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File metadata and controls

269 lines (221 loc) · 9.85 KB

versionInfo Syntax

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Both component_versions.json and zenpack_versions.json are processed by the script. That script supports 3 different types of downloads:

  • "type": "download" - artifacts available from any generic HTTP file server; e.g. files that can downloaded using a tool like wget or curl
  • "type": "jenkins" - artifacts available on a Jenkins build server. Jenkins supports a REST API which allows the download script to locate artifacts for the lastSuccessfulBuild
  • "type": "zenpack" - used for all ZenPacks. ZenPack releases, nightly builds and builds for long-running feature development are all stored on a pypiserver. The downloader script for ZenPacks takes advantage of Python conventions for identifying different types of artifacts

The JSON file sytnax details for each of these types is available below

Using Nightly Builds

Using Nightly Builds for Components

Assuming the component_versions.json file already specifies a pinned version of the component ("type": "download"), modify the file to use "type": "jenkins". The following example illustrates the simplest case. Some Java-based artifacts may require additional properties. For more information see the section on Jenkins-type artifacts below.

Before (using a pinned release):

        "URL": "{name}-{version}.tar.gz",
        "name": "zproxy",
        "type": "download",
        "version": "1.0.0"

After (using the last successful build from Jenkins):

        "name": "zproxy",
        "type": "jenkins",
        "version": "develop"

Using Nightly Builds for Zenpacks

Assuming the zenpacks_versions.json file already specifies latest GA release of the zenpack modify the file to use "pre": "true". For more information see the section on ZenPack-type artifacts below.

Before (using latest release):

        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",

After (the latest prerelease is the most recent build from the develop branch):

        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "pre": "true",

Pinning Versions

Pinning Versions for Components

To pin the version for a component in component_versions.json, change the type property to download and specify the version. For more information see the section on Download-type artifacts below.

Before (using the last successful build from Jenkins):

        "name": "zproxy",
        "type": "jenkins",
        "version": "develop"

After (using a pinned release):

        "URL": "{name}-{version}.tar.gz",
        "name": "zproxy",
        "type": "download",
        "version": "1.0.0"

Pinning Versions for Zenpacks

To pin the version for a ZenPack in zenpack_versions.json, add a requirement property with an exact version. For more information see the section on ZenPack-type artifacts below.

Before (using latest release):

        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",

After (using exactly version 1.2.3):

        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "requirement": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example===1.2.3"

Syntax Details

Download-type artifacts

The type download is suitable for any artifacts which have been published to a file server somewhere, such that they can be downloaded with a simple curl or wget.

The full versionInfo JSON syntax:

        "name": "metricshipper",
        "type": "download",
        "version": "1.1.2",
        "URL": "{name}-{version}.tgz"

Property Definitions:

  • name - Required. Name for the artifact. By convention, should be the name of the artifact's github repo minus the "zenoss/" prefix.

  • type - Required. Must be set to download to use this downloader.

  • version - Required. The version of this artifact.

  • URL - Required. The URL of the artifact. The macros {name} and {version} may be specified to avoid repitition of the name and version values, respectively.

Jenkins-type artifacts

The type jenkins is suitable for any artifacts built and cached on one of Zenoss' jenkins servers. To use type jenkins, the corresponding Jenkins job must be defined with the Post Build Action Archive the Artifacts. Most of the attributes are optional assuming that the component is built on platform-jenkins.zenoss.eng per standard conventions.

The full versionInfo JSON syntax:

        "name": "zenoss-zep",
        "type": "jenkins",
        "version": "develop",
        "jenkins.subModule": "org.zenoss.zep$zep-dist",
        "jenkins.server": "http://platform-jenkins.zenoss.eng",
        "jenkins.job": "Components/job/zenoss-zep/job/develop",
        "jenkins.jobURL": "http://platform-jenkins.zenoss.eng/job/Components/job/zenoss-zep/job/develop",
        "jenkins.patterns": "['*.whl', '*.tgz', '*.tar.gz']",

Property Definitions:

  • name - Required. Name for the artifact. By convention, should be the name of the artifact's github repo minus the "zenoss/" prefix.

  • type - Required. Must be set to jenkins to use this downloader.

  • version - Required. The version of the artifact. More specifically, the name of the branch of being built.

  • jenkins.subModule - Optional. Only used for Java-based artifacts where the maven pom defines submodules. If specified, must identify the maven submodule containing the distribution artifact. If not specified, defaults to an empty string.

  • jenkins.server - Optional. The URL of the Jenkins server. If not specified, the default is http://platform-jenkins.zenoss.eng.

  • jenkins.job - Optional. The name of the Jenkins job that builds the artifact. If the job is nested in a folder, the string should include the folder-relative path. If not specified, the default is Components/job/{name}/job/{version}.

  • jenkins.jobURL - Optional. The full URL of the jenkins job. If not specified, the default is {jenkins.server}/job/{jenkins.job}.

  • jenkins.patterns - Optional. A list of patterns describing the artifact(s) that should be downloaded. If not specified, the default is ['*.whl', '*.tgz', '*.tar.gz'].

ZenPack-type artifacts

The type zenpack is suitable for all ZenPacks.

The full versionInfo JSON syntax:

        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "requirement": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example>=0.0.1",
        "pre": false,
        "feature": null

Property Definitions:

  • name - Required. Name for the artifact. Should be the ZenPack's Python package name.

  • type - Required. Must be set to zenpack to use this downloader.

  • requirement - Optional. Default value is that of the name field. Accepts any setuptools pkg_resources requirement format. Prelease builds will be excluded unless the pre field is set to true (see below), and feature builds will be excluded unless the feature field is set (see below). See also Python Setuptools documentation

  • pre - Optional. Default value is false. When set to false, no prerelease builds matching requirement will be returned. When set to true, prerelease, release, and postrelease builds matching requirement will be returned.

    Prerelease is defined by PEP 440 and includes both pre-releases and developmental releases.

  • feature - Optional. Default value is null. When set to null, no feature builds matching requirement will be returned. When set to a string value, only builds of a feature matching the string value that also match requirement will be returned.

    Setting feature to a non-null value implies setting the pre field to true. This because all feature builds are inherently pre-releases.

Credible examples:

  • Specific release version:
        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "requirement": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example===1.0.0"
  • Newest release version:
        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack"
  • Newest patch release within a minor release series:
        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "requirement": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example==1.0.*"
  • Newest pre-release version (i.e. latest version built from develop):
        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "pre": true
  • Newest pre-release within a minor release series:
        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "requirement": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example==1.0.*",
        "pre": true
  • Specific feature by name regardless of version.
        "name": "ZenPacks.zenoss.Example",
        "type": "zenpack",
        "feature": "fireworks"