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Reforging System for AzerothCore


First, thank you Rochet2 for inspiration. His reforging repo for TrinityCore can be found here:

Adds the possiblity to reforge items on 3.3.5a client. Reforging allows players to decrease a stat by a certain percentage (default is 40%) and add a new stat based on the difference. The allowed stats and the percentage is configurable via the mod .conf file.


  1. Due to the nature of WOTLK client, the new STATS will only be visible to the owner. This is only visual, stats will be there nonetheless!
  2. Upgrades will be lost (of course) when trading, sending mail, depositing to guild bank, deposit to auction.
  3. Heirlooms can't be reforged.
  4. Items with random properties (like "of the Bear", "of Intellect") can't be reforged.

WARNING: this is NOT compatible with the Individual item upgrades:, although you can have both systems, if an item is both upgraded and reforged, the stats won't be calculated properly. The two systems are not aware of each other and will step on each other's foot as both systems try to alter item's stats.

How to install

  1. Clone this repository to your AzerothCore repo modules folder. You should now have mod-reforging folder there.
  2. Re-run cmake to generate the solution.
  3. Re-build your project.
  4. You should have mod_reforging.conf.dist copied in configs/modules after building, copy this to your server's binaries folder.
  5. Start the server, .sql files should automatically be imported in DB, if not, apply them manually.

WARNING: this mod requires at least this version of AzerothCore

Ingame usage

Use .npc add 200004 to spawn the Master Reforger NPC. The rest is self explanatory.

Some photos

pic1 pic2 pic3 pic4 pic5


  • silviu20092


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