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Legend {#little-navmap-legend}

By default, all speeds are given in knots, distances in nautical miles, altitudes and elevations in feet. The units can be set to imperial or metric in the dialog Options on the tab Units.

Colors, size and text labels of some map elements can be changed in the dialog Options on the tab Map Display. This legend shows the default values.

Heading and course are suffixed with °T for true course or °M for magnetic course.

Map Marks {#map-marks}

Symbol Description
Home Center of the home position.
Mark Center point that will be used for distance searches.
Flight Plan Flight plan with distance, direction and magnetic course at each leg.
Flight Plan Procedure Flight plan procedure leg with the same information as above.
Active Leg Active flight plan leg
Flight Plan Departure Position Flight plan departure position on airport. Either parking, fuel box, helipad, water or runway.
Top of Descent Top of descent point with distance to destination.
Range Range rings labeled with distance.
Range VOR Range NDB VOR or NDB range rings labeled with ident and frequency. Color indicates Navaid type.
Distance GC Great circle distance and course measurement line indicating length and true heading at start and destination. The two heading values will be equal for small distances. For shorter distances length is also shown in feet or meters.
Distance Rhumb Rhumb line of equal bearing distance measurement indicating distance and true heading. Rhumb lines are used to approach a VOR or NDB or travel along airways. For shorter distances length is also shown in feet.
Distance VOR Measurement lines starting from an airport or navaid have the same color and additional ident and frequency labels. Course for rhumb lines will be shown in magnetic if the navaid has a magnetic variation attribute.
Search Highlight A highlighted airport or navaid selected in the search result table.
Flight Plan Hightlight A highlighted airport or navaid selected in the flight plan table.
Procedure Highlight From Procedure Highlight From Highlighted positions of a procedure leg in the preview. Small circle show from and large circle to position.
Procedure Highlight Related Thin circle shows the recommended or related navaid of a procedure leg. This can be a VORDME for a DME arc approach leg for example.

Compass Rose

Line thickness can be changed in dialog Options on the tab Map Display.

Symbol Description
True North True north.
Magnetic North Magnetic north.
Distance Circles Distance circles and marks from user aircraft if connected.
Aircraft Track Solid line shows aircraft track in degrees magnetic if connected.
Aircraft Heading Dashed line shows aircraft heading if connected.

Aircraft and Ships {#vehicles}

Symbol Description
Small GA Jet Helicopter Current user vehicle if connected to the flight simulator. Labels vary and can be customized in Options on the tab Map Display. The user aircraft depends on selected aircraft (jet, piston/turboprop or helicopter). Optionally a black needle protruding from the nose can show the current track.
Small GA on Ground Jet on Ground Helicopter on Ground Ship on Ground User aircraft or ship on ground
Aircraft Track Needle showing the current track of the aircraft. Aircraft nose shows heading.
Trail User aircraft trail if connected to the flight simulator.
Wind Wind around the user aircraft with direction in degrees magnetic and speed.
Small GA Jet Helicopter Small GA Jet Helicopter Ship AI or multiplayer aircraft. Labels vary and can be customized in Options on the tab Map Display. The symbol depends on aircraft type (jet, piston/turboprop, helicopter or ship).
Online on in Flight Online on Ground Online network aircraft/client. Labels vary and can be customized as above.

Airports {#airports}

Airports having control towers are shown in dark blue others in magenta. Add-on airport names and idents are shown italic and underlined. Airports that are part of the flight plan have a light yellow text background.

The symbol is shown smaller if an airport has no runways. This is the case for some add-on airports that use another technique like photo scenery to display runways.

Symbol Description
Large Airport Large Airport Airports with hard surface runways longer than 8,000 ft or 2,400 meters. All runways longer than 4,000 ft or about 1,200 meters are shown. Only for lower zoom distances.
Airport with Tower Airport Airports with hard surface runways. White line shows heading of longest runway.
Airport with soft runways and Tower Airport with soft Runways Airports with soft surface runways.
Airport Empty Airport Empty Soft Empty airports shown in gray. No taxiways, no parking spots and no aprons.
Seaplane Base with Tower Seaplane Base Seaplane base having only water runways.
Military Airport with Tower Military Airport Military airport.
Heliport Heliport having only helipads and no runways.
Closed Airport with Tower Closed Airport Abandoned airport. All runways are closed.
Airport with Fuel Airport with soft Runways and Fuel Airports that have fuel available.
Airport Text Airport label showing name, ident, ATIS frequency, elevation, lighted runways (L) and length of longest runway. The text labels for an airport can be changed in the dialog Options on the tab Map Display.

Navaids {#navaids}

Navaids that are part of the flight plan have a light yellow text background.

Symbol Description
VORDME VORDME VOR DME including ident, type (High, Low or Terminal) and frequency. Compass rose shows magnetic variation on lower zoom distances.
VOR VOR VOR including ident, type and frequency.
DME DME including ident, type and frequency.
TACAN TACAN TACAN including ident, type (High, Low or Terminal) and channel. Compass rose shows magnetic variation on lower zoom distances.
VORTAC VORTAC VORTAC including ident, type (High, Low or Terminal) and frequency. Compass rose shows magnetic variation on lower zoom distances.
NDB NDB NDB including ident, type (HH, H, MH or CL - compass locator) and frequency.
Waypoint Waypoint with name.
User-defined Waypoint User-defined waypoint with name.
Waypoint Invalid airport, waypoint, VOR or NDB that is part of the flight plan but could not be found in the Scenery Database.
Marker Marker Marker Marker with type and heading indicated by lens shape.
Jet Airway Jet airway with label showing name, type (Jet or Both), minimum and maximum altitude. Text depends on zoom distance. A preceding arrow will show the allowed direction if the airway is one-way.
Victor Airway Victor airway with label showing name, type (Victor or Both), minimum and maximum altitude. Text depends on zoom distance. A preceding arrow will show the allowed direction if the airway is one-way.
ILS ILS ILS with glideslope. Label shows ident, frequency, magnetic heading, glideslope pitch and DME indication if available.
Localizer Localizer Localizer. Label shows ident, frequency, magnetic heading and DME indication if available.

Procedures {#procedures}

See chapter Procedures for more detailed information on all the legs.

Symbol Description
Procedure Leg Preview SID, STAR, approach or transition leg in preview with distance, direction and magnetic course at each leg.
Procedure Leg Flight Plan SID, STAR, approach or transition leg which is part of the flight plan.
Missed Leg Preview Missed approach leg in preview.
Missed Leg Flight Plan Missed approach leg which is a part of the flight plan.
Procedure Point Gray yellow filled circle indicates a procedure point which is not a navaid but defined by course and/or distance from a navaid, an altitude restriction or manual termination.
Procedure Overfly A black circle indicates an overfly waypoint. Can be a procedure point or a navaid.
Procedure Manual Fly a heading, track or a hold until manually terminated by ATC.
Procedure Intercept Leg Intercept the next approach leg at a course of about 45 degrees.
Procedure Altitude Procedure leg that is terminated when reaching the given altitude.
Procedure Intercept Distance A fix defined by a course or heading and distance to a navaid.
Procedure Intercept Course Distance This fix is defined by a heading or track which is terminated by reaching a DME distance.
Procedure Intercept Course to Fix Intercept a course to the next fix at an angle of about 45 degrees.

Airport Diagram {#airport-diagram}

Runway, taxiway, helipad and apron colors indicate surface type. White is used for an unknown or invalid surface type given by an add-on developer.

Symbol Description
Runway Runway with length, width, light indicator (L) and surface type.
Runway End Runway end with ident and magnetic heading.
Runway Threshold Displaced threshold. Do not use for landing.
Runway Overrun Overrun area. Do not use for taxi, takeoff or landing.
Runway Blastpad Blast pad. Do not use for taxi, takeoff or landing.
Taxiway Taxiway with name and center line.
Closed Taxiway Closed taxiway.
Taxiway Semi transparent dotted aprons and taxiways indicate that no surface is drawn. It might use a photo texture or simply the default background.
Tower Tower Tower. Red if a tower frequency is available. Otherwise just view position.
Fuel Fuel
Parking GA ramp with parking number and heading tick mark.
Parking Parking Gate with number and heading tick mark. Second ring indicates availability of jetway.
Parking Cargo ramp
Parking Military combat parking or cargo ramp.
Helipad Helipad Helipad Helipads. Red text indicates medical helipad. Color indicates surface.

Userpoints {#userpoints}

Symbol Description
Airport Airport
Airstrip Airstrip
Bookmark Bookmark
Cabin Cabin
Closed Closed
Error Error
Flag Flag
Helipad Helipad
Location Location
Logbook Logbook
Marker Marker
Mountain Mountain
Obstacle Obstacle
Pin Pin
POI POI - point of interest
Seaport Seaport
Unknown Unknown
VRP VRP - visual reporting point
Waypoint Waypoint

Elevation Profile Legend {#elevation-profile-legend}

Symbol Description
Profile Start Profile End Ground with departure elevation on the left and destination airport elevation on the right.
Flight Plan Profile Flight plan altitude.
Top of Descent Top of descent with distance to destination.
Profile Safe Alt Minimum safe altitude for flight plan. This is elevation plus 1000 feet rounded up to the next 500 ft. The 1000 feet buffer can be changed in the dialog Options on the tab Flight Plan
Profile Segment Safe Alt Minimum safe altitude for a flight plan segment. The same rules apply as to the minimum safe altitude for flight plan.
Aircraft User aircraft if connected to the simulator. Labels show actual altitude and climb/sink rate.
Trail User aircraft trail if connected to the flight simulator.