DL4AGX (2019-06-03)
1.1.0 (2019-06-03)
//toolchain: Default to PIC on all platforms (2a1d7ec)
//tools/linter: Fix bazel not using python3 when using the linters (cffdfca)
chore!: Freezing Bazel version at 0.26.0 (d5bafa7)
chore(//toolchains)!: Move cross compilation toolchains to new starlark based ones (d0a65f3)
Initial Open Sourcing of the Repository (5fdf921)
- Previous versions of bazel will no longer be supported. Bazel versions now will be bumped manually instead of using latest
- This is to support Bazel 0.25+ which deprecates CROSSTOOL. Please use bazel 0.25 or greater, there will be no more support on the CROSSTOOL toolchains
1.0.0 (2019-05-01)
- Initial Open Sourcing of the Repository (5fdf9213)