Distributed systems term project for distributed systems course in IIT Kharagpur
Team members : Apurv Kumar 14CS10006, Shubham Sharma 14CS30034, Asket Agarwal 14CS30006
To run on different systems in the institute network, type : (disables proxy in current terminal session)
. env.sh
in all the systems where the scripts are run
To generate proto files :
python -m grpc_tools.protoc -I proto/ --python_out=. --grpc_python_out=. pr.proto
To clean the dataBackup directory:
. clean.sh
To setup mongodb :
install mongodb version 3 or above
make data/db in / directory using nautilus or sudo permissions
python -m pip install pymongo
sudo chown -R id -u
install mogodb client like robomongo3t to view contents of the mongodb