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Confidence/NN in/IN the/DT pound/NN is/VBZ widely/RB expected/VBN to/TO take/VB another/DT sharp/JJ dive/NN if/IN trade/NN figures/NNS for/IN September/NNP ,/, due/JJ for/IN release/NN tomorrow/NN ,/, fail/VB to/TO show/VB a/DT substantial/JJ improvement/NN from/IN July/NNP and/CC August/NNP 's/POS near-record/JJ deficits/NNS ./.
Chancellor/NNP of/IN the/DT Exchequer/NNP Nigel/NNP Lawson/NNP 's/POS restated/VBN commitment/NN to/TO a/DT firm/NN monetary/JJ policy/NN has/VBZ helped/VBN to/TO prevent/VB a/DT freefall/NN in/IN sterling/NN over/IN the/DT past/JJ week/NN ./.
But/CC analysts/NNS reckon/VBP underlying/VBG support/NN for/IN sterling/NN has/VBZ been/VBN eroded/VBN by/IN the/DT chancellor/NN 's/POS failure/NN to/TO announce/VB any/DT new/JJ policy/NN measures/NNS in/IN his/PRP$ Mansion/NNP House/NNP speech/NN last/JJ Thursday/NNP ./.
This/DT has/VBZ increased/VBN the/DT risk/NN of/IN the/DT government/NN being/VBG forced/VBN to/TO increase/VB base/NN rates/NNS to/TO 16/CD %/NN from/IN their/PRP$ current/JJ 15/CD %/NN level/NN to/TO defend/VB the/DT pound/NN ,/, economists/NNS and/CC foreign/JJ exchange/NN market/NN analysts/NNS say/VBP ./.