This repo contains a multi-module, multi-package javafx project for checking salary. This application is mainly meant for people who work on commision. The app will calculate if you have been paid the correct amount based on your sales. You can read more about the project here: Salary Checker.
The application can be ran in three different ways. A step by step guide on how to perform each way is provided below.
This project is built up with maven and subsequently, if maven is not installed, one needs to use the ./mvnw command instead of mvn. This does not apply if the application is ran from gitpod.
Furthermore, only admin-users added by developers can use the application as admins.
Due to the size of the UI-test the app seemlingly stops building at random times. If this happens UI-tests can be skipped. See bottom of page.
- Navigate to salary-checker directory.
- Install dependencies and run tests.
- Run javafx client application.
cd salary-checker
mvn clean install
#Tests can be skipped by using "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
#Clean install can be skipped if application has been ran with remote access or with react client previously.
mvn javafx:run -pl ui
- Navigate to salary-checker directory.
- Install dependencies and run tests.
- Start server. 3.5) Open new terminal window.
- Run javafx client application.
cd salary-checker
mvn clean install
#Tests can be skipped by using "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
#Clean install can be skipped if application has been ran with local access or with react client previously.
mvn spring-boot:run -pl restserver
#Command 4 must be written in seperate terminal window after repeating step 1)
mvn javafx:run -pl ui -P remoteapp
- Navigate to salary-checker directory.
- Install dependencies and run tests.
- Start server.
- Run react client application.
cd salary-checker
mvn clean install
#Tests can be skipped by using "mvn clean install -DskipTests"
#Clean install can be skipped if application has been ran with remote access or with local access previously.
mvn spring-boot:run -pl restserver
#Click link above.
The SalaryChecker application is meant for two seperate user-groups. Employers, from this point on referenced as admin in the guide, and Employees, from this point on referneced as user in the guide.
A user is meant to be able to calculate his salary by uploading a sales report and view his past salares.
An admin is meant to be able to create users and have an overview of all users using the application.
Create test users by clicking the "Create test users" button. This will create two test users. One Admin and one User.
Whohever uses the application is now able to log in with the test-credentials.
Logging in as a user: E-Mail: [email protected] Password: Password123!
Logging in as an admin:
E-Mail: [email protected] Password: Password123!
Both methods will lead to a start page. From here both a user and admin can navigate to their respective functionality via the menu to the left.
Read more about the modules and the code
Read more about the project here: Salary-Checker
The project is set to three releases.
This sprint contains two user stories: us-1 and us-2.
US-1: As an already registered user, I want to log in to SalaryChecker.
US-2: As a user I want to see the functionality in the app, after I have given my correct credentials.
Read more about it here: Release 1
In this sprint we will continue to add more functionality. The goal is that after this sprint the app should be almost complete with wanted functionality. US-3: As a user, I want to change my profile information.
US-4: As a user, I want to check what my expected salary is and what the difference is.
US-5: As a user, I want to see previously calculated salaries.
US-6: As a user, I want to send an email to the employer. | This user story can be changed or pushed to sprint 3. |
Read more about it here: Release 2
In this sprint we will work on REST API and REST SERVER. If we have more time we will work on styling of the application and add another user story
US-7: As a user, I want to enter my working hours.
Read more about it here: Release 3
This plan is tentative, so the plan can be changed as we develop. The finished product for the sprint will be documented in the respective release folders.
The application is able to build, but not consistently, due to the size of UI-tests.