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SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin

The SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin is a powerful #WordPress plugin that allows you to easily add social sharing buttons to your content. By enabling social sharing, you can boost engagement with your audience and drive more traffic to your website. With a range of customization options and innovative button styles, this plugin gives you full control over how your content is shared on popular social networks.

SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Demo

SEO Book Pro Page Speed Basic Settings Demo


Grow your social engagement

By enabling social sharing on your WordPress content, you can increase engagement with your audience and boost demand for your products or services.

Easy to Setup

With our simple plugin, you can set up social sharing with just a few clicks. You have full control over where and how your content is shared on social media.

6 Different Locations

Show social media sharing buttons in a variety of locations, including the sidebar, above and below content, fly-in, popup, on images, and videos.

Responsive Design

Our plugin is fully responsive, so it works flawlessly on mobile displays as well. Your audience can easily share your content from any device.

Button Styles

We offer a variety of innovative styles for social media buttons to match your website's design and aesthetics. Choose from our pre-designed styles to find the perfect fit for your brand.

Custom Styles

You can customize the colors of your social sharing buttons to match your website's theme. Our plugin has custom color settings for each location, giving you complete control over the look and feel of your buttons.

Supported Social Networks

The SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin supports the following social networks for sharing your content:

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • LinkedIn
  • Reddit
  • Pinterest
  • Send to Email
  • Save as PDF
  • Contact us for more Social Networks


Basic Documentation - To install the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin, follow these simple steps:

  • Download: Download the plugin files from the WordPress plugin repository or clone the repository from GitHub.
  • Upload: Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory of your WordPress installation. You can do this via FTP or by using the WordPress plugin uploader.
  • Activate: Log in to your WordPress admin dashboard and navigate to the 'Plugins' section. Find the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin and click on the 'Activate' button to enable the plugin.
  • Configuration: Once activated, go to the plugin settings page, which can be accessed under 'Settings' -> 'SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons'. Configure the plugin according to your preferences, such as selecting the social networks, choosing the display locations, and customizing the button styles and colors.
  • Save: After configuring the settings, make sure to save your changes to apply the chosen options.
  • Congratulations! You have successfully installed and set up the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin. Your website's content is now equipped with powerful social sharing capabilities to drive more traffic, engage your audience, and expand your online presence.

Full Documentation of how to install the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin

  • Download the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin from the WordPress plugin repository or clone it from the GitHub repository.
  • Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/seo-book-pro-sharing-buttons directory, or install it directly from the WordPress plugin dashboard.
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress.
  • Go to the plugin settings page, which can be found under 'Settings' -> 'SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons', to configure the plugin according to your preferences.
  • Customize the sharing buttons, select the social networks you want to include, and choose the locations where you want the buttons to appear.
  • Save your settings, and you're ready to go! Your content will now have social sharing buttons to engage your audience.


The SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin offers a range of configuration options to customize your social sharing experience:

  • Choose the locations where the sharing buttons should appear: top of the content, bottom of the content, or sidebar (if available).
  • Select the social networks you want to include for sharing your content.
  • Customize the colors of the sharing buttons to match your website's theme.
  • Choose from various button styles to find the perfect fit for your brand.
  • Enable or disable the sharing buttons on specific types of content, such as pages, posts, or custom post types.

Frequently Asked Questions

Question 1: Can I customize the appearance of the social sharing buttons?

Answer: Yes, the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin provides various button styles to choose from. You can select a style that matches your website's design and aesthetics.

Question 2: Can I change the color of the sharing buttons?

Answer: Absolutely! Our plugin offers custom color settings for each location where the buttons are displayed. You have full control over the look and feel of your buttons.

Question 3: Can I choose which social networks to include for sharing?

Answer: Yes, you can select the social networks you want to include from a list of supported networks, including Facebook,Twitter, LinkedIn, Reddit, Pinterest, Send to Email, and Save as PDF. You have the flexibility to choose the networks that are most relevant to your audience and content

Question 4: Can I control where the sharing buttons are displayed?

Answer: Absolutely! The plugin offers six different locations where you can show the social media sharing buttons. You can choose to display them in the sidebar, above and below the content, as a fly-in or popup, or even on images and videos.

Question 5: Is the plugin responsive and mobile-friendly?

Answer: Yes, the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin is fully responsive and works seamlessly on mobile devices. Your audience can easily share your content from any device, ensuring a consistent experience across all platforms.

Question: How can I install the plugin?

Answer: To install the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin, you can follow these simple steps:

  • Download the plugin from the WordPress plugin repository or clone it from the GitHub repository.
  • Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/seo-book-pro-sharing-buttons directory of your WordPress installation.
  • Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in your WordPress dashboard.
  • Go to the plugin settings page, located under 'Settings' -> 'SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons', to configure the plugin according to your preferences.
  • Customize the sharing buttons, select the social networks, choose the display locations, and save your settings.

Question: Can I disable the sharing buttons on specific types of content?

Answer: Yes, the plugin provides the option to enable or disable the sharing buttons on specific types of content, such as pages, posts, or custom post types. You have the flexibility to choose where the buttons appear based on your content strategy.

Support and Documentation

For more information and detailed documentation, please visit the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin Documentation.

If you encounter any issues or need assistance, you can reach out to our support team at our email Contribution and Feedback

We welcome contributions and feedback to enhance the functionality and usability of the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin

If you have any suggestions, feature requests, or bug reports, please create an issue on our GitHub repository.


The SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin is released under the GPL-2.0+ License URI

By installing the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin, you can unlock numerous benefits for your website and content

  • Drive More Traffic: Enable social sharing on your WordPress content to encourage visitors to share your articles, pages, and posts on their social media profiles. This helps expand your reach and drive more traffic back to your website.

  • Boost Engagement: Social sharing buttons make it easy for your audience to engage with your content. By sharing your articles on social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, and LinkedIn, they can spark discussions, attract comments, and generate valuable interactions.

  • Enhance Social Proof: When your content is shared across social networks, it creates social proof. This can establish credibility and trust in your brand, making it more likely for others to explore and engage with your content.

  • Improve Brand Awareness: With the ability to customize the appearance of sharing buttons, you can maintain consistent branding throughout your website. This helps in reinforcing your brand identity and increasing awareness among your audience.

  • Expand Your Social Media Presence: The plugin allows you to add sharing buttons for popular social networks. By providing options to share on platforms like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Reddit, you can actively grow your social media presence and attract new followers.

  • Mobile-Friendly Sharing: The plugin is fully responsive, ensuring that visitors can easily share your content from their mobile devices. This accommodates the increasing number of users accessing the web through smartphones and tablets.

  • Flexible Placement Options: Choose from various locations to display the sharing buttons, such as the top or bottom of your content, sidebar, or even on images and videos. This flexibility allows you to optimize the placement for maximum visibility and engagement.

  • Customization and Design: The plugin offers a range of button styles and custom color settings, enabling you to align the appearance of the sharing buttons with your website's design and aesthetics. This ensures a seamless integration with your overall brand look.

Installing the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin empowers you to increase your website traffic, engage readers, enhance brand visibility, and optimize social sharing.

It's a valuable SEO tool for expanding your online presence and achieving your content marketing goals.

Support our Work

We are dedicated to continuously improving and maintaining the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin to provide you with the best possible experience. Your support and contributions are greatly appreciated and can make a significant difference in the future development of the plugin. By making a donation, you help us cover the costs of hosting, development, and ongoing support, allowing us to allocate more time and resources to enhance the plugin's functionality and introduce new features. Your contribution directly supports the sustainability of the plugin and ensures that it remains a valuable tool for WordPress users like yourself.

We are grateful for any amount you are able to donate, no matter how small. Your generosity helps us continue our work, provide timely updates, and deliver exceptional support to our users. Together, we can make the SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons Plugin even better.

To make a donation, please visit our website or click on the donation link below. We genuinely appreciate your support and thank you for being a part of our journey.

Make a Donation

Thank you for considering supporting our work. Your contribution goes a long way in enabling us to deliver high-quality products and services that meet your needs and exceed your expectations. Any Donations are apreciated - Donate to SEO Book Pro Sharing Buttons

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