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101 lines (72 loc) · 4.66 KB

Frequently Asked Questions

What if I installed the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK at a non default location (e.g. Not at C:\ti\simplelink_cc2640r2_sdk_x_xx_xx_xx)?

All projects reference files from the BLE stack using environment variables, you can change this in your IDE's project files.


No changes to the project is necessary. You just need to ensure that Code Composer Studio was able to discover the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK in the available RTSC Products tab. See the BLE-Stack User's Guide for more details.


  1. Navigate to the sample project directory within the repo and open the .custom_argvars file.
  2. Update the value of SIMPLELINK_CORE_SDK_INSTALL_DIR to point to your custom installation directory where you installed the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK.

How should I keep my application based on a TI BLE-Stack SDK under version control?

There are many ways to solve and address this issue. We are merely presenting one suggested workflow out of the many combinations that exist.

Since this is an advanced topic, it has its own page dedicated to it. You can read more here: Version Control

Why am I getting an error when I am trying to run a Python script from the /tools folder?

Likely your Python environment is not installed correctly. Please check the following debug steps:

  1. All scripts in the tools folder use Python 2.7, ensure that you have this version installed to C:\Python27
  2. Python scripts can be invoked using python <script_name>.py this requires adding Python to your environment variables.
    • Add C:\Python27 to the PATH variable within your Windows environment variables, see windows env vars for more info.
  3. If you can run the script successfully but get a runtime error, you likely don't have the necessary python modules installed.
  • Python modules can be found by looking at the import statements at the top of the .py file. You can install Python modules using the Python package manager, pip.
  • Install Pip by following these steps. The section "Python 2 ≤ 2.7.8 and Python 3 ≤ 3.3" will be most helpful.

How can I setup my toolchain for use with the ble_examples repo?


For BLE-Stack examples, see the Developing with CCS section of the BLE-Stack User's Guide. IAR

For BLE-Stack examples, see the Developing with IAR section of the BLE-Stack User's Guide.

I am using a LaunchPad device, how can I view display data?

LaunchPad projects are already set up to use the tidriver Display. For more information about the Display driver please see the Display.h driver documentation in the SimpleLink CC2640R2 SDK (docs/tidrivers/tidriversAPI.html)

To setup your PC to receive this data please follow the steps below:

  1. Install PuTTY or another serial terminal emulator

  2. Use the Windows Device Manager (Start → Run → mmc devmgmt.msc → Ok) to determine which COM port you should connect to:

    Device Manager

    • Note the COM port number of the XDS110 Class Application/User UART listed.
  3. Configure putty as a serial console with 115200 8N1.

  4. Fill in the Serial Line field with the COM port from above.

  5. When configured correctly, the program should look as below:

Main Screen Serial Screen
Putty Main Putty serial

You may need to unplug/replug your LaunchPad and restart PuTTY if you do not see any output.