- Date: Monday 9th October 2023 at 15:00 UTC
- Location: jitsi
- Status update
- Events
- Outreach
attending: ajeffrey, atbrakhi, emilio, matlu, mrego, mrobinson
rego: last month there has been ongoing work on new layout implementation, floats, inline layout. We have made progress. Spidermonkey has been updated. partial web render upgrade, we fixed few regressions. Also working on stylo upgrade. Apart from that we have been working on supporting other platforms, such as getting servo running on android. We have branch with lots of patches and we have been fixing that
alan: there was an issue with android, about dynamic process creation, and Servo depends a lots on it. I was wondering if we have any update on that?
rego: I don't know if we still have problems. Maybe martin can answer that
Martin: Nope, we haven't worked on that yet. We are trying to get the build stable again.
martin: Most work is toward getting things working with new NDKs and Rust versions.
rego: there was also a patch from external contributor to add drop-shadow support, that was nice
rego: quite busy month regarding events. Ortiol and Martin were at TPAC, some discussion happened regarding the new layout engine. I was in Bilbao for LF Europe Summit and Open Source Summit Europe, we have there a Servo booth; people were mostly curious about if project is still alive; overall positive feedback and discussion. Martin was in China at GOSIM, he had a talk and workshop. Next week Rakhi is attending EclipseCon, she will give talk about Servo on the Oniro session; Oniro is somehow the Europe counterpart of Open Harmoney OS; Oniro is looking into potentially use Servo to develop some apps there.
Mats: We got some new articles form Rego's talk at conference
rego: https://www.theregister.com/2023/09/27/servo_returns
rego: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Servo-2023-Progress
Mats: We wrote monthly update to LF europe
rego: LF europe has a newsletter that they publish on web. We send our update. We update them about how things are going
rego: https://linuxfoundation.eu/newsroom/linux-foundation-europe-newsletter-september-2023
rego: There was also a piece of news about our last blog post
rego: https://www.phoronix.com/news/Servo-September-2023
rego: we also have plan to keep doing blogpost and do noise in different events
rego: If anyone has any comments or suggestion. Martin last time suggested some plans around legacy layout, we've done the first part of closing PRs for the old engine.
rego: Any other topics from anyone?
rego: If not we can finish here today.