- Update SDK version to 4.1.1
- anonymousID-as-deviceID + group{Type, Value}Trait support (#38)
- Update Amplitude to 3.7.0
- Improve revenue tracking from Order Completed events.
- Patch potential duplicate track event issue when using Groups functionality.
- Add support for Amplitude's
functionality to both identify and track events
- Allow mapping query params from context.page.search to a custom user/event property
- Update Amplitude v3.4.0 with support for forceHttps, trackGclid, saveParamsReferrerOncePerSession, deviceIdFromUrlParam options.
- Only send revenue event if revenue is being tracked
- update amplitude v3.0.2 with support for logrevenueV2 option
- Update Karma to 1.1.0
- Remove Duo compatibility
- Add CI setup (coverage, linting, cross-browser compatibility, etc.)
- Update eslint configuration
- Bump Analytics.js core, tester, integration to use Facade 2.x
- correctly set options
- Update Amplitude v2.9.1
- Fix bug where saveReferrer throws exception if sessionStorage is disabled.
- Log messages with a try/catch to support IE 8.
- Validate event properties during logEvent and initialization before sending request.
- Add instructions for proper integration with RequireJS.
- Updating Amplitude SDK v2.9.0
Merge pull request #11 from amplitude/fix-runqueuedfunctions
Only runQueuedFunctions after SDK loads 1.0.11 / 2015-12-04 ===================
updating Amplitude SDK v2.7.0
- updating Amplitude SDK v2.6.1
- updating amplitude SDK v2.6.0
- updating Amplitude SDK to v2.5.0
- Update Amplitude javascript sdk to v2.4.1
- Update Amplitude javascript sdk to v2.3.0
- Update Amplitude version to 2.2.1
- Replace analytics.js dependency with analytics.js-core
- Replace analytics.js dependency with analytics.js-core
- Bump analytics.js-integration version
- Bump analytics.js-integration version
- Initial commit ✨