Play2 interface for Mandrill mail sending service. The goal is to make plugin very similar to Play-Mailer but with support of Mandrill service capabilities and implemented using play Web Services.
- Add dependency:
"org.globalmoney" % "play-mandrill" % "0.1.1-SNAPSHOT" from ""
Add following line into
Configure mandrill settings:
mandrill.key = "your secret key"
For now plugin is for scala only.
import org.globalmoney.mandrill._
import play.api.Play.current
val email = Email(
subject = "Mail subject",
from = Sender(email = "[email protected]", name = Some("Admin")),
to = Seq(Recipient(email = "[email protected]", name = Some("John Smith"), recipType = RecipientType.TO)),
bodyText = Some("Text message"),
bodyHtml = Some("<html><body>Message</body></html>"),
attachment = Seq(FileAttachment("text/html", "Attachment name", "Content")),
images = Seq(ContentImage("image/gif", "Image name", "Content")),
settings = AdditionalSettings()
Please note that MandrillPlugin.send(mail)
implicitly takes play application as argument.
All, except mail subject can be setup in application.conf
and be overridden in each mail. Configuration format is
made in accordance to request format in mandrill:
mandrill {
key = "key"
from_email = "[email protected]"
from_name = "Admin"
html = "<p>Example HTML content</p>",
text = Example text content"
to = [
email = "[email protected]",
name = "Recipient Name",
type = "to"
headers = {
"Reply-To" = "[email protected]"
"Reply-To2" = "[email protected]"
important = false
track_opens = null
track_clicks = null
auto_text = null
auto_html = null
inline_css = null
url_strip_qs = null
preserve_recipients = null
view_content_link = null
bcc_address = "[email protected]"
tracking_domain = null
signing_domain = null
return_path_domain = null
merge = true
merge_language = "mailchimp"
global_merge_vars = [
name = "merge1"
content = "merge1 content"
merge_vars = [ {
rcpt = "[email protected]"
vars = [ {
name = "merge2"
content = "merge2 content"
} ]
} ]
tags = [ "password-resets" ]
subaccount = "customer-123"
google_analytics_domains = [ "", "" ]
google_analytics_campaign = [ "[email protected]" ]
metadata = {
website = ""
website2 = ""
recipient_metadata = [ {
rcpt = "[email protected]",
values = {
"user_id" : 123456
} ]