- Abstract
- Naive implementation
- Encoded/Not-Encoded Flag
- Escape code
- Double bytes
- The PackBits algorithm
There will be a very detailed article here about the different approaches to RLE.
Click HERE to get straight to the practical part.
A popular and (relatively) easy to implement lossless data compression algorithm.
To simplify the task, let's assume the input data is always a string (a text):
# encoding
"ABBBCC" => "AB3C2"
# decoding
"AB3C2" => "A" + "B"*3 + "C"*2 => "ABBBCC"
In this case the RLE implementation becomes trivial. Here's one from LeetCode: 443. String Compression
However, any practical implementation should work with arbitrary byte sequences. So the expression above will look like this:
# encoding
[0x65, 0x66, 0x66, 0x66, 0x67, 0x67] => [0x65, 0x66, 0x51, 0x67, 0x50]
# A B B B C C A B 3 C 2
# decoding
[0x65, 0x66, 0x51, 0x67, 0x50] => ... # ?
# A B 3 C 2
The result of the decoding in this case is actually undetermined. The ambiguity comes from our inability to tell if the number is a symbol or a counter for some symbol, which goes before it.
Imagine you get a string "h32"
it can be decoded into:
("h"*3 + "2"
("h" + "3"*2
So, we've got an ambiguity, which makes it impossible to decode the data. How can we fix this issue?
To distinguish symbols from counters, we can flag them with a special additional bit. And we can do it in more than one way.
The counters are usually limited with 1 byte length, which caps our compression efficiency with x256
, but makes it easier to implement and more efficient in practical cases.
We can add one additional bit to each byte, like this:
# bytes without extension:
01100101 01100110 00000011 01100111 00000010
# \------| \------| \------| \------| \-----|
# A B 3 C 2
# bytes with extension:
# v v v v v
00110010 10011001 10100000 01100110 01111000 00010xxx
# \-------| \-------| \-------| \-------| \-------|
# A B 3 C 2
- it creates a loose (unaligned) byte at the end, and aligning it can be a tricky task
- it violates the initial byte alignment (supposedly, it leads to a less efficient calculation on CPU)
We can regroup the original bits into segments 7 bits each + 1 bit reserved for a flag. Then you can encode this sequence.
# original bytes:
11010110 01101000 11010100 10110011
# Ö h Ô ³
# bytes regrouped:
_1101011 _0011010 _0011010 _1001011 _0011xxx
# bytes encoded:
01101011 00011010 10000010 01001011 00011xxx
# ^-------
# 2
01100101 01100110 00000011 01100111 00000010
00101xxx 01100101 01100110 00000011 01100111 00000010
- it creates a loose (unaligned) byte at the end, and aligning it can be a tricky task
- it changes the data pattern in bytes (
— has a better compression potential, than"aaaaaaa"
In each group of 8 bytes we add an additional byte to store the flags.
01100101 01100110 00000011 01100111 00000010
# 00101 => 0 0 1 0 1
00101xxx 01100101 01100110 00000011 01100111 00000010
# \------| \------| \------| \------| \------| \-----|
# flags A B 3 C 2
- there can be a loose flags-byte in the end of the sequence, but the significant bits are determined by the size of the encoded block
To mark the counter bytes we can use a special symbol (or a sequence).
We may pick some arbitrary byte for this role. Like 0b01011100 == "\"
and make it an escape byte for our algorithm.
"abbbcc" => r"ab\3\c\2\"
# counter: - -
# symbol: -- -
The tricky part is how to deal with the escape symbol itself (if it is present in the initial data block). The easiest to implement approach is to double it.
r"\\3\c\\\" => r"\\\2\3\\c\\\3\"
# counter: - -
# symbol: -- -------
# single "\": -- -- --
The same as a fixed escape byte, but we pick the rarest byte in the data block for and claim it as an escape byte for the current block.
Any repetitive sequence of bytes is replaced with two bytes and is followed by a byte, which should be converted to unsigned int
and interpreted as the length of the sequence.
"abbbbbbccdddd" => "abb6cc2dd4"
- performes badly on size 2 repetitions:
"abbcddeefgg" => "abb2cdd2ee2fgg2"
You split your initial data into packages:
["inqktqig", ("f", 5), "hmkvvosynozp", ("g", 9), "pcrelizzif"]
[8, "inqktqig", -5, "f", 12, "hmkvvosynozp", -9, "g", 10, "pcrelizzif"]
The stream of bytes always starts with a counter byte n
. Its value can be between -128
and 127
. It describes the package of the size, determined by the n
- if
1 <= n <= 127
— the nextn
symbols are not modified - if
-128 <= n <= -1
— the following byte should be repeated-n
This one will actually be the algorithm of my choice to implement.
- we won't encode size 2 repetitions — it gives us no benifit in compression
- the encoded binary block consists of the initial sequence bytes, separated with singular counter bytes
- the block always starts whith a counter byte
- if the value of a counter byte is positive and equals to
:- the next
bytes are the initial sequence bytes with no repetitions - the next counter byte is the next one after the sequence (
cur_pos += c + 1
- the next
- if the value of a counter byte is negative and equal to
:- the next byte after is to be repeated
times - the next counter byte is located two steps ahead (
cur_pos += 2
- the next byte after is to be repeated
0 1 2 3
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 A B C D E F
| +counter | |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
| A sequence of bytes with no |
| repetitions (up to 127 bytes) |
| |
| -counter | 1 byte | -counter | 1 byte |
| -counter | 1 byte | +counter | |
+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+-+ |
| |
| A sequence of bytes with no repetitions (up to 127 bytes) |
| |
| |
| ... |
| |