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Assignment 4: Synthesis

This assignment is an extension of the original a4, with the addition of synthesis using yosys.


  • To be able to produce a synthesizable design of your single cycle CPU.

Details on the assignment

Most of the things are the same as the original a4. You will notice that in the file "program_file_synth.txt", the last file that is included is a file present in the yosys installation location. In particular, it comes under the xilinx folder. This is because the synth.ys (a script for yosys) generates a verilog output after synthesis and this will require additional modules/primitives, which define the actual hardware on the board. Here we use the xilinx primitives, and hence we need to specify the appropriate location of the file that includes the definition of these primitives.

IMPORTANT: Add all your verilog module file names in synth.ys in the line read verilog. For help, already regfile.v and and alu.v have been added. If you do not have these files delete them from synth.ys and add your files.

Once you have confirmed that your code passes all the tests, commit all the changes, tag it for submission, and push to your repository.


Due Midnight, Oct 9, 2021