Does what it says on the tin. Keeps 2 servers in sync, master/slave style, in real time. As files are write-closed, moved, deleted or created that change is picked up by inotify and sync'd to your target server using rsync over ssh.
The following instructions apply to Ubuntu, I've not tested elsewhere.
- Checkout the latest copy of liveFolderSync to somewhere on your server, eg /usr/local/liveFolderSync
- Run
- The watcher uses inotifywatch, which on Ubuntu is supplied by inotify-tools, so instal that via apt-get
- Checkout the latest copy of liveFolderSync to somewhere on your server, eg /usr/local/liveFolderSync
- Install the files using symlink to their various homes
- Symlink /usr/local/liveFolderSync to /usr/sbin/liveFolderSync
- Symlink /usr/local/defaults to /etc/defaults/liveFolderSync
- Symlink /usr/local/init to /etc/init.d/liveFolderSync
- Symlink /usr/local/etc to /etc/liveFolderSync
- Configure your user, base path and destination server in /etc/defaults/liveFolderSync (Be sure the user you use has read permission on the basedir and has a shared SSH key between the servers)
- Start the daemon with /etc/init.d/liveFolderSync
- You can run `tail -f /var/log/daemon.log | grep liveFolderSync` to watch activity