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96 lines (69 loc) · 4.29 KB

Prehistoric Cobalt Aphid


Strategy main ticks are set according to the tick in slot0, leading to incorrect allocation and loss of funds


Main position ticks are set according to the tick in slot0, which is not accurate if the price is near a border. The most obvious case is when the tick just crosses a left boundary, in which the tick is set to the current price tick - 1. In this case, the actual price of the pool is in the current tick in slot0 + 1, but the code will use the tick in slot0. Thus, to be more precise, the sqrtPrice should be used and converted to a tick, which always represents the final swap price of the pool.

Root Cause

In Strategy:207, the tick in slot0 is used to set the main position ticks.

Internal Pre-conditions


External Pre-conditions

Pool is at the boundary.

Attack Path

  1. Uniswap swap causes the tick to be exactly at the boundary.


Loss of fees as the position will not accumulate as many fees.


Forked the base chain at block 26874136 with the addresses below and add 1e18 liquidity of each token in the constructor. The swap will place the price exactly at the boundary, which means a second swap of just 1 wei is enough to push the pool to the next tick. The price is currently tick -1769, but tick -1770 is used as reference, so liquidity is allocated to ticks -1772 to -1768. A 1 wei swap moves the tick to -1769, so only 1 tick spacing has to be crossed to the right to reach the upper -1768 boundary, whereas 3 tick spacing must be crossed to the left. Thus, the position is not symmetrical and will lead to loss of fees.

The reason this happens is that the next tick to the left includes the current tick, so for example while it is at tick -1770, the next tick in the code to the left will also be -1770, having to cross 3 tick spacings to the left to reach the lower boundary, but 1 to the right only.

    IUniswapV3Pool pool = IUniswapV3Pool(0x20E068D76f9E90b90604500B84c7e19dCB923e7e);
    IERC20 wbtc = IERC20(0x4200000000000000000000000000000000000006); // token0
    IERC20 usdc = IERC20(0xc1CBa3fCea344f92D9239c08C0568f6F2F0ee452); // token1
    address uniRouter = address(0x2626664c2603336E57B271c5C0b26F421741e481);

function test_POC_WrongTicks_DueToNotUsingSqrtPriceX96() public {
    (uint160 sqrtPriceX96, int24 tick,,,,,) = pool.slot0();
    assertEq(tick, -1769);

    //@audit swap to clear current tick token0 liquidity
    uint256 amountToSwap = 100e18;
    deal(address(wbtc), depositor, amountToSwap);
    IMainnetRouter.ExactInputSingleParamsV2 memory swapParams;
    swapParams.tokenIn = address(wbtc);
    swapParams.tokenOut = address(usdc);
    swapParams.recipient = depositor;
    swapParams.fee = 100;
    swapParams.amountIn = amountToSwap;
    swapParams.sqrtPriceLimitX96 = TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(-1769);
    wbtc.approve(uniRouter, amountToSwap);

    skip(10 minutes);

    IStrategy.Position memory mainPos = IStrategy(strategy).getMainPosition();
    (sqrtPriceX96, tick,,,,,) = pool.slot0();
    assertEq(sqrtPriceX96, TickMath.getSqrtRatioAtTick(tick + 1)); //@audit price is in tick -1769 actually
    assertEq(tick, -1770); //@audit but current tick is 1 more
    assertEq(mainPos.tickLower, -1772);
    assertEq(mainPos.tickUpper, -1768);

    //@audit swaps just 1 wei, which is enough to cross to next tick.
    //@audit thus, the position is not 50/50 symmetric.
    amountToSwap = 1;
    deal(address(usdc), depositor, amountToSwap);
    swapParams.tokenIn = address(usdc);
    swapParams.tokenOut = address(wbtc);
    swapParams.recipient = depositor;
    swapParams.fee = 100;
    swapParams.amountIn = amountToSwap;
    swapParams.sqrtPriceLimitX96 = 0;
    usdc.approve(uniRouter, amountToSwap);

    mainPos = IStrategy(strategy).getMainPosition();
    (, tick,,,,,) = pool.slot0();
    assertEq(tick, -1769); //@audit proves price moves outside range in just 1 wei swap


Get the tick from the sqrtPrice and set the position ticks according to it.