Releases: shimmerproject/Greybird
Greybird 3.22.0
Greybird was rebased on Adwaita 3.22.1.
- Preparations for a Gtk+3 xfce4-panel
- Fix buttons in xfce4-notifyd notification bubbles
- Deflate the notebook tabs
- Add workaround for CSD toolbars in Ubuntu
Greybird 3.20.1
- Theme for Plank
- Fix an issue with progressbars in general, where the 0 fraction caused a small rectangle to be drawn (borders of contentless widget),
- Deflate some widgets
- Improve look of OSDs
Greybird 3.20.0
- support for Gtk3.20
- ported to SASS
The port is based on Adwaita 3.20.6
Greybird 3.18.0 "Vein melter"
This release fixes a few small things in Gtk3.18 and marks the beginning of a switch to a new versioning scheme for Greybird (i.e. following the Gtk3 releases).
Greybird 1.6.2 "Sly"
This release brings a new variant for xfwm4 named "a11y" (short for accessibility), using bigger buttons and wider borders for easier mouse interactions.
Greybird 1.6.1 "Watermelon Man"
This release brings more Gtk3.16 improvements, specifically overlay scrollbar theming, better theming for CSDs and some Gtk2 bug fixes.
Greybird 1.6 "Chameleon"
This release brings some basic styling of changes that happened in Gtk3.16 as well as some general improvements. It is aimed at Ubuntu 15.10, which ships a patched version of Gtk3.
Greybird 1.5.3 "Spank-A-Lee"
Fix the background pixmap for ubiquity's panel and the theming for lightdm-gtk-greeter 2.0.
Greybird 1.5.2 "Butterfly"
Fix up the spinner for Gtk3.14 and drop all transitions on Gtk3 buttons.
Greybird 1.5.1 "Actual Proof"
More bugfixes for Gtk3.14 and a bright notification theme.