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Kyouma CPU Specification

Kyouma CPU is a simple 32-bit processor made just for fun (and maybe some learning). Here you can find a full specification for its architecture.

General info

First of all, it's mostly 32-bit. This means that all the registers are 32-bit, all operations are 32-bit and most of the opcodes are 32-bit. Still, there are short 16-bit opcodes, but they can come only in pairs (so if they don't, NOP should be inserted).

Second, it is little-endian (because that's conventional, I guess?)

Third, it uses predication. I found it in zipcpu and then in ARM, and it seems to be a very good idea for fully accessible uniform register sets. So every instruction can be executed conditionally. In 16-bit opcodes there are no space for condition specifier, so I desided to use ARM's technique and add an instruction (CND) to specify condition codes for 3 successive instructions.

Register set

Because I really liked zipcpu's concept about two modes of operation, I'm going to implement it here as well.

So, KCPU has two modes, user (for user code) and supervisor (for kernel-level code). Each mode has it's own set of registers and can freely switch between them. It is similar to the context switch in normal CPUs, but because we are changing a single flag inside the CPU, it can be much faster. Also KCPU in supervisor mode can access user registers (for implementing system calls) while KCPU in user mode can access only its own registers.

There are 16 registers (only 15 of which can store data) in each set and access to all of them is possible (because FREEDOM!) They are:

  • R0 - always reads 0, writes are ignored
  • R1-R10 - general purpose
  • R11 or SR - status register
  • R12 or LR - link register (stores return address of the last subroutine call)
  • R13 or FP - frame pointer
  • R14 or SP - stack pointer
  • R15 or PC - program counter They can be referred to with their respective numbers from 0 to 15.

There are also HI and LO registers for multiplication and division results. They are shared between both modes. HI and LO registers can only be read with special instructions.


  • Bit 0 - Zero flag. Set if last operation resulted in 0

  • Bit 1 - Carry flag

  • Bit 2 - Negative flag. Set if last operation resulted in negative number

  • Bit 3 - Overflow flag

  • Bit 4 - Mode flag. 0 if supervisor mode, 1 if user mode

  • Bit 4 - Zero division error flag

  • Bit 5 - Illegal opcode flag

  • Bit 6 - Wait for interrupt flag

  • Bit 7 - Step flag

  • Bit 8 - Hardware interrupt flag. Set if interrupt was hardware and not software.

  • Bit 9 - NULL reference flag

  • Bits 10-31 - Unused, always 0


Each condition specifier is 4 bits long.

  • Bit 3 is a freeze bit. If it's set, then CPU will freeze flag register, so instruction result won't change it. In assembly it is set like this: ADD* R1, R2, R3

  • Bits 0-2 is condition itself. It may be as follows:

    Condition Assembly symbol Meaning
    000 - No condition. Instruction is always executed
    001 ?V Execute if overflow flag is set
    010 ?Z or ?EQ Execute if zero flag is set
    011 ?NZ or ?NE Execute if zero flag is not set
    100 ?LT Execute if negative flag is set
    101 ?GE Execute if negative flag is not set
    110 ?C Execute if carry flag is set
    111 ?NC Execute if carry flag is not set

    In assembly it combines with freeze bit like this: ADD?NC* R1, R2, R3

Instruction set

There are multiple types of instructions:

  • Short (16-bit). It can use only values in registers

    15 14..12 11..8 7..4 3..0
    0 Opcode Destination Source 1 Source 2
    Opcode Instruction mnemonic Description Action
    000 ADD Add two integers {D} <- {S1} + {S2}
    001 SUB Subtract two integers {D} <- {S1} - {S2}
    010 LSH Logical shift (left if positive, right if negative) {D} <- {S1} <</>> {S2}
    011 ASH Arithmetic shift (left if positive, right if negative) {D} <- {S1} <</>> {S2} (signed)
    100 AND Logical AND {D} <- {S1} & {S2}
    101 OR Logical OR {D} <- {S1} | {S2}
    110 XOR Logical XOR {D} <- {S1} ^ {S2}
    111 CND Conditions (see below) -

    The CND instruction has the following format:

    15..12 11..8 7..4 3..0
    0111 1st condition 2nd condition 3rd condition

    It sets conditions for the following 3 instructions

    Also, there is NOP instruction. It's code is 0x0000, so it is ADD R0, R0, R0. Usually it would change flags but it is an exception so it doesn't.

    There is one more thing: if second instruction in the pair (short instructions come in pairs, right?) is a NOP instruction, then it's skipped altogether.

    As such, beware that if you do something like

    ADD R1, PC, R0

    then value in R1 register would be the address of instruction after NOP, not NOP itself

  • Immediate (32-bit)

    31..29 28..26 25..22 21..18 17..4 3..0
    100 Opcode Destination Source Immediate value Condition
    Opcode Instruction mnemonic Description Action
    000 ADDI Add two integers {D} <- {S} + I
    001 SUBI Subtract two integers {D} <- {S} - I
    010 LSHI Logical shift (left if positive, right if negative) {D} <- {S} <</>> I
    011 ASHI Arithmetic shift (left if positive, right if negative) {D} <- {S} <</>> I (signed)
    100 ANDI Logical AND {D} <- {S} & I
    101 ORI Logical OR {D} <- {S} | I
    110 XORI Logical XOR {D} <- {S} ^ I
    111 LDH Move immediate to high 14 bits and source to the rest {D} <- {I, {S}[17..0]}

    Immediate value is sign extended to 32 bits. If LDH is passed label as an argument, immediate value is high 13 bits of address

  • Load/store (32-bit)

    31..30 29..27 26..23 22..19 18..4 3..0
    11 Opcode Source/Destination Address Immediate value Condition
    Opcode Instruction mnemonic Description Action
    000 LW Load 32 bits {S/D} <- ({A} + I) (32-bits)
    001 SW Store 32 bits ({A} + I) <- {S/D} (32-bits)
    010 SH Store 16 bits ({A} + I) <- {S/D} (16-bits)
    011 SB Store 8 bits ({A} + I) <- {S/D} (8-bits)
    100 LHU Load 16 bits unsigned {S/D} <- ({A} + I) (16-bits unsigned)
    101 LHS Load 16 bits signed {S/D} <- ({A} + I) (16-bits signed)
    110 LBU Load 8 bits unsigned {S/D} <- ({A} + I) (8-bits unsigned)
    111 LBS Load 8 bits signed {S/D} <- ({A} + I) (8-bits signed)
  • Misc (32-bit)

    • LDI - loads 20-bit signed immedate value in register

      31..28 27..24 23..4 3..0
      1010 Destination Immediate value Condition

      If passed label as an argument, immediate value is low 19 bits of address

    • MLTU - multiplies two unsigned 32-bit integers. Result is in HI..LO pair

      31..25 24..21 20..17 16..4 3..0
      1011000 Source 1 Source 2 Unused?.. Condition
    • MLTS - multiplies two signed 32-bit integers. Result is in HI..LO pair

      31..25 24..21 20..17 16..4 3..0
      1011001 Source 1 Source 2 Unused?.. Condition
    • DIVU - divides two unsigned 32-bit integers. Quotient is in LO register, remainder is in HI register

      31..25 24..21 20..17 16..4 3..0
      1011010 Source 1 Source 2 Unused?.. Condition
    • DIVS - divides two signed 32-bit integers. Quotient is in LO register, remainder is in HI register

      31..25 24..21 20..17 16..4 3..0
      1011011 Source 1 Source 2 Unused?.. Condition

      Division takes 11 cycles, so for the next 11 instructions you should not expect results in HI..LO registers. You still can perform multiplication at that time though, just don't do it right at the 11th instruction after DIV

    • MVSU - moves value from user register to supervisor register

      31..25 24..21 20..17 16..4 3..0
      1011100 Destination Source Unused?.. Condition

      Name because in assembly its written like MVSU sR1, uR2 and moves value from user R2 to supervisor R1

    • MVUS - moves value from supervisor register to user register

      31..25 24..21 20..17 16..4 3..0
      1011101 Destination Source Unused?.. Condition

      Name because in assembly its written like MVUS uR1, sR2 and moves value from supervisor R2 to user R1

    • MVHI - moves value from HI register to some other register

      31..25 24..21 20..4 3..0
      1011110 Destination Unused?.. Condition
    • MVLO - moves value from LO register to some other register

      31..25 24..21 20..4 3..0
      1011111 Destination Unused?.. Condition

Memory map

There is no definite memory map, but for convenience:

  • 0x00000000 - Inaccessible (if accessed in user mode sets corresponding flag and switches to supervisor mode. If in supervisor mode, halt the CPU)
  • 0x00000001..0x0000FFFF - ROM for loader amd supervisor routines. Could be user programs on ROM too
  • 0x00010000 - Usual code position
  • 0x10000000 - Heap start
  • 0xDFFFFFFF - User Stack bottom. Stack grows downwards
  • 0xEFFFFFFF - Supervisor Stack bottom. Stack grows downwards
  • 0xFFFF0000 - Ports


Caution: 1 byte ports only work if writing to them with specifically, not together with other ports

  • 0xFFFFFFFF (1 byte) - LCD control signals (LCD_CTRL)
    • Bit 0 is LCD_RS
    • Bit 1 is LCD_RW
    • Bit 2 is LCD_E
  • 0xFFFFFFFE (1 byte) - LCD data signals (LCD_DATA)
  • 0xFFFFFFFD (1 byte) - CPU speed (CPU_SPEED)
    • 0 means manual speed (like button-press slow), (CPU_SPEED_MANUAL)
    • 1 means slow speed (like 50 Hz), (CPU_SPEED_SLOW)
    • 2 means max speed (full 50 MHz), , (CPU_SPEED_MAX)

Calling convention

KCPU should use usual C calling convention with slight modification: return address is in LR, and not on stack. If needed, LR is saved on stack or somewhere else by caller. Also, no registers are saved except SP and FP


  • If needed, pushes LR on stack
  • Pushes arguments on stack (in reverse order)
  • Sets LR to return address
  • Jumps to callee
  • Cleans up arguments
  • If needed, gets LR from stack


  • Pushes FP on stack
  • Saves current stack position in FP
  • Executes its code, using (FP+8), (FP+12) etc. as arguments and allocating local variables at (FP+0), (FP-4), (FP-8) etc.
  • Stores return value in R1
  • Restores stack position
  • Gets FP from stack
  • Jumps to position specified by LR