A Vue adaptable table, some components to be used to render and control Page Collections
npm i @simpli/vue-adap-table @simpli/resource-collection @simpli/vue-await class-transformer simple-line-icons swiper vue-awesome-swiper vue-transition-expand
import Vue from 'vue'
import VueAdapTable from '@simpli/vue-adap-table'
On your Scss:
@import "~@simpli/vue-adap-table/scss/adapOrderby";
@import "~@simpli/vue-adap-table/scss/adapPagination";
@import "~@simpli/vue-adap-table/scss/adapSearchfield";
@import "~@simpli/vue-adap-table/scss/adapExpansion";
@import "~@simpli/vue-adap-table/scss/adapSwiper";
$simple-line-font-path: "~simple-line-icons/fonts/" !default;
@import "~simple-line-icons/scss/simple-line-icons";
<adap-searchfield :collection="collection" />
<adap-orderby :collection="collection" name="title" label="Title" />
<adap-orderby :collection="collection" name="description">
<tr v-for="item in collection.items" :key="item.$id">
{{ item.title }}
{{ item.description }}
:gap="optionalNumberOfNumberedPages" />
On Code:
import {MixinAdapRoute} from '@simpli/vue-adap-table'
export default class MyComponent extends Mixins(MixinAdapRoute) {
collection = new MyCollection()
optionalNumberOfNumberedPages = 5 // default is 2
async created() {
// optionally you can use the mixin and initialize it with this method
// so the browser URL will match the search, orderby and pagination properties
// load the collection content using the mixin
await this.query()
<adap-expansion spinner="customSpinner" :collection="collection">
<template slot="notEmpty">
<!--example using tailwind grid system-->
<div class="grid grid-cols-2 gap-10">
<div v-for="item in collection.items" :key="item.$id">
{{ item.$tag }}
<template slot="empty">
<div class="text-center text-xl">
Empty list
<template slot="expand" slot-scope="props">
<button @click="props.expandEvent">
Load more
On Code:
export default class MyComponent extends Vue {
collection = new MyCollection()
async created() {
await this.$await.run('customSpinner', () => this.collection.expand())
AdapSwiper uses vue-awesome-swiper. All vue-awesome-swiper props and events are inherited to adap-swiper. See docs to learn more
<template slot="header">
<!--Custom arrow swiper example-->
<a v-if="!isBeginning" @click="prevSlide()" >Go Left</a>
<a v-if="!isEnd" @click="nextSlide()" >Go Right</a>
<template slot="slide" slot-scope="props">
<!--example using tailwind-->
<div class="p-4 w-full h-80" :key="props.i">
{{ props.item.$tag }}
<template slot="empty">
Empty list
On Code:
import Swiper from 'swiper'
export default class MyComponent extends Vue {
collection = new MyCollection()
isBeginning = false
isEnd = false
async created() {
await this.$await.run('customSpinner', () => this.collection.expand())
updateEvent(swiper: Swiper) {
this.isBeginning = swiper.isBeginning
this.isEnd = swiper.isEnd
nextSlide() {
const component = this.$refs.adapSwiper?.swiperComponent as any
if (component) {
prevSlide() {
const component = this.$refs.adapSwiper?.swiperComponent as any
if (component) {