These Semantic Containers demonstrate a processing pipeline by accesing satellite data from EODC, performing atmospheric correction and finally clipping to an area of 10x10 km.
Docker Images:
- download data:
- atmospheric correction:
- clip image:
To get a general introduction for using Semantic Containers please refer to the SemCon Tutorial.
Start containers locally:
$ docker pull semcon/sc-sentinel_read
$ docker pull semcon/sc-sen2cor
$ docker pull semcon/sc-sentinel_clip
$ svn export --force .
$ docker run -p 4000:3000 -d --name sentinel_read \
-v /path/to/local/directory/sc-sentinel:/data \
semcon/sc-sentinel_read \
/bin/ "$(< init_read.trig)"
$ docker run -p 4001:3000 -d --name sen2cor \
-v /path/to/local/directory/sc-sentinel:/data \
semcon/sc-sen2cor \
/bin/ "$(< init_sen2cor.trig)"
$ docker run -p 4002:3000 -d --name sentinel_clip \
-v /path/to/local/directory/sc-sentinel:/data \
semcon/sc-sentinel_clip \
/bin/ "$(< init_clip.trig)"
The first step is to download the raw data as made available from the Sentinel-2 satellites. Trigger a download through the following options:
: point of interest lattitude (e.g., 47.61)long
: point of interest longitude (e.g., 13.78)start
: begin date of chosen time frame (e.g., 2019-04-20)end
: end date of chosen time frame (e.g., 2019-04-30)filter
: regular expression that the download file must match; leave empty to omit the filter (e.g., TVN); for each date there are 2 files available and this options allows to ommit one type
Example local request:
$ curl -s "http://localhost:4000/api/data/plain?lat=47.61&long=13.78&start=2019-04-20&end=2019-04-30&filter=TVN" | jq
"rid": "83d2b9ea-a684-4544-8ae2-1db90f74c227",
"status": 0,
"message": "request created",
"request": "lat=47.61&long=13.78&start=2019-04-20&end=2019-04-30&filter=TVN"
Note: Since such a request is long running tasks, Semantic Containers perform asynchronous processing. The immediate response is therefore a Response-ID (rid) and it is possible to retrieve the status of such a request by querying the container with this Response-ID:
$ curl -s "http://localhost:4000/api/data/plain?rid=83d2b9ea-a684-4544-8ae2-1db90f74c227" | jq
"rid": "83d2b9ea-a684-4544-8ae2-1db90f74c227",
"status": 1,
"message": "request in progress",
"request": "lat=47.61&long=13.78&start=2019-04-20&end=2019-04-30&filter=TVN",
"file-list": [
Example request for this Semantic Container hosted by ZAMG:
$ curl -s "" | jq
With the following command a single file can be downloaded from a remote Semantic Container:
$ wget
Next the available downloaded data can be processed by the sen2cor utility provided by the European Space Agency (ESA). As input available files from the sentinel_read
container are provided by using the following option:
: a filter (regular expression) to select the list of available files (e.g., 201905)
Additionally, for the processingsen2cor
container the target resolution must be specified:resolution
: one of the following 3 resolutions are available - 60m, 20m, 10m
Example local request:
$ curl -s "http://localhost:400/api/data?file=20190424" | \
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- \
-X POST "http://localhost:4001/api/data?resolution=60" | jq
Example request for this Semantic Container hosted by ZAMG:
$ curl -s "" | \
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- \
-X POST "" | jq
With the following command a single file can be downloaded locally from a remote Semantic Container:
$ wget
And finally the processed image can be cropped to a 10x10 km segment. As input available files from the sen2cor
container are provided by using the following option:
: a filter (regular expression) to select the list of available files (e.g., 201905)
Additionally, for the processingsentinel_clip
container the following options must be specified:lat
: point of interest lattitude (e.g., 47.61)long
: point of interest longitude (e.g., 13.78)
Example local request:
$ curl -s "http://localhost:4001/api/data?file=201904" | \
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- \
-X POST "http://localhost:4002/api/data?lat=47.61&long=13.78" | jq
Example request for this Semantic Container hosted by ZAMG:
$ curl -s "" | \
curl -s -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @- \
-X POST "" | jq
With the following command a single file can be downloaded locally from a remote Semantic Container:
$ wget
This section shows examples on using this Semantic Container processing pipeline.
The Sentinel Semantic Container processing pipeline was used to generate a time-laps video of Bad Aussee (the center of Austria) and is available on YouTube:
The source high resolution images are available here.
Semantic Container automatically generate a provenance chain along the process pipeline when an image is created from the Sentinel source data, processed by the Sentinel-2 toolbox, and finally clipped to the relevant area. The following command generates the provenance information based on the PROV Ontology:
$ curl -s "" | \
jq '.provision.provenance' | ruby -e "puts $(</dev/stdin)"
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix owl: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
@prefix foaf: <> .
@prefix void: <> .
@prefix prov: <> .
@prefix sc: <> .
@prefix scr: <> .
scr:data_c276b22776c4_ffd27e87 a prov:Entity;
sc:dataHash "c276b22776c4c68880840a07f828a977be6cdc735626b5325ae91d5b58c9da79"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label "data set from 2019-05-28T17:26:14Z"^^xsd:string;
prov:wasAttributedTo scr:container_ffd27e87-d03e;
prov:generatedAtTime "2019-05-28T17:26:14Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
scr:container_ffd27e87-d03e a prov:softwareAgent;
sc:containerInstanceId "ffd27e87-d03e-4e19-9e7b-265c040e7c05"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label "Satellite Image Clipping"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:comment "This container crops a satellite image."^^xsd:string;
prov:actedOnBehalfOf scr:operator_a130a813440e;
scr:operator_a130a813440e a foaf:Person, prov:Person;
sc:operatorHash "a130a813440e6fc01bd174e333ac2ade366372cbd09f6d460ac96c5d1eccf641"^^xsd:string;
foaf:name "Christoph Fabianek";
foaf:mbox <mailto:[email protected]>;
scr:input_fadb1e65aaa0 a prov:Activity;
sc:inputHash "fadb1e65aaa0617f43bcd1db3bb761fc2daa4c8e4c20a21416de288e77bf770f"^^xsd:string;
prov:used scr:data_9a83b5242ba6_85299065;
prov:startedAtTime "2019-05-28T17:24:11Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
prov:generated scr:data_c276b22776c4_ffd27e87;
scr:data_9a83b5242ba6_85299065 a prov:Entity;
sc:dataHash "9a83b5242ba6ae988cf1c14380824d11350cc8809191935539f6fbf51c830237"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label "data set from 2019-05-28T17:24:10Z"^^xsd:string;
prov:wasAttributedTo scr:container_85299065-414b;
prov:generatedAtTime "2019-05-28T17:24:10Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
scr:container_85299065-414b a prov:softwareAgent;
sc:containerInstanceId "85299065-414b-4d5e-974b-e2043f3ab1b4"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label "Sentinel Atmospheric Corrections"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:comment "This container performs atmospheric corrections for Sentinel data."^^xsd:string;
prov:actedOnBehalfOf scr:operator_a130a813440e;
scr:input_76505e3b5be8 a prov:Activity;
sc:inputHash "76505e3b5be804ce4d3c8defba5597eaedd83ec14f4f480c34656d803bd3e3bd"^^xsd:string;
prov:used scr:data_e2407dfa3192_41f80b87;
prov:startedAtTime "2019-05-28T16:10:35Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
prov:generated scr:data_9a83b5242ba6_85299065;
scr:data_e2407dfa3192_41f80b87 a prov:Entity;
sc:dataHash "e2407dfa3192b05f2add4ee2aa1b127f2f24916370298946b159298770ddc3f6"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label "data set from 2019-05-28T16:10:33Z"^^xsd:string;
prov:wasAttributedTo scr:container_41f80b87-9b8d;
prov:generatedAtTime "2019-05-28T16:10:33Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
scr:container_41f80b87-9b8d a prov:softwareAgent;
sc:containerInstanceId "41f80b87-9b8d-43d6-ba5e-aed6b837dbd6"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label "Sentinel Download"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:comment "This container downloads Sentinel data from"^^xsd:string;
prov:actedOnBehalfOf scr:operator_a130a813440e;
scr:input_5b697319f458 a prov:Activity;
sc:inputHash "5b697319f458166ac6d66ab5a151164ba357de42ce751d07ee9b17a08f9c838a"^^xsd:string;
rdfs:label "input data from 2019-05-28T15:00:39Z"^^xsd:string;
prov:startedAtTime "2019-05-28T15:00:37Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
prov:endedAtTime "2019-05-28T15:00:39Z"^^xsd:dateTime;
prov:generated scr:data_e2407dfa3192_41f80b87;
The image below depicts this provenance information. Alternatively, the output can be visualized online with PROV-O-Viz.
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