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E2EDNA 2.0 - OpenMM Implementation of E2EDNA !

New feature: DeltaGzip [JCIM paper][code]

An automated pipeline for simulating DNA aptamers complexed with target ligands (peptide, DNA, RNA or small molecules).

  • Please note that the main branch is in ongoing development and tests may or may not work. For a fully working version use the released code v2.0.0

  • To view Tinker-based version of E2EDNA, refer to its GitHub repo and DOI.

  • Interested in contributing to developing E2EDNA? Check out how to contribute here.

  • Please download the most recent release v2.0.0 here or here


If you use this code in any future publications, please cite our work using Kilgour et al., (2022). E2EDNA 2.0: Python Pipeline for Simulating DNA Aptamers with Ligands. Journal of Open Source Software, 7(73), 4182

E2EDNA pipeline makes use of several other open-sourced software packages, therefore please be mindful of citing them as well:

Table of contents

1. Installation

  1. Download the E2EDNA 2.0 package from this repository.
  2. Locate in the downloaded E2EDNA2 codebase directory. Then at the codebase directory, run $ source in command line to create a conda virtual environment named e2edna and install required dependences. The e2edna environment should be activated when the installation script finishes, which means a string '(e2edna)' should show up at the beginning of the command line prompt.
    • If the script fails to activate the environment automatically, this is likely because $ conda activate e2edna command in the script gives an error such as Your shell has not been properly configured to use 'conda activate'.
    • If so, manually run $ source activate <path_to_e2edna_conda_environment> to activate the environment. To help find the path, run $ conda info -e to list all conda environments and their paths on your computer.
  3. As the message indicates at the end of installation process, if you wish to execute E2EDNA pipeline with a DNA aptamer sequence rather than its 3D structure, please register and download MMB from Then copy or move the downloaded MMB folder to the codebase directory and remember to fill MMB-related paths section in the configuration file simu_config.yaml

2. Usage

The usage and help statements can be accessed with the -h/--help flags:

(e2edna)$ ./ --help
usage: [-h] -yaml [-ow] [-d] [-os] [-p] [--CUDA_precision] [-w DIR] [-mbdir] [-mb] [--quick_check_mode] [-r] [-m] [-a]
               [-l] [-lt] [-ls] [--example_target_pdb] [--example_peptide_seq] [--skip_MMB] [-init] [--secondary_structure_engine]
               [--N_2D_structures] [--Mg_conc] [--fold_fidelity] [--fold_speed] [--mmb_normal_template] [--mmb_quick_template]
               [--mmb_slow_template] [--mmb_params] [-pk] [--pickup_from_freeAptamerChk] [--pickup_from_complexChk] [--chk_file]
               [--pickup_pdb] [--pressure] [--temperature] [--ionicStrength] [--pH] [--auto_sampling] [--autoMD_convergence_cutoff]
               [--max_aptamer_sampling_iter] [--max_walltime] [--skip_smoothing] [--equilibration_time] [--smoothing_time]
               [--aptamer_sampling_time] [--complex_sampling_time] [--time_step] [--print_step] [--force_field] [--hydrogen_mass]
               [--water_model] [--box_offset] [--constraints] [--constraint_tolerance] [--rigid_water] [--nonbonded_method]
               [--nonbonded_cutoff] [--ewald_error_tolerance] [--friction] [--implicit_solvent] [--implicit_solvent_model]
               [--soluteDielectric] [--solventDielectric] [--implicit_solvent_Kappa] [--leap_template] [--DNA_force_field]
               [--docking_steps] [--N_docked_structures]

E2EDNA: Simulate DNA aptamers complexed with target ligands

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -yaml, --yaml_config 
                        A YAML configuration file that can specify all the arguments (default: simu_config.yaml)
  -ow, --overwrite      Overwrite existing --run_num (default: False)

Compute Platform Configuration:
  -d, --device      Device configuration (default: local)
  -os, --operating_system 
                        Operating system (default: macos)
  -p, --platform    Processing platform (default: CPU)
  --CUDA_precision    Precision of CUDA, if used (default: single)

Directory Settings:
  -w DIR, --workdir DIR
                        Working directory to store individual output runs (default: ./localruns)
  -mbdir, --mmb_dir 
                        MMB library directory (default: None)
  -mb, --mmb        Path to MMB executable (default: None)

Run Parameters:
  --quick_check_mode  Rapidly run a certain mode for quick check using default test parameters (default: Yes)
  -r, --run_num     Run number. Output will be written to {--workdir}/run{--run_num} (default: 1)
  -m, --mode        Run mode (default: None)
  -a, --aptamer_seq 
                        DNA Aptamer sequence (5'->3') (default: None)
  -l, --ligand      Name of PDB file for ligand structure; None if not to have ligand (default: None)
  -lt, --ligand_type 
                        Type of ligand molecule (default: None)
  -ls, --ligand_seq 
                        Ligand sequence if peptide, DNA, or RNA (default: None)
                        An example peptide ligand included in E2EDNA package: used when wish to test docking (default:
                        The sequence of the example peptide ligand (default: YQTQTNSPRRAR)
  --skip_MMB          If `Yes`: skip both 2D structure analysis and MMB folding, and start with a known --init_structure (default: No)
  -init, --init_structure 
                        Name of PDB file if starting pipeline on a DNA aptamer with known structure (default: None)
                        Pipeline module that is used to predict secondary structures (default: NUPACK)
  --N_2D_structures   Number of predicted secondary structures (default: 1)
  --Mg_conc           Magnesium molar concentration used in NUPACK: [0, 0.2] (default: 0.0)
  --fold_fidelity     Refold in MMB if score < `fold_fidelity` unless the `fold_speed` is `quick` (default: 0.9)
  --fold_speed        MMB folding speed (default: normal)
                        Path to MMB folding protocol of normal speed (default: lib/mmb/commands.template.dat)
                        Path to MMB folding protocol of quick speed (default: lib/mmb/commands.template_quick.dat)
                        Path to MMB folding protocol of slow speed (default: lib/mmb/commands.template_long.dat)
  --mmb_params        Path to parameter file bundled with MMB package (default: lib/mmb/parameters.csv)
  -pk, --pickup     Whether the run is to resume MD sampling of an unfinished run or an old run (default: No)
                        Resume MD sampling of free aptamer: skip everything before it (default: No)
                        Resume MD sampling of aptamer-ligand: skip everything before it (default: No)
  --chk_file          Name of checkpoint file for resuming MD sampling, format: <path>/<filename>.chk (default: None)
  --pickup_pdb        PDB file (topology+coordinates) for resuming MD sampling in explicit solvent, format: <path>/<filename>.pdb (default: None)
  --pressure          Pressure in the unit of atm (default: 1.0)
  --temperature       Temperature in Kelvin (default: 298.0)
  --ionicStrength     Sodium molar concentration (could be used by NUPACK and OpenMM) (default: 0.1)
  --pH                Could be used by OpenMM (default: 7.4)
  --auto_sampling     If `Yes`: run MD sampling till convergence, currently only feasible in free aptamer sampling (default: No)
                        Convergence cutoff if doing auto_sampling (default: 0.01)
                        Max number of iterations for free aptamer MD sampling if doing auto_sampling (default: 20)
  --max_walltime      Walltime in hours to check runtime (default: 24.0)
  --skip_smoothing    If `Yes`: no short MD relaxation before MD sampling (default: Yes)
                        Equilibration time in nanoseconds after energy minimization and before MD sampling (default: 0.1)
  --smoothing_time    Time in nanoseconds for short MD relaxation before MD sampling, if any (default: None)
                        MD sampling time in nanoseconds for free aptamer dynamics (default: None)
                        MD sampling time in nanoseconds for aptamer-ligand complex dynamics (default: None)
  --time_step         time step in femtoseconds in MD sampling (default: 2.0)
  --print_step        Printout step in picoseconds in MD sampling (default: 10.0)
  --force_field       Force field used in OpenMM (default: amber14-all)
  --hydrogen_mass     Unit is amu (default: 1.5)
  --water_model       Explicit water solvent model used in OpenMM (default: amber14/tip3p)
  --box_offset        Buffering offset in nanometers on solvent box, if using explicit solvent (default: 1.0)
  --constraints       Specify which bond angles and/or lengths should be implemented with constraints (default: None)
                        Distance tolerance for constraint in OpenMM integrator (default: 1e-06)
  --rigid_water       Whether to make water molecules completely rigid at bond lengths and angles (default: Yes)
  --nonbonded_method  Type of nonbonded interactions (default: NoCutoff)
  --nonbonded_cutoff  The cutoff distance in nanometers to use for nonbonded interactions (default: 1.0)
                        Error tolerance if `nonbonded_method` is `Ewald`, `PME`, or `LJPME` (default: 0.0005)
  --friction          Friction coefficient in unit of 1/ps, used in Langevin integrator (default: 1.0)
  --implicit_solvent  Whether to use an Amber GB implicit solvent model (default: No)
                        Specify an Amber GB implicit solvent model if needed (default: None)
  --soluteDielectric  The solute dielectric constant to use in the implicit solvent model (default: 1.0)
                        The solvent dielectric constant to use in the implicit solvent model (default: 78.5)
                        Debye screening parameter; If specified by user, OpenMM will ignore {--ionicStrength} in implicit solvent. (default: None)
  --leap_template     A script for running LEap program in Ambertools21, provided in E2EDNA package. (default:
  --DNA_force_field   Force field for DNA used by LEap program (default: DNA.OL15)
  --docking_steps     Number of steps for docking simulations (default: 10)
                        Number of docked structures output from the docker (default: 1)

3. Running a job

Using the scripts for automated tests

  • examples/automated_tests/ folder provides .sh and .yaml for automated testing. Check out how_to_run_automated_tests.txt in the folder for instructions. Each set of automated tests takes about 15 minutes to complete on a macbook pro laptop. We chose a simple DNA aptamer system for the "test runs" purpose.

Running on your own data with customized input arguments

All the input arguments listed in Usage can be customized either in command line or a .yaml configuration file, or both. The configuration .yaml is designed to be superior to command line inputs. Therefore, if an argument is specified in both .yaml and command line, the one in command line will be ignored.

A single run can be carried out by specifying all necessary input arguments in a configuration file:

(e2edna)$ ./ --yaml_config=simu_config.yaml

Alternatively, part or all of those necessary input arguments can also be passed into the pipeline via command line while having been commented out in the .yaml file. See simu_config_automated_tests.yaml and in examples/automated_tests/ as an example.

Below list the part of parameters in Usage which call for particular attention, due to their values have limited choices, for example.

  • Compute Platform Configuration

    • -d/--device: running device; either local or cluster
    • -os/--operating_system: operating sysmtem; macos or linux or WSL
    • -p/--platform: processing platform; either CPU or CUDA
    • --CUDA_precision: precision of CUDA if used; either single or double; Default is single
  • Directory Settings

    • -w/--workdir: directory to write results for each run; Default is ./localruns
    • -md/--mmb_dir: path to MMB library directory. Both absolute and relative (to the codebase directory) paths are accepted.
    • -mb/--mmb: path to MMB executable. Both absolute and relative (to the codebase directory) paths are accepted.
  • Run Parameters

    • -m/--mode: mode of operation; Must be one of the modes described in Functionality, ie, '2d structure', '3d coarse', '3d smooth', 'coarse dock', 'smooth dock', 'free aptamer', 'full dock', 'full binding'
    • -a/--aptamerSeq: DNA aptamer sequence (5'->3'). A string made of case sensitive letters from {A, G, C, T} only.
    • -l/--ligand: PDB filename of target ligand; If no ligand, --ligand and the following two inputs (--ligand_type and --ligand_seq) should be left off.
    • -lt/--ligand_type: peptide, DNA, RNA, or other, assuming other ligand can be described by force field used in MD simulation (default is Amber14).
    • -ls/--ligand_seq: a string of target ligand's sequence if --ligand_type is a peptide or DNA or RNA. If --ligand_type=other, do not use --ligand_seq flag.
    • --fold_speed: three choices; quick, normal or slow
    • --force_field and --water_model: plenty of choices, check out options of forcefields in OpenMM/7.7.0.
    • --constraints: four choices; HBonds, AllBonds, HAngles or None.
    • --nonbonded_method: at most six choices; Ewald, PME, LJPME, CutoffPeriodic, CutoffNonPeriodic or NoCutoff; Only the last three if using an Amber GB implicit solvent model.
    • --implicit_solvent_model: five choices; HCT, OBC1, OBC2, GBn or GBn2
    • --DNA_force_field: two choices; DNA.OL15 or DNA.bsc1

Check results in an output directory

Output of a single run will be written to {--workdir}/run{--run_num} directory.

Only the main outputs remain in the run{--run_num}/ folder, including a log file named run_output_log.txt. All intermediate or temporary files are grouped to subfolders, such as run1/md_aptamer_sampling_runfiles_0, based on which module they were generated from. In each run_output_log.txt, generation statements of those main output files are marked with >>> and one can selectively print out:

$ cat run_output_log.txt | grep '>>>'
>>> Predicted 2D structure #0                   : .(((....))).
>>> MMB folded the aptamer and generated folded structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb
>>> Generated aptamer-ligand complex structure: complex_0_0.pdb

4. Functionality of eight different operation modes

The pipeline could implement several distinct operation modes so users may customize the level of computational cost and accuracy.

  • '2d structure' → returns NUPACK analysis of aptamer secondary structure. Very fast, O(<1s). If using NUPACK, includes probability of observing a certain fold and of suboptimal folds within kT of the minimum.
  • '3d coarse' → returns MMB fold of the best secondary structure. Fast, O(5-30 mins). Results in a strained 3D structure which obeys base pairing rules and certain stacking interactions.
  • '3d smooth' → identical to '3d coarse', with a short MD relaxation in solvent. About less than double the cost of '3d coarse' depending on relaxation time.
  • 'coarse dock' → uses the 3D structure from '3d coarse' as the initial condition for a LightDock simulation, and returns best docking configurations and scores. Depending on docking parameters, adds O(5-30mins) to '3d coarse'.
  • 'smooth dock' → identical to 'coarse dock', instead using the relaxed structure from '3d smooth'. Similar cost to 'coarse dock'.
  • 'free aptamer' → fold the aptamer in MMB and run extended MD sampling to identify a representative, equilibrated 2D and 3D structure. Slow, O(hours).
  • 'full dock' → Return best docking configurations and scores from a LightDock run using the fully-equilibrated aptamer structure 'free aptamer'. Similar cost (LightDock is relatively cheap)
  • 'full binding' → Same steps as 'full dock', with follow-up extended MD simulation of the best binding configuration. Slowest, O(hours).

5. Automated test runs

Running the scripts of automated tests mentioned in Running a job will automatically run light tests of 8 modes. Here we explain the inputs, what outputs to look for, and what a successful run should look like for each mode.

  1. --mode='2d structure'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence

  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt

  • Success evaluation: observe the dot-bracket notion for secondary structure, such as .(((....))).

  1. --mode='3d coarse'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence

  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt; MMB-folded aptamer structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb

  • Success evaluation: visualize MMB-folded aptamer structure in software like VMD or PyMOL

  1. --mode='3d smooth'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence

  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt; MMB-folded aptamer structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb; Short MD relaxation trajectory of free aptamer: foldedAptamer_0_processed_trajectory.dcd and clean_foldedAptamer_0_processed_trajectory.dcd (without solvent and ions); Relaxed aptamer structure: relaxedAptamer_0.pdb

  • Success evaluation: simulation logfile, MDlog_freeAptamerSmoothing.txt, indicates 100% completion; visualize the relaxation trajectory and relaxed structure in software like VMD or PyMOL

  1. --mode='coarse dock'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence; PDB filename of target ligand

  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt; MMB-folded aptamer structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb; MMB-folded aptamer docked by target ligand: complex_0_0.pdb (if docking happened)

  • Success evaluation: visualize the docked structure, if docking happened, in software like VMD or PyMOL

  1. --mode='smooth dock'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence; PDB filename of target ligand

  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt; MMB-folded aptamer structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb; Short MD relaxation trajectory of free aptamer: foldedAptamer_0_processed_trajectory.dcd and clean_foldedAptamer_0_processed_trajectory.dcd (without solvent and ions); Relaxed aptamer structure: relaxedAptamer_0.pdb; Relaxed aptamer docked by target ligand: complex_0_0.pdb (if docking happened)

  • Success evaluation: visualize the docked structure, if docking happened, in software like VMD or PyMOL

  1. --mode='free aptamer'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence

  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt; MMB-folded aptamer structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb; Long MD sampling trajectory of free aptamer: foldedAptamer_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd and clean_foldedAptamer_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd (without solvent and ions); Representative structure of free aptamer: repStructure_0.pdb

  • Success evaluation: simulation logfile, MDlog_freeAptamerSampling.txt, indicates 100% completion; visualize the sampling trajectory and representative structure of free aptamer in software like VMD or PyMOL

  1. --mode='full dock'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence; PDB filename of target ligand
  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt; MMB-folded aptamer structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb; Long MD sampling trajectory of free aptamer: foldedAptamer_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd and clean_foldedAptamer_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd (without solvent and ions); Representative structure of free aptamer: repStructure_0.pdb; Representative aptamer docked by target ligand: complex_0_0.pdb (if docking happened)
  • Success evaluation: visualize the docked structure, if docking happened, in software like VMD or PyMOL
  1. --mode='full binding'
  • Key inputs: DNA aptamer sequence; PDB filename of target ligand

  • Outputs: predicted secondary structure in run_output_log.txt; MMB-folded aptamer structure: foldedAptamer_0.pdb; Long MD sampling trajectory of free aptamer: foldedAptamer_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd and clean_foldedAptamer_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd (without solvent and ions); Representative structure of free aptamer: repStructure_0.pdb; Representative aptamer docked by target ligand: complex_0_0.pdb (if docking happened); Long MD sampling trajectory of aptamer-ligand complex: complex_0_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd and clean_complex_0_0_processed_complete_trajectory.dcd (without solvent and ions)

  • Success evaluation: simulation logfile, MDlog_complexSampling.txt, indicates 100% completion; visualize the sampling trajectory of aptamer-ligand complex in software like VMD or PyMOL