Classes for trapezoidal motion profiles. Intended as a starting point for your own higher level control schemes.
Produces trapzoidal velocity profiles for the motor, used with MotionControlMode::velocity
The following graphs show a commanded angle change from 0 to 10 radians executed by the trapezoidal planner. The accelleration limit is set to 1rad/s/s while the decelleration limit is set to 0.25rad/s/s. The maximum velocity is set to 5rad/s, which is not reached, resulting in a triangular shaped velocity profile. The position profile is nice smooth shape, as expected.
Velocity | Position |
In the following example the angle is commanded back from 10 to 0 radians, but this time the velocity limit on the planner is set to 1.25rad/s. You can see the trapezoidal shape of the velocity profile (negative because we're going backwards).
Velocity | Position |
The following incomplete code example shows only the parts relevant to integrating the planner:
Commander commander = Commander(Serial);
BLDCMotor motor = BLDCMotor(7); // 7 pole pairs
TrapezoidalPlanner trapezoidal = TrapezoidalPlanner(5.0f, 1.0f, 0.25f, 0.2f);
float target_angle = 0.0f;
void onTarget(char* cmd){ commander.scalar(&target_angle); trapezoidal.setTarget(target_angle); }
void setup() {
motor.controller = MotionControlType::velocity;
commander.add('T', onTarget, "target angle");
int32_t downsample = 50; // depending on your MCU's speed, you might want a value between 5 and 50...
int32_t downsample_cnt = 0;
void loop() {
if (downsample > 0 && --downsample_cnt <= 0) { =;
downsample_cnt = downsample;