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defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserLogin do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserLoginFailure do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user is unsuccessfully logged in. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_info()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:conn, :ip, :endpoint, :error, :extra]
@type error() :: map() | struct() | tuple()
@type extra() :: map() | struct() | list()
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t()
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_login_failure
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{
conn: conn(),
ip: ip(),
endpoint: endpoint(),
error: error(),
extra: extra()
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserBeforeSave do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserBeforeLogin do
defstruct [:ip, :assigns, :output, :input]
@type input() :: map()
@type assigns() :: Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.assigns()
@type output() :: Phoenix.LiveView.Rendered.t() | nil
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_before_login
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{ip: ip(), assigns: assigns(), input: input(), output: output()}
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAuthorisation do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user accesses form an authorisation. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_id()`, `entries()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:conn, :user_id, :ip, :endpoint, :module, :operation, :extra]
@type entries() :: map() | struct() | tuple()
@type user_id() :: <<_::288>>
@type extra() :: map() | struct() | list()
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t() | Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
@type module_name() :: String.t()
@type operation() :: atom()
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_authorisation
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{
conn: conn(),
user_id: user_id(),
ip: ip(),
endpoint: endpoint(),
module: module(),
operation: operation(),
extra: extra()
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAuthorisationFailure do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user gets an error for authorisation. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `extra()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:conn, :ip, :endpoint, :error, :module, :operation, :extra]
@type extra() :: map() | struct() | list()
@type error() :: map() | struct() | tuple()
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t() | Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: atom()
@type operation() :: atom()
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_authorisation_failure
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{
conn: conn(),
ip: ip(),
endpoint: endpoint(),
error: error(),
module: module(),
operation: operation(),
extra: extra()
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAfterSave do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user is successfully added or edited. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_info()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:user_info, :ip, :endpoint, :status, :conn, :modifier_user, :extra]
@type modifier_user() :: <<_::288>> | :self
@type user_info() :: map()
@type status() :: :added | :edited
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t() | Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
@type extra() :: map() | struct() | list()
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_after_save
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{
user_info: user_info(),
ip: ip(),
endpoint: endpoint(),
status: status(),
conn: conn(),
modifier_user: modifier_user(),
extra: extra()
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAfterSaveRole do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user's role is successfully saved or edited. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_info()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`, `modifier_user()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:role_id, :ip, :endpoint, :conn]
@type role_id() :: <<_::288>>
@type user_id() :: role_id()
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t() | Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_after_save_role
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{role_id: role_id(), ip: ip(), endpoint: endpoint(), conn: conn()}
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAfterSaveFailure do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user is successfully added or edited. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_info()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:error, :ip, :endpoint, :status, :conn, :modifier_user, :extra]
@type modifier_user() :: <<_::288>> | :self
@type error() :: map() | struct() | tuple()
@type status() :: :added | :edited
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t() | Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
@type extra() :: map() | struct() | list()
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_after_save_failure
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{
error: error(),
ip: ip(),
endpoint: endpoint(),
status: status(),
conn: conn(),
modifier_user: modifier_user(),
extra: extra()
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAfterLogout do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user is successfully logged out. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_id()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:user_id, :ip, :endpoint, :conn, :extra]
@type user_id() :: <<_::288>>
@type extra() :: map() | struct() | list()
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t()
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_after_logout
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{
user_id: user_id(),
ip: ip(),
endpoint: endpoint(),
conn: conn(),
extra: extra()
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAfterLogin do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user is successfully logged in. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_info()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:user_info, :ip, :endpoint, :conn, :type, :extra]
@type user_info() :: map()
@type extra() :: map() | struct() | list()
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t()
@type type() :: :email | :username
# User's IP from both side endpoints connections
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
# Name of this event
@type ref() :: :on_user_after_login
# output of state for this event
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
# information about this plugin on state which was saved
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{
user_info: user_info(),
ip: ip(),
endpoint: endpoint(),
conn: conn(),
type: type(),
extra: extra()
# help developers to keep elixir style
@type t :: state()
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAfterDelete do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnUserAfterDeleteRole do
@moduledoc """
This event is triggered whenever a user's role is successfully deleted. if there is any active module in this section on state,
this module sends a request as a Task tool to the developer call function that includes `user_info()`, `ip()`, `endpoint()`, `modifier_user()`.
It should be noted; This process does not interfere with the main operation of the system.
It is just a sender and is active for both side endpoints.
defstruct [:role_id, :ip, :endpoint, :conn]
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce what `role_id` is required"
@type role_id() :: <<_::288>>
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to get a `user_id` (modifier_user)"
@type user_id() :: role_id()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce the connection of a user request"
@type conn() :: Plug.Conn.t() | Phoenix.LiveView.Socket.t()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to get a user' IP"
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an endpoint module for your router"
@type endpoint() :: :html | :api
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app's reference name"
@type ref() :: :on_user_after_delete_role
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce a plugin output"
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to register an app"
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app as a plugin"
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{role_id: role_id(), ip: ip(), endpoint: endpoint(), conn: conn()}
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app as a plugin"
@type t :: state()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to show the output of optional callbacks"
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnRouter do
@moduledoc """
## elixir macros for router
live(path, live_view, action \\ nil, opts \\ [])
live "/", TrackappWeb.Live.DepGetter
delete(path, plug, plug_opts, options \\ [])
delete("/events/:id", EventController, :action)
forward(path, plug, plug_opts \\ [], router_opts \\ [])
forward "/admin", SomeLib.AdminDashboard
get(path, plug, plug_opts, options \\ [])
get("/events/:id", EventController, :action)
post(path, plug, plug_opts, options \\ [])
post("/events/:id", EventController, :action)
put(path, plug, plug_opts, options \\ [])
put("/events/:id", EventController, :action)
scope "/" do
pipe_through :browser
Enum.map(["1", "2"], fn x ->
live("/x", TrackappWeb.Live.DepGetter)
end """ @TypeDoc "This type can be used when you want to specify which HTTP typing method is your desired" @doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin" Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnPrivacyCollectAdminCapabilities do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnInit do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnDisplay do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentSearch do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentSearchAreas do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentPrepare do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentPrepareForm do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentPrepareData do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentChangeState do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentBeforeSave do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentBeforeDisplay do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentBeforeDelete do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentAfterTitle do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentAfterSave do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentAfterDisplay do
@moduledoc """
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnContentAfterDelete do
@moduledoc """
With the help of this event, you can have information about the content that will be deleted in your plugin.
This event has no return output. Please use the `operation: :no_return` flag.
It is currently being renovated, and in the future it might look different.
defstruct [:section, :private, extra: %{}]
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce what place this captcha is going to be run"
@type section() :: atom()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce a user IP"
@type user_id() :: <<_::288>>
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app's reference name"
@type ref() :: :on_content_after_delete
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce a content output"
@type content() :: map()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce a plugin output"
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to register an app"
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an IP"
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce private properties"
@type private() :: %{user_id: user_id(), content: content(), user_ip: ip()}
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app as a plugin"
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{section: section(), private: private(), extra: map()}
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app as a plugin"
@type t :: state()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to show the output of optional callbacks"
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
defmodule MishkaInstaller.Reference.OnCheckAnswer do
@moduledoc """
Event called to initialize the captcha you want. Do not enable more than 1 captcha.
**Note**: This event is called directly in the html and will have an output
It is currently being renovated, and in the future it might look different.
defstruct [:section, :private]
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce what place this captcha is going to be run"
@type section() :: atom()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app's reference name"
@type ref() :: :on_check_answer
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce a plugin output"
@type reason() :: map() | String.t()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to register an app"
@type registerd_info() :: MishkaInstaller.PluginState.t()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an IP"
@type ip() :: String.t() | tuple()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce private properties"
@type private() :: %{ip: ip()}
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app as a plugin"
@type state() :: %__MODULE__{section: section(), private: private()}
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to introduce an app as a plugin"
@type t :: state()
@typedoc "This type can be used when you want to show the output of optional callbacks"
@type optional_callbacks :: {:ok, ref(), registerd_info()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to register a plugin"
@callback initial(list()) :: {:ok, ref(), list()} | {:error, ref(), reason()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to call a plugin"
@callback call(state()) :: {:reply, state()} | {:reply, :halt, state()}
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to stop a plugin"
@callback stop(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to restart a plugin"
@callback restart(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to start a plugin"
@callback start(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to delete a plugin"
@callback delete(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
@doc "This Callback can be used when you want to unregister a plugin"
@callback unregister(registerd_info()) :: optional_callbacks()
# Developer can use this callbacks if he/she needs
@optional_callbacks stop: 1, restart: 1, start: 1, delete: 1, unregister: 1
end |
has become an independent plugin, we need to transferCMS
related items to the content management system itselfThe text was updated successfully, but these errors were encountered: