Дата проведення: 21 квітня 2018
Офіційний веб-сайт: https://kyiv.securitybsides.org.ua/20180421/
Архів відео: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL0njmofrs5RTi9pu4klD99eE84Yc7S2ay
Фотоальбом: https://www.facebook.com/pg/BSidesUkraine/photos/?tab=album&album_id=2057181197879990
Відгуки та нотатки:
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h9UHyqoSbIo
- https://www.facebook.com/kostiantyn.korsun/posts/828152470703189
Andrii Kudiurov. Web appsec 101
Dmytro Shapovalov. Delivering security products without shooting in a foot
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Alex Reshetnyk. JS - securing the hipster stack
Roman. Radare2. Is it able to destroy the market's monopoly?
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Stanislav Breslavskyi. Revisiting Supply Chain Attack. Abusing third party in the real world.
Anastasiia Vixentael. Encryption without magic, risk management without pain
Yehor Papyshev. How to stop the harvester: massive data loss in UA companies
Helen Tabunshchyk. Guarding the Internet from Botnets
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Kostiantyn Korsun. "Who needs my mail?" The 1st steps to personal cybersecurity
Alexander Adamov. 50 Shades of Ransomware
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Oleksiy Semenyaka. The phantom menace of route leaks
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Alexander Olenyev. Car hacking: today and tomorrow
Taras Nyzhnyk. Understanding critical infrastructure. In real world.
Sergei Smitienko. Evil inside: what do you want to know about Meltdown?