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User's Guide

Telegram Moderator Bot

This Telegram Moderator Bot is capable of adding moderators to Telegram supergroups. Regular groups and channels are not supported.

How to set it up

  1. Talk to the @BotFather and create a bot on Telegram.
  2. Deploy the using the tutorial at
  3. Invite your bot to your Telegram supergroup.
  4. Make your bot Full Administrator on the supergroup. It looks like this: admin


Moderators are supergroup administrators with some modified privileges. Moderators can delete a message and pin a message using the built-in GUI functionality. No other usual admin functions are necessary (or encouraged) for moderators. It is explicitly forbidden to give a moderator the "Ban users" and "Add new Admins" privileges. These privileges would allow them to have power over other moderators.

Apart from the mentioned administrative privileges, moderators can issue the /ban @username command to the Telegram Bot to ban a regular member of the supergroup. Moderators can unban users using the /unban @username command. (The user has to rejoin the group after unbanning.)

Moderators can write up a user with the /warn @username command. After two warnings the user gets banned.

(Full) Administrators

Administrators have more privileges than moderators. For the Telegram bot, any administrator with the "Add new Admins" privilege is considered a "Full" administrator. The creator of the supergroup is also considered a Full administrator. Full administrators can issue the /promote @username and /demote @username commands to appoint new moderators or remove current moderators.


The bot will only "know" a user if the user has sent at least one message on the supergroup.

This means that to promote a user to moderator status, the user has to at least say "Hi" on the supergroup.

List of commands for moderators (and administrators)


A nice welcome message. It only works if you're a moderator or administrator so you can check your privileges.


Lists moderators.

/warn @username

Issues a warning for the user. After two warnings the bot bans the user.

Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.

/ban @username

Ban a user. Use the GUI to quickly pinpoint the user and fill in the right username. Administrators and other moderators cannot be banned.

Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.

/unban @username

Removes the user from the banned list and resets its warning counter. Does not add the user back in the supergroup.

Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.

List of commands for administrators only

/promote @username

Give a regular user moderator privileges. Current moderators and administrators will be unaffected.

Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.

/demote @username

Take away administrative privileges from a moderator. The creator user or full administrators (administrators with the "Add new Admins" privilege) will be unaffected.

Multiple names can be added using space as a separator.