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Cloud Pricing API

Version: 0.4.1 Type: application AppVersion: v0.3.1

A Helm chart for running the Infracost Cloud Pricing API.


Installing the chart will create three pods: PostgreSQL DB, Cloud Pricing API, and an init job that loads the pricing data. The init job will take a few minutes and exit after the logs show Completed: downloading DB data -- you should wait for that before running the Infracost CLI. A weekly cronjob is also created to update the prices. Our resource request/limit recommendations are commented-out in the values.yaml file per Helm best practices.

helm repo add infracost
helm repo update

# Run `infracost register` to create an API key, this is used by the weekly job to download the latest cloud pricing data from us.
helm install cloud-pricing-api infracost/cloud-pricing-api \
  --set infracostAPIKey="YOUR_INFRACOST_API_KEY_HERE" \
  --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword="STRONG_PASSWORD_HERE"

We recommend you create an ingress route so your Infracost CLI users can connect to your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API.

Regardless of you using ingress or port-forward, the home page for the Cloud Pricing API, http://localhost:4000, shows if prices are up-to-date and some statistics.

Uninstalling the chart will not delete the PVC used by the PostgreSQL DB.

helm uninstall cloud-pricing-api

Configure CLI to use self-hosted Cloud Pricing API

The best way to get instructions for configuring Infracost to use the self-hosted Cloud Pricing API is to check the output at the end of the helm install step since this contains the exact commands you need to run. If these are not available, you can:

  1. If you don't have ingress enabled you can port-forward the Cloud Pricing API to your local machine by doing this:

    export NAMESPACE=my-namespace
    echo "Your self-hosted Infracost API key is $(kubectl get secret --namespace $NAMESPACE cloud-pricing-api --template="{{ index .data \"self-hosted-infracost-api-key\" }}" | base64 -D)"
    export POD_NAME=$(kubectl get pods --namespace $NAMESPACE -l "," -o jsonpath="{.items[0]}")
    export CONTAINER_PORT=$(kubectl get pod --namespace $NAMESPACE $POD_NAME -o jsonpath="{.spec.containers[0].ports[0].containerPort}")
    kubectl --namespace $NAMESPACE port-forward $POD_NAME 4000:$CONTAINER_PORT
  2. When using the CLI locally, run the following two required commands to point your CLI to your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API. Your Infracost CLI users will use the API key to authenticate when calling your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API.

    infracost configure set pricing_api_endpoint http://localhost:4000
    infracost configure set api_key API_KEY_FROM_ABOVE
    infracost breakdown --path /path/to/code
  3. In CI/CD systems, set the following two required environment variables:

    export INFRACOST_PRICING_API_ENDPOINT=http://endpoint


  • Kubernetes 1.12+ with Beta APIs enabled
  • Helm >= 3.1.0
  • PV provisioner support in the underlying infrastructure


Repository Name Version postgresql 10.x.x


Key Type Default Description
api.affinity object {} API affinity
api.autoscaling.enabled bool false Create a HorizontalPodAutoscaler for the API
api.autoscaling.maxReplicas int 10 The maximum replicas for the API autoscaler
api.autoscaling.minReplicas int 1 The minimum replicas for the API autoscaler
api.autoscaling.targetCPUUtilizationPercentage int 80 The target CPU threshold for the API autoscaler
api.disableTelemetry bool false Set this to true to opt-out of telemetry
api.livenessProbe.enabled bool true Enable the liveness probe
api.livenessProbe.failureThreshold int 3 The liveness probe failure threshold
api.livenessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 5 The liveness probe initial delay seconds
api.livenessProbe.periodSeconds int 5 The liveness probe period seconds
api.livenessProbe.successThreshold int 1 The liveness probe success threshold
api.livenessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 2 The liveness probe timeout seconds
api.logLevel string "info" Set this to debug, info, warn or error
api.nodeSelector object {} API node selector
api.readinessProbe.enabled bool true Enable the readiness probe
api.readinessProbe.failureThreshold int 3 The readiness probe failure threshold
api.readinessProbe.initialDelaySeconds int 5 The readiness probe initial delay seconds
api.readinessProbe.periodSeconds int 5 The readiness probe period seconds
api.readinessProbe.successThreshold int 1 The readiness probe success threshold
api.readinessProbe.timeoutSeconds int 2 The readiness probe timeout seconds
api.replicaCount int 1 Replica count
api.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"1","memory":"512Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"50m","memory":"64Mi"}} API resource limits and requests, our request recommendations are based on minimal requirements and the limit recommendations are based on usage in a high-traffic production environment. If you are running on environments like Minikube you may wish to remove these recommendations.
api.selfHostedInfracostAPIKey string "" A 32 character API token that your Infracost CLI users will use to authenticate when calling your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API. If left empty, the helm chat will generate one for you. -- If you ever need to rotate the API key, you can simply update self-hosted-infracost-api-key in the cloud-pricing-api secret and restart the application.
api.tolerations list [] API tolerations
fullnameOverride string "" Full name override for the deployed app
image.pullPolicy string "Always" Image pull policy pullPolicy: IfNotPresent
image.repository string "infracost/cloud-pricing-api" Cloud Pricing API image
image.tag string "" Overrides the image tag whose default is the chart appVersion.
imagePullSecrets list [] Any image pull secrets
infracostAPIKey string "" Use the Infracost CLI infracost register command to get an API key so your self-hosted Cloud Pricing API can download the latest pricing data from us.
ingress.annotations object {} Ingress annotation
ingress.enabled bool false Enable the ingress controller resource
ingress.hosts[0].host string "cloud-pricing-api.local" Host name
ingress.hosts[0].paths[0].path string "/" Path for host
ingress.tls list [] TLS configuration
job.affinity object {} Job affinity
job.backoffLimit int 6 Job backoff limit
job.failedJobsHistoryLimit int 5 History limit for failed jobs
job.logLevel string "info" Set this to debug, info, warn or error
job.nodeSelector object {} Job node selector
job.resources object {"limits":{"cpu":"200m","memory":"640Mi"},"requests":{"cpu":"50m","memory":"128Mi"}} Job resource limits and requests. If you are running on environments like Minikube you may wish to remove these recommendations.
job.runInitJob bool true Run the job as a one-off on deploy
job.schedule string "0 4 * * SUN" Job schedule
job.startingDeadlineSeconds int 3600 Deadline seconds for the job starting
job.successfulJobsHistoryLimit int 5 History limit for successful jobs
job.tolerations list [] Job tolerations
nameOverride string "" Name override for the deployed app
podAnnotations object {} Any pod annotations
podSecurityContext object {} The pod security context
postgresql.enabled bool true Deploy PostgreSQL servers. See below for more details
postgresql.existingSecret string "" Use an existing secret with the PostgreSQL password
postgresql.external object {} Details of external PostgreSQL server, such as AWS RDS, to use (assuming you've set postgresql.enabled to false)
postgresql.postgresqlDatabase string "cloudpricingapi" Name of the PostgreSQL database
postgresql.postgresqlUsername string "cloudpricingapi" Name of the PostgreSQL user
postgresql.usePasswordFile bool false Have the secrets mounted as a file instead of env vars
securityContext object {} The container security context
service.port int 80 Kubernetes service port
service.type string "ClusterIP" Kubernetes service type
serviceAccount.annotations object {} Annotations to add to the service account
serviceAccount.create bool true Specifies whether a service account should be created string "" The name of the service account to use. If not set and create is true, a name is generated using the fullname template

See the values.yaml file for parameters that our chart uses. The full list of parameters are in the Bitnami PostgreSQL chart; you can specify the values for this chart by prefixing them with postgresql.

Specify each parameter using the --set key=value[,key=value] argument to helm install. For example:

helm install cloud-pricing-api infracost/cloud-pricing-api \
  --set api.selfHostedInfracostAPIKey=CUSTOM_API_KEY

Alternatively, a YAML file that specifies the values for the above parameters can be provided while installing the chart. For example:

helm install -f my-values.yaml cloud-pricing-api infracost/cloud-pricing-api


By default, PostgreSQL is installed as part of the chart using the Bitnami PostgreSQL chart. You can specify the values for this chart by prefixing them with postgresql.. To avoid issues when upgrading this chart, provide postgresql.postgresqlPassword for subsequent installs and upgrades. This is due to an issue in the PostgreSQL chart where password will be overwritten with randomly generated passwords otherwise. See here for more detail.

To use an external PostgreSQL server (such as AWS RDS or Azure Database for PostgreSQL), set postgresql.enabled to false and set the postgresql.external.* values: sh

helm install cloud-pricing-api infracost/cloud-pricing-api \
  --set infracostAPIKey="YOUR_INFRACOST_API_KEY_HERE" \
  --set postgresql.enabled="false" \
  --set"MY_HOST" \
  --set postgresql.external.port="MY_PORT" \
  --set postgresql.external.database="MY_DATABASE" \
  --set postgresql.external.user="MY_USER" \
  --set postgresql.external.password="MY_PASSWORD"


Install in AWS with ALB ingress

This is how the Infracost team deploys the Cloud Pricing API on our EKS cluster to test it.

export CERTIFICATE_ARN=$(aws acm list-certificates --query 'CertificateSummaryList[].[CertificateArn,DomainName]' --output text | grep ${CERTIFICATE_DOMAIN} | cut -f1)

helm install cloud-pricing-api infracost/cloud-pricing-api \
  --set ingress.enabled=true \
  --set ingress.hosts\[0\].host=${DOMAIN} \
  --set ingress.hosts\[0\].paths\[0\].path=/\* \
  --set ingress.extraPaths\[0\].path=/\* \
  --set ingress.extraPaths\[0\].backend.serviceName=ssl-redirect \
  --set ingress.extraPaths\[0\].backend.servicePort=use-annotation \
  --set ingress.annotations."kubernetes\.io/ingress\.class"=alb \
  --set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/scheme"=internet-facing \
  --set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/target-type"=ip \
  --set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/certificate-arn"=${CERTIFICATE_ARN} \
  --set ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/healthcheck-path"=/health
  --set-string ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/listen-ports"="\[\{\"HTTP\": 80\}\, \{\"HTTPS\":443\}\]" \
  --set-string ingress.annotations."alb\.ingress\.kubernetes\.io/ssl-redirect"="\{\"Type\": \"redirect\"\, \"RedirectConfig\": \{ \"Protocol\": \"HTTPS\"\, \"Port\": \"443\"\, \"StatusCode\": \"HTTP_301\"\}\}"

Upgrade to latest version

Use the following commands to upgrade to the latest released version of the Cloud Pricing API and Helm chart; you should pass-in any variables that you set during install with --set:

kubectl delete job -n my-namespace hosted-cloud-pricing-api-init-job

helm upgrade cloud-pricing-api infracost/cloud-pricing-api \
    --set infracostAPIKey="YOUR_INFRACOST_API_KEY_HERE" \
    --set postgresql.postgresqlPassword="STRONG_PASSWORD_HERE"


To install the chart from your local repository with the name my-release:

helm install my-release .

To uninstall my-release deployment:

helm uninstall my-release

To debug issues, such as job-cron.yaml: error converting YAML to JSON: yaml: line X, use the following:

helm template cloud-pricing-api charts/cloud-pricing-api/ --debug > out.yaml
cat out.yaml # look for issues in the YAML in the erroring resource