Microservices with Node JS and React Study Guide Section 01: Fundamental Ideas Around Microservices Section 02: A Mini-Microservices App Section 03: Running Services with Docker Section 04: Orchestrating Collections of Services with Kubernetes Section 05: Architecture of Multi-Service Apps Section 06: Leveraging a Cloud Environment for Development Section 07: Response Normalization Strategies Section 08: Database Management and Modeling Section 09: Authentication Strategies and Options Section 10: Testing Isolated Microservices Section 11: Integrating a Server-Side-Rendered React App Section 12: Code Sharing and Reuse Between Services Section 13: Create-Read-Update-Destroy Server Setup Section 14: NATS Streaming Server - An Event Bus Implementation Section 15: Connecting to NATS in a Node JS World Section 16: Managing a NATS Client Section 17: Cross-Service Data Replication In Action Section 18: Understanding Event Flow Section 19: Listening for Events and Handling Concurrency Issues Section 20: Worker Services Section 21: Handling Payments Section 22: Back to the Client Section 23: CI/CD