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File metadata and controls

359 lines (250 loc) · 10.6 KB


RDForm is a jQuery plugin for creating and editing RDF data in a clean and modern HTML form.

With templates based on the RDFa notation (see template documentation) its easy to create classes, properties with datatypes, resources and class-relations.

The inserting of existing data and the output is done as a JavaScript object with the JSON-LD notation.

For a running example see

This software is currently in a very early state. Please be careful when use it in a productive environment.



Via npm

npm i @donsi/rdform


  • download the source code
  • open index.html in your browser for a sample form.
  • to create an own form, edit templates/form.html to your requirements or create a new file

The load of templates and hooks requires a running http server. You can use docker for example:

docker run --name rdform -v $(pwd):/usr/share/nginx/html -p 8080:80 nginx

and access at http://localhost:8080


If you want to integrate RDForm into an existing project you have to include jQuery (> 1.8) (and for a good style Bootstrap). Have a look at index.html for the right structure.

The basic initialization of the plugin with callback function on submit is:

		template: "templates/form.html",
		submit: function() {
			console.log( JSON.stringify(this, null, '\t') );



  • Parameter
  • Template Documentation
    • Classes
    • Literal-Properties
    • Class-Resources
    • External resources
    • Hidden-Properties
    • Wildcards
    • Translation
  • Insert Data
  • Hooking


The following parameters can given to the plugin (see Installation above):

Parameter (Type) Default Description
template (String) templates/form.html Path to the template file
data (Object) null Array or Object of existing data to insert
hooks (String) null Path to the hooks file
prefixes (Object) { foaf: ..., rdf: ..., rdfs: ..., ...} (see rdform.js) Object with prefiex and URIs
base (String) null Base URI
lang (String) null Path to the language file
cache (Boolean) false true or false, loads template from cache
verbose (Boolean) false true or false, output all messages and the result
debug (Boolean) false log error, warnings and infos into the console
submit (Function) null Submit callback function, will be called after submit the form
abort (Function) null Abort callback function, will be called on aborting the form

Template Documentation

To visualize a class, its properties and the resources in a form the plugin needs a template. The templates are based on the RDFa notation which adds RDF attributes to HTML elements. With that kind of templates its possible to describe RDF-ontologies on the HTML-way and to define the layout like labels, legends, placeholder and so on.

Some default templates can by found in the subfolder templates. The path of the current template must be given as model argument to the plugin (see installation).

The base structure of an example template is:

<form prefix="foaf rdfs" base="">
	<legend>A person</legend>
	<div typeof="foaf:Person" resource="Person-{rdfs:label}">
		<label>The label</label>
		<input name="rdfs:label" datatype="xsd:string" />

The JavaScript output for this template will be:

	"@id": "",
	"@type": [
	"": [
			"@type": "xsd:string",
			"@value": "Max Mustermann"

The Form

The root element should be a <form />...</form> tag and contains all further classes and properties.

Attribute Description
prefix Optional, Prefixes fo all resources. The form is "PREFIX URI PREFIX URI ..."
base Optional, Base URI


Classes are described by a <div typeof="...">...</div> tag.

Attribute Description
typeof Type of the class
resource Class uri
id Optional class ID to reference classes with same typeof
typeof-select Optional, show select form lets users choose the type of the class. The value must be a JSON object with label and value pairs.

Example (with legend and help message):

<div typeof="bio:Birth" resource="Birth-123">
	<p class="help">I'm a help message...</p>


Literal Properties

Literals are described by a <input type="literal" name="..." />.

Attribute Description
type="literal" Defines an input as an literal property
name Name of the property
Optional Attribute Description
datatype Datatype, e.g. xsd:string, xsd:date,
value Prefilled value
placeholder Placeholder
multiple The property can be multipled by clicking an add-button
required Required property, cannot be empty
additional Additional, by default hidden property. Can be added it by clicking an add-button
readonly Cannot be edited
hidden Hide this literal in the form
boolean Boolean property, shown as `
textarea Multiple line text, shown as <textarea />
select Select a property from multiple options, shown as <select />
select-options Required for attribute select. JSON object with label/value pairs. >`
help Short help text for the property


<input type="literal" name="foaf:firstName" datatype="xsd:string" required placeholder="Name..." help="The name of the person" />

Special literals are booleans, textareas and select-lists.


Are described as checkboxes in the form and can be 1|0 or true|false. They are initialized by adding the attribute boolean to a literal property.


Are multiple line texts and initialized by adding the attribute textarea to a literal property.


Properties of type xsd:date will rendered with a date-type select option. To define the date format you can use xsd:gYearMonth or xsd:gYear as datatype.


To get a select list add the attributes select and select-options='...'. the value of select-options must be a JSON object with a label and value pair.


<input name="foaf:gender" type="literal" select select-options='{"female":"female", "male":"male", "not-specified":"Not specified"}' datatype="xsd:string" />

Class Resources

Classes can contain resource properties, which containing a reference to another class.


<div typeof="foaf:Person" resource="Person-{pid}">
	<input name="pid" type="hidden" />

	<input name="bio:event" type="resource" value="bio:Birth"
	arguments='{"pid":"{pid}"}' additional

<div typeof="bio:Birth" resource="Birth-{pid}">
	<input name="dc:date" type="literal" datatype="xsd:date" placeholder="JJJJ-MM-TT" />

If you need to reference classes with same typeof add the id attribute. Example:

<div typeof="foaf:Person" resource="Person">
	<input name="bio:event" type="resource" value="BirthEvent" />
	<input name="bio:event" type="resource" value="DeathEvent" />

<div typeof="bio:Event" id="BirthEvent" resource="Birth">
	<input name="dc:date" type="literal" datatype="xsd:date" placeholder="JJJJ-MM-TT" />

<div typeof="bio:Event" id="DeathEvent" resource="Death">
	<input name="dc:date" type="literal" datatype="xsd:date" placeholder="JJJJ-MM-TT" />

External Resources


<input type="resource" name="gnd" external />


To get a select list add the attributes select and select-options='...'. the value of select-options must be a JSON object with a label and value pair.


<input name="foaf:knows" type="resource" select select-options='{"ex:p1":"Person 1", "ex:p2":"Person 2"}' external />

Multiple external select resources are not yet supported.

Hidden Properties


<input type="hidden" name="id" />


With wildcards the class identifier or a property value can point to another property value of the same class. Just write the name of the property into brackets.


<div typeof="Person" resource="Person-{id}">
	<input name="id" type="hidden" value="{label}-123" />
	<input name="label" type="literal" />

Wildcard Functions

To the returned value of a wildcard a function can applied. Basically you can use the string functions toUpperCase and toLowerCase, while writing the function name into braces just before the wildcard-identifier:

<input name="id" type="literal" value="{(toLowerCase)label}" />

Custom functions can written into the return statement of the __wildcardFcts method in your hooks file (see hooks.js for examples). E.g:

__wildcardFcts : function() {
	return {
		foo: function(str) {
			return str + "bar";

And called just before the wilcard-identifier as above.


Strings in legends, labels and placeholder can translated with l(My Label). The translation files are stored in lang/ (currently only english and german) and must be given as lang argument to the plugin.


	template: "templates/form.html",
	lang: "de"

Insert Data

Existing data can inserted as json-ld javascript object. The form of the data should fit to the loaded template. RDForm will insert the data into the form fields.


var data = {
	"@id": "",
	"@type": [
	"": [
			"@type": "xsd:string",
			"@value": "Karl"

	template: "templates/form.html",
	data: data


With hooks own JavaScript methods can affect the application execution on certain points. Have a look at js/hooks/hooks.js for more information.


RDForm is licensed under the GNU General Public License Version 2, June 1991.