Get a full fake REST API with zero coding in less than 30 seconds (seriously)
Created with <3 for front-end developers who need a quick back-end for prototyping and mocking.
- free video tutorial - Creating demo APIs with json-server
- JSONPlaceholder - Live running version
- My JSON Server - no installation required, use your own data
See also:
- 🐶 husky - Git hooks made easy
- 🦉 lowdb - local JSON database
- ✅ xv - a beautifully simple and capable test runner
--config, -c Path to config file [default: "json-server.json"]
--port, -p Set port [default: 3000]
--host, -H Set host [default: ""]
--watch, -w Watch file(s) [boolean]
--routes, -r Path to routes file
--middlewares, -m Paths to middleware files [array]
--static, -s Set static files directory
--read-only, --ro Allow only GET requests [boolean]
--no-cors, --nc Disable Cross-Origin Resource Sharing [boolean]
--no-gzip, --ng Disable GZIP Content-Encoding [boolean]
--snapshots, -S Set snapshots directory [default: "."]
--delay, -d Add delay to responses (ms)
--id, -i Set database id property (e.g. _id) [default: "id"]
--foreignKeySuffix, --fks Set foreign key suffix (e.g. _id as in post_id)
[default: "Id"]
--quiet, -q Suppress log messages from output [boolean]
--help, -h Show help [boolean]
--version, -v Show version number [boolean]
json-server db.json
json-server file.js