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executable file
309 lines (251 loc) · 13.8 KB

Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder

This package finds alignments of short tandem repeats in noisy DNA sequencing data. Given a list of known motifs (e.g. "GGCAT", "CCAT", etc.) and DNA sequences in fasta files (e.g. PacBio or Oxford Nanopore sequenced reads), it attempts to align segments of the DNA sequences to repeated copies of the motifs.

Note that this is not intended to be a turnkey solution but more of an exploratory platform for the user. It will likely require parameter tweaking and experimentation on the part of the user, as well as some user-written programs to post-process the output.


To install Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder using the source:

  1. Download the latest stable version of Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder using Github (as of this writing, the latest stable version is v1.01.00):
     git clone --branch v1.01.00  

Or, you can download the latest release from the releases page:  

If you are adventurous and want to just try the latest stuff checked into the repository, then you probably know how to clone the repo (so I don't need to show you the command). Beware that it might not be stable.

  1. Compile:
    cd NoiseCancellingRepeatFinder  
  1. You may wish to add the path to your copy of the NoiseCancellingRepeatFinder directory to your PATH variable.

  2. You may wish to create symbolic links to the python scripts, so that they can be used on a command line by name (without the .py part).

    cd NoiseCancellingRepeatFinder  


  • gcc or similar C compiler and linker
  • python (tested with version 2.7, not likely to work with python 3)

Python is not used by the core program, but is needed for the post-processing helper programs included in the package.

Usage Overview

The simplest use, searching reads.fa for the repeated motif GGCAT:

cat reads.fa | ./NCRF GGCAT > example.ncrf

A more detailed example is shown in tutorial/ A description of the output format is included there. The experiments subdirectory contains additional examples, provided "as is" without explanation.

The output is usually passed through a series of the ncrf_* post-processing scripts (e.g. ncrf_consensus_filter, ncrf_sort, or ncrf_summary).

Intended Use Case

NCRF was designed with the idea that it would be used to search noisy reads, of the type produced by PacBio and Oxford Nanopore. The implementation was shaped by the expectation that sequences would not be longer than ≈500kbp and motifs were not longer than ≈200bp. So while it may work for bigger problems than that, there also may be issues, primarily relating to memory consumption and speed.

Similarly, we haven't explored it's use in the absence of sequencing noise. While we expect it would be useful for searching for repeated motifs in an assembled genome, we have not investigated that use case.

Usage Details

  <fasta>               fasta file containing sequences; read from stdin
  [<name>:]<motif>      dna repeat motif to search for
                        (there can be more than one motif)
  --minmratio=<ratio>   discard alignments with a low frequency of matches;
                        ratio can be between 0 and 1 (e.g. "0.85"), or can be
                        expressed as a percentage (e.g. "85%")
  --maxnoise=<ratio>    (same as --minmratio but with 1-ratio)
  --minlength=<bp>      discard alignments that don't have long enough repeat
                        (default is 500)
  --minscore=<score>    discard alignments that don't score high enough
                        (default is zero)
  --stats=events        show match/mismatch/insert/delete counts
  --positionalevents    show match/mismatch/insert/delete counts by motif
                        position (independent of --stats=events); this may be
                        useful for detecting error non-uniformity, to separate
                        perfect repeats from imperfect
  --help=scoring        show options relating to alignment scoring
  --help=allocation     show options relating to memory allocation
  --help=other          show other, less frequently used options

And ./NCRF --help=scoring will produce this list of scoring options

  Default scoring is    M=1 MM=5 IO=5 IX=5 DO=5 DX=5
  --scoring=pacbio      use scoring for pacbio reads
                        (M=10 MM=35 IO=33 IX=21 DO=6 DX=28)
  --scoring=nanopore    use scoring for nanopore reads
                        (M=10 MM=63 IO=51 IX=98 DO=27 DX=34)
  --scoring=simple:<M>/<E> simple scoring matrix with match reward <M> and all
                        penalties <E>
  --match=<reward>      (M)  reward when sequence matches motif
  --mismatch=<penalty>  (MM) penalty when sequence mismatches motif
  --iopen=<penalty>     (IO) first penalty when sequence has nt, motif doesn't
  --iextend=<penalty>   (IX) other penalty when sequence has nt, motif doesn't
  --dopen=<penalty>     (DO) first penalty when motif has nt, sequence doesn't
  --dextend=<penalty>   (DX) other penalty when motif has nt, sequence doesn't
  --report:scoring      report scoring parameters and quit

  Mathematically, scaling all scores, including --minscore, by a constant
  factor will produce equivalent alignment results. However, larger M shortens
  the length susceptible to overflow. Overflow may occur if an alignment is
  longer than 2^31/M. For M=100 this is about 20 million. An M larger than 100
  is unlikely to be necessary. The same statements are true for MM, IO, IX, DO,
  and DX

Additional scripts

Primary scripts

ncrf_cat-- Concatenate several output files from Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder.

To feed to output from several runs of NCRF into a script, ncrf_cat is necessary (as opposed to the usual shell command "cat").

./ <file1> [<file2> ...] [--markend]
  <file1>    an output file from Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder
  <file2>    another output file from Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder
  --markend  assume end-of-file markers are absent in the input, and add an
             end-of-file marker to the output
             (by default we require inputs to have proper end-of-file markers)

Concatenate several output files from Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder.  This
is little more than copying the files and adding a blank line between the

It can also be used to verify that the input files contain end-of-file markers
i.e. that they were not truncated when created.

ncrf_consensus_filter-- Filter Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder alignments, discarding alignments that has a consensus different than the motif unit.

usage: ncrf_cat <output_from_NCRF> | ncrf_consensus_filter [options]
  --consensusonly     just report the consensus motif(s) for each alignment,
                      instead of filtering; these are added to the alignment
                      file with a "# consensus" tag; note that the reported
                      consensus will be canonical, the lexigographical minimum
                      of all rotations including reverse complement
  [<name>:]<motif>    dna repeat motif to process; if no motifs are specified,
                      we process all of them (however, see note below)
                      (more than one motif can be specified)
  --head=<number>     limit the number of input alignments
  --progress=<number> periodically report how many alignments we've tested

Any motif that was given a name during the alignment process has to be
specified here, and with the same name. A motif was 'named' if an option of the
form <name>:<motif> was given to NCRF. The nt sequence for named motifs does
not appear in the alignment file produced by NCRF, but this program needs that

ncrf_sort-- Sort the alignments output by Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder.

./ <output_from_NCRF> | ./ [options]
   --sortby=mratio[-|+]    sort by decreasing or increasing match ratio
                           (by default we sort by decreasing match ratio)
   --sortby=score[-|+]     sort by decreasing or increasing alignment score
   --sortby=match[-|+]     sort by decreasing or increasing alignment match
   --sortby=length[-|+]    sort by decreasing or increasing length; length is
                           the number of sequence bases aligned
   --sortby=name           sort by sequence name (and position)
   --sortby=position[-|+]  sort by sequence name (and decreasing or increasing

ncrf_summary-- Convert the output of Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder to a summary, a tab-delimited table with one line of stats per alignment.

./ <output_from_NCRF> | ./ [options]
  --minmratio=<ratio>  discard alignments with a low frequency of matches;
                       ratio can be between 0 and 1 (e.g. "0.85"), or can be
                       expressed as a percentage (e.g. "85%")
  --maxnoise=<ratio>   (same as --minmratio but with 1-ratio)

Typical output:
  #line motif seq        start end  strand seqLen querybp mRatio m    mm  i  d
  1     GGAAT FAB41174_6 1568  3021 -      3352   1461    82.6%  1242 169 42 50
  11    GGAAT FAB41174_2 3908  5077 -      7347   1189    82.4%  1009 125 35 55
  21    GGAAT FAB41174_0 2312  3334 -      4223   1060    81.1%  881  115 26 64

ncrf_to_bed-- Convert the output of Noise Cancelling Repeat Finder to bed format.

./ <output_from_NCRF> | ./ [options]
  --minmratio=<ratio>  discard alignments with a low frequency of matches;
                       ratio can be between 0 and 1 (e.g. "0.85"), or can be
                       expressed as a percentage (e.g. "85%")
  --maxnoise=<ratio>   (same as --minmratio but with 1-ratio)

Typical output is shown below.  The 6th column ("score" in the bed spec) is
the match ratio times 1000 (e.g. 826 is 82.6%).
  FAB41174_065680 1568 3021 . - 826
  FAB41174_029197 3908 5077 . - 824
  FAB41174_005950 2312 3334 . - 811

Less frequently used scripts

ncrf_resolve_overlaps-- Resolve overlapping alignments of different motifs.

./ <alignment_summary..> [options]
  <alignment_summary>    (cumulative) file(s) containing aligment summaries
                         for which overlaps are to be resolved
  --head=<number>        limit the number of input aligment summaries
  --out=<name_template>  file to write overlap groups to; see discussion of
                         name template below; if this option is absent, all
                         output is written to the console

The name template either names a single file or a collection of files. See
below for some examples.

The input alignment summaries are usually the output from ncrf_summary. Any
input file may contain alignments for more than one motif.

A typical input file is shown below. However, we do not interpret any columns
other than motif, seq, start, and end. This allows, for example, the output
from ncrf_summary_with_consensus.

  #line motif seq       start end  strand seqLen querybp mRatio m    mm  i  d
  1     TGTA  JZL5129_2 552   582  +      15216  30      100.0% 30   0   0  0
  9     GGTA  JZL5129_2 579   2262 +      15216  1681    92.9%  1583 77  23 21
  17    GGGA  JZL5129_2 782   876  +      15216  92      92.6%  87   5   2  0

If the output name template includes the substring "{motif}", this substring is
replaced by a motif name and any un-overlapped alignments to that motif are
written to that file. If the template name doesn't include "{motif}", all
un-overlapped alignments and overlapping groups are written to one file. Note
that "{motif}" is the word "motif" surrounded by two curly brackets.

Overlapping groups are either written to the console (if no name template is
given), to the same file with un-overlapped alignments (if the name template
doesn't contain "{motif}"), or to a file separate from the un-overlapped
alignments (with "{motif}" replaced by "overlaps").

This is summarized in the table below. We assume for this that the input only
contains two motifs, GGAAT and CATATA.

  name_template    | output
  (none)           | un-overlapped and overlap groups written to the console
  filename         | un-overlapped and overlap groups written to filename
  filename.{motif} | un-overlapped GGAAT written to filename.GGAAT
                   | un-overlapped CATATA written to filename.CATATA
                   | overlap groups written to filename.overlaps

Overlap groups are separated by a single blank line, as shown below. When
un-overlapped alignments and overlapped ones are in the same file, the
un-overlapped ones come first, with a blank line separating each alignment,
followed by the overlap groups.

  #line motif seq       start end  strand seqLen querybp mRatio m    mm  i  d
  497   GGTA  JZL5129_2 11178 11604 +     15216  428     93.1%  404  16  6  8
  505   GGGA  JZL5129_2 11423 11455 +     15216  31      93.8%  30   1   1  0
  (blank line)
  521   GGTA  JZL5129_2 11733 13179 +     15216  1435    89.6%  1325 77  44 33
  529   GGGA  JZL5129_2 12038 12061 +     15216  23      95.7%  22   1   0  0
  537   GGGA  JZL5129_2 12291 12402 +     15216  111     92.0%  103  7   1  1
  (blank line)
   ... (more groups)"""

Other scripts

ncrf_parse-- This supports the other scripts and should not be used directly.


For questions regarding usage, please contact Bob Harris [email protected].


As of Oct/2018 this is unpublished work.