Gorgeous Tiger Antelope
The feeRecipient variable exists but is never initialized. When liquidations occur, the contract tries to send tokens to this address. Transfers fail, preventing liquidators from recovering bad debt. This leads to protocol insolvency due to stuck liquidations.
The root cause of the issue is the failure to initialize the feeRecipient variable, which results in an invalid recipient address during liquidation transfers.
In Leverager.sol, the feeRecipient variable exists but is never initialized in the constructor or via a setter function. This means the contract defaults to transferring funds to address(0) or an uninitialized storage value. When a liquidation occurs, the contract attempts to send tokens to feeRecipient, causing a failed transfer and a reverted transaction.
if (totalValueUSD > borrowedValue) {
// What % of the amountsOut are profit is calculated by `(totalValueUSD - borrowedUSD) / totalValueUSD`
// Then, on top of that, we calculate the protocol fee and scale it in 1e18.
uint256 protocolFeePct = 1e18 * liquidationFee * (totalValueUSD - borrowedValue) / (totalValueUSD * 10_000);
uint256 pf0 = protocolFeePct * amount0 / 1e18;
uint256 pf1 = protocolFeePct * amount1 / 1e18;
if (pf0 > 0) IERC20(up.token0).safeTransfer(feeRecipient, pf0);
if (pf1 > 0) IERC20(up.token1).safeTransfer(feeRecipient, pf1);
amount0 -= pf0;
amount1 -= pf1;
- feeRecipient is Never Initialized
- Liquidation Function Attempts to Transfer Fees
- No Fallback Mechanism Exists
- At Least One Position Must Be Liquidatable
- Liquidators Must Attempt a Liquidation
- A Liquidation Must Be Triggered
- A Liquidator Must Attempt to Liquidate a Position
- The Network Must Process the Liquidation Transaction
- There Must Be Open Positions with Debt
- A Borrower’s Position Becomes Undercollateralized
- A Liquidator Calls liquidate()
- The Contract Attempts to Transfer Fees to feeRecipient
- The Transaction Reverts
- Repeatable Failure Leading to Protocol Insolvency
- The protocol cannot process liquidations, leading to the accumulation of bad debt.
- Liquidators cannot execute successful liquidations, causing them to miss out on rewards.
- The protocol suffers potential insolvency as undercollateralized positions remain open indefinitely.
// SPDX-License-Identifier: UNLICENSED
pragma solidity ^0.8.13;
import "forge-std/Test.sol";
import {Leverager} from "../src/Leverager.sol";
contract StandaloneFeeRecipientTest is Test {
Leverager public leverager;
function setUp() public {
// Deploy a minimal Leverager instance
leverager = new Leverager("Leveraged Position", "LP", address(0x123));
function test_LeveragerStorageScan() public {
// Set liquidation fee to a distinct value
leverager.setLiquidationFee(1234); // Distinct value to find
// Before setting, print address slots to find fee recipient
console.log("Scanning for address slots (possible feeRecipient locations):");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
bytes32 value = vm.load(address(leverager), bytes32(i));
address addr = address(uint160(uint256(value)));
// Only print if it looks like an address (has some bits set in address range)
if (uint256(value) > 0 && uint256(value) < 2**160) {
console.log("Slot", i, ":", addr);
// Find liquidation fee location
console.log("\nScanning for liquidationFee (value 1234):");
for (uint256 i = 0; i < 20; i++) {
bytes32 value = vm.load(address(leverager), bytes32(i));
if (uint256(value) == 1234) {
console.log("Found liquidationFee at slot:", i);
assertTrue(true, "Test completed storage scan");
Constructor parameter for the fee recipient:
constructor(string memory name_, string memory symbol_, address _lendingPool, address _feeRecipient)
ERC721(name_, symbol_)
lendingPool = _lendingPool;
feeRecipient = _feeRecipient;
require(_feeRecipient != address(0), "Fee recipient cannot be zero address");
Setter function with proper access control:
`function setFeeRecipient(address _feeRecipient) external onlyOwner {
require(_feeRecipient != address(0), "Fee recipient cannot be zero address");
feeRecipient = _feeRecipient;