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Dancing Honey Orangutan


Liquidation fee will not be claimed due to incorrect decimal handling


Incorrect decimal handling in liquidation logic will prevent liquidation fee recipient from receiving liquidation fees.

Root Cause

In Yieldoor protocol, liquidation fee is claimed in the following case:

Position's current USD value is greater than borrowed token's current USD value

However, borrowed token's current usd Value is inflated in Leverager.sol:318

uint256 borrowedValue = owedAmount * bPrice / ERC20(up.denomination).decimals();

Instead of dividing by 10 ^ decimals, it divides by decimals.

Thus, borrowedValue is greatly inflated.

And the following if branch will never get reached:

@>      if (totalValueUSD > borrowedValue) {
            // What % of the amountsOut are profit is calculated by `(totalValueUSD - borrowedUSD) / totalValueUSD`
            // Then, on top of that, we calculate the protocol fee and scale it in 1e18.

            uint256 protocolFeePct = 1e18 * liquidationFee * (totalValueUSD - borrowedValue) / (totalValueUSD * 10_000);
            uint256 pf0 = protocolFeePct * amount0 / 1e18;
            uint256 pf1 = protocolFeePct * amount1 / 1e18;

            if (pf0 > 0) IERC20(up.token0).safeTransfer(feeRecipient, pf0);
            if (pf1 > 0) IERC20(up.token1).safeTransfer(feeRecipient, pf1);
            amount0 -= pf0;
            amount1 -= pf1;

Internal Pre-conditions

  1. Liquidator liquidates a position
  2. Position's total value in USD is greater than borrowed value in USD

External Pre-conditions


Attack Path



Liquidation fee is not collected.



  • Liquidation fee is set to 900 BPS
  • A leverager (depositor) creates the following leveraged position:
    • token0 = WBTC
    • token1 = USDC
    • amount0In = 0
    • amoutn1In = 100000 USDC
    • denomination = WETH
    • vault0In = 1 WBTC = 100000 USD
    • vault1In = 100000 USDC = 100000 USD
    • maxBorrowAmount = 41 WETH
    • Total position value is 200k USD
    • Total borrowed amount is 88800 USD (or 35.52 WETH)
      • Here, debt is lower than WBTC price because Uniswap V3 is using current WBTC price (88800 USD) instead of test price (100000 USD)
  • Later WBTC price drops to 40000 USD and USDC price drops to 0.5 USD
  • Position total value is 90000 USD and liquidatable
  • Liquidator liquidates the position
  • Liquidation fee recipient receives nothing although position value is greater than borrowed value

How to run POC

In order to check how much borrowedValue is inflated, you can optionally apply the following patch:

diff --git a/yieldoor/src/Leverager.sol b/yieldoor/src/Leverager.sol
index b59c56c..bcad781 100644
--- a/yieldoor/src/Leverager.sol
+++ b/yieldoor/src/Leverager.sol
@@ -292,6 +292,7 @@ contract Leverager is ReentrancyGuard, Ownable, ERC721, ILeverager {
+    event log_named_decimal_uint(string key, uint256 value, uint256 decimal);
     /// @notice Liquidates a certain leveraged position.
     /// @dev Check the ILeverager contract for comments on all LiquidateParams arguments
     /// @dev Does not support partial liquidations
@@ -317,6 +318,8 @@ contract Leverager is ReentrancyGuard, Ownable, ERC721, ILeverager {
         uint256 bPrice = IPriceFeed(pricefeed).getPrice(up.denomination);
         uint256 borrowedValue = owedAmount * bPrice / ERC20(up.denomination).decimals();
+        emit log_named_decimal_uint("totalValueUSD", totalValueUSD, 18);
+        emit log_named_decimal_uint("borrowedValue", borrowedValue, 18);
         if (totalValueUSD > borrowedValue) {
             // What % of the amountsOut are profit is calculated by `(totalValueUSD - borrowedUSD) / totalValueUSD`
             // Then, on top of that, we calculate the protocol fee and scale it in 1e18.

Add the following content to Leverager.t.sol:

    function test_cantClaimLiquidationFee() external {
        // depositor initial fund 100000 USDC = 100000 USD
        deal(address(wbtc), depositor, 0e8);
        deal(address(usdc), depositor, 100_000e6);

        // position will have 1WBTC and 100000 USDC
        // total position value would be 200000 USD
        // denom token is weth, will borrow some weth and swap them into wbtc
        ILeverager.LeverageParams memory lp;
        lp.amount0In = 0e8;
        lp.amount1In = 100_000e6;
        lp.vault0In = 1e8;
        lp.vault1In = 100_000e6;
        lp.vault = vault;
        lp.maxBorrowAmount = 41e18;
        lp.denomination = address(weth);

        IMainnetRouter.ExactOutputParams memory ep1;
        ep1.path = abi.encodePacked(address(wbtc), uint24(3000), address(weth));
        ep1.deadline = block.timestamp + 300;
        ep1.amountInMaximum = 41e18;
        ep1.recipient = leverager;

        lp.swapParams1 = abi.encode(ep1);

        wbtc.approve(leverager, type(uint256).max);
        usdc.approve(leverager, type(uint256).max);


        ILeverager.Position memory position = ILeverager(leverager).getPosition(1);
        // debt is 88800 USD
        assertEq(position.initBorrowedUsd / 10 ** 18, 88800);

        // price changes will drop position value to 90000 USD
        // position is liquidatable but still position value is greater than debt
        // so liquidation fee is expected to be claimed
        MockOracle(wbtcOracle).setPrice(40000e18); // position has 1 WBTC = 40000 USD
        MockOracle(usdcOracle).setPrice(0.5e18); // position has 100000 USDC = 50000 USD

        // liquidator liquidate the position with denom token - weth
        uint256 debtWethAmount = position.borrowedAmount
            * ILendingPool(lendingPool).getCurrentBorrowingIndex(position.denomination) / position.borrowedIndex;
        deal(address(weth), liquidator, debtWethAmount);
        weth.approve(address(leverager), debtWethAmount);
        ILeverager.LiquidateParams memory lip; = 1;

        // fee recipient received nothing
        assertEq(wbtc.balanceOf(ILeverager(leverager).feeRecipient()), 0);
        assertEq(usdc.balanceOf(ILeverager(leverager).feeRecipient()), 0);

Run the following command:

forge test --rpc-url $MAINNET_FORK_URL  --match-test test_cantClaimLiquidationFee --fork-block-number 21926708 -vvv

Console Output:

[PASS] test_cantClaimLiquidationFee() (gas: 1862589)
  totalValueUSD: 89999.999199500000000000
  borrowedValue: 4933386117326049569027.777777777777777777


The following can fix the calculation

- uint256 borrowedValue = owedAmount * bPrice / ERC20(up.denomination).decimals();
+ uint256 borrowedValue = owedAmount * bPrice / 10 ** ERC20(up.denomination).decimals();