These are recommendations for reviewing contributions to SSS repositories. Reviewing is important to ensure high quality and consistency of content. As a reviewer, we trust you will vet contributions and provide constructive suggestions to update them to fit the SSS guidelines.
Make sure that activities / challenges are of good quality:
- Difficulty is properly set.
- The topic of the activity / challenge is appropriate.
- The provided solution is working.
- Vulnerability and explanations are easy to understand.
Check if all of them are used and mentioned in the content. If the assets are not original, make sure their license is compatible to ours and that their source is properly cited. Verify that their names are appropriate and respect the following rules:
- Use dash between words (e.g.
). - Use only lowercase ASCII characters.
Make sure that the content is of good quality:
- It follows the general structure of a session.
- Assets are displayed well.
- The content has at most one sentence per line.
- The content is easy to understand.
- Wording and general spelling are correct.
- Proper formatting is used (such as bold, italic, typewritter formats).
You will review contributions as pull requests, following the PR review guidelines from GitHub. Contributions must follow the contributing guidelines.
Add your review as comments and request for changes to the PR until everything is ready to be approved.
Add any comments regarding one or more explicit lines as review comments and only publish them together when submitting your review.
Do not add each individual suggestion or comment as standalone.
Before approving the PR, make sure that all GitHub Actions tests ended successfully.
Once approved, either you or someone with proper access rights can use Rebase and merge
to merge the PR commits and integrate the contribution.