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Repository for the paper Intrinsic Bias Metrics Do Not Correlate with Application Bias

This contains all code and instructions for running.


This file outlines all the steps involved in running experiments for this project and the scripts needed for each step.

It is separated into 3 sections:

  1. Training the word embeddings
  2. Training the coreference resolution model and measuring bias in both the word embeddings and the output of the coreference resolution model
  3. Altering the word embeddings (to create new experiment conditions)

Section 1: Train word embeddings


Script: fasttext/

Input: (1) data text file, (2) path to save file for the trained embeddings

Output: trained fasttext embeddings in w2v format i.e. first line is <no. of words> <no. of dimensions>


Script: w2v/

Input: data text file, path to save file for the trained embeddings

Output: trained fasttext embeddings in w2v format

Section 2: Train coreference resolution system and get bias metrics

Coreference resolution system (AllenNLP)

Install allennlp from source (via github) in editable mode

allennlp commit hash: 96ff585

allennlp-models commit hash: 37136f8

Fetch training data in CoNLL Format (witheld for anonymity)

Script: coref/

Input: (1) Train data (2) Test data (3) Dev data (4) Word embeddings (glove format) (5) Path to save location of final model

Output: Trained coreference resolution model

Measure WEAT

NB: if WEAT words are changed/added, they need to be changed/added within WEAT/, and the new test number can be added within WEAT/

Script: WEAT/

Input: (1) Word embeddings in w2v format (2) Path to save folder for the results

Output: WEAT score by test number for the given embeddings

Measure coreference bias

Script: coref/

Input: (1) Trained coref model (model.tar.gz file output from allennlp train command) (2) Path to save folder for results

Output: Evaluation metrics for the coreference resolution model on the four sets of Winobias test data

Section 3: Alter word embeddings


Script: attract-repel/

The above script calls a python script which takes in a config file.

Input (to config file) (1) original trained word embeddings (glove format) (2) text file with antonyms (3) Text file with synonyms (4) Path to save folder for the altered word embeddings

Output: Altered word embeddings (text file)

Dataset balancing

NB: if WEAT words are changed/added, they need to be changed/added within the script.

Debias script:

Input: (1) Original dataset text file (2) Path to save file for balanced (debiased) dataset (3) WEAT_TEST_NAME (4) debias/overbias

Output: Balanced dataset (text file)


English Coreference:

We pretrain embeddings on the wikipedia dump from early 2020. The text was extracted and cleaned, to have one Wikipedia paragraph per line, then downsampled and tokenised using the NLTK tokeniser, with low frequency types (fewer than 10 examples) replaced with the unknown word token <UNK>. We train the classifier on Ontonotes in conll format, and test on the Winobias dataset.

English Hatespeech

We pretrain embeddings on processed English twitter from 2019 (as described in the paper). You can find that in the 2 tsvs in this folder.

We train classifiers on Founta et al. 2018 Large Scale Crowdsourcing and Characterization of Twitter Abusive Behavior dataset. We labelled their test set with tags for male/female/neutral. Our labelled test set is here as is the training dataset (since the IWCSM link is not always accessible).

Spanish Hatespeech

We pretrain embeddings on processed Spanish twitter from 2019 (as described in the paper). You can find that in the many tsvs in this folder. There are many more for Spanish than for English since there is less twitter data per month.

We train and test classifiers on the dataset of [Basile et al. 2019], which is the SemEval Task 5 2019 (aka HateEval). Details for that task and the data are here, please contact the organisers for the test set. Feel free to contact us if they are unresponsive.

Useful Details

  • Configurations for Attract-Repel can be found in the attract-repel folder.
  • Coreference and Hatespeech models are trained with the parameters reported as best in the respective papers and tasks that they come from.
  • Bias modification wordlists can be found in WEAT/ and wordlists/

Time and hardware requirements

  • Embedding models are trained using gensim and take roughly 6 hours on a standard machine (gensim does not use a GPU).
  • Coreference models were trained to convergence, which takes 32-50 epochs, roughly 4 hours on one GPU. All models had a similar F1 of about 63 (vs. 67 in the original paper). The reason for this different is unclear but unconcerning. Precision/Recall balance also stayed constant.
  • Attract repel takes negligible time, as does evaluation of all models at test time.

Analyse data

Scripts for this are: (writes a csv) (uses pandas and seaborn to make graphs) (similar to, but runs correlations instead of makes scatterplots)