default" || Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(N, S) || E(N, j, S); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgRegistry = void 0; - const P = b(5635), y = b(810), a = b(4489), t = b(4301), d = b(3676), u = b(6513), s = b(88), r = b(5925), n = b(7704), o = b(8644), i = b(6065), f = b(865), c = b(7579), h = b(322), m = b(8344), v = b(2896), C = b(4657), l = b(1901); - M(b(2132), e), M(b(587), e), M(b(7278), e), M(b(7949), e), M(b(1890), e), M(b(6049), e), M(b(3651), e), M(b(8434), e), M(b(4509), e), M(b(6130), e), M(b(574), e), M(b(6187), e), M(b(7989), e), M(b(6272), e), M(b(5656), e), M(b(2731), e), M(b(8382), e), M(b(5498), e), e.MsgRegistry = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant", P.MsgGrant], ["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec", P.MsgExec], ["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke", P.MsgRevoke], ["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", y.MsgSend], ["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend", y.MsgMultiSend], ["/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant", a.MsgVerifyInvariant], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress", t.MsgSetWithdrawAddress], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward", t.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission", t.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool", t.MsgFundCommunityPool], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake", t.MsgSetAutoRestake], ["/cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.MsgSubmitEvidence", d.MsgSubmitEvidence], ["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance", u.MsgGrantAllowance], ["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance", u.MsgRevokeAllowance], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal", s.MsgSubmitProposal], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote", s.MsgVote], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted", s.MsgVoteWeighted], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit", s.MsgDeposit], ["/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail", r.MsgUnjail], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator", n.MsgCreateValidator], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator", n.MsgEditValidator], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate", n.MsgDelegate], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate", n.MsgBeginRedelegate], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate", n.MsgUndelegate], ["/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer", f.MsgTransfer], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFee", i.MsgPayPacketFee], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync", i.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterPayee", i.MsgRegisterPayee], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee", i.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit", c.MsgChannelOpenInit], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry", c.MsgChannelOpenTry], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck", c.MsgChannelOpenAck], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm", c.MsgChannelOpenConfirm], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit", c.MsgChannelCloseInit], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm", c.MsgChannelCloseConfirm], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket", c.MsgRecvPacket], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout", c.MsgTimeout], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose", c.MsgTimeoutOnClose], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement", c.MsgAcknowledgement], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient", h.MsgCreateClient], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", h.MsgUpdateClient], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient", h.MsgUpgradeClient], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour", h.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit", m.MsgConnectionOpenInit], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry", m.MsgConnectionOpenTry], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck", m.MsgConnectionOpenAck], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm", m.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode", v.MsgStoreCode], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract", v.MsgInstantiateContract], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract", v.MsgExecuteContract], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract", v.MsgMigrateContract], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgUpdateAdmin", v.MsgUpdateAdmin], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgClearAdmin", v.MsgClearAdmin], ["/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate", l.RaAuthenticate], ["/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount", o.MsgCreateVestingAccount], ["/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch", C.MsgToggleIbcSwitch]]); - }, 8772: function(J, e, b) { + const A = y(5635), w = y(810), a = y(4489), t = y(4301), d = y(3676), u = y(6513), s = y(88), r = y(5925), n = y(7704), o = y(8644), i = y(6065), f = y(865), c = y(7579), h = y(322), m = y(8344), v = y(2896), I = y(4657), l = y(1901); + R(y(2132), e), R(y(587), e), R(y(7278), e), R(y(7949), e), R(y(1890), e), R(y(6049), e), R(y(3651), e), R(y(8434), e), R(y(4509), e), R(y(6130), e), R(y(574), e), R(y(6187), e), R(y(7989), e), R(y(6272), e), R(y(5656), e), R(y(2731), e), R(y(8382), e), R(y(5498), e), e.MsgRegistry = /* @__PURE__ */ new Map([["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgGrant", A.MsgGrant], ["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgExec", A.MsgExec], ["/cosmos.authz.v1beta1.MsgRevoke", A.MsgRevoke], ["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgSend", w.MsgSend], ["/cosmos.bank.v1beta1.MsgMultiSend", w.MsgMultiSend], ["/cosmos.crisis.v1beta1.MsgVerifyInvariant", a.MsgVerifyInvariant], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetWithdrawAddress", t.MsgSetWithdrawAddress], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward", t.MsgWithdrawDelegatorReward], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission", t.MsgWithdrawValidatorCommission], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgFundCommunityPool", t.MsgFundCommunityPool], ["/cosmos.distribution.v1beta1.MsgSetAutoRestake", t.MsgSetAutoRestake], ["/cosmos.evidence.v1beta1.MsgSubmitEvidence", d.MsgSubmitEvidence], ["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgGrantAllowance", u.MsgGrantAllowance], ["/cosmos.feegrant.v1beta1.MsgRevokeAllowance", u.MsgRevokeAllowance], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgSubmitProposal", s.MsgSubmitProposal], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVote", s.MsgVote], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgVoteWeighted", s.MsgVoteWeighted], ["/cosmos.gov.v1beta1.MsgDeposit", s.MsgDeposit], ["/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail", r.MsgUnjail], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator", n.MsgCreateValidator], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator", n.MsgEditValidator], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate", n.MsgDelegate], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate", n.MsgBeginRedelegate], ["/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate", n.MsgUndelegate], ["/ibc.applications.transfer.v1.MsgTransfer", f.MsgTransfer], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFee", i.MsgPayPacketFee], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync", i.MsgPayPacketFeeAsync], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterPayee", i.MsgRegisterPayee], ["/ibc.applications.fee.v1.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee", i.MsgRegisterCounterpartyPayee], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenInit", c.MsgChannelOpenInit], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenTry", c.MsgChannelOpenTry], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenAck", c.MsgChannelOpenAck], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelOpenConfirm", c.MsgChannelOpenConfirm], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseInit", c.MsgChannelCloseInit], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgChannelCloseConfirm", c.MsgChannelCloseConfirm], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgRecvPacket", c.MsgRecvPacket], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeout", c.MsgTimeout], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgTimeoutOnClose", c.MsgTimeoutOnClose], ["/ibc.core.channel.v1.MsgAcknowledgement", c.MsgAcknowledgement], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgCreateClient", h.MsgCreateClient], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpdateClient", h.MsgUpdateClient], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgUpgradeClient", h.MsgUpgradeClient], ["/ibc.core.client.v1.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour", h.MsgSubmitMisbehaviour], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenInit", m.MsgConnectionOpenInit], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenTry", m.MsgConnectionOpenTry], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenAck", m.MsgConnectionOpenAck], ["/ibc.core.connection.v1.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm", m.MsgConnectionOpenConfirm], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgStoreCode", v.MsgStoreCode], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgInstantiateContract", v.MsgInstantiateContract], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgExecuteContract", v.MsgExecuteContract], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgMigrateContract", v.MsgMigrateContract], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgUpdateAdmin", v.MsgUpdateAdmin], ["/secret.compute.v1beta1.MsgClearAdmin", v.MsgClearAdmin], ["/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate", l.RaAuthenticate], ["/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount", o.MsgCreateVestingAccount], ["/secret.emergencybutton.v1beta1.MsgToggleIbcSwitch", I.MsgToggleIbcSwitch]]); + }, 8772: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), Object.defineProperty(d, r, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return u[s]; } }); } : function(d, u, s, r) { r === void 0 && (r = s), d[r] = u[s]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(d, u) { Object.defineProperty(d, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: u }); } : function(d, u) { d.default = u; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(d) { if (d && d.__esModule) return d; var u = {}; if (d != null) for (var s in d) s !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(d, s) && E(u, d, s); - return M(u, d), u; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { + return R(u, d), u; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(d, u, s, r) { return new (s || (s = Promise))(function(n, o) { function i(h) { try { @@ -31349,45 +31687,45 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.RaAuthenticate = void 0; - const a = b(8972), t = b(3607); + const a = y(8972), t = y(3607); e.RaAuthenticate = class { constructor(d) { this.params = d; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const d = { sender: (0, t.addressToBytes)(this.params.sender), certificate: this.params.certificate }; - return { type_url: "/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate", value: d, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(1901)))).RaAuthenticate.encode(d).finish(); + return { type_url: "/secret.registration.v1beta1.RaAuthenticate", value: d, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(1901)))).RaAuthenticate.encode(d).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "reg/authenticate", value: { sender: this.params.sender, ra_cert: (0, a.toBase64)(this.params.certificate) } }; }); } }; - }, 5656: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5656: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -31417,80 +31755,80 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(5925)))).MsgUnjail.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.slashing.v1beta1.MsgUnjail", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(5925)))).MsgUnjail.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgUnjail", value: { address: this.params.validator_addr } }; }); } }; - }, 2731: function(J, e, b) { + }, 2731: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), Object.defineProperty(n, f, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return o[i]; } }); } : function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), n[f] = o[i]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: o }); } : function(n, o) { n.default = o; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { if (n && n.__esModule) return n; var o = {}; if (n != null) for (var i in n) i !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && E(o, n, i); - return M(o, n), o; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(n, o, i, f) { + return R(o, n), o; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(n, o, i, f) { return new (i || (i = Promise))(function(c, h) { function m(l) { try { - C(f.next(l)); - } catch (I) { - h(I); + I(f.next(l)); + } catch (j) { + h(j); } } function v(l) { try { - C(f.throw(l)); - } catch (I) { - h(I); + I(f.throw(l)); + } catch (j) { + h(j); } } - function C(l) { - var I; - l.done ? c(l.value) : (I = l.value, I instanceof i ? I : new i(function(R) { - R(I); + function I(l) { + var j; + l.done ? c(l.value) : (j = l.value, j instanceof i ? j : new i(function(N) { + N(j); })).then(m, v); } - C((f = f.apply(n, o || [])).next()); + I((f = f.apply(n, o || [])).next()); }); }, a = this && this.__importDefault || function(n) { return n && n.__esModule ? n : { default: n }; }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MsgUndelegate = e.MsgBeginRedelegate = e.MsgDelegate = e.MsgEditValidator = e.MsgCreateValidator = void 0; - const t = b(8972), d = b(7715), u = a(b(4431)), s = b(7776), r = b(4191); + const t = y(8972), d = y(7715), u = a(y(4431)), s = y(7776), r = y(4191); e.MsgCreateValidator = class { constructor(n) { this.params = n; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const n = { description: this.params.description, commission: { rate: new u.default(this.params.commission.rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/, ""), max_rate: new u.default(this.params.commission.max_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/, ""), max_change_rate: new u.default(this.params.commission.max_change_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/, "") }, min_self_delegation: this.params.min_self_delegation, delegator_address: this.params.delegator_address, validator_address: d.bech32.encode("secretvaloper", d.bech32.decode(this.params.delegator_address).words), pubkey: r.Any.fromPartial({ type_url: "/cosmos.crypto.ed25519.PubKey", value: s.PubKey.encode(s.PubKey.fromPartial({ key: (0, t.fromBase64)(this.params.pubkey) })).finish() }), value: this.params.initial_delegation }; - return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator", value: n, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7704)))).MsgCreateValidator.encode(n).finish(); + return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgCreateValidator", value: n, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7704)))).MsgCreateValidator.encode(n).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgCreateValidator", value: { description: { moniker: this.params.description.moniker, identity: this.params.description.identity, website: this.params.description.website, security_contact: this.params.description.security_contact, details: this.params.description.details }, commission: { rate: new u.default(this.params.commission.rate).toFixed(18), max_rate: new u.default(this.params.commission.max_rate).toFixed(18), max_change_rate: new u.default(this.params.commission.max_change_rate).toFixed(18) }, min_self_delegation: this.params.min_self_delegation, delegator_address: this.params.delegator_address, validator_address: d.bech32.encode("secretvaloper", d.bech32.decode(this.params.delegator_address).words), pubkey: { type: "tendermint/PubKeyEd25519", value: this.params.pubkey }, value: this.params.initial_delegation } }; }); } @@ -31499,15 +31837,15 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = n; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const { Description: n } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(2572))), o = { validator_address: this.params.validator_address, description: n.fromPartial(this.params.description || {}), commission_rate: this.params.commission_rate ? new u.default(this.params.commission_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/, "") : "", min_self_delegation: this.params.min_self_delegation || "" }; - return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator", value: o, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7704)))).MsgEditValidator.encode(o).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const { Description: n } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(2572))), o = { validator_address: this.params.validator_address, description: n.fromPartial(this.params.description || {}), commission_rate: this.params.commission_rate ? new u.default(this.params.commission_rate).toFixed(18).replace(/0\.0*/, "") : "", min_self_delegation: this.params.min_self_delegation || "" }; + return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgEditValidator", value: o, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7704)))).MsgEditValidator.encode(o).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { let n, o; return this.params.description && (n = { moniker: this.params.description.moniker, identity: this.params.description.identity, website: this.params.description.website, security_contact: this.params.description.security_contact, details: this.params.description.details }), this.params.commission_rate && (o = new u.default(this.params.commission_rate).toFixed(18)), { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgEditValidator", value: { validator_address: this.params.validator_address, description: n, commission_rate: o, min_self_delegation: this.params.min_self_delegation } }; }); @@ -31517,14 +31855,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = n; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7704)))).MsgDelegate.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgDelegate", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7704)))).MsgDelegate.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgDelegate", value: this.params }; }); } @@ -31533,14 +31871,14 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = n; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7704)))).MsgBeginRedelegate.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgBeginRedelegate", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7704)))).MsgBeginRedelegate.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgBeginRedelegate", value: this.params }; }); } @@ -31549,40 +31887,40 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = n; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(7704)))).MsgUndelegate.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.staking.v1beta1.MsgUndelegate", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(7704)))).MsgUndelegate.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return { type: "cosmos-sdk/MsgUndelegate", value: this.params }; }); } }; }, 8382: (J, e) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }); - }, 5498: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5498: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), Object.defineProperty(a, u, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return t[d]; } }); } : function(a, t, d, u) { u === void 0 && (u = d), a[u] = t[d]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(a, t) { Object.defineProperty(a, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: t }); } : function(a, t) { a.default = t; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(a) { if (a && a.__esModule) return a; var t = {}; if (a != null) for (var d in a) d !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(a, d) && E(t, a, d); - return M(t, a), t; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { + return R(t, a), t; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(a, t, d, u) { return new (d || (d = Promise))(function(s, r) { function n(f) { try { @@ -31612,33 +31950,33 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); this.params = a; } toProto() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return { type_url: "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount", value: this.params, encode: () => y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8644)))).MsgCreateVestingAccount.encode(this.params).finish(); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return { type_url: "/cosmos.vesting.v1beta1.MsgCreateVestingAccount", value: this.params, encode: () => w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8644)))).MsgCreateVestingAccount.encode(this.params).finish(); }) }; }); } toAmino() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { throw new Error("MsgCreateVestingAccount not implemented."); }); } }; - }, 8593: (J, e, b) => { + }, 8593: (J, e, y) => { Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.bytesToAddress = e.addressToBytes = e.validateAddress = e.coinsFromString = e.stringToCoins = e.coinFromString = e.stringToCoin = e.ibcDenom = e.base64TendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress = e.tendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress = e.validatorAddressToSelfDelegatorAddress = e.selfDelegatorAddressToValidatorAddress = e.base64PubkeyToAddress = e.pubkeyToAddress = e.is_gzip = void 0; - const E = b(8972), M = b(830), P = b(3061), y = b(7715); + const E = y(8972), R = y(830), A = y(3061), w = y(7715); function a(d, u = "secret") { - return y.bech32.encode(u, y.bech32.toWords((0, M.ripemd160)((0, P.sha256)(d)))); + return w.bech32.encode(u, w.bech32.toWords((0, R.ripemd160)((0, A.sha256)(d)))); } function t(d, u = "secret") { - return y.bech32.encode(`${u}valcons`, y.bech32.toWords((0, P.sha256)(d).slice(0, 20))); + return w.bech32.encode(`${u}valcons`, w.bech32.toWords((0, A.sha256)(d).slice(0, 20))); } e.is_gzip = (d) => !(!d || d.length < 3) && d[0] === 31 && d[1] === 139 && d[2] === 8, e.pubkeyToAddress = a, e.base64PubkeyToAddress = function(d, u = "secret") { return a((0, E.fromBase64)(d), u); }, e.selfDelegatorAddressToValidatorAddress = function(d, u = "secret") { - return y.bech32.encode(`${u}valoper`, y.bech32.decode(d).words); + return w.bech32.encode(`${u}valoper`, w.bech32.decode(d).words); }, e.validatorAddressToSelfDelegatorAddress = function(d, u = "secret") { - return y.bech32.encode(u, y.bech32.decode(d).words); + return w.bech32.encode(u, w.bech32.decode(d).words); }, e.tendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress = t, e.base64TendermintPubkeyToValconsAddress = function(d, u = "secret") { return t((0, E.fromBase64)(d), u); }, e.ibcDenom = (d, u) => { @@ -31646,7 +31984,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); for (const n of d) s.push(`${n.incomingPortId}/${n.incomingChannelId}`); const r = `${s.join("/")}/${u}`; - return "ibc/" + (0, E.toHex)((0, P.sha256)((0, E.toUtf8)(r))).toUpperCase(); + return "ibc/" + (0, E.toHex)((0, A.sha256)((0, E.toUtf8)(r))).toUpperCase(); }, e.stringToCoin = (d) => { const u = d.match(/^(\d+)([a-z]+)$/); if (u === null) @@ -31655,66 +31993,66 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, e.coinFromString = e.stringToCoin, e.stringToCoins = (d) => d.split(",").map(e.stringToCoin), e.coinsFromString = e.stringToCoins, e.validateAddress = (d, u = "secret") => { let s; try { - s = y.bech32.decode(d); + s = w.bech32.decode(d); } catch (n) { let o = "failed to decode address as a bech32"; return n instanceof Error && (o += `: ${n.message}`), { isValid: !1, reason: o }; } if (s.prefix !== u) return { isValid: !1, reason: `wrong bech32 prefix, expected '${u}', got '${s.prefix}'` }; - const r = y.bech32.fromWords(s.words); + const r = w.bech32.fromWords(s.words); return r.length !== 20 && r.length !== 32 ? { isValid: !1, reason: `wrong address length, expected 20 or 32 bytes, got ${r.length}` } : { isValid: !0 }; }, e.addressToBytes = function(d) { - return d === "" ? new Uint8Array(0) : Uint8Array.from(y.bech32.fromWords(y.bech32.decode(d).words)); + return d === "" ? new Uint8Array(0) : Uint8Array.from(w.bech32.fromWords(w.bech32.decode(d).words)); }, e.bytesToAddress = function(d, u = "secret") { - return d.length === 0 ? "" : y.bech32.encode(u, y.bech32.toWords(d)); + return d.length === 0 ? "" : w.bech32.encode(u, w.bech32.toWords(d)); }; - }, 5360: function(J, e, b) { + }, 5360: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), Object.defineProperty(c, v, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return h[m]; } }); } : function(c, h, m, v) { v === void 0 && (v = m), c[v] = h[m]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(c, h) { Object.defineProperty(c, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: h }); } : function(c, h) { c.default = h; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(c) { if (c && c.__esModule) return c; var h = {}; if (c != null) for (var m in c) m !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(c, m) && E(h, c, m); - return M(h, c), h; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(c, h, m, v) { - return new (m || (m = Promise))(function(C, l) { - function I(N) { + return R(h, c), h; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(c, h, m, v) { + return new (m || (m = Promise))(function(I, l) { + function j(T) { try { - k(v.next(N)); - } catch (A) { - l(A); + S(v.next(T)); + } catch (x) { + l(x); } } - function R(N) { + function N(T) { try { - k(v.throw(N)); - } catch (A) { - l(A); + S(v.throw(T)); + } catch (x) { + l(x); } } - function k(N) { - var A; - N.done ? C(N.value) : (A = N.value, A instanceof m ? A : new m(function(w) { - w(A); - })).then(I, R); + function S(T) { + var x; + T.done ? I(T.value) : (x = T.value, x instanceof m ? x : new m(function(k) { + k(x); + })).then(j, N); } - k((v = v.apply(c, h || [])).next()); + S((v = v.apply(c, h || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.isDirectSigner = e.isSignDocCamelCase = e.isSignDoc = e.serializeStdSignDoc = e.sortObject = e.encodeSecp256k1Pubkey = e.encodeSecp256k1Signature = e.AminoWallet = e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX = e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE = void 0; - const a = b(8972), t = b(3061), d = P(b(9656)), u = P(b(7786)), s = P(b(2153)), r = b(3607); + const a = y(8972), t = y(3061), d = A(y(9656)), u = A(y(7786)), s = A(y(2153)), r = y(3607); function n(c, h) { if (h.length !== 64) throw new Error("Signature must be 64 bytes long. Cosmos SDK uses a 2x32 byte fixed length encoding for the secp256k1 signature integers r and s."); @@ -31741,20 +32079,20 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE = 529, e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX = "secret", e.AminoWallet = class { constructor(c = "", h = {}) { - var m, v, C; - c === "" && (c = s.generateMnemonic(256)), this.mnemonic = c, this.hdAccountIndex = (m = h.hdAccountIndex) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : 0, this.coinType = (v = h.coinType) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE, this.bech32Prefix = (C = h.bech32Prefix) !== null && C !== void 0 ? C : e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX; - const l = s.mnemonicToSeedSync(this.mnemonic), I = u.fromSeed(l).derivePath(`m/44'/${this.coinType}'/0'/0/${this.hdAccountIndex}`).privateKey; - if (!I) + var m, v, I; + c === "" && (c = s.generateMnemonic(256)), this.mnemonic = c, this.hdAccountIndex = (m = h.hdAccountIndex) !== null && m !== void 0 ? m : 0, this.coinType = (v = h.coinType) !== null && v !== void 0 ? v : e.SECRET_COIN_TYPE, this.bech32Prefix = (I = h.bech32Prefix) !== null && I !== void 0 ? I : e.SECRET_BECH32_PREFIX; + const l = s.mnemonicToSeedSync(this.mnemonic), j = u.fromSeed(l).derivePath(`m/44'/${this.coinType}'/0'/0/${this.hdAccountIndex}`).privateKey; + if (!j) throw new Error("Failed to derive key pair"); - this.privateKey = new Uint8Array(I), this.publicKey = d.getPublicKey(this.privateKey, !0), this.address = (0, r.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey, this.bech32Prefix); + this.privateKey = new Uint8Array(j), this.publicKey = d.getPublicKey(this.privateKey, !0), this.address = (0, r.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey, this.bech32Prefix); } getAccounts() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return [{ address: this.address, algo: "secp256k1", pubkey: this.publicKey }]; }); } signAmino(c, h) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (c !== this.address) throw new Error(`Address ${c} not found in wallet`); const m = (0, t.sha256)(f(h)), v = yield d.sign(m, this.privateKey, { extraEntropy: !0, der: !1 }); @@ -31768,87 +32106,87 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, e.isDirectSigner = function(c) { return c.signDirect !== void 0; }; - }, 1444: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1444: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), Object.defineProperty(n, f, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return o[i]; } }); } : function(n, o, i, f) { f === void 0 && (f = i), n[f] = o[i]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(n, o) { Object.defineProperty(n, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: o }); } : function(n, o) { n.default = o; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(n) { if (n && n.__esModule) return n; var o = {}; if (n != null) for (var i in n) i !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(n, i) && E(o, n, i); - return M(o, n), o; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(n, o, i, f) { + return R(o, n), o; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(n, o, i, f) { return new (i || (i = Promise))(function(c, h) { function m(l) { try { - C(f.next(l)); - } catch (I) { - h(I); + I(f.next(l)); + } catch (j) { + h(j); } } function v(l) { try { - C(f.throw(l)); - } catch (I) { - h(I); + I(f.throw(l)); + } catch (j) { + h(j); } } - function C(l) { - var I; - l.done ? c(l.value) : (I = l.value, I instanceof i ? I : new i(function(R) { - R(I); + function I(l) { + var j; + l.done ? c(l.value) : (j = l.value, j instanceof i ? j : new i(function(N) { + N(j); })).then(m, v); } - C((f = f.apply(n, o || [])).next()); + I((f = f.apply(n, o || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.MetaMaskWallet = void 0; - const a = b(5426), t = P(b(9656)), d = b(3061), u = b(3607), s = b(5360); + const a = y(5426), t = A(y(9656)), d = y(3061), u = y(3607), s = y(5360); class r { constructor(o, i, f) { this.ethProvider = o, this.ethAddress = i, this.publicKey = f, this.address = (0, u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey); } static create(o, i) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { const f = `secretjs_${i}_pubkey`, c = localStorage.getItem(f); if (c) { - const N = i.slice(2).toLocaleLowerCase(); - if ((0, u.toHex)((0, a.keccak_256)(function(w) { - return t.Point.fromHex(w).toRawBytes(!1); - }(c).slice(1)).slice(-20)).toLocaleLowerCase() === N) + const T = i.slice(2).toLocaleLowerCase(); + if ((0, u.toHex)((0, a.keccak_256)(function(k) { + return t.Point.fromHex(k).toRawBytes(!1); + }(c).slice(1)).slice(-20)).toLocaleLowerCase() === T) return new r(o, i, (0, u.fromHex)(c)); localStorage.removeItem(f); } - const h = (0, u.toUtf8)("Get secret address"), m = `0x${(0, u.toHex)(h)}`, v = (yield o.request({ method: "personal_sign", params: [m, i] })).toString(), C = (0, u.fromHex)(v.slice(2, -2)); + const h = (0, u.toUtf8)("Get secret address"), m = `0x${(0, u.toHex)(h)}`, v = (yield o.request({ method: "personal_sign", params: [m, i] })).toString(), I = (0, u.fromHex)(v.slice(2, -2)); let l = parseInt(v.slice(-2), 16) - 27; l < 0 && (l += 27); - const I = (0, u.toUtf8)(`Ethereum Signed Message: -`), R = (0, u.toUtf8)(String(h.length)), k = t.recoverPublicKey((0, a.keccak_256)(new Uint8Array([...I, ...R, ...h])), C, l, !0); - return localStorage.setItem(f, (0, u.toHex)(k)), new r(o, i, k); + const j = (0, u.toUtf8)(`Ethereum Signed Message: +`), N = (0, u.toUtf8)(String(h.length)), S = t.recoverPublicKey((0, a.keccak_256)(new Uint8Array([...j, ...N, ...h])), I, l, !0); + return localStorage.setItem(f, (0, u.toHex)(S)), new r(o, i, S); }); } getAccounts() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { return [{ address: this.address, algo: "secp256k1", pubkey: this.publicKey }]; }); } getSignMode() { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191; + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return (yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(8502)))).SignMode.SIGN_MODE_EIP_191; }); } signAmino(o, i) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (o !== (0, u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey)) throw new Error(`Address ${o} not found in wallet`); const f = `0x${(0, u.toHex)(function(m) { @@ -31859,7 +32197,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } signPermit(o, i) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (o !== (0, u.pubkeyToAddress)(this.publicKey)) throw new Error(`Address ${o} not found in wallet`); const f = (0, d.sha256)((0, s.serializeStdSignDoc)(i)), c = yield this.ethProvider.request({ method: "eth_sign", params: [this.ethAddress, "0x" + (0, u.toHex)(f)] }), h = (0, u.fromHex)(c.slice(2, -2)); @@ -31868,60 +32206,60 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } } e.MetaMaskWallet = r; - }, 1049: function(J, e, b) { + }, 1049: function(J, e, y) { var E = this && this.__createBinding || (Object.create ? function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), Object.defineProperty(s, o, { enumerable: !0, get: function() { return r[n]; } }); } : function(s, r, n, o) { o === void 0 && (o = n), s[o] = r[n]; - }), M = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { + }), R = this && this.__setModuleDefault || (Object.create ? function(s, r) { Object.defineProperty(s, "default", { enumerable: !0, value: r }); } : function(s, r) { s.default = r; - }), P = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { + }), A = this && this.__importStar || function(s) { if (s && s.__esModule) return s; var r = {}; if (s != null) for (var n in s) n !== "default" && Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(s, n) && E(r, s, n); - return M(r, s), r; - }, y = this && this.__awaiter || function(s, r, n, o) { + return R(r, s), r; + }, w = this && this.__awaiter || function(s, r, n, o) { return new (n || (n = Promise))(function(i, f) { function c(v) { try { m(o.next(v)); - } catch (C) { - f(C); + } catch (I) { + f(I); } } function h(v) { try { m(o.throw(v)); - } catch (C) { - f(C); + } catch (I) { + f(I); } } function m(v) { - var C; - v.done ? i(v.value) : (C = v.value, C instanceof n ? C : new n(function(l) { - l(C); + var I; + v.done ? i(v.value) : (I = v.value, I instanceof n ? I : new n(function(l) { + l(I); })).then(c, h); } m((o = o.apply(s, r || [])).next()); }); }; Object.defineProperty(e, "__esModule", { value: !0 }), e.Wallet = void 0; - const a = b(3061), t = P(b(9656)), d = b(5360); + const a = y(3061), t = A(y(9656)), d = y(5360); class u extends d.AminoWallet { signDirect(r, n) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { if (r !== this.address) throw new Error(`Address ${r} not found in wallet`); const o = (0, a.sha256)(yield function({ account_number: f, auth_info_bytes: c, body_bytes: h, chain_id: m }) { - return y(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { - const { SignDoc: v } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => P(b(6994))); + return w(this, void 0, void 0, function* () { + const { SignDoc: v } = yield Promise.resolve().then(() => A(y(6994))); return v.encode(v.fromPartial({ account_number: f, auth_info_bytes: c, body_bytes: h, chain_id: m })).finish(); }); }(n)), i = yield t.sign(o, this.privateKey, { extraEntropy: !0, der: !1 }); @@ -31930,19 +32268,19 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); } } e.Wallet = u; - }, 6647: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(247); - function M(s) { + }, 6647: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(247); + function R(s) { return s.name || s.toString().match(/function (.*?)\s*\(/)[1]; } - function P(s) { - return E.Nil(s) ? "" : M(s.constructor); + function A(s) { + return E.Nil(s) ? "" : R(s.constructor); } - function y(s, r) { + function w(s, r) { Error.captureStackTrace && Error.captureStackTrace(s, r); } function a(s) { - return E.Function(s) ? s.toJSON ? s.toJSON() : M(s) : E.Array(s) ? "Array" : s && E.Object(s) ? "Object" : s !== void 0 ? s : ""; + return E.Function(s) ? s.toJSON ? s.toJSON() : R(s) : E.Array(s) ? "Array" : s && E.Object(s) ? "Object" : s !== void 0 ? s : ""; } function t(s, r, n) { var o = function(i) { @@ -31951,22 +32289,22 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return "Expected " + a(s) + ", got" + (n !== "" ? " " + n : "") + (o !== "" ? " " + o : ""); } function d(s, r, n) { - n = n || P(r), this.message = t(s, r, n), y(this, d), this.__type = s, this.__value = r, this.__valueTypeName = n; + n = n || A(r), this.message = t(s, r, n), w(this, d), this.__type = s, this.__value = r, this.__valueTypeName = n; } function u(s, r, n, o, i) { - s ? (i = i || P(o), this.message = function(f, c, h, m, v) { - var C = '" of type '; - return c === "key" && (C = '" with key type '), t('property "' + a(h) + C + a(f), m, v); - }(s, n, r, o, i)) : this.message = 'Unexpected property "' + r + '"', y(this, d), this.__label = n, this.__property = r, this.__type = s, this.__value = o, this.__valueTypeName = i; + s ? (i = i || A(o), this.message = function(f, c, h, m, v) { + var I = '" of type '; + return c === "key" && (I = '" with key type '), t('property "' + a(h) + I + a(f), m, v); + }(s, n, r, o, i)) : this.message = 'Unexpected property "' + r + '"', w(this, d), this.__label = n, this.__property = r, this.__type = s, this.__value = o, this.__valueTypeName = i; } d.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), d.prototype.constructor = d, u.prototype = Object.create(Error.prototype), u.prototype.constructor = d, J.exports = { TfTypeError: d, TfPropertyTypeError: u, tfCustomError: function(s, r) { return new d(s, {}, r); }, tfSubError: function(s, r, n) { - return s instanceof u ? (r = r + "." + s.__property, s = new u(s.__type, r, s.__label, s.__value, s.__valueTypeName)) : s instanceof d && (s = new u(s.__type, r, n, s.__value, s.__valueTypeName)), y(s), s; - }, tfJSON: a, getValueTypeName: P }; - }, 4307: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764).Buffer, M = b(247), P = b(6647); - function y(f) { + return s instanceof u ? (r = r + "." + s.__property, s = new u(s.__type, r, s.__label, s.__value, s.__valueTypeName)) : s instanceof d && (s = new u(s.__type, r, n, s.__value, s.__valueTypeName)), w(s), s; + }, tfJSON: a, getValueTypeName: A }; + }, 4307: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764).Buffer, R = y(247), A = y(6647); + function w(f) { return E.isBuffer(f); } function a(f) { @@ -31979,13 +32317,13 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return !1; if (v.length === c) return !0; - throw P.tfCustomError(h + "(Length: " + c + ")", h + "(Length: " + v.length + ")"); + throw A.tfCustomError(h + "(Length: " + c + ")", h + "(Length: " + v.length + ")"); } return m.toJSON = function() { return h; }, m; } - var d = t.bind(null, M.Array), u = t.bind(null, y), s = t.bind(null, a), r = t.bind(null, M.String), n = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1, o = { ArrayN: d, Buffer: y, BufferN: u, Finite: function(f) { + var d = t.bind(null, R.Array), u = t.bind(null, w), s = t.bind(null, a), r = t.bind(null, R.String), n = Math.pow(2, 53) - 1, o = { ArrayN: d, Buffer: w, BufferN: u, Finite: function(f) { return typeof f == "number" && isFinite(f); }, Hex: a, HexN: s, Int8: function(f) { return f << 24 >> 24 === f; @@ -31996,10 +32334,10 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, Int53: function(f) { return typeof f == "number" && f >= -n && f <= n && Math.floor(f) === f; }, Range: function(f, c, h) { - function m(v, C) { - return h(v, C) && v > f && v < c; + function m(v, I) { + return h(v, I) && v > f && v < c; } - return h = h || M.Number, m.toJSON = function() { + return h = h || R.Number, m.toJSON = function() { return `${h.toJSON()} between [${f}, ${c}]`; }, m; }, StringN: r, UInt8: function(f) { @@ -32016,31 +32354,31 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return f; }).bind(null, i); J.exports = o; - }, 2401: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(6647), M = b(247), P = E.tfJSON, y = E.TfTypeError, a = E.TfPropertyTypeError, t = E.tfSubError, d = E.getValueTypeName, u = { arrayOf: function(i, f) { + }, 2401: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(6647), R = y(247), A = E.tfJSON, w = E.TfTypeError, a = E.TfPropertyTypeError, t = E.tfSubError, d = E.getValueTypeName, u = { arrayOf: function(i, f) { function c(h, m) { - return !!M.Array(h) && !M.Nil(h) && !(f.minLength !== void 0 && h.length < f.minLength) && !(f.maxLength !== void 0 && h.length > f.maxLength) && (f.length === void 0 || h.length === f.length) && h.every(function(v, C) { + return !!R.Array(h) && !R.Nil(h) && !(f.minLength !== void 0 && h.length < f.minLength) && !(f.maxLength !== void 0 && h.length > f.maxLength) && (f.length === void 0 || h.length === f.length) && h.every(function(v, I) { try { return r(i, v, m); } catch (l) { - throw t(l, C); + throw t(l, I); } }); } return i = s(i), f = f || {}, c.toJSON = function() { - var h = "[" + P(i) + "]"; + var h = "[" + A(i) + "]"; return f.length !== void 0 ? h += "{" + f.length + "}" : f.minLength === void 0 && f.maxLength === void 0 || (h += "{" + (f.minLength === void 0 ? 0 : f.minLength) + "," + (f.maxLength === void 0 ? 1 / 0 : f.maxLength) + "}"), h; }, c; }, maybe: function i(f) { function c(h, m) { - return M.Nil(h) || f(h, m, i); + return R.Nil(h) || f(h, m, i); } return f = s(f), c.toJSON = function() { - return "?" + P(f); + return "?" + A(f); }, c; }, map: function(i, f) { function c(h, m) { - if (!M.Object(h) || M.Nil(h)) + if (!R.Object(h) || R.Nil(h)) return !1; for (var v in h) { try { @@ -32049,8 +32387,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); throw t(l, v, "key"); } try { - var C = h[v]; - r(i, C, m); + var I = h[v]; + r(i, I, m); } catch (l) { throw t(l, v); } @@ -32058,33 +32396,33 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); return !0; } return i = s(i), f && (f = s(f)), c.toJSON = f ? function() { - return "{" + P(f) + ": " + P(i) + "}"; + return "{" + A(f) + ": " + A(i) + "}"; } : function() { - return "{" + P(i) + "}"; + return "{" + A(i) + "}"; }, c; }, object: function(i) { var f = {}; for (var c in i) f[c] = s(i[c]); function h(m, v) { - if (!M.Object(m) || M.Nil(m)) + if (!R.Object(m) || R.Nil(m)) return !1; - var C; + var I; try { - for (C in f) - r(f[C], m[C], v); + for (I in f) + r(f[I], m[I], v); } catch (l) { - throw t(l, C); + throw t(l, I); } if (v) { - for (C in m) - if (!f[C]) - throw new a(void 0, C); + for (I in m) + if (!f[I]) + throw new a(void 0, I); } return !0; } return h.toJSON = function() { - return P(f); + return A(f); }, h; }, anyOf: function() { var i = [].slice.call(arguments).map(s); @@ -32098,7 +32436,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } return f.toJSON = function() { - return i.map(P).join("|"); + return i.map(A).join("|"); }, f; }, allOf: function() { var i = [].slice.call(arguments).map(s); @@ -32112,7 +32450,7 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }); } return f.toJSON = function() { - return i.map(P).join(" & "); + return i.map(A).join(" & "); }, f; }, quacksLike: function(i) { function f(c) { @@ -32124,16 +32462,16 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, tuple: function() { var i = [].slice.call(arguments).map(s); function f(c, h) { - return !M.Nil(c) && !M.Nil(c.length) && (!h || c.length === i.length) && i.every(function(m, v) { + return !R.Nil(c) && !R.Nil(c.length) && (!h || c.length === i.length) && i.every(function(m, v) { try { return r(m, c[v], h); - } catch (C) { - throw t(C, v); + } catch (I) { + throw t(I, v); } }); } return f.toJSON = function() { - return "(" + i.map(P).join(", ") + ")"; + return "(" + i.map(A).join(", ") + ")"; }, f; }, value: function(i) { function f(c) { @@ -32144,34 +32482,34 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, f; } }; function s(i) { - if (M.String(i)) - return i[0] === "?" ? u.maybe(i.slice(1)) : M[i] || u.quacksLike(i); - if (i && M.Object(i)) { - if (M.Array(i)) { + if (R.String(i)) + return i[0] === "?" ? u.maybe(i.slice(1)) : R[i] || u.quacksLike(i); + if (i && R.Object(i)) { + if (R.Array(i)) { if (i.length !== 1) throw new TypeError("Expected compile() parameter of type Array of length 1"); return u.arrayOf(i[0]); } return u.object(i); } - return M.Function(i) ? i : u.value(i); + return R.Function(i) ? i : u.value(i); } function r(i, f, c, h) { - if (M.Function(i)) { + if (R.Function(i)) { if (i(f, c)) return !0; - throw new y(h || i, f); + throw new w(h || i, f); } return r(s(i), f, c); } - for (var n in u.oneOf = u.anyOf, M) - r[n] = M[n]; + for (var n in u.oneOf = u.anyOf, R) + r[n] = R[n]; for (n in u) r[n] = u[n]; - var o = b(4307); + var o = y(4307); for (n in o) r[n] = o[n]; - r.compile = s, r.TfTypeError = y, r.TfPropertyTypeError = a, J.exports = r; + r.compile = s, r.TfTypeError = w, r.TfPropertyTypeError = a, J.exports = r; }, 247: (J) => { var e = { Array: function(E) { return E != null && E.constructor === Array; @@ -32190,209 +32528,209 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }, "": function() { return !0; } }; - for (var b in e.Null = e.Nil, e) - e[b].toJSON = (function(E) { + for (var y in e.Null = e.Nil, e) + e[y].toJSON = (function(E) { return E; - }).bind(null, b); + }).bind(null, y); J.exports = e; - }, 4927: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(5108); - function M(P) { + }, 4927: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(5108); + function R(A) { try { - if (!b.g.localStorage) + if (!y.g.localStorage) return !1; } catch { return !1; } - var y = b.g.localStorage[P]; - return y != null && String(y).toLowerCase() === "true"; + var w = y.g.localStorage[A]; + return w != null && String(w).toLowerCase() === "true"; } - J.exports = function(P, y) { - if (M("noDeprecation")) - return P; + J.exports = function(A, w) { + if (R("noDeprecation")) + return A; var a = !1; return function() { if (!a) { - if (M("throwDeprecation")) - throw new Error(y); - M("traceDeprecation") ? E.trace(y) : E.warn(y), a = !0; + if (R("throwDeprecation")) + throw new Error(w); + R("traceDeprecation") ? E.trace(w) : E.warn(w), a = !0; } - return P.apply(this, arguments); + return A.apply(this, arguments); }; }; }, 384: (J) => { J.exports = function(e) { return e && typeof e == "object" && typeof e.copy == "function" && typeof e.fill == "function" && typeof e.readUInt8 == "function"; }; - }, 5955: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(2584), M = b(8662), P = b(6430), y = b(5692); - function a(T) { - return T.call.bind(T); + }, 5955: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(2584), R = y(8662), A = y(6430), w = y(5692); + function a(C) { + return C.call.bind(C); } var t = typeof BigInt < "u", d = typeof Symbol < "u", u = a(Object.prototype.toString), s = a(Number.prototype.valueOf), r = a(String.prototype.valueOf), n = a(Boolean.prototype.valueOf); if (t) var o = a(BigInt.prototype.valueOf); if (d) var i = a(Symbol.prototype.valueOf); - function f(T, z) { - if (typeof T != "object") + function f(C, L) { + if (typeof C != "object") return !1; try { - return z(T), !0; + return L(C), !0; } catch { return !1; } } - function c(T) { - return u(T) === "[object Map]"; - } - function h(T) { - return u(T) === "[object Set]"; - } - function m(T) { - return u(T) === "[object WeakMap]"; - } - function v(T) { - return u(T) === "[object WeakSet]"; - } - function C(T) { - return u(T) === "[object ArrayBuffer]"; - } - function l(T) { - return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && (C.working ? C(T) : T instanceof ArrayBuffer); - } - function I(T) { - return u(T) === "[object DataView]"; - } - function R(T) { - return typeof DataView < "u" && (I.working ? I(T) : T instanceof DataView); - } - e.isArgumentsObject = E, e.isGeneratorFunction = M, e.isTypedArray = y, e.isPromise = function(T) { - return typeof Promise < "u" && T instanceof Promise || T !== null && typeof T == "object" && typeof T.then == "function" && typeof T.catch == "function"; - }, e.isArrayBufferView = function(T) { - return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(T) : y(T) || R(T); - }, e.isUint8Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Uint8Array"; - }, e.isUint8ClampedArray = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Uint8ClampedArray"; - }, e.isUint16Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Uint16Array"; - }, e.isUint32Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Uint32Array"; - }, e.isInt8Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Int8Array"; - }, e.isInt16Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Int16Array"; - }, e.isInt32Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Int32Array"; - }, e.isFloat32Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Float32Array"; - }, e.isFloat64Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "Float64Array"; - }, e.isBigInt64Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "BigInt64Array"; - }, e.isBigUint64Array = function(T) { - return P(T) === "BigUint64Array"; - }, c.working = typeof Map < "u" && c(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), e.isMap = function(T) { - return typeof Map < "u" && (c.working ? c(T) : T instanceof Map); - }, h.working = typeof Set < "u" && h(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), e.isSet = function(T) { - return typeof Set < "u" && (h.working ? h(T) : T instanceof Set); - }, m.working = typeof WeakMap < "u" && m(/* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()), e.isWeakMap = function(T) { - return typeof WeakMap < "u" && (m.working ? m(T) : T instanceof WeakMap); - }, v.working = typeof WeakSet < "u" && v(/* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet()), e.isWeakSet = function(T) { - return v(T); - }, C.working = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && C(new ArrayBuffer()), e.isArrayBuffer = l, I.working = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && typeof DataView < "u" && I(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1), 0, 1)), e.isDataView = R; - var k = typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" ? SharedArrayBuffer : void 0; - function N(T) { - return u(T) === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]"; - } - function A(T) { - return k !== void 0 && (N.working === void 0 && (N.working = N(new k())), N.working ? N(T) : T instanceof k); - } - function w(T) { - return f(T, s); - } - function _(T) { - return f(T, r); - } - function p(T) { - return f(T, n); - } - function O(T) { - return t && f(T, o); - } - function U(T) { - return d && f(T, i); - } - e.isSharedArrayBuffer = A, e.isAsyncFunction = function(T) { - return u(T) === "[object AsyncFunction]"; - }, e.isMapIterator = function(T) { - return u(T) === "[object Map Iterator]"; - }, e.isSetIterator = function(T) { - return u(T) === "[object Set Iterator]"; - }, e.isGeneratorObject = function(T) { - return u(T) === "[object Generator]"; - }, e.isWebAssemblyCompiledModule = function(T) { - return u(T) === "[object WebAssembly.Module]"; - }, e.isNumberObject = w, e.isStringObject = _, e.isBooleanObject = p, e.isBigIntObject = O, e.isSymbolObject = U, e.isBoxedPrimitive = function(T) { - return w(T) || _(T) || p(T) || O(T) || U(T); - }, e.isAnyArrayBuffer = function(T) { - return typeof Uint8Array < "u" && (l(T) || A(T)); - }, ["isProxy", "isExternal", "isModuleNamespaceObject"].forEach(function(T) { - Object.defineProperty(e, T, { enumerable: !1, value: function() { - throw new Error(T + " is not supported in userland"); + function c(C) { + return u(C) === "[object Map]"; + } + function h(C) { + return u(C) === "[object Set]"; + } + function m(C) { + return u(C) === "[object WeakMap]"; + } + function v(C) { + return u(C) === "[object WeakSet]"; + } + function I(C) { + return u(C) === "[object ArrayBuffer]"; + } + function l(C) { + return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && (I.working ? I(C) : C instanceof ArrayBuffer); + } + function j(C) { + return u(C) === "[object DataView]"; + } + function N(C) { + return typeof DataView < "u" && (j.working ? j(C) : C instanceof DataView); + } + e.isArgumentsObject = E, e.isGeneratorFunction = R, e.isTypedArray = w, e.isPromise = function(C) { + return typeof Promise < "u" && C instanceof Promise || C !== null && typeof C == "object" && typeof C.then == "function" && typeof C.catch == "function"; + }, e.isArrayBufferView = function(C) { + return typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && ArrayBuffer.isView ? ArrayBuffer.isView(C) : w(C) || N(C); + }, e.isUint8Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Uint8Array"; + }, e.isUint8ClampedArray = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Uint8ClampedArray"; + }, e.isUint16Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Uint16Array"; + }, e.isUint32Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Uint32Array"; + }, e.isInt8Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Int8Array"; + }, e.isInt16Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Int16Array"; + }, e.isInt32Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Int32Array"; + }, e.isFloat32Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Float32Array"; + }, e.isFloat64Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "Float64Array"; + }, e.isBigInt64Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "BigInt64Array"; + }, e.isBigUint64Array = function(C) { + return A(C) === "BigUint64Array"; + }, c.working = typeof Map < "u" && c(/* @__PURE__ */ new Map()), e.isMap = function(C) { + return typeof Map < "u" && (c.working ? c(C) : C instanceof Map); + }, h.working = typeof Set < "u" && h(/* @__PURE__ */ new Set()), e.isSet = function(C) { + return typeof Set < "u" && (h.working ? h(C) : C instanceof Set); + }, m.working = typeof WeakMap < "u" && m(/* @__PURE__ */ new WeakMap()), e.isWeakMap = function(C) { + return typeof WeakMap < "u" && (m.working ? m(C) : C instanceof WeakMap); + }, v.working = typeof WeakSet < "u" && v(/* @__PURE__ */ new WeakSet()), e.isWeakSet = function(C) { + return v(C); + }, I.working = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && I(new ArrayBuffer()), e.isArrayBuffer = l, j.working = typeof ArrayBuffer < "u" && typeof DataView < "u" && j(new DataView(new ArrayBuffer(1), 0, 1)), e.isDataView = N; + var S = typeof SharedArrayBuffer < "u" ? SharedArrayBuffer : void 0; + function T(C) { + return u(C) === "[object SharedArrayBuffer]"; + } + function x(C) { + return S !== void 0 && (T.working === void 0 && (T.working = T(new S())), T.working ? T(C) : C instanceof S); + } + function k(C) { + return f(C, s); + } + function b(C) { + return f(C, r); + } + function p(C) { + return f(C, n); + } + function P(C) { + return t && f(C, o); + } + function B(C) { + return d && f(C, i); + } + e.isSharedArrayBuffer = x, e.isAsyncFunction = function(C) { + return u(C) === "[object AsyncFunction]"; + }, e.isMapIterator = function(C) { + return u(C) === "[object Map Iterator]"; + }, e.isSetIterator = function(C) { + return u(C) === "[object Set Iterator]"; + }, e.isGeneratorObject = function(C) { + return u(C) === "[object Generator]"; + }, e.isWebAssemblyCompiledModule = function(C) { + return u(C) === "[object WebAssembly.Module]"; + }, e.isNumberObject = k, e.isStringObject = b, e.isBooleanObject = p, e.isBigIntObject = P, e.isSymbolObject = B, e.isBoxedPrimitive = function(C) { + return k(C) || b(C) || p(C) || P(C) || B(C); + }, e.isAnyArrayBuffer = function(C) { + return typeof Uint8Array < "u" && (l(C) || x(C)); + }, ["isProxy", "isExternal", "isModuleNamespaceObject"].forEach(function(C) { + Object.defineProperty(e, C, { enumerable: !1, value: function() { + throw new Error(C + " is not supported in userland"); } }); }); - }, 9539: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4155), M = b(5108), P = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors || function(T) { - for (var z = Object.keys(T), te = {}, X = 0; X < z.length; X++) - te[z[X]] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(T, z[X]); - return te; - }, y = /%[sdj%]/g; - e.format = function(T) { - if (!v(T)) { - for (var z = [], te = 0; te < arguments.length; te++) - z.push(u(arguments[te])); - return z.join(" "); - } - te = 1; - for (var X = arguments, ne = X.length, B = String(T).replace(y, function(V) { - if (V === "%%") + }, 9539: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4155), R = y(5108), A = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors || function(C) { + for (var L = Object.keys(C), re = {}, ee = 0; ee < L.length; ee++) + re[L[ee]] = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(C, L[ee]); + return re; + }, w = /%[sdj%]/g; + e.format = function(C) { + if (!v(C)) { + for (var L = [], re = 0; re < arguments.length; re++) + L.push(u(arguments[re])); + return L.join(" "); + } + re = 1; + for (var ee = arguments, oe = ee.length, D = String(C).replace(w, function(H) { + if (H === "%%") return "%"; - if (te >= ne) - return V; - switch (V) { + if (re >= oe) + return H; + switch (H) { case "%s": - return String(X[te++]); + return String(ee[re++]); case "%d": - return Number(X[te++]); + return Number(ee[re++]); case "%j": try { - return JSON.stringify(X[te++]); + return JSON.stringify(ee[re++]); } catch { return "[Circular]"; } default: - return V; + return H; } - }), Q = X[te]; te < ne; Q = X[++te]) - h(Q) || !I(Q) ? B += " " + Q : B += " " + u(Q); - return B; - }, e.deprecate = function(T, z) { + }), Z = ee[re]; re < oe; Z = ee[++re]) + h(Z) || !j(Z) ? D += " " + Z : D += " " + u(Z); + return D; + }, e.deprecate = function(C, L) { if (E !== void 0 && E.noDeprecation === !0) - return T; + return C; if (E === void 0) return function() { - return e.deprecate(T, z).apply(this, arguments); + return e.deprecate(C, L).apply(this, arguments); }; - var te = !1; + var re = !1; return function() { - if (!te) { + if (!re) { if (E.throwDeprecation) - throw new Error(z); - E.traceDeprecation ? M.trace(z) : M.error(z), te = !0; + throw new Error(L); + E.traceDeprecation ? R.trace(L) : R.error(L), re = !0; } - return T.apply(this, arguments); + return C.apply(this, arguments); }; }; var a = {}, t = /^$/; @@ -32400,234 +32738,234 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); var d = E.env.NODE_DEBUG; d = d.replace(/[|\\{}()[\]^$+?.]/g, "\\$&").replace(/\*/g, ".*").replace(/,/g, "$|^").toUpperCase(), t = new RegExp("^" + d + "$", "i"); } - function u(T, z) { - var te = { seen: [], stylize: r }; - return arguments.length >= 3 && (te.depth = arguments[2]), arguments.length >= 4 && (te.colors = arguments[3]), c(z) ? te.showHidden = z : z && e._extend(te, z), C(te.showHidden) && (te.showHidden = !1), C(te.depth) && (te.depth = 2), C(te.colors) && (te.colors = !1), C(te.customInspect) && (te.customInspect = !0), te.colors && (te.stylize = s), n(te, T, te.depth); + function u(C, L) { + var re = { seen: [], stylize: r }; + return arguments.length >= 3 && (re.depth = arguments[2]), arguments.length >= 4 && (re.colors = arguments[3]), c(L) ? re.showHidden = L : L && e._extend(re, L), I(re.showHidden) && (re.showHidden = !1), I(re.depth) && (re.depth = 2), I(re.colors) && (re.colors = !1), I(re.customInspect) && (re.customInspect = !0), re.colors && (re.stylize = s), n(re, C, re.depth); } - function s(T, z) { - var te = u.styles[z]; - return te ? "\x1B[" + u.colors[te][0] + "m" + T + "\x1B[" + u.colors[te][1] + "m" : T; + function s(C, L) { + var re = u.styles[L]; + return re ? "\x1B[" + u.colors[re][0] + "m" + C + "\x1B[" + u.colors[re][1] + "m" : C; } - function r(T, z) { - return T; + function r(C, L) { + return C; } - function n(T, z, te) { - if (T.customInspect && z && N(z.inspect) && z.inspect !== e.inspect && (!z.constructor || z.constructor.prototype !== z)) { - var X = z.inspect(te, T); - return v(X) || (X = n(T, X, te)), X; - } - var ne = function(ae, de) { - if (C(de)) - return ae.stylize("undefined", "undefined"); - if (v(de)) { - var ue = "'" + JSON.stringify(de).replace(/^"|"$/g, "").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"') + "'"; - return ae.stylize(ue, "string"); - } - return m(de) ? ae.stylize("" + de, "number") : c(de) ? ae.stylize("" + de, "boolean") : h(de) ? ae.stylize("null", "null") : void 0; - }(T, z); - if (ne) - return ne; - var B = Object.keys(z), Q = function(ae) { - var de = {}; - return ae.forEach(function(ue, le) { - de[ue] = !0; + function n(C, L, re) { + if (C.customInspect && L && T(L.inspect) && L.inspect !== e.inspect && (!L.constructor || L.constructor.prototype !== L)) { + var ee = L.inspect(re, C); + return v(ee) || (ee = n(C, ee, re)), ee; + } + var oe = function(se, ue) { + if (I(ue)) + return se.stylize("undefined", "undefined"); + if (v(ue)) { + var le = "'" + JSON.stringify(ue).replace(/^"|"$/g, "").replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"') + "'"; + return se.stylize(le, "string"); + } + return m(ue) ? se.stylize("" + ue, "number") : c(ue) ? se.stylize("" + ue, "boolean") : h(ue) ? se.stylize("null", "null") : void 0; + }(C, L); + if (oe) + return oe; + var D = Object.keys(L), Z = function(se) { + var ue = {}; + return se.forEach(function(le, fe) { + ue[le] = !0; + }), ue; + }(D); + if (C.showHidden && (D = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(L)), S(L) && (D.indexOf("message") >= 0 || D.indexOf("description") >= 0)) + return o(L); + if (D.length === 0) { + if (T(L)) { + var H = L.name ? ": " + L.name : ""; + return C.stylize("[Function" + H + "]", "special"); + } + if (l(L)) + return C.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(L), "regexp"); + if (N(L)) + return C.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(L), "date"); + if (S(L)) + return o(L); + } + var te, Q = "", X = !1, F = ["{", "}"]; + return f(L) && (X = !0, F = ["[", "]"]), T(L) && (Q = " [Function" + (L.name ? ": " + L.name : "") + "]"), l(L) && (Q = " " + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(L)), N(L) && (Q = " " + Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(L)), S(L) && (Q = " " + o(L)), D.length !== 0 || X && L.length != 0 ? re < 0 ? l(L) ? C.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(L), "regexp") : C.stylize("[Object]", "special") : (C.seen.push(L), te = X ? function(se, ue, le, fe, _e) { + for (var de = [], pe = 0, ye = ue.length; pe < ye; ++pe) + p(ue, String(pe)) ? de.push(i(se, ue, le, fe, String(pe), !0)) : de.push(""); + return _e.forEach(function(G) { + G.match(/^\d+$/) || de.push(i(se, ue, le, fe, G, !0)); }), de; - }(B); - if (T.showHidden && (B = Object.getOwnPropertyNames(z)), k(z) && (B.indexOf("message") >= 0 || B.indexOf("description") >= 0)) - return o(z); - if (B.length === 0) { - if (N(z)) { - var V = z.name ? ": " + z.name : ""; - return T.stylize("[Function" + V + "]", "special"); - } - if (l(z)) - return T.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(z), "regexp"); - if (R(z)) - return T.stylize(Date.prototype.toString.call(z), "date"); - if (k(z)) - return o(z); - } - var ee, K = "", Y = !1, q = ["{", "}"]; - return f(z) && (Y = !0, q = ["[", "]"]), N(z) && (K = " [Function" + (z.name ? ": " + z.name : "") + "]"), l(z) && (K = " " + RegExp.prototype.toString.call(z)), R(z) && (K = " " + Date.prototype.toUTCString.call(z)), k(z) && (K = " " + o(z)), B.length !== 0 || Y && z.length != 0 ? te < 0 ? l(z) ? T.stylize(RegExp.prototype.toString.call(z), "regexp") : T.stylize("[Object]", "special") : (T.seen.push(z), ee = Y ? function(ae, de, ue, le, ge) { - for (var ce = [], he = 0, be = de.length; he < be; ++he) - p(de, String(he)) ? ce.push(i(ae, de, ue, le, String(he), !0)) : ce.push(""); - return ge.forEach(function(W) { - W.match(/^\d+$/) || ce.push(i(ae, de, ue, le, W, !0)); - }), ce; - }(T, z, te, Q, B) : B.map(function(ae) { - return i(T, z, te, Q, ae, Y); - }), T.seen.pop(), function(ae, de, ue) { - return ae.reduce(function(le, ge) { - return ge.indexOf(` -`), le + ge.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, "").length + 1; - }, 0) > 60 ? ue[0] + (de === "" ? "" : de + ` - `) + " " + ae.join(`, - `) + " " + ue[1] : ue[0] + de + " " + ae.join(", ") + " " + ue[1]; - }(ee, K, q)) : q[0] + K + q[1]; - } - function o(T) { - return "[" + Error.prototype.toString.call(T) + "]"; - } - function i(T, z, te, X, ne, B) { - var Q, V, ee; - if ((ee = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(z, ne) || { value: z[ne] }).get ? V = ee.set ? T.stylize("[Getter/Setter]", "special") : T.stylize("[Getter]", "special") : ee.set && (V = T.stylize("[Setter]", "special")), p(X, ne) || (Q = "[" + ne + "]"), V || (T.seen.indexOf(ee.value) < 0 ? (V = h(te) ? n(T, ee.value, null) : n(T, ee.value, te - 1)).indexOf(` -`) > -1 && (V = B ? V.split(` -`).map(function(K) { - return " " + K; + }(C, L, re, Z, D) : D.map(function(se) { + return i(C, L, re, Z, se, X); + }), C.seen.pop(), function(se, ue, le) { + return se.reduce(function(fe, _e) { + return _e.indexOf(` +`), fe + _e.replace(/\u001b\[\d\d?m/g, "").length + 1; + }, 0) > 60 ? le[0] + (ue === "" ? "" : ue + ` + `) + " " + se.join(`, + `) + " " + le[1] : le[0] + ue + " " + se.join(", ") + " " + le[1]; + }(te, Q, F)) : F[0] + Q + F[1]; + } + function o(C) { + return "[" + Error.prototype.toString.call(C) + "]"; + } + function i(C, L, re, ee, oe, D) { + var Z, H, te; + if ((te = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(L, oe) || { value: L[oe] }).get ? H = te.set ? C.stylize("[Getter/Setter]", "special") : C.stylize("[Getter]", "special") : te.set && (H = C.stylize("[Setter]", "special")), p(ee, oe) || (Z = "[" + oe + "]"), H || (C.seen.indexOf(te.value) < 0 ? (H = h(re) ? n(C, te.value, null) : n(C, te.value, re - 1)).indexOf(` +`) > -1 && (H = D ? H.split(` +`).map(function(Q) { + return " " + Q; }).join(` `).slice(2) : ` -` + V.split(` -`).map(function(K) { - return " " + K; +` + H.split(` +`).map(function(Q) { + return " " + Q; }).join(` -`)) : V = T.stylize("[Circular]", "special")), C(Q)) { - if (B && ne.match(/^\d+$/)) - return V; - (Q = JSON.stringify("" + ne)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (Q = Q.slice(1, -1), Q = T.stylize(Q, "name")) : (Q = Q.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"), Q = T.stylize(Q, "string")); +`)) : H = C.stylize("[Circular]", "special")), I(Z)) { + if (D && oe.match(/^\d+$/)) + return H; + (Z = JSON.stringify("" + oe)).match(/^"([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*)"$/) ? (Z = Z.slice(1, -1), Z = C.stylize(Z, "name")) : (Z = Z.replace(/'/g, "\\'").replace(/\\"/g, '"').replace(/(^"|"$)/g, "'"), Z = C.stylize(Z, "string")); } - return Q + ": " + V; + return Z + ": " + H; } - function f(T) { - return Array.isArray(T); + function f(C) { + return Array.isArray(C); } - function c(T) { - return typeof T == "boolean"; + function c(C) { + return typeof C == "boolean"; } - function h(T) { - return T === null; + function h(C) { + return C === null; } - function m(T) { - return typeof T == "number"; + function m(C) { + return typeof C == "number"; } - function v(T) { - return typeof T == "string"; + function v(C) { + return typeof C == "string"; } - function C(T) { - return T === void 0; + function I(C) { + return C === void 0; } - function l(T) { - return I(T) && A(T) === "[object RegExp]"; + function l(C) { + return j(C) && x(C) === "[object RegExp]"; } - function I(T) { - return typeof T == "object" && T !== null; + function j(C) { + return typeof C == "object" && C !== null; } - function R(T) { - return I(T) && A(T) === "[object Date]"; + function N(C) { + return j(C) && x(C) === "[object Date]"; } - function k(T) { - return I(T) && (A(T) === "[object Error]" || T instanceof Error); + function S(C) { + return j(C) && (x(C) === "[object Error]" || C instanceof Error); } - function N(T) { - return typeof T == "function"; + function T(C) { + return typeof C == "function"; } - function A(T) { - return Object.prototype.toString.call(T); + function x(C) { + return Object.prototype.toString.call(C); } - function w(T) { - return T < 10 ? "0" + T.toString(10) : T.toString(10); + function k(C) { + return C < 10 ? "0" + C.toString(10) : C.toString(10); } - e.debuglog = function(T) { - if (T = T.toUpperCase(), !a[T]) - if (t.test(T)) { - var z = E.pid; - a[T] = function() { - var te = e.format.apply(e, arguments); - M.error("%s %d: %s", T, z, te); + e.debuglog = function(C) { + if (C = C.toUpperCase(), !a[C]) + if (t.test(C)) { + var L = E.pid; + a[C] = function() { + var re = e.format.apply(e, arguments); + R.error("%s %d: %s", C, L, re); }; } else - a[T] = function() { + a[C] = function() { }; - return a[T]; - }, e.inspect = u, u.colors = { bold: [1, 22], italic: [3, 23], underline: [4, 24], inverse: [7, 27], white: [37, 39], grey: [90, 39], black: [30, 39], blue: [34, 39], cyan: [36, 39], green: [32, 39], magenta: [35, 39], red: [31, 39], yellow: [33, 39] }, u.styles = { special: "cyan", number: "yellow", boolean: "yellow", undefined: "grey", null: "bold", string: "green", date: "magenta", regexp: "red" }, e.types = b(5955), e.isArray = f, e.isBoolean = c, e.isNull = h, e.isNullOrUndefined = function(T) { - return T == null; - }, e.isNumber = m, e.isString = v, e.isSymbol = function(T) { - return typeof T == "symbol"; - }, e.isUndefined = C, e.isRegExp = l, e.types.isRegExp = l, e.isObject = I, e.isDate = R, e.types.isDate = R, e.isError = k, e.types.isNativeError = k, e.isFunction = N, e.isPrimitive = function(T) { - return T === null || typeof T == "boolean" || typeof T == "number" || typeof T == "string" || typeof T == "symbol" || T === void 0; - }, e.isBuffer = b(384); - var _ = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; - function p(T, z) { - return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(T, z); + return a[C]; + }, e.inspect = u, u.colors = { bold: [1, 22], italic: [3, 23], underline: [4, 24], inverse: [7, 27], white: [37, 39], grey: [90, 39], black: [30, 39], blue: [34, 39], cyan: [36, 39], green: [32, 39], magenta: [35, 39], red: [31, 39], yellow: [33, 39] }, u.styles = { special: "cyan", number: "yellow", boolean: "yellow", undefined: "grey", null: "bold", string: "green", date: "magenta", regexp: "red" }, e.types = y(5955), e.isArray = f, e.isBoolean = c, e.isNull = h, e.isNullOrUndefined = function(C) { + return C == null; + }, e.isNumber = m, e.isString = v, e.isSymbol = function(C) { + return typeof C == "symbol"; + }, e.isUndefined = I, e.isRegExp = l, e.types.isRegExp = l, e.isObject = j, e.isDate = N, e.types.isDate = N, e.isError = S, e.types.isNativeError = S, e.isFunction = T, e.isPrimitive = function(C) { + return C === null || typeof C == "boolean" || typeof C == "number" || typeof C == "string" || typeof C == "symbol" || C === void 0; + }, e.isBuffer = y(384); + var b = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; + function p(C, L) { + return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(C, L); } e.log = function() { - var T, z; - M.log("%s - %s", (z = [w((T = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getHours()), w(T.getMinutes()), w(T.getSeconds())].join(":"), [T.getDate(), _[T.getMonth()], z].join(" ")), e.format.apply(e, arguments)); - }, e.inherits = b(5717), e._extend = function(T, z) { - if (!z || !I(z)) - return T; - for (var te = Object.keys(z), X = te.length; X--; ) - T[te[X]] = z[te[X]]; - return T; + var C, L; + R.log("%s - %s", (L = [k((C = /* @__PURE__ */ new Date()).getHours()), k(C.getMinutes()), k(C.getSeconds())].join(":"), [C.getDate(), b[C.getMonth()], L].join(" ")), e.format.apply(e, arguments)); + }, e.inherits = y(5717), e._extend = function(C, L) { + if (!L || !j(L)) + return C; + for (var re = Object.keys(L), ee = re.length; ee--; ) + C[re[ee]] = L[re[ee]]; + return C; }; - var O = typeof Symbol < "u" ? Symbol("util.promisify.custom") : void 0; - function U(T, z) { - if (!T) { - var te = new Error("Promise was rejected with a falsy value"); - te.reason = T, T = te; + var P = typeof Symbol < "u" ? Symbol("util.promisify.custom") : void 0; + function B(C, L) { + if (!C) { + var re = new Error("Promise was rejected with a falsy value"); + re.reason = C, C = re; } - return z(T); + return L(C); } - e.promisify = function(T) { - if (typeof T != "function") + e.promisify = function(C) { + if (typeof C != "function") throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function'); - if (O && T[O]) { - var z; - if (typeof (z = T[O]) != "function") + if (P && C[P]) { + var L; + if (typeof (L = C[P]) != "function") throw new TypeError('The "util.promisify.custom" argument must be of type Function'); - return Object.defineProperty(z, O, { value: z, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 }), z; - } - function z() { - for (var te, X, ne = new Promise(function(V, ee) { - te = V, X = ee; - }), B = [], Q = 0; Q < arguments.length; Q++) - B.push(arguments[Q]); - B.push(function(V, ee) { - V ? X(V) : te(ee); + return Object.defineProperty(L, P, { value: L, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 }), L; + } + function L() { + for (var re, ee, oe = new Promise(function(H, te) { + re = H, ee = te; + }), D = [], Z = 0; Z < arguments.length; Z++) + D.push(arguments[Z]); + D.push(function(H, te) { + H ? ee(H) : re(te); }); try { - T.apply(this, B); - } catch (V) { - X(V); + C.apply(this, D); + } catch (H) { + ee(H); } - return ne; + return oe; } - return Object.setPrototypeOf(z, Object.getPrototypeOf(T)), O && Object.defineProperty(z, O, { value: z, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperties(z, P(T)); - }, e.promisify.custom = O, e.callbackify = function(T) { - if (typeof T != "function") + return Object.setPrototypeOf(L, Object.getPrototypeOf(C)), P && Object.defineProperty(L, P, { value: L, enumerable: !1, writable: !1, configurable: !0 }), Object.defineProperties(L, A(C)); + }, e.promisify.custom = P, e.callbackify = function(C) { + if (typeof C != "function") throw new TypeError('The "original" argument must be of type Function'); - function z() { - for (var te = [], X = 0; X < arguments.length; X++) - te.push(arguments[X]); - var ne = te.pop(); - if (typeof ne != "function") + function L() { + for (var re = [], ee = 0; ee < arguments.length; ee++) + re.push(arguments[ee]); + var oe = re.pop(); + if (typeof oe != "function") throw new TypeError("The last argument must be of type Function"); - var B = this, Q = function() { - return ne.apply(B, arguments); + var D = this, Z = function() { + return oe.apply(D, arguments); }; - T.apply(this, te).then(function(V) { - E.nextTick(Q.bind(null, null, V)); - }, function(V) { - E.nextTick(U.bind(null, V, Q)); + C.apply(this, re).then(function(H) { + E.nextTick(Z.bind(null, null, H)); + }, function(H) { + E.nextTick(B.bind(null, H, Z)); }); } - return Object.setPrototypeOf(z, Object.getPrototypeOf(T)), Object.defineProperties(z, P(T)), z; + return Object.setPrototypeOf(L, Object.getPrototypeOf(C)), Object.defineProperties(L, A(C)), L; }; - }, 6430: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(4029), M = b(3083), P = b(1924), y = b(7296), a = P("Object.prototype.toString"), t = b(6410)(), d = typeof globalThis > "u" ? b.g : globalThis, u = M(), s = P("String.prototype.slice"), r = {}, n = Object.getPrototypeOf; - t && y && n && E(u, function(i) { + }, 6430: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(4029), R = y(3083), A = y(1924), w = y(7296), a = A("Object.prototype.toString"), t = y(6410)(), d = typeof globalThis > "u" ? y.g : globalThis, u = R(), s = A("String.prototype.slice"), r = {}, n = Object.getPrototypeOf; + t && w && n && E(u, function(i) { if (typeof d[i] == "function") { var f = new d[i](); if (Symbol.toStringTag in f) { - var c = n(f), h = y(c, Symbol.toStringTag); + var c = n(f), h = w(c, Symbol.toStringTag); if (!h) { var m = n(c); - h = y(m, Symbol.toStringTag); + h = w(m, Symbol.toStringTag); } r[i] = h.get; } } }); - var o = b(5692); + var o = y(5692); J.exports = function(i) { return !!o(i) && (t && Symbol.toStringTag in i ? function(f) { var c = !1; @@ -32641,9 +32979,9 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); }), c; }(i) : s(a(i), 8, -1)); }; - }, 9898: (J, e, b) => { - var E = b(8764).Buffer, M = b(8334); - function P(a, t) { + }, 9898: (J, e, y) => { + var E = y(8764).Buffer, R = y(8334); + function A(a, t) { if (t !== void 0 && a[0] !== t) throw new Error("Invalid network version"); if (a.length === 33) @@ -32654,27 +32992,27 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); throw new Error("Invalid compression flag"); return { version: a[0], privateKey: a.slice(1, 33), compressed: !0 }; } - function y(a, t, d) { + function w(a, t, d) { var u = new E(d ? 34 : 33); return u.writeUInt8(a, 0), t.copy(u, 1), d && (u[33] = 1), u; } J.exports = { decode: function(a, t) { - return P(M.decode(a), t); - }, decodeRaw: P, encode: function(a, t, d) { - return typeof a == "number" ? M.encode(y(a, t, d)) : M.encode(y(a.version, a.privateKey, a.compressed)); - }, encodeRaw: y }; + return A(R.decode(a), t); + }, decodeRaw: A, encode: function(a, t, d) { + return typeof a == "number" ? R.encode(w(a, t, d)) : R.encode(w(a.version, a.privateKey, a.compressed)); + }, encodeRaw: w }; }, 9159: () => { }, 6601: () => { }, 9214: () => { }, 2361: () => { }, 4616: () => { }, 3954: () => { - }, 3083: (J, e, b) => { - var E = ["BigInt64Array", "BigUint64Array", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Int8Array", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray"], M = typeof globalThis > "u" ? b.g : globalThis; + }, 3083: (J, e, y) => { + var E = ["BigInt64Array", "BigUint64Array", "Float32Array", "Float64Array", "Int16Array", "Int32Array", "Int8Array", "Uint16Array", "Uint32Array", "Uint8Array", "Uint8ClampedArray"], R = typeof globalThis > "u" ? y.g : globalThis; J.exports = function() { - for (var P = [], y = 0; y < E.length; y++) - typeof M[E[y]] == "function" && (P[P.length] = E[y]); - return P; + for (var A = [], w = 0; w < E.length; w++) + typeof R[E[w]] == "function" && (A[A.length] = E[w]); + return A; }; }, 6996: (J) => { J.exports = 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@@ -32703,8 +33041,8 @@ Use Chrome, Firefox or Internet Explorer 11`); var e = __webpack_module_cache__[J]; if (e !== void 0) return e.exports; - var b = __webpack_module_cache__[J] = { id: J, loaded: !1, exports: {} }; - return __webpack_modules__[J].call(b.exports, b, b.exports, __webpack_require__), b.loaded = !0, b.exports; + var y = __webpack_module_cache__[J] = { id: J, loaded: !1, exports: {} }; + return __webpack_modules__[J].call(y.exports, y, y.exports, __webpack_require__), y.loaded = !0, y.exports; } __webpack_require__.g = function() { if (typeof globalThis == "object") @@ -32733,26 +33071,26 @@ function createFetchClient(J) { const DEFAULT_SECRET_LCD_ENDPOINT = "https://lcd.secret.express/", SECRET_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID = "secret-4", getSecretNetworkClient$ = ({ walletAccount: J, lcdEndpoint: e, - chainId: b + chainId: y }) => createFetchClient(defer( () => of(J ? { client: new browserExports.SecretNetworkClient({ url: e, wallet: J.signer, walletAddress: J.walletAddress, - chainId: b, + chainId: y, encryptionUtils: J.encryptionUtils, encryptionSeed: J.encryptionSeed }), endpoint: e, - chainId: b + chainId: y } : { client: new browserExports.SecretNetworkClient({ url: e, - chainId: b + chainId: y }), endpoint: e, - chainId: b + chainId: y }) )); let activeClient; @@ -32761,9 +33099,9 @@ function getActiveQueryClient$(J, e) { lcdEndpoint: J ?? DEFAULT_SECRET_LCD_ENDPOINT, chainId: e ?? SECRET_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID }).pipe( - tap(({ client: b }) => { + tap(({ client: y }) => { activeClient = { - client: b, + client: y, endpoint: J ?? DEFAULT_SECRET_LCD_ENDPOINT, chainId: e ?? SECRET_MAINNET_CHAIN_ID }; @@ -32780,31 +33118,31 @@ function identifyQueryResponseErrors(J) { const secretClientContractQuery$ = ({ queryMsg: J, client: e, - contractAddress: b, + contractAddress: y, codeHash: E }) => createFetchClient(defer( () => from(e.query.compute.queryContract({ - contract_address: b, + contract_address: y, code_hash: E, query: J })) )), sendSecretClientContractQuery$ = ({ queryMsg: J, client: e, - contractAddress: b, + contractAddress: y, codeHash: E }) => secretClientContractQuery$({ queryMsg: J, client: e, - contractAddress: b, + contractAddress: y, codeHash: E }).pipe( - tap((M) => identifyQueryResponseErrors(M)), + tap((R) => identifyQueryResponseErrors(R)), first() ); var isNumeric = /^-?(?:\d+(?:\.\d*)?|\.\d+)(?:e[+-]?\d+)?$/i, mathceil = Math.ceil, mathfloor = Math.floor, bignumberError = "[BigNumber Error] ", tooManyDigits = bignumberError + "Number primitive has more than 15 significant digits: ", BASE = 1e14, LOG_BASE = 14, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER = 9007199254740991, POWS_TEN = [1, 10, 100, 1e3, 1e4, 1e5, 1e6, 1e7, 1e8, 1e9, 1e10, 1e11, 1e12, 1e13], SQRT_BASE = 1e7, MAX = 1e9; function clone(J) { - var e, b, E, M = h.prototype = { constructor: h, toString: null, valueOf: null }, P = new h(1), y = 20, a = 4, t = -7, d = 21, u = -1e7, s = 1e7, r = !1, n = 1, o = 0, i = { + var e, y, E, R = h.prototype = { constructor: h, toString: null, valueOf: null }, A = new h(1), w = 20, a = 4, t = -7, d = 21, u = -1e7, s = 1e7, r = !1, n = 1, o = 0, i = { prefix: "", groupSize: 3, secondaryGroupSize: 0, @@ -32815,115 +33153,115 @@ function clone(J) { // non-breaking space suffix: "" }, f = "0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz", c = !0; - function h(R, k) { - var N, A, w, _, p, O, U, T, z = this; - if (!(z instanceof h)) - return new h(R, k); - if (k == null) { - if (R && R._isBigNumber === !0) { - z.s = R.s, !R.c || R.e > s ? z.c = z.e = null : R.e < u ? z.c = [z.e = 0] : (z.e = R.e, z.c = R.c.slice()); + function h(N, S) { + var T, x, k, b, p, P, B, C, L = this; + if (!(L instanceof h)) + return new h(N, S); + if (S == null) { + if (N && N._isBigNumber === !0) { + L.s = N.s, !N.c || N.e > s ? L.c = L.e = null : N.e < u ? L.c = [L.e = 0] : (L.e = N.e, L.c = N.c.slice()); return; } - if ((O = typeof R == "number") && R * 0 == 0) { - if (z.s = 1 / R < 0 ? (R = -R, -1) : 1, R === ~~R) { - for (_ = 0, p = R; p >= 10; p /= 10, _++) + if ((P = typeof N == "number") && N * 0 == 0) { + if (L.s = 1 / N < 0 ? (N = -N, -1) : 1, N === ~~N) { + for (b = 0, p = N; p >= 10; p /= 10, b++) ; - _ > s ? z.c = z.e = null : (z.e = _, z.c = [R]); + b > s ? L.c = L.e = null : (L.e = b, L.c = [N]); return; } - T = String(R); + C = String(N); } else { - if (!isNumeric.test(T = String(R))) - return E(z, T, O); - z.s = T.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? (T = T.slice(1), -1) : 1; + if (!isNumeric.test(C = String(N))) + return E(L, C, P); + L.s = C.charCodeAt(0) == 45 ? (C = C.slice(1), -1) : 1; } - (_ = T.indexOf(".")) > -1 && (T = T.replace(".", "")), (p = T.search(/e/i)) > 0 ? (_ < 0 && (_ = p), _ += +T.slice(p + 1), T = T.substring(0, p)) : _ < 0 && (_ = T.length); + (b = C.indexOf(".")) > -1 && (C = C.replace(".", "")), (p = C.search(/e/i)) > 0 ? (b < 0 && (b = p), b += +C.slice(p + 1), C = C.substring(0, p)) : b < 0 && (b = C.length); } else { - if (intCheck(k, 2, f.length, "Base"), k == 10 && c) - return z = new h(R), l(z, y + z.e + 1, a); - if (T = String(R), O = typeof R == "number") { - if (R * 0 != 0) - return E(z, T, O, k); - if (z.s = 1 / R < 0 ? (T = T.slice(1), -1) : 1, h.DEBUG && T.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, "").length > 15) - throw Error(tooManyDigits + R); + if (intCheck(S, 2, f.length, "Base"), S == 10 && c) + return L = new h(N), l(L, w + L.e + 1, a); + if (C = String(N), P = typeof N == "number") { + if (N * 0 != 0) + return E(L, C, P, S); + if (L.s = 1 / N < 0 ? (C = C.slice(1), -1) : 1, h.DEBUG && C.replace(/^0\.0*|\./, "").length > 15) + throw Error(tooManyDigits + N); } else - z.s = T.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? (T = T.slice(1), -1) : 1; - for (N = f.slice(0, k), _ = p = 0, U = T.length; p < U; p++) - if (N.indexOf(A = T.charAt(p)) < 0) { - if (A == ".") { - if (p > _) { - _ = U; + L.s = C.charCodeAt(0) === 45 ? (C = C.slice(1), -1) : 1; + for (T = f.slice(0, S), b = p = 0, B = C.length; p < B; p++) + if (T.indexOf(x = C.charAt(p)) < 0) { + if (x == ".") { + if (p > b) { + b = B; continue; } - } else if (!w && (T == T.toUpperCase() && (T = T.toLowerCase()) || T == T.toLowerCase() && (T = T.toUpperCase()))) { - w = !0, p = -1, _ = 0; + } else if (!k && (C == C.toUpperCase() && (C = C.toLowerCase()) || C == C.toLowerCase() && (C = C.toUpperCase()))) { + k = !0, p = -1, b = 0; continue; } - return E(z, String(R), O, k); + return E(L, String(N), P, S); } - O = !1, T = b(T, k, 10, z.s), (_ = T.indexOf(".")) > -1 ? T = T.replace(".", "") : _ = T.length; + P = !1, C = y(C, S, 10, L.s), (b = C.indexOf(".")) > -1 ? C = C.replace(".", "") : b = C.length; } - for (p = 0; T.charCodeAt(p) === 48; p++) + for (p = 0; C.charCodeAt(p) === 48; p++) ; - for (U = T.length; T.charCodeAt(--U) === 48; ) + for (B = C.length; C.charCodeAt(--B) === 48; ) ; - if (T = T.slice(p, ++U)) { - if (U -= p, O && h.DEBUG && U > 15 && (R > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || R !== mathfloor(R))) - throw Error(tooManyDigits + z.s * R); - if ((_ = _ - p - 1) > s) - z.c = z.e = null; - else if (_ < u) - z.c = [z.e = 0]; + if (C = C.slice(p, ++B)) { + if (B -= p, P && h.DEBUG && B > 15 && (N > MAX_SAFE_INTEGER || N !== mathfloor(N))) + throw Error(tooManyDigits + L.s * N); + if ((b = b - p - 1) > s) + L.c = L.e = null; + else if (b < u) + L.c = [L.e = 0]; else { - if (z.e = _, z.c = [], p = (_ + 1) % LOG_BASE, _ < 0 && (p += LOG_BASE), p < U) { - for (p && z.c.push(+T.slice(0, p)), U -= LOG_BASE; p < U; ) - z.c.push(+T.slice(p, p += LOG_BASE)); - p = LOG_BASE - (T = T.slice(p)).length; + if (L.e = b, L.c = [], p = (b + 1) % LOG_BASE, b < 0 && (p += LOG_BASE), p < B) { + for (p && L.c.push(+C.slice(0, p)), B -= LOG_BASE; p < B; ) + L.c.push(+C.slice(p, p += LOG_BASE)); + p = LOG_BASE - (C = C.slice(p)).length; } else - p -= U; - for (; p--; T += "0") + p -= B; + for (; p--; C += "0") ; - z.c.push(+T); + L.c.push(+C); } } else - z.c = [z.e = 0]; + L.c = [L.e = 0]; } - h.clone = clone, h.ROUND_UP = 0, h.ROUND_DOWN = 1, h.ROUND_CEIL = 2, h.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, h.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, h.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, h.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, h.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, h.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, h.EUCLID = 9, h.config = h.set = function(R) { - var k, N; - if (R != null) - if (typeof R == "object") { - if (R.hasOwnProperty(k = "DECIMAL_PLACES") && (N = R[k], intCheck(N, 0, MAX, k), y = N), R.hasOwnProperty(k = "ROUNDING_MODE") && (N = R[k], intCheck(N, 0, 8, k), a = N), R.hasOwnProperty(k = "EXPONENTIAL_AT") && (N = R[k], N && N.pop ? (intCheck(N[0], -MAX, 0, k), intCheck(N[1], 0, MAX, k), t = N[0], d = N[1]) : (intCheck(N, -MAX, MAX, k), t = -(d = N < 0 ? -N : N))), R.hasOwnProperty(k = "RANGE")) - if (N = R[k], N && N.pop) - intCheck(N[0], -MAX, -1, k), intCheck(N[1], 1, MAX, k), u = N[0], s = N[1]; - else if (intCheck(N, -MAX, MAX, k), N) - u = -(s = N < 0 ? -N : N); + h.clone = clone, h.ROUND_UP = 0, h.ROUND_DOWN = 1, h.ROUND_CEIL = 2, h.ROUND_FLOOR = 3, h.ROUND_HALF_UP = 4, h.ROUND_HALF_DOWN = 5, h.ROUND_HALF_EVEN = 6, h.ROUND_HALF_CEIL = 7, h.ROUND_HALF_FLOOR = 8, h.EUCLID = 9, h.config = h.set = function(N) { + var S, T; + if (N != null) + if (typeof N == "object") { + if (N.hasOwnProperty(S = "DECIMAL_PLACES") && (T = N[S], intCheck(T, 0, MAX, S), w = T), N.hasOwnProperty(S = "ROUNDING_MODE") && (T = N[S], intCheck(T, 0, 8, S), a = T), N.hasOwnProperty(S = "EXPONENTIAL_AT") && (T = N[S], T && T.pop ? (intCheck(T[0], -MAX, 0, S), intCheck(T[1], 0, MAX, S), t = T[0], d = T[1]) : (intCheck(T, -MAX, MAX, S), t = -(d = T < 0 ? -T : T))), N.hasOwnProperty(S = "RANGE")) + if (T = N[S], T && T.pop) + intCheck(T[0], -MAX, -1, S), intCheck(T[1], 1, MAX, S), u = T[0], s = T[1]; + else if (intCheck(T, -MAX, MAX, S), T) + u = -(s = T < 0 ? -T : T); else - throw Error(bignumberError + k + " cannot be zero: " + N); - if (R.hasOwnProperty(k = "CRYPTO")) - if (N = R[k], N === !!N) - if (N) + throw Error(bignumberError + S + " cannot be zero: " + T); + if (N.hasOwnProperty(S = "CRYPTO")) + if (T = N[S], T === !!T) + if (T) if (typeof crypto < "u" && crypto && (crypto.getRandomValues || crypto.randomBytes)) - r = N; + r = T; else - throw r = !N, Error(bignumberError + "crypto unavailable"); + throw r = !T, Error(bignumberError + "crypto unavailable"); else - r = N; + r = T; else - throw Error(bignumberError + k + " not true or false: " + N); - if (R.hasOwnProperty(k = "MODULO_MODE") && (N = R[k], intCheck(N, 0, 9, k), n = N), R.hasOwnProperty(k = "POW_PRECISION") && (N = R[k], intCheck(N, 0, MAX, k), o = N), R.hasOwnProperty(k = "FORMAT")) - if (N = R[k], typeof N == "object") - i = N; + throw Error(bignumberError + S + " not true or false: " + T); + if (N.hasOwnProperty(S = "MODULO_MODE") && (T = N[S], intCheck(T, 0, 9, S), n = T), N.hasOwnProperty(S = "POW_PRECISION") && (T = N[S], intCheck(T, 0, MAX, S), o = T), N.hasOwnProperty(S = "FORMAT")) + if (T = N[S], typeof T == "object") + i = T; else - throw Error(bignumberError + k + " not an object: " + N); - if (R.hasOwnProperty(k = "ALPHABET")) - if (N = R[k], typeof N == "string" && !/^.?$|[+\-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(N)) - c = N.slice(0, 10) == "0123456789", f = N; + throw Error(bignumberError + S + " not an object: " + T); + if (N.hasOwnProperty(S = "ALPHABET")) + if (T = N[S], typeof T == "string" && !/^.?$|[+\-.\s]|(.).*\1/.test(T)) + c = T.slice(0, 10) == "0123456789", f = T; else - throw Error(bignumberError + k + " invalid: " + N); + throw Error(bignumberError + S + " invalid: " + T); } else - throw Error(bignumberError + "Object expected: " + R); + throw Error(bignumberError + "Object expected: " + N); return { - DECIMAL_PLACES: y, + DECIMAL_PLACES: w, ROUNDING_MODE: a, EXPONENTIAL_AT: [t, d], RANGE: [u, s], @@ -32933,549 +33271,549 @@ function clone(J) { FORMAT: i, ALPHABET: f }; - }, h.isBigNumber = function(R) { - if (!R || R._isBigNumber !== !0) + }, h.isBigNumber = function(N) { + if (!N || N._isBigNumber !== !0) return !1; if (!h.DEBUG) return !0; - var k, N, A = R.c, w = R.e, _ = R.s; + var S, T, x = N.c, k = N.e, b = N.s; e: - if ({}.toString.call(A) == "[object Array]") { - if ((_ === 1 || _ === -1) && w >= -MAX && w <= MAX && w === mathfloor(w)) { - if (A[0] === 0) { - if (w === 0 && A.length === 1) + if ({}.toString.call(x) == "[object Array]") { + if ((b === 1 || b === -1) && k >= -MAX && k <= MAX && k === mathfloor(k)) { + if (x[0] === 0) { + if (k === 0 && x.length === 1) return !0; break e; } - if (k = (w + 1) % LOG_BASE, k < 1 && (k += LOG_BASE), String(A[0]).length == k) { - for (k = 0; k < A.length; k++) - if (N = A[k], N < 0 || N >= BASE || N !== mathfloor(N)) + if (S = (k + 1) % LOG_BASE, S < 1 && (S += LOG_BASE), String(x[0]).length == S) { + for (S = 0; S < x.length; S++) + if (T = x[S], T < 0 || T >= BASE || T !== mathfloor(T)) break e; - if (N !== 0) + if (T !== 0) return !0; } } - } else if (A === null && w === null && (_ === null || _ === 1 || _ === -1)) + } else if (x === null && k === null && (b === null || b === 1 || b === -1)) return !0; - throw Error(bignumberError + "Invalid BigNumber: " + R); + throw Error(bignumberError + "Invalid BigNumber: " + N); }, h.maximum = h.max = function() { return v(arguments, -1); }, h.minimum = h.min = function() { return v(arguments, 1); }, h.random = function() { - var R = 9007199254740992, k = Math.random() * R & 2097151 ? function() { - return mathfloor(Math.random() * R); + var N = 9007199254740992, S = Math.random() * N & 2097151 ? function() { + return mathfloor(Math.random() * N); } : function() { return (Math.random() * 1073741824 | 0) * 8388608 + (Math.random() * 8388608 | 0); }; - return function(N) { - var A, w, _, p, O, U = 0, T = [], z = new h(P); - if (N == null ? N = y : intCheck(N, 0, MAX), p = mathceil(N / LOG_BASE), r) + return function(T) { + var x, k, b, p, P, B = 0, C = [], L = new h(A); + if (T == null ? T = w : intCheck(T, 0, MAX), p = mathceil(T / LOG_BASE), r) if (crypto.getRandomValues) { - for (A = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(p *= 2)); U < p; ) - O = A[U] * 131072 + (A[U + 1] >>> 11), O >= 9e15 ? (w = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)), A[U] = w[0], A[U + 1] = w[1]) : (T.push(O % 1e14), U += 2); - U = p / 2; + for (x = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(p *= 2)); B < p; ) + P = x[B] * 131072 + (x[B + 1] >>> 11), P >= 9e15 ? (k = crypto.getRandomValues(new Uint32Array(2)), x[B] = k[0], x[B + 1] = k[1]) : (C.push(P % 1e14), B += 2); + B = p / 2; } else if (crypto.randomBytes) { - for (A = crypto.randomBytes(p *= 7); U < p; ) - O = (A[U] & 31) * 281474976710656 + A[U + 1] * 1099511627776 + A[U + 2] * 4294967296 + A[U + 3] * 16777216 + (A[U + 4] << 16) + (A[U + 5] << 8) + A[U + 6], O >= 9e15 ? crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(A, U) : (T.push(O % 1e14), U += 7); - U = p / 7; + for (x = crypto.randomBytes(p *= 7); B < p; ) + P = (x[B] & 31) * 281474976710656 + x[B + 1] * 1099511627776 + x[B + 2] * 4294967296 + x[B + 3] * 16777216 + (x[B + 4] << 16) + (x[B + 5] << 8) + x[B + 6], P >= 9e15 ? crypto.randomBytes(7).copy(x, B) : (C.push(P % 1e14), B += 7); + B = p / 7; } else throw r = !1, Error(bignumberError + "crypto unavailable"); if (!r) - for (; U < p; ) - O = k(), O < 9e15 && (T[U++] = O % 1e14); - for (p = T[--U], N %= LOG_BASE, p && N && (O = POWS_TEN[LOG_BASE - N], T[U] = mathfloor(p / O) * O); T[U] === 0; T.pop(), U--) + for (; B < p; ) + P = S(), P < 9e15 && (C[B++] = P % 1e14); + for (p = C[--B], T %= LOG_BASE, p && T && (P = POWS_TEN[LOG_BASE - T], C[B] = mathfloor(p / P) * P); C[B] === 0; C.pop(), B--) ; - if (U < 0) - T = [_ = 0]; + if (B < 0) + C = [b = 0]; else { - for (_ = -1; T[0] === 0; T.splice(0, 1), _ -= LOG_BASE) + for (b = -1; C[0] === 0; C.splice(0, 1), b -= LOG_BASE) ; - for (U = 1, O = T[0]; O >= 10; O /= 10, U++) + for (B = 1, P = C[0]; P >= 10; P /= 10, B++) ; - U < LOG_BASE && (_ -= LOG_BASE - U); + B < LOG_BASE && (b -= LOG_BASE - B); } - return z.e = _, z.c = T, z; + return L.e = b, L.c = C, L; }; }(), h.sum = function() { - for (var R = 1, k = arguments, N = new h(k[0]); R < k.length; ) - N = N.plus(k[R++]); - return N; - }, b = function() { - var R = "0123456789"; - function k(N, A, w, _) { - for (var p, O = [0], U, T = 0, z = N.length; T < z; ) { - for (U = O.length; U--; O[U] *= A) + for (var N = 1, S = arguments, T = new h(S[0]); N < S.length; ) + T = T.plus(S[N++]); + return T; + }, y = function() { + var N = "0123456789"; + function S(T, x, k, b) { + for (var p, P = [0], B, C = 0, L = T.length; C < L; ) { + for (B = P.length; B--; P[B] *= x) ; - for (O[0] += _.indexOf(N.charAt(T++)), p = 0; p < O.length; p++) - O[p] > w - 1 && (O[p + 1] == null && (O[p + 1] = 0), O[p + 1] += O[p] / w | 0, O[p] %= w); + for (P[0] += b.indexOf(T.charAt(C++)), p = 0; p < P.length; p++) + P[p] > k - 1 && (P[p + 1] == null && (P[p + 1] = 0), P[p + 1] += P[p] / k | 0, P[p] %= k); } - return O.reverse(); + return P.reverse(); } - return function(N, A, w, _, p) { - var O, U, T, z, te, X, ne, B, Q = N.indexOf("."), V = y, ee = a; - for (Q >= 0 && (z = o, o = 0, N = N.replace(".", ""), B = new h(A), X = B.pow(N.length - Q), o = z, B.c = k( - toFixedPoint(coeffToString(X.c), X.e, "0"), + return function(T, x, k, b, p) { + var P, B, C, L, re, ee, oe, D, Z = T.indexOf("."), H = w, te = a; + for (Z >= 0 && (L = o, o = 0, T = T.replace(".", ""), D = new h(x), ee = D.pow(T.length - Z), o = L, D.c = S( + toFixedPoint(coeffToString(ee.c), ee.e, "0"), 10, - w, - R - ), B.e = B.c.length), ne = k(N, A, w, p ? (O = f, R) : (O = R, f)), T = z = ne.length; ne[--z] == 0; ne.pop()) + k, + N + ), D.e = D.c.length), oe = S(T, x, k, p ? (P = f, N) : (P = N, f)), C = L = oe.length; oe[--L] == 0; oe.pop()) ; - if (!ne[0]) - return O.charAt(0); - if (Q < 0 ? --T : (X.c = ne, X.e = T, X.s = _, X = e(X, B, V, ee, w), ne = X.c, te = X.r, T = X.e), U = T + V + 1, Q = ne[U], z = w / 2, te = te || U < 0 || ne[U + 1] != null, te = ee < 4 ? (Q != null || te) && (ee == 0 || ee == (X.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : Q > z || Q == z && (ee == 4 || te || ee == 6 && ne[U - 1] & 1 || ee == (X.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), U < 1 || !ne[0]) - N = te ? toFixedPoint(O.charAt(1), -V, O.charAt(0)) : O.charAt(0); + if (!oe[0]) + return P.charAt(0); + if (Z < 0 ? --C : (ee.c = oe, ee.e = C, ee.s = b, ee = e(ee, D, H, te, k), oe = ee.c, re = ee.r, C = ee.e), B = C + H + 1, Z = oe[B], L = k / 2, re = re || B < 0 || oe[B + 1] != null, re = te < 4 ? (Z != null || re) && (te == 0 || te == (ee.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : Z > L || Z == L && (te == 4 || re || te == 6 && oe[B - 1] & 1 || te == (ee.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), B < 1 || !oe[0]) + T = re ? toFixedPoint(P.charAt(1), -H, P.charAt(0)) : P.charAt(0); else { - if (ne.length = U, te) - for (--w; ++ne[--U] > w; ) - ne[U] = 0, U || (++T, ne = [1].concat(ne)); - for (z = ne.length; !ne[--z]; ) + if (oe.length = B, re) + for (--k; ++oe[--B] > k; ) + oe[B] = 0, B || (++C, oe = [1].concat(oe)); + for (L = oe.length; !oe[--L]; ) ; - for (Q = 0, N = ""; Q <= z; N += O.charAt(ne[Q++])) + for (Z = 0, T = ""; Z <= L; T += P.charAt(oe[Z++])) ; - N = toFixedPoint(N, T, O.charAt(0)); + T = toFixedPoint(T, C, P.charAt(0)); } - return N; + return T; }; }(), e = function() { - function R(A, w, _) { - var p, O, U, T, z = 0, te = A.length, X = w % SQRT_BASE, ne = w / SQRT_BASE | 0; - for (A = A.slice(); te--; ) - U = A[te] % SQRT_BASE, T = A[te] / SQRT_BASE | 0, p = ne * U + T * X, O = X * U + p % SQRT_BASE * SQRT_BASE + z, z = (O / _ | 0) + (p / SQRT_BASE | 0) + ne * T, A[te] = O % _; - return z && (A = [z].concat(A)), A; + function N(x, k, b) { + var p, P, B, C, L = 0, re = x.length, ee = k % SQRT_BASE, oe = k / SQRT_BASE | 0; + for (x = x.slice(); re--; ) + B = x[re] % SQRT_BASE, C = x[re] / SQRT_BASE | 0, p = oe * B + C * ee, P = ee * B + p % SQRT_BASE * SQRT_BASE + L, L = (P / b | 0) + (p / SQRT_BASE | 0) + oe * C, x[re] = P % b; + return L && (x = [L].concat(x)), x; } - function k(A, w, _, p) { - var O, U; - if (_ != p) - U = _ > p ? 1 : -1; + function S(x, k, b, p) { + var P, B; + if (b != p) + B = b > p ? 1 : -1; else - for (O = U = 0; O < _; O++) - if (A[O] != w[O]) { - U = A[O] > w[O] ? 1 : -1; + for (P = B = 0; P < b; P++) + if (x[P] != k[P]) { + B = x[P] > k[P] ? 1 : -1; break; } - return U; + return B; } - function N(A, w, _, p) { - for (var O = 0; _--; ) - A[_] -= O, O = A[_] < w[_] ? 1 : 0, A[_] = O * p + A[_] - w[_]; - for (; !A[0] && A.length > 1; A.splice(0, 1)) + function T(x, k, b, p) { + for (var P = 0; b--; ) + x[b] -= P, P = x[b] < k[b] ? 1 : 0, x[b] = P * p + x[b] - k[b]; + for (; !x[0] && x.length > 1; x.splice(0, 1)) ; } - return function(A, w, _, p, O) { - var U, T, z, te, X, ne, B, Q, V, ee, K, Y, q, ae, de, ue, le, ge = A.s == w.s ? 1 : -1, ce = A.c, he = w.c; - if (!ce || !ce[0] || !he || !he[0]) + return function(x, k, b, p, P) { + var B, C, L, re, ee, oe, D, Z, H, te, Q, X, F, se, ue, le, fe, _e = x.s == k.s ? 1 : -1, de = x.c, pe = k.c; + if (!de || !de[0] || !pe || !pe[0]) return new h( // Return NaN if either NaN, or both Infinity or 0. - !A.s || !w.s || (ce ? he && ce[0] == he[0] : !he) ? NaN : ( + !x.s || !k.s || (de ? pe && de[0] == pe[0] : !pe) ? NaN : ( // Return ±0 if x is ±0 or y is ±Infinity, or return ±Infinity as y is ±0. - ce && ce[0] == 0 || !he ? ge * 0 : ge / 0 + de && de[0] == 0 || !pe ? _e * 0 : _e / 0 ) ); - for (Q = new h(ge), V = Q.c = [], T = A.e - w.e, ge = _ + T + 1, O || (O = BASE, T = bitFloor(A.e / LOG_BASE) - bitFloor(w.e / LOG_BASE), ge = ge / LOG_BASE | 0), z = 0; he[z] == (ce[z] || 0); z++) + for (Z = new h(_e), H = Z.c = [], C = x.e - k.e, _e = b + C + 1, P || (P = BASE, C = bitFloor(x.e / LOG_BASE) - bitFloor(k.e / LOG_BASE), _e = _e / LOG_BASE | 0), L = 0; pe[L] == (de[L] || 0); L++) ; - if (he[z] > (ce[z] || 0) && T--, ge < 0) - V.push(1), te = !0; + if (pe[L] > (de[L] || 0) && C--, _e < 0) + H.push(1), re = !0; else { - for (ae = ce.length, ue = he.length, z = 0, ge += 2, X = mathfloor(O / (he[0] + 1)), X > 1 && (he = R(he, X, O), ce = R(ce, X, O), ue = he.length, ae = ce.length), q = ue, ee = ce.slice(0, ue), K = ee.length; K < ue; ee[K++] = 0) + for (se = de.length, le = pe.length, L = 0, _e += 2, ee = mathfloor(P / (pe[0] + 1)), ee > 1 && (pe = N(pe, ee, P), de = N(de, ee, P), le = pe.length, se = de.length), F = le, te = de.slice(0, le), Q = te.length; Q < le; te[Q++] = 0) ; - le = he.slice(), le = [0].concat(le), de = he[0], he[1] >= O / 2 && de++; + fe = pe.slice(), fe = [0].concat(fe), ue = pe[0], pe[1] >= P / 2 && ue++; do { - if (X = 0, U = k(he, ee, ue, K), U < 0) { - if (Y = ee[0], ue != K && (Y = Y * O + (ee[1] || 0)), X = mathfloor(Y / de), X > 1) - for (X >= O && (X = O - 1), ne = R(he, X, O), B = ne.length, K = ee.length; k(ne, ee, B, K) == 1; ) - X--, N(ne, ue < B ? le : he, B, O), B = ne.length, U = 1; + if (ee = 0, B = S(pe, te, le, Q), B < 0) { + if (X = te[0], le != Q && (X = X * P + (te[1] || 0)), ee = mathfloor(X / ue), ee > 1) + for (ee >= P && (ee = P - 1), oe = N(pe, ee, P), D = oe.length, Q = te.length; S(oe, te, D, Q) == 1; ) + ee--, T(oe, le < D ? fe : pe, D, P), D = oe.length, B = 1; else - X == 0 && (U = X = 1), ne = he.slice(), B = ne.length; - if (B < K && (ne = [0].concat(ne)), N(ee, ne, K, O), K = ee.length, U == -1) - for (; k(he, ee, ue, K) < 1; ) - X++, N(ee, ue < K ? le : he, K, O), K = ee.length; + ee == 0 && (B = ee = 1), oe = pe.slice(), D = oe.length; + if (D < Q && (oe = [0].concat(oe)), T(te, oe, Q, P), Q = te.length, B == -1) + for (; S(pe, te, le, Q) < 1; ) + ee++, T(te, le < Q ? fe : pe, Q, P), Q = te.length; } else - U === 0 && (X++, ee = [0]); - V[z++] = X, ee[0] ? ee[K++] = ce[q] || 0 : (ee = [ce[q]], K = 1); - } while ((q++ < ae || ee[0] != null) && ge--); - te = ee[0] != null, V[0] || V.splice(0, 1); + B === 0 && (ee++, te = [0]); + H[L++] = ee, te[0] ? te[Q++] = de[F] || 0 : (te = [de[F]], Q = 1); + } while ((F++ < se || te[0] != null) && _e--); + re = te[0] != null, H[0] || H.splice(0, 1); } - if (O == BASE) { - for (z = 1, ge = V[0]; ge >= 10; ge /= 10, z++) + if (P == BASE) { + for (L = 1, _e = H[0]; _e >= 10; _e /= 10, L++) ; - l(Q, _ + (Q.e = z + T * LOG_BASE - 1) + 1, p, te); + l(Z, b + (Z.e = L + C * LOG_BASE - 1) + 1, p, re); } else - Q.e = T, Q.r = +te; - return Q; + Z.e = C, Z.r = +re; + return Z; }; }(); - function m(R, k, N, A) { - var w, _, p, O, U; - if (N == null ? N = a : intCheck(N, 0, 8), !R.c) - return R.toString(); - if (w = R.c[0], p = R.e, k == null) - U = coeffToString(R.c), U = A == 1 || A == 2 && (p <= t || p >= d) ? toExponential(U, p) : toFixedPoint(U, p, "0"); - else if (R = l(new h(R), k, N), _ = R.e, U = coeffToString(R.c), O = U.length, A == 1 || A == 2 && (k <= _ || _ <= t)) { - for (; O < k; U += "0", O++) + function m(N, S, T, x) { + var k, b, p, P, B; + if (T == null ? T = a : intCheck(T, 0, 8), !N.c) + return N.toString(); + if (k = N.c[0], p = N.e, S == null) + B = coeffToString(N.c), B = x == 1 || x == 2 && (p <= t || p >= d) ? toExponential(B, p) : toFixedPoint(B, p, "0"); + else if (N = l(new h(N), S, T), b = N.e, B = coeffToString(N.c), P = B.length, x == 1 || x == 2 && (S <= b || b <= t)) { + for (; P < S; B += "0", P++) ; - U = toExponential(U, _); - } else if (k -= p, U = toFixedPoint(U, _, "0"), _ + 1 > O) { - if (--k > 0) - for (U += "."; k--; U += "0") + B = toExponential(B, b); + } else if (S -= p, B = toFixedPoint(B, b, "0"), b + 1 > P) { + if (--S > 0) + for (B += "."; S--; B += "0") ; - } else if (k += _ - O, k > 0) - for (_ + 1 == O && (U += "."); k--; U += "0") + } else if (S += b - P, S > 0) + for (b + 1 == P && (B += "."); S--; B += "0") ; - return R.s < 0 && w ? "-" + U : U; + return N.s < 0 && k ? "-" + B : B; } - function v(R, k) { - for (var N, A, w = 1, _ = new h(R[0]); w < R.length; w++) - A = new h(R[w]), (!A.s || (N = compare(_, A)) === k || N === 0 && _.s === k) && (_ = A); - return _; + function v(N, S) { + for (var T, x, k = 1, b = new h(N[0]); k < N.length; k++) + x = new h(N[k]), (!x.s || (T = compare(b, x)) === S || T === 0 && b.s === S) && (b = x); + return b; } - function C(R, k, N) { - for (var A = 1, w = k.length; !k[--w]; k.pop()) + function I(N, S, T) { + for (var x = 1, k = S.length; !S[--k]; S.pop()) ; - for (w = k[0]; w >= 10; w /= 10, A++) + for (k = S[0]; k >= 10; k /= 10, x++) ; - return (N = A + N * LOG_BASE - 1) > s ? R.c = R.e = null : N < u ? R.c = [R.e = 0] : (R.e = N, R.c = k), R; + return (T = x + T * LOG_BASE - 1) > s ? N.c = N.e = null : T < u ? N.c = [N.e = 0] : (N.e = T, N.c = S), N; } E = function() { - var R = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i, k = /^([^.]+)\.$/, N = /^\.([^.]+)$/, A = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/, w = /^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g; - return function(_, p, O, U) { - var T, z = O ? p : p.replace(w, ""); - if (A.test(z)) - _.s = isNaN(z) ? null : z < 0 ? -1 : 1; + var N = /^(-?)0([xbo])(?=\w[\w.]*$)/i, S = /^([^.]+)\.$/, T = /^\.([^.]+)$/, x = /^-?(Infinity|NaN)$/, k = /^\s*\+(?=[\w.])|^\s+|\s+$/g; + return function(b, p, P, B) { + var C, L = P ? p : p.replace(k, ""); + if (x.test(L)) + b.s = isNaN(L) ? null : L < 0 ? -1 : 1; else { - if (!O && (z = z.replace(R, function(te, X, ne) { - return T = (ne = ne.toLowerCase()) == "x" ? 16 : ne == "b" ? 2 : 8, !U || U == T ? X : te; - }), U && (T = U, z = z.replace(k, "$1").replace(N, "0.$1")), p != z)) - return new h(z, T); + if (!P && (L = L.replace(N, function(re, ee, oe) { + return C = (oe = oe.toLowerCase()) == "x" ? 16 : oe == "b" ? 2 : 8, !B || B == C ? ee : re; + }), B && (C = B, L = L.replace(S, "$1").replace(T, "0.$1")), p != L)) + return new h(L, C); if (h.DEBUG) - throw Error(bignumberError + "Not a" + (U ? " base " + U : "") + " number: " + p); - _.s = null; + throw Error(bignumberError + "Not a" + (B ? " base " + B : "") + " number: " + p); + b.s = null; } - _.c = _.e = null; + b.c = b.e = null; }; }(); - function l(R, k, N, A) { - var w, _, p, O, U, T, z, te = R.c, X = POWS_TEN; - if (te) { + function l(N, S, T, x) { + var k, b, p, P, B, C, L, re = N.c, ee = POWS_TEN; + if (re) { e: { - for (w = 1, O = te[0]; O >= 10; O /= 10, w++) + for (k = 1, P = re[0]; P >= 10; P /= 10, k++) ; - if (_ = k - w, _ < 0) - _ += LOG_BASE, p = k, U = te[T = 0], z = mathfloor(U / X[w - p - 1] % 10); - else if (T = mathceil((_ + 1) / LOG_BASE), T >= te.length) - if (A) { - for (; te.length <= T; te.push(0)) + if (b = S - k, b < 0) + b += LOG_BASE, p = S, B = re[C = 0], L = mathfloor(B / ee[k - p - 1] % 10); + else if (C = mathceil((b + 1) / LOG_BASE), C >= re.length) + if (x) { + for (; re.length <= C; re.push(0)) ; - U = z = 0, w = 1, _ %= LOG_BASE, p = _ - LOG_BASE + 1; + B = L = 0, k = 1, b %= LOG_BASE, p = b - LOG_BASE + 1; } else break e; else { - for (U = O = te[T], w = 1; O >= 10; O /= 10, w++) + for (B = P = re[C], k = 1; P >= 10; P /= 10, k++) ; - _ %= LOG_BASE, p = _ - LOG_BASE + w, z = p < 0 ? 0 : mathfloor(U / X[w - p - 1] % 10); + b %= LOG_BASE, p = b - LOG_BASE + k, L = p < 0 ? 0 : mathfloor(B / ee[k - p - 1] % 10); } - if (A = A || k < 0 || // Are there any non-zero digits after the rounding digit? + if (x = x || S < 0 || // Are there any non-zero digits after the rounding digit? // The expression n % pows10[d - j - 1] returns all digits of n to the right // of the digit at j, e.g. if n is 908714 and j is 2, the expression gives 714. - te[T + 1] != null || (p < 0 ? U : U % X[w - p - 1]), A = N < 4 ? (z || A) && (N == 0 || N == (R.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : z > 5 || z == 5 && (N == 4 || A || N == 6 && // Check whether the digit to the left of the rounding digit is odd. - (_ > 0 ? p > 0 ? U / X[w - p] : 0 : te[T - 1]) % 10 & 1 || N == (R.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), k < 1 || !te[0]) - return te.length = 0, A ? (k -= R.e + 1, te[0] = X[(LOG_BASE - k % LOG_BASE) % LOG_BASE], R.e = -k || 0) : te[0] = R.e = 0, R; - if (_ == 0 ? (te.length = T, O = 1, T--) : (te.length = T + 1, O = X[LOG_BASE - _], te[T] = p > 0 ? mathfloor(U / X[w - p] % X[p]) * O : 0), A) + re[C + 1] != null || (p < 0 ? B : B % ee[k - p - 1]), x = T < 4 ? (L || x) && (T == 0 || T == (N.s < 0 ? 3 : 2)) : L > 5 || L == 5 && (T == 4 || x || T == 6 && // Check whether the digit to the left of the rounding digit is odd. + (b > 0 ? p > 0 ? B / ee[k - p] : 0 : re[C - 1]) % 10 & 1 || T == (N.s < 0 ? 8 : 7)), S < 1 || !re[0]) + return re.length = 0, x ? (S -= N.e + 1, re[0] = ee[(LOG_BASE - S % LOG_BASE) % LOG_BASE], N.e = -S || 0) : re[0] = N.e = 0, N; + if (b == 0 ? (re.length = C, P = 1, C--) : (re.length = C + 1, P = ee[LOG_BASE - b], re[C] = p > 0 ? mathfloor(B / ee[k - p] % ee[p]) * P : 0), x) for (; ; ) - if (T == 0) { - for (_ = 1, p = te[0]; p >= 10; p /= 10, _++) + if (C == 0) { + for (b = 1, p = re[0]; p >= 10; p /= 10, b++) ; - for (p = te[0] += O, O = 1; p >= 10; p /= 10, O++) + for (p = re[0] += P, P = 1; p >= 10; p /= 10, P++) ; - _ != O && (R.e++, te[0] == BASE && (te[0] = 1)); + b != P && (N.e++, re[0] == BASE && (re[0] = 1)); break; } else { - if (te[T] += O, te[T] != BASE) + if (re[C] += P, re[C] != BASE) break; - te[T--] = 0, O = 1; + re[C--] = 0, P = 1; } - for (_ = te.length; te[--_] === 0; te.pop()) + for (b = re.length; re[--b] === 0; re.pop()) ; } - R.e > s ? R.c = R.e = null : R.e < u && (R.c = [R.e = 0]); + N.e > s ? N.c = N.e = null : N.e < u && (N.c = [N.e = 0]); } - return R; + return N; } - function I(R) { - var k, N = R.e; - return N === null ? R.toString() : (k = coeffToString(R.c), k = N <= t || N >= d ? toExponential(k, N) : toFixedPoint(k, N, "0"), R.s < 0 ? "-" + k : k); + function j(N) { + var S, T = N.e; + return T === null ? N.toString() : (S = coeffToString(N.c), S = T <= t || T >= d ? toExponential(S, T) : toFixedPoint(S, T, "0"), N.s < 0 ? "-" + S : S); } - return M.absoluteValue = M.abs = function() { - var R = new h(this); - return R.s < 0 && (R.s = 1), R; - }, M.comparedTo = function(R, k) { - return compare(this, new h(R, k)); - }, M.decimalPlaces = M.dp = function(R, k) { - var N, A, w, _ = this; - if (R != null) - return intCheck(R, 0, MAX), k == null ? k = a : intCheck(k, 0, 8), l(new h(_), R + _.e + 1, k); - if (!(N = _.c)) + return R.absoluteValue = R.abs = function() { + var N = new h(this); + return N.s < 0 && (N.s = 1), N; + }, R.comparedTo = function(N, S) { + return compare(this, new h(N, S)); + }, R.decimalPlaces = R.dp = function(N, S) { + var T, x, k, b = this; + if (N != null) + return intCheck(N, 0, MAX), S == null ? S = a : intCheck(S, 0, 8), l(new h(b), N + b.e + 1, S); + if (!(T = b.c)) return null; - if (A = ((w = N.length - 1) - bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE)) * LOG_BASE, w = N[w]) - for (; w % 10 == 0; w /= 10, A--) + if (x = ((k = T.length - 1) - bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE)) * LOG_BASE, k = T[k]) + for (; k % 10 == 0; k /= 10, x--) ; - return A < 0 && (A = 0), A; - }, M.dividedBy = M.div = function(R, k) { - return e(this, new h(R, k), y, a); - }, M.dividedToIntegerBy = M.idiv = function(R, k) { - return e(this, new h(R, k), 0, 1); - }, M.exponentiatedBy = M.pow = function(R, k) { - var N, A, w, _, p, O, U, T, z, te = this; - if (R = new h(R), R.c && !R.isInteger()) - throw Error(bignumberError + "Exponent not an integer: " + I(R)); - if (k != null && (k = new h(k)), O = R.e > 14, !te.c || !te.c[0] || te.c[0] == 1 && !te.e && te.c.length == 1 || !R.c || !R.c[0]) - return z = new h(Math.pow(+I(te), O ? R.s * (2 - isOdd(R)) : +I(R))), k ? z.mod(k) : z; - if (U = R.s < 0, k) { - if (k.c ? !k.c[0] : !k.s) + return x < 0 && (x = 0), x; + }, R.dividedBy = R.div = function(N, S) { + return e(this, new h(N, S), w, a); + }, R.dividedToIntegerBy = R.idiv = function(N, S) { + return e(this, new h(N, S), 0, 1); + }, R.exponentiatedBy = R.pow = function(N, S) { + var T, x, k, b, p, P, B, C, L, re = this; + if (N = new h(N), N.c && !N.isInteger()) + throw Error(bignumberError + "Exponent not an integer: " + j(N)); + if (S != null && (S = new h(S)), P = N.e > 14, !re.c || !re.c[0] || re.c[0] == 1 && !re.e && re.c.length == 1 || !N.c || !N.c[0]) + return L = new h(Math.pow(+j(re), P ? N.s * (2 - isOdd(N)) : +j(N))), S ? L.mod(S) : L; + if (B = N.s < 0, S) { + if (S.c ? !S.c[0] : !S.s) return new h(NaN); - A = !U && te.isInteger() && k.isInteger(), A && (te = te.mod(k)); + x = !B && re.isInteger() && S.isInteger(), x && (re = re.mod(S)); } else { - if (R.e > 9 && (te.e > 0 || te.e < -1 || (te.e == 0 ? te.c[0] > 1 || O && te.c[1] >= 24e7 : te.c[0] < 8e13 || O && te.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) - return _ = te.s < 0 && isOdd(R) ? -0 : 0, te.e > -1 && (_ = 1 / _), new h(U ? 1 / _ : _); - o && (_ = mathceil(o / LOG_BASE + 2)); + if (N.e > 9 && (re.e > 0 || re.e < -1 || (re.e == 0 ? re.c[0] > 1 || P && re.c[1] >= 24e7 : re.c[0] < 8e13 || P && re.c[0] <= 9999975e7))) + return b = re.s < 0 && isOdd(N) ? -0 : 0, re.e > -1 && (b = 1 / b), new h(B ? 1 / b : b); + o && (b = mathceil(o / LOG_BASE + 2)); } - for (O ? (N = new h(0.5), U && (R.s = 1), T = isOdd(R)) : (w = Math.abs(+I(R)), T = w % 2), z = new h(P); ; ) { - if (T) { - if (z = z.times(te), !z.c) + for (P ? (T = new h(0.5), B && (N.s = 1), C = isOdd(N)) : (k = Math.abs(+j(N)), C = k % 2), L = new h(A); ; ) { + if (C) { + if (L = L.times(re), !L.c) break; - _ ? z.c.length > _ && (z.c.length = _) : A && (z = z.mod(k)); + b ? L.c.length > b && (L.c.length = b) : x && (L = L.mod(S)); } - if (w) { - if (w = mathfloor(w / 2), w === 0) + if (k) { + if (k = mathfloor(k / 2), k === 0) break; - T = w % 2; - } else if (R = R.times(N), l(R, R.e + 1, 1), R.e > 14) - T = isOdd(R); + C = k % 2; + } else if (N = N.times(T), l(N, N.e + 1, 1), N.e > 14) + C = isOdd(N); else { - if (w = +I(R), w === 0) + if (k = +j(N), k === 0) break; - T = w % 2; + C = k % 2; } - te = te.times(te), _ ? te.c && te.c.length > _ && (te.c.length = _) : A && (te = te.mod(k)); + re = re.times(re), b ? re.c && re.c.length > b && (re.c.length = b) : x && (re = re.mod(S)); } - return A ? z : (U && (z = P.div(z)), k ? z.mod(k) : _ ? l(z, o, a, p) : z); - }, M.integerValue = function(R) { - var k = new h(this); - return R == null ? R = a : intCheck(R, 0, 8), l(k, k.e + 1, R); - }, M.isEqualTo = M.eq = function(R, k) { - return compare(this, new h(R, k)) === 0; - }, M.isFinite = function() { + return x ? L : (B && (L = A.div(L)), S ? L.mod(S) : b ? l(L, o, a, p) : L); + }, R.integerValue = function(N) { + var S = new h(this); + return N == null ? N = a : intCheck(N, 0, 8), l(S, S.e + 1, N); + }, R.isEqualTo = R.eq = function(N, S) { + return compare(this, new h(N, S)) === 0; + }, R.isFinite = function() { return !!this.c; - }, M.isGreaterThan = M.gt = function(R, k) { - return compare(this, new h(R, k)) > 0; - }, M.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = M.gte = function(R, k) { - return (k = compare(this, new h(R, k))) === 1 || k === 0; - }, M.isInteger = function() { + }, R.isGreaterThan = R.gt = function(N, S) { + return compare(this, new h(N, S)) > 0; + }, R.isGreaterThanOrEqualTo = R.gte = function(N, S) { + return (S = compare(this, new h(N, S))) === 1 || S === 0; + }, R.isInteger = function() { return !!this.c && bitFloor(this.e / LOG_BASE) > this.c.length - 2; - }, M.isLessThan = M.lt = function(R, k) { - return compare(this, new h(R, k)) < 0; - }, M.isLessThanOrEqualTo = M.lte = function(R, k) { - return (k = compare(this, new h(R, k))) === -1 || k === 0; - }, M.isNaN = function() { + }, R.isLessThan = R.lt = function(N, S) { + return compare(this, new h(N, S)) < 0; + }, R.isLessThanOrEqualTo = R.lte = function(N, S) { + return (S = compare(this, new h(N, S))) === -1 || S === 0; + }, R.isNaN = function() { return !this.s; - }, M.isNegative = function() { + }, R.isNegative = function() { return this.s < 0; - }, M.isPositive = function() { + }, R.isPositive = function() { return this.s > 0; - }, M.isZero = function() { + }, R.isZero = function() { return !!this.c && this.c[0] == 0; - }, M.minus = function(R, k) { - var N, A, w, _, p = this, O = p.s; - if (R = new h(R, k), k = R.s, !O || !k) + }, R.minus = function(N, S) { + var T, x, k, b, p = this, P = p.s; + if (N = new h(N, S), S = N.s, !P || !S) return new h(NaN); - if (O != k) - return R.s = -k, p.plus(R); - var U = p.e / LOG_BASE, T = R.e / LOG_BASE, z = p.c, te = R.c; - if (!U || !T) { - if (!z || !te) - return z ? (R.s = -k, R) : new h(te ? p : NaN); - if (!z[0] || !te[0]) - return te[0] ? (R.s = -k, R) : new h(z[0] ? p : ( + if (P != S) + return N.s = -S, p.plus(N); + var B = p.e / LOG_BASE, C = N.e / LOG_BASE, L = p.c, re = N.c; + if (!B || !C) { + if (!L || !re) + return L ? (N.s = -S, N) : new h(re ? p : NaN); + if (!L[0] || !re[0]) + return re[0] ? (N.s = -S, N) : new h(L[0] ? p : ( // IEEE 754 (2008) 6.3: n - n = -0 when rounding to -Infinity a == 3 ? -0 : 0 )); } - if (U = bitFloor(U), T = bitFloor(T), z = z.slice(), O = U - T) { - for ((_ = O < 0) ? (O = -O, w = z) : (T = U, w = te), w.reverse(), k = O; k--; w.push(0)) + if (B = bitFloor(B), C = bitFloor(C), L = L.slice(), P = B - C) { + for ((b = P < 0) ? (P = -P, k = L) : (C = B, k = re), k.reverse(), S = P; S--; k.push(0)) ; - w.reverse(); + k.reverse(); } else - for (A = (_ = (O = z.length) < (k = te.length)) ? O : k, O = k = 0; k < A; k++) - if (z[k] != te[k]) { - _ = z[k] < te[k]; + for (x = (b = (P = L.length) < (S = re.length)) ? P : S, P = S = 0; S < x; S++) + if (L[S] != re[S]) { + b = L[S] < re[S]; break; } - if (_ && (w = z, z = te, te = w, R.s = -R.s), k = (A = te.length) - (N = z.length), k > 0) - for (; k--; z[N++] = 0) + if (b && (k = L, L = re, re = k, N.s = -N.s), S = (x = re.length) - (T = L.length), S > 0) + for (; S--; L[T++] = 0) ; - for (k = BASE - 1; A > O; ) { - if (z[--A] < te[A]) { - for (N = A; N && !z[--N]; z[N] = k) + for (S = BASE - 1; x > P; ) { + if (L[--x] < re[x]) { + for (T = x; T && !L[--T]; L[T] = S) ; - --z[N], z[A] += BASE; + --L[T], L[x] += BASE; } - z[A] -= te[A]; + L[x] -= re[x]; } - for (; z[0] == 0; z.splice(0, 1), --T) + for (; L[0] == 0; L.splice(0, 1), --C) ; - return z[0] ? C(R, z, T) : (R.s = a == 3 ? -1 : 1, R.c = [R.e = 0], R); - }, M.modulo = M.mod = function(R, k) { - var N, A, w = this; - return R = new h(R, k), !w.c || !R.s || R.c && !R.c[0] ? new h(NaN) : !R.c || w.c && !w.c[0] ? new h(w) : (n == 9 ? (A = R.s, R.s = 1, N = e(w, R, 0, 3), R.s = A, N.s *= A) : N = e(w, R, 0, n), R = w.minus(N.times(R)), !R.c[0] && n == 1 && (R.s = w.s), R); - }, M.multipliedBy = M.times = function(R, k) { - var N, A, w, _, p, O, U, T, z, te, X, ne, B, Q, V, ee = this, K = ee.c, Y = (R = new h(R, k)).c; - if (!K || !Y || !K[0] || !Y[0]) - return !ee.s || !R.s || K && !K[0] && !Y || Y && !Y[0] && !K ? R.c = R.e = R.s = null : (R.s *= ee.s, !K || !Y ? R.c = R.e = null : (R.c = [0], R.e = 0)), R; - for (A = bitFloor(ee.e / LOG_BASE) + bitFloor(R.e / LOG_BASE), R.s *= ee.s, U = K.length, te = Y.length, U < te && (B = K, K = Y, Y = B, w = U, U = te, te = w), w = U + te, B = []; w--; B.push(0)) + return L[0] ? I(N, L, C) : (N.s = a == 3 ? -1 : 1, N.c = [N.e = 0], N); + }, R.modulo = R.mod = function(N, S) { + var T, x, k = this; + return N = new h(N, S), !k.c || !N.s || N.c && !N.c[0] ? new h(NaN) : !N.c || k.c && !k.c[0] ? new h(k) : (n == 9 ? (x = N.s, N.s = 1, T = e(k, N, 0, 3), N.s = x, T.s *= x) : T = e(k, N, 0, n), N = k.minus(T.times(N)), !N.c[0] && n == 1 && (N.s = k.s), N); + }, R.multipliedBy = R.times = function(N, S) { + var T, x, k, b, p, P, B, C, L, re, ee, oe, D, Z, H, te = this, Q = te.c, X = (N = new h(N, S)).c; + if (!Q || !X || !Q[0] || !X[0]) + return !te.s || !N.s || Q && !Q[0] && !X || X && !X[0] && !Q ? N.c = N.e = N.s = null : (N.s *= te.s, !Q || !X ? N.c = N.e = null : (N.c = [0], N.e = 0)), N; + for (x = bitFloor(te.e / LOG_BASE) + bitFloor(N.e / LOG_BASE), N.s *= te.s, B = Q.length, re = X.length, B < re && (D = Q, Q = X, X = D, k = B, B = re, re = k), k = B + re, D = []; k--; D.push(0)) ; - for (Q = BASE, V = SQRT_BASE, w = te; --w >= 0; ) { - for (N = 0, X = Y[w] % V, ne = Y[w] / V | 0, p = U, _ = w + p; _ > w; ) - T = K[--p] % V, z = K[p] / V | 0, O = ne * T + z * X, T = X * T + O % V * V + B[_] + N, N = (T / Q | 0) + (O / V | 0) + ne * z, B[_--] = T % Q; - B[_] = N; + for (Z = BASE, H = SQRT_BASE, k = re; --k >= 0; ) { + for (T = 0, ee = X[k] % H, oe = X[k] / H | 0, p = B, b = k + p; b > k; ) + C = Q[--p] % H, L = Q[p] / H | 0, P = oe * C + L * ee, C = ee * C + P % H * H + D[b] + T, T = (C / Z | 0) + (P / H | 0) + oe * L, D[b--] = C % Z; + D[b] = T; } - return N ? ++A : B.splice(0, 1), C(R, B, A); - }, M.negated = function() { - var R = new h(this); - return R.s = -R.s || null, R; - }, M.plus = function(R, k) { - var N, A = this, w = A.s; - if (R = new h(R, k), k = R.s, !w || !k) + return T ? ++x : D.splice(0, 1), I(N, D, x); + }, R.negated = function() { + var N = new h(this); + return N.s = -N.s || null, N; + }, R.plus = function(N, S) { + var T, x = this, k = x.s; + if (N = new h(N, S), S = N.s, !k || !S) return new h(NaN); - if (w != k) - return R.s = -k, A.minus(R); - var _ = A.e / LOG_BASE, p = R.e / LOG_BASE, O = A.c, U = R.c; - if (!_ || !p) { - if (!O || !U) - return new h(w / 0); - if (!O[0] || !U[0]) - return U[0] ? R : new h(O[0] ? A : w * 0); + if (k != S) + return N.s = -S, x.minus(N); + var b = x.e / LOG_BASE, p = N.e / LOG_BASE, P = x.c, B = N.c; + if (!b || !p) { + if (!P || !B) + return new h(k / 0); + if (!P[0] || !B[0]) + return B[0] ? N : new h(P[0] ? x : k * 0); } - if (_ = bitFloor(_), p = bitFloor(p), O = O.slice(), w = _ - p) { - for (w > 0 ? (p = _, N = U) : (w = -w, N = O), N.reverse(); w--; N.push(0)) + if (b = bitFloor(b), p = bitFloor(p), P = P.slice(), k = b - p) { + for (k > 0 ? (p = b, T = B) : (k = -k, T = P), T.reverse(); k--; T.push(0)) ; - N.reverse(); + T.reverse(); } - for (w = O.length, k = U.length, w - k < 0 && (N = U, U = O, O = N, k = w), w = 0; k; ) - w = (O[--k] = O[k] + U[k] + w) / BASE | 0, O[k] = BASE === O[k] ? 0 : O[k] % BASE; - return w && (O = [w].concat(O), ++p), C(R, O, p); - }, M.precision = M.sd = function(R, k) { - var N, A, w, _ = this; - if (R != null && R !== !!R) - return intCheck(R, 1, MAX), k == null ? k = a : intCheck(k, 0, 8), l(new h(_), R, k); - if (!(N = _.c)) + for (k = P.length, S = B.length, k - S < 0 && (T = B, B = P, P = T, S = k), k = 0; S; ) + k = (P[--S] = P[S] + B[S] + k) / BASE | 0, P[S] = BASE === P[S] ? 0 : P[S] % BASE; + return k && (P = [k].concat(P), ++p), I(N, P, p); + }, R.precision = R.sd = function(N, S) { + var T, x, k, b = this; + if (N != null && N !== !!N) + return intCheck(N, 1, MAX), S == null ? S = a : intCheck(S, 0, 8), l(new h(b), N, S); + if (!(T = b.c)) return null; - if (w = N.length - 1, A = w * LOG_BASE + 1, w = N[w]) { - for (; w % 10 == 0; w /= 10, A--) + if (k = T.length - 1, x = k * LOG_BASE + 1, k = T[k]) { + for (; k % 10 == 0; k /= 10, x--) ; - for (w = N[0]; w >= 10; w /= 10, A++) + for (k = T[0]; k >= 10; k /= 10, x++) ; } - return R && _.e + 1 > A && (A = _.e + 1), A; - }, M.shiftedBy = function(R) { - return intCheck(R, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), this.times("1e" + R); - }, M.squareRoot = M.sqrt = function() { - var R, k, N, A, w, _ = this, p = _.c, O = _.s, U = _.e, T = y + 4, z = new h("0.5"); - if (O !== 1 || !p || !p[0]) - return new h(!O || O < 0 && (!p || p[0]) ? NaN : p ? _ : 1 / 0); - if (O = Math.sqrt(+I(_)), O == 0 || O == 1 / 0 ? (k = coeffToString(p), (k.length + U) % 2 == 0 && (k += "0"), O = Math.sqrt(+k), U = bitFloor((U + 1) / 2) - (U < 0 || U % 2), O == 1 / 0 ? k = "5e" + U : (k = O.toExponential(), k = k.slice(0, k.indexOf("e") + 1) + U), N = new h(k)) : N = new h(O + ""), N.c[0]) { - for (U = N.e, O = U + T, O < 3 && (O = 0); ; ) - if (w = N, N = z.times(w.plus(e(_, w, T, 1))), coeffToString(w.c).slice(0, O) === (k = coeffToString(N.c)).slice(0, O)) - if (N.e < U && --O, k = k.slice(O - 3, O + 1), k == "9999" || !A && k == "4999") { - if (!A && (l(w, w.e + y + 2, 0), w.times(w).eq(_))) { - N = w; + return N && b.e + 1 > x && (x = b.e + 1), x; + }, R.shiftedBy = function(N) { + return intCheck(N, -MAX_SAFE_INTEGER, MAX_SAFE_INTEGER), this.times("1e" + N); + }, R.squareRoot = R.sqrt = function() { + var N, S, T, x, k, b = this, p = b.c, P = b.s, B = b.e, C = w + 4, L = new h("0.5"); + if (P !== 1 || !p || !p[0]) + return new h(!P || P < 0 && (!p || p[0]) ? NaN : p ? b : 1 / 0); + if (P = Math.sqrt(+j(b)), P == 0 || P == 1 / 0 ? (S = coeffToString(p), (S.length + B) % 2 == 0 && (S += "0"), P = Math.sqrt(+S), B = bitFloor((B + 1) / 2) - (B < 0 || B % 2), P == 1 / 0 ? S = "5e" + B : (S = P.toExponential(), S = S.slice(0, S.indexOf("e") + 1) + B), T = new h(S)) : T = new h(P + ""), T.c[0]) { + for (B = T.e, P = B + C, P < 3 && (P = 0); ; ) + if (k = T, T = L.times(k.plus(e(b, k, C, 1))), coeffToString(k.c).slice(0, P) === (S = coeffToString(T.c)).slice(0, P)) + if (T.e < B && --P, S = S.slice(P - 3, P + 1), S == "9999" || !x && S == "4999") { + if (!x && (l(k, k.e + w + 2, 0), k.times(k).eq(b))) { + T = k; break; } - T += 4, O += 4, A = 1; + C += 4, P += 4, x = 1; } else { - (!+k || !+k.slice(1) && k.charAt(0) == "5") && (l(N, N.e + y + 2, 1), R = !N.times(N).eq(_)); + (!+S || !+S.slice(1) && S.charAt(0) == "5") && (l(T, T.e + w + 2, 1), N = !T.times(T).eq(b)); break; } } - return l(N, N.e + y + 1, a, R); - }, M.toExponential = function(R, k) { - return R != null && (intCheck(R, 0, MAX), R++), m(this, R, k, 1); - }, M.toFixed = function(R, k) { - return R != null && (intCheck(R, 0, MAX), R = R + this.e + 1), m(this, R, k); - }, M.toFormat = function(R, k, N) { - var A, w = this; - if (N == null) - R != null && k && typeof k == "object" ? (N = k, k = null) : R && typeof R == "object" ? (N = R, R = k = null) : N = i; - else if (typeof N != "object") - throw Error(bignumberError + "Argument not an object: " + N); - if (A = w.toFixed(R, k), w.c) { - var _, p = A.split("."), O = +N.groupSize, U = +N.secondaryGroupSize, T = N.groupSeparator || "", z = p[0], te = p[1], X = w.s < 0, ne = X ? z.slice(1) : z, B = ne.length; - if (U && (_ = O, O = U, U = _, B -= _), O > 0 && B > 0) { - for (_ = B % O || O, z = ne.substr(0, _); _ < B; _ += O) - z += T + ne.substr(_, O); - U > 0 && (z += T + ne.slice(_)), X && (z = "-" + z); - } - A = te ? z + (N.decimalSeparator || "") + ((U = +N.fractionGroupSize) ? te.replace( - new RegExp("\\d{" + U + "}\\B", "g"), - "$&" + (N.fractionGroupSeparator || "") - ) : te) : z; + return l(T, T.e + w + 1, a, N); + }, R.toExponential = function(N, S) { + return N != null && (intCheck(N, 0, MAX), N++), m(this, N, S, 1); + }, R.toFixed = function(N, S) { + return N != null && (intCheck(N, 0, MAX), N = N + this.e + 1), m(this, N, S); + }, R.toFormat = function(N, S, T) { + var x, k = this; + if (T == null) + N != null && S && typeof S == "object" ? (T = S, S = null) : N && typeof N == "object" ? (T = N, N = S = null) : T = i; + else if (typeof T != "object") + throw Error(bignumberError + "Argument not an object: " + T); + if (x = k.toFixed(N, S), k.c) { + var b, p = x.split("."), P = +T.groupSize, B = +T.secondaryGroupSize, C = T.groupSeparator || "", L = p[0], re = p[1], ee = k.s < 0, oe = ee ? L.slice(1) : L, D = oe.length; + if (B && (b = P, P = B, B = b, D -= b), P > 0 && D > 0) { + for (b = D % P || P, L = oe.substr(0, b); b < D; b += P) + L += C + oe.substr(b, P); + B > 0 && (L += C + oe.slice(b)), ee && (L = "-" + L); + } + x = re ? L + (T.decimalSeparator || "") + ((B = +T.fractionGroupSize) ? re.replace( + new RegExp("\\d{" + B + "}\\B", "g"), + "$&" + (T.fractionGroupSeparator || "") + ) : re) : L; } - return (N.prefix || "") + A + (N.suffix || ""); - }, M.toFraction = function(R) { - var k, N, A, w, _, p, O, U, T, z, te, X, ne = this, B = ne.c; - if (R != null && (O = new h(R), !O.isInteger() && (O.c || O.s !== 1) || O.lt(P))) - throw Error(bignumberError + "Argument " + (O.isInteger() ? "out of range: " : "not an integer: ") + I(O)); - if (!B) - return new h(ne); - for (k = new h(P), T = N = new h(P), A = U = new h(P), X = coeffToString(B), _ = k.e = X.length - ne.e - 1, k.c[0] = POWS_TEN[(p = _ % LOG_BASE) < 0 ? LOG_BASE + p : p], R = !R || O.comparedTo(k) > 0 ? _ > 0 ? k : T : O, p = s, s = 1 / 0, O = new h(X), U.c[0] = 0; z = e(O, k, 0, 1), w = N.plus(z.times(A)), w.comparedTo(R) != 1; ) - N = A, A = w, T = U.plus(z.times(w = T)), U = w, k = O.minus(z.times(w = k)), O = w; - return w = e(R.minus(N), A, 0, 1), U = U.plus(w.times(T)), N = N.plus(w.times(A)), U.s = T.s = ne.s, _ = _ * 2, te = e(T, A, _, a).minus(ne).abs().comparedTo( - e(U, N, _, a).minus(ne).abs() - ) < 1 ? [T, A] : [U, N], s = p, te; - }, M.toNumber = function() { - return +I(this); - }, M.toPrecision = function(R, k) { - return R != null && intCheck(R, 1, MAX), m(this, R, k, 2); - }, M.toString = function(R) { - var k, N = this, A = N.s, w = N.e; - return w === null ? A ? (k = "Infinity", A < 0 && (k = "-" + k)) : k = "NaN" : (R == null ? k = w <= t || w >= d ? toExponential(coeffToString(N.c), w) : toFixedPoint(coeffToString(N.c), w, "0") : R === 10 && c ? (N = l(new h(N), y + w + 1, a), k = toFixedPoint(coeffToString(N.c), N.e, "0")) : (intCheck(R, 2, f.length, "Base"), k = b(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(N.c), w, "0"), 10, R, A, !0)), A < 0 && N.c[0] && (k = "-" + k)), k; - }, M.valueOf = M.toJSON = function() { - return I(this); - }, M._isBigNumber = !0, M[Symbol.toStringTag] = "BigNumber", M[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = M.valueOf, J != null && h.set(J), h; + return (T.prefix || "") + x + (T.suffix || ""); + }, R.toFraction = function(N) { + var S, T, x, k, b, p, P, B, C, L, re, ee, oe = this, D = oe.c; + if (N != null && (P = new h(N), !P.isInteger() && (P.c || P.s !== 1) || P.lt(A))) + throw Error(bignumberError + "Argument " + (P.isInteger() ? "out of range: " : "not an integer: ") + j(P)); + if (!D) + return new h(oe); + for (S = new h(A), C = T = new h(A), x = B = new h(A), ee = coeffToString(D), b = S.e = ee.length - oe.e - 1, S.c[0] = POWS_TEN[(p = b % LOG_BASE) < 0 ? LOG_BASE + p : p], N = !N || P.comparedTo(S) > 0 ? b > 0 ? S : C : P, p = s, s = 1 / 0, P = new h(ee), B.c[0] = 0; L = e(P, S, 0, 1), k = T.plus(L.times(x)), k.comparedTo(N) != 1; ) + T = x, x = k, C = B.plus(L.times(k = C)), B = k, S = P.minus(L.times(k = S)), P = k; + return k = e(N.minus(T), x, 0, 1), B = B.plus(k.times(C)), T = T.plus(k.times(x)), B.s = C.s = oe.s, b = b * 2, re = e(C, x, b, a).minus(oe).abs().comparedTo( + e(B, T, b, a).minus(oe).abs() + ) < 1 ? [C, x] : [B, T], s = p, re; + }, R.toNumber = function() { + return +j(this); + }, R.toPrecision = function(N, S) { + return N != null && intCheck(N, 1, MAX), m(this, N, S, 2); + }, R.toString = function(N) { + var S, T = this, x = T.s, k = T.e; + return k === null ? x ? (S = "Infinity", x < 0 && (S = "-" + S)) : S = "NaN" : (N == null ? S = k <= t || k >= d ? toExponential(coeffToString(T.c), k) : toFixedPoint(coeffToString(T.c), k, "0") : N === 10 && c ? (T = l(new h(T), w + k + 1, a), S = toFixedPoint(coeffToString(T.c), T.e, "0")) : (intCheck(N, 2, f.length, "Base"), S = y(toFixedPoint(coeffToString(T.c), k, "0"), 10, N, x, !0)), x < 0 && T.c[0] && (S = "-" + S)), S; + }, R.valueOf = R.toJSON = function() { + return j(this); + }, R._isBigNumber = !0, R[Symbol.toStringTag] = "BigNumber", R[Symbol.for("nodejs.util.inspect.custom")] = R.valueOf, J != null && h.set(J), h; } function bitFloor(J) { var e = J | 0; return J > 0 || J === e ? e : e - 1; } function coeffToString(J) { - for (var e, b, E = 1, M = J.length, P = J[0] + ""; E < M; ) { - for (e = J[E++] + "", b = LOG_BASE - e.length; b--; e = "0" + e) + for (var e, y, E = 1, R = J.length, A = J[0] + ""; E < R; ) { + for (e = J[E++] + "", y = LOG_BASE - e.length; y--; e = "0" + e) ; - P += e; + A += e; } - for (M = P.length; P.charCodeAt(--M) === 48; ) + for (R = A.length; A.charCodeAt(--R) === 48; ) ; - return P.slice(0, M + 1 || 1); + return A.slice(0, R + 1 || 1); } function compare(J, e) { - var b, E, M = J.c, P = e.c, y = J.s, a = e.s, t = J.e, d = e.e; - if (!y || !a) + var y, E, R = J.c, A = e.c, w = J.s, a = e.s, t = J.e, d = e.e; + if (!w || !a) return null; - if (b = M && !M[0], E = P && !P[0], b || E) - return b ? E ? 0 : -a : y; - if (y != a) - return y; - if (b = y < 0, E = t == d, !M || !P) - return E ? 0 : !M ^ b ? 1 : -1; + if (y = R && !R[0], E = A && !A[0], y || E) + return y ? E ? 0 : -a : w; + if (w != a) + return w; + if (y = w < 0, E = t == d, !R || !A) + return E ? 0 : !R ^ y ? 1 : -1; if (!E) - return t > d ^ b ? 1 : -1; - for (a = (t = M.length) < (d = P.length) ? t : d, y = 0; y < a; y++) - if (M[y] != P[y]) - return M[y] > P[y] ^ b ? 1 : -1; - return t == d ? 0 : t > d ^ b ? 1 : -1; + return t > d ^ y ? 1 : -1; + for (a = (t = R.length) < (d = A.length) ? t : d, w = 0; w < a; w++) + if (R[w] != A[w]) + return R[w] > A[w] ^ y ? 1 : -1; + return t == d ? 0 : t > d ^ y ? 1 : -1; } -function intCheck(J, e, b, E) { - if (J < e || J > b || J !== mathfloor(J)) - throw Error(bignumberError + (E || "Argument") + (typeof J == "number" ? J < e || J > b ? " out of range: " : " not an integer: " : " not a primitive number: ") + String(J)); +function intCheck(J, e, y, E) { + if (J < e || J > y || J !== mathfloor(J)) + throw Error(bignumberError + (E || "Argument") + (typeof J == "number" ? J < e || J > y ? " out of range: " : " not an integer: " : " not a primitive number: ") + String(J)); } function isOdd(J) { var e = J.c.length - 1; @@ -33484,16 +33822,16 @@ function isOdd(J) { function toExponential(J, e) { return (J.length > 1 ? J.charAt(0) + "." + J.slice(1) : J) + (e < 0 ? "e" : "e+") + e; } -function toFixedPoint(J, e, b) { - var E, M; +function toFixedPoint(J, e, y) { + var E, R; if (e < 0) { - for (M = b + "."; ++e; M += b) + for (R = y + "."; ++e; R += y) ; - J = M + J; + J = R + J; } else if (E = J.length, ++e > E) { - for (M = b, e -= E; --e; M += b) + for (R = y, e -= E; --e; R += y) ; - J += M; + J += R; } else e < E && (J = J.slice(0, e) + "." + J.slice(e)); return J; @@ -33516,45 +33854,45 @@ const convertCoinFromUDenom = (J, e) => (BigNumber.config({ DECIMAL_PLACES: 18 } lastUpdatedQuote: J.data.last_updated_quote }); function parsePricesFromContract(J) { - return J.reduce((e, b) => ({ + return J.reduce((e, y) => ({ ...e, - [b.key]: { - oracleKey: b.key, - rate: convertCoinFromUDenom(b.data.rate, 18), - lastUpdatedBase: b.data.last_updated_base, - lastUpdatedQuote: b.data.last_updated_quote + [y.key]: { + oracleKey: y.key, + rate: convertCoinFromUDenom(y.data.rate, 18), + lastUpdatedBase: y.data.last_updated_base, + lastUpdatedQuote: y.data.last_updated_quote } }), {}); } const queryPrice$ = ({ contractAddress: J, codeHash: e, - oracleKey: b, + oracleKey: y, lcdEndpoint: E, - chainId: M -}) => getActiveQueryClient$(E, M).pipe( - switchMap(({ client: P }) => sendSecretClientContractQuery$({ - queryMsg: msgQueryOraclePrice(b), - client: P, + chainId: R +}) => getActiveQueryClient$(E, R).pipe( + switchMap(({ client: A }) => sendSecretClientContractQuery$({ + queryMsg: msgQueryOraclePrice(y), + client: A, contractAddress: J, codeHash: e })), - map((P) => parsePriceFromContract(P)), + map((A) => parsePriceFromContract(A)), first() ), queryPrices$ = ({ contractAddress: J, codeHash: e, - oracleKeys: b, + oracleKeys: y, lcdEndpoint: E, - chainId: M -}) => getActiveQueryClient$(E, M).pipe( - switchMap(({ client: P }) => sendSecretClientContractQuery$({ - queryMsg: msgQueryOraclePrices(b), - client: P, + chainId: R +}) => getActiveQueryClient$(E, R).pipe( + switchMap(({ client: A }) => sendSecretClientContractQuery$({ + queryMsg: msgQueryOraclePrices(y), + client: A, contractAddress: J, codeHash: e })), - map((P) => parsePricesFromContract(P)), + map((A) => parsePricesFromContract(A)), first() ); export { diff --git a/package.json b/package.json index 6858b50..0ce9f0c 100644 --- a/package.json +++ b/package.json @@ -14,7 +14,9 @@ } }, "files": [ - "dist" + [ + "dist" + ] ], "scripts": { "build": "tsc && vite build", @@ -37,15 +39,17 @@ "eslint-plugin-import": "^2.28.1", "lefthook": "^1.5.2", "rxjs": "^7.8.1", - "secretjs": "^1.9.3", + "secretjs": "^1.11.1", "typescript": "^5.2.2", "vite": "^4.4.11", - "vitest": "^0.34.6" + "vitest": "^0.34.6", + "whatwg-fetch": "^3.6.19" }, "devDependencies": { "@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin": "^6.7.4", "@typescript-eslint/parser": "^6.7.4", - "vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.0" + "vite-plugin-dts": "^3.6.0", + "vite-plugin-node-polyfills": "^0.15.0" }, "config": { "commitizen": { diff --git a/src/index.ts b/src/index.ts index 3bdf3bb..fc60195 100644 --- a/src/index.ts +++ b/src/index.ts @@ -1,3 +1,4 @@ +import '~/polyfills/index'; import { getSecretNetworkClient$, getActiveQueryClient$ } from '~/client'; import { queryPrice$, queryPrices$ } from '~/contracts/services/oracle'; diff --git a/src/polyfills/index.ts b/src/polyfills/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..0074b5f --- /dev/null +++ b/src/polyfills/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,7 @@ +// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies +import 'whatwg-fetch'; + +if (typeof window === 'undefined') { + // @ts-ignore + global.window = globalThis; +} diff --git a/vite.config.ts b/vite.config.ts index f59807e..9c9d7b6 100644 --- a/vite.config.ts +++ b/vite.config.ts @@ -2,6 +2,8 @@ import { defineConfig } from 'vite'; import path from 'path'; // eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies import dts from 'vite-plugin-dts'; +// eslint-disable-next-line import/no-extraneous-dependencies +import { nodePolyfills } from 'vite-plugin-node-polyfills' // https://vitejs.dev/config/ export default defineConfig({ @@ -19,6 +21,7 @@ export default defineConfig({ }, build: { + target: 'node', manifest: true, minify: true, reportCompressedSize: true, @@ -28,5 +31,10 @@ export default defineConfig({ fileName: 'shade-js', }, }, - plugins: [dts({ rollupTypes: true })], + plugins: [ + dts({ rollupTypes: true }), + nodePolyfills({ + include: ['path'] + }), + ], }); diff --git a/yarn.lock b/yarn.lock index 3ebe7b2..bc0a8bd 100644 --- a/yarn.lock +++ b/yarn.lock @@ -546,7 +546,16 @@ resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@protobufjs/utf8/-/utf8-1.1.0.tgz#a777360b5b39a1a2e5106f8e858f2fd2d060c570" integrity sha512-Vvn3zZrhQZkkBE8LSuW3em98c0FwgO4nxzv6OdSxPKJIEKY2bGbHn+mhGIPerzI4twdxaP8/0+06HBpwf345Lw== -"@rollup/pluginutils@^5.0.2": +"@rollup/plugin-inject@^5.0.3": + version "5.0.5" + resolved "https://registry.yarnpkg.com/@rollup/plugin-inject/-/plugin-inject-5.0.5.tgz#616f3a73fe075765f91c5bec90176608bed277a3" + integrity 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