The date-time library maintains the current date-time information in UTC format. The option :option:`CONFIG_DATE_TIME_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECONDS` determines the frequency with which the library updates the date-time information.
The information is fetched in the following prioritized order:
- The library checks if the current date-time information is valid and relatively new. If the date-time information currently set in the library was obtained sometime during the interval set by CONFIG_DATE_TIME_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECONDS, the library does not fetch new date-time information. In this way, unnecessary update cycles are avoided.
- If the aforementioned check fails, the library requests time from the onboard modem of nRF9160.
- If the time information obtained from the onboard modem of nRF9160 is not valid, the library requests time from NTP servers.
- If the NTP time request does not succeed, the library tries to request time information from several other NTP servers, before it fails.
The :c:func:`date_time_set` function can be used to obtain the current date-time information from external sources independent of the internal date-time update routine. Time from GPS can be such an external source.
To get date-time information from the library, either call the :c:func:`date_time_uptime_to_unix_time_ms` function or the :c:func:`date_time_now` function. See the API documentation for more information on these functions.
The first date-time update cycle (after boot) does not occur until the time set by the :option:`CONFIG_DATE_TIME_UPDATE_INTERVAL_SECONDS` has elapsed. It is recommended to call the :c:func:`date_time_update_async` function after the device has connected to LTE, to get the initial date-time information.
Configure this option to control the frequency with which the library fetches the time information.
.. doxygengroup:: date_time :project: nrf :members: