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How to compile the TinyORM C++ library on Windows and Linux.
c++ orm

import Link from '@docusaurus/Link'

import APITable from '@theme/APITable' import CodeBlock from '@theme/CodeBlock' import TabItem from '@theme/TabItem' import Tabs from '@theme/Tabs'

import RootFolder from '@theme/RootFolder' import RootFolderInput from '@theme/RootFolderInput' import { shell, application, bash, pwsh, application_label, bash_label, pwsh_label } from '@theme/constants' import { applicationFolder, applicationFolderPath, convertToCmakeEnvVariable, rootFolderPath } from '@theme/utils/rootFolderUtils'

Building: TinyORM


__Stability: 2__ - Stable

The build systems supported out of the box are CMake and qmake.

:::info All examples below assume that pwsh runs on Windows and bash runs on Linux. :::

Common Prerequisites

Install the required dependencies before starting.

:::warning The QSqlDatabase depends on QCoreApplication from Qt v6.5.3 so you must create the QCoreApplication instance before you will call anything from the TinyORM library. 🫤 The change was made here. :::

Windows Prerequisites

Build environment scripts

The Visual Studio does not provide vcvars scripts for pwsh, you can use vcvars64.ps1 provided by TinyORM in the tools/ folder. Place them on the $env:Path user/system path and they will be available system-wide.

The same is true for the Qt Framework, it doesn't provide qtenv scripts for pwsh too. You can create your own script, place it on the $env:Path user/system path and it will be available system-wide.

Here is one simple example for pwsh and bash on Linux.

#!/usr/bin/env pwsh

Set-StrictMode -Version 3.0

Write-Host 'Setting up environment for Qt 6.7.2 usage...' -ForegroundColor Magenta

$Script:QtRoot = $env:TINY_QT_ROOT ?? 'C:\Qt'

$env:Path = "$Script:QtRoot\6.7.2\msvc2019_64\bin;" + $env:Path

. vcvars64.ps1
#!/usr/bin/env sh

echo 'Setting up environment for Qt 6.7.2 usage...'


export PATH="$QtRoot/6.7.2/gcc_64/bin"${PATH:+:}$PATH
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH="$QtRoot/6.7.2/gcc_64/lib"${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:}$LD_LIBRARY_PATH

:::info These scripts consider the TINY_QT_ROOT environment variable that should point to the Qt installation folder, you can define this environment variable globally in your OS. :::

:::info You can't execute these qtenvX scripts, they have to be sourced like source qtenvX or . qtenvX. :::

Allow symbolic links unprivileged

Open Local Security Policy, go to Local Policies - User Rights Assignment, open Create symbolic links and add your user account or user group, restart when it doesn't apply immediately.

Folders structure

All examples are based on the following folders structure. The tom folder will contain a migrations console application.

:::tip You can set the root and application folder paths in the form below and they will be used across the whole website. 🥳 The pwsh shell is supposed to use on Windows and the bash shell on Linux, but it is not a requirement. :::

Current pwsh path 

│   ├── HelloWorld/
│   |   ├── HelloWorld/
│   |   ├── HelloWorld-builds-cmake/
│   |   |   └── build-debug/
│   |   └── HelloWorld-builds-qmake/
│   |       └── build-debug/
│   ├── TinyORM/
│   |   ├── TinyORM/
│   |   ├── TinyORM-builds-cmake/
│   |   │   ├── build-gcc-debug/
│   |   │   ├── build-gcc-release/
│   |   │   └── build-clang-debug/
│   |   └── TinyORM-builds-qmake/
│   |       ├── build-debug/
│   |       ├── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSVC2019_64bit-Debug/
│   |       └── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSYS2_UCRT64_64bit-Release/
│   └── tom/
│       ├── tom/
│       │   └── database/
│       │       ├── migrations/
│       │       ├── seeders/
│       │       ├── migrations.pri
│       │       └── seeders.pri
│       ├── tom-builds-cmake/
│       │   └── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSVC2019_64bit-Debug/
│       └── tom-builds-qmake/
│           ├── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSYS2_UCRT64_64bit-Release/
│           └── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSVC2019_64bit-Debug/
├── tmp/
└── vcpkg/
Current bash path 

│   ├── HelloWorld/
│   |   ├── HelloWorld/
│   |   ├── HelloWorld-builds-cmake/
│   |   |   └── build-debug/
│   |   └── HelloWorld-builds-qmake/
│   |       └── build-debug/
│   ├── TinyORM/
│   |   ├── TinyORM/
│   |   ├── TinyORM-builds-cmake/
│   |   │   ├── build-gcc-debug/
│   |   │   ├── build-gcc-release/
│   |   │   └── build-clang-debug/
│   |   └── TinyORM-builds-qmake/
│   |       ├── build-debug/
│   |       ├── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_GCC_64bit-Debug/
│   |       └── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_clang18_64bit_ccache-Release/
│   └── tom/
│       ├── tom/
│       │   └── database/
│       │       ├── migrations/
│       │       ├── seeders/
│       │       ├── migrations.pri
│       │       └── seeders.pri
│       ├── tom-builds-cmake/
│       │   └── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_clang18_64bit_ccache-Debug/
│       └── tom-builds-qmake/
│           ├── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_GCC_64bit-Debug/
│           └── build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_clang18_64bit_ccache-Release/
├── tmp/
└── vcpkg/

:::danger Avoid paths with spaces with the qmake build system, it will not compile. :::

:::tip You can force the QtCreator to generate a build folders structure as is described above.

To generate the required folders structure set the Settings - Build & Run - Default Build Properties - Default build directory to:
../%{Project:Name}-builds-%{BuildSystem:Name}/%{JS: Util.asciify("build-%{Project:Name}-%{Kit:FileSystemName}-%{BuildConfig:Name}")} :::

Getting started

Prepare compilation environment, we need to put the Qt Framework and Visual Studio MSVC compiler on the path on Windows. The compiler is already on the path on Linux and you can export PATH and LD_LIBRARY_PATH for Qt Framework, or use our qtenvX scripts described above.

{`mkdir ${rootFolderPath(pwsh)} cd ${rootFolderPath(pwsh)} $env:Path = 'C:\\Qt\\6.7.2\\msvc2019_64\\bin;' + $env:Path vcvars64.ps1`} {`mkdir -p ${rootFolderPath(bash)} cd ${rootFolderPath(bash)} export PATH=/opt/Qt/6.7.2/gcc_64/bin$\{PATH:+:\}$PATH export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/opt/Qt/6.7.2/gcc_64/lib$\{LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+:\}$LD_LIBRARY_PATH`}

:::tip You can also use the tools/Add-FolderOnPath.ps1 pwsh script to quickly prepend a path or pwd on the system PATH. :::


Installing the vcpkg is highly recommended, it simplifies installation of the range-v3 and tabulate dependencies.

git clone
cd vcpkg
git clone [email protected]:microsoft/vcpkg.git
cd vcpkg

Add vcpkg on the system path, add the following to the .bashrc or .zshrc on Linux.

{`export PATH=${rootFolderPath(bash)}/vcpkg\${PATH:+:}$PATH`}

On Windows, open the Environment variables dialog and add vcpkg on the user PATH.

Or you can export it for the current session only.

{`$env:Path = "${rootFolderPath(pwsh, false)}\\vcpkg;" + $env:Path`} {`export PATH=${rootFolderPath(bash)}/vcpkg\${PATH:+:}$PATH`}

Set up vcpkg environment

To export vcpkg environment variables globally, add it to the .bashrc or .zshrc on Linux, and you can use the Environment variables dialog on Windows.

export VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET=x64-linux
export VCPKG_OVERLAY_PORTS="$HOME/.local/share/vcpkg/ports"
export VCPKG_OVERLAY_TRIPLETS="$HOME/.local/share/vcpkg/triplets"
export VCPKG_ROOT="$HOME/Code/c/vcpkg"

:::info It is recommended to define these variables globally because the CMake and qmake build system are able to detect the vcpkg installation from them so you don't have to configure them manually to detect the vcpkg installation. :::

:::tip On Windows, it's always better to create these types of variables as user variables instead of system variables in the Environment variables dialog. :::

C preprocessor macros

The following table summarizes all the C preprocessor macros defined in the TinyORM library. These C macros are configured by CMake or qmake build systems. They are not sorted alphabetically, but they are sorted by how significant they are.

In the CMake build system, all the C macros are auto-detected / auto-configured or controlled by CMake build options, so you don't have to care too much about them.

In the qmake build is important whether you are building TinyORM library or you are building your application and linking against TinyORM library. When you are building the TinyORM library, all the C macros are auto-detected / auto-configured or controlled by qmake build options, so you don't have to care too much about them.

But a special situation is when you are building your application / library and you are linking against TinyORM library. In this particular case, you must configure all these C macros manually! For this reason, the TinyOrm.pri has been created, so that's not a big deal either. Little more info here.

C Macro Name Description
TINYORM_LINKING_SHARED Must be defined when you are linking against TinyORM shared build (dll library), exported classes and functions will be tagged with __declspec(dllimport) on msvc and visibility("default") on GCC >= 4.
TINYORM_BUILDING_SHARED Defined when TinyORM is built as a dll library (shared build).
TINYORM_DEBUG Defined in the debug build.
TINYORM_NO_DEBUG Defined in the release build.
TINYORM_DEBUG_SQL Defined in the debug build.
TINYORM_NO_DEBUG_SQL Defined in the release build.
TINYORM_MYSQL_PING Enable Orm::MySqlConnection::pingDatabase() method.
Defined when mysql_ping (qmake) / MYSQL_PING (cmake) configuration build option is enabled.
TINYORM_DISABLE_ORM Controls the compilation of all ORM-related source code, when this macro is defined, then only the query builder without ORM is compiled. Also excludes ORM-related unit tests.
Defined when disable_orm (qmake) / ORM (cmake) configuration build option is enabled (qmake) / disabled (cmake).
TINYORM_EXTERN_CONSTANTS Defined when extern constants are used. Extern constants are enabled by default for shared builds and disabled for static builds.
Described at qmake / CMake how it works.
TINYORM_INLINE_CONSTANTS Defined when global inline constants are used.
Defined when inline_constants (qmake) / INLINE_CONSTANTS (cmake) configuration build option is enabled.
TINYORM_TESTS_CODE Enable code needed by unit tests, eg. connection overriding in the Orm::Tiny::Model.
Defined when build_tests (qmake) / BUILD_TESTS (cmake) configuration build option is enabled.
TINYORM_DISABLE_THREAD_LOCAL Remove all thread_local storage duration specifiers, it disables multi-threading support.
Defined when disable_thread_local (qmake) / DISABLE_THREAD_LOCAL (cmake) configuration build option is enabled.
TINYTOM_MIGRATIONS_DIR Default migrations path for the make:migration command, can be an absolute or relative path (to the pwd).
Default value: database/migrations (relative to the pwd)
Defined by TOM_MIGRATIONS_DIR (cmake) configuration build option.
(qmake note) You can use DEFINES += TINYTOM_MIGRATIONS_DIR="\"database/migrations\"" on the command-line or set it in the main conf.pri file.
TINYTOM_MODELS_DIR Default models path for the make:model command, can be an absolute or relative path (to the pwd).
Default value: database/models (relative to the pwd)
Defined by TOM_MODELS_DIR (cmake) configuration build option.
(qmake note) You can use DEFINES += TINYTOM_MODELS_DIR="\"database/models\"" on the command-line or set it in the main conf.pri file.
TINYTOM_SEEDERS_DIR Default seeders path for the make:seeder command, can be an absolute or relative path (to the pwd).
Default value: database/seeders (relative to the pwd)
Defined by TOM_SEEDERS_DIR (cmake) configuration build option.
(qmake note) You can use DEFINES += TINYTOM_SEEDERS_DIR="\"database/seeders\"" on the command-line or set it in the main conf.pri file.
TINYORM_USING_PCH Defined if building with precompiled headers.
Controlled by qmake / CMake.

Building with CMake

:::tip If something is not clear, you can still look at GitHub Action workflows how the build is done. :::

First, create a basic folder structure and then clone the TinyORM project.

{`cd ${rootFolderPath(pwsh)} mkdir ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug\n cd ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM git clone [email protected]:silverqx/TinyORM.git`} {`cd ${rootFolderPath(bash)} mkdir -p ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug\n cd ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM git clone [email protected]:silverqx/TinyORM.git`}

Configure & Build (cmake) {#configure-and-build-cmake}

Now you are ready to configure the TinyORM library.

cd TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug
{`cmake.exe \` -S "${applicationFolderPath(pwsh)}/TinyORM/TinyORM" \` -B "${applicationFolderPath(pwsh)}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug" \` -G 'Ninja' \` -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING='Debug' \` -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH="${rootFolderPath(pwsh)}/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" \` -D CMAKE_CXX_SCAN_FOR_MODULES:BOOL=OFF \` -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="${rootFolderPath(pwsh)}/tmp/TinyORM" \` -D BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF \` -D MATCH_EQUAL_EXPORTED_BUILDTREE:BOOL=ON \` -D MYSQL_PING:BOOL=OFF \` -D TOM:BOOL=ON \` -D TOM_EXAMPLE:BOOL=OFF \` -D VERBOSE_CONFIGURE:BOOL=ON`} {`cmake \\ -S "${applicationFolderPath(bash)}/TinyORM/TinyORM" \\ -B "${applicationFolderPath(bash)}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug" \\ -G 'Ninja' \\ -D CMAKE_BUILD_TYPE:STRING='Debug' \\ -D CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE:FILEPATH="${rootFolderPath(bash)}/vcpkg/scripts/buildsystems/vcpkg.cmake" \\ -D CMAKE_CXX_SCAN_FOR_MODULES:BOOL=OFF \\ -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX:PATH="${rootFolderPath(bash)}/tmp/TinyORM" \\ -D VERBOSE_CONFIGURE:BOOL=ON \\ -D BUILD_TESTS:BOOL=OFF \\ -D MYSQL_PING:BOOL=OFF \\ -D TOM:BOOL=ON \\ -D TOM_EXAMPLE:BOOL=OFF \\ -D MATCH_EQUAL_EXPORTED_BUILDTREE:BOOL=ON`}
CMake STRICT_MODE option

The STRICT_MODE CMake configuration option was added in TinyORM v0.38.1. This option was added to avoid the propagation of aggressive strict warning compiler/linker options and Qt definitions from the TinyORM library to user code through the TinyOrm::CommonConfig interface library.

TinyORM uses the strictest warning level options, virtually anything that can be enabled is enabled to produce a better code. I highly recommend enabling this option to produce better code and to follow good practices. It also helps to follow the ISOCPP C++ Core Guidelines standards.

If you want to enable these strict warning options in your code, you can enable the STRICT_MODE CMake configuration option and they will be propagated to your code. You can also enabled it globally using the TINYORM_STRICT_MODE environment variable, and the value of this environment variable will be picked up during initial CMake configuration as the default value for the STRICT_MODE CMake configuration option.

You can achieve the same result by manually linking against the TinyOrm::CommonConfig interface library when the STRICT_MODE is set to OFF.

target_link_libraries(<target> PRIVATE TinyOrm::CommonConfig)

:::info The recommended way is to set the TINYORM_STRICT_MODE environment variable to 1 or ON. :::

Build TinyORM

And build. You don't have to install it, you can use the build tree directly if you want.

cmake --build . --target all
cmake --install .

Or build and install in one step.

cmake --build . --target install

:::info CMake multi-config generators like Ninja Multi-Config or Visual Studio 16 2019 are also supported. :::

CMake build options

Option Name Default Description
BUILD_DRIVERS OFF Build TinyDrivers SQL database drivers (core/common code; replaces QtSql module).
BUILD_MYSQL_DRIVER OFF Build TinyDrivers MySQL database driver.
Available when: BUILD_DRIVERS
BUILD_SHARED_LIBS ON Build as a shared/static library.
BUILD_TESTS OFF Build TinyORM unit tests.
BUILD_TREE_DEPLOY ON Copy TinyDrivers and TinyMySql libraries to the root of the build tree.
DRIVERS_TYPE Shared How to build and link against TinyDrivers SQL database drivers.
The Static value will be select by default when the BUILD_SHARED_LIBS is OFF.
Supported values: Shared, Loadable, and Static
INLINE_CONSTANTS OFF Use inline constants instead of extern constants in the shared build.
OFF is highly recommended for the shared build;
is always ON for the static build.
Available when: BUILD_SHARED_LIBS
MSVC_RUNTIME_DYNAMIC ON Use MSVC dynamic runtime library (-MD) instead of static (-MT), also considers a Debug configuration (-MTd, -MDd).
MYSQL_PING OFF Enable Orm::MySqlConnection::pingDatabase() method.
ORM ON Controls the compilation of all ORM-related source code, when this option is disabled, then only the query builder without ORM is compiled. Also excludes ORM-related unit tests.
STRICT_MODE OFF Controls propagation of strict compiler/linker options and Qt definitions using the TinyOrm::CommonConfig interface library to the user code.
(highly recommended; can also be set with the TINYORM_STRICT_MODE environment variable; described here).
TOM ON Controls the compilation of all Tom-related source code, when this option is disabled, then it also excludes Tom-related unit tests.
TOM_EXAMPLE OFF Build the tom console application example.
TOM_MIGRATIONS_DIR - Default migrations path for the make:migration command, can be an absolute or relative path (to the pwd).
Default value: database/migrations (relative to the pwd)
TOM_MODELS_DIR - Default models path for the make:model command, can be an absolute or relative path (to the pwd).
Default value: database/models (relative to the pwd)
TOM_SEEDERS_DIR - Default seeders path for the make:seeder command, can be an absolute or relative path (to the pwd).
Default value: database/seeders (relative to the pwd)
VERBOSE_CONFIGURE OFF Show information about PACKAGES_FOUND / PACKAGES_NOT_FOUND in the CMake configure output.

Advanced TinyORM options.

Option Name Default Description
DISABLE_THREAD_LOCAL OFF Remove all thread_local storage duration specifiers, it disables multi-threading support.
MATCH_EQUAL_EXPORTED_BUILDTREE OFF Exported package configuration from the build tree is considered to match only when the build type of application/library that is linking against the TinyORM library is equal.
Available when:

Important CMake options.

Option Name Default Description
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER auto The full path to the C++ compiler.
CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER - Default compiler launcher to use for the C++ compiler.
Can be used to enable ccache, eg. ccache.exe on MinGW or /usr/bin/ccache on Linux.
CMAKE_EXPORT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY OFF Enable the export(TinyOrm) command.
TinyORM doesn't set this variable by default. Its initial value is taken from the TINYORM_EXPORT_PACKAGE_REGISTRY environment variable if not already defined.
CMAKE_INTERPROCEDURAL_OPTIMIZATION OFF Enable Link time code optimization (LTO).
Works on all Supported Compilers.
CMAKE_VERBOSE_MAKEFILE OFF Enable verbose output from Makefile builds.

CMake build environment variables

The following are environment variables that are affecting the TinyORM CMake build system.

These environment variables have lower priority than CMake -D compile definitions and they are used if the -D compile definitions are not DEFINED.

Option Name Description
TINYORM_STRICT_MODE Environment variable for STRICT_MODE CMake feature option.
It's passed as the initial value [value] for the CMake option command.
VCPKG_ROOT Auto-detect the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE from the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable.
VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT Auto-detect the CMAKE_TOOLCHAIN_FILE from the VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT environment variable. The VCPKG_INSTALLATION_ROOT environment variable is set on GitHub hosted runners.

Consume TinyOrm library (cmake) {#consume-tinyorm-library-cmake}

In your application or library CMakeLists.txt file add following find_package() call.

find_package(TinyOrm 0.38.1 CONFIG REQUIRED)

If the TinyORM build tree is not exported to the CMake's User Package Registry then also add the TinyORM build tree or CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX folder to the CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH, so CMake can find TinyORM's package configuration file during find_package(TinyOrm) call.

{`# build tree list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${convertToCmakeEnvVariable(pwsh, applicationFolderPath(pwsh))}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug")\n # installation folder - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${convertToCmakeEnvVariable(pwsh, rootFolderPath(pwsh))}/tmp/TinyORM")`} {`# build tree list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${convertToCmakeEnvVariable(bash, applicationFolderPath(bash))}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug")\n # installation folder - CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX list(APPEND CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH "${convertToCmakeEnvVariable(bash, rootFolderPath(bash))}/tmp/TinyORM")`}

Or as an alternative, you can set CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH environment variable.

As the last thing, do not forget to add TinyOrm0d.dll on the path on Windows and on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux, so your application can find it during execution.

{`$env:Path = "${applicationFolderPath(pwsh, false)}\\TinyORM\\TinyORM-builds-cmake\\build-debug;" + $env:Path`} {`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${applicationFolderPath(bash)}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-cmake/build-debug\${PATH:+:}$PATH`}

Now you can try the HelloWorld CMake example.

:::info You can also try the FetchContent method to quickly link against the TinyORM library. :::

Building with qmake

First, create a basic folder structure and then clone the TinyORM project.

{`cd ${rootFolderPath(pwsh)} mkdir ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-qmake\n cd ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM git clone [email protected]:silverqx/TinyORM.git`} {`cd ${rootFolderPath(bash)} mkdir -p ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-qmake\n cd ${applicationFolder()}/TinyORM git clone [email protected]:silverqx/TinyORM.git`}

Install dependencies

With the qmake build system, you have to install TinyORM dependencies manually. We will use the vcpkg package manager.

cd ../../vcpkg

vcpkg search range-v3
vcpkg search tabulate
vcpkg install range-v3 tabulate
vcpkg list

On Linux, you can install the range-v3 library and some other dependencies with the package manager.

Configure & Build (qmake) {#configure-and-build-qmake}

Open QtCreator IDE

:::tip I recommend creating a new Session in the QtCreator, this way you will have all the examples in one place and as a bonus, everything will be in the same place when you close and reopen QtCreator IDE. You can name it or TinyORM examples, it is up to you. :::

:::tip If you are using sessions, you can use a single clangd instance for all projects in this session in the QtCreator IDE. One significant advantage of this method is that the .qtc_clangd/ folder will not be created in the build folder, but will be stored globally in the Roaming profile. You can enable it in the Settings - C++ - Clangd - Sessions with a single clangd instance. :::

Configure TinyORM

Now you are ready to configure the TinyORM library. There are two ways how to configure the TinyORM library and it's the new Auto-configure feature added in TinyORM v0.34.0 using the .env files and the old way using the conf.pri files.

Auto-configuration and tiny_dotenv

This is the new recommended method to auto-configure TinyORM's qmake build system and also the dependencies, it was added in TinyORM v0.34.0. You need to copy the prepared .env.(win32|unix|mingw).example file to the .env.(win32|unix|mingw). One .env example file is prepared for each supported platform.

All prepared .env.(win32|unix|mingw).example files are simple and clear. You can also create a common .env file that is included before the platform-specific .env.(win32|unix|mingw) files.

{`cd ${applicationFolderPath(pwsh)}/TinyORM/TinyORM\n cp .env.win32.example .env.win32`} {`cd ${applicationFolderPath(bash)}/TinyORM/TinyORM\n cp .env.unix.example .env.unix`}

And that is all, if you have correctly set all qmake variables in this .env.(win32|unix|mingw) file or you have correctly set environment variables, then the qmake build system should be able to auto-detect all dependencies . 🔥

:::info The Auto-configuration and Environment files internals are described at the end to make this section more clear. :::

:::tip The Auto-configuration feature can be turned off using the disable_autoconf qmake configuration option (eg. CONFIG*=disable_autoconf). :::

:::tip The tiny_dotenv feature can be turned off using the disable_dotenv qmake configuration option (eg. CONFIG*=disable_dotenv). :::

Manual configuration (conf.pri)

This is the old method used before TinyORM v0.34.0. You need to copy the conf.pri.example files to conf.pri (there are four, one for every project or sub-project) and manually update the INCLUDEPATH and LIBS to configure TinyORM's qmake build dependencies. This way you can override any qmake build options or variables.

To disable the Auto-configuration feature you must define the disable_autoconf qmake configuration option (eg. CONFIG*=disable_autoconf) because from TinyORM v0.34.0 is the Auto-configuration feature enabled by default.

You can also remove all .env files or turn off the tiny_dotenv feature using CONFIG*=disable_dotenv. You can use them all at once if you want, .env and also conf.pri files.

conf.pri files are nicely commented on, so you can see what needs to be modified.

{`cd ${applicationFolderPath(pwsh)}/TinyORM/TinyORM\n cp conf.pri.example conf.pri cp tests/conf.pri.example tests/conf.pri cp tests/testdata_tom/conf.pri.example tests/testdata_tom/conf.pri cp examples/tom/conf.pri.example examples/tom/conf.pri`} {`cd ${applicationFolderPath(bash)}/TinyORM/TinyORM\n cp conf.pri.example conf.pri cp tests/conf.pri.example tests/conf.pri cp tests/testdata_tom/conf.pri.example tests/testdata_tom/conf.pri cp examples/tom/conf.pri.example examples/tom/conf.pri`}

:::info The Manual configuration internals are described at the end to make this section more clear. :::

:::note The Manual configuration is still relevant if you have any non-standard installation of the vcpkg or MySQL and the Auto-configuration feature fails. :::

Opening (main project file)

Now you can open the project in the QtCreator IDE.

This will open the Configure Project tab, select some kit and update build folder paths to meet our folders structure or like you want.

<img src={require('./assets/img/tinyorm/qmake-configure_project.png').default} alt='TinyORM - QtCreator - Configure Project' width='760' />

:::tip You can force the QtCreator to generate a build folders structure as is described above. :::

You are ready to configure build options, hit Ctrl+5 to open Project Settings tab and select Build in the left sidebar to open the Build Settings, it should look similar to the following picture.

Disable QML debugging and profiling and Qt Quick Compiler, they are not used.

<img src={require('./assets/img/tinyorm/qmake-build_settings.png').default} alt='TinyORM - QtCreator - Build Settings' width='760' />

If you want to change some TinyORM build options, you can pass them to the Build Steps - qmake - Additional arguments input field. It can look like this.

<img src={require('./assets/img/tinyorm/qmake-additional_arguments.png').default} alt='TinyORM - QtCreator - Build Settings - Additional arguments' width='660' />

Build TinyORM

Everything is ready for build, you can press Ctrl+b to build the project.

qmake build options

CONFIG Option Name Default Description
build_loadable_drivers OFF Build TinyDrivers as a shared library and SQL database drivers (eg. TinyMySql) as shared libraries (Loadable modules) that are loaded at runtime using LoadLibrary() on Windows or dlopen() on Linux.
build_mysql_driver OFF Build TinyDrivers MySQL database driver.
It's enabled by default when build_shared_drivers, build_loadable_drivers, or build_static_drivers is enabled.
Available when: build_shared_drivers OR build_loadable_drivers OR build_static_drivers
build_shared_drivers OFF Build TinyDrivers as a Shared library.
build_static_drivers OFF Build TinyDrivers as a Static library archive.
The build_static_drivers qmake configuration option will be select by default when the CONFIG*=static is enabled.
build_tests OFF Build TinyORM unit tests.
ccache ON Enable compiler cache. Homepage
It works on Windows and Unix systems. This option overrides qmake's ccache option. It internally calls qmake's ccache option on Unix and tiny_ccache_win32 on Windows.
Reason: It allows using the same option on both OS-es.
See Ccache support for more information.
disable_autoconf OFF Disable the Auto-configuration feature (auto-configuration is enabled by default from TinyORM v0.34.0).
disable_dotenv OFF Disable the tiny_dotenv feature (environment files are enabled by default from TinyORM v0.34.0).
disable_thread_local OFF Remove all thread_local storage duration specifiers, it disables multi-threading support.
disable_orm OFF Controls the compilation of all ORM-related source code, when this option is enabled, then only the query builder without ORM is compiled. Also excludes ORM-related unit tests.
disable_tom OFF Controls the compilation of all Tom-related source code, when this option is disabled, then it also excludes Tom-related unit tests.
extern_constants ON Use extern constants instead of inline constants in the shared build.
ON is highly recommended for the shared build (by default);
is always OFF for the static build.
Available when: CONFIG(shared|dll):!inline_constants
inline_constants OFF Use inline constants instead of extern constants in the shared build.
OFF is highly recommended for the shared build;
is always ON for the static build.
link_pkgconfig_off OFF Link against mysqlclient or libmariadb with PKGCONFIG.
Used only in the Unix and MinGW shared build (exactly win32-g++|win32-clang-g++) and when mysql_ping is also defined to link against mysqlclient or libmariadb, source code.
Available when: unix:mysql_ping or (win32-g++|win32-clang-g++):mysql_ping:!static:!staticlib
mysql_ping OFF Enable Orm::MySqlConnection::pingDatabase() method.
tiny_ccache_win32 ON Enable compiler cache. Homepage
It works only on Windows systems. It works well with the MSYS2 g++, clang++, msvc, and clang-cl with msvc. It replaces the -Zi and -ZI compiler options with the -Z7 for debug builds as the -Zi and -ZI compiler options are not supported (link to the issue) and disables precompile_header if ccache <4.10 as they are not supported on Windows.
tom_example OFF Build the tom console application example.

Advanced TinyORM options.

Option Name Default Description
ubsan OFF Allows to enable UBSan sanitizer (Clang only).

Important qmake options.

CONFIG Option Name Default Description
ccache OFF Enable compiler cache. Homepage
It works only on the Unix systems. It works well with g++ and clang++ and also supports precompiled headers. TinyORM overrides this qmake option with the ccache option.
See Ccache support for more information.
ltcg OFF Enable Link time code optimization (LTO).
Works on all Supported Compilers.
precompile_header - Enable precompiled headers, you can disable them with:
The precompile_header is enabled by default on msvc, g++, clang++, clang-cl on Windows and disabled by default on linux.
OFF Build as a static library (lib only).
If you want to build all libraries in the TinyORM project as static library archives and link against static libraries use the CONFIG += static. Don't use the CONFIG += staticlib.
See NOTES.txt for more information (search static vs staticlib).
static_runtime OFF Link against the shared (dynamic) or static run-time library.
The -MD becomes -MT and -MDd becomes -MTd. It works only on MSVC and MinGW or MSYS2.
Please don't use this option.
Available when: msvc or mingw

Consume TinyOrm library (qmake) {#consume-tinyorm-library-qmake}

The TinyOrm.pri file is available to simplify the integration of the TinyORM library into your application. It sets up and configures the CONFIG and DEFINES qmake variables, adds the TinyORM, tom, and vcpkg header files on the system INCLUDEPATH (cross-platform using the -isystem or -imsvc), links against the TinyORM shared or static library using the LIBS.

You can use it to configure the TinyORM library when you are linking against it. It does a very similar thing like the CMake's Find Modules feature.


It has a few requirements, you need to:

  • specify path to the TinyORM qmake features (.prf files) using the QMAKEFEATURES variable that can only be set in the .qmake.conf file
  • specify qmake or environment variables to find the vcpkg installation (TINY_VCPKG_ROOT and TINY_VCPKG_TRIPLET)
  • specify path to the TinyORM build folder (TINYORM_BUILD_TREE)
  • build your application with the same CONFIG qmake variables that were used when building the TinyORM library

Let's explain one by one.


Create the .qmake.conf file in your application root folder with the following content.

# Path to the PARENT folder of the TinyORM source folder
TINY_MAIN_DIR = $$clean_path(<your_path>)
# To find .env and .env.$$QMAKE_PLATFORM files in YOUR project

# Path to the TinyORM build folder (specified manually)
TINYORM_BUILD_TREE = $$quote($$TINY_MAIN_DIR/TinyORM-builds-qmake/build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSVC2019_64bit-Debug/)
# vcpkg - range-v3 and tabulate
TINY_VCPKG_ROOT = $$quote(<your_path>/vcpkg/)
#TINY_VCPKG_TRIPLET = x64-windows

# To find .prf files, needed by eg. CONFIG += tiny_system_headers inline/extern_constants
QMAKEFEATURES *= $$quote($$TINY_MAIN_DIR/TinyORM/qmake/features)

You can move all qmake variables that are part of the qmake configuration process to the .env file if you want (recommended), this is possible because the TinyOrm.pri enables the Environment files feature by default.

You can look at the Auto-configure using .qmake.conf and .env example for Hello world project of what must stay in the qmake.conf file and what can be moved to the .env files.

:::tip You can use the Partial guessing of the TINYORM_BUILD_TREE if you don't like to specify it manually. :::

Variables affecting TinyOrm.pri

You must define the following variables before the TinyOrm.pri is included:

Variable Name Description
TINYORM_BUILD_TREE Path to the TinyORM build folder.
TINY_VCPKG_ROOT Path to the vcpkg installation folder.
If not defined, then it tries to use the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable.
TINY_VCPKG_TRIPLET The vcpkg triplet to use (vcpkg/installed/$$TINY_VCPKG_TRIPLET/).
If not defined, then it tries to guess the vcpkg triplet based on the current compiler and OS (based on the QMAKESPEC), and as the last thing, it tries to use the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable.

These variables will be set after the configuration is done:

Variable Name Description
TINY_BUILD_SUBFOLDER Folder by release type if CONFIG+=debug_and_release is defined (/debug, /release, or an empty string).
TINY_CCACHE_BUILD To correctly link ccache build against a ccache build (_ccache or an empty string).
TINY_MSVC_VERSION The MSVC compiler string (MSVC2022 or MSVC2019).
TINY_QT_VERSION_UNDERSCORED Underscored Qt version (eg. 6_7_2).
TINY_RELEASE_TYPE_CAMEL Build type string (Debug, Profile, or Release).
TINY_VCPKG_INCLUDE Path to the vcpkg include folder (vcpkg/installed/<triplet>/include/).

Then you simply include the TinyOrm.pri in your project file.


And that is all, now you should be able to link against the TinyORM library. 👌

Manual configuration examples

Frankly, there is no reason to use the Manual configuration (define the variables described below before the TinyOrm.pri inclusion), the only reason to use it is when you want more control over this process or want to define everything yourself. I'll leave this section here to show how things work.

You will have to link against the TinyORM library manually if you don't set the TINYORM_BUILD_TREE qmake variable before the inclusion of the TinyOrm.pri file. The INCLUDEPATH is auto-detected every time.

# Link against TinyORM library
# ---
TINY_MAIN_DIR = $$clean_path(<your_path>)

# Configure TinyORM library

# TinyORM library path
TINYORM_BUILD_TREE = $$quote($$TINY_MAIN_DIR/TinyORM-builds-qmake)
LIBS += $$quote(-L$$TINYORM_BUILD_TREE/build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSVC2019_64bit-Debug/src$${TINY_BUILD_SUBFOLDER}/)
LIBS += -lTinyOrm
# Link against TinyORM library
# ---
TINY_MAIN_DIR = $$clean_path(<your_path>)

# Configure TinyORM library

# TinyORM library path
TINYORM_BUILD_TREE = $$quote($$TINY_MAIN_DIR/TinyORM-builds-qmake)
LIBS += $$quote(-L$$TINYORM_BUILD_TREE/build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_GCC_64bit-Debug/src$${TINY_BUILD_SUBFOLDER}/)
LIBS += -lTinyOrm

The same is true for the vcpkg include path. If you don't set the TINY_VCPKG_ROOT or have not defined the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable, then you need to set up the INCLUDEPATH for the vcpkg that provides the range-v3 and tabulate header files.

# vcpkg - range-v3 and tabulate
# ---
INCLUDEPATH += $$quote(<your_path>/vcpkg/installed/x64-windows/include/)
# vcpkg - range-v3 and tabulate
# ---
QMAKE_CXXFLAGS += -isystem $$shell_quote(<your_path>/vcpkg/installed/x64-linux/include/)

You can also use TinyORM's qmake function tiny_add_system_includepath() which handles INCLUDEPATH in a cross-platform way.

# vcpkg - range-v3 and tabulate
# ---

Do not forget to add TinyOrm0.dll on the path on Windows and on the LD_LIBRARY_PATH on Linux, so your application can find it during execution.

{`$env:Path = "${applicationFolderPath(pwsh, false)}\\TinyORM\\TinyORM-builds-qmake\\build-debug;" + $env:Path`} {`export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${applicationFolderPath(bash)}/TinyORM/TinyORM-builds-qmake/build-debug\${PATH:+:}$PATH`}

:::tip On Linux -isystem marks the directory as a system directory, it prevents warnings.

On Windows you can use QMAKE_CXXFLAGS_WARN_ON = -external:anglebrackets -external:W0, it applies a warning level 0 to the angel bracket includes; #include <file>.

With the Clang-cl with MSVC you can use -imsvc. :::

Auto-configuration internals

The qmake build system does not support auto-configuration of dependencies out of the box but TinyORM from v0.34.0 added its own Auto-configuration feature along with the tiny_dotenv qmake feature. These new features allow us to auto-configure TinyORM project, and with their help, the conf.pri files can be skipped entirely.

While it adds additional complexity to the qmake configuration process, the benefits are significant.

The Auto-configuration feature is designed to find the vcpkg and MySQL installations, and tiny_dotenv to include the .env and .env.(win32|unix|mingw) files in the project's root folder. These new features can be configured using qmake and environment variables, and they also contain some guessing logic if these variables are not defined.

The Auto-configuration feature can be turned off using the disable_autoconf qmake configuration option (eg. CONFIG*=disable_autoconf).

These are qmake and environment variables that affect the Auto-configuration feature:

Variable Name Description
TINY_VCPKG_ROOT Path to the vcpkg installation folder.
If not defined, then it tries to use the VCPKG_ROOT environment variable.
TINY_VCPKG_TRIPLET The vcpkg triplet to use (vcpkg/installed/$$TINY_VCPKG_TRIPLET/).
If not defined, then it tries to guess the vcpkg triplet based on the current compiler and OS (based on the QMAKESPEC), and as the last thing, it tries to use the VCPKG_DEFAULT_TRIPLET environment variable.
TINY_MYSQL_ROOT Path to the MySQL installation folder.
If not defined, then it tries to guess the MySQL installation folder (win32 only): $$(ProgramFiles)/MySQL/MySQL Server (9.0|8.4|8.3|8.2|8.1|8.0|5.7)/

You can set these variables in the .env (recommended) or conf.pri files, in the .qmake.conf file (or wherever you want), or as environment variables.

These variables will be set after auto-configuration is done:

Variable Name Description
TINY_VCPKG_INCLUDE Path to the vcpkg include folder (vcpkg/installed/<triplet>/include/).
TINY_MYSQL_INCLUDE Path to the MySQL include folder (MySQL Server 9.0/include/).
TINY_MYSQL_LIB Path to the MySQL lib folder (MySQL Server 9.0/lib/).

The TINY_MYSQL_INCLUDE and TINY_MYSQL_LIB are only set on win32 platform except mingw.

Environment files

The tiny_dotenv feature allows us to define the .env and .env.$$TINY_DOTENV_PLATFORM files in the project's root folder. These files are loaded as early as possible so you can affect the qmake configuration process. On the other hand, the conf.pri files are loaded as late as possible, and they can be used to override the qmake configuration.

The .env file is included first and is included on all platforms.

There is only one requirement for this feature to work correctly, and that is to set the TINY_DOTENV_ROOT qmake variable to the project's root folder. This variable is already set in the .qmake.conf file for the TinyORM project.

Then the following names are taken into account: .env, .env.win32, .env.unix, .env.mingw

# To find .env and .env.$$QMAKE_PLATFORM files

The tiny_dotenv feature can be turned off using the disable_dotenv qmake configuration option (eg. CONFIG*=disable_dotenv).

:::warning Environment files don't work in the CMake builds. :::

Partial guessing of the TINYORM_BUILD_TREE

You don't have to manually define the TINYORM_BUILD_TREE in .env or .qmake.conf files. The TINYORM_BUILD_TREE absolute path can be put together for you (this is happening inside the variables.pri file) and TinyORM build folder name can be guessed for you too.

You must define the following variables before the TinyOrm.pri will be included to make this real (set them in the .qmake.conf):

Variable Name Description
TINY_MAIN_DIR Path to the PARENT folder of the TinyORM source folder.
TINY_BUILD_TREE Path to the current build tree - TINY_BUILD_TREE = $$shadowed($$PWD).

The TINY_MAIN_DIR is required for another features anyway (so it should already be set) and all that's left is to set the TINY_BUILD_TREE.

# Path to the current build tree (used to guess the TinyORM build tree)
TINY_BUILD_TREE = $$shadowed($$PWD)

If you will follow this pattern or logic then you can switch QtCreator Kits and the TINYORM_BUILD_TREE will be auto-generated correctly and will always point to the correct TinyORM build tree.

It works this way, all is happening inside the variables.pri, it takes a build folder name for the current project eg. build-HelloWorld-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSVC2022_64bit-Debug, replaces the HelloWorld with the TinyORM and as we already know the TinyORM build folder location we can simply concatenate these paths like $$TINY_MAIN_DIR/TinyORM-builds-qmake/build-TinyORM-Desktop_Qt_6_7_2_MSVC2022_64bit-Debug.

:::warning This will only work if you follow the recommended Folders structure. :::

Manual configuration internals

There is not much to say about the Manual configuration feature. It uses conf.pri files (there are four, one for every project or sub-project), and every project has prepared its own conf.pri.example file for faster initial configuration.

These conf.pri.example files are nicely commented on, so you can see what needs to be modified. The conf.pri files are loaded as late as possible, and they can be used to override the qmake configuration.

If the Auto-configuration feature is disabled and there are no conf.pri files, then the TinyORM qmake configuration or build will fail at 100%.

These conf.pri files are intended for configuring qmake's INCLUDEPATH and LIBS, CONFIG or eg. QMAKE_LFLAGS, or any other qmake options or variables.

Ccache support

The TinyORM supports the ccache out of the box for all supported compilers. For qmake you can enable it using the CONFIG+=ccache and for CMake you can set the CMAKE_CXX_COMPILER_LAUNCHER=ccache.

On Linux it's clear, the ccache is fully supported and works also with the precompiled headers. But was necessary to add some workarounds to the qmake/CMake build systems to make out of the box support on Windows. When you enable the ccache on Windows then the build system replaces the -Zi and -ZI compiler options with the -Z7 (link to the issue) and disables precompiled headers if ccache <4.10.

:::tip You can install the ccache using the scoop install ccache command on Windows. See the Dependencies page for how to install ccache on Linux. :::