.. rheader:: Microphone array board support library |version|
Library for controlling the XMOS microphone array ref design 1v0.
The microphone array board support library has the following features:
- button and led interface
.. resusage:: * - configuration: Default - globals: in port p_buttons = XS1_PORT_4A; mabs_led_ports_t leds = {XS1_PORT_8C, XS1_PORT_1K, XS1_PORT_1L, XS1_PORT_8D, XS1_PORT_1P}; - locals: interface mabs_led_button_if lb[1]; - fn: mabs_button_and_led_server(lb, 1, leds, p_buttons); - pins: 13 - ports: 3 (1-bit), 1 (4-bit), 2 (8-bit)
.. libdeps::
None avaliable.