🤖 A Telegram bot powered by ChatGPT using the Aiogram API.
ℹ️ Note: The Hugging Face token is only required for image captioning.
✨ Features:
- Supports OCR with Tesseract in addition to salesforce blip image captioning.
- Easy to translate to your own language with multi-language support.
- Internet access using duckduckgo_search.
- Supports voice transcription with speech_recognition
- Image generation using Stability Diffusion and DALL-E.
- Plugin support for DuckDuckGo search and news (under testing).
Download or clone this repository
Go to the directory
git clone https://github.com/noes14155/Telegrambot-with-GPT4free
cd Telegrambot-with-GPT4free
Copy example.env file to .env
cp example.env .env
Change environment variables in .env file Environment Variables
nano .env
Create virtual environment for this project/directory
python3 -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
Install the requirements
apt install -y flac ffmpeg tesseract-ocr
wget https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tessdata_fast/raw/main/script/Devanagari.traineddata -P /usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata/script/
EXPORT TESSDATA_PREFIX=/usr/share/tesseract-ocr/4.00/tessdata
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the bot
python main.py
- Download or clone this repository:
git clone https://github.com/noes14155/Telegrambot-with-GPT4free
cd Telegrambot-with-GPT4free
Copy the example.env file to .env
Change the environment variables in the .env file using a text editor of your choice.
Create a virtual environment for this project/directory:
python -m venv venv
- Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
- Install additional dependencies:
Install Tesseract OCR:
- Download the Windows installer from the Tesseract OCR GitHub page.
- Run the installer and make sure to check download Additional script data option in the installation options.
- Add the Tesseract installation directory to the system's PATH environment variable.
Install FFmpeg:
- Download the latest static build of FFmpeg for Windows from the official FFmpeg website.
- Extract the downloaded ZIP file to a location of your choice.
- Add the FFmpeg bin directory to the system's PATH environment variable.
- Run the bot:
python main.py
Build (change environment variables before build)
Uncomment this section (If yu want to use gpt4free)
container_name: g4f_server
- '1337:1337'
context: ./interference
dockerfile: Dockerfile
restart: always
Build containers
docker-compose up --build -d
To run this project, you will need to create a .env file or rename the existing example.env to .env and add the following environment variables
Get this by messaging @botfather Refer to 📖 Telegram Bot Tutorial -
To use GPT4free API_BASE = 'http://g4f_server:1337' (Only working in docker) You can use any provider. I have included Naga AI api base. Use the key for the same. -
To use GPT4free GPT_KEY = '' (Only working in docker) Key from the provider (including openai). Whichever api base you want use the key provided. For Naga AI, Get this by messaging run the /key get command in th bot channel in Naga AI Discord , Naga AI Telegram -
Optional(Required for image captioning). Sign up on hugging face and get the token from 🔗 Hugging Face. -
Required for image captioning. If you wnat to use another model for image captioning. change it here.
Default value HG_img2text = 'https://api-inference.huggingface.co/models/Salesforce/blip-image-captioning-large' -
Change to your language default english. If you want to translate to your own language please do so in the language_files folder make your own language.yml file and add the language to languages.yml file. -
Enable or disable plugins. Default value True.
🎉 You're all set! Enjoy using the Telegram bot with ChatGPT!