Simulation frontend for a 10 x 10 RGB Pixel Led Table
This Repository contains a platform agnostic UI frontend that visualizes a 10 x 10 RGB LED Matrix LedTable.
- The UI should be as platform independend as possible (at least MacOS, Linux and Windows should be supported, Bonus points for Android and iOS)
- The UI should contain a 10 x 10 LED Pixel Matrix with rather huge pixels (lets say 64x64 screen pixels for one LED pixel)
- The Simulator should receive the pixel values to be shown based on the following specification:
- Each pixel is represented bye 3 Bytes
- Each byte in a single pixel datum represents a single color value (0 - 255 where 0 is off, and 255 is maximum brightness)
- The color order of each pixel is BGR (blue, green red)
- The pixel values for the whole table are represented as a byte array of size 10 x 10 x 3 bytes.
- The pixel data array of point 3.d is named framebuffer from now on
- The Simulator should receive the framebuffer via MQTT by subscribing to the topic ledtable/simulation/framebuffer
- Whenever the framebuffer is received via mqtt - the UI should update its state based on the framebuffer content
- The pixel order inside the framebuffer is as follows (snake pattern):
- Width is 10 pixels - refered to by W
- Height is 10 pixel - refered to by H
- X and Y are coordinates on the table where x = 0 is the very left and y = 0 is the very bottom of the table.
- Pixel order is x0y0 .. x0yH, x1yH .. x1y0, x2y0 .. x2yH, x3yH ..x3y0 .. further to the right until xW