Date: 2021-04-09 Location: Zoom
Approve 2021-02 meeting minutes
Report on the Servo Project board and budget
Report from the Infrastructure subcommittee
Servo technical meeting
Adding subprojects to servo governance
Next TSC meeting: 2021-06
Any Other Business
attending: ajeffrey, simonsapin, mrobinson, jdm, cybai, ferjm, Emilio
ajeffrey: Official action - approve last time’s minutes.
mrobinson: seconded.
ajeffrey: done! Next item: there is now a board - futurewei (founding member), mozilla, and TSC rep (me). First board meeting was held a couple weeks ago. There was some feedback: a feeling that it would be useful to have an onboarding technical meeting, for people interested in servo but haven’t actually worked on it yet. Some kind of technical meeting where people could have an idea of the big picture of servo to help getting started with it. Interest from futurewei to attend something like that.
ajeffrey: Got CI bill approved by the board, so that will now be paid directly from project funds.
Jdm: Not sure it makes sense to create a role until there’s a unified technical direction we want them to work towards
Ajeffrey: True. We’ve talked about having that discussion, but it’s been on the back burner while we get the CI transition finished.
Ajeffrey: Infrastructure update - Josh?
Jdm: Basic builds on every PR exist for windows/Mac/linux running through GitHub actions. Haven’t created any more complicated jobs like docs, nightly builds, etc, but don’t see any reason they should have problems. If taskcluster were turned off on May 1, could still continue working on adding new jobs. Low volume of changes in the project right now, so wouldn’t lose much. Biggest open question around WPT tests; someone is helping with linux tests right now, currently expecting to disable most of Mac test suite outside of platform-specific subsets.
Ajeffrey: At some point in May, expect Taskcluster access to be turned off. So only CI bills should be from the server running homu and s3 buckets?
Jdm: Yes.
Ajeffrey: So, servo technical meeting: board suggested it could be useful. Combination of old hands and new, interested people. LF was keen on it as a membership outreach activity. How do we feel about it?
Simon: Did Futurewei say if there was a direction they would be interested in?
Ajeffrey: Keep in mind, TSC decides direction. That said, they’re interested in webxr/immersive side of things. Open question of webcompat vs. 3d web stuff, they lean towards the latter. The big question is “will new faces show up to the project”? We’re still riding on the efforts of the old project members. Something like this is a way to gauge interest, and they might have ideas of things they want to to work on. I was imagining picking a TSC slot (probably not the next one), and reserving a half-day (or so).
Jdm: Why the live meeting experience?
Ajeffrey: Difficult to help people feel engaged and part of this in an async thing.
Ferjm: What if we gathered interest up front and asked what attendees would actually want out of it?
Ajeffrey: Good point. Probably the best first step, as long as we’re willing to put in the effort to host this thing. Then can gauge if there’s enough interest to make it worthwhile.
jdm: Hopefully both presentations and resources would be useful as project documentation as well. Willing to help with that.
Ajeffrey: Between me and Josh, we can cover the webxr/script stuff. We can post a google form on the zulip to gauge interest. I’ll take an action item to draft that and send it to the TSC.
Ajeffrey: Next item: adding subprojects to servo governance. Most repos under the org are not part of the servo project, because they lack the file that points at the main governance description. We could do a big push to address this. Simon, you said you’d be ok with…
Simon: Yes, I think that’s good for the repos that are used and active. Popular ones like url are in need of maintainers, and it could be good to have a process for how to add new maintainers.
Ajeffrey: Emilio, any idea what mozilla would think about crates that are used by Firefox?
Emilio: Not a lawyer, but as long as there’s no license change…
Simon: I was thinking about the CSS parser and selectors crate that are more tightly integrated. Gecko contributors may need to work on those more often than other crates.
Emilio: selectors lives inside servo/servo already, right?
Simon: Also in mozilla-central.
Emilio: Question of if I want to upstream changes from gecko to servo, what happens? Do people need to sign off on something? PRs to cssparser directly can request the right format, but for patches in Mozilla-central that would be beneficial to servo…
Ajeffrey: LF is very keen on sign-offs on commits.
Emilio: Sign-offs in mercurial are not quite a thing, or at least not as easy as git. If there are patches from mozilla employees, can mozilla have a blanket sign off?
Ajeffrey: Sign-off says that the code is allowed to be distributed under the license.
Emilio: Of course code in Firefox needs to be safe to be distributed under MPL, but if I cherry-pick a Firefox commit to push to Servo if the author hasn’t added a sign-off line… Or should I as the upstreamer sign off myself?
Ajeffrey: Don’t think it requires personal liability from mozilla employees.
Emilio: I’ll ask legal just in case. For other repos like cssparser it should be fine. There’s a gitconfig to automatically enable sign-off. Is there a way to enable it for particular repos but not all of them?
Simon: Don’t know from memory, but could see if the config can exist in .git/config in a given repo.
Ajeffrey: Are there other repos which will likely be under our governance with lots of activity?
Simon: html5ever is used by other projects.
Emilio: Webrender gets automated changes from mozilla-central.
Ajeffrey: I wasn’t planning to include web render in the first push, since it’s more complicated than many other crates. Was planning on talking to Patrick about surfman and pathfinder, since there’s a clear point of contact. I need to deal with surfman-chains and Josephine. Simon, let’s coordinate offline about the next steps here.
Simon: Is there some way to communicate with TSC outside of these meetings?
Ajeffrey: Zulip.
Simon: Case I’m thinking of things like “someone volunteering for maintainer role in servo-governed subproject, we should make a decision before the next TSC meeting”
Ajeffrey: Yup, zulip seems fine for that. Anything else? That’s it for this meeting!