Functor that takes configurations for draggable item and droppable container and produces a module with React components.
module T: DndComponents = Dnd.Make(Item: DndEntry, Container: DndEntry)
module type DndEntry = {
type t
let eq: (t, t) => bool
let cmp: (t, t) => int
module type DndComponents = {
module type DndManager: DndManagerComponent
module type DraggableItem: DraggableItemComponent
module type DroppableContainer: DroppableContainerComponent
React component that manages drag & drop state.
let make: (
~onDragStart: option<hook>=?,
~onDropStart: option<hook>=?,
~onDropEnd: option<hook>=?,
~onReorder: option<result<Item.t, Container.t>> => unit,
~children: React.element,
) => React.element
type hook = (~itemId: Item.t) => unit
type result<'item, 'container> = option<reorderResult<'item, 'container>>
and reorderResult<'item, 'container> =
| SameContainer('item, placement<'item>)
| NewContainer('item, 'container, placement<'item>)
and placement<'item> =
| Before('item)
| Last
React component that is used to render draggable item.
let make: (
~id: Item.t,
~containerId: Container.t,
~index: int,
~className: option<(~dragging: bool) => string>=?,
~children: React.element,
) => React.element
React component that is used to render droppable container.
type axis =
| X
| Y
let make: (
~id: Container.t,
~axis: axis,
~lockAxis: bool=false,
~accept: option<Item.t => bool>=?,
~className: option<(~draggingOver: bool) => string>=?,
~children: React.element,
) => React.element
For convenience, rescript-dnd
exposes this functor which would create Container
module when there is no specific entity in the app domain which can be associated with container that holds some single list of items in UI.
module Container: DndEntry = Dnd.MakeSingletonContainer()