🔄 sync RethinkDB tables to Elasticsearch using changefeeds
A JavaScript-based replacement for the deprecated Elasticsearch RethinkDB River plugin. This can populate your Elasticsearch instance using data from a RethinkDB instance, keep it up to date using changefeeds, and allow you to modify the documents before they're copied.
✨ Features:
- Simple: specify connections and tables to copy as-is to Elasticsearch
- Flexible: accepts a transform function for each table to modify what's copied
- Tested
Simple example:
import rethinkdbElasticsearchStream from 'rethinkdb-elasticsearch-stream'
await rethinkdbElasticsearchStream({
backfill: true,
elasticsearch: { host: '', port: 9200 },
rethinkdb: { host: '', port: 28015 },
tables: [{ db: 'megacorp', table: 'users' }],
watch: true
import rethinkdbElasticsearchStream from 'rethinkdb-elasticsearch-stream'
await rethinkdbElasticsearchStream({
// If the Elasticsearch instance should be populated with existing RethinkDB data
backfill: true,
// Connection details for an Elasticsearch instance
elasticsearch: {
host: '',
port: 9200,
// (optional) protocol for connection (`http` or `https`). Defaults to `http`.
protocol: 'http'
// Connection details for the RethinkDB instance to be copied
// See `rethinkdbdash` (https://github.com/neumino/rethinkdbdash) for all possible options.
rethinkdb: {
host: '',
port: 28015,
// (optional) protocol for connection (`http` or `https`). Defaults to `http`.
protocol: 'http'
// Tables to duplicate and watch for changes
tables: [
// Database containing table
db: 'megacorp',
// (optional) Handle when a document is deleted in Rethink
// This is detected when the new value for a document is null
// If this is not specified, a DELETE is sent to Elasticsearch for the
// id of the old value
deleteTransform: async ({db, document, oldDocument, table }) => {
if (await someImportantCheck()) {
return oldDocument;
// this is the default behavior for a delete
return {
// import { _delete } from 'rethinkdb-elasticsearch-stream';
// this is a special Symbol that tells the library that this should
// be a DELETE. It can also be used in the regular transform function
id: oldDocument.id,
// (optional) Type field for Elasticsearch. This is similar to a "table" in
// RethinkDB, and is the second portion of the URL path (index/db is the first).
esType: 'webUsers',
// (optional) ID field. If specified, changes are upserted into Elasticsearch
// Note: Elasticsearch-specific field names cannot be used (e.g. `_id`)
// If that's important to you, open an issue.
idKey: 'id',
// Table to copy
table: 'users',
// (optional) Modify what will be saved in Elasticsearch.
// This can be either a function or a Promise.
// If `null` or `undefined` is returned, the document is not saved.
// `db` and `table` are specified for convenience
transform: async ({ db, document, oldDocument, table }) => {
await doSomethingImportant()
return document;
// If the Elasticsearch instance should be updated when RethinkDB emits a changefeed event
watch: true
With Yarn or npm installed, run:
yarn add rethinkdb-elasticsearch-stream
# ...or, if using `npm`
npm install rethinkdb-elasticsearch-stream
rethinkdb-elasticsearch-stream was inspired by: