This Readme is based from IBM's Cloud Annotations guide in utilising a trained object detection model with Python. Link to the original repo is here:
Run your models trained using Cloud Annotations with python.
supports using Mobilenet-V1 SSD models trained using Cloud Annotations.
Summary Information
Image 7 of 9.
Inference time: 0.15027356147766113
Inference Summary:
Highest Score: 0.9407029747962952
Highest Scoring Box: [0.60926155 0.47011317 0.67576766 0.56898813]
Image shape: (563, 1000, 3)
Boxes shape: (1917, 4)
Classes shape: (1917,)
Scores shape: (1917,)
['plate: 94%']
Image Saved
These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.
Pip install the packages in requirement.txt
pip install -r requirement.txt
This script below calls the tflite model interpreter for inference on all .jpg files inside the directory PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_DIR
Similary the output .jpg files are storesd in PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR
We can also specify the minimum confidence (score) for a given detection box to be displayed with MINIMUM_CONFIDENCE
python \
--MODEL_DIR /path/to/<model_name>/model_android \
--PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_DIR /path/to/test/images \
--PATH_TO_OUTPUT_DIR /path/to/output/images \