diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 8084732..97bdc37 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -82,7 +82,7 @@ authors:
github: landongrindheim
twitter: landongrindheim
- about: Landon is an MSIS student at UNC Chapel Hill. He grew up in North Dakota, but has lived in Idaho, Montana and North Carolina as well as in the Middle East. His brain operates primarily in the humanities.
+ about: Landon is, man.
name: Alexander Harding
prof: false
@@ -110,7 +110,7 @@ authors:
name: Christopher Kenrick
prof: false
- gravatar:
+ gravatar: 03d788ea2c609688892fa66b8c5886ed
github: IAMATinyCoder
twitter: ChrisKenrick
@@ -171,11 +171,11 @@ authors:
name: Jonathan Pulliza
prof: false
- gravatar:
- website:
+ gravatar:
+ website: http://jpulliza.tumblr.com/
github: jpulliza
- twitter:
- about:
+ twitter: TriviaNerd86
+ about: MSIS student. Loves cooking, modular programming and LEGOs.
name: Kyle Shaffer
prof: false
diff --git a/_layouts/default.html b/_layouts/default.html
index e0035c5..eb861b5 100644
--- a/_layouts/default.html
+++ b/_layouts/default.html
@@ -11,7 +11,7 @@
diff --git a/_posts/2013-10-11-Turtles-and-Balloons.md b/_posts/2013-10-11-Turtles-and-Balloons.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bddbbe9
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-10-11-Turtles-and-Balloons.md
@@ -0,0 +1,84 @@
+layout: post
+author: mbaxter
+category: posts
+So, using the turtlehack library wasn't working for me. I took the parts of the code that I wanted to try and use and had to put it into my turtle program manually. I still included it in the code I've written here, but when I ran it through the terminal I removed that part because it resuted in an error. Oh well.
+I first tried some code that resulted in a crazier picture than I was originally intending.
+![Crazy Turtle Picture](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/-RC6Gpwkkj3k/UlhbPqYSP-I/AAAAAAAAAWc/Kz5dMiYoaS0/w539-h504-no/Screen+Shot+2013-10-11+at+3.36.44+PM.png"crazy turtle picture")
+And here's the code I used for it:
+import turtle
+from turtlehack import *
+import random
+finn = turtle.Turtle()
+def random_color():
+ color_value = format(random.randint(0, 16777215), '06x')
+ return "#" + color_value
+def random_location(turtle, x, y):
+ random_x = random.randint(-x, x)
+ random_y = random.randint(-y, y)
+ turtle.setpos(random_x, random_y)
+wn = turtle.Screen()
+for i in range(random.randint(25, 300)):
+ turtle.left(random.randint(0, 200))
+ turtle.forward(random.randint(25, 300))
+ turtle.pendown()
+ turtle.dot(random.randint(23, 175), random_color())
+ turtle.stamp()
+ turtle.home()
+Then, I messed around with some of the numbers and got a better picture:
+![Better Turtle Picture](https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-SzB0umWli6Q/UlhbPoYSD_I/AAAAAAAAAWY/cjtUwkW6Cc4/w567-h526-no/Screen+Shot+2013-10-11+at+3.40.48+PM.png"better turtle picture")
+And the code:
+import turtle
+from turtlehack import *
+import random
+finn = turtle.Turtle()
+def random_color():
+ color_value = format(random.randint(0, 16777215), '06x')
+ return "#" + color_value
+def random_location(turtle, x, y):
+ random_x = random.randint(-x, x)
+ random_y = random.randint(-y, y)
+ turtle.setpos(random_x, random_y)
+wn = turtle.Screen()
+for i in range(random.randint(25, 300)):
+ turtle.left(random.randint(0, 200))
+ turtle.forward(random.randint(25, 300))
+ turtle.pendown()
+ turtle.dot(random.randint(23, 175), random_color())
+ turtle.stamp()
+ turtle.home()
+A lot of tears and panic went into this. A. LOT. So appreciate it for what it is: little turtles hanging out on happy balloons.
diff --git a/_posts/2013-10-11-jaleesas-post.md b/_posts/2013-10-11-jaleesas-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7558e09
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-10-11-jaleesas-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+layout: post
+author: jpowell
+published: true
+title: Jaleesa's Turtles
+# Hogwarts!
+So I'm kind of sad that I didn't get the chance to be as creative as some of you with this assignment. Continuing with my obsession with Harry Potter, I named my turtles after some students at Hogwarts. Maybe in my free time I'll see if I can come up with more appropriate-looking turtles.
+![Singin a song, all day long at HOOOOOOOOOOOOGWAAAAAAAAAARTS!](http://i947.photobucket.com/albums/ad316/dieschwarzeskobra/2e852328-6896-4f76-9271-14d10f2e6bfa_zps94e47f02.jpg)
+import turtle
+import turtlehack
+from random import randint
+hermione = turtle.Turtle()
+ron = turtle.Turtle()
+harry = turtle.Turtle()
+draco = turtle.Turtle()
+for x in range(0,11):
+ turtlehack.colored_circle(ron, 55, 'orange', 2)
+ turtlehack.n_sided_polygon(ron, 8, 'orange', 5, 25)
+for x in range(0,3):
+ draco.color('green')
+ turtlehack.random_location(draco, 300, 50)
+ turtlehack.dotted_line(draco, 20, 15, 'green')
+for x in range(0,7):
+ turtlehack.random_location(harry, 25, 335)
+ harry.color('red')
+ turtlehack.colored_circle(harry, 55, 'red', 2)
+ turtlehack.n_sided_polygon(harry, 8, 'red', 5, 25)
+for x in range(0,8):
+ turtlehack.random_location(hermione, 200, 100)
+ turtlehack.colored_circle(hermione, 33, 'yellow', 2)
+ turtlehack.colored_circle(hermione, 55, 'yellow', 2)
+ turtlehack.n_sided_polygon(hermione, 8, 'yellow', 5, 25)
diff --git a/_posts/2013-10-14-Carolines-Fun-Command-Line-Post.md b/_posts/2013-10-14-Carolines-Fun-Command-Line-Post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d1c09c1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-10-14-Carolines-Fun-Command-Line-Post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,42 @@
+author: carolinp
+layout: post
+title: My first command line post
+Hi! Hey! Hello!
+So here's how I commited to my repository through the command line:
+First, I installed Ruby using
+sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rubygems python-dev python-pip
+Then, I installed Jekyll and GitHub Pages with
+sudo gem install github-pages
+That didn't work, and it turned out I had an older version of Ruby. I tried Elliot's method of installing the new Ruby in class, but that didn't work either. So I just installed
+sudo gem install jekyll
+instead, and somehow that seemed to work.
+Then, I opened a new terminal and entered
+git clone http://github.com/{your-user-name}/fall2013.git
+I then changed directories using 'cd fall2013.'
+I did
+git remote add upstream http://github.com/silshack/fall2013.git
+to add the original repository, and then typed `git remote -v` to make sure that both remotes were there.
+I then made my first post by typing `nano _posts/FILENAME.md` and typed control o to save and control x to exit.
+I typed 'git status' to see my new, untracked file, added it using `git add _posts/FILENAME.md`, and then committed it using `git commit -m`
+To preview my new post, I closed out an opened a new terminal, typed 'cd fall 2013,' and then typed 'jekyll serve --watch.' I went to http://localhost:4000/fall2013, but the post wasn't there. Fortunately, when Elliot corrected the url by putting a backslash on the end in class on Wednesday, it worked!
+To push my new post to my repository, I opened up a new browser and typed in `git push origin gh-pages`, but I had just updated my repository, so git got really mad at me and told me to do that first. So I had to type `git pull origin gh-pages`, add and commit again, and then push to origin again. But trouble struck yet again! Somehow, the _site folder had gotten copied to my repository on Ubuntu, and when I committed I was too lazy to type the file name and just did `git add -A` and `git commit -a` because I figured that the changes were there for a reason, right? WRONG! This became clear to me when I had to open a pull request for silshack. So I had to delete the files and re-commit them to my repository, and then it was fixed! Gods be praised!
diff --git a/_posts/2013-10-14-christophers-post-from-terminal.md b/_posts/2013-10-14-christophers-post-from-terminal.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a7450a5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-10-14-christophers-post-from-terminal.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+layout: post
+author: ckenrick
+title: christophers post from terminal
+##Look Ma! I'm learning to use the command line!
+This is my first post from the terminal. I wasn't sure it was going to work at first because I recently swapped out the superdrive on my macbook pro for a SSD. When I got the new SSD up and running, I lost all of my applications, settings, etc. One of the main things I lost was my setting for VirtualBox, so I decided to just run Ubuntu off of Parallels 9, and I'm happy that I did because it's so much faster now.
+So I really enjoyed this exercise because it was one of the first ones I've done so far where I didn't run into too many problems. I followed the instructions listed on the "forteenth class" notes as closely as possible, even though my ADHD made me want to skip reading some of the instructions. So after following the instructions I didn't have any problems except for when I tried to view my post on my localhost. When I first tried to view my post on localhost I kept getting an error, but for the life of me I couldn't figure out why. Well, after asking Grant for some help he pointed out that it was only a matter of forgetting to add "/" at the end of fall2013. After getting that fixed everything else fell into place nicely.
+So it looks like everything is working fine, and I couldn't be more excited. Now let's see if I can push to Github.
+![Oh hells yes!](http://i.imgur.com/7KKiIXZ.png)
diff --git a/_posts/2013-10-14-jkgeer-commandline-post2.md b/_posts/2013-10-14-jkgeer-commandline-post2.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..81c354c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-10-14-jkgeer-commandline-post2.md
@@ -0,0 +1,51 @@
+author: jgeer
+layout: post
+title: My first command line post
+## Here's my explanation of the post from the command line with screenshots
+First, you need to clone the git blog repo so you can access, edit and
+push files. To do that, enter the code in the screenshot, but substituting
+your username for where I entered "jkgeer".
+Now you need to access the fall2013 directory. If you type ls from your
+command line you should see new files added to your home directory. Now cd
+to the fall2013 directory, type ls and look at the files within that directory.
+Now, because you want to create/edit a post from the command line, you need to access
+the _posts directory, which you would do by typing 'cd _posts'. Once you're there,
+type ls and you should see whichever posts were present the last time you forked
+the silshack github site to your personal one.
+Now, you need to use the Nano text editor to edit an existing post and change it to
+suit this assignment. To do this you type nano "exact post file name". So for
+instance, I typed "nano 2013-10-14-jkgeer-commandline-post.md". Keep in mind once
+you've typed far enough on the file name to distinguish it from all other files
+you can press TAB to auto-complete the file title.
+You should see the basic interface of the Nano text editor. Now you're going to
+include your username, the category and the post title. From there, simply edit
+the content to include what you need to include, then press Ctrl + O to save
+and rename the file to an appropriate name
+At this point you will type 'git status' and see that the file you've just edited
+is 'untracked.' So from here, type "git add 'file name here'. Typing git status again
+should have the file as green and ready to be committed. So type
+"git commit -m "commit message belongs here"
+Now you've committed your post, and you need to push it to your github site
+So type "git push origin gh-pages" to put it under the gh-pages branch of your
+github site. From there you're going to access Github and open a pull request!
+Congrats, you're done.
diff --git a/_posts/2013-10-14-kyles-first-commandline-post.md b/_posts/2013-10-14-kyles-first-commandline-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..76ed53e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-10-14-kyles-first-commandline-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+layout: post
+author: kshaffer
+categories: post
+This has been my first post from any command line. The process in general was a bit nerve-wracking, but so far it's been okay. The clear instructions have made this process a lot less painful than I was expecting.
+I think a lot of my initial confusion (and lingering confusion) stems from viewing the command line as a sort of "black box." Editing information directly on the GitHub website seems a bit more transparent - you get to see every step of the process and make sure things are going all right. I suppose the same is true for command line updating. You're still able to go through your changes step by step, but your updates are textual in the form of "statuses" as opposed to represented in a more directly visual way.
+In any case, this has been a really good exercise. Just the right amounts of exciting and uncomfortable.
+Screenshot below.
diff --git a/_posts/2013-10-14-turtlehack.md b/_posts/2013-10-14-turtlehack.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ee6c358
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/2013-10-14-turtlehack.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+layout: post
+author: jgeer
+categories: post
+This took me forever and I'm late on the deadline anyways but I think it's worth it to get what I want. I'm a big
+Modest Mouse fan and this picture just reminds me of their song 'Other People's Lives' which is one of my favorites
+(listen to it if you haven't). It's very repetitive and mixed up but it has patterns and connections and it's just great.
+Note the circles don't really contribute to this idea. i also tried random_coloring the words and didn't like it very much.
+Although I did like that the cursor ended up off the lines like it was 'out of road' which is a major lyric of the song,
+but that wasn't intentional.
+Here's the code:
+import turtle
+from turtlehack import *
+import random
+james = turtle.Turtle()
+for i in range(random.randint(0, 10)):
+ random_location(james, 50, 50)
+ cruz.color(random_color())
+ random_circle(james, 2, 4)
+words = ['out', 'of', 'everything', 'at', 'last']
+for i in range(random.randint(0, 30)):
+ rando_word = random.choice(words)
+ james.penup()
+ random_location(james, 150, 100)
+ james.write(rando_word)
+ james.pendown()
+words = ['out', 'of', 'gas', 'car', 'road']
+for i in range(random.randint(30, 50)):
+ rando_word = random.choice(words)
+ james.penup()
+ random_location(james, 150, 100)
+ james.write(rando_word)
+ james.pendown()
+![Modest Mouse Turtlehack](http://i.imgur.com/WXP8j3l.png)
diff --git a/_posts/alexharding/2013-10-14-alex-CLI-git.md b/_posts/alexharding/2013-10-14-alex-CLI-git.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c63cc70
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/alexharding/2013-10-14-alex-CLI-git.md
@@ -0,0 +1,19 @@
+layout: post
+author: alexharding
+categories: post
+published: true
+This is the post I'm creating using command line git.
+I think this was a good assignment. Even though I'm through a year and a quarter or so in SILS, and use it for my job, I'm still not always 100% comfortable with using the command line. It's just intimidating.
+I try and force myself to use it often, and do end up using it a lot for work-related stuff, but it's always good to push harder. I like that we learned the github GUI before we dove in to command line git, because it gave us a good foundation to build off of.
+For an overview of what we did: we installed some web-related things we needed, namely Ruby, and github's jekyll pages. Then we cloned our USERNAME/fall2013 repo to our local machine, wrote a post, committed it, then pushed it from our local fall2013 to our github fall2013, which we then used github to open a pull request to silshack/fall2013. Now we're adding to these posts. I'm wondering if some in the class (myself definitely included) would benefit from spending some time going over basic unix command line? I've gotten somewhat familiar with it, but it seems from some of the posts that the bare minimum we did in 461 wasn't quite up to snuff. Maybe an overview of just UNIX navigation (/ and ., pwd and ls and cd) might be helpful. I could write a post on that if people were interested.
+Anyway, this was a fun assignment, and it's always nice to dive headfirst into something with a list of instructions. It's a good way to have to figure things out yourself when they go wrong, and I like that a lot.
+Here's a screenshot of it all in action, for the sake of having a screenshot!
diff --git a/_posts/asherman/2013-10-13-turtle2asherman.md b/_posts/asherman/2013-10-13-turtle2asherman.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6cd93f7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/asherman/2013-10-13-turtle2asherman.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+layout: post
+author: asherman
+categories: post
+title: Another turtle
+Sorry this is late! Thanks again to Grant for the help.
+import turtle
+import turtlehack
+import random
+ed = turtle.Turtle()
+turtlehack.random_circle(ed, 5, 100)
+turtlehack.random_circle(ed, 5, 100)
+turtlehack.random_circle(ed, 5, 100)
+turtlehack.random_circle(ed, 5, 100)
+turtlehack.random_circle(ed, 5, 100)
+turtlehack.random_circle(ed, 5, 100)
+![Amber Second Turtle](http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7434/10257867915_cdf46625bc.jpg)
diff --git a/_posts/asherman/2013-10-14-testpost.md b/_posts/asherman/2013-10-14-testpost.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..9a0f4dc
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/asherman/2013-10-14-testpost.md
@@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
+author: asherman
+layout: post
+title: Ambers command line post
+The One Time Prep Work:
+Install Ruby by opening a terminal and typing sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rubygems python-dev python-pip
+This can take a while but once you get a command line again, install Jekyll and Github Pages by typing sudo gem install github-pages. Mine automatically produced the updated version, yay.
+In a new terminal type git clone http://github.com/ans729/fall2013.git and then change directories by typing cd fall2013. Add the main project by typing git remote add upstream http://github.com/silshack/fall2013.git. I then typed git remote -v and was asked to identify myself by putting in my email address and github username and password. I typed git remote –v again and saw:
+Origin git@github.com: ans729/fall2013.git (fetch)
+Origin git@github.com: ans729/fall2013.git (push)
+Upstream git@github.com: silshack/fall2013.git (fetch)
+Upstream git@github.com: silshack/fall2013.git (push)
+Writing (and later editing) the Actual Post
+Type nano _posts/asherman/2013-10-14-testpost.md which made the terminal go to nano mode and I could just type the post and add a screenshot like I would on github.com by typing ![screenshot name] (link to the jpg). Ctrl O to save and crtl x to exit and go back to the command line.
+Type git add _posts/asherman/2013-10-14-testpost.md and then git commit –m “updating my post”
+To make sure it looks ok, in a new terminal, type cd fall2013 and then Jekyll serve - - watch. Open firefox and go to http://localhost:4000/fall2013/ where I saw my post!
+In the non Jekyll serve terminal, type git push origin gh-pages. I opened my github.com and saw the post on my version of the repository so I opened a pull request to merge in the changes and once a committer approves , it should show on the silshack site.
+Well, I suppose if you are reading this, it worked!
+Like Kyle and Christopher, following the directions from the class notes
+made this pretty simple. I think I prefer the github.com way of making posts,
+but this works too.
+I do have two questions though:
+Does the "$" I get when I type past the length of the terminal just mean that it is starting a new line?
+How does the localhost site work? Did Elliott set that up in advance or
+will that be true for whatever directory we use?
+![Command Post Screenshot] (http://farm8.staticflickr.com/7454/10302480466_d59cf07910.jpg)
diff --git a/_posts/ashmbrown/2013-10-14-something-unique-post.md b/_posts/ashmbrown/2013-10-14-something-unique-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..28cfa9a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/ashmbrown/2013-10-14-something-unique-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
+author: abrown
+layout: post
+title: How I made this happen...
+## Through the command line
+List it out:
+1.cd fall2013 (change directory)
+2.nano _posts/ashmbrown/nameoffile.md (open text file to update)
+3.ctrl - o (save the file)
+4.ctrl - x (leave the file)
+5.git status (shows me the changes as an untracked file)
+6.git add _posts/ashmbrown/nameoffile.md (adds file)
+7.git status (shows that the file has been added - in green, ready to commit)
+8.git commit -m "message about commit" (this will add a message to commit)
+9.cd fall2013 (change directory)
+10.jekyll serve --watch (open up the local host)
+11.(check commit is reading)
+12.git push origin gh-pages (push the commit to github)
+Go to github.com
+13.Create a pull request
diff --git a/_posts/ckenrick/2013-10-11-Christophers-turtle.md b/_posts/ckenrick/2013-10-11-Christophers-turtle.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..c1d8607
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/ckenrick/2013-10-11-Christophers-turtle.md
@@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
+title: Christopher's Flower on Sun on Flower Turtle
+layout: post
+author: ckenrick
+categories: post
+Here's my sad attempt at a Turtle post. I spent all day trying to figure it out, but I'm happy enough with how it turned out.
+import turtle
+import turtlehack
+import random
+slowpoke = turtle.Turtle()
+from turtlehack import *
+for i in range(0, 10):
+ random_location = (slowpoke, i, i)
+ n_sided_polygon(slowpoke, 9, color=random_color(), line_thickness = 3, line_length = 75)
+from turtle import *
+color ('blue', 'green')
+while True:
+ forward(175)
+ left(75)
+ if abs(pos()) < 1:
+ break
+from turtlehack import *
+for i in range(95, 109):
+ random_location = (slowpoke, i, i)
+ n_sided_polygon(slowpoke, 9, color=random_color(), line_thickness = 3, line_length = 25)
+![Slowpoke the Turtle Screenshot!](http://i.imgur.com/kFMWxqb.png)
diff --git a/_posts/danielle/2013-10-11-turtle-shot.md b/_posts/danielle/2013-10-11-turtle-shot.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..79efafa
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/danielle/2013-10-11-turtle-shot.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+layout: post
+author: danielle
+categories: post
+title: Truly random circles
+This is my use of the turtlehack library. Results will vary.
+![This is my screen shot](http://i.imgur.com/NNg0SQ4.png)
+This is my code:
+import turtle
+from turtlehack import *
+import random
+fido = turtle.Turtle()
+canvas = turtle.Screen()
+canvas = bgcolor("black")
+for i in range(20):
+ random_circle(fido, 3, max_size = 100)
+ fido.color(random_color())
+ fido.penup()
+ random_location(fido, 50, 70)
+ fido.pendown()
+dotted_line(fido, 50, 12, random_color())
diff --git a/_posts/dpcolar/2013-10-14-commandline-post.md b/_posts/dpcolar/2013-10-14-commandline-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..de8bd40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/dpcolar/2013-10-14-commandline-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+author: dpcolar
+layout: post
+title: Dave's command Line Post
+My daily work is primarily at the command line, so this is all pretty familiar.
+Having the git commands on the class webpage is very helpful, but I also like this sheet:
+![Git command cheetsheet](http://www.unc.edu/~pcolar/git-cheat-sheet-medium.png)
+![This is the ubuntu VM running on my iMac](http://www.unc.edu/~pcolar/20131016_screenshot_1.png)
+Part way through the process, I decided to change the name of my post, which required ``` git rm 2013-10-14-newpost.md ``` and
+``` git add 2013-10-14-commandline-post.md ```.
diff --git a/_posts/elliott/2013-10-14-forteenth-class.md b/_posts/elliott/2013-10-14-forteenth-class.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..19153e8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/elliott/2013-10-14-forteenth-class.md
@@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
+author: elliott
+title: "Forteenth Class Notes: Local Class site!"
+layout: post
+## Laptops Down Announcements
+* Comments on this assignment?
+* Turtlehack showoffs
+* Namespaces
+* For the most recent turtlehacks, `git pull`
+## Laptops Up Announcements
+* Github check-ins
+* G+ & Meetups check-ins
+## Local Jekyll
+Our class blog is built around a blocing library called [Jekyll](http://jekyllrb.com). This is what Github uses to make our site, and we've been using Github to preview our changes. This is simpler than running code locally, but has plenty of limitations. We're now going to install Jekyll and hack our class site locally.
+### Installing ruby (and some other stuff we need)
+Install Ruby:
+sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rubygems python-dev python-pip
+If you get any errors or 404s, you may need to `sudo apt-get update`, but this can take a while so only do it if you need to.
+Install Jekyll and Github-Pages:
+sudo gem install github-pages
+If this doesn't work for you, sometimes just installing Jekyll will work instead:
+sudo gem install jekyll
+This gem (package of Ruby software) includes Jekyll and several other things needed to make our copy of Jekyll just like Github's. That way we should see the same errors, etc, that they do. To verify you've got a copy of Jekyll installed after this, type `which jekyll`. If you have Jekyll, this will print out a directory location. If not, it will do nothing- make sure your apt-get command didn't have any errors.
+### `git clone` your version of our class website
+Open a new Terminal
+git clone http://github.com/{your-user-name}/fall2013.git
+*Note: this may not work if you already have a copy of the project in a directory called `fall2013/`. I so, you can move the existing directory by typing `mv fall23013/ fall2013old/`. `mv` is UNIX for 'move `*
+Change directories into the `fall2013/` directory by typing `cd fall 2013`.
+Add the main project as a remote called `upstream`:
+git remote add upstream http://github.com/silshack/fall2013.git
+Now, when you type `git remote -v`, you should see this:
+origin git@github.com:{your-user-name}/fall2013.git (fetch)
+origin git@github.com:{your-user-name}/fall2013.git (push)
+upstream git@github.com:silshack/fall2013.git (fetch)
+upstream git@github.com:silshack/fall2013.git (push)
+Remember, `upstream` is the conventional name for the master project, while `origin` is the conventional name for your fork of it.
+### Write a post
+Jekyll looks for posts in the `_posts/` directory, so just make a post there as normal.
+Type `ls` to see what's in your directory:
+$ ls
+LICENSE.md _pages favicon.ico people.markdown
+README.md _posts feedback.markdown schedule.markdown
+_config.yml _site files showoffs
+_includes assignments.markdown index.html syllabus.markdown
+_layouts css music.markdown turtle.markdown
+You can see the _posts directory is right there. To make a post, type `nano _posts/2013-10-14-post-title.md`, where 'post-title' is the title of your post. If you're using a subdirectory, you can insert that after `_posts/` like this: `nano _posts/{your-directory}/2013-10-14-post-title.md`.
+Make your post about your first time posting from the command line (if it is) or talk a little about how and why you worked ahead if you've already been active from the command line.
+When you're done, type `ctrl-o` to save and `ctrl-x` to exit nano.
+### Add & Commit your post.
+Type `git status` to see what's going on. You should see your new post there listed as an 'untracked file'. We tell git to add it to the files to be commited by typing `git add _posts/2013-10-14-post-title.md` (replacing that with the actual file name you used).
+Type `git status` again and you should see the same file, but now in green, and listed as a change to be committed. To commit the change, type `git commit -m "Message describing the commit"`, replacing that message with a real one describing what you did (i.e. made a new post).
+### Preview your post
+In a separate Terminal, Change directories into the `fall2013/` directory by typing `cd fall 2013`. (you can check your location by typing `pwd`. This should return `~/fall2013/`.)
+Fire up Jekyll by typing `jekyll serve --watch`. 'serve' is a mode of Jekyll that will display your site at http://localhost:4000/fall2013. '--watch' is a flag that will make it update the site automatically if you make any changes.
+Open a web browser and go to http://localhost:4000/fall2013 and you should see a local copy of the website with you post in it! If you get any errors, there is likely something about your post that is confusing Jekyll. Instead of the cumbersome process of trying to figure out what Github pages didn't like, we can now do the slightly less cumbersome process of debugging our code locally using error messages.
+Once the site is running, make some changes to your post, wait a few seconds, and refresh your browser. Like magic, the site is changed. Once you've got it the way you want it, it's ready to get pushed to our main site!
+### Push your post to `origin` (your fork of our repo) & open a pull request
+You're now ready to push your post to Github. Do so by typing `git push origin gh-pages`. If you get any errors, first type `git pull origin gh-pages` to merge in any remote changes then push them back out normally.
+Open a pull request by comparing your `gh-pages` branch on github.com with the silshack `gh-pages` branch. Make sure to note in the pull request or a comment that it's not ready for merging yet- we've got more work to do.
+You're done for now. The exercise below will have you modify, save, add, commit, and push an update to your post. This new commit with automatically show up on your existing pull request. You can then comment to indicate it's ready for review. Please do so before the deadline of midnight tonight..
+## Exercise: A post-from-the-command-line post, with screenshots
+Your post should explain in your own words what the process of posting or our class blog from the command line. Bonus points for screenshots and correct code blocking. This is due by the end of the day **Wednesday**.
diff --git a/_posts/epeele/2013-10-14-Elizabeths-Command-Line-Jekyll.md b/_posts/epeele/2013-10-14-Elizabeths-Command-Line-Jekyll.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7e41d07
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/epeele/2013-10-14-Elizabeths-Command-Line-Jekyll.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+title: Elizabeth's Command Line Post
+layout: post
+author: epeele
+categories: post
+So far so good, except for the random updates needed and my computer not wanting to open nano too quickly. I found it much easier to follow the detailed instructions. If I got stuck on something, like an internet problem or having to update, it allowed me to easily go back and pick up from I had to leave off.
+My screen shot isn't very descriptive because I had already closed one of the terminal windows, but here it is.
+![Command Line](http://www.unc.edu/~epeele/file/peele_commandline.png)
diff --git a/_posts/gerbal/2013-09-30-grant-add_names.md b/_posts/gerbal/2013-09-30-grant-add_names.md
index c2f1995..a8e7ff8 100644
--- a/_posts/gerbal/2013-09-30-grant-add_names.md
+++ b/_posts/gerbal/2013-09-30-grant-add_names.md
@@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ categories: post
here's my code:
import re
def add_names(list_of_names, file):
diff --git a/_posts/gerbal/2013-10-14-another-post.md b/_posts/gerbal/2013-10-14-another-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ac10bcf
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/gerbal/2013-10-14-another-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,68 @@
+title: Howto: post to the class blog
+author: gmclendon
+layout: post
+First things first, I'm using a heavily customized windows shell. It looks different that Ubuntu or other *nix terminals, but behaves exactly the same. Don't let the appearance fool you. If you're curious I'm using the [Gnuwin32](http://gnuwin32.sourceforge.net/) toolset.
+## Getting any changes
+First thing we are going to do is clone our class blog git repo, add the master repository, and make sure everything is merged into out personal branch.
+$ git clone https://github.com/[user]/fall2013.git #put your github user name where [user] is
+$ cd fall2013
+$ git remote add upstream https://github.com/silshack/fall2013.git
+$ git pull upstream gh-pages
+# at this stage you may have conflicts. Resolve them by editing the files using nano or another editor.
+$ git commit -a -m "merged upstream" #in case any conflicts need to be merged
+$ git push origin gh-pages
+## Creating the post
+Now we're going to make and edit a post. It's pretty simple.
+$ nano _posts/[user]/[date]-[title].md #replace [user] with your user name, [date] should be formatted "1970-01-31"
+Now that we're in nano you need to write your post. If you feel the need to include a colon use the '\:' code instead. Jekyll will see a colon in the header as a yaml stuff and will fail to render your post correctly ('\:' shows up as ':'' when your browser renders the page).
+Be sure to format your header correctly:
+title: Howto: post to the class blog
+author: gmclendon
+layout: post
+It should look something like this in nano:
+![picture of nano](http://i.imgur.com/6Y20kW2.png)
+Save the file using 'ctrl + o' and 'ctrl + x' to exit.
+Now run 'jekyll serve' and navigate to [http://localhost:4000/fall2013/](http://localhost:4000/fall2013/) and make sure your post looks the way you think it should.
+If you don't have Jekyll installed you can get it by running:
+$ sudo apt-get install ruby1.9.3
+$ sudo gem install github-pages
+## Putting your post on the blog
+Now we need to commit our changes and send them back to github.
+$ git add . # adds all files that have changed from the last commit to the next commit
+$ git commit -a -m "made an awesome post" # commits the changes and stages them to be shared with other repositories
+# git push origin gh-pages # pushes your changes to github
+now go to github, open an pull request like so:
+![picture of github](http://i.imgur.com/OXLCmPP.png)
+Now it's on the commiters to review your post and commit it.
diff --git a/_posts/jpowell/2013-10-16-ClassAssignment.md b/_posts/jpowell/2013-10-16-ClassAssignment.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..200a395
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/jpowell/2013-10-16-ClassAssignment.md
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+layout: post
+author: jpowell
+categories: post
+title: How to post to the class blog from the command line
+# How to post to the class blog from the command line
+* First, you will need to develop your post locally. Create a new markdown file in the _posts directory. Once you're done editing this file, make sure you save it before moving on to the next step.
+* Then, preview your changes locally to make sure they actually work with Github / Jekyll and don't break the site. To do this, try running jekyll server in the background.
+source /home/jaleesa/.rvm/scripts/rvm
+jekyll serve --watch
+![Everything Works! The screenshot.](http://i947.photobucket.com/albums/ad316/dieschwarzeskobra/buildpostjekyll_zpsf6be7a22.png)
+* If everything looks good and your post is showing up with no problems, add your post to the git stage.
+* Commit the changes. Make sure you're putting a descriptive message with your commits.
+* Push to your own repository.
+git add $YOURPOST
+git commit -m $YOURMESSAGE
+* Create a pull request to have your post reviewed by the committers on the class blog.
diff --git a/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-11-Jonathan's-New-Turtlehack.md b/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-11-Jonathan's-New-Turtlehack.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3920b14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-11-Jonathan's-New-Turtlehack.md
@@ -0,0 +1,27 @@
+layout: post
+author: jpulliza
+categories: post
+This turtle script will make a random number of polygons with between 5 to 10 sides.
+![new turtlehack](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4614624/new_turtle.jpg)
+import turtle
+from turtlehack import *
+import random
+qrt = turtle.Turtle()
+for i in range(random.randint(0,50)):
+ qrt.color(random_color())
+ n_sided_polygon(qrt, random.randint(5,10), random_color())
+ random_location(qrt,50,100)
diff --git a/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-14-new-post.md b/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-14-new-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..72ad0fb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-14-new-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+author: jpulliza
+layout: post
+title: My First Command Line Post
+##Post From the Command Line
+Lots and lots accomplished with this post!
+First, this post was sent through my local repository on my SILS hack TARDIS to the site. That is actually pretty straight forward. Once you set up the origin and upstream it is just a matter of keeping the Git model straight in your head. Also before any of your messing around make sure your copy of FALL2013 is the latest update from SILSHACK through a pull request to your local repository.
+The hardest part was actally getting Jekyll up and running on my machine. No matter how many times I tried to uninstall Ruby 1.8.7 and install Ruby 1.9.3, it just wasn't working, and without 1.9.3 github-pages doesn't work. The solution came through some Googling and eventualy finding this [link](http://leonard.io/blog/2012/05/installing-ruby-1-9-3-on-ubuntu-12-04-precise-pengolin/), which deals with installing Ruby on Ubuntu 12.04. Now my local Jekyll is up and running as shown through the following screenshot.
+![JP Screenshot](https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/4614624/First%20Command%20Line%20Post.png)
diff --git a/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-16-JP-How-to-post-cmdline.md b/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-16-JP-How-to-post-cmdline.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..cb832c7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/jpulliza/2013-10-16-JP-How-to-post-cmdline.md
@@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
+layout: post
+author: jpulliza
+categories: post
+title: How to Post from Command Line
+This is some clarification on my first post from command line, which can be found [here.](http://silshack.github.io/fall2013/2013/10/14/new-post.html)
+There are a few "objects" that you will need to manipulate:
+1. Your local Git repository
+2. A post formatted in markdown on your local machine.
+3. Your GitHub repository
+4. The class GitHub repository
+First make sure you have set up a git of the SILSHACK repository on your machine. The instructions can be found [here](http://silshack.github.io/fall2013/2013/10/14/forteenth-class.html)
+Next create a text file in the '_posts' directory (with the added optional subdirectory with your name)
+Open up a terminal and change your directory to where your git is, in this case 'cd fall2013.' Now if you run 'git status' you should see your new file in red. You need to 'git add [file name]', and then 'git commit' that file.
+When you commit that file, that is going into your LOCAL repository. You need to push that file to your GitHub repository, so you can through pushing your changes to your GitHub repository (in this case named origin) by entering 'git push origin gh-pages'. You should be prompted for your GitHub username and password.
+Now you can run a normal pull request from GitHub.com to merge that into the SILSHACK site.
diff --git a/_posts/landon/2013-10-14-todays-post.md b/_posts/landon/2013-10-14-todays-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..400280e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/landon/2013-10-14-todays-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,28 @@
+layout: post
+author: lgrindheim
+title: my first command line post
+##My First Command Line Post
+**Hello, World!
+The more challenging, and at this point, less intuitive, portion of this process is working with git from the command line. First, I made a clone of my branch that appears on github.com.
+git clone http://github.com/landongrindheim/fall2013.git
+The title and subtitle above were the content of the post that was my first artifact made purely on the command line. Fancy. After cloning the fall2013 repository I opened the repository using the `cd` command. I then created the post with Ubuntu's text editor by typing `nano 2013-10-14-todays-post.md`.
+After saving the file I checked its status using `git status`. I saw that my recent was hanging out in limbo so I typed `git add 2013-10-14-todays-post.md`. I check on the posts status and saw that it was ready to be sent to github. `git commit -m"something or other"` allowed me to do so. I went to github.com and sure enough, it was there in my repository. Pretty cool. I'll do the same for these changes. First, I better take a screenshot, so I can complete this mother.
+![first command line post](http://landonandjana.files.wordpress.com/2013/10/first-command-line.png?w=500&h=375)
+Here I thought I was done, but I was not. I looked at my view of the course blog and couldn't see the changes that I had made. I couldn't figure out why until I read Jaleesa's post. I had forgotten to `git push` my repository. My classmates offer the solution again.
+One more change, to make this tedious, unedited post even more tedious. I was having trouble pushing my changes to github when I looked at Ashley's post. I had forgotten to push to `origin gh-pages`. I had to pull in some unrelated changes I had made on github before I could push this file, but that was quickly done.
diff --git a/_posts/lho/2013-10-11-Leslies-TurtleHack-Post.md b/_posts/lho/2013-10-11-Leslies-TurtleHack-Post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6765f5a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/lho/2013-10-11-Leslies-TurtleHack-Post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+layout: post
+author: lho
+categories: post
+This is my TurtleHack post!
+import turtle
+from turtlehack import *
+for i in range(0,200):
+ bri.circle(i)
+ bri.color(random_color())
+ random_circle(bri,25,max_size=100)
diff --git a/_posts/lho/2013-10-14-Leslies-Git-Command-Line-Post.md b/_posts/lho/2013-10-14-Leslies-Git-Command-Line-Post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3db7dbb
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/lho/2013-10-14-Leslies-Git-Command-Line-Post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
+layout: post
+author: lho
+categories: post
+So this is my second time doing this. The first time, I forgot to add .git to the end of the origin and upstream so on the plus side, I know how to change the URL for upstream and origin! But I think I've gotten the hang of it and its much cooler than doing it through the github site!
+EDIT(10/16/13): So Elliot's instructions were extremely clear cut so I was able to use Git Command Line without anything crazy. So after installing Ruby and github pages, I cloned the class repository, added the class site as my remote upstream, wrote a post in nano about Git Command Line, added and committed the post, then I previewed it on my browser on a local host. I then pushed the post and created a pull request.
+That being said, I made some mistakes in doing the post. My first mistake was that I had not added .git to thhe origin and upstream URLs. This caused me to not be able to commit my assignment, but to be honest, I'm not totally sure wheere it went...because there were no error messages. Another mistake I made was when I changed my file-name mid commit because my original file name was named incorrectly. Git wasn't able to commit the post because there was no file under that name(because I didn't change the name in nano).
+Q: So I was wondering, how do you softwrap the text in the Git Command line os that the sentence does not just keep going and going in the window?
+Here's a screenshot of my process!
diff --git a/_posts/mgillen/2013-10-11-marys-2nd-turtle-post.md b/_posts/mgillen/2013-10-11-marys-2nd-turtle-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..4a1ffb6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/mgillen/2013-10-11-marys-2nd-turtle-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+title: Mary's Take on Modern Art, An Experiment with Turtle
+layout: post
+author: mgillen
+categories: post
+Calling it, I'm going to be rich some day. They don't make art like this anymore. I also want to say I am still working on getting my triforce to work. It will happen. I'll make an announcement when it's working and beautiful!
+![My Turtle](http://i.imgur.com/bmSfhZr.png)
+import turtle
+from turtlehack import *
+import random
+mary = turtle.Turtle()
+for i in range(random.randint(0,10)):
+ random_location(mary, 300, 300)
+ mary.color(random_color())
+ random_circle(mary, 5, 15)
+for i in range(random.randint(0, 5)):
+ random_location(mary, 150, 200)
+ n_sided_polygon(mary, 8, color=random_color(), line_thickness=5, line_length=50)
diff --git a/_posts/mgillen/2013-10-14-marys-local-class-post.md b/_posts/mgillen/2013-10-14-marys-local-class-post.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..adc61e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/mgillen/2013-10-14-marys-local-class-post.md
@@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
+author: mgillen
+layout: post
+title: Mary's Command Line Post
+categories: post
+published: true
+This is my first attempt at posting from the command line. So far, so good... While it does seem easier to manipulate, I feel that working off the command line can get overwhelming because of the vast amount of text we're working with and the jargon of the language. Anyway, this is my attempt so let's hope this posts correctly!
+EDIT (10/16): So, the first attempt was successful! Now, let's explain what happened. Essentially what we're doing is going through the back end to our website. As mentioned before, this is an extremely effective and flexible tool, but it can be overwhelming to those new at programming and/or those who aren't accustomed to using the command line (yours truly included). Fortunately, the process isn't that difficult.
+Our first step is to clone our class blog using git repo. Elliott's instructions are very clear cut and make this process easy. Thanks to Grant, we know that in basic English what we're doing is adding the master repository and making sure everything is merged into our personal branch. Our second step is to create the actual post, which is what I'm writing right this moment (so meta). This is easy, but it's important to remember to use the same formatting we would use if we created the post directly on Github. Once we've saved our post, the last step is committing our changes and pushing them to the website. Elliott and Grant have both documented this using code, so I would check out their pages if you need some help!
+![My code](http://i.imgur.com/ZXXvrEw.png)
+That's it! Pretty easy. While a bit scary at first, once you get into it, the process is simple and clear cut. Good luck!
diff --git a/_posts/odorsey/2013-10-14-command-line-odorsey.md b/_posts/odorsey/2013-10-14-command-line-odorsey.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..51e837d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/odorsey/2013-10-14-command-line-odorsey.md
@@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
+title: Olivia's First Command Line Post
+layout: post
+author: odorsey
+categories: post
+Yay! This is my first time creating a post from the command line! I realized during this process that using the command line isn't so scary, but actually makes coding a whole lot easier! If you break down each step, it basically involves installing the programs that you need and then moving through the same processes that you would on the interface for Github.
+So what I did first was install Ruby on my version of Ubuntu (via VirtualBox).
+To do that, you first go to the "Terminal." on Ubuntu. First, I cloned my version
+of the class website by typing "git clone http://github.com/odorsey/
+fall2013.git" in the"Terminal." Next, I moved to that directory by typing "cd
+Next, I installed Ruby by typing "sudo apt-get install ruby ruby-dev rubygems
+python-dev python-pip." The installation process took a while to run, but
+after that, I checked to make sure the correct version of Ruby was running.
+To do this, type "ruby -v". The version I wanted was, ruby 1.9.3., which is
+what installed correctly on my computer. Perfect!
+Afterwards, I installed Jekyll, the library that builds up the GitHub site for
+my class blog, Silshack. To install Jekyll, I typed "sudo gem install github
+-pages". Once that process was complete, I checked to see if it actually
+installed by typing "which jekyll" to see if it would display my directory. It
+In a new terminal window, I moved to the directory that I had cloned earlier,
+odorsey/fall2013. To do this, I typed "cd fall2013." After that, I typed "git
+remote -v" to make sure that my "origin" and "upstream" urls were correct.
+They were.
+Next, I typed "nano _posts/odorsey/2013-10-14-command-line-odorsey.md" to
+create the pst that you are currently reading! This brought me to the nano
+editor, which allows me to write in markdown and save a file to be pushed
+later. I pressed "ctrl + O" to save this file.
+In order to add the blog markdown file that you are currently reading, I typed
+"git add _posts/odorsey/2013-10-14-command-line-odorsey.md." "git status" allowed
+me to see that the post was created and ready to be committed. In order to officially
+move the file to my personal directory (odorsey/fall2013), or commit it, I typed "git
+commit-m "Created command line post."
+After this, I created another Terminal and once again moved to the fall2013 directory.
+In order to create my localhost version of the class site, I typed, "jekyll serve --watch."
+Once I opened up Firefox, I immediately typed in the URL, "http://localhost:4000/fall2013."
+To my disappointment, I received a "Not Found" error. It was not until I typed "http://
+localhost: 4000/fall2013/" (thanks to Grant's tip on Google Plus!) that I was able to view my post.
+After a few edits, I used "git push origin gh-pages" in order to move my post to my branch!
+I'm excited to see how else one can interact with the terminal and localhost to test and develop websites now! Here
+is my final result:
+![Command Line Screenshot](http://img843.imageshack.us/img843/2772/zq7q.jpg)
diff --git a/_posts/sburnham/2013-10-10-Turtlehack2.md b/_posts/sburnham/2013-10-10-Turtlehack2.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d348cac
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/sburnham/2013-10-10-Turtlehack2.md
@@ -0,0 +1,49 @@
+layout: post
+author: sburnham
+published: true
+title: "Sarah's turtle"
+# Tessie!
+I like adding a colored background to the turtles - next time, I might let it auto select a color!
+![Screen shot 1](https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/Hr6XPxOP3fkDLAwh3vPwP52UGuek8vPK1-xjUQd32t0=w444-h541-no)
+![Screen shot 2](https://lh4.googleusercontent.com/cximLLJ6g5gv3MXrmuQPm0VORTihrkVAwyNRM2x46h4=w459-h541-no)
+import turtle
+import random
+tessie = turtle.Turtle()
+def random_color():
+ color_value = format(random.randint(0, 16777215), '06x')
+ return "#" + color_value
+def random_location(turtle, x, y):
+ random_x = random.randint(-x, x)
+ random_y = random.randint(-y, y)
+ turtle.setpos(random_x, random_y)
+wn = turtle.Screen()
+wn.bgcolor("dark blue")
+for i in range(random.randint(0, 250)):
+ turtle.left(random.randint(0, 175))
+ turtle.forward(random.randint(25, 175))
+ turtle.dot(random.randint(20, 75), random_color())
+ turtle.forward(50)
+ turtle.left(90)
+ turtle.left(90)
+ turtle.left(90)
+ turtle.left(90)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..760a051
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/sburnham/2013-10-14-newpost.md
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+layout: post
+author: sburnham
+title: My First Command Line Post (I hope!)
+## First Command Line Post
+In class on Monday, we went through the process of committing our first post from the command line.
+Screen shot: ![Here](https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-icQ4ylcmFY8/Ul6LhWjHd3I/AAAAAAAADJg/Si63qXQ2Fog/w535-h401-no/command+line+post.png)
+The first thing we did during that process was to install Ruby. My understanding is that we needed to do this so that we could later install Jekyll so that we can preview using a local host. This will allow us to view a preview version of the site that looks like our github pages site.
+When I attempted to install Github-pages, I like many classmates had trouble. I installed only Jekyll, and was able to complete the command line post and preview.
+I cloned a version of our class website on my local computer and assigned upstream to be:
+Then, I assigned origin to be:
+origin git@github.com:sbbreen/fall2013.git
+This allows me to use master and orgin as the to refer to these locations.
+The next step was to create a post in the proper directory and folder. Using the tab key was useful because it was able to auto complete the folder names. This naming structure was exactly the same as how we did it on the github website.
+To stage the post, we used the command git add filename. The next step is to git commit. When committing, you leave a message using -m "message".
+After committing, I used Jekyll local host to preview my post (at the default 4000 post). If the post looks good, the last step is to push the changes to my site. At first, I thought this was the same creating a pull request from my site on github to the class site on github, but then I learned that this just committed my changes to my version of the site, then I still had to open a pull request frmo my github site to the class github site.
+All in all, I thought this was a very successful assignement. Though its a few steps, all of our practive over the past couple of weeks has made it easy for me to understand what I am doing with each step!
diff --git a/_posts/sburnham/2013-10-14newpost.md b/_posts/sburnham/2013-10-14newpost.md
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..a10403e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/sburnham/2013-10-14newpost.md
@@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
+layout: post
+author: sburnham
+title: My First Command Line Post (I hope!)
+## First Post
+How's it looking?
diff --git a/_posts/stacey/2013-10-14-this-is-a-post-stupid.md b/_posts/stacey/2013-10-14-this-is-a-post-stupid.md
new file mode 100644
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--- /dev/null
+++ b/_posts/stacey/2013-10-14-this-is-a-post-stupid.md
@@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
+title: We're just gonna hold hands and sail off this cliff together.
+layout: post
+author: smantooth
+categories: post
+So, creating a post from the command line gave me a few problems right from the start.
+Following the instructions left me with the wrong version of Ruby, but when I removed it and got Ruby 1.9.3 instead, terminal was still showing I had the old version.
+Grant helped me fix it (Thank you Grant!), because the old dev and gems needed to be remove to before 1.9.3 could be used.
+After that I just followed the instructions in the class notes to:
+* clone my class site
+* adding the class site as a remote upstream
+* writing a post in nano
+* adding and commiting the post
+* previewing the local version
+* pushing the post and creating a pull request
+And here's a screenshot of some of that process in Terminal:
+![Terminal screenshot, or not Gina Davis and Susan Sarandon in a convertible.](http://imageshack.us/a/img600/3656/q2j1.png)
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new file mode 100644
index 0000000..18328ce
Binary files /dev/null and b/favicon.ico differ
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