Delightful Walnut Okapi
The pullFunds
function in the LendingPool
contract allows the leverager
to withdraw any amount from the contract without checking the availableLiquidity
and update underlyingBalance
. This may lead to the risk of losing liquidity and exceeding the borrowing limit, causing serious damage to the contract and users.
The pullFunds
function in the LendingPool
contract allows the leverager
address to withdraw an amount
from yTokenAddress
without performing any checks on the available liquidity reserve.availableLiquidity()
and reserve.underlyingBalance -= amount;
. This could lead to a risk of illiquidity causing serious damage to the contract.
function pullFunds(address asset, uint256 amount) external nonReentrant {
require(msg.sender == leverager, "borrower not leverager");
DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserve = getReserve(asset);
IyToken(reserve.yTokenAddress).transferUnderlyingTo(_msgSender(), amount);
- The
contract has been initialized and has assets in reserve. - The
has been set up and has access to thepullFunds
- The leverager intends to withdraw a large amount of assets from the contract.
- The
calls the pullFunds function with a large amount of assets. - Without checking
, the leverager can withdraw all the assets in the reserve. - Without updating the
, the reserve does not accurately reflect the asset balance, leading to the risk of illiquidity and errors in subsequent operations.
Causes the contract to become illiquid, making it impossible for depositors to withdraw their money.
No response
Add liquidity check
function pullFunds(address asset, uint256 amount) external nonReentrant {
require(msg.sender == leverager, "borrower not leverager");
DataTypes.ReserveData memory reserve = getReserve(asset);
+ require(amount <= reserve.availableLiquidity(), "Insufficient liquidity");
+ reserve.underlyingBalance -= amount;
IyToken(reserve.yTokenAddress).transferUnderlyingTo(_msgSender(), amount);